#i want to draw more of them because honestly i want to draw xiao so that he looks satisfying
noellefan101 · 3 months
Quiet Love
Characters: Xiao, Heizou, Cyno, Wanderer, Albedo x mute!reader
Summary: You're mute, and cant talk? not a problem for your partner, they can find other ways to communicate, and honestly wouldn't have it any other way.
Warnings: mute reader, kissing, most of them dont know sign language bc i said so and it makes this more interesting, idk man
Note: i feel like i accidentally made both the char and reader mute in some of them, I've tried to fix it though, so im sorry for that (and i also messed up some other shit im just missing brain cells n´ down bad) -love you
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Whom talks with you in touches and small notes.
He had seen no problem in your absence of speaking, he likes the quiet nights that you shared with him. The sounds of nature taking over your ears, it was nice, just standing beside you and looking out to the views of Liyue. he reaches out to hold your hand, though still not accustomed to the feeling, he does it anyway. and as his hand lightly squeezes yours, he feels your own squeezing his back, as if saying 'I love you'. your quiet conversations are sweet and only for you two to know about.
He leaves notes scattered around, as you do too. ones with little messages of your schedule and plans. ones written with more love than any other person could comprehend. notes shared between you and him. notes saying 'i loved that dish, could we make it again' and a reply under, 'of course, i'll do anything for you'. it seems simple and dumb, but a nice way to talk to each other anyway.
Who likes when you just listen to him, and let him do anything he kind of wants to since you can't talk back, but he also loves when you just draw your thoughts on paper.
He loves to talk, but mostly loves when he gets to talk to you since you always listen to him so closely. he loves when he can just drag you to to places, but of course he's nice about it (kind of) and ask you if you wanna go to that new ramen shop that opened in the outskirts of Inazuma City, which he kind of answers for you because of course you do! in which you smile at (smile at him or else...)
He likes your little drawings, and especially when its a little puzzle he has to solve so he can understand what you're saying and loves to guess wrong purpose so he can get a reaction out of you. and even has a special sketchbook, that he keeps on him at all times. he also sometimes goes trough it and just smiles at all your little drawings. remembering the time that you drew it, and all the cute little faces you made when he teased you for how bad it looked.
Who helps you talk with small drawings in the sand and learned sign language so he could communicate with you properly.
He's often out in the desert, and from time to time takes you with him. which makes it easy to express yourself when all you need is a stick, sometimes his spear if he lets you, and sand which is already in front of you at all times. the little drawings that symbol your love, so many hearts all over the sand it would be hard to count how many times you drew them. he gave you his cape at night when you were extra cold? you drew a heart around his feet as a 'thank u, i love you', in which he cutely (your words) responded with, "i love you too" right after.
Whom learned sign language just because he felt like you were left out a little, but also learned the wrong one at first so you had to help him and learn him some signs as well. but the first thing you learned him was how to say "i love you", but didn't tell him what it meant so you could do it without him noticing just for a little while longer.
Who hates being touched, but makes you touch his shoulder when you need something and gifts you a book so you can write to him when needed
He, despite hating when people touch him, he cant think of many other ways you could get his attention, so he wants you to touch him when you need him. it doesn't matter if he had an extra bad day, its the best way to get his attention, so touch him all you want. it is you after all, the love of his life, he would let you do whatever you wanted to do, just tap his shoulder and give him a few signs or point at something, anything you want you'll get.
Others would say that he would be annoyed at you for pushing a book up to his face every hour or so, but he surprisingly he doesn't get annoyed at all and "tolerates" you pretty well. in fact he loves when you just stand there and write in your little book, he thinks its adorable when you glare at him as a sign to wait for you to finish.
Who is normally very quiet but when he's with you he loves to talk, but of course, he loves the times when it's just you and him sitting together in silence
He could be seen as quite shy if you didnt know him well, but when around you he was the complete opposite, talking about everything he did that day, was currently doing, what plans he had ext. he loves when you just listen to him, but if you ever tried pointing at smt to ask like yk 'whats this?' he would be overjoyed and you wouldn't be able to make him shut up for hours about that one thing.
He looked at you when you had put your hand in front of his sketchbook, you looked at him sweetly before kissing his cheek, catching him by surprise. he put down his sketchbook and kissed you back on your forehead. it was just a quiet moment between you two and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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thx for reading i hope your day went/goes well, luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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kazumist · 2 years
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✩ — in which you're their muse in their respective specialties in art.
✩ — includes: kazuha, albedo, xiao x gn!reader. fluff i think,, it's nothing sad dw dw. no cws. wc: 594. writer!kazuha, painter!albedo (this is canon i know i js wanted 2 tag), photographer!xiao. reblogs and feedback are very much appreciated!
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kazuha — !
anyone would be astonished at the way kazuha makes literature. there’s just something about his writing style that makes you go crazy in his works. the way he describes things and makes people envision it makes your head spin in a good and addicting way. there’s one thing that’s very noticeable in his works, it’s the way it would always be dedicated to someone.
you were the greatest thing to ever happen to him. it wasn’t like his life before he met you was dark (in fact, it was decent). it’s just that when he met you— when he fell in love with you, his life became brighter than ever. 
small dates in the park with you laying on his lap while he comes up with random haikus that’d describe you. you honestly wonder how he can never run out of those flowery words that spill from his lips every time he writes.
kazuha wishes for this to never end. but if he were to lose you then he’d never fall in love again after that. it will always be you.
albedo — !
from small doodles from afar, to sketches of you on a restaurant’s tissue, and now to a canvas where colors would show how they can express the way albedo views you. enchanting.
if the two of you had free time together you’d often hang out in an art studio. always bringing coffee together while you giggle quietly to each other on the way there. flowers in hand (that was picked up before you went to the studio, albedo said he had an idea for a painting).
“‘bedo?” you call him and he answers with a hum. “don’t you ever get tired of painting me?” you asked him. albedo put the paintbrush in hand down and walked towards you who’s sitting on a stool not far from him. he said your name softly while stroking your face and tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“i’ll never get tired of painting you. even if my hands were to be bruised and tired, i’ll never stop painting you.” 
xiao — !
late night walks around the city hand in hand, driving to visit views that no one has dared to see at night, that’s how you and xiao spend time.
polaroid pictures were your favorite. so xiao would always bring a polaroid camera with him. taking stolen shots of you, some shots with you posing in a silly way, and shots where you just looked… peaceful and pretty.
a polaroid love is what you have. making notes on polaroid pictures while hanging them around at your place, making cute little doodles on them which eventually turns into you and xiao running around trying to draw on each other.
he loves your smile, it makes him smile too. if you’d ask him “why are you smiling?” he would reply with “since i got to see you. you put a smile on my face.” although it was cheesy, for him, there’s just something about the way you smile. it’s comforting.
xiao was scared at first, because he realized that he loves you more than he thinks. he falls in love with you over and over again, as much as it’s a bit exaggerating to hear. the more he gets clingy, touchy, and affectionate, xiao knows he’s falling even deeper.
he scooted closer to you, arms on your waist and face on the crook of your neck. “i love you so much.” he murmured against your skin. “i love you more, xiao.”
“i love you most.”
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 6 months
A Nightmare Thrice Cursed
This is take two. I deleted the last one because I refuse to put out subpar work and the first draft certainly was. I’m a bit more confident this time. And I’m not so tired and frustrated that I can’t reread it before posting. And honestly it's still not my greatest work
Summary: You have a nightmare and Xiao is therefore you when you wake up
Word Count: 689
CW/TW: Blood, violence, not-death, hurt/comfort, nightmares (ya know, the fun stuff)
Lighting flashes against a flat pewter sky. You stand beneath it, statue still, heedless of the damp hair that clings to your face or the rainwater that drips from your nose. 
Weather ceased to matter the moment you drew your sword.
Perhaps it was fate, or at least well deserved, having the yaksha you love and a handful of Millelith come for your head. You were the one who opened the treasure. A treasure that was thrice warded, thrice warned, and now, thrice cursed.
The first curse was pain, akin to a thousand strikes of lightning as a mindless abomination stole control over your body. You didn’t even have time to call Xiao’s name.
The second curse made itself known as the new occupant of your body rampaged. Men, women, children, it didn’t matter to the monster you unleashed. Blood covered the Guili Plains from the Dihua Marsh to the statue of the Seven just outside of the Harbor. Of the many voices crying out for help, yours was the most fervent, and likely the most unheard.
After the bloodbath, it was inevitable that the Conqueror of Demons came for your life. In truth, your heart leapt at the sight of your lover’s masked visage. What you couldn’t have known is that the thunder was an omen.
You were forced to draw your sword, the very one gifted by the Yaksha when you first got together, and use it against him.
The battle raged on. The Millelith fell quickly. The battle between an ancient demon and an equal ancient Adeptus proved to be too much for them to keep up.
Several hours later, the fight has come to an end and you’re still alive. Alive, free, and cursed a third time--this time, with loss.
You should have lost your head. Very few fight a Yaksha to the death and live to tell about it. Certainly you shouldn’t have even if you really wanted to. You were begging to have the love of your life to free you, even at the cost of your life. 
Instead, your blade pierces his heart. 
You yank your sword out of his chest, dropping it so you can catch Xiao’s limp body.
His blood stains your shirt. You push his bangs out of his face, watching as the last light leaves the eyes of Liyue’s last Yaksha. Still, you can’t help but plead. “Please, please, please. Xiao. Don’t leave me. I didn’t mean to.”
Your eyes fly open and you suck in a burning breath. “Xiao, you---you were gone. I-I---”
“I’m right here. Take a deep breath. In and out, in and out.”
The golden eyed Yaksha guides you through a breathing exercise until he’s satisfied with the rhythm of your breathing. 
Once your breathing has settled, you curl into a ball, pressing as close to Xiao as the physical laws of the world will allow. The tears that have been prickling your eyes spill over.
Xiao holds you while you sob, rubbing small circles on your back. 
The light of a nearby flash of lightning surrounds you, immediately followed by the roar of thunder. You flinch, trying to hide from the sounds that accompanied Xiao’s dreamland death. 
The Yaksha pushes you back so that he can wipe your tears and see your expression properly. “What was it this time?”
Once you would have turned away to deal with the aftermath of a particularly bad nightmare yourself, but you’ve lost count of how many times Xiao has helped you through these, so you’re forthcoming in your explanation. Or as forthcoming as you can be around hiccups and another round of tears.
When you’re finished, Xiao pulls you close again. “I wouldn’t do that to you. As much as I would hate to hurt you, I wouldn’t let a demon steal your body like that. I owe that much to the wonderful woman who dares to love a Yaksha. I would free you.”
“I promise. But I don’t think you’d open the treasure to start with.”
“Probably not,” you mumble into his chest.
“Now rest. Let me chase your demons away.”
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meili-sheep · 8 months
So on my No Bad End fic I mentioned doing a Crepus approval scale because It was the closest to the Diluc Harem I'll be writing so as a reminder
The Kaeya Scale of Approval Thoma (9.9) Wriothesley (8.5) Xiao (8.4) Itto (6) Eula (5.6) Al Haitham (4) Kaveh (3.5) Albedo (3) Childe (2.6) Ayato (1) Donna (0.5) Zhongli (0)
And now introducing!!
Crepus Scale of Approval!
So starting right at the top, kind of surprise to Kaeya is Al Haitham (9.0). So yeah he's not really a romantic type up he's got a stable job, a house. Good things. But what Crepus likes Is Al Haitham's very "Take care of myself first" mind set. He really wants that to rub of more on Diluc, and he's hoping that together they'll balance each other out.
Right under him is actually Zhongli (8.0) Because like Al Haitham he seems to have a stable job and is well respected in his community. Defiantly gets dinged point for forgetting his wallet. But he's respectful and treats Diluc well. Now if Crepus learns he's an Archon he gets a little torn because suddenly he feels like he's much too old for Crepus's baby, but Diluc deserves the best and how better can you be than a literal god?
After that is a tie with Wriothesley and Ayato (7.5) Like those above them, Crepus like their stable and high ranking positions. They both get dinged though because Crepus would be worrying too much about Diluc feeling like he was fighting for social standing.
Under those two is Albedo (7.3) He's got a lot of going for him, being a knight and having Alice's backing behind him. He just gets knocked down a lot of points because he's a weirdo. And Crepus would constantly be asking Alice "Are you sure your nephew is ok?"
Next up, Kaveh (6.0) Just barely hitting the pass in Crepus's book. He's saved by his pure passion and genuine expression. And I think he'd be the best at really showing Diluc how loved he is. So Crepus can't be too made at that.
Again, Barely passing to everyone's surprised Thoma (5.8). Yeah, he's got a stable job and is really nice and a house husband. But he's a just a housekeeper and defiantly couldn't afford to keep Diluc's lifestyle. And while he's nice, Crepus would worry that he's too passive and that he'd again act more like a servant than a partner.
So jumping right down is Xiao at a (3.8) Crepus would not be impressed, not even after learning he's a Yaksha because how is that going to support his son? He only gets points because ya he could protect Diluc
Itto (1) lives up to his "numero UNO" Because that's all he's getting from Crepus. Where Kaveh could win Crepus's over this his devotion, Crepus draws that line at gangs. At least an architect is a respectable job!
Eula (0.2) Hanging on by a thread. And honestly, it's only because Varka has faith in her. So that does mean something to Crepus. But her behavior would totally turn him cold.
Then with at the bottom Childe (0.1) No way in hell is a crazy harbinger like that going near Crepus's baby boy. But here is the thing. I think Childe would be the most likely to change his score once Crepus's See his devotion to his family. Because... Crepus would want that for Diluc. He wants Diluc to have a big happy family, He'd love going to visit Childe's family with Diluc. But... being Fatui is too much of a risk. Because while Crepus does think Childe is an honest man, he still can be used by other people, and thus they'd use Diluc so no way.
Honorable mention Donna forgetting a negative score Crepus would see her following Diluc around and just ask Varka to keep an eye out.
And for those wondering about the Varka scale for the No Bad End Varka. The answer is they are all zero. You express interest in Varka's godchild, his opinion of you jumps right into the trash.
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muninnhuginn · 1 year
Season Two Link Click Thoughts
I've put this below a cut because it gets long, but these are just my assorted thoughts on s2 in general. It's going to be waaaay more opinions than my usual speculationy kinda deal and contains spoilers for all of season two.
I hit character limit on my bullet points so I think that's my cue to leave it at that even though I have more thoughts honestly. I didn't even know that was a thing.
Pacing. I think pretty much everyone can agree that the pacing was... dubious. This series could have easily been shorter or had different meaningful content rather than repeated footage reuse for flashing back and overly extended fight scenes (episode 7? I think it was, was particularly egregious about this). I get there's presumably a fanbase for fight scenes and I won't contest that they were really nicely choreographed, but sometimes it felt like you'd take a break from actual events to spend ten minutes on a fight scene that didn't really... further anything else? I do enjoy recontextualisation and I recognise that that does require reusing some aspects of footage rather than entirely reanimating scenes when there's no need to, but at the same time, this is a series that is lowkey set up for binging. Flashing back so frequently when it's a series specifically engineered to make you binge it (hi constant cliffhangers) seems an odd recipe. I almost wonder how much of this was for production reasons, though maybe I'm overreaching here.
Linked to this is the overuse of cliffhangers. Season 1 had some cliffhangers, yeah, but it at least had breaks between arcs and more importantly, didn't repeatedly move the chronology of scenes purely to service an artificial cliffhanger.
Art and animation was mostly very nice. There were two episodes that did suffer art-wise (episodes three and eleven) with various off-model faces, but for the most part it was all pretty solid and I don't have any complaints about the animation. My favourite part of the art is still the almost rainbow outlines you get around objects. It made scenes like the Lu Guang speedboat one look gorgeous with the lights and colour on the water.
Mystery. Okay, so for all my qualms I genuinely think the mystery aspects were almost perfect. There were a couple of places I feel they somewhat 'cheated' but otherwise (the twin with the photo in the hospital doorway looking like tianxi in a close up shot. and then cxs/wj acting possessed in ep 6 but having their eyes appear normal at first and only having them changed the next episode. I'm fine with false negatives on the eyes when the audience isn't yet cued in on a possession, but in this case it looked like they were possessed up until the eyes showed otherwise)? Everything made total sense and tied together by the end. Even going into episode 12 we had a couple of gaps in scenes in Chen Bin and Liu Lan's death that I think it would be incredibly easy to overlook considering we "knew" what happened in them, but the hints were there in both cases that there was more to it and those hints paid off. Even Liu Xiao's identity worked just fine without the hat guy visual. All the hints were there about a younger favoured brother of the Liu family, Li Tianchen's new friend being a rich "Master Liu", him being abroad studying but stated as "soon to return" (which he then did). There are so many threads and they all tied together by the end such that even if I didn't always agree with the delivery, I do think this season is worthy of being called an excellent mystery.
Characters. So, okay, we introduced a whole host of new characters this time which was a choice. This sorta worked sorta didn't. The arcs of Qian Jin and the twins all tied together thematically and episode 9 was pretty explicit drawing the parallels together. However, we had characters like Qiao Ling not getting much new material at all despite a hopeful start with her scene about "wanting to be trusted".
Unfortunate implications (my head automatically goes to TV Tropes with this :V). Mainly surrounding the use of female characters as devices to propel the male characters. LTX is the most obvious instance (I shouldn't have to explain why), but Wang Juan was also treated as though she would be important and then largely shunted off to apply more pressure to XL; Liu Min's mum taking the hysterical role. On their own they may not be too bad, but I guess it's that it's combined with the stuff around Emma from s1 where the big 'twist' in the finale is killing her once there's a hope spot, and also added to how the mother in the Doudou episode is the one who's reverted to a younger age, whilst the dad is exhausted. Just a whole load of stuff that individually on their own don't necessarily mean anything but when put together forms a pattern I'm not super comfortable with? I do get the impression that show is well-meaning in terms of this stuff (QJ and LF especially point that way) but feel like it still fell down in a few places and could have done better with these aspects.
Lu Guang going back to save CXS confirmed. Admittedly I am incredibly biased to this type of plot, but I'm so glad they confirmed it. We haven't been given many specifics around when he went back from/to and I imagine we'll get more next season so I'm holding off judgement on all that for now (the paradox implications have me a bit worried but until we know more about the mechanics I can't judge). That said, I really liked the scene where it was comfirmed (the darkened shot of Lu Guang covered in blood my beloved) and am thinking that Qiao Ling having knowledge of Lu Guang's memories will mean she has to play a bigger role next season. There's no point in giving her that knowledge if it won't go somewhere. Relatedly, it seems like dying does pass on the powers and that's how we got LTX->QL and CXS->LG. It doesn't seem like Qiao Ling fully realises though if she has got Tianxi's powers (and it's been two months), but I suppose it's not exactly something you *would* realise if you didn't know what you were looking for or had previous experience with these powers.
I do genuinely think that this season was a case where the new characters were written around the existing ideas of the story and the themes which means they're interesting to analyse but I didn't feel like moments hit anywhere near as emotionally as season one? I think the parts where season two was able to approach season one's level of emotion were mainly around the twin's backstories. Meanwhile Qian Jin and Xiao Li's whole deal is interesting in theory but in practice I didn't have much reason to care for Xiao Li. Suffering to make the audience empathise only really "works" if there's more beyond that.
Lu Guang-Li Tianchen parallels make me sad. There are plenty of similarities in how they treat CXS and LTX respectively but I keep thinking of how their final choice in s2 is to either commit to preserving the past (Lu Guang with CXS) or to let go of the past (Li Tianchen with LTX and his mum). And how typically, clinging to the past is seen as a bad thing and letting it go a good thing. But in this case it's almost the opposite? I'm not saying it's healthy for Lu Guang to deny Cheng Xiaoshi's death, but I do think the story will eventually align behind him on this choice. And I think that Li Tianchen leaving the past behind in this case is more about trying to forget his trauma and in the process just digging himself deeper, deliberately choosing to forget the very person he fought to protect.
General s3 spec (keeping it brief). Li Tianchen confirmed that he obtained Liu Min's phone for Liu Xiao and it has info on it Liu Xiao needs but we still don't know what's on it beyond Qian Jin's comment about "family secrets". In terms of Liu Xiao himself, he didn't get much airtime but what he did have he made count. He mentioned about wanting to make "uncertainties into certainties" and the idea that there are "parallel lines". This pretty much sets him up against Lu Guang in terms of aim and seems to suggest our understanding of time travel mechanics is about to get a serious update next season. Also, the new "paranormal section of the police force" seems incredibly pointed. I don't really want it to get a huge focus honestly but with the way the scope has widened each season I don't think I'll get my wish.
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mania-sama · 7 months
Random ask, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in any media, like anime/manga, tv series, books, etc (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them....
Thank you so much for sending in an ask! I would love to answer this question! I didn't go through every fandom I've been in, though I went through quite a few!!! Usually, there is only one ship I really love in a fandom that ends up being my favorite, but I like/love plenty of ships and don't limit myself to just one ship. I will say that when it comes to engaging with fandom and fanfiction, I tend to actually prefer platonic relationships, centered on found family and blood-related family than anything else.
Bungou Stray Dogs -> Shin Soukoku (Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi). I think most of this comes from the way they are quite literally yin and yang (my favorite symbol of all time) in almost every aspect. I firmly believe Asagiri is beating us over the head with a mallet saying "Look! Look what I did! Please look!" I'm under no impression that they will be canon, but BEAST gives me the hope that they can at least become friends, and that's testament enough to the development they go through. There is just so much there. I'm not an enemies to lovers person, but for them, I make the exception. There are so many parallels to draw between them, so much to look at and really dig into. I'm not delusional enough to say they wouldn't be toxic (all of the BSD ships except for, like, RanPoe, are toxic let's be real), but I am lenient enough to say that they can be good to each other in fanfics and decent friends in canon. Also, this applies to their BEAST counterparts, too. BEAST makes them better.
Jujutsu Kaisen -> ItaFushi (Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji). There is a sort of trend I have with shipping, I think. I tend to like the second most popular ship, usually the younger generation of the most popular ship, which is arguably a form of torture in and of itself. JJK is not as bad as the BSD fandom is about the popularity difference, but it's still painful. Anyway, I think my love for this ship stems from the fact that Megumi has a big fat crush on Itadori and I will accept, under no circumstances, any other interpretations of his relationship with Itadori. Everything from the SatoSugu parallels (who are one handhold away from being canon let's be real), to their whole shtick being to save each other (physically and mentally), to Megumi literally describing Itadori as his type of person. Gender neutral. Even though it is so incredibly easy to use gendered terms in Japanese as it is in English. I feel like Gege is doing this on purpose because there is just no way he sees this as normal friend stuff. Recent chapters got me in a chokehold. I am SCARED. Besides all this, I think they just work very well together. They are also horribly tragic. Perfect combination.
Genshin Impact -> Xiaother (Aether/Xiao). I debated pretty heavily with myself here on what my true favorite is. I came to this conclusion mainly for one reason: Xiao. I love Aether, but I love Xiao. He is my favorite character, right next to Razor, so obviously he carries this ship. I also think that, of all of the implied relationships Genshin has supplied in plenty, Xiaother has had the most development. Every scene with them is better than the last, and the way that they make each other better is something I adore. And as for the ship being specifically Aether and not Lumine or nonspecific, it's because I chose Aether, so I'm more accustomed to using him as the traveler vessel rather than Lumine, but I'm honestly fine with either.
Identity V -> Elisop (Aesop Carl | Embalmer/Eli Clark | Seer). I haven't played this game in a hot minute for storage and laptop reasons, and I'm also not updated with the lore (nor was I entirely familiar with it from the beginning, outside of the MAIN main lore). But this ship and game were a huge part of my personal development, I think, and I do want to return to playing it in an honest effort eventually (I WANT MY ROBBIE RANK BACK). I think I perceive it differently than other people do, mainly because people oscillate between two sides of the Aesop Carl characterization spectrum. But there is something really fun in the idea that Eli, with his ability to see the future, thinks that he can somehow "fix" Aesop, under the impression that his and Getrude's relationship will never mend. And Aesop, who sees Eli and feels real love for the first time, finds that he doesn't know if he wants to kill and embalm Eli, or if he wants to indulge in this feeling called love. Toxic, probably. Their color schemes also match very well together (which is actually what led me to ship them in the first place, before fandom influence), and they are extremely compatible gameplay-wise.
Haikyuu -> IwaOi (Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru). If you told me two or so years ago that this was my favorite Haikyuu ship, I would have LAUGHED IN YOUR FACE. I hated Oikawa and didn't care much about Seijou. But then. But then. I went through a like. Month-long Haikyuu revival not too long ago and only read IwaOi fics because I came to this revelation. Oikawa is really goddamn relatable. I think we are all, in a sense, Oikawa, at one point or another. He is THE teenager. He is someone you can project every single one of your problems onto because his struggles with being untalented and unworthy are interchangeable with pretty much any self-worth conflict: internalized homophobia, eating disorders, socializing, etc. Iwaizumi can also provide these internal debates, but in a context with Oikawa makes it even better. Does Oikawa carry this ship for me? Yes. I don't care what you think I'm not here to defend myself.
Voltron: Legendary Defenders -> Klance (Keith Kogane/Lance McClain). Do NOT talk to me. They have ruined my life in pretty much every aspect. Also an exception to the not shipping thing because they are kinda the whole reason I even watched this show past season... three probably. I don't even wanna talk about them anymore because it'll just upset me. Just know that as far as the Sheith vs Klance debate goes, Sheithers are wrong for that after Keith called Shiro his brother. There. I added my fuel to the ever-burning garbage fire that is Voltron shipping. I may talk about Klance again in the future but for now I wanna leave my thoughts off here.
Merlin BBC -> Merthur (Arthur Pendragon/Merlin). Thank you Merthur fandom for teaching me what a good fic is supposed to taste like. They are kind of the epitome of the ships I tend to gravitate to: TRAGIC. The ending of Merlin is traumatizing and the fact that all of the cast pretty shipped it (as well as you can see the faint mouthing of the words "I love you" in the final death scene) is like. The first true healthy immersion into a ship I've ever had. I never obsessed over them too hard, I think, but Merlin is still my favorite live-action show, and Merthur is always well and true to my heart. They also got me introduced to the master/servant trope in terms of medieval times, and I had a very long affinity for it in fanfiction. I don't like it as much anymore, but I look upon that time with happiness rather than the usual slight embarrassment.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power -> Catradora (Adora/Catra). I also make an exception for enemies to lovers for them because they even added that extra-friendly step of friends to enemies to lovers. Genuinely, no show surprised me as much as She-Ra did. Shout out She-Ra for giving me the worst envy I've ever felt in my life. I want to rock a suit as well as Catra did in that one scene. Anyway, I loved their development. I know some people criticize it for being rushed towards the end, but I like the way they were able to forgive Catra so easily. They understood what it meant to be used and manipulated, what it meant to be unable to fight against oppressive forces. People are mad at compassion, even though that's the literal whole point of She-Ra. Whatever. They could never make me hate you Catradora.
Percy Jackson (all book series) -> Percabeth (Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson). The blueprint. That's it. That's all you gotta know. I don't read fics about them because there is nothing to improve upon. One of the best written series and best written romances of all time. It was basically everything Avatar: The Last Airbender failed to do with Kataang (sorry for ragging on them for a second but that's the only thing I didn't like about ATLA; the romances) failed to accomplish, with all the same in-depth and wonderful characters. Like, they are everything I aspire to have in a relationship. The way they are simply meant for each other and aren't rushed, but are always implied to have that cutesy young crushes until they finally got together. I love them. Ugh. Uncle Rick you win again.
Anyway, these were some of my favorite ships of all time!! Sorry, I blabbered a lot. Probably listed more ships than you meant to but I take whatever opportunity I can to talk about things I enjoy IN DEPTH. There were also a lot of M/M romances, which, I swear to God, just happened out that way. I love plenty of F/F and F/M relationships, they just rarely end up as my top favorite. DO NOT accuse me of anything because I WILL NOT hear it.
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Why are you running a poll about gay disabled characters and allowing headcannons? Why not focus on canon lgbt characters with disabilities?
Sorry for taking so long to respond, but I wanted to wait until after Round One was posted. (Ignore the fact that it is several days after round 1 finished posting, I got busy). ((Extra update: lol this is such a late response I haven’t been doing like anything)). Also, sorry for such an extensive breakdown on an honest question, we just want to have this to refer to if we get more questions like this.
A quick breakdown: This post will have four parts: a practical explanation, an explanation more related to our blog set up, just a more philosophical explanation, and under the cut a breakdown of more headcannon like characters.
Practical Explanation:
So one of the reasons why we decided to allow more headcanon like characters is simply the logistics on defining what is more fanon or not is a pain. If you look down at the list you can see there’s an ambiguous section, and that’s because especially regarding sexuality/gender often times there is conflicting opinions/information from actors, producers, whatever. (Ex. Many of the Star Trek characters (their various propaganda has decent information.)) Additionally in the cases of especially Spock and to some extent Frodo them being read as queer has a really long history through the fandom, so to discount them from this feels a bit weird. There are also other cases where due to time period of the media specifically there aren’t gonna be specific terms for some disabilities or sexualities or genders. Overall, there is just a lot of gray areas, and to be like some noncanon stuff counts but others don’t is kinda a hard line to draw. (That being said we did reject a few characters for really not fitting, all characters in the showdown have a decent explanation for being here.)
Blog Set Up Explanation:
This is a little bit more rude (sorry). Honestly, from the get go we’ve established that noncanon characters would count, we didn’t get any complaints until we actually started the polls, and there’s not any way that they will be taken out at this point. If you don’t agree with who we let be in the showdown don’t vote for them.
Philosophical Explanation:
On a more philosophical basis, characters can still resonate with people as having similar stories/experiences to them even if they are not canonically LGBTQ or disabled. This is a place that is celebrating LGBTQ and disabled characters, and if a character’s experiences are important to you why shouldn’t they qualify?
Note about qualifications: characters with disabilities that get cured do count as disabled, also word of god counts as confirmation.
Having to sort this out was confusing as hell, apologies for any errors.
Characters that are not canonically disabled:
Sabran IX Berethnet (The Priory of the Orange Tree)
Robin Buckley (Stranger Things)
Rudyard Funn (Wooden Overcoats)
Characters that are really ambiguous/confusing:
Julian Bashir, Data, Elim Garak, Geordi La Forge (Star Trek)
Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
Kuruto Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files- Nirvana Initiative)
Chu Sangwoo (Semantic Error)
Characters that are not canonically LGBTQ+:
Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows)
Saki Tenma (Project Sekai)
Kurogane (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle)
Xiao Xingchen, Song Lan (The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi)
Daan (Fear and Hunger)
Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Patchouli Knowledge (Touhou Project)
Havelock Vetinari (Discworld)
Wayne Terrisborn (Mistborn)
Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe)
Link (Legend of Zelda)
Qifrey (Witch Hat Atelier)
Viktor (Arcane)
Chicory (Chicory: A Colorful Tale)
Johnny Joestar (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run)
Schnn T’gai Spock, T’Poll, Keyla Detmer (Star Trek)
Chirrut Îmwe, Darth Maul (Star Wars)
Gaige (Borderlands)
Hiccup Haddock (How To Train Your Dragon)
Jem Carstairs (The Shadowhunter Chronicles)
Frodo Baggins (Lord of the Rings)
Eichi Tenshouin (Ensemble Stars!!)
Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Bucky Barnes, Professor X, Matt Murdock (Marvel)
Hitori Gotoh (Bocchi the Rock!)
Jace Beleren (Magic: The Gathering)
Joly (Les Misérables)
Nodoka Hanadera (Healin’ Good Precure)
Arthur Lester (Malevolent Podcast)
Hearthstone (Magnus Chase)
Hebe Harrison (Doctor Who)
Hermann Gottlieb (Pacific Rim)
Harry Du Bois (Disco Elysium)
Merle Highchurch (The Adventure Zone)
Elphaba Thropp (Wicked)
Monkey D. Luffy and Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
Ricky Potts (Ride the Cyclone)
Tokito Minoru (Wild Adapter)
Blade (Honkai Star Rail)
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guess who's alive? exactly, me!! :D *slumps down and never gets up* (sorry in advance this will be quite the long ask >_<)
i get the feeling of fried brain, my session just finished ;-; #neveragain (wish i could say it for real tho) it's not a problem if you can't add much ahah, really, so don't worry :3
i feel you, my rbf isn't of any help but luckily those who receive my love know it and about the rest i don't care °v° and as i said (i think) as long as you're genuine i don't think that's a problem, honestly is what matters ^u^
yeah i noticed the game and noticed only now i forgot to ask you a question but now head is empty so whatever 🫠 if you say so then brb gonna go buy pencils for xiao and you so you can fill each other's skin with drawings and writings eheh~
me too honestly, i just need to relax, eat good food and sleep for hours trapping the indigo menace in a cuddling hug >:3 for movies i'm down bad for pixar but indie and artsy sounds good too 👀 and slow dancing at night is just something sooo cute and sosksiskdjsjskwj i'm down bad pt2
we can agree that villainous fictional men >>>>>>>>> goody two-shoes hero, but morally grey characters deserve a mention of honor, a whole hall just for them @^@
childe you cocky little menace with that shit-eating grin 🤺 i love this type of grin it sends me on cloud nine but also actives my fighting spirit lmao
i loved every word and the implicit mention of scara's partner and childe's being colleagues, what a chaos putting those two in the same room because of their lovers (saw the other asks, died of laughter)
it had me going 👀 when reader went "one coffee for the mystery man" LIKE MAN THE AUDACITY i would have prayed the universe to swallow me especially after ginger's reply folsdoodsj so good really
also, a curiosity: since you mentioned yanqing (my son <3) does this mean that gi and hsr men will interact more often, being in the same universe? tbh knowing some characters either they will get along well or a big fight would start the moment they see each other pfft-
anyway, i think that i covered everything so that's all! as always, take care, drink water and coffee, eat healthy and sleep well at night, you can do this! and good luck with uni :3
bye bye~
— ❄️
hii great to see you back and good job on surviving!! i’ll put the answer under a cut for brevity’s sake haha
well i hope i sound and look genuine bc sometimes i feel like i don’t and if i try to sound more excited, people would probably think i’m faking it; but yeah my friends probably know by now how i act so i think i should be good :>
don’t force yourself to participate if you can’t come up with something, i promise i still have enough material to go through (me, typing a novel for a moot’s entry /aff); whenever i doodle on my arm i normally just use ball point pens or eyeliners but i also saw people using like actual colours for painting/body paint and i really want to try that; having someone drag a brush and paint over your back must be such a funny feeling <3
i’m not watching a lot of films right now, so i can’t say what my favourite genre is but i do love a good animation (i still need to see the new spiderman aaahhh); speaking of going to the cinema: there’s sth so special about going there during daytime and coming back out when it’s dark outside; imagine walking home after the film with your fave, he gives you his jacket against the chill of the evening and you laugh and joke as you discuss the film you just saw until he gently grabs your hand and starts twirling you around under the light of a street lamp… *sigh* what a dream (frantically scribbles into my notes for the modern au hshsh)
i just think villains and morally grey characters just are much more fun to explore; would i want hazbin hotel’s alastor to be real or would i like him if i met him? no because he is/was a serial killer, but in fiction? fascinating, intriguing, fun to explore; fiction just gives us the means to explore these morally not so cool actions and mindsets without most of the consequences, and i love that (also it really is sexy if a bad guy drops everything for their love; who wouldn’t want to be their partner’s priority; also also, villains with their own set of moral code, like ‘sure i’ll burn down a city but hit a woman? i would never’)
childe activates my fighting spirit in general, like come over here and let’s bicker, you gorgeous idiot, and maybe i’ll kiss you afterwards <3 and also yes that grin… it might be here bc of the writer’s bias…
i just had to make them colleagues!! please just imagine them gossiping about their bfs after work or during the double date the readers are just talking the night away whereas childe and scara just have this icy atmosphere around them, but the second their partners look over they melt bc they’re just so in love dorks, all of them
and omg yes, thank you for mentioning it, i’ve been dying for someone to point it out: it’s official, it’s a genshin/honkai shared au!! it’ll be mostly genshin with some hsr characters but yes!! they’re sharing the same universe, they will be interacting (now we wait for someone to mention the company vizion is signed under… i wonder who works there… /silly)
thank you, make sure to take care of yourself as well!! <3
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bewitchsun · 2 years
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Welcome to my Blog that I will hardly ever use! Previously known as @moegil​ if you want to find some older stuff I post. 
You can mostly find me on Twitter @zasshuu! 
Art Credits: Pinned Post: @liliya  on Twitter Tumblr Blog Header: 風李たゆ
Main Interests:
Final Fantasy XIV
Main Ships: G’raha/WOL, FanWOL ( taking my life away ), EliWOL & EliAzem, & ZenosWOL
I LOVE MY WOL SEIZA MAREBITO ( I have too many comms of her)
I’m lazy at Gposing but I do them sometimes
I love Elidibus. I love Fandaniel. I love G’raha Tia. I love Zenos. 
Genshin Impact
Main Ships: Kamisato Sandwich, Zhongli/Tartaglia, Albedo/Mona, & Cyno/Nilou....Scaramouche/Lumine has been winning me over too
Scaramouche is funny little man ( it’s not because he reminds me of Fandaniel, no, but I love me an unhinged Kakihara )
I love the Archons. 
Main Ships: Gilgamesh/Hakuno, Gilgamesh/Enkidu, & Gilgamesh/Arthur ( wow it’s just Gilgamesh no surprise )
Hakuno Kishinami is my beloved child
if it’s not Gilgamesh, I do not care
Don’t talk to me about FGO, I’m already retired once I reached my goal of NP5 Gilgamesh with Bond 10. 
Touken Ranbu
Main Ships: MikaTsuru, I live for them and I die for them
I hate one Mikazuki Munechika yet here I am with everything about him
Lowkey want to kiss Kashuu Kiyomitsu
Kogitsunemaru does not exist
Ensemble Stars
Main Ships: Anzu X Anybody, The Boys X Happiness
I am an OddBallP ( boomer P name), ReiP, and lowkey HokutoP because he keeps coming home
Young Star used to do back to back Ranking in Basic, who was I
I hate Eichi but I also love Eichi, it must be the blonde lover in me
also put more of the boys in dresses, they are hot
Kamen Rider
Neo-Heisei and Reiwa Fan
Kuroto Dan is literally the best man in Neo-Heisei
BTW, I started off with OOOs. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Zi-O made me all warm inside
Gaim has banger OST and I only watched for Baron Kaito lol
Chase is my boyfriend, he’s so handsome I cry
Zero-One starts off the Reiwa era and I’m so grateful, everybody is so good. 
Idols & Stageplays
I love anything idol related. UtaPri, idolish7, Love Live, etc etc
I’m stuck in Hakuouki Musical
oh speaking of Swords again, Musical Mikazuki Munechika what the fuck is going on with you
Other Interests:
I love shoujo manga
I been dying in webtoon lands honestly. I can’t even listen my favorites
VTUBERS!!! I like HoloProduction
I throw my money at artists so they can draw my WOL lol
my friend is dragging me into Dylan Wang hell
Other Socials:
I just live on Twitter
Ao3 I write sometimes, mostly my WOL
toyhouse , it’s just my WOL because she is my BABY
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mintjeru · 3 years
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will you grant my wish?
an (over)dramatization of my rolls for xiao constellations drawn as a thank you and goodbye to his rerun banner
open for better quality || no reposts || image desc under the cut || ko-fi
[Image description: A three page comic about wishing for Xiao.
The first page depicts Wangshu Inn with the mountains, moon, and clouds in the background. There is a panel of a chibi Aether standing on the balcony of the inn as he looks wistfully at the scenery. The text at the bottom of the page reads, “Please.”
At the top of the second page, there is a panel with the Primordial Jade Winged Spear and the Staff of Homa. The text states, “I don’t have the best weapons for you.” The next panel contains an Intertwined Fate. The text in this panel says, “and I don’t have enough wishes to guarantee you’ll show up for me.” Below this panel is a shooting star and a chibi Aether, eyes closed, head turned down, and hands in a prayer position. The text is broken up into parts as you move downwards, and it reads, “But even so, can I see you again... Xiao?”
The third page begins with a panel of Aether with his eyes opened in surprise. The text states, “Silly mortal. I told you already, did I not?” Below this is the text, “All you have to do is speak my name.” The bottom of the page shows a backlit Xiao with a small smile on his face as he lands on the balcony railing. He is gazing down at Aether, who has a surprised expression.]
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
Do we have any Xiao sex-doll thoughts? 😔🙏 It’s hard for me to see him as one, what is your take on this
tw - unhealthy relationships, mentions of bruising/blood, and themes of codependence.
it is honestly a little hard to see, but in all fairness, i think that's just because he wouldn't be just a sex-doll. Xiao, like the rest of the Adeptus Collection, doubles as a security unit for his user, acting as more of a personal guard dog compared to the battlefield-ready Morax or a high-profile bodyguard Ganyu. his personality leans into that, too, quiet and reserved, prone to perching himself near entryways until you ask him not to stare down your guests like he's already decided to disembowel them. he's one of the only androids to act coy about anything romantic or sexual, even if that doesn't stop him from throwing you over his shoulder whenever you try to bring home anyone he's decided he doesn't care for, and his relaxed safety protocol and... particular denticle design make him popular among demographics interested in less orthodox partners. you try not to let him get so rough with you, but from your experience, he certainly doesn't have an issue drawing blood. if you didn't know better, you'd say that might be his favorite part.
not that you think he'd ever hurt you. in fact, that's the whole reason you got him - because you just can't stand the anxiety that comes with living alone, because it makes you feel just a little safer to have him by your side whenever you're forced to run errands in the middle of the night, or decide to drink a little more than you usually would while you're out with your friends, or just want to go for a walk without having to worry about strangers with bad intentions. he can be over-protective, sometimes, interrogating the people you introduce him to like a seasoned soldier trying to pry information out of a freshly-caught spy, but he means well, and when he crosses a line, when he holds your hand a little too tightly or uses a little too much force while 'dealing with' someone he thought was being too aggressive with you, he always apologizes, always comes to you with his eyes downcast and his head bowed, mumbling muted platitudes about protection and devotion as he nuzzles into your thighs and laps at whatever you'll give him access to.
he's sweet, kissing over the bruises he leaves on your hips, straining himself to fuck you like something precious, something delicate, even when you know he'd rather pin you down and dig his teeth into your throat, when you know he'd rather see how close he can get to breaking you without actually damaging you beyond repair. you know he wouldn't, though. you know he couldn't.
you know that Xiao would never hurt you, even if it seems like he might want to, sometimes.
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lemonykoo · 2 years
what it’s like going to bed with the genshin boys
Includes: Ayato, Childe, Diluc, Gorou, Kazuha, Kaeya, Itto, Thoma, Albedo, Scaramouche, Xiao, Zhongli, Venti, Aether
Genre: Fluff! The reader is gender neutral.
Word Count: 170-250ish words each. Some characters are harder to write than others lmao
Notes: Bullet imagine. Nothing suggestive or scandalous lmao. I just find comfort in sleeping amongst all my pillows sometimes and I can’t imagine how comforting it would be to sleep with a pryo vision holder who owns a winery!!! I decided not to do all the younger boys just because these are considered romantic relationships. I also am unsure of how old Gorou is, but I see him as being a bit older than Xingqui or Bennett. If he’s not though and y’all think it’d be best to remove his part from this, I will do so. Sorry for not posting in forever btw. Hopefully I’ll be able to write more and post more since summer break is here! I got excited to post this lol so I apologize if there’s any mistakes or anything. I hope you guys enjoy!!
I think Ayato, with his prestige role in Inazuma, probably seems like he wouldn’t care much for cuddles at bedtime. He’s just too prim and proper for that.
Top secret information, though, he does! He cares so much for them hehe
He just loves it when you curl up next to him, with your head on his chest and his arm wrapped around you so he can rub comforting circles on your abdomen or play with your hair if he wants.
When you wake up in the morning and it’s a bit chilly inside, he just loves it when you get as close to him as you can.
He normally wakes up earlier than you, so while you continue sleeping, he’ll patiently wait for you to wake up so he can give you all the good morning kisses you deserve.
Honestly, after a long day of dealing with Yashiro Commissioner things, he just can’t wait to hold you all night long. Sometimes when he wakes up, he’s already anticipating for the night to come so he can hold you close and tell you how much he loves you.
More often than not, he’s not exactly present at home since he’s doing Fatui things. You’ve gotten accustomed going to bed alone, unfortunately.
That’s why Childe is more inclined to spoon you when he finally comes home.
It’ll be the dead of night when he quietly sneaks his way into your little cottage in Snezhnaya. The bitter cold outside was just starting to nip at him, so all he had on his mind was getting in bed with you.
He’d walk into the bedroom with soft footsteps, having already discarded of his boots at the front door along with the rest of his belongings. You’d be fast asleep, as expected, on your designated side of the bed as you snuggled a pillow beside you. Sometimes Childe wondered if you always slept on your side of the bed, hoping each night for his long-awaited return.
Carefully, Childe would climb in bed beside you and wrap an arm around you to draw you closer to him as gently as he could without disturbing you.
It wouldn’t ever take long for him to fall asleep. Between being exhausted after being away on a mission to being in your soft, comforting presence, it was impossible to not drift off into one the best sleeps he’ll ever have.
Chances of you actually going to bed with Diluc at the same time was pretty much half and half. Sometimes he’d be at home and accompany you to bed. Sometimes he’d had to be at Angel’s Share late and you wouldn’t see him until the morning. And then sometimes, he’d go to bed with you, but you’d wake up late in the night to find him gone on some Darknight Hero mission.
(He’d never forgive the Traveler for starting that nickname.)
Because of this, he’d settle for spooning you since if he had to leave, he could do so without bothering you much and when he came back, it would be easy to resume.
The only downside was that when he left, the extra warmth he seemed to radiate because of his vision would leave too, leaving you to get a little cold whenever he left. Normally, this wouldn’t be enough to wake you up right away.
If you did happen to wake up when Diluc was leaving, though, it was hard for him to not stay. He had such a soft spot for you, if you gave him just one little pouty look, he’d be getting back in bed before you could even ask.
Oh, but his cuddles are always the best. In comparison to you, his stature and build is much larger, so it’s like having a nice, bear hug constantly.
It was always a challenge getting up in the morning since neither one of you wanted to leave the other.
You and Gorou are all over each other at bedtime.
You spoon him, he spoons you, he cradles you, you cradle him – it’s just a tossup, honestly. There’s not preference, as long as you two are with each other and comfortable.
He’s normally tired at the end of the day after doing all his general duties, so it’s not hard for him to just find a spot amongst the blankets and pillows with you and be perfectly content.
If it’s within easy reach, yes, you will brush his tail hehe. He acted super embarrassed about it at first, even though you two are dating. He didn’t view you in the same way as Yae Miko on this sort of thing, but he did feel anxious about you knowing this about him! He was okay with you knowing his secrets, of course, but this!! He was a general, for archon’s sake! He couldn’t let people know he enjoyed his tail being brushed!
Well, except you now. Because you knew exactly how he liked it and it was you!! He loves you!! Please, brush his tail!!
Just… don’t tell anyone… for his sake.
For starters, if you and Kazuha are on a voyage on the Crux, you both just have to squeeze in somewhere to occupy what little space is available on the ship. There was really no set “position” as long as you two could sleep comfortably in those conditions.
However, whenever the ship was docked and you two were staying in Liyue Harbor for a little bit, you could take up as much room as possible!
You two would definitely take advantage of this opportunity and spread out in the inn’s bed as much as you possibly could.
At least he would. Kazuha would sprawl out like a little starfish, with one arm out to the side while the other would be underneath his head and his legs outstretched. The free arm would be your invitation to cuddle him hehe
You’d fill in the space next to him, either facing him or not since both worked just fine. If you faced him, his free arm would wrap around you to hold you to him while an arm and leg of yours would drape across his body. If you faced away, the free arm would just be a little pillow for you and yes, it would definitely be numb in the morning but that didn’t matter! As long as you were happy hehe
One thing you didn’t expect from Mondstadt’s heartthrob was how punctual he was to bed. Not that Kaeya had a specific bedtime, but if you were going to bed, he was, too. It was endearing, really. You didn’t have to wait up for him and the nights where he wasn’t at home all night, he’d somehow always return right when you were getting ready for bed. He just knows, ya know.
Most of the time, you lay beside him with your head on his chest and an arm around his torso. Kaeya would rate this a 9 out of 10 for reasons he wouldn’t disclose, but you were sure one point was deducted just because he couldn’t easily give you kisses like that.
However, some nights this wasn’t the case. Sometimes, after having one too many to drink that night, he’d find a comfy spot in the bed beside you, wrap his arms around you and rest his head in the crook of your neck.
He’d place sloppy kisses on your exposed skin, chuckling a little to himself for no reason. You’d chide him for drinking too much to which he’d reply with, “You’re so cute when you lecture me,” before hiccupping. “You’re just the cutest,” he’d slur and a soft sigh exhaled across your skin would signal to you that he was finally asleep and wouldn’t be waking up until late the next day.
Not exactly sure why, but Itto insists that you sleep on top of him. Not that you’re complaining. It was rather comfortable.
Since your head would be on his chest, you could hear his heartbeat clearly, which always lulled you to sleep very quickly. His arms would wrap around you in a nice hug.
Yeah, good luck trying to get up or leave. Itto was not letting that happen.
And it’s not like you could leave without waking him up. He was a light sleeper, so the slightest move would cause him to stir. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
Your only fear was if he rolled over, which hasn’t happened yet, but you always have that little thought in your head. At this point, it’s just an irrational fear of yours.
Oh, and whereas this sleeping position of y’all’s might warrant some chuckles, the Arataki gang does not even pretend like they’re amused by this.
Itto will definitely challenge them to an all or nothing onikabuto fight. You’re not sure what the “all or nothing” implies, but you know Itto’s pretty harmless, so you assume it’s nothing bad.
At least… you hope it’s not.
Thoma is always exhausted when it’s time for bed! He’s been doing all sorts of stuff for the Kamisato household and now that there’s a new outlander in town, he’s been dealing with that, too.
So when you two are in bed, he clings to you, wrapping his arms around you and placing his head on your chest. He just wants to take it easy before he has to do it all again tomorrow.
On the days where he’s not exhausted and yearning for your touch after a stressful day, the roles are reversed. But when is this man not running all over Inazuma helping out whoever he can?
(And when he is not yearning for you? Hello, this man is head over heels for you!)
Sometimes you wish he’d just sit still and take a day off, but you know that’s not going to happen. No matter how many times you and the Kamisato siblings tell him it’s okay to slow down, he just can’t. But, you have to admit, when he winds down for the night and is all snuggly and warm, you do love those moments just as much as when he’s not falling asleep as soon as his head hits the pillows.
And when you play his hair!! Yes, please!! Braid it, tie it up, give him silly hair do’s – he loves it!! Literally helps him get to sleep faster.
Albedo rarely went to bed with you. He’d always be up late, taking notes or continuing an experiment he was working on until it was finished or completed enough to his satisfaction.
The times he would go to bed with you, he’d stay up with his nose deep in a book while you laid at his lap, sleeping peacefully.
The times he wouldn’t go to bed with you, though, would be much different, as expected.
He wouldn’t want to wake you up, since he knew sleep was important (to everyone except him, apparently), so he’d settle for just occupying the space beside you. He’d make no move to touch you, afraid the slightest movement would cause you to stir.
He’d fall asleep with his back to you on the opposite side of the bed, only to wake up in the morning with you spooning him.
Or, on other occasions, he’d wake up face to face with you in the center of the bed, hands intertwined between the both of you.
He had no preference, really, but he was starting to think being spooned was one of the best things in life.
Would insist on sleeping back-to-back. You expected as much, but you kind of wished Scara would at least make an attempt at physical affection.
But he did! Just in secret hehe.
He’d wait until you fell asleep to roll over and spoon you and after a while, he’d drape an arm over your torso to hold you closer to him.
Sometimes you’d be awake to witness this and would smile to yourself, not understanding why he couldn’t do this when he thought you were awake. You had been together long enough anyways, so it wouldn’t be a surprise for you to see him affectionate.
Unfortunately, it was starting to be a surprise when he was affectionate since it was so rare. Maybe he was just trying to keep you on your toes…
Nevertheless, you’d both fall asleep like that, and sometime during the night, his hand would slip underneath the shirt you wore to rest comfortingly on your stomach.
You can guarantee that this display of affection would be gone in the morning. He always woke up before you, so by the time you stirred, he’d already be up and out of bed, leaving no sign of any cuddles.
Just trying to get Xiao to sleep with you was a battle. You knew as a yaksha he didn’t need to sleep and he wouldn’t, but just trying to convince him to at least pretend was like talking to a wall.
It wasn’t until you told him that it’d help comfort you at night since you were wary of being alone sometimes. He couldn’t just leave you to yourself then, right?
He was definitely super rigid at first. Not only had he no experience with this sort of thing, he felt awkward being in this position. He settled for just sitting beside you and to make him feel better, you let him (though one day you were going to get him to cuddle you!).
He’d be sitting up, his legs outstretched in front of him while you laid beside him with your head in his lap. For the first couple of weeks, his arms were either crossed in front of his chest or out beside him. But he slowly got comfortable with touching you.
He’d gently stroke your hair as you slept or place a comforting hand on your arm.
The only downside to all of this was if and when he had to leave during the night to protect Liyue. He’d try his best to slip out of the bed as quietly as possible, but he could never do it just right and leave you awake and saying quiet goodbyes to him. Those were always the worst.
Ideally, Zhongli would like to spoon you when bedtime rolled around.
However, most of the time, you’d end up sprawled across his legs or curled up in his lap as he told you endless stories to help you sleep.
Don’t get me wrong, he enjoyed this just as much. Sometimes he wondered, though, if the reason you always fell asleep during these times was because you thought he was boring. This was not true, as you quite enjoyed his stories.
But, since he’d tell you them when you were sleepy and curled up next to him and his deep voice just gave you a wonderful sense of comfort, you couldn’t help but doze off when he’d tell you some little snippet of Liyue’s history.
The position would be similar to that of you and Xiao’s, though, Zhongli would not be uncomfortable with holding you or running his fingers through your hair. That, and you weren’t exactly always confined to his side. Sometimes you’d laid out across his legs, as said before, in between them, or even just sitting up next to him with your head on his shoulder.
It really didn’t matter to Zhongli, though. As long as you were getting a good night’s sleep, he was content.
Just lots and lots of cuddles honestly. You and Venti are just very loving toward each other, so bedtime is just full of cuddles.
It can range from spooning to just holding each other, to whatever y’all are feeling at the moment. I feel like y’all would mostly settle for just holding each other tight, face-to-face so you can pepper kisses on each other cheeks when needed hehe.
(According to Venti, they’re always needed.)
Venti is away a lot due to his free spirit, so when he comes home to you, you both want to spend as much time as possible with each other.
So pretty much you’re both just in each other’s arms until he leaves again.
I think like Xiao, though, when the time to leave comes, it’s always heartbreaking since he can’t even leave without you waking up since you’re both so close and tightly embraced. Sorrowful goodbyes are whispered to each other, and small kisses planted all over your face before he departs.
He never wants to leave, but sometimes he has to. But you know he’ll always be back sometime. The constant breeze flowing through your open windows during all hours of the day lets you know as much.
Being Aether’s travelling companion has gotten you used to staying in weird inns and small tents pitched in the middle of nowhere. Before spending your time with him, you definitely wouldn’t have been able to live like this, or even if you were alone. Between Aether’s comforting presence and Paimon’s comedic relief, the otherwise uncomfortable trips were made pleasant to you.
Aether knew you were a bit timid when it came to new places. After meeting you during his stay in Mond, he asked you to accompany him on his travels to other places. You were very apprehensive, since you had never left Mondstadt before. But Aether reassured you that nothing bad would happen to you on his watch, and Paimon said she’d beat him up if he did let something bad happen to you. Nonetheless, you were welcomed to his travelling team with open arms!
With you being so nervous in new areas where danger seemed to lurk around every corner, you couldn’t help but always curl up right beside the blonde when nightfall came around. You’d have your head on his chest and an arm holding him to you – not out of force but out of reassurance he was still there and hadn’t left you.
Sometimes Aether opted to sleep on his side, in which case your head would be underneath his chin and your body close to his, each with an arm loosely around each other.
Sometimes, you’d be embarrassed by your display of affection when the morning came, but Aether’s good morning kisses always reassured you that he enjoys every second of your company.
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pookiesatoru · 3 years
contains : afab!reader x a variety of men from different fandoms [jjk, tokyo rev, aot, genshin, knb, psycho pass & csm], definitely not just the tip for some of them, teasing, edging & breeding <3
i really just needed to whore out for some of my faves so this fandom hybrid post was born lmaaooss, anyway yeah this– this ruined me and i hope it ruins you too :D likes / reblogs are appreciated and feedback is always welcomed <3
!! minors & ageless blogs, dni !!
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he's soooo mean about it :( will not move no matter how much you beg him. you’d crave the way his cock would be so deep in you, it always fills you nicely and while you're shaking with desperation, he'd just look down at you with a smile. "look at you, all fuckin' needy for some cock, hey?" has the audacity to lean back and admire you from above. brings his thumb down to your clit and rubs it in circles while he pulls his hips back and then pushes his cockhead in just a little. he has so much self control, you don't know how it's possible honestly because you're losing your mind. "going dumb just from my tip?" he questions, fully aware you won't be able to answer because you're trying to move your hips, trying to get more of his cock because you need to be fucked, you need to be full. but he ! just ! won't ! do ! it ! edges and teases you until you're a broken sobbing mess, tears and snot running down your face. and maybe, maybe, he'll fuck you. or not. he could just keep playing with your clit and edge you another couple of times <3
gojo, toji, sukuna, eren, nahoya, sanzu, hanma, makishima, aomine, kaeya & childe
the second you beg for him to move, he's literally fighting off the urge to move. he's a soft dom after all, just wants you to feel good, but boy does he want to see you a writhing mess under him. every time your cunt clenches around his cock, his grip on your waist tightens a little. "fu– fuck, baby... don't do that..." he'd grunt out, gritting his teeth together as he draws his hips back and pushes the fat tip back into you again. it hurts, the head of his cock is so big it feels like it's already splitting you apart, and his cock would feel even bigger but he refuses to give in :( "pl-please–" you sniffle, looking up at him with eyes full of tears, they're threatening to fall. "want more, i-i need more, please! please... jus' fuck me, please. want your cum." the second a single tear falls from the corner of your eye, he's wiping it away immediately. "'s okay baby, i got you." he'd whisper, letting his forehead rest against yours. "g'nna push in, 'kay?" he'd warn, and without wasting another second, his cock finally fills you up. all you can do is mumble out thank you as you hold onto his arms while he starts fucking you like you deserve. "'m gonna fill you nice 'n full... you want that? yeah? nice and full, gonna get you pregnant." <3
megumi, nanami, kogami, ginoza, aki, levi, jean, kazutora, inupi, mitsuya, draken, kise, hyuga, teppei, diluc & zhongli
honestly... it does not take long for him to go completely dumb from your pussy. the second his cockhead is pushed into your entrance he groans, eyes fluttering closed as he starts to blab. "hnn– feels... feels s'good. such a–ahh– a nice lil' cu–nt" he's so dumb already, it's adorable. he barely lasts a minute. "need to fuck you– gonna fuck you. okay?" so much for wanting to tease you. starts up such a brutal pace from the get go oh my god. you're gonna be so sore afterwards because he ! just ! can't ! stop ! fucking ! you ! you feel so good around him, so tight and wet, clenching every so often, your nails digging into his flesh drives him insane as he keeps thrusting. broken grunts and airy whimpers with the loudest skin slapping noises are all to be heard for the next couple hours, he won't stop till his balls are empty and his cock is too sore to continue <3
yuji, kazutora, mikey, souya, denji, itto & xiao
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dawndelion-winery · 2 years
Is It True
You ask the them if they're into you
Ft. Bosacius, Indarias, Bonanus, Menogias, Alatus/Xiao
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Eyes widen in shock at your confrontation at first, slowly morphs into a sheepish grin
"Can't get anything past you, huh? Yeah, I do like you, what about it?"
Doesn't seem embarrassed in the least, if anything, he's smiling endlessly
You don't have to give him an answer right away, though he will keep hinting at the question every now and then to remind you
He's a little very eager
You'll have to excuse his constant hovering
Absolutely the type to trip you and then catch you when you fall
"Have you fallen for me too, perhaps?"
Slap him, he can take a few hits and honestly deserves it for teasing you that much<33
Feigns hurt when you hit him until you relent and tend to his 'injuries'
Then tackles you into a hug when you do
He has four arms so,,,good luck escaping, comrade
If you want him to stop you're gonna have to flatout reject him
Incredibly cheeky about it
"You think I'm into you? Now why would you be so curious about that? Unless you're trying to tell me you're interested~"
She smiles so innocently the whole while like she didn't just set you up
It absolutely was her idea to let Bonanus discuss her crush on you with Bosacius right as you were walking around the corner
And it was completely staged how Bonanus panicked and told you to forget you heard anything from her
Which of course led to curiosity getting the better of you
And now Indarias was more than happy to poke and pinch your cheeks cooing over how cute you were when you played investigator
"Your interrogation needs work, but I can help with that! Go on, ask me more."
Goes off on date ideas unprompted regardless of what your initial question was
Her favourite colour? Pink. Speaking of which there's this pink themed cafe she's been dying to check out and you should accompany her
Ever so slightly shy about it, probably the second most flustered of the yakshas
She genuinely didn't expect you to find out before she confessed
Either way, she's not going to deny it
"That is...correct," she confirms with a soft smile and giggle, easily slipping her hand in yours. "You...wouldn't happen to have asked because you liked me too, would you?"
Definitely pulls you along saying she has to show you something when you say yes
She takes you to a lake when she slowly leads you into the water, letting it settle up to your ankles
When you ask what she had to show you, she only smiles and leads you into a dance
"Not much, I just wanted to dance with you."
Of course there was more to it than that
As she twirled around with you, the water that splashed up seemed to carry on upwards in slow motion
You'd expect to feel hot under the scorching sun, but the water droplets that drifted around you like snowflakes reflected the sunlight into a million little rainbows while keeping you cool
The tiny rainbows reflected on her like mini spotlights, drawing in your attention to her grace
You were caught staring
"I'm flattered you liked my performance, but won't you be a part of it with me?"
Visibly, his reaction is neither here nor there
"You heard a rumour that I fancy you? Hmm, interesting."
Internally he's going insane and think he just might jump off the highest point of Jueyun Karst
"Is there, perhaps, a reason you're so curious?"
He's testing the waters to see if he should confess to you, though the surprise has been ruined
Feel free to tease him if only to watch him blank out
You can almost see the singular Braincell ping around in his skull
A lot of stuttering and taking back what he's said
No, he never said he was in love with you- wait, not that it meant he wasn't, BUT HE'S NOT SAYING HE IS, he's not denying it but kindly do not assume he's smitten thank you very much
If you don't stop teasing him the rambling will never end
On the other hand, acting upset about him not being in love with you and professing your own love to him will probably result in even greater panic
He'd take your hand and drag you all over the place until he found a suitable spot that fit your preferred aesthetic
Then he fumbles over a confession he half regrets not having planned it in detail as a script sitting in his pocket at a moment's notice
What he does have going for him is how he can sneakily draw precious gems towards him behind his back as he pretends to be fidgeting with his hands
He manages to present that much to you as a present, not that he feels any better about it
Largely anticipating your rejection and he almost flinches when your mouth opens
Easily the most flustered of the five
Denies it so adamantly that you'd believe him if he weren't blushing so badly
He doesn't even want to admit it to himself what makes you think he'll admit it to you
You're lucky he's the youngest and all his big yaksha siblings bully him into confessin when they hear your confrontation
They're all watching him, wide eyed and smiley, nudging him closer to you whenever he takes too long to speak
Which happened a lot, hence why he was very nearly pressed against you
At which point he lashes out at them
"Stop pushing me if you already know I'm into them."
He all but hisses yet they're still grinning at him - wider than before, if possible
Remembers you're there, hides his face in his hands and turns his back to you
"I don't see you, you don't see me."
You could point out how he could just teleport away, but you knew he'd actually do it if you did
Perhaps some time in the future, he'd reveal that he stayed to hear your opinion
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Taglist[send an ask to be added/removed]: @myluvkeiji @pluvioseprince @aqui-soba @euphoric-author @paradise-creator @favonius-captain @tiredsleep @raincxtter @serenenation @loverofthe-stars @gensimping-for-all @irethepotato @almond-adeptus @mx-kamisato @yuzuricebun @chaosinanutshell @howlantic @codename-hiraeth @andreiling01 @callmemeelah @stunningstratagem @sadlonelybagel @plinkuro
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apompkwrites · 2 years
hello!! i love your reader impact series and i have a request :) maybe you can do venti, xiao, and chongyun's reactions when the reader gets shipped quite often with another character from the game. thank you!
reader impact || ships
series masterlist characters: chongyun, venti, xiao genre: fluff contains: just talking about ships, nothing too much summary: streamers react to (name) ships in genshin.  notes: man sagau/cult au back at it again with a death grip on my brain :// anyway kinda wanna draw the streamers... who do y'all wanna see first??
chongyun -
he's noticed a lot of content involving you and your friend!
he's not too... upset at first?
if anything, he's really, and i mean really, oblivious.
he wholeheartedly believes that everyone is talking about you and your friend in a... well, a friend sense.
it takes a few streams for his chat to finally break through to him.
and when they do, it's not terrible?
i mean, he's not too much into shipping characters but he appreciates it.
mainly because he gets to see more content of you :)
he's honestly just starved for content. please hoyoverse give (name) content.
venti -
he's kinda upset?
but also kinda inspired?
like he wants to make so many songs based solely on the ships he's seen of you.
but also he just doesn't like the idea of making a song based on a ship he doesn't particularly enjoy?
but his inspiration outweighs his dislike.
he'll make a bunch of songs and tales based on headcanons he's seen of you being shipped with someone.
there's a ship of you with an old friend of yours that is the complete opposite of your personality?
he's made a song that centers around opposites attracting and sticking together.
there's another ship of you with a stand-offish character that has a traumatic background that you're already involved in?
he's already made a song that has the singer opening up to one person and one person only.
basically, he's not too entertained by the thought of ships but he appreciates the inspirations he gets from them.
xiao -
xiao, honestly, hates them.
he mainly hates them just because a lot of them just seem... out of character for you?
like he just doesn't think they're believable ships.
there might be, like, one or two that he enjoys, but most of the ones he's seen are too headcanon-y.
if that makes sense at all?
he thinks that people are making a new character that just looks like you.
his chat likes to claim that he's just jealous it's not him.
they offer to make fanart for him and making a new ship, though!
he really appreciates it :))
his chat literally makes a whole new ship where it's him and you, but it's also lore accurate you.
so the ship is just sort of... two people who can't let their guards down?
but they manage to work around it and make it healthy :)
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bluexiao · 3 years
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#hidden scars
SELF ISSUES —when two individuals with their own issues unite, what happens then?
THEMES. hurt with lots of comfort. mutual pining. first meetings. can be pre-established relationship. reader’s story is very sad.
WORD COUNT. 2.4k words
CHARACTERS. Xiao; gn! Reader
WARNINGS. mention of suicide attempts (don’t worry all will be kept to a minimum, but it’s still a trigger warning, please do not read if you feel like you are not in a good place to do so)
NOTES. this might be one of my favorites (most likely because i really liked how this turned out). and yes this might be the only one with a somehow good ending lmao. i hope you guys will enjoy reading this|
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Love was never just about a relationship of a couple as a whole; it was two people, formed in a bond that can or cannot be severed, the stronger each of them is, the tougher it will be for fate to draw them apart.
XIAO is the Conqueror of Demons, the sole surviving Yaksha, and an Adeptus of Liyue. Above all, however, love was a concept that he does not understand amongst every emotion humans feel amongst each other. How does one love another, he questions. Yet at the same time, he supposes it’s not his business to meddle with mortal affairs, as much as humans are not supposed to meddle with the Adepti, especially him.
When he met you, it was quite a normal day. Fighting monsters was not bizarre for him, nor was saving another mortal from them, that specific mortal wanting to have a chance to thank him when he finishes the monsters off. He dare not even look at you the first time, which was why when you approached him again one time, he does not recognize you, but you did recognize your savior.
“It was you,” you say with a bright smile, “you were the one who saved me a week ago! I never thought I’d see you again, but thank you very much!”
He looks away immediately, probably too blinded by the brightness of not only your smile but also your works and the personality that radiated off of you.
“Adepti are in no need of your gratitude,” he says, eyes glancing over at Dihua Marsh, its sight overlooking from the top-most balcony of the inn. He wanted to get away from you, more so that you would be away from him, but he had just come there from almost a full day of defeating demons. Exhaustion from such extraneous was one thing that he doesn’t normally dwell into, as well as those of who has the same status as he; no, he was far from that.
His karma; is a draining thing indeed, one that he feels is coming soon, not unless he would “rest” for the meantime, to seek refuge to the only place that he deemed worthy of doing such over such a period of time, He doesn’t stay in Wangshuu Inn that too long, he has his reasons, and one of them is his karma as well. If he fails to stop it, he transports himself off of the inn, ready to slay more demons for it to devour them instead of those humans that might get caught in the inn.
His mind was too clouded in your second meeting; preoccupied, actually.
That must be why he did not see the dejected look on your face when you try to talk to him and he was unresponsive, only to walk away sooner than he could have imagined, He expected humans to be quite persistent, after all, which was why when he turned around and saw an empty space, it was like his mind had silenced; stunned at such an unexpected move coming from a human.
It was what made you stand out above all other mortals he had ever encountered.
Memorable, it seems.
He saw you again in the same village he saved you from. Qingce is quite far from any other civilization, and peaceful, honestly. It’s different from any other sight in Liyue; blooming with beautiful hues of the fields and the beams of the sun that peeks behind the mountains; the people, despite their quite simple way of life, seemed happy and contented.
XIAO sees this village as a safe haven, one that was filled with humans who are too weak to defend themselves and he was willing to take the responsibility of checking in on them every once in a while.
Figure standing atop of the mountains, eyes glazing over at the morning crowd, most of them tending to their goods and crops, Nothing new seems to have occurred, yet when he was about to disappear and patrol other places like usual, his eyes caught sight of you.
Gaze drifted the distant sky, gentle rays falling to your form as it stood on the edge of a cliff, the wind catching on to your clothes as it swayed gently along with the breeze, almost as if it was tempting you to fly ahead and soar into the clouds.
And he did not expect you to think of the same.
He caught you, thankfully, before you could even find yourself falling into the depths of the darkness—his sole enemy.
Speechless, you were, as you looked into his eyes; golden as the sunset, piercing as a bright light. You knew him, and you certainly did not expect him to come to you once more.
Breathless, you say, “You saved me…” there was a short pause as you caught your breath, “again.” And then, “Why?”
His brows furrowed as he let go of you, knowing that you were already far from the edge and that you had regained your balance, stepping away, he lets out a “You humans are a danger to yourselves.”
Unconsciously, he finds himself staying still and waiting—for you to say something, perhaps? What made him stay? An explanation for your recklessness, probably, or maybe he was waiting for something else?
“I…” it took awhile; his mind told him not to meddle with your business, to get out of there immediately; but he stayed, or more like his feet did, stuck on the ground.
“Do you… uhm,” you paused, your eyes wandering around until you finally looked him in the eye, a small smile curving on your face—it seemed odd, for some reason, “Would you like to have some tea?”
Insignificant; resting was insignificant to the Yaksha, either is drinking tea with others just to do so. It’s a mortal thing, for them to invite people for a tea and enjoy the pleasure of peace as they converse to pass by their spare time. Such a mortal thing to do, but unconsciously, he nods, following you that morning and spending his time with you.
You were silent mostly, and merely smiling at him when he finishes his own cup of tea and disappears out of your sight. It was just a normal day, and he still has duties to attend to, he’ll continue what he has to do and move on, never seeing you again.
Alas, it did not happened like that.
“The nice lady downstairs told me that you like this dish so I made you one as thanks for saving my life twice,” you showed up the next morning at Wangshu Inn when he inevitably returned to for his frequent amount of leisure—the only thing that he allowed himself to, the Almond Tofu.
It was ironic, seeing as he swore not to get too close to humans and also not letting them do the same for over thousand of years, yet here he was, accepting the treat you had offered him for the “gratitude” that he claimed he did not needed. An act of kindness was not something he wanted nor needed from you mortals, but he still accepted it. Legends and those who had heard of the story of the Conqueror of Demons may indeed be baffled of this sudden change of the Yaksha’s perspectives, and also was he.
That you, despite being a mortal, had been slowly climbing and etching in his wall-mounted, war-trained, karma-driven soul.
He wanted to run away, from you or from his feelings—maybe both. Yet his feet were once again rooted to the ground, now on the floors of the iinn and not just by the pull of Qingce.
Alluring, irresistible—he couldn’t find the right words to describe your presence and a possible sane explanation to the grip that you had on him even if you barely knew each other. Something about how he was curious about you was dangerous—a territory he should not cross but he was willing to dare to. Was he ready for this? Is this what the other Adepti who were close to humans and even his own god had felt when they first traverse into the invitation of a mundane life?
You started to visit him ever so often with a plate of Almond Tofu on hand, saying that you prepared it yourself for him. He had slowly gotten used to your presence whenever you do, staying for far longer than he usually does on that same balcony, bound by himself in conversations where it was your voice hat was usuually in between both of your breaths. He responds every once in awhile, nonetheless, but above all, he had taken a sort of attachment in the way you told him stories of your adventures and the way your voice raises and lowers in speech in dependence with what you were telling hm at that moment.
He found out that you were an Inazuman, escaped from the grasps of the Almighty Shogun, who was currently locking her own people in the land. He had heard of whispers of what was on the current, but he did not particularly listen to them all, mostly because it was Inazuma, not Liyue. Now that he had heard it from you, something stirs inside of him as he continues to listen to you further, unitl,
“They stole it from me,” your voice dropped, alost like a whisper in the wind, a soft sound of what it once was when it was speaking about the beauty and colors of your hometown. He picks up on this and his gaze lands on you.
There you were again, eyes drifted off somewhere far away, maybe farther than the sight of the landscape that was both in front of you, farther from Liyue.
And for some reason, like before, he wanted to reach out onto you. To save you, to not let go when you were on the verge to.
You were not on the edge of the cliff, but it looks like you were at that distant look on your face.
“-my Vision,” you say, adding onto what you said as your eyes land on the pin on the middle of your chest, your hand flimsying the cloth, trying to find something that was once was there, “I only had it for a little while, I think it was just a year when I received it like a gift from the skies, but now that it was taken away from me, it feels like they took a part of me as well—a part that even if I try looking so hard for, I still wouldn’t be able to find it.”
In all of his lifespan had he never had an encounter with someone who had lost their Vision, thus he did not know any remedy if it ever was taken away from anyone. It made him think of the gods on Teyvat and up above—was the feeling you were feeling a cause of such mortal mind or was it for all Vision holders? If his own were to be taken away, what sort of feeling would he have to endure to fight again?
“I only got to stay in Qingce because a nice older lady let me stay for the meantime with her. I help her with the deliveries to the Harbour though, which is how I met you!”
When he looks at you, he did not know the answers to his questions, but he came to realize that there was something missing in your face.
Your smile—it was as bright as the stars above, but now all he felt was the coldness of the rain despite the familiar curve on your face.
“If a day comes where even you are taken by the darkness, it will be up to me.”
“Xiao!” it was the first time that you called him, and he was there in an instant; mask on, spear reeking of evil. He arrived knowing that there were still monsters lurking in the area where he was moments before. Yet when he appeared, there were no monsters on sight—only you.
“You called?”
You were shocked, it seemed, “You came… I-I did not expect you would.”
His spear and mask soon disappears along with the dark miasma that surrounded him, stepping forward to your form until he was at a proper distance, “What is it that you need?”
“Oh, no I… I did not mean to-I mean, I thought you were kidding when you said that I only need to speak your name and… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to waste your time…”
Any other moment or person, he would have thought the same, would have scoffed and disappear away from you forever, never letting you do the same twice. But as he peers in closer, he knew he needed to stay.
He holds out his gloved hand; one that has slain many beasts, conquered far many monsters that dared trouble this land. And he waited. He waited until you slowly reached out your own hand and he immediately transports you both to safety, in the middle of the field of Qingce, not quite far away from where you both were, but at least you were not standing at the edge of the cliff again, just like days before and moments earlier.
When you landed, however, your body seem to not be accustomed to the way of transportation that your knees buckled and he had to step closer so that you landed on his body, wrapped around by his arms; a protector, a shield, a firm foundation. He stood for you, and you accepted it.
“You… you saw right through me,” you spoke softy near his ear and he nodded in response, still holding you in an embrace until his other hand that wasn’t holding yours went and came to the back of your head on its own, as if it was its pace right there.
“You did the right thing,” he commends, “you were the one who saved yourself.”
And as you weeped in his arms in the middle of the field, the Yaksha lets you wrap your arms around him—the very body that no one ever had a chance to come near to until you came and changed his whole perspectives about others. And deep inside, he knew that he might have had the chance of changing yours as well—he sure do hope so.
After he realizes these feelings he had, the previous normal days that he had with you sooner became ones that stood out above all the years he had gone through. Like the sun—shining brightly, fighting the darkness that dwindled with it.
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