#i want to wear a big bold statement coat !
m1ssunderstanding · 3 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day 18
Staring John Lennon, as that kid I should’ve been nicer to in first grade who always smelled like PB&J and was never to be seen without his pokemon cards
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The dancing is really too cute. They’re just absolutely giddy. Making each other laugh AND an excuse to touch? John and Paul’s heaven. 
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John saying he was too excited after yesterday to go to bed. Like a fucking kid on christmas.
Everybody is serving today. While the candy-land suit is fun, I actually just love that vivid purple so much that I think it’s better without the coat over it. Billy looks extremely suave and classy.  And those red polka-dots on Ringo. Red suits him, and I think with his very frank, masculine aspect, he looks so beautiful and bold in feminine fits. Paul and John are both just wearing what they wore yesterday. Yeah. But John is still a cutie, and Paul, well, you all know.
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The advice chain about finishing a song while you’re working on. Paul → John → George
Paul honestly does a great job being supportive of George and his work. Coming over and grooving with him, then hopping on drums then guitar (right-handed, may I add). Just to give George musical atmosphere to flesh out his song and start thinking of arrangement ideas, I assume. Then letting him bounce ideas around. And the whole time being overly-enthusiastic to build George up. Look how happy George is with the love and attention. 
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John helping move some equipment in. We love a man who sometimes doesn’t think he’s too good for manual labor. 
Yes, clean that homeless man’s palm sweat off your instrument. Probably smart. 
TFW you made Paul McCartney jealous of your musical abilities. 
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John really knew so well when to be his little impish self and when to be hard and intimidating. Exhibit A, going from, “Can we have our microphones, oh, mister, can we please?” to “And get one for Billy too.” In a matter of seconds.
George Martin stepping in when they’re all getting panicky about the sound and they need an authority figure to reassure them in ways that someone like Glyn Johns never could. Just, perfectly cool and collected, puts everything right as they’re all shouting at him like school children who’ve just had a terrible time in PE. 
“Believe me, when I tell you.” “Oh, I do.” Oh, good. He did put it in. That’s nice. Right, and this is the moment Yoko decides to tell John her divorce has come through and pull him in for a big smooch. Honestly, it just shows how threatened she feels by Paul. Nevermind her whole, “good thing Paul isn’t a girl or he would have been a great threat,” quote. Clearly, he just is a threat regardless of sex.
And then John, “I’m freeeee.” At Paul. Honestly, the amount of things they direct specifically and aggressively at each other that should’ve just been general statements if there wasn’t some weird thing between them. It’s really something. Normally, you’d announce something like that to the whole room. But it seems John specifically wants to impress upon Paul that he and Yoko could get married right now if they wanted to. I mean, it’s a little difficult to make the point, because John and Paul almost aways seem to be talking only to each other. But through the whole discussion of Yoko’s divorce, John does not take his eyes off of Paul. 
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Oh my gosh, Ivan Vaughn is here? How many emotional support boyfriends does Paul need to make up for John having Yoko? Glyn, Linda, George Martin, Dennis, Robert Fraser, and now Ivan? Fuck’s sake, Yoko, you’re a powerful woman.   
Paul’s Strawberry Fields piano. Let me be as vulnerable and broken as possible in my singing, since I can’t show you any other way that you’re killing me. Do you remember this song? That you wrote when we were at the height of our partnership only two years ago? How happy we were then? How beautiful the world seemed for that one brief moment? And John can’t look at him, because, yes he fucking remembers and yes he knows he’s hurting Paul. But for whatever reason, (my theory is he wanted something more Paul couldn’t give him. What that was and whether it was ever specifically vocalized I don't have a guess) going back to that time would be more painful to John than this has been.  
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So they’ve been goofing off and Paul gives this little speech to get them back on task. “Alright Chawn Love. I’ve gotta call order, John, now, valuable time, here, son. Cool down, son.” But John’s response, “Don’t let me down, babe” completely switches Paul’s gears. He now thinks it’s important enough to get in this little snatch of a *meaningful* cover, “Take these Chains from my Heart,” reversing the course of productivity he’d got them on and ignoring the fact that they were about to do a take on two-shilling-a-foot tape. My interpretation of this moment is a bit tin-hatish and long, but suffice it to say, John is not happy with the message.
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Everyone convincing Paul to do another take of his song is surprising, considering everything we always hear about how Paul was a tyrant task-master who just forced everyone to keep doing his lame muzak over and over when they all clearly hated it. Mal, “You can always go back to it.” Paul, “Do you want your head kicked in?” John, “We’ll never get a chance to do it again.” Paul, “Okay, honey bunch. Let’s hit it one time, tutti-frutti.” 
Yoko watching Paul check out her boyfriend’s ass. Classic. Also the fact that she literally copied his outfit? I get so much second-hand embarrassment for her, and it’s not when she’s being a weirdo and a statement-maker. It’s the having to physically stick the gum you were offering your boyfriend into this hand because he won’t take his eyes off his boyfriend for two seconds to look at you. 
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Everyone laughing at Perfect Paul being out of tune is so funny to me. Like when the nerd finally gets a question wrong and the whole class is all “ooooohhhh!”
Ringo having a grand old time on the drums. I love that he just knew that’s what he wanted to do from such a young age and he never wanted to do anything else. And why would he? He’s a genius at it.
Paul. “John’s got something at 1:30 and so have I.” Smirk emoji. Side-eye emoji. George is with me. “Yeah we've got something too. I’ll do Ringo at 1:30.” I'm dead.
This moment right here hurts me. Paul’s enjoying a nice cuddle with Ringo until he remembers the camera. You’re not going to get in trouble for having your friend’s arm around your shoulders, Paul. Why are you like this? 
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mcblingbrat · 2 years
RL Bratz Doll Wardrobe
Like Jade, I have a unique and personal sense of style that aligns with current trends, sets me apart from other people and makes me a trendsetter. Fashion is one of the many forms of self-expression, and I use the low end, high end and vintage items that I own to do that.
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Every fashionista owns a wide range of outerwear that sits in there closet for a considerable amount of time due to them not having the perfect ensemble, dress, jumpsuit, bag, accessories and shoes to go with it; and I’m one of those people.
When I manage to find the perfect clothing items, accessories and shoes for said outerwear, my firsthand or secondhand jackets and coats that are bold, feminine, glamorous and/or extravagant make their big debut.
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Similar to Sasha, Yasmin, Jade and Cloe, my clothing, specifically my tops, have landed me in hot water due to them being quote unquote too revealing or attention grabbing.
My casual tops are usually form fitting and figure flattering and have details that are related to my likes, interests and personality (ex: cute slogan tees with sayings, an off the shoulder sweater that is shimmery and see through, a brightly colored tank top with ribbed lace up detailing, etc.).
My formal tops are also form fitting and figure flattering like me previously mentioned casual tops, but they make a statement that won’t be made again due to them being so unexpected yet so me (ex: a silver metal mesh top with a crystal sleeve, a denim and velour corset top, a wrap around star fishnet top, etc.).
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As a petite woman, I have to find pants that are going to fit me perfectly and compliment my frame.
Once I find pants that fulfill those two mandatory requirements online or in stores, I proceed to purchase pants that should’ve made me realize that Aquarius was my chart ruler before I purchased my astrological portrait due to most of pants being the definition of outrageous, urban yet camp.
If I find pants that are plain but fit me perfectly and compliment my frame, I purchase them and have them altered to resemble my vision and sketch. Like the great Galleria Garibaldi, I take bits and pieces and put them together cause I’m a visionary and an artist.
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The skirts that I don are less outrageous and camp than my pants since I love to show off my legs in short skirts, but the colors, prints, embellishments, detailing and textures of the skirts that accommodate the jacket, top, jewelry, handbag and shoes make the outfit cohesive, which is what I strive for despite striving for various self related things when I put together an outfit for myself.
Formal Wear
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My formal fashion moments are sporadic due to the pandemic and my busy schedule that consists of school and work, but when I am granted the opportunity to dress up for a formal event, I take that as an opportunity to unleash my softer and ethereal side with soft yet bright colors and whimsical imagery (ex: butterflies, cloud print, orchid print, floral embellishments, corset detailing, hoods, etc.).
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All libra women are the main characters in their lives and other peoples lives. As a libra woman who is a proud main character in my life and the lives of many others, diamonds are all over my body because it reflects who I am and lets people know that I am a shining and bright diamond. I also have an affinity for diamonds because they look great on me and I’m a proud maximalist that believes that any thing that’s understated has no place in my abundant life.
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I’m really particular when it comes to the bags that I purchase. They don’t have to be designer, but they have to be a high quality bag. I don’t want to wear a bag that everybody is wearing or obsessing over because I’m not worried about everybody and their minion like tendencies and I don’t want to purchase a bag with my hard earned money that’s going to fall apart. Bags should age like a fine wine, not curdle like expired milk.
When it comes to shape, color and detailing, I’m flexible since I’m a fashion chameleon, but I have a few exceptions (ex: a brown or beige bag (I don’t like colors and they wash me out), gold detailing (I’m cool toned and I always preferred silver) and faux leather bags (they leather peels and I’m all about the real.).
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My shoes are the final act of my outfits that close the show, and I always make sure to pick out show stopping shoes that’ll incite an encore from onlookers.
Despite being genuinely confident despite my short stature, I often find myself purchasing sneakers, boots, wedges and heels that make me appear taller than I actually am.
Lengthy shoes are a no-no. Tall girls look amazing in knee high shoes, whereas short girls look juvenile when they’re wearing knee high shoes, and I’m not trying to have people thinking that I’m a young girl playing dress up because I’m a grown woman.
Lastly, I'm open to most things when it comes to shoes, with exceptions (ex: pure white shoes (they get dirty easily and are going to be a pain to clean), crocs (first of all, ew. second of all, ew.), and converse (I LOVED me some Chuck Taylor's when I was a preteen in middle school and a teenager in high school, and still do to this day, but they don’t give me much support and my family forced me to let them go completely until they create shoes that’ll support my feet.).
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foryallhornyb · 23 days
Friday night
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warnings: suggestive/vulgar language, mentions of pinv, honestly nothing really
Be aware, english is not my first language.
Also I have no clue how to use this app ;)
Please imagine anyone you want. No use of yn.
Friday night. What could a girl do Friday night? She was lying on her bed asking herself the exact same question. She wanted to have fun; exam season was over now, finally the last real one of her life. Except for her final, but that didn't matter right now. What mattered was that she did not have anything to do. Worst of all, she was fucking horny, and she meant hooooorny, not just horny like usual. Well, she knew who to call for that, but an annual booty call seemed a little too, well, boring right now. So before she texted him, she needed a plan, a good one to be exact. Aimlessly, she scrolled through random stories of people she knew who liked to party. Date night, date night, ugh, she could get sick of this. Uh, finally, a decent-looking party... from yesterday, yikes, but then she stumbled over something... a squeak left her. Yes, a black leather-themed party about 20 minutes away. She knew exactly what to wear for that, and bonus, the club wasn't exactly known for being conservative. She had been there, and let's say, she had way too many clothes on.
So she threw on her black bodycon dress, which hugged her curves beautifully, with a cleavage down to the sternum tattoo between her boobs. Black lace lingerie peeked out just enough, and on top of that, a leather harness with gold accents, all paired with her new Doc Martens, a scandalously messy bun, smokey eyes, and a red lip. Which she was sure would all be ruined later.
She snapped a photo, well, at least 30 until she found one that pleased her, and whoop sent it to him. "Meet me in 45 at crib, match me ;)" She knew he would respond, right? It was bold... maybe too bold? Judging by the "fuck... will be there in 30" she received less than 5 minutes later, it wasn't.
She ordered an Uber, fuck her, she would not be driving after this night so there could be no harm. She threw on her black long coat and sunglasses; she wasn't the girl for handbags, so everything had to fit in her pockets. When she arrived ten minutes late, well, she had to buy condoms, right? He was already in the parking lot, leaning against a car. "Well, look who decided to arrive," he said, pulling her in, leaning down, and kissing her neck. "Sorry, I had to go shopping." "What could you possibly need to shop right now, huh?" He cocked an eyebrow. Nonchalantly, she pulled the string of condoms out of her pocket and wiggled them in front of his face. He just laughed. "And you really thought I did not think of that, huh?" "Hmm, I just love men who care about protection." It was an honest statement; she really disliked, no, hated the whole rawdogging thing.
Then she looked him up and down... wide cargo pants, big black boots, and basically everything like always, maybe except for the little bit of black eyeliner. To be fair, she was a little disappointed, he did not, well, she did not know, but he looked boring. He noticed. "Oh, you don't think I am fancy enough, do you?" "No, I like it. It is just... like always," she shrugged. "Oh," he laughed, "no, it is not." "How?" "You know I am still wearing a jacket, right?" "And?" she looked up with doe eyes. "You want me to undress in a parking lot?" "Yes," her answer was blunt, but she did not mind; she kinda liked the idea of it... he promptly began to unzip his jacket slowly but without revealing anything. "Oh, come on, please," she was whining a little now, so with a swift motion, the piece of fabric was gone, and what was revealed let her let out a silent "shit," staring blankly at him, at his broad chest to be exact, which was only minimally covered by a leather cross harness with a ring in the middle. Did she mention how jacked he was? Well, she was silently drooling. "Hey, doll, my eyes are up here, you know." "Yeah, I know," she answered absently without looking up. He then grabbed her chin, leaving her no option but to redirect her gaze. "You said we should match." "You delivered." "Now it is your turn; that coat is bugging me." "Oh, is it? Hmmm," he swiftly turned them around, her back now facing the car, and within a heartbeat, she was seated right on top of the hood, his hands undoing the belt that was holding her coat closed. When he softly swept the fabric off of her shoulders, he hummed contentedly. "God fuck," he took a few steps back, and she crossed her legs.
When he pulled out his phone, the flash blinded her for a quick second. He looked content with his work. "You gonna send me that? I wanna know what you jerk off to," she winked, seconds later her phone buzzed and he was back in front of her untangling her legs gently with rough hands, sliding them under her dress. His mouth close to her ear, "you have no idea how much I would like to bend you over this car right now and fuck you from behind while everyone is watching," his voice was just below a whisper but a tingle ran down her spine straight to her core. "Bet you would like that showing everyone just what a good girl you are for me, hmm," a tiny gasp left her as she stared up at him with wide lust-blown eyes.
He just smirked, "We should get inside." She swallowed, "yeah." He lifted her off the car and led her to the entrance with a hand on the small of her back. God, how she loved how he could manhandle her, how he could degrade her, and most of all how he could fuck her. The bouncers let them in without any fuss, only a small "hey sweets" from one of the female bouncers she had hooked up with a few months back. She smiled at her but walked by with him. On the inside, there were red lasers flicking through the fog-filled air and techno music blasting in their ears. How she loved it. After pulling him onto the dance floor, they started bouncing to the music, which soon turned into her grinding on him. On the swell of her arse, she could feel him harden against her. Swiftly, he spun her around, crashing his lips on hers; the force of the kiss caused her to bend backward until she was relying on his arms to keep her standing. They were fighting for dominance, but he won without question. He pressed his forehead against hers, giving her a stare that made her knees buckle and panties wet.
"Can we switch to somewhere more private?" It was less of a question than a demand, but she nodded eagerly without hesitation. "I know just where to go." Grabbing his hand, she led him to one of the backrooms the bouncer from earlier had shown her. As soon as they were inside, he swiftly pulled her dress up a little so that when he guided her to jump into his arms, she could wrap her legs around his waist. All that happened within seconds, and before she could even register what was happening, he had slammed the door shut with her back against it. While he held her with one hand under her arse, he locked the door. "What do you want?" "Hmmm, what do you have in mind?"
Please let me know if you would like a part 2.
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fashioneditswebsite · 3 months
Six moments you might have missed from NYFW 2024
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Fashion month went off with a bang in New York City. With boundary-pushing designs and plenty of famous faces on the front row, New York Fashion Week (NYFW)2024 has wrapped up. And what a glittering season it has been! Filled with bold designs and celebrity-filled front rows. New York is often seen as the cooler younger sibling to Milan and Paris Fashion Weeks, and it didn't disappoint with the autumn/winter 2024 season. Here's what you might have missed from a week of fashion in the Big Apple… 1. Beyoncé sits in the front row. In a surprise appearance on Tuesday night, Beyoncé sat in the front row to watch her 19-year-old model nephew Daniel 'Julez' Smith Jr walk the runway at the Luar fashion show, a clothing brand "for the culture." The singer and her mother sat together, both wearing stylish outfits. She finished the look with oversized sunglasses, a holographic Luar bag, and a cowboy hat in the same color. 2. Molly Ringwald walked the runway. Sixteen Candles star Molly Ringwald opened the Batsheva show, wearing a dramatic hooded black gown, which the brand described on Instagram as "a velveteen funeral Jackie O dream." The 55-year-old is usually seen sitting in the front row, but this season, she joined an entire cast of models aged 40 or over. Designer Batsheva Hay had spent weeks recruiting random women for the show, telling The New York Times she did it because she was 42. "I find that aging is a big preoccupation for me and my friends. It's an area of discomfort in fashion," she said. 3. Tommy Hilfiger comes back home. Fashion veteran Tommy Hilfiger wanted to honor New York in his second show since the coronavirus outbreak. He staged the show at the Oyster Bar in Grand Central Station, with the likes of Damson Idris, newest brand ambassador Sofia Richie Grainge, and Kelly Rutherford all in attendance. "We thought it was time," Hilfiger told CNN ahead of the show. "Time to come back and celebrate New York. It's iconic, and it's where I started." From varsity bomber jackets and trench coats to striped jumpers and polo shirts, the mega-brand was bold and modern in its interpretation of preppy fashion. 4. Blake Lively makes an appearance. In support of her good friend Michael Kors, the actress and Gossip Girl alum attended the autumn-winter runway shown Tuesday. The mom of four wore a giraffe-print trench coat and mini skirt with brown boots. She attended the Super Bowl to see the Kansas City Chiefs win against the San Francisco 49ers. Taylor Swift, Ice Spice, Lana Del Rey, Miles Teller, and Keleigh Sperry spotted her watching the game. 5. All eyes on Area Interestingly, to celebrate its 10th anniversary, Area broke from tradition and debuted spring/summer clothes instead of the usual autumn/winter collections. The designers drew inspiration from Sixties pop art and 1920s cartoons and studied the outfits with statement googly eyes. The designers drew inspiration from Sixties pop art and 1920s cartoons and studied the outfits with statement googly eyes. Area's collection delves into the interplay between viewing and being viewed. It explores the dynamics of essentials and the extraordinary. The collection reconstructs the interconnection between fashion and its observers. Area shared this on Instagram. 6. Storybook drama at Thom Browne After a spell in Paris, Thom Browne returned to the New York Fashion Week schedule in a suitably dramatic style. A veteran of the industry – and the chairman of the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) – he's known for high-production-value shows, and this season was no different. Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's poem The Raven, models walked around a wintery wasteland of a catwalk. More than just a runway show, this was performance art – one of the 'trees' on the runway turned out to be a man on stilts wearing an oversized puffer jacket, and four children emerged from the coat to watch the show. The clothes were suitably Gothic – practically everything was monochromatic, with models wearing sculptural headpieces. Moreover, the fashion show emphasized tailoring and boxy silhouettes with a sporty edge. It was a dramatic and exciting experience for everyone, including celebrities like Janet Jackson and Queen Latifah, who enjoyed the show in the front row. Read the full article
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Jewellery Preferred By The Celebrities' On The Red Carpet
We all enjoy watching award shows, and it's no secret that we watch celebrities to see what kind of jewelry they're wearing with what kind of outfit so that we can learn some tricks for ourselves. Whether they have worn the common piece or even styled it uniquely, they have inspired others to try it too.
Yes, it's true, celebrities have their fingers on the pulse of jewellery trends, and consumers can learn a lot from them.
A celebrity walk on the red carpet represents a world full of luxurious dresses and jewellery. Lots of hours have been spent on jewelry designs, outfits, and make-up for a perfectly gilded glamor look for celebrities. Some of the celebrity jewelry got special attention and won the best-styled award at the event too.
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Remember the Met Gala 2022 telecast? where Blake Lively wore long dangle earrings that matched her copper and turquoise gown and drew everyone’s attention to her neck and collarbone. Since then, long dangle earrings are on trend as the Best Online Fashionable Artificial Jewellery.
The motive is to lay our eyes on the outfits along with the most phenomenal jewellery. For celebrities, shining bright on the red carpet of any event is part of the glam, and they showcase various jewellery brands the same way we did in an exhibition.
We know the prices of the jewellery worn by celebs at major events are expensive, but most of the celebs are promoting other jewelry brands or taking it on rent as many physical and online websites are ready to offer them on rental in order to promote the valuable pieces.
 Yes, times have changed. Even the star kids who used to buy their own jewelry are pretty rare nowadays.
Here, I am sharing about the most demanded artificial jewelry for the red carpet.
Layered Necklaces
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To attract audience attention in order to achieve a multidimensional personality, layered necklaces are a great way to do so. And celebrities mostly wear it in deep-neck outfits to make them shine. If you want to try it, wear a deep-neck gown as well as a traditional gown.
You can pick a lariat chain necklace to achieve the look the same as celebs, or if you’re really looking to make a statement with bold and colorful necklaces, check out the latest Indian artificial jewellery designs at advikka.com.
Hoop earrings
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These types of earrings are back in style, and many celebrities have been seen wearing them at many big award shows.
Both silver and gold-coloured coated hoop earrings are in style, so choose your favourite metal and join the hoop earring trend. You can wear Silver Hoop Earrings with any pattern of outfits; try large, chunky hoops or a smaller, more classic look, whatever suits you. 
Colorful Jewelry
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While precious metals and gemstones are still in style, another trend taking shape is colourful jewelry, which can be in the form of necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, and much more. Beaded jewelry like chokers and the Aaliyah Pachi Kundan Bead Necklace have taken the world by storm this year and show no indication of slowing down. The celebs also prefer to wear combinational jewellery, such as bead necklaces; they can be paired with rings, large florals, and giant, colorful earrings.
Be stylish, keep yourself on trend, and shine!
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ohcanadashop · 1 year
How Should Women Wear Hoodies? || OhCanadaShop
Only a billion different approaches exist for doing this. Hoodies can be worn in two major ways, in reality.
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When you choose a full-on sports suit, this hoodie look is ideal for the gym or other sporting events. It's also a great option for traveling or weekend getaways. With shoes, sweatpants, leggings, shorts, a women's sweatshirt, and a baseball cap, and those items, this place is all about the unfashionable attitude. It's cool, laid-back, and seems quite natural.
Visit mother. Imagine wearing a hoodie with any outfit in the world. More so, choose hoodies for women instead of coats or sweaters, and never forget to add a daringly feminine touch like stilettos, red lipstick, statement jewelry, or gorgeous nails.
Many fashionable girls wear hoodies as outerwear and team them with any type of skirt, heels, or even simple shoes (ankle boots, sneakers, brogues). The appearance is both very adaptable and cutting-edge.
Wear a huge hoodie as a dress for a really sultry and powerful look that is ghetto glam influenced (steal one from your big guy if you have to). For a more casual, "okay-girl" kind of look, wear it with excellent shoes like heel boots or sneakers and wear bold lips. or complete makeup. I ADORE this fashion. It seems effortless in a way, but it's also incredibly empowering, sensual, and urban.
Another method to wear hoodies for women that doesn't involve any added glitz is to dress them up like sweaters. A sweatshirt worn underneath a leather or blazer jacket is the ideal fashion contrast for a classy ensemble.
Hoodies For Women: Street And Gym Wear In Canada
Ladies' hoodies are not a new invention; they only appear to be so because of the way we wear them and because fashion as a whole has become more flexible or varied. Nowadays, street style and individual style are everything, with a strong focus on the adage that "everything goes with anything." If you want, consider it a middle finger to the norms of fashion.
Hoodies for women come in second place. the fixation with fitness and athletics that seems to transcend physical appearances and is something we all have these days. Hello, sportswear for the gym. Nowadays, sportswear is so trendy and cool that you can wear it outside of the gym. Of course, this is the situation with women's hoodies. Leggings, crop tops, mesh materials, baseball caps, and sweatpants are all components of a look that is very casual yet stylish.
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Why on earth would we change and switch 1,236,345 outfits because we had to go to work, spin class, grocery shop, and then [insert activity] on the same day? Therefore, wearing fashionable hoodies, for example, to the office and pairing them with more polished or smart pieces is socially acceptable and even trendy these days, especially if you know you have a lot of after-work errands to run that day. Put on a basic or dressier hoodie, black fancy slacks or a pencil skirt, and high heels. Despite sounding absurd, it has a chic appearance.
In Italy, are you looking for Canada Women hoodies online? Shop our selection of unique, handcrafted, and personalized products to find the greatest Comfy Canadian Hoddies For Adult.
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Suite 263, 12-16715 Yonge St , Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA
Postal Code: L3X1X4
Visit Our Website- https://www.ohcanadashop.com/
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ggunight · 3 years
need a bestie to wear matching bright blue and red long coats with me
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johnsamericano · 3 years
𝔖𝔲𝔤𝔞𝔯 ℜ𝔲𝔰𝔥 𝔧.𝔧.𝔥 •2•
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Hi hi! I'm back with another chapter. This one might not be as good(?, it's a really fluffy chapter so bear with me.
warnings: sugar daddy jae, he's a big baby, tooth rotting, kinda long.
sugar rush m.list.
taglist: @thoreeo @trustmahluv @sunny-nyu @nanascupid @silent-potato
“Sir, there’s a girl asking to see you.”
“Hey, I’m not a girl!” He chuckled as his finger pressed the button to communicate with his secretary.
“Hey, I’m not a girl!” He chuckled as his finger pressed the button to communicate with his secretary.
“Hey, I’m not a girl!” He chuckled as his finger pressed the button to communicate with his secretary.
“Let her in.”
Only a few seconds later, your head was peeking through his door.
“I brought you coffee.” You extended your hand out, showing him the carton containing two iced drinks. “Are you busy?”
“Not at all, come in.” You sat on the elegant, individual sofa in front of him, his desk serving as a separation. “Are you here to spy on me? Don't you trust me with your father's case?” He pouted, typing something in his keyboard while your palms started sweating.
How could you not trust the man with the highest case winning index in the whole country?
Briefly, after your encounter with the other lawyer, you'd googled him as well as his company. Because of his incredibly high fees, he didn't have many clients, but those few who had enough money to cost him were almost assured to be on the winning side. So then, why hadn't an excellent lawyer like him popped up when you'd first looked for popular firms? Simple, he wasn't popular.
Just like a hidden gem, only a few had the pleasure to know Yoonoh, and you felt beyond grateful for paying that stupid membership weeks ago.
“No, no!” You were quick to defend yourself, frantically shaking your hands to support your previous statement. “Just wanted to be of help.”
Truth to be told, after receiving your first weekly allowance, an unsettling feeling had been squeezing your heart ever since. Call it guilt or whatever, but it didn't set right to be receiving si much help from him when you hadn't had the chance to do anything in return. The least you could do was trying to be polite.
“You shouldn't be spending your money on me. I'm the one supposed to spoil you, remember?” He grabbed the plastic container by the lid, sipping the bitter liquid with an amused smile. “But thank you.”
“I paid my rent yesterday.” You blurted out, trying to avoid the uncomfortable silence threatening to settle between the two of you. “And I still have money left to save for my father's hospital bills, maybe even buy a present for my aunt.”
He admired how noble you were, making sure those around you had enough before even thinking to do something for yourself.
“I have a party this Friday, would you like to attend with me?” Your presence wasn't required as it wasn't a big event, but by the look in your eyes, he knew you were itching to do something in return for his kindness.
“Yes, of course!” Your orbs sparkled with excitement, finally feeling yourself useful.
“If you don't mind waiting, we can go buy something for you to wear right after I finish with this.” For what seemed like the tenth time in less than ten minutes, small beads of sweat rolled down the back of your neck. Thank God he wasn't able to see them. “Oh, come on, don't give me that look!”
“You’ve already done so much for me. I can buy the clothes myself, don't worry.” With a deep sigh, Yoonoh rose from his chair, taking long strides to surround the desk separating you. “W-what are you doing?” Now kneeling on the floor beneath you, his face was dangerously close to yours, coffee breath crashing against your nose.
“Using mind control to convince you to let me take you out.” He stared at you for a couple more seconds before saying: “Is it working?”
“I think your mind control is broken.” You whisper, unable to hold back the small giggles bubbling at the back of your throat.
“How about now?” He batted his eyelashes, trying to act cute despite his bold features. You shook your head.
Just as you thought it was over, his hand went up to cup your jaw, his thumb drawing uneven figures on the ticklish skin.
“How about now?” He repeated. You stammered, unsure of what to say. “Sorry, that was inappropriate.” Aware of your awkwardness and the rising heat in your cheeks, he stood up, walking back to his chair. “But I do want to get you something, would you let me?”
With your mind busy and your guard low, you nodded, unaware of the silly smile on his face.
“I have a few novels on my shelf in case you want something to kill time.”
“Thank you.” You moved to the huge bookshelf facing his desk, grateful your face wasn't visible anymore.
The books were ordered by genre and size, starting from the biggest law-related textbooks to pocket-sized novels, ending with the smallest one he had. The little prince.
Your eyes widened in disbelief. Yoonoh didn't seem to be the type to read that kind of heartbreaking yet beautiful book. Nonetheless, as many said, you can't judge a book by its cover.
An hour or two later, you were halfway into the first book of flowers in the attic, immersed in the small world the author had created. Yoonoh had finished his work a few minutes before, but distracting you when you were reading so vividly, seemed like a crime. He enjoyed the way your eyebrows would knit together every time something shocking happened, clearly too immersed in the novel to notice his intense gaze.
“Y/n...” He whispered once he noticed you were starting a new chapter. You blinked twice, hands clutching the book tightly as you noticed he had finished his work. “You can take it home, don't worry.”
“Sure?” He flashed his pretty dimples as his eyes turned into half-moons.
“You can come back for the rest of the saga when you finish this one. Take as many books as you please, I’ve already read them all.”
“Thank you.” Another act of kindness you had no way of returning. His favors just seemed to be piling up before you could even return any. “Would you like to have dinner with me today? I'm a great cook, or so did my father said.” You blurted out quickly, twisting your hands nervously as you waited for an answer.
“I’d love to. But I might have to attend some work calls if you don't mind.”
“I don't, maybe I'll even have time to bake a cake while you're at it.” God, how bad he wanted to take a picture of that adorably nervous smile.
“Great, so it's settled. Dinner at your place after we go shopping.” He had already put his blazer on, offering his arm to guide you out. With shaky fingers and sweaty armpits, you grabbed it, walking by his side with his secretary’s gazed glued on you. So much for a girl, huh?
Once seated in his car, with the book resting on your lap, you allowed yourself to relax. Yoonoh wasn't a bad person, on the contrary, he was very kind, so there was no use in keeping your guard up when he was around.
“Ready to roll?” You cringed at his use of slang, making him drop his head back to laugh. “What? Isn't it a thing you cool young adults say?”
“Maybe twenty years ago, Yoonoh.” It was the very first time you used his name so informally, and, oh how good it felt to hear you saying it?
“Fine, I won't use it anymore.” He poked your arm like a little child, and for a moment, you wondered if he was actually more than a decade older.
Several bad jokes, two dresses, and a quick stop at the grocery store later, you arrived at your apartment. Yoonoh held everything while you entered the passcode, struggling not to drop a can of vegetables that was starting to bend the edge of the paper bag.
“Ready, hand me something.” You both entered with your hands packed with different things. You went to your room to leave the new dresses while Yoonoh set the paper bags down on the kitchen counter.
“So...” He clapped loudly. “What are we cooking?”
“I bought the ingredients for lasagna. Is that okay with you?” He nodded, lips pressed and dimples in display. “Alright, let's do this.”
It would've been of great help if Yoonoh had told you he didn't know how to cook. But of course, part of the fault was yours for not noticing when he tried to add ketchup to the recipe.
“I burnt it.” He looked at the semi-carbonized pasta with disgust, feeling ashamed of having ruined your dish. “Let’s just throw it away and order something.” He was about to touch the hot container until your grip on his wrist halted his movements.
“We just pulled it out of the oven.” You shook your head in disbelief at the man standing in front of you.
Despite Yoonoh’s endless complaining, you ate the lasagna. The flavor wasn't that bad when you scratched off the burnt parts, especially when accompanied by a cold glass of wine.
“It’s not that bad.” You repeated over and over again. A phone call interrupted him from self-pitying any further. “Go on, take it.” You continued eating while he spoke in the living room.
It wasn't until a couple of minutes later that you realized he was whisper yelling at whoever was on the other line. It was your first time seeing him angry, and you didn't like it one bit. The way his face turned completely stoic, his eyes cold as his hand rested on his hip. Sweet, caring, Yoonoh was gone.
“I told you I needed it for today.” He said through gritted teeth. “You better get it before I arrive back at the office, or you can find yourself another job.” Even after he hung up, Yoonoh stood in the middle of the shared area, clutching his phone so tightly, it seemed like it would break any minute.
You wanted to ask if everything was alright, if he needed any help, but most importantly, if the things he needed were related to your father's case, but all the words stuck to your throat like insects in a spider web.
“I need to go.” He simply said, not even bothering to fake a smile. “Thank you for dinner, I'll see you on Friday.” With his free hand, he grabbed the coat hanging from his chair and left, slamming the door on his way out.
Was that the real Yoonoh?
A shiver ran down your spine. What had you gotten into? From what you'd seen, it was only about time he would show his true self to you as well.
All the trust you'd built up during the day, had crumbled down in a matter of seconds. The worst part? You didn't even feel entitled to be scared, not after all he'd done for you.
‘Just keep your distance.’ You repeated like a mantra as you got ready for bed, leaving the book you'd borrowed right where he'd left it, afraid it would burn your fingertips even with the slightest touch.
The week wasn't nearly as long as you'd wanted it to be, and soon enough, you were struggling to zip the dress you'd bought days ago. Your makeup was done, and Yoonoh had texted you he was on his way, yet, you'd been fighting with the zipper for at least ten minutes. Your fingers were cramping, and the clock was ticking.
Just when you'd finally started to drag the small piece of metal, the doorbell startled you, causing you to let go of it.
“Fuck!” Have you ever felt so desperate that tears start pricking your eyes? Well, that was the exact case happening at the moment.
You opened the door with the salty water collecting at the corner of your eyes, surprising Yoonoh, who was wearing his best dimply smile.
“What’s wrong?” He had a bouquet poorly hidden behind his back, probably to apologize for the night he abruptly left and almost knocked down your door.
“I-I can't zip up my dress.” Your voice came out shaky, giving away the emotions burning your gut. Thankfully, Yoonoh didn't seem to notice, and if he did, he didn't mention it.
“I’ll help you.” He, not-so-discretely, put down the bouquet, gently turning you around to your discomfort. His cold hands touched your back as he dragged the zip up, noticing how tense you were but deciding not to comment on it. “Oh! You haven't moved the book from where I left it.”
“I haven't had time to read.” He hummed, crouching to reach for the bouquet and hand it to you. “Thank you.”
“It’s my way of apologizing for the fit I threw a couple of days ago.” A fit? That was one way to call it.
“It’s okay.” You lied as you pushed the corners of your lips to form a credible smile. “Let’s get going.”
The flowers were left on the kitchen counter before you left. The ride in the elevator was awfully quiet, and Yoonoh had no idea what had happened. You were so chatty the last time he saw you, so of course, he was taken aback by the sudden change.
“It’s not going to take long, so we can head out for some drinks later if you'd like...” You nodded, for you knew speaking would only expose your discomfort. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah! Just nervous about the party, that's all.”
You stood by Yoonoh’s side for the rest of the evening, smiling and nodding at his acquaintances’ comments. At one point in the evening, a man, not much older than you, approached you both with a wide smile.
“Dude, I hadn't seen you in ages. Stop sending your workers and come see me yourself.” They hugged. Why were they hugging?
“Y/n, this is my brother, Sungchan.” The man with puppy-like eyes embraced you tightly, almost as if welcoming you to his family. “Sungchan, this is y/n, my girlfriend.” He said it so naturally, it’d take a detective to figure out the truth about your relationship.
“I’ve heard a lot about you. I'm sorry for your father. But don't worry, we'll take those bastards down.”
“I’m not following...” You blinked repeatedly, eyes going back and forth between Yoonoh and his brother.
“Sungchan is a doctor. I asked him to look at your father's case for further evidence. My assistant was supposed to pick up the report the day we had dinner, but she forgot to drop by. Now we’re a day behind schedule.” The dark cloud surrounding him seemed to be slowly dissipating as you heard his explanation. “This is an important case, and I want to be as meticulous as possible.”
Thank you didn't seem the right thing to say at the moment, at least not with Sungchan standing there, so you simply grabbed his hand, squeezing it to let him know how grateful you were.
To your surprise, he didn't even flinch as he locked your hands together, causing a small giggle from Sungchan.
“Okay, love birds, I'll get going.” He waved you goodbye, making his way to another table where his friend waited for him.
“Can we talk?” You whispered in his ear, afraid one of the numerous attendants would hear you.
“Sure.” Without letting go of your hand, he drove you to a small, private garden just outside the ballroom. “Are you gonna tell me what's wrong now?” His thumb caressed your knuckles with gentle strokes.
“I’m so sorry.”
“What for?”
“I pushed you away at the minimum trouble when you were only helping me.” He hummed as if he already knew about it. “And it will probably happen again, so please, be patient with me. I'm going through-” Your face collided against his chest as his arms draped over your shoulders, squeezing you tightly.
“Call me reckless, but I've wanted to do this for a while.” Your hands hung at the sides of your torso, unsure what to do next. “You can push me away, I'll understand...”
Instead, your palm found its place in his back, rubbing up and down the designer jacket. Your hair started turning messy from the night breeze, some strands striking Yoonoh’s chin as his embrace only grew tighter.
“Let’s get out of here.” He mumbled, crawling the back of your head with his hand. “Sungchan can deal with my father's friends.”
“Are you sure?” His hum vibrated through his chest, making you giggle at the odd feeling.
Once seated in his car, his hand found yours like a magnet, the warmth emanating from it comfortably enveloping your skin.
The calmness of the atmosphere was interrupted by a call from his brother, who seemed to be anxiously explaining something through the phone.
“Just tell him I had a work emergency.” With that said, he hung up, placing his hand back again on top of yours. “Sorry, he said it was urgent.”
“It’s okay.” An unsettling feeling pinched your stomach, but you decided to dismiss it, immersed in the chilly weather of the dark streets.
You arrived at the river, where Yoonoh asked you to wait for him while he bought a couple of beers. It was a sight to see, both of you clad in fancy clothes, barefoot and chugging down can after can.
“I think I like being with you.” You declared, mind fuzzy from the alcohol intake.
“I think I like it too.” The tips of his ears were rosy, revealing he was as intoxicated as you, maybe even more.
“Would you like to visit my father with me tomorrow?” The words flew out of your mouth before you could even realize. Afraid you'd killed the mood, you tried to excuse yourself, only to be interrupted by his lips grazing your ear, placing a timid kiss on your lobe.
“I’d love to.” It was the sweetest peck, no ulterior motives behind it, just pure affection.
“Are we going too fast?” In your drunken state, what you had felt like a real relationship, not a simple agreement. And this sure felt like a first date.
“We’re moving at our own pace, I believe.” He dropped his head on your shoulder, pressing against it to relieve the dizziness clouding his mind. “Are you okay with that? Maybe you don't want to be with an old creep like me, and I'd totally get it. Just don't let me get my hopes up if that's the case.”
“You might be old, but definitely not a creep.” Your fingers combed through his abundant hair as your mind wandered into the future, grateful for the fact that he wouldn't become bald soon. “Or are you?”
“I don't think so.” Anyone who walked by would've seen a couple of goofs, too intoxicated to talk without slurring the words, but you were living in your own, comfy bubble. “I should get you home before it gets too late. Come on, I'll call a driver.” He tried getting on his feet to no avail, stumbling back a little before falling back on his ass.
“My apartment is nearby. You can stay for the night.” You grabbed both pairs of shoes as his arm surrounded your shoulder for assistance. “If you keep supporting your whole weight on me, we're both gonna fall.” People on the street shot you a couple of funny looks, which was understandable since it wasn't usual to see two drunk idiots walking barefoot in the middle of the night.
“How long till-” Hiccup. “-we get there?” His stare seemed to worsen with every step. “God, I think I might throw up.”
“Stop acting like a teenager, we're almost there.”
As soon as you arrived at the small apartment, you sat him down on the little step where you changed your shoes. You left both pairs on the rack, proceeding to put on slippers to enter the house.
“Don’t leave me here!” He whined, stomping his feet like a little kid.
“Just wait for a second!” His attitude was starting to get on your nerves to the point where you couldn't feel the effects of the beer anymore.
You grabbed a rag from the kitchen cabinet and dampened it under the sink. Yoonoh was half asleep when you walked back to him.
“My head hurts.” He mumbled as you sat in front of him, placing his left foot on your lap. “What are you doing?”
“I don't have any slippers that will fit you, and I don't want your dirty feet making my house dirty.” With utmost delicacy, you wiped away the dirt from his toes, noticing the small scratches caused by the gravel he walked on.
He touched your hair while you finished with his other foot, tangling the strands with fascination.
“Done, get up.”
He followed your indications as you guided him to your room, where you laid him down on his side in case he threw up.
“Are we visiting your father tomorrow?” He asked while snuggling under the covers.
“Sure.” You cleared his forehead from the strands falling in it, grazing the soft skin of his forehead. “Sweet dreams, gigantic baby.”
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carmensapientia · 3 years
Carmen since you are interested in fashion can you give us tips how to have our own style & stand out ? I would love to see some fashion advice from you
Sure! Thank you so much for the support. I’d never thought anyone would want my advice lol
1. Find what works for you in all ways. Both physical and emotional taste is very important when creating your sense of still. That is, to clarify, you should dress for what flatters your body the most and wear what makes you comfortable. Find the colors that work best for you and then add in your favorite colors. Find your body shape and wear something that flatters it sometimes and what you personally like regardless of how it flatters you most times. Build the bridge to between looking your best and feeling your best!
2. Quality of quantity. You first need a basic elegant capsule wardrobe. A good pair of jeans, a blazer, a trench coat, one pair of good flat shoes, good heels and good tennis shoes. Another capsule essentials are plain button downs, simple gold or silver jewelry and a turtleneck. These are essential as you can build a million outfit of these and they never go out of style. Pinterest has great example of basic capsule wardrobes. Then find your unique sub genre/style(perhaps gothic preppy feminine street wear etc) and then find the basic elements of those style. Find the basics and the build the wardrobe with wanted NOT *needed* items. Spend more money on the basics and invest in good clothing in small quantities rather than large quantities of cheap clothing. It saves the environment keeps you from overconsumption and unneeded clothing and keeps your style elegant polished and well received! Zara, h&m etc have good basics.
3. Find a style icon. My style icons are Marilyn Monroe Rihanna Gigi hadid Carolyn basset Kennedy Audrey Hepburn princess Diana and so much more. I take inspiration from the 60-2010s as a whole, focusing specifically on y2k, 70s and 90s wardrobes. Find something you can model yourself after and add your own twist to it.
4. Explore! Try something new, go outside your comfort zone and find new items and styles. Never be afraid to make a statement or try something fresh. It might just save your wardrobe.
5. Never underestimate a good accessory and polished looks. This means find an accessory that is a statement. I love statement(bright) bags and fabulous shoes but small elegant jewelry. Accessories can be used to tone up or down a look and are key to looking put together. Find accessories that work for you and your style. If you want big bold earrings but understated shoes, that’s what works for you. To stand out, you must be polished. Clean, fresh and pressed clothes, 5-10 easy but clean hairstyles that suit your hair and face, clean trimmed and even polished nails, clear skin and a great elegant face of makeup will take anyone up a few notches on the style and attractiveness scale. A healthy active body of any size and good posture will take you further than anyone else.
6. Practice confidence. There is no reason why anyone or anything should make you feel inferior in your own body mind and space. Practice healthy mental and emotional habits, work on your self esteem and confidence and know that it’s not who wears but how they wear it that matters. BEE WHO YOUUU AREE!!!
I hope these tips help!
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esther-dot · 3 years
Hound asked Arya about hating her sister just like he hates his brother and ask if she wanted to kill her. Tyrion in agot told Jon how he wanted to kill his father and sister and asked Jon if he had fantasies. Jon was horrified and angered by Tyrion statement and Arya was furious and wanted to kill hound and left him without mercy. Both Tyrion and Hound projecting their issues on Jon and Arya and both have hurted Sansa. Ghost and Lady growled at them in warning.
Martin seems to really like the “brother against brother” idea because its recurring throughout the series/in many POVs. We have The Cleganes, the Lannisters, the Baratheons, the brothers of the Watch, and of course, a much more tame version with the Starks. It's interesting that those two men, who have relationships with Sansa, have such similar conversations with Arya and Jon, several books apart. I assume because the Starks, Arya and Sansa specifically, will be the ones to healthily resolve their issues where everyone else fails.
Here’s the Arya and Hound quote:
It wasn't the first time he had talked of killing the Mountain. "But he's your brother," Arya said dubiously.
"Didn't you ever have a brother you wanted to kill?" He laughed again. "Or maybe a sister?" He must have seen something in her face then, for he leaned closer. "Sansa. That's it, isn't it? The wolf bitch wants to kill the pretty bird."
"No," Arya spat back at him. "I'd like to kill you." (ASOS, Arya IX)
and the Jon and Tyrion one:
"I used to start fires in the bowels of Casterly Rock and stare at the flames for hours, pretending they were dragonfire. Sometimes I'd imagine my father burning. At other times, my sister." Jon Snow was staring at him, a look equal parts horror and fascination. Tyrion guffawed. "Don't look at me that way, bastard. I know your secret. You've dreamt the same kind of dreams."
"No," Jon Snow said, horrified. "I wouldn't …" (AGOT, Tyrion II)
Arya does have a lot of rage, so this idea will play out in some way between her and Sansa when they reunite, but just because Arya and Sansa verbalize their issues in extreme fashion (Arya says she hates Sansa, Sansa says she wishes it was Arya not Lady who died), doesn't mean that either would act on those feelings. Obviously, considering how the Hound has no issue killing kids and Tyrion does kill his dad, they’re a different story. Tyrion even has a dream about killing Jaime (who he loves):
That night Tyrion Lannister dreamed of a battle that turned the hills of Westeros as red as blood. He was in the midst of it, dealing death with an axe as big as he was, fighting side by side with Barristan the Bold and Bittersteel as dragons wheeled across the sky above them. In the dream he had two heads, both noseless. His father led the enemy, so he slew him once again. Then he killed his brother, Jaime, hacking at his face until it was a red ruin, laughing every time he struck a blow.
Only when the fight was finished did he realize that his second head was weeping. (ADWD, Tyrion II)
And I assume that this is because Martin wants to look at his idea of brother v brother, and while Cersei was abusive, and then believes Tyrion killed her son (so their mutual hatred makes sense), even between siblings that love each other, this world breeds comparison, competition, pain, and anger. I think the pairing of Tyrion saying this to Jon makes a lot of sense because that’s very clear in his relationship with Robb even thought we don’t fully realize until later in the series:
And then the years were gone, and he was back at Winterfell once more, wearing a quilted leather coat in place of mail and plate. His sword was made of wood, and it was Robb who stood facing him, not Iron Emmett.
Every morning they had trained together, since they were big enough to walk; Snow and Stark, spinning and slashing about the wards of Winterfell, shouting and laughing, sometimes crying when there was no one else to see. They were not little boys when they fought, but knights and mighty heroes. "I'm Prince Aemon the Dragonknight," Jon would call out, and Robb would shout back, "Well, I'm Florian the Fool." Or Robb would say, "I'm the Young Dragon," and Jon would reply, "I'm Ser Ryam Redwyne."
That morning he called it first. "I'm Lord of Winterfell!" he cried, as he had a hundred times before. Only this time, this time, Robb had answered, "You can't be Lord of Winterfell, you're bastard-born. My lady mother says you can't ever be the Lord of Winterfell."
I thought I had forgotten that. Jon could taste blood in his mouth, from the blow he'd taken.
In the end Halder and Horse had to pull him away from Iron Emmett, one man on either arm. The ranger sat on the ground dazed, his shield half in splinters, the visor of his helm knocked askew, and his sword six yards away. "Jon, enough," Halder was shouting, "he's down, you disarmed him. Enough!"
No. Not enough. Never enough. Jon let his sword drop. "I'm sorry," he muttered. "Emmett, are you hurt?"
Iron Emmett pulled his battered helm off. "Was there some part of yield you could not comprehend, Lord Snow?" It was said amiably, though. Emmett was an amiable man, and he loved the song of swords. "Warrior defend me," he groaned, "now I know how Qhorin Halfhand must have felt."
I don't blame the kid for his feelings, but that last sentence is wow. And then, he too has a dream in which he kills his brother:
"The world dissolved into a red mist. Jon stabbed and slashed and cut. He hacked down Donal Noye and gutted Deaf Dick Follard. Qhorin Halfhand stumbled to his knees, trying in vain to staunch the flow of blood from his neck. "I am the Lord of Winterfell," Jon screamed. It was Robb before him now, his hair wet with melting snow. Longclaw took his head off. Then a gnarled hand seized Jon roughly by the shoulder." (ADWD, Jon XII)
The boy is eaten alive with guilt. Poor guy. Anyway, Martin really, really likes intense relationships that have a mixture of anger and pain (talk a little about this love/hate idea here). I think Jon's feelings for Robb are there, genuine love with the anger that comes from being the overlooked/inadequate sibling in comparison to the other. That's how I see Arya and Sansa too. Arya and Jon want what the other sibling has, they do not actually hate them, unlike the people who they have those conversations with.
Another way Martin has looked at this idea is the Watch, with Jon and Mance’s relationships with their brothers via vow. While Jon tries to pull away from his family loyalty and be loyal to his brothers of the Watch, his actions don’t engender the same loyalty from them, and as soon as he snaps and chooses blood (Arya), his “brothers” kill him. This line:
"Qhorin was my enemy. But also my brother, once. So . . . shall I thank you for killing him, Jon Snow? Or curse you?" He gave Jon a mocking smile. (ASOS, Jon I)
sums all of this up pretty well. Martin really loves stacking emotions on top of each other, never letting a relationship be one note. Not an enemy or a brother, his enemy and his brother. There’s a real fascination with love, what it can overcome (with the Starks), and a rather brutal dissection of loyalty throughout the series, and no relationship is exempt. 
Beyond the Arya and Sansa reconciliation, I wonder if the other Sansa connection here is that Jon will likely be chosen over her to rule the North, but she will not give into jealousy or allow the Starks to be turned against each other, and instead, will support Jon and help him lead the North. That would work with the bigger idea that a house divided cannot stand, so the Lannisters will fall (Tyrion already got Tywin), and the Targaryens will fall (Dance of Dragons 2.0), but the Starks love each other enough, are loyal enough, they’ll survive. 
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fanfics-with-coffee · 4 years
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Dabi and Bakugou rarely got along but when they do, it's to double team you. You had been riling them up every time you entered the bar but never let them get any satisfaction, until you agreed on Dabi's dumb challenge. Drink the Blowjob shot the way it's suppose to be had, from between their legs and using no hands.
(This is a re-post from my AO3 work)
Genre: Smut, just smut, Bar!au Characters: Bakugou x reader x Dabi
The neon sign glared down at the people on the street, illuminating everyone in a bright red light. You basked in the light, surrounded by your giggling friends as you made your ways through the crowd of people. This wasn’t your first time in the light and you knew it wouldn’t be your last either. Best bar in the whole district, the whole city even if you asked any lady leaving the place. But you did agree, if you were going to have a drink anywhere then Valor would be it. If you could be so bold then you’d even call yourself a bit of a celebrity at the place. Everyone there knew who you were and knew how you took your drinks. So you often brought your friends along so both brag and give the place some extra income.
After some shuffling of bodies and holding your friends hands you made it to the front of the people, right up to the entrance. You smiled at the bouncer and he smiled right back, showing off his sharp teeth. He was suited up like usual, the suit pants and white button up fitting well around his crossed arms and muscular chest. His bright red hair was spiked as usual and his face was now highlighted red from the neon sign.
“Good evening, ladies! What can I do for ya?” Kirishima asked as if he didn’t know what you wanted, looking behind you to see the awed looks of your friends as they obviously checked out the cutie in front of you. You placed a hand on your hip, pulling the coat you were wearing a little closer to you to keep the cold out.
“Oh you know, just wanted to show my friends this really nice bar i’ve been visiting.” You said with a coy tone, looking around you as if you didn’t know the layout. You made eye contact with the blondie guarding the other door, the black streak in his hair reflecting the red light. He winked at you with a grin before looking over your friends, clearly curious. But he quickly needed to go back to his queue and checking ID’s so the line wouldn’t be held up for too long. Kirishima followed your eyes while nodding, humming in fake curiosity.
“Is that so… Well why don’t you ladies head in then and order something then? Show them why you like it so much, eh?” The redhead looked past you and at your friends, giving them a charming grin and wink before looking at you again. He took a step to the side, making way so your whole group could enter. You gave him a pat on the arm and mouthed a ‘Thank you’ while you walked past him. He just nodded and watched the rest of your friends also walk past him. As you enter the bar you’re met by the warmth first of all. The bodies filling the place was heating up the whole room but you didn’t mind, it was actually very welcoming compared to the cold outside. The second thing that hit you was the music playing through the speakers. While it was soft the music was obviously from the weeks top lists, the beat of the songs being felt through the air. You started peeling your jacket off of you, eyes scanning over the environment. The whole place was dimly lit, the only bright lights shining being the ones under the bar and behind the shelves filled with alcohol. There were the occasional lamp used to set the mood in the place but they were never at full power. The interior was mostly black with details in gold and the dark wood surfaces. Fancy.
You walked confidently to the wardrobe section, smiling at Momo as she took your coat and handed you a number plate that you placed in your handbag. Your friends did the same but you stopped paying too much mind to them, they could handle themselves and you knew the place took care of their customers so you had nothing to worry about. You had something more important in mind. Eyes locking onto the bar you quickly found a spot you could sit down at, miraculously.
You searched the space between the bar and quickly found one out of the two people you were looking for. The tall young man was pouring a beer from the tap while having eye contact with a girl leaning on the counter, smiling at him. He looked mildly amused, raising an eyebrow as she kept talking. He responded to her, his bright red eyes illuminated by the bar lights but you don’t know what he said. You didn’t particularly care either, most of the girls kept repeating the same conversation subjects. He dragged a hand through his blonde hair but it didn’t do much to deter the spikes from forming again while he handed the girl the glass with a smile. You noticed he had shaved the undercut shorter since last time, it looked much neater and clean cut tonight. He was as always dressed in the bartender outfit, the bright red button up and black vest. You could see from your seat that the top buttons of his shirt was unbuttoned, obviously revealing parts of his collarbone and chest. He had yet to notice you but that was about to change.
While you were staring at one of your favorite subjects the other had found you before you had the time to find him.
“Back again, huh, dollface?” The hoarse voice welcomed you back to the bar and you already knew who it was. You smiled and turned your face to notice you were mere inches from the owner of the voice. He was giving you lazy grin, the movement of his mouth extenuating the port wine stain birthmarks around his mouth and going down his neck, the thick tattooed on stitches between his normal skin and the birthmarks still in view. You two stayed like that for a moment, daring each other to move away first. His warm breath hit your lips when he huffed and leaned back, shifting his weight from one leg to another. Placing his hands on the counter he made you feel trapped in his presence. You looked at the tattoos covering his arms, full on sleeves creeping up under his rolled up shirt. Finally you met his eyes again, those bright blue eyes staring down at you. You could see the fading scars on the birthmarks under his eyes, a probably long story you had only heard bits and pieces of. Apparently he had gotten in some trouble and the guys had threatened to cut his eyes out and almost did too. He always jokes about how lucky he is to still have sight or he would never have been able say he’s seen an angel. And if you were the angel then it was no doubt he'd be the devil. With the multiple piercings you've seen glimpses of in the light and the jet black hair playfully sticking up everywhere, you wouldn't be surprised if he revealed himself as an incubi.
“Indeed. I mean, I know I can’t be gone for too long without your ego getting too big, Dabi” You smirked back at his lazy grin, watching his hands move to make you a mojito. He chuckled and looked down to measure the content of your glass, nodding in joking agreement.
“You’re not wrong, the girls around here are easy when you look as good as me, you know? Gets boring after a while. But you… You’re fun Y/N.” He points a black straw at you before putting it in your drink and placing it in front of you. You keep the eye contact going as you pick up your glass and take a sip from it, the refreshing sweetness filling your mouth. The tension was palpable and it had been like this every time you hang out here for a long while now. Everytime you were there you’d tease him and play hard to get, only giving him enough to hold onto the hope that maybe one day you'll be another notch in his belt. Never accepting his dumb bets yet never saying no. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Oi, if you two are finished eye fucking each other then maybe emo boy here can get back to work?” The tension was broken by the voice of dear blondie who had left the conversation with the girl and come to join you and Dabi. Bakugou didn’t look pleased as he glared at the taller man and defensively placed a hand on the counter to the right of you, making Dabi lift his own hand from the spot and releasing you from his almost hypnotic hold.
“It’s called goth, hot shot. And I was working, can't you see I provided angel here with a drink?" he motioned to the drink in your hand which you helpfully raised to show the truth of his statement, smiling sweetly towards Bakugou the whole time just to annoy him. He looked at the drink for a short moment before giving it a look of disgust and making eye contact with you again, raising a questioning eyebrow.
"You should keep yourself to your simple fucking shots, you can at least make those right. Leave the actual drinks to the actual…" Bakugou looked Dabi up and down before staring him in the face. "Bartenders. We don't need to pretend we know what we're doing unlike you extra." The two had started to attract a small crowd, some girls because they thought the two men were attractive and some because they actually wanted to know what was going on. You just sat there calmly, this wasn't their first dispute in front of a crowd nor your first time having a front row seat. Dabi didn't move a visible muscle and instead just stood there with a deadpan glare, watching as Bakugou prepared another mojito. All you could see was his chest rising and falling in an even pace.
When Bakugou finished the drink, with some flare of course, he placed it in front of you. It was neater than your first one, a lime slice delicately placed on the rim of the glass together with a mint leaf as garnish. During the time it took to make the drink Dabi had already sighed and poured himself a shot, downing it when your glass had hit the table. He knew he wasn't supposed to drink on the job but he also knew there wasn't anyone that was gonna stop him. Bakugou ignored him and instead took to watching you, impatiently waiting for you to try his obviously superior drink. And so you did, taking an equally big sip as you took from the first one, you knew how picky he was.
"Well… While I appreciate the thought and concern you have, Bakugou, and it's true that your drink was served better… They taste the same. And I'm pretty sure I'll get just as drunk from either." you place your final verdict, eliciting a laugh from Dabi and a look of something akin to horror from Bakugou. Dabi slung his arm over Bakugou's shoulders, leaning heavily on him as a smug grin crept onto his face.
"What was that now again, hot stuff? Didn't need to pretend huh? Sure, sure… Well if I'm better at shots then I am at drinks then I must be a master at them, so how about we have one?" The tattooed man asked, standing up again and pulling up his shirt sleeves again. As he started on those, pulling out three shot glasses for each and every one of you presumably, you looked towards your favorite blonde who had crossed his arms and was bitterly staring at your two drinks.
"Do you want me to pay for both, or do I get one for free?" You smiled at him, sipping on the drink made by him just to appease him a little. While you didn't have as obvious of a sexual tension with him there had been countless moments where you were sure he'd been so riled up he would've taken you on the bar itself you allowed it. The hot headed man might be smooth in front of the ladies coming and going, it's part of the job, but you liked to get just a little too close. A little too on the edge for him to truly be in his element. And it frustrated him to no end. Yet now he just shook his head in vague defeat.
"No, obviously not, why the fuck would you pay for both? And since we made a crowd take both, just don't you fucking dare tell Iida we're drinking shots while working." he gave you a serious glare while you just laughed and nodded, obviously promising to not rat them out.
In the next moment you had three glasses put before you and Dabi once again joined the conversation. You examined the shots and realize what was going through the blue eyed man's head. The whipped cream at the top was the biggest clue but the shit eating grin he was wearing didn't help his case either. You leaned back in your seat and crossed your arms, watching Dabi closely, waiting for his excuse this time.
"Well since you're getting drinks on the house then maybe you owe us a little something. You always decline my challenge with a smug fucking smirk on your pretty face but now I find that you have few excuses, princess. C'mon, for poor Bakugou whose ego you crushed." Dabi patted Bakugou's chest while staring at you, ignoring Bakugou's futile protests. You watched them, glanced at the shots and then looked back up to them.
The light shone from behind them, illuminating them and reflecting off the glasses you were drinking from. Both their shirts had unbuttoned buttons and you had a clear view of parts of their chest, further enticing you to accept Dabi's challenge and maybe show them who's got who wrapped around their finger. You soak in the view for a second before unraveling your arms.
"Well you still haven't issued the challenge, Dabi, or what's in it for me if I win."
"Or lose, Angel. I want you to drink the blowjob shots the way they're supposed to be taken. From between our legs without using your hands. If you don't spill anything then I'll pay for your drinks for the rest of the evening. If you do spill… Well I'm sure we can agree to a fitting punishment when we get there. And you can't spill anything from either of them, deal?" This wasn't the first time Dabi had challenged you, nor were you the first person he'd used this tactic on. You'd usually hear Bakugou complaining that he'd found the two making out in the backroom afterwards, even if the other participant had won. But this time he involved someone else too and well, the look you're imagining Bakugou having during it might just be worth it.
"Pay for my friends drinks too and we have a deal." you informed him on your condition as you stood up, knowing that you'd have to move to find a better fitting spot to do this, away from too many peering eyes. Dabi didn't respond and instead just grinned and grabbed two of the shots, following you out from behind the bar. Bakugou took a second to debate if this was a good idea or not but watching you walk away, your hips swaying enticingly managed to convince him. "Fuck it…"
You knew exactly where you all could get out of the spotlight and moved over to a corner with a booth. You sat down on the end of one of the couches, watching the two men arrive after you. Bakugou had grabbed the last shot and was cautiously looking around for anyone watching you, or a co-worker noticing their absence. Dabi on the other hand had his eyes on you, placing one of the shots he was holding besides you on the table, towering over you. You just looked up at him and smiled. He grinned back before grabbing a random chair from one of the other tables, dragging it so it faced you.
Dabi didn’t hesitate to sit down, spreading his legs apart so you could see the pants straining against his crotch. With one hand he placed the cream topped glass between his legs on the seat, the other arm he leaned the elbow on the back of the chair. His muscles were tensing up under the red shirt as to keep the position and you could just imagine what was hiding underneath. He cocked his head to the side and gave you a shit eating grin, lifting an expectant eyebrow at you.
“Well, dollface?” You made eye contact with him and an involuntary shiver went down your spine going straight to between your legs. You didn’t expect it to affect you this much this quickly. Free drinks sounded really good at the time but now you’re not even sure you’ll be able to stay long enough to enjoy them. Yet you couldn’t give up before you’d even started.
You didn’t dare respond to him and instead hid the rush of blood to your face with a smug smile, straightening your back. You dragged your hand through your hair to pull it back before you bent down, keeping eye contact with those blue eyes. If he was going to try and mess you up then you could at least try and do the same. He had moved his hand from the glass and had instead placed it on his thigh besides your head. You opened your mouth and glanced at the glass to make sure you got it. Before you took it into your mouth you made sure to lick the cream off the top, looking up at him through your lashes.
That got a reaction out of him. The grin he was so proudly wearing dropped and instead he stared down at you with his mouth slightly agape. It looked like he was already breathing heavy and you could see him clench his hand in the corner of your eye. Proud of your work you grabbed the shot glass with your mouth and threw your head back, downing the shot in one go. You gracefully grabbed the now empty glass and then slammed it on the table. You removed some of the cream that had gotten on the corner of your mouth with the knuckle of your finger.
“Next.” You said, confidence dripping from your voice. If the music wasn’t blaring through the speakers then you swear you could’ve heard Bakugou swallow nervously. Dabi just chuckled and stood up but before he had fully turned around you could see the outline of something in his pants, pushing against the fabric. You ego only grew at the sight.
“Your turn, hot stuff.” Dabi patted Bakugou's shoulder, pulling him from his hypnotised staring at your lips. He quickly realized what he had been doing and looked away, not ready to admit to his actions. Despite that he still walked over and sat on the chair.
He mimicked Dabi and spread his legs as well, his pants also straining on his crotch. Even in the dim light you could see that something was pushing against the fabric in his pants as well. Your gaze fell to it and your mind was about to start wandering if Bakugou's hand hadn’t gotten in the way when he placed the shot. Unlike Dabi, Bakugou wasn’t as confident and had a difficult time knowing where to place his hands, deciding in the end to just cross his arms. The action just made the muscles on his arms even more visible. He didn’t dare make any eye contact Once again you could feel your body react, your breathing slowing and becoming heavier but you were hoping they didn’t notice. But with your luck, Dabi must’ve. But you didn’t let him say anything as you just smiled again and leaned down. Bakugou was still not looking though and you just couldn’t have that. So you took your hands and placed them on his inner thighs, grabbing onto the surprisingly muscular meat.
You felt him jump slightly and snap his head to look at you. You just looked back up and smiled, giving him a wink. Bakugou would argue that it was just the red lights but you knew he was blushing mad. You decided to cut his suffering short, afraid that if you turned him on any more it’d start to be painful in those tight pants of his. So you opened your mouth, ignoring the obvious hard on right in front of your face and took the glass into your mouth. But as you pulled back up you heard Bakugou mutter something under his breath.
“Fuck, babygirl…”
His voice had been strained and quiet but you caught it in the middle of all the noise surrounding you despite him trying to cover his mouth with his clenched hand. And you lost it. You choked on the shot and had to grab the glass from mouth before your could down the whole thing. You coughed and placed a hand on your chest, trying to regain your breath. You placed the half empty glass on the table beside the other two. Bakugou shot out of his chair to make sure you were alright but didn’t quite know what to do.
“Shit…” You mumbled, realizing what had just happened. You lost. You looked up at Bakugou who was still worried about you choking while Dabi was closing in from the side. His grin was already giving away what he was thinking.
“Well well well, angel. You talked so big yet couldn’t take a little dirty talking. Cute. But what should we do with you now? Bakugou?” Dabi had snaked an arm around Bakugous shoulders once again, caging you in between the two men. Bakugou just looked at him confused and disturbed before it clicked in his head what he was talking about. He just grunted and looked back down at you, something had shifted in his eyes and they weren’t as innocent as they had been before.
“Let’s get out of here.”
You weren’t prepared for the tone of voice from the blonde. Your heart began beating quicker as you started to form an understanding of what you had gotten yourself into. Dabi just grinned and took a step back, motioning for us to “go ahead”. You looked to the table and saw the last shot and decided to down it too before standing up. Bakugou didn’t take a step back though and you hit his chest with your own, looking up at him surprised. You felt his hot breath against your face and his stare made you weak in the knees. His hands grabbed your waist and without a second thought he picked you up, throwing you over his shoulders.
You yelped at the sudden motion and saw the whole world start to move as Bakugou turned to head out the backdoor. Dabi soon joined your view, casually strolling behind you two, chuckling at the sight.
“Your place is close to here, right?” Bakugou asked, glancing back at the taller male who just nodded.
“Yup, third floor in the building just across from here.” Dabi took the lead and Bakugou followed. You just clinged to the back of Bakugou's vest, trying to see what was happening in the front and hoping not too many people saw you in such an embarrassing situation. But you couldn’t help but feel that maybe it didn’t matter, maybe what was about to happen was worth the embarrassment.
“I swear to god if the apartment is filthy or you haven’t changed the bed sheets since your last fuck buddy I’m taking her and leaving.” You watched the stairs as Bakugou went up them, still carrying you. One hand firmly planted on your ass, either to keep your dress from riding up or just because he wanted to cop a feel. As he finished his sentence you two stopped and you could hear a key turning in a lock and a door opening just after.
You weren’t put down until the door had once again been closed and you were all in Dabi’s apartment. And even then you didn’t have a moment to take in your surroundings as Bakugou blocked your view, grabbing your chin gently. You looked up into his eyes once again, meeting his deep red ones with your wide ones.
“I’ve been wanting to do this since you opened those pretty lips of yours.” He muttered, eyes glancing down at your lips and then up again. Wasting no more time he pressed his to yours and you almost couldn’t believe it. He was pressing firmly, almost as he was afraid it was a dream he’d wake from, tilting his head to the side as his hands found your neck. You closed your eyes, enjoying the moment and moving your hands over the shaved part of his head. That’s when a third pair of hands joined in.
“Don’t forget that this is a punishment, angel, not a prize.” Dabi whispered in your ear, his hands going down your front, finding the hem of your dress and pulling it up, exposing your panties. You gasped at the sudden movement only to have Bakugou use it to his advantage, slipping his tongue into your mouth and brushing it against your own. Your sounds were muffled as Dabi used one hand to cup your boob, the other sneaking down to feel you through your underwear. You knew he could feel your wetness through the fabric.
“Shit, so cute, you’re already wet… At this rate you’ll have to problem taking both of us.” You heard him muse as he looked at you from over your shoulder. You couldn’t respond thanks to Bakugou's invasion of your mouth and only whimpered. Dabi chuckled at your predicament and instead of trying to help you just made it worse by slipping his hands underneath the hem of your panties instead. Sliding two fingers between your nether lips he found the bundle of nerves placed between them. He didn’t even hesitate to start drawing slow circles around your clit.
You had to pull away from bakugou, putting your hands on his chest to keep him from going back for round two too quickly. You were panting and letting out small whimpers, unable to look at his face. He stared at you confused before realizing what the other man was doing and how it was affecting you. The two made eye contact with you in between them, Dabi never relenting on his assault on your bud.
“Oi, don’t you have a better place to do this then your hallway?” You heard Bakugou speak above you. His hands moved to your waist and then your back, pulling you closer to him defensively.
“You’re the one who couldn’t keep it in your pants long enough to move to the bedroom so don’t blame me, hot shot” Dabi finally pulled his hands out of your underwear and you took a deep breath of relief from the constant stimulus. You legs were quivering from the assault on your senses and the sudden lack of it. But before you could truly calm down you were pulled from Bakugou's warm embrace and into Dabi’s arms instead as he started to lead you away. You could hear Bakugou’s hurried steps behind and the rustling of clothes.
You moved through the small apartment and to a bedroom. The double bed was made and you were about to go sit down, give yourself a break. But as soon as you moved towards it a hand grabbed your arm, looking back at the owner of the hand you saw Dabi shaking his head.
“Remember what I said before? Punishment, not reward, babygirl.” You felt your stomach sink but ironically also fill with butterflies.
“Help her out of that dress and underwear, will ya, hot stuff?” You were handed over to Bakugou who looked about as confused as you. Dabi went and opened a cupboard and you heard the clinking of metal from it as he searched it’s content. He hummed in satisfaction as he placed a bottle on top of the cupboard and then something that glimmered in the light coming from the window. At the same time Bakugou had done as he was told, pulling the dress higher and higher and with your help it had slipped right off. The bra was quickly unclasped and thrown to the side as well just like the panties had been. You could feel his red eyes look you up and down, watching the newly exposed skin as if it were gold.
“Here we go… Hands in front, dollface.” Dabi sauntered back to you two and without thinking you obeyed, holding out your hands in front of you. He grabbed your wrists and soon the sound of something clicking shut filled the room. You looked at your wrists and saw handcuffs now hanging from them. The black fur was kind to your skin though and they weren’t too tight so you couldn’t complain. But you still stared in awe at them, as did Bakugou.
“Ain’t too tight? No? Good. Then get on your knees.” A simple hand on your shoulder had you falling to your knees without second thoughts. You began to wonder what these men had done to you.
As you were down there you watched Dabi unzip the black pants which had been getting tighter and tighter the further the three of you had gone. He dropped them to the ground and you watched as if hypnotised by the tent formed in his underwear. You could hear him chuckle above you, amused at your wide eyes stare. He did quick work of his underwear as well, fishing himself out of them with practiced skill. He was semi hard already, a tuft of hair at the base of his slim cock. He lazily started to work himself to full mast while watching you.
“Liking what you see, I take it. Good. I can see your mouth salivating already, why don’t you taste it?” You looked up at him for a split second before looking at his cock again which he’s let go already. You almost timidly pull on it, opening your mouth to take him in. You swirl your tongue over the tip before taking more and more into your mouth. You close your eyes to focus, letting him slip further down your throat. A hand carefully grabs the back of your head and grabs a handful of your hair. He’s impatient, probably from the build up at the bar and start to set a slow pace which you follow. You feel the tip of his dick drag across your tongue and the back again as the pace speeds up. Soon he’s set a reasonable pace and you open your eyes again to look up at him.
He’s panting and watching you closely, his eyes half lidded by now aroused he is. The sight makes you even hornier and you feel that you need some release yourself and move your hands down to your own crotch. But nothing slips past Dabi's watchful eyes and he speaks up before you can do anything about your own arousal.
“Hey, we didn’t tell you you could touch yourself. Why don’t you do something productive and jack Bakugou off instead? He’s been drooling all over you since you started bobbing your head like a good girl.” You looked to the side and saw Bakugou, he had pulled down his pants and underwear without you even noticing, even his vest was gone and shirt unbuttoned as he worked his own manhood. You two made eye contact and you reached out with your handcuffed hands. The blonde sucked in breath from between clenched teeth and took a step closer, letting you take over for him.
The three of you kept this up for a bit, you bobbing your head on Dabi's dick while he controlled your pace with his hands while your own hands were jacking off a panting and cursing Bakugou. You had lost track of time until Dabi pulled out of your mouth, your spit covering his shaft and your own chin. The lack of fullness had you desperately looking up at Dabi who was visibly trying to restrain himself. At the same time you slowed your hands movements, bewildered by the sudden pull out.
“Shit, don’t look at me like that, dollface, or I might just finish in your mou-” He was cut off by Bakugou grabbing your head and pulling you to him instead, taking full advantage of your open and confused mouth. He was much rougher than Dabi, instead of pacing you he was face fucking you, keeping your head still as he pounded your throat. But the moment only lasted so long as even Bakugou had to pull out as to not cum down your throat and cut his playtime short. You sputtered and coughed after the sudden invasion but was ultimately sad he had stopped.
“Sorry, babygirl but I had to know how your mouth felt wrapped around my cock.. It just looked so inviting and I couldn’t stand you looking at juts him like that.” Bakugou confessed, looking down at you, panting after the sudden burst of energy.
“I was wondering when that explosive personality was gonna play part in this. But enough foreplay, get her on her feet..” Bakugou helped you up, holding onto you so you wouldn’t fall. He pulled you up to his chest and slipped a hand between your legs. Now it was his turn with you and his fingers were much thicker than Dabi’s had been. He didn’t dwell too long on your clit, only playing with it a second before traveling deeper. By now your juices had stained your thighs and he had no problem slipping two fingers into you. Despite the roughing up he had done to your face before he was now slow and calculated in fingering you, pushing in and pulling out in deliberate movements. You were desperately needing something more and ground your hips into his hand. He paid you no mind as his mouth latched onto your neck, sucking on it so he knew it would leave marks. There was nothing you could do but moan and sigh, letting your head fall back on his shoulder.
You two were soon pulled out of your little bubble by the sound of chains falling. You opened your eyes and saw Dabi pulling on a chain from his ceiling. He noticed your staring and just smiled lazily, giving you a come hither motion with his hand. You could feel Bakugous hesitation but you were soon let go, his fingers slipping out of you. You stumbled forward to follow Dabi’s instructions. When you got close enough he pulled you to him by your handcuffs and raised them. Another click and your handcuffs were stuck to the chain, your arms raised above your head. Dabi took a step back and examined you, seemingly proud of his work.
“There we go, angel… Now the fun can really begin.” He stepped in close again and kissed your lips briefly. Then he left you standing there in the otherwise cold room. He went back to the cupboard and grabbed the bottle he placed there before. While he was gone Bakugou had once again snuck back to you, figuring out just what he had planned. He stood in front of you without saying a word, just watching your chest heave. Then he bent down and grabbed the back of your thigh. And then the other. Standing back up he pulled you with, lifting you up into the air and keeping you there, spread legs presenting everything to him. He looked down and then back up, grinning and leaning in close to you.
“Pretty little thing, aren’t you, babygirl? I’m gonna pound into you until you can’t think of anything but my cock in your pussy. How many times I’ve imagined pushing your face down on the counter at the bar and taking you right then and there, letting everyone see what a good fucking looks like. And I bet you would’ve taken it, wouldn’t you? Like a good girl you would’ve begged me to make you cum. Let’s see if you beg like my mind thinks you do.”
You were speechless. The words coming from Bakugou were something you wouldn’t have expected yet he was growling them to you as if he’d practiced it before hand. You swear you would’ve come right then and there if you didn’t know you’d be punished for it. He didn’t make it any easier when he pushed his thick dick inside of you, slowly but surely pushing himself to the hilt.
You were pulling yourself up on the chain involuntarily from the pleasure entering your system. Arching your back you felt your back hit something warm. Another hand joined on your body, one holding onto the underside of your thigh. Then something cold hit the small of your back and running down your ass making you gasp and clench on Bakugou’s cock.
“I see you two started the fun without me… That isn’t fair but I guess it wasn’t your fault, was it (Y/N)?” Dabi’s voice was behind you and you tried to look at him but your arm was blocking you from turning your head. His other hand suddenly appeared, clearly lubed up and pushing at your other hole. You naturally clenched up more and hear Bakugou curse in front of you.
“Shh no no babygirl, relax… You trust us right? We’ll make it feel good, I promise you’ll be cumming and screaming our names in minutes if you just… relax..” Dabi’s soothing voice calms you down and with some effort you managed to calm your muscles enough to let Dabi’s fingers enter. He praised you as he starts to pump one finger in and out of your whole, then two. It’s clear he’s done this before and knows exactly how to work your buttons. Bakugou wasn’t patient enough to wait for that long and was slowly pulling in and out of you himself, one hand having moved to have his thumb rub circles on your clit. Not enough to make you cum but enough to make you relax more.
Soon enough Dabi was able to scissor his fingers in your ass without you wincing in pain. He pulled out and used his now free hand to help hold you up after having lubed up his own dick. He started to push slowly, the head of his cock slipping into you and you gasp and arch your back again. He stops for a second, looking to make sure you’re still alright before he starts pushing again. Soon he’s pushed himself to the hilt together with Bakugou filling up your pussy. You’ve never felt this full and it did feel amazing, both men pushing at your most sensitive spots.
“See? I told you. Now let’s show you what it means to take two men at the same time, dollface. You’re gonna love it.” He whispered the last part in your ear and your eyes widened as they started to move. What started out in synchronised thrusts soon derailed as they picked up pace. Both of them pushing in and pulling out of you at whatever pace worked for them. Bakugou made sure his thrusts were deep and made you feel full as he sheathed inside you while Dabi was much more erratic and quick, stimulating and pounding the sweet spots of your inside. And their moaning, sighing and groaning was mixed together with your own noises as you all chased your releases. And they came quick
“D-dabi… Bakugou…. I’m about… to.. to cum... “ You managed to get out between moans and you hoped the two men heard you. Luckily they did as they both slowed down much to your own dismay.
“Is that so, angel? You’re gonna cum on our cocks as we pound into you, huh?” Dabi asked teasingly from behind you but Bakugou had other plans.
“Beg for it, babygirl. Beg. for. it.” Every word was emphasised with a thrust of his hips and you whimpered. You couldn’t help but hesitate as you looked into his eyes and saw that he was completely serious, his eyes glazed over and primal. But your need for release was greater and won over your own embarrassment rather quickly.
“Please… Please let me cum. I need to cum, I’ve been needing it since t-the beginning. Since I sucked your big cock, I’ve never been so horny. Fuck, please? Please pound i-into me until I can’t think of anything else, I wan’t you two to fill me and fuck me and and fuck shit, please.” You rambled on and on, trying to convince the two men to let you cum while your head felt fuzzy and you couldn’t think straight. You could see Bakugou’s grin grow on his face and he sped up his pace.
“Good fucking girl, begging like that…. shit… Alright, we’re counting down from 10. You can’t cum… until we reach 0.” You felt them both ready themselves to destroy you in those last 10 seconds and yet you didn’t care, nodding your head desperately.
“Good. 10”
They started, with a newly regained energy they went back to their quickest pace, no mercy this time. But you didn’t mind, you head went all fuzzy again and you got a far away look in your eyes.
One of Dabi's hands moved from your thigh and started to rub your clit again. You felt his grin against your shoulder and you cried out.
“Little more, babygirl. 4”
You felt the orgasm approach you like an oncoming train.
It wasn’t fair, none of this, you realized. But why did it turn you on so fucking much?
“Come on, (Y/N), cum.”
You didn’t need any more encouragement then that as you let the tidal wave hit you. It washed over you and made you spazz out, closing your eyes tightly as the two men didn’t stop. They became even more erratic in their movement and even quicker to pound in and out of you. As the white light flashed before your eyes you felt them cum too, filling you up yet they still moved. They both went quiet, trying to keep themselves from buckling under their own orgasms. Dabi’s fingers never stopped rubbing your clit.
Your orgasm had come and gone yet they didn't’t. Fucking. Stop. You were desperately whimpering and trying to pull away from the two but there was no way you could from your position. So you took it. Dabi’s fingers were rubbing your over sensitive clit and the two were like wild animals in heat as they kept fucking you. You didn’t know how but you didn’t care either, another orgasm was on its way way quicker than you had anticipated.
It hit you again and tears spotted your eyes, the electricity going through your body and making you shake once again. Only then did the two seem satisfied, slowing themselves down to a halt yet not pulling out. There’s was a moment of just silence apart from all of you panting and catching your breath from the whole ordeal. Then you started laughing
It was quiet but you laughed, exhausted. Soon the two joined in with their own quiet chuckled.
“Shit… That was really fucking good. Didn’t expect to have this good of a fucking time with this loser” Bakugou looked around you to give Dabi a look before looking back to you. He paused for a moment before he leaned up again, giving you a gentle kiss. You felt Dabi take his turn to leave a hickey on your neck as you kissed Bakugou but you couldn’t care less at that moment.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, hot stuff. Thought you knew I was the best fuck in this whole damn place. Apart from angel here, of course” Dabi responded after he let go of your neck, happy with his work.
“So… Whose up for another shot?”
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nymphigeon · 4 years
Party Regret
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◇ Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
◇ Genre: Fluff, implied smut/light smut
◇ Rating: NC-17
◇ Words: 1.2k
◇ Warnings: Mentions of sex, mentions of  cunnilingus, kissing, nothing too heavy
◇ Summary: Parties definitely aren’t your thing, though somehow you still end up at one.
◇ A/N: Wow, it’s been a hot minute since I uploaded anything.
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Everyone seems happy, carefree. The softly booming music leaving the speakers isn't able to cover up the loud laughter and drunken chatter of those enjoying themselves. Now and then screams followed by a splash interrupt the ongoing conversations. Nobody really cares, they're having fun.
There's not a massive amount of people outside, just those who don't mind getting wet. The rest is getting it on inside, grinding against a stranger they've never met before or trying to forget tonight all together. Alcohol can work wonders on your memory.
Tomorrow crying girlfriends will litter the campus, just to be completely fine the day after. "He apologized, it won't happen anymore!" Playing is fun, except when it's with hearts.
It's so easy to forgive, harder to erase.
The garden is big, complete with a grass field and a pool off to the left. I'm somewhere completely on the other side, seated on a pile of flat stones forming a decorative wall, watching bouncing breasts and rock hard chests joined together.
Covering up isn't something they know, the racy swimsuits being just enough to avoid a nip slip with hard practice. Not that the boys would care, they're searching for it.
I'm not having fun. Or actually scratch that, I hate it here. It's sticky, too loud and the place reeks of std's. I came because I didn't want to disappoint. That's all.
I shouldn't have. There is no purpose in my presence other than simply being the quiet girl who doesn't know how to have fun. I'm sorry I can't have fun showing my ass to every willing soul.
"Hey." The deep sound startles me, having been too occupied with the screen of my phone. It's comical really, how easily my body relaxes at his voice. This isn't for me.
"Hey." I respond, barely being audible over the background noise. The phone in my hand finds it's place back into where I originally took in from half an hour ago when he sits next to me. I don't want to be rude.
"What are you doing all the way out here? Not having fun?"
His gaze contains a hint of worry and two tablespoons of guilt. For what I don't know. The uncertainty creeping up makes me uneasy. It's okay.
"It's just not really my place to be, I'm sorry." There is a slight attempt at making him feel better. It doesn't work how I want it to.
"Whoever dragged you here must be an idiot then."
He smiles, but it's more the sad kind than anything else. Before I realize it myself, I blurt out the opposite. Muscle memory.
"Actually, I'm very fond of them. You're hurting my feelings." My fingers itch to reach out, still they won't leave their place on my thigh.
"Must be a good friend."
This time the chuckle he releases does contain a dash of amusement. Afterwards he is quick to correct himself. "Boyfriend."
"He asked and I willingly complied thinking it might be different this time." There is no reason to explain myself, or maybe I want him to understand me. He never asked. It’s clear he wanted to know.
"It is not?"
"It is not."
He is careful, studying my face for any rejection towards his following actions as he raises one of his hands. The movement ends with him gently patting me on the head, complete with making a mess of my hair.
"You must be really into that guy for you to go along so easily." Whether that's a sarcastic comment or just a fun joke beats me. Nonetheless, it stirs up a funny feeling deep inside my gut.
"I am." I'm bashful, shyly looking down at the ground my feet rest upon as to not meet his eyes. Perhaps I wasn't supposed to be so serious.
"When you get home, remind this dude of yours to go down on you. Gotta make it up to you somehow." For just a moment my eyes widen, not expecting the bold statement. My thighs rub together at the idea, obviously enjoying the thought.
"I'm not against it."
After that it's silent. Neither of us leave our place on the rocks, happily watching the party goers slowly drizzle back inside as the temperature drops. Somewhere along the way, the hands resting next to each other intertwine.
Neither of us talk about it. Suddenly this place isn’t so bad anymore.
It's not until a good few minutes later that the comfortable silence gets broken by him. An easy to understand command with a sense of urgency to it.
"Let me take you home." He stands up, pulling me with him through our conjoined hands. The action makes me stumble into his chest, briefly getting a feel of the muscles underneath the thin fabric of his shirt.
"I'm not one to sleep around." Though my actions contrast my words. I lean into him more trying to chase the warmth I only had a second to enjoy.
"You don't need to."
If it wasn't for the adoring smile on his face, maybe I would've convinced him to stay, reminding him of his friends still scattered around the place. I would've convinced him to let me find my own way home, not wanting to spoil his fun.
Instead, the glint in his eyes hypnotized me into silence, meekly letting him escort me to his car.
Only when the lock to our shared apartment clicks open do I speak up about it. "Shouldn't you have told the boys you were leaving?"
"Half of them were already too deep into some chick to care."
For some reason my brain decides to visualize the scene. I gag silently, which doesn't go unnoticed by Jungkook. He snickers at my expression while sliding my coat off my arms with a soft touch.
"Forget about them. Focus on me." The words are spoken right above my lips, his breath mingling with mine. I can't help myself. My lips slam into his, meeting in a passionate kiss, contrasting to our usual rough ones.
"A little bird recommended you to go down on me." I manage to get out between kisses. His hands react immediately, squeezing the back of my thighs. It's not long before they slide to the front with the intended purpose of taking my shorts off.
"With pleasure."
He drops to his knees, popping open the single button on my shorts, though doesn't slide them down yet. The exposed skin of my legs get showered in kisses the moment he hits the floor. They start at my ankles, slowly making their way up to my double clothed core, before stopping completely.
Just as I open my mouth to complain he slides off both my shorts and panties in one swift motion. Not even giving me time to step out of them, two of his fingers find the wetness between my legs, stroking up and down.
"Hm? You're incredibly excited for how little I've touched you." It's not hard to notice how he wants his ego boosted, and I'm not one to deny.
"Have been since you mentioned it at the party, tease."
The smirk he wears only widens at that, happy with the confession. "Then I better make it worth the wait, right darling?"
Let's just say he definitely did not disappoint that night.
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fashioneditswebsite · 3 months
Six moments you might have missed from NYFW 2024
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Fashion month went off with a bang in New York City. With boundary-pushing designs and plenty of famous faces on the front row, New York Fashion Week (NYFW)2024 has wrapped up. And what a glittering season it has been! Filled with bold designs and celebrity-filled front rows. New York is often seen as the cooler younger sibling to Milan and Paris Fashion Weeks, and it didn't disappoint with the autumn/winter 2024 season. Here's what you might have missed from a week of fashion in the Big Apple… 1. Beyoncé sits in the front row. In a surprise appearance on Tuesday night, Beyoncé sat in the front row to watch her 19-year-old model nephew Daniel 'Julez' Smith Jr walk the runway at the Luar fashion show, a clothing brand "for the culture." The singer and her mother sat together, both wearing stylish outfits. She finished the look with oversized sunglasses, a holographic Luar bag, and a cowboy hat in the same color. 2. Molly Ringwald walked the runway. Sixteen Candles star Molly Ringwald opened the Batsheva show, wearing a dramatic hooded black gown, which the brand described on Instagram as "a velveteen funeral Jackie O dream." The 55-year-old is usually seen sitting in the front row, but this season, she joined an entire cast of models aged 40 or over. Designer Batsheva Hay had spent weeks recruiting random women for the show, telling The New York Times she did it because she was 42. "I find that aging is a big preoccupation for me and my friends. It's an area of discomfort in fashion," she said. 3. Tommy Hilfiger comes back home. Fashion veteran Tommy Hilfiger wanted to honor New York in his second show since the coronavirus outbreak. He staged the show at the Oyster Bar in Grand Central Station, with the likes of Damson Idris, newest brand ambassador Sofia Richie Grainge, and Kelly Rutherford all in attendance. "We thought it was time," Hilfiger told CNN ahead of the show. "Time to come back and celebrate New York. It's iconic, and it's where I started." From varsity bomber jackets and trench coats to striped jumpers and polo shirts, the mega-brand was bold and modern in its interpretation of preppy fashion. 4. Blake Lively makes an appearance. In support of her good friend Michael Kors, the actress and Gossip Girl alum attended the autumn-winter runway shown Tuesday. The mom of four wore a giraffe-print trench coat and mini skirt with brown boots. She attended the Super Bowl to see the Kansas City Chiefs win against the San Francisco 49ers. Taylor Swift, Ice Spice, Lana Del Rey, Miles Teller, and Keleigh Sperry spotted her watching the game. 5. All eyes on Area Interestingly, to celebrate its 10th anniversary, Area broke from tradition and debuted spring/summer clothes instead of the usual autumn/winter collections. The designers drew inspiration from Sixties pop art and 1920s cartoons and studied the outfits with statement googly eyes. The designers drew inspiration from Sixties pop art and 1920s cartoons and studied the outfits with statement googly eyes. Area's collection delves into the interplay between viewing and being viewed. It explores the dynamics of essentials and the extraordinary. The collection reconstructs the interconnection between fashion and its observers. Area shared this on Instagram. 6. Storybook drama at Thom Browne After a spell in Paris, Thom Browne returned to the New York Fashion Week schedule in a suitably dramatic style. A veteran of the industry – and the chairman of the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) – he's known for high-production-value shows, and this season was no different. Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's poem The Raven, models walked around a wintery wasteland of a catwalk. More than just a runway show, this was performance art – one of the 'trees' on the runway turned out to be a man on stilts wearing an oversized puffer jacket, and four children emerged from the coat to watch the show. The clothes were suitably Gothic – practically everything was monochromatic, with models wearing sculptural headpieces. Moreover, the fashion show emphasized tailoring and boxy silhouettes with a sporty edge. It was a dramatic and exciting experience for everyone, including celebrities like Janet Jackson and Queen Latifah, who enjoyed the show in the front row. Read the full article
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Don't Miss Out On These Artificial Jewelry Designs This Winter
Winter has come... Is this your favorite season? Well, I am enjoying winter a lot.
We know the coolest months are December and January, and that comes with a lot of hopes, holidays, food, and shopping for new winter clothes to dress up stylishly. It is the most anticipated time of the year, especially for women, with all of their new party outfits, accessories and awaited celebrations such as Christmas, the new year, and many more.
I personally feel so confused when I am going to shop for the latest Indian artificial jewellery designs to wear on winter clothes. Even in the dead of winter, we cannot compromise on jewelry.
One of my favorite winter clothes is a turtleneck sweater or a coat that I loved to wear with chunky jewelry. The only disadvantage of this style in the winter is that it will either conceal our neckpiece or sit close to our ears, making our ear hangings appear crowded. 
- But I don't want you to stop having perfect winter styling, so I've compiled a list of the Best Online Fashionable Artificial Jewellery for you to make your winter fashion the best one yet!
- That also helps you make your task easier for this Christmas and New Year: picking out the most loved accessories to make this celebration season more joyful than ever.
Hoops to Keep Your Outfit Shining
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Hoops are the most traditional style of earrings, designed to be worn especially in the winter. And the most valuable item for ladies is adored all over the world.
Over time, the simple designs of the hoops have evolved significantly, and they now have stones studded into them in a variety of patterns, which are available on various jewelry websites online. 
If you are looking for a simple, breezy look this winter with white knitwear or a skirt, you must pair it up with big hoop earrings to enhance your look.
Bracelets can help to warm it up
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A chunky bracelet paired with your sweater's sleeve will add a bold touch to your freezing hands. An Asteria Pearl Charm Bracelet is what you need this December to strike a pose if you are a fan of statement styling. Wear it with a long-sleeve rolled up to swing a fashionable look.
Chains and Pendants to Complement Your Outfit
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A simple long or short chain with an elegant pendant is the most essential accessory to wear with any winter outfit. A 925 Silver Turkish Evil Eye Chain is a must-have piece of costume jewelry for any woman who enjoys dressing up to look stunning. Pendants can be worn on any occasion by women of any age with almost every neckline.
Make a statement with eye-catching rings
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To get attention at parties, you do need to figure out which cocktail ring you are going to be flashing on your finger. Rings are one of the most essential accessories of party jewelry, having a long history and a dramatic vibe to them.
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buck-nialled · 4 years
Not to Brag - N. Horan Imagine (College AU)
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another combined request bc i felt like a college!niall au was necessary, enjoy! :)))
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The wooden door to the lecture hall was near to making a loud bang against the wall by how forcefully the boy pushed it open. He was red and panting from the five-minute sprint he had taken on from his dorm building. Niall did not imagine his first class of his first day at university would obligate him to make entrances like this, but at least he was building his presence on campus.
“Ah, Mr. Horan.” The way his name sounded on the professor’s tongue, as though it were a pill being swallowed dry, did not sit well in Niall’s stomach. That might have also been due to his skipped breakfast, missed bathroom break, and absent change into clothing more acceptable than sweatpants and an old t-shirt. “Looks as though you’ve been, what’s the expression? Ah yes, saved by the bell.” Niall shuffled further into the classroom, eyes peering around the room for his roommate or one of the frat house occupants whom he had the honor of meeting a week or two before the beginning of classes.
“It’s always a shame to state the obvious to my students, but if you’re the last student to arrive in a freshman year core class, seating options are obviously going to be limited.” His tone remained flat, yet stern as his eyes stayed sharp on Niall. The boy would have never dreamed he would be the first in the throng of students that was his English 101 class to measle himself on his teacher’s bad side. But that’s how things were looking as he muttered a half-sincere apology beneath his breath and shuffled his way to the closest empty seat he could find.
From what it looked like, it seemed to be the only empty seat. Niall’s eyes ran across all four walls of the room, every single row in front of him and behind him. His blue eyes landed on a mess of curly locks, and a pair of greens which looked apologetic for the lack of seating around him. How could he blame Harry, though? Everybody loved him and he’s been there for a shorter time than Niall had. He turned his gaze away, and rather to his side, where he met a pair of eyes uncanny to Harry’s. They looked so similar Niall would have believed the boy teleported seats, until he took in the dark-coated lashes and pink eyeshadow surrounding the emeralds.
“Sorry,” the girl whispered beneath the professor’s announcement of a syllabus about to be handed out. “Do you have a pen I could borrow?” Niall blinked for a moment and nodded lightly, reaching for his backpack. At least he had not forgotten that.
“It’s the first day and you don’t even have a pen?” The words fell out before he could choke them down. He inwardly scolded himself as he handed her the utensil. He must have had a curse for making friends because what he just aid was nowhere near how proper introductions were supposed to go. Rather than an offended response or water bottle to the cranium, he received a scoff.
“It’s your first day and you managed to get in class by a landslide. I’m surprised he even let you sit down. He does not seem like the kind to mess around with.” The girl murmurs, before a tall figure was shadowed over her desk, wearing raised brows and a threatening smirk.
“Impressive observation, Y/N. Comprehension is a major part of my class so I am sure you will find it less than difficult.” He lays a sheet on both your desk and Niall’s. The girl’s eyes were squinted shut, cheeks red with embarrassment while Niall remained stoic, afraid to open his mouth and actually be booted from his seat in the class. The professor distributed papers to the last final rows, leaving the two students to release held breaths and face one another again. A few moments later, though, the anxiety turned to the two classmates trying to hold back their snickers.
“Looks like we’ve both got a spot on our professor’s hit list, Y/N.” His use of her name startles the both of them, she almost forgot through her embarrassment that the professor did her the favor of announcing it to the class. Nevertheless, the girl laughed.
“If that’s true than you’re going first, Horan.” The conversation stopped there, despite Niall’s want for her to continue speaking. He liked hearing her say his last name much better than the man in the front, walking them through a sheet of paper. Towards the middle of the professor’s droning speech, the sound of paper being torn drew Niall’s attention away from his syllabus and to Y/N, who was focused with scribbling something on the torn corner of the paper. A few seconds later, the result was passed to Niall, who let his eyes scan over the message a couple times.
Want to meet up at lunch?
Niall used his other pen and scrawled a reply hastily.
Sure, for what?
A few more seconds, and the paper was back in his vision.
To guess how professor hitlist is gonna take us out
Niall looked up, sending the girl a nod. Y/N felt her stomach doing somersaults but would not admit the rowdy celebration her insides were facing. Her heart was pumping, her brain was screaming, and she swore she felt her tummy begin to rumble in anticipation.
Their conversation continued at the college’s cafeteria but did not conclude. Afterward, they took a stroll through the campus’s courtyard, mostly admiring the greenery, while sneakily admiring each other. Niall’s tell was how his own smile grew when Y/N’s did. For what reason? Niall had no clue. Y/N would never admit it was his eyes lighting up that cued her teeth to bare, as the boy talked with ceaseless passion over his choice major: Music. He apologized at least three times during his gabbing but continued without further hesitation when you encouraged him to carry on or asked more questions about it.
“How about you?” He asks you upon conclusion of his talk of the major.
“Well, not to brag but,” the start of her bold sentence had Niall entranced immediately, “I can play a mean tune on the triangle.” Almost immediately after her joke, Y/N was sputtering with laughter. Niall joins her, surprised by the fact he is not let down by this information. He always pictured his dream girl to be a bit more musically involved.
“My brother was always more musically-inclined in the family. Not to say that I don’t love music, because I do. He was just always the one who wanted to take piano lessons and choose choir and band over debate or yearbook.”
“So what about you? What major did you choose?” Niall did not detest Y/N talking about her family. From how she spoke of her brother, it sounded like she respected him and held him close in her heart. But Niall wants to know about her. And who knows? Maybe Niall and Y/N’s brother could be good friends, if they ever met that is.
“Engineering. Which is weird, considering nobody in my family was ever the “math whiz.” It was good I was though; my mom was thankful she wouldn’t have to tutor Harry when he needed help. She was probably the worst at math out of all of us.” Y/N giggles, reminiscing in the many times she even had to help her own mother with fractions in the kitchen each time the woman tried cooking.
“What about your dad?” A silence followed Niall’s question, and he’d never wanted a smile to be put back so badly on a person’s face after Y/N’s fell. A few moments later, the girl could only muster a bitterly awkward laugh and small “no.”
“I’m sor—”
“No,” she cut him off, “God, don’t apologize that’s so awkward. I’m fine. It happened, I grieved and cried and went through all the stages of it. And it was shitty, but I’m here now and I’m better than I was so…” Niall only nodded, the stroll becoming slower as the silence resumed.
“What about your family? Do they live here, or—" Her voice perked up and was back to how it was a few moments ago. Niall was thankful for this, afraid he had depleted the conversation with his question.
“Oh, no. They’re back in Ireland.” He jutted a thumb behind his shoulder, as though his home was something he left behind. In this case, that assumption could be applicable. Y/N chose not to delve further into that thought.
“Ireland! That’s where you’re from. I was trying to pinpoint the accent…and I almost said Scottish.” Y/N chortled at her own obtuse statement.
“Good thing ya didn’t. I would’ve been off—”
“Y/N! Hey!” The two looked away from one another to spot a figure running up to them from a distance. He grew taller with each thumping step on the grass. “I want to—oh hey, Niall. What’s up?”
“Wait—you guys know each other?” Y/N furrows her eyebrows, glancing between the two boys. “How?”
“Niall’s roommate introduced us awhile back. Turns out we’re both majoring in music. How did you two meet?”
“We sat together in English…” Y/N trailed off, worry overcoming her. Harry was very particular over her, and for the most part, was unpredictable about it. Once, in fourth grade, Y/N broke her legs from a plummet off of the playground’s monkey bars and didn’t earn a blink from her brother. The next day, when a boy helped her carry her books to class, Harry saw red and was borderline screaming at the kid. Needless to say, any chance she had with Niall disappeared once acknowledging the boys’ friendship.
“I had no clue you two knew each other. When did you two meet?” In an instant, the siblings’ laughter floated around a befuddled Niall, Harry’s chuckled a little more prominent. Y/N’s seemed quieter, a bit more reserved than they were when she and Niall were talking.
“I met this one 18 years ago in the hospital and haven’t stopped irritating her since.” Harry acted proud stating this while slinging his arm around the girl. Niall began to connect the dots, seeing them side-by-side. Their eyes, the dark curls matted to both of their heads…
“So you two are—”
“Twins,” Y/N rolls her eyes. “I know I can’t believe it either. It’s obvious I was born with all the good looks; Lord knows what happened to him.”
Niall gulps, and would not disagree with her for a moment on that statement. As he was still trying to process these thoughts, one big one jumped out at him. Where did his chance of getting Y/N to go out with him stand now? One of his new best friends just so happened to be the sister of his new friend who he now wanted to be more than a friend. A lot more. While thinking of how to approach this, Y/N asked Harry what she needed him for.
“I was wondering if you were coming to the party at the house this weekend. We’re rushing so you can make friends with all the cute new girls and talk me up around them.” Y/N rolled her eyes at Harry’s ludicrous attempt to get in some innocent girl’s pants.
“Oh, you should come too, lad! There’s going to be loads of girls there.” Even without trying, Harry was somehow deterring Niall from Y/N’s radar and vice versa. Niall’s mouth kept closing and opening, failing to let a word pass him. A distant shout of Harry’s name was heard by the three. Harry put a hand on Niall’s shoulder, pointing a finger at him.
“I’ll take that as a yes. See ya there, mate!” Harry ran off just as quickly as he appeared to go conversate with others in the courtyard.
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. Harry just wants to make everyone feel welcome…he’s like that.” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Are you going?” Niall asks. Y/N shrugs, before nodding.
“Then I’ll go.”
“Niall, you don’t have to—”
“I know, but I can be a pretty good wingman, too. I did it for own brother all the time back home. Plus,” he slung his arm around your shoulder, similar to how Harry did and pulled you close to his side.
“Would your brother like to see you get hit on by frat guys all night?”
“Are you suggesting we go together?” Y/N crosses her arms and peers up at the cheeky grin Niall was sending her.
“I mean, not to brag but…” Niall somehow pulls her even closer, until one of her hands is being planted on his chest, “I can be a pretty good date.”
hope you all found this cute! feel free to check out my masterlist for more!
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byorder-fanfic · 3 years
Love Thyself, Then Thy Neighbour
Summary: Linda Montgomery is tired of living for everyone but herself. It may not be holy, but it is hers.
Word count: 1957
Warnings: Swearing, LOTS of talk about religion and Church, war, hospital and blood mentioned
Author’s Note: I really hate the misogyny in the way Linda was written and I think that sometimes the fandom demonises her as a bitch for her religious beliefs, so I wanted to try and make her a bit more sympathetic. Hope you like it xx
One thing that being brought up in a strict Catholic home is that Linda leant not all rules were written in the big book. The most important rule was that women didn't work. Her mother would huff and puff when she was eighteen and desperate for work, saying that being a wife was work enough. Keep his belly full and his balls empty became the second most used phrase in her house after Amen. Linda Montgomery kept her face straight as her mother introduced her to nice, young Catholic suitors who she would take one good look over and ask whether they supported Miss Pankhurst and her plight for women's enfranchisement. Her mother would tut and her father would bury his head in the palm of his hand, as another man was scared away to the next young girl. Linda was a radical- Linda was wrong. So, when she met another devout woman at a local meeting for WSPU, she immediately trailed along to the Church that could possibly allow such beliefs alongside the teachings of Christ. The Quaker priest welcomed her with open arms, saying he was thankful to help her cast away the false idols she had been brought up with. Her mother spat at Linda's shoes, saying she had condemned the family by falling into an ecclesial community. Was this the love thy neighbour teaching that each holier than thou figure preached? So, Linda got a flat with Dorothy Evans (the woman who'd brought her to the Church) and attended that service on Sunday, then woke up before the Sun to get to work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Saturday sometimes too, if they needed a girl to work an extra shift.
That was another unspoken rule, even amongst the Quakers. If a woman was to find work, as rare as that would be, there were only two professions deemed suitable for good Christian women: teaching and nursing. Now, Linda had never been fond of children, so nursing it was. She had romanced the idea of it all throughout training, cooing over her baby blue uniform in the mirror that matched her eyes and thanking God for her ability to help others. It was no menial task, she would never say that. With the drunkards that gained injury after injury to the horrors of the Spanish influenza, on top of the everyday maladies that she guided to a hospital bed and patiently listened to her patients as they told her their stories. With those that noticed her silver cross that she always wore proudly over her uniform, she'd been invited to sit by their bedside and pray alongside them. Eventually she'd learned a couple of appropriate Bible verses to encourage and uplift, sometimes even writing them down if they wanted a more permanent influence. Then the War happened. The called it Great- she couldn't agree. Dorothy and her had both decided right from the start that knitting socks and lighting candles would not be enough for them. They packed up their nurses uniforms and followed the soldiers as they marched over to France. Romance was lost in the makeshift hospitals set up over thick mud that got their long dresses turning brown. Linda learned not to care; there were worst things that ended up on her aprons and managed to soak back through her clothes, turning her skin pinkish. As soon as she got home, she burnt her nurses uniform. She wanted to keep it at first, as a reminder of all that she'd lived through, but no matter how many times she washed and scrubbed until her hands were a familiar pink raw, the smell of blood never washed away. The photos stayed, as mementos to remind her that the Lord saved her, that he was with her still in the sleepless nights and the guilt that plagued her soul.
Instead of returning to the hospital before the Sun woke up on Monday, Linda found work at the only home she knew. The Church offered all kind of charity and volunteer work for her, but she was also employed as an accountant-cross-secretary role. She was good with numbers. She never knew that before. Nurse Montgomery was gone, but Linda Montgomery was proud and faithful and working still. She was twenty six and made sure to use her well-earned right by attending each and every campaign that her local area had to offer, voting according to her beliefs whenever an opportunity was open. Linda clung to it, to her faith, to her work with all she had. She had to make herself right in the Lord's eyes, had to make all those lives lost and unsavable soldiers that she'd pray with till their soul extinguished like a candle, she had to make it worth it. It had to mean something. So, when Linda saw a strange man stumble into the Church one Friday night, looking over to the empty rows of pews with hesitance and fear etched in every line in his face, she knew what she had to do. He was a handsome man, she couldn't deny it. Maybe it was that which piqued her interest.
Excusing herself from the desk (although the priest was getting on and hardly even heard her) she walked down to meet this tall man in a bulky grey coat that still hadn't figured out he was supposed to sit on the pews. 
"Hello there sir, are you alright?" She asked, polite and smiling. He looked up at the sound of her voice, although he didn't have to look far as she was quite the bit smaller than him. His eyes trailed up and down. Linda pulled her cardigan tighter around her shoulders, feeling her face go the same colour as her clothes. She didn't wear baby blue any more, even if it matched her eyes. This man had a soldier's haircut, shaved at the sides, and the rest of it was slicked back out of his nervous-looking face, a moustache presiding over his top lip.
"Um...yeah, well," he sounded a little gruff, although that was probably in part to his thick accent that Linda couldn't quite point her finger on. "Well, this is embarrassing. I thought this was supposed to be a Church, see, so I thought I'd come on in, but...uh, I, um, didn't mean to intrude. I'll leave you be."
"This is a Church," she said it quickly, before he could turn around to leave.
"It is, hey?" He chuckled a little to himself, rubbing the back if his neck. "Sorry, I thought there'd be a confession booth or something. They have that in St Oswald's."
"They have confessionals in Catholic Churches, this is a Quaker Church." She kept a smile on her face, although she heard the bitter voice of her mother ringing in her ears. Ecclesial. Pagan. Damned. "But if you need to talk, you're welcome to take a seat. I'm not a priest, but I can try my best to help."
She gestured to the pew, and the man ever so ungracefully set himself down, tucking his coat behind his hips. She sat in the pew in front of him, turning on her side so that she could face him. He, however, seemed to only be interested on the floor.
"What can I do for you, sir?"
"No, don't call me sir." He shook his head, looking up as he held his hand up too. "Arthur's the name, Arthur Shelby."
"I'm Linda Montgomery," she shook his hand demurely, not sure if the ragged-looking man was really the gentleman he presented himself as.
"Montgomery?" He smiled as if there was something funny about that. "That's a proper lady's name, that is. Bet your husband's a rich man or somethin'."
"I don't have a husband," she told him, showing off her bare ring finger. It never seemed important.
"How come?" He scrunched up his face as if in genuine confusion. "A lovely lady like yourself should have a man eating out the palm of ya hand."
"Work and war," she explained simply, shaking her shoulders as if it meant nothing. "I was a nurse. Never had time for it."
"Now you have no man but Jesus, right?" 
"Something like that." Linda moved a hand over, reaching onto his. There was a point to this conversation, one she was keen to getting back to. "Why are you here, Arthur?"
My, um, aunt always comes here when she needs, I dunno...clarity, I guess? I used to go too," he stumbled through his words, clearing his throat at odd moments as she tried to figure out how to get his heart into words. "I loved the hymns. But then the war happened, and I have all this shit in my head. Can't get rid of it either, cause I'm still a soldier. Still a fuckin' soldier."
His hands shook under Linda's own, and she was quick to realise the cracks in his lips and bruises under his pale eyes were a clear sign of withdrawal symptoms.
"Arthur, you aren't at war anymore," She said gently, rubbing his calloused hands soothingly. His wide eyes looked up at only her and she felt it stir a sermon in her. "You can find peace, I swear it. I know you've just quit drinking." His brow creased in shock, but he didn't dispute it. "The temptation you feel will be difficult to fight, but once that battle is over, you won't have to fight anymore."
"Work, love, work. I have to."
"Fuck work." She surprised even herself with her bold statement that was hastily followed with a look over her shoulder to see the aged priest nodding off in the back room. "There's a lot of things that aren't written in the Bible, Arthur, but that doesn't mean they aren't Gospel truth. The most important thing is that you have to love thyself before you can love thy neighbour. Once you help yourself, get yourself out of the darkness you're in, you'll find a way out, a way to better things."
There was a pause for a moment in which Linda could see the conflict in Arthur's eyes between blind faith in a woman he'd just met, and doubt in his own abilities.
"You're an angel," he whispered. He leaned forward and she half expected him to kiss her, although she didn't move her head back. Rather, when his hands rested onto her cheek, she moved forward ever so slightly, watching his adoring look with a little smile on her pink painted lips. "I think the Lord sent me to this fuckin' Quaker Church for a reason, Linda. I think He knew I'd meet the pretty blonde cherub woman who knew just what to say to stop me from reaching a bottle again."
"You give me too much credit," she warned.
"No, love, no. No one's ever said I could have a redemption. It feels good to be believed in."
"There's a temperance group here," Linda started rubbing circles in his hand. "Would you like to join? I work at the Church so you can pop in and see me afterwards, tell me if the Lord sent you in the right direction."
He laughed a lot at that, eyebrow cocked.
"You want to see me again, huh?" He said it like a dare, something amusing in the words.
"What would be so crazy about that?"
Bold words weren't usually Linda's forte, but she'd chased after work, the Church and a good life. Why couldn't she chase after this handsome man the Lord delivered to her?
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