#i want to be in my hous.
hurglewurm · 1 year
idk if it's the grad school, 3 hour lectures getting to me, or the fact that i have to be on campus for 12 straight hours every thursday but goddamn i just want to sleep. and sleep and sleep. and then wake up and draw every animal and fanart for things only i have witnessed and NOT do my readings
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foldingfittedsheets · 15 days
My beloved and I realllly need to move because our house is full of mold and carpets which house allergens that are eating my beloved up from the inside. I finally have the income to justify it. Moving is inherently stressful but I found a place that looks pretty legit to look at on Tuesday.
It has extra bedrooms, a yard, a garage. It’s only a few hundred more than we pay now but it’s kinda perfect. I’m dreading the actual move but trying to get psyched by nice new things like more light coming in, less horrible children standing in the parking lot where cars go. It would be closer to work for my beloved, and not too far from mine. The cats are gonna hate hardwood floors but you can’t please everyone.
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drawn-corrosion · 7 months
May I also request giovanni with a BIG DINOSAUR plush or a random cat?
Unrelated but Idk how I forgot to say this a couple asks ago, but your art style is genuinely so squishy, and edible. It would have the texture of marshmallows or pudding that's for sure
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you never specified how big to make the dinosaur plush also thank you! that's definitely a new descriptor, now that I've gotten more comfortable with lineart I feel less of a need to use harsh jagged lines or scratchy refined sketches to make things look good. an art style with the edible texture of pudding...i suppose my art has taken a more whimsical fun angle as of late! that should be pretty evident in some of my planned upcoming works if it isn't already
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casadefreewill · 7 months
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*bleh why does animation take so long 🥺*
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inkyminx · 10 days
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chaoticly-shy-dragon · 5 months
(it's may the 4th?!)
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may the fourth be with you! enjoy: ashla from my fic orderly facade, a few months after the first chapter
also a version without the scarf/shawl/head scarf
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this was actually a redraw from some old colored doodles I did back in 2022 (I will probably make a comparison bc the gap between the two is something that astounds me)
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juodojimirtis · 1 year
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Demon Lilith Appreciation Post ❤
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adrienschat · 5 months
*screaming on the top of my lungs* that’s not what Jesus would have wanted
(Venting in tags)
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[pronounces zoscar like nascar]
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Ethan's Diary
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February 6th, 2021 Mia and I had another fight. I accidentally mentioned what happened there three years ago and she blew up at me. We finally settled down in our new life in Europe and can bring Rose up properly. But... I still feel like a part of me is trapped in that hell hole back in Louisiana.
I know Mia doesn't like to talk about it, but can we really just forget everything and pretend it didn't happen? Shouldn't we face what happened there so we can live our lives with Rose without it hanging over our heads? We owe her that much at least... I know Mia knows this too. She wouldn't have exploded like that at the hospital if she didn't care.
emphasis mine: Mia feels a tremendous level of guilt for a) joining the connections b) starting with Evie at what ever point she did c) letting Evie get away whilst getting Alan away from when the incident took place d) trying to keep Ethan away but failing i have already said why the message wouldn't have fucking gone through and that is because storm and evie made her lose a door idk what to tell you e) Ethan gets hurt by her first of all under the influence of Evie
Mia in the bakers incident report (obligitory it should have been part of basic game and it should have had a moment of BSAA confirming they got all information about the connections she could give them) says she wants "to forget everything"
its normal to shy away from something painful, she spent 3 years in padded cell thinking of everything (when not in Evie La La Land). there is also a element of how her mold infection affected her after being treated by the BSAA. I got asked by @mushroomwithsomeink some time ago if Mia has abanonment issues and to an extent she does (the answer was not very good). Mia was part of a hive mind for years she knew where Jack was and was probably aware of everything else happening around her (all because of her not being able to convince Evie to stop or have the guts to break out the murder kit). The thought that the BSAA apparently let them live but without setting them up with therapists? (though the BSAA are the same people who let Chris still recovering from amnesia and binge drinking into the field- also plugging the fanfic catch me floating circles in fish bowl)
random thing as I was tying "forget everything" I had a thought about Riley Flynn from Midnight Mass (and ended up looking for quotes from the show and interesting ones will be under the read more- give them a look and see why i thought of Mia when i reread these)
Both Mia and Ethan have CPTSD I have no real thoughts what i shared is honestly explanation enough
from the NHS website
Complex PTSD - Post-traumatic stress disorder
You may have complex post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) if you have some of the symptoms of PTSD, and also have problems with managing your emotions and having relationships.
Symptoms of complex PTSD
The symptoms of complex PTSD are similar to symptoms of PTSD, but may also include:
feelings of worthlessness, shame and guilt
problems controlling your emotions
finding it hard to feel connected with other people
relationship problems, like having trouble keeping friends and partners
Causes of complex PTSD
Complex PTSD may be caused by experiencing recurring or long-term traumatic events, for example:
childhood abuse or neglect; domestic violence; sexual abuse
torture, sex trafficking, or slavery; war
You may also be more likely to develop complex PTSD if:
you experienced trauma at a young age
you were harmed by someone close to you who you trusted
you were unable to escape the trauma
treatment for PTSD and CPTSD is hard and when the other person your primary support is also dealing with it? that is even worse honestly there is a thing called secondary trauma
from mind: 'Secondary' means that although the original (primary) trauma happened to someone else, the impact it's having in your life is traumatic for you. It doesn't mean it's any less significant than any other kind of PTSD, or any easier to deal with. Our page for friends and family has some tips on looking after yourself.
both Mia and Ethan are dealing with the primary trauma from the baker estates and secondary trauma from each other
from PTSD UK
"Anyone who cares for a person living with PTSD can reduce the impact secondary trauma has on them if they carefully approach the situation. The first step is to learn the signs of secondary trauma:
– Emotional exhaustion – Increasingly negative perception of self – Depression – Anxiety – Difficulty eating or sleeping – Feelings of hopelessness"
ETA1 Speaking about it would be a way to make it all real again to acknowledge this horrible shit that Mia is partially responsible for (i know its not part of RE universe but the fic bruise won't heal the stain stays put from the numbers show is pretty much the thought i had with this addition for sure)
Riley: I don't know. That's kind of the whole thing. I don't know. I have no idea. I mean, in prison, it was easy. I had things to do, you know? Count the days. Count down the sentence. Eat, sleep, read. It's all pretty spelled out for you. Regimented. But here? Here I have nothing. What, am I going to get a job? Go to school? I have no money, no prospects. I just exist now. That's it. I have absolutely no purpose at all. I'm just sitting in my parents' house, breathing, and serving no purpose to anyone whatsoever. I'm just living. [long pause] And that's the worst part. Because I shouldn't be alive, Erin. So I don't know. What do I do here? I eat. Sleep. Shit. I don't know. Walk home now, eat dinner, wait out this fucking storm.
-i think the debrief and everything directly after might have been anywhere between six months and a year for Ethan and Mia
Riley: No, alcohol isn't good or bad. But the version of me that would come out when I had enough to drink, he was bad. He was selfish and careless and he ruined my life. There is a saboteur inside of me, and I always thought, you know, we'd work it out. We'd learn to live with each other, because he wouldn't really hurt me. Not me. I fed him, so he wouldn't hurt me. And then one morning I woke up and found out he killed someone. I had killed someone. So who's to blame there? I am to blame there. And God? He just kind of let it happen, didn't he? See, that's the part I cannot square. Because you're right, there is so much suffering in the world. So much. And then there's this higher power. This higher power who could erase all that pain, just wave his hand and make it all go away, but doesn't? No. No thank you. The worst part is that it lets all the rest of us off the hook. We can watch so many people just slip into these bottomless pits of awful and we can stand it. We can tolerate it because we say things like, "God works in mysterious ways." Like there's a plan? Like something good's going to come out of it? Nothing good came out of my drinking. Nothing good came out of me killing that poor girl. Nothing good came out of Joe Collie's drinking. And not a single good thing comes out of Leeza never being able to walk again. Nothing good came out of a metric ton of crude oil filling up the bay. And the only thing, the only fucking things that lets people stand by, watching all this suffering, doing nothing, doing fucking nothing, is the idea that suffering can be a gift from God. What a monstrous idea, Father.
"No Pain. No Memory, No Awareness That I Ever Was. That I Ever Hurt Someone."
eta 1 I mentioned their fics in this post so it makes sense in my head to plug them @screechthemighty @talistheintrovert
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mitamicah · 2 years
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Happy Halloween - please accept this sketch Belos!Hunter for the spooky season 
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shirogane-oushirou · 2 months
>feeling weird brain feelings
>looks at art friends have graciously drawn of ren 💕
>heart rate suddenly increases but my emotions start to regulate
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good morning internet i have drank a cotton candy bang energy and now i am seeing capcom's true original plan for resident evil village and that plan is just "yeah make a weird lumpy fish man who turns into an even bigger and lumpier fish man. now make him FUCK." i know that the one nine inch nails song about fucking like an animal came out before resident evil village however they travelled forward in time and saw re village and went "i need to write a song about moreau from resident evil village." just like the original doctor moreau (known for his island), everybody want him. tumblr slept on him in favor of heisenberg and lady dimitrescu and even donna whateverthefuckherlastnameis. but the REAL residetn evil sexyman is SALVOATR MOREAU. he gets SO MUCH BITCHES it is UNRRAL. yes i have been awake since 230 morning my time. and yes i did just chug a bang energy. and yes i may be losing my mind but the truth COME OUT. SALVATORE MOREAU *DOES* IS GET BITCHES. not me. i dont want him carnally or in any other way he is my least favorite character not just in resident evil village but in the series asa whole. he's so narsty and slimy. however i think in universe he gets so much bitches. and i think that should extend to out of universe. everyone wanted to fuck the duke when resident evil village came out. or maybe there was like one very vocal person that i s
post cancelled the person who wanted to fuck the duke also had the hots for moreau iirc. ok cool post cancelled i can rest in peace knowing SOMEONE sees my vision of moreau getting mad bitches. i dont even know if tehy still have a tumblr but i remember seeing selfship moreau art on my dash and i didnt know who he was but fuck yeah you go you fucking funky litele fish fucker. i guess.
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Now. I'm not very knowledgeable in terms of the greater ST fandom but I really believe that your singlehandedly holding up at least a small portion of the Steddie fandom. Especially with the way you always engage with other people's fan work through your tags. You share your own ideas on your blog, or add to other people's ideas, and when you can't do either of those you just ramble excitedly about stuff. That's Fandom Babe!
Thank you for your service! *salutes*
Anon I was feeling stupid about the Gareth post and here you are, rewiring my thoughts!!!
Truth be told though, I LOVE being a hype man, I adore getting excited about people posts and tags and art and edits. I want people to know how valued and important their work is!!! And how much of a difference it makes even if it’s to one person!!! Because before ST I was an outskirts reblogger who was scared to post because I thought Big Blogs were the only people posting and my ideas were pointless, there was no space for me and whatever I could offer has been done ten times before. And yeah, we are all rehashing the same ideas but it’s BEAUTIFUL because nobody’s takes are the same! Stories are told over and over again because it’s the person telling them that makes them new!!!! In whatever way they tell them!!! And I want people to know that there’s ALWAYS space for them!!! That they don’t have to be quiet and fawn over big names because fandom is for everyone but most importantly it’s for yourself to have fun!!!
Posting can be scary and I still get scared of hitting the post button so if I can lessen that anxiety in people in any way I WILL!!!!
Anon you are a true community Angel, it’s people like you that keep fandoms going and I cannot thank you enough for gracing my inbox, let me applaud you and share yoir kindness in my little corner.
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birdbeep1s · 7 months
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back to our regularly scheduled program: Elacra growing out his hair JUST to infiltrate the rebellion
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scringee · 6 months
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This is the only way to express how I'm feeling
#i try not to talk about my home life on here but im honestly so fucking frustrated that if i dont get this out i might just kill someone#my family car broke down in January of this year#my father refuses to get a new one because he thinks hes saving so mucj more money and he doesnt feel like he has any incentive#acting as if he was giving us free trips#i would literally pay him 100 dollars a fucking week to help take me in and out of work#and he just doesnt like acknowledge that at all#so now im having to take ubers to and from work every day. each trip is like 20+ dollars so that 40+ dollars a day five days a week#im averaging spending 200 dollars a week jusy to get into work#and i work a minimum wage shitty fucking job so all of my paycheck goes straight into ubers and fucking therapy every week#ive had to skip so many sessions becaause theyre all 50 dollars after insurance#and im just so frustrated#i want to move out so bad but how can i save enough if im constantly hemorrhaging cash#the only reason hes saving money is because he fucking works from home#i just dont know what to do at this point i feel so helpless#becayse even if hou casually bring it up my dad immediately assumes youre ATTACKING him and how DARE you and im tited im so fucking tired#how am i meant to move out in these conditions#how am i meant to do anything#i have no fucking social life because i literally just cant afford it im going to cry#i hate him. i hate my dad so fucking much#vent#ig.#scringee mouth
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