#i wanna have a backpack aquarium
nexus-nebulae · 2 years
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afictionaladventure16 · 11 months
With build a home can we get like reader comes home from school upset and finds her mom isn’t home but then Pedro is home but she doesn’t wanna burden him but it ends in them having a movie night and falling asleep on the couch please
To Build A Home Pt. III (Pedro Pascal x Teen!Reader)
Pedro Pascal Masterlist
A/N: Looooove this request!! Hope you enjoy it!! Requests for To Build a Home are open! send them in!!
Summary: Your past comes back to haunt you. You go home in hopes to find comfort in your mother but you are met with Pedro who tries his best to be there for you in dark times marking the beginning of a movement within you.
Word Count: 3,014
Warnings: Mentions of stalking
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Waiting for time to go by was excruciating. The second hand on the clock moved slower the longer you stared at it, it was as if it knew you were anxious to leave this place; anxious to join the outside world and it liked the anxiety it got from you. 
You let out a deep sigh as you shifted in your chair, you had zoned in and out of today's lecture about World War II. Your history teachers had a voice that could easily be drowned out by any noise. He had no enthusiasm for any subject he taught and it showed.  
You directed your attention to your best friend who sat next to you, they had been doodling in their notepad for the past twenty minutes. You knew if your teacher had called on either one of you right now you’d be doomed. 
The sound of the bell ringing startled you, and you jumped in your seat. Your best friend caught sight of it and giggled, “Jesus,” you muttered under your breath as you packed up your backpack. 
“We still good for tomorrow?” They ask. You both walked out of the classroom and into the hallway. 
“I don’t know, my mom is still pretty pissed at me from the other day,” you commented. 
“Oh yeah, I forgot about that,” they muttered. “How is all that going anyway?” 
You shrugged, since the day Pedro took you to the aquarium a week ago, you had only seen him twice. He came over once to take your mother out on a date and for drinks after and he came over another time to cook dinner for your mother. Even though, he said he was making dinner for both you and your mother, you had found a way out of it. Luckily, you already had plans that night to go study with a group from class. You could tell he was trying to keep his distance, trying to respect the boundaries you have silently made. You respected that. You just weren’t sure how you felt about him still. 
Your mother, on the other hand, was angry with you. Angry that you were not being so easy on him and you were angry with her. Hoping she’d be more understanding with the situation. After everything the two of you had been through, you had hoped that she would be the most understanding out of everyone.  
“He’s okay,” you finally commented. 
“Just okay?” 
“I mean, what am I supposed to compare him to?” You sighed, “I don’t know him well enough to say he’s better than my dad or that he’s the best boyfriend my mother has ever had. So, he’s okay.” Okay was going to have be enough. For now. You were scared to say that he was great when in fact he wasn’t. Or to say that he was the worst person ever when he was a sweetheart deep down inside. His being an actor wasn’t adding to the equation. Every site you looked at, trying to find some type of dirt on the man always had something amazing to say. There was no way he was just Pedro. There had to be something. 
They gave you a nod, “I think any man would be better than your dad.” 
You shrugged, “I doubt that.” 
You had reached the front entrance of the school building, where parents picked up their kids and where some waited for the school bus. Your best friend scanned the cars, smiling as they spotted their dad waving at them, you couldn’t help but feel envious of her. They had an amazing dad that was always there for them, one that really cared for them and protected them. You looked around, hoping that you could spot a familiar face. Yes, you had a loving mother who was always there for you, but you were repeatedly missing something. 
“Let me know about tomorrow, yeah?” They said as they began walking away. You gave them a nod before waving them off. Watching as they hugged their dad inside the car, what you’d give to have something like that. 
You began your walk home. It was only a twenty-minute walk and you enjoyed being able to listen to music on your walk home. Just because you listened to music on your walk home didn’t mean you weren’t paying attention to your surroundings though. You were aware of the things that were happening around you, the cars that passed by, the people you saw, and where exactly you were walking. 
Meaning, that you noticed one car pass by you three times already within your walk. Immediately, you took note of the color of the car and model, hoping that maybe it was just a coincidence that you saw the exact same car three times, but it was hard to miss the big dent on the rear bumper. You doubted that there were three cars that were the exact same color, same model, with the same dent on the rear bumper that passed you all within five minutes of your twenty-minute walk. 
Feeling your heart beginning to race, you picked up the pace. You glanced behind you to see the car had pulled over, you could see that there was only one person in the car. The car inched closer, giving you a better look at who was driving. 
Your eyes widened when you realized who it was. Your father. He knew that you realized who he was, he put the car in park and got out of the car. 
“Y/N, sweetie,” he smiled. 
Don’t stop, you thought to yourself. You could hear him grunt as you continued walking down the sidewalk. Hearing the sound of the car door slamming caused you to jump slightly, you could hear the engine roaring to catch up. He slowly drove next to you, rolling down the window. 
“Sweetie, please,” he began, “how about we go for a drive and talk? Just like we used to.”  
“I’m not supposed to talk to you,” you hissed as you kept your eyes forward, continuing with your walk. 
“Look, sweetie, the restraining order is just a piece of paper, it’s not going to keep me away from seeing my daughter. Just get in the car.” 
Your house was only a few blocks away, you could run it, but running it would risk him knowing where you lived. You needed a plan and you needed one fast. There were only a few options, run back to the school and seek help there; which was the most logical and sane option. Or you run and try to lose him. 
Running back to the school did have its risks with it now being further away than your house. 
“I miss you, sweetie,” He called out. “I need to see you and I can’t just let some piece of paper get in the way of that! Look, I’m sorry for everything that has happened but I’ve changed!” 
It was always the same exact thing. The same exact words that lost meaning years ago, but they still brought you anger. 
“Go away!” You yelled before sprinting down an alley. It probably wasn’t the best choice, but you knew this alley led to a small walkway towards your street and you knew this was probably your best bet in losing your father. Once you saw the street ahead of you, you stopped to make sure you couldn’t see his car before darting across the street to your house. 
Swiftly, you pulled your backpack off your shoulders before fumbling inside the pockets looking for your house keys. From the distance, you could hear a low rumble of the engine making its way down the street. “Fuck,” you muttered to yourself. Heart racing as you swore to yourself that you left your keys in the small front pocket of your backpack that was full of pencils, erasers, and random pieces of paper. You could hear the small jingle of the keys being pushed around, letting out a sigh as you felt them against your fingers. Pulling them out of your backpack and unlocking the door as quickly as you could, you made it inside just before your father's car made it past your house. 
Locking the door behind you, you ran into the living room, “Mom?!” you yelled in a panic. “Please be home,” you mumbled as tears began to fill your eyes, you ran up the stairs, “Mom!?” 
Down the hall, in your mother's room, Pedro heard the door slam shut. For a second, he thought that maybe Yesenia's meeting had been canceled, which would’ve ruined his surprise for her. He let out a deep sigh, thinking that he could come up with some excuse as to what he was doing, maybe find something for her to do downstairs for the next hour. He got up from his position next to the pile of pieces of wood on the floor and made his way towards the door. 
“Mom!?” He heard a voice yell throughout the house, his hand stopped just before he grabbed the doorknob. Thankful that it wasn’t Yesenia, but now he was filled with anxiety. Does he go out there and greet you or stay inside the room? Staying inside the room would probably be the worst thing to do, but he knew you didn’t like him all that much and he wanted to give you the space you needed. Pedro shook his head, he needed to at least let you know that he was in the house. He let out a deep sigh before turning the knob and opening the door. 
“Mom?!” Pedro's heart began to race, something was wrong. He could hear the panic in your voice, and he quickly stepped out of the room. He could see you making your way up the stairs. 
“Hey, Y/n!” He said in a soft tone, you jumped a little as you got to the top of the stairs. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“Is my mom here?” you asked anxiously as your eyes darted around the house. 
Pedro took in how wide your eyes were and how pitched your voice sounded. “N-no, she had an emergency meeting at work, she won’t be back for a while.” You took in a deep breath as your hands shook, reaching for your phone in your back pocket. “If you’re trying to call her, it won’t help that she left her phone here.” 
“Fuck,” you muttered. You lifted your hands up to your head, taking in deep breaths to control your breathing. Pedro noticed your knuckles go white from gripping your phone, the way you appeared to struggle to catch your breath. He knew what was happening all too well. 
“Y/N?” He softly said as he took a step closer to you. You took a step back.
“I-I,” you took in another deep breath, and you began to fumble with your hands. 
Pedro took a few more steps until you were directly in front of him, taking hold of your hands, “breathe with me,” he instructed. Taking in a deep breath and holding it, you followed. “And out,” he let out his deep breath, he led you in taking a few more deep breaths before helping you down the stairs and into the living room. 
You took a seat on the couch, panic still trying to make its way in. Pedro took a seat next to you, he noticed your eyes darting around, “hey, hey,” he tried to catch your attention. “Deep breath,” he coached you through another deep breath. 
Everything you had thought about Pedro went out the window. Yes, you thought there had to be something wrong with the man, something that no one knows about. A dark history of some kind, but when he knew exactly what to do without asking, at that very moment, you thought maybe there wasn’t. 
Hesitantly, Pedro pulled you into an embrace, holding you just enough for you to stop trembling. He didn’t ask if you wanted to talk or if you were okay, and for you, it was what you needed. You allowed yourself to be okay in his presence, to feel safe. Slowly you wrapped your arms around his waist. 
Pedro wanted to jump up and down with joy but he remained calm, gently rubbing circles on your back until you had fully calmed down. The two of you remained in silence for about fifteen minutes, you felt your heart slowly regain its normal pace and your breathing began to normalize. 
“You ready to talk?” Pedro asked softly. 
You let go of the embrace, tears brimming your eyes once again. “I saw him today.” 
Pedro didn’t have to ask who you saw, he just knew by the way fear took over your eyes earlier. He knew it was a touchy subject, a subject that he didn’t know you would talk to him about. 
“H-he was at my school waiting for me,” A tear made its way down your cheek. 
“We don’t have to talk about it,” Pedro suggested. 
“Please don’t let him get me,” you pleaded as you looked over at Pedro. “Please.” 
Pedro’s heart broke into pieces, the terror that man had put in you, if it were up to Pedro that man would never see the light of day. Pedro placed a soft kiss on the top of your head, “I won’t.” He let out a sigh, “how close did he get?” Pedro asked. He knew the terms of the restraining order that was held against your father, knowing that if he got within 40 feet he could go to jail. 
You shrugged, “it was close,” you sniffled. 
Pedro sighed, he knew that what you needed to do right now was calm down. He wanted to call the police right away and get the man arrested, but he knew that that was probably not the best way for Yesenia to come home. Once Yesenia came home, he’d speak to her and they’d call the police, but for now, he had other things that needed his attention. 
 “how about we watch a movie?” He grabbed the remote from the coffee table. 
“Why are you so nice to me?” you finally said. You weren’t expecting Pedro to just stop everything and be there for you. If anything, you expected him to go back to whatever it was he was doing, leaving you alone to panic. If it were any other person, they probably would’ve done just that. 
Pedro looked at you puzzled, “I-I–” 
“I don’t get it,” you began, “You come in here and you act like you truly love my mother and I treat you so horribly. I do everything I can to get you to run for the hills but you’re still here. You even dealt with our mess and you’re still here.” You got up from the couch, “So why are you still here? Why do you put up with it?  
He placed the remote back down, “If I’m being honest… I don’t know. I have this immense love for your mother and I… I just can’t explain it. I’d like to be there for you if you’ll allow me to. I know I can never replace your father nor will I ever be like a father to you because you may not allow it, but I would like to be a part of you and your mother's life in one way or another.” 
You shook your head, “I don’t understand.” 
“You don't have to,” he got up from his spot on the couch. 
Tears welled up in your eyes, “this is new to me.” 
“It’s new to me too.” 
“It’s gonna be hard for me.” He nods, “I can’t promise anything.” 
“I’m not asking you to,” he said softly. 
“Alright.” You wanted to believe that you weren’t doing this for him, you were doing it for your mother. Seeing how much joy he brought her made you happy and that should be enough, right? Right. Yet, it was hard for it to just be enough. It was hard to let someone in after years of trauma, but if your mother could do it… then maybe so could you. 
“Movie?” He asked again as he sat back down on the couch. 
You gave him a nod, taking the spot next to him. “I hear Paddington 2 is a good movie,” you commented. 
Pedro couldn’t help but chuckle, “But we have to start with the first Paddington.” 
Hours later, Yesenia walked into the house. Exhausted from the long meeting and anxious to see how many missed calls she had on her phone. She made her way to the living room, spotting Pedro a smile formed on her lips, “surprised to see you her-” she stopped mid-sentence as Pedro immediately shushed her. She walked around the couch, her eyes beaming as she saw her daughter laying her head on Pedro’s lap. 
“She fell asleep halfway through Paddington 2, that was like two hours ago. I haven’t had the heart to wake her,” Pedro whispered. He gently combed your hair with his hands. 
Yesenia sat on the coffee table in front of them, “want me to wake her?” 
Pedro shook his head, “She’s had a bad day, let her rest.” He then looked up at Yesenia, “Her father was waiting for her at her school, I was waiting for you to come home so we could handle it.” 
Yesenia’s heart dropped, this was one of her worst fears. “I’m sorry you have to deal with our drama, Pedro. I understand if-” 
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence,” he immediately responded. “I don’t want to break up, I don’t see that happening anytime in the future.” He sighed, “I can help.” 
“I couldn’t ask you to do that.” 
“I’m offering,” he looked down at you before looking back up at Yesenia, “let me help.” 
As much as Yesenia wanted to decline his offer, she knew she couldn’t do this alone again. She didn’t have it in her anymore, she needed the help. “Alright.”
Pedro Pascal Taglist: @Sophieelizabeth01  @tracynooks @cilliansangel  @change-the-world-someday @graciegoeskrazy @oggystine93 @t-stark35 @twkobii @picklehat3r @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @white-wolf-buckaroo @steadydragongalaxy @rooting4theantihero @soupinasock @tracysnook @ilovehotdadsandshit @dzaga890 @marantha @emmasauger @marysucks-blog @pcotato @scrappybear89 @dlwrish @what-ever-man213 @boiohboii @drowning-in-paragraphs @stoneredsword @xmurph7 @sleepylunarwolf @glossy01 @aot-task141-lover @uwiuwi
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
if theres anything i love more its chaotic sweetheart oml its so fckin funny
i just thought of like during TF 141 missions, meetings or just out of nowhere sweetheart will sometimes say "omg this reminds me of when i got ban from the aquarium in [where ever tf] cause i jumped into the shark tank to pet the sharks" or she hears that they're going to a place like italy or europe for a mission and shes like "im actually ban from like 3 of their museums" or whatever
and the team think shes fucking with them but they find out its true because she has videos and pictures of her doing these things and they're all like : 😦😟😀 huh??
like imagine they're at a zoo or aquarium and shes like "bet me $20 to jump in?" and they're all actively trying to hold her back so she doesn't get banned again 😭 they have her on those backpack leashes when they go out 💀
THIS IS SO HER 100000%%%%
She said something unhinged before, but they didn't believe her
(TF 141 watching the american news. Someone was arrested for trying to steal a fish from the same aquarium Sweetheart stole from)
Sweetheart: HA! Oh my god, my brother and I did that once there.
Gaz: Go to the aquarium?
Sweetheart, reminiscing: Yeah, and we went fishing there to catch some sea creatures. We caught this japanese spider crab and started running cause the police and workers started chasing us. But we got away! AND GOD THAT CRAB WAS SO GOOD-- I don't know why people don't eat those more!
AHAHA ...girl please
So they all kinda chuckled at that, but Soap kinda prods at it more because he thought she was making up a story 💀
Soap, smirking: So... you stole a state protected Japanese Spider Crab from an aquarium. Got away with it. And ate it with your kin.
Sweetheart, smiling like a dummy: Yuh huh.
Soap, questioning her thought process: And only your brother?
Sweetheart, nodding: Yup! My mom said that since we had a brother-sister hangout day, he should get food and he did! OH OH WANNA SEE PICTURES?? I HAVE A FULL ALBUM
Sweetheart: of course I was! You thought I was lying?
Soap and Gaz: YES
She was showing them pictures of when she was younger, like 13 years old, with her third older brother. And she was legit fishing in the aquarium with him 💀 she even has a video of her ACTUALLY CATCHING THE CRAB
And then some pictures of her brother boiling it in the back of his pickup truck and eating ALL OF IT (JAPANESE SPIDER CRABS ARE HUGE MIND YOU)
So they believe the stories she says UNLESS she has pictures (and with every story she does 💀💀)
And omg her being banned in some places-- IN SOME STATES AND OUT OF COUNTRY BECAUSE OF THE UNLUCKY LUCK
Sweetheart, raising her hand: Wait where are we going?
Graves, rolling his eyes: To America.
Sweetheart: Uh huh yeah I got that but which state?
Graves: Ohio?
Sweetheart: Ahhhh okay. I can't go.
Graves, leaning on the table: And why is that, Sergeant Sweetheart?
Sweetheart: Well, Philip Graveyard, I'm banned.
Alex: What, in the facility?
Sweetheart, scratching her cheek: No the whole state.
Soap: WHAT
Ghost: HUH
Sweetheart, shrugging like she's talking about the weather: Yeah. Ohio, Florida, Wyoming, couple of other states, and some out of country.
Sweetheart, whispering: ...Alot out of country, honestly.
They're like what 🧍‍♀️
Soap, in disbelief: wh-why?
Sweetheart: Turns out, going on a plane with matches and a baton can cause a heck of a panic. And...
Sweetheart: ...It's illegal.
She showed pictures obviously.
Price, tired and confused: Why do you take pictures of everything you do.
Sweetheart: For the memories!
Graves, wiping his face: Oh my god...
Sweetheart: And evidence so I don't go to prison.
Soap, under his breath: Good lord
Price has to study on Sweetheart's past, so one: she won't get arrested anytime she goes out and two: so he can learn about this "unlucky luck" that's been happening for centuries in her family
(He still doesn't understand it)
And when they go on vacation together as a team it's a nightmare 💀
Sweetheart: Can't go on that.
Soap, smirking: Why? Awww, Sweetheart are ya scared?
Sweetheart: Nah, I'll get arrested. Restraining orders go craaaaazy stupid in London.
Soap and Gaz:
Gaz: How-- How do you get a restraining order on a ferris wheel...?
And then when they went to a zoo in Scotland (because she's not banned or has any restraining orders there) and this is so iconic
Sweetheart, looking in the cage and smiling: Bet me a twenty to jump in?
Gaz, snaps his neck and has a heart attack: Sweetheart, no--
Horangi, putting his hand on her shoulder: Please don't.
Sweetheart, scoffing playfully: I'm not! Oh my gosh. You actually have to bet me the twenty to actually do the--
König, Pulls out $100 because he wants to see this actually happen:
Sweetheart, looking at his hand:
Everyone looking at König's hand:
Sweetheart, looking up at König with a straight face:
Everyone looking at Sweetheart:
Ten seconds later:
Soap, struggling with Sweetheart: SWEETHEART NO STOP
Horangi, pulling Sweetheart's foot: DONT ACTUALLY JUMP IN THERE
Ghost, trying to push Sweetheart off the cage: GOD DAMMIT KÖNIG WHY DID YOU ACTUALLY GIVE HER MONEY TO DO IT
That was the last STRAW for price. So he ordered a human leash backpack for Sweetheart 💀
Sweetheart, holding the contraption: What is this?
Price, frowning with his arms crossed: It's a leash.
Sweetheart: Okay?
Price: For you.
Sweetheart, dumbfounded: W h a t
Price: When we go out for vacation, you're wearing this.
Sweetheart, brain loading the information she just heard:
Sweetheart: Are you... SERIOUS???
Sweetheart: I'm not some child, Price!
Price: Yet you act like one everytime we go out as a team!
Sweetheart: I'm just having fun!
Price: You're wearing it.
And she wears it. Luckily it was in pink and she decorated it with stickers and charms.
Sweetheart, huffing and sitting on the ground with her arms crossed: This sucks cactus balls, man.
Ghost, walking with the leash: Come on, Sweetheart.
Sweetheart, whining: Weeeeeehhhhh...
Ghost: Mhm.
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nadinefromwhere · 7 months
Child hood memory (1k reads on wattpad special!!)
Plus also the boy and the y/n are both 5 in this chapter :)
______________________________________________________________ Zayne “Zayne do you have candy” y/n asks with pleading eyes, she clearly wanted some candy i mean seriously though she would always ask zayne if he had candy with him. 
Since of course somehow he has. Always.
“Mmm lets see” zayne says going through his backpack just to find a bunch of candies “Woooowwww” y/n says stars in her eyes as she looks at the amount of candy he has in his backpack 
“I want the cadbury chocolate” y/n says getting two packs off chocolate
“Fine fine whatever you can get it if you want” zayne says smiling as he gave her another one.
“Don't forget we're going to the aquarium tomorrow!” y/n says smiling 
“Nuh uh there's no way 
“Here” y/n says giving seaweed to rafayel
“I dun wanna” Rafayel says, pouting. 
The two 5 year olds knew each other for almost a year now, surprisingly no one has caught them yet.
“But i thought mermaids eat seaweed” y/n says scratching the back of her head
“I mean sometimes i guess” Rafayel says looking at the vast sea ahead of them
“Rafayel?” “Yeah?” “Can I tell you something?”
“What is it?”
“Well I won't be able to visit you everyday anymore. My mommy said that we were moving out but she promised that we will visit every summer” y/n says, guilt in her eyes as she played with her little fingers.
“Really?” rafayel says, sadness was clear in his eyes
“Can you promise me something?” Rafayel asks
“What is it?”
“I’ll chase you to the ends of the earth” he says doing a pinky promise with y/n “Fine” y/n says smilling
“Are you sleeping again?” y/n sighs as she putted a blanket over xavier,
“Zzzzzz” xavier was snoring, his small body cuddling his plushie
“Ugh your so annoying” y/n says trying to wake up xavier with food
“HUH IS THAT… FOOD” xavier says bolting up awake after smelling something savory “THE CHIPS ARE SO SPICY” xavier starts bawling his eyes out, getting a glass of water
“Here” y/n says giving him a glass of water
xavier gulps down the water “What did you even add in here?” “Wasabi tehe” 
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cerealkiddie · 9 months
cg draken hcs 🙏🙏🙏🙏
(tumblrs inbox has been acting up lately, stuff in mine has been disappearing too 😭😭 i hope this one doesn't lolol)
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cg!draken headcanons
finally finished this one, I probably hv more agere!tkrv ideas inna works, stay tuned <3
but omg he's so sweet n caring like to a default
always worries about your well-being and super observant to any tells you might have of being over stimulated or regressed.
carries a fannypack across his chest (like recent fashion)/or a small backpack full of ur things just in case + would be the type to carry you and mikey if the task called for it x3
takes you wherever you want given the gangs calander allows. you wanna visit the festival that's happening this weekend? sure! wanna get a yukata too? okay! aquarium date? let's go get ready!
v good at comforting, whether you just need someone by ur side, verbal affirmations or whatever. Ken has ur back and will squash ur doubts/anxieties/etc.
protective type but knows when you can handle a problem on ur own
asks emma for help on gifts to get you, tried asking some of the girls at the brothel.. that didn't go to well. all he took out of it was getting something cute <3
loves holding you, whether it's piggyback rides or cuddling before bed, going on his bike? only if u want <3
ken, is very goofy. will make silly faces and play games with u as long as u like. has a couple jokes up his sleeve from mikey and the gang. he is sure to keep a smile on ur face
also really likes taking you yo the park, if Hina and takemichi happen to be there, unexpected playmates :3 I hc takemichi as a dreamer/occasional regressor
ddlg/abdl/nsfw/variants dni! add any of ur own headcanons in the comments or reblogs ! post belongs to me ☆
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elifalvey · 7 months
LOCATION — Thornberry Adventure Park.
WHO — Elijah & Aslihan ( @draslihanxfahri-bailey ).
WHEN — March 2nd, 2024.
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“And you don’t think this is going to traumatize her?”
Elijah asked the question rather innocuously, one arm used to carry their growing baby girl while the other swung a small backpack of what had been deemed ‘adventure park essentials’ for two children over his opposite shoulder. He’d never miss an opportunity to think back on Rhiannon’s experience at the aquarium — or, rather, what he was fearful of her experience being — which landed him in the overly cautious zone of questioning whether every new thing was potentially harmful to the seven month old’s development, all the time.
Luckily, Aslihan was there to calm his worries this time, holding onto the freshly turned seven year old’s hand as they shuffled into the park to see the animals.
It was one of the many activities that Alex politely requested for her birthday, and luckily, the weather made it easy for them to grant such a wish the very next day; it was pleasantly warm, in comparison to Colorado’s wretched winter season, and the skies appeared to be clear for the entire afternoon. Elijah took the day away from the studio to be able to spend it with the girls properly, which he likely knew meant getting dragged around to look at every corner of the park. He didn’t mind.
Like she sensed her dad’s worries — and was mocking him, probably — Rhiannon’s chubby arm extended in the direction of a slowly moving rock, letting out a gurgle of a laugh as she saw it. “That's a turtle, baby. We can go look at those — yeah, they move nice and slow. Not like those scary fish.”
He turned his head towards his family and asked, particularly aimed at Alex, “How 'bout it, bug? You wanna go see the turtles first? Actually, I dunno — tortoises might be more correct. You'll have to teach me.”
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sharkbarkinnit · 2 years
hi hi!! do you think i could get some dad schlatt comforting the child reader? tysm!! also, can i be 🦜 anon maybe?
school is kicking my ass and i've been trying to find colleges!
anyway! Of course! Welcome to the aquarium 🦜!
Dad Schlatt Comfort
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"Your dad is so mean!"
"No he's not!"
"Yes he is! He makes videos just to make fun of people!"
"But he doesn't mean it!"
"You're just like him! A liar and a meanie!"
I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. My dad isn't mean! He's just acting! Everyone at school always makes fun of me because of my dad's videos. I wish he wasn't a streamer. Maybe then I wouldn't get bullied.. Thankfully it was pick up time and my name got called to go to my car.
I kept my head down walking to my dad's car. The hot metal stung my hand slightly opening the door due to the Texas heat. My f/c backpack slumped to the floor as I slid into my seat in the back. I closed the car door and buckled my seat belt.
"You clicked in?" I looked up watching my dad watch me from the mirror.
"Yes dad." I leaned against the door and wiped my tears away.
"Hey, you okay Junebug?"
"I'm fine." I wouldn't look at him. He was the reason I got made fun of anyway! I heard him sigh and continue to drive home.
"I have to stream today, do you have any homework you need help with?"
"Alright this isn't gonna cut it. I know somethings up. I'm going to ask again. What's wrong?" I looked at him from my seat. He was watching me through the mirror again.
"WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN ON YOUR STREAMS?! ALL THE KIDS AT SCHOOL MAKE FUN OF ME FOR HAVING A MEAN DAD!" He looked stunned. He didn't say anything for a minute.
"Kids are making fun of you? Because of my online personality?"
"Yes Dad! I get made fun of everyday because of it! Why can't you be nice to people?" I trailed off. He looked a little upset at what I said but it was true.
"I'm sorry y/n... I'll dial it back ok?"
"It's fine dad. I know your fans like it."
"You know what they like more?"
"When we play games together on stream!" He smiled at me through the mirror as we pulled into our drive way.
"I thought you didn't want me on your streams anymore? Because of the meanies."
"I think I can make an exception," he winked before continuing, "just don't tell your mother!"
"Dad, Mama will know either way, she watches your videos."
"Fair, eh it doesn't matter!"
I hopped out of the car with my backpack and ran inside as soon as the garage door opened. The excitement running through my veins was too much too handle. Bolting through the house and into my room I threw my bag onto my bed. I changed out of my school uniform and put on some comfy clothes. Dad has a specially made hoodie for me when he has a merch drop so I can have a hoodie that fits me. That being said I put on some leggings and my favorite hoodie.
Peaking my head out of my room I peered out for my dad. Down the hall I saw the bathroom light on. Perfect. I snuck into his office and logged onto his computer. He gave me the password so I could play minecraft.
I opened twitch and setup the stream, you'd think for a 3rd grader this would be hard, but I've watched my dad do it countless times. I started up the stream and watched as people piled into the stream. I was a little short for the desk so I sat on my knees. I pressed the button that goes to the camera.
"Hi guys!" I smiled at the camera. I watched chat seeing a few 'hello's and quite a few 'oh no's. I giggled and pulled myself closer to the desk.
"I wanna play minecraft! So that's what we are going to do!" It wasn't long for a dono to come through the headset.
"Y/n where's your dad? Are you going to get in trouble?"
"Hey! Thanks for the money! Uh Dad's in the bathroom and no I won't get in trouble!"
"What are you doing!?" I felt my dad grab my shoulders as he scared me. I screeched and turned around.
"Language kiddo!" I groaned as my dad picked me up and sat in his chair sitting me on his knee.
"Minecraft? Really?"
"Alright it's your stream!" I smirked at him and opened up my main world. Throughout the stream Dad helped me get diamonds and even get to the nether! He may not be perfect but he's my dad and I love him. It was nearing 8 pm which is my bed time.
"Alright gremlin, it's bed time. Go brush your teeth why I end stream."
"Awe ok... Bye chat!" I slowly drug myself to the bathroom and sighed. I could hear my dad end his stream as I finished brushing my teeth. The hard wood floor was cold on my feet walking to my room. I pulled my blankets over myself snuggling into the warmth of my bed. Dad made his way over to me and sat next to me.
"Did you have fun on stream today?"
"Good! Good night Junebug, I love you." He kissed my forehead and made sure I was tucked in.
"I love you too, Dad! Good night!"
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I hope you enjoyed! Again I'm so so so sorry this took forever! Hopefully I can get back into my groove again!
Stay safe fishies!
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Brought Together by a Five-Year-Old (Dean Winchester x F!Reader) Part 2: The Wait
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Surprisingly enough, the rest of Dean's day seemed to go on without a hitch. Gabriel behaved himself, to the best of his abilities; Michael and Lucy were still feeling the comradery from their mutiny and thus refrained from fighting; Kevin and Charlie spent the day playing pretend with the costumes; Anna and Meg took naps; Chuck wrote voraciously while Aleister sat beside him 'proofreading' his oh so sophisticated work; Ruby and Bela seemed to be plotting with Zach but nothing had come of it so far; and S/N drew an adorable picture of himself, his mother and all the pets he wanted to have. When presented with said drawing Dean found himself feeling that warmth again and applauded himself for choosing such a heartwarming career, despite the numerous pains that came along with it. 
Three-thirty rolled around and Dean was busy making sure each of his students had everything they came with, coats, shoes, lunchboxes and backpacks. He stood up from helping Castiel put his coat on and clapped three times, gaining the attention of his less rebellious students. He clapped again and this time all thirteen little faces looked up at him waiting raptly for instruction. They reminded him again of little English soldiers, only this time they were at his command. "Get in line by alphabetical order of first names today, no talking." He announced. The children nodded their heads in determination and proceeded to maneuver themselves into a line, starting with Aleister and ending with Zach. After the line had settled completely, Dean went through and checked for accuracy. Grinning with satisfaction he turned and opened the door into the hallway, where the parents were waiting to pick up their children.
After the last parent had thanked him and headed on their way, child in tow, Dean shut his door and turned around to see little S/N patiently waiting for him. He bent over to get on the same level as the boy, resting his hands on his thighs,"Hey bud, just you and me now. Wanna help me clean up a little and then we can play a game or something? We've got about two hours until your mom gets here."
The five-year-old nodded his head happily and marched off to start picking up the art supplies scattered around the room. Dean held back a smile at the purity and determination of the child before shaking his head affectionately and moving to help. 
Between the two of them, the work was finished in half the time. Dean looked at the clock, registering that they had an hour and twenty minutes until Y/N was due to pick S/N up. He took a seat and motioned for S/N to join him, "So, what do you want to do?" S/N shrugged, looking around the room for inspiration. 
"Maybe we could just color for awhile?" He proposed, "I really like coloring and it doesn't make a big mess."
Dean chuckled at the thoughtfulness of the boy and nodded, standing to get the supplies they would need to create their masterpieces.
"Here let me help too!" S/N got up and ran towards Dean, stopping in front of the art supply bin to contemplate which medium to use before grabbing a box of crayons. "We need the big box so we can use all sorts of colors and crayons mix better than markers do and they don't make the paper all wet, they make it smooooooth." S/N clarified, raising his eyebrows and stretching out the 'o' in smooth to emphasize just how nice crayons made the paper feel. With a curt nod of his head, he turned back towards the table and walked to his seat, head held high as though he was a man of very high importance and had just taught Dean an immeasurably valuable lesson. Dean rolled his eyes and smiled, grabbing two large sheets of paper and following his little art expert.
In comfortable silence, the two began to draw. S/N began meticulously trying to recreate the stingrays at the aquarium, informing Dean that they were his favorite and his mom promised they could go see them that coming weekend. This then prompted Dean to tell S/N that he had never been to the aquarium but quite enjoyed the zoo. S/N excitedly began rambling on about his favorite animals at the zoo, listing them off one by one on his chubby little fingers. Dean basked in the warm feeling he got from watching the child's eyes light up as he described every detail of his favorite animals, listing their genus and family, their habitats and dietary needs, teaching Dean interesting facts he didn't even know about some of the creatures. Like did you know stingrays have a skeleton made of cartilage instead of bone, and they use electro-sensors to find prey, not their eyes? Dean certainly didn't. He felt his eyebrows rising higher with every bit of information flying out of the boy's mouth. Eventually, S/N slowed down and returned to coloring with a simple 'I really like animals.'
Dean sat for a moment, awestruck at the passion already so pure and strong within S/N. He had to ask, "Hey, S/N, how in the world do you remember all those facts? That's a lot for a kid your age and those were some pretty fancy words you were throwing out."
"Oh, I don't know Mr. Winchester. I just really like animals. My mama has a good memory for words and languages and stuff, I guess I have it too but for animals. I might want to work at a zoo someday. Mama says that I'd be great at it." The boy replied bashfully, refusing to look up from his drawing and make eye contact with Dean. 
"Well, she's right about that. You've got a gift there bud, I bet you'll make a great zookeeper one day." The boy smiled at Dean's words, still refusing to look up, though Dean could see his cheeks tinting red at the praise. Dean thought for a moment and then decided to keep conversation flowing, "So S/N, what does your mama do for a living? She said she had meetings all day, does she work in an office?"
"Yes, she does Mr. Winchester. She's a translator for some big old company in the city. She does Spanish and American Sign language for them. She sometimes does other ones too but I don't remember those cause she hasn't taught me much of them." The child casually responded, seeming as though he'd memorized this information and regurgitated it a thousand times before. 
"That's really cool. She teaches you these languages too?" Dean asked, slightly bewildered at the comprehension level S/N must have. 
"Yeah, when we're at home she quizzes me sometimes. She says it's important to be able to communicate with as many people as you can, and that it's only polite to try to do so in their native tongue and not just ours. She says even the littlest bit of language can make a difference and show respect." S/N elaborated, narrowing his eyes at a pesky part of his drawing. "I think it's fun and I can talk to the kid across the street now without making him wear his hearing aids. I don't think he likes wearing them."
For what felt like the thousandth time today, Dean fought the urge to smile. And for the thousandth time, he failed. God, he loved how genuinely good young kids were, before the world corrupted them and made them cynical, grumpy, overworked adults. He didn't really see himself that way, but then again he wasn't much of an adult really. He paid his bills and cleaned his apartment and cooked meals for himself that weren't always Hamburger Helper, but he wasn't an adult. At least not in his eyes. He felt like he still maintained his childish spirit, which is what he deemed was the source of his success as a kindergarten teacher. He was proud of that. Proud that, despite the trials and tribulations he'd faced, and he had faced more than his fair share of trials and tribulations, he still wasn't a shriveled old grump with a stick up his butt. He knew quite a few people who were and he couldn't stand it if he ever became that way. He had made his brother Sam promise him years ago that if he ever turned into a real, high-stress, no-fun adult, that he'd kill him. Shoot him, and then burn his body so no curmudgeony old ghost would rise back up and haunt his apartment building.
His train of thought was broken when S/N triumphantly held up his piece of paper, shouting 'Huzzah!' and smiling wider than Dean had ever seen him smile before. Dean reached his hand towards the boy, "May I take a better look at this?" Nodding proudly, S/N handed him the drawing and held his head high, waiting for the praise he was sure would come.
Dean took a minute to inspect the drawing, looking at the eager child through the side of his eye. Placing one hand on his chin he hummed thoughtfully, building the suspense. He set the paper on the table and leaned back in his chair, closing one eye and holding up his hands to form a frame of sorts. He glanced at S/N and saw the boy becoming more and more anxious for a response. Deciding he had made him wait long enough, Dean turned to S/N and said with a completely straight face, "I don't like it." Seeing the boy's expression crumble from unadulterated joy to shame Dean quickly finished his sentence,"S/N, I don't like it... I love it. This is fantastic bud, you've got to show your mama. She'll be so proud!" The boy took a moment to process what had just happened and immediately began to beam again. 
"Thank you, Mr. Winchester! Do you really think so?" 
"I know so, in fact," Dean said taking a look at the clock, "She should be here any minute to tell you herself."
Part 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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letarasstuff · 3 years
Showing the Bird
(A/N): This was requested by an anon, I hope you have fun reading it!
Summary: Spencer's daughter always is quick to pick things up she shoudn't do, this includes a certain gesture with her hand and middle fínger.
Warnings: A kid showing her middle finger
Wordcount: 1.6k
✨Masterlist✨ _____________________________
Spencer is a technophobe. That’s why (Y/N) has limited access to any kind of electronics, which is a good thing for a three year old. The only sort she is allowed to use is the TV in the living room and even there her choices are limited to the several DVDs the little family owns and cable TV. Emily is in the process of persuading him to get a subscription to a streaming service for (Y/N)’s sake.
“Ok, Sweetheart. One hour of TV today before eating dinner and getting ready for bed, like we negotiated”, Spencer reminds his daughter before turning it on a kid’s channel. She nods, already engrossed by Peppa Pig hanging up on that sheep for being able to whistle.
Earlier the two Reids made a deal: If (Y/N) got all the states and their capitals right, she is allowed one hour of television. This may sound like he forced her to learn this information, but it’s really just a way to stimulate her brain and the toddler is eager to learn. Spencer only has to make it look like she has a gain in it.
The young doctor doesn’t like to leave his kid alone while watching TV. It’s not because he can’t leave her on her own for a few minutes. Spencer wants full control over what (Y/N) sees and what not. Especially he can tell what effects something has on a child and he doesn’t want her exposed to things she shouldn’t be subjected to at her age.
“Daddy, why are the animals talking to each other? I know they are translating all languages to us, but a pig speaks not sheep language.” Spencer is slightly baffled at her question. It’s mostly cute that she explains most things to herself in such a plausible way.
“Uhm, well Sweetheart. You have to-” Saved by the bell. Or more like the ring of his cellphone. Still he hesitates to get it. It’s Morgan, who probably calls because the team needs help with the case.
Spencer had to stay behind for this one, because he planned on taking his vacation days with (Y/N) to fly up to Las Vegas to visit her grandma. But Diana spontaneously took the opportunity to go on a trip with the sanctorium. Now the two do all the things they don’t have the time for in their regular day.
They already were at the aquarium, visited three different museums and even went to the movies once to watch the latest disney movie. Spencer really had to keep himself from pointing out the inaccuracies to not spoil (Y/N)’s fun.
Now the father debates taking the call. He doesn’t want to leave his daughter alone while the TV is on, but also doesn’t want to talk about a case right in front of her. The option of turning the TV off is also from the table, because this would be just plain mean.
So he answers it, afraid that the voicemail will turn on. “Hey Morgan, wait a second, I’ll have to leave the room”, then he puts his hand over the speaker and turns to the toddler. “Sweetheart, I have to talk to your Uncle Derek real quick. I’ll be right back.” She nods and goes back to her cartoon.
But while her father is in the room next door, the audio gets awfully quiet. Frustrated, because she isn’t able to understand properly what they are saying, (Y/N) looks for the remote. And there it is, waiting patiently for her and her little toddler hands.
But instead of turning the volume up, she accidentally changes the channel to an old cop movie. Curious about what is happening on the screen, the girl leaves it on for a few seconds. Upon entering a room, another man greets him with his middle finger raised. (Y/N) looks at her own and tries to copy that movement. On the third try she kind of gets it.
Getting bored of not knowing what the plot of the movie is, she turns it back on the cartoon she watched earlier and settles back down on her little chair next to the table full of books (Spencer put it there to avoid her sitting too close to the TV and straining her eyes while watching her shows, the distance is perfectly measured).
Just as (Y/N) sits down Spencer re-enters the living room, feeling relieved because he was able to help his team. “Hey Sweetie, is everything alright?” Happily she nods, showing him the bird.
Spencer’s face? Just imagine the shook Pikachu. “(Y/N)! You don’t do that! This is really mean!” He tells her in a stern voice. Where did she learn that from? He doesn’t know it, but the genius is almost a 100% sure she saw someone on the street doing it, (Y/N) always was quick to pick things like these up.
The toddler looks at him with a sad face, close to tears. “I-i-i didn’t know. I’m sor-sorry”, she says, beginning to cry. Oh no, this is not what Spencer was aiming for. “No no no, don’t cry. It’s alright. I’m not mad at you. You just don’t do this, people can get really hurt by your gesture.”
After calming her down, he thinks of something they can do outside of their apartment, to forget the little incident. “Do you wanna go to the office with me? All your aunts and uncles are going to get there soon and maybe we can go eat dinner with them?” Excited by the thought of seeing her family, (Y/N) nods and jumps up to get her own little go bag.
It’s a bright pre-packed backpack with small coloring books, normal books, pencils and other knick knacks she might need when she goes out with her father. The only thing that they have to put in is her favorite stuffed animal of the day. They call it like Spencer’s work bag, because the toddler once overheard the word at the office and refused to call it something different than his.
“Hey, look at who decided to give us a little visit!” Penelope exclaims as soon as the team leaves the elevator. (Y/N) tries to keep up with her preppy step, desperately holding onto her hand to not lose her.
As they finally come to a halt in front of everybody, the little girl smiles sweetly at them. “Hi”, she says in the most adorable voice. But instead of doing her usual wave, she raises her small hand with her middle finger standing out.
You just hear a faint “NOO!” and a crashing noise before Spencer comes along in a jog. He scoops his daughter up, looking her into the eyes. He takes a few steps away from where the team is standing.
“(Y/N), what did we say about this gesture”, he asks her in a serious tone. Instantly tears start to form in her eyes again, but Spencer knows he has to be strong now. “(Y/N), you have to stop doing it. It can really hurt people. Do you remember when Jason made fun of the braids Auntie Penelope put your hair in?” She nods.
Meanwhile the team stands awkwardly in the background, not knowing what to do. They never really witnessed the genius reprimanding his daughter in front of them. Though it’s not directly in front them.
“You were hurt by his words. The same is with the gesture you just made. We don’t do this to people, we don’t want to make them feel bad. Now, I don’t want to punish you, because you didn’t really know the meaning. Just apologize to your Aunties and Uncles. Next time you do it, there will be a hard no on TV for a week.”
Quickly wiping her eyes, the toddler mutters a small “Ok Daddy.” Spencer’s heart hurts a little at that, but he needed to be stern in this one.
She wiggles out of his grasp and slowly makes her way over to the others. (Y/N) gives each of them a hug, apologizing individually to them.
“So, who wants to see the new pictures of Sergio I got on my desk?” Emily asks in a cheerful tone to break the awkward tension. Immediately the girl takes upon that offer and bounces off to the desk with her godmother in tow.
Spencer still stands near the elevator, watching the interaction going down through the glass doors. Hotch pats him on the shoulder. “I know it’s difficult to be mad at them or strict even, but you did the right thing”, he reassures him briefly before making his way to his office. The genius smiles, as a parent you seldom get encouraging words about how you raise your child. It kind of feels like walking down a path with closed eyes. But on both sides are deep rivers with piranhas in them.
Derek takes a place beside his best friend. “You know, as serious as this is, it’s also as funny. I mean how she just smiled sweetly as a cupcake and deadass pulled her middle finger up like nobody’s business? My man, in your case I would keep a close eye on her during (Y/N)’s teen years.” Both laugh at the bizarre situation.
But luckily the toddler learned her lesson from this and stopped showing people the bird as a greeting. This is until she learns the next inappropriate thing, she should rather not do.
All works:
@dindjarinsspouse @big-galaxy-chaos
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl @herecomesthewriterwitch @ash19871962
Spencer Reid x child!reader:
608 notes · View notes
imagineredwood · 3 years
“So, I was hoping you’d wanna marry me too?”
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Request: Angel being super cheesy and proposing at Disney.
Pairing: Angel Reyes x female reader 
Warnings: Mentions of Angel being slightly insecure but nothing really, mainly just fluff 
Word count: 1.2K
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“Is it good?”
You nodded in response to Angel’s question, a smile on your lips as you enjoyed the bite of the Minnie Mouse cookie. Angel chuckled and reached over to brush a few crumbs from your lips, still finding you to be the most beautiful girl in the world. His eyes always held love and affection when they looked at you, and you were thankful that despite all the things you had been through with him, both personally and regarding the club, that love had never dwindled. You and he were just as enamored with each other as you had been on your first date.
What number this date was, you had no idea.
Angel took you out whenever he could. It didn’t have to be lavish and expensive, nor did it need to be far away. Just a simple quick lunch with Angel was enough for you and he tried his absolute best to always give it to you. You didn’t ask for much, so when you had asked if he would take you to Disney, Angel had done whatever he needed to do in order to be able to take you. He had picked up extra shifts at the yard back-to-back and had cleared it with Bish, the president signing off on him taking a few days to spend with you on a mini vacation.
All of them knew Angel’s plans, except you.
You were oblivious to the diamond engagement ring that was tucked away inside the pocket of his jeans and Angel absentmindedly ran his hand over it as he watched you continue eating your cookie.
“We can grab a couple more before we go so you can take them home.”
You grinned at the thought, Angel always the pleaser. With your cookie free hand, you reached across the table and placed yours on his. The Mayan instantly flipped his over to hold onto yours, a lopsided smile on his own lips.
You shrugged, Angel seemingly always unconscious of how well he treated you.  
“I’m just lucky to have you. You always spoil me.”
He chuckled and shook his head, that little bashful smile coming to his face the way it always did whenever you praised him.
“It’s just a cookie mami.”
Using your hand, you motioned to the theme park around you.
“A Minnie Mouse cookie, that you got me for breakfast, at an amusement park, that we’re at on vacation, because you busted your ass to be able to take me. It’s not just a cookie. You’re like…my own Prince Charming.”
You grinned at your own pun, nodding your head over to the Prince Eric cut out over by the bakery counter. Angel looked down, feeling heat bubbling up on his cheeks. He scolded you playfully.
“Stop. You’re making me all soft and shit.”
You both laughed, your foot kicking at his softly under the table.
“You’ve been soft. I just bring it out.”
Angel’s smile stayed, brown eyes sparkling as they looked at you.
“Yeah, you do.”
Finished with your cookie now, you drank the rest of your milk and then stood, Angel throwing your trash away for you before grabbing your hand and leaving the bakery. The sun was bright in the sky, a soft breeze that made the weather perfect to be outside. You both walked around hand in hand, taking in all the bright colors and laughing children. You watched as families walked around together, matching hates and backpacks, a dad holding his youngest child up on his shoulders so they could get a view of the giant castle up ahead. You poked at Angel’s side and then motioned to the dad and his child once you had his attention.
“That would be you.”
You laughed and so did he, but your joke hit differently for him. He could see it. Never before could he really see his future clearly, but now with you, it seemed like every day he had visions of your future together and building a family with you. He could see himself doing another one of these vacations, except with your children. He could see himself buying you another Minnie Mouse cookie, and buying one for his daughter as well. Holding his son in his arms while you all walked around, your daughter holding your hand. He could see it perfectly and cleared his throat as he pulled himself from his daydream.
“Yeah, that would be me.”
Wrapping your arms around his, you continued walking around until you got to an aquarium. You both headed in, eyes adjusting to the darkness as you looked around. It was huge, various aisle for you to go done and read about the fish that were housed there. The families went over to the brighter and more busy area, Angel and you going off to the darker and more secluded aisle. It had more reading to do, and you figured that was why people had avoided it.
The darkness and subtle movements from the swimming fish calmed you, but it had the opposite effect on Angel. Not because of the environment itself, but because he knew that now was his chance to pop the question. There was no one in the aisle with you, the area quiet and serene. With a sigh, he figured it was now or never.
“Hey, uh,”
Your turned to look at him with a smile, your face falling as you took in the look on his.
“What’s up?”
The Mayan fumbled with his words for a moment, the nervousness almost getting the best of him. It was your hand on his forearm, gentle and reassuring, that gave him the push.
“I know this is cheesy since we’re at Disney and it’s like yeah, of course, everyone does this here, but I just wanted to get away with you and have fun with you because I love you and- “
Your finger to his lips quieted him down and stopped his rambling.
“Angel, slow down. What are you even talking about?”
Taking a deep breath, he delved into his pocket and retrieved the small navy-blue velvet box. Your eyes widened and you looked up at him sharply, only to move your gaze down as he got down on one knee.
“I just really fuckin’ love you and I wanna be able to do stuff like this with you forever. I wanna bring you here and bring our kids here. I wanna get you cookies for breakfast and just…I wanna marry you.”
Angel opened the box and showed you the ring, a hopeful look on his face as he looked up at you.
“So, I was hoping you’d wanna marry me too?”
Your tummy filled with butterflies and you nodded enthusiastically, tears prickling your eyes as happiness consumed you.  
“Of course, I will.”
Angel blew out a breath and stood as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He hugged you to him tightly, both of you embracing affectionately. Finally separating, he pulled the ring from the box and slipped it onto your finger perfectly. Locking eyes, you grinned and shared a quick kiss, looking over to the side as movement caught your eyes. There stood an elderly couple, both smiling warmly as they looked at you and Angel.
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General taglist
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl @elcococruz @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast @iambabyharry @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114 @saturnsaree @multiyfandomgirl40 @destynelseclipsa @sadeyesgf @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben @all-the-boys-to-the-yard @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla
Mayans MC taglist
@dazzledamazon  @abunnykisses @briana-mishell24 @angelreyesgirl @wrcn9fvlcver @peaches009 @capt-canadian @thesandbeneathmytoes @krysiewithak @veracruz-djarin @appropriate-writers-name @cind-in-real-life @blessedboo @montanaraed @kkim120 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @emoengelfurleben @blowmymbackout
Angel taglist
@cardenasarmy @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @maciiiofficial
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! / Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here! / Part 17 Here! / < This is Part 18!>
Donate to Move to Higher Ground HERE!
* Your eyes open, and your hand flies to your throat 
* You’re thirsty
* You sigh as you sit up in your bed a little annoyed, you were having such a good dream too
* Only when you look to your night stand to grab your blood bottle, past it you see Edward sitting in your desk chair 
* “What are you doing?” Your voice is gravely, and you don’t wait for a response before uncapping your bottle and taking a sip
* Edward fidgets, his hands tugging with the sleeves of his shirt 
* “I like watching you sleep” he admits with a shrug and a boyish quirk of the lips. 
* Of course the dork likes watching you pretend to sleep
* Somethings haven’t changed from the books at least
* Maybe he’s part owl or something
* “Ugh, it’s already Sunday where does the weekend go?” You mumble, it’s around 3 am right now
* To be fair you know  half your Saturday went in self loathing in a tree, and the other half spent with your entire coven congratulating you and Edward on your new relationship
* “I call (Y/N) as my sibling the next time we move!” Emmett grins
* “That’s not fair, I was going to make them my sibling.” Jasper pouts
* “You already have Rosalie don’t get greedy”
* And then they all basically tried to plan out your wedding. 
* So the pressure is on
* At least you still have all Sunday before you have to face everyone at school though. You haven’t even tried to look at your phone 
* “Edward,” he perks up at the sound of your voice “were they really thinking vile thoughts about me?”
* His eyebrows thread together, head tilting to the side
* “Mike and Conner, you said they were thinking vile thoughts when you...came to get me.”
* It’s been bothering you for some time, Conner you can understand, but Mike? 
* You feel....betrayed 
* Edward averts his eyes, you’re half hoping he was lying to you and that he was just upset you were kissing other people
* “Were they thinking of r*ping me?” The second the words fall out of your lips he scampers closer, the chair screeching behind him.
* “No! No of course not-at least I don’t think so-“ His hand cups your face, the other cards through your hair. He sits on the edge of your bed carefully
* “They were thinking of taking you...” 
* oh well that’s no so bad.
* “At the same time”
* So that’s a little worse
* “So they were thinking about a threesome?” Edward winces at the word but nods
* You let out a sigh of relief, a threesome is still kinda sketchy but that’s just normal teenage boy brain for you 
* “At the time I didn’t appreciate their...vivid thoughts but” he looks into your eyes, like two pools of gold. “Maybe you wanted that.” 
*  He had acted instinctively upon seeing their thoughts, but in reality he wasn’t much better
* He had imagined that same needy expression on your face dozens of times 
* Maybe... you might have enjoyed an experience like that. After all two lovers are better than one
* He’s stuck in his own self loathing until he hears you laugh. 
* You’re actually laughing at him!
* He’s worried that you missed out on a vital human experience and you’re laughing!
* The nerve
* And yet, he feels his heart flutters when he see’s you smile at him
* “No, I’m good.” You laugh, and he feels himself let out a sigh of relief.
* “What about Jessica? Does she hate me now” Edward shakes his head
* “I think she might have a bit of a crush on you now.” He grins at your confused expression
* Well that’s unexpected
* You know you can’t really sleep but you feel exhausted, completely emotionally drained
* You snuggle back into the covers  And pat the space on the bed beside you
* “Sleep with me?” 
* Your face feels uncomfortably hot when you realize what you just said. “I just meant like-dream with me-not um no-“
* “I know what you meant” Edward says with a small smile
* He lies down on the other end of the bed, at least five feet away from you
* “You can come closer, you’re my boyfriend now, boyfriend privileges”
* Boyfriend 
* He’s always thought the word was garish. 
* A boy who was your special friend, how idiotic. But hearing the word tumble from your lips makes him unbelievably  happy 
* “What are boyfriend privileges?” He repeats carefully. Shifting so he is lying beside you
* “Normal couple stuff I guess, kissing, hugging, public affection-“ 
* and sex stuff
* “So I get to be as greedy with you as I want?” 
* You feel your face grow warm at the thought of Edward being as greedy with your body as he wants
* The way his hands would feel as they ghost over your body, his sweet rosemary and argon scent filling the air
* You can’t manage to get out words so you just nod, and he grins
* “Let’s go out tomorrow” 
* To like a hotel or?
* “We can go to the aquarium in Seattle, I think it’s supposed to rain so something indoors would be good.”
* Oh like greedy with your time
* That seems more on brand for Edward tbh 
* “The aquarium sounds nice”
* You curl into his chest, breathing in his scent deeply. He feels warm, not as warm as a human, but soothing in its own right. A gentle warmth, like the warmth from a candle
* You feel so safe here with him. You feel yourself drift off into sleep, and Edward’s arms tentatively wrap around you
* Your weight is pressed against him, and he can’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have you pressed against him even more
* Your hands clawing at his chest as you plead
* “Great now I’m the one having vile thoughts” he murmurs to himself 
* You both sneak out early in the morning, while all your other coven members are still preoccupied 
* “Grab a couple blood bags and I’ll get some tumblrs” you nod, shoving it all quickly in his nike backpack, and you both practically jog to your jeep.
* The drive feels a lot shorter than you remember, it’s only 10 when you get there. 
* You sigh as you get out, you’re wearing faded blue jeans and a black coat that cinches at the waist
* Edward is dressed in a similar fashion, faded blue jeans, white shirt and a leather jacket
* Both of you wearing sunglasses 
* You don’t miss the looks you get as you walk across the parking lot. You already get a lot of attention as is  with the hot pink Barbie jeep
* But you and Edward together look like something straight out of a magazine catalog 
* “Did you already buy tickets?” You ask, your arm linking through his. 
* “Yeah, we just have to pick them up at the box” 
* It’s actually pretty busy, it is a weekend day though so it’s to be expected 
* “(Y/N)?” You turn to the voice and feel like the wind got knocked out of you
* “Jessica, Bella...” and there’s someone else with them, brown skin and long dark hair.
* Well he’s kinda hot, for a human that is
* “What are you doing here?” 
* They’re like the weirdest group for a Sunday hang out
* “My Dad had some tickets, he was going to come with my mom but I guess they got in a fight or something.” 
* You get the feeling that there’s more to it than that, but you’re just happy she’s talking to you after you kissed her without consent 
* “Oh um , this is Jacob we’ve been friends since we were kids.” 
* So this is Jacob, he looks older for his age.
* “Hey Jacob nice to meet you, I’m (Y/N)” you extend your hand and you see him stiffen for a second
* Yeah that sounds about right. All humans get afraid when they first me et you, you are technically their natural predator after all. He seems to get over it and grasps your hand
* “Hey, nice to meet you” 
* “Do you go to school with us?” 
*You know he doesn’t, but you’ve found it best to pretend in this situation. 
* You glance at Edward who hiding a twitching smile, looks like he heard something interesting
* “No I go to school on the res, I’m a sophomore.” 
* Oh a sophomore, younger man is more her speed huh? And they’ve been friends for years, he’s to her what Edward is to you
* You ship it
* “Do you guys want to join us?” 
* You can feel Edward’s eyes piercing you in the back. Yeah you know this is a date, and he probably wants some quality time with you or whatever-
* But it’s not like you’re f*cking after or anything
* And honestly you kinda wanna see how this whole Bella-Jacob ship plays out 
* “Well I don’t-“ Bella starts
* “We’d love to!” Jessica interrupts, and then taking a nervous glance at Edward she adds:
* “That is if you don’t mind?”
* Queue everyone looking at Edward. He looks at you, a small pout bowing onto your lips and let’s out a deep sigh
* “No of course not, I’ll get the tickets and meet you at the gate.” He says with a resigned smile
* He leans down, catching your lips in his. You know you don’t have a beating heart, but you feel it stutter when he pulls away and smiles at you
* “See you in a bit daring” and then he walks towards the empty “reserved pass” line
* Darling?
* (Y/N).Exe is broken
* And you would stay broken if Jessica and Bella didn’t each grab a shoulder and shake you.
* “Oh my god what was that?!?!” Jessica shrieks
* “Are you guys like...dating now?” Bella grins
* “Yeah, I guess we are?” The human part of you understands that you’ve just agreed you feel the same, and that you have just started a relationship
* But the vampire part of you, the primal part, knows it’s so much more than that
* He’s your mate
* And saving any major changes, he is yours for as long the universe will permit 
* “Wait are you guys on a date right now?” Jessica asks, and it pulls you right out of your thoughts
* She’s worried she’s intruding
* “No-I mean maybe? Honestly we both just wanted an excuse to get out of the house.” You sigh
* “Are the rest of the Cullen’s not taking it well?” 
* You do live together, and you’re at that age. Sure Emmett and Rosalie and together, but that seems to be under more transparent circumstances 
* So imagine her surprise when you card your fingers through your hair
* “No they’re taking it too well!” 
* Last night you basically rotated between coven members as they all told you how happy they were you were with Edward now
* “Honestly I thought the nerd would never find the nerve” Emmett confided in you
* “Eleazer you’ll never guess what happened....we’re going to be brothers!” You had heard Carlisle tell Eleazer over the phone before breaking down into tears
* “Carlisle stop crying, the venom is going to make a hole in the floor.” Esme shouted before turning her attention back to you
* “So what colors do you like (Y/N)? I’m partial to gold and white myself-“ she said pointing the color combination examples in her wedding book 
* They were driving you crazy.
* “Carlisle keeps rotating between smiling and crying because ‘two kids are leaving the house’ and Tanya called to give me the most smug speech about it- I just need a break.”
* You sigh
* “Wait-did all of this happen after the party?” Bella asks with a smile creeping onto her face
* Before you can answer though, you see Edward walking towards you
* “We’ll talk about this later” Jessica whispers, not that it matters, going on the smirk on Edward’s lips he already heard everything
* “So Tanya called you huh?” He whispers in your ear when the others move ahead
* His breath fanning against your ear causes your stomach to flip. You’ve been around him so long, you almost started to forget how hot he was.
* “Yeah, she’s basically hoping I crush your heart so she can get revenge.”
* You’re mostly joking, but given past history, you know she wouldn’t mind if that’s how things turned out anyway
* “That’s fair.” He looks almost sad. What the hell happened between them to make him like this?
* You want to ask, but you feel like now isn’t the best time. Not when Jessica and Bella are a mere five feet away arguing about whether to see the jellyfish or penguins first
* So you do the only thing you can: You reach out and hold his hand, squeezing it slightly. Edward doesn’t say anything, he just squeezes back
* It’s a pretty nice day, Bella’s dad bought her a digital camera so you take a bunch of cheesy pictures around the aquarium
* “Oh try to get one like a shark is eating us! Like I’m in Jaws!”
* “You know they’re an endangered species and that stupid movie doesn’t help right?” 
* “There is no ethical consumption under capitalism Bella”
* Edward just makes a pained expression as he holds up the camera. All he wanted to do was go on a date with his significant other
* “Girls am I right?” Jacob asks, extending his bag of popcorn
* For a second you think Edward might hate him, but instead a smile arch’s onto his face
* “You have no idea.” He smiles, taking a few kernels.
* Aw, it’s Edward’s first human friend 💖
* You kinda wish you were the one with a camera now, or at least a smart phone
* Instead you settle for a grainy picture on your flip phone. They both look at you like confused puppy's when the shutter clicks 
* “Aw that’s a cute one” Jessica coo’s
* “You even got a shark in the back” Bella says pointing to a blurry gray blob in the background
* It’s a good day 
* You’re almost sad when you have to part at the end 
* “You sure you guys don’t want to come with us? Jessica’s dad is letting us have his reservation at the revolving restaurant in the space needle”
* You and Edward exchange a look
* “Nah it’s fine, I’m pretty sure Esme is wondering when we’re coming home” 
* “She’ll be pissed if we eat there without here.” You add for good measure 
* “Well alright we’ll see you at school tomorrow” Jessica says with a wave, and you smile
* “See you tomorrow”
* Looks like things are back to normal
* Edward drives on the way back
* You hold the plush sea turtle close to your chest as you watch him
* He really is handsome, chiseled cheekbones and full rosy lips. To add he has that mane of auburn hair, and that irresistible splatter of freckles across his nose 
* The prettiest boy you’ve ever seen
* “I can feel you staring” he says with a smile twitching onto his lips. Oh god you want to kiss that stupid smile right off his mouth
* “What went wrong with you and Tanya?”
* Way to kill the vibe
* “I’m sure Tanya told you all about it.” He shrugs. There’s that sad look again
* “I want to hear about it from you though” 
* And Edward might have denied you if your hand hadn’t found his, resting on top of it 
* He grins
* You don’t play fair, do you?
* He sighs, squeezing your hand while keeping his eyes on the road
* “I just...didn’t like the way she thought about me”
* “Like you were a piece of meat?” 
* He laughs
* “Like I was some charity case besides-“ he stops abruptly, looking at you before swallowing hard. “Never mind”
* “No tell me!” You lean forward cradling your hand intertwined with his against your chest and he chuckles, you really don’t play fair
* “ I didn’t-I don’t feel attraction to people unless-“
* He looks into your eyes, and you feel his fingers squirm against yours 
* “Unless we’re friends first” 
* Oh, he’s asexual. 
*Or  demisexual. 
* Somewhere on the spectrum for sure
* Is he coming out to you right now? 
* You give his hand a squeeze 
* “I get that.”
* You want to smack yourself. 
* The boy you love just came out to you about his sexuality and all you can say is ‘I get that’ 
* You feel so useless
* But Edward doesn’t let you feel useless for too long, he squeezes back looking at you with such warm eyes
* And again you can’t help but think that even though his heart doesn’t beat anymore, he looks so human
* He’s just pulled into the driveway at the house, the car parked. He’s about to say something when you cut him off, tugging him closer to you and placing your lips on his
* If he’s surprised he doesn’t show it, placing his free hand on your shoulder and leaning a bit closer to you 
* He’s so careful and gentle...and dazzling 
* He’s barely touching you but you can feel yourself seeing stars
* That thing he does with his tongue-it’s indescribable 
* Are you sure he’s a virgin?!?
* You can’t help the sigh that passes your lips when he pulls away. You’re still in a daze when he pulls you into his lap, one leg straddled on each side 
* His head is tilted back, an easy smile on his mouth. 
* You suddenly feel shy, that look in his eyes should be illegal 
* “So-“ you lean back a bit “do you-um-do you have feelings like that for me?”
* He tilts his head to the side in confusion and you gulp
* “Y’know sexually speaking” 
* He actually laughs at you
* Right there, when you’re only a handful of inches away from his face
* But you’re not annoyed, instead all you can feel is a rush of affection
* His eyes crinkle at the ends, his pearly white fangs sparkling as he grins. Your hands cup his face as he looks up at you with adoration 
* You can imagine the rosy blush that would light his face so clearly, the deep emerald green of his eyes. You’re almost starving for the image you see in your mind to be real
* He pulls you out of the image with a simple touch. His arms wrapping around your waist to pull you closer
* “I - like the rest of the entire student population at Forks High School- find you absolutely bewitching” 
* The way he says it makes you shiver, and Edward’s hand trails up your back. 
*He sits a little straighter, bouncing you slightly in his lap as he does, so you’re looking straight into his eyes
* “I find it hard to believe you don’t know that I have been dying inside everyday watching you walk around in those short shorts you love so much,” he whispers in your ear. 
*“That I haven’t been dying to absolutely ravish you .”
* You gulp.
* It’s all you can do when he’s looking at you like that
* If you thought Garrett’s bedroom eyes were intense, then Edward is on an entire different level
* You feel your heart stutter, butterflies erupting in your stomach...and something else
* A certain heat you haven’t felt in a long time
* You’ve never seen him look at anything like that, like he’s hungry- 
* Starving even 
* His lips brush against your neck, trailing down to your collar bone and you sigh
* He really knows everything about you doesn’t he? All your sweet spots, all your stories, every one of your secrets.
* Your hand trails up his chest, entangling in his hair and a low gasp tumbles from his lips
* And then your phone rings
* You hear him groan, and you shake your head
* “Ignore it” you mumble, your mouth meeting his once more 
* And you continue on for a few moments, until his phone rings
*He pulls away from you with a groan
* “Rosalie’s calling me a long list of profanities right now” he mumbles, you sigh pulling away to lean against the steering wheel 
* It’s probably for the best, no point in getting too turned on when you knew he was going to say ‘you should wait until marriage’
* Like honestly, he died, and you died, and now you live an alternative lifestyle where literally nothing matters anymore 
* But you’ll respect his wishes 
* “Guess we should go inside” You sigh, you move to get off of him
* But just as your about to crawl off, he tugs you to face him once more
* His thumb brushes over your cheek, and those deep gold eyes bore at you with that same intensity as before 
* He pulls you in for one last kiss, before getting out of the car and closing the door behind him
* “We’ll pick up where we left off later.” 
* (Y/N).exe is broken
* You walk to the house slowly, like humans do 
* “Are you ready?” He asks, holding out his hand
* You smile, placing your hand in his and nodding
* “Ready”
* So imagine your surprise when you and Edward get inside, hand in hand, to find the entire coven is laughing in the living room. 
* From where you’re standing you can only see Carlisle 
* “Ah your home! Come, I want you both to meet someone-“ 
* You move forward but Edward stays rooted to the spot
* Three people come into view, a woman with flaming red hair, a man -no older than 25- with rich mahogany skin, and a dazzling young man with hair the color of the sun.
* “Meet our new friends, Victoria, James and Laurent” 
* You turn to look at Edward, his mouth pinched into a frown
* Well F*ck 
Tags:  @moonlights27​ @thebluetint​ @the100thtwilight​ @awesomebooklover17​ @oneofthepotterheads​ @smileygirl08​ @imdoingathingmom​ @iconicgguk​ @yrawn​ @alyciaswhore​ @little-horror-show​ @wicked-watering-can​ @lazydreamers​ @ xxxmuxxx @ideas-for-you-to-adopt​​​ @poisoinedhope @maryleigh8796​​ @moose-squirrel-asstiel​​ @hotmessgoodness​ @jaimewho​ @corabmarie​ @what-am-i-doing10​ @alluring-venus​ @imdoingathingmom @anotheryooniverse​ @im-tired-not-sleepy​ @emmettcullenisahimbo​ @my-super-musical-life​ @smolvampiregirl​ @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream​ @mihikaahujaaa @werewolflover3252​ @teenagezombiekryptonite @shynz​ @reclusive-chicken-nugget​ @monkeyluver4546​
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Ok its so fun to bully sukuna so much but i wanna give this guy just a very brief microwin. Imagine its yuuji’s birthday. He’s roped us into the celebration and he wants this all day party with his friends. He wants to go to the aquarium, go on the rides on the carnival pier nearby, and at the end just have a kid dinner party after at the apartment where things can settle down. Sukuna, wanting to show that he’s a good dad (he also wants to one up his Toji and his last megumi bday celebration at that known kid funhouse) and this man just bends over backwards to make sure everyone’s on one grp at the aquarium, appeasing parents, carrying their little backpacks with their essentials, helping them buy stuff they want from the aquarium gift shop, regulating kids on their allergies and what food they can eat, and for the party at the end of the day was gonna be good. he does hope to spend time with u as the kids go on rides/do kid stuff.
That doesnt happen bc itadori just monopolizes all of your time along with all of the other kids bc they adore you (sukuna u gotta do something abt that menacing resting face u have if u wanna be approachable). At the end of the day this man is exhausted, sprawled over the couch, has not even spent a full minute with you, and has a mountain of cleaning to do, all the while preparing for the inevitable sick yuuji who had too much junk food to eat the next day (he acts like a tough guy but hes still a sucker for his son).
You had just gotten itadori to sleep and cleaned up a bit to help. you sit with him on the couch and you say how amazing he was for handling everything for yuuji and his friends and how responsible he was and you just now saw how reliable he can really be- this man’s pupils just dilate from the praise he gets with how you’re beaming at him. You give him a kiss on the cheek for a job well done and retreat to your own apartment for the night. This goof just has the biggest grin as he’s cleaning up, planning his next move where he’ll inevitably repeat the cycle of him just being too much of a try hard and scoring low.
sukuna gets HALF A WIN for doing his best <3. gfjkvngfjb oh my god though this entire thought . . . AAAA. you show up early the next day with a smile telling him that you figured he'd need some help cleaning up and he is just . . . overwhelmed. he's so overwhelmed by how much he likes you and how much he wants to actually romance you and not just have a quick fling and he's about to just fucking come out and say it when he hears yuuji wailing his name from the bedroom with a dramatic "i think i'm going to be siiiiick!"
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woolieshubris · 3 years
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Aquarium Date Fic !! Kagehina, but kag!asd. Kageyama pov. 2k words, oneshot. Tw : Sensory Overload! (it's present throughout the whole fic) Made partially for @spixi and partially so i could prove to myself that i can If there's a typo no there isnt <3 If you are an IRL this post doesn't exist <3
I typed out my message and pressed send, throwing my phone onto my bed.
Maybe I should go grab a snack or something... I think to myself, when I suddenly hear my phone buzzing against my pillow, and I dive to grab it. He replied to my message. That was fast.
Me : Hey we should go to the aquarium tomorrow.
Hinata : Okay :D sounds good 2 me!
Quickly, with my face quickly going beet red, I drop my phone and go to the kitchen to grab something to stuff my face with. I'm shaking, but as long as I walk quietly, I doubt my family will notice I'm even out of my room.
How should I reply? A thumbs up might be good, but it might be too cold. Any other reply is probably too much... Whatever. I'll go with the thumbs up.
I head back into my room and pick up my phone, typing a thumbs up emoji before covering my face again.
F/ck, I need to come up with something to wear, don't I..?
I arrive at the train station, feeling like I probably packed too much. I brought a backpack with an extra phone battery, 2 charging cables, (because Hinata has an apple phone,) and a bunch of snacks, as well as a water bottle.
Did I put on deodorant today??? I can't tell... If so, I'm probably already sweating through it. I start to feel sick to my stomach, but I don't have time to finish that thought when I spot Hinata walking in from a distance. He seems to be wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt, and suddenly I feel overdressed in my jeans.
"Hey! Don't worry, I already bought my train ticket. You ready to go?" He asked while walking up to me. He didn't bring as much as a backpack, and I'm suddenly relieved that I brought so much.
"Yeah. It's coming in 2 minutes. I half expected you to be late." I stated, before realizing what I said. Sh/t! That was rude, wasn't it? I have to be nicer. Ugh. Hinata punctures my worries with a laugh.
"I'm not late that often, am I?" He states. This makes me feel a little worse about my comment.
"Hm. Just often enough." I state, carefully picking my words. I can't backtrack now, but I can try to redirect my speech to seem less biting.
"You only say I'm late because of last time!" He keeps laughing, keeping the mood light. I wish I could speak as easily as him.
"And possibly the time before that?" I reply. This is probably what he wants me to say.
"Shhhhh. What matters is I got here on time AND I have my ticket ready. Don't worry, I also brought enough for the aquarium ticket too!" He states, smiling. His smile is adorable, almost cute enough to distract me from what he just said.
"Oh, I was planning on paying for that." I reply without thinking.
"Ehh? Do you owe me or something? Should I be asking you for money?"
"No, no. I just thought...?" I'm really confused now. I was the one who asked HIM out, right? He knows how these things usually go, right? Maybe he just doesn't know...
"By the way, where are the others? I thought they would have arrived by now."
The... others? What others? The team??? This is a date, right? Wait...
"I didn't invite them." I respond, my subconscious taking care of what my brain is trying to catch up to.
"You really find them that annoying? I know Tsukki and Yamaguchi can be a bit much sometimes but...?" Confusion flashes across Hinata's face.
"I just wanted to hang out with you. Is that a crime?" I answered before my brain could filter out that last comment. It would be useful in getting him to stop pushing, but it's far too rude for a date. Not that Hinata knows that last part anyway. I wish I could take my words back.
"You should be honored that I said yes in the first place." Hinata teases, my face turning red.
If only he knew what he said yes to.
Hinata and I managed to keep from fighting on the 30 minute train ride, which was a feat in and of itself.
I can't ruin this date.
"Hey, Kageyama? It looks like there is a student discount, and it also seems like there is a discount for groups. What do you think would be cheaper?" Hinata elbowed me, bringing me back into focus. I look up. He and I are both equally sh/t at math.
"Uh... Let's do the group discount? I'll pay for it. You can pay me back later." As if I'd let him do that. Hinata bought my excuse though.
"Okay! I can buy you lunch or something." He quickly walked up to the desk, and I followed him. "Can we have 2 tickets?"
Wait. Wasn't I supposed to buy them? If I was the one paying, aren't I supposed to ask? Is Hinata planning on paying???
"Oh, sorry, He'll be paying!" Hinata stated, gesturing towards me.
"Yes. Here's the cash." I quickly press down the bills that were almost getting damp from stress. I had already looked online at ticket prices, and made sure to set aside the perfect amount of money for two tickets in my pockets.
"Great! Let's head inside!" Hinata grabs the tickets, holding mine for me. We go up to the metal detector and I get my bag checked. Hinata, possibly because he has my ticket, or possibly out of kindness, waits for me.
"Can you hand me my ticket real quick?" I ask, throwing my bag back onto my shoulder.
"Sure, let's go in." We walk into the main lobby area, waiting to get our tickets checked. The aquarium is beautiful, and oh so huge. The high ceilings, and smell of saltwater, the giant whale sculpture that I can only assume is life size, and the concrete flooring, these things that on a glance are grand, start to give me a pit in my stomach.
"Kageyama! Come on!"
I look at the horizon line, and recenter myself. A quick yet deep breath and I'm ready to go. I walk up, and turn in my ticket in order to get a wristband.
"Kageyama?" Hinata states, causing me to look over at him. "Can you help me put this on? I can never do it by myself." He holds up the paper slip.
"Yeah, sure." I say without thinking. I wrap it around his wrist.
"Hey, make sure not to make it too tight. They are a pain to get off if you don't give them enough breathing room." I nod my head, and make sure to give him a gap.
"There you go." I let go of his arm, realizing just then how warm my hand is. I can feel my face getting warm too.
"Okay, let me do you now." He quickly fits the bracelet to my arm. "It's perfect! Let's go inside. I wanna see this penguin exhibit that I've been hearing so much about. I keep seeing ads for it and I've wanted to see it forever-"
Hinata kept talking. I don't think he ever stopped talking. It's nice though. It makes it easier to not focus on the huge building, or the shifting lighting, or the crowds, or the ambient music that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Yup. I'm not focusing on any of that. Not. At. All.
My feet keep walking, despite my worrying. Hinata eventually slows, stopping before the largest piece of glass I've ever seen in my entire life. A giant tank filled with fish. The glass is taller than my house, longer than 3 busses, and blue and endless enough to make my heart stop in my chest.
Hinata turns around, and finds a bench to sit on, patting the seat next to him, while staring into the blue void. You feel like you have to bow down to its majesty. It is terrifyingly blue, terrifyingly enormous. I have never feared the ocean before, but I fear it in this very moment. A spotted whale shark swims past, paying no attention to the many people standing right against the glass.
"I could sit here forever." Hinata practically whispers. The giant tank orders your complete and utter silence. Even amongst a giant crowd, even with the littlest of children, everyone is quiet. The large speakers playing calming bass tones over the crowd of people, barely vibrating the floor.
"Hm. Me too." I reply. I could sit here forever, I feel like I already have sat here for infinity. Like its presence is something I could never escape. The pit in my stomach grows further. I break eye contact with the tank, reaching in my backpack. The zipper can barely be heard over the ambient noise of people shuffling. Was there always that sound? I bend down to look in my backpack. What was I going to get?
"Do you want a snack? I brought some granola bars." I state as I feel Hinata's eyes looking down at me.
"Actually, that sounds really good right now. I was just thinking about food." He states, bringing his head down to meet mine. I rustle around in my bag, and grab out a bar. It is barely bent. Passing it to him over my shoulder, he grabs it and unwraps it, sitting on the bench with his legs crossed.
"Sooo, what exhibit did you want to see?" He asks, taking a bite after.
"What do you mean?" I reply, choking down the pit in my stomach.
"Like... you invited me out here. So, what was it that you wanted to see?" He takes another bite.
"Uh. I just like fish, I guess." I look over at the tank, trying to avoid his gaze. I doubt he'll buy it, but it doesn't really matter.
"Me too! Let's go into the jellyfish room next? I can see the entrance to the penguins here and it looks packed. Explains why it's so much emptier here." He set his feet back on the ground and stood up, waiting for me to join him.
I leaned back down to zip up my bag, and we walked through a doorway into a smaller, darker room. Blacklights lit up the moon jellies as they calmly glided across the tank. Hinata seemed to drift off, but I didn't mind. It would probably be a good idea to be apart for a bit. I could calm down and collect myself quickly.
I walk up to the tiny seahorse exhibit, and look into the tank. I can't see them at all... I thought, when suddenly, I felt my forehead bump up against the glass.
How did I get close enough to bump up against it?
I go to look for a wall to lean up against. Leaning against something should help keep the pit down. I do a quick glance around the room. There are no walls. Only glass, and only fish. I hate fish.
Taking yet another deep and quick breath, I go back to meet up with Hinata. He was looking at a different kind of seahorse.
"Okay, I think I'm ready to go to the next section now." Hinata said, glancing away from the fish and over to the exit door. I nodded, and lightened up the scowl that was forming on my face. I didn't even notice it was happening until I felt my eyebrows aching from the effort. I just hope he didn’t notice.
The exit of the jellyfish room led to a balcony overlooking a lower floor. This must be the back of the aquarium. Below us there seemed to be a small cafe overlooking the sea.
"Here, let's go get some food! I can pay you back for the ticket that way." Hinata pulled my arm over to the down escalator. I step on right after him, and look down at the cafe.
It was very large, and honestly reminded me more of a cafeteria than a cafe, with lots of seating. After we reach the end of the escalator, he walked over to stand in line and stare at the menu. Looking for a good seat, I grab one right by the large window facing the water and set down my bag. I pull out the small amounts of snacks I've already brought to claim the seat and go over to Hinata.
"Hey, so I'm thinking about getting a sandwich. What do you want?" He stood, facing the menu.
"Honestly, just get me whatever you think I'd like." I state. I can't focus on the menu right now; I just don't have the energy to.
"Hmmm... Okay!" Hinata walks up to the register, while I go back to our seats. I'll probably regret that choice very soon, but I have backup food anyways, and I'm sure he'll eat whatever I don't, so it's not like the food will be wasted.
What the hell did he order??
I look at my plate, not quite understanding what the dish is even supposed to be.
"You said to get you whatever." He said with a smile, taking a bite of his sandwich right after.
"Whatever I might LIKE. What even is this?" I poked my dish with a spork, and it seemed to swallow it whole.
"No idea. I just pointed at the dish in the buffet." He shrugged. "I thought it might be funny, but it's less funny than I hoped. I expected more of a reaction." He looked up with the last sentence, making eye contact with me, which I broke a moment after.
"Sorry? What are you saying sorry for? Since when did you say sorry anyways?" There was slight worry behind his voice, though it was hard to tell through his wide grin. To avoid answering, I quickly shove the food in my face. It's not great, but it's not really all that bad either. It's a little cold from sitting out.
"It's.... good." I say with a stuffed face. This causes him to start laughing again.
"You look super angry! That's the sort of reaction I was expecting." When did I even start scowling again? When I took a bite of the food, probably.
"You try it." I say, stealing a chip from his bag.
"I was the one who bought it anyway. I was half expecting you to make me eat it." Am I really that predictable? He took a bite, and made a variety of expressions, before settling on confusion.
"I wouldn't call it good. Maybe okay? It's definitely at least okay." He nodded to himself, taking a sip of water after.
"So, where to after this?" I ask.
We ended up on the train home while the sun was setting. It's almost to our stop. It felt so short, but we ended up hanging out for 5 hours. I almost forgot that I wanted it to be a date. I had to give up on that a while ago.
"Hey, we have to get off soon, get ready." I say, tapping his knee.
"Hm? Oh." He wakes up, blinking a few times and leaning forwards in his seat. He glances out the window.
The train stops, and we walk off onto the station platform.
"See you at practice tomorrow!" He says with a large smile, walking backwards towards the exit.
"See you." I reply, gripping the shoulder straps of my bag. I looked down
"I had a nice time on our date!" and with the last word, he turned around, running out of the station.
My head immediately turned upwards to where he was, as I feel my blood starting to rush to my face.
He... HE KNEW?!?
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writearctic · 4 years
Turtle Threats (a) (f) - Song Mingi
wc: 2k
Disclaimer: i know zip about 🐢
for this beautiful boy: i hope you are getting the love, rest, and support you need to return to the stage soon.
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“You’re late.” Your boss, Sunghyun, scowled as you entered the shop; he looked down at his watch: 19:12.
“I know, and I’m sorry,” you quickly apologized. “The rain caused the bus to show up late. I know it’s no excuse but-”
“I have to leave now. Don’t make your tardiness a habit, Miss y/n.”
“Yes, sir.” You turned to the lockers and changed into your work attire. “Late by only twelve minutes,” you uttered to yourself after he left. It was refreshing to remove your soggy clothes, but your body remained cold.
You turned to see your coworker, Mingi, extending his jacket towards you. He must’ve found this “late” thing amusing.
And he did, too. When your pale, wet body dripped inside, he couldn’t help but smirk at your dishevelled appearance. But, after seeing you hunch closer to your body, shivering, he halted his laugh.
“Oh. Thank you.” With trembling hands- no doubt caused by the weather- you eagerly took his jacket. A soft stretch of red eased across his face; seeing you in his coat gave him this familiar unexplainable feeling inside.
A ding at the front exclaimed the arrival of a customer. You hustled to straighten your appearance before Mingi placed his hand on your shoulder to gently stop you.
“I’ll get it,” his honey voice whispered. “Straighten up; you’ll give the tenets a fright looking like that.”
He had a point: none of the pets at Aquarium Den would ever want to see you fresh out of a “tsunami.” You turned to the mirror and huffed in defeat before pulling out your makeup wipes and washing the smudged makeup from your face. You brushed your hair with your fingers before deciding this was as good as it was going to get.
Mingi had everything under control, as always. The customer needed to secretly replace his child’s goldfish. Luckily, most goldfish look alike.
You focused your attention on cleaning the tanks. A soft melody played over the store speakers. It was assuring and made your unhygienic task seem easier. You hummed the tune while fixing the labels on the glass tanks. Mingi started the same routine on the opposite side of the shop. Aquarium Den was a downtown “fish mart” squeezed between a nail salon and card shop; the faint scent of nail polish remover and printer ink almost hid the unpleasant smells from the fishy occupants.
The shop itself was small, as all city-centered buildings were. At the front window was the register. Along the vertical walls were the tanks as well as some smaller ones against the back wall. In the middle of it was a median of supplies like tanks, food, etc.
A few other customers came, and you and Mingi easily assisted them. The last hour was quiet. Mingi sat at the checkout counter and studied his textbooks while you swept and mopped the tile floors.
“You have to take a break,” you chirped towards him.
“Y/n, I have an exam tomorrow. There’s no time for a break.” His voice grumbled back at you without even a turn of his head.
“Ok.” The tone of your voice was quiet and disappointed, though you doubt he heard it.
You and the boy had started working here at the same time. Both of you were uni students- yourself a photography student while he studied music.
You went back to mopping. No more words were exchanged, not even when you mopped around him. When your shift ended, both of you met in the lockers.
“I’ll wash your coat. It’s the least I can do to thank you.” You said while gathering your backpack and purse.
“Sure. Thanks.”
As he locked the door, you waved goodbye hoping tonight he’d finally return the gesture. But, no. He watched and turned the opposite direction.
There was something up with Song Mingi. At school, you never bumped into each other. You started taking the full walk around campus with hopes to see the boy. Today you thankfully did.
“Mingi!” He seemed to flinch at your loud voice; he stopped his pace and turned to you. “Hi. Wow your side of the building is something else.”
“I guess,” he shrugged and glanced at his friends standing further ahead. “Do you need something?”
“Your coat.” You bent to the sidewalk and dug his sweater out of your backpack. It was tidily folded in a ziploc bag.
His soft hands took the garment. “You could’ve returned it tonight.”
“Oh, yea. I guess I should have.”
“Not that I’m complaining,” he rushed to reassure you. “This is one of my favorites, and I appreciate you returning it so soon.” A timid laugh fell from his gorgeous lips.
“Oh, of course.”
“Yah, Mingi! Let’s go; class is about to start!” A friend of his called out.
“Ah, I should go. Thank you, y/n.” He smiled and waved goodbye.
You stood in shock at his ability to wave.
Every night after your only encounter at school was the same at Aquarium Den. Except for the part of you being late. You had expected a shift in relations afterwards, but no. However, some nights he would wave back at you.
You had had quite enough of this “one-sided” friendship. You were colleagues, yet it felt like he was trying to ignore your existence. After sitting near a turtle doing your homework for long enough, you sneaked towards Mingi at his usual post- the register- studying away. You reached over his shoulder and yanked the folder from the counter top.
“Y/N!” You had perhaps miscalculated the chance of him fighting you for it. Mingi lunged at you and snatched it back, but you were faster. Before he could raise it out of your reach- darn him and his lengthy genes- you grabbed it and raced around the store a couple of times until you both ended up back at your turtle corner.
“Y/n. Give. It. Back.”
“No. I want to see what’s been capturing all of your atten-TION.” You flow of speech was interrupted by you dodging his attack. Oh boy was he not going down without a fight. He jumped towards you but abruptly paused when you opened the turtle cage and hovered the paper over the reptile.
Mingi’s fight was useless, now. This was no ordinary turtle; this was Spartacus. The red-eared slider had an appetite bigger than Mingi himself. He could devour anything and everything in his path. Including the two-pocket folder whose fate rested in your hands.
“Let… me… read it.” You gasped for air after the speedy chase around the shop. Even Mingi was out of breath; his chest heaved silently while his gaze locked yours. This was the first time you’ve ever made deep (longer than a few seconds) eye contact with him, and it made your heat somersault against your ribs.
“Let… me read it… without fearing you’ll reach over and grab it ‘cause it might just fall into-”
“Read it, then.” He ordered. A momentary shiver of fear traveled down your body. Wait a minute. Was he a hired hit-man? No. No. No. It’s Mingi; no harm flows through his veins. I think, you thought.
“Ok-k.” Your delicate hands opened the file. The first notable thing were a few pages of sheet music which were a foreign language to you. He watched as your eyebrow furrowed over the music sheets, recognizing you couldn’t read them. You flipped around the pages until a small page of notebook paper caught your attention. It belonged to your journal; you remembered the day Mingi asked for a sheet. How could you say no?
It was the words scribbled all over the lines that knocked the wind out of your lungs.
‘I bet this time of night you’re still up.I bet you’re tired from a long, hard week.
I bet you’re sitting in your chair by the window looking out at the city. And I bet, sometimes you wonder about me’
He noticed your grip on the crinkled paper loosen, and he let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.
‘And I just wanna tell you, it takes everything in me not to call you.
And I wish I could run to you.
And I hope you know that everytime I don’t, I almost do, I almost do.’
Your eyes looked up at his. He was writing a song. It made sense, him being a musical arts student, but you couldn’t figure out why he tried to hide it from you.
“This is beautiful. No. That’s not the right word.” You bit your lip and gazed down at the paper before noticing a line you hadn’t yet read:
‘I bet it never ever occurred to you that I can’t say Hello to you and risk another Goodbye.’
(lyrics from Taylor Swift- I Almost Do)
“This is… about me?” It made sense, his struggle to wave to you. A blush tickled your pure cheeks when he nodded. A warm smile formed on your face as you stepped closer to the boy. “Why does Hello pain you, Min?”
“When I was younger, we moved around a lot: financial problems.” He rested on a bag of fish pebbles and fiddled with his hands. His eyes would glance at you from time to time before rushing to find something other than you to admire.
“Whenever I made a friend, there was always this fear of ‘how long?’ ‘When do I have to say goodbye?’ It’s childish, I guess-”
“No, Mingi. It’s understandable,” you purred while easing onto the stool you sat on for studying. You scraped the bottom of it on the floor while scooting closer to him.
His face lightened and rid itself of worry. “I guess I never got over the fear that... I’ll leave everyone behind. Even the ones I love.” He held his gaze with yours.
“I thought you hated me,” you breathed a low laugh.
“No. No, I- I’m sorry I made you feel that way. I- well you,” he took the paper out of your grasp carefully and slid it back in the folder. “You make me nervous, y/n.”
“I’m not trying to.”
You’ve never seen this particular loving grin of his before now. And gosh, did it feel like heaven. “You always give me this unexplainable feeling. Like, I get so much inspiration when I’m around you. I’m always looking forward to working here with you because I can go home and add the lyrics to my songs.” He sighed and took your warm hand in his.
“When you brought my sweater back, I realized I feel something for you- something close to love. I waved to you then because I unconsciously discovered why my stomach feels nauseous around you- you make the butterflies fly for me, y/n.”
You stood there in disbelief. Song Mingi likes you? You beamed at him and whispered, “I like you, too.”
“Hm I couldn’t catch that.” His tease earned a light punch on the shoulder from you.
“I’ve been thinking about you like that for a long time.” Confidence filled your voice as your eyes caught hold of his.
“Yeah?” Mingi’s slightly calloused fingers traced along your jawline. He inched closer and felt your quick breaths on his collarbone.
He leaned into your hair and eased at your tiny hands tracing along his spine. His palms firmly rested on the small of your back afraid to let you go.
“I’m afraid to lose you.” His voice sparked with panic as you slowly inched apart.
“You’re not gonna lose me,” you cooed at him. Your hands raised to hold his cute cheeks; his eyes were hypnotic as they seeped with care only for you. “I’m here. And I promise I’m not going anywhere.”
“I’m not leaving either,” he promised. The honesty in his voice made you deteriorate. His lips danced dangerously close with yours as he lowered to your height. You leaned on your tiptoes in frantic need for his lips. His palms cupped your neck while the pads of his thumbs grazed along your jaw. He urged you closer while your hands fell to grip the fabric of his t-shirt.
After one small kiss, you pulled away for a breath then devoured more of his alluring lips.
In that moment for air, his eyes never left your lips; they electrified him with desire. A desire that sealed his promise to never leave your side as he curved his body against yours.
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icedthoma · 4 years
Todoroki 1? ;w;
prompt: ocean
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It’s not just because of your quirk that you remind him of the ocean.
Upon first glance, you are calm on the surface, a wide stretch of unknown that most people are content to stay cruising over, not bothering to dive down into the depths of your personality. The outside world is happy with the picture perfect image of heroism you portray, pro hero Shouto at your side. 
But you’re so much more. 
Todoroki remembers the time he took you to the aquarium on a day off from hero work. He’ll never forget the way your face shines under the blue lighting filtered by the water, your fingers pressed to the glass as you gaze up at the massive whale tank, a small sigh leaving your lips. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks, leaning against the cold glass to look at you. “You look sad.”
“Do you think they miss the ocean?”
“I’m not sure. They are perfectly safe here, though. What more could they need?”
You shrug. “Sometimes freedom is worth giving up safety for.” At his surprised double take at your unprecedented statement, you burst out laughing, grabbing onto his forearm for support. “I’m kidding, Shouto, don’t look so taken aback.” Your laugh is bubbly and refreshing, washing over him like the shallow waves on a beach that barely reach up to his ankles. 
It’s a nice feeling.
A little girl shyly approaches you after the two of you leave the whale exhibit, recognizing you to be her favorite pro hero. Todoroki can’t help but fall more in love as he watches you break into the biggest smile and kneel down to her level, agreeing to sign her backpack and giving her a hug right after. 
He hears you say a few words of encouragement before the girl runs back to her mother, a new spring in her step. You tend to have that effect on people. You are the ocean that gives life, not afraid to set those struggling afloat on your support and love, whether they be a total stranger or one of your fans. 
After a while, he briefly parts with you to use the restroom. Upon coming back, he’s faced with you being confronted by a man, a fan of you, he claims, but both of you have seen his face on recent news reports enough to recognize the villain despite his efforts. 
And here he was thinking the two of you were going to have a normal day off.
Immediately, Todoroki backs out of sight. He hasn’t been spotted yet, which gives him the advantage if needed for a surprise attack. He carefully edges closer just in time to hear the threats being made towards the unsuspecting people in the aquarium.
Gritting his teeth, Shouto throws all caution to the wind and storms forward, eager to give this trash a piece of his mind--
“I’m guessing you came after me because I’m the quiet one, hmm?” 
The villain laughs, completely missing the dangerous glint in your eye. “Maybe I’d just rather take you hostage instead of that red and white haired freak.”
“I wouldn’t.”
“You fighting me here would not be wise,” you say, tone dead cold, and even though it’s not directed at him, Todoroki feels a shiver crawl up his spine. “I could feed you to the sharks if I wanted to before you put a finger on me. And you would deserve it, especially after hurting so many people.”
It always amazes him how you can go from playful to deadly in a matter of seconds, and this time is no exception. What people generally mistake in you for serenity is actually the calm before the storm, and this low-life villain is learning that lesson now. 
The villain has gone pale as he realizes the mistake he put himself in, which was tracking you two to the place where you are literally in your element. His eyes dart back and forth as he searches for an escape route, but there is none. 
Not with you in his way. 
Ten minutes later the police arrive, stunned at the fact that the villain hadn’t moved in that entire time just in fear of what you would do to him if he did.
“Man, our date was ruined,” you sigh once he’s out of sight, and Shouto gapes in astonishment that you’re smiling warmly again. “Wanna get out of here?”
“Please,” he says, and the two of you leave the aquarium hand in hand, painfully aware of the stares and the pictures that are certainly going to end up all over the internet within the next hour.
You are not just a empty stretch of blue, quiet and still as far as the eye can see.
You’re so much more. 
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jootsmcgoots · 4 years
MBC Selfshipping Prompts #1: First Dates (Risotto Nero)
WOO BOY so Haley started a weekly Selfship Prompt event over at MBC, and I wanted to write it out! And so I did. 
Mind you, this uses my self-insert, Niko, so it’s going to be using that name and female pronouns. This work got away from me, so it ended up being 2422 words (even when I meant for this to be less than 2k words......lmaooo...)
I will get around to posting my reader inserts soon, but not yet LOL I’ll get around to it when I get around to it. This blog is still very much a WIP because I still need to re-reblog a LOT of content from the old blog.
But for now, this is what I’m writing and I wanted to post it up. I may write another for Mista, but we’ll see (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
So as the title implies, this is the first of the prompts, and it’s “First Dates”.
Niko let out a yawn as she sleepily looked out at the busy street. Her eyes scanned the droves of people walking around, trying to scope out her target. Dark eyes blinked as she studied the faces of men nearing her, trying to determine if they were the one she was looking for. When they passed by her, she shrugged internally.
Her phone’s clock read 10:47 AM. She knew they agreed to meet around 11, but it never hurt to be early. “And anyways, better to be early than late, right? Right.” She still couldn’t help getting bored easily, and the anxiety and tension building in her chest continued to rise as the seconds passed.
“Calm down, calm down,” she thought to herself, “It’s just a date; you’ve been on dates before! Just treat it like you’re just hanging out with a friend.” Niko let out the breath she was holding and took her phone out, idly browsing it in order to distract herself. “Plus, it’s Mimi’s brother. There’s no way he’d be the bad kind of sort. She wouldn’t set us up if she thought we weren’t going to get along.”
Still, she had to admit she was surprised when her friend made the suggestion and arrangements. Niko recalled as her friend more or less pushed the aquarium tickets into her hand and snatched her phone to punch in her brother’s contact info.
“It’ll be nice, I promise! He’s a really great guy, and I think you two will hit it off!” Mimi flashed the smaller woman a grin. “Plus, he needs to get out more often.”
Niko’s mouth formed a slight line as she remembered how she had asked her friend for a photo of her date, but Mimi’s grin only grew with amusement.
“Oh, don’t worry about that! You’ll know when you see him.”
A noise of annoyance escaped Niko’s throat. “Dude, what does that even mean?” Her brow creased as she tried to think on what that could have meant, but quickly gave up, deciding it was too much effort. Her eyes absentmindedly left her phone screen to scope out her surroundings again.
Except her eyes bugged out as they fell on a large, foreboding man in dark clothing who towered over most if not all of the other people walking along. Whether by his size or presence, people seemed to naturally get out of his way as he continued making his way down the street. Everything about him exuded a quiet kind of power, from the way he walked, his stern expression, his hulking, muscular frame…
Though she remained completely stock-still, Niko shook her head inwardly. “No, no, maybe it’s not him! Maybe it’s just your regular, big, muscular, scary-lookin’ dude with fucking black sclera and red eyes, just walkin’ down the street for a stroll! All decked out in black and has the kinda expression that says, ‘hey so if you piss me off, I’m going to rip your limbs off’! Totally normal! Yeah! Hahaha!”
However, despite the thousands of thoughts going through her head at miles a minute, Niko knew. Now she understood what Mimi had meant by “You’ll know.” When the man stopped in front of her, it was undeniable that this man was indeed her date.
She could feel red eyes roving over her, studying her. If looks could kill, Niko felt like she would have been smote where she stood from the intensity of his stare alone.
Risotto’s unblinking crimson stare studied the woman before him. She certainly matched the picture and profile his sister had given him. Petite and girlish stature, short black hair that swept to the right, glasses, gold studs in her lobes, everything matched. He noted how she was sporting a mint green frog backpack, just like she’d specified she would so that he could recognize her easier. How thoughtful of her to suggest that in the first place. He couldn’t deny that he appreciated the consideration.
He was an observant man and was well-aware of his perception skills. After all, it was an invaluable skill in his line of work. However even without his sharp senses, there was no missing the look of surprise, awe, and slight fear in his date’s flabbergasted visage. Her eyes were wide, brows raised to the sky and jaw slack, lips seeming to form the beginnings of “Oh my god.”
Risotto let out a nearly imperceptible huff of amusement. His sister was right; this woman’s face hid nothing. He couldn’t help but smile a little at that candidness.
Introductions were short and awkward, but they served their purposes. Once acquainted, the pair could proceed with their date. Their itinerary was rather basic, just go to an aquarium and get some food together. Simple enough.
However, conversation was rather sparse as they made their way to their destination. Without any prior knowledge or known common ground, Niko was unsure of what to talk about, and Risotto was a taciturn individual by nature.
He didn’t dislike the small talk that she was trying to make, asking him things like what he did, what his hobbies were, but it required him to think carefully about his responses. It wasn’t exactly appropriate to vent about how little you were being paid to kill people on a first date.
What were you even supposed to talk about on a first meeting like this anyways? It had been far too long since he had tried connecting with someone new, let alone someone not affiliated with Passione. Though Risotto’s face remained as placid as ever, worry and nerves began bubbling beneath the surface as he picked up on the traces of worry and discomfort on his date’s face, and he wracked his brain for more to say.
He wasn’t alone, though; Niko hardly ever met people like this, usually having some common ground with new conversational partners. Here, she had absolutely no idea. Inwardly, she cursed Mimi for putting them in this awkward situation, wishing a thousand poxes on her friend’s house.
“Eh? You set them up on a date?”
“Yup!” Mimi replied cheerily.
“And it’s a blind date, you said? And she doesn’t know what he looks like?”
Mimi hummed an affirmative as she snuggled up against her boyfriend’s shoulder, black nails clacking against her phone screen as she browsed. Though Kakyoin’s eyes hadn’t left the screen and he had continued dutifully chaining combos, his brows raised in surprise as he made a considering noise.
“Oh dear. She’s in for quite the surprise then.” As the victory logo flashed on screen, he leaned down and planted a kiss on her forehead and smiled warmly at Mimi.
“That’s evil. I love it.”
Arriving to the aquarium was a relief and a salvation to Niko. At least now they could busy themselves with an activity, and that would give them something to do together. Slowly, their conversation became less stiff and stilted, as Niko began prattling off about the various exhibits they toured together. Bit by bit, she continued to come out of her shell as she pulled him from room to room, and by noontime she was babbling nonstop about the penguin feeding exhibit they had just been at.
“…and god, they were just so damned cute!” Her eyes glittered at the memory. “Fun fact, did you know that there was this one penguin that fell in love with an anime character? I’m not kidding!” Niko nodded as Risotto tilted his head at that statement. “Yeah, yeah! His name was Grape-kun and he uh…” Her words petered out, and her expression turned sheepish.
Risotto raised a brow, unsure of why she stopped. “Is something wrong?”
Niko fidgeted in silence for a moment before answering. “I…I just kinda realized that I’ve been dragging you from place to place, and I’ve just been rambling non-stop. It’s – it’s not that…it’s okay if you’re just not one for talking. I totally get that!” she said, waving her hands in front of her before wringing them worriedly. “I just wanna make sure you’re having fun too. Like, I just hope I’m not talking over you or only doing the things I wanna do, y’know?”
She looked up at him to meet his stare. Embarrassment was racking up by the second, and as she was going to open her mouth, he spoke.
“I’ve been enjoying myself.”
Relief flooded her senses. Niko smiled at him as she registered his words, her expression relaxing into something much brighter. He couldn’t help but mirror the expression, even though the corners of his mouth had barely turned upwards.
She clapped her hands together as a thought seemed to dawn on her.
“I know! Was there anything in particular that you wanted to do? Anything here that you were looking forward to?”
At that, Risotto’s eyes widened just the tiniest bit, but Niko had caught it. “There is, isn’t there?” she probed with a mischievous grin. “C’mon, tell me! I’m sure it’ll be nice.”
He averted his eyes, and she chuckled good-naturedly at his sudden shyness. “C’mooon, tell me! We already came all the way out here, so if there was something you wanted to do, let’s go and do it!”
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t turn away from her expression, bright and shining like the sun, with no escape. Risotto let out a mumble, still unable to look her directly in the eye.
“Mm? What was that?” Niko tilted her ear towards him.
“…the manta rays.” He repeated himself, barely louder.
She made the connection in seconds. “Oh! The petting pool with the manta rays!” Niko threw him a grin as he nodded. “Yeah, I gotcha! Let’s go!” And at that, she immediately set off before stopping short and looking behind her, waiting for him. “Come on! It gets really crowded, so let’s head on over.”
The petting pool was a popular exhibit, and it was already full of people, children and adults alike, all fawning over the adorable manta rays that practically jumped out of the water for a petting. Though his face remained as stony as ever, the sparkles in Risotto’s eyes exposed his excitement as the sounds of splashing drew nearer and nearer.
Niko let out a giggle. How cute.
However, he just stood there, staring out at the pool that was so close yet so far. Maybe he felt put off by the number of people there.
Taking matters into her own hands, Niko tried to lead them closer to the pool, but found that the droves of people who were already there difficult to navigate. She managed to bypass a few of them, but soon found it hard to actually get near the exhibit. Her lips curled to the side in annoyance as she tried to think about how to get to the exhibit.
Then, she felt someone take her hand. Niko looked up in surprise to see Risotto by her side, taking her hand gently as he began to wade through the crowd with her in tow, people parting as a hulking 6’8” man strode over to the manta ray pool. No one there decided that it was worth getting in his way, especially as he occasionally let out quiet, polite “excuse me, pardon me”s as he made his way over.
As Niko followed him through the crowd, she had a thought. Throughout the date, he hadn’t tried to make contact with her at all. Now that she thought about it, he had kept a respectful distance from her the entire time.
She let that fact wash over her as they approached the pool. Manta rays were swimming serenely through the clear water, occasionally breaking the surface of the water, excited for more pets.
Risotto had already dipped his hands into the cold water, gently stroking the creature as it passed by. A soft smile graced his features, dimples forming on his cheeks.
The sight was something Niko wanted to commit to memory.
Noticing that she had yet to join him, he removed his hand from the pool to look at his date. What he was met with was a soft, nearly reverent look on her face, dust blushing her cheeks. Upon realizing that he was looking directly at her, Niko gave him an awkward grin, hastily kneeling down with him to start babbling about how cute the rays were.
That cut her ramble short. “Huh? About what?”
“I should have asked first.”
His heart was thrumming in his chest as he searched her expression for any change. She looked confused for the barest of seconds before realization lit her features.
“Oh. Oh! That!” Niko quickly took her hand out of the pool, but thought better of shaking her hands in front of her like she usually did. “No, no – don’t worry about that!” She laughed, the sound causing a tentative warmth to blossom in his chest. “I really didn’t mind. It was…it was nice.” She emphasized her point with a shy but honest smile that caused the warmth in his chest to go into full bloom.
His eyes softened at her gentle expression, the soft look on her face looking like the most natural thing in the world. Risotto grunted an affirmative, finding words to be difficult.
As they walked away from the petting pool and dried off their hands, Niko spoke up.
“You know…to be honest, I wasn’t so sure about this. It’s been awhile since I’ve gone on a date, and this was my first blind date. I was ready to kill Mimi!” she admitted with a laugh, miming strangling motions. “No offense.”
“None taken.” His chuckle was nearly inaudible, but she didn’t miss the amusement in his voice.
Her smile grew wide, toothy and easy. “But this was nice. Real nice.”
“It was.” Risotto returned the smile, however subtle the change in his expression was. “I’ll admit this was…an experience. But I enjoyed it.”
At that, Niko laughed lightly and reached out to take his hand. Risotto noted the hesitation in her actions, the pause lasting no longer than a second. But in the end, he could feel his hand in hers, warm and comforting, like that was where it belonged.
He smiled at the feeling.
“Let’s go get lunch?” she asked, tilting her head at him.
His hand tightened around hers, just so.
As they walked towards their destination, they discussed restaurants, going over their options and bantering all the way there, the sound of her laughter echoing down the street.
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