#i was like you gotta be joking you don't actually think i'm willing to accept that bullshit in my relationship??
girltomboy · 7 months
My mom finally texted me Monday evening, but I didn't see her texts right away because I had my data off and was away from my phone for most of the evening. I did see them yesterday and she wrote something like "Even if I'm upset with you I still miss you and think of you", but then when I didn't reply right away she got passive aggressive, and kept saying "I won't text you anymore, it's clear that I'm bothering you" (I hadn't even seen the texts, mind you, this was like 1 hour after the initial message). So yesterday when I opened Whatsapp and saw her messages I replied saying I'd been waiting for a reply from her for two weeks, she leaves me on read all that time and then gets upset that I don't reply right away to her passive aggressive message? I told her I can't really get over the fact that my family is comfortable discarding and abandoning me for weeks for reasons invented by them, and I waited for her to reply to the texts I last sent her, since I didn't do anything to warrant such treatment. Anyway, the last message from her said "I won't message you anymore-" and something else I didn't get to read because she deleted it. So now idrk what to say to her, the last message in the conversation is still mine, and I'm confused by her attitude. I think she already got back from my hometown, I saw something about that when I skimmed her last text in the notification. And I was gonna ask about that, but now that she deleted her message I'm not sure how to proceed, and this confusion and frustration is a bit too much for me, considering I literally did nothing wrong and she just decided she hates me one day.
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About your non human au
Got a bit of a ramble plus a question but it's a bit long
How open to cuddling are the Nrc folks? Or more like, how willing and upfront/obvious about wanting scritches and pets is everyone in Nonhuman au. I was wondering where on the sliding scale of "unabashedly unashamedly asking for cuddles" vs "i totally do not want cuddles but if you don't give attention to me i will be upset for completely unrelated reasons that have nothing to do with not being petted and cuddled"
(also due to my garbo memory, i can't remember if basically the majority of all of NRC is now nonhuman in this au but i do recall that humans are rare so I'm gonna put in the other NRC folks too in case also cause it's fun)
I feel like the most upfront and unabashed about demanding or asking for scritches would be Lilia of course. Followed by Ace (i feel like he's desperately trying to act smug and jokey about it but he will be genuinely upset if you turn him down or worse get annoyed and actually go to someone else). Deuce i feel like wouldn't necessarily be super upfront (he's uber embarrassed and doesn't know how to go about communicating that) but he will do what he thinks will get what he wants without being too pushy. Lots of Deuce being fairly clingy and lots of casual leaning on reader/yuu but Deuce would get flustered easily i believe and he doesn't have the word weaving skills like Ace to try to bluff his way out. Also Floyd will give Lilia a run for his money with how vocal and willing to go get his damn cuddles. Kalim as well but he's not as likely to gun for Reader/Yuu like Lilia or Floyd. More of an impromptu decision based on encounters.
Cater, Trey, Jack, maybe even Ruggie and Jade are less openly vocal and pushy about their scritches and cuddles. They are more likely to be casual i believe and also try to sneak in their wants. However they probably won't deny nor completely avoid the want for pets or grooming. Rook can technically be placed here too cause i feel like he wants to have attention on him but also he wants his little mischievous chase games in the mix (he's being chased and the reward is pets) but he doesn't want to miss out on that relaxation time just in case the lil human can't keep up. Some good old Rook complexity in there involving wanting to be accepted to be seen and to see beauty but also an odd sense of trepidation and almost shyness, he might even half joke about how you're trying to tame him and that you should be responsible for those you tame
The last group definitely feels like the type to never outright demand or ask for cuddles scritches or pets but they will be soo petty and irritated if they think they're not getting their due attention. Jealous tsunderes to me lol. Leona, Vil, Riddle, Idia and Malleus go in this category but for different reasons. Leona and Vil just have a lot of pride and an image they're trying to uphold. Riddle and Idia are soo touch starved and socially awkward that they both don't know how to go about communicating what they want but also they don't know how to handle it when they're actually interacting. (riddle is so socially awkward but he at least has a plethora of rules to work off of unlike idia). Malleus is awkward and out of his depth so i think he just wouldn't know how to express what he wants but he's very jealous of the others for getting their own cuddles so easily in comparison
Loving the ideas you got!
I do love a good ramble.
Ok, so
“How open to cuddling are the Nrc folks?” 
With the guys at that school in general It's sort of a case-by-case type thing and depends on the person in particular. Kind of like how some people are cool with physical affection or hugs but some aren't, and with others, you gotta build up a bond for them to be cool with it. Some of the beasties aren't gonna want some random person touching them, just like a regular person wouldn't be cool with it.
A thing to remember though that changes the circumstance is, that this is a school full of a bunch of hormonal dudes and you happen to be a cute exotic little thing. So some are gonna be cooler with that curious touching just for that…though you should be wary of their intentions.
But that’s just an in general thing for the students, it's gonna be dif with the main guys since they know you and you went through all that stuff with them. You guys are homies.
Looking at what you wrote I say you're pretty spot on with how open those certain main guys would be to it. Adding on to the Lilia bit, not only in his regular form is he perfect for petting but in this au, he has two other forms he can switch into: A big scary sexy bat monster and…adorable little actual bat that you can keep in your pocket. Being in the latter form lets him conserve energy and magic so he likes to chill in it, another benefit is how freaking ADORABLE he is in it, and he uses it to his advantage with no shame.
Pet him, brush him, tell him how cute he is, and kiss his little face. The funest thing to do is feed him little cherry tomatoes and watch him go ham on them. Have you seen those cute vids of fruit bats eating stuff? Well, you should.
Ace and Deuce are clingy little things but in different ways. Deuce wants you to touch him so badly but he’s anxious about making you uncomfortable or you thinking he’s weird. Being a girl would add more to that. Also you call him a good boy while showing him affection he will die. P.S. When he goes home for the break and his mom smells you on him she is going to ask him so many questions and tease him. Please help him.
Ace is…regardless of what creature he is in the au he has asshole cat energy. Like, he's clingy and demands attention at the worst time but when you're in the mood he's like “Meh” but then gets pissy when you go to or smell like someone else. Passive aggressively scents all your stuff.
Floyd and Kalim have no shame in asking. Though with Kalim it's asking and although he’ll get sad when you're busy or not in the mood for it he’ll respect it. Floyd does not. He is like one of those big ass dogs that will straight up lay on you and won't move. Kalim keeps offering to hire you as his personal cuddle giver/groomer and his parents encourage it since having a human serve under you shows status, not that he cares about that.
My god, Cater would use you for so many videos.
So true for the “won't be vocal about it” thing. Cater is gonna “Haha…unless?” about it. Trey, Ruggie, and Jade would definitely manipulate situations so that you WILL pet them. Ruggie is gonna act like he's doing you a favor so you end up cuddling AND feeding him. Jack is still very much a tsundere about it, will probably take a while to get him to let you and he wants to do it in private.
Rook…another with no shame in accepting it. He’s so used to being the one doing the chasing. It's nice having someone so interested in him and giving him praise. He’s still gotta keep some of his mystery so he won't tell you things but he's gonna ask you all kinds of questions and want to take…terns with touching. He’s as interested in your unique body as you are with his. Take that however you want. 
Leona will straight up tell Ruggie to go get you and bring you to his room for Touching Time. With certain affection, he doesn't want others to see but with other kinds, he wants to show off. Especially if your mates.
Vil is pretty particular about what he allows you to do and how you touch him. Do not mess up his hair or feathers. 
Riddle and Idia. Even if he likes you it will take time for him to be cool it. Both want the affection given to be privet. Riddle actually puts together a Snuggle Scedual and gets pretty pissed if someone or someone interrupts or makes it run late. God forbid it gets canceled. Tbh for both of them it's kind of…cuddle therapy? For Riddle it helps with his anger and feelings of loneliness and the lack of affection he's had to deal with since…well forever.
For Idia…tbh I can't help but picture him as one of those anxiety-riddled dogs that's always shaking. You kind of end up his Emotional Support Human and if he absolutely has to leave his room he's keeping you close and hiding behind you, even if you're smol.
Is Mal awkward? Heck yes, but he is also touch-starved and greedy. You'll be lucky if his dragon instincts don't kick in have him keep you in his nest forever. Once he figures out “Oh…these touches are pretty nice.” He won't be shy about physical affection, even with the others around. Might get territorial and you should prob talk to him about it, so he doesn’t end up…going all dragon about it.
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randomgentlefolk · 4 months
I swear I gotta put up a reminder or smth man I can't keep posting these posts just 2 hours before the new damn episode
(I must admit, making a review for this episode is kinda difficult)
ISOLDE TO THE RESCUE!! Also I just remember that Maria is still afraid (?) Of Isolde lmao XD
I was wondering where the old guard went :') the fact that he fell asleep during a WAR is honestly impressive though.
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WAIT WAIT WAIT NO I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT LELAND BUT BLAINE???? BLAINE FELL??? But before I go to that I must say that plant holding Leland's leg is strong AF. What kinda root does it have...
The parallel of Frederick ripping his sleeves to cover Gwen's wound and then Gwen ripping Maria's blanket to save Leland.
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WH. OHHHHHH. OH DAMN OH MAN. YOOOOOOOO. I DID NOT EXPECT THAT. Wait so I'm guessing here that Isolde forged Leland's signature? But when did she send that letter? Was it sent during the war? If yes then the process is really quick! It's just one day.
Honestly I'm so glad Isolde wrote that she's going to take the throne until her sons are ready because they CANNOT rule the whole damn kingdom right now with that mental state. And I honestly love the idea of all of them ruling the kingdom instead of just one of them.
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WAIT WAIT WAIT This is what I'm getting but correct me if I'm wrong. I'm guessing Leland signed on the pastry catalogue and gave it back to isolde and that's how Isolde can forge his signature? That's actually really smart.
And she kinda bribed (more like raising their salary, really) the Parliament so they'd accept it right away!! Also by giving them more power! HAH And there's more power for Lavern lmaooo
Aaaannndddd the omniscient clam comment is literally just digging his own grave xd
HECK YEAH JERRY TO THE RESCUE!! FINALLY NAME REVEAL!!! Tho ngl I really thought the lemoncillo was for a molotov cocktail or smth XD
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Damn...spoken like a true queen (and she IS a queen!). You go Isolde!!
Ooooh that sentence "what more did you want?".... Leland fr needed to hear that. I mean okay man I get it, your bestfriend said he doesn't need you behind your back and that hurts. Words can hurt like shit, I get it. But that does NOT mean you can just, declare a whole damn war. You can always, y'know, continue to live your life knowing there are people you SHOULD love and people who loves you. Also I gotta add that Jack was probably stressing the fuck out in that moment. His wife is literally dying, dude. There's a chance that he might say things that don't seem right because of impulsiveness. And y'know what if it really bothers you that much, COMMUNICATE. DAMNIT.
Did I say all of those right? I hope I did.
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I gotta say I love Isolde even more now. That "off with his head" caught me off guard like I know sometimes we joke about that but I didn't actually think that would happen. Cpc is always about redemption and stuff after all. But now I'm genuinely wondering if Leland should actually be executioned. War, abuse, torture, those should get life sentence right?
So I'm guessing he's going to prison then? Fancy words sometimes gets me mixed up.
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OH!! IT GLOWS BECAUSE OF HER KINDNESS, I'M ASSUMING? THAT'S AMAZING. Also the fact that she offered to help the man who just tried to kidnap her...We don't deserve Gwen fr.
So, uh...Blaine? Yeah where is he? I'm theorizing that the tent Nell moved will save him but he should still have some injuries. And the chances are he will break at least one bone. I don't think tents are that soft. But I'm willing to hope that he will be perfectly fine....physically.
Well that's all for now!
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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vylad243 · 3 months
Honestly with the way the Goethals act in general it could be safe to say most of them go down the line of “Anyone I perceive as lower than me I treat like shit” with a few accepting members like Stolas
But speaking of Stolas, if you feel more comfortable going off of what is canon, then maybe the idea could spin off of him? We know him to be respectful and to have enough pull to get meetings with a Sin so it wouldn’t be too far off to say Ozzy asked Stolas to check out the hotel to sponsor it. Maybe during introductions he only bows to Lucifer, the Sins, and Vox and everyone is confused?
Just spitballing with the other anons idea! Whatever you go with will be amazing regardless!
Also just a small question cause I’m curious of what you have planned but how many prompts are you planning on writing/is in your Que? I have like a shit ton of prompts in my inbox and need filtering advice if you’re willing 😭
I am the goddess of fucking around and finding out
I don't mind canon or going off canon. My Alastor and Vox are very ooc after all, but I know the fandom tends to hold Helluva Boss in a higher standard. I never really liked it that much. I've watched it- but I'm Striker. Why does everything gotta be a sex thing? The two season finales were my favourite of Helluva Boss, which ironically included little to no Stolas
I could definitely see Stella and her brother treating the sinners and overlords are faith on their shoes while Stolas and Octavia hold the sins and Vox in higher regard
Ozzie would definitely be pulling the strings to get Stolas to visit the Hazbin Hotel if I go that route.
I like working off of your guy's ideas. It's very fun and helps me world build 🙏
Ahahaha my ask box is also full of different prompts. I have omega-verse, the Vee's joining the battle, and injured Alastor are three I can name off the top of my head (because I'm writing them right now) but I think I have like 10 or 11 in there. One is also a beauty and the beast ay which I'm mulling over
As for how I filter them out- prompts are things I want to be able to enjoy writing. Some of my prompts have been quite large- and while I don't mind the large ones, it gives me a lot less freedom with them because I feel like I have to rewrite a whole story that was just in the my box. I never deleted any, though. I just put them in their in tag just in case I feel like writing them later- but ones I am writing right now/want to write sit in my box so I can shuffle through them. It keeps it organized
I haven't encountered any rude people yet- so I haven't had to reject anyone for demanding things from me (which like I'm always ready for a debate on the internet, I find them funny) and with how nice everyone is, I usually feel bad for denying them. It's way I take so long to deny people. I want to make sure this is actually something I don't plan on writing in the near future
My way to filter out prompts is
- I need creative freedom to write so I don't feel miserable writing. This is one of the main ones. My brain is very hectic and I find myself tapping out if I can't bring my own ideas to the table. It's also why none of my works are exactly like the prompts im given
- I have enough context to write a fic on it
- I would actually enjoy writing it
- it's a world/au I'm aware of or contributed to. Nothing is worse than being handed a fully built universe and being asked to write for it with little to no explanation on how the universe works
- the people are nice to me.
- I know I make a few jokes here and there, but I like to keep in mind that I'm making free work for people. I'm not being paid to do this, and people aren't paying me to write out the prompts. I love writing fanfiction and it's a great hobby, but if you're genuinely just not interested in doing something- you don't have too. Writing it meant to be fun and inspiration is a fickle thing. You don't want to push it too hard or it's going to shove back. I've learnt that the hard way
- bonus way to do it- sometimes people leave comments, and I find them funny, and I get creative with them. I censored a whole chapter of month in rut because someone told me to let the characters swear. I'm also a very petty person
This is just personal, but I keep my prompts 1k-3.5k words just so it's decently sized, but not overly large
Hope this helps!
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practicingbushiho · 1 year
So, when I first noticed this fandom's bizarre sexualization of Yotsuyu, I tried to ignore it. It was just people being silly, and 'step on me' jokes were cringe, but I didn't make any noise about it because I just concluded that they were responding for japes. I need to talk about the way this fandom interacts with Yotsuyu as a character. And this will be the one post I allow myself to do so.
Recently, a blog was made to poll the 'fuckable' status of characters in the FF series; and it got to the point where Yotsuyu became a candidate. I, and maybe two others that I could see, were pretty unkosher with that; because Yotsuyu in the context of her canon was a tragic woman who was killed after a life of abuse and sex trafficking; and that happens to people IRL literally every day.
I was willing to accept that they would maybe just ignore people's remarks about that-- because at the end of it, most fandom wants to forget about narrative contexts so that they can have fun and not have to examine any behaviors that might make them feel guilty or uncomfortable. I'd have been alright with just being ignored completely.
I made the mistake of thinking that perhaps if they were called on it by more than just myself, that there would be some genuine reflection and thought discourse about the complexities of how being forced into sex work really damages your psyche and the way you interact with sex and sexuality. As someone who was put to survival-based sex work for a couple of years, I'd have been willing to weigh in with a legitimate conversation in good faith, if I felt I would be received with any seriousness.
But instead, they doubled down and insisted that whatever trauma they may or may not have endured themselves could be compared to being a victim of sex trafficking that eventually ended in actual murder, and in doing so missed the point in its entirety. I personally can't accept that.
So, I unfollowed the blog, and I gotta be real; if you agree with the sentiment that it's okay to flippantly sexualize Yotsuyu as a character simply because she is a fictional character that MAY have in another existence reclaimed her sexual agency in a way that wasn't horrifically self-destructive...block me. I'm so serious.
This is going to be the last I speak on her as a character publicly within fandom spaces. I need people to understand that having an abusive relationship, or being assaulted in childhood is awful; but it does not make you qualified to play armchair psychologist about people who have endured decades of sex trafficking, an industry in which so few escape alive.
Further, weaponizing your personal trauma as an explanation to absolve yourself of the guilt of sexualizing a character that in their OWN canon would revile you for doing so by saying it is people trying to punish "thought crimes" is integrally lazy and doesn't at all examine the criticism being made.
Nobody said that former abuse victims don't seek or desire acceptance. Nobody said that former abuse victims don't heal and eventually enjoy being sexualized. I for one am both of those things, and I am happily horny and unhinged in spite of a childhood of abuse and CSA.
It is more that it is a character assassination to blindly sexualize a character that would not want to be objectified. And in her canon, she never reaches a point where we can even hope to conceptualize that journey of self-acceptance within her. And because they are fictional, you think those feelings exist in a vacuum; but they do not.
If you are honestly using Yotsuyu to understand the abuse you endured in your personal life; I think that is a good thing. I think that privately or in small groups, character dialogues like hers are actually incredibly important to consider on an intimate level!
I do not think it is a good thing to put her in a fuckability poll for the fun of it. And those two things are not comparable to me at all. I'm not going to waste my time trying to get what I view as inexperienced children to understand the difference. What they are doing is what I see to be bad faith acting, and I'm not going to bite directly; but I did want to say how I felt about the decision personally, because what happened to her is something I have witnessed, and in many cases experienced when I was young.
And I would not want my sexual agency to be viewed through the lens of someone else's self-actualization for a fucking joke poll. The fucking end.
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liskantope · 2 years
I honestly kind of believe that these younger generations, (the people like me who grew up on cartoons and stuff).... seem to view jokes as a social currency, and I believe that there are cases where someone may be afraid to approach a real-life situation, if they don't have some way to attempt to 'assert their intellectual dominance' thru wit.
In my opinion, in those examples you shared of those 'exhausted by existence' slogans, the people have traded physical dominance and ability to get shit done, for a much more cowardly approach, where the individuals still 'feel like' they are not abjectly pathetic, even though their loud fanfare just drives in the point that they are. They're too scared to actually do what they gotta do, so they'd rather sit on top of a mountain and yell at everyone else... while never wanting to actually get involved in shit, because "oh it takes woooork"!
This is my own opinion. I used to sort of feel the same way that those memes describe, but I never was fucking flagrant about it.... and over time I realized that life was about getting better at taking on challenges. It's part of evolution. And those slugs wanna just go slither away, but they still want people to love them... instead of accepting that one's own actions will affect how other people see and treat them, because it's life!
I don't know. That dumb attitude has always pissed me off. It just reminds me of kids who liked the Disney channel kids' sitcoms too much, and the stale, scripted jokes that the 'hip' adult writers would come up with. Like these are the kids that modeled themselves too much after those TV execs' ideas of what kids should be.
idk, like I felt similarly, in the past, but I never let it take over my social personality. I was an absolute slug, but I knew how it's pretty socially unattractive to signal how helpless that you feel about life. At least if I was lazy, I would 'own it' as a 2kool4scool kinda choice. Yeah?
I'm having trouble fully following the thread of this ask; maybe someone else understands what it's getting at better than I do? Reading the first paragraph, I thought it must be a response to this post from months ago about how younger people use social media versus older people, but instead it's clearly (at least starting with the second paragraph) about this much more recent set of posts.
This response is also, while not malicious I don't think, rather harsh. On the individual level, I don't see the two people I was discussing (both of whom I consider friends) as "slugs" or not really willing to get over their own challenges because "oh it takes woooork" or any of that. I particularly admire the one who posted the T-shirt as in fact having much more grit and succeeding somehow at being more productive and hard-working, on the whole, than I am (despite her references to depression and apparently considering it an achievement to return a package)!
As I said before, I also relate to these memes, although certainly not severely as some of the people in my orbit. The real issue, and the real difference between me and them, as I see it, is this: they, along with much of society (far from all, but a good chunk of the younger generations) have gotten wrapped up in social movement that has over-corrected for how stigmatized mental illness and disorders and neurodivergence have been, to the point that their own individual as well as perceived society-wide inability to manage the basic demands of life is treated with a sort of complacent acceptance. And I feel some of those difficulties both within myself as an individual and on a widespread level but am stubbornly positioning myself in a more profound rebellion against them, against accepting them as a normal way of things on any level, against avoiding the inquiry into why this inability to cope with the basic demands of life now seems to be so widespread, against a failure to outright acknowledge that there's something deeply wrong about all this.
And there has to be some fine line between properly acknowledging the issue for what it is and why we shouldn't be sitting back and accepting it, and stigmatizing mental illness and neurological issues and so on and the people that suffer from them.
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linawritestwst · 2 years
Hello! May i request pining hcs (like the heartslabyul ones) with savanaclaw + rook? But if not, you could just do savanaclaw. Thank yoh fro your time ❤️
savanaclaw and rook hunt pining headcanons (gn!reader)
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i hope you like these headcanons, anon! sorry that they're kinda short, i've got a very bad headache, haha.. also i hope that rook is not too ooc
leona kingscholar.
♡ oh, it's HARD for him to accept the fact that he has fallen for you. him? leona kingscholar himself? being in love with a herbivore like you? impossible! but it doesn't mean that he will try to avoid you, he will actually continue flirting with you and getting you in situations that make your heart beat even faster. but don't think that he does this because he likes you! he just thinks it's fun to mess with you like that, haha..
♡ everyone can see it though. everyone can see just how hard leona has fallen for you. he's not that ~mysterious~ as he wants and tries to be. but if anyone even thinks of mentioning how leona looks happier when you're around, they WILL regret it. i'm looking at you ruggie
♡ leona is.. not so sure that his feelings are mutual, though. in fact, he thinks that you will never fall in love with someone like him. yes, you did show some signs of feeling the same way towards leona, but.. what if you're just a naturally kind and caring person, who treats all nrc students like that and leona is not that special? and you're just the type of person who gets flustered easily, so it's not like you would act any different if it was someone other than leona saying those things to you and messing with you.
♡ long story short: leona needs a wingman and that wingman is gonna be ruggie because.. there's nobody else who's willing to do that. ruggie is going to find leona lying on the floor while sad music is playing and leona will say that he's fine and tell him to leave
ruggie bucchi.
♡ THIS GUY IS SUFFERING. HE PROBABLY SUFFERS THE MOST OUT OF ALL OF THEM. you're just so.. nice.. and you always make sure he's okay.. and you help him out when he has to do stuff for leona.. how could he not fall in love with you after that? but does he really deserve to be your boyfriend? and do you even like him in that way? he's not sure about that.
♡ he doesn't know what to do. should he give you a sign? should he keep it a secret? yeah, probably the second one. he will keep all of his feelings inside even though they're so strong, he's not sure if he can do that. but sometimes he will accidentally give you a sign or slip up, like he'd flirt with you as a joke and then it suddenly starts sounding more serious. and then you'd be like "a-are you okay, ruggie-" and he's just "I GOTTA GO"
♡ ruggie will try his best to act like everything is okay and that he still sees you as a friend. he's good at it, he really is. but sometimes, if you pay closer attention to him, you'll notice that his smile started looking more sad lately, it's like he's trying to hide his pain.
jack howl.
♡ can savanaclaw boys admit that they have a crush. can they. no, they can't. jack likes you A LOT, but he just can't say it. it doesn't help that he's just always like that, he's not really good at talking about his feelings and his crush on you is not an exception. however, he's not like leona and ruggie, because he doesn't think that it's a good idea to keep it secret. you deserve to know how he really feels about you and pretending to see you as a friend feels like lying to you. he just has to find a way to confess to you.. somehow.
♡ until that day comes, he will try to give you hints, but he's really bad at it. please don't think anything bad about him, he's just!! awkward!! he's trying his best! he's always there to help you if you need it, he's always there to listen to you talk about your problems! and you also might notice that he started blushing more often around you.
♡ he tries to confess to you, he really does, but something is always stopping him. you suddenly remember that you had plans with someone, he has to go back to his dorm or you're busy and can't meet with him today. but one day he will tell you about his feelings. at first he thought that they're not that serious or that they will go away eventually, but it doesn't seem that he's gonna stop loving you anytime soon.
rook hunt.
♡ FINALLY. SOMEONE THAT ACTUALLY CAN ADMIT THAT HE HAS A CRUSH. but it's not like he's gonna do it that soon, that's not interesting at all! he wants to find the best time, the best day for him to do just that! but before that, he will observe you and learn more about you. don't worry, he already knows that he's definitely in love with you and his feelings won't go away, but he just wants to know the best way for him to confess to you.
♡ he will leave you lots of hints, maybe you will figure everything out before he confesses his feelings? you suddenly start getting gifts from an unknown admirer and they're very romantic. also wow, the person that sent them must know a lot about you, because they got you all of your favorite things! maybe you got them from a close friend? or maybe this person just stalked you for a LONG time
♡ but you don't seem to figure it out though. hehe, you're so pure and naive, how cute is that?~ oh well, it looks like he has to help you out and be more straightforward! when the confession day finally comes, just know that he's been waiting for this moment and he has everything prepared. he's been imagining this moment in his head for quite a while and he's sure that everything will be perfect.
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, episode 17-20 thoughts! finishing up season two! the finale is the THIRD 2-PARTER OF SEASON 2. that's so many! I wonder how many season 3 will have?
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-UERGH WHY DOES VLAD HAVE AN AI WITH MADDIE'S FACE ON IT. SOOO CREEPY. AND MORE 'CREATIONS' waiiiit. vlad is Dr. Frankenstein! (despite his ghost design obviously referencing vampires) HE HAS 'CREATIONS' HE MAKES THEN WONT TAKE REAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR!!! this bitch.
-danny was late and his friends immediately start going off about how hes inconsiderate, and has been treating them like sidekicks??? he just overslept, my god. chill. even if he has, be nicer about talking about it with him?? he really can't help that he sometimes has to chase the ghosts, or has a secret identity to protect...
-'what kind of ghost haunts a miniature golf course' umm. me as a ghost. next question
-imagine going home and theres a tiny child on your bed claiming to be your cousin. with as many cousins I have, I would probably believe her. but the 'ran away from home' BIT....SHES 12?? SHES SO TINY. I hate that they have her belly out in her ghost form, but I like how her colors are asymmetrical. something about her design...maybe the proportions?? are weird to me...anyway danny was good to feed her, but he shouldve taken her to his parents FIRST. or, tbh, probably jazz. (JAZZ DIDNT EVEN GET TO MEET HER!!! NOOO. I mean she said she'll be BACK BUT STILL)
-ANYWAY. shes voiced by AnnaSophia Robb, the girl who was in because of winn dixie, played as violet from charlie and the chocolate factory, and was the girl from bridge to terrabithia. (the movie that made me cry hysterically when I was 12 and I never watched it again because it Broke Me!) thats super cool.
-vlad sucks: the episode, basically. what's new!! I love how he's like, I'm Not A Villain. *immediately cuts to him torturing danny to make him transform, to get mid-transformation DNA, to perfect a Clone.* *immediately shows that he doesnt give a shit about his new daughter Dani and just wants a ''more perfect clone'' and will put her in danger to get that. will let her DIE to get that*
-Dani is danny's clone and is a girl? transgenderism....one of them has to be trans. or they both are.
-the next ep opens with skulker chasing a ghost down. ...does skulker count as a ghost hunter in the way valerie and danny do? I mean, sure, he hunts the good guys too, but he. he hunts ghosts...also, we haven't seen his Real Form since his debut episode! tiny...
-the guys in white are back! ngl, I assumed they were a gag for that one episode. you're telling me they might actually be a threat? ok.
-valerie in her lil nasty burger uniform looks so cute!! glad shes not in that mascot uniform this time. I guess she stopped hiding that she's working there now?
-gregor having white hair, dressed in black and white...and green eyes...sam has a Type, I guess.
-danny being unnecessarily hostile about gregor. danny!!! hes been nice so far. he looks a little...tall to be 14, but. danny doesnt know anything about him! (he does Suspect, but...you cant just spy on people and be rude to them from a hunch.) also, gregor kissed her, and when she freaked out, he was like 'oh no!! sorry, we can take it slow! I understand!' which was NICE. I hate jealousy plots still tho.
-altho. umm. tucker, being concerned about danny spying on them??? SAM AND YOU WERE SPYING ON DANNY AND VALERIE A FEW EPISODES AGO!!!!! im not saying its RIGHT, but dont be a hypocrite!!! AND THEN SAM BEING MAD ABOUT IT, TOO.
-DANNY IS A 7 ON THE SCALE OF ECTOPLASMIC POWER!!! out of 10? so I want to know where the other ghosts rank...I mean it's a list from the guys in white, so, it may not even be accurate, like, they havent seen ALL of his powers, have they?
-Lancer being like 'im not cooperating with the FEDS' until they said they could access his tax records. they already did that joke with jack, but like, its still funny. kings of tax evasion.
-tucker's aggressive third-wheeling. but gregor being super into it. gregor/tucker is the real ship here. then gregor kissing danny on both cheeks after hugging him. bi poly king gregor. (he does turn out to be a liar with a phoney accent. unsurprising, BUT THE CONCEPT OF HIM BEING GENUINE AND THEM ALL DATING IS FUN)
-sam saying tucker is part of the package because theyre friends was super sweet <3 but also 'part of the package'...polyships are obviously the solution to these dumb jealousy/love triangle plots.
-danny crashed a whole plane. the collateral damage...
-is he....
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-you know....
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.... (ITS NOT GAY IF YOU'RE DOING IT TO PRETEND TO BE SOMEONE YOU'RE NOT, AND LIE TO A GIRL. RIGHT? he was getting a little too into pretending to enjoy tucker's company, and the above...c'mon, guy.)
-lmao, freakshow is in actual prison. I didn't expect a follow up, or for him to show back up! in the finale of this season, too!
-THE SICK TATTOO GHOST IS NAMED LYDIA!!! more Lore On her. freakshow seemed genuinely concerned about her. also, is she mute? I don't think she talked the first time we saw her, either. and we didn't know freakshow 'envied' ghosts, either, the first time, we just knew he was controlling them. interesting!
-...they literally stole the infinity gauntlet from marvel and called it the reality gauntlet. is that legal. what the fuck. even with the gems in the lil slots, having different powers...they had freakshow in jail, but didnt check his pockets??! hes just still in his lil outfit??? what kind of ...oh, its in amity park. yeah, all of the adults are idiots, okay, sure.
-'freakshow!' 'in the anemic flesh!' dude take some iron pills then. also, sure, the red eyes could be contacts for his aesthetic, but the whites of his eyes are yellow! does he have jaundice?! he severely needs more...like, every kind of vitamin. (this is what im worried about as freakshow attacks danny with giant robots)
-again, goth circus is a sick theme, and I love his goth train.
-oh FUCK every single person saw danny transform. on a stage. including his parents via TV. oh god. the guys in white and immediately like 'youre coming in for experiments!' SCARY. at least the crowd is willing to help him to escape...perks of now being a local celeb! even the kids at school are accepting :) this is what, the third time his family has found out? its always been an alt timeline tho. and danny fully intending to just rewrite things again instead of...I dunno, trying to roll with it this time? hes really worried his family won't accept him, huh...
-'maybe our son IS THE GHOST BOY, but its not as if our family's ghostly activities have EVER PUT YOUR FAMILIES IN DANGER' maddie. mmmmmmmmmmmm. okay.
-danny 100% prepared to run away from home because of this :( oh :( and saying his parents are 'looking for him, or a scalpel to dissect him with' ouch...
-side note (another one about voice actors...) freakshow's voice actor, Jon Cryer, was lex luthor in pretty much every DC tv show, which is why I recognized his voice, because my dad loves those shows so I've seen a good bit of them without seeking them out...)
-the old man saying 'hey, i still had minutes left!' and danny saying 'you gotta watch those roaming charges!' about danny destroying the people in the diner's phones so no one could report seeing him...would kids today understand these things. can you even BUY minutes anymore...I remember my first phone being a flip phone, and the fact I always had minutes when my sister ran out super fast, because I didnt have friends calling or texting me like she did...:/
-the fentons being genuinely like 'why didnt danny trust us and tell us this, we love him :(' and JAZZ LAYING INTO THEM WITH THE 'DISSECTION/MOLECULE BY MOLECULE' LINES. LITERALLLLY. they need to apologize
-technically, lydias stronger than you! -jazz lesbianism moments! when did you even learn her name!!! but also get freakshows ass. lydia is also cooler looking. looove her design sm still.
-jazz psychoanalyzing freakshow... (also, her also having ghost envy? au where jazz is a ghost!! id like to see it)
-im glad the kids still got to go to their respective vacation things, even if they cant really stick around and enjoy them much...
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-furry: confirmed. (also tucker calling her hot. tucker is a furry confirmed)
-danny being mad someone at the comic con is selling comics of him without permission, lmfao. give him his royalties!
-freakshow > thanos because hes a drama clown and does use his gauntlet to be FLASHY AND DRAMATIC.
-jazz's 'USE PYSCOLOGY' to danny about freakshow LMAOO. AND THEN IT WORKING. but, oh, freakshow's ghost form sucks. I like him as a clown better tbh. good thing danny took away his ghost powers!
-his parents hugging him and saying theyre proud :"( and saying 'of course you lied to us, we never gave you a reason not to!' and saying they were in the wrong basically for always talking about hurting ghosts aaaa :""(
-then he WIPED THEIR MEMORIES AGAIN!!! FUCK. I can understand him wiping the goverments/student bodies' memories, but why his parents?? they were being accepting!! ARGHHH. season 3 couldve been them all trying to adjust to them knowing!
-I know, on a meta level the showrunners probably wanted to just reset things to the status quo of him having a secret identity. But. We've been doing that for (2) seasons, I'd love if season 3 could be like, his parents adjusting to this and trying way harder to learn more and accept it (and the shenanigans that could come from that) and for fun, if he didn't wipe the students memories, it could be him being popular for a while, then everyone slowly realizing, oh, he's still Danny. Like. he might have ghost powers but hes Just The Same Guy instead of putting him on a pedestal (and seeing them all try and help him hide it from the giw/people who don't know!!)
-fuck they didn't even explain WHY he wiped everyone except sam, tucker and jazz's memories. he just Did It right when his parents were saying they loved/accepted him!! and sam and tucker didnt question it at all!!! HELLO??? very annoyed about this turn of events.
-anyway. onto season 3! I know its shorter than the first two seasons, and is the last season... I might just do it in 2 bursts if I can... :3c depends on the episodes' content and how much I want to say about each!
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
jake, amy and flavored condoms...
(sorry it's not really smut, this idea was just too funny to me. Also not sorry for the gif choice)
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"Ames, you gotta look at this. This is brilliant." Jake holds a small box up to her face, and she only rolls her eyes as she reads the logo.
"Please don't try to tell me you've never heard of flavoured condoms."
"Of course I have, but these are ~fancy~..." he answers in a singsong voice that is just a little too loud for the small sex shop they're standing in. Amy can tell the cashier is already eyeing them.
"Look!" He continues, pulling the box back to himself and reading out the info on the back. "Strawberry Shortcake! Tiramisu? And Caramel Cheesecake. Oh, please, please tell me they have-" He scours the text. "Yes! They actually have Banana Split! Oh this is amazing and hilarious."
She can hear the cashier giggle softly in the background as she snatches the condom box out of his hands.
"We're not here for condoms, Jake." And we don't need them, she thinks but doesn't dare say out loud, because the cashier is definitely still listening. They haven't used condoms in a long while, actually, not after that in-depth talk she made him sit down for about safety and health and birth control. And they've never really used them for oral sex anyway, where she was quickly willing to ignore all rules of 'safety' drilled into her from her teens in favour of getting a taste of him.
"This isn't the grocery store, Ames. We don't have to stick to a list. It's more like a candy store where you can go wild! Wait, don't tell me you have a list for a candy store too. I will legit not go with you if you do." He says, and the cashier snorts so loudly they both turn to look at her.
"Sorry", the young girl says with a sheepish smile. "I'm not laughing at you- just- you're a very adorable couple. And funny."
"Why thank you!" Jake beams as he wraps an arm around Amy's shoulder, who's staring at the floor and blushing slightly. "We are indeed. And we are buying the condoms." He drops the box into the basket she's holding, next to the lube they were actually planning to buy, and the five other assorted things he's chucked in there so far that were definitely not in her planned budget, but he's convinced her of each of them with an eyebrow wiggle and a very clear suggestion for their use whispered into her ear.
The cashier bags it all up without another comment, instead returning to professional friendliness as she offers them a rewards stamp card that Jake happily accepts, and Amy shuffles him out the door before he can embarass her even more.
"Why are you even so excited for those condoms?" She asks with exasperation as he pulls the box out of the bag again to grin at the flavours when she starts the car. "It's not like you are going to taste them, anyway."
"C'mon, Ames, I just think it's funny. It's all gonna taste like chemical sugary sweetness anyway, I bet." He explains, but she doesn't really listen, because her comment has just given her an idea.
He helps her unpack the groceries like always a day later, and whistles as he pulls out a small glass container.
"Tiramisu? You never buy desserts like that. Am I forgetting some sort of anniversary or something?"
Amy shrugs and looks away while putting vegetables into the crisp drawer. "Just felt like Tiramisu, I guess. I don't have to stick to a list at the grocery store." She jokes, but it flies past him as he keeps unpacking boxes and jars.
"Caramel Cheesecake too? And Strawb- wait a minute." He looks up at her from the bag he's unpacking, and she has to bite her lip so hard it almost hurts and still fails to keep the grin off her face. "Amy Santiago!"
She giggles as he wraps an arm around her waist to pull her close.
"I just thought it would be nice to share dessert, you know." She explains before he kisses her still laughing lips.
"You are a devious little thing, Santiago."
"Tell you what." She purrs and drags a fingernail down his throat as he swallows. "If you can finish your dessert before I finish mine, you get an extra reward."
(He does not manage to earn that reward the whole week she spends under the kitchen and dining room table, and in front of the sofa. The condoms do all just vaguely taste of sweet artificial flavouring, she concludes, but there's a spoonful or two of the real dessert waiting for her whenever she comes up to kiss it off his lips anyway.)
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vegan-and-sara · 2 years
I gotta say about your J. Green post... I do not think you have the full story. I will try to link you to something if I come across it again but it wasn't simply that he was being harassed for being "cringe" or having OCD... from what I remember at the time and what I heard it was more like issues of sexism and boundaries with younger fans
Hey anon, thanks for bringing this up!
I mean that's fair, I wasn’t very active on tumblr at the time, so yes my understanding of The Incident is entirely pieced together from after the fact. So you're right that there may be information I'm missing, and I would definitely appreciate it if you are willing to send me anything you have that would help clarify the issue.
As it is, I just haven't been able to find any evidence of Green being inappropriate with fans or anything like that aside from literally one tumblr post, which was just someone who doesn't appear to have ever directly interacted with him sharing their opinion that they personally found him creepy.
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I haven't seen any evidence of him actually ~doing~ any boundary-breaking, no one has come forward sharing that he behaved inappropriately towards them specifically, just this one person's vague suspicion that he could be doing something inappropriate to someone somewhere. I don't really see why it makes sense to give one anonymous tumblr user the benefit of so much doubt.
Ultimately, the OCD is besides the point and I'm sorry if my tags made it sound like that was my primary issue. The problem is that regardless of whether I think Green is a "good" or "bad" person, sexual harassment is bad. It's always bad. Sexually harassing someone into leaving a public space is bad. And yes, sexual harassment includes "unwanted sexual teasing, jokes, remarks, or questions". From RAINN:
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The highlighted sections pretty unambiguously apply to the cock copypasta.
We can criticize Green for anything he actually did without rationalizing harassment. He didn't storm off tumblr because he couldn't handle being called sexist, or fatphobic, or ableist. He left because he's been sexually harassed and likened to a pedophile by hordes of strangers for years. That seems like it would be extremely traumatizing to anyone, and I'm not surprised Hank would be concerned about it too.
Anyway, do send any additional resources that could help clear this up. I'm really not a John Green stan, I've never followed his life or career or anything, and I've found some of the things he's said and written problematic or insensitive. But I've been really dismayed by how difficult it is to get through to people that no form of sexual violence is ever an acceptable means of punishment for anyone for any reason.
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80s-roger · 4 years
Not On My Watch (pt 8:finale)
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Pairing: Dad!Roger x Mum!Reader
summary: you’re divorced with queen’s roger taylor due to constant cheating and irrational behaviour towards you. but u have one person in common: your daughter, Laura aka your favourite human on earth. Your marriage with Roger had its ups and downs but Laura was the happiness in it. Now that she’s 8 and starts to realise how your terms with roger are, you finally tell her that you’re seeing another man except her father and she took it really warmly. She seemed excited to meet the new man unlikely your ex husband who accidentally learns about it by Laura, the weekend you would leave her at his place: on weekends you had some cute getaways with R/N because the court decided that Laura could stay or visit her dad on weekends and stay with him for five days each Christmas and easter vacations. Roger now, fights to get Laura and you back. R/N isn't as it seems and Roger helps you to keep him away from you.
catch up: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
masterlist //dialogue prompts
taglist: @madeinheavxn @namelesslosers @stacymaytaylor @drwse @cherries-n-rocknroll
words: 3.505
You were on your car, following Roger for about a quarter until the paps lost you. It was a crazy moment you don't want to relive again. As you parked outside the pub, he opened the door for you to walk in. Always a gentleman. You noticed his bandmates' figures from a corner and walked closer with Roger behind you.
"Oh hello Y/n!" Brian greeted you and made some space for you to sit.
"Hi Brian, Fred, John." You smiled at them and waited for Roger to bring an extra chair to sit next to you.
"We didn't expect you here, how are you, darling?" Freddie asked.
"I'm a little upset." You were straightforward, Roger was aware and he placed his hand on your thigh, trying to calm you down. Brian noticed his move and understood something was wrong.
"You want to talk about it?" Brian asked.
"The man she was seeing appeared at her work and embarrassed her to death. I was there at half of the scene and intervened." Roger started.
"Oh, fuck." Freddie gasped.
"I'm afraid he saw us last night." You turned to Roger, referring to him fucking you at his cabinet.
"Yeah, you're right. Well, at least he's staying at the police's cell tonight. He was acting irrationally in public. He caused trouble." Roger spoke to his bandmates too.
The waiter came to your place, took yours and Roger's order and left. "Y/n, where did you find this man? He's such a troublemaker!" Freddie said.
"It doesn't matter where I met him, he just won't accept the fact I want to get back with Rog." You admitted and felt your heart beating fast. Roger wrapped his arm around you, feeling extremely happy of your declaration.
"So, you also want to get back with him?" Freddie asked surprised.
"I'd give it one more chance..." you sighed and stared at Roger, wishing he'd be different this time.
"Wow, that's big news!" Freddie said.
"What are you going to do with R/N? He won't give up this easy." Roger asked.
"I have no idea. I'll come up with something." You sighed.
The beers arrived and so on, you spent these couple of hours with the Queen members, drinking and having fun. They always liked your company but most of them, Roger. He enjoyed watching you having fun with his bandmates. He liked seeing you laughing and joking around. Later, you drove off to your own apartment, knowing it's safe to walk in to get more clothes and personal stuff including your daughter's. You were about to move out soon and didn't want to tire Laura anymore with all these movings and rides. You had to talk with your landlord about moving out so you didn't waste time.
Time passed fast and you drove at Roger's place again, with your suitcase hanging on your hand. He saw you coming closer to his door and there he was, standing happy at your presence.
"Hi." He smiled and leaned in to kiss your lips. "Come on in." He made way for you to walk in and suddenly Laura's cheering voice echoed to your ears.
"Mummy!" She cajoled.
"Hello, my little baby!" You knelt down to kiss her. "How was your day? I missed you!"
"I got an A in maths!" She jumped showing her excitement.
"Wow, that's amazing sweetheart! Well done!" You praised your blonde little girl and kissed her again.
"Women of my life," Roger started and Laura and you turned your gazes to him. "I have an announcement to make," he cleared his throat trying to make it funny for Laura.
"What is it, dad?" She asked.
"Tonight we are going out, the three of us. Diner at nine, how's it?" He asked waiting to hear your affirm.
"That's great!" You said with a huge smile on your face.
"Wow, dad! Yes! I'm so happy! I'm just gonna rush to my room and finish my homework!" She was as excited as you and maybe a little more because she barely remembers Roger and you being lovebirds.
"Don't rush it, love, your answers might be wrong! I'll come and check you!" He joked and laughed. He then came closer to you. "You brought a suitcase?" He asked as he checked it.
"Yes, I talked with the landlord, he has no issue with me moving out. I can leave at any moment. Are you surely okay about it?" You asked him trying to hide any possible doubts turning around your heads.
"I'm more than sure about it. To get things straight, I was never okay with the divorce-" he started.
"Me neither, it was your behaviour towards me." You stopped him.
"Let me finish." He gestured his hands on you and let him speak. "I know, I was unfaithful and an asshole, but this time I do want to settle down with you.". His eyes spoke the truth to you and wanted to believe him. You were questioning again what if he becomes what he was like before? What if he cheats on you again?
"Okay." You nodded with your eyes on the floor and then you looked at him again. "This is the last chance. You know it didn't work back then." You whispered and he agreed with you. But now, he wants to fight to gain your trust back.
"What about the rest of your clothes and stuff back at the flat?" He asked.
"I called the furniture mover company. They are willing to move our stuff here on Friday." You answered.
"Oh the sooner the better. Can't wait to live with you again." He pulled you in arms, hugging you tight. "Oh," he pulled away for a second.
"What is it?" You asked confused.
"I didn't have the time to tell you how sexy you look on this tight shirt, did I?" He winked, trying to flirt with you.
"No, you didn't." You laughed at his compliment. "Guess it's your kink?" You asked.
"You are my kink." He winked and kissed you softly. "Now go to my bedroom. Tonight, I want you to wear that dress hanging on my closet." He bit his lip and that feeling again got you again. He always bought you dresses you never asked for. But you gotta admit, this man has taste. In everything.
"You didn't have to, Rog." You said with a soft smile on your lips.
"I chose it for you. I want you to wear it. It's a gift." He said back, trying to not hear any other discourage from you.
"Thank you..." your eyes sparkled and kissed him again before going upstairs to see it. He was spoiling you and he liked that.
You dressed in the dress Roger bought you: a blue sapphire satin dress, with a smooth cut on your leg, and your torso. It was flattering your waist, your visible leg and your breasts. It fit you like it was made just for you. Roger knew you really well, he knew your body size and type. He could choose the ideal dress for you without worrying if it's not your colour or the fabric that could flatter you less. You couldn't stop looking yourself at the mirror, it was a dreamy dress, one of the best you've ever worn.
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A gentle knock on the door awakened your daydreaming. "May I come in?" It was Roger who obviously wanted to get into his bedroom.
"Sure." You coughed after stepping back from the mirror.
"Holy shit." Roger gasped when he walked in the room. His eyes couldn't be taken away from you. "You are stunning." He came closer to you, checking the dress out. "It looks more beautiful on you than I thought." He smiled at you and twisted you around with his hand.
"You think so?" You asked with a giggle.
"I'm certain." He stared at you for a few seconds before returning back to reality. "So, I dressed Laura for tonight, she's ready. I just have to wear my suit and fix my hair a bit and we're leaving." He walked through his closet to grab one of his thousand ironed tuxedos.
You carefully sat on his desk's chair, crossing your legs and actually noticing you have no shoes to wear. You only had the heels you wear at work. They don't match your dress. "Uh, Roger?" You asked.
"Yes?" He replied while he was taking his clothes off to wear his black tuxedo.
"I, um, only have one pair of shoes here. You know, the heels I wore today." You stood up going closer to him, helping him with buttoning his suit after he wore the pair of trousers. He was carefully watching your movements and then your exposed torso, he was absorbed by your hands and then your pink lips.
"I have a surprise for you Cinderella." He joked around and grabbed his blue tie, ready to wear it around his neck.
"Again?" You looked surprised. "At least let me fix your tie." You tied the tiny fabric carefully as if it was made of porcelain. Moments such as, remind you of some award shows he occasionally took you with. It felt nice fixing each other's clothes and details. It was all so magical, even your thoughts travelled together.
"Y/n?" He asked.
"Mmm?" You absentmindedly returned.
"Remember when we went to the Brits nine years ago? I think it was the first time I asked you to attend an award show with me." He smiled.
"Yes, of course, I do. I was at my first trimester at the time, I was throwing up at the toilet." You laughed.
"You did?" He was shocked at your confession as if he doesn't remember.
"Don't you remember? I was leaving our table all the time." You reminded him.
"I guess I was too focused on winning the best single. I'm sorry in delay." He laughed and his hands found your waist, hugging you warmly.
"Apology accepted. But it didn't matter, I was so happy for you. You were winning the one award after the other, you impregnated me..." you giggled after remembering that night.
"It was planned though." He joked. And now that his tie is fixed, he wore his black suit jacket around and made you sit on the chair you were before. "You think I didn't think of your shoes, Cinderella?" His fingertips teased your leg, after grabbing a box from the drawer.
"Oh don't tell me!" You awed.
He opened the box and inside of it, there was a beautiful pair of black heels, special for a night out. He gently wore the pair on your feet and helped you stand up on your feet. They were really comfortable and easy-to-walk heels. "Thank you!" You kissed him.
"Your welcome." He approached the door and waited for you to go downstairs.
You walked down the stairs and Laura was taken aback by your total figure, she hasn't seen you glowing in happiness. "Wow mum, you're beautiful!" She gasped.
"Thank you! Shall we go?" You asked her and she came closer to you, grabbing your hand.
"Wait for me at my car outside, I'm coming," Roger stated and you did as he said.
The car drive was silent, not awkward though. You could feel Roger feeling apprehensive about the diner. He was trying to change all this time. You just didn't let him, until the last two days when you saw him trying to reach you for real and R/N showed red flag signs. Laura knew nothing about him but she'd obviously prefer her father than him.
"Here we are..." Roger broke the long-lasting silence and reduced speed when the fancy restaurant was right opposite you. Flashing lights hurt your eyes when paps noticed Roger's car slowing speed. At least, the windows were non-transparent so Laura couldn't get too distracted.
"Baby, don't look at the flash, it's cameras everywhere." Roger turned to Laura to warn her about the paps. She is aware of having a dad celebrity but thankfully never talks about it to her classmates, let alone brag. "Let me park the car and we're getting out. I'll keep you on my arms until we get at the foyer." He drove a little closer to the parking before you were ready to get out. You haven't felt yourself be taken photos for a long time. It frustrated Roger and you but mostly him because he disliked being papped at his personal moments, let alone when his child is with him. Many were the times when Roger and Laura were papped whenever he was with her on weekends or vacations. "Y/N, cover your eyes as you walk to the entrance door." He advised and then you both opened the car's doors to walk inside. You started walking to get some paps with you so Laura and Roger could walk with ease to the restaurant.
"Y/N, are you getting back with Roger?" Paps started questioning you but you knew you had to stay silent. You never spoke to them. You let Roger do the negotiations. He's the public figure, not you. "What are your statements about today's event at the place you work?" Of course, they'd reported it.
You reached the entrance door and waited for Roger to come to you. He carried Laura on his arms and her face was buried on his neck, trying to not be seen by the cameras. He looked at you with the are you okay look and you nodded until the receptionist opened the glass door for you.
"Have you made a reservation, sir?" The receptionist asked checking the list.
"Yes, it's Taylor." He put Laura down and you all patiently waited.
"Nice, table for three, follow me." He smiled and followed him to the table the reservation was. Next to the window, great. Paps could see you now so you told Laura to sit behind the window so her face couldn't be seen.
"That was crazy out there." He sighed as you all sat down.
"Yes, I internally panicked. Laura are you okay?" You asked your kid when she drank some of the water, the waiter served her.
"Yes, I am." She assured with a smile.
"What will you drink sir?" The waiter turned to Roger.
"A bottle of Chardonnay, we'll need it." He laughed and checked on you.
"Right away, sir." He left and now all three of you started talking.
"So Laura what do you think of tonight's diner?" Roger asked her.
"I didn't expect that. I thought you weren't together anymore..." She declared. "Mum, didn't we expect R/N for diner tonight? What happened," she asked confused.
"Laura um.." You cleared your throat before starting to talk. "I talked with your dad and we thought we should get back together." You started. "How does that sound to you?" You hoped she would be positive about it.
"Really?" She asked and looked both at Roger and you. "Mum, dad, that's wonderful!" She gasped.
"You think so?" Roger asked.
"Yes! I was sad when you were arguing all this time. I just hope it won't be the same anymore. It's lovely when we are under the same roof, I feel we're a family but when you argue, I can't stand it..." She admitted and a wave of guilt took you over. She was witnessing your Homeric arguments all this time, neither said a word, nor burst out crying. She was silent and never complained regardless of how much she missed her dad.
"This time's, going to be alright. We discussed it with your mum and it feels right to be back again. Because hands-off, but we missed each other. That's a fact we can't argue over." Roger laughed at Laura and she was happy to hear it.
"So mum, we're leaving our home?" She asked.
"Yes, we're going to dad's." You smiled at her.
You drank and ate like a proper family. It was a worthy diner and definitely full of surprises. You had no idea. Roger excused himself and stood up from his chair and got down on his knees next to you. Laura lost it at the sight of her dad kneeling to you. Your mouth was wide opened at his body position. People around the restaurant were looking at you now. They probably knew who Roger was and they were all awed at the sight of the hot drummer of Queen getting on knees for you. "Roger, what are you doing?" You gasped with your hands on your mouth.
"Y/N..." He started and took out from his pocket a small red box. You were ready to tear. Laura came closer to you, she had to enjoy the scene. "You're the love of my life." He added and that sent you to heaven and back. "When we were apart, I couldn't find love." His eyes found yours. He was honest and that blue colour of his irises sent you shivers. "That divorce awakened my love for you; I was unfaithful, I know. I was dishonest, I know that too. What I didn't know was that I couldn't live without you. So..." He took a deep breath and revealed a platinum ring with three diamonds on heart shapes. It was beautiful but not as beautiful as Roger's statement. "Y/N, will you marry me again?" His eyes were glowing as his fingers carefully grabbed the ring and wore it around your fourth finger. You stared at him as if he was the most special thing in the world. You then looked at Laura who was crying from happiness.
"Yes, I'll marry you again." You tore as you accepted his proposal and now he let out a relieving smile. Roger stood on his feet again and picked you up, asking for a loving kiss. "I love you." You whispered in his ear, not letting go of his hug.
"I love you too." His hand hugged your entire body, your back was covered by his arms and hands. His eyes caught Laura's who was the happiest kid on earth. She has the chance to see her parents getting married. Again. "I promise I won't be the asshole I was." He confessed to your ear. People at the restaurant couldn't stop applauding and congratulating you two. It was a delirious moment.
You and Roger got married two weeks after his proposal at the city's town hall with Freddie and John being witnesses. A little later, The Magic Tour started and your husband had the bright idea to take Laura and you on tour since she was done with school priorities due to summer break. You were hanging out with Queen members and the two other wives. It was a great experience, probably the greatest tour of the band. Laura was the happiest you've ever seen her. You all had some spare time to explore the cities, enjoy each other's company and so on. Needless to say that Roger and you had sex at the early dates of the tour and now you have your period delay for a couple of months. In this time, you vomited a lot and felt dizzy, so a pregnancy test was the answer to all your symptoms. And yes, you were pregnant again on Roger's kid. You felt extremely happy about it and now that you know about your pregnancy, you wanted to share it with him, with your husband.
You were at your hotel room, in Madrid, eating at the balcony some junk food you bought earlier. You heard Roger entering the room, probably alone because Laura was with the other Queen kids.
"Y/N?" He searched for your figure until you answered from out there. "Oh, there you are." He smiled and leaned closer to kiss you. "I thought you were at the pool."
"Well, yeah, I was hungry." You smiled and took another bite.
"Again?" He smirked because he was suspicious about your condition. He has noticed your irregular sleeping and eating schedules and definitely saw you feeling disgusted. "Is there something you want to tell me?" He asked and sat next to you.
"Like what?" You raised your brow, playing around
"Well, I don't know," he moved his shoulders in confusion. "Something personal?" He tried to check you out but you couldn't be seen behind the table you were sitting.
"Come with me." You stood up and caught his hand to follow you inside.
You removed your robe and stayed at your bikini, letting him notice anything different on you. He was way too focused at your belly, trying to notice the tiniest.
"I'm pregnant!" You announced with a huge smile on your face and Roger needed a few seconds to process it.
"P-pregnant?" He asked ready to explode from happiness. "Oh God, I'm gonna be a dad again?" He tore and ran to you hugging you and kissing you.
"Yes! It's been two months, already..." You tore with him and felt happier than ever.
And somehow, Roger and you stayed together after getting married again. Nine months later, you'd give birth to another blonde baby girl and now that Roger focused on his solo projects, he had more spare time to spend it with his beloved family.
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Jac & Amelia
Jac: How was your first day? Amelia: 🥱😴 Amelia: What about you? Jac: Oh dear, it was a lot more observing rather than doing I suppose, but I kind of expected that, if you want to get experience somewhere that isn't willing to just let anyone come in and do a shift so Jac: You'll never guess who was on my placement too though Amelia: Connor following you there wouldn't surprise me Amelia: he can't take a hint Jac: Thankfully not Jac: Swerving him during school is basically an extra-curricular Jac: I suppose it isn't all that surprising when you think about it, but I still was taken aback by the turn of events Amelia: thrill me Amelia: who is it? Jac: Savannah Moore Amelia: oh god, that sucks Amelia: if you don't wanna change placements, we'll make her Amelia: it'll be okay Jac: That's the surprising thing Jac: she was like, a different person Amelia: like really fake, you mean? Jac: No, like, a normal person Jac: maybe because she was away from her friends, her audience, or I don't know Jac: but she was just getting on with her work too, being chill about the whole thing Amelia: 🤔 suspicious Jac: Well, you can't say anything Jac: but why would you Jac: she's having like, a really hard time at home right now, she was a bit upset at one point Jac: it just broke the ice, and it makes a lot of things make sense Amelia: did it or did she throw you off with a convincing 😥💔 story? Jac: She was having a breakdown in the toilets basically Jac: I don't think she wanted anyone to see that, least of all me Jac: we knew her dad was like A LOT anyway, it tracks Amelia: it's Savannah, she wants everyone to see everything, especially you Jac: Come on, what would she even get out of tricking me with a sobstory Jac: bar work experience not being a total drama, which surely she'd love more, by that logic? Amelia: your attention Jac: 🤔🤔 I just don't see it this time Jac: I can't explain how sincere it was, what she said Jac: it definitely wasn't made up, at any rate Amelia: if you believe her, I believe you Jac: Like, I'm not saying we were wrong Jac: but too harsh, maybe Jac: we don't need to waste any energy on being her enemy or whatever Jac: not that we were ever THAT childish but, she really isn't that bad Amelia: I can be a bit harsh Jac: You're a softie, really Jac: but I'm not going to spill all your secrets to her Amelia: it's not a secret that I missed you today Jac: Was it seriously that boring? 😞 Jac: Who are you with again, anyone not awful? Amelia: yeah Amelia: my 🧠 has turned to mush Amelia: they put with with Valentina Hernández, I've had detention with her before Jac: You poor thing Jac: we'll have to do something fun when this is over, if you're going to hate it so much Jac: and I'll keep to a minimum how much I'm enjoying getting some industry experience 🤐 Jac: Oh yeah, she's cute Jac: I don't have many classes with her, but I know who you mean Amelia: she said I look like her ex, do you think that means she hates me or I'm her eye candy of choice for the next week? Amelia: can't we do something fun tonight!? Jac: How weird Jac: sounds like a really bad pickup-line a 40-year-old man would use Jac: Guess you'll see what she meant Jac: That's not going to make your early start tomorrow any easier, is it Amelia: I'm already planning to sleep through my alarm Amelia: and Is is up for it Jac: I'm totally wiped Jac: and trying to save you from yourself 😉 Jac: Is can make her own poor choices Amelia: vodka redbulls were invented to change wiped to wired Amelia: you know she'll get drunk and throw herself at some boy, that's what you'll be saving me from Amelia: dark corners are no fun when I'm being left in them on my own Jac: so I can be hungover tomorrow Jac: if she is tricking me, I'm going to need ALL my wits about me Jac: maybe Val will come and keep you company Amelia: and if she's as nice as you say, she can pick up the slack Amelia: please come Jac: Are we talking about a house party or a club or what, you've not even told me 😅 Jac: also, you know I don't want to drop anything, I need to ace this Amelia: it's a club you'll love Amelia: so you won't have to drink loads to have fun anyway Jac: If Is or any of her conquests have picked it I SO doubt that 😏 Amelia: I picked it in case you needed cheering up but it works for a pat on the back too Jac: Okay, I'll see what the parents say Amelia: if they look like they're leaning towards no, it could've been me having a breakdown in the toilets Jac: I'll tell them you'll be heartbroken Amelia: the truth works too Jac: they're not that understanding so I wouldn't hold your breath Jac: I'll corner one of them when they get in though Amelia: more understanding than mine, not to be Savannah-ish about it Jac: I assume you will be sneaking out, as per Jac: or staying over one of ours to catch up with your work Amelia: 😏 Jac: 🙄 how you ever get away with it when your mother knows everything about everyone is beyond me Jac: if you applied yourself, you could be seriously impressive Amelia: could be? Amelia: you just said I am Amelia: she knows everything about me that I want her to know Jac: duh Jac: gotta give you something to aim for though Amelia: oooh a challenge Jac: I know how you feel about them Amelia: unless it's going to be something about applying myself this week Jac: am I a teacher? Amelia: you've taught me loads like why would I waste my energy buckling down with Valentina 📠 when I could spend it doing something that isn't 🥱😴 with you Jac: You have a point Jac: or, I do? 😂 Jac: and I can come out for a while, but I need to be home to get at least 5 hours sleep minimum Amelia: can I stay or does Jude still need 15 hours minimum? Jac: if you keep the noise down and promise to talk less than her Amelia: I'll be so 🤫🤐 Jac: another person at mine in the AM makes no odds Jac: but I will be leaving extra early, FYI Amelia: why? Jac: Mainly because I want to get there on time Jac: but also because Savannah said she'd bring breakfast, as I listened to her when she was upset today so Amelia: bribery is her style 🤑 Jac: I guess so Jac: but it'd be rude of me not to accept any coffee or pastries she wants to throw my way Amelia: what if they're toxic Jac: You're giving her too much credit now Jac: she isn't going to have the time to poison them AND not be late Amelia: she's probably baking them right now, what else are her and her invisible mum going to do to bond? Jac: You're the one that takes home ec 🍳 Amelia: yeah and if you wanted me to kill her, all you had to do was ask Jac: Feel free to note my silence any time you like 😏 Jac: What are you wearing, how smart/casual is this place? Amelia: [pictures of potential outfits on the bed so she can see the vibe] Amelia: which one will you break your vow of silence for? Jac: You know I love that colour [hi khaki moment] Amelia: 😉 Amelia: if you want to know what Is is wearing, the group chat is full of her maybes Jac: I am purposely ignoring that notification 🙄😑 Jac: like yeah, I'm probably going to wear my black tank dress again but the difference is, I'm not pretending it's getting any crazier Amelia: it got her to shut up about all the 'hotties' at the sports centre that she got to 'service' today Amelia: 😣 Jac: Ew Jac: she's so graphic sometimes Jac: it's a good thing she has her reputation tbh if those are her lines Amelia: this is before a drink too Amelia: I need you, I wasn't even laying it on thick Jac: God, she is a lot Jac: hopefully one of them asks her out, she's at least less gross when she's in a relationship Amelia: 🤞 Jac: I do need to plan my outfits for the rest of work experience though Amelia: god, I can imagine what Savannah looked like today Jac: Right? Jac: She was so on point Amelia: for a stepford wife Amelia: it's unsettling Amelia: her mum probably stays invisible because she takes the clothes off her back Jac: Come on, she looks good Amelia: so would I in head to toe chanel Jac: Exactly Jac: so I need to keep up so I don't look like a scrub Amelia: you don't have to try as hard as her, that's the difference Amelia: you actually look good Amelia: not just expensive Jac: You're biased but I love you for it Amelia: you could ask anyone in our year and they'd tell you the same thing Amelia: even her boyfriend would probably want to agree with me Jac: I doubt his eyes ever leave her, they're totally inseparable aren't they Amelia: it sounds like you'll be getting all the gossip Amelia: you'll be able to tell me everything by Friday Jac: not that that has any real use now Amelia: maybe or maybe not Jac: ?? Amelia: we've got loads of school left, you can't say never Amelia: today could've been a weird fluke Jac: Nah, it was a total ceasefire if nothing else Jac: it's not like a feud Jac: Oh my God, what is that skirt she just posted Amelia: okay Amelia: 😳 on her behalf Jac: should I tell her to wear it? Amelia: yeah 😂 Jac: 😏 Amelia: what are you wearing though? Jac: my lbd 😂 Jac: I don't know if it's classic or predictable but if nothing else, I can say this was short notice Amelia: if I couldn't predict you I'd be worried Jac: but you love a challenge 🤔 Amelia: but I love the way things are Jac: see, so soft and soppy Jac: nothing has changed yet Jac: still think transition year is pointless 🤷 Amelia: your 🧠 didn't turn to mush Jac: it might Jac: I just wanna pick all our new classes and get started Jac: but it is cool we get to do stuff like this, I suppose Amelia: you just want to find out if Savannah will be in every single class again Jac: 🙄 Amelia: [like I'm gonna say she was joking then but now the posts have appeared so it's like oh you actually do and she leaves her on read which I cannot overstate how much that would NEVER happen because she always answers immediately no matter what] Jac: Hello? Jac: are you picking me up? Amelia: are you ready? Jac: you aren't talking to Isabelle Jac: of course I am Amelia: nothing she's saying needs a reply Jac: 'Fashionably' late is her vibe Amelia: yeah I know, Is hasn't changed since I met her Jac: Like that's a good thing? Amelia: I wouldn't go as far as to call her perfect or anything Amelia: but at least I get her Jac: Funny, Meels Amelia: like totally weird, that kind of funny Jac: You are being weird Amelia: that isn't even a worthy deflection Jac: What do you wanna say? Jac: It's just a post Amelia: I've never heard you describe anything as perfect, what are you saying? Jac: Did you see her post? Amelia: yeah, it's obvious why you're tired Amelia: I was exhausted reading it Jac: Well I couldn't just say nothing in return, could I Amelia: I never caption anything, it's easy Jac: you're a girl of few words Amelia: why does she think she knows you on such a 'deep level' now? Amelia: you said she was the one who overshared Jac: You know her friends Jac: Paige G and Becca Jac: I doubt they do 'deep' Jac: it's just in comparison Amelia: I know you, there's things you aren't telling me Jac: like what, I told her all my secrets Jac: if you know me then you know there's no way that's true Amelia: then you're keeping hers Jac: No I'm not, I told you, it's her home life Jac: and I'm sure she doesn't want everyone to know so I shouldn't but I did Amelia: okay Jac: You don't like her, you don't have to Jac: but don't be off with me Amelia: neither did you yesterday Amelia: but now you're going to [whatever that market location was] together Jac: She needed cheering up Jac: and I was going to go anyway, my last bouquet was dead Jac: it's not a big deal Amelia: it was so chill you weren't going to say anything before she outted you with a post Amelia: obviously Jac: I didn't say anything 'cos I didn't think you'd be bothered Jac: it's not your thing Amelia: right, why would it be news that you've changed your entire POV on Savannah Moore Jac: Well I told you about that Jac: scroll up Amelia: it's one thing putting up with someone during work experience, which is what you said Amelia: do you see me taking Valentina out when we're allowed to leave? No, because it'd be totally weird Jac: Why would that be weird? Amelia: we're not friends, I barely know her Jac: you're free to get to know her Jac: you may as well Jac: like I said, it's totally childish having some kind of grudge against her Amelia: it's too late to invite them both Jac: so you want to? Amelia: no, but you think I'm being childish Jac: I think it would be childish for me to decline this peace offering Jac: if it makes life easier, it'd be stupid not to Amelia: I don't see how it'll make anything easier if she's going to be that extra Amelia: Is is already a lot Jac: I can deal with them both Amelia: okay Jac: You don't need to be jealous Amelia: of her? oh please Jac: right Amelia: she's not the only one who has had a bad day, that's all Jac: what's wrong? Amelia: I got in trouble, they might not even have me back tomorrow Jac: What did you do? Amelia: nothing! It wasn't my fault Jac: Alright, what happened then Amelia: I didn't think it would crash the whole system, I was just trying to get done quicker Jac: Oh God Meels Amelia: it would've been impressive if it had worked Jac: they can't get rid of you for a mistake Jac: just be really, really sorry, yeah Amelia: I am sorry, it was really 😳 Jac: I bet Jac: you won't do it again Jac: did she tell you to Amelia: who would tell me to do that Jac: You said she was your detention buddy Amelia: no I didn't, I said I've seen her there before Amelia: everyone gets detention except you and Savannah Jac: Hardly Jac: well, you could say it was her idea Amelia: you've been having a go at me for being childish Jac: you'll be in so much shit if they refuse to have you back Amelia: I'll go work with my dad or something, it'll be even more boring but it's only a week anyway Jac: it'll still reflect really badly on you Jac: it's not childish, it's practical Amelia: it was an accident, I won't be the only one who's done something stupid Jac: Yeah, but you said they were arsey about it so Jac: just saying Amelia: maybe I was a bit defensive Amelia: don't worry about it Jac: Hmm Amelia: I'll smooth it over Jac: Good luck then Amelia: trust me Jac: You always end up alright Amelia: you're my lucky charm Amelia: I just ask myself wwjd Jac: You're such a loser 😏 Amelia: you're so cruel to me 💔 Jac: You love it Amelia: I love you Jac: I love you too Amelia: are you coming out or am I coming in? Jac: You'll just get waylaid by dogs and siblings Jac: be right out Amelia: the hair isn't an accessory I should wear to the club Jac: I've not done anything with mine, don't judge Amelia: it always looks perfect whatever you do or don't do Jac: 😘 Amelia: if you're going to use that word, at least throw it in the right direction Jac: oh yeah, that's a caption I wanna write 😂 Amelia: I'll write it for you, if anything's worth breaking the rules for Jac: You want to compete with Savannah's word count? Amelia: I don't want to, but I will if I have to Jac: I'm not that desperate for validation, you're okay Amelia: Isabelle meanwhile Amelia: has NOT shut up Jac: It's a wonder anyone is getting past her on reception Amelia: 😂 Jac: maybe she should ask if she can work the door when she finally shows Jac: [you go out now though gal, don't need to be messing about] Amelia: [go forth and be messy gays at this club instead] Jac: [no wonder, the tension henny] Amelia: [all the useless lesbian awards to amelia for not making a move tonight] Jac: [blink and you miss it babe] Amelia: [literally does not think she's running out of time, soz gal] Jac: [oh it's sad[ Amelia: [it is, we've been doing this dance for years ladies, obvs we think we'll just keep doing it until uni forces us to stop and do something else and at that point that's years away still] Jac: [when you think you got another three years to have gay angst and drama, nay nay] Amelia: [mhmm] Jac: [well, a different kind of angst and drama will be happening but nobody is loving that Amelia: [except me haha]
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what-even-is-thiss · 6 years
I haven't figured out my sexuality. I always see posts saying shit about hetros or just hate them(I'm not talking pointing out issues with how they interact on parnormal show). It's scary cause the same people who say that they support you in finding yourself, make you feel they will reject you if you land on hetro(It's not everyone but it's there)and anytime people point it out or say things about hetrophobia, it's called fake, and people are allowed to hate their oppressors. I just don't know.
This is... a very touchy subject. I’ll try to go about it in an acceptable way, but sometimes things like this are like walking on a tightrope over a minefield. Please forgive me for any mistakes I might make, everybody. And this got pretty long so I’m sorry.
So, there’s this thing called “punching up” where someone criticizes someone that has more privilege than them in a certain area, especially in comedy. Like, women making fun of or criticizing men, poc making fun of or criticizing white people, poor people making fun of or criticizing rich people, etc. However, there are limits to this. For example, a white trans woman making fun of Mexican men probably couldn’t say she’s punching up even though they’re cis men because that’s just not right. It would be racist.
What you’re referring to I think is when punching up goes too far. It’s quite difficult usually for it to reach that point, but, and I may be causing some controversy here even though I don’t mean to, but I think it is possible for it to go a little too far. Especially when people begin to push away persons with open minds that are willing to help them.
Another thing you might be concerned about is that you can’t tell when people are joking or not. Some of these people might not be joking, or some of them might just be making jokes that aren’t meant for you to see but they don’t actually feel that way. They’re just exaggerating. Like, once in a while, because I’m ace, I might make a joke about allosexual people and/or straight people. Call sexual things in the media exhausting, or say that straight people are a myth. When I say things like that, I’m joking. I’m expressing some frustration I might have with society or be turning around a group’s words on them. Same thing when someone says “I’m not heterophobic, but could you just not do that where my kids can see it?”. They’re using the same language that has been used against them in reverse because they know that saying that is obviously a joke and not going to actually cause a lot of social harm to heterosexual people in the same way that heterosexual people saying that about queer people does to them.
I’d say, if it feels too exaggerated it’s usually a joke. However, there are people around here that actually do hate men or cis people or straight people or white people or whatever. And on some level, you can understand why, but I think it’s best to avoid them if you can. And sometimes jokes are easy to take the wrong way, unfortunately.This is why I personally try to avoid “down with cis” jokes and don’t like it when people say they’re gonna eat all the men or something like that.
Almost everybody knows that not all men/straight/cis/white/rich/etc. people are awful. We already know that and that’s why we say to save the “Not all (insert group)” language for special occasions. Most people you meet won’t hate you for the parts of who you are that are out of your control. If they do, it’s best not to associate with them.
Just be mindful. I know it’s hard to navigate sometimes. None of us want to be seen as a bad person and Tumblr can be intolerant to mistakes at times. I’ve struggled with something similar in my life. I’m a white person, and I grew up in a middle class educated family, so I’m always learning. I’m always figuring out what I am and am not allowed to talk about or have an opinion on. That’s how it is from anyone from any position of privilege. If you are white, or straight, or cis, or a man, or grew up in a stable family, or don’t have mental illness, or are able bodied, or middle class, or upper class, or a natural born citizen, or if English is your native language, whatever. You’re going to have a blind spot. And living with that blind spot makes it hard to tell when something has gone too far or if it even can go too far.
So, sorry for maybe kind of rambling, but I think the bottom line is, that if you’re willing to learn and try to be a good person, and advocating for positive change, then you’re doing all that you can. Like I said before, most decent people won’t reject you for something out of your control, and your sexuality is something out of your control. If you do end up being straight then just try to be a good ally. Try not to give into the straight guilt feelings, because you’re not responsible for all of history. Don’t claim LGBTQ spaces as your own, be open minded, and if people hate you for it? Block them. Ignore them. Do whatever you gotta do. Just don’t spread more hate. And if it means anything, you won’t get real hate on my blog for being straight. I might joke sometimes but we’re all just people. And as long as people are respectful and not porn bots they’re welcome in my little corner of the internet.
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
I'm sorry but I gotta say I'm disappointed in all the mockery towards nakuul's article from the anons. Granted I also think part of it is self promotion, but the article is actually sound and given the status of feminism in India and his female fan base, the article may do some good (like when he promoted lipstick under my burkha) if the anons had problems with the contents of the article or personally know him to not act on ANY feminist causes, I don't think we should dismiss anyone's efforts.
Sure, his article might have created awareness, but generally, lip service in the form of op-eds (and that Lipstick Under The Burkha thing) is nothing but “performative activism”. There’s no actual change that’s come about as a result. People just read articles, wah wah the writer for being “woke”, and move on to the next thinkpiece. Ultimately, what has changed? Do you think people are going to change their behaviour based on reading this one article? Highly unlikely.
Nakuul himself ran a fundraiser earlier in the year (for the runner Anil Kumar) and saw what direct action can achieve. If he cares so much about the cause of feminism and dismantling the patriarchy, or just activism in general, he should start by examining his own behaviour, as he talks about in the article:
“Am I holding my friends and co-workers accountable for the sexist jokes they make?”/“… privilege is not the same for all men unless you fit the ideal masculine norm. Am I willing to stop taking refuge under them and be willing to create safer spaces for same gender loving communities (LGBTQ)?”- Clearly not, as we can see from how he joins in with Kunal in that stupid “stereotypical gay” joke.
“Am I consciously willing to concede space to marginalised communities, to listen to women’s voices and willing to give up the “power” that patriarchy lends?”/“Am I willing to listen, and give women around me the confidence that here is someone they can confide in and express their woes without any judgement whatsoever?”- Ummmmmm nope. Rationalized Mansi was wrong to object to Gauri’s kidnapping, since she’s “married” to Om. When a woman is coming out and telling you that she finds something problematic, you shut up and listen, and accept it and internalize; not justify it and decide she’s overreacting.
Basically, he’s a hypocrite. HE HIMSELF doesn’t do the things he’s talking about in the article, then what change is he going to bring about in his industry or society? I suggest he change his own behaviour first, before writing these things and advising others. When he’s done with that, he can put his money where his mouth is, and move on to using his power as a celeb and mobilize his fan base as direct action.
(God, writing this answer made me so damn angry at him. 😡😡😡😡 Imma go and repeatedly watch this video of Andy Samberg being a feminist to calm myself down.)
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