#i wanted to focus more on her but if yall have suggestions feel free to send :D
kiwibirdlafayette · 2 years
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I am as unmovable as all the water in the sea, a damn force to be reckoned with. I will no longer be pushed to the side.
I cant remember if i shared this before but i wanted to give yall my capsize playlist bc ive been addin stuff to it lately to go along with both S1 and post-series stuffs >:]
Listen here!
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hauntingmothgirl · 3 years
Jealousy, Jealousy - Part 3
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Hi, IM BACK!!! I hope yall missed me. Sorry, I was gone for so long, needed to take a break. I hope yall are still interested in this story. A lot of people seemed to like the To Hell and Back series, so thank you for the support, it really makes me smile. This is kind of a filler chapter so I hope that's okay. This was an original idea thought up by @shelikesloki. So thank you so much for the recommendation. If you have any suggestions/requests or want me to write a specific idea then feel free to ask, my dms and asks are open, but for now here’s part 3! Part 4 will be up tomorrow. PLEASE give me some suggestions of what you want to see! This series spans across the beginning of season 8.
Concept from @shelikesloki: After overhearing Morgan and Reid speaking about Maeve, Y/n has trouble with the idea that she’s missed her chance with Spencer. But after the team helps save Maeve, will Reid and Maeve even work out?
Maeve. Her name was Maeve. It’d been almost an hour since Spencer had come to the team, I sat, my eyes fixated on the ground. I’d never noticed the way the floor was installed, how each tile worked to make the shape of a diamond, how the light glinted against it. The fade in and out of the voices around me did nothing to comfort me. Logically, I knew somewhere in the back of my mind that I needed to sit up, lift my eyes and work, help Spencer. But my eyes stay trained on the floor and the voices stay distant. And when my name was called and I didn’t have the energy to respond, I settled for raising my head instead. “Y/n, Morgan, JJ, check out the loft.”
Raindrops pattered on the window. It was only sprinkling out, tiny droplets skewing my vision of the world outside the car. Time passed by in a blur, my eyes growing heavy with exhaustion. By the time Morgan had parked the car, I'd almost nodded off.
I winced as the sound of glass breaking under my foot, it was everywhere. Mixed with large blocks of wood that had been destroyed. The table in the middle of the room had been broken to pieces. Evidence of a struggle was displayed throughout the living room. I’d been asking a neighbor if they’d seen or heard anything unusual when I‘d heard Morgan shout. They’d already cleared the apartment, both holstering their weapons. Hopping around the glass, I surveyed the small room. Green shards of glass littered the walkway to the kitchen, a different color than the kind in the living room. I inspected what had previously been a vase most likely, running my fingertips lightly on the jagged ends.
Nausea bubbled up, threatening to spill out. This wasn’t even close to the worst of the worst when it came to crime scenes. Hell, there wasn’t even blood. I’d seen limbs torn off, bodies decayed, yet my body still bent and swayed as I stood, fighting the urge to lie down. Dread thumped along to every heartbeat. This was her home. This was where she sat when she spoke to him. I turned away, focusing on a robe hanging on her bedroom door. When the sight of that became too much, I turned to a pair of lampshades on a tabletop, closing my eyes when I imagined her standing where I was. My breathing came more evenly now. Cinnamon floated to my nose. The effects of a candle, a spray, or did she cook? Thousands of possibilities rushed through my mind on why her home looked the way it did. Organized, neat, clean, pristine if you will. Wrinkling my nose as I pushed away the thought. I need to not think right now.
Every time I tuned myself back to the noise, it slowly faded within a few minutes. It was half a quarter to 4 and I was currently fighting the urge to pick up the phone. It was the fifth time Tony had called me, the buzzing in my pocket took up my focus as I trudged out of the room and slid my hand to whip the phone out. “What?” My tone was harsher than I’d intended, the voice on the other line snapped back, “What’s got you in such a good mood?”
“Very funny,” I mumbled back, “What do you need? I’m working on a case.”
“So am I, Gibbs was wondering if you’d be able to consult, and since you won't answer any of his calls, he asked me to take it up with you.”
Before the BAU, I’d worked in the NCIS, the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. We consulted with detectives on cases that involved Naval officers. My brother, Tony, had gotten me the job a couple of years before, they’d become a second family before I left. The BAU had given council on a case involving a group of Officers being targeted by a serial killer. Evan Backford had been hunting down men who reminded him of his father, and as the case got more intense, the BAU elected to join us down in D.C. After working with them, I was offered a spot on their team, and I’d taken it. Jethro Gibbs, my boss at the time, still checked in every now and then, making sure to maintain contact. I’d been avoiding him because even though he wasn’t a trained profiler, no one could read you quite like Jethro Gibbs. I could tell I’d already confused my coworkers by my shifty behavior last month after the revelation with Spencer, I didn’t need more eyes watching my every move to see if I was okay.
“I’m kinda swamped with this one, Tony,” I mumbled, fidgeting with my belt loops.
“I’m sure they can handle at least one case without you,” His voice crackled through the speaker. “It’s not like you’re the Einstein of profilers.”
“Tony, you don’t understand,” I took a quick peek over my shoulder before continuing, “This is a personal case, someone’s targeting one of us.”
I didn’t have to see him to know his demeanor had changed. “Someone’s targeting you? Were you not gonna mention that? There’s things we can do-”
“Targeting ONE of us,” I repeated, enunciating the word. “Not me specifically, someone’s been stalking Spencer and his… girlfriend,” I barely managed the word, “She’s gone missing, we're doing all we can to help.” The silence on the other side of the phone was deafening. “Spencer’s girlfriend?” I pulled my hand to my chest and wrapped it around my other arm, it was colder outside than I’d expected. “Yes, he’s been seeing someone.”
Another small silence before he responded, “This is the Spencer I met? The one who assisted with our case?”
I hesitated, Tony had met Spencer multiple times before, he was my best friend, “What other Spencer is there?” I asked. “I’m just making sure, you said she’s missing?” He asked. I rolled my eyes, “Yes, yes, missing.”
“Do they live together?”
“No, she’s been in hiding at an apartment, whole thing was trashed, signs of a struggle, the whole nine yards.”
Tony’s voice crackled through the receiver, “Any suspects?”
“Not yet, JJ thinks it's a female, we found a picture of Maeve-” I swallowed hard, I’d never said her name before. “We found this picture of her with eyeliner crossing out her head. That would explain why she let her into the apartment.”
“Does Spencer have any exes?” I shook my head as soon as he asked, “No, no, I’m pretty sure this might be his first relationship.”
Tony hummed in response, “Does she-” He was cut off by JJ’s voice behind me. Over at the exit of the building, JJ hung out the door, eyes wide as I pulled the phone away from my ear.
“We have something.” I nodded and turned away from her, bringing the phone back up to my face, “Tony, I’ve got to go.” His voice shot up in panic, “Y/n, wait.” I headed for the door, shuddering when the warm air met my skin. I pushed one finger in my other ear and strained to hear what he was saying. “Gibbs has been trying to get a hold of you and wanted me to make sure you got the message, he needs to speak to you.” JJ held the elevator at the end of the hall open and I sped walked to meet her. “Is it about the case you mentioned?” I asked.
“Yes, and no, just call him when you get the chance.”
“I’ll do what I can, Tony,” I snapped the phone shut. I turned to JJ as the elevator doors closed, “What happened?”
“We have the unsub.”
okay, that’s part 3, and like always, i hope it didn’t disappoint. and if it did then, again, that’s chill too. sorry it took so long. and again if you have any suggestions or recommendations just ask, and if you want to be tagged in part 4, let me know! part 4 will be up tomorrow. have a beautiful day loves :)
Thanks again @shelikesloki
tags for those who asked, if you want to be tagged or untagged just lmk. <3
Part 2
Part 4
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Never Have I Ever - Harry Styles (part 7)
a/n: aaand part 7 is finally here! however i want to warn yall that we are nearing the end of NHIE, im planning on having one more part and i don’t think it’ll be any longer, so enjoy while it lasts! lmao as always, feedback is very much appreciated!
pairing: Harry x actress!reader
word count: 5.7k
warning: some slight violence? it’s the good kind, you’ll see lmao
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Sitting in your trailer you stare down at your phone longingly, rereading Harry’s last text.
“Miss you, hope everything is alright. Facetime when you’re free?”
You hate how your chest is aching at such a small and sweet thing. If you had the chance, you’d run into Harry’s arms without a second thought, but you are stuck in Atlanta while he is currently back in LA, feeling farther away than ever, in every sense.
It’s been three weeks since you left the city and parted ways with Harry. You hated it. You absolutely hated how he was looking at you and how you was about to cry in his fucking Range Rover as he was dropping you off at the airport. You tried to make it quick so you don’t get too caught up in the moment, but the moment he kissed you, it was over for you. For a split second you were ready to cancel on the whole movie and just stick with the plans you made before you got the role, but that wasn’t really an option.
Since that day, Harry has been very respectful of your will to keep some distance, he always checks in before trying to call to make sure you have time, he doesn’t text you about the most random things like he used to, maybe because you both are so busy, you basically live on set while he has left for his tour exactly a week ago, and you can tell he is trying his best to never even mention Levi.
The news that you’d have to work with your ex came as a punch in your stomach. Taiki contacted you himself to talk to you about his choice to include Levi in the movie. He has informed you that they all agreed on him at the end of the casting process, but he wanted to make sure it’s okay by you as well. What would have you said? You wouldn’t just start off a project with getting someone out of the movie before filming even started. You had no choice but to suck it up and say that it’s all fine.
Now you are stuck to see him almost every day and spend your free time with him as well since he is always the first one to show up when a little group of the cast is out and about. He has always been such a social butterfly, though now you wish he would just lock himself up in his hotel room and not show up until he is needed on set.
Levi has been trying. He’s been pushing on your nerves, always coming up to chit-chat, like there’s nothing weird or absurd about the situation, but there’s plenty. Seeing that the last time you two saw each other you threw a book at him and he threatened you to sue you if you dare to even say his name ever again. Your breakup was the definition of nasty while the rest of the world just noticed a quiet and uneventful parting, photos disappearing from Instagram and awkward smiles whenever either of you were asked about the other.
While you are all about being civil and professional, what he has been doing feels like he is trying to get under your skin, testing your patience with him, which is starting to run short.
For an outsider he is acting perfectly fine, even human towards you, but you know him all too well, you know all his little tricks and moves because you used to be an expert on the topic of Levi Hudson.
Huffing to yourself you get back to the text and type a quick reply.
“Still on set, I have two more scenes to film. Will text you when I’m back at the hotel xx”
You wish you could call him right away, you wish he was here with you and you wish you didn’t have to go back to set and face Levi once again. You really thought you’d get entirely consumed by work once filming starts and run short on time and energy to even think about Harry, but it hasn’t been the case. He is all you can think about, you always catch yourself wondering what he is doing, how his day has been or if he is thinking about you too. You cling onto your phone the moment they yell Cut! and frantically check if he has texted you. It’s taking a toll on you and you can only hope you’ll last until the movie is wrapped and you can finally join him on tour, just like you planned.
“Hey there,” Maya steps out of her own trailer when you turn the corner and she catches up with you quickly. “Wha’s up?”
“Just plotting how I can leave early,” you huff, making her laugh. You’ve become the closest to her, you right away bonded when you met at the table read and she caught you grimacing behind Levi’s back when you thought no one was looking. She came up and simply told you she doesn’t like him for literal no reason, he just has a punchable face and an alliance was formed right then and there.
“Oh Honey, let me know when you figured it out,” she chuckles, circling an arm around your shoulders as you both make your way to the set laughing.
Trying your best, you focus fully on the job on hand so you can leave as soon as possible, call Harry and go to bed. Today has been way longer than you would have liked and you just need to get away from set, despite how much you enjoy filming in general. Sometime during the taping Harry texts you that he is free whenever you are and will be waiting for your call and it just makes you even keener on leaving.
When filming is finally finished, you find yourself storm out faster than ever, already ringing up Harry as you are walking back towards your trailer. When he answers the call, his smiley face fills the screen and you feel your heart flutter in your chest.
“Hey! Done for the day?” he asks, seemingly eating something as he talks.
“Luckily,” you breathe out. “What are you eating?”
A blush appears on his pixelated face as he glances down and grabs his bowl, showing it into the camera. He is eating your pesto pasta recipe.
“I had a strong craving for it,” he shyly tells. “It’s not as good as yours though.”
“There’s nothing to do different about it, H,” you chuckle.
“I know, but it’s different when you make it,” he smiles and his words warm your chest. Just as you are about to tease him about being so corny, you hear your name being called out. Turning around you see Levi jogging towards you.
“Here we fucking go,” you mumble, not ending the call with Harry who is a little confused about the situation since he can’t see the intruder in your conversation.
“Are you heading back to the hotel?” he asks, catching up with you.
“Yeah, I wasn’t planning on sleeping in my trailer,” you answer with a frown.
“Wanna share a car?”
“Why would I?” you simply ask.
“What’s with the attitude, Y/N?” he scoffs as if he was an angel and deserved all the respect on earth.
“Why do you keep coming up to me?”
“Because I’m trying to be nice!” he snaps, but it’s all for the wrong reason. You don’t buy this shit, nice is the last thing he is trying to be and you know that for sure.
“No, you keep getting on my nerves and you know that! We don’t have to interact outside of set and I want to keep it that way, Levi!”
“Now you are being a bitch, Y/N.”
“Excuse you?” Harry’s voice is coming from your phone’s speaker and you suddenly realize that he is still there, listening to the conversation. You glance down at the screen and see his now angry expression on it.
“Who’s that?” Levi nods towards the phone with a frown, but then realization must hit him. “Is that Harry Styles you’re talking to?”
“None of your fucking business, Levi. And leave me the fuck alone.” Turning around you start marching back to your trailer that’s now so close, but once again, his voice stops you.
“You’re making a fool out of yourself, Y/N!”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” you snap back at him, one hand already on the door handle of your trailer, the other one holding your phone.
“If you think he wants more than just a good fuck and some publicity out of you, you’re delusional.”
“Fuck you, Levi!” you flip him off before walking into the trailer and shutting the door behind you.
With your back against the door you close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, fighting with yourself not to go back out and kick him in the stomach. This is how it has been, he starts acting all nice, pretending like he is the good buy, but when he doesn’t get the reaction he wants, he is quick to show his real, asshole self he keeps hidden.
“Angel? You alright?” Harry’s voice brings you back from your thoughts and once again, you realize that he is still in call, staring from the screen with a worried expression on his handsome face.
Taking another deep breath you bring the phone up so he can finally see your face.
“Sorry you had to hear all of that,” you mumble, feeling way more tired than you were just a few minutes ago.
“Don’t apologize, it’s none of your fault. But I gotta ask, has he been this big of a dick since the start?”
“Kind of,” you sigh, walking further inside. You put the phone to the little vanity, propping it up against the mirror as you start washing your makeup off.
“Have you tried doing something against it? You really shouldn’t let him treat you like that.”
“I’m not trying to be the whiny star who gets someone kicked out. I don’t know what others would think if I told Levi is being a jerk to me, because he is fine with everyone else. Maya is the only one who knows about it, so I’m kind of stuck.”
“Then just punch him,” he suggests making you laugh.
“I wish I could.”
“Want to talk about it? I would love to listen to you talk about how big of a dick your ex is and about your hatred towards him,” he tells you, way too excited about the topic and it makes you chuckle.
“Let’s not talk about him, I get enough of him all day. But not enough of you.”
It just slips out, way too cheesy than you intended it to be, but it makes him smile so you don’t mind it.
“Is this your way of being casual?” he chuckles softly.
“Shut up,” you grin. “Tell me about your day while I get ready to leave.”
You listen to Harry tell you about his day in the smallest details as you clean your face, brush your hair out and change into your own clothes, finally feeling like yourself again. You’re talking even when you’re already in the car, but that’s when it ends.
“Talk tomorrow, Angel?” he murmurs, now lying in his bead, propped up against the headboard without a shirt on.
“Yeah. I’ll be off around five so just call me whenever your show is over.”
“Will do. Take care, alright? And… just hang on a little longer.”
“A little?” you huff. “There are still two more months to go.”
“You can do it. Text me whenever you want to talk, alright?” You just quietly nod, ignoring the ache in your chest. You want nothing else than to crawl into bed with him, curl up against him and never leave from under the covers.
“Good night, Angel,” he smiles sweetly.
“Night, H,” you sigh before ending the call.
An hour later you are already in your hotel room, wrapped in a fluffy bathrobe, lying in bed as you scroll through Instagram, aimlessly opening posts here and there. The explore page is always a mess, you like so many different things that Instagram sometimes can’t decide what to show you, but that’s just how you like it. Lately it’s been a lot of Harry on there, given the fact that you’ve often found yourself lurking photos of him when you were missing him more than the usual.
When a paparazzi photo comes up of him from yesterday, having lunch with Kendall Jenner you can’t help but feel the jealousy ignite a fire inside you. It’s not like you didn’t know they met up, he told you a week before it and even asked if you are cool with it, to which you said that you are not an official item and you’d never tell him not to see a friend, even if it happens to be an ex as well. After all, you were the last one to throw a stone at him since you are now working with yours, even if it’s a living Hell.
But after such a draining day, seeing him have a good time so far away from you with a woman who is not you, your opinion about the situation seems to be different.
You’ve never been that extremely jealous type and you are also very much aware that you have no right to feel this way, but… you do. Scrolling through the few paparazzi photos that has nothing odd on them, just the two of them sitting at a table on a terrace, enjoying their meal and then leaving in separate cars, you can’t help but tear them apart to the tiniest detail, your brain fixated to find the smallest thing that tell you that they have something more than friendship going on, when you also know damn well sure that there’s no such thing. Harry has talked to you openly about his friendship with Kendall, how they tried to make it work two times but both of them ended up the same way: they realized they are far better as just friends and that’s how they’ve been since then.
But because of the distance, your horrible days with Levi and your agonizing feelings about wanting to be with Harry but also not being able to, you find yourself letting out a silent cry as you close the app, but the pictures still haunt you.
Before you could even think twice, you are kneeling in front of the minibar you haven’t touched since you arrived, but now you’re determined to empty it out, paying extra attention to the alcoholic drinks.
You are well aware that it’s not how you should be coping with the situation on hand, but you don’t know what else to do. You were the one who told Harry not to make things official, there’s nothing you can do against the distance between the two of you and you are stuck with Levi for the rest of filming as well. You have no other choices but to somehow dumb the pain that’s been torturing you silently ever since you found out you got the role.
It’s nerve wrecking, because this role means so much to your career, you know it’s your big chance to be finally taken as seriously as you’ve always dreamed about, but does it worth it? If you lose yourself along the way and everything that’s been making you happy lately, does it still worth just to have an Oscar nomination, which is not even guaranteed, just a speculation.
It’s past one am when you run out of drinks, but because of the small portions, you are just buzzing, not really drunk. But it’s enough to make you lose your rationality and snatch your phone from the bed and open your text threat with Harry.
“I miss you. A lot, like a whole lot.”
You send the text before you could change your mind and for your biggest surprise the status changes to seen just a few moments later before the three little dots start dancing on the bottom.
“I miss you too, Angel. Everything alright?”
Harry knows you too well, you wouldn’t just text after you’ve talked on FaceTime before and you’re usually asleep by this time, since filming starts early in the morning usually.
“Do you really miss me?” you write back with a heavy sigh.
“You can’t even imagine how much…”
“Tell me. How much?”
“I’ve written three songs about you since we parted. Does that tell you how much I miss you?”
“Oh fuck!” you choke out, feeling your chest tightening. You don’t want to be in this hotel room anymore, damn the movie, Levi and the Oscar, you need Harry. Now.
“Can’t wait to hear them all.”
“There’ll be plenty more, Angel. Get ready for a whole album!”
The pictures with Kendall are long forgotten. Now you’re just lying in bed, rereading the texts over and over again until your eyelids get too heavy and you fall asleep, still clinging onto the device.
 After years of being an independent and strong woman you’ve always aspired to be, you find yourself only focusing on two men to keep your nerves stable enough to stop you from breaking down every other day: Oscar and Harry.
The possibility to win an Oscar is what you think of every time Levi is pulling on your nerves, working harder than the devil to make you burst while acting like a saint in front of everyone. His attempts of ruining your days every imaginable are getting worse as the time passes and when thinking about the Oscar doesn’t help, you reach out to Harry. You’ve felt terribly at the beginning when you kept calling him whenever you felt like screaming after an encounter with Levi, even apologized for it, but he made sure you know he doesn’t mind it, not even the tiniest bit.
“I’m happy I’m the one you come to for comfort. I like that you’re thinking about me,” he told you one night when you called him so late, but he still answered.
Today has been extra hard. Two weeks have passed since your little late night breakdown when you emptied your mini bar out and felt like leaving Atlanta as soon as possible. Luckily, the morning came with an ease, though the pain was still there, you just managed to bottle it up enough to make you keep going.
You’ve been on set since 4 in the morning, having shot some scenes during sunrise and you’ve been going since then. Now it’s four pm, you are desperate for a good sleep already, but you still have some hours to go before you can head back to the hotel.
It seems like Levi has made it his mission to make you cry today. His latest favorite thing has been throwing shade about fellow actors who end up being the talk of gossip sites because they’ve dared to go on a public date with another celebrity. So, just to be clear, he is shaming you for being all over the tabloids, people are still speculating about you and Harry and Levi doesn’t hesitate to call you out about that in a sugarcoated way.
All he has been saying all day is “I guess I’m just more careful about my privacy!” or “Everyone is different, but I like to be noticed for my professional success!” but your favorite was “I get it that women need more effort to stay relevant.”
You were shocked how no one else realized how sexist he was, but deep down you weren’t that surprised. Levi successfully brainwashed everyone to make them believe he didn’t think it seriously, when you know for a fact that even if it was just to piss you off, he really meant it. You were once one of those who couldn’t really see how wrong his beliefs are and now you can’t believe you used to ignore all these sexist comments, but now they make your palms itch.
“You know, you once were just like that. I still remember us being on the covers,” you snapped back at him before everyone left for lunch and it was just the two of you, but he just snorted, brushing it off.
“Hated it. Always felt like just a toy they like to throw around.”
You needed all your self-control not to laugh right into his face and then jump at his throat. Instead, you just watch him walk away and you are quick to fetch your phone from your bag to text Harry, but then you realize that he hasn’t texted you back in the past ten hours. Your last four messages are sitting not just unanswered but unread as well so you talk yourself down from sending another one. It’s odd, because he always tells you when he is about to be busy, but he didn’t this time and you wonder if you’ve said or did something that upset him with you enough to stop talking to you. But then you tell yourself that something must have just come up.
“Hey girl!” Maya calls out for you, already dressed in her own clothes since she is done for the day. “I’m heading out to lunch with Timmy, want to join? Please don’t say you’ll just order in and stay in your trailer!”
“Only if Levi is not coming,” you grumble making her chuckle.
“Don’t worry, it’s just gonna be cool people.”
You both take your car to the little diner close to set, you’ve been going there quite often, they have the best pancakes and that’s exactly what you need right now. Timmy is already there sitting at a booth, waving at you happily. Aside from Maya, he is the other person you’ve been quite enjoying spending time with on set, he is a genuine guy and helped you a lot professionally which was a huge boost along this rocky way.
All through lunch you notice that he’s been checking his phone a lot, but you don’t think much of it, he is a busy guy, that you’ve learned already. It’s nice to have some time away from set and you’re thankful that Maya and Timmy are trying their best to make you forget about Levi and that eventually you have to head back.
The three of you return to set about an hour later. When the both of them stick to your side and they keep asking if you are going back to your trailer, you start to suspect something.
“You guys alright?” you ask with a chuckle. “Where else would I go? I still have thirty minutes from my break.”
“Just making sure,” Timmy shrugs. “We’ll walk you there!”
“Yeah! Let us walk to your trailer!” Maya nods in agreement and you give them a glare.
“You guys are weird,” you mumble under your breath.
As the three of you reach your trailer you notice how excited they are acting and you are confused about what’s really happening, but it’s just until you finally throw the door of your trailer open and gasp at the person waiting inside.
“Hello, Angel,” Harry smirks at you, leaning against the wall as you completely freeze.
“Angel! Oh my God!” you hear Maya squeak behind you, but you can’t pay much attention to her or Timmy, because you are busy throwing yourself into Harry’s arm, who envelopes you into his embrace, lifting you up from the ground.
“What are you doing here?” you breathe out, face buried in the crook of his neck.
“Should I not be here?” he jokes chuckling, his hands running up and down your back.
“Well, you are not supposed to, but I’m glad you are!” you chuckle and pulling back you kiss his lips, not able to hold yourself back.
“Thank your costars,” he mumbles nodding towards the door where Maya and Timmy are standing, grinning widely and proud of themselves.
“You guys did this,” you breathe out.
“Well, it was Maya’s idea, and then I was the one to message Harry,” Timmy admits, hiding his hands in his pockets. “Wanted to surprise you.”
“You surely succeeded,” you chuckle and turning back to Harry you hug him again, holding him tight as if he could vanish any moment.
“Alright, we’ll leave you two alone,” Maya chuckles before shutting the door and giving you some privacy.
“So how long are you staying?” you ask, arms circled around his neck.
“Unfortunately I don’t have much time. I need to fly out late tomorrow.”
“You came here for less than 48 hours?” you gasp in disbelief. He has been on the road for weeks now, all the traveling has been hard on him, that you know, yet he still went into the trouble of flying here for such a short time just to be with you.
“If Timothée didn’t reach out I would have still tried to mess around with my schedule to come here. I know how hard it has been for you here, I wanted to help you.”
“Stop or you’ll make me cry,” you chuckle, leaning in for another kiss.
You spend the rest of your break cuddled up on your tiny sofa in your trailer, talking but mostly kissing, because you’ve been missing Harry’s kisses the most probably. When it’s time to head back to set, you need everything in you not to lock the door and just never leave, but your work is calling.
Walking towards set you find yourself lacing your fingers together with Harry’s, to which he smirks at you in satisfaction. You couldn’t give less shit about that people will think the rumors are true, let them! All you want is to be as close to Harry as possible.
As everyone is slowly gathering back, you lounge around the buffet tables with Harry and Timothée, just genuinely having a good time, right until Levi walks in and he freezes upon seeing you with Harry.
At first you are convinced he’s going to come up to you, but luckily, he chooses to keep his distance this time, saving you some stress about what would go down if the two of them were to talk. Harry has definitely noticed his presence as well, but he doesn’t say a word, just holds your hand tight, kissing your knuckles.
Harry sticks around the whole afternoon, watching you film scene after scene and the excitement in his eyes is priceless. He takes every opportunity to praise your work and tell you how amazing you are doing and it means the world to you since it’s the first time Harry is seeing you working.
Through the afternoon, you can feel Levi’s burning glare on you, but you try your best to ignore it. You can tell he doesn’t like having Harry around but you haven’t figured out if it’s because he is jealous of you and him or because now Harry has all the attention he usually has. Either way, he is a petty fucker and you are enjoying pissing him off for once.
When filming finally finishes at six you are one of the first ones to head out, eager to finally be alone with Harry in your hotel room and not be disturbed for the night.
“I would say to pick up something to eat on our way, but maybe we should just order room service, how does that sound?” he asks as the two of you are walking back to your trailer.
“Room service is gonna be perfect,” you smile up at him, giving his hand a squeeze.
The voice calling out your name makes you growl in annoyance. The situation is all too familiar, Levi stopping you on your way back to your trailer with the pure intention of ruin your mood.
Oh for fuck’s sake,” you mumble under your breath before turning around. “What?” you snap back at him, clearly annoyed that he is here again.
“Hey, just… thought I would introduce myself to your friend over here,” he smiles as if it was the most natural thing, but you and Harry stand there, completely confused about how he can act so casual about him meeting Harry.
“I’m sorry, you what?” you question.
“Just wanted to meet Harry,” he tells again. “I’m Levi, nice to meet you,” he nods smiling, holding out his hand and you can’t hold your laughter back. Luckily, Harry is quick to react the best possible way.
“Are you really just gonna pretend like I didn’t hear you call Y/N a bitch the other day?” he asks, voice stern and surprisingly calm, however his hold on your hand is a little tighter now.
Seemingly, Levi is taken aback and you can tell he was convinced Harry wouldn’t bring it up straight to his face, but he did. He definitely just did and you are so happy about that.
“I’m, uhh—I don’t think you have any business in that, Harry,” he chuckles nervously, still trying to somehow dominate in the situation, but he is failing miserably.
“Oh, but I think I do. If you think you can just go around and call women bitches, you are in the wrong and if you ever have just one bad word for Y/N again, I’ll definitely won’t be this calm.”
The cherry on the top is the warm smile on Harry’s lips and your mouth hangs open at how bad he just burnt Levi. If you were alone now, you’d definitely jump his bones right away.
Watching Levi you see the exact moment when he drops the act and before he even opens his nasty mouth, you already know you’ll get another taste of his real self.
“What, you fuck her once and think she is the Queen of England who has to be treated with special care?” he scoffs and your stomach drops. Here he goes with the insults, buckle up!
“Excuse you?” Harry snaps back, clearly losing his patience with him.
“She is not that big of a deal, Styles. Might be a good fuck, but she is a fucking bitch in reality and you’ll see that soon.”
“I think it was just you who made her act that way and that’s entirely your fault, m’ friend. Anyone would be that way if they had to deal with you.”
“You know what? You two deserve each other, two low-life, attention seeker celebs, I just don’t get what people like so much about you. Especially about you,” he adds, eyes snapping to you. Your anger is boiling, he is dancing on your very last nerve and you have no idea how long you can last.
Harry then turns to you, a calm expression on his face, but his eyes tell you otherwise as he simply takes his rings off and places them into your palm, confusing you about what he is really doing.
“I’m sorry in advance, Angel,” he mumbles before taking a step towards Levi and with a simple but graceful move, he punches your scumbag ex.
You gasp as you hear Levi’s groan, his hands flying to his face while Harry shakes his fist off with a heavy sigh.
“Oh fuck, this feels better with a glove on,” Harry breathes out, taking a step back.
“You fucker!” Levi spats as he straightens up. He moves his hand from his face, checking it to see if he is bleeding, but it’s just some redness on his cheek.
“Don’t freak out, princess. You’ll just have to sit some more in the makeup. But Swear to God if you ever speak about her that way,” Harry warns him pointing at him, “You won’t be able to fix it with some powder.”
And with that, Harry grabs your hand and pulls you into the trailer, leaving a shocked and raged out Levi outside. As soon as it’s just the two of you, Harry changes from the confident, protective man to a frightened little puppy as he looks at you.
“I’m so sorry, but I just couldn’t take it any longer. The way he was talking about you and I—“
He doesn’t get to finish because our lips shut him up with the most heated and passionate kiss you two have ever shared. It’s hard and messy, your fingers thread through his hair as he grabs your waist forcefully, yanking you against her tightly.
“That was literally the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” you pant against his lips.
“Yeah? So you’re not mad?”
“I’m only mad because you got to punch him before me,” you chuckle making him laugh as well.
“God, I have no idea how you could put up with him this long,” he breathes out, resting his forehead against yours.
“I’m convinced that my nerves are made out of steel,” you joke pecking his lips two more times.
“I don’t even see how you could be in a relationship with him in the first place,” he huffs.
“I was younger and dumber. Don’t worry, learned my lesson,” you laugh, cupping his cheek in the palm of your hand, running your thumb along the soft skin under his eye.
“If I’m being honest, there’s one more thing that’s upsetting me about him.”
“And what is that?”
“Please don’t get mad at me though, okay?” he chuckles softly.
“Just tell me!”
“I’m mad… because he is able to say that he has been in a relationship with you and I’m not. It’s pissing me off, properly,” he admits and your heart skips a beat. “I know you said you don’t want anything official, but I just want to call you mine and—“
You cut him off for the second time now as you kiss him again, grinning against his lips. If he didn’t bring this up now, you would have for sure before he left, because there was no way you would have been able to say goodbye to him again without having all strings tied.
“Just to be sure, was this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?” you smirk, your hands holding onto the base of his neck.
“Kind of? Yeah,” he chuckles softly.
“Alright, cool. Now let’s go back to my hotel room, boyfriend.”
You watch as his eyes light up and leaning down he kisses you again.
“Just so we are on the same page, was this your way of saying yes?”
“Kind of, yeah,” you nod, using his own words.
“Great. Okay, let’s go, girlfriend.”
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pearl-blue-musings · 4 years
Never Been Kissed: EraserMic
so i didn’t technically have an idea for them but yall know how the brain be sometimes....
This will be longer than some of the other ones because SAD and gets a little steamy at the end so I might make a smutty part to get better at writing smut who knows
Warnings: language, suggestive content, 18+ to be safe, also angst whoops
Pairing: EraserMic x fem!reader
To say you were surprised is an understatement. You figured your two best friends wouldn’t be spending their New Years Eve with you in your lonely apartment eating pizza and watching crazy countdown shows.
And yet, here you were. Snuggled in between them with your head on the stoic and quiet dark haired man, laughing at whatever joke the loud blond squawked during a commercial break. To you, this was bliss; just a woman with her two male best friends.
Two best friends who were in love with each other and had been for awhile.
Two best friends that you were also in love with.
But you did as you normally do: squash them down into nothingness, trapping them in a locked box with no means of finding the key.
You had met the duo as a transfer student in your third year at U.A. Since Hizashi was better with English, he was your guide and helper for the first couple of weeks helping you get adjusted to life and catching you up on things you might’ve missed. You can never forget the way his eyes lit up at you upon first glance. His presence was overwhelming but nary in a bad way. He was overwhelmingly sweet and patient with you, despite his enormous personality. 
In time you met Aizawa, his counterpart, the Yin to his Yang. Where Hizashi was large, he was small. Where Aizawa would ponder his thoughts, the blond would blurt them out. They really were perfect together and somehow you had entered into their perfect world.
It was no wonder you had developed feelings and fast.
They welcomed you when no one would. Looked after you when you were stressed, the butt of a joke, or were missing home. They were always there, always by your side.
So why did it hurt so much when you found them together?
You hadn’t meant to arrive at his house early for your study session, but you were in such a good mood! Were you thinking of confessing? Maybe. But that all went away when you turned the corner too early. There they were, your two best friends kissing in the most passionate way imaginable.
And you just watched.
How had you not known? Of course you had known, they were perfect for each other. All you did was complicate the narrative of their life. You knew about the friend they had lost almost a year ago so you understood their close ties even more now. They found solace in each other. And who were you? Some new foreign transfer student stupidly and hopelessly in love with the two guys who gave you attention and the time of day?
You only watched seconds longer for them to break apart and then peck each other on the lips again. You hear Hizashi whisper, “Do you think we should tell her?”
Aizawa sigh’s, “Only if you want to. I know how much you care about her.”
You didn’t dare listen to the rest of their conversation as you turned heel and ran. Tears beginning to cloud your vision as you run back to your place. Once you got your breath and quirk under control, you had sent them both a text saying that something had come up. For now, it was enough for them and for you.
You began to avoid them for a few weeks, forcing yourself to move on and bury your feelings deeper. You had resided to being the third wheel, the one that’s always left out, the black sheep, the odd one out; as if that hadn’t been your life before so it wasn’t anything new. What had shocked you one day as the lunch bell rang, was a pale hand grabbing onto your uniform.
“Hizashi is worried about you.”
You couldn’t meet his gaze.
“I’m worried about you. You’ve been avoiding us.”
You conjure up a quick lie that doesn’t get past the observant student. “Sorry, I’ve been really try to focus more on school and graduation and trying to find my own identity. Having to make up internship time while getting a provisional license has taken up most of my time.”
Aizawa was unconvinced but played along. “I get it. Talk to us when you can, okay?”
You only nod and kept your head down to avoid his knowing gaze. You had walked away just in time for a tear to fall, and for you to run into the other person from the dynamic duo.
“You’re lying to us, princess,” Hizashi says surprisingly low. “What’s wrong?”
Soon you were joined by his partner and had both of them boring into you. Well it was better tell a half truth, not like they needed to know.
“Sorry you guys,” you mumble. “I’ve been really stressed with all i have to do to graduate with you all. I didn’t wanna burden you with that.”
And my unresolved feelings
“Is that all?! You had us worried sick! Don’t keep us out like that okay? Ya dig?”
You couldn’t help the smile that spread onto your lips at his usual language. “Yeah,” you giggle, “I’m sorry. I promise I’ll tell you two everything.”
“Speaking of truths,” Aizawa interrupts, “there’s something we’ve been meaning to tell you.”
“You’re dating, I know. I wanted to give you two space so...”
Lime green eyes widen and his jaw dropped. “You knew?! Is it that obvious??”
You full on laughed at that. “It kinda is. You two are perfect for each other.”
Ever since the unveiling of particular truths the three of you were always close. You didn’t always feel like a third wheel to their relationship but all of you were open books to each other. Except about your feelings; that is a secret you are willing to take to your grave.
It was only ten minutes until midnight and the drinks had finally slowed from their free flowing. The three of you enjoyed a couple drinking games of watching the different countdowns and by this point, you were drunk. You had noticed the time and lifted your head from Shouta’s shoulder and began to get up.
“Hey you, why are you moving?”
You had paused and were halfway standing when those almond eyes bore into yours. “Oh, well it’s, it’s almost midnight. Ion wanna get in the way of your kiss so I’ll, I will move.”
The couple exchange a glance, a look on their faces one you had never seen before then back to you. You don’t pick up on it and continue to stand. 
“(Y/n)...it’s a stupid thing it doesn’t-”
“I’ll get the champagne. Sham. Pain. Sham pahgney. Wait there.”
The two men on the floor remain in their same spots. Hizashi trying not to chortle too much at your pronouncing of champagne and Aizawa trying to figure your mood. He never thought anything was awkward between the three of you, but lately it had begun to be. He’d find himself wondering what you were doing or how it would be nice to cuddle you in his sleeping bag. Even Hizashi doesn’t get sleeping bag rights.
And Hizashi can act aloof and unaware, but he’s been having urges for you in a way that he thought he had gotten rid of. He had told Shouta back in U.A. but the first time he saw you he wanted to believe in love at first sight but he was already with him by then. Why? He already loved someone, why did he still feel incomplete? 
As much as they loved you showering them in compliments that they were perfect for each other, the couple had always felt empty. But that feeling would change when you were around. How were they to tell you how they really felt? It should be obvious how much they care and love you, they each cancelled their radio show and patrol for the evening to be with you. Why couldn’t you see?
You had returned with three champagne flutes filled with the golden bubbly drink. You frown a little that they hadn’t moved, so you sat down and handed them their drinks. The only sound that was heard between the trio was the announcement of the final five minutes of the year. You rested your head against the couch and deeply exhaled.
“(Y/n),” Shouta starts, “are you okay?”
“Yeah dove! It looks like you were crying! Talk to us!”
Your head quickly snaps up and you take your empty hand to touch your face. Fuck, you had been crying. When did that happen?
“Oh you two,” you sniffle out while wiping your face. “It’s nothing, nothing! I was remembering my, uh, ex and how we were supposed to kiss at midnight and I guess I got sad. It’s nothing.”
“He wasn’t worth your time, ya dig? You’re beautiful!”
“You can do better. He didn’t treat you right.”
It seems that they both spoke at the same time, making the three of you break into laughter. But once you take in their words, you begin to sober up slightly. Did they really mean it? There’s no way, you need to keep those feelings locked up. Suddenly the flood works were opened.
Hizashi is the first to wrap an arm around you. “(Y/n) princess. Talk to us.”
Lock it up, bury it deeper.
“Like I said, my ex. I was finally going to get my New Years kiss but it’s not gonna happen.”
Throw away the key.
“Dumb right? I’ve never had a New Years kiss and that’s what’s got me so upset.”
They can never know.
And now there’s only 30 seconds left of the year and you’ve already come up with a resolution. Let them go. Let go of your feelings for your two best friends. You had started that resolution earlier in the year with a new boyfriend but he had dumped you at the beginning of December. He claimed that your heart wasn’t in it and that you didn’t love him. You did, you just happened to love two other men too. That’s how it is.
“It’s not dumb, Kitten. You have a right to be sad.”
The timer began to dwindle from 10. You hadn’t realized how your tears were being wiped away from both sides of your face. All three of you had abandoned your drinks in exchange for this moment. Your cheeks were warm but not from the alcohol. You began to smell two distinct scents overcoming you as you began to feel them come closer into your space.
Don’t let them know, and let them go.
“Happy New Year!” 
You had barely heard the announcer say those words when you felt two sets of lips on your cheeks. This is all you had ever wanted but you couldn’t stop crying when they didn’t stop touching and caressing you.
“Please stop,” you whimper out as you feel yourself being pulled in one direction.
You meet lime green irises as he holds your chin. “No, we won’t. Fuck, can’t you see how much we love you?” The blond silences your rebuttal by kissing your lips in a way you had only dreamed of. A different set of hands had rested themselves underneath you sweater and was feeling all of your skin, reaching the front of your bra. 
When you part for air panting, your eyebrows furrow. “I don’t, I don’t understand. Please don’t hurt me anymore. I, I mean... How long have you known?”
You’re turned around to face Shouta and his dilated pupils. “We’ve always known about our feelings for you. We were waiting for you to see how much we love you.” He pecks your lips lightly.
“You love me?”
Their words and actions are incredible to you right now. But you can’t think clearly as Aizawa cups your face to clear it of more tears as he affectionately places his lips on yours, kissing some of your tears and hurt away.
Aizawa nods into your kiss and pulls back, noticing a string of saliva connecting your plump lips to his. “We have, for a while now.”
“We realized our feelings for you a year after we had all graduated,” Hizashi intercepts. He takes the two of you up onto the couch and places you in his lap comfortably. “Well, I knew I liked you from the moment I met you! And I think for Shou it was when you didn’t speak to us for a few weeks. But then,” he stops to kiss your cheek and then trail down to the corner of your lips, “after you had gotten hurt as a sidekick and were severely injured,” his hand draws circles on your thigh, “we realized we didn’t know what to do if you weren’t around, ya know?” He finishes with a kiss.
You pull away, “But that was five years ago?” You feel the couch dip behind you as Aizawa takes your free hand and interlocks it with his, giving you comforting rubs. But he also takes your hands closer to his crotch. He’s hard? “You kept dating shitty guys.”
“Yeah! To try to get over you!” You cover your face in your hands as you begin to remember the people you had dated and how they didn’t compare to the two men beside you right now. You didn’t want to admit it, but you were starting to get the feeling that they had some more plans in mind for your new year start, considering one was already hard and the other hadn’t stopped touching you. The touches went from friendly to lust filled in mere seconds.
“Listener, baby girl I gotta know. Why did you really stop talking to us back then?” the blond pinches your thigh and moves his hand closer and closer to your heat making your heart beat race.
“I, hah, I caught you two.”
The pair stops and looks to you.
“Kissing. Before one of our study sessions. I was heartbroken. I overheard part of the conversation but I ran away crying.”
Aizawa catches your neck and you end up meeting his lips again, as another pair trail up and down your neck. “Kitten, if you had staid longer you would have heard us talk about maybe opening it up to you. It was his idea since he caught feels first.”
The man at your neck whines and bites down, eliciting a moan from you as he pouts at his lover. “Don’t put this on me! You wanted to include her too but you were too chicken to admit your feelings.”
Aizawa runs his hand down to your ass and gives it a tight squeeze. Your lips involuntarily open and he prods his tongue inside your mouth. Your hands find purchase in his shirt, finding some sort of stability. From how this was going, you weren’t going to be able to walk tomorrow.
Both men look up to you with love in their eyes and hearts and you smile fondly at them both.
“(Y/n),” Hizashi breathes, “we love you so much.”
“I love you guys too.”
Aizawa grunts and mumbles out,
“Let us show you how much we love you, okay Kitten?”
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binniedeactivated · 3 years
𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 ↺ || 𝐡.𝐤.
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 |  𝐡𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐤𝐚𝐢 𝐱 𝐦𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝!𝐩𝐨𝐜 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 |  𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞!𝐚𝐮 , "𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫" 𝐚𝐮.
𝐖/𝐂 |  15.389k
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 | (𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 "𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫") 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐠𝐚𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞'𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭. 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬, 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐥, 𝐡𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐤𝐚𝐢.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬.
a/n; i miss making legit fics for yall ;(((((( and I feel bad because I haven’t been writing as much as I should I’m so so sorry <3
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“so what are you? sophomore? freshman?”. bria asks, stuffing her foot into her platformed converse. gabrielle nods, folding a shirt and inserting it into her drawer. “wow I wasn’t expecting them to give me a freshman for a roommate”. she scoffs kind of smug. “is that a problem?”. gabrielle speaks up, pushing a puffy curly strand of hair over to the other side of her head. bria only grinned and shook her head no. “nah. that just means I have a lot to teach you”.
“teach me?”.
“yeah”, bria agrees, in the mirror coating her lips with gloss. bria was a dark skinned five foot eight beauty. if gabrielle didn’t know any better she’d mistake her for a model almost. she had gorgeous curly afro hair, similar to that of a lion’s mane. gabrielle hadn’t saw much of her wardrobe yet but just by the edgy outfit she was already wearing she could tell that her style was to die for. her lips were thick and full and complimented her cat-like eyes well. gabrielle thought maybe she could pick up a few tips from her, especially with makeup. it was so perfect she could feel herself shrinking into her own insecurities. she thought she was pretty decent looking but no where near bria's level. gabrielle herself had honey brown skin, big brown curly hair with lots of volume. heart shaped lips. large brown wistful eyes with clear glasses frames worn over them. she was sort of chubby. her physique wasn't something she saw as a win in her eyes. her chest was average sized and her ass was there yet barely visible. and her waist definitely wasn't as snatched as bria's. but still, if she was going to be in college amongst those who looked different from her she had to try and gain some type of confidence about herself.
“what is there to teach me?”.
bria scoffs again, screwing the cap back onto her gloss. “you don’t want to know what it’s like to live the life here? trust me girl I’m almost a senior I can teach you a few things”.
“like what? if you’re talking about partying and all that I’m going to have to pass. I just got here and I don’t want to be running into trouble”.
“girl how is partying going to get you in trouble? you’re grown now. you don’t have you parents watching over you anymore. you can be free and do what you want to do”.
gabrielle grabs another shirt. “yeah but suppose one of ya’ll do some illegal shit? and then what? I can’t tell the cops that I wasn’t involved because I’m just a freshman. I’m going to jail right with ya’ll”.
bria tilts her head back and laughs. “you’re a trip if you think we ever do illegal shit and get caught”.
gabrielle shuts her drawer, moving another box across the room to her desk. “yeah well, I don’t want to be involved anyway. even the risk is too much. plus I don’t know how my boyfriend is going to feel about me out partying with other guys and shit”.
bria made a tsk noise with her lips prior to walking to her closet for her collection of purses. “you really came to college with a boyfriend? just how dumb are you?”.
“what? what’s wrong with having a boyfriend?”.
“girl do I even have to ask? look at you. you’re already uptight. you don’t want to party, you’re worried about what he might think. he already has you right where he wants you. living a boring life like him”.
gabrielle shifts her weight on her feet. “he doesn’t--live a boring life. he’s just protective”.
“tsk. that’s what he told you?”.
“well yeah--”.
“how old is your little boyfriend?”.
“he’s seventeen”.
bria tilts her head back and does that laugh again. the one that made gabrielle seem out out of place. mostly because she didn’t know what was funny to begin with. “yeah he’s young he’s still a senior in high school so what?”. she quickly defends.
“girl that ain’t gonna work. you’re in college you have to level up”.
“my boyfriend is fine. he’s all the leveling up I need”.
“mhm. we’ll see about that. anyways, I’m going to my girlfriend’s suite later you should come”.
bria rolls her eyes. “girl relax we’re not going to be doing anything illegal. just chilling. maybe a little drinking or smoking but--i wouldn’t call that illegal”.
“drinking and smoking? I’ll pass”.
“you don’t have to do it. you’re acting like there’s going to be people there forcing you. it’s going to be her friends and a little bit of mine. if you want to make some lit friends quickly then I suggest you come so you can get yourself out there a little”.
“don’t worry. I can make friends in my classes”.
“aren’t you a biology major?”.
“then you definitely need to come. or else you’re going to be playing battle of the nerds these next four years”.
gabrielle rolls her eyes, “what’s your major anyways?”.
“fashion design”.
gabrielle nods her head in response. that made a whole lot of sense.
“so? gabby? you coming or what because if so I want to see what you’re wearing”.
“it’s just a suite gathering right? I’m not trying to wear nothing special. probably like a sweater, some ripped jeans and sneakers”.
“pft ‘gathering’. you are so proper. outfit sounds cute but don’t you want to wear something a little revealing? you need to get a new man”.
gabrielle rolls her eyes. “like i said before I’m happy with the guy I have. and no I don’t want to wear anything revealing, have these guys out here thinking that they’re going to get a chance to fuck me”.
“and what’s wrong with that?”.
“whatever. I’ll be back to come grab you later. be ready.”. bria prompts before swinging a bag over her shoulder and leaving the room. gabrielle rolls her eyes. she continues organizing the knick knacks on her desk, most importantly the picture of her and her boyfriend. she missed him dearly and with her college being two hours away from home she didn’t know what she was going to do away from him from so long. texting and facetiming helped but there was nothing like being around him. she huffs her breath though, trying to push the thought to the back of her mind until she was ready to think of it again.
when she started getting dressed she was thinking more and more about what bria was saying. she wanted to look like herself but she still wanted to look cute because at the end of the day, she didn’t know bria or her girlfriend’s friends. this would be their first impression of her so she wanted to make it count. she pulls a scrunchie through her ponytail in a half up half down hairstyle and throws on a couple of hand rings and necklaces to go along with her outfit. she wasn’t too keen on makeup but she did apply winged eyeliner and a bit of lipstick just to keep herself from looking too plain. she looked over at herself in the mirror almost one hundred times, posing so she could see herself from different angles. she wondered if she really looked as good as she thought she did.
“girl you ready--ou okay! so you want to get a new man tonight after all?”. bria says while barging in, scaring the hell out of gabrielle. “damn can you stop screaming? no I don’t want a new man. I just want to look nice”. bria smirks. “whatever. if we don’t leave now we’re going to get there hella late so let’s go”.gabrielle nods and takes her phone off it’s charger. it was getting kind of dark outside but she could already hearing laughing and playing inside the quads of campus. she figured night time was only the beginning of all the fun.
“so? how is it here for real?”. gabrielle asked while they were walking, bria held her phone in her face preparing to take a selfie. “it’s actually not that bad. it’s just like every other college. has it’s pros and cons but at the end of the day, it depends on who you know. as long as you surround yourself with lit people you’ll have a good time”. gabrielle nods. she wanted to surround herself with those kind of people but she needed to focus on her studies. in high school she wasn’t in the mix too much. so she didn’t really know how she was going to function being around them in college. for the most part she had good control over herself, so she wasn’t worried.
when bria said suite, gabrielle wasn’t taking it quite literal. she hadn’t known the seniors practically had two floor suites together. gabrielle had never felt the sudden urge to rush and be a senior in her life. the living room was full with a bunch of people which automatically gave gabrielle anxiety. bria kisses her girlfriend on the lips before intertwining her fingers with hers. “babe this is my roommate gabby. gabby this is my girlfriend diamond”. gabrielle gave her a shy greeting trying to figure out if everyone bria knew looked just as good as she did. diamond was also a fair-skinned doll. “she’s a freshman I’m trying to make her make some friends”. bria comments. “they roomed you with a freshman?”. diamond asks. “right? that’s what I thought. but don’t worry she’s gonna be lit soon”. gabrielle rolls her eyes and scans around the room. there were people in the living room and kitchen it seemed. there was music playing and some of them was drinking and/or smoking and some weren’t which gabrielle liked.
when scanning though she wasn’t expecting her eyes to land on a certain someone, or rather, a certain someone’s eyes to be landed on her. his hair was black and long down the nape of his neck and over his eyes a bit. he wore a black hoodie, black jeans and sneakers. his overall aesthetic was dark gabrielle noticed, he also had a couple of finger nails painted black and a large cuban linked necklace peeking from his hoodie collar. his lips were pink and supple and his eyes were deep set and light brown, boring into hers. needless to say gabrielle thought he was the most gorgeous thing she’s ever laid her eyes on. she looks away to avoid his gaze and he smirks in response.
bria went around introducing her to everyone before going elsewhere with diamond. it kind of scared gabrielle because now she was forced to fiend for herself. everyone seemed considerably chill though and welcoming, offering her blunts and drinks to which she kindly declined. they didn’t seem to care, instead talked to her about other things like asking her her major and telling her how pretty she was. and every so often she’d try to join in the conversation to stay on her toes. she thought college gatherings would be much more crazier than this, maybe some project X party type of scene. she was shocked to see how cool they actually were, and how easily she clicked with them. things didn’t start getting a little wilder until later when a bunch of them gathered in the middle of the floor to play a drunk spin the bottle game. something gabrielle declined also, well, her and others. specifically that guy that was staring at her earlier, whom was leaning on the wall talking to some of his friends. his eyes broke away from them and fled to her every so often, admiring how pretty she was. and if anyone knew heuning kai, which everyone had, they knew that girls like gabrielle were the type of girls he aimed for.
“I take it that you don’t drink or party often?”. he spoke lightly, making gabrielle almost freeze in place. his voice was smoother than she imagined it. subtle, yet serious. “um--yeah it’s not really my thing”. she assures nervously, wanting more than anything to detach from his eyes but he was leaning on the kitchen counter near her and he had this addictive gaze that she couldn’t get enough of. not to mention he was six feet even, tall enough to be quite intimidating over her five foot five frame. “what’s your name?”. he smirked a little at her nervous fidgeting. “gabrielle”. he nods. “hm. gabrielle. you pretty. you know that?”. he took a quick sip of his drink and it was there where she noticed the silver rings around his fingers. why the hell was he so attractive?
“thank you”.
“i don’t really do all of this either. maybe we can chill somewhere together”.
gabrielle scoffs. “no, I’m fine. I know what guys mean when they say they want to chill. and I’m not that type of girl”.
“I’m not the type of guy to beat around the bush. if i wanted something from you I would’ve just said it. but”, he shrugs. “I want to hang with you. and if you don’t want to that’s fine”.
she bit the inside of her cheeks thinking, which was a bad move because by the the time she conjured up an answer he already walked off, leaving her feeling kind of stupid and the scene ate at her for days. she kept thinking of other answers she could’ve given him to make her seem less rude. he probably hated her now and thought she was uptight. one thing’s for sure she wasn’t going to tell bria about this just to avoid the teasing and taunting about it all. but gabrielle couldn’t help herself. she found herself wanting heuning kai’s attention. she wanted to be the girl that he desired. and ever since that night it seemed as if she saw him everywhere.
“he’s so fucking cute--”. her seatmate mutters in philosophy, gabrielle was too busy doodling on the edge of her notebook sheet to pay attention. “who?”. she asked without even looking up. “him”.
she shifts her attention away from her paper and captures a sight of kai. his hair was parted over his eyes this time and he wore a white turtleneck underneath a black ripped jean jacket. he still had different fingernails of his painted black, and a thin silver necklace wrapped tightly around his neck. gabrielle watched as his hair sifted every time he walked. he was the type of gorgeous where every time you saw him it was like everything was happening in slow motion. he had the fair share of girls surround him and his guy friends who encouraged him to sit by them. while he was on his way to his seat his eyes locked with gabrielle’s for a swift moment. her heart raced. her seatmate tapped her vigorously. “girl! who was he looking at?! was he looking at you?”. she whispered excitedly. the professor arrives and sits his bag down on the desk in front of the class. “I don’t know”.
“I’m assuming you’re all coming to class with a fresh memory of the reading from last night”, professor witman started, “I want you to take out your notebooks, laptops, phones or whatever you use to take your notes on and I want to ask you this, would you rather be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond? and why?”. he takes a piece of chalk and scrawls the letters on the blackboard. “I want you to be really thinking about this”. almost instantly gabrielle could see everyone writing or typing away. but she was too deep in thought. about the question, and about heuning kai. he stared at her like that frequently and she never knew what it meant. or how she could reproach him. she was far too intimidated to. maybe he would’ve shrugged her off. maybe he would’ve just flat out ignored her. he had enough clout and divine looks to deny anyone and still have a line of people waiting to date him. gabrielle just wanted to smack herself. what the hell was she doing thinking about him? she had a boyfriend back home. a boyfriend whose been loving her for almost two years now.
“heuning kai. share your thoughts”. professor witman directed. and like always, but much more literal now, all eyes were on the attractive tall boy at the back of the lecture hall.
“the way I see it it’s kind of like a double edged sword”, he talked with his hands and with certainty, “if you’re a big fish in a small pond you’re among the privileged. you have life going for yourself. you do the best at everything, you’re at the top of everyone’s list, you cross every t and dot every I. life is good. but at the end of the day it’s just because you’re in a small pond. outside of that pond you’re just a normal fish like everyone else. however if you’re a small fish in a big pond you’re hidden. no one really notices you, everyone looks over your intelligence, talents , and wit. there’s going to be people miles ahead of you and people miles behind you. but in this big pond there are big fish that you can learn from and help you overall grow as a person. so even though you’re a small, you’re gradually improving yourself. you’ve made mistakes and you harness them to your advantage. so yeah”, he continues. “I’d rather be a small fish”. all eyes rested back on the professor who nods his head in agreement. quite impressed with his answer.
“well said heuning. well said”.
he began calling on others but gabrielle kept her mind fixated on kai. there was no way he was attractive and smart at once. she never heard of that before. attractive and rebellious yes. attractive with horrible grades yes. but she never came across someone like kai before. she was intrigued.
"cute right? I think I'm going to ask him out". gabrielle heard a voice beside her while she was walking out of class. the sudden voice startled her a little, she wasn't expecting to be interrupted by anyone especially when she was staring at the boy for what it felt like the umpteenth time. she quickly tried to act like she was looking for someone. "ask who out?". gabrielle asks. the girl nudges her, directing her attention to the infamous rebel at the end of the hallway, talking and joking around with some of his boys. "kai", she nods with certainty, "I think I'm going to ask him to go out with me this weekend or something. then again I probably shouldn't have told you that. you probably were planning on doing the same thing". gabrielle quickly shakes her head no. "I wasn't actually I was trying to figure out which way to go for my next class". the girl curled her lips into a dubious grin of disbelief. "yeah right. you're telling me you're not attracted to heuning kai at all?". gabrielle pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "I never said that it's just I wasn't planning on asking him out or anything". the girl hummed. "yeah well don't tell anyone that I'm planning on doing that. I already know everyone else is going to try to rush to do it before I do". gabrielle fiddled with the corners of her notebook pages. "yeah no problem". and with that they parted ways. the girl went to meet him at the end of the hallway and gabrielle walked past them both, trying to process the fact that kai took a quick look in her eyes before he looked at the girl in front of him.
within a few weeks her newfound friend from her biology class observed her well. especially while they were walking in the quads. it seemed as if gabrielle couldn’t keep her eyes off of him. all the while he kept his attention elsewhere, either horsing around with his friends or talking to them.
“don’t tell me you’re falling for him too”. michelle insinuates.
“heuning kai has enough girls swooning over him that they all could probably wrap around this campus”.
“look at him. you don’t think it makes sense?”.
“well yeah it makes a whole lot of sense but you don’t want to get caught up with him. i heard he’s trouble“.
“what kind of trouble?”.
“trouble. why are you worried? i thought you had a boyfriend anyways”.
“I do but for some reason I just-- I can’t help who I’m attracted to”.
“well you need to. he’s no good”.
gabrielle exhales, listening. yet her eyes peered up at the boy anyways. what a mistake that was. she caught him doing the same thing. no smirk, no smile or anything. just a stare that captivated her enough to where the rest of the world blurred around her. she took heed to michelle’s advice for a couple of days, where she only focused on her school work and seeing what her boyfriend was up to back home. he was doing well and from the looks of his snapchat and instagram stories it seemed that he was having some fun of his own. he too was partying and hanging with friends also. it only made gabrielle think about the other possibilities. how was she so sure that he wasn’t with some other girl? or took interest in someone else? everything was so unclear while she was far away. she never took her boyfriend to be the cheating type. but the both of them were living in two separate worlds now. in his world he was still trapped in his high school lifestyle. but in hers, becoming appealing to heuning kai was all she could think about. and she hated it.
she drains the water out of her hair and fluffs it, throwing a bathrobe on to go to her room and study. she hoped bria wasn’t there because she really needed some alone time to collect her thoughts for a while. and let’s just say bria wasn’t the quietest person to study around. she twists the doorknob of the room and jumped back with shock, dropping her toiletries and clothes right in front of the door. it was heuning kai, relaxing on bria’s bed scrolling through his phone as if he belonged there. once his eyes laid on gabrielle’s he covers them with a hand and turns the opposite direction.
“heuning kai! what are you doing in here?”. “bria told me to meet her in here so she could give me the homework that’s due tomorrow. I’m not trying to be a pervert”. gabrielle squats to pick up her belongings, placing her clothes in her hamper and toiletries on her shelf. her heart was pounding through her ears almost but she tried her best to keep calm.
“well, she should’ve told me that. she didn’t tell you she had a roommate?”.
“well it’s common sense that she has a roommate but she made it seem as though you weren’t going to be here”. he says, speaking to the wall. gabrielle folds her arms.
“you know you can uncover your eyes. I’m not naked”. slowly but surely he reveals them, sliding his hand down his face until it was on his lap. their eyes met again, the same heart wrenching stare that they always gave each other at a distance. the one that made gabrielle just want to pass out right then and there. “why do you always do that?”. she mutters breaking the silence between them. “do what?”.
“stare at me. why do you always stare at me like that?”. she swallows nervously, afraid of the answer. “why do you always stare at me like that?”. he replies. she swallows again searching her mind for a response. how the hell does one tell someone that they stare at them because they want to be noticed without sounding too desperate? she didn’t want to sound that way. even though to an extent, she was.
she turns on her heels to place her phone on the charger, figuring maybe if she avoided his gaze she’d be able to think of something. kai licks his lips before he speaks again. “I like looking at pretty things”. by now her hands were practically shaking. she could’ve sworn he hated her by now. “what’s the matter with just telling someone that you think they’re pretty? you don’t think you’re going to look like a creep by just staring at them?”. kai shakes his head no. “whose to say I stare at everyone?”. she reaches into her drawer to grab some pajamas. she couldn’t believe she was even talking to him. “i thought you hated me”. she mutters. “why would I hate you?”. ,
“that night at diamond’s place. you walked off before I could even give you an answer”. kai thinks for a moment. “you made an assumption about me and brushed me off. and I’m not interested in courting girls who don’t want to be courted. so I left you alone”. “whose to say that I didn’t want to be courted?”. she blurted without even thinking. shit. she probably sounded desperate as hell right about now. “so tell me. what’s it going to be? because I’d love to take a pretty girl out on a date tomorrow night”. gabrielle played with her fingernails wanting to pinch herself. or run maybe. either way the question made her just want to curl into a ball and hide. “tell me who the pretty girl is and maybe she’ll provide an answer”. she shortly replies. kai laughs a little. “the pretty girl is you. go on a date with me”.
“mm - how do I know you’re not some serial killer or something?”. kai laughs again and god, how her heart fluttered at his laugh. “wouldn’t I have killed you already? we’ve been in the room alone for almost ten minutes now”. she nods and giggles soon after. “makes sense”.
“so yeah I have a car, maybe you can meet me at the side building tomorrow night? we don’t have to go anywhere far. downtown maybe”. gabrielle shrugs through the fact that she was practically dying inside. “that’s fine. does seven work?”. kai smiles a little. “seven is perfect”.
“damn kai how long you been waiting in here?”. bria marches in, more than late for the time she arranged with him. “since the time you gave me. by the time I turn this assignment in it’s going to be overdue”. bria playfully slaps him on the shoulder before sliding the homework sheet for him to copy out her folder. he laughs and rubs the spot in pain, “thank you mean ass”. she shoos her hand. “yeah whatever. get out my room I’m tired. did you say hi to my roommate on your way in?”. kai continues sliding his jean jacket over his arms before getting up to walk towards the door. he rolls his eyes. “yes I said hi. didn’t i say hi gabrielle?“. he smirks. she tried her best not to smile too hard. “yeah he did. get out like she said though. I’m tired too”. kai laughs and grabs the doorknob, “fine, I’m out”. bria was flipping him off but halfway between him closing the door he gave gabrielle a little smile that made her heart warm, almost as if to say “don’t forget about tomorrow night”.
which gabrielle hadn’t. hell, she straightened her hair hours prior just to prepare. she was happy that bria was out for almost the whole day, leaving her to get ready in peace. she wasn’t quite sure what to wear but she wanted to be comfortable. so instead of wearing a skirt or halter top she settled on a stylish oversized t shirt look with baggy pants and sneakers. and to be a little more girly, she grabbed a small purse. it was weird you know, just leaving her dorm and not having anyone to report to. not having to tell her mother or father that she was going out. not having to explain that she was going out with a boy and not them not having to meet him. it kind of felt nice and it was kind of freeing. she exhales deeply while walking to his car. he was parked where he said he was, in a car that was pretty gorgeous might she add. out of her dorm and now into the passenger seat of his car was an unbelievable feeling. that’s for sure. “you look pretty”. he compliments with a toothy smile that gabrielle couldn’t stop looking at. her cheeks flush deeply. “thank you. heuning”. he laughs at the name and shifts gears preparing to drive. “heuning”. he repeated. “just call me kai”.
“what if i like the sound of heuning?”. he laughs again. “no one does. but, if you do I wouldn’t mind you calling me that. it sounds cute coming from you”. she exhales for the umpteenth time, “please, with the flirting”. she smiles. he was truly killing her on the inside. “where are we going?”.
“shouldn’t that be a surprise? it will ruin the whole date if I told you”.
“how would it ruin the whole date? what if i want to prepare myself?”.
“you will. once we arrive”. she giggles and settles for his answer although she really wanted to know. cutting through her thoughts though was her boyfriend sending her multiple text messages at once. explaining to her how his day went and asking her how was hers. but while on a date he was the last thing she wanted to think about so she switched her phone to silent mode and shoved it back into her purse. “whose that? your boyfriend?”. kai jokes. she sat there with a frozen expression for a while until kai elbows her a little. “it’s just a joke relax”. he laughs. she tries her best to laugh through it when it really kind of scared her. she hadn’t planned on telling him a thing. especially since she really wasn’t obligated to. it wasn’t like heuning was her boyfriend anyways.
out of all places to take her an ice skating rink wasn’t on that checklist. she had no type of coordination, nevertheless skating in a rink full of pros. “have you ever been ice skating before?”. kai asks while slipping the money to the box office worker to pay for their tickets. he gives her a small thank you once she exchanged them. gabrielle shivers a bit, she forgot how cold the rink could be. maybe she shouldn’t have left her jacket in the car. “I have. i wouldn’t say I’m good though”. once their skates were all tied up kai slips his jean jacket off his arms and positions it behind her. “here put this on. you have to be warm when you skate don’t you?”. she shakes her head, “no it’s alright I got it. I think I’ll be fine”. he chuckles. “just put it on. I don’t want you getting a frostbite in here trying to be modest”. she finally gives in allowing him to slide her arms inside of it. it was much more oversized on her and warmer than any jacket she had in her closet. kai eyes the way the sleeves slip past the tips of her fingers, he thought it looked adorable on her.
stepping onto the ice was a brutal nightmare for her. she had no balance and hasn’t been ice skating in almost four years. before she could slip and fall to the ice in embarrassment kai catches her fall and lifts her back to her feet. “baby steps love. do you want to hold my hand maybe?”. her heart sank at the sound of his voice being so overwhelming when he was much closer to her. and as nervous as she was the last thing she wanted to do was fall. so she obliged. she clutched his hand and took glides with him, trying to get the hang of it but it was obvious that she was only surviving because of him. well kind of surviving. once a little boy zoomed past her it went downhill from there. she immediately lost balance and plopped right down on the ice on her butt. “this shit is embarrassing”. she shamefully admits and kai smiles. he squats down to her level and lifts her to her feet again. “it’s alright you just have to try harder.  do you want to hold my hand again coldbutt?”. kai chuckles and holds his hand out for her to grab. she rolls her eyes pretending to be annoyed with him. “not if you’re going to call me that”.
“okay fine. I won’t. come here stop being a baby”.
she takes his hand again and he guides her around the circumference of the rink slowly. she had her hands in front of her just in case though, trying to brace any future falls. “see? just carefully shift your weight around. it’s not that bad”.
“for you it isn’t. I almost died a couple of times. and you laughed”.
“i wasn’t laughing at you I was laughing with you”.
“I wasn’t even laughing!”. she said aloud with a light chuckle at the end of her sentence making kai chuckle as well. “you and bria must have a grand time together with your matching attitudes”.
“oh please. she gets on my nerves sometimes. how do you even know bria anyway? aren’t you a freshman?”.
“sophomore. and I know everyone”. she scoffs. “oh yeah of course. you’re thee heuning kai“. kai hums. “why are you emphasizing my name like that?”. she shrugs. “that’s how everyone else emphasizes it”.
he swallows. “I’m not what everyone says I am”. 
“I figured”. 
“you figured?”. she points. “yeah look at your face. you have too much of a baby face to do anything rebellious”. kai chuckles, “what’s that saying? don’t judge a book by it’s cover?”.
“yeah. I’m just saying. why you single anyway? with all those girls after you”. kai shrugs, gripping her hand a little tighter sensing that she was drifting off and on the verge of falling again. “I don’t want them”. gabrielle makes a pft noise.
“you mean to tell me out of all the thousands of girls that want you, you’re taking interest in absolutely none of them?”. kai looks away for a second before looking back down at her. “I’m taking an interest in you aren’t I?”. gabrielle waddles for a second before standing straight up, trying to glide her feet again. “oh please. who said I even wanted you?”.   
   “why would you be on a date with someone you don’t want?”. she playfully rolls her eyes. “whatever heuning”. he glides in front of her, facing her and skating backwards, holding her hands that way. “how about we do it like this?”. he starts picking up his pace leaving her dragging with him. “wait! slow down a little”. he grins. “the only way you’re going to learn is if you take risks”. she panics. “I’m not playing you’re going to make me bust my ass on this ice”. he grins a little more and completely lets go of her hands skating circles around her making her dizzy and unstable. she tries her best to stay afloat but every time she looked up he was at another angle around her. she laughs. “stop playing! I’m going to fall“. he laughs along with her and continues his 360 circles until she put out a hand in attempt to push him out her way. he instead grabbed her wrists and leans forward so that she was dangling from his back. “come on hop up”. he coaxes, she breathed watching her breath become frost in the wintry air. "I'm too fat for that. please".
“oh shut up”. he hiked her legs up around his waist and dashed around the rink a couple more times, she had to admit it was fun riding on his back like this. more fun than she thought it would be. it was kind of like she was riding on a sleigh of some sort. she was nervous though, she hasn't really been carried by anyone before and it shocked her that heuning didn't care much about her weight. in a way she felt seen. she felt more appreciated. “heuning if we fall I’m beating your ass”. he chuckles. “why would I put you on my back if I knew there was a chance I’d drop you?”. he turns his head to the side to look over his shoulder at her features, never minding the fact that his lips were dangerously close to hers. she melted into the warmth of his eyes. they were pretty. so were his lips. so was his face. his voice was soothing and he was gentle with her. she turned her head the other direction to keep herself from becoming too flustered. “I’m hungry”. she babbles switching the subject of focus.
she begged for the bill but kai refuse to let her pay for her own food. had she known, she would've gotten something cheaper. but nevertheless the black haired boy was pooling out cash to pay for not only his own but her expensive meal as well. he clutches the tray and stuffs his wallet in his back pocket. he shoves one of his fries in his mouth heading towards the table. “are you mad at me coldbutt? I’m not letting you pay for your own food on a date. what kind of gentleman would I be”. he assures with his mouth full. she crosses her arms again pretending to be annoyed at the pet name. it was cute. she just wasn't going to admit that. “heuning i’m not afraid to fight you. you know that?”. he laughs when he sits down across from her. “so aggressive”. she grabs her slushie cup. “thank you though. you’re actually nicer than I thought you’d be”. he chews on another fry. “am I? thank you”. she carefully dips a nacho chip in it’s cheese. “so. heuning kai. if you’re not the person that people portray you to be, who are you?”.  he pulls a couple of napkins out of the dispenser and wipes the excess cheese from the corner of her lips while she chewed. “that’s for gabrielle to find out isn’t it?”. he finished his sentence with a smile so bright it could've blinded her.
and yeah, i guess you could say bria was right. how dumb was gabrielle to come to college with a boyfriend. every time she had a bit of free time she was out, spending it with kai. she felt like she was in high school again, waiting for his texts and swooning over the selfies he often sent her. she thought about him in her passing time. thinking about how she gotten lucky enough to catch a guy like him. as much as she wanted to deny it she was a bit happier too. god, it felt like she was obsessing over some celebrity. she didn’t want to make love and relationships the center of her college life. she came here to study and do well after all. but she couldn’t help herself. 
she scrawls down her biology notes in the cafè with michelle in between classes. she had another class in about an hour or two and she wanted to have some downtime before then. “wait--do you know how to solve this?”. she questions, feeling completely out of focus. michelle eyes her paper and slides it toward herself and nods. she plucks up a pencil so she could show her. the bell at the top of the door chimes and in walks a couple of guys laughing and goofing off with heuning kai following behind. gabrielle’s eyes were soon fixated on his and he notices of course, and gave her a soft smile. she was studying so he didn’t want to go over and bother her. michelle follows her line of sight and scoffs. “gabby are you listening?”. gabrielle nods. “I’m listening I only looked away for one second relax”. she turns her attention back to the paper for a while prior to looking up again, seeing a group of girls surround kai.
he was good looking, it was normal for that to happen. at least that’s what gabrielle was trying to convince herself. but even if she wasn’t fond of the attention he so often got, she had no place to say anything because she wasn’t kai’s girlfriend. he wasn’t required to claim her. technically, he was still on the market. and there was nothing she could do about that.
“I think it could be a good way for you to mingle”. bria spoke in front of the mirror. gabrielle was too lost in her thoughts to listen to her though and once she finally heard the last word of bria’s sentence she jumped. “huh?”. bria turned back to look at her oddly. “girl you okay? you been out of it”. gabrielle sits up and sits her textbook on her lap. “I’m fine. what were you saying?”. “I was inviting you to a party but you seem a little too out of it to come....you sure you alright?”.
“I’m fine I’m just tired. and you know I don’t do parties anyway I already told you that”. bria swings her bag over her shoulder. “well excuse me I was just trying to invite yo-”. cutting through her sentence was a knock at the door. she went to open it and there was kai, hitting her on the head with his homework binder. “bri I need the study guide answers”. she throws a hand on her hip. “when are you going to start doing your own homework? nobody got time to be feeding you sheet after sheet”. she starts going through her drawers and kai rolls his eyes while her back was turned. kai peered over at gabby who in turn was peering over at him. “here. you’re about to make me late”. she handed him the packet and he snatches it playfully giving her a soft thank you. she gives him another eye roll and grabs her phone off her bed. “I’ll be back gabby”. she scurries past kai and out the door leaving him standing there awkwardly in the middle of the room.
“so? how was your day?”. he spoke trying to break the silence. “heuning if you’re going to be into other girls while you’re ‘interested’ in me then we can just stop this”. he exhales, already knowing that was coming. “I’m not into them. I can’t help who approaches me. plus haven’t I told you that I don’t beat around the bush? if i was into someone else I’d just tell you”. he plops down at the edge of her bed. she pushes his thigh with her foot. “whatever”. she turns her body over as if she was preparing to sleep. “aw. you’re jealous?”. he teases. she kicks his thigh a little harder. “stop it heuning”. he rubs her ankles. “my pretty girl is jealous isn’t she?”. she grasps a pillow and hits him over the head with it. he chuckles and caged her body between his arms, hovering over her. she refused to look him in the eyes though. he was much too good looking this close. he twirled his finger around the coils of her hair. “gabrielle. look at me. you know you want to”. he could see the small smile twitch at the corner of her lips. “no I don’t. get out”. he cups her cheek with his hand. “you’re so pretty”. she stifled blushes from rising through her cheeks. she finally turns over with his face just inches from hers. he looked just how she imagined him to be. utterly breathtaking. “I’m sick of you”. she lies, making kai smile. he deposits a gentle kiss on her forehead.
“no you’re not. and if you are that sucks. I wanted to take you out”. she rubbed shapes into his sharp jawline with her thumbs. “hm. where did you want to take me?”. “and why would I tell you that? you’re sick of me remember?”. he teases pretending that he was going to get off of her but she only pulled him back down begging him to stay. “no wait I was just kidding! I was kidding stop”. he laughs at her pleas and takes a glimpse in her eyes. it was moments like this where he enjoyed the silence. the silence that allowed him to admire her in every way that he could. in ways that her boyfriend hadn’t. the butterflies inside her stomach were on a rampage. he leaned in not too far but just enough for her to meet him halfway. he didn’t want to just go for it if she wasn’t onboard. but she was and she meets him with hesitance, shadowing her lips over his. he caressed her cheek with the back of his hand, making the connection of their lips painfully slow. but once they touched, magic was there. electricity sparked through her veins as his lips waltzed upon hers, dissociating her from the world and taking her to another reality. a reality where she was finally living the life she always wanted to live. not being known as the smart chubby girl and finally feeling normal. finally feeling like she deserved a love story of her dreams. whenever he broke away her world shattered. but she was always grateful for him distracting her from life's troubles for that moment.
"you ready to go? love?". he questions while still caressing her.
the burger joint was loud and rowdy but that was expected among college kids. the bar was full with drunk students watching the heated sports games and yelling obnoxiously without reason. gabrielle was grateful that was here at least with kai so it wouldn't bother her much. other than the reprehensible students she enjoyed the vibe of the place. it looked like something straight out of a 90's film with the pink neon glow lights and old license plates and polaroids hanging along the walls. "this place is nice huh?". gabrielle nods across the table from him, dipping her fry in the small cup of ketchup. "yeah it is. how do you find these places on campus?". kai shrugs, taking the tomato off his burger. "when you hang out with upperclassmen they show you the hotspots. I mean other than those drunk ass students over there this place is actually nice". gabrielle laughs. she remembers something. "so? when am I going to find out about you?". kai folds his arms on the table. "you think you still don't know me?".
"no i feel like I don't", she takes a minute to swallow her food, "I think you're too perfect. what's the catch? are you crazy or something?". kai laughs at her accusations. "no I'm not crazy. this is just me. I'm really a genuine guy and I want to start something with you. perhaps a relationship if I could". she hums even though it was kind of inaudible over the roaring music. "why me? that's what really raises a red flag in my head. I remember just a couple of weeks ago, this girl from our philosophy class told me that she was going to ask you out and she told me not to tell anyone. I guess what I'm trying to say is, why not her? why not the others". kai waits until his food was chewed and swallowed before he spoke. "what is with you and these others? I told you I don't want them. and the girl you're talking about is clara. she asks everyone out if you haven't noticed. I'm surprised she hasn't asked you out yet". gabrielle laughs a bit. "I'm sorry It's just I'm not the best looking and I know that. so in my mind me and you just don't make sense". he takes a sip of his milkshake. "gabrielle stop it. you're beautiful and I'm attracted to you. you make perfect sense". her cheeks began to flush but she ignored them of course. "well riddle me this because I'm curious. what do you want out of life heuning?". he gives a half smile and adjusts his seating. "I want love".
"yes. why are you shocked?".
"most guys want you know, to be famous. to have lots of money. a big ass mansion somewhere. sexy super model ass wife. a pitbull or two".
"that sounds nice. but is it fulfilling though?".
"well...I'd think so".
"most guys want that because they want their ego to be stroked in every aspect of their life. there's highs and lows in life but they don't want to see the low of anything. no one wants to, really. but you have to. and when you put your ego first before everything, you become nothing. while a garage full of expensive cars and a mansion on a mountain side sounds nice, those things get old. I want something that never gets old. something that's timeless. like love". gabrielle's heart flutters and she got lost in the sea of his eyes again. "so above all else, love is what you aim for?". he nods. "i want to love someone the way I wish someone loved me". there was a swift moment of silence before he spoke again. "how about you? what do you want out of life?". she thoughtlessly shakes her head. "I don't even know how to respond to the question anymore after you said that. I'm very much questioning my morality now". he laughs. "what? did you want money and cars and a hot wife?". he jokes while dipping a fry into honey mustard. before gabrielle could answer she was interrupted by a drunk girl, approaching the table and grabbing the hem of kai's sweater before she sat beside him. "i m-missed yoooou kai", she pouts and leans in, giving him clumsy kisses along his neck. he annoyingly pushes her off. "jessica get off me. you're drunk and you need to go home". she pouts her lips again. "when are you coming back to me?". gabrielle was grateful for another guy reaching for the girl's wrists and helping her out the seat. he seemed to be her much sober friend. "come on we're leaving. leave them alone". she blew kai kisses before she staggered away.
gabrielle kept silent while taking a bite of her burger and wiping her face shortly after. kai only stared at her, sensing that she may have felt some type of way about the situation. "look, she's just an ex. I haven't been seeing her at all". she swallows. "I know, heuning. I'm not angry". that's what she said, but kai felt otherwise. he reaches his hand across the table just to intertwine his fingers with hers. "come on. let's ditch this place I got something to show you". she furrows a brow. "this late at night?". he took out his wallet and pooled out some cash to stamp on the table for their meals. "yeah. it's hilarious trust me".
with the utmost confusion gabrielle takes his lead and his word for it. the campus was rather dark at night with a light here and there but lights were often hard to come by. this is what made gabrielle the most scared while she was running through the woods in the darkened quads with kai, with him tugging on her wrist egging her on. "heuning slow down! I'm scared what if I fall?". she whispered with her heart racing and all she could hear was the leaves and twigs snapping beneath her and kai's moving feet. he chuckles. "you're not going to fall stop being a scaredy cat. we're almost there". she tried to ignore every ounce of fear she withheld until they were finally approaching a small light at the side of a building. she was still catching her breath while she was nearing what looked to be a small window low at the base of the building. kai was crouching down right beside it, waving her over and pushing his index finger to his lips to silence any further noise she made. "I'm about to fucking die". she gasps for air and kai shushes her again to point to the window.
she peaks her head in just a tad bit to see a security guard in the back of an empty library at his desk on the computer. gabrielle shrugs her shoulders. "you made me run through the fucking woods just to show me this?". kai laughs and points again. "no look. look at the computer screen". gabrielle takes another look and scrunches her eyes a bit. her heart dropped at what she saw and she immediately tucked her head into kai's chest in disgust. "ew! that's so fucking digusting". kai laughed at her reaction as quiet as he could. "this old guy watches all kinds of shit. felching porn is his favorite". she shivered at the thought. "I just don't see what's arousing about seeing someone suck semen through a straw out of someone else's ass". kai shrugs and peers through the window again. "to each their own I guess?". she fixed her lips to reply but felt something crawling along her leg and she panicked, she gripped kai's shirt. "heuning! something is on me something is fucking on me". he looked down at her body but it was hard to see any creepy crawlers due to the lack of lighting around. "calm down calm down, I don't really see anything". whatever bug it was had quickly made it's way into the palm of her hand and it felt abnormally large and furry. she freaked out, flailing her body around and in turn kicked the window, gaining the attention of the security guard who quickly closed the tab and got up hastily to go outside and chase after them. "oh shit! come on". kai shrieked pulling her upwards to her feet and tugging her through the woods once again. by now she was wiping her hand on the pants of her jeans running as fast as she could go wanting to just pass the hell out.
sweat trickled down her forehead and she struggled to breathe. after moments of running they were finally out in the open in the quads, which was a terrible mistake because their movement set the sprinklers off. she wanted to get agitated but she couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous kai looked trying to block the projectile shooting water from hitting him when his body was already drenched. "heuning stop you look like an idiot". his hand was still in hers when his feet slipped on the wet grass underneath an oak tree, causing their wet bodies to fall on top of one another. they breathlessly laughed at their efforts of trying to get up but eventually slipping due to how wet the grass and the bottom of their shoes actually were. normally gabrielle would get mad about wetting some of her favorite clothes and wetting her hair even. but for some reason she didn't care. kai sat up on his elbows once he finished laughing, taking a minute to admire her even in the messy, muddy condition that she was in. she removes her glasses trying find a dry part of her shirt to dry them with and he strings his hand through her tangled hair. "you look like a beautiful disaster". he commented with a small grin. she blushes trying not to smile. "yeah well, it's your fault anyway. had me watching an old guy beat his dick to felching porn". kai laughs and pulls her in so that her face was adjacent to his own. he brushed his thumb over the tiny water droplets on her cheeks and waited for her lips like he always had. she got lost again. swept into the sea of his eyes and the heat of the moment, clashing her lips onto his once again.
"girl look, there he goes again". her seatmates jeers in philosophy, watching kai enter the room like she always had. gabrielle continues doodling. "you say that shit everyday. give it a rest". she starts eagerly tapping gabrielle in excitement, "oh shit he's coming over here". by the time gabrielle looked up she saw kai standing in front of her, smiling, plopping his things into the seat right beside hers. it took everyone by shock, gabrielle knew it even though no one had quite said anything. but she knew they were surprised that he was sitting beside someone else today. a girl in particular. "why are you looking at me all weird?". he grins before sitting. "I wasn't expecting you to sit next to me". he dug around in his bag for his utensils and notebooks. he was wearing a black oversized zipper hoodie and a graphic band t shirt. looking just as attractive as he did any other day. "I can't sit next to you? were you saving this seat for your other lovers?". when he said that it made her mind resort to her boyfriend, whom she hasn't texted in a while. she quickly shook the thought out of her mind though and playfully punches kai's shoulder. "oh shut up. you're the only one with other lovers here". kai laughs, "see now you shut up". professor witman finally arrives and sits his things on the desk at the front of the room like he always had. he began speaking briefly about the reading from last night. kai rests his head on his hand. half paying attention to what the professor was saying and half sneaking glances at gabrielle, whose beauty he admired so much.
"girl are you and kai... a thing?". her seatmate whispers discreetly. gabrielle didn't quite know how to respond to that. she keeps a blank expression. "something like that, I guess you could say". she responds but still unsure if that was the right answer either. kai nudges her. "so? you and me tonight at my dorm? what you think?". gabrielle was still doodling along the edges of her pages. "I think it's time that I catch up on my chemistry notes once and for all. that's what I think".
"well after you catch up? take your time it's no rush. my roommate is going to be out for the night so. maybe we can watch movies?".
he raised his intonation like a kid convincing their mom to buy them candy at a candy store. it was adorable to say the least. needless to say, she was at his dorm like he asked that night with no further questions. it was kind of fun being out often to be honest. it gave her a break from her studies at least. entering kai's room though was something she never thought she'd be doing throughout her whole four years here. but here she was, plopping on his bed and gazing around at the posters and decals he had plastered on his side of the room. it was pretty neat to be honest. organized too. "you like it?". he questions while standing in front of the tv with the remote controller in his hand. he was switching through the selection of films. "yeah. to be an active student here your room is actually clean". kai chuckles with his eyes still fixated on the tv screen. "what are you trying to say? that I'm dirty?". she pushes her glasses up a little. "no but--the fact that you have time to keep it neat while doing everything you do. I expected it to be a little messier than this at least".
"you really think I'd invite a pretty girl in my room and leave it messy? you're crazy". gabrielle hums, "so what are we going to watch?". kai grins. "I should make you watch something sappy like the notebook". gabrielle scoffs. "please heuning. let's watch something funny". kai continues flipping until he finally settled on dumb and dumber. he sits the remote down and walks to the bed, grabbing the pizza boxes off his nightstand and sitting them between them. "you can eat as much as you want. I think I bought a little too much". she opens the box and laughs. "boy I'm not about to sit here and scarf down all this pizza. I have enough weight that I have to lose". kai chews into a slice. "where?". she deadpans him before gesturing towards her tummy. “right here. you don’t have to act like you don’t see it. it’s okay”.
“well, I don’t. you think every time I look at you I’m thinking about your weight?”.
“yeah. chubbier people have anxiety when it comes to our weight”.
“I think you look fine. And I’m never looking at you like that so don’t worry. eat all you want”.
“I’m going to throw this pizza at your face”.
kai chuckles at her response. “what? why? why are you so aggressive?”.
“you’re sweet. I don’t know how to respond other than being aggressive. I don’t want the moment to get too soft”.
“just kiss me”.
“heuning, that’s a soft response”.
“I know I just want a kiss from you”. he admits, she thought it was kind of cute the way he asked. “maybe when we’re finished eating”. kai held her to that though and made sure she cuddled with him as soon as they were finished just so he could get the promised kisses. his chest was comfy and warm, and she always felt safe in his grip.
she thought for a moment. “heuning?”.
“hm?”. he hummed with his eyes still fixed on the tv screen. she toys with his hoodie strings. “give me three confessions about yourself. go”. he chuckles but kindly obliged. “okay well 1. I hate math. 2. I have a horrible ‘losing my virginity story’ and 3. I think I’m actually a very lonely person”. gabrielle laughs and perched her head up just to look at him. “okay the first one I understand. but you’re lonely and your first time didn’t go good?”.
“yeah. I mean I have friends and everything but. I just feel like I’m not fully connected with them sometimes. feel like we’re all just there to entertain each other. and as for my first time, well. that shit was a nightmare”.
“I feel you. I know the feeling. It kind of feels like you’re just floating. but I guess that comes with growing up. you just have to find your people. don’t think that I’m not going to ask you to share your story though. I’m curious”.
kai laughs. “you’re right I guess I do have to find my people. so far, I think you’re my person”.
“do you mean that or are you just saying that to distract me from telling me the story?”.
“no I’m serious”.
“well I think you’re my person too heuning”.
kai scoffs, “pft. heuning”.
“hey you said I can call you that. and tell me the story please”. kai playfully groans. “no it’s too embarrassing”.
“it can’t be that bad”.
“how about this? if you tell me yours I’ll tell you mine?”. she reaches up to cup his cheek. “how am I going to tell you mine when I don’t have one?”. kai breathes and brushes his thumb over the back of her hand. “you’re precious gabrielle”. she hums while swimming in his eyes again. “why? because I’m a virgin?”.
“no. you’re just pure. I think it’s precious. don’t let anyone pressure you into doing it alright? It’s okay to wait”. gabrielle nods in a daze. “everyone always says that shit. wait until you’ve found the right person. but how would you even know whose the right person. what if you do it and then things don’t work out with them and then you find the right person later on in life”. kai thinks for a moment. “I think it’ll just happen without thought”. gabrielle chuckles. “don’t be cheesy”. he smiles. “I’m not being cheesy I’m just saying. you’re always being mean to me”.
“aw? are you getting sensitive?”. she playfully mocked like kai always did. “no I’m not I’m just saying”. she walks her fingers up his chest teasingly. “my heuning is sensitive for me isn’t he?”. Kai looked rather cute when he was blushing. a red hue splotched around his cheeks. “I’m not sensitive”. she perks her lips up to peck him on the cheeks which he greatly appreciated since he loved her kisses dearly. they made his heart flutter. “kiss me again”. he begged.
“and just where the hell have you been?”. Bria asked finally seeing gabrielle come into their room after her morning shower. “I’ve been here. you the one that’s been going out. that’s why you don’t see me”. Bria gives her the best ‘yeah right’ grin. she continues tidying up her side of the room. “well since you don’t be doing anything diamond is having people over at her suite again. same crowd. you should come through this time”. gabrielle looks in her wardrobe to find some clothes. she felt kind of weary. “honestly I’m beat. I need to nap or something before I do anything else. I don’t know if I can go”. wait. if it was the same crowd that meant kai was going to be there. she quickly changed her mind. “I’ll try to make it though”. Bria tosses one of her dresses in her hampers. “good. I’m glad you’re being more open to going out”. well she really wasn’t. just more open to going wherever kai was. when she arrived he was sitting on the couch in the living room conversing with a few of his friends. everyone was sporadic as usual, either in the kitchen drinking, in the living room, playing games somewhere, or upstairs. kai was more than happy to see her especially when she plopped down on the couch right beside him.
Bria eyed the way he smiled at her and she grinned. “oop don’t get yourself caught up kai! she has a boyfriend you know”. she blurts while making her way upstairs. gabrielle’s heart dropped and her eyes widened. she was lucky no one else in the room knew what was going on so they continued with their festivities. but kai’s smile disappeared. “what is she talking about?”. she tried to wave it off. “that’s just bria. you know she be saying anything”. the cold look that he gave her right after that line made her world stop. “gabrielle? what is she talking about?”. she swallows before responding. she knew she had to tell the truth or things would be much worse. “I kind of.. have a boyfriend heuning but -“.
“kind of have a boyfriend? what the hell does kind of have a boyfriend mean? how long have you had a boyfriend?”. kai looked sweet when he was smiling but god, when he’s angry he’s lethal. his sharp stare could split her in two. “we’ve been dating since high school”. he clenched his jaw. “so you’ve had a boyfriend this whole entire time? and you didn’t bother telling me? so what were you trying to play me or something?”. she quickly grew nervous. “no it isn’t like that I was going to break up with him I swear”. she tried to explain herself but he was already getting up, making his way out of the house with a slamming door.
good. she felt like complete shit. this is exactly what she needed. she didn't mean for it to all happen like this. she was really going to break up with him but it was hard doing that to someone you've been in a relationship with for years. the party for gabrielle was essentially ruined. she didn't even want to be there anymore. well, she didn't really want to be anywhere anymore. kai hadn't responded to her texts and calls for days on end. even when she apologized. and even when she lied and said she broke up with her boyfriend. nothing worked. seeing him in the quads was quite different now, he didn't make eye contact with her even when she tried to make it with him. instead he continued talking to his friends, continuing on whatever conversations he was having. while they were in the library michelle could sense that gabrielle was a little more off than usual. she finally laid her pencil down and addressed her. "alright gabby. what's the matter?". gabrielle continued writing with her attention on her paper. "nothing I'm fine".
"oh please. you've been more down than usual lately. what happened? what did kai do?".
"he didn't do anything. it's my fault".
"your fault? what did you do?".
"he found out I had a boyfriend".
"gabby? you didn't tell him that?".
"it's not that easy michelle. I wasn't expecting all of this shit to happen. hell, I wasn't even expecting kai to even ask me out".
"you've been hanging with kai for weeks now. you don't think you had time to tell him in between any of those times?".
she deadpans her. "how do you have time to tell someone that? in the middle of dates you think I'm just like hey I really like hanging with you and I'm starting to like you but I have a boyfriend".
"you could've said something. you have his number right? you could've made it easier on yourself and said it through a text message or something".
"but I was planning on breaking up with him. i swear I was".
"either way you should've told him".
gabrielle sighs. shit. she should've. michelle was right. but how would the timing ever be right to tell someone that? her mind was swarming with ideas for how she could resolve everything. she waited patiently after philosophy class. even though her heart was practically pounding through her eardrums she exhaled before she approached him down the hallway. for the first time he didn't smile when he saw her. he looked at her as if she was every other girl that approached her.
"what do you want gabrielle?".
"heuning. I'm sorry. that was wrong of me to just continue on with this without telling you. i wasn't trying to be two timing I just didn't know how I was going to do it. when I'm with you I don't think about him, i forget about him".
"I'm glad then. this time away is probably finally getting you to remember him again?". he spoke calmly while walking away, out of the doors of the building and to the parking lot where his car was. gabrielle followed.
"it's not like that. why the hell would I try to play you? after all you've confided in me, why would I play with your feelings like that?".
"why don't you ask yourself that question?". he pulled open his car door.
"you're acting stupid as shit right now. for real. you should basically know me by now. I would never intentionally do something like that to you".
"why would you go on a date with me if you knew you had a boyfriend? huh? when I first asked you, you knew full well you were with someone. all of this could've been avoided if you told me the truth".
"go on a date?". a familiar voice repeated behind her. she quickly turned her head to see her boyfriend, noah.
"noah what are you doing here?".
"I drove up here thinking that since it's been a while, I should take you out or spend some time with you. I didn't think you'd be up here seeing somebody else".
"noah it's not like that I swear to god. we have to talk".
"this is what you wanted to happen right gabrielle? you didn't want to break up with him and you didn't want to tell me so you got what was coming to you. go deal with that. I have problems of my own to deal with". and with that kai got in his car, pulling off and driving away before gabrielle could say anything else. she shamefully turned back to noah who looked so disappointed that it actually broke her heart.
"you promised me that even while you were away your love wouldn't stop for me. and then you go do this shit. I'm done gabrielle".
"my love didn't stop for you".
"you don't do that to people you claim you love. I hope you're enjoying it here". she stretched her arm to grab his wrists but he shrugged her off and walked back to his car, leaving her feeling absolutely stupid by herself. her face felt extremely hot on her way back to her dorm and she didn't want to look up because she already knew her eyes were rimming with tears.
"girl? you alright? what's wrong?". upon entry bria could already sense that someone was off. and since gabrielle was in the comfort of her room now she figured she might as well let her tears fall. "you remember that night you told kai that I had a boyfriend?". bria nods before a lightbulb went off in her head. she covers her mouth. "gabby. don't tell me he didn't know. ya'll was talking?".
"yes. we've been hanging out for a while now and we've been into each other. I didn't tell him about noah. so when you said that it pissed him off. he didn't talk to me for days and then finally today when I confronted him, noah decides to show up and overhear us. he broke up with me. and now kai wants nothing to do with me because he thinks I was two timing him".
out of guilt bria pulls her roommate in for a hug. "I swear I didn't know I'm sorry that's my bad. why didn't you tell me you and kai was talking? you know I joke around a lot. I wouldn't have said shit if he didn't know".
"I was scared to tell you because I knew you would tease me about it and to be honest I was just ashamed of the fact that you were right. I shouldn't have came to college with a boyfriend if I've never really been on the dating scene before. when kai asked me out I didn't think about any of that shit".
"girl. this is a mess and is one of the reasons why I don't deal with men and their attitudes. and if it makes you feel any better I could understand why you didn't think about noah when kai asked you out. that boy is fine as hell".
gabrielle playfully punched her in the arm with a small laugh. "shut up bria. I know and I feel bad. like why would I play kai? who in their right mind would play kai?".
bria curls her glossed lips into a small smirk. "aw? you're in love with kai? aren't you?".
gabrielle ignores her to keep from blushing. " this is not the time. I just got broken up with".
bria laughs and tugs on gabby's cheeks. "aw my gabby is in love! I'm so mad that you didn't tell me about this. how did this all even happen?".
"I'd tell you if I wasn't in shambles. he probably doesn't even want to talk to me anymore".
"girl bye. I don't date men anymore but trust me when I did, one thing I learned is that if they like you they'll never leave you alone. that boy is just a little mad now. he's not going to stay mad forever".
gabrielle moves a pillow to the other side of her bed. "yeah, well. until then I'm just going to go to sleep. I need a nap after this shit".
"aw. well I'm going to get some food later. you want me to bring you back anything?".
gabrielle shakes her head no while clutching a pillow, ready to drift off. she wasn't keeping track of how long she slept but she just wanted to sleep long enough to where she could forget about everything. or at least to where everything didn't hurt as much. when she woke up her forehead was clammy and her room was dark, not a sign of bria anywhere. she figured she stayed over at diamond's. she turns the lamp on beside her bed and was greeted by a food tray container sitting on her nightstand. she didn't know what was in it but she was grateful for bria. maybe she wasn't as obnoxious as gabrielle made her seem.
she couldn't eat though, not right now at least. she couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier which kind of pissed her off since she thought sleep could lessen the blow. but her heart ached just as much as it did when she was awake. she thought about what bria said. she's right. if kai liked her then there was no way he could stay angry. with that being said gabrielle discarded every bit of fear she had and threw on more comfortable clothes and made her way to his dorm. it was late so she wasn't expecting him to answer but she hoped he would. she knocked softly and her heart pounded with each knock. she didn't know what he would do or even say if he saw her.
to her surprise there was light shuffling behind the door before it opened, revealing kai in an oversized grey hoodie and messy hair. his face was flushed and he looked as though he were crying too. but she didn't want to make any assumptions. he folded his arms, not expecting to see her at his door at all. "what? what do you want?".
"I know you've probably heard this one thousand times from me but heuning I'm sorry. honestly. what I did was shitty. I should've told you. I only didn't because like I said, when I'm with you I don't think about noah, or anyone else for that matter. when I first moved into this school me and noah made a promise that even while I was away we'd stay together. so when I got here i had no expectations of being interested in someone else. but you make me feel things I've never felt before and I didn't know how I was going to tell him that I fell in love with someone else. I'm in love with you. and I'll admit that". she croaked. she didn't want to cry. no-- she was going to try and stay strong. kai starts swiping her tears away with his thumbs.
"don't cry gabrielle. i wasn't doing any of that to hurt you but I was angry because I thought you were trying to hurt me", he presses a kiss into her forehead. "I'm in love with you too". he pulls her in for a warm hug. "cmon. I have a place where we can go to blow off all of this".
and when he said that gabrielle didn’t think he meant the empty recreation center where the swimming pool and gyms were. once he brought her in and shredded his shirt he dived in the deep end in the shorts he already had on, then swam to the shallow end where gabrielle was standing there poolside with her arms folded, grinning at him. he shook his wet hair and combed it back with his fingers. the pool room was warm and she felt comfort in the fact that it was just them two in there.
“heuning are we even supposed to be here?”.
“why would they leave the door open if we couldn’t? I come here all the time. mainly at night where I can be alone. just to clear my head sometimes. you should come in with me”.
“I’m wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. I’m not prepared to get in. plus I can’t even swim. don’t worry though I’ll just watch you from the pool chairs”.
“just wear my shirt. It’s not scary I promise. plus this water is warm”. gabrielle stood for a moment in thought. he could tell she was still trying to decide. “please? I’ll teach you”.
she swipes his shirt off the ground and playfully rolls her eyes. “fine heuning. fine. turn around”. he smiled at that and turned his body, waiting for her to give him the signal that she was done changing. once she had though he marveled over her features as soon as he turned back around. he hated the fact that she was self conscious about her body. especially when he loved every part of her, and every part of cellulite and series of stretch marks that came with it. his oversized shirt dangled just above her knees and she stood there shyly.
“why are you staring at me like that?”.
“because you’re beautiful”. he walked to the pool stairs and held his hand out for her to grab. she did so and felt her body shudder a little at the sudden contact with water. it was easy to get used to since it was fairly warm. they were already at four feet but she was already getting anxiety thinking about sinking underneath the water.
“we can stay here if you want. we don’t have to go to the deep end”. kai informed leaning back, letting himself float on top of the water. “how do you do that?”.
“what? float? just lay back and relax”.
gabrielle thought about it and positioned her body to do it but she quickly got frightened feeling her head almost sink into the water. kai clutched her body just in time. he was holding her bridal style just at the brim of the water.
“relax. don’t think about anything”.
“I’ll try not to think about how a cute boy is holding me right now”.
“and while I’m holding you I’ll try not think about how a cute girl is swimming in my shirt”.
“other than the fact that it’s clinging to my body right now it’s kind of comfy. I think I’ll keep it”.
“go ahead. there’s plenty more where that came from”.
“sounds like I need to go shopping in your closet?”.
“you’d probably wear my clothes better than me”. kai smiles. “look. you’re doing it and I’m barely touching you”. her eyes widened with excitement.
“wait I’m doing it? Oh my god I’m floating!”. he laughs. “calm down before you sink. you’re supposed to stay relaxed remember?”.
"I'm relaxed I'm just excited!". her voice bellowed off the pool room walls and soon she began to quickly submerge in the water with her frequent movements. she hadn't sunk that deep, maybe a couple of inches or two but water still filled her nose and lungs when she breathed it all in. kai panicked and lifted her out the water and threw her over his shoulder, he walked to sit her on the pool ledge so she could take a break from the water. she was coughing and her nose burned a shit ton, she mentally vowed to never do it again. kai pats her back and consoles her, wondering how everything even happened so fast. "you have to be careful baby I told you to relax". he consoles. yeah, she was still trying to get her eyes to focus on earthly things but her ears were open enough to hear the pet name. she got butterflies when she was finally feeling well enough to look down into his eyes.
she shook her head, implying that it was nothing. "you called me baby".
"yeah. because you're my baby".
she blushed. "I am? without permission? you didn't even ask me".
he gives her a gentle smile, taking her hand and hugging her torso from the middle of her legs. "gabrielle? do you want to be my baby?".
"yes. yes I'd love that".
he smiles again, the smile that she loved. there wasn't a delay in the kiss that he gave her, it was swift and smooth and he held her close enough to where the world around her blurred and suddenly there was no noise. just the beating of their hearts together, hopelessly, cynically in love.
after swimming she didn't want to leave him. maybe she found herself a bit attached but she didn't care and neither did he.
"I know you're devising a plan to steal my hoodies so. I might as well donate some to you while you're here". gabrielle shuts the door behind her looking over at the vacant bed across from his. "where's your roommate?". kai digs around his closet. "he's probably at some party or spending the night somewhere". he turns and throws a hoodie at her chest and she catches it promptly. she turned to the mirror and pulled it over her head to see how it would fit. firstly, it smelled just like heuning so she was already starting to love it even if it fit a little big. she turned to the side and posed so she could see different angles of herself as she did with every new article of clothing she had. she didn't notice kai lowkey watching from the side in admiration and amusement. she was adorable in his clothes.
her heart dropped when he appeared behind her. she was too busy thinking about the things she could wear with the hoodie she completely forgot that she was even in his room. he smiles sweetly at her through the mirror. "you look so cute". it was hard for gabrielle to keep trying to hide her reddening cheeks so this time she embraced it. she embraced him. she embraced the fact that no matter what she thought she looked like, kai would always see her differently. she embraced the way he embraced her. "thank you heuning". she mutters, meeting his stare. it wasn't a creepy stare but rather wholesome, he saw paradise in her eyes even if it was through a reflective piece of glass. for the first time in his life he felt something. he felt a connection. and she felt his hands encompassing her waist and his lips sprinkling soft, heedful kisses along the expanse of her neck. gabrielle drew in a sharp breath, observing it all through the mirror ahead. she reaches her hand up and allowed it to entangle in the damp curly strands of his hair. her head tilts back a bit further, giving him the opportunity to kiss the places that he abandoned. her heart was pounding but she no longer cared. the butterflies in her stomach was wrecking her much harder. she tilted her head back enough for him to look into her eyes again before swooping in for a delicate kiss that rippled fireworks through their veins. they were stuck like that for a while, enveloping in each other's warmth while their lips moved en masse. it was was one foot after the other until they fell onto the bed, giving themselves to the ardent love that they were yearning for.
when gabrielle awoke the next morning she faintly remembered falling asleep on kai’s chest but it was hard to remember much of anything with the yelling that was ringing through her ears. her eyes flickered open to see that she wasn’t cuddled with Kai anymore but instead gripping a pillow, and kai was at the door arguing with some girl whom she couldn’t see.
“can you quiet down? you’re being too loud”. kai exclaimed, wanting to just shut the door on Jessica’s face.
“no! no I’m not lowering my fucking tone for what?! you need to hear me. shit everyone does. you’ve taken this too far! you need to tell her already!”.
at the sound of her words gabrielle leaned up a bit rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. “tell me what? heuning? what’s going on what is she talking about?”.
when kai looked back at her a guilty expression was drawn across his face. he looked as if he wanted to say something, he just didn’t know how. “It’s nothing gabrielle”. Jessica pushes his room door open and storms past him, approaching the bed where gabrielle was. “Jessica stop”. kai warned. but she ignored him and gave gabrielle an angry gaze anyway.
“kai never liked you. he never wanted to date you or any of that shit. since you rejected him the first time he made a bet with his friends that he could get you to fall in love with him and then sleep with you. all this shit is a lie”.
gabrielle clutched the blankets with her stomach churning and hands growing clammy. the walls around her seemed as if they were closing in and there was a large lump in her throat. she darts her eyes over at kai who was still wearing the same guilty expression from earlier. “heuning? what the fuck is she talking about? is it true?”.
“tell me the fucking truth heuning kai”.
he swallows, just wanting to disappear. “it was true at first but—“.
before he could continue she felt sick to her stomach. she was upset beyond measure and instead of staying and listening to another lie she throws on her shoes and grabs her clothes, making her way out of the residence hall and into the quads. such a bright warm day contrasted the way she was feeling. her body was on fire and she didn’t know if whether she wanted to cry or go completely numb. she knew she probably looked stupid staggering through the crowded quad full of students in the midst of their Saturday festivities. gabrielle couldn’t even make it fully out the quad until she felt lightheaded and fell to her knees, puking her feelings onto the blades of grass. she couldn’t believe him. she couldn’t believe he would do something like that to her.
she hadn’t known that he followed her, stopping at a distance once he saw her throwing up. “gabrielle none of that shit is true anymore. here let me help you”. he reached his hand out but she spoke quickly with her stomach heaving. “don’t you fucking touch me heuning kai”. she wipes her mouth and dizzily stands to her feet, giving him the deadliest stare he ever saw in his life. fear and guilt washed over him. “gabrielle you have to believe me”. she draws a hand back and gifts him a stinging slap across his face. one so loud that it drew the attention of everyone surrounding them. kai was stunned, shocked even. he held his cheek in pain.
“that was such an asshole move I should’ve known. I was told to stay away from you and that you’re nothing but trouble but I decided to give you a chance because I thought that’s all that you probably needed. a chance to show someone who you really are but now I fucking know who you are. a lying piece of shit who doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself”.
“gabrielle—“. he tries to grab her wrist but she swiftly pulls away. “I fucking gave myself to you. that’s something I vowed to do only when I felt like the timing was just right and you took advantage of that didn’t you? you got a kick out of knowing that I was a virgin freshman didn’t you? you’re such a bitch it isn’t even funny”.
“no you didn’t let me finish it was true at first I’ll admit that. I’ll admit I’m an asshole for even devising a plan like that but all of that changed once I met you gabrielle. I fucking forgot about the plan. I meant everything I’ve ever said to you. I want you and I’m so in love with you I can’t even put it into words. please. you have to believe me. I’m sorry”.
she shook her head in annoyance, unable to even withstand the sight of his face.
“fuck you, heuning kai”. she made those words her last before she turned on her heels to cut through the crowd, vowing to never speak to him ever again.
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Attention - Spencer Reid x Reader (+ unnamed female lol)
having a threesome with spencer and another girl. u talk to him about it and he is a little nervous but agrees. u and spencer set ground rules, one being he wont have full on sex w her. she is more there for u. he is happy watching yall go at. once he joins its more of u going down on him while she goes down on u and then he fucks u while u eat her out. it is purely sex and nothing else. she leaves yall cuddle.
warnings: 3some, degradation, kinda lowkey spanking a lil bit, idk my typical writing style
You had planned tonight meticulously. You set boundaries, had plenty of lengthy conversations, and it was finally paying off. It had taken Spencer awhile to warm up to the idea of a threesome when you suggested it and you understood why. But you trusted and loved Spencer, and you assured him of that, and he felt the same way about you. You agreed on certain ground rules and figured out a dynamic that would keep everyone happy and you were more than excited to see how things would play out.
When the girl had come over there was certainly some awkward tension, but it quickly dispersed when you began to let your instincts take over, and everyone seemed pretty into it once your lips were on hers. You were both sitting on your bed in only a bra and panties, your hands wandering around to feel any exposed skin you could find, fingers ghosting over her hips and thighs. Spencer watched as you began to melt into the kiss, tongues melding together, and you could already tell he was enjoying himself. She pulled away, lips moving to work on your neck, and you met Spencer’s eyes, a slight smirk forming on your lips. You glanced down, seeing that he was already growing hard beneath his pants, and you let out a soft moan. You moved your hands behind her back, quickly unclipping her bra, and you began to run your fingers over her hardened nipples, pinching gently. Her breathing became heavy, soft sounds of pleasure reverberating against your body as she continued to mark you. After a few moments Spencer couldn’t take it anymore, walking up to you from behind and running his hands down your body, grinding himself against your ass gently, letting out a soft groan in your ear. “I know you love this, don’t you baby? You’ve always been such a needy little slut, I’m sure you love all the attention.” He whispered darkly, and you nodded quickly, pressing yourself against him even more. You were in heaven, sandwiched between two people who were high off of arousal and desire. You felt hands tugging on your bra, unclipping it with ease and allowing it to fall onto the bed. Your hands were tangled in the girl’s hair, head falling back against Spencer’s chest as she began to suck and bite your newly exposed skin.
“Fuck…” you breathed out softly. You turned your head slightly to look at Spencer. He was watching the way your body reacted to the stimulation like it was the most infatuating thing he had ever seen. The way your back arched when she took your nipple into her mouth. You took one of his hands in yours, guiding it to your other breast, and he wasted no time massaging the flesh roughly in his hands. He moved forward a bit, beside you now, and used his free hand to grab your jaw, turning it towards him before leaning in and kissing you deeply. Your hands were exploring under his shirt now, tracing his muscles and landing right above the seam of his pants. He took the hint, backing away to take them off.
You took the opportunity to focus your attention on the girl in front of you, placing a hand on her face and ravishing her in another kiss. It was sloppy, lust-filled, your bodies both moving in synch. Her hand started to wander down your body, resting against your panties, and you began to grind into it, craving friction. You only pulled away when you felt Spencer return to your side next to the bed, fully naked now. You bit your lip as your eyes scanned his body.
“Why don’t you show me what that pretty little mouth can do?” He questioned, and your tongue swiped over your bottom lip in anticipation. You turned towards him, on your knees, and he chuckled. “Don’t worry baby, I’m sure you’ll get your fair share of attention as well.” He assured you. You felt the girl behind you and before you knew it Spencer was pushing your upper body down, leaving you on all fours. You felt a finger trailing up and down your thighs and then a single, wet kiss pressed against your panties. You shuddered in pleasure, mouth open in pleasure, and Spencer took the opportunity to thrust himself into your mouth, one hand gripping your hair for stability and control. You knew what to do, tongue immediately swirling around the tip of his cock, slowly taking him in inch by inch. The girl was pulling your panties down now and she pressed a second, longer kiss against you, except this time there was no fabric to be found. You were moaning around Spencer, the sensation causing him to roughly buck his hips, and you held back a gag. Her tongue was flicking in and out of you now, occasionally stopping to move up to your clit and suck on the sensitive bud. You were bobbing your head as best as you could, trying to focus on Spencer while the pleasure overtook your body, but it wasn’t easy. Spencer didn’t seem to mind though, taking it as an opportunity to set the place, the hand in your hair pushing and pulling you quickly. You could already feel your orgasm building, especially as you felt fingers rubbing circles against your clit and her tongue delved in and out of you at a merciless pace. It wasn’t too long before your moans were only being suppressed by Spencer’s rough pace as you took him deeper into your throat. When your climax came your cries were muffled, body shaking as the girl held your hips in place, not letting up her pace as you came all over her tongue. “See, I told you you wouldn’t be neglected.” Spencer groaned through gritted teeth. He slowed down a bit as the girl finally pulled away, breathing heavily. “Why don’t you return the favor?”
You didn’t need to be told twice, turning around, still gasping for breath from Spencer, and watched as the girl licked her lips, swollen and pink. You leaned in, kissing her gently, and then gently pushed her down onto the bed. You leaned down, upper body resting in between her legs, making a trail of kisses from her cleavage down to her stomach, eyes flickering up to meet hers as you ventured lower, spreading her legs wider and deciding to leave your own purple bruises on her inner thighs. She moaned, a sound that only encouraged you to continue, and you moved closer to the fabric of her panties. Soon you felt the warmth return behind you, a large hand coming down on your ass roughly, causing you to jump a bit. “You’re so fucking pretty like this, baby,” Spencer cooed, his hand massaging and soothing the area of skin he had just irritated. “I can’t wait to fuck this tight little pussy while your face is buried in between her legs.” You felt a finger running up and down your panties, pausing on your clothed clit. You moaned against the girl’s thighs, causing her to buck her hips up in pleasure. You ran your hands under her thighs, positioning her knees so that they were bent, giving you more room and better access. You were becoming impatient, lust building in your stomach, and your fingers hooked themselves around her panties, pulling them down her legs just enough to where you could lean down and press your tongue against her clit. She was soaking wet but you couldn’t judge because you were too, your tongue lapped at the juices, running slowly up and down from her entrance and back up to her clit. She was moaning louder now, hands digging into your hair and tugging at the roots. “Good girl,” Spencer praised, beginning to rub your clit in fast circles, one hand on your hips to keep your ass in the air and properly displayed for him. You whimpered in pleasure as he pushed your panties to the side. “Do you want me to fuck you?” He teased, and you felt the tip of his cock running up and down your slit. You moaned loudly in response, in turn causing the vibrations to surge through the girl’s body, her own moan almost drowning yours out. Spencer must’ve gotten the message because before you knew it he was pushing himself inside of you, letting out a load groan of pleasure as he did. One of your fingers began to swirl around her entrance, just barely penetrating before you pulled it away, and she let out a strangled cry, begging for more stimulation. Spencer was fucking you at a steady pace now, your face being pushed further into the girl’s pussy with each of his thrusts, and you decided to stop being such a tease, a finger sliding inside of her, curling. Your tongue continued it’s assault on her clit, finger curling and uncurling, following the rhythm of Spencer’s thrusts. You could tell she was close from the way her legs began to shake and you worked harder, eager to watch her come undone. Spencer placed another sharp slap onto your ass, once again causing your body to flinch, and you could feel he was just as close as she was, his thrusts becoming sloppier by the second. Before you could even prepare yourself you felt the girl’s body clenching around you as she cried out in pleasure, her orgasm flooding over her body. You eased up a bit, removing your fingers and using your tongue to clean the mess. Only a few seconds later you felt Spencer’s grip on you tighten, and you felt your second orgasm rapidly approaching. “Cum with me,” Spencer urged, voice strained from the pleasure, and you did, your body giving out as you felt a warm substance spill out onto your thighs. All three of you took a moment to recover, panting and wiping the sweat from your bodies. You helped clean the girl up, thanked her for her participation, and then kindly sent her on her way, leaving you once again alone with Spencer, cuddled up in bed.
“So, what did you think?” You asked him, resting your head on his chest.
He chuckled, tightening his grip around you. “I think you’re the hottest woman in the universe, and I think that was incredibly hot because of it.” He mumbled, yawning a bit. “What about you?”
“I think that I can make a girl cum harder than you can.” You teased, giggling.
“Hm. I don’t know about that, but if you want me to show off my skills…” He kissed you gently.
“Another time, Reid. I think I’m all fucked out for the night.” You rolled your eyes.
“Another time, then.” He shrugged, laughter echoing through his chest.
“Mhm. Another time.”
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
A Dragon’s Fire - Daenerys x Red Priestess!Reader
heyo! this was requested by an anon who originally wanted an assassin w fire magic, and i compromised w a red priestess who was an assassin but decided not to hurt dany (bc that seems neat!) but ive been in the shit this week so ... i wrote something fluffy instead. I know, im a big fail, lol. I hope yall enjoy it anyway
Summary: Dany has a big gay crush. That’s it, that’s the fic
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“Is she everything you hoped for?”
Y/N did not answer the man behind her. She focused on the flames in front of her, dancing in the brazier into familiar shapes. She had seen them for many years. It’s why she was chosen by the priests, and since the red comet fell from the sky, they whispered if she listened close. Here, in the dragon queen’s palace, she could hear the fire inside the dragons. 
The bear knight’s metal armor and annoyed tone was not enough to distract her. Y/N reached her hand into the fire, it shaped into a dragon that sat in her palm. She didn’t feel the fire, but her red silk sleeve was burning. 
Jorah disliked her silence, but he disliked many things about Y/N. When he first saw her fire tricks, he thought they were illusions, but the heat of them said otherwise. Then there was the first time she set upon Drogon…
He suppressed his shiver and set that memory aside. “The khaleesi wants to see you.”
Y/N closed her palm, and the dragon slivered out, flying back into the brazier. The flames glowed blue for just a fraction of a second. She waved her hand over them, and the fire smothered itself. Smoke rose out of the hot coals, but those too began to rapidly cool. 
She wondered if the knight was still unsettled by her magic. Even the khaleesi had moments of awe and uneasiness, although she was fond of watching. Y/N stood, her silk robes gently scraping the marble floor. Jorah was already walking away, and she made no effort to run to catch up to him. She knew where Daenerys was.
The chambers Daenerys set aside for her council was well-lit and had an impressive, engraved table at the center of it. Its legs used to be harpies made of carved marble and ivory, but she had them removed for dragons made of onyx and rubies. Y/N liked the change, and how they glittered in the light. Perhaps she was biased - her own ruby hung around her neck, although it was far larger and smoother than any gemstone Daenerys had seen before.
The girl’s purple eyes lit up as Y/N entered the room. Y/N couldn’t help but return the sentiment, giving her khaleesi a smile. She was pleased there was no one else in the council room. “You wished to see me, khaleesi?”
“Yes. Jorah, you may leave us.”
Jorah didn’t protest, but he did shoot Y/N a look before he left the room and closed the doors. Y/N noticed there were no Unsullied in the chambers, either.
“I talked to him about what he said the other day,” Daenerys said after a moment of silence. “Ser Barristan, as well. They don’t … In the Seven Kingdoms, your sort of magic is seen as a dream. Unreal.”
“As unreal as dragons?” Y/N tilted her head, and Daenerys tried not to focus on how her hair slid across her bare shoulders. When Y/N first entered her service, she wore modest robes that covered nearly every inch of her. Since then she had adopted a more elegant, free style, at Daenerys’ subtle suggestion. She was pleased with the result. 
Daenerys set her thoughts straight. “True. The reason I called you here was to locate Rhaegal. I haven’t seen him flying overhead in some time.”
“Nor have I.” Y/N touched the ruby that dangled by her collarbone. It was held with a simple gold chain, and anyone could have missed the way it seemed to flicker. It could have been a trick of the light, but Dany knew otherwise. “Would you like me to find him?”
Of course Y/N knew how to do that. She knew how to start and stop fire, how to dream about it, how to see into it. It was only logic that she could find it. She once told Daenerys that the dragons were beings of fire, swirling and living heat. She looked at them like …
… Well, not how others looked at them. It was hard to puzzle out Y/N’s expressions and thoughts. You could ask her something directly, and she’d have some sort of strange answer, or she’d just stay quiet. Daenerys could tell when Y/N was thinking something over, at least. Her pretty eyes would lower, and she’d touch that ruby - was it hot to the touch? It seemed like it - and she would be gone. Sometimes she stayed very still for hours, staring into fire, or staring into nothing.
But she’d always have an answer eventually.
Daenerys’ knights warned against Y/N’s counsel, telling her not to listen too closely to the words of a strange woman of a strange religion. Even Missandei had commented on the followers of Rhllor’s intent to convert King Robert and other places, and the strange magics they could possess. They warned her as if she did not know how to think for herself.
It upset her, but Y/N took such words in stride. She often seemed to know what others thought and said about her, and she did little to stop it. Missandei had warmed to her, Ser Barristan did not think she was any real threat, but Ser Jorah remained unconvinced and wary. Grey Worm did not like talk of magic or priests, but he had no real ill thought of Y/N, and Daario liked to ask her all sorts of ridiculous questions for his own amusement. 
“I have found him, khaleesi.”
Daenerys couldn’t believe her thoughts had drifted again. Y/N often had that effect on her. “Where? Can we ride to him?”
“We could. He is in no danger, he is simply occupied with…” A soft smile came to Y/N’s red lips. “Something he has not seen before. That’s why he’s been away.”
“What could possibly interest him for that long? He’s been gone for days.”
“Shall we find out, your grace?”
Ser Barristan and Ser Jorah would warm her against this, ask her to take one of them or the Unsullied on the trip. Grey Worm would ask to escort them, Missandei would worry and send guards after them anyway. Daario would want to come along. Daenerys looked to the open, blue sky. There was still plenty of sun left.
“Let’s be quick,” She said, already giddy even if they hadn’t stepped a foot outside of the palace yet. “Missandei will keep them busy. Do you want to share my horse?”
Y/N was not an adept rider, but she still said, “That is alright, khaleesi. I can ride my own.”
Daenerys tried not to feel disappointed.
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The danger outside the protective walls of Meereen was real, but Daenerys comforted herself with the fact that Drogon and Viserion often flew about these hills, and no one had seen them leave. Y/N said it would not take long, that they’d return toward the end of sunset.
Why do I keep believing her? Daenerys asked herself. She glanced aside, watching the woman reposition her reins. Her normally serene facade was broken everytime she rode a horse. She was not afraid of the creatures, but she had only recently learned to ride, and the beasts weren’t always fond of her.
“If you keep moving like that, you’ll make him nervous,” Daenerys said. “There’s no need to clutch the reins so tightly, either.”
Y/N nodded, and tried to relax her posture. Luckily, she picked an agreeable horse. Daenerys recalled the saddle sores and aches she received when she learned to ride. Her handmaidens gave her a balm to ease the pain. Maybe she could find that for Y/N.
I’ll ask someone to deliver it to her. I couldn’t give it to her myself - no, who says I can’t? But what would she think…
It was hard to tell exactly what Y/N was thinking, but sometimes she slipped, like now. Her brows were slightly furrowed as she righted her posture, and once she was satisfied with it, she kept glancing down at the ground, or at the horse’s ears. Y/N pet his soft neck, then slowly reached up to scratch between his ears. She jerked her hand back as her horse shook his head and made an annoyed sound.
“He didn’t like that,” Daenerys laughed, and it was adorable how Y/N gently laughed, too. She was usually so subdued, so quiet, so … what Daenerys used to be. 
“But his ears are so cute,” Y/N went back to petting his neck, which he much preferred. “Doesn’t it make you think of a cat.”
“No, not at all.” 
“Not even a little? There were some strays I’d feed at the temple. Their ears would twitch when I came by. They could smell the food in my pockets.”
Sometimes Y/N would speak of the temple she grew up in, or the other Free Cities she had travelled to, the friends she had known. Perhaps if she showed this side to the others, they would trust her more, but Daenerys was happy to have it to herself. 
The grass thinned and made way for rocky hills and in the distance, orange and yellow canyons. The sun was beginning its descent, and soon the sky would match those oranges and yellows. Y/N stopped her horse. 
“We can walk from here. Do you hear him?”
Daenerys stopped her own horse and listened. There was the slightest breeze, some distant bird calling, the sound of her horse’s nicker and … 
She shook her head. “If he’s close, we would have heard him by now.”
Y/N dismounted with some inelegance, but she fixed her clothes and just smiled. “Maybe you will when we get closer.”
They tied the horses to one of the few trees in the dry area, and Daenerys followed Y/N’s lead. 
It could be a trap. She could have men waiting there, or there could have been someone following us …
The thought was fleeting, and Daenerys fell in beside her. They both changed to more practical clothing, but Y/N still had a shimmering red cloak tied around her shoulders. As they walked, Daenerys began to hear something strange. It was faint, but as they came closer…
“Water?” She looked at Y/N.
Y/N’s sweet lips curled upward. She often smelled of smoke and spice, and Daenerys wondered if she tasted that way, too. 
They came to the edge of a small canyon, which could be better described as a deep ravine. Water glistened at the bottom of it, and more importantly, the deep green scales of her dear Rhaegal. He lifted his wings high and water spilled on his back.
“What is he doing?” Daenerys asked, but she was answered just a moment later. Water spewed up from the ground in a huge geyser, all at once, and Rhaegal happily opened his mouth and snapped at it. The water fell in thick droplets all around the dragon, the ravine and the two of them.
Y/N pulled her red hood over her head. Daenerys wiped her brow. “You didn’t tell me to pack a hood.”
“Apologies, khaleesi.” Y/N giggled. She peered downward. “If we’re steady, we can walk down to him.”
Rhaegal’s long tail lazily swung back and forth in the water. He was resting, and it only submerged his arms and legs, but he was content. Daenerys noticed all the charred bones scattered around the ravine. She wondered how much was in the water. Her feet found stability, and she carefully followed a natural, steadying path downward. Y/N was just ahead, although she wasn’t as confident in her descent.
They came to a small landing and had to stop there. The rest of the way was simply too steep. Rhaegal seemed to just notice them then, and Daenerys’ heart swelled as her child lifted his head and gazed at her with his sharp eyes. They weren’t merely brown, but bronze, with all the steadiness and strength that metal held. She touched his nose and muzzle, marvelling at how much he had grown. 
His eyes quickly flashed toward Y/N, and Daenerys felt his growl vibrate underneath her hand. She frowned and quickly said, “No.”
She remembered Y/N’s first encounter with Drogon. That was also the day she had taken the strange, beautiful priestess into her court.
Just like with Drogon, Y/N showed no fear. She stepped forward, but she didn’t make an attempt to touch the dragon. She lowered her hood, and Rhaegal’s long, black pupil tightened.
Daenerys felt the heat of his breath as he snorted through his nose. She tensed, forcing herself to stay calm as she repeated her order. “No.”
The geyser blew again, and Daenerys didn’t flinch. Rhaegal watched it rise in the air, then pulled away from his mother to open his jaws at the water again. His black teeth glittered in the setting sun.
Daenerys looked to Y/N. The priestess was so calm and steady, so unaffected … except Dany caught how her shoulders sagged in relief.
“He isn’t like Drogon,” Daenerys said, remembering that day. “He wouldn’t have hurt you.”
Y/N replied simply. “Drogon did not hurt me.” 
Had you been any other woman, he would have killed you. Except ... 
It took days for the servants to remove the char marks on the marble, and some of the melted pillars were still being repaired. Daenerys was half tempted to leave them like that, as a warning to any potential enemies, but it was unsettling to think it may have been Y/N that was burned away.
Except, she didn’t. Her red robes and long hair did, but her necklace and body remained unharmed. Daenerys and her court watched as the fire arced around her, singing away everything but skin and metal, and that ruby she never removed. Y/N looked Drogon straight in the eyes, even as they were obscured by his fire. 
His temper always was the worst. She had done nothing but approach Daenerys too quickly. Jorah was the one who pulled her back behind one of the pillars, and Daenerys remembered how the heat licked her arms as it tried to reach around the marble. Daario had pulled Missandei to cover behind the other pillar. 
Drogon almost never came to the palace, he always wanted to be in the sky, yet he came down on that day. And when the fire cleared and the floor was charred black except for a small circle … He stood back, and Y/N still looked at him. She only trembled slightly. 
She isn’t any other woman.
The geyser blew again, and rained down upon them. The water’s heat didn’t bother her, but all the dust from the ride was stuck to her skin, and the water didn’t clean it off. She had dust in her hair, too, and probably some stray pieces of grass. 
She smiled. It had been some time since she was properly dirty after a ride, and she looked forward to a perfumed bath and brushing her hair when she got back. Daenerys glanced to Y/N, who was occupied with watching Rhaegal. She also had dirt on her cheeks and neck, and some in her hair, and maybe if she wanted a bath afterward, too…
Daenerys reached forward and tried to rub some of the dirt off her cheeks. It didn’t work, but Y/N’s pretty eyes went wide. She didn’t pull away. “Khaleesi?”
Daenerys stepped forward, gently moving her palm so she had Y/N’s whole cheek. Just as she thought - as she dreamed? - the priestess’ skin was flushed and warmer than anyone she’d touched before. 
“You can say my name,” Daenerys said. She tried to tease, but her beating heart and their closeness made her breath catch. She thought Y/N was wearing color on her lips, but perhaps they just always looked like that? 
“Daenerys.” Y/N tried it out, and the dragon queen felt like a girl again, feeling her heart soar at hearing her name on those lips. She leaned in, bringing Y/N closer to her. Their foreheads brushed, and the warmth between them turned to heat.
A piercing roar broke through the sky, and cut straight between them. Daenerys recognized the sound at once, and it distracted her as Y/N jumped away. The woman’s cheeks were as red as her cloak.
Above them, Viserion broke through the clouds and bellowed down at his brother. The first cry was for Daenerys, and the second was probably a command for Rhaegal to move aside. The green dragon made room for his brother, and the water reached the top of the ravine as Viserion splashed straight into it. Y/N pulled Daenerys back before the muddy water could splash all over them.
Daenerys was far too overheated and flustered, and the sight of her children amusing themselves only gave her a little relief. At least Rhaegal was alright. 
Y/N had pulled her hood back down, and it was a shame. At least her lips were still visible through the shadow, although looking wasn’t as good as tasting.
“We’ve been gone for a long time. Let’s ride back.” Daenerys led the way out of the ravine. Y/N said nothing until they were back to the horses, who were understandably spooked from the dragon that flew overhead not fifteen minutes ago. Y/N held her horse’s reins and tried to soothe it, and Daenerys helped, touching the priestess’ hands perhaps more than was needed. 
Y/N didn’t pull away, and that gave Daenerys the courage to kiss her cheek. The soft dyed linen brushed her own cheek, and she caught a whiff of perfume.
The priestess giggled, and it was a better relief than the breeze that was slowly blowing across the hills. “Please, Daenerys. I’m covered in dust.”
“I am, too. Let’s wash up when we ride back - together?”
She caught Y/N’s bright eyes under the hood, and they sparkled as she blushed and tugged the hood further down. “Yes, that would be lovely.”
So it was decided. By the time they reached the gates of Meereen and entered the Great Pyramid, Y/N had dropped her hood and her easy, serene face had returned. She disregarded the suspicious looks, she gave an easy nod to Missandei, who returned a tentative smile. As far as anyone knew, Y/N’s mind was wrapped in her usual visions and prayers.
Until Daenerys brushed her dirty hair aside and smiled at her, then Y/N’s cheeks blushed and her eyes widened in that adorable way. She let the khaleesi take her hand, entwine their fingers, and guide her to the great baths. Y/N’s red cloak fluttered behind her, drawing attention to them. Some Unsullied guards probably saw, and surely others, but Daenerys didn’t care. 
She’s like fire, and I am a dragon - how could she bring any harm to me?
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bruh-haikyuu · 5 years
Waaaaaaah!!! I really liked you (internecine/oikawa tooru)!!! Can I ask for a part two? What happened with s/o-chan? Her ex(not Oikawa) is dangerous? Will Oikawa discover the truth? Thanks for writing so well!
sequel to this
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querencia. | oikawa tooru
word count: 5437
warnings: blackmail and angst! (+slight gaslighting)
(n.) a place from which one’s strength is drawn, where one feels at home; the place where you are your most authentic self
Iwaizumi knows Oikawa was strict when it came to volleyball. He knows how riled up he gets whenever he does solo practices. Although that focus came with Oikawa’s obliging reticence, the absence of noise was really pissing him off.
“Oikawa, let’s go, dude. We have to lock up soon or the Discipline Committee will chew us out again.”
He noticed a slight glance from the captain’s sepia pools but Oikawa Tooru kept his lips sealed. This guy… Iwaizumi grimaced. “Hey, I know you heard me. Don’t give your old lady grey hairs by coming home late all the time. Let’s go.”
“Hey, Iwa-chan, are you devoted to anything?”
Iwaizumi hid a relieved expression. At least Oikawa was finally saying something in full rather than the half-assed responses he’d been giving out the past month.
“Huh? What’re you trying to say? Of course I’m devoted. To volleyball!” Iwaizumi didn’t mean to sound angry, but looking at his best friend’s current state, he couldn’t help but to clench in frustration.
The blue and yellow ball rebounded from the polished hardwood floors into the setter’s expecting grip. “…Was it that? The problem. My ‘devotion’?”
Iwaizumi scratched the back of his neck in earnest before grabbing Oikawa’s wrist to drag him away from the fluorescent spotlight of the gym. Heaving two school bags over his shoulder with his limp friend on the other, Iwaizumi grumbled.
“I don’t get any of the shit you’re saying.”
Iwaizumi lied. He knew exactly what Oikawa was talking about.
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Being in the Library Committee came with its own perks.
A peaceful workplace to drown yourself in your own thoughts
Full privilege to a lineup of all the volumes of Hirunaka no Ryuusei
Being the one and only member of the Library Committee
You had always enjoyed the tranquility that the magnificent atrium of papers offered—not a lot of people scourged for outdated reference books anyway. It was a welcoming interlude from your hectic life… Especially with your current state of affairs. But your head was stubbornly rejecting peace.
If it had been a couple months ago, Oikawa Tooru would have been sneaking into the library to avoid getting his head bashed in by Iwaizumi for being ‘too good at Old Maid’. He would have groaned and whined, subtly asking for your attention to make it all better. You would have refused, a blush betraying your response. Either way you would’ve surrendered to a single kiss after all.
The impression seemed so distant despite it being so recent.
Oikawa Tooru could find someone better than you. Someone who didn’t have this mess piled up upon their shoulders. Someone who wasn’t stupid enough to have dated an obsessive, creepy bastard.
You were so sure of the thought… but why do you keep remembering the taste of Oikawa’s lips lingering on yours? It had always suggested a hint of peaches and tropical mango juice. Flavors that had sparked fireworks in the depths of your belly.
In the end, you decided you would stop by Lawson’s after your duties to buy a mango ICE MONSTER bar. Just for the sake of the memory.
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“Ah. L/N-san.”
You cursed yourself to a million deaths. What on Earth did you pull to get karma this big? You were sure the constant suppression and cold shoulders from school were enough to cover for your sins against their volleyball superstar. But to encounter said superstar’s best friend at the convenience store (especially with your theatrical “baton pass” to him a month prior) was beyond your gravest punishments.
“I-Iwaizumi-san! Funny to see you here.”
“Ain’t this the only convenience store in the area though?”
God, you idiot. Just can’t keep your mouth shut, can you?
In the deserted frozen food aisle, two Aoba Johsai third years stood faced off with one another. If it were one of your younger brother’s RPG games, Iwaizumi would’ve been an impossibly matchless boss level—emanating all sorts of auras that screamed ‘INDOMITABLE’. And you? A level one player with only a wooden stick at your siege.
Crossing his arms, he huffed. “Anyway, L/N-san, I wanted to talk to you about—”
You prepared yourself for another blow like always. He was probably going to talk about that. But this time, your legs acted faster.
“Um, I have to go! Goodbye, Iwaizumi-san!”
“Huh? Hang on a sec! L/N-san!”
Iwaizumi Hajime, ace of Aoba Johsai Boys’ Volleyball Club, was chasing you. Why was he chasing you?! Your head spun with images of him cutting you up into pieces to serve for Oikawa’s breakfast, lunch and dinner. Merciless. Brutal. Vile. Was this his way of getting you back for dumping Oikawa on his shoulders?
You let out a small shriek, zipping past a bicycle parked horizontally on the sidewalk. Maybe with his large size, Iwaizumi would have to slow down a bit, giving you a chance to—
Vaulting over the bicycle, Iwaizumi only became hairs closer to your hurrying form. “Wait! L/N-san!”
“Please don’t kill me!” You sobbed, turning into a corner. “I have a family I still want to come home to!”
“What the hell are you talking about?” he yelled, the hoarseness of his voice striking horror in your legs. “You didn’t pay for your ice cream!”
After dropping off 195 yen on the shop counter and dutifully bowing your head to the cashier at least ten times, Iwaizumi escorted you to the store’s entrance, the light amber of the sky gracing his stern features. For a moment, Iwaizumi Hajime, ace of Aoba Johsai Boys’ Volleyball Club, seemed like a normal high school boy instead of the terrifying column of pure muscle.
“Sorry for chasing you like that… You got the wrong idea and everything too,” he chuckled, low vibrations bobbing in his Adam’s apple.
“It was my fault too,” you cringed, head empty with only the thought of your animalistic instincts kicking in to take you away from ‘danger’. “I was just shocked that anyone would talk to me right now.”
“…Is that so… B-by the way…”
You almost forgot that you had run away just as he was about to beat you to a pulp with his words. You held your breath, feet rooted in place now that you had learned that there was no way you could beat an ace in races.
“We’re on Cleaning Duty tomorrow, right? Don’t forget and bail on me like that asshole Takahashi does.”
Gradually, you felt a World’s Biggest Idiot crown settle on your head. You breathed through your nose and muttered a sullen “yes, yes” before turning around and going your own fine way home. Of course, after apologizing once more to Iwaizumi for making him chase you distances just so you would pay for your treat.
Watching your back shrink into the golden horizon, Iwaizumi scratched his head, heart heavy with the weight your words carried. He probably shouldn’t have stalled his real question to you like that.
══════ ⋆★⋆ ══════
Becoming the enemy of Aoba Johsai’s general public didn’t seem so bad at first. At least they weren’t doing all the malicious shoujo manga-esque type of torture. No carved out voodoo dolls or vandalized tabletops.
But the thought didn’t make your sentence seem lighter.
When you had been with Oikawa, everyone suddenly wanted to get to know you. To eat lunch with you. To invite you to hangouts. Now that you’ve broken him, your only worthy punishment was to be broken tenfold.
How cowardly of me. You scowled, the contours of the broom handle etching itself on your palms. I don’t even know if half of Daisuke’s threats were real…
If the texts hadn’t sounded so genuine, you would have probably been laughing it off with Oikawa right now. But you weren’t. And that made you hate yourself for it.
“L/N-san, you okay?”
Pulled back into reality by your ever placid Cleaning Duty partner, you cleared your throat and swept the remaining bits of grime onto the fluorescent green dustpan.
“Y-yeah. I’m alright,” you said eyes flickering from his sharp ones.
Iwaizumi must’ve had some sort of sixth sense because his doubting gaze did not falter the slightest. “Really? You seem especially off today, though. You hungry or something?”
Now he was toying with you. “No I’m not.”
As if it had been cued, your stomach growled and you gritted your teeth in defeat. Stupid, stupid digestion.
“If you’re free after this, I’ll treat you to lunch. We need to talk about some unfinished matters, L/N-san.”
“It’s about Oikawa.”
══════ ⋆★⋆ ══════
The scent of pork and shoyu weaved into your senses, blinding you with flavor. In the midst of burly men and hearty-looking meals plastered in bold in the quaint shop’s menu, a small high school girl like you did not mingle well with her surroundings.
Sitting across from you was Iwaizumi, attention pinned on a flimsy laminated piece of paper with a list of ramen that seemed to drone on and on. In the heat of the place, both of you had shed your blazers, draping them over the back of your rickety seats. Seeing Iwaizumi’s sleeves rolled up, you shivered at the thought of what those arms could do to you if you had run away from him again.
“Master, I’ll have the Aka Tonkotsu ramen today. Large with extra pork slices as always,” he piped up, catching the brisk nod of the shop owner from the corner of his work station. “How ‘bout you, L/N-san?”
“Um… a glass of mineral water, please. Iced.”
The ramen master and Iwaizumi’s faces twisted into expressions of concern and offense. You were sure you had attracted the attention of few others too with your order… but what was so wrong with just having water though? It wasn’t like you really enjoyed ramen. And your visit here wasn’t really much of your choice…
“Come on, you have to have the ramen here. I’m paying anyway,” Iwaizumi wanted to add in a comment that the prices at this particular shop were extravagantly affordable, but he chose to miss out on that. “Do you like spicy food?”
“I suppose I do—”
Iwaizumi grinned knocking on the wooden table to gain the master’s attention once more. “Make that two large bowls of Aka Tonkotsu, Master!”
You sputtered, ears barely registering his words. “L-large? Iwaizumi-san, I won’t be able to finish that!”
“Huh? Why not though? Your stomach growled really loudly back at school, I’m sure you’ll down the entire thing in seconds. But it’d mostly be caused by how good the ramen here is.”
You noticed how the ramen master’s ears flashed a bright pink. Seriously, how blatant can this guy be with his words… You were sure with the way Iwaizumi talked, he could either have all the girls in Japan swooning over his honesty or have everyone else throwing nasty glances at him. You fell into the latter category.
“About Too—” you paused, although insistent on breaking the frosty wall between the both of you. “Oikawa. I-is he doing well?”
“Well he’s obviously acting more differently than he used to,” Iwaizumi replied in blunt, hands centered on trying to pull the modest pair of wooden chopsticks apart cleanly. Snap. A small chunk of the second chopstick had awkwardly stuck with the first; Iwaizumi frowned. “Why’re you asking? Didn’t you guys break up?”
You puffed out fumes from your nose indignantly. “Aren’t you the one who invited me here to talk about him? Iwaizumi-san, if you’re not going to say anything important I’d rather leave than have you toy with my time.”
Iwaizumi’s hand reached out to scratch his nape—an old habit you had noticed from him countlessly in class, especially when he seemed nervous. “Alright, alright. Geez… don’t tell anyone about it but I’m worried about Oikawa. Trust me, I can tell when he’s being serious about practicing volleyball and when he’s just plain… letting loose. I suspected it had something to do with you because all he’s been doing is mope around like a beaten dog after you dumped him.”
You gulped.
“Why did you break up with him? I know he could be a crappy jerk with volleyballs for brains, but I know he won’t put his ambitions over someone he cares about—he learned that from his first relationship. So why did you do it? Was he finally getting on your nerves too? Or did you get bothered by his fanclub?”
Your hands gripped your skirt until your knuckles turned white. Iwaizumi definitely wasn’t the first person to drop the question on you. But that didn’t make you less nervous whenever you had to respond. Deciding to dodge the bullet like always, you went for a simple “it’s complicated”.
“Two large bowls of Aka Tonkotsu ramen, one with extra pork slices!” the ramen master announced, a bell of dismissal to your relief. “Plus a glass of iced water for the young miss.”
Watching the master limp back to his post, you didn’t notice Iwaizumi sprinkle a dollop of chili powder into his bowl, his sharp gaze cutting through your body. “Whatever. I’ll get it out of you one way or another. You wouldn’t have told me to take care of Oikawa if it wasn’t a serious problem.”
You slipped a stray strand of hair behind your ear, picking up your own chopsticks in the process. Despite the fear that pooled in your stomach from Iwaizumi’s promise, you couldn’t help to anticipate for a person to share the heinous truth with. Murmuring a soft “thank you for the food”, you decided that the truth belonged to another day and enjoyed your meal in silence.
══════ ⋆★⋆ ══════
Apparently, Iwaizumi did see your mouth forming the request. When he had brought it up at the ramen shop, you felt your entire universe fall apart at its core. You wanted to punch yourself for even thinking up such an shameless action. Whispering to him to take care of someone he spent his life tackling was useless. Pressing your face into your pillow, you wondered if you could sleep yourself to dematerialization.
Tugging you out from your misery, your cell phone vibrated in vigor before dropping still on your bedside table.
From: Unknown
Subject: This is Iwaizumi Hajime
09:34 PM
Yo. It’s Iwaizumi, save my number ok? I hope you enjoyed the ramen. Did you get home safe?
Right. You and Iwaizumi had exchanged numbers after he had paid an amazingly cheap price for the ramen. The surprisingly succulent ramen that had you gulping down the bowl until it was drained—just like what he’d promised. You’d hate to admit he was right so soon though…
To: Iwaizumi Hajime
Re: [This is Iwaizumi Hajime]
09:36 PM
Thanks for the ramen ^_^~ Also, I got home in one piece, so don’t worry about it.
A few moments after you had pressed the send button, another text came flying into your inbox. Two texts. From two entirely different contacts. The first one was Iwaizumi’s.
From: Iwaizumi Hajime
Subject: You didn’t answer my question
09:36 PM
About our topic of discussion today… are you going to tell me the truth or not? I don’t want to pry it out of a girl, it’d be rude assuming we’ve only started to officially talk today. But just so you know, I won’t give up until I know the reason. It pisses me off to see Oikawa so moody every day. I hope you’ll understand.
Your fingers hovered over your keyboard for a few moments too long to string together a coherent reply. Iwaizumi was a prime example of trust and valour. Sure, you had considered yourself a knight after ‘protecting Oikawa from your dangerous ex-boyfriend’, but now you just seemed like a jerk.
Scrolling over to see the second text loitering in your messages, you felt your blood vessels tighten. The sender’s name was seven syllables long. Seven syllables that you had hoped to never have to thread together ever again.
From: Masayuki Daisuke
Subject: None
09:36 PM
I knew you’d listen to me, Y/N-chan~ You were always such an obedient one, such a good girl. Now that that good-for-nothing playboy has his hands off you, we can be together right? Of course, we’ll have to wait until you graduate high school but that’s just a matter of time.
We’ll get married, Y/N-chan. I’ll make you as happy as you can ever be, even if we have to elope. I’ll even buy us a house in Tokyo, just where you wanted… You made a right decision to leave Oikawa, if you didn’t, I know it’d make you suffer just being in his presence. You belong with me, Y/N-chan, not with anyone above our insignificant roles. He’d make you feel small for the rest of your life… but I’m here for you.
I hope you won’t be unfaithful to me as we count down to the days when we shall begin our lives together. I love you~
Your lips curled into a flat line. All the blood had drained from your fingertips, leaving the fluorescent light of your cell phone to eerily illuminate through the limpid skin. You wanted to vomit, to wail, to look for and tell someone. But who? You couldn’t possibly run and cry to Oikawa. Hell, Iwaizumi and your ‘friends’ were out of the question. And your parents would overreact, making matters worse.
“I hate this,” you grunted, tossing your phone onto the couch across your bed. Maybe you could sleep it off like you usually did. Alas, you didn’t seem to receive a wink of sleep at all. This is bad, you finally admitted.
══════ ⋆★⋆ ══════
Iwaizumi Hajime had made it a habit (and a nuisance) to stumble in the library or other parts of the area after school to drag you to the ramen shop and fruitlessly attempt to wring even a droplet of truth from you. On the bright side, the food was always tasty, and you had adapted yourself to genuinely enjoy ramen as a delicacy. Plus, when it came to Iwaizumi’s savory bribes, you never even had to think about pulling your wallet out of your pocket!
Throughout the course of your ‘interrogations’, you had also learned that Iwaizumi was just an awkward puppy hiding beneath a shell of a raucous yankii. Of course, this was all fueled by his concern for his best friend, but nevertheless, you discovered that it didn’t take much to revert the almighty volleyball ace into a flustered mess of a high schooler.
You came to realize why Oikawa loved to tease him to the brim. And why they had stuck together for so long. In fact, if Iwaizumi had been a girl, you were dead sure that Oikawa would pick him over you—he was everything you weren’t and so much more…
Idiot, how long has it been already? Stop thinking about things like that, you braced yourself. Slapping yourself with the leather-bound cover of a weathered Chemistry textbook, you diverted your focus back on the cart of new books you were supposed to arrange.
Quiet hours in the library was especially your favorite time, of course, until Iwaizumi had recently interrupted it with persistence despite his prior knowledge that your duties wouldn’t end until half an hour later. Another trait of his, you had come to realize, was that he was unbearably annoying when he didn’t get what he wanted.
Hearing the clack of the library door’s swing (though much quieter than Iwaizumi’s usual loud shove), you scowled, eyes twitching in annoyance.
“Iwaizumi-san, for the last time! Stop coming in here if you’re not going to read or borrow a book. And don’t ask me the same question over and over again, I can’t tell you why it happened because it’s too—”
You felt your heart jump at the sight of a pair of umber eyes that roused an emotion from deep within your memory. You almost didn’t recognize him. He looked taller, much more sturdy. And way too drained.
“Y-Y/N-chan,” Oikawa murmured, your name dripping honey on his tongue like it always had.
You didn’t even stop yourself from calling him by his name. “Tooru…”
You swore you could lock eyes with him for eons. Subtle glances in the hallway didn’t compare to being in Oikawa’s light. When you were with him, he made you feel warm. You missed that warmth. You missed him.
“What are you doing here?” you managed to sputter, eyelids freezing up.
When he broke from your gaze, you felt your heart plummet and shatter. “I just needed to look for a reference book for my English homework.”
It hurt. When you were dating, Oikawa never let the both of you dwindle in silence. He knew silence sickened you to the stomach. When you had broken up with him, he didn’t let silence waver over him either. But having the absence of noise barricading you from him, you felt cold.
“A-ah, you must mean Ogawara-sensei’s literary task…” you murmured, drinking in the appearance of his face, tracing pre-existing etches of it in your head. “Do you want me to help you look for them?”
How stupid of you to ask. Oikawa basically had the map of the library emblazoned on the back of his hand. You would know—it all came from the secret rendezvous he’d pull you into while you still had deemed yourself worthy of being loved by him.
“That would be nice,” he smiled shyly.
You led him into a warmly lit section pulsing with the livelihood of foreign words. Gliding between the wide space between the shelves, your fingers slipped through the seams across the books. It didn’t take you more than 2 minutes to locate a volume spilled with the wisdom you needed to ace Ogawara-sensei’s class.
“William Faulkner? I thought you didn’t enjoy those kinds of works,” Oikawa murmured, almost teasing as he thumbed through the fragrant pages of ink.
Eyes tracing the lettering of ‘A Rose for Emily’, you said, “I don’t particularly dislike this one. Tragic endings aren’t my cup of tea, but the romance really sucks you in.”  
“I almost forgot how much of a shoujo otaku you were,” he chuckled, laughter like small bells tinkling in the soft wind. “You always look so serious, but figuring out that you were a sap was the funniest part.”
You puffed out your cheeks indignantly, “It’s not like I can help it! You want me to help you or not? Geez…”
Oikawa’s laughter ruptured in the great expanse, a contagious feeling bubbling in your throat. “Sorry, sorry. It’s just— it’s nice to see you again, that’s all…”
Your heart burst into streams of golden confetti, drawing universes within your chest like Oikawa used to do. He was always more different with you. Less fake, more genuine. More honest. You still hadn’t figured out why he’d go after you, especially with all the pretty girls willing to throw themselves in front of a train for him. You didn’t even have enough guts to ignore your ex-boyfriend.
All the wondering made you dizzy, you wanted to sit down, but Oikawa’s desolate eyes chained you to your spot. Iwaizumi was right. He looked like he had thrown himself across the gym a couple times before staying wide awake for 48 hours. As much as you hated to admit, you wanted to help him.
“Tooru, I’m—”
“Found you!” Both of your heads snapped towards the library entrance, blasted open haphazardly by a burly third year student.
A sly grin crept up the boy’s features, making him look more of an ogre than usual. You felt an uneasy lump dissolving in the pits of your stomach, from the corner of your eye, you spotted Oikawa slumping in what seemed to be defeat.
“Just as planned. Now, anyone hungry for ramen?”
══════ ⋆★⋆ ══════
This was by far the most quiet meal you’ve had with Iwaizumi and Oikawa—combined and separately. You didn’t even dare to excuse yourself to the restroom. You haven’t even touched your food either, for all you knew, it was probably already cold.
On the other hand, Iwaizumi was already stuffing his face with today’s special lobster ramen. “What’s wrong, L/N? Ain’t hungry? It’s your favorite dish too.”
Your brows pointed downwards in an annoyed scowl. Iwaizumi wasn’t known to be the best at reading situations anyway. You kicked his shin below the sunken space beneath the table, taking care that Oikawa wasn’t looking.
“Right! Nearly forgot,” if Iwaizumi hadn’t been someone who towered over you, you would’ve pestered him for being such a nuisance. “I damn hope you know why you’re both here.”
You gulped, cheeks reddening at the mention.
“Sorry, is there something I should know about?” Oikawa smiled faintly, a heavy air of concern draped over his shoulders. Sweat began to clump in your palms.
“Ha? Of course you do! You’ve gotta know why L/N broke up with you, right?”
“I-Iwa-chan! I don’t think that’s appropriate to talk about right now. I know for whatever reason Y/N-chan’s got for it, it’s a respectable choice.” Liar. You know I was just being a coward for not telling you, you pursed your lips.
“It’s only respectable until we know what it is,” Iwaizumi boomed, eyes boring into your shrinking figure. “Things don’t just happen for a reason, right, L/N? It’s okay if you tell us.”
“L/N, it’s for Oikawa’s good. Didn’t you say you wanted him to be happy?”
“Stop that, man. Don’t force her,” Oikawa’s tone wavered between anguish and warning. You almost wanted to leap into his arms. He was so close, sitting right next to you, but for some reason he felt miles away. “But…”
Sucking in a deep breath, you blinked back the tears that threatened to spill. “I don’t—”
The shrill ring of your phone shattered the torrential dilemma that hung in the air. Glancing at the number, you paled to the tips of your toes, all color lost from your skin. No, no, no, no. Not here. Not now.
Throwing your school bag over your shoulder, you stood shakily, hand gripping your phone like a vice. “I-I have to go.”
Turning your back on the two boys, you quickly hurried out the door of the shop, hands too tremulous to drop a tip in the glass jar adorning the entrance. He shouldn’t be here. Why was he here? You’ve had enough. No more. Hanging around Oikawa and Iwaizumi was a deadly mistake you’d swore you’d never repeat. But you were a mere mortal who fell too easily to the temptations of forbidden love. A love you could never have.
“Y/N-chan!” a plush hand wrapped itself around your elbow, throwing you back against a solid wall of warmth. A distinct scent of peaches and mango juice pressed against the crown of your hair, a familiarity you would be forced to pry yourself from.
“Tooru, please…” a single drop escaped your quivering eyes, rolling down your cheek, clumping at your chin. “I can’t do this. You have to let me go.”
“At least tell me what I did wrong. Was I not devoted enough? Did I offend you in some way? Or did you find someone else…?” The bob of his throat wobbled against your head. “I’m sorry that I loved you. I’m sorry.”
To hell with it. Turning in his grasps, you looked into his glassy hues, shining with tears, laced with the afterglow of genuine affection. For you.
“Don’t you ever apologize for loving someone. If someone has to apologize, it’s me!” you barked at him, tears streaming down your face, hot in its trail. “I made a mistake for loving the wrong person. I’m sorry I had feelings for such a psychopath. This was before I met you. Now he’s out to get us and it’s all my fault…”
You paused, burying your face into his uniform, taking in the deep pitter patter of his heart.
“I’m scared, Tooru… He’s been sending threats to me. I don’t want him to hurt you… Please, help me,” you sobbed, ignoring the incoming echo of a lone walker approaching the scene.
Dark eyes stared back at yours, emptiness filling it, only a murderous aura emanating from the figure. You watched as Daisuke’s fist closed, veins popping for the world to see. You wondered how your day could get any worse.
“Traitor! You left that bastard just to run back to him?!” he growled against the silent backdrop of the market district. “I promised you a life where you wouldn’t have to feel so inferior. I sincerely love you, Y/N. Why can’t you understand that we’re the type of people who can’t fit in with assholes like… him.”
When Oikawa stepped between the both of you, you felt your heart drop and hang dangerously on a thin string held together by your prayers. “Are you the guy who’s been threatening Y/N-chan the whole time?”
Daisuke turned to you, leering viciously. “Oh, so I’m the bad guy? Don’t do this to me, Y/N-chin. You belong with me. You know that.”
“She doesn’t belong to anyone. Leave her alone, she obviously doesn’t want to be with you.”
A quick gleam of a silver blade caught the gentle light of the setting sun and you felt your mouth go dry. Before a scream could escape your mouth, a vivid thud then a crunch thundered in your ears. You didn’t even want to open your eyes. You didn’t think you could even see with the flood of tears clustering your vision.
“Y/N-chan? Y/N-chan! It’s okay,” Tooru. “It’s okay now. I-I knocked him out.”
Wrenching your eyes wide, you saw Oikawa crouched next to you on the ground, rubbing circles onto your back as he nestled himself in your shoulder. Behind him was Daisuke. Laid spread-eagle on his back, the menacing cutter now seeming so small in his large grip. Next to his bruised head was a single volleyball shoe.
Just about the size of Oikawa’s sock-clad right foot.
══════ ⋆★⋆ ══════
A month later
“Ain’t Captain awfully chipper lately?” Kindaichi muttered to his upperclassmen, balancing a ball on his fingertips, only to have it bounce to the floor in an instant.
Hanamaki, while unlacing the intricate knots adorning the nets, shot the first year an incredulous look. Sighing, he said, “You really haven’t heard at all, haven’t you?”
Kindaichi felt it would be too embarrassing to say. He kept quiet.
“He made up with his girlfriend recently. Turned out, she was being threatened by her psycho of an ex-boyfriend if she didn’t break up with him. The guy’s finally behind bars, so I guess that contributes to it too.”
Kindaichi’s eyes lit up. Oh, he knew about this. “I’ve seen that before on the news! Man, must be pretty scary for Oikawa-san’s girlfriend… I honestly wouldn’t be able to do anything if I were her. That’d put too much mental strain on me.”
From behind him, Matsukawa snickered, ruffling the boy’s hair casually, earning him a dirty look. “Don’t try to compare yourself to L/N-san. The tips of your haircut will catch fire if you had the same amount of stress she did.”
“Grilled Napa Cabbage!”
“Hanamaki-san, don’t tease!”
From the other side of the gym, Oikawa Tooru eyed his phone glassily, his pupils on the verge of forming hearts. It was over. It was finally over. Now he was back to his previous routine, with a dash of something new everyday. Same as always. He loved that always—that always was you.
L/N Y/N: I can’t wait to eat with you and Iwaizumi-san today! Thank you Tooru
Oikawa Tooru: Are you sure you don’t want to eat somewhere we usually do? I was a bit surprised that you invited us to the ramen shop ╮( ˘ 、 ˘ )╭
L/N Y/N: Ehhhh??? Do I have to cancel reservations? Do you want to eat somewhere else??
Oikawa Tooru: Just kidding Y/N-chan~ ☆⌒(ゝ。∂) I want to see how much red peppers you can add to your broth before passing out ☆
L/N Y/N: Mean!! ( `ε´ )
Oikawa Tooru: Ehehe~
“Oikawa, let’s go. L/N’s probably waiting for us already,” Iwaizumi called out from the gym’s doors, mouth nearly frothing at the image of free bowls of ramen that he didn’t have to pay for tonight.
Waving off his best friend, he turned to his screen to type out one last message, a soft smile adorning his face. “Happy birthday, Y/N-chan. I’ll cherish you today, tomorrow and the days after that. Thank you for loving me as me.”
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kny111 · 5 years
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The David Prize, Animation, Comics, and Storytelling from Forgotten New Yorkers
Hey everyone, I’ve got exciting news for those of you keeping track of the creation of my working title comic book ‘Story of 27′. For starters, as some might remember I didn’t get to reach the intended goal to really get the ball rolling and thus, life and the finances of living in New York city as an Afro-Indigenous low income citizen had me needing these resources in dire time of having to move. So fast forward to now, I’m still trying to get this book out to yall, digitally or otherwise. By all the circumstances I should really be trying to secure some long term finances for my new born child (10 months now) and generational wealth. So in that regard I hope that this following venture might help pave that.. with your help. What I’m attempting to create is not just an inclusive animation studio but a place that can set those in need on the right career path of art, media and being able to sell the products of their labor without having to cater to oppressive systems of abuse like the kind that frequent POC communties and the LGBTQ communities within. Wait Ken but how does an animation studio fit into a story your were gonna tell through comic books? I’m still creating the comic book in its originally thought of medium but the animation studio would be the next step since the story itself was supposed to be an animated film in the likeness of Daft Punk’s Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem (in that there was very little dialogue if any but heavily based on speaking through music). I’d likely create the comic book through this studio, publish it, then use the comic book as storyboard for the film I wanted to make which is what a lot of studios are doing to help facilitate the process. My hope is that the comic book can build a readership into viewership with the help of ‘The David Prize’, which I’ll explain further.
So think of the comic book as a storyboard we’ll all get to read about and then if all goes as planned, an animated film using voices of all types of New Yorkers even folks who would have otherwise not have that chance (like homeless New Yorkers or folks in shelters who would like to give their voice for that cause and in return or in general we’d create toons and media for the poor at low to no cost - and considering how making a few seconds of animation will run hundreds if not thousands of dollars it admittedly wont be an easy feat).
As I had also mentioned I want to first publish a free digital comic book prelude to ‘Story of 27’ called ‘Tail of The Unlikely’ for those who have been waiting so patiently for me to publish something. Trust, I want me to get this done too but life stay slowing things down on that for the better. The more you wait the better the story is cause I’m always learning from yesterday and include that into my stories. Enter ‘The David Prize’, it’s a fairly new prize of $200k to 5 New Yorkers with a vision to help make New York a better place. The prerequisite is having a focus for New York’s growth as a city. I figured this was up my alley and I’ve yet to get to where I’d like to be in terms of production movement on my comic book with the newest member to the family among other life duties. I’m now somewhere I have more cultural knowledge and historical awareness of some factors that make me feel glad I hadn’t created the book sooner in how awesome these inclusions will be.
This makes me excited about this prize because I know with your help as well as suggestions and hands on assistance we can make our own all inclusive animation power house in New York. One where everyone, especially the poor, disabled, POC communities and their LGBTQ equals are welcome and given a chance to work on some media that truly exemplifies a decolonized art movement by way of animation. I’ve never seen this here or much elsewhere so it would be worth trying this in NYC. If this sounds interesting at all to yall, feel free to nominate me for the prize so I can make this a reality for us. With this place made, I might even be able to provide emergency housing assistance (if the city allows it - this likely requires extra licensing and time) to homeless LGTBQ folks which sadly are far too many in the city that many times ignores them.
I’d also like yall to know that my sister has been searching for years now on the housing market to own her own place, a building, to leave some generational wealth to her daughters which I respect. With her current knowledge of the housing market I really think if we brainstormed with some appointed folks that I can trust or work in social justice we can figure out how to use our knowledge and resources to provide for people in need.
Similarly through that space, we can have multifunctionality by also providing a space where the future and present of art and media can flourish through animation. Am I being too hopeful with tryina create this? I think with enough support we can make this a realty. And yall know I won’t deny folks in need if this was made. * I’m still working on the comic book even if I don’t win. To nominate me for the prize click here. Some info you’ll need for the prize are: 1. My email: [email protected] 2. My first and last name are on my email in the order its shown. 3. They’ll ask you to describe me, if you forgot me my archive be here. 4. They have a super short questionnaire on me, yourself and why you think I can make NYC a better place through this initiative. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this. -Ken, your neighborhood science journalist.
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bladengineer · 5 years
Bladebreakers: College Edition
anyone who’s already read my fics knows exactly what i’m about, so lets get straight to business about the college headcanons im about to slap yall with
also all under the cut bc this went way too long lmfao Hilary and Kenny should follow shortly bc it got really long and im just. oops
Kai is the first to go which is like. logical considering he’s the oldest and most driven out of all of them
not to mention he had the entirety of Hiwatari Corp. about to be put into his name as soon as he reached 18 and he’s just like aw man here we go
to be honest? he’s not keen on taking over the company, never has been (excluding the time where he felt obligated to under his grandfather’s influence) and the thought of actually having too just kinda. embitters him
so he gets himself sucked into the whole Business classes to get himself the necessary qualifications – and despite being bitter, he doesn’t half-ass shit so he studies on the regular
it isn't until Max wrangles him into finally giving his own interests a go and he changes his path to a History Major with a Minor in Business
he is so much happier
History, specifically Ancient History, had always been an avid interest in Kai’s books so he basically dives into his new studies with his own brand of stoic enthusiasm
its also the sole reason why he’s been amassing so many books in his personal collection at home, Hilary had implored him to buy bigger shelves after Max nearly broke his neck tripping over a loose pile
Kai likes to study alone, preferably in his private study (Tyson keeps making fun of him for having a private study at the age of 18, what are you, a grandpa? damn rich kid lmao) with soft instrumental music playing – he’s especially fond of rainy ambience music
of course, Kai is often seated at the back of the classes, but is indisputably one of the best students with very insightful and well-researched essays, naturally, most of his professors adore him
except a select few traditional-minded professors – they’re still bitter that Kai stood his ground when they had overlooked Cleopatra’s history and reduced her to the Ancient Sex Symbol and Kai was ready to cut a bitch at the blatant disrespect towards an Ancient Political Mastermind
the majority in his class has a fat crush on him but thats nothing new
Max, for a long time, had a bit of a dilemma as his parents urge him to start choosing his preferred path; was it going to be Engineering like his Mother or Mechanics like his Father, and honestly? the poor boy was so torn
in the end, he confessed he wanted to do neither – he loved Beyblade but it wasn’t something he wanted to dedicate his life to forever
instead, his heart had always belonged to the ocean and he dreams of being a Marine Biologist
his father was very supportive, while Judy had her doubts so it took a little convincing – in the end, her son’s joy was more important to her and she too gave her blessing for him to pursue his dream
Max goes on to major Zoology, directed towards marine animals, and takes up a minor in Engineering because hey, it pretty much runs in his family and it stayed an avid interest of his
his university wasn’t too far of from Kai’s own, so sometimes when he stays over at Kai’s he gets a free ride to class
he returns the gesture by always providing the best butter croissants for breakfast (they’re still warm too!)
Max usually studies in the campus library, noise-cancelling headphones on, bopping silently to whatever music he’s listening to as he reviews his notes for the next exam
he researches a lot for his topics and has collected so much trivia about the ocean and its inhabitants in general
Max: did you know jellyfishes have no brain? Kai: Max don’t bully Tyson Tyson: excuse me?
the professors love Max tbh, he’s always fully engaged within class so they usually let him get away with things mainly bc he’s just their Favourite
pretty sure half of the university knows of Max in some way or another, being a social butterfly and all and maybe having flooded the campus once by accident
Ray also had a hard time deciding what to do and what to study; being from a rural village with traditions certainly made him question wether he should pursue a modern career or stay within his community
the White Tigers were quick to kick his ass over it however, booting him straight to Kai’s doorstep and telling him to do what he feels was right for him
now, he’s managed to get himself applied to one of the prestigious university for culinary arts – he’s not too sure yet which path he wants to take in terms of culinary skill
he loves cooking and working in a kitchen, however after many work experiences he has found that working at the command of someone else wasn't exactly to his tastes, not to mention, he’d like to dabble in more traditional culinary arts
as of now, Ray particularly enjoys the sweeter side of cooking, preferring to create intricate pastries and confectionaries, often stemming from his chinese roots but also applying his skill within the japanese side of things
his homemade mooncakes are honestly to die for
next to his obvious passion for cooking, he’s also taken up classes in horticulture, mainly bc he’d love to grow his own ingredients and create his own sets of spices and various artisan products
since his career path is very labour focused, he often practices at home and takes inspiration from various chefs all around the world. his bookshelves are full of recipe books and general insightful cookbooks
Max had suggested to him to make videos of his dishes, mainly for self-improvement, but also being able to put them online to start a crowd interest for his work
its going pretty well actually, his videos have become quite popular since they are aesthetically pleasing, the food looks tasty as hell and also a wide crowd of older people have voiced their joy in seeing more traditional confectionary being made
his friends secretly love their birthdays nowadays bc without fail, Ray always gifts them homemade foods, from neat boxes of handcrafted chocolates to cute jars of sweet jams
he knows, he always takes time to create flavours he knows they will appreciate
Tyson, surprisingly, knew exactly what he wanted to do, and it wasn’t anything to do with Beyblade
Hilary: WHAT ARE YOU SICK Tyson: i- no? i just– Ray: hold on maybe he’s running a fever Tyson: would yOU GUYS JUST LISTEN–
look, he loves Beyblade, it’s something he’ll treasure all his life, something he’ll still pursue in the future, but
it won’t be what he wants to do full time
instead, he majors in Anthropology in order to pave his way into Archeology and everyone is so proud they start crying
next to his Major, he also minors in Business, mainly due to his longstanding position within the BBA, with whom he stays as a particular poster boy and star
next to his work with the BBA, he occasionally helps out in the Dojo and everyone kinda realises? that this guy is literally holding down two (2) whole jobs while also studying and if that isn't hardcore my dudes i don’t know
then again, he’s grown a lot and his interest in his father’s career had always accompanied him since he was a kid – however, his studying habits are still all kinds of atrocious and the only reason why he can even halfway ace his exams is bc he refuses to go down quietly, actually is really critical and analytical is he puts his head into it, and the fact that he employs Hilary to stand vigil with a rolled up magazine to smack him back into focus should he slack off
otherwise, he’s friends with most people in his class and regularly exchanges notes with them and even has become a favourite with a select few of his professors
most just find him exhausting but can’t refute his elaborate essays, which are both thoughtful as eyebrow raising
he attends the same university as Kai (much to his chagrin) and they stick together just as much as they bicker (one-sidedly) just like old times – however, they are both ancient history buffs and its one of the very few topics that they can be heard talking about in actual peace without Tyson going apeshit when Kai loses interest in the conversation
Tyson and Kai are also those college students who pull ridiculous all nighters to study
Max once got so nervous for an exam he made a terrifying concoction of Red Bull and Instant Coffee to stay up and study
he aced the exam but he cannot for the life of him remember what he did in those 24hours bc as soon as he went home he crashed for nearly 32hours straight
Tyson and Ray who were present at the time refuse to speak about it and when asked about it, they kinda just. disassociate for a minute at the sheer horror they had witnessed
Kai rarely ever communicates with classmates yet somehow gets always invited to all the frat parties
who are those people? he doesn’t know
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some-j-imagines · 5 years
whiskey nights
GUYS guess who actually got off her ass and wrote something :D ! me ! yall know the only way to break out of a 3-something-year hiatus is with some smuttttttttttttt
also just a side note, when I used to write all this I was a virgin? And now im not? honestly writing smut as a virgin is a lot easier in my opinion LOL 
I felt the light sting of morning sunlight on my eyes, breaking through the obviously not dark enough purple curtains that hung on the window opposite of my side of the bed. As I fidgeted around a bit, my entire body felt tight, and sore, and the events of the night before started to come back in short flashes.
The joker had gotten back late from a heist, dripping in fancy new threads, jewelry, and an obnoxiously classic gold crown complete with a royal looking set of jewels.
I had no choice but to snort at the sight of everything once he walked in the room, setting down my cup of coffee on the table in front of me. "What'd you do tonight? Rob the queen of england?" As nonchalantly as possible, I attempted to 'fix up' the silk robe I had been lounging in to drape off the best parts of me in a suggestive way. But my hands continued to fumble, and I realized I may have put a bit more whiskey in my coffee than I had originally thought. And as if that weren't bad enough, my body had the audacity to let out an obnoxious hiccup.
The jokers face curled into a smile as he cozied up on the couch next to me, however so careful as to not let his skin touch mine. He knew how much I had been craving it. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Steadily, he extended his hand out to smooth some hair behind my ear, and I'm sure he could feel the heat radiating off my flushed face. This was both a symptom of the alcohol, and just his presence in general. But he wasn't stupid. "Looks like someone got bored, huh?" His eyes leered into mine, and while I knew from his body language he was acting playfully, I still feel like I'm getting caught for something. The unnerving way about his sharp features and attitude reduces me to feeling like a child getting caught taking sweets before dinner.
I attempted to smile as I avoided his eyes, looking meek as I tried to relax my back against the plush couch. He only seemed to move with me, not helping to alleviate my nerves at all. "Well," I trailed off, trying my best to play the innocent act, "you were gone for such a long time this heist." Looking up through my eyelashes, I saw that I had been playing this situation correctly. There was an unmistakable look of desire pooling in his eyes, but I knew him better than to just let this go. "I figured one drink couldn't hurt." His figure was hard to focus on in a steady way considering I had been feeling the room spin for quite some time now, but his features were hard to pull away from. He honestly was so beautiful.
A small chuckle escaped his lips as he tore his eyes away from my own, and onto the glass bottle on the table in front of us. Reaching for the intricately designed and delicate neck, he seemed to be looking over the rather small quantity I had left inside. His eyes made their way back onto mine, full of mischief and each word dripping with something not too dissimilar from amusement. "Have you been drinking daddy's whiskey?" I opened my mouth to say something, but was hushed by one of his rather course fingers halting my words by placing itself across my lips. "You know this is one of my favorite ones." "I know," you started enthusiastically, hiccupping in between breaths, "you were the one who showed me how to mix it in with my coffee!" I exclaimed, fondly remembering the other night we had spent together. The entire week had seemed to be something on the more depressing side, and I found myself sulking around the place more than usual. And while I didn't drink much, the joker had took it upon himself to teach me one of his favorite tricks. "It's so sweet this way." Another hiccup escaped my body, rather violently this time, and to steady myself I instinctively grabbed onto his shirt. "It tastes just like creamer!"
His smirk grew as he looked down at my hands, encasing them in his own, causing myself to press down harder onto his chest. "Baby," he said, almost rolling his eyes, "we both know you're not capable of having just one cup of coffee."
"So I might have had a few more than one." I shrugged, hitting his arm in the process of flaining my limbs I had almost no control over. Maybe I had poured one too many. "But, we were out of creamer."
His figure sat calmly in front of me, taking in my words while aimlessly fooling around with my hands. The feeling of his skin against mine was so warm and comforting. Pulling my hands up to his face, he looked up at me through a gaze as I felt his breath on my hands. "I suppose I have a minion to fire then, no?" His voice was in a low hush, and I felt his breath on my skin as he began to leave small kisses across the back of my hand, and down my fingers. I felt a light twinge in the pit just below my stomach, and had to fidget around in my seat to keep my composure. Obviously seeing my reaction, he chuckled a bit, and laid himself back onto the couch as well, pulling my hands down to rest seemingly low on his waist. "Everyone around here knows you drink the stuff more than water, we should have creamer in our fridge stocked up the ass. At all times." He sighed, looking up the ceiling for a moment before closing his eyes, and massaging his temple. He must have another one of his headaches. "Besides, if I don't kill a man every now and then, they start to forget who they're working for."
"Do you," hiccup, "have one of your headaches?" I leaned forward, forgetting about my current dearth of motor skills and depth perception. Basically falling forward into his lap, I felt his chest vibrate softly once again.
"No, sweetheart. I'm fine. Daddy's just had a very long day." Though I still climbed clumsily over him, steadying myself by grabbing his broad shoulder with my free hand, while the other trailed even further down south.
His eyes widened playfully as he let me continue. "Well if there's anything," I said, hooking my fingertips in the elastic band of his boxers, "I can do to help, just let me know."
Without missing a beat, he grabs my head by my hair, pulling my face closer to his while pushing my other hand down lower inch by inch. "You know, you get pretty bold when you're drunk." His eyes were so close to mine I could see the veins just under his skin, so blue they almost complimented his eyes. "And the smell of whiskey on your breath makes it that much sexier."
And he's right, too. Typically, while I'm no stranger to the sheets, my actions were always more reserved, waiting to be dominated. But as of right now, he was playing a game that I seemed to have no patience left for. "Is that right?" My whispers were plagued with these damn hiccups, so my voice would raise a few octaves every slip, but I continued to run my hand lower, finally feeling the brush of his trail start to begin. It caused a fire in the pit of my stomach and I closed my eyes. God how I longed for his rough touch.
Finally it had seemed like I had reached his breaking point, as he grabbed my wrist with a fierce grip and stopped me in my tracks. "You know I can't handle seeing you make faces like that." The low rumble of his voice resonated within my drunken body like music, and I began to feel the excitement of anticipation bubble up inside me. "Who says you get to have all the fun?" When he yanked my body forward I immediately gave into the motion, letting myself fall into his strong figure and be enveloped by his arms. I even gave a small moan as his hands brushed across my chest as he began to try and sit me up. "Don't get me started before we even make it to the bedroom, ____."
But I couldn't resist him. I had waited so long for him to return, thinking about his sharp cheekbones, and his strong hands rubbing themselves along my skin. Holding me down. Making me submit.
He was the only person in the world who had this effect on me, reducing me to a pile of lust and desire. I managed to throw my leg over his lap and straddle him, and as I lay myself over his chest and feel his hands steady me from the back, I rested my chin along his collarbone and spoke into his ear softly. "Why not, baby? What's wrong with right here?" Knowing that my window of control was closing quickly, I only had a few more minutes at best with the scale of power tipped in my favor. I reached back, unhooking the bra I had wanted to be ripped off me, and threw it somewhere on the ground.
For the quick second that he was stunned, I lifted his hands up to my chest, placing them over my breasts. A rather loud sigh escaped from the smile I had on my lips, and I began to feel him take over.
Almost too suddenly, I was pushed to lay on my back as a fervent mouth met mine. I relished in the feeling he gave me, cherishing every tug and pull as much as every kiss. Though I suppose I spoke too soon, because his face almost immediately trailed down my neck and onto my chest, not short of futile protests by myself. Though as I aimlessly tried to gain control over my limbs, Joker pinned my arms down above my head with a grip so tight I could feel the bones in my hand squeezing together. "Fuck." The expletive left me in no more than a whisper, and I wasn't sure if J could even hear me over his own ravaging.
"Don't be so quiet now, princess." Every word that left his mouth sounded more and more coy, and his 's's seemed to slither out seductively. "You know how I like to hear the sounds you make when I touch you." He trailed his hand down my body and finally settled it on my waist, giving me a squeeze and causing another involuntary moan to slip out.
He growled, and flipped my body over so that I was thrown a bit forward on my stomach. The entire motion took over me, and I found myself complacent to both the wills of J, and my drunken conscious. However much of my consciousness was left, that is. When I felt his hand rub down my back and caress my ass cheeks I couldn't hold back the sounds that escaped me. I was never one for being quiet, especially during sex. I suppose drunk me agrees.
Though that's when I felt him inch closer, and closer, down my ass and brush his hands right over my entrance, which is clad in the silk underwear he had bought for me once upon a time. "J," I whined, shutting my eyes and replaying the feeling that sent through my body as many times as I could, "p-please." While I wanted to blame my stutter on the lack of motor skills we both had known that at this point I'm simply flustered. He had won, once again, and I felt simply powerless, ready to beg for hours if that's what it took to get him to feel me in the way I so desired. "I want you to play with me." My words were meek, and slightly muffled since my head was being shoved into the couch cushion I was laying on. He merely chuckled once again, and kept fondling my assets all too far away from the points I wanted him to be hitting. Finally, his hands traced back to the thin fabric separating me from my bliss, and I let out another whine. Shoving my ass up and bending my back, I wiggled around suggestively. "Come onnnn-"
A sharp inhale cut off my speech as I felt his slim finger slide inside me with ease, the friction from the movement causing an immeasurable amount of pleasure to build up inside me. I continued to hold my breath and cherish the feeling for as long as I could, swinging around my hips suggestively and slightly backing up, forcing him to go a bit deeper each time. When the breath that I had been holding inside my chest was released a small giggle accompanied it as a smile grew onto my face.
He slipped in another finger immediately upon seeing my reaction. "Oh, princess," his voice was husky, and I could hear him pant slightly, "Don't you sound absolutely delicious." His fingers moved in and out a slow pace, and began to slightly curl up every few strokes. "And you're so fucking wet."
Finally composing enough of myself to think straight for a second, I hazily opened my eyes, turning back to see the man who put me in such a trance. Propping myself up on my elbow, I watched his eyes become fixated on his own fingers, watching as they reappeared with each stoke, slick and covered in my own wetness. The animalistic look in his eyes reminded me of an alpha staring down his prey. Fuck, he was so sexy.
"J," I began, taking the initiative myself to kick my underwear off completely. I was sure that my display was less than coordinated and sexy, and probably more primitive and desperate. Though he was still, for the most part, fully dressed. And I couldn't have that. "Come on, baby please. I want you to fuck me."
I began to try and fumble with the button on his pants but I was immediately shoved back down, and onto my stomach. Turning my head slightly to look up at him I saw the ferocity in his eyes as he leered at me while discarding rather quickly of his clothes. "Maybe we should get you drunk more often, huh?" And before I was even able to respond I felt him pushing through my entrance once more, the width of his fingers proving not to be quite enough anymore. "You seem to be so much more...what is the word?"
His shallow strokes were with full intention to stir me up, to make me beg even more. But haven't I been humiliated enough? The whining only became more audible as he continued to push me farther and farther.
I reached back, hastily grabbing his arm to drag it over, and guide him to wrap his hand around my throat. Sticking my ass up in the air once again, I didn't know how else to get what I wanted.
His low groan and sudden positioning served as his response as he ever so slowly withdrew his fingers and steadied himself on my ass. I could feel him position himself behind me as his grip grew tighter around my neck.
"Whos my good girl?" He snarled, finally giving into my pleads and pushing himself inside me with luscious force...
My day dream was broken by an intense amount of sunlight flooding the room, and I opened my eyes to see the culprit. Joker, ever so fresh eyed and bushy-tailed, stood at the edge of the bed basking in my weak, hungover form sprawled across his bed. "Rise and shine, princess." His voice was eager considering the time of day.
The toxic contents of my stomach boiled inside from the night before as I felt the bile rise up in my throat. "Why are we getting up so early today baby?" I wasn't even able to open my eyes as I attempted to snuggle back into the plush bedding. But he crouched down to my eye level, and his presence was hard, if not impossible to ignore. One of my eyes shot open to see him outright smirking before me.
"I figured we could get started on those coffee's early today." His hand smoothed my erratic looking morning har behind my head and his fingers continued their soothing motions. "Daddy took the day off since you seemed to have been missing me so terribly." He straightened up, and I wasn't able to tear my eyes away until my face was inches away from his bare pelvis. "Doesn't my good girl want another round?"
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Fragmentary Memories: Fanfic Preview
This is still a work in progress but I promised yall a rewrite with all of my head canons and its  HAPPENING. Gotta love me my Trans! Sora The fic, pairing is SoRikai, with moments of every combination! PS This fic also includes REAL TECHNIQUES FOR DEALING WITH PTSD and Panic attacks 
Tap Tap Tap the distant sound of rock against glass persisted againstthe calm sound of rain outside of the small room. On the bed sat a petite feminine figure of a person, crouched in a corner, their back pressed against the walls of their room, and their gaze fixed upon a tan paper, ink etched into its surface. It had become a nightly routine for the ‘girl’ to jot down her thoughts; it helped with the nightmares. On pages she could map out her deepest fears, that which were inarticulable to even those she held dear. The emotions that still ruminated in her soul, and weren’t yet ready to make themselves known. It was a practice she found to be almost sacred in that aside from being the arms (or sometimes plopped down ontop of or in between) of her two dearest people, eased the ever growing fear that nestled in her heart. Though this practice was sacred, she found herself snapped out of the moment by in incessant tapping.
“What on earth is that sound” she exclaimed as she pushed the curtains aside only to see a water drenched boy standing a story below, looking up solemnly at her. “Sora! What the hell are you doing out in the rain, you’ll freeze to death!” She exclaimed as she quickly opened her window.
“I know…it’s stupid but please …” he didn’t have to finish his sentence, Kairi saw the desperation in Sora’s eyes a look she hadn’t seen since the night that changed all of their lives. Without hesitation Kairi held her hand out to him knowing he could make the jump up into her window without rousing the attention of her sleeping grandmother a few doors down.
Sora backed up and ran towards the side of the house, skillfully using the leverage to jump up and grasp Kairi’s hand. Within a few moments he stood, soaked in the middle of her bedroom. “Thank you” he whispered softly, his voice husk and devoid of its usual playfulness. Kairi could make out the puffiness and faint red tint in his eyes and faint salt streaks along his cheeks almost washed away by the rain. Without saying a word Kairi reached out, clasping her hand in his giving him a gentle affirming squeeze. She didn’t have to know what happened or what was wrong, she only knew that whatever it was, it had shaken him to his core.
“Of course, is there anything you need right now, you’re soaked let me get you something to change into”. Kairi offered as she turned to go to her dresser. The suggestion sent a wave of nausea to the boys stomach and itch under his skin in protest; however all he could externalize was a faint defiant tug at her hand.
Drawing her attention back towards him Kairi tilted her head in confusion. Sora’s expression had quickly changed. There was a quick flash of fear, and storminess in his eyes, sending a wave of concern throughout her. Though she began to become increasingly worried about what could have possibly caused such a reaction out of him, she knew that remaining calm would be the best way help her friend. “No worries” she said softly, giving his hand another gentle squeeze. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
Sora’s grip on her hand seemed to tighten at that statement as he averted his gaze. His body was tense, his breathing beginning to become increasingly shallow, as echos and images flashed in his mind.
We’ve had enough of this. You disappear for god knows how long doing god-knows what and you expect us to be okay with it? You’re delusional. You don’t know what youre walking about all of that stress has gotten to your head!
The voices and images of his parent’s anger continued to resonate over and over. His precious belongings, gone, his clothes gone everything. He couldn’t stop the recent memories, they replayed on repeat until he felt a gentle squeeze on his hand again, tethering him to the reality before him. Bringing him back into his body. His gaze darted around the room, taking in their surroundings.
“You’re safe” Kairi whispered softly as to not startle him.
“Sorry” he managed to choke out, worriedly “Sorry…sorry sorry” his words seemed more like expressions to himself, or an invisible other rather than to his friend as he repeated the words.
“It’s okay, I’m not upset, you’re safe…I will stay here with you as long as you need” she responded quietly. “Is it okay to hug you?” she asked to which Sora’s eyes widened and he frantically shook his head.
“Sorry” he replied again, his breathing growing more erratic.
“It’s okay, do you want to try some grounding exercises?” she asked, knowing that Sora’s condition would most likely escalate if he wasn’t able to ground himself soon.
Sora thought for a moment, or rather attempted to gather his scattered fragments of thoughts before slowly shaking his head.
“Okay, what’s five things you can see?” Kairi asked quietly, as she gently ran her thumb along the back of Sora’s hand in a soothing pattern.
Sora couldn’t formulate words but merely pointed to a few items in the room, each item slowly drawing his focus back from the fear ridden fog it had been in. He looked around, noticing the dimly lit lights, he pointed to the note book perched upon Kairi’s pale pink cotton sheets, the Crayon drawings of their adventures hanging on Kairi’s wall, the way Kairi’s face though relaxed, still showed concern in the faint furrow of her brow, the pale pink color of her nails as they brushed against his hand. Sora could only point at the things as Kairi gently urged him on.
“Good, what’s four things you can hear?” she asked again.
Sora closed his eyes for a moment taking in the sound of the rain pounding against the window, the sound of his own slowly stabilizing breathing, his occasional coughs and sniffles, the buzz of the heater, and the calming sound of Kairi’s steady breath. For each thing he heard he managed to choke out a single word indication.
“That’s excellent” she gave his hand another gentle squeeze “What’s three things you can feel?”
Sora thought for a moment, he could feel the gentle caress of Kairi’s fingers stroking his hand, their consistent motion soothing his racing thoughts. He could feel the fuzziness of carpet beneath his feet, as he’d ran over barefoot, and he could feel the cling of his damp clothes against his skin, and the tight nylon fabric of a binder pressed against his chest.
“I-I think…I’m okay…” he managed to respond, as he gave Kairi’s hand a gentle squeeze.
They stood just like that for a few moments in silence, as Sora gathered his thoughts, his breathing had stabilized and his incoherent memories began to solidify. After a few minutes he finally uttered.
“They threw out everything…they hate me…they’re…they’re going to disown me.” His voice cracked at the statement as tears began to fill his eyes. “Everything! All of my clothes, all of my belongings anything they thought was too boyish my parents through out! They screamed at me!”
Kairi felt a wave of anger course through body at Sora’s distress, at the way his usual happy kind eyes seemed so defeated, and broken. She clutched her free hand in a fist, trying to swallow her anger to be fully present for Sora but she couldn’t.
“Listen to me, they’re wrong. They are so incredibly wrong, whatever they think whatever they say, they’re wrong for treating you like that you hear me Sora?” She placed her hands gently on Sora’s cheeks to direct his gaze to her.
He stared back at her, eyes wide with tears. “You’re one of the strongest, kindest, loveliest boys I know, and if they can’t see that, if they can’t see all the things their sonhas done then theyaren’t worthy of you. You’re the boy who saved the universe for crying out loud. And they’re mad because what? They got your gender wrong? I’ll fight both of them goddamit.” Kairi tried her best to manage her anger.
Kairi’s words broke the floodgate Sora had been suppressing in his whirlwind panic. Relief, fear, sadness, hatred, visceral pain all bubbled their way to the surface as Sora reached towards Kairi, burying his face into the crook of her neck in a half attempt to muffle his sobs. Taking Sora’s lead on physical contact, Kairi wrapped her arms around him, gently placing the flat of her hand on his back, and gently rubbed circles into the damp fabric.  They stayed like that for a few moments, Kairi’s arms firm around him as he fell apart.
Kairi had always known Sora’s parents did not approve of who he really was even before their journey across worlds, but she never imagined they’d do something as drastic as disown him. During their time on the islands when they were younger, Sora always passed himself off as a tomboy much to his parent’s disapproval. But spending so many years away from them, meeting new people, new places, had allowed Sora the freedom to be himself. No one questioned, no one knew, except her and Riku. Sora had grown into the young man he was always meant to be, and yet, his parents could not see him for who he really was. The thought angered Kairi, the pain they caused him sent her into a rage, but more important than her rage was her ability to comfort her dear friend. She continued to simply breathe deeply and rub soothing circles into the boys back.
After nearly twenty minutes, Sora had cried himself dry. All that he could make out were faint whimpers and sniffles. He’d tired himself out emotionally, his head throbbed and his eyes were puffy and red, contrasting against the electric blue of his irises. “I’m sorry for causing so much trouble…I should probably head back” he managed to whimper out.
“Heck no” Kairi responded adamantly “you’re staying here tonight, or going over Riku’s but no way are you going back to that hell house. You’re no trouble at all I’m glad you came here, and that you’re safe. I will always be there for you Sora, you know that” she gently cupped his cheek with a soft smile.
Sora glanced up at her, his gaze meeting hers for a moment. Her tender smile sending an ache in his chest, the contrast of her kindness against a growing wound he carried, her warmth contrasted against his own. He hadn’t quite realized how warm she was. In their years a part, the quiet girl, had grown to become a kind warm protector. The tenderness of her touch and the gentleness of her smile enveloped him in a sense of safety. Content with her offer he simply nodded and snaked his arms around her in a grateful squeeze.
“I can even call Riku if you want, and make it a sleep over.” She suggested as she began to shift around looking for her phone. “Though god I don’t know what would stop him from not storming over to your house and fighting your parents on sight if he finds out.” She said with a slight chuckle to lighten the mood as she began to step away to grab her phone. However her actions were stopped by Sora tugging her back closer.
“In…in a moment…” he responded softly, not wanting to lose the warmth surrounding him. He felt far to tender and exposed to break the moment.
Kairi let out a surprised huff, before settling back into him, wrapping her arms around him again. Sora in response nuzzled into her and closed his eyes.  
Pt 2
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airis-paris14 · 6 years
Kings Trip Ch. 10
A/N So I’m only 36 hours late. But I hope y’all enjoy anyway. I had fun trying to right for Erik. Let me know how I did. This series has been amazing and I hope to continue being apart of collaborations in the future. Love all of you all!
Chapter 1 ( @sisterwifeudaku )| Chapter 2 ( @blackandfair )| Chapter 3 ( @royallyprincesslilly )| Chapter 4 ( @eerythingisshaka)| Chapter 5 ( @katasstrophey )| Chapter 6 ( @blublubleu )| Chapter 7 ( @dramaqueenamby )| Chapter 8 ( @kumkaniudaku ) | Chapter 9 ( @muse-of-mbaku)|
Next writer up is..... @mbakusthrone
Now where both of y’all niggas going?” Erik frowned as the two put the last finish in touches on their outfits. “I thought we could try to hit up the strip club again. Now that Nakia is gone.” He suggested.
“I’m going to see Max.” T’Challa replied,double checking the way his shirt fell open just below his jacket. “I have got a date with Muse.” M'Baku shrugged. “Wait. This nigga just got out of a one sided relationship,” the prince pointed at the king. “And yo barking ass just saw the same woman this morning. And y’all both pussywhipped niggas in less than 24 hours.” The prince slumped onto the couch observing the two men gather in their things to leave.
“Maybe you could go to this strip club, by yourself?” M’Baku shrugged. “Nigga. Y’all forgot why we here? It’s a Kings trip!”
“Well I only see two kings in the room right now,” M’Baku remarked. “If yo gorilla looking ass make one more smart assed remark,” Erik fumed. “Hey,Hey!” T’Challa held his cousin back. “This is why we are on this trip in the first place. We are here to bond. And Erik is right. We should be doing more together. So let’s compromise. Mbaku and I go out tonight. Then, everyone has to choose a group activity. Starting with the strip club.” T’Challa offered.
Erik huffed his assent and shrugged out of his cousins hold. M’Baku also nodded begrudgingly as he rose from the couch. “Good. N’Jadaka, we will be back later. Try to get out of the hotel.” The Wakandan king suggested.
The African prince trudged into the kitchen. Sighing he glanced at the fridge before noticing a small flyer taped to the door with a note, scrawled in T’Challa’s hand. Some of the students from the outreach center are participating in a poetry slam tonight. From what I have heard of this competition, I thought you might like to go. -T.
Erik unfolded the flyer from behind the handwritten note and glanced over the paper in his hand.
Monthly open mic featuring the Oakland Team
Admission is $5 to support the team’s journey to Brave New Voices. 6:30 @ Frenchie’s Bar and Grill.
“So little niggas think they got game? A’ight. I respect that.” Erik chuckled as he slipped the flyer into his pocket. He grabbed his keys and his wallet and jogged out the door.
The small restaurant was packed full of friends in family. Applause drifted out in to the night air as a poet walked off the stage.The young prince took a seat at the back of the small restaurant as you woman walked up to the stage. Thank you, Thank you all for joining us tonight!” the black woman beamed as her ankara print skirt swished around her ankles. “Thank you to the lovely Danielle for opening as our sacrificial poet tonight. Now I know this is not our usual venue, but the school auditorium is finally undergoing some much needed repairs. Thanks to the Wakandan Outreach center. So Tina and her team here at Frenchie’s has graciously opened their doors up to us for the time being and for that we are all grateful.” The M.C. took a moment to pause and begin a round of applause . The slight swell of her lips as she spoke into the microphone drew Erik’s attention as she continued. “Now we have just a few ground rules for tonight’s performances. This is an open space, where youth feel free to share their experiences. So we ask that you respect everyone and their experience. There is no right or wrong way to express oneself, unless it harms others.”
The prince’s eyes were drawn to her hands as the gestured wildly, making every movement she completed capture the full attention of her audience. Her smile almost blinded the prince as his ears fell back into focus. “And our last rule is to have fun and enjoy yourselves and the immense talent that these children have. With that, our first poet of the night is Deshawn. Please give him a warm round of applause as he makes his way to the stage.” The woman’s skirt swished around her as she moved towards the back of the room.
Erik followed her with his eyes before moving to stand next to her. She glanced up once before her eyes returned to the child on the stage. “Erik,” the prince whispered extending a hand. “Ah, the local rags to riches story. Oni, the kids call me Ms.O.” The black woman’s smile gleamed from behind her brown lips.
“You know who I am?” He smirked. “Who in Oakland hasn’t heard of you. Local kid, graduated with honors. Went to MIT, top of your class. When off and became a top military agent. Then more recently, a crown prince of Wakanda. In line for the throne hypothetically. You’re every little Oakland boy’s dream.” The woman shrugged, glancing down at her list as the young poet began to close.
“You don’t seem impressed,” Erik smirked. “As far as I’m concerned. You still just another nigga from the block.” Oni smirked.
Erik’s grin stretched miles wide as she went back on to stage. The young poets came and went as the night went on.
How’s the show? T’Challa’s message buzzed on his wrist. It’s dope. Thanks for letting me know.
No problem. Enjoy.😊T’Challa’s response was instantaneous. Nigga, don’t ever use that emoji again. Erik replied.
Why not? I am just displaying my appreciation.
“This nigga,” Erik muttered as his attention fluttered back to the end of the show. “Thank you all for coming. We host weekly workshops and performance opportunities. So join us every Tuesday at the community center. Get home safely and remember. You. Are. Loved. Goodnight!” Oni’s voice rang out over the studio as people began to filter out.
A few kids hung behind to talk to Oni before heading out themselves. Erik waited patiently as the last of the kids left. He startled the brown skinned woman as he placed a chair on the table beside her. “So you’re a ‘you can take the man out of Oakland, but you can’t take Oakland out of the man’ type of woman?”
“I guess you could say that,” the poet grinned while moving to another table. “What if I said I could show you more than you can imagine?” Erik offered. “I’d say, I don’t walk around alone with strangers.”
“What if I don’t want to be a stranger?” The Wakandan prince stopped moving. Oni took a deep breath, ignoring his suggestions. “I’ve really got to get home your highness.” she joked moving to grab her things. Oni walked around double checking lights as she called out a goodbye to The kitchen crew. “Ok, it’s late. How you gettin’ home?” Erik insisted. “I’m just gonna call an lyft or something. I’ll figure it out” the blackwoman shrugged as she strolled towards the front door.
“Let me figure it out for you. I’ll take you home,” he offered jingling his car keys as the vibranium car glowed. “Just because you got a fancy car, that probably cost more money than i’ll ever see in my lifetime, dont mean im gonna let you drive me home. You still just another nigga from the block.” the woman sassed opening the lyft app. “Look, tell you what. I’ll have my guard ride with us.” he offered.
“Why, so there can be two men in the car?” the woman deadpanned. “Hard pass.”
“Look ma. How much do you actually know about Wakanda?” the prince grabbed the phone from her grasp. “Negro give me my phone!” Oni hissed. “Just answer the question and I’ll give you the phone.” Erik bartered. “Ok, All I know is y’all rich and black.Now give me the phone!” Oni fumed as Erik held the phone above him where she couldn’t reach it.
“I like the way my name sounds on yo lips ma.” the prince grinned. “Say it again.” Oni bit back a grin as she pouted. “Just give me the phone please.” Erik laughed, “You gotta say my name for it princess.” Oni sighed, “Just give me the phone Erik, please.”
Erik play moaned as he pulled the phone back into reach. Oni punched his shoulder as she closed the app for now. “Let me show you something different ok? Look, I’ll have Ayo come down here and if you still feel uncomfortable with her then I’ll have a car come take you home. Ok?” Oni sighed reluctantly as Erik called for Ayo.
“Your guard is a woman?” The woman questioned as Ayo appeared from around the corner. “Yeah the royal family’s personal guards are all female in Wakanda. Dora Milaje, the most elite group of warriors in Wakanda.” Erik explained. “More elite than the men?” Oni inquired. “Yeah, they can whoop your ass in a heartbeat.” Erik only half joked as Ayo approached. “Sikhulu wam,” Ayo saluted. “ Ayo, Oni here is worried about riding home with me alone in the car. I was wondering if you would ride with us to calm her nerves,’ Erik explained in his overly clear voice. “njengoko kufanele abe,” Ayo nodded. “As you should be,” the woman flawlessly translated.
“She’s kidding,” Erik reassured as he lead the way to the car.
Once everyone was settled into the car, Erik pulled off down the street, in the wrong direction. “Negro, my apartment is the other direction.”
“I know, we’ll make it there,eventually.” Erik grinned. “Eventually?” Oni shot up. “Chill ma. I just wanna get to know you. Since you know so much about me.” Erik clarified. “What’s there to know about me? The kids are my life. Parents died when I was younger. My aunt who raised me was killed in a drive by last year.” Oni shrugged.
“Damn, I’m sorry O.” Erik frowned as he pulled onto another street. “How much money the kids need to raise for that voices thing?” Erik asked once the traffic light hit green. “Huh?” Oni fell out of her day dream. “The flyer? It said yall we charging admission so the kids could compete later this year. “Oh yeah. It’s a national and international poetry slam. We’ve got a really good group of kids this year. But you know, parents trying to make ends meet, doesn’t usually mean they can spare money for a hotel rooms and meals. We like to give the kids some spending money too. It’s not often they get to get out of this community. We like to reward them, for staying out of trouble. It’s hard when trouble stares at you from every corner, ya know?”
Erik pulled to a stop in front of Oni’s apartment building. “Let me walk you up,” Erik hopped out of the car and opened the door for the woman. They walked in silence up the stairs together. “Can I see you again soon?” Oni finally broke the silence when they stopped in front of her door.
Erik grinned “Ah, you want to see me again?” Oni let a matching grin slide over her face. “Don’t get cocky nigga.” Oni laughed, “You are different Erik.” she conceded with a smile on her face. “You’ve got no idea ma.” Erik grinned as he pulled the woman into a hug.
“I guess i better go,” Oni gestured to her door. “Yeah. Good night,” Erik pouted. “I’ll see you soon, the woman smiled sadly, pushing open her door. “See you soon,” Erik saluted as he walked backwards down the hall. He waited till he heard her deadbolt click before he walked back out to the car.
He settled into the car, where Ayo was smiling from the back seat. “I like her,” the warrior grinned through the rear view mirror. “I feel like a having a burger, You want one A?” Erik ignored her comment as he pulled off. But his smile said it all.
@blackandfair @blublubleu @katasstrophey @mbakusthrone @njadont @k-michaelis @wakandanmoonchild @idilly @texasbama @afraiddreamingandloving @ixan-ity @daytimeheroicsonly @onyour-right @brianabreeze @sisterwifeudaku @ironsquad @killmongerdispussy @90sinspiredgirl @willowtree77785901 @maynardqueen101 @heyauntieeee @halfrican-heat @purple-apricots @lalapalooza718 @blue-ishx @profilia @ljstraightnochaser @girl-wtf-lmao @dramaqueenamby @royallyprincesslilly @melaninmarvel @thiccdaddy-mbaku @lavitabella87 @purplehairgawdess @unholyxcumbucket @uhlxis @oshasimone @maliadestiny @drsunshine97 @cozyshack2 @zxddy-panther @queentearra @skysynclair19 @retro-melanin @mermaidchansons @misspooh @melanisticroyalty @babygirlofwakanda @wakanda-4evr
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ughthatimagineblog · 6 years
azriel x reader
warnings; fluff? a kind of traumatic reference and some implied angst?
word count; 2672
requested; then anonymous but revealed to be @sippy--sippy also @smileylaurens expressed interest in this (even tho this be hella long a most likely trash)
prompt; the reader is an archeron sister and is mates w azriel but doesnt know :o
a/n; bruh so i kind of leave this off at a vEry bad spoT lmaooo kind of implying smut? but like ill do a part 2 of smut if yall want
your dress (in blue and black instead)
feyre's (in black and silver instead)
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If tripping over one’s feet while dancing was a sport, you were an Oympian. A little over a month had gone by since you had made it back from Hybern. From the horrid day you were changed, like your sisters. Feyre tells you her transition was rough, you saw Nesta and Elain’s was harder. As Nesta barely slept and Elain never ate, you had made a smoother transition.
Sure, it was hard to deal with. Humans were taught to fear the kind you had been turned into. All you had known were horror stories. But the kindness Rhysand and Mor and Cassian and Azriel had shown you in your first few days back had told you different.
There were days you felt guilty, as you ate and spent time with them. You felt like a traitor; what Nesta had made you out to be. She was angry and her anger was festering as she found it unbelievable you would ever side with them, you understanding exactly who “them” was. When she said this, you had corrected her.
“We are them, now.” You had told her. This didn’t sit well with her at all.
You found the best company in Cassian and Azriel. Amren, who you had learned was more than ancient, was indeed the cranky aunt. Mor was always busy and Rhys was off finding the next thing to do about the Hybern situation, all while trying not to worry about Feyre.
You, on the other hand, never worried of your sister. She was smart and cunning and hard to kill. She helped keep you and your sisters alive and you were confident she could very well keep herself alive.
So on nights you spent wandering the streets of Velaris with your newfound friends, the guilt eased. It’s waves that would crash against the shores of your mind calmed to instead lap at the edges.
Cassian distracted you with light humor as Azriel. . . Azriel was a different kind of comfort. He was there in ways Cassian couldn’t be. Sure, Azriel had a sense of humor only showing it around just Cassian and you, but on nights you couldn’t sleep or Nesta’s accusations became too harsh to ignore, he would be two doors down, outside his room, waiting to help you, like he knew.
Those were the nights you spent walked the silent streets. The ones where no one went three hours past midnight. Some of these nights, you didn’t even speak save two words that were spoken in the House of Wind. “Take me.” And he would.
When Feyre returned you were foolishly enraptured by him. The foolish part because you saw how in-love he was with Mor. They had known each other for longer than you had even been alive. How could you compete?
When the nightmares came you stopped opening your door, even as Azriel could hear your screams through the walls. Even as he waited in the hallways until the screaming stopped long after he realized you wouldn't come.
When Feyre returned, you helped ease her heart. At least one of her sisters were doing well. Almost. She noticed your bags that didn’t seem as bad as Nesta’s or Elain’s, indicating they were a new occurrence and she noticed the way you avoided certain rooms or areas of the city.
She had spoke with Cassian and he informed that you had begun acting reclusive only recently. It had begun to worry him. And Azriel too.
But Feyre confronted you about it after Rhys had dropped you off at the door. While Feyre truly didn’t need to ask, as Daemati, she made herself and Rhys promise to never look into any of her family’s minds. Rhys respected this. So she asked you anyways. And you told her. You had no reason to lie. You trusted her. Trusted she would respect the fact you were no longer a child and could deal with your feelings as you are capable. But she felt for you. She felt sorry that you couldn't see the worry practically enveloping the man you had become smitten with. Feyre tasted it off the air around him when he greeted her on the ice and she could tell it wasn’t just because of her.
Worried about my sister despite a war about to rage and being preoccupied with thee Lord's sons to deal with. Feyre had thought to herself. This had sparked a hunch she later shared with Rhys that night. He didn’t shoot it down.
If he were to be completely honest, Azriel would always love Mor. That would never change. Just as he would always love Rhysand or Cassian or Amren or Feyre. And if he were to go back in time and tell himself, ‘There's someone else.’ he probably would have scoffed. But he believed it now.
Azriel had grown to love you as well, despite past feelings for Mor. But the nights he spent with you and Cassian, he had fallen for your smile, your laugh, your voice. Everything. And if he didn’t think that he wasn’t worthy of you, he would tell you the truth. That it was far more than an infatuation.
Rhys talked to him instead. He did not inform Azriel of your feelings, but let it be known Rhys knew of his for you. And Az had to be the one to tell you. No one else, despite that after a month and a half, everyone else already knew. The conversation was nothing short of a quarrel between friends.
“Rhys, you know I can’t. Has she not figured it out yet?” Azriel asked his High Lord. Rhys shook his head. “She was human before, she wouldn’t know how to tell. Feyre was the same way.” Rhys promised him. Azriel knew now that his suspicions were confirmed. He was a shadowsinger after all. “I’m giving you one big shot. I will hold a party two nights from now in honor of Feyre’s return.” Rhys suggested and Azriel gave him a look.
“Not truly. We need an excuse. Take your opportunity on that night however it comes but you and I both know it may not come again anytime soon. War is on our shores, Az.” Rhys told him. “That’s another reason why I wish to not tell her. If I die,” Rhys gave Az a look. “If I die, I don’t want her to know.” Azriel finished. Rhys crossed his arms. “The moment you die is the moment she will know if she had not figured it out already and it will hurt that much more."
The sound of Feyre’s neck snapping replayed in his mind and he shuddered. Azriel knew what he meant and left him without another word.
The party came and you were thrilled. Many people. Many distractions. You devoted yourself to one mantra that simply stated to focus on your friends to distract from your feelings. Your feelings that seemed to be so strong you couldn't ignore them.
You knew the party was in favor of Feyre which confused you were you saw yourself in the mirror. You were wearing things far more beautiful than anything you had ever worn while it still held the hint of Night Court. The top was more of a necklace of gold and blue jewels that was large enough to cover part of your neck and drape over your shoulders, cutting off right at the edge of your shoulder. It came further down in a point on your chest that connected to a single piece of fabric that drooped and reconnected with the piece in the back and if flowed all the way to your feet. The edge just brushed the floor. About a quarter of the way up, it began to grow transparent as it went down, turning into falling starlight, becoming completely invisible at your feet. You saw cuffs of fabric that dropped on your shoulders and again, reconnected at the back.
You looked like a walking embodiment of the Night Court and began to grow grateful they allowed their neck jewelry to be flexible as you turned your head to look at your dressers.
Your hair had been set to frame your face and show the blue statement earrings you wore. You could have sworn you had seen the blue elsewhere.
Entering the main part of the House, you found crowds upon crowds that grew hushed upon your entrance. Feyre was wearing an equally stunning gown as she approached you. “Everyone thinks you look stunning.” She whispered and you smiled. “What do Elain and Nesta think of this?” You asked and she tapped your forearm. “Nevermind them.” She told you and begun the festivities again.
Cassian danced with you a few times, poking fun of how you look like royalty for once and you tried hard not to notice Azriel on the balcony outside, his back turned to the stars. On guard as usual. You told yourself.
He was busy.
You danced until your feet hurt, realizing that was why your dressers left your feet untouched.
You stumbled all the time but you didn’t care. You had counted your blessings that night to discover you had many. Your sister was back, your friends were safe, Lucien was behaving, everything was nice. You just wished Azriel would let himself have fun.
The music was full in your ears and your free dancing persisted, even if your feet began to ask you to stop.
You looked regal and felt it too.
You were so caught up in the beautiful night that you didn’t notice the way people cleared the dance floor. You only looked up when the upbeat live music began to lull into a soft slow song. Not for dancing. For intermission.
You looked up in the direction of Feyre and Rhysand, then noticing as everyone else had cleared. Your friends were grinning. And looking behind you.
You heard footsteps approach you from behind and turned to see Azriel approaching you. If you were him, you would have seen the nervousness seeping off of him.
“Y/N.” Your name rolled off of his lips sounding like a song to your ears. “A-Az.” You managed. “Will you dance with me?” He asked, voice not wavering despite the heart bursting from his chest. “O-of course.” You agreed and looked to Mor who looked more than happy this was happening. "Don’t worry about her.” You heard Az whisper to you and you whipped your head to look at him in confusion.
You took his hands, feeling the burns and you felt your chest tighten. In the moment you swore to rip his step brothers to shreds if you ever got the chance. Without hesitation, you might add.
You must have not been thinking because you brought one of his hands to your lips in a kind of apology. It wasn’t the reaction Az was expecting, but it made his shadowsinger heart melt nonetheless.
The music began again to a sort of slow song. Az had been watching you all night and he knew your feet were tired. “Step on my toes.” He whispered, slowly beginning to sway. “What?” You asked, still going over why the hell you did that in front of everyone. “Step on my toes, your feet hurt.” He offered and your heart lurched as you stepped on his shoes. Your height was that of a mouse this close to him.
When he began properly dancing he leaned into your ear. “I hope you don’t mind being this close to me. We can stop if you like.”
It took everything Azriel had to not smile at the way your grip tightened at the suggestion.
“N-no no, I’m alright.” You said as you carefully set your head on his chest. Something more intimate, something to test the waters with. He had no objection. His right hand on your waist, your left hand curled around his shoulder. You were watching the way his fingers interlocked with yours when you noticed his Siphon.
‘Oh,’ you thought. ‘That blue.’
“Y/N,” Azriel began. “This night isn’t for Feyre.” He told you and he gulped. You mirrored the action. He went into detail about how Rhys had told him to tell you the truth, all without telling you what this ‘truth’ was.
You pulled away to look into his hazel eyes. “What is it?” You asked, noticing everyone was still watching. Rhys on his end, was silently praying these reactions didn’t run in the family.
“You’re my mate.”
A mix of emotions flooded over you like a fire that had once been struggling to even get a spark had now erupted into a bright flame.
You knew the basics of what “mates” were. They were a higher, closer bond than marriage. Bound by stars and fate and they belonged to only each other.
You had heard of Feyre’s story about how she found out Rhys was her mate. She told you of some of the customs. And you knew that mates saw each other as equals in every way.
Looking at Azriel now, you knew that was true.
It was truer than everything you’d ever known, actually.
You had never thought that of any of your relationships before. Any of them. Thinking back you always, subconsciously or consciously, thought either higher or lower of yourself. But with Azriel, it was equal.
He treated you the same way. Of course, when the mating bond had snapped into place for him, he then knew why he always felt you deserved the best treatment. Not that he thought he was less. It was just who he was.
Azriel had been noting your facial expressions that were, as of now, both shock and happiness.
“This whole party was meant for me to ask whether or not you accept.” He told you truthfully. You looked around again.
Mor was smiling, Cassian was grinning with his arms crossed, Lucien looked royal and was half smiling and Rhys and Feyre. . . Your sister had tears in her eyes as Rhysand looked more than proud, but also cautious.
You had a choice.
You could say no. You could say you didn’t accept. But if you did, Feyre had told you there was a platter of food untouched for you, “Later.” She had told you. You knew what it was for now.
You scanned the room and found it sitting there. It seemed to be some sort of meat, elegantly placed with other side dishes.
Azriel followed your gaze and knew you were weighing your options.
You looked back to his hands. He said nothing but the shadows swirling around his feet told you he was beyond nervous.
“It’s my choice.”
“Now and forever.” No hesitation.
You released his hands, looking into his eyes you could have sworn there was a flash of hurt.
The steps you took to grab the platter echoed. People stared. The way back was longer. The plate was light. When you reached Az’s feet again, you retracted your arms a bit.
“Only if you promise to make it official in less than twenty four hours. I was human first you know. I do like rings.” You joked with him and you heard a choked laugh. Probably from Mor, who looked as though she would cry earlier.
“Done.” Azriel smiled. Actually smiled.
You handed the platter over to him and the crowd cheered as you both walked towards the large dining table and he took a seat to begin eating.
The dancing resumed and you probably got a thousand congratulations from your close friends. Feyre was proudest. In the times you weren’t chatting, you watched your mate eat and in occasionally speak to people or hold your hand or speak to you.
In those moments you watched him. And remembered something.
Feyre, always having been more open to you, described what the first. . . Twenty four hours of being mated was like. You looked to her and Rhys and cringed. You looked back to Azriel and felt your heart stop.
This was going to be a fun next few days.
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immortalheart · 6 years
Attempted Lore Roundup – Bastet Short Story
Ana’s thoughts suggest that Jack *knew* Gabriel was alive pre-Old Soldiers comic. However, I personally don’t think Jack is working with Gabe in any way. “He was uneasy now. Staying in one place for too long was risky, especially now that Gabe would be looking for him. He  had to move on.” These are Jack’s thoughts. If he was working with Gabriel, he wouldn’t be worried about Gabe finding him. HOWEVER, I DO still think that Gabriel is a double agent/working to take down Talon. I just don’t think Jack’s part of/aware he’s part of the plan. Go check out Segadores-Y-Soldado’s post about this theory to learn more about wtf I’m talking about.
Dr. Faisal is likely the argeologisist character that has been speculated throughout the fandom and connected to Illios, Oasis, and Temple of Anubis.
Ana lost her memories post-fight with Widowmaker, just as many in the fandom have suggested.
Jack already knew that Amelie was Widowmaker and is apparently a fountain of knowledge that is untouched as of now.
References to the spider-web of connections seen in Sombra’s origins video, as well as the Reaper sightings map seen on the Temple of Anubis map. This basically confirms that Jack is getting his information from Sombra
Jack looked for Ana after her ‘death’. Gabriel sent McCree to try to find her as well.
Jack (as well as Sombra) are still the only people to refer to Gabriel as “Gabe” (originally pointed out by Segadores-Y-Soldado, an amazing lorist who is just amazing. Ana has multiple instances to refer to him as ‘Gabe’ but continuously calls him Gabriel. Alas, I missed that Ana DID call him Gabe at the end RIP
Overwatch did something, likely connected to the Anubis God AI, to destabilize Egypt and it never completely recovered. Considering Ana says “a decade after”, this suggests that Overwatch’s intervention was after the Omnic Crisis, suggesting that something happened to the God AI both during AND after the Crisis. This allows Hakim and his organization (never named) to take control of the country.
Jack’s healing is slowing down and it’s officially confirmed that healing is part of his SEP enhancements. Segadores-Y-Soldado called this too btw.
An Overwatch mission happened in Prague at some point during Overwatch’s reign. Ana ended up carrying Jack for some reason and Reinhardt failed to be sneaky (duh). Considering that Ana calls Prague Jack’s fault and suggests that he assigned Reinhardt to the mission suggests that the mission took place post-Omnic Crisis when Jack was Strike Commander.
Jack really doesn’t want to see Angela. Feel free to speculate reasons as to why. I am too tired to do so rn, maybe except a future post.
The Ana vs Widowmaker fight takes place in Poland and Ana was taken care of by a Dr. Lee (woman).
Jack says something interesting. He says ““Don’t let this go. Don’t be like the others. They dismantled everything we spent our lives building, and then they made us into villains.”” Now I’m wondering who the US is. Is the the UN? Is it referring to other members of Overwatch? I can’t help by think of Angela’s quote in Fading Glory (despite the fact that more than half of that article is currently unreliable): “"After Morrison's promotion to strike commander, his relationship with Reyes changed," Dr. Angela Ziegler, medical director of Overwatch, stated during a UN committee hearing. "The tension became more pronounced as time went on. I tried to mend things. We all did. Sometimes when the closest bonds break, all you can do is pray you stay out of the cross fire."”
This quote by Angela is even more proven wrong by this short story. Jack claims that he told Gabe that someone else should have been chosen as Strike Commander. Ana suggests that Jack meant Gabriel. Jack sighed, relenting. “You know, I told Gabe they picked the wrong person for Strike-Commander.” “Yes, but you meant him, not me,” Ana replied.
Ana is a bad cook apparently.
Jack believes that everyone else, I’m assuming including other Overwatch/Blackwatch agents gave up on fighting. ““Everyone else gave up, but not me.””
Jack way of thinking has changed since he was the Strike Commander of Overwatch. Segadores-Y-Soldado talks about this to some extent on their Twitter. I might talk more about this when I’m not on 3 hours of sleep and have work in the morning.
Ana also disliked Moria.
The room where Ana and Jack are seen in the Reflections comic is an apartment the two rented in order to take down Hakim’s criminal empire.
Jack broke into LumériCo’s fusion plant before the ‘Hero’ short.
Ana and Jack are going to take down Hakim’s empire then Ana will apparently help Jack get revenge on those who took down Overwatch, ie Talon. That explains what the two are doing most recently in terms of the Overwatch Timeline (lol Timeline)
Jack is very focused on Gabriel and continues to call him Gabe even after Gabriel shoots him. Ana notices Jack’s focus towards the end of the short story:
Jack had a relationship with a man named Vincent and is queer. Michael Chu confirmed they are both gay. I am going to make a whooooole post about this. One thing I will say here is that I do not agree that this is on the same level as the debacle surrounding Shiro coming out as gay. I definitely understand that this isn’t perfect, but I, as a queer person myself, do not think Blizzard fucked up like Dreamworks did and I think they handled this pretty well.  
Jack longed (and likely longs) for a ‘normal’ life. “In the early days, Jack talked about him often, floating a dream that the war would end quickly, and maybe he’d have a chance to return to a normal life.”
Ana was, in fact, married to Fareeha’s father, Sam.
Both Ana and Gabe had families of some sort. I’m literally gonna make an entire post about this so hold your horses. I will say I *don’t* necessarily think family has to refer to a spouse and children though.
Alright so I *tried* to include everything, but there’s always a chance I missed things. Feel free to add anything that I missed or that yall found interesting. I’m hoping to touch more on some of these points in the next few days or so
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ts-autumns-world · 3 years
Episode 6: “If someone can fuck you over once, then they can choose to do it again” - Raffy
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Does this idol system have killer clowns walking around? Carnies doing handstands? Haunted Big Bertha’s? Who knows cause I CAN’T EVEN GET ACCESS TO THIS DAMN IDOL SYSTEM AND YALL ARE OUT HERE POCKETING SUPER IDOLS LIKE ITS AN IPOD TOUCH AND WE’RE 12.
WOW WHAT A VOTE. Raffy immediately having to use a Super Idol is probably ridiculously on brand, but in all honesty, seeing BENJ of all people go, is a shock to my system. I've voted out former finalists, but I thought that Benj was gonna go DEEP in this game. But now I need to focus I have to get Top 3 in this challenge to get these damn tickets. But my final thought on this super idol is that at least a *good* person got the Super Idol
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this reward challenge has me so lost i hardly even go here i dont know any monologues i can perform
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we're doing basic text dr today because if I talked I'll probably cry and no one wants that sahjahsjajs
so the vote happened and we were successful in voting raffy in majority. we being me Chris and benj BUT then it turned out raffy had something stupid called a superidol HJAHSJJHAS (sorry this is gonna be bitter time get ready) and was able to just basically cancel his elimination after seeing the votes???????? because who cares about strategy and having to make plans and being smart and capable of reading the tribe in successfully using an idol? no no no lets let someone just not talk to anyone and then save themselves and vote out someone who WORKS SO HARD AND IS SO ACTIVE AND PASSIONATE LIKE YEAH OKAY SAJHJSAHHJASASHJAHJSHAJS THAT MAKES SENSE
I'm sorry I'm so sad. benj was voted out because of this and I feel really empty and hurt about it. he was my best friend on this tribe we talked constantly every day and we were close in timezones and I trusted him and loved him and now we've been robbed of playing with each other in merge. we had so many plans for us too we wanted to pretend to not be that close and purposefully vote opposite and stuff. it's all ruined.
I think raffy deserves praise in FINDING the idol. but the idol itself is a get out of jail free card and requires no strategy when used like that so asjhasjhashjashj and only used in his 2nd tribal. so I'm glad it didn't last any longer and also that he didn't use it in the way survivor players usually do. by making everyone fear them sahjsajh COS THAT WOULD HAVE WORKED ON ME LIKE A CHARM. but instead we were able to flush it and even tho I've lost benj and I'm sad about it, I am very thankful that we got it flushed now and before merge. it's way more dangerous in merge. and like there was no way we could beat that. unless we split vote I guess but that wasn't possible. and also I just did not remember this was a thing BECAUSE NO ONE IN SURVIVOR HISTORY HAS USED A SUPERIDOL THE WAY IT WAS DESIGNED BECAUSE USING IT WOULD CAUSE MORE TROUBLES FOR THE HOLDER SO THEY ARE VERY STRATEGIC ABOUT IT JSAHHJASAHS so I'm actually excited to see how this carries raffy. would like to clarify I'm not anti raffy he's so nice and fun and this was such an exciting tribal thanks to him and I would have loveeeeed it as a viewer I'm just bitter because benj is gone and super idols suck. HASJHASJHASJH raffy if you read this do know I think you're great and congratulations I just think it was an easy way out WHICH IT WAS.
I guess it just made me feel powerless because there's nothing we could have done here to beat a superidol. and even if we did do Blake instead, it wouldn't change anything.
speaking of Blake he is really upset :(( I think making merge will cheer him up tho which is great because I think it's happening after this reward challenge for tickets
BENJ GAVE ME ALL HIS TICKETS AFTER DYING???????? AND IDK WHY LIKE do all the eliminated people get to give tickets to someone? and can it be anyone and not just someone on their tribe? much to think about. but this means I have 8 now which is pretty good I think. thank you benj I love u sm <3
it makes me wanna calculate how many tickets everyone had and who they would have given them to....hmmmm will think about it. benj has been the one who had the most upon leaving I think?
also my tarot was right because it gave raffy the tower and benj the hanged man and it all happened today AHHHH it's so sad how I predict things but don't know what it's predicting until it happens. makes me wanna reevaluate everything and see what it all could mean. could be handy.
I trust Chris the most here and I do trust Ricky I just hope they trust me. I do think we're gonna merge soon tho I really do. it makes sense.
I wonder if the tickets are for an auction or if they are the way to enter the outhouse yourself now. like the new idol system? maybe.
I'm excited to merge and get to talk to everyone and be with jinx and captain AND TALK TO JUDE MORE. YEEEE I just wish benj would have been able to join me :(((
stupid showy superidol
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A true strategist's dream is a chessboard, and if we being honest, this is just Social Chess, never view anyone as a chess piece, but they're needed for movement. I'm going to be Jinx's favorite chess piece, because they need me too.
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I can no longer trust Chris in this game. He chose his side, and he chose against me. If someone can fuck you over once then they can choose to do it again. I am not able to hold it against Mikki because I did not even try to reach out to her for the whole round. So, fair enough. However, Chris just decided that I needed to go because people thought I had an idol. I guess this is the outcome. He never even promised to rebuild the bridge of trust. He just gave me "I just don't want us to lose." He's 100% targeting me again if we go to tribal. I hope I'm sent to the Outhouse as my ass is grass if I remain in this place. Maybe if I have Blake it'll be fine. Right? 
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HERE is my spreadsheet with trust rankings and dm counts and stuff, I also added notes on all my trust rankings for each round and some of the dm counts so if you look carefully you'll see the black like corner thing that indicates a note and all my comments on that trust ranking or whatever will pop up if you hover shajhjsahjas hopefully that works
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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO super duper califragilistically excited to do this reward challenge and hopefully avoid the Double council that I know is coming because I’m pretty sure Autumn is sick of Tua winning which is a weird sentence to type but hey ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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The plan really backfired heavy on us....I thought Raffy just had a half idol but nope, he had a SUPER IDOL and we lost Benj. It made for an awkward post tribal, but I'm just going to keep my head up. I am usually good with damage control so lets see what happens boom boom
Honestly, I liked this idea but I feel like I'm gonna be crippled by the fact that I am getting a little sick, we'll see though. I think I did okay with my damage control, but truth told, I would not blame Raffy or Blake if they wanted me out now. With Ricky back in the picture, I guess there is hope, but I have learned to not give peeps the FULL benefit of the doubt outright so I am going to sit and wait
I had another disaster and I pray that the one I could semi finish can be taken in, if it is, then I think I've got 4 tickets, but if not then I will forever be sad about what happened!
How in God's name didn’t I get 11 tickets?? I didn't even know I had more than 2
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This twist is legit the worst thing to happen to me. I have no clue who I am going into tribal with. I don't have prior connections that other may have before the game. And my super idol play was super flashy. So, obviously, they would want to come for me as a prime target. I feel so defeated and I haven't even met these people yet. AND I have to go to work tomorrow so I can't even socialize/communicate as much as I would want in order to keep myself safe. I might as well be one foot in the grave at this point.
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Ahhhhh I just made the merge!  Also with my pals too? Omg I hope Ricky lives at the vote. I hear Joey has been messy messy but also wants Captain?? We'll see how that goes, especially with Lily C and O Railroad there. I'm just excited for the next step in the game! I also missed Jinx and Jude so much!
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Well….well….well. This is not what I anticipated. Good one, Autumn. I had a fantastic call with Jinx earlier today which helped me get a better handle and the game and feel more connected. I believe Raffy and Blake are working together and this is a great opportunity to separate them. Instantly Joey and I agree to call and figure out a plan. We both agree it’s gonna be best to get Ricky on our side. We both talk to Ricky and I suggest to Ricky that we go for Blake and he is down. Such a relief. It’s stressful to be this close to merge and think that it could slip away. I hope Joey lily o and I are on the same page no matter what. I haven’t been able to talk to her yet but I hope she is good to go for Blake. Fingers crossed.
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I'LL MAKE VIDEO CONFESSIONALS WHEN ITS MERGE I SWEAR. But this is a really unique twist, I love it, but it also puts me and the Lily sandwich in a precarious position. Immediately, my thought was "go to Ricky and tell them I let them out of the War Room on Night 1", and boom, immediate bonding point, it turns out wonderfully, in talking to Ricky it was quite obvious they felt on the outs, with no power all season(they're either lying or its true, hey you never know), and for me its important to just keep them comfortable. We're voting out Blake for literally one reason: If we don't, Jinx is gonna kill us, cause yanno they're winning this game, its a foregone conclusion at this point.
God it's going to be brutal, imagine being Blake, not particularly well liked, and always going premerge. Maybe next time you'll finally make merge/jury, but nah you're not taking away my opportunities to shine.
Even at midnight on a Friday before merge, I still feel nervous, I always feel nervous, even if I'm in an incredible position, being a crucial swing in a pivotal vote to set the pace for the merge, it's absolutely crucial that I make sure Ricky is good with us 3, once again the 2 votes I've been in, I've been a key decision maker, making dreams come true, and making nightmares real too for others. Its a pretty delusional take that I'm seen as a valuable number, and that's what I need to be, the number to make moves possible, while also having the agency to play my cards right in the middle.
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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I WON FOUR TICKETS IN THE AWARD CHALLENGE!!!!! I wasn't expecting that at all and I'm so delighted. AND THEN it turned out you needed 11 tickets to make it to merge and be immune from the last premiere vote and I had 15!!!! because of winning that and because of benj giving me four tickets when he was voted out. AND NOW IM FINALLY WITH JINX AND CAPTAIN AND JUDE AND AHHHHHH IM SO HAPPY AHHHHHHHHHHH ME AND JINX WERE JUST SCREAMING RIGHT AWAY AND I KNOW JINX AND CHRIS HAVE AN IDOL BETWEEN THEM COS THEY EACH FOUND HALF WOOOOOOO I FINALLY GET TO PLAY WITH THEM I CAN'T TELL YOU ENOUGH HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME. but then I was chosen to go to the outhouse so I didn't get to talk for long and still haven't gotten to talk to captain properly or Jude so :(( and I found nothing in the outhouse but this isn't a complete loss. if captain didn't look there then I know Ricky has something and I can use this info and if captain did find whatever is in there then WOOO!!! and also I can potentially use the fear of me having something if I must and that opens up many fun opportunities. nevertheless this experience in the outhouse has given me knowledge and in survivor knowledge is a currency, and I'm gonna buy as much as I can with it. I DO REALLY HOPE I GET A CHANCE TO FAKE SOME KIND OF ADVANTAGE THO THAT WOULD BE SO FUN AND I DEFS HAVE THE MEANS TO DO IT ASHJASHJASHJ but I need a reason to you know asjhashjashjashj any who that's all I have to share for today but I MADE MERGE IN MY FIRST SURVIVOR GAME I CAN'T BELIEVE IT I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD MAKE IT I'M SHOCKED AHHHHHHHH now I get to play with people I love and meet new people and YEEEEE happy dance, I've exceeded my expectations so I'm just happy here on out. I hope I can do some fun things and game planning with jinx, captain and Chris now plssss
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I can't believe I was literally half a point away from the ticket requirement. If I had just been a tiny bit higher, I would've made immunity and had the tickets to be safe. It's kinda on me though, I forgot the "pop culture" part of the post and only verified that when it was literally the last day of the challenge (one where I had work no less, so it's a miracle I was even able to submit). But anyway, the vote isnt gonna be the end of the world. The post-swap Tua tribe is sticking together, and we seem to be getting Ricky on our side for an easy Blake vote. First thing that was suggested to me so I'm totally okay with doing that because it's just easy. I just hope that if the other side looks anywhere its not at me
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This game literally feels like a Jane Elliott experiment half the time, and it does kinda bother me, maybe I'm just so used to my privilege that its about time it gets switched up on me
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Guys, gals, non binary pals, I think I have done it. Merge, no votes cast against me, being a crucial piece to how plans come together. God, that was the easiest premerge of my life.
Friend of mine wanted to know about Tumblr Survivor. So we’re talking and she asks me what the hardest situation you’ve been in is and I said “ You’ve clearly never been in a 6 person group with you running a 3-3 split and you need a flip to basically guarantee your merge/jury spot
And you basically have all your friends breathing down your neck if you don't execute the right person, it's like cutting the wrong wire in a bomb scenario”
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I think I made bonds very quickly and will just narrowly avoid getting voted out. However, Blake seems to be getting the votes which I do not want to do. But I fear that if I push Ricky to Joey and the Lily's then they will just vote for me. Ugh. This sucks. If I vote with Blake, then the best we could do is tie. However, that puts me in a rough spot at merge because I would have 3 people mad at me. This is a really tough vote to be a part of. I probably won't even know who I am voting for until the last minute. 
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https://youtu.be/-iPG5SyOCOk blake this is your tape ITS NOT MEAN
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