#i wanted y'all to actually see nicola
romanticatheartt · 4 months
Do you remember how I said I won't be watching s3? Yes, I'm a lying liar through and through lol my sister said let's watch it and I love watching movies or TV shows with her, and tbh we had a good laugh😭💀
Okay so here are my thoughts:
First of all: KATE AND ANTHONY. Omg they're everything to me!! They were only in one episode but they made that episode theirs. I just love seeing them blissfully happy and living in their own bubble. I'm both sad and glad they were only in one episode. Because I wouldn't put it past the writers to give them some unnecessary drama and conflict. At the same time their screen time was so little... I suppose we can't have it all :')
Francesca. Omg I love her so much. I already loved her from the books but the show? God, she's so cute and beautiful. Hannah played her to perfection and I'm glad she's the new Francesca. Even when you read the books, that's how you imagine Fran's character. Both she and Kate have a special place in my heart.
John... my god John is here. And I'm already too attached to him. I can't- Listen, I know my heart will break when his time comes. The actor was such a good choice for his character and I was on the verge of crying whenever he appeared with Fran. She was always so happy to see him. I never thought two characters/actors could have this much chemistry while sitting in silence. GOD I LOVE THEM and I'm ready for heartbreak :D We still have no Michael but I'll keep hoping for him to appear because my god... Francesca's book is filled with angst I just hope when it's her turn, they do it justice<3
I actually enjoyed Eloise and Cressida. I never thought I'd say this but I did!! I know they made 180 changes about her character in the new season but I don't really care lol I just hope she works it out with Debling so at least she'll be free from her parents.
People keep saying they don't like Eloise this season but she's so much better than me. I would've been so much worse... The first thing I would've done was give Pen's name to the queen but she kept it this whole time and was actually worried about Pen... she was kind enough to a person who ruined her and her family, not once but twice.
There are too many side plots in this season. Like I don't want to be pathetic but we've been saying that since s2 and y'all called us delusional and said to be grateful because it was more than enough. But now that I see even Polin fans have a problem with this season makes me so happy and sad at the same time. Because when this happened to your favs, it's a real issue...
I love LD and QC friendship so much!! And QC & Brimsly. These friendships were more shaped since QC spin-off and I really enjoyed it.
It's obvious to me that they don't know what to do with Ben's plot lol. Because creating these unnecessary original characters is doing a disadvantage to the whole show. I really hope we see Sophie this season. 
Okay I've avoided the inevitable as much as I could lol so let's talk about the main couple:
They have no chemistry. I know some might not agree with me but there's no chemistry for me. It has always been like this since s1. At least I don't feel anything special between them. Nicola is a wonderful actor and is carrying the whole ship on her shoulders and I said what I said. 
Luke wasn't good at portraying Colin at all. He has no charisma and is trying too hard. I'm not talking about his character wanting to be something he's not but talking about the acting in general, so don't come for me with that argument. They really tried to make him like Anthony but failed miserably. Which is sad because even tho I haven't read their book, he in other books was absolutely my favorite side character. Me and my sister were laughing our asses off at some of his actings like sir... pls don't😭 I'm being super mean omg
The pacing of their relationship was weird. When he proposed to her I was so shocked like in episode 4? Already? Then I remembered in s1 we had the same situation but in s1 it felt right. It wasn't weird or felt too soon or too late, it was right. With Polin, everything felt out of order. I think they didn't want to focus much on building it up because they felt they already did in the past 2 seasons but it just felt off in the end. They weren't even together much on screen to feel like it's building up!! There was no arc or if it was, it was too subtle that if you blink you'll miss it.
The other problem with their plot was the similarity between s1 and s3. Simon was trying to help Daphne to find a husband and Colin is doing the same thing. Except s1 main trope was Fake Dating and s3 was Friends to Lover.
Which brings me to another reason why I didn't like s3. Friends to Lovers trope. Honestly, this is a me problem. I've never liked this trope at all. I really tried to change my mind about it, like reading books with this trope but most of the time I'm left unsatisfied or hating the book. Unfortunately, s3 was no different. This trope always comes off as unpassionate for me. Which I think it's the trope. Because it's supposed to be cute and subtle and I'm not sure it's really my thing. So I guess the major reason for my dislike of this season is the trope.
There were 2 fkn scenes of Colin participating in a threesome... That was so fkn bad like I can't believe this just happened. And one of them was after he kissed Penelope... I don't care that he didn't continue but... OUGH it gave the ick so bad, I didn't even watch it,  just fast-forwarded it.
That carriage scene was okay-ish? It didn't leave me breathless like the Kanthony scenes did. Tbh s2 left me in a shamble with how much emotions I felt with those two. But with s3, I had the exact opposite feeling toward the main couple.
Anyway, I think this season, revealing LW's identity was their priority which is why they weren't so focused on the romance (?) idk but I feel like part 2 won't be any different than part 1 and they're gonna throw some sex scenes to make it up for the romance lol
ps: I know I said s4 will be Benedict's and I still think it will be but if they decide to make it Francesca's? Oh, I wouldn't mind at all!! 
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nalyra-dreaming · 19 days
I just don't see the Nicki/Louis similarities, ESPECIALLY in the show context. If anything, they will parallel in being opposites.
Wellllllllllll..... I mean, Rolin... approached Louis as a character through the lens of Lestat's previous relationships, namely Nicki and Gabrielle.
I'm not joking. This is the relevant transcript of the podcast (after Naomi asks about Louis being black now):
“I kind of came around to his ethnicity through a very weird way, which is through Lestat. So there's a very famous sort of rewrite of Lestat, starting with book two. He's aggressively different character than he was in book one. But that's the Lestat that she carried on for the rest of time. And I was like, OK, that should be Lestat. And so we tried to take the given circumstances that are set with Lestat and put it back into this time period. And so he had this sort of super emo relationship with this guy named Nicky. And then he had a very excitable relationship with his mother as his second companion choice. And get into that season three, y'all. And then I was like, let's give Lestat a legitimate third attempt to try to figure out how to be with somebody for the rest of his life. And how do you not repeat your mistakes? So it started from there. And I wanted somebody who had some money, because I think he wanted to be with his own folks there. And I think he wanted someone, I thought, who could fight back and who could be a challenge and who would force him to restrain himself. And nobody at AMC was really interested in seven seasons of The Regretful Plantation Owner. So even with that, though, you wanted to have some connective threads to the novel. So we made Louis come from a lineage that once did own a plantation, did own slaves. The other thing was sort of aesthetic. If you were going to take away the ruffled shirts and all the swampy goodness and you wanted to make this, okay, something new. What's the next hot time that had a sense of smell and taste and sound? Birth of Jazz seemed pretty, pretty right on. And it just so happened there was a spot at that historical time where a black man could get in on some business and still have the sort of morally gray thing that owning a plantation would. And I don't know, it all actually clicked into place pretty quickly.”
Rolin Jones on the Podcast. *shrugs*
The show went about this brilliantly and color-consciously (thank god), much more than the transcript here can convey, obviously.
But it's still an intent of character building, namely the changes, the enhancements they made to Louis (from a character POV) being that what Lestat wanted (and did not get, for various reasons) from his other companions.
I mean, Lestat was very clear about the similarities between Nicolas and Louis in the book. He was also very clear as to where Louis surpassed Nicolas there (and Lestat's feelings). And Rolin obviously is aware of that.
I don't really see Louis as an opposite. I see him as someone more than what reminded Lestat of Nicki, and the one that Lestat ultimately fell for - fatally.
And I think that holds for book and show version.
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irishrosescottishlass · 4 months
So you think Debling is a "good choice" for Penelope? The same man who was actively looking for a wife to take care of his estate as he planned to be gone for 3 years on a journey that he most likely won't return from? The same man who insinuated that Penelope would not be faithful to him as she had "feelings" towards Colin, that at the time she did not know he returned? The same man who looked her in the face and admitted that he was so dedicated to his hobby that he did not know if he could return her affection, should it grow? Penelope, who wanted someone to love her, who was a romantic and needed an out from her Mother and siblings, who are indeed a comic relief but are actually really awful to her all because she is still unwed and likes to read. Listen, Lord Debling is not a bad guy. He would, objectively, be a great husband to a member of the Ton, like Cressida, who just wanted to be married and have an household to run. But for Penelope, he most certainly is not the right fit. Be honest, most of this narrative comes from the fact that Penelope is a midsize character who falls in love with an handsome man, one who "shouldn't" be in a relationship with someone like her. Colin is a simp, who wanted to fit in with the Ton so bad, he tried to act like a rake, only to look relatively silly. Then comes Penelope, who calls him out but also accepts that he likes to write and is in fact, a soft man. Yes, it might have been cringe to witness but ffs, that was the point! A man like Colin can and does love women like Penelope. (Imagine thinking Nicola Coughlan isn't gorgeous or that Luke Newton isn't handsome, some of y'all are far too comfortable being nasty on the internet.)
Listen, you can obviously have your own opinions about this season, the actors, the writing etc but the discourse on tumblr, twitter and reddit is wild to witness. Can we please just enjoy a fun, frilly, silly littel story where true love prevails? The world sucks as it is; I don't know why I see so many people, especially women, go out of their way to shit on something. It doesn't make you cool or edgy to not enjoy something like Bridgerton. Go and watch the movies and shows you actually like instead of seeking out entertainment that offends you.
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kayceecruz · 3 months
TBH I feel like if Nic had done something similar, she might have gotten the same flack. They all played up the personal relationship between them for PR, it was almost too good, and then for people to immediately get hit with reality on one of the premiere nights and realize they def got played? Like, it isn’t exactly sane or normal, but anyone in the industry with a grain of sense should have been able to see this coming.
Nah. I don't believe for a second she'd be getting the same flack. Because the fandom likes to pretend Nicola isn't a grown woman and somehow "this" nonexistent crime that you all pretend was committed hurt her personally. It didn't. Because guess what? Nicola was aware of everything. That's people's sick little fantasies in their heads to pretend otherwise. Luke is the "bad guy" because fandom culture thrives on revenge fantasies ala twisted Swifties style (NOT all Swifties, some of you are lovely).
Noone played you except yourselves. Because they repeatedly told EVERYONE they were besties and super close and that is it. REPEATEDLY. They have been close friends for years. The fact he had a girlfriend was not a secret. You all just ignored it. He had every right to take a person that is important to him to a very important event. It was the last one and she had sat out the entirety of this 6 month promotion tour. So, yeah, he got to take somebody who he wanted to take with him.
I'm saying you as a collective not to assume anything about you, anon. Although, your not so vieled insult that Luke doesn't have common sense or isn't very bright is sort of telling.
No one who has reacted this way is right. Not a single one of you have any right to do what you do. if you think someone like Nicola who values her friendships actually would appreciate this you're all way more delulu than it seems.
I'm not the person who's gonna tell you you are right or even reasonable. I'm the person who will tell you that you are all way beyond the pale and absolutely out of line.
I'm not even going to get started on y'all harrassing a nuero divergent person with no regard to their mental well-being because it all falls on deaf ears.
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My husband thinks that if Nicolás had not taken off his glasses before starting the fight with Armando, he could have had a chance of actually having a fairer fight. He argues that Armando was super intoxicated, to the point we even see him slurring his words and almost tripping going up stairs (at Inesita's house), and that you don't always need to be the biggest or strongest one in a physical fight to win, sometimes you just need to be agile and know how to not be hit, wait for an opportunity, and attack back. So he says that if Nicolás hadn't practically blinded himself, he could have even won the fight.
What do y'all think of this? How do you think the story could have changed if it had been an actual fight and not just Armando practically making a pulp out of Nicolás??
I was thinking that if the fight (not Armando just beating Nicolas) had gone for longer, maybe one of the two could have revealed too much. We see Armando yell that Betty is his and for Nicolas to take whatever he wants except Betty. And we also see Nicolás saying something along the lines of defending Betty from what Armando has done to her. So perhaps in the mix of the adrenaline and alcohol for Armando, one of them say something that can change things. Especially considering neither of them are particularly known for prudence lmao
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kinkandkreep · 5 months
My focus has been kinda all over the place with my writing lately and I need to re-center. 🙃 And I figure what better way to do that than to see what my people actually want from me!
I'll leave this up for a week so I can be workin' on some stuff in the meantime. Y'all be sho to let me know na'. 🤨
Also, feel free to leave suggestions for things you'd like to see me write about either in the comments or in my ask box!
Thank y'all in advance for participatin'! Your feedback is much appreciated! 👋🏾
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sakuracoloring · 2 months
Cami's Commentary! #9 - Movie Rants + Jumpscare
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「ようこそ!」 。。。
Good morning/afternoon/night to whoever may be reading this! Sorry for not being very active these last few days :( I'm gonna be moving and so I have to pack my bags n say goodbye to my friends, yk? So that's been taking up a lot of my time. Anyways, it's time to hear me ranting >:)
Dirty Dancing: I watched this movie yesterday and WTF????? IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!! Like, it gives so much Sessão da Tarde energy and I love it sm (probably because it airs all the time on Sessão da Tarde lol)! Also, to y'all who aren't familiar with it, Sessão da Tarde (Afternoon Session) is a television program on TV Globo, probably the biggest and most popular TV network in Brazil, in which movies (mainly older movies) are shown from Monday to Friday during the afternoons :) If I had to describe it using 3 movies, I'd definitely say Dirty Dancing, Clueless AND White Chicks. (They really love White Chicks lol) That's the kind of movies they show (at least last time I checked lol)
To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar: After some time that my friend recommended it to me, I finally watched it and it was very fun :D I really loved the story and the characters, and honestly Noxeema was so real (though Idk if she's my favourite. Like, this is the kind of media where I really can't pick a favourite character lol) <3 If you haven't watched it yet, I definitely recommend!!
My Bodyguard: I finished watching it like an hour ago and wow! Definitely better than I expected. Also, something that I found really funny was how similar Clifford was to Luigi (from As Aventuras de Poliana, a brazilian telenovela based on the Pollyanna book series). Like, their blue eyes, the curly hair in THAT shade of brown, their overall body types as well. Even the personality lol, though Clifford was Luigi with less social anxiety. Also (unrelated to my little comparison) Matt Dillon looked so fruity in this movie, especially with that hair lol
Despicable Me 4: I watched it yesterday as a little goodbye hangout with my friends and as I expected, it's one of those movies that probably should've never happened and is just a way of milking the brand. Like, it was pure dogshit, but honestly so dogshit that it became funny at times (also did anyone else notice the BTS symbol on Poppy's phone case?). The only scene I actually liked though was the ending scene with Gru and the weird cockroach-fetish-having villain singing Everybody Wants to Rule The World (Tears for Fears) while previous villains danced along. It was very wholesome :3
Also, tell me they don't look alike:
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This is Nicolas Germano btw (brazilian singer) Every scene this cockroach fetish villain was in, my brain just went ''wtf he looks like someone'' but I just couldn't put my finger on it lol
Anyways, jumpscare time 😍😍😍😍:
So, I just opened up tumblr and the first thing that showed up to me was a post with a screenshot of an article talking about Matt Dillon apparently fucking girls in his trailer during the filming of The Outsiders n stuff, and so I went to the comments to not only find the source but to also see what other people had to say. And so I found the OP's comment talking about how they couldn't seem to get the link but they did share the website's name, and so I decided to search it up. No biggie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I searched it up, but I had gotten the order of the letters wrong so a bunch of websites on pension started showing up, and that made me realise ''something's not right'' and so I searched it up again, correctly. But then it just showed me this private all-girls school in Maryland(???) and so I was like ''huh?'', which made me search up the website name + matt dillon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No biggie. But as I click on the first website that appeared, BOOM! Two porn ads. (Idk if that website focused on porn or if these just were ads) For like 5 seconds, I was in shock. ''How tf did I get here???'' is still a question I ask myself, and so I clicked off, very confused. Idk if that's the actual website OP found it on and these are just ads, but my eyes aren't very happy after this experience 😍
Thanks for your attention :3 It means a lot to me
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number 9...number 9...👁️👁️ (If u got this reference ily)
See you next time! ☆
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Bridgerton Season 3 Episode 3 Initial Reactions
No one asked, but here it is late as per usual.
Not Colin having a harlequin novel style wet dream in 1815? And he is supposed to be a rake??
"My entire thoughts consumed by our kiss"- like we must admit the boy needed 1 (one) kiss and he has gone off into the stratosphere.
Nicola is killing her acting like I am getting into this!
Hyacinth going for Colin's jugular unintentionally 10/10 moment.
“Penelope is quite fortunate to have you as a friend” "Yes an acquaintance". Boy bye.
Not the Queen literally hand picking men for Fran and throwing them away.
Featherington scenes are now just a comedic and terrifying window into how terrible sex education was during this time. I shall refer to them as SexEd the Featherinton way.
Omg Eloise-Pen confrontation! I swear they are so down bad for each other "you can come in... for books if you like". GIRLLLLLLS just bust out some alcohol and talk this out!
Colin and Pen meeting after their scandalous kiss try not to be awkward challenge.
"I assure you nothing of the kind will ever happen again." Penelope bb girl I think this man is besotted and is ready to be on the ground kneeling to have the chance for THAT to happen again.
Every line said here is acted with the utmost panic and adorable awkwardness.
Lord Debling! Interesting love interest has arrived.
Be gone Cressida do not hurt this sweet man with your childish games.
Omg this blue dress on Pen? Is it supposed to be showing that she is leaning to the Bridgerton blue pallet? O.O
Poor Francesca having to suffer another match by the queen.
Violet "because it is easier " may sound harsh but I too would be worried on who this girl would chose with the attitude she has had so far.
Omg MRS. and MR.Mondreitch came to stunt on all these hoes
Benedict panicking to avoid the debutants by socializing with Lady Danbury pfft
Also why is he running so hard from this cute girl? Just announce you are not searching for a wife this season and simply help your sisters!!??  
Ooh Penelope x Debling conversation. They are bantering!!
Never would I have been happy to hear a man say I don't read except when he says "I don't read Lady Whistledown"
Y'all he is being so kind and is clearly into our girl. Giving her all this confidence.
Colin is also being JEALOUS
That's right Eloise tell her Pen can fight dirty.
Okay something to get onto is the "most importantly my choice" for Cressida. Is it really a choice if you are being steered to the man?  
Ah more SexEd the Featherington way I am cackling.
I hope they do something with the Featherinton girl's husbands because they seem very clueless and jolly all the time and to be comedic relief but I know there is something.
Ooh is Pen wearing blue brocade for her dress? While Colin is thirsting over her?
A note on Colin, sir you are in public control yourself!
Okay Lord Debling and Cressida relating on wanting to be away from family is something.
The look of betrayal form Pen to Eloise after she helps Cressida- P:"How dare you" E:"I know I'm sorry "
Is the inheritance of the Kent title story line going to involve social commentary on the constraints of high society and socioeconomic commentary?
I fear we can already see who Benedict will be involved with this season.
Lord Samardagni no hate respectfully but you are not John Stirling.
Violet living vicariously through her kids love lives, mood.
"I love grass" is the new "I hate sand"
Colin being Jelous af at Pen talking to a man when she is literally fighting for her life is a hilarious parallel.
Prudence's husband being down bad and an utter simp for her is cute. But why is Prudence so awkward? I want to explore this (mainly because this man has Kenergy)
Yes, Colin spring into action and save Pen!
Points to the Debling for jumping after Pen!
I am not endeared but Cressida is actually so unhinged and funny
I'm so sorry but I cannot listen seriously to Cheap Thrills after the 2010s tumblr fandom era. Nope.
"No" - Portia Featherington 1815, so rich ppl
Gasp not wearing clothes more than once!
Okay the costume designers are killing it but what in the balloon sleeve monstrosity.
Eloise it’s okay I would run away from marriage talk too.
Francesca: I want a little peace Local Man: I want like 8 kids in fact we need more
OMG Lady Danbury Brother!! What backstory is there? He must be the foreboding visitor. Also, Lady Violet were you flirting?
Fran meeting an appreciator of the quiet!! Is this him?
Do you see her face? She is so shook and excited. That is truly the spark of love!
Benedict getting himself a cougar? A widow? Okay let him have a little treat.
Luke T when they give you a glow up the world will not be prepared like he already looks like that what more can they do??!!
As a middle-class person it is wild how they disdain any form of work, even working to run a respectable business. This is wild.
Colin is simping so hard he keeps longingly staring at Pen. Also Pen's fits  they are blue!!
OMG Penelope's little speech to Debling is so cute and sincere.
Debling is so sweet look how happy he is that he got to know the real Penelope.
Totally forgot he just abandoned Cressida. I know she is sad but I cannot take her seriously with these sleaves.
"The best foundation for great love is friendship" bro how did you know this beforehand, and you didn't once in three years consider "hmmm ... maybe?"
Lord this scene he looks like a man starved. The mutual longing the pining. Oh tasty little treat for sure.
Honestly Colin deserves getting cockblocked let that boy suffer.
SexEd the Featherington way? Like damn that was quick okay.
Yess suffer my boy PII.
This was a fun episode. I will say I'm a bit confused what Benedict's arc will be he seems to get sidelined often and not have that deep of a ploy point. The Kent inheritance story line is starting to make sense, the introduction for it is building up. But most importantly Penelope slowly wearing blue gowns that become lighter in tone!! Ahhh. This is cinema right here. Okay onto the next.
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licncourt · 2 years
moments in VC that alter my brain chemistry (in a good way)
I thought was a good idea so thank you to @prouvaireafterdark for tagging me in @msrandonstuff 's request for a list like this!
I have to specify "(in a good way)" because there is so much wtf nonsense in these books, but I will gladly do a separate "(in a bad way)" list if y'all want. These are mostly from the first two books because they're by FAR the best, but there are a couple from the third and from the last three. If you've seen my Loustat moments post, you've seen everything you need to see from the middle books.
I've included page numbers for all these, but they won't apply to every version of the books. Fortunately, I have a Google Drive folder of VC book PDFs that these correspond to linked here
Spoilers, obviously.
Louis' turning in Interview with the Vampire p. 22-24 (romantic, sexy horror at its finest)
THE PROSTITUTE SCENE in IWTV p. 83-94 (an abridged version is in the 1994 movie, but the AMC show replaced it, rather anticlimactically imo, with the tenor scene. I have a breakdown of what makes the OG version so incredible right here)
Claudia's turning in IWTV p. 97-101 (while I understand the reasoning behind the changes in the AMC show, I prefer the book version. Additional Claudia spoilers here)
Louis' confession and slaughter of the priest in IWTV p. 154-156 (still heartbroken that this was storyboarded but cut from the movie, AMC better give it to me)
Claudia's "murder" of Lestat in IWTV p. 143-145 (gaslight gatekeep girlboss)
Louis and Lestat's brief reunion at the end of IWTV p. 340-346 (fucking brutal, iconic though and way gayer than the movie version)
The intro of The Vampire Lestat p. 1-3 (the first page is written, I swear to you, in the style of My Immortal, but I love it)
Lestat's first date with Nicolas as mortals in TVL p. 30-35 (Loustat is everything but human Nickistat is soooo baby)
Lestat's turning in TVL p. 63-66 (big CW for non-con, but a amazingly chilling scene)
Lestat finds the dungeon of Magnus' tower in TVL p. 77-79 (such a great horror moment)
Nicolas' condemnation of Lestat in TVL p. 198-201 (heartbreaking but such a watershed moment)
Lestat's recollections of Louis and Claudia in TVL p. 385-388 (THEY!!!!!!)
LOUSTAT REUNION FR THIS TIME in TVL p. 403-411 (this is the most important part of VC actually. Nothing else matters)
Lestat's rock concert in TVL p. 412-417 (he is so stupid but good for him)
Armand turning Daniel, the interviewer from IWTV, in Queen of the Damned p. 62-65 (the whole chapter this is from, The Devil's Minion, is amazing and one of the most loved parts of VC, so honestly just read it all)
Louis and Lestat visit NOLA in QotD p. 270-273 (this is where you should stop reading. Nothing is gained past this point)
Louis and Lestat express their feelings for real in Prince Lestat p. 508 (this is on my Loustat moments post, but it has to be here too)
Louis lets go of his grief and accepts happiness at the end of PL p. 518-525 (Louis was in Anne Rice character jail for almost forty years but YES YES THE TIGER IS OUT)
Louis and Lestat commit to each other permanently in Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis p. 131-141 (so many incredible Loustat things packed in here. All that makes this book justified in its existence)
Louis and Lestat live happily ever after in Blood Communion p. 282-284 (If it wasn't for this after All That Shit, I would've had to smash my face into concrete)
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chayscribbles · 1 year
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chayscribbles’ monthly writing update ☆ april and may 2023
i didn't do one last month so we get a double feature today!
words written: 6 214 in april; 9 425 in may
projects worked on: once again only wrote for Andromeda Rogue but did a lot of plotting and planning for The Gemini Heist
proudest accomplishment: i've resisted chucking everything i've ever written into a shredder
books read in both april and may: A Rival Most Vial be @ashen-crest; Planetfall by Emma Newman, and Rogue Protocol (Murderbot Diaries #3) by Martha Wells
i went super hard in the beginning of april, burned out majorly for several weeks, then went hard again in the last 2 or so weeks. april ended in the middle of my burnout so that's why i didn't have an update last month. it just didn't seem worth it.
i'm also trying to make a soft return to writeblr! it's not working.
more specific wip-related comments + featured excerpt below.
this might be a stretch but the 2 year (2 year?????!?!?!!) anniversary of me finishing the first draft of AR1 is coming up on June 13th... so wouldn't it be grand if i finished the second draft by then? a guy can dream.
right now this draft is sitting at nearly 73K, which means i've almost reached the wc of draft one. and i still have a few more chapters to go!
unfortunately i've also left all the Hard Parts up until now becuase i love to make myself suffer!!!! pray for me y'all.
☆ COMMENTS: THE GEMINI HEIST (planning, i guess?)
well the good news is that i actually have the skeleton of an outline! i have 7 acts and a vague idea of what happens in each of them!
the bad news is i can't seem to get myself to actually write any of it! all i've been doing is anything EXCEPT writing. backstory developing, worldbuilding, creating menial lore... but not a single word added to my draft. when will my suffering end.
i did post a fun drawing + worldbuilding thing tho, if you missed it!
i'm pretty sure i posted this excerpt from AR already a loooong time ago... but it's gotten a small upgrade ever since. you see, back when i first wrote it, i didn't know how long the gang's trip would take. but then i developed a standardized formula to calculate travel time and just happened to end up with the funniest possible result... which lead to this.
Valyan, meanwhile, plopped themself into the co-pilot’s chair. 
“How long have you been able to do that?” they asked, eyes sparkling. “Why don’t your powers look like the Hepplings' from the Order of the Vine? Is it just the healing thing you can do, or can you do other things? Like use the plants as a lasso, or—”
“Look, kid,” Finneas interrupted, “here’s the deal. If you leave me alone for a few hours, I’ll answer every question you have about my… powers. Okay?”
Valyan narrowed their eyes. “How many hours is ‘a few’?”
“Um… seventy?”
“Nice try. That’s about how long it’ll take us to get back to Sayntagnesia. And it’s actually sixty-nine hours.” They grinned. “Nice.”
Of course that would be the one fact they’d remember. “You got me. How about six?”
☆ TAGLISTS. let me know if you want to be added/removed to any of them.
general taglist:
@nicola-write @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @onomatopiya @quilloftheclouds @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @extra-magichours @avi-why @lefttigerobservation@chazzawrites @bardolatrycore @innocentlymacabre
andromeda trilogy taglist:
@bebewrites @nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @onomatopiya @akindofmagictoo @quilloftheclouds @nora-theteawriter @ashen-crest @corpsepng @writeblrfantasy @chaylattes @toboldlywrite @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @cheerfulmelancholies @extra-magichours @writeouswriter @cilly-the-writer @lefttigerobservation @rose-bookblood @drowsy-quill @chazzawrites @cynic-and-chief @enchanted-lightning-aes @aesa @outpost51
gemini heist taglist:
@florraisons @akindofmagictoo @cream-and-tea @nicola-writes @memento-morri-writes @antique-symbolism @rose-bookblood @afoolandathief @pepperdee @avi-why @zonnemaagd @chazzawrites @analogued @enchanted-lightning-aes @innocentlymacabre @kahvilahuhut @celestepens @cilly-the-writer @extra-magichours @onomatopiya @outpost51
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williamaltman · 2 years
Can y'all tag anti Nickistat and/or just not tag Nickistat if you're just gonna bash the ship? And for Nicolas' character in general tbh. It's one thing when you're just pointing out things as a part of analyzing the character or even appreciating the messiness/complexities of it all VS when you clearly don't like them because of ship "wars" (can't think of a better term rn).
And I can't help but feel like it's stupid that everyone goes around saying they love Loustat for how messy and toxic it is, and Louis murdering him in the show is the epitome of romance (it kinda was, that's not my point) but then will go on talking about how Nickistat "just aren't good for each other" or whatever because... Nicolas was depressed, had a breakdown and killed himself?
Like yes you could see some cracks there even before Lestat was turned but who actually knows how things would have turned out without Marius... Nicki cared enough that he was taking care of a dying Gabrielle after Lestat had ghosted him for weeks. Not to mention how things could have turned out for Nicolas later if he hadn't killed himself as a vampire. Do you not remember how chronically depressed Louis was throughout the end of IWTV? I remember reading that and thinking "how the fuck is this man ever going to be happy again?". If Nickistat had cracks, IWTV Loustat was a whole broken mirror. And then they turned out fine. Cause they're immortals with centuries to go over their drama.
Anyway I went on a tangent here. I was gonna do a more aggressive post but I didn't want people attacking me. From what I understand the book fandom has managed to stay chill about this (I might be wrong), but I'm not looking forward to how messy things are gonna get when the show adapts TVL. It's years from now but I can already see the foundation for the discourse starting. I just don't get why some people feel threatened by a ship where the character who would mess with your OTP is already dead before they even met.
Actually I kinda get it in this case, because of the whole "Oh I fell in love when I saw him cause he was so much like Nicolas" thing. But AR literally wrote "but Louis had an even bigger hold on me" or so right after so that y'all wouldn't worry so much about it (it kinda stung tbh, but I accept it and have my own interpretation of it).
Not that her/Lestat's words necessarily needs to be gospel, everyone kinda picks and chooses what they "accept" from her interviews/comments and even Lestat's narration and end up having their own interpretations.
But the whole "who would Lestat choose between Nicki and Louis?" question is just always used as a way to get validation from other Loustat shippers who you already know are gonna give you the answer you want, rather than actually wanting to hear other perspectives and create interesting discussion. It's so pointless.
Anyway. Leave Nicki alone!!! That's all I'm actually trying to say IG.
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romanticatheartt · 5 months
And if I say Bridgerton is the one responsible for us, not having a single picture with Jonny and Simone y'all would call me mad...
Because the way I see it, they're literally trying to sell the narative that Nicola and Luke have so much chemistry they can't keep their hands off each other. There are people on twt saying they're dating, while Luke has a girlfriend. One of them had the audacity saying nothing will last forever when someone called them on their bullshit and said Luke is in a relationship. There's not one interview when they're not talking about their chemistry when in reality they shouldn't, their chemistry should show naturally not by forcing it.
People are on and on about why Simone and Jonny don't have a shot with each other, which I think it's the production plan to take the focus off them. They way in every article they're talking about how s3 learned from its mistake from s2... not s1 or QC but s2. Which is very weird since s2 is so much better than s1 and it's fans-favourite. They're giving TVWLM tropes to s3, that's why they keep saying they learnd from their mistakes.
At the same time they're baiting their fans as well with all the promos happening. We all know they won't be in more that 2-3 episodes but they act like they have an actual side plot. They gave Daphne a side plot when Simon wasn't even there, which was guiding Anthony. But Kate? Her only purpose is to sire an heir and nothing else... I literally have no problem with them having kids, I'm one of those who wants to see them as parents and see Edmund but acting like it's Kate's only purpose? It almost feels like she's an accessory to a white man...
I know I shouldn't care... racism and misogynist always happens in every aspect of our lives but it just hurts nonetheless.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
HELLO gamers! it is i, tumblr user xavier multi-lefaiye, here to present my very good powerpoint to y'all. i am posting this early because i like being early <3
as some of you may know, i had a few other ideas for powerpoints, one of which i finished before going "hm i wanna do something else" and doing something else.
as i am sure you are all very well-aware by this point, my biggest fixation is tales from the gas station. so i decided to do my powerpoint about that instead of explaining in-depth how i'd rewrite every episode of notable bad horror tv series lost tapes. you're welcome <3
tagging the participants real quick (if i forgot you i prommy i am just forgetful and it was not intentional, ilsym): @wherearetheplants @nicola-writes @cnnamonrolls @abouttogetshellshocked @approximately20eggs @yourlocal-lichen @astralrunic
anyway! my slides will be under the cut, but if you'd rather see the actual presentation, here's the google slides link: [link]
comments are enabled but no one is obligated to leave any for any reason! i mainly enabled them because i may send this to some discord folks later who enjoy leaving silly comments.
anyway let's gooooo
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OR: an explanation of my blorbos
by tumblr user multi-lefaiye
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what the fuck is this series?
Tales From the Gas Station started as a creepypasta series on the NoSleep subreddit
Then it kinda blew up and became popular enough that the creator reworked and rewrote the series to make them into books
There are four books total and also a seven-part comic series in the works!
Essentially, this is a horror-comedy series centering around a character named Jack Townsend, the minimum-wage employee of a shitty gas station at the edge of an even shittier small town, which also happens to be the epicenter of many supernatural happenings
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I haven’t finished reading the full series yet because [redacted] redacted] [redacted]
But regardless I’m MOSTLY basing this presentation on book one to avoid spoiling later events for people who wanna check this out themselves :)
This is not an exhaustive presentation unfortunately.
Look at this raccoon
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[Image Description: An image of a raccoon behind the wheel of a car, positioned as though it's driving. End ID.]
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Content warnings!!
So I’m not gonna go into the triggering stuff in this presentation, but if you wanna check out TFTGS yourself I wanna give a heads up where I can.
I also will try to give context to things where I can if I feel that it’s needed, but yeah point is I want to make sure anyone who checks this out knows what they’re getting into.
Anyway full list of warnings on the next slide let’s go
/ End Transcript]
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Okay here are the actual content warnings
There are a few side/minor characters who are really blatantly racist and xenophobic b/c TFTGS does not shy away from the fact that it takes place in a small, shitty southern US town--these characters are condemned by the narrative and clearly The Assholes but still, tread lightly.
Casual ableism, especially towards Jack, including the use of the r-slur (once again also condemned by the narrative but still)
Lots and lots of violence and murder
Lots of talk of terminal illness
Drug use
Psychiatric abuse
SOME graphic depictions of blood n’ gore n’ corpses, but the gore is never the focus thankfully
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FULL DISCLAIMER: THIS IS ALL PRETTY MUCH MY INTERPRETATIONS OF THE CHARACTERS. Many of them don't have much in the way of physical descriptions and these are all just my personal designs for the characters :) Yay
/ End Transcript]
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The universe’s favorite punching bag
He’s got that autistic tboy swag and I love him so so much
Chronically ill since he was in high school
Just fucking vibing
Frequently gets insulted and beaten down and it stresses me out but he gets less and less chill about it as the series goes on. I think he deserves to throw rocks at people
I relate to him a lot and idk what that says about me <3
Blorbo <3333
/ End Transcript]
[Image Description: A picrew of Jack Townsend from Tales From the Gas Station, a tired young white man with dark bags under his eyes, a small beard, and shaggy black hair. He looks worried and is wearing a blue shirt under a black hoodie. End ID.]
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So I’m not quite sure how to talk about him without spoiling a bunch of shit
Ah well
One of Jack’s coworkers and his best friend in volume 1!
Kind of a sweet, anxious guy who’s just trying his best
What’s a little accidental murder between besties??? It was an accident, it’s fine.
King of being a really good and trustworthy guy with nothing else going on
I love him genuinely
/ End Transcript]
[Image Description: A picrew of Antonio from Tales From the Gas Station, a young Latino man with tan skin, curly brown hair, multiple piercings in his ears, and a beard. He has his mouth open as though he's speaking, and he wears a blue collared shirt under a denim jacket. End ID.]
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Jack’s emotional support human and bestie
Kind of like a puppy, except that puppy does a lot of illegal shit and kills people
Former member of a murderous cult called Mathmetism
Referred to as Marlboro for most of the first book b/c Jack doesn’t know his name
Big stupid energy but also the smartest bitch in the room. Depends on what would be funnier
Would fight god in the parking lot
If he’s being serious, something is wrong
/ End Transcript]
[Image Description: A picrew of Jerry Pascal from Tales From the Gas Station, a white man with shaggy blond hair, a small beard, and multiple piercings in his ears. He has a wide smirk on his face and wears a yellow t-shirt with a graphic of the sun across the front under a red hoodie jacket, and one hand is visibly holding a cigarette. End ID.]
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Too sexy and evil for gender
My design for him is very far from canon and I am aware of that. However I think everyone should draw him as a long-haired prettyboy <3
He’s just so babygirl <3
I hate him and love him in equal measure
God let him live another day and that’s everyone else’s problem
Anyway I just think he’s neat and should do more crimes
/ End Transcript]
[Image Description: A picrew of Spencer Middleton from Tales From the Gas Station, a white man with long ginger hair, a light beard, and pierced ears. He has a sharp grin on his face, showing his sharp teeth, and is wearing all black. End ID.]
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Cop (unfortunate)
I have very mixed feelings about her as a character ngl and most of them tie back to her being a cop
I do think she’s interesting though
Wish she’d cool it with the casual ableism though <3 Like I know it’s not just her but goddamn
Anyway I guess she counts as a #girlboss
One time one of my friends compared her to the gay cop in Onward and I can’t stop thinking about it because God So True
/ End Transcript]
[Image Description: A picrew of Amelia O'Brien, a Black woman with dark hair pulled back into a bun and pierced ears. She has a stern expression on her face and wears a light shirt under a dark vest and brown jacket, with one hand holding a cigarette. End ID.]
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Sweetest girl in the world
Technically doesn’t show up until volume 2 but I love her so much so I’m talking about her here
Newest hire at the gas station and completely unprepared for The Horrors
She adapts pretty quickly though
Has a really huge really obvious crush on Jack and tbh I think it’s cute
Unfortunately he is oblivious
Besides that though she’s a very fun character and makes me very happy :)
/ End Transcript]
[Image Description: A picrew of Rosa Vasquez from Tales From the Gas Station, a young Latina woman with brown skin, dark brown hair that hangs loosely around her shoulders, and pink earrings. She has a wide smile on her face and is wearing a pink shirt under a dark denim jacket, with one hand held up in a peace sign. End ID.]
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We don’t need to talk about her
So we’re not going to talk about her
You have to read volume 2 to get this backstory
/ End Transcript]
[Image Description: A picrew of Sabine from Tales From the Gas Station, a young woman with lightly tanned skin, pierced ears, curly brown hair, and freckles. Her mouth is open slightly and she wears a black choker, a black t-shirt with a skull on it, and a red jacket. Two of her hands are held up and her pointer fingers are pressed together. End ID.]
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Kieffer - the world’s most killable man! A local politician and, arguably, part of the reason everything goes to shit.
Benjamin - a monster hunter who’s convinced that there’s something evil in the gas station. And he’s gonna kill it.
Vanessa Riggin - another employee at the gas station who unfortunately disappears during volume 1.
Brother Riley - local bookstore owner and ray of sunshine! Got basically excommunicated for teaching kids to read
Dr. V - psychiatric abuse: the character! (Jack’s psychiatrist who doesn’t seem particularly interested in actually helping him)
Deputy Tom - cop (unfortunate), but also Jack’s kinda father figure.
Agents Brick Roscoe - idk how to even get into this so I simply will not.
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/ End Transcript]
[Image Description: Two edited memes featuring raccoons. One shows a raccoon facing the camera, with a photoshopped human hand holding a gun pointing at the viewer. The other shows a raccoon in front of a sunset and looking to the left, with a faded image of a screaming raccoon behind it. The second meme reads: "Physically pained, Mentally drained" / End ID.]
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Volume 1 Premise
The premise of volume 1 centers quite a bit around Kieffer, a local politician.
Picture this: your best friend pulls you aside at work and asks you about the guy who just came into the store. After you explain who the guy is, your friend says, “No, that can’t be him. I killed him last night. His body is in my trunk.”
That’s the day Jack is having.
A wild series of events follows, made worse when Jack starts documenting his experiences in a blog to keep himself sane
People start going missing! Other people start dying! Kieffer especially starts dying!
Jack is not being paid enough to deal with any of this!
/ End Transcript]
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Other things about volume 1 I wanna say, minus context
I think Spencer Middleton is babygirl material and I will not be silenced b/c I am so right
There is a genuinely really clever bit of writing in volume 1 centering around Jack’s leg injury but I don’t know how to explain it without spoilers so just know I think it’s really cool
The Bathroom Cowboy is a cool dude and I think I would like to be his best friend
I think Jack should be allowed to have a nice day for once in his fucking life
Rita the raccoon is a girlboss
The Man in the Raincoat is so gender
Agents Brick Roscoe confuse and frighten me. They’re also really funny
/ End Transcript]
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Here's a quote from volume 1 that I think captures the style of comedy well
She walked up to the counter and smiled and asked, "What do you think?"
What a great question. I think a lot of things, actually. I ran through a shortlist of answers. I think people spend too much time mowing their lawns. I think Marlboro's probably dead, and I may be somewhat responsible. I think no man ever steps in the same river twice. I think that, in terms of reality, perception outweighs actuality in every case, but if I were to say something like that in this town I'd get my ass kicked for being a pretentious dick. I think Tony was too hard on 'Temple of Doom.' I think every magazine is a scam. (Why should I pay for a magazine when it's already full of advertisements?) I think forcing children to recite the pledge of allegiance is creepy, and hot dogs are not sandwiches (they are, in fact, American tacos). I think things at the gas station are getting worse and I can't explain why.
/ End Transcript]
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by viewing this presentation you promise that if you ever read tftgs you have to tell me (tumblr user multi-lefaiye) all of your thoughts about it
/ End Transcript]
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i’m kidding, you don’t have to, i just wanna talk about this series with people
/ End Transcript]
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/ End Transcript]
[Image Description: A picture of a raccoon sitting up and with its forepaws together, its teeth bared in a way that makes it looks like it's grinning evilly. End ID.]
18 notes · View notes
zumpietoo · 10 months
Oh the Irony....
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And perfect timing!!! Cuz I'm SURE you sent similar to the BB with their latest waybackmachinings??? (to say nothing of, WTF do you care what I entitle or post it---tho, I do have nu inspiration--and I posted all kinds of positive Cole stuff just this AM):
Oh and to say nothing of, sure enough, I called EXACTLY what your transparent asses are butthurt about....
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Ah yes, we begin with assorted racism, elitism and lookism....umm...she lives an easily drivable distance from NYC AND for all we know Mommeee sent her a ticket (that she grifted for freeeee!!!). Plus who knew A) I was an evvvolll Poor? B) being a Poor was a sin?
At least I know US geography.....even tho Silly is in Georgia, which is also a relatively drivable distance to NYC....so you'd think she'd know that, too....maybe Silly is Amab? She's in 'Bama and was remarkably ignorant about basic US geography....especially since she taught school, in a grade where that would be part of the curriculum.
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Ahhh.....I fuckin' knew it! They're pissed that nobody wants to doubledate/be besties with CabanaPee for realsiessss.....
But SweatBoi will react like a pissy little bitch, which, ofc, makes him the awesomest awesome that ever awesomed!!! Perhaps Silly/janASS should look up, "I didn't want to be part of your stupid clubhouse, anywaaayyy!!!"/sour grapes?
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Oh yes, bad grammar BB member (Silly foaming at the mouth), PP does indeed gives a MANY shit(s) about everything Cole's doing. BTW, since he and Ari have been together for nearly 3 years, live together and probably will eventually get married....I think it moved past "hooking up" quite some time ago.
That would be Peepster and CB. And FB. And Austyn. And Charli. And whomever she slipped a few extra $$$ to at The Box.
Meanwhile....while Cole HAD already stated he'd be attending many parties for Halloween (versus just one, while beating a very ded, now revealed as fully AN ILLUSION(ary) horse).....considering we had CB yet again cosplaying Cole and PP being with CB entirely because of that....if Cole DID "run away" (no), moar like "from his stalkers".....cuz I most assuredly did NOT notice any "hotties"....
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Dude, she posed for group pics with Cabana Pee....maybe she just knows an asshole when she sees one. And to the OG anon----what was that about "almost a month ago"??? You're here still droning on about CB cosplaying Cole the first time. Which is why PP's with him (and the ONLY reason).
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MM is ninety billion times prettier than PP, actually a better actress, has been with her BF for way longer, he's a bigger fucking deal than CB could even dream of and she's with him cuz she legit loves him, versus making him pretend to be Walking Tat....
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Ummm....it would be two words, "dumb ass", not one....ignorant dullard, however......it's as if FB legit likes Cole better than PP (let alone Sweatboi) even if PP lets him fuck her from time to time.
And not "at", IN....and Fancee Nicola also visited Cole on set, were roomies with him during quaranteen, etc....plus, no, dude....PP doesn't "always support him".....Cole (and MM) were at FB's premiere, Cole made a speshul trip to DC to attend a different premiere of FB's back in 2019.....PP was also in NYC then and didn't bother herself.
And why would he "support PP's nu relationship"? He and PP aren't really friends (they're sidepieces, at best), especially anymoar and CB is a nobody asshole.....and his wife hates PP (and probably Sweatboi)....
However, I do love how y'all are admitting it, even as you attempt to twist it. Plus, again....did the OG anon talk to them about shit in the past?
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Why TF would they "feel pity for Cole"? He remains 90 billion times richer and moar famous than all the rest of them combined....
Plus, PP's production company is dick (you really need to stop with that idiocy).....so has Cole (and is legit friends with Alisters), and, again, I don't see PP leading any successful theatricals....she scabbed a student project for her cult for less than scale cuz she needed $$$ that fucking desperately.
Love how they ignore how Cole spent the strike at A list fashion events in all Europe, while PP did a purse party.....and attends other A list events? PP? Does tiktoks with CB's loser friends (who still hate her), now....
And lastly....even if true? Doesn't matter. Cole could easily fade into obscurity and just sit around counting his $$$---PP remains a slutty, dimwitted, talent-free bimbo, up to her eyeballs in debt....and, again, then they wouldn't have tried the sad little threepeat costumey....
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juukeboxx · 2 years
Mutant Mayhem Hype!
Hi everyone!
So today is a big day: The first official teaser trailer for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem was released! The trailer will be linked in case you haven’t seen it or want to watch it again. But I wanted to just share my thoughts on the trailer and share my hopes and dreams for this movie, which will all be under the cut.
Here’s the trailer:
First and foremost: I am so excited for this movie. Everyine has been waiting so long for this first teaser trailer and I'm not gonna lie, I was sort of in disbelief when it dropped. There's a lot to cover so I'm going to break it down into sections, and the last section being what my hopes are going into this movie.
The Turtles
I know that people have talked about the designs of the turtles themselves since they were leaked a while back, but I adore how these turtles look. This is something I'll mention throughout this post, but it's very clear that Seth Rogen has taken a lot of inspiration from the original 80's cartoon when designing these characters. What's nice about it is that he's given their desings their own little twist that makes them unique and fresh i.e. Mikey's braces.
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I absolutely adore the voices they chose for these turtles because they are actual teenagers. Nicolas Cantu as Leo, Brady Noon as Raph, Micah Abbey as Donnie, and Shamon Brown JR as Mikey. I don't know of any instances where the turtles have been voiced by actual teenagers because as far as I'm aware they've all been voiced/played by adults. This also just feels like another breath of fresh air for the series.
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What they've shown of the turtles so far seems pretty promising.
Teenagers Acting Like Teenagers
One of the first things they show in the teaser trailer is the turtles goofing off the way teenagers do, and this absolutely made my heart soar. I feel like in other versions of the turtles we always see them so caught up in conflict that we never really get to see them hang out, goof around, and get to act their age. Rise was one version that I think showed this the most so I'm really glad to see more of it in this movie.
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This Movie Looks Stunning
I'm sure other people have made this comparison but this movie really does give off the same vibes as Into the Spiderverse. It wouldn't surprise me if Seth Rogen and the people who have been working on Mutant Mayhem took inspiration from that movie. The imagery in the movie is absolutely gorgeous, and I love that it has this "hand-drawn" style. Like Into the Spiderverse, I have a feeling they wanted to achieve this look as sort of a call back or an homage to how the turtles got their start: As a comic book.
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I personally really like that the colors aren't super overwhelming. In some shots from the teaser trailer there are nice bright pops of color that really stand out and liven it up. I'm not an expert, but I think it's a really nice design choice.
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Secondary Characters and Cast
This cast is absolutely stacked y'all. If you haven't seen it on Twitter I'll list the rest of the cast here:
Jackie Chan as Splinter
Ayo Edibiri as April O'Neil
Giancarlo Esposito as Baxter Stockman
Seth Rogen as Bebop
John Cena as Rocksteady
Maya Rudolph as Cynthia Utrom
Rose Byrne as Leatherhead
Natasia Demetriou as Wingnut
Paul Rudd as Mondo Gecko
Hannibal Buress as Genghis Frog
Post Malone as Ray Fillet
Ice Cube as Superfly
I don't think it comes as too big of a surprise that a lot of the other characters featured in this movie are going to be voiced by well known actors, but I'm honestly really pleased with this lineup. And based on this lineup I think we're going to see some really interesting takes on some of these characters like Leatherhead and Wingnut.
As a sidenote, I am so excitied to see Leatherhead in this movie. In general Leatherhead is just one of my favorite secondary characters.
The designs, like I said before, have taken a lot of inspiration from the 80's cartoon. Splinter's, what I can assume is a kimono (though I might be wrong), has the same pattern as Splinter's kimono from the 80's cartoon. April of course has her signature yellow jacket and I love that he outfit looks so casual but it's perfect for running around trying to get the best scoop. Bebop and Rocksteady's clothes are pretty much right from the 80's cartoon and I absolutely love it, and personally I think that Bebop and Rocksteady look great in this art style (honestly this applies to all of the characters).
I have a feeling, and at the same time I'm hoping, that the first official trailer or the next teaser trailer (whichever one comes first) shows off some more of these designs or even shows the designs of some of the other mutants that are going to be featured.
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Hopes for Mutant Mayhem
I know that this is only the first trailer of many between now and when the movie releases, but I genuinely have high hopes for this movie. This is going to be the first TMNT movie getting a theatrical release (clairfying with theatrical because the Rise of the TMNT movie was a Netlfix original) in 7 years since Out of the Shadows released back in 2016.
Even with this trailer being just under two minutes I think that they are taking these characters in the right direction and I'm genuinely excited to see their personalities shine. When Seth Rogen posted descriptions of the turtles on his (I believe) Instagram I knew that they were going to do these characters justice.
When Mutant Mayhem is released in August and I go to the theater to see it, I wanna walk out and say “That was amazing, I want to see it again”. From the developments over the months and with the release of this official teaser trailer I hope that I can say with confidence that not only did I like it, but also that it was a Ninja Turtles movie made by Ninja Turtles fans, for Ninja Turtles fans.
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lickstynine · 4 years
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It's by no means a masterpiece but here's Kiera, Nicola, and kids.
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