#i was on vacation and hanging out with my cat
sunsetrendezvous · 9 months
So what kind of readers do you write for? (As in male Y/n, female Y/n, gender neutral Y/n)
Can you do like a Wenclair x reader where Enid drags them Black Friday shopping and chaos ensues? Just want comedy and fluff lol
i write for female or gender neutral reader, mainly because i have never written from a male reader's perspective before so i'm not sure if i'd do well currently. i am open to trying however i'll probably stick to gender neutral since i know that’s something i can do lmao
also, your request has been added to the list <3
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a-tiny-sloth · 1 year
look at my cat <3
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malusokay · 1 year
Glow-up tips that actually work from your favourite beauty girly (me)
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Hot girls don't gatekeep, so here are some of my favourite glow-up tips that actually work. <3
Find a skincare routine that works for you!! It took me years to find mine, but now my skin is literally perfect. <3 (let me know if you guys want a detailed skincare routine!!)
Don't pick your skin, the less you touch your face, the better.
I believe ice rollers are bs…
If you struggle with dark circles, don't try fixing them through skincare. Most likely, the problem comes from your diet or stress.
Dry brushing is a game-changer!!
Use lotion after every shower and apply a body spray before the lotion is fully absorbed into your skin. You'll smell amazing for DAYS.
Don't try homemade skincare if you already struggle with your skin. I learned it the hard way, lol…
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The more heat you use, the more damage you'll have.
Never sleep with wet or damp hair.
Stop buying cheap shampoo and conditioner, also make sure to check the ingredients!!
Some ingredients to avoid: Sulfates, Parabens, Polyethene Glycols, Triclosan, Formaldehyde, Synthetic Fragrances and Colors, Dimethicone, Retinyl Palmitate.
I trim my hair every 3 months.
If you have damaged hair, invest in some Olaplex!! my favourites are N4c, N6 and N7. <3
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green juice actually makes you feel better. I make mine at home and LOVE it :)
Balance is key!! I swear by the 80/20 rule.
Drink more water, even if you think you're drinking enough. DRINK MORE
Keto is BS <3
Focus on eating more protein. Usually, low-fat products have more protein, so I just try to buy those, lol.
I eat gluten-free, not by choice… But it did clear my acne, so…
Take supplements, get a blood test done, discuss it with a doctor and start taking whatever they recommend. GAME CHANGER.
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Focus on being more active, walk more, workout, join a club or sport, dance, whatever works for you!!
I aim for 10K steps, I live in a big city, so I usually walk more than that but still.
Hobbies that don't include screen time. Trust me.
Find your personal style and ALWAYS dress up. <3
TREAT YOURSELF. Buy yourself flowers, and presents, go to your favourite restaurants, vacations!!
Read more. As a classics lover, I can't imagine a life without literature, but even if you don't like classics, any book is better than no book!!
Take more pictures. I've noticed that I have become a lot more present since I've started taking more pictures!! highly recommend :)
I hate to say this, but getting up earlier is lowkey kinda great... been doing it for a few weeks, and unfortunately, I do feel better... they were right...
Get a cat. :)
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Stop assuming that everyone hates you, they don't, trust me.
Journaling, manifesting, law of attraction, affirmations.
one of my favourite affirmations: "if I weren't capable, the opportunity wouldn't have come my way; I belong here." <3
Stop hanging out with people who drain your energy
stop consuming media that makes you feel bad.
What would the highest version of yourself do?
If you change your mindset, you will change your life.
Romanticise every aspect of your life. <3
As always, please feel free to share your own suggestions and glow-up tips in the comments! <3
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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kneazle · 3 months
When Buck went to sleep last night after spending the day with Jee and saw no text from Tommy he thought nothing of it, Tommy was hanging out with Eddie after going to a fight after all. When he woke up and still nothing he brushed it off and sent a text of his own, knowing Tommy would respond whenever the two woke from a night of drinking.
He had no idea that when he did hear something, it was from Athena telling him he needed to come pick up his dumb and dumber—her words, not his—from the police station of all places.
"What the hell are they doing here?" Buck asked Athena with a wide eyed look of shock the second she came to get him from the front desk.
Athena scoffed, shaking her head. "They were caught drunk off their asses trying to break into a junk yard."
"A...junk yard?" He repeated slowly confused, "Why?"
They reached the holding area, and Athena let out a laugh of disbelief but Buck could hear the slight amusement behind it. "They saw a cat run in and chased after it."
"They- what?" Buck gaped at her.
"Oh you heard me," She walked over to the officer at the desk, "Can you grab Tommy Kinard and Eddie Diaz for me Reggie?"
The man, Reggie, nodded and grabbed the keys from under the desk before walking off down the hall.
"From what I understand, you told Tommy you wanted to get a cat as a dog would be more difficult with your jobs," She continued as they waited.
Buck sputtered, "Wait- they chased after a stray cat and tried breaking into a junk yard because I told Tommy I wanted a cat?"
Athena raised an eyebrow with a look that said 'exactly, idiots' written all over it. Buck sighed and rubbed at his forehead.
He stared at them in shock when they finally came walking out slowly, dragging their feet along the floor and squinting as they no doubt had raging hangovers. It reminded Buck of when he and Eddie showed up to the wedding looking like a mess except– somehow they looked worse. Their clothes so ripped that half of Tommy's shirt was hanging off and the right leg of Eddie's pants was completely gone, dirty all over, hair a mess, Eddie only had one shoe, Tommy was limping.
"You two look...like a disaster."
"Evan!" Tommy exclaimed a little too loudly as he winced at his own voice, and Eddie flinched beside him. Buck had to bite his cheek to keep from laughing as Tommy was obviously hungover and just spent the night in a holding cell, and still gave him a dopey looking grin.
"So..how was it spending a night in jail?" He teased when they were walking out.
Eddie groaned, "It would have been fine, but someone had to make friends with criminals."
"Eddie, we weren't in there for a vacation remember," Tommy pointed out. "Besides, we couldn't ignore them all night-"
"Buck, tell your boyfriend he doesn't have to be friendly with everyone," Eddie interrupted with a groan.
"I'm not!"
"You're on a first name basis with all my neighbors and you don't even live there!"
"Hey!" Buck snapped his fingers between their faces, making the two flinch. "Would you two pause this conversation to get in the car already? You two need a shower."
"Did he just say we stink?" Eddie frowned, and moved closer to Tommy. "Do I stink?"
Tommy leaned in, "Oof yeah," He scrunched up his nose. "Do I?"
Eddie did the same and grimaced, "Oh yeah."
Buck sighed loudly and mumbled, "I'm getting why Athena called you two dumb and dumber the more this goes on."
"He's dumber," Tommy didn't hesitate to say, pointing at Eddie.
Buck groaned and had enough, opening the doors to his jeep to shove them in. Eddie made a yelp of protest but got inside, Tommy instead smirked at Buck. "You know if you wanted to manhandle me all you had to do was say so baby."
Eddie fake gagged from the back seat, "I heard enough last night shut up Tommy!"
"What did you tell him last night?" Buck asked Tommy, now amused himself as his boyfriend situated himself into the passenger seat.
"How good you looked tie-" Eddie reached over and hit Tommy upside the head, "Ow! What the fuck Diaz-" he turned to get a hit of his own in but Buck grabbed his arm stopping him.
"Okay that's enough!" He huffed and shut the door, quickly going around to get in himself. "Since when am I the adult here?"
Buck loved that his boyfriend and best friend were friends themselves– but he was so banning them for drinking on their hangouts unless he was there from now on.
"Hey Evan?"
"Can we go get that cat?"
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rxzennia · 6 months
hibernation/ brumation
– tales of the voracity pathstrider
✎𓂃 winter dormancy.
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in his five years of being your boss, aventurine hasn’t ever seen you send in a request for leave. but here he is, staring at your application for a month-long vacation.
a month? isn’t that a little too long?
you didn’t even stick a little comment about where you’re going or what’s happening, dammit! he wants to know so bad, but he feels like he’ll either overstep his boundaries or come off as clingy if he asks.
he’ll approve it, of course!
he wants you to not hate your job, and part of being a good boss is letting his subordinates take the leaves they’re entitled to
and you deserve a nice, long break, anyway
but the curiosity is killing him inside. what will you be doing? will you still hang around the IPC?
he really, really wants to barge into your office and wrench an explanation out of you
and also, how dare you try to take leave right into the holidays! rude
he wanted to take you out to dinner! to fancy places! he was prepared to have a schedule full of you!
totally not dates or his attempts to spoil you
he totally isn’t thinking of doing it so that you’ll spoil him in return
he’s found out that you respond to him if he rants at you
and that you get very soft and careful with him if he presses the right buttons
he digs that so much it’s unreal
there’s something about having you, of all people, treat him tenderly
perhaps because he’s seen firsthand what kind of monster hides in your scarf
or… what kind of monster hides beneath your silent, icy exterior
it just hits different when someone like you treat him so gently
and he knows for a fact that you’ll never abuse that power you have
he absolutely loves that. 100%.
“guess who’s here!” aventurine announces as he enters your office without so much as a knock, “hard at work, my favorite secretary?”
“out, please.” you hiss, sparing him barely a glance from your computer, “i’m concentrating.”
since when did your complaints stop him
he saunters over and sits himself on your armrest anyway
your scarf lift him up and set him down on the couch opposite to you
he finds his way back to your chair
you put him on the couch again
he comes back to your armrest
is he a cat obsessed with a particular box (namely, your chair) or something
you give up
“what is it?” you relent, scooting over so he can fit onto your seat, too, albeit barely
this man does not hesitate to invade your personal space
“where are you going for a month, hmm?” he asks with a playful smile, “can’t even tell me?”
oh, so that’s what this is about
but why is he resting his face in his hand and looking at you like he’s trying to flirt?
“hibernation.” you keep typing without giving aventurine much of a reaction, “not exactly, but close. brumation.”
wait. wait, what?
it doesn’t take a genius to know that aventurine is currently flabbergasted. “you… hibernate? like sleep hibernate?” 
“no, i hibernate awake.” you mumble sarcastically, but he catches it even if your words are muffled
“c’mon, i’m just checking!” he throws his hands in the air as if protesting your attitude
“yes, i sleep, for the most part.” you scoot over a little more and lift him up, setting him down in your lap. “but i’ll be awake here and there.”
you rest your head on top of his and continues to work, effectively caging him in
he realizes you’re much more like a snake than he thought
not in an alarming way
you’re coiling around him, but, like, in a friendly danger noodle way
“will you?” he chuckles; maybe his plans aren’t entirely foiled, after all, “for how long?”
you look at him. “a few minutes up to an hour?” 
you’re only getting up for water and/or changing sleeping positions
never mind, his plans to try to spoil you is, in fact, foiled
he pouts. he had the entire thing planned out already! all five days that you’ll be off!
he looks like a kid who’s about to buy the last donut but you beat him to it and buy the donut right in front of his eyes.
“you can visit.” you say, and you see him light up almost immediately. 
though, you don't think there’s much worth visiting, but whatever makes him happy
when aventurine visits you during your well-deserved vacation, he’s pleasantly surprised. you’re sleeping so peacefully, despite the fact that you usually rarely sleep at all.
you’re curled up into half a ball under your blankets and your scarf
and letting out little snores
is this what you look like when you’re asleep? 
so adorable. if only you’d let him see it often…
but he doesn’t know the frequency of your brumation period
as far as he knows, it’s once in five years, but he has no idea if it’s more than five years
you’re not covering your face, either
aeons, he loves seeing your unobscured face
you’re so beautiful under your scarf
especially the patches of scales along your neck, they glitter in white gold under the light
he wishes you wouldn't try to cover them up
during your entire month, he’s going to be in your room whenever he’s free
he will totally try to sleep next to you at night
what? it’s not like you haven’t shared a bed before!
it’s just that you’ve never been asleep by each other's side!
you will cuddle into him if he tries to hold you
and you will get fussy if he tries to get out of the hug
if only you were as honest when you’re awake
aventurine has been trying to catch you in your small conscious windows, but he’s having not much luck with that. though, this isn’t exactly a gamble, so “luck” might not be the right word here.
he’s so busy; he’s drowning in work 
your temporary replacement isn’t very good at their job
or maybe he’s just used to the way you do things and now everything feels wrong
he wants you back already 
because nowadays he barely has an hour to spend with you apart from bedtime
he hates it
what do you mean by he can’t sit next to your sleeping form while he signs papers?
horrible, very horrible
but eventually he does catch you when you’re awake
you’re drowsy and you’re dragging your blankets and your scarf with you around your room
the cutest thing he’s ever seen in a long while
he watches as you clumsily pour yourself some water, spilling some on the table because you can’t line up the jug and the glass properly
and he watches as you sluggishly flop onto your couch after you’ve downed the water
“had enough of the bed?” he asks, sitting down next to you and brushing a few strands of hair away from your face
“hnnnnnngh,” you grumble and turn to face away from him, you just want to go back to sleep
then you remember this is your boss’s voice
and you reluctantly mumble, “it’s too warm…”
do you even know what you’re saying? you’re melting his heart
“oh, that so? it’s too hot over there?” aventurine snickers softly, his hand caressing your face, the cool fabric of his glove making you sigh in delight. “you’re so lovely.”
he recognizes the amount of trust you have in him to let him visit you when you’re sleeping, and it’s doing things to his stomach. you’re so lazy, so barely aware of your surroundings, but you trust him to be around you while you are in this state.
there is an urge, and he acts on it. he nuzzles against your cheek, rubbing your noses together and planting a small kiss on your forehead. he’s been dreaming of holding you like you’re his greatest treasure, but he’s never mustered up the courage to do it. 
maybe someday he will tell you, and then he’ll be allowed to adore you openly the way he’s always wanted to.
“my favorite snake,” he whispers to himself, feeling a shudder of affection throughout his bones, “sleep well. i’ll look forward to taking you out when you rise.”
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loving-barnes · 7 months
A/N: It took me some time, but here we go again. Chapter Seven, my friends. Just something stupid, fun.
Pairing: Logan Howlett x mutant female reader
Warning: none
Summary: It's a fun night out at a bar.
Please, do not read if you are under 18. This story is suitable for mature audience.
Words: 3300+
Important note: Again, Logan is a tall MF, because they fucked up in the movies. Also, Hugh Jackman!Wolverine. This is set in AU.
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Y/N stood in front of the mirror, looking at her reflection. When was the last time she dressed up and put on make-up? She couldn’t recognise herself in the mirror. Since she came to the school, she would wear simple outfits and almost any make-up. Tonight, she wanted to look nice and make an impression on the people. Hell, she desired to catch Logan’s eyes. Honestly, she would catch his eyes even without all those things.
White blouse, dark blue jeans, black combat boots and a black leather jacket - this was her style. She put her hair into a high ponytail. Y/N couldn’t help but smile at herself in the mirror. It felt like lifetimes since she felt this confident and sexy. Damn, even the drawn cat-eye looked good. 
She winked at herself in the mirror and then glanced at her phone. Yes, they’d given her a phone. It was time to head out. She put it into the back pocket of her jeans. Before leaving, she had to check herself one more time just to be sure everything was perfect. 
To her surprise, she didn’t see any familiar faces. Usually, the students would walk around the school at this hour and hang out. Some noises came from the kitchen or the TV room. She didn’t recognise JJ’s voice. Maybe he was in his room.
Y/N made a mental note to spend more time with the boy. She didn’t keep her promise when she told him she’d come to him before the accident happened. 
“Well, look at you,” said a voice beside her. 
Y/N jumped, gasping. She was ready to hit the man in his face. “Jesus, Peter,” she glared at him. “You scared me, you ass,” she punched him in the shoulder. He could have easily dodged it, but he decided to not use his ability and laughed it off. 
“You get scared easily, Y/N. You should work on that,” he winked at her. “Can I walk with you?” he raised a brow. 
“You already are, so why ask?” she grinned at him. 
They walked out of the school and headed to the main entrance gate. Peter kept his hands behind his back. He had silver aviator goggles on top of his head that matched his silver jacket. “So, Y/N, what is your weirdness? You know about mine. I want to know about yours.” 
That made her laugh. “Nice way of saying it. I have, uh, protective abilities?” 
“You ask, or you know?” 
She glared at him playfully. “I know. I wasn’t sure if that description was correct. Let me put it this way - I can create and manipulate forcefields.” 
“Nice.” That was his only comment. “So, you have a codename?” 
“What?” she raised a brow. 
“You know, like Scott is Cyclops. Logan is Wolverine. I am Quicksilver,” he explained. “Do you have any name you go by?” 
Wheels were turning inside her head. “No,” she said. “I never thought about it, actually. Do I need one?” Was it necessary to have a codename? Holy shit, Logan was called the Wolverine? She could see why. It suited him well. 
“That’s up to you, I guess.  Okay, changing the topic - how long have you been here?” 
“Over a month,” she replied. “It’s been a hell of a ride. What about you?” 
He thought about it. “It’s been over a decade. I love this place, to be honest.” 
They slowly approached the main gate. They could see some people standing there, talking. Y/N was sure Logan was not there. “You took a break or something?” 
Peter nodded. “I needed some time off. It was all overwhelming. Charles granted me a lengthy vacation. I took a break, travelled the States, and here I am, ready to work again.”
Storm, Kitty and Kurt were the first three there, chatting. Y/N felt some excitement building inside of her. It was nice being a part of something bigger and better. Both Storm and Kitty were great women and friends. Were they friends? God, she hoped so. The last three to arrive were Bobby, Logan and Rogue. Rogue and Logan were squabbling. She couldn’t hear what it was about until she heard: “Let it fucking go, Rogue.” 
She had to chuckle. What got Logan so worked up? 
“Let’s fucking go, people,” Peter called them.
Thus, a thirty-minute walk to the bar started. Rogue linked arms with Y/N, and they walked ahead of everyone. Her arms were covered with gloves that hid under the denim jacket. That way, she could touch the other woman without fear of hurting her.
“Isn’t it annoying?” Y/N asked her. 
“The gloves? Yes, a little bit. Luckily, I can touch Remy without them,” she said with a smile. “He’s the only person that I won’t hurt. I don’t know how it is possible, but I don’t care. What matters is that I can touch the person I love.” 
“What if you subconsciously learnt to not hurt him?” Y/N thought out loud. “I can shut my brain from the Professor. I don’t know how, but I do it. Well, I might have already figured it out.”
They talked together the entire way to the bar. Rogue wouldn’t let anyone speak to Y/N. She wanted to have her for herself and get to know the woman better. 
Y/N felt a pair of eyes on her back the whole time. She suppressed the urge to turn around and look at Logan. She was more than sure it was him staring at her. It kept happening until they arrived at the empty bar. 
It looked like an old dive bar. Country music was playing in the background. An older-looking man was standing behind the bar, cleaning glasses. He had short white hair and glasses on his nose. When his grey eyes found a group of mutants at the door, he smiled. 
“Welcome, friends,” he greeted them with a raspy voice. “I was wondering when I will see you again. Come, sit. Ah, I see a new face here,” his lips crooked into a smile. 
Rogue grabbed Y/N by the shoulder and brought her closer to the man. “This is Y/N,” she said happily. “She’s been with us for some time now.” 
“Nice to meet you,” said Y/N, shaking hands with the man. 
“What can I get you, sweetheart?” he asked. 
“A beer would be nice, thank you,” she replied with a smile. They told her the owner was a mutant. What was his mutation? 
Rogue took her to the table where the rest of the people were seated. Y/N sat next to Storm, right opposite Logan. Rogue sat by the man’s side. 
It felt like a friendly gathering. The atmosphere was inviting. It’s been years since Y/N felt safe in a group. They were all like her, unique and not criminals. When Y/N’s eyes travelled around the table, her soul got warmer and relaxed. A gentle smile appeared on her face. She listened to Bobby talk about his day. The teens got on his nerves today. 
“In case you haven’t heard,” Storm interrupted him. “Y/N will become the newest English and Literature teacher.” 
“No kidding!” Rogue shouted excitedly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
All eyes were on her now. “I asked the Professor today,” she explained. “I don’t know. I simply didn’t. I kind of forgot, I guess.” 
“Another smartass,” Logan commented. 
“Aren’t you one, too?” Y/N glared at him, her lips turning into a grin. “Listen, I asked if he’d need an English teacher, and Charles said yes. I’m glad that I would be able to repay him at least a little.” 
The bartender brought them a tray of beers. They all grabbed one. Y/N put the drink to her lips and took a sip. Then another one. Before she knew it, she drank the whole glass in one go. She burped a little and smiled. “Damn, that was a good beer.” When her eyes lifted from the empty glass, everyone stared at her. Some had their mouths open, and others were impressed. “What? It’s been years.” 
“You’ll be out before you know it,” Bobby warned her. “Be careful.” 
“So,” Rogue clapped her hands. It got everyone’s attention. “Since we are all here, let’s get more information about Y/N.” 
“Oh, no,” Y/N hid her face in her hands.
“Oh, come on, Y/N,” Storm nudged her shoulder. “We want to know everything about you. Let’s start with the basics. Tell us something interesting about yourself. For example, I like gardening.” 
Y/N peeked at Storm, raising a brow. “That’s quite shocking. I could never picture you in a garden, on your knees and covered in dirt.” 
“The more you know. Now, it’s your turn.” 
“Ah,” Y/N sighed and thought about her life. “I used to attend guitar lessons,” she said after a while. “My parents made me take guitar lessons. That was years ago. I don’t think I remember anything.” 
“At least someone who’s not tone-deaf,” Peter commented. “I can’t listen to some of you singing off-key.” 
“I’m saying I played the guitar, not that I can sing,” Y/N corrected him. 
“It’s still the same,” Peter shrugged. 
“Anything else?” Storm asked. 
Y/N’s eyes moved around the place. She found darts and a pool table farther away. “Nothing is interesting about me,” she said. “I’m going to get another beer. Anyone want anything else?” she asked them. 
Y/N’s eyes fell on Logan’s empty glass, and she raised a brow. Their eyes locked. It was a silent plea to save her from the interrogation. “I’ll go with you,” he said. 
They walked from the table and straight to the bar. Logan ordered them more beer. He leaned against the wooden counter, elbows resting on it. “Everyone is curious about you,” he commented. 
“I hate that,” she sighed. “It’s like going to a confession. They all get information, and I get nothing out of it. It makes me nervous. I feel like the least interesting person here.” She turned her body to him. “Back in the day, when I started high school, this was a nightmare. People wanted to know everything to convince themselves that their lives were more interesting than others.” 
Logan’s eyes travelled around her body until they landed back on her face. “True,” he shrugged. “But here, people are genuinely curious and want to know you. You are part of the team, you know?” 
“It feels forced,” said Y/N. 
The bartender handed them beers, and he winked at Y/N. She chuckled at that. He wasn’t too discreet about the flirting. Then again, she didn’t mind. 
Her eyes landed on the pool table again. “Listen. Do you want to play?” she pointed with her head. 
Logan turned to look at it and then back at her, smirking. “Not only do you want me to kick your ass during training. You also want to lose playing pool?” 
“Is that a threat I hear in your voice? I will beat you,” she threatened with a finger.
“Only one way to find out, princess,” he grabbed his beer. “We’ll have a game, Stan,” Logan said to the bartender. 
Storm and Kitty watched them walk around the pool table and play. They both had grins on their faces, squabbling here and there. “They are so blind,” Kitty whispered to Storm.
“Let them have this dance,” Storm whispered back. “Five bucks, they’ll end up together by the end of the month.” 
“I’m giving them a week,” Bobby joined on the bet. 
Y/N held the billiard cue tightly in her hand. Logan was the one who started the game. They flipped a coin, and he won. Logan got himself solids while Y/N remained with the stripes. When he screwed up his move, it was time for her to play. The last time she played pool was years ago. It was a game she wasn’t able to master. All she could do was to try and have a good time. 
She sank one of her balls and moved to another one. She leaned over the table, placed the cue on the table and focused. There weren’t any good shots for her. Therefore, she had to play something and try. 
Logan stood next to her and laughed. “Your stance is wrong,” he said. He reached for her hand and brought it higher on the cue. 
His body was oh so close to her, and Y/N forgot how to breathe. She could smell the cigars, a heavy man’s cologne and something musky. When he pulled away, his hand brushed against her lower back. It made her hit a ball that sank one of his solid balls. “Shit,” she cursed. 
Logan’s howling laughter echoed around the bar. “You really want me to win, princess.” 
“You are distracting me,” she frowned at him when she straightened her stance. She reached for her beer and drank from it. 
Her eyes were stalking him, watching his every move. When did he light up a cigar? He held it between his lips while he played his turn. Y/N huffed. She took off her leather jacket and threw it on the nearest chair. Then, she fixed her blouse and popped open the highest button to show some cleavage. If he could distract, so could she. 
He sank two other balls when the third try was unsuccessful. “Fuck,” he growled. 
Y/N snickered. She walked to the table and scanned her stripes. This round sucked. There was nothing good to play. She sat at the edge and held the cue behind her back. 
“You won’t be able to make it,” Logan stared at the scene. “It’s a difficult move, kid.” 
Y/N exhaled and hit the red stripe ball perfectly. “Ha!” she shouted happily when the ball sank. “Did you see that?” 
Logan smiled at her and rolled his eyes. “Go on, it’s still your turn,” he goaded her. “Show me what else you can do.” He took a drag of the cigar.
Y/N felt confident. Even though she was three balls behind, she started to believe she could win. She gave him a smug face as she walked around the table, trying to find another good shot. It was all fun and games. When she brushed past him, Logan wanted to grab her by the neck and bring her lips to his. He only took a deep breath and pushed the thoughts away. 
Y/N leaned over the table and hovered the cue on the table. There was one ball that had the potential of being taken down. She took a deep breath. Again, Y/N felt Logan’s eyes on her body. She started burning up. With this knowledge, she hit the white ball, and with some dumb luck, she managed to sink the black eight ball. 
“No!” she shouted, horrified. 
Logan’s roaring laughter brought everyone’s attention. “Holy shit,” he placed a hand on his belly. “You did not!”
Y/N leaned against a wall and hid her head in her arms. “What the fuck was that?!” she shouted, pissed. 
Laughter came from the table where the rest of the people sat. They saw what happened. “Oh, Y/N, no,” Kitty gasped, laughing. 
“I’m never playing this dumb game again,” Y/N made a dramatic announcement. “Oh my god,” she pushed from the wall and turned around. She noticed all eyes on her. “Listen,” she blushed. “I am talented. I am the best there is. I should stick to drinking,” she said ironically. 
“Hey, hey,” Logan walked to her and put his hand on her shoulder, squeezing it. “If you’d like, I can also kick your ass while playing darts,” he teased. 
She glared at him. “Very funny,” she shook off his hand and went to get her beer. “I will kick your ass when we have the next training session,” she threatened. Once she got to her beer, she went back to him. “I will find a way to burn all your clothes.”
Logan tilted his head and grinned. “If you want to see me without clothes, all you need to do is ask.” 
“Is that a challenge?” she looked into his eyes and wiggled her eyebrows. “Think twice, or you might regret it.” And then, she drank the rest of her second beer in one go. “Refill?” 
He snorted. “You’ll get drunk, princess.” 
“Well, you only live once, right?” she shrugged and walked to the bar to order another beer. 
The rest of the night went smoothly. Everyone talked and laughed. Y/N wasn’t interrogated as she was at the very beginning. Bobby told her about the students and what to expect from them. Kitty added some of her funniest memories and challenges as a teacher. Storm included what to do when the school is under attack.
“It happens,” she said. “Not often, but at least once a year.” 
Before they knew it, Y/N was on her fifth beer and feeling it. Her face was burning, the world spinning, and she could feel it in her veins. Her voice got louder, and words went flying out of her mouth.
“I love my life,” Y/N said out of nowhere. Some giggles spread around. “Everything’s good, you know? I have a place to sleep, food to eat, and amazing friends,” she said with a wide smile. “I fucking hope we are friends.”
“Of course we are,” Bobby nodded.
“No more beer for you, young lady,” said Peter. “By the way, how is it possible to get drunk from beer?” 
She took a big, dramatic breath. “Let me tell you a short story, my friend. When you are locked up for years, barely able to eat and an involuntary abstainer, you can get drunk easily.” 
More laughter followed. “Take it easy, girl,” Storm patted her shoulder. 
Y/N stood up from their table. “I’m going outside to take a breather and clear my head.” She tripped over her feet but managed to stand tall. “It’s the floors,” she blamed it. 
The midnight air was cold. Y/N walked outside without her leather jacket. She wrapped her arms around herself and closed her eyes. Getting drunk was not the plan. On the other hand, the beer tasted good. It eased her nerves. Walking around Logan got easier the more she drank. That fucker was such a tease. 
Y/N let her hair loose and put the elastic band between her fingers. She let her hair fall over her shoulders and face. 
How would his lips feel against mine? Where did that question come from? Her mind was racing miles. All she could see was Logan’s face and those lips she wanted to taste. She shook her head to get rid of those thoughts. 
“You okay, kid?” 
She sighed. Of course, Logan would be the first one to check up on her. It was nice. But it brought back all those impure thoughts. 
“I’d like another beer,” she said to him. 
“Go get some. But I’m warning ya, I’m not the one carrying ya back to the school.” 
“I’m not asking you to,” Y/N winked at him. When she took a step, she almost tripped again. Sighing, she said, “Seriously, what is with the floor?” 
“Y/N, you are drunk,” said Logan. “The floor is fine. Also, you are outside, so there is ground under your feet. I think it’s time to go back to school.” 
“You are right,” she nodded and yawned. “I’m going to get my jacket. I’ll head back to school. You guys have fun.” Y/N wanted to walk inside to get her belongings. However, Logan stopped her. Y/N was about to protest, but she noticed he already had her jacket. “How did you get that? You are not the one who can run fast. That’s Peter.” 
Logan was a bit annoyed when she mentioned his name. He put the jacket around her shoulders. “Come on, princess. Let’s get ya home.” 
“You are coming with me?” she looked up at him, confused. “Why?”
“You think I’m letting you walk there alone in this state? Come on, Y/N, I’m not leaving you when you are drunk and barely able to walk on your own.” 
A bright smile appeared on her face. “Aw, you are my knight in shining armour,” she sang. 
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copperbadge · 3 months
TBH it was surprising when you mentioned you have difficulty knowing how others feel about you. You strike me as an incredibly likeable guy with an interesting life and viewpoint, and it seems your readers feel the same :) . If I lived anywhere near I'd love to hang out (or at least exchange cat pictures), but alas. Anyway, I hope you're having a good day and please give the kits a kiss for me!
Ah, thank you! That's a lovely thing to say :)
That's the curse of rejection-sensitive dysphoria though -- you're just never goddamn sure. Your brain wants to read everything other people say and do in a negative light, but you also know that's not correct. So it's one more axis along which you can't trust yourself.
Being unable to trust yourself is actually a really big part of ADHD. Specialists talk a lot about how people with ADHD can't trust their memory, they can't trust knowledge they've worked to acquire will be there when it's needed, they can't trust their reactions in a crisis, they can't trust their perceptions of others. I know, intellectually, that the people in my life don't remember 99% of the dumb shit I pull, but I remember it all in visceral emotional detail, which makes it difficult to believe in my soul that they don't. Do I remember the dumb shit they pull? No. Does that matter? Not to my stupid dinged-up corpus striatum, which is where the ADHD lives.
Even before my diagnosis I was dimly aware of this issue and so I did a lot of work on myself to make sure that I took a healthy attitude towards this, that I didn't try to manipulate people into reassuring me or lash out if I thought they secretly hated me. I remind myself not everyone will like me and that's okay, I remind myself that people who don't want to spend time with you don't proactively seek out your company.
But what that means is that while I for the most part don't suspect people of baselessly hating me, or at least don't act on suspicion when I do, I also just kinda...never know what anyone thinks. All I can really do is continue to assume the positive, and if that starts to fail, communicate openly about it. Which as coping mechanisms go is pretty healthy, like short of a drastic personality rewiring I'm not sure how I could handle it better, but the struggle is pretty real.
All of which is to say that I do appreciate the ask -- and all evidence in this post to the contrary I am having a pretty great day. It's Friday, the house is clean, I got paid today and I'm going on vacation starting Sunday. And I did just spend half an hour cuddling the kitties. :D
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junislqve · 4 months
⟡ stay in my memories
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when you had finally started to accept your past, it comes back to haunt you
pairs ex!jake + reader content angst kissing jake being toxic wordcount 1404 — find my other works
note ending is highkey rushed and was supposed to be happy, but this is self indulgent, so! i also listened to memories an ungodly amount while writing this
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YOU HUFFED AS YOUR DOORBELL RANG FOR THE SECOND TIME. it was 11pm. a few minutes ago, your friend had just left after picking up her cat from the week-long vacation she had with her boyfriend. you had sensed she’d forgotten something.
when it rang once more, you begrudgingly stood up dragging your legs to the front door. the lights to your small living room was already off save for one that was only enough to illuminate the front door.
you sigh as the door click open, “you really need to stop forget-” 
“hi, babyy” 
your heart dropped. not because of how the man in front of you accidentally stumbled and now practically has his boy weight supported by you, and also somehow not because of how his hands circle your body and rest on your waist like how it used to.
it was his voice that did. 
his voice that you swore on everything you would never want to hear again. hating how it sounded so much you’d bail on any man that sounded similar to him or had his accent.
how could you not when only a few simple words uttered with that voice had your mind reeling? repeating the same heart wrenching sentence in your head over and over again, it engraved itself.
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it was pouring outside. you’ve been very stuffed with schoolwork and your finals coming up. papers spread out everywhere on your table and books scattered on your bedsides and floor. 
you felt a tickle on your ankle and watched as your dog rubbed its side on your body, begging for attention. you chuckle, dropping your pen and bending down to pick her up. sitting her on your lap as you rubbed its back. 
“i’m sorry, i just need to finish this paper and i’ll promise i’ll give you some attention, okay?” you coo at her, it hung her head low but complied, laying her head on your lap. 
a moment later, your phone lit up. you stared at the caller and with no hesitation immediately picked it up, a smile growing on your face, “hi, babe-”
“let’s break up”
you stopped. the pouring rain seemed to have hushed in a matter of seconds, the air around you felt constricted. your dog stayed silent, looking up at you in confusion.
“it’s just going to be hard keeping up our relationship in the long run. i’m graduating and you still have two years” 
“so i don’t want to hold each other back” he sounded frustrated. 
“so that’s it?” you ask, voice heavy. “you’re going to leave me because you don’t want to wait two years for me?”
“you’re twisting my words”
“that’s exactly what you said, jake” 
“i’m sorry”
no he’s not. 
“no, you’re not” you say, you wait for a second too long before hanging up. you damn well know he’s not, because if he was you wouldn’t be crying as hard as you are right now. your chest wouldn’t have felt as painful as it does.
there was nothing but confusion that clouded your mind the following days. you were trying to reason with yourself why he’d ever break up with you. 
your boyfriend is the sweetest yet most comforting guy you’ve ever known. or at least, was. you thought there must be something wrong with you.
everything reminded you of him. back then, you thought you hit the lottery when he landed as your first love as well as your first boyfriend. you never doubted your relationship, he was always there for you whenever you needed him and you never turned him down if he needed a shoulder. 
every waking moment after the breakup felt plain to you. habits and hobbies turned more of a chore, some of the things you did were picked up from his habits.
you were quiet about your breakup. it took a total of 13 days until anyone found out. your friends having to fish it out of you when they felt how quiet and more zoned out you’ve become.
for three months, jake’s name was not allowed to be uttered. it was a rule your friend made. she knew anything correlated to him could tip you off, but what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. 
she didn’t know that you’d still visit his old album from time to time just to feel something. to remember all the ways he loved you and all the ways he wasn’t there to, anymore.
you can’t let go the feeling of how he would hug you, all the times he would kiss you giggles filling out every corner of the room. the moments he’d lay on the bed with you, whispering sweet nothings lulling you to sleep.
you still can feel all of that, a ghost of the past you were never willing to let go.
you wished time could heal all of you completely. because now when you swore you have finally started to move on, he has his body slumped on yours, breath fanning your neck.
“jake?” you curse yourself from how quiet it came out. your voice wavering, your breath shallow before you slowly walk in, his body still slumped on yours.
he hummed, “i missed you” he dug his head deeper into your neck, making you physically sick.
you tug him off, stabling him by his shoulders and you wished you didn’t. you could see his state now. his hair was all messed up, face tinted red from drinking and he had that pout. his eyes attempting to blink itself awake as he looks at you through sleepy eyes.
“jake” you say again, finding your voice. that pout of his grew at your tone.
“don’t you miss me?” he asks, voice so soft you almost gave in. his hands still hover on your waist and you’d lie if you said you weren’t fully aware of it. 
“i’ll grab you some water” you say, walking out of his reach. the heat from his body slowly seeping away as you walk to grab a glass of water.
you turn back to see him sat on the couch, his head laying on the arm rest, legs sprawled sideways. tapping him on the shoulder, his eyes crease open along with that smile of his. your heart clenched.
he grabs the cup and downs it in one gulp, “thank you” he says quietly.
when you were about to grab it and walk back to the kitchen, jake had tugged your shirt causing you to topple on top of him on the couch. 
“you haven’t said you missed me back” he said, head buried in your hair, breathing you in. 
you gathered all of you to push against him and stand up, “jake, stop”
“i know you’re sober”
it barely showed, but you could see the slight waver of his smile.
“i miss you” he says for the third time tonight, eyes open but still slightly glazed.
“you’re being selfish” tears start to well up. it’s overwhelming to say the least. how could he just show up at your doorstep months later giving you false hope? after everything he’s made you go through.
“i know” he starts, sitting up slightly, “and i know i have no right to come back here begging for you to come back. but i miss you”
“you should leave” you look away.
“i’m sorry” he says, “but i’ll do better this time”
maybe it was those eyes that convinced you, or the sliver of sincerity you pretended to see in his eyes or maybe once again it was that voice that allured you. but you gave in. 
he brought you in for a kiss. one that you’ve undoubtedly miss all these months of being apart. jake just knew how to bring you back into his arms. he held you all night long and between the kiss and the cuddling, you dozed into a sleep you haven’t felt for months.
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you shifted, you peek at the light hitting your eyes from the slip of the curtains. 
you rolled over, the space beside you, cold. 
you sat up, the blanket falling off your body as you looked around the living room. trying to grasp at the hazy memory of last night.
the table in front of the couch is neat. when your eyes focused there was a scrap of paper placed on it.
‘i don’t deserve you, i’m sorry
-love, j’
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© junislqve 2024. liking, commenting, and rebloging are appreciated.
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derehono · 7 months
The day that changed my life forever.
24th of February 2022 should have been my usual day. No, not usual. A wonderful day. I should have been checked with a doctor, gave notice to teachers in high school of my absence, and then fly away on vacation, my parents wanted it so much.
On 23rd of February 2022 I felt happy. I had a secure, happy life, preparing to finals, hanging out with my friends, already having an offer from university.
Until 5AM 24.02.2022.
I had not a single class in my school since then.
I haven’t seen my friend group in 2 years.
I didn’t have my finals.
We did not have that vacation.
“Daughter, wake up. This old psychotic man attacked us. We are leaving.”
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That was my first photo of the day, trying sarcastically keep myself normal. I remember that actual emptiness, reading my classmates texts about how their windows were shaking because of explosions, the sky was orange. They sent that video.
He called it “a special military operation”.
I collected random clothes, some hobby stuff just to keep my sanity, grabbed my pet, emptied my safety locker. I was scared that russians would intrude into our home and steal all my savings, so I throw away key to that lock. This key became my symbol of war, I have never found it even after return.
When I with my parents and pet got out of flat to car we heard for the very first time air raid siren. We would hear so many more of them, we would learn to differentiate them, but then we were confused.
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It was my second photo. People were going away. Foot, cars, bicycles. I remember such a surreal picture. Some moms were carrying their toddlers, one woman was carrying a bucket of water with turtles, other people were carrying cages with parrots, with dogs, with cats, with exotic pets despite air raid siren, temperature, rain. Everyone was so confused and scared.
Few days later the road we were riding was occupied. Bridges destroyed. Factories burnt. Supermarkets demolished. Houses in ruins. Road in holes. On the side of the road burnt cars with “DO NOT TOUCH, POSSIBLY EXPLOSIVE”. That gut wrenching feeling seeing photos of dead bodies and recognising the place.
But back then it was still lively, not a road of death. I remember reading news then. First victims, first shelling. Invasion from East. Invasion from Kharkiv region. Invasion from Crimea. Invasion from Chernihiv. Invasion from Zhytomyr. And we were in Zhytomyr region at that moment. Explosions in Kyiv. The border was destroyed.
I felt nothing. Just emptiness.
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This precious girl was keeping my head cool all the road. She was also scared and irritated, but she was so strong, such an amazing girl. I am so proud of her.
We were heading to my grandparents who lived closer to West Ukraine, so we would be safer. The road that takes usually just 4 hours but that time it took 13 hours. 13 hours of driving exhausted and nerved. We saw soldiers, trucks, jets, how barricades were built, signs were removed.
But we made it. We were lucky. Lucky to be alive, to have family alive and mostly close to West, further from russia. Even though, part of my extended family still was under occupation in Chernihiv region, suffering from such close border with belarus.
When we arrived, we were just silent. Then collected mattresses for shelter, asked grandpa to grab some patrol (we knew that they would definitely destroy reservoirs and literally next day the started doing that), and just fell asleep in something that we arrived in, being so scared.
That day I also cut ties with russian friend who I am shamed to admit having. He was proving me that this is just a military operation, no one would be harmed.
Then, arrived spring that I will never forget but at the same time never remember. I remember 10 people in one floor house. I remember the whistle of rocket that woke us up. I remember sirens. I remember news. I remember losing hope. I remember first photos after deoccupation of Kyiv region. I remember how forgotten friend of my dad suddenly called him saying that his city is fully destroyed, his neighbour right on his eyes was exploded attempting to get into the car and evacuate.
I remember my first mental breakdown. How I was crying in the darkness, but quietly so no one would notice.
We were able to return home three months later. But we are just lucky. Someone would never return. Someone is not even alive to see their home again. Someone’s home is forever destroyed.
I was lucky that I have secured my place at foreign university before war, but my whole family is still in Ukraine.
War is not over at all. 20% of Ukraine is occupied. So many displaced civilians, so many deaths. No one could even count, we do not have any access to bodies. Only way to identify is to deoccupy and find mass graves. No other means. Children are suffering from PTSD even in such a young age. Almost in every city, big or small, you would find graveyards covered in Ukrainian flag, grave of the soldier.
Maybe media does not talk that much of us, but it doesn’t mean that everything is alright. Avdiivka is destroyed, right now operation searching for people under debris of the civilian house after attack is undergoing.
And this is happening all the time.
Who was punished for Olenivka? Who was punished for destruction of Kakhovka Dam? Who was punished for all fully destroyed cities? Who was responsible for all that absolutely atrocious videos torturing Ukrainian soldiers?
Please, remember, Ukraine is still on fire. People are still dying. Soldiers cannot even counterattack because they do not have enough ammo, just for protection. Information war is also waging, sharing all that misinformation, Nazi narratives, russian propaganda.
russia is a terrorist state.
Glory to Ukraine.
Glory to the Heroes.
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harrywavycurly · 23 days
Niall talking to Harry about planning her Bach party please Sarah?😂😘😘
Hiii babes!! This makes me laugh because imagine if it never clicked for Harry that Niall being your Man of Honor meant he would be planning your Bach party and stuff? So I’ll happily give you a convo where it all dawns on Harry what all exactly Niall is in charge of with your wedding 😂💖
-find all things Lonely here✨
*this is done in dialogue form because it’s just a fun little conversation*
A/N: Niall drops by for a visit and Harry becomes aware of what all Niall is in charge of since he’s your Man of Honor, enjoy the bickering between my fave besties that like to act as if they hate each other✨
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“Yer office has a couch in it? What the bloody fuck for? You have a living room right down stairs…” “Because I wanted one in here for when I have to work late and-why are you even here Niall?” “Well I came to see if your lovely fiancé or better known as my bestfriend was home but I forgot she’s dress shopping today so…figured I’d see if you were busy and up for a hang out.” “You weren’t invited to that?” “Oh I was but I had a morning meeting-” “wait you…you were actually invited to go dress shopping with her and the rest of the bridesmaids?” “Yeah? I’m her man of honor I’m invited to everything.” “So you’d get to see her dress before me? What kind of shit is that?” “I’m not her bloody fiancé Harry so yeah I was always going to see the dress before you mate…besides I was there when the girls picked their bridesmaids dresses and while it was a bit like herding cats watching them pick two that they agreed on it was entertaining at least.” “You got to see the Paige and Emily showdown in person?” “Oh yeah…them two love to argue over everything…bout had to hold Emily back when Paige told her we should go with floor length gowns instead of knee length…” “she didn’t even let me see which dresses the girls ended up getting…” “really? Well don’t try no sneaky shit with me H I’m not telling you shit she doesn’t want you to know…but I’m glad that’s one thing I can cross off my list of duties to help with…I have to focus on this bachelorette weeken-” “I’m sorry? You have to focus on what now?” “Planning her Bach party…it’s like my main job besides like making sure she actually shows up to the alter on time and all that jazz.” “You…you’re…planning…her party?” “Well s’more like a mini vacation because I’m thinking Miami for four days and getting a yacht for the main event because she loves a boat day ya know?” “Miami? Really?” “That’s the place they all agreed on…I just need to get some details settled with her before booking everything.” “I just…I didn’t think you were really going to be so…involved.” “What the fuck did you think I was gonna be doing Harry? Standing around looking pretty? No..I’m the bloody Man of Honor and I take that shit seriously.” “That’s…that’s good to know I guess…what else are you in charge of then?” “Ah yer gonna love this…I gotta assist her in bathroom breaks during the reception…like hold her dress and shit.” “Say that again?” “Yeah…like proper make sure she doesn’t like…ruin her dress or anything when she needs to take a leak.” “I don’t fucking think so Niall. Man of Honor or not you’re not going to be helping my wife go to the bathroom.” “See I told her you’d be all upset about it…so she got Emily to take over that part of my job.” “You’re such an asshole.” “I just like to see you sweat is all…so how’s Gemma coming with your bachelor party?” “What? She’s not-” “she’s not what? She’s your best woman Harry that means she’s in charge of shit like that…and knowing your sister she’s gonna plan something wild…I gotta call her and make sure I’m invited….is it weird that me and Amelia will be at the bachelorette party together?” “I need your bestfriend to hurry up and come home..you’re giving me a headache…I need to lay down…” “good thing you have this couch in here then…”
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urprettylittlething · 11 months
Stuffed Full
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Yandere - Gojo Satoru x CursedKitty! Reader x Geto Suguru
A/N - Again another part of CursedKitty universe! This is basically a smut series at this point but im not complaining lmao, this was partly requested by a lovely anon, which i also mixed with a request from someone on AO3 <333 Ty my lovess, ive been so busy recently and ive been getting little sleep but ive finally got another part for you all, they seem to get longer and longer lmao, And thank you all so much for all the love on my CursedKitty Universe <3333 It means a lot to me that you all enjoy it so much, i love to read any comments you guys leave it really makes my day :,) <333333 Ily all so much i hope you enjoy my second written smut ever </3 If you want to request anything feel free! <3
summary - You beg them for cock so don't be surprised when you get two.
warnings - she kinda begs for it so ig consensual? But Dubcon to be safe, female anatomy, smut, two cocks in one hole, double stuffed, clit play, squirting, a lot of cum, lots of praise, dumbification? i think so, very vague yandere vibes but theres something there, crying during sex, overstimulation? probably, shes desperate lol, heat vibes, (let me know if i need to add more please)
genre - Oneshot
wc - 2.3k
-not edited yet, will be soon-
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It’s the end of the day when Geto and Gojo come back to see Kitty. They arrive at the high end apartment complex and start making their way up to the top. It’s paid for by Gojo who has the most money amongst the two of them, but Geto pitches in with the bills every now and then and food stock when they want to stay here instead.
It wasn’t often that they’d use Gojos apartment, but it was nice for some privacy every now and then. True privacy. It was also good during their vacation times. It’s especially come in handy now that they have a cute little kitty to look after. 
They only keep things stocked really for them since Kitty doesn't need to eat any human food, but every now and then she gets curious about the snacks they eat. Being able to smell the scent of the chicken broth, or Gojo’s sweets looking particularly alluring with bright colors and fluffy insides. 
So they’d feed her every now and then while she has fun enjoying the new tastes and textures in her mouth. Besides, they have fun too, pulling her into their laps and squeezing her hips and flesh while she nibbles on the soft sweets in their hands and licks the remaining scraps off of their fingers. 
When they get to the door Gojo begins unlocking it and they make their way inside. Runes decorate the door on the inside, as well as every window in the apartment. Just a precaution they’re taking to ensure she doesn't accidentally escape, to keep her contained.
Gojo lets his bag slump to the floor while he stretches obnoxiously, looking forward to the entire week off they have with Kitty. Geto trails in behind him and actually hangs his bag up, closing the door behind him he calls out, “Kitty cat, where are you?” 
A shuffle and thump could be heard down the hallway before the pitter patter of bare feet on the floor could be heard coming towards them. When Kitty rounds the corner she practically pounces on the first person she can see.
Her hands immediately gravitate towards Getos trousers, where she tries tugging and pulling on them in an attempt to get to what's inside. 
A startled sound escapes Geto as he instinctively grabs onto her wrists and pulls her hands away from his dick. Now holding her squirming arms in the air his brows furrow as he looks to Gojo. 
“Don’t look at me!” he says, holding his own hands up in the air in a mocking act of surrender. He’s leaned up against the back of the couch, one leg hooked over the other as he watches on in amusement from behind his glasses. “What’s got her so riled up?”
Geto huffs and looks back down at the squirming curse in his arms. She’s resorted to crying, large drops of tears trickling down her cheeks and dripping off of her chin. Her bottom lip is wobbling and she's looking up at Geto almost pleadingly. 
The more the two men take in the curse the more they notice and the more curious they get. They notice the light sheen of sweat glistening on her skin, the way her thighs try and rub themselves together and the sticky wet sounds they make when they do. 
Geto seems to clock it a second before Gojo does. Cooing down at the Kitty caught in his arms he practically purrs, “Awh, such a good kitty, were you trying to ask for my cock? Is that it? Need my cock to make yourself feel better?”  
She's blubbering, pretty tears still falling down her cheeks as her hands still try and squirm away from his hold. She seemed to register his words at least somewhat as she looked down to his trousers again before looking back up at him with those begging eyes.
God, he can already feel himself hardening in his boxers. 
“Oh? Kitty is asking to be stuffed, is she? This is a first.” Gojo says, already standing up and making his way to the bedroom. 
Geto follows shortly behind him, lightly dragging Kitty along with him as she fumbles over her steps, his strides being bigger than hers. He hums in response to Gojo. Gently sitting Kitty down onto the ruffled sheets. It's clear she was in them before they got home. 
Gojo grabs onto Kitty and pulls her further up the bed, pushing her onto her front when she tries to grab at his trousers as well. He keeps his hand on her head and pulls her hips up with the other, flipping the loose shirt over her ass and hips to rest on her arched back. 
Her hips wiggle and Gojo groans. He brings one hand up to massage her ass, fondling and gripping the flesh. “She’s dripping Sugu.” He murmurs, voice dropping a few octaves and becoming husky. 
Her tail had been curled around one of her thighs the entire time, some of the fur wet with slick as it uncurled itself and rested against her back, the tip flicking back and forth every now and then.
His hand pushing her head into the sheets briefly massages her scalp when she starts whining, becoming restless. A gentle purr starts up in her chest while her ears flatten against her head but she still continues to squirm. 
“Okay Kitty, don't worry you’ll get your milk soon.” He brings the hand that was groping her flesh to his zipper, pulling down his trousers just past his hips, his boxers following shortly after. He spits in his hand and takes his already hard cock, giving himself a few quick pumps before lining himself up to her pulsing hole and pushing his way in. 
He leans over her, one hand still keeping her head down while the other goes back to gripping onto her hip, no doubt bruising the flesh beneath his fingers. His glasses slide down his nose as he finishes sheathing himself inside of her.
Her little hands are resting either side of her head while gripping the sheets beneath. Her eyes are half lidded and small pants leave her open mouth, leftover tears dribble over her water line and soak into the sheets below her.
Gojo groans squeezing his eyes shut tight while his chest heaves, her tight walls still trying to suck him in further while they pulsate and flutter around his hard cock. 
When his eyes open again he catches Geto’s gaze from where he's standing at the edge of the bed in front of Kitty’s head. “You didn’t waste any time, huh?” he says while raising an eyebrow. 
“I was already hard and besides, she was begging for it.” Gojo responds after catching his breath. 
“You didn’t even prep her.”
“She can take it.” 
“Can she?”
“Are you jealous I got here first Sugu?”
Geto goes quiet for a second at that while they stare each other down. It’s only when Kitty starts trying to move her hips and whine again that he speaks up. “So what if I am?” 
It’s Gojos turn to go quiet for a second until he blurts out, “I’m sure she can take two.”
Geto stares at him in shock as a small smirk graces Gojos face, his glasses slid down far enough that his eyes are exposed. A glint of mischief and lust present in the irises.
Geto sighs before smirking himself, “I guess we’ll find out.” 
Gojo huffs out a laugh before reaching under Kitty and pulling her up with him so they're both kneeling on the sheets. She yelps when he pulls her up, his cock moving inside of her, before leaning against his chest. He rests his head between her fluffy ears while watching Geto climb onto the bed and kneel in front of Kitty. 
Geto unzips his trousers and pulls them just below his hips exactly like Gojo did. The impatience getting to him as he eyes her dripping pussy being stuffed full with Gojos cock. He brings one hand between her legs to swirl loose circles around her engorged clit while he pulls his cock out. 
Kitty squeals and her hips jolt at the sudden contact of his cold fingers to her hot flesh. She begins mewling at the consistent pleasure to her nub while Gojos cock presses against all her sensitive spots from inside. Her ears are pressed flat to her head while she twitches and gasps in his arms. Her hands grasping on tightly to the arm wrapped around her middle holding her up.
“Can feel her squeezing me.” Gojo murmurs into her hair, head tilted slightly so he can watch Getos fingers pleasure the cursed kitty in his arms. 
Geto shuffles forward a bit more so he's pressed against Kittys front, her perky breasts squished between them while he stops circling her clit to rest the hand on her hip. The hand still gripping tight on his cock guids it to her already stuffed hole. 
“It’s going to be a tight fit.” Is all he says before trying to squeeze his way inside the desperate Kitty they caught. 
She wails at the extra intrusion, Gojo trying to calm her down with hushes and coos, using his hands to caress her flesh. When Geto is about half way in he stops for a second to groan and pant, murmuring about how tight she is before pushing the rest of the way in.
Kitty squeals at the feeling, being stuffed full with two cocks overwhelming her senses. She's mewling and blubbering, the pretty tears from before had returned to caress her cheeks. Geto joins Gojo in rubbing and whispering to Kitty, giving her a second to get used to them together. They weren’t that cruel. 
Gojo brings his hands up to fondle and massage her Kitty ears, helping her relax faster as a small purr tries building in her chest, Geto continuing his caresses over her hips, sides of her breasts, shoulders and back. 
It’s Gojo that starts moving first, beginning to thrust in her tight walls the smallest amount. Geto’s breath catches at the feeling before he begins to do the same. 
They’re alternating between thrusts, whenever Gojo pulls out a bit, Geto pushes in. They’ve resorted to resting their hands on parts of her flesh to give them something to hold onto as they pick up the pace. 
Gojo has one hand on her hip and the other arm wrapped around her middle. Geto has one hand on the other hip and the other hand holding the back of her head, pressing her into him more.
The more their pace picks up, the louder Kitty gets, sputtering and gurgling between the two of them, gasping and mewling as well. Her little pussy was stretched to its limit, pulsing and gushing at the unrelenting pleasure. It was getting easier and easier for the two to move inside her from all the slick she was producing.
When they’re finally at a consistent pace they both lean down to whisper and murmur in her ears, barely making out words of, “Such a good girl.”, “Such a pretty little Kitty, taking us so well.”, “Letting us fuck you at the same time, naughty Kitty.”, “ You’re my perfect little curse aren’t you?”, “God, listen to your pussy taking us so well.”
Neverending praises being fed to her while they pounded her with their cocks.
She's almost sobbing by the time they’re about to cum, her chest heaving, cheeks and chest flushed, eyes lidded while the tip of her tongue pokes out of her mouth, droplets of tears still fresh in her eyes.
When the two of them start panting and groaning, their rhythm starts to get sloppy, one of them reaching down with two fingers to rub and flick over the exposed nub. The juices that have dripped onto the sheets below provide more than enough lube to smoothly glide over the flesh. 
They can both feel her tense up around them, an inhuman shriek leaving her as her whole body shakes. Gojo throws his head back and starts fucking into her with a rabid pace, chasing his orgasm with Geto. Her walls suddenly tense up further, almost making it impossible for them to move as her walls pulse and gush fluid, squirting out juices onto both of their cocks and soaking the sheets below them.
Kitty goes limp between the two of them. Holding her up while they finish groaning and moaning, fucking their orgasm up into her.
None of them move or say anything for a few minutes after they finish cumming. Leaning against each other while they try and catch their breath. 
Eventually Gojo pulls out, bringing a whine out of the overstimulated Kitty in his arms. More of her juices, now mixed with their cum, drip from her hole, onto the ruined sheets below and down the length of Getos cock which was still inside of her. 
No one says anything as Geto shuffles the both of them up the bed a little before collapsing onto his back, Kitty tucked into his chest with an arm going around her back and the other burying itself into her hair to massage the base of her ears. 
A few light mewls escape her as another gentle purr begins building up in her chest, content now after being stuffed to the max. 
Gojo comes back a few minutes later, collapsing into a pile on the sheets next to the pair after having run a bath for them all to relax in.
He looks over at the two, making eye contact with Kitty as she gazes at him with half lidded eyes. The small purr audible if you listen in closely. Gojo reaches over with one hand to caress her cheek. Dancing the tips of his fingers under her eyes and down the sides of her face. 
“We really picked a cutie, didn't we Sugu?” Gojo murmurs. 
Geto hums in response, voice husky, “Never letting her go.”
Gojo huffs a laugh as he brings his hand back to join the other tucked behind his head. “Wouldn't dream of it. Our pretty little curse.” 
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mammonscheeks · 2 months
demon brothers + dateables as destinations in the human world
✎ a/n: these are my opinions! i'm south and west asian, so i am most knowlegeable about those countries, please correct me if i've said anything incorrect!
new york city, usa. he likes the cold, industrial corporate feel of nyc. it helps him avoid his feelings.
anywhere in germany. he likes their no-nonsense culture and unspoken social rules.
las vegas, nevada, usa. he always begs mc to take him there. the flashy lights and casinos are right up his alley.
dubai, uae. he loves the luxurious feel of it, and how its the center of celebrity gatherings, vacations, and parties.
tokyo, japan (especially the akihabara/electronic district). he's always updated on pop culture and the newest technology/games.
seychelles island, africa. he likes swimming, but not socializing on the beach. that's why he likes isolated islands.
london, england. he's interested in their medival history and seeing the places that inspired novels like harry potter and the sherlock holmes franchise.
cat island in japan, or any mediterranean country where cats freely roam.
paris, france. he'd love paris fashion week. he also just seems french to me, idk.
seoul, south korea. he'd adore seoul's culture, everything from the modern sappy kdramas to traditional dresses, like hanbok. he would bring an empty suitcase to stuff it with beauty products.
mumbai, india. this metropolitan city in india offers so many different kinds of food. he would love to eat his way through the city, if not the entire country.
every city in mexico. he'd try the regional cuisine, but also hang out at the beach with his brothers and mc (so cute).
cairo, egypt. he was once fascinated with humans, and often watched them build civilizations from heaven when he was an angel. he would enjoy the historical wonders of egypt.
reykjavic, iceland. idk why he just gives me iceland vibes. life there can be slow and cold, and it often gets less light than other countries.
transylvania, romania. he loves its breathtaking castles and culture, and is intrigued with all the pop culture references of vampires.
petra, jordan. this is a significant place in abrahamic religions, known for being haunted by demons, or jinn. diavolo would be fascinated by this history, whether its actually haunted or not. i know he'd eat up those scary ghost tours (insert fic about that here) and even probably try and scare a few tourist groups, despite barbatos advising him against it.
istanbul, turkiye. istanbul has well-maintained structures from the byzantine empire, the ottoman empire, and even "newer and hip" neighborhoods. barbatos, being able to see the past and future, would appreciate the blend of it all here, like he's walking through time.
kathmandu, nepal. he'd enjoy the peace of monasteries and mountains, which are as old as the earth itself.
tuscany, italy. he'd enjoy the vast fields, heavenly sunsets, small towns and historic churches. he would find tuscany a peaceful place to write, but appreciates the community feel of small italian towns. would definitely be so friendly he'd get invited to eat dinner at a random family's house.
thessaloniki, greece. he would absolutely love seeing all the greek orthodox churches there, with their blue and white colors and dome roofs. he is just amused to see the religious structures humans have created. he'd also probably be interested in greek mythology, even though he's an angel.
cape town, south africa. he would be so excited to see penguins at the beach and would enjoy the burst of color south africa offers. he'd also enjoy the modern bakeries and desserts in south africa.
lyon, france. the country is known for desserts. luke would probably take a baking class there to learn how to bake more things.
salem, or just any small town in massachusetts. as a sorcerer, he's intrigued with their history of "witch hunting" and the paranormal.
lalibela, ethiopia. being old, he's intrigued with how ancient cities like lalibela have changed since biblical times. he also probably enjoys learning about different cultural practices and what they have in common with his sorcery. he also wants to learn how to cook more dishes from different countries, but fails miserably
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blueberryarchive · 1 year
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pink lemonade˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。 (pjm)
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You were finishing painting your nails, a delicate pink covering every single one, frost decorating the tips. You looked at yourself for the umpteenth time in the mirror: your hair was perfect, your makeup shined with the stifling sunlight that came through your window; the heat forced you to wear the shortest skirt in your closet and the small top that looked like a strip of fabric covering your nipples.
Jimin loved seeing you in that skirt. He adored taking you out in it, that you would bend down to tie your heels, and he could see the small bulge of your tight pussy in your pink thong. He would smile slyly and then make you his in the first alley he found, leaving his princess to moan so loudly while he ruined her mascara.
Your flip phone vibrated on the table, and you grabbed it as delicately as possible so as not to ruin the varnish on your nails.
JM: R8 outside bby.
You smiled and opened the door to your bedroom. Today, your roommate went home on vacation, which meant Jimin arrived every time he got off work.
"You came," you shrieked, hugging him around his neck, feet on tiptoe.
"I promised, didn't I?" His voice was foxy, soft, like your cat's purr.
His hands approached your bare waist, and he turned you around, taking you to the mirror where upon finding your reflection and his, you smiled; you knew you were beautiful, and he knew what he had, the way he bit his lips, the hands that explored your figure, every curve, every accessory. He adored and drowned in pride, as he could say he got the sweetest piece of cake in college.
“I like the new piercing,” he murmured, running a finger over the jewel in your navel.
"Don't you think it's too much?" you leaned forward to fix your lipstick, the roundness of your ass rubbing against Jimin's baggy jeans. He denied seeing the skirt decorated with butterflies, so slutty and adorable.
"Come here," his fingers opened to lift up your top, leaving your nipples in the air; a hiss as he watched how they bounced.
"My favorite whore." he laughed, grabbing your hair that took you an hour to fix.
You bit your lower lip covering a laugh, because you were doing it for him, a small gift for him to enjoy and grope every time he arrived. Leaving you with NARS Roman Holiday lipstick smeared all over your cheeks and his cock.
Park dragged the stool from your dresser and sat with his legs open, his pants covered his strong thighs, but when his hand guided your body to sit your pussy on one of them, you felt every muscle under the rough fabric.
"Minnie," you whined, arching your back.
“Mm-mm, let your Minnie do everything,” Jimin pushed his black hair back and turned his eyes to you for affirmation. You nodded. "You don't want to ruin your nails before they dry." He purred in your ear, placing both of your hands behind your back.
"No." you stammered as you felt his leg bounce beneath you, your body starting to bounce with him.
“Your little fingers will look so cute around my cock when the polish dries,” he bit your collarbone, leaving a mark that you squealed at. "What's the name of the color? You haven't used this before."
"Pink Lemonade." You stammered.
Your eyes closed as you felt how the fabric of the lower pockets of his jeans deliciously caressed your clit with every little jump. The knuckles of Jimin's hand behind you touched your anus from time to time, and you felt like you were seeing stars around him.
He loved when you turned stupid, your lips hanging low, letting out babbling that Jimin didn't understand a damn. He didn't give a fuck what you said. either. Your tits were in the air, your hair floating with that intoxicating vanilla smell.
He nimbly put your chest on his other knee, hands still tied with his fingers behind your back. A single finger was enough to lower the thread that you were graciously using to cover your pussy.
His silver-decorated fingers grazed your anus, spitting directly into the pulsing hole.
"Leave your hands behind, princess," Jimin ordered, finally letting go of your hands.
A spanking, so sudden that you could only squeal and moan, the sweet juice coating your thighs at this point. One, two, three, four spanks in a row, alternating until your skin felt the stinging that you love so much. While all this was happening, the bouncing of his leg did not stop, it was so irregular and exquisite.
"Another, ah!" you screamed as you felt four more, Jimin's nose wrinkled, enjoying every bounce of your buttocks. How did all that fit into that short skirt?
"Is my princess going to cum on my fingers? God, you look just about good enough to eat."
Your head nodded fervently, the small nub beginning to swell under the dampness of the jeans. You had such a delicious urge to urinate that you could only whimper.
Jimin's fingers entered all at the same time, forcing your pussy open to let his digits in, the skin around it turning red with each in and out.
His four fingers pumped your fluids and brushed against the gummy walls of your pussy.
At one point, his fingers arched, and your tongue came out in a gasp. Jimin took the opportunity to put your mouth to good use.
"Open wide for me," two of his rough fingers played with your mouth as you sucked automatically. "You're the most beautiful babe in this fucking city."
Your stomach clenched as the bouncing became faster and more even. You bit Jimin's fingers as you came, the fabric of Jimin's jeans getting soggy and hot with the torrent coming out of your messy, red pussy. The aftershocks left you a whimpering chaos.
"Agh, whore." Jimin hissed in pain as you bit his fingers harder, your body shaking on top of him like a leaf. And to think he was just getting started. You laughed as he saw the marks of your teeth on his fingers.
"Let's see the polish," he grabbed your hands. They were perfect.
"Do you like them, Minnie?"
Your Minnie nodded, smiling sweetly.
"Now do your job," he ran his wet fingers over his tongue, the acrid taste and wetness leaving his fingers pruned. "Minnie wants to see you use those pretty hands to please me."
Still in the clouds, you kissed him and smiled. You loved being Jimin's princess, the most beautiful girl in the fucking city, his most delicate and slutty doll.
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leafofkudzu · 4 months
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Happy soon-to-be Summer, everyone! I hope the changing weather is treating you well, and that you're ready for another art party hosted by my guild, [VS] Verdant Shield!
For those who aren’t familiar with art parties, they’re a concept carried over from Final Fantasy XIV - in-game get-togethers for artists/writers/creatives of all types to hang out, chat, and create together! Get your favorite character/look together, head to the location, find someone that catches your eye, and create! Afterwards, everyone posts their creations in a shared tag (ours is #VSArtParty) so others can see, interact, and share! Tl;dr: the ‘goal’ of an art party isn’t to be drawn, but to draw others, and share with the community!
Time and /squadjoin information is under the cut, but will also be posted again via reblogs as the squads go up on the day of the party!
Location Information:
It's been a bit since we've been in human lands, so let's take a little lakeside vacation just outside of Claypool in Queensdale! No fancy footwork required, this is a starter map and the location is easily accessible just by following the built-in roads!
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Time & Squad Details:
As we always do, we’ll be having two parties - one on EU servers and one on NA ones - with an hour break in between. People tend to arrive early and/or jump between accounts as soon as the break comes up, so don’t be surprised to see tags and announcements going up ahead of schedule!
The first party will be on EU servers and begin at 9pm Central European Summer Time (aka 3pm Eastern Daylight Time or 5 hours before in-game reset). I’ll be hosting on my EU alt account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Runa Gravemourn for an invite.
The second party will be on NA servers and begin at 7pm Eastern Daylight Time (aka 1am Central European Summer Time or an hour before in-game reset). I’ll be hosting this one on my main account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Taliyah Markos for an invite.
Closing Words:
Sorry to keep y'all waiting in suspense for the location! Consider this a little bit of a beachy vacation, and look forward to when the Festival of the Four Winds appears in the near future for prime beach party activities!
Thank you again to everyone that comes to these events, you are what makes them great! As long as you guys are willing to come out and collaborate on all these great memories, I will always be around to herd your metaphorical (or sometimes literal) cats. See you soon! ♥
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voidhri · 15 days
First scar, on body and heart
(by: @sunborn-tenacity )
Bela stared at the phone number on the back of a business card that she got from a mother whose son she saved from the sewers a few days ago.
"Miss Dimitrescu, you saved my son. I know it's not much but please, just take this business card. My husband is the owner of the cabin rentals in the forests in Topanga. When you call them, just tell them your name and that you're booking a week-long stay courtesy of Barbara Goldstone."
"I— Mrs. Goldstone, I can't—" Bela stammered, before she was cut off.
"Miss Dimitrescu, please, I insist," Mrs. Goldstone said tearfully, pushing the card into Bela's gloved hands, "It's the least we can do to pay you back for rescuing our son."
Bela hadn't taken a vacation in a long while. In actuality, ever since she became captain, she didn't really take any vacations. The days she had off were enough. She made sure she took enough walks, that she went to the gym enough, that she took enough vitamins, that she rested enough. All of these things were enough to help her recuperate. And she always did them on her own.
But ever since she met Maria, she found herself wondering what it would be like to go on a vacation, but with them. Just the two of them. It didn't mean anything of course. But Maria had been very insistent about hanging out with her. After she had rescued them from being stuck in the ceiling during her lunch hour, her third rescue of them, they had shown up to her station a few days later with food from Jollibee.
"I took away your lunch time, so I owe you lunch, you know?" Maria said cheerfully.
She didn't know why she took the food from them, but she did, and sent them on their way. And on that afternoon, she discovered that chickenjoy, rice, and ube pie were delicious. 
Maria kept finding more ways into her life after that. It was either rescuing them from some ridiculous situation or it was just them coming to visit her at the station during her break, bringing food along with them.
Eventually, it became routine. And Bela started to look forward to their visits. Then there was a day where they didn't show. It bothered Bela a little bit, but at the same time, she understood that they were probably busy with something else. They were under no obligation to visit her. At some point, she had to go answer a call and she found them stuck, holding a cat, in a very tall tree.
"How did you even get up here?" Bela said angrily once she got Maria and the cat onto the lift with her.
"I was trying to help the cat and then once I noticed how high up I was, I didn't really know how to get down," Maria mumbled sheepishly.
Once they were on the ground, Bela demanded their phone and placed her number in there and texted herself.
"Call me before you do anything dumb like that again," she said, turning around and walking off, heading back to the station, not noticing Maria staring at their phone and then at her in awe.
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Maria texted her the next day, thanking her for saving them again.
In return, Bela texted them asking if they would show up with Jollibee the next day. And Maria replied with a quick yes.
And that was the routine. Work, Maria showing up with food, having to rescue Maria from god knows what. But it would be good to change it up. And maybe this time, she could teach Maria a thing or two about basic safety and self-preservation. Maria would probably complain that they're on vacation and therefore the both of them should focus on doing vacation things.
Bela smiled at the thought of them complaining and she quickly pulled up her phone to text them:
Want to go on a week-long cabin retreat with me?
It was supposed to be a relaxing vacation. But of course, there were stupid teenagers doing stupid teenager things. Like almost causing a large forest fire.
The fire was large, but it hadn't spread to cause more damage yet.
"Step away from the fire," Bela ordered, her voice strong and authoritative, as she stepped towards the scene.
The teenagers froze and stepped back a bit, before running off into the woods. Bela paid them no heed. The biggest concern was the fire and the damage it could do if left unchecked.
She went to work, quickly grabbing the fire extinguisher from the nearby cabin and spraying down the fire.
After that, she would clean up the mess of beer cans and wine bottles the teenagers made. And then she would call the forest rangers and cabin office to let them know that there were teenagers that almost caused a fire. Then she could finally relax with—
A pain-filled scream rang out, causing the nearby birds to flee their trees quickly.
Bela's blood ran cold. Maria.
She dropped the fire extinguisher and looked around frantically for them, finally spotting them on the other side of the dying fire.
Maria was on the ground, writhing in pain, and a teenager was looking at them and then at her with fear in their eyes before running off into the woods.
Bela swore under her breath and sprinted over to Maria's side.
"What's wrong? What's—"
Then she saw it. The red hot embers covering the ground underneath their torso and arms.
Bela sucked in her teeth and without thinking, grasped onto Maria's wrists, feeling the heat searing her fingers. But she ignored the pain. Maria was the most important right now.
She pulled them up by the wrists and then turned around quickly to have them fall onto her back so that she could carry them without touching their back. She noticed with increasing worry how their skin felt so very warm and that they were shaking uncontrollably.
She walked to the cabin as quickly as she could, listening to Maria breathing in sharply with each step she took. She opened the door and feeling that there was no time to place them on the bed, she quickly kneeled and helped Maria to the cabin floor, front first.
The fire had burned away part of Maria's top, the burns already showing underneath, and she needed to get the scissors to cut away the rest of the cloth before it fused to their skin.
Bela quickly went to her bag and pulled out the medical kit she always brought with her, retrieving what she needed. She went back with the scissors to cut open the cloth, revealing the damage that had been done.
Maria's back was covered in second-degree burns, the flesh raw, burning pink and red.
Bela pulled on her gloves to begin her treatment of their wounds, numbly thinking about what she needed to do for initial treatment. The burns were on their back and they needed to be immersed in cold water for 10-20 minutes to reduce the heat and minimize the damage to the skin. The best way would be to fill a tub with cold water and place Maria there. But that might take too long. So she would get some cold water now and rinse the skin like that for a few minutes before preparing the cold water in the tub—
"Bela, don't worry… I'm gonna be okay… It could've been worse," Maria whispered slowly, clearly trying to reassure her.
Bela said nothing, not trusting herself to keep her voice steady. She felt the tears slide down her face as she continued to inspect Maria's back, mentally gathering the strength to leave Maria alone for a few minutes while she grabbed her water bottle to fill it with cold water to rinse Maria's wounds.
It was supposed to be a relaxing vacation. It was supposed to be a harmless trip.
I can't keep sitting here, I need to move, Bela thought, I need to take care of them now.
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yorshie · 2 years
Bayverse turtles x fem reader
Turtle fluff, kinda petty jealousy, nothing sexual
Second Person, no Y/N.
Inspired by a pinterest post I saw about having an office turtle and the punch line was "does the big man want his appy slices?" and it just snowballed from there
Aged up turtles
Your first vacation in a year, and you were stuck with a house guest for part of it.
Well, sort of a house guest.
You stared at the plastic kiddie pool taking up half of the living room, shoved between your TV and the L shaped desk you used as a work space. A sandy colored shell moved slowly around as Romeo explored his temporary digs, the large tortoise taking everything in with long, slow blinks.
“Boy, does your mother owe me one,” You informed him lowly, shaking out tired arms that still ached from carrying the large cat carrier up the stairwell. “Though, I guess she should be worried you won’t wanna go home on Monday. After all,” you leaned down, watched as Romeo turned those large, multicolored eyes in your direction, “I seem to have a growing collection of turtles.”
He let out a loud huff, the air whistling through his nostrils, and you snorted. “Sorry, tortoise, though I’m pretty sure the rest are turtles.”
He turned back to ignoring you, making slow movement towards the heat lamp you had attached to the back of a stool and swung over a part of his pad earlier per his owner’s instructions.
You hummed, watching him, then glanced over at your phone when it dinged from the couch.
Orange Crush: Hey babycakes, we still good to come get you after patrol? Donnie got ahold of that movie you wanted to see.
Uh oh. You bit at your nail absently, thinking, then typed back:
You guys are welcome to stop by, but I might have put a snag in movie night. I’ve got a house guest I have no idea what to do with.
You hit send, waited a beat, then hit accept before the phone even rang, expecting Leo’s name.
“Everything good?”
You decided not to comment on the speed dial. “Yea, everything’s fine. I’ve just… got a house guest.”
A beat of silence, “are you in danger?”
You frowned, stared across the room at Romeo, then had a light bulb moment as you replayed what was said. “Oh, god, Leo, no I’m fine! This isn’t a ‘help, there’s someone in my apartment’ type of thing.”
“Well that’s good,” he breathed, and you could hear his dry humor creeping in, “Though you almost gave Raph a heart attack just now.”
“Spiders almost give Raph a heart attack,” you deadpanned back. “But seriously, I’m just babysitting a pet for a friend. Um… actually.” You squinted at the tortoise sunning himself. “Don’t- don’t be weird when you guys get here.”
A longer beat of silence. “O-kay.” The word was drawn out. “We’ll be over in ten.” He hung up before you could squawk about cutting their patrol short, and you were left holding the phone comically to your ear.
Romeo chose that moment to let out a questioning chirp, his beak opening and clicking shut.
You turned your attention back to him. “Hm? You hungry, big boy? Let me go get your food.”
You got Romeo his salad, watching with slight amusement as he once again slowly moved toward the plate of offerings next to his sunken water bowl, high pitched chirps coming from him as he started to eat.
A light tap at your window pulled your attention, and you crawled over the couch to unlock the window, letting Leo do the heavy lifting to actually get it open.
“Heeeyyy,” You said, smiling brightly, trying to block the view behind you while leaning against the frame.
Leo rolled his eyes, “hey yourself. You gonna let us in?”
You pursed your lips, looking over the four of them crammed onto the fire escape, Donnie half hanging off the railing as he avoided Raph’s shell. You held up a finger threateningly. “Don’t be weird.”
You heard Raph scoff as you moved to press against the couch cushions, letting them step in over the furniture. “‘Don’t be weird’ she says to the mutant turtles.”
“Uh.” Leo pulled up short, one foot still on the couch, letting Mikey bounce off his shell as he noticed the kiddie pool.
Romeo looked up from the salad, took in the towering turtles staring back, and let out a low grumble that somehow managed to thrum through the room.
“Wow. That’s impressive.” You popped up on the couch, leaned over the arm, watching as the four turtles spread out a little, all still eyeing the kiddie pool.
“Sheesh, that’s nothing, babycakes,” Mikey said over his shoulder as he backed to the side to perch on the couch next to you, baby blues fastened on the tortoise like he’d disappear if he blinked. “That little rumble ain’t got nothing on Raph in the morning.”
“Huh. Really?” You glanced at the red turtle, but he shrugged, moving towards the kitchen counter and the cans of soda you’d set out while waiting for them.
“It ain't nothin special, sweetheart. How long you watchin mr. grumpy pants?”
Leo still hadn’t moved from his spot half on the couch, and with a huff Donnie pushed past him, the only one to take a step closer to the kiddie pool and crouch down to get a closer look.
“I have Romeo until Monday morning.” You tried not to sound too intrigued with what was happening, or not happening, but you probably failed judging by the quick look Raph threw your way, slight smirk curling his mouth as he watched you peer between Romeo and Donnie.
The tortoise had one eye on Donnie and the other on Leo, his head swiveled to the side to keep them both in sight as the ominous grumble sounded once more.
“Oh, goodness.” Donnie chuckled, perched as close to the plastic lip as he could get without touching the tortoise’s turf.
Raph whistled, long and low, as the noise lowered deeper until it was a threatening burr. Romeo snapped his beak at the sudden noise from Raph.
“Ok. What’s happening?” You asked, looking from Mikey to Raph for answers.
Mikey winced, fingers drumming out a fast staccato on his bent knees, so you turned your question to Raph, who simply shrugged.
“Donnie,” you whined, and heard him hum in answer. “What’s with the weirdness?”
“Oh, well, I suppose we’re making him a little uncomfortable.” He supplied, twisting around to address you from over Leo’s hip. Romeo let out an angry hiss, and Donnie swayed back out of sight. “Oops.”
“Now you done it,” Raph joked. “Touched the big man’s pool.”
“So I should have coached him instead of you guys?” You smirked, the notion that the bigger turtles were all being trash talked by Romeo amusing.
“Eh, probably wouldn’t have changed much,” Donnie chirped back at you, pulling another threatening beak snap from Romeo.
Raph chuckled. “Careful, Don. He might think you’re after his girl.”
“Oh so now I’m part of the problem?” You put as much sarcasm into the query as you could, moving to sit up on the couch, swaying into Leo’s space.
“Sure.” Leo answered, finally moving his foot off the couch as you brushed against him. “Bunch of big ugly rivals come into his place, touch his home, chirp at his girl. I’d be pissed too.”
“Would you?” You tried not to sound too amused, hand coming up to press against your mouth at the uptick in Leo’s cheek even as his gaze was kept on the tortoise. “So is he gonna get even more cranky if I leave with his ‘rivals’?”
“I’m sure he’ll live,” Raph pushed away from the counter, snapped his fingers under Donnie’s glasses. “Genius, quit harassing the poor dude. He’s stuck in a pool, we get to go watch a movie with his girl. Don’t rub it in.”
“Pretty sure I’ve known you guys longer than him,” You kicked out at Raph playfully as he passed close, connecting with his thigh and making him sway to avoid the pressure. “Think that makes him the interloper.”
“Ah, ok, I see how it is, you’re our girl. You want us to avenge your honor, teach this creep a lesson?” He jerked his head toward Romeo, grabbing your foot with ease as you went to kick at him again. You let out a quick giggle, jerked your foot away from his grip, leaning towards Mikey for protection as Raph made a grab for your retreating foot again.
“Hey, it’s all good babycakes, I’ll hide you from your loverboy’s rival.” Mikey lifted his arm, flashing the charm as he let you wedge yourself between his shell and the couch, feet tucked in the cushions where the larger brother couldn’t reach.
“We better get going before we rile your house guest up even more,” Leo commented, ignoring the playful banter as he stepped sideways out of Raph’s way. “You have everything you need?”
You hummed, twitching further behind Mikey as you felt the youngest brother’s fingers reach back and ghost your far side. “My bag’s in my room. Obviously, I’m gonna have to come check on Romeo tomorrow, but I think he’ll be ok for the night.”
“Especially if he doesn’t have to deal with us,” Donnie added, straightening and stepping around the pool to head down the short hallway leading to your room.
“Oh, shoot, hold on. Can’t forget.” You popped out from behind Mikey, wildly grabbing onto Leo’s arm to steady yourself as you overcorrected on the couch cushion. His forearm tensed under your hand, giving you something steady to push off of as you headed for the counter.
As you turned around with an apple and a knife, Mikey gasped. “He gets appy slices?”
“Yup, every Friday.” You responded, not looking up as you carefully started cubing the fruit.
“He’s get a treat after being an ass?” Raph sounded incredulous, and you blinked, looking up finally to find all three bigger turtles staring at the apple in your hand.
You took in the various looks of envy and mild offense, and reached behind you for the bag with the rest of the apples. “Do… do you guys want some?”
Donnie rounded the corner at that moment, stopping so hard his shoe squeaked on the floor. “He gets appy slices?”
“O-kay.” You pulled the word out long and slow, conscious that they were tracking you and the dish of apple cubes across the room to the kiddie pool. It had to be your imagination, but Romeo almost looked smug as he hurried over for the treat you set down.
Behind you, Raph made a noise of disgust deep in his throat, and you fought to keep the smile from your face as Mikey echoed the sentiment.
“I promise,” You rose and turned to face them, “I will bring the whole bag and make you guys as many appy slices as you want tonight.”
Raph took the few steps to the kitchen, grabbed the bag of apples, and crossed back over to the couch and window. His brow raised as though daring you to laugh as Mikey opened the glass and hopped out onto the fire escape.
You fought it successfully until Leo purposely bumped into you, a gentle reminder to get moving, and you followed Donnie out into the chilly air, careful as you pulled yourself over the edge of the window.
Donnie offered you a hand, grip cool and firm as he tugged you up the flight of stairs and passed you off to Raph, whose arms you curled into as he picked you up effortlessly.
“Where’s Fearless?” He asked, stepping up to glance back over the edge, and you gripped tighter as the buildings swelled down to meet the street.
Leo stuck his head out of your window as though summoned, taking a moment to close the latch before he scaled up to where the others were waiting. At Raph’s questioning look, he huffed, the lights catching briefly on his teeth.
“Just reminding Romeo down there that he’s only a house guest.”
You blinked, your face going loose with shock, “Leonardo, did you growl at that poor tortoise?”
The only answer you got was a smug smirk, and Mikey’s bright belt of laughter.
Much later, in the lair, you sat slumped in the middle of the couch, fingers sticky as you peeled yet another apple. You didn’t even bother to lean forward as you offered a slice over the edge. You weren’t sure how they knew it was there, the only light coming from the soft jewel tones of the older movie on the big screen, but the slice was always accepted, much larger fingers grazing your palm the only indication. 
You smiled, and cut off another slice.
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