#i was like researching Iran for 2 years
amerasdreams · 2 years
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Doing research on WW2 such as the geo-political climate (which was never Really mentioned in my American public school), keeping a copy of the mandate for Leadership on my phone, staying updated on current events, and my very autistic knack for pattern recognition has me fight or flight.
I don't know what WW3 is gonna look like, it may very be another cold war. But it's here.
When we look back on this, we won't say that it started when the US finally took up arms. The war started way before the US was willing to admit there was even a problem.
It will be like WW2, where the US let as many ppl die as the world would allow before they and the other allied forces stepped in.
And just like back then people are asking "why won't the USA or France or the UK do something? Why are they letting it go on so long?"
And the answer is the same as it was back in WW2.
The allied forces themselves were was antisemitic, greedy, and politically driven.
Oh yeah and if you look real close and squint you can also see an oil grab in Iran that happened during ww2. You know "to stop the axis powers" from having oil 🙄
So why would they get involved if they didn't have to?
Remember how they ONLY involved themselves because Poland, an ally to UK and France was invaded?
What are the chances of Netanyahu attacking a US ally, you think?
In fact..I don't remember learning almost a damn thing about the middle east during ww2? But I'd be willing to bet my life its not so different from now. You know. Some non-arab nation doing something shitty but for some fucking reason Arab and Muslim nations are punished?
So lemme just head onto google real quick.
Huh. Would you look at that.
"The Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran or Anglo-Soviet invasion of Persia was the joint invasion of the neutral Imperial State of Iran by the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union in August 1941. The two powers announced that they would stay until six months after the end of the war with their enemy Nazi Germany (World War II), which turned out to be 2 March 1946. On that date the British began to withdraw, but The Soviet Union delayed until May, citing "threats to Soviet security"
The invasion, code name Operation Countenance, was largely unopposed by the numerically and technologically outmatched Iranian forces. The multi-pronged coordinated invasion took place along Iran's borders with the Kingdom of Iraq, Azerbaijan SSR, and Turkmen SSR, with fighting beginning on 25 August and ending on 31 August when the Iranian government formally agreed to surrender, having already agreed to a ceasefire on 30 August."
So this says Iran surrendered in just 5 days and then then they were occupied for almost 6 years...
To keep Hitler from having oil, right? Thing is: Germany got most of its oil from the Baku fields.
In Russia. 🙃
The attack also took place less than two months after Allied victories over pro-Axis forces in neighbouring Iraq and French Syria and Lebanon.
That's an awful lot of fighting in the middle east when Hitler in Germany and Europe was the fucking problem 🙃🙃
The invasion's strategic purpose was to ensure the safety of Allied supply lines to the USSR (see the Persian Corridor), secure Iranian oil fields, limit German influence in Iran and preempt a possible Axis advance from Turkey through Iran toward the Baku oil fields or British India.
They nabbed Iran's oil because they could under the pretense of "well what if the axis powers attack us through Iran?"
Kind of like "well what if the terrorists attack us through the Red Sea?"
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Lockwood & Co. and Food
So, another thing stuck out to me on my latest rewatch of Lockwood & Co. and that was the relationship to food in the show. Obviously, there is the quintessential cups of tea that always seem to be on everyone's mind, but the part that I thought was the most important was that it is George who cooks and he doesn't just cook 'British food'.
In episode 1, we first see that George is the head chef, and although Lockwood mentions cheese on toast, it is clear that it is George who usually decides what they eat. I will come back to the cheese on toast thing in a bit.
In episode 2, Lockwood specifically requests that George make ghormeh sabzi, a herb stew which is considered the national dish of Iran with over 5000 years of history in the region and states that he'd love George forever if he did this. This inclusion not only shows that Lockwood appreciates George's cooking but is more than happy to eat more traditional food that probably has a lot of significance to George. From my limited research it seems that ghormeh sabzi would have been a staple of George's home life prior to moving in with Lockwood, and I love how he is able to make something key to his culture. In most other shows I have seen, poc characters who cook often don't get to cook food important to their culture or background and I love how the show allows him to not just be confined to more typically British cooking.
In episode 5, Flo compliments George on his shirini morabaii which is a Persian pistachio and apricot jam biscuit. She doesn't even know George and yet instead of seeing his food as something strange or foreign, which a lot of characters in other shows or other media or real life might because its not considered the norm or typically British, she tells him she enjoyed it and she is eating them in front of him, embracing his culture. I think this inclusion is such a beautiful thing, not only for their own arc, but because so often in British culture, we seem to shoot down or disregard other cultures ideals, foods and history as strange and it is so rare to see them be uplifted. It's so simple, just not treating what George makes as anything other than something to be enjoyed and yet so often for some people this is apparently so difficult.
Honestly, all the dishes he makes, including his speciality noon khamei, a Persian pastry dish which translates to whipped cream bread (from what I've read), sound so delicious and most of the time we wouldn't hear about them on mainstream media. I think by giving George this role and not trying to white-wash his cooking adds so much to his character because I can see him and his parents and brothers making this food together and how cooking it while at Portland Row would make him feel at home and remind him of his childhood. This is reinforced by the other characters who gladly eat anything he makes (and who can blame him) and never make him feel bad for cooking food from his own culture.
As much as I think this is great inclusion, I hate that it stuck out so much to me because we don't see this often enough. Other cultures deserve to be celebrated and I am so glad that Lockwood & Co went into this because it not only adds to George's background but normalises it and I think that was wonderful.
Now, as for the cheese on toast, I have a headcanon that George and Lockwood can both make really good cheese on toast (it is most likely the only thing Lockwood can cook well judging by Flo's reaction about Lockwood expanding his repertoire). They once had a cook off concerning it with Lucy as the judge and she chose George's, which didn't have mustard in it (because that's a common ingredient in cheese on toast but not essential) which led to the whole 'mustard is the fools condiment' on the thinking cloth.
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chloejjjr · 5 months
I’ve worn my grandmothers’ high school graduation ring ( class of 1969) on my right hand everyday for 6 years.
About 21 years ago when my godmother was on vacation in Trinidad she got a call from my dad that I was born, which prompted her to buy 18k gold earring cuffs from the nearest jewelry store on the island. I’ve been wearing one of those cuffs in my helix since I was 19. The gold looped bracelet on my left hand was a birth gift from my dad to my mom when they were 23 years old, and scared, because he just got notice to deploy to Iraq. I saw the bracelet on her wrist everyday until the morning of my 17th birthday, where it appeared to be in a box on my nightstand. I had a 18 karat gold thumb ring for 3 weeks. My dad bought the ring for my mom in Iran when he was 22, it slipped off into the lawn by my old dorm 2 years ago- I spent the last 4 days of that April upset until she called and said it was ugly to her anyways.
On my right wrist is a white jade bracelet from a street market in Vietnam, my friend Handson bought it for me while visiting his family there for the first time in 10 years. Below that bracelet is a gold plated bar bracelet stamped “ Zanzibar” my best friend of eight years purchased for me while doing anthropology research across Africa last summer. I have a habit of wearing 5 gold chains at a time. The chain I like the most is from a Buddhist woman who befriended my mom in grad school 18 years ago and upon deciding to become a monk, gave my mom one of her favorite necklaces. I got that chain for my 21st Birthday last year. In 4 months, I’ll be 22 so I wonder what piece I’ll get next.
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ghostofasecretary · 10 months
i wish i knew my area of history in the "can answer middle school essay questions about it accurately" way
i have read a lot of history! i've done some work in the field, though exclusively about written works so far. but i haven't, like, sat down and memorized a timeline. my grasp of geography is shaky and my grasp of empire and dynasty is worse
i remember in my first class on economics, we had to do a research paper re: the history of a US economic policy, and i picked our Iran deal, and as background i read the wiki pages on US military conflicts in the region and made a timeline and a spreadsheet with context and it was kind of basic background research, but. i dunno. i feel like i'm missing that stuff! i don't want to miss stuff!
probably i should just pick one book on the Achamenids, one on the Sasanians, one on pre-Islamic Arabia, on the life of the Prophet, on the Radishun, on the Umayyads, on the Abbasids, and then on ~the Mongol invasion~ since that would probably include notes on a lot of the smaller dynasties, plus a book on Mongol India, and the Mamluks, Ottomans, Safavids, and Qajars. possibly whoever ran Egypt after the Mamluks? and, like, i'm sure i can sketch a rough oil timeline but my knowledge of the Great Game is so bad and probably should get better. and then write a timeline and summary of the accounts of (counts on fingers) 13-15 books
i love that the smallest version of this my brain came up with is 13 fucking books. (i have read books on some of these topics before, even broad books! but i didn't take good notes.) "middle school understanding" my ass. i'm sure i could find a decent *basic* book for the broad overview i want to hammer down important facts
on the other hand pop history makes me want to scream and tear at my face
on the third hand i did already do a "quiz myself on basic topics and see how right i am" thing earlier this year and while i got many things right it didn't really scratch the "i am missing MAJOR AREAS (for my own definition of adequate knowledge)" gap
man i also really wanna reread that one book re: the Islamic conquest of Iran now that my brain is no longer on fire. at least in the way it was when i was that year
perhaps instead of making a giant reading list i could go just through my notes with my friend and mentor and READ ALL THE BOOKS HE'S TOLD ME TO READ. that would probably be helpful!!! be responsible learner move!
perhaps i should just read two whole encyclopedias. no, that would be inefficient and a poor introduction to scholarship since i would *see* good bibliographies but they might not have the same context as good books
ugh. i also have. like. other things to do. and have spent most of the last 2-3 days in a semi-conscious fiction devouring state, which is not bad per se but it also isn't my favorite way to live, especially when it feels like avoidance. which it has. (every day i ignore emails and do not send others i know i should.)
let's go to a coffeeshop tomorrow and conquer emails and mail and fucking. figure it out. take steps in the right direction. move!
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Subedei is by far the most well-known general of the Mongol Empire. Leading armies through China, Central Asia, Iran, the Caucasus, the Western Steppes and Europe, few commanders have a comparable record.
Yet there is not a great deal of information on Subedei himself, who appears a rather quiet figure in the sources. This has allowed all sorts of claims to build up around him as people try to "fill in the blanks," but these find little support in the historical sources. Here are only a few:
1) Subutai and variants are the most common renderings in English. Subutai is common in Chinese sources and his Yuan Shi biography, but the form he would have known would have been more like Sübe'etei, Sübegetei.
2) A Tuvan Reindeer Herder? This comes from confusion between the two Uriyangqai/t peoples in his time; the "Forest Uriyangqai" (Tuvan ancestors), and the "Steppe Uriyangqat." The sources are unanimous in placing Subedei from the Steppe Uriyangqat. The forest Uriyangqai are noted to rarely have provided troops for the Mongols, to have made no famous generals, and to have despised sheep herding. Subedei was of course, a famous general, and his father a sheep herder who provided a flock to Chinggis Khan at Baljuna in 1203. His family is also noted to have been connected to Chinggis Khan's for 5 generations before the conquests.
3) Obese/missing an eye? Unlikely. The sources do not describe his appearance or weight in any capacity.
4) Undefeated? No. He suffered at least two defeats: against the Volga Bulghars in 1223/24, and the Jin Dynasty at Daohuigu in 1231.
5) "Chinggis' conquests are owed to Subedei?" No. Subedei was a rather secondary general until late in Chinggis Khan's reign. His greatest prominence was under Ögedei (r.1229-1241).
As a person, we know little of Subedei. He rose to prominence as a member of the Keshig, and was widely regarded for his courage, (hence his epithet, Ba'atar, "brave, hero") and utter loyalty to Chinggis Khan's family, and that he was one of the few early Mongol generals to live to old age!
If you wish to read more on Subedei I summarized much of this new research here a few years ago:
But I also recommend Stephen Pow and Jingjing Liao's translation of Subedei's Yuan Shi biographies:
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hellsbellschime · 2 years
Ok so I did some research regarding the posts that you made because the way they were presented on twitter left a bad taste in my mouth. Reading how you feel now makes sense, but I wanted to see exactly why you had said those things in the first place. I had to go far back tbh. I'm really surprised they even found these things because it's a long journey to those initial posts. I'm talking February 2018. If any of those people who are dragging you as a zionists on twitter are the same person they were almost 5 years ago I would say it's time to grow.
Ok so initial post is here. Every post before that was about your anons dragging the originals and someone they called klamuffin. This is the first post that I could find where Gal Gadot/Israel was brought up to you and it's the same SS that is going around on twitter. It was in regards to an apparent post on Gadot's socials where she showed support for the IDF soldiers as seen in this ask where someone gives context.
This is a post where an apparent jewish friend of yours tells you the difference of zionism vs neo-zionism which adds context to your clarification on how you felt about zionism at the time.
Next we see here an anon getting upset because they are assuming from your posts are that you are a zionist like twitter is pushing. Tbh it's not the most coherent post about your position, but for full transparency I'm including it. It's kind of a mixed bag of you talking about the history of Palestine and Israel being created and why neither of their people should be pushed from the only home they know. This post is much more precise about where you stand when an anon asked for clarification. You just clarify that you believe both sides deserve the right to live there because it's basically the only home they know.
Now this is pretty much a friend of yours pushing back on your post a bit about the horrors Israel is pushing on Palestinian people and you clarify again that the Israeli government is the issue and that the citizens on both sides are the innocents in this and don't deserve to be punished for the shitty government (pretty much where you stand today).
This is an ask that was sent to you about Gadot's support of IDF and you equated it to how in the US people write about supporting the troops without talking about all the atrocities the US has committed around the world. From here you received a pretty aggressive ask where they accuse you of stanning Gadot so you won't criticize her and that you're American so you don't know anything. From this point on you got a lot of trolling asks like this one here. It seemed to have ended with this ask about military service being mandatory and what Gadot's post actually was that sparked the nasty messages. You can tell you were also at your wits end after the troll messages as anyone would be.
After that you and your anons go back to talking about the originals and for whatever reason male circumcision. I think if these twitter stalkers actually did their research they would have seen you had clarified that you are not pro-Israel government and that you stand with the innocent citizens on both sides who have no choice in this. It would be like if you posted a pic of the Iran protests with 'fuck the Islamic Republic' as a caption and twitter turned that into you being Islamophobic and not you showing support of the Iranian women protesting their fascist government. You can be pro people without being pro government. Anyway I hope this timeline helps clear up any more issues and I hope everyone can appreciate that most people grow and change after 5 years. You certainly seem to take more care and are more precise with your wording in your current posts. I'm sorry all this is happening to you. It's kind of insane that stuff from 5 years ago is being shown as if you said it 2 days ago and being misrepresented as you supporting the atrocities that the Israeli government has committed. I hope everyone is able to move on now.
JESUS CHRIST ANON I don't know if this is the lord's work or the devil's, it is borderline miraculous that you actually managed to find this shit. But yes, it was 5 years ago and my opinions have changed since then, and also like, it was just a really odd situation and conversation? It was sort of disjointed and about some really weird and super specific things, so if it weren't a conversation that sort of bounced around to different topics I wouldn't have said things so sloppily. And as you can see I am literally looking some things up as I go along, so it wasn't definitely not an informed take, but I didn't expect it to represent my feelings about the situation forever and I certainly didn't expect it to be spread around literally half a decade later. Ultimately I did say what I said so it's not like it should be immune from criticism, but I also think it's fair to expect that the context be included because it is relevant, and to call whatever the twitter stans were doing "criticism" seems far too generous.
Even looking through these asks and responses now I can see that I had takes that were bad and clearly didn't understand some things that I understand now, but this also shows exactly what I said, which was that it was a random conversation about a topic that kind of came out of nowhere and was being discussed from a bizarre angle because some rando was mad that I reblogged a gifset of Gal Gadot. And I honestly knew it was a while ago but I didn't realize it was 5 years, I was already thrown off that someone found it because I knew it was old but I legit cannot imagine actually searching for that. Also what a waste of goddamn time because I'm sure I've said some dumb shit much more recently that would have been less time-consuming to discover.
But seeing all of these posts now and rereading what I wrote, I can definitely see that I was uninformed and straight up wrong about some things and can unequivocally say that a lot of what I said then I genuinely do disagree with now and I'm definitely icked out by it. I'm also bummed that anyone would presently feel shitty because of what I can see are some objectively bad takes that I said quite a while ago, because I can fully agree that I was uninformed and clearly should have been more critical of the state of Israel, and I really don't like the way I phrased some of the things I said here. But people can learn a lot in 5 years and the political landscape of the world itself has changed radically in that time as well, and hopefully those changes were positive ones that continue on. I wish that it hadn't become just some random gotcha bullshit in a fandom war or an attempt to pseudo-cancel me or something though, because I think there is at least a good conversation to be had about it that shouldn't be driven by how anyone feels about the fucking Targaryens.
Also I don't want to undercut the seriousness of the whole situation but Jesus Christ I'm dying that this conversation was bookended with conversations about Klamuffin and male circumcision, if that isn't an illustration of how bullshitty all over the place my blog-versations can be I really don't know what is.
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187days · 2 years
Day Sixty-Nine
The fun thing about teaching World Cultures, which is a class that’s largely focused on current events, is that the curriculum is always changing; sometimes, I’m just adding another year of info into my lessons about an ongoing situation, sometimes I’m writing entirely new lessons to focus on new things that are happening. Like, right now, I’m teaching about the protests in Iran, so I’ve been spending my prep time gathering materials, creating assignments, etc... I did that today, but I had to pause to go to track practice, then come back and finish, and do a bit of grading. So I didn’t leave until about 5:30, and it was cold and dark, but it’s all good. My classroom is ready, my lessons for next week are prepped, my grading is done, and now it’s the weekend!
But let me go back to how the day started. 
In APGOV, I went back in time from the Civil Rights Movement and had my students read an article about women’s suffrage, then showed some clips from PBS’ The Vote. A bunch of them put their hands up to either ask questions or make comments about what they’d learned, which was so great. That’s the momentum I was hoping yesterday’s discussion would build. I shifted the focus back to the 1960s by commenting on the continued disenfranchisement of women- and men- of color in many states even after the passage of the 24th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Lastly, students read a quick article about the Mississippi Summer Project, which ends with the disappearance of James Cheney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner. I’ll teach about what happened to them next class.
And, like I said, my World students are learning about Iran. I started by showing a recent news clip about the protests, then had them read an annotate an article about Iran’s modern history: British and Russian influence, the world wars, Mosaddeq’s overthrow, the shah, the revolution... I was hoping students would catch that they were seeing references to points in history they’d studied- points I’d had them study specifically because of their impact on the modern world- like the world wars and the Cold War. My Block 2 students definitely did, and had so many excellent questions, comments, connections to other things they know. And then, as we were wrapping up our conversation, one of the upperclassmen I’d taught when he was a freshman came to the door and asked if he could come in for a minute to “make trades.”
This is a boy who’s always marched to the beat of his own drum, but he’s such a sunshine. We were in a transition anyways, and I had time to spare, so I said he had one minute. He came in and showed my class a box full of random stuff (erasers, a jello cup, a santa hat, some building blocks, a packet of tissues....) and asked what they would trade. He rejected the offer of a bag of Doritos for the santa hat, but accepted a spool of thread for the jello cup. 
My reaction to this was, “Oh my gosh, you’re a Jawa!” 
If you’ve ever been to Disney’s Hollywood Studios, you’ll get that reference.
What’s really awesome is that I was being observed (by the preservice teacher who’s been in before to get his hours), so there was a witness to both the excellent discussion of history and current affairs, and the utter randomness of teenagers (I’ve aways said their ways are not meant to be fully understood). I mean, that’s the job in a nutshell, really.
Anyways. The last part of the lesson was a bit of research and citation practice on the Iranian Hostage Crisis. Next class, they’ll share what they learned, I’ll fill in details as needed, and we’ll continue forward through history from there. 
I wish the lesson went as well Block 3 as it did Block 2, buuuut it didn’t. I mean, in terms of understanding the information I wanted them to understand, they got there. But, first, I had to get this one group of them to stop picking on each other (again). I actually yelled, and I’m annoyed with myself for it (and I apologized for yelling, but not for insisting that they stop disrupting others’ learning), but it did work. And, afterwards, things went alright.
And practice was fun. It wasn’t as wacky as Wednesday’s practice, no hurdles got broken, etc... but everyone was in high spirits, and they got amusingly competitive about doing some of the jumping drills The Head Coach had them do. They’re all pumping each other up, though, and shouting and high-fiving after good results. So it’s fun. 
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shamsabaddai-ardn516 · 2 months
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Wk 1 SDL: Photographer Research: Steve McCurry - My top 4
From Steve McCurry's 'Afghanistan' Collection. Sourced here: https://www.stevemccurry.com/afghanistan
Image 1: Steve Curry: No Title or date provided.
Image 2: Steve McCurry: Nuristan, Afghanistan, 1992.
Image 3: Steve McCurry: Pul i Khumri, Afghanistan, 1992.
Image 4: Steve McCurry: Kandahar, Afghanistan, 1990.
Why I selected these images as my top 4:
I really loved Steve McCurry's use of colour. In all the above photos they are warmly lit, dynamic, inviting, and almost mystical. They have an inviting feel, and seem to capture a depth & story to every image.
The images feel like they are a balance of both soft & bold at the same time.
Photographer Background: Steve McCurry:
Most popular work: 'Afghan Girl' 1984.
"Steve McCurry (American, b.1950) is a photojournalist whose photographic work focuses on war and its consequences. McCurry started in photography as a Pennsylvania State newspaper photographer while attending the university to earn a degree in theater arts. After graduating in 1974, he went on to work for Today''s Post in King of Prussia, PA, for two years. He then went to work freelance in India. 
As a freelance photographer, McCurry would often go off the beaten path. Early in his career, this tendency led him to cross the Pakistan border into Afghanistan prior to the Russian invasion. The film he shot was smuggled out of the country sewn into his clothing—native garb he wore so as to blend in—and contained some of the first images taken of the beginning of the struggle between Russian and Afghan forces. The photographer’s experiences in Afghanistan marked the beginning of a career of war coverage, taking him to battlefields in Beirut, Cambodia, Iran, Iraq, the Philippines, and later back to Afghanistan. "
- Bio Written By Artnet: https://www.artnet.com/artists/steve-mccurry/biography"
Tools preferred by Steve McCurry for his signature style:
Camera: Leica SL-2 . He mainly uses a 24-90mm f/2.8 4 lens, along with the 15-35mm f/3.5-f/4.5 and 90-280 mm f/2.8-f.4.
He also admits to having tens of thousands of images on his smartphone, but uses it more as a notepad or for grab shots.
For most of his work he uses the Leica, which he loves.
(Info Source Here: https://amateurphotographer.com/latest/photo-news/steve-mccurry-film-or-digital-it-doesnt-matter/#:~:text=Steve's%20current%20camera%20is%20a,notepad%20or%20for%20grab%20shots. )
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j0kers-light · 4 months
okayy, so, how would Joker react if reader was obsessed with history?? Like, really obsessed, she knows how long Napoleon's d_ck was, has been to france over a hundred times just to see Marie Antoinette's bedroom, has watched and read every historial movie/book possible and is yapping all the time about weird history facts??
One and half inches.
So....... basically you want me to describe myself? Aight. Let's get into it! I sincerely hope you enjoy love🖤✨
Joker knows you're a history buff. You're always sounding off random facts during normal conversations that he's used to it by now.
If he says something inaccurate, rest assured, you take a deep breath and hit him with the "well, actually..." A normal correction rant lasts about 5-30 minutes or 1-2 hours if he's completely wrong.
He doesn’t have a clue about what you’re saying majority of the time but he’s a supportive lover so he’ll listen more so to the sound of your voice rather than what you’re saying.
That being said, Joker uses your extensive knowledge of things to his advantage. If he brings you to a meeting, he purposefully says something incorrect to get a reaction out of you and you fall for it every single time. For example…
“Historically, The Battle of Agincourt was an astonishing victory for the English despite the reported 25,000 French forces that showed up. It was won not by luck.. but military tactics like using the terrain and basic human instincts. Imagine stepping over your fallen comrades wearing armor weighing 60 pounds through thick mud and..."
Annnnnnnnd you begin an impromptu history lesson. This is gonna take a while.
All Joker said was, 'get your feet out of the mud and focus.' How you connected his comment to facts from a 14th century battle, Joker will never know. It’s a hidden talent of yours.
Now you're educating his goons about the historical importance of the English longbow and quoting excerpts directly from Shakespeare's play Henry V. The crazy part, they're actually listening!
His bunny is weird. That's all he can say. He doesn't bat an eyelash when you beg him to go on another trip overseas.
There's a new exhibit at the Palace of Versailles and you have to see Marie Antoinette's bedchambers again! Like it changed since last year.... 🙄
He takes you anyway and you know more than the tour guide that tourists are following you around the vast estate learning odd facts and trivia.
You have too much information stored in that silly little head of yours. Can someone really be that smart?
You know about every little thing to the point that it should be annoying, but Joker loves watching you nerd out over documentaries, books, and etc. You can easily be a historian or curator.
Joker does not dare bother you when a new research article or accredited documentary drops because you are laser focused, mouthing the new knowledge under your breath as it gets absorbed in.
Do you really need to know that much about the past? Yes, he doesn't understands how history repeats itself but come on! Some of this stuff is useless knowledge....
Your interests span from the Byzantine empire to modern day culture ranging from crucial facts to funny tidbits.
Joker is not exaggerating to the boys when he says, "Y/n. Knows. Everything."
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"Alright lightening round. I'll stop if you're incorrect. You ready Y/n?"
You nod at Morgana and close your eyes to concentrate. In the background, Joker and his loyal three were scheming a new mission at your dining room table. You and Morgana are forced to entertain yourselves until they finish.
They stopped discussing plans the second Morgana started asking random questions.
"Modern day Persia is located where?"
"When did construction on the Tower of Pisa begin?
"Uh... it took 199 years.. ooh! August 9th, 1179!"
"China's first emperor." Morgana asked. You opened your mouth to answer, but paused.
"Male or female?" You asked.
She smirked. Okay.. you understood the assignment.
"First male emperor, Qin Shi Huang who invented the title emperor and created the Qin dynasty. The first any ONLY female emperor, is my girl Wu Zetian! A true, started from the bottom now we here! Her epitaph remains left blank."
Morgana resumed her quick fire questions ranging from the ancient and modern world with you answering all correctly and adding a cool side fact.
It was rather impressive.. until Joker decided to have a little fun. "Since ya know soooo much Bunny. Do ya know Batman's identity?"
You were halfway answering the process of explaining Venetian architecture, when you heard Joker’s comment.
The room went quite waiting for your answer. Frost and Joker lock eyes but they quickly dart over to you when you finally respond.
“I don’t know everything J. Batman’s identity is a well guarded secret however he and I are on speaking terms. I can ask him whenever we ever bump into each other again. Not like I’ll get an answer, but it���s worth a shot.”
You nod to yourself and without missing a beat, you resume explaining to Morgana how the floating city of Venice was created one wooden pile at a time.
Meanwhile Joker is fuming at the table. “Whaddya mean bump into him again?!” Why does this sound like a common occurrence?
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fenrirswood-hq · 6 months
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+ 5 wanted connections
ANMOL BODHI MOHAN (our VINNY CHHIBBER) is looking for their SISTER (last name Kumar). They’re a 45 yo HUMAN (or WEREWOLF), who look like FEM-FC OF INDIAN DESCENT. You DO NOT need to approach the player. 
( death mention tw, mob mention tw ) Bodhi and his sister were always fighting for the approval of their father, a mob boss from Brighton. But it was his sister who actually had the good ideas, and Bodhi who often claimed them for himself and went off with them. When his father found out, he dropped Bodhi off with the enemy hoping he'd never return, and Bodhi's sister became the sole heir to the crime empire. Everyone in their family thinks Bodhi is dead.
FABIO BASTIAN CISNERAS GUCUAMAYA (our TONY REVOLORI) is looking for their SIBLING WHO GOT TURNED. They’re a 30-34 yo WEREWOLF, who look like FCOC preferred. You DO NOT need to approach the player. 
(death mention tw) Fabio and their adopted family (total of 7 adopted kids, and two parents) were camping when three siblings and the mother got attacked and bitten by a pack of Werewolves. Only the older sibling survived. Dealing with guilt and without anyone to help them change, Fabio took full responsibility. They stuck around in Guatemala City for a few years more before moving to Fenrir's Wood 5 years ago, a move the sibling initiated.
FABIO BASTIAN CISNERAS GUCUAMAYA (our TONY REVOLORI) is looking for their FOSTER SIBLINGS (3 SPOTS). They’re a 26-40 yo WITCH or HUMAN, who look like FCOC preferred. You DO NOT need to approach the player. 
(death mention tw) Fabio and their adopted family (total of 7 adopted kids, and two parents) were camping when three siblings and the mother got attacked and bitten by a pack of Werewolves. Only the older sibling survived. While the other siblings attempted to get their life back in order, Fabio and the sibling hid the secret of their Lycanthropy and then up and left for the UK. Their siblings could've followed them to find out what was happening.
BIJAN MOUSAVI (our OMID ABTAHI) is looking for their NIBLING'S FRIENDS (2 spots). They’re a 25-35 yo WEREWOLVES, who look like ANY MENA FC. You DO need to approach the player. 
(death mention tw) Bijan's Nibling and some of their friends went to the UK for a summer, staying in Fenrir's Wood they got attacked on a full moon and needed to go to the hospital. Only the two friends survived, and not knowing what was happening were soon approached by the local packs. Bijan moved to Fenrir's Wood to be there for them and has been supporting them ever since. The two have decided to stay in Fenrir's Wood because they don't know any packs in Iran nor do they want to hurt their family. I figured they'd both be studying at the University but they also could've finished already!
BIJAN MOUSAVI (our OMID ABTAHI) is looking for their RESEARCH COLLEAGUE. They’re a 40+ yo UTP SPECIES, who look like FCOC PREFERRED. You DO NOT need to approach the player. 
Bijan is doing research on Lycanthropy at the local university, of course he doesn't do this alone, his colleague has their own history with Werewolves. Whether good or bad, through loss or their own experience. They spend a whole lot of time together, especially on full moons, and are each other's emotional support whenever one of them is dealing with something personal.
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boredgamecieranshippy · 11 months
Why is it an offence in some countries (How to implement that in my idea)
Examples - Southern and east Africa, the Middle East and south Asia persist with the most draconian approaches. Western Europe and the western hemisphere are the most tolerant.
In Iran, Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen - Have you sentence to death for Liking same sex
Reason - Because "It is not natural" - It bypasses the law of nature in other words where everyone should be straight to put it bluntly.
Another example of discrimination and precautions for being gay -
Altogether, more than 120 countries have decriminalised homosexuality. But some still cannot be described as liberal. Russia, for example, has recently introduced laws banning the promotion of homosexuality. Russia was recently rebuked by the European court of human rights for a 2013 law banning the spread of “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations” among minors.
A co-author of the ILGA report, Aengus Carroll, said it remained the case that there was “no country in the world where LGBT people are safe from discrimination, stigmatisation or violence”.
The Past? During the past we were not perfect, using my previous research, we as a country same as others user homosexuality either as a means for cruel purposes, for murder or justification, to eventually go "This is bad; let's stop that", Where other countries stayed the same throughout the decades to now.
What I can take from this, is that not to make my game idea to complicated I can have aliens of humans discriminating each other or one discriminates one another, causes a war or a sort of conflict; to add onto the Hella chaos that would happen throughout the gameplay.
Discuss style - (Corresponds to my work Yes/No)
The style isn't what I am looking for, for how I want my board game to look, however the style itself is very interesting. I love the whole vibe it is giving off making it very intriguing to search for it and buy it; to see how and what it is like in terms of gameplay. The pieces are stylised and simplistic, same with the board, with the box cover giving a sense of mystery and wander
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Here is a picture of the box (To give me ideas)
Here is a picture of cards to give me an idea on how I can structure mine
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Also how the dice could be made as well, with strange designs (If I am adding dice in my game)
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How the board looks
(Agree) - (Inspiration) (How to play / win) (Test) The reason why I chose these or agree with them, is that Theme isn't really essential as many board games like chess or snap; don't really have a theme (Story) to them they're just Vs type games where you just have to beat the other player. But those themes I picked do and are needed, for example
(Inspiration - How do games normal function work, uses of pieces.)
(How to play / Win - A clear indicator / goal for the player to know exactly what they are doing)
(Test - Opinions from other whether it works or not, how to solve and tackle those issues to make it fair and fun.)
3 I like -
Janga - This was a game that I grew up (Something everyone can agree with) It was a huge part of my childhood, with me every time I seen it just had to play it and challenge my brain to know what is the best block to take and when to accept defeat.
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Cards Against Humanity - A game I recently played and something I heavily enjoy over the dark and random humor chance; that you could either immediately insult someone and make everyone laugh and question their thought process or if they should still play the game itself. (Which I could implement, however in terms of the chaos, with it getting so out of hand that it makes the player question whether or not they should keep going or not)
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Uno - Everyone enjoys it and it is another game that was a huge part of my childhood. I remembered all the times I realized my true nature, as it is a game that kind of brings the worse out of you; if you lose or win,. which is the point but also very daunting at times and scary.
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Judging Art
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The Sillohetes of the character corresponds to what I am doing graphically making simplistic shapes and turning them into aliens and creatures.
What Styles I like (Do they connect to my work)
Who Invented it - Charles Tod and his wife, playing a game that was similar to monopoly, where they made their own version, passed it around and gave it a name of "monopoly game" Then Darrow asked for copy, where he who was desperate for money, once out in the world was given tons of money for that factor.
What was it called - "The Monopoly Game" Before giving the name Monopoly
Why was it considered to be a game about capitalist and what it capitalism.
Why - The reason why, is mainly the obvious factor that it had money symbols and implications, with mentions of harsh truths and realities, with research other representations over poor and rich fortune.
What - an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state:
Which is literally a game, all focusing on the topic of how hard it is having so little or how easy it is with how much and whether or not you trade or not, buy lands to make life easier or not.
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How this connects concepts to actual layout ? - How do these correspond, well in terms of concept it has that Vs element that I am going for and the element that you need to do multiple tasks, take over land etc. to increaser chances of success, with that element of enemies etc.
For example how my board is gonna work, is that there is two sides to the board, the side of the humans and the side of the aliens which players can play as either side.
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How does it work. -
Competition and cooperation meet in Locke & Key: The Game, which dares you to overcome the supernatural challenges of Keyhouse. As you play, you'll collect wondrous keys to open new game play options and create powerful combinations by mixing and matching cards.
You and your fellow players will face these horrors together, but who will be by your side when the dust settles? On this journey, you'll make decisions on when and where to help your fellow players, but your resources are not endless. Through careful management of your cards, you can help the family overcome challenges, and you'll be rewarded for the assistance...sometimes.
It kind of is a survival game or, more like Uno in a sense that whatever choice you make can either really help the other players or cause complications and or domino affect.
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mttyswhre · 1 year
On October 7th The Extremist Group Hamas from Palestine attacked an all-night festival taking place in Israel. Over 200 people were killed or injured and they attacked the packed festival from three sides. All of the people killed in this event were innocent civilians or at most security guards intended to keep the festival goers safe.
It is my opinion that this attack is in result of the years of attempted genocide and occupation Israel has over the Palestinian people. The Gaza Strip is known to be the worlds largest open air prison and the people are not permitted to leave since they are surrounded by Israel and Egypt on the Gaza Strip. The people of the occupied West Bank are also subject to this apartheid leadership.
I do not stand with the Israeli government or their decisions, I can condemn their actions while also praying for the safety of non-zionist Israelis. What Israel is doing is wrong and I believe that the united states, the world referee on wars, should not have let it escalate to bombs, genocide, ethnic cleansing and pure hatred and carpet bombing on literal innocent human beings in Gaza.
The united states allowed Israel to attack a small piece of land inhabited by over 2 million people, half of which are under 18. These are humans, they're godly people, they pray five times a day, muslims do not condone the actions of Hamas and I truly believe that in my soul. Hamas has set back the Palestinian fight more than 70 years, they opened up the gates for Israel to finally wipe them off the map.
Do I think maybe this final siege from Hamas was set forth from a third party with a different agenda? I believe there's a 60% chance someone either wants to destabilize the middle east, or someone with russia's interest in mind wants America to focus on something else. I would love to know how many air craft carriers were sent towards Ukraine to help with their cause but I don't know how to do the research and google is useless for some things and ChatGPT isn't up to date.
I think there's a reason why people around the world think it's okay for Gaza to be demolished and it's because it's a brown, third world country- but mostly because it's brown. Imagine Ukraine getting destroyed indiscriminately by Russia. Schools, hospitals, no gas, no water, no electric. Yo, the European red cross would be beating down the DOOR. Other countries would be bringing in refugees by the thousands, American citizens would be up in arms raising money for them. It's not fair, it makes me really angry and it hurts my heart. I wish there was more I could do that would actually make a difference. The most I can do is choose to not have ignorance and to educate myself from all sources available to me.
There is a lot of propaganda going on right now, obviously. The united states stands with Israel. Which is so disgusting to me but not surprising, honestly. I think we just want some kind of influence in the middle East and Israel is like the closest people we can find without Iran freaking out (like they did with Saudi Arabia). The propaganda of just only talking about attacks FROM Hamas, not talking about white phosphorus (war crime) being used by the IDF. There was HUGE stuff going on about Hamas beheading 40 babies. Who cares? Babies die in war, so many babies are going to die in Palestine- does it matter if they were decapitated? Not really. The campaign of those forties babies wasn't confirmed, and then it was confirmed, and then there were photos or something. It was very back and forth and honestly there could be 50 decapitated babies and it wouldn't matter, it's a response to decades of treating the people who make up Hamas AND Palestine like animals.
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writersarea · 2 years
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I posted 4,962 times in 2022
That's 869 more posts than 2021!
84 posts created (2%)
4,878 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 172 of my posts in 2022
#tiny happiness - 12 posts
#booklr - 7 posts
#books - 7 posts
#lgbt - 7 posts
#writing - 6 posts
#ace - 5 posts
#asexual - 5 posts
#fanfic - 5 posts
#lgbtq - 4 posts
#nonbinary - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i learned in school and throughout a number of websites online where i would practice typing with games as well as chatting with friends a l
My Top Posts in 2022:
went to a virtual ace and aro meet up tonight
LOVED being able to see aces over 30 who just live very real, happy lives
95 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
If you think you are going to be eligible for the student loan cancellation and have made payments that got you under either the 10k or 20k forgiveness during the pandemic pause on payments, you can request a refund to try to take full advantage of this.
So, do it. I can imagine we all need  it.
444 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
This is your reminder that if you are going to protect, do so safely.
So here are some basic rules of thumb coming from several years of protesting:
 Don’t talk to the police
Write the phone number of whatever your local legal group is that is helping with the protest on your arm
Let someone know where you’re going
Keep them up to date on when you get home
Have a plan to get home
Bring water, a face mask (we are still in a pandemic, and it’s good protection anyways), and a mini first aid kit if you have one
Do not wear your contacts, wear glasses. Much easier if things result in tear gas or other substances
Turn your finger print unlock off on your phone. Police can use that to get in, but they can’t make you give up your password
If you take pictures, keep them to yourself. Being identified is not always a good thing and can be really dangerous for a lot of people
Know who is organizing the event
Make a decision on where you draw the line for when to go home so that you don’t have to make that decision in the moment
These are just some basics. Feel free to add on, this is just what comes to mind right now. Stay safe, friends.
680 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
GOT A BOOK REC FOR MY ACES OUT THERE (especially my fellow white aces)
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I heard about Refusing Compulsory Sexuality by Sherronda Brown from tiktok, not gonna lie, and I knew I had to read it. I just finished it, and I loved it.
It has a fantastic discussion of asexuality, racism, and sexism (especially the intersection thereof). Sherronda is a wonderful writer and does a great job exploring not only their experience but discussing the history of black people’s sexuality and aceness in a way that is educational and very interesting to read.
It also has a timeline about asexuality dating back to 1855 which I have never seen one that dates back that far before. The amount of research that must have taken floors me, and I love it.
They also sprinkle in really cool tidbits throughout the book that I’m not going to spoil except for my favorite one. Apparently, ace people are 2.4-2.5 times more likely to be left handed than the general population. (And I’m a left handed ace)
I’m hoping to buy myself a copy soon so I can mark it up like I did my copy of Ace by Angela Chen. I checked this out from the library.
So go see if your local library has a copy or if you can buy a copy!
1,100 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Are you looking for a way to support the people protesting in Iran?
Zhina Amini (Reported as Mahsa Amini, her birth name) a Kurdish woman was killed earlier this month by the morality police in Iran for wearing a headscarf in what they deemed to be an improper manner. Protests have since broken out across the country and a number of other Iranians have been killed since.
The internet has been shut down in many places and deaths are incredible common. The last time the Iranian government shut down the internet like this, over a thousand people died.
So what can you do?
Share Iranian people’s words and news about what is going on.
Recognize that this is not about Islam but about a tyrannical government (so don’t use this as an excuse to be Islamophobic). These people need our support, not our commentary.
Help support Iranians gain access to proxies through apps like the Tor Project’s Project Snowflake. This will pair you, who is likely in a safer country (I say as someone in the US who assumes much of following is in North America or Europe), with an Iranian person trying to access the internet as long as you are online. This is a really simple step you can take to help Iranians connect to the outside world so they can use their voices and let loved ones know they are alive.
1,891 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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davidanderson121 · 2 years
Red De Negocios 46004 - feending
What Investors Should Know About the Saudi Arabia-Iran Rivalry The Saudi-Iran rivalry is one of the most complex and interesting geopolitical conflicts in the world. It has come to define the Middle East, and it has the potential to have a huge impact on global markets. In this blog post, we will provide an overview of the Saudi-Iran rivalry and what investors should know about it. We will also discuss how this conflict could affect the markets and what implications this could have for investors. Red De Negocios 46004 What is the Saudi-Iran rivalry all about? Over the past few years, Saudi Arabia and Iran have been involved in a rivalry that has spilled over into some international affairs. The underlying cause is historical and political, but the rivalry has manifested itself in various ways. What Investors Should Know About the Saudi Arabia-Iran Rivalry will help investors to better understand the situation and make informed investment choices. The root of the Saudi-Iranian rivalry dates back to when both countries were part of the Ottoman Empire. After World War I, Iran became an independent country while Saudi Arabia remained part of the British Empire. This caused a rift between the two countries that only worsened with time. One reason for this animosity was that Iran saw Saudi Arabia as a colonial power that was trying to control it politically and economically. During World War II, Iran allied itself with Nazi Germany while Saudia Arabia allied itself with Britain. This eventually led to a diplomatic conflict between these two countries which only continued after World War II ended. In 1953, Iranian revolutionaries overthrew Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh and took control of the country. This created tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia because Mosaddegh was backed by Riyadh. Saudi Arabia supported Iraq during its war against Iran (1980-1988) which further strained relations between Tehran and Riyadh. In 1991, a Gulf War broke out between Iraq and coalition forces led by Saudi Arabia. During this war, Riyadh accused Tehran of supporting Iraqi resistance efforts though there was little evidence to support this claim. The What are the main causes of the Saudi-Iran rivalry? The Saudi-Iran rivalry is a longstanding and contentious one, with both sides accusing the other of meddling in their territorial disputes and of supporting terrorism. The conflict began to take on larger geopolitical implications in the early 2000s, when Saudi Arabia became concerned about Iran's growing regional power and its support for militant groups like Hezbollah. Since then, the rivalry has intensified as both countries have grown increasingly militaristic. Saudi Arabia has been particularly aggressive in its Yemen War campaign, while Iran has backed Houthi rebels in their fight against Saudi Arabia. These conflicts have led to civilian casualties on both sides and economic losses; according to a report by BMI Research, the total cost of the Saudi-Iranian rivalry so far is estimated at $640 billion. While there are many factors that contribute to this rivalry, some key reasons include: 1) Geopolitical competition: The Saudis and Iranians see themselves as regional powers vying for influence over key Middle Eastern countries. 2) Religious differences: Both countries are predominantly Sunni Muslim nations, but they have different interpretations of Islam which has led to tensions over religion and politics. 3) Territorial disputes: The two countries have competing claims to territory in Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, and Lebanon. 4) History of conflict: The Saudis and Iranians have fought each other numerous times over the years, dating back to the Iranian Revolution in 1979.
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imr-riya · 2 years
Plant-Based Meat Market: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast 2022 – 2028
Global Plant-Based Meat Market was valued at USD 15.56 Billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 39.90 Billion by the year 2028, at a CAGR of 14.4%.
Plant-based meat products are made from plants that mimic the taste, texture, smell, and appearance of meat in every possible way. For instance, plant-based beef is manufactured from soy protein and it tastes just like beef. Genetically produced yeast gives soy proteins a taste and texture simulating that of beef. Moreover, Faux meats are said to be rich in calcium and protein and have a lower fat compared to animal proteins. This is significant for people who suffer from high cholesterol or heart disease, as they can face the same taste and texture in a healthier option. However, consuming animal meat frequently may give increase diseases such as type-2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Plant-based ingredients are a source of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, which all have health benefits. Furthermore, reveal that plant-based diets can be useful for diabetes, weight management, and the microbiome. It also suggests that they may support different health problems, such as cholesterol, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease, and contain lower levels of saturated fat, and calories as compared to traditional meat. Furthermore, gaining popularity for veganism among the consumer across the globe are leads to trigger the market over the forecast period.
The report's main goal is to provide information on the Plant-Based Meat market's purchasing growth environment, development methods, and demand drivers. The report includes a taxonomy that delves further into significant groups. The research also includes important success elements and visionary insights on market dynamics, such as drivers, opportunities, trends, constraints, and price analysis. The demand patterns in several high-growth nations have been followed, with South Asia, East Asia, and Latin America accounting for the majority of the market share.
To learn more about this report, request a free sample copy:
Key Industry Players in Plant-Based Meat Market:
·         Alpha Foods (US)
·         Beyond Meat (US)
·         Impossible Foods Inc. (US)
·         Hooray Foods (US)
·         Maple Leaf Foods (Canada)
·         The Vegetarian Butcher (Netherlands)
·         Before the Butcher (US)
·         Gardein Protein International (Canada)
·         Yves Veggie Cuisine (Canada)
·         Morningstar Farms (US)
·         Quorn Foods (US)
·         Amy's Kitchen (US)
·         No Evil Foods (US)
·         Tofurky (US)
·         Gold&Green Foods Ltd. (Finland)
·         VBites Food Limited (UK)
·         Sunfed (New Zealand)
·         Planterra Foods (US)
·         Like Meat (Germany)
·         The Meatless Farm Co. (England) and Other major players.
 Plant-based meat is becoming an integral part of a vegan diet, wherein the individuals adopt a vegetarian lifestyle that is devoid of animal-based foods. Consumers are inclining towards veganism for health and ethical reasons, while the other consumers are opting for vegetarian ingredients to avoid animal cruelty and to consume sustainable food and beverage products.
Segmentation Analysis Includes,
By Source:
·         Soy
·         Wheat
·         Pea
·         Other
By Type:
·         Chicken
·         Pork
·         Beef
·         Fish
·         Other
By Product:
·         Burger Patties
·         Sausages
·         Strips & Nuggets
·         Meatballs
·         Other
By Region:
·         North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
·         Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Europe)
·         Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
·         Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, Africa, Rest of MEA)
·         South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
 Will you have any doubt about this report? Please contact us on:   
Influence of the Report:
·         A comprehensive evaluation of all the opportunities and risks in the Plant-Based Meat market.
·         Recent innovations and major developments in the Plant-Based Meat market.
·         A detailed study of the business strategy for the growth of the player leading in the market.
·         The definitive study on the future growth of the market.
·         In-depth understanding of the Plant-Based Meat market-specific drivers, constraints and key micro markets.
·         Favorable technology and market latest trends to hit the market.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the food system experienced significant shifts, including interruptions to supplies of key inputs, limited access to production spaces, and disruption to the distribution of products. Despite these constraints, plant-based companies adapted and continued to launch new products and grow sales. Trade restrictions across the globe in response to COVID-19 led to disruptions in the food supply chain.
Purchase This Report: -
The COVID-19 pandemic, which led to the imposition of lockdowns, has encouraged consumers to order goods online. This, in turn, is projected to encourage the distributors to move towards online retailing channels. The U.S. has witnessed increasing demand for plant-based meat over the past few years owing to the growing awareness among consumers about the health benefits of veganism. The demand for vegetarian foods that are high in fiber, vitamin C, and iron, and contain low processed saturated fats is on the rise in the U.S.
Related Report: -
About us:
Introspective Market Research (introspectivemarketresearch.com) is a visionary research consulting firm dedicated to assisting our clients to grow and have a successful impact on the market. Our team at IMR is ready to assist our clients to flourish their business by offering strategies to gain success and monopoly in their respective fields. We are a global market research company, that specializes in using big data and advanced analytics to show the bigger picture of the market trends. We help our clients to think differently and build better tomorrow for all of us. We are a technology-driven research company, we analyze extremely large sets of data to discover deeper insights and provide conclusive consulting. We not only provide intelligence solutions, but we help our clients in how they can achieve their goals.
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