#i want to improve on my art more so i can maybe do requests if i reach another big milstone
mrchiipchrome · 7 months
The Museum
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W.C. - 5.2 k
this is so the 'pookie looks absolutely fire' tiktok couple coded
thank you to the anon that requested this, much love to you:)
The skittles made a crunching sound as your molars bit down on them, it was an every day snack for you, tasting the rainbow more often than not. It was a relatively new habit, but when your ex had broken up with you, you promised yourself to become a better person.
It obviously had to be you who had something wrong with them, otherwise she wouldn’t have fallen in love with someone else and out of love with you. Quitting smoking was the first thing on your agenda, hence the skittles.
The next thing was to get away from the small southern town in Texas, move so far away that you left the country entirely. The only thing you’d taken with you on the plane was a carryon with 2 changes of clothes, your cowboy hat and a dream of bettering your life.
The third thing you bettered was your health, going out for a run every morning through the streets of London, going to the gym after work, doing push-ups before bed. It worked wonders, the tips you got from the ladies at the bar where you worked were simply incredible.
The fourth thing you wanted to improve was your cultural knowledge, the exact reason why you were standing in the middle of a museum, old renaissance paintings in every corner of the large room. It was something you appreciated, none of that modern bullshit where people just taped a banana to a canvas and called it art, it was back from when people actually painted.
Your hand slipped down your body into your jacket pocket, fetching another piece of candy, although a voice speaking up from your right startled you nearly enough for you to drop it back into the bag.
“You’re not supposed to eat in museums, you know?” The woman had a foreign dialect, just like you. You guessed it was from somewhere in the middle of Europe, maybe Germany or any of the neighboring countries.
“It’s not a problem if you don’t tell on me, no one has to know.” She seems just as startled by your accent as you were by her speaking to you, her cheeks dusted with a light pink at the wink you sent her.
“What are you going to do if I tell them? Take me back to your ranch on your horse?” The mystery woman teases, obviously making fun of the accent and the cowboy hat sitting perched on your head. In response you laugh under your breath, shaking your head in amusement.
“I’m afraid that I left the ranch back in Texas, Miss. All I have here is a small one bedroom apartment.” She looks up at you through the side of her eye, her half smile distracting you more than you’d like to admit. Her brows knit together when she notices a security guard eying the two of you curiously and her elbow digs into your ribs when you once again reach for the skittles in your pocket.
“Nice hat, my friend would be jealous.” You nod in agreement, plucking the stetson off your head and turning it around in your hand. In a brief moment of stupidity, you place the cowboy hat on the pretty stranger’s head, it falling down the front of her face to cover her eyes. It’s frankly adorable, the way she brings her hand up to push it back to the crown of her head.
The reassuring smile on her face tells you that she approves of your action, a relief to your entire being. She takes her phone out of her back pocket, turning it on and snapping a picture of you both, the cowboy hat still perched on top of her head.
In response, you snap a picture of her alone, the woman posing like a cowboy would for you. She was going to be the wallpaper of your phone for a while, even though you didn’t even know her name.
“So, do you have a name or am I just going to have to call you mine?” The cheesy pickup line just slips out, not at all consciously, it was like instinct took over, a pretty girl was to be flirted with.
“I wouldn’t mind being called yours, but for now you can call me Lia.” The woman doesn’t seem uncomfortable by your advances, in fact she embraces them, teasing smile telling you that she found it amusing how worried you got over a simple pickup line.
“Lia, a beautiful name for an even more gorgeous girl.” She gains her pink tint back, the compliment likely the cause of her blush. It wasn’t like she never got complimented, it was just the attractive zing your accent put over the words that made them feel more sincere.
“And how about you? A name attached to that pretty face?” Now it was your turn to blush at the other woman’s words, her lips splitting into a full toothed smile.
“Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n.” You imitate Bond to introduce yourself, sticking your hand out for her to take, a firm handshake and the tip of an imaginary hat letting her know who exactly it is you are. 
“Good to know my future last name.” She winks at you and the blush that’s already covering your face deepens significantly. The insinuation that you were to marry the girl beside you too much for your poor little heart to take. 
She starts to walk away from you and towards another section of the room, looking back over her shoulder when she realizes that you weren’t right beside her, walking. Waving her hand in a “come here” motion, you quickly catch up with the older woman. 
“So, why skittles? Is there not any other sweet you’d rather have?” She asks as you match her slow rhythm of steps, your hands shoved in the pockets of your coat with your arms forming loops. Lia threads one of her arms through yours, leaning her head on your shoulder, standing still all of a sudden to look at a painting. It didn’t feel like you’d just met, like you’d just introduced yourselves to one another, it felt like you’d known each other for decades, easily slipping into being comfortable with each other.
You gaze at her as she looks at the painting, making sure to map out all her gorgeous features and commit them to memory. She was like a breath of fresh air in a world of polluted oxygen.
“First of all it’s called candy, not sweets, candy. Secondly, they’re amazing for when you want to stop smoking.” Her cheek smushes against your shoulder as she turns her head to look up at you, her eyebrows scrunched together adorably.
“You were a smoker?” You feel the strong urge to place a peck atop her lips, soft and warm against your own. But in the end you resist, you’d only just met the woman for god’s sake, you don’t want to make her uncomfortable. Her eyes hold so many emotions that you just can’t read.
“Yeah, only for about a year. My ex stressed me out so much that I felt it was the easiest way to deal with it. But when she broke up with me, I decided to get my life back together, moved here, got a job at a bar and that’s it. That’s why I’m here.” Lia listens intensively at the story you’re telling her, the way she looks at you suggests that she’s hanging off your every last syllable.
“So no more smoking at all for you?” You puff your chest up, proudly displaying the grin on your face and your now discolored tongue. Lia looks on in amusement at your actions, a grin that could light up an opera house on her face. 
“Nope, I’m never picking up a cigarette again.” The amusement turns into a sort of profound proud feeling, a feeling that she definitely shouldn’t be feeling for what is practically a stranger. A stranger that in the matter of a mere hour had worked their way into her heart and made themselves home.
“Good, I’m really happy for you.” The softened look on Lia’s face makes you blush, it was the way most people looked at their loved ones. You couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like to be one of her loved ones, how it would feel to see her first thing in the morning, to gaze into her tentative eyes and try to read her like a book just because you know exactly how it is she acts, how she feels at that exact moment, what she thinks.
At your faraway look Lia nudges you in the ribs, giggling at the embarrassed expression that occupies your face. Her giggle could only be described as a ray of sunlight, lighting the glum room up in seconds, giving it a golden glow.
The older woman doesn’t miss the fondness in your gaze as you watch her laugh, your own lips splitting into a smile and soon after a loud belly laugh bubbles up in your chest, welling out of your mouth like water out a dam. 
Only moments later the both of you are doubled over in laughter, tears slipping down your cheeks and arms crossed over your stomachs. Some scattered guests give you two dirty looks, as if you were peasants in a house full of royals, but they are counter effective because it only makes you and Lia laugh harder.
The security guard from earlier approaches you both as you drop down to the floor with a loud thump, Lia bursting out into an entire new fit of laughter as you try to catch your breath.
“Y/n, I’ve already let you get away with a lot today but this is your last strike. Up you get, I’ll escort you and your lady companion to the exit.” He speaks through his thick mustache, his round beer gut bobbing up and down with every word like he needed every fat covered muscle of his stomach to get the words out.
Small giggles escape you both as Lia and you are led out of the building by a firm grip around both of your arms. You both watch in amusement as the fat man gets winded walking back up the stairs he just led you down, bending over for a brief second at the top before disappearing back behind the door.
“So, I take it you know the security guard then?” She sounds a little out of breath as she speaks to you, flyaways sticking out of her bun, your hand itches to reach up and smooth them out, undo her bun and run your fingers through her hair. But you don’t. 
“Yeah, he’s my regular. Comes in every day and buys a pint after work, a good friend of mine he is. He lets me get away with eatin’ in there every time I come.” You stand right in front of the brunette, hands again in your pockets as you smile at her tentatively. Her hand comes up to rub at your arm, and you feel as though you were going to pass out at any moment, the electric feeling of her ring covered fingers touching your arm overwhelming in a good way.
“Ah, a museum nepo baby then.” You can tell that she’s joking by the way her eyebrows raise all the way up to her hairline, and you imitate her by doing the same thing. Another fit of giggles ensues, Lia looking directly into your eyes, holding eye contact for a prolonged amount of time.
It makes you nervous, her somewhat challenging gaze locking on your face for a moment longer than necessary. When she grasps your hands in hers you finally look back at her, meeting her tender gaze with your own.
“I really enjoyed today, I was hoping we could do it again sometime.” The older woman looks at you sheepishly, nearly nervously. You’re mesmerized by her gorgeous simplicity, simple smile grazing her lips as you nod, a recognisable warmth behind the hug she gives you, the quick kiss she places on your cheek haphazardly before walking away, not looking back to see your rose tinted cheeks.
It’s only when Lia has disappeared far behind the horizon that you realize that you have no way to contact her AND that she essentially got away with your favorite cowboy hat. You aren’t as distraught about your hat as you are about not getting her number, it was a dumbass move from you.
You drag your feet all the way back to your apartment, not knowing that only moments after you left the museum, the girl of your dreams ran back all the way to get your number. And like you, she dragged her feet all the way back to her apartment, sulking and questioning her own intelligence.
Arriving at the bar that evening was strange, you felt almost empty without the girl you’d met earlier that day, no light brown cowboy hat perched atop your head nor a beaming smile. It was weird to everyone around you, you always had that damned hat on, but now it was a completely different one, black with a few white accents.
“What happened to you? It looks like someone ran over your dog.” Your co-worker and best friend Marla asks, placing her hand on your shoulder softly as if you were to break if she did it any harder. Shaking your head, your other friend and co-bartender Jason comes up to rub your back softly, the comfort from both of your best friends loosening you up significantly and soon after you spill everything that had happened up to that point.
They were both smirking at you when you finished up the story, knowing that despite only just meeting the woman in the museum you were already in love. 
“So do you have a picture of this goddess who’s making you drop to your knees?” Marla asks you, looking knowingly at your other best friend, who in return wiggles his eyebrows at her. You knew something would happen between them soon, and you’d rather be in hell than to watch it.
“Yeah, just give me a quick sec.” Pulling out your phone, you quickly unlock it and enter the photo app, not needing to scroll as the most recent photo was of her, Lia.
“Girl, are you fucking with me?” You look at the dark skinned girl in confusion, her eyes widening as she realizes that you had no fucking clue who it was you had met. She looks to her ‘boyfriend’ quickly in shock, who looks back at her equally appalled.
“Are you telling me you don’t recognise her?” The moment you shake your head is when the green eyed boy facepalms, not believing your stupidity. “Not at all? You haven’t seen her before.” When you once again shake your head the man sighs in disappointment, all faith in your intelligence practically gone.
“Girl. That is Lia Wälti, you know one of the best midfielders in the country? Arsenal Women’s player.” Now it’s your turn to look shocked, not at all knowing that she was a footballer. All the times you’d gone over to Marla’s house to watch footy, she’d probably been injured.
“Are you fucking kidding me? I didn’t even recognise her.” You lean against the door, sliding your body down until you’re sitting flush on the floor, head in your hands. Jason places his hand on your shoulder, smiling softly at you as he tries to reassure your overwhelmed mind.
“Hey, man, it was probably a good thing that you didn’t recognise her. She knows that you’re not some crazed fan trying to kill her, eh?” Marla’s hand plucks your cowboy hat from your head and runs her fingers through your hair, your shared shift started in mere minutes and yet they were there, comforting you.
“I’m okay, just a bit shell shocked.” They both laugh, pulling you up by your hands and bringing you into a group hug, patting your back before Marla gives you your hat back, smacking both you and Jason’s asses before disappearing out to her office.
“You know, we have an extra ticket to the Arsenal game on Sunday, so I mean if you want to see her again then you’re welcome to join.” You smile at the man’s kindness, telling him that you’ll definitely take him up on his offer. You didn’t have a shift at the bar either way that day so spending it looking for your … well you didn’t really know what it was she is to you. All you know is that you wanted to see her again.
Two days later you find yourself sitting as close to the pitch as you possibly can, waiting for the North London derby to start. 
Lia is in the starting lineup, looking determined as she waits for the whistle signaling the start of the game to sound. The shrill noise cuts through the air and the game starts.
It’s physical right from the start, loads of pushing and shoving coming from both sides, red and white. There are a few times where you nearly jump to your feet as Lia gets pushed but the fact that your friends sat there right beside you made you choose not to.
At half time the score is the same as the beginning, nil-nil. Despite not knowing much about football you join in on analyzing the first half of the game, mentioning all the times Lia went down. Marla makes some ‘innocent’ comments about how you’d much rather have her ‘go down’ somewhere else. The blush that overtakes your face is enough for you to blend in with your jersey, the red of the Arsenal shirt the same shade as your face.
When the second half starts, you’re basically on your feet all the way through, cheering loudly when Alessia scores, meaning that the gunners were up one-nil.
It’s particularly hilarious when Lia finally notices you, a pause in the game meaning that she had the time to look around at the fully packed Emirates Stadium. When those eyes you love to gaze into meet yours for the first time since Friday, her face split open in a smile, a smile reaching all the way up to her eyes.
It looks like she has to physically restrain herself so that she doesn’t run over to you, her body shaking slightly as she calmly inches her way towards you, the cheers of the fans around you becoming louder as the player comes closer. Lia tunes them all out though as she looks at you, the only thing cutting through her trance being the whistle signaling the freekick being awarded. 
Lia looks back towards you as she walks in the direction of the group of players and you wink at her, even though she’s far away it seems like she saw it, the deep tint of red dusting her face definitely more than exertion from the game. 
When the three loud whistles sound throughout the arena, it explodes in cheers as Arsenal manage to keep their one-nil lead and in doing so make London red again. But you don’t even acknowledge the win when there’s a speeding Lia Wälti heading straight in your direction.
She only starts to slow down as she reaches the barrier which separates the fans from the pitch and players, with you standing up behind it to watch her come closer and closer with every quick step she takes.
Lia throws her arms around your torso when she comes close enough, the way that she had been longing for your touch had been driving her crazy in the days since you first met. She also knew that it wasn’t smart to do it all out in the open, fans and professionals alike were probably going to know everything about you within a few days. You didn’t seem to mind though, content with having her in your arms again.
Pulling away from her, you quickly take her face in your hands, looking her over to see if her face was scratched up from all the times she’d met the ground in the game. 
“Shit, darling, I think you spent more time on the ground in this game than on your feet. You ought to be more careful.” Your southern drawl is especially thick when you speak to her, the worry you’d experienced the entire game bubbling to the surface.
“I’m perfectly fine, I think you’re forgetting that I do this for a living.” She smiles at you reassuringly and you calm down fully, her hand placed on your arm a sure factor of it. Lia’s head turns to your side, looking directly at your friends who both send her starstruck looks. 
“Hi, I’m Lia.” The footballer smiles in their direction and they both remain in their seats, completely unmoving. She looks back to you concerned and in response you just laugh, they were apparently not expecting her to actually greet them. “Are they okay?” 
“I think they’re just a bit starstruck.” Gesturing towards their gaping mouths, Marla quickly slaps your hand away from her face, biting at the air to show you that she wasn’t afraid to bite.
“Oh okay, well do you think they want anything signed? I can ask the team, or maybe if you want we can go meet them?” Lia sounds unsure of herself, apparently doubting that her first impression on your friends was good.
“I think that they’d love that sweetheart. But judging from all the looks we’re getting from that same team, I do think they want you back.” You glance towards the women gathered in a clung in the middle of the pitch, all of them staring at you and Lia interacting. She sighs at their slightly invasive culture, but alas there wasn’t anything that she could do about it. When you smile and wave at them, you’re thoroughly amused when every single one of them repeats your actions back to you, some in confusion and some in amusement.
“A guard is going to tell you to follow him, just do as he says and we’ll meet again soon.” By that point the stadium was almost empty, everyone wanting to go home and brag about their team’s win over the archrival. So as Lia walks away from you, you’re totally free to stare at her ass, only stopping when Marla slaps your arm harshly.
“Did that just happen?” Jason asks shakily, running his hand down his face in embarrassment.
“You’re damn right it did.” You laugh at their stupid expressions, their embarrassment clear on their faces. “Well look on the bright side, y’all are going to meet the team.” With that their embarrassment turned into excitement, meeting their favourite athletes quickly turning their mood around.
“Y/n Y/l/n? Come with me and take your friends with you.” Walking around the labyrinth of slinging hallways and narrow paths, you appear in front of the locker room in no time, the loud music escaping the door a clear indicator of the Gunners good match.
“Now just wait out here until they come out, they’ll probably be out in a few.” The guard tells you unbothered, not caring at all that he’s leaving people he doesn’t know outside of the locker room.
“Yes sir.” You speak up clearly, mock saluting him as he disappears down the hallway with a sigh.
“I can’t believe that you’re 28, you act like a 12 year old.” Marla tells you jokingly, leading to you pushing her away from you. In the span of a few seconds both you and Marla find yourselves on the floor, engaging in a wrestling match. It only gets broken up when the sound of the door opening echoes through the hallway, both you and your best friend quickly getting on your feet.
“Nah what’s going on here?” A very amused Irish accented voice escapes the player exiting the locker room, one Katie McCabe staring at you and Marla.
“It was her fault.” You point at Marla so as to gesture that it was her who started it, the woman vehemently denying it.
“So I’m guessing you’re Lia’s cowboy then?” Katie completely ignores the blame game currently going on in front of her as she talks to you. Blushing at being called Lia’s, you quickly start to stutter out an answer.
“I- uhm yeah, I think so?” Laughter coming from behind the Irish woman makes you glance in the direction of the sound. Seeing Leah Williamson of all people is not what you expect, a bit starstruck yourself.
“Of course it’s the cowboy you buffoon, who else would wear a cowboy hat in London? You have to tell me where you bought the one Lia brought home, I need a new one. Mylie-moo chewed mine to filth a couple days ago.” Leah throws her arm around your shoulder as if you’d known each other for years, the woman clearly having heard a thing or two about you.
“Oh well I’ll be sure to bring you one next time I go back to Texas, my buddy Carl, he’s 72 and he makes the most gorgeous hats you can imagine. Last time I visited him I made him an instagram page, I’ll send you the link if you want?” You speak enthusiastically with the England captain, her arm still resting around your shoulders casually. Both Marla and Jason are in a conversation with Katie and Lotte, who just got out of the locker room.
“Important question, so answer me truthfully now, do you like country music?” She looks at you skeptically, trying to deduce if you’re being truthful or not. The question itself makes you roll your eyes playfully, but alas it didn’t surprise you. It was widely known that Leah was quite the country fan.
“Ma’am I grew up in Texas, yeah I’m a country fan. I’d be disowned if I wasn’t.” Leah looks at you like you’re her hero, it was clear to you that she accepted you. The hinges of the door squeak as a few other players exit, namely Lia.
“Lia please let me steal her, she’s perfect.” Leah says jokingly, holding onto your arm softly like she was a little kid. Lia looks at her weirdly, but quickly catches on to the joke, walking over to the two of you.
“I know, that’s why I want to keep her.” Lia wraps her arms around your waist tightly, her newly washed hair curling up into adorable curls, head placed on your shoulder. 
“Sharing is caring.” Leah is on the verge of laughter as she talks, the statement a shocking one for sure. It was hilarious though so you also had to keep from laughing.
“I mean I wouldn’t mind-” Lia shoots you a mean glare at your half serious words, and even though it was like being glared at by an adorable kitten, Lia already had you wrapped around her finger. “Actually I’m taken so I don’t think that would work.” 
All it takes for you all to break character is a shouted ‘WHIPPED’ coming from one of the players watching the interaction like it was a soap opera, the three of you laughing like it was the last thing you’d do.
“Alright, anyone want a drink? Not to brag but I can make a mean cocktail.” The women all cheer as you ask them, everyone rushing out to get into their cars and get to the bar. Just as you’re about to follow them, someone takes hold of your collar, making it so that you can’t go. 
Lia looks back when you don’t follow her but you just wave her off, telling her to go on without you. Turning back, you’re met with all the ‘scariest’ Arsenal players, looking like they’re about to beat you up.
“Listen carefully now, because this will only be said once, if you hurt a hair on her head, do anything to hurt her emotionally, if you do anything wrong that makes her sad, we will not hesitate to take your knees.” It’s Katie that speaks, all the others just nodding intimidatingly, glaring at you. 
“I’m going to try my best to make her happy, I know that she deserves the world.” They let up the facade of intimidation at your words, patting your back and pushing you in the direction of the car park. The conversation as you all are walking out of the building is pleasant, when you arrive at the parking lot there are just a couple of cars left.
Both of your best friends had left you to carpool with one of the remaining players, Lia called dibs though the second she looked at you, so it was with her you went.
“They weren’t too scary with you right? I know how they can be.” Lia says over the soft music being played from the radio, some Tyler, the Creator song. You look at her face, she was in deep thought and absolutely adorable. 
“Nah, it’s like being threatened by a pair of teddy bears. Let’s just say that I’ve had worse shovel talks.” She giggles as you start to tell her about all the weird shovel talks you’d gotten back in Texas, everything from being threatened with Chinese water torture to being hung upside down from a tree for simply speaking to a girl that wasn’t her.
When the bar comes into sight you see that multiple people have parked their cars right in front of it, telling Lia to just park on the curb.
“Y’all are such dickheads.” You laugh, slapping both Marla and Jason’s heads hard, they left you stranded. 
“Well you’ve got a girlfriend now who can drive your broke ass.” Marla shoots back, rubbing her head in pain. You roll your eyes at her dramatic actions, the slap wasn’t that hard.
“One-nil to me then, at least I have someone.” The sibling like banter was normal between you two by now, she was your best friend after all.
“C’mon cowboy, let’s sit down for a little.” Lia’s hand rests on your stomach as you both sit down on the booth, the place to sit being suspiciously small, to the point in which Lia had to throw her legs over your lap to get enough space.
It was nice to sit and talk with the team, they were regular people just like anyone else and it made you glad to see them just relax after a match. The atmosphere was calm, so calm in fact that Lia managed to fall asleep on your shoulder, quiet snores escaping her mouth.
Only moments later you fall asleep too, after having fought sleep for as long as possible. Your head rests on top of Lia’s and the girls think it’s absolutely adorable, some of them taking pictures of you both to send to their group chat.
“I knew being friends with her would pay off.” Jason jokes, thinking naïvely that you were fully asleep, getting a few laughs from the girls in the room. They get startled though as you utter a quick;
“Hey!” In protest, everyone soon laughed at your dramatic reaction to his joke.
Who knew that going to the museum would result in you getting a date?
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cloudysleepingzone · 7 months
Heya^^ could we possibly get some romantic hcs about dazai, atsushi, and possibly fyodor with a artist s/o, they sometimes doodle on unimportant papers when the meetings are way too boring for them , and sometimes when they have free time they draw their lover in their sketchbook, maybe a painting or two of their lover <3 anyways love your writing and don't forget to hydrate! Have a wonderful day or night!!
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BSD with an Artist S/O
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Decided to add Chuuya and Tecchou due to a very similar request!
Contents : Dazai, Atsushi, Fyodor, Chuuya and Tecchou x Reader (separate), gender neutral reader (they/them used), fluff, suggestive for Dazai's part and sorta Tecchuu? Not really. Pet Names.
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Dazai Osamu
Doesn't matter what your drawing, he's watching.
Can you blame him though? He just loves watching his lover just doing something they enjoy!
If you draw him he will start acting like a dramatic prince for a solid 10 minutes.
"(Name), draw me like one of your French girls~"
You sit quietly at your desk, the surface covered with your sketchbook and a handful of pencils and pens. "Belllaaa~!" Though your peace is interrupted by your loving boyfriend trying to get out of doing his job again. "What are you drawing beautiful?" He leans over you, his arms wrapping around you from behind as he props his chin on your shoulder. The sketchbook page had small doodles of the two of you, mostly just small cute doodles of holding hands, Dazai tilts his head slight to the side, pressing a kiss to the side of your neck. "You know, if you need any ideas you could always draw us with less clothes~"
Atsushi Nakajima
Our sweet boy
He's so supportive of your work he loves seeing the look on your face when you make something your proud of
You draw him? Oh boy...he can't even form words
"You're getting even better sweetheart, you keep improving!"
Your a mess, your finger tips covered in different shades of blue and grey, just like the tip of your paintbrush. Atsushi was behind the canvas, laying comfortably on your shared bed with a soft smile on his lips. "Am I doing alright? I'm not moving too much?" He was doing an amazing job. A perfect job. "Your doing good sweetheart, I'm almost done". You've drawn him from memory plenty of times before, but it feels so much more romantic with him right in front of you. "You look really pretty when your focused..." He mumbles under his breath, even if your the one painting him, he's the one doing the most admiring <3
Fyodor Dostoevsky
To a non familiar eye he seems completely uninterested or even annoyed at your interests. But that's far from true
He adores your work though he sucks at showing it
Got a piece you're really proud of? Yep he's putting it in a fancy frame
You? Drawing him? Aren't you just a sweetheart...
It was already late at night, the curtains had been drawn and you were currently in the shower. Meanwhile your husband Fyodor was already dressed in something more comfortable and was waiting for his dear. Fyodors finger tips gently run over the cover of your current sketch book, which laid on top of a desk in your shared bedroom. He picks up the sketchbook, flipping through the pages slowly before a certain page catches his eye, a page seemingly dedicated to just him. His normally cold and hard gaze softens a bit at the sight, some being full line art and color and others being simple messy doodles. His admiring is interrupted by the sound of the bathroom door opening. "Sweetheart what are you doing?". Your husband gently closes your sketchbook, setting it down onto the expensive hard work surface. "Just admiring your work my dear..."
Chuuya Nakahara
New art supplies? He's buying it. You want a new set of expensive as hell paint brushes? Pfft, pocket change.
If you even mention getting into a new form of art he's already handing you his credit card without another question.
"It looks pretty already doll, make sure to show me when it's done yea?"
Like Fyodor, he puts his favorite pieces in fancy frames <3
You walk into Chuuya's at home office, not bothering to knock (not like he minds) "Chuuya, I finished that painting you wanted to see!" He slowly turns his chair around, a small smirk on his face, completely ignoring his task of sorting through files for now. "Let me see it babe". You turn the canvas around, showing him your paintwork you've spent a few weeks on. He stand from his seat, walking up to you and placing a gloved hand on your cheek, planting a loving kiss on the other. "It looks beautiful sweetheart, just like you. I'll be hanging it up." Chuuya had already started a small selection of your art that was displayed in fancy gold and silver frames over a fireplace, in the style as if they were million dollar paintings. To him they may as well be, to him your art is priceless. Your priceless.
Tecchou Suehiro
You could make something weird and he'll like it
He will just silently watch you draw whatever, doesn't matter what.
"That looks good sweetheart"
Drawing him? God I don't know if his heart can take something so sweet!
Here you are, sitting on your boyfriend's back while he does sit ups. It was actually pretty normal at this point. The only sounds in the room was the huffs coming from Tecchuu throat and the sounds of pencil scratching against paper. "Hm...maybe I should draw you like this, it would be pretty good anatomy practice" you quickly sketch up some messy line art you can fix later, shifting slightly to show Tecchuu. "Huff Looks good" Despite the slight strain in his muscles he's able to respond pretty easily. I get up from your seat on his back, letting him get up with a groan before stretching his arms. Moving your pencil back to the paper, you continue to look from your boyfriend to the paper back and forth. "This is a bit better" you your sketch book around, it was just a simple sketch of his muscular figure but it was like fine art in his eyes. "You've been improving a lot haven't you?"
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dailyjevil · 23 days
So.. what’s next?
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What’s gonna happen to Dailyjevil?
I still plan on occasionally posting any Jevils I draw here on this blog. However it is no longer a proper daily blog. I really loved doing it, but I want to try other things as well. That being said my requests and messages will stay open! Always happy to receive a request or just a hello :]!
What am I doing now?
Dailyjevil has been such an eye opening endeavor for me. More on that below. I want to redirect this same momentum I’ve been having for Dailyjevil, and turn it into weekly art posts on my main account @sixstones ! Some fanart, some original stuff. I’ve been playing Deltarune with a friend, so you may find some fanart on there pretty soon! Any jevil stuff will be put on this blog though.
A message for the artists here!
As I said, Dailyjevil has been eye opening. I want to persue art in my future, so because of that I’ve built up the expectations that my art needs to be polished. But because my expectations were so high, I never posted at all! I got it in my head that I didn’t have the patience for consistent art posts. So when I started this blog on a whim I didn’t care. I drew in mspaint, with a mouse, no redraws, and empty white backgrounds. If I knew I couldn’t keep up for long, why bother with effort?
But the funny thing, is I was having fun being careless. So that fun as well as the excitement I got from seeing other jevil fans get excited for every new post lead me to one full year of this. It’s like I just remembered all of a sudden that.. I can just draw whatever I want. When did I forget that?
If you’re an artist of many years, or only just starting, I’d like to give you a challenge! Start a daily blog, and complete one full month! Do you have a favorite character? Maybe you could start your own daily jevil account! Doesn’t matter if it already exists! If you like the first month then keep going!!!!
I’m genuinely so proud of my improvement over this year. I’ve learnt a lot and I feel more passionate about my art than ever before. Whenever I start feeling too scared to draw.. I just want to remember that feeling I got when I finally switched the jevil counter from 364, to 365. I’d love for others to feel like I did.
The hardest part is just pushing yourself to do it. It doesn’t need to be complex. You got this!
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dailyhatsune · 6 months
hi! not exactly a request but i do wanna ask, whats your process when you're rendering more paint like art? (if that makes sense, English isnt my first language so apologies hdskhsjdbd) i really love how you use the colors and im curious how you do it :0
i’ve been meaning to answer this one for a while so here’s how i painted miku in today’s post (put under the read more because yeah prepare for a long post
i’d also like to preface this by saying that i never follow a set way of doing things, so in terms of what my personal process is like, these are only broad strokes of what i do! sometimes i’ll combine or skip parts entirely, depending on how i feel. also, this is not a tutorial, just how i do things, so please don’t treat it like one :’D this will read like the ‘how to draw an owl’ picture if you do
first, like every artist, i sketch. more specifically, i’m getting an idea of what i want to paint later on. this could be how a scene is set up or in this case, how a character is posed. here i’m not concerned about details or getting everything perfectly, i’m only planning how the thing will be composed. maybe a lot of canvas size changing, or adjusting what miku’s doing (note how busted miku’s right hand looks from all the transforming!) however, i still have to be concerned with how clear the sketch will be to future me, because the sketch won’t be any good if i can’t read what miku’s doing
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after that, i lay down a flat gray under the sketch, mainly focusing on giving miku a clear silhouette. this is also a good time to make adjustments to the composition on the fly if i suddenly feel like something can be improved upon, like shortening miku’s left arm from the sketch!
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after painting a flat silhouette, i start shading in grayscale, focusing only on lighting. i usually do it in two passes, one for the lightest and darkest tones i’ll use (not black and white) and then a second for midtones to blend them better with the base gray but i forgot to screenshot the result of the first pass 🗿 nevertheless, here is where i can start adding some amount of details. i’m not including any extra accessories yet, just focusing on the base design of the outfit and the character herself (for anyone wanting to draw characters from That Gacha Game, this is how i personally make the process more bearable for myself.) i still use the dark gray to separate where certain details (like the facial features and fingers) begin and end, mainly to make colouring more bearable later.
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now here’s where i get the Good Colours. it’s a cheat lol. i put a gradient map layer over the grayscale painting so that there’s a little bit of color to start. some gradient maps can be applied as is, some need the layer settings adjusted to make it look good. this one, for example, is a (free) gradient map set from the csp assets store that needs you to set the layer opacity to 20% and to set the blending mode to color to achieve this result. in general, i tend to pick which gradient map i want to use based on vibes, or basically whether i want the work to be warmer or cooler, colour-wise. but this does do quite a bit of lifting for the colors in my stuff.
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and then, finally, i add the colours. i add flat base colours in an overlay layer. at this stage, i’ve made the character silhouette clear enough that i don’t need to refer to the sketch anymore for what miku looks like. also, the gradient map layer does its magic by making the shading a bit more vibrant than it would’ve been without it. after that i paint over with a new layer to add details like the lace.
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and then i put some extra shading on top. basically this is where the ‘better lighting’ happens. again, this isn’t a tutorial, so i’m not here to say what each part of the lighting is, but i’ve labeled which layers do which job. in other works where the lighting within a scene is more defined (from a window, from a small crack in the walls, etc) the glow dodge layer may be more opaque and sharper, but since this isn’t a work with that, the lighting was applied using an airbrush. the linear burn layer is also there to make the whole thing darker so the glow dodge doesn’t end up oversaturating miku. i also usually match the lights to the vibe i want, and use a complementary color for the shadows. so here you can see i have warm colors on the glow dodge layer, but light purple on both the linear burn and multiply layer.
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and that’s it for the character—here’s a gif showing how each layer adds to miku! (sorry it’s so toasty)
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as for the background, depending on the complexity, it may go through a similar process, or if i can settle with flat image backgrounds, i just go for that. it’s ok to use external image materials. i didn’t have a background in mind for this miku in specific, so i got some default csp materials and threw together something
and that’s about a rough overview of what my process for more finished works looks like! again, art is a fluid process so i never specifically stick to certain steps all the time, and you shouldn’t either. i can probably answer why i’d pick this colour over another in one particular work, but it’s something that kinda has to be learned on a grander scale. i think everyone can already feel what colors work with what atmosphere or what setting, even if they can’t immediately explain why. colors and composition do take some level of experimentation to find what works best!
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buwheal · 9 months
[You've Got Mail!]
You can now send your favorite salesman emails!! YAY!!
Here's some rules and information about the askbox.
First and foremost;
I try to answer as many asks as I can, but I will not answer every single one. Sometimes I just cant do anything with it that will work realistically with the perimeters of the world, and I apologize!! Its nothing against you guys!!
(Unless you break the rules ofc.)
So if you dont see yours after a long while, it’s probably something that wont work, sorry! You can always send more than one ask whenever and see if that one works instead!
Besides that, here’s the rest of what you need to know!
Spamton physically PRINTS OUT each "email", so dont send asks that have a physical interaction. Sorry! Thats just how i decided to set up the world/situation, and is not really anything against you guys :-)
(more of a request than a rule tbh) Preferably try to send real questions or statements. most joke asks are funny, but are surprisingly hard to create an in character response for. You can still send joke asks if you really want to, just dont always expect an answer X-P (i.e. asks that contain nonsense,, you can still be funny and make jokes, and i should probably specify that, but things that are like "you look like a worm" or smth idk i have no clue what to do with lol)
I know he may be a personification of spam emails... BUT DONT SPAM!!! I mean it! It clogs the askbox and is a real pain. You can send him more than one ask, though, as long as you arent repetitively sending a ton in a short burst!! Send as many as you'd like as long as they dont qualify as spam.
Dont be sexual or romantic, please! Even "As a joke". I dont like Spamton like that and it makes me uncomfortable, plus I can't really answer that in character in a way that wouldnt provoke more of that. Thank you!!
Be respectful and patient!! I am just one person doing everything, lol, and this got far more popular than anticipated, so i will take a long time. I try my best to get at least one out every other day but i'll need breaks eventually!!!
I cannot give/spawn/materialize things for/to Spamton if you ask because of the way it’s set up. You are really just lines of text from a computer to Spamton, BUT... You can still do a lot if you think outside the box. or,, errr,, outside the computer. More like IN the computer. Kind of. Your words and your actions affect him and his reactions to you, so word it correctly and you can get him to do something or say something. Hes not stupid though, and he CAN usually tell when your intentions are... less.. than good.
[YGM!] is technically an AU!!! not only do the events of the game not occur, but this is also set before then!
Asks are put out one a day, regardless if i have more than one, UNLESS i need to connect two(or more) to complete one event. Or i feel like it. a little treat.
I am one person doing every ask and every unique frame of art, so expect 1 ask (If youre lucky, two) maybe every other day Monday-Friday depending on my workload per day.
This is just for fun!! I am using the askbox to exercise my drawing consistency, Spamton's personality, and the way he speaks and responds to different situations! This is a way I am using to improve my understanding of him as a character, so it wont be always consistent as I am growing and learning!
Just a little disclaimer, he WILL be mean. He is a sour, nasty, grumpy, bastard and I am absolutely not opposed to him responding as such. Just keep that in mind when sending an ask if you dont want that!
If you want a common outcome, talk to other people about it! go crazy! I dont mind long threads on my posts if you want to create a plan. Infact, I can even help and tell you things occasionally!!
What you say to him DOES and WILL affect the way he responds. Trust is lost far easier than it is gained, so keep this in mind. It is possible to regain his trust, but still hard. He is not a trusting person to begin with and being mean certainly doesnt help. BUT.. I am not opposed to being mean. Infact, they are quite fun to do. Either way is entertaining for me, so do as you will. YOU can choose to hurt or help him.
Using tone tags, while not required, are really helpful and assist me in understanding the intention in your ask if you think it may be interpreted another way! (i.e. sarcasm) :-)!!
I pick and choose asks depending on his situation, or if i have a good idea for a response, so you may need to wait a bit before i can get to yours!! Ones that i have an idea for take priority, especially when its to progress a scene. Or, alternatively, i am saving your ask for something i have planned.
I WILL reuse frames and poses to get these out faster and for my convienence :-) especially for the frames where there is no need to change his pose! So like.. dont think too hard about it lol.
Also, i prefer if you specify if the ask is for me /or/ Spamton. I do still do normal asks, lol. If its for me, just let me know!! I can usually tell, but most asks will be interpreted as for Spamton. I appreciate ones that start with his name before said thing is asked/stated specifically!! (i.e. "Spamton, __ __ __")
I wont be consistent with the way its answered. Sometimes it's one panel, sometimes its a couple panels, or sometimes they're animated gifs!! It varies depending on what i feel, so if youre lucky you can get a gif, lol. Those take longer usually though. Ive mostly switched to a gif format rather than multiple panels in a comic style, because its much easier to view! The animation quality can vary :-)
Thats about it!! Have fun!! ^_^
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kcokaine · 4 months
I know you are not a porn machine, but you should prioritize your Patreon instead of social media. I mean, it is a little disrespectful to the people who supports you monetarily, I know no one gives you shit about it cause people is nice (not like you)… and say ‘Then unsubscribe’ is very unprofessional, saying that is like spitting on the trust of those who want to support you, I only ask that for the exchange of my money (which is equally hard earned like yours) you give more than two or even one post a month. Is the basic responsibility for someone who asks money in exchange for something, no need for you to play the victim. So, keep that for yourself please.
I'm nice to people that I know see me as a human being and like my art for what it is not just goon material. But i'm not nice to people that complain about something they don't have to pay for. I'm no professional but i think saying "unsubscribe if you don't like my services" is the most professional thing i can say. You are paying an art school student that lives in eastern europe and lives with her shitty dad lol. I appreciate all my patreons to death, I do art requests for each that approaches me. I even make polls on my discord for people to decide what i put up next. But unfortunately I also want to draw to improve. Drawing porn isn't my job. My job is art but most importantly it is my hobby i love and my patreon is a way of supporting me if you enjoy my art and want to motivate me. You are not forced to do it. So yes I will play a victim when someone calls my art output disappointing. I draw everyday and get emotional distress from not getting engagement thinking my quality of art dropped. I'm being mean because I'm frustrated. You should also realize your previous anon ask came of rude in the first place. Did you expect me to start apologizing when you literally call me disappointing? Maybe if you wanna give me a friendly suggestion don't say it as anon in my inbox and say it to me in patreon DMs or anywhere else in private, i would never lash out like this on anyone who just came to me with a polite concern. Hiding behind anonymous ask comes off really passive aggressive and it sounded to me like you want to belittle me and perhaps call me lazy. I'm glad you enjoy my art and subbed to me for 4 months but If you don't care about me as a person I think you shouldn't be subscribed to me.
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mikey-soft · 6 months
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forces you to read my absolute brain vomit of an alastor post this is mainly just design notes/reasoning on why i did things, etc!! then a bit of tweaks to his story :3
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he's monochrome mostly because it's fun!! it gives cast diversity and i think it fits his character. unlike, for example, vox, who is seen adapting to the times as technology improves, alastor does not. he enjoys the "old fashioned" way of doing things!
on the radio subject, i made him More like a radio!! the dial that holds his tie is what he uses for voice mimicking! his microphone, which i've changed to be more like they were in the 20's, is what projects his voice! hypothetically, if you took it away or broke it, he would be silenced. but al definitely guards this thing with his life.
the microphone it plugged into a port on the back of alastor's neck, but the cord is only visible when someone ELSE is using the mic (which he has only granted to charlie, rosie, mimzy, and maybe even niffty). the cord is 40ft long and usually tied up on his antlers
big change, alastor's "talking" is just his teeth glowing! his teeth only separate to bite or eat! his lips do move, though, albeit only to lessen or widen his smile.
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i would like to note that i am completely retconning the voodoo/eldritch horror for obvious reasons. i've decided to go analog! more on that when i feel like it LMAO
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about him being mixed, i want to mention something!! as a mixed person!!!: creole is NOT just black!! creole is a mix in itself! anywhore ! :3 alastor was a white-passing man in life! new orleans was one of the better places when it came to racism in the 1890's-1930's, but racism was DEFINITELY still there,, so al being passing really helped with the building of his career(s) (including the murdering career of course). because of this, al was VERY disconnected to his culture, which his mother encouraged. they figured the less he knew about being creole, the more likely he could go under the radar. once he arrived in hell, he presented much more like a man of color. i dont really have much of a particular like... lore reason for this.,, i just wanted to ! :3
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that's really the most i can think of right now !! i think about him a lot....,,, so like......,,,, if youre cool ..... you should follow me................. maybe even send me an ask ... aboutg him . .. .... or even art requests....... or somrthing...........................
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pumpkinbxtch · 5 months
Hope you’re having a good day!! I haven’t requested anything in a second…so may I request an apollo x reader :3 ??? fem! I don’t have any other specifics in mind, maybe just daughter of hermes!reader ??
that’s all
tyy you’re the best mwah ❤️❤️
painting date 。⁠*゚
— apollo x daughter of hermes! reader
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warnings: none
a/n: oh gods, I have never done a daughter of Hermes, I feel like I have to improve. I promise to do it but for now, I offer this to you with all my heart.Thanks for always coming, you know I got your back, girl. kisses 💙
You let out a big sigh and tossed the brush onto the grass with resignation. Apollo glanced up from his own canvas resting on his lap and gave you a gentle look.
— Finished?
— It's really bad. Not my thing — you said, puffing out your cheeks as you watched him continue working on his painting. The idea of painting each other's faces wasn't going as well as you had imagined. Half an hour had passed, and you had already given up on Apollo's portrait, while he couldn't tear himself away from the canvas, smiling satisfactorily.
You were curious about how his was going, so you stretched your neck for a glimpse, but he immediately tilted the painting to avoid it.
— I could... steal something for you. I'm good at that.
— No stealing.
— Connor has those cookies you like.
— No — Apollo said firmly, taking another brushstroke.
— A prank on Mr. D?
Apolo rolled his eyes and leaned against the tree trunk, still holding the canvas out of your view.
— As much as I'd love to see my brother covered in something gooey or something like that. No.
You pouted and admired your own painting. A total disaster, the proportions weren't good at all. You decided not to give it to him; it would be an offense to his ego. Apollo coughed, drawing your attention.
— Can I see it, darling?
You abruptly refused. You wouldn't let him see the atrocities you had done to his face for anything in the world.
— Come on — he insisted, smiling slightly.— I've finished mine.
— wasn't very smart to suggest a painting date to the god of arts — you said.
He chuckled. Your heart was racing faster than you could accept; you didn't want to know what would happen once Apollo saw the portrait you had made. He'd probably throw it in your face and stop talking to you for eternity; he could make that possible.
— Dear — he called, still looking at your own work, and with a surge of courage, you revealed it to his eyes.
Apolo smiled eagerly and sincerely. Not a hint of mockery showed on his face, and you felt envious of his self-control. It felt like those times when you showed your mother something you had done in kindergarden, yes, those same times when they praised your clearly null artistic talents.
— It's spectacular! — he exclaimed, and where his eye was supposed to be, the paint began to spill. Now it looked like his mascara had run.
— Liar! — you turned the portrait and smeared the paint to avoid more spillage. Apollo tried to stop you, but you had already spread the paint across the canvas, leaving his face stained with the tone.
— Hey, I still wanted it.
You sighed and put it aside.
— Yeah, sure.
Apollo looked at you over his lashes and reached out to take your hand.
— Do you want to see mine?
You nodded, despite your bad mood, you were curious about his. He turned it around, and as expected, it was beautiful, except it wasn't just you, but a painting of both of you doing exactly what you were doing at that moment: Both sitting face to face, canvases in your laps, and covered by the shade of the tree on a sunny spring day.
Your heart squeezed, and you bit the inside of your cheek.
— It's beautiful.
Apollo smiled and took advantage of your admiring his painting to take yours. Before you could snatch it away, he snapped his fingers, and it disappeared in a golden cloud.
— I hope you sent it to the Manhattan dumpsters.
— Now it's hanging in my palace room.
Your cheeks flushed, and you shook your head. He raised an eyebrow and conjured up a vision on his palm.
Above his bedhead was your painting, not only that. It was the first time you could see that everything you had given him was cherished in that place. The origami frog? That paper with a red lipstick kiss? Your commemorative shirt with the Hermes cabin symbol that you gave him after you won a race? Everything was there.
Your lip quivered; you were about to cry. Apollo already had teary eyes; seeing you like this gave him so much feeling.
— My love —you sobbed, and Apollo made the vision disappear, starting to raise his arms towards you.
— I love you, darling — and he drew you into him.
He was the god of the arts. He could see beauty in everything, especially if it was something you had done.
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literallyjusttoa · 28 days
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Hey guys! I'm putting out a call for my commissions again for two big reasons: One, Emergencies have caused me to be low on funds when I wasn't expecting it, and that kind of sucks actually. Two, I have a project that I've been dreaming about for years but have actually been able to start working towards in the last couple of months, but to finish it I need to not be living paycheck to paycheck for like a month at the very least, which brings me back to point one :(. I will talk more about the big project under the cut, bc I think it's something you all might really enjoy!
But for now, I will link my commission sheet: Here (It's also my pinned post)
And my new Ko-fi!: Here for if you just want to donate, which would be literally incredible and I would owe you my soul actually.
Ok now for big Project Time!!!
I am in the process of editing and revising my first Youtube video! This has been an on and off dream of mine for like 7 years at this point, but I've finally taken the plunge and gotten to work on a channel. I wanna talk about all sorts of fandoms (including the riordanverse ofc) With videos ranging from plot and character analysis, to trends in fandom culture in general, to fun little ranking videos and speedpaints. All around, I just want the channel to be a fandom hive, where everyone can find something they enjoy.
I already have PNG's created of my sona to use as assets (And I have a sparkly new sona, the one in the pic above!) and I have two finished scripts, with the first one being fully recorded as well! One for my first video, which will be a retrospective on Gravity Falls, and one for a video about the Percy Jackson TV show, the inherent differences between TV and books as mediums, how I think the TV show could improve, and the things I think it got perfectly. I also have a bunch more ideas, such as:
BIG Trials of Apollo video essay, with a focus on how the books and the fandom have effected me over the years.
Ranking all of my favorite characters from all of the media I've been a fan of over the years (This would be over 70 characters)
Explaining the Iliad, but make it funny (with a side of Troy apologia)
Reading Lore Olympus and pointing out how it deviates from myth (the things I'm willing to do for you people /j)
Canon vs. Fanon, where I compare a characters canon characterization with their fanon counterpart and try to figure out how things turned out the way they did.
And more, but I don't want this post to be 5000 words long.
Now here's the big question. As I said in the part above, I'm struggling a bit now money-wise. And I really wanna make this project work, but there's also, you know. Tuition. Rent. Food. Stupid other adult stuff. So if anyone is amenable (and this is totally up to demand, I don't wanna pressure anyone into doing anything!) I was also thinking of maybe making a Patreon. Now, I'd have to do research for this, bc I wanna make sure anyone who signed up would get the right rewards and really get the bang for their buck. I'm pretty sure there's not gonna be much interest in this rn, cuz like, I'm not that big of a blog oof. But if anyone is interested! Here are some of the perks I would definitely be implementing! (sry it's another list)
Early access to videos, and behind the scenes looks at art assets and video creation
the ability to request topics for videos
Patrons names being shown in the videos. And higher tiered patrons getting custom chibis that will be shown in videos as well (and given to the patrons obv)
This ones a bit complicated, but I want to create a cover of a song that has to do with each video to play during their outros. So like, for the gravity falls video, I'm gonna record a quick cover of the Disco Girl song from the show. Only a small section of the song would be in each video, but patrons would get access to the full covers, and be able to request songs to be covered.
Discounts on commissions
A monthly speedpaint that would be exclusive to patreon. Patrons would be able to vote on what the drawing would be.
All of these ideas I'm 100% sure I want to add to a patreon if I make one, but obv there could be more that comes up later. I'm just gauging interest on this idea rn, so let me know if that's something you'd be down to sign up for! Maybe I'm jumping the gun here but I'm just really excited to create and give back to the community and aaahhhhh
Now, no matter what, I'm gonna have this first video out by mid-September at the latest. Because stupid money troubles are not gonna stop me from making this a thing dangit. So look out for that, I'll link the vid here when it releases! But I am just really stressed rn and any support would go a long way towards making this dream come true. And on that note, one more sappy real talk if I am allowed it?
If you've read this far, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. This community and fandom is truly incredible. My blog is about to reach 5 years old, and I've never seen a group of people so accepting and creative and just fun to be around. You guys have truly changed my life, and I wouldn't have the courage to try for this if I didn't have the support you've given me. I know this is super dramatic for just trying to make a youtube channel, but making a place where I could just talk about all the nerdy and overly specific things I care about and share them with the world is something I've wanted for my whole life. You guys gave me that with this blog, and if this channel works out, it'll be thanks to you, so you'll have given it to me twice. I don't have the words to express how much I love this community and all the incredible people in it. So even if you can't support, just know that being here for however long you have been, whether it's the whole five years or the last two days, has done more than you'll ever know. You guys are the best, thank you for everything <3
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
Hi! i hope your having a good day. i love your work and was wondering if you could maybe do skz headcannons with an idol s/o who’s the main dancer in their group?
stray kids with their main dancer idol! s/o
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genre: headcanons; fluff, general, idol! s/o
word count: 0.8k
warnings: none
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request anything <3
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chan is always keen on self-improvement and finds that you help a lot
if he feels he's lacking in the dance department, the likelihood is he'll seek you out
not that he'll ever directly ask for help lmao
but sometimes you can just sense it and take the hint
he appreciates how much of a perfectionist you can be with your art. he's the same, of course
he feels like your brains are more similar than he thought to begin with, and through understanding how you work he recognises how much you focus and try hard to be the best, which is so attractive to him
lee know
is intrigued by your technique
that's how you piqued his interest before you even started dating him
being a professional dancer, he can pick out the superior dancers from each group with ease
you were easy for him to pin-point as the main dancer of your group because of your raw talent
so, he wanted to work and even perform with you
and since then, he has never once looked back
currently, you're his dancer partner, and dare i say the best fan-favourite couple ever. your chemistry when you work together is seriously unmatched
people are always waiting for your next collab
he literally thinks you're the best dancer in the industry and stands behind that statement
anytime his friends wanna tease him he's like "okay but are you dating the best dancer in the business? that's what i thought"
gets a good rise outta wooyoung tbh and he gets super competitive but we move
he loves bragging about your achievements bruh
he doesn't have time to talk about himself when he's wayyy too busy hyping you up
he's so proud of you like?? he can't help himself as embarrassed as it sounds. you just gotta go with it
he just wuvs you and wants to tell literally everyone he meets about your awesomeness ;-;
similar to lee know, hyunjin would want to work with you
he can't help but be enthralled by your beauty when you're performing
encourages you to do solo performances just so you get the time to showcase what you can do
wants to learn more classical ballroom dances with you because he's a hopeless romantic and is cheesy like that
he's just so in love
will probably write poetry about you and draw a dynamic, abstract painting of you dancing just cos you inspire him so much
idk you get him so mushy it's so cute
probably cries buckets when you do a super emotional contemporary dance, because... you know... its hyunjin
i mean it doesn't matter what position you are in as an idol, han jisung is a supportive bf no matter what and is literally your biggest fan
if you're the main rapper? he'll learn all your rap verses off by heart
if you're the lead singer? he'll dramatically sing your own group's songs until you hate it
and you being the main dancer? well, you best believe he's learning all the choreography
especially if you do solo work, my gosh
from the minute your new music video drops he's like "baby, where do you get those hips from??"
he's down bad, basically
mr. heart eyes
he literally... oh my gosh
i can't even-
he literally is obsessed with the way you move like oh my goshhhh i cannot stress this enough
you got him feeling things he's never felt before, ouch
his eyes are always fixed on you during your performances, and yes the cameraman has both caught and exposed him for having his jaw dropped to the floor and his eyes sparkly and wide as he watches you dance
the fans and i other idols get a good chuckle out of his reactions
he takes such an interest in how your work is doing
and he loves it when you do the same
he finds you have the same love and passion for dancing as he does with regard to singing
and that common ground is beautiful
it allows the conversation to flow so easily as you bond with your similar interests
the fact that you're both idols helps too, of course
gets so blushy thinking about how stunning you are when you dance. he's like a little boy when he sees you in action
he doesn't know how to react to his soulmate being so effortlessly talented
amazed by you
but doesn't easily show it
lowkey wants to learn more from you but is too shy to ask directly, at first
so he'll get you in a dance studio and teach you how to do the iconic 'maknae on top' hips move, just for funsies
and then he'll casually ask you what your fave move is
and from there, he will learn how to improve from you
he admires you so much, sometimes he just has a hard time articulating that to you
so spending time with you and working on dance - something you both love - is how he expresses that
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Anon who asked about the mpost/the one who had sent the tadc x wolf reader request here... Here's my new and improved version of the request!! And not on anon so I get the notification for it being completed :3
Okay so, tadc characters of your choosing (if you need specific characters then Jax, Ragatha, Caine, and Gangle) x a wolf!reader who is really shy, tends to be self deprecating, is a people pleaser, and underestimates their skills. Preferably platonic but romantic is fine!!
Caine, Ragatha, Jax and Gangle x wolf!reader who is shy w/ low confidence !
writing this then imma go work on my silly art eheheheheh unironically listening to hit my spot by ur pretty (do NOT listen to it without headphones if youre not alone it is literally gay sex song) on loop it has no reason to be so catchy gawd DAMN admins yapping aside i hope you enjoy this !! written more leaning towards platonic !!
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i think he would try to hype you up and make you more confident in yourself! i think he would be a little confused on why you arent too.. self assured, i mean he thinks youre cool and talented and skilled and-
he could go on for hours.. i think sometimes you might cave into him and what he wants due to you being a people pleaser and it might take caine a while to catch on to that and try to pay attention to those smaller things, especially if theres something making you uncomfortable... the good thing about being a wolf is that you have ears and a tail, which do a lot in conveying how youre feeling in the moment! usually he pays attention to those things if youre the type to not like.. vocalizing your discomfort. hypes you up to everyone who will listen, stops just short of picking you up and showing you off to everyone/hj
similar to caine she uses your ears and tail as a means to gauge your internal feelings about things. ragatha is a lot more low energy and calmer compared to some of the other characters on this list... has the least issues of reading you. pulls you away if youre getting uncomfortable in any situation, and oftentimes stands up for you if someone is trying to push you something you dont actually want to do... a lot of the times those people tend to be jax.. but we'll talk about that in his part. I like to think she would try to give you little pep talks when she notices you're a little down.. makes frequent compliments to you and the things you do (skills, hobbies, ect). her room is always open to you whenever you need an escape!
really a lot of his "coercing" is just him teasing you and, in a somewhat mean way, trying to subtly push you to get a backbone and find your limit. he wont say it or really express it, but you guys are friends and he does want to see you be able to speak for yourself... its just how he goes about it can be a little... erlrkgkh.... you know? since HES the one trying to test your boundaries and get you to snap at him. i dont think he would go as far as make fun of your hobbies and interests to make you stand up for yourself.. thats just. a smidge to mean, since youre his friend. definitely calls you wolf/dog-based nicknames, most of them dont fall into the "im trying to make you stand up for yourself" thing and more so "haha i think its funny and genuinely lighthearted"
its a little odd but there are good intentions in there
she gets it, she really does... you two probably talk to one another about your problems to one another... you both find comfort in it and in a way it makes you both feel better. seeing you uncomfortable or anxious kind of empowers gangle to come and help you out, regardless of which mask shes wearing. i like to think it would to the same for you if the roles were reversed... its kind of like how you stop being anxious momentarily when you see your friend struggling and being anxious themselves and you back them up or speak for them, you know? or maybe thats just a me thing... shrugs. probably gives you bows and ribbons to put on your tail to accessorize it
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bugglia · 2 months
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ASK ME TO DRAW STUFF! NOW!! (Free of charge).
more info under cut (it's closed rn sorry, but im getting on that drawing grind )
What's going on?:
Basically. I'm saying that I'm bored and im begging for requests right now of stuff to draw! I'm not the best at drawing, so this will help me improve in my art by drawing random stuff!
I'm doing this for fun. There's no charge. Just request a scenario of characters i should draw from the listed media or MAYBE send a photo of your OC along with the media you want it to go with! Just use the inbox that says "DRAW BUGGLIA DRAW! (OPEN)" on my profile!
Gravity Falls
Electric Dreams (1984)
I have no mouth and I must scream
My Little pony
Object Shows (I've watched very little, so I can't guarantee they will all be in character).
Ride The Cyclone
Wander Over Yonder
Invader Zim
FNAF (any game)
Word Girl
Pressure (ROBLOX)
Detroit Become Human
Adventure time
Reanimator (ANY MOVIE)
No Straight Roads
Bugs / Insects / Arthropods
Or your OC!! :)
Keep Violence/Grotesque themes to a minimum. (Ex: blood, scars, wounds, and EXTREMELY LITTLE exposure of organs are okay with me! Nothing beyond that.)
Don't request NSFW or "Adult Themes" (I should've stated that in rule 1, but I'm separating it because I am fine with drawing people kissing, hugging, and sharing romantic love. As long as it doesn't turn s3xual. I am a minor. I'm not comfortable with that).
Put down a reference sheet if you are to request your OC. Add comments of specific things you want to keep to your OC or things you want me to add. If those aren't provided, I'll probably just draw your OC the way you have shown me in the picture.
I can not guarantee that I can reach every request, but I will try my hardest. Please don't rush me. Have mercy. 😭
Do not request anything offensive. (Racially motivated art, Antisemitism, Transphobia or Homophobia, etc).
If you want to request another Fandom, you can try! I can't guarantee if it will be good, considering that I most likely would not know the media requested if it's outside what I listed. I want to settle for ONE character in media that I didn't list here. I don't mind drawing more than one character if you request the media I listed.
Thank you for reading!
pls pls follow me on tiktok or insta: @bugglia or both :3 /nf
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alphaformation · 1 year
I was wondering if you could do a mm Mikey x reader who is like really involved in the fine arts? (Stuff like singing, dancing, and acting) Maybe reader does musical theatre or songwriting? Is on the dance team? Or maybe on the improve team with him? It’s up to you but I just think it’d be really cute! I’d prefer a fem reader but you can do a gn reader if you’re more comfortable with that!
Thank You!🫶
hi hi anon!! this is such a cute request, & I figured it'd be more fun to explore in a headcanon format, so I hope you don't mind :)
╭──────.★..─╮ Limelight. ╰─..★.──────╯
Mutant Mayhem; Michelangelo / Fem!Reader Content Warnings: N/A
Summary: A girl in Mikey's Public Speaking class catches his attention, and he decides he needs hers in return.
Though he was more than excited to dive into his improv elective, Mikey was just a little apprehensive about the iceberg that was Eastman's performance and fine arts courses.
They weren't massively funded, it wasn't a great school mind you, but it WAS a big one. There were so many people and so many groups, he found it a bit arduous to know where to start.
So he started small.
He took a public speaking course for his first semester, figuring it was a good start without taking a headlong dive.
That was where he met you.
You were so cool!!
Mikey admired you so much when you met, seeing your confidence in every silly exercise or warmup your class did.
While his brothers made their goals around grades and extra-curriculars, Mikey's number one top-of-the-list plan was to get your attention.
and like.. let's be real, it's true of all of the Mutant Mayhem boys that he made a complete fool of himself trying.
so many jokes that fell flat... So many gags that went nowhere......
but like, humor was his thing! If he couldn't impress you with that, he was never going to.
Fortunately, you didn't require all too much pandering. As soon as Mikey flat out asked to hang out with you, you were happy to accept.
Let me tell you, Mikey's so excited for you when it comes to every school production that you're a part of.
Even if you get screwed over in casting, you KNOW he's still gonna drag his brothers to that musical.
"Dude, she doesn't even have a speaking part, why are we here?"
"Wow, Don, I thought YOU of all people would appreciate good choreography."
When he eventually asks you out, it's a whole affair.
Unlike Donnie, he's confided in his entire family about his crush, and you can definitely expect some odd looks from all three of his brothers in the time that hes working up the nerve to ask you out.
He shows up to a study date one day with a pizza and one of those heart teddy bears you get on valentines day.
"hey so, like, It's.. Totally cool if you don't vibe with this, but. I like you. Like... a lot?"
He tries to downplay it-- he really values your friendship, and if you don't feel the same he doesn't want you to feel weird about it.
When you tell him that you do reciprocate, he gets so excited.
He.. definitely forgot to actually bring his backpack and stuff to this study date, since he was pretty distracted with the whole confession thing.
When you eventually step foot in the lair, prepare for his entire family to place their attention on you. Every single one of his cousins is going to want to meet you, and naturally Splinter is going to have to sit you down.
Prepare for the whole "What are your intentions with my son." Talk. Splinter doesn't care that you're a girl, he's protective!
But once he's deemed you a good fit, you're practically part of the family.
As the two of you have been dating for longer, expect him to start following you into your extra-curriculars more.
Mikey is taking a shot at everything! If there's something you're auditioning for, he's two steps behind you.
In short, he adores you, and he owes a lot of his growth to you! He's really come out of his shell since meeting you, hehe.
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cros-s · 4 months
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A request...
Master Diluc serving drinks...
and looks
Also, please allow me to just...
About the artblock that is upcoming.
I can feel it, and it's probably already here
I feel so discouraged.
I know I should be making art for myself.
And I feel and should feel happy about how there are some who appreciate what I make.
I just can't believe myself how I'm so sensitive about some things to the point I would suddenly feel discouraged to make more and pursue my journey as an artist.
I wanted to improve, but I feel like I'm not improving the way I want to.
I swear I felt so confident posting my art before, but this one in particular, I practically just forced myself to do it... because I want to fight these negative thoughts... I feel so inadequate.
My fault.
I keep comparing my works with the ones I look up to, and I keep feeling like I'm not going anywhere.
I'm scared.
I do not know what I'm doing wrong, at the same time... I feel like I know it, but I can't face it because I don't have the capacity to, in reality.
Maybe I should let myself sink in this state of downness for now until I hit rock bottom, so the only way left is up.
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rozeliyawashereyall · 5 months
Sibling photo!
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W/O the photo frame
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Ik the left arm looks kinda off but hush
Now get ready for a long fucking rant about my listeners
Starting with Dennys! AKA Mariah Rose
(I'll do the others later)
Doing this just so I can keep her backstory from constantly changing or fusing with others
Alright so! :
Mariah is in her early 20s (maybe 23 or 25?)
Freckled ginger supremacy /hj
She has a bit of a stutter when she talks and is kinda insecure about it
Though shy with new people at first, a completely different person when they've known each other for a few months. By that, I mean she goes from a shy, quiet girl to a chaotic, loud menace
Has matching orange highlights with her brother
By the request of her strict mom, she entered university at about 18, dropped out at 21, and went back a few months later and finished her degree at 23
She has an electrical engineering degree that she still hasn't used because finding jobs is kinda hard
A very new employee at denny's
Literally only started working there to spite her mom
Mommy issues
Dad is pretty cool with whatever she does tbh long as she stays safe
Has 2 younger siblings who are twin sisters (Alicia and Amy) and 1 older brother (Henry). They all have a pretty strong bond!
Smoked for a year, quit because her sister Alicia developed asthma
Her other sister Amy wears hearing aids and really likes to draw!
The twins Alicia and Amy are 12 years old
Her brother is in his late 20s, engaged, has a medical degree, and works as a doctor in a hospital
Mariah struggled with her mental health for a few years, which is also why she dropped out before going back when her health improved
Used to wear glasses before getting eye surgery (paid by her dad cuz ain't no way she had enough money for that)
Did soccer in high school before breaking her ankle, leading to a few difficulties with walking for a few years, so she quit. Still kinda has pain in her leg whenever she walks
Occasionally does random arts n crafts with her sister to spend time with them
Also includes doing pranks on her brother
Was very alone and lonely from elementary to middle school, slowly started to get more extroverted in high school
Mariah only had very few friends. She wasn't really bullied or kept out of the group, but more like girlie was too anxious to approach anyone. So, her friends were the ones to initiate friendship first
Gal is so chaotic when she gets more comfortable. omg, comes from having multiple siblings, lol. In later stages of high school, she definitely started getting a bit more of a troublemaker, but not to the point of getting written up or kicked out
Def a people pleaser, girl says yes to almost anything (too nervous to say no cuz she doesn't want to upset anyone) her friends are usually the ones who say no for her
Prefers darker clothing and gets cold pretty fucking easily so she always has a jacket on her. Also has some walking problems due to the soccer accident I mentioned in the rant, so she's almost always sitting (gets a pass from the teachers to stay inside the classroom during recess) and sometime brings a walking stick with her if her leg is really acting up
Denise and Sarah from @piffany666 and @rustycopper4use taught her the ropes when she started working in dennys /hj
And that's all for now! Lemme know if you have any questions about her
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kikireads4ever · 1 year
doodles and design
Summary: in art class Peter sees your drawings of spiderman.
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
submit a request
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Peter decided taking an art class would be fun. He thought that he could possibly use the skills he’d learn to improve designing his Spider-man suits. Peter sat next to you in art class. You both got there before the class started. You were absentmindedly doodling. Lately you have been drawing lots of pictures of Spider-man. 
Peter glances over at you to see what you were drawing. His eyes widened when he saw it was spiderman, him, in your sketchbook. 
“Who’s that?” he asked, hoping if he seemed clueless maybe you wouldn’t think his interest in your drawing is because he’s spiderman.
“Mhm? Oh Spider-man, you know the vigilante.” you smiled and continued to shade the drawing. 
“So are you like a fan then?” he asked
You nod. “He’s a hero! Have you not heard in the news?” 
“Oh uh yea I think so.” he nods nervously.
Soon class begins and you all work on some still life drawings of fruit. Though while drawing you can’t help but notice that Peter keeps looking over at you nervously. You decided that after class you might talk to him about that. You’ve never noticed him paying attention to you before this. Class went by really quickly. You noticed that Peter quickly left the classroom. So you had to run after him. Quickly tapping his shoulder.
“Hey Peter, wait up!” 
“Huh?” he turns around to face you, “sorry I uh have chemistry class.”
“Did I bother you?” 
“Huh what? No. I-” he stumbles on his words
Nods ��you seem off… so I just thought..” you stare at the ground.
“I gotta go to class…” he quickly leaves
You are sitting on the roof of your apartment building. You often sneak up there to be alone. You hear a thud rearbye. 
“Oh hi there..” you hear someone say
You turn to look at the person the voice comes from and see Spider-man. 
“Hi..” you reply. “How’s the spider stuff going?”
He chuckles and gives a thumbs up “good, good.” he sits down next to you. “Sooo what are you doing on the roof?”
“Just relaxing.” smiles and then, “hey can I ask you something?” he nods “did you make your suit?”
“Yea I did!” he chuckles “I designed it myself.”
“Have you ever thought about changing it?”
He nods “yea I’m actually taking an art class to improve my ideas.” as soon as he said that he internally regretted it, worried you might figure out that he’s actually Peter Parker, your classmate. 
Chuckles “can I design a suit for you?” smiles and looks at him hopefully. 
This really surprised him. “Uhh maybe someday.”
After that Peter felt a bit more comfortable with you but was still worried you’d find out who he is. But he had a feeling he could trust you, but he didn’t want to risk anything. 
Things hadn’t really changed too much, you didn’t see Spider-man in person again and you weren’t much closer to Peter either, but Peter definitely kept thinking about you.
author note: if you like this fic please give it some love on my AO3
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