#i want bananas back so badly
frogtowns · 1 year
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why didnt nintendo consider my feelings on fruit baskets before adding just ONE fruit basket into new horizons
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scientia-rex · 4 days
Exciting updates in my life: my week of vacation has so far involved working physically in the house and or yard so hard that I’m in agony by bedtime. I have two modes, On and Off, and it’s been an On week, in large part because I’ve realized my thinning hair may well be due to my Wellbutrin so I’ve dropped the dosage and every time I change a psych med my anxiety goes bananas for weeks to months at a time. So instead of “relaxing” or “finishing one goddamn fic, what the fuck, me” I’ve (properly) removed the spare room’s asbestos popcorn ceiling and been forced to learn FAR more than I want to about ceilings and drywall given the state of what was covered up by the popcorn. Yesterday afternoon for a break from the Ceiling of Doom I cleaned the back deck that I couldn’t clean for a YEAR while we waited for the contractor to actually fix the dangerous structural instability. It took me four hours of continuous physical labor. There’s a lot wrong with me, but I AM getting biceps, which is delightful since I don’t like exercise per se and usually have the muscle tone of cooked linguine.
However! Tomorrow I’m going to sand down the joint compound I had to redo in a few places today after sanding the first time badly, and then! Then I shall prime it. Whenever that dries, time to attempt skim coating. Then realize I’ve failed and have to try that again one or two times before eventually sanding it again, priming it again, and finally, please God, painting it. Then painting the walls. Then painting, cutting mitered corners in, and gluing up the high density foam crown molding. Then yanking the carpets and learning how to lay vinyl flooring planks that will be impervious to the slings and arrows of senior dogs. It’s going to be a while. But one day, I will have that room in a condition where I can paint, miter cut, and install the baseboards. And after that? Build the FUCKING GUEST BED that has been IN BOXES IN THE GARAGE for TWO YEARS. over two years now! Jesus Christ.
I also finally managed to get rid of the plastic blinds I hated in the bedroom and put up curtain rods and curtains. And put up two bird feeders outside, including installing the hooks under the eves. I have been busy. Just not with writing. Also I’ve been deliberately avoiding tumblr bc it tends to make my mood worse rather than better; tragic. But sometimes I open the app and instead of checking notifications I just scroll and reblog and I can pretend that no one is being an asshole on the Internet.
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aphroditesmoon · 1 year
hello! i have a request for you, but first i wanted to say i’ve enjoyed reading your wednesday/wenclair works :)
may i please have gn reader x gwen relationship details? like cute things you notice about her, how she shows affection, or anything else you want to include? thank you in advance!
gwen stacy x reader fluff hcs #2
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a/n: omgggg tysm for reading my wenclair works🥹 I've found that writing is one of the only ways i could express myself as a queer person in a very hom0phobic country, im glad other people also find enjoyment in them!
warnings: none, fluff.
- she was very awkward having you come yo her band practise at first, at least in the early stages of your relationship.
- she ended up playing badly because she couldn't focus with you around.
- it all gets better when she realizes you can't tell the difference anyways and still tell her you think she did great💀
- cuddling with her is never really a "whos the big spoon" question, she prefers to have her face buried in the crook of your neck, so if she's hugging you from behind, or from the front, it doesn't matter.
- when she's feeling protective of you in some days, she'll definitely have your face planted on her chest, trying to hide your body in her arms.
- bad cook gwen !! 🗣🗣 she can make a neat instant noodle though, take it or leave it.
- you took on to learning how to make simple recipe foods when your started dating her, banana pancakes, a decent omelette, and a good ol' fashion pasta. she really loves how much you love making her food, like it's your love language.
-she has a picture of you in her wallet, from your first date. hobie absolutely destroys her with embarrassment while announcing to everyone that gwendy has a special someone she's hiding
- you two lovw thrifting together, theres a pretty crowded and known city in her universe with lots of tourism spots and cool trinket shops, and yet the two of you will always find yourselves in a thrift shop there, choosing clothes for eachother.
- teaching you to play drums (you lasted a week and gave up, neither of you ever mention it again)
- her first tattoo is on the back of her neck, a lyric from a song in the playlist you made for her.
- you have a spider tattoo on your back too, something to remind you of her.
- late night burger dates at the same burger stall by the corner of her apartment, the dude already memories yalls orders too.
- she always loses her jacket or hoodie but never worrying bcs soon enough she'll see that you're wearing it.
- she likes to buy you random things she thinks you'd like, like a sun shaped keychain, a book you've mentioned once, a cat mug that costed her 70$
- she also likes it when you'll randomly intertwine your hands together, you'll be walking together or simply talking and sitting, and you'll have the urge to hold her hands, she'll immediately leane into your touch.
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dazealigner · 6 months
also being a julien girl and being pretty girly i loveeeeeeee the idea of julien w feminine artist!gf ☺️☺️ i think a hc would be super cute talking abt clothes/makeup/hair/body language/music and overall adoration julien and her girly!gf have for each other:)))
where’s my cig i need a gf badly 😔🚬
as a fellow julien and feminine artsy girl, i had waaay too much fun brainstorming for this idea. i will say though that i didn’t really touch on the body language/music part just cause i don’t think being more feminine or masculine can truly determine those things so i didn’t know what to write for those. but here’s some headcanons i stirred up (: RPF UNDER THE CUT
jb x feminine artist!gf hcs
okay so we know that one of the many forms of art artist!gf partakes in is makeup. and i said it when i was responding to an ask, but i’ll reiterate that artist!gf puts in just as much patience and effort into her makeup as she does when she picks up a literal painting canvas
and julien doesn’t really have a lot of experience in the visual arts other than drawing, which she does do sporadically. but she does lack experience in the cosmetic department, not that it interests her a lot.
but she absolutely loves how you take your time doing your makeup. especially when you two are going out because all she needs is ten minutes MAXIMUM to get ready and then she gets to sit down on the toilet seat in your shared bathroom where you’re doing your makeup and just watch you in admiration
but she does hate when you try and leave her by herself to start getting ready HOURS before you guys even have to leave
“where’re you goin’, baby?” she asks when you get up from your spot on the couch next to her
“i’ve gotta get ready.” you reply, giggling at julien because she uses a frown and her big brown (👶🐮) eyes as an offering in hopes that you’ll stay with her a little longer
“we got a couple hours,” and now she’s scooting on the couch to reach where you’re standing before she gently grabs your hand, rubbing and kissing your knuckles, “you can give me just a couple more minutes. .?”
she inevitably ends up winning you over, and when you do leave to get ready, she just follows you
and on the days where she’s tired and she feels like staying at home and having a lazy day but you two made plans with friends prior to that day and it’s too late to back out, she’s extra clingy. once she quickly finishes getting ready, she’s walking into your shared bathroom, lazily wrapping her arms around your waist and resting her head on your back while you’re literally in the middle of doing your makeup. so now you’re incredibly stiff because you’re unable to lean forward to look into the mirror but you put up with it for her.
doing your hair is a whole other story. it can either take you thirty minutes or an hour depending on the day and what you decide to do with it (curl it, straighten it, etc)
but julien actually loves the anticipation of how you’ll wear your hair when you go out (bonus: especially if your hair’s naturally curly and you decided to wear it natural, she’s like ☹️☹️☹️, and if she’s seen baby photos of you with your natural hair, she probably just wants to tackle you lovingly and kiss all over your face)
but she just whole-heartedly loves your hair and it doesn’t matter what hair-type you have. like if your hair’s straight? she loves how it’s so soft and easy for her fingers to glide through. if your hair’s curly? she loves getting to play with the springy curls. and if it were anyone else, you’d scorn them for making your curls lose definition. but when it’s her? your perspective completely changes.
another thing is that she always has your banana clips and scrunchies in her car. so if you last minute decide that you wanna put your hair up, all you gotta do is open the glove compartment and there’s a variety for you to choose from
she’d also keep one of your scrunchies around her wrist when you guys go out in case you wore your hair down and changed your mind throughout the night. or maybe you didn’t wanna use it at that exact moment but you didn’t want the scrunchie on your wrist to ruin your outfit so she’ll wear it for you (lucy and phoebe always snap the scrunchie on her wrist to tease her)
speaking of outfits, you and julien’s fashion styles are completely different
julien’s day-to-day style consists of graphic-tees, plain colored t-shirts, skinny jeans or dickies, and a pair of converse or really any tennis shoes. your day-to-day style consists of babydoll crop tops/tees, washed low-rise jeans, and a pair of sambas.
but i think that occasionally you’d both incorporate the other’s style into your own. like when julien wore that sparkly mesh black crop top when she sung phoebe’s verse in silk chiffon, that was definitely yours. and there’ve been days where you spot a graphic tee in julien’s closet that you know you’re capable of styling in a way that’s suiting to you. and when julien sees you wearing her clothes, she 100% teases you about where you got them from knowing damn well she’s fuzzy on the inside just seeing you wear her things
random (but non-random) bonus: seeing as though she’s always with you when you’re getting ready, she’s picked up on a lot of makeup terminology and what most products do. so when you told her that setting spray makes your makeup last through EVERYTHING, she’ll leave it to herself to be the tester of that. cause is it really 100 wet kisses-proof?
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avenging-fandoms · 1 year
I feel like Pedro is craving love so badly but doesn’t allow himself to fall for anyone because he is so scared to be hurt again. This man 😭
I would love to read a fluffy/angsty one shot where he does fall in love before he even realize it and he gets scared and fuck things up. Maybe they can be friends at first. I want to cry and die.
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this tiktok of pedro talking fits so well with this fic.
Part 2
You were the light Pedro needed. The breath of fresh air. He was drowning- and you pulled him to safety. He was thankful for you every single day.
It was an accident that you met Pedro, but you're thankful you did. You were walking out of you coffee shop in Los Angeles and not paying attention to where you were walking, bumping into Pedro and spilling your iced coffee on you in the meantime.
"Oh, my goodness I'm so sorry" he scrambled to grab napkins and you thanked him with a smile, patting yourself dry. Thankfully you wore a black hoodie, but you still smelled of vanilla and coffee. "Here, let me buy you another one. This place has the best coffee and I bumped into you"
You smile. "Thank you" He lead you to the counter, and you ordered your coffee again.
"Didn't you just get a coffee, boss? Did I not make it right?" Dylan asked behind the counter and you shake your head.
"No, Dylan. I accidentally bumped into my friend here and I'm wearing your masterpiece" Dylan smiles and takes Pedro's order, taking his car and you two meet at the pick up counter.
"Boss?" he asks and you nod with a small curve of your lip.
"I have owned this coffee shop for almost 6 years now"
"No way, that's amazing. You guys are amazing. I pop in here from time to time and my coffee always tastes the same"
Pedro would could in frequently and ask for you every time. You two would split a banana bread and chat over coffee, really getting to know each other. Your employees teased you about it, they loved that their boss was finally falling in love.
You and Pedro were attached at the hip. He would take you traveling, on set, he loved showing you everything about his life and you loved watching it. Every time he looked at you, he thanked the skies for sending an angel in the shape of you.
It was the season finale for The Last of Us and you threw a party for just you and Pedro. You shut off the lights and throughout the show, you slowly leaned towards Pedro and end up crying on his shoulder.
The credits rolled through and you sat up, wiping your eyes as you look at Pedro. The only thing making you able to see Pedro's face was the thumbnail of the show. "Fuck, Pedro. You did an amazing job"
"Thank you sweetheart. Means a lot" he rubs your back and his eyes meet yours.
There was that feeling again. The feeling of loss. The gut put that leaves a bruise that healed on the outside but hurts every time you move. He saw every way he could lose you, and he saw every way he loved you.
"I have to go" Pedro quickly stood up and slid on his shoes, grabbing his sweater.
"Pedro, what happened? Did I do something?" you stood up and let the blanket fall off of you, turning on the light as you watched him scramble for his keys.
"I can't.. I can't do this" he breathed and slammed the door behind him, leaving you holding your jaw open as your eyes burned.
You lock the door and sulk back to the couch, flopping on the cushions and looking at the screen. Your guy.
Your body shook with sobs and your mouth let out the loudest cry. Your arms cradled your body, jaw numb from how hard you were crying. What did you do wrong? What happened in that millisecond time frame?
You calmed yourself down and sat up, writing an email to your employees that you would be taking the week off but would be popping in to see how everything was going.
You spent the week avoiding anything Pedro, but it was difficult when he was your world. And when he was all over it. When you dragged yourself into the coffee shop, you took down the pictures of you and Pedro off the Polaroid board, stuffing them in your pocket.
"Hey, Boss. How you holding up?" Dylan asked as he sat in the break room. He could see your red eyes and put down his phone. "Do I have to beat him up?"
You laugh and sniffle, Dylan giving you a side hug. "I just don't know what I did wrong. He freaked and left" you huff and he rubs your arm.
"My ex boyfriend did something like that. I still never found out why" Dylan said and you nod, patting his back.
"Thanks, Dyl. Keep up the great work" he nods and you head to the floor, checking on inventory and the employees while putting a fake smile on your face. They all could tell something was wrong, and they knew what it was, they just didn't want to make you anymore upset.
You headed home and rotted in the corner of your couch. Your body was sewed into the couch, crying on and off all day. You missed Pedro. You wanted to text him, call him. But he didn't want that, he made it clear.
You just wanted your guy back.
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sidekick-hero · 6 months
I didn’t know that it could be easy
(steddie | rating: t | wc: 3.071 | cw: none | Part 2 to this one | tags: Christmas Day, modern au, found family, marriage proposal, fluff | @steddiemas prompt "Christmas Day")
When the wonderful @sentient-trash sent me this beautiful steddie art I knew I needed to write something for it. So why not fix the heartbreak I caused with this ficlet here? Thank you again, Simon, I love your art so much 💜💜
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"It has to be perfect, Wayne. Do you hear me? Perfect."
Eddie knows he's overthinking this, obsessing over things that probably won't matter in the end, like the color of the tablecloth or whether the scented candles smell like cinnamon or vanilla. It's just...this is Steve and he needs this to be perfect because Steve deserves nothing less. Eddie almost screwed up this thing between them once, and he's been terrified of doing it again ever since.
It's a miracle and a half that they've made it this far. Their third Christmas as a couple, living together in their cozy apartment with their cat Garfield and their dog Bowie. That they made it to the point where Eddie has a ring hidden between his Dnd dice set, waiting to be placed on Steve's hand if he wants it.
God, what if he doesn't want it?
Because four years ago, Eddie had foolishly pined for Steve. Worst of all, he’d done so after pushing the other man away himself after a drunken night together early in their friendship slash roommateship. At the time, he'd thought his feelings had been one-sided, telling himself he'd done it so he wouldn't lose Steve completely. Eddie had never been the kind of guy you would choose to be with after a quick tumble in the sheets, so why would someone as sweet and funny and gorgeous as Steve?
As he discusses his plans for the evening with his uncle, so goddamn determined to make it the perfect Christmas for his boyfriend, he thinks back to their fight that had almost ended it all. Steve had been with someone else after Eddie had made it clear that their night together had been a drunken mistake and that he wanted them to be friends. Eddie had been dying inside, even as he tried to be happy for Steve. Things had come to a head when Eddie had come home and found Steve and his boyfriend Sam making out on the couch. He had reacted badly and Steve had followed Eddie to his room and confronted him about his behavior.
God, he can still see Steve's face, the tears forming in Steve's eyes as he told Eddie that he couldn't do it anymore, watching Eddie disappear before his eyes. Telling him that he fucking missed him. Steve's boyfriend had interrupted their fight before anything else could be said, and Eddie had left their apartment to wander aimlessly through the night.
"Don't forget the pecan pie, it's his favorite. And the banana ice cream. Yeah, I know I hate banana everything, but it's his guilty pleasure. I made some toffee and caramel beans to put in it and some chocolate topping and whipped cream to go with it, so - I don't know why you’re laughing at me, but I don't have time for this, he'll be back from walking Bowie any minute and I still have to put the presents under the tree. Just. Will you help me make this the best Christmas he'll ever remember? Please?"
He's an anxious mess, and he knows his uncle can tell, because instead of teasing him further, he just confirms in a warm and gruff voice that he will help Eddie make this the best Christmas for his boy. They end the call and Eddie rushes into their shared office and recreation room. It is actually Steve's old room from when they were roommates instead of boyfriends. Nowadays it's used as a guest room when one of their friends or his uncle sleeps over, and as a storage room for all the stuff they don't want lying around the apartment taking up space.
It's also where they keep the Christmas presents.
Eddie carefully carries them over to their Christmas tree and places them underneath it. All except one, which he puts in his pocket. Playing with the simple gold band in his pocket, Eddie couldn't help but think back to that night over three years ago.
He had snuck into their dark apartment, assuming that Steve was staying at Sam's to avoid Eddie. He had decided to tell Steve the truth about his feelings during his long walk, rehearsing what he would say, playing out a hundred different scenarios. Still, he hadn't been prepared to find Steve lying on Eddie's bed, apparently asleep while waiting for him, with Eddie's favorite hoodie clutched to his chest.
The sight had hit him hard, making his breath catch in his lungs and his heart stutter in his chest. He had just stood there for what seemed like hours, watching Steve's sleeping form on his bed. Steve had looked worried, even in his sleep, a slight crease between his eyebrows and the hand holding his sweater had been clenched into a tight fist. His whole body was hunched up as tight as it could be, his knees pressed against his chest as if protecting himself from the cold and empty room. That was what finally made Eddie move.
He went back into the living room and grabbed the afghan off the couch before making his way over to Steve. But as he placed the blanket over the sleeping form, Steve had stirred.
"Eddie?" He had mumbled, his voice slurred with sleep.
Unable to help himself, Eddie had knelt by his side and started to stroke his hair. "Yeah, it's me. Go back to sleep, Stevie. We'll talk in the morning, 'kay?"
But when he had tried to get up, he had been stopped by Steve's hand on his arm, his eyes searching Eddie's with surprising clarity. "Stay. Please."
Maybe it was the late hour or the emotional exhaustion. Maybe it was because Eddie had no fight left in him to deny himself or Steve what they both obviously wanted. Maybe it was just the way Steve had looked at him, the memory of the tears in those eyes still clear in Eddie's mind. Whatever it was, Eddie had just slipped out of his jeans before crawling onto the bed right behind Steve, pushing the sheets out from under them to pull them over their heads. With their bodies pressed together and Steve in his arms, they had both fallen asleep.
The next morning they'd woken up late, still tangled under Eddie's blanket. Everything had been warm and hazy, perfect really. When he felt Eddie stir behind him, Steve had rolled over in his arms and they had just looked at each other for a long moment before Eddie had broken the silence between them.
"I'm sorry, Steve. I don't even know where to begin to tell you how sorry I am."
Steve had just taken his hand, his thumb caressing the back of it in small circles, and it had given Eddie the courage to go on.
He told Steve all the things he had been too afraid to say before.
They had talked for a long time. Steve telling him how much he had wanted Eddie that night, drunk or sober, that he had liked him for a while and had hoped they would get together afterwards. But then Eddie had called it a mistake and asked Steve to be friends. So he'd tried, but he'd never gotten over Eddie. Sam had known that Steve was nursing a broken heart when they got together, and after seeing how Eddie had reacted to their relationship and how it had gutted Steve to see Eddie pull away, he had put two and two together. He wished Steve good luck, but said he couldn't wait for Steve to get over someone who clearly wanted him back.
"I fucked up bad, huh?" Eddie had asked with a pained smile, looking at their intertwined hands between them. He couldn't believe that Steve was still here, holding him close and lifting their joined hands to his lips to plant a soft kiss on the back of Eddie's.
"Kind of. But I think we can fix this."
"And how do you suggest we do that, oh wise one?" Eddie had asked, hope blossoming in his chest at the warmth of Steve's smile.
Pulling Eddie impossibly close, Steve whispered against his lips, "Would you just kiss me, you idiot?"
Eddie had never been happier to be called an idiot, as it led to them exchanging soft kisses that soon became more heated, tongues sliding against each other to take each other's moans right out of their mouths.
When they finally stumbled into their kitchen, it was late noon, but that didn't stop them from making breakfast together before spending the day lounging on their couch, exchanging kisses and soft whispers of how happy they were to finally be here.
That day, Eddie had vowed to work hard to never let something so precious slip through his fingers again.
Since then, they'd adopted a grumpy orange-and-white cat with one eye and a mutt, moved Steve's stuff into Eddie's room ("Because that's where we finally got our shit together, Eds"), and Wayne had all but adopted Steve into the Munson family. Robin, Steve's best friend, had taken a little longer to warm up to Eddie because she had a front row seat to Steve's heartbreak thanks to Eddie being an idiot. But she had come around, as had Steve's little brother Dustin, who was away at college, a fact Steve didn't take too well. So Eddie had invited Dustin and his mother, as well as Robin, without telling Steve, hoping it would be the perfect surprise for him.
As if his thoughts had summoned them, the doorbell rang, alerting Eddie to the arrival of his guests. Opening the door with a flourish, he found Dustin and his mother standing there, along with two large suitcases.
"The Hendersons! Welcome to our humble abode, please come in." Eddie greets them cheerfully before leading them into the warm and cozy apartment.
He gets them settled in their guest room and is about to make them both some hot cocoa when the doorbell rings again, this time revealing Robin and his uncle, who happen to have arrived at the same time. They also gather in the kitchen, with Wayne taking over the cocoa duties. They all shove more presents into his arms, which he dutifully places under the tree as well. And in a wider circle around it, because holy shit, that's a lot of presents.
The only thing missing is Steve, who takes their dog for long walks whenever he has the time and hasn't been back yet.
Wayne is in the middle of telling a rather embarrassing story from Eddie's childhood, which the man himself tries to stop, but to no avail, when he is saved by the sound of a key turning in the lock of their front door. Eddie mimes for everyone to be quiet as he makes his way to the door as quickly as possible.
"Stevie, light of my life, you're back!" Eddie calls out in excitement as soon as the door opens to reveal his boyfriend and their dog.
Steve, on his knees letting Bowie off the leash, looks up at Eddie with suspicion. "What have you done now?"
"I'm wounded, Steven. Wounded! Why do you accuse me of some unknown crime before you even give me a kiss?"
Steve grabs Eddie by the collar of his Christmas sweater and pulls him in for a kiss, smiling so hard it can hardly be called that. "Because you get extra loud and dramatic when you're trying to hide something. So what have you been doing?"
"A special Christmas surprise, honey." Mrs. Henderson speaks up, making Steve whip his head around to face her.
"Claudia?" And then his eyes land on the other guests gathered in their kitchen. "Dustin? Robin? What...why? How? I thought you had to spend Christmas with your parents, Robs?"
"That was all Eddie. He arranged for all of us to come here and spend the evening with you. I have to leave later to drive over to my parents, but not for another four hours or so."
After hearing Robin's words, Steve slowly turns back to Eddie, and this time the tears in his eyes are from happiness, not heartbreak.
"Eddie," is all he says before he slams into him, his arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders and his face nestled in his favorite spot just above Eddie's collarbone. "I love you." Steve whispers, his voice choked with emotion.
"I love you too, Stevie," Eddie whispers back, right into Steve's ear, the words meant just for him.
After that, they all gather around the improvised dining table Wayne had set up. It is a simple construction with another table the same height as their kitchen table, so they could push them together and decorate them with a large tablecloth to make it look like one. They eat the roast Steve had prepared, everyone praising his cooking skills, making him blush and his eyes glow with pride.
For dessert they have pecan pie, much to Steve's delight. "Eddie insisted it had to be pecan," Wayne reveals, earning Eddie a wet kiss on the cheek from Steve.
"You're spoiling me, Eds."
"It's not spoiling when you deserve it. Besides, the pie is for everyone, it just happens to be your favorite." Eddie deflects, suddenly self-conscious. Maybe he'd overdone it, just a little, in his quest for the perfect night. But what is it they say? In for a penny and all that. "I might have something just for you, though."
Before Steve has a chance to say anything to that, Eddie is already up from the table to get the ice cream from the kitchen. By the time he comes out with it, everyone has stuffed themselves with the pie, leaving none for Eddie. Putting the ice cream in front of Steve, he complains loudly about it. "That's how you thank me, I see. Scoundrels, all of you."
A plate with a large slice of pie is placed in front of him. "I saved you a slice, baby."
Eddie presses both hands to his heart and pretends to melt. "Aw, you do love me."
Instead of answering, Steve just kisses him before looking down at the bowl in front of him. "What's that?"
"Banana ice cream with toffee and caramel beans, topped with whipped cream and chocolate sauce."
Steve plunges the spoon into the creation and takes a big bite, letting out a moan that's downright pornographic. "Oh God, please marry me."
Across from them, Wayne nearly chokes on his coffee at Steve's words, and Eddie gives him a warning glare. Wayne is the only one in on Eddie's plan, which Eddie begins to regret. But he needed someone to organize some things, especially the custom-made rings.
After dinner, everyone gathers around the tree, including Garfield and Bowie. Garfield is sitting on Claudia's lap, having taken an instant liking to her, while Bowie is sleeping at Wayne's feet. As usual when their little family gets together, the gift exchange is a cheerful and chaotic affair. Eddie gets new guitar strings from Robin, a new set of custom-made Dnd dice from Dustin and Claudia, and Garfield slippers from Wayne, as well as a can of motor oil with the promise to change Eddie's oil together next weekend. Steve's gift, however, was the most treasured: two tickets to a Metallica concert right here in Chicago.
Throughout the night, Wayne had been taking pictures of everything, claiming that they would be glad to have some memories later on. So when all of the presents have been handed out, he leads Steve and Eddie over to the tree for a picture.
"We need Garfield and Bowie here, too, if it's a family photo," Steve exclaims, his cheeks rosy from equal parts eggnog and joy. "Come here, Bowie. Good boy." Bowie, who is just as much of a sucker for Steve as Eddie is, promptly follows. Eddie knows that Garfield would not be so easily persuaded, so he walks over to Claudia, plucks him from her lap, and places him at Steve's feet.
What Steve doesn't know is that this is all part of Eddie's plan. The two pose in front of the tree with Bowie between them and Garfield weaving between Steve's legs. Just as Wayne's about to take the picture, Eddie turns to Steve and, seemingly outta nowhere, grabs a Santa's hat and puts it on Steve's head. "There you go, now you look all dressed up for the occasion."
"How...where did you hide that?"
"Pulled it out of my ass. You better check to see if I have any more Christmas stuff stashed there later, big boy."
Eddie can't know it yet, but he hopes Wayne captured the exact moment Steve's face scrunched up in surprised laughter. But even if he hadn't, Eddie hadn't been able to tear his eyes away from it anyway, as he memorized every single detail of that very moment.
As his laughter subsides, Steve opens his eyes again to look over at Eddie, only to find him kneeling with his hand outstretched and something small on his palm. A simple golden ring.
"Oh my God."
More than one gasp of surprise could be heard from those around, but the only person whose reaction matters to Eddie is Steve. Who looks at Eddie with big, shining eyes and an open mouth, completely taken by surprise.
"Steve, I have rehearsed this a million times and I still do not have the words to tell you what you mean to me. What our life together means to me. I love you so much it scares me, because surely people aren't supposed to feel that much, but I do. And I want to be scared every single day for the rest of my life because it means I get to love you. I get to cherish you and laugh with you and take care of our furry kids together, and Steve, sweetheart, I want to marry you and promise you forever. And I can't wait for nothing to change, because the life we have is already perfect. And if that didn't make any sense to you, I'm really sorry. The most important thing is that I love you. So, Steve Harrington, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"
Steve has tears streaming down his cheeks, but he’s smiling. In fact, he’s smiling so big it has to hurt, and when he kisses him, all Eddie can taste is happiness and love. After that, Steve peppers his whole face with kisses, each one pressing another "Yes" into his skin.
Their love story might not have begun like a perfect fairy tale, and Eddie had no idea if it would end like one. But the middle? It was pretty damn perfect, if you asked him.
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tiredfox64 · 1 month
Hello !! I was wondering if I could request a selkie! Reader x Raiden, where they are allies, but raiden doesn't know that the reader is a selkie and while training together and Raiden finds the readers seal skin and the reader tried to seduce him to get it back. Raiden has feelings for the reader and falls into it and ends up confessing to the reader, who then explain the situation??
Smooth and Selkie
Prior notes: Ah yes selkies, the original furries…I have a fear of the leopard seal from Happy Feet. Those things bellow or something.
Pairing: Raiden x Selkie! Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: WE’LL CARRY ON
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You have traveled far from your usual harbors and shores. It’s fun to travel to new places and it’s even more fun to see new people. One swim got you all the way to China near the Fengjian Village. A young man with a straw hat caught your eye. Oh how badly you wanted to meet him.
But you can’t meet him when you can only make some grunting sounds. Smacking your stomach won’t bring the right attention to you. Making a banana shape won’t do it either but you look cute at least. Yeah, keep rocking back and forth you look silly. You had to wait for a full moon, then you had the chance to meet that young, handsome man.
A full moon came and you were able to shed your seal skin. Your beautiful figure was being appreciated by the moonlight. Your voice was sweeter than a siren’s call. All you need is some proper clothes and you can finally go out to see that lovely man that the villagers call Raiden. Guess you are staying in Fengjian longer than you expected.
From the beginning Raiden was tempted by you. How couldn’t he be tempted? You were just so pretty and he could listen to you talk for hours. Something about your voice made him feel warm in his stomach and heart.
The kindness you both showed each other would make any passerby’s tooth ache from how sweet it all was. Damn near gave Kung Lao a stomach ache as if he ate too much candy.
You were fascinated by his fighting skills and his care for gardening. Raiden was fascinated by your knowledge of multiple places and your love for the sea. He could sit there and listen to you talk for hours about which fishes are the tastiest and different sort of Celtic mythology.
Soon enough you felt the desire to train and learn from him which he was happy to hear. Why not learn to fight, it will do you good. It also allowed you more time with Raiden.
Just remember to keep your seal skin safe and nearby. You can’t risk anyone getting their hands on it. Not even Raiden.
Usually you left your seal skin in a bag or hidden in a bush that was nearby. And you did the same today. Except your bag fell over and your seal skin was peeking out. It’s hard to miss the soft, spotty-patterned material. But it’s okay! Maybe you can hide it again once you and Raiden are finished training. If you actually figure out what happened before it’s too late.
By the end of training you two were beat. Huffing and puffing as if you two just had—I’m sorry I won’t finish that statement.
Even when you were a little sweaty Raiden saw you as so beautiful. Your smile never faltered. You were just happy to spend time with him on such a nice sunny day.
“You’re doing excellent. I’d say you’re doing better than my sister. Oh but don’t tell her please.” Raiden said in a joking manner.
You giggled softly, “You’re too kind, Raiden. I’m going to get some water, you coming?”
“No, I think I’ll just sit here for a bit. I just need to catch my breath.” He answered.
You nodded before walking off to get yourself some water. Raiden stayed sitting on the floor, basking in the sunlight while appreciating the nature around him. Then something caught his eye. Something white was poking out from the bushes. Oh how strange.
Raiden got up and started walking over to investigate. When he got close he saw that it was a furry material. He looked at it with a perplexed expression as he reached down and grabbed it.
Your seal skin felt so soft to him. The pattern on it was unique. Though he has no idea what animal this came from. It doesn’t feel fake so he knew it was real. Before he could even notice the flippers that were part of the skin you were already back after getting a drink of water. Your eyes widened as you see what Raiden had in his hands.
Oh no
This didn’t seem good. You were always warned about men taking your seal skin. They will keep it and never return it and you will be forced to stay with them. You don’t want to be forced to love. Raiden is a nice guy but you’re still scared he might know what he is capable of now that he has your seal skin. You had to get it back. The only way you know how to do that is by seducing him. Your heart was pounding as you made your way over to him.
“What are you doing over here, silly? I thought you wanted to rest.” You said in a voice that was as sweet as honey.
You placed your hand on his face and made him turned towards you. You already got a reaction out of him. You saw his shocked expression while feeling his cheek start to warm up. This is the first time you ever touched him in a loving manner.
“I-I just saw this thing and I…” He was stumped.
“You shouldn’t be getting distracted by silly things, Raiden. Though you do look cute when you’re curious.”
That was a genuine compliment and Raiden felt that. His heart just did a backflip hearing that. To hear that you thought he was cute made him so happy. Just look at that dopey smile in his face.
“How about you put down that seal skin and spend some time with me?”
He was about to do what you said but paused once he realized you said seal skin.
“Seal skin? How do you know this is a seal skin?” He asked as he went back to looking at it.
You panicked and made him face you about before he could see the flippers, “It was just a wild guess haha.”
You were getting close to Raiden without even realizing it. Your chest was pressed against his arm. You were looking up at him with a panicked smile on your face but he overlooked that fact. His brain was being fried due to the close contact.
Don’t mess this up again. You have him wrapped around your finger. Push it.
“Just let it go, you don’t need to hold onto that thing.”
You started bumping your nose against his. It’s a way that you show affection. And he is really affected by this affection. You could hear his breathing grow heavier. You seemed even more adorable to him than you were before. You’re really putting in the work to get your seal skin back.
Raiden’s heart might just explode. He didn’t know you liked him that much. He thought he missed some signals beforehand. He would feel stupid if he did.
“If you love me you’ll let the seal skin go. Don’t you love me, Raiden?”
“Yes! Yes! I do love you!” Raiden was so ecstatic that it surprised you.
“I thought you would never ask. I didn’t want to push any boundaries. I don’t know what made you start flirting with me now but I’m very glad you decided to do it. You know you didn’t have to do all that though, you already won my heart the moment I saw you.”
Finally, he dropped your seal skin. He immediately hugged you which prevented you from grabbing your skin. You were also in shock. One, you didn’t hide the fact that you were trying to seduce him. Two, he thought this was genuine.
You feel so bad now. You need to spill the truth and tell him what you were doing.
“Uh, Raiden, I need to tell you something very important.”
Oof, that was difficult.
You told Raiden the truth about you. You told him that you are a selkie and that he was holding onto your seal skin. You explained your worries and how you were just trying to get it back from him.
He understands but he did get bummed out that you weren’t actually trying to flirt with him. You were doing it out of desperation. He apologized for worrying you. You apologized for misjudging him on his intentions.
“So that means you don’t actually like me.” He said it in such a somber tone it felt like your heart was being choked after hearing it.
He looked like a sad rejected puppy who didn’t get adopted by a loving family. He felt embarrassed too since he admitted he likes you.
“No! I do! I really do like you! Please believe me, Raiden.” You practically tackled him to the ground trying to proved that you did like him.
You would never think about breaking his heart. It would kill you. You came on the land just to be closer to him. You’re worried that you have ruined it all and now he won’t like you. You didn’t tell him the truth and you deceived him. How will he ever forgive you?!
“Thank the elder gods.” He let out a sigh of relief. Clearly, he forgives you. He’s happy that your feelings were true.
So what if you’re a selkie. Won’t change the fact that you have a lovable personality that brings Raiden closer to you. If anything it makes you even more unique to him. Who you truly are won’t change the fact that he will love you still, human or seal.
After notes: I love listening to seals make noises. Listen to these stupid idiots. Look at that banana form. Glorious creatures of nature.
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satorusgirltonight · 2 months
"𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚝 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚜𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚍𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚎𝚡𝚒𝚜𝚝" 
"𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖍𝖔𝖜 𝖊𝖑𝖘𝖊 𝖉𝖔 𝕴 𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖈𝖗𝖎𝖇𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖜𝖆𝖞 𝕴 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖑 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖞𝖔𝖚❓" 
Modern Vampire (kinda stalkerish???) ! Choso x F! Reader 
tw// stalkerish tendencies, choking, mentions of blood, implied kidnapping? 
I didn't proofread this- reblogs and notes appreciated
You lived in a small townhouse, next to a pair of brothers who were quite friendly, but the eldest brother was.. 𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕖𝕥, to say the least. He never really spoke to you,  he just waved or stared into your soul. Yuji itadori, the younger brother was always super kind to you, whenever you would see him in the mailroom, or just around, he would come up to you and ask you things;
"𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶?"
Or sometimes, it was 
"𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘴?"
Yuji Itadori was far too young for you if he was trying to flirt with you, and he wasn't your type. You always answered his questions respectfully, but sometimes you were short with him, as to try and deter his weird questions. 
His brother, Choso Kamo, was quiet.. Interesting.. To say the least.. 
You would see him and try to say hi, but he’d never say hi back. It was weird, and eventually, you just stopped taking it personally. But then again, he was always 
One morning in the sweet spring of April, you got home from your long day of classes, only to find a lovely bouquet of flowers, your favorite, on the doorstep of your townhouse. You picked them up, looking for some sort of note or tag that said who they were from. Nothing rang a bell, and you put them in a nice vase on the kitchen counter. 
Choso Kamo watched from a bush. The bush was quite uncomfortable and it wasn't a very fun place to watch you from, but what other option did he have? This was his first ‘advance’ he could say, trying to show his desires for you through anonymity. 
He always admired you. The day you moved in, Yuji had made banana bread and asked him to deliver it to you. 
That was the only time he has really ever spoken to you, and probably ever will.  Until he saw you in the mailroom. He could hear your pulse, and the vibrations your natural pheromones gave off to him were insatiable. 
The sun caught your face so well that day, and he accidentally made direct eye contact with you. Something he would not get over, as he had your attention for that split second. 
You had tried to talk to him that day but he left before you could say something. 
Then it happened at the convenience store down the street. 
Then it happened as you were both arriving home at the same time
Then it happened when you met up with your friend at the local park. 
Then he followed you to school. 
Then he followed you whenever you left the townhouse.
Yuji itadori soon realized he had some sort of crush on you, or at least a desire to know you, so he confronted his brother about it. 
Choso blew it off, and told Yuji to not give it any thought. 
Until Choso realized that you TALKED to Yuji. So Choso decided to bribe his brother with some money for video games, and had him ask you questions about yourself, your favorite things, and hopefully would invite you over. 
He just hoped you would never find his stash. 
No, not of cash, of blood, rather pigs blood, not human. 
But he so desperately craved it. YOUR blood. Just yours, and only yours. His mind was on it constantly, whenever he saw you, he could practically already taste it. 
But he never wanted to hurt you. As if he bit you, it would hurt, badly. 
Human bites are also binding. That’s what's killing Choso Kamo. 
When and if he ever did bite you, your soul would be bound to his, forever. You’d also stop aging, but you’d remain human, unless you decided you wanted to turn. 
It was a gamble he had to be willing to take at some point.. He knew it was you that it had to be, after 155 years of looking for someone that might actually interest him. 
You were sweet, almost too sweet. You left a sugary taste in his mouth, which always burned in his body for hours after. 
Then Yuji invited you over. 
He usually just sat on his phone while watching you and his brother play just dance, or some other video game. Eventually, Choso wanted to play. 
He couldn't get enough of you. It was a disaster at this point.
You found yourself getting closer and closer to Choso Kamo as the months went by, and by the end of the summer, you had his number. 
He was surprised when you sent the first messages. 
He was elated when you brought up the twice a week gifts at your doorstep, too. 
He found some sort of comedic relief when you brought it up to him while he was over at your place for the first time, without his brother in attendance. He took it all in, learning every inch of your space. 
"I just don't know who’s doing it, I would get a doorbell camera but I dont have the money for it” you said to him, sitting next to him on your couch, loading up the video game you wanted to play. 
“I wouldn't worry about it, the gifts are harmless right?” Choso said back to you, holding back his smile. 
“Yeah they are, but it’s just a bit off putting, I don't know anyone who would do it.” you said, grabbing him a controller. 
your voice was sweet, and your pulse was LOUD in his ears. 
He was at the point now where you considered him a best friend. He hated that. He wished you saw him as more. Although he couldn't read your mind, he almost wished he could, so he’d know how you truly felt. He knew you felt the same. You had to! There was no way you didn't, with the way you looked at him, accepted his gifts and texted him 24/7 with all your issues, hopes, and dreams. 
You often invited him over late at night, if you couldn't sleep, but recently he hasn't needed an invitation. He had stolen your spare key a while back, and when he saw you weren't sending him tik toks, he knew you had fallen asleep. 
Until he got caught. 
It was late and you had put your phone down after your long day, you were drained but you were still up due to the amount of caffeine you had. It was quiet, peaceful and serene, you almost fell asleep until you heard your front door open. 
Your heart froze in fear. You didn't want to move but you did anyway, grabbing a pocket knife you had in your bedside table and calling out. 
“Who’s there?”
Well getting caught was not on Choso Kamo’s bingo card. 
He froze almost as much as you did. There wasn't any turning back now, he was halfway into your living room space. 
 “𝓘𝓽𝓼 𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓶𝓮” 
You recognized Choso’s voice immediately and relaxed. 
“Choso?” you called out to him, coming out of your room. You were wearing his sweatpants that he let you borrow, and a tank top. 
He was over the moon to see that.
“Yeah, hey” he said a bit awkwardly
“What are you doing here..? It's three in the morning” you said, seeing him in your living room. 
He could lie, but he didn't want to. 
He started inching closer to you. 
“You know that spare key you lost?” he said, all sense of sanity started to leave his mind. 
“Yeah, a few months ago” you said, in the darkness. 
“𝓘 𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓵𝓮 𝓲𝓽.” 
“Oh, uhm.. Why?” you said, starting to question everything you knew about your best friend. You let out an awkward laugh, now getting nervous as he backed you to a wall. 
“To be closer to you.” he said, bluntly, grabbing your hand, stealing the pocket knife from your hand. 
“You could've texted” you said, trying to piece the puzzle together.
Has he always been.. Like this? 
“Where’s the fun in that, when you look so pretty just existing.”
You were silent, not knowing what to say. He grabbed a piece of your hair that was in front of your face, and pushed it behind your ear. He could hear your pulse, and it was tempting for him to bite but he refrained. 
“I sent you those little gifts, I hope you liked them.” he said, his eyes not leaving yours. 
You did like them, and you would've liked them more if he gave them to you without love letters and anonymity. 
“Why are you doing this, I trusted you.” you said, angrily, confused in the three in the morning haze, being pinned to a wall. 
“When I saw you, in that mailroom for the first time, I knew you were born to be mine, and mine alone”
“That isn't love Choso!” you exclaimed, knowing he wouldn't like that answer. 
He pinned your body to his, fully. 
“I’ve done everything in my life to keep you with me, I KNOW I love you, and you need to be with me. It was love at first sight”
This was NOT the Choso you knew. 
“Love at first sight doesn't exist, Choso” you said, pleading, feeling his hand rise to your neck, lightly choking it, now feeling the main pulse on the side of your neck. 
It was heaven. He had you in his grasp, finally. 
"𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖍𝖔𝖜 𝖊𝖑𝖘𝖊 𝖉𝖔 𝕴 𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖈𝖗𝖎𝖇𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖜𝖆𝖞 𝕴 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖑 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖞𝖔𝖚" 
He tightened his grip around your neck, and around the pressure points in your neck. You tried to struggle, but it was pointless.
“Let it happen, i’ll take such good care of you i promise.” he said, sadistically watching. 
Is all you heard as you felt lightheaded, and eventually, passed out. 
“This is the start of our perfect life together.” 
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do y'all want a part two
part two  
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assortedvillainvault · 2 months
Hi! I was browsing the Lord Shen tag and found your blog 👀. I loved the headcanons for ShenxReader through the wolf henchmen's pov ❤️.
Would you mind sharing some headcanons but from the pov of the fluffy Lord peacock himself?
Hi Anon, thank you so much!!
I'm so sorry that my Lord Shen Masterlist slipped my mind - I'm fighting tumblrs atrocious tag search to find my previous writings for him and get them on there for you. In the meantime please - have some more!
Lord Shen x Reader Headcannons
- This stuck up, mithery, hairpin tempered ball of anxiety and condescension is officially your problem now. I mean. You chose this, so I’ll leave it to you as to what end of the bad choices scale you’re landing on, but man. You sure picked.
- I also can’t get over the fact that – in China and most of the East: white is associated with death and sadness, and mourning. You not only picked the unhinged genocide gun bird, you picked the only person in all of China to be literally born emo via albinism.
- I will get back to the above, but I’m mcfucking losing it over the image of Shen being. The smaller of the two of you.
- Like if you were a smaller creature he could properly get his elegant noble stride on, nose in the air and tail gently swishing behind him as he circles you, admiring every angle and relishing the nervous, excited little glances you give him. He might not be a strictly predatory species but he sure loves that thrilling edge of not-quite-stalking. He’s too high class for the genuine article, that’s what he has the wolves for.
- But if you had the audacity to be larger than him?!
- He’d grind his teeth if he had any. He wants so badly to intimidate you – making sure to step with an extra click of metal coated talons, words honey-barbed and sticky as he looks for chinks in your armour, having to crane his head back and up to look you in the eye and- look- could, could you just- just lean down? Lean down for goodness sake just- there. There. Lovely. As he was saying…
- Shen going to go bananas planning the perfect courtship. Everything must be. Exactly. As he plans it. God forbid you trip on the stairs. If you bribe the guards to move all furniture two inches to the left you’re going to have a great time watching Shen’s eyelid twitch for twenty minutes as he tries to figure out what’s ticking him off.
- Want a shortcut? Say nice things about his cannon. No seriously, it’s not a euphemism (though it could be-)
- The cannon is the culmination of Shen’s ambitions, the reason for his exile, the demonstration of ingenuity that set him apart. Seeing you run a hand smoothly over the intricate castings and complimenting his life's work is going to fill him with so many butterflies he’ll have the wedding ready by noon.
- Of course he does, underneath all the royal snobbery and sass, really, genuinely like you. More than he ever thought he could ever like another person. Go you.
- ...He can’t contain the terror that you might not like him back. Not because of all the murder, no, that’s clearly not the issue. But because he isn’t perfect enough for you. Because he’s not enough.
- Shen popped out of his egg all but rocking the 2007 bangs and MCR soundtrack of his time: born the colours of death in a house and species traditionally all the colours of the rainbow will have been like a self fulfilling prophesy – unspoken but not forgotten as he grew up and internalised his inadequacy by striving for excellence in literally everything else in life.
- Excellence in the form of weaponry, security, excessive control and genocidal ruthlessness. Combined with ingenuity, high intelligence and paranoia: all wrapped in a package of straining courtly manners and a need to constantly have the upper hand.
- You keep taking the fucking rug out from under him by reversing the script and being nice. Even his nanny (soothsayer, who has having a great time munching popcorn and giving incidental commentary) gives him shit and drives him up the wall – yet you’re out here, smiling (how dare you-) and- and saying he looks good (he knows, knows he looks sickly and out of place, a reaper amongst royalty-) and – of course you want to hand his hand really, who wouldn’t (who would?) - he’s fine, he’s fine-
- If he dared to let you go, he’d shatter like a discarded doll.
- How does it feel, reader, to hold the fate of all China in the balance of your smile?
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mayorwatermelon · 4 months
Stretched and Swollen from Sprite (And Bananas (and three and a half dinners))
I didn’t actually set out to stuff myself this night. Between having a big gym session and somehow forgetting to eat all day, I was just really hungry! I met my friends at the sushi restaurant after getting cleaned up from the gym, and proceeded to order two entrees (chirash don, which is just really good raw fish over rice, and spicy chicken yakisoba stir fry) without too much thought. I had to make up for lunch, after all. 
Now, I had forgotten this, but sometimes sushi can get me a little more bloated than you might expect. Or maybe it’s the rice, I’m not really sure. Anyway, after finishing both of my dinners in about 15 minutes, and to the amusement of my friends, I could feel my belly rounding out nicely. It pushed out against my shirt, swelling with whatever weird reaction happens when I eat a ton of sushi. The feeling was both surprising and a bit arousing.
I leaned back in my seat, not trying especially hard to stifle my burps, and watching my friends eat their delicious meals with a bit of envy. Towards the end of the evening, one of my friends took pity on me and offered me the half of her ramen that she couldn’t finish. I gratefully wolfed it down, my stomach groaning and gurgling, and driving me a little crazy. See, I was full, but not stuffed. I couldn’t get the thought of gorging myself well beyond my limit out of my mind all the rest of the night, and by the time I was driving home I had made up my mind.
Settling down on my couch, I ordered a foot long Philly cheesesteak, cheesy fries, an Oreo milkshake, and a bottle of sprite. You see, I also had a bunch of bananas sitting on the counter, and I had always wanted to see what a sprite and banana bloat felt like (spoiler alert, it didn’t disappoint). 
I downed my fries sub and milkshake in pretty short order, belching and rubbing my swelling belly right where it hurt the most. Now, it was time for the famous combination. I was nervous and excited, I couldn’t wait to see how much more full and achey my tummy would get, but I really didn’t want to ruin the night by throwing up. 
I ate two bananas, and started to take long sips of the sprite. It took a little while, but I started to feel the reaction taking place. Keep in mind, I was already packed full with three and a half dinners. But now, I could feel my stomach sloooowly expanding. I needed to burp so badly, but the only ones that came were small, leaving me terribly bloated. I was hooked, though. I drank half the bottle, my belly groaning and stretching, feeling waves of pain and pleasure. I couldn’t stop rubbing the left side of my upper tummy where it ached the worst.
Still, I needed more. I ate another banana between more sips of sprite, groaning softly. When I finished I was a mess. My belly hurt soooo badly, and nothing I could do made it feel any better. It didn’t get visibly much bigger, but WOW did it feel stretched out. A half hour and a lot of belly rubs and soft moans later, the bloating had gone done somewhat, enough for me to drift off to sleep.
I have to say, I am hooked on the banana and sprite combo on top of a stuffing. It really sent me over the edge, and I love that once made the decision to do it, I was locked in, and forced to suffer through it. I can’t wait to try it again.
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isa-ghost · 14 days
Yea, undying duo if phil and foolish! Because phil is mr hardcore survival minecraft and foolish is a totem of undying :D
basically, both cubitos have a wack relationship with death (and, I think, aversion to using totems? I know phil for sure but I'm a bit unsure about foolish)
I've done some qFoolish ones before!
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Phil would take another "vacation" with Foolish any time. Especially since the second time around, he actually got to know him really well. He'd like to see him again the next time they're in the same realm. :')
If he wasn't so Fuck The Feds he would consider doing some kind of huge cool build like the kids wanted them to so badly. Maybe in the next realm they'll do it because they won't have some kind of government hovering around. It's just too bad the kids won't see it.
He wishes he could've actually had time to actually enjoy having the titan by the wall but the Feds relocated them all like right after. After the way Foolish and his builds were disrespected last time they shared a realm, Phil is PISSED the Feds had the audacity to basically do the same. Especially when Foolish (kind of) worked for them!!!
Of everyone he got close to on the island, Foolish is one of the ones he wishes he had more time with. He feels like they were weirdly in different worlds despite them both being present so often. That's,, probably kind of Ender King's fault, honestly. He feels like he fell away from multiple people when things got bad.
Tbh he kinda wanted to ask Foolish about wtf he was up to in the last realm they were both in (aside from building) but decided against it bc a majority of his memories from that one are awful. So either Foolish was suffering too, or Phil wouldn't trust himself not to envy him for not having a horrid time.
Insert "MCC is some kinda canon interdimensional death games" hc here. Phil has SEEN Foolish kick ASS in a way that wasn't hysteria-driven Bolas rabies.
I'd like to think there's been at least one event or something where they just sat together and gave each other building tips.
The historian part of Phil's brain wants to talk to Foolish about what his Literally Undying ass has seen and lived through. How long has he been alive?? As long as Phil? Longer? He needs to know.
He's not sure where the eternal banana came from and at this point he's too afraid to ask.
Phil thrives on being a bystander of Foolish and Bad's find each other in every universe curse. He's not sure if the last realm before QI started it or if they've crossed paths even More before QI, but boy does he love getting to watch their beef.
See, Foolhalo might find each other in every universe (derogatory), but Phil knows the REAL one is Foolish and Tina finding each other in every universe (affectionate).
Something something Foolish totem something something Phil refusing to use totems when he's home in Hardcore. Is this anything. Someone cook for me I'm too stupid.
Phil is never gonna understand when or how Foolish became "King of the Capys" or why they chose him specifically. He assumes Foolish just hung out with them the most or something.
He barely got to know Vegetta but he just KNOWS he was Foolish's type. Which is wild bc prior to getting government assigned spouses, Phil didn't even think Foolish was fruity. Somehow. Looking back, it actually kinda makes sense to him. From what little he knew of Foolish before QI.
Inversely, Foolish was absolutely STUNNED to know Phil is some flavor of poly let alone fruity at all. Which is hilarious bc Phil is too tunnel-visioned on other things to try hiding that fact. But no, shark man beyond baffled that Phil lowkey adjusted to having a government assigned husband almost instantly. AND became possessive of said husband over time.
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bluenotes75 · 1 year
Aonunete oneshot
Originally posted on tiktok : @preachneteyam
Theme : friends in denial having a sleepover
fan art : maridee_arts
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Aonung stared at the ceiling as he lay on the bed. He had tried absolutely everything: from counting sheep to watching to asmr.
Yet, no matter what he did, he couldn't sleep.
The reason was simple. His mind kept wandering to a certain someone sleeping in the room right next to him.
Yeah, Neteyam.
He knew this sleepover was a bad idea. What did he expect from an activity organized by Lo'ak?
Yet, he hadn't found it in him to refuse when his sister practically begged him to participate - their parents refused to let her go to the Sully’s house alone.
…and maybe Neteyam was also another reason why he agreed. He was his best friend after all.
Either way, he found himself in their living room with a unique thought in his head: passing time with Teyam. He already knew he would have fun in his presence.
What is funnier, however, is that things never went go as planned. Barely 20 minutes into the evening, Tuk stole Neteyam from him and stuck to his side the whole night.
While anyone could think it was an innocent action, Ao'nung knew she did it out of spite for not buying her McDonald's the previous day. (broke after spending all his money on Neteyam, Tsireya and Tuk).
So here he was, unable to close an eye or even think of how to make peace with Tuk no matter how hard he tried. He was in Neteyam withdrawal and he wanted to see the boy so badly.
After an umpteenth failed attempt at falling asleep, the light-skinned boy made up his mind and stood up determined: he would get his daily Neteyam dose. He headed toward the oldest Sully brother’s room and knocked on the door.
No answer.
After a second try, he opened the door to find an immobile silhouette on the bed, submerged in darkness. The dark-skinned boy’s soft snores were all that could be perceived in the quietness of the room.
He walked up to the bed and bent to reach Neteyam's level.
“Tey,” he whispered.
No answer.
The pretty boy was far too lost in his slumber to react. Ao’nung felt guilty for what he was about to do, he didn't want to cut short his hours of sleep, but the need to stay with Neteyam was stronger.
He shook Neteyam’s shoulder softly.
“Uh ?” the dark-skinned boy woke up in confusion, and squinted at the shadow facing him before softening his expression.
“ Oh, it's you Nung.’’
He slowly sat, his amber eyes staring right back at Ao'nung who watched in silence.
“You seem sad, is everything alright ?”
At the question, the wavy-haired boy pulled out his acting skills. He was aware of Neteyam's soft spot for him being sad and he was going to use it to his advantage.
“I had a nightmare,” he whispered, somber expression matching his tone.
The shorter looked surprised by his words, but that startlement soon melted into fondness. He scooped to the left and tapped the space beside him.
“Wanna sleep next to me?” he then asked in the usual gentle tone that Ao'nung has been missing all day.
The latter nodded eagerly, biting the inside of his cheek in hope of hiding his grin as he settled down next to his friend. Neteyam laid to face him and adjusted the bed cover over their bodies.
“You feel better now ?”
Ao’nung nodded before closing his eyes. Just being in Neteyam's presence made him feel much better. Yet, a few minutes later, he was still wide awake.
The small size of the bed made his skin brush against Neteyam’s at each shift. And each contact left a burn on his skin.
It wasn't enough. He wanted to feel Neteyam against himself. So much, it ached.
He stared at the object of his yearning who seemed to be back in his peaceful slumber. From closer, he could study him better, the darkness barely being an obstacle anymore. Neteyams long lashes, his nose adorned with freckles, his lips…
He swallowed. Sometimes he just wanted to-
Ao'nung looked away as his heart clenched. He couldn't let his mind wander to things about his friend. What would Neteyam think of him? Before he could beat himself over it, his eyes fell on another detail.
The red octopus plush Neteyam was hugging.
Two things crossed his mind. First, how precious the was scenery. The shorter one looked so adorable and Aonung was screaming inside.
Second, was how much he wanted to be that plush. Why was Neteyam hugging it instead of him?
He frowned and glared at the plush. Tuk already stole Neteyam, nothing would get his friend's time except for him.
'Watch and see,’ he mocked the poor plush as he rose on his elbows, making the mattress bend under him.
“I'm still sad, can we hug,” he let out before freezing at his own boldness.
Yet, Neteyam seemed too tired to notice as he opened his eyes faintly, sleep having returned to his body. He then opened his arms as an invitation after setting the plushy next to his pillow.
Ao'nung didn’t waste a second to slip into the hold, wrapping his own arms around Neteyam’s waist and hiding his nose right above his collarbone. The latter adjusted his position at the same time, and his braids fell on Nung's shoulders.
The taller sighed in satisfaction as Neteyam's body heat as well as the fruity scent of his shampoo invaded him. Soon after, he felt arms tighten around his neck and fingers play with his locks. He knew it was his friend’s way of comforting him and the embrace was just how he expected it to be :
Soft, welcoming and solacing.
“What about now,” Neteyam’s gentle tone caressed his ear.
“Way better,” Ao’nung whispered as he felt sleep slowly overpower his body.
But that peaceful state didn't last for long.
“You are such a big baby,” Neteyam giggled.
Suddenly energized, Ao'nung jerked up, a fake offended expression painted on his features.
“Hey ! I'm a man,”
Neteyam rose his eyebrow with a teasing grin.
“If that's what helps you sleep tonight,”
Aonung gasped before quitting the hold.
“You are so evil,'' he wiped a nonexistent tear.'' Tuk is rubbing off on you,”
Neteyam giggled once again, before opening his arm wide open.
“I'm joking Nungie, come back here.”
''Why should I? You are so mean,''
''You can also go back to your ro-''
Ao'nung took back his comfortable position with no further complaints.
“Good night,” he heard Neteyam laugh above him.
Silence fell over them as he thought of what to answer.
“With you, it will be for sure. Thank you tesoro,” he finally whispered as he tightened his hold on Neteyam's middle and laid his head on his chest, not noticing the boy's blush. Something else had caught his attention.
“Your heart is beating so fast,”
The shorter tensed at his words. When Aonung tried to face him, he had hidden his face in his pillow.
“Shut up and sleep,” the boy's muffled voice came out.
Ao'nung fought down his smirk and soon, he let sleep overpower his body.
And if he stuck his tongue out at the now lonely octopus plush watching them, that's a secret between him and Morpheus.
Neteyam waited until faint snores filled his ears to finally let go of the breath he was holding. He watched fondly the usual confident boy now sleeping in his arms. It was so cute.
He then blushed as he remembered Ao'nung's hands around his waist. For some reason, it made them more flustered than it should, and he couldn't help but hide his face behind his hands.
His heart skipped a beat as his mind wandered back to the nickname Ao'nung had called him earlier: 'tesoro'. The boy would only call him like that on rare occasions. Until this day, Ao'nung had refused to tell him its meaning and all Neteyam knew was that it was from his first language.
He also knew it made him feel special.
When the shorter felt his cheek heat again, he decided it was enough pining for the night. He pecked the top of Ao'nung’s head, before hugging him tighter and finally closing his own eyes.
The end
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prof-peach · 1 year
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ADOPTABLES NOW LOOKING FOR A HOME £25 (British Pound) per mon, Paypal only, First come first serve, DM to proceed with a paypal email for the invoice should you be interested.
HOUNDOURXPOOCHYENA -------- SOLD MECH RATTATA --------------------- SOLD ODDISH (CRETA) -------------------- SOLD MAGIKARPXCARVANHA ----------- SOLD
------------------------------Bio's below-------------------------------
As you approach the adoption booth nestled beside a smoothie stand, and a small shack renting wetsuits for the ocean close by, a woman with dark hair tied back smiles in your direction. The staff member dons the token Dōtaku green shirt, whispering to the cluster of pokemon at her feet, and the one in the tank on the table behind her, all watching on, ever hopeful.
"Welcome to Dōtaku Island's adoption day, we have three sweet mons looking for their forever homes, each with unique personalities, which im sure I can shed some light on for you, if you like?"
As you move along the line, she begins to talk to you about each.
You start on the small pup, a dark furred pokemon that stares up at you with big open eyes, standing just under 2ft in height. "This one was rescued from Magma grunts, a Houndour and Poochyena cross. She was quite agressive at the start of her rehabilitation, but now has passed all saftey measures with flying colours, and enjoys a good scratch on the belly these days. The professors have worked wonders on her, she'd make an excellent companion for anyone who struggles with the cold, but probably not the best for serious battle, as she's a little shy when under direct observation by many people. Her typing is Dark currently, and we dont expect her to gain more than mild fire attacks shoudl she choose to evolve. Warm cuddles are something she specialises in, an ember no doubt may be possible with time, but a mighty flamethrower might not be in her cards. Focus her exercise on agility, she sure can run, and LOVES to chase things, so balls and frisbees are great fun!" Next in the line is a rather old looking Rattata, one hand prostetic, but seemingly dexterous and functional.
"This little fella is affectionatly known as Clank, he walks around and you can hear his little paw on the tiles in the labs, so it kind of stuck. He unfortunatly found his way into some farming equipment that got turned on, and was brought to us as a last chance about three years ago now. He survived against all odds, sadly other professors and medical experts didnt want to give him the chance her deserved due to his common species type. Clank however defeated all odds, recovered, despite losing tail and hand, he was gifted a new one by Professor Grey, and now lives a very busy little life. He loves bananas and peanuts, and has a sharp mind, so needs a lot of enrichment like complex toys and one on one time with a trainer. He's not too good with larger mons, so we advise he have his own space, or go to a home with other smaller pokemon."
The third is a rather large oddish, standing double the size of the average specimine of its kind.
"This lovley lady has been nicknamed Monroe, she's a bit of a diva now, but wasn't always so confident. Professor Peach spent a couple years one on one with her to build up her moral. She came to us with a pretty heavy viral infection that caused dieback in the leaves, and her unusual complexion, the lumps however are superficial, and cause no discomfort, issue, or long term effects other than originally causing her emotional distress. She use to feel less than pretty, we'd had a few trainers pass her up due to hew apperance, they were less than friendly about their opinions of her, as you can imagine they got chewed out pretty badly by Peach and all teh staff who were there to overhear. She felt down, so the one on one time was all about making her feel amazing again! When her leaves started to grow back in we realised she was an unusual species, resembling Aglaonema Creta, a very pretty plant. She is jolly and sweet and kind, and just wants to shine, potentially a great candidate for contests or more flamboyant battles if you were so inclined."
The last in sat in a large tank on teh stall behind her, a grumpy looking water type.
"Mr.Grumpy here isnt all that mean, dont let his expression fool you, he's been looking for a home for a while now, but he just gets passed off as intimidating or scary, so it's been a long journey for him to find that perfect partner. A Magikarp and Carvanha cross, he can be tempermental, a little rough at times, not so easy to handle, but more than capable in a fight. he likes his fin held, and the staff have taken to putting movies on a laptop for him when hes not out in the rivers and waterways. His check ups go swimmingly, pardon the pun, thanks to media distraction. He hardly bites anyone these days, unless youre rude and done ask him before handling him. He's all about polite manners, so if you do that, nothign can go wrong! We're not sure what he'll evolve into if he chooses to, though we have a sneaking suspicion he'd be a water/dark type due to his moveset."
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atinyniki · 8 months
stole my heart, angel
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group: stray kids !
pairing: roommate!seo changbin x f!reader
genre: fluff, angst if you squint, romance
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, friends to lovers + enemies to lovers??? (it'll make sense later i promise), changbin is referred to as bin and binnie, some playful (mean-ish) nicknames, lots of illegal actions, reader and changbin get wasted.
authors note: i've had this storyline on my mind for a while and decided to finally execute it ! this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 3366
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you quickly clamped your hand over your mouth, forgetting that you needed to be quiet. you prayed that no one heard you. 
you stare at the now empty dresser, all the jewelry that was once on it, gone. you knew you should’ve suspected something when you saw that the window was already unlocked. 
slowly, you make your way to the table, careful not to make any noise. once you see the card, you know exactly what happened.
you walk out the same way you came, closing the window carefully, not wanting to wake the couple sleeping in the next room.
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“hey angel!”
seo changbin. your best friend. your roommate. your silly crush that you still haven’t gotten over.
“hi bin.”
he had just gotten back from practice, and it was pretty late in the night. you knew that changbin was going to return later than usual, as he had texted you earlier. you thought it was the perfect time to steal the necklace you had been wanting so badly, but ‘angel’ had beat you to it.
“what’s wrong, grumpy pants?”, a playful smile plastered on his face. you wish you could’ve told him the truth, that your night had been ruined because of this idiot named ‘angel’, but you didn’t want to get the police called on you.
“it’s nothing, i’m just a little tired”
changbin walks over to the kitchen, in need of some water. he grabs you a glass too and sets it on the coffee table in front of you. 
“thanks bin”
“no problem, angel”
changbin had been calling you angel since the beginning of your friendship. you’ve always found it cute and endearing, until now. it’s started to remind you of ‘angel’, and every time you’ve had to see that card because you failed to beat them to stealing whatever it was you were targeting.
you didn’t want to tell him to stop though, you knew he wouldn’t anyways. you quickly chug your glass of water and make your way to your room. it was ridiculous of course, but right now you just wanted to sulk. you really wanted that necklace. you flop down onto the bed, praying that you could get a good night's sleep for once. 
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you groan, but changbin persists. you feel your body being pushed around, and soon the covers are off you. rubbing your eyes slowly and up, you check the time. 8:28 am.
“ughhh it’s too early, let me sleep some more”
“i’ll get you those muffins from the cafe you like”
in an instant, your body shot up and darted for the bathroom to get ready for the day. you can hear changbin laughing behind you, but the only thing on your mind were those damn muffins.
strawberry muffins. chocolate muffins. banana muffins. so many great options, but you went for the same one every time.
“we’ll have two blueberry muffins please!”
changbin laughed at your excitement, but still didn’t know what all the hype was about. a muffin couldn’t be that amazing right? regardless, he decided to try it out to see if it’s as good as you say it is.
the employee hands you the muffins while changbin paid, and you go to sit down at your usual spot, except this time, you're with changbin. 
as soon as changbin sits down, he stands right back up. “i think you were so excited about the muffins that you forgot about our coffee, dingus”
your ears go red with embarrassment. “oops, sorry”
changbin gets back up to bring your coffee and pay, but you’re busy staring outside. suddenly, a cute brown bunny jumps on the windowsill outside, her adorable nose twitching ever so slightly. you twitch your nose right back at her, mimicking her actions.
changbin walks back with your coffee, but doesn’t sit at the table just yet. instead, he stands and watches from afar, he doesn’t think he could be close to you while you look so adorable without flushing bright red right there and then. 
after a minute or so, he finally makes his way to your table, still watching as you wave to the bunny. 
completely forgetting that changbin was with you, you jerk your head to his seat after you see someone sitting in it. “oh, sorry, i didn’t know you were here yet”
he hands you your drink, and crouches so his head is at the same level as the bunny. quickly, the bunny hops away as fast as she can, making a run for the field in the back. 
“you scared her away, stupid”
he looks back at you with a frown, “i know. i didn’t mean to though”
he’s upset because he ruined your fun, but you just laughed at him. 
“binnie you have to try this muffin. it’s incredible, i promise.” 
he tentatively takes a bite, and you smile wide when you see his eyes widen.
“you really weren’t joking, this is phenomenal”
“what can i say, i have good taste”
he playfully scoffs at your words, but finishes his muffin and drags you out before you can order another one. you both make your way back home together, changbin forgetting what he woke you up for the first place. he didn’t regret it though, not one bit.
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you have your eyes set on the ring on yeji’s dresser. yeji was a popular singer, rich and chic. most things she owns are expensive, so you thought why not. you climb in through the window, but you slow down slightly when you hear rustling behind you.
grabbing the ring and placing down your card, you swiftly hide under the bed when you see a shadow behind you. 
they enter the room, looking for something on the dresser, only to find your card there. ‘tsunami’
“shit”, you heard him whisper.
well, at least now you knew he was a guy. he makes his way out, but you linger there for a while. you took a quick peek from under the bed, only to see his face shrouded by a balaclava, just like you did.
you make your way out not too long after a while, and celebrate your mini victory with a trip to the cafe. thank goodness it’s open twenty four hours.
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the next few weeks go by, random trips with changbin, pressure with work, and of course, your little competition with ‘angel’. it sucked that you lived in the same town and had the same targets, but what could you do in such a small town. 
the both of you have been making headlines left and right. it’s always, “angel this” or “tsunami that”, and quite honestly you found it funny no one’s caught you yet. it’s not like you were being all that careful, even though you probably should be.
you make your way to the closet, getting ready for the party at your house today. you decided to pick a fitted black dress, short and cropped at the thigh. 
you walked out the room to help changbin, who’s getting all the drinks ready for the party. you know how much he and his friends love getting wasted. as soon as you enter, changbin jerks his head towards you, jaw slowly hanging open.
you didn’t really expect changbin to have that kind of reaction, but then again, he’s never really seen you in a dress. you’re not that much of a partier. suddenly, heat spreads throughout your entire face, and you are certain you look like a strawberry right now.
changbin, quickly snapping back to reality, starts fixing the tables again, doing anything to distract him from his thoughts. “you look nice”. 
“yeah yeah, your reaction told me enough”
changbin stops in his tracks, “sorry i didn’t mean to-“
“im just teasing, stupid”
he flashes you a nervous smile before getting back to work, and that’s when you hear the door open. you quickly walk over to invite them in. 
yuna runs towards you to give you a big hug. it’s been so long since you’ve last seen her. 
“oh my gosh! how are you?”
your conversation went on regularly, and more people started coming in. lia joined in too, and you were all enjoying your time together. 
most people were already drunk. jisung is already white girl wasted. it honestly looked kind of fun, you really needed to let loose. so eventually you figured, why not? it’s not like you have to drive yourself home right?
you began taking a couple shots with seungmin. you weren’t all that drunk yet, so you took a couple more. your body wasn’t very used to alcohol, since you haven’t drank that much in your life at all. 
suddenly, it hits you like a ton of bricks. the haziness, adrenaline, and before you knew it you were dancing with lia, screaming your lungs off. 
changbin was still with jisung, not doing any better than you. he’s had too many to drink tonight, that’s for sure, but is that going to stop him? no. no it’s not. 
and it’s not stopping you either.
you begin making your way to the kitchen again, grabbing another shot and downing it. it stung your nose a bit, but it’s not like you cared. you feel great, you haven’t felt so alive in a while. 
you made it back onto the dance floor, where you felt a pair of hands on your hips. you didn’t necessarily care who it was, you just lost yourself to the beat. he danced with you, his muscular arms beginning to wrap around your waist. 
you turned around, vision hazy, but you could still see changbins figure standing right in front of you. he began to speak nonsense, slurring his words. “you look s’ pretty, couldn’t help it”, he hummed.
you didn’t realize what you were doing before you latched your lips onto his. you blamed it on the adrenaline rush, but he just sounded too beautiful for you to stop now. he deepened the kiss, pulling you closer and holding onto your waist.
you slowly pull away, still in a daze and not realizing what’s going on. lia quickly pulls you away somewhere in the crowd. she didn’t realize what you were doing either, but she had something she wanted to talk to you and yuna about. 
soon, the party ends, and chan helps you and changbin clean up the house a bit. being the driver, chan is obligated to stay sober, but it’s not like he drank all that much anyways. he gets changbin into bed somehow with a lot of fussing. 
mayuka, another one of your friends, gets you changed and ready for bed as well, and it isn’t ’t all that hard of a task since the alcohol began wearing off. you can’t remember anything that happened tonight, but all you know is that you’re going to wake up with the worst headache of your life.
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you wake up just as expected, your head was ringing, and you woke up incredibly late. you get out of bed and got ready for the day. changbin already got home with the muffins, going to the cafe becoming a daily routine for your saturdays together. 
instead of coffee, he grabs the apple juice from the fridge. “fruit juice helps more with hangovers. you feeling okay?”
“yeah i’m fine, my head just hurts a little”, even thorough your exhaustion, you manage to give him a little smile. he ruffles your hair and then pours you a glass of juice, handing you your muffin and walking back to his room. 
your memory slowly starting coming back, and your thoughts went back to what happened last night. you were embarrassed, but decided not to speak of it since changbin probably forgot about it.
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that same night you decide to target miihi this time, another famous singer. you manage to find her whole jewelry box, and you knew it had to be valuable. you make your way into her bathroom, where her items are. you stop in your tracks when you hear a whisper. 
“what do you think you’re doing.”
you turn around and see a man in a black compression shirt, a ski mask covering his face.
“the same thing you’re doing. stealing. i’m willing to split it if you want” 
“splitting? now why would i do that”
you thought about this for a moment. either of you could just take the box and run with it, but you try to think of an answer.
“i’d rather not argue right now, my head hurts a lot”
fine, whatever, he’d accept it. but only for his own sake. his head hurt a lot too.
he reaches for the jewelry box, but you quickly snatch it and make a run for it. you’re tired, your head hurts, but you can’t let him win. 
unfortunately, you trip over the side of the bathroom door, and fall with a thud. angel starts snickering, and you freeze. you’ve heard that laugh somewhere before. it’s unmistakable. 
you’re hallucinating. you have to be hallucinating. there is no way angel, the bane of your existence, was seo fucking changbin.
you quickly come back to your senses when you hear footsteps. you scramble to put everything back. you turn off the lights, and drag angel changbin with you into the cabinet. 
it’s crowded, and you’re trying your best not to make any noise. you’re incredibly close to him, and it’s all clear to you now. you look over to his arms, big and muscular. just like changbin. you look at his shirt, it’s the shirt he loves to wear when in the mood to show off.
you look straight into his eyes. angel is without a doubt, seo changbin. you let that sink in for a while.
you sit there with changbin for a good 20 minutes. you wanted to make sure miihi fell back asleep. soon, you both exit the cramped cabinet. 
you take your fair share and leave as fast as you can, not looking back at changbin. you make sure he lost track of you, and made it back home 10 minutes before he did. 
you were scared. you didn’t know how to tell changbin you knew about his secret.
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changbin has been thinking about the kiss you shared nonstop for the past week. the videos were posted everywhere, he’s surprised you didn’t see it. 
even though he was drunk as hell, he remembers every single thing. 
he remembers how your eyes fluttered shut.
he remembers the feeling of your plush thighs caging his knee.
and most of all he remembers the way your lips feel on his.
they fit so perfectly together, like a lock and a key. he wishes he could just tell you about it, about how he felt about it. but he couldn’t. he knows you didn’t mean the kiss, you were just drunk. he wished he could’ve stayed with you that night to tell you how he felt, but he couldn’t. 
he checked his maps, and clicked onto your location. you were already leaving the house and on your way to your new location. he’s found the perfect distraction.
he chooses a different route and gets there before you, holding the jewelry right in front of your face. you leave the house together and you stare at him in disbelief. 
“how do you always know where i’m going?”
“i have my ways” 
you two begin to talk more once you get further from the house. you’re certain it’s changbin, his loud voice is a dead giveaway. 
he gets more comfortable talking to you, or perhaps, your persona. you catch on quickly, and you couldn’t stop yourself from blurting out your thoughts.
“you know who i am, don’t you.”
“of course i do, you’re tsuna-“
“no changbin, you know who i am”, you reiterate.
changbins at a loss for words. he stops walking, and you’re now standing in front of him. 
“i’m sorry, i was going to tell you soon i swear”
you slowly pull your mask off, and pull his off seconds later. “why? i’m not upset at you binnie, im just a little confused”
he looks at you with his mouth agape, like he’s trying to say something, but he can’t get it out. you give him a reassuring smile, and he mumbles something under his breath.
“what was that? i couldn’t hear you”, voice still soft.
“i wanted to… get your attention”, he confesses.
your eyes widen a bit. you’d be lying if you said you weren’t surprised, but you held changbin’s hand tightly. you didn’t want to push him away or scare him.
“you know you can just text me right?”
he couldn’t stop himself from rambling. “i’m sorry, it’s just that- you don’t seem to like me all that much. not how i want you to like me. i thought that if i could be angel i could get your attention somehow and… i don’t know- impress you i guess.”
you can see how his cheeks flush after his confession. you hold him closer to you and brush his messy hair out of his face. 
“i’m sorry i made you feel that way, but i promise you that’s not how i feel at all”
changbin frowns. he’s scared you’ll hate him after this. he still decides to let you explain. 
“then how do you actually-“ 
he got cut off by a bruising kiss. your hands make your way to his hair and you tug at it, pushing him closer to you. he closes his eyes and holds you closer to him, enjoying the moment before it had to end. you couldn’t let him go this time, not how you let him go at the party.
you pull back from him and look into his eyes. they’re slightly teary, but you’re still not done with your confession, so you continue.
a kiss on his cheek.
a kiss on his jawline.
a kiss on his neck.
a kiss on his collarbone.
you look back up at him, and the crimson has passed to his chest as well. he pulls you closer for a crushing hug.
“i love you so much y/n”
you hear the erratic beating of his heart in his chest.
“what’s wrong?”
he places his chin on your shoulder and kisses your neck. 
“you have no idea how long i’ve waited for this my angel.”
your heart swells at the petname, even though you’ve been called it many times. 
after a few moments of walking and giggling with eachother, you bring up another point.
“so i’m guessing you’re going to stop stealing now?”
“yeah i probably am. you should stop too, i don’t want you getting arrested or anything, dumbass”
“hey! well, the only reason i continued stealing was to get on ‘angel’s nerves”, you scoff.
you make it back to your house and you both get ready, but before you can make it to your bed, he picks you up bridal style. 
he sets you down on his bed and lays down next to you. you open your mouth to speak but he doesn’t let you say a word and instantly starts peppering kisses all over your face.
“jeez, changbin-“, you giggle. you try to wriggle out of his hold, but he won’t let you.
“no, please”, he spoke softly “please don’t leave”. you stare into his eyes, a pure form of love swirling around in them. “i’ve been waiting for you for so long. please stay. just this once…”
after a few moments of more cuddling, you speak up. “you know, after i kissed you at the party i thought you would’ve confessed not too long after.
“you remember that?!”
“how could i forget, dummy”, you giggled.
you kiss him again, just like you did at the party, smiling onto his lips, and you wrap your arms and legs around him. maybe it’s too soon, but you’re far too comfortable with changbin to start from the very beginning. 
“i love you binnie”, a peck on his nose.
embarrassed, he hides his face in your neck. “i love you too, angel.”
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foreverdolly · 2 years
Stay-at-Home Sweater Dad Elvis fixin' peanut butter banana sandwiches for the kids 🥪🥪🥪
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“Where is mama?” Teddy asked for the third time in a row, standing in the doorway to the kitchen. He kicked his small leg back and forth as he gripped onto the doorframe, his little sock covered feet sliding against the tiled floors. Elvis let out a small sigh as he cut the sandwich in half, arranging the pieces on his children’s plastic plates. “She’s sick, baby. She’s upstairs resting in mama and daddy’s room.” He opened up the fridge, pulling out a container that had a few carrot sticks that Miss Mary had already cut up for the kids. He had decided to give the woman the day off, letting her get situated in her new home. Elvis had recently surprised her with a house of her own, buying it for her so that she wouldn’t have to keep living in an apartment complex. She made constant complaints about her younger neighbors being disrespectful, and Elvis didn’t take kindly to anyone treating his loved ones badly.
He placed a few on each plate before shoving it back in the fridge. You, your husband and your children had been spending a lot of time up at the Buddhist gardens recently, and seeing the way that they lived had inspired the both of you. You two were on a health binge, throwing out anything that contained unnatural sugars, dyes or large quantities of unhealthy fat. Which meant no bacon. It had been a difficult sacrifice for Elvis, but the man was thirty four and hadn’t felt this good in his entire life. 
Peanut butter had been the one thing that he refused to give up, and so you and Miss Mary had perfected a homemade recipe, which was made with honey rather than cane sugar. It was better than the jarred stuff, that was for sure. His love for peanut butter and banana sandwiches had been passed down to his children, and so whenever it was his turn to take care of the kids? They got what they wanted, because he spoiled them rotten. You pretended to be stern about his constant cooing and pampering, but he knew that you secretly loved it. “Why is she sick, daddy?” His son had an even stronger southern drawl than he did, but it was only because the six year old boy was missing his two front teeth. He smiled to himself before turning around, pointing the butter knife at him. “She got it from you, lil’ boy. Now you’re feelin’ better and runnin’ amok in the house. I liked you better when you were all sweet and cuddly two days ago.” Teddy wrinkled his nose, grinning up at his father before running over to his side, wrapping his arms tightly around his leg. Elvis reached his hand down, running his ring clad fingers through the boy’s hair. Your son was the spitting image of Elvis. Looked just like him to the point where it was a little scary sometimes. His mannerisms though? All you. 
“Where’s your baby sister, hm?” Elvis grabbed the plates, hobbling into the hallway that led down to the jungle room. Teddy was still clinging to his leg, refusing to let go. The father just dragged the kid through the house, used to his antics. “Daisy Lynn Presley! Get your tiny butt down here!” He called out, ducking his head into rooms to see if he could catch sight of his runaway toddler. The ebony haired man stumbled a bit as his son put all his weight on his leg, chuckling as he gently tried to kick him off. “You tryin’ to kill me, boy?” Teddy shook his head, giggling as he let go to run off in the direction of the jungle room, plopping himself down on the hideous couch so that he could be right in front of the television. Elvis handed the boy his plastic plate, placing the other one on the coffee table as he started his search. 
After he had checked the lower level of the house and found that the small girl was nowhere in sight, he began to grow panicked. He was quick to climb the stairs two at a time, but froze as he saw her small form in front of the closed bedroom door. She was sitting down on the carpeted floor, looking up expectantly at the door as she gently knocked every few seconds. You were probably passed out cold from all the cold medicine Elvis had given you this morning. Poor little thing- you were as sick as a dog. “Daisy girl, what are you doin’, baby?” He cooed, moving to reach down and pick her up. Weaning her off of her pacifiers had been an uphill battle, so when she started mumbling around the paci, he was quick to grab the end of it, pulling it out of her mouth. “You gave your daddy a heart attack. What were you thinkin’ climbing up the stairs all by yourself? You could fall.” He started his descent, and she was quick to look over his shoulder. “Mama!” She reached out with her small hands, motioning over towards the door. “Mama is sick, baby girl. I don’t want you to catch it.” There was nothing that Elvis hated more than seeing his family sick or injured. He felt bad for you, and had been checking in on you every hour, making sure to give your sweaty forehead extra kisses.
Elvis had seen just how bad off you were with your headaches and stuffy nose, and the last thing he wanted was for your small daughter to be just as bad. Her body was so tiny, afterall. “I’ve got peanut butter and banana sandwiches downstairs, baby. Let’s go watch some cartoons, alright? And then after that, we can go outside and play on the golf carts.” And with that he plopped his daughter down onto the couch next to his son, handing her half of the sandwich he had made for them. She was quick to abandon her pacifier, making quick work of the sandwich. Teddy had already finished his and was currently staring at the television, munching on his carrots. “You gotta eat all of those, alright?” The boy was too engrossed in The Muppets to pay any mind to his father. “Theodore, look at me when I’m talkin’ to you, baby.” Teddy turned his head, looking at his daddy before picking up another carrot. “That’s my boy.”
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ceo-of-kimona · 4 months
Some Kimona headcannons for y’all to chew on.
I honestly don’t know if I can really come up with enough ideas for one of these posts but whenever I see someone else do one of these for a ship I like I go fucking bananas so this needs to be done.
• They often watch horror movies together. Kim usually doesn’t react to them that much other than a few snarky comments but Ramona does sometimes need to cling onto Kim’s arm if things get really messed up.
• Sometimes at super gory scenes she tends to stare at Kim like “you really watch this crap??” Partly out of judgement but mostly just so that she doesn’t have to watch the scene.
• Kim is more of a coffee person while Ramona is obviously a tea person. One time when they were bored and feeling silly, they tried to combine their tastes and brewed a concoction they called “cofftea”- a mix of black coffee and herbal tea. It went extremely badly.
• They now have an inside joke that whenver there’s some horrible concoction of booze and god knows what being served at a party one of them goes “hey at least it’s not cofftea!!” And then they both pretend to laugh hysterically in order to mess with people at the party.
• Whenever thanksgiving comes around, they tune into the dog show that happens after the Macy’s parade just to play a game called “how many rats could it take in a fight” where they judge each dog in the show by guessing how many rats it would take to defeat it.
• Gideon (cat) likes Kim a lot but weirdly enough he licks Kim’s hands whenever he can. Sometimes when she’s just resting her hand somewhere, he specifically comes into the room to just lick it. Kim is very annoyed by this but finds it just endearing enough to let him do it.
• Ramona is trying to teach Kim how to skate. Kim is a clutz so it’s not exactly going well
• Ramona and Kim regularly go to smashing rooms together (they’re these places where they give you some smashy weapons like hammers and bats and roll out a bunch of breakable stuff like old tvs for you to smash. They exist irl and are very cool).
• Ramona is very much prone to simulation sickness, i.e. getting really motion sick when playing video games. One time she tried out playing on a gameboy that Neil gave her for her birthday and after 45 minutes of playing she immediately needed to go throw up in the bathroom. Kim sat by her while she hurled into the toilet, patting her on the back occasionally.
• They are both chronic insomniacs, but in different ways. Ramona often just straight up cannot sleep, while Kim falls asleep fairly quickly but repeatedly wakes up in the middle of the night. They both have the same remedy for their insomnia when it happens, going downstairs and drinking some lemon soda. Whenever their insomnia syncs up and they see both of each other downstairs, they say hi and then both pretend that the other doesn’t exist (lovingly).
• they tend to gossip with each other about their exes (especially Scott). Kim tells dumb stories about Scott being a weirdo in high school and Ramona has gallons of scolding hot tea to share.
• Gideon attempted to reassemble the league in order to fight Kim, but none of them really wanted to fight her. Lucas felt bad about beating up a girl, Todd was too busy having his gay awakening to care about Ramona anymore, Roxie was already very good “friends” with Kim so she was an auto no-go, and the twins were just kinda over the whole league thing and were too busy with their music carreer, so the only one who showed up was Matthew. He proceeded to fight Kim in a very similar fashion to how he tried to fight Scott (crashing one of her gigs) but the two ended up having a heart to heart about how high school relationships can suck a lot and can still affect you into adult life. They both came out of it as better people and Matthew just kinda left. He strode into the sunset if you will.
• They nuzzle each other’s noses… a LOT.
I think that’s all I can come up with right now I think. If I do come up with more I’ll make another one of these I suppose. If any of you wanna submit hcs for me to put into a post send an ask please please please please
Special thanks to @subspace-surfer for helping me come up with some of these! Lil headcannons like this are surprisingly tricky for me to come up with. I specialize more with lengthy rants.
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