#i was also going to point out derek but they're on the level of 'have been in a room at the same time' so it was a kinda weak argument
theotpeffect · 1 year
listen nandor is a fucking liar as per usual because he absolutely doesn't have a problem killing his friends despite what he said about how much it would suck. i mean, he referred to patton oswalt as "my friend" and you saw how fast he pushed that bitch off a roof. let's not forget he also tried to kill the baron in the first season and absolutely loved that guillermo killed all the vampires he knew in that theatre for him. nandor only has a problem with killing his friends when it's guillermo
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darkshrimpemotions · 10 months
Like. I have fifteen years of trust issues when it comes to this stuff so I'm in no way saying anything to defend anything or stating a belief or even truly theorizing here but. Rewatching seasons 1-5 really has me feeling like that. Those comments from That Interview HAVE to be sarcasm/trolling, right? Right????
Because the level of out of touch you'd have to be to think anyone invested in this show actually cares that Nandor is (barely) Guillermo's boss, or to think that they're not in gross, mushy, big, forever, life-changing, unhinged, kill and die for each other love...truly is breathtaking to me. To the point I kind of want to refuse to believe it's possible for someone directly involved in the show to BE that out of touch?
Especially after all the heavy lifting done in seasons 2-4 to eliminate any perceived power imbalance between them? Showing that Guillermo is immune to hypnosis and can best Nandor in a fight. The lengths gone to in order to illustrate how important they are to each other, how well they know each other.
Nandor's arc for two whole seasons of the show LITERALLY being looking for love in all the wrong places while Guillermo stands faithfully by his side, giving him the comfort and companionship he's so desperately seeking the whole time. MARWA AND ALL THE KISSING AND CUDDLING OF GUILLERMO AT THEIR LITERAL WEDDING RECEPTION AFTER NANDOR WISHES FOR HER TO LIKE WHAT HE LIKES. Nandor's immediate and obvious jealousy when Guillermo introduces Freddie. Nandor's grief when he thinks Guillermo is dead. The way Nandor can't handle it when Guillermo leaves in general. Guillermo visiting the worst humiliation a vampire can experience upon Nandor and Nandor just...getting over it? Helping complete his transformation? Helping give him his humanity back when Guillermo realizes this isn't what he wants? Breaking one of the greatest vampire taboos in the process like it's nothing? The frankly stunning revelation that he's always known Guillermo wasn't ready, and that his holding off has always been FOR GUILLERMO?
And Guillermo's sadness whenever Nandor pushes him away. The first time we see him cry is because Nandor told him to take that other offer. Guillermo being willing to die to save Nandor (and Nandor actually almost dying to save Guillermo). Guillermo's obvious jealousy and protectiveness when it came to Nandor's thing with Gail. Guillermo rescuing Nandor from himself with the cult. Nandor being the first one he reveals his secret vampire killer heritage to. Nandor being the last one Guillermo tells about his turning, because he doesn't want to hurt him. Nandor's indifference at the end of season 4 being the thing that actually pushes Guillermo to go to Derek, despite every other setback and loss they've suffered that year. Guillermo literally saying the words with his mouth "I love Nandor the most."
Also just. The two of them LITERALLY being the embodiment of what the other one wants most AND being the one to pull the other back from their most self-destructive attempts to get it? I mean COME ONNNNNNN.
I know TV writers have a long and fucking stupid history of doing this shit. I do. I know it. But like...this show is already so fucking queer? And it's so in-your-face INTENTIONAL about Guillermo and Nandor's relationship? To the point it's almost been the A plot of an entire fucking season? Between my trust issues and my media literacy and my queer little heart's stupid insistence on hoping...I'm struggling, fam.
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accirax · 5 months
initial thoughts on DCAS episode 8
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having just rewatched S1 with my sister (and even while genuinely, actually looking at the screen instead of putting the show on in the background while multitasking), it is so wild to see tomjake in this season as opposed to S1. like, Jake is more or less correct here: although Ellie's meddling and Tom's own dumb moments are also to blame, it was mostly his fault that the relationship fizzled out. how far they've come, to where Tom is the rash fool and Jake is the (mostly) rootable victim...
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i KNEW homegirl would be idol hunting this episode.
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absolutely baller comeback from Tess. i doubt they increased the prize money from $1mil to $3mil just for this exchange, but what a power move if they did.
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if anyone (in the audience) truly believes that Tom has a real boyfriend at this point...
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this was a weird ass way to phrase it but okay Emily pop off i guess.
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ooh, time for Yul's psychological issues? 👀
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wait, isn't Emily hired by the show, not Yul? how would Yul be able to fire someone under Kristal's employment? is this just Yul firing her from the unofficial job of watching over his image, or is it a soft confirmation that Emily has been hired directly by Yul('s manager) all along?
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i'm so desperate for Fiore and Alec to like each other again that i'll be happy with literally any vaguely positive note they end on, as long as it's not hating each other. i still hope that All Stars will be able to acknowledge and expand upon their relationship a little more in upcoming episodes, but if this is the end, at least we know that Alec was trying to have her back one last time.
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forgive me if i'm wrong, but, would going to space really trigger someone's fear of heights? like, the "heights" are on such a high scale and there are so many other things to be worried about that i feel like your brain wouldn't really process it as "gee i'm going really high up." still, it's always interesting to see how Kristal has more of an established relationship with her (S2) campers. it makes sense, but it does seem like she's not afraid to show her bias in that way.
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damn, Trevor must get paid a LOT! even if the vehicle didn't actually take them to space, it's still a huge building with many rooms that can actually fly. makes me wonder how much the producers/hosts are getting paid. (i understand this was just a joke line but it is technically canon now)
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this line was only mildly funny to me, but Ally's face is great. she really hasn't had to spend any notable time around Gabby before. get ready for it, girl, because you'll probably be on the same merge tribe sooner or later.
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oh dang, he's directly asking Kristal out.
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this was an interesting response, especially with Kristal's later agreement to go upon hearing that they had a pool table. Kristal could have either been letting him down gently, or have genuinely not realized that this is flirting. i think it's the latter. that leaves the door open for Kristal potentially reciprocating Derek's feelings later down the line... also, where the hell is Oliver?!
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Tess proves that she can be the goth gf AND the gamer gf. step aside, Ally.
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they've done SUCH a good job of making Yul continuously pay for his actions this season as opposed to S2; it makes me like him way more. the fact that Alec is the one handing out the punishments just makes it all the sweeter.
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ALEC DRINKS HIS RESPECT WOMEN JUICE!! (is that an outdated meme/saying at this point?)
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while Jake is still mostly at fault for this conflict, i do like how they're making sure that Ally isn't just an innocent victim, too. she's stooping down to Jake's level of childishness instead of being the bigger person and handling things maturely. it makes both of them and their conflict feel more well-rounded, even if it makes them more annoying as well, lol.
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Trevor was right; this particular iteration of the space challenge, at least, is bad. the fact that the Cyan team (Aiden by extension) got literally no advantages or head starts from arriving to this room first means that the first half of the challenge didn't matter at all. even if there's the Survivor saying that "it all comes down to the puzzle," the physical challenges beforehand can at least give one team a head start at looking over the pieces. as it turns out, fucking around on the ship was just a waste of time. it diminished my enjoyment of the episode a little :( (sorry for being a downer)
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glad we're revisiting Aiden and Riya's relationship a little more, probably in preparation for them reuniting at the merge. given that Jake and Riya both don't like Aiden, i wonder if they could gather their allies (Ashley, Alec, Yul, Grett) to fuel an Aiden elimination soon.
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Emily has to be gay right (/j)
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this staging is really great at quickly visualizing the dynamics on each team, and may be foreshadowing for future events. the Yellow Team has completely shut Riya out, with Yul not even being visible, but Alec is still smiling at her from inside. not leaving the door open for Riya will actually waste Yellow's time, but they're so eager to win the challenge that they've actually made things harder for themselves. Magenta leaves the door open for Jake, with Ashley's face expectant and unobstructed, while Ally has retreated inside. despite their disagreements, the Cyan team all waits for Aiden outside, not even opening their door until he gets back. the storyboard artists for DC are a talented group!
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Jake, too, is making his case for the villains' alliance.
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i liked this sort of rationale from Tess; it feels in character with how they're portraying her this season. i also hadn't considered it as a reason why they would be steadily ramping up Ellie's villainy even as a pre-merge boot. but like... she's totally right.
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THEY'RE SO CUTE!!!!! thank god the writers didn't decide to destroy gabbellie this season. instead, it seems to be a basis to set up something even greater...
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I'M SO GLAD THAT THIS IS THE DIRECTION THEY'RE TAKING GABBY'S CHARACTER!!! i thought it would be a really good idea, but i didn't know if the writers would wind up taking that path. but it looks like we may be getting our true "explosive girl" back now that Ellie is gone, and i couldn't be more excited. i just know it's going to lead to something buckwild.
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... wait what do you mean Ellie isn't doing the patreon reads? is she going to be the real returning player?!
for a somewhat disappointing challenge (for the reasons i described earlier), i'm really happy with this elimination and the direction they're taking the season. some sort of merge or tribe swap has to be happening soon, right? that next episode trailer can't come soon enough!
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destinygoldenstar · 1 month
☀️It’s Time For DRAMA☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 1 “Meet Me In Tipiskaw”
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"Ah shit, here we go again..."
So I did a poll awhile back asking if I should watch Disventure Camp, an indie animated show based off Total Drama. And you guys said it was a GREAT idea...
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I think it's also a good timing because the finale of Season 3 hasn't been released yet at the time of this post.
From my research of understanding, there's a 'beta' of Season 1 back when it was a Total Drama fanfiction. Then they made Season 2, and then went back and remade Season 1. And Season 3 goes off of the remake of Season 1's logic and canon. So I'm watching the remake of Season 1, so you're aware which version I am doing.
I'm also aware they have these episodes in Spanish as well. I'm an English speaker, so I'm watching the English version. That might enrage some people, but I want to make that clear.
What I am expecting going in; I'm expecting the setup for this show to be similar to Total Drama. With it being a Survivor parody. I'm also expecting the quality to not be as strong as TD, just because one is an indie production and another is not. I'm a producer and I know the setbacks that come with indie works. It's not gonna dock points from me.
I don't know anything about the cast. This is blind.
I felt bad when I didn't do reactions of the 2023 reboot of Total Drama. I liked the reboot, up until the last act of the second season. If you want my thoughts on it. I made a post whining about that last act. I admit I've gotten a bit softer on it, but I still think it's a weak ending.
So with this, I wanted to actually post my reactions so I can get more into it and write down my thoughts like a diary.
I'm sure this won't backfire in any way with people spoiling...
So... yeah. Here's my first time reaction to Disventure Camp Season 1, Episode 1.
Oh, and we start the episode with an ad. How wonderful...
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What's worse than one Chris McLean?
TWO Chris McLeans. Dear god...
(I put subtitles on)
"I'm Trevor McGregor, and this is my hosting partner, Derek Johnson."
"We will do our best to make sure that all our competitors have the worst experience possible."
Okay, so is there a fair one and a sociopathic one?
I feel like there's a twist here and it's swapped at some point.
*listens to the game explanation*
Hang on, hang on...
Who voices these two? Why do I feel like I heard these voices before...
Okay, INRTO!!
They had the same cut tape that Total Drama had, that's cool.
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Alright, lets see here.
We got a rich guy who looks like he's been dumped out here and would complain about dirt. And we got a girl scout character.
Plot twist, the dude makes it farther than her.
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Ninja dude. And... other dude.
...when was this released?
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Four months after the TD Reboot.
Well this is a remake of a beta, so... yeah. Total Drama said "We're gonna add queer characters to the cast. FIRST queer characters." And this show said "Am I a joke to you?"
I'm gonna call it though, that's gonna go horribly wrong. You date a ninja, you're ASKING for pain. I've watched Ninjago.
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That boy has my thoughts exactly!
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Dang, this sixteen year old looks seventy.
She also looks like the cranky old lady. "My age don't define my level of badass!"
That other dude looks like a whitewashed Noah.
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Oh you two look sweet, I'm gonna like you two.
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Who tf dropped off their KID in the woods?! WTF?!
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DJ's brother. And a COWGIRL?!
I'm surprised Total Drama doesn't really have a cowboy/girl. Unless I'm remembering wrong.
(Or maybe I don't want to remember Pahketiew Island)
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Oh I didn't even see you... you're wearing a swimsuit.
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Oh. You're Heather's cousin. Okay.
"We're here. Everyone off."
Why is the thug Scottish?
Okay names... uh...
Yeah I'm gonna be bad at remembering all of that.
There's someone named Gabby here??? (Someone in my family is named Gabby, so that's awkward.)
Purple Team? No fancy names, huh? Where's the Ferocious Trout's and Frogs of Death?
"I'm Lill. National Girl Scout Troup Leader."
Oh, she IS a scout. I called it!
Okay, you know a writing pet peeve I have? It's when two characters in the same media share a name VERY similar to each other. Unless they're twins, I don't like it when they do that. It makes things hard to pronounce and you can never understand who you're referring to.
There's a guy named Will here. And a woman named Lill. That's way too similar. W and L sound a lot more similar when speaking than you think. Why? Why did you do this? Why not name her Lilly? That's easier. Or the other way around, name the guy Wally or something.
I'm sorry. Pet Peeve is getting to me. I'm calling her Lilly. You're not stopping me.
"You're currently looking at the future winner of this season."
"I know perfectly well how to play with the minds of these losers."
"I once won a beauty pageant because the other contestants got mysteriously sick."
Okay QUEEN, maybe wait a few days before you decide to SLAY, okay? 💅
Straight to the point. She's a prick. I'm down to stan a prick. I watch Total Drama, plenty of prick ladies that slay.
"There are no cabins!"
Oh don't remind me of Pahketiew!
...actually, I like this idea. I also think this and the confessional styles are more accurate to Survivor. Am I right on that? I've only seen a couple of out of context clips of the show, admittedly.
"A tent, a machete, and a pot."
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Then what's that sword? Didn't mention that on your supply list. Is that contraband?
So no food either? Dang, we're really going there and starving everyone to death.
(I would SUCK as a Survivor player)
"There will, however, be a way to get extra supplies by winning the challenges."
You gotta EARN your McDonalds order.
Or Chef slop depending on your craving.
Alright, red sweater likes all this. You know what, I'm all for optimists.
"Could someone take my suitcase? I'll pay whatever."
You were DEFINATELY dumped here against your consent.
"Why are you dressed like that?"
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"Actually, I can't get that much sun exposure."
Oh he DOES talk. Okay. I was thinking a different kind of ninja for a second.
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I can't get over that there's a CHILD here.
"My parents are a little short on money so they agreed to send me here in exchange for payment."
That might be more f****d up than anything I've seen on Total Drama.
Yes? Child services? I'd like to report something.
Wouldn't it be funny if they ditched her cause she's a demon child?
It's still wrong on their end. But it would be funny if this little girl had a foul mouth and didn't know what love was. (Cause she never received it from her parents)
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...so what's his name is the real ninja. Got it.
They couldn't afford a VA, I imagine. That or no one auditioned that stayed.
"I'd like to know who picked the teams and why mine got stuck with the old lady, a child, and four guys who looked like they've never seen sunlight."
Alright, I'm gonna like this character.
Not because she's a nice person though. I'm just down to stan a bad bitch and she's giving me that energy.
"Do you know how many animals had to die for that?!"
Well I know my GF would like you.
"If you don't care for animal's lives, I might not care for yours."
"Sometimes I get a little upset, but it's something I couldn't control, so I prefer to see the positive side of things."
Uuuhhh... are you bipolar? That would explain a lot.
"How come you're so good at this?"
"I watched a survival show."
What are your sources? I watched a movie once. Same energy of a response.
"It's just a book about surviving in isolated places."
Okay Noah wasn't whitewashed. He's right here. This takes place twenty years in the future of Total Drama.
"I haven't been out of the house that much."
"My parents... they're kind of overprotective."
"A couple of weeks ago I had an argument with them and I left."
I fear that every day. No one likes arguing with their parents.
I like this setup for a character.
"An animal attacking us?! We do not find any food and starve to death?! A forest fire wiping us all out?!"
Oh he's just like me fr
"I know it may be a little early for this..."
"How about we make an alliance?"
"Sure. We can protect ourselves and get the four of us to the Merge."
Ooooohh. We have an alliance ALREADY?!
They might lose like 1-2 of their members, but that's a good idea. Start your alliances early. It'll help you in the long game.
"Right now, you're gonna vote one person off each team."
This has to be a psyche. There's NO WAY.
"Gabby from the purple team and Fiore from the teal team."
This is a psyche.
You shouldn't have threatened anyone.
What did Fiore do?! Sorry for being a child!
*Team Swap*
Oh thank god, it was a psyche.
"No one will be eliminated today. Only this time you will play for a reward."
So no one's going home today. Cool.
Oh, there's a patreon shoutout.
I definitely respect these content creators, I will say that much. Presentation is a lot better than I thought it was gonna be.
"I understand why they hate your personality so much, but you know, I can tolerate you."
"Really? Would you be my friend?"
"No, but we can be allies."
Hey, at least she's honest. That's a trait you don't see very often on these shows.
I don't hate Gabby's personality btw. I'm leaning more towards the opposite, especially after what happened to her. Learning everyone hates you right off the bat sucks.
"On the other team they were very rude to me."
They pretty much ignored you, what are you talking about?
"How old are you?"
"I'm 6"
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You can't fight a ninja!!
Idk where he got a trash can lid from. As proof that this man is, indeed, a ninja.
"Will! Go call the others!"
Um, excuse me, I'm CONCUSSED.
"Ouch. I cannot see anything."
...okay, I haven't complained about the voice acting cause it's been quite good for the most part. But that line delivery? Uh uh.
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OMG Miriam 😂
Gabby's too much like me here, I'm gonna be honest.
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Oh, you little...
Don't underestimate children.
I didn't even realize he had the wrong flag. That's impressive.
"Alec gave it to me."
Oh... but she still kept it hidden. So she still deserves some credit.
"I'm a little scared of the dark."
Is your whole character being a coward?
"Why did you give me the credit for that flag thing?"
Oh wait, that was a lie?
"I prefer to go unnoticed."
That's actually smart. She's a child, and children are "stupid". So she doesn't pose a threat to anyone in Tribal Councils.
"These assholes are really buying into the story that I'm a helpless little girl."
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Oh, the Scottish guy is a criminal. Never would've guessed. /s
They also shoutout patreons at the end with the animation. That's actually a cool extra mile they didn't need to do.
Wait, I wanna see who voiced the host characters. Cause I swear I heard both voices before.
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Steven Gordon & Silly Billy.
Yeah I definitely heard those voices before.
Well, kudos to everyone in these credits that worked on this show. Credit has gotta be due.
Presentation wise, that was way better than I thought. I didn't think it was gonna be good quality at all. That animation looked so close to Total Drama and was very smooth!
I also may or may not like the designs better than the TD Reboot designs. Just because there's more character in each of them.
I love the idea of the cast not all being the same age. It's a lot more variety to character backgrounds. I don't hate the teenagers TD used or anything. This is just another approach and idea.
Character opinions: (I looked back to get the names down)
Dan, Ellie, Jake, and Miriam... eh? They didn't do anything this episode. Nothing to say.
All Alec really did was be involved in that lie for Fiore. Maybe he's her first target and he's an early boot and that's why she picked him.
Fiore is a demon child and I am so here for it. Like yeah, maybe her parents actually did dump her here cause they don't like her. That does explain her behavior. But she's also like "Well f**k it, I'll roll with it. I'm here to win a million bucks and crush some adults. Easy peasy."
Tom... NINJA.
No, but seriously, it's not subtle he's hiding stuff. But it could end up being something really minor like he hates his appearance or something and wants to be seen as the cool guy.
Grett, she's a bad bitch. She's not a good person. But you know what? After watching Total Drama and suffering through such nasty characters making it far in the game, I have embraced it. So yeah, QUEEN. SLAY. 💅
Gabby... I think there's some depth to her, and I THINK I like her, but she has some faults like a temper and talking too much. (She's just like me fr) She might climb up for me later. Depends on how long she's in the game.
The Ashley, Lilly, Nick, & Will alliance... I like their strategy here. Forming an alliance as early as possible is a good idea. Heather did the same thing and it worked in her favor. I don't think they're all merging though. I think Fiore is gonna target 1-2 of them and get them eliminated. My guess would probably be Lilly being one of them just because she seems very competent at the game she could be a threat.
But like I said, I think she may target Alec first cause she pinned the flag thing on him.
Nick, I like his story and his reason to be here. Like I said, I think he's outlasting Lilly for sure and getting development.
Will... he's fine, but his only trait so far seems to be 'I'm anxiety'. So there's another Fiore target if the alliance break pre-merge is two.
And Ashley... I like her, just cause she's a cowgirl, but I think there could be more personality from her later. And she seems like one of the nicer people here.
So... yeah. If you guys want me to continue these reactions, be sure to let me know. I'm willing to continue this show.
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aliteralsemicolon · 2 months
Hey there,
I totally get where you're coming from about Spencer being a fictional character open to interpretation. Fiction gives us the freedom to explore characters in new and unique ways, and it's part of what makes writing fanfiction so fun and fulfilling.
The beauty of fanfiction is that it allows us to explore different facets of a character that we don't always get to see on screen. That said, I do believe there’s a line between creative interpretation and taking a character so far from their established traits that they become unrecognizable.
Yes, the show has inconsistencies, and no character is written perfectly at all times, but there’s a difference between exploring new dimensions of a character and ignoring their fundamental nature. Just like any well-crafted character, Spencer has a set of core traits that make him who he is, and deviating too far from those can sometimes feel off-putting for readers who love him for those exact reasons.
Writers should absolutely have the freedom to explore and reinterpret characters, but it’s also fair for readers to expect some level of consistency with the established canon, especially with such a well-defined character like Spencer Reid.
Hi lovely, while I agree with you to a certain extent I think you also have to keep in mind and be honest to yourself about what those traits are. Here are Reid's canon established traits that don't change throughout the show and a long ramble (let me know if I missed anything):
IQ of 187
eidetic memory
can read 20 000 words per minute
carries a brown satchel everywhere
loves: reading, play chess, excessive sugar in coffee
can count cards (banned from ever casino in Vegas)
tendency to ramble / go on tangents
socially awkward (this decreases as the show progresses, also circumstantial to the situation he's in)
germaphobe (inconsistent, Mathew shakes hands on camera when Reid normally wouldn't. also changes slightly after the prison arc)
Fear of being perceived as mentally ill, having schizophrenia especially.
Those are the one's I can think of right now, but the list for established (as in set in stone, these traits don't change at all throughout the show) traits is pretty short. Anything else you associate to him changes throughout the show and depends on the season.
They're not very defining in terms of Reid as a whole human being, because like I said, people are complex. The traits above do not explain how he would behave in every aspect of his life.
For example: I get anxious in social settings with large groups even when everybody in that group is my friend but I'm very confident when the friend groups become smaller. And I don't behave the same way with any partner I have as I do with my friends. A lot of the traits my friends associate with me aren't there when I'm with my partner.
Anything traits outside of those mentioned traits (minus a couple I may have missed) can't be counted as "established" traits because they're either fan associated or change with the season of Reid (S2 and S5 Reid are not the same). Expect consistency, by all means, but also be realistic about your expectations for that character.
The conversation here is about the random hate and unhelpful criticism towards fanfic writers because certain readers don't agree with the writer's portrayal. It's unnecessary and a waste of everyone's time when they could just not read that writers work. And really entitled behaviour considering this is content they're getting for free.
Now I'm not going to go and reply to every single reblog on the original post I made (every single one had such a valid point and I agree with them all), but I will quote the genius @/lavenderspence (she takes after our husband Reid, look at those stats)
"As of today, there are 4497 fics under the Spencer Reid/Reader tag on AO3, 1509 fics under the Aaron Hotchner/Reader tag, and ONLY 236 fics under the Derek Morgan/Reader tag. There's more than enough fanfics out there for you all to find the right one FOR YOU, without BASHING SOMEONE ELSE'S representation of the character."
That's it from me about this topic, I think I've said everything I've needed to.
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ubi-goes-uwu · 2 years
The Mistreatment of Tom Levitt on SMASH
I know that literally no one cares about this, but I want to talk about it, so I will.
In the short-lived TV Show "SMASH" (2012), which I quite liked and strongly reccomend -- as long as you don't watch season 2 --, there is something that really, really bothered me, and I haven't seen it adressed on the internet. Mainly, perhaps, because the show is 11 years old, and because it had a very niche audience.
But here it is: The show treats the character of Tom Levitt terribly.
I will now explain.
Romantic relationships take up a sizeable part of the screentime of "SMASH". it was a drama series in 2012, after all. We get long scenes exploring the romantic relationships of the two leads, Ivy and Karen. But that's a given. And, you say, Tom isn't a lead. And while that is technically correct, he is one of the main characters, seeing as the show structures itself around an ensemble rather than one or two leads.
Furthermore, the relationships of every other member of the main ensemble are treated with importance by the show, given time and thought.
Julia, for example, is Tom's writing partner, and they are equally important to the plot (they are at more or less on the same level vis-a-vis their primary/secondary-ness to the show). And her marriage is a big part of the show. Her husband and her son regularly appear, and she has an affair with an actor that takes up a significant amount of screentime. Not to mention that it brings us the most beautiful and emotional sex scene in the show. Also, her affair has a real impact on the plot of the show.
Eileen, a character who is arguably less prominent than Tom, has an important relationship with her ex-husband who used to produce musicals with her, and a passionate relationship with a younger man that ends up financing the production of Bombshell.
Now, the way that the show treats Derek's blatant abuse of authority is incredibly problematic. The show attempts to adress this in some way in season 2, but no one treats it seriously enough. But, I will say, even he gets to explore different relationships.
Now, Tom has a few relationships throughout the show. The first one with John, a lawyer introduced to him by his mother, the second one with Sam, one of the members of the ensemble of Bombshell, and Kyle, an up and coming writer in the field of musical theater.
There are many things that I didn't like about the way that Tom's relationships were approached. Mainly, they weren't given nearly as much screentime as the other ones on the show.
With Jonh,
Almost every single time they're out on a date, Tom gets a call from one of the other main characters and he has to go solve some problem or another;
Them not having slept together is brought up by John, and it's introduced as a plotpoint, but the the first time they sleep together is off-screen (we're not even shown, like, the lead-up to it), and the show informs us, for seemingly no reason, that it was really bad. They keep dating, but it's weirdly never brought up again;
Other problems in their relationship are introduced but never explored. Not only did they have unsatisfying sex, but John is a Republican while Tom is very clearly anti-Republican, and Tom is always prioritizing the other people in his life (the characters themselves speak on those at some point, but these plotlines are just dropped);
Their break-up is very underwhelming. They've been dating for most of the season, and they have one (1) fight while Tom is like, eating cereal, and then we never see from John again. Tom isn't even really upset.
John is never a priority for Tom. It could be a part of his character, but it feels like the show just doesn't care enough to explore Tom's relationships just for the sake of Tom himself. It acts flippantly about it and doesn't give it importance. Even if Tom doesn't really prioritize John in his life, the show could explore that, but, and here is the bigger issue, Tom is just never allowed to have a meaningful storyline outside of his platonic relationships with the rest of the main ensemble.
With Sam,
The fist time they go out, Tom kisses Sam and he basically slut-shames Tom, making him feel that it's his fault that he's alone even though he's 37 because of his *gay stereotype alert* commitment issues that "obviously" show in the fact that he's "easy";
They're rarely shown alone, and we don't ever see them "finally" having sex, even though they're together for a sizeable chunk of the show;
They have a nice relationship, Tom meets Sam's family, and it seems like they're in love, but Sam breaks up with Tom FULLY OFF SCREEN (like, we knew that he was going on tour for the Book of Mormon, but there's no goodbye at all).
It's strange that Sam is so slut-shamey with Tom when a big plotpoint between John and Tom was that Tom didn't want to have sex with him for an "unusual" amount of time (enough for John to ask him why they hadn't had sex), and it seems like this relationship was just used to shame gay men who enjoy a more bohemian style of life -- it's taking a swing at the gay stereotype of the high-maintenance libido man who has sex with every other man he comes across. Mostly because they don't even try to adress his commitment issues after this (at all! this conversation is literally never brought up again).
With Kyle,
Full disclosure: I couldn't get through season 2. It's really bad. But correct me if I'm wrong, but on episode 14 Kyle f*cking dies and the entirety of Tom and Kyle's relationship is one flashback that's less than 5 minutes in length. And why did they choose to include this secret fling? Tom is barely affected by Kyle's death. And Tom is, like, TWENTY years older than Kyle. Why do this?
The only good thing to come out of this is the audio of Billy Joel's Vienna sung beautifully by Christian Borle (Tom).
This relationship is not only all sorts of problematic, but it's also so short. And the only romantic relationship of Tom's on season 2. It hurts to see that we weren't allowed to see any of it (it had literally no screentime), and that even though the only scene we get to see of it is romantic and cute, Tom is basically unnafected.
This problem extends beyond Tom's romantic relationships.
Tom is basically not allowed to have independence.
His relationships don't matter as much as the other characters'. The only meaningful relationship he is allowed to have is with Julia. They have a really nice friendship. It even seems like he might evolve to have a good relationship with Derek after their big fight where we find out about their backstory (or at least one that's worth exploring), but that doesn't happen.
There are many things that are "almost there" about Tom. They bring up aspects of his character or his life that could be worth exploring, but they're never given any time or care, and the show just sort of forgets about them (his literal character is re-shapeable so that he can serve any purpose in the narrative).
Mostly, he exists on the show to support other characters. He is always sacrificing his own time in being there for Ivy 24/7. And while his relationship with Julia is very nice, he is heartbreakingly attached to their family (he has no family from what we see on the show) while they don't really value him in the same way.
He's always just so worried about everyone else's problems, and not really focused on himself, it's like he's a halfway developed "Gay Best Friend".
He just deserved better.
(This is mostly fueled by the fact that I love Christian Borle so much, and I would like to see him playing fleshed out characters in dramas. He's underrated. Yes, he is great in comedic roles, but he's got range, and he's really good in Smash and Falsettos when he plays more serious roles.)
Anyway, that's that. Tom Levitt had everything to be a good, fleshed out character. But the show didn't really care enough about him.
Also, I hate that SMASH had so may straight sex scenes but was completely unwilling to film two men doing anything other than chastely kissing or laying a foot away from each other in bed half-naked.
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aloneatpeace · 11 days
Cosmic Chaos
Chapter 23
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.→✒️:★: ͜͡✿͜͡ →.Sorry for the delay hope you like this chapter please like and reblog and tell what you think about the new chapter it's really help me write more don't be hesitant please interact and tell me what you think much love
Your author
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It's been decided that you and stiles would definitely would be spending eternity in the ever-burning fiery pits of hell and its wasn't that the two of you been such angel before but what the two of you been doing definitely put the nail on the coffin.
But you doubt Satan would allow the two you anywhere near his humble home.
"So, maybe they all had something to do with the fire..." stiles mumble you bite your nails lost in thoughts beside him. stiles turn to his dad "Another shot?"
Mr. Stilinski shake his head his face flustered due to the alcohol "No, no, no. No more." His speech gets slurred.
"Dad, come on! You work really hard, all right? You deserve it."
"Oh, my God... I'm gonna have such a hangover..."
"You mean you're gonna have such a good night's sleep!" stiles excitedly said with grin on his face Mr. Stilienski nod agree clumsily
"And we are gonna have an eternity in the lowest circle of hell..." he mumbles as he pours the drink making you frown.
"We?" you lean sideways narrowing your eyes at stiles. Stiles finishes pouring the drink and hands to his father he leans towards you.
"Oh, if I'm going, I'm dragging you with me." He wraps his arms around you.
"Stiles, there's just so many questions..."
"Like what?"
"Like, if Derek wanted to kill everyone involved with the fire, then why start with his sister? I mean, she had nothing to do with it. Why make it look like some kind of animal did it?" you go over the reports as stiles and his dad speaks on the midway your phone vibrates talking it out you see scott name lit up the screen.
"When that cougar ended up in the parking lot, I checked with animal control-- you know the instances of wild animal reports were up seventy percent over the past few months? It's like they're going crazy, running out of the woods... I don't know..." you point at your phone at stiles the nodes letting you stand up and move away to take the call.
"Or something's scaring them out..." stiles said he watches you talk in the phone his eyes narrowing as he you pace back and forth talking in hushed tone to scott.
"You know, I miss talking to you... It's like we never have time—" stiles head snap towards his dad his words died on his togue, behind him your pacing had also as you also caught the words.
stiles dad laughs in drunken haze slurring he adds "I do... I miss it... and I miss your mom..."
"What'd you say?" stiles voice came out shaky his brown orbs glistening lightly
"Thanks." His dad said closing his eyes he lay his head on the table as he falls asleep blissfully unaware of everything that goes around him.
You squeeze stiles shoulder before walking towards the couche you take the blanket that laying on it and carefully wrap it around stiles dad. "It been hell of day."
You take stiles key looping around point finger stiles watches you with curious eyes "Wanna crash Scott's mom's date."
Stiles sad eyes turn into judgmental he sighs your name "I get that we are single but we shouldn't stomp on that level that's even low for us."
You roll your eyes "what if the date in question is Peter Hale." Stiles jump out of his seat he dashes towards you taking the key from you.
"I'll drive faster."
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The two of you sit in stiles jeep waiting for Peter and Melissa car to come into vision, you lean back on your seat turning your head you glance at stiles "We are not repeating what we did back there."
Stiles look away from the road to you "It not like, I wanted to do that we need information." He glances away from you "beside I know you don't want to use your power to read his mind either. I won't ask you to do that."
"I know you won't." you smile lightly but the smile fade as soon it came "besides I already know what happened at the fire."
"You do!" stiles exclaimed "did you find that out earlier?."
You sit unbothered at the loudness of his voice "the fire is caused by the Argents derek is right about expect the part where he accused Chris, its kate argent she was the cause of all the fire she hired the people. Chris argent has no clue about this either that much clear from our last conversation. I thought I was maybe going crazy when I started see the visions of the Hale house fire but after seeing the records and files it all turned out it's the truth and something tells me kate argent is worse than peter." You shake your head at your own words.
Stiles slumps against his seat huffing "You know what is crazy, I don't have my Halloween costume planned. Let's do that together after this and you will go with me to the party."
You look away from stiles finding your nails more interesting stiles narrow his eyes at you before whining out loud "Don't tell me you're going with someone else."
"I gone with you last time besides, Its Danny." You yell back "that if Issac didn't show up."
"The former swim coach's Kid?" you nod "When did you had time to ask him?"
"I had time." you shrug
"What is your costume?"
"Red riding hood but sexy something Danny give it to me." You answered before letting out a laugh "isn't that ironic."
Stiles doesn't laugh looking at him you see he is already looking at you with face that had mixture of betrayal and offended look on his face "You been hanging out with danny too much, don't forget that you're my best friend. And there is no way in hell I'm losing that my title to guy who doesn't even find me attractive. You're on thin ice."
You broke into full blown laugh as stiles fret over calming down you take hold of stiles hand "You idiot, you are my best friend and it always will be the three of us, now stop it lets focus on our mission."
"I'll be watching you." he does motion of the words with serious look on his face, his lips curled up lightly.
The car coming up into halt "Guess the wolf is here." You glance at the car "Now how do we exactly do this." Your thought come halt when you hear stiles loud thought echoing on your head as he was trying to do that. "No. Oh God are we really gonna do that?"
Stiles grins at you wildly nodding at you "buckle up buttercup."
You groan in pulling the seatbelt over you "Don't ever call me that." Stiles wrap starts engine his one hand holding on to the wheel lightly his other hold on your shoulder across your chest you hands fist around stiles chest, weirdly excited and terrified at the same time, a green glow starts around the both of you and stiles, its forms a shield around the two of you relaxing you both bit with the hold on each other tightly as ever stiles nod at you before pressing down the accelerator going straight for the car that parked on your front.
"STILES!" Melissa yells disbelief frowning even more when he sees you step out the jeep with stiles
Stiles and you innocently look wide eyes "Mrs. McCall?"
"Yes!" Melissa glare at the two of you and stiles looks around his jeep assessing the damage, peter stands behind her with amused look on his face as the two of you play out your little skit.
"Wow, this is-this is just crazy. What a coincidence, huh?" you chime in
Melissa looks like she would kill you both on the spot fuming she sarcastically says "Ha. Ha."
Peter glance around muttering "Nicely done, Scott." You lip curls up lightly as you caught his whisper.
"I mean, I do not know what happened. You guys just came out of nowhere—" stiles wave his hands pointing at the cars but gets cut off
"Came out of nowhere??? We were parked on the side of the road, Stiles!"
"Yeah, on middle of the road." You pipe up but one glare from melissa you shut your lips letting stiles deal with the rest.
"How crazy is that? I mean, we should probably call the cops, you know? Do like, an accident report thing?" he nudges you, taking out your phone you start to dial the number peter quickly strides towards you taking the phone from your hands
"I don't think that's necessary." Peter gives you faux smile you narrow your eyes at him stiles lean towards you making you stumble a bit he pulls you away from peter smoothly
"I think I'm feeling a little whiplash, I don't think wear seat belts either ..." stiles turn you towards him pulling three fingers in front of your eyes "How many finger am I holding?"
Melissa incredulously turns to stiles "Whiplash??? You hit us!"
"I don't know... There's something definitely wrong with my neck..." stiles care his neck scoffing melissa glance at the two you head to toe behind her angered eyes you can the worry peaking through.
"I know you're there, Scott, and I'm impressed. It's too bad most teenagers aren't that smart. It's like that one on the lacrosse team-- Jackson. Thinks he knows all about us. You know how they say "Knowledge is power?" Not in his case." Peter mutter again.
"You think we don't know that." Peter hears your voice in his head making him turns to you, "they are co-captain you know. don't worry peter."
Peter grin at you "Aww my dear nephew might get sad that you are refusing to associate with him."
"Let him."
Out of nowhere you feel an awful sensation crawl into your skin, lost in thought you tug stiles making him turns to you "Scott...?" stiles brow furrowed seeing you hazed gaze "We need to go."
Stiles nod quickly the two you fumble around Melissa muttering apologies hastily get into stiles jeep peter watch as the two of you speed away though the two of you were successful on your little mission it somehow helped peter to know more about the three of your dynamics and your ability.
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You and stiles navigate through the woods in the night searching for scott "Maybe nothing is wrong, you know."
"But he isn't answering his phone."
"There might be a prefect reason for that, a reason that include that he might not be in any danger."
"I don't know, something doesn't feel right."
"Derek is a bad influence; you weren't pessimist before." Stiles muttered thinking back about the time derek got shot it making him feel more headache.
"What if I'm right."
"Then I'll let you say told you so. But do we really have to be out alone in the woods now."
Stiles eyes observe the woods anxiously after Scott got bite by peter, he wasn't really keen on being out in the woods and no one can blame for that.
"You used love adventures."
Stiles huffs "Not when, now this becomes hotspot for blood thirsty creatures." Stiles cursed silently when you pick up your pace almost leaving him behind making him whine and speed up his own pace.
your feet seem to have its on mind, something in you urging you to walk the direction with no logic. When you stop stiles also stands beside the two you glance ahead and sees someone dragging scott who is limp on the ground.
Out of instincts red glow form on your palm, the vibrant glow shift of atmosphere captures the attention of the person dragging Scott, making him stand straight.
"Mr. Deaton?!"
Deaton shows no fear seeing the two of you, he smiles "glad you both are here, Scott need it." Stiles looks suspicious of him glancing down at unconscious scott with worried eyes.
"Yeah, how can be sure that you didn't do anything to him?" stiles torn between wanting run towards scott to help him but also in fear Deaton might turn into werewolf and bite his head off.
Deaton understanding Stile's reasoning put his hands on air with open arm "I can assure you; I am on scott's side."
The glow dies down on your palm, you pat stiles on his chest "He's telling the truth." You then hurried towards scott; stiles follow right after you.
Crouching down on scott's side, your hands curled around his shirt at the sight of crimson on his side and the smell of iron hung in the air. "The argents shot him; he can't heal on his own not until we help." Deaton says stiles gulp.
"I can heal him.!" you say out loud getting ready to heal him like you did with the Winchester brothers.
Deaton shake his head crouching down bedside you "before that we get the bullet out, I can help him. you two need to trust me on this alright.?" His seriousness and sincerity evident in his voice.
You give him a firm nod stiles exhale before agreeing the Deaton and stiles take scott carrying him to his car, after putting scott on Deaton backseat you jump in the passenger seat while stiles follow in his jeep.
Deaton starts to treat scoot as soon he was laid on the examination table, he pulls out the bullet out from his side scott grunt during the procedure he had come in and out of his senses. After taking out the bullet from Scott the wound fully he loses his consciousness.
"The poison in the bullet is slowing down the healing process." Deaton says as few more blood drops on the table beside him.
"But he will be alright, right?" stiles ask beside you with a pale face.
You carefully look at the wound, leaning towards the table Deaton step aside as you do, bringing your hands towards the wound, the green glow pour out of your palm towards the wound the blood travel back and small open wound starts to get closed stiles and Deaton watches with wide eyes as the skin green glow penetrate and heal the inside before the wound gets closed off.
Scotts scrunched up face gets relaxed before he peacefully sleeps. You let stiles go saying you would stay with scott just to be sure he made you promise that you would call him if anything happened.
"You haven't slept last night is there a reason for that.?" Deaton asks handing you a cup of coffee he had seen you trying not to fall asleep when he had come to check on scott few times.
You take the cup with eagerness taking few sips and hum when warm liquid heats your body like a warm blanket on cold rainy day.
"I find it hard to sleep these days."
Deaton walks towards the table scott laying smiling "You should take of that." He looks down at scott "Welcome to the land of the conscious. You doing, okay?" scott squints his eyes at him in confusion
You stand up quickly smiling at scott "Hey" scott muttered your name coming out the daze slowly just then the bell on the front door jiggle alerting some entering.
"Maybe you should sit down, huh?" Deaton glance at the door before pushing scott down the table gently he cast you glance before leaving.
Scott and you look at each other confusion listen in on the conversation that going on the outside.
"Hi there. I'm here to pick up." Yours and scott eyes widen hearing peter's voice outside. Scott stands up taking hold of your wrist he walks backwards towards the door.
Deaton eyes suspiciously narrow at that "I'm not sure I remember you dropping off..."
"This one wandered in on its own."
"Even if he did, I'm afraid we can't help you. We're closed."
"Well, I think you can make an exception this one time, don't you?" the menacing tone doesn't seem to falter Deaton, you lip curls downward one hand still gripping the warm cup
"I'm sorry. That's not going to be possible. Maybe you could come back during regular hours?"
"You have something of mine. I'm here to collect it."
"Like I said-- we're closed." Deaton firmly states the two of you jump at sound something crashing you try to walk out but scott pull you back.
"Scott, I'll be okey. You need to go home."
Scott shakes his head "are you out of your mind!?" he hisses you squeeze his shoulder eyes locking with certainty.
"Nothing going to happen to me, trust me on this." you gently tug your wrist from his hands, scott worriedly watches as you walk out the door peter goes quite as you come out. You turn to Deaton "Thank you for the coffee. Again" You turn to peter with sigh carefully walk through the broken furniture "Let's take a walk. Shall we?"
Scott sit on the floor worried about what will happens, though he trust you and your judgment it doesn't sit well with that you're just going on stroll with his alpha as peter put it, and he's sure that he's going to get an earful from stiles for letting you leave with peter.
Peter grin at you gesturing you walk out the door first. The two of you walks few moments in silence.
"You know I kind of get whole revenge plot going on here and you did what you think right in your eyes. Garrison Myers who was the insurance investigator who ruled out fire as accidental, Reddick and Unger. The guy in the store who else.?"
Peter nod along "You're forgetting your history teacher Harris and kate argent is my next victims."
"My bad next time I'll wrote it down." You take sip of your coffee.
"I could have killed that pesky teacher but dear nephew had to play hero."
You stop on your track turning to peter "See that's what I don't get it, why is he going along with your plan. He was asshole before now he's an A grade asshole. He saved someone who was cause of the fire and spared Kate Argent but all of sudden he all buddy buddy with you who killed his sister"
Peter let out chuckle looking down at you "I didn't know why I did that; I wasn't control of myself. I never mend to harm my niece. You're forgetting he's supernatural creature, a blood thirsty one at that. And we are family after all."
"I don't trust a single word you said, you're going to get yourself killed along with derek." You state you expected peter to lash at you at your words but it doesn't if anything its just seemed boost his ego more the grin on his lips clears for that.
Peter leans in towards you his eyes flash red though the intimidation tactic doesn't seem to work as you stood your ground "Is that worry for us I hear." He's eyes goes back to normal though the craziness gleams in his eyes "Besides I already have back up plan. And I know for sure you won't let derek die either."
"that's awfully bold of you, killing Kate argent only put you the on top of their hunting list."
Peter shrugs his shoulders thinking for a moment "Maybe but I will have my revenge." "If we were to switch place you would be doing the same."
"I highly doubt that I would turn into psychotic blood thirsty killer."
Peter laughs out loud irritating you further "Oh something tells me that you would be, might be far worse than me. You said it yourself you understand my motivation."
You cross your arm across your chest peter grin widen at your defensive stance "Understanding and taking action is different thing."
"I beg to differ, If I were to turn melissa last night you would have." Your eyes turn to burning glare hands clenching the cup in death grip peter grin widen his eyes crinkling with excitement "Oh better yet if I silt the throat of your friend stiles, isn't it?" your eyes flash red unknowingly making peter smug smile widen at his achievement as your lips curling into a snarl as if you're going to cuss him out but a voice interpret the two of you.
"Well, if it isn't magic fingers." Your eyes turn normal a sigh escaping your lips hearing the voice.
You turn to the side; the source of the voice stands with a smug waving his fingers "Demon why are you not in hell."
"Satan and me are buddies he given me a pass." Damon waltz towards the two of you peter eyes scan the new addition damon does the same with peter. "And who might you be?"
"Peter hale. And you're?"
"Damon Salvatore."
You roll your eyes "Great two psychotic maniac."
Peter and damon glance at you with confusion before looking at each other Peter picks up the absence of heart beat.
Your phone vibrates taking out you see grams name on the screen "You know you two should test which one of you're the apex predator" turning away from them you answer the call.
Damon and Peter glance at each other before flashing their eyes at each other. 
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Series masterlist
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lucky-bishop · 1 year
Ooh now analyze Derek 😁 please.
Alright, I will give this a shot. Disclaimer that while I love and appreciate Derek a ton, I do not have the same level of blorbo obsession with him as I do Stiles or Peter.
It's a good thing Derek's built, because the weight of everything on his fucking shoulders is heavy. I joke, but Derek is (to me) the height of tragedy in Teen Wolf. He never gets to breathe freely, not once in the entire series (maybe while he was gone for all of S5, or before we see him in S6). And I'm not touching the movie for this analysis (probably should've added that in the disclaimer lmao oops).
Before the show even starts, Derek goes through unimaginable trauma. By the time we meet him (at whatever age he actually works out to be, 19 or 22 or 35 lmfao) he has lost everything. He's had to kill his first love, and carry that guilt. He's been used by a predator, the same predator who then killed nearly his entire family. He's had to go on the run with the one person that (he knew) he had left. And then, when we meet Derek Hale for the first real time, he has just lost that person.
Derek says early in the series that his anchor is anger, and it's possible that's true, but not in its entirety. What he doesn't say is that his anchor is also overwhelming guilt and grief, because for him, those emotions are so entangled with his anger that he can't consciously separate them. He doesn't want to deal with who killed Laura - he has to. And then - god, it's his uncle. His uncle who he has some level of a very, very complicated relationship with. He doesn't want to become an alpha, he wasn't built for it before, and he certainly isn't with everything he's carrying by that point in the series.
And it just keeps getting heavier. Beacon Hills has a terrible hold on him. He tries to be the alpha that these teenagers need, but he can't be. It was never supposed to be him. Of all the family he's lost, the one that died directly by his hand is the one that comes back. He gains Cora in the same breath that he loses Erica and Boyd (and Isaac, in a different way). He's still trying but it's all still slipping through his fingers, because Derek is doomed by the narrative to fail from well before the show starts. He has no tools, no trust, no support. He's supposed to be the support because he's, what, a few years older and was born a werewolf?
There's the betrayal (and again, he's used) with Jennifer, and then Peter again AND Kate again. He thinks he's dying and he's still trying to help. When he thinks he is moments from dying, he achieves a full shift because he is still. not. done. trying.
I am frustrated that we don't...really get more from Derek after that time. We know that when we see him in S6 (and...at least early in the movie) it seems like he's doing alright. But the weight of all that tragedy - it doesn't just disappear.
(P.S. I didn't know where to slide this in but I definitely have a baseless hc that he's super into, like, whiny pop punk. You know what I mean. midwestern emo or whatever they're calling it these days. Derek Hale listens to the front bottoms and modern baseball.)
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
If I may get your thoughts on something. The fandom likes to throw out that because Malia was in a coyote state for x years that's used to say she should still be a child mentally. Not to completely defend him but shouldn't that also be the case for Peter. According to Derek he himself was still in high school when the fire happened. And with Peter being Peter with the flashbacks we probably say he was about 21 22 when that went down. So his selfish ways, although not forgiven, make a lot more sense when you realize this dude is still barely out of educational years. He's smart and cunning but he has no idea how to be an adult about things.
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To truly grapple with your question, there are some matters of lore established by the show that I think we all need to bear in mind.
Fully shifted werecreatures possess the cognitive abilities of humans, not animals. Talia understood the importance of the meeting in the distillery and timed her entrance for maximum impact as a high-status alpha. Derek recognized the tactical situation at La Iglesia and made decisions accordingly. Malia was able to analyze the crime scene with Alex's parents while a four-legged coyote.
Werecreatures' physical appearances do not match up with their chronological ages the same way humans do. Noshiko Yukimura looked in her twenties in 1943 when she was near 800 years old and in her forties in 2011 when she was near 900 years old. Satomi Ito looked pretty much the same age in 1943 and 2012. Cora Hale was seventeen "in how you measure in years."
Werecreatures (and humans with a motivation to do so) manipulate human institutions in order for the supernatural to remain hidden. They're quite proficient at it. The Argents had agents placed throughout the government and law enforcement and were able to get Gerard and Victoria installed in the local high school. Jennifer managed to create an entire identity for herself that passed muster. The Hales were pillars of the community without anyone suspecting they were werewolves. We can joke about a Nazi werelion teaching physics, but he was also facile enough to infiltrate the upper levels of the German military.
In other words, while an engaged viewer might question the quality of the presentation of Malia in terms of socialization and emotional development, there's no reason to insist she would have to act like a feral child. She wasn't a coyote, as Scott pointed out, she was a werecoyote. If we're going to accept the supernatural abilities that deny scientific reality -- and we have to in order to engage with the show -- we have to accept the story's rules as they are presented to us.
Which means, unfortunately, that I have to disagree with your second premise, mostly because we can't be sure about Peter's chronological age. His physical appearance is not admissible as evidence nor is the age given on his medical admission papers in Monstrous (4x10). This means that we have to rely on the position taken by the story itself, and that implied that Peter was fully an adult. Neither Young Derek nor Older Derek treated Peter as a peer; Peter always stood in the position of mentor and elder. After all, in Peter's own words when talking about Triskelion: "Talia used it to teach Laura; I tried to use it to teach Derek." Why would Talia put someone she considered a teenager in charge of something as important as her son learning self control, especially after the disaster with Paige? Cora treated Peter far differently than she treated Derek; in my opinion, she treated him like a member of the older generation.
All of the show's characters treated Peter as an adult who should have known better, including Cora, Lydia, Melissa, the Sheriff, Stiles, Malia: all of their words and actions clearly express this point of view. Even villains such as Kate, Jennifer, and Deucalion treated Peter as an adult and a peer. I think Derek's treatment of Peter is the key; I find it telling that Derek treated the twins differently than he treated Peter. Derek never acted as if Peter had diminished capacity or limited freedom to make decisions the way he did with Aiden and Ethan, and it certainly wasn't because he liked the twins better or because they hurt him less. The only person to express hope for Peter's rehabilitation was Scott, and that was seen as such an extreme position that Stiles used it against Scott during their argument in Parasomnia (5x02).
Some people choose to be selfish; some people choose to act ruthlessly and unethically. We're not supposed to believe that everything Peter's done is due to his inability to process the fire and the resulting coma. I've witnessed too many people expressing disbelief that Peter would work with the person who burned his family, and I want to shake them: that's the point! There's no trauma pushing him to work with Kate in Season 4; he chooses to do it because it's the most effective means to get what he wants. Peter is not a victim in Seasons 1-4; he's an opportunist. He uses Kate because she has the power and the history to distract everyone from what he's trying to achieve, just as he used Jennifer's threat in Season 3 to distract everyone from his plans and to remove Derek as a possible obstacle to those plans without killing him.
His selfish ways make sense because he's selfish. He manipulates people to gain power because he wants power. He's not one-dimensional by any measure, but the narrative makes it clear that until he realizes that people exist to be more than just means to his ends he will be an antagonist. Until he accepts that -- which he starts to do in Season 6 -- he will be exactly how Scott described him "always a monster."
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huntunderironskies · 1 year
I have been following the tweeting career of Menswear Guy Derek Guy (dieworkwear on Twitter) with rapt fascination for the past month. For people who have been, quite reasonably, avoiding Twitter, he has recently made a habit of going after (allegedly) hypermasculine conservative politicians and political commentators who scream into the void about tradition and being manly, through the medium of critiquing their suits. He makes well-sourced proofs that they're rarely bespoke as claimed, that they fit poorly, that the men in question don't understand how recent of a fashion development they are and that they haven't always been the peak of respectability, that their fashion choices while wearing a suit are terrible, etc, all in extreme detail. Here's the one that made him take off.
This sounds so silly but the absolute levels of salt and defensiveness that he generates both from said targets along with their fans is unbelievably high. I'd need to go back over his posts but I think at like a third of the people he critiques end up deleting their tweets or locking their accounts, presumably out of humiliation. I think what makes him work so well is something that you don't often see from leftist critics: he specializes in a field that conservatives who are very precious about their masculinity value as a symbol of power and manliness (menswear, especially bespoke suits) and can expose just how little they know and how much of a prop it is for them.
Because deep down a lot of them are deeply insecure about their masculinity. They barely know what it actually is, adhere to that just because it's what they've been told to do, and have never questioned why they think it shows manhood. I would not be the first brain genius to point this out but it's true. I think somewhere deep down they know they're play-acting at it and they can't handle having it called out. So much of their identity is bound up in that image. And this is different from someone who's exploring their masculinity and might have to shift through a few different expressions-- these are guys who have one very specific prescription as to what a man looks like. If smoking cigars in a sport coat gives you gender euphoria (and cis people can have gender euphoria too) then hey, go for it! It does nothing for me, I'm more about the dandy/ouji boy life, but there are a lot of ways to be a man. The problem is these guys can't accept that.
And it does make them pretty easy targets. I think there's no point in taking the debate high road with people, sometimes you just have to humiliate someone. See also the guy who punched Richard Spencer. His career nosedived after that because that facade of strength got completely busted. This requires less knuckledusters but it is nevertheless incredibly effective because so many people are seeing it.
Anyways, the real point of this is we need to bring back breeches and hose as high fashion for men, it looks incredible on me. I don't do leg curls to hide them under straight leg pants, c'mon.
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Prior to that terribleness, I was loving EVERY moment, and I think the show did officially get me on one thing.
I think I ship Sterek now. XD
Like, I was kind of digging it previously, but I wouldn't necessarily have considered myself a Sterek shipper.
That entire sequence with Scott's dad totally changed my mind. XD
Like, maybe I needed de-aged Derek and Stiles interactions to solidify that in my brain.
Which sounds bad, but hear me out.
I understand that Derek isn't actually that much older than Stiles is, so it's not an age difference thing so much as a maturity thing. Like, Derek has just been through SO much, and he started as a somewhat mentor figure to Scott, so I think it was hard for me to see early Stiles and Derek (Seasons 1 and 2) as a thing because I felt like there was too much of a mental disparity between them at the time.
But now Stiles has been through a lot, and Derek has softened more and opened up a lot, and I think I was getting more open to the idea of it in Season 3, so now, to see a de-aged Derek with slightly less trauma and a normal Stiles with slightly more trauma, they feel more like they're on the same level than they ever have, and now I TOTALLY see it.
So...yeah. That's my way over analysis of Sterek, but the point is, now I will happily ship it, because I get what you all mean now in how well their personalities match when they can actually see each other on the same or similar levels lol.
REGARDLESS, however, all of that with Scott's dad was pure gold. The fact that Stiles called Derek his cousin Miguel AGAIN (we love some good Season 1 parallels) and the fact that, despite Stiles trying desperately to get Derek to take the hint, he was refusing and going against Stiles literally just to be a little sh*t, was literally so good.
And the absolute panic in Stiles's face and voice when Rafael started talking in Spanish, followed by the absolute bafflement when Derek responded, and Derek's utter smugness and pride when he bonded with Rafael, much to Stiles's dismay, just SENT me.
And then Stiles made up "Juarez Cinqua Tiago" on the spot and Derek just glared at him, but then he looked at Stiles sooo sassily and pointedly when Rafael asked how you spell that and Stiles responded with "phonetically".
And THEN, because of COURSE he did, Stiles literally pulled the "I didn't lie! I just omitted certain truths." when Derek questioned him because of COURSE he would. Plus, Stiles's "don't move" and then pop back in and genuine surprise at the fact that Derek did not, in fact, move, was just so adorable and I just CAN'T with him.
And I'm sorry, I know it's really bad that Kate has Derek now, and I had my hand over my mouth when she first stepped out into the bedroom, but then I laughed SO hard at the comedic timing with Stiles.
"So if you actually think that Kate's coming to find him--" *sees that Kate has come to find him* "You might be right." *cringes*
Oh Stiles. You will always make everything better. As much as I loved Season 3b, it's nice to have my baby back to his old self. <3
Also as a very quick aside, I know we don't REALLY trust Peter, and I stand by that, but d*mn if he isn't funny as h*ll. And everything about him finally realizing what Scott and Malia were getting at (also, gotta appreciate the fact that he picked up on Malia's lack of knowledge about their relationship and chose not to out it right then and there) was just really great and that was a really cool sequence and I kind of love him despite everything he's put us through and will probably continue to put us through.
Trying to pull Derek away from Kate when he trusts her more than us right now is gonna suck, but if anyone can bring a pack member back, it's the McCall pack!
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(Yeah okay you got me. I ship it now. XD <3 <3 <3 )
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unfoldingmoments · 6 days
PART 1: How To Identify The Enemy | Derek Prince
0:00 Can A Christian Be Possessed By Demons?
7:02 People That Need Deliverance Are Ordinary People
11:20 Casting Out Demons Was A Major Part Of Jesus’ Ministry 
16:14 People Need To Be Equipped In Deliverance Before They Go Out Evangelizing 
22:12 How To Know If Demons Are At Work 
26:05 Characteristic Activity of Demons;
37:37 Areas Where Demons Operate
When He began His public ministry the thing that struck people the most was His way of dealing with evil spirits. And it's worthy of note that this was one miracle of Jesus
which had never previously been recorded in the Old Testament. Almost all His other miracles, healing, provision of food, control of nature had already been recorded in the Old Testament. But there's no Old Testament record of driving out evil spirits. And the people who witnessed it were immediately gripped by it and became excited about it.
Spirit of infirmity/ spirit of fear The thing that I want to emphasize there is Jesus did not deal with the man. He dealt with the spirit in the man. Another person in that man.
And there's no indication that the man had behaved but normally before. It was the presence of Jesus with the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon Him that brought out the unseen presence of the demon in the man. note:
The word "infirmity" refers to physical or mental weakness, illness, or a state of being frail, and it's often used to describe a condition of poor health or a lack of strength. "Fear," on the other hand, refers to an emotional response to a perceived threat or danger, typically causing anxiety or distress.
Where daimon is the root and comes from the noun demon.
So izomai is the passive: to be demonized. That would be the best translation: to be demonized.
This translation, demon- possessed, has unfortunately obscured the issue for millions of people because they say:
How can a Christian be possessed by the devil? My answer is a true Christian cannot be possessed by the devil.
A true Christian is possessed by Jesus. However, in many true Christians, there are some areas where they are demonized, where they are afflicted and affected by demons.
Areas in their lives and character where they are not themselves fully in control.
And they are demonized, but not possessed by Satan.
note : The term "demonized" refers to someone being influenced or oppressed by demonic forces, but not necessarily completely controlled or possessed by them. This can include various levels of spiritual attack, torment, or influence, but the person still retains some level of control over their mind and actions.
On the other hand, "possessed" generally means that a person is entirely controlled by a demon or Satan, where the demonic force takes full control of the person's body and mind, leaving them with little to no autonomy.
So, "demonized" suggests a range of negative influence or oppression by demonic forces, while "possessed" indicates full control by a demonic entity.
The King James and this version, and various others use the word ‘cast out demons.’
The translation I prefer is that of Phillips where he uses the word expel.
Because that doesn't have a lot of religious connotations. It's simple, practical, down-to-earth.
If you inhale smoke into your lungs, what do you do to get rid of it? You expel it. It's an action of the will but there's also a physical aspect to it. And that's what I like to use. I don't always use it but that in my opinion, best represents. He expelled many demons. There must have been hundreds of synagogues in Galilee. A lot of people have got the attitude: Perhaps every now and then there is a case where it's necessary to expel demons but they're very rare and they're exceptional. Usually the attitude is: If there are such people they're either in jails or mental institutions.
I have to point out to you that that was not the kind of person Jesus was dealing with.
He was dealing with Orthodox Jews who met every Sunday in the synagogue and spent the rest of the week caring for their families tending their fields, fishing the sea, keeping their stores and so on. They were basically normal, respectable, religious people but they had what we could say certain hang-ups. Certain areas, as I say, where they were not in control of themselves.
So do not get the impression that a person who needs deliverance must be either a criminal or a maniac. It's just the same kind of people that we deal mainly with today. Not exclusively. Good, respectable, religious people who attend church and say the right things but in their lives somewhere there's an area that's demonized where they're not in control. It may be in their physical desires maybe in their emotions, it may be in their mind.
LUKE 13 A woman with disabling/ infirmity spirit LUKE 4 verses 40-41. We find the woman who was bent double in Luke 13 : 11-16.
Another incident in another synagogue later on. Behold there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. Now notice this was caused by a spirit of infirmity
an evil spirit that had doubled her body over so that she couldn't straighten herself up.
When Jesus saw her he called her to him and said to her: Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.
Notice the word loosed indicates binding. He said that in faith nothing had changed, notice that. and be healed on them and not on the Sabbath day. The Lord then said: Hypocrite. Does not each one of you on the Sabbath loose his ox or his donkey and lead it away to water? So ought not this woman being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound think of it, for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath?
She was a believing woman. She was a Jewess, she was a member of the synagogue. She had this terrible physical problem; her back was bent over.
It was not primarily a physical problem. It was caused by a spirit of infirmity.
And the moment the spirit of infirmity left her, she straightened up. Now that demands discernment, but I am simply pointing out that some problems we would classify as physical are actually caused by evil spirits.
Jesus also dealt with dumbness, deafness and blindness as being caused by evil spirits. And in many cases His ministry to heal the people was to deliver them from the spirits that caused their dumbness, their deafness and their blindness. Now without going into details I have to say I have seen parallel instances in my own ministry in each of those areas. This is the last of our glimpses of the ministry of Jesus. On that very same day some Pharisees came saying to him: Get out and depart from here, for Herod wants to kill you.
And he said to them: Go tell that fox that's Herod: Behold I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow the third day I shall be perfected. That's a Hebraism. Today, tomorrow and the third day means from now on until the job is finished. So he said: I'm going to be doing two things casting out demons and performing cures. That's how He started, that's how He continued, and that's how He ended.
His whole ministry from beginning to end included in it as a major part probably one third of His time in healing the sick and casting out demons.
And the two were so intertwined that it was really impossible to distinguish between them. —
People Need To Be Equipped In Deliverance Before They Go Out Evangelizing
Now the next thing I want to say, which I will illustrate very briefly is: In the New Testament no one was ever sent out to evangelize without first being commissioned to deal with evil spirits. There isn't an example in the New Testament. It is unscriptural to do that.  note: "commissioned" means being officially assigned or authorized to carry out a specific task or duty. In the New Testament, being "commissioned" would imply being given a mandate or empowered by Jesus or church leaders to carry out evangelism or spread the gospel. According to this statement, part of this commissioning involved being given the authority to confront or deal with evil spirits, in addition to preaching or spreading the message.
MARK 10:11
Let's look at the first twelve disciples who were sent out.
When he had called his twelve disciples to him he gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.
The kingdom of heaven is at hand, but don't merely preach do something. What? Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise he dead, cast out demons.
It was included in their equipment and it was included in their commission.
How To Know If Demons Are At Work
I'm going to give you some general teaching on the nature of demons and we'll stick with the word demons and ways in which you can know if they're at work in you or in others.
Of course, there's always the two gifts of discerning of spirits and the word of knowledge.
But apart from that, in the supernatural realm there are many, many other combined indications
which should alert us to the presence of demons either in ourselves or in others. 1. Number one, to keep you from knowing Christ as Savior. But if they fail in that, their number two objective is to keep you from serving Christ effectively. You see that? If they've failed in number one they don't give up.
2. They simply switch to number two. Now we need to distinguish between the flesh and demons.
The flesh being the old carnal nature, the old man.
Demons being persons that move in and occupy areas of your personality.
I compare them this way: The flesh is the carcass, the demons are the vultures that settle on the carcass. If there were no flesh, there would be no vultures. It's a very vivid picture.
If you've lived in a country where there are vultures you know when something is about to die, a little speck
appears up in the sky and hovers there. Then there are three or four more and the nearer the animal on the earth gets to death, the lower down the vultures come. Jesus said: Where the carcass is, the vultures will be gathered together.
Where the unregenerate flesh of man is exposed in its carnality and its sinfulness, you can be sure the vultures will be gathering.
Now the remedies are totally different. What's the remedy for the flesh?
The cross. That's right. Galatians 5:24: They that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. 
What's the remedy for demons? To expel them, that's right.
You cannot expel the flesh and you cannot crucify demons. So in order to know which remedy to apply you have to know what you're dealing with. Now I would say in general if you are a committed, sincere Christian who reads your Bible, prays has regular fellowship and desires to serve the Lord and you have a special kind of problem, something tormenting something aggravating, something humiliating something binding and enslaving and you've tried every remedy you've prayed, you've fasted, you've reckoned yourself dead and you still haven't resolved it. you can be almost sure you're dealing with a demon. I can say this out of experience which is too long for me to relate this morning.
9 verbs which describe characteristic activities of demons.
If these are present in your life more than one, or if they're very intense you should begin to check. You probably need deliverance.
And bear in mind, all these are activities of persons because we're dealing with persons without bodies.
1. The first verb, entice. Demons entice.
They tempt people to do evil. And if you analyze your experience you'll find that enticement often comes in a verbal form. A beautiful gold pencil has been dropped on the floor and something says to you: Take it. Nobody will know. Other people would do the same.
If it was your pencil, they'd take it. You know what that is?
Anything that has a voice is a person. Behind that voice is a demon enticing you.
None of you have ever experienced that, just me! 2. Demons harass
or hárass, depends on what part of the world you come from.
They study you, they follow your movements they know your weak moments, your weak places they know just how and when they can get in. The businessman who's had a terrible day in the office.
His secretary was inefficient. The air conditioning failed. On the way home there was a traffic jam.
He was an hour on the freeway. When he gets back home believe it or not, his wife is late with the supper and the kids are running around screaming. And as he gets in through the door he does what we say he blows his stack, okay? You know what happens? That demon of anger that's been on his tail all day jumps in.
And after that his wife notices a certain change in him. He's still a loving father and husband but there are certain times when something else takes over. She notices a kind of different look in his eyes.
He loves his wife and his children. He makes life miserable for them when that comes upon him.
And then he's so ashamed and remorseful afterwards, he says: I don't know what made me do it.
Well, we do know. It's the demon of anger. 3. They torment.
Now the Bible speaks about the tormentors in Matthew 18.
I believe that demons are the tormentors. In Matthew 18 in the parable of the unforgiving servant,
the servant who wouldn't forgive his fellow servant of petty debt was delivered by God to the tormentors.
I have met hundreds of Christians in the hands of the tormentors.
You know why? Unforgiveness. If you have any unforgiveness in your heart against anybody
you are a legitimate target for the tormentors. And Satan is a legal expert; he knows when he's entitled to move in.
There are various forms of torment. There's physical torment. There's the example I would choose, arthritis.
When you look at arthritis, you've seen the devil in action. Twisting, torturing, crippling, binding.
Mental torment. One that's unusually common is the fear of going insane.
You'd be surprised how many Christians are inwardly fighting this battle. It goes like this:
Your aunt died in a mental institution. Your grandfather went the same way. Then you are going to 
And you can hardly imagine the torment that there is in such a mind.
Then there is spiritual torment. The example I would give is the accusation that you have committed the unforgivable sin.
If you are concerned about having committed it you haven't committed it. Because the people who have committed it are not the least bit concerned. So that's not your problem. Your problem is a lying, accusing spirit which is taking away your peace and the assurance of your salvation.
4. They compel.
I think there is no more distinctive word than the word compulsive.
Almost anything compulsive is liable to be demonic. Compulsive smoking, compulsive consumption of alcohol but let's not stop there. Compulsive eating is just as demonic.
Gluttony is just as much of a problem as alcohol. But it's a respectable one, you see.
You can't be an alcoholic in church, but you can be a glutton.
There are other forms of compulsion. Compulsive talking. Garrulity. People who can't stop talking have got a problem.
And they are a problem too! Number five, demons enslave.
Very close. You see, let's say you've committed a sin in the area of sex.
You repent, you go to Jesus. You receive forgiveness and cleansing, you're justified.
Just as if you'd never sinned. That's all finished with. But if after all that you still have this intense drive to commit the same sin again, even though you hate it, you're enslaved.
One very common example is masturbation. Some psychologists and people say masturbating is healthy.
I just don't even argue about that. But I know there are thousands of people who do it and hate themselves for doing it. And every time they say ‘Never again, ’ but it never works. They are enslaved. And there is a demon of masturbation. It's very common.
Let me tell you right away: It has certain specific manifestations.
What will happen is the person's fingers will begin to tingle. So many people say: What's the matter with me? My fingers are tingling.
And sometimes they go stiff and they bend right backwards. And I just whisper in their ear: Your problem is masturbation.
Renounce it, claim the cleansing blood of Jesus and get rid of it. But it's very stubborn.
Many times people have to actually shake it out of their fingers in the Name of Jesus, to get rid of it.
Now you put four and five together. Four plus five equals addictions.
Okay, compulsive, enslaving, you put them together, they're addictions.
We're all familiar with many forms of addiction. Some are very unusual. My first wife and I dealt with a young woman
a Pentecostal church member, who was addicted to nail varnish. She just wanted to smell nail varnish.
She told us: When I walk into the cosmetics department of a store I've got two options. I can either buy nail varnish or run out of the store.
When she was delivered if that thing it came out screaming and it tore her.
There are other addictions, you know. 
The commonest and latest is TV.
TV is just as much an addiction as alcohol with many people. They walk into the room and switch it on.
They don't know what they're going to see but they just have to reach for it just like an alcoholic reaches for the drink.
And I think probably it does more harm in the long run than alcohol.
6. They defile.
They make you feel dirty and unclean. Especially when you're worshiping God.
You're about to get into God's presence and this dirty image or this filthy word is projected into your mind.
Anything that rises up when you're about to worship God and opposes you is almost certainly demonic.
Or when you want to read your Bible. One common example is the demon of sleep.
You know, the Bible speaks about a spirit of slumber. If they want to read their Bible at 10 p.m.
they're asleep by 10:15. If they want to watch television they can stay awake until after midnight. Now that's not natural.
There's a supernatural force there that enjoys them watching television
hates them reading their Bibles. You understand? All right. 
7. They deceive.
They are the deceivers. I believe basically all forms of spiritual deception are demonic.
And you know what opens the door to deception? Pride. I doubt whether there's ever any deception that doesn't come in through the doorway of pride. 
Pride inevitably leads to deception.
8. they weaken,
make sick or tired. There's a demon of tiredness.
A woman once said: I can't stand this session any longer; I'm too tired.
I was about to get sorry for her when I realized it was a demon. I challenged it and it said: That's right. She's always tired.
She's tired when she gets up and goes to bed. She's too tired to pray, she's too tired to read her Bible.
That's one of the ones that the others hide behind. Or they kill.
Remember Satan is a murderer. He kills people physically. And there's a spirit of death that he sends out to kill people. All right. Now if we're going to take one word to sum up
it would be the word restless. Demonized people are usually restless in some area.
The person who can truly relax and be at peace probably doesn't need deliverance.
Areas Where Demons Operate
the last although I wish I could go further because we haven't much time
is their areas of residence. Proverbs 25:28 says: Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down without walls.
So that compares the inner nature of human personality to a city.
And when the person has no spiritual defenses that city is open to almost any evil spirit that wants to come in.
You take a drug addict, that's his description. Anything can get into him because his walls are broken down.
But in a city there are a lot of different areas. The area where the wealthy live, the slum areas
the banking and commerce areas, the sports areas the various ethnic areas.
I used to live in Chicago. There was the areas where it was all Poles all Swedes, all Jews and so on.
And so inside you and me there is a city with various areas with characteristic residents in each area, you understand? I'm going to give you a little list of the areas.
I'm not a professional psychologist; this is simply based on years of experience.
1.The first area, number one, the main one is emotions and attitudes. And I put in parentheses ‘gangs.’
Because there are gangs of demons. And each one opens the way for the next.
And if you meet one, you should start searching for the others. My personal opinion is behind every negative emotion and attitude there is an evil spirit. Anger, fear, loneliness, misery, self-pity pride, jealousy... There's a tremendous list.
If you are angry it doesn't necessarily mean you have a demon of anger, but if your anger falls into the category of those verbs that we've discussed then you probably have a demon of anger.
There are certain root problems out of which the rest grow.
I think the greatest single root problem is rejection. And rejection leads to a whole series.
Loneliness, misery, self-pity, depression, despair and when you've got that far, you're headed one or other of two ways.
Death, if it's passive, suicide if it's active. Suicide is always under the impulse of an evil spirit. That's my personal opinion. I can't prove it.
Another very typical problem is rebellion which leads to resentment, to hatred to anger, to violence
and you know, produces the typical gang leader and so on.
2. The mind
In a way, the mind is the battlefield. Characteristic spirits that affect the mind are doubt, unbelief confusion, indecision, insanity.
And I've discovered that people who have been in the occult almost always have a problem with confusion.
Depression, you can call it either emotional or mental. It doesn't matter, but it's there.
The next area is... Where are we?
The tongue. There are a lot of characteristic demons of the tongue. The main one is lying.
The Bible speaks about a lying spirit. There are people who are compulsive liars.
They don't even know when they're lying. I had a friend like that.
The president of the Full Gospel Businessmen in a certain city. He was also characteristically a salesman. He was a fine Christian, a wonderful talker. And he'd sit in our living room and start to talk and his talk would get more and more interesting but improbable.
And my head would begin to swim and I'd think: Does he believe what he's saying?
Do I believe what he's saying? But it just kind of flowed out of the natural into the supernatural.
Now, you know the reason I discovered how that spirit came in? He was an adopted son of wealthy parents.
They had no other children; all their eggs were in that one basket. They wanted him to be everything. When he came home with his grades from school they were disappointed. They weren't good enough.
And when they registered disappointment he decided that wasn't worth it so he just lied about his school grades.
That started him into the whole field of lying. Ultimately he was delivered.
But it was such a revelation to me. Compulsive liars are very deceptive. They don't know they're lying. They can pass a lie-detector test.
What else? There's the two churchgoing demons, criticism and gossip.
I was in a church meeting and a lady came up with a demon. I said, Your problem is criticism. You spirit of criticism, come out of her.
About four people around started to get delivered at the same time!
Exaggeration, the ‘evang-elastic’ demon.
Blasphemy. I was a slave of blasphemy when the Lord saved me.
Absolutely incapable of speaking without blaspheming. Unclean speech and so on.
Negative talking. 
4. The thing that nobody talks about in church, sex.
Because it's not discussed in church, people with problems in the area of sex go to a psychiatrist.
He says: You have a guilt problem that centers in your religion. Give it up and you won't feel guilty.
Now they don't all say that. But I would say if you sat in church for ten years and still feel guilty your problem is your religion. Really. I would change to another religion
if that's all it can do is leave you feeling guilty. Now... We have to say certain things about sex.
First of all, sex is not evil. It's good. We have to clear away that misunderstanding.
God created man and woman sexual beings. And after He checked on everything He created, He said it was all very good including sex. One of the big problems in church is we just are not honest about sex, we're ashamed about it, we're prudish and we encourage problems by that attitude.
I would say every form of compulsive sex aberration is demonic.
Without exception. Masturbation, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, effeminacy and all sorts of horrid perversions that we won't talk about.
I would say every one of those is demonic.
Now, you don't have to feel ashamed but you do need to resolve your problem.
5. Lusts
We could have included it but it's such a distinctive area
I kept it separate. Perverted desires and appetites.
I believe all appetites initially were healthy. But by sin and demonic power they've been perverted to become unhealthy and destructive. 
1John 2:16 speaks about the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes.
There is demonic power that controls eyes. Some men have to look at women in a special way.
They're absolutely incapable of not doing that. That's a demon that's focused in their eyes.
As I've said already, gluttony is a very clear example of a perverted appetite.
I had a woman once who traveled seventy miles in a snowstorm to Chicago to be delivered.
She was the daughter of a Pentecostal pastor. Like many she'd rebelled against her parents
and their religion, married an unsaved man and ended up miserable. She had three children.
She came and got delivered from the demon of gluttony and she said to me afterwards: Mr. Prince, no one can tell me this isn't real. It's just as real as having a baby, and rather like it and I've had three.
And then she told me she was so compulsive in her gluttony that she would take food off her children's plate and eat it even though she knew they needed it more than she did. You see, let's talk about addictions. Addictions grow on frustrations.
They're branches on a trunk. And if you merely deal with the addiction you haven't solved the problem. Take alcohol and gluttony.
One woman is Episcopalian her husband runs around with other women, doesn't care for her
doesn't give her enough money and so on. All right. She gets frustrated she's got to get some relief, she walks across the living room to the cocktail cabinet, becomes an alcoholic.
The other woman is Church of God. Her husband does exactly the same.
But for that woman to get to the cocktail cabinet would be a lengthy journey. So where does she go? To the kitchen and opens the refrigerator.
But she becomes a food-aholic. But the difference is minimal, really. And in either case, to help them you've got to deal with the basic frustration which is their attitude toward their husband. We have to go on with the list.
6. The whole realm of the occult. I'm just going to write occult. But that is a vast realm. And every part of it is demonic.
Even the respectable parts. And I would not involve you to be involved in Yoga exercises
let me say that. I was in Yoga, I was a practicing Yogi.
I would tell you, there is nothing in that I would touch with a ten-foot pole.
You don't have to depend on Yoga for physical health. The Lord will give you physical health.
I'm just saying, the occult is a deep, dark pit.
It's one of those caves where all the steps, footmarks lead inwards and none ever lead outward.
7. All false religions.
Islam, Mormonism Jehovah's Witnesses, Buddhism
Hinduism and in some respects, Judaism.
All false religions have a demon about it. Satan is an expert in the field of religion. It's the main area in which he operates.
8. All heresies
And by heresies I mean departures from the Christian faith.
1 Timothy 4.
Now the Spirit expressly states the Spirit... Capital S, the Holy Spirit...
Now the Spirit expressly states that in latter times that's the times in which we're now living, some will depart from the faith What faith? The Christian faith.
Why? Giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.
This is happening on a wide scale today.
And then it goes on to say, he gives some examples of their errors.
Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared forbidding to marry, commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving. Particularly on the West Coast of the United States
you'll find hundreds of thousands of people to whom that applies. They're becoming super-spiritual, they decide not to marry, or if they marry they don't cohabit with their spouse, and they're going to be super-spiritual by what they eat. Now I believe in eating wisely, but I don't make a religion out of it.
The moment it becomes a religious issue you're on the verge of the demonic.
You'll notice that people who get into food fads can't talk about anything else.
That's another mark of the demonic. No matter where you start, you always end up with food.
Don't eat this and that. There are lots of things I don't eat but I do not make a religion out of it.
9. The area of our physical bodies.
And we've dealt with many examples in the gospels. Certain things, I think, are normally demonic, I would never say always.
The first one I'd put on the list is epilepsy. And I have seen many many people delivered. Ruth and I were in Lexington, Kentucky about two years ago now, and I had a blessing. A woman came to me, she was probably about forty with her daughter about eighteen. She said, Mr. Prince, ten years ago you prayed for me and I was delivered from the spirit of epilepsy. Here's my daughter, she has the problem. 
Pray for her. I was happy for that testimony. We prayed for the daughter. I have no doubt that she was delivered. I have seen scores of people delivered from epilepsy when it's treated as an evil spirit. If a person comes to me I'll say: Now I believe that's an evil spirit.
I'm prepared to command it to go out, do you want me to? Are you prepared, because there may be a fight. There may be a struggle.
If you don't want to, I won't do it. Some people say yes, some say no.
That is as far as we can go. We've dealt with the primary activities of demons. That list of nine verbs.
And here's the primary areas in which I have observed them operating.
You see, a person may be completely clear in the area of sex but may be in a false religion.
Or a person may have no spirits in the mind but may be bogged down in the emotions.
Or a person, let's say, may be in a heresy but be perfectly healthy. So there's a whole choice of areas.
That's the end of the first session. God helping us we'll complete this in the second session.
PART 1: How To Identify The Enemy | Derek Prince WITHOUT GLITCHES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjQyAN3VE4o
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rplayford02 · 2 years
Film Project: Sound So Far
Sound classes have mainly been spent revising for ProTools 110 although we had a class with Derek on lav/radio mics (in all their many names) as well as a class in the newly refurbished dubbing suite where we reopened some old projects and had a look at the role mixing plays in a sound design.
Mixing / In the Dubbing Suite
I've never really paid much attention to the mix before, in fact I'm a very passive viewer of film in general - pretty terrible for a film student, I know. I just get taken in by the story! Anyway, for class Zoe pulled up a couple different examples to show us the different ways by which to mix a film and the affect it can have on our overall experience. Firstly, Banshees of Inisherin: I didn't notice it until it was pointed out to me, but the mix is really bare! There's not a lot of atmos, it comes in momentarily and then disappears again; if footsteps are there they're sitting extremely low in the mix - the audiences’ attention is drawn from one sound effect to another.
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We then looked at the mix of Force Majeure to contrast. In this film the mix is extremely busy and layered, even typically quieter sounds (as we would experience them in real life) are heard at the same level as typically louder sounds e.g an electric toothbrush has the same power behind it as a snowplow.
Zoe commented upon how we’re hearing the friction, and how this physical friction is enhancing the growing friction between the characters. I think when I’m sound designing or mixing on my own projects I have a tendency to kind of lose track of how the sound, specifically the mix, is contributing creatively. I begin with an intention but by the time I’m mixing I’ve usually lost sight of the goal. Although I’m not currently working on a sound project this trimester, this is definitely something I’ll consider when directing.
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I’d also love to get Peer in the dubbing suite to mix the film if we have time. At the risk of sounding very nerdy, the desk is so cool and has so many buttons and I just want to have a go - I feel like a kid with a new toy! Except it’s extremely complicated and is going to take a little while to learn so we’ll see where we are with it come April.
Lavs / Radio Mics / Personal Mics, etc etc etc
They have a hundred and one different names and they all mean something slightly different! I still hate them! I still don’t really like recording location! There’s too many variables that could go wrong and it terrifies me! All this being said the workshop was genuinely quite helpful to see how creative you can be when mic-ing actors up and how important it is to work collaboratively with the costume department. Definitely something to pay attention to in the pre-production stage.
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Haley/Aaron, Haley&Aaron and Aaron/Dave
Thinking big thoughts about Aaron and Haley being each other's beards. Coming out to each other after drama club one night, trembling and awkward and scared that what they need to say will hurt this person who has grown to be so important to them, yet not in the way they initially thought.
Thinking about Haley's eyes going wider and wider as she tries to say the words, and Aaron beats her to it— "I think I'm gay—" and she splutters and for a moment he thinks this is it, this was monumental mistake, but then Haley's laughing, and while he's confused, he also knows she wouldn't make fun of him right now so he frowns until she laughs again but this time there are words in her chuckling—
"I'm gay too."
Thinking about the two of them growing up in a southern US state, knowing full well the kind of looks, and even dangers they'd be exposed to if they came out. Thinking about Aaron's trauma as he pulls down his sleeves tighter around his arms and shudders to think of what his father would say, or do to him if he knew. Thinking about the two of them exploring quietly, and telling each other everything about it, from the first same-gender kiss they exchanged, to going to second base, to messy break-ups that no one but her/him can ever know about.
Thinking about the two of them deciding that this "fake" relationship of theirs is as good as any marriage they could enter, because there's nothing fake about how much Aaron loves Haley, about how much Haley loves him, how much they rely on and admire each other. How much support they give one another. So they get married, even though nothing has changed, still queer as ever— it's their secret, for now.
Thinking about the two of them watching spy movies as they eat ramen entirely too late to qualify for dinnertime, Aaron sitting cross- legged and Haley sitting with her back to the armrest, her socked feet under his thigh. Thinking about Haley thirsting loudly as yet another gorgeous actress is shown flirting with her target on screen, and Aaron laughing to himself, but blushing when his own crush enters the scene, and Haley knows, but she lets him be.
They're more than best friends, love each other to hell and back, but eventually they need more, they need that truth they told each other years ago, and one-night stands just don't work anymore.
Haley's the first to notice Aaron's feelings for his BAU partner, and again, she stays quiet until their obliviousness makes her crazy enough to glare at both Aaron and Dave one night he comes over for dinner and she levels with Aaron's questioning glance when she sighs— "You haven't told him yet, have you?" She says it just quietly enough that Dave can't hear over the sound of the music and the water running as she washes a glass for herself — they have a limited amount of dishes, so what — and she almost laughs when Aaron just frowns at her.
"About what?"
"Dumb isn't your best look, Aaron," she turns back to her glass long enough to find a towel to dry it with, and then raises an eyebrow at him, "If you're not ready to tell him how you feel, you can at least tell him about us, so the poor guy isn't quite as confused. Deal?"
It takes him a minute to react, but then he nods, and Haley smiles. They join Dave again, and after a while, Haley excuses herself to bed. Their apartment is small enough that she puts music on in the bedroom to give them more privacy, and falls asleep thinking of her own crush on that girl at work, grinning to herself when she once again thinks about how her dark hair and dark eyes are so much like Aaron's, and yet every bit as different, because she's a woman, and damn, she's so gay. Now that she pushed Aaron to make his move, she'll have no excuses when it comes to making her own— he won't let her come up with any either, she knows.
AU I might write at some point. I went with Dave here, because timeline, but I can see this at any point with Derek, or Spencer even, if these two decide that their bff marriage is too comfortable to let go of for that long.
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Do you think a copy of It Happened One Autumn from 2010 would be unedited? Also has Lisa done edits on Dreaming of You? Thank you so much!!!
I believe the edits began post-2018, so a 2010 copy would be the original. As far as I'm aware, she has not made edits to Dreaming of You.
I actually haven't heard of edits being made to Devil in Winter either, though I've seen people pearl clutch more over elements of that than Dreaming of You. With Dreaming of You, people freak out over Derek *possibly* sleeping with a woman other than Sara... But that's when he and Sara are very much not together, supposedly never going to see each other again. I suppose people could freak out over him sleeping with a sex worker, but tbh it was consensual and she seemed good with it herself (also, Derek used to be a sex worker... While this doesn't mean he can't harm a sex worker, it adds an interesting level of understanding there imo). So unless you're anti-sex work I don't know why that would be an issue.
In Devil in Winter, Sebastian starts initiating sex while Evie is asleep (mostly just like... beginning oral and kissing her tits and shit, but still) and calls her a bitch at one point. I have no issue with either of these things, especially as the sex is in the context of them planning on fucking after taking a nap. But technically you could pearl clutch, and people have.
But again, I've heard nothing of edits on these books. Tbh, the fact that they're her most "banner" books may mean that there's hesitance to touch them.
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autisticlenaluthor · 2 years
THE FIRST EIGHT SEASONS OF GREYS REWATCH AH YES A CLASSIC IN MY LIFE STORY!! to me greys is divided in eras, so the first era ends when george dies/izzie leaves, then the second era ends after the plane crash, the third one is sorta blurry bc there’s when cristina leaves and when derek dies, which are consecutive seasons but i mean SO MUCH changes. then i think the next big change (in my book, at least) is when az and april leave (not sure why but it is what it is). ANYWAYS the point is i always end up fading out on my rewatch after the first or second era, i don’t think i’ve ever been able to stomach rewatching cristina’s gbye ep bc like ATTACHMENT ISSUES BUT YES SORRY I WENT OFF ON THAT MY POINT IS THAT I TOTALLY GET ALWAYS GOING BACK TO GREYS ANATOMY
my other endless rewatch show is friends, like at one point it just wasn’t even funny anymore bc i knew everything by heart so i was like lets give my mind some time to forget, but i will admit i haven’t been that obsessed over tv shows after i dialed down on those rewatches.
kara was so stupid in the 100th ep like!! and i hated how they used it to ease her guilt with the narrative that there wouldn’t have been a better way when like??? realistically speaking there were so many better ways??? and i keep wondering about the downward spiral lena must have gone in after listening to the person she loved/admired most, earth’s hero, calling her a villain. like yeah, they both made mistakes, but boy did the writers handle the apologies awfully.
i am very happy to hear the angsty angst will be over soon and that lena will have people in her corner bc yes!!! what baby deserves!!! also very excited for the fluffy parts bc you always write those so well, though (i am not sucking up when i say) you write all of it very well but like i mean the fluffy parts make my heart very very happy
no the eras thing is SO correct. personally my favorite eras are the ones with lexi and arizona. normally i only watch until lexi dies but ive been rewatching further this time for arizona and april (i think april is so underrated, i love her). i ended up continuing after april and arizona left the show for amelia and amelia only (i could talk about her forever) but the show goes rlly downhill after april and arizona leave.
i dont rlly rewatch comedies but ive been sucked into the amy sherman palladino universe (which her shows are like drama/comedy) and so im rewatching gilmore girls and bunheads and watching the new eps of mrs maisel bc i love my autistic coded queen midge
and oh my GOD i have thoughts on the 100th episode and i cant put them all here bc they're so much. but now i want to write a fic about how lena would handle kara calling her a villian because i just know her mental health would spiral out of control and it would def bring her back to old habits of isolation and self hatred.
the feminne urge to do a full 'the body keeps score' level analysis of lena is a STRONG one
and yes the angsty angst will be done soon, and lena will have a support system in place when it happens. and there will be a good amount of fluff to balance it all out bc youre so right, lena is baby, and she deserves all the love and good things in the world
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