#i wanna ask but also wanted to keep as a surprise aaaaa
mai-mai-lim · 1 year
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Some THSC OCs headshots
i got a new display tablet! the first after using almost 11 years of tracking tablet heh, and i thought, why not stream and draw other people's OCs (and also my honey blorbo) with it, so thar you go!!
From left to right, top to bottom:
Ashley Jang/Miss Honey Bear (me!)
Cyborg!Cameron Calvin (@rarestdoge)
Jane Dex (@howlerlight)
Jay Benson (@jaytoons7)
Frederick (@yungaisky)
Minerva "Minnie" Price (@androidcharles)
Benz Rodriguez (@capturecharlesau)
"Accordion"/Oliver Arc (@bluetorchsky)
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saintobio · 6 months
Omg ok ok hello! I had this huge rant in my head about sy and sn so pls feel free to ignore it, but I love your writing so much and it gives me some STRONG FEELINGS. First of all it surprised me that I like the way you write y/n cuz she doesn't become a "bitch" after the whole deal with Gojo and have some elaborate revenge plan, but she is also not a goody two shoes (even if she stayed with Gojo earlier but she had a lot of external pressure to stay in the marriage). Not that those tropes are necessarily bad but it's just more realistic this way. She's just a person who has been deeply hurt and is trying to do right by others. Even if she has made big mistakes, she still wants to make up for them cuz she's not completely in the right either. Also getting bashed by everyone for trying to make amends/ not following their advice regarding you own life; while very triggering for me (lol) is also just such a natural reaction. Not right, just natural. When things get out of people's hands and they want to blame someone for it, they often go for the one who is actually trying and won't retaliate if for nothing than to just keep the peace. Also wanting people to understand your side of the situation yet feeling undeserving of it at the same time because of your mistakes is UGHHH I feel like you do that so well! It's amazing but genuinely heartbreaking to see how far Satoru has come as a person too. Also when he thinks about how he wants to be a better person for Akemi IT MADE ME WANT TO PUT MY HEAD THROUGH A WALL... cuz WHY COULDN'T HE BE LIKE THAT FOR US!!! At the same time we have moved on without him, so if we are allowed that luxury then why isn't he? It's just so ANGSTY AND SO SO GOOD! Because we love Satoru we always will but he had a chance and he fricked it over terribly! So it would be idiotic to go back to him but at the same time the heart yearns for him. This is a side tangent but whenever any character says "this is not like you", "you have changed, this isn't how you'd act" makes me so MAD lol (maybe bc I am triggered?) But these guys WATCHED MY GIRL GO THROUGH SOME HORRIFIC SHIT AND STILL EXPECT HER TO NOT BE PERMANANTLY AND IRREVERSIBLY CHANGED???!! ;-;; IDK what they want from her oof >.< I do think Akemi is a shitty friend but I can't bring myself to hate her completely. Seeing them together is so ANGER INDUCING AAAAA (and her wanting a family with him is fine BUT THIS EARLY?!JUST AFTER ADMITTING YOU FEEL "SORRY" FOR BETRAYING US?! IT MAKES ME WANNA HURL HER TRHOUGH CONCRETE) but at the same time Satoru and Akemi both deserve someone who can love them. It feels hypocritical to be angry when we ourselves told him to move on and find someone who can love him the way he deserves. It's just very very shitty it had to be them. Sera is also such an interesting character. She has a lot of traits that I admire a lot. Her resourcefulness and complete and utter pride/confidence and being unashamed to ask for things/ stand up for herself (even when she is wrong) is something I wish I had sometimes. Still wanna stick her head through a toilet tho and yet when a person who slept with a married man can see the bloody violation of girls' code that is sleeping with your bff's EX HUSBAND oh BOY you should KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG. I have no strong feelings for Toji (cuz I don't like him much anyways but that's just personal bias XD )but I do think his anger and frustration is well founded especially since he runs over whenever the reader needs him. He's so supportive and invested and honestly he deserves someone who can give that back to him. It's kinda sad but then again I don't like him much to begin with lol.
All in all I hate how much I love this series and love to hate these characters and take out my repressed anger on them cuz I can't do that irl. This series is my Roman Empire lol. It's so painful, yet so beautiful and it makes you FEEL so many things and yet hold out hope for things to become better. I love this, love you and your writing- ok mwah bye bye (and thank you if you read this rant put together by my post nap, barely coherent brain) I have so much more that I want to say. I can write essays about this series and how it uses so many technically "cliche" tropes but it is anything but cliche . Truly some of the best angst I have read like ever!
oh wow !! i don’t even know what to say, this feels like such a comprehensive review of the sy series sdksks but i think many readers could definitely relate with some of ur points here :D this is such a nice perspective to read, thank you so much for sharing and tysm for reading sn/sy aaaaa i’m happy u enjoy the angst as much as i do <3
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hanafubukki · 29 days
Hello hello I just saw that you answered my ask about royalty!Yuu x Lilia (I was distracted by fields of mistria and delico's nursery) and I'm surprised that not only you but a lot of other people liked it 🥹
I saw someone talking in the tags and wanna add on some extra stuff:
-Even if Malmal becomes king Lilia still outranks him because Lilia is now emperor consort akskshddhsjn
-Yuu's world has magic, the magic however relies less on tools and more on biology and training (sorta like bending in avatar) it also has magical creatures (dragons, kelpies,harpies,etc)
-Succession depends on if the young monarch is capable of taming said creatures or not, if they pass the test only then can they start taking classes for subjects that will help them run the empire
-The moment the worlds merged all Yuu's friends started interrogating them about their past and status and Yuu is looking at them like that one hamster meme with the sad violin
"you've been royalty this whole time and never made a fuss about the way you're being treated in that dorm?"
"I didn't think it'd matter since this is a different world 🥺"
-I HC that since the world of twst has many monarchies and a nobility system it also has special laws for how students with royal status must be treated to enable both respect and neutrality
-The moment Yuu's status was publicly shared both sides of the the worlds went insane because on Yuu's side it was believed that Yuu, the people's monarch, was kidnapped but now there's an announcement for their upcoming engagement????? That will be followed by a wedding then coronation???? And on the twst side there's this new empire that has tamed dragons and other beasts that LITERALLY CAME OUT OF NOWHERE and has foreign magic right next door, but don't worry because apparently the monarch is going to marry some Fae???? so everything is fine
"there goes my freedom.."
"Dude- uh.. your highness, with all due respect, shouldn't you worry more about your side starting a war if you don't set the record straight? They seem very on edge."
"It's fine just call me Yuu as you always have, Ace. No there won't be a war, I already sent a message so a small delegation will arrive and I'll explain to them"
"does that mean we won't see you anymore?"
"of course not Deuce, I'll still be here and I'll fight to finish my studies... I just need to prepare what I'll tell them. I can't let them know about- oh my goodness! Lilia! I can never let them know about him as is!"
"why not?"
"From what I've seen this world believes in true love... My family does not and never will. Lilia could make a good marriage candidate because he's a retired general, but I can never let them know that he courted me. My family holds the sentiment that love clouds judgement and if you try to rule your empire with rose tinted glasses you'll be blind to any faults your partner would make at the expense of the people."
"I see, then Ace and I as well as our friends can help you guys out! We'll relay they message to Cater so he can tell Lilia and be on watch for any posts that could out you guys. You can count on us!"
"You guys would do that? Thank you so much. We just have to keep it up until the wedding because royal marriages are difficult to annul so it can't be contested, And seeing how I'm drowning in letters, they probably will speed through the wedding to get to the coronation "
"we'll let them know"
"wait if you guys got married does that make silver a prince?"
"okay okay! I'm coming! Yeesh"
"Can't believe you're relying on those idiots"
"Be nice Grim. If they do as they say you'll be the ring bearer aaand you'll have more tuna than you could ever dream of"
"oooh I'm sold! Wait if I'm the ring guy then who's the flower person?"
"that'll be Sebek"
"oh you're mean hehehe"
Aaaaa this was an ooc mess but I really wanted to infodump
[referring to this ask]
Hello Empress Anonie 💚🌺💕
I'm happy many other's enjoyed your ask 💕💚 It's so cute. Also, Yessss another one who love's Delico Nursery 🥰💕 I haven't played fields of mistra but have friends who love it.
Going to call you empress anonie 💕💚
Yuu: My status means nothing, treat me the same.
Also Yuu: Shit, my love life needs to be a secret.
😂😂😂 Sebek is the flower boy is so cute. I can imagine him not knowing how to treat yuu either after the revelation too.
Silver is a prince....well, everyone thought he was always princely lolol
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taintedsoul-if · 2 years
okok so i just played the demo and wowowow i never thought i could feel this much,, idk, like, i wanna stab the crown prince (he's male in my playthrough hshhah) so so badly like frrr i really wanna throttle him for what he's done to OH aAAAAAAAA i couldnt breathe god i wanna take away my cute MC so he wouldn't have to deal with that scum-
for now i'll calm myself down and throw myself to cadmus' arms, and then play again with another MC so i could get my hard-core loving revenge on that bastard 😤😤
oh, i don't hate the crown, just ykno akhskakska the way your chara made me feel is just so surprising bc i never felt this strongly like aaaaa- ok i'll stop rambling now 😳
If you dislike this slag, hardcore revenge route is not for you, it involves a lot of explicit aggressive sex scenes.... I would advise you to do the soft-core revenge route. This route involves mc being indifferent to this slag.
Anon I hate trysten just as much as you do. Aye, I am the author and I should love all my characters but trysten, 🙄 I Also want to throttle them to death, let them feel the pain, the anguish the original host went through. Though I am wrong for doing this allowing my readers to date the person that killed the OH! 💀.
Yes anon! Cadmus deserves love and reassurance! This man has been beating himself up for years over the fact that his Bonded keeps on dying. Hold him close and never let him go! Let him know he's truly love 😭😭
You're not babbling! I love hearing my readers take on the story and the path they choose. So please anon continue! 😄
Thank you for the ask and have a wonderful day.
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tulisanalis · 3 months
I wanna say big thanks to "Manusia Agustus", because on this day, in the last year, he helped me. He accompanied me in the hospital. A hope that was achieved. So happy to know that he was willing to come to me. You know, I'm so embarrassed to meet you. Moreover, it must be only you and me in this room. Indeed, I even told you not to come here first. Aaaa, I'm not ready even though I'm just imagining. My heart was pounded very fast. What will I do later? What will I say in the whole day? Beside that, I was very happy. I will meet you again. It will be very close.
I counted the seconds at a time, to prepare to see you enter this room. Do I have to smile? What kind of smile should I give you? What kind of small talk should I get out? And finally... You entered this room with the security guard. I swear I'm shocked. Why do you have to be with the security guard? 😅 Then you sit next to my bed. Very close. Aaaaa why are you so enchanting? I miss you so much. Who would have thought that our loved ones could be with us so closely as close as now? It feels like this has never been in my shadow. Is it real? Or is it just in delusion? Absolutely unbelievable.
Taylow Swift say:
All I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you
Honestly, I still keep my distance. I still don't dare to take off the mask in front of you. I'm still fumbling while talking to you. How could it not? You are a religious community leader and a former head of an Islamic organization on campus. And me? I'm just a person who has no influence whatsoever. So, I'm reluctant to look at you. I'm afraid of crossing the line. But your responses from the beginning in the chat doesn't feel all of that. You are very relaxed. Flowing tells me anything. I'm happy. I love seeing how you tell stories. Pleasant laughter, shady faces. Can this ordinary me having you?
Come to the chat about soulmates. I was also surprised that you could tell me about it. About your experience, about your family's opinion, which for me is a very personal thing. I listened to you while biting my lip. Right, people like you must be chasing. Honestly, I was curious about all of that, but I wasn't ready for your answer because I was afraid that you really had a candidate. Come to the question you asked me, do I already have a candidate? I replied that there was none. You don't believe it. You said, in the past, I was liked by many people. I deny it. It seemed that no one dared to approach me.
Then this is my chance to explore you. I asked you back about it. And you also answered that there is none. Of course I don't believe it. Then I mentioned your classmate. And you answer only as a friend. Again, I don't believe it because there is too much evidence between you and her. Is it really just a friend or do you not want to go public yet? At the very least, I can be a little relieved after hearing your answer.
"Please don't be in love with someone else"
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hauntedjohnny · 7 months
😶 for a headcanon about a secret they know of / keep.
for the victim gang i wanna ponder on who trusts who with keeping secrets, who opens up to who and trusts them not to judge. who is the mediator and who is the gossip??/ aaaaa
sonny is a mediator having defused many arguments at home with many siblings. if you go to sonny with a problem, not only will he keep it confidential, he will also offer you the most sound advice/solution. i think he's good at reading people and will provide whatever you need in that moment without you needing to ask. obviously sonny was the first person leland told about julie and he kept that secret (not that it mattered bc everyone knew anyway). for his own secrets i do think he would entrust god with his woes.... but he also loves his mama and they talk things out on the phone. she's a safe space for him.
julie is an easy shoulder to cry on as she believes it's her duty to carry her friends burdens. she doesn't want them to hold it all in because she doesn't want it to rot inside them. she's more of a distraction comforter rather than an emotional comforter - someone you go to in order to get your mind off the problem. she'd rather try and find the positives rather than wallow in the negatives. at the beginning of her friendships people are apprehensive to tell her secrets because her mouth runs faster than her brain sometimes but she's never spilt a BIG secret. she doesn't even realise some secrets are secrets. she'll slip small things into conversation like how leland uses women's hair products and he'd get a little red and pouty because "that was a secret" and julies like why is that a secret? who cares if you uses women's hair mousse?
connie is a secret gossip. shes quiet and keeps to herself which means she is always listening. people don't perceive her as a threat so say stuff around her as if she's not there. but best believe the second she sees maria she'll be like... you will never believe what i heard today... i think she turns full detective mode when she gets a new piece of gossip. it's like a puzzle for her to work out and theorise about. she's from a small town and small towners love to gossip. i don't think she's the first person people would tell a secret to but when they do she's not gonna tell anyone outside the friendship group.
leland is a blabber mouth. for him keeping secrets is a lot of pressure and you can tell when he's hiding something so will get interrogated until he gives in and spills. he's an awful liar. connie loves to get information out of him (after all he's a cute jock so a lot of girls probably talk to him about seemingly innocuous things). definitely spoiled sonny's surprise birthday by accident.
ana likes to keep her secrets to herself. she used to tell maria everything because she has always trusted her deeply - like when she broke their mamas favourite bracelet by accident and maria had to fix it in secret. once maria went to university, ana found herself holding back, sometimes feeling like she's burdening her or guilting her into coming back so a lot of things will stay inside. she took to journalling as some kind of relief. she has so many secrets i dont think she has any room to care about other peoples gossip, picking up a few things here and there to appease maria over the phone. connie stayed with them for a few weeks one summer and they shared some secrets one evening.
maria isn't a huge gossiper but will listen to her friend's ramblings adding in a comment here and there. she will always tell ana everything she can whenever she calls. she's always willing to lend an ear for a friend, allowing her friends to rant and sit with the emotions. maria was the first person connie mentioned her ex-girlfriend to. she holds their secrets close to her heart and took them to the grave.
danny is the kind of person who's like "i dont care about gossip, it's immature, let people stick to their own business and i can stick to mine." but the second he hears maria and julie giggling about something in the corner his ears prick up and he gets real interested. it's not until they say something shocking about a guy he knows that he gives himself away by replying without thinking - "there's no way he'd do that". same vibes as a dad who saying wow this show sucks as he stands in front of the tv watching the entire thing. you couldn't get a secret out of him even if you tortured him - whether it's his secret or someone elses.
send me a tcm character + headcanon
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Can I request the tall boys (Childe, Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya + anyone else you think you wanna add or change (except maybe Childe because I love him)) reacting to you having animal-like features (like ears and tail)
What they would do if by some accident they themselves end up getting animal features (like fox ears and tail for Childe, cat ears and tail for Kaeya or Diluc, dragon features for Zhongli, etc) do they become clingy and display cat behavior of rubbing themselves on you? Something like that aaaa I'm so sorry if this doesn't make sense it's my first time requesting
experiments gone wrong
(eehe these men *cough* zhongli *cough* will be the death of me) 
Warning -> sfw, fluff (kissing, character suddenly acquiring animal like features) 
Character X GN Reader | anthology 
Includes: Childe, Kaeya, Zhongli 
As an alchemist, you really should have remembered the most important rule -> don’t leave unmarked bottles out where people can drink them …
So you couldn’t be too surprised by the turn of events that followed
He went to bed earlier than normal, but you didn’t think anything of it. Perhaps he had a terrible day and just wanted to sleep it off, there wasn’t any reason to pester him about it anyway. 
The next morning, you felt him slip out of bed, a yawn falling from his mouth as he made his way toward the bathroom. Turning, you claimed more of the bed and attempted to sleep just a little bit longer. That was until you heard a wild cry and shot up in an instant. You were already partially out of the bed when Childe burst into the room. 
He looked at you, you looked at him, and as your eyes drifted from his ears to his tail, you understood his reaction. 
“WHAT?” He shouted into the bedroom. 
Oh archons, to see him like this … you wished it was easier for you not to think about how adorable he was, but it was impossible. The soft ears that peeked from underneath his hair, the fluffy tail that didn’t know how to stop moving, and the frantic face he gave you were all just perfect 
“What happened??” He asked, running back to the mirror before returning his attention to you. Quickly, you made your way to his aid and did your best to calm him.
“I’m not sure, did you do anything strange yesterday?” You pulled his face toward you, cupping your hands against his cheek and running your fingers through his hair. 
“Not that I know of … uh, oh! I found this …” He reached for a small bottle on the bathroom counter and handed it to you. Shit.
“Did you drink this??”
“ … yes.” 
“CHILDE!” You burst into laughter, knowing it wasn’t the right time but also unable to control yourself. His expression was distressed and worried and, as best as you could, you tried to bring yourself back to calm. “This wasn’t supposed to be consumed …” 
“A-am I going to die?” 
“No, you’re just going to be, well, this it seems.” 
“How long??” 
“I don’t know, a few days maybe.” He dropped his head into his hands, his ears drooped and his active tail dropped toward the ground. Wrapping him in your arms, you offered him reassurance while trying not to laugh. “You’re very cute though.” 
You caught sight of his tail moving slowly back and forth and added more pressure to your hug. 
He found that it wasn’t as bad as he thought, in addition to the extra features, he also was able to gain other advantages - his eyesight was much better in the dark, his sense of smell more keen, his agility top notch 
You were sure he had grown attached to them in the short time he had them - so when the option came for him to revert, you were sure it would be a tough decision 
Still - to keep him trapped like this, with features that weren’t his own - you didn’t want to be cruel 
“Here,” You put the bottle down in front of him. His ears perking up at the item and his fingers reaching to grab it. “All you have to do is drink that and everything should go back to normal.” You said with a slightly wistful tone to your voice. It was somehow sad to think these adorable additions leave would be gone soon. 
“What if it doesn’t work?” 
“I’m not sure. We will just try again if it doesn’t though.” Quickly, he took the cork from the lid and moved the vial to his lips. His ear twitched as he smelled the concoction. “I’ll miss this.” Resting your head in your hands you watched as he downed the liquid in one go. 
“It’s hard for people to take me seriously like this …”
“Did people take you seriously before?” You joked, winking at him. 
The next morning, he stirred in bed next to you, his hair brushing against your face and making you wake up before you wanted to. As your eyes adjusted, you instantly recognized what you thought was hair was actually ears and the giddiness of your heart jump-started you awake. It didn’t work -- oh no, guess you’d have to keep trying. 
Waking up next to Kaeya was your favorite thing. It was an opportunity for you to be close to him, to witness his relaxed expression, and know that in these moments he trusted you over anyone else. 
So, when you woke and found him pressed against you, your hands absentmindedly began to run through his hair, over his shoulders, as you meandered your way into the waking world. There was something soft that flicked against your hand, but you pushed it away. It happened again, confused, mouth turning into a scowl and eyes rudely being pried open, you looked down to see what was making you irritated. 
You were wide awake when you saw the cat ears sticking out from Kaeya’s blue hair. They were richly shaded, deep blues with tips of white and perfectly placed on his head. Shifting, you tried to get a better view and the action made him stir. 
“Mmm, stop moving.” He mumbled, wrapping his arms around you and holding you steady. Tapping his arm, you tried to get his attention. 
“K-Kaeya …” 
“What is it?” 
“Do you feel okay?” You asked, your voice shaking and hands hovering over his ears. 
“I feel perfectly fine, why do you ask?” He kissed your chest before nuzzling back into his place. 
“You … you’ve got cat ears.”
He laughed and pushed your comment away. His legs moved under the sheets and you swore you saw something poke out from the bed. “You’re pulling my leg, I didn’t know you could be this funny so early in the morning.” 
“I’m not, see.” Stealing his hand you placed it on his head and watched as his fingers ran over the ears which were sticking straight up. When his eyes shot open and his hand began to move faster, pulling, tugging, examining the feature, you tried not to laugh as his confused expression turned into a slight panic. He shot up, his legs moving so he could sit on the bed but winced when he did so. That’s when the both of you saw the tail. 
“Hold on, let me get ready, just … don’t freak out.” 
You rushed around the room to gather up your items, your gaze continuously falling on the incredibly still, unmoving frame that was Kaeya. 
After calling on Albedo to come and offer assistance, only to find that the features would be around for a few days … Kaeya started to get more accustomed to them 
He was for sure rattled but bounced back rather quickly - in fact, the features seemed to get him even more attention than he had before and he found that the added bonuses were helpful when he needed them for his knightly tasks 
Not to mention it seemed he was more affectionate than normal, and not in the way he normally was, it was more in a … cuddly, interested, curious manner 
One evening, you found yourself reading over several books that Albedo had recommended and became rudely distracted when Kaeya pushed his way under your arms and nestled into your lap
“Hey there.” You called down to him, hand dropping to his shoulder as he nuzzled against you. 
“Give me attention.” 
You laughed at his pouting expression, his lips turned downward and ears twisting to show he could be trusted. “I’m currently trying to figure out how to fix this, I can’t do that if I’m giving you all my attention.” His eye squinted for just a moment before he moved more into your lap and nearly pushed the book in your hands onto the floor. “Kaeya!” The playful laughter that filled his ears was as tantalizing as the drinks he let touch his lips. 
“You can figure that out later. How can you possibly resist me right now anyway?” He asked, pushing against you until your back pressed into the couch and his hands weaved their way around your body. His hair tickled your face as he nuzzled into your chest and, even though his hips dug into yours, you didn’t seem to mind the closeness he was trying to find. 
“Okay. Fine, I’ll look into it more later.” 
“What excellent news.” He practically purred as he slid his way to your neck and let his body rest against you.
It’s been so long since he saw himself with such features - and, to be honest, he didn’t notice them for some time. It wasn’t until you returned and the items in your hands fell to the floor upon seeing him that his attention was captured
“Zh - Zhongli!?” You babbled, making your way to him and not knowing what to rest your eyes on first. Was it the pair of elegantly shaped horns that sprouted between his brown locks of hair? Was it the golden slits in his eyes that reminded you of the reptiles roaming around the rocky paths of Liyue? Or did you look at the scales that decorated his face in such perfect placement? 
“Has something transpired?” His expression was one of concern, but also one of disillusionment. Did - did he not notice? 
“Are you feeling nostalgic today?” 
“Not particularly, what makes you ask?” 
“Well … you look kinda like … I mean hold on.” You quickly disappeared down the hallway before returning with a small handheld mirror, one that Zhongli had purchased for you some time ago. Handing it to him, you waited until it started to register on his face the changes to his appearance, and that’s when you noticed the long claws which jutted out from his nail beds.  
“Huh, this is peculiar …” 
Sitting down across from him, you placed your hands on the table and watched as he examined the reflection of his face. “So you didn’t do this?”
“I must say that I did not, though It is rather pleasant to see …” His voice trailed off and you watched as he fussed with his hair, touched the horns on his head, and opened his mouth to check and see if - yup, he had canines much like a dragon too. That’s when it hit you. 
“Did you … drink anything strange?” 
The mirror found its place upside down on the table, his glowing eyes shifted to you as he took in your question. You let him think and finally, he gave you his answer. “I do recall there was a strange vial on the counter when I awoke. Ah - my dear, are you unwell?” He asked as your head dropped onto the table. 
The strangest thing about Zhongli holding these features was that he seemed … perfect for them and it was becoming quite the problem to hide
You were much too cautious that someone may discover who he really was with these pretty telling additions to his wardrobe, so you asked him to stay home for a while until you could get some answers
He didn’t seem to mind, and when you were finally able to gather up all the items needed to prepare an antidote for his condition, you were finding it very distracting to make the concoction at home 
The bubbling liquid warned you it was much too hot and so, with adept fingers, you turned the nobs and burners down so as to not overheat or scald the liquid inside. The aroma that filled your nose was … unpleasant to say the least, and so you finally succumbed to the need to wrap your nose in a clean cloth. 
Turning your back to the equipment, you made your way toward the drawer where the rags were kept but when your eyes caught sight of Zhongli standing by the window, you nearly fainted. 
He was wearing a robe, the material had slid down one of his arms and rested in the crook of his elbow. It gave you pause and allowed you to see the toned torso which was normally hidden by the layers of clothing he wore on a regular day. 
Since he found no need to properly get dressed, he had reserved himself to lounge about in clothes that felt ‘more suitable’ to him, as he explained. 
The light from the sun flashed across his chest, laid softly against his face, and illuminated the golden speckles in his hair - you wondered if it was because of the horns, perhaps they were reflecting the light and making him look ethereal in the warmth of the sun. He crossed his arms and shifted his weight as he looked beyond the window, almost as if he was yearning for something far beyond his reach. 
“I think I’m nearly done.” You explain, tying the towel around your face and returning, reluctantly, to the concoction behind you. 
As you began to spoon out the unnecessary ingredients until you were only left with the pure grade potion, you didn’t notice how he had moved to your side until the small vial was filled. 
“Here you -- oh!.” He stood right in front of you. His eyes were dangerous, burning, focused. “I didn’t see … you …” He reached around to the back of your head and skillfully undid the makeshift mask you had created moments ago. When it was off, he took the vial in his hands and placed it onto the counter before returning his attention to you. “Are you … okay?” You asked, tracking the movements of his face as he leaned down toward you. 
His lips hovered barely over yours and the closeness of him made your heart flutter. “You are mine, are you not?” His voice rattled your bones from the intensity, it was oppressive and supportive all at the same time. 
His lips pressed against the corner of your mouth, “You belong to no one else?” 
“No …”
It’s a good thing the instructions never said anything about, ‘consume immediately’ because you were very distracted for some time. 
tag list: @star-gods @mercurysmaiden @dourpeep @clemmywrites @pepperoncinipizza @handswritteeen @lucifucker @beelsdessert @odafashioned @coolcats09 @ninqat @musekala @sufzku @mooshymello  @heavenlyang @plenilunegazes @glazelilyy @justyoureverydayqueer @idunkar @solowmomo @twokissesforamelia @the-mermaid-of-mondstadt @fuwon @goat-mama-breezie @angelmelt @lucacandy @shesleire @mariana @zentoruu @smol-knife @nightlywallows @aoirohi @nitorious-ghost @mguerra11 @maiiikoo @actstfbla @youaskedfurret @nonniechan @evolcahra @tempehlust @zenith-impact @plumpkie @jaggedsi @salty-salty @onlyhereforinteractivestories @gultonluvv @shy-specter @liebestraumss @jaemjenjam @softlybeloved @anatthesavage
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fablesofkitkat · 3 years
AAAAA girlfriend privileges!! QAQ
I'm so conflicted because I'd also wait for him but it sucks being denied cuddles 😔 But the wait would be worth it....right?
i don't know if you're asking for a follow up pov for that one but I'm gonna go with you're not, so–
Bakugou girlfriend privileges (INTERMISSION/ASK)
It is worth it. It's very admirable of Bakugou to be goal oriented. He has the typical shoujo character trait that believes in the saying, "if you're gonna do something, you do it right." And Bakugou's the type to not just do it right but to overachieve.
So when he says he's not gonna half ass your relationship, he'd be the best damn boyfriend that you'll ever have. No contest.
Also this is me breaking the stereotype of guys waiting for reader. Bakugou's a princess so he's gonna make you wait. When the wait is over, you're gonna get the full on affection to the point that it annoys you (NO IT WON'T YOU ENJOY HIS AFFECTION)
Oh, you're back from internship? call him, if not expect him to ambush you at your place. You're tired from training? that better not stop you from sending a text or else he's gonna blow up your phone. You're all sweaty and you stink? YEAH, SUCKS TO BE YOU COZ HE'S GONNA HUG THE SHIT OUTTA YOU with his own body reeking of sweat.
And the cuddles– my gosh the cuddles. It's like he's making up for all those times he denied you of them. And he's the kind of selfish bastard to wake you up even tho you're tired but he's missing you and he lonely so he flips you rudely, and you're awake now but before you could get mad, he scoops you in his arms, to go to the couch and watch a movie or like play video games.
Bakugou wants the cuddles more than he lets on. And because cuddles with you is so important to him, he ties that to his goal as some sort of reward to his achievement which is becoming a pro hero.
He's still gonna be a tsundere when you catch him off guard, or sometimes in public but he's gonna be so much softer on you. Less use of "dumbass" and more on whatever pet names you'd like him to call you. Babe, baby, teddybear. When he has the time he'll make you meals, but don't stop that from you cooking for him. He's the better cook but when you spoil him, he gets so fucking giddy, he tries not to let it show, so his outlet whenever you make him a little too happy is to hunt criminal activities more effectively than usual. Might also hit the villains more than needed coz the fluff is tickling him inside and he needs to calm down before he goes to see you.
Yep, fluff induce violence.
Be careful of that. That's the kind of power you hold on him.
Lastly, touch. TOUCH. TOUCH.
At first, he doesn't wanna be like those boyfriends who couldn't keep their hands off their girlfriends. There is a time and place for everything but that guy's looked at you funny, so he hangs his arm on your shoulders and glared. Yeah, keep looking extra, but this one's taken. And if they still have the guts to keep looking at you then he's gonna commit to PDA, it catches you surprise but you welcome it, the PDA is enough to make the other person look away. He'll look all smug about it. Problem is... pandora box opened. He can't keep his hands to himself now. It'll reach the point where you're the one trying to get him to stop from being too affectionate coz you don't want his friends and yours uncomfortable when hanging out.
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Finally! The long awaited Dancer!au in which they aren't demons bc I really didn't wanna think that hard. I have some worldbuilding and misc hcs if you want those too!
Lucifer - traditional slow ballroom dancing, would also do more "modern" ballroom if you could convince him  HERE  HERE
Mammon - high energy/acro hip hop, literally so good at isolations for no reason HERE   HERE HERE
Levi - cutesy k/jpop choreo exclusively, girlbosses it up occasionally HERE  HERE (also the Chika dance but all the videos of it keep getting taken down bc of copyright)
Satan - would be the ballerino poster boy if he did traditional ballet, does so many leaps n spins you'd think he'd be concussed with how much his brain must be moving in his skull HERE  HERE
Asmo - anything that let's him be sensual, loves Latin styles bc they give him a reason to be horny and wear minimal clothes HERE  HERE  HERE
Beel - all acro, can do so many tricks it's not even funny, Belphie told him contemporary acros are easier and thats all he's done since HERE HERE
Belphie - creepy contemporary vvv flexible terrifies judges, finds some new way to fold himself every time HERE  HERE  HERE
Dia - doesn't like to dance but he's really good at ballet bc of his dad
Barb - does everything, prefers tap/Irish dances, has branched out into figure skating, but never competed, it's more of a hobby HERE
Simeon - older styles/dances inspired by them, got into the 20s at one point never let go, has done an "evolution of dance" thing before, adores doing productions but no one ever wants to join 🥲 HERE  HERE
Solomon - can't dance to save his life I'm sorry he looks like a white person at a wedding
aaaaa! Dancer au!! 💛💛 yes these are all so good. Ngl I watched all these clips instead of working.
I really love your attention to detail in separating out the differences and nuances between the dance styles of the brothers - there are plenty of similarities and yet they're all different enough for it to be unique. Luci with his traditional yet flashy styles, often requiring a partner. I wonder which of the brothers cons into practicing with him the most? Probably Mammon
From this I hc that Levi gets asked to choreograph for several idol groups and every time he freaks out. But he knows his stuff!!
Ballet helps Satan keep up with his beloved cats. It's not weird to see him spinning around and lifting his cats around the House.
And yesss Latin Asmo. I was in a Latin band for the summer, and we played with several dance groups and let me tell you I loved the outfits so much. I was so jealous of the dancers. And how they moved? To our music?? Honestly a top experience 10/10
Beel is our muscle-y boy and yet despite how big he looks he's super agile and I love that for him. Your pick for Belphie surprised me somewhat, considering he's the one with the most recognizable dance style in the game, but it makes sense!! This boy can sleep in any position, anywhere, and he's definitely flexible enough to pull off some of the freakier stuff. Flash forward to MC opening random boxes in the HoL only to find Belphie impossibly curled up asleep inside them.
(asjdflaadklajsd poor Solomon. I 100% agree but also I'm sure he'd be good at group dances maybe?)
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lucysometimeswrites · 4 years
Kiss the Girl
hello again! thanks for the love on Awards Season :) this one is based on the beginning of lockdown where the boys were living together. had the idea and the title will make sense in part 2 (if you want it). enjoy!
Never in a million years would I have thought I’d live to see a pandemic, much less quarantine with four boys, one of them who just happens to be my boyfriend. Tom and I had been dating for about six months when the global pandemic was declared, and in the heat of the moment, he suggested I come live with him and his brother and mates, as he called them. I immediately refused, of course, because I didn’t wanna impose in any way or make things awkward for them, but he insisted that everything would be okay and that he would not be able to stand the fact that I was out there living alone while this big thing was happening. I don’t know how, but he was very convincing so here I am. In the UK. In London. Living with my boyfriend and three other boys. Still asking myself how or why.
Don’t get me wrong! It hasn’t been horrible by any means. Sure, it took a bit of getting used to and some uncomfortable silences to get over with his housemates, but other than that it has been quite a beautiful experience. I’ve been able to bond with Tuwaine, Harrison and Harry in different ways, and Tom and I have never been happier. 
Until yesterday.
It’s no surprise lockdown drives all of us a little bit insane sometimes, what with trying to keep our jobs and not being able to go anywhere but the same amount of square feet; it’s hard! It’s also very hard to keep our cool with the people we literally see every day and prevent ourself from projecting our stress onto them, which exactly what happened yesterday with that dear boyfriend of mine. 
Tom had been very busy with some scripts he’d been learning and working on his project with Harry and simultaneously trying to keep his fans happy. Many terrible things had been going on that just piled up on him and his stress level went from 0 to 100 real quick. He was also trying to keep me happy. While he was here living with people he’s known his whole life and his family a 20 minute drive away, he was aware that I am his relatively new girlfriend, an outsider, who was miles away from her family and was living with boys and struggling with online work. I didn’t realize this right away, though. How his shoulders sagged a bit each morning, or how his smile didn’t reach his eyes. His laugh was less present around the house, and he started disappearing into his office more and more until the only times I saw him were sometimes during breakfast and when going to bed. I didn’t notice, and neither did the boys, which I felt really guilty about. 
It clicked at the worst time. I kept wondering why I felt things were weird between him and I, my mind going to the worst of places, of course. I started thinking if he wanted me there at all, how I told him it was not a good idea, or that maybe he now realized that he doesn’t really like me and wanted to break up. Ridiculous, he would say, but he wasn’t there to actually say it or prove me wrong. So, I decided to be upfront and ask him. Communication and all that I said in my head, and headed to his office. 
Yesterday . . .
“Tom?” I softly knocked on the door. I heard a faint “Come in”, so I opened the door and saw him sitting at the desk. Brows furrowed, pursed lips, his back hunched a little as he was looking at something closely in his laptop. His eyes never moving from the screen.
“What do you need?” he said. Wow, blunt. 
“Uh, I wasss wondering if we could talk?” I answered, absently playing with my fingers out of nervousness. Why am I nervous? It’s Tom.
“Does it have to be now?” 
“I was sort of hoping that, yeah” his eyes finally leaving the screen and looking at me, still standing by the door.
“Okay, but I have to get back to work so if you could make it quick, that would be great” How do I make my insecurity “quick”?!
I struggled to find the words before asking him, “Are things okay between us?” my voice becoming small and my eyes finding my feet very interesting while I waited for a response. Which never came. 
I looked up to find him entranced by his laptop once again. It looked as if he hadn’t heard my question, and that upset me.
“Tom” I called his attention sternly, with a bit of a glare.
“What” he said absently.
“I’m trying to talk about something serious here” 
He sighed, clearly annoyed, rubbing his face and turning to me once more, “What is it?”
Trying to be calm, but my voice becoming a little harsher, “I was asking you if things are okay between us”, which didn’t come out as much of a question anymore.
“Of course they are, why do you ask” Wow, he can’t even pretend to be interested?
“Because I feel like I haven’t seen you and that you’re acting weird. I mean you spend most of the day cooped up in here and you don’t hang out with any of us anymore”, I explained.
“Because I have important work to do, Y/N” his face still held seriousness, like his mind was plagued with problems.
“Well can’t you do it later? I don’t know, take a break and have a snack with us?” I suggested, with hope that we’d get to have a laugh and get over the tension. 
“No, I can’t” he answered shortly. I stood up and made my way behind his chair, my hands going to rub his shoulders trying to convince him, “Oh come onnnn, maybe you’ll work even better after! We haven’t seen you in ages and I miss you” I pouted, even though he couldn’t see me.
Now, as if a bomb had exploded out of nowhere, he abruptly stood up and threw my hands off his body, “I said no Y/N! I told you I’m working on important stuff and that I can’t take ‘a little break’” he yelled, mocking me in the last part, “I’m trying my best to keep my job and work with Harry while keeping all of you safe and providing for you, so no, I don’t have time for a break and if you could just go away it would make me the happiest man a live right now” he finished strongly. He huffed and puffed just like the big bad wolf, pointing to the door while I stood there dumbfounded
I gaped at him with a mix of shock, anger and sadness. Feeling my emotions coming through, I thought like hell he’s gonna see me cry, so I just took a few steps back while making my way to the door and leaving the room quickly, not looking back. As I made my way to our room, I crossed the living room where Harrison, Harry and Tuwaine all quietly looked at me, with pity in their eyes and clearly having heard the argument. I stopped in the middle, looking at each of them but promptly continuing my way to the bedroom, where I closed the door and leaned against it for support. With a few tears slipping down my eyes, I grabbed a towel and locked myself in the bathroom. After turning the shower on, I took off my clothes and got in, letting the warm water fall on me in a comforting matter while I let myself cry freely, thinking once more why am I spending lockdown here with them...with him?
aaaaa part 2? yes? no? 
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aestheticfangirl · 3 years
Kim Mingyu x reader
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[ Day 2]
Yesterday was pretty fun honestly. I woke up and checked my phone and saw two missed calls from Gyu and some texts too. I opened them.
Mingyu : hey y/n why aren’t you picking up
Are you sleeping?
Are you coming today?
When are you coming?
Aaaaa why aren’t you waking up!!!!
I smiled seeing him whining I quickly texted him that I was going and started getting ready. I picked out a pretty dress for today. I usually don’t wear dresses but I don’t know why I wanted to get ready. It took me around 50 minutes to get ready and then I left. I grabbed my coffee as regular and reached my uni. To my surprise Mingyu was waiting in front of the gate. When he saw me he rushed to me with a big smile.
“Why are you so late I was waiting for you so long? And why don’t you answer your phone, I wanted to ask you actually to go and pick you up”, he stopped cause he was breathless after speaking so much without a break. I giggled how someone can be this cute.
He spoke again, “Did anyone said how pretty you are?”
His sudden compliment kind of made me choke on air. I was looking at him speechless.
“ Aigooooo you are cute when you are surprised”, he said and patted my hair. I blushed and looked down. He continued,” by the way let’s go everyone is waiting”.
“Yeah sure let’s go”, I said and started walking hastily. One more day and then he will be gone and my bright days will end too. I will once again get into those gloomy days. We reached others and they too complimented my dress and then we planned out how to enjoy the day. Since everyone has different choices we decided to split into 4 teams so we can all enjoy comfortably.
Cheol, Jeonghan and Jun decided to go and try different games.
DK, Dino, Woozi and Hoshi decided to go watch those dance performances and other cultural events.
Wonwoo and Vernon decided to visit the video game parlour.
Seungkwan, Minghao , me and Mingyu decided on trying out different food and attend the literary fest.
So everyone went their own way and we went ours. The first place we went to was a great sushi stall and we enjoyed there a lot. We started roaming randomly and teased each other a lot. And then we all ganged up and teased Mingyu. It was literally my best day. Like yesterday Mingyu didn’t left me for a moment.
When we were sitting at a pizza place some guys kind of were staring at me so Mingyu got off and moved his chair so they can’t see. I wish all guys were like him. I tried to not think like that or else I would get hurt. Our pizza arrived and we started to eat. And suddenly Minghao spoke up, “Well kwan have you noticed anything?”
Seungkwan was surprised and replied, “ what hyung?”
Minghao smirked and we all looked at each other when he spoke again, “That Mingyu is being a little more active these days and he woke up today without even calling him and got ready first”. He looked at Mingyu who for no reason started stuffing his mouth and avoided Minghao.
Seungkwan replied, “ yeah I too am noticing him he is even smiling to himself and is humming all day-“ . He was stopped when mingyu pushed a pizza slice in his mouth and spoke” Yah why are you lying like this”, he turned to me and said,” y/n don’t listen to them they are speaking gibbereish”.
“ yeah yeah y/n don’t listen to us only listen to him”, Minghao teased and continued eating.
I looked at Mingyu who was pretty flustered and avoided my eyes. I too ignored them and continued eating. I don’t want to involve myself much or else it might turn worse for me.
They keep teasing Mingyu about being in love and thinking about some girl. All I did was eating and smiling from time to time.
After we completed we decided to return. Seungkwan was still teasing Mingyu so they were kind of walking a bit ahead and I and Minghao were walking behind them.
Minghao spoke,” y/n can I ask you something?”.
I was a bit shocked like what he wants to ask and then I nodded.
“Do you like anyone?”, he said looking at me.
What was this question,” umm depends why you are asking”, I replied.
“Nothing I am just kind of curious”, he said.
“Yep and nope”, I said.
“What “, he asked confused.
“Yes I like someone but it doesn’t matter”, I said looking down.
“Why doesn’t it matter”, he asked again.
What’s with him? Why is he curious about my love life? I spoke again,” Because nothing’s gonna happen between us”.
“How can you say this without even talking to him, maybe he likes you too”, he said it matter of factly.
“Umm I am not that brave and I am kind of sure too and also I don’t want him to bring into the darkness I am in”, I smiled.
“Maybe he will take you out of the darkness”, he said and patted my back. And then we were kind of interrupted by Hoshi. Who literally jumped on Minghao and spoke,” umm hmm what’s going on between you two”. He teased and then rushed to the others and then started telling others that I and Minghao are dating.
Everyone started to tease us and when we deny no one trust us.
Jun said,” I knew this they were together since yesterday, talking and smiling”.
Jeonghan came to me and said,” Aaaaaa y/n I thought you would choose me”. He pouted and I replied, “It’s nothing like that and we are not dating”.
Dino interrupted again,” Liar, I know I saw you today too you both were walking behind so you could spend time together”.
Minghao spoke up again, “Guys you are misunderstanding we are not dating. I swear”.
Everyone still didn’t listen to us and kept teasing. And my eyes started searching for Mingyu who was not there. It was kind of weird because he never left me alone for a moment till now. Where is he?
I was searching when Cheol came to me and said, “Mingyu is there sitting in that bench, go” , he pointed me where Mingyu was seating.
“Thank you “, I spoke and left.
He was deep in thoughts when I reached, he didn’t even realized my presence until I spoke up.
“Mingyu , you alright?”, I asked putting a hand in his shoulder.
“Yeah yeah I am cool, what are you doing here?”, he spoke with a trembling voice. I felt worried as in what happened to this guy suddenly.
“Ah I searched for you but you weren’t there so Cheol said you were here,” I looked at him and he still wasn’t looking at me, “if you want I will leave-“.
“Are you and Hao dating?” his sudden question cut me mid-sentence.
“Of course not, we were talking about something and Hoshi misunderstood and there is nothing between us”, I assured him.
But he asked again suspiciously,” you sure?”
“Yeah I am dead sure we are not dating”, I confirmed him.
He sighed and then again spoke,” I want you to be honest with me though about something”.
I gulped what now. Why is everyone asking me so much today? “Yeah sure “, I managed.
“Do you like someone, I don’t need the name just say yes or no”, he asked.
Again the same question, what’s wrong with everyone today. I replied,” yes I do”.
He sighed again. Why is he sighing so much? I wanted to ask him too so I thought this would be the best opportunity. But before I can say anything he got up and spoke,” let’s go I will leave you at your room it’s getting late”.
“Umm yeah okay”, I said and started walking. It’s better to not ask. Only one more freaking day and this will end.
Most of the route we walked in silence. When we reached i decided to break this awkwardness between us, “okay then bye, goodnight Mingyu , see you tomorrow”, I managed my best smile.
He was fidgeting the ground so he looked up and asked,” does that guy know you like him?”.
“ No, and I am not going to tell him anyway cause he is leaving pretty soon and I might not see him again”, I said.
He finally looked up and his eyes met mine finally,” okay, goodnight y/n see you tomorrow”, he smiled and left.
I went to me room, changed and started surfing my phone and was looking at today’s picture. When two texts popped up. One was from Mingyu and the other one was from Minghao.
I opened Mingyu’s text first.
gyu : y/n don’t tell that guy you like him please.
What’s wrong with him? Why is he saying like this anyway I wasn’t even going to tell him. Thank god this guy is super dense and still hasn’t figured out.
I typed an okay and sent it.
Then I opened up Minghao’s text which was kind of weird.
Hao: y/n someone is planning a big surprise for you tomorrow so come tomorrow as soon as possible.
y/n : who ? And what surprise?
Hao : I won’t say who but I can say what if you will confirm something and be honest okay.
He is acting weird.
y/n : yeah okay I will be totally honest I cross my heart now say what?
Hao : you like Mingyu right?
WHAT ? how did he know. I haven’t said this to anyone does Hao knows to mind read. I have never been this surprised like now. I was having many conflicts in my head when I got another text from him.
Hao : ?????
y/n : how did you know?
Hao: its pretty obvious he is a fool that’s his problem anw as promised I will tell u now what is the surprise.
y/n : thank god he haven’t figured out yet and please don’t tell him at least not until tomorrow.
Hao : okay okay I won’t , don’t you wanna know the surprise ?
Damn I kind of forgot about that.
y/n : yeah please tell me
hao : a confession, and now don’t bug me I am sleeping and you too sleep. Gn!
Wait what a confession, who is doing this and why. I had many questions but Hao went offline and I guess he slept cause he wasn’t replying anymore. I was thinking all the possibilities that can happen and didn’t even realize when I dozed off.
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rkorlov · 4 years
Thoughts on WandaVision as I’m watching...
BEWARE OF SPOILERS, if you haven’t seen it yet, don’t read any of this, ok?
First episode: Paul and Elizabeth have such good comedy timing together, and lots of chemistry. I wish we could’ve seen so much more of them in the Avengers movies but I’m also glad we got the series.
Wanda and Vision being confused on what they’re doing, where they come from, when’s their anniversary makes you wonder in a magnificent way without giving right away the answers and that’s nice. It makes you think: was this Wanda? Was it someone else?
Wanda’s comment about Vision’s indestructible head and me chuckling at the moment she said it because ARE YOU SURE, HONEY?
It hurts a lil bit, let’s keep watching.
Second episode: Wanda telling Vision how this is their home now and she wants to fit in. Well shit.
It’s the second time I see ads, in the first episode it was a Stark Industries toaster. Now, it’s a Hydra watch... huh.
Everything being black and white except for the toy helicopter (red and yellow) and the blood stain (red) in Dottie’s hand.
Geraldine knowing her name when she shook Wanda’s hand.
Shit, so many questions so far and I haven’t finished watching the episode yet.
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Who in hell is that beekeeper and why everything just rewinded and turned back into color after he appeared? AAAAAA.
The voice asking Wanda who’s doing this to her, shit.
Third episode: Let’s carry on, I need answers.
Not only the intro changed but also they changed decades. Everyone’s hair is styled differently, the clothing is and that song: “All great expectations lead to complications”... you’re gonna screw everyone over, ain’t ya?
“I can’t wait to be a proud papa-ya...” oh Vision.
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Wanda losing control over her powers because of the pregnancy, oh well darling, here we go... 
Now Wanda wondering if their neighbors can tell who they really are and Vision starts to doubt it as well and it gets rewinded... darling, this is staged for sure. Everytime THEY are the ones about to figure it out something happens.
And Hydra has a soap commercial, why am I not surprised? They’re like roaches, get underneath everything.
The doctor’s comment about small towns being hard to escape says it all by itself.
Geraldine knowing Pietro was killed by Ultron, now that’s interesting. Her being new in town, having no home, having the symbol of whoever’s watching on Wanda and Vision. Inte-fucking-resting. Then her having to rush home aka being thrown out of the simulation.
Fourth episode: It starts off with the people coming back to life from the snap... shit, shiT, SHIT.
Oh so it was S.W.O.R.D watching over Wanda all along.
Darcy Lewis, YAAAS.
S.W.O.R.D, the FBI and special forces from all corners investigating upon this little unexistent town that Wanda Maximoff created in order to overcome her grief from having lost everyone she loved. Yaay, we love us Marvel destroying us emotionally. Thank you. Fifth episode: “She’s gone, she didn’t belong here” HOLD ON, YOU HAD PREVIOUSLY SAID SHE HAD TO RUSH HOME.
Wanda not being able to control her babies with her powers is kinda weird. Need to know more about that.
Agnes breaking character and asking Wanda if they should start from the top definitely asks for suspicion. Vision being able to tell immediately this is weird it’s the weirdest of all because Vision is supposed to be dead, and Wanda remembered he was dead last episode, so how is HE able to tell this is all made up?
Wanda stealing Vision’s body is not the question in here, the question is why did S.W.O.R.D have it of all people? Was that in the Sokovian accords, if Vision died his body went to them? That’s not normal, especially not because Tony came back, he would’ve taken care of Vision and not in that way.
OK, NOW I THINK I KNOW WHAT THE ADS MEAN. The toaster of Stark Industries was because a Stark missile burnt down Wanda’s home. The watch of Hydra was because for a great amount of time, Hydra controlled her a Pietro. The Lagos add of the paper towels speaks of how there is a mess and you need something to clean it up. Lagos was the place where Wanda accidentally killed people while she tried to stop Rumlow. SHIT, SHIT. All of the ads are past events of her life.
“You can fix anything, mom. Fix the dead.” BOY, ARE YOU SURE YOU WANNA GO THERE?
Now, Wanda can control everyone but her sons and Vision... that’s something definitely of interest.
MY BOY EVAN SHOWING UP. AAAA. I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since they got back the X-Men, my heart. My heart is happy.
Now, since Wanda is definitely warping reality, I do think this is the start of the multiverse. This is definitely Pietro. Not a recasting, this was her not fully controlling her powers and creating this.
Sixth episode: To start off, Vision is not actually Vision, or if he is, he can’t remember a thing. Probably that has something to do with Wanda bringing him back to life but she even erased the Avengers from his memory. She got rid of everything.
Pietro being completely aware of his role in this reality and why she called him, and then Wanda remembering he is also dead. Now I’m confused because I do think he has something to do with breaching realities but I’m not sure. lol
The people standing near Ellis Avenue being frozen and them being out of reach of Wanda’s circle making them stop all they’re doing. That’s insane.
Now, the twins having Pietro’s and Wanda’s powers. Billy being fully connected to Vision knowing he needs help. Then Wanda stopping time and being able to extend her reality in order to save Vision. This was not only visually incredible but hell, the display of Wanda’s powers grow more and more each day. This is gonna be insane.
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flrtwoo · 3 years
warning: major word dump and kind of senti rant ahead ‼️
and that's the end of zero-probability !!! AAAAA i'm so surprised it's been 2 months since i started the series out >< i was really scared to release it back then and tbh i still get scared to release chapters and content now, but meeting new people here and seeing the support you all gave the series really warmed my heart and provided me that boost of confidence to keep going 🥺
i wanted to make an sm au that was light-hearted and easygoing, and i think i was able to reach that goal !!! i also love & appreciate sunwoo sm and idk making content for him is fun ☺️ thank you everyone for all the likes, reblogs, asks, dms, like legit everything, thank you thank you thank you !!! they never failed to make my day <33
as for new and upcoming works, i'm still not sure which member i should make an sm au about next but it will definitely be between hyunjae or changmin, so watch out for that !!! i'll take a week-long break (or even shorter) to prepare and brainstorm a little more, but i'll be here lurking around tumblr HAHAHAHA most probably will be v active on my fic recs blog !!! still hmu however if any of u wanna talk i promise i'm nice ACSHDHHAB
anyways this was insanely long but i just wanted to say thank you so much again everyone !!!! and i hope u enjoyed my first sm au, zero-probability 💛 sunwoo and the rest of tbz love ya !!!
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miya-nooo · 4 years
yes i ask of u for some soulmate au keishin ukai and asahi azumane. male reader n make it fluffy and/or angsty 👀👌
AAAAA— First request!! Oh boy am I glad—!! Thank you so much!! And I do hope that this is to your liking!! I’ll go easy first and do some fluff!!
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U K A I ・K E I S H I N
soulmate au where the moment you hit 25 years of age, a timer appears on your wrist and it starts counting up and when you do meet your soulmate and get your first contact, the timer stops
You squinted at your wrist, eyes a little blurry and a bit hungover from the party last night. Congratulations, my boy, you have turned 25. And thus, you get the blessing of this pesky timer on your wrist. It’s like a tattoo, except that it actually moves.
“...I feel like a ticking time bomb,” you mutter to yourself. And you were. Except that you’re only about to blow up from the attraction that you’ll feel once you do meet this soulmate of yours.
On the flip side, Keishin has already received that timer on his wrist, and honestly, after seeing that 525,600+ minutes have passed on his wrist wasn’t giving him any hope soon. It’s been a year at most, and not a single moment did that timer ever stop.
“Any moment now, I’m sure you’ll find them! And I’m sure they’re worth the wait!!” Takinoue told him with optimism.
And Keishin just stares at his friend with a ‘r e a l l y ?’ look. Nonetheless, he forgets about it. He’s not that eager to meet his soulmate anyway. He knows that certain things take time. But with the possibility of getting him hooked up with someone else so he can get married breathing down his neck, he couldn’t help but at least meet the person he’s supposed to be with.
Brushing that aside, it was finally your time to shine. Sort of. You’re currently heading off to Karasuno High School — an alumni school of yours, so you could teach. Yes, teach. There was a wide selection of schools that could’ve accepted you, but you decided to choose this one. Why? Because you wanted to feel that nostalgic feeling of just walking through the halls and maybe oversee some clubs. Y’know, shit like that.
It was then that you meet... your problem child. Hinata Shouyou. He’s endearing and honestly, you treated him like a son. But this kid when it comes to studies... is just. N g h.
Either way, you do your best to aid him when you can. Because you know this kid has aspirations to chase outside of classroom, and he can’t do that if he’s epically failing his classes.
Hinata immediately becomes fond of you and chats you up a storm when you meet within the hallways. You... somehow became his favorite teacher.
And then, one day, he drops the bomb.
“SENSEI, DO YOU WANNA COME WATCH ME AND MY CLUB??” The sunshine asks exuberantly. And, you were already dead set on refusing him since the pile of worksheets to be graded is just... overwhelming.
But then you told yourself, fuck it. I’ll go. After all, it’s important to aid your student, right? Give him the mental nudge and shit. And it’s also a teacher thing to do right? Defo not an excuse to leave your worksheets lmao.
So then you arrive by the gym and Hinata goes on to greet his teammates and his coach.
“Oi, Hinata! Mind telling us why you’re late?” A rather gruff voice suddenly fills your ears.
“Sorry cooooaaachh!! I just came to ask sensei to come over and watch us practice!!” The sunshine beams before beckoning you to come in.
Keishin raises an eyebrow, tearing his eyes away from the sunshine and looking at the gymnasium doors, where you stood.
MY MAN, KEISHIN ALMOST CHOKED ON AIR. He had to do a double take. You were just... the most handsome guy he’s ever laid his eyes on?? Like what the fuck is this shit? Is this a dream or a wHAT—
“Forgive my intrusion, I came here to watch Hinata-kun.” Your voice was immaculate in his ears. If it was physically possible, his eyes would be crying right now.
Keishin recovered from that mini heart attack and coughed. “Yeah, sure. I— We don’t mind.”
Takeda suddenly comes into the scene, quite surprised to see you, “Ah! [Male name]-san! Good to see you! Came to watch our practice?” He receives a small nod from you. Then he guides you over to Karasuno’s almighty coach. “Here, let me introduce you to the team’s coach, Ukai-kun!” He says and does the same thing when he introduces you.
You lent out a hand, the ticking timer on your wrist completely evident, “Nice to meet you, Ukai-san.”
The coach nodded and stuck out his hand as well to take yours and shake it. “Likewise, sensei.”
The moment your hand touched his, you could feel the warmth in his hand, and made you want to hold on a little longer.
But then you heard it.
T i c k.
Confused, you looked down on your hand and your soulmate did the same.
What a surprise it must’ve been — when you saw the timer stop.
Keishin’s eyes widened. Then looked up at you to see the equally surprised look on your face. Then he remembered his friend’s words earlier.
Takinoue was right;
You were indeed worth the wait.
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A S A H I ・A Z U M A N E
soulmate au where everyday, you receive a message about a random sentence your soulmate has said that day
You quickly fished out your phone from your school pants’ pocket. You were quite glad that it’s recess right now, or you would’ve gotten in trouble for just not having it muted. Swiping the screen, you looked at the new text message.
A-AAAAAAHHHH—!! THERE’S A SPIDER!, the text message read.
You deadpanned, eyes narrowing at the quoted message. You had recently gotten these weird ass text messages ever since you got your phone. At first, you thought it was a prank, but after trying to block and block and block the damn number, it just keeps coming back.
Only thing was that it doesn’ t bring you harm, but it definitely is annoying. Every single day, it keeps sending these weird sentences that are either whiny... or just... full of nothing but screaming. And some negativity too.
Normally, you’d think this is a prank, but this has been going on for months now. Literal. Months. And no one has that kind of dedication for one simple prank. So you decided to just... let it do its thing.
From what your friend has told you, it might be some kind of connection towards your special someone. And the only thing that you’ve gotten from that was, “So you’re telling me that my soulmate... is a wimp?” You received a nod and a little shrug from that. And you heaved a long, dreaded sigh.
From then on, you started to accept that your cellphone has a weird celestial and supernatural connection with the person you’re supposed to be with. You weren’t in a rush — in fact, you weren’t even sure if you’d meet that person.
That all changed though when you heard a certain conversation.
“Get a damn grip, Asahi! It was just a spider!!”
You suddenly turned your head at that, cocking an eyebrow at the topic. What a goddamn coincidence. For you to receive a text screaming about spiders, and all of a sudden, you hear someone talking about it too.
“You sure are a scaredy-cat, aren’t you?”
“Couldn’t you have phrased that more gently?!”
It piqued your interest, to say the least. But just as you were about to see who’s talking to who, the bell rang.
The day ends with you not knowing who the hell that person was.
Next day arrives, and here you are again, within the hallways, but this time clutching your phone with much intent. You were so damn eager to know if you’ve hit the jackpot. If your soulmate is actually in here.
It was then that you hear someone mumble. You looked up from your phone to see a tall guy, a little hunched over while he walked through rhe corridor. You couldn’t make out what he was saying but it had something to do with dogs and health.
You glanced down on your screen.
Man I really wish that dog would get better. His health is growing a little weaker, according to the neighbor.
Throwing your hesitations away, you called out to the mystery guy. Said guy jolted when he suddenly heard your voice.
Asahi turned around and almost died.
Well, he thought he died.
Because otherwise, how would he see a handsome angel in front of him?
Cha-cha real smooth.
“Are you perhaps... by any chance, my soulmate?” You asked, ignoring the lingering embarrassment by the mere fact that you could be wrong with your guess and ultimately humiliate yourself in front of a schoolmate.
A little taken aback, Asahi blinks and doesn’t respond for a moment until;
Now it was his turn to fish out his phone and look at it and read the ominous text message. His eyes widened at the words displayed.
Are you perhaps... by any chance, my soulmate? It read.
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Into The Woods - Chapter Twenty Two
Story also available on Wattpad.
Chapter One Previous Chapter
''And then she let us eat in her house and told us her name. Nina.'' Liu finished. Jane nodded as she trudged alongside him. ''She let us clean ourselves and stay with her. Until you came along.''
Jane shrugged. ''Sorry.''
Liu rolled his eyes. ''Anyway- we left that night, and she came with us.''
Jane frowned. ''She came with you?'' she stared at Liu in surprise. He shrugged.
''She wanted to.''
''Well- her mom left her and she said Jeff was the only real friend she ever had...'' Liu looked away. ''I'm kinda glad we have her honestly...Jeff's never been able to make friends easily. It's nice, seeing him have someone to spend time with and stuff.''
''I'm not surprised he doesn't have friends.'' Jane muttered. Liu gave her an offended look.
''Leave him alone. He's not a bad kid- he just doesn't know how to talk to people and really form friendships.'' he murmured, glaring at her.
''I'll leave him alone when he's dea-''
''Stop-!'' Liu thrust his arm out, stopping Jane in her tracks. For a moment Jane thought he was mad at her, but then she heard it.
The barking of a dog.
Her head snapped up and she stared around in fear. A dog? Was it- was it the dog she was working against?! She gulped. ''Please don't tell me-''
''Oh god...'' Liu murmured. Jane looked at him. He looked just as scared as her, if not more. He turned to her and grabbed her arm. ''C'mon, we gotta go!''
''We have to go!'' he hissed again. He yanked Jane along and the two of them ran as fast as they could. The dog's barking got louder and louder. Liu and Jane panted, their feet flying over the earth. ''C'mon c'mon c'mon-!'' Liu hissed. The dog's barking sounded like it was right behind them now.
The two of them were suddenly tackled from behind and knocked to the ground. Liu struggled under the weight in panic until-
Liu's head snapped up. That was Jeff's voice! The weight on top of him moved off, and Liu whirled around. He leapt up off the ground and skittered over to Jeff, pulling the thin boy into a tight bear hug. ''Jeff-!'' He cried. ''Oh my god I was so worried-! Where did you go?! Are you okay?!'' Liu pulled away, staring at Jeff like a worried parent. He patted him down, trying to spot any cuts or bruises. Jeff smiled gently.
''I'm okay bro...'' he murmured. Liu smiled, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. He pulled Jeff into a hug again, rubbing his back gently.
''I-I'm sorry about l-last night I-'' Liu gulped and sniffled. ''I didn't mean it, I swear.''
''It's alright.'' Jeff sighed against him, squeezing his brother lovingly. ''I know you didn't...'' Liu smiled softly and wiped at his eyes. He pulled away from Jeff, then looked up. His smile dropped.
Standing above Jeff was a giant, red dog with a wide toothy smile. Liu's eyes widened in horror. He leaned back in fear. ''J-Jeff-'' he breathed. Shakily, he pointed up at the dog. ''What is that...?''
Jeff turned and looked behind him. ''Oh!'' he stepped away from Liu and gestured to the giant dog like nothing was wrong. ''This is Smile! Can we keep him?!'' he grinned at him excitedly. Jeff had always wanted a dog...
''I-'' Liu began, only to be cut off.
''You.'' Jane growled. Jeff looked up, his eye widening. He hadn't even noticed her. Jane strode toward him, stopping just behind Liu. She glared down at the boy. ''Liu, move. I have something I need to do.''
Liu whirled around, standing up and shoving Jeff behind him. ''No way!'' he cried. Jeff whimpered behind him. Jane glared at them both. ''You're not gonna hurt him! I told you I wasn't gonna let you!''
''Don't make me hurt you, Liu.'' She growled, stepping forward. Jeff whimpered again.
''C-can't you leave us alone?!'' he yelped. Jane whipped out a large kitchen knife and thrust it toward Jeff in response.
''Shut it, parent killer!'' she yelled. Jeff recoiled away from her. A soft growling came from behind them. Smile stepped forward, standing over Jeff and Liu defensively. Liu sucked in a breath, staring up at the giant dog in fear. It growled louder as Jane's arm shook. She suddenly threw the knife down and stamped at the ground. ''Damnit-!'' she shrieked. ''Why did you have to find him?! Couldn't you have been the one to find Liu?!'' she glared up at the dog. ''You ruined everything!''
''Oh shut up!'' Jane crouched down, burying her masked face in her hands. ''Damnit...''
Jeff and Liu exchanged a confused look. Nina finally moved from where she was standing and over to Jane. She cleared her throat. ''...ma'am?'' she asked gently. Jane's head slowly lifted, looking at her. Nina smiled gently. ''You alright...?''
Jane crossed her arms, still staring at Nina. Eventually she shook her head. ''No.'' she muttered. ''I've been trying to kill Jeff all this time and now this stupid dog found him first so now I can't!'' she turned, glaring at Jeff, then sighed.
Nina gulped in fear. ''Ya...wanna kill him?''
''And now...ya can't? Because of Smile?''
Nina frowned and glanced over at Jeff and Liu. They looked confused, and scared. She turned back to Jane. ''Well-'' she hesitated. ''If ya can't kill Jeff- why don'tcha talk to him? He's a sweet boy and-''
''Absolutely not.'' Jane looked up and glared at Jeff from under her mask. She paused for a second and looked at Nina. ''...you're Nina, right?''
Nina nodded. ''Uh-huh.''
''Why do you travel with these two?''
Nina looked surprised. ''Oh- well, it's simple really,'' she smiled a bit. ''They're my friends. They're good company. Jeff is fun to be around, and Liu is real smart, and a great big brother.''
Jane was silent. Slowly, she stood up, and looked at Jeff for a long moment, then at Liu. The older boy gulped. ''I'm not letting you hurt him.'' he repeated. ''Killing Jeff won't help anyone.''
''It'll help me.''
''No it won't!'' Liu paused, hesitant. ''Killing my brother won't fix all of your problems. It won't turn back time and fix your life, and it won't make you happy! Not really-!''
Jane was silent for a long, long moment before she finally spoke. ''...you're very good at cheesy speeches.'' she finally said, sounding slightly irritated. Nobody replied- nobody knew how to reply. ''...but I like you.'' she turned to Nina. ''Is travelling with them fun?''
She looked surprised by the question. Nina nodded. ''I guess- yeah it is. Liu and Jeff are good folks.'' she looked nervously at the two brothers who both looked unsure of the situation. Jane turned to them again.
''...I'd like to travel with you then.''
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i3utterflyeffect · 4 years
AAAAA I love what I've seen of the AU so far I just haven't gotten to see enough to ask questions abt it ;w; ANYWAYS do you have any favorite tidbits for it? Who's the user? Any favorite designs?
ok so!!! i originally made this a while ago after i got the idea of ‘what if spork was the restrictor?’ and mashing up some of my favorite role-swap ideas!! 
forzen is the user, gordon and joshua are browsing buddies, tommy is the desktop assistant, g-man is the operator, benrey is the firewall, bubby is the music guru, dr. coomer is the virus, and Spork is the restrictor!!
admittedly i'd prefer to change Bubby and/or Forzen’s roles, since i’m not really the hugest Forzen fan (i usually forget he exists actually--) and there’s already an au w Music Guru Bubby (@ccy2k, also a cool au!), but i’m very happy with everyone else’s positions--! 
i am making my take on music guru bubby much different (at least aesthetically) from ccy2k bubby though so i think as long as i try to keep this bubby seperate from theirs it’s ok--!! aiy2k bubby does have a much more punk look though--
i am a bit worried abt Forzen, since i feel like i might-- even now-- forget he exists at all, but i think it’s good that i’m trying to explore a new character! and hey, I’ll probably be ok!!
as for designs, a while ago I did upload some designs for aiy2k!! imo, though, the designs are rushed and didn’t really turn out the way i wanted them to at all-- i was actually designing the first drafts w/ a friend, @/stars-with-citrus, but although their designs are cool i don’t think our styles of design exactly meshed, unfortunately :’0
my favorite beta design, is probably a tie between Spork (link) and Coomer (link), though Joshua’s design (link) scrapes in at a close second!!
There’s also a masterlist at the bottom of each of the beta posts, but Bubby never got finished bc I ran out of fuel before i could get his design done-- ;w;
as for my favorite final designs.. for what i have thus far, I think that Gordon and Sweet Search, aka infected Gordon, are going to remain my favs-- although i think Sweet Search is my favorite of the two, i can’t share the final design yet, mostly bc I wanna keep the surprise--!! i do have this draft of Sweet Search tho--!! (link) 
and random tidbits... i’ll give one random thing about each of them!! some will be random, but some might end up being important later--!
Forzen: He has multiple scars! most of them are motorcycle crash scars, but he has one big scar that’s actually from a mountain lion!
Dr. Coomer: He has his own ‘HELLO, Gordon!’ equivalent for Forzen! Instead it’s “Hello, user! You have (1) unread message!”-- i’m not sure if it’ll be used quite to the degree of his canon catchphrase, but he does repeat it every now and again
Benrey: Instead of fire, he uses his sweet-voice to encase programs that are causing any threat to the computer! like a clam making a pearl!
Tommy: Tommy was a fan-favorite among the original AIY2K programmers; but he was also very shy at first, so he’d usually be hiding!
G-Man: The user can choose for G-man to be hidden, but the AI doesn’t disable and continues running!
Gordon: He really wanted a cat because the programmer had one that looked very soft. The AIY2K director said no :(
Joshua: He’s in charge of a lot of accessibility settings as well as the browser! He is on by default and has captions. He used to be in charge of volume management too, but he liked to prank the developers by turning the volume up and doing his ‘foghorn’, so no more volume responsibilities for Joshie-- (Bonus fact: he’s the only one who knows The Restrictor!)
Bubby: A lot of people meeting Bubby for the first time (before Benrey) thinks he’s the firewall, because he still likes the fire theme. (he’s not, he just likes arson)
Spork: Like Spork, like Josh. In other words, Spork sometimes used to sneak out from the Restrictor’s designated area and do harmless pranks, like rearranging the desktop and watching from behind the scenes as the user loses their mind.
Darnold: he’s there, i promise!! i will say though, he isn’t in the computer--
Sunkist: unfortunately, Sunkist was cut due to already having way too many characters to manage... but i do have a seperate idea where Sunkist is actually the restrictor!! i am not making an ask blog for that one though-- or not atm anyway-- bc i’ve already commited to AIy2k ;w;
ok!! i will stop talking abt it for now but ty for asking!! i LOVE infodumping abt my aus...
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