#im flopped from streaming rip me
mai-mai-lim · 1 year
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Some THSC OCs headshots
i got a new display tablet! the first after using almost 11 years of tracking tablet heh, and i thought, why not stream and draw other people's OCs (and also my honey blorbo) with it, so thar you go!!
From left to right, top to bottom:
Ashley Jang/Miss Honey Bear (me!)
Cyborg!Cameron Calvin (@rarestdoge)
Jane Dex (@howlerlight)
Jay Benson (@jaytoons7)
Frederick (@yungaisky)
Minerva "Minnie" Price (@androidcharles)
Benz Rodriguez (@capturecharlesau)
"Accordion"/Oliver Arc (@bluetorchsky)
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weelittleweasley · 4 years
safe and sound (f.w.)
prompt: after getting caught in the rain and chased by death eater, you stumble upon a house and look for a safe haven inside. little did you know who would be waiting for you in that house.
pairings: fred weasley x fem! reader
warnings: running away, mentions of death, mentions of war, language, anxiety, sexual tension (of course), food, some classic longing stares, don’t worry it’s a fluffy ending 
word count: 9.7k (its so long im sorry)
taglist: @rosaliepostsstuff @harrysweasleys @gcdricreads @lumos-barnes @whizboingies @lumosandnoxwriting @pxroxide-prinxcesss @c-t-h @lol-idk-oops @another-lonely-heart-blog @kaseyrose96-blog @hufflepuff5972 @amourtentiaa @parseltongueswriting @shilohpug @peachypotter @spacexcowgirl @paintballkid711 @vogueweasley @sweeterthansammy @loonylovegood13​ @gryffindcrghost​ @wand3ringr0s3 @valwritesx 
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The engine of your car roared as rain slapped against the windshield, your chest heaving with fear, constantly checking your rear view mirror, pressing down on the gas as hard as you could. You whispered tiny prayers, hoping that you were going fast enough to outrun whoever was chasing you. Looking at the speedometer, you see that it slowly climbs to 85 miles an hour, then 90, then 95 as you search the dirt roads ahead of you for a clearing or any sign of life. “Please, please, please, please,” you whisper to yourself as you continue to speed through the English countryside, thunder rumbling behind you as the speedometer climbs and climbs. 
With each flash of lightning you jump a little in your own skin, mistaking it for the flash from someone’s wand, casting a hex on you. But you remind yourself that you must be miles and miles away from them and that you were safe. For now at least.
You continue to scan your surroundings, not recognizing where you were, the rain blurring your view outside. Regardless, you continue to drive, straight down the road, until you reached some place that looked like it had life. 
But your car had other plans. As you slammed your foot on the gas, there was a screeching sounds, and then a rumbling boom, before smoke started to appear from the front of the car. “Oh, come on! Not now!” you yell out in frustration, pushing your foot on the gas harder, hoping that the action would keep the car going. But much to your dismay, the car came to a simmering halt as you threw your head back with a groan. With the little life it had left, you pulled the car to the side of the road and put it in park, even though that would change a thing. The car was dead.
You ran your fingers through your hair, trying to think of something. You were stranded in the middle of nowhere, with just your wand, a small bag of your belongings, and dead car with half a tank of petrol. “Fuck,” you curse slamming your hands down on the wheel. 
Through the rain, you try to scan your surroundings again. The nearest town was still some ways away and you had no way of contacting anyone. Your best bet was to wait out here in the car until morning when the rain would hopefully stop and you could walk to the nearest town and get some help. “Bloody brilliant,” you huff, zipping up your jumper, folding your arms. 
As you lean in the driver’s seat, you try not to focus on the events that had precipitated previously; the thought was far too terrifying for you. Instead, you focused on the raindrops that streamed down your car window, as you pit one raindrop against another, making them race down the glass. 
But as you watch the raindrops fall, through the rain, in the distance, you can almost make out a small building. A house. Through the brush and the trees was a small home, the windows illuminated meaning there was a sign of life. “Thank Merlin,” you whisper to yourself as you unbuckle your seatbelt. 
You flip up your hood, trying to protect yourself from the rain, but to no avail. When you step outside of the car door, you are saturated in an instant, the cold and unforgiving rain soaking your jeans and jumper, dampening your hair through your hood. “Shit,” you huff as you start to take up a light jog, hoping and praying that the company in the small house was welcoming.
“I need another bucket!” Ron calls out as he stands under another leak in the Burrow, holding a small mug up to catch the dripping water. Ginny runs to the kitchen and grabs another bucket under the sink before handing it off to Ron. He places it on the floor before scurrying off the previous leaks that seem to appear throughout the Burrow. “Gin, can you take care of the leak on the second floor?” Ron calls out to which Ginny replies an On it! before scurrying up the stairs.
Molly Weasley is scrambling throughout the house before plucking her band from her dressing robe, “Reparo!” she casts as the roof seems to mend itself. She casts it a few more times around the house with a frustrated sigh each time. “That should hold us over for a while now. But keep the buckets there in case the leak starts again,” she tells Ron with a kiss on the forehead. 
“The attic seems to be fine!” George calls from the top of the stairs. “No water damage and no leaks inside. Can’t speak for the rest of the place,” he shrugs as he descends the stairs, Fred following not too far behind. 
Molly sighs, “Well, that’s the best we can ask for right now. One of you go help your father in the shed. He says there’s a tarp in there that we can lay out in case the storm gets worse.” With a curt nod, Percy starts outside to help Arthur out in the shed. The rest of the Weasleys flop on the couch with a huff. 
Storms like this always brought more bad than good. It did wonders for Molly’s garden, but as for the infrastructure of their house not so much. The Burrow was old and needed some renovations, but money was tight. Instead, simple fixes here and there did the trick during stormy weather. 
Ginny helps her mother light more candles around the house before heading over to the fireplace to get a fire going to warm the house. Ron shivers a little before running up to his room to grab a jumper to keep him warm. Fred looks over at George, mischief in his eyes and a smirk on his lips. George looks at his brother before picking up on his wave length. A stormy day always made for the most interesting quidditch matches. 
The twins rise from the couch, grabbing their coats before Molly interrupts, “And where do you two think you’re off to?”
Fred, without looking at his mother, speaks, “The weather is perfect for a quidditch match. Great practice. Reckon you’ll join, Gin?” Fred asks the youngest Weasley as she looks at him with excited eyes.
“None of you lot with be playing quidditch in this weather!” Molly exclaims with a firm tone and folded arms. Ginny looks at her mother with pleading eyes to which she brushes off. “The weather is wicked outside!”
George laughs, “Yeah, wicked for playing quidditch.” Fred joins in on the laughter, offering his twin a high five with his accepts.
“If you two disobey me, you’ll be in a wicked amount of trouble. Now put your coats down and help me start the fire. Fred, go fetch the old newspaper. George, get the wood from upstairs. We need to warm this place up before we all freeze to death,” she huffs as George and Fred reluctantly take off their coats with a groan. Yet they still obey their mother. 
George looks over to his twin, “You shouldn’t have told her we were playing quidditch. You should have made up something.”
Fred scoffs, “And said what? We’re replanting the peonies?” George rolls his eyes. “That’s what I thought. Now go get the fire wood like you’re told,” he teases his twin, earning him a slap upside the head. “Wanker.”
George disappears upstairs as Fred goes into the kitchen and grabs the old newspapers from the dining room table. Page by page he rips them into small pieces, crumpling them up, creating a fire starter. 
Suddenly, a great rumble of thunder comes from outside, startling the house Weasley family. They all quickly laugh it off with a shake of their heads. The storms were brutal in the summer months. But there it was again, another sound. But not quite thunder.
“Was that thunder?” Ron asks, crouched down by the fire place, helping George throw in the logs. 
Fred shakes his head. “No,” he listens closely again before it sounds again. Four bangs on the front door. Fred looks to his brothers and sister and speaks, “I thought Harry and Hermione were coming next week?”
“They are,” Ron answers with a puzzled look on his face.
Again, four more bangs on the front door, but now followed by a, “Is anyone home?”
Everyone’s eyes are wide with confusion. They expected no visitors, especially during a storm. But this only peaked their interest as to who was at the Burrow’s door at this time of night during a summer storm. Without much hesitation, Fred walks to the front door and swings it open.
In front, there you were. Body and clothes completely soaked with rain, shivering from the cold, lips purple and teeth chattering as you clung onto your thing jumper. Your hair was matted down with rain as droplets cascaded down your face as you looked at the tall, ginger haired boy in front of you. If you weren’t freezing your ass off, you would have stared at the handsome boy longer. But too consumed with the cold, you speak, “I need h-help.” Your words are shaky from your clattering teeth.
Fred looks at you, completely enthralled with the being in front of him. How could someone look so divine when drenched in rain water? Your lips were pressed together and shivered in your lavender jumper that matched the color of your lips. Small droplets of water fell from your hair and onto your feet as you sniffled. The sight was oddly charming. He snapped out of his thoughts and called out, “Mum!! We’ve got company!!” With a small smile, he opened the door further and welcomed you into the house as you sighed. “Come on then.”
You let out a breathy “thank you” as you entered the house, which wasn’t much warmer than outside, but it was better than being in the freezing rain. You stand in the middle of the house, a shivering, wet mess as you feel all eyes on you. Fred instructs Ron to get the fire started as he looks over to you, “How long have you been in the rain?”
“Uh, not long. I was in my car and then it broke down and I saw your house, so I ran over. Maybe ten minutes,” you shrug as the house slowly descends into madness, trying to help you out.
“Ten minutes too long,” Fred huffs with a smile before looking over at his mother. “She’s been walking in the rain. She needs to get warm,” Fred tells Molly whose face is painted with worry even though she didn’t know who you were. 
Molly rushes over to you and places her hands on your shoulders. “Oh, my dear! You’re frigid! Fred, start a kettle of tea! George, grab the quits from your room! Ron, is that fire ready?” she starts tossing orders out as her children comply, darting in all different directions. Molly guides you towards the living room where the fire was, placing you directly in front. “You poor thing. Where are you coming from?” she asks, rubbing your arms. “Here, give me that saturated jumper. Ginny, go fetch one of your jumpers to give...what’s your name, dear?”
You smile at the sweet woman and speak, “(Y/N).”
Molly smiles, “(Y/N). Go fetch (Y/N) a jumper.” Ginny darts off to her room as you sit in front of the fire, the heat already radiating making you feel much better. “My name is Molly, dear. That’s Ginny who ran off, this is Ron, and in the kitchen are Fred and George. My husband, Arthur, and other son, Percy, are in the shed, but they should be in in any minute.”
You furrow your brows as you look at Molly and then around at your surroundings at the people around you. Red hair. Small house. Molly. Arthur. Many siblings. They must be the-
“(Y/N)?” a voice calls from the other room in the door frame.
You look over and there Percy stands, a familiar face with matted curly red hair, wet from the rain. “Percy! Hi!” you smile as Percy walks over to you with a small smile before giving you a light hug. 
He laughs, “What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be with Alyssa for the weekend?” 
From behind you a voice speaks, “Wait, I’m confused. How do you two know each other?” Ron looks between you and Percy confused as to how you recognized each other.
Percy speaks for you, “(Y/N)’s family works in the ministry. (Y/N) works as one of the assistants. Her father has high rankings with the ministry.” You smile up at Percy. It was true. Your family was heavily involved with the ministry, specifically with the regulation and control of magical creatures. That’s why you never really ended up going to school. You were guaranteed a job when you were born. Sometimes being at the ministry 24/7 was boring, but when you met Percy, it was a change of pace. Someone close in age to you and a new face to talk to. The two of you became fast friends. “We’ve been co-workers for sometime now.”
You look up at Percy and sigh, “I was with Alyssa. But, um,” you gulp, heart racing at the memory. “Something happened.” Percy gives you an inquisitive look as you look around you, now all of the Weasley’s eyes interested in what you had to say. So much for some privacy. “Alyssa’s father...he...got himself mixed with some of the wrong people...” you trail off as Percy sighs. “Lucius Malfoy decided to pay us a visit and...he killed him. Alyssa and I and her mother and sisters made it out in time, but we got separated. She just yelled at me to drive and...” you start becoming overwhelmed with the images of what had happened and tears start trailing down your face as a small sob escapes your lips as you quickly cover it.
Percy places a hand on your shoulder and rubs your back with a sad smile. “I’m so sorry,” he whispers as you pull yourself together with a deep breath. “You’re safe here. I promise that. Mum will take good care of you. We all will,” Percy gives you a small smile and for some reason, that makes you feel relaxed. Looking around at the people in the room, you feel comforted and safe. Something you needed after today. 
Coming back was Ginny with a fresh jumper. She gave you a good look and said, “You know what? Just come up to my room actually. You can wear some of my clothes and get out of those wet ones, yeah?” she offers you a kind smile and her hand as you gladly accept, following her up to her room.
As you disappear up the stairs, Fred watches you with a small smile on his lips. Molly and Arthur occupy themselves with talk about where you would sleep for the night and how they would reconfigure sleeping arrangements. George and Ron start fighting about how the fire isn’t big enough. But Fred just can’t stop watching you go up and up and up the stairs.
He clears his throat and then speaks, “Perc...hey.” Percy walks over to his brother. “This (Y/N) girl...she didn’t go to Hogwarts...did she?” he asks.
Percy shakes his head, “No. She’s been studying under her father since she was born practically. She’s a great person. Really funny, really smart, and damn good at her job,” he explains to Fred, who clings onto every last word. Fred didn’t know what it was, but there was something about you that just drew him in. And he wanted to know every thing there was to know about you. Percy quickly recognizes the look in his brother’s eyes and says, “Don’t get any ideas, Fred. Come on, she’s my friend.”
Fred shrugs, “So. Does she have a partner?” Percy sighs. “Great. So she’s available,” he wiggles his eyebrows as Percy slaps his arm. “I’m not gonna make a move on her, Percy! Godric...not yet at least.” But before Percy can slap him again, Fred is running away in the other room to join his twin and younger brother on the floor.
Practically jumping on George, Fred smothers his brother as George groans, “Would you get off of me, git?” Fred laughs before taking a seat next to him. “What’s got you so excited?” George looks at his twin before instantly realizing the change in his mood. “Good Godric, really? You fancy the girl? Merlin, Fred, she just got here and she’s clearly in distress over what she saw today!” George whisper yells at Fred who is too happy to care about what his brother scolds him over. 
He simply speaks, “I don’t plan on jumping on the girl tonight, George. I just am looking to get to know her better.”
“Before you jump on her,” Ron speaks, making George laugh as Fred slaps his younger brother upside the head.
“Hey! Who said I was doing to do any of that!” he defends himself. “I think she’s beautiful. I don’t know. There’s something about her that I...just can’t put my finger on. I don’t know. I just wanna get to know her better. Alright? Can you live with that?” Fred speaks to his brothers as they look at each other knowingly. 
But before Fred can defend himself further, you are back in the room, changed into fresh clothes from Ginny. You pull the jumper down more, covering your midriff as you sit back down on the floor in front of the fire with Ginny, you and her making light conversation. And the while, Fred steals little glances here and there. 
“So, you didn’t go to Hogwarts, but you learned under your father?” Ginny asks as you nod happily.
There was a part of you that felt like you really missed out on an experience. Not attending Hogwarts was a choice that your parents made without your input and you wished every day that you had spoken up and told them that you wanted to go. But instead, they argued that learning directly under your father would be a better education and whatever you didn’t learn, you could easily pick up with some help from your father, your mother, or any of their friends in the ministry. Other than that, you had a relatively happy childhood, working with magical creatures daily, running around the different departments with other children you could find. Life was good, until trouble started to appear in spurts.
You reply, “Yeah. When he steps down from his position, I’ll be there to take it over. It’s what I’ve been working towards my whole life.” When you spoke the sentence, it stung. It wasn’t like you had a choice. Your future was set out for you since the day you were born. 
Ginny smiles, “That’s really cool though. You don’t need to work about OWLs or NEWTs or any exams. Sounds pretty sweet.” You give her a weak laugh. Pretty sweet. 
Molly comes back in the room, a small cup of tea in her hands. “Black tea, cream, no sugar,” she coos. “Percy told me how you take it,” she winks as you smile and thank her graciously. “I’m glad to see that you’re in warm clothes now. For tonight, and I hope you don’t mind, you’ll spend the night in Fred and George’s room. George will spend the night in Ron’s room and Fred will sleep on the couch down here, so you’ll have some privacy,” Molly speaks with a smile.
You look around the room, “Oh! I can take the couch! Really! I don’t want to kick anyone out of their room!” you tell the group as they all give you small smiles.
“Nonsense!” Molly smiles. “A guest deserves to sleep on a proper bed. Besides this is just for tonight. Tomorrow morning, Arthur and Percy will get the extra mattress from the attic and bring it down into Ginny’s room.” You shake your head and profusely thank the twins for giving up their room and the both of them just smile while Fred drops his left eye into a wink, making your heart flutter in your chest. “You can stay here as long as you need, dear. We can find someone to come in and fix your car.”
But before you can protest, Fred speaks up, “Actually, no need to call someone, Mum. George and I fixed the flying Ford Anglia, I’m sure we can fix some muggle car.”
“What the bloody hell are you on about, we ne-”
Fred nudges George in the stomach, making him double over with an oof, as Fred smiles and continues, “We’ll have it repaired in no time.”
You look over at Fred with curious eyes and a small smile. There was something about him that just was so magnetic. His brown eyes, tufts of messy red hair, loose t-shirt that clung onto his arm muscles that flexed so gently underneath the green fabric. Just his smile was enough to have you captivated for eons. “Thanks,” you simply state with a smile and he nods. “Um,” you break away from his gaze. “I’ll, uh, get ready for bed then, I guess. It’s quite late.”
You rise from the floor and scurry up the stares, feeling eyes on you, and for some reason, you hoped that Fred was one of them.
It was two in the morning and the whole house was dead asleep. Except for you. Each time you closed your eyes, you felt the feelings and panic from hours before. Your heart thumped in your chest as you toss and turned in your sleep, an unsettled feeling wrestling in your stomach. 
Giving up, you sit straight up and huff, hearing the clock tick insistently on the wall, mocking you. You roll your eyes and swing your legs over the unfamiliar bed and rub your face. Standing up from the bed, you start to slug over to the door and down the stairs, trying to see if maybe a change of scenery would do you some good. 
When you walk down the stairs, you are careful to be quiet, not to wake up Fred. But lucky for you, he was wide awake, sitting on the floor in front of the fire place that was mere glowing embers. Fred turns and looks at you, a small smile dancing on his lips when he sees you. “Didn’t think you would be up,” you smile at him before taking a seat next to him on the floor, him scooting over so you could enjoy the residual warmth from the fire. 
Fred shrugs, “Couch isn’t super comfortable. The springs are digging into my back.”
You give him a sorry smile. “I’m sorry that I took your room for the night. I told you that I don’t mind sleeping on the couch. Not too late to take me up on my offer...” you give him a joking nudge, earning a light chuckle from one half of the Weasley twins.
“Very kind of you, but you take the room. I don’t mind sharing. Especially if it’s with a pretty girl,” he flirts as you feet heat rise to your cheeks, turning away from him so he couldn’t see your small smile. But Fred knows and that’s only earned him a proud feeling in his chest. “So,” he starts. “You’re friends with my dork brother, eh?” 
You lightly laugh, “He’s not a dork. Percy has been a really great friend. I really don’t know what I would do without him.” Fred gives you a small smile. “Truly. He’s really been my best mate.”
Fred wiggles his brows, teasing you. “Best mates, eh?” He bumps his shoulder into you as you giggle and roll your eyes. 
“Percy and I are just friends, come on,” you give him a playful shove. Fred smiles and shakes his head as you feel suddenly confident, a flirtatious comment falling off of your lips. “If we were, do you think I’d be down here talking to his cute brother?”
The comment makes Fred look at you, at first with wide eyes which eventually fades into a little smirk with ruby red cheeks. He chuckles, “Touché.” 
You and Fred sit next to the fire and continue to make conversation, talking about you, your life back home, and Fred and the joke shoppe. The more you talk to him the more you realize how easily conversation flowed between the two of you. Talking with Fred was like breathing; you didn’t need to think about it, it just happened so effortlessly. He made you laugh until you clutched your sides, doubled over in pain, which made his heart swell. Your laugh sounding like a beautiful melody of a familiar tune, something he could never grow tired of hearing.
“The shoppe really is a dream come true,” Fred smiles to himself as he watches the fire dwindle down. “It’s what George and I have always wanted our whole lives.” Watching Fred talk about the joke shoppe and seeing all the joy and passion behind his eyes was like watching fireworks. Captivating. The way he spoke about running his own business with his best mate and brother made a smile creep its way onto your face. “I can only imagine it’s the same way you feel about taking over your father’s position,” Fred looks to you with a hopeful smile as you gulp thickly.
You shrug, “Yeah. You can say that.” You wished you sounded more enthusiastic, but truth of the matter was you had no passion behind what you did. Sure, growing up you dreamed of taking over your father’s position and becoming head of the department. But as you grew up, you took up other interests and hobbies that outgrew your love of magical creatures. 
Fred instantly noticed your change in tone and twisted his eyebrows together. “That’s not a very convincing answer,” he laughs as you lightly chuckle. “You don’t want to take over his position?”
With a sigh, you rub your hands over your face. “I do, but...I don’t?” you look at him, wrapping your arms around your knees, bringing them close to your chest. You turn towards Fred and start, “I mean, my whole future was planned out for me when I was born. First born takes over the position. I’m first born so everything has been etched in stone for me. I love my family and what they do and I’ve always been passionate about it...but somethings missing, you know? As I grew up, I took different interests and now...I don’t know if I want to be in that position. I don’t want to be a part of the ministry anymore.” The confession was a lot to dump onto Fred, but for some reason you felt like he would understand. That he would listen to you. “I’m sorry that was a lot to unload.”
“Don’t apologize,” Fred smiles at you, placing a hand on your shoulder, rubbing it gently, making your heart race at the simple touch. Fred turns to face you, knees brushing against each other as you nibble on the inside of your cheek. “So, if you don’t mind me asking, what do you want to do with your life?”
A small smile appears on your face. “I want to own a book shoppe. I know it sounds dorky, but I want to own my own book store with every book in the world. Fantasy, mythology, history, science, maths, everything under the sun. I want people to come in and read and sit and learn new things,” you light up at the thought of having a place to call your own. “I regret every day not getting the ‘real school’ experience, but in a weird way, I think owning a book store would make up for it?” you lightly laugh as Fred stares at you with a dreamy smile on his face.
The way you spoke about books and people and learning was unlike anything he had ever seen. You completely lit up like a Christmas tree and Fred was smitten. “You want to know my opinion?” Fred asks as you nod. “I think...you should leave the ministry and open up your own bookstore,” he tells you as you lightly laugh. “I’m serious. You don’t have half the passion for the ministry like you do for the bookstore. This is your dream. You should follow it.”
“Okay, but opening a bookstore requires money and investors and actually getting books. I don’t have nearly enough,” you sigh as a mischievous smile appears on Fred’s face. “Uh oh. I don’t like that smile.”
Fred laughs, “It’s a good smile, don’t worry. What if...George and I were your first investors. I mean, the joke shoppe is booming and we have the money to invest in a small business.”
You start shaking your head. He was being overly generous for someone you just met today. “Oh, Fred, I couldn’t ask you to do that. That’s you and George’s money and-”
“And I want to use it where I see fit. And I think your business proposal is very promising,” Fred tells you with a small smirk as you sigh, heart fluttering at the way his face is illuminated by the embers of the fire place. “Sleep on it. I don��t need an answer right now. But you should think about it, (Y/N).”
You smile softly, playing with the cuffs of Ginny’s maroon jumper, heart thumping your chest. Slowly, you look up at Fred and his eyes are glued on yours, a soft smile on his pink lips. The two of you don’t say a word, just sat there, looking at one another, taking each other in as the fire crackles, the faint smell of burnt wood filling your senses. In this moment, Fred looked like someone you had known your whole life. Like you were supposed to be here, looking at him right now. You can feel his knee brush against you again, making the hairs on your arms stand up, goosebumps erupting along your skin as you inhale sharply. 
Clearing your throat, you start to stand up. “I should probably get back to bed,” you interrupt the moment as Fred follows suit.
“Yeah, uh, you’re right. I gotta get up early anyway to start fixing your car,” Fred scratches the back of his neck as you make your way back to the stairs. “Goodnight, (Y/N). Sweet dreams.”
You stop on the third step and smile shyly at Fred. “Goodnight, Fred. Sweet dreams,” you repeat before walking up the stairs, a bright grin etched on your face.
Two days have past since you arrived at the Weasleys. Morning comes quickly, day light streaming in through the window as you wake with a large stretch. You rub your eyes and look at the clock on the wall, the hands pointing to 10:13am. You had slept in later than expected, but maybe that’s what you needed. Slowly, you peel yourself from the bed and make your way downstairs, the hustle and bustle of the Weasley house in full swing. Ginny, Percy, and Ron are at the table, eating toast and eggs. “Look who decided to join the land of the living,” Percy teases as you smile with a groggy hey. “You hungry? Mum made enough eggs and toast to feed every fifth year at Hogwarts,” Percy laughs as you take a seat next to him, accepting a full plate of eggs, buttered toast, and a cup of tea the way you like it.
“Thank you, Molly,” you smile at the woman who places dirty dishes and pans in the sink as the magically begin to wash themselves.
She sends you a sweet smile and a wink, “Don’t mention it, dearest. Eat up. If you’re still hungry, there’s plenty more in the fridge.” 
As you start to eat, Ginny and Ron start to talk about the plans for the day, talking of maybe playing a quidditch match in the yard, Ginny entertains the idea of taking a trip to Diagon Alley, Ron going back and forth if he should visit Hermione or not. Percy just states he’ll be doing work from his room as you roll your eyes, nudging him lightly at how studious he was. You scan the table and the living room to see no Fred or George. They couldn’t be sleeping still, Fred wasn’t on the couch and Ron’s room was empty when you passed it. “Where are the twins?” you ask Percy as you bite into your toast.
“Outside fixing your car. Fred’s been working on it since Mum woke up. And she gets up early,” Percy emphasizes as you laugh. “George should be out there too or he’s in the shed looking for spare parts,” Percy sips his black coffee.
You nod and finish munching on your toast and eggs before rising from the table, placing your dish in the sink, and making your way outside to see what was going on. 
As you step outside, the warm sun engulfs you as you realize just how hot it was. Not the weather for Ginny’s heavy jumper that you slept in. But before you can complain about the heat, your eyes stumble on a sight that made you feel weak in the knees. 
You gulp thickly as you mouth run dry as the desert. Fred is leaning over the hood of your car, arms flexed as he tightens knobs on the engine, wiping the sweat from his forehead. Surrendering to the August heat, Fred pulls his shirt over his head to reveal his toned back muscles that glisten with summer sweat. He runs his grease covered hands through his hair, sweeping it back, his biceps flexing before he returns to his position covering over the car, grunting as he uses his strength to tighten and fix the bolts. His pants hang low on his waist as the tops of his boxers peak out from the material, making you inhale deeply. It felt so wrong to look at him, but you couldn’t pull your eyes away from the toned man in front of you. 
Finally snapping yourself out of your trance, you clear your throat, making your presence known. Fred turns towards you and a smile immediately forms on his lips. “Working hard or hardly working,” you tease him as you walk towards the car, leaning against him as Fred chuckles.
“Well, I’ve been up since six in the morning trying to fix this thing with no avail. So maybe the latter is more fitting,” he jokes as you smile. “How did you sleep last night?”
“Just fine,” you shrug before saying, “Um, thanks for staying up and talking with me for a bit the other night. It was nice.”
Fred smiles and folds his arms across his chest, your eyes darting down quickly to watch how his strong arms flexed over his toned chest, making you stomach do a flip. “Yeah, of course. You make great company,” he winks at you as you can’t help but giggle at his flirtatious remark. “Anyway, have you thought about my proposal?” he ask, raising his eyebrows and leaning over the hood of the car, closer to you as your heart stops at how close he was to you in this moment, mind drawing blank as your eyes scan over his naked top half. Fred notices your stare and he smirks, “Cat got your tongue, darling?” he coos.
But before you can speak, a voice interrupts, “Fred, would you quite harassing the guest?” You turn around to see George making his way back with a tool box and a wrench that he tosses to Fred who catches it with ease. “Morning, (Y/N),” George beams as you smile at him. “If my brother will stop flirting with you, hopefully we’ll get the car fixed by tonight.”
You chuckle as Fred rolls his eyes, continuing to work on the engine as you pry yourself from the car. “I appreciate it a lot. Taking the time out of your day to fix the car,” you tell the twins as they both smile and say it was no problem. “I’ll, uh, I’ll catch up with you two later,” you walk backwards back to the house before leaving the twins alone to fix the car as a smile lingers on your lips.
Fred watches you walk away, disappearing back into the house, his mind fixating on the way you looked in that jumper and sleep shorts, going to places where he shouldn’t really be thinking about. George punches Fred’s arm and snaps him out of his daydream. “Are you kidding, mate?” George laughs. “Come on.”
Fred groans, “I can’t stop thinking about her, George.” George rolls his eyes and shoves Fred out of the way, taking a look at the engine of the car. “We talked the other night for hours. She’s smart, and she’s funny, and bloody hell, she’s fucking gorgeous,” Fred huffs, running his fingers through his hair at the thought of you. He had just met you two days ago and you were already the first and last thing on Fred’s mind when he woke up and went to bed. “And I know there’s something there, mate. It’s just...awkward since we’re around everyone all the time,” Fred explains. “But I like her, George.”
George looks at his brother, giving him a look before realizing the sincerity behind his eyes and hopeful smile on his lips. George sighs and speaks, “Alright then. I’d say go for it, mate. If you think that there’s potential, what’s holding you back?” 
“Her life,” he breathes out as he leans against the car. “She works for the ministry. That’s where her life is, but she hates it. She told me that she wants to break away and move and open her own bookstore. (Y/N) wants a different life, but her obligations are holding her back,” Fred explains to George to tightens a bolt on the engine before looking up at his brother with a face that reads And? “I want to help her,” Fred speaks. “And not because I have a crush on her. Because she deserves it. After everything she’s been through, I want to help her live her dream,” he tells George who folds his arms over his chest. “Our dream came true and if we didn’t have help from Harry, who knows if and when our business would have taken off. The same can be said for (Y/N) and her dream.”
George goes back and forth as Fred anticipates a positive answer from his twin. With a sigh, George says, “Alright. Let’s do it. But under one condition!” Fred furrows his brows. “Don’t be doing this just because you fancy her. You really want to help her, right?” he clarifies.
Fred smiles gently, thinking about you and how happy you would be to receive the news that your dream is becoming a reality. “More than anything. She deserves it,” Fred speaks quietly as George smiles at his brother.
Night had rolled around just as quickly as the morning came and you were sat on the floor of Ginny’s room on the mattress as everyone got ready for bed. In your hands, a letter from Alyssa, that an owl had brought in just minutes ago. She was safe, thank Merlin, back in London, waiting for your arrival. But the thought of leaving the Weasleys now, when you were just getting to know everyone, made your chest feel tight with sadness. Getting to know your mate’s family was enjoyable, especially with this newfound connection with Fred. Leaving now would just screw things up. 
But you had duties to attend. The ministry, your family, Alyssa. You needed to get things back on track before staying here caused them to derail yet again. 
You hear footsteps coming from down the hall as you fold the parchment and tuck it in your waistband of your shorts as you rise from the mattress. Instead of Ginny appearing in the door way like you expected, it was a freshly showered Fred in his pajama bottoms and an old white t-shirt that was just thin enough so you could see the outlines of his toned torso. His lifts his hands up so he can hang on the door frame, his eyes tracing you up and down quickly. You smile gently, “You fix my car, Weasley?”
He chuckles, “Come take a look for yourself.”
The two of you start down the stairs, leaving the rest of the Weasley family behind as you made your way outside. The summer night is mild, the sounds of crickets fill the air, and the breeze smells of grass and dew. Fred runs over to your car that’s a few feet away from the back of the house and jumps into the driver’s seat, putting the key in the ignition, and the engine roars. You smile and clap your hands, a job well done. Fred hops back out as you sit yourself on the hood of the car, facing him. “Nicely done,” you compliment him as he pretends to tip his hat to you. “So, how long did it take you two to realize that there was a spell for fixing the car engine?” you reveal as Fred’s eyes widen.
“You knew this whole time and yet you made us work in the bloody heat?!” he exclaims with a small smile on your face as you laugh out loud, throwing your head back and clutch your sides. “You’re a monster!” he teases, slightly shoving your arm.
You laugh, “Come on, you had to admit it was funny. Ron starting placing bets on who would figure it out first. Molly even joined in at one point.” Fred scoffs and rolls his eyes. “But still...a job well done. Thank you. I’ll have to think of a way to repay you.”
Fred gives you a look and speaks, “I have a few things in mind...” Your heart starts beating quicker as your mouth becomes dry as Fred moves to stand in between your legs, hands on either side of you on the car. “First of them being,” he starts, “Move to London and start your own business.”
Part of you is disappointed with the request, wanting something else from the fire haired boy, but you sigh, “Fred, you know I ca-”
“George and I spoke this morning. We both want to help you get you on your feet, so we’re investing in your bookstore,” he gushes as you look at him with wide eyes. “There is an available building across the street from the joke shoppe. With your consent, we’ll put the down payment on it tomorrow and the shoppe is all yours. When business is booming, you can pay us back. But until then, the store is all yours. Ready to go when you are,” Fred tells you.
You are completely overwhelmed with the news and can’t wrap your mind around why they were doing this. Why you? You were speechless. “Fred, I-” you stutter. “I don’t know what to say...thank you...this is...I don’t know how to describe it, but I don’t kn-”
“You don’t have to thank me or George. We wanted to do this. Seeing you talk about how passionate you were made me want to help you out. It reminded me of when George and I were dreaming of starting a business. We wanted to help someone who we saw potential in. Or I saw potential in,” Fred tells you, scratching his neck, nervously looking down as your heart swelled. “And since you’re across the street from the shoppe, that means we can see each other more often,” he says. “If you want that is. It’s also a good way for Percy to come see you too if you prefer that over seeing me or George, you know. I don’t want to assume anything,” he rambles as you giggle.
Fred looks into your eyes as you gently smile at him. The moon illuminated his face in the darkness, softening his sharp features as he sighed, looking at you. In this light, you were close to perfection. Fred wanted to melt on the floor when you looked at him with those eyes. Eyes that held so much beauty and adoration. 
It wasn’t until his forehead gently touched yours that you realized you were moving in closer. Fred gently brushed his nose against yours, making you lightly laugh before he slowly connected your lips into a gentle kiss. When his lips touched yours, it set your body on fire. Slowly, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he placed his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him. His lips were soft and sweet against yours, moving gently, pushing his tongue past your parted lips, kissing you deeply. The kiss made you feel lightheaded and foggy, losing your senses, but at the same time, all of your senses felt heightened in the moment. Fred was addictive, you wanted more and more and more and that’s what made him dangerous. But you were too caught up in the feeling of his hands on your skin, lips pressing against him, soft moans falling from your lips into his mouth. 
As Fred wrapped his arms around your waist, his hands brush up against something tucked into your waistband of your shorts. His laces his brows together before plucking it from your waistband, breaking your kiss as you whine when he does so. “What’s this?” he asks, holding up the parchment, confused.
You sigh and take it from him, playing with the letter in your hands. “It’s a letter, from Alyssa...she told me she’s safe with her mum and sisters. She’s in London,” you tell him as he smiles, rubbing your leg, knowing that her safety was important to you. “She’s...waiting for me...to come back to the ministry so we can get back to work,” you tell him.
Fred just laughs, “Well, you’re gonna have to break the news to her. I’ll get Errol and you can send her a letter tonight, telling her not to wait up.” But before Fred can run inside and get you parchment and a quill, you grab his hand and stop him, giving him a sad look. His happy eyes turn into confusion which turn into realization. “You are going to quit the ministry, right?” he asks as you sadly look away from him and back down at the parchment in your hands, nervously fumbling with it. “(Y/N), you hate it there. You have to quit.”
“I have duties, Fred. To my family. To the ministry. To myself. I can’t just throw away everything I’ve been working towards for years just for a silly dream!” you exclaim to him as he frustratedly runs his hands through his hair.
He scoffs, “A silly dream that I believe in. That George believes in. That you, at one point, believed in! I can help you! I’ll...I’ll...I’ll go down to the ministry with you tomorrow and help you face your father and Alyssa and all of them. We can move you out and into a flat and you can start living the life you wanted. Don’t you want that?” he throws his hands in the air defeated.
The whole situation had you torn up. Fred was offering you the chance of a lifetime. Your dream. Everything you desired Fred wanted to give to you with no strings attached. He just wanted to see you happy, doing the thing you loved. But on the other hand, you had an obligation to your family and the ministry. Leaving them would get you into some deep shit that would be too hard to recover from or climb out of. The last thing you wanted to do was pull Fred down with you. 
You retort, “Just because I want it doesn’t mean it’s right for me, Fred!” Fred stands there in silence, shaking his head. “People are depending on me to assume this position after my father steps down. If I let them down, the whole ministry will have a vendetta against me. Do you realize what that means for me? It means I’ll lose everything. My dreams. The shoppe. My family....you...” you trail off at that last bit, but Fred catches it and looks at you with sad eyes. “Fred, I like you. I really do, but I can’t put you in a position that will make life a living hell for you.”
Fred shakes his head, “I am ready to take on whatever it is if it means you are happy. If it means that there’s a chance for us.”
His words make your heart ache with how much he already cared and it had only been three days since you met. But something deep down told you that this was something to fight for. Something to fight like hell for. But you didn’t know if you were prepared for that fight. “Freddie...I can’t...” you whisper to him, holding his face in your hands, trying to reach his sensibilities. 
Fred gulps and stays quiet for a moment, but it feels like years. “Okay,” he simply states. “If you don’t want to, that’s okay.” The tone of his voice makes your heart break. “I, um, I should probably get back inside. We both should. It gets cold out here quite quickly.”
Peeling himself away from you, he starts back to the Burrow as you hop down from the hood of the car. “Fred,” you call out as he turns around. “I’m sorry.”
He looks back at you and shakes his head. “Me too.”
Fred continues to walk back into the house as you stand outside, in front of your car, letter in your hand, heart breaking in your chest. The decision you made was right, but why did it feel so wrong?
“Percy, I can carry my own backpack to my car,” you laugh as you follow him down the stairs, Percy a few steps ahead of you.
Without looking back he speaks, “I insist. Now, go put something in your stomach. The drive back to London is long, so fill up.” You smile and shake your head as you walk into the kitchen as the rest of the Weasleys are sat around the table. You take a seat next to Ginny you passes you a plate full of pancakes as you graciously accept it. 
Everyone greets you with a small smile or a good morning, but Fred just looks up at you with sad eyes before going back to pushing food around his plate. But that didn’t stop you from glancing at him every now and again, wishing you could make him happier. The fact of the matter was that neither of you were happy with the decision that had to be made. Fred had offered you the world on a silver platter and yet you refused in fear of the consequences. You had only known him for two days and yet he was so ready to help you, to make you happy. How could he be so sure of something when you were so unsure of everything. 
But you push the thought aside and start to eat your breakfast. Ron starts conversation, “So, what’s the first thing you’re doing when you get back, (Y/N)?” he asks.
You think for a moment with a sigh. “There’ll probably a stack of work for me to sort through. I’ll tend to that first. And after that’s done...I don’t know. Probably try to get back in the routine of things, help my father out, tend to some department issues,” you speak plainly. The mundane nature of life back at home made your stomach twist as you thought of it in comparison to what life could be back in London in Diagon Alley with a bookstore to call your own...Fred right across the way...
Your thoughts are interrupted with a short chuckle from George. “Doesn’t sound like too much fun,” he tells you as you sigh with a small smile, figuring that Fred told him that you were taking him up on their offer of investment. 
“Is work supposed to be fun?” you ask, taking a bite off your fork.
Fred sarcastically laughs. “Yes, actually. George and I love what we do for a living. Work isn’t supposed to be a task, it should be something you love. Something you have a passion for. Something that makes you want to get out of bed and work towards. Otherwise, what’s your life then? Something so mundane and boring and when you’re dead you end up regretting what you did with it?” Fred blurts as George elbows him under the table. Fred stops, realizing that he may have gone too far. 
His words start to circle and dance around in your head, each one of them hitting you in the chest like a bullet. He was right. Why waste all of your time and effort into something you couldn’t care about? But it was too late. You were set out for the ministry and your family expected your arrival today. 
You finish eating breakfast and circle back to Ginny’s room, doing a once over to make sure you weren’t leaving anything behind. As you walked down the stairs of the Burrow, you felt sad to leave. Even the three days you spent here were the best days of the summer. Each day brought something new and exciting. Waking up each morning to see happy faces, Fred’s face...that was something you would cherish. 
One by one, you say your goodbyes and profusely thank the Weasleys for letting you stay for so long. Molly insists it was nothing and you can come visit whenever you liked. When you get to Fred, you don’t know whether to hug him or just move on. But he decides for you. “Can I walk you to your car actually?” he asks you as you nod gently. 
You give Percy a tight hug as you speak, “I’ll see you at work, Perc.”
But Percy turns to speak in your ear, “Will I?” You pull away from him sharply, giving him a look. Percy just smiles and speaks, “You’re a smart girl, (Y/N). A talented one at that. You are too big for the ministry.” You give him a gentle smile as he whispers, “Get the fuck out of there. For my sake.”
But before you can say anything, Fred and you are walking out of the Burrow and to your car. The walk to your car is awkward and quiet as you play with the hem of your t-shirt, kicking rocks as you walk down the dirt path. Fred digs his hands in his pockets as he walks to your car.
When you make it to your car, you turn to the tall ginger and sigh. The two of you just look at each other for a moment before Fred reaches out and brushes a piece of hair from your face as you lean into his touch. His touch makes your heart flutter as he smiles gently at you before pressing his lips to your forehead, kissing it sweetly. “Goodbye, (Y/N).”
Fred gives your hand a squeeze before letting it go gently, walking away from you and back to the Burrow. Your heart is beating a mile a minute and walking him walk away is like someone stabbing you in the gut. This isn’t how things were supposed to end. He wasn’t supposed to let you go. But if he was gonna let you go, you weren’t going to let him go. 
“Fred!” you call out, making him halt in his tracks and turn back to you, shielding his eyes from the bright August sun. Your chest is heavy as you gather up all the confidence you have in your body. “I fucking hate the ministry. I hate my job. I don’t want to take over for my father. I don’t want to take this path that’s been made for me!” you exclaim, arms stretched. Fred just looks at you. “I want to open a bookstore. I want to help people learn. I want to wake up every morning, excited for the day. I want to wake up every morning and...see you,” you confess to him with a smile. “I want you, Fred.”
Fred just stands there for a moment before slowly walking back towards you and you inhale deeply, trying to keep your negative thoughts at bay. When he reaches you, he lets a small smile creep its way on his face. “I want you. I want to wake up every day and see your beautiful face staring back at me. I want to be there for you, to make you happy, to support you, to protect you. To make you feel safe and sound. I want you, (Y/N),” he confesses back as you smile widely.
The two of you waste no more time as his lips connect to yours, holding you in his arms. His lips are smiling into the kiss as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down to you. He pulls away with a goofy grin on his face as you chuckle, “My parents are going to kill me. The ministry is not gonna be happy about this.”
“Fuck the ministry,” he laughs as you join in. “I’m going to be by your side the whole time, helping you through it all. I swear. Through all the ups and downs.”
You hold his face in your hands as your heart swells in your chest. “I don’t like that I’m getting you into so much trouble,” you admit.
Fred rolls his eyes, “Oh, please, sweetheart. Trouble is my middle name.”
The two of you share another quick kiss before Fred grabs your hand and the two of you walk back to the Burrow, happily linked together. Fred calls out, “Ron! Go get the mattress again! We’ve got company!” 
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ilhoonftw · 2 years
i hope it's okay to send this because i kind of wanted to explain a little more about loona? (i was thinking of adding a commentary but eh, im on mobile so...), so i wouldnt say loona's case is as bad as it was for vixx, i think i can only pinpoint 2 instance where... something definitely fishy happened. so the 1st was in 2020, when lee sooman (from sm) invested money & worked with loona (loona is one of those groups with lore & storyline) and when aespa debuted a few people noticed a few similarities with loona (aesthetic, some lore, etc.) obvsly loona dont own some concepts o it was just a "eh" moment and people moved on. the 2nd instance was with nmixx and it was Weird, so nmixx debuted with some concept trailer and people were like "wait did they... did they copied loona's mvs & teasers? or did the video production company just got lazy and reused those shots?" but the video prod company ceo was CONFUSED as well and said so on instagram (before deleting the post & was later hired to film the mv?? idk it was weird.) so like i wouldn't say loona's get constantly ripped off bc that wouldn't be true & groups are allowed to have similar concepts!! but sometimes it's like "hmm. i see."
but like you said, if the competition field was levelles, i think groups from big, rich companies would be having a much harder time because they only get opportunities through their affiliations. not to say they're not talented but they're nepo babies thats all!!!!
p.s : also does anyone remember when aespa's lyricist straight up plagiarized janelle monae's django jane rap because that was WILD.
of course it's okay, you're more than welcome to elaborate! thank you for taking the time to do so because admittely, i am far from being super familiar with loona lore (beyond their first year at least)
maybe companies saw that loona's somewhat experimental concepts and maketing worked out so they decided 'hey let's use that, it's not like they can sue us'. i mean fans of some groups can be very annoying with 'they own this!' when it was already done 1468 times before But some groups manage to either refresh something already done or make something new their trademark so it does feel like ~their thing~. one thing about loona concepts etc is you can tell right away it's loona lol
the investment part reminds me of sm nerfing infinite 🥲🥲🥲
aespa got the usual 'let's change things up before 1st comeback' sm treatment, and as calculated everything was, they succeed i guess? they had their songs play on variety shows whatnot, nugus don't get that... nugus don't debut in a company that produces hit tv shows and has creative control over them... is it fair? it's hard to flop if your company is this big and many fans are primarly company stans so they buy whatever they are selling........
nmixx feels like a fever dream to me bc jyp ent never really did stuff like *gestures vaguely* that, at least gg wise... jyp as usual is heavy mediaplaying, ofc focused on just one member. the thing about jyp's marketing is they are smart with it, usually people get annoyed with constant stream of fluff pieces but they mastered making it seem less obvious. i mean if you see someone's name mentioned a lot in the media, you assume they got to be famous, right? it's kinda like that. i remember people saying jyp did this with suzy or gorioshi'ed twice to success in japan. who knows really!
every now and then i get flustrated by the ~state of things~ but then i remember it's show business, not show art or show fairness :/
ps what?????????
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anonymous0writer · 4 years
The Words We Never Said II Sarah Cameron
Author: @anonymous0writer
Warnings: Sarah’s death?? ANGST
Summary: You’ve always been in love with your best friend, Sarah Cameron. But you’ve kept your feeling close to your heart as you watched her fall in love with other boys. And dealing with the loss of the girl after she ran off with the John B. is not easy. Especially when a realization comes to light.
Pairings: RafexReader KelcexReader SarahxReader but they all are platonic :)
A/N: Big shout out to my girl Jackie @calumbroutledge bc her fic gave me inspiration and whoo-wee I haven’t written in a long time. Anyways, here ya go.
also if this is bad IM SO SORRY
Tags so this doesn’t flop: @jayjaymaebank​ @decap-quadrant​ @starkeystyles​ @thelocalpogue​ @socialwriter​
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The picture. The damn picture had your heart tumbling out of its carefully placed pieces and breaking apart once again. Because of the picture.
The portrait. Of her in her shining glory and brightly smile. A gasp ripped from your chapped lips, a tell tale sing you were about to fall to your knees. Gasping, you tried to tear your gaze away but you couldn’t. It was painful to look, but looking away made your heart ache, reminding you of the empty place in the cavity of your chest. A ragged breath filled and emptied your chest.
You gazed at her, taking the stinging time to memorize her features. You studied the sweep of her blonde hair, the edges curling slightly from the salty air. The soft curve of her full, shiny lips as they broke into a smile. One she flashed to strangers on the street and gave whenever your days were plagued with your darker thoughts. You admired her eyes, crinkled at the edges from her broad grin, glimmering with joy and something else you couldn’t quite place. The emotion was tucked away, expertly hidden, but you, of course, could pick it out. Your shoulders sagged as you stared hard into her painted eyes, trying not to cry. The familiar glint of her wasn’t there. Because it wasn’t a live photo. It was a painting, a smear of mixed paints and colors to create a replica of the real thing. But Sarah was too bright to ever be captured on a canvas. Her light too great to ever be tamed.
Without realizing it, a sob tumbled out of your throat, weak and broken. But with it came a scream. A scream of desperation and hollowness of a lost one forever torn. your lips dropped and your throat burned but you released your feelings through your vocal chords. Your scream died to a broken gasping, but tears swam down your cheeks in little rivers. Another wave, another memory stabbed at you, making your knees go weak and another cry erupting from your lips. You stumbled backward, unable to hold yourself up, sorrow tugging you down.
Footsteps shuffled behind you quickly, and arms scooped beneath your armpits as you hit the floor. the strong arms pulled your back to their chest, keeping you from freaking out further. You couldn’t stop it now. The cries of grief falling from your lips in an unending spill of emotions. You sobbed, unable to see in front of you. In your haze of sorrow, you flailed, hands flying and feet trying to find purchase on marble floor. A grunt escaped the boy before you, but he tugged you closer, trying to keep you under control. Lord knows what this weight of grief would make you do. Your nails gripped his broad arms tightly, digging half moons into his flesh, but he did not stop holding you.
You gave up, too weak to continue your fight. You collapsed in his arms, sobs racking your delicate body. Your head dropped to his chest, his warmth radiating from all points of connection. You gripped his shirt, hands balling into the fabric. His large hands came up to rest tentatively on your back, trying desperately to soothe your aching heart and grieving mind. Your crying created a heart breaking symphony in the foyer of the Cameron house. You shook violently as you broke your connection to the boy holding you to see who it was. Looking up through your wet lashes, you found the saddened face of Kelce looking down at you. Your eyes met, your red rimmed ones meeting his dark orbs. Your hiccups stopped abruptly, and you sniffed, eyes going wide. His dark eyes were like Sarah’s. His face was in the slant of light coming through the windows, turning the golden auburn color you were so familiar with.
A scream ripped from your throat, and your feet fought for purchase once again, arms pinwheeling as you scrambled backwards. Her eyes- his eyes- hurt more than you could fathom. The memories came flooding back like a broken dam, the pain of it dragging across your skin like barbed wire. You hurried away and quickly you back hit a wall. Your eyes were wide and brimming with tears of hurt as you stared at your friend. Tears soon blurred your vision again, sending everything into a frenzy and your heart racing and slamming against your ribs. You were hyperventilating by this point, hands shaking uncontrollably and cries filling the foyer once again.
Kelce stared at you with dismay, his own heart cracking at sight of your broken figure, slumped and hyperventilating, tears streaming down your red cheeks. The memory of your nails still hovered over his skin, and the ghost of your form shaking in his hold scared him. He hated seeing you this way, so broken and irreversibly sad. He craved to calm you down, help you, but he knew he couldn’t near you without you bursting into hysterics again. Kelce swallowed the lump in his throat and called for the one person he knew would help you. Rafe.
“Rafe!” he called desperately, voice breaking at the end of his call. He was careful not to make any sudden movements, but he wanted to hold you close and tell you it was gonna be alright. You were the happy go lucky girl. The excellent surfer and strongest person he knew. And to see you- his friend- to be such a bright light dimmed, made his heart hurt.
The eldest Cameron came into the room, blue eyes finally landing on you. You buried your face in your hands, trying to wipe away the tears that kept on coming. A broken sob met Rafe’s ears as he knelt before you, his voice soft and coaxing.
“Hey,” he murmured, needing you to look at him and calm down. His voice was as soft as someone who understood could be. He knew the feeling that would linger behind your heart like a nasty shadow. It was already on his heart, him finding closure much quicker than you. For you, it was like a fresh, gaping wound, each time your eyes or thoughts wandered to something relating to Sarah cutting it open all over again. “Y/N.” he said more forcibly, a slight beg raising his voice. “Look at me, okay?”
You looked up as soon as his large hands rested on your arms, the warmth of them sending shock waves through your chilled body. You met Rafe’s blue eyes and caught your breath. In them you found the sea, and the peace you needed to still your racing heart. You hiccuped, mouth tugging into a grief ridden frown.
“I know.” The boy whispered, voice just loud enough to travel to your ears. “But it’s alright. You-“
Your voice cut through the shocked silence of the room, coming out choked and hoarse. Rafe’s eyes flickered over your face, taking in the puffy, red eyes, the tear stained cheeks, the trembling lips. He swallowed. He knew how much his sister meant to you and visa versa.
What he didn’t know was how you were in love with her. Stricken dead by her beauty and golden soaked skin, shining eyes and breathtaking smile. But you’d fallen in love when you learned her. Learned the way she spoke about her family, mouth tilting up and her eyes shrinking as she smiled. Learned the way her hand fit perfectly into yours when she dragged you to places or just grabbed it for support. You learned the way she laughed when she found something really funny, mouth wide open, full, hearty laughs filling the space. You learned the way her presence brighten a room, just the whisper of her brought everyone’s mood up. You learned the way she whispered her secrets to you, voice low and almost raspy as she giggled and confided in you in the dark of her room. You learned the way she breathed when she was sleeping, on her side and facing you and she snuggled closer when you slept over. You fell in love with Sarah Cameron as soon as you learned her being. And you fell only deeper as she grabbed a hold of you and submerged you into her life, making yours such a vibrant one. You knew here reputation with people. How she grew close and reeled them in and then let them loose once they got a little too close. And maybe that’s the reason why you thought she felt the same. Because she kept you. But once enough saw her mouth against the pogues that worked on her father boat, you knew you were wrong. And when she ran away and disappeared in the churning waves of the ocean with him, you knew she never ever felt the same way. You were just another sister. Someone you almost had to love. Another wheezie. Perhaps she meant to let you go but the waves took her before that happened.
You choked on your grief but continued. “How is this alright?” your voice quirked up, riddled with pain. “How is Sarah begin gone okay? How is any of this okay?!” you hollered, as loud as you could without breaking down.
You watched the blue eyed boy before you flinch away from you words. Both of you knew they were spoken out of grief, but they hurt nonetheless. The waterworks started, and you cried harder because of it. You hated the way you broke so easily. Broke down and cried like it was the easiest thing in the world. Cried like you were weak. You knew it was wrong for you thoughts to twist this way, but the only person who could change them was crushed and lost to the Atlantic ocean.
Rafe’s throat bobbed and his hands moved from your shoulders. You quickly swallowed the rising scream, and tried to regain control over yourself.
“She’s gone!” you sobbed as Rafe enveloped you in a hug. His warmth spread through you, trying to soothe you. You broke down against Rafe’s chest, crying and sobbing. You kept repeated the words ‘she’s gone’ into the soft material. Anger rose in your blood, painting your eyelids red. It built up, rage at the world - for taking Sarah away from you. In fit, you slammed your fist against Rafe’s chest.
“She’s gone! Sarah’s gone, Rafe!” your voice was raw and begging. Begging him to take away your hurt in any way he could.
“I know- trust me. I know.” he whispered, his nose flaring as he tried not to join you in crying. You gave up trying to be strong and collapsed against the boy.
You stayed like that, on the floor and crying. You had wrapped your arms under his arms and gripped him tightly as Rafe held you back with the same intensity. As if you held each other tight enough, you wouldn’t fall apart, and you’d be ok. Your sobs quieted, and you sniffled harshly, burying your face in the crook of the boys neck. 
You almost wanted to laugh. It was always the Cameron’s hold you together, wasn’t it?
Without trying, your eyes traveled to find the portrait. Hung delicately on the wall, resting softly as it displayed the occupant of the house proudly. And indeed, she was beautiful. But that’s not what caught your attention. It was the glint in her dark eyes. The usual joy in her eyes was there, but that hidden emotion. You finally realized what it was. Love. Pure love, consuming and overwhelming.
And then it hit you. Sarah wasn’t looking at the painter. 
She had been looking at you.
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psychewithwings · 4 years
Love Bakugo Pt 5: The Letter
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The red light of the sunrise was just starting to appear over the horizon. Tears were already brimming in your tired eyes as you opened your sock drawer. You took out the letter, which you kept at the bottom. You’d felt it would be well hidden and kept safe there, especially since your sock drawer, was your own. Looking at the letter, the memory of that night was becoming more and more clear. It was just after graduating UA, and Momo had thrown a party at her house for everyone. You had gone out to the garden to contemplate your entire future. You were half excited, half terrified to start the rest of your life. You were staring into one of the many fountains when Katsuki had come to stand next to you. “I don’t know how to feel about it either...” he’d said. It was the closest he had ever admitted to being scared. “I just don’t know if I’m ready... to move on,” you had said back. You turned to him, and you remember being surprised that he had such a soft expression on his face. He placed his hand on your hip, “do you remember that day in the stairs when you made me be your friend?” You touched his arm, and slowly stroked up and down his arm with your fingertips. “I didn’t make you, ya goon, but I remember that day.” He hadn’t been furious that you’d called him a name, it was then you knew something was changing. “Listen, I’m glad it happened, that we became friends... but,” he took a deep breath, “I don't wanna be friends anymore.” He leaned down and captured your lips in a thrilling kiss. He pulled you into him with his hand on your hip, and the other was holding your face. His lips were softer against yours then you’d imagined. He was gentle but fiery and passionate as always. It was the first time he had kissed you and you felt like you were being ignited from the inside out. He pulled away and said simply, “I’m not great with... this saying how I feel crap, but I know I gotta do it, so here.” He’d shoved the letter at you, embarrassed. “Read it, then give me an answer.” Here you were, years later, you’d kept it but never given him an answer though you’d read it at least 100 times. You turned the envelope over in your hands. It was blue, it had your name written on it in Bakugo’s unique and surprisingly neat handwriting. On the front, he’d placed a sticker of a small cloud. The letter had been opened and closed so many times that the sticker didn't hold it together any longer. You took out the letter itself, a single tear found it’s way onto the paper. You were crying for real now as you read the letter, it went as follows... Hey, I’m shit with not the best with saying how I feel, so I figured I’d try writing it out. That day in the stairs was the beginning of my feelings for you. Sometimes when you’d beat me in a match, and turn me into a damn sniveling puddle of a man for you, I’d pretend your quirk hadn’t worn off so I could just say how I feel. I don't know if you feel the same way, and I hope that by now I’ve gotten the courage to kiss you. I love you and I want you to be mine, even if it’s just for a while. But I don’t like that many people and I like you, so I wouldn’t mind if you were mine forever. Just let me know, do you want to be mine? Do you want me to be yours? I want us to belong to each other and Im sure that sounds fucking stupid but it’s true. If you do, I’m waiting for you right now. And if you don't, it’s okay. Just know I will think about you, care about you, always. Yours, Bakugo Tears were streaming down your face but you grabbed your phone and called Katsuki anyway. He answered on the first ring but he waited for you to speak. “I don’t deserve a second chance, I-I don’t even deserve for you to hear me out. I should have told you what I was thinking at the time but everything was changing a-and I was just so scared. And this is so stupid but I was scared of being truly happy... for once. Because- if I ever did something...a-a-and messed it up, I don’t know if I could handle that...” You tried to slow your breathing, to collect yourself, to say everything you’d held in for so long. “Katsuki, I love you, I have for longer than i’d like to admit, and I’m so sorry I waited this long to tell you. I’m so mad at myself right now- but I fucking love you a lot okay? I don’t care about the revenge anymore because... I feel like the point of it was- I just- you care about me more than anyone ever has. I love you, I love you, I’m sorry-” He hung up there. He’d said that it wasn’t too late at the car earlier but maybe he’d had time to think about how long it took you to come to this place and maybe he had changed his mind. He had a right to. After all, it had taken you years to admit this, why should he still care about you like that? You held your head in your hands as you cried over the loss of love. The love you’d tried so hard to make real between you and your boyfriend and the true love that you’d let get away with Bakugo. You felt like you were being swallowed whole by regret. You flopped face down into the mattress and wailed, freeing yourself of the guilt and anger and sadness that you’d held back for so long. 
“Hey babe? What’s wrong?” your boyfriend was finally back from his escapades it seemed. You lifted your head, your breath shaky. “Get out,” you said softly. “What’s wrong with you huh?” You whirled around now, “What’s wrong? What’s fucking wrong? You’re cheating on me!” you yelled at him. He jumped back, worried, but quickly covered his fear, “what are you talking-” “you know exactly what I’m talking about you piece of shit.” You were staring him down, waiting for his resolve to break, “babe, it was work.” “STOP LYING!” You were done, you ran to the closet and grabbed a suit case. You laid it on the bed and started ripping open drawers, throwing your clothes into it. “We can talk this out babe, I think you’re overreacting a bit, it’s a misunderstanding, if you’d let me explain-” “Fuck you.” You were shoving clothes and other precious belongings into the case. You went back to the closet and grabbed another suitcase. You picked up an armful of sweaters, dresses, and coats and threw them in, hangers and all. You grabbed your jewelry container and took out a pair of earrings he’d gifted you a year ago for your anniversary. “You can give these to that other girl,” you said as you chucked them at his head. He dodged them and then shouted, “you’re acting crazy! there’s no-one else!” You stopped and put your head in your hands. “Katsuki told me everything weeks ago, he saw you coming out of the closet with her at work.” This time his face dropped for real, “he what?” You didn’t answer him this time, just continued packing. “I was planning on getting revenge for your cheating on me, Katsuki was helping me do it, but now I don’t care about that anymore.“ Your ex boyfriend was standing against the wall, puffing out his chest to keep his ego in check. “You know what? I haven’t been in love with you for a long time, and it took all this for me to figure that out.” You could tell those words stung him. “Where the hell do you think you’re gonna go huh?” You were zipping up the second suitcase, “I honestly don’t know, I just know that right now, I’m leaving you and I’m never coming back here...”  “He’s the fucking cheater, he should be the one packing up.”
You whirled around. Bakugo was standing behind you, in the doorway of the apartment. “Katsuki,” you paused taking him in. He was wearing the same clothes from earlier and his eyes looked tired from lack of sleep. “What are you doing here?” you asked as you advanced towards him. He smiled and put his hand on the top of your head. “I figured you were mad... cuz you hung up and-” he stopped you, putting his hand on your cheek. “I just couldn’t tell you this over the phone, I had to see your face, tell you in person...” You waited, studying his softened expression. “I’m not just gonna be your rebound, I’m in this for the long run and it’s all or nothing. So you better be serious about us because I’m dead serious.” He was staring into your eyes, searching for the truth behind them. The tears welled back up in your eyes. “You are so much more than a rebound, and I am very serious, but I want to take things slow and do this the right way... I don’t want to rush in and ruin it.” Bakugo brushed his thumb along your cheek and you leaned the weight of your head against his palm. “You’ll ruin nothing, and as long as I have you... it’s not slow.” Your ex boyfriend was standing in the doorway watching the entire exchange. “Oh I see now, you thought that just because I was having sex with someone else you could go and make a whole new relationship?! You’re such a bitch you know-” “Shut the fuck up...” Bakugo  growled then turned towards your ex-boyfriend. “Oh buddy, you better start packing up right now before I destroy you.” You grabbed his hand and pulled him back. “No Katsuki, it’s okay, I’m leaving. I want to.” Bakugo looked as if he wanted to argue, but instead he walked straight into the bedroom. He looked your ex-boyfriend up and down, before punching him directly in the face. You watched in delight as your ex crumpled to the floor, holding his nose and whining. “You’re scum, I want you to remember that,” Bakugo yelled before picking up your bags and heading towards the door. “You’re sure you wanna leave?” he asked. You nodded, “I want him to be alone in this house, think about what he did... and I don’t wanna be anywhere that I shared with him.” Bakugo nodded and gave you a smirk, “then you’ll stay with me.” You had told him you couldn’t do that, you wanted to take things slow. But as he was putting your bags in your car for you he spat, “tech, where the hell else are you gonna go?”
Tag List: Tag List: @rebel—black​ @random-fandom-girl-24​ @unawi13-blog​ @brokennerdalert​  
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triforceangel13 · 4 years
Waltz Within Chains Ch. 6 (A BakuDeku Omegaverse Fantasy Au)
Chapter  6: Shattered Dream
Izuku woke the next morning to a soft hand running through his hair and over his ears. He mumbled something softly and opened his green eyes, looking up at the dragon that he was snuggled closety with.
His head laid on his chest, his arm resting around his bare chest, the memories of the night before slowly coming to him.
Izuku's hand came to Katsuki's neck quickly, watching him wince when he felt the sharp sting of a new wound. Katsuki's hand was quick to grab his and pull it away.
“Careful. It's still healing,” he told him, setting the hand right back on his chest. Izuku cuddled close once more, relaxing a bit, a small look of an apology on his freckled face. The dragon rolled his eyes and pecked his forehead to show he forgave him.
That was right. He had marked Katsuki as his alpha last night. And then they had...
“Oh my god...” he mumbled, burying his face underneath the blanket. Soft laughter came from the dragon above him and Katsuki pulled the blanket up a bit to be able to look down at Izuku's rather flushed cheeks.
“Something wrong bunny?” he asked with a teasing tone to his voice. “Did someone just suddenly remember how much fun we had last night?”
“Yes,” Izuku answered, trying to pull the blanket over his head again but Katsuki kept a firm grip on the fabric.
“And what's so wrong with that?” Katuki asked, pushing his body down a little bit into the blankets and tugged the blanket over them both, enveloping them both in warm darkness.
“Nothing at all,” Izuku said quickly, looking up at him. “I just can't believe I acted in such a way. I never thought I could do something like that.”
“Well either way I did love every bit of it,” Katsuki said, leaning in to rest his lips against his bare shoulder, moving up to his mating mark where he laid a gentle nip. Izuku gasped, his body reacting a little bit just from this small touch.
“Looks like someone wants to have some fun again,” Katsuki laughed a bit, shoving off the blanket and rolled them over so that Izuku was laying flat on his back. The buny stared up at him, his cheeks a deep red but his bottom lip was tucked under his teeth.
Without a word he started to nod his head a little bit.
“Alright,” Katsuki said, leaning down to kiss his lips lightly. He pushed his legs open with his knee and smirked down at him. “But I've got to be gentle. You're still healing from your first time so it's going to be sore.”
Izuku nodded his head, his arms wrapping around Katsuki's neck as his wings extended out behind him. His heart raced hard in his chest, feeling like he was still dreaming. This was all very, very real though.
But dreams can turn into nightmares.
A loud crash came from the bedroom door being kicked in, breaking the lock on the door. Izuku let out a scared yelp, Katsuki pulling Izuku behind him, his wings spreading out to cover the prince's naked body.
“What is the meaning of this?” Katsuki snapped at them. Izuku grabbed hold of Katsuki's arm peeking his head out from behind him.
The oddly armored guards didn't answer and went into action at once, four of them approaching the dragon. His hands glowed hot but hearing the small whimper from his omega behind him he stopped. If he used his magic like that he could hurt Izuku too.
With his attentiong on Izuku they used this as a distraction and grabbed hold of him, tugging him off the bed and onto the floor. There they bound both his wrists in cuffed chains, using spears to pin his wings to the floor which he let out a grunt from the stinging pain.
“Please!” Izuku cried, climbing off the bed and went to kneel next to the dragon. One of the guards with the spears however held his hand up to block his path.
“Cover yourself up son, you're indescent,” he heard his father say. Izuku's eyes widened as he saw his father step into the room. He quickly grabbed the closest thing which happened to be Katsuki's shirt, which was large enough to cover him up.
“Father, why are you doing this?” Izuku asked, pushing past the guard that had blocked him and knelt down next to Katsuki, hands resting on his back. His hands were shaking, his stomach feeling like he was about to throw up whatever was in it. “What has Kacchan even done?”
Though it was quite obvious. They were both bare with Katsuki having been on top of him, kissing their troubles away. Anyone would know what they were doing together and would've done if they hadn't been intrupted.
“He defiled my son,” the king stated, looking down at the dragon in disgust. “He marked him when someone like him isn't supposed to marry royalty. You were meant to marry one of the alphas I had hand picked for you last night. And yet I come to find he had done it already years ago.”
Izuku paled, squeezing Katsuki's arm worried. When his father made up his mind there was no changing it.
“For this act he will be sent to the dungeons to await his trial,” the king stated, gesturing to the men to pull Katsuki up. One guard came up behind Izuku, pulling him up away from his apha who started to kick and squirm to get from his grasp.
“Kacchan!” Izuku cried out looking to him with wide scared eyes. Katsuki looked back to him. Every fiber in him wanted to comfort his mate but he was not in a position to be able to do so. “Father please! You cannot do this! I wanted him to do this. For years.”
“Your brain is clouded my son,” the king said, his back turned to him. “We will have someone come to break the claim on you soon enough. Im afraid it might hurt. You've been stuck under his spell for to long.”
Izuku gaped at his words, tears welling up in his eyes as she shook his head hard, his ears flopping back and forth in his face.
“No!” Izuku yelped, trying to push past the guard again as they started to pull Katsuki out of the room, his alpha struggling against them.
The king led the charge out of the room and Izuku felt the tears finally leak down his cheeks. He finally had gotten his alpha and now he had lost him in the course of only a few hours. This was a nightmare he wanted to wake up from.
“Kacchan!” Izuku cried out loudly.
Katsuki growled as he fought against the chains that were around his wrists but they were tight, digging into his skin with each movement he made.
His inner alpha was in overdrive. His mate was distressed and scared and he was being taken away where he couldn't comfort him. And what was worse was that the king was going to force their bond to break.
It would not only be painful physically but mentally as well. While Izuku's bond on him was brand new it wouldn't be that bad, he didn't think Izuku would make it himself if they broke his. He had to get out of this some how.
“You better not break that bond,” Katsuki growled at the king the closer they got to the dungeons. He had never been defiant but he was tired of this man trying to run Izuku's life. The bunny finally had a chance at happiness and the man was taking it all away.
Hisashi stopped walking as they got to the dungeon door and turned to the dragon with a scowl on his face.
“How dare you talk to me like that you dragon filth,” he spat at him. “I will take that claim away and rip that poison you had put into my son's mind for years.”
“If you do that you may as well end up killing him,” Katsuki growled right back at him, earning himelf a harsh punch in the face. He grunted, tasting blood.
“I will be saving him. You on the other hand I have no problems killing,” he finished. He gave a nod to his men as they carried him into the dungeon.
Katsuki growled against their hold, attempting to use magic but when he tried it came out in a puff of smoke.
“What the...” he growled, looking at his hands as they were cuffed to the wall. He tried again but once more smoke was the only thing that greeted him.
“Don't even bother trying to use your magic. These men are specialized in blocking magic,” the king said with a smirk of his own. “Don't worry, your fate will come soon. For touching my son. For marking him. You will be killed for your crimes.”
Katsuki growled and tried to jump at him again but the chains tugged his wrists back. The king growled and stepped from the room, the door closing behind him, the only light coming through the bars into the room.
“Oh shut it. I dont even see what my wife or son saw in you,” he stated, leaving Katsuki alone as he and the guards left.
“Izuku..” he mumbled, feeling his body shiver. Without his magic he couldn't keep his bare body warm. He'd find a way out of this. He had to.
He didn't want to see Izuku get hurt.
Dressed in different clothing Izuku ran to his mother's study, panic striking his handsome features. He was having a hard time even moving. His backside hurt and his vision was blurry from the tears leaking down his cheeks, yet he pressed on.
He couldnt lose Katsuki this way. Yes what they had done had gone against the throne but was that really on grounds for treason?
Izuku hestitated outide the door. His father had placed the whole blame on Katsuki. In a way he was trying to protect him but at the risk of destroying what little happiness he had in this life. This life where he wasn't allowed to make his own choices.
His mother had to have some sort of solution. She had helped for so many years. All the anger of her not telling him of who his alpha was flew from his head.
He just wanted her help to get him back.
He knocked on the door and cracked it open. Inko sat at a desk, sipping a cup of tea. As the door opened and she saw the familiar ears poking in first she smiled and set her cup down, happy to see her son.
“Izuku,” she said warmly. “What brings you here? I would have thought you'd still be with...Well I mean.” Did everyone know what they did?
Izuku stepped in, closing the door behind him.
“Father took him away,” Izkuku whispered.
Inko was quiet a moment. “He what?”
Izuku sat down in the chair before her desk slowly and that's where more tears streamed down his cheeks.
“Father took Kacchan away,” Izuku sobbed hard. “He caught the two of us in bed together and he proclaimed because Kacchan claimed me as his omega, he has committed treason against the kingdom.”
Inko's skin paled and she rose from her seat quickly, going to her son's side and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
“He's going to sentence him to death mother...” Izuku cried, clinging to his mother. “I just found my alpha...I don't want to lose him.”
Inko pet his hair gently, biting her bottom lip. This was not what she expected. She had been ready to smooth her way into letting Izuku have Katsuki be his alpha but things had gone very wrong. She couldn't see how it could get worse.
“And father said he also wants to bring someone in to break the bond,” Izuku added with a hiccup. Inko tightened her arms around him. No it certainly had gotten worse.
“I won't let that happen Izuku,” she said to him softly, petting his hair gently and kissed the top of his head as he cried into her arms. “I will make sure that I will let the two of you be together. I promise you this.”
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xsixxx · 5 years
Bad Influence - Chapter Nine
Authors Note: I'm sorry if this chapter cuts off a little at the end, I was struggling for a way to round it off & set it up for the next chapter.
I promise, we're nearly past all the boring filler bits & on to the good stuff. The next chapter is gonna be what you've all been waiting for 👏🏻
Feedback is welcome encouraged. Please.
Warnings: Language (as always), some drugs, lil bit of sauciness, someone being a bit pervy
Tags: @triplehaitches @freddiessmallnipples @queen-crue @scarecrowmax @lovesick-heart0 @littlesunnymoon @80sheart-strings @cranberribread @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies @versnatasha @zoenicoles @crazysaladchopshop @ggorehorror @lunamadhatter99 @justtryingtoovercome @chaoticvybe @you-know-im-a-dreamer @eightiesrockbaby @valentines-in-london @xrosegoldwolfx @fupatroopaa @lilypetite88 @this-blog-must-be-the-place @ashleecrue @lauravic @dark-princess99 @unknownoblivion @mgkobsessed @antheasnow
(Mick smiles once in this chapter so it deserves this gif)
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*Mötley House*
I snorted up yet another fat line that Tommy had so generously laid out for me, stood up straight & rubbed my nose, giggling.
"You having fun babe?" Tommy laughed, his arm snaking around my waist, trying to hold me upright.
"The best!" I slurred, wrapping my arms around his neck, still giggling like a school girl. "Do some shots with me, T-Bone!" I yelled, blindly grabbing a bottle of whatever was closest to me & downing the first one. "I bet I can do more than you."
"You're on doll!" He chuckled, snatching the bottle away from me & taking a long, impressive swig, making me immediately rethink my drunken bet.
"Gimmie that." I mumbled, swiping the bottle back & downing another shot. I couldn't taste a damn thing but the burn felt good. "Ok, let's maybe forget the bet.. How about a game?" I exclaimed, perking up at my own idea.
"Only if we can play Never Have I Ever," Tommy grinned widely, his eyebrows wiggling as I let out an exasperated groan.
"T-Bone, come on! You know I hate that game!" I whimpered, pouting at him in hopes that I could change his mind.
"That's why it's fun, princess, because you haven't done anything!" Tommy said with a hearty laugh, playfully patting my back as I took a swipe at his arm. "I like discovering new ways to corrupt you. Last time we played this, you hadn't had a one night stand & then you went home with Vince!" He finished with a wink.
I let out an unamused laugh. "Gee thanks, look how that turned out!"
"That's not my fault, I wasn't the one grinding up against Sixx in an alleyway." He announced for everyone to hear, shrugging.
I glared at him as he smirked. "I hate you, T-Bone."
"I know! But you secretly love me underneath all that hate." He smiled, mischievously. "Ok I'll start; Never have I ever.. owned a horse."
"Oh come on! You knew that already!" I complained, taking the shot anyway. "No cheating!'
Tommy giggled, holding up his hands, caught in the act. "Ok, ok, little rich girl, I'll play fair, I promise." He paused for a second, thinking of a do-over. I watched a slow smirk spread playfully across his lips. "Never have I ever fucked Nikki Sixx."
I couldn't help my scoff. "I don't believe that for a second, I've seen the way you two look at each other." I joked, rolling my eyes, but Tommy ignored me, eagerly eyeing up the bottle clasped in my hands, waiting for me to take a shot. I let out a short, sharp laugh of victory. "T-Bone, I'm not sure what you're waiting for, I told you, I haven't slept with Nikki! We've only kissed once!" I hesitated, before awkwardly correcting myself. "Well, twice now, I guess."
Tommy let out a fake groan, the corners of his mouth turning up once again. "I thought you might be more willing to 'fess up when you're wasted."
"Nope!" I grinned, "Ok, my turn; Never have I ever made a girl squirt during a party."
"Ah Bullwinkle," Tommy sighed fondly, his mind wandering back as he proudly took a shot in her honour. "I miss that chick."
"I fuckin' don't." Mick piped up. "Crazy bitch used to throw everything when she was on one," he gestured towards the broken window, now the doorway for the stream of drunken misfits who clambered in from the Sunset Strip, looking to continue the party. "You can thank her for that, sent a fire extinguisher flying through it once when she was in one of her jealous moods."
"Yeah, maybe a don't miss her.." Tommy trailed off, grimacing at the memory. "Oh but how I miss watching that beautiful stream of cum, flying majestically through the air!" He said dramatically mimicking the spectacle with his arms as I collapsed into a fit of giggles.
"Goddamn animal." Mick grumbled, slugging, what was most likely vodka, from his usual hip flask.
"Ok, your turn T-Bone," I said, trying to regain my composure, feeling my mouth twitch with the desire to laugh as the giggles well & truly took hold.
"How about my turn." Cut in a razor sharp voice, oozing with bitterness. "Never have I ever been fucked by one member of a band & then 5 minutes later, had my tongue down another members throat." Vince laughed darkly, taking the bottle from Tommy & thrusting it at me.
Tommy jumped to my defence, standing up & putting his hand on Vinces chest. "Leave it out, man."
Vince looked down arrogantly at the hand resting warningly on his chest, before ripping it away & shoving Tommy back, throwing him a threatening glare & then turning his rage back to me. "Drink up, groupie." He spat, his eyes full of disgust.
I fixed Vince with a deadpan look, the coke & booze making me confident & cocky as I took the shot, dragging it out, not breaking eye contact once. I finished & held the bottle against Vinny's chest, gesturing for him to take it.
"There you go, I saved some. I'm sure there are a lot of other girls around here who need to take a shot for that one too." I said smoothly, unphased by his icy stare. I heard Tommy's chuckle at the same time as I caught Mick trying to hide his smirk behind his flask & both sent Vince's temper ablaze.
"It's not the same & you know it," he snarled, leaning into me, his eyes dark & his breathe laced with the smell of whiskey. "You're fucking done with this band, do you hear me?!" He shouted as he spun around & stomped off in typical diva-Vince fashion.
"Nah your not." Tommy nudged me, smiling. "Me & Mick still like you, ain't that right Mick?"
Mars wordlessly lifted his flask up & tipped in to me in agreement. I couldn't help the warm smile that spread across my face. "Thanks guys, that means a lot."
"Anytime princess. Now, let's do another line." T-Bone said gleefully, rubbing his hands together.
"Ok, but first I need to pee." I announced, standing up swaying as I regained my balance. "Line 'em up T-Bone, I'll be back in a minute."
I stumbled across the filthy living room, narrowly avoiding the empty bottles & passed out bodies that littered the floor as I made my way towards the bathroom. I reached the door & turned the handle, leaning in as I pushed it open, feeling the alcohol & drugs hit me all at once as I suddenly lost my balance & fell face first through the doorway. I lay face down on the disgusting carpet, my cheek resting on its filth as I drunkenly cackled to myself about my complete lack of grace.
"What the fuck?!"
I cringed, hearing Nikki's pissed off voice.
I stood up quickly, brushing down my skirt as I tried to figure my bearings. My eyes scanned the room, taking note of the battered band flyers, posters & cut outs that were strewn all over the walls in a disorganized fashion. There wasn't much in the way of furniture, just a beat up wardrobe & one lone lamp standing next to a double mattress on the floor. On the mattress lay a passed out girl snoring softly & a half naked Nikki, sat under the covers with some sort of notepad & pencil.
"Get the fuck out Lizzy!" He barked, his face angry with a hint of amusement that could almost go unnoticed. But not by me.
"Sorry, sorry." I slurred, eyeing up his notepad. I couldn't help my curiosity. "What're you writing?" I enquired.
"Lyrics." He snapped, eyes on his notes as he scribbled something out with a sharp exhale of breathe.
"Lemme here some!" I blurted out enthusiastically as I walked over & flopped myself down on the bottom of the mattress, my intoxication overtaking my better judgement that knew full well that Nikki wouldn't take kindly to my intrusion.
He narrowed his eyes at me warningly. "Beth, I don't like people in my room unless you're in here for the same reason she was." Nikki smirked, gesturing at the snoring brunette before giving her a shove & harshly jolting her awake. "Time to go darlin," he said bluntly, without looking at her.
The stunning brunette pulled herself groggily from the bed, grabbing her clothes as she went. As she reached the door, I watched her hesitate & turn back to look at Nikki, almost as if she wanted to say something. The pause lasted a second before she thought better of herself & left without a word.
Nikki hadn't even looked up from his writing.
"You too Angel," he gestured towards the door, raising his eyes slightly to look into mine. "I'm busy."
"But I wanna hear your writing!" I whined, shuffling up the bed to lie next to him, resting my spinning head on the battered pillow.
"Don't get yourself comfortable, your ass is leaving." Nikki scowled, but I couldn't help noticing a hint of that infamous smirk dancing around the corners of his lips as his eyes appreciated the sight of me in his bed. "Since when are you interested in my music? You hate metal."
"Just because I'm not a metal fan, doesn't mean I can't be interested in the process that goes into making it." I shrugged, toying with the lace that was woven into the bust of my top. His eyes drifted to the skin peeking out from beneath it, his gaze lingering there a little longer than it should've before he shook his head, turning his attention back to his notes.
"Fine. I'm writing some stuff for the new album, it's gonna be called 'Shout At The Devil'."
"Oo edgy!" I mocked, prodding his bare chest playfully.
Nikki scowled, unimpressed with my joke. "Don't ask about my work if you're just gonna make judgements. I didn't ask for your input." He snapped, his voice a hurt & fiercely defensive.
"I'm sorry, bad joke." I mumbled, a little embarrassed, before resuming my enthusiasm. "C'mon, read me the one you're writing now!'
Nikki looked skeptical. "Fine," he relinquished, "but keep you bullshit opinion to yourself" he warned.
I mimed zipping my lips & shuffled closer to Nikki, so my head rested lightly on his bare shoulder. The warmth radiating from his skin mixed headily with my boozy state & I couldn't tell if I was more intoxicated from the alcohol or him. I saw him throw a little sideways glance, eyebrows raised, but he didn't complain & instead read aloud some lyrics scrawled under the title "Too Young To Fall In Love".
Run for the hills
We're both sinners and saints
Not a woman, but a whore
I can just taste the hate
Well now I'm killing you
Watch your face turning blue
Not yet a man
Just a punk in the street
Nikki finished, falling silent & I could feel his body tense, waiting for my 'bullshit opinion'.
"Well that was.." I struggled to find a word to best describe what I'd just heard. "Unsettling." I giggled.
Nikki frowned, annoyance plain on his face. "That's the fucking point. I don't want my music to make you feel fucking lovey & shit. It's supposed to be dirty & raw & uncomfortable." He sighed.
"No no, it's good." I quickly corrected, trying to reduce the sudden tension that came with his downheartedness. "So," I hurried on, grabbing a bottle of whiskey I'd spotted on the floor & taking a long gulp, "what number am I going to be?"
Nikki looked at me, puzzled.
"What number am I going to be? When we fuck, how many girls will that have been tonight?" I slurred, flashing him a shit eating grin.
He served me one right back. "You're feeling pretty confident tonight, aren't you?"
"Come on, you said it yourself, that's the only reason girls are allowed in here." I whispered, running my fingers along his bare chest as I lifted my head to look at him. His eyes were already fixed on me & I could see his desire burning away, setting the green in his eyes ablaze.
He paused, holding my gaze for a second, before smirking & letting out a sigh. " And that's why I told you that your ass is leaving, Lizzy." He whispered back, not giving in to me.
I ignored him as I leaned in & pressed my lips to his & felt his restraint melt away as he kissed me back. I climbed on top of him, straddling my knees either side of his hips as I ran my fingers through his thick, wild hair. I felt him grow harder as he let his hands wander to my ass, allowing my skirt to ride up above my hips, only the thin sheet & my underwear keeping us apart.
But Nikki suddenly pulled away from me, breaking the kiss as he chuckled softly to himself. "Not like this," he muttered, running his thumb along his lower lip as if to wipe away the taste of me. I could see him struggling to control himself as, to keep his hands off of me. I flashed him my own arrogant smirk.
"But I want you, Sixx." I muttered against his skin as I began placing kissing along his jawline, before sitting up & pulling off my top, throwing it casually on the floor, revealing my lack of bra. I looked back at Nikki, his eyes wide & jaw slack as his gaze feasted hungrily on the sight of my bare chest.
"What's the matter rockstar, I'm sure you've seen plenty of tits before." I teased as he dragged his eyes back up to my face. He shook his head, snapping himself out of whatever dirty fantasy he'd gotten caught up in.
"I know what you're doing Angel & it's not going to work."
"What?" I asked innocently, interlocking my fingers with his as I brought his hands to to my chest, grazing them delicately across my nipples as I slowly began grinding my hips against his.
"It's not going to happen, not tonight. Not when you're like this." He smirked at me, "but well played."
I sat back, dropping his hands, & pouted. "This is the second time you've turned me down now, you're going to give me a complex, Nikki." I huffed, crossing my arms over my exposed breasts.
Nikki laughed, taking my chin in his hand. "And this is the second time you've come on to me in a less than stable state, I'm not going to take advantage of that. Now put your clothes back on." He ordered, lowering his voice sternly, causing me to squirm a little. It didn't go unnoticed & Nikki smirked knowingly.
"Fine." I sulked, climbing off of him. But before I could move away, Nikki gripped my waist, pulling me back on to him before rolling is over & pinning me beneath him, grinning arrogantly.
"Just know that as soon as you're sober, I'm going to get you back for this." He said roughly, the bass in his voice telling me he wasn't messing around, making me shiver with desire once again.
"Touch me." I begged, but Nikki chuckled darkly as he climbed off of me, taking the sheet with him to cover his modesty. He picked up my top from the floor & tossed it to me. "Soon Angel." He promised.
I pulled my top on & pondered what he'd said. "Why won't you fuck me drunk? You fuck other girls drunk" I quizzed.
Nikki looked caught off guard before he smiled. "You're not other girls."
I tried my best to hide my sudden blush. "And what does that mean?"
“It means that you're not like other girls.” Nikki let let out a low, sultry laugh. “It doesn’t usually take this much effort to get a girl into bed with me. And that’s how I know you’re gonna taste so damn sweet when I finally do. I've worked hard to get to this point & I want to really enjoy you, Angel. I can't do that if you're smashed.” he smirked.
I couldn't hide my blush any longer, my pale skin quickly flushing pink as I stood up from the bed, trying to hide the fact that I was flustered by his words.
"You sure know how to make a girl feel special." I laughed.
"You just wait, Princess, I'm gonna make you feel things you never knew you could." Nikki chuckled darkly, his arrogance leaving me weak as he held open the door, a sly, half smirk on his lips. "Now, your ass is leaving, Lizzy."
And I left wordlessly, desperately wanting more, just like the girl before me.
*Nikkis POV*
The music was shaking the walls of the crappy two bed shithole we resided in. I definitely wouldn't have called it home, there wasn't a single thing about the place that was comfortable or homely. It was a place to party, fuck & occasionally sleep, if we found the time.
My mind drifted back to the sight of Beth in my bed earlier than evening, her head on my shoulder, he perfect tits as she thrusted against my cock.
Fuck, I should get some sort of award or at least an honourable mention for that level of willpower, I chuckled to myself.
It was all gonna be worth it. She'd made me work for her & now it was Beths turn to wait. And fuck, I'd make damn sure it was worth the wait.
My mind carried on with its little fantasy as my hand mindlessly jotted down more lyric ideas, until I happened to hear Beths drunken protests outside my door.
"No, no I'm good." She slurred, "I've been doing lines with T-Bone."
"I bet the shit I have is better," a gruff, male voice responded. "Let's go into the bathroom & you can try it out."
"Honestly, I'm good, thanks." I heard her say, a little sharper this time.
"C'mon, come with me to the bathroom, you know you want to." Came his sleezy voice through the door. I felt my jaw clench.
"No look, I just wanna get back to the party, can you get out of my way?" Beth said, her voice almost pleading.
I'd heard enough, I threw on my pants & furiously stormed towards the door as I heard him patronisingly ask "where are your manners?"
I flung open the door to see this fucker cornering Beth, his body virtually pressed up against her as his hand rested on the wall next to her head, his arm blocking the way back to the party. His other hand was stroking her jaw line in a way that made my flesh crawl & the way his eyes leered over her body, it took everything I had not to beat that lecherous look off of his face.
"Hey asshole, where the fuck are your manners? She said she wanted to go back to the party." I growled at him, grabbing him by the shoulder & ripping him away from Beth.
"What the fuck man?!" He yelled in my face, trying to frantically grab at my hand that gripped his shoulder. "I was just talking to her!"
"Yeah? Well now you're fucking done talking to her, you get that?" I snarled back, trying my best to keep calm.
"Whatever man, figured your band slut would be free to the rest of us now you'd all finished having a go." He laughed nastily.
I'd reached the breaking point of my patience. My lip drew back, my nostrils flared & my hands balled into tight fists as I took a purposeful stride closer to him, backing him up against the wall, his back hitting it with a dull thud. One my fists relaxed for a brief second, my knuckles white from clenching & snaked around his neck, squeezing just enough to turn his face crimson as he struggled against my vice-like grip.
"Now listen up, you little prick." I spat with all of the venom I could muster. "You see this girl here? She's with me & my band. Now look around you." I paused, using my other hand to grab ahold of his jaw, forcing his face towards to party that had all but halted to gawp at my performance. "This is our party. You're in the fucking Mötley house, asshole. That means you respect what is ours. Now you don't touch this girl, you don't talk to her, you don't even fucking look at her, do you hear me?" He nodded frantically, his face turning a dramatic shade of purple. "Good. Because if I catch you anywhere near her again, I swear to god," I paused, leaning in close so no-one would hear my words but him. "I'll fucking kill you." I hissed, my voice smooth & irrevocably deadly. "Now get the fuck out."
I released my grip & watched as he scrambled out of the window like a rat retreating back into the filth he came from.
"Are you ok?" I asked gently, turning my attention back to Beth who looked somewhere between terrified & impressed. She nodded her head slowly, her eyes watching me with heavy caution.
"T-thank you." Was all she could manage.
"It's ok, Princess." I replied, a little awkwardly. "We take care of our own."
I cringed at my own words as her face still didn't break. "I-I think it's best I leave." Beth muttered, shifting her eyes from mine down to the ground as if waiting for if to swallow her whole.
"Beth, stay, I'm sorry if I scared you or whatever, I didn't mean to.." But she was already shaking her head.
"It's not that, I just.. I just don't belong here.' She mumbled, more to herself than me as she started moving herself towards the window. "Thank you again, Nikki." She whispered, squeezing my hand as she walked by before she too, was off out if the window & into the night.
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Chapter 2,
Sam stood there staring at Gabriel. "What does that mean? Why can I make angels appear when I want?" Gabriel was pacing the room biting his finger. Sam watched his confused expression and got a little worried. He just wanted to go home. He was done with tutoring for now, Gabriel was freaking him out.
They appeared in Sam's room. Gabriel took a quick look around and kept biting his nail. "Gabe, please. C'mon, man, say something." he pleaded. "I don't know. I really don't. I've never known anybody that can do that. Handy, I s'pose, but not normal." Normal. Nothing was normal about this. "So I touched a blanket and I'm a freak. Great." Sam mumbled as he went to sit on the bed. "Shit. No, that's not what I meant." He rolled his eyes, feeling like crap for phrasing it that way. He cuddled up next to his man on the bed and wrapped an arm around him. "I'm sorry, Sam. That came out wrong. We're still trying to get a handle on your powers. This is just one of them." Sam nodded and ran his hand through his hair. "We should go tell the guys. I bet Cas is wondering why he was zapped into a classroom half naked." Gabriel agreed and kissed Sam's forehead.
"Let me try something." Sam closed his eyes. "Cas, can you and Dean meet us in the library? We all gotta talk." he thought silently. Then, he grabbed Gabriels hand and blinked them into the library. A minute later Cas and his big brother walked in with confused faces. "Did you summon my husband?" Dean asked with a cocked eyebrow. "Yep." Sam said with a sigh. "Gabriel and I were working on seeing how my powers work. I knew I could do that with Gabe, but apparently it's all angels. And," he took a deep breath, "I can bring them to me. Cas, that's why you popped into the classroom. I thought about you hard enough and brought you to us." The couple looked at Sam with open mouths. "You--you can bring them to you? Like, physically, bring them right to where you are?" Dean asked.
"What else?" Dean pressed. "I don't know, man. This is all new. It's kinda blowing my mind." Sam said in a higher pitched voice. Cas raised his eyebrows. "This could be very useful in the future. Sam, you need to keep expanding and figure out what else you can do. This is very impressive." Gabriel patted his mans shoulder. "Welp, back to the ol drawing board, Sammy."
Dean turns on his heel and walks out of the library muttering to himself. He opens his bedroom door and runs his hand over his mouth. "What's wrong?" Castiel asks from the doorway. Dean turns and waves his arm in Cas' direction. "Im surrounded by freaking angels, that's what. Every one here has freaking powers and I'm useless. I don't even feel like a freaking hunter anymore. Why do I even need to be? You three can just flap in, kill what needs killin and leave. I'm useless." He flops down on the bed and lets his arm fall over his face. "Useless." he mutters. Cas' expression turns from worried to angry in three seconds flat.
He walks over to the bed and grabs Deans collar, jerking him into an upright position. "Cas what the hell--" he protests. Cas' piercing blue eyes burn into his humans. "Now you listen to me," Cas all but growls, "you are Dean freaking Winchester. Every monster and dead thing on this planet knows and fears that name. YOU are the deadliest human known to evil and they'd laugh seeing you throw yourself a pity party." Deans eyes widen with fear. He thought he could feel the room start to tremble. Holy shit, Cas was PISSED. "You're strong, and smart, and fearless. You've saved the world HOW many times and THIS is how you act? All because you aren't part angel or something supernatural?" He let go of Deans collar and stood over him. "None of us asked for this. You should count yourself lucky. You're human. You're MY human. I thought that would be enough for you." He started to cross the room, heading for the door. "Shit, Cas, don't leave. Please." Dean begged. Cas stopped and took a deep breath. "I married you. I love you. But I can't stand when you talk about yourself like this." he balled his fists.
Dean rose of the bed and made his way to Cas. He wrapped his arms around his waist and sighed. "I'm sorry. You're more than enough. Fuck, Cas, I don't know what I'd do without you. I'm sorry. You're right, I need to just get over it." He kissed behind the angels ear and tightened his grip around his hips. "Please." he kissed again. "I'm sorry." Kiss. "I love you." Kiss. Castiel turned without breaking Deans hands away and kissed him hard, raking his hands through his humans hair. Dean winced and moaned at the pain mixed with pleasure.
Castiels hands flew to Deans shirt collar and ripped it down, popping off the buttons in the process. He yanked the shredded shirt off his body exposing his muscular chest. Dean tried to speak. "Cas--Cas, slow down." His breathing hitched when Cas bit down on his lip and grabbed his jeans. He pulled back to look at Dean quickly before pulling the button on his jeans. "I believe they call this angry sex." he growled. Dean let out what could only be described as a whimper. "Oh, I'm so fucked." he whispered, feeling the angel shove his hand into his boxers. "Not yet, you aren't." Cas corrected.
He pushed Dean down onto the bed and began removing his tie. Loosening it slowly while making quick work of his belt. "Take of your clothes." he demanded. Dean hurried and removed what was left of his clothes and laid back on the bed. Cas' pants landed with a thud as he tugged his shirt off over his head. "Jesus, Cas, you're fucking hot." Dean panted, drinking in his husbands body. Castiel silently kneeled on the bed, his erection dragging across Deans naked body. He shuddered at the touch. He reached down and started stroking his cock, watching
Dean reaches for the little bottle in the nightstand and hands it out to his angel. Castiel scowls and shakes his head. Deans eyes bulge. "Hey, whoa. I know your pissed, man but I need lube." Cas chuckled darkly and took the bottle. He popped it open with his mouth, still rubbing his erection, and squirted a bit onto Deans fingers. "Oh." Dean smiled and rubbed his fingers together. He teased his way down between his thighs and pressed against his opening. Cas grunted in approval and quickened his pace watching Dean work himself open. Dean wanted to beg his angel to fuck him right then but he was too caught up in just watching. Cas' chest and arm muscles clenched and relaxed with every stroke, sweat forming on his brow, his breathing staggered when he saw Dean slip in another finger. "Dirty little angel." Dean moaned. "You like watching, don't you?" Cas hummed in approval.
Dean curved his fingers, hitting all the right places. He let out a loud groan as his body jerked in reaction. He hit it over and over, panting harder each time. Unable to control himself any longer, Cas pulled Deans hand away and buried himself into his human. Dean clenched his fists and cried out. Pumping deep, Cas grunted and growled in Deans ear. He almost sounded feral. It made Deans stomach twist in amazing ways. "Punish me." Dean whispered in the angels ear, licking it roughly. "I've been so bad. Punish me." he groaned. That sent his angel over the edge. He fucked Dean without holding back, pounding him into oblivion. Pulling hair, scratching backs and arms, a stream of obscenities flowing out of their mouths. Dean grabbed Cas by the shoulders and pulled him deep, coming between their writhing bodies. Cas came soon after, confident that everyone in the bunker would hear their finale. He laid beside his human and smiled. "I feel much better now." Dean laughed in response and took in a sharp breath. "I'm not gonna be able to sit right for a few days." he muttered.
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sleepystorytelling · 6 years
Silent Treatment - Loki Smut
Alright, so this was written a long time ago on my Wattpad account. I am currently transferring all of my works. Hopefully you enjoy, if not blame 14 year old me.
It happened again.
Loki was going on about how puny and insignificant the lives of Earth were and just how close he had come to conquering New York, if it hadn't been for his brother and his band of annoying helpers.
Of course this pissed you off to no end. I mean, you were in fact an Earthling, and you had actually grown quite close to Thor and the rest of the team. The fact that your boyfriend of nearly two years, had completely disregard not only your feelings, but the progress you had made in trying to lessen his thirst for power - disappointed you more than anything.
How else were you supposed to react other than sulky, and maybe even feeling the slightest bit uncomfortable. But what really crossed the line was when he brought up your relationship in a negative light.
"I don't even understand what the God of Mischief is doing with a plain, and completly incapable woman like you."
That sentence was enough for your heart to crack. You swore the sound rang throughout the livingroom in your apartment.
All you wanted to do was scream, and tell him exactly where his ungrateful ass could go. I'll give you a hint; a lake of fire, infinite agony, and maybe even a little pitchfork.
Yes, hell.
Instead of giving into your temptations and hurting him as much as he had hurt you, you decided it was acceptable to go to bed at 7:30, and walked directly towards your shared room.
You grabbed Loki's pillow off of the bed and set it right outside the threshold. You then went to a closet right outside the door and pulled out a perfectly folded throw blanket, and set it atop the pillow. You stepped over the blanket and pillow once again, and closed the bedroom door soflty clicking the lock as you did so.
You stood with your forehead against the door for a moment, debating whether or no you were actually gonna force the man you had become so dependent on in order to sleep, to find elsewhere to do so.
"-incapable woman like you."
The answer? Yes.
With a sigh I shuffled over to the empty bed, and flopped over top the covers. You flipped the switch on your bedside lamp, and closed your eyes.
*time skip bright you you by Chris Evans as Johnny Storm ;)*
You woke up the next morning with sunlight streaming in through the window across the room. You awoke in the same position that you had fallen asleep in; looking like a starfish atop the covers. Your back felt sweaty from the heat radiating off of the thick duvet underneath you.
Sitting up with a grunt, you remembered the words that has come from Loki's mouth last night and instantly became pissed once again. You decided a shower would help you calm down, and think things over a bit.
You picked an outfit from your closet; a nice fluffy sweater, and a pair of black leggings. Opening the door to your ensuit bathroom you began to strip, and grabbed your toothbrush off of the holder and took it into the shower with you. You turned on the water, making sure it was a tolerable tempurature.
You finished up in the shower, and started to crave mashed potatoes for some reason. What were you going to do? You could stay in your room and scroll through Tumblr, or you could make mashed potatoes then scroll through Tumblr...
Mashed potatoes it is.
You unlocked the door and stuck your head out. The pillow and blanket you placed the night before, were gone, signaling Loki had picked them up. Continuing your voyage towards the kitchen wasn't hard. In fact you were surprised Loki hadn't been waiting by the bedroom door like every other time you had forced him elsewhere.
When you got to the kitchen you noticed that Loki was drinking a cup of coffee at the bar. He looked up, saw you, and looked back down. You couldn't believe he was going to play this game with you!
Loki was giving you the silent treatment.
As you turned your back to him, he spoke.
"I'm sorry, you know..." Loki trailed off quietly. Huh, he wasn't giving you the silent treatment after all. You smirked to yourself.
He may have not been the one giving the silent treatment... But he certainly was going to be the one receiving it.
Continuing with your work, you filled the pot with the potatoes you had been cutting into little cubes, and added water. You then put the pot on the stove and turned on the burner.
As you leaned down into the fridge a little to pull out the milk and butter, you felt to large hands place themselves onto your hips. You quickly grabbed the items you needed, and backed out of the fridge. Loki's grasp on your waist diminished as you continued back towards the stove.
Loki sighed. "I know what I said was completely out of line. But Abby, you have to know that I love you. You are the single best thing I have."
Your heart melted slightly at the words coming out of this dark haired angel's mouth. But you couldn't let him have the upper hand.
His declaration of love was met with silence.
You went back to the comfort food before you. Loki walked of, and you knew him well enough to know he had a pout on his beautiful face.
Once your food was done, you returned to your bedroom, and more importantly your laptop.
*Time skip brought to you by me bitch*
It was now 6:30 in the afternoon. You had been on Tumble for over 9 hours, when you heard a knock on the bedroom door. Glancing up you saw Loki, and he had a slight angry look on his face.
"You haven't spoke one word to me all day! And you know what? It's bullshit. It's complete bullshit because I am the one who caused you to be upset in the first place! And you know what? I am going to do? I am going to make you talk to me. Tell me how bad you want me. How fast you want me to go. How much you love what I am doing to your body. You wanna know why? Because your body is the one thing I can destroy, and the owner won't press charges." gently Loki had finally finished his rant, he was hovering over you on the bed. Your open laptop the only thing keeping you from being completely immersed in each other. He seemed to notice this, because his next step was to take the laptop from you and close it gently before setting it on the night stand beside you, and places a kiss on your nose.
Loki grabbed the bottom of your sweater, pulling at it gently, and let's be honest, after that rant, you were in no place to stop him.
After your sweater was lying somewhere on the floor of your bedroom, he reached for the waistband of your leggings ripping them down in one fluid motion. In nearly half a second your bra and underwear were joining your other articles of clothing on the floor.
Loki took your hands in his gently as he kissed your lips. His lips moved from your own, his hands doing the same, making their way down your neck, chest, and moving to your waist achingly slow. You still managed to keep your lips in a thin line.
All of that changed with grabbed you by the back of your thighs and pulled you quickly to the end of the bed. He kept your knees apart, and placed a kiss on each of your inner thighs, before moving straight for your heat.
He knew the only way for you to say his name, especially when you are mad, was to go slow. You hated when Loki would take his time, not giving you what you needed the most. He stopped all together.
"Come on, babygirl, all you have to do is tell me to go faster." He had a smirk on his face when you lifted your head to look between your thighs.
In response, you simply raised an eyebrow. Without warning Loki entered two fingers into you, and started to vigorously thrust in and out of you.
You couldn't stay quiet any longer, a loud squeal, followed by a deep moan escaped your lips. Loki crawled back up beside you, while still going to work with his fingers.
"Good girl. That wasn't so hard now was it?" Loki whispered into your ear softly, his accent becoming thicker due to the position you both were in.
He then kissed under your ear, and slipped his fingers out of you slowly.
"What-" before you could finish Loki cut you off.
"Hold on. I don't think I can take not being inside of you for another second. Did you take your pill?" Loki was referring to your birth control you took almost daily, for this exact reason.
Loki stripped down to nothing, before he used his knees to carefully slip between yours. He rested his hands on your waist, then he looks at your face asking if he could continue. All he got in return was a eager nod, making him chuckle and drop his head against your chest gently. He places a kiss there, and  he lifts his head back up.
Loki entered you, filling you up completely. He groaned softly and started to thrust almost immediately. You could already tell you weren't going to last long, due to the knot that had already started to form in the pit of  your stomach.
Moans and groans filled the room. The feeling of near euphoria was rushing all over your sweaty body as you tried to tell Loki that you were nearing your orgasm. He seemed to notice, and simply nodded in concent.
You came with Loki's name on your lips, and your on his. He softly kissed your neck and collarbones as he pulled out of you.
"You missed me that much?" You asked with a smirk on your lips.
"Y/N you have no idea how much I miss you on a daily basis." Loki grabbed your hand, and kissed your palm softly.
"I love you so much, Loki."
"I love you too, baby."
Needless to say, you both fell asleep way earlier than intended.
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in-love-and-jeph · 7 years
💫 and uhhhhh playride and/or ned/conor
this was a bit longer than I wanted it to be also whoops it’s more friendship than actually shippy
Conor/Ned: Handsome Devil (2016)Buying Time: Great Big Sea
ao3 link
Ned woke up in the wee hours of the morning, pissed that he was going to be shuffling through the day like a zombie, when his internal train of complaints were stopped. Conor’s bed was empty. Now, if Ned had woken at a normal time, this wouldn’t be too concerning. Rugby practices often started before Ned got up. But, it was 5:30 in the morning. Conor was never gone this early. A small flash a panic hit him, but he pushed it down, choosing to look around for Conor before immediately turning to the dean. He might’ve just gone to the bathroom! Yeah. The bathroom. Ned’s thoughts slowed down to just a steady stream, and he sat down at his desk, sitting in the chair sideways so he was facing the door. He looked over at Conor’s desk, and noticed a note taped to the blank wall above the desk. He got up and ripped it off the wall. It read, “Couldn’t sleep. Didn’t run off. Don’t worry.” Ned let himself breathe for a minute, before deciding to go look for his friend. Tugging on his boots, he threw on a jacket and checked that his phone was in his back pocket, then left the room. For a minute, he contemplated just calling Conor, but he noticed Conor’s phone was still plugged in on his desk, so it would be fruitless.
It was a chilly morning. Dew was forming on the tips of the deep green grass, and the chill of the winter was only just leaving the air. The rising sun cast a pink and yellow glow on everything it touch, and the birds were only just starting to titter. Ned found Conor on the very edge of the school property, facing the rickety wooden fence and watching the cows on the other side graze. Ned sat down next to him, shelving the thought that his pants would be disgusting by the end of this in the depths of his mind for later. He leaned over and put his head on Conor’s shoulder and they stayed like that for a few minutes, watching the cows and feeling the rising sun beat down gently on their backs. After a while, Ned asked, “You okay?”
Conor took a deep breath in before responding. “I’m… I don’t know. My head is all mixed up. Nothing feels quite right.”
Ned sat upright and looked at Conor. He looked like a bloody disaster, his hair was a mess, limp and everywhere, his eyes were bloodshot and puffy, like he’d been crying, and his jaw was set in the way that Ned could tell meant something was bothering him. “Whatever it is, d’ya wanna talk about it?” Ned asked. Alarm bells went off in his head. He had no idea what to do, it’s not like you’re taught how to deal with emotional turmoil, especially someone else’s, but it wasn’t like he could just leave Conor to deal with it. He was stuck at a weird crossroads, where he wanted to run away as fast as he could, but something inexplicable was keeping him there.
“ Inexplicable? ” The voice in his head jeered. “ Inexplicable, my ass. You know exactly what’s keeping you there. ” But Ned shut it down fast before it could get him to do anything stupid.
Lucky for Ned, Conor just sighed. “No, not right now. I… I think I just want to go back to our room.”
At the words ‘our room’, shivers ran down Ned’s spine. But he ignored it, just chalking it up to the chill in the air. “Good,” he replied, “‘Cause it’s fuckin’ freezin’ out here.”
In the next few days, Ned watched from afar as Conor seemed to disintegrate. But when Conor stopped going to class and practice, Ned took it upon himself to drag the issue out of him so they could at least deal with it. Watching Conor suffer silently like this hurt him more than he liked to admit.
So the next morning, Ned woke up to his alarm blaring at 7 am, and instead of turning it off, he let it scream on. He got up and made sure to be as loud as possible, and yanked open the blinds. Conor woke up, blinking, and obviously upset. “Ned, what the fuck?” He asked incredulously. “Well, Conny-boy, you’ve been sulking for the past week and-” Ned bent down in a squat next to Conor’s bed so they were at eye level. “We need to fix that.”
Conor just glared at him, so he muttered, “Fine,” and tried to pull Conor out of bed. He landed flat on his ass, and Conor was still lying comfortably in bed, although now he was smiling.
“Nice try,” Conor said. “You want to have another go?”
“Aw, fuck you,” was all Ned had to say in response. He glared at Conor, before remembering why he was doing this and softening his stare. “Please, Con. To be quite honest, I’m really worried about you.” He nearly wanted to gag at the words that had just come out of his mouth. That was so sappy! This was really weird. He never acted like this before. The part of his mind he liked to ignore wondered if it was all because of Conor.
Conor shot him an angry glare and rolled over so he was facing the wall.
“Dammit, Conor!” Ned exclaimed. “I’m just tryin’ to help you.”
“Fuck off,” came the mumbled reply.
Ned felt like slamming his head into the wall. He stood up and flung his hands up to his face. “Conor, you’re not making this easy,” he said in a warning tone, “What, is it O’Keefe? That fucker is a dick. Is Weasel acting up again? ‘Cause you can easily put him in his place. You know that, you’ve done it before. Oh—or is it your dad?” Ned knew he was right when Conor buried himself further into his sheets. “Come on, what did he do this time? Whatever it is, you still have to function, you can’t let him get to you, he doesn’t deserve even that-”
“Ned.” Conor cut him off mid-sentence. “Please… just go. I know all this already and I just have to… I just have to think.”
He sounded so defeated that Ned just stalled. “Uh.” he stuttered. “Yeah. Okay.” He turned to leave for breakfast, before remembering something. “One thing—Please remember to eat. Don’t think I haven’t noticed, you haven’t left the dorm at all. This isn’t healthy.”
Conor waiting for the door to shut before flopping onto his back again. Ned was right, and he knew it. He’d been telling himself all the same things since he’d gotten the call but it was like something was broken. He just couldn’t do, well, anything. He felt like shit, he smelled like shit, and he knew he looked like shit. He was putting himself through a hell of his own making, and it felt like there was nothing he could do about it, though he knew logically that he had all the power. “Fuck!” he mumbled, and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to stop hot, angry tears from falling. His stomach hurt and his mouth was bone dry, and he felt disgusting all around, but he just couldn’t bring himself to get up. He stayed there for about a half hour longer, his pillow damp from the tears, and after the half hour he had made up his mind. He won’t stand for this bullshit. Not his own, not his parents’, not the school’s. And, he was going to take a goddamned shower if it killed him. After about 5 minutes, he had made it to the showers, which were (thankfully) empty since all the students were in class. He took one of the longest showers of his life, standing under the spray until it turned cold and he felt like his legs were going to give out under him. But he did it, he brushed his teeth, and he put on a new set of clothes. He got back to his dorm and he felt triumphant, like he had actually accomplished him. He sat down at his desk, and suddenly felt utterly exhausted, more tired than he had ever been before. His feelings of accomplishment were quickly washed away by the return of the feeling of utter uselessness. Conor felt like he could cry again. He grabbed his phone off the desk and sent a quick text to Ned.
could u bring me like toast or smth
im finally out of bed ud be proud
God, why did everything have to fucking drain him? He just wanted to be back to normal. His phone dinged, as Ned replied.
welcome back to the land of the living
Conor could vividly see the smirk Ned must be wearing. What an arse. Conor smiled softly to himself. Ned might be an arse, but Conor may or may not love it.
Ned returned an hour later, with a muffin and a bottle of water. In the time in between, Conor had stripped his bed for the first time that month.
“Wow, you’re even gonna do laundry?” Ned commented.
“Yeah, it’s gross at this point.”
“No fucking kidding!” Ned leaned over and sniffed Conor’s hair. “Oh, shit, you showered too?”
“Yes,” Conor snapped back, grabbing the muffin and water from Ned’s outstretched hand. “Fuck off, I’m still human.”
“You weren’t acting like it,” Ned mumbled under his breath.
Conor shot Ned an incredulous look. “Did you really think I couldn’t hear that?”
Ned only cocked an eyebrow in a skeptical look as a response. Yeah, Ned was definitely an arse. But for some reason, talking and joking with him like this made Conor feel better than he had in the past few weeks.
“Feelin’ better?” Ned asked in a soft tone, nodding towards the muffin that had a few bites taken out of it.
Conor’s eyes met Ned’s, and he couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah. Yeah, a lot better.”
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nanshe-of-nina · 7 years
People of the Edwardian phase of the Hundred Years War as dril tweets
Philippe VI de France: Time and time Again. People on here Fuck me over and ruin my life. simply for starting the Dialouge.
Edward III of England: thinking of wrapping my entire body in barbed wire and becoming Sovereign.
Jehan II de France: a teen approached me at the food court and said “I see you wore your clown costume today” and i spent the next 9 hours processing the insult.
Jehanne de Bourgogne: CHILD: Papa.. tell me once more about WIFE’s DUTY. PAPA: it is WIFE’s DUTY to protect her husband from villains, always.
Jitka Lucemburská: Damn. the MomTown forums just started requiring 4 point Mom Verificaiton to be able to post there for some reason..anyone got a work around?
Philippa de Hainaut: my opinion on politics: my opinion on politics is that politidcs is extremely good, but sometimes it is bad.
Ludwig IV, Holy Roman Emperor: bigmouth fake priest telling me to “drink a shitload of holy water and kill yourself” as penance? this has happened at three churches now.
Pope Benedict XII: it is with a heavy heart that i must announce that the celebs are at it again.
Jehan III, duc de Bretagne: i just left an enormous pile of vomit behind golds gym for all of you abominable pig clowns to pick at #blackfridaydeals
Robert III d’Artois: (in really quiet, barely audible voice) hope your dick falls of bitch.
Hugues Quiéret: currently employed as Water Guru at the beach. it’s sort of like being a lifeguard except i have no inclination to touch the drowning people.
Geoffroy d’Harcourt: OH im so Fucking sorry “Your Majesty”, i didnt realize that dick rings were banished in this dystopian piss earth. Ur probably a 9gag poster.
Jacob van Artevelde: (in highly rational and cool voice) i have the higher follower count than them. i wiont let them undermine me.
Pope Clement VI: may the wind carry my tweets and soothte the sick, the wounded, the downtrodden of both man & beast, across the savage shit earth of trolls,
Jehanne de Valois, comtesse de Hainaut: startling how im the only person on this site with an actual human soul. you would think the other guys on here have one, but no.
Eudes IV, duc de Bourgogne: myth: making me mad is cool FACT: making me mad is a crap move& people who do it are all sociopathivc criminals with fucked up rotten brains.
Jehan de Montfort: turning my headlights off when driving at night,.. so that my Rivals cannot see me.
Jehanne de Flandre: i just want to find the optimal bra for sniper operations, but everoyne here is so rude, and pieces of shit.
Johann der Blinde of Bohemia: Q: If your post was proven by a counsil of wise men to be racist, or bullshit, would you bar it from the record? A: I do not delete my posts.
Jehanne de Clisson: as far as im concerned the best revenge is ordering wolf piss online & pouring it into soneones car. “living well” is too hard.
Arnaud de Cervole: i will raze every forest and devour each city in blood tribute for the crime of 9/11!! please nbring back blue collar TV
Frank Hennequin: the jduge orders me to take off my anonymous v mask & im wearing the joker makeup underneath it. everyone in the courtroom groans at my shit.
William Montagu, 1st Earl of Salisbury: im at the point in my life where i cant relate to any popular fictional characters unless they use massive amounts of hair gel and steriods.
Antonio Doria: my name is Destyn. i build crossbows and sell weed to all your dads and im 15.
Gautier VI de Brienne: MYTH: my posts are for the Pauper REALITY: my posts are for the Prince.
Étienne Marcel: looked at a newspaper today. looks like we’re getting taxed out the wazoo, with this president. anyone else see this shit? tax out the wazoo.
Edward Montagu, 1st Baron Montagu: girls always love to telling people not to“ Mansplain” but they do not care of, “Man's Pain”
Louis Iᵉʳ, comte de Flandre: 1) i do not owe you mother fuckers a damn thing 2) i will not hear any more questions or comments unless they pertain to MetroPCS, or Pepsi.
Philippe III de Navarre: the crusaders fire ballistas into my throbbing diaper- unlesashing a torrent of mustard yellow shit and poisoning the entire village.
Gaston II, comte de Foix: i am going to plunge a sword into our bed and officially end outr 40 yr marriage if you do not stop yelling while i am recording my stream’s.
Henry de Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster: please help my cousin “Bruno_THought_Leader” who just had his account suspended for threatening to “Fuck” brexit.
Robert Le Coq, Bishop of Laon: i have absolutely zero interest in friendship, i have absolutely zero interest in jokes, i am simply here to collect data and earn respect.
Jehan Iᵉʳ, comte d’Armagnac: the joke is on you fuck face. i actually love getting screamed at and publicly shamed for my dumb-assed bull shit . I love apologizing.
Bardi and Peruzzi families: boy oh boy do i love purchasing large amounnts of Fool’s Gold. wait a minute... fools gold fucking sucks. this stuff is no good..!! Fuck !!!
Jehanne II de Navarre: i regret being tasked the emotional burden of maintaining the final bastion of morality and NIce manners in this endless ocean of human SHIT.
William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton: if you have less than 1000 followers i can guarantee you that me and the boys share your posts in vip chat rooms and call you a "Muthafucka”.
William de la Pole: thinking about getting the dow jones back on track, simply by making a few phonecalls. but certain people have been a bitch to me, so i wont.
Thomas de Beauchamp, 11th Earl of Warwick: shutting computer down until the shitty moods & attitudes can fuck off., if you need me ill be on my other computer, sititng 60° to my right.
Thomas Holland, 1st Earl of Kent: ive heard from a reliable source that people arre putting their lips on to my girl friends avatars and going “muah muah muah.” cut it out.
Raoul II de Brienne, comte d’Eu: hate it when my boss knocks out the front leg of my desk with a baseball bat and funko pop lego shit flies every where.
Karel IV, Holy Roman Emperor: “RESULT You are the Serpant. YOu dislike loud places and people are constantly putting drama in your life. But you’re strong.” This is true.
Charles de Blois-Châtillon: torturing my damn dick with corn cob holders in Penance for the foul tone i took with the subway corporation today.
Jehanne de Penthièvre: i help every body, im not racist, i keep myself nice, and when i ask for a single re-tweet in return i am told to fuck off, fuck myself, etc.
Jacques Iᵉʳ de Bourbon, comte de La Marche: “ah boo hoo hoo i want to post Foul comments to content leaders” Fat Chance, Dimwit. I will annihilate you under bulwark of the Law and God.
John Chandos: DOCTOR: you cant keep doing this to yourself. being The Last True Good Boy online will destroy you. you must stop posting with honor ME: No,
Jehan d’Artos, comte d’Eu: , who had gone missing for 17 years and was presumed dead after failing to return from his ultimate dumpster diving life quest
William Douglas, 1st Earl of Douglas: i get emails. i get emails saying the trolls have won, and that i should bow to them, since i have lost the battle. to this i say FAT-CHANCE.
David II of Scotland: “jail isnt real,” i assure myself as i close my eyes and ram the hallmark gift shop with my shitty bronco.
Charles de La Cerda: i think that turning myself Gay in the summer of 2013 would really impress my overseas investors.
William de Montagu, 2nd Earl of Salisbury: my watch beeps whwich means its time to stand in front of my ex-wife’s house and play “Hit THe Road Jack” while dacning and licking her mail.
Jehan III de Grailly: its fucked up how there are like 1000 christmas songs but only 1 song aboutr the boys being back in town.
Louis II, comte de Flandre: U Have Forced Me To Take Extreme Measures To Protect My Business And My Lifestyle.
Blanche de Navarre: the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke “theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron”
Charles II de Navarre: Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned Compilation
Philippe de Navarre: shooting off automatic rifles making horrible diarrhea shit noises as the recoil makes my tiny dick flop around. hell yeah. thats cool to me.
Charles, Dauphin de Viennois: surprise, dad. while you were witnessing the pennsylvania state lottery i tried on all your work gloves and they looked very handsome on me.
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Way Down We Go
Requested: Yes! “Back then, I lied when I told you I didn’t love you. You needed to move on from me– I needed to protect you from me.” with Peter please!! - Anon
Warnings: Angst, Swearing, Alcohol.
Word Count: 1K
A/N: Sorry this took so long! But i got some inspo and I have a lot of ideas for this. I think the ending gives you a little hint of where im gonna take this. Also, this is when Reader and Peter are older–like 21. Also I couldn’t find a gif to match this story, sorry!
You always had love in your heart.
Maybe that made you weak, but you honestly didn’t care. You were always told to love no matter how hard it may seem, and no matter how hard the world tried to beat you–you promised you would always love.
Maybe you knew high school would change you, maybe you had the strange feeling that high school was going to rip you to shreds and make you wonder why you ever moved to New York.
But high school didn’t ruin you because of bullies, or rumors, or teachers. High school ruined you because you met the love of your life.
Peter Parker.
You had met him in chemistry class of your Freshman year, just two freshmen trying to find someone to hang around for the next four years, but you never thought that it would be for love.
He had a sweet charm to him–when you first met him he was dorky and clumsy–but god he was so cute.
And all you could think in your mind was love.
Love. Love. Love.
You were always taught to love. And maybe you did love him, but not that way.
Not that way yet.
5 years fast forward, and here he stood in front of you–no longer yours to hold or love. He was the worlds.
You were on top of your apartment complex when you had received the ‘I need to talk you, now.’ text, making your heart jump. You had told yourself you would never talk to him, but here you were. Ready to hear what he had to say.
He stood in front of you, his mask off and eyes glaring at you.
The wind nipped at your skin, all you had on was one of your pajama dresses and a grey cardigan protecting you from the winter of New York–your feet grew cold on the pavement of the roof, immediately thinking how badly you did not wanna be up here right now, facing him–but you were.
You bit your lip and looked down at your feet, trying to hold the tears back. You closed your eyes and breathed in heavily, you thought you were over this, over him–but you weren’t. Not even a little.
God to this day it still hurt.
“Pete, I–I really don’t have the time–”
“I know–I–I know you don't, but I had to just talk to you. You deserve to know the truth about everything. About us.”
Your head shot up, as you continued to hold your tears back, your knuckles began to grow white.
“What else is there to know Peter!? It’s been almost a year and a half! S–So now, now you decide you wanna fix it?!”
“T–That’s not–”
“Of course it’s not Peter.”
He huffed, as you watched the air leave from his lips. Wanting nothing more than to reach out and hug him. He continued to look at you, finally examining your outfit.
“I–I'm sorry, You must be so cold–Go back inside.”
Your mouth hung open as you grew angrier.
“How dare you.”
Peter gulped, his hand nervously going through his messy brown hair.
“Peter Parker, for fucks sake–tell me what you wanted to say and leave, just like you did–”
Your voice gave away, proving to Peter you were about to crack. That everything you were holding in for so long was about to come out, and my god there was nothing you could do to stop it.
“You left me–” you finally said the words out loud as your voice broke.
“I just wanted you to be safe Y/N–”
You began to walk closer to him–close enough to touch, as you began to say everything you wanted.
“I wanted nothing else but you! I didn’t care about Spider-man, I didn’t care about anything but you! And–And then you told me–You didn’t love me, the night before graduation!? What–What kinda sense does that make Peter?!”
Your tears spurred out of your eyes, as your voice echoed through your his ears.
“I–I wasn’t even able to enjoy graduation night. I–”
You began to shake your head trying your best to continue, “You don’t deserve me, Parker.”
“You’re right.” He said firmly, almost breaking your heart more than it already was.
“Now. Why the fuck, did you call me up here.”
Peter bit his lip, then looked down at the pavement below him.
“I lied to you.”
You backed away from him, blinking–not sure what he meant.
“About w–”
“Back then, I–I  lied when I told you I didn’t love you. You needed to move on from me– I needed to protect you from me.”
Peter’s words made you step back more, “You pushed me away Peter. All you did–was hurt me”
He felt the lump in his throat form, as he tried his best to keep himself from falling apart. His main goal, even to this day was to make sure you were never hurt or ever experience pain.
“I just wanted to protect you Y/N”
He spoke so low he wasn't even sure if you heard it.
“Then you should've never let me go Peter.”
There was a silence in the air.
“Peter, once you left me–”
There were a million things going through your mind, and here the only man you ever loved was in front of you, for god knows why. To apologize? To tell you he loved you? To work it out? You didn't know, and honestly, At this point, you didn't care.
“I was no longer yours to protect.”
And with that, you turned your back on him and to the door, not saying another word leaving him there to think.
After you slammed the roof door on Peter, he stood there for a second. Letting the words linger in his head.
You were right, and you had every reason in the world to be mad at him–but there was a piece of him that was hoping you would forgive, maybe even start over with him.
What happened to the two of you, he blamed it all on himself. There was so much more going on then just villians–it was himself as well.
When he and the team fought Thanos–he felt a piece of him go missing. He wasn’t the same person after it all, but honestly who would be. The things he saw, the things he had to do and what he tried to overcome, it was just too much for him.
He broke up with you the night before graduation for you and your family’s safety, and in the moment he didn't tell you why. All he said to you was ‘He couldn't do this anymore’ and as you protested, he said ‘I don’t love you anymore’.
That was one of the biggest lies he’s ever told, but he didn’t want you to fight his decision, because he knew you would–and even after he told you a lie. You were too shocked to actually understand what he said.
The day of graduation was torture for him, while you plastered on that beautiful smile–doing your best to hide the pain.
Peter huffed wiping his face with his hands trying to wash the memory from his mind. Feeling the lump crawl its way back into his throat.
You silently opened and closed your front door–you holding in any noise your body was trying to make.
You wanted to wale, kick and scream, but all you did was let the tears fall down your face. You quickly ran into the kitchen opening up a cabinet to grab your safe haven.
You open up the bottle with shaky hands and took a long swig, gagging a little after the alcohol went completely down. You breathed in deep again–and took another. Letting the tears stream down your face.
You soon found yourself on the kitchen floor with a half empty bottle, cursing Peter’s name under your breath.
You found yourself lost in memories and good times. Everything that seemed real before that night of graduation. All the promises had seemed lost like they never existed–and all the love in your life seemed to have vanished. You missed his skin on yours, and what it all used to be like before you worked at a shitty office, with shitty people–before you decided your best escape was alcohol, or sitting at a bar with men 10x older than you–sleeping with them to erase the pain.
You felt your body shake as your stomach flopped–knowing the alcohol was finding its way back up.You spent the rest of the night at the kitchen sink–getting rid of anything that was once in your system.
When you woke up you were tucked in your bed, a trash can at the edge–just in case you got sick. You rubbed your eyes looking at your phone that was plugged into the charger, reading the time ‘2:16pm’. You slowly got out of your bed, groaning as you did so. You slowly found your way to the refrigerator and chugged on a bottle of water. You rubbed the back of your neck–confused on how you got into your bed until you saw the note.
‘Drink lots of water, and eat some bread, or something. I heard screaming so I came in to check if you were okay, and you were so drunk you didn’t even realize it was me. I’m sorry for everything. I’ll check on you later.
You re-read the note at least three times, then ran to your room to get your phone. Calling him. It rang–and then quickly stopped.
“You’re awake.”
“Stop trying to take care of me, or protect me, Peter. I am not yours. Stop coming into my life, stop acting like we weren’t once in love and then you broke it off like we-we were nothing. I’m done with this. I'm done with you. Im done needing someone to protect me. I'm done. I do not need your help. Leave me alone.”
There was silence.
“Peter! Good–Bye. For good. Forever.”
And with that you hung up, throwing your phone to the floor.
Maybe you were being hard headed, but all you knew was you didn’t care. You were done being the damsel in stress.
You quickly grabbed your laptop, sitting at your desk–typing in ‘boxing classes.’
You no longer had love in your heart.
The love in your heart was gone.
And so was anything good.
so i actually think im gonna make a lil series out of this! hope yall liked! 
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Nov 30 Blurr’s Horror Stream - Sleight
Prowl showed up for the first time in ages, at Bonecrusher’s request, to show Buzzsaw the finished avatar that Bonecrusher was working on. Buzzsaw thinks it should be in a gallery, and is prepared to arrange it. Prowl isn’t going to admit that he’s proud of Bonecrusher, but he told everyone whose attention he attracted for more than three seconds that Bonecrusher is going to be in an art gallery.
Except Whirl. Prowl’s mad at Whirl. Whirl killed Imperius Drax.
The movie was good, not that Prowl would know, because he didn’t pay attention to it. Whirl did though. Whirl shouldn’t have.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. B l u r r: / yes he is here. Skids in on pedes / B l u r r: [[ brb! ]] B l u r r: [[ im back! ]] B l u r r: [[ y'all lemme know when you ready! ]] FakeProwl: ((CRO ARE U HERE i asked you a question on skype)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((YES sorry moment of distraction I AM HERE)) FakeProwl: ((o7)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((and generally ready)) B l u r r: [[ okie. ]] Bevel: ((also ready B l u r r: [[ i shall wait for everyone yes ]] Bevel: ((it is cold in my room but the heater makes horrible annoying noises so I am distracted B l u r r: [[ rude. ]] B l u r r: [[ of the heater, i mean ]] FakeProwl: ((I'm here and ready)) B l u r r: [[ okie. After this song, we start. ]] B l u r r: [[ >>;; cause i like this song ]] FakeProwl: *a Very Extremely Majorly Uncomfortable-Looking Nova Prime appears* FakeProwl: ((it's a Good song)) B l u r r: [[ its my favorite part ;A; ] Bevel: *bulky tank bot Bevel has arrived* B l u r r: / He is here and throwing himself on his couch / ItsyBitsySpyers: Soundwave trudges in looking a little bit dusty for once and... and seeing Bonecrusher, immediately moves to the opposite end of the room. THEN drops down.* B l u r r: / waves at everyone / Whirl: *BUSTS IN* Whirl: TEACH B l u r r: ... Yes? Whirl: You're alive. Bevel: Hi, Whirl B l u r r: ... For the moment. Whirl: 'Sup, Shovel? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble and Ravage follow a couple of minutes behind, one sitting near Bevel and the other about to stop at Blurr's feet when SUDDENLY WHIRL and there is a startled cat hissing and spitting-- ItsyBitsySpyers: and jumping into the air* B l u r r: / sits up a little and pats Ravage. It okay / B l u r r: / wiggles claws at Whirl / Whirl: *he trots on over to his hammock--oh my GOD THAT RAVAGE REACTION WAS HILARIOUS BUT. BUT. Whirl's wrestling with a deep internal struggle* Bevel: Lots! 'Sup with you? Whirl: *he..... ignores it and merely ascends his hammock throne. For your sake, ravage* B l u r r: You're one to talk, Whirl. I haven't seen you in a while. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage will lick the hell out of a front leg to hide his embarrassment.* Whirl: *clicks his claws right back at Blurr* I've been busy, and stranded, and someone hit me with a spaceship, and you know. All that good stuff. Unable to make it. B l u r r: Sounds like fun. Whirl: A laugh and a half, I assure you. FakeProwl: *"Bonecrusher" looks over at Soundwave—and gives him a greeting/permission ping. Not Bonecrusher, just Prowl wearing Bonecrusher's costume.* B l u r r: Indeed. K-Kyehehehe. Bevel: What happened to the spaceship? *waves to Rumble* B l u r r: I haven't been doing much, personally. Robbing people. FakeProwl: *He tries to shuffle across the room to Soundwave's seat. It's difficlt. He's big. He might bump into one or two people.* Whirl: Right now I've got it. I'm getting my revenge by *huge claw air-quotes* "renovating" it. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ew. What's in his shoulder?// B l u r r: Oh? Well, if you need help. I've got a few mechs in my ship that can help. B l u r r: / snarls / Excuse you, mech. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave is a little confused by the permission. He's more confused by the shuffling. There's some looking around in confusion.* Whirl: *sticks that legy out and rocks his hammock* I might take you up on that, Teach. ItsyBitsySpyers: *In general, a lot of "wut".* B l u r r: Mmhm. Don't hesitate to ask. Bevel: Renovating? Whirl: Gutting it, mostly. FakeProwl: Sorry. *tries to move out of he way and nearly falls over an empty couch. Damn this stupid body.* Bevel: Sounds fun! Whirl: I might be able to use it, but... too early to tell. It's a fixer-upper. Bevel: Do you want any help? Whirl: It's somethin' to do. *bobs his head; he'd offer you a seat Bevel, but you're too big to share the hammock* B l u r r: / snorts at the fall  / Walk much? Whirl: ...*tilts his head; he seems genuinely taken aback by the offer* Oh. Uh. Whirl: Sure, if you want. *TWO PEOPLE offering to help in like. the span of ten minutes. Amazin* Bevel: *way too big for that hammock* FakeProwl: *Mutters.* Not in this frame I don't. *Okay. Mission accomplished. He sits by Soundwave.* Bevel: I do. Whirl: But it's good to see you, Teach. *very casual. Exceedingly casual. Whirl might have missed his friend* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Catches the mutter and tilts his helm. What frame would - oh. But why is he wearing THAT?* B l u r r: Good to see you, too. Naturally. Whirl: Then, yeah. I'm not really... doing anything, except for ripping it up, so you can just ping me when you wanna come over. Nowhere else to be. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Greetings.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: =Does it have files?= Whirl: ((GUS IS THAT U)) B l u r r: (( IT IS )) Whirl: (OMG)) FakeProwl: ... Hi. Whirl: ...*does Prowl still smell like prowl or* Bevel: Ok! FakeProwl: *well. he smells like a hologram.* FakeProwl: *which is what prowl usually smells like, so.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Why are you wearing that?]] Is this because of what he did? Some weird Autobot-style punishment? Whirl: ((PFFT)) FakeProwl: *although what he LOOKS like is a half-rusted zombie Nova Prime.* Whirl: ((pardon, I am unsure of Prowl's in-person privileges as I am out of the loop)) FakeProwl: ... Bonecrusher wanted Buzzsaw to see the final result. FakeProwl: ((he's still locked up, still visiting people in hologram. NO CHANGE, BASICALLY.)) Whirl: ((ALAS, POOR PROWL)) FakeProwl: ((but we have a Plan now)) Whirl: ((good)) Whirl: ((u need someone to smuggle u out..... i might have a ship u can use...... maybe)) FakeProwl: ((no no, he's getting out legally.)) B l u r r: ... /mumbles / That date looked boring anyway. Whirl: *ping ping* @Blurr: Oh, second question. You seem like the sort of guy who'd know where to find one-a these--you know any good taxidermists? B l u r r: / outright cackles / FakeProwl: ((... by which i mean by punching a cop and under-the-table bargaining with starscream.)) B l u r r: / sorry, whirl / Bevel: ((close enough Whirl: ((y'know, i think whirl might approve. Depending)) B l u r r: @Whirl: Your favorite mech on my ship. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Ah. Give him a moment.]] And a literal moment it is. Buzzsaw zips in and perches on the tip of Soundwave's shoulder, peering down. B l u r r: / where is ravage. He will pet / Whirl: *stares into space. Cycles a long, long sigh. REALLY long. Gradually sinks out of siight at the bottom of the hammock as he does this. It's like watching a deflating balloon made of elbows* B l u r r: / oh my god whirl / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage is at Blurr's feet, lightly dozing. He makes the Cat Activation Noise, then settles back under the pets. Buzzsaw turns his head this way and that, examining the holo work.* B l u r r: / pet pets. Respectable pets / Whirl: @Blurr: I'll consider it. B l u r r: @Whirl: He'll do it if I tell him to. Whirl: @Blurr: I mean I',m sure he WILL I was just enjoying a nice, long, Piston-free period of my life. ItsyBitsySpyers: }}This... this is marvelous. Axle grease in the face of every Senator's ego. Such meaning! The textures and details--{{ Beak clack. Thinking. B l u r r: @Whirl: Oh, he's not so bad. B l u r r: @Whirl: He's been rather nice lately. FakeProwl: And he added tiny people, too. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Buzzsaw's optic band blinks. He floats over to the holo's shoulder and perches there, peering even closer.* Whirl: *head pops back up to peer at Blurr* @Blurr: I don't trust him. FakeProwl: *He lifts up an arm to point at tiny people swimming/flailing in a rust wound along Sentinel's right chest and under his arm.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Buzzsaw chatters to himself, clicking and beeping. This is good. This is so good.* }}Gallery.{{ B l u r r: @Whirl: I know you don't, but he'll listen to me if I give him strict rules and orders. FakeProwl: ... They are extremely uncomfortable to feel through. FakeProwl: What? Whirl: @Blurr: maybe. I'll consider it. It's kind of a big deal. Whirl: @Blurr: I got this huge dead snake, and I at LEAST want the head mounted. B l u r r: @Whirl: Oh? Hnnh... Piston would be willing to do that. So long as you let him keep a piece. Whirl: @Blurr: Nope. Whirl: @Blurr: This was a gift, it's all mine. B l u r r: @Whirl: Then you're going to have to let me order him. ItsyBitsySpyers: }}A gallery, sir. An exhibit. It belongs in one!{{ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble's audio receptors are burning. He's not sure why. He'll look at Bevel and squint.* B l u r r: @Whirl: He'll probably be sulky, but he'll work. FakeProwl: ... You really think—? Is that a recommendation or an offer? B l u r r: [[ ugh is it dropping? ]] Whirl: @Blurr: ...I'll consider it. I mean, I don't know any OTHER taxidermists, but yeah. I'll get back with you. Whirl: ((not on my end!)) Bevel: *looks back, she did nothing* B l u r r: @Whirl: sure. Just let me know. He's been needing work lately. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble motions from his visor to her and nods. He knows you're talking to the Boss about him. Aren't you.* Whirl: *bobs his head; the pact is sealed. The "maybe" pact. He flops back into the hammock* ItsyBitsySpyers: }}Both. I have... contacts.{{ Sunstreaker's turned out to be a bit of all right, and Buzzsaw's pretty sure he can get the other two in on this if he sends them a shot. B l u r r: ... Whirl /waves claw / Whirl: *waves claw back* B l u r r: Question about your ship. Whirl: Yes, that's me. B l u r r: Is it big or small? B l u r r: / is going to distract whirl / Whirl: iT'S... hmm. It's not nearly as big as your ship. B l u r r: Does it have a lot of weapons? Was it a war ship or cargo ship? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble gets ready to throw food at Ravage, just in case.* Whirl: Probably comparable to like... uh. Whirl: It'll have some. Rooms. B l u r r: [[ it keeps telling me it's dropping. B( ]] B l u r r: [[ but i don't know if it is or not ]] B l u r r: Rooms? Whirl: *very quietly shrivels up in the hammock* B l u r r: You running a hotel in there? Bevel: *she isn't talking to anyone. she shrugs in confusion at Rumble* B l u r r: A literal Air B&B? Whirl: *a valiant effort, but damn that scene was drawn out* Whirl: Probably not. Uh. Whirl: Be RIGHT back. Whirl: *going to untangle himself and hop out into the hall for a sec* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Right. That's a whole pack of rust sticks hurled at Ravage, who startles and snaps at the nearest object. Sorry, Blurr's leg.* FakeProwl: I'm—I'll tell Bonecrusher you said so. I'm sure he'll be pleased. B l u r r: / YELPS loud which is more like a snarl and a monstrous yipe/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *THAT was a mistake. Ravage zooms away from Blurr and toward Soundwave, using "Nova Prime" like a bridge and everything on the way.* B l u r r: / snarls and rubs his leg. Rude. / B l u r r: [[ i totally haven't eaten dinner. I'll be back ]] Bevel: *jumps at all the noise* FakeProwl: *starts. why cat* Whirl: *he stops pacing in the hall long enough to peer in because what the hell is all this yowling* ItsyBitsySpyers: *It's a Distraction From Whirl's Exit is what it is.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave gently scratches Ravage's shoulders while he listens to Buzzsaw talk.* }}Good. I must get back - but see that you do!{{ Whirl: *it will be appreciated when he puts two and two together later* B l u r r: ... I'll bite you back. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Hisssss.* =No.= B l u r r: What the frag did you bite me for? boomtank: what did I miss?)) ItsyBitsySpyers: =You dropped fuel on me.= B l u r r: I did no such thing! ItsyBitsySpyers: *STARE at the rust sticks on the floor where he was. What's all that, then.* B l u r r: ...Ravage, do you honestly think I'd drop rust sticks? They're my favorite. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Squint. Sloooooow look over to Rumble. Rumble quickly darts out of the room.* B l u r r: ... I can catch him. ItsyBitsySpyers: =I live with him.= Or, "I'll catch him myself later." B l u r r: ... Mmm. It's better to know where they live. Whirl: *is very careful not to step on the fleeing minicon* Bevel: *bye Rumble* Whirl: Sins found you out, eh? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Buzzsaw floats up and leaves the room, snorting at Rumble on the way out.* //Lil bit. Shoulda used crunchers. Heh.// FakeProwl: *nods toward Buzzsaw as he leaves.* Whirl: Mayeb next time. *snorts. After a moment he peeks momentarily in the room, then looks at Rumble, then looks away* But, hey. ...thanks. Whirl: ((! did it just go offline for anyone else or.....)) boomtank: cut off here)) FakeProwl: ((yeah it's offline)) Bevel: ((it did, so glad it wasn't just me B l u r r: [[ is it back now? ]] B l u r r: [[ omg comcast really? ]] boomtank: still down on my end)) Bevel: ((still down Whirl: ((down here too >8V COMCAAAST)) B l u r r: [[ i paused it. B( ]] B l u r r: [[ I don't have time for it to be doing this ]] boomtank: comcast you bum!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble nods.* //No prob.// ItsyBitsySpyers: ((definitely offline)) Tara: (( yeah, down :c (says the lurker in the background) B l u r r: i reset it. Did it work? ]] Whirl: ((I see a pause screen!)) Tara: (( same - pause screen B l u r r: okay. ]] B l u r r: [[ I wait for the rest of u ]] Bevel: ((looks like it's back boomtank: yup!)) FakeProwl: ((yep!)) Bevel: ((*waves to lurker* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((there it goes)) Whirl: ((ye! o/ )) Whirl: *bobs his helm again and looks to the doorway* Safe for you to go back in yet, mech? B l u r r: / tilts helm and relaxes again, slouching on his couch. Getting bit and crap. How rude. / ItsyBitsySpyers: //The Boss scratchin' him?// Whirl: *pokes his head in, peering* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Yep. Scratching a murder cat while sitting next to a zombie Senator, nbd.* Whirl: *withdraws* Yep. Coast clear. I'll cover you. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Cool. Hammock?// Whirl: But of course. *nods graciously and trots back into the room* Okay. Where was I? Rooms, right. B l u r r: Rooms. B l u r r: omfg COMCAST. B l u r r: ]] FakeProwl: *... you know what. There's no reason for Prowl to still be in this body.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Trotting right alongside. Not that it's hard to see him, spindly as Whirl's legs are, but it's the principle of the thing.* Whirl: *swings ab ck up in his hammock and pauses to give Blurr what he thinks is a meaningful look. Or he hopes is, he's not good with faces, but he wants to say, "thank you."* I have to finish gutting-- Whirl: --the ship before I know EXACTLY how much room I'll have but probbaly enough for one deck, about eight rooms or so. Whirl: No crew, though, just me. FakeProwl: *Nova Prime flickers out and Prowl appears in his place.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Thank you. That was... closer to a senator than he prefers getting.]] B l u r r: Ahh, I see. Sounds entertaining. Bevel: *...that was definitely not a transformation* B l u r r: Well, like I said. I just remodeled mine. FakeProwl: It wasn't any more pleasant to wear. B l u r r: So, I'm willing to help ItsyBitsySpyers: *It wasn't. Bevel should ask about it.* Whirl: *salutes* Well, consider yourself invited. B l u r r: / smirks and salutes back . B l u r r: / Bevel: *she is going to as soon as she finds words* Prowl? *ok one word down* FakeProwl: Imagine growing a bunch of little... cilia-fingers-people out of your side. And feeling through all of them. FakeProwl: *shudders* Whirl: ((it went down again on my end D: )) FakeProwl: *oh wait that was his name.* Yes? Bevel: ((same :( FakeProwl: ((same)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Like when he first got his feelers, then.]] *Amused. He'll be quiet for a moment so Bevel can talk, gesturing to her. Yes, go on.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((damnation it's down)) B l u r r: oh my god im getting annoyed ]] B l u r r: [ Comcast is doing the thing again ]] B l u r r: [[ the slow down thing ]] B l u r r: is it back?? ]] Whirl: ((got a black screen so far :|a)) Bevel: Is that a holoavatar? Whirl: ((ok! Got a pause screen!)) Bevel: ((it is back FakeProwl: ((ye)) FakeProwl: Yes, it is. I don't come to these things in person. Bevel: That is really cool. You can look however you want. Even like an organic! Whirl: *out goes the legy. Rockin time* Bevel: *which is something she can't do!* FakeProwl: ... To be clear, Nova Prime isn't my choice. It's a— hm. An art piece, that Bonecrusher made. FakeProwl: ...... I'm his model. Bevel: It looked really neat. Is it supposed to be someone? FakeProwl: Yes—it's Nova Prime, as he looks in our universe. Whirl: Heheh. Bevel: Nova Prime was the other bad Prime, right? Whirl: Dead as hell, and the world's a better place for it. Whirl: There aren't any good Primes, Shovel. Trust me on this. Bevel: *...thank you Whirl that answered her question some* B l u r r: / scoffs/ FakeProwl: Yes. Right. It'sssss... symbolic ooof... *give him a second.* B l u r r: Theres one good prime /mumble / Bevel: Which one? B l u r r: Mine, of course. Whirl: Okay, wee-ell... fair, your Prime never did anything to *** me off. B l u r r: See? Whirl: But I only knew him for a few minutes. Whirl: ...and he was. Weird. FakeProwl: ... The way that theee... corrupt actions of the senate, protected the Prime, and concealed the... oppression of the people? Or something like that. Bevel: I do not know your Prime and mine... *shrugs uncomfortably* He left. And he did not come back like the others do. Whirl: You're probably better off. Tara: *slides in l8 but w/o starbucks, is just gonna stand in the back of the room for a mo* B l u r r: My Prime was the best. The most capable. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nods to Tarantulas.* Bevel: *nods vaguely and focuses back on Prowl before she gets distracted by horrible feelings* It looked really neat. I hope Bonecrusher does more work like it. If you do not mind modelling for it. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He will not be Prime if he does come back.]] *Soundwave's made certain of that. But he won't say anything else. Touchy subject.* Whirl: *twists his head around like an owl, looks briefly at Tarantulas, and returns his attention to the screen. ...and Rumble, if he needs a claw up* FakeProwl: If it feels like that, I hope not to model again if I can avoid it. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble's been chilling under the hammock, but now he'll take that claw.* Bevel: So you can feel stuff through an avatar? *general you but yeah* Whirl: *hoisted up like a claw machine; you are now Absolutely Safe from feline retribution* FakeProwl: Yes, yes. It takes an extra patch to be able to feel more than heavy pressure and no pressure. The avatar wasn't designed to work with that patch. FakeProwl: ... It's apparently good enough to be in a gallery. ItsyBitsySpyers: *If Whirl thinks that, he hasn't spent enough time around Ravage. But the sentiment's nice.* Whirl: *...hmm. He feels like he should... do something. Galcnes about. Raises a claw... then puts it down. Then raises again, uncertainly. Then turns the motion into scratching his head* Whirl: *Raises his claw again. Hesitates... and then, with very careful slowness, as slow as if he were trying to sneak up on a fly, rests that claw on Rumble. Just on him. Wherever it falls. Pap.* Whirl: *he's very bad at this* Bevel: That is really cool, Prowl. Tara: You're welcome for that patch, hyeh. *has come over to prowl now, touchtouch just to emphasize his point* FakeProwl: It is, yes. It's... very cool. Bevel: Oh! You did it? Awesome! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble tries not to snort and just pats the arm that is, apparently, covering him sorta blanket-like because WHIRL IS WAY BIGGER THAN HIM* FakeProwl: *puts a hand over whatever paw is touching him.* Whirl: *VERY VERY MUCH SO* Tara: *to bevel* Only the patch, not whatever else it is you're speaking of. Tara: *puts another paw on top of hand on paw* ItsyBitsySpyers: =Primes.= Yawwwwn. Ravage is an aft. FakeProwl: *looks up at Tarantulas* Bonecrusher made an art piece out of a holomatter avatar. It's going to— it MIGHT be getting displayed in a gallery. Bevel: Just the patch. Avatars are neat. I want one someday. Bevel: *all the transformation power bwahaha* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Why? You already shapeshift?]] Glance to Prowl. [[He was quite serious. The others will be planetside again within a month.]] Bevel: I could blend in more on Earth and go into places I am too big for! FakeProwl: ... Within a month. Hm. Whirl: Heh. Nice. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Oh, hey. He's all like that Matrix human.// Whirl: *nods* Pretty sick. ItsyBitsySpyers: =Why Earth.= Bevel: Lord of the Rings, duh! But other places that are too small would be cool too. *but mostly it's about that Tolkien stuff* FakeProwl: ((the screen's black ;;)) FakeProwl: ((oh there it is)) FakeProwl: ((what did they applaud at)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i have no idea)) B l u r r: [[ idk i walked away ]] B l u r r: [[ i had to go burn my head ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((WHAT)) Tara: (( ????? speedy?? B l u r r: migraine. ]] Bevel: ((the screen was black here, maybe it was supposed to be vague like he is still performing magic? Whirl: ((SPEDDY...)) B l u r r: so i put hot water ]] B l u r r: [[ on my head ]] Whirl: ((GOTCHA. I'm sorry bout your head dude D: get thee some CAFFEINE)) B l u r r: [[ i caaan't ]] Bevel: ((oh that kinda burn Tara: (( dun scare us like that speedy B l u r r: IM SORRY. ]] B l u r r: [[ I forgot you guys don't know what I mean ]] B l u r r: [[ also, for an indie film that wasn't so bad ]] Whirl: ((ye i enjoyed it! edsp. main dude's performance, he was good)) B l u r r: yeee ]] Bevel: ((that was really excellent ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave stretches a little.* [[You hum. Why?]] Whirl: Not bad, Teach, not bad. B l u r r: ... Thanks. Bevel: That was cool. B l u r r: I've still got it. /smirks/ FakeProwl: Just thinking. Whirl: That you do. B l u r r: Well, thanks. B l u r r: I know I've got good picks. Whirl: Dunno how often I'm gonna be able to make these anymore. Depends on, y'know. Where I do or don't get stranded. *gradually lifts his claw, glancing questioningly to Rumble; he is Released from Prison* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[About?]] Whirl: And-or what ships do or don't hit me. B l u r r: / waves claw / Sometimes I don't really make my own. B l u r r: I've been rather busy mysekf. B l u r r: *myself. Bevel: Are you pirating now too? FakeProwl: *shakes head* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble grunts. He was enjoying that, but he'll stretch and sit up, looking pretty pleased.* Whirl: ...was that for me or for Teach? Cos Teach is existing in a perpetual state of pirating right now. Bevel: You! Bevel: I know what Blurr is doing. Sometimes. ItsyBitsySpyers: *He'll take that as an "unimportant" or "not your business". Fair, given what he did to Bonecrusher. He'll just nod.* Whirl: Ah, gotcha. And, no. Law-abiding citizen, that's me. *drapes a claw over his chest* Just touring the galaxy. ItsyBitsySpyers: *NOW Rumble snorts.* Whirl: ...okay. Fine. *shoots Rumble an amused look* i don't have citizenship. B l u r r: No one ever knows what I'm doing. B l u r r: Except me. Whirl: ...and I have a really, tremendously huge bounty on my head right now, but honestly, that's SORT OF working in my favor, so... Tara: Are you quite sure YOU always know what you're doing, Blurr dear? B l u r r: ... /snort/ Nope. Whirl: I was about to say... B l u r r: No idea what I'm doing half the time. Bevel: I saw you walking down a hallway once. *that counts?* B l u r r: That's a mystery B l u r r: Don't even remember where I was going. Bevel: I have never checked if I have a bounty on my head. Maybe in other universes but I do not think so. Technically mercenaries are legal in most places and a totally valid part of warfare. *or something* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Now he is curious.]] They don't really have a parade of aliens who hate their guts on the same level as Whirl and Prowl's timelines do, but still. Whirl: You should. It's a hoot. You'd be surprised how long the collective galactic memory is, for creatures with such short lifespans. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Perhaps he should be grateful most of his work was of the hidden variety.]] FakeProwl: *... Now there's a question. Did Starscream put a bounty on Prowl's head? If so, Prowl's entitled to it. He turned himself in.* Whirl: Well, I'd also guess a lot of your work was against your own kind, right? Bevel: *he should check and collect* Whirl: Aliens tend to get... moody if you mess with THEM. Apparently. B l u r r: My bounty is high. /smirks/ Very high. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes. We did not destroy nearly as many organic planets as he is told your universes did.]] Whirl: Amazing, what we managed to accomplish in such a relatively short amount of time. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Like how high?// Whirl: And yeah, Teach--spill. B l u r r: Like very high. B l u r r: / pulls out datapad to search it / It's worth is in credits, though... B l u r r: not sure how that trades in currency Bevel: It depends on the universe. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He wouldn't know.]] Whirl: Last time I checked--and this is what a dog told me--I'm sitting around five million galactic standard Whirl: But SOMEONE told me I was worth more dead--which seems like a lie, usually it's worth more to bring someone in alive. Whirl: But I did... sort of make a big Oops. Recently. B l u r r: Wh? B l u r r: *Eh? Whirl: Before I came here and met all of you guys, I mean. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Whadja do?// Whirl: Apparently, assassinated a beloved politician. Whirl: Well, okay, I know he's DEAD but I didn't know he was important. FakeProwl: ... WHICH beloved politician. Whirl: ...I thought you knew. Whirl: *peers* Not important. He's very dead. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ain't Ratbat, is it?// Whirl: No, no. Not one of ours. FakeProwl: No, he said beloved. Whirl: *snrks* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave trembles with the strain of holding back a laugh; Rumble explodes with one for him.* FakeProwl: Would it be the beloved politician I spent the last four thousand years courting an alliance with before he was unexpectly killed by a "wandering, malfunctioning cyclops" on Hedonia? Is it that one? Whirl: *shrugs* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Drama and gossip senses tingling. Soundwave stops trembling to listen.* Whirl: I mean, doesn't SOUND like me. I'm functioning perfectly normally, after all. Bevel: *giggles into her hand* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble offers the Boss a listening snack. He waves it away.* FakeProwl: I THINK they were referring to the fact that said cyclops wandered out of a bar, MURDERED someone, and wandered back in. Whirl: Hmm... also doesn't sound like me. When have you ever heard of me ever WILLINGLY leaving a bar? FakeProwl: Four thousand years! I was on a reduced fraction basis with half of his preferred gestalts! All wasted! Whirl: Man. Yeah, that sounds frustrating. Hope you catch the guy. Bevel: *welp now seems like a good time to leave huh* FakeProwl: You—! FakeProwl: .... RRGH! *shoves his face in his hands. FOUR THOUSAND YEARS. FOUR THOUSAND.* FakeProwl: *FOUR THOUSAND YEARS OF /SOCIALIZING/.* Whirl: *tilts his head. The Most Innocent Face* Bevel: *wave to SW and co. bye!* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave just. Gently pats his shoulder. What the hell else do you do other than a There, There to something like that? ANd a nod to Bevel.* B l u r r: [[ welp, i gotta open so yall have fun! ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((byeeeee)) FakeProwl: ((gnight~ sleep well)) Tara: (( i gotta peace out too, night guys <3 B l u r r: / waves claw and just tells people not to break stuff / Whirl: ((GNIGHT)) Whirl: Seeya, Teach! FakeProwl: *grabs soundwave's knee for stability. soundwave. four thousand years.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh, there we go. He'll cover the hand with his other hand. He knows. Not this specific thing, but many things like it, and enough to know that four thousand years of socialization is awful.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble pings Whirl.* @W: //Okay but how'd ya do it?// Whirl: @R: I just shot him. Didn't seem to see it coming. ItsyBitsySpyers: @W: //Psh. Swear to Primus politicians don't never go down tough.// Whirl: *nods* @R: Too pampered, most of them. Whirl: All right! I can sense our good pal Prowl needs... a moment, he seems kinda verklempt. So I'm out. Whirl: Catch you guys later--probably at Dancitron. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Very well. Consider bringing some tinsel.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble squints at Prowl. He doesn't look very clamped at all.* Whirl: *nods* I'll see what I can scare up. *going to carefully extricate himself so Rumble doesn't get dumped out--and nudge him one last time, in thanks. He tried* FakeProwl: *he's extremely clamped* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Bops Whirl goodnight and grins. Seeya Monday.* Whirl: *and with a final bob good-night, he is gone* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Would you prefer company while you process this data or should he return you to the Constructicons?]] FakeProwl: ... Mrgh. Doesn't make a difference. *he's moving through the stages of grief. he's already hopped from Anger straight to Depression.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...He will try not to be insulted by that somehow.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Come with him, then. He will distract you with details of his last project.]] FakeProwl: *will soundwave's presence or lack thereof bring Imperius Drax back from the dead?* FakeProwl: ... Sure. ItsyBitsySpyers: *...Well, he got several minicons back...* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Anyway, it's the best he's got as far as comfort goes. He'll nod and withdraw his hand so he can leave the ship and go back home. Prowl's welcome to follow or not as he wants.* FakeProwl: *he waits for Soundwave to leave, then flickers out to go join him.*
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fagkit · 7 years
200 thru 1 :3c
bet you didn’t think I’d do it @chqwder @ephraim-o-rama​
200: My crush’s name is: killu @bpdzoldyck I LOVE THIS BOY SO MUCH!!!!!! 199: I was born in: ontario198: I am really: affectionate, loving, supportive, jealous, drained197: My cellphone company is: freedom196: My eye color is: brown195: My shoe size is: 9194: My ring size is: no idea193: My height is: 5′11′’192: I am allergic to: nothing that I know of191: My 1st car was: none, I hate driving190: My 1st job was: peer tutoring through my college189: Last book you read: I can’t remember, but probably a science fiction book for one of the classes I took in college188: My bed is: comfortable and unmade and covered in clothes187: My pet: a precious calico kitty cat named reese uwu 186: My best friend: aria @god-mutt aaaaaahhh god I love my best friend so much like holy gosh damn like I love her with all my heart she’s the best friend ever to exist!!!!! 185: My favorite shampoo is: head and shoulders is all I use184: Xbox or ps3: neither?? I’m a pc gamer… ps3 if I had to choose183: Piggy banks are: kinda helpful I guess182: In my pockets: nothing lmao181: On my calendar: my friends’ birthdays uwu180: Marriage is: I dunno, nothing special to me179: Spongebob can: quench that extreme thirst178: My mom: loves memes177: The last three songs I bought were? all on krewella’s new world album, the first time I’ve bought music in years actually176: Last YouTube video watched: sro playing camille175: How many cousins do you have? fuck there’s a lot of them but I don’t know most of them, my family tree is huge.. I’m close to like three of my cousins174: Do you have any siblings? I have a younger sister173: Are your parents divorced? nope172: Are you taller than your mom? yeah, by a little171: Do you play an instrument? not at all170: What did you do yesterday? I worked and then had a pizza and relaxed[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: not a chance168: Luck: as much as I like to blame luck when things go bad, or say I got lucky when things go well, not really… shit just happens167: Fate: same as before, shit just happens, but fate can be nice to think about sometimes166: Yourself: kinda, I can be a big fuck up sometimes but I’m still alive and kicking165: Aliens: not your traditional aliens out of fiction, but I believe there is other forms of life in the universe164: Heaven: nah, not really, but it’s nice to think about163: Hell: as often as I’ll say I’m going to hell, in particular with my best friend to chill after death, it’s not really something I think is real162: God: no, I don’t really think about it either, nor do I care to think about it161: Horoscopes: they’re fun, but I don’t think they’re real or accurate or hold any value160: Soul mates: it’s a comforting thing to believe in, but it’s probably not real159: Ghosts: not really, it’s possible but I don’t really care either way158: Gay Marriage: of course!!!!! unfollow me if you don’t157: War: war is very much real lmao do I think it should it happen??? it would be nice if it didn’t… but in the world we live in I think it’s always bound to happen156: Orbs: what does this even mean????155: Magic: nope but this is the closest to magic I’ve ever seen[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs153: Drunk or High: high152: Phone or Online: online151: Red heads or Black haired: black hair150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunette149: Hot or cold: hot148: Summer or winter: summer147: Autumn or Spring: autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla145: Night or Day: night144: Oranges or Apples: oranges143: Curly or Straight hair: straight142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcdicks141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk chocolate140: Mac or PC: pc139: Flip flops or high heals: flip flops138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor137: Coke or Pepsi: coke136: Hillary or Obama: obama I guess, I’m not american so my opinion is limited135: Burried or cremated: I want to be cremated134: Singing or Dancing: singing133: Coach or Chanel: lmao I don’t care132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who???131: Small town or Big city: small town130: Wal-Mart or Target: wal-mart, target got shit on in canada for good reasons too129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: adam sandler I guess, only because my favourite movie ever is 50 first dates128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure probably so I can show it off127: East Coast or West Coast: I don’t know??? what does this even mean??126: Your Birthday or Christmas: my birthday125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate124: Disney or Six Flags: never been to either and never will123: Yankees or Red Sox: neither, I don’t care about sports[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: depends on what’s being fought over, human rights is one of the only reasons it should need to happen121: George Bush: I’m not american and I don’t really care120: Gay Marriage: there shouldn’t need to be laws for gay marriage to be legal and accepted119: The presidential election: a losing choice either way118: Abortion: pro-choice, your body your life your choice117: MySpace: dead and gone116: Reality TV: can be fun sometimes115: Parents: my parents are great!!!! others?? not so much… really common to hear about shitty parents114: Back stabbers: shitty people, drop them when you get the chance113: Ebay: pretty useful but I don’t really use it112: Facebook: waste of time and poorly designed and too much data mining111: Work: I’m underpaid, retail is hell, it’s basically adult babysitting110: My Neighbors: don’t talk to them but they smoke a lot of weed109: Gas Prices: inflated and bullshit but luckily I don’t drive108: Designer Clothes: not a necessity but to each their own107: College: unfairly out of reach for most people, should be free106: Sports: boring and exhausting and not fun to me105: My family: I love my family, I don’t really have any complaints104: The future: probably pretty shitty with how things in the world have been lately, gonna enjoy the present while I can[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: a week ago102: Last time you ate: a couple hours ago101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: a while? :3c100: Cried in front of someone: a few days ago on voice chat with my best friend99: Went to a movie theater: around a year at this point98: Took a vacation: around april was the last time I had a week off work97: Swam in a pool: over a year, last summer I think96: Changed a diaper: never95: Got my nails done: never94: Went to a wedding: not since I was a baby93: Broke a bone: never, the closest was a fractured wrist when I was around 1292: Got a peircing: never91: Broke the law: I have no idea, probably the last time I ripped a song from youtube which was almost a year ago90: Texted: less than a minute ago[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: aria88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: aria87: The last movie I saw: something with aria I can’t remember the name of, it was a bunch of shorts on short stories (she has informed me it was called XX)86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: coming home from work and calling with aria85: The thing im not looking forward to: going back to work84: People call me: loving, supportive, a brother83: The most difficult thing to do is: accept change82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never81: My zodiac sign is: libra80: The first person i talked to today was: grizz @chqwder79: First time you had a crush: when I was around 1078: The one person who i can’t hide things from: aria77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: probably aria76: Right now I am talking to: voice calling with aria 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: be best friends with aria74: I have/will get a job: I am a unofficially a manager at a hardware store (I do all the work of one), but only get paid as a supervisor73: Tomorrow: THIS IS SO VAGUE but I’m going to be working and then hanging out with aria72: Today: I streamed with grizz @chqwder and joshy @ephraim-o-rama and voice called with aria @god-mutt while I did this before bed71: Next Summer: I have no idea probably hanging out with aria??70: Next Weekend: hanging out with aria69: I have these pets: a cat that I mentioned earlier68: The worst sound in the world: forks scraping on a plate67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself66: People that make you happy: aria makes me the happiest65: Last time I cried: like a week ago on call with aria64: My friends are: amazing and wonderful and I love them63: My computer is: a beast62: My School: I’m not in school anymore61: My Car: is non-existent, like my license60: I lose all respect for people who: lie and break my trust, cheat, lots of other reasons that are pretty standard and obvious for people not deserving respect59: The movie I cried at was: I can’t remember right now but I cry really easily at movies58: Your hair color is: brown57: TV shows you watch: hunter x hunter and a bunch of other anime, rupauls drag race, and mostly just youtube videos… I don’t have cable to watch tv56: Favorite web site: tumblr and youtube55: Your dream vacation: I hate travel but if I get a chance to meet aria that would be the best54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when I scalded my hand with boiling water a couple years ago53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium-rare52: My room is: kinda messy51: My favorite celebrity is: I really love adore delano50: Where would you like to be: hanging out with aria and looking at stars or watching movies and having a sleepover49: Do you want children: kinda, as long as I can skip the baby phase48: Ever been in love: yes, and then heartbroken but I’m over it now whatever romantic love sucks miss me with that shit47: Who’s your best friend: aria!!!!46: More guy friends or girl friends: guy friends45: One thing that makes you feel great is: spending time with aria44: One person that you wish you could see right now: aria43: Do you have a 5 year plan: not die??? even that’s kinda iffy???42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: meet aria41: Have you pre-named your children: nope40: Last person I got mad at: a friend I ended up blocking39: I would like to move to: nowhere, I like where I live38: I wish I was a professional: programmer[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: peanut butter m&ms36: Vehicle: I don’t really care enough to have one35: President: don’t care enough to have one34: State visited: I’ve only been to two states, buffalo (to take a plane to chicago), and illinois. between the two, definitely not buffalo33: Cellphone provider: I’m with freedom and the service is meh but it’s affordable32: Athlete: don’t care31: Actor: don’t care enough to have one30: Actress: don’t care enough29: Singer: adore delano28: Band: krewella27: Clothing store: h&m??? I don’t really clothing shop often26: Grocery store: fortinos25: TV show: excluding anime, it would be rupauls drag race24: Movie: 50 first dates23: Website: tumblr and youtube22: Animal: foxes and fennecs21: Theme park: never been to one20: Holiday: halloween19: Sport to watch: none, they’re all boring18: Sport to play: none, they’re all boring17: Magazine: I don’t read any16: Book: warrior cats ;3 I don’t read… never have the time15: Day of the week: thursday, it’s my day off14: Beach: a beach 3 hours away on lake huron13: Concert attended: three days grace12: Thing to cook: mac and cheese11: Food: pizza and mac and cheese10: Restaurant: a sushi place that closed down almost three years ago9: Radio station: I don’t really listen to the radio on my own, not sure8: Yankee candle scent: I dunno probably something with vanilla??7: Perfume: I don’t know vanilla scents I guess??6: Flower: snapdragons and bleeding hearts!!!!!!!!5: Color: true blue4: Talk show host: I don’t watch talk shows3: Comedian: I have no idea2: Dog breed: german shepherd, husky, border collie1: Did you answer all these truthfully? yep
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snelbz · 7 years
can u write a rowan x aelin fic that will break my heart? im in the mood to cry
So this originally was supposed to be a quick little oneshot, but then it turned into a 6,300 word bombshell. Shout out to @tacmc  for being my ever faithful beta/bff, and helping out with this one before it was posted, for helping me with when I didn’t think I could finish it. For a while, it had me very emotional, but she helped me power through it. I made her cry, so hopefully, it’s what you’re looking for!
Alright, without further ado… Tiny Hearts.
It wasn’t until Aelin felt the skin of her knuckles split that she realized she hadn’t wrapped her hands before putting on her gloves. She paused for a second, but the damage was already done and she went back to hitting the bag in front of her with all she had.
Her eyes stung as sweat dripped off her forehead and she could feel the dampness of her t-shirt clinging to her back. Stopping to grab a drink, she glanced up at the clock.
3:27 am.
Insomnia was nothing new to Aelin now. She was lucky if she managed to get about three hours of sleep a night at this point. So, when she realized she’d been staring at the inside of her eyelids for two and a half hours, she ended up at her cousin’s gym, taking advantage of his punching bags and various work out equipment to not only tire her out, but to distract her mind. It never worked.
Unfastening her gloves, she pulled them off, blood dripping onto the pristine, white, tiled floor. She watched as another drop joined, then another and another. Lifting her fist, she clenched it, causing her knuckles to turn white and the skin to tear just a bit more.
Aelin closed her eyes, relishing in the feeling of something, even if it was her own physical pain. After months and months of nothing but numbness, these small bits of proof that she was still alive down in her soul was what she needed. A car alarm going off somewhere outside of the studio brought her back to reality and she grabbed a paper towel and some bleach from the supply closet after she bandaged up her hand to clean up the blood.
Locking the door to her apartment, Aelin sighed as she leaned her forehead against the door frame, the metal cooling her flushed skin. She tossed her keys on her coffee table, sitting down to take her tennis shoes off. She leaned back onto the couch and cringed at the feeling of her sweaty skin against the leather. She just needed to sit for a second, then she’d get up and go shower.
Aelin heard a banging on her door as her eyes snapped open. The sun was streaming through her windows and she glanced at the clock above her fireplace.
8:41 am.
Rolling her neck, she groaned. She’d fallen asleep on the couch and her neck was stiff from the awkward position she’d been in all night. Sighing, she moved to lay down to get more comfortable and maybe get a few more hours of sleep, when she heard a key turn over in the deadbolt and the door swung open.
Her cousin’s voice boomed through the small kitchen and living room. “Rise and shine, princess!”
She grabbed one of the throw pillows and used it to cover her face. “I gave you that key for emergencies, Aedion.”
The pillow was ripped from her face and a familiar blonde head was looking down at her. He lifted her legs and flopped down on the couch. “You stink.”
“Come in, Aedion,” she growled. “Make yourself at home.”
“Well, I assume you used my gym last night, so I figured I could come use your couch and eat your food.” He took a massive bite out of the apple he’d swiped from her counter.
“Fair enough.” Aelin propped her foot up on the coffee table in front of her and they sat in silence for a couple of minutes.
“So we’re all going out for dinner tonight,” Aedion said quietly. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Aedion’s visits would always end with him trying to convince her to come out with their friends. Groaning, Aelin threw herself off of the couch and went into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from her fridge. “It’s Lysandra’s birthday,” he said, following her, leaning his hip on the counter. “You know, your best friend and my fiancée?”
Aelin looked at the calendar on her fridge. She hadn’t changed it in over 3 months. Time had literally gotten away from her. Her eyes focused on that day before blurring over as they filled with tears. She turned away from Aedion, wiping the back of her hand across her cheeks to get rid of the tears.
“Fireheart,” he said, resting his hand on her elbow. She jerked away from his touch.
“Don’t call me that,” she said, voice thick. “I can’t go. Tell her I’m sorry. We’ll do coffee or something this weekend.” She tried to slip by him, but he caught her by the wrist. She refused to look into his eyes, the eyes identical to her own, as they stared at her face. When she wouldn’t look at him, he glanced down at her bandaged knuckles and softly ran a thumb across the inside of her wrist.
“Aelin, it’s been over three months,” he started.
“Three months and twenty-two days,” she whispered without missing a beat.
Aedion’s heart broke for his cousin. “Go take a shower. I wasn’t kidding when I said you stank.” There was a hint of lightness in his tone, his joking nature never fully going away. “I’ll make you some breakfast and you can come with me to the gym. We’ll spar a bit.”
Aelin pulled her wrist from his grasp. “I’m not hungry.” She stepped away from him, but at least headed towards the hallway that contained her bathroom. “And I’m busy today.”
He knew not to push her past her breaking point, but he had to get her out of this apartment. “Doing what?”
She braced her hands on the door frame and sighed, closing her eyes. “Nothing, Aedion. I’m just busy.”
Aedion ran a hand through his blonde hair before making his way over to his cousin. “It would mean a lot to Lys for her best friend to be there tonight. Everyone would love to see you. Seven o’clock, at The Staghorns.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I hope I’ll see you later.”
Aelin listened as his footsteps retreated and she heard her door open and close, before the deadbolt clicked back into place. As she stood there in her empty apartment, for the first time in three months, she truly felt alone.
She turned the water on in the shower, turning the handle as far to the left as she could, steam slowly starting to fill the small bathroom. Taking off her shirt, she looked at her reflection, letting her hands fall to her stomach. She ran her hands over the faint scars scattered across her abdomen and slid a finger along the long, thick scar running from hip to hip.
As the steam clouded over the mirror, she turned away and undressed, getting in the shower.
The rest of the day passed in monotony like it usually did when she didn’t have to work at the gym, helping Aedion with paperwork. She cleaned, read a book, cleaned some more, and stared at the TV while some rerun of a 90’s sitcom played. Carrying a basket of laundry from the dryer to her bedroom, her elbow grazed the wood of the closed door across from her own, the spare bedroom. She jumped back as if she had been burned and dropped the basket full of towels. Pressed against the wall, staring at the door, images flashed through her mind. Pine green walls, walnut wood furniture, a tiny, stuffed hawk.
She picked up the laundry basket and retreated into her room, as if she could lock out the thoughts as easily as she could her bedroom door.
Aelin wasn’t sure what she was doing, sitting in the parking lot of the restaurant she and her friends used to come to every weekend.
For the first time in months, she’d put on makeup and styled her hair. She even found a dress in the back of her closet that she’d always wanted to wear, but never had. So, she got dressed, fixed her hair and gave herself one last look in the mirror.
She was surprised to recognize the girl in the mirror, for the first time in over a year. The smile fell when she realized that though she may look like herself, so much had changed, and she was a completely different person. She’d quit her job, living on the meager salary she made helping Aedion run the gym and pulling what she had to from the vast fortune that her parents left her when they were killed in a car accident.
She was just about to put her car in reverse when she saw Fenrys and Asterin walking into the restaurant, hand in hand, both laughing at something Aelin could only imagine Fenrys had said. An empty feeling in her chest settled, and she realized she missed her friends more than she had thought.
Opening the door, she stepped out, the cool November evening biting through her coat. As she got closer to the front doors, her heart began to speed up. Stopping to compose herself, she heard an excited “Aelin!” from behind her.
Turning around, Lysandra practically tackled her best friend, Aedion a few paces behind.
“Hey, Lys,” she said, voice quiet.
“I’ve missed you so much,” Lysandra said, still not letting go of Aelin. “I didn’t think you’d be here.”
Pulling back, Aelin smiled at her friend. “I couldn’t miss your birthday.”
With a dazzling smile, Lysandra took Aedion’s hand and they went into the restaurant. As they crossed the threshold, Lysandra went ahead and Aedion grasped Aelin’s shoulder, holding her back. She looked back at her cousin as they slowly walked to the back room they always occupied. “I need to tell you something.” Though Aedion’s voice was clear, she could hear the unease in it. She glanced at him as they slowly walked through the familiar din of voices and revelry. “I honestly didn’t think you were going to come tonight, so I didn’t think I needed to warn you…” His voice trailed off, but Aelin had stopped walking, breathing.
Through the open doorway, they could hear a chorus of “Happy Birthday!” as Lysandra made her way into the room. There was singing and laughing and smiles. But Aelin only saw one thing: gleaming, silver hair.
“Why is he here?” She whispered, unable to speak. Aedion’s hand was on her back as she kept stepping away, towards the front doors. She could hear him laughing at something one of their friends had said.
“He moved back about three weeks ago. We didn’t know how to tell you.” He was smiling broadly at Gavriel.
She just kept staring, as if he would eventually disappear. She began shaking her head and closed her eyes. “No, Aedion. No. I can’t…” She let her words fade out, but opened her eyes, only to find a pine green pair staring right back.
Stepping out of Aedion’s reach, she hauled ass out of the restaurant, but instead of going to her car, she ran around the side of the building to hurl her guts up.
They say a sibling is a child’s first best friend, but what about an only child? Sure, they play with their parent’s friend’s kids when they come over and with their cousins, but nothing is as constant to an only child as their next-door neighbor.
Rowan was two years older than Aelin, but when Rhoe and Evalin bought the house next door to the Whitethorn family, the two hit it off and became best friends. Growing up as a tomboy, Aelin kept up with Rowan and his group of friends. Once she started school, she met Dorian and Chaol and the rest of their group of friends. All throughout school, they were inseparable. Of course, she hung out with Nehemiah and Lysandra on her own, but she was never as close to anyone as she was to Rowan.
They had been best friends for as long as they could remember, but in college, they decided to add a few benefits. They both agreed that it was purely physical and that if one of them met someone, they’d end it immediately. They had both been single for so long, the bar scene didn’t really appeal to either of them, and sometimes, you just need a good lay.
Aelin didn’t expect to fall in love with him. It was stupid of her, really. She never should have agreed. She couldn’t say anything to him, knowing he didn’t feel the same. Saying something would ruin not only the agreement they made, but their lifelong friendship.
Then there was a night that changed everything.
Aelin was sitting at a desk in the library at 8:45, her laptop screen open to a page outlining the risks of underage consumption. Somehow she’d managed to put off her Oral Communications class until her senior year of college, but it had finally caught up to her. She couldn’t put it off any longer if she wanted to graduate in December and groaned as she scrolled down the page and saw yet another photo of a car accident caused by an underage drunk driver. As a 23-year-old in her fourth year of elementary education, she could handle blood, vomit, and boo boos, but some things would make anyone cringe.
When her phone lit up “Buzzard” with the owl emoji next to his name, Aelin smiled.
She swiped across her screen and lifted the phone to her ear.
“Hello?” She answered, voice lowered.
Rowan’s smooth voice breezed through the phone. “Someone must be at the library.”
“Yeah, I’ve got a speech on underage drinking on Monday that I have to give in front of a bunch of 18-year-old freshman.”
“Well you should be an expert on that, shouldn’t you, Fireheart,” he chuckled. Aelin rolled her eyes. Between Rowan and Aedion, it was never hard for Aelin to convince one of them to buy for her before she turned 21.
“Shut up, you old buzzard,” she said, closing her laptop, and slipping her notebook into her backpack. “What are you doing tonight?”
Rowan groaned and Aelin could practically see him falling onto his couch. “I just got home from the office. I had a deposition I had to take care of and then one of the partners wanted to have a meeting with me.”
“Anything interesting?” She asked, walking out of the library and headed towards the lot she’d parked in. Rowan worked for one of the most prestigious law firms in the area, the youngest in his office and the highest success rate.
“Eh, I don’t want to talk about that right now. I’ll tell you later.” She heard the finality in his tone and decided not to push. “However,” he chimed in as Aelin started her car. “I have a 12 pack in my fridge, a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc and Chinese takeout on the way. If you want to come over.”
“I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
Good to her word, Aelin was knocking on the door to Rowan’s apartment eight minutes later. The door swung open and there he stood, in all of his 6’4” glory. He was still wearing his suit from work, but his tie was loosened and the top button of his shirt was undone. As he took a swig out of the beer bottle in his hand, Aelin didn’t even try to hide her gaze as it swept from head to toe. “See something you like?” He asked, a smirk on that handsome face. Aelin just scoffed and walked past him into the apartment, dropping her bag onto his table and heading into the kitchen to grab a glass of wine. She heard him heading towards his bedroom. “Help yourself to the food, you know where everything is. I’m gonna go change.”
Piling a couple of plates high with chow mein and sesame chicken, she grabbed her glass of wine and headed into the living room, grabbing his PlayStation4 controller and flipping through Netflix. He came back into the living room, a pair of basketball shorts hung low on his hips as he pulled his shirt on. He flopped on the couch next to her and picked up his beer.
“So what are we feeling tonight?” Aelin asked as she looked through the list of movies and shows they’d saved. “Rom-com? Horror flick?” She gasped. “Ooh! How about that 9/11 conspiracy documentary we added last week?”
“How about,” Rowan said, getting up and looking through his DVDs, pulling one out and turning towards her, “we play a drinking game?”
Aelin looked at the copy of Lord of the Rings in his hands and groaned, leaning her head back on the couch. “Last time I played one of your ‘drinking games’,” she said, holing up air quotes, “I swore off of tequila for good. I can’t take a drink every time ‘the ring’ is mentioned. I’ll literally die.”
He put the DVD in the console and sat down, taking the controller from her. “It won’t be that bad, trust me.”
Three hours later, Aelin decided she was never going to trust Rowan again. After she’d drained the bottle of wine and they’d polished off the 12 pack together, Rowan had busted out a bottle of Jack Daniels and the night had gone to shit. Eventually the movie had been forgotten and knees accidentally brushing became fingers skimming on flushed skin. Heated looks became shared breath and clashing teeth and tongues.
After moving things into Rowan’s room, Aelin laid on his chest as he drew lazy circles on her bare back. She was drifting into unconsciousness when he cleared his throat.
“So,” he started, and she rested her chin on her hand to look up at him. “About the meeting with the partners earlier.” He paused and she waited, wondering why he was telling her this tonight instead of filling her in during breakfast the next morning. He ran a hand over his face and Aelin felt a sense of dread settle into her stomach. “They’re, uh, the firm is going to be closing down at the end of the week.”
Aelin sat up, holding the sheet to her chest. “What? Rowan, oh, my God.”
He sat up as well, leaning back on his pillows. “It’s okay, I-.”
“It’s fine, you’ve got an amazing record. You can go to any of the other firms around here, even if they won’t pay you as well.” She rolled her eyes, remembering the conversation they’d had when one of the other firms approached Rowan with an offer and he laughed in their faces, thinking it was actually a joke. “If there’s anything I can do, just tell-.”
“Come with me.”
“I- What?” She blinked at him. His green eyes sparkled in the dimly lit room.
“They’re closing down because they’re moving to California. The firm will still exist but we’re just relocating. Aelin, they want me to come with them. They want to make me partner.”
Aelin just continued to stare at him, mouth hanging open in shock. Rowan had always dreamed of becoming a partner, and at only 25-years-old, it was absolutely unheard of. But that wasn’t what had struck her.
“Come…with you? You want me to come to California? With you?”
He nodded. “I leave on Sunday. I have family out there. I’m gonna be staying with my cousin, Endymion, for a little bit, but just until I can find my own place.”
She couldn’t speak, couldn’t find the words to describe what she was thinking. She looked down at his arm, the swirls of black ink snaking all the way down to his fingertips. “Rowan, I-.”
“I love you.”
Aelin’s head snapped up as she stared at him. “What did you say?”
He cupped her face in his hands and leaned towards her. “Aelin, I love you. I have for as long as I can remember. I think I always have, and I always will.” She stared at him, eyes wide. Her mouth was dry and she couldn’t remember how to speak. “Come with me, please. Come with me and we can be together.”
She blinked a few times and was surprised to feel tears pricking her eyes. She got out of bed before he could see them and started getting dressed. “I can’t,” she whispered. “My degree, my job.” She couldn’t go with him. She couldn’t uproot her life here, her education. She would be graduating in less than a month and had already been offered a teaching position at a private school. It didn’t matter that she had loved him for her entire life as well. Shimmying into her leggings, she heard him climbing out of bed as well and headed into the living room. She grabbed her phone off of the couch after she pulled her boots on and threw her backpack over her shoulder. By the time she found her keys on the kitchen counter, Rowan had pulled his shorts back on and was running into the living room.
“Aelin, wait,” he called.
She was standing in the open door, the cold air chilling the tears on her face. She whispered, “I’m sorry.”
As she climbed into her car, she couldn’t breathe. She threw her car into drive and headed to her own apartment. Running in, she tossed her bag on the floor and crawled straight into her bed, crying until she had no more tears to cry. As she drifted off to sleep, she realized that she didn’t even tell him she loved him, too.
With a hand braced on the brick wall, she was taking a deep breath through her mouth when she heard “Fireheart,” from behind her.
She clenched her eyes shut as tightly as she could. “Don’t call me that.”
His steps were light as he came closer. “I’ve always called you that.”
“Well, not anymore,” she snapped, standing up to look at him.
Rowan Whitethorn was just as handsome as the last time she’d seen him, though his hair was quite a bit shorter. It only made his green eyes and harsh features stand out more. Features that only seemed to soften when he was looking at her. “What are you doing out here?” she asked.
“I wanted to see you,” he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “How have you been?”
Aelin just let out a harsh laugh as she slipped past him, careful not to actually touch the man. “You’d know if you’d answered one of my calls.” She kept walking towards her car and she heard him jog to catch up with her.
“I wanted to,” he said, his longer legs allowing him to fall into step with her. “But with how we left things…”
Tears were already falling as she spun to look at him. As soon as she looked up into his face, she knew she made a mistake. Her voice shook as she said, “I called you for five months.” She took a deep breath. “I can’t do this right now, Rowan.”
As she went to move away, his fingers wrapped around her own. “Can’t we just forget about that night?”
That night. The night that had changed everything. The night that had changed her entire life.
“No, Rowan, we can’t. That night happened, whether we pretend it did or it didn’t.”
“Yes, we can,” he said, as she started to walk away, tightening his grip on her hand. “If we just forget that night, if you can forget what I said, then we can start over and-”.
“I can’t forget about the night that you got me pregnant!”
His fingers went slack around hers and his arm fell to his side. “What did you say?”
The tears were freely falling now and Aelin wrapped her arms around her body, as if she could hug her once round belly.
“Pregnant?” Rowan asked, voice so low she could barely hear him. “I have a- I’m a-?”
“No” was all she could say.
His voice was a whisper as he said, “You miscarried?”
A choked sob ripped from Aelin’s body. Rowan took a step towards her, but she raised her hand and placed it on his chest, stopping him. Without another word, Aelin turned around and walked to her car, leaving Rowan to stand in the parking lot and stare as her taillights faded away.
After a few minutes, Rowan made his way back inside. Taking his seat next to Aedion, he stared at the beer in front of him, watching the bubble rise to the top. The room was quiet, light conversation going on amongst his friends, but he couldn’t focus on any one voice. There was too much noise inside his head.
Aelin had been pregnant.
He had left when she hadn’t told him she loved him, too, but he was hurt. He was embarrassed that he had laid his heart on the line and she hadn’t given hers in return. So, he had ignored her, for weeks, and then her calls had become less and less, and he figured she’d finally gotten the picture.
And then after a month of silence, her face lit up his phone screen, and he didn’t answer. He was so ashamed of how he’d acted. The next day, she’d called back and again, he’d ignored her. He didn’t even know what to say to her.
He’d started dating Lyria soon after, and even though Aelin was across the country, he couldn’t get her off of his mind. After a few months, they broke it off. It was a lot harder on her than on him, but he could never fully devote himself to her. There was something missing. Now, he knew what it was.
For the first time in over a year, tonight, when he looked up and saw those turquoise and gold eyes, he was home. Of course, when he saw that she turned and ran away in tears, all of the guilt and shame he had felt over her for the past year came rushing back. He knew she was trying to get in touch with him, but he’d had no idea.
A baby… She had been pregnant with his baby.
A hand rested on his shoulder. He glanced up to see Aedion looking at him, pity in those eyes identical to Aelin’s. “You knew?”
Aedion removed his hand and took a drink of his beer. “We all did.” He motioned around the room. “Someone had to be her support system, even if she was determined to do this on her own.”
Rowan nodded, he knew how headstrong she was. It was one of the many reasons he loved her. “She said that I-.” He had to clear his throat, to stop the breaking of his voice. “That I wasn’t a father.” Aedion was looking at his hands, resting on his knees. He didn’t respond. “What does she mean?”
He dragged a hand across his eyes and Rowan pretended he didn’t notice the wetness on the back of his friend’s hand. Aedion looked up at him. Unshed tears rimmed his turquoise and gold eyes. “She’s going to have to be the one to explain that to you.”
Rowan glanced at his watch and saw the time. It was barely 7:30. Dinner hadn’t even been ordered yet.
He looked up at Aedion who had stood to make his way back to his seat next to Lysandra. He was holding a key out for him. “Lysandra will understand.” Rowan took the key, clasping his friend’s outstretched hand and stood, pulling him into a cross between a hug and a handshake. He threw a few bills on the table to cover his drinks and ran to his car.
Letting the door swing open, the apartment was dark, save for the hallway, spilling yellow light out into the living room. Rowan pocketed the key as he stepped in, looking around. The two-bedroom apartment Aelin and Lysandra had shared before Aedion had proposed still looked virtually the same as the last time he’d seen it. But as he looked a little closer, he could see that things weren’t as they once had been.
Aelin was never the cleanest person. She was by no means dirty, but “clutter” was her favorite style of interior design. As Rowan looked around the apartment, he couldn’t find a single thing out of place. Everything had a home and there wasn’t even a dirty dish in the sink.
A quiet sob had him heading for the hallway but the sight before him made him stop in his tracks.
Curled up on the floor in front of an elegant crib made of dark wood, Aelin clutched a stuffed animal to her chest. Rowan could see the tears streaming down her cheeks but he felt powerless to do anything.
“I found out I was pregnant two months to the day after you left.” He couldn’t move. He just stood there, listening. “I went to the doctor for my annual checkup and they just came in talking about her vitals and I had no idea what they were talking about.”
That one word felt like a punch to the gut. A daughter.
He walked closer and dropped to his knees in front of her. He could clearly see what was in her arms now and it made his eyes well up with tears.
A stuffed hawk. A buzzard, just like him.
“That’s when I tried calling you again. I just needed you to know.” And he hadn’t answered. “Things were going well. I was teaching and I loved my class. My kids were so excited for me to have her. They wanted me to bring her in and they’d started compiling a list of options for her name. I told them I’d bring her to meet them after Summer Break.”
Rowan’s hand reached up to cup her cheek, and Aelin leaned into it, of her body’s own accord. Her cheek was soft and warm, and those breathtaking eyes finally looked into his own. The pain and grief in them finally broke him down and tears began to stream down his own cheeks. Aelin’s eyes snapped shut and her brow furrowed as a sob tore out of her.
“She was born on May 2nd, at 7:52 pm. 21 inches long and 9 pounds, 6 ounces.” A sound that was a cross between a laugh and a sob came out. “I was in labor for 19 hours before they performed an emergency C-section and I told Dorian that if I ever saw you again, I was going to castrate you for doing this to me.” Her lips wobbled as she took a shaking breath. “Raegan Nora.”
Rowan looked at the hawk again.
His daughter’s name was Raegan.
“She had your eyes.” His head jerked up to look at her, but she was looking above the crib, where her name was painted on the wall. He bit his lip to stop the sob trying to break free.
“She was a little hellion,” Aelin laughed, tears still streaming down her cheeks. “She was perfect at the hospital, sleeping when she was supposed to and she latched immediately. But then I brought her home.” She sighed and clutched the stuffed animal a little tighter, looking back to him. “She could only sleep if she was being held, and she wasn’t latching like she was supposed to. I was so tired, but I’d never been happier. I didn’t think I could ever love someone as much as I loved her.”
Her chin wobbled and the light left her eyes as she said, “But then one night, I laid her down after she fed and brought the baby monitor across the hall into my room. I was so exhausted that I laid down and fell asleep immediately. I didn’t even change out of my clothes.” She took a shaking breathing and Rowan took one of her hands. She didn’t pull away. “I woke up on my own in the morning, and I knew something was wrong.” He felt sick and was glad he hadn’t eaten dinner before coming here. “She wasn’t sleeping through the night yet and she hadn’t cried or woken me up once. I checked her baby monitor and it was working right. So, I got up and ran into her nursery.”
Before the first sob could wrack her body, Rowan already had her in his lap. Her tears were darkening the fabric of his shirt as his own fell on the top of her head. Words failed him as he rubbed her back and she clung to him as if he were the only thing keeping her on this earth. Aelin whispered, “She was ice cold.” Rowan stopped moving.
“She stopped breathing at some point in the middle of the night and I had no idea.” She cried and he wrapped his arms tightly around her slim waist. She was so tiny, he couldn’t imagine her belly swollen, how her small body could even support it. “I was 15 feet across the hall and she died and I slept through it.”
Rowan rasped out, his first words since walking into the dark apartment, “I’m so sorry, Aelin. I’m so sorry.”
The fists clinging to his shirt banged against his chest weakly. “You weren’t here!” she cried. “I needed you, from the moment I found out, and you weren’t here!”
“I’m so sorry,” was all he could say. And all she said was, “You weren’t here.”
Eventually, Aelin fell asleep with her head on his shoulder. Rowan knew she was out from light snore leaving her mouth, so he carefully stood, cradling her against his chest and carried her to her bedroom. He laid her on the bed and carefully pulled the covers up over her thin shoulders. He brushed hair off her forehead, marveling at the beauty on her peaceful, sleeping face. How could he have ever left her? How could he have been so stupid? Cracking her door as he left, his eyes fell on the small hawk laying on the floor where they’d been sitting.
Flicking on the light switch, he could finally see the nursery for what it was. The walls had been painted the exact same shade as his eyes and he couldn’t help but smile sadly. Everything else was decorated tastefully in greys and whites. He surveyed the shelves, looking at the clothes his daughter had worn, or maybe hadn’t had the chance to. He picked up the onesie draped across the changing table, as if Aelin had planned to dress her in it the next morning. Mommy’s Little Princess. It was so tiny, soft lace around the bodice, fashioned like a skirt. He fingered the soft lace, so dainty and fine. Rowan felt tears running down his face and carefully laid the pink outfit back out. He walked across the room and picked the hawk up off the floor. He closed his eyes and brought it to his forehead, resting it there. He could distinctly smell Aelin on it, but there was also another scent. Even having never smelled it before, it was now burned into his memory, the pure, sweet smell of his daughter. He rested the small animal in the corner of the crib and made a move to leave the nursery when two frames caught his eye.
One light, one dark. Polar opposites, even in harmony with each other.
In a frame of dark wood, the Galathynius family crest emblazoned in gold, text around it reading “Be who you were created to be and you will set the world on fire.”
And next to it, in silver, “Snowflakes are like kisses from heaven”, wrapping around – the Whitethorn family crest.
“I wanted her to know you, too.”
Rowan whirled to find Aelin leaning on the doorway, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. She stepped closer to stand next to him and looked at the frames. “Whenever the time came, and she asked, I was going to tell her all about you.” A single tear slid down her cheek. “I was going to tell her that you were my best friend and my favorite person to be with. And that you loved me very much.”
Warm fingers wrapped around his own and he looked down at their clasped hands. He glanced at her, finding the corner of her mouth quirked up into a small smile.
“That you would’ve loved her, too, if you’d had the chance to meet her.” Rowan had to shut his eyes to stop the tears threatening to spill over. When he felt Aelin’s feather light touch on his cheek, he knew he’d failed. She stepped away and he opened his eyes to watch her.
She grabbed a large scrapbook off the book shelf and clutched it to her chest. “She may have only lived for two, short months, but she was so loved. By me, by Aedion and Lysandra, and all of our friends.” She paused, collecting her thoughts. “Come on.”
She walked into the living room and clicked the light on as she sat down on the couch. Rowan sat next to her and she handed him the pink book.
A sad smile was on her beautiful face when he looked up at her from the baby book. “Rowan, it’s time for you to get to know your daughter.”
As they went through, page by page, picture by picture, and story by story, Aelin laughed, truly laughed for the first time in nearly four months as she remembered things that their daughter had done, that their friends had done for her, of her giggles and the budding personality she was beginning to show. They laughed, cried and by the end of the night, they held each other and didn’t say a word. And as Aelin fell asleep on the couch, curled against Rowan’s chest, the sun filtering through the curtains on her windows, she could feel her heart begin to beat again. She could feel herself beginning to heal.
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(( This is a little back story about Kristhiana and her ex. Not many know her past and why she is the way she is, so I thought it’d be fun to write about it. TRIGGER WARNING: blood gifs and images will be used in this post. Please keep scrolling if that triggers you. I dont want anyone getting upset. <3 ))
The wedding was beautiful.  The whole crew was there. Every officer, every thug, even the other sniper that was Tirrah’s partner. It was an amazing day on the ocean as everyone sailed on the boat. Ghost and Tirrah had just said their vows to each other, promising to love one another for the rest of their lives. Little did Tirrah know that her new husband was lying on his end…
Tirrah didn’t seem to notice the wink Ghost had shot to another female in the crowd as she was looking down at the diamond on her left ring finger. She thought they were perfect for each other, and couldn’t wait to run The Marked together as husband and wife. Maybe they would even start a family and teach the young ones how to be successful like their mamma and poppa. And oh how the children would have such a large family! Everyone in The Marked adored Ghost and Tirrah’s relationship. Well… almost everyone.
She was the only one who didn’t seem to approve of their relationship. Why? Because she wanted Ghost for herself. Caitlyn was the type of female that started sleeping her way up the tree of power until Ghost was the last one. Sure, Tirrah was power hungry as well, but she didn’t feel that way until after dating Ghost for a few months. Rather than leaving for their honeymoon after the wedding, Tirrah had to take a weeks leave for training. It was something that was ordered by her teacher at the time, not caring if she was just wed or not. As much as she wanted to spend a week away with her new love, they both knew it was better for their crew that she get some training in. They would always be able to take a vacation any other time. The first night of them being husband and wife was spent saying their goodbyes, knowing she was going to be leaving early the next morning. Kisses, hugs, cuddles and a few other provocative activities took place in the bedroom of their ship. The following morning, she left with a glow in her face but a sadness in her heart. “I will be back home soon, my love…”
The days came and went as she waited for the time she could come home to her husband. Anticipation filled her heart as the day finally arrived. The smile on her face could not be erased as she rode back to Stormwind. The Marked had a hub in the city, and Ghost’s ship was not far from the docks. The wind blew through her long blonde hair as her stead ran as fast as it could, trying to get its mistress back home. Through the gates and down the streets of Stormwind, she rode. A greeting to the rest of her crew could wait. It was her husband that she wanted to see! Upon arriving to the docks near the boat, she noticed an extra horse that was next to Ghosts. She knew all the horses and other mounts that belonged to her crew mates. So why didn’t she recognize this one? Tirrah was gone for a week, after all. Perhaps someone had to get a new one, or maybe Ghost had a friend over that she had never met. The possibilities were practically endless considering the work that they did. Tirrah jumped off of her horse and began to run onto the ship when she suddenly heard a noise that made her stomach flop.
A moan…?
Tirrah stopped dead in her tracks, standing in the middle of the boat, only a few feet away from the bedroom where the noise came from. She slowly approached the door, careful not to make a sound as she listened in. Surely she misheard that sound. Maybe it came from somewhere else. Not her bedroom…_right? _Tirrah was right outside the door of her own room when the moans didn’t stop. The creak of the bed moving in a steady rhythm made it all too clear as to what was happening on the other side of the wood plank.
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There aren’t any words that can explain the pain that she felt in her heart. Its impossible to explain what it feels like to have your heart suddenly snap into a million pieces. Tears welled up and began overflowing onto her skin that was no longer glowing. A pain struck her chest as Tirrah felt like she could no longer breathe. Weak in the knees, she stumbled to find her way to a nearby chair. Not a single noise escaped her lips. The pain she felt couldn’t even make her cry out loud. The shock was still too much, and she was still trying to register what she had just heard. In fact, she could still hear it. The moans never stopped. Minutes felt like hours until the other woman and Tirrah’s husband stopped their affair. Another moment passed, and there went the door to the bedroom. Out came Caitlyn with messed up hair, flushed cheeks and an outfit that looked to be rushed back on. Perhaps the two knew that Tirrah was going to be home that night. Idiots.
Tirrah stood up from her chair after Caitlyn had left and slowly made her way to her bedroom. Being the huntress and trained sniper she was, it was easy for her to be quiet. She looked into her room, eyeing her husband on their bed. No. His bed. It no longer belonged to her. Not after what was taken place inside of it. Tirrah stood there with hate in her heart, anger very apparent on her face as she stared him down. The feeling of being watched must have finally gotten to Ghost as he peeped open one single eye, looking towards the doorway. It could be described that Ghost nearly turned into the name that everyone called him the second that he laid eyes on his heartbroken wife.
“T-Tirrah! Babe.. What.. How.. Uhm.” He couldn’t find the words to try and form up a question. It was as clear as day as to why she looked the way she did. “How was the trip?” Was he really trying to act like nothing happened? The whole room reeked of sex and sweat. Tirrah began steppinf forward, closing the space between them. As she neared, the expression on her face changed from anger to…happiness? Something inside of Tirrah snapped. She was more than angry. She was far more than just upset, and heart break couldn’t even start to explain the feeling she was experiencing in that moment. “Uhm… Tirrah, honey.. Look, lets just-” She cut him off with a cant of her head. “I just want a hug, honey. I haven’t seen you since we were married,” she said with a faux sweet tone. Ghost hesitated, but he slowly did as she requested, stepping towards her to hold her close. The two formed an embrace, his arms over top of hers as he held her into his chest, her arms curling under his.
Tirrah leaned up on her toes, resting her cheek against his for a moment. The tension could be cut with a knife if someone else were to walk in to the cabin, but they wouldn’t have to. In her right hand, Tirrah had a blade resting on top of her other hand. When she spoke, it was softer than a whisper. Ghost had to listen carefully.
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Before Ghost could try and defend himself, knowing exactly why she was saying what she did, the last of his breathing stopped. The sound of ripping skin filled his ears as a wetness grew on his chest. Ghost’s eyes darted down to the blade that was now inside of his torso before looking back up to Tirrah’s green eyes, searching for an answer. 
“Not even being stabbed in the heart will be enough to show you the pain your wife is feeling. I hope it was worth it…” 
His now lifeless body dropped to the wooden floor, but it wasn’t enough. The thing with Tirrah is that she had an addiction to blood. Most called her crazy, or they would if they knew about it. She kept it a secret. You see, Tirrah had this special flask. It was red and black with intricate designs all around it. What remained inside wasn’t alcohol. It was blood, and she would drink from it whenever the feeling of killing someone would emerge from the shadows within. That past week during her training, she didn’t have any of that blood. She wouldn’t drink from animals. Tirrah had a special supply that she got from specific people. So when she came home, she was already lusting for blood. Seeing what her husband did while she was away after only being married for a week topped it off for her. After looking over him with a demonic grin, Tirrah knelt down and removed the blade from his heart…only to repeatedly stab it back into the organ.
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It was a bloody mess.
The crimson liquid dripped off of her finger tips and fell onto the floor, meeting up with the bigger puddle that she had created. The dark grin on her lips remained, but the pain in her heart had disappeared.
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With her head canted to the side, looking over her masterpiece, Tirrah slowly brought her hand up to her lips, sliding her finger tips into her mouth and sucking gently. Her tongue danced across her skin, tasting the iron from the red liquid. Her green eyes closed as she took in the moment, exhaling from being content with her work.
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“Im not finished…”
Tirrah had another person to pay a visit to. As she made her way through Azeroth, searching for Caitlyn, word got around her crew that Ghost was murdered by his own wife. Ironically, none of them knew why she did it. The crews numbers started growing short, one by one. It was assumed that Tirrah was killing off each person that she said killed her husband. They weren't wrong. Caitlyn was last on Tirrah’s list. Save the best for last, right? Tirrah didn’t bother with big entrances or an announcement. When she found Caitlyn, she simply had her up against the wall, her hand around her throat with a revolver in the other. “T-Tirrah! L-Look! I’m s-so sorry! Im nothing but a slut, o-okay?! Please don’t kill me!” For the first time in a month, Tirrah couldnt help but laugh at the sound of her enemy begging for her life. It was music to her ears. Tears streamed down Caitlyn’s face like a water fall, her mascara and eyeliner falling down with it. “Ill do anythi–”
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“Dont call me Tirrah, by the way,” she growled to the corpse.
"It's Kristhiana now..."
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