#the supplejack
stopandlook · 1 year
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Scientific Name: Berchemia scandens Common Name(s): Alabama supplejack, supplejack, rattan vine Family: Rhamnaceae (buckthorn) Life Cycle: Perennial Leaf Retention: Deciduous Habit: Vine USDA L48 Native Status: Native Location: Allen, Texas Season(s): Spring
It’s the red twisty vine.
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drhoz · 1 month
#2458 - Coriaria arborea - Tree Tutu
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Found in scrub and open areas from the coast to the hills across the main islands, the Chathams, and Raoul island. Like others in the genus, highly poisonous.
A straggling plant that can grow to over 6m high.
The toxin tutin is found in all parts of the plant apart from the fleshy flower petals. Livestock, including dogs and two circus elephants, have been poisoned by the plant, and humans are no better off. In 2014 a hiker was lucky to survive after mistaking the shoots for Supplejack (Ripogonum scandens).
Despite that, Tutu was eaten by the Māori - specifically the extracted juice of the flowerpetals that enfold the berries. The gathered berries were placed in specially woven baskets lined with the flower heads of Toetoe grass (Austroderia), to separate the seeds from the squeezed juice. The juice was used as a sweetener for fernroot, or was boiled with seaweed and left to set as a black jelly called Rehia.
Tree Tutu is host to four moth species in the genus Izatha.
Mount Taranaki, New Zealand
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gayhenrycreel · 5 months
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this is a photo i took of a kohekohe-nīkau dominated coastal forest of Aotearoa.
see that tree in the foreground covered in vines? look at the bottom of the tree and youll see that its actually dead. i believe the vine is kareao aka supplejack. kareao is a strong vine that wraps around trees, sometimes killing them.
this particular tree has died after kareao has grown on it. the wood has rotted until the base of the trunk collapsed. the kareao continues to wrap around the trunk, holding it up.
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how much relationship do i want my world do i want with mine (using human made objects creates ideas in the viewers mind that this is a human apocolypse)
because my apocolypse is on earth i can start to relate my mutated dark nature forms to specific mutated plants and animals that exist on earth. eg some of the vine like things i have created can be mutated supplejack, this will help me visualise some of the mutated things i can make such as mutated kauri, pohutakawa, tui etc
having bones like femur ones, show the push pull effect between life and death
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elizabeth-234 · 3 years
The Supplejack
Previous Chapter Eighteen: Existing
Chapter Nineteen: A Phone Call 
As the weeks passed, Peter struggled in vain against the extra workload of his sophomore year classes. The balance between work, school, friends, and himself was everchanging, ever in threat of tipping off the edge of the proverbial blade. Though the latter was pushed to the side with increasing frequency and his bed was becoming more of a rare luxury much to his dismay.
The tub of tabouli, hummus, and carrots sat uneaten in front of him while Mike explained again why the discourse surrounding the new Firefly show was important to their group and the larger culture abroad.
“It’s a western in space, guys, how can you not like it? Plus, Nathan Fillion is working it. You know he’s damn charming.” 

“It’s basically a soap opera and you know it.” Midge said, arms crossed in front of them.
Mike sputtered and Ned stepped in before anyone else would get more offended. Still pouting his lips, Mike turned away from them and started shoveling down his lunch. Midge just sighed. Peter shifted in his seat wondering if he should say anything when Ned bumped shoulders with him.
“You okay?”
He forced a smile on his face. Ned waited for an answer, his eyes open and earnest. The expression made something in Peter’s chest ache. This bitter tug nestled down behind his ribs. Ned was dragged along in all of this. What started as befriending a lone boy in an empty classroom had turned into trying to gather intel from two of the biggest corporations in the world. Still, his friend was right there for him, ready and unfailingly patient with a smile.
“Want to hang out this weekend?” Peter asked instead of answering the question.
He wanted to do something. To have fun and get out of the house for once. His work shifts were pretty stacked up but it was worth it to rearrange them. Ned agreed if his answering smile was any indication.
“Yeah, dude. There’s this cool exhibit downtown about brainwashing. Maybe weird but it could be cool.”
“Sounds fun.” He said.
“Yeah, they get all these big companies to put something together. I’m surprised you know who didn’t do it. I hear Oscorp is holding one in the fall.”

Peter rubbed his chest. The cafeteria noise rushed toward him. All the laughter and words and echoes pressed against him, weighing down. His smile felt wobbly to him but hoped it came off as sincere.  
“We’ll have to check the one this weekend out.”
Ten hours later, Peter sat at his desk. His head resting in the crux of his arms crossed on the scattered papers and notebooks. He shifted in the chair and tried not to think about the coming week. The to-do list was somewhere in the mess under him. Every bullet point added another reason his headache was growing at an alarming rate.
One of the pages peaked out from under the curve of his elbow. The model car on it was dissected into the median and coronal planes showcasing all the guts. Why was he tinkering with it after all this time? No one would see it now. Red marks, newly etched into the paper some sleepless night would probably never leave this room let alone the top of his desk unless it was carried through the trash.
The thought of acknowledging he was finally abandoning the project left him gripping onto the papers tight in his palms. Even all these months later, Peter found himself tweaking their project and trying to improve upon it. Lee, the head intern, had said she was always available. Maybe he could email it over and then she could send it onto whoever her boss was? The chain of command wasn’t something he was entirely familiar with but eventually it had to land in his hands.
His phone buzzed.
Out of habit, Peter flipped it upside-down without looking to see who it was from. He tapped his finger against the wood until the sound stopped. He only just managed to sigh when the buzzing started again.
Phone calls were the worst. He hated answering the phone, hated talking over people and not seeing their facial expressions, and hated how goodbyes were always awkward. Above all he hated the way he could never talk in a coherent manner. Always felt like he was overstepping or worse in some people’s eyes, being too quiet.
Phone calls from anyone besides May were trouble. His aunt was in the living room so that meant it was bad. He could be expelled from Midtown or one of his friends could be hurt. Ned’s hands bloody. Julia’s heart stopping. Flash’s chest not rising anymore. Peter’s chest throbbed at the images. With sweaty hands he grabbed his phone off the desk and looked at the ID.
It was from an unknown number.
His thumb hovered over the green button as it rang but he didn’t answer.
If he didn’t answer it was easier to pretend nothing was wrong. The worry barely concealed by his expression was better left unfounded. He kept reading through one of his source books on mechanical engineering but the words held no meaning. His eyes kept returning to the flip phone sitting all innocent inches away from his hand.
His fingers twitched and the phone rang again.
Peter breathed in deeply before flipping it over. He read the number over again. Tried to memorize the digits quickly as if they would hold some significance the longer they were in his mind. The ringing continued and continued for what felt like forever.  
His Uncle Ben came to mind. Without letting him linger for too long again, he flipped his phone open and pressed enter. The other side of the call was silent. There was no breathing or anything to indicate someone was there.
“Hello?” The crack in his voice echoed in his ears.
“Am I speaking to Peter?”
The voice was smooth - pristine in its cadence and rhythm. Unlike his own, the words were spoken with no hesitancy or irregular pitch. There never was, either. It was a voice Peter would recognize anywhere. Hearing them say his name now made him realize how much he missed them. It was a strange thought considering. How could he miss a voice so much?
He scowled. It wasn’t fair to minimize Friday to that of just their voice.
“Fr - Friday? I…How did you get this number?”
There was another pause. Peter wished he’d said something else instead of beginning with such a sharp tone. He could’ve asked how they were doing or greeted them with enthusiasm. Instead the panic from earlier manifested in more of a bark. Heat flooded from his neck up to his ears.
“I have scanned through the Stark databases and found this number on Boss’s phone.” He couldn’t help it. Peter laughed throwing a hand over his mouth to muffle the sound. Friday’s silence was enough to confirm they heard but it didn’t dampen his smile.
This was Friday he was talking to. Peter couldn’t believe it and if the smile on his face was wide and almost made his cheeks hurt, he could almost forget about everything else.
“You stole my number from Mr. Stark’s phone?”
“Peter, as I said I scanned...”
“You did! Friday, I can’t believe it. Wait, is everything okay? Did something happen? Is … Mr. Sta- everyone’s okay, right? I mean you don’t have to tell me anything but is everyone…”
“Everyone’s fine. I’m sorry to have made you worry. I would also like to apologize for keeping silent. I called you friend once but haven’t acted in accordance to what constitutes that bond.”
Peter’s neck burned. Friday’s voice sounded as hesitant as Peter felt and he was glad, for once, he wasn’t in the Tower so they couldn’t hear his heartbeat pounding in his chest.
“No need to apologize. I just assumed when I left…”
“That has no bearing on it. There were other factors. Some I can talk about some I can’t.”
“Is, is this why you called? What can you talk about?”
Peter imagined Friday was taking a large breath in from the gap between answer and question. His heart, already beating far too fast for a regular school night, increased its speed.  
“You need to come back to the Tower, Peter.”
His ears filled with cotton inducing a fuzzy ringing. It grew louder and louder until he found himself leaning his forehead against the desk. The phone rested where it fell on the table by his clenched hand. He scooped it up despite the trembling in his digits and brought the phone to his ear again.
“Friday?” He rasped out.
“You need to come back to the Tower. There are matters here that would… benefit from your presence.”
There were too many pauses in the sentence and a million phrases flowing through his mind in response. Following on his immediate responses were a plethora of images of the Tower. He conjured filled hospital beds, condemned signs, and most haunting, empty rooms. The worry gnawed at his stomach not caring about Friday’s reassurances. Something had to be wrong. Why else would Friday contact him? It had been months.
There was nothing more he wanted, but all he managed to say was, “I can’t.”
The pain it would bring was all too easy to think about. He’d had a taste of it at the finale internship presentations. The sheer amount of people buzzing with excitement was enough to dull the awkward hurt but Peter couldn’t forget how hard it was to breath once he was in the Tower again. The familiarity burned at his throat. What was a safe haven reduced to just some place he used to know had hurt more than he was willing to say out loud.
Friday wanted him to go back there after everything. No awards or parties would be there to distract. He would have to walk down the hallways and see the beautiful skyline only glimpsed at that height. He would have to see Mr. Stark.
What would he say? What would he do?
“I can’t work on the project anymore, Peter.”
It was devastating in its simplicity. A twist of the metaphorical knife Peter had never even felt embedded in his side. It was a rope taken away as his head sunk swiftly under water. All the progress he’d made even if he didn’t realize it, was gone in the moment those words were said.
Mr. Stark was clear. Final.
At the time there were a thousand words he’d wanted to say but then and now it didn’t seem right. Now, the sense of betrayal no longer stung because it didn’t matter that Mr. Stark knew all about the Weaver and Oscorp. In the end, no amount of explaining or conversation would fix anything because there was nothing to fix.
The steps he took through the door were some of the hardest in his life. His surreptitious glance back resulted in seeing Mr. Stark bowed and facing away from him. The frightened look crossing over his face before hardly seemed to matter in the face of those words. It told Peter all he needed to know. Peter wasn’t wanted. Who wanted to look after a confused teenager? His time there was over.
Or so, he thought.
Months and months passed and now Friday was on the other end like nothing happened. Was there an option besides declining?
He would have thought Friday didn’t know what happened but that was impossible. They knew basically everything that happened in the Tower. It could be some misplaced urge to help Peter. It didn’t make sense. Despite their reassurances, he couldn’t help but worry something was the matter and despite his caution, Peter was curious.
Still, he repeated the two words again. They sounded more like a plea than a decision.
“What you are saying is you won’t not that you can’t. I know you only have one job and the owner has already given permission. I’m asking with sincerity. I need your help…. We need your help.”
Peter took his time to exhale. He stared at the phone in his hands, tracing Friday’s number with his eyes.
He thought of all the reasons not to go back. But the latest realization barged forward. It was with surprising ease that Peter thought about all the help Mr. Stark had thrown his way. All of the encouragement and kindness he showed without Peter even understanding what was happening.
The question wasn’t if he wanted to go back. He would always want to go back. The Tower in a way had grown to be his home. A safe space he never felt drained from after being there. No one expected anything more than Peter could give and the peace of working there, flexing his mind and being with people who understood him was intoxicating.
He could admit to himself he wanted to say yes without thinking despite every reason to say no. He had to be cautious about this, he decided. Peter had to make sure he wouldn’t get hurt like before. That no one would get hurt.
“Friday, you have to tell me what’s wrong.”
Only when he knew could Peter go back. Only then would Peter step foot in the Tower again.
Next Chapter Twenty: 
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fictionescapism · 3 years
Fanfic Rec #106 Tony Stark & Peter Parker (Marvel) part 3
A Little Late On the Blood Work by Pixiemage Tony eyed Peter for a moment. He looked nervous, tense. Scared. His knee was bouncing rapidly and Tony caught sight of the kid’s fingers plucking at the edge of his hoodie beneath his folded arms. The mannerisms were familiar, so strangely familiar, though Tony couldn’t quite place why. He pondered it for a half a breath before stepping forward. “So.” Tony stopped in front of Peter. “You're the Spider...ling. Crime-fighting Spider. You're Spider-Boy?” “I’m S…” Peter looked away, exasperated. “Spider-Man.” Confirmation. It wasn’t until Tony was back in his car with Happy that he even paused to ponder the familiarity of the kid in the apartment, the lingering thoughts in the back of his mind, the tiny voice wondering why it felt like he had met Peter before. There was something oddly recognizable about him. Speaking with Peter - watching him, listening to him - was gnawing at the back of his mind. It was like there was something he was forgetting, something that was so memorable and yet just out of reach. xXx "Boss, I have the results from Mr. Parker's blood work. I've found a match in the system." "A match to what, FRIDAY?" A name lit up the screen. Tony blanched. God, he needed a drink.
Safety Net by baloobird Peter hates when Tony drags him to meetings, but he soon figures out the real reason why his mentor does so.
Found by Spectra Tony Stark is living the dream.  A genius playboy with a pocketbook that could buy small countries, he spends most of his time partying and selling weapons to a military at war. He'd bartered off the last bits of his soul a long time ago, sporting the 'Merchant of Death' title with cocky nihilism. He had blood on his hands. If that bought him a one way ticket down under, he was fine with it. Or so he'd thought. A small, brown eyed toddler has somehow, inexplicably, thrown a wrench in everything. But there were hundreds, hell, thousands of kids rotting away in New York's foster care system. Why did he care so much about this one?  Or, Destiny decides to throw Tony a new fate. Headfirst. Right into his kneecaps.
The Supplejack by Elizabeth234 Peter Parker was alone his whole freshman year but finds hope when Stark Industries announces a science competition. The prize? An internship with Tony Stark.
The Media’s Prince by lia_ne It wasn’t weird to think that Tony was Peter’s father. Peter had everything that a Stark should have: the mannerisms, the intelligence, the looks, the snark. So, logically, they weren’t surprised when the press started to spread rumors about Peter being Tony’s illegitimate son.The catch? It turns out the press was right all along.
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thegrandimago · 3 years
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This is the 5th installment of Since I've Been Gone. Taken on the same day as the previous photos, this takes at the Waitakere Ranges Regional Park part of the @bushandbeachnz tour. The first video shows the inside on a long since dead kauri (Agathis australis). The second is my tour guide showing us a massive vine known as a Northern rātā (Metrosideros robusta). He's explaining that these vines can be mistaken for trees, such as this one which wrapped itself around a tree and once the tree died and rotted away, the rātā still maintained the shape it had when the tree was still there. I also hear they can live for a millennium. The third video is our guide talking about nīkau (Rhopalostylis sapida), NZ's only native palm. Here, he is talking about the small nuts produced from the palm's tendrils and are the main food source for the NZ wood pigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae), or kererū. I sadly stopped recording before he could go on about the birds getting drunk off fermented nuts. The fourth video is my guide showing us supplejack (Ripogonum scandens) that he referred to as 'bush asparagus', also he forgot the Maori names for it are kareao or pirita. Anyways, it's a climbing liana that blooms during December-February and produces red berries that are an important food source for NZ fauna. As my guide explains, the vine is edible and tastes like asparagus, as the name implies. The fifth video is just me showing off the kareao's shoot. The sixth video is my guide talking about this live kauri (Agathis australis) as it's producing the 'gum' responsible for the copals. And yes he also talks about kauri die-back, the reason NZ has shoe cleaning stations on trails. The seventh video features a lancewood (Pseudopanax crassifolius), or horoeka, albeit a young specimen. My guide is explaining that it's thought the spiky leaves were meant for deterring moa until it can grow to adult size, making it an evolutionary anachronism. Also, they apparently made for good bootlaces if you weren't picky enough. The last picture is just some mother spleenwort (Asplenium bulbiferum), or pikopiko. It's just some of New Zealand's many endemic ferns and apparently the fronds are edible. (at Waitakere Ranges Regional Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSsGVmCrGeI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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NEW ZEALAND WHERE:  Epcot Food & Wine Festival 2018 Epcot Food & Wine Festival 2010 was the first time this idea of eating around the world ever dawned on me. I went back in 2012 as well, but lacked the resources and brainpower to think of a way to create such an experience at home. By 2018, I had fully fleshed out the idea of eating around the world and presently I have eaten food from 36.4% of the countries in the world for a total of 87 countries. Working on it... Seeing as how I’ve managed to make this dream a reality this year, it seemed only fitting that I should return to my roots and go back to Epcot again and look for new food booths. New Zealand is apparently not new, having first debuted in 2007, but it is a booth that for some reason rarely there. It wasn’t there the first two times I went at least. I was in a seafood mood (Florida will do that to you) so I got the Steamed Green Lip Mussels with Garlic Butter and Toasted Breadcrumbs. Apparently mussel farming, especially of the greenshell mussel (another name for them) -- which is only farmed in New Zealand, is a booming industry over there and has taken over much of the agricultural/fishing section of the economy. My findings: Slimy yet satisfying! Very garlic-y! The other booths at the wine and food festival didn’t really have anything that was too surprising or that I hadn’t tried already. Apparently when you spend several months seeking out foreign cuisine it becomes harder and harder to find new things to eat. Though, I did enjoy walking past many of the country booths and thinking "ha, I've tried that, and that, and that one too." The food fest has also moved to “types” of food (fitness, spicy, vegan, ect) more than cultural in recent years too, which made the cultural pickings kind of slimmer. However, there was an African drink I enjoyed called “Groot” (Groot Constantia Pinotage to be exact) that made me giggly as I walked around saying I AM GROOT to random tourists... And now for something completely different, a short poem by me... ABEL TASMAN NATIONAL PARK Come paddle into Abel Tasman, to where Eden's shores can be found, bringing your kayaks and catamarans to New Zealand's sweet island paradise. Where Te Puketea Bay curves into land, like smooth hips of a lover true, sands against those turquoise waves where the Māori once lived and grew. Where bellbird and tui sing songs to flood the forests full of noise, and drink to their sweet crescendos in crystal streams you can dive into. Where coastal paths lead footsteps past kiekie and supplejack vines, promising to show you such wonder while winding through its beaches. So let's spend a day on Tōtaranui, and an afternoon under Wainui Falls so we can see where beauty truly lives and answer when this adventure calls.
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newsiegirlscout · 4 years
Sometimes when there are two things that I love very much, I put them together and achieve serotonin.
Tinker Bell x Tangled, high fluff ahead; a oneshot featuring a highly kintsugi narrative. Ah, the irony of having written this earlier and having the ending eaten by Tumblr, thus resulting in the story's own rebuilding--and crying, a lot of crying.
It had been a long day, and when the tinker sparrowman showed up, Quirin suspected the trials of dustkeeping advisor were still long from over.
"Fly with you, Quirin!", he greeted, wings fluttering softly with excitement, "I don't suppose you still have this week's ration? I got, ah, a little caught up with a new idea, you know how it goes." 
He chuckled sheepishly, but before the elder could so much as get to the right name in the leafbook checklist, the tinker had unrolled a new ink-smudged diagram from his bag. 
"It's going to really help the harvest talents! If we just put irrigation lines here, here, and here", he said, gesturing to a few places on the diagram, "Then we can counteract the alkalinity of the soil with this compound--oh, and if we add just a pinch of a common leavening agent, they won't have to worry about crossbreeding stronger stems!" 
Varian's wings glowed a soft tangerine with pride as Quirin spread it out carefully on the counter. When the tinker had first Arrived, and the first mutters had soon after reached the Dust Tree, he had assumed his enthusiastic disposition and friendly chatter were a ploy to win him over in defense, or perhaps get more dust; it wouldn't have been a first. But by the autumn harvests, he had relentedly admitted to himself that Varian simply had too much excitement to share and too few friends to share it with. In spite of himself, Quirin must have taken on a warmer attitude towards him and started listening more attentively to his plans somewhere along the line.
"Varian", he said softly, his hand not leaving the dust ration just yet, "The harvest faeries are growing butterfly weed by the second line. You'll cut right through the roots. And where do you think you're getting this? The rings?"
"'s okay, I'm using supplejack vines." he countered, waving it off, "Those wrap around other vines or roots without bothering them too much. Annnnd, I just found these by the mainland..." 
With a fluttering hop and too much fidgeting with the grass ties on his bag, Varian proudly held out one of many eyelets, perfect for irrigation. 
Quirin gave the high-spirited tinker a pat on  the back. "So long as you're careful, boy. Get one of the water talents to reinforce your goggles--and you might as well ask them to bring the rest of the talents as well." 
"Thanks, Quirin!" he chirped, sweeping the ration and the blueprints into his bag, "You won't be disappointed, I promise!"
It wasn't until moments after Varian had left that Quirin realized he had implied a use of dust in this compound of his...and that his feet had never left the ground on the way home. 
When Varian arrived the next week, to say he looked miserable would be to say his invention had merely not worked as he had planned. 
Dripping wet from his burst goggles to the tips of his sodden wings, he smiled weakly for a moment, then sighed. 
"Soooo it turns out supplejack is flammable." 
"Mm-hmm." Quirin responded, passing him a blanket of moss to dry off with. If he'd had a pinch of pixie dust for every angry harvest talent who'd implored him to withhold the rations in the last week, the tree would never need so much as a grain of blue dust 
The tinker's gaze was focused on the floor, tears welling up in his eyes. "I'd fly backwards if I could." he apologized. As an afterthought, he held up the edge of one damp wing, its costal margin and apex singed. "Well...I'd fly anywhere if I could."
"Not again, Varian." Quirin sighed softly, and the newer arrival's heart sank. 
"Did you ask Rapunzel to heal that for you?" Notable for her ornate golden wings, the lightkeeping guardian should have at least been able to fix the worst of the damage and let the sparrowman fly in a week or so, but he shook his head and wrung out the towel. 
“Sh-she was busy with some of the other faeries, and I-and I didn’t know where else to go. Besides, it, heh, probably won’t be the worst thing if I stay grounded for a little while.”
“Probably not.” he agreed, “It would be a shame to lose my favorite regular, though.”
Varian gave a soft slight smile, followed by a half-second’s wince as his wings protested the attempt at instinctual quavering. “Really, sir?”
“Sure as anything.” Quirin responded, smiling warmly. A moment later, that smile was gone, replaced by a firm hand on his shoulder and a stern glare.
 “It isn’t as though we get a lot of happy visitors nowadays, what with whatever you’re doing with the dust.”
“Varian. Do us both a favor and don’t let me hear any more of it. You’re lucky enough not to have lost your wings this time; I’m legally allowed to withhold or cut dust rations if you manage to find a way to destroy the fields like this again.”
The tinker’s glow burned a brief peach with indignation as he slammed his hands onto the counter. “But alchemy could really help Pixie Hollow! All the last plan needed was a different breed of vine; all the test subjects even showed consistent a-accrescence in response to the solution.”
“The tests are irrelevant if the results aren’t the same when it’s demonstrated. Pixie Hollow can’t have any more harvests destroyed.”
“The fields will grow back stronger than before.” he retorted stubbornly.
“The harvest talents won’t.” Quirin shot back, pinching the bridge of his nose with frustration, “Varian, tinker talents may delight to tear their work down only to build it again better than before, but harvest talents invest their whole livelihoods into their fields. Just the slightest change disrupts the crop yield, and no faerie can afford to push that deadline.”
The sparrowman’s shoulders dropped. “The harvest talents were....rea-really hurt because of...me, weren’t they?”
“I’m afraid so.” the dustkeeper responded gently.
His shoulders trembled, the tears in his eyes finally spilling down his face. "Now win-winter is going to be delayed an-and they'll have to scrap the whole field and-and-and..."
And Quirin wrapped him in a hug affectionate and strong and just loose enough not to jostle his wings and everything was safe if just for a minute.
"Shh, shh", he murmured, his voice a low rumble in his chest. "Though the harvest talents might not forgive you today or tomorrow, they will soon enough. They'll work together to restore what they can, and the fields will be ready to sleep by winter. Hush now, lad, what do tinker talents do best?"
"Tear things down and build them up again better than they were before." he answered quietly.
"So long as you're doing your best to be better today than you were yesterday, think of it as rebuilding. You've got to quit thinking of yourself as scrap when you're simply not off the iron yet."
Varian sniffled, a flicker of a wince as his wings protested his instinctual attempt at fluttering. "I guess repairs to the harvest carts would make a pretty good start, then?"
Quirin gave the tinker talent a firm pat on the back. "I think they'd appreciate it a lot."
"Oh, and Varian?" he called as the other stopped in the doorframe, softly tossing him the dust rations, "If you ever need a patch, I can always make time for a favorite regular."
He caught the bag with a gentle hit to the chest, a grin lighting up his face like a sunbeam. The sparrowman's wings were stilled, but in the last light of the afternoon, his glow was as warm an orange as the dustkeeper had ever seen it.
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rattyexplores · 4 years
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Lepidoptera study - 03/01/21 - Anthene lycaenoides, “Pale Ciliate Blue” Superfamily Papilionoidea; Family Lycaenidae; Subfamily Polyommatinae; Tribe Lycaenesthini
The Caterpillar has yet to be photographed, but ranges in colour from Yellow to Green to Purple depending on the colour of the flower buds it consumes.
The food plants are buds and flowers of various plants, including Cassia fistula “Golden Shower”, Flagellaria indica “Supplejack”, Bridelia tomentosa “Pop-gun Seed”, Pongamia pinnata “Pongam”, Clerodendrum floribundum “Lolly Bush”, Rhyssopterys timorensis “Timor Liana”, and Cupaniopsis anacardioides “Carrotwood”.
The ants that attend this caterpillar include Oecophylla smaragdina “Citrus Ants”, Crematogaster “Acrobat Ants”, Iridomyrmex anceps “Black Ants”, and Odontomachus ruficeps “Rusty Trapdoor Ants”
This species is found in QLD, WA, and NT. Outside Australia: Indonesia, Malaysia, New Guinea, and Thailand.
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by Elizabeth234
Peter Parker has been alone his whole freshman year but finds hope when Stark Industries announces a science competition. The prize? An internship with Tony Stark.
Words: 4365, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Science Competition, Pre-Spider-Man: Homecoming, Pre-Powers, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Irondad, spiderson, Adventure
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drhoz · 4 months
#2252 - Gellonia dejectaria - Brown Evening Moth 
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I'd be dejected too if my common name was so ordinary - it doesn't seem as though New Zealand lepidopterists got quite as imaginative as whoever named the Setaceous Hebrew Character which, surprisingly, is actually a pretty good description of the markings on that moth.
Anyway, Gellonia dejectaria - I don't know where they got Gellonia from, but dejectaria means 'unhappy condition' so perhaps the type specimen was a bit battered by the time it got to the taxonomist.
The twig-like caterpillars eat larvae eat the leaves of the māhoe, supplejack and bush lawyer plants, amongst others.
Huka Falls, Taupo Volcanic Zone.
0 notes
hunnybonny · 6 years
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Some people don’t realize that the weeds you pick from your gardens or the wild plants you find growing in the woods may be able to be eaten! In fact, quite a few of them have very similar nutrition values to that of popular “superfoods!” This is just a compilation of weeds that I’ve learned are edible in some form or another. It’s not meant to be a field guide, so if you’re unsure what some of these look like, please look them up. Unless you’re sure you’ve identified something correctly, avoid eating random plants. I hope this can help someone, somewhere. Keep growing, pals!
lamb’s quarters
plantain (the long green tiny stalks, not the banana-like tropical fruit)
yellow dock
sheep sorrel
wood sorrel
garlic mustard
bull thistle (remove spiny thorns before eating)
creeping charlie
field pennycress
pineapple weed
shepherd’s purse
tea plant
teasel (avoid spiny hairs)
wild grape vine
wild bee balm
herb robert
joe pye weed
blue vervain
common yarrow
common sow thistle
fern leaf yarrow
crimson clover
evening primrose
downy yellow violet
daisy fleabane
japanese knotweed
milk thistle
new england aster
supplejack vine
alpine strawberries
If you know of any more, please feel free to reblog and add more! I know this isn’t all, but this is all I had in my personal notes so far. I’ll update it when I learn of more!
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matthewblandnz · 5 years
Little Bird, Little Time
Yesterday the team and I discussed the current state of our project and collectively reviewed what we had learned during our over-the-break testing.
Given that we spent the majority of our semester researching Māori stories and legends as well as native New Zealand, our game was built mostly in a conceptual state. 
What we had built before the break was a prototype build that included the player’s flying mechanics, sprite art, and partially implemented animations.
However, the scope of our story was going to require massive quantities of artwork for landscapes (all, of course, representative of native New Zealand) that also would need to be drawn from level-design that we simply did not have yet.
The Decision
With limited time we made a tough but necessary call to build our project as a prologue to the original story we had planned to use.
The prologue would essentially be a demo for the game, the player will have full access to the Fantails movement and mechanics, as well as plenty of space to play with them. The prologue consists of a single large area that includes a Kiwi burrow, The underbrush, a stream, a tangled maze of Supplejack Vine, and  an enormous central tree (Lovingly referred to by us as the ‘Mother tree’) which can be flown around and explored, other Fantails can be found here as well, it is on this tree that the player will build their nest.
The nest can be built by the player exploring the area and collecting “good sticks” from various places, once all sticks have been collected and brought to the nesting location, the player will be met with a finishing in-game cinematic that introduces the oncoming storm that would kickstart our story.
Our Purpose
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One of our team, Bligh, asked an important question: “Is our projects purpose still intact if we make this change?” Our project's purpose (At least as I understand it) was to tell a New Zealand story through the medium that is games.
I personally believe that by making use of a scene that is both true to the material and canon to our planned story, we maintain the conceptual purpose by building an experience that won’t provide the middle or the end, but the beginning of a New Zealand Story, 
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elizabeth-234 · 4 years
The Supplejack
Summary of the story:  Peter Parker has been alone his whole freshman year but finds hope when Stark Industries announces a science competition. The prize? An internship with Tony Stark.
Hi all. Thank you for being patient on this one. I haven't been at my best recently and writing has taken the brunt of that. In saying that I hope you all doing well and enjoy this one.
I'm also working on my other story "A Night She won't Soon Forget" and that should be posted sometime next week!
Previous Chapter Fifteen: He Returns
Chapter Sixteen: Civil War
Peter reclined back onto the towel. Sand moved under his body to accommodate the shifting in weight as he changed positions. He closed his eyes and listened to the people talking over the waves lapping at the shore. More sand underneath his head siphoned down creating a gritty pillow for his head.
He exhaled.
Flash and Julia were talking to his side. Their soft tones were loud enough to guess Flash had done something irritating and Julia was, in her way, telling him off. He couldn’t hear their specific words but he smirked at a cry of dismay from his friend over something Julia said. Their laughter washed over him along with the general sounds of a beach. It was good to have them close.
He smiled.
They were upstate for the weekend at one of Frank’s mom’s cottages. The home, bigger than any house let alone cottage had the right to be, was hidden away in the Finger Lake Region. It was beautiful country surrounded by hills and vast trees, all miles from the city. Peter couldn’t tear his gaze away from the farms and forests they passed to get to their little oasis. He didn’t ask for specifics when Frank invited them and sitting on the beach with everyone he was glad he didn’t let himself turn down the offer. It was nice to just be for a moment.
Their whole team came out plus Flash, Estee, and Ned in celebration of their runner-up status for the conference. He hadn’t thought there was anything to celebrate but his team had been overjoyed at the announcement. The group chat overflowing with all sorts of ecstatic messages and memes.
The celebration had to be put on hold because of the fast approaching end of school. Finals took over their thoughts for the time and everything else was waylaid. Frank and Monica were graduating so their schedules were filled along with the addition of making sure they were ready for the fall. He and Julia tried to help as best as they could but school bogged down their own schedules as well.
Peter expected everyone to separate in a natural way with all of these factors and was dismayed, as well as pleased, the group chat never extinguished. There wasn’t a day where someone didn’t text something, whether it was Frank talking about one of his games or Julia making sure they were all doing okay for the week. Those small connections were enough to get him through finals and not thinking about what happened.
Summer arrived with the abruptness of the last ring of school bell and finish of finals. One minute the world was on your shoulders and the next it didn’t matter how long you went without sleep to study for the history final. The average was a 59 percent and Peter scraped by with a 65. At least he’d aced all his other finals. Those acted as a buffer when May asked him about the results.
The hot season had been… different than what he was used to. There wasn’t any other way he could describe it. Instead of the long walks alone, waiting for May to get home from work by reading or working ahead on homework for the upcoming year Peter was familiar with, this year Peter had friends.  And they wouldn’t take no for an answer.
The whole group of them stuck together as much as they could even after the presentation. Julia met him at the library more times than he could count. Although she didn’t have homework the two of them, and sometimes Flash accompanying her, would read there. More often than not they would then go no a fieldtrip around the city, finding new spots and ice-cream places they had all never been before. Sometimes Frank and Monica would join them on their escapades.
It was glorious.
And it was exhausting.
He hoped they wouldn’t change when fall was ushered in with the start of school and life began again.
Only two more weeks until the date back.
Logically, he knew it wouldn’t be the same but the thought of starting out his sophomore year the same way his freshman year began was unbearable. It had to be different. He suspected, good or bad, that nothing would quite be the same again. But he was also different.
Peter thought about everything that happened – everything he went through – and realized how much had changed. It was a chilling reflection. The depths of evolution he went through in the past year alone. He’d been lost in the sea of grief as school began and it wasn’t until a white flag, in this case a piece of paper hanging outside of the office, waved that something shifted. Of course, he was resistant to it and avoided the signup sheet simultaneously afraid and yearning for what signing his name could bring.
From there it all tumbled accumulating into even greater changes than Peter ever dreamt possible. Ned was steadfast in his offer of friendship. Cafeteria lunches became commonplace when Peter didn’t feel comfortable before. He’d even begun to enter into the debates Mike held at the table earning approving glances from Midge and Jaimik.
In the midst of all this Peter won the internship. Him. Peter Parker. The freak no one liked. The one who felt best in a safe place instead of in the bustling halls of school was interning at Stark Industries with some of the smartest people he’d ever met.
He remembered wishing he could be like the people who walked into the building like it was any other day; not stopping to stare at the intricate planes and panels leading up to the clouds. While Peter often ran late and didn’t have time to stop and stare, he found the building had become a safe place to him. His seat by the window was always empty and waiting for him and besides it was a cabinet full of snacks Julia would share. Lab five and its occupant were beginning to be as familiar and his talks with Friday never failed to make his day.
Thinking of lab five made his chest tighten. Something he always felt when Mr. Stark was mentioned somehow. He wondered what would have happened if everything had gone differently.
If Peter explained.
If he’d stood up for himself and made Mr. Stark listen.
What would Ben have said about it all? How would he react to his nephew forgetting to his speech about courage and shyness? In actuality, Peter had no doubt Ben would’ve stormed into Stark Tower and gave Mr. Stark a piece of his mind. Ben’s approach would be direct and the results would be swift, he was sure of that much. But that was something Peter couldn’t do.
He respected Mr. Stark too much to try and push himself into the man’s life. There was a list of things left unsaid but maybe it was for the best. At least now the man attributed the faults to something Peter did instead of who Peter was. He wasn’t sure if he could handle another rejection of himself again. Especially not from Mr. Stark.
Peter shook his head on the towel and ignored the sounds around him as long as he could.
All of these incited the changes in himself. He was still Peter but at the same time he was something more. He had friends and family. People he could contemplate opening up to. Topics he was passionate about. A job doing something he excelled at. They all were apart of him now when a year ago he could never have dreamed of any of it. And he felt so lucky to be able to think that; to be laying there on the beach as his friends surrounded him.
And that was that.
Julia squealed and began laughing. She stood up in a hurry, spraying sand onto her towel and Peter’s face. He sat up, covering his face with his hands to block the sun while trying to spit out the offending grit in his mouth.
“What was that?” He found Julia soaking and Flash holding a bottle full of liquid.
“You stand back, Flash” She yelled. He smiled and progressed further toward her. Peter scrambled onto his feet at the deranged grin Flash sent him. Julia’s hands were up to provide a barrier in front of her. Her head moved back and forth between the two of them.
“Oh, no you don’t. Peter, I’m warning you.” He stepped toward her. “Flash, you’ve corrupted him!”
Flash moved forward after a nod from Peter. Julia darted backward but Peter blocked her exit. Flash raised the bottle again and flipped it over but Julia was too fast. The water ended up dripping into his hair and down his face. At least the sand from before was washed away.
His bangs flattened onto his forehead and he coughed to get the liquid out. Flash and Julia’s laughter ignited further at the sour face he was making. Her arm was over Flash’s shoulder and the two huddled together as he wiped the hair from his eyes.
“So funny.” He frowned when they continued to laugh. Their eyes crinkled and he couldn’t help but smile in response. Peter stepped toward them and shook his head. Water sprayed over the two, provoking protests. They followed him as he ran to the dock, dodging their attempts to throw the last of the water on him.
Frank stepped out of the house and onto the porch. His yells of encouragement were followed by the sounds of his steps as he ran toward them.
“Yeah, fight it out!”
The planks of the dock shook under each step forward. They all backed up, not wanting to get in the way until they realized they were stuck between the dock and water with nowhere to go.
“No!” They yelled united under a common enemy fast approaching. Frank continued to yell. His eyes bulged out and Peter could almost imagine his tongue leaving his mouth and dangling over the side of his face. At the last moment he extended his arms out on either side of his body and jumping forward. He dragged the three of them up and over the water until they crashed into the waves.
Peter swam back to the beach. Sand squished through his toes as water pooled in his bathing suit before dripping down his legs. He stood at the precipice of the water watching as the tide moved back and forth, over and away from his feet. In the corner of his vision he could spy Frank pushing Julia into the water again at the edge of the dock. Her raised voice filled with mirth so at odds with her normal quiet tones. It seemed everyone was able to let loose on their weekend trip.
He turned his back on the shore and made his way to his towel. Monica and Estee had arrived while they were swimming. They smiled as he approached.
“Cold?” She asked snickering at the shivers running down his arms. Peter nodded and sat down careful to keep his sand encrusted feet off the towel. He watched the others continue to swim around. Their laughter punctuated the splashes as they jumped off the dock.
Monica moved over and sat next to him. Her head rested on top of her knees tucked against her chest.
“Peter?” She said in a quiet tone. “I wasn’t sure if I should say anything or when a good time to talk would be but I wanted you to know I’m really proud of our team. I could tell you thought we blamed you for the place we got but the thought never crossed my mind. You know?”
Peter swallowed and turned to face her. She stared straight at the lake but there was an openness in her face.
“I didn’t…” He cleared his throat. “How did you know?”
This time she did look over at him with a soft smile. There wasn’t an ounce of blame there. Peter shifted on the towel.
“I think I know you by now Peter. Plus, I would’ve felt the same if I was… you know.”

The tightness knotted in his chest in response and he did his best not to remember Mr. Stark’s parting words. Instead he focused on his teammate. It was her senior year and college was around the corner for her. He wondered what she would do now that both of her internships were done and her life was just beginning. She was sure of what she wanted that there was no doubt she would do something great. There was no reason for her to lie because he knew she would have no trouble saying her mind. Peter looked over and was grateful now for that straightforwardness. It let him accept her words and feel the knot loosen.
“Thank you.” He said.
She leaned over and put a hand around his shoulder, drawing them together.
The sun was setting behind a row of trees on the other side of the lake. Clouds lingered in the sky creating specks of purple and black overlaid on the fire palate in the sky. Frank, Flash, and Julia finally crawled out of the water and onto the shore all shivering and prune-skinned from the water. They plopped down on the towels and started digging into their bags to grab the snacks they brought down from the cottage.  
Peter accepted a handful of grapes. Everyone laughed and talked as they dried off. Two more weeks until school and in that moment, Peter would’ve given everything to stay on that lake; somewhere in upstate New York with his friends.
“How’s the Yaesu doing?” Barry asked from his spot in the doorway.
Peter looked up from behind a pair of magnifying goggles. Barry’s features were distorted under the pair of goggles but he smiled at the way Peter was almost bouncing off the seat as he nodded.
“I think it’s done.” He said.
Barry entered the room and Peter shoved everything over to the side of the desk so he could move the radio over to where his boss was standing. Barry whistled as he inspected the new parts all secured in their right place.  He tinkered around with a few of the disks but then stepped back.
“This is great, Peter. I’m glad you talked me into those extra hours, though your old manager is missing out on one good barista. She’s a beauty. With your finishing of that I think you deserve the rest of the day off.”
Peter opened his mouth to protest; to say he needed the distraction, but Barry was already waving him off.
“No worries. You’ve been working so much and I know you want some time before school. I’ve got the shop covered here.”

At least he was kicking Peter out in the nicest way possible but he wasn’t sure what he would do now. Frank and Monica had moved into their dorms the weekend before. Frank was out of state on a football scholarship. The pictures they sent of their cramped rooms did not inspire excitement about Peter’s own future prospects. Their small updates while sporadic allowed everyone in their team to stay connected.
Flash and Julia were doing something together which had surprised Peter but everyone else didn’t share his reaction. Monica said he should have seen it coming and on reflection Peter realized they had spent a large amount of time together at the cottage. He thought it was cute they were friends. Julia brought a sort of calm to Flash whose energy otherwise had too many directions to go to. Under the other’s influence Peter noticed the focused energy in Flash and a rise in confidence in Julia.
Ned was Ned. The boy texted Peter if he wanted to hang out today citing movies they could watch but with this unexpected freedom so early in the day Peter just wanted to spend time by himself.
There was nothing wrong with that, he reassured himself and ignore the guilty feeling of not texting his friend back. Spending time with yourself was important. Balance was key and while their upstate vacation was fun he returned home tired. After all he thought of by the lake, all the changes he’d undergone, he wasn’t a completely new person. He was still Peter Parker and sometimes he needed to be with himself.
Peter went into the back to grab his stuff. He spotted Barry on his way to the door in the front. The man was leaning against the counter, arms crossed on the glass case with his eyes trained on the small TV set up by the register. One red Converse rested on the other.
“Barry?” Peter spoke trying to gain the attention of his boss but the man didn’t respond. He said his name again with the same lack of response. The news murmured in the back and Peter walked around the counter, curious to see what was monopolizing his boss’s attention.  
The camera was shaking. Blurry images focused and unfocused on the screen amidst dirt and chaos thrown into the air. The trembling stopped; the camera focused and everything seemed to pause.
Peter’s breath lodged, trapped and turning stagnant, in his chest. The camera was stationary but what it captured was made all the more violent by this unnatural stop in motion. The outside world was silent, trapped in the spell the recorded world wove spinning regardless of its effects in brash action. Metal screamed on impact. Dust and debris streamed across the sky and Peter’s eyes tried to follow every movement in anticipation.
The first thing his eyes zoomed in on was the blue suit. Hadn’t he seen it on the TV only a month ago with that stranger? Captain America stood center screen, facing away and gesturing wide to someone he couldn’t see. His back tensed. Muscles rippled under the taught fabric facing them. His dropped for a moment. The helmet with dipped out of sight before his back straightened again. His shoulders square and spine tall. Then he brought his arm up and lunged forward.
Something hit the ground.
Red and gold caught his eye.
Peter gripped the edge of the counter as blue hit the red suit, sending the cement cracking under the pressure. Why was he? How could Captain America attack… his fellow Avenger? His friend?
His knees threatened to buckle as he tried to comprehend what he was seeing.
Captain America and Iron Man. In battle.
Beyond those two frontal figures other superheroes were fighting. Using their powers against each other. Not against a villain or some common enemy. No, they were fighting amongst themselves.  
Captain America stood above Iron Man. His feet near the man’s head. Cement cracked in a grotesque halo around his head. The building behind them was on fire.
In the back of his mind Peter wondered how this was being recorded and broadcasted onto the TV. All those thoughts were stripped away when Mr. Stark, no, Iron Man, launched off the ground, toward the other man.
Their fight began in earnest. There were no more pauses, nothing to say there was any hesitancy left in either figure. The colors clashed on screen and a restless itching invaded his muscles and into his blood cells. He needed to do something. To run or distract or… something. But he didn’t know where to go or what to do. Would he be welcomed? The most sickening prospect is he knew he wouldn’t be able to do anything either way. Not in comparison to all of the special people already there.  
Still, despite reaffirming these thoughts there remained the urge to run there and help Mr. Stark in any way he could.
Regardless of not being wanted or needed.
“Look at that there. Who would have thought good old Captain America would engage like that?”

Peter focused on the screen again. Cold sweat broke out on the back of his neck at the realization they were at a different location than before. The walls were dark and condensed the vision of the cameras making him feel claustrophobic.  
Iron Man was standing apart from a figure shrouded in the shadows. The famous shield, the one Peter dreamed of holding as a child, was cast to the side. Scratches marred the star on the front. Captain America stepped out from his place by the wall with a frown. He said something as he looked Iron Man up and down. A faint, pleading look replaced his otherwise dour expression.
Punches were thrown and explosives detonated in the cramped quarters so quickly it was difficult to keep track of everything. Peter lost sight of Iron Man for a moment and his heart clenched until the faint glow of the arc reactor appeared from inside the dust cloud.
Peter couldn’t think of him as Mr. Stark in that suit. His name refused to surface in Peter’s mind with all the metal incasing him, protecting him. It created this distance and it would hurt too much to think of that as Mr. Stark fighting.
The shield was in his hands.
Everything was in slow motion. The itching grew and Peter needed to run, to scream, to stop it but he was helpless. Captain America brought the shield over his head. His knees were on either side of Iron Man’s chest. The shield came down and slammed, stopped in time by Iron Man’s hands. The shield came up again, higher than the previous time, and it was flying down.
His heart stopped. Iron Man’s hands weren’t enough to stop the energy behind the assault.  Captain America stared down. Iron Man gazed upward, pain and a sort of grime acceptance in his eyes.
The shield came down faster than he could follow, the stars and stripes blurred by the motion. The results were confirmed with the denting of the red armor. The arc reactor fractured. Glass cracked and allowed the light to slip through the gaps.
The two men stared at each other. Their broken and torn up armor added unspoken meaning to the betrayed faces they wore. Iron Man’s helmet came off and it was the first time he wasn’t realized to see Mr. Stark’s face. Before that moment there was still a doubt and hope it would’ve been someone else or empty. But no, Mr. Stark gasped for air while his hands clawed against his chest.
Those wide eyes and desperate movements were the last to appear before the TV went black.  Peter was frozen. He was stuck in the fraught moment that had ended too soon and not soon enough on screen. The one he knew Mr. Stark was still living.
Barry said something. His eyes searched Peter’s face but he couldn’t look away from the screen now filled with headlines and news anchors. His boss moved around the counter and clapped him on the shoulder with another word Peter missed. He moved to the back of the store leaving Peter alone.
The person on screen was speculating about the possibilities of meaning this could mean for the Avengers and greater world. Their lips hurried through the broadcast but it was obvious they didn’t know what was happening.  
One particular sentence caught his attention.
“…and, of course, Tony Stark also under the alias, Iron Man, was on scene. While we don’t know exactly what caused this rift between the group it is clear his motivations and actions are far from scrutiny given past indiscretions…”
His hands clenched at his sides at the smirk on the reporter. The tighter he squeezed the deeper his nails bit into the flesh of his palms. It was just like those people staring in the hallways of the Tower. Their faces all pressed against the glass to catch a glimpse and speculate about their boss. The news was the same. The amount of times Mr. Stark had joked about what they wrote about him was sickening.
Who were they that they had the right to say that? How was that fair?
Peter squeezed his hands harder, pushing his knuckles into the glass on the counter before storming out of the building. He didn’t call out a goodbye to Barry or clock out of work. It didn’t matter.
The wind swept through his hair and a chill descended onto his skin as he walked out. On pilot he steered through the crowds of people without making eye contact. His thoughts were miles away but his feet began the way to his apartment without prompting.
He couldn’t help the tendril of worry curled in his stomach. It nested there and created a pit stuck like an anchor weighing down his body and thoughts. Mr. Stark had to be okay. He was Iron Man after all and the man had faced much worse. He’d always come out ahead every other time.
That was the defining difference though. Mr. Stark had faced worse enemies before but Captain American wasn’t an enemy to Peter’s knowledge. While Mr. Stark didn’t talk about the Avengers often and Peter didn’t want to pry, it was a kind word he spoke when he did. Peter never dreamed there would be discord in the world-famous group. They were the Avengers and to all outward appearances they were colleagues and friends. Everyone’s aimed weapons. The scowls and grimaces. All the fighting in the back. All of it aimed at a teammate.
He thought of Julia, Frank, and Monica and shivered. Would they turn on each other given the chance? Peter shook his head at the wayward nature his thoughts were taking. He had to focus on what was happening now.  
Mr. Stark’s eyes and his hands holding onto his chest would be burned into his mind. The image of fissured glass and metal replayed over and over. Peter wasn’t sure if he could remember to breath normally.
The subway ride passed by without notice as his thoughts whirled around in his head. Somehow Peter made it back to his room ensconced in the familiar warmth of his blanket. He squeezed his eyes shut and hoped to obliviate everything. For a selfish instant, all he wanted was to forget about the afternoon and all the baggage that came loaded with it. He should’ve helped. It was like there was this voice in the back of his mind that knew in some other universe he would have been strong enough to help in some way. It wasn’t to be. He was here in his apartment under the covers in his bed. He was hiding from his aunt and her questions. He was hiding from himself and the disappointment he felt about it all.
Peter’s phone rested against the pillow to his side. He ignored all the incoming text messages from his friends and instead scrolled through every social media and news outlet he could think of trying to get a crumb of new information. There were videos breaking down every scene of the footage released like a movie trailer. Everything was conjecture.
There was one option to find the truth.
Shaking hands dialed the contact and with minimal thought to convince himself out of this course of action, Peter pressed call. The lone sound that filled the air was the rings followed by Mr. Stark’s voicemail. The man’s voice, gentle and teasing, took Peter’s breath away. He hadn’t heard it in so long and yet it felt like yesterday. He remembered the story Pepper told him of how she forced him to set up the voicemail on his number.
“You know who it is. You’re trying to call me so I’m supposed to say leave a number but don’t. I’ll find you.” He could hear the phone being put down and Mr. Stark walking away while talking to his partner. “Are you happy now, Pepper?” He said and they both laughed.
She told Peter over dinner one night how stubborn the man was. How even though he was quick to right his wrongs, change came difficult for him, including, apparently, a new voicemail. The man had griped from across the table but winked at Peter when he insisted in defending Mr. Stark’s honor and told Pepper he was the same way. He glanced up under his lashes when he spoke, confident for the first time that night, to see their eyes soften as they gazed at him.  
He scowled at the memory and let the phone fall screen first onto his mattress before turning toward the wall. Peter tucked the blanket higher over his head and wished he had the courage to leave a voicemail, or to call one more time so he could hear their laughter again.
His stomach throbbed as he thought about his internship. He spent so many hours in the Tower over forged metal and takeout boxes with the man. All the time he agonized over if he should be there and listing everyway he wasn’t good enough when it would’ve been, not easy because nothing was that easy, but worth it to forget about all that. How strange and how worth it would his internship have been if Peter had just accepted he was wanted there? At the time he rationalized he was doing everyone a favor. He was saving them from disappointment but maybe he was saving himself the potential hurt. Peter thought of his promise to himself to try and be happy and he realized maybe this was a part of it.
Osborn and his curled smile were the crux of this. The injection of that man into his life had closed off doors he was only beginning to see were available to him. If only he’d never gone to Oscorp.
It was no use thinking like that but his mind kept circling around the two men well into the morning. Nothing fruitful came of it and he was left with shadows darkening his eyes.
May tried to grab his attention. She loaded up his plate with toast and strawberries but Peter pushed it around. His homework beckoned him from his desk but as he sat there, Peter found his eyes wandering to the fire escape and beyond.
His feet pounded against the sidewalk as his walk turned into a run. Despite the screaming in his muscles and the pressure building in his lungs he continued forward, urged by the lack of thought his action was providing. He was so focused on his body he didn’t have to think about Mr. Stark and why he was fighting with Captain America. Self-reflective thoughts were shoved down by the sound of his harsh breaths and for the moment Peter was running.
And it was heaven.
Thank you!
Taglist: @whatisthou @demi-starzak @warmwithafewfrostymoments
Next Chapter Seventeen: Reflections and Realizations
6 notes · View notes
bfa4ange · 2 years
The first encounter between the first human settlers and kauri must have been a
remarkable experience. In their homeland of eastern Polynesia, there was nothing that
could have prepared the travellers for these immense cathedrals of timber.
In some northern traditions, kauri trees are thought to be the legs of Täne Mahuta
holding apart the sky and the earth and allowing light into the world. In another
traditional whakapapa, this giant rangatira of the forest had a connection with a giant of
the ocean, the sperm whale or parãoa. Kauri and sperm whales were seen as brothers,
children of Täne Mahuta born at the beginning of the forest. At the time of their
conception, the sperm whale had four legs and walked about on the land, feeding in
swamps and wetlands. However, he longed to enter the realm of Tangaroa and explore
the vast oceans, and asked Täne to place him there. After sailing around the sea for
many years he returned to the coast and called out to his brother Kauri, asking him to
join him swimming the ocean. But Kauri refused to leave his home in the forest. The
whale realised he could not change Kauri's mind, so he told him, If you will not join
me, let us swap skins. For a day will come when humans will cut you down and make you
into waka, and with my skin you will be able to withstand the salty seas.' For Maori, this
connection between the two brothers explains why the bark of kauri is thin and full of
resin like the oil of a whale, and why it oozes gum like the ambergris of sperm whales.
Kauri belongs to an incredibly ancient plant lineage that stretches back hundreds of
millions of years. The plant world has changed a lot since the first kauri trees evolved.
Slow-growing conifers have been replaced as the masters of the planet by faster-growing
flowering plants - angiosperms - which make up 80 per cent of all plants on carth.
However, kauri has an ingenious strategy that helps to level the playing field with
these young upstarts. It drops a layer of acidic leaf litter, which strips the soil of the
nutrients that many angiosperms need to fuel their rapid growth. Kauri can cope in
these awful conditions, as it has formed an alliance with mycorrhizal fungi in the soil
that are more efficient at extracting the remaining nutrients. The changes kauri makes
to the soil are so dramatic that it has led scientists to describe the tree as an ecosystem
engineer. It radically reshapes the environment around it to suit its needs, and in doing
so changes the structure of the forest. Plants such as mãhoe, supplejack and nikau are
driven out, while others such as mâpou, kauri grass and mingimingi, which can tolerate
poorer soil conditions, thrive.
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