#i wanted them to finally get a moment away from everyone else after Mike's speech
will80sbyers · 7 months
Ranking some byler moments bc I felt like yapping about them rn:
5) The Rink-o-Mania fight
They both showed that they were paying close attention to the other one, and both knew that there was a problem in their friendship. Mike was dying inside all day long to ask Will why things had changed between them and why Will suddenly stopped reaching out as much as he did even after Will was the one that promised him that it was not possible that he would have left Mike behind...
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Mike was so terrified that Will didn't care about him anymore while he spent all the months apart from him feeling sad and like he lost him and feeling crazy because of how much he missed Will...
and Will was feeling so jealous all day long watching him with El and he just wanted to be given attention and appreciation... even just as a best friend, and instead he was feeling like Mike didn't care about him....
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but as soon as Mike makes him understand that he was paying attention Will takes the opportunity to ask him why he didn't write to him if he cared, because Will needs reassurance that he's loved too even when he's the first to pull away because he doesn't want to impose his romantic feelings on Mike when he's with his sister still... great Angst™ and I just love their romantic af fights lol
4) when Will makes Mike smile
This very small moment is really sweet to me and we need more moments like this between them, it just shows that they enjoy the company of the other in all aspects from the serious conversations to the rants about random stuff and also when playing around and just having fun and laughing... it's just showing how they are best friends before everything else, they just want to stay side by side because they enjoy the other person completely on all aspects of their personality
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3) The crazy together scene
Iconic moment of their relationship, I love when they support each other and in this moment both of them are opening up about their feelings and making a promise to go crazy together... saying that they want to face the future together no matter what others think they are, even if they seem crazy to everyone else they will ALWAYS have the other one that truly understands...
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2) Mike's monologue in the shed
SO sweet and honest, the memory of their first meeting is just such an heartwarming memory and it shows the pure love they have and just how deeply Mike feels towards Will, he thinks the best choice he ever made in his life was to ask Will to be in his life because Mike loves him that much, he can't imagine his own existence without Will by his side... Mike's life got better because he met Will.
and Will is just already in love with him and you can see it in his eyes, this is true love that breaks the evil spell on him casted by the dark wizard
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1) Will's van speech
I love this moment because I think Will has this deep yearning inside of him about confessing just how deep his own feelings for Mike are and he wants to tell Mike so badly and this is the closest moment to that that I can get for now lmao
plus I love how Mike FINALLY gets told by someone just how amazing of a person he is and sees that he is valuable for all of them as a person, as he is already.
I truly think Mike couldn't avoid falling in love in this moment and he's wishing deep down that Will was the one meaning all of that romantically... even if he doesn't get it and he's confused that's what his heart is making him feel
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look at this... he's just falling for Will all at once without even knowing it completely, he has been hit by a truck emotionally
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stydiaandthejeep · 2 years
Eleven steps out of the cabin at night, unable to sleep after everything that happened. Mike comes to check on her and they finally, finally get a moment alone.
A mileven one shot that follows the events of the season finale
Eleven was still buzzing with the adrenaline of the day. After staying up until midnight, crowding in with everybody on the floor of the small cabin, Joyce had made the executive decision of sending all the teenagers to sleep, with the promise that they would get back to coming up with a plan first thing in the morning.
Hopper fell asleep on the blankets that Joyce had laid on the floor for him, and was now snoring loudly,just like El remembered from their days there. She watched him silently for a few moments, trying to convince herself that he was right there, safe and sound. The rest of the party had gone home to reassure their parents and get some rest, but she couldn't fall asleep, no matter how hard she tried. It was all too fresh, too present in her mind: Max lying down in a hospital bed unresponsive, the deep despair she had felt confronting Vecna, seeing Papa bleed out in the desert.
She stepped out in the cold night air, trying to seek comfort from the familiar sounds and smells. One of Hopper's old hoddies was wrapped around her, and she had made the porch light turn on with a faint smile, relishing the return of her powers. Among everything that happened, she hadn't had a moment alone with Mike. They had been quiet the whole ride over, the shock of the battle leaving her speechless. Mike had given her space and only adressed her to ask of she was hungry or tired, and although unable to speak, she had tried to convey with her eyes how much what he had said meant to her. All she could read in his eyes was sickening worry, for her and his friends,his family.
Just then she heard the sound of steps coming from the trail, and a faint voice calling out. 'El? Is that you?'
She could make out Mike's silhouette even before he stepped into the light before her. She smiled, not even questioning why he wasn't home, or how worried his mom would be if she found out.
He looked pale and worried, and his voice was raspier than usual. ' I'm sorry if you still needed your space, I just.. I couldn't sleep, and I wanted to check and make sure you were okay.'
There was a nervous energy in the lines of his body, and El knew he had wanted to see her alone just as much as she did. When she spoke up her voice was quieter than usual, almost foreign to her. She felt in control of her powers, yet acting like a normal human was an effort. ' No space. Come sit with me.'
Mike breathed out a sigh of relief and sat down on the step, a respectable distance between them. She had raised her eyebrows in confusion and scooted over until they were pressed next to each other in the chilly air. Mike let out a small chuckle and then shyly wrapped his left arm around her waist, the way he did sometimes when they were hanging out in the mall food court. Eleven felt her whole body relax at the contact - tears welled up in her eyes, this time not for Max or for her dad. It had just hit her, how badly she had missed Mike.
She hated how her power draining had made her speech regress to what it used to be before she met the party. Mike didn't question it, instead nodding and pulling her even closer.
' I missed you too. Well, I guess my speech back at the pizza shop made that quite obvious.' Even in the dim light, the girl could see how Mike's cheeks has turned a lovely shade of pink. Continuing to avoid eye contact, Mike grabbed her other hand and interlocked it with his. ' In case it wasn't obvious how in love I am with you, now I won't ever hear the end of it from the other guys.'
Eleven laughed, letting her heart swell with joy for just a few seconds, taking it in that someone loved her for who she was. She suddenly remembered how short her hair was now and what she was wearing, and she ran her fingers through it, as if that would make it magically grow back. Mike noticed the gesture and turned slightly to look at her.
' Don't worry about that, El. It will grow back. And you're still pretty regardless of it. Always."
Their voices had grown to whispers, and Eleven leaned her forehead into his shoulder as a thank you. Mike cleared his throat and took advantage of her breaking eye contact.
' I thought you weren't waking up, El. For a few, terrifying moments, my heart stopped in place and you weren't opening your eyes or breathing or twitching anymore. There was nothing but silence and the sound of Will crying and all I could think was that I had really lost you this time. You weren't taken away from me, or moving to another state. For a moment in time you were simply gone and I thought I was going to lose my mind.'
Eleven looked up, and she was met by Mike's dark eyes filled with tears. She hated seeing him cry. All she wanted was for them to be a normal teenage couple, sneaking kisses in the movie theater. She was tired of everything ripping them from one another, of having to fight for every single moment of happiness. She wiped his cheeks with the sleeve of her hoodie and he tried to smile, trying not to worry her. She remembered how his words had pulled her back from One. How she hadn't realised that in every other way that counted, Mike had been saying he loved her ever since that day in the woods.
' I'm here. Not going anywhere. And..'
She mustered up all her energy into her word, trying to sound coherent.
' I could never not want you. I'm sorry if I made you get those feelings.'
The energy was worth the grin that had spread on his face, a tinge of relief in it. Softly, he brought up his hand to gently cup her jaw. She let herself imagine they really were just a couple of teenagers, sneaking out at night to get a moment alone. An intense feeling rushed through her whenever Mike looked at her like he did then, with darkened eyes and complete focus ( Max once told her those were called 'butterflies').
'Can I kiss you, El?'
The next moment there was a loud snore that broke through the silence from the cabin, which made Eleven giggle and made Mike look completely terrified. She winked at him playfully and the next moment the porch light went out,along with any other lights around,leaving them in complete darkness. Even so, El could see how completely amazed Mike looked, laughing silently in disbelief.
She felt his lips gently pressing on hers, so she brought up her hands to tangle themselves in Mike's hair. They were soft at first, but Eleven could feel their shared desperation to get closer pour into their kiss, and she tried her best to convey all her feelings within it. Time bent and snapped into place, and all she could feel and focus for a few wonderful moments was Mike, his lips moving against hers,his scent, the feel of his hand on her jaw. She tugged at his hair while carried away and she felt him groan into her mouth, and so she pulled back immediately.
' Sorry. I hurt you?' Her question was genuine and applogetic, but she could sense Mike smiling, amused.
'No,no. That wasn't a bad, um, sound.'
She was pretty sure this was somehow related to some really awkward talks she had with Nancy a while ago, yet she wanted to make sure she hadn't hurt Mike.
' Not.. bad?'
She turned her head slightly and turned on the porch light again, this time dimmer, eager to see his face. She thought she had gotten pretty good at kissing,but maybe she was wrong
Instead , she found Mike looking flustered again, which made her smile.
' No, I mean, yes usually those kind of sounds associated with hair pulling means bad, but. In contexts like making out they're usually a positive sign that the other persob is enjoying it and um. I'm just gonna shut up now."
Eleven threw her head back laughing like a little kid, having missed how Mike blushed and rambled whenever he got embarrassed. She used to secretly ask certain things on purpose, just because she thought he looked unbelievably cute when he got like that.
' Well, Im glad you find my awkwardness amusing.' He commented under his breath, leaning down to kiss the top of her head.
' I should probably go, my mom will get worried. See you tomorrow?'
Eleven got up and walked with him a few steps to his bike. 'Yes, tomorrow.' was all she could reply, choosing instead to wrap her hands around Mike's torso, noting how much taller he was than her. She gathered her in his arms and peppered her face with kisses before reluctantly letting go. 'Bye, El.'
Eleven let out a big sigh after she watched him pedal away. She refused to let her mind wander and instead laid down on her bed, falling asleep with nothing else in her head except the image of the two of them kissing in the complete darkness of the night.
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thedaredevilsgirl · 3 years
Dear Teacher - Part 2
warnings: teacher and student relationship (The reader is between 19 and 25 years old and please don't get involved with your teachers) angst,fluff, smut (fingering, unprotected sex -Please use a condom- dirty talk)
Word count: 3342 (surely the most I have ever written)
N/A: Hey, many people were asking, so I brought you part two of dear teacher, I hope you like it.I am creating a taglist, message me if you want to be added 💖💖
Part 1
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When Tom woke up on Saturday morning he was disappointed to realize that you were no longer there, for a moment he thought that maybe it had all been a dream or just his imagination playing with him, but something inside him knew that no, that the incident had really happened.
"Incident" was how Tom was referring to the whole of Friday night. It had been a bad idea, he knew, meeting you at that bar, inviting you to sit with him, kissing you, taking you to his apartment, and everything that happened after that. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help it.
 Tom was nervous. It was the first time he had seen her since Friday and he still didn't know how to handle it.
You walked into the auditorium that morning and it seemed that fate loved to play with you as the two of your gazes met almost instantly, he swallows dryly and you blush before quickly looking away and running to your seat at the back of the room.
 "Good morning everyone" He says starting his class, everyone in the room answers him quickly.
 "Good morning Mr. Holland" Cindy, one of your students, says cheerfully "Looks like you had a great weekend" she points to a small purple spot on your neck, all the students start laughing as soon as she notices it. You sink into your chair, wanting to hide, mortified with embarrassment, remembering very well that you made that mark on Tom who was blushing in front of everyone's eyes.
"Anyway" he huffs loudly taking the students' attention back to class "I've corrected your Brontë sisters' papers, I'm happy to say that we got very good grades, but only one got a top grade, I'll give it back to you Wednesday" he says before continuing his lesson. 
The class passes slowly, like torture for both of them, they just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. They needed to talk about what they had done, but they were more than happy not to do that today.
"That's all for today, remember to turn in your next paper on Monday and get ready for the debate next month, see you all on Wednesday" he says to everyone as his class ends. Slowly the room starts to empty, but you can't get out as a hand grabs your wrist making you turn to see who it was.
"Y/N" Mike, the boy who had missed your date on Friday was standing there holding your hand "I just wanted to apologize again for not coming on Friday, I didn't mean to ruin your weekend kitten" he apologizes.
"It's okay, really, you didn't ruin my weekend" you answer politely.
"If you want" he says getting closer to you "We can reschedule, I promise I won't cancel this time" he gives you a conquering smile.
Tom settles back in his chair, moving his hands nervously across his lap. He didn't want to hear your conversation, but as soon as he heard no names being called he started to pay attention, he had no right to be jealous, you weren't his girl, but he hoped you wouldn't accept it, you deserved much better than that boy in front of you.
"Mike, I'm sorry, but I can't accept it" You say, trying to be polite and pulling away from him a little.
"Just a date kitten" Tom rolls his eyes from where he was sitting, did he not understand what no was?
"We better just be friends" you dismiss yourself before leaving the room.
"Girls" the idiot says before leaving the room.
Thomas only saw you once that day, talking to your friends in the hallways.
He felt your gaze on him, which made his heart beat faster, and when he returned your gaze you looked away, blushing at having been caught in the act.
As he lay in his bed that night, the memories came back, he was beginning to hate it. Avoidance and being avoided, the two of them should talk about what happened instead of pretending not to and acting like children.
You were pacing back and forth in the hallway, debating with yourself, trying to decide whether or not to go into that office.
This morning, as Tom walked around the room handing out corrected papers to his students, he left his paper on your desk whispering a congratulations before moving on to the next student. You saw the top grade written on the first page and a little yellow post-it note placed there saying "Meet me in my office at 18:00, please".
It was still 17:50, you could still get away from there and that conversation, but you didn't want to, as nervous as you were you knew what you needed to do. You knock on the door and open it just as you hear a "come in" coming from inside.
"You came" he says getting up from his chair and gives you a shy smile.
"You asked..."
"I didn't think you would actually come."
"I think we really should talk Mr. Holland" you says nervously looking down at her own feet so she doesn't have to face him.
"Mister Holland?" He asks "I thought i asked to call me Tom"
"I can't do that"
"I understand" His voice, there was something different in it, hurt perhaps.
A silence fills the room for a few minutes before he begins to speak.
"I'm sorry about Friday."
"Why are you apologizing?" You asks without understanding.
"I just...thought you..." He sighs walking over to stand in front of your desk, only a few steps away from you.
"I don't regret what we did" You speak as soon as you realize where your speech was going.
"No?" He finally looks directly at you.
"No, my God, I loved every part of that night" a small smile appears on his lips which fades soon after as you continue to speak "But that doesn't mean it wasn't wrong, we shouldn't have let it get to that point".
"I know it wasn't, I know...it was so wrong"
For some reason it was painful to be in that room without being able to touch him again.
"I really wish I wasn't your teacher" he walks towards you "To have met you at another time, maybe then I could have had you to myself, take you out without fear of anyone seeing us, hold your hand, kiss you" His hand caresses your face and you close your eyes leaning in to feel his touch more "I wanted so much Y/N, I wanted to make you my girl...I really like you"
"Thomas, I like you too..." You sigh, your heart aching with every word spoken "But sometimes liking isn't enough for two people to stay together."
"I know, and that's the part that hurts the most" He forehead rests against yours, both of you with your eyes closed, in-between sloshed breaths that were already mingling, Tom felt a tear run down his cheek, your mouths so close "Y/N..."
"Tom man, we are late, your brothers will kill us if we are late again" Someone says opening the door suddenly just as you and he are about to kiss. The two of you quickly walk away panting for breath trying to recover from the moment, Tom quickly wipes the tear from his face. A tall blond man that you had seen other times in the halls together with Tom looks at you not understanding anything.
"Am I interrupting something?" the blond man asks suspiciously.
"No" the two of you answer quickly.
"Harrison, this is my student, Y/N" Tom introduces the two of you, perhaps as a way to change the subject "Y/N, this is Harrison Osterfield, professor in the physics department and my best friend".
"It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Y/N" He extends his hand to greet her " I have heard Tom compliment you several times, always saying that you are the best student in your class".
"My pleasure Mr. Osterfield" you shake his hand "I think he is just exaggerating a lot, anyway, I better go, I don't want to get in the way anymore, bye" you take your things and leave the room leaving the two men alone there.
"Wait a moment" He say to Harrison before coming after you.
He holds your wrist and makes you look at him, honestly he almost didn't care anymore that the two of you were standing in the middle of the empty university hallway.
"Y/N please" he says.
"Please what?" you say hurt "Do you want me to stay here? To fight for a passion that is doomed to fail? Something that could end my life at this university or end your career?
"Don't talk like that, we can make it work" he says hurt.
"I wish I was brave enough to try, I swear I do" you let go of his hand "But I'm not, it was just one night stand sex and as much as I like you I know that the sooner we get over it and move on the better, for both of us" you turn and walk away, leaving Tom standing there alone in the hallway with his hurt.
Your heart was still hurting. Last night you collapsed on your knees as soon as you got to your dorm room and let the tears finally fall, you were lucky you didn't have a roommate so you could cry all day long without having to answer questions about why you were so bad. And you cried until your eyes hurt, screamed against your pillow until your throat burned, let the sadness leave your body until you finally gave in to tiredness and went to sleep.
Tom was no better off than you, he spent the whole dinner with your family quiet while everyone else at the table talked, he wished so much that he wasn't in love with you, he wished it really had only been one-night stands, maybe then he wouldn't feel like he could die at any moment if he didn't have you by his side.
In different places, but sharing the same pain.
Tom looked across the room at you, his eyes red and his expression sad, it looked like you had been crying all night, and you really had, he wanted to go over there and hug you and tell you that everything would be okay, but he couldn't.
If they had thought Monday's class had been torture, this was something worse. Tom gave his class trying to avoid looking in your direction, while you couldn't pay attention to anything that was being said, you just wanted to go back to your room and cry some more. It was the last class of the day so you ran to your room as soon as it was over.
Tom was tapping his pen frantically on his desk, he should have been correcting his students' work but his mind was elsewhere and his head hurt like it was going to explode at any moment.
"Okay, what the fuck is going on?" Harrison asks, he was with Tom in his office and was starting to get irritated with his best friend.
"What?" Tom asks waking up from his thoughts.
"Tom you've been acting weird all fucking week, you spent the entire Wednesday dinner quiet a thing you don't often do."
"I don't know what you are talking about" he pretends to be paying attention to the papers in front of him.
"Does it have anything to do with that girl who was here?" he asks curious, Tom doesn't answer which only confirms Harrison's thoughts "Oh my god, it has everything to do with her doesn't it?".
"I really don't want to talk about it"
"You like her, that's why you're all emotional, because you can't be with her" Harrison speaks and Tom wonders when did his best friend get so good at unraveling his feelings.
"I had sex with her on Friday" Tom admits at once, his friend had already figured out pretty much everything so there was no reason to keep secrets anymore.
"WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME THAT?" he practically shouts.
"Can you keep it down please, you're acting like a teenager, we passed that stage a long time ago and I don't want the whole campus to find out."
"I'm not the one acting like a teenager, you are, getting all angry and quiet over something that can easily be resolved" Harrison rolls his eyes as he states the obvious.
"She doesn't want me Harrison, she likes me, but she doesn't want me, she's scared and I can't judge her because I am too, this could destroy my teaching career and end her reputation here"
"Tom, isn't she one of the students graduating this year?" Harrison asked even though he already knew the answer.
"Dude, she's graduating in less than 5 months and you're telling me that the two of you can't keep this relationship a secret for 5 months?"
"I..." Tom hadn't stopped to think about it.
"I'm sure you two can make it work."
"What if she's not willing to try?"
"You should at least try, Holland, go out there and fight for your girl" He encourages his friend.
"I think you are right, I will do it".
"Of course I'm right" He smiles smugly "Anyway, I don't want to have to put up with your sadness any longer" He says laughing.
It was almost midnight when you hear someone knocking on your dormitory door, you get out of bed and go to open the door.
"Thomas what are you doing here?" You ask as you see him standing outside, he walks into your dorm still without giving any explanation, you close the door and turn to see him "What kind of idiotic idea is this to come to my dorm, someone could see you here, how would we explain this?" You ask in an agitated manner.
Tom doesn't answer at first, he just looks at you, the baggy sweatshirt too big for your body, the hair tied back with a few strands falling in front of your face and the glasses on the end of your nose, and he can't resist. He walks toward you and kisses you, holding your face between his hands, his hands against your chest as you respond to his kiss, his heart beating hard in his chest and the sense of relief that he is kissing you again after what seems like the longest week of his life.
"I'm sorry" he says pulling away "I didn't come to do this, I just wanted to talk and..."
"It's okay" he fixes his glasses on his face.
"Y/N, I really like you, this is so stupid, I just... I want to try this, it's only five months until you graduate, we can make it...
"Tom" you try to interrupt him but he keeps talking non-stop.
"...to do this, I'm sure it wouldn't be easy at first and it's not the kind of relationship that's ideal or the relationship that someone like you deserves..."
"Tom" calls him again.
"But I'm willing to try, for you, for us, I want to try..." You kiss him again making him stop talking.
"I'm willing to try Tom" you say between kisses and he smiles "For us"
"I didn't think you would accept, I was already preparing myself for a no" you both laugh.
He sits down on your bed and pulls you to sit on his lap with each leg on one side of your body, he takes the glasses off your face and places them on your desk before kissing you.
"Damn, I missed that" he sighs between the kiss.
"It's literally only been a week" you say smiling.
"Really? It's felt like forever" he kisses you more intensely this time, his hands gripping your hips tightly making you move over his lap, the kisses slide down your face to your neck, you throw your head back.
"Tom" you say his name as a plea, his hands slide up your thigh squeezing you firmly.
"What do you want princess?" He asks with his head in the curve of your neck before leaving a small bite in that region.
"You, Thomas, I need you" you slowly roll over in his lap feeling his already hard length under you "please".
He smiles smugly at your response. Your sweatshirt is removed leaving you in just your panties and Tom lays you down on your bed placing his body on top of yours .
"This has been the most torturous week of my life" he removes the rest of his clothes and throws them on the floor "I couldn't get you out of my mind" he leaves a kiss on her neck exactly where he had "I thought about how I wanted to feel you again" the kisses descend to the top of her breasts and one of his hands grab her thigh wrapping her leg around his waist while the other goes down to her intimacy pulling her panties apart just enough for two fingers to touch them "That pussy is so wet, all this for me honey? "
"Yes, all for you Tom" he smiles at her answer before penetrating her with his fingers causing a quiet moan to come from her lips.
"Good girl."
"Your girl" you sigh ecstatic with pleasure.
"Fuck" Tom kisses you again, your words making him even harder than he already was "Say that again " he thrusts his fingers inside you reaching that wonderful spot inside you.
"My girl."
He had barely started and you were already so close, but he doesn't let you get there, teases you to the edge before stopping and doing it all over again.
"Please stop teasing me, I'm so close" you beg.
"No princess, I want you to cum around my dick" He says pulling his fingers out of you and removing your panties before turning you both over on the bed making you stand on top, he sits against the headboard as you rest your hands on his shoulders "now ride me like the good girl I know you are".
You sit on his member feeling him fill you completely, you both moan the moment you are finally together, standing still for a moment to get used to his size. Moving slowly until you finally get into a rhythm.
"So so good" he moans, his hand gripping her throat the way he remembered he had made her go crazy last time "So beautiful riding my dick" his other hand leaves a slap on her ass making her moan his name out loud as she throws her head, back rolling over in his lap .
"Tom I'm so close" you say as he gives you a push with his hips making his cock hit your G-spot, his hand making circular motions against your clit this time.
"Come to me then baby" he says and with a few more movements you are enjoying his wrist making you come next, your head falls on his shoulder and he spreads kisses down your neck as you recover from your recent orgasm.
You were wearing your shirt now, your head lying on his chest as he stroked your hair.
"You'll still be here when I wake up, right?
"Well this is my dorm so I can't leave" you say as a joke.
"I'm serious Y/N" he says laughing.
"Yeah, I'm not going anywhere" you smile fondly returning to lie on his chest closing your eyes almost falling asleep with his affection.
"Good, I don't want you to leave, I want you forever" he kisses the top of your head before falling asleep with you in his arms, no goodbyes this time.
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kingfritzhater · 3 years
If they lived...
AOT headcanons of how different ships would live if they were still alive.
Manga Spoilers!!!
They move outside of Paradis, Erwin always wanted to know if there were humans outside the walls and now he wants to know how different their lives are from what he knows.
Once they settle down and Levi opens his teashop, Erwin offers to help but Levi won’t allow him as he thinks the tea he makes is horrendous, in the end, Erwin manages the money and Levi takes care of the rest. 
They still spend a lot of time with Gabi and Falco, Gabi always insists in moving Levi’s wheelchair (since Erwin is still missing an arm), and Falco adores listening to Erwin’s stories about the survey corps and life inside the walls.
They live hidden in Paradis, they built a little cottage in one of the giant tree forests outside of where the walls were and are very careful to stay hidden, Eren feels guilty that Mikasa has to live hiding like she was when her family was prosecuted by the government, but she doesn’t care, she still has him and their friends.
The remaining members of the alliance visit them pretty often, bringing them gifts from all around the world, Armin sends them books and pictures of the places they visit by mail every time he can. 
Many years go by, and Eren still can’t believe that this is his life, the day he notices some grey hairs and wrinkles in Mikasa’s face he starts crying from just the realisation of how happy he is to grow old together.
Hange is pretty sad when titans stop existing, so to make them happy Levi helps them get their hands on any scientific information that the outside world has developed, no matter how much it costs.
Hange switched their passion for titans to the works of the human body (and they almost fainted once they found out about germ theory), so Levi became their test subject for any time she wanted to test something that they read in some book.
Hange makes it their life purpose to find a way to make Levi be able to walk again, and after coming up with a pretty good prototipe some previous members of the military come asking for help for their missing limbs, so now they make prosthesis for free to anyone who needs it.
They open a restaurant in the countryside, Sasha plants a garden to get fruits and vegetables and hunts for the meat and Niccolo does the cooking.
When Niccolo decided to propose, he asked her father for his approval, what he did not expect was having to get the approval of Jean, Connie, Mikasa, Historia and Levi, the old captain was just as terrifying in a wheelchair as he was before.
They usually babysit Historia’s child since they live pretty close and they get along pretty well, the first name she learned how to say was hers, though it sounded more like “asha”, Sasha will always brag that she is the best aunt in the world.
The baby still exists, but the farmer is just a way to keep Historia safe, yet Ymir still finds similarities between them and jokes about if Historia isn’t sure that she isn’t hers.
Ymir always remembers how she didn’t even have a name as a child, so now every achievement of their daughter is recorded, in fact, she asked Historia to get her a camera from the outside world to be more efficient in this task.
They both are the kind of parent that likes to show off their child to anyone who will listen, no matter how ashamed she gets.
They never settle down, both travel the world discovering new places and wonders, it started when Onyankopon invited them to his homeland and now they can’t stop, unintentionally they’ve done more for Paradis’s international relationships than anyone else just by making friends wherever they go.
Moblit proposes out of the blue, even taking Hange by surprise, they were visiting some place and Hange looked the happiest they’ve ever been and with the excuse of looking for something he left, Moblit ran to the nearest jewelry store and bought a ring, asking the question that night, Hange said yes in tears.
Their wedding is the biggest event Paradis has seen in recent years, even when the current military does not like them they can’t do anything without risking a major international conflict, specially with so many important figures present.
They move away from Libero, Bertholdt’s father had died, and Reiner’s mother being there hurt him too much, so they go back to Paradis, enjoying their lives away from the city.
As a way to silently pay back to the people of the island, and also due to Reiner’s love for children, they often volunteer in orphanages or help local schools and families, it does not take them long to adopt a boy and a girl.
Gabi and Falco visit them constantly, Gabi is the only way Reiner keeps contact with the rest of his family and she adores their children, Falco almost fainted when one of them called him uncle.
Marco lost an eye in Trost, even then, they both join the survey corps as a way to honor their lost comrades, any time he sees Marco during a mission Jean worries that he won’t be as lucky this time, and that Marco might die that day.
They were horrified when he discovered how deep the corruption in the military police went, more Marco than Jean, so once Historia becomes the queen they offer all the advice they can give about reforms to the military.
Post rumbling, they both settle down in a nice house where once was wall Sina, now tired from the battle, the only missions they do are negotiations between Paradis and the rest of the world, they are the first to retire.
Uri punches Kenny in the face when he discovered that he hid the fact that he had a nephew and abandoned him, it took a week of Kenny begging for Uri to talk to him again, now he adores Levi and finds it amusing how similar he is to Kenny.
They both love Historia and try to help her in any way they can with her labours as queen, Uri gives her advice and helps her to gain the trust of many important figures in Paradis and Kenny takes a more aggressive approach, threatening to kill anyone who questions her authority.
When Historia’s baby is born they go in full grandfather mode, once they met her they could not stop crying and at one point Uri had to try to take her away from Kennys arms, a pretty difficult task due to their height difference
They've been together for years, but only told their families after the female titan arc, Petra’s father felt pretty embarrassed about his earlier conversation with Levi, but didn’t tell their comrades as they felt pretty shy about it.
After the battle of Shiganshina Auruo proposed to her in front of everyone, holding a ring that belonged to his mother and had been holding on to for months now, the only one that wasn’t surprised with this was Levi.
Petra asked Levi to make a small speech at their wedding, which he surprisingly agreed to do, when he did he talked about how he knew Auruo liked Petra from the moment he saw them and how jealous he would get, and would intentionally assign them to the same tasks together by themselves so one of them finally dared to confess, by the time he returned to his table, both of their faces were completely red.
While Mike managed to hide from the best titan and come out unscarred, Nanaba was not so lucky, losing one of her legs at Utgard Castle and having to retire from the military.
During the uprising arc, Mike joined the new Levi squad and went into hiding, Nanaba became essential to collecting information behind the scenes, as she could easily go under the radar, so she stayed with Hange and Moblit.
When Mike returned from the battle of Shiganshina, Nanaba ran to him in her crutches and jumped into his arms as soon as she was close enough, and didn’t let go until she could convince herself that he really survived.
Seeing as her efforts to convince him to not join the survey corps were failing, Hitch just directly confessed her feelings to him as a last effort to save him, Marlowe told her he felt the same way, but he knew his destiny was with the scouts.
Both Marlowe and Floch survived the battle of Shiganshina, when Floch starts talking very sharply to the families of the deceased Marlowe shuts him up, when Hitch asks him why he is so determined to stop him he says “Imagine if I died and he said those things to you”.
Marlowe is captured by the jaegerists and couldn’t join the alliance, once Hitch manages to free him he expresses his frustration with not being able to go to battle, yet he is still happy that he does not have to leave Hitch one more time.
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
when i’m dreaming--calum hood oneshot
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yeah so i’m going through something so this is very, very self-indulgent. 
word count: 2.3k
warnings: drinking linked a little with coping, going through a depressive low, best friend!calum
feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
Calum notices something is wrong the minute she steps outside. He was about to take a drink of his white claw, but his eyes went to her nails when she pulled Crystal in for a hug. She typically paints them to match her mood and today they’re opalescent pink, barely noticeable but still there. In plain sight but still visible while she secretly wants to be invisible.
She smiles and cracks jokes with everyone she says hello to then when she steps in front of Calum, he sees the sadness in her eyes. They’ve been best friends for awhile now, they’ve shared secrets, stories of first loves and heartaches, their fears, their wildest dreams. But there was always something she kept hidden, tucked away in a box welded shut.
“Hey bud,” she sighs.
“Hey short stuff,” he grins playfully pulling her in for a hug. Her arms wrap around him and he makes sure to give her an extra tight squeeze.
“I’m not that short,” she grumbles in his chest.
“You’re shorter than me,” he reminds rubbing her shoulder with his thumb. Although her arms are loose around him he can feel the tension in her shoulders that she’s carrying.
“Stop hogging her! I haven’t seen her in weeks!” Ashton exclaims and Calum pulls away.
He knows it was too soon to break the hug but to keep up with her own façade he doubts anyone else sees, he does it.
“Hey, you’re the one who disappeared into the desert for all those weeks,” she jokes rising on her toes to loop her arms around Ashton’s neck.
He gives her a big bear hug that lifts her a few inches off the ground, Calum sees her nails digging into her arm as she squeezes him.
“Had to recenter myself, you should try it sometime,” Ashton teases right back. As if she was shocked, she removes herself from the hug then accepts a bottle of Mike’s from Luke.
“I can take something stronger than this, Hemmings,” she takes a large chug regardless.
“Yeah? Like tequila? I got some limes,” he jerks his thumb behind him towards the drink table.
“I said stronger not deadly. You know I can’t handle tequila,” she scrunches her nose.
Everyone else laughs but alarms are going off in Calum’s head.
“Yeah, the floor of my Tesla doesn’t like tequila either,” Michael chimes in with a tray of shots.
“I told you to pull over,” she shrugs lifting up a shot. She takes a whiff and nods in approval at his selected alcohol choice.
“I was going 75 on the freeway!”
“And that’s why I threw up. Ready?” she lifts her glass.
Calum meets her eyes as over the hands of their friends as Ashton gives an impromptu speech about friendship and long rides. He wasn’t really paying attention because when their eyes locked, he saw the panic, he saw the fear of whatever was going on in her head.
The next time he sees her is at the movies. Her eyes are darker along with her nails that are now a hunter’s green; camouflaged but still visible. While they’re waiting in line for snacks, he lifts her hand in his and runs his thumb over the color.
“This is a pretty color, I’ve never seen it on you before,” he says.
“Yeah, um…wanted to try something different,” she shrugs. “Do you want the blue icee?”
“Is that even a question?” he raises a brow, and she laughs.
Once they’re settled in the seats the previews start. Calum opens up the bags of sweet and sour treats while she opens the boxes of milk duds. The large bowl of popcorn (with extra butter) is settled between them, long red straws sticking out of their frozen drinks.
Throughout the whole movie, it’s an action romantic comedy, Calum keeps glancing at her. He watches her fingers disappear in the popcorn bowl, her hunter’s green nails appearing black in the dark theater. Calum’s seen enough movies to know this moment is foreshadowing the darkness she’s slipping into. He’s preparing himself for the fall but he’s not entirely sure she is.
Two weeks have gone by and he hasn’t seen her since the movie. Their schedules didn’t align so he decided to surprise her with takeout from her favorite Asian restaurant and chocolate cake from her favorite bakery.
When he opens the door, he hears Friends playing on her tv and he finds her horizontal on the couch. The hood of her sweatshirt is over her head, her arms wrapped around her torso, her black nails clutching the fabric.
Calum braces himself for what he’s walking into, sets the food on her counter and crouches in front of her. He pulls her hoodie back a little so he can see her face a bit better, her eyes are distant and staring off behind him.
“Hey,” he says softly then touches her hand. It’s very cold. “Y/N.”
Upon hearing her name does she finally look at him. Her eyes have filled and spilled with her tears in a matter of seconds. He links her fingers through his.
“Hi,” she mouths, her voice barely registering.
“Is this about…him?” he asks delicately.
About a year ago he chipped away at the welding on the box. He knows it involves a guy. He knows it’s about bad timing. He knows it’s about deep emotions.
She nods and the tears erupt more. She buries her face in her hands then adds another layer by hiding in the pillow.
“Nope, nope, hey,” he tugs on her arms. She’s pliant and allows him to drag her in a sitting position. He takes the place where her head was then brings her onto his lap. “I’ve got you, I’m right here.” He murmurs and pulls her hoodie down so he can rub at her hair.
She sobs loudly into his neck. Calum holds her as tight as he can, murmuring comforting words in her ear. Her sobs would subside, but he wouldn’t let go until she did. She’s very good at keeping her emotions at bay and even better at keeping people further away from her harbor. She doesn’t ask for help often, she doesn’t open up too much and when she does it’s always the footnoted version.
Three episodes of Friends later, her hold lessens, she gives a big sniff and peels herself away from Calum. He uses the sleeves of his shirt to wipe at her tears and nose.
“Have you eaten?” he asks, and she shakes her head. “I brought food. I’ll heat it up for you.”
She nods and falls back onto the couch. He rubs her knee then heads into the kitchen. When the food is prepared on plates he brings it to her and she takes it, scarfing down the first few bites heartily.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” she finally speaks when her plate is empty.
“I know,” he nods looking over at her until she meets his brown eyes. “It’s okay.”
Calum ends up staying the night, his mind reeling from what the history is with this mystery guy. His thoughts get away from him as he stares at the ceiling above the couch. Was he some celebrity that kept her under the radar and broke her heart repeatedly? A Prince from some far-off country that got her hopes up and crushed them again and again?
He’s tossing and turning until he hears the shower turn on. Sad songs play over and over on her speakers, her voice singing along with the yearning words. Ghostin’ by Ariana and When the Party’s Over by Billie replay one after another.
She’s really hurting.
Calum bounds off the couch and opens the bathroom door.
“Y/N?” he makes sure his voice is a little louder than the music.
A sniff. “Yeah?” her voice is thick.
“Just want you to know I’m here,” he shuts the door and sits next to the shower.
His heart aches when he hears her crying again, the vocals echo and bounce off the tiles. Her sadness fills the room just as it’s filled in the hidden box of the guy who’s making her feel this way.
Four more repeats go by and the shower is finally shut off. Calum scrambles off the floor, sees her tug the towel from the door of the shower. Her shadow figure wraps it around herself and she opens the door. Her skin is red from the hot water, as are her eyes and cheeks from crying more tears. He grabs another towel and helps dry her hair while she stands there avoiding her reflection in the mirror.
“It’s been five years, why do I still feel like this?” she asks quietly.
“It hurts the most when it meant something.”
He left the bathroom after he dried and brushed her hair then waited for her in her bedroom. There’s pictures on her desk from high school. Her and some guy at prom. Her and the same guy a little bit older posing in a selfie on a couch, drunken smiles on their faces. Her and the same guy a little older again posed outside.
This must be from that box. She’s cracked it open and Calum is staring at some of the pieces that have broken her wholly.
“His name’s Henry,” she explains suddenly behind him.
Calum turns to her voice. The drastic change from the happy girl in the photos to the sad girl before him startles him. He remains silent to let her speak or to go into silence again. She moves onto her bed, sitting in the center and tucks her legs against her chest.
“We never dated. But we were always…together. Together in the physical sense for four years,” she continues. Calum joins her cautiously on the bed and listens. “Back and forth always. After every relationship we fell back into each other. He’s the longest relationship I’ve had, and it wasn’t even a real one.
“We cared about each other, and…I think he loved me. Time wasn’t on our side. It was too much or too little, I don’t know,” she shrugs. “Just when I think I’ve let go; I dream of him. Then he’s on my mind for days. And now this time…” she shakes her head and Calum pulls her against him. “I went on socials and I found out that he um…he’s a dad now. And I feel so stupid because that could have been me if we kept what we had. I feel stupid because a part of me wanted it to be me.”
Calum doesn’t fully understand the ins and outs of their relationship, but four years of physical affection and a rock to lean on, that’s a lot of history. He also doesn’t fully understand how this guy didn’t make it official with Y/N. She’s the perfect best friend with a big heart.
Calum wishes he knew her in school because he would have been the one to take her to prom. He would have been the one take her to movies and dinners and surprise her with flowers. He would have made it official rather than keep her guessing.
“I’m really going through it and I don’t know how to get out,” she whispers sadly.
“I think…” Calum heaves a big sigh and kisses her wet head. “I think you’re just cracking the surface of breaking free. I can tell he meant a lot to you and you meant a lot to him. Even if he never said it, you’ll always be a part of him just like he’ll be a part of you. Someone that important won’t just poof away.”
“But I want him to, it hurts.”
“I know it does, sweetheart. I’ll help you in any way I can, okay?”
“You’re so understanding and you’re so good, but I don’t want to cry over another guy when you’re here.”
“That’s what best friends do.”
She turns her head and gazes up at him. He notices the storm in her eyes aren’t as dark, her lips are chapped from the cracking of memories she spilled out.
“Calum, you’re more than my best friend.”
He hears a deeper truth in her statement, and it causes his breathing to quicken. The subtle yet very noticeable flick of her eyes to his lips causes him to react. He gives her a quick peck, but that smallest touch sent an enormous shock through his system.
They settle against her pillows, the kiss wasn’t awkward, but it filled them both with questions. Questions that will be answered at a different time because right now he wants to hear this most vulnerable part of her life. She takes his hand in hers first and plays with his fingers while she talks.
He makes comments and asks questions to try and understand a bit more. Calum kisses her head when her voice starts to shake. Hours go by and the sky starts to lighten, birds are awakening.
“Hey,” she says right as he’s about to fall asleep. They talked all night, but she quieted down about twenty minutes.
“Hm?” he opens his eyes.
“We match.”
He looks down at their intertwined fingers when she taps on his nail. His polish is chipped away from chewing on a hangnail then smiles at the black color. He lifts their hands and kisses their knuckles.
“I feel what you feel.”
“What exactly do you feel?”
“I felt you slipping. I can sense your emotions when no one else can, and I guess I painted my nails subconsciously because I didn’t want you to be alone in the dark,” he explains. She’s quiet for a moment and he thinks she really fell asleep this time.
“Thank you. I don’t think I’ll be this bad again.”
“If you are, I’ll be here. I’ll always be here.”
“Hmm?” he sighs. It’s getting harder to keep his eyes open, but he doesn’t want her to stop talking. He doesn’t want her out of his arms.
“When I’m dreaming tonight it will be of you.”
Taglist: @calpalirwin @myloverboyash @loveroflrh @cxddlyash @princesslrh @spicylftv @notinthesameguey @itjustkindahappenedreally @calumance @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @sarcastically-defensive17 @another-lonely-heart @devilatmydoor @thatscooibaby @suchalonelysunflower @dead-and-golden @mymindwide @blackbutterfliescal @redrattlers @karajaynetoday @quasighost @i-like-5sos @creampiecashton @calpops​ @littledrummeraussie​ @sexgodashton​ @f-mu​
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5 Favorite First Viewings of July 2021
Quick note: Hi everyone, I'm back, things have honestly been getting better for me, and I'm glad to be on this site full of cinephiles, people that are too horny, and cinephiles that are too horny. I'll be more active on here. But anyway, let's talk about some movies.
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970) (dir. Russ Meyer)
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CW: Abortion mention
What a picture. What a gorgeous, sexy, horrifying slice of what Hollywood and star life can do to a bunch of bright-eyed young people looking for success. Also is a critique of how macho nature can ruin friendships and romantic relationships with total ease. I was obsessed with the scene transitions, like Pet pouring pancake mix onto a plate after the abortion scene, or Kelly singing after someone screams before their murder in the opening scene.
Great, campy flick with exceptional music too.
Deep Cover (1992) (dir. Bill Duke)
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Laurence Fishburne plays Russell Stevens, a Cincinnati police officer who hopes to do well by the community, to make a difference. He’s traumatized by the death of his substance-abusing father, and wants to make sure that he can help the people of his own town. He goes undercover on assignment as a drug dealer, where his boss orders him to take down the kingpin. Stevens realizes the police’s own failings while on assignment. The racist abuse he takes from Agent Carver, and the realization that the police department is protecting drug kingpins like Gallegos and Barbossa. Giving drugs to Black kids and Latinx kids so there will be less of them. The cops are no different than the drug kingpins looking to make filthy amounts of money.
Fishburne’s performance is excellent, as Stevens feels he has to maintain a stone face so he doesn’t get caught by Jason or Barbossa or any of his cronies, but also he maintains a stone face to try and hide his emotion, his trauma. But when he gets pissed, Fishburne acts it beautifully, as is when he has to deliver a funny quip to counter Jason’s douchebaggery. And the production design, holy fuck, the sets and the lighting.
A perfect neo-noir for the HW Bush years, arguably one of the most timeless commentaries on the era, as well as the police as a whole.
Fast Five (2011) (dir. Justin Lin)
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I was torn between including this or Furious 7, but I ultimately went with Fast Five because it felt like an important turning point in the series, it's a great heist film, and it reached the same chaotic highs and genuinely excellent filmmaking that I had been waiting for since 2 Fast and Tokyo Drift.
Fast Five opens where Fast & 4ious left off. Dom is hauled away to prison on a bus. Mia and Brian drive in their high-tech cars and knock the bus over, helping Dom escape. The title drops. Fast Five. It’s such an intense yet short action scene, and dropping the title immediately after it lets the viewer know that this movie is not fucking around. It’s arguably gonna be more intense and insane than the previous one.
And it is. The filmmakers made the decision to use a lot more practical stunt work for the film, and as a result, it leads to, so far, the best action in the entire series, since 2 Fast and Tokyo Drift. It’s not just how it’s shot or edited, it’s the geography of the locations, the rooftop chase echoes the rooftop chase of Jackie Chan’s masterwork Police Story, particularly the way each character bounces from top to top.
And of course, there’s the silliest moment in the movie, the one that matches the intensity and kineticism of a film like 2 Fast, which is driving the Reyes’ bank vault throughout the street, getting chased by corrupt cops.
I know we make fun of Vin Diesel for saying “family” all the time in these films, but there’s a reason we remember him saying all of these impassioned monologues. Because he’s unbelievably sincere, and has so much love in his heart for every single person in the room. Anytime he delivers a speech to any of them, it’s genuinely heartwarming.
This is the film that finally shows La Familia in their best environment, which is working together, in a movie genre that allows them to work together, which is a heist film. And a great one at that.
Last Days (2005) (dir. Gus Van Sant)
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CW: Mention of suicide
Several films have been made about legendary rock artist Kurt Cobain, and for good reason. He is one of the most tragic figures in rock and roll. A tortured genius who has written and performed classic song after classic song with his band Nirvana. He was called the voice of a generation, and helped change the face of mainstream alternative rock music as we know it. But with that fame, and all of those expectations came a worsening depression and further drug abuse, and his eventual death. But most of the films about Kurt Cobain ask one question which gets under my skin way too much:
It was him. He did. And it’s okay, I’m sad too. Thinking that Kurt Cobain was murdered is completely ignoring the depression that he faced. And despite Last Days being more inspired by the death of Cobain rather than actually about it, it feels much more honest than the conspiracy documentaries on his death, wanting to leech off of his dead body.
This is the last installment of Gus Van Sant’s “Death Trilogy”, the previous two installments being Gerry (2001), and Elephant (2003). While I have not seen Gerry, I have seen Elephant though, and love that film for its minimalist, raw nature, and its boldness for not romanticizing the school shooter or the lives they had taken. Last Days falls into that trap once, as I don’t agree with the shot of Blake’s soul climbing up a ladder, that always struck me as cheesy in a film that is anything but.
Last Days is similar to Elephant in terms of the way it is filmed. Its usage of long takes, and still shots of characters doing various things, such as Blake playing his guitar behind a drum set. The way these moments are shot is similar to a Chantal Akerman film, particularly Jeanne Dielman. Where the acts of the mundane are the stars of the film. Blake wanders around an empty house, and the viewer can feel the pain, not just through Michael Pitt’s acting, but from the house itself. Its decay, its paint peeling from the walls, from the soft glow of the lamp that lights his face.
I say this is the most honest film about Kurt Cobain, because, despite the characters technically being fictional (the main character who looks, walks, and acts like Cobain is named Blake), this film focuses on the mental state of a person before they eventually take their own life. They’re still working, still making music, still trying to talk to friends and bandmates, but the depression lingers on. Not once does this film try to make you believe that someone else killed him, because you can see the signs of his own suicide taking place just through the film’s excellent cinematography by Harris Savides, showing his mental state only growing worse through the production design.
And it’s empathetic with him. There’s no judgement for leaving rehab, there’s no finger-wagging at him or the people he was with, there’s just a silent prayer at the end of the film, hoping that he is in a better place than he was.
Sometimes you don’t need to show every event that led you to where you are, all you can show is the moment, which also makes this better than most biopics as well, as it never feels messy or muddled, just showing one moment of Blake/Kurt’s life.
I really loved this film, and I’ll be writing about it in full soon.
The Village (2004) (dir. M. Night Shyamalan)
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The Cracked.com/Channel Awesome audience stuck in 2012 will tell you that this was the beginning of the end for Shyamalan. That this was when people stopped taking him seriously, that this was when he became more of a punchline because of his twist endings.
But why?
The Village was released in 2004, deep in the Bush administration, during the early stages of the Iraq War. The leaders of the time were talking about imaginary boogeymen, terrorists that would attack the civilians if they could. Because of 9/11, politicians could get away with these false ideas with the majority of Americans fully believing them. The boogeymen in The Village are “The People We Don’t Speak Of”, monsters attracted by the color red. Yet we find out that they are all costumes made by the Elders of the land, designed to prevent people from going outside the land. They rule by fear disguised as love. They’ve gone through their own traumas through the deaths of their family members, but they’ve decided to completely abandon the lives that they’ve had and have their children living lies.
9/11 impacted American life by teaching citizens to live primarily by fear, to not trust anyone but their own people. And yet, post-9/11, all that increased was not “coming together”, but hate crimes against South Asian people. The rage white Americans had felt led to conservative politicians pushing fear-mongering agendas, and said white Americans blindly accepted. The outside world was progressing, but too many people were fine with living with further conservative politics only regressing American life further and further back, all for the illusion of safety. Meanwhile, the only threats to them were not the brown citizens outside of America they were so afraid of, but the white elders, the white politicians.
The Village explores these fears so eloquently, all while having a terrifying atmosphere, an enchanting score, and brilliant sound design. I enjoyed this movie very much.
Other viewings I enjoyed:
Beavis and Butt-Head Do America (1996) (dir. Mike Judge) (re-watch)
Blow Out (1981) (dir. Brian de Palma) (re-watch)
Clueless (1995) (dir. Amy Heckerling) (re-watch)
Furious 7 (2015) (dir. James Wan)
The Long Goodbye (1973) (dir. Robert Altman)
Lupin III: The First (2019) (dir. Takashi Yamazaki)
Unbreakable (2000) (dir. M. Night Shyamalan) (re-watch)
Velvet Goldmine (1998) (dir. Todd Haynes)
The Visit (2015) (dir. M. Night Shyamalan)
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june-louise · 4 years
A rarity of a moment
Fan fiction about Elizabeth and Philip from The Crown (set sometime after 1x06), just because I ship them and felt the urge to write a little something for the first time in years. 
Elizabeth gave a small sigh as she picked up the speech she was supposed to give in a few hours. She hoped the changes she instructed had been added to the notes and as she read through the appropriate and well induced sentences about the opening of the children’s centre in Nottingham, she smiled to herself as she discovered that this time the speech actually felt quite good. Perhaps it had something to do with the passionate and driven men and women who has initiated this important installation, she pondered as her eyes flickered through the speech. Her fingers played with the pearls around her neck as she memorised the words best she could even though her eyes were quite tired after hours of paperwork already. The last couple of months had been a whirlwind of work and there had been little time to reflect on the life-changing turn her whole life had taken when becoming the Queen of England. One day at a time, tackling one task at a time had been made her epigraph.
A knock on the wooden door disturbed her focus and Michael apologetically joined her temporary office. “Sorry to disturb, your Majesty.”
Elizabeth briefly looked up. “What is it, Michael?”
Her private secretary uncomfortably cleared his throat. “It’s the Duke, ma’am.” His words made Elizabeth abandon the speech and lift her gaze to the man approaching her desk.  “Apparently his Royal Highness and Mr Avison Parker has been in a small car accident. No major injuries reportedly, but-” he paused and nervously studied her reaction. Elizabeth lifted her eyebrow, her lips tight as she gave him her full concentration, the icy blue in her eyes giving way to no emotion. She had become some expert of concealing her true feelings. Michael continued, “caution has been made and they are both with the doctor. It seems as if Mr Avison Parker has injured his arm and ribcage, while His Royal Highness luckily escaped any injuries. Unfortunately, the press has taken notice, but we are working on it, ma’am, so it will hopefully not make it into tomorrow’s papers.”
Elizabeth tightened her jaw. “I see,” she began and stood from the chair by the desk, straightening her skirt before walking toward the window. Rain smattered against the glass, the wind strong outside.
“We have arranged for a phone call, ma’am.” Michael gestured to the phone placed next to the abandoned notes on the desk.
Elizabeth felt her arms tighten, taking a deep breath as she contained her emotions. “Yes, of course.” She walked up to the desk yet again and paused when reaching for the phone. “Thank you, Michael.” The man gave a nod before leaving the room, carefully closing the doors behind him, off to make sure the issue was being handled properly.
She took a deep breath before lifting the phone to her ear. “Yes,” she said with the voice of a true aristocrat.
“Elizabeth,” her husband carefully started on the other end of the phone, his voice sounding quite small. “I am sorry. I am fine.”
“So I hear.”
“We were just driving, and some idiot had placed a bicycle in the middle of the road. Mike made sure I was protected and pretty much took the whole hit himself, poor boy.”
She let him talk for a few more moments, his excuses not moving her in the slightest. “Elizabeth?” Philip tried after a while when noticing that she had yet to say another word. “You still there?”
“Had you been drinking,” she suddenly blurted out, voice annoyed and accusing. When there was no immediate respond, she continued. “Of course you had. What were you thinking? Have you any idea to what extent this could cause a scandal,” she spat, her voice harsh and menacing. “They already hate us and are just waiting for us to make a mistake. We cannot afford to make mistakes, Philip.”
“I know,” he got out before she continued, interrupting his apologies, once again letting him know that she was Queen and he was not.
“You really should know better. Do you even think about your children and what your reckless behaviour could lead to, them not growing up with a father.” She knew she was crossing a line and was acting quite mean, but she could not stop herself, the anger consuming her entire being. Did he not understand what pressure she already was under, what scrutiny their lives were doomed to hold? She refused to let him or anyone else, let alone Mike, jeopardize the monarchy or their family like this.  
Philip took his opportunity to interrupt when she paused to breathe, letting her know his hurt feelings. “I told you I was sorry. And quite frankly, I was hoping you at least be happy I was not hurt. But guess I was hoping for too much from my wife.”  He spoke the last word with an irritated and hurt spat and continued. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I shall speak to the doctor. See you when you get home.”
Before she could reply he had ended their call and Elizabeth was left standing with the silent phone held to her ear. She felt a sting of hurt but quickly brushed it off, composing herself and putting the phone down while returning to her seat by the desk and the speech. She was queen after all, and composure was her expertise.
 While the rain smattered onto the umbrella being held over her head, Elizabeth curled her lips into a content smile as she welcomed the applause from the crowd in front of her. As true Englishmen, no one seemed too bothered by the weather as they clapped while the rainfall caused their coats and hats to turn into a darker shade of grey and black. It was in these moments she felt proud of her country and seeing all these people gathered, not only to meet and listen to her, but to celebrate the hard work of this fine children’s centre the whole community had helped create in a common belief and hope of the future.
Making her way down the stage, ushered through the crowd stopping every once in a while to shake hands and be introduced to left and right, thanked and cheered she kept her head high and her smile as bright as she could. These people deserved it, they deserved to be seen by their sovereign.
“Thank you for coming, your Majesty,” they said with a bow or a curtsey.
As she made her way closer to the awaiting car, Elizabeth’s eyes caught onto a blonde woman who seemed to be her own age. She approached the woman who gave her a kind smile.
“Hello,” Elizabeth said in her most charming voice.
The blonde woman made curtsey respectfully before speaking, her voice revealing a gentleness which made the queen soften. “It’s an honour to meet you, your Majesty.”
“Likewise,” Elizabeth smiled, with a hint of uncomfortableness as she shook the woman’s dainty hand.
“If I may, ma’am,” the blonde carefully started with obvious shyness yet determination. “I would like to tell you that I have always admired you so. We are the same age, you see, and I married my husband the same year as your Royal wedding. I was so proud to be his wife.” The woman beamed, and Elizabeth could not help but reciprocate the gesture.
“Thank you,” Elizabeth replied, and not sure what to say but wanting to give the kind woman something, she continued. “Congratulations then on your 6th anniversary this year.”
The woman’s hazel eyes saddened for a moment but then lit up again while she spoke. “Sadly, I lost my husband a year ago. But I am always reminded of him, and all our happy times, whenever I see you, your Majesty, and your husband. Thank you for reminding me of him, and for giving us all such joy.”
For a quick moment Elizabeth let an insecure and vulnerable look escape her strong façade, and she gave a sad smile. “I am so sorry.”
“Don’t be, ma’am. We had good years, and we have a little boy who looks just like his father.” There was something angelic over the woman’s face and Elizabeth envied her joy, at the same time as she pitied her painful loss.
Taking her hand into her gloved one yet again, Elizabeth gave it a light press before letting go and being ushered into the car. As the car drove away, she made one last wave to the people, and watched the blonde woman through the back window. It was rare that she met with strangers like this anymore, she thought and pondered about the small conversation she had just had.  
An hour later Elizabeth was all dressed up in a sapphire dress, as she joined a dinner held at the city hall. She tried her best to keep her appearance, as she always must, but felt her thoughts more than once drift back to the woman she had met and the words she had spoken about her husband. Elizabeth felt a sting of guilt for having her husband safe and sound, while this obviously wonderful woman had lost hers. Yet the woman had had such a grateful and positive way of being, while Elizabeth acted cold and dismissive toward her husband.
She and Philip for sure had had their problems since her entering the throne, but lately it all seemed to have become worse. They barely saw each other, and when they did it was often during formalities or in argument over something. She could not remember the last time they had shared an evening together, or even yet shared bed. It was all so complicated, living a married life in Buckingham palace.
She made a deep sigh of relief as the dinner finally ended and localised Michael where he stood by the corner of the ballroom. “I want to go home, Michael. Please arrange for me to go home as soon as possible.” Her words came as a bit of a surprise to her, the spontaneity to have made such a drastic decision before she even had come to understand why she felt such an urge to return home at this late hour being somewhat unusual.
Michael, if feeling the same surprise, hid it well and simply nodded and made his way to make the arrangements while the queen paid the respects and thanked everyone for the warm welcome and the wonderful dinner, ever the daunting queen.
The familiar smell of portraits and perfectly polished carpets filled her nose as she climbed the stairs to her private quarters. She had dismissed her maid, making sure everyone leave her and Philip alone for the night.
Closing the dark wooden doors behind her, she let out a shaky breath and stepped out of her shoes as to not make any noise to wake Philip who was asleep since a few hours already. The clock on the wall let her know it was a good few hours past midnight. Philip’s door to their adjoining hall was open and she quietly stepped into his bedroom. It was embedded in darkness except from the moon sweeping a dim light through the window curtains.
Philip was sound asleep she heard, his soft breathing being the only noise filling the room. He had never been a snorer, even after nights out drinking, and she was reminded of how long it had been since she has listened to him sleep. She carefully stepped closer to his bed, cautious not to make the old wooden floor creak.
It was not like her to give into this urge to see him, lately she did not even know if she had felt this urge. Yet now it was there. Something about the woman losing her husband and speaking of their happy years, reminded her of her own affection to Philip. An affection which was always there, even though she had not let it bother her lately. Now though, it felt as if it consumed her.
Philip, her Philip, in his navy blue pyjamas never looked more sweet. The way he was so still and quiet reminded her of happier times. Of years lost to duty and sacrifice.  
She felt her throat thicken, swallowed and as not to wake him up she quietly made her way back to her own bedroom.
Undressing from the dress she had insisted to keep on in order to save time, she got rid of her stockings and undergarments. She lifted the white nightgown over her head and removed the jewellery, wanting to get rid of all the things Elizabeth the queen had to wear.
She made her way to her dressing table to remove her makeup. While moving her fingers over her face in the well-practiced routine, her eyes are caught on the one jewel that she had kept on, glimmering in the mirror. Her engagement ring. She never takes it off, even after all these years and even after all the fights. It is her most beloved possession. It represents who she was when she was someone to fall in love with, to choose this life with despite all of the sacrifices. She needs to remind herself of that girl, Lilibet, because sometimes she seems so far away these days.
As she sees a glimpse of that girl in the mirror, hot tears form in her eyes, and she closes them shut while gently tugging at the ring on her finger. A single tear find itself down the alabaster skin of her cheek. The words from before tug at her heart. “I married my husband the same year as your Royal wedding. I was so proud to be his wife.”
An urge to go to her husband fill her entire body and she rises, wiping her tear and dabbing at her eyes before abandoning her room to again open the adjoining doors. She pushes her pride aside and open the doors to Philip’s room for the second time that night.
Greeted by darkness, she must wait for a few moments before her eyes get used to the surroundings and she can see the form of her husband on the bed. She can hear his soft breathing and walks close, stepping out of her slippers and carefully sit on the bed, bringing her legs up under her. Philip does not move so she gently lift her hand to brush against his where is rests on top of the covers. She has always adored his strong body and been a victim under his touch. As her fingers dance over his hand, up over his arm and back again, Philip moves and rolls onto his side, burying his head deeper into the pillow. He looks so innocent when he sleeps, she thinks and tries to remember the last time she studied him like this. She cannot remember. She has missed it. To be near him like this. They seldom sleep in the same bed anymore. Most nights she does not think much about it, but every once in a while, when she goes to bed without him, when he is god knows where out with Mike, a sadness lingers over her. She does miss her husband, and the days where they would share bed every night.  
“I am always reminded of him, and all our happy times, whenever I see you, your Majesty, and your husband.”
The thought of losing the man sound asleep beside her, makes her heart ache. Not only the accident which could have been far worse, but the fact that her position as queen has sent Philip away from her to a place where he is happier without her causes the wetness to return to her eyes. Lifting the covers, Elizabeth carefully slips underneath, and curls close to the only person in the world her heart belongs to and has ever belonged to. Her forehead rest against his and she clings her hand to his, bringing it to her lips and pressing a tender kiss against the soft skin. The action causes Philip to stir and as he wakens, he opens his eyes, confused at first.
“Elizabeth,” he murmurs in question and blinks the sleep from his eyes. Blue eyes meet each other there in the bedroom, for the first time in very long. “Why aren’t you in Nottingham?”
She swallows and shifts on the bed, her gaze falling on his entangled hand in hers. She watches his fingers intertwine with hers and feel him shift slightly so that his other arm moves around her body, gently pulling her against him so that he lays on his back and she is rolled against him on her side. Feeling her throat thicken again and the hotness burn behind her eyes, Elizabeth cannot make a sound in fear of bursting into tears. “I’m sorry,” she finally mouths in a whisper and release a shaky breath while lifting her gaze to meet his.
She is met by a rare gentleness in his eyes and she feels more vulnerable than she has felt in a long time. She cannot make herself say the words but hope her eyes can signal her apology. Philip, too, is a proud man and their communication is seldom made with many words. Yet she feels as if she should say something, anything, to make him understand the way she feels. Her lip suddenly quivers, and she curses her inability to control her emotions. “I miss you,” she releases and gives into the sob that bangs at her chest for release. Her vision gets blurry and she finds herself embraced into the warmth and comfort of her Philip, strong arms wrapping around her and soft lips pressing a kiss to her head as she rests her face into the crook of his neck. She is filled with his scent and with every shaky inhale it fills her up with a calmness and comfort she has not given herself permission to need lately.
“I miss you, too, my Lilibet,” Philip whispers into her hair.
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mourntheantagonist · 4 years
Steve and Billy going camping with Max n the Party and all Billy wants to do is get in a tent with Steve
Hey I’m here thirty years later!
I had a lot of fun with this one so I hope this is kind of in the realm of what you wanted!!!
read on ao3
How a gaggle of fourteen year olds managed to convince Steve to take them all on a weekend camping trip was beyond him. Okay maybe it wasn’t. All it took was El’s signature pout and Steve was as good as gone. The real shocker however, is how they managed to convince Billy Hargrove of all people to tag along as well.
He’d heard from Max that their relationship had been slowly improving ever since that night at the Byers, and he’d have to agree with Max that Billy had truly become less hostile as the months passed. But this was the first time he’s ever seen Billy acting so brotherly.
Steve had driven the male party members out into the woods, while Billy, Max, and El had driven separately. The three were late, of course. But Steve’s not quite sure he can exactly pin that on Billy. El is definitely poor when it comes to punctuality. 
They couldn’t actually set up shop until the others arrived, seeing as they were supposed to select the chosen spot together. But as he watched the seconds tick by on his watch he grew more and more impatient he was close to saying fuck it and making it a boys only trip. That was until, seemingly on cue, the familiar roar of the Camaro echoed through the trees.
Watching Billy step out from the driver's seat was the first reminder that he hadn’t actually seen Billy in a while. Because so much had changed. His hair was less disheveled and chaotic as he remembered. But way curlier. It was slightly lighter too. The arrival of summer brought out the natural highlights in his hair. But it wasn’t just his appearance that had changed. Instead of exiting the car with the slam of his foot, the flick of a cigarette, and a predatory look… he was laughing. Laughing along with El and Max about something entirely unknown, and when asked, wasn’t revealed.
If Steve hadn’t let himself grow increasingly annoyed over the past fifteen minutes he stood there waiting, he might’ve cared to know. But the sun was beating down, he’d had to listen to Mike and Dustin argue about some Star Trek nonsense for the duration of the drive along with the time spent waiting, and he was starving. 
“You’re late.” Steve said dryly.
“That’s my fault,” Billy replied with some residual laughter from whatever was so funny. “I forgot to counter in Hopper’s 20 minute ‘protect my kid’ speech when I went to pick up El.”
“Well I’m starving. So let’s find a spot, and let’s find it quickly.” Steve probably should’ve tried at least a little to tone down his irritation.
“Someone’s in a mood.” Max says under her breath, causing El to break out into another fit of giggles.
The gang decided not to test their luck against a hungry Steve Harrington. Especially not one wielding a baseball bat coated in rusty nails. So they piled all their camping supplies onto their backs and hauled ass through the woods.
After only ten minutes of searching, they stumbled across a nice clearing just 50 feet off the lake with a picnic table and fire pit already set up for them. Perfect.
The guys started by setting up their tents, while El and Max worked on gathering twigs for the fire. Dustin has meticulously established the sleeping arrangements. Five small tents. Eleven with Max, Dustin with Will, Lucas with Mike, and Billy and Steve alone in their own separate tents. It’s the perfect set up so long as Lucas doesn’t bring up any conversation regarding Empire Strikes Back being anything lower than number one out of the entire trilogy. Because then there would be chaos.
But when is Mike not the problem?
After getting set up, they finally got to break out some delicious ham and swiss sandwiches (courtesy of Claudia Henderson), and Steve was finally entering into a better mood.
He couldn’t entirely credit the sandwich however, because something about this new and improved Billy warmed something inside of him. He was less abrasive and more relaxed. He wasn’t trying to prove anything to anyone and instead was allowing himself to have a good time. Teasing his sister rather than tormenting her. Tossing knowing looks towards Lucas rather than threatening ones. Okay scratch that. They were definitely threatening. But more playful. The typical older brother spiel. The ‘you hurt her, I’ll rip your throat out through your ears’ kind of thing. And he was actually trying to make conversation with him. Only slightly poking fun at him every now and then. Not for the purposes of taunting, instead just his typical charm showing through.
“So what you been up to this summer? Haven’t seen you since graduation.”
“I’ve been working at Scoops Ahoy in the new mall. Not much else really.”
Billy took another bite of his sandwich and nodded. “I recently got hired on at the pool. Teaching lessons and life guarding. Saving up for when I go out to college in the fall.” He didn’t swallow the bite before speaking. New and improved Billy didn’t have table manners he guesses.
“Oh really? Where you headed to?”
“Full ride at USC.” Billy let out a hollow laugh. “Dad’s pissed I’m not enlisting.”
Steve picked up on the way Billy’s smile faltered at the mention of his Dad. He’d remembered Max mentioning once or twice about how her step-father was an asshole. For fucks sake Billy got a full ride to a prestigious university and his Dad is upset about that? He couldn’t even get into Tech. 
“I think it’s awesome.” Steve finally said. “I didn’t get accepted anywhere so I’m probably going to end up going to work for my Dad at his company.”
Apparently Steve let his disappointment show in the last statement. 
“Shit that sucks man. Dads are shit.”
Steve lets his mouth twitch upward into a smile. He looks back down at his almost finished sandwich and lets out a slight chuckle.
“Yeah. Dads are shit.”
- : -
After they all finished up their late lunches, the kids decided to move the party away from the table and into the lake. They walked along the lake shore for maybe a quarter of a mile before finding an abandoned rope swing attached to a tree directly next to deep waters. Steve and Billy both notice as Max gets this fire in her eye and neither adult bothers stopping her before pushing an unexpecting Lucas into the water. The whole group bursts into laughter as he makes the splash, well everyone except of course for Lucas.
But quickly the rest of them joined him in the water. All of them swinging in by the rope. Surprisingly the most timid out of all of them was Steve himself, who in a moment of desperation had to have Billy give him a push. 
Billy followed him in with a much larger splash than he had previously achieved. But it wasn’t a competition or anything.
Billy emerged from the water like a fucking mermaid. Graceful. His hair was completely saturated in water yet his curls still managed to pack a punch. He glistened under the rays of the sun and with the reflection of the water beneath him. Steve felt chills up and down his entire body as he watched him float away on his back. Watching as his chiseled chest rose and fell with every breath and the light from the sun reflected off of the water droplets on his sun kissed skin. He would just excuse it for the cool temperature of lake water.
But it wasn’t that cold to be completely honest. It’s June. One of the hottest months of the year and the weather is peaking at nearly 100 degrees. The water feels perfect in actuality. 
Steve swims around for a bit with the boys, plays a couple rounds of Marco Polo, and then excuses himself to lie out on the shore. He watches as they all have a blast. Lucas and Max are basically trying to drown Mike. Will and Dustin are competing to see who can hold their breath underwater the longest. Will has been cheating the entire time and Dustin has absolutely no clue. Billy and El are off in the corner. He’s picking her up and tossing her into the water. They both appear to be having a really good time. Billy is surprisingly really good with El. He’s actually pretty good with all of the kids all things considered. Something must’ve happened when he wasn’t looking because he seemed to be the only one to bat an eye at the mentioning that Billy Hargrove would be joining them on the trip. 
Steve inspected the time and decided to give the kids their 15 minute warning. Sun set was inching closer and they still had other preparations. He watched as Max swam over to where El and Billy were and after watching them exchange a couple sentences, Billy swam away and towards where Steve sat on the shore. 
Billy pushed himself out of the water and dried himself off with a towel. He wrung out his hair and secured the wet mess of curls up with a purple scrunchie. He threw his sweatshirt on, zipper remaining undone showing off his exposed chest, and he plopped down next to Steve. 
Oh boy. Steve hopes Billy didn’t notice the fact that he was staring at him that entire time.
“So what’s the plan for the rest of tonight Stevie?”
Steve feigned annoyance at the nickname (though it secretly made him embarrassingly giddy). “Well we’re going to roast some hot dogs and make some s’mores and hang around the fire before bed.”
“Sounds like a plan Harrington.”
An uncomfortable silence grows from there. The two of them sitting side by side looking out at the lake in front of them. Nothing but the sounds of splashing water and giggling teenagers. Billy is picking at the grass. Thinking. Steve might say he even looks nervous.
“I’m sorry about last November.” Billy doesn’t look up from where it’s pointing towards the overgrown blades of dead grass. 
It’s not the snarky and forced apology he was expecting. To be completely honest he never did expect one. Seven months had passed since it happened and not a single word from Billy. He just left him alone like his sister demanded.
“I’ve wanted to apologize before. But I wasn’t in a great place and didn’t want to screw it up. I probably already did by taking so long.” He took a deep breath and finally looked up. Eyes focused on the lake and avoiding Steve’s gaze. “I needed to make sure I was apologizing for the right reasons. Not just to get my sister off my back or to somehow make myself feel better about what I did to your face. I needed to apologize so that you knew that I was sorry. And I needed to be okay with you not forgiving me for it. So that’s why I’m saying it now.”
 Billy finally looks over at Steve who has been staring at Billy with wide eyes. It’s weird, because when Steve thinks about it, he kind of forgave him a long time ago. Because yeah, what Billy did was shitty, but not completely unfounded. He’s been underneath someone like that, barreling into him without care, more than once. It would have been easy to say Billy and his interaction was nothing like what he had with Jonathan Byers. Billy was actually a bad guy. 
But that’s the thing. He really wasn’t. Not after everything happened. 
He wasn’t outwardly kind. But he didn’t start shit. He minded his own business and moved through high school the same way everyone else did. And after hearing Max and Dustin and El vouch for him to come on this trip, well that sort of just sealed the deal. He forgave him before he even apologized.
But here he was. Apologizing. And for some reason Steve was rethinking ever forgiving him. It made no sense. But somehow actually knowing and believing Billy was actually sorry made forgiveness harder. Like in his mind it was easier because Billy didn’t get to know that he was forgiven. He was scared by telling Billy that he would be justifying what he did. 
So Steve doesn’t respond. And he can tell that Billy’s upset about it. It’s only been ten minutes but he decides to call the kids out of the water anyway.
- : -
The sun was setting and everyone had gathered around the campfire to roast marshmallows. Things had been ever so tense between Steve and Billy ever since their conversation at the lake. No one else seemed to notice though. 
It was easy to distract himself from Billy’s saddened state by watching as Dustin set his marshmallow on fire. Every time without fail. Max wasn’t roasting hers, just eating the marshmallows straight out of the bag because she doesn’t like graham crackers. Billy was intently making the most golden brown marshmallow for El because she didn’t know how to properly roast her own. It was really sweet. Billy seemed happy to do it but at the same time he had that lingering gloomy look on his face that would come in and out of existence.
Steve felt a little bad because he did that. Yeah, it’s the guy who nearly killed him, but he didn’t want to make him sad. 
He brightened up a little bit when the bickering began between Dustin and Mike. This was the reason they couldn’t share a tent. Max, El, and Billy moved into their own conversation out of earshot while Steve tried to calm down an overly enthusiastic Dustin.
When the argument ended Billy was looking to be in a much better mood than before. It was a little odd. They noticed the fire starting to dim so Max and El quickly excused themselves to go gather some more twigs from the forest. 
Billy was poking at the fire with a stick, trying to keep it alive (masking a developing smirk on his face).
“Hey Steve!!” Max’s voice echoes. “There’s a gaping hole in your tent!” 
El is stifling a laugh. Steve doesn’t seem to notice.
Steve rushes over to inspect the damage and yeah, it’s a gaping hole alright. His entire body could fit through it. How did he not notice it earlier?
“Goddamnit!” Steve curses the air.
“I’m sure Billy wouldn’t mind sharing!” El says, albeit, a little too excitedly.
Steve looks over to Billy who is still poking at the fire. “Yeah. I got room, I don’t mind.” 
And now Steve can’t just say no. He’d have to give a reason and well… he’s kind of strapped for an alternative so, Billy’s tent it is.
- : -
They stay by the campfire until the sun has completely set and the fire has gone out on its own. They broke out a couple of Beers and after several minutes of constant begging Steve caved and let the party have a small amount of beer each, poured into a red solo cup.
“This tastes like shit.” Dustin made a ridiculous face.
“Still better than New Coke.” Mike chimed in.
Billy helped Steve carry his things over to Billy’s tent. It was extremely awkward. Billy hadn’t really said a word to Steve the entire time and now they were supposed to sleep side by side in a pretty compact space? This should be fun.
An over dramatic yawn released by Max was their signal to head to sleep. The stars were clear above them and they had a pretty eventful day. Steve made sure everything was good while the rest of them piled into their own tents. Once he’s sure the food is secured and everyone is where they’re supposed to be, he sucks in a sharp breath and makes his way over to Billy in his tent.
Billy is already in his sleeping bag. He’s got a book in one hand and a flashlight in his other. Steve quickly discards his shoes and jeans and covers himself in his own sleeping bag. 
They’re both facing away from each other. It isn’t until Steve hears the click of the flashlight and the illumination in the tent disappears that he realizes neither of them have spoken. 
Steve has been thinking about the apology all night. He planned to just leave it be. Maybe thank him for apologizing but leave it at that. But seeing how much he’s changed and seeing how sincere he was being told him maybe Billy deserved to be forgiven. He also looked like he needed to be forgiven, despite what he said before at the lake. 
“I needed to apologize so that you knew that I was sorry. And I needed to be okay with you not forgiving me for it. So that’s why I’m saying it now.”
“I forgive you Billy.”
“I said I forgive you. I’m sorry I didn’t say it back at the lake.” Steve took in a deep breath and continued. “I wasn’t sure if it would be the right thing. But you’re clearly not the same person you were that night. I just didn’t really see it at first. I’m going to have to get used to this new and improved version of Billy Hargrove.”
Billy smiled to himself. 
Steve smiled too. 
The tent grew silent again after that. But it was slightly less tense than it was before.
“Can I say something stupid?” Billy asks.
Steve turns over to face Billy. He laughs. “Yeah. It’d be nice hearing it come from someone else for a change.”
Billy doesn’t turn to face Steve, but he can tell that he’s nervous because it’s quiet enough to hear his breathing quicken.
“I like you. Like… in that way. Sorry if that’s weird.”
Steve is quick to respond.
“Hey, it’s not weird. Don’t apologize for that.” He’s thinking a lot about Will. He and Dustin had talked about it before. How they’d be sure to make sure that Will knew it was okay whenever he chose to tell them. He doesn’t see why that should be any different for anyone else. Including Billy Hargrove.
But he guesses this is kind of different. It’s not just a confession of being into guys. It’s a confession of being into a specific guy. The specific guy in question being Steve.
It would also be pretty hypocritical of Steve to be weirded out. Not two hours ago he was fully objectifying Billy’s shirtless body. He might not like Billy. But dammit he was definitely attracted to him.
“If you’re uncomfortable I can hike back to the Camaro and sleep there. It’s not a problem.”
Billy had already begun unzipping the sleeping bag. Steve instinctively put a hand on Billy’s shoulder. 
“Hey. Billy it’s seriously alright. Look at me.”
Billy hesitated before rolling over. Their eyes met and due to the compact nature of their current sleeping arrangement, their faces lie mere inches away from each other. Steve had planned something to say, but he instantly forgot when he looked into Billy’s eyes. They weren’t the eyes belonging to an egregious asshole. They were the eyes belonging to a scared kid that maybe, given the time, Steve could grow to like. 
He could try blaming it on the beer. But Billy and himself both knew he didn’t even finish the one. But still, Steve inched closer and kissed him. It was soft and gentle. Steve moved a hand up to caress Billy’s cheek. Billy gently grabbed Steve’s wrist and deepened the kiss. 
Steve could feel Billy’s smile on his lips. 
He slithered his other hand underneath Billy and pulled him in closer. Their bodies were completely pressed against each other at every point, save for the thickness of not one but two sleeping bags separating skin from skin. 
Still they could feel each other’s heartbeats increase as their pace did the same. The kiss turned from gentle to one filled with need. 
Billy began working at the zipper of his sleeping bag with his other hand and was able to break free. He rolled Steve over onto his back and situated one leg on either side of Steve’s hips. Their lips didn’t come unattached. Steve moved both hands to the back of Billy’s head and he took fists full of hair and tugged gently, causing Billy to quietly moan into his mouth.
It was complete euphoria.
Billy was in just his boxers. Meanwhile Steve was still beneath the thick material of his sleeping bag. Billy unzipped it quickly for Steve and immediately tossed it off of him. Billy snaked a hand underneath Steve’s shirt. Moving up and down the full length of his chest. Appreciating his minimal chest hair. On the trip back down Billy’s hand palmed Steve’s crotch where he was quickly becoming hard from all of the friction. Steve let out a gasp as he made contact. 
“We can’t. The kids’ll hear us.”
“Then you’ll just have to be quiet pretty-boy.”
Billy waited for Steve to give indication that it was okay to continue. Steve laughed and pulled him back down to meet his lips. Billy hiked up his shirt and they shortly separated to pull it over his head. Billy moved back in to Steve’s neck and sucked harshly on several spots before peppering kisses all along the length of his torso until he reached his navel. Billy stuck his thumbs underneath the waistband of Steve’s briefs and slowly rolled them down.
Billy moves so that he’s in between Steve’s legs and lowers his head into his groin. Steve feels as the tension builds in the pit of his stomach from the delicate touch of Billy’s tongue. Even under the chill from the night air he’s warm all over.
“Feels so good Billy, Fuck!” He quickly puts a hand over his mouth when he realizes he said that a little too loudly.
Steve is just lying there, experiencing the utter bliss that is Billy Hargroves mouth wrapped around his cock making him feel every sensation all at once. 
“I’m close.” He whispers. God he really hopes the kids are asleep.
“Come for me pretty-boy.”
And boy does he. Just the way he said it was enough for Steve. He was a goner at the mere drop of the words ‘pretty boy’.
Billy wiped away at his mouth and crawled back up to lay down next to him. Steve immediately pulls him into another kiss. He’s not quite ready to come down from the high he was currently in. Billy’s mouth on his was a fucking drug. 
It’s weird to thank people after sex right?
Steve settles for something else when they finally part.
“It’s my turn.”
- : -
The two of them wake up in a single sleeping bag. Steve has his arms wrapped around Billy’s wasted and his head tucked into the crook of his neck. Steve is sweating because Billy’s is a goddamn space heater.
He can hear the rustling of the tents outside and quickly wakes up Billy so they can get out of their current suggestive position.
Billy in his sleepy state gives Steve a quick kiss on the lips. He’s quickly woken up by Dustin screaming at everyone to wake up from outside the tent. 
“We’ll talk about this later?” Steve says with a laugh.
Billy nods and gives him another quick kiss before getting up and tossing on a new pair of clothes. 
Once dressed they both exit the tent to see everyone making their way to the picnic table. 
They pull out several boxes of cereal and some milk from the cooler and begin eating their breakfast. Billy is sitting across from Steve, gently kicking at his feet. 
“Hey Steve what happened to your neck?” Dustin asks.
Steve’s eyes go wide and he quickly comes up with a cover.
“Oh uh, there were a lot of mosquitoes last night. Wouldn’t leave me alone.”
They all seem to accept the response and go back to their breakfasts.
Billy smirks at him from across the table and Steve stomps on his foot.
- : -
Max, Billy and El say their goodbyes and head off in the Camaro. 
Once the Engine is running and they’ve started driving away they all burst into laughter.
“I can’t believe you actually took a knife to Steve’s tent.”
“I can’t believe you actually fucked Steve!”
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acciomalfoy · 4 years
Snowball (Will Byers x Reader)
Summary: the snowball doesn’t exactly go to plan, but things have never been easy when Will Byers is involved.
Your dad had always told you to grasp the moment, because if you didn’t, it would be gone in the blink of an eye. He taught you to not have any regrets, so when you finally did go, you’d die knowing you lived the best life you could.
He had gotten you hooked on photography from a young age. Losing your memory had always been a fear of yours, and you wanted to be able to remember moments from a single photograph that you couldn’t from memory. Your bedroom was adorned with photographs and polaroids of every moment you never wanted to forget.
Photography and the many other hobbies he had introduced to you were familiar, and like a blanket of comfort in your darkest hours. When you broke up with your first boyfriend, you had turned to your hobbies and buried yourself in photographs and other things until you had recovered from your heartbreak.
You had thought that you had understood all his wise words, and thought you had your life figured out. You had hoped and dreams that would never be lived thanks a string of fate that tied you to secrets lurking in Hawkins.
Your dad and you had a game, ten questions. Asking each other a question and vice versa. He always asked you the same question, and your reply was always instant and full of giggles.
“Okay, princess. If you could have any super power, what it would be?” A man and a little girl were lying down, facing the clouds in the local park. The seven year old giggled.
“Dad! You know I want to freeze time! One day, I’ll invent a machine to help me!” The girl said proudly, imagining a whirring machine that clunked and made her wishes come true.
You had always wanted to be able to freeze time, so you could truly live in the moment and enjoy it for however long you would like. Your mom however, was more realistic with your goals.
She had told you to never forget your childhood, and to make lots of friends. She didn’t tell you why, but you later discovered it was because once you got older, it became harder to make friends. Good ol’ mom, always looking out for you.
She told you that in the years to come, these friends would help you more than you could imagine. So you, being the curious toddler that you were, made friends with a group of children that looked like they could help you. They were all boys, so you knew they could protect you. Well, maybe except that little one. You decided in the first moment of meeting him that you’d be the one protecting him.
Now, almost ten years later to the words your mother had told you as a three-year old, you realised how true the words she had told you were. Being the budding photographer you were, you had taken a photo of your mom after her speech, so you could always remember those words. You could still remember them close to off by heart.
The last part of her speech always made you blush. She had told you that the answer to everything was love, and that once you loved someone, to hold onto them and never let go. You kept those words close to your heart, and even though she probably didn’t remember what she had said, you sure did.
“Darling, when were they going to pick you up?” Your mother asks, with a smile.
“Five minutes. But I didn’t want to be rushing around last minute.” You blow a strand of hair out of your face, careful not to move your hair too much.
“Have I told you that you look beautiful?” She asks, stifling a yawn. She often worked long shifts, and had managed to get tonight off so she could help you get ready. Your dad was currently in his office, and you had already taken photos.
“Hmmm, not enough.” You grin cheekily. Your mom laughs, and you find yourself joining in. Amidst the laughter, a knock on the door takes you back to earth. You hop up eagerly, and upon opening the door you see your best friends. Will is at the front, and your breath catches in your throat. You are so lucky to have him as your best friend. He looks shocked and you can’t seem to catch your eye.
“I thought you’d never arrive!” You say, and Lucas, Mike and Dustin beam.
“Let’s get this show on the road!” Lucas says, and you all hop down off your front porch and into Steve’s car.
“Alright kids, there’s seven kids and four seats. You and Will can share the front, you’re both small.” Steve smiles at you with a proud look in his eye.
“Alright, dad.” The seven of you giggle and chatter the whole way to the Snowball, but Will doesn’t say a word to you. It’s discouraging, having your best friend of nine years ignoring you for an unknown reason, but this is the Snowball. Last year wasn’t the best, and this year has to be better.
“Have fun, kids!” Steve calls as everyone piles out of his car, onlookers eyes widening at the amount of children getting out.
“What’s the deal with Dustin’s hair?” You ask Lucas quietly. He snorts.
“No clue. He’s pretty touchy about it, let’s just accept it.” The seven kids enter the Snowball, and you can’t help but look at Will. There’s fairy lights everywhere, and everyone is glowing. You’re surprised to find him looking back at you, but he looks away quickly. A slow song is already playing, and Dustin quickly drags you out to the dance floor. Mike and El are already dancing, as are Lucas and Max.
“Dustin! This is a slow song!” You whisper to him.
“I know! Don’t worry, maybe Will will be jealous. Haha, get it? Will will.” Dustin laughs and you smile at his humour.
“I don’t know, it feels wrong liking him after everything he’s been through, you know?” You ask Dustin, who nods.
“Yeah, but you can’t help it. Even if it’s not mutual, which I’m pretty sure it is, it won’t ruin your friendship.” The song is almost over, and you and Dustin make your way over to the punch. Just as you take a mouthful, you see Will dancing with another girl. You manage to spit it on the floor, and not on Dustin, who looks relieved.
“Holy shit! Is he dating her?” You ask with wide eyes.
“I don’t even know who she is, so probably not.” Dustin doesn’t look impressed with the girl dancing with Will. Your Will.
“What do we do?” You ask urgently.
“Fuck! How am I meant to know?” Dustin looks equally stressed out as you.
“My life is over. Does she know what he’s been through?” The pair of you are currently shooting them dirty looks, and quickly avert your eyes when they start to walk over to you.
“Abort fucking mission!” Dustin hisses.
“I’m leaving! Tell them I’m going to piss-“
“Hi guys!” Will says happily. You shoot Dustin a dirty look, but he’s too busy giving the girl Will brought over the up-down look.
“This is Gabby. She’s not in any of our classes, that’s why we’ve never met her.” Will introduces her, and you struggle to force out a fake smile. Dustin looks like he’s struggling a whole lot more.
“Nice to meet you. I actually have to um, pee, so I’ll catch you later.” You manage to escape quickly, and shoot Dustin a triumphant smirk from behind their backs. He glares, and when you turn around you run into someone. Literally.
“Shit! Sorry, you alright?” You blurt out, and the stranger with twinkling eyes offers you a hand. A good looking stranger, at that.
“Depends what your definition is. Care for a dance, stranger?” He asks. It’s a bit straight forward, but anything to get your mind off Gabby will do.
“Sure do.” He leads you to the dance floor, when the song Dancing On My Own comes on. (aware this wasn’t released around then lol) The strangers hands are around your waist, and you reluctantly place your hands around his shoulders. You’re unaware of Dustin and Will talking furiously in the corner.
“So, what’s your name?” You ask him. You were never one for small talk, but awkward silences are just too much.
“Dean. If you don’t mind me asking, whose the boy in the corner?” He asks, eyes flickering to behind you.
“Um, let me check. Why, aren’t you from around here?” You ask, turning around to see your best friend staring at you, an unreadable look in his eyes. He catches your glance, and bolts out of the room. You turn around to face Dean.
“No. I’m someone’s plus one, but they unfortunately took a liking to someone else here.” Dean is saying.
“That’s Will. He’s my best friend.” You say, swaying to the music.
“Best friend, or boyfriend? Because the way he was looking at you..” Dean trails off.
“Uh, I better go find him. Thanks for the dance, Dean!” You let go of Dean and rush off to the exit that you see Will disappear through.
“Will? Will!” You call into the night. Night had always been your favourite time, with inky blackness covering all the problems in the world, waiting till morning to be revealed again.
You were about to give up when you saw a small silhouette against the sparkling sky. Will was just up ahead.
“Will? Are you alright?” You ask softly. Will looks at you as you sit down beside him. His face is tear stained and you can almost hear your heart breaking.
“No.” He whispers. You try not to cry over the broken boy in front of you.
“Wh-What’s wrong?” That question seems to set him off.
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong? You’re what’s wrong!” Will shouts, and he pauses. “-I thought after everything I’ve been through, I might finally get the girl.”
“I-I don’t know what’s wrong but we can get through it, together.” You try to reassure him, but he stands up. You follow him quickly.
“No, we can’t. Whatever we had, it’s over. It won’t work, not now, and not until the impossible happens.” Will has his mouth set in a thin line, and you frown.
“What’s the impossible? We can make it happen.” You ask curiously. You were willing to go the ends of the earth if you and Will could remain best friends. Will mumbles something inaudible.
“Sorry?” You ask.
“You liking me back! I have a crush on you! Are you happy now?” Will starts shouting again.
“Will! Seriously? I’ve liked you for so long, for almost two years.” You were reluctant in admitting this, but Will has started to walk away. He freezes, and whirls around to face you again.
“Wh-What?” He asks softly. You two stare at each other for a moment, before rushing into each other’s arms. Later, much later at your wedding, Dustin will say it’s thanks to him that you got together. Maybe it’s true, but giving Dustin a bigger head than he already has won’t do him much good.
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therandomfish · 4 years
Power Rangers Samurai Rewrite
Power Rangers is an amazing show with a rich history and a tapestry that is beyond anything we have ever known. However some of the seasons just sucked… but unlike series like Turbo and to a greater extent, Operation Overdrive where there were seasons on either side of them that made them tolerable and gave us something awesome to cleanse our viewing palate on we didn’t have that with Samurai and Megaforce with both seasons being awful for different reasons. Samurai was just bad due to it being a direct copy of the sentai story and Mega-Force was bad due to it’s laziness. So I have decided to take an idea of attempting to rewrite history and instead rewrite a season of Power Rangers.. specifically Samurai and Mega-Force with hopefully better story and character development.
I’m beginning with Samurai first. We open pretty much how the actual show started with kids kidnapped by moogers who then come face to face with the Red Samurai Ranger however Mentor Hajun Ji is back at the Shiba house and is sat with a com set on and is talking to the red ranger, he easily takes care of the moogers and the kid who survived watches him leave and mutters “Power Rangers”
The Red ranger returns to the Shiba house and demorphs. We meet Jayden who is a bit of an arrogant dick. Mentor Ji tells him that the moogers are becoming more aggressive and it may not be long before Nighlocks start coming through. Jayden isn’t worried, saying that he can take whatever comes through and that the threat will end with him but Ji disagrees saying that they need to find new rangers to bring about the next generation of Samurai rangers. Jayden doesn’t want to saying that there are no other new generations and that he is the last one (they share a look) and Ji then tells him to look out for those in the school he goes to who embody the traits of the Samurai and he will do the same elsewhere. While at the school, maintaining his cover Jayden sees Kevin who is regimented and has the disciplined and he also sees Mia who has patience even when she continually fails at cooking. He leaves them notes in their lockers. Ji is out at a park and he sees Emily sitting and talking with a young boy and some bullies come over to make fun of him and asking if he’s having a girl fight his battles for him, then Mike enters on his skateboard and he is older than the bullies as well as more athletic (think of the bullies as a mini Bulk and Skull) so the bullies run away. This immediately sets up the Emily and Mike relationship with Mike coming to Emily’s rescue and her defending the boy. Ji recognises the compassion in Emily and the boldness and tenacity in Mike so he gives them notes as well.
The others all show up at the Shiba house where Ji explains to them why they are there. Jayden scoffs over the choices of Mike and Emily and tests them both with a bamboo sword. He knocks Mike down multiple times but he gets up again every time with Emily being able to fend off his attacks and learning to keep the others safe as well as things around the Shiba house. Jayden is impressed and so hands them the Samuraisers and they go to fight an group of moogers. They morph for the first time in the Shiba house and leave as Rangers. A Nighlock emerges and fights the rangers and through them working as a team they destroy the Nighlock. Ji is concerned upon their return and wonders why the Nighlock didn’t grow with a shot showing the destroyed Nighlock pieces as it dissolves to the Netherworld where a ship floats on the Sanzu River and episode one ends.
Second episode introduces the villains. Octoroo is wandering up and down the ship and is very anxious. Dayu enters and they talk about how the Samurai rangers and now all back and just when having the one around was bad enough. However they are stopped by Xandred who doesn’t have a body yet. He is a part of the Sanzu river. He curses the previous Samurai Red Ranger for putting him in this state but knows the if the moogers and his Nighlock servants raise enough fear then the Sanzu river will flow into the human world and the Netherworld will merge with it causing Xandred to have enough power to restore himself to his corporeal form and take over. Xandred demands to know whats going to happen with the Nighlock that was destroyed. Octoroo says that he’s going to send a new Nighlock who can grow giant after being defeated and said he needed the previous Nighlock’s energy to use for Master Xandred’s use. Xandred is pleased by this but also wonders why Dayu is there as she wasn’t in his favour last he checked. Dayu responds by stating that Octoroo needs her and Xandred can’t stop that.
Back with the rangers they start to train with Jayden and learn about their zords with Ji telling them about how the Nighlocks normally growing to giant sized. We also see Mike notice the motorbike and asking about it with Ji saying it was his. The new Nighlock emerges with some Moogers and they go to fight. They fight and defeat it with this one going big and the folding zords are invoked with the armour mode in the zords like in the actual show still happening. They defeat the Nighlock and Octoroo is annoyed but vows that he will restore his master and they will take the human world.
Over the course of the first season we see episodes dedicated to the rangers themselves learning about them a bit more with ironic monsters of the week being involved. Mia would have a mind that is focussed on following the instructions when it comes to something like baking but it still doesn’t come out right and she gets frustrated and ends up bonding with Emily who helps her understand that a little love and caring doesn’t hurt. Kevin has his jealousy of Jayden moment where he talks about preferring himself as Red Ranger and they both have a “Oh I’m a bit of a dick” moment. Mike has an episode with him and Ji where it’s revealed that Ji was a lot like Mike, so alike in fact that he used to be the previous Green Samurai Ranger. Emily has her moment when the Nighlock uses horrible memories against Emily and it turns out that a Nighlock hurt her big sister who was usually the strong one but after she was attacked Emily had to step up and became the strong one. But as for who that Nighlock was, let’s leave that for now. Finally Jayden’s episode has Antonio, his old friend coming to town to stay. They reunite after having spent years apart and Antonio already knows about the Samurai Rangers so he becomes an IT assistant to Ji and they all get on with that concept; we also learn that Jayden misses being able to be normal sometimes.
Moving on from that we get introduced to Decker and Serrator. Serrator is a Nighlock general that once led a nighlock army. He comes in and takes control away from Octoroo as well as taking his place as Xandred’s whisperer. Decker emerges in the human world and fights against Moogers and a Nighlock instead of the rangers who watch with amazement as he calls the nighlock “scum” after he cuts it down. He also challenges Jayden who refuses and Decker says that eventually they will duel as he will be the only challenge Jayden will see is worth fighting. He can still switch between human and Nighlock but he fights the moogers as a human which makes the rangers hopeful then turns into his nighlock form when he faces the other Nighlock.
Moving on past it we learn about the Octazord and it’s inability to listen to anyone else. Ji eventually sees it talking to Antonio though he tries to keep it a secret til he can figure out why it’s talking to him instead of the other rangers and he didn’t think Ji would believe him if he said he wasn’t doing it on purpose. Ji instead attempts to help Antonio and they look at the Octazord together.
Moving on we end up with a Nighlock that can turn humans into Moogers but only until it’s destroyed unless the moogers go back to the netherworld then it’s permanent. It gets nearly all the rangers except for Kevin who runs back to the Shiba house with the other’s morphers who were all dropped when they were turned. Ji and Antonio talk about the Octazord who gives them a vision of a gold ranger that can help. They end up combining the octazord tech with Ji’s old samurai morpher into the gold ranger morpher which leads to Antonio becoming the gold ranger and a part of the team.
The end of the season comes in the form of a two parter where Octoroo finally sends out a massive army of moogers along with Serrator and Dayu into the world to end the rangers and prepare the world for Xandred’s return. Serrator leads the charge and fights the rangers, beating them so bad they demorph. However before Serrator can attack another figure steps in and morphs into a female version of the red ranger. She attacks Serrator who falls back and goes off to spread fear. This is still Lauren and she still left when their father died in order to learn how to destroy Xandred permanently. Jayden reveals how he used his father’s old morpher and she has the traditional one that he refused to use and that he wanted to be the red ranger but Lauren was older so that’s just the way it goes. Lauren is introduced to everyone and Jayden immediately sees Decker who challenges him. He leaves with Antonio to fight against Decker while the others follow Lauren after she gives a speech about them beating them back. They fight against the Moogers and Serrator. While Jayden fights against Decker, Antonio fights against Dayu and she reveals through their fight that she and Decker are connected and all she knows is that she must be with him when he falls. Antonio beats her and she flees with Jayden and Decker coming to a stalemate and Decker, apparently recognising his link with Dayu leaves too with Jayden and Antonio returning to the fight and they finish off the moogers while Lauren demolishes Serrator but before he dies he goes back ot the Netherworld.
However upon his return, Serrator is used by Octoroo who planned it so Serrator would be weak, apparently enough fear has been created that Xandred can leave the Sanzu river but as a spirit and he inhabit Serrator who dies as Xandred takes over. He laughs and says that Serrator’s body is only temporary until he has enough energy to bring himself back to his proper form.
We see Lauren reunite with Ji and she begins bonding with the rest of the team. Jayden admits he’s happy to be done being Red Ranger as she takes her rightful place as team leader but he’ll still be here to help in the fight and at least they have a spare red ranger now. We then see Decker stood outside the house and smiling to himself, thinking about what the future holds
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55 and 56 from the prompt list for reddie????
Thank you! Somehow this turned into a 4K smut fic. You can read it below or in AO3 by clicking on the title (I even named it!).
55. What happened last night?
56. You’re fun to touch
man of (questionable) honor
Rated E
Weddings were supposed to be fun. 
Music, fancy food, free drinks. And as the man of honor, the opportunity to embarrass your best friend in front of everyone with your speech. 
Weddings when you were single were supposed to be even more fun. It was a great opportunity to meet people, Richie’s friends had told him. 
Richie was currently alone, sitting at the open bar with a beer, watching the people on the dance floor. It seemed that love was really in the air⎯ like the song Ben and Bev had picked for their first dance said. Every person at this wedding seemed to have brought a date, leaving Richie with no one to chat up for the night or just chat with. The newly Mr. and Mrs. Hanscom were too caught up in each other already in a honeymoon mood, making googly eyes at each other while dancing and feeding each other cake. Mike and Stan, the only other people Richie liked here, had already disappeared to their room in this same hotel. 
Richie was thinking of doing the same thing, not realizing he was frowning at the dancing couples until someone else acknowledged it. 
“What’s with the face dude? Aren’t people supposed to be happy at weddings?”
Richie whirled his head around to see a man sitting on the stool next to him, trying to get the bartender to pay attention to him. He was handsome, very handsome in fact, with large brown eyes, neatly combed hair and dimples that were visible even if he wasn’t smiling. Cute. Richie’s frown disappeared only to be replaced by a smirk. 
“I’m definitely happier now.” He said in a sultry voice, leaning towards the man. “Hey.”
He arched an eyebrow at him, frowning slightly. “Uh hi.” He said before his eyes drifted to the bartender. He raised his hand, only for the kid to ignore him again. “Damn it. What do you have to do to get a drink here?”
“I got it.” Richie said, raising to his full height and gesturing at the bartender, who noticed him immediately. 
He heard the man curse under his breath. “How the fuck did you do that?”
Richie shrugged, sitting back down. “It helps when you’re not short.” 
The man glared at him and if looks could kill Richie would’ve dropped dead on the floor. Even then he couldn’t help the only thought going through his head, cute cute cute. “Fuck you asshole. I’m 5’9 that’s like the average height on most of the world.”
Richie flashed him a shit-eating grin. “That’s something only a short person would know.”
He opened his mouth, no doubt to tell Richie to fuck off when the bartender approached them and asked Richie if he wanted another beer. 
“Yeah and for my friend here⎯”
“White wine, please.” He said and as soon as the bartender left, he went back to glaring at Richie. “And I’m not your friend.”
Richie chuckled, finishing his beer with one final gulp. “And here I thought we were getting along quite well.” He said and the man rolled his eyes, clearly disagreeing. “No? Okay, let me get that drink for you then.” He added, he didn’t want the man to leave, talking to him was the most fun he had tonight since he his man of honor speech, when he embarrassed Bev and Ben so much that Stan had to drag him away from the mic. 
He gave Richie an unimpressed look. “You know this is an open bar right? Drinks are free.”
“It’s the intention that counts.” Richie said with a shrug, he leaned forward, supporting himself on the bar. “Please man. You’re like⎯ the first single person I’ve seen the entire night and I really could use someone to talk to.”
“Who says I’m single?” 
Richie’s face dropped. “Fuck, you’re not?” 
The man narrowed his eyes at Richie for a beat before his face broke into an easy smile. “Oh no, I am single, though I don’t appreciate you assuming that I was. Do I just scream undateable to you?
“No!” He said, faster than he would’ve liked. “No, definitely not. You’re very dateable. I would definitely date you! I mean- uh.” Richie felt himself starting to blush especially with how the man was smirking at him. “Shut up man, you know what I mean.” He added with a laugh. 
Their drinks were placed in front of them and Richie expected the man to grab his and saunter away, instead he settled further into his seat. Richie didn’t try to hide the bright smile when he saw that he was staying. “I’m Eddie by the way.” 
“I’m Richie.”
“I know.” He said, taking a sip of wine. His face scrunched up slightly at the taste. Cute. “You’re the maid⎯ sorry, man of honor. I heard your speech. I almost died from second hand embarrassment man.”
“That was my goal all along.” Richie said, grinning.
“Did you really walk in on Bev and Ben having sex in the kitchen?” 
Richie barked out a laugh. “Yeah, Ben couldn’t look me in the eye for a month after that.”
“I bet.” Eddie said with a chuckle. 
“I’m guessing he’s the reason you’re here? I think I would know if you were friends with Bev.”
“Yeah, I’m on the groom’s side. I only met Bev today, she seems great though.”
“She is. The best.” Richie said with a soft smile, lifting his beer to take another swig of beer but stopping before the bottle reached his lips. “Just don’t tell her I said that.”
“Your secret is safe with me.” Eddie let out a snort. He whirled around on his stool to stare at the dance floor where Ben was twirling Bev around, both of them laughing and singing along to the music. “They really love each other, don’t they?”
“Yeah.” Richie said, unable to stop himself from smiling at his friends. “It’s fucking gross." 
Eddie chuckled, nodding along. "I’ll drink to that.” He said, knocking his glass against Richie’s beer bottle. “To the happy couple.”
“Happy and gross, don’t forget that part.” Richie said, taking a swig from the bottle. “So, how do you and Ben know each other?”
“We went to college together.” Eddie explained. “We stayed in touch but I didn’t see him again until I moved here this year. We actually bumped into each other in the street and I didn’t even recognize him, he changed so much. He used to be shorter than me in back then⎯”
“You say that like it’s hard to be taller than you.” Richie muttered with a grin and Eddie kicked him in the shin. 
“Are you going to make jabs at my height all night?” 
“Aw Eds! Are you planning on spending your entire night with me?” He teased, his grin widening.
“Fuck you man. Fuck you.”
Richie flashed him a sly smile. “If you keep saying that, I’m gonna start thinking it’s actually an offer.”
Eddie blushed furiously and choked on his wine, coughing a couple of times but once he recovered instead of denying it or telling Richie to fuck off again, he gave him a nervous look. “What if it is?” 
It was Richie’s turn to choke on his drink, only his coughing fit lasted longer. Eddie waited anxiously for him to recover, one foot on the ground, looking like he was ready to flee depending on what Richie said. “I’m⎯ shit.” He cleared his throat. “You can’t say shit like that man.”
Eddie’s eyes widened in panic, he stood up. “Shit, I’m sorry I thought⎯”
Richie grabbed his wrist to stop him from leaving, waving off his apology. “Wait no, you thought right, you just caught me by surprise.”
Eddie laughed nervously but he sat down again, even if it didn’t seem that he was leaving anytime soon, Richie didn’t let go of his wrist, instead running his thumb over his pulse point. Eddie stared at their hands, resting on his lap. “So, does that mean you’re like⎯ interested?”
“Fuck yes, so interested.” 
Eddie smirked, his cheeks were a bright red color. He looked up at Richie through his eyelashes, Richie could swear his heart skipped a bit when he saw the desire in them. “Good. Do you want to get out of here?” 
Richie nodded urgently, tilting his head towards the elevator. “I have a room upstairs.” 
Eddie stood up, they were the same height this way, he stood in the space between Richie’s legs, their faces only a breath away from each other. “Show me?”
Richie put his beer bottle on the bar, grabbed Eddie’s hand and dragged him towards the elevator. He caught Bev’s eye as he was leaving the room, she gave him a knowing smile and a wink before going back to dancing with Ben. 
They kissed in the elevator after Eddie pushed Richie against the wall the moment the doors closed, eliciting a surprised yelp from Richie, followed by a moan when his hands weaved into his hair and pulled. Eddie tasted sweet, like the wine he’d been drinking and Richie chased the taste with his tongue while Eddie made little noises of approval. 
Richie’s hands had just found their way under Eddie’s dress shirt when the elevator stopped moving and the doors opened. Thankfully the hall was empty and they didn’t have to pretend that they weren’t just making out in the elevator. Richie struggled to open the door to his room with Eddie plastered to his back, grinding his hips forward, letting Richie feel how hard he was. They stumbled inside after his third try to fit the key card into the slot and Richie immediately turning around, surging forward to kiss Eddie again, so hard that he stumbled back against the door. 
They lost their jackets and ties quickly after and as soon as Eddie’s neck was visible, Richie dived in, kissing and biting at the newly exposed skin while Eddie struggled to unbutton his shirt. 
“Richie⎯ ah. Richie.” Eddie said, breathing heavily. “Damn it Richie I’m trying to⎯ ah!” Richie bit down on Eddie’s collarbone and his words trailed off into a moan. 
“I’m sorry Eds, am I distracting you?” Richie teased, capturing the skin between his teeth ever so gently, soothing his tongue around the area while running his hands up and down Eddie’s sides, under his shirt.
“Yes you asshole.” Eddie snapped but there was an underlying whine to his voice. “If you don’t stop I won’t be able to take off my fucking shirt.”
“Oh but Eds.” Richie said in a low voice, grinding his erection against Eddie’s hip. “You’re so fun to touch.”
“Fuck. Fuck this.” Eddie said, hands abandoning his shirt to push at Richie’s chest. He was strong for his height and Richie stumbled back, taking in the sight of a very disheveled, very turned on Eddie. He advanced on Richie and pushed him again and again, until the back of his knees touched the bed and then one more time so that Richie fell back on the bed. Without Richie distracting him, Eddie undid the remaining buttons of his shirt, tossing it on the floor. Richie was glad that he was sitting down or his legs might have given out at the sight of Eddie’s naked chest, which was covered in tattoos. Fucking hell. 
Richie groaned, pulling Eddie in by his wrist before tracing his fingers over the tattoos on Eddie’s arm, making his way up to the ones on his chest. “Fuck.” 
Eddie fidgeted under his stare. “I got them in college. It was a big ‘fuck you’ to my mom for all the years she⎯” He stopped himself, letting out a nervous laugh. “Sorry you probably don’t want to hear about my mother right now.”
Richie flashed him a shit eating grin. “Oh no, keep going. It’s hitting all the right buttons.”
Eddie scrunched up his nose. “Seriously man?” He said. “Can we go back to⎯” He gestured at Richie and then at himself. 
“Yeah. Yes please.” Richie said, staring up at Eddie with lust blown eyes. Eddie grinned and climbed on top of Richie, straddling his legs. Richie groaned, Eddie’s weight putting pressure on his already straining erection. 
Eddie slammed their lips together, kissing him sloppily while trying to get Richie’s shirt off to even the field. Richie couldn’t be bothered to help him, his hands tightening on Eddie’s waist, pulling him against his body. 
The buttons came undone, revealing Richie’s chest. There were no tattoos there and his chest wasn’t as smooth as Eddie’s but that didn’t stop him from staring hungrily at him, especially at the course line of hair starting below his navel and delving beneath the waistband of his jeans. 
Eddie licked his lips, a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead and his chest rising and falling from his heavy breathing. Richie felt his heart swell with pride knowing that Eddie was looking that way thanks to him. Not that he looked any more composed, his dick was straining against his pants and he was one accidental shift of Eddie’s hips away from blowing his load like a fucking teenager. 
Eddie shoved the shirt down his shoulders and by a silent agreement they broke away after another sloppy kiss to remove their pants, knowing it will be easier and faster that way. 
They fell into the bed limbs tangled together and kissing, if it could be considered that, rather just moaning and gasping against each other’s lips. Richie landed on top and he used the opportunity to grind down against Eddie, the friction feeling better now that it was just their underwear between them. Eddie followed Richie’s pace, thrusting his hips up when he pushed down, pulling at Richie’s hair and dragging a string of involuntary moans straight from the back of Richie’s throat. 
“Fuck Eddie, wait wait⎯ I’m too close.” Richie said, pausing the movement of his hips, eyes shut tightly but Eddie pushed up one last time making him whine. “Fuck, Eds.” He said, a shiver running down his spine and adding to the fire in his belly. He looked up and saw Eddie smirking at him, at how much he was affecting Richie. “I’m gonna wipe that smug smile from your face you little shit.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow in a challenge. “Oh yeah? I’d like to see you try.” 
Richie nodded, smirking. “I’m gonna make you swallow your words Eds.” He said, fingers grabbing the waistband of his boxers and tugging them down, exposing Eddie’s dick. His mouth watered and he licked his lips. 
“I don’t think I’m the one who’s swallowing anything tonight.” 
Richie snorted out a laugh and he looked up to see that Eddie’s eyes were crinkling in the corner from his own smile. A smile so cute it seemed like it didn’t belong in a moment like this but at the same time was absolutely perfect. “Nice one Eds.” He said and then leaned down to run his tongue along the vein on the underside of Eddie’s cock, circling the tip with the flat of his tongue. Eddie moaned, hips rising from the bed and Richie had to hold them down before he repeated the action. 
“Fuck, Richie.” Eddie moaned, weaving his fingers on Richie’s hair. “Richie. So good.”
He pulled off, a string of saliva connecting the two and smirked at Eddie. “Where’s that smug smile now, eh Eds?”
Eddie let out a frustrated groan. “I can’t believe you can’t keep quiet even with a dick in your mouth.” 
Richie chuckled, giving a half shrug. Eddie tried to push his head down and, catching the hint, Richie took him in his mouth, bobbing his head up and down, using his hand to work what he couldn’t fit into his mouth. He must have been doing a good job. Before long he could tell that Eddie was close by the way his thighs started shaking and his moans and whimpers grew louder. He picked up the pace but soon Eddie was pushing him away instead of pulling him close. 
“Wait fuck. I⎯ Richie I want⎯” 
“What? What do you want Eddie?” Richie asked, voice rough and husky. 
Eddie met his eyes, his bottom lip was a deep red from him biting down on it. He looked absolutely wrecked. “I want to fuck you.” He said and Richie’s hips stuttered against the mattress, dick twitching in his boxers. 
“Fuck. Yes please.” He said, voice coming out desperate but he was beyond the point of caring.  
Eddie grinned before a crease appeared on his forehead. “I don’t have anything with me though, lube or⎯”
“I do.” He said, noticing the way Eddie’s eyebrows rose but he didn’t complain. “Wait here.”
He pushed himself off the bed, nearly tripping on the way to his suitcase. He heard Eddie laugh at him and he doubted he looked very sexy then but when he turned around, bottle of lube in one hand and a condom in the other, Eddie was staring at him like he was the hottest thing he had ever seen. It did wonders for his self esteem. 
Eddie had taken his boxers all the way off, leaving him completely naked. It was only fair that Richie did the same. He tossed the supplies on the bed and remove his boxers, climbing in bed with Eddie. This time he laid down on his back, knees falling open and Eddie moved to kneel in the space between them. He popped the bottle of lube open, coating two fingers and making Richie shiver with anticipation. 
“Were you expecting this to happen?” Eddie said conversationally while rubbing his fingers on Richie’s entrance. He gestured at the lube and condom on the bed next to him.
“I was hoping it would.” He said, biting on his bottom lip when he felt the first finger starting to push in. “I’m glad⎯ ah. I’m glad it’s with you Eds.”
Eddie flashed him an amused smile. “Good answer. I’m also glad it’s you Richie.” He said, slowly pushing his finger all the way in. Richie gasped at the feeling and moaned when Eddie started thrusting in and out, opening him up. 
“Fuck Eddie. I can take another, come on.” 
“So fucking impatient.” Eddie muttered, pulling out his fingers but only to pour more lube on them, pushing two inside Richie this time. 
“Eddie.” Richie whined, digging his heels in the mattress, trying to fuck himself on Eddie’s fingers.
“I got you Rich, you’re doing so good.” 
“Fuck.” Richie’s dick was rock hard, leaking against his stomach, if Eddie touched him right now he would surely come right away especially after Eddie’s fingers found that spot inside him that made him see stars and made his toes curl. He let out a soft cry. “Eddie. Fuck fuck fuck." 
Eddie thrusted his fingers faster, scissoring them and making sure to rub against that spot until Richie was a shaking mess, mouth hanging open, eyes rolling to the back of his head behind his fogged up glasses. 
Eddie added more lube and a third finger, feeling Richie relax and open up for him. He sped up the pace, his other hand wrapping around his own cock to try and relieve some of the pressure. He was as desperate as Richie to fuck him and it was clear neither would be able to hold it for longer.
"Eds, fuck. Eds baby I’m ready.”
“Are you sure?" 
"Yes! Please⎯ fuck. Please fuck me Eddie.”
Richie whined when Eddie pulled his fingers out, feeling empty. “Don’t worry Rich, I’m going to make you feel so good I promise.”
He rolled the condom on, coated his dick with lube and moved forward on his knees until Richie felt the head of his dick pushing at his entrance. He tensed up at the intrusion instinctively and Eddie rubbed his thumbs into Richie’s hipbone to try and get him to relax. “It’s okay Rich. I got you baby, come on breathe.”
Richie let out a shuddering breath that trailed off into a moan when Eddie pushed forward. “Oh fuck.”
Eddie let out a breathy moan. “Richie. Fuck, you feel so good.” The praise made Richie whine, arching up to get more of Eddie inside him.
Slowly he bottomed up, stilling his hips to give Richie a moment to adjust. Eddie was hovering over him, hands on either side of his head watching his face closely for any sign of discomfort. Richie couldn’t see him but he could feel his stare, even if his own eyes were shut tight. “I’m good. You can move." 
Eddie hesitated. "Are you sure?" 
Richie nodded, opening his eyes. He felt a tear escape and he hadn’t even realized he was close to crying but Eddie’s cock felt so good and he felt so full and he needed more. "Please Eddie.” He said in a voice so wrecked and desperate it didn’t even sound like him. “I need you to fuck me.”
Eddie moaned, “Fuck okay.” He pulled out until just the head was inside before snapping his hips forward, pushing Richie up on the bed.
“Yeah, just like that Eds.”
Eddie repeated the movement, thrusting into Richie with abandon, falling into a rhythm that had Richie moaning and whimpering. “Fuck Richie you’re so fucking tight. So good, oh god.”
Richie wrapped his legs around Eddie’s waist, changing the angle and making his cock hit his prostate every couple of thrusts. He gripped the sheets with one hand and clawed at Eddie’s back with the other, unable to form words. Eddie grinned down at him.
 "What? No⎯ uh. No snarky comment? Who would’ve thought the way to shut you up was with a dick up your ass?“
"Fuck⎯ ah. Fuck you man.”
“No Richie.” Eddie said, grin widening. “Fuck you.”
He picked up his pace, shutting down whatever comeback Richie was about to make. He was close, really fucking close and he could tell Eddie was too. “Eds I’m close.”
“Yeah? Me too.”
“I need⎯ fuck." 
Eddie nodded, reaching between them to wrap his hand around Richie’s cock, jerking him off. Richie gasped, heat coiling in his lower abdomen until he felt like he was about to explode. 
"Come on Rich. I got you, come on.”
“Eddie kiss me, fuck. Please.” Richie gasped, the last word being swallowed by Eddie’s mouth when he leaned down to capture Richie’s lips in a kiss. 
It was too much, Eddie kissing him, Eddie’s hand on his cock, Eddie’s cock inside him and it pushed Richie to the edge. It was when Eddie bit down on his bottom lip, landing a particular deep thrust that was aimed just right that he finally toppled over, coming over both of their chests with a cry of Eddie Eddie Eddie. 
He opened his eyes just in time to see Eddie’s jaw go slack as he gave one last thrust and with Richie clenching around him he came, emptying into the condom with a deep moan. Richie rolled his hips, helping Eddie ride out his orgasm. “Fuck, Richie.”
“You just did.” Richie muttered with a lazy smile.
That made Eddie snort. A proper, unabashed, embarrassing, piggy snort that made Richie think cute even if his cock was still up his ass. “You’re fucking ridiculous.” He said but his words were undercut by him leaning down to kiss Richie. He kissed back and they made out lazily until it became uncomfortable with Richie’s stomach covered in cum and Eddie still inside him. They broke apart and Eddie discarded the condom on his way to get a washcloth to clean both of them up.
“Thank you Eds. I don’t think I could’ve made my legs work long enough to get to the bathroom.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Eddie said with a sly grin.
“As you should. Your dick is fucking amazing man. 10/10 would use again.”
Eddie laughed, lying next to him and giving Richie a front row seat to his dimples and the way his eyes crinkled, he stared, enraptured. “Your⎯ your ass is amazing too.”
“Uh huh.”
“How amazing?”
Eddie rolled his eyes, pushing at Richie’s shoulder. “Now you’re just fishing for compliments. Sorry man, wrong lake.”
Richie laughed, before they both fell silent. He was lying on his side, facing Eddie, tracing the lines of the tattoos on his arm with his fingers. “Are you staying at this hotel too?" 
"Yeah, I have a room upstairs.”
“Don’t use it.” Richie said, surprising himself and Eddie who raised an eyebrow at him. “Stay here tonight. I’ll buy you breakfast in the morning.”
“Breakfast comes with the room asshole.”
Richie grinned, giving a half shrug. “I told you, it’s the intention that counts.”
Eddie couldn’t help but smile. “I have an early flight tomorrow.”
Richie frowned, fingers tracing the star on Eddie’s chest now. “I thought you lived here.”
“I do, this is just a business trip. It’s only for a couple of days, there is no need to look so disappointed.” Eddie smirked.
Richie schooled his features but he knew he had been caught. “I wasn’t!” Eddie raised an eyebrow at him. “Fine, maybe I was but that’s just because I was hoping for round two.”
Eddie snorted but he didn’t deny the possibility or tried to leave. Instead he retrieved his boxers from the floor, put them on and climbed under the covers. Richie followed his lead, turning off the light on his way back to the bed. They laid awake talking for a while, it was easy⎯ talking to Eddie, and by the time they fell asleep Richie had come to the conclusion that he really liked him. 
The next morning, Richie woke up to an empty bed. That didn’t strike him as odd at first, his brain still catching up with the events from last night until he shifted on the bed and felt a dull pain in his lower back that shouldn’t have been there. 
“Fuck what happened last night?” He muttered under his breath, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. As soon as the words left his mouth, his mind was flooded with images from the night before, up to the actions that led to his back aching. “Eds.” He gasped, looking around the room as if it was possible that he had missed the other man. He had a split second to feel disappointed that Eddie left without saying goodbye before he noticed a note on the pillow next to him. He reached for it at the same time he put on his glasses.  
I’m sorry for leaving but I had to get to the airport and I didn’t want to wake you.
I had a great time last night with you.
Call me and when I’m back in town you can take me out for a drink. One that  you actually have to pay for this time. 
Richie smiled at Eddie’s words and his neat handwriting and the phone number scribbled on the bottom of the page. 
Maybe weddings weren’t so bad after all.
Tag list: @daddyphantomtbh @yes-dillman-yes   @richietoaster @beepbeeprichiellc @its-stranger-than-you-think   @lemonaayyee @pennys-pet-kitty @tinyarmedtrex   @richiefuckfacetozier @sam-i-am2468 @richardtoz @s-s-georgie @reddie-for-anything @eddiefuckinkaspbrak @constantreaderfool @thundercatseddie @captainbartholomew @mirandonsky @proton-disaster-blaster @alargedepresso @purplepoisonedgem @pan-ini @reddie-to-cryy @reddieforlove @trashmouthnick @multi-fandom-wby @wheezyeds @did-someone-say-reddie @madi-personal @reddie-tozibrak @lover-mouth @atownofeggs (if you want to be added, let me know!)
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onlyssca · 5 years
Would you date me ? // byler fic
Summary:  Mike asked Will to be his fake boyfriend at a relative's wedding, so he could piss off his homophobic family. And if they're going to pretend to be boyfriends, might as well act like real ones right?
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22338424?show_comments=true&view_full_work=false#main 
“I’m gay”
Those 2 words sucked all the noise of the room, making it an agonizing silence longing between the two boys. It wasn’t the first time Will had said those words out loud but, this time he felt a lot more nervous. Probably because it was his opinion that he valued the most.
The first person he ever came out to was his mother. He and his mother were always really close. He knew she wouldn’t be mad but it stayed tough to admit. He then planed on coming out to his brother, Jonathan, but didn’t have to. Jonathan had made it pretty clear in the past that he was aware of his attraction to boys and was okay with it. Will knew he knew, and that was good enough.
He wanted so bad to tell his sister as well. They had grown really close and were almost inseparable. And this part of him he wasn’t sharing with her started to create a gap. El was somehow aware of it but also of the fact that Will wasn’t ready to explain why, and she respected that.  But it felt wrong to come out to her before him.
Him being Mike Wheeler, of course. His best friend. The person he told everything, maybe more than to his own mother. Mike, the one boy who was always by his side, the boy who stood up for him, the boy who was always there when Will needed comfort. Mike Wheeler, the boy who he was madly in love with.
So yes, coming out to Mike was difficult.
They stayed silent for a couple of second, Mike lying on his belly on Will’s bed, him sitting legs crossed a foot away from him; and right before Will started to regret his confession Mike spoke.
Will looked up to meet his eyes. Mike almost looked emotionless; like Will had just asked something as mundane as if he wanted mustard or ketchup on his hotdog. “You- you’re not mad?” Will stopped pulling the tiny part of skin near his fingertips.
“Mad? Will, why would I be mad?” Mike sat up, ruffling the paper sheets next to him. He gave Will a reassuring smile.
“I don’t know, some people would find me disgusting if they knew and I don’t know I-”
“Yeah, but I don’t. To me you’re still the same” He smiled and put his hand on his best friend’s. “It doesn’t matter who makes you feel fuzzy. Boys, girls who cares right?” Will wasn’t expecting that kind of reaction. He had hoped with all his heart that Mike would be accepting but his speech was weirdly open minded, too open minded.
“Are you…” He couldn’t be but Will had to be sure. “Into boys as well?” He finally found the courage to ask.
“Who me? No.” Mike said shaking his head. He didn’t sound offended. He even smiled. “Why? Are you interested?” Mike teased Will, oblivious that the answer was a big fat yes.
“N-no! It’s just you seem so chill about it, sorry”
“No it’s cool” He casually said.
“Cool” Will repeated.
“Anyway, what’d you got for question 5?” Mike simply went back to their homework as if that conversation meant nothing, or never even happened.
“Um, 25”
“Shit I got 56”
Years passed but Will’s crush didn’t, it was slowly turning into something more intense. Back in 10th grade, he tried dating a boy he met at the arcade to get over his best friend. It didn’t work. Will didn’t date anyone else after that. Mike on the other hand, had become quite the womanizer. Will couldn’t blame him; he went from a soft cute child to the hottest boy in the whole school.
So yes, Mike dated a lot. Always coming back to Will at the end of the day, saying that he’ll never find the one. Will’s heart sank when, one day, Mike mentioned that he’d need someone like Will. And of course both of them acted like Mike had never said that. It took a couple of other months for Will to inform the rest of the party that he liked boys. Everyone was accepting and supportive.
“Would you date me?” Mike asked out of the blue. Will who was inconveniently drinking at the same time choked a little on his drink.
“Excuse me?” Will managed to say after catching his breath. He placed his glass on the coffee table.
“I mean hypothetically would you?” Mike still had that serene expression when evoking that kind of subject, compared to Will whose head was always on the verge of exploding.
How was he supposed to answer that? Saying yes would mean hinting his attraction towards the boy, too close to the truth, saying yes meant danger. But saying no would mean lying and risking to hurt Mike’s feeling.
“I mean yeah” Will said after almost a minute of reflection which might have been worse than answering right away.
“Cool… because there’s this wedding I need to attend and I was hopping you’d be my date” Mike saw Will’s confused expression and clarified his proposition. “like pretend to be my boyfriend?” Will couldn’t believe what was happening. His heart was going full speed at this point.
“I mean yeah but wouldn’t it be easier to find a girl? Also more believable” Will tried to reason Mike but more importantly, himself.
“Well maybe I’m into boys as well as girls” Whatever was going on inside Will’s mind seconds ago got deleted by this one sentence. “I mean Johnny Depp’s pretty hot but so is Phoebe Cates, you know what I mean?”
“Not really but-”
“And I mean it’s not like I’ve never… you know” Will’s mind was a total blank at this point, still not processing the idea that Mike could like boys the same way he did.
“I really don’t” Will said.
“All I’m saying is that there is not much differences between kissing a boy and kissing a girl” Mike said and that was what broke the glass wall Wil was hiding behind. The wall that would hold the informations from going to Will’s brain. He stayed silent for a moment still in shock, but tried his best to keep a straight face.
“I guess, although there are differences” Will added.
“Oh yeah I know” Mike said, a little bit, too confidently. If Will was shocked before he now had lost the ability to function. Body frozen, his brain overheating as he tried to connect the dots. And the conclusion he came to kind of scared him for some reason.
“Wait, just so we’re clear. Are you telling me you’ve had sex with a boy?” Will didn’t know if he wanted the answer but his mouth was faster than his brain.
“Not all the way but, yeah pretty much I guess” Mike said nonchalantly. “So what do you say?” Mike changed the subject, looked at him right in the eyes.
“Sure,” Was all Will could say. “When is it?”
“Next week, 21st of July” Mike said.
“Okay, do I need to wear anything in particular?” Will had never been to a wedding.
“No, just a button up shirt I guess. You don’t have to go full tuxedo, unless you want to” Mike said.
Will went home that day looking for an appropriate outfit. He looked through his clothes but he found nothing he liked. He thought of asking his mother but went to look through Jonathan’s old clothes. He had left for college a couple of years ago but some of his stuff were still around.
“Hey buddy, what are you doing?” Will jumped not expecting anyone home. He turned around and saw his brother, leaning on the doorframe of the room.
“Jonathan! I didn’t know you were coming back for summer break!” Will said going for a hug.
“I told mom on the phone a couple of days ago. Didn’t she tell you?” He hugged his brother back.
“I guess not... El’s at Max’s but I can call if you w-”
“No no, don’t worry I’m staying so I’ll see her later”
“Okay” Will said enthusiastically. He had missed his brother.  Jonathan looked over Will’s shoulder and noticed the box of clothes on the floor.
“What’s all this?” He asked, his head nodding towards the box. Will turned around.
“Oh um, I’m looking for a button up shirt, a nice one” Will replied.
“Why? Do you have a date?” Jonathan smiled and lifting his eyebrows up. Will blushed.
“Oh no! Just going to a wedding” He explained, although his brother looked even more confused. “Mike asked me to be his date for one of his relative’s wedding” He quickly regretted his choice of words seeing the facial expression of his brother. “Don’t give me that look it’s, it’s not like that. He asked me to be his fake boyfriend.”
“Fake boyfriend? That’s pretty odd… why not just ask you to come as a friend?” Jonathan asked really confused. Will frowned. Somehow, in his state of ethereal panic when Mike asked him, he didn’t realize how weird it was.
“I-I don’t know…” Will looked down feeling like an idiot for still being in love with the same person for almost 10 years and them not reciprocating the feelings.
“I’m sorry” Jonathan put his hand on Will’s shoulder giving him a pitiful look. He knew. “Come on let’s find you the most stunning shirt we can!”
On the 21st the Wheelers came to pick up Will. Nancy couldn’t make it, which was why they only took one car. Mike got out of the car and walked to the Byers-Hoppers’ front door. Will opened the door to see Mike who was wearing black tuxedo pants, a light blue, almost white, shirt with a loosened navy tie. Will was wearing dark grey pants, his shirt was white with a red tie around the collar, and a dark grey vest matching his pants. He held his tuxedo jacket in his hands.
Will didn’t have time to greet Mike because as soon as the door was open and he was reachable, Mike slid his hand on Will’s wait bringing him closer. He leaned in and kissed Will right on the lips. Taken aback Will almost dropped his jacket on the floor. The kiss lasted about five seconds. Will couldn’t bring himself to close his eyes like Mike did.
“Why did you do that?” Will asked, eyes so wide.
“We’re supposed to pretend to be boyfriends, might as well act like real ones” Mike explained. “You look great by the way” Mike said before taking his hand and leading him to the car. Will forgot to thank him as worry started to take over his shock.
“What about your parents?” Will asked.
“They’re cool with it” He said climbing in the vehicle. Will following him and sat next to him as he greeted everyone.
“Hello kid” “Hi Will!” “Hello honey” All of the other Wheelers said at the same time. “Come on boys buckle up we’re a bit late” Karen said.
Will was a bit surprised by the fact that no one was bothered by the fact that Will was dating Mike. Mike explained, that he himself had thought his father would’ve been angrier about it but he simply didn’t care, totally unaware of the fact that his parents knew that if their son had to date a boy it would’ve been Will.
A moment after they had started driving Will felt Mike’s hand slid in his. He gazed at their hands then at Mike’s face. He was smiling at him. Will took a deep breath then relaxed into the touch and even leaned onto Mike’s arm. If he was going to pretend to be his boyfriend, he was going to enjoy every second of it because as soon as this day ends so does this.
They drove for about forty minute and finally arrived at the venue. The biggest area was outside where all the chairs and tables were, for the reception, as well as a dance floor with a faux ceiling of fairy lights. The place was huge and beautiful. Everything looked expensive and screamed ‘we have money’. Will knew the Wheelers were wealthier than his family but even the extended family was rich.
They entered the room where the ceremony would take place. Still holding hands Mike and Will followed Karen leading the way to the 5th row. They all sat down but Will felt nauseous all of a sudden. He felt stares on him and Mike and whispers here and there.
At first he thought that he was being paranoid, when they stood up for the bride’s entrance he met disgusted faces looking at them.
“Um... Mike?” Will tugged at his sleeve.
“Yeah?” Mike looked at Will giving him all his attention.
“Is your family homophobic?” Will asked the question that was bothering him as soon as he sat down on the white velvet chair.
“Uh yeah, some of them, why?” Mike said eyes wandering around the room.
“And you didn’t tell me?!” Will scream-whispered.
“Didn’t I mention it?”
“No you didn’t!!!” Mike didn’t understand why Will was so mad.
“Well, that’s kinda why I wanted you to come, so I could piss them off. My uncle’s a homophobic asshole so I thought I’d piss him off if I had a boyfriend.” Mike said calmly.
Will’s heart stopped. His shoulders dropped and he felt something in his stomach. His guts getting heavy. Was it the only reason? It would explain the ‘fake boyfriend’ thing… Will thought.
“Hey what’s going on?” Mike noticed Will’s sudden change of mood. He approached him, looking at his face closely trying to figure out the reason his best friend looked so down.
“Mike we could get hurt…” Will said and yes it wasn’t the main reason he felt sad but it was a big concern of his at this moment.
“Will look at me” Mike said lifting Will’s chin using his hand. “I will never let anything happen to you, you understand? Never” Mike said so seriously and with such sincerity in his voice. Will looked at him and saw the boy he fell in love with, and all his worry vanished.
“Okay” Will said nodding and smiling.
After the ceremony all the guests were invited to go eat the meal followed by the party that started right after the now married couple’s first dance together. The whispering and weird looks continued but Mike did everything he could to distract his boyfriend, and that meant kiss him by surprise, asking for, no, drag him to the dancefloor to swing to the music.
Will had seem to be distracted enough to forget all about it. Until one of Mike’s cousin, he assumed, went up to them.
“Hey Michael! I didn’t know you were a fairy?” He said supported by his friend’s laugh behind. Will let go of Mike and took a step away from him. Mike instantly put himself in front of Will, protecting him.
“Do you have a problem George?” Mike almost spat out.
“Yes actually. I don’t want faggots at brother’s wedding” He walked closer to them.
“Take that back!” Mike shouted over the music.
“No, you see I’m quite surprised. You don’t look queer” He said poking at Mike’s shoulder’s multiple times. Then pointed at Will. “Him on the oth-” Mike’s fist interrupting his cousin’s mouth.
It happened so fast that Will didn’t registered the action until he saw the man on the floor, lip bruised and already bleeding. He got back to his feet and punched back. Will was petrified and felt powerless. He watched the scene screaming in his head for them to stop.
His voice finally coming out when his eyes fell on Mike’s bleeding lips and red cheek. “Mike!” The fight didn’t go any further as people went to separate them. Will threw himself at Mike. He took his face between his hands.
“Are you okay?” He asked voice shaking, translating his worry.
“Sure! Never been better” Mike tried to lighten the situation with a joke that did not make Will laugh. Karen arrived near them and brought them in the kitchen of the venue to get some ice.
“Ouch” Mike winced as Will placed the ice patch against his cheek. Mike was sat on a counter, Will standing between his legs. They were no stranger to proximity and closeness, but this night, it became so natural for them, as if they were magnets.
“Sorry” Will said mimicking the boy’s facial expression.
“It’s okay” Mike said placing his hand on top of Will’s. They stared at each other’s eyes for god knows how long. They leaned a little eyes going down towards lips. Hearts racing but abruptly stopped when a member of the staff passed by, making Will drop his hand and them break eye contact. They waited to be alone again before they started speaking again.  “Please don’t say it” Mike said.
“Say what?” Will asked.
“I told you so” Mike replied
“I told you so” Will did it anyway. Mike gave him a small smile. “You didn’t have to do that you know…” Will softly said.
“Do what?” Mike asked confused.
“Getting beat up just to defend me” Will looked down.
“Hey no! I couldn’t stand there listening to that asshole say those things about you, about us.” Mike placed the ice patch next to him and took, between his hands, Will’s face, who winced a little because of Mike’s frozen hand. His burning cheeks helping the hand getting warmer.
“Don’t ever do that again. Promise me.” Will looked so serious.
“No I can’t promise that, I told you I wouldn’t let anything happen to you and I meant it! You’re so important to me okay!” His brain was so dazed from his swollen lips and bruised cheeks, pain radiating in his whole face, which was why he had let this information slipped out of his mouth. Even though they both knew it, hearing Mike say it out loud felt different.
“Mike you don’t understand, I got so scared when I saw him punch you I… please” Will’s eyes getting wet as his voice was shaky. Mike licked the blood on his lips, thinking.
“Promise.” Will held his pinky finger in front of them. Mike looked amused, it’s been so long since they pinky promised something. They used to do it all the time when they were kids. Mike locked their fingers together.
“I promise” His hand quickly moved to hold his entire hand instead of just his pinky. His other hand on the back of the smaller boy’s head, bringing it closer allowing Mike to kiss his forehead. He stayed like this for some time, Will felt his whole body melt. He wiped off the blood stain after his lips left Will’s skin.
He looked around them, checking if anybody could see them, and no, no one was looking. He looked up and saw a bloody smile.
“You can stop pretending, no one’s looking” He took a wet cloth and gently rubbed the blood off Mike’s lips, which was useless as it was still bleeding a little.
“I’m not pretending” Mike said, putting Will’s hair behind his ear. The light touch made Will so weak. His heart was pounding in his chest; it was almost painful. He couldn’t take it anymore.
“Please stop, I’m begging you” Will desperately said avoiding eye contact.
“Stop what?” Mike got worried for half a second.
“Making me feel like this” He said. What do you mean? Was what Will could read on Mike’s face when he finally decided to raise his head. “Like I have a chance, like you could actually love me back”
“Back?” It was Mike’s voice’s turn to shake.
“Yeah Mike. I’m in love with you, have been for years. I honestly don’t know how you never noticed because I’m so weak for you” Will admitted. He was expecting a shocked expression painted on Mike’s face but his eyes met the boy, beaming at him. Will’s eyes flutter out of confusion.
“Why are you smiling?” Will asked.
Will started to panic. Was Mike gonna laugh at his face because of how stupid he was to love someone who will never love him back? He regretted telling this, he regretted coming to the wedding, he regretted agreeing to all of this. He… He tasted blood on his lips.
In his panic state he didn’t notice Mike leaning in to kiss him. Will closed his eyes and they moved their lips together spreading the iron taste on Will’s tongue. Will wasn’t aware of it but his whole body was shaking lightly. The kiss was slightly painful for Mike who didn’t kiss him for too long. They parted but stayed close nonetheless.
“What was that for?” Will said finally coming back to reality.
“For loving me back” Mike said softly.
“B-back?” A glimmer of hope shined in Will’s eyes.
“Yeah I did actually notice you loved me. It just took me a long time to fall for you too, or rather realized I had already fallen” Mike took Will’s hands in his. Will felt like he was floating on a cloud, not even noticing when staff members passed by anymore.
“When did you realized that?” Will had a lot of questions but this one came out first.
“Last year” Mike said looking down. Will let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. A mix of anger, sadness, confusion but mostly frustration took over Will.
“So you knew I was in love with you for years, then realized you loved me back but did nothing for a whole year?” He exclaimed, raising his voice a little.
“Yeah but I actually thought your feelings were gone because you dated that boy and… there’s college approaching and I don’t know I-” Mike struggled to explain. Will listened and waited for Mike to be finished, then waited a little longer, installing a silence between them.
“Now what? What do we do?” Will asked rubbing his thumb on Mike’s knee.
“I don’t know…” He looked at Will whose eyes were stuck on his own thumb drawing circles on Mike’s pants. “What I do know is that I love you.”
“You do?” Will glanced up, finding Mike staring directly at him, smiling.
“Yes! Hell, Will, you’re the love of my life, always have been, always will be, even though the love wasn’t romantic at first it sure is now!” Mike said like it was the clearest thing in his life, because it was. The words made Will melt into Mike’s arms. They also felt like a breath of fresh hair, like Will had been waiting all his life to hear them, like he could finally breathe again.
His eyes sparkled. “So what do you say? You want to give this a shot?” Mike asked, looking at Will through his eyelashes.
“Yes!” Will almost didn’t let Mike finish his question. He crashed his lips against Mike’s, who winced and pulled back.
“Ouch” Mike went to touch his bleeding lip.
“Sorry” Will’s awkward smile grew wider when he felt Mike’s lips back on his own.
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Stranger Things 4 Theory/Prediction: The Clocks Symbolize Memories
Well shit, here we go again.
So obviously everybody has been going off about the recently released Season 4 announcement, with that crazy heckin’ video with the Upside Down, and the clock, and the light in the distance, and all that good stuff. And naturally, people have been making theories, so I decided to make one of my own, using evidence and clues from the announcement trailer, and evidence from previous theories (about the current three seasons) made by other theorists in the fandom.
So, obviously, the most prominent theory in the Fandom at this point (concerning Season 4) is that there’s going to be a time travel element. And I can see how some people would think that, especially with the clock in the trailer, the Twitter account posting the tweet with the clock, Back To The Future in Season 3, and Hopper’s speech mentioning that he wishes he could “turn back the clock.” However, I myself don’t see how this could make any sense, and time travel would inevitably serve to only make the show more unnecessarily complicated and filled with holes, as time travel is not an easy thing to get right and can be portrayed poorly without very careful planning.
My theory, on the other hand, is that Season 4, and all the clues about clocks and turning back the clock, has nothing to do with time travel, but rather Will’s plotline and his relationship with Mike.
Hear me out:
First, let’s examine this still from the announcement trailer.
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Obviously this isn’t the best quality, but there are a few key things that we can single out: the clock, the Welcome To Hawkins sign, Will’s bike (in the iconic position that everyone has known since Season 1), and what appears to be a newspaper strewn across it. There’s also the light in the distance which could either be Hopper’s cabin, or Hopper himself, but I’ll refrain from talking about that since that’s not what this theory is about.
So the clock is obvious, and it’s been hinted that we are directly supposed to focus on the clock and that clocks and time have something significant to do with this season, primarily due to this tweet:
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Now let’s talk about this tweet.
Again, there’s the clock - this clock coupled with the other clock shows that they’re important somehow, which is obvious by this point. But there’s one thing from this tweet that I never see anyone talking about, and that’s what is placed right next to the clock: an upside-down smiley face.
The announcement trailer takes place in the Upside Down, where we already know time to be somewhat skewed. Mr. Clarke even said himself in Season 1 that the Gate can affect magnetic fields (the magnets and compasses), the environment (the dying crops), gravity, and even time itself. This is very subtly touched on in Season 2 when Will sees the Mind Flayer at his house for the first time, where the clock on the wall is shown to be ticking rapidly - much faster than it should be.
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This could possibly be in relation to what has been happening with Hopper and his time in the Upside Down, but again, that’s not what this theory is about.
Now, this is all well in good, but I think it means something else aside from that. And sure, Time Travel theory is slightly plausible, but, personally, I don’t think that’s what these clues are hinting towards at all - or at least not in the traditional sense. So here’s my theory: the clock and all the hints of turning it back have nothing to do with literal time travel, but rather a way of “turning back the clock” that is far more intimate and relevant to Stranger Things itself - memory.
Ever since Season 2, and even in elements of Season 1, memory has played a big part in fighting against the Mind Flayer. While he was in the Upside Down, Will sung Should I Stay Or Should I Go to himself for comfort, clinging to the memory of listening to it with Jonathan to keep himself sane. When Will was possessed by the Mind Flayer it was the memories of his childhood from Joyce, Jonathan, and Mike that allowed him to continue fighting the Mind Flayer as much as he did. The same method is applicable to Billy, who is able to break free of the Mind Flayer’s control when he is reminded of his happiest memory with his mother. Not to mention that El is able to actively look into peoples’ memories, as she does with both Billy and her own mother.
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Memory plays an important part in this show, and it especially plays a key role with Will and his relationship with Mike, and how it’s going to develop in Season 4.
Let’s start with my first point: memories being important to Will’s storyline.
Warning: Mentions of abuse and sexual assault ahead.
For the purpose of this theory, I’m going off of @kaypeace21​‘s theory that the Mind Flayer represents Will's dad, and that a grand majority of the events on the show represent the past sexual abuse that Will can’t remember due to dissociative amnesia. You can read more about that here and here. Kaypeace does an amazing job on it and goes super in-depth into details I wouldn’t have noticed otherwise, so I would definitely suggest reading it if you haven’t.
Throughout season 2 Will constantly references what he says are “like old memories, in the back of [his] head,” and that his Now Memories from the Mind Flayer are “like when you have a dream” and “you can’t remember it unless you think really hard.” This is quite common with survivors of sexual assault, especially if the abuse occurred when they were children. I don’t think I even need to point out the r*pe parallels of Will getting possessed at this stage, so we’ll move on. The point is that Will’s memories of his abuse are there, he just can’t remember them properly - he’s “forgotten” them, in a sense; stored them so deep in the back of his psyche that he can’t bring them back up - and they’re represented with the Mind Flayer who abstractly plays out scenarios that parallel abuse; abuse that Will has gone through in the past.
So in terms of memory, here’s what I theorize is going to happen:
El - likely with her powers returned - is going to end up looking into Will’s memories, just as she did with Terry and Billy, and he’s going to end up remembering everything he repressed.
This definitely isn’t a pleasant idea, not in the slightest, especially with how that will affect Will in the long run; however, recovering repressed memories through clinical hypnotism is an actual method used by therapists for treating people with dissociative disorders. It definitely isn’t the best method of therapy, and is even known to be controversial due to the possibility of creating false memories, but, at times, it still helps people with dissociative disorders to come to terms with what happened in their past and begin to heal from it. Hypnotism is even slightly related to the show with the concept of MKUltra, even if we never directly see it. You can read more about Dissociative Amnesia and treatments for it here.
And why do I think this will happen? Because of another thing I haven’t yet seen people talking about in their posts concerning the announcement teaser: Will’s bike.
Will crashing his bike in Season 1 marks a moment where everything changes - where he’s dragged into the Upside Down, representing his own trauma as a whole along with El’s. And when his bike is found, that changes everything for both his family and his friends - to realize that something happened to him, that he didn’t just skip school or run away. The (what seems to be) newspaper strewn across it is representative of Will’s life changing as well; suddenly everyone in Hawkins knows who he is. He’s the boy who died in the quarry, and then the boy who came back to life, and people are paying attention to him (both good and bad) whether he likes it or not. He’s the most interesting thing that has ever happened in Hawkins, a mystery, a spectacle, and it’s clear that he hates it. Hawkins has never been welcoming to him, and with the Upside Down and everyone looking at him like he’s even “more of a freak” due to his disappearance, Hawkins is the last place he wants to be welcomed back to.
Will’s bike being in the Upside Down in the trailer shows us that, as hard as he is trying to recover and move on, he’s still stuck in that moment. He’s still between the View-Master slides, both in the Upside Down and not, and as much as he’s trying to move on he can’t, not until he’s finally able to face his abuser (the Mind Flayer/his dad).
This leads to my second point:
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How memories are important in Mike and Will’s relationship.
Of everyone that shares memories in the shed in Season 2, Mike’s memory of when he first met Will is the one that really gets through to him, allowing him to break free of the Mind Flayer’s control just enough to send a message. From the camera angles, the lighting, and the acting of it alone, it’s obvious that it’s a very intimate moment between the two of them,
where Mike is at his most vulnerable
to bring Will back -
he’s sharing the most personal memory he has, the one that means the most to him.
And that is significant.
That scene gives us insight into how long Mike and Will have been friends, an indication of
how deep their story goes
, how close they were with each other. It’s not a memory that includes Dustin, or Lucas, or even any of their family members - it’s just them. The scene itself reflects that. They’re close, and they always have been.
And it isnt just that scene either; there are many instances, from Mike going through Will’s drawings after they pull the fake body out of the quarry to a photo - a tangible memory - of the Party (with emphasis on Mike and Will) being what makes Mike realize that El could be the key to finding Will.
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Their memories are important to them - their past and their story are important to them; and, therefore, they’re important to the show. Crucial to the show.
Now fast-forward to Season 3, where Mike has done almost a complete 180 and focuses all of his time on El due to his perception that that’s what he has to do - he has a girlfriend now, he’s grown up (in his own eyes), and that’s all that matters. Mike’s main theme in the season is “we’re not kids anymore,” which he says to Will in the carport - Will, who wants to go back to their younger days; Will, who wants to relive a little bit of what he lost due to his trauma; Will, who wants to turn back that clock, who misses playing board games every night, who doesn’t want things to change.
Hopper, in his speech, wishes he could go back to a simpler time where he and El were closer than they are in Season 3 - when they spent more time together, weren’t distant from each other, talked to each other. And that’s what Will wants, too, throughout the entirety of the third season. He wants to go back to a simpler time where he wasn’t distant from everyone, and didn’t have to worry about the Upside Down or the Mind Flayer, or his friends - Mike - leaving him because they’re getting girlfriends and growing up and he’s stuck by himself - the lonely little gay kid in love with his best friend.
And it’s Mike’s words, and Will looking at the picture - the memory - of them from Halloween when Mike promised that he and Will would “go crazy together,” that finally send Will past his breaking point, causing him to rip the picture directly in half, symbolizing the rift between him and Mike.
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With all this damage done, Mike and Will are a tattered reflection of what they used to be - what we were told about in Season 1 and what we saw in Season 2 - and Season 3 never truly takes the time to amend it. The end of the season shows that they’re clearly on good terms again (what with Will’s flirting and Mike’s fond smile towards him), but that’s not good enough. Not after that catastrophic fight that led to the destruction of Castle Byers and a clear rift in their friendship - that’s not something you can resolve offscreen.
Therefore, I believe that Season 4 will see the proper reparation of Mike and Will’s relationship.
Finally, they’ll talk. They’ll talk about everything - growing distant from each other, barely talking to each other, and the feelings that both of them, Mike especially, have been trying to ignore for years. They can fix the picture, fix the tear between them; the picture will never be exactly the same, but it’ll still be there, and Mike will retell the memory of when he first met Will, paralleling the scene in the shed, but without the Mind Flayer, and without the impending doom. And through this, they can turn back the clock, go back, in a way, to how things once were. They can recreate a time when they were closer, when it was just the two them sitting on the swings, and they can bring back what was so special about their relationship to begin with.
And with the two of them back together and stronger than ever before, Will can finally fully accept himself as he is, for his past and his present, and face the Mind Flayer (his father) once and for all.
This was a really long theory, and one that took me a bit to fully put together myself, but after a lot of research and rereading of multiple theories from Kaypeace, I think I’ve got something pretty solid here. It’s a lot, especially considering that I’m going off of a singular tweet and a 30-second announcement trailer, and there are a couple things that might be a reach, but I think it still has some weight to it. 
Obviously it’s way too early to tell if any of this could be true, so we’ll have to wait for more content, but after all of the theories I’ve read from some of you guys I have no doubt that it’s entirely plausible for some of this theory to be true. Now let’s just hope the Duffers don’t screw us over (which they might, but I will choose to believe they still have half a braincell between them), and pray that we’re on to something. Which, inevitably, we are.
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elizabeth-234 · 4 years
The Supplejack
Summary of the story:  Peter Parker has been alone his whole freshman year but finds hope when Stark Industries announces a science competition. The prize? An internship with Tony Stark.
Hi all. Thank you for being patient on this one. I haven't been at my best recently and writing has taken the brunt of that. In saying that I hope you all doing well and enjoy this one.
I'm also working on my other story "A Night She won't Soon Forget" and that should be posted sometime next week!
Previous Chapter Fifteen: He Returns
Chapter Sixteen: Civil War
Peter reclined back onto the towel. Sand moved under his body to accommodate the shifting in weight as he changed positions. He closed his eyes and listened to the people talking over the waves lapping at the shore. More sand underneath his head siphoned down creating a gritty pillow for his head.
He exhaled.
Flash and Julia were talking to his side. Their soft tones were loud enough to guess Flash had done something irritating and Julia was, in her way, telling him off. He couldn’t hear their specific words but he smirked at a cry of dismay from his friend over something Julia said. Their laughter washed over him along with the general sounds of a beach. It was good to have them close.
He smiled.
They were upstate for the weekend at one of Frank’s mom’s cottages. The home, bigger than any house let alone cottage had the right to be, was hidden away in the Finger Lake Region. It was beautiful country surrounded by hills and vast trees, all miles from the city. Peter couldn’t tear his gaze away from the farms and forests they passed to get to their little oasis. He didn’t ask for specifics when Frank invited them and sitting on the beach with everyone he was glad he didn’t let himself turn down the offer. It was nice to just be for a moment.
Their whole team came out plus Flash, Estee, and Ned in celebration of their runner-up status for the conference. He hadn’t thought there was anything to celebrate but his team had been overjoyed at the announcement. The group chat overflowing with all sorts of ecstatic messages and memes.
The celebration had to be put on hold because of the fast approaching end of school. Finals took over their thoughts for the time and everything else was waylaid. Frank and Monica were graduating so their schedules were filled along with the addition of making sure they were ready for the fall. He and Julia tried to help as best as they could but school bogged down their own schedules as well.
Peter expected everyone to separate in a natural way with all of these factors and was dismayed, as well as pleased, the group chat never extinguished. There wasn’t a day where someone didn’t text something, whether it was Frank talking about one of his games or Julia making sure they were all doing okay for the week. Those small connections were enough to get him through finals and not thinking about what happened.
Summer arrived with the abruptness of the last ring of school bell and finish of finals. One minute the world was on your shoulders and the next it didn’t matter how long you went without sleep to study for the history final. The average was a 59 percent and Peter scraped by with a 65. At least he’d aced all his other finals. Those acted as a buffer when May asked him about the results.
The hot season had been… different than what he was used to. There wasn’t any other way he could describe it. Instead of the long walks alone, waiting for May to get home from work by reading or working ahead on homework for the upcoming year Peter was familiar with, this year Peter had friends.  And they wouldn’t take no for an answer.
The whole group of them stuck together as much as they could even after the presentation. Julia met him at the library more times than he could count. Although she didn’t have homework the two of them, and sometimes Flash accompanying her, would read there. More often than not they would then go no a fieldtrip around the city, finding new spots and ice-cream places they had all never been before. Sometimes Frank and Monica would join them on their escapades.
It was glorious.
And it was exhausting.
He hoped they wouldn’t change when fall was ushered in with the start of school and life began again.
Only two more weeks until the date back.
Logically, he knew it wouldn’t be the same but the thought of starting out his sophomore year the same way his freshman year began was unbearable. It had to be different. He suspected, good or bad, that nothing would quite be the same again. But he was also different.
Peter thought about everything that happened – everything he went through – and realized how much had changed. It was a chilling reflection. The depths of evolution he went through in the past year alone. He’d been lost in the sea of grief as school began and it wasn’t until a white flag, in this case a piece of paper hanging outside of the office, waved that something shifted. Of course, he was resistant to it and avoided the signup sheet simultaneously afraid and yearning for what signing his name could bring.
From there it all tumbled accumulating into even greater changes than Peter ever dreamt possible. Ned was steadfast in his offer of friendship. Cafeteria lunches became commonplace when Peter didn’t feel comfortable before. He’d even begun to enter into the debates Mike held at the table earning approving glances from Midge and Jaimik.
In the midst of all this Peter won the internship. Him. Peter Parker. The freak no one liked. The one who felt best in a safe place instead of in the bustling halls of school was interning at Stark Industries with some of the smartest people he’d ever met.
He remembered wishing he could be like the people who walked into the building like it was any other day; not stopping to stare at the intricate planes and panels leading up to the clouds. While Peter often ran late and didn’t have time to stop and stare, he found the building had become a safe place to him. His seat by the window was always empty and waiting for him and besides it was a cabinet full of snacks Julia would share. Lab five and its occupant were beginning to be as familiar and his talks with Friday never failed to make his day.
Thinking of lab five made his chest tighten. Something he always felt when Mr. Stark was mentioned somehow. He wondered what would have happened if everything had gone differently.
If Peter explained.
If he’d stood up for himself and made Mr. Stark listen.
What would Ben have said about it all? How would he react to his nephew forgetting to his speech about courage and shyness? In actuality, Peter had no doubt Ben would’ve stormed into Stark Tower and gave Mr. Stark a piece of his mind. Ben’s approach would be direct and the results would be swift, he was sure of that much. But that was something Peter couldn’t do.
He respected Mr. Stark too much to try and push himself into the man’s life. There was a list of things left unsaid but maybe it was for the best. At least now the man attributed the faults to something Peter did instead of who Peter was. He wasn’t sure if he could handle another rejection of himself again. Especially not from Mr. Stark.
Peter shook his head on the towel and ignored the sounds around him as long as he could.
All of these incited the changes in himself. He was still Peter but at the same time he was something more. He had friends and family. People he could contemplate opening up to. Topics he was passionate about. A job doing something he excelled at. They all were apart of him now when a year ago he could never have dreamed of any of it. And he felt so lucky to be able to think that; to be laying there on the beach as his friends surrounded him.
And that was that.
Julia squealed and began laughing. She stood up in a hurry, spraying sand onto her towel and Peter’s face. He sat up, covering his face with his hands to block the sun while trying to spit out the offending grit in his mouth.
“What was that?” He found Julia soaking and Flash holding a bottle full of liquid.
“You stand back, Flash” She yelled. He smiled and progressed further toward her. Peter scrambled onto his feet at the deranged grin Flash sent him. Julia’s hands were up to provide a barrier in front of her. Her head moved back and forth between the two of them.
“Oh, no you don’t. Peter, I’m warning you.” He stepped toward her. “Flash, you’ve corrupted him!”
Flash moved forward after a nod from Peter. Julia darted backward but Peter blocked her exit. Flash raised the bottle again and flipped it over but Julia was too fast. The water ended up dripping into his hair and down his face. At least the sand from before was washed away.
His bangs flattened onto his forehead and he coughed to get the liquid out. Flash and Julia’s laughter ignited further at the sour face he was making. Her arm was over Flash’s shoulder and the two huddled together as he wiped the hair from his eyes.
“So funny.” He frowned when they continued to laugh. Their eyes crinkled and he couldn’t help but smile in response. Peter stepped toward them and shook his head. Water sprayed over the two, provoking protests. They followed him as he ran to the dock, dodging their attempts to throw the last of the water on him.
Frank stepped out of the house and onto the porch. His yells of encouragement were followed by the sounds of his steps as he ran toward them.
“Yeah, fight it out!”
The planks of the dock shook under each step forward. They all backed up, not wanting to get in the way until they realized they were stuck between the dock and water with nowhere to go.
“No!” They yelled united under a common enemy fast approaching. Frank continued to yell. His eyes bulged out and Peter could almost imagine his tongue leaving his mouth and dangling over the side of his face. At the last moment he extended his arms out on either side of his body and jumping forward. He dragged the three of them up and over the water until they crashed into the waves.
Peter swam back to the beach. Sand squished through his toes as water pooled in his bathing suit before dripping down his legs. He stood at the precipice of the water watching as the tide moved back and forth, over and away from his feet. In the corner of his vision he could spy Frank pushing Julia into the water again at the edge of the dock. Her raised voice filled with mirth so at odds with her normal quiet tones. It seemed everyone was able to let loose on their weekend trip.
He turned his back on the shore and made his way to his towel. Monica and Estee had arrived while they were swimming. They smiled as he approached.
“Cold?” She asked snickering at the shivers running down his arms. Peter nodded and sat down careful to keep his sand encrusted feet off the towel. He watched the others continue to swim around. Their laughter punctuated the splashes as they jumped off the dock.
Monica moved over and sat next to him. Her head rested on top of her knees tucked against her chest.
“Peter?” She said in a quiet tone. “I wasn’t sure if I should say anything or when a good time to talk would be but I wanted you to know I’m really proud of our team. I could tell you thought we blamed you for the place we got but the thought never crossed my mind. You know?”
Peter swallowed and turned to face her. She stared straight at the lake but there was an openness in her face.
“I didn’t…” He cleared his throat. “How did you know?”
This time she did look over at him with a soft smile. There wasn’t an ounce of blame there. Peter shifted on the towel.
“I think I know you by now Peter. Plus, I would’ve felt the same if I was… you know.”

The tightness knotted in his chest in response and he did his best not to remember Mr. Stark’s parting words. Instead he focused on his teammate. It was her senior year and college was around the corner for her. He wondered what she would do now that both of her internships were done and her life was just beginning. She was sure of what she wanted that there was no doubt she would do something great. There was no reason for her to lie because he knew she would have no trouble saying her mind. Peter looked over and was grateful now for that straightforwardness. It let him accept her words and feel the knot loosen.
“Thank you.” He said.
She leaned over and put a hand around his shoulder, drawing them together.
The sun was setting behind a row of trees on the other side of the lake. Clouds lingered in the sky creating specks of purple and black overlaid on the fire palate in the sky. Frank, Flash, and Julia finally crawled out of the water and onto the shore all shivering and prune-skinned from the water. They plopped down on the towels and started digging into their bags to grab the snacks they brought down from the cottage.  
Peter accepted a handful of grapes. Everyone laughed and talked as they dried off. Two more weeks until school and in that moment, Peter would’ve given everything to stay on that lake; somewhere in upstate New York with his friends.
“How’s the Yaesu doing?” Barry asked from his spot in the doorway.
Peter looked up from behind a pair of magnifying goggles. Barry’s features were distorted under the pair of goggles but he smiled at the way Peter was almost bouncing off the seat as he nodded.
“I think it’s done.” He said.
Barry entered the room and Peter shoved everything over to the side of the desk so he could move the radio over to where his boss was standing. Barry whistled as he inspected the new parts all secured in their right place.  He tinkered around with a few of the disks but then stepped back.
“This is great, Peter. I’m glad you talked me into those extra hours, though your old manager is missing out on one good barista. She’s a beauty. With your finishing of that I think you deserve the rest of the day off.”
Peter opened his mouth to protest; to say he needed the distraction, but Barry was already waving him off.
“No worries. You’ve been working so much and I know you want some time before school. I’ve got the shop covered here.”

At least he was kicking Peter out in the nicest way possible but he wasn’t sure what he would do now. Frank and Monica had moved into their dorms the weekend before. Frank was out of state on a football scholarship. The pictures they sent of their cramped rooms did not inspire excitement about Peter’s own future prospects. Their small updates while sporadic allowed everyone in their team to stay connected.
Flash and Julia were doing something together which had surprised Peter but everyone else didn’t share his reaction. Monica said he should have seen it coming and on reflection Peter realized they had spent a large amount of time together at the cottage. He thought it was cute they were friends. Julia brought a sort of calm to Flash whose energy otherwise had too many directions to go to. Under the other’s influence Peter noticed the focused energy in Flash and a rise in confidence in Julia.
Ned was Ned. The boy texted Peter if he wanted to hang out today citing movies they could watch but with this unexpected freedom so early in the day Peter just wanted to spend time by himself.
There was nothing wrong with that, he reassured himself and ignore the guilty feeling of not texting his friend back. Spending time with yourself was important. Balance was key and while their upstate vacation was fun he returned home tired. After all he thought of by the lake, all the changes he’d undergone, he wasn’t a completely new person. He was still Peter Parker and sometimes he needed to be with himself.
Peter went into the back to grab his stuff. He spotted Barry on his way to the door in the front. The man was leaning against the counter, arms crossed on the glass case with his eyes trained on the small TV set up by the register. One red Converse rested on the other.
“Barry?” Peter spoke trying to gain the attention of his boss but the man didn’t respond. He said his name again with the same lack of response. The news murmured in the back and Peter walked around the counter, curious to see what was monopolizing his boss’s attention.  
The camera was shaking. Blurry images focused and unfocused on the screen amidst dirt and chaos thrown into the air. The trembling stopped; the camera focused and everything seemed to pause.
Peter’s breath lodged, trapped and turning stagnant, in his chest. The camera was stationary but what it captured was made all the more violent by this unnatural stop in motion. The outside world was silent, trapped in the spell the recorded world wove spinning regardless of its effects in brash action. Metal screamed on impact. Dust and debris streamed across the sky and Peter’s eyes tried to follow every movement in anticipation.
The first thing his eyes zoomed in on was the blue suit. Hadn’t he seen it on the TV only a month ago with that stranger? Captain America stood center screen, facing away and gesturing wide to someone he couldn’t see. His back tensed. Muscles rippled under the taught fabric facing them. His dropped for a moment. The helmet with dipped out of sight before his back straightened again. His shoulders square and spine tall. Then he brought his arm up and lunged forward.
Something hit the ground.
Red and gold caught his eye.
Peter gripped the edge of the counter as blue hit the red suit, sending the cement cracking under the pressure. Why was he? How could Captain America attack… his fellow Avenger? His friend?
His knees threatened to buckle as he tried to comprehend what he was seeing.
Captain America and Iron Man. In battle.
Beyond those two frontal figures other superheroes were fighting. Using their powers against each other. Not against a villain or some common enemy. No, they were fighting amongst themselves.  
Captain America stood above Iron Man. His feet near the man’s head. Cement cracked in a grotesque halo around his head. The building behind them was on fire.
In the back of his mind Peter wondered how this was being recorded and broadcasted onto the TV. All those thoughts were stripped away when Mr. Stark, no, Iron Man, launched off the ground, toward the other man.
Their fight began in earnest. There were no more pauses, nothing to say there was any hesitancy left in either figure. The colors clashed on screen and a restless itching invaded his muscles and into his blood cells. He needed to do something. To run or distract or… something. But he didn’t know where to go or what to do. Would he be welcomed? The most sickening prospect is he knew he wouldn’t be able to do anything either way. Not in comparison to all of the special people already there.  
Still, despite reaffirming these thoughts there remained the urge to run there and help Mr. Stark in any way he could.
Regardless of not being wanted or needed.
“Look at that there. Who would have thought good old Captain America would engage like that?”

Peter focused on the screen again. Cold sweat broke out on the back of his neck at the realization they were at a different location than before. The walls were dark and condensed the vision of the cameras making him feel claustrophobic.  
Iron Man was standing apart from a figure shrouded in the shadows. The famous shield, the one Peter dreamed of holding as a child, was cast to the side. Scratches marred the star on the front. Captain America stepped out from his place by the wall with a frown. He said something as he looked Iron Man up and down. A faint, pleading look replaced his otherwise dour expression.
Punches were thrown and explosives detonated in the cramped quarters so quickly it was difficult to keep track of everything. Peter lost sight of Iron Man for a moment and his heart clenched until the faint glow of the arc reactor appeared from inside the dust cloud.
Peter couldn’t think of him as Mr. Stark in that suit. His name refused to surface in Peter’s mind with all the metal incasing him, protecting him. It created this distance and it would hurt too much to think of that as Mr. Stark fighting.
The shield was in his hands.
Everything was in slow motion. The itching grew and Peter needed to run, to scream, to stop it but he was helpless. Captain America brought the shield over his head. His knees were on either side of Iron Man’s chest. The shield came down and slammed, stopped in time by Iron Man’s hands. The shield came up again, higher than the previous time, and it was flying down.
His heart stopped. Iron Man’s hands weren’t enough to stop the energy behind the assault.  Captain America stared down. Iron Man gazed upward, pain and a sort of grime acceptance in his eyes.
The shield came down faster than he could follow, the stars and stripes blurred by the motion. The results were confirmed with the denting of the red armor. The arc reactor fractured. Glass cracked and allowed the light to slip through the gaps.
The two men stared at each other. Their broken and torn up armor added unspoken meaning to the betrayed faces they wore. Iron Man’s helmet came off and it was the first time he wasn’t realized to see Mr. Stark’s face. Before that moment there was still a doubt and hope it would’ve been someone else or empty. But no, Mr. Stark gasped for air while his hands clawed against his chest.
Those wide eyes and desperate movements were the last to appear before the TV went black.  Peter was frozen. He was stuck in the fraught moment that had ended too soon and not soon enough on screen. The one he knew Mr. Stark was still living.
Barry said something. His eyes searched Peter’s face but he couldn’t look away from the screen now filled with headlines and news anchors. His boss moved around the counter and clapped him on the shoulder with another word Peter missed. He moved to the back of the store leaving Peter alone.
The person on screen was speculating about the possibilities of meaning this could mean for the Avengers and greater world. Their lips hurried through the broadcast but it was obvious they didn’t know what was happening.  
One particular sentence caught his attention.
“…and, of course, Tony Stark also under the alias, Iron Man, was on scene. While we don’t know exactly what caused this rift between the group it is clear his motivations and actions are far from scrutiny given past indiscretions…”
His hands clenched at his sides at the smirk on the reporter. The tighter he squeezed the deeper his nails bit into the flesh of his palms. It was just like those people staring in the hallways of the Tower. Their faces all pressed against the glass to catch a glimpse and speculate about their boss. The news was the same. The amount of times Mr. Stark had joked about what they wrote about him was sickening.
Who were they that they had the right to say that? How was that fair?
Peter squeezed his hands harder, pushing his knuckles into the glass on the counter before storming out of the building. He didn’t call out a goodbye to Barry or clock out of work. It didn’t matter.
The wind swept through his hair and a chill descended onto his skin as he walked out. On pilot he steered through the crowds of people without making eye contact. His thoughts were miles away but his feet began the way to his apartment without prompting.
He couldn’t help the tendril of worry curled in his stomach. It nested there and created a pit stuck like an anchor weighing down his body and thoughts. Mr. Stark had to be okay. He was Iron Man after all and the man had faced much worse. He’d always come out ahead every other time.
That was the defining difference though. Mr. Stark had faced worse enemies before but Captain American wasn’t an enemy to Peter’s knowledge. While Mr. Stark didn’t talk about the Avengers often and Peter didn’t want to pry, it was a kind word he spoke when he did. Peter never dreamed there would be discord in the world-famous group. They were the Avengers and to all outward appearances they were colleagues and friends. Everyone’s aimed weapons. The scowls and grimaces. All the fighting in the back. All of it aimed at a teammate.
He thought of Julia, Frank, and Monica and shivered. Would they turn on each other given the chance? Peter shook his head at the wayward nature his thoughts were taking. He had to focus on what was happening now.  
Mr. Stark’s eyes and his hands holding onto his chest would be burned into his mind. The image of fissured glass and metal replayed over and over. Peter wasn’t sure if he could remember to breath normally.
The subway ride passed by without notice as his thoughts whirled around in his head. Somehow Peter made it back to his room ensconced in the familiar warmth of his blanket. He squeezed his eyes shut and hoped to obliviate everything. For a selfish instant, all he wanted was to forget about the afternoon and all the baggage that came loaded with it. He should’ve helped. It was like there was this voice in the back of his mind that knew in some other universe he would have been strong enough to help in some way. It wasn’t to be. He was here in his apartment under the covers in his bed. He was hiding from his aunt and her questions. He was hiding from himself and the disappointment he felt about it all.
Peter’s phone rested against the pillow to his side. He ignored all the incoming text messages from his friends and instead scrolled through every social media and news outlet he could think of trying to get a crumb of new information. There were videos breaking down every scene of the footage released like a movie trailer. Everything was conjecture.
There was one option to find the truth.
Shaking hands dialed the contact and with minimal thought to convince himself out of this course of action, Peter pressed call. The lone sound that filled the air was the rings followed by Mr. Stark’s voicemail. The man’s voice, gentle and teasing, took Peter’s breath away. He hadn’t heard it in so long and yet it felt like yesterday. He remembered the story Pepper told him of how she forced him to set up the voicemail on his number.
“You know who it is. You’re trying to call me so I’m supposed to say leave a number but don’t. I’ll find you.” He could hear the phone being put down and Mr. Stark walking away while talking to his partner. “Are you happy now, Pepper?” He said and they both laughed.
She told Peter over dinner one night how stubborn the man was. How even though he was quick to right his wrongs, change came difficult for him, including, apparently, a new voicemail. The man had griped from across the table but winked at Peter when he insisted in defending Mr. Stark’s honor and told Pepper he was the same way. He glanced up under his lashes when he spoke, confident for the first time that night, to see their eyes soften as they gazed at him.  
He scowled at the memory and let the phone fall screen first onto his mattress before turning toward the wall. Peter tucked the blanket higher over his head and wished he had the courage to leave a voicemail, or to call one more time so he could hear their laughter again.
His stomach throbbed as he thought about his internship. He spent so many hours in the Tower over forged metal and takeout boxes with the man. All the time he agonized over if he should be there and listing everyway he wasn’t good enough when it would’ve been, not easy because nothing was that easy, but worth it to forget about all that. How strange and how worth it would his internship have been if Peter had just accepted he was wanted there? At the time he rationalized he was doing everyone a favor. He was saving them from disappointment but maybe he was saving himself the potential hurt. Peter thought of his promise to himself to try and be happy and he realized maybe this was a part of it.
Osborn and his curled smile were the crux of this. The injection of that man into his life had closed off doors he was only beginning to see were available to him. If only he’d never gone to Oscorp.
It was no use thinking like that but his mind kept circling around the two men well into the morning. Nothing fruitful came of it and he was left with shadows darkening his eyes.
May tried to grab his attention. She loaded up his plate with toast and strawberries but Peter pushed it around. His homework beckoned him from his desk but as he sat there, Peter found his eyes wandering to the fire escape and beyond.
His feet pounded against the sidewalk as his walk turned into a run. Despite the screaming in his muscles and the pressure building in his lungs he continued forward, urged by the lack of thought his action was providing. He was so focused on his body he didn’t have to think about Mr. Stark and why he was fighting with Captain America. Self-reflective thoughts were shoved down by the sound of his harsh breaths and for the moment Peter was running.
And it was heaven.
Thank you!
Taglist: @whatisthou @demi-starzak @warmwithafewfrostymoments
Next Chapter Seventeen: Reflections and Realizations
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thewildwaffle · 5 years
Abduction - Chapter 26
We’re getting close to the end here people! It’s officially been 2 years since I started writing this and I am so close I can almost taste it! It’s officially been 2 years since I first sat down to write this story. I never would have been able to do this without all the feedback and encouragement I’ve received from posting it. Thank you for the critiques, the ideas, the advice, and the reactions. It’s kept me going!
Also, thanks for being patient while I get this written and edited.
Chapter 1           Previous Chapter             Next Chapter
Thurrin wanted to pay more attention to the conversation going on in the shuttle, but she had to stay focused. Human Vern was piloting, but she had been put in charge of navigation through the warp. No small task seeing as the Burnti Command fleet had been on the move. They had exited warp and were now following slowly, very far behind the Arum Bloom. Hopefully, Mike and Wenona were still aboard. Or at least, Thurrin thought, why wouldn’t they be?
“Oh my gosh, is that it? It’s freakin’ huge!” Kylee leaned forward, marveling at the screen. It was big. Even from this far away. There was no atmosphere or obstacle of any kind to block their view of the ship. If they continued at their current pace, it would take a few solar cycles to reach the Arum Bloom, even if it was at a stand-still. Thankfully, the distance coupled with their ship’s small size would keep them “under the radar” as the humans said.
Human Vern turned and pushed Kylee back out of his space to her chair. “How can you say that’s huge after having been on the Rock Base?”
“Okay, that’s on a completely different level. That’s like comparing a mouse to a bear. The bear is huge, but I can still look at a mouse and say, ‘wow, that’s a big mouse.’”
For the first time in what felt like forever, Thurrin felt she could take her eyes off her controls long enough to look back at Kylee. “I assume those are Earth creatures?”
“Yeah, they are. Bears are the largest land predators back home. Mice are small rodents that…” She paused. A slow smile spread across her face. “Well hey, I actually think you’d be really interested in mice, Thurrin.”
Thurrin glanced again at her instruments to make sure nothing had changed. “To be honest, I’d be really interested in anything about Earth. I think I’d like to visit someday.”
“Well hey, we get out of this alive, you’re more than welcome to come to crash it at my place if you’d like.”
“If we survive… yeah.” Thurrin’s tail drooped. The humans seemed pretty nonplussed at the idea of maybe dying. She herself knew it was a possible outcome. And on top of that, even if they did survive… “I might have to visit. Might not be welcome back on Bernor after… after we get done with this.”
“Hey, guys,” Human Vern interrupted, “we can make plans later, we’ve got movement.”
“They haven’t found us out, have they? I thought Booka Vern’s signal dampener was supposed to keep us hidden!”
Thurrin checked the readout of Booka Vern’s device. “It is! It is, it’s working, or it should be. I can’t exactly go outside and check!”
“What kind of weapons does this thing have?” Kylee stood up, ready for action.
Vern checked. “Uh, I think just a few small balinton blasters.”
“That’s it?!”
“This is a shuttle, not a battlecruiser!”
“Wait, hold on,” Demfar spoke up for the first time in a while, “I don’t think they’re coming after us, look!”
All eyes locked onto the small vessel in question. Sure enough, it was headed in their direction, but it didn’t seem to be coming straight at them. No one spoke, almost as if their silence would help keep them from being detected. It was some sort of small transporter. Or perhaps a mechanic’s hopper? What was it doing out here alone?
“We should hail it,” Vern whispered, already entering the commands to the computer to hail it.
“We should wha- are you completely out of your mind?!” Kylee whispered back.
Thurrin stared at the screen in front of her. Vern was searching for a compatible frequency that would an audio message without giving away their location. She looked out towards the oncoming ship. They were really booking it out of there. What were they doing all the way out here, so far away from their ship?
“They’re obviously not coming for us.” Vern selected a frequency and was preparing the ship’s communication commands. “I want to know what they’re doing out here.”
“Have you ever heard of the phrase ‘curiosity killed the cat?’” Kylee hissed quietly.
Thurrin’s ears perked. She knew what a cat was. Mike had told her about them and Wenona had drawn a few pictures of them. She had to say, they did look a lot like Booka. She didn’t understand why Kylee was bringing them up now though. “Why would you kill a cat?”
“It’s just a figure of speech,” Kylee sighed, “Meaning being curious is going to risk us all getting found out and ruining the entire mission, Vern!”
She tried grabbing at Vern’s hands to stop him, but he pushed her arms away with one hand and continued entering the commands with the other.
“Look at it. Something’s up. We need to know what’s going on before we go in,” Vern’s hands were big, but the final command needed input from the console from two separate keys at once. Thurrin looked between the console, the ship headed towards them, and  Vern. He was right. That ship had no business being this far from the main fleet. Something was going on, and it was best if they knew as much as they could before continuing with the mission.
Vern was struggling to reach the final key while still holding down the other. Before Kylee could stop her, Thurrin reached over and hit it. The communication programs were set and the frequency went out.
“You two are going to get us all killed,” Kylee huffed.
“We’ll be fine,” Vern sighed. “We’re still shielded. If they mean us any ill, we just stay hidden and continue on our way. Maybe even with a bit of insight as to what to expect here on out.”
Kylee grunted and sat back down, arms folded tightly across her chest. “Maybe next time we could vote on it before you go making stupid decisions.”
“Maybe next time.”
For a while, no one spoke. No one even moved. The ship got closer After what felt like a small eternity, a voice hesitantly peeped from the speakers.
“Uh, hello?” a wheezy voice broke the silence.
“What are you doing?” Hissed another voice quietly. It sounded like the speaker was standing away from the microphone. “We are running for our lives and you answer the weird signal?
“It’s not a Burnti signal,” the first voice said back. “You’re not Burnti, are you?” A pause. “Hello? Is anyone there?”
Vern looked around at the group before answering, “Hello, yes we’re here. You probably can’t see us, we’re cloaked, but we’re from the Galacti-”
“Hello? Hey, sorry,” the first voice interrupted, “I can’t hear you very well, could you speak up?”
Looking down at the console, Thurrin found a tuning dial. She carefully moved it a notch and leaned into the mic. “Yes, sorry, we can hear you just fine. We’re honing the signal, it should be better now, but there may still be interference between our operating systems. Uh… can you hear me now?”
There was a bit of inarticulate grumbling noises from the speaker for a moment. “Yes, we can hear you. Did you say ‘we’? Who are you? What are you doing here?”
“We- well, we are from the Galactic Confederation.” Which was true, even if this little trip of theirs wasn’t sanctioned by the Galactic Confederation.
“By all things bright and shining! This is Mahben Glaykur of the ESS Sicatna. My companion and I were prisoners on the Burnti ship, Arum Bloom. There was a breakout or a glitch or something in the cell doors where we were being held in and we escaped and stole this hopper.”
Everyone on both ships let out a deep sigh which turned into relieved laughter. 
“We can’t tell you how happy we are to hear you!” Mahben Glaykur continued, “Where are you? Are you the scouting party? Are there more ships coming?”
Thurrin looked over to Human Vern who stared back, his mouth straightened to form a straight line.
Thurrin paused. Her stomach tied itself in knots. The Burnti had prisoners besides the humans. How did she tell them that they weren’t here for them? How did you tell someone they’d been left behind? “There aren’t any other ships coming. It’s just us. For now. A, uh, covert mission of sorts.”
Behind her, Kylee made a short exhaling sound. “A very covert mission,” she mumbled under her breath.
There was a long silence from the other ship. They were almost close enough to see the markings on the side of the vessel. It was a small cargo ship, probably one that would carry specialized equipment and electronics. She wasn’t sure if it would have a warp drive aboard or not.
Once the silence was starting to become unbearable, Thurrin activated the comm device again. “Mahben Glaykur, how many escaped with you?” There was no response. “How many from the Galactic Confederation are still aboard the Arum Bloom?” She tried again.
The speakers clicked as if the other ship had activated their comms, but it took another quarter of a moortik before they heard the Mahben finally respond. “Unknown. I’m sorry, I… I know there are others. I don’t know if they made it out. It’s… it’s just the two of us here. There was a third, but he stayed behind to find his companions, the two humans.”
Thurrin’s tail twitched. Someone else was trying to save Mike and Wenona? Her brain tried to process what she’d heard.
“Mahben Glaykur, do you know who that was? Who was it that stayed?” Thurrin felt Demfar rest a tentacle on her shoulder. She looked up at his large eyes. As a medic, he was all too well aware of those who had been lost during the Battle of the Blockade. They both turned to look eagerly at the speaker for the answer.
“He was a sefra. Jebannuck Sefra. We tried to tell him it was a suicide mission, but he said he was pack-bonded with the humans. I’m sorry, we had to leave him, there wasn’t time. I wish we could have helped him, or found others to bring with us, but we barely made just ourselves.”
Thurrin wasn’t really listening anymore. She felt her fur ripple across her body. It felt both freezing cold and blazing hot at the same time. Her mind was about in the same state. She suddenly felt exhausted and hyperactive all at once. She wanted to cry and laugh. And she did. A bit of steam actually rose from the tears that fell into her fur.
Jebannuck was alive!
Demfar sighed deeply, which turned into a chuckle and grew to a full laugh. Squifra aren’t very loud creatures in pretty much anything they do, laughter being no exception, but the broken exhales and low clacking noises were the most Thurrin thought she’d ever heard one laugh before.
It would take a while to calm down - for either of them. And they still had a mission to do. Thurrin rose to her hind feet, having to balance herself for a moment before jumping down to let Kylee take her spot. They could figure out the specifics of their next step - getting aboard the Arum Bloom.
Where Jebannuck was. Where Mike was. Where Wenona was. All safe. All still alive!
Well, she paused, her giddy high dropped like a claw to the gut, she hoped they were all still alive. The humans might be safe for now, but he certainly wasn’t. Jebannuck should have just come with these two escapees. He should have. But she understood the reason why he didn’t. It was the same reason she was here now.
She took a moment to try to calm herself. She was here, and here was a dangerous situation. Jebannuck’s presence changed things, for good or bad - well that was easy, it was good. Oh, it was so good! It was more a matter of would this make things harder or easier?
 Humans Vern and Kylee were trying to get as much information from Mahben Glaykur as they could. It turned out that the other escapee aboard the ship was a relegated Burnti officer who had insights that would help them immensely. Their little hopper of a ship didn’t have a warp drive, but it did have some hyperspeed capabilities. They could probably make it out of the system alright. They could make it to secured Confederation space within half a partec if they were careful and didn’t get caught first.
It was helping with that last part that pulled Thurrin back into full-on mission-mode. The escapees had made it pretty far from the Burnti command ship, but there would be other ships scrambled to intercept them if there hadn’t been already. Stopping to talk with Thurrin and crew certainly put a damper on the lead they had going. Their hyperdrive was still coming online. They wouldn’t be able to get to hyperspeed before the Burnti arrived. 
Not unless some other small, mysterious ship just happened to disengage their signal dampener, and seemingly pop into existence to provide a distraction long enough for them to get away.
Thurrin’s tail twitched back and forth nervously. Their ship only had the balinton blasters. Not enough to fight off multiple enemy ships for long. But they wouldn’t be doing that. One, that would be death. Two, Human Vern and Kylee planned on getting captured. If they surrendered after what looked like a sufficient-enough struggle, they would be delivered right to the Arum Bloom.
Thurrin didn’t really like the plan. It was crazy. It was dangerous. All of this was. But it was the humans’ plan, and from the stories she’d heard and Thurrin’s own experience, those usually seemed to be the ones that got the best results. Thurrin looked around at her group. Demfar and the humans. She could think of no better group to help her get her friends back.
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morkhan · 5 years
Will Byers is Gay: The Evidence So Far
With the release of Stranger Things 3, there has been a lot of discussion kicked up about the character of Will Byers and his sexuality (or lack thereof). I've seen a lot of takes about what "it's not my fault you don't like girls" was intended to mean, many of which seem to take it in isolation, so I wanted to make a post putting it into what I think is its proper context; not an isolated incident, but the latest carriage in veritable train of queer themed language and imagery that has followed Will Byers since episode one of season one, and before that. You ready? Alright, let's go.
Season Zero: the Montauk Files
Before Stranger Things became Stranger Things, it was called Montauk. Like many would-be show makers, the Duffer Bros put together a "show bible" describing the premise, setting, tone, and characters of the show they intended to make. Like many shows, a lot of these ideas changed or were lost on their way to the screen, but it's always worth looking into their original concepts. Here is their description of Will Byers in the Montauk show bible:
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Obviously, the major whammy there is in the first line "sexual identity issues." But there are some other interesting notes, like his "colorful clothes" that you might want to keep a lookout for on your next rewatch. Now, onto...
Season 1
The thing to pay attention to regarding Will in season 1 is in the language used to refer to him when he is not present (which he isn't for most of the season).
Episode 1: the subject of bullying comes up right away in the conversation between Joyce and Hopper. "The kids, they're mean. They laugh at him, laugh at his clothes, call him names." "What's wrong with his clothes?" "I don't know!" This harkens back to the Montauk show bible, but it's arguable, since it's never made clear what about his clothes draws ire.
She also mentions that he is "sensitive," "not like most," and that his dad said he was "queer" and called him a "fag." Hopper asks "is he?" to which she replies "He's missing is what he is!"
Episode 3: Troy says he's not missing, he's dead. "Probably killed by some other queer."
Episode 4: Troy, again "Will's in fairyland, flying around with all the other little fairies, all happy and gay."
Sensitive, queer, fag, fairy, and gay are all used to describe Will in season 1, but perhaps more notable is the fact that they aren't used to describe anyone else. If the show were truly period accurate, let's be real; the whole party would've been called queers on a pretty regular basis, because "queer" doubled as a generic insult back then. But in season 1, these words are only ever used in relation to Will, with one exception; in episode 6, Steve says to Will's brother, "I used to think you were queer." So it's not even an active accusation in that moment; it's used in the negative.
Hell, Troy walked up to Lucas mockingly proposing to Mike and proclaiming his love for him, and he still didn't call them queers. That language is reserved for Will.
Now granted, most of these are used as insults by characters who don't like Will, but still; as a writer, if you want your audience to remember something, repetition is an excellent way to embed it in their minds. There's a reason for the specificity of language surrounding Will, and a reason that language keeps coming up over and over and over again.
Season 2
Season 2 retires much of the homophobic language used to insult Will, replacing it with "Zombie Boy." The only homophobic language used in season 2 is the word "faggot," used by Billy's father to refer to Billy, who expresses a clear interest in women (and an arguable interest in one particular man, but that's the subject of another post).
Still, there is an arguable bit of queer theming in Will's conversation with Jonathan regarding the benefits of being a "freak" and how normal people never accomplish anything. Jonathan even invokes bisexual icon David Bowie to make Will feel better about his "freakishness."
The clearest piece of queer theming for Will in season 2 comes in episode 8, in this beautiful speech from Joyce to Possessed Will:
"When you turned eight, I gave you that huge box of crayons, do you remember that? It was 120 colors. And all your friends got you Star Wars toys, but all you wanted to do was draw with all your new colors. And you drew this big spaceship, but it wasn't from a movie. It was YOUR spaceship; a RAINBOW Ship, that's what you called it. And you, you must have used every color in the box. I took that with me to Melvald's, and I put it up. I told everyone who came in, 'My son drew this.' And you were so embarrassed, but I was so proud. I was so, so proud."
This is one of the most powerful memories of her son that Joyce has, an image so strong and distinct that she uses it to invoke his true identity against the monster that is slowly subsuming him. She notes very specifically that it's not something he copied, but something that came entirely from Will himself, an image that she felt represented him so perfectly that she took it with her to work and proudly touted it as his to everyone she knew. The Rainbow Ship is Joyce's picture of her son's very heart, and surely I don't need to explain to you how powerful a piece of queer imagery the rainbow is.
Some subtextual stuff; in episode 9, when the girl asks Will to dance, he stammers "I... I don't..." and only goes to dance with her when Mike literally pushes him towards her.
During the final montage, the scene cuts to different characters in time with appropriate lines from the song: "every move you make" cuts to Mike and El (as he is teaching her to dance), "every vow you break" cuts to Nancy dancing with Dustin (as she technically cheated on Steve with Jonathan), "I'll be watching you" cuts to Lucas dancing with Max (as she has playfully called him 'stalker' all season). What line cuts to Will? "Every smile you fake," specifically on the word fake, while Will dances with a girl wearing this expression:
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That is not a real smile, that is not a comfortable boy, and that is not an accident; Noah Schnapp is one of the best actors in the entire show, and of the young boys, he is the one the Duffers trust most to do dramatic heavy lifting.
Do you want it to be a little more explicit? Okay, here is that scene in the script:
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I mean, that pretty much speaks for itself. It's less explicit in the actual show, but it's still there, you know?
Season 3
And now, the biggest and most explicit thing to date; The Scene. I mean, you could discuss the obvious subtext in the simple fact that Will is the only male main character who has yet to find a girlfriend or express any interest in girls whatsoever, but that pales in comparison to The Scene.
The setup for The Scene is pretty simple; after declaring "a day free of girls" in order to get his friends to run the D&D campaign he's probably spent a significant amount of time creating, his friends have blown him off to continue bemoaning their girl troubles, so Will has decided to leave. Mike, realizing too late that he has genuinely upset his friend, chases after him to try and get him to come back.
A back-and-forth argument ensues, where Will accuses Mike of ruining the party and abandoning his friends in favor of girls, and Mike, in the heat of the moment, responds with "It's not my fault you don't like girls!" After which, everything stops. There is a full second of silence, and a close up on Noah Schnapp's face so you can take in his reaction.
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There is a lot to unpack here. Now, acting is up to interpretation to a degree, but to me, that expression conveys two primary emotions; shock, and betrayal. That face says "how could you?" Because here's the thing; regardless of what Mike does or doesn't know about Will's sexuality, Mike knows for a fact that Will has been called a queer all his life by everyone from his school bullies to his own fucking dirtbag father. By invoking even the specter of that, Mike has crossed a fucking line, and he knows it. And we know he knows it, because he immediately backtracks and tries to mitigate the damage. But it's too late. The damage has been done.
I also think there is a tinge of fear in that image. Just a moment of soul raking panic that pretty much every closeted queer person knows intimately. It's very brief. But I think it's there, if you look.
This scene sends Will into an emotional tailspin that culminates in him tearing down the literal last bastion of his childhood in a fit of sorrow and rage. His innocence has been destroyed. He cannot regain what he has lost, and he can never go back to the way things were before. This is the emotional climax of his arc for season three. It's a powerful one-- shame it comes in the third of eight episodes, but that's neither here nor there.
And that's pretty much it for now. Any one of these things taken in isolation could be very easily dismissed, but here's the thing; they aren't isolated incidents. They are part of a clear and consistent pattern, one that goes all the way back to the show's inception, before even one minute of footage was filmed. And this pattern points to one very obvious conclusion; the Duffer Brothers have always intended, and continue to intend, for Will Byers to be gay.
Now, for the obvious question; why haven't they made it explicit yet?
The answer is as unfortunate as it is obvious; I don't know.
It's entirely possible that there is some external force that the Duffers have to answer to that is preventing them from actively pursuing this particular storyline. This happens all the time in Hollywood, and it could be anything from Netflix to Noah Schnapp's parents to Noah Schnapp himself just being uncomfortable with it. Many are the creators who dream Big Gay Dreams only to run into the horrors of our Forced Hetero Reality. If the Duffers ultimately submit to these pressures, I hope you won't be too hard on them. This shit is harder than you think to get to the screen sometimes.
But it's also possible that they just aren't ready for it yet. That they have been saving this for a future storyline, that they just want their characters (and the actors) to get a little older before they pursue this particular storyline explicitly, but they've been busily laying groundwork for it so that anyone paying attention will know it's coming.
I don't know. Only time will tell for sure.
For now, I can tell you this; I see a great deal of evidence that the Duffers still intend for Will to be gay, and precisely zero that they have changed their minds.
I hope that holds true.
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