#i want them to make him cry and then be so nice to him like hes their baby
courtingchaos · 1 day
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Undesired signal leakage from one sound channel or track to another.
Playlist (if you wanna play along at home.)
Eddie Munson x Fem Reader
Prompt: Eddie - I really like the idea of making him a naughty tape full of audio recordings of you playing with yourself for when he's out of town and you can't be together for a few days. But it's a surprise so you pass it off as a regular old mixtape and he doesn't suspect a thing until the first two songs end and then the real stuff starts.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Masturbation, reader tattoo mention
A/N: I have a list in my notes of prompts and I don’t remember what ask this one came from originally so apologies for that.
18+ NSFW No Minors
Eddie digs through the bag he hastily packed that morning while the phone sits tucked between his cheek and his shoulder. “What kind of surprise is it? When did you even get it in here? Is it dirty?” He gasps into the receiver. He can feel you swatting his arm even from four hours away.
“It’s nothing wild, it’s just-“
His fingers close around something almost buried to the bottom and he fishes it out, slick plastic cassette case gleaming in the low motel light. “Did you make me a mixtape?”
“I told you it wasn’t anything wild.”
He knows you’re twirling your finger through the phone cord, your chin probably tucked into your collar in mild embarrassment.
“I love it.”
“Don’t uh, don’t go playing it for the guys though.”
“Oh so it is dirty.”
“No, I just don’t want them making fun of me for putting Linda Ronstadt on there three times.”
“Three? What are you, breaking up with me via music?” Eddie teases you while he reads the insert you lovingly wrote on, little hearts in the corners beside the 10 track listing.
“No! She’s just got a way with the language of love!” You whine into the phone and Eddie laughs.
“Okay, okay. I’ll keep it all to myself. Gives me something to listen to while I fall asleep.” Behind him the shower cuts off and he knows Gareth will be out to finish his tangent on getting bullied out of his terrible pizza toppings. “You gonna be okay if I let you go?”
“I won’t cry myself to sleep if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Oh shut up, I know you walk that widows peak night and day awaiting my return from…Detroit.”
“I don’t waste my time like that. I know you’re up to your armpits in groupies.”
Eddie looks around the old motel room and scoffs. “If you think four nerds are pulling groupies in the kind of room we have, I have a river to sell you.”
After saying goodnight five times and you finally hanging up on him being sappy he flings himself into the bathroom after Gareth and before Jeff and Frank get back with food. Four straight hours in a car with three other men makes him want to crawl out of skin so he watches the steam roll out from the behind the shower curtain with anticipation. Almost scalding water leaves red marks over his shoulders and down his chest, enough to make him feel clean again while he rinses his hair. He can hear muffled voices from the other side of the thin bathroom door and knows he’s been relegated to the small couch in their room.
“You know, it’d be nice to get the bed once in a while.” He says when he exits the bathroom and snatches two slices from the open box on the single king bed.
“If you didn’t try to spoon all of us we would.”
“Oh what, you bothered by a little cuddling?”
Gareth glares at Eddie hard and Jeff cracks up at the deep breath he takes in. “If it was just cuddling I wouldn’t think anything of it, but you turn into the world’s only land octopus! I’ve never been so sweaty in my life! I don’t know how your girl puts up with it, you’re a fucking radiator!”
“This is why I always take the cot.” Frank singsongs from said cot while watching the local news.
The bickering continues as Eddie makes his temporary bed on the too hard, too small couch and finally ends when Jeff just shuts off the lights. “I need everyone to shut the fuck up for the next five hours okay?”
Eddie only hums and fishes around for his headphones, cassette player tucked up under the blanket with him. With the tv flashing across the walls Eddie starts to drift off to the slow beat of “Blue Bayou”, a soft chuckle for your choice of intro, and by the end of it he’s almost out when he hears your voice.
“Okay, so uhm, this is actually your final warning to stop playing this for everyone because you never listen to me so I’m trying to save us both some face you ratfink.”
His eyes snap open in the dark and he pulls the player out from under the covers like it’ll tell him what’s going on.
“I’m pretty sure you’ll listen to me this time though if I put a warning on your mixtape.”
He slaps around beside him on the floor for the case and squints at it in the flashing tv lights to see if you wrote something he missed.
“Anyways though, I do miss you and I hope your show goes well. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there but there’s never much room in those motels, huh?”
He can tell you moved around while recording, the bumping of the tape deck clacking in his ears. He’s glad it’s dark so none of the guys give him shit for the blush he knows is dusting his cheeks.
“Hell, one day soon you’ll get your own room and then I can come out and I don’t have to do sappy shit like this.”
The recording cuts and jumps to Carly Simon’s “You Belong to Me” and Eddie can’t help but laugh and feel hollow at the same time. As small as this couch is it would be nice to feel your weight on top of him, your head smushed in next to his sharing headphones that might snap from overextension. The song cuts off a few notes early to shuffling sounds and then your strained voice.
“This is really hard to do one handed, I won’t lie, but I wasn’t just gonna whisper sweet nothings to you.”
One handed? He can barely make out your breathing but he can hear the gasp alongside your light laughter.
“I don’t know if you know this, and if you don’t I’m sure I’m just inflating your ego but-“
The long sigh that follows finally jogs his tired brain and keys him into what’s happening. He whips his head to the side to see the sleeping forms of the other three before he sits up and pays closer attention.
“You have amazing hands Eddie, and it isn’t just-ohhh-it isn’t just the guitar playing you know? You know just where that spot is. I think your fingers are longer, I don’t know.”
Suddenly Bonnie Raitt is in his ear and he’s fumbling for the buttons on the side of the player to fast forward because while he appreciates your mixtape skills, now is not the fucking time. You would make him wait through three more songs before he accidentally runs into the middle of your recording, a thin moan of his name that makes him stand and head for the bathroom.
“-and I just miss you a lot and you’ve only been gone f-for what, a day by the time you get this?”
His lighter clicks in the dark while juggles the tape player and his pack of cigarettes.
“You actually just left my place. We had dinner and I told you I wouldn’t fuck you because it’s like good luck or some shit. I heard boxers do it like that.”
You have a remarkable way of running your mouth while otherwise occupied, thoughts that zip between moans and even he has a hard time keeping up. In the bathroom he cracks the small window so he doesn’t set the smoke detector off and then locks the door behind him before turning the shower on full blast. When he finally sits on the edge of the tub he expects a little more from you before Bill Withers starts singing about missing sunshine and he has to fast forward again.
“You’d think I’d be a little embarrassed to do this but actually it’s-fuck-it’s kind of easier to rec-“
Eddie sucks on his cigarette until the cherry burns bright red and his lungs start screaming, the cut off voice in his ears lending to quiet sounds of your hand working fast to make your breath jump in your chest. He thinks about you probably laying on the floor of your tiny studio, right at the foot of your bed with that big boombox next to your head set to record. That pillow that’s too big for your tiny couch, the one that got relegated to a ‘floor pillow’, stuffed behind your head while your toes catch on the edge of your green rug as you try to brace yourself.
Eddie sits on the edge of the tub and breathes in his own exhaled smoke and chews on his lip till it goes almost numb. Sits there and listens to your gasps and whimpers, the far off wet slick of your fingers moving faster.
“You’d think…I was making you…a tape to send you off to war.” Your laugh is light, forced air before it chokes off on his name and he slides down to the cold tile floor. Cigarette tossed into the tub behind his head, he’ll fish the butt out of the drain when he’s done listening to your voice.
“Barely a long weekend and-and-ah shit!”
You’ve tranced him, hardly notices the dig of the tile against his bare skin, doesn’t give a shit that this floor is dirtier than he can imagine probably. He lets his vision fuzz with the steam filling the small bathroom so he can focus on your voice and try to picture you laid out in front of him. It’s just another lazy afternoon, weed haze ringing your apartment while he watches you from across the room.
“I miss you when you’re gone. It’s only four days but I miss you Eddie.”
Sitting on that tiny couch and mesmerized by the dance of your fingers over your own skin. Nails press lightly into lines of ink to trail up your thigh and over your hip, to press into the softness of your belly. You’d hold his gaze the whole time like a dare while your other hand kneaded at your chest. When those adventuring fingers finally dip between your thighs and you sigh so light, Eddie follows suit.
Through the headphones he can hear you closer now like your lips were pressed to his ear. Heavy pants and no more words, just breathing that stutters and climbs in pitch. He wastes no romance on himself, not here in this cramped bathroom, not when he can almost feel your breath hot and damp against his neck. With every hitch of your voice he speeds his hand up, didn’t even bother pulling his shorts down all the way. In his imagination you give him a chastising smile for it before your reddened eyes roll back into your skull on a moan and he uses both hands now, just like you would.
The next song started and ended maybe but his hair clings to him in the steam and his sweat. There’s a chord change he thinks that proceeds his stomach clenching and his thighs aching before it all cuts off with your loud moan. You must have slapped at the player too late, not catching all of your agonies for him. Not everything, sure, but the important part is there. Your voice chanting low as your pleasure ebbs, his name over and over until you giggle and gasp.
Soft hands, phantom and damp with arousal and sweat cup his face when he cums, the heel of his palm shoved into his mouth to stifle the high noises trying to escape his throat. The track clicks again back to music and it isn’t until Eddie hears Peter Frampton that he starts to crash back into reality.
“If I know you like I think I do, I’m sure you’re rolling your eyes at me.” You giggle again at the end of the cassette, satiated and melancholy. “I just wanted you to have a little something, though I am sorry I buried it all in some of the best love songs ever written.”
You leave him with an I love you and another I miss you and a little bit of a mess to clean up. In twenty minutes though, when he’s back on the couch having evaded being caught and sucking down another smoke, he falls asleep and dreams about that hazy afternoon he intends to give you when he gets home.
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poppy-metal · 3 days
that first fuck after you and art get back together in fail marriage au goes on for HOURS. like you just don’t get tired and you can’t stop touching each other and relishing in the fact you’re allowed to now. you both cry like 4 times each MINIMUM. but towards the beginning art doesn’t fuck you for so long. doesn’t even let you touch him. he just spreads your legs and plays with your pussy with his face inches away. with his nice long fingers spreading you open, playing with your clit stretching your little cunt open on his fingers occasionally, watching you get wetter and wetter under his watchful gaze. he just talks to you and plays with you and ignores it when you whine and beg for more because you’re his again. you’re his and he’ll do what he wants with you. he’ll look for as long as he needs to feel safe, like you won’t disappear again. he’ll look until it feels real, that you trust him enough to let him see all of you again. so he breathes on your wet, fat pussy. he touches it for what feels like hours, but is probably more like 30 minutes. just his fingers. just playing. touching you however he wants to touch. making you feel however he wants you to feel. you’re his. he’ll fuck you when he thinks you’re ready. god.
oh it's the most intense sex of either of your lives - arts finally managed to wrangle your ass into his bed - you're wearing his ring again - and things are already different from before. he yanks your panties down your legs, nearly tearing the fabric. and when you sit up with a gasp he's pressing you back down, not asking, not pleading for it, he grips you under your knees and shoves them up your chest "dont put these down." he tells you - "god, i need to look at you."
not eat you out - though he plans on doing that plenty - but look at you. kneeling before you and sliding his palms down your trembling legs. you hook an arm under your knees to keep your legs up like he asked - no, told you to - already so fucking wet. he rubs up and down your thighs as he just.... looks. the pretty pout of your cunt - the fat jut of your lips. he lets his mouth fill with spit, the phantom taste of you on his tongue - salty and sweet. "you're so pretty down here. fuck." can't believe this is all his again. when he thought he'd never have you again, when he thought he'd never get to see, or taste, or be inside you again. worse than torture.
when he gently parts you with his fingers you gasp. "art..." but he shushes you, because hes not done. holding your lips apart with two fingers - the wet sheen of your slit pulsing in front of him. god. he loves you. he loves you so much. you're so pretty and perfect and wet.
"you don't take this from me again." he squeezes you with his free hand. "i mean it." his voice sounds deep and rough, and your cunt throbs at the possessive cadence in it. yes, yes.
"i wont -" you tell him, breathless. "please - please i need you so bad."
he leans forward. his on the back of your leg. his hair tickles you and one of your hands reaches down to run through his hair. soft and silky. you're gonna run your hands through it everyday, you think. your husband. you'll never stop.
"say it again." he sounds like hes begging now. he runs his thumb through the wet center of you. petting through your slit - nudging against where you start to give - pushing inside just the barest inch. "say you need me."
"need you - " you tell him. you say it again and again and art groans. his cock throbs in his boxers but that part wont come till later. after he's had his fill with you like this. he folds back the hood of your clit, sucking in his breath at the sight of your throbbing little clit. perked up and nearly bulging with desire. flooded with blood and fat with need. it twitches when he brushes a knuckle over it. your hips jerk.
"so fucking pretty - you're so fucking sweet, baby. god. this pussy -" he rubs circles, gentle and teasing around your quivering bud. his thumb gets drenched in your slick when you react to that. "yeah, you like being told how fucking gone i am for your pussy? how much i suffered without it? you're never leaving this bed again."
an exaggeration, but you whine all the same. you'd stay in bed as long as he wanted. let him pet and play with your body - because it was his to enjoy. and you happily gave it over to him.
when his tongue touches you - you nearly flinch off the bed. body like a livewire from his prolonged exploration - but his hands band around your waist. press you down into the mattress. his tongue traces the path his fingers went, swiping through your wet slit, down, down down. he dips it inside you. moaning full bodied as the taste of you soaks his tongue. his nose bumps your sensitive clit and your eyes nearly roll back. he's licking inside you - sweeping and caressing along your walls - like he's trying to pull out all your juices, suck them back into his mouth. there's an obscene wet slurping sound but it just makes you wetter for him.
he makes you cum at least three times on his face before he even starts working his thick cock inside you.
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lapbuni · 21 hours
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CHOSO KAMO // DINNER WITH YUJI + car sex, fingering.
choso is so spoiled.
it’s partly your fault because you can never say no when he blinks and begs with his pretty puppy dog eyes. his rounded, pink lips mouthing at you so sweetly, teeth sinking into your soft skin.
but tonight you’re at dinner with his brother, and you haven’t seen yuji in so long, wanting nothing more than to catch up with him.
so spoiled, choso doesn’t even know what to do with himself after hearing “no” for the first time as you tear his hand from underneath your dress. you didn’t even look at him- just kept laughing, talking to yuji, smile pulling at your lined glossed lips as you nodded.
choso let his head tip to the side, squints. he leans to whisper in your ear, “what’s wrong?”
you give him a “not now” look before turning back to his brother, continuing the conversation.
now he’s whining, sighing before scooting closer to you- squirming.
he slides to move his hand back. when he’s met with a slap to his wrist he huffs, excusing himself from the table. mumbling, “bathroom”
not even a minute later you feel your phone buzz against the table, eyes dilating when you see the texts from your boyfriend about how much he needs you right now followed by a picture of his slim fingers squeezing around his throbbing cock, thumb covering his leaky slit, precum sliding down his veins.
your teeth sink into your bottom lip- thighs, mushing together to soothe the ache in your cunt.
now dinner’s over and as soon as you sat down in choso’s car he’s reaching over to pull up your dress, wasting no time- sliding your pretty panties to the side before dipping his fingers in with a needy, breathy moan, “my baby’s so wet. why wouldn’t you let me touch you in there, hm?”
the pads of his fingers drag against your sticky walls, his other hand digging into your plush thighs- spreading you. holding you open for him to watch how prettily you suck him in.
“fuck cho” you mewl when he presses his thumb against your puffy clit, limply holding onto his wrist.
“make those pretty moans for me, gonna cum just hearing you. i’m so fucking hard thought i was gonna die” he laughs, palming himself through his jeans, “cum all over my fingers. make a mess. get it wet so i can fuck you right”
KENTO NANAMI // IN HIS OFFICE + “bunny”, cock warming.
“messy bunny getting my suit all dirty. sit still”
“ken” you whine, pushing your face into the side of his warm neck- nuzzling, finding comfort in his musky scent.
“told you i was busy. just be good for a bit ‘kay? i’ll fuck you how you like when i’m done”
your pussy flutters around him, your arousal leaking and pooling around the base of his thick cock seeping into the fabric of his slacks making him groan- his eyebrows pressing together deepening the lines between them.
"i said sit still"
he’s writing with his right hand- his left digging into the fat of your ass spreading you open nice and wide giving him access to every inch of your needy pussy- his hips rolling, adjusting so you feel all of him. you buck yours so cutely, feeling his pubic hair brush against your clit, making him chuckle.
and he’s so deep you feel him in your tummy- nanami always makes you feel so full. always presses against the right spots making you cream and cry all over him- so messy, just how he likes it.
“please ken.. i can’t”
“but baby you can” he hums, petting and stroking your aching clit with his calloused thumb, cooing.
“you can and you will. be patient. would hate to have to punish you after you’ve been sitting pretty for so long.”
HIROMI HIGURUMA // IN THE DRESSING ROOM + mirror sex, “good girl”, slight exhibitionism.
higuruma’s thumb dug into the right side of your smushed-up cheeks- the rest of them on the left forcing you to look into the full-length mirror at the way your sloppy pussy is swallowing him whole, milking him like the perfect slut you are.
“look so pretty goin dumb ‘round my dick baby. look at you” his curved nose brushes against the shell of your ear- warm breaths ghosting past it, his chin hooked over your shoulder to watch how you drool in the mirror with low-lidded eyes.
you bite back a whine, fingers digging, taking root in his muscular thighs- using them as leverage to keep bouncing in his lap, "juust like that baby, atta girl"
he holds you down, letting go of your face using both hands to spread your pussy open- truly captivated at how pretty it looks taking him all- white cream circling the base of his cock. he pats at your clit lightly, laughing when you squirm- your head slipping back against his shoulder.
"please, 'm so full"
“shh be quiet hun. don’t wanna get caught ‘m already not supposed to be in here”
the thought of how you’d cry out- how your cunt would squeeze and hold him so tightly if you got caught almost makes hiromi dizzy. his balls twitching.
what’s stopping him from just .. pushing the door open and showing the entire store how well your greedy little pussy sucks him in.
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dreameralive · 3 days
i think one of the most noteworthy things about Blaise that i haven't really seen anyone discuss is his tendency to liken others to children, his weaponization of it, its relation to him being a child abuser, and its relation to his defeat.
one of his first lines of dialogue, before he even introduces himself, is him humiliating Franziska by calling her 'little von Karma', and then bringing up something retroactively embarrassing she did as a little girl.
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he frames this as genuine nostalgia, but to me, it's pretty clear this was a purposeful, and almost sadistic, powerplay.
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there's also these lines. these aren't too strange, out of context - "let's all play nice" is a relatively common phrase, and in the second screenshot where he's discussing Kay and Edgeworth's friendship, they are literally youths (well, compared to him). but in context, it's clear that this is part of him attempting to assert his dominance over everyone else.
he wants to let everyone know that he is the adult here, and all they are is children - and thereby, they are completely powerless to his end-all authority, so they shouldn't even bother attempting to resist. this is further emphasized during his logic chess segment.
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he calls Edgeworth 'my boy', he reminds him that he is his 'senior in life', he tells him he's being naïve. he threatens to never give back his prosecutors badge if he doesn't stop trying to question his authority. he asks him, mockingly, if he's scared. then, while grinning, he tells him that there is nothing he can do, and he should give up already.
he once again, more blatantly this time, is attempting to force someone else into accepting that they are the weaker party and that he could do anything he pleased to them, and once again, he is weaponizing the societal power imbalance between a child and an adult to do so.
i could go on and on for a while with more examples of this, but then that would make this post really long and rambly. so, instead, i'm going to discuss what his behavior ultimately results in.
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this is probably one of the most disturbing interactions in Ace Attorney.
he does this purely so Sebastian will feel humiliated and ashamed in front of his colleagues, people he respects and who in turn are supposed to respect him. he does this to remind Sebastian that he is his father, and Sebastian is his child. to Blaise, that means he has complete control over him. and until this point? he actually does.
he has controlled every aspect of Sebastian's life to be exactly how he wants it. his path in life, his school, his tests - even Sebastian's constant usage of his surname serves as a reminder that Sebastian's only purpose to his father is to be an extension of him, a tool to feed into his ego. an object. something he owns.
note how, in their sprites, Sebastian is typically tilting his head slightly downwards, and in his crying sprites, he's leaning down. meanwhile Blaise stands high, and in his grinning sprites, his head is tilted up, as to literally look down on the person he's talking to.
but in the end, right before Blaise is convicted, right as Blaise tells him he should just remain his idiot son, Sebastian is looking up as he tells him goodbye. a way of saying that he's not beneath him, and he won't let him act like it anymore.
Blaise is immediately infuriated by this, and says all you've ever been able to do is depend on me. he screams Sebastian's name in anger - but it's cut off.
in fact, there is no more dialogue from Blaise after this. because he has no more authority, no more ability to scare Sebastian or anyone else into submission. in the end, Sebastian has finally taken back his autonomy that Blaise has robbed him of. so has Kay. so has Simon. all of them are children he has mistreated, threatened, and jerked around for his own selfish gain, but ultimately, they all still have more power over their own lives than he ever will again.
there's a lot more i could say on this, but these are all my thoughts i could organize. thanks for reading.
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How would they react if their crush shoved them out of the way to hug their friend instead of them (ALSOOO I LOVE UR WRITING AND I LITERALLY GET SO HAPPY WHEN YOU UPDATE UR BLOG EVEN WHEN ITS NOT ABT WRITING HCS ETC AT ALL)
Aww thanks, glad you like them! I kinda imagined the reader walking past instead of shoving them but here's them being ignored when they hold their arms out for a hug!
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Takemichi- He has the saddest expression on his face, he looks like somebody just died (it was his happiness). This has literally ruined his whole day. 
Mikey- Pouts, that wasn't very nice of you to just ignore him like that and no one ignores him. Immediately walks over to you to confront you about it, he wants to know why you just did that.
Draken- Frowns but shrugs and "moves on". Basically he doesn't let it show that it effects him but mentally he thinks about it all day.
Baji- Curses under his breath, he's going to go fight a bunch of guys to calm down now
Chifuyu- He looks like he's about to cry for a moment, he got his hopes up that he was going to get a hug only for you to walk straight past him. Vaguely wonders what he did wrong and decides to study more later (read manga). 
Mitsuya- He's pretty chill about it, a bit shocked at first but mostly understands that you probably just didn't want a hug in that moment and that's ok. 
Hakkai- Sighs in relief, he only did that because Yuzuha told him to (she knowd he likes you and is trying to get him to make a move already).
Pah- Frowns but assumes you just didn't see him, maybe he'll try again some other time.
Peh- He looks so sad for a moment but quickly shrugs it off. It probably doesn't mean anything right?
Smiley- His eyes snap open in surprise and his smile fades for a minute before he puts it back on. He spends the rest of the day muttering unhappily and seems to threaten more guys then usual. 
Angry- Blinks as he takes in what just happened, he's disappointed but tries not to let it bother him so much. You walking past doesn't mean you hate him or anything.
Mucho- Calls your name and asks you about it, figures the direct approach is the best way to clear things up. 
Sanzu- Says nothing but stares after you for a bit too long. Spends the rest of the day silently being annoyed, not with you though, he's annoyed with himself for hoping that would work.
Kisaki- He really didn't like that, spends a lot of time going over the scenario in his head over and over. He's trying to figure out where he went wrong and how to avoid it in the future. 
Hanma- Oh you want to play games with him? He can play games with you too! Hugs you and introduces himself as your boyfriend to your friends, all while having a very smug grin on his face.
Kazutora- "oh..." he just kinda stares blankly the rest of the day, being more quiet then usual. He's upset but tries to hide it (doesn't do a great job).
Taiju- Says your name, calling out to you. He doesn't exactly yell but he says it loudly enough that it can be mistaken as yelling. Of course he's marching over to you to ask what that was about. 
Koko- Pouts for a second before sticking his tongue out and acting like that didn't just bother him. He thinks about other ways he can win you over with later.
Inui- Shrugs and walks off, no one can actually tell if that bothered him or not. He's good at hiding his disappointment. 
Izana- Frowns and tries to convince himself that he didn't want a hug anyway. Watches you very closely though, if you offer anyone else a hug then he's going to get a bit jealous. This also makes him want a hug even more, he plans to get one eventually. 
Kakucho- He's a bit confused, he really thought that was going to work but it didn't. Worries that he did something to upset you. 
Shion- Just stays standing there, he thinks you're coming back after you're done talking to your friend. 
Ran- Sighs before walking after you, he stops quickly to whisper to you that you owe him now before he walks away, giving you a half hearted wave and smile before he disappears round the corner.
Rindou- He's just frowning a lot, frowns the rest of the day. But quickly says nothings wrong when Ran tries to question him. 
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livelaughlovesubs · 4 hours
I need more Boothill... Maybe just taking orgasm after orgasm after orgasm... Mommy kink even...?
WAIT HUUUH?? BAE, YOU ARE REQUESTING SMT FROM ME? I’m fucking honoured I could cry also you are a switch? >:0
Anyway, hope this is to your liking <3
Dom!reader x sub!Boothill
Warning: mommy kink (boothill calls reader mommy), handjob, dacryphilia, praise kink, soft dom
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His once cold metal arms were wrapped around your neck, holding onto you as tightly as he could. Legs spread as far as he can while he squeezed his eyes shut, unable to handle the overstimulation your touch brought him. “Too.. too much~” The male groaned into your neck, his hot breath tickling your skin. All you did in response was coo at him, whispering gently, “you are doing great, my love.” Each time your hand pumped up and down his sticky length, he could feel his body overheating and going feral. As if all of his systems shortcut, he felt how his limps went weak, at this rate he can barely hold on to you any longer.
Your hand was all dirty with the lube as well, smiling at him as you continued the same movements you’ve been repeating for the last hour. Up, down, up and down… just like that, a steady rhythm that made his mind go blank. You adored this man with all your heart, the only thing you want for him is eternal happiness and satisfaction. In your opinion, it was a blessing that you can make him feel good like this, make him whimper and cling onto you. “So good and so pretty for me, my baby.” A soft chuckle left your lips, eyes filled with adoration scanning over his mechanical body. He really was beautiful, every side of him, from his adorable personality to his looks. You swore to yourself that you’d always love him, his past, and his future. A future where you hope to be in the picture as well.
That lovely gaze of yours didn’t escape his sharp senses, those very loving eyes were what caused boothill to fall for you. He found comfort in them, solace and peace. It was indescribable. The moment you look at him with such tenderness he haven’t felt since centuries, he crumbles like sand with water. Somehow, you were able to make his nonexistent heart beat, causing him to year for you. All he could do was thank the aeons for granting him this comfort, since you reciprocated his feelings he tried so hard to suppress. “S-stop it with those uHhm~ dadgem compliments…” The cyborg scoffed, biting his bottom lip to keep his moans in check.
“But you deserve them, sweetie, and it’s only the truth. It’s what I think about you.” You mumbled against his head, using your free hand to stroke his long hair. “I really adore you.” You added after seeing his ears redden. Sometimes he thinks you are an angel, because of how nice you are, yet other times you were straight up the devil’s incarnation. Whenever you’d tease him until he’s whimpering and humiliated, that is. “Still.. stop it.” Boothill insisted, he felt way too embarrassed and aroused by just some praises that it was hurting his ego. His hands were bawled into fists behind your neck, sometimes when it got especially intense he’d also scratch your back.
Instead of nodding along, you just smiled again, picking up your pace on his length. His body has been warmed up by your body heat at this point, that’s how long you two have been going at it. How many times has he cum now? Since there are no physical signs of him reaching his orgasm, you could only guess from his other body languages. If you guessed rightly, it’d be three times already. When you suddenly started going faster, the cowboy cried out, pressing his face further into the nook of your neck as he begged incoherently, “please please please.., no-no more, mommy..” If it weren’t for his inability to, he would have cried from the excessive pleasure.
Poor boy was panting and gasping the entire time, mouth hung agape because he got no time to close with from all the moaning. The ecstasy was too much, way too much to handle, to the point even his fake thighs shook uncontrollably. How was it even possible for him to feel anything below his neck? He doesn’t know. He also didn’t know if this is a blessing or a curse since, fudge, you are driving him insane. “Hngghh… I can’t I can’t..! Ah, ahhH- mommy, please…” Boothill whined again, he was such a mess now, all due to you, only for you.
“Shh, it’s alright baby. I’m right here, mommy here with you.” You reassured him, kissing his forehead gently. The warmth of your lips was the last straw he needed to spill over the edge, eyes rolling back as a chocked out moan escaped his throat. “UghH- uhmmHg..!!” All of this was too much for him, he could feel new electricity crashing down on him in waves. Then a sudden sharp pain coursed through your body. His fingers dug into your back, crawling at your skin again, leaving behind new scratch marks. You bit his neck to bear the sensations, drawing out another pained groan from the boy, “ugh-nnNghhHH~..!”
After calming down a bit, you kissed his face. From his cheeks to his nose and lips, leaving behind little pecks for him to enjoy. “So good for me, my good boy.” You praised him again, ending with him turning his face to the side and avoiding you. What an adorable thing he was, of course you didn’t mind his bratty behaviour, instead you laughed before teasing him, “did you enjoy it? I mean, you even started calling me ‘mommy’.” Immediately the blush previously pestering his cheeks returned, and he yelled out a ‘fork you’. Once again you giggled, kissing the tip of his nose again, then saying, “aw, I thought it was very cute though.”
Never would he ever admit to have done something so.. embarrassing yet cute. Boothill thought this was finally over when you suddenly started rubbing his tip again, causing him to let out a squeak, “aghNhh..?!” You looked at him with expectant eyes, asking him, “what, you didn’t think I was done already, did you?” Right after you finished that sentence, you started jerking him off in the earnest again, and he moaned through gritted teeth, “nGHhhh~ fudge… please spare me, mommy~~ ♡”
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jaeyunluvbot · 2 days
chapter fifteen. yikes
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౨ৎ The last thing you expected from today was to end up in an argument with Jake. You had felt pretty pleased with the way your friendship was progressing, if not a tinge bittersweet about how he most likely didn't reciprocate your romantic feelings.
When he first texted you asking for you to come to his soccer game, you'd been excited, but now you wish you'd just declined his invitation.
The game didn't go well, to say the least, knocking the HYBE U soccer team out of contention for the playoffs. It wasn't the fault of any specific player, the SM Tigers were just a really good team.
Once the game was over, you and Beomgyu looked at each other cringing at the devastating loss the team had just faced.
"Should we say something to them?" You ask hesitantly, not sure on how to approach the situation.
"I guess we should, they already know we're here, so it'd probably be worse not to say anything."
You nod and grab your stuff, following Beomgyu down to the field. You frown as you see the crestfallen looks on the team's faces, wanting nothing more than to make them feel better.
Beomgyu smiles awkwardly at Yeonjun and Kai, who seem to lighten up a bit at the presence of their friend.
"You guys played really well today, for what it's worth," You say, having found Jake standing off a bit away from the team.
he laughs sarcastically and shakes his head, "Not well enough, apparently." You frown at the self-deprecating tone of his voice.
"The tigers are just really good, there wasn't much you could've done, Jake."
You try to offer him some semblance of comfort, placing your hand on his shoulder and wincing when he shrugs it off.
"What, so we're just not good enough them?" He asks accusingly, refusing to make eye contact with you.
"Jake, that's not what I meant, I promise." You feel yourself growing frustrated at his attitude, despite knowing that he was just having a bad day.
"Whatever, it doesn't matter." He spits, anger clear in his tone.
"It's ok to feel upset at this, it's a big loss, it'd be weird if you weren't upset."
He scoffs at you, "Like you know anything about soccer anyways..."
You shrink back from him, feeling his distaste towards you in that moment. "Ok, I can tell you're not super happy right now, so I'm just gonna go. I hope you have a good night and text me whenever you're ready to talk."
You turn away from him, a burning-hot pit of negative emotions building slowly in your stomach. You make your way to Beomgyu who looks at you questioningly but you shake your head and begin to lead him out of the stadium.
"Yeah whatever, just run home with your little boyfriend." You freeze in your tracks as you hear Jake yelling behind you.
Beomgyu grabs your arm as you turn around, silently pleading with you not to say anything, but you ignore him, marching up to Jake.
"He's not my boyfriend, and just because you lost today, that doesn't mean you get to use me as a punching bag. I've been nothing but nice to you, so don't start yelling at me."
"Whatever Y/N just leave, you're making me feel worse and I can't deal with you right now."
His eyes still won't meet yours so you blink back tears and ball up your fists, nails cutting into your palms.
"I was just leaving anyways, don't text me, Jake." You turn away from him and Beomgyu rushes to you, grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the stadium, ignoring the worried looks from the other members of the team.
"Real nice Jake, she was just trying to comfort you." Jungwon speaks seriously.
"Whatever, fuck this, I'm leaving." Jake heads to the locker room by himself, still seething.
⭒˚‧ ︵‿⭒ཐིཋྀ ཐིཋྀ⭒‿︵ ‧˚⭒
You and Beomgyu begin the walk back to your apartment as you try to hold back tears, not wanting to cry at some simple words.
"Y/N, are you ok? That was kind of intense." Beomgyu stops walking, moving your hair from your face and examining your expression.
"I'm fine Beomgyu, I just- I just guess he's not the guy I thought he was." You say, stuttering as you hiccup and hold back the tears that are now even more threatening than before.
The rest of the walk back to your apartment is filled with an uneasy silence, and you immediately head into your room when you arrive, turning off your phone and locking the door.
You can hear Winter and Ningning interrogating Beomgyu, using hushed tones, clearly not wanting you to hear.
You cry silently as you lay in the dark, wondering how today went so wrong. 𝜗𝜚
𝜗𝜚 author's note - some angst today coz i love making myself upset. jake is kinda a dick but yeah.
𝜗𝜚 taglist - @dreamiestay @haechansbbg @n1k1mura @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @lilifiedeans @dojaejunging @rikisly @nctsshoes2 @seunghancore @bluxjun @noobgod1269
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810nd1 · 9 hours
How BTS members deal with the pressure of being the most famous kpop group?
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Just to clarify the title; how do they deal with the expectations people put on them as the ones that “paved the way”. But I added something more to the reading, armies, you’re welcome ^^
What he thinks of it
5 of swords, ace of cups rev, the fool rev
He thinks this kind of thinking creates the sense of a competition in the kpop industry. That people have put this title on him and now he has to fight with other groups to not loose the love of his fans but also he can’t be the nice person that he would like to be, because if he does walk around and give newbies some advice, he will be the one that will loose his status. This is a thin line that he walks on, the smallest mistake, doing something that is against the rules (like publicly dating) and this title will become his doom. Jin thinks he has a high social status and his position gives him a lot of respect and other benefits but the very same title might easily become his worst nightmare if he isn’t careful enough.
How he deals with the pressure
the judgment, 7 of wands, 8 of cups
Actually he enjoys the attention. He is flattered people think this of him, recognize his talent and hard work. He likes the power that statement gives him, but at the same time he does feel the pressure of it. It’s quite a challenge for him to keep up, he feels like he always has to have his guard up, can never say the wrong thing and often must go agains what he wants just to keep up with this appearance. This is a battle inside his head, he often stops himself from saying the things he would truly want to say to some people, especially some crazy fans. That’s the part of his fane that he would like to leave behind
What he thinks of it
the justice, knight of swords, the emperor, ace of cups
Suga agrees with the statement that BTS paved the way for kpop and doesn’t hide it. There’s no point to be humble. This is something he achieved with his hard work, he deserves that title. His fans, and generally people, saying that about him make him feel appreciated. That people see his talent, his passion for music and appreciate it. He thinks he owns this industry. That BTS is unstoppable and rules kpop. It makes him feel like the emperor, he is on the top and he deserves it. There are no one as good as them but at the same time this treatment empowers him. Gives him the confidence and motivation to offer even more, create more music, sacrifice more for his fans so the glory and love never stops coming. But there is one things about him, Suga also loves creating music despite reviving hate or praises for his art and I doubt he would ever stop writing.
How he deals with the pressure
6 of cups rev, queen of pentacles, 8 of pentacles
Suga has a very simple way to deal with the pressure. It is getting to work instead of crying that you always have to create something new and extraordinary. Crying over haters and how hard it is to be the one on top, the one that dictates the industry is not going to solve his problems. If he wants to deal with the pressure therefore he must do something to fix the issue so the problem stops existing. That is sitting down by his desk and continue working as he always does and put as much energy and passion into every new project as he did in the past. Just keep the bar up by never letting himself to be lazy, he strives for perfection and the work he will pit into every new song overtime will repay him. He is sure of it therefore he doesn’t feel the pressure of being the most famous kpop group.
J Hope
What he thinks of it
the world, ace of pentacles, the star
It makes him feel complete. That this is his biggest accomplishment in life. He thinks he achieved something great and timeless. People calling him that makes him feel proud of himself, it defines his worth. He is proud of what he had gone through and he would do this again if he had to. J Hope got a chance form the universe, a chance one in a milion. He grabbed it although many people could’ve told him he won’t make it but he did it. So now he feels complete and his heart is fulfilled with peace because he has everything he ever wanted including his appreciation of his work.
How he deals with the pressure
the devil rev, the temperance rev, ace of cups rev
Although J Hope loves his life there is a part of it that he would like to get rid of. This pressure people put on him is one of those things. There are moments he feels trapped. That he has to do as they tell him to do even if he hates it. He is never fully free, fully himself, he can never show his true personality because he is being watched like a hawk. This pressure limits him as a human, he’s like a prisoner and he gave up on trying to free himself, even if that’s what he wants. This pressure, he learned to ignore it, he hides behind fame, telling himself this is great. J Hope can also be prone to addictions or he might be addicted to something that reliefs the stress of his daily life. This isn’t necessarily alcohol or nicotine but there is a tendency for escapism in him. This kind of a pressure took a tool on him over the years but he is trying not to think about it. He is repressing his emotions to focus on the positive side of his life and his work.
What he thinks of it
the fool, the lovers rev, 5 of pentacles rev, 9 of cups
Namjoon is grateful for the life he has right now. That people put him on a pedestal and see him that way. The life he has right now is his dream come true, this is something he has worked for very hard and he deserves it. The titles that people give him are the fruits of his hard work. However Namjoon is very detached from those words. He acknowledges it but he doesn’t let them into his head. He is focused on his future, not his past. He prefers to think about what life has to offer to him and what else he can do to improve himself than to sit back and think that’s all he could’ve achieved. He believes there is more, that he could become better and do better that he did in the past. Namjoon believes it is impossible to continue improving if you already admitted to yourself you’ve done everything you could.
How he deals with the pressure
queen of swords, 9 of cups, 7 of cups rev
Just the way he is detached from what people thinks of him, he also learned to be unbothered by the expectations people put on him. He is living in his head, this is his world and he gets to do whatever he wants. His mind is clear, he knows his strength and won’t let anyone tell him what to do or who he is supposed to be. After all he already has everything he wanted so he doesn’t have to prove his worth by meeting strangers’ needs. He is focused on himself, he doesn’t ignore it, he just doesn’t care. He recognizes it is just a fantasy but this is real him. People that take his anger out on him are miserable and he know it is just an illusion.
What he thinks of it
6 of wands, 2 of cups, the strength
He thinks he deserves to be called that. He didn’t receive anything on a silver plate and he deserves the attention they get. After all Jimin thinks they really did paved the way for other kpop groups and that is something that makes him feel proud of himself. That he cleared the path for the youth so they can achieve their dreams faster. BTS has made a connection with their fans that can’t be described, they had to make contacts in the west. They had to fight all the odds and Jimin thinks they proved their strength because it wasn’t easy. Jimin likes this title mostly because it puts him in a position of a caretaker and a guide to young trainees. He thinks he didn’t just make history he helped many people by changing the industry and popularizing kpop.
How he deals with the pressure
6 of swords rev
That’s the only card he gave me. He is slowly learning to detach from it. He is also slowly healing from the hate he has gotten in the beginning of his career. There as still some things that hurt him, probably some events or hurtful comments but he is pushing them away, he tries to live on without letting it get back to his head, because I have a feeling he pretends he is over it but deep down it still stings him. It’s hard but he can manage
And Jimin has a very nice and polite energy. Welcoming and warm. I bet he’s the guy that tries to start a small talk with you to cheer you up and get to know you better
What he thinks of it
6 of pentacles, 3 of swords, 2 of cups
So far the most emotional answer.
Taehyung doesn’t see this as paving the way for other groups or receiving appreciation for his hard work. For V paving the way doesn’t matter that much because he created something’s that is much more important, that is creating a huge family. I’m looking at this man that gives money to the poor people, how charitable he is, how he keeps his heart open for them which attracts people towards him. Taehyung thinks he contributed to something bigger than just paving the way, he created a space for people with broken heart so that their music can heal them, help them escape from the painful reality. A place where people can support each other, make friends, find love and peace. He thinks he paved the way for all the people need support and love.
How he deals with the pressure
10 of swords, knight of cups, 7 of pentacles
Sometimes it is painful to be him. Sometimes all of those words cut very deeply like sharp knives and he ends up hurt. Sometimes it’s so bad that it’s hard to get up, sometimes he might feel betrayed to receive backlash for keeping his heart open but he manages to get over it for a one simple reason. Taehyung loves his job, he loves creating music and performing on stage even though he might not show it. the knight of cups isn’t the quickest knight, he is moving slowly towards his goals, but at the same time the knight of cups is artistic. He is creative, he travels with his cup to offer it to the ones that are willing to take it. V might be a little bit reserved but just because he doesn’t speak about his passion for music, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel it. He loves to watch his little empire growing. He is happy. If being under pressure is a price for doing something he loves he is willing to pay it.
What he thinks of it
4 of cups, king of swords, king of pentacles rev
Similar to Namjoon, Jungkook is disconnected from those comments about him but unlike RM he isn’t at peace and his reasoning come from a slightly different place. That’s because Namjoon appreciates what he has in life while Jungkook doesn’t notice the blessings he already has. He is the type of a man that thinks „the more the merrier”. He doesn’t want to focus on his achievements because he wants to achieve more in life, but not because he wants to prove himself he can, he is greedy about it. Jungkook became obsessed with money and his social status. Makes me think of dragons that sleep on a pile of gold but keep wanting to accumulate more wealth. But looking at that king of swords that’s not because he is an evil gremlin. That’s because he is too much in his head about it. The king of swords is somewhat a positive card if it’s surrounded by positive cards, the swords rule the air that stands for intellect, thoughts and intelligence. The king of swords knows what he wants, he is disciplined and honest but that card could also stand for abuse. And my card says „head over heart” but that doesn’t mean a heart’s desires don’t exist, it means you put logic above your feelings. Especially with that 4 of cups which stands for blindness, ignorance of something that is obvious. Jungkook is ignoring his heart, the things that he truly wants for some reasons and he turns those negative emotions accumulated because of it into an unhealthy coping mechanism.
I’m sorry that’s not exactly what this reading is about but I can’t help it. I feel like I could read Jungkook like an open book. And he doesn’t really shut up too
How he deals with the pressure
knight of cups rev, knight of wands rev, 10 of wands, 2 of swords rev
All those expectations that were put on him make him feel enraged. Jungkook is done with all of this, I don’t see him being hateful but he feels somehow powerless with that two of swords reversed because he feels that no matter what he does, no matter which path he is going to take, people will be upset with him anyway. There’s no right choice ho he wishes to never chose at all. It’s frustrating there’s no one right answer to his problem. Sometimes he feels used with that knight of cups reversed, that the love he receives from his fans is fake. He is passionate about his work but as of right now, from those cards that passion feels forced. It is overshadowed by stress. Those weird expectations and fantasies about him and how he should be like is making his job much harder than it should be. This isn’t something that he signed for and it is getting more and more exhausting to keep up with what people want from him. He has no idea how to please them anymore.
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Hewwo could I pleasd possibly get C F K L and T for my robot king Franky? I love him he's so underrated! Let him hit cause he's silly coded man!
I completely agree, Franky deserves so much more love than he gets! Honestly, he would probably be the Straw Hat I would hang out with the most besides my man Sanji.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Right off the bat, he's treating you like you're a part of the family and as if you've been here for way longer than you really have. He's "recalling" stories of you together that never happened and there's nothing you can do or say to get him to admit that they aren't real.
For as lax and carefree as he acts, he's very sharp and pays close attention to you, making sure that you're never alone and easily thwarting any and all escape attempts. He never reacts with anger, he just casually redirects you and acts as if nothing happened. He has a sort of 'you'll attract more flies with honey than vinegar' approach to his darling. He's sure that if he keeps showing how nice he is, you'll realize how good this is for you and accept him. There's no mocking from him for that reason. He makes himself very hard to hate.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Given how strong he is and the fact that he's made of metal, it's highly unlikely that you'll be strong enough to even make him flinch. He takes you fighting back the same way he handles escape attempts. He brushes it off and redirects. He'll give you something to break or rip apart as a better means of getting out your anger. It would be a really nice gesture if he wasn't holding you against your will.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He's your personal hype man. You can't even pour yourself a glass of water without him striking a pose and holding up a sigh with a "10" on it for your technique. It's ridiculous and excessive, but he won't stop. The man follows you around everywhere while hyping you up to literally anyone he sees. He doesn't understand that it might be more than a little embarrassing to have some pantsless man stalking you while calling attention to you constantly, he just sees this as him boosting your confidence.
In private, more quiet moments, he loves to have you around him while he's working on his most recent project. He's fine with you just doing your own thing, but he's going to try his damnedest to rope you into working on his project with him, even if you're just handing him tools. He'll talk you through what he's doing because he loves teaching people new skills, and he hopes you'll take an interest in this.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Very boldly. He abruptly inserts himself into your life while acting like you're old friends and is immediately trying to recruit you into his family/the Straw Hats. He'll be right there for every part of your daily routine while trying to help you or cheering you on with a guitar riff as you do basic tasks. It's all very confusing and overwhelming for you.
Being the handyman that he is, he'll invite himself into your home and try to upgrade everything you have as a means of endearing himself to you. He ignores silly questions like "Who are you?!" and "Why are you in my house?!" while he shows off the new functions he added to your miscellaneous household appliances. Afterwards, he invites you (read: drags you) to a cookout with him and his family/crew. You probably won't be going home after it.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He really doesn't like it when you cry. It's one of the rare moments where he drops his goofy confidence and looks genuinely unsure of what to do. He wants to see you happy and thriving. Seeing you cry hurts him and makes him reassess his approach with you. Unfortunately, he never thinks that letting you go is what you need, so his new techniques usually boil down to more one on one time doing different things that might improve your mood.
Isolating yourself is pointless. He'll just scoop you up and carry you back out where everyone else is while lightly scolding you because "everyone missed you and was worried".
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 3 days
Eri Reader x Straw Hats Part 25- Wano Part 3
-Sasaki was nothing but nice to you, keeping you safe from the raiders who were storming the castle, wanting to stop Kaido, grinning down at you as you sat on his lap as he was keeping watch in a long hallway.
-Your eyes went wide when you saw Shinobu and Yamato, with Momo and you froze when Sasaki attacked them- it felt like your heart stopped for a moment.
-When you tried to jump down off Sasaki’s lap, he caught you, not wanting you to hurt yourself as you struggled to get away, “Don’t hurt my friends!”
-Momo shouted out your name, thinking you were being held hostage before Yamato ran forward, attacking Sasaki, being able to get you away from him, holding you up on his hip, holding you closely, “I’m returning Y/N to her brothers- I swear it!”
-A familiar voice then spoke up, “I agree!” you turned, seeing the General Franky and you lit up, “Franky!!” the robot’s giant hand lifted, greeting you warmly before he focused on Sasaki and his men.
-Yamato gave you to Shinobu, as she was trying to get both you and Momo to safety, and Yamato told Franky he was going after Kaido, “Luffy might be racing you there!” which made Yamato race off, wanting to get to Kaido first.
-Shinobu did her best, but after she was betrayed by one of her friends, he took both you and Momo, giving Momo to Orochi to finally wipe out the Kozuki line.
-Kanjuro was keeping you in his arms as you watched Momo being beaten, “No! Stop hurting him!!” Kanjuro wanted to keep you safe, as Kaido would be pleased with him after he dealt with all these invaders, trying to keep you calm, telling you Momo deserved this.
-Your horn flared to life as you glared, “Nobody deserves to be hurt!!” a wave of energy, much like at the Whitebeard War, flowed from you, shooting Kanjuro back as well as Orochi as he was going to kill Momo.
-You were glaring hard as two figures reformed, one male and one female and as Orochi sat up, his eyes went wide, seeing two people returning from the dead as Oden and Toki took their first breaths in 20 years.
-Many were screaming, including Orochi who saw it as a bad omen as the two were shocked to see they were alive again before they saw Momo as well as the state of everything around him.
-Toki turned, sensing your energy, seeing that you were the one to bring them back to life as Oden charged, punching Orochi hard across the face before grabbing his son, “Warriors! Your Oden has returned- fight on! This battle isn’t over yet!!”
-While a bit freaked out to see him alive again, the warriors loyal to him all lifted their swords, giving out loud war cries, ready to follow their Shogun once more.
-Toki held you as your nose started bleeding, the aura fading as you nearly collapsed, a fever quickly taking hold and Momo called out, “Y/N!” ignoring his own wounds, he wrenched himself from his father’s arms, dropping down and ran for you, looking terrified to see you in such a state.
-Another voice then spoke up, “Oi Y/N- you sure know how to make people worry.” You lifted your head, feeling a bit delirious and you smiled softly, “Marco…” the phoenix landed and quickly rushed towards you, taking you into his arms and instantly surrounded the two of you with flames.
-Momo was trying not to cry, after his father punched out Kanjuro for betraying them, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand as Oden kneeled, “It is not weak to cry, son.” Momo shook his head, “I can cry later- we need to help our allies and friends now!”
-Toki cupped her son’s cheek softly, proud of him as the flames around Marco slowly died down, leaving him winded, but he healed you so you wouldn’t collapse like last time.
-You were still feeling weak as you looked up as Marco grinned down at you, “Izo told us of your plans- and calvary’s here Y/N!” your eyes went wide, realizing that Whitebeard and his crew was there to help, turning the tides in this battle.
-You knew that Luffy and Ace were going after Kaido, as was Yamato and you told him this, and Marco looked a bit annoyed, “Yeah I saw them on top of the skull- Big Mom is with them.”
-Your eyes went wide before you looked determined, “I need to go and help them!” you had changed a lot in these past two years, you were more confident now and he was going to refuse you, but there was something there- something that told him you were right.
-Oden agreed to take you, giving you a grin, “If there’s a fight with Kaido then I’m joining! Toki- take Momonosuke and get someplace safer. I just got you back- I’m not losing you two again!” Toki nodded and Marco grinned, rushing to help Chopper and Sanji against Queen.
-As Oden ran, trying to get to the top as quickly as possible, he held you on his shoulders, “So are you the one I am to thank for bringing me back to life?” you nodded softly, despite him not being able to see it, “I’m Y/N- when I saw Momo being hurt I got mad and wanted him to be safe.” Oden chuckled softly, knowing you were a kind soul.
-When he arrived at the battle, he took you off his shoulders, so he could rush in after announcing himself, “Kaido!! I have returned to end your reign and take back Wano!!”
-Kaido looked like he was close to tears, seeing Oden there, “Oden- is it really you?” Oden wasn’t prepared, none of them were, including Kidd and Law who were also there, for Kaido to burst into tears, crying loudly.
-Big Mom looked annoyed by his antics before she saw you, her eyes going wide, “Y/N! You’re okay!!” you tensed lightly, looking a little scared of her as she beamed, “Come to Mama and we will return to Whole Cake Island!”
-You hesitated, looking a little scared before, “I want to stay with Luffy!” she looked surprised by your answer before she smiled, realizing that she just needed to take your false family out, so they couldn’t brainwash you anymore, and you would behave.
-Big Mom ran towards you, but Law and Kidd were the ones to attack her, sending her through the roof and the roof collapsed where you were, causing you to fall, but Law caught you, something Luffy and Ace both saw, and they knew you were in safe hands.
-As Big Mom was falling, she called out Hera to catch her and Law shouted, “Eustass-ya!” the red-head looked over and immediately almost panicked as Law tossed you to him and he grabbed you, “Oi what are you doing idiot?!”
-Law pulled out his sword and launched an attack, sending Big Mom down even further, “We need to keep those two Yonko apart!” Kidd looked annoyed as your little arms were around his neck, “I meant you giving me the kid!”
-You were a little scared, being with these two against Big Mom as you hung onto Kidd’s jacket over his shoulder, but the two of them were able to keep Big Mom occupied, using powerful attacks.
-When she launched her own attack, Kidd was quick to grab you by the back of your kimono and tossed you to the side as the two got hit, getting serious injured.
-You rolled only a few feet from the force, but you were fine, other than a few scrapes as Big Mom looked furious, “I’m going to kill you both- you hurt my little Y/N!!”
-You ran forward, your horn flaring to life again as you touched each of the men, healing their wounds, much to their surprise. Seeing you being disobedient again, Big Mom was getting less patient with you, growing angry with you.
-Kidd stood, putting his good hand on your head, “Thanks brat- now we can keep going.” Law agreed as he stood up, “Stay back Y/N- we’re going to get serious!”
-You nodded and quickly retreated to a fallen stone column behind them, peeking out, watching them all fight. You looked up to the roof, seeing bright flashes of light and lightning as well as blasts of fire, worried about your three big brothers and Momo’s dad.
-You were stunned when Kidd and Law beat Big Mom- send her down into the volcano. As they both were panting you ran out, “Big Brother Law! Big Brother Kidd!” Kidd instantly froze, turning like he was a statue towards you, hearing your words as you leapt up, hugging his leg, “You both were so cool! You were so strong!”
-Kidd looked like he was panicking, having you cling to him as his face was bright red, something Law didn’t even hesitate to tease him for. He turned to Law, “Oi you bastard you-” WHACK!!
-Kidd was instantly squatting, holding the back of his head where a huge lump now was, as Law was holding you in his arms, as you looked confused, “What’s a bastard?” Law sighed softly, walking away from Kidd, “It’s a naughty word- Kidd says a lot of them so don’t ever repeat them.”
-You held your hands to your lips, worried you were in trouble, but when he said nothing, you calmed down a bit as Kidd caught up, scowling at Law as they rushed to help their crew with the fighting.
-You heard Sanji screaming out for Robin’s help and you gasped softly, thinking Sanji was in trouble but Law kept you with him, “Nico-ya can handle herself Y/N- she’s strong.” You looked proud, beaming brightly, “Mama is strong!”
-As the fighting went on, one by one the Beast Pirates fell, and you heard from Marco that Oden, Ace, and Yamato were working on keeping Onigashima from falling on the Flower Capital, Yamato and Ace using their Devil Fruit abilities and Oden using his strength.
-You felt a sudden sense of dread filling you, it felt like you were burning from the inside as you were quickly in tears, like something bad had happened as you heard drums- they were so loud, like they were ringing in your ears.
-Kidd was holding you when you started this, concerning him, “Oi what’s wrong? Y/N?!” your hands were over your ears as your eyes were clenched tightly shut before, “LUFFY!!!”
-As quickly as it came, the feeling left, leaving you gasping as you felt like something happened before you saw Luffy, but he looked like a cartoon- he was massive in size and his hair was now white as everyone was freaking out, their eyes popping from their head.
-You were just stunned, looking up at your brother, who was now going hard against Kaido, bent on taking him out once and for all.
-The last of the Beast Pirates fell after a hard-won battle and Onigashima was redirected, the threat of it falling on the Flower Capital was now over. Kaido and Big Mom were both defeated, and Wano was now free of both Orochi and Kaido- after Toki and Hiyori both took out Orochi, after she found her daughter trying to attack Orochi.
-Your whole family were injured, some more than others- like Luffy, Ace, and Zoro, who were unconscious for days, while Usopp, Nami, and Robin had severe injuries but with some medical attention between Chopper, Marco, and Law, they were all soon back on their feet.
-You had been elated to see Whitebeard, running towards him after all of the enemies were taken care of, “Grandpa!” and he grinned broadly, kneeling down to scoop you up, holding you close as you beamed, happy tears in your eyes, “I missed you grandpa!”
-The feast was massive once everyone was awake, as Oden had agreed with Yamato, to not celebrate until those who helped make this possible were awake.
-You cried loudly, being sandwiched between Luffy and Ace, once they woke up, after you hugged Zoro, as he woke up first, overwhelmed that they were all okay, as you weren’t allowed to use your ability- you brought two people back plus you healed others during the battle- you couldn’t risk overdoing it and putting yourself at risk, no matter how much you wanted to.
-You were elated to learn that Jinbei joined the crew, as you surprised him by running and leaping into his arms, “I’m so happy you’re a part of my family now Jinbei!” he held you close, feeling touched of your joy and words as he beamed brightly, “And I’m happy to know someone like you Y/N.”
-There was another issue, however, much to the dismay of all your brothers, when Oden and Toki called you over, where you saw Momo as well, beaming brightly, “I’m so happy you’re okay Momo!” his face flushed red, turning from you and several heads, including Whitebeard’s snapped over, seeing this.
-Oden was beaming brightly, “Y/N- you gave not only my wife’s life but my own life back- we are eternally grateful to you for this. We would like to reward you by inviting you to be a part of our family!”
-Your brothers calmed, only for a moment, thinking it was like the other families you had been adopted by before Toki beamed, “We would be delighted to have you as our daughter-in-law! You and Momonosuke can marry once you’re both old enough!”
-Instantly the banquet hall was filled with yelling and screaming as Luffy was quick to snatch you back, holding you too him as your family were quick to deny this, shouting that Momo wasn’t going to marry you.
-Oden was quickly standing, “Are you saying my son isn’t good enough!” Brook and Sanji had no issues throwing the child under the bus, telling them how Momo took baths with Nami and Robin and slept in the same bed with you, Robin, and Nami- which only led to more shouting and arguing as you were just staring, a bit in shock.
-Oden wasn’t going to give up, telling Luffy to come back as they were all going to work together to rebuild Wano, something Luffy agreed to.
-At the harbor you clung to Kidd’s leg, as his arms were folded, trying to deny that he was flushed bright red at your affections, saying goodbye to him.
-You ran towards Law, and he smiled softly, kneeling but you bypassed him, running to Bepo instead, leaping into his arms, “I’ll miss you Bepo!” Law’s eyelid twitched lightly, seeing that you had slighted in him favor of Bepo, which got Kidd laughing, teasing him.
-You hugged Law afterwards before running to Whitebeard, “I’ll miss you grandpa- come visit again soon!” he promised, patting your head before you boarded your ship, waving goodbye to Yamato, Momo, Tama, and your other new friends.
-Once back out to sea, the newspaper was quick to arrive, showing multiple alliances, including Crocodile, Mihawk, and Buggy, as well as new bounty posters.
-Luffy and Ace were both comically pouting, sitting on their rears as they were looking at their posters, as Nami was scolding them, leaving them both covered in lumps as they were now both 3 billion beris, but they were pouting more because you were now worth 5 billion, getting the highest bounty, as the government were growing concerned with your abilities, seeing who you’ve brought back to life, not wanting that to happen with others- because if you did the world would fall into disarray.
-You beamed brightly as everyone was comparing their bounties, some were happier than others to see such high bounties. You couldn’t wait to see what would happen next on your next adventure!
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 2 days
I can’t stop thinking in yandere step brother! Y/N’s mom and step bother’s dad thinking it’s cute the way you two spend so much time together (only if they knew) and you two want to go the same college too? That’s so wholesome! So they want to give you two a surprise and already payed for an apartment near the campus, just for the two of you, aren’t you happy? Of course you’re happy, you’re even crying tears of joy! They didn’t knew you two were THAT close but you two probably grew to love each other as brother and sister when they went away on that paradisiac island, right?? Now you two don’t need to be apart at any moment. You can take the same classes and even if you two are in different classes you can be together at home, it’s perfect!
Nonnie, you have the same mind as I do, cause I also thought about mom and dad wanting them to share an apartment nearby the campus instead of living in the dorms.
They think it's a nice surprise and all, but then imagine poor reader almost having a breakdown when they reveal the "surprise" 😫 poor girly won't be able to catch a break from step-brother.
I don't think you'd be in the same major, but I do think he'd act like a very controlling boyfriend (that's exactly what everyone in college thinks you two are - boyfriend and girlfriend, especially cause you don't share a surname) always coming to pick you up from classes and always around you, his hand firmly holding yours.
It's not a shocker that you have a difficulty making friends when step-brother is constantly by your side, keeping tabs on you and stopping you from ever being away from him.
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emry-stars-art · 9 months
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Princess Katelyn in this on her wedding day, yes or no??🤔
Been VIBRATING with the need to draw more royal kateaaron for this AUGH
I mean LOOK. LOOK AT THIS, THIS IS WHAT I IMAGINE AARON WEARING TO THEIR WEDDING. maybe more silver but that’s okay we can do that
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They’d look so good. Katelyn in this dress and Aaron in this suit, they’re such a power couple if we’re being completely honest with ourselves. Katelyn kisses him first in excitement, but once he catches his balance Aaron sweeps off his crown and kisses her as she deserves to be kissed (lots of smiles and little laughs and very sweetly)
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Find the royal au masterpost here 💕
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indigayghost · 1 year
Catholic guilty Guillermo volunteers at a food bank to make up the fact he killed one hundred homeless people in the last week (that he met at the food bank)
He's like "oh you don't have any family or friends and you feel like nobody would notice if you died that's so sad do you want to come to my house and take a hot shower?"
People start to notice some regulars disappeared and Guillermo is there like "the last time I saw him was when he left my house :( I told him to stay the night in but he said no.... Do you think there's a serial killer in the neighborhood?"
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 732: Buddies X 4!!
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Pag 1
1: Eight people's gaze, they all have their eyes fixed on the Inter High!!
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Pag 2
1: Pfui
2: Oii, Miki!
4: What are you looking aaat.... Mikiii
5: Kya- Aya-chan, you- you scared me!
Ohhhm you're hiding it!? What were you looking at while sighing....? Maybe a message from someone...?
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Pag 3
1: It's everyone's number of laps in the training camp....
2: This year my brother is sending me the electric scoreboard data, so I can see them live. Now they've started the afternoon practice of the second day
Woah, it's true, there's so many numbers. But in that case don't hide and don't sigh
3: The subject and your reaction don't match, Miki
You're really a bicycle otaku, girl!!
4: Ah right, they're all at the training camp now
Yeah, in Shizuoka
5: No wonder I though that that lively red-head isn't here
7: The bike club isn't here
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Pag 4
1: The corridors feel kinda lonely somehow
4: … yeah
5: But right now, they're running desperately
7: They're conscious of the remaining time
8: of this overwhelming journey
Their last...
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Pag 5
1: The third years are looking towards their last Inter High
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Pag 8
2: It's curious
3: We ran so many laps and the course is 5km long, and yet these eight people unexpectedly happen to be here at the same time
4: We're still in the middle of the second day, so we don't know what's going to happen, but... if we only talk about the number of laps
5: Then right now there are eight people in the lead!!
6: Or maybe
10: It's not really unexpected?
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Pag 9
1: It's not!!
At least for us!!
3: Kaburagi and Danchiku jumped ahead!!
4: Kaburagi!!
5: Uh.... I heard about it but, consciuosly looking closely at it again.... re-really
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Pag 10
1: Danchiku really has become huge!!
3: I got this bike that's the perfect size for me from Touji-san
5: What's... this... Danchiku's pressure....
6: It's so much higher than before!!
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Pag 11
1: Right now you felt like “Danchiku's pressure has gotten stronger”, right? Sugimoto-san
3: It did get stronger
4: Until now we've run more than 400km and his strength has certainly grown...
And it's conveyed 100% with that bike!! He's sure and confident!!
Do you know what that means, Sugimoto-san!?
5: The two of us simply chased Imaizumi-san and the others and ran so to not open the distance again
So, honestly, it was unexpected
6: Kaburagi-san and the others purpousely matched tehir paces with them!?
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Pag 12
1: Kaburagi, Danchiku....!! As expected your target is...!!
2: 400km is a big enough distance that we could make up a special move!!
4: Go!! This is... Danchiku Special Move!!
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Pag 13
1: Bamboo Hop Shot!!
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Pag 14
1: He covered so much distance in an instant!!
2: That huge frame
4: He's accelerating by bending like a bamboo!!
7: That's right, this is the special technique that we made up during this training camp!!
Bamboo is flexible and elastic, and also....
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Pag 15
1: Strong!!
2: Kuaaaaa
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Pag 16
2: Sugimoto reacted alone to Danchiku's acceleration and caught up to them!!
4: As expected, that saves us time, Sugimoto-san
Yeah... the two of us have to go to the Inter High
5: Moreover, we can't play an active part if we don't get stronger in this training camp, and in order for him to fully recover from his slump and go to the Inter High
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Pag 17
1: He has to defeat a human pillar like you, Sugimoto-san!!
3: Their target is Sugimoto!!
4: Huh, Sugimoto-kun!?
5: Huh!?
6: I want Danchiku to race you and gain back his confidence, and recover completely!!
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Pag 18
1: You're speaking as if you're assuming I'll lose
2: Assuming? Well-
3: You're being too rude, Issa
Am I? But results are everything in this world
4: Sugimoto-san and...
5: I mean, the fact that you've caught up now means you're “accepting”
6: Just a little more
Until the complete recovery!!
7: Aren't you cute?
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Pag 19
1: My kouhai are recklessly in high spirit and want to practice with a more experienced senpai!!
Alright then!!
I'll let you
2: Come at me, second year Danchiku Ryuhou!!
Wa!! Thanks
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Pag 20
2: He accepted it and ran ahead!!
3: Sugimoto is leading!!
4: He's assertive!!
As expected!!
5: It's gonna be challenging, Danchiku!!
6: Ahh, one thing I forgot to say, is that Danchiku's special technique we came up with during this training camp... there's one more thing to it
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Pag 21
1: It's called Bamboo Shout!!
2: I think you'll get to look closely at it later
4: By the way, Sugimoto-san
What about your special technique?
5: Ah...!! My self-awareness isn't that low that I didn't prepare for it!!
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simplydnp · 5 months
Stop im rewatching why dan is leaving me bc of ur post theyre so disgustingly domestic i adore them
sometimes i watch that video just to feel something
#you are so valid for that anon#theres something about the energy of that video that really gets to me#theyre filming cause its promo and its good clickbait and its silly and fun and Them#but its also For Them yknow?? theyre like we're gonna talk about how we're gonna be apart for the longest time since we've known each other#AFTER 13 years of knowing each other#just even framing it like that really is wild. but its exactly what happens. and they're both on the same page of yeah its a long time.#which. it isnt That Long but it IS for them yknow!#the silly intro phil does in front of Dan's closet. and it starts with dan going oi if you're crying about me it better be a long video!#its goofy and ridiculous. theyre in this bouncy happy uncertain mood. because theres gotta be some adrenaline with it but also appreciating#each other while theyre still there together. then its the complete lack of intro to dan bc come on now its dan you know him. obviously.#& then its the 'sphere' convo and im like bitch. he wants to touch you cause youre leaving!!! let him!!#then dans genuine shock at the swear like mans is down BAD. and then the teasing! the so real plant teasing. but also general life concern#the heart cactus makes me feel some type of way okay#the sheer domesticity of the stair convo and the ps4 struggle#and how phil turns it right back on dan with the selfie incident and dan is bashful about it.#and how phil just. gets to say that dan cant shower in the bus. bc it freaks him out. & ofc dan wont stress him like that.#(also the closet rifling. something dan's 'nice to know you do. in a dark drawer somewhere' vs the lacey shirt being lacey underwear idea)#the bathroom being very clearly a shared space.#goddd theyre sooo smiley and soft and i Cant#dnp#c.text#dan and phil
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sysig · 3 months
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It started with a whisper ♥ (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Crackship#Xigbar#Of all the crackships that I didn't expect I probably wouldn't have expected these two the most lol#I super wasn't expecting to feel So strongly about them this is like multi-tier Big Feelings in varying directions#One - ZEX - obvious (lol) | Two - Xigbar (hehe II hehehe) - I think I mentioned it like maaaybe once over here but I was Huge into KH#Specifically Org XIII specifically-specifically 358/2 it is the only game in the Kingdom Hearts line that I've beaten and probably ever will#Oh no wait that's not true I did play through all of the DS release of Re:Coded but like......does that count lol I think no#I played the intro of Kingdom Hearts II and shut it off after the bit with Roxas and Sora like - the egg scene how do I non-spoilers this#I own it and I will never beat it I am too sad I want only my Nobodies lol <3#Kingdom Hearts had a big influence on me - that and Magic Knight Rayearth are a big explanation as to Why I'm Like This lol#Cough cough casting away the dark parts of your heart only for it to come back and bite you later and also The Gay™ lol#But AnyWay lol - Xigbar!#He wasn't my favourite-favourite - aside from Main Characters that'd probably go to Marluxia - but I still hold him very fondly!!#Definitely doodled him a good bit he's very handsome ♪#And just - ah ♥ An old fave and a new(er) fave interacting and making each other happy and feel nice and play well I just fsalkfdf#As well as that being Max's body! There's something heightening about all these different aspects that was just overwhelming to me haha <3#If it's not already obvious - yes this was the happy cries lol this is the only explanation I have haha#I feel very strongly about Them and Interactions and Feeling Nice and fjdslafsdf#Anyway! This isn't Just them! Just a lot haha ♪#I have started a playlist lol - so far it's just this song - Everybody Talks - but some of the others from SCII playlist fit well too :)#The rest is just ZEX being cute hehe <3 ZEX not understanding what crying is is very interesting to me :3c No VUX equivalent?#Seems like they don't have the same kinds of chemicals like adrenaline et al so I guess a flushing system isn't as necessary! Interesting :D#ZEX fumbliness leading to him being a bit on the back foot is so cute hehe <3 He wants so loudly and openly but actually accomplishing it-#I also really like how he holds himself - all the tension through him to fight against new muscles and bone everything too alien!#I imagine his hands as being very rigid and all the fingers pulled together straight but that could just be how he describes bones hehe#Alien in there <3 Plenty to read into :3c
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