#i wanted to put more detail in the shines in his iris but i also needed the pupil to be small to show Alarm yaknow
quirkle2 · 1 year
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katyahina · 11 months
Elden Ring sliders colors compiled (for quick reference)
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I decided to put together the exact RGBs in a reference as someone consistently betrayed by my screen settings and no longer trusting myself to pick colors by an eye, which was only possible thanks to Zullie the Witch datamining the NPCs faces: ( x ) ( x )! I'd still have to adjust them, of course, but I personally find it helpful to at least have a base. Unfortunately Magnus is just not here as he was patched in later, and I could not find the ghosts with sliders and dialogues.. But ehhhhhh. Maybe someday they will be revealed too.
Anyways, here are some more specific and apparent remarks under cut on the sliders:
- Gideon is a Nox or related to them:
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- Ensha and Nameless White Mask (a guy I presume was invading in bloody lake) strangely have pitch black eyes (both iris and whites), and they even have decent clouding, also pitch black. Kinda strange feature?
- With some characters, the 'real' eye color is not what it seems! Vyke's eyes are brown, but the colored clouding is so intense it makes them look pale blue. Esgar has dark green eyes that look red upon clouding, Arghanthy has red eyes that look orange/yellow, Rogier has brown eyes looking green because of clouding, Miriam has deep emerald eyes looking blue because of clouding... and which I especially like, Maleigh has brown eyes but it is colored by clouding to look very pale yellow, probably reflecting his sickness and how it effected the initial color!
- Although two of Millicent's sisters have both eyes 'missing' and other two have only one eye and it is covered by clouding color to be a very pale color, they all have the 'true' eye color being golden (orange color used for it), like Millicent herself. Her eyes, of the same 'true' color, however, have yellow clouding, making them shine even brighter. This is a really neat detail that cannot be observed my naked eye on their faces and only seen in the sliders numbers!
- Maureen has a unique feature compared to other sisters, where only her left eye (now missing as eyepatch suggests) is clouded by white and not pale yellow like others. Fun fact to consider! Maybe something unique happened with this eye before she lost it, other than a "regular" Scarlet Rot eating it away. A mushroom grew there? hahah
- Rya has asymmetrical eye whites color for some reason; her left eye has normal white, but the right eye has darker, greyish-yellow color.
- Yura has multiple dark old man spots/age freckles on his forehead that cannot be seen with his haircut! I do not have a screenshot to demonstrate it, but here in this post a person recreated his face data exactly but with a trim: ( x )
- I want to comment on the idea that it is always non-Tarnished who have yellow/golden eyes! Recently, Zullie made a video revealing eye textures of a LOT of characters' models having the yellow shining in them ( x )! Letter 'T' here marks the characters me and @val-of-the-north were confident are Tarnished. With 'golden' eyes, core color can vary in intensity; with some character being very bright yellow/orange, and others (like Kenneth or Irina for example) being very dull and only looking yellow-ish when you look at character's face! Interestingly, the Carians who we know are not Tarnished have pale, blueish eyes, similarly to Rennala... I suppose this would be not 'faded' eyes that is a sign of Tarnished, but altered color upon focusing on something else (the moon sorcery in their case). From my own observation, golden eyes are not specifically reflection of not being a Tarnished, but just having internal faith in GO, be it positive like with Maidens that follow it, or negative like with Omens that internalised being abominations in its system or Tanith that defines herself by being a heretic within it like her husband. That video I linked can offer some philosophical insights hahah..
- OLD Knight Istvan, that is stated to be one of the old ones actually doesn't look old at all somehow xd
- Alberich eyes is a debatable matter in my opinion, since removing his hat reveals a binder hinting that he was undergoing a similar process to Azur and Lusat:
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(Do not pay attention to the green bits of the blood glintstones, they appear only on item icon and not on actual model when player is wearing his set. ...Unless......?) If eye color is sensitive to what a person seeks, like pale blue eyes of Carians or (now) red eyes of Esgar is of any indication, his eyes could have still became red in color if he pursued the bloody sorcery before! I am just saying that he might no longer have them 🤔
- Sellen's hair turn out to be not black, but just very dark brown! This is fuckin Adella issue all over again, I can never escape it lol
- Ensha actually uses Body Type B despite very masculine face with facial hair n all, which was revealed later after Zullie's video! Here is a Tweet from Zullie on that: ( x ). Trans representation, or Ensha is actually remains of the person that once lived that possessed some random person as a new vessel? That's up to you!
- Finger Maiden found in Church of Inhibition, not far away from Vyke's invasion / Frenzied Village, has eyes clouded in the same color as 'real' one that fully obscures her pupils (making 'blind' look). It seems like the same thing happens with Melina's golden eye in Frenzied Flame ending.
- Adan and Dung Eater both have a nearly undetectable feature regarding their eye whites: the white on their 'injured' eyes (right eye for both) is brighter by only one point on Green on RGB scale. I do not know why it is added, it is basically invisible detail ;-;
- Devin (the 'silver' twin) has some grey hair, unlike Darian (the 'golden' twin)! Yeah no shit lol
- There is a big possibility that Anastasia is a Tarnished herself; the term used for her, 鬼女 (kijo) refers in Japanese folklore to women that were transformed into hideous "demons" upon their bad karma. So, rather than being an ogress, it could mean that she faced an evil sort of transformation upon vile acts of cannibalising. Well- as well as gameplay mechanic suggesting she is, because upon defeat she is listed as Recusant (who are Tarnished that hunt their own):
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- Cut content character Rico still has full face data in the game files, and has eerly similar colors to Roderika. Really hope that this character will be back in DLC, feels like a potential relative of her!
- The sliders for body hair for some characters not all make sense- like, you are telling me that chads like Diallos or Tragoth do not have body hair? ehhhh. Still, it could be used if you want to! Here it is:
0 - Tanith, Varre, Seluvis, Patches, Irina/Hyetta, Rya, Diallos, Lanya, Sellen + Puppet, D + his brother, Roderika, Fia, Dung Eater, Rogier, Thops, Nepheli, Rico, Vyke's Maiden, Maiden Summon, Ensha, Boc, Millicent, Corhyn, Therolina, Dolores, Jarwright, Vyke, Ravenmount, Nerijus, Tragoth, Istvan, Juno, Anastasia, Okina, Adan, Moongrum, Inaba, Silver Tear 1-4, Maleigh, Knight of the Great Jar 1 + 3, Garris, a White Mask, Wilhelm, Arganthy, Flame Guardian, Ghiza, Alberich, Mary, Maureen, Amy, Polyanna
70 - Bernahl 128 - Eleonora 140 - Esgar, Miriam 150 - Kenneth, Vargram 170 - Yura 210 - Jerren 220 - Rileigh 230 - Edgar 250 - Gideon, Gowry 255 - Boggart, Henricus, Lionel
- No, seriously, are you telling me that Dung Eater shaves???? NONSENCE. What I am saying is, some of the body hair sliders REALLY make no sense, a problem I do not see with the colors or muscles. Speaking of...
- Here are the muscular levels for the characters:
Standard - Tanith, Varre, Seluvis, Irina/Hyetta, Rya, Lanya, Sellen + Puppet, D + his brother, Roderika, Kenneth, Fia, Gideon, Rogier, Thops, Vyke's Maiden, Maiden Summon, Ensha, Boc, Millicent, Gowry, Corhyn, Therolina, Dolores, Lionel, Miriam, Okina, Silver Tear 1-4, Knight of the Great Jar 3, Garris, a White Mask, Arganthy, Flame Guardian, Ghiza, Alberich, Mary, Maureen, Amy, Polyanna
Muscular - Patches, Edgar, Jerren, Diallos, Yura, Dung Eater, Bernahl, Boggart, Nepheli, Rico, Jarwright, Vyke, Eleonora, Ravenmount, Nerijus, Tragoth, Istvan, Rileigh, Juno, Anastasia, Adan, Moongrum, Vargram, Inaba, Henricus, Maleigh, Knight of the Great Jar 1 + 2, Wilhelm, Esgar
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tekutiger · 5 months
There's something I've been wanting to post here for about a week now, but I've been putting it off, waiting for the Dawntrail Benchmark to release. (That can be found here btw: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/ffe3a1a5430a5a8168ca9782ab9ec0e57cd5be62)
On the official Square Enix forums (both English and Japanese), there is an entire thread for the Graphical Update Viera Noses. Our communities are not exactly thrilled with the changes, to say the least.
The (current) last page of the English thread can be found here: https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/493947-Graphical-Update-Viera-Nose/page19
The first page of the English thread can be found here: (or you can just go to the link above, scroll to the bottom and click "First") https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/493947-Graphical-Update-Viera-Nose
I tried checking here on Tumblr if this had been posted already but the FFXIV tags are spammed so much 🫠
The Japanese thread link is within the EN thread somewhere, I forget which page.
If you play a Viera, you've probably noticed that your beloved WoL doesn't quite look the same- specifically the nose, and to a lesser extent with their eyes.
That's all pointed out and discussed in the thread. And yes, I did voice my opinion to it 🙃
I'm trying to find some comparison screenies of my bunboi and fembun to contribute here.
The thing I was worried about, and still kind of am even after going through the benchmark- is the strange "shine" you see on bunboi's noses in certain areas, or at random times. I couldn't find any rhyme or reason to why or when this would happen 🤷🏻‍♀️
We were also shown a preview of bunboi's with their nose like 7 shades darker than their skin tone and that didn't sit well with me. Between that and the shine? No. Just no.
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This is current graphics 👆🏻
Another thing I noticed in the benchmark is that they removed the colored eyelashes from Face 1 (the face I'm using on my bunboi). It's literally like, 1 of the 2 primary reasons I chose this face to begin with. (They usually match your hair color.)
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Dawntrail Benchmarker 👆🏻
You can see some of this "so called shine" in some of these, but it's not as bad as I thought it'd be originally. I guess I can live with it and over time I'll probably get used to it.
I can probably even get over the fact that his white eyelashes are gone, though I'll miss them. I don't know... 😖
I do appreciate the updated quality of the hair, and the iris/eyes, and his facial feathers. I also like that the added "lip color" I gave him appears to be matte and not a gloss, but I'm not sure how other people will like that, lol.
ALSO. There's a very specific scene in the benchmarker that shows your WoL's face so much better but for some strange stupid reason you cannot take screenies during it. I feel like SE really let the ball slip there.
There's probably a reason for it, and then again there might not be- because if I really wanted to, there are loop holes and I could still get those screenshots if I had more time, Lol 😅
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Current graphics 👆🏻
I don't have a plethora of screenshots of my fembun like I do of my bunboi- but looking at my fembun specifically I'm realizing her bunny nose doesn't seem that prominent, even now? I guess I thought it was defined more 🤔. Perhaps it's the lighting of this specific shot.
I was going through this phase of changing her hair color from red to yin yang colors, back to red, back to yin yang, rinse & repeat, so...
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Dawntrail Benchmarker 👆🏻
Again, I appreciate the high quality in the iris/eyes, hair, facial features- like her tattoos.
It does seem like the highlights in her eyes get a little lost, if that makes sense? The anime type white reflection. Not just for her but for my bunboi too. I think that goes for all character now- I've seen this commented about all across Twitter (yeah I know it's called X, but I'll never call it X).
Her bunny nose seems to disappear in many scenes and then it "seems" to be there in some scenes. I don't know what to make of it.
I feel so wishy washy with this graphics update. There are parts I like and parts I dislike. At this point I'm wondering if it's that whole mentality of "People dislike change" / "People fear the unknown" and over time we'll get used to it.
But also, I've seen some comparisons of people's characters and the overall appearance, the overall vibe of their character has totally shifted. It's understandable they're upset.
I want to offer a couple of pieces of advice here. If you have any commentary to add about Vieras (or any other characters really- like moon kitties got royally shafted on their fangs)- please visit that thread and put your two cents in. Hopefully SE will see it and potentially listen to the community feedback. But in the case of Moon kitties, there's likely a respective thread for them so you'll have to seek out that thread.
The other thing is, take advantage of this benchmarker in tandem with our free fantasia (coming soon). I feel the character creation screen does not properly display what our characters are going to look like once ingame. Do not take the character creation screen at face value. Create and/or modify your character in the benchmarker (you can save your character data). Play it out- make sure you're happy with how they look in the benchmarker. Then go on and use that fantasia. You can load the saved data from the benchmarker into the real game. (unless they changed things, which I highly doubt)
Edit: Adding in some links to other threads ⤵️ (Its been mentioned by others that it's best to keep posts pooled in one thread vs. spread sporadically out across several threads. If SE or Mods are likely to read anything, it's going to be in one centralized large thread.)
Thread: [Dawntrail] Miqo'te face 4 Keeper nose smudge nerfed
Thread: Benchmark/Graphics Update - Lip shape concern and eyes
Thread: Keeper fangs nerfed in the update
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Rules: post 10 of your favourite comfort movies then tag 10 people.
Thank you for the tag @its-all-ineffable 💖
The Holiday. Hot people Christmassy romcom, what's not to like? What Jack Black does with his character!! Beautiful!! And do I need to say more than Kate Winslet? Also single dad Jude Law in glasses!! Cameron Diaz rocking out to The Killers!! And driving a Mini down a country road and nearly getting wiped out by a lorry. So accurate it's *chefs kisses* Favourite scenes include: Arthur's moment to shine, Miles and Iris in Blockbuster and the tent scene with the kids with an honourable mention for Mr Napkinhead 😂 It's my go-to movie whenever I'm sad because it's just so stupidly funny and adorable.
How The Grinch Stole Christmas. Jim Carrey. That's all I have to say. Honestly, I've seen this film a million times. I can quote it by heart and do so regularly much to my mums annoyance. The schedule scene is very me anytime I'm invited anywhere 😂 some favourite quotes "Am I just eating because I'm bored" "Hate, hate, hate. Hate, hate, hate. Double hate. LOATHE ENTIRELY!" "We're gonna die! I'm going to throw up, and then I'm gonna die!" "The insolence! The audacity! The unmitigated gall!" "Nice kid... bad judge of character" (absolutely me with my niblings) It's just the perfect remedy whenever I'm ill.
The Muppets Christmas Carol. I love all the adaptations but this one is my favourite. Me and my mum snuggle up every Christmas Eve and sing along. It reminds me of the magic of childhood Christmases and soothes something deep in my soul.
The Old Guard. This is the only adrenaliney one cos I have anxiety and I need chill shit if I watch a film but Joe & Nicky are my perfect Immortal Husbands and the tiny details of their relationship are all-encompassing and easily distract from all the murder and kidnap 😂
Mary Poppins. Do I need to say more than Julie Andrews? Dick Van Dyke. The outfits. The songs. Suffragettes. Tea parties on the ceiling. Dancing penguins. The merry-go-round horses. When I was a kid my mum used to foster so our house was always full of kids who needed someone to love them, make them feel safe and bring them some joy. That's probably why Poppins is one of my comfort characters, my mum was her.
Alice In Wonderland. Any of the adaptations. They're all brilliant. I do love the 1951 animation though mainly bc I adore the dormouse scene but becoming BFFs with a load of weird and wonderful creatures in a dreamstate is just *chefs kisses* Any scene with The Mad Hatter in any of the adaptations is my favourite but I am a sucker for the clean cup move down scene.
Sherlock Gnomes. I also love any Sherlock adaption but this one's just hysterical. Watson is just done™️. Sherlock and Juliet's squirrel disguise when sneaking through the park kills me every time. Moriarty as a pastry mascot and the fact he has dumb gargoyles as his assistants. Perfection really. Honestly, this film is just so fucking stupid you can't possibly feel sad when you watch it.
Monsters, Inc. bc it might've been like twenty years but I still want a Sully hug!! Also the pure beautiful hilarious chaos that is this film cracks me up. "Mike Wazowski", "Always watching" and "Put that thing back where it came from or so help me" are just killer lines. I absolutely adore The Abominable Snowman too he's just too sweet.
The Addams Family. Any of the films. All of the films. Gomez and Morticia are ultimate couple goals. They adore each other. Support their kids unconditionally. So kind and generous it often gets them in trouble. They're just perfect.
Red, White And Royal Blue. Last but not least, only because it's the newest. This film was amazing!! I adored the book and although the film is different I love that it's basically a 'what if' fanfic of itself. It was genuinely lovely to be able to watch a queer story and be able to relax with it!! Don't get me wrong I love how profound queer films can be but they either have me gripped in anxiety waiting for the shoe to drop or have me reaching for a comedian to brush away the deep-seated sadness. I felt so safe and yeah they have their ups and downs like every couple but I think I'd have felt the same safety with those characters even if I hadn't read the book first. 5* 10/10 highly recommend. Will be watching this on repeat for the foreseeable future.
Absolutely no pressure tags @mickalaem @flowercrowngods @auroraplume @estrellami-1 @i-less-than-three-you @mentallyundone @hbyrde36 @penny00dreadful @adhdsummer @writingfanficsfan 💖
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the-trend-tales · 4 months
Indian fashion icons make spectacular appearances at the Met Gala that left us speechless
The Met Gala one of the most anticipated fashion events, took place on Monday 6th of may inspired by J.G. Ballard “Garden of Time” featuring the “Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion'exhibition displayed at the Costume Institute in New York” celebrities from all around the world have put on their most prestigious attire. Although some appearances were controversial some others were extremely praised by the public and went viral.
Mystery guest catches everyone’s attention as she makes an outstanding debut on her first Met Gala red carpet. So, who is she?
Indian entrepreneur and philanthropist, Mona Patel, born in Gujarat India, now based in the United States, Founder of eight companies throughout her career fashion, property, and tech ventures. Patel was featured on Forbes next CEOs, and an alumnus of Harvard, Stanford and MIT. The young entrepreneur built multiple business including couture for cause, a nonprofit that raise donations by auctioning one-of-a-kind couture items many of which come from her personal collection. Couture for cause raises funds and awareness for organizations that advocate for girls around the world like pencils of promise and rescue foundation
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Patel made a spectacular appearance wearing a custom couture Iris Van Herpen gown and styled by Zendaya’s former stylist Law Roach. The team made an excellent collaborative work and assembled a masterpiece that will then be donated to the Met Museum.
Patel's form was embraced by the nude colored dress, which then widened at the ankles. The gown's front featured a high-low effect achieved by a scooped cut-out, while the back featured a floor-length skirt accented with huge ruffles fashioned like wings.It featured a strapless neckline, and the corset bodice's shape and the details covering the gown were intended to resemble butterfly wings. The sides of the dress were designed with semi-sheer, textured lace. According to Vogue India, “some of the embroidery on the gown was done in India”.
 “I wanted my debut look to be something that celebrates my heritage and also combines my love couture, and when I heard of the theme, Iris Van Herpen seemed like the obvious choice,” Patel told the Vogue India team in March earlier this year. “The native Indian stood out in honor of the "Garden of Time" theme, with a beautifully sculpted outfit that hugged her body and a corset shaped like a butterfly.
But what do you think truly made the appearance go viral? you guessed it right! The slow-motion, artistically embroidered butterflies fluttering across the sleeves. Which Casey Curran just a month ahead designed to resemble a swarm of butterflies fluttering down Patel’s arms as she walked the red carpet.
It is no doubt that Iris Van Herpen is a true pioneer of what is referred to as "high-tech" fashion, especially working with scientists and architects to develop ever-more cutting-edge methods and materials for her designs. In addition, she takes most of his inspiration from nature to create unique artwork making her the best choice for this this year’s Met theme, this masterpiece indeed couldn’t have gotten any more gorgeous than this!
Certainly the Indian presence this Met, made a spectacular impact on the red carpet like never before, celebrities like Mindy kaling, Simone Ashley, Natasha poonawalla ,…etc made Indian representation shine. Speaking of Indian representation, quickly comes to our mind beautiful colorful sarees and of course there is no one that can rock the Indian saree like Aliaa Bhatt did this Met. The Bollywood superstar marks her second appearance this year at the Met with an astonishing saree that gave such a beautiful representation of the Indian culture.
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Handcrafted by the renowned fashion designer Sabyasachi Mukherje and styled by Anaita Shroff Adajania , Bhatt claimed when asked about the look choice: “It needed something timeless and there is  nothing more timeless than a saree.”
Indeed, the saree perfectly embodied the aesthetics of the theme with its ethereal hues of nature making her look extremely angelic, but what took this look to a whole new level is its delicate handcraft and how the flowers gorgeously were embraided looking almost like a bouquet accentuated by the soft white tulle.
Splendid real gems with the shade of green crafted on the saree along with a magnificent headpiece made Bhatt look like a gorgeous garden princess. Vogue reported “the actor’s ethereal look featured a 23-foot-long train detailed with florals delicately hand-embroidered using silk floss, glass beading, and semiprecious gemstones.”
This masterpiece definitely took an enormous amount of effort and dedication, can you imagine how long it took to create this look? As Bhatt mentioned on her Instagram post appreciating all the hard work done to bring this artwork to life that she herself describes as “an ode to art and eternity”, “The saree took 163 people working together for a total of 1965 hours showing their dedication and passion to bring it to life”. Moreover, she ended her post by saying:” Timelessness is endless, and we acknowledge that things crafted with time and care, can last forever. In our journey for an Indian interpretation of this universal theme, the outfit took on a life of its own.”
And we can’t think of a more beautiful way to appreciate and recognize the Indian culture.
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It is no doubt that Indian celebrities this Met stole the show with their spectacular appearances. They definitely set the bar too high for all designers around the world when it comes to true effort, teamwork, dedication and commitment. I personally was always fascinated by their artistic creations in all industries, but most importantly appreciative they are towards their culture and how they do their best to interpret it in the most beautiful way to the rest of the world. I hope all celebrities can stick to their roots, culture, traditions, values and beliefs and to never be ashamed of them because these are the things that give us our identity and should make us feel proud to be part of it
By: Malak Habib
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storystartsanew · 2 years
Double Para(Violet/Ozwell): House Call
Violet’s eyes turn hard the moment Iris leaves. “How fucking dare you use me as a fucking page boy for whatever goddamn shit you got yourself into. Do you understand the kind of danger you could’ve put all of us in if she had even the inkling to start asking questions. You cannot just do that for shits and giggles!” 
Ozwell looks down, ashamed of himself. He didn’t think about it before he did it, like usual. “I’m sorry. I just. We needed someone who wasn’t going to ask questions, and I didn’t want to leave a trail by using my phone. It seemed like the best option at the time.” 
She takes a deep breath and doesn’t look at him for a moment. She will never understand why this is the man Laurian happened to fall in love with. He’s not wrong in that they are the people to ask for help of a secretive nature. It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve broken the rules for something like this apparently either. She’s still pissed at him.
She also still needs to examine him. “I need you to tell me everything about your injuries with as little detail as possible about what actually happened.” 
He looks at her incredulously. How the fuck is he supposed to do that. “I was grabbed on my shoulder-” 
She shushes him. “No.”
“Well what do you want me to say?” He doesn’t know how to tell her what happened without telling her what happened. 
“Force was applied to your left shoulder until your clavicle fractured.” She looks at him like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
He gives her a sarcastic smile, but tries his best to follow her instruction. “Fine. Force was applied to my left shoulder. I was pressed into the ground where my knees more than likely scraped concrete. My chest was…. Hit in such a way that my breath was knocked out of me. And a heavy metal object that is circular in nature was swung across my head, leaving me unconscious, but surprisingly not bleeding.”
It’s not the best description, but she can work with it. What he needs right now are chest x-rays and a brain scan to make sure there’s no internal bleeding, but she can’t do that here. She pulls out her light out of her kit and shines it in both of his eyes one at a time. The pupils are dilating sluggishly, but they’re both reacting at about the same rate. Not great, but not indicative of a major brain injury. 
He blinks a few times once she’s finished. “What’s that tell you?”
“That you’ve got a thick skull, and you can’t blame your idiocy on brain damage.” She smiles sweetly for a moment before going back to work. Pulling out a blood pressure cuff, she gets to work wrapping it around his good arm. His blood pressure is only a little high, but his heart rate is still off the charts. The adrenaline must not have worn off yet. “Okay, here’s the plan. You and your friend are going to come up with a story as to why you’re hurt. From what I’ve seen, she’s probably already got one. Just go with it. Tomorrow, you’re going to check yourself into an emergency room for said reason. Get your cover on paper. When they ask about the collarbone, just say it hurt to move, so you put it in a sling yourself. They won’t know it had to be set.”
Ozwell nods. He absorbs as much of the information as he can, but he’s still tired and is having trouble concentrating. Her plan makes sense, and he’ll do his best to follow it. Hopefully, Iris has a good cover up, because he doesn’t know what he would say. 
Violet sighs and shakes her head. She stands and looks at him for a moment before finally texting Laurian a coded message. ‘The prince got himself into some shit. Tag, you're it.’
Looking back at him, she cocks her head for a moment. “You haven’t taken any pain meds, have you?”
Ozwell groggily shakes his head no. “Nope.” He accents it with the pop of the ‘p’. He hurts like absolute hell, and he’d love for something to dull the edge. But he hasn’t taken anything yet. No one’s offered, so he just dealt with it.
“Huh.” She’s not sure what to make of it. With how injured he is, he should be having a lot bigger reactions to how he’s been jostled and moved around. It’s odd that he’s so calm. She puts the thought in a box and files it under ‘Things To Look Into Later’. For now, she waits with him, in an oddly comfortable silence.
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itsmariejanel · 3 years
Hi maria, I hope ur well! I was wondering if u could do a tutorial on how u edited this (post/674665374976000000/and-i-never-dreamed-that-id-knew-somebody-like) ur editing is to die for! Thank u in advance and thank u for taking the time to read/answer this!
HIII! i am well and i hope you are too :) and thank you so much! 💖
cracks knuckes, let's go anon! hope you are ready for this ride
under the cut tho, its loooonggggg
1 - i took my screenie with SRWE btw, so that's why it looks high quality! it would be fine without too tho :) also i edit with a drawing tablet
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but then i went into "adjustments" and made the shot a bit warmer, personal preference really
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2 - i always add my shadows first thing, at least the main shadows, so i can figure out the vibe and where i wanna put light and all of that jazz! so, new laywer, and you change the layer type to "multiply" and i did the shadows that you with my brush (normally with the color black or really dark brown). i used various layers for the shadows so if i needed to delete a detail, i wouldn't mess with the others that were already good. but i always put some gaussian blur on my shadows layer - again, personal preference, i just like it like that. you find the gaussian blur on - filter - blur - gaussian blur
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4 - i added the light. on the face and on the body, where i wanted really. new layer, and changed layer type to "overlay". took a brush again, some white color, and started to lighten where i wanted. then on the body layers i used gaussian blur again, for the face i went in with the "smudge tool" and smudge the highlighters
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5 - next i did the eyes, and the eyes omg... it's just a trial and error situation honestly. im going to link you to the best eye tut and it's where i learned how to do them - here
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6 - i made the jewels sparkle :) how? new layer again, and then the overlay layer option and i just painted over the jewerly with white color and it lights up
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7 - i did some hair strands. look, i can't tell you the best way to do them, i'm learning how to do them still! what i did on this one was open a new normal layer and i just went with the flow strand by strand.. i know, kill me kill me now 💀
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8 - after that, i looked at the scene and just lit up the background behind them to appear that the sun was really shining on them! so, new layer, changed that new layer for "soft light", this time with a yellow ish undertone, and started to lit it up, and then i also opened a new layer in "overlay" and made it even more pop basically
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9 - the last thing i did, was go into topaz stars, added a lil star on jace's earring and on kiara's necklace, then went filter - camera raw - and added a little bit of a vignette on the corners. then because i like a blurry effect on the corners, i went into filter - blur gallery - iris blur
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ethis is what you get, and you just mess with it into your liking. i normally chose between 7 to 15, depends on the edit.
after that, i added noise that you find on filter - noise - add noise and i don't rememeber how much i added for this edit, but i think i added aroung 4 or 5, but it depends on the quality of the screenie or even if you like the noise effect, you might not even like it, but im a big fan :)
AND VOILÁ! there's the final version
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hope this helped you in a way, im not very good in explaining stuff, but hopefully showing you my process will help you somehow 💀💖
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clocks-are-round · 3 years
huggins: *wants money in order to buy presents for kai sometime*
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she ends up seeing everyone on iris at least once.
caboose doesn’t seem to understand the purpose at first so he just starts rambling about what he did that day. huggins clarifies it’s therapy and caboose is like ohhhHHH and comes back with wash and leaves. “oh yeah you definitely need therapy. money in the can please!”
wash didn’t really want to open up. after some prodding he’s like fine and gives the rundown of his entire life. wash apologizes for getting so dark. “hey, no worries! i’m made of light, remember?” and then wash laughs which turns into crying. he signs up for weekly online therapy sessions.
grif is just like aren’t friends not supposed to be therapists or something? “for twenty bucks i’ll be your personal bodyguard. i’ll shine in sarge’s eyes every time he aims at you for the next week” deal.
lopez complains about how much he hates everyone and how stupid and cold they are and huggins is just like “you didn’t have to come back to them. but you did. maybe think about that” and lopez just walks off like no shit i’ve got fucking stockholm but they’re still fucking dicks.
carolina only shows up because she was bet she couldn’t be huggins’ best, most emotionally open patient. she didn’t like how it made her feel in the moment but afterwards she scheduled an appointment with a legitimate therapist so she could get better (at being comfortable with emotional vulnerability because she refused to be the supposed worst on iris at that. worse than sarge? that could not stand).
sarge has a clear crisis of romantic/sexual orientation from which he leaves with the advice of “a big bang helped the universe. try that”
doc keeps coming back and pays just to have someone to talk to. at first he talked about his traumas but frankly he’s accepted them and is coping as well as he can so huggins is just like “i mean you seem alright to me. but if you wanna keep talking i’m not gonna stop you. money in the can”
simmons pays and spends the whole time talking about one personal issue after another in detail and immediately after insisting it’s no big deal though and really he doesn’t need therapy or to talk to anyone about it. then puts more money in to keep talking about it. “grif was right. you do talk a lot! do you need like a water break or something?” did grif already talk to you? did he say things about me? no reason just wondering—
tucker talks about worrying about how he wasn’t super present in junior’s life and it wasn’t entirely his fault but it mostly was and he also has so many other kids that he doesn’t even know and he honestly doesn’t want to be present in all their lives. i mean it’s not like he directly birthed those ones, some hot broads did and— “wow. ok, um— yeah, maybe talk to junior about it? and… i guess make sure to use protection? i don’t know what to tell ya, buddy.”
donut goes really into his personal traumas both recent and old and huggins is just like, “well, it’s in the past and nobody’s gonna mess with the timeline anymore so… hakuna matata?”
locus pays, and then just sits there in silence, clearly deeply contemplating until his time is up and he leaves. “uh… thanks for the money? are you okay?”
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renegadewangs · 3 years
Van Zieks - the Examination, part 7
Warnings: SPOILERS for The Great Ace Attorney: Chronicles. Additional warning for racist sentiments uttered by fictional characters (and screencaps to show these sentiments).
Disclaimer: (see Part 1 for the more detailed disclaimer.) - These posts are not meant to be taken as fact. Everything I’m outlining stems from my own views and experiences. If you believe that I’ve missed or misinterpreted something, please let me know so I can edit the post accordingly. -The purpose of these posts is an analysis, nothing more. Please do not come into these posts expecting me to either defend Barok van Zieks from haters, nor expecting me to encourage the hatred. - I’m using the Western release of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles for these posts, but may refer to the original Japanese dialogue of Dai Gyakuten Saiban if needed to compare what’s said. This also means I’m using the localized names and localized romanization of the names to stay consistent. -It doesn’t matter one bit to me whether you like Barok van Zieks or dislike him. However, I will ask that everyone who comments refrains from attacking real, actual people.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Back to the second game we go for The Return of the Great Departed Soul! (Part one, this is another two-parter case)
Episode 2-3: The Return of the Great Departed Soul
So now, chronologically, six months have passed since The Unspeakable Story. Susato returned to Japan at the end of the first game and hasn't returned yet. Ryu was reprimanded for all the perjury and the questionable McGilded defense, so he had his right to stand in court revoked for now and instead had to focus on studying English law some more. He's done so quite patiently and now he feels he's ready to return. He just needs to get Stronghart's permission first. Meanwhile, the Great Exhibition is happening in Hyde Park, pulling in visitors and scientists from all over the world. Exciting! (S)Holmes hands Ryu a newspaper with an article on the exhibition, talking about how the brighter things shine, the darker the shadows cast behind them. By now, Ryu is fluent enough in (S)Holmes speak to know this means he should flip over the newspaper. There, we find an article of an entirely different sort.
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So not only was Van Zieks apparently attacked, Ryu shows horror and concern at the notion. No hard feelings from our wholesome boy! (S)Holmes explains that London's finest criminals often find ways to get acquittals from trials through bribery, threats, sham witnesses... We saw this in McGilded, of course, so we know all too well how dangerous that can get. But since the Reaper and his curse are immune to such tactics, when a ringleader or fellow ends up being 'taken' by the curse, retaliation can occur. So it's established that this isn't the first time Van Zieks has been attacked by a group of thugs. Fortunately, Van Zieks is an “accomplished combatant” who doesn't take these attacks lying down. Unfortunately, the thugs were carrying guns this time. Uhoh.
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This warms my heart, it really does. Van Zieks has been a terrible scumbag, but Ryu doesn't think he's gotten his comeuppance at all. He's genuinely concerned for this man and intends to find out more about his condition. So since he was planning to meet with Stronghart and ask for attorney permission anyway, it's the perfect opportunity to also ask about Van Zieks! Iris decides to tag along because she wants to visit the Great Exhibition. Let's shove the newspaper in Stronghart's face as soon as the game allows it.
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The phrasing of “number one prosecutor” is interesting, but then... We never learn of any other (living) veteran prosecutors in this country, so of course Van Zieks would be number one. Stronghart says there's no need for concern; Van Zieks would not be so easily dispatched. Street ruffians are no match for him, since he's a very capable fighter. Seems like that sword he carries around isn't just for show after all. As for why he was attacked this time... Well, a month ago Van Zieks prosecuted a leader of a criminal organization. Nice to know he didn't just return to retirement and instead got back to work like a normal person without cherrypicking his cases based on what Ryu's doing. The defendant was acquitted, no doubt thanks to large sums of money being shifted around behind the scenes, but he still met a dramatic end just yesterday during an accident at the Great Exhibition. The man in question was Odie Asman, and the one now being detained on suspicion of murder without a defense attorney is Professor Albert Harebrayne. Albert's case has just been assigned to Ryu, so we're sure to find out more about Asman as we go. As as final touch, Ryu asks Stronghart why he continues to use Van Zieks as a prosecutor. Since the criminals are becoming fearful of the curse and attacking him, it's dangerous to Van Zieks himself. Stronghart explains that he has two reasons: Firstly, Van Zieks is the best prosecutor in the capital, bar none. And secondly, any deaths that have occurred outside the courtrooms after his trials have nothing to do with him. (S)Holmes alluded to the same thing, saying that Van Zieks had a rock-hard alibi for each and every mysterious death.
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“So he will continue to prosecute on behalf of the Crown. ...Unless he wishes otherwise, of course.” With that, Stronghart admits he needs to get going since he's already 11 hours late to his next appointment (fsdkjfls). Ryu asks where he might be able to find Van Zieks and is told to head to his office. So even after being told that Van Zieks is just fine, Ryu is still concerned and wants to discuss the matter with the man himself. Let's gooo! Naturally, the first thing out of Van Zieks's mouth when he catches Ryu and Iris in his office is to wonder what the heck they're doing here.
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So there's several things of interest in the office, with the game automatically addressing the biggest one: Van Zieks has an apprentice now! It's a mysterious, rigid dude wearing a hood and a mask who is absolutely not familiar to us, nope. We don't know him. Gosh, what a mystery. Van Zieks doesn't seem to know who he is either, instead just referring to him as his apprentice and nothing more.
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Ryu sees this as an opening to ask about the attack on the Reaper that was in the newspaper. Van Zieks admits that he too is very interested in the true identity of the Reaper. “Assuming, that is, such a fabled fiend genuinely inhabits our great courtrooms.” The conversation halts for a moment so we can examine the office and this is the best opportunity for humanizing traits we've gotten so far, so LET'S DO IT! The enormous portrait in the back is the first thing to peek at.
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Iris says whoever painted it exaggerated the subject's handsomeness, which in turn is reminiscent of Napoleon ordering the painter to make him look more attractive. That's super vain and not an attractive quality in a person at all. I laughed the whole way through that bit of dialogue and Van Zieks, who was in earshot the entire time, gets his feathers ruffled.
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When Ryu asks who it is then, Van Zieks doesn't reply. BACKSTORY ALERT! Examining the chalices and bottles on the left leads to Van Zieks explaining the hallowed bottles are filled with the finest grapes from the finest vineyards he visits (so it is grape juice!!!) and he personally oversees the chalices being made by the finest crystal craftsmen in the world. Right, so not only is he filthy stinkin' rich, he's a perfectionist. Iris points out that Van Zieks throws the chalices and bottles around like they're worthless, to which Van Zieks says:
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“Before you open your mouth next time, you should consider the poor artisans whose work you defile.”
As it turns out, passive aggression is contagious now. Ryu replies with a “So it's my fault? Silly me! How could I ever have thought otherwise?” and honestly I love that he's got enough guts to say this out loud. Our boy is growing a spine. Examining the wine casks has Ryu and Iris theorize about how there might be dead bodies in there, which once again ruffles Van Zieks's feathers.
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Snrk. Examining the big diorama in the middle of the room has Ryu and Iris wonder whether Van Zieks can't go to the Exhibition in person and this is his way of dealing with that, which has Van Zieks snap that it's obviously an investigative aid.  He even has pets of sorts in his office, in the form of a couple of bats hanging from the curtains. Alright, so the game's definitely humanizing this poor man now. No matter how many crazy stories Iris and Ryu come up with about him, there's usually a very innocent explanation to debunk the eerie myths. Something particularly interesting happens when Ryu shows Van Zieks his defense attorney armband. Van Zieks asks what the reason is for showing it to a British prosecutor, to which Ryu admits that he doesn't quite know. Van Zieks is silent for a bit, then says that he understands. “There's merit in reminding yourself of who helped you become what you are today.”
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As he says it, he reaches for his prosecutor's badge and if you're aware of the backstory, you'll know he's thinking of Klint. More importantly, this conversation puts Ryu and Van Zieks on the same level. Ryu is always thinking of Kazuma, who 'helped him become who he is today' and the armband signifies this, along with the sword. Similarly, Van Zieks lost someone very close to him and he's walking the path of prosecutor in his brother's memory. Ryu thanks Van Zieks for understanding and it's very significant that Van Zieks understands in the first place. Remember, in the first game he was under the impression that a Japanese person could never understand a British person and vice versa.
Showing Van Zieks the newspaper article has him looking a bit embarrassed, pointing out that a reporter must've been nearby and he'd been careless to let himself get photographed. Either way, all the thugs responsible have already been apprehended. The investigation into Odie Asman's activities meant that their arrests were already imminent anyway, and some hoped to kill Van Zieks before that happened. Much like McGilded, Asman used his wealth to buy his way towards an acquittal in court, but “he got his comeuppance in the end.” Which is strange, right? Very suspicious. Van Zieks asks whether Ryu believes he has some sort of divine ability to make an accident like that happen. Ryu admits that would be far-fetched, and thinks to himself that even if Van Zieks were the Reaper, he'd have to be innocent of this particular death. We also learn that Van Zieks is familiar with Professor Harebrayne, the suspect in the Asman incident. When told that Ryu will be taking on the defense, Van Zieks is shocked.
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Van Zieks goes on to explain that he knows Albert quite well. They were at university together. While he's lived in Germany for quite a few years, Albert is actually from a respectable British family. And despite Albert being in the science faculty and Van Zieks in law, they got along quite well. Now he's in pretty hot water for that Asman accident.
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Hm. I don't quite know what to make of this reaction. I think what's going on here isn't that Van Zieks is rattled because Albert is being defended by a Japanese person, but because he's being defended by a rookie attorney who was just disbarred for six months for accidentally encouraging perjury, false witness and crime scene tampering in a court of law. Yes, Ryu has won his trials every single time, but it came at a price. Aside from this, there's one other thing Van Zieks knows about Ryu: he'll pursue the truth, no matter what. This means that if Albert indeed didn't succeed at inventing teleportation, it'll be revealed in court because exposing shams is Ryu's whole deal.
We learn that Van Zieks will be the one to prosecute Albert tomorrow, which is curious to say the least. Ryu wants to know why he'd do something like that, with Iris pointing out that so long as the Reaper is the prosecutor, Albert is doomed. Van Zieks replies that he's a Crown prosecutor and a mortal like any other; he's no demigod. In other words, he doesn't believe the curse to be a real curse. Iris points out that everyone who's been prosecuted by Van Zieks has died (which is already objectively wrong), to which Van Zieks replies that he usually prosecutes the vilest wretches of society.
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… Harsh. Ryu points out that Soseki wasn't a vile wretch though, with Iris chiming in that Gina's also turned her life around and she's working very hard now. Van Zieks admits that things have changed ever since meeting Ryu- which of course has to do with Van Zieks's need to face Ryu in court even in mediocre trials rather than pursue his usual corrupted targets- but the point is that if any of those vile wretches died in mysterious circumstances, it was “at the hand of their own kind”, not Van Zieks's. So basically, he believes that they were killed because they were dubious people engaged with dubious activities, not because of the Reaper's curse. Not only that, but ever since the rumors of the Reaper began, the number of serious crimes in London has decreased significantly. Even the most hardened criminals can be made fearful of their lives. Therefore, if his pseudonym of the Reaper can serve a useful purpose, he'll “adopt it gladly and with honour”. Ryu repeats that which he already told Stronghart; that it's putting Van Zieks in danger.
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He really is a prosecutor on the edge with nothing to lose, huh. So what Van Zieks is basically saying is that he doesn't care if he dies, so long as he spends the rest of his life serving the 'useful purpose' of carrying the Reaper moniker to intimidate the vilest of society. But is that really all there is to it? (Spoilers: It's not)
There's a bit more talk about the mysterious apprentice here, with Van Zieks explaining the man was placed in his care under Stronghart's orders. He's wearing a mask on Stronghart's orders and also doesn't speak to anyone from outside the office on Stronghart's orders. HM. Van Zieks claims that Stronghart isn't one for “meaningless follies”, therefore he must have a good reason. This implies that Van Zieks believes in Stronghart's judgment almost blindly. To round up the conversation, Van Zieks asks about “that Nipponese man. The one arrested twice in succession six months ago. With the stoop. And the moustache. And the jitters.” Looks super offensive at first glance, but I gotta admit, after six months I wouldn't remember Soseki's name either. Better to describe him than to guess the name and get it wrong. Still though, just because it's not super offensive doesn't mean it's not offensive. Just saying “the one you defended six months ago” would've done the trick. Either way, Ryu says he's doing just fine and a letter from him arrived by post just the other day.
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So this is interesting. Earlier, Van Zieks claimed in his own words that he doesn't believe in the curse and those who died had it coming to them, but he's still inquiring after Soseki. Perhaps not so much because he's worried about Soseki himself, but because he's curious whether this man has successfully escaped the curse so far. He would know that for a fact about Gina, but the only way to verify Soseki's status is to ask Ryu about it.
Time to leave this glass cage of exposition and meet the defendant in person! Albert spouts a whole lot of dialogue about how his machine is treated differently depending on whether the case is treated as an accident or as murder. If it's murder, it can be examined up close and that's what Albert doesn't want. It has to be treated as an accident so that it'll be protected from prying eyes through The Special Dispensation for Scientific Equipment Act (wow that's a mouthful). Of course, that's not entirely what we're interested in. Let's ask about his friendship with Van Zieks! Ryu asks what he was like back in his university days and the answer surprises him.
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HAH, wonderfully written exchange, this one. Albert goes to describe him as “the little darling of the Van Zieks family, with all its great aristocratic origins”. So Van Zieks has some very noble blood in him. We could've already guessed this from his title of Lord, but apparently it's a bit more serious. I could derail here with wild theories about his family originating from the Netherlands and having migrated to the UK around the time the first king of the Netherlands, Willem I van Oranje Nassau, rose to power in 1813. Willem changed the way nobility works to some degree in the country and not all noble families would've agreed with his way of doing things. But anyway, point is, Van Zieks is a big shot. Albert says that it was kind of a shock to him when he came back to Britain and discovered 'what Van Zieks had become'. He heard that there was 'a very big event' that completely changed Van Zieks after his graduation, but doesn't know what it was because he was already in Germany at the time. So here we have some more traces of that backstory and we have enough pieces to start sticking some things together. We know Van Zieks was once betrayed by a friend and we now know he was a very modest, pleasant gentleman when he was young. Whatever happened must've been very harsh indeed to turn him into such a sour lemon. Either way, Albert doesn't seem to know yet that Van Zieks will be the prosecutor and Ryu doesn't have the heart to tell him.
So let's investigate the crime scene! Here, it's confirmed that Gina Lestrade is indeed just fine and now in training to become a detective with Gregson. Cute! So eventually we get to talk to Gregson about Van Zieks and how he's acquainted with Albert. Gregson is overdramatically shocked to find out that the two of them are old buddies.
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Remember when Van Zieks took a five year hiatus and nobody had to mysteriously die from the Reaper's curse? Those were the days, eh Gregson? Now he's even prosecuting his own friends willy-nilly. Gregson states he has no idea what goes on in Van Zieks's head  (a sentiment we've heard before in 1-4) and goes on to bring up the newspaper article about Van Zieks being attacked. When told that our good old pal the Reaper is just fine, Gregson utters a very uncomfortable “glad to hear it” which honestly had me wondering whether he'd preferred Van Zieks to die.
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Up until a certain someone gets killed and stuffed into a suitcase, I'd reckon. Gregson says that Van Zieks is a top class prosecutor, but not even he can always push the right verdict through. “Sometimes justice can't win.” Gregson explains that naturally, Scotland Yard suspected Van Zieks at first and assumed he was taking matters into his own hands. There was a very thorough investigation and the outcome was that Van Zieks was in no way related to the mysterious deaths. So that's three people now who all insist Van Zieks couldn't possibly have committed the murders. Gregson says he's willing to stake his reputation on it, even. Of course, Gregson would know for sure, wouldn't he? But the narrative is telling us over and over that Van Zieks himself isn't the Reaper, with even Van Zieks himself implying he'd like to know just who the Reaper is. There's a conspiracy happening that Van Zieks is the centerpiece of, with the narrative really pushing the mystery aspect of it. The writers want us to care about the truth of the Reaper for sure.
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OOOH that's meta! Ryu, being nosy and overly invested in Van Zieks's life, asks Gregson whether he knows about the 'incident' which changed Van Zieks after graduation.
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Okay he clearly knows. Even a first time player can tell from this single reaction that Gregson's lying. The mystery thickens! At the end of the conversation, when Gregson's gone off, Iris recommends asking (S)Holmes about it instead. Safe bet, since (S)Holmes continuously knows more than he's letting on. To the house of wax we go! When asked about it, it's clear that he does know something (and is described as suddenly clamming up), but before he can explain there's a distraction in the form of Madam Tusspells and we have to sit through a mostly-unrelated Joint Reasoning segment. It leads into a conversation about a mass murderer known as the Professor. Ten years ago, there was a series of murders which rocked the capital right around the time Van Zieks graduated from university. Five people were killed before the man was caught and executed. This fifth victim was Klint van Zieks, Barok's older brother.
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I really, really dislike this phrasing because Van Zieks was already studying law to begin with. He'd just graduated as a prosecutor; his brother's death had nothing to do with him pursuing that path. Anyway...
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OOOH that's meta! So remember way back in the first essay when I said the backstory is optional? Well, here it is. The Great Ace Attorney is going all in for it. It's being tied to the ongoing plot, just as pretty much all the main prosecutor backstories are. Edgeworth's backstory is tied to Von Karma being the final boss, Godot's backstory is tied to the Fey lineage, Klavier's backstory (I say this lightly) is tied to Phoenix's disgrace... Now Van Zieks's story is tied to the serial killer who ruined so many lives a decade ago. And technically, we already have all the puzzle pieces we need for the next twist; we know Van Zieks was betrayed by a Japanese person who was his friend. So really, we can now say with absolutely certainty that the man arrested and executed back then was a Japanese buddy of Van Zieks.
The investigation segment is pretty much over, but the game has one more scene for us. This is something Ryunosuke won't witness, but the scriptwriters deemed it so important that we're ignoring Ryu to focus solely on the two characters involved. And cutting away from our main character is something that usually doesn't happen in Ace Attorney. Even when characters like Phoenix or Ryu are out of commission for whatever reason, a new 'main character' takes over for a second and we see everything from their point of view. I can think of only one other scene viewed without Ryu there, which happened in 1-5 just before Susato had to leave London. So what we have here is a very private moment between Van Zieks and Albert.
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AWWW... The scenes in the office were great and all, but this right here is perhaps the most humanizing exchange we'll ever see with Barok. The reason for that, I think, is precisely because Ryu isn't there. He's alone with an old friend now, which means he can let his guard down more than he usually would. Even so, it's worth noting here that he doesn't look directly at Albert. He stands with his back to him the entire time and I'm certain this is intentional, because they could just as easily have rotated him into that sideways view that's often used in dialogue and courtroom scenes. He made his way down to the gaol to speak with his friend after ten long years, but is reluctant to look right at him. The conversation itself feels rather distant as well. Albert is delighted to see Van Zieks, but the sentiment isn't returned vocally. Van Zieks points out that they're meeting again “in prison of all places” and that the court will decide Albert's fate tomorrow. When Van Zieks raises a warning, Albert says he already knows his friend will be prosecuting and doesn't appear bothered at all at first. He does try to raise a question in the form of “Are you really...?”, but ultimately drops it and says that he knows Van Zieks has his best interests at heart. Van Zieks says he wouldn't entrust the trial of his friend to anyone else, and Albert thanks him for that. So my first guess upon taking in that dialogue is that Albert wonders for a brief moment whether Van Zieks really is the Reaper/really is cursed, only to shake it off because he considers the man his friend. Van Zieks seems to know it's risky to prosecute Albert, but deems it more important to handle the case himself than to let someone else do it. This, as we learn later, has to do with the Special Dispensation for Scientific Equipment Act and the protection of Albert's scientific secrets.
Next day, we're at the Old Bailey! In the defendant lobby, Ryu is once again told by Albert that the true goal to aim for in this trial is to protect his scientific hypothesis. So hypothetically speaking, the ideal outcome here would be to prove the death was accidental and that the kinesis was a success at the same time. (S)Holmes and Iris don't believe Albert's theory to be sound though, instead saying it couldn't possibly be done. In the courtroom, Ryu faces off against Van Zieks once more for the first time in six months! The judge is quick to point out that Odie Asman is a name familiar to him; a man who was prosecuted only a month ago by Van Zieks. When he asks whether this death is the work of the Reaper, Van Zieks instead describes it as “divine retribution”, but also “a direct result of the actions of the accused, Professor Albert Harebrayne”. The prosecution asserts that the instantaneous kinesis demonstration was a success. He himself can't say for certain whether it's a sound theory, but it's being investigated by the British government since it was deemed to have potential and the prosecution's case aligns with the notion that there was indeed instantaneous- You know what? Let's just call it teleportation. That's easier to type.
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Unfortunately, Van Zieks doesn't want to follow the accident angle. Instead, he outright accuses his old friend of murdering Asman using the totally-functional-teleportation-machine-which-totally-worked to be the sole benefactor of a scientific grant. Harsh. Very harsh. I don't entirely understand why he didn't pursue the accident angle instead, but then, I don't quite know enough about law. My guess is that as the prosecution, he's not allowed to. Scotland Yard found enough evidence at the scene to substantiate a murder plot, especially that damning screwdriver that Ryu so graciously handed to Gregson, so that's what the prosecution has to go with, maybe? It's up to the defense attorney to debunk that down to an accident, then, so in essence Van Zieks is counting on Ryu to 'defeat him' and prove the murder aspect wrong. It would align with the conversation Albert had with Van Zieks in prison, where he said that 'it was a terrible accident and the young Eastern man acting as his defence assured him that he can prove it'.
So speaking of that screwdriver, Albert tries to discredit it himself by saying that if he had stabbed Asman on the stage, there would've been a whole lot of blood. Van Zieks pours himself a glass of wine and 'congratulates' his friend on a good rebuttal.
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“Here's to you, Albert!”
Albert laughs it off sheepishly, saying he's nothing compared to “Barok” (awww, first name basis), but a chalice is immediately flung. Van Zieks says Albert neglected to mention one crucial possibility, which is that the lack of blood is explained by the notion that the screwdriver remained in the victim's chest to plug the wound. Therefore, since the demonstration was totally a success, the screwdriver was teleported along with the victim. Ryu thinks to himself that he had no idea the victim had been stabbed and wonders whether Van Zieks kept that information to himself to keep the upper hand on purpose. This whole thing jars me a little, because the screwdriver is brought up relatively early in the trial during the very first cross-examination. Is not mentioning it during the opening statement and waiting for Gregson to bring it up three minutes later really the same as 'keeping it to himself to gain the upper hand'?
Either way, Ryu counters, saying that the screwdriver was found at the stage and therefore didn't teleport at all, with Gregson serving as an official witness to this location. It's pretty clear from the next dialogue that Gregson never told Van Zieks where that screwdriver was found.
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“That you contravened the Special Dispensation for Scientific Equipment Act?”
Gregson is immediately up in arms, but it's fine. There was no investigation needed to find a screwdriver lying in plain sight. So now Ryu decides to tighten the screws. He claims that if the prosecution can't explain the inconsistency (the screwdriver being found on the stage but no blood being there so clearly it must've plugged the wound), the testimony is unreliable. Van Zieks doesn't reply and Ryu thinks to himself that he looks stumped, but uh...
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He just looks annoyed to me. The person to object next is not Van Zieks, it's Albert. He says that metal can't be teleported with the machine, so it only makes sense the screwdriver stayed behind and there's no inconsistency at all. Van Zieks suggests: “Clearly we should hear the accused's explanation. … Or should I say, this brilliant scientist's explanation?” And I think here in these two sentences we have the crux of the issue. Albert wants to be treated as a legitimate scientist above all else. Even if that means he's branded a murderer, so long as his hypothesis is protected and the confidentiality stands, it makes no difference to him. This was likely discussed with Van Zieks the night before as well. Albert is apparently willing to die for the sake of his scientific principles and... Well. I'm sure Van Zieks can understand. He's willing to die for the sake of serving the Reaper purpose. In a way, this means the defendant and the prosecution are in cahoots together, which is another first in Ace Attorney history. The two of them are fighting to keep the hypothesis of teleportation intact and if Ryu manages to prove that it was an accidental death, then great! Unfortunately, the second that screwdriver was discovered, the chances of that became slim to none. It was murder, plain and simple. On a sidenote, I found this little gem:
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I'm counting this as humanization, because the underlying sentiment here is that despite his haughty better-than-thou attitude, Van Zieks is still friends with someone so very scatterbrained, his name is forgotten sometimes. Even Ryu is taken aback by the purity of the friendship.
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Heh heh... Time to cause some more havoc by informing the court that Asman's metal-rimmed glasses were still on his face and since Albert already said metal can't be teleported, his hypothesis is a load of tosh. The jurors go up in arms about it, saying the machine should be stripped down and examined. The game gives Ryu the option to either raise an objection or 'wait and see', but this is another one of those fake choices. Waiting and seeing just leads to a bit more dialogue between the jurors before Ryu steps in of his own accord. He says Albert would have no reason to build such an elaborate fake machine and put on a public display for murder, but Van Zieks counters with the very good reason: Money. The jurors are even more outraged, calling him a fake scientist who's only in it for the guineas, and Albert begs them to believe that his science is built upon a sound hypothesis. Van Zieks comes in to 'save the day' (sort of).
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“The fact remains that the victim was transported instantly to the Crystal Tower. Which means that the experiment... was a success.”
And I gotta say, this next bit is just very enjoyable to me. The way it's written is so great.
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HEH HEH.... Van Zieks has some more witnesses to summon who saw the incident from some 'very special seats', but let's end the essay here for now and pick it back up next time!
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fbfh · 4 years
light up the dark [V] - leo x reader
genre: romance + action + enemies to lovers kinda
word count: 2.4k
au: none
pairing: Leo x gothy!child of eros!fem reader
requested: yes teehee
warnings: spoilers for HOO but like what’s new, at least one fuck, mentions of breakfast foods and burger king, one “cranberry fucknut”, brief visit to a historical memorial site, I think that’s it????
summary: you have a very weird dream that leads you to realize you’re actually on some kind of quest! very fun! you, Leo, and Jason follow a lead, find out Chiron’s sending you guys some backup, and realize you’re going to need a very large airbnb
listen to: making mirrors - gotye aka the best dream sequence music
                also we’re the rats. it’s not relevant just living in my brain.
a/n: honest to god it tookme so long to write this i forget what happens in the first half rip
also requests r open uwu
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Your dream is unnerving, and not just because you had spent years in a dreamless sleep and forgot what dreaming was like. Okay, partially because of that, but also because of the atmosphere. 
You’re standing in a dark room. It’s pitch black, but you can make out the shape of the room, which is unusual to say the least. It’s long and rectangular, and the ceiling has cylindrical indents, almost as if giant logs were supposed to fit there. The indents go across the short side, with another in front of it, like a rope bridge across a river. Giant curved metallic discs like flat mushrooms are embedded in the ground at regular intervals. 
You get the feeling something’s missing. You stare up at the ceiling trying to get more information, when something hot and glowing presses against the roof. It shines through, casting everything in a strange pink light. You can’t see it, but you know what it is. A translucent sundial that gave off a glowing orange cast.
You look back down not wanting to hurt your eyes, and they fall on someone else in the room. He hadn’t been there a second ago. He’s blonde, and looking up at the ceiling, seemingly unbothered by the blinding light. 
“He has it,” he says, wistfully, almost regretfully. 
"Who?" You question. 
"I can't pronounce his name, no one can."
"How can we get it back if we can't find him?" He smiles, liking how you know what he needs you to do before he even tells you. 
"I can't tell you his name, but he's very old… some may even say archaic…" He looks at you with intention, searching for a spark of understanding. He doesn’t find what he’s looking for, and continues, “and not far from here. Which is good, since I need you to get it back for me.” 
“How do we find it?” He tosses you a small, clear container filled with what looks like yellow slime. You look at him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“It’s a drop of sunshine,” he explains, “don’t touch it or you’ll burn up. It’ll glow when you get closer to what you’re looking for.” You tuck it in your jacket pocket.
Before you can get out the rest of the sentence, you feel like you’re being pulled out of deep water. Your eyes shoot open, and you take in a quick breath through your nose. You open and close your eyes a few times, and push yourself into a sitting position. There’s a weight on your stomach and you trace the hand back to Jason, who had gently nudged you awake moments ago. His mouth is open and there’s a stale smile, like he was about to tell you to rise and shine. Your stare is unwavering, and he retracts his hand. 
“Uh… breakfast is ready,” he says, turning back and heading over to the couch. 
“Kay,” you mutter, still groggy and disoriented. Maybe sleep just isn’t for you. Jason hesitates about half way across the room, noticing the lack of cat-like vengefulness in your tone of voice.
“...You okay?” he asks softly. 
“Fine, just a weird dream,” you roll your shoulders, back sore and stiff, to try and loosen the two stubborn knots just below your shoulder blades. His eyebrows furrow at your words and you continue, “I’m starting to think I should add a little chloroform to my sleepy time tea.” 
“What happened?” he asks, sounding way more serious than you’d expected.
“I dunno, I-” he cut you off, calling for Leo. Jason encourages you to tell them what you’d dreamed about as in depth as possible once Leo comes in from the sitting area, so you don’t have time to gauge how he seems after last night. You feel a little silly trying to describe a surreal dream to them, especially since they seem to be paying such rapt attention. After recalling as many details as you could, they sat in silence for a minute. They share a look, then sigh in unison. Jason pushes up his glasses and squeezes the bride of his nose as Leo lets out a soft ‘fuck’. 
“I’ll go iris message Chiron, Leo, do you want to get some food and offerings to burn?” Jason says. Leo agrees, and Jason’s already in the sitting area, misting water in the air with a squirt bottle. Leo puts a hand on your shoulder.
“Why don’t you get dressed, I already made some coffee,” he says, the spike of hesitance that shot through his stomach at his instigated physical contact dissolving when you nod sleepily. An unusually warm feeling clouds through you, less distant and detached than normal. You realize while digging through your bag that for whatever reason, you didn’t hate the feeling of Leo’s hand on your shoulder. You grab your clothes from your bag, and feel a weight in your jacket. You reach into the pocket, and pull out the “slime” from your dream. It glows briefly, fading as you walk towards the bathroom. Huh, you think, at least now we know what to look for. You’re grateful for the example as you get dressed and freshen up, wondering what the hell happens next. 
Burning the food doesn’t take long. Leo throws the extra breakfast they’d ordered onto the metal table on the patio, except for a piece of toast he held in his hands. He summons fire until the toast is engulfed in flames, and drops it with the rest. He fans the smoke and asks for guidance, protection, typical pre quest stuff. After a minute or two, he pours out a pitcher of water to extinguish the flames, and heads back into the sitting area with Jason. On his way, he watches you through the open bathroom door for a second as you put on your makeup. You sure are different from girls he’d liked in the past. A strong twinge of pain from the previous night makes him flinch. He shoves it away, and takes a seat, greeting Chiron through iris message. Jason had just finished filling him in on the dream and the sundial, and he looks worried.
“I was afraid this might be the case. I'd gotten word that something like this might have happened, but I hoped it was just hearsay… I'm sorry boys, but you're most definitely on a mission from the gods. The story behind that sundial is long and complicated; in summary, if Apollo does not have his sundial by june, summer cannot happen."
"Wh- like, time will stop?" Leo says. 
"Will it just skip to autumn?" Jason adds. 
"What about Persephone?"
"Can Demeter do anything?" 
Chiron holds up his hands to quiet them. 
"I wish I could say, but no one really knows what will happen, only that we do not wish to find out."
"So, what do we do?" Jason asks. 
"Who can I send?" Chiron says to himself, "Dear gods, this is… unfortunate."
"Chiron," Jason says again, getting his attention. 
"Right, I'm sorry my boy, this whole situation is… preoccupying." Jason agrees, and asks what they should do next. 
"Get as much information as you can from what Apollo has told you. I'll gather some people to send over at once, they'll be on their way shortly. This is most distressing…" he trails off, lost in thought again, and the iris message cuts out. Jason's stomach is in knots. 
After freshening up, you get dressed, having chosen your clothes deliberately before. If shit’s about to hit the fan, which it looks like it is, you’re going to need a strong balance of comfortable and kick ass. Plus, it’s still the cold part of spring, and New England weather is no joke. 
You assess yourself in the mirror, satisfied with your choice; half black half gray cargo pants with chain belts, a long sleeved fishnet top with a black crop top over it, and one of your favorite pairs of platform boots. You topped it off with a layered choker studded with black jewels and delicate chains, asymmetrical earrings - one attached to an ear cuff, the other dangling - and a ring that looks like a snake wrapped around your finger. Last but not least, a dark olive green bomber jacket with ‘god save the queen’ written on the back in paint. 
Your mind wanders as you lean closer to the mirror, laser focused on perfecting your eyeliner. The memory of Leo’s hand on your shoulder creeps back up, and your brow furrows at the panicked flush to your cheeks, wondering why you didn’t push him off. 
‘Some cranberry fucknut broke his heart last night, I didn’t want him to feel worse’, you think deliberately, refusing room for any objections or alternative solutions your brain keeps offering up. You finish your makeup relatively quickly, pleased at how much better it looks when you don’t sleep in it for years. Your hair is… hanging in there, but you can’t drop everything and redye it now. At least you know what color you want next - a nice, coral tinted red. You’ll have to keep an eye out the next time you go shopping. 
Finally, you’re ready. You put away your makeup and pajamas, and make your way over to the boys. You grab some coffee and pick at a muffin, the strategy session beginning. 
Jason takes a sip of his own coffee, scowling at the slightly burnt taste.
“Where should we start looking? Do we have any decent leads?”
You sip your coffee, your face mirroring Jason’s moments before.
“The guy from my dream-”
“Apollo,” Jason interjects.
“Right,” you continue, “he said whoever has what we’re looking for has a really hard to pronounce name or something. Maybe we can start there.”
After some back and forth, and consulting of travel guides, you find a memorial for some historical figure with a name that definitely would have gotten him bullied. 
“Wasn’t that guy a demigod?” Leo asks, and Jason confirms. You’re already checking the maps scattered around for a route.
“It looks like it’s pretty much just further west from where we are, we can probably get there pretty easily,” you remark. Jason and Leo look at you, then each other. No one has any better ideas, and at least it’s some kind of lead. 
Four and a half hours later, you sat in the car in stumped silence. It took almost three hours to get up to the memorial site, an hour to look around and realize there is absolutely nothing there that can help you at all, ten minutes to debate what to do next, and twenty minutes to get burger king, since no one had eaten since breakfast. 
“Well, that sucked.” 
Leo and Jason give you a look, knowing you’re right.
“Yeah, it did.” Jason agrees matter of factly, earning a small chuckle from you and Leo. 
“So what do we do now?” Leo asks. 
“Well, no one’s around, we could probably iris message Chiron-” before he could finish his sentence, a shimmery image of a tan girl with choppy dark hair appears in front of him. 
Jason and the girl - Piper, apparently - greet each other enthusiastically, then Leo follows suit. It looks like she’s in a cab, holding something at arm's length. You make it out to be a phone, probably to trick her cab driver into thinking she’s on a facetime call or something. Two other people lean over, one blonde and smiling, the other dark haired and irritable, and more greetings are exchanged. You lean slightly to the side so you’ll be out of site and hopefully won’t have to make any introductions. Leo seems to catch onto this, and when Piper’s eyes land on the edge of your shoulder.
“So did Chiron send anyone else?” he asks before she can say anything. 
“Yeah,” she replies, “Frank and Hazel are coming from camp Jupiter; Frank’s flying, and Hazel’s getting a ride from Arion,” Leo and Jason nod in understanding, picking up instantly on her deliberate word choice. Christ, you’re going to have to get a bigger place than that hotel room.  
“Uh… Percy and Annabeth just started spring break, so they’ll be coming soon. Hazel should get there first, for…” she glances at the cab driver, “obvious reasons, and me, Nico, and Will are on our way now, we should be there in a few hours.” 
Your skin is already feeling prickly from the idea of being around that many people. They talk for a few more minutes, and Jason says he’ll tell them the specific address as soon as possible before ending the call.
Thankfully, you all had repacked the car with your bags from the hotel room before you left, just in case you needed anything, so there’s no need to make the two and a half hour trip back to the hotel. You sigh and turn to the boys.
“Why don’t we go get some groceries and stuff, and I can get us an air bnb.” 
They agree, pleasantly surprised and grateful for the normalcy of something like grocery shopping,  and you ask how many people there are going to be.
“Uh, should be te-”
“Eleven.” Leo says firmly. Jason looks like he’s going to say something, but he bites back whatever it is. Leo’s hands normally dance around like swirling snow, light and natural with subtle patterns if you can figure them out. But right now, his normal subconscious movements seem to be heavier, more intentional. His relaxed expression is set in stone, a silent plea to move on, act like everything’s normal, and you know he’s covering up the depth of the wound that girl left on his heart. A twinge of concern flares in your gut, and you blink, looking away. 
“Okay,” you say, pulling out a pen and notepad from your bag to write out a grocery list, “Let’s go. What do we need?”
Jason pulls out of the parking lot, and begins to head to the nearest box store. Your eyes dart over to Leo involuntarily a few times, and by the time you’re almost there, he seems to be almost back to himself. Subconsciously relieved, your mind starts to wander back to the list, skimming it one more time to make sure you don’t forget anything. 
Maybe you can pick up some hair dye while you’re here.
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that-good-trash · 4 years
Look At Me Not Him
Bakugou x reader / Kirishima x reader
Warnings: Mentions of cheating, hurt/comfort
Word count: 9,460
Summary: To Kirishima your eyes were like diamonds, your voice sweet like honey, and your smile could melt coldest of hearts. He should be happy but how can he be when those diamonds aren’t shining his way, that honey is sweet on someone else tongue and your smile isn’t his to keep. Why did you have to be Bakugou’s.
Comment:I actually wrote this fic for a male friend a year ago and just found it again. I decided to change the reader to female and post it. I hope you enjoy it as much as he did. 
The first time Eijiro Kirishima met you he was smitten. The rings of color that surrounded your shimmering iris made his breath hitch. Your eye lashes were longer than the average and he thought that they were beautiful. If you cried would your lashes catch the tears? He would want to kiss the tears off the lashes before they could stain your bubble gum sprinkled cheeks. The way your skin tone reflected the hues of your rosy cheeks made him swoon. He wondered if you would taste as sweet as bubble gum or cotton candy if he kissed your cheeks. He noticed every detail that he could process the first time he saw you. Your hair no matter the color had a goddess like low which made him also noticed the subtle shine when the sun’s rays hit it. You were enticing. Everything about your physical appearance brought Kirishima’s heart to a pause. He remembers putting his hand to his chest to make sure he was still breathing when you smiled at him. His cheeks matched the color of his wild spiked hair. He felt his heart stop and race immediately afterward. Your lips were full. Plump and red so much different than the girls around him. You had such a beautiful face with slight round cheeks. Your hair fell to the side which tempted him to brush it out of your face.
The moment you spoke to him he thought he had died. Your voice was low in a shy tone as you had introduced yourself to him. The way your eyes looked down at your feet before looking up at him waiting for a response. He was sure that he had to be dead or dreaming. Your voice and the look on your face was angelic to him. He seemed like a demon in your presence. Your name echoed through his mind after it had processed that you had said it. It seemed foreign. He liked it, F/n L/n. A name he would later continue to think about like a prayer or personal mantra. He smiled back at you. A stupid grin that tried to hide all these emotions he instantly had for you. His arm moved behind his back as he rubbed his head in an awkward fashion.
“Eijiro Kirishima, that’s my name. It’s nice to meet you F/n.” You had no idea that Kirishima had already fallen for you. You smiled at his own introduction. His name slipped passed your lips as you repeated it out loud to get used to the sound of it. Like a gunshot piercing him his shoulder thrusted back and he felt the red returning to his face. How could his name sound so perfect coming from your mouth? Kirishima couldn’t help but want to tell you at this moment that he has fallen for you. That was quickly shut down when his angry explosion quirked friend came up from behind you. Your cheeks quickly reddened. Your eyes held so much admiration in them when you turned toward Katsuki Bakugou. Kirishima felt his heart stop again as you spoke Bakugou’s name in a sing song voice. Bakugou’s arm wrapped around your shoulder but he didn’t look at you. He didn’t return that loving look. He was staring at Kirishima.
“I see you’ve met shitty hair. Shitty hair this is Y/n. My girlfriend.” Kirishima felt the ground give out from under him but instead of falling his insides dropped with gravity and he thought for a second that he was going to throw up. This adorable sweet featured girl was dating the school hot head. A man who threatened to murder people on a daily basis. Kirishima always supported his self-proclaimed best friend but right now he was trying to keep his cool. He wanted to ask how this came to be. To ask you why you chose Bakugou. There must be something that he couldn’t see. Some sweet side of Bakugou that kept you with him. He wanted to give his friend the benefit of the doubt however he couldn’t completely suppress this horrible feeling that one day Bakugou would hurt you. The girl that he fell for in the manner of seconds was with his best friend and he was jealous? Jealous.
“Say bye Y/n we got somewhere to be.” Bakugou’s demanding attitude brought Kirishima back to the real world. He clenched his fist wanting to tell Bakugou that wasn’t how you treated the person you liked. You smiled at Kirishima and he let his fist unravel and he smiled with you.
“Bye Eijiro.” You were foreign. You said his first name in such a casual manner. To you it was normal to him it was more intimate. He watched as you were grabbed by Bakugou and dragged away. You should have looked back at him. He wanted you to smile at him again. To call out his name. Had you done that at the time would he have run after you? Would he have pulled you out of Bakugou’s grip and held you against himself? Would he have risked his friendship for a stranger that had stolen his heart? This wasn’t the last time Kirishima had seen you. It was the moment he told himself that one day he would tell you about his emotions. He would tell you that the day you said his name he gave his heart and soul to you even though you chased after a man who wouldn’t love you like you deserved.
 It hadn’t even been a month since Kirishima had met you when Bakugou invited him to spend some time with the two of you. He mentioned how you asked about him. He felt the ache in his chest and wondered if he would be able to hold back. Would he be able to be around you without having that lovestruck look on his face? He agreed to go window shopping with you and Bakugou. He went as a friend, right?
“Hey shitty hair stop spacing out. If you walk into traffic, I’m not saving your ass.” Kirishima looked up at his best friend. He hadn’t even realized he had spaced out till they were out of the train station and in front of the busy streets of downtown. He smiled at the comment knowing that Bakugou would pull him out of the way. His friend was angry but not evil. He let a laugh escape his lips. The laugh faded as he heard the musical voice. The one he wished so badly would call out for him in that tone. He looked across the street and there you stood. A scarf wrapped around your neck. It was a light pink color that complimented the dark grey cardigan you were wearing. Your hand was waving frantically as a huge smile spread across your face calling over the sound of cars and crowds.
“KATSUKI.” Oh god how Kirishima wished you would run toward him calling his name. He bit his lip to try and suppress the disappointment. The crossing light changed and he was blessed with the image of you running toward the two of them. He closed his eyes and imagined you wrapping your arms around him. He would catch you and spin you around. A thousand kisses would be given to you. Instead he opened his eyes and reality came crashing down on him. You were clinging to Bakugou. The thing about this that really pissed off the usually calm Kirishima was the irritated look on his friend’s face. You were pushed away and yet you still smiled. A small apology escaped your lips, so quiet that Kirishima almost missed it. His heart hurt and he held back smacking his friends head. How the hell could Bakugou push away such a precious individual like yourself. Kirishima was going to greet you but was cut off by another familiar voice calling out for his best friend. He slowly turned his head to see on the opposite street was Ochako Uraraka.
“KATSU!” Kirishima felt it in his chest. His eyes widened when he registered the way the nickname was called out. The same emotion was used when you called out to the angry blonde. Kirishima turned toward his best friend wondering if he noticed this as well. He felt a sick taste in his mouth when he saw Bakugou. The man who had shoved you away when you showed affection was slightly smiling. It was small but there. His cheeks had the lightest tinting of pink to them. Kirishima couldn’t believe his eyes. This felt impossible. Maybe he was seeing things. Maybe he was perceiving things to be there when nothing was actually there. Maybe the slight smile was for something else. The pink could be due to the temperature being colder than usual. Any excuse to make it so Kirishima wouldn’t believe that Bakugou liked Uraraka and was using you.
“Bakugou, what is Uraraka doing here? I thought you couldn’t stand being around her.” Kirishima didn’t need to add the part about Bakugou’s over the top teasing and irritation for the girl but he thought if he mentioned it then Bakugou would remember that he did indeed dislike Uraraka and return his smile to you. That didn’t happen, instead the look the blonde gave Kirishima was one that read mind your damn business. Kirishima was in shock at the look he received. He looked at you. Your poor face had the saddest look. Your bottom lip was jutted out slightly and you looked at Bakugou with a look of hurt. You tugged the angry boy’s sleeve to get his attention.
“Katsuki, I thought it was just going to be you, me, and Kiri.” Oh god the nickname. The freaking nickname almost gave Kirishima a heart attack. He had his hand over his heart willing for it to calm down. He watched as Bakugou snarled at you and pulled his arm back.
“I invited Uraraka because she wouldn’t stop bugging me about showing me some dumb store Deku told her about, but I shouldn’t have to explain myself. Why the hell are you being so annoying right now.” Kirishima took a step forward and was going to actually hit Bakugou had it not been for the look in your eyes. It was a look that would have made anyone fall to their knees. Your eyes had this tired and sad but also passionate and loving look in them. You truly loved Bakugou. You let his words lash you giving you mental scars because of all the raw emotion you felt for him. Kirishima wanted you to look at him with that love. He would never hurt you. You would never give you scars or break down your mental health.
“Hey Kirishima, hey Y/n. What’s on the agenda for today? Oh, Katsu don’t forget about that really cool book store a few blocks from here. I thought you would be interested since they have some cool All Might stuff. We should check that out. There is also this really good noodle place nearby as well we can go too.” Bakugou flicked Uraraka on the forehead and Kirishima could hear the most adorable giggle leave you. He sighed wishing that you understood that the flick was almost a sign of endearment. The usual Bakugou would have blasted anyone else by now. At this moment Kirishima didn’t understand how the boy and girl were together without incident. He looked at you and wondered if maybe you understood. Maybe you questioned Uraraka being here for the same reason. Kirishima feels a hand shove him and realizes its Bakugou.
“Idiot, we are leaving now. Don’t just stand there.” Kirishima watches how you shyly grab for Bakugou’s hand. It’s a one-sided hand holding. Your hand is clinging on with hope but his hand just remains open. He is in an angry animated argument with Uraraka. Kirishima follows behind. Like a third wheel to a heartbreak and a new flame happening. He wanted to pull your hand away from Bakugou and flee this. To run away with you. He couldn’t do that. You loved Bakugou and Bakugou was his best friend. Instead Kirishima decided on a new idea. He promised to you, in his mind, that he would make you smile.
“Hey Y/n. Your scarf is really cute.” Kirishima stood next to you at another crosswalk. Uraraka and Bakugou were still in a conversation. You look over at Kirishima with wide eyes. A slight tint crosses your cheeks and you hold the scarf closer smiling. Kirishima beams with manly pride at his accomplishment and your happiness. When the crossing signal changes you grab Kirishima pulling him along so he doesn’t have to walk behind the three of you. He is so happy that he can’t help the huge smile that spreads across his face. Once on the other side of the street you let go of Kirishima but continue to walk beside him and behind your boyfriend and his female classmate.
“Can I ask you something Y/n?” You look at Kirishima and nod. He sighs in relief. “How did you meet Bakugou. Like how did you end up with him.”
Kirishima hoped you wouldn’t mind his prying into your personal life. He really needed to know how a beam of light like you ended up with Mister Explosion. You looked down and had that precious smile on your face.
“Katsuki’s mom knows my mom. We moved over to Japan when I was in kindergarten. My mom met Mrs. Bakugou and I met Katsuki. He was mean at first but eventually he was always protecting me. He made all the bullies leave me alone. He was my hero. Eventually we went separate ways in middle school but kept in contact. It was when we were both graduated that Katsuki gave me the second button on his uniform and confessed to me. It was so sweet and I had been waiting for him to love me back so I said yes. He went on to UA while I attend a normal high school. Now… I don’t really get to see Katsuki as much but I still appreciate every moment I get with him. Even if they are like these moments when he isn’t paying attention to me. I know he loves me so it’s okay.” Kirishima didn’t know he was crying till he saw the concern wash over your wash. Your hand reached up and it was so cold against his face. You went to wipe his tears but his hand moved over yours. His hand was so warm and so was the look in his eyes as he stared at you. He wanted to tell you that you were wasting you love on Bakugou but he couldn’t hurt you. Instead he let your hand go and wiped his tears laughing in a manly fashion.
“That was a beautiful story, it made me cry. You have so much love to give. Just be careful with Bakugou. He’s very unpredictable. Don’t think you have to put up with his anger.” Kirishima let out a slight laugh so you’d think he was joking but he wasn’t. He wanted you to think about his words and know that you had the choice to leave Bakugou. You smiled at Kirishima with a slight pain in your chest because this boy in front of you was so nice. You wondered why Bakugou couldn’t treat you like this. You felt a tug on your arm before you are pulled against Bakugou. A blush crosses your cheeks. You grab into Bakugou’s shirt burying your face in his shirt enjoying his holding you. He is glaring at Kirishima. His eyes filled with possession. Kirishima looked at him with intense eyes that didn’t back down.
“Come on. Let’s go look at that books Uraraka was talking about.” Bakugou pulled you away from Kirishima. You glanced back and saw the look of anger pass the kind boys eyes. He wasn’t mad at you. He thought that Bakugou had no right to be possessive of you. Kirishima walked into the store after the three of you had entered it. He looked around at the books. He stared at the covers but kept thinking of you. He couldn’t focus when he heard your honey voice. When he heard your words discussing hero’s with Bakugou he couldn’t help but lean against the shelves nearby and listen. The way you spoke was as satisfying as those fluffy cheesecakes or watching mochi get made. It was like a drug. He wanted you to read more but his listening was interrupted by Uraraka speaking.
“Hey guys check out this book.” She ran over to Bakugou holding up a comic book with all might on it. Bakugou made a comment about it being lame but he was obviously interested. You try to speak but you soft voice is drown out by Bakugou’s demanding voice and Uraraka’s whiny one. Kirishima rounds the corner and waves you over. You smile and sneak away from the two friends discussing all might. You find yourself hidden away in a small area with Kirishima pressed against you as you both sit on the floor looking at a book about cooking. Kirishima wanted to know what you were interested in, when he found out it was cooking; he grabbed a whole stack of recipe books and hid you both from the prying eyes. You pointed to certain recipes talking about how you would have to change it up to make it spicy enough for Bakugou. Kirishima was upset by this idea that you felt like you had to change everything for Bakugou when the angry male seemed to not care about you.
“I would love if you cooked for me. I’d never complain about it. I love all flavors. Especially sweets.” Kirishima smiled with his teeth showing. Your cheeks go red slightly at the abrupt compliment. You shrink away from him feeling a little embarrassed, he notices this and laughs at your adorable reaction. You playfully shove his arm and look into his eyes. They have this pull to them. Like they are trying to tell you to move closer to him. You do and Kirishima moves closer to you. You pull away just as fast and stand up. You can’t believe how you almost kissed Kirishima. You bow your head and apologize before rushing off to find Bakugou. He looks up from the book he’s looking at and catches you.
“We should get going Y/n. I’ll treat you to dinner. Round face had to leave for an emergency.” You nod but look back when Kirishima walks around the corner. Bakugou is glaring at his friend. He tosses the book he was reading at his friend before pulling you along toward the exit.
“Kirishima isn’t coming with us.” Your voice has slight concern looking back toward the red head. Kirishima doesn’t notice you looking back since he is looking at the book his best friend threw at him. His eyes widen but when he looks up you and Bakugou have left already. Bakugou never answered you but you figured that was your answer. Kirishima put the book down feeling sick. The book was titled A guide to cheating. He stormed out of the bookstore and felt like he wanted to kick Bakugou’s ass for claiming him to be the bad guy when that book worked both ways. Bakugou was the cheater and Kirishima hoped that you wouldn’t get hurt.
Two whole months passed after the book store incident. Two whole months since Kirishima got to see you. He had asked his best friend about you only to get a glare or threatening stare. All while he was denied the ability to see or speak to you Bakugou still allowed himself to remain by Uraraka in a sickly close manner. Kirishima pointed out their relationship to the other classmates only for them to shrug it off as them finally getting along. Everyone was supportive of Bakugou and Uraraka getting along. They weren’t like Kirishima who kept thinking about you. Every moment of every day you crossed his mind. Whenever he saw anything in the same color as your scarf, anytime he passed by a shop that sold sweets. Anytime the stars twinkled above he wondered if you were staring at the sky too. Bakugou had pushed Kirishima out of your business. Kirishima wished you had told him what high school you went too. He waited for a day that you would appear again. Like the day he first met you. He wanted to watch your beautiful eyes smile at him. He wanted to brush a hand across your candy cheeks. A sigh escaped Kirishima’s lips causing his friend Kaminari to stare at him.
“Dude, you have sighed like twelve times in a row. What’s bothering you?”  Kirishima turns to the blonde. He contemplates telling his friend about his woes but stops. He looks out the window of the mini mart they are buying snacks at. There you are across the street. He sees your shimmering hair, that pink scarf. Those red lips that seem more plump than usual. His legs move before his mind registers it. He is breathing heavily as he tries to find you in the crowd. His eyes searching frantically. He spots you and rushes again. Apologizing to people as he shoves around them. His hand reaches out toward you but is stopped by someone grabbing him. He is turned around and then his nose is bleeding and he is on the ground. He registers what has happen when he hears the growling.
“What the hell do you think you are doing?” The words aren’t screamed but instead harshly growled. Kirishima lifts his hand to the swelling nose wiping some of the blood off. He glares at your boyfriend and pulls himself up.
“I’m going to go talk to Y/n and you aren’t going to stop me.” Kirishima moves away from Bakugou with a new confidence. He won’t let Bakugou stop him from seeing you. He will make you smile again. He turns to leave only for Bakugou to attack again. He turns and blocks the hit before swinging his own first. He doesn’t need to use his quirk to know he has the upper hand. He had watched Bakugou’s fighting style since he met the boy. He just never thought he would have to fight him. He lands a hit on the angry blonde. The two boys go into full fight mode. People have stopped to watch while other people are trying to get someone to stop the fighting. Bakugou has blood on his upper lip. A wound to match the bloody nose he gave to Kirishima. The two only come to a stop when Kirishima hears your broken voice. He turns causing Bakugou to land a hard punch. One so powerful he hit the ground. Kirishima watches you cover your mouth. He remains on the ground. He made you cry. You are crying as you run to Bakugou and Kirishima watches you gently place a hand on his face. You are muttering out words of worry while Bakugou ignores your dotting. Kirishima feels regret, he wanted to make you smile but he can’t. He only gets up when you are pulled away and it starts to rain. His own tears slowly fall down his cheeks mixing in with the rain. He doesn’t go to find Kaminari. He keeps thinking about that scared concerned face you had. He hurt you by hurting his former best friend. Maybe he didn’t deserve to be around you. He was now stuck in a miserable mental state as the world moved around him and he looked up letting the rain push is hair against his head and soak his clothes. He was cold but it was internal.
“I’m sorry Y/n.”
Three weeks. Three weeks since Kirishima watched through tears and rain as you were dragged away into the crowds disappearing out of his life again. He had wondered that same day if he would ever see you again. He wondered if Bakugou hurt you as punishment for him running after you. What if you hadn’t wanted him to look for you? What if you wanted him to leave you alone? Kirishima had plenty of time to overthink everything. However, no matter what scenarios his mind created he still wanted to see you. He wanted to look into those sunlight eclipsed eyes again. He wanted to stare into them infinitely. To get lost in the glowing spectacles. He wanted to touch his hand to your cheeks and fall with you into eternity. Your cheeks were slightly pink the last time he had witnessed you. The pink that settled on your cheeks made him think of strawberries. Your un tinted cheeks were cotton candy while your deeper rosy ones were like strawberries without seeds. You were his sweet strawberry dream that he couldn’t indulge in.
Kirishima closed his eyes and imagined the smile you gave him when you first met him. He smiled with memory you. The dream crumbled when he heard knocking on his dorm room door. He remembered telling everyone that he wanted to be alone. He opened the door and found Kaminari with their friends Mina and Sero behind him. Kaminari had this look on his face that read that he had something to say that would upset Kirishima. Kirishima looked down at the phone passed to him by Sero. There was a picture of Uraraka and Bakugou kissing. No. Making out arms around each other. There was a lot of emotion in the image. There was passion and sexual frustration but the way Bakugou was holding Uraraka. It was love. The emotion that Kirishima had become too aware of in his own life was being reflected by his former best friend.
“Before you freak out… Bakugou officially announced he was dating her after he caught us taking the photo.” Kirishima stared at the photo listening to the words. Bakugou was with Uraraka. Bakugou officially announced to his classmates that he was with Uraraka. What happened to you. Did Bakugou break your heart? Kirishima pushed passed his friends ignoring their yelling for him. They probably thought he was going after Bakugou but he wasn’t. He needed to find you. He needed to make sure you were okay. Were you crying? Did you blame yourself? He knew that he would have to search the whole city and he was willing to do it. Just so he could see you. So, he could hold you and make the pain go away. The rain outside was coming down hard and Kirishima was soaked as he took off away from the dorms. He stopped. His legs slowly ceasing their movement as he witnessed a sad sight. Where he had met you months ago you were standing. Your clothing sticking to your body drenched. Your sparkling hair was dull and damp now with all the water pouring down onto it. When you looked up, he saw it. His heart stopped but for a horrible reason. Your cheeks were red like a poison apple. Your lips had the slightest hint of blue. You were freezing. Those long lashes he admired so much had been covered in tears and droplets of rain. Your eyes were puffy, swollen from crying. You were still crying. He moved again. He moved fast and yet cautiously to make sure he didn’t startle you. You looked at him when he approached and chocked back sobs.
“He left me. Bakugou left me. Yet I came here for you. I don’t, I don’t know why.” Your sobs turned into echoed screams of pain and anguish and before you could collapse Kirishima caught you. He was crying in the rain as well. He held you up while you both were soaked and cried for different yet similar reasons.
“Let’s go inside. You’ll get sick like this.”
You let Kirishima gently take your hand and walk you away from the cold and rain. He doesn’t pull you behind him. He walks beside you. His left hand stretched over holding your left hand while his right arm is around your back rubbing it gently while also using it to kindly guide you. Did you deserve this kind of treatment? If you had said the words out loud Kirishima would have told you that you deserved everything. That you deserved kindness and love more than anyone else in this broken world. Kirishima was trying to hold back his anger and sadness while walking you to the dorm building. His classmates that were gathered on the first floor looked concerned when he walked in. They would have commented about you being there but they never got a chance. Your shyness caused you to bury yourself into Kirishima’s side and he protected you from their eyes by holding you closer. He ignored them while getting you to the elevator. Once on his floor he wondered if Bakugou had ever brought you here. If he had ever snuck you into the room right next door to his own. Kirishima shook those thoughts away. This wasn’t about Bakugou, not anymore. Once inside Kirishima’s room you felt strange. Like you were intruding. You realized that you had just appeared out of nowhere mostly when he had looked like he had been searching for something. Your soaked form turned to Kirishima with new tears on your lashes now.
“I’m so sorry Kiri. I-I shouldn’t have come here. I think I’ve interrupted you. I think that I was selfish to have come looking for you when you were searching for something.” Kirishima felt his heart race. There they were, the tears he wanted to kiss away. He watched the water drip off your clothing and onto the floor. He heard your words and how broken you felt about being here. He couldn’t help the small laugh. You were confused by it as he advanced toward you. His eyes made you want to cry harder. They weren’t harsh or vicious. These red eyes were on the opposite spectrum of Bakugou’s. They were full of admiration and passion. He stopped in front of you his hand cupping your cheek.
“Silly, I was searching for something but it turns out that same something was hurt and came searching for me.” You were never good at hiding your emotions before so now as Kirishima shows you nothing but kindness you can’t help the tears that fall even more so. A tiny hiccupped laugh escapes you. The smallest smile appears and Kirishima has his chest tighten. His heart stops for the millionth time watching you. The smile is like a ray of sunshine on a stormy day. It’s a reminder that he made a promise to you. He steps forward letting his hand gently cup your face before bringing his face closer to you. Your breath hitches and a light blush crosses your already rosy cheeks. Kirishima presses his forehead against yours. You suck your bottom lip while your heart starts racing. It’s quiet. You are both waiting. Waiting for what? Waiting for the other to speak? Waiting for the other to make a move. Your eyes bravely look up into Kirishima’s. His crimson orbs stare at you with a different emotion now. Wanting. He wants you but not in the same context that Bakugou wanted you. Kirishima wants you to let go. To fall into his arms and let him take away the pain.
“What are you thinking about?” You find the ability to speak slightly complicated so your words come out as a whisper. Thankfully Kirishima is still leaning his head against yours so he hears you. His eyes smile just like his lips. He lets out a slight chuckle. His own cheeks have now tinted a slight shade of pink. His heart is racing because he needed to answer you honestly. He didn’t want to lie and dance around this anymore. He loved you.
“I’m thinking about the same thing that I always do. I’m thinking of gorgeous rimmed e/c eyes. I’m thinking of sweet candy cheeks dusted red like strawberries. My mind is continuing to remind me of pomegranate colored lips and long gorgeous eye lashes that look so sad when dripping with tears. I’m thinking how unfair the world can be to put the center of my universe into someone else’s angry undeserving hands. I’m wondering how anyone could look at you and not be satisfied. I’ve thought about you. I’ve continued to think about you since the day we ran into each other. The day my heart lurched out of my chest and left with you and Bakugou. I’m thinking I love you.” Your tears hadn’t dried. They have now doubled due to these unbelievable words being spoken to you. Kirishima doesn’t panic because he knows you are crying from all the love that he is projecting onto you. He feels your hands reach out and cling to his shirt. He smiles gently and pulls his head away from yours so he can look at you better. Your face is flushed and your lips are quivering. You want to believe him and despite being wronged by Bakugou you let yourself believe the red head. You let his love touch your heart. You thought you would never feel happy again after you were abandoned by the man you thought was your soulmate.
Before being found by Kirishima you had been lost in a fog. Your mind repeated the same questions. You wondered what you could have done different. You had hated yourself for Bakugou leaving you. You knew that he had fallen out of love months ago and yet you clung to the idea that he would change. Bakugou had started to make you feel horrible. He was pushing you away and you ran after him like a lost puppy. You only thought of Bakugou. But then you met Kirishima. You had seen his red hair spiked into the coolest fashion. You saw his eyes and the way the crimson matched Bakugou’s and yet they didn’t. That day he stared at you like he was witnessing a miracle. Like an angel had fallen out the sky to answer his prayers. You remember the way he looked when you had spoken his name. After that day you had felt terrible because you so badly wanted to see Kirishima again. You wanted to see that goofy smile of his and you wanted someone to look at you like you weren’t a burden. Unlike your unfaithful ex you would never do anything to cheat. You would have never seen Kirishima again if it meant Bakugou loved you again. However, that mindset has changed. Knowing what you know now you would have pulled out of Bakugou’s grasp the day you met and ran into Kirishima’s embrace never looking back.
“I want to kiss you.” You realize that you haven’t said anything in response to Kirishima till he mentions kissing you. Your face heats up and you can’t think of a reason he can’t kiss you. You look at him and he isn’t upset. He doesn’t look irritated. He still has that sweet smile. His eyes are still full of brilliant beautiful emotion toward you. You nod, you want him to kiss you. Your hands hold onto his wrists.
“I want you to kiss me.” You seem shy with your own words. Kirishima sighs in relief as he moves his mouth closer. He hesitates for a moment since he wants to make sure you are really okay with this. You close the gap between you. The feeling of Kirishima’s lips against your own is indescribable. His lips are soft yet firm. They push against your own with so much passion. His lips part slightly and you follow. The sounds of saliva being traded between mouths fills the silence. His tongue passes over your bottom lip and you can’t help the little noise of approval that escapes. Kirishima notices the noise and groans. His tongue stops licking your lip and has now pushed into your mouth. You taste him. Your tongue tastes his and you laugh internally. Bakugou always tasted sour, spicy. He tasted like aggression and heat. Kirishima tasted like sweets. The slight hint of mint and chocolate lingered in his mouth from his snack he had earlier in the day before all this transpired. He was thinking about your taste as well. Your pomegranate chap stick was what he tasted mixed in with the saltiness of the tears that had fallen into your mouth earlier. It was an intoxicating taste to him. You both enjoy the warmth the others mouth brings. Your hands are clinging to Kirishima in a way that seems like you afraid to let go. His arms snake around your body and hold you against him more. Your wet clothes stick to each other, your chests pushing against one another and Kirishima’s rain flattened hair tickles your nose slightly.
“We should get out of these clothes.” Kirishima had to break the kiss in fear that you both would go much further than he intended at the moment. His words seemed to give the wrong impression. He realized how perverted he had sounded. His hands release you and start waving in front of him. He is shaking his head with red dusting on his cheeks. “Not in a weird way. I just don’t want you getting sick. You can borrow one of my shirts and I’ll dry your clothes. I know they will be to big but you can also borrow a pair of sweats. They at least have a draw string on them.”
Kirishima’s panic is so adorable to you. Your honey like laughter escapes. It continues until you are bent over holding your middle laughing. Kirishima raises a brow at your sudden burst of laughter. He smiles genuinely again enjoying the musical sound. You finally catch your breath and relax. Your eyes meet his and you smile. It almost the same smile you had the first day you met. “Thank you, Kiri. I hope I’m not too much of a bother.”
Kirishima shakes his head while his hands grab your shoulders. He kisses you again. It’s quick an yet you can feel it after he pulls away. “You could never bother me Y/n. I adore you.”
Kirishima moves around his room while you slowly strip off your soaked clothes. Your face is still hot from all the compliments Kirishima keeps covering you in. He doesn’t watch you strip and passes you a towel. You can smell Kirishima on the towel which causes you to hold it against your nose for a moment. He catches the action and looks away blushing. He finishes collecting clothing for you and leaves them on his bed before standing outside the dorm room door, giving you privacy. As you dry off and put on the warm clothes, that also have Kirishima’s scent, you start to wonder how you got so lucky. You have no idea that he is thinking the same exact thing. He smiles to himself letting his body relax against the door. He doesn’t even care that he is still soaked or that his hair is no longer defying gravity. He is lost in his own world so he doesn’t hear the elevator open and close. He doesn’t hear someone passing by until he sees the blonde. Bakugou and him had not spoken for weeks. They stayed away from each other unless absolutely necessary. Bakugou was staring at Kirishima with a raised brow. He was obviously curious to why the former friend was standing in the hallway soaking wet. Kirishima just stared at him blankly. He slowly laughed. It started deep in his chest and erupted. Bakugou was confused and staring at Kirishima like he was insane. Kirishima had to laugh. He had to laugh because he hated Bakugou but didn’t. If it wasn’t for Bakugou he wouldn’t have met you. He wouldn’t have gotten this chance. Bakugou seems to become irritated with Kirishima’s laughter and his lip twitches and he snarls. His anger is dismissed when Kirishima punches him playfully in the shoulder. Bakugou looks at his shoulder before staring at Kirishima. He is once again confused. “What the hell is wrong with-.”
“Thanks bro, I owe you one. Don’t worry dude. I’ll treat her right.” There was a smirk on Kirishima’s face as you open the door. You gasp and grab onto Kirishima’s shirt when you see Bakugou. Bakugou looks at you then at Kirishima. Kiri turns and guides you back into the room letting the door shut on Bakugou’s face. A million thoughts are going through your mind. You wonder what the two males were talking about. You wondered if Bakugou had known you were here. You then felt your cheeks heat up because Kirishima was most likely defending you. You turn as he is stripping out of his own wet clothes. You turn away. You weren’t really a prudish person, actually far from it. You weren’t a virgin, Bakugou made sure to change that. You actually couldn’t understand where all this awkward shyness came from. It was just Kirishima’s wet naked body. You felt a tap on your shoulder and quickly turn. Kirishima is wearing a new pair of pants and a t-shirt. His hair is still down but it looks much drier than before. You can’t help but reach up and pet it. You realize what you are doing when you notice the red on the red heads face. You pull your hand away and he lets out a charming laugh.
“So… Where do we go from here?” You knew you would have to talk about this eventually. He kissed you. You were in his room. You didn’t want this to just be about comfort. You wanted this to be more. You looked at him with a hopeful look. Like you were willing him to love you. You didn’t need to do that. He had an overwhelming amount of love for you already. For the hundredth time his hand raised up to your face touching it lovingly. You sighed into the touch. Your lips curled upward into a smile.
“I want to be with you Y/n. Now, later, forever. I want to be with you so badly that I’d say it is tied with my need to be a hero.” You gasp at the proclamation but he isn’t finished, he is sappy and has a lot to say. “That day we met you had my heart. Now I just need to hear what you want to do with it.”
You couldn’t do anything to hurt Kirishima because he would always love and respect you. He would still love you if you tossed his heart to the ground and stomped on it. He would definitely cry because crying was manly. He would mourn but he would wish you an amazing life and support you fully. You knew that he was just that kind of person. This is the same person who had become best friends with your destructive unsocial ex. Watching his face you had already known what you would respond with. Your arms launch around his neck and you fling your body into his arms. He catches your body holding you against him. He is chuckling.
“I love you Kirishima. I think I wanted to say it the day you tried protecting me in the rain. When your cheek was bruised and you lay on the ground. When Katsuki was dragging me away I looked back. I saw you crying and I wanted to scream with the rumbling thunder my love for you.” Kirishima looks sad for a moment because he thought you hadn’t wanted anything to do with him that day. He looks at you with a relieved look hearing that his feelings are reciprocated. You were expecting the next thing out of his mouth. “Do you still love Bakugou?”
“No, I don’t think I do. Since long before all this I knew Katsuki didn’t love me anymore. I couldn’t understand how he could own me while embracing Ochako. When he broke up with me, I wanted to be happy, but I couldn’t. I loved him. I had given him years of my life and really thought that he would always love me. I was an idiot and I ignored the signs. He was always looking at her. He was aggressive and angry and then he wasn’t. He stole light touches to Uraraka’s cheeks and then he was spending all his time doing extra training with her. The day we met is the day I knew it was true. I knew that he had fallen out of love. I had gone to your school looking for him and instead I found you. I had seen pictures and heard about you but I never had the luxury of meeting you before. Katsuki was adamant about keeping our relationship and his schooling separate. He was actually really good at keeping things separate from me. I was his childhood best friend too but your classmates seem to not even know I exist. That day I met you Katsuki had told me your class was training late but never got back to me. You seemed relaxed, well rested, not like someone who had been through intense after class training. However, at that moment I forgot about my search for my boyfriend. You were so much kinder than the photos showed. Your eyes radiated the most pleasant energy. You looked at me like I was the most important thing in the world at that moment. Like the rest of the world had become bleak in my presence and I realized that was the first time someone looked at me like that. I wished that I was at the school for you. When you said my name, I wanted to cry despite my smile. Outwardly I was excited to have you say my name. Inwardly I was upset that you weren’t my boyfriend. Had Bakugou not found us I don’t know what would have happened and part of me always finds myself back at that day running through all the possible scenarios. Had I run into your arms would you have held me then.” Kirishima opens his mouth looking like he wants to speak in retaliation of your scenario. You laugh and lift your hand at the frantic boy stopping him since you already knew that he would have. You knew the love he held for you that day but you were the scared one. You were afraid of letting go of Bakugou even though he was waiting for you too. Why couldn’t that have been the day he broke your heart. Why couldn’t he have saved you the months of abuse and heart break. The cheating destroying you till you just became numb to it. You feel a warm finger brush a tear off the corner of your eyes. You smile since he is waiting patiently for you to continue.
“I know you would have made all my problems fade had I run to you. I just know that you would have been my savior but it wasn’t necessarily Bakugou I needed to be saved from. I was the one forcing myself to say with a man who seemed to hate being around me. Even after meeting you again and again I couldn’t admit my feeling were real and that Katsuki’s were gone. The day Katsuki broke up with me he had no emotion left for me. I searched his eyes a million times and couldn’t find even a sliver of what we started with. Yet all I could think about was your eyes that revealed all the emotions you felt. The love I had witnessed in your eyes was enough to make me get off the cold floor where I laid down crying over something I knew was coming. I rushed into the rain looking for you. I had realized I had cried for a week before I ran into the cold world to find the person that could fix this problem. It was selfish. Now I don’t even know if this is real or if I’m still in my bedroom crying on the floor.” You don’t expect the kiss but you return the gesture. Your lips press against Kirishima’s and he projects that love you were talking about. He holds you against him trying to make up for all the time you were unloved. Your hands tug at his still flattened hair. He groans slightly and his hands move to the small of your back. A whine escapes your lips when Kirishima pulls away. He is laughing at your adorable pout and is trying to also understand that this is real. “I love you.”
“I LOVE YOU F/N L/N!” Kirishima has his hands cupped over his mouth. You are sure that everyone in the building has heard the confession. Your face is red while you begin to laugh. Kirishima’s friends are shocked where they are studying. Uraraka who has stepped out of the elevator has made eye contact with Bakugou who is equally shocked. She starts laughing and Bakugou’s expression softens as he passes the door, heading to his girlfriend. He made a mental note to try and talk things through with his former best friend. The two of you are left to your own moment. A moment no one could take away from you.
A month is a very long time. Kirishima has thought about that a lot. A month of rain is a lot of rain. A month without you is like a million years in Kiri time. A month has now become the amount of time you two had spent as a couple. A couple that was inseparable. Kirishima texted, called, and video chatted with you anytime he couldn’t see you. He was the perfect boyfriend for you. Someone who gave you all kinds of attention and love. Every weekend was spent on a different date. You had even gotten to meet his group of eccentric friends. Kaminari, Mina, and Sero. They were all really nice to you and eventually deemed you an official member of the Kirisquad, formally named Bakusquad. Bakugou was not a part of the group hang outs but Kirishima did tell you that the two had been slowly rebuilding a friendship. You weren’t upset with him since he was best friends with Bakugou before all this happened. You actually hoped that they would eventually become close again. You hadn’t spoken to Bakugou since the day he had left you broken. You weren’t personally avoiding him but part of you was afraid that if you saw him the old wounds would hurt. Maybe just a slight pain that would scare you. Kirishima offered you chances and you never took them, until now.
“Y/n you don’t have to do this. We can go see a movie instead or something. I don’t want you thinking that you have to see him.” You are grateful that Kirishima is so caring. You hold his hand, and he gives yours a reassuring squeeze while worry etches onto his handsome features. You blush and sigh before opening your mouth to give a response. You stop when you hear a familiar voice. You look passed Kirishima and not too far from you both is a familiar head of brown hair. “Hey look Katsu, its Kirishima.”
You feel your body tense for a moment when you hear Uraraka mention Bakugou. Kirishima has turned and is waving at the brunette. You are staring at the slouched back that seems to tense as well. You watch as his body turns and you make eye contact with him. His red eyes that tormented you for months with their aggression now looked at you with, sadness? Regret? You gasp and your hands fly over your mouth in a state of shock. His body has less intimidation. He is wearing a scarf that matches the one around Uraraka’s neck. He is no longer looking at you but now at the ground. His shoulders are dropped slightly and you watch as Uraraka says something to him. You can’t hear what they are saying but you think it’s encouragement. Kirishima squeezes your hand again. “Ready?”
“I’m scared, but you’re with me Kiri so I know I can do this.” You walk hand in hand with your boyfriend toward the waiting couple. Uraraka was always cute but now she is cuter. Her hair frames her face making her cheeks look plump and her light skin shines in the sun. She is smiling her typical smile that you remember seeing often in pictures on Bakugou’s phone. The folders that didn’t involve you. Standing here you realize. You realize that you and Bakugou were never meant to be together. He is looking at Uraraka with such kind eyes. The kind that Kirishima looks at you with twenty-four seven. His body is less tense and the anger is gone. Other people would be mad seeing this. They would resent her and hate Bakugou. You couldn’t do that. You could never hate Bakugou for finding his true love. Even after the crying and heartbreak you couldn’t hate him. Kirishima was looking at you with worry again. Fear that you couldn’t handle this. His worry faded when you let a smile fall onto your lips. “Hey Uraraka, Bakugou.”
“Hey Y/n! It’s good to see you. Kirishima keeps telling everyone about you. I’m glad we all can finally get together again.” You ignored the bubbly girl’s words to stare at Bakugou. He was a little put off by how you addressed him. You had always called him by his first name but that was a different time. A different relationship. It did feel foreign but so did this whole scenario. Kirishima notices your staring at Bakugou and interrupts Uraraka’s rambling. “So, what cool thing should we all go do?”
Your boyfriend is distracting Uraraka so you can talk with Bakugou without interruption. Bakugou seems to appreciate this since he wanted to speak to you as well. You both move closer. He looks like he’s having a harder time speaking so you find the courage to go first. “I’ve thought about this moment a lot. I pondered over the idea of seeing you again and find that every scenario I seemed to be in tears. Now I find that I don’t need tears. I don’t need comfort or a shoulder to lean on. I feel like I can finally look in your eyes and tell you that I will never forgive you for what you’ve done to me. Years of my life being your doormat while you pined after her. You hurt me over and over BUT I’m glad it happened. I’m thankful I got to have you for a moment. I’m glad that you were mine for a second. I’m extremely grateful because now I’m with my soulmate and I think you are the same. You have found this serenity in life now that you aren’t lying to yourself. So, thank you Ka-Bakugou. Thank you for all the bad with the good. Thank you for breaking my heart because now it’s safe in the hands of the man I love.”  
There are plenty of things that you think are running through Bakugou’s mind. He looks confused and also shocked. He probably thought you would cry. He was not expecting this speech from the same shy unconfrontational girl he once knew. You were a different person now. You were confident, happy, strong, and thankful? You thanked him for hurting you and that part confused the hell out of him. He was blank for a long pause before he laughed. He actually laughed. His gruff chuckle attracted the attention of Kirishima and Uraraka. They were now curious about what could have been said to make Bakugou laugh. “You have changed. Your smile reaches your eyes. You aren’t clinging because you finally know what it feels like to be loved unconditionally. It’s what you deserve. I-I’m sorry. I know you won’t forgive me but I’m sorry for not letting you go sooner.”
You and Bakugou have a new air around you. An understanding of the others emotions. Uraraka has moved back to Bakugou’s side and you giggle at the feeling of Kirishima’s arm around your waist. “You okay sweetheart?”
“Perfect.” You say it with that angelic voice and Kirishima melts. You both turn when Bakugou yells for you slowpokes to hurry up. You both laugh and walk hand in hand after the two.
172 notes · View notes
2021 Megaman Valentine’s Day Contest Results
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Among the many things this past year or so has tested us with is delays, and I apologize that this year’s Valentine’s Day contest results are included in that. I certainly did not plan on this taking until March to get completed, and I am sincerely sorry to have kept you all waiting. But hopefully it is all worth the wait!!
Thanks once again to every single one of you who participated! I will be contacting the winners soon enough. Work will probably keep me from replying to everyone immediately, but I will send a message about prizes hopefully within 24 hours.
Also, my thanks to @subzeroiceskater​ for helping out with judging this year. Not to mention the promo pic above and other assorted bonuses that always bring me a big smile. I might say this seemingly every year, but you all made judging this VERY hard. It might have something to do with the themes as well, but I think both of us flipped and rearranged our rankings repeatedly, and even then, it was hard to decide on who would place. XD Each one of you did an amazing job!
After the break, you’ll see the winners for both categories, along with all of the entries. Raffle prize winners will be noted below by their alias, as well.
Category 1: Kiss From a Rosered (Talent)
For our talent category this year, the theme focused on your favorite Megaman characters giving roses to their special someone, along with incorporating the symbolism of specific rose colors within the piece. That rose color was also to be the predominant color within the piece, to the best of your ability.
A grand total of 9 entries were submitted for this category. You can see the full gallery of all entries at full-size [HERE]. Each entrant’s name will also link to their individual pieces at full-size.
1.) Sapphire: *$100 prize*
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Subzeroiceskater said:
Oooooh, this is so cute and pink! Piiink~ Ehem. I love the depth, angle, and color grading of these—notice how Roll’s black linework is at the forefront of the pic but colors mixes with the lights and colors from the sun further along the pic. There’s a lot to admire about how everything easy to read with so many competing elements like the similar hues and bright lighting.
Pink roses usually mean a gentler sort of love but did you know that different shades of pink could signify different things as well? A darker shade may mean gratitude; medium shade could be about a first love or congratulations while a light shade may mean admiration. Tron holding a singular pink rose with varying shades of pink while literally tripping over herself and a Servbot could only mean—that this is hilarious.
Miyabi said:
From a technical standpoint, I think your piece clearly felt the most polished, crisp and virtually professional of the bunch. But more than that, I felt it also best gave off the vibe of the rose color dominating the piece, but in very subtle, beautiful ways. Where as the pink sunset causes many of the normally white areas, like Roll’s collar/sleeves, parts of Gustaff, and more, to ooze that pink lighting. Even with her klutziness, you still also portrayed the feeling of sweetness, admiration and appreciation that a pink rose conveys. Just so pretty, calming, and joyful to look at!
2.) Forceway: *$75 prize*
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Subzeroiceskater said:
There is a sort of gentle irony with how Skull Man and Shade Man are both robots modeled after horror symbols—skulls and vampires—but are here surrounded by a soft sea of pink roses. The dark night is often depicted as a primal fear because it hides our deepest fears but here—illuminated by the bright shining moon—the night is transformed into a scene of love—perhaps devotion, with how Shade is gently cradling Skull, as well with the church bell in the background. This is a very tender piece mixing the shadows and the sweet.
Miyabi said:
I know most digital art programs have the brushes and shortcuts to make detailing things like roses a lot easier, but your bed of roses certainly look all done by hand on your own, and that alone impressed me a ton! Based off of the Ariga Megamix tale of Skull Man not feeling appreciated or having a family after Cossack stored him away, I felt the pink roses and Shade showing him that he is actually appreciated here was a fantastic conceptual choice. Purples in the sky and Shade’s body split the canvas and contrast with the pink well, including how you used the pink for some of the stars in the sky. Beautiful job!
3.) DigitallyFanged: *$50 prize*
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Subzeroiceskater said:
Yellow is a bright color, often evoking the sun, warmth, light, joy and hope. With roses, its positive connotations continue with possible meanings of friendship, care and remembrance. Tabby’s piece seems to evoke the last one the strongest—with Zero, broken and forgotten in a lab—but, not entirely, because of a bond that is stronger than apparent death lives on—even if in this moment, it’s only a memory. Even the roses are not real—just projections of what was once alive. This is fantastic use contrast with the dark, moody blues against the vivid, almost defiant yellows; and the repeated little motifs such as X crying and the water drops falling all over Zero. It stands out from the rest of happy entries with how sad it is but it still manages to be hopeful.
Miyabi said:
Zero’s blonde locks certainly are an iconic part of his design, so playing off of that and focusing on yellow as your rose color fit perfectly. You definitely made this a very emotive piece considering technically, neither of these two are even alive and moving here! As mentioned above, the little details like the water droplets balancing against Cyber Elf X’s tears, the digital lines to make it appear like X has created the cyber-roses for Zero, and Zero’s battle damage caught my eye immediately. You certainly captured the yellow rose symbolism of remembrance and friendly affection beautifully!!
And the rest of the wonderful entries, in alphabetical order by alias:
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*Raffle Prize Winner* Captain N Mega Man Cel
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Subzeroiceskater said:
It’s so poetic about how this contest theme is about how the language of flowers is used to communicate feelings beyond just using words; and so, the comic is completely silent, relying on actions to convey its meaning. Yellow roses could mean friendship, care and affection; and it’s shown wonderfully with how Iris and Lan are so thoughtful with one another. It’s so cute how Iris missed Lan only because he was already out buying roses for her. Given how hard comics are to make and how this is fully colored, I really wanted to give this first place—however I felt the color usage of yellow could have been stronger, especially with the last page, where it would have had the most impact. I had to squint and zoom out to even see if the lighting had changed. Still, it’s such a very warm and lovely work.
Miyabi said:
I always appreciate the effort people put into making multiple-page comics for these contests, and this is no exception! Even without dialogue, you did a great job at conveying your story through your art in each panel and it was easily understandable. Another utilizing the yellow rose, I certainly felt the friendship and warmth in your tale. As Subzero mentioned, the only thing keeping it from placing was that the yellow colors weren’t as dominant in other areas of the pic, besides the panel by Sal. Still, your coloring was very crisp and vibrant throughout each page, and it was an awesome submission!
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Subzeroiceskater said:
With the red for Metal Man, orange for Cut Man and the explosion of yellow flowers, that’s the trifecta of warm colors. Yellow roses could mean delight and this pic is delightful in all ways. Cut looks so cute practically swimming in the sea of flowers and greenery, as does Metal’s adorable expression—which is a feat since he only shows his eyes. I also really like the juxtaposition and balance of this piece from: the rust-brown car against green-yellow nature running wild, and Metal holding a bouquet meanwhile Cut’s covered with plants. It makes me want to get some fresh air myself!
Miyabi said:
Cut Man looks grateful for being able to ride in that pickup bed of flowers, and I have a feeling the two of them had a wonderful time just snipping and sawing away at all the stems to gather them all. XD Love how the yellow and oranges play off of both character’s color schemes nicely. The subtlety of the yellow flowers in the foreground, along with the sun and tree in the background all play off each other well, too! Just an absolutely cute pic!
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Subzeroiceskater said: 
What a fantastic composition. Dark-Dullahan does away with most color, leaving the colors of the mixed-bouquet roses as the main focal point. Classic red for romance, a gentler pink for affection, mixed yellow roses to signify caring and probably so much more—seems like Nana can’t contain her feelings for Massimo. I love how the close up of the bouquet doesn’t just form a kind of heart at the top but serves as the divider between the two, like a diptych. With such a wonderful offering, Massimo would surely accept her feelings.
Miyabi said: 
As you brought to my attention, your mixed bouquet had a few different meanings, such as the dark pink representing thanks to Massimo for saving Nana from Silver Horn, and the red tips on the yellow roses to symbolize falling in love. Certainly got those vibes from her shy demeanor, as she sheepishly tries to hand them to him. Also agree with Subzero that the line from the bouquet nicely works as a way to separate them uniquely with the background. Sorry you weren’t able to complete it as fully as you had hoped, but the concept behind it certainly was strong!
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Donnie also sent in an alternate version made during the creative process, in a different artistic style, that I still feel needs to be shared, as well. Fun to see the contrast, yet still have the same feeling and mood to the piece. 
Subzeroiceskater said:
Oh, I adore this one. It reminds me of a movie poster with the tagline. I love the extra PINK flourishes of the letterings like with the Mega Man logo color change and cute pixelated font and heart. Both Rock and Roll’s expressions are so cute, too—with his more subdued smile contrasted with her exuberant grin. Much like how the pink rose could mean many things like thoughtfulness, cheer or as a show of appreciation, this piece is positively sparkling with affection, hearts and all. It’s clever how the sunset is giving the picture an overall pinkish-red hue while having the yellow light as an outline. A darling piece.
Miyabi said:
With pink roses again, I truly liked the additional hue adjustments where you can feel the warmth and see the lighter pink mixed into their skintone, or areas normally of white - from eyes to teeth to the Megaman logo - that have taken on the pink in it’s place. With the painterly watercolor style you used, it all blends in nicely. Even in your earlier version, I feel you brought a strong game with the hues, but toned down the red from that version to make it feel much stronger towards pink, with a tighter crop of your canvas. It was fun to see how it evolved, and strengthened your piece in doing so! Fabulous job!
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Subzeroiceskater said:
No better way to show how madly in love you are than a bouquet of roses that run the gamut of—I can’t call these warm colors because these passions are running hot. Orange seems to be the dominant color here—which in roses could symbolize a love that’s passionate, fierce and deep. It’s also expressed nicely with the two lovers embracing, engaged in mid kiss, their bodies also forming a subtle heart shape, to emphasize the flurry of hearts around them. The bouquet is not just orange roses, however, but a mixed bouquet of the classic romantic red and the more affectionate pink—it’s a piece that’s bursting with all degrees of love.
Miyabi said:
You also certainly mastered the limited color pallette challenge as you tackled this piece! Orange, the color of passion, is certainly felt in their deep kiss and embrace. I too caught the heart shape their heads essentially form, which is then further enforced with the heart of hearts behind them. I thought that concept was pulled off very well. Perfect for the fiery intensity of Match, this turned out to be a very hot pic!
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Subzeroiceskater said:
This one has a very clever framing (eh? EH?). The color white is often associated with purity, innocence and hope, and with white roses—weddings and marriage. Sonia dons the classic white wedding dress which has a très élégante design—and the little Lyra on her belt is very cute. The pink background is also very romantic and a nice way to tie in with her theme colors. I dig the lovey-dovey feel of Geo doing the classic bridal carry while clasping a single white rose...but seeing the thorns, I think he better watch his hand!
Miyabi said:
For a theme emphasizing color within the pic, I salute you for taking the biggest challenge in choosing white. In many ways, it could have been the hardest to keep as a predominant color, but still make the pic interesting and visually appealing. Choosing to have the petals all around the frame, with the bouquet nearby was a clever touch. With white often used for weddings and new beginnings, I think the concept of your piece worked just right, where it was subtle, but still incorporated enough other color to give the piece some life. 
Category 2: Kawaii-rimi (Humor)
For our humor category this year, the theme focused on your favorite Megaman character gifting the plush form of another Megaman character to their crush, instantly created by a ninja-like character, to play off of the Kawarimi concept from the EXE series. 
With just 3 entries in our humor category this time around, every entrant placed. You can see the full gallery of all entries at full-size [HERE].  Each entrant’s name will also link to their individual pieces at full-size.
1.) Mattasaurs: *$100 prize*
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Subzeroiceskater said: 
Y’know how blocks of wood are sometimes used by ninjas when they do that whole body switching thing? I think it’s clever how this pic has Sal—Woodman.exe’s operator—conjuring the doll. Everything about the pic is so fun and colorful: from Sal’s mischievous grin of accomplishment, Miyu being completely shocked by her chibi doppelganger (check out that body language!) and Masa’s confused expression.
Miyabi said:
Yes, while to some, Sal might not be the first one they think of when they think ninja in the Megaman Universe, but I certainly thought she still fits the bill in her design. Usually we don’t see this much emotion or shock out of Miyu, so seeing her torque her body, taken aback at a doll of herself, is amusing in it’s own right. Meanwhile, nothing fazes Masa. And a bit of randomness: oh man, seeing Masa’s head in profile, with his bandana...wow, I never realized how much his head shape with the bandana looks like a fish’s. I can’t unsee it now. Anyways, I also agree that the color, polish, and fun vibe made this a worthy winner!
2.) ColeManX: *$75 prize*
*Raffle Prize Winner* Captain N Cutsman Cel
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Subzeroiceskater said:
E-Eyes? What did you mean by that, Mr. RT-55J?  Although judging from the sparkle on those booblights… I understand, Cinnamon—if that happened to me, I’d be making asides to the camera, like I was in “The Office”, too. Cinnamon’s enthusiastic smile with this whole bizarre scene really sells it for me but shoutout to Marino’s smug satisfaction in the background.
Miyabi said:
🎵 I kind of liked it your way How you shyly placed your eyes on me Did you ever know That I had mine on you?🎵
RT says it only has eyes for Cinny right now, but it’s also known to be a little grabby hands, so I don’t know if I’d fully trust it...but good thing this is just a plush version. Time for the tables to be turned, and Cinnamon to get her claws and paws on it, instead. Very cute, although after the DiVE V-Day event, we all know this is a ruse and your pal boobeyes only belongs to the Ferham Fanclub. XD
3.) Ronin-Apprentice: *$50 prize*
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Subzeroiceskater said: 
This whole comic is so sweet and fluffy, nya!  ~(=^‥^)ノ☆ It’s adorable how Proto brings up his gift first and the surprise is how Shadow handmade his gift. The little cat-eared Blues design is so darling--almost as cute as him fussing how totally NOT a cat he is. “Did you steal my cat.” had me snorting. Now I’m wondering where Tango went off to…
Miyabi said:
Aside from getting his own Super Adaptor, this is probably the closest we’ve got to seeing Tango and Blues merged as one. LOL I’m sure that plush would have a ton of fans wishing it actually existed. The panels where Blues embarrassingly hides behind his scarf and gets pet like a cat had me laughing! Very cute and adorable comic, that certainly had the most depth in terms of the theme of this category!
31 notes · View notes
duskowithapen · 4 years
Day One: Tattoo Artist/Flower Shop AU
Writers Month 2020: Day One
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Pairing: Luka x Marinette
Of Flowers and Tattoo Needles
Miraculous AU where Marinette is the tattoo artist with some very impressive ink and Luka is pining from across the way where he works at his sister’s flower shop. Day One of Writer’s Month 2020 – Tattoo Artist/Flower Shop AU
Read on AO3
Read on Fanfiction
“You’re drooling.”
Luka straightened quickly, wiping a hand over his chin. “No I’m not.” He turned around to see his sister walking in from the back room, a sprig of lavender tucked behind her ear.
“You might as well have been,” she says, walking closer to lean beside him at the counter. “Not that I’d blame you – Marinette’s cute.”
The Marinette in question was the owner of the tattoo parlour across the way. On quiet days like today, she could be seen sitting outside her shop with a sketchbook. Luka swallowed dryly. The sun was shining off her impressive tattoo – a full sleeve that wound around her wrist and up over her shoulder in a tangle of flowers and vines that he couldn’t see clearly.
“Well?” Juleka’s dry voice snaps his attention back.
“Well what?”
She waved a hand towards the door. “Are you going to get a tattoo?”
Luka splutters. “W-What? Why would I – what makes you think –” How’d she known I’d considered it?!
He’s saved by the bell – literally – as Rose walks in. “Jule’s, what are you doing to your poor brother this time?” She asks, joining them at the counter which was suddenly feeling a little cramped.
Pecking her partner on the cheek, Juleka smiles innocently. “Trying to convince him to get a tattoo.”
“Oh, you totally should!” Rose claps her hands. “You have to go to Marinette – between her and Nathaniel, you’ll get the coolest tattoo! Marinette was the one who designed ours!”
“Really?” Luka glance at Juleka’s uncovered wrist. It was ringed by a flower wreath – red and purple roses (passionate love and love at first site), hot pink dahlias (commitment) and bright red gladiolus’ (strength and integrity). Rose had one exactly the same. It was a beautiful representation of their relationship – one Luka was waiting for them to consummate with a marrige. It was also a nod to their shared brainchild.
The Secret Garden might have only been a few years old, but it had blossomed into one of the most successful flower shops in Paris, often completely selling out around any holiday, and with a reputation for incredible flower arrangements, which Luka was proud to say he had a hand in.
Luka smiled. “I wouldn’t mind a tattoo,” he said after a moment, “Maybe something for you and mum – like her raven tattoos.”
Juleka’s smile was small, but no less terrifying for it. “Then go talk to Marinette now. Doesn’t look like she has any clients.” She was still sitting outside her shop.
As Luka was pushed out the door, Rose shoved a small posy of cherry blossoms into his hand. “Give Marinette these – they’re her favourite!”
How does she know her favourite flowers? Luka thought wildly as the door locked behind him. Slowly crossing the narrow avenue, he could feel their gaze burning into the back of his neck, and his hands became sweaty. They were making him nervous. He didn’t normally get nervous. He normally wasn’t going to ask a very cute girl to give him a tattoo.
Marinette looked up as he approached, and he couldn’t help but notice how adorable the freckles dotting her nose and cheeks were. Luka dug his fingers into his leg. You’re here for a tattoo, he reminded himself, not to check out the artist! But he couldn’t stop himself from taking in the blue sheen to her pigtailed hair, the welcoming smile stretched across her face, the impressive artwork which looked even better close up. Spiralling around her arm on pale green stalks and vines were cherry blossoms, pink orchids, blue morning glories, larkspur, hyacinths and bright yellow daffodils. Renewal, fertility and abundance, affection, cheer and goodwill, sincerity, luck and good fortune… he thought absently. After so long working with flowers – and even longer hearing about them from Rose – the symbolism came to mind automatically.
“Uh… hello?”
Luka blinked. Her eyes are really blue. Then he remembered himself and smiled. “Sorry. Are you Marinette?”
Her grin became wider. “Yup! Are you Juleka’s brother?”
“Yeah. She and Rose said that these were your favourite flowers?” He held out the blossoms. “They asked me if I could give them to you.” Well, technically they did. Even if it was meant to be more from me than them.
“Awww, thank you!” Marinette buried her nose in the pale pink petals and breathed deep. “They’re beautiful!”
“You’re welcome,” Luka said numbly. Her smile was almost blinding. “Uh, there was something else.”
Marinette’s head tilt made her pigtails bounce. It should be illegal for someone to look this adorable. “How can I help?”
“I was wondering about getting a tattoo.”
“Oh, of course!” Marinette leapt to her feet. “What else do you come to a tattoo parlour for? I’m so sorry, come in and we can get started right away!” She babbled. “Or should I say, welcome to Charmed Ink! Do you have any ideas for what you want? I’m partial to flowers as you can see, but I’m good at more tribal stuff too, and lettering, but Nathanial’s the best for portraits and a lot of the animal stuff..”
She continued to talk even as Luka took in Charmed Ink. The art on the inside of the tattoo parlour made it look larger than the comparatively small storefront suggested. The back wall was painted with an incredible mural of cherry blossom trees in full bloom, framing a red bridge arching over a river. The side walls were white and in scattered groups were photos of tattoo art – in one clump was a variety of dragon tattoos, in another was various words in all different fonts. The two tattoo stations were set in the back corners, with a small waiting area directly before the entrance. This was where Marinette led him, stopping quickly at a desk partially hidden by a folding screen.
She noticed his awed look at the back mural and smiled, a little calmer now. “That was a collaboration between Alix and Nathanial – he’s my other tattooist. They were all in my class in collége and lycée – same with Juleka and Rose, actually.”
“They did a great job,” Luka murmured. “And I’ve seen your work before – the tattoo you did for my sister was incredible. I was kinda looking for something similar.”
“Were you wanting a tattoo on your wrist too?” Marinette sat on one of the plush couches, and Luka sat across from her.
“No, I was thinking of something on my shoulder – my left shoulder,” He gestured, “Maybe going down my arm a little? I don’t want to go for a full sleeve now, but looking at your tattoo, I’d definitely consider it for the future.”
Marinette’s blush travelled across her cheeks and up her ears. “That – that’s a good plan. I can definitely work with that.” She made a note before looking at him under he lashes. “Were you wanting flowers?”
At Luka’s confused look, she continued, “You said you wanted something similar to your sisters, but you didn’t want it on your wrist…?”
“Ah, that’s right.” Luka tapped at his knee a little, quick staccato beat. “Yeah, I was thinking blue iris, gladilous and maybe daffodils.”
“Is there a meaning behind those flowers, or…?” Marinette made another note.
Luka nodded. “Yeah. Gladiolus’ are mum and Juleka’s birth flowers, not to mention their symbolism – strength and integrity. Blue Iris’ are my birth flower, meaning faith and hope, and daffodils are good luck and good fortune, but I also like the yellow.”
Marinette hummed. “I take it your favourite colour is blue?” She asked, waving her pencil at his blue hoody and matching Jagged Stone t-shirt. With a wince, he realised he was still wearing the Secret Garden apron over his faded jeans. Whoops.
“How did you guess.” Luka deadpanned, and he grinned at Marinette’s chuckle. “But seriously, yeah, I like blue and yellow. And, if we’re going for something like the start of a sleeve… think you could incorporate a snake or something in there?”
“Snakes are transformation and renewal, aren’t they?” Marinette murmured as she wrote. “There was this one symbol I remember, with a snake biting its tail…”
“The ouroboros,” Luka nodded, “It’s an eternity symbol.”
“Hmmmm…” Marinette started sketching in earnest. “So we’re going for something that can be added to later, definitely going for a circling snake – probably around your arm – but should the head be going up or down – put the flowers in colour clusters, or mix them up… maybe have them growing out of the snake? But if the snake is blue… you’ve got the more teal tips to your hair, so I could go for something more on the green side of the spectrum to help tie it in, but the snake should also stand out…”
All Luka could do was watch as Marinette seemed to get lost in a creative haze. Her pencil moved rapidly over the page as she sketched, occasionally going back over a line with her eraser, muttering about her hand not listening to her brain. Once or twice she looked something up on her phone before continuing – at one point, she leapt out of her seat to go and stare at one of the photos on the wall.
This process went on for about twenty minutes, Luka browsing through social media in between watching Marinette with what Juleka would probably class as a ‘disgustingly lovestruck’ look on his face. He couldn’t help it! She was just so vibrant, pouring all this passion into her work. Not to mention the cute little wrinkle between her eyebrows as she seemed to struggle with something at the bottom of the page.
Marinette slammed her sketchbook down with a bang that made him jump. “So! I have a tentative outline – tell me what you like and don’t like, and we can work from there.”
The sketch – and Luka didn’t know how Marinette could class this as an outline given the level of detail – featured all the aspects he wanted. On the front and back sketch of his arm and shoulder was a winding snake, the head sitting just under his collarbone and the rest of its body circling his arm before ending just above his elbow. But it didn’t just circle his arm. It also twisted around the gnarled and knotted stems that supported intricate bursts of flowers. An iris sat directly below the snakes head before more flowers dotted the stem around his shoulder to a larger, more detailed flower on his shoulder blade. Gladiolus’s tangled with the main body of the snake, interspersed with tiny iris’ and leaves, merging with daffodils close to his elbow. Each flower differed in size, though the iris on his back was the largest, probably about the size of his palm if he got the proportions right. Notes on both sides of the sketch were arms with arrows and a frankly scary amount of question marks. Luka looked away when he saw the words ‘dark coffee brown’ and ‘burgundy vs wine’.
“This… this is incredible Marinette.” He looked up at where she was wringing her hands. When she bit her lip, he had to refrain from reaching up and biting it for her. Concentrate Couffaine!
Marinette giggled, the sound high with nerves. “Thanks Luka. It’s a bit rough, and I’d want to go over the colours with you before we start anything, but I’m glad you like it. Anything you’d want to change?”
“Not really,” He hummed. “How would you continue this, if you were going for a full sleeve?”
When Marinette took a seat at his side, leaning into his shoulder a little, Luka stiffened. He hadn’t noticed before, but she’d split the posy of cherry blossom flowers into two and attached them to her pigtails – their scent wafted over him, and he tried not to breathe too deeply. “Well, if I was going to do a full sleeve with the snake, I’d make the snake the body of the tattoo,” she said, pointing at various parts of the sketch, “Probably make the circuits wider and accentuate the gaps a little more with the flowers. The head would have to be a little bigger, to make it proportionate, but otherwise not much would change.”
Luka nodded slowly. “So, say, if you maybe did that – the thing with the head and the – the circuits? And then have the snake ‘end’ in a clump of flowers above my elbow.” It was his turn to point, dragging a finger along the clump of daffodils and trying very hard to ignore the way Marinette pressed just a little closer to see. “Maybe if you added some of the gladiolus and iris here as well, and then if I add more to the tattoo later, you can have the rest of the body kind of emerge from there.”
“That would work really well actually,” Marinette said as she took the sketchbook back. Luka tried not to pout as her warmth moved away. “I can make a wreath just above your elbow – kinda like what I did for Juleka and Rose – and have the snake’s body ‘disappear’ into that. It would be easy work to make it ‘reappear’ beneath it later.”
Marinette scribbled these notes in as she spoke, before turning back to him. “So, about price… for a piece like this – half sleeve, colour and design… you’re looking at about one and a half grand.”
His eyebrows threatened to disappear into his hairline. “That low?” While he hadn’t seriously thought about getting a tattoo before today, he’d spent time with a lot of people who had. A full sleeve tattoo could cost as much as four grand – a half sleeve would be at least two.
“You’re getting the friends and family discount.” Marinette shrugged. “And I’ve been in a bit of a designing rut lately – all people seem to want are dragons or family names. This is a bit of a godsend, actually.”
Luka smirked. “Friends and family discount, huh?”
With her nose in the air, Marinette sassed, “Of course. Juleka’s my friend, and you’re her family.”
Throwing caution to the wind, Luka leaned in a little. “That’s why, huh? I’m hurt Marinette.”
“Hopefully you aren’t so sensitive when it comes time for me to break out the needles, Luka. I don’t want to listen to you crying for the six hours this is going to take.” The smirk she shot him sent a thrill through his chest. She’s got some fire.
“Oh believe me, Marinette.” Luka steadied himself on the couch back behind her shoulders and gave Marinette his best stage-ready, sweet-talking, come-hither bedroom eyes before growling out, “I don’t think six hours with you will be any hardship.”
90 notes · View notes
ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Whumptober 19: Survivor’s Guilt
TIMELINE: Takes place in the Iris Michaelson, Teen Badass AU of the Fillis Angst Parade AU - look, @whump-tr0pes and I make our own fun, and by “fun”, I mean we make “Isaac and Finn suffer”.
Basic Plot: Fourteen years ago, Finn Dunham and Ellis Price were taken captive. The team has never been able to rescue them, and knows only that Finn lives life as Patrick Michaelson’s plaything and Ellis teaches at a Syndicate dayschool and tutors the Michaelson’s adopted teenage daughter. When Iris Michaelson sends a message to the famous rebel Isaac Moore, he can’t help but answer it.
CW: Referenced noncon/dubcon, referenced torture
“If this is a trap, I’m going to owe Gavin fifty bucks.” Vera checked and rechecked her handgun, as though it would suddenly be less loaded than it was just a few minutes before. Her jaw was set in a grim line, eyes flashing a kind of damped-down fire, embers ready to spark. Her thick black hair, showing growing hints of gray, was pulled into a tight bun at the nape of her neck, and she wore a pair of black pants and a tucked-in t-shirt, ready for the fight she was definitely expecting. “I don’t want to owe Gavin money, Isaac.”
“It’s not a trap,” Isaac replied, making his own nervous check and recheck of the table and chairs. “I don’t think it is, anyway. My instincts are saying it isn’t.”
“Your instincts-”
“My instincts have been spot-on for a decade, Vera. Just trust me on this. She let us pick the day, the time, the location… she let us give her the location with less than four hours’ notice, even. If this is a trap, she’s piss-poor at setting it.”
“Hm.” Vera snorted, and checked the second gun, the rifle they had leaning up, hidden on the other side of a doorframe, where Vera could pick it up and keep shooting if she had to.
If they needed the second gun, it would be because she was buying time for an exit, not because they had a shot in hell of getting a win.
“She wouldn’t have let me pick the spot with such short notice if she was planning on killing us,” Isaac said, but he felt less certain than his voice sounded.
“She’s a teenager, isn’t she? Who the fuck knows why teenagers do anything?”
It was Isaac’s turn to snort, then.
Their scheduled meeting space was a busted-out house an hour outside of the Michaelson Syndicate's largest stronghold city, a hidden place they had used, in the past, to run dissidents out of the city north, always north. A few years ago it’d been compromised, the house was half-burned down in the attack, but there was a room at the back that was still standing… more or less.
The girl had agreed readily to meet here - which Vera didn’t like, such a quick agreement made her think the youngest Michaelson child had some kind of plan, but it was a cleared space and Isaac had put his people all around. If the girl was bringing weapons, well, so were they. 
Isaac had sentries watching for miles around, covering every road. It paid to have his reputation, and have so many people willing to sign on to help him out with this. It didn’t hurt that his reputation meant he’d managed to scrape together enough money to pay them.
Not in money, no - Isaac had traded pallets of flour with boxes' worth of packets of yeast, a couple of beat-up cars that could at least be broken down for scrap, and cough syrup from their carefully hoarded medical supplies. But it had been enough to draw in some people willing to take the risk.
Sentries had reported by radio - one car, following the directions Isaac had given it. No escort cars, no one caught sneaking through the scrubby woods around the house. Just one, single, shining black Michaelson Syndicate vehicle, clearly marked, making no effort to hide.
She was following every rule she’d been given, right down to the tiniest detail.
Still, his nerves were on edge. What the youngest Michaelson child could possibly want with them - what had made her reach out to schedule a face-to-face - had had him up at night ever since the first message had come in, sent via dissidents who didn’t even understand what they were carrying in the envelope that no one dared open until it got to him.
My name is Iris Michaelson and I need your help. I know Finn Dunham and Ellis Price. Please call me. Then a number, everything written in a childish looping cursive, and the sight of Finn and Ellis’s names had meant Isaac could never have stopped himself from calling.
“I wonder-”
“If she wants a way out, I’m not doing it,” Vera snapped, interrupting Isaac’s thoughts, her fraying nerves given away by the edge in her voice. “We can’t handle that kind of heat, Isaac.”
“I can find her someone to go to for that,” Isaac said, not quite in agreement. “We’re not in the business of hiding Syndicate kids.”
“Oh, are we not?” Vera’s dry humor edged on sarcasm. “Because I’m wondering what exactly you think we did with Gavin, then-”
“Anymore. We’re not in the business of hiding Syndicate kids anymore. That was fifteen years ago, are you-”
“Ever going to let it go? Nope. I’m too old to escort a spoiled rotten rich kid into the real world again, and you’re sure as fuck too old to fall in love with another one.”
Isaac felt a smile pull at the corners of his mouth, and shook his head. “Calm, Vera.”
“Isaac, so far you’ve turned Gavin into your goddamn life partner and tried to give Danny fucking Michaelson a place-”
“All I did was give him my name to help him get as far as he and Nate could get, when he was ready.” Isaac ignored the twist of bitterness inside him. “And he never was, was he? He’s still there.”
Some part of Isaac would always wonder why - when given the chance to get out - Danny had chosen to stay.
He sighed, and kept talking. “In any case, that’s not going to happen here. I’m not going to give her safe harbor with us. I’ve already spoken to some other communities, just laying groundwork. If she needs a place to run, she can have it - but she’ll have to give up a tremendous amount of intel to earn her sanctuary.”
“What kind of intel does a fucking fourteen-year-old girl have?”
“Don’t know, but she might have enough. She didn’t drop Danny’s name to meet with me, did you notice? She dropped Finn’s and Ellis’s names instead.” He shifted the chair on the other side, the one she’d sit in, this way and that until he had it just right. His own weapons - he carried two, one under his left arm and one on his right hip, plus another hidden taped under the table on his side - were fully loaded, too. All this to take on a single teenage girl.
Granted, it wasn’t just a teenage girl. Iris Michaelson happened to be the daughter of Patrick and Corrine Michaelson. Danny’s parents, and she was the beloved youngest child of the fucking assholes that had stolen his family, and kept them. The last Isaac had directly seen of Finn and Ellis was them being surrounded by Patrick’s men fourteen years ago as the car with him inside spit gravel and sped away.
Isaac swallowed, tightly, wondering if it was a good sign or a bad one that he rarely teared up when he remembered the moment, now. He’d cried too much for them already, and Iris Michaelson would be here soon.
“Would you have met her if she’d namechecked Danny?”
Isaac shook his head, jaw set firmly. “No.”
“But you will if-”
“Listen, maybe it’s about Finn, or Ellis,” Isaac said, softly. He barely dared hope. “Maybe she’s willing to trade intel on them. We know they’re still alive. We know Finn is-... that Finn has-”
“Yeah,” Vera said heavily. “Maybe. Hell, maybe the daughter has a heart. Anything’s fuckin’ possible, right?”
“Right.” Isaac took a deep breath. He heard the sound of car tires on gravel and raised his head, jaw setting into a determined line. “Here they are.”
“Showtime,” Vera said, voice low. She shifted back until she was mostly hidden in a doorway, covered enough in shadow that she wouldn’t be immediately visible unless she wanted to be. “I’ve got you covered, Isaac, but if it looks like it’s going south-”
“I’ll drop so you can start shooting and cover me until I can fire, too.” 
“Right. Again, just for the record-”
“You won’t owe Gavin money. I promise.” Isaac took a seat on his side of the table. He knew his own people littered the woods around the clearing, weapons at the ready. He’d brought a full fucking team to meet with a teenage girl. But as far as Isaac was concerned, Iris Michaelson might as well be more dangerous than just about anyone else he might meet with.
Isaac knew enough, from his short time with the Michaelson family going on fifteen years ago, to know that their Syndicate wasn’t entirely human.
Crunch of footsteps - Isaac counted. The girl’s steps - lighter, but firm. Projecting a false confidence, Isaac thought. She was trying to sound stronger than she felt. He knew the feeling. A large… man, he guessed, from the time between heavy footsteps. Bodyguard, probably as armed to the teeth as Vera was. He waited to count more but… heard no one. 
Isaac’s eyebrows furrowed, frowning. “Vera-” He turned to look back over his shoulder.
“I heard,” Vera whispered. “Eyes straight ahead, Isaac. I heard it. She’s only bringing one inside with her. Gavin might just owe me money.” Vera’s smile flashed white in the darkness. “Now that idea I like.”
She melted back into the shadows, and when Iris Michaelson entered the room, Isaac would seem entirely alone. 
Iris moved into the room with the unconscious certainty of power that every Syndicate son or daughter carried, although her steps were a little hesitant and her breathing tightly nervous, but that wasn’t what caught Isaac’s eyes. Her head was slightly down, auburn hair catching the dim light, a thick braid down her back with two smaller braids that ran on either side along her head to join the larger on. She also had a small, almost delicate-looking handgun on a small holster on her hip. 
He froze watching the lanky, gawky, all-elbows-and-knees girl in her soft black off-the-shoulder sweater, jeans, and combat boots that cost more than the gun on Isaac’s hip enter the room. He hadn’t seen hair quite that color since…
“Iris Michaelson.” His voice somehow came out even, but he heard himself speak as if from some far away place. His heart had started to race. “You requested a meeting with me?”
She raised her head to meet his eyes, and Isaac’s world broke apart. 
The shape of her face was unmistakable, as was the color of her hair. Her eyes were wide and a strangely startlingly clear hazel leaning towards brown, but…
Isaac heard Vera’s soft gasp behind him and knew she saw it, too.
Iris Michaelson was the perfect spitting image of Ellis Price - except for the fact that she had Finn Dunham’s hair and eyes. 
Iris came to a stop, warily, the hulking bodyguard - a brute of a man who seemed to carry himself with an absurd gentleness, with cropped dark hair and dark eyes in a pale face - that followed close on her heels putting his hand to his gun. Isaac automatically raised both his hands, empty and open-palmed, but he couldn’t take his eyes off her. 
My God, I know who you fucking are, now.
Finn and Ellis had been captured during their flight from the Michaelson stronghold nearly fifteen years ago. They had disappeared into the depths of the Michaelson’s mansion, and every attempt the team made to understand what might have happened had dead-ended into the common knowledge that anyone who went into the Michaelson mansion never came back out of it alive. Isaac had refused to believe they were dead at first, and when no one hunted them down - no one found the safehouses Ellis and Finn knew about, no attacks were made on places the two of them might have given up under torture… he had refused to believe they were broken, either. 
The team had never been able to go back for them, it had been too dangerous a risk even though Isaac had tried and failed and tried and failed again. They’d been… gone. 
Not dead - there’d have been some closure then.
Just… disappeared.
The Michaelsons had adopted a baby girl - philanthropic move, adopting the orphaned child of their employees, a couple killed in an attack by rebels. They'd named her Iris, and she'd been raised as just as much a part of the family as Ryan or Danny. 
Then, shortly after the public announcement of Iris joining the Michaelson family, Finn popped back up. They were kept at Patrick Michaelson’s side, his willing, branded plaything, photographed sitting in his lap at parties, glass of champagne tipped to their lips, eyes dead and empty above a gorgeous smile, head tilted to the side as Patrick's lips pressed into the brand on the left side of their neck. 
Isaac had been shown photos of Finn - with Patrick’s mouth on theirs or their neck or his hand between their legs, Finn with their back pressed up against Patrick’s car like Finn was just an object, even right out in public, even in plain sight. Finn wearing perfectly tailored suits, Finn half-wearing those suits, Finn wearing nothing but a harness of knotted navy blue rope with their legs wrapped around Patrick Michaelson’s waist, smiling and begging for more, harder, deeper… 
Broken and leaning into Patrick’s touch, over and over with that same dead-eyed smile. Standing with Patrick’s arm around their waist, leaning into him, a carefully crafted expression of adoration there. Isaac had shed bitter tears over being too late to save them. Whatever had broken Finn was something Isaac could never have brought them back from.
Ellis… Ellis had been gone for more than four years. The team had eventually assumed Ellis was dead - Isaac had grieved their fucking death. He’d thought losing them must have been what broke Finn, made them give up and resign themself to life in Patrick Michaelson’s bed.
Then… an envelope, and a set of photos Isaac had never expected to see. Ellis, nearly five years after Isaac had last seen them, teaching children at a Syndicate school, heavily guarded but still clearly themself. Smiling for children but expression set in a furious grim line the second no one was looking. Photos snuck out of the city by secret dissidents, Isaac had spent so much of what little money he had on every bit of information he could get about the two of them.
They were miserable, captives held behind enemy lines for more than a decade. But they never tried to run, never tried to contact anyone. Never took the chance. Isaac had managed to leverage people who owed him favors, new and old contacts, but every attempt to get Finn alone at a party had ended in their soft refusal - an insistence that I'm happy living this way, thank you or I love Patrick Michaelson, who could want to escape from living like this? or please, I can’t talk about it, I have to love him - and they’d move back to Patrick’s side - and Ellis was never fucking alone at all.
They weren’t trying to be alone, though, and Isaac just didn’t understand it.
Isaac hadn’t been able to grasp why Ellis could look so unbowed and so… utterly Ellis, and still be there. Still go day by day to the school, teaching children their ABCs, spending their nights and weekends tutoring the Michaelsons’ youngest child like it was nothing. Like it was a life they wanted, evenings and weekends helping raise a fucking Syndicate daughter, a pampered little princess.
It should have been something Ellis would rather die than do.
Isaac had wondered, again and again, what could possibly keep Ellis from trying to escape. Now, staring as Iris Michaelson crossed the room and settled herself in a chair across from him, Isaac understood. 
He understood, and he would have made exactly the same choices they had made, for this.
Ellis had been tutoring their own daughter, grasping for time with her. Doing anything it took not to lose her. And so, in their own way, had Finn. Ellis wouldn’t try to escape because they wouldn’t leave their daughter - Finn was at Patrick’s side to stay as close to Iris as they could get. The two of them had spent fourteen years like this. 
Corrine Michaelson hadn’t taken Iris from a dead employee to raise as her own. 
She’d taken Iris from Ellis. 
The two of them had managed to leverage their captivity to stay close to her, no matter what they had to give up, no matter how much of themselves they had had to give away. Isaac had to blink away tears that blurred his vision, wanting to stare at Iris for as long as he could.
Was this why Danny had stopped contacting Isaac about possibly leaving himself? Had he gone radio silent and stayed here because he didn’t want to leave Iris, either?
She looked up at him uncomfortably, rubbing at one arm with her other hand. It was… strange, to see the child’s roundness in Ellis’s face with Finn’s brown eyes, the hint of nervous shyness that he’d never seen in his friend, his family. But… he couldn’t look away. “What? What are you staring at? I’m adopted.” 
Isaac just blinked, until Vera cleared her throat behind him and Isaac jumped a little, startled out of his thoughts. The world felt like it had just tipped sideways, all of it made sense now, all at once. Puzzle pieces falling to the floor and magically into place. “I-I’m sorry, I just-... I know. I’ve met your brothers-”
“I know.” Iris’s voice was low, but held a sharp edge. “They told me.”
“They did?” Isaac almost asked her what exactly Danny and Ryan had had to say about him, but he could feel Vera’s eyes on his back, and he cleared his throat again. “My apologies. You wanted to meet with m-me?”
His voice was trembling. If he wasn’t careful, he’d cry right here in front of her. How are they? How broken? Is anything left? How much did they lose just to keep you?
“Yes. I, um. I thank you for-... meeting with me today. For agreeing to meet.” Iris’s voice was carefully even, but it shook, too, giving away that Syndicate daughter or not, she was nervous. Probably scared - she didn’t have any good reason to believe Isaac wouldn't just kill her or take her hostage. She’d shown a lot of trust, having just the one bodyguard and probably a driver come with her. She’d shown a lot of courage.
That’s Finn and Ellis for you, Isaac thought, and his throat nearly closed again.
“I-I’m not here for my own sake,” Iris said, quietly, looking slightly down, as if reciting something from memory. Her face was red, and Isaac decided this might be as close to seeing Ellis blush as he was ever going to get. “I don’t-... I don’t. Um. I’m sorry, this is just. Wait, I was supposed to start with-... shit.”
Isaac’s lips quirked in the slightest smile - he heard Vera huff a laugh from her hiding spot. There’s Ellis’s daughter, through and through.
Iris’s bodyguard leaned over, putting a hand on her shoulder, whispering in her ear. He looked up at Isaac, then, without the instinctive loathing or derision that Isaac usually expected from the Syndicate guards he’d gotten into fights with in the past. 
“Right. Right, thanks, David.” Iris put a hand up over the bodyguard’s, looking back at Isaac, sitting up straight again. Her black sweater fell just lightly off one bony shoulder. Loyal to her, Isaac thought, watching the bodyguard. Not Patrick and Corrine. We can use that. He’s not a Syndicate bodyguard - he’s Iris Michaelson’s bodyguard. There’s something there, if I can just figure it out.
Jesus, what had Ryan and Danny said years ago? Not everyone in the Syndicate was human. Was this David human? Or something else?
His heart was pounding. He had to make it through this meeting and then he was going to let himself be crushed under the weight of what he could see only in hindsight, only with Iris sitting here in front of him. Now that he understood that his attempts to save them had been fruitless because they didn’t want to be saved - not if… not if it would take them from their daughter.
He understood, now. He got it, all at once. Finn wouldn’t leave Ellis. Ellis wouldn’t leave Finn. And they wouldn’t leave Iris. 
God, he could feel fourteen years crushing him, all at once. Freedom he’d had and they hadn’t, could never get back. And they’d only been caught because Isaac had been running from being turned into Danny’s unwilling plaything, against both his and Danny’s will.
If he hadn’t let himself be rescued, he could have stayed with Danny and Nate. Danny would have… would have tried to make it feel as close to normal as he could. 
Stop it. You couldn’t have known. You could never have known. This isn’t your fault. This isn’t-... this isn’t your fault.
Felt like it, though. If he’d just… belonged to the Michaelsons - spent his days with Danny - then Finn never would have, would they? They’d be a rebel medic still, probably, not a plaything who spent their time being felt up or worse by the Michaelson patriarch-
Stop it. She’s fucking talking, listen to her, Isaac.
“Ellis,” Iris was saying softly, “is my real mother. And they told me to tell you, um, something that proves-... that proves that I’m here for them. They said… it’s been a while, motherfucker. Is-.. is bitchboy behaving?” 
Isaac closed his eyes, briefly, wanting to laugh and cry and do both at once. Vera huffed a laugh from her position behind him and Iris jumped, glancing back at David, who had a gun up, out, and pointed right at Isaac in less time than it took for Iris to flinch back when she realized Vera was there.
“Hands where I can see them,” David said, voice deep, low, and flat.
Vera stepped out into plain view, holding her gun pointed upwards with the safety on and her finger off the trigger. “Here I am,” She said, carefully. “I’m going to lay this down on that side table. No shooting. Yeah?”
David held steady. “No shooting. I don’t put this down until yours is down.”
Isaac’s hands slipped down, as if lying in his lap, the get a grip on the gun under the table, ready to pull it free and aim. “She’s with me. I promise we’re not planning on hurting anyone today, if you’re not.”
“So have her put her gun down,” Iris said, lifting her chin.
Isaac felt a stab of surreal pride that this near-stranger made her voice so strong, that she seemed so brave. It fit, that Ellis’s daughter would be good at hiding her fears.
“Vera,” Isaac said softly. 
“I’m doing it.” Vera laid her handgun down on the side table and then backed slowly away, hands still up, until she was leaning against the wall. When David’s gun lowered, so did her hands. He reholstered his weapon and everyone let out a breath they hadn’t realized they were holding simultaneously. There was a round of nervous laughter from them all.
Isaac tried to remind himself to just keep breathing. "So... they're still Ellis, definitely. Angry?”
Iris smiled, and you couldn’t mistake that smile for anything but someone who was talking about her mother. “Angry all the time. They’re good with the dayschool, though. I go see them every day, mostly.”
“And… and Finn?"
There was a pause, and Iris’s eyes dropped. She picked at a loose thread on her sweater. "They're, um." Iris paused, and Isaac heard her shift in her chair. "They're… very sad. All the time. With my father-”
Isaac winced. “He’s not your-”
“I know. But he is my father, too. Please don’t-... please let me talk.” Her voice did tremble, then, and Isaac went quiet. “With my father, and around everyone who works with us, they seem mostly happy, I guess. I know my fathers love each other-”
“Bullshit,” Vera said, her voice flat. “They don’t love him.”
Iris didn’t look up. “They do,” She insisted. “They do love each other, but… but when I’m alone with Finn, they’re… they’re very sad. And they don’t love him any longer. Did you… do you know them? They told me stories, but they didn't-... there were always other people around, so-"
"So they didn't tell you everything."
"No. But… but I-... I want to get them - Ellis and Finn - away from my, um. My family."
Isaac wasn't thinking about self-protection. If Iris had wanted to, she could have had her bodyguard kill him, in that moment, his eyes closed and his guard down. He leaned slowly forward and put his head in his hands, the silence drawing out. No one drew a weapon. No one fired.
Isaac felt the punch of pain, anyway, the tears running down his face. 
That's not your family, Iris. We are. Or we were supposed to be. 
“Do they know-”
“Ellis knows. I mean, my mother knows.” Iris laughed, airily, and Isaac looked up through his hands to see the piercing sadness in her features, the blend of her mother and father so deeply written in every single gesture, each expressed emotions. “I’m not allowed to call them that, so, so I hope you don’t mind if I just do it all the time, for right now? My mother knows. But-”
“Finn doesn’t know?”
Iris swallowed, and glanced back at David, who looked impassively down at her, but he kept his hand on her shoulder. “No, Daddy doesn’t know.”
Isaac’s breath hitched. Daddy-
“I can-... I’m sometimes allowed to call them that. I call, um, my father is just… Father. Or Da, sometimes, he likes Da. But Finn isn’t-... Finn doesn’t know that we’re meeting today. They know I want to, and they know I’m doing something, but we can’t tell them what or when or any details.”
“Why not?” That was Vera - but there was a set to her jaw, and a tension to her words, that suggested she knew the answer before Iris ever spoke it out loud.
“Because… if Father asks them, they’ll tell him anything. Everything. Anything they know.”
Isaac breathed out. Slowly, slowly, trying to control the despair threatening to well up inside of him. “They’re tortured?”
“Um. Not… not exactly. They just… will. Father will ask, and he’ll… kiss them, or something-” Iris’s nose wrinkled in something like disgust. “Which, watching your fathers kiss is pretty weird, for the record-”
“No doubt,” Vera murmured, “When one of them doesn’t want to.”
“Um. Sort of.” Iris’s expression shifted - something Isaac couldn’t read there - and she shrugged. “In any case. He’ll ask, and they’ll tell, sooner or later. So Ellis - my mother, God, it’s so nice to say that out loud just like that - says they can’t know, it has to be a surprise for them. So we, um, we kind of have to abduct Finn, but-... but they’ll go, we just-... have to make it a surprise abduction.”
“As opposed to the usual kind, where you send a note they can RSVP to,” David rumbled behind Iris, and she shot him a brilliant smile over one shoulder, bumping her shoulder into his side.
“Anyway… my uncles Nate and Danny know. Nate and Ellis trade books a lot, they’ve been hiding messages in them.”
“Nate Vandrum,” Vera said. “Loyal to Danny Michaelson, not his last name. Which means…”
“Which means Danny wants in on this, wants to get them out.” Isaac ignored the odd little thrill of nostalgia. One week, fourteen years ago, and it had ended in disaster. And still part of him leapt at the idea of seeing Daniel Michaelson again. “Why now?”
“Because…” Iris took a breath, closed her eyes. Opened them again, and Isaac was caught all over again by how thoroughly Finn those eyes were, but full of all the sparkling life and light that was missing from Finn’s in every photograph taken since their disappearance, since they’d been turned into a plaything, but something worse and more than that.
Playthings are discarded. They die or get paid off to disappear. 
But Finn… Finn had been at Patrick Michaelson’s side for fourteen years. They were far more than a plaything. Patrick introduced them, Isaac had been told, as his consort. Like a fucking monarchy. 
What were Syndicates, really, but petty fucking kings and queens with little kingdoms where their word was law? Why wouldn’t Patrick style himself king, and style Finn something like consort, or concubine, or-
Or royal fucking whore-
His hands had closed into fists, palms aching where his nails were digging in. Isaac forced himself to slowly, carefully relax them. 
“Because what, Iris?” Vera had moved closer up behind Isaac, and he felt her hand settle warmly onto his right shoulder. A comfort - and Vera could reach down and take a gun from Isaac’s underarm holster in less time than it took to catch a breath. 
“Because, um.” Iris picked at her manicured fingernails, then looked up from under her lashes at them both. “Because I want to go with them, with you. I want-...” She swallowed, again and again. “Because I don’t want them to hurt anymore. Because Daddy’s so fucking sad, for me, and-”
“It’s not your fault,” Isaac said, his voice strangled, caught in his throat.
It’s mine, for taking the opportunity to run and never seeing that my freedom would be paid for with theirs.
“They’re ready because I’m ready. I want to be with my family, just the three of us. I want-... I want them to be my family. And Ellis said Isaac Moore was the only person they could think of who could ever get all three of us out alive.”
“No pressure, though,” Vera said softly.
“None at all,” Isaac said. He was floating. He was a thousand miles away. He was barely tethered to earth. “Well… fuck.”
“Fuck indeed.” Vera’s hand tightened on his shoulder. “We’re doing this, right?”
“Of course we are.” Isaac watched Iris from across the table, and then did his best to smile for her. “Okay, Iris Michaelson-”
“Iris Dunham-Price,” She countered, and Isaac nearly choked on a mix of pride and grief. “I mean. I hope to be. Once we’re out.”
“Iris Dunham-Price, then. You have yourself a deal. You want to help your family escape, and escape with them. I’ve-... I’ve been waiting to bring my family home for fourteen fucking years. So let’s both get what we want, okay?”
Isaac held out his hand, and Iris held out hers. Her fingers were thin, but she shook his hand with a firm grip. 
“Deal,” Iris said, nodding once.
“Ellis teach you to shake hands that way? Thought you’d crush all my bones for a second.”
Iris laughed, really laughed, for the first time she’d entered. 
Her laughter sounded exactly like Finn’s.
@astrobly @slaintetowhump @finder-of-rings @orchidscript @burtlederp @whumpiary @sableflynn @moose-teeth
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enternalempires · 4 years
Those Eyes
This is a Ladynoir/Adrienette fic. It has switched Miraculous and a reveal and Marinette purring, lol. Lots of fluff. Hope you enjoy! Haven’t figured out how to use links yet but my Ao3 username is the same!
We all know that Plagg with Marinette would be chaotic as all hell, like she’d mention a very very bad course of action that would have us all going ‘second-hand embarrassment, no!!’ but that sarcastic little shit of a Kwami would be like, “Yes!! Do it!!!” because like, after eons of being alive and literally killing the dinos off along with various other disasters you just learn to not care anymore. And Adrien with Tikki would be chaotic in a different way. They’d be so?? Productive??? Like, they’d agree on so much and just vibe that it would be pure sunshine magic. Like, there’s a reason why they got the humans that they did.
Marinette shrieked, scrambling past a car that was picked up and thrown in her direction— successfully dodging any debris and sharp objects left over from the Akumas wake.
At eighteen years old, she knew better than to take off her earrings.
She knew she shouldn’t have, even if it was Adrien Agreste who asked her to change them out, promising with his life (as she made him do) that they would be safe in his bag. She knew that having a photo shoot with him and she in her original MDC designs shouldn’t have made her heart flutter but it did.
They were modeling together.
God, if the fifteen-year-old her could’ve predicted this, she would’ve melted in her spot.
But she didn’t.
And she also didn’t predict that Hawkmoth would choose absolutely the worst time to put an Akuma out into the streets of Paris, but she wasn’t surprised. Her luck as Ladybug never passed over into her life as Marinette— ruler of clumsiness and bad decisions.
Marinette knew she needed to get back to Tikki, she needed to find her earrings and quickly put them on.
She just didn’t expect to find the car that Adrien’s bag had been in to be completely destroyed with its contents spewed around the street.
Oh, she was screwed.
“Tikki,” She hissed, getting onto her knees and ignoring the glass that stuck into her palms as she shifted through all the now unrecognizable car’s contents. “Tikki, where are you?”
“Oh, this is golden,” A voice cackled from behind her and Marinette whipped around— coming face to face with a tiny black Kwami with glowing green eyes and a long tail. She blinked once, twice, and then noticed the bright silver, almost white ring he was carrying. “You’re Sugercube’s babybug, huh? Oh, loverboy is going to get a kick out of this.”
She gaped, unsure about how to continue.
“Do you have cheese?” He asked, scowling when she shook her head. “Great. What use are you then?”
This was Chat Noir’s Kwami?
He seemed… completely opposite of Tikki.
“Well, aren’t you going to torture me now?” He asked, floating up to her face— his sardonic tone deepening as he lazily landed in Marinette’s palms as soon as she offered them up to him. “I’m Plagg, by the way. Why did you take the earrings off?”
“Urm, I’m Marinette and Tikki didn’t want me to but I kinda… I had this photoshoot thing that I had to switch them out for. So I did.”
“Oo! A rule breaker! I like you. My human is a goodie-goodie, unless it comes to you. He’s so in love that it’s revolting.”
“Not good at the emotional stuff, huh?”
“Nah, cheese is my love.”
“Oh,” Marinette raised an eyebrow. “Not the tiny goddess that calls you Stinky Socks?”
Giving her an eyeroll, Plagg huffed out, “Can you just say ‘claws out’ already?”
“Is there anything I need to know regarding Chat’s powers?”
“Be careful when you’re jumping around and moving, it’ll look a bit different than usual and you’ll be faster.” His voice was so bored that she couldn’t help but to giggle. “I’m awesome, so you’ll also be able to hear a lot better and see in the dark. Also, people will smell.”
“Excuse me?” Marinette blinked. “Smell?”
“Yep.” The black cat yawned exaggeratingly. “Loverboy says you smell good or whatever. Also, don’t ruin everything.”
For whatever reason, that made her cheeks flush and Plagg laughed, his cackle creating goosebumps to go over her skin.
He felt powerful— like destruction and death and sadness. He felt like he could destroy the whole world, like he could send it into a proverbial darkness, and Marinette was reminded of Paris drowned in water, and the moon cracked in half in the sky.
It was terrifying.
Plagg was terrifying.
Tikki felt light, like home.
Like life and warmth and creation and happiness. Her power was intimidating, it was skin-tight and heavy and weighed down her shoulders with a burden she never wanted but bore anyways.
Marinette wondered how his magic would feel after she transformed and looked around. The destruction still damaged around her, but she was hidden by three toppled over cars and couldn't see anyone through the cracks.
“Plagg,” She slipped the ring onto her middle finger, watching as it turned smaller and shone in a soft sky blue color. “Claws out!”
The power that overwhelmed her made her feel unbalanced, her head swarming like she was twenty feet underwater, the pressure pounding around her in all directions.
Being Ladybug felt suffocating sometimes. It felt like responsibility and trauma walked beside her every day.
But wearing the Black Cat Miraculous?
That felt like drowning.
Like devastation was clinging to her.
How did her kitty deal with this? With feeling demolition wreck havoc through his veins on an almost daily basis?
Ladybug— or well, she couldn’t be ladybug anymore— sucked in a harsh breath and looked around. The world was just… in ruins around her but it was more vivid than anything she experienced. The sun shone on everything brighter, the shadows almost nonexistent and the details— god, she was starting to see why Chat stared so much.
Taking her baton into her hands, the young heroine saw that the silver was the same color that the ring had turned into, a soft sky blue, and noted that in the light it glowed with an azure flicker.
Turning around with a flinch as a loud boom followed by multiple screams rang throughout the street, the heroine had full intention to join in on the chaos and to hopefully find Chat— until she caught sight of herself in an upside-down car’s windshield.
She stood there gaping.
What the…
She wasn’t really sure what to expect, maybe an exact replica of Chat’s outfit, maybe her outfit as Ladybug but cat-themed but not… not this.
Her eyes were the same color but brighter, the iris having a deep blue ridge to them and the white part of her eyes were a slightly lighter shade. And her pupils— her pupils are slitted!
Does that, does that mean that… that Chat’s eyes are normal now?
Ignoring that thought, she looked at the rest of her.
The suit was still the same black leather that her partner wore but with an azure shine to it. Around her neck, there was a dark blue bow with three loops made out of what seemed to be a soft and a baby blue bell in the middle.
Around her waist was the same blue ribbon that wrapped around her twice and then swished around her hips and extended towards her ankles in her ‘tail’.
She had a tail.
Her eyes flew back up to her hair and her hands instantly shot up to her ears— leather ears exactly like Chat’s but they had light blue tips. They flicked and she felt it. She grabbed them with her hands and she squeaked.
How does he live like this?!
Instead of her pigtails, her hair was down to her shoulders with two thin ribbons going down to her shoulders. Her bangs were still present but the little hairs that used to frame her face on either side of her head and in front of her ears were now three curved whisks of hair that almost made her think they were supposed to resemble whiskers.
Her hands had claws, her wrists had ribbons and a small bow on them, as did her ankles— and her feet were shaped into paws!
Hopping on one foot, she saw the ‘toe beans’ on the bottom of her sole and squeaked rather loudly again.
She was a cat— a cat!
Her panicking came to an end when the car she was looking at herself was suddenly picked up and— thrown at her.
She heard it moving before she saw it, her ears perking up and dragging forward, her body leaping out of the way as the tension in her body raised. She sensed it coming towards her, somehow being able to feel the immediate area around her— she couldn’t stop observing it all.
Oh. Oh. It all makes sense now.
How Chat was always able to see the Akuma or any objects that were about to hit her before she did.
That and she could get so stuck in her head so much that it could be problematic.
Like now, for example.
The Akuma— a giant doll version of Reflekdoll, poor Juleka probably got akumatized again— was throwing things at her and, well, she tried her best to dodge, using her baton and newfound speed and agility to avoid being dangerously squished.
Unfortunately, she was rather clumsy with her new suit and powers.
She tried to listen to what Plagg had said, to be careful, and to be slower but she couldn’t. She never got hit by cars or building debris or the giant doll's hands but she flinched at her roars of rage and collided with building edges or other things she underestimated her own ability to stop with.
It would be so much easier if she had her yoyo or her wings to help guide her.
Where was her Chaton when she needed him?
Across town in a shady alleyway, Adrien Agreste was smiling brightly at the tiny red and black Kwami who was giving him a soft smile of her own— blue, almost purple eyes twinkling.
“I can tell why my babybug likes you so much,” Tikki said, having found and calmly explained the situation to the blond who she found calling out for Plagg mere minutes before. “You’re very polite and sweet, Stink Socks probably complains so much!”
“Thanks,” Adrien flushed slightly, wondering if he heard the miniature goddess correctly when she said that her Babybug, Ladybug by omission, liked him. “He’s not too bad as long as I give him enough camembert.
“Him and his cheese,” Tikki rolled her eyes before focusing them back on him, her smile turning encouraging. “I’m sure Plagg has found M— Ladybug by now. All you have to do is say ‘spots on’. I’m positive you’ll be able to handle it, Adrien! You’ve proven to be an amazing Chat Noir, I’m sure you’ll be an amazing Ladybug as well!”
“You’re… nothing like Plagg.”
“I know,” The Kwami giggles and strangely enough it reminds him of his lady’s giggles— that is until a loud shattering boom went through the air and shook the ground around them and a flash of black and blue went past the alley. “Ready?”
“Not really, but I’ll do my best!” Adrien gave a nervous chuckle and then took the earrings into his palms, then turning a darker sheen of red then what the black glowed with originally and the part of them that would go into the holes turned into cuffs.
When he put them on, he tugged, delighted in the way they were tight enough to never fall off unless physically torn from his ears.
“Alright, Tikki, spots on!”
Adrien didn’t expect the warmth that encased him.
Usually, the magic that he got from Plagg felt cold and secure, like a protective darkness hiding him from the loneliness, giving him the freedom to run through the night without fear of the isolation waiting for him at home.
Tikki’s magic felt heavy, like burning alive— and suddenly he understood the burden that had been placed onto his lady’s shoulders and the strictness in her eyes.
There was no room for mistakes.
The world was in her palms, she had become Atlas at thirteen and never complained once. She had taken up the mantle with wariness and a proud stance and she held it so tightly that she never dropped it once.
He sucked in a breath, almost doubling over with the weight of it all.
Ladybug— for five years— felt this unyielding responsibility? She did this and put up with him, him who teased and goofed around and made mistakes? Him who had admittedly gotten better over time but still flirts and is playful on the field?
How did she deal with that?!
Fortunately, he didn’t have to think long about that being a giant doll stopped at the edge of the alleyway, turned to him as he shuffled back and roared.
He saw his own reflection in the shiny face— a maroon suit with black details and a black mask, his hair the same mess, and the yoyo around his waist. Thick wings were on his back, he could feel them twitch and scuffle as they opened in surprise. Ladybug had wings, he didn’t know why he expected not to.
His eyes were wide and so normal that it took him a second too long to realize they were coming closer.
Because the doll was moving closer, making his reflection do the same.
Why couldn’t he sense it?
Why did everything look so… so familiar? No extra sight, no extra hearing. How did Ladybug do this— how could she fight while being so normal?
God, he always had a lot of respect for her but now he has even more.
Shooting into the air, the yoyo automatically swung in his hand as he used it to volt himself into the sky, having seen his lady do so so many times it was almost second nature. Once he got over the doll, she shrieked in agitation— looking like Reflekdoll— and moved her clanky, large body to try and grab him.
Chat, however, if he could even call himself that anymore, opened his wings with some experimentation and flapped them a couple of times, not expecting the power they held and went so far into the sky that the sight could rival their rendezvous point on the Eiffel tower.
He tried to drift right but ended up volting upside down and catching a large gust of wind that sent him backward, wings snapping painfully straight.
The hero yelped and desperately, yet futility, clawed at the air.
Where was his lady when he needed her?
The young heroine was just thinking she got the hang of how to run across the rooftops with her accelerated speed— having failed and either trip or face-planted into a chimney here or there— but a masculine yelp came from above her and she looked up just in time to see the panicked face of her partner before the deep red-suited boy with long wings crashed into her.
They went flying, both rolling as their bodies tangled together, the cold tiles of the roof underneath them not hurting but definitely not pleasant as they came to a stop a couple of seconds after.
She groaned, feeling his familiar and hard body underneath hers.
She wanted him to be there with her, of course, but that didn’t mean she wanted him to tackle her after being airborne.
“Chat,” She struggles to detangle her arms from around him, his wings crowding them more than the usual present-battle entanglement. She was grateful though for this moment, he was warm and soothing and Tikki’s magic felt like a breath of fresh air. “Why would you—”
Why would you try to fly?
She was going to ask, seeing as that’s most likely how he literally fell out of the sky and onto her but then, then something horrifying happened.
She started to purr.
“Eek!” She shot up, arms painfully pulling out of their spot as she desperately tried to crawl away from her partner. “No, no, no, no—”
“Milady,” Chat’s teasing voice froze her but, unfortunately, made the purring all the much louder and she snapped her eyes up to meet his startlingly normal eyes. “Are you doing that because of me?”
“N-no! No, of course not, that would be, that would be, uh—”
She tried to focus on what she was saying, her lie so obvious, but then that stupid cat put a gentle hand into her hair and started to massage her scalp, petting her so softly that her purrs echoed.
Why did that make her feel so warm inside and why did it feel so good?
“Aw, my little kitten.” Chat cooed out. “So adorable. You’re happy to see me, hm?”
“Hm— ah, n-no.” The heroine leaned into his palm, forgetting about their surroundings as she melted into his touch— that is until a prickling sensation shook her whole body and she heard the faintest scrap of metal against the ground.
Her eyes flew open again and she jerked back into a sitting position, eyes snapping to the right as her hackles raised. Another stupid car was coming right at them! Without much thought, the heroine pushed her partner down onto the opposite side of the roof, rolling down after him just as the vehicle smashed into the building.
So this Akuma was the murderous kind.
Not the trap or trick kind.
Nice to know.
“Okay, we have to lure her towards the Seine,” She jumped into her usual serious mode, jumping to her feet and unaware that her tail was swishing behind her. “That way there’s less of those stupid cars to throw. I’m pretty sure everyone is to safety by now but we still don’t want her damaging buildings due to the people inside.”
“Ladybug— er, I mean… what do I call you now?” Chat asked, standing up and stretching his wings, and then almost falling over again due to the wind and some building chunks the muttering Akuma was chucking at them.
“Uh, I don’t know, you pick.” She said half mindlessly, blocking hits for both of them. “It looks like a bigger version of when Juleka got Akumatized but I haven’t seen anything that could be the object and trust me, I’ve been thrown around enough to catch all of her.”
“Bluebell Kitten,” He said, pointing to the bell in the middle of her bow. “And are you okay? Did you have trouble using the baton?”
“No, the baton is easy, it’s the stupid senses thing! How can you focus on anything?” The apparent kitten asked, pointing towards the Eiffel tower. “And for the record, I regret giving you the choice to choose, Scarlet Beetle.”
“Ah, nice name.” He grinned, heeding to her signal, and started to run in that direction. “I don’t know, it just comes naturally. Makes sense it would be overwhelming for you, though. You get no extra senses at all, I don’t know how you fight like this.”
“Quite easily,” Bluebell Kitten quipped. “And just wait until you use my charm, it’ll definitely knock you off your feet.”
“That’s okay,” Scarlet beetle helped her keep the right face and sent her a wink that sent her tail wagging embarrassingly. “It’ll just be another way I fell for you.”
“Whatever.” She rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the smile that made its appearance. “You ready for this, buggy?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be, kitten.”
The battle went by with a little struggle— Scarlet Beetle having to help Bluebell Kitten with her speed, showing her the best way to stop or how to adjust her eyes to focus properly on what she was doing and about the new depth perception she had. In return, the bug turned cat helped the still flirty boy fly better, teaching him how to find the right air currents and how to land— but the heroine could tell her partner struggled with the Miraculous.
It was a different kind of struggle than she had with his.
Sure, Plagg’s magic was uncomfortable and too light and just wrong against her skin but Tikki with her kitty? Not a good mix.
He struggled to understand that he couldn’t take any hits for her— that that was the Kitten’s responsibility now.
That, no matter how much he wanted to save her, he couldn’t do anything that would put himself incapacitated or at a greater risk. They could defend each other but he was the last line of defense— they were a team but he mattered more.
He was the only one that could heal those hurt, that could fix things that were broken.
“Minou,” She had sighed out, blue eyes sparring her partner a glance as she distracted and he tried to figure out what his lucky charm meant. “No self-sacrificing today, okay?”
“What do you mean?” Scarlet Beetle had asked, frowning as he spun his yoyo in a circle to block some rumble from hitting him.
“It’s not your job to protect me right now. It’s your job to survive long enough to defeat the Akuma and fix everything.”
“No buts. You can’t put yourself at risk, even for me. Understood?”
Begrudgingly, the blond-haired boy nodded and they settled their full attention back into the battle. Within minutes it was done, both of them having used their powers and able to return poor Juleka back to the Couffaine boathouse after fist-bumping and answering Alya’s question when she stormed up to them for a report on the Ladyblog.
The heroine could tell that her poor bug was still upset, having witnessed her take a couple blows that he hadn’t seen coming— being more unattentive than usual and not able to sense as much.
She had broken ribs but still fought by his side.
Broken ribs were nothing compared to what he went through before, she had told herself. He had died before, she wasn’t as unlucky.
“Chaton,” The Kitten grabbed his wrist, stopping him from where they were running on a roof, his earring cuffs beeping letting them know he only had three minutes left, her ring was at four. It had been roughly twenty minutes since they used their powers; more time from being older and getting more powers and mature suits. “I’m sorry that today was bad for you.”
“I’m just… I’m not used to not being able to protect you, milady.” He grumbled with a  pout, crossing his arms over his chest. “I don’t like it.”
“It was only for today,” She reminded softly. “And I know how you feel but you just— you have to remind yourself that what happened, how I was hurt, wasn’t your fault. I know you would’ve protected me if you could have. That’s one of the burdens of having the Ladybug Miraculous.”
Scarlet Beetle just frowns at her and she sighs, reaching up a hand to softly cup his cheek.
“It’s okay, Kitty,” She smiles. “I’m fine now, aren’t I?”
“Is this how it’s like for you?” He questions, shiny green eyes flickering between her own. “Feeling helpless? Just watching and unable to save… I was unable to save you. I can’t, I can't do that again—”
Scarlet cuts himself off with a choking sound, hand clenching by his side with tears in his eyes. He trembled slightly and the Kitten felt her ears press flat as she recognized the terror in his eyes.
“Come here,” She holds her arms open, offering a hug and her boy is quick to take the opportunity and wrap himself into her gentle hold. “I know that was a hard fight but you’re not going to lose me, okay? Never. You’re stuck with me now, I’m not going to leave you or get hurt and not be there. I promise.”
“Promise,” He wiggles until his arm is free and holds out his pinky, the action so adorable that she can’t help but to giggle as she lifts her own hand and interwinds her pinky with his.
Beeps echo through the night and Bluebell pulls away, running a hand through Scarlet’s hair to make it even messier. She ruffled the spots his ears would normally be and smiled when the strands fluffed up and stuck up into different angles.
“We have to go, Minou.” She boops his nose. “Meet me in our hotel room tower tonight, we’ll switch back to normal.”
“Okay,” He gives her a goofy smile. “What does Tikki like to eat?”
“Chocolate chip cookies, or just sweets in general. Plagg likes cheese, right?”
“Really! Cookies are so much better than stinky camembert— which I’m guessing he mentioned. Do you, urm, even have that?”
“My dad’s secretly a cheese fanatic, I’m sure I can smuggle some of the good stuff from him.” Bluebell tilted her head slightly, eyeing his wings. “Don’t fly if you’re going into a window or something narrow because, and no offense, you're not good enough to avoid smacking into it and breaking something.”
“I take full offense,” He winks. “See you Milady.”
“See you, kitty.”
“Can you keep me?” Plagg asked, staring dreamily at the gruyere cheese that the young heroine had given him shortly after she detransformed and made it back home— and after he laughed about the pictures of all her friends including Adrien and Chat Noir on her walls. “I know I called you mushy and sentimental but this is even better than camembert!”
Marinette laughs and shakes her head, “Sorry Plagg, I prefer Tikki. I don’t like smelling like cheese.” Even if gruyere smelled quite a lot better than camembert.
“Ugh, humans.” The Kwami grumbles. “So fickle. You just wanna smell good for loverboy. I think that cheese smells amazing, for the record.”
“Your opinion has been noted.” She nods to him. “And I don’t want to smell good for Chat!”
“Mhm,” Plagg rolled his eyes. “Sure.”
“I’m not!”
“I totally believe you, kid.”
“You’re horrible,” She grumbles.
“Yeah, yeah. Feed me some more.”
“Feed me!”
“Stop yelling or I’m telling Tikki you were being mean to me.”
“Hey!” Plagg turned to her with glaring green eyes. “Don’t bring Sugarcube into this.”
Marinette turned to him and raised an eyebrow, “Then don’t bring my kitty into this.”
“Aw,” He snickered. “You called him your kitty. He’ll get a kick out of that.”
“Plagg, claws out!” Marinette flushed a bright red and a green light encased her.
Time to go visit her kitty— because he is hers, no matter Plagg’s teasing.
Across town in a lonely room, Adrien was laughing so hard his stomach was hurting and tears were coming out of his eyes. He was practically wheezing at this point, curled up as he tried to catch his breath— something that, at this point, was useless.
He had managed to convince Tikki to try some of Plagg’s camembert.
And the little Kwami quite honestly looked like she was going to throw up, cheeks going almost a purple as she grimaced and gagged.
It shouldn’t have been as funny as it was but Adrien couldn’t help it.
Tikki was so different than Plagg and the simple fact that she looked like she was ready to die right then and there from the mere taste of the black cat’s favorite food was one of the funniest things he has ever seen.
“Haha,” She said, voice light but disgusted as she tried to cover up the taste with chocolate— which, by her expression, he could tell did not blend well. “Now you have to try it. Fair is fair.”
“No!” He choked on a chuckle. “Plagg has tried to feed me it so many times and succeeded. I don’t need to smell like that cheese more than I already do!”
“Hmph,” Tikki crossed her arms and floated up to his face. “I’m going to tell baby bug you tried to poison me.”
Adrien gaped, “You wouldn’t.”
The miniature goddess giggled, “You’re right, but your expression was worth it!”
“You’re so much nicer than Plagg, I can see why Ladybug loves you so much,” He commented, blinking slightly at the little Kwami’s stupefied expression. “She’s talked about you before. I didn’t know your name or anything but a couple of times during patrol she mentioned how, well… how she was so grateful you were her best friend.”
“Really?” Tikki gave an excited smile that only widened as Adrien nodded.
“Really really.”
“Well, she’s the best Ladybug I’ve had. The youngest too.” Her smile goes softer with a tender look only a being as long as she had lived could have. “I don’t know how she does it all, but despite all she thinks about herself, she’s a very resourceful little bug. I couldn’t be prouder of her. Or of you, Adrien! Plagg loves you, even if the stinky socks won’t admit it.”
“Thank you. He purrs when I hug him, even if he yells at me.”
“Does he really?” Tikki laughed joyfully. “I’ll have fun teasing him about that.”
“I thought you were the one that got teased?” Adrien tilted his head to the side.
“It goes both ways,” She reassured. “He’s just better at it.”
“I see. Did he really kill all the dinosaurs?”
“And the doo-doo birds.”
“No!” He gasped. “Evil.”
“Laziness and distractions,” The kwami corrected, lifting a solemn paw. “He was different back then. Less happy.”
“Less happy?” Adrien questioned.
He always assumed that cheese was the only thing that made Plagg truly happy, well, until he met Tikki and she had shared a couple of stories, telling him about all the interesting things they’ve been through together.
“Yeah,” Tikki gave him a sad smile. “We’ve been around since the dawn of creation, Adrien, we’ve seen countless civilizations and being rise and fall, empires turned to nothing more than ash. We’ve seen evil rise and good defend time and time again. My bugs… they are always smart, always compassionate people. Sometimes gentle and sweet like your lady is. Sometimes not. But they all— each and every single one of them— see horribly traumatizing things that Plagg’s holders do not, they get torn apart from the inside out. But his kittens? They get hurt more. They risk more. They die more and they die first. Always. And he dies with them a bit each time.”
Adrien didn’t even know what that was, the only thing that came to mind was— sad.
“I know,” She gave him that motherly smile of hers, tone soft and soothing but with a note of sadness to it. “You don’t have to say it. Plagg takes a long time to open up to someone. He doesn’t like acting close, he doesn’t like being close— he said that it hurts less that way. But I know that it hurts the same, that it hurts even more. That he wants more time with them, I know I always do.”
“I can’t speak for anyone but myself,” The young hero says. “But I know that whenever I go, I will want more time with him, too.”
Tikki fixes him with a sweet look in her eye, “That’ll mean a lot to Stinky Socks. Could you tell him that?”
“Of course,” Adrien gives her one of his bright smiles— one that’s actually real. “It’s almost time to meet Milady at our room, are you all energized?”
Their room was at Le Grand Paris, paid for by Major Bourgeois after he assured the two heroes that there would be no supervallince, no one allowed on that floor (the very top) without their explicit permission and that they could come there at any time, the balcony always unlocked.
Chloe told them that it was a gift to her favorite superhero and ‘friend’ of all time.
Ladybug gave a weak smile and scowled once whom she considered to be a nuisance looked away.
Besides Chloe beings, well… Chloe, Adrien had no clue what she could’ve done to make his lady hate her so much. They interacted once every couple months due to her causing an Akuma, so maybe that was it but the dislikement Ladybug had for the girl seemed to go beyond that.
It seemed personal.
“Yep! Take me back to my baby bug, please.” Tikki smiles at him.
Returning the look, Adrien calls out, “Spots on!” And is encased into a burning, dark red light before the same maroon suit and dark wings flexed against his skin.
Scarlet beetle sighed.
Oh, how he couldn’t wait to see his lady.
Arriving at Le Grand Paris, Bluebell Kitten knew that her partner was already inside based on the precariously left open door and an album from Jagged Stone that she could hear extraordinarily well even from outside.
She, expecting to be able to stop, landed onto the balcony and put away her baton— only for her clumsy feet to stumble due to her speed and she crashed right through the open door, thankful that he left it open.
Then for the second time that day, the two heroes crashed into each other before slamming into the floor, the Kitten on top of the beetle and both bright red, bodies tangled up and so close that she couldn’t tell where she ended and he started.
“H-hey, Milady.” He, for some reason, chuckled and cupped the back of her head, holding her gently as he shifted slightly underneath her. “That eager to be bugged by me, huh?”
“Chaton,” The heroine scowled, pushing herself onto her elbows as she rests peacefully against his chest. “Aren’t you punned out for the day?”
“When am I ever punned out, little kitten?”
Bluebell shrieks as a purr loudly announces her appreciation— that she otherwise would’ve been able to hide— for the pet name and she scrambled back as that stupid blond started to laugh.
“Chat!” She covers her mouth with both hands, desperately trying to stop both her blush and the noise coming from her as it only grows thanks to her useless partner pulling her back onto him with a wicked grin. “Make it stop! How do I make it stop?”
“I don’t know if I want to help you with this, Milady,” He bites the inside of his cheek. “I quite like you not being able to hide how you feel.”
The purr in her chest turned into a soothing, almost constant rumble and she pouted.
“Yeah, well, I don’t.” The words seemed to vibrate in her throat and she swallowed the odd tickling feeling down. “I purr, Chaton. Purr! And every time I look at you my stupid tail wants to act up! Why? Because it hates me.”
“No,” He grinned. “Because you loooove me.”
Flushing deeply, she buries her head into her hands— deciding that's not enough and then buries it into his chest to hide the red-stained cheeks but Scarlet Beetle only laughs, telling her he saw it already.
“Come on, Bugaboo. I’m just teasing you.”
“I don’t like this.”
“But you like me.”
“What? I didn’t do anything.” His laugh deepens and she can feel it in her own chest, being that close to him. That traitorous purr only gets louder. Stupid, stupid cat instincts. Why can’t she enjoy the sound of his laugh without him knowing? Was that too much to ask?
“Just give me my miraculous back, you silly tomcat,” Bluebell grumbles, successfully sitting up this time, the purr quieting when Scarlet Beetle puts his hands back to his sides. “And don’t tease my purring!”
“Why not?” He pouts. “You tease my purring.”
“That’s different,” She whines. “You’re cute when you do it. It’s just weird for me too! I don’t want to be able to hear your heart beating— wait!” She stared at him in wide-eyed horror. “Do you… do you usually hear that good?”
“Yeah?” The hero gives her a weird look. “But I learned to ignore it, why?”
“No reason.” She sighs, looking away from her partner as she scrambles off of him, both standing up and a foot apart. “Point is, I’m a cat person but I don’t want to be a cat.”
“I rather like seeing you as a cat,” His comment earns a dry look.
“I’m sure you just love seeing me prance around in leather but I like being Ladybug, not a kitty.”
“But you're my kitten,” Beetle’s pout returns, and his green eyes widen innocently— almost as bad as Manon’s when she wants something.
The longer she stared into his eyes, the more familiar they became.
Not because they were Chat’s eyes, no— she’s seen her partner’s slitted gaze thousands of times. She’s seen him look at her a thousand times with that look in his eyes, too. The look that got her heart racing and the ‘what ifs’ to drag through her mind.
But these eyes?
And that expression?
She saw it somewhere else, on someone else.
All she can do is stare blankly at him, mind reeling.
No… no, it can’t be him— Chat can’t be—
But he could.
The missed classes, the poor excuses, the exhaustion, the secret gaze, the trusting of her civilian self. Blonde hair, green eyes. Bad father. Kind, selfless, smart. Lonely. The gentlest soul she has ever met.
Everything just clicked.
The thing they had been dancing around for years just fell into place looking into those eyes— eyes she used to be too nervous to look into. Eyes she tripped over, eyes she used to be in love with; eyes she still was in love with.
Raising a shaking hand to his cheek, she caressed it softly before bringing it up to his hair and brushing the strands back. He watched her, curious gaze intense as they locked eyes.
The name passed her lips so softly, so assured, and her kitty flinched in surprise, wide eyes filling first with confusion, then panic, and then with questions.
“How did you…”
She fell for him once under the hood of an umbrella and a sincere apology, with thunder and lightning crashing around them in the downpour but she didn’t mind. She wasn’t the only thing in Paris that day that felt so heavy that she could scream and she didn’t mind. She fell in love with the sweet boy with good grades and a sadness trapped into a smile. She fell in love with the boy who did everything he could to make his father happy, to help people. She fell in love with the boy beyond the good boy, perfect model facade he put on.
She fell in love with Adrien Agreste at fifteen.
She fell in love with him again at eighteen but it was different this time. There was no lightning, no quick strike of feelings and amazement and warmth. No, it was like swimming in shallow waters only to get swept up in the tides, completely trusting the water to keep her safe.
She fell in love with the puns, with the goofy smile and flicking ears and curious green eyes. She fell in love with her best friend, her partner. She fell in love with the boy in the mask, the one who supported her whenever she needed it and held her even when she didn’t. She fell in love with his sensitive heart and sharp mind.
She fell in love with Chat Noir.
And ever since then she’s been falling all over the place, enamoured over everything he did. She fell and fell and fell. There were so many things to love about him— both sides of him.
How couldn’t she see it before?
Because, honestly, who else could’ve been good enough to be Chat Noir?
“Your eyes,” She murmured almost absentmindedly, looking between the verdant orbs. “They’re usually darker and slitted. Cats eyes. But… but these eyes? These are Adrien Agreste’s eyes. I know these eyes, they’re beautiful.”
She could hear his heart racing and she could see the almost begging way he looked at her. She could see the tension in his body, the way he could so easily shrink in on himself.
“And is… is being Adrien okay?” The hero questioned, wincing slightly as he looked away from her. “Are you disappointed that it’s me?”
“Of course not,” She giggled and that stupid purr still hadn’t left. “You’re you. How could that ever disappoint me, Chaton?”
“I don’t know... I’m not, I don’t— do I know you?” Adrien— Chat— questioned, shuffling on his feet as he leaned into her touch. “Outside of the mask, I mean?”
She felt the purring stop and her ears went back. She retracted her hand slowly to her cheek and hugged herself around the middle. She looked down at the wings opened anxiously against his back, not wanting to see the disappointment on his face.
“Yeah,” The heroine nods. “We’re friends.”
That’s all they were.
Chat Noir and Adrien were in love with Ladybug— not her.
She wasn’t elegant or agile, she tripped over her feet three times a day and could be so unorganized and forgetful that she drove herself insane. She wasn’t too confident and she was far from brave.
Marinette wasn’t like Ladybug.
She wasn’t… she wasn’t that perfect girl Chat made her out to be.
Adrien was her friend, they hung out and could have good conversations but she noticed that he avoided her slightly, almost like he was disgusted by her. Like she made him uncomfortable.
Like he couldn’t stand her, even if he was polite.
It was almost like how she acted the first year they knew each other but he seemed more… wary, like she had done something to offend him and he was just waiting for her to realize or talk to him about it.
Would he be disappointed that she’s Ladybug?
Angry, even?
“Why do you look so sad, bugaboo?” Adrien asks, concern touching his tone. “Did you— do you not want to be my friend?”
When she looked at him, her poor partner looked ready to drop with worry and she gave a watery chuckle, just realizing there were tears in her eyes.
“Sorry,” She rubs the wetness away, almost poking herself with the claws. “I just… you don’t like me much. The civilian me, anyway. I don’t want you to  be upset that it’s me.”
“There are very few people I don’t like,” He frowned. “And none of them have blue hair, or blue eyes, or your smile. Who are you?”
Bluebell lowered her eyes, “You won’t hate me?”
It’s always been a fear of hers— Chat finding out who she actually was and leaving her, being disgusted. How could an insecure klutz like that protect Paris? How could he trust the girl who couldn’t get three good sentences out to him to talk down an Akuma or soothe one of the victims with her tone?
How could he still love her, knowing the girl underneath the mask?
Ladybug was stunning.
Marinette was just… Marinette.
“I couldn’t even if I tried,” Adrien reassured her, wringing his hands together in such a cute, unlike-Chat way that she giggled. “Can I detransform?”
“Sure,” She took a step back again, nervous for no reason at all.
It was just Chat, just her partner. Just the boy she’s been in love with for the last five years.
No big deal.
None whatsoever.
“Are you sure?” He asked. “You look like you’re going to cry. Oh no, I’m so sorry! I knew you wouldn’t like that I was Adrien! God, I’m so stupid—”
“Stop being mean to yourself!” She snapped. “I care about you, both sides! I care that you’re Adrien because you make me a little nervous but it’s nothing bad, I promise! I just have, urm… it’s a lot to process.”
“...Understandable.” He swallowed, then said, “Spots off.”
A flash of red consumed Scarlet Beetle and in his place stood Adrien, hair neater and muscular body less accentuated in his, ironically, ladybug-themed sweater and jeans that she knew he wore to school.
It was Adrien Agreste.
Her friend Adrien Agreste.
Bluebell knew that— of course she knew that but seeing it… it took her breath away.
Tikki floated between the two heroes with wide eyes, glancing to her baby bug and then back to the blond. She had no clue what was happening and her holder dreaded the lecture she’d get later of the importance of keeping their identities a secret.
With slightly narrowed eyes but an encouraging smile, Tikki went over to the other side of the room where the cookies were at and started to eat.
She could feel the Kwami’s eyes on her and the anxiety creeping around her veins pulsed viciously.
Taking a deep breath, she looked Adrien in the eyes— and then purred.
Horrifyingly loud.
When will this nightmare end?!
“Eep!” She stumbles back, flushing. “I don’t mean to, I swear!”
Adrien gives her that bemused smile, one usually reserved for Marinette after she did something weird or awkward, and chuckles, “It’s okay, Milady. No judgment here.”
“Thanks.” She said, still covering her cheeks.
“Are you, um… going to detransform, too?”
She knows that Adrien— Chat— has wanted to know who she was since the day they met. She wanted to know too but the fear of Hawkmoth getting to them outweighed the desire.
But thinking about it and actually telling him were two different things.
“I meant what I said,” Bluebell told him, voice steady but wary. “You avoid me and… and the way you look at me— we’re friends but just don’t… don’t get your hopes up that I’m someone you’ll like.”
“I already know I like you, with or without the mask.” He reassured, that usual comforting smile on his lips that got him that sunshine-boy reputation. “So please, bugaboo? I really want to know who you are.”
She bit her lip, holding her breath for a couple of seconds as she held herself in place too, leaning against the wall besides the windows.
She felt trapped, worried, but also excited.
She wanted him to know, even if she was scared.
She was far enough away from him, she could probably make it to the window and escape if he looked absolutely revolted by her.
She’s faced rejection before.
She could do it again.
Even if it would hurt really, really bad.
“Claws in.” She said, face turned to the ground as she trembled.
Oh God, there was no turning back now.
The soft baby blue light surrounded her, the drowning, beating wave-like power of the Miraculous leaving her as Plagg appeared in the air next to her arm— him being tackled by Tikki before he could even say anything, followed by a loud ‘shush’ from the Kwami.
Marinette stood there, shoulders raised with tension and her heart pounding behind her ears. She had the strongest urge to hide her face from view, to run away from all of this.
From his reaction.
“You’re… you’re Marinette.” Adrien said this slowly. He got a nod in reply. “And you think that I— Adrien Agreste— don’t like you?”
She gave another nod, not trusting her voice to speak.
She couldn’t even look at him. How pathetic could she get?
“I don’t hate you, Mari,” He said this and Marinette shyly looked up, flushing at the look of adoration on his face. He could still look at her like that? How? “I always noticed how uncomfortable I made you, I was just giving you space. I didn’t mean to make you upset, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” She rubs her arms and looks away again. “You don’t make me uncomfortable, just nervous.”
“Why?” Adrien questioned, voice almost cracking. “Do I intimidate you or something?”
Marinette couldn’t help it. She laughed.
“Intimidate me?” This is said with a giggle and she makes her amused eyes meet his. “You think you’re intimidating? Cute.”
“Hey,” His tone turned slightly offended and she bit her lip as he pouted. “I can be intimidating and scary.”
“Yeah?” She teases, leaning forward with that twinkle in her eyes— playful like how she could be with Chat. Because this was Chat. “Do it. Be scary. Intimidate me, ‘o frightening one.”
“Urm, I d-don’t think I can right now. You’re you.”
“Does your brain feel like it’s going to explode?” Marinette asks, blue clashing with green as she tilts her head to the side.
“Kinda.” Adrien admits sheepishly. “I’m still trying to understand why you get nervous around me.”
“Uh,” She blinks, a sheepish smile coming onto her face. “I know you’re in love with Ladybug but— but I’m not her, I’m not that great. I’m just me. And you think of me— Marinette— as a friend. But… I’ve kind of been in love with you since Dupont?”
“You what?”
“Been in love with you,” Marinette’s face burned. “Since I was about thirteen. I hated you at first, you were friends with Chloe and the gum on my seat didn’t help but then I noticed how kind you were. Smart, selfless. Lonely, too but you don’t like talking about that so I’m sorry for mentioning it— I just, I fell in love with you and that’s why you always made me nervous because I didn’t think you could love me back.”
“Marinette,” Adrien looks at her, tenderness and seriousness oddly mixed in his gaze as he slowly walked towards her. “I’ve been in love with you from the second we met. And don’t say that you’re not Ladybug because you are, both inside and outside of the mask. You help people, you protect them. You’re passionate and strong and stubborn and I love you. I don’t know how many times I’ll have to say it before you believe me but I’ll do it until then and even after. I love you. I love you so much that it hurts— mph!”
With slight tears pricking her eyes, Marinette closed the distance between them and wrapped him into a tight hug, his now familiar body both making her feel calm and make her heart race.
“I love you too.”
Adrien sighs contently, wrapping his arms around her too. He held her gently but tightly, not willing to let her go but not risking hurting her— not that the silly kitty could.
Suddenly he chuckles and says, “That explained why you purred.”
“I said not to tease me!” She whined, pulling back enough that she could look up at him with narrowed eyes. “You’re  so mean, Chaton.”
“And you’re stunning, Bugaboo.”
The comment made Marinette squeak and dunk her head, desperate to get her blush out of his eyesight— but a soft yet collapsed hand holding lightly onto her chin stopped the action, Adrien bringing her eyes back up to look at him.
“You believe me when I say that, yes?” He asks. “Because I mean it. Everything about you is gorgeous, I don’t know how I didn’t realize the two girls I fell in love with were the same one.”
“It’s because we’re both stupid,” She giggles, stering the converastion away from compliments, unsure of how much warmer her face could get before she combusted. “But I also blame your hair.”
“My hair?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Mhm,” She hums, reaching up to play with the soft strands as she had done so hundreds of times before. “You always have it so neat but as Chat it’s messy.”
“I like it better that way,” He explains, a slight purr to his voice. “It’s more comfortable.”
“Both styles are equally cute, so you’re lucky.” She murmurs absentmindedly, still focused on his hair, ruffling it slightly with a smile. Then she notices the ear cuffs he had on and blinked in surprise. “Are those my earrings?”
“Huh?” Adrien blinks his eyes open and Marinette giggles at his dazed expression. Even without the ring he was her silly kitty who liked to be pet and cuddled. “Oh, yeah. They changed when I touched them.”
“Your ring did too,” She shows him. “It was weird, I thought it would’ve stayed silver.”
“Yeah, me too,” He poked the ring and then gently slides it off of her finger, putting it on his own before reaching up for the earrings and giving them back to their rightful owner who puts them off and sighs in relief.
This magic was familiar— this magic was warm and like home and tight enough to keep her safe, not like swimming in an open ocean and gasping for air only for her lungs to fill with water instead.
“Yes?” She looks up at him, seeing questions in his verdant eyes.
“Have you, um, seen something bad that I haven’t?”
It was admittedly a weird question, one that through her off guard but one that also made her think of the word drowned in water and dust, of the Eiffel tower toppled over, of watching herself crumple and fade, of seeing the moon cracked open in the sky and a boy in white with blue, crying eyes and a broken soul.
It made her think of how she saved him— but how she hadn’t saved her Chaton all those times, how she watched him die and fade and get captured and tortured and taken control of.
It made her think of the trauma of watching her city burn and the people in it all relying on her since the tender age of thirteen to save them all.
It made her think of all the times she had to protect everyone by herself because she lost Chat after he risked everything to save her.
Realizing she got lost in thought, Marinette startled and focused back onto her partner, “Yes, but don’t worry Minou. I can handle it.”
“I want you to be able to talk to me about those things,” Adrien murmured softly. “Tikki told me that all her Ladybugs live through things Chat Noirs don’t— but we’re a team. I want to share that burden with you.”
She sighed— and then she told him about Chat Blanc, she told him about how Paris drowned under the weight of their love three years ago and she’s been scared for him ever since, she told him about all of it.
By the end, they were both in tears and holding onto each other.
A weight feels like it was lifted off of her shoulders, like she was light enough to just float. It felt good talking about it, to let go all of that terror and heartache she accumulated over the years.
“You’re stronger than I ever knew,” Adrien kisses her forehead and her heart flutters. “I’m so proud of you, my little kitten.”
“Adrien,” She whines, hiding her face into his shoulder. “Stop.”
“Stop what?” He chuckles, lightening the mood. He always had a way of doing that. “Complimenting you?”
“Yes, I’m not used to it!” Marinette exclaimed. “You’re making me blush too much!”
“What if that’s my goal?”
“Then it’s a bad goal.”
“Meow-ch, Princess.” Adrien puts a hand over his heart. “You hurt me so, but fine. If that’s a bad goal, then what’s a good one?”
Feeling brave, she shoots him a wide smirk, “Kissing you until you’re breathless.”
He just stares at her, gaping as he blinks.
“What, Kitty?” She teases, leaning closer. “You flirt all the time but can’t take it?”
“No, it’s j-just… I completely support that goal.”
Laughing, Marinette rolls his eyes before cupping his face and kissing him— the feeling of his soft lips on hers sending a shiver down her spine. It was passionate and slow and loving, a kiss that told both of them all they had been feeling for these years.
It was a kiss that told them no matter what happened, they’d be okay.
So they kissed, again and again until they lost reality.
Going through the pain of having their Miraculous switched was worth it.
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bailey-reaper · 3 years
RYOMA = KAZUMA YES!!! Just imagining them fighting over Ryuu like that is hilarious (like they did in Izumo lmao) would that make Iris = Elise? 👀
GRUMPY CHROM BAROK LMFAO that's something I want to see XD or maybe Lucina Barok and Chrom Klint, even though it doesn't really fit the fact they're actually brothers but it can be solved with a little bending 👀 and Lissa = Iris, YES PLEASE!!
I can see Dimitri = Barok and it's both so good and so sad 😭😭 would that make Kazuma = Felix? and Seteth = Barok? Just imagining Barok riding a wyvern, damnnn 😍 and him having a similar relationship with Iris to that of Seteth and Flayn?? Count me in 😭
And Barok trying to bring Klint back?? Again, thanks, I didn't need my heart anyway 😭😭😭😭
Although, it's probably just because of his appearance, I can see him being in a role similar to Hubert too.
As for sacred stones, ngl, the first thing that came to mind was Seth = Barok even though you're talking about lords, why does he fit so many paladin characters? I want to see him riding a horse now XD but the idea of him and Klint being in the twins' role is soooooooo good. And the Stronghart part would be a great spin considering the events of game.
But now that you mentioned Stronghart, I can see him as Arvis from Genealogy but I won't go into the details since idk if you played it.
And Ryuu does fit the main units really well, especially Corrin, considering how he grew into his role as a lawyer.
Also, I know you didn't mention it but consider, Pegasus Knight Susato 😍
Aaah this has gotten too long, sorry for rambling too much, I just got excited talking about FE 😅
Fire Emblem AU
No need to apologise at all, anon, it's a delight to be able to talk FE! (I'll put my answers / thoughts under a cut!)
SO hilarious, especially given what little sasslords Barok and Kazuma are. They're probably just throwing insults at each other, more barbed than any arrow, and Ryū is just "Please... stop it... you're both embarrassing me...". Also YES! Iris would be such a perfect Elise! I can't decide who Susato would be, Sakura or Azura maybe...?
Grumpy Chrom-Barok feels meme-worthy... Not to mention, it's probably all a ruse and he's just a big softie trying to save face (not least of all when he's around his brother). Barok as Lucina is a really interesting idea, too!
Even if the relationships between Chrom / Lucina and Klint / Barok are different in the two games, the hero-worship is absolutely the same! (Also same... Klimmeryn hurts my heart so much)
Right? Barok-Dimitri is very relatable and accurate. They have the same angst -- and YES that would absolutely mean Felix = Kazuma! And omg Barok riding a Wyvern would be amazing! (I bet he spoils that damned dragonling rotten) And the way he'd dote on Flayn-Iris would be so cute!
I really could see Barok doing Rhea-levels of devotion, but that doesn't mean it won't rip my heart out every time I think about it... all the sadder if Klint just wants his little brother to move on rather than continuing to wallow in the past...
OMG I can totally see the parallels with Hubert (does that mean Klint = Edelgard, then?? I mean... colour pallet-wise it fits, and messed up sense of doing the 'right thing' is also there....). Barok dutifully serving his brother's aims of a better world feels very on-brand tbh...
I think you're right, Barok does have some paladin vibes going on! Plus he'd look magnificent atop a horse -- and he would absolutely chase after Klint -Erika in order to protect him from harm / tank e v e r y t h i n g. (I have a soft spot for Seth, he's my favourite of the paladin powerhouses you start an FE game with; tho Frederick with his 'pick a god and pray' line will always be a decent second. I love the idea of such a mardy butler!)
I feel like no matter the game, Stronghart is absolutely some sort of negative force (whether the mastermind behind it all, or the one being manipulated). I tend to lean toward the idea that he is the mastermind, and perhaps others within his sphere of influence are the 'bad guys' while he waits at the back for his chance to shine...
And, yes! I have played Genealogy, but a long time ago. I can totally see the parallels, especially if his ambitions are picked up from Klint and he wants to create a better world for the sake of making his brother proud –– even if he has lost his way along the line / is being used by others...
Ryū absolutely fits the protag role of basically every Fire Emblem game, he's so earnest and driven with a strong sense of principle and wanting to do the right thing; I absolutely think he'd be a great Corrin (while bemoaning how ridiculous things have gotten) and I feel sorry for him that he's constantly being thrown into the middle of world-threatening situations! XD
OMG!!! Susato as a pegasus knight would be SO GOOD!! She could wield a naginita instead of a spear like the FE Fates knights did on the Hoshido side!
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