#kindergarten teacher dean winchester
Brought Together by a Five-Year-Old (Dean Winchester x F!Reader) Part 1: The Call
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Dean Winchester loved his job, really he did, but sometimes handling a classroom full of five and six-year-old kids could be a real pain in his ass. One of those times was now.
"Anna please get down from there!" Rushing over to the young girl who was confidently climbing up the bookshelf in the corner of the room, Dean scooped her up and set her back down on the ground. Crouching down to talk to her face to face he began to lightly scold her, "You know you aren't allowed to do that. We've gone over this, it's not safe. You can climb on the playground but not in he-" Interrupted mid-lecture by the sound of bickering, Dean's head whips toward the sound.
Immediately his eyes land on two students, who just minutes ago were peacefully painting abstract masterpieces on paper and now stood on their chairs facing each other, death in their narrowed eyes. Each student held dripping paintbrushes in their hands, poised and ready for battle at a moments notice. Dean sighed, giving Anna a look as if to say 'this isn't over' and rushed to the tension-filled warzone to stop the impending battle from unfolding. Trying to stay calm, Dean made a move for the paintbrushes. Both children sensed the man's intentions and pulled away, unwilling to find peace so soon. Dean looked at the kids, "Alright, remember, the paint is for the paper not for each other and it certainly isn't a weapon. Let's set the brushes down and take a break." The children seemed to contemplate this idea for a moment, before looking at each other and coming to a silent agreement. Both turned to Dean with determination in their little eyes. Dean gulped, feeling fear flood through him, "Lucy... Michael... What are you doing?". Without another word, the two kindergarteners shot their chubby arms towards their beloved teacher and ran two thick stripes of paint down the front of his face. Satisfied with their work, the children sat back down and resumed the creation their paintings.
Dean stood, reigning his emotions and resigning himself to the fact that he was now painted like Braveheart. Fitting. It certainly felt like he was fighting an army of English soldiers. At least Braveheart was a badass... maybe he could channel that. His thoughts were interrupted by a devilish giggle he knew all too well. Wiping his eyes, he looked around until he found the source of the mischief, "Gabriel, what have we said about smashing Playdoh into the carpet?" The boy looked up at his teacher, hazel eyes full of innocence and apologies, as he leaned forward, putting more of his weight on the chunk of red Playdoh he was currently making one with the fibers of the carpet. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes once again, Dean took a moment to calm himself before confronting the little trickster for the second time. With a warning tone, he spoke, "Gabriel. You don't want me to have to call your mother again, do you? This is your last chance bud. Stop with the Playdoh." Gabriel narrowed his eyes at his teacher, leaning back from his chaotic melding of carpet and clay. The child stuck his lower lip out and his eyes began to water. Dean rolled his eyes, knowing Gabriel was a practiced pouter and told the boy to clean up the mess, assuring him that his mother would not be called. When he saw that Gabriel had actually begun to clean the mess, he began to survey the room for any other catastrophes in progress.
Seeing that all was, for the moment, well Dean sat himself down in one of the tiny seats surrounding the tables in the room, looking absurdly large in relation to the chair he was sitting in. After taking a few breaths he began to relax, reaching up to rub his face. He stopped halfway through the motion, remembering the blue paint that clearly marked him as the victim of abusive five-year-olds. Groaning, he removed his hands and stared at them, his now Smurf blue skin staring back at him mockingly. Taking another deep breath he looked at the clock on the wall. Three more hours til the kids left. Then an hour of cleaning up. A few more of preparation for the rest of the week. God he hated Mondays. Putting his hands on his knees, he pushed himself out of the chair. Realizing his mistake a second too late he refused to look at the two large, blue handprints that now decorated his jeans. Trudging over to the bathroom, he washed his hands before taking a look in the mirror. Sighing dejectedly he cursed Mondays and belligerent children while thanking the gods above for skin-safe paints. Halfway through the removal of his accidental facemask, the classroom phone began to ring.
His eyes widened in knowing panic and he quickly dried his face, trying to reach the phone before he heard what he knew was bound to happ- "Hello this is Mr. Winchester's woom, Castiel speaking. How may I help you?" Dean rushed out of the bathroom to see the unusually small black haired child holding the phone up to his tiny head. "Oh, Mr. Winchester is in the baffwoom. Yes, there was an incidenant - I mean incident - wiff some of the other students and some paint and Mr. Winchester's face." Castiel paused, listening intently to the person on the other line,"Yes ma'am he is ok. He just came out of the woom. Yes, he's watching me wight now, he seems to want the phone." The child paused again, a small hint of a blush passing over his face, "Thank you ma'am, my mudder says it is vewy important for a person to be well spoken. I pwactice my vocabulawy evewyday." He pauses again, this time nodding with vigor in response, "Yes, of couwse ma'am. I'll put him on the phone now. Have a nice day!" And with that the beaming child stuck the phone out towards his teacher. "It's S/N's mudder Mr. Winchester. I think she's a wittle stwessed out." Unable to hide his smile, Dean took the phone from Castiel, "Thank you for taking care of that while I was busy, now go back to playing with S/N and Kevin ok?" The boy nodded and scampered off, leaving Dean to talk with Ms. L/N.
Remembering the phone in his hand Dean quickly held the receiver up to his ear, "Hello Ms. L/N, what can I do for you? And my apologies for Castiel, he's a very enthusiastic and stubborn helper." Dean heard light laughter on the other side of the line before the woman responded.
"No worries Mr. Winchester, he sounded adorable and honestly I'm in the middle of a very chaotic and stressful day at work so that was a welcome interaction. Gave me a reason to laugh." The woman on the other end replied, laughing awkwardly. She continued, "Oh, and really, there's no need for formalities. You can call me Y/N."
Dean couldn't help feeling a bit warmer inside at the mirth in the woman's voice. He certainly didn't think he was this casual and warm when he was having a stressful day, but he supposed that explained how good-natured S/N was. Shaking his head to stop himself from getting lost in his thoughts he laughed, "Well if I can call you Y/N then you don't have to call me Mr. Winchester. Dean is just fine. I'm glad Castiel wasn't a nuisance, especially if you're having a rough day. Believe me, I can relate." He laughed self deprecatingly.
Her smile audible through the phone, Y/N responded, "Oh, I'm sure. I honestly don't think I'd have the patience for your job, kudos to you Mr. Wi- Dean. Anyway, I have a favor to ask. I'm really sorry to do this but my neighbor usually picks S/N up from school but she just called me telling me she's in the hospital. She's older and apparently fell and they're keeping her overnight just to make sure she's ok. I don't get out of work until at least 5 and it's a 45-minute ride back on the train because I work in the city. I was just wondering if it's possible and at all convenient if S/N could stay after with you for a couple hours until I get back. I'm really really sorry to ask and it's completely understandable if that's not possible. I just need to figure something out and I don't have a lot of time to do so. Like I said it's very hectic at work today, I'm needed in meetings nonstop until 5. I swear I'll make it up to you. Do you like pie? I make a damn good apple pie. Sorry for the language, I'm a bit frazzled." She rambled on and on until Dean had to interject to stop her from spiraling.
"Woah woah woah, calm down Y/N. Take a deep breath. I'm fine with watching S/N after class. I usually stay until at least 6:30 anyway to clean up and work on lesson plans. It's no problem at all. Besides, he's one of my favorite students and he's probably the best-behaved kid in the class so if anything he'll be a help to me. Maybe I'll have him sort my paperwork or clean the whiteboards." Dean jested, sensing that he needed to lighten the mood and reassure the woman that everything was ok.
"Really? Oh god, thank you so much! You're a lifesaver honestly! I don't know who else I would've called. Please let me know what I can do to make it up to you. Could I talk to S/N to explain? I'll have to go in a second." Y/N asked, her voice full of gratitude and relief.
"Yes, of course. And no need to repay me, I told you he's a star student and I love having him around. Though I would not be opposed to a nice slice of apple pie. I'll get S/N now." Holding his hand over the receiver, Dean glanced around the room and called for the boy in question. S/N looked up from the puppets he and Castiel were playing with to see Dean gesturing him over. S/N wobbled over to the desk and Dean handed him the phone while simultaneously mouthing 'It's your mom'.
"Mama?" The young Y/H/C boy asked sweetly.
"Hi, bub! I'm just calling to let you know that Mrs. Finnegan can't pick you up from school today, so I've asked Mr. Winchester to watch you until I get home from work and can come and pick you up. Is that ok with you S/N?" Y/N explained, the affection she felt for her little boy clear in her voice.
"Yes, that's ok with me Mama. I love Mr. Winchester!" Dean couldn't help but grin at the five-year-olds enthusiastic declaration, a reminder of why his job was so very worth the paint on his face and the Playdoh in the carpet.
"I know you do bub, I know you do." Y/N laughed, "Now I've got to go, can you put me back on the phone with Mr. Winchester?" Dean could just barely hear the conversation and felt his heart warm even more at the love so present between the two. When he thought about it, he also felt a pang of sadness, remembering how much he missed his own mother and how much he had loved her.
"Yes, Mama. I love you!" The child grinned, holding the phone tightly to his head.
"Oh, I love you too S/N, so much! I'll see you later!" His mother cooed.
"Ok, bye Mama." S/N looked up at Dean expectantly, holding the receiver up as high as he could to try and properly hand it to the man.
"Thank you S/N, you can go play now." Dean smiled down at the boy as he waddled back to his puppet show. "Hey there Y/N."
"Hi Dean, I just wanted to say thanks again. I should get out around five today so I'll most likely be at the school around 5:45-6. I'm very sorry for this. Thank you so much, you're an angel, truly. And hey, maybe when I pick him up I can hear about this 'paint incident' that Castiel was talking about." The woman sighed with relief.
"Oh god, yeah sure I can tell you all of my horror stories. And again, it is no problem at all. I'll see you then." Chuckling, Dean shook his head at the woman's over apologetic nature.
"See you then, Dean. And thank you so much!"
With that Dean heard the line go dead and was left to ponder the warmth he felt in his chest.
Part 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 9 months
Dean and Sam Winchester x little sister!reader
Requested by @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression
Synopsis: when John can’t make it to your preschool graduation, it’s up to your big brothers to be there for you.
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“Are you sure?” Dean sighed into the phone. “There’s no other way you can-“
“Is that daddy?” Dean looked down when you tugged on his pant leg. “I wanna say hi!”
“Dad, can I put you on speakerphone? Y/N is-“ Dean was interrupted, and when he spoke again it was through a wince. “Yes sir, of course.”
You tugged harder on his pant leg, and let out a whine when he hung up. Dean sighed and lifted you into his arms.
“Sorry baby, dad’s busy,” Dean said.
“Is ok,” you smiled up at Dean and he could do nothing but reciprocate. “I see him tonight.”
The smile vanished.
“Honey,” Dean began nervously as he placed you down on his bed. “Daddy’s still at his job. He’s not gonna make it back in time.”
He’d expected the crestfallen look that followed his words, but he still hadn’t been ready for it.
You seemed to take a moment to process his words, during which Dean began to hope that you wouldn’t cry.
“Hey,” the moment was interrupted when Sam stepped into the room, the keys to the Impala in his hand. “Y/N, ready for school?”
You hardly said a word the entire day. The teacher noticed, but when she asked about it you remained silent.
Once the day had worn on and the time came to take your place on the stage, you did so hesitantly, with your head ducked low. You didn’t want to look up and see everyone’s mommy and daddy except yours.
The principle called the names one by one, and every time a child’s name was called, their family would stand up and cheer.
You imagined your name being called and dead silence filling the space. The image played in your head over and over as the principle got closer to your name.
“Y/N Winchester,” you nearly flinched at the sound of your own name, and you kept your eyes on your shoes, unwilling to face the crowd.
That is, until two voices, louder than any of the other parents had been, started to cheer and whistle.
Your head lifted, and standing right in the front row were Sam and Dean, wide smiles on their faces as they clapped.
A grin lifted on your cheeks, and you waved enthusiastically at them.
Maybe the day hadn’t been so bad after all.
“And to the graduate goes the victory pie!” You giggled as Dean set the large plate in front of you.
“Thanks, Dean-o,” you grinned up at your big brother.
“Hey, any excuse for pie is good for me,” Dean chuckled. “You’re welcome,” he added, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “You looked great up there.”
“Yeah, and now you’re all ready for kindergarten,” Sam said. You wrinkled your nose.
“There’s more?” You whined, and your brothers both laughed.
“Don’t worry baby, you’ll do great,” Dean assured you. “Now how about you let me help you eat that pie?”
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 10 months
World's Best Dad: Graduation
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Summary: It's Gracie's graduation day and a certain Winchester is in his feels about his baby girl not being a baby anymore...
World’s Best Dad Masterlist
Pairing: single parent!Dean x kindergarten teacher!reader
Word Count: 3,000ish
Warnings: language, mention of a car accident
A/N: Enjoy!
It was early on the June Saturday morning. You sighed when you rolled over and found the other side of the bed was empty. Today was Gracie’s day and while she was more than excited, Dean had been dreading this day for months.
Because today she was graduating from high school and in his eyes, his little girl wouldn’t need him ever again after today. It didn’t matter how many times you told him that wasn’t true. Dean was convinced today was the start of the end.
You shook your head and climbed out of bed, wrapping one of his flannels around yourself before you tiptoed downstairs. Unsurprisingly, he was standing on the back porch with a cup of coffee in hand, watching the light rain shower come down.
But the thing that made you pause was that Gracie was standing beside him, her shoulders moving as she spoke with her hands. She gave him a hug he tightly returned, making her small body look even tinier wrapped up in him. She said something else as he nodded, kissing the top of her head and then she was coming inside, Dean giving you a smile through the back door.
“Morning, munchkin,” you said when she pulled the door shut after herself. “Sleep okay?”
“Yeah.” She lazily gave you a hug, resting her head on your shoulder. “I told daddy to relax but you know how he is.”
“Yes I do,” you said, running a hand over her head. “You don’t need to worry about him. That’s my job.”
“Our job,” she said. “Remind him I’m literally going to college on the other side of town, not the country. You guys will still see me all the time.”
“I know,” you said, rubbing her back. “Why don’t you go shower and then we can do your hair how you want it, okay?”
“Mhm,” she hummed, giving you one last squeeze. “Are we still going to camp tomorrow?”
“Yup. Now go start getting ready,” you said, letting her peel away. “And Gracie?”
“Yeah?” she asked, looking all kinds of innocent in her AC/DC shirt and pink shorts. 
“You relax too. It’s your graduation day. You have a party to look forward to this afternoon on top of that whole being done with school thing,” you teased. She sighed and nodded. “Don’t worry about the speech.”
“It’s like my punishment for doing well in school. Get the best grades? Congrats. Go give a speech in front of everybody. I wish I was dumber sometimes.” You laughed, pushing her over towards the stairs.
“Oh, munchkin. I knew you were going to be top of your class back in kindergarten. You have some idiots in your class,” you laughed. 
“I am well aware,” she said, heading upstairs, promising not to use all the hot water which was as unlikely as you winning lottery. You went to the back door, finding Dean still on the porch.
“How we doing, honey?” you asked, approaching his side and wrapping you arms around his waist. He sighed heavily, resting his head on your shoulder, so very much like Gracie had a moment ago.
“She’s not a little girl anymore. I miss when she was a sassy little shit making us fall in love,” he said softly, a smile in his voice.
“That child is still a sassy little shit,” you said, Dean chuckling. “Can I give you some advice? As a daughter with a pretty good relationship with my own dad the past decade?”
“Give it to me,” he said, lifting his head, spinning you in his arms, holding you to his chest.
“Little girls turn into women. Those women have careers and fall in love and have their hearts broken. They drink and curse and have amazing sex and shitty sex and will make so many mistakes in life they’re going to wonder when they become a real adult for a long time until they realize all of us are faking it.” Dean cocked his head, brushing your messy hair behind your ear. “But that woman…she’ll always need her dad. When she needs to vent, when she’s scared, when she needs advice on how the fuck to handle adult life. Gracie’s a young woman now and she’s going to change a whole lot over the next four years just like she did in high school and middle school and elementary school. She’ll be a grown woman but she’s always going to be your little girl. Now she just gets to be your friend too.”
He bit his bottom lip, uncurling it so it fell into a smile, pecking a kiss on your lips.
“I like that. I’m okay with being friends too,” he said, swaying you side to side. “Anyone ever tell you you’re a smart cookie?”
“Well between us, this really hot guy has told me I know a thing or two before,” you said. His eyebrows raised, chin lifting.
“I bet he says things like he was in his head this morning and you just used that magic to make him feel excited about all the new things he gets to do in life with his daughter now, huh?”
“He’s a very good communicator when it comes to praising me,” you said, Dean’s smile turning dirty. “But I think he likes when I tell him how good he is even better.”
“He does like that,” he said, curling into your touch when you traced under his jaw. “Want to go tell me how good and loved I am and make me squirm?”
“Alas, we have a teenage girl getting ready for her graduation inside and she has a habit of walking into our room unannounced. Still.”
He chuckled, brushing his lips over your ear. “Alright. But when the kids are having their party, you and I can sneak off for an hour and have a Baby date, hm?”
“Dirty boy,” you teased, squeezing his ass. “I like it.”
“Me too,” he said, kissing your forehead. “Alright. Let’s go show off our little valedictorian.”
You smiled at Dean and the three slightly bored children sat beside him as you walked across the stage two hours later. You stopped at the podium, adjusting your gown for a split second before clearing your throat.
“Good morning everyone. Students. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Mrs. Winchester, a kindergarten teacher at the school district. For these students up here, most of you know me as Gracie’s mom,” you said, getting a quiet chuckle out of the crowd. Dean gave you a thumbs up, a light blush on your face. “I had the privilege of teaching a number of you all the way back in kindergarten if you guys can remember that long ago. Gavin, Derek. Nice to see you guys aren’t arguing over the same blue chair anymore.”
That one got a louder laugh, as you looked at the students, offering a smile.
“Normally we as teachers attempt to offer a bit of advice as you all go on to a new part of your lives. But I’m going to tell you all a secret instead. It’s a secret your parents all know and have never told you. See, adults don’t know as much as you guys think we do. Like we really do not have a clue,” you said, the crowd chuckling. “We’ve just had more time to make mistakes and figure out what works and what doesn’t for us. We’re all still on that journey and it’s a journey you all get to go on now. Be patient with yourselves in the future because anyone will tell you, it’s going to turn out differently than think it will. But that’s the fun of life too. Sometimes you’re a twenty four year old trying to figure out her new job and how to get two boys to stop fighting over the same blue chair literally every day the entire school year when there were twelve of the exact same chair-”
“Mrs. Winchester it was the special chair though!” called out Gavin, several other students nodding in agreement.
“You’re only telling me this now?” you joked, another laugh rippling through the crowd. “Needless to say, you may go to work single one day and then you might have a five year old set you up with her dad on the next.” 
Gracie was giving you a death glare but you saw a tiny smile underneath it.
“Point being, life’s going to happen fast and it’s going to get messy. Have fun. Enjoy the mess. You don’t know where it’ll lead you,” you said, lifting your chin. “Now I’d like to introduce this year’s valedictorian to you all. She’s a bright student, talented volleyball player, was in more clubs than I could count and she has a reputation among her teachers of always being helpful and kind. And as much as I’ve loved being able to watch all of you grow over the years, I’m a little bit biased and have to say she’s been my favorite. Gracie Winchester, come on up, kiddo.”
She still looked nervous, eyes locked on you, ignoring the clapping as she crossed the stage to meet you at the podium.
“Dad’s in the fourth row. Just look at him if you get scared,” you whispered in her ear as she nodded.
“Thanks mom,” she said, giving you a quick hug. You sat back in your seat off to the side with the other teachers, Mr. Colt leaning over in your ear.
“There’s a bet going on if there’s going to be tears,” he mumbled as Gracie shuffled her papers around.
“No way in hell, dude,” you laughed lightly.
“Oh not on you. Dean. Buy in’s five bucks that he does.”
“I’m not an idiot to take that bet,” you said, curious when Gracie stared at her papers and suddenly flipped them over.
“Hi,” she said, voice a tad higher than usual. “So I wrote a speech and everything but I think I want to go off script instead.”
She didn’t bother to turn back and check with the faculty that she could. Her speech had to be approved a few weeks back so you were interested where this was going.
“For the love of god, Y/N, tell me she isn’t going to drop an f-bomb in this,” said Mike, the high school principal sat directly behind you.
“Oh she wouldn’t dare do that. Let her break a rule for once and see what happens,” you said, Gracie gripping both side of the podium.
“At the start of last summer, I was in a car accident with my dad. A lot of my friends know this. The whole school knew but I never told anyone how bad it was. We almost died actually,” she said, Mike leaning forward. 
“Y/N, please tell me this isn’t going to get morbid…” 
“Shh,” you shushed him. Gracie inhaled sharply, putting on a smile.
“Normally in that kind of accident, my injuries would have been much worse, even fatal sometimes, but my dad put his arm in front of me to protect me the only way he could in that split second. I got hurt but I was okay. He ended up breaking that arm quite badly. He was in different casts and braces for close to five months. He was in physical therapy for nine. His arm is still covered in scars. Only recently has he been able to lift the things he used to, work out the way he once did.”
The room was dead silent, Gracie nodding to herself.
“He’s just a man,” she said softly. “He can be hurt. He’s not superman. Our parents, our families…no one’s indestructible. But I think my mom made a good point when she said to enjoy the mess. Life is going to mess with us wether it’s car accidents or our careers or getting our hearts broken. It’s going to get really messy for us really soon. But I think that’s a good thing. My life’s been messy already but good things came out of it. I know my dad might not be superman but he’ll do his best to be that for me always. I know my mom is as scared of public speaking as I am but she volunteered to go before me today to show me it’s no big deal. I know that my dad used to have a fake smile he’d wear for me because he thought I deserved a much better life and father than him.”
Your eyes skirted to find Dean in the crowd, his gaze locked on Gracie, his eyes wet but otherwise his composure solid.
“He was twenty eight years old and he was wrong about that by the way,” she said, giving him her know it all smirk, Dean grinning as he nodded back. “We’re only seventeen and eighteen years old. If people a decade older, two decades, more, are making mistakes, then we definitely are going to. It’s okay that we do. I can’t wait to make them and think the world is ending. We should all make mistakes so we can figure out what we want in life and find the good stuff instead. At the end of the day, I think the good stuff is all that matters. We don’t need supermans in our lives. Just good people. Plus we all know Batman is cooler and he’s just a dude.”
The crowd laughed, Dean smiling proudly, Gracie raising her chin.
“Want to make a mistake with me later dad?” she asked, a mischievous smile on her pink lips. He laughed deeply and nodded.
“Why the hell not?” he said. 
“Alright,” she said. “I’ll hold you to it. So…” she looked over at you, shrugging. “I’m done.”
“Why did I get into education? Even the good ones scare the shit out of me,” mumbled Mike as he stood and put on a smile. Gracie scooted back to her seat with a round of applause, Colt leaning over.
“Always knew the kid showing up to first grade in band shirts was going to turn out fucking awesome,” he whispered. You grinned, blushing as you looked at your lap. “Dean’s never let me say it to his face but I’ve met a lot of dads over the years. He’s one of the best. Those kids are lucky to have him, and you.”
“Thank you,” you said quietly. “Now tell me who lost in the betting pool.”
The Next Morning
“She is conked out,” said Dean at the highway rest stop. Gracie was passed out in the backseat while you let Chase and the twins stretch their legs over their breakfast sandwiches nearby. You grinned behind your sunglasses as you leaned against the SUV, Dean smirking back as he replaced the cap on the gas tank. “What?”
“I’m just so honored to be in the presence of the best dad like, ever.” He groaned, letting you wrap your arms around his trim waist. “She really fucking loves you, you know. She’s going to be calling you up when she’s fifty years old asking for help. World’s best dad right here.”
“Stop it!” he laughed. “You teased me all of yesterday. You going to torture me today too?”
“You like when I torture you,” you chuckled, batting your eyelashes at him. “It’s payback for not telling me what this mistake Gracie wants to make with you is.”
“Oh it’s nothing too bad. She just wanted to know if we could go get tattoos together.” You raised your eyebrows, Dean pursing his lips. “Mom’s cool with that?”
“It’s her body, honey and she is legally an adult. We told her last night no more curfew, no more a lot of rules. We need to let her start making those mistakes,” you said, Dean smiling softly at you. “But I mean she is a Winchester. I’d be more surprised if she didn’t want a tattoo.”
“She just wants a little dog paw on the inside of her wrist for Toby,” he said.
“She loved him so much. I love that idea,” you said. “We should get another dog. Feels a little too calm in the house the past six months.”
“Let’s look into it in the fall. Maybe a little surprise present for the kiddos,” he said, letting you trace your fingers over the scars on his right arm. “I was thinking of covering it up. Doctor’s say I’m fully healed, no more surgeries needed.”
“You can. Scars don’t bother me though,” you said, Dean watching you dance your fingers up and down. “Just no face tattoos. That’s where I draw the line.”
“Oh well now I have to,” he laughed, nuzzling your cheek as he hugged you. “What about flowers? I can get one for each of the kids and then you’ll have the biggest one obviously cause you’re the momma.”
“On your face?” you laughed, Dean rolling his eyes.
“My arm, smart ass. I’d much rather look down and see a reminder of why I’d get scars in the first place rather than the scars.” You rested your forehead against his shoulder, Dean rubbing your back. 
“Okay. But I’d like you to think of something small I can get for you and the kids. The papa gets protected in this family too.” He hummed, inhaling the scent of your shampoo.
“Thank you for reminding me of that all those years ago,” he whispered. 
“Always.” You heard a groan and spotted Gracie sitting up in her seat, her braid messy as she stared with narrowed eyes. “Well good morning our princess of darkness.”
“So loud,” she grumbled, opening the car door and sliding out. “I’m hungry.”
“Not surprising considering you survived off of cake and chips yesterday,” chuckled Dean. “Come on. Let’s go get you a breakfast sandwich and a coffee. That’ll perk you right up.”
“Coffee?” she asked, following him as they headed towards the rest stop.
“Oh you’re a Winchester. You’re gonna love coffee,” he said. You smiled as you watched them go, resting your head against the SUV.
You didn’t have time to be sad though, Olivia running over and saying the boys stole her hashbrowns.
“Maybe you guys being adults won’t be so bad,” you laughed to yourself. “Someday.”
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willowsages-blog · 14 days
Soon to be together forever: Dean Winchester x Violet Winchester
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Summary: Dean and Violet have been together for 4 years and have just gotten engaged.
They have lived together for 3 years. Dean hunts the supernatural while Violet is a kindergarten teacher.
Dean is dealing with a lot in the supernatural world and including his brother which has been a lot on him, he is glad he has Violet to help him. But then one day something happens. What will happen? Will Violet be able to help Dean and help his brother too?
Girl-is awoken to the latch on their bedroom window opening. “It’s just me.”
Dean says, climbing into the room and shutting the window behind him. “you should lock that.”
Violet looks over at Dean. “I was leaving it open for you. I knew would be back soon.” She says with a smile. “Well you need to make sure you lock it. Never know what might be out there. I can always knock on the window when I get back.”
He says locking it back. He walks over to the bed where Violet is laying on the bed.
“How did it go? Did everything go okay?” She asks He climbs into the bed beside her.
“Yeah it went okay. I’m tired.” “Did you catch whatever it was?” “Yes we got it. I had to get on Sam though.
He keeps trying to use his powers he has now which I know he shouldn’t. Its really starting to affect him and I’m afraid its changing him.”
“Changing him? What do you mean? How?” “Its affecting him. The demon blood in him is turning into someone or something he’s not.
I can tell when he gets mad he becomes someone I don’t know, his temper gets the best of him and he has tried to hurt others, and that’s not Sam, not my brother.”
“So the more he uses his powers, the more it changes him?” “Yes, and I discovered today that he is drinking demon blood too, that’s how he is getting stronger and its changing him.
The more blood he drinks the more it consumes him and the more he wants and he’s becoming addicted to it.”
“That’s not good.” “No, its not. I am trying to get him to see that, but he doesn’t seem to understand he says he wants to help and it’s the only way he can help and save people without killing them.
He just doesn’t see what its doing to him.” “Is it making him become a demon? Will it turn him into a demon?” “I don’t know. It might, I hope it doesn’t, but…I think its possible if we can’t get him to stop.”
Violet snuggles up to Dean and lays her head on his chest. Dean runs his fingers through her hair.
I’m sorry Dean. Hopefully he will listen to you and stop. I know you don’t want to lose your brother.”
Dean smiles. “No I couldn’t bear to lose him again. I lost him once and I don’t want to lose him again.”
Dean looks down at Violet and continues to run his fingers through her hair. “Get some sleep love. I’m right here.” He leans down and kisses her head.
Violet snuggles up closer and places her left hand on his chest beside her face. Dean looks down and sees the diamond ring on her finger sparkle. He smiles. He had proposed to her just a few ago.
He couldn’t wait to marry her and become her husband and she became his wife.
He kissed her again on the head. “I love you Violet, future Mrs. Winchester.”
He then lays his head against hers and falls asleep.
this is a collaboration that I'm doing with @cutedisneygrl has done this part. there will be a chapter 2 coming soon
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diminuel · 2 years
hello! I heard you are the finder of fics! I also browsed your blog and you definitely have a new follower 💙. would you be able to help me find a fic I read on AO3 years and years ago? from what I could remember cas was a firefighter and dean I don't remember if he was too or a teacher or something else, but somehow they acquire a little baby girl and are like her foster parents and they're trying to adopt her. there's also an angsty 16yr old boy that has found his home with them. I can't find it at all :(
Hello! Thank you~
I'm sadly only a finder of fics in specific niches of fandom, but I always try to put in an effort to find any fic!
Edit: I remembered! I had a feeling this must be a fic I vaguely remembered in my brain as “firefighters” + “it’s been deleted”. Which was very helpful, but after I read comments of people saying that it was deleted (and not just a fic I that evaded my AO3 search) I looked a bit further and found this:
Freefall by lastknownwriter
Summary: Kindergarten teacher Dean Winchester spends his days elbow deep in play doh; the most exciting his life gets is when he plays mechanic in his uncle Bobby’s shop on the weekends. That is until a birthday party goes tequila-nova and he trips into a one-night stand with an incredibly hot firefighter named Castiel.
Dean’s life gets a lot more exciting after that.
(Using older rec accounts etc helps to find the names and summaries of deleted fics. This one I got from https://destiel-fic-rec.tumblr.com)
I don’t have a copy of the fic, but it’s been archived on the wayback machine here. :3
I hope that’s the fic you were looking for! I don’t think I’ve read it so I can’t tell for sure but from the fic rec post it sounded like it.
I did try to search AO3 with some tags but couldn't find anything that sounded like the fic you are looking for. So I'm posting this because maybe someone else knows!
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heaven-s-black-box · 7 months
Just Kiss pt.2- Destiel
Return to File
Recovery date: December 3rd, 2020
Description: Kindergarten teacher Dean is crushing on some of this students' uncle. According to the students, they really just need to kiss.
Notes: You can find the first entry here.
Word count: 798
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“Who does he think he is?!”
Sam sighed as he listened to another one of Dean’s rants. This always happened when the brothers went out for drinks on friday nights. Sam would rant about something going on with a case, not that Dean was listening, and then Dean would rant about annoying parents or something really stupid a student did.
“I mean, I always assumed he was good looking under that stupid coat but I think my heart almost stopped.” 
“What? I thought you were mad at this guy?”
“Nooooo,” Dean practically whined. “He’s this stupidly hot uncle that I only ever see like one a month. I don’t even know what he does!”
“So you’ve seen him…” Sam thought for a moment, “Three times?”
“Five… and a-” Dean hiccuped, “a half.”
“How do you see someone a half time?”
“He was in the car when Jack and Belphegor’s mom picked them up, I saw him through the window. He waved at me,” Dean giggled.
“Then ask him out.”
“I- I can’t do that, it would be un-unprofessional.”
“Normally I’d agree, but it’s not like he’s their dad. So it makes it a little better, at least in my opinion.” Dean’s brow furrowed, and he pouted, as he thought over what Sam had said. “Anyways, my office is having a christmas party-”
“It’s November.”
“We get very busy in december. And since Eileen’s back in Ireland, I was wondering if you wanted to come.”
“A law office christmas party? Sounds boring. ‘Sides, who brings their brother to a christmas party.”
“It’s not that boring, I promise. And quite a few people, last year I think the entire Shurley family showed up. But that probably had something-”
“Shurley?” Dean’s eyes lit up.
“When is it?”
Now, as Dean stood in the corner of Sam’s office party, he had to wonder why he thought Cas would be there. Maybe it was because he always wore a suit, or maybe it was because Sam had said the whole Shurley family had shown up. But as the clock ticked away, he hadn’t seen him. Dean was starting to feel stupid.
“If you’re gonna hide in a corner, you can leave,” Sam said, walking over.
The law office was small, both in personal and space. The room was almost packed, and there were only about thirty people. But that could have been because of the desks and table of food and drinks. 
“Awww, don’t want your big bro here? You invited me.”
“Ya, to make friends your age,” Sam laughed. “But you’ve been practically moping in the corner all evening.”
Dean looked down at his cup.
“Are the Shurley’s here?”
Sam raised an eyebrow, before pointing out a small group. “That’s Michael, his youngest brother and our newest recruit Samandriel, and their cousin Balthazar. There’s usually more of them, we don’t even invite half of them, they just show up. But one of their brothers is just running late.”
“Does he work here?”
“Nah, he’s an FBI agent.”
FBI agent, maybe that was Cas.
“Sorry we’re late,” A familiar voice came from the doorway, and Dean went on his toes to see who it was. “Jack didn’t want Kelly to leave.”
The office laughed, and Dean felt his heart stutter. Cas.
“Oh, Mr. Winchester!” Kelly said, noticing Dean across the room.
Her and Cas hung up their coats before making their way to Dean.
“Dean, what are you doing here?”
“Uh, my brother. His girlfriend is out of the country so I’m his replacement, what about you two?”
“I’m the secretary here,” Kelly laughed. “And most of Cas’ brothers work here, so I usually invite him as my plus one. That and it’s the least I can do with how much helps me and the boys.” A brief silence fell between them. “I’m gonna go get us drinks.”
With that, she left Dean and Cas alone.
“So, FBI?” Dean asked, taking a sip of his eggnog.
“How did you…”
“Sam. I uh… I might’ve asked about your family.”
“Because I might’ve come here hoping to see you, and I didn’t really think it through.”
“Why would you be hoping to see me?”
Dean looked down at his cup for a second. Before he could speak though, Sam yelled from across the room.
“He thinks you’re cute!”
“Ha!” Kelly laughed from the same direction, “Cas you own me laundry and dinner for a week.”
Both Cas and Dean turned bright red as the office broke out into a fit of laughter. Dean realized it was probably worse for Cas, most of his family was here.
“Hey Cas?” Castiel looked up at him, and Dean could help but admire how cute he looked. “Merry Christmas,” he whispered, before leaning in to kiss him.
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cleighwrites · 1 year
Bubba Kisses
SPN Fanfic
Caracters: Jensen x Jared
Word Count: 2,671
Summary: Kindergarten teacher, Sam Winchester faces some difficult decisions when his baby brother Dean joins his classroom with a little habit.
A/N:  This is something I've been debating posting. It's much darker than anything I've ever written before.There is a MASSIVE age gap in this fic. Dean is about 5 years old and Sam is about 25. I didn't use any sort of justification in this fic. There is no excusing Sam's behavior; he's disturbed.
This goes toward the ‘choking’ fill on my @spnkinkevents bingo card. It was beta’d by @candygramme, thanks Sue!!
Warnings: NSFW, EXTREME UNDERAGE, pedophilia, blowjobs
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Read on Ao3
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itsmajel · 2 years
Majel Reads - February 2022
Supernatural - Destiel
[What is this?]
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Easy Now, With My Heart by casfallsinlove
( @casfallsinlove)
Dean Winchester is a kindergarten teacher. Castiel Milton is a writer slash works-in-a-coffee-shop. He also happens to be the extremely hot one-night stand that Dean never intended to see again other than in his own fantasies (he’s classy like that). But suddenly Cas is everywhere and Dean is convinced that Fate is out to get him. And maybe they do this thing backwards, but that doesn’t have to mean they can’t make it in the end, right?
[Explicit] [49,663] [Read on AO3 here]
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( All summaries are the official summaries of the author. Stats and infos as according to hosting site or information given by the author. If any of the authors that have been tagged don’t want to be tagged, or if any of you know the tumblr names of the ones I haven’t tagged please let me know!)
Looking for more reading inspiration? Check out my fic rec tag here on tumblr, this month reading list masterpost for what I’ve read in other fandoms this month, my all-time reading list masterpost for more of this fandom or just check out my AO3 bookmarks.
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fer3112 · 2 months
For lesbian visibility week I would like to over share and reminisce on the men I thought I had a crush on because comphet and how it was clear that I was a massive lesbian (let’s laugh about my trauma I’m bored)
1: the guy in elementary school who my best friend told me ‘I bet you have a crush on him’ (I actually really liked her and she was my best friend from kindergarten to 5th grade I don’t know what happened with her I miss her dearly)
2: the guy who asked me out on middle school (as a bet I latter found out btw) but I said no because I felt nauseous and I faked illness for days so I didn’t have to see him
3: Book and movie Peeta Melark AND Josh Hutcherson because he played Peeta
4: My ‘best friend’ from high school who used me to get homework and test answers and used to ‘jokingly’ bully me every chance he got. But for some reason we had a platonic soulmate level connection that I mistook for a crush (more so because people, even teachers, loved us together so I just went with it and gave myself massive trust issues to this day)
5: My classmate in college who was very conventionally attractive (green eyes, dark fluffy hair, tall) and used to dress like Dean Winchester (I know, leave me alone) but was the most boring person I’ve ever met and I liked him because every single person in the college fancied him so why not (did I mentioned he looked like Dean Winchester? Look I was in my spn phase ok)
6: The brief crush I had for two weeks or so on my gay friend from college who I knew was gay (do I need to add more?)
Anyway, little me was like: I get nauseous every time I talk to a man, my crushes are all unattainable guys and the thought of marrying a guy makes me sick to my stomach…. Is this a crush?
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 10 months
Honey Heaven Is With You
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/IvJtOcX by Hans_On Running into each other again over a jar of honey, wasn't how the day was supposed to go... But perhaps everything happens for a reason - and this time, in the right season. Words: 5899, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 3 of Falling For The VIP Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Inias (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Reconciliation, Kindergarten Teacher Dean Winchester, Harassment, meeting your ex, Awkwardness, Hopeful Ending read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/IvJtOcX
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Brought Together by a Five-Year-Old (Dean Winchester x F!Reader) Part 14: The Babysitters
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Sam Winchester had very little experience with children. He and Jess hadn't reached that point in life yet; they had their two dogs, their careers, and each other. That was enough for them, at least for the time being. So, even though Dean thought Sam could handle anything, Sam knew better. He knew just exactly how unprepared he was for this but he had Jess and she was about as good with children as he was so at least they'd fumble through the night together. Sam didn't know exactly what to do when it came to kids, that was more Dean's forte. He liked them but he didn't have that natural connection with them that Dean did. But, he thought as he glanced down at the adorable little H/C haired boy next to him, he liked S/N and it seemed like S/N liked him too. And he did alright whenever he visited Dean at work. At the very least he could let S/N play with the dogs and hopefully they'd wear each other out pretty quickly.
Glancing up at the street signs, Sam tightened his grip on the tiny hand that had been practically sewn to his much larger hand since S/N stepped out the door. He gave a little tug and turned down the street, the five-year-old scrambling to keep pace with the man's much longer stride. Sam noticed the concentration on the little guy's face and chuckled, slowing down until they both were meandering down the street at a comfortable pace. The bright lights and big concrete ridges of the L stop loomed ahead and Sam felt a light tug on his fingers, prompting him to look down into eager E/C eyes, "My mama bought me a pass so I can go through the turny thing all by myself!" 
Sam laughed, keeping hold of the tiny fingers in his hand, "Oh yeah? That's very impressive. Do you want to go first then?" He gestured to the turnstile, a small smile on his face and his eyebrows raised while he waited for an answer. He didn't have to wait long, the kid immediately began to shake his head from side to side with a fury to rival Samuel L. Jackson. "Noooo we gotta go through at the same time!" S/N said with a tone that said it was the most obvious thing in the world and Sam was absolutely ridiculous for even suggesting otherwise.
Sam raised his hands in surrender and chuckled, "Alright little man, you go through this one and I'll go through this one here." He said gesturing to the two turnstiles. S/N lined up with the first one, his stance indicating he was waiting in anticipation for this and held his ventra card at the ready. Sam held his card over the scanner, "Ok... ready?". His answer came in the form of another passionate but curt nod, the child's focus clearly on the "turny thing" in front of him. Sam shook his head with a small laugh and sighed, "Alright... 3... 2... 1... go!" The two of them pushed through the turnstiles as fast as humanly possible, S/N laughing with glee. Sam shook his head and gestured to S/N, "Follow me, we've got to get on the northbound train." 
The ride to Sam's apartment was a short one, only a couple of stops before they were getting off the train - much to S/N's chagrin. "Aw we have to go already? I like the train! You can see the outside zoom past so fast!"
Sam chuckled, "Sorry, little man, but this is where I live. We wouldn't want to miss our stop, would we? Don't worry, we'll take the train again tomorrow morning when we go back to your house."
With an overdramatic huff and a pouty "fiiine" S/N took hold of Sam's hand again and pulled him down the stairs, confidently leading the way despite him having no idea where Sam lived. 
They walked for about ten minutes before stopping at a modern looking brick building. Sam led his tiny companion through the front doors and into the elevator, pressing the button for the tenth floor, the penthouse suite. Being a lawyer certainly came with its perks.
S/N looked around the apartment in awe, immediately dropping his things and running up the stairs to the lofted area where Jess and Sam slept. A squeal of delight was heard from the upstairs along with a high-pitched, "DOGGYYY!" Sam bounded up the stairs to see his greyhound perched over the child, tail wagging furiously while she gave him the tongue bath of the century. 
"Mary! Get off of him." 
The dog looked up, head cocked and tongue hanging out of her mouth. Obediently she ran to Sam's side, weaving between his legs like a cat, affectionately rubbing up on him. Reaching down to scratch her head, Sam laughed, "Good girl, Mary. I'll go get you a treat, just be nice to the little pup." He furrowed his brow, glancing around the loft and then leaning over the balcony and shouting, "Jess? You home?" He was met with silence. Upon exploring the apartment, it was clear she had left with their other dog, a crotchety old bulldog named Bobby. He shot her a text and she replied within seconds, confirming that she was right down the street walking Bobby. 
Sliding his phone back into his pocket, Sam turned to the young boy who was battling Mary for a tug-of-war toy they had found on the ground, "S/N, are you hungry? Do you want to order pizza or something?"
S/N's head whipped around at the offer of pizza, "Yes please!" 
He gasped and turned back to Mary, who had taken advantage of the distraction and grabbed the toy for herself, laying on half of it and gnawing on the end, her tail slapping the floor and her breathing heavy. Sam scoffed, "Guess she wins," he noticed the pout on the young boy's face and continued, "But we win in the long run because she can't have pizza. So, what are your favorite toppings?" 
S/N's mood lifted almost immediately, "Green peppers and extra cheese!"
Sam cocked an eyebrow at that, "Green peppers? Interesting. Well, green peppers and cheese it is! Do you like breadsticks?"
The child's eyes grew wide as saucers, "YES Mr. Sam I love breadsticks. Can we please get some?"
Chuckling, Sam nodded his head, "Of course we can. Is that all you want?" 
S/N nodded, so Sam put in the order on his phone. "Alright, that'll be here in about a half-" Sam was cut off as the front door opened and Bobby waddled inside, his leash still attached and trailing behind him. Jess walked in the door moments later, "Hellooo!" S/N, who had been hugging Bobby while the dog licked his face leaving a sloppy trail of saliva in the boy's hair, slicking it into a sort of horn on the side of his head, stopped his hugging to look at her. Again his eyes went wide, "Mr. Sam your wife is almost as pretty as my mama." 
Jess laughed, bringing her hand up to cover her blush, "Oh my, what a little sweetheart." 
S/N's face got serious, "Yes, but I'm married too so we can only be friends."
Eyebrows raised in amusement, Jess chuckled, "Oh are you now? Who's the lucky lady?"
Shaking his head, S/N responded, "Mrs. Sam, you shouldn't make assumptions. My mama says they make an ass out of you and me! I'm married to a boy and he's my bestest friend in the whole world."
Sam struggled to hold back his laughter, "Your mama says that to you?" 
S/N shrugged, "Well, not exaaactly but I've heard her say it to her friends when they make assumptions." 
Jess and Sam shared a look before bursting out in laughter. Jess was the first to find her composure, "Ya know, you're right, little man. I shouldn't have assumed. Is your husband one of your classmates?"
S/N nodded matter-of-factly, "Yes! His name is Castiel and he is an angel sent from heaven to be my best friend and husband." 
Jess smiled, "Well it sounds like you're both very lucky to have each other. I feel the same way about Sam. Love is a beautiful thing, isn't it?"
Beaming, S/N nodded fiercely, "Yes it is, Mrs. Sam" 
Laughing again, Jess told S/N to call her Jess and not to bother with any of that formal nonsense. S/N turned to Sam, "I like her. You did a good job Mr. Sam."
Sam rustled the little boys hair, "Just call me Sam, buddy. I'm not your teacher." 
With a mischievous look in his eye S/N asked, "Can I call you Sammy?" Sam hesitated just long enough for S/N to pull out the puppy eyes and pouty lips. The boy threw his arms around Bobby, barely able to reach around the dog's thick chest, and looked up at Sam with pleading eyes. Sam sighed, "I suppose I'll give you permission to call me Sammy." 
S/N jumped up from the floor and cheered, "Uncle Sammy! Uncle Sammy! I love sleepovers with Uncle Sammy!" 
His exuberant celebrations were paused by a buzzing sound. Sam stood up, "Pizza's here! I'll go grab it from downstairs." He passed by Jess, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, and jogged to the elevator. Upon his return, he found S/N, Jess, and the two dogs all settled on the couch with Steven Universe playing on the television. 
"PIZZAAA!" S/N jumped up from the couch, eager to help Sam in the kitchen as he grabbed plates and napkins for everyone. Sam scooped the boy up, lifting him so that he could reach the plastic plates they kept on the top shelf. 
"Woah I'm flying! Uncle Sammy, I'm flying!" Sam chuckled and carefully spun the child around the kitchen a few times before setting him down so that he could fill up three glasses of water. While in the kitchen he fed the dogs, whistling a trio of notes to which both dogs came running into the kitchen. S/N was amazed, "They're such good doggies Uncle Sammy!" Sam smiled, "They are indeed, S/N. Now let's eat before the pizza gets cold." 
The apartment was quiet for a while, everyone digging into their food as the television played. Soon, S/N had finished his pizza and was exploring the shelves that surrounded the television, lined with books, mostly law, and puzzles. He pulled out an underwater themed puzzle with a swarm of jellyfish depicted on it. S/N turned to Sam, "Can we puh-leaaaase do this puzzle?"
Checking the time, they had about an hour before the young boy's suggested bedtime. Sam nodded, "Sure little man, let's get it set up on the table here so the dogs don't eat any pieces."
The next hour passed quickly, the sounds of the city and lateness of the night eventually lulling S/N to sleep on the couch between Sam and Jess. The two got up slowly, tucking the sleeping child in on the couch before heading up to bed themselves. As they brushed their teeth, Jess opened her mouth, averting her eyes from Sam as her cheeks reddened, "I...Never mind." Sam's brow furrowed, "Hey don't do that, what's on your mind?" He asked, grabbing her shoulders and trying to look into her eyes. Jess looked back to him, "I just... I know we've talked about how the dogs are enough for us but having S/N around tonight has really made me rethink our plan of waiting to have kids." The thoughts came out in a jumble, her nerves clear. Sam stared at her a moment before snapping out of his stupor and pulling her into a strong hug. He spoke softly in her ear, "I was thinking the same thing. I love you, Jess, and I'm ready when you are."
She pulled away, still wrapped in his arms but now looking into his eyes, her nervous demeanor forgone for one of mischief, "Well, if that's the case then I propose we start trying as soon as you get back from dropping S/N off tomorrow." Unable to resist, Sam's hands moved from her waist to cupping her face as he pulled her in for a kiss, "Sounds perfect."
Dean was shedding his coat and flannel as fast as he could while keeping himself as close to Y/N as possible. Her perfect fingers knotted in the front of his shirt as she pulled him up the stairs, breaking their kiss only push through her bedroom door, with Dean following quickly behind her. Their lips connected again, a deep passionate kiss accompanied by a flurry of hands as Y/N forced Dean's shirt up and over his head while he lifted his arms, obediently, easing the process. Dean carefully pushed Y/N down onto the bed, his lips moving from hers to the nape of her neck. He nibbled at her collarbone, sucking gently on the tender skin. He continued down her body, pulling her shirt off as she had his, both of them seemingly unaware or maybe just not caring about the trail of small bruises he left in his wake as he kissed and nipped his way from her stomach back up to her neck. He finished creating his masterpiece, his canvas properly tagged, he had staked his claim. 
Looking deep into Y/N's E/C eyes, he felt powerful, overcome with a primal urge to satisfy. His right hand flew up to grab Y/N's wrists, pinning her arms above her head, while his left hand frantically undid her pants. He growled, "Stay," and let go of the woman's wrists, watching as her pupils grew and her breathing sped up. He trailed his lips down her body, the occasional nip of his teeth followed by the sweet caress of his hands. He nipped first her right hip, followed by a kiss. He did the same to her left hip before letting his hands slide down to replace his lips, fingers pressed solidly into her soft hips with just enough pressure to keep Y/N still. Her breath slowed in anticipation as he kissed his way from the inside of her right knee up to the top of her thigh, dragging his tongue delicately over her labia before repeating his trail of kissing on her left leg. Then he sat, his mouth millimeters from her soft mound, hot breath making the wait agonizing for Y/N. Unable to contain herself, her hands shot down to shove his face into her. Dean grabbed her wrists again, pinning them above her head once more and tutting to her, "No, no, no, be a good girl and let me take care of you. You have to trust me." A dark blush overcame Y/N's cheeks and she felt herself quite literally dripping with desire. She looked into Dean's beautiful green eyes, and saw lust running wild. 
One hand still holding her wrists, he used the other to shake his finger at her, "Ah not quite good enough, use your words, baby." Moving his free hand down to her vagina he slowly stuck his pointer finger between her flaps, running up and down the lips, paying the slightest bit of attention to her clit.
Y/N pouted and opened her mouth, "Please, I'll be good, I promise I'll be good." Dean smiled, a wicked smile Y/N had never seen before. She had no time to process the look before Dean had shoved one finger deep inside her, beckoning her orgasm out from the depths of her body. He then added two more fingers, curling them inside her as he used his thumb to rub circles around her clit. All the while watching her, eyes dark with lust and that devilish smile on his face. His eyes never left hers and he watched as she rode his fingers to orgasm.
She lay, panting and disheveled on the sheets, a thin sheen of sweat covering her body. Dean let his fingers slide out of her spent body, bringing them up to his mouth and sucking each one clean, "You taste as delicious as you look, darling." She felt the heat rise to her face again, her cheeks burning almost as much as her throbbing vagina. As she recovered from the waves of her orgasm that she shuddered, realizing Dean had stripped himself of his jeans and underwear and was slowly running his hand up and down his fully erect member. Y/N flushed and felt her mouth water as she rolled onto her knees, her face level with the throbbing penis and the smell of Dean's arousal clear in her nose. She felt herself dripping again and moved one hand down to touch herself, though she was stopped halfway down by Dean's hand swatting hers away. "Lay back down, baby. I can't wait any longer. I have to be inside of you. Now." 
She bit back a moan, nodding her head and laying on her back. Dean spread her legs and positioned himself at her entrance. "Are you ready for me, darling?" She nodded vigorously and Dean took the invitation wholeheartedly, pushing himself in about halfway before pulling back out a bit. He slide in and out of her soaked pussy, eventually bottoming out as he pounded into her. His hands gripped her waist furiously as he chased his own orgasm. Her eyes rolled back in her head as a second orgasm rocketed through her. The feeling of her vagina clenching with her orgasm sent Dean over the edge and he stilled, penis fully sheathed in her vagina, frozen in ecstasy. Dropping down next to Y/N on the bed, he let his member slide out of her, both clearly spent. He stared at her, her eyes closed and her breathing slowly leveling out.
Without opening her eyes, she broke the silence, "That wasn't half bad."
Dean took a second to process furrowing his eyebrows and looking incredulously at her, "Excuse me, 'not half bad'?"
She giggled, and opened her eyes to look at him. Her eyes half lidded, she walked her fingers up his chest, "Yeah, ya know, not too shabby." With that, Dean jumped on top of her, covering every inch of her with kisses, and using his fingers to tickle her sides while he did so, "Oh yeah? Not too shabby? How dare you!" Giggling uncontrollably, she shoved at him with her arms until they both stopped, Dean still perched over top of Y/N pinning her in place with his legs. They stared into each others eyes, breathing in unison. 
Dean watched as Y/N's eyes filled with something he couldn't pinpoint. 
"I like you Dean Winchester." She said, her eyes locked on his and filled with that unknown emotion, and a bit of determination. She propped herself up on her elbows and gave him a chaste kiss. "I really like you." She looked at him a moment longer before flipping over and patting the bed behind her, "Now get your butt over here and spoon me." Dean laughed, happily obliging the request. The two snuggled up together, drifting quickly off to sleep.  
The morning light peaked through the drapes and broke Dean's peaceful slumber. Y/N still sleeping softly, he slipped out of the bed, pulling on his clothes and blowing her a kiss before heading downstairs to see what he could get started for breakfast. 
He found eggs, bacon, and some bread in the cupboard. He got to work making "Breakfast Sandwiches a la Winchester" Aka. One egg over easy, two slices of toast, bacon, pepper, and some garlic salt.While he was cooking away, trying his best to keep the noise to a minimum he heard a small yawn from the doorway. Dressed in an oversized tee shirt and her underwear, a sleepy Y/N emerged and sniffed the air. "Bacon?" She asked, "Mmm smells so good." Her eyes half opened she shuffled over to the coffee machine, pouring some grounds in and starting it up. She yawned again and Dean leaned over to plant a kiss on her cheek. "Thank you for yesterday," he started, "I can't remember the last time I had that much fun with someone."
She smiled sleepily, "I had a lot of fun too. I could get used to nights like those." She giggled devilishly. Dean turned to her, placing both of his hands on the counter on either side of her, "I bet you could." He grabbed her lips in a sweet kiss before moving around her to grab two mugs. He filled each with coffee and handed her one of them. "I could too. Just for the record. No complaints here, that's for sure." 
She giggled again, her face flushing. "Well, I'm glad to know we're on the same page." She glanced at the time, "Oh it's almost ten, Sam will be here with S/N any minute. I'm going to run upstairs and get dressed." She ran up the stairs, emerging a minute or so later with a pair of joggers on and a Doors tee shirt on. Dean smiled, "Lookin' good hot stuff. Now finish this breakfast I slaved away to make." 
She rolled her eyes, "Drama King." She took a bite and another... and another. Mouth full, she surrendered, "Okay, this I could also get used to." 
As she ate the last bite of the sandwich, there was a knock at the door. She stood, kissing Dean on the cheek, and went to the door. S/N burst through the door, a flurry of noise as he told her every detail of his trip to Sam's apartment, from the dogs to the puzzle to the fruit salad he had for breakfast. Y/N laughed and picked him up, spinning him around before pulling him in for a hug. She set him back down, "I'm glad you had so much fun, you'll have to have another sleepover soon." 
Dean emerged from the kitchen, "Yeah, real soon." Sam laughed and rolled his eyes, giving his brother a hug. 
Sam turned to Y/N, "S/N was a pleasure, Jess and I would be happy to babysit him any time." He shifted on his feet, "I've got to head out though, Jess and I have... plans." He smiled and gave S/N knuckles before turning and walking out the door. 
Dean turned to Y/N, who was already opening her mouth to speak, "That talk of puzzles got me in the mood for one, what do you say, boys? Should we pull one out"
S/N cheered and ran for the living room where he picked out a puzzle with a map of the world on it, each land mass accompanied by some of the animals that live there. Dean stood in the doorway, watching as mother and son got the puzzle ready, already starting to sort the edge pieces from the inner ones. Losing himself in his thoughts, he felt his heart stutter and moved to join the duo thinking, 'man, I really could get used to this.'
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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Dean wakes up to the sound of a very insistent five-year-old saying, in a poorly concealed whisper, “Papa. Papa! Wake up!”
Despite the fact that it’s probably six in the morning and Dean’s supposed to be asleep right now (long weeks at the auto shop always knock him out), he pulls himself out of bed and pads around to the other side of his bed, where Jack is standing, poking Cas’ face. 
Dean crouches down to Jack’s level. “Papa’s sick, remember?”
Jack looks down at his feet. “He has the flu.”
“Yeah, he has the flu.” Dean holds out his arms. “But Daddy can play with you instead.”
Jack sighs and lets himself be picked up. 
Dean knows that he can't quite replicate Cas and Jack’s special Saturday mornings together, but he can sure as hell try. The two of them always watch Plaza Sésamo, the Spanish version of Sesame Street, together, because language learning needs to start at a young age, Dean, and Jack has a mug of warm milk so he can be just like his Papa with coffee. 
(Leave it to Dean to marry an elementary school librarian.) 
Then, they make pancakes, which usually gets Dean to actually wake up and join them. After that, they go to the farmer’s market. 
And every Saturday is perfect.
But two days ago, after spending eight hours with snotty-nosed kids, Cas came home more exhausted than usual and then promptly passed out on the couch. One trip to the doctor later and it was confirmed--Cas had the flu. 
Which means that Dean’s gotta figure this whole “morning thing” out.
"What do you want to watch, Jack?” he asks, and Jack shakes his head. 
“I wanna color.”
“Alright.” Less time in front of the television is totally cool with Dean. He sets them up at the kitchen table, rummaging around on the bookshelf next to it until he finds the stack of recycled paper that they use for Jack to color and the box of crayons and markers. 
While Jack sets about drawing (there are several of his drawings from school stuck to the fridge--studies in crayon with Daddy and Papa and also Uncle Sam and Aunt Eileen and Grandma written on them in Jack’s kindergarten teacher’s neat handwriting), Dean makes coffee, and then decides to also make Cas some tea for whenever he actually wakes up and also to heat up some milk for Jack.
By the time he gets back to the table, Muppets in Space mug with warm milk in it in one hand and his coffee in a mug shaped like a spark plug that Cas got him because he thought it was funny in the other, Jack has used several sheets of paper, and Dean bends over him.
“Whatcha drawing?” Dean asks, and Jack tries to hide the paper with his tiny arms.
“It’s a secret,” he says. “You have to wait ‘til I'm finished.”
“Okay, okay.” Dean sets the milk down and then sits next to Jack, grabbing a piece of paper of his own. He’s halfway through drawing some sorta-realistic flowers (Cas has a big garden in their backyard that he loves to work in when he’s not, you know, actively dying of the flu), Jack is finished and poking Dean’s arm.
“Look,” Jack says, shoving his drawing at Dean. “I’m just like you, Daddy!”
It’s a drawing of a car, with two stick figures holding clumsily drawn wrenches standing next to it. 
“It’s you and me,” Jack adds. “We’re gonna fix the car.” He studies Dean’s face. “Do you like it?”
“I love it, kiddo.” Dean mashes Jack into a hug until Jack wiggles in protest, and then Dean tickles him, getting a laugh out of his son.
Later, while Jack is occupied with choosing between strawberries and blueberries for pancakes, Dean heads upstairs with the aforementioned mug of tea. Cas is sitting up when he gets to their room, with the comforters bunched around him, and he lets out a feeble cough.
“How’s Jack?” Cas asks, gratefully accepting the tea and taking a sip. 
“He’s great. We colored.”
“Oh good.” Cas coughs again. “Can you make sure to--”
“Get kale at the farmer’s market? Already on the list.”
“And more honey from--”
“The Turners?”
Cas smiles at him tiredly. “Hopefully later I can--”
“You can sleep later is what you can do. I’ve got this under control.” Dean presses a kiss to his husband’s forehead and turns to leave. “Although Jack and I will bring you breakfast in bed.”
“Can I put in a vote for strawberries?” Cas asks.
“I’ll see what the boss says.” Dean grins and then heads out, gently shutting the door behind him.
So maybe he’s not a morning person, and this isn’t a usual Saturday in the Winchester household. 
But sometimes, unusual can be kind of nice. 
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Imagine...Forest Ranger Dean
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Pairing: Forest Ranger!Dean x reader
“Hi,” you said into your phone, speaking as soon as you heard the other end pick up. “This is Y/N Y/L/N and I don’t mean to be a bother but there’s sort of a big black bear outside in my yard and it’s uh, not going away.”
“You want the forest ranger, Miss,” said the voice on the other end. “One moment.”
You sighed as you looked out your back window, the bear still roaming around, lazily taking a seat and laying in the sunny backyard.
“Dude, go away,” you said.
“Excuse me?” said the other end of the phone.
“Sorry. I was talking to the bear,” you said, getting silence on the other end for a few seconds.
“Can you safely tell me what the bear is doing?” he asked.
“Um, sunbathing from the looks of it,” you said.
“Remain indoors. I’ll be over there soon.”
“Charlie, go home,” said a man in a brown uniform and jeans, wandering into your backyard. The bear rolled on its side and the man ran a hand through his hair. “Charlie.”
The bear stood up and yawned before it padded out of your yard. The man walked around to the front of your house and knocked at the door.
“Thanks,” you said.
“You’re not from around here. Everybody knows Charlie,” he said. “He’s got that white tuft of fur that’s like the shirt Charlie Brown wears.”
“It’s still a bear,” you said.
“Yes, it is. Be more conscious of keeping the fence to your backyard shut,” he said. “Charlie loves to get his tan on.”
“So if I keep my door shut-“
“Charlie will just keep on passing by. Don’t feed him and keep your distance but Charlie is friendly,” said the man.
“Thanks,” you said. “Wait don’t bears like garbage?”
“I’m teaching a class on wilderness safety this afternoon if you want to stop by the rangers station. We’re right next to the entrance to the state park down the road,” he said. “Starts at 2.”
“Thanks. Maybe I’ll swing by.”
You were giving the ranger a bitch face when you finally caught his attention at the station.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said, waving you into the back room when he was done counting heads. “Come on in.”
“That’s a group of kindergarteners,” you said.
“Their teacher said it’s okay,” he said. You grumbled but followed him inside, standing along the back wall with a few other bored looking adults. “Okay little guys and gals. In case you don’t know me-“
“I know you, Uncle De,” said a girl near the front.
“I know you do, rascal,” he said, ruffling the top of her head as he walked past to the other side of the room. “For those of you that don’t know me, I’m Ranger Dean Winchester, also Emma’s Uncle, but you guys can call me Dean.”
“Can I?” asked the little girl from before.
“No, rascal,” he said with a smile. “Now sh, Uncle De’s got to tell all your friends about being safe in the woods.”
Dean went into a presentation of the local area and the animals that lived there, the types of plants that grew and basically a bunch of places they should never go without an adult with them.
“Now kiddos, who wants to go for a hike?” asked Dean. A bunch of hands shot up and you took that as your cue to leave. Dean grunted when you started to go for the door. You went back to your spot, Dean moving the kids into their smaller groups with their assigned chaperones. He paused once they were outside in the parking lot, nodding at you. “Hold up.”
“Do I really have to go on this little nature hike?” you asked.
“You won’t pass the class if you don’t,” he said with a smirk. “Come on. You’re the one I’m most worried about.”
“Me?” you said with a scoff.
“Uh huh. All those kids have parents that know what they’re doing. You...you make me concerned and I don’t want to be concerned so I’d rather you go on our little hike and learn a little bit more,” he said.
“What do I get out of this?” you asked.
“Peace of mind for one. I’ll buy you dinner tonight too,” he said with a cock of his head.
“Dinner?” you asked.
“Hey. Gorgeous single women don’t exactly move here all that often. I’m not above asking you out before somebody else in town can,” he said.
“I didn’t move here to date,” you said. “I moved here to get away from guys actually.”
“Oh. We do suck sometimes,” he said with a smirk. “One little date though? No strings. Just dinner at our one restaurant in town. I mean, it’s the least you can do after I saved you from that viscous bear this morning.”
“Fine,” you said. “You get one date, Casanova.”
“That’s all I’ll need.”
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Dean Winchester Master List 2.0
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67- While y/n is staring at Dean, the fantasy of what Dean and her life would be like, roll past her like the credits at the end of a movie. 08/09/20
Walking Sex- Sam, Dean, and the Reader all head to a bar after a stressful, but successful hunt. Dean goes off with a girl, while the reader goes for a drink, and ends up getting hit on. Dean comes over to save her even though she has it handled, and things may lead to the back of the impala. 09/15/20
Young Lady- How long can you keep your report card hidden? And what happens when he finally finds out you have 2 failing classes. 10/06/20
Feels Like Home-“I still love you Dean” “I’m all your Y/n” “Say you still love me Dean!” 10/24/20
One Step At A Time- “Do you need want some help Y/N?” “I’m here for you Dean.” “Y/n stay here and cuddle, I know you’re on the verge of crying.” 12/05/20
You Hold My Heart, Dean- Dean, and Sophie have been dating for a year. Both are too scared to drop the L-bomb on each other that they're seeming to be drifting apart, but how far can they drift apart when they're both stuck at home with each other. 12/30/20
Snuggles- Maybe the best way to relax is to drink beer, eat pizza, watch scooby-doo, and build a lego set. 01/02/21
New Experiences- With Y/n being pregnant, Dean and her need room for the new life that they're bringing into the world. This includes domestic tasks for Dean. 01/18/21
Don't Leave Me- What happens when Dean keeps making the same mistakes and Y/n is trying to help Dean figure out his mistakes. 02/12/21
Panic- Y/n get's hurt during a hunt, but figures it's not the best time to tell Dean. 02/21/21 r
Embrace- Y/n comes back from a hunt gone very wrong, and all she wants is to be in Deans arms tonight. 02/27/21 r
Birthday Boy- Y/n and Dean have a great night on his 42nd birthday. 03/08/21
Bucket List- Taking Dean to go do everything on his bucket list. 03/14/21
Crayons- AU Teacher!Dean: Dean doing cute little projects with the kids in his pre-school/kindergarten class. 03/16/21
Pose- Dean buys you a new and very expensive camera. 03/21/21
Fly- How much can truly happen during just one flight. 03/27/21
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@firefly-graphics for dividers
Deanie Beanie Girls- @kazsrm67 @deanswaywardgirl @ijustlearnedtolove-beep-bop-boop @rach-12 @mrspeacem1nusone @dilfloverr @akshi8278 @fofisstilinski @band--psycho @wonderfulworldofwinchester @doctorlilo @flamencodiva @samsgirl93 @stoneyggirl2 @hobby27 @fanfic-n-tabulous @onethirstyunicorn @hitmeup69 @Lostdarksoul6 @silverose365 @winchestersbitch-dm @alexxavicry
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holylulusworld · 3 years
What mothers do (1)
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Summary: Your old life comes for you…
Pairing: Mobster!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester, OFC Robert Alexander, unnamed teacher
Warnings: angst, language, Dean being an ass, mentions of break-up, mentions of cheating, almost violence (a slap), scared reader, tears, mafia business, arguments, fluff
Words: 2,4 k
A/N: This is my entry to @cockslut-padalecki​‘s A decade under the influence writing challenge with the lyric #36: “I lived through the damage from the heart you took from me” - Line In The Sand: Bleeding Through.
Divider by @firefly-graphics​​
What mothers do masterlist
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That night he not only broke your heart but also turned the love you felt for him into hatred. Everything you planned turned to ashes and got carried away by the wind he sowed the moment he decided to push you out of his life.
Your heart broke, shattered on the ground when you ran out of your shared bedroom, the images of your man with another woman burned into your mind.
It’s been five years since Dean Winchester took his love away from you and turned his attention toward someone else. Someone better if you want to believe the rumors.
It was hard to move on. Well, how do you move on from the love of your love after he told you to get lost and never come back? 
Is there a trick to get over your childhood sweetheart? I don’t think so…
People tend to talk about broken hearts and lost love, but they never tell you that you can still live without a functional heart beating in your chest.
You get up. Eat. Go to work. Breathe. Cry a little. Curl into a ball. Go to sleep.
You had to move on, so you did. If not for you, but the growing life in your belly. Cause, that’s what mothers do – right? Put their child first, ignoring the rest.
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“Mommy?” your son cries, running toward you, showing you his bleeding knee. “Mommy, I fell!”
“Aw, baby boy,” you coo, falling back into your role. It’s easier to pretend your heart isn’t still broken when you can take care of your son. “Let’s go to the bathroom, shall we?” 
“YEAH! Can we watch cartoons later?” he asks, glancing up at you. He’s a child, but somehow your son knows today is a bad day for you. “Mommy, are you sad?
“No, baby boy,” you lie easily; pretend you didn’t think of his father, the man who doesn’t know his son exists. “I’m just a little bit tired.”
You tickles his sides and Bobby beings to laugh, squeal and you can’t help it and join his laughter. “Mommy, I love you!”
“I love you too, baby. Now let’s go to the bathroom and mommy will help you, okay,” your son nods eagerly, knowing you will put a Scooby-Doo plaster onto his knee and kiss it better.
Whilst you climb up the stairs to the bathroom, you ignore the aching in your chest. Today would be your tenth anniversary, if not for Dean’s infidelity. 
“Mommy, I saw a cool car today. My friend said it’s a classic car,” your son excitedly tells you about his day. From the new toy, his friend got for his birthday to the new girl at his class in the kindergarten. “It was black and loud.”
“Old cars can be loud,” you laugh when your son tells you he wants to drive a cool car one day too. “We will talk about driving cars when you turn sixteen, young man.”
“But I want a cool car, mommy. I can drive you around and we can go for ice cream,” he grins while trying to convince you to buy him a car at the age of five. 
“No cars for you, Robert Alexander,” using your mommy voice you smirk at your son. “Now let’s clean your knee and we can watch more Scooby-Doo. It’s Friday and we have all weekend to catch up with your favorite dog.”
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You carefully place your son on the closed toilet lid to inspect his bleeding knee. 
“Mommy, I know you forbid me to talk to strangers, but the man with the cool car wanted to know my name,” your heart beats a mile in a minute, your mouth runs dry and your hands begin to tremble. 
“Baby boy, what did you do?” voice cracking you look up at your son. “Bobby bear, what did you do?”
“I ran, and told my teacher that the man talked to me,” he says, proudly puffing his chest. “He had a cool car, but he’s a stranger.”
“What did the man do?” you question while carefully cleaning your son’s knee. “Did the man follow you or ask you about your name again?”
“No,” shaking his head your son smirks. “I bet he got scared and ran away. He was tall, but I’m braver.”
“You did well,” you decided there and then to call the kindergarten first thing on Monday morning. They promised you a safe place and that no one can enter the area but the teachers and parents. No entry without a key card, that’s what they said. “I’m proud of you, Bobby.”
“I remembered what you said about people I do not know, mommy,” Bobby watches you put a plaster onto his knee before you press a soft kiss to it. 
“All done, baby. So, how about you sit on the sofa, and I’ll make us popcorn,” you ask. “Do you want sweet or salty popcorn?”
“Sweet,” Bobby hops off the toilet lit, his bloody knee-long forgotten. “I’ll switch the TV on mommy.”
“Thank you, sweet—” you bite your tongue, shuddering at the pet name. 'Fuck, no you won’t sneak your way into my thoughts tonight.’
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“Popcorn, Scooby-Doo, and apple spritzer,” you laugh when your son sleepily rests his head on your lap.
“Mommy, will you stroke my hair?” he asks, and your heart melts. 
He reminds you of Dean so much it hurts your heart. And it pains you that the man you used to love will never know what he lost the day he turned his back on you.
“Of course, baby. How about you tell me more about your day and the toys Jaiden got for a birthday,” you gently run your hand over his head, listening to your son’s explanation. 
“Mommy, why does my dad never call me? Jaiden said his daddy always calls him for a birthday or comes to visit him,” Bobby sniffs and your heart breaks for your little son. “Does he not want to see me?”
“No, Bobby. Your dad and I didn’t like each other anymore. That was before you were born, baby. We are living in different worlds now, and your dad is always busy,” it’s only half a lie. “Maybe he will be less busy one day and call.”
“OH-okay,” Bobby believes your lie, but he still dreams of the day his father calls when he slowly drifts into sleep. 
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“I don’t understand! You told me no one can enter the kindergarten but parents and teachers. Now a stranger talked to my son on your watch,” panting heavily you glare at the woman who tried to calm you.
“Ms. Y/L/N, the man said he’s Bobby’s father. We didn’t know you are divorced. You never told us about your son’s father,” she argues, not wanting to give away the stranger paid her well to get close to your son.
“My relationship status is none of your fucking business,” you step into her personal space, try to intimidate the woman just like Dean taught you years ago. “It was your job to keep my son safe, just like the other kids. We pay you a lot to do so.”
“He—he,” she stammers, looking over your shoulder into familiar green eyes. “He said you wouldn’t understand he’s back. Maybe you can talk to him yourself and keep me out of your fight?”
Your body goes stiff. It’s like you can feel his presence before you hear his voice. A dark cloud and his warmth envelop you at the same time when he touches your shoulder.
You flinch away, not turning around to face the man threatening your happiness once again. “No—” is all you say before you grab your bag. “My son will not come back here.”
“Sweetheart don’t do this,” he smiles, but his eyes tell you to not disobey the dangerous man he became. “Let’s talk about a few things. Like the fact that I am a father for five years!”
“You are nothing, that’s what you are to me and my son,” you slam the door in his face, and start to run toward your car. Your only way out is to grab a few things, your son, and run for the hills.
You can never let Dean Winchester be part of your life again…never…
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“Bobby, hurry up,” you run upstairs to grab more things. Dean being in your town can only mean one thing, he’s looking for an heir, and you will be damned to let him repeat history. 
“Where are we going? What about kindergarten tomorrow?” your son asks. “Mommy? Bobby seems to be confused about your sudden departure. “Mom?”
“We are going to—” honestly, you don’t have a plan. You never thought Dean would look for you. It was him chasing you away. Why would he come for you after five years. “I thought it would be fun to go on vacation for a week.”
“Vacation?” Bobby jumps up and down. You haven’t been on vacation since Christmas and the little boy can’t wait to see new places. “Why now, mommy?”
“I just—” you run back downstairs; think of anything you will need to start a new life somewhere else. 
“Mommy, there’s someone at the door,” your son calls for you while you look around the kitchen for his favorite mug. “Shall I open the door?”
“No,” you stumble out of the kitchen, Bobby’s mug pressed to your chest. The person outside your door becomes impatient, knocks a little louder this time. “Bobby, go to your room and look for your favorite plushie and pillow. We will need to leave soon.”
“Okay, mommy,” Bobby walks upstairs whilst you try to tame your racing heart. 
“Open the door, Y/N,” your hands begin to tremble as you step toward the door. Only the door parts you from your past and it scares the hell out of you to open it. “Sweetheart, I can break the door if I must.”
“Just leave us alone,” you press your forehead against the door, silently praying Dean will just leave. “You wanted me gone, Dean. Why do you come here after five years?”
“OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR Y/N,” he rams his fist into the door, calling your name. “Now.”
“Stop being so loud,” whispering the words you unlock your door. “You will scare Bobby.”
“Then let me inside,” Dean pushes against the door, forces his way into your house, the home you created for you and your son. “See, that wasn’t so hard.”
“Not so hard?” you huff, clearly frustrated. “You come here and demand entry to my house, my life, my son. Do you have the slightest idea what hard means?”
“Look at you,” he says, eyes drinking you in after five years. “As beautiful as ever.” 
Dean’s closeness makes you dizzy. You can smell his cologne, his eyes and smile seem to taunt you and the worst is, it feels too familiar for you to ignore when he steps closer again to cup your cheek.
“Hands off,” at least you find the strength to push his hand away. “Never touch me again. I don’t know what you came for, but you won’t find it here.”
“I came for you, and my son,” he huffs when you flinch away. “I must admit, you are hard to find. It took me five fucking years to find my family, sweetheart. 
“You are delusional,” you shake your head, stepping backward as Dean shrugs his coat off. “Get out of my house, Winchester.”
“I never wanted to hurt you, sweetheart," Dean takes a step toward you, “I know it was a mistake to sleep with her. I was mad at my father, got drunk and then…it just happened.”
“One mistake, huh?” you say, voice bitter. “Maybe I could’ve forgiven you one drunken mistake but you—” jabbing your finger into his chest you glare up at Dean, “told me to leave our home and never come back when I tried to talk to you. You fucked that skank in our bed and dared to blame me.”
“You seemed to do just fine without me,” he looks around your living room, admiring you built a home for you and your son. “I guess you didn’t miss me at all.”
“Don’t you dare!” he never sees the hand slapping his face coming. “I lived through the damage from the heart you took from me. It’s still gone, and I miss it every day but, I had to be strong for my baby.”
“So, you moved on from me without shedding a tear,” Dean asks, looking at the pictures on the walls. “Is there a new love of your life? Do you feed him the same lies?”
“As a mother, you can't wallow in pain when the man you believed loves you breaks your heart,” you are just done explaining yourself, so you decide to put Dean in his place. “You break down, get back up, and take care of your baby boy, 'cause that's what mothers do," you quip, straightening your back. “Now get the fuck out of my house, my life, and never dare to even think about coming back. If you do, all your dirty little secrets will get revealed.”
“This isn’t over, Y/N,” Dean is unsure how to react to your behavior. He only remembered the shy and devoted girl you used to be, not the self-confident and fiery woman you became. “Damn me, you have changed…and I like it.”
“Like it all you want, but don’t come back,” he gives in, for now. Dean turns to leave, not without glancing at the pictures of his son one last time.
“I must say when I came here to check if you need help,  I never imagined you would do so well,” Dean smirks when you make a face. “I will come back for you and my son, sweetheart.”
“Save it,” you growl, crossing your arms over your chest. “Now get lost, Winchester…”
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“We found her. What now, Dean?” his younger brother glances at your house while Dean starts the engine of the Impala. “Dean, did you tell her what happened back then?”
“Not yet,” Dean smirks, chuckling lightly. “She got a wild side now, and I’d love to tame her.”
“You should tell her why you chased her away,” Sam says, “If you want to get to know your son, you need to tell her someone spread lies about her.”
“Soon, Sammy. Soon…”
>> Part 2
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heaven-s-black-box · 7 months
Just Kiss pt.1- Destiel
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Recovery date: November 26th, 2020
Description: Kindergarten teacher Dean is crushing on some of this students' uncle. According to the students, they really just need to kiss.
Notes: You can find the second entry here.
Word count: 858
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If you’d asked a young Dean Winchester what he was going to be when he grew up, he’d answer “A rockstar or a Mechanic”. If you’d asked him back in highschool, he might’ve said a firefighter or something like that. At no point in his life would he say a teacher, much less a kindergarten teacher. In fact, for most of his life, Sammy had been the only kid he could tolerate. 
Sammy, or Sam as he preferred to be called, would say Dean over exaggerated his dislike of children. But he would say Dean’s view of children definitely changed after he met Lisa, who had a son. Dean and Lisa met when her son was three, a few years after he’d graduated highschool. After they broke up, a part of him missed spending time with such a small and innocent being. Not that he’d ever say it out loud again, it sounded a little creepy when he told Sam. 
Now, three years after finally completing the teachers program, he spent his days surrounded by kindergarteners. It was a lovely experience, watching them play and colour together, he loved it… Most of the time.
“Mr. Winchester!” Came a shrill cry from the reading corner. “Bel stole my book.”
He’d taken a senior kindergarten class, hoping that they’d be a bit more mature than his previous junior class. He often asked himself why he thought the children with more self awareness would be easier.
“Belphegor, was Jack reading that book? You know we don’t take other people's things,” Dean sighed, trying to keep his voice even.
“He can’t even read it!”
“That doesn’t answer my question. Was he holding the book?”
Belphegor pouted and hid the book behind his back. 
“Come on,” Dean sighed, kneeling down to the boys level, “Give it back. Maybe this time ask to use it once Jack is done?”
“Fine.” Belphegor held the book, a small collection of fairy tales that Dean recognized from the reading circle collection, out to his brother. “I didn’t want it anyways.”
“Then why did you take it?”
“Doesn’t matter, I’m giving it back.”
Dean opened his mouth to try and coxe an answer from the elder twin, when he was called again from across the room.
“Mr. Winchester! Can we see a picture of a horse?”
“Alright, cubbies look clean, let’s head out!”
Just as Dean began to lead his line of six year olds, the bell rang and the older children rushed out of their class to the doors. Dean pulled his line over, and they stood by the wall waiting for the flood to pass.
“They're like animals,” came a voice of awe from the back of the line.
“Claire! That’s not nice.”
“She’s right,” Krissy said from somewhere closer to Dean.
“Keep this up and I’ll have to talk with your parents, you two,” Dean huffed. “Let’s go, remember to make sure I see your parent before you go.”
“Alright you three, do you see-”
“Hi uncle Cass!” Claire yelled from beside him, and he swore he almost went deaf.
“Claire please don’t yell,” he huffed, as he looked out to find the man.
Sure enough, Castiel Shurley was making his way over from the parking lot. He waved back at Claire and Jack.
Dean had first met Castiel, or Cas as he preferred to be called, when he came to a parents teacher interview for Jack and Belphegor. He was the boys and Claire’s uncle, although he wasn’t entirely sure how he was related to the boys. Cas usually only picked the trio up when they had plans, which wasn’t often. Something to do with his job, which all Dean knew about was he wore a suit.
Speaking of his suit, Dean’s heart nearly stopped when he noticed Cas was missing his usual trench coat.
“Hello Dean,” Cas smiled slightly.
“Uh- Hi… Cas. How are you?”
“I’m doing well.” He looked down just behind Dean, causing the teacher to remember he was holding back the kids. He dropped his hand and coughed awkwardly. Jack ran forward and tackled his uncle. “I hope they haven’t been any trouble lately.”
“Nah, not really. Well… I think Belphegor could work on his sharing, and Claire needs to work on being polite. But other than that, nothing that needs immediate work.”
“I see, I’ll talk with Kelly and Jimmy.”
“Can we go to the playground?” Belphegor interrupted.
“Only for a bit.” The kids ran off, leaving Cas and Dean.
“So, you guys got plans?”
“Yes, we’re having a family dinner. Unfortunately the task of getting everyone dressed and to the restaurant,” Cas sighed.
“Well, I don’t envy you there.”
“Yes.” There was a brief pause before Cas spoke again. “Dean, I was wonde-”
“Can we go yet!” Belphegor called from over by the playground.
Cas sighed, “Coming!” He turned back to Dean. “Well, it was wonderful seeing you again. Goodbye Dean.” He waved as he turned back to his charges.
“Bye Mr. Winchester!” Jack called, and the other two just waved.
“Bye kiddos!” He waved back, watching them head off down the street.
“So that’s Castiel?”
“Shut up Benny!”
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