#i was going to & then i went “i dont care nevermind” & so i am not using a pattern NDHWJFNDB
cpunkbubby · 10 months
yo what pattern are you using for the bag ur making out of old jeans
I am not using a pattern i sort of made one . Up. 4 myself & then barely followed it
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cjshereig · 4 months
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~ More than anything ~
Stalker!2012 Donatello x Willing/eager!Female reader.
Not proofread. Im so sorry-
You're walking home at night, getting home from a party your friend was holding at her place. You check your phone for notifications, your friend had held onto it so you could 'distance yourself' and 'live a little'. Whatever. Who needs to live when I have all the people I actually care about right on one screen! Instead you spent 5 hours at a party with many couples surrounding you. Making out, groping eachother. They should get a room, gosh. You see many texts from your best friend, Donnie.
Donnie<3: Y/N where are you? 9:12 PM
Donnie<3: I went by your house and you weren't there 9:34 PM
Donnie<3: Im worried sick about you 9:46 PM
Donnie<3: Please just respond 10:27 PM
Donnie<3: Please don't ignore me 10:35 PM
Donnie<3: Dont make me use the tracker I put into the T-Phone! 11:52 PM
Donnie<3: A party? Really? You know how dangerous those are. Especially for someone as pretty as you so late at night! 1:49 AM
You'd forgotten about the tracker, but how he knew it was a party confused you a bit. Nobody had told him about it and you didn't see him there. Whatever. You feel so bad for him. Such a poor anxious innocent soul. You shoot him a quick text to attempt to ease his mind.
Y/N<3: Donnie, im so sorry. I meant to text before I left but I forgot. I promise to text next time. Sorry, D. 2:03 AM
You get an immediate reply
Donnie<3: Star, you had me worried out of my mind! 2:03 AM
Y/N<3: I knowwwww. Im sorry. I swear on everything I am ill try to pay attention more 2:04 AM
Donnie<3: Good. Get back to the lair. You need sleep. I'll grab us snacks.
You smile down at your T-phone. He'd always been so considerate. Especially towards you. He'd always know where you are, who you're with and what you're doing. Just to keep you out of trouble of course. You'd always been so trusting of others.
You walk to the lair. You look around you to check if anyone sees you. You see a familiar set of white glowing eyes. You ignore it, figuring he's just out on patrol. Opening the manhole cover and hopping down, you make your way towards the lair. You arrive and all of the boys greet you. Mikey gives you a big hug and you pat him on the shell. Leo and Raph are busy training or doing something along those likes, you never really cared to ask. You walk too the lab and Donnie is waiting at the door for you. Wasn't he just- nevermind. It was probably just your imagination. He hugs you and rubs your back, murmuring against your hair about how much he'd missed you.
"Its been way to long, sunshine" He says, breathing in the scent of your shampoo. You look up at him with an eyebrow sarcastically raised. "Donnie, I saw you yesterday" He replies with a smile "Yeah, thats what I said. Too long" *you roll your eyes. He lets go of the hug after a solid minute. He does the usual. Shows you everything in his lab. Every new invention or project. Or just random small things he'd been tinkering with to pass spare time. He pulls out a small box from a drawer in his desk. "I hope you like it. I spent days on this" You take the small box into your hands and open it. Its a necklace with a few charms and a locket. You notice how its not metal that would make your skin turn green from wearing it too long. He spent time and actual money into this. You open the locket and see a picture of the two of you that Donnie had taken about a year ago. In it, you were asleep on the couch, my head leaned against donnies shoulder. There are a few charms. A purple turtle and two hearts. One a simple love heart and the second a realistic human heart. Both out of Sterling silver. You look up at him with a wide smile. "Donnie... I don't know what to say. Its lovely" He gently puts it around your neck. He smiles as he sees the colors of the metal against your skin. Though, the picture in the locket. You don't remember him going to your house. Like, literally ever. You always went to the lair. So how did he get that photo? You're sure whatever the answer is, it is perfectly rational. You had most likely just forgotten. He continues to ask you questions about the party. Like who you were with, what you were doing, what you drank. He knew all of this already but he couldn't have you know this though. He was just kind, sweet Donnie. He'd never do something as demented as to stalk his best friend. At least, thats what he believed you thought. In reality you knew the whole time. You knew he was around. Even when you couldn't see or hear him, you could feel him around. The thickness of the air, the soft scent of his cologne that according to his brothers, he only started buying after he'd met you.And you absolutely adored it, you loved it more than anything. The attention, but only because it was from him, little did he know, you we're just as obsessed with him as he was of you. This could go so many ways, who knows where this deranged dynamic duo will go.
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sarcastictissy · 4 months
Hi, Tissy. I want to thank you for the positivity you bring to this community. It's something that is in short supply around here, and it's greatly appreciated. You have also been fair and objective, which is also appreciated. That is why I feel it is safe to send this message to you.
The past and present QSMP admins deserve support, but only to an extent. There have been instances of them displaying terrible behavior, and the QSMP community needs to stop ignoring/excusing it. The xenophobic remarks made by Lea and Lumi. Lea's baseless speculation on Twitter that Quackity's brother was working for the QSMP is what caused people to dox Quackity. Lea showing no remorse for leaking Quackity's information and causing his safety to be threatened. Some of the admins were very insensitive about the doxxing. Quackity's safety was actually threatened, and they were saying/agreeing with someone saying "womp womp" about the stream where he spoke about how he felt physically unsafe. And now we have the actions of Puella and other admins defending them.
The QSMP community's continued parasocial behavior toward the admins is just very frustrating for me to witness.
🥺🥺 I really, really appreciate your kind words!! Thank you so much, they mean a lot, genuinely. Hearing I help people stay positive, or even enjoy my posts, on qsmp makes my day, honestly. I'm so glad I get to cheer people up and help them. It inspires me to keep doing just that! :D
Onto what you said, I don't know who needs to read this, but you ARE allowed to respect someone/ support them AND be annoyed by their words or actions. You are allowed to like someone, and dislike some of their actions. You can support the admins, be annoyed by how they were treated by QStudios, and also be disappointed by what they have said or done.
Personally, I'm disappointed by Lea's xenophobia in her interview that was strictly about her experience with the studios. She used this as an opportunity (whether it was intentional or not) to say xenophobic remarks towards the Spanish speaking community. Nevermind, the fact she never apologised for, and, even tried to justify, doxxing Quackity. She said that her doxxing Quackity was no where near as bad as what she went through during her time working with QStudios. Doxxing is NEVER the answer. I'm severely disappointed by her ignorance and xenophobia. That does not take away from the fact that she did suffer. I respect she was under poor working conditions and I support her in getting treated correctly and paid fairly. Absolutely I do. But I cannot support and will not support how she treated Quackity or the Spanish speaking community.
You can draw your own conclusions and do your own research on the matter. I am not here to tell you what to think. Those are just my thoughts.
In terms of Pomme, I'm not aware of much she's done. I know her support to Otipep and I read somewhere that she did not translate her statement leaving Qsmp into Spanish, but did so for all Portuguese and English. To be perfectly honest, if she had only posted it in French, I would not have cared or been mad. We can translate it ourselves or use an accommodation to do so. She should not have to do that for us, but she did and proceeded to and leave out Spanish as part of the transition, and, again, i dont know if that was intentional or not. But she didnt make an attempt to fix it. (Korean speakers were not yet added at this point).
I want to say one last thing about the admins:
You cannot fight xenophobia with xenophobia. It's inexcusable and unjustifiable. Support the workers rights and conditions, but under no circumstances, does that allow for xenophobia to go unnoticed. You can do both.
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torakan · 5 months
it’s a bit short, but i’ll try to post the next one soonish ^^
part two
I didn’t really hesitate out there, to be completely honest. My goal was to satisfy my curiosity as fast as possible and if feasible, avoid troubles, so I just went straight to the box and took the paper, trying to hold my saliva inside. That piece of chocolate still smelled pretty damn good… so with no thoughts about food I took that note and, collecting all the knowledge I had about letters and spelling, I read: “I’m sorry I saw you. Hope ur okay now. This is for you.”
An apology? That thing was for me? And now he’s been hoping that I was okay? Are you freaking serious? That was creepy… nice, but still very creepy. Even now I couldn’t stop myself from comparing what I heard about humans before with everything that was happening to me at this very moment and it was… actually, yeah, it was nice. A thought crossed my mind: maybe it was a trap? Maybe this bean was trying to make me think I’m safe, but in fact he just needed me to let my guard down? But then what? Would he catch me and expose me to the local news? And after that humans would’ve been aware of our existence, and it would’ve been completely my fault. Or perhaps he wanted to keep me as his pet? Not a much better option, but I still would’ve preferred this to being a traitor.
I caught myself on overthinking again and shook my head. This was one of the flaws I had and needed to work on – less thinking, more acting. And I don’t mean like not to think at all, which even if I wanted to I could not have ever… nevermind.
With that, I thought to fuck all my thoughts and do what my gut feeling tells me to. You know, a borrower may not be as academically smart or whatever as human, if only he’s not interested in educating himself, but our intuition truly never fails. I opened my handmade bag (I am pretty proud to tell you all that I made it myself and it was the second thing that I’ve sewed in my life) and took a pencil lead I once found abandoned on the guy’s desk and a piece of paper, similar to the one he left, but a bit more worn out. I didn’t really care though as long as the human was able to read what I wrote.
When I was a child, my dad and older brother both tried to teach me how to write, but I wasn’t the plodding type of kid, and it was always more fun to wander around running my mom’s errands or looking for ass adventures. I did manage to remember how to write some words, so here is how my response turned out: “I m fine dont wory. Please dont tell other beans about me. And dont bother. Rules.”
I was quite fond of it even though my handwriting looked a bit unsteady, but I did it. There wasn’t enough space to write everything I wanted, but I thought it was understandable. If anything, the guy didn’t seem stupid to me, so he should get it.
To be completely honest, I was filled with anxiety the moment I looked at everything that was going on at that moment. However, it was already too late to chicken out, so I just put both papers back with strongly shaking hands and hurried to vanish from there as quickly as possible. The human had already left the kitchen, and I could hear the sound of the water flowing in the bathroom, so I assumed that the guy was giving me the opportunity to get home safely. Or maybe it was just a coincidence, who knows?
@gtzel @smallsday
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firelord-frowny · 2 months
yall these last several days have been THE! WORST!!!!
or idk, not the worst lmao i tend to try to save catastrophic language for actual catastrophes these days and since nobody is dead or maimed, i guess "really really sucked" is the better way to describe it.
but anyway. it really really sucked so bad that i dont even feel like properly ranting about it, so here's a bulleted list of the suckage. -Had (probably) the flu for like two weeks. Missed two weeks of volunteering and one week of work. -Felt better! Volunteered. Went to work. -Throat got sore in the middle of the night. like i literally FELT it get sore in real time. felt it swell. -Sore throat morphed to include an ear ache. -Also felt nauseous several times throughout the day. -went with my mom to go pick up groceries and also one single item to hopefully expedite my recovery (those lil emergen-c supplement drink packets) and somehow wound up getting yelled at about what an inconvenience it is to ~have~ to make a 20 minute round trip to pick up groceries that included something for me🙃 i literally would have just done an instacart order like i usually do but we already needed groceries and that is the only reason i put it in the grocery order so i guess that somehow means that its My Fault the household needed groceries and i guess a 20 minute trip is the worst fucking thing a person can be bothered to do on a sunday afternoon. i mean nevermind the asparagus and the yellow squash and the cornbread mix and the condensed milk and the walnuts and the clam strips and the bananas and the whole grain cereal and the canned vegetables and the frozen berries and all the other shit that aint have JACK to do with me, bc my vitamin c supplement made all of that moot and the sole reason for going to get groceries was because im a needy piece of shit whose better off idk dying of meningitis or soemthing, idfk.
-had a virtual ~urgent care~ visit. got prescribed antibiotics for what's probably a sinus infection gone nuclear. that was yesterday.
-today! throat still hurt like a bitch. couldn't really eat or drink much but I had an apple and some water before taking a dose of ibuprofen.
-went to work. started getting a migraine on the way. benadryl often takes the edge off of my migraines so my dad (who was giving me a ride to work) agreed to swing by a store and pick some up after dropping me off at work, and then swing back and bring me the meds.
-HOWEVER! you know what the first thing i did upon pulling into the parking lot at work was?
-puke. A LOT. big ol pile of puke in the parking lot. disgusting.
-called the front desk and let them know that i in fact made it to work but that i just vomited my guts out in the parking lot and should probably go home. they were like, "yikes, yeah, definitely go home, please feel better soon" and canceled all my students for the day. I'm Extra Upset by this bit because 2 of my students have missed a lot of lessons recently (one because they were on vacation, another because there were no lessons on 4th of july, another because a different student canceled, and one because i was sick) and i really really really want to keep as much consistency as possible both for the student's progression, and for increasing my chances that they'll keep me as a teacher. and i also had one new adult student that i saw for the first time last week and am super bummed that i already had to throw a wrench in his new experience learning an instrument.
-throat was still hurting like a BITCH and i obviously needed to eat and drink especially since i THREW THE HELL UP EARLIER so i made another virtual urgent care appointment.
-got through the entire intake process as far as submitting all the forms. all that was left was for someone to call me and confirm all the info.
-i get the call! confirm the info! the lady says she'll send me a link to the visit as soon as we hang up.
-BUT THEN she asks me if i'd had a virtual visit the day before for the same reason, and i said yeah! and then she says! that i can't have a virtual visit because blah blah blah they cant do telehealth appointments for one patient for the same reason in less than 7 days! which like! ok i guess but PERHAPS THAT COULD HAVE BEEN POINTED OUT WHEN I SELECTED THE REASON IN THE INTAKE FORMS 15 MINUTES AGO???
-but whatever! okay fine! so i made an appointment for the in person clinic and was able to be seen relatively quickly.
-everybody was super nice (literally all of the medical people i've dealt with over the last two days have been super nice) and one of the desk ladies told me i have a "really sweet voice" and that made me Happyyyy and so i told her how happy it made me and that it meant an extra lot because i used to have a violin teacher who would tell me my voice was annoying and the lady was like "omg wtf" and i was like "i know right? i was like 13" and she's like "daaaaang wtf!' and im like RIGHT???
-even though i was able to be seen relatively quickly it still took kind of a long time for the nurse practitioner herself to get to me, but once she did, it was smooth sailing from there. covid, flu, and strep tests were negative. prescribed me prednisone for the sore throat. took my first dose in the clinic. picking up the rest of it from a pharmacy tomorrow.
-its now 3am as i type this and my throat is feeling significantly better. took my 3rd dose of antibiotics earlier tonight, along with some tylenol, since apparently ibuprofen can have some reactions with prednisone, and since my throat at that moment was still pretty sore. but i think by now i can finally EAT SOMETHING so thats what imma do, and then imma *samuel l jackson voice* Go The Fuck To Sleep.
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hypnoot · 1 year
“Its just us, nothing else matters.”
[Small disclaimer, there can be some spelling mistakes. English isnt my first language, if there are any my apologies. Second of all, this story is based on the ship xiao and scaramouche in a modern universe. If you do not agree with this ship I suggest you to not read it or replace their names with someone elses.]
Two boys, Xiao and Scaramouche were standing on the rooftop looking at the people beneath them. “There’s a traffic jam, it’s already so busy there” Xiao pointed. “It’s rush hour,” Scaramouche said, “everyone is going home.” Xiao looked at Scaramouche. “Well we aren’t going yet.”
Just the two of them, sitting on a rooftop smoking cigarettes. It was quiet, but not too quiet. You could still hear the noise from below. Both of them were silent but it wasn’t akward at all. They enjoyed eachothers presence, even if there was nothing left to say. Scaramouche was the first to break the silence. “What would you like to do the most if nothing ever mattered, if no one else cared or maybe if nobody even is there?” he asked. Xiao thought for a bit. “I wish that I could dance again.” Scaramouche laughed. “I would never expect that to come out of your mouth.” Xiao smiled and said: “Its weird to describe it but I would love to dance freely without having to worry about anything else. A moment where nobody cares about what I do.”
He looked down again. “Imagine if all those people wouldn’t exist for a day and it would be just you in the world, what do you think you would do?” Scaramouche thought about his answer. “I think i’d just cry.” Xiao had the worried look in his face again. “Nothing you would want to do?” Scara shook his head. “Nope, not when you aren’t around.” Xiao threw the question back at him “Then… what would you like to do the most if nothing ever mattered?” It didn’t take long for Scaramouche to answer that. “Honestly, I dont mind anything aslong as I can be with you.” “Are you sure?” Xiao said, suprised he would say that. Scaramouche nodded. “You’ve helped me through many tough times, Xiao. I wish to help you when you need it most too. And aslong as we both stay together then… I think we’ll be okay.” There was a sad look in Xiao’s eyes. Scaramouche noticed the look on Xiao’s face. “Nevermind that, let’s change the subject. You said you wanted to dance and not worry about anything else right?” Xiao looked at him. “Yes, I did.” Scaramouche stood up. “So why don’t we dance and not worry about anything right now?” “What? Right here and right now? You’re joking right?” Xiao stammered. “Well does it look like I am?” Scaramouche said. “It’s just us, nothing else matters.”
Xiao smiled and stood up aswell. Scaramouche held out his hand for him. “It is a fine eveni-“ “There’s no need to be so formal, really.” Xiao giggled. “Uh uh uh, stop talking.” Scaramouche said. “Now where was I… ahem! It is a fine evening and I am very pleased to be joined by you. So, may I have this dance?” Xiao smiled and took his hand. “Of course, my dear.”
And so the two of them started dancing the rooftop. They danced without having to worry about anything. It was as if the world around them had stopped. The only thing they focused on was eachother. It went from elegant dances together to improvising new moves, but its okay. Anything that came to mind in that moment got added to the choreography. No move is wrong, aslong as you just live the moment. Afterall, that’s the beauty of dance, isn’t it?
thank you for reading!! i’m still figuring tumblr out so this may be a bit messy :)
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parental venting ✌️
Took years for my mom to rebuild her goodwill for me after subjecting me to complete hell as a teen and then undid it within 3 months cause her trauma around drugs made her using weed to self medicate. For the record, her self medicating made her stop being a complete nightmare towards me. when my sister still lived with us, she and I basically had to keep hammering it in to her how vicious she gets without it.
I literally begged her in tears to either find some alternate treatment method (like ADHD meds) or keep self medicating cause I couldnt live with her being so nasty towards me again, cause holy shit I dont even know how I survived it in my teen years. I didn’t even know how deep her trauma went past “I worked as a pharmacist in the 80’s/90’s and I saw people on medications getting worse, and I dont believe people should be on drugs for their entire lives” until she cried yelled at me about how she had to save her aunt from an overdose … I had no idea about that. I (and my sister) wouldnt have pressed so hard about her getting ADHD meds if I knew but she never *said* anything. She didn’t tell me her pain was worse with weed (we talked about it more later and it was basically removing the filter for the pain)
But beyond that she said she’s never doing therapy again, that she is finding herself and will be meditating on answers, and that she won’t change because I want her to cause everyone has dictated what she should be… I was literally trying to stop her from fucking everything up between us again. She would always complain before about how I never talk to her during and after my teen years and its like. You did this. This is of your own making. And I was trying to stop it again, but she cannot grasp the concept of others wanting better for her or wanting to take care of her. She literally didn’t understand why my sister wanted to offer financial support and make sure she has a safety net.
God even when I was a teen it was like. You dont understand why I leave messes? Why I never “try” my absolute hardest? Why my hygiene is awful? Why I go to bed at 2 am and why I start my homework at 11 pm? Why I always felt tired (not sleepy exhaustion, but fatigue)? I told her it was ADHD, that I should get a diagnosis, but she didn’t want to put me on “meth” and that I should just build a routine and make schedules. Not listening when I told her it feels impossible. Then yelling at me and calling me lazy lazy lazy.
I know she was dealing with intense stress cause my dad was an emotionally cheating bastard, but god. I became suicidal for fucks sake. Nevermind the fact I was dating my ex which is a whole other can of worms but. Why scream at your child that you never got to assert your own identity because you were frustrated that they said “they” when you called them “she”, as an example. That’s just a microcosm of it all.
She isn’t nearly as bad now but I shouldn’t start disassociating and actually contemplate offing myself cause I messed up and made another inedible recipe ,
I dont know how much longer childhood attachment up until age 13 can carry this relationship
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b1ueoff1ine · 1 year
Captured - Part 3
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Otto Octavius x Reader
Dark!Villain!Otto x Avenger!Reader
Summary: You get captured by the evil Doctor Octavius- but he captures your heart as well.
Warnings: Age Gap. Mutual pining. Enemies to Lovers. (Let me know if I missed any!)
A/N: I love how the first two came out! here, have a third. Halfway through there is no plot lol my brain went blank.
WC: 1k
He chuckled. "You heard me."
"I- I dont understand."
"You better understand soon. Or I'll have to play this game again. I personally don't think I like this game, being away from you for so long."
"You're saying you love me? But-"
He cut you off. "Just don't hate me for this. Well, dont hate me anymore than you already do. I'm a villain, you're a hero, after all." Doctor Octavius replied.
"They're scared of you-" You said, looking at the frightened people below in the city streets.
"But your not scared, are you?" He asked.
"... No, I'm not."
His actuators brought you in close to him, close enough for him to kiss your cheek. You were too surprised to even blush.
Then all of the sudden you were in his facility again, sitting in a cell.
Then you blushed. Your face scrunched up as you remembered what he had said just minutes before.
"What, I can't be a villain and love a hero?" Doctor Octavius had told you.
You opened your eyes as a knock sounded on the door of the cell.
Doctor Octavius was standing in the doorway, his actuators posed behind him.
To see him in the door, menacing as he was, you couldn't help but want him more.
"Did you need something?" You asked him.
"Earlier, you said you weren't afraid of me. What did you mean by that?"
You nodded. "I did say that, didnt I? And it's true. I'm not afraid of you like the others. In fact, I was relieved to finally find you."
"What? You were relieved? Why?" Doctor Octavius questioned.
"Because I couldnt forget it. The kiss. I've been searching for you ever since you left me there on that ship."
Doctor Octavius had a blank expression on his face. "You mean... you like me? But I'm your enemy. You shouldn't like your enemy."
"So you can and I cant?" You inquired, thinking of how unfair it seemed.
"That's not what I meant- nevermind. Fine, it's just wierd to like your enemy." Doctor Octavius sighed. "Sorry, I didn't expect this outcome to this problem."
You stood, and, using your speed, arrived next to him. "I don't care what you expected or not. I like you. Is it that hard to understand?"
"What- I-" He was speechless.
Your love for him had bloomed since you saw him last, from when he had let you go.
His eyes were closed, as if he was processing the information.
You took the opportunity to kiss him, and he seemed even more confused at this.
He kissed you back, and then all of the sudden you were pinned against the wall on the inside of the cell.
"Doctor-" You were cut off by a deep, passionate kiss. His hands wrapped around your waist, gripping you tightly.
So tight it hurt. It was what you wanted, what you desired from him. You had missed the pain.
You broke the kiss to breathe. When you had regained your breath, you spoke.
"I- I cant love you, Doctor Octavius. I just..."
He cocked an eyebrow at you. "What do you mean you cant? You can love whoever you want."
"Unless what?" He was kissing your neck.
You moved away from him for a few moments. When you turned back to him, a tear fell from your eye. "Unless you or I are willing to give up everything."
"I'm willing to live in a cell so long as I'm able to see you."
You pondered on if it could work. But you shook your head as you came to one conclusion: "If I am to continue to love you, we must stay apart as long as possible."
You cut him off. "No buts. I hate it just as much as you do. Either that, or you cant be a villain anymore."
"But-" You cut him off by putting a finger to his lips.
"What did I just say? Just take your pick."
"I- I..." He trailed off, his words telling you everything.
He wouldn't give up being a villain. Nor would he give up you. So the only answer was to secretly meet every now and then. You hated it, but it was the only answer.
"Then let me go and I will see you when I can."
"What do you mean?"
"You wont give up villainy, nor me. It-It's the only answer."
He sighed. "Fine. But I dont like it."
You frowned. "I dont like it either." You sat on the one seat in the cell to ponder.
Doctor Octavius came and stood next to you, an intent gaze falling upon your features.
"Doctor Octavius- let me go for now. I promise I will be back, just let me go."
"But I don't want you to leave..." he practically whined.
"I dont want to leave either... But I must." You stood, and Doctor Octavius grabbed your shoulders tightly.
"If you must."
You turned to him, a longing in your eyes.
He pulled you into a big hug, then let you go. You rented a motorcycle from a local dealer, and you sped through the streets of New York.
You arrived at the Avengers tower and parked the bike. Climbing off, you turned and were met with Thor's confused face.
"Holy- you scared me."
"I scared you? You gave me a heart attack when you said 'not again' and were ripped through the side of the ship."
"Relax, okay. I said that because that's what happened last time."
Thor looked confused.
"When I was captured for days? And yall didn't see me over the course of those days? Then I came back and went through a phase of depression? Any of this familiar to you?"
Thors features quickly changed, his confused look disappearing and his brows lifting innocently. "I knew that. Are you sure you are not going to be depressed after this?"
"I cant promise anything, okay? I went through some rough shit when I was captured."
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4arconinoma · 1 year
And on the topic I just have to rant about Bruno's characterization in this fandom. Listen uusually i dont give a fuck about mischaracterization for the simple fact that I am so used to it and it will happen inevitably. So i dont let it bother me But there are some examples in which its so egregious, that it feels like people watched a different show or something...
After rewatching Vento Aureo it just blows my mind how the fandom got to this, weird, "mommy bruno" thing this state for his character that is hardly even present in canon. Its strange because when I was younger and i first watched it I kind of subscribed to it too, i think just by seeing people act that way it cemented itself in my mind as fact But rewatching it now, its so obvious that its just MISSING his entire character, and so many little details and aspects of it that the show makes quite Clear!
Its not just the fact that he is so young. But that bothers me too I wish people acknowledged that hes barely an adult. People act like hes 30 or something HE'S TWENTY he's BARELY AN ADULT okay and I Know he acts older than he really is and maybe that's why people mix it up, maybe people haven't seen his age on the wiki, but don't they state it in the show ?!?! Either way, the thing is that's Literally a canon element of his character, he DOES act older than he is because he HAS to he HAD to grow up so much earlier than everyone else he has to act more responsible than even the 22 year old on the team because that guy just cant step up like he does And hes had no other reliable figure to guide him ever since he was young it was only Him and he had to become entirely independent at what fucking 12 years old.
Right and wouldn't it just be really cool if people actually took that into consideration? That he's so young he's tired that maybe he's JUST as scared as everyone else on the team and he feels lost and confused too but he just CAN'T let that show because he's the ONE person who is keeping the team glued together? And Giorno yes he stepped into his place — Which is its own sort of tragedy to me, that the 15 year old had to follow in Bruno's same steps of growing up too soon because no one else could manage things like he does and he has only himself to depend on now while running the Entire Italian Mafia — but either way it's just the way this attitude of his is brushed off as Mommy bruno mama bear hes such a mom 🥺🥺🥺 Is almost insulting? And i wont even get into the gender role aspect of that, some people have discussed that before too, that in contrast with Abbacchio who is the "father" (nevermind that he can barely even take care of Himself, and is cold to his entire team, not a great example of a father is it) is mischaracterized too for the sake of woobifying Bruno! Also hate this as a Bruabba enjoyer but thats another discussion entirely
And the last thing that puzzles me is just, that he doesn't even act close to being motherly in canon. Maybe save for the Trish thing, and the thing with Narancia's backstory, which is indeed him caring for younger people But due to what i stated previously, he HAS to and Id bet he feels compelled to. I wont deny that he is kind and he doesnt want kids to lead a life like his, because that's literally a part of his character that they show. But I think people are forgetting that he fucking beat up a 15 year old immediately after meeting him, then didn't even invite him to his gang: GIORNO did that HIMSELF, Literally went "you Will let me join your gang. I will join it' now." and bruno was like Okay. And the thing from my previous post, is that they literally canonically show that Bruno does act detached to his gang, not... not the other way around. See why this characterization misses so much. He doesn't have TIME to build any particular bonds with his gang Yes he is kind to them of course he is But like the scene of Abbacchio's death where he orders everyone to just go on because they don't have time for this even though he's just as distraught, or Trish feeling frustrated that he acts so cold, he puts some sort of wall between him and the gang even if it's subtle. Narancia even says he knows this about Bruno, that he knows him because of his past with him he noticed that Bruno PUSHES people away because he doesn't want them to go down the same path he did, not because he is their "mommy" it's because his life is fucking MISERABLE and he is a kind person so he doesn't want that for others, especially not younger people because HE was in that same spot too so YEAH okay he cares about kids WHO WOULDN'T What kind person would want to let a child down his lifestyle... This displays his kindness and virtue as a leader, not his. """"Motherly instincts"""".
Okay. I don't know, I just wish the fandom left room for this sort of nuance to his character. I have never seen anyone bring this up. It's always people just making up this completely different Bruno than the canon one, I understand why people confuse this. I used to as well, when I was young and many people in this fandom are, but fuck, it would just be nice if people took this aspect of him into account, because I think it's interesting! Its so much more interesting than going Aww Mommy Bruno he loves his kids (ugh) and completely ignoring the rest of his character! Just... a thought !!!!! Or several !
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maythray · 2 years
[MASSIVE spoilers for talking abt tpot 3 current voting results under the cut]
i am. so so so so happy i actually thought about who i voted for this episode. normally what ill do is ill go with my gut response or first character i decide on needs votes for that episode while the screen is still up. this. probably sounds stupid but i do it cause otherwise i fall into a cycle of back and forth that drives me insane.
ANYWAYS. i didnt do that this time. cause we have the 2 team voting.
i dont really. personally care for anyone on team S, other than like cloudy (o7) bottle and winner. but i also felt like they all were popular enough to not worry about (i was wrong on cloudys behalf but. what. EVER. its FINE im totally. not upset.)
ANYWAYS so the teameights. there was no way you were getting a vote outta me for that team that wasnt for gaty or saw. i also thought "hey, saw had cute moments this episode, gaty didnt really. and also saw is already pretty popular as a character" and went for gaty instead.
and good god im happy i did. cause she is pretty low down on the votes at the time of me checking. and that was. so worrying for me. cause i would actually be massively upset if she got out so much earlier and before saw :(
im not really worried for her now. as it stands the bottom half of the votes look like this now (i normally dont look at these but i got spoiled by accident so whatever)
oh my god nevermind point cancelled fuck my whole life. gaty in the 8s bottom two oh fuck my whole life it used to be her having a 2 person buffer. I NEED TO STOP WORRYING itll be fine itll be fine IM STILL GLAD I VOTED FOR GATY IM NOT WORRIED ABOUT SAW ITS FINE ITLL BE FINE!!!!
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andvys · 7 months
hello andy!! i just tried to catch up and read prologue to chapter 3 of dancing with our hands tied 🩷🩷 how are you? :) honey anon
You put your hand over your heart, feigning pain. “Are you trying to get rid of me, Lego head?” 
“Hmm,” you scrunch your nose up as you pretend to think. “No thanks, I got enough Teen Wolf in front of me.” You gesture to his hair and the chest hair that peeks from his unbuttoned shirt. 
From the creepy old Creel house, to Max offering herself as the bait. 
“Jason’s dead. He fell onto broken wood… that impaled him.”
oh... oh no... 🤭
“Healing. He broke one arm and one leg, but she is awake. Robin is with her, she’s been waiting for you to wake up.”
“I can’t wait to meet him. I never held a baby before.”
omg me neither
“I am already an auntie,” you chuckle. “How could you forget little Luna? She was your first child.” 
SHE TOOK THE CAT?? THE BLACK ONE?? nevermind that's not my sister anymore“You think I’ll let you take the bus? I’ll drive you and then we’ll get burgers.” 
His hair is messy, a spit curl falling before his eyes. He is wearing his black sunglasses, green khaki pants, a gray tank top,– oh god. This is going to be a long day. 
oh... oh that's... 😳
It’s only nearing the end of April, but it already feels like the beginning of summer. Steve’s skin is already sun kissed. You hide your eyes behind your sunglasses as you ogle him. Taking in the sight of his veiny hands, his arms that have just the perfect amount of muscle, his chest hair that you always tease him for, the silver chain around his neck. 
i wanna bite him
“Yeah, like your girlfriend,” you laugh, glancing at Lucas. “I wonder who will teach her how to drive properly.” 
“Her head! You hit her head, you stupid idiot!” She points at him with rage in her voice. 
omg steve bye not the domestic tray violence
“Hey Chica, do you wanna smoke this with me?” 
“Stop being so fucking careless!” He snaps, pointing his finger at you now. “You’re getting on my goddamn nerves.” 
steve and y/n as the cat in the table with the woman shouting at pointing at him
“I thought you liked coke, Blondie.”
i really need a cold coke zero rn 😭
“Keep your pity to yourself, Blondie. I’d rather never see you again than see you when I don’t have to.”
okay fuck you then !
Steve looks away from you, feeling a rush of guilt. 
now you're sorry??? i hate men fr
cursing him as we SPEAK
Yeah, you’re only pretty and cute when you keep your mouth shut. 
i need to punch him
“Oh, so you’re saying my yapping and whining is music to your ears?” You smirk. “Just say that you love hearing my voice.”
hehe that's right 🤭
“Do you ever shut up or do I have to make you!?” 
omg he's down that bad??
“Isn’t that what you said to Dustin when he asked you for girls advice?” He snorts, shaking his head once again, “‘the key with girls is acting like you don’t care’” Lucas mocks quietly, chuckling after that. 
oooh got him!!
“Right, that doesn’t mean anything.” Steve rolls his eyes before he looks back at you, only to see your face fall. 
i need him gone kind of
“You are so fucking horrible!” He snaps at you, not caring about anything, right this second. Everyone in the room disappears, Dustin, Max and Lucas are no longer there, and neither are Robin and Eddie, it’s just you and him now. “I hate the fucking day we ran into you at Skull Rock! You are the most despicable and cold hearted bitch I’ve ever met! I would be surprised if you ever loved somebody!” 
NOT THE B WORD if that was me i would never speak to this man ever again 😭
You look down as your bottom lip starts to tremble. 
“Everyone leave the room.” 
hiiii omg! i missed you!! i’m okay! i kinda had a busy weekend but i went to the mall with my sister yesterday so that was fun :) how are you? 🩷
your reactions to Jason’s death had me giggling🤭
Argyle is back!!!! And you will see more of him soon hehe
i’m sorry for the Steve angst 😭i promise he will be better in chapter 4! and this story is going into a much better direction soon 😌
ALSO it’s been like two years now since we started talking 🥹
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
2/3 And now they mentioned how they didnt talk about their sexuality for s1 ‘ohh that’s actually dope. He knew if people knew he was straight nobody would talk about the show. Damn, i like him even more now.. OH PETER IS SHADY! I LIKE HIM. He is my best chance at getting behind the scenes dirt. Tell me baby, who is to blame for the finale? And the proposal..and the..you know what let me be quiet’ Gale was taking about how Scott and him didnt wanna say there was straight and he paused it and went ‘wait…what about that Hal guy? I know he’s straight but did he also keep it a secret or was he like ME?GAY?NEVER..I actually didnt even realize he’s not here, i wonder what he’s like in interviews’ Peter at one point mentioned how he enjoyed having a relationship with the writers to discuss storylines and he goes ‘but did they really? Or was it selective? Cause I can’t see my Blondie liking not being in the final scene.. or the Pink Pussy stuff.. And don’t get me started on Brian in the last season. I know that I just kinda met my man like a few hours ago but there is no way he agreed with them about Brian in season 5 so who’s lying’ While they’re discussing Emmett and they kinda compare him to Brian, he just points to the screen and yells ‘THEY ARE THE SAME! and yet god forbid to make them frie-*camera zooms out and he sees Gale better* look at that pretty man just sitting over there…what was I saying?’ ‘They had sex meetings? That’s actually fucking impressive. Lowkey ahead of the time. Okay what are those three constantly talking about and doing? I would also like to be part of it. they keep laughing and talking. *he is pointing at Peter/Gale/Randy talking while Ron is talking*..and by the looks of it Ben dude is also third wheeling like me’ ‘Whenever one of these two old dudes speaks, Gale’s face looks like he’s waiting for the moment that he gets to go ummm actually you’re wrong’ ‘okay I REALLY like Peter. It’s like he’s there to humble them and entertain Gale and Blondie. i mean cmon, any time he picks up a mic, Gale starts to laugh. MAKE ME PART OF THE GROUP PLEASE’ Peter is talking about the locker room scene where he calls Michael a dick: ‘IM GLAD WE ALL FUCKING AGREE! I FEEL SEEN! Representation matters!…why did he make sure to say michael not hal? Is that guy annoying? Was he method’ And then Peter asks Ron about coming to set naked and he burst out laughing and goes ‘i want all the behind the scenes scoop and I want to go back in time and work on that show they look like they had fun..*looks at me all suspicious* who hated who? Actually nevermind, youre not trusted anymore after lying to me about him being gay’ (i never said Gale was gay btw) Ron mentioned about how Gale asked them to cut something: ‘PAUSE! What? Wait Gale asked them to cut something because it was too much? What could be too much? They did everything? What the fuck did they make them do?! *looks at me all worried* SPEAK LESBIAN SPEAK!…okay im calmed down..can you please tell me what scene they cut? (I look at him like hes stupid cause how the fuck can i know that) wow, you really don’t know anything important, do you?’ ‘they FIRED the designer? Damn, why wasnt social media a thing?! Imagine them making a fucking tiktok video dancing to Britney Spears..(dan asks peter for the designers name) he knows everyone from years ago. But i feel like he remembered her out of pettiness. THEY GLUED FABRIC TO THEIR DICKS?! Aint no way. Oh Gale was for sure bald down there for a whole year..that man was fucking every episode’ ‘look at Randy laughing at Gale. I just know he bullied him for fun at times. I am asking once again, please tell me there’s more videos of them together. Young, old, i dont care just GIMME IT’ The host mentioned Prom and asked how was it to film it and Dan reached for water and he yelled ’HANDS OFF THE MICROPHONE GRANDPA! This isnt about you’ right after that Randy says it was really fun for him and he goes ‘top 5 things i didnt fucking expect to hear today..this is right after Gale being straight’
Your brother is hilarious talking about Hal. I think everyone knew he was straight because of his “fame” before QAF.
Emmett and Brian would be friends and the writers just fucked up. I will die on this hill. I WANT to be a part of this group too. You just know that Gale Peter and Randy are on a group text thread to this day.
Yeah the BTS of prom is so fun! Everyone taking turns hitting Randy with the nerf bat.
I am loving all this commentary!
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sl33pyperson · 11 months
and thus, ends the time with the wackos
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bobbi really took the kids in the divorce
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he just looks good here honestly
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you KNOW she doesnt shower. musky husky
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we love representation o7
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just screaming every time khonshu doesnt know how to interact with people (also khonshu FUCKING HATING BABIES i guess u can see it as like. marcs instinct is kicking in and wants to protect the baby or something i dont fucking know, its funnier to not look into it and khonshu just wants to dropkick it)
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ok ok ok ok so theres like. a fic where some avengers + mk (jake) get trapped in a room with deadly gas. they dont understand how mk works so they just assume hes being lazy and laying on the ground and not helping him bc he can heal super quickly, when actually jake is dying over and over and over again while khonshu brings him back (until valkyrie fucking screams at everyone) and idk this reminded me of that. love your god being able to fuck around with your body in horrifying ways!!!!
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i love for the life of a hero KHONSHU YOU LITERALLY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT UR DOING… COMEDIAN OF THE YEAR but also they 100% fucked in that maze
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he just looks good here. the line is so bad tho. khonshu shut the fuck up
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love watching this immortal being struggle in his cage <3 gods i want some fucked up mk tho like. make mk actual suprnatural or have fucked up ethereal qualities WAIT THERE WAS A GOOD POST ABOUT THAT ILL NEED TO FIND IT
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does. does tigra know? does she fucking know? maam???
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i love a rag tag group of villains who have preplanned attacks AND evacuations <3 shroud is hilarious to me
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there is nothing smart i can say about this. the system is truely a plaything to khonshu, something to be used in khonshus image and nothing else
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and when given back control (yes a bunch of snakemen just attacked the moment it happened but still) marc straight away goes into 1. i might fight to live and 2. the only thing certain about myself is tbhat i am moon knight, khonshus fist, WHICH IS ALOT SIR PLEASE GET A REST AFTER THIS
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so im not jewish, idk how well the “ive met my maker” line uhhhhh. Works., but marc truly needs time to just. sit down with himself (and the others) and the fact khonshu STILL is manipulating him into being moon knight, doing his bidding, like. marc doesnt do this as a way of redeeming himself, he just thinks its the right thing to do and what HE IS at this point, “for now and forever, strike in my name” FUCK OFF KHONSHUUUUUUUUU SHUT UPPPP LEAVE MY POOR MAN ALONE
i understand marc Very Much Not Wanting A Relationship Or Anything after these months of possession and hell but also lol rip tigra (i feel bad shes literally lost her whole team in wackos and people she cared about tho, give my girl a break too)
fairwell wackos, fairwell weird talks about marriage (which writer at marvel as getting a divorce at this time), marc now gets a. oh shit nevermind marc spector series is literally the same year apparently? no breaks for my man
i have no faith for the next Oh God Theres So Much Of The Marc Spector Series Please Fucking Help Me. the fact its CALLED marc spector just gives off all the bad signs for me, love bad faith interpretations and completely ignoring the fact jake and steven are REAL AND THERE!! the wackos almost hit it with marc realising “lol its funny my thoughts appear just like jake and stevens, huh” but now hes falling back into “i made them up and just went crazy hehe” thoughts which i truly hope the writers dont take as the actual truth…… 60 issues of hell baby lets fucking go!!
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arishah97 · 1 year
Xe begged me to stay, and with tears in my eyes, I left anyways.
Its been a while since I wrote one of these. Things have been going okay. My work hours have massively expanded and I now work a fulltime job. 9-5. Every weekday. Goddamnit, but humans were never meant to do this shit. five days a week? 40 hours a week? insane.
Never thought the shift from 6 hours to 8 hours would be that much, but it feels like the life is being squeezed out of my fucking soul. fuck capitalism. not that my job sucks that much. I mean, I work at a fucking desk. I dont have to do hard labor or something like that. Its just work.
Things got strained between me and her. I had less time. she was more stressed. and nothing was official.
My friend turned 30. we've been planning a trip to vegas for a while now. I went. and then my dating profile went crazy.
Yeah, I was still on the dating apps. fuck me i guess. is this cheating? i dunno. It feels like emotional cheating. But she was the one who wasn't ready for me. I can't possibly be expected to stay faithful and wait for her. Is that fair to me? i dunno. fuck.
I got a lot of matches in vegas, but 2 significant ones. one night i nearly went over to the first one's. just straight up went over to someone's house who i had never met. It was probably a bad idea, and I'm infinitely grateful for the people who stopped me that night.
The second one... ah. We made plans to meet up for a date. We flirted. We bantered. God, xe was beautiful. Xe was amazing too. We met up. I showed xe my std paperwork, xe showed me xyrs. We went out for Thai. Xe bounced around happily as xe sat. Adorably cute.
We ordered an ride to pick up protection and then go back to xyrs place. goddamit. xe said that xe was mine. xe gasped and moaned and panted beneath me. xe said xe was my good girl over and over and over again.
I said that xe was mine. I couldn't stop talking about xyr toned legs, xyr amazing ass, xyr beautiful waist, xyr beautiful tits, xyr cute face. Xe had a body like a succubus and xe tempted me. I was smart enough not to promise anything to xyr.
Before we even started xe asked if we could still keep in contact after this was all over. I had to say no. It broke my heart but I had to say no. I had to stop myself from saying xe was mine forever. I said xe was mine, but never forever. I had to stop myself from saying I was xe's.
While we were taking a break and cuddling, xe mentioned that if I wanted to stay over, xe would have to go to the couch, as xe punched and kicked in xyr sleep. I told her I didn't care over and over, but xe said that xe felt bad if xe hurt other people, so I relented. I'll never forget xyr face as xe loomed over me, grinding into me as I cupped xyr chest and pulled.
At the end of it all, I admitted to xyr that of all the people in the world to be my first, I'm glad it was xyr. Apparently, xe was under the impression that I was experienced, which was super funny.
I began to say my goodbyes. I put on my clothes. I kissed xyr one last time. As I went over to put on my shoes, xe offered to keep to the edge of the bed. Xe asked me to stay. I grimaced.
I knew that if I would stay, I would surely never emotionally recover. I was waiting on someone. I couldn't make someone else wait on me while I wait on someone, and it was cruel to confess to someone and then say "lol, nevermind". I continued to put my shoes on.
Xe begged me to to stay, and with tears in my eyes, I left anyways.
Its now 2 days later. Xe haunts my every waking thought. We had a short text exchange the next morning, but I knew that we had to stop this. I haven't reached out to xyr since.
I've cried so much, I can barely function. love, sex, feelings, emotions. theyre all tied up. I feel like an asshole. Maybe I am an asshole. On one hand, I confessed that I had feelings for a girl and she asked me to wait. On the other hand, I made someone want me so bad xey called xemself mine, but I walked away like a player.
I need time to process. Thats why i wrote this. Hopefully I will have answers for myself soon.
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bubsub69 · 1 year
Entry 20
18/07/2023 14:46 Guess its time for a little update
I went to the river on Sunday with my cousin and i kind of just forgave her for not replying because she said she was busy with work and i guess theres no point in staying mad, but ill still hold my ground on always doing what she wants so ill probably ignore her requests to go out and stuff.
Also on the river my parents were talking with my cousin and her boyfriend and.. i dunno just them talking about stuff that i dont care about so i didnt participate in the conversation made me realize maybe i really am just a weird ass bitch, cant even participate in normal conversation with people im confortable with, what happens if a (girl)friend starts talking to other people in front of me and i just stay dead quiet like a weird creep, i really dont deserve to be with anyone huh. I'd just be a bother to them, maybe i can go back to my mental state of last year where i dont care about being alone, fuck i miss that, not having sudden bursts of sadness because im alone. Its not as intense as before so maybe i wil get over this who knows.
Other than that i finally used tinder and it sucked, i got 1 like in like a week and i need to pay to see who liked me, so guess its back to femdompersonals, though i havent had luck there either, lot of ghostings stil. I really should just post an ad myself, less chance of ghosting/ignoring if someone is reaching out to me but i still have that stupid fucking side of me that thinks there's still hope with D and this will ruin it if she sees it, nevermind she talked to me from an alt account that she probably doesnt use and that she obviously doesnt keep up with my account i still have that itty bit of hope that in september when she said her house will be ready she'll just magically feel like texting me and well get together.
But yeah another entry with more of the same. Me alone. Me no luck with women.
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ratrap · 1 year
I'm so so proud of you dude, telling her in the first place was still a major step towards getting your life back!! (And I think the clothes thing proves pretty well to me and presumably her how fucked up all this has been and how he's been blatantly lying to you about liking you as you were, yikes.) Doesn't have to be all fixed at once but any little bit of progress towards not being completely on your own with this shit is something to feel accomplished for.
thank you youre too nice to me. Sorry i havent replied im just struggling a bit with things. I tried so hard to lose weight way before and not that i really got healthy before my mum passed anyway but now none of it matters anymore. my clothes are so small im getting too embarrassed to put them on. i feel gross and it makes me not want to go out. i say to him i want to get new clothes but he doesnt. listen I cant keep putting up with this im so unhappy. and because i dont even think i had a life before im not even thinking about anything good in the future. ughhh I have been really upset about my weight and life in general it makes me wanna give up so maybe i can see my mum again I am still on my own nobody would even care if i wasnt here except for him, which gives me all the more reason to not want to be here. My cat is the only thing that makes me not want to die lol. My life is pathetic and so am i. Im so sad and stupid that i let this happen to me all over. the only reason i told her at all was because he had done stuff in my sleep again after again I told him im tired of being like this and then took a video of me while im upset, and i was still mad about it the next day when i went. Hes been waking me up to make me drink milkshake or ice cream and he makes me eat this spoonful of oil stuff i dont even know what it is and he recorded me drinking it while embarrassing me so if anyone likes that and you see footage of a fatass idiot crying that is me. I think he thinks because i have mental health problems that i dont understand i dont know. Im so upset every day i dont enjoy anything, i feel like such a disappointment and embarrassment to my mum and i dont even want my aunt to have to look at me she will be grossed out if she had to look at me nevermind let me live with her. thank u for caring and dont feel obliged to message me okay. I appreciate your concern and everything im just lonely rambling at like four in the morning. If whoever sent me the ask about housing or something sees this i would appreciate the link to whatever it was you were going to send me before i think you can send them in asks id like to at least look at it cause I have no idea what im doing 😞
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