#i was smiling the whole way home with my box of stuff all i needed was a lil potted plant and it woulda been the first 5 mins of a kdrama
luveline · 4 months
hii hope youre doing well! could i request coworker!james where r comes in to work sick and he gets worried?
fem!reader, 1.3k
It’s getting old, the whole charade. James didn’t like you and now he does. You used to piss him off, now you don’t. Somehow, someway, he’s seen parts of you he couldn’t help but love, in your voice, how you talk; in your hands, your touch; in your emails worst of all. Who ever thought that James could fall in love on Outlook? 
Dearest desk mate,
Where are you? It’s 9.45 and you aren’t here. You realise work starts at 8.30? Besides my worry, I need the invoice for Lang and Co. and Remus doesn’t have them either.
You’re my only hope, 
You email back a stringy fifteen minutes later. 
I’ll be there soon. I can’t attach the file from my phone but I will send it to you the second second I get there, I know you asked meyesterday. I’m sorry for holding you up .
James reads your email with a frown. Your typos are unlike you. He wonders if perhaps you’re texting and driving, which is abhorrent, but you walk into the office a minute later, so you must’ve been responding to him as you walked. 
You duck straight into the manager’s office. James can hear you say sorry before the door is fully closed, craning his neck for a good look at you. 
Remus laughs shamelessly. “Worried about her?” 
“About who?” he asks, even as his chair creaks and threatens to snap under his weight, leaning back to see you through the frosted glass. 
“She’s not going anywhere now she’s here, James. Nobody stops by for social visits.” 
James relents when he realises you may be in there for a little while. The rain today is aggressive against the window, condensation dripping down the windows to pool atop the radiators. You hate it; you love the radiators when they’re working in the winter, but sad summer days with rubbish weather bog you down. Either way, the condensation wets your elbows or gathers on your desk —it’s not nice. James grabs a wad of tissues from the box on his desk and begins his quick mission. 
“Oh, my god. Jamie, you can’t be serious.” 
“I'm avoiding electrocution.” 
“You’re cleaning up for her,” Remus says, putting his face in his hand to watch him with a softer smile, “it’s nice of you, really, but you can’t expect me to pretend I believe you when you say you don’t like her for much longer if you’re going to do stuff like this.” 
“Now say that five times fast.” 
His heart drops when you clear your throat, caught, sodden tissue in hand. You don’t eyeball him, there’s no scorn, you clear your throat again and all but collapse into your seat. 
“Hey,” James says. 
You tip your head back. “Hi, James.” Your eyes are bloodshot, and, to James’ surprise, you aren’t wearing a lick of makeup. You look very pretty but very tired, too. 
“You okay?” 
Remus bends around the desktop. “Yeah, are you okay? 
“I’m fine,” you drop your head back with some vertigo, and press your hands to your eyes. “I’m not very well, is all.” 
“What’s wrong?” Remus asks. 
“Just poorly. Um, I have a bad headache, and my ears are ringing, but it’s not unmanageable. I’m full of sudafed.” 
“Can’t you go home? We can manage without you until you’re better,” Remus says.
“I had all that time off a few weeks ago,” you say. You’d been ill not so long ago. 
“You can have some of my sick days,” James says immediately. 
You rub your eyes hard enough to make James’ ache in sympathy. “Doesn’t work like that.” 
“You really shouldn’t be here if you’re sick,” James says. 
“I won’t get you sick, I promise. I brought hand sanitizer, I’m not sneezing or coughing, I’m just aching.” Your movements are lethargic as you lean back in your chair, the slow roll of your shoulders and the limp cross of your arms over your stomach hard to ignore. 
James rounds the desk to chuck his tissues in the little bin beneath it. “I don’t think either of us are worried about you getting us sick, lovely.” 
Your face crumples quickly and neatens up again just as fast. “My head just hurts,” you say, rubbing your forehead. You manage to summon a wobbly smile despite your pinched brows. “I’m fine, don’t worry.” 
If it were Sirius, James would thrust a bottle of water and a pack of ibuprofen at him and tell him to chill out. It it were Remus, the expression would turn his heart, and he’d give his friend a good pat on the back. You aren’t Sirius nor Remus, you’re not so close to him that James knows what to do, but what use is he if he doesn’t try?
“Can I make you a cup of tea?” James asks. 
“That’s cruel,” Remus says, “your tea is like milky disappointment.” He stands with a smile James hates, some playful conniving mixture with good intentions deep, deep down. “I’ll make it. James, why don’t you turn the radiator?” 
“Is that okay?” James asks. 
“Do you think that’ll make you feel better, the radiator?” James asks. 
“I can do it.”
“No, it’s okay, it hurts your hand. I’ll turn it up.” He weaves back in between your chair and the radiator. Your desk is close enough to be faced with your thighs, but James doesn’t get half as distracted by them as he does your twitchy face. 
“You sure you’re okay?” he asks. 
“You and Remus worry too much.” You give him the side eye. “Why do you care?” 
“I think we’re a little bit past pretending we don’t like each other, aren’t we?” 
He turns the radiator on with less struggle than he’s anticipating and holds his hand to the bottom until he feels the metal warming. “Tell me if that gets too hot for you,” he says, standing. 
“Thank you.” 
“It’s no problem.” 
“No, really,” you say, rubbing the bridge of your nose, “thanks for worrying about me. I’ll feel better in an hour.” 
“Did you eat breakfast?” He brings his hand up to wipe a stray fibre from your cheek, “Why were you late?” 
“I…” Your eyes follow his hand as he lowers it. Emboldened, James raises it again, wiping at a phantom fibre. “What is it?” 
“Little hair on your cheek.” 
“I slept late, and I felt strange in the car so I parked for a bit, and… I don’t know. I should’ve stayed home, but you know what he’s like about sick days.” 
“You feel alright now, other than the headache?” 
“Just heavy.” 
James spots Remus coming back and steps away. “You’ll be alright, okay? Don’t worry too much. Do some of the top spreadsheets and we can manage the rest.” 
“You don’t have to do that for me.” 
James does, really. Remus gives you your mug of tea and one of the plastic wrapped muffins from the kitchen, both boys keeping watch over you like a vigil. If you were well enough to notice you’d complain, but you spend the next few hours sipping at your tea as it turns cold, and nibbling at little bits of muffin, clearly tired. 
You email James the Lang and Co. invoices four hours after he’s asked for them with a sorry and a frowny face emoticon. James wants to kiss you on the forehead, feels it so strongly it becomes a different kind of wanting, to look after you and for you to want him to do that. He’s in way too deep. There’s not much he can do. 
“You want some more tea?” he asks, leaning over to grab your discarded mug.
“Yeah, please, Jamie.” 
James’ fingers wobble around the mug. 
Remus glances up from his phone. 
“Of course,” James says, smiling, “coming right up.” 
Jamie, he thinks. Friends call him Jamie. He can be your friend, he’d love to be your friend, but Jamie. Even sick, you say it sweetly. He trips over himself trying to get what you asked. 
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lnfours · 11 months
half of me, half of you | l.n
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summary: welcome to the world, baby norris <3 and welcome back to part 3 of this little universe we have going on here! 🩷 requested by anonymous: ‘Omg part three for forevermore??? Like the wedding and then maybe kids🫣’
warnings: pregnancy, surprises, hormones, lando finding out he’s going to be a girl dad 🥹, a whole lot of fluff n stuff
masterlist | ask box
“how much longer?” you asked, sitting on the closed lid of the toilet in the bathroom. the brunette girl swiped down on her phone, displaying the timer she had set almost 2 minutes ago.
“30 seconds..” she trailed off, eyes meeting your nervous figure as you bounced your leg up and down. you sent her a soft smile back, beating yourself up for not taking a test sooner.
the past week you had felt terrible. felt like someone had hit you with a bus, thrown it in reverse and then backed up over you. your emotions were all over the place, you couldn’t keep anything down, and suddenly you were craving things you didn’t even like.
your suspicions had brought you to lily, your best friend. alex’s girlfriend, the girl you could rely on for anything.
the alarm of the timer echoed throughout the hotel bathroom. you jumped, eyes quickly moving to the box where the lily had shoved in the little white stick.
you felt like you were going to throw up again because of how the nerves were shaking through your body, “can you…?”
“you don’t wanna read it?”
you shook your head fast, “no, i’m scared,”
she frowned softly, kneeling in front of you, “whatever happens, whatever you decide, i love you and i’m here for you.”
you nodded, letting her hand you the box, “what if he doesn’t feel the same? what if he’s not on the same page? i mean we haven’t even really talked about kids yet, i-“
lily was quick to calm your rambling, coaching you to just breathe for a second. you nodded at her, following her direction as you sucked in a shaky breath.
“for as long as i’ve known lando, he’s always talked about wanting kids,” she said, “and it’s no secret that he wants them with you. he wouldn’t have put that ring on your finger otherwise.”
you smiled softly down at the ring on your left hand, letting out a shaky, “you’re right,”
“usually am,” she smiled back at you as you both let out a laugh, “you ready?”
you nodded again, opening the box and fishing out the little white stick that was about to change your whole life. you flipped it over, turned it the right way around and read it over and over again.
it was positive. you were pregnant.
your silence was an answer in itself for lily as she smiled, cheering and hugging you as you let some of the tears fall down your cheeks and splash onto the marbled tile beneath you.
she had tears in her eyes as well, “you’re gonna be a mom!”
you smiled, letting out a soft laugh in disbelief, “i’m gonna be a mom,”
“the best one out there,” she smiled, pulling you up for a proper hug, “oh i’m so happy for you.”
you laughed again, thankful to have her in your life before you pulled away. you wiped the tears off your cheeks, “guess i should call my ob,” you said and she nodded quickly, “and figure out how i’m going to tell lando.”
lily hummed, “i’m sure you’ll think of something special.”
and you did. you were fiddling with the ring on your left finger, dressed in a black slip dress you had brought with you to the uk. silverstone was the best place on earth, his home race, where his friends were, his family.
and where you were about to tell him he was going to be a dad.
you had given lily the ‘ok’ to tell alex so that you had two people to make sure he would get to the surprise. they both didn’t waste any time, making it their top priority to get lando and bring him back to where you needed him as soon as possible.
you were seated on the blanket in the grass, looking up when you heard footsteps making their way to you. you looked up, the boy dressed in black with his signature white mclaren backwards cap catching your eye.
“hey,” he smiled, letting out a puff of air and looking around at the blanket you had set up, “alex and lily said you had something planned?”
you nodded, “come sit,”
he joined you on the blanket, careful not to knock over the gift box sitting in the middle. you smiled over at him, sensing his nerves.
“what’s up, love?”
you tilted your head towards the white box with a pretty bow on the top, “open it,”
he raised an eyebrow at you, “is something going to pop out at me?”
you laughed, “no! just open it,”
he sighed, complying as he kept it at a safe distance while he took the lid off. once the coast was clear, he reached his hand inside. he felt the plastic stick in his hand and what felt like a photo. he fished them out, eyes landing on the pregnancy test and the picture of the ultrasound you had to confirm that you were pregnant.
he gasped softly, immediately looking over at you before his eyes traveled down to your belly.
“baby,” he started, licking his lips as he sniffled softly, “are you being serious right now?”
you smiled, “deadly.”
he dropped the things back in the box, moving to carefully pull you in the tightest hug he could get you in, “i’m gonna be a dad.”
you nodded, pulling back and wiping under your eyes with the back of your hands, “yeah,”
“and you’re gonna be a mom,” he was really stating the obvious but it brought more tears to your eyes when he spoke, “you’re gonna be the best mom, baby.”
you kissed his cheek softly, “and you’re going to be the best dad.”
he smiled, pulling you closer as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips, “i love you.”
“i love you.”
the months moved on and baby girl norris had finally entered the world, and lord did she have lando wrapped around her little finger already.
from the moment the two met, the nurses handing the little pink blanket over to him, it was game over. her big eyes, which resembled yours, looking straight up at him and her happy gurgles had his heart exploding as he looked down at his baby girl.
“hi, angel,” he cooed, fingers softly brushing against her skin over the tiny little moles and freckles that littered her skin, “oh, you’re perfect.”
you smiled over at your now husband, watching the two interact, “she is,”
he looked up at you, “and so are you, baby,”
you smiled at him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder as he sat next to you with the little girl in his arms. she was starting to struggle to stay awake, barely keeping her eyes open.
the two of you watched in contentment, his eyes a little watery before he looked back over at you, “we made that,”
you let out a soft chuckle, “we did a good job, yeah?”
he laughed with you, pressing a kiss to your temple, “we did,” he said, “i think you did all the heavy lifting, though. i was just here for the ride,”
you laughed, meeting his eyes, “mm, true,”
he smiled back with that same boyish grin to you, releasing a soft breath, “guess we should probably name her, huh?”
you hummed, “still like the one we had picked?”
he looked down now at the little girl in his arms who now had her eyes closed, sometime during your conversation she had fallen asleep. she was so peaceful and perfect and everything he loved about you wrapped up into one tiny little human. a tiny little human he got to create with you, the other half of his beating heart.
“i do, yeah,” he nodded, “welcome to the world wren norris.”
you made your way up the stairs, a smile spreading on your face as you heard the little girls’ giggle coming from her bedroom. you leaned up against the door way, trying hard not to snicker at your husband who had found himself joining your daughter and her stuffed animals for a tea party.
you watched the two talk about tea and serve them to the dolls and stuffed animals sitting in their respective chairs for a couple minutes before you walked into the room.
“hey, baby,” lando said when you knelt down next to him, giving you the biggest smile, “joining us for some tea?”
“for a bit sure,” you smiled, “everyone will be here soon.”
“oh, mommy, look!” wren said excitedly, “daddy and i drew a picture for you.”
“oh, yeah?” you asked, watching the girl grab the piece of paper, “what is it?”
“we drew daddy’s race car!” she smiled brightly back at you.
you took the piece of paper, noticing the three other stick-figure men in the picture, another one in orange, one in blue and one in red.
“and you drew uncle carlos, oscar and danny?”
she nodded, “it was daddy’s idea.”
you laughed softly at your grinning husband, rolling your eyes playfully, “of course it was.”
you spent some time with you little family, letting them tell you all about their afternoon tea session with mr bear, kitty and mrs froggie, all the stuffed animals sitting in their respective seats.
you grabbed lando’s arm softly, pulling it towards you to read the time on his watch, “we gotta get you ready, wren. everyone’s gonna be here soon!”
she smiled, “can i still wear my princess dress?”
“of course, love,” you smiled. she happily jumped from her seat and ran off to her closet. you looked over at your husband, a smile still on both of your faces.
while you helped change wren into her princess dress, lando had started greeting those who had come to help celebrate your daughter’s third birthday.
it wasn’t long until the little girl left your side, immediately running over to her favorite uncle, “uncle max!”
you smiled when he bent down, picking her up and she squealed happily, “there’s the birthday girl!”
he tickled her sides playfully, her laughter booming as you joined your husband, his arm wrapping around your waist.
“did you get a pony this year?” he asked and you both snickered as wren shook her head.
“mommy said no,” she said, “but she said i could get a puppy!”
“a puppy?!”
you looked over at lando, “i said maybe,”
lando shrugged, “i know you’ll crack.”
“oh she has you wrapped around her finger, mate,” max laughed, looking back at the little girl he was holding, “don’t ya little one?”
“easy, fewtrell,” you laughed, “don’t give her ideas.”
he laughed softly, the little girl going back to her dad to say hi to her uncle alex and aunt lily, leaving you and max standing in the kitchen. he pulled you into his side, giving you a squeeze, “how’re you? i mean, other than enjoying being a mom.”
you laughed, “i’m good,” you let out of a soft breath, “where’s p?”
“she wasn’t feeling well, but she told me to say hi to everyone.”
you frowned, “damn, tell her i said hi and that i hope she feels better.”
he nodded, “i will,”
you both trailed off as you watched lando and alex playfully chase wren, trying to see who could pick her up first, “so, a puppy, huh?”
you rolled your eyes, “it was all him! not me,”
he laughed, “sounds about right, he’d do anything for that little girl.”
you smiled, watching your husband and daughter laugh as alex and lily talked with the birthday girl, asking her questions that made her giggle in response, “he would, and i wouldn’t want it any other way.”
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minimomoe · 6 days
How to Train your Demon
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Pairing: trueform! Sukuna x Fem Reader
Summary: Life has all kinds of wins and losses. You don't know which category to put your new demon husband in though.
Tags: MDNI!, red string of fate trope, true form sukuna, librarian reader, soul mates, reincarnation, accidental summoning, love at first sight (but it's one-sided (until it's not)), Sukuna is demon, but he's v much in love, smut and stuff eventually i guess....
Part: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X.
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Revisit rule no. 1: "Don't Show Fear"?
Your whole day soured at the notion of you not being able to get the book as soon as you had hoped. Your mind raced at the possibilities that would happen if it was gone for good, but you had to think of happy thoughts as patrons began to ask you if you were feeling alright on the job. You hadn’t expected your emotions to show so openly on your face. 
Uraume did not interfere with your work at all. If you had made a wincing sound loud enough for them to hear, their head would dart to your attention, silently asking if you needed their assistance. You would shake your head to assure them you were doing just fine, and then Uraume would stick their nose back in their book. They seemed to be earnestly reading, absorbing the information from one non fiction novel to the next in astonishing speed. You think they must have finished at least two books by the third hour of your shift. 
The only time you lost sight of Uraume was when Kento made a surprise comeback to the front desk. 
“Mr. Nanami? Don’t tell me you finished all those books already?” 
He gave you a weary smile. Yuuji was no longer on his hip, but instead holding his hand with an apologetic frown. 
“I left my favorite jacket here. We had to come back to get it,” Yuuji mumbled. 
“Oh that’s not a problem. I’m sure it’s in the kid section right where you left it. There hasn’t been that many people today,” you assured them. To make the boy feel better, you led him to the last place you saw him, holding out your own hand for him to take. That’s when Nanami saw your foot and tried to make you stay back. 
“Trust me, I want to move around. I’ve been stuck up there pretty much all day,” you waved Nanami off. 
Just as you expected, Yuuji’s beloved jacket was crumbled up on one of the colorful beanbags in the reading zone. He dropped your hand to dash towards it. Once Yuuji collected his belongings he ran back to you with a running hug that almost knocked you off of your feet. 
“Thank you!” He gushed. 
“Yuuji, be careful!” He peeled the young boy with the strength of two men off of your body. “I’m sorry about that. Are you sure you’re alright?” 
“Kento, I’m fine. Now go have fun at the beach for me,” you smiled. 
You waved them off for the second time. On your trip back to your desk is when you noticed that Uraume was nowhere to be found. They weren’t sitting at the desk that they have been reading at, or skimming through the shelves when you did a quick look around. 
As you plopped back to the front desk, Jess popped up from the office space behind you. 
“You wanna work back here for now? I’ll take the front. You’re moving around too much for my liking.”
She practically wheeled you to the back before you could agree, but you knew it would be better for you. 
“Have you seen that one person with white hair?”
“Not in a while. Why, you think they're sketchy?”
“No no, I was just curious.” The last thing you needed was attention on Uraume, because more attention on them would lead to Sukuna. Since they found their way to the library, you had no doubt that they would get home safely. 
Now in the back, or the Book Nursery as your library liked to call it, you scanned the stack of new novels that you have not seen before. 
“When did this delivery come in?” 
“I just picked it up from the donation box,” Jess explained. Your shoulders dropped at her words and she gave you a concerned look. “Do you want to go home? You don’t live too far. I can drop you off and have somebody cover me for twenty minutes while I come back.”
“I can’t make you do that,” you shook your head. You got comfortable in your chair and picked the first book in the stack. It was a children’s book that had the plastic covering torn to shreds and a few loose pages. All it needed was a little TLC and it would be as good as new. “I’m fine. Just a little tired. I’ll be okay back here.” 
“If you say so,” she said, unconvinced. “Holla if you need me.” 
Being away from the needs of the public was exactly what you needed. With quiet music playing in your headphones, you were in the groove of putting books back together until your shift was over. You had gotten through half of the stack and most of them were salvageable. When Jess rapped on the door to tell you that it was time to leave, your mood was noticeably lifted. 
Right before Jess dropped you off at your house, she gently held your hand. 
“If your new man does anything— and I mean anything— that breaks your heart…”
“You’ll be the first to know,” you promised. 
“Good. Call me if you need anything!” 
Once inside, you were greeted to the sounds sourcing from the kitchen and the living room. Your TV was on with a show that you didn’t recognize at first until you saw the familiar opening sequence of none other than Hannibal. You smirked at the screen, passing it to see what Sukuna could possibly up to in the kitchen, especially when you had listed that place as off limits. 
“My lord, you can no longer use that knife. She doesn’t like meat or residue from meat in her meals. We will have to wash them or retrieve new utensils,” Uruame softly reminded.
“Some meat would do her good,” Sukuna grumbled. Still, he grabbed a new knife like Uraume said and began to chop the vegetables in front of him. He squinted at the cookbook propped up at the corner of the countertop before giving up and telling Uraume to read it outloud. 
You could barely hold in your laugh. Both heads popped up to see you standing in the corner. 
“What are you doing?” You giggled. 
“Preparing dinner, ma’am,” Uraume bowed. “Welcome home.” 
“I’m glad that you made it back safely,” you said. Sukuna washed off his hands before greeting you with a bear hug with all four of his arms. 
“You’ve reduced me to be the one at home waiting at home for you to return.” 
“I think being a housewife suits you,” you squeezed out. His hold was tight, genuinely missing your presence and now he didn’t want to let you go. 
“I’ll leave that to Uraume for the time being. There is something we need to do.” 
There is nothing more that Sukuna loves doing than picking you up so that he can move faster, and that’s exactly what he did to walk you to the living room and placed you on the couch. You looked at him bewilderedly as he unstrapped. When you swung your foot off the couch to stand up limply, he gave you an unimpressed glare. 
“Don’t look at me like that, you didn’t explain anything! What are you gonna do?”
“I am going to heal you if you can stop moving around,” Sukuna growled. He grabbed your wrist, attempting to have you fall into his lap but you stumbled back. 
“Heal me? How? Why?” The rapid fire questions thinned Sukuna’s patience. He held out one of his hands for you to take but you were stubborn in your stillness. 
“You and your questions. How? Why?” He repeated mockingly. He slowly rose from the bed, taking slow, predatory steps towards you until there was no more space for you. You bumped into a wall and couldn’t hide from his gaze. “Do you think I am incapable?”
“Do you think I have ill intentions?”
“I don’t think so?” You squeaked.
“Then settle down. Concern yourself with matters you can control.” 
You were practically plastered on the wall when Sukuna sank down to one knee, taking it upon himself to remove your boot to look at your toe himself. He muttered something that you couldn’t make out, a language that you have yet to learn, and the dull pain in your toe you felt since you broke it disappeared. You gasped squatting down to look at your foot and saw that the bruising around it had faded away. You poked at your toe, expecting to wince at the touch but was greeted with… nothing. 
Sukuna watched you carefully as you inspected your body. You flexed your muscles, wiggled it, stomped on it with hawk eye attention. 
“It’s really healed,” you muttered to yourself. “How did you do that?” You demanded. 
“It’s a simple spell for a minor injury locked away in the book that I’m bound to. It was easy enough to learn,” Sukuna said. 
“You learned it just now? From the book? You never had to use it on yourself?” “The need was not there before. I never got hurt in battle.” 
You concluded that Uraume was at the library on multiple orders, one being to watch for you, but once they were sure you were alright, Uraume must have grabbed the journal when you were no longer watching. Sukuna scooped you up in his arms despite your new ability to walk on your own to take you to your room. Before he could sit you down on your bed, you tighten your arms around his neck, signaling that you didn’t want to be placed down just yet. He looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to say something. 
You placed a soft kiss on his cheek, taking him by surprise. 
“Thank you,” you muttered. “I’m sure I would’ve gotten better all on my own, but this was very kind of you.” 
While his face remained unchanged, Sukuna’s ears turned scarlet. You shifted uncomfortably in his arms, unsure if you had done the right thing. Usually Sukuna was pretty expressive even if he wasn’t saying anything. This time, all you got was a deep stare into your soul that left nothing to hide. 
“I told you that I wouldn’t have to beg for your kiss,” he smirked. 
Heat rushed to your face. “I’ll never give you another one!”
“Never? Why lie to yourself?” He crooned in your ear, making your embarrassment rise. You pushed away his face only to get your finger caught in his mouth. It sent a shock right down to the apex of your thighs, leading you to hiss loudly. Sukuna knew exactly the effect he had on you, and his teeth grazed across your finger length. 
“Eating me because of a kiss is a bit much, no?” You nervously laughed. 
You had no idea how Sukuna could devour you if you allowed him. You slowly took your hand out of his mouth, opting to tenderly cup the side of his face. You could hear your heart pounding, the blood rushing in your veins as your face drifted closer to his. Sukuna’s parted lips waited for yours, allowing you to take the lead. When you finally tasted his mouth you sighed in relief. The attraction between you and Sukuna has always been palatable, even if you willingly chose to ignore it, but now there was no denying it. He stirred something deep within your stomach that you could no longer ignore. You wanted to be dragged down deeper, to have his hands all over your body. 
Sukuna gently lowered you into your bedding, his mouth still locked on yours. His tongue pushed yours with assertion. Everything he did was meaningful, and all you felt was possession. There was barely enough space for him to fit between your legs but still you tried. You were clawing at his back to place his whole weight on your body when you heard soft rapping at the door. You barely had enough self control to actually check who it was. With one eye open you saw your poor cat trying to leave the room before you got freaky with a demon. 
“Sukuna– wait–” 
You had to deal with him biting and sucking your neck, almost dragging you back down in bed with him but you will was stronger. 
“I’m not going anywhere, give me a second!” 
Sukuna held himself over your body. Two hands planted at your head, the other two creeping up your shirt. 
“Cleo cannot be in here if we’re about to do anything. Let me take our child out.” You held his face in your hands and shook him gently. Your words finally reached his brain and he rolled over, petulantly crossing his arms over his chest while staring at the ceiling. 
You petted Cleo’s ears while apologizing to her. 
“Sorry honey. I almost let you see something R-rated,” you chuckled. At the front of your open door stood Uraume waiting patiently who made you jump back. They bowed as an apology, still speaking with their head down. 
“Your dinner is ready to be served.”
“Leave us, Uraume," Sukuna ordered from behind. 
“Yes, my L–”
“No, we’ll eat now,” you stepped in. Cleo ran down the hall for her own meal with loud meows after purring around Uraume’s feet. You could feel Sukuna’s growing scowls from behind boring into your head. 
“As you wish,” Uraume bowed again. 
You turned to a very annoyed demon who rolled his eyes when you pecked another kiss on his cheek.
“Don’t look so down. I gave you another kiss despite my words earlier. That’s gotta count for something.”
Sukuna narrowed his eyes on you. “Eat well. Once you are fed, I will not let you go.” 
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Thanks for reading loves!! lemme know what ya think xx
Part: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X.
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mapis-putellas · 5 days
[ᴄᴏꜰꜰᴇᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʟᴇᴀᴛꜱ ]
Summary: You never intended to meet the love of your life on a random Friday at work, and you definitely never thought she’d be world famous footballer Alexia Putellas.
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐
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You had a total of five new Spanish words in your vocabulary by the time you got home that evening, your phone tightly clutched in your hands as you distractedly stumble into your apartment and kick off your shoes before closing and locking the door behind you.
It was all beginners stuff admittedly, but you figure you had to start somewhere. Throwing yourself into the deep end by trying to learn full sentences this soon would only end in disaster; as much as you would like that to not be the case.
In all honesty, you weren't too confident in being able to learn a whole other language. You'd never been able to do so before, especially in school when you'd been forced to take French. The only thing you could remember how to say was hello and my name is. If you dug deep down perhaps you could remember how to count to ten too, but that was really all you had.
But Alexia seemed to know English okay, so perhaps you just needed to learn how to understand Spanish not necessarily how to speak it. Was that the easy way out? Probably. But it was definitely a little less daunting.
Your socked feet pad softly against the wooden floor as you make your way through to the kitchen with the intention of fixing something quick for dinner, settling quickly on some craft Mac and cheese that you immediately grab out of the pantry. It may not be healthy, but it was definitely tasty and right now that was all you needed.
You set your phone down, still open on Duolingo as you fill a pan with water and set it down onto the heat. Leaving that to do its thing, you hurry through to your bedroom to change into some comfy clothes. You'd been in a shirt and jeans all day, and it was pretty much safe to say you were over it. People who wore jeans to relax were complete psychopaths and no one could ever convince you otherwise and that's not even mentioning people that sleep in a bra.
It wasn't long until you were back into the kitchen clad in a pair of pyjama shorts along with an oversized shirt, your dirty clothes kicked to the corner of your room to be dealt with later. By now, the water was boiling, and you pour the box of noodles into it before giving it a quick stir and disposing the box into the garbage.
Your phone buzzes against the counter just seconds later, and you scramble over to it, hoping it was the beautiful blonde you'd not been able to stop thinking about. When you see it was in fact her, you can't help but grin elatedly and pick up your phone, eyes skimming over the message.
Alexia: Hola. I hope you got home okay. Are you free tomorrow afternoon?
You: Hey Alexia. I did get home okay, thank you. I hope you did too. And yes I'm free :)
Was the smiley face too passive aggressive? It looked as though it was. Oh well, hopefully she thinks you were just trying to be nice.
Knowing that watching your phone for her reply would only make you all the more impatient, you drain the now cooked noodles at the sink before adding the powdered cheese and butter, giving it a thorough stir before shoving a spoonful into your mouth.
The familiar buzzing greets you again just moments later, and your hands were reaching for your phone before your brain had given them permission to do so, the spoon still hanging from your mouth.
Alexia: Sí, I got home okay. Is one okay?
You: one is perfect
Alexia: I will pick you up
You: Sounds good
Alexia: I will see you then
You: Umm, Alexia?
Alexia: Sí?
You: Don't you need my address?
Alexia: Oh
Alexia: Yes please
You smile softly as you send her your address, liking the thumbs up she sends in response before locking your phone and tucking into the waistband of your shorts. Grabbing your bowl of Mac and cheese, you curl up on the corner of the couch beneath your favourite blanket and turn on the tv, only taking a few minutes unlike your usual twenty to decide on a show.
You were up the next day a little before ten am, the sun shining in through the partially open curtains opposite that you'd inevitably forgotten to close before finally dragging yourself to bed last night. Groaning quietly as you stretch your arms above your head, you let out a quiet exhale before kicking off and blankets and hauling yourself out of bed. You instinctively shiver when your feet meet the cold floor, yanking the hoodie strewn at the end of your bed over your head as you make your way through to the bathroom.
The sight of your reflection in the mirror makes you glad you have so much time before your date with Alexia, because it was evident you had a whole lot of work to do.
And with just ten minutes to spare, you find yourself standing in front of the mirror in your living room completely ready to go. Completely oblivious to Alexia's plans, you'd decided on an outfit that was more or less fit for any occasion. A loose white v-neck T-shirt tucked into a pair of black jeans. It was warm out today, so you'd tied a thin jacket around your waist. The chance of it actually raining was incredible low, but not completely impossible and you'd rather be safe than sorry.
Your makeup was light and natural, hair pulled up into a half up half down braid with a few loose strands left out to frame your face.
Not a hundred percent happy with how you look but figuring there was nothing you could really do about it, you blow out a deep breath through your mouth before grabbing your keys and wallet from the coffee table and making your way over to the front door. You feel the butterflies in your stomach return with a vengeance as you lock up behind you, and you hoped to god, as you make your way into the elevator and press the button to the ground floor, that it didn't show on your face.
Alexia would be here any minute, and whilst you could almost guarantee she'd be nervous too, you didn't want that to be the only thing you had in common resulting in a less than ideal first date.
You shake off the residual nerves as the elevator doors open, stepping out into the small lobby area just in time for the clock to reach one. As luck would have it, an unfamiliar car you assume is Alexia pulls into the small carpark just as you step outside. You pause by the entrance of your apartment building as you watch her pull her car to a stop, smiling slightly when you see her reach up to pull down the sun visor to get one last look at her reflection before pushing open the door and stepping out of the car.
The smile was immediately wiped from your face the second you see in the outfit she was wearing, your pulse suddenly pounding loudly in your ears as your fingers clench tightly around your phone.
On her body was a white, fitted cropped tank top that was not hiding the fact she wasn't wearing a bra, showing off her tanned, toned arms adorned with a few tattoos and a silver watch on her right wrist. The tank top also gives you a clear view of her...six pack?!
You make a futile effort of ignoring the way your legs turn into jelly as your eyes drop further down her body, taking in the pair of black, high waisted sweatpants that hugged her waist perfectly.
Oh yeah. She was definitely way out of your league. How on earth could someone like her ask someone like you out? You absolutely did not know, but right now, you couldn't quite find it in you to care. She looked insanely good, and only you had the pleasure of seeing that so up close and personal.
Alexia was soon making her way towards you whilst lifting the pair of sunglasses she was wearing to the top of her head, and you smile somewhat bashfully as you watch her look you up and down just as you had done with her. By the way her lips creep up into a satisfied smile you assume she likes what she was seeing and makes you feel a little more confident about the outfit you'd chosen.
Soon, she was in front of you, and the pounding in your heart amplifies when she leans in and presses a soft kiss to your cheek. The feeling of her lips lingers as she pulls away, and you have to refrain from reaching up to touch it knowing that might make you seem a little weird.
"You look really, really good." You murmur with a tentative smile, and Alexia flushes almost bashfully as she tucks her hands into the back pockets of her sweatpants. Your eyes are immediately drawn to her arms at the casual action, and it was only when Alexia pointedly clears her throat do you realise what you were doing.
"Gracias, amor. You do too." She returns the compliment, thankfully not calling you out on your shameless staring as she holds out her hand. She does, however, raise an eyebrow teasingly, and you could so no more than shrug noncommittally you slot your hand into her own. With arms like that, how could you not stare? Asking you not to do so would be criminal.
Alexia seems pleased at your lack of embarrassment, giving your hand a soft squeeze as she gestures towards her car. "Are you ready to go?"
There was a confidence about her today that wasn't there yesterday giving you a little insight into how she may act around the people she both knows and trusts, and whilst a part of you thinks it may be a false bravado due to the fact she barely knows you, you had a feeling that if you played your cards right, one day it might end up being for real. 
One could only hope right? 
"Of course." You respond.
Her skin was both soft and warm, slender fingers intertwining with your own with an ease that you didn't quite expect as she guides you over to the car. She opens the passenger door without hesitation, waiting for you to slip inside and buckle up before rounding the vehicle and slipping into the drivers seat.
You get a hint of the perfume she was wearing as she situates herself, reaching back for her own seatbelt and buckling up. It smells like vanilla, you think. Subtle yet sweet. Just like her.
"So, can I know where we're going?" You question, eyes following her hands as she pulls down her sunglasses so they sat back on her nose. She glances at you as she starts the car, her lips quirking up into a teasing smile.
"It is a secret. I promise you will love it." She assures, checking her mirrors before backing out of the spot she'd parked in.
"What? Come on. I don't even get a hint?" You plead playfully, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
Alexia smiles as she pulls out onto the main road, both hands steady on the wheel. "It will be fun?” She offers, and you huff out a quiet breath of amusement as you cross one leg over the other.
"Alexia, that's not a hint. I find so many things fun. Does it have something to do with food? Is it some sort of activity? Will we be getting messy?"
Alexia merely shrugs her shoulders as she purses her lips with a soft smile. She leans back in her seat a little, laying her hand palm up on the console between you. Her fingers wiggle invitingly, and you make direct eye contact with her as you rest your hand atop of her own, slotting your fingers in between hers.
"If I tell you, it will not be a surprise." She squeezes your hand softly.
You tilt your head to the side. "I am at least dressed right?"
"Sí," Alexia nods, her hand remaining intertwined with yours as she glances your way before bringing her attention back to the road. "You look perfect. Prometo."
"That means promise, right?" You check.
Alexia glances at you again, the awe in her voice evident as she speaks. "Muy bien!" She praises fondly, and you can't help but smile so wide your eyes crinkle up at the corners.
You knew knowing one word in Spanish wasn't really that big a deal, but the proudness in Alexia's voice makes you want to do it a thousand times over.
In the twenty minute car ride to wherever she was taking you, you share small talk about the basic ins and outs of your lives. You tell her your current favourite song, Alibi, and she tells you the football team she supports. Barcelona. You tell her a little about your family; how many siblings you had and what job your mom did, and she tells you her favourite things to do in her free time. Traveling and playing football. All in all it was pretty basic information, but you had to start somewhere, right?
You were just on the topic of your mediocre Spanish knowledge when Alexia slows the car down, indicating left and pulling into an unfamiliar car park. "You have been practicing?" She asks, pulling her hand out of your own putting on the handbrake.
"A little." You admit somewhat distractedly as you look around your surroundings in a futile effort at trying to figure out where you were. "Okay, where are we? Can I please know now?" You turn back round to face her.
"Soon." she smirks, and you glare at her playfully as you step out of the car, waiting for Alexia to do the same before once again reaching for her hand. They intertwine effortlessly, Alexia locking her car before gently guiding you down the street, only walking a couple hundred yards before gently pulling you to a stop in front a somewhat small looking building.
Through the window, you could see people sat at tables painting what looked to be pottery, and your eyes widen in pure delight as you turn to face an unsure looking Alexia.
"Is this-"
"Oh my god!" You laugh, jumping up and down slightly. "This is definitely not what I imagined but it's perfect. Let's go in! What are you going to paint? I think I know what I want to paint. Maybe we could paint each other something! This is so exciting!"
Alexia watches you ramble with a small grin on her face as she allows you to push the door open and all but pull her inside. You were both immediately greeted by an employee who was quick to get you all set up with your aprons, brushes and paints, both Alexia and you deciding that out of the two tables offered that you would take the one in the back for a little extra privacy. After setting down your things, the kind employee leads you to the shelves that held so many different pottery items it was hard to differentiate what was what.
Despite that, you can't help but be excited when you're both told to take your pick out of any of them.
You hook an arm around Alexia's waist so you could talk to her without disturbing anyone else. "Which one are you picking?"
Alexia tilts her head towards you as she loosely throws her arm over your shoulder. "You said you wanted to paint one for each other, sí? You pick for me, and I will pick for you."
"Okay," you agree easily, keeping your arm around her as your eyes flicker over the shelves. Though it takes a few minutes, you do finally settle on an adorable looking fox. "This one good?"
"Sí. Perfect. This one for me, yes?" Alexia holds out the one she'd chosen, it being a penguin. You nod your head, giving her waist a squeeze before guiding her back over to your designated table. Initially, she'd been sat opposite you, bur with a short glance your way, she moves her things over to the seat next you before sitting down.
You hide your smile at this, but do scoot your chair a little closer to her own so you weren't so far apart. Alexia glances at you, an eyebrow raised, but you merely gesture to the seat opposite that she'd abandoned earning yourself a guilty smile. With a soft laugh that Alexia mimics yet chooses to stifle, you hand over your fox and take her penguin in return.
"So," you start, picking up a paintbrush and dipping it into the black paint. "How did you come up with this idea?" You begin dragging your brush over the back of the penguin, using your free hand to hold it still which results in your fingers immediately becoming covered in paint.
Alexia hums quietly as she swirls her own brush around in the orange paint. "Uhhh, Mapi help...helped me come up with a few ideas. This was the best one."
"Yeah?" You glance her way, Alexia meeting your gaze with a tentative smile as she too begins painting.
"Sí. One of the ideas was...a balloon ride?" She tries unsurely, dipping her brush back into the orange paint.
You freeze mid stroke. "A hot air balloon ride?" You ask incredulously, and Alexia nods somewhat distractedly as she focuses on not getting any paint on her skin. The thought of being that high up in the sky with nothing to keep you from falling to your inevitable death makes you shudder internally. You were so glad she hadn't picked that option because otherwise she would have been going on a date with herself.
"Sí," she nods, looking up at you. She see's the somewhat unsettled look on your face and reaches a her free hand out to rest on top of your own that was laying dormant on the table. "You do not like heights?"
You shake your head with a small grimace. "No, not really." You admit, watching the way her thumb idly strokes the skin on the top of your hand. Was such a simple action supposed to cause butterflies?
"It is a good job I did not choose it then." She acknowledges, and you hum in an agreement as you get back to painting, your free hand still linked with Alexia's.
"That would have been an incredible first date though," you say as an afterthought. "A hot air balloon ride. Can you imagine that?" You laugh, and Alexia nods her head with a quiet chuckle.
"Sí. I could." She agrees, dunking her paintbrush into the water to get rid of the orange paint before pulling it out, drying it off and dipping it into the white paint. "Mapi nearly per...persuade?" You nod. "Persuade me, but I get her to change her mind."
"Wait, you were actually considering a hot air balloon ride for a hot second?"
Alexia nods her head.
"That's crazy expensive Alexia." You laugh a little in disbelief, finishing with the black paint and starting with the white.
"That does not matter. I could take you on ten hot air balloon ride and it will not affect me." She shrugs a little carelessly, and you stare at her in incredulity.
"I have a good job, amor, do not worry." She attempts to sooth you, squeezing your hand that was still holding her own.
You roll your shoulders before nodding your head. A part of you wants to ask just what job she did, but you didn't want to come off as rude or nosey.
"Okay, I think I'm done." You admit, setting your paintbrush down and turn the ceramic penguin to face her. Alexia looks up, her lips quirking up into a satisfied smile.
"That is very good. Muy bien." She praises, and you bow playfully earning yourself soft laugh. You make a silent reminder to yourself to make her laugh again before the dates over, because you'd never heard a sound so perfect.
Alexia finishes off the foxes nose before setting her paintbrush down too, using the tip of her finger to nudge it around so it was facing you. You lean in close, smiling at all the little details she'd made sure to add.
"That's perfect." You praise, bravely leaning in and kissing her cheek. Alexia smiles a little bashfully as her eyes briefly flicker down to your lips before she clears her throat and stands up. "We need to wash our hands, sí?" She gestures over to the far corner of the room.
Despite the fact Alexia didn't have a single speck of paint on her, you nod your head and follow her over to sink anyway. You take turns in washing your hands, allowing Alexia to dry your own for you when she shyly requests to do so. She then places her hand on the small of your back as she guides you back over to the table.
A joint effort was made in cleaning up your workspace, you playfully poking Alexia in the side when she gently nudges you out of the way to pick up your paint water as well as her own. She simply sends you a cheeky smile, one you can't help but mimic as she disposes of the paint before making her way back over to you.
You were told you could pick up your 'masterpieces' in a week, Alexia noting it down on her phone so she didn't forget before paying, not giving you a single opportunity to fight her on the subject despite your futile attempts.
"No," she takes your hand and pulls you out of the building. "I ask you out, amor, so I pay, sí?"
"Well I'm paying next time. No ifs, ands, or buts about it." You state firmly, Alexia raising an eyebrow in amusement as she instinctively swings your hands back and forth.
"Next time?" She questions, debating with herself for a second before gently pulling you to a stop and backing you up against a wall down a small alley that would ultimately keep you both hidden should anyone walk by.
You allow this to happen, head tilting to the side as you stare up at her with a look of intrigue on your face.
"You think you can take me on one of the best dates I've ever been on and not expect a second one?" You question, eyebrow raised, and Alexia shakes her head playfully as she reaches up and tucks one of the loose strands of hair behind your ear.
"What if I said the date was not over?" Her hand lingers on the side of your face, the pad of her thumb trailing gently just beneath your eye.
You lean into her touch. "It's not?"
Alexia shakes her head, her eyes once again flickering down to your lips. They linger there for a lot longer than they did last time. "I have one more thing planned, after I..." she looks up to make eye contact once again.
"After you?" You murmur, hopeful.
Alexia visibly swallows as her hand lowers to cup your jaw. "I want to kiss you. Please.”
Your heart pounds at her admission. "Then do it."
Alexia brushes the pad of her thumb over your lower lip, taking in the softness. "Are you sure?"
Your lips parting in a soundless intake of breath. "Sí. Kiss me." You whisper, and Alexia leans down to tentatively connect her lip with your own. The warmth of her mouth immediately sends a current of energy throughout the entirety your body, your insides feeling as though they'd been set on fire.
Your legs instantly turn into jelly, and you can only thank the wall behind you for keeping you upright as you place your hands on the gentle curve of her waist in an effort at pulling her closer.
You could feel the soft tickle of her breath against the tip of your nose as she complies and places one of her legs between your own, her chest becoming flush with yours as her other hand rises to meet the other. Your arms loop around her waist, hands coming to rest against the small of her back.
Her lips were soft, bruising, devouring yours with such reckless abandon you can't help but want more. She was everywhere. Tongue teasing. Teeth nipping. Hands demanding. When she asks for entrance, you immediately grant it, unable to stop the soft groan from escaping your lips when you feel her tongue trace teasingly over the roof of your mouth.
You feel her smile at the sound, and you find it hard to be embarrassed when she continues kissing you like there was nowhere else she'd rather be. You couldn't quite pinpoint her taste, but it was so addictive and so Alexia it took everything in you lot to get lost or swept away.
The kiss ends much sooner than you wanted it too, Alexia pulling away, stealing two more kisses from your lips in the process. She doesn't go far, simply resting her forehead against your own, your rapid breaths mingling in the small space left between you.
"You're a really good kisser." Is all you could bring yourself to say as your eyes flutter closed, hearing her laugh softly in response as she gently brushes the backs of her fingers over your cheek. You can't help but lean into the touch.
"Gracias, amor," she whispers, tracing her thumbs against the soft skin beneath your eyes, a silent prompt for you to open them. Once you do, she leans down just slightly and presses her lips against your forehead.
"You are...asombrosa." She murmurs as she pulls away.
"I don't know what that means." You admit, still slightly breathless.
"You will soon." She promises.
@simp4panos @goldenempyrean @girlgenius1111 @codiemarin @liloandstitchstan @xxnaiaxx @marysfics
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manheimsmuse · 8 months
hii can u pls write a ryan baker fic where he and the afab!reader are staying at his apartment together and he proposes a challenge to fuck on every surface of the place possible haha, seems like a ryan thing to do tbh
a/n; master yapper ( me ) strikes again this felt like it never ended.
warnings; 18+, smut under the cut, oral ( f receiving ), fingering, praise kink if you squint, ryan talks you through it also if you squint, not proofread
“you’re kidding.”
you deadpan, a cardboard box tucked neatly under your arm with the word ‘school’ scrawled across it in black sharpie.
you’d been in ryan’s apartment a dozen times, he lived near campus and clearly had money based on the exterior alone. after a year and a half of dating ryan suggested you move in; ‘since you’re here all the time anyway’.
all morning the pair of you had been moving your stuff in from your dorm, with plans to head home over midterm to grab the rest of your things and bring them up. ryan had been uncharacteristically quiet the entire time, but when he told you his idea you could work out why that was.
“oh, come on!” ryan laughed, emerging from his, well, now your shared room “isn’t the whole point of moving in together so that you can fuck wherever whenever you want”
“it is? damn, i thought you asked me to move in because you enjoy my company, my bad!” you respond sarcastically, trying your best to mask the laugh his comment almost caused.
ryan tuts, grabbing your waist and pulling you back toward him as you go to walk past him “don’t be like that, angel.” he mumbles, taking the box from your hold and placing it to the side “you know i love having you here,”
with a soft smile you wrap your arms around his shoulders “now, was that so hard?” you taunt, an eyebrow raised “next time lead with that instead of ‘how long do you think it’ll take us to fuck on—”
“okay! i get it!” ryan cuts you off hurriedly, already bored of the back and forth his question had caused and wanting to get practical as opposed to theoretical “but seriously, how long—”
“ryan!?” you swat at his arm in a scolding way, though you welcome his advances when his lips find yours and he backs you up against the wall.
he taps your thigh twice, wordlessly signalling for you to jump. when you do he wastes no time in taking a hold of your ass, your back still firmly against the wall as he presses his erection against you. the tiny skirt you’re wearing providing him with the access needed to elicit a shaky moan from your throat.
before you can register what’s happening ryan is carrying you from the hallway into the kitchen, goosebumps rise all over your body when your exposed skin meets the cold counter top.
“you’re so good f’me, angel” he mumbles against the skin of your neck, sucking and marking anywhere he could reach “my perfect girl.”
as he’s speaking his middle finger runs a teasing line over your clothed pussy, a smirk felt against your flesh when you gasped out his name.
“good girl,” ryan praised, pushing your underwear to the side and sliding two fingers into you “gonna let me make you feel so good, baby?”
you nod your head quickly, opening your mouth to answer but only managing to force out a “uh huh” in between your lewd noises as ryan continues to finger you.
“good job, baby.” ryan cooes, his thumb rubbing fast circles into your clit as he sinks to his knees between your legs “taking my fingers so fucking well, need to taste you princess.”
he slowly retracts his fingers as he kisses along the inside of your thighs, his thumb slowing but never stopping on your clit.
without warning his mouth is latched to your pussy, tongue diving inside you as ryan ate you out like a man starved, groaning every time you tugged on his hair or pushed your thighs against either side of his head.
“ryan, ryan i’m gonna cum..” you whine out, fingers tangled in his messy hair as your hips instinctively buck against his mouth.
ryan simply hums in acknowledgment, his fingers sliding back into you as his tongue attacks your clit, circling and sucking it into his mouth as he heard you cry out in pleasure above him.
even after you’ve made a mess all over his hand and face his tongue continues to plunge into your quivering body, lapping at as much of your release as he could before having to come up for air.
he looks up at you, mouth wet and hair tousled with the proudest smile on his face as he gets to his feet. gently sliding his fingers into your mouth so you can taste yourself.
“taste so sweet, angel” ryan praises, watching as you lick his fingers clean “take a minute, baby, i’m far from finished with you.”
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sinnersweets · 7 months
DogDay x Reader part 12
<-----part 11, part 13----->
A/N: Woo new part!!
The last three months have been busy for me. First with Christmas and New Years, then applying to Playtime to adopt, which got approved thankfully. So then I needed to attend an agency sponsored orientation session and once that finished, I needed to get ready for the home interview.  
It was the weekend and DogDay said I could take a few days off to get everything ready for the social worker. I had moved out of my apartment and bought a house. New year new home you know? I asked Sarah if she could help me unpack and she said yes. I was currently unboxing some stuff when my phone started ringing. 
“Unknown number?” Is what I saw on my phone. I answered the phone and said, “Hello?” “Hi Angel!” DogDay?! Where the hell did he get a phone from? “DogDay?” “The one and only Angel.” I smiled and said, “This is a surprise, when did you get a phone?” DogDay laughed on the phone. “Oh no I don’t have one, but you just got one in your office!” “Oh? I didn’t know I was getting a phone.” I went over to the living room and sat down on the one chair I brought with me.  
“Mhm which now means we can talk when you’re not here Angel! Isn’t that great?” “It is!” “So what is my lovely Angel up to now?” I playfully rolled my eyes and said, “I’m just unpacking some stuff that I brought over. I’m waiting for the moving company to bring over the rest of the stuff and the new stuff that I bought. Sarah is gonna come over and help later.” “I still can’t believe you’re gonna adopt Damian Angel.” “Haha what do you mean? You’re the one who told me to remember?” It sounded like DogDay was moving around my office. “I remember Angel. Hey! You didn’t tell me you had my letter laminated.”  
I thought for a moment before remembering what letter it was.  “Oh yeah, haha. I really loved it.” I looked over to my wall and the only picture I had hanging now was the one DogDay gave me for Valentine's Day. The original one was also laminated but it was here with me. The one in my office was a copy I made. “You should sing me my letter some time.” “Oh yeah? Well Angel, my voice isn’t as good as yours, but I’ll do my best. I’ll sing it to you when you come back.”  
The sound of the doorbell spooked me a little. I got up from the chair and looked the peep whole and saw that it was the movers. “I’ll hold you too that love. Hey the movers are here so I’ll call you back later.” “Poo. Alright Angel, I love you~” “I love you too~ mwah! Bye bye.” “Bye bye.” I unlocked the door and put my phone in my pocket. “Hi, sorry I was on the phone.” “Not a problem at all ma’am. If you can tell me which rooms are which so that we can put the boxes in the right room for you.” I nodded and stepped out of the way to let- I looked at his nametag quickly before he walked past me- Adam. That was his name. I moved so that Adam could come in.  
He looked around and I led him to the first room but my picture on the wall caught his attention. “Oh hey, what was his name again? Day-Day? No um DoggyDay? Oh! DogDay! My kids love him. He your husband?” I think my neck popped with how fast I turned to look at him. “Huh?! N-no he’s just my boyfriend.” Adam nodded and said, “Oh, apologize. I thought he was since people these days can now marry almost anything now.” I had forgotten about that law. It just started this year that anyone can marry anything, be it robots, or other characters from different stuff. I don’t think me and DogDay could get married though. He’s owned by Playtime. Just then an idea popped in my head.  
Once I showed Adam around, he and his team brought in everything and placed them in the rooms that they were meant to go in. Not long after Sarah came by and helped unboxing some stuff. After a few hours we decided to go have lunch. It was a nice day outside, so we had lunch outside the restaurant.  
“Thank you again for helping me Sarah.” I said before sipping on my tea. “No prob. Not like I had anything else to do.” I couldn’t tell if she was serious or not. “You seem a little down, what’s wrong?” Sarah just chewed on her salad for a good two minutes before swallowing and said, “It’s my kid. She like has asthma and her inhaler ran out yesterday but like I can’t get her a new one because my stupid insurance doesn’t want to like cover for it and just for one inhaler is like $600!”  
I was shocked. I had no idea that Sarah had a kid. “How old is she if you don’t mind me asking.” Another long pause from Sarah. She put her head down while saying, “She’s four years old, almost five.” Damn. I felt bad for Sarah. I was going to say something to her, but she spoke out first. “And don’t like ask me if my parents will like help me because they won’t. They cut ties with me once they like found out that their little fifteen-year-old was pregnant.” I saw tears stroll down her cheek. I handed her a napkin and she took it and wiped her eyes.   
We didn’t say anything else after. Once we finished, I told her I needed to run into the gas station quickly to get something and she said she’d wait outside for me. In a few minutes I came back out and handed her an envelope. “Here.” Sarah stared at it before taking it and opening it up. Her eyes widened and before she said anything I put a hand up and said, “Take it. There’s a little extra in there in case you need anything else.” She had tears in her eyes and without a warning she hugged me. “Thank you, Y/N. You really are an angel.”  
It was now naptime at Playcare which meant there would be no interruptions between me and DogDay. We were both laying down on his bed. My back was to his chest and his arms were wrapped around my waist. “Ready for your song Angel?” “Mhm.” DogDay pulled me in closer to his chest. “It’s just like heaven; being here with you. You’re like an Angel; too good to be true. But after all, I love you, I do. Angel baby. My Angel baby~ When you are near me; my heart skips a beat. I can hardly stand on my own two feet. Because I love you, I love you, I do. Angel baby. My Angel baby~ Wooo who, I love you. Whoo, I do. No one could love you. Like, I do.”  
As he sang out the rest of the letter, I closed my eyes and pictured what life would look like if DogDay and I were together outside of here. I then felt DogDay take off my headband and place a kiss on top of my head. “Did you enjoy my singing Angel?” I wiggled around and turned towards DogDay. “I loved it. You have quite the singing voice.” I leaned in and kissed him, and he returned the kiss back, pulling me closer to him.  
My phone started ringing killing the moment. I pulled away and looked at my phone and immediately groaned. “Let me guess, it’s your mom, right?” “Yep.” DogDay sighed and said, “She always ruins everything.” I laughed at how he said that. I answered the phone. “Hey m-” “Young lady how dare you not tell me that I’d get a call from a social worker asking me questions about you!” DogDay held back a laugh as I made a face. “Mom, I told you that- ah!” I was caught off guard as DogDay moved me onto his torso. My face felt a little flushed as I was now on top of him sitting up. DogDay had this look in his eyes, like he was about to do something. “Hello? Y/N?” “Sorry mom I uh, tripped.” My mom sighed and said, “This is why you’re always hurting yourself, you’re so clumsy. How are you going to raise a child?” Rude. “Listen mom if they didn’t think I could raise Damian then they wouldn’t have made me go through everything that I’ve done already. I have to home inspection coming up and-”  
I stopped talking as DogDay grabbed onto my waist and with his fingers he raised up my shirt a little bit. My heart started beating faster, and I knew by now I was blushing. DogDay had a grin on his face. “As I was saying mom, I um have the home um thing soon and I know that umm..wait nonono hahaha!” DogDay started tickling me. “Hahaha wait no waiit hahahah” “Y/N? What on earth is wrong with you?” “Hahaha stop please! Mom I- haha have to call you b-back haha!” As I hanged up the phone DogDay said, “You’re not escaping me Angel~”  
Five minutes he tickled me. Only five minutes and it felt like an eternity. DogDay moved his paws away and leaned up against the wall. I laid against his chest, trying to catch my breath from all the laughing I did. “My my Angel. I’d thought I’d have you breathing like that from another activity~.” He winked at me and I almost choked on my spit. “Wha huh??!!” “Just kidding.” 
A/N: Be honest, you thought something else was going to happen >:p
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the-oblivious-writer · 11 months
Let the Light In |6|
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Chapter Six: Knight In Shining Armor
Summary: Tension rises between you and Tara when you, once again, find yourself protecting her—old habits showing themselves
Warning(s): Swearing, angst, Fr*nkie, grief (if you squint), intoxication, mentions of social anxiety & underage drinking
Notes: Took a while but it's finally here! Also throwing it out there that my face claim for Charlotte is Sofia Wylie
Masterlist|Previous Part|Next Part
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Tara was walking down the streets of Manhattan, finally done with her classes for the day. It had been a long week and Tara was just thankful it was finally the weekend. She walked with one earbud in while her other hand subconsciously clenched her keys in her right pocket. It was a habit she had picked up not too long after what happened back in Woodsboro; that plus the pepper spray, taser, whistle, and expandable baton Sam always made her take before leaving the house, meant she was more than ready to defend herself if needed.
As she continued to walk, she felt something fury brush up against her. She looked down to find a gray cat, brushing itself against her. Tara smiled to herself before crouching down to get a better look at the cat. “Hey, there…do you have a name?” She looked for a collar but didn’t find one. 
Just then, the sky let out a loud grumble. She looked up at the gray skies then back at the cat, thinking. “I can’t just leave you out here to get drenched. Come on, let me take you home,” she gently picked up the cat, who didn’t protest.
By the time she got home, she was soaked. Her mascara was running and her hair was damp. She was freezing cold; she had wrapped her jacket around the cat so he wouldn’t get wet.
Sam began to walk out from the kitchen as she spoke, “Hey Tar– you’re soaked.”
“Yeah no shit, Sam.”
“Is… Is that a cat?”
“...Yes…” Tara said with a sheepish smile; she had completely forgotten about the ‘needing to convince Sam to keep him’ part.
“Tara, no.”
“Sam, yes.” 
Sam sighed as she made a quick trip to the bathroom, coming back with a towel and wrapping it around Tara. “You can barely take care of yourself–”
“Not true!”
“–How do you expect to take care of a whole ass cat?” 
Tara rolled her eyes, still holding the cat protectively in her arms. “Come on, I’m not a kid. I can take care of a cat. I’ll buy his food, change his litter box—all that stuff!” 
“I don’t know…”
“Please, Sammy,” Tara begged, pouting out her bottom lip. She gave Sam the same look she’d give her whenever she wanted more cookies when they were younger.
“Alright—alright, fine, you win,” Sam huffed and an excited smile broke out on Tara’s face.
“Yes!” Tara looked down at the cat victoriously.
“But Tara, I swear, I better not step in cat shit.”
“No cat shit. Got it.”
That’s what Tara named her new found cat—named after the Babadook. It had been only a few days since she found him and he’s earned the title of, “my little menace,” from Tara. In the few days Dook has been here he has scratched Chad five times, ripped up Mindy’s sweater in five different spots, and constantly hisses at Sam during the most random times. Why? Sam has no idea, but Tara made the theory it was, “just to mess with her.”
So far, the only person Dook has been even remotely soft to was Tara. She didn’t mind that at all; she enjoyed coming home to Dook’s company—her room feeling less empty than it usually feels.
It was the following Tuesday; she sat not too far from the door as she re-watched Fear Street 1994 while waiting for you. Just as she was about to check her phone for the time, she heard a couple knocks on the door. Before Sam could call out for Tara to answer it, Tara jumped up and made her way to the door. Sam only raised an eyebrow before going back to what she was doing.
Tara counted five seconds in her head before opening the door.
“Took you long enough,” she said with a slight eye roll. 
“Afternoon to you too, Carpenter. So, you're gonna let me in or…”
“Well you’re as patient as ever,” Tara remarked sarcastically as she opened the door wider, letting you inside. You placed your bag down, sitting on the couch and taking out your notes as Tara sat a couple cushions over.
“So, I was thinking we could start with Friday’s notes and work our way to today since I couldn’t make Friday—” You suddenly heard Tara let out a dry chuckle, causing you to raise your eyebrows as you looked at her.
“Is there something you’d like to share with the class, Ms. Carpenter?” You quipped, looking up from your papers and at her. 
“Oh nothing…just that you’ve been missing a lot of study sessions lately and–”
“I wouldn’t call two a lot–”
“–and I don’t know why I have to suffer through extra work all because you wanna swap spit.”
You let out a dry laugh, looking at the younger Carpenter before realizing she was dead serious. 
“Oh—Oh you’re serious? Well, how about those two whole weeks you missed over some petty reason—I don't know what the reasoning was, but I know for a fact it was a hundred percent petty.”
“You know what, screw these notes,” Tara said before grabbing your binder from you.
“Hey—Hey! Wait just a minute there—what are you–?”
“We’re watching a movie,” she informed—not asking—after shutting your binder, putting it somewhere you couldn’t reach unless you stood up and walked to it. 
“We're a week and a half behind on study sessions.”
“Not my problem.”
“It’s literally your problem—our problem, actually.”
“Gosh, could you just not stress out for, like, two seconds? You’ll be fine. Now, a little birdy told me you like The Nightmare Before Christmas?” Tara told you, reaching for the remote.
“Yeah… I do.”
“Great. We’ll watch that.”
You didn’t need to know how boring she found the movie; she wasn’t looking at the screen much anyways.
Sam sat in her room, reading her book as she enjoyed the silence—wait. It’s silent. Why is it so quiet? It’s never so quiet when you’re over. The most she’s heard in the last thirty minutes were hushed voices, but nothing loud enough she could make out. She suddenly started to think about what could possibly be going on in the other—unsupervised—room. She could no longer concentrate on her book as her protective side took over.
You slightly leaned forward as you watched the screen with all your attention. Tara couldn’t help but wear a small smile when she noticed your intense focus. She pulled out of her gaze when she noticed you make a double take at your foot; just then, she saw a certain furry haired animal brushing up against your leg. 
To her surprise, Dook didn’t claw at you. As a matter of fact, he seemed…fond of you? 
“Hello, there…” You greeted Dook before gently picking him up. If anybody else had picked him up, they would’ve been clawed at in seconds. Tara furrowed her eyebrows as she watched you interact with her cat; the same cat who’s been an absolute ass to anybody who wasn’t her—well, before now.
You scratched him behind his left ear, causing him to let out a satisfied purr. It was then when you finally said something to Tara. “Since when did you have a cat?”
“Got him pretty recently, actually. He was just roaming the streets of Manhattan and had no collar so that’s how he ended up here.”
“Well, does this adorable face have a name?” You asked, looking at the cat as you complimented him.
Tara failed to fight another smile, showing off her dimples as she answered, “His name’s Dook.”
“Like, Babadook?”
“Yeah…” She watched as you continued to be sweet with Dook; he sat comfortably in your lap, looking a lot less grumpy than he usually is.
Suddenly, Sam abruptly enters the living room, causing Dook to hiss at her before moving back into his original position on your lap. 
“Sam, hey. Something wrong?” Tara asked her older sister.
“Uh, I just wanted to check up on you guys; it’s been pretty quiet.”
“Oh, yeah, we decided to watch a movie instead.”
Sam looked at the scene, recognizing the movie—her curiosity increased.
“Nightmare Before Christmas? But I thought you–”
“Have no harsh judgment regarding the movie? Yeah. I know.”
“No, I mean, don’t you find it really bor–”
“Entertaining? Yes, Sam. We know this.” Tara let out a dry cough, hoping Sam would just drop the topic all together.
“Okay…well I’m going to order some pizza. Are you staying over for dinner, Y/N?” Sam inquired, moving on, much to Tara’s relief. 
You looked at the time, thinking as you did, before looking at Sam from where you sat. “If it’s no trouble.”
“Of course not. I’ll order it right now,” she said before walking away, pulling out her phone as she did so.
“What was that about?” You asked Tara with a raised eyebrow, referring to what her and Sam were going back and forth about. 
Tara opened her mouth, not even sure what she was about to say, when she heard someone knocking. “Oh, I should probably get that,” Tara quickly got up to make her way to the door, relieved at being excused from answering.
“What are you guys doing here?” She immediately asked after opening the door to find Chad, Mindy, Anika and Ethan on the other side of the door.
“Good to see you too, T,” Mindy quipped.
Tara rolled her eyes, “I just mean, I wasn’t expecting you guys today.”
“We made plans last week for movie night.”
“And since it’s my turn to choose, we’re watching 10 Things I Hate About You,” Anika added in a cheery tone. 
“Um,” Tara looked over her shoulder to you, before looking back at her friends, “One second.” 
“Wait, who were you loo–” Before Chad could finish his question, Tara shut the door, making her way towards you.
“So, uh–”
“Heard the whole thing.”
Tara lightly nodded, holding her wrist in her other hand behind her back as she continued. “Does this mean… you’re going to go?” 
You were about to say yes but the words caught in your throat when you finally looked at the expression Tara wore.
You thought for a moment, putting down the bag you were just packing.
“Do you want me to?”
“Well…want’s a strong word–”
“Yes or no, Tara,” you said, looking at her.
Tara mumbled something incoherent, looking away from your gaze. 
“You’re gonna have to speak up, mumbles,” you teased the younger Carpenter.
She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. “I wan—I want you to stay. Happy?” She huffed, not even sure why she puts up with you.
You smile smugly at her, “Fine. ‘Guess I’m staying.” 
It was awkward—at least, for you, it was. Tara and her friends seemed to get each other, which is great for them, but you felt almost like a chaperone the entire time you were there. You tried to distance yourself as much as possible and when you did find yourself surrounded by the group of friends, you stuck by Anika. 
You always found yourself gravitating toward a familiar presence whenever you got caught in social situations like this. You spent most of your own fourteenth birthday party—that you didn’t even want—attached to Henry’s side, following him around like a puppy. You often stuck by people who you found comfort in. You’ve known Henry since daycare years and Anika has been there since she’s entered your life. 
You look at the time to see only an hour has passed as you sigh to yourself. Why were you here again?
“Hey,” you heard Tara say, opening her bedroom door to find you on her bed.
Oh, that’s why. 
“You’re not enjoying yourself,” she said as a matter of fact, feeling a little defeated for some reason.
“Hm? Oh no—no this is, uh, great. Yeah, I just love hearing about the same football story over and over again while your curly haired friend continues to make passes at me…so fun,” your voice couldn’t be any more sarcastic. It started out as you wanting to lie, telling her it was going alright—truly! But you can’t help but be your usual sarcastic self, especially around Tara. 
“You’re having the worst time ever, aren’t you?”
You looked at her apologetic expression, exhaling as you adjusted your posture a bit. Tara walks over to sit across from you. 
“Look…Tar, it’s nothing personal. I’m just—I’m just not good with this stuff.”
“What do you mean?” Tara inquired genuinely.
You sighed, pressing down on your thumbnail with your index finger as you spoke. “I’m not good with…unfamiliarity I guess, or whatever. And—and socializing and all that shit just doesn’t come naturally to me—at least not like it does for people like Anika, and Chad—or you.”
Tara continued to listen to your words, giving you her full attention as you opened up to her. You blinked back at Tara, feeling like you just overshared far too much.
“This was stupid. Forget it.” You got up to leave but just as you reached for the door handle, you felt slender fingers wrap themselves around your wrist.
“It’s not stupid,” you heard Tara speak. You turned your head to look at her. “If you ever want to talk about it more… I’m here. That won’t change.” 
You swallowed, taking in Tara’s words as you processed what she was saying. You didn’t trust your voice, only settling for a light nod before leaving Tara’s bedroom.
By the time Tara also left—waiting a couple minutes, wanting to give you some time—you had already made your escape. 
When you got home that night, the feeling of dread took over you. It felt like there was barbed wire wrapped around your throat as you tried your hardest not to cry, because you knew if you did there was a chance you’d never stop. Memories of him flashed through your mind as you tried to shake them away, but it was no use. No matter how much you tried to escape it, Dewey's voice continued to ring in your head.
Dewey placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, looking at you with  genuine eyes as he spoke, “I’m here. That won’t change.”
Tara looked around with furrowed eyebrows, looking at the sea of people. She was currently at a Halloween frat party; she chose to go with a pirate costume this year. 
Tara was feeling indecisive about her costume this Halloween but then she got the idea when she remembered something you told her; for your first seven Halloweens, your mom had you dressed up as a pirate. Tara could tell you would not be wearing a pirate costume again any time soon.
Because of your high-sea past, Tara thought dressing up as a pirate would be a fun way to mess with you—well, if you were actually here. You were nowhere in sight. Tara squinted her eyes as she tried looking through the crowd—still no sign of you. 
Mindy noticed her friend looking around the room from her seat, which was odd. By this time Tara would be drinking, dancing, or even playing beer pong with Chad—but not sitting down.
Before Mindy could ask anything, Tara turned to Anika, asking her something that answered Mindy’s unspoken question.
“Hey, where’s Y/N?” Tara asked, her voice was slightly raised due to the blaring music. 
“At home. She couldn't—or rather refused to make it,” Anika answered the younger Carpenter.
“Oh,” Tara let out, turning to look ahead. 
Mindy and Anika glanced at each other, already being on the same page. “Why? Missed her?” Mindy inquired, smirking behind her beer bottle right before taking a sip.
Tara lightly scoffed, “Pfft no.” Tara dramatically rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair.
“Y/N?” Tara heard Anika say; she immediately sat up, uncrossing her arms and fixing her demeanor. Her expression instantly dropped when she saw who you were with. 
She did not know much about Charlotte. She seemed nice though. Nice enough. Tara heard from Anika that you’ve been “hanging out” with Charlotte for a few weeks now but haven’t exactly assigned labels yet. That made sense; you were never one for labels. 
She suddenly snapped out of her gaze when she realized you and Charlotte were walking towards them. 
“Hey, guys,” you said in an anything but enthusiastic tone.
“Hey, Y/N. Thought you weren’t coming,” Anika pointed out, not unkindly.
“Me too but this one,” you pointed with your thumb to Charlotte, “is quite the debater.”
“I was captain of the debate team back in high school,” Charlotte smirked. 
“Of course you were,” there was a slight teasing tone in your voice as you and Charlotte shared a look. Tara didn’t like that. She didn’t like that at all. You teased her. You gave her looks nobody else knew the meaning behind except you two.
Tara cleared her throat, causing you and Charlotte to look away from each other and at her. “So, you're gonna actually act like you’re here as a college student or a chaperone?” Tara joked and a small but soft smile grazed your face. 
“The night’s still young, Carpenter,” you replied, the smile she had been missing never faltering.
“Oh! Daisy’s here, I’m going to say hi. Catch you later?” You heard Charlotte speak from beside you. 
You looked over at her and lightly nodded, “Okay.” She placed a quick kiss on your cheek, catching you off guard, before going to her friend. 
You sat down in the seat between Tara and Anika—who was sitting in Mindy’s lap—and exhaled, already exhausted from being here.
“You’ve got,” Anika said, pointing to your cheek where there was a lipstick stain. You raised your left hand to your right cheek as your roommate shook her head.
“No the other—” You, once again, completely dodged the spot she was pointing at and Tara groaned.
“Dude, you’re helpless,” she said with an eye roll before reaching over and wiping the spot for you. She softly rubbed your left cheek as you looked at her. It didn’t take long for you to notice how close her face was to yours.
“There…” Tara trailed off, suddenly growing shy when she too realized how close her face was to yours.
Mindy and Anika look at each other before getting up. “We’re gonna dance. You kids behave,” Mindy said before walking away with her arm wrapped around Anika. 
“Let me guess… you’re a homicidal maniac?” She looked at your casual attire.
You smiled at her, tilting your head back and turning it to look at her, “You know me too well.”
You both shared a short laugh before it went silent again. Suddenly, you two realized this is the first you’ve both spoken to each other since that night at Tara’s place.
“Hey, so, uh, you didn’t say goodbye…” Tara said sheepishly, refusing to meet your gaze as she played with the hem of her costume. She didn’t have to specify what she was talking about, you just knew.
“Oh yeah, I was just tired so I decided to call it a night.”
Tara nodded understandingly as you looked down at her hands that toyed with the fabric of her costume. 
“So…was this,” you gestured to her costume, “planned or…? You both laughed again before she answered you.
“Course’ not. I just…happened to have decided on being a pirate a couple days after you told me your ‘first seven years of dread’ story.” Another laugh was shared between you two.
“Well, you look good,” you complimented. Tara couldn’t fight the heat that rushed to her cheeks as the compliment hit her ears. She was about to respond when suddenly you felt your phone vibrate.
You pulled out your phone, reading the text to yourself before putting it back in your pocket.
“It’s Charlotte, she wants me to meet her by the pool.”
“Oh. Yeah, totally.”
“Don’t get into too much trouble while I’m gone, princess.” You smiled at her as you sat up from your seat, Tara’s head tracked your movement. 
“Me? I would never.”
One thing. 
You asked her for one, very simple, thing. And now? Now, Mindy and Anika were calling you back inside because apparently Tara had the luck of being near Frankie of all people tonight. 
By the time you made your way inside—as quickly as you possibly could—you could see Chad also trying to stop the situation. You made your way over to the staircase, appearing from behind Chad.
“Let’s stay down here,” you said—not asking. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that,” Frankie said, causing you to let out a humorless chuckle.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, you did,” you remarked, feeling your hands start to ball up into tight fists. Before you could say anything else, Tara walks down a couple steps and is now standing in front of you as Chad keeps a careful eye on Frankie. “No, Y/N it’s fine. I want to,” you heard her say in a drunken voice. Far too drunk to consent. 
Frankie walks down, getting close to your face as he wears a disgusting grin. “Yeah, see Y/N? It’s fine. She wants to.” He turned around, roughly grabbing Tara’s arm. His grip causes Tara to let out a sound of pain, tripping on the stairs.
Without a second thought you pull him by the collar of his shirt, pushing him roughly against the wall; picture frames come crashing down but don’t give them a second look as hear glass shatter. 
“Who the fuck do you think you are?!” You pushed your right arm harder against his throat, pinning him against the wall as your free hand tightly gripped his shirt. “Serousily, where the fuck do you get off!” 
Chad checked on Tara as you had Frankie pinned to the wall. You wanted to hurt him. You wanted to hurt him so bad. What was stopping you? You could do it. You look down at the shards of glass, itching to grab a piece. Suddenly, you saw that sinister smile. His sinister smile. That’s why you couldn’t.
But when you looked back at Frankie, you quickly forgot about everything that was stopping you. All you had to do was press into his throat a little harder and–
“I got it from here, Y/N.” You turned around to see Sam holding a taser. You immediately got the hint, getting off of Frankie.
“Hi! Sorry to interrupt, I'm just going to tase you really quick,” Sam said before tasing Frankie right in the crotch.
“Fuck!” He dropped to his knees, holding onto his stomach as he groaned in pain.
“You bitch!” He yelled, earning a swift kick between his legs—making the pain worse—from you.
“Watch your mouth,” you said before making your way towards Tara. “You okay?”
“It’s that psycho girl from reddit!” Someone shouted from the crowd that surrounded you. 
“Hey, don’t you have something better to do rather than stand around here all day?” Anika shouted at the crowd as Mindy shooed them away.
Tara walks ahead of the group as she feels her frustration take over. Sam tries to catch up to her as she calls for her, “Tara, will you stop!” Tara rolls her eyes, refusing to stop as she responds. “I cannot believe you did that, you embarrassed me!” 
“I was trying to help you!” 
Tara suddenly turns around, “And look what happened!” Her voice raises as it runs hot with anger. “You're out of my life for five years then you can't even leave me alone for five seconds,” Tara shouts with a throw of her arms. 
“Because you're not dealing with what happened to us. Have you ever gone to see the counselor at least once?”
You looked at Tara, studying every expression she wore on her face. You wanted her to be okay. You knew it wasn’t that simple, but you still couldn’t help but want it. You hated seeing her like this. You never liked seeing her like this.
You checked up on her when she was at the hospital, relieved she was asleep when you got there. You didn’t want her to think it meant anything. You were just making sure she still had a pulse. Who else would you get into fights with?  That’s what you told yourself, 'cause it’s true! You weren't overly concerned or anything. But it was the bare minimum amount of concern to have when you found out somebody you knew was recently used as somebody else's pin cushion. 
She’s Tara Carpenter, she’ll bounce back in no time, you told yourself. You can still remember the shock on all her friends' faces when they saw you sitting by her hospital bedside. They entered the room and when you saw them, you immediately stood up.
“Sorry, I just found out about what happened and wanted to check on her.” You put your hands in your pocket, feeling uncomfortable with the eyes on you. You couldn’t tell what was going through their heads. “But she’s breathing, so I’ll get going now.” When you’re about to walk out the door, Chad puts his hand on your shoulder which causes you to stop. Was he about to punch you? “You’re welcome to stay, dude.” Oh. 
You were welcome to stay. Did you want to? 
You shook your head,“No, it’s okay. You guys should spend your time with her—unbothered.” You said before walking out of the hospital, not waiting for a response.
Maybe you cared little more than you’d ever admit.
You snap out of your thoughts as you hear Tara’s voice again.
“Because I know what mine is—I’m going to get my degree, become a lawyer, and live my life, my life,” Tara’s voice was firm. Certain. 
Two soft knocks could be heard from the other side of the door. Tara was about to tell whoever it was to go away, but then she realized who those knocks belonged to.
“Come in.”
“Hey,” you greeted, carrying a bottle of ibuprofen and a cup of water.  
“Hey,” she replied, head tracking your movement as you put the items down and got closer to where she sat at the edge of her bed. 
“Mind if I…” You gestured to the open spot next to her and she patted it. You sat down, knees touching hers as you looked down at your hands that rested in your lap. Tara’s gaze from you only broke when she felt the feeling of embarrassment all over again.
You noticed a change in her demeanor, causing you to finally glance at her. “I don’t think she meant for to…make you feel embarrassed or anything,” you tried to comfort. You were never good at this kind of stuff. 
“I know… I just—I just completely embarrassed myself out there. You guys probably think a lot less of me now…”
You lightly nudge her shoulder, getting her to look at you again. “Hey, no, okay? We just wanna make sure you're safe,” your facial expression matched your honest tone as you spoke. 
Tara turned her head away, a smirk slowly growing on her face. She turned back to look at you, ignoring how close your faces were. “We?” 
You rolled your eyes as Tara kept hers on you, smirk never falling. “Don’t let it get to that big ass ego of yours.”
“Aww, you caree about me,” Tara teased. You felt your cheeks warm up as you grew flustered.
“I care about you the—bare minimum amount,” you said unconvincingly. 
Tara shoved you a bit, “Liar.”
You shoved her back, “Most honest person you’ll ever meet.” 
Tara shoved you back again. “Liar.”
“Oh, you really wanna play this game?” You inquired, turning your head to her. 
Tara still smirked as she responded, “I could do this all night.”
Your faces were, once again, inches apart. Tara’s eye line meets your lips as tension builds in the room. Then suddenly the door opens, causing you and Tara to pull apart.
“Oops, sorry I didn’t mean to cock block you,” Quinn said as you and Tara silently cringed.
“Please...don't say cock," Tara said while slightly grimacing.
Quinn shrugged then looked at you. “Don’t believe we’ve officially met. I’m Quinn,” she held out her hand. You glanced at Tara before accepting the red head’s hand. 
“Y/N? Yeah, I’ve heard lots about you.” You couldn’t tell what that could’ve meant, not noticing the shared look between Quinn and Tara.
“Don’t you have, like, a guy to see or something?” Tara asked, trying to get Quinn out of here as soon as possible.
“Well, Tara’s right, I should get going,” Quinn said, immediately getting the hint. “See you around, Y/N,” she winked at you.
“That was…” You trailed off, not able to meet Tara’s gaze.
“Embarrassing? Oh, extremely.” 
“Is Tara okay?” Charlotte asked over the phone. You held your phone to your ear as you grabbed a box of leftover pizza from the fridge with one arm.
“She will be…” You thought about the younger Carpenter as you spoke.
“I’m glad.” There was a beat of silence before she spoke again. “I uh… didn’t know you could fight like that.”
“What do you mean?” You placed the box on the table, sitting down.
“You had Frankie pinned. A man with his frame and build was completely defenseless under your hands. It was impressive,” her last words came with a flirty tone. 
“Oh, yeah?” You decided to match her tone.
“Yeah… Do you want to come over tomorrow? My roommate's visiting his boyfriend so I’ll be pretty lonely—some company would be nice."
You bit your bottom lip, thinking as you looked at your calendar. “Yeah—yeah, that works. What time should I stop by?”
“Six good?”
You looked at your calendar again.
“Can’t do six…” You said, looking at Tara’s name on your calendar. “How about eight?”
“Sounds good. I’ll see you then, super soldier.” 
You let out a light laugh, “Yeah, yeah. See you then.”
Tara was on the phone with Mindy, intensely debating over American Psycho, when she heard a couple knocks on the door. 
She got up from the couch as she said goodbye to Mindy, hanging up. She opened the door to see you standing there with your bag on your shoulder. 
Tara realized it had been a full ten seconds since she opened the door. She moved to let you inside, and you sat in your usual spot. 
“So, what’s on the agenda today?” Tara inquired as she sat, hugging her knees.
“He didn’t really give us much to work with on Friday so, uh, just whatever we missed last time,” you said, not even looking at her as you looked around your stuff.
“Looking for something?”
“Yeah my pen. It was here five seconds ago–”
“This pen?” Tara said, pulling something from behind your ear. You looked at her and realized she was holding your pen. She hands it to you as you let out a timid chuckle, embarrassed at your lack of attention.
“Are you…alright?” She asked, looking at your features as you spoke.
“It’s just exams and stuff. I’ve kind of been all over the place trying to prepare—but that’s why I’m here. To study. So let’s begin,” you pull out your binder, flipping to the right folder.
Tara hesitantly followed along, keeping an eye on you. 
After an hour and a half, you looked at the time and silently cursed as you got up and gathered your things.
“Leaving already?”
“Yeah, I’m meeting Charlotte around eight. So, I gotta get going,” you packed everything, racking your brain for anything else you could be forgetting. 
You turned to look at Tara, “What is it?”
She cleared her throat, slightly shaking her head. “Nothing, have fun—oh, and don’t forget your pen,” she dismissed as she held up said pen to you. 
You wear an embarrassed tight lipped smile, slowly taking the pen from her. “Thanks,” you put the pen in your bag before zippering it up.
“Uh, hey,” you heard Tara call out.
You stopped your movement, turning back to Tara. “See you later?” 
You lightly nodded, a small smile on your face. “Of course.”
Tara found herself blasting Lana Del Rey as she wore a pout. Why was she wearing a pout? She had no idea. It was just there, and for some reason she was in a sour mood. She also knew she despised you. Possibly more than she did before; she was just starting to adjust then you had to go and make things even more confusing for her. 
Tara looked at her ceiling as she laid in her bed, petting Dook who rested beside her. She suddenly remembered the beer in the fridge. 
Sam was in therapy, Quinn was seeing another one of her hookups—what’s the harm?
Five beer cans later and she was more than buzzed. The urge to call you was getting harder and harder to resist with each can. She knew she shouldn’t, but she just couldn’t stop herself from opening your contact. 
“Tara?” You asked, confused as to why she’s calling you so randomly.
“Y/NN,” she slurred into the phone. “Have I ever told you you’re so gorgeous it actually hurts?”
“I—uh, where are you right now?”
“Hommee. Where else?” She said, followed by a hiccup.
“I’m coming over.”
You knocked two times; you could hear Tara struggling with the door knob from the other side before finally opening it.
“What are you doing here?” Tara inquired with a raised eyebrow. It seemed she forgot about your call from just ten minutes ago.
“Goodness, you’re drunk.”
“I am not drunk.”
“Oh, yeah? Then tell the time,” you crossed your arms as you looked at her. She turned to the nearby clock, “I am not drunk!” She literally told it.
“Jesus,” you pinched the bridge of your nose. “Come on, let’s get you to bed,” you walked over to her but then unexpectedly felt a shove to your chest.
“I don’t—I don’t need your help.” 
You exhaled, knowing all too well about the venomous look she wore. “You don’t mean that, come on.”
“I do! I don’t even want you here,” she slurred as she shoved your chest again.
“Too bad then. Cause’ I’m not leaving you like this.”
Tara had used up all the energy she had left to shove you, so she couldn’t even fight you off as you tried to walk her to her bedroom.
“Fuck you,” she gritted. 
“I know.” 
“No. You don’t know!” Tara yelled. “I don’t need a knight in shining armor,” she continued as you looked down at her. “I’m not a princess who has to be saved all the time.”
“Come on, I know you’re no–”
“This is what you do,” she pulled her arm away from you, “you just swoop in when everything’s fine and completely ruin shit. You think you’re pleasant to be around? Just when I think I have my life figured out, you have to come in and ruin it,” Tara spoke with pure conviction, no slurring in her voice.
“I—I don’t know what to say.”
She let out a dry laugh before saying, “When do you ever.” 
“You’re drunk, Tara… Please just let me get you to bed so you don't say anything else you’ll regret in the morning.”
“I don’t regret anything—and I’ll bring my own ass to bed.”
“Okay,” you softly said. You watched as she walked down the hall and to her bedroom. You waited a few minutes, getting the ibuprofen and water ready, before entering her bedroom carefully. Just as suspected, she was already asleep. You silently place the medicine and water on her nightstand before looking at her resting demeanor. 
Oh Tara, what am I gonna do with you?
A/N: I 100% know you guys aren't expecting the family member reveal I'm gonna do for R at some point (clues are scattered...)
Taglist: @t-wylia @lesbianpepsi @jennasfav @alyciaddict @justafoolinlove @steffido1993 @niqmandu @severelyuniquereview @darklron @ravenousinferno @smut-religiously777 @beautifulmongerbanditsalad @vanatalye @alexkolax @andsoigotabutterfly
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bigtreefest · 6 months
🧚🏻‍♀️✨Bippity boppity bow chicka wow oww! You’ve been visited by the Shameless Hoe Fairy, and now you must share a hoe drabble about:
Ransom + kiss on the cheek + “You smell good.”
Meet the Parents
Boyfriend! Ransom Drysdale x Reader
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Word Count: 1,998
A/N: The Shameless Hoe Fairy? At my doorstep? What a surprise!! I was so excited to write this prompt, and hope I did Ransom justice.
Drabble? I don’t know her. I’ll call this a double Drabble based off word count?
Warnings: probably the most suggestive fic I’ve written, so just to be safe, minors DNI, allusions to smut, schmoozing but it’s actually so genuine, family, L-bomb, nickname/pet name usage
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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You had spent two weeks coaching Ransom to meet your family. After a long phone call with your mom on the way home from work, she insisted you bring him over for dinner.
“Family should know everything about each other.” She insisted. You rolled your eyes and hummed in response. At this point, you knew that sometimes there was no fighting her and you just had to say whatever she wanted to hear.
“Okay, mom. I’ll talk to him about it, but to be fair, I haven’t even met his parents yet. Anyway, I’m pulling into my place right now. I’ve gotta let you go.” Your hand hovered over the keys in the ignition, eager to take them out as soon as she’d say goodbye.
“I don’t know why you’re kicking me off the phone so soon, but okay. We’ll plan it out for him to come over soon. Love you, bye.”
“Love you, too. Bye, mom.” You turned off the car and scooped up your bag and keys, heading inside.
As soon as you hit the kitchen, you flailed your arms out, dropping all your stuff on the island. You and Ransom had plans for him to come over and cook with you tonight, but after that call, there was no way that was gonna happen. You could only allocate your energy towards so much at a time.
You had considered asking Ransom if he wouldn’t mind doing the majority of the work for the meal tonight since the two of you had picked up the groceries over the weekend, but quickly thought better. You were already exhausted, no need to add a kitchen cluttered with dirty dishes and burnt food to the list.
You picked up your phone from the mess you made and called Ransom, surprised it only took one ring before he picked up.
“Hey, Sweetheart, I’m on the way over now. You better have a good recipe up your sleeve, because I’m driving through a row of restaurants and the scent is heavenly.” You wanted to laugh but your body felt too weighed down.
“About that, Ran. Can there be a change of plans? I know I said I’d teach you a new recipe tonight, but I have next to no energy left. Will you actually just pick something up? Your choice.”
The line went silent for a beat before you had to pull the phone away from your ear at Ransom’s boisterous response. “THANK GOD. Yes, I’ll do that. Be there in 20.”
And with that he hung up the phone and you flopped down on the couch waiting for him to arrive.
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Ransom’s knock on your door jerked you awake. You responded with a rasp. “It’s open.”
He made his way over to you and set down the bags of food on your coffee table.
“Hi, Ranny.” You smiled up at him, your eyes still half lidded with sleep.
Ransom reached for your hands, draping them over the back of his neck as he crouched over you, eventually lowering himself down so his head was on your chest, the rest of his broad form blanketing you on the couch. You kissed the top of his head and stroked his hair as he mumbled through his squished cheeks. “What’s got you all like…this?” He gestured to your face without looking up.
He still wasn’t that great at expressing his care for the emotions of others, but for you, he was trying. You sighed and patted his shoulders.
“Food first, then I’ll tell you.”
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You pushed back your takeout box on the coffee table and finally looked up at Ransom. He had been eyeing you skeptically the whole meal, leaning against the bottom of the couch, both of you sitting on the floor, as he ate his own food. It wasn’t like him to be that quiet. He must’ve been worried.
“Hi.” You softly whispered to him, looking back into his piercing gaze.
“Hi. You wanna tell me what’s going on now?” He returned with a gentle sternness in his tone.
You nodded, your shoulders rolling back as you built up the courage to address this big of a topic. “My parents want to meet you.”
Ransom’s jaw stopped chewing his food. He set down his utensils and swallowed, shifting to put his elbows on the table to look at you. “Okay… what’s so wrong with that? Parents love me.”
You grimaced, you really liked him, but didn’t want to subject your relationship to the gauntlet of your family.
“Nothing, really, it’s just, my parents are very traditional. Like, super religious and conservative.”
Ransom continued to look at you intently, nodding slowly. “So what exactly are you saying? I wouldn’t be approved by your parents?”
“No! I’m not saying that at all, I just want to make sure they see how great you are. They tend to judge harshly and quickly. The first time I brought a guy home, they literally said, ‘Yeah, I think you’d be better as friends. Let him down easy.’ And I never saw him again because couldn’t handle their disappointed faces every time I mentioned his name. I don’t want to have to go through that with you- no, I can’t go through that with you because I love you and you’re it for me.”
Ransom’s eyes went wide. That was the first time you had said it and he was surprised by how quotidian it seemed. Like you should’ve been saying it this whole time. Your eyes went wide as well with surprise at what had slipped out as his face morphed into a grin. It wasn’t shit-eating or mischievous, it was full of love and… lust?
“Get over here.” You silently scooted around the coffee table on your knees and made your way to Ransom as he reached his arms out and guided you into his lap. He pulled you close so your noses were touching, his long eyelashes fluttering along your cheeks as you whimpered.
“Let me show you how much I love you. I’ll savor you right here and treat you like the only woman on Earth, because you’re it for me, too.” Ransom made a move to press his lips against yours, but you pulled back.
“Wait, Ran. There’s something I have to tell you first.” His eyes darted in between yours with concern.
“My parents still think I’m a virgin.” His shoulders dropped as he looked at you incredulously, head cocked to the side.
“Is that it? I mean, we both know you’re far from pure already if I’ve got anything to say about it.” The corner of his mouth turned up and you hid your head in his neck. You pulled back, pushing your hands against his shoulders to keep distance so you could focus enough to get the rest of the information out.
“Just, with everything I told you, there are some household rules we’ll have to follow.”
“Mmhmm.” He hummed, kissing a trail up your forearm.
“Ran, I mean it. No kissing around them, not on the lips at least. Forehead and cheek only.”
“Yeah, I get it.” He continued, kissing his way up the other arm.
“Seriously, and no inappropriate touching, or private conversations in a separate room.”
His trail continued up your neck. “Is that all?”
You sighed and tilted your head back, closing your eyes. “You probably have to bring a bottle of wine. And flowers for my mom and sister.” You meant to sound stern, but it came out as more of a gasp.
“Consider it done, sweetheart.” He moved up your cheek, then leaned in for a deep kiss that left you breathless.
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Two weeks later, you were staying at your parents’ house for a long weekend. They had come to pick you up, and Ransom was going to drive you back home after the meal so you could go to work the next morning. Letting Ransom stay over would probably never be a thought in their mind until the two of you were married, so he was only coming over for Sunday night dinner.
You were nervous and hoped his weeks of prep had been taken to heart. On a normal day with Ransom, he was all over you, so you had no idea how he was going to keep his hands to himself, if only for a few hours.
You had told him your parents valued punctuality, too, having met in the military, so you were delighted to hear the doorbell at 5:15 when they’d told him to be there at 5:30.
You ran down the steps and opened the door to be greeted by your boyfriend holding two bouquets and a bottle of wine as your mother followed closely behind you. Ransom was looking more handsome than usual, if that was even possible, with his signature sweater and carefully styled hair. You preferred it floofy and a little messy, as it was most mornings, but it was perfect for your mom to see him.
Ransom handed you the bottle of wine as he leaned in to kiss your cheek. “You look beautiful, Sweetheart.” You blushed and gestured toward your mom with your free hand.
“Mom, this is Ransom, Ransom, I’d like you to mee-“
Before you could even finish the introduction, she cut you off. “Mom, you can call me Mom, dear. It’s so great to meet you.” Ransom laughed and handed her a bouquet of flowers with charm before she pulled him in for a hug. You raised your eyebrows in surprise at the greeting. You’d never seen her be this welcoming before, even when your sister brought her husband home for the first time. Ransom looked over his shoulder at you and winked as your mother dragged him into the living room to meet the rest of the family.
You made your way to the kitchen with the bottle of wine, catching your dad who was finishing up the meal.
“Hey Dad, Ransom just got here. Need any help finishing up?” He looked up from the pot he was stirring and squinted to read the label on the bottle of wine in your hands.
“Ah, that’s a good one. Why don’t you pull out some glasses and open it up so we can get it airing. Would you be a dear and help me take this all out to the table? I’m gonna go introduce myself.”
You nodded and got to work running the dishes out to the dining room.
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Dinner with Ransom went off without a hitch. He was a perfect gentleman without it seeming forced, engaging in conversation with your family with ease. Every topic he brought up complimented you and touched on your best moments with each other, your sister and her husband chiming in on their similar experiences and your parents looking at the two of you with approval and admiration.
When it was time to go, your parents made you each a bag full of leftovers, insisting you’d both have dinners for the whole week. You smiled and happily took them, waving goodbye until they closed the door behind you. Ransom grabbed your hand, still keeping a respectful amount of distance between your bodies before walking you to the other side of his Beamer. He opened the passenger door for you before he grabbed the bag of food out of your hands and placed it in the back along with his. He leaned into the car, finally out of the line of sight of your parents’ windows as he buckled you into your seat. As he leaned back, he kissed you on the cheek again before nosing against your neck.
“You smell good. So good I almost went crazy when I first got here.” He pulled back, pupils blown with lust, swallowing his icy irises, as he leaned in with his arm resting against the roof of the car.
“Now let’s take you home so I can take you apart.”
Part 2
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arcanesea · 7 months
take care
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PAIRINGS: boo seungkwan x reader GENRE: established relationship, sick fic, hurt-comfort WC: 511 WARNINGS: mention of dying (in a joking manner)
"Seungkwan, I am so sorry for everything…" you said. Seungkwan let out an exasperated sigh, setting the tray he brought on your bedside table.
"You're not dying, my sweet, stop being dramatic."
"I feel like I am though," you said, coughing dryly. It seems like your cold isn't getting any better so you had to cancel your date with Seungkwan. You're also thinking of taking a day off on Monday.
Seungkwan sat on the edge of your bed, placing the back of his hand on your forehead, making you hiss at the contact.
"Jeez, you're so.." he stopped himself from complaining, realizing that he's more or less the same way around you; dramatic.
"I'm gonna go buy some medicine and a first aid box. You need to keep at least one thermometer around." He stood up. "I made you soup, try to eat."
"What if I die while you're out, Kwannie?" You asked, holding on to your boyfriend's hand, not allowing him to go.
"Well, who told you to not bring an umbrella?!" he scolded you. The cold started Friday night after you carelessly walked home despite the rain. In your defense, it was only a drizzle, and the bus stop is literally across your apartment, so that's not much of a distance.
"Fine, I'll just order them," Seungkwan said, sitting back down. "And don't look at me like that."
You smile, wiggling to give him some more space.
"Can you sit? I don't think you should eat while laying down," he ordered. You move up a little, feeling a sudden headache. He snickered at your expression before helping you place a pillow
behind your back for a slight support.
Seungkwan ordered some stuff while feeding you the soup he made earlier. In no time, you've finished the whole bowl. Seungkwan put away the bowl, feeling proud because he managed to scoop out the exact amount of soup for you to finish.
He helped you with water and the last of your medicine, ruffling your hair after you made a disgusted face.
"Will you die if I leave to grab the meds and put this away?" he asks you. You let out a laugh, coughing in the process. "Aigoo, my sweet."
You shooed him with a grin. He smiled at you before leaving you with the finished meals. A sudden wave of drowsiness washes over you, you're not sure if it's the meds or you're just tired. You fix the pillow a little, laying back down. it doesn’t take long for you to fall back asleep.
"Do you want to use this?" Seungkwan walks in with a bunch of stuff he bought. The sight of you already asleep stopped him in his tracks, making him cover his mouth quickly.
He puts down the stuff on top of your drawers and walks over to your bed. He then continues to place one finger under your nose, all while trying to hold back laughter.
He fixes your hair before tugging you in tighter.
"You're not gonna die, my sweet, not on my watch."
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a/n. every strong independent person needs someone to take care of them when they're sick
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lucy90712 · 22 days
hello 💌,
I was thinking about kenan and reader being apartment neighbors. They have an interaction when reader moves into the building. After some time they ride the elevator together and she has a heavy package that he offers to help her with. She accepts he's offer and they have chitchat until he finally gains the courage to ask her put.
Getting my own apartment has been a goal of mine for the last year, my parents to were willing to let me stay at home until I was ready to move out but I wanted to try and move out as soon as possible to be independent. That is exactly what I've done I got myself a job in a new city and found an apartment of my own there. A lot of my friends and family have called me crazy for doing all this at once but I think it will be good for me to get out there and experience life and meet some new people. 
Seeing as I'm moving to a new city I don't have anyone to help me move in but I didn't have too much stuff so I put it all in my car and drove to my new apartment building. It took a few trips to get all the boxes up to my apartment but eventually I had the last few boxes which I had to put down when I reached my door so I could unlock it and just as I did so someone came out the door of the apartment next to mine. The noise made me jump but then I saw the guy that came out the apartment and all the air in my lungs disappeared. I've never seen such an attractive guy in my life part of that is probably to do with living in a small town but still he was so incredibly hot it made me nervous just being around him. 
"Hey I'm guessing you are just moving in I'm Kenan and as you can probably tell I live next door" Kenan said introducing himself 
"Nice to meet you Kenan I'm y/n forgive me if it's loud while I'm sorting things out I'll try and get things done as quick as I can" I said 
"Don't worry about it if you need any help feel free to knock on my door I'm just going out for a few minutes so I'll be back soon" he said 
"Thank you" I said 
With that he left and headed to the lift leaving me flustered as I fiddled with my keys and the lock on my door which seemed impossible to open in that moment. Eventually I made it inside and dragged the boxes in behind me but then I just flopped on the floor surrounded by all my belongings thinking about Kenan. I knew there would be more cute guys in a bigger city but I didn't think I'd meet one the minute I got to my new apartment.  Not only was Kenan cute but he was nice too he didn't have to stop and introduce himself and offer me help if I need it, not a single guy from my hometown would ever do that all of them live solely in their own world. 
Even though Kenan offered to help I didn't knock on his door even when I struggled putting some things together or reaching the top shelves of my kitchen cabinets. It's not that I was scared of inviting him into my apartment I was worried I'd seem like an idiot. If I knock in his door to help me build something and he does it in a few minutes I'll look like an idiot and I don't want Kenan to think I'm stupid not when he's the first nice and attractive guy I've met here. 
I've been in my apartment for a whole month now which has gone by so fast it's almost crazy. It took a while for me to find a routine but now I have a schedule outside of just my work hours. Everyday when I leave for work I see Kenan sometimes we get the lift at the same time and other times when I get out the lift I see him coming down the stairs. Usually when we just come across each other in passing we smile at one another but say nothing but if we get in the lift together we will say a quick hi but that's it. I'd love to actually talk to him as he's definitely the most attractive guy I've met here or just in my life in general but I'm way too scared to embarrass myself. Not only that but someone like him must have a girlfriend and if he doesn't he's way out of my league anyway. 
Today is Saturday and usually I go out for a walk and get lunch by myself before getting some fresh ingredients to make myself a nice dinner but today I have other plans. When I moved in the place had some furniture like a sofa and some tables but it didn't have a bed frame which it was supposed to have but it didn't. So I've been sleeping with my mattress on the floor until I could get a bed frame which took forever but finally today it is being delivered. I had a call this morning to tell me when it would arrive so now I'm just waiting to get a call to buzz the delivery guys in. 
The call finally came at 4pm so I ran down the stairs as quick as possible only to be told that they wouldn't bring the boxes upstairs for me and nothing I said could convince them to do so. This left me with three heavy boxes to try and drag to my apartment by myself. I tried lifting all of them one by one but I couldn't even get them more than a few inches off the ground as they were so heavy. In that moment all I wanted to do was sit down on the floor and cry but that isn't going to get the boxes to my apartment so I got myself ready and started pushing one box towards the lift. It was hard work and took all of my strength to get it just halfway across the lobby which is where I stopped to have a break for a minute. 
"Are you ok there?" I heard a voice behind me ask and when I turned around I saw Kenan stood not far behind me 
"Yeah I'm fine" I replied trying not to make it obvious his out of breath I am 
"Not to be rude but it doesn't look like you're alright" Kenan said 
"You're right my apartment didn't come with the bed frame it was supposed to so I ordered one and they refused to take the boxes upstairs so here I am pushing them along the floor as I can't lift them" I admitted in defeat 
"God they must've been assholes please let me help you though you're going to hurt yourself if you aren't careful" he said 
"Are you sure?" I asked 
"Of course let me take this one then I'll came back and get the next two" he said
Somehow he lifted the box with ease right into the lift and then to my door like it was nothing. After I unlocked the door and he took the box into my bedroom he went back down for the next two leaving me to open the box in front of me. He was back before I knew it and instead of just leaving he sat down and helped me get everything out of the boxes and started to look through the instructions. I didn't expect him to be willing to help me get the boxes up here let alone stay and help me build it but I guess Kenan is even nicer than I first thought he was.
We worked together me reading the instructions and holding pieces in place as he put the screws in and attached all the pieces together. While we worked we talked to each other properly for the first time. Kenan told me he was 19 just like me and that he plays football at Juventus for a living which took me by surprise as I've never really been into football so I never know who plays for what team. Knowing that he's a footballer should've made me more nervous but the fact that he was so open with me made me feel more comfortable telling him about my life. He listened to every little thing I said when I told him about my life back home and why I moved. We didn't stop talking the entire time we built the bed frame and even when it was done we still sat there talking for a bit longer before grabbing my mattress and putting my room back together. 
After spending the last few hours with Kenan I didn't want him to leave so I wracked my brain for all the things I could do to get him to stay for a bit longer without seeming too weird. Then I thought about making dinner for us both as a thank you for him helping me. 
"Would you like to stay and I can make us some dinner as my way of thanking you for helping me with everything" I said 
"That would be lovely but you don't need to thank me I'm just glad I got here before you hurt yourself" he said 
"Well I'm going to thank you anyway" I said 
As I gathered things from my kitchen something in my brain remembered my dad telling me that footballers have strict diets to follow so I stopped what I was doing to ask Kenan if there was anything he wasn't allowed to have but he insisted that anything I made would be fine. Once I started chopping vegetables Kenan left his position on one of the barstools I have in my kitchen and grabbed one of my knives to help me with cutting everything. Instead of me cooking for him as a thank you it ended up with us cooking together which was actually really nice. While everything was cooking and we had cleaned everything up we had nothing to do other than keep talking and getting to know each other. 
Despite being a footballer Kenan was so down to earth and just normal. He didn't have an attitude or think he was more important than me just because he plays football which is how I've always thought footballers would be. All the boys from my hometown that played football were complete assholes and they didn't even play for well known clubs so I thought proper football players would be worse but Kenan has changed my perspective about that. I'm not someone who feels comfortable talking with people I don't know well but I feel so comfortable around Kenan and I feel like I can talk about myself without fearing he will make fun of me. 
Once dinner was ready we sat down to eat together which is the first time we've stopped talking in hours. Even after dinner Kenan didn't stop being a gentleman as he took my plate and washed up for me. After that it was the time for Kenan to leave as I didn't have any reason to keep him here any longer even if I didn't want him to leave. Neither of us knew what we were supposed to do as he stood by my front door and we just stared at each other. 
"Thanks again for helping me today this experience has been so much more enjoyable as I haven't had to do it alone" I said breaking the silence 
"I'm happy to help and it was nice to get to know you better seeing as we are neighbours" Kenan said 
"So umm sorry if this is too forward but I really like you and actually getting to talk to you today has only reaffirmed my feelings so would you like to go on a date at some point?" he asked 
"I'd love that" I replied 
With that we exchanged phone numbers and he promised to text me when he was free so we could plan a date. Who would've thought that some awful delivery men would land me a date with a guy like Kenan. 
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thetiredasthmatic · 1 year
Welcome Home, Y/n.
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Synop: You were tired of your family life, tired of having only once time to enjoy yourself. So when the opportunity permits, you choose to go Home.
A/n: please take it easy on me..I lowkey think this sucks but I hope you like it 😭
Your mother never allowed you to have access to media, whether it be your own cell phone to have contact with your friends, or a T.V. to enjoy yourself.
Your brother(24) and sister(26) were only allowed to have that stuff as your mother would routinely tell you(19) that you didn’t deserve it. That it would rotten your brain and that she was the only thing you needed to listen to.
It was a culture shock each time you went over to your best friend's house, (the few times your mother allowed it.) She always showed you knew things, like her many game systems, her favorite t.v shows and her favorite websites to visit.
(F/n) felt bad for you, so she wanted to show you what all you missed out in your younger years.
Today was one of those days.
“Y/n! You like old cartoons, right??”
She asked excitedly, and the question made you tilt your head in confusion.
She held a devious grin on her face as she reached under her bed to pull out an old box.
"I found this while at my grandma's! She doesn't know I have it, but I did some research on it, and apparently, it's an old cartoon from the 70s!" She says happily before pulling out some of the old merchandise.
You could see from the worn-out name on the box that it was called Welcome Home, and from what you could tell, it was a puppet show similar to Sesame Street or the Muppets.
You reached your hand in the box to pull out what seemed to be like a concept book. When you opened the book, you were enamored with the colorful characters and the cute designs.
Your eyes immediately drifted to a blue pompadour having puppet, it's deep eyes looking back at you, almost like they were staring right at you.
Or through you…
"Cool right? We can watch some episodes online actually!" You watched as your bestie set up her laptop.
"There's a restoration project going on and the first few episodes have been released!" (F/n) giggles in excitement as she moves things around in her room.
Your eyes were glued to the screen as the color puppets roared to life on the screen.
"Hello Neighbor~, Welcome back to the Neighborhood!" The blue haired one, that your friend called Wally Darling.
Apparently according to her ramblings he was the main puppet in the neighborhood. He liked painting, apples and you assumed eye contact. Or maybe that was just how he looked.
"Ooo~ You like Wally don't you Y/n?"
"F/n…shush. I just think he has a cool design."
F/n let out a gremlin like giggle as she explained the plot of each episode as you watched. Each time you felt like Wally's eyes were only on you.
Like everytime he was on screen, supposedly talking to another one of his neighbors, his eyes would be staring right back at your.
F/n explained it away as that just being his character, but you felt otherwise but decided to be quiet about it.
Either way you found a grin making its way on your face as the puppet talked on the screen. The kindness that they showed each other and the way they treated each other as family….
It made you a bit sad.
Damn even a puppet show had a better life than you did.
Despite you not wanting to make your parents upset. Your best friend made you take her laptop with you.
It was small and looked like a notebook. She knew how your home life was, and she wanted you to be able to have fun.
So here you were, back at home, up in your room, on the laptop she had given you.
You decided to do your own research on the puppet show and found a website attached to it!
You smiled brightly as you decided to search through, learning more and more about the characters, the show, and the whole restoration project.
You even found yourself doodling the characters, especially Wally.
It was just something about the main puppet that had you drawn to him. He was a charmer, a little mischievous and really adorable to you.
You could've sworn he was talking to your through the website.
Everytime you came across an image of Wally, it seems like his eyes would drift from the direction they were originally to look at you.
'You're looking for me?'
'You're so pretty neighbor'
'Won't you come home?..'
Were some of the messages you got as you browsed the website and you felt like eyes were boring into you. Even when you finally finished and closed your laptop for the day. You still felt the eyes on you.
But it was more comforting that the eyes of your family.
You were the youngest of three. It was seen as the failure of the family due to your anxiety and depression.
It often keeps you from doing tasks or having normal friendships, and instead of getting you help, your mother babies you and treats you like a child.
Preventing you from having friends or trying to better yourself. Always holding your siblings in a higher regard.
It's probably why you felt more comfort in a damn children's t.v. show than your own family.
"You're so much more welcoming than my home…" you muttered and sighed. You flopped back on your bed and stared up at your ceiling.
"I wish I could join the neighborhood…maybe then someone will treat me nicely.. "
You felt like someone was intensely staring at you as those words left your lips, though your room was completely dark.
You then heard the footsteps of your mother coming down the hall. You hurriedly pushed the laptop under your pillow and made it look like you were asleep.
You hated that you weren't allowed to do the things your siblings did.
You were infantilized, and all you wanted was freedom. Freedom to do as you pleased, freedom and a loving family that treated you as equal…
You wanted a place where you could truly be yourself, not hiding behind some facade you were forced to live behind.
You sighed as you felt yourself drifting off into sleep, a soft monotonous voice heard lulling you to sleep.
"Come home darling…"
"I'll be waiting for you…"
You yawned as the sunlight beamed on your face. You rubbed your eyes before going to get out of bed only to fall out of it.
You expected to hit your hard floor but landed on a fluffy rug.
This made you shoot up in confusion before you realized you were not in your own home.
You heard footsteps coming towards the room you were in and you were frozen in your spot on the floor as you saw the door open.
"Neighbor…are you alright in here? I heard a thud?"
You stared in disbelief as your eyes locked with the dark ones of Wally Darling.
You blinked and rubbed your eyes again, even pinching yourself to see if you were dreaming. When you felt the sharp pain of your pinch, your eyes widened in realization.
Wally was standing in the doorway, staring down at you watching your every move.
"Are you alright, Neighbor?" Wally asked again and You quickly got up and went to hug Wally tightly.
The male froze and nearly went limp in your arms, not knowing what to do.
This is not what he expected at all! He was expecting someone who was scared, angry, and wanted to leave.
Instead He had you in his arms, thanking him and excitedly rambling on about what you were going to do.
To say he was confused was a severe understatement.
He had taken an interest in you as soon as he saw you beside F/n. He listened in to your conversations and learned as much as he could about you.
He knew your favorite color, he knew about your home life, he knew about your love for cartoons and colorful things.
Wally learned a lot in that short span of time.
So when your friend offered her laptop for you to take home. Wally took that as an opportunity to invite you home. He just wasn't expecting someone so eager to join him I'm the neighborhood.
He heard you ask to join the neighborhood, and Wally was practically beaming with joy.
He was so excited to finally have a neighbor who wanted to stay!
You let the male go, smiling and thanking him. Pulling him along excitedly to go and meet the other neighbors.
You were an enigma to him.
Hes had many neighbors come and go, many of them failing to see the greatness that he saw in this little humble town.
But you.
You were excited to make new friends, excited to start a new.
You were excited to finally have a chance to be you.
And Wally wanted to be by your side as it happened.
"Well, let us go meet the others, shall we?"
Im sorry if this is trash, i just wanted to try my hand at writing for Welcome Home 😭
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dduane · 2 years
BTW… re: Smut
... off my comment to this post the other day...
I'm an entertainer. Writing's a form of entertainment. (And not just for the readership: for me, too.) To be aroused by art one's experienced is (almost by definition) to be entertained, I'd say. If someone's jerking off to my erotica, then all I can do is lean back in the typing chair, smile a bit, and think, Good! I got the job done. :)
(...with the tags: #and no I'm not going to let on where the smut is#why would i deny anyone the delights of the search#and of being repeatedly mistaken#while possibly finding smut writers who're better at it than i am#:) ...)
...and then noting (with affectionate amusement) some responses:
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Well, troops, better get busy filling in that bingo box. 😄
Also: I have to say (while stressing that I absolutely appreciate the humor behind "shocked, shocked, scandalized...") that the dissonance is, temporally speaking, a bit ill-founded. Because while I may be best known for the Young Wizards works these days... by no means did they come first. This did.
A soft chuckle in the darkness. “Lorn, remember that first time we shared at your place?” “That was a long time ago.” “It seems that way.” “—and my father yelled up the stairs, ‘What are you dooooooooing?’ “—and you yelled back, ‘We’re fuckinnnnnnnnnnng!’” “—and it was quiet for so long—” “—and then he started laughing—” “Yeah.”
Granted, from the here-and-now POV of readers with access to the hot-'n'-spicy shipfic or PWP on AO3, this sort of thing (and the numerous other lights-often-off or dialogue-only sexytiems passages in the traditionally published Middle Kingdoms works) would be seen as pretty small beer: soft, non-edgy stuff. Yet in 1979 apparently there were those who found the sex and sexualities on display in The Door Into Fire arresting enough that the book got me nominated for the Astounding Award (for best new author in the field) two years in a row.
There's no question that the broadly inclusive tone set by the Middle Kingdoms books went on to affect and underlie the YW universe in very basic ways. (There've been some scholarly works written by academics who've picked up on this, so [much to my relief] this perception hasn't been just me imagining it.) But I'll grant you that those who don't know the MK novels wouldn't be in a position to make the connection. (shrug) This is just one of those things that comes of having a lot of fragmented readerships who don't know about each other... a side effect of having done a lot of different things during a career. I can also understand how not knowing about the MK works could leave people who know me only, or primarily, as someone writing for a younger readership, a little bit disoriented (or maybe concerned) when the issue of me writing openly sexual material rears its head. But that wouldn’t be a change of direction. It’d be, to some extent, more a return to form.
Anyway: I consider erotica—and its more casually-dressed (or undressed...) cousin, smut—to be perfectly legit forms of literary expression; ones that can soar to unexpected heights if you're willing to put in the work. The sexy-stuff-writing muscle requires periodic exercise if it's to remain viable and/or useful. So I exercise it. And being a 70-year-old person who sometimes creaks audibly when she walks has done absolutely nothing to decrease my interest in the subject—the brain being, after all, the biggest sex organ, and the one least vulnerable to the depredations of time. If anything, nearly fifty years of experience (and three and a half decades of marriage to @petermorwood) have added... let's just say nuance. 😏
Now this whole concept will doubtless horrify some of the "Eww, You're Too Old To Be Writing This Kind Of Thing, Go Get A (Home) Life" types. To which all I can say is, "...Well, good!" By and large, such folks are not my readers anyway. And as for any of them who are, and can't deal…? They need to understand that (pointing off to one side) those people over there—the various kinda-straight and pansexual and bisexual humans, and the gender-fluid fire elemental, and the otherly-gendered Dragon, and the mostly-gay ones enthusiastically shouting "We're fuckinnnng!" down the stairs—are Nita's and Kit's godparents. Without the members of that extremely mixed marriage and their increasingly extended family, there might be no Young Wizards series... not least because it was the splash made by the first of the Middle Kingdoms books that got the Errantryverse crowd in through a major publisher's door. And the series’s continued (modest but still noticeable) success through the second and third volumes kept the writing of new YW books going for a good long while.
...So. For those who may have had questions: HTH. 😀
(And now back to the unending search for a more graceful synonym for “testicles”.)
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rhey-007 · 11 months
I can't help falling in love with you
serial killer!Max Verstappen x reader || 18+
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Summary: Moving back to your childhood house was never in your plans, but after your parents' death you couldn't let go of it. After moving in and meeting your new neighbor everything seemed to fall apart, but you're too oblivious to notice the obvious.
Warnings/Tags: 18+, GORE (gutting), mentions of smut, kidnapping, restraining, torture, violance, female reader, creepy/jealous/yandere Max
A/N: It's Halloween y'all! So I decided to write a Halloween horror story :)) It's the first time I wrote something like this but I feel like it's good. And I've been writing it for past 2 weeks and can't seem to finish so there will be a part 2 on Sunday 😭 + sorry for typos 😬
Wordcount: 4364
Moving back to your childhood house was never in your plans. But there you were, standing in front of the small, falling appart house taking a deep breath and opening the creeking door. The noise was so loud you could bet the whole street heard it.
After one last breath you slowly walked in. The inside looked just as you remembered, but old, dirty and dusty. Family photos hanged where they always did – you were surprised your parents haven’t taken them down after you left – an old bouquet of dead flowers stood on the welcoming console – you already planned on keepping them as you loved collecting dried flowers.
Walking further in you noticed your old drawings still hanged on the fridge door – neither of them dirty or ripped – as well as all your magnets from various family trips. In the living room your baby blanket layed on the sofa.
It surprised you, everything as for right now showed that your parents never forgot about you even though you didn’t have any contact. You wondered if your room looked the same as you left it, and it did. You always thought your parents would change it into a home gym or something like that but it was left untouched, only your favourite teddy bear was missing.
Roaming the house further you’ve found it in your parents’ bedroom on the nightstand. Tears started to fill your eyes, you were so cruel for them for the past few years and they never forgot about you, even tried to have you as close as they could even though you were far, far away. Warm hands creeping around your waist shook you out of your trance.
“Hey, it’s okay...”
Your boyfriend George whispered and placed a kiss on top of your head before spinning you around and pressing against his chest into a tight hug. A few tears fell down your cheeks, wetting George’s shirt but he didn’t mind. You were greatful you had him, especially in such hard times.
After you calmed down the two of you went back downstairs to bring inside your suitcases and boxes with stuff. A young man, new neighboor, caught your eye when you left.
He was mowing the grass, or rather struggling with turning on his old lawnmower, and he noticed you too. He gave a sheepish smile and scratched the back of his neck while a soft blush appeared on his face. You chuckled a little and asked George to come over with you and offer help.
The man agreed with a sigh and soon you were standing in front of your neighbours house. It was way bigger and prietter than yours, which made you wonder and imagine what it looked like inside. It looked like a mansion outside so you thought it had to look so bougey inside too.
“Hi, we’re your new neighbours. Well... kind of... I lived here as a kid”
You explained quickly with a sweet smile.
“I’m Y/N and this is my boyfriend George, can we help you?”
You introduced yourself and George before offering help which the man reluctantly agreed to.
“I’m Max, nice meeting you. And I’m sorry for the problem... I really need to buy a new lawnmower but don’t really have time...”
Max sighed and smiled awkwardly at you while George tried to turn on the machine and you chatted with Max. He moved in a few years ago so he might have known your parents.
He admitted he was an owner of quite a big company, that was why he lived in such a luxury but you wondered why he opted for a small house in the suburbs instead of a flat in the middle of the town. He on the other hand, found out that you were a daughter of his late neighbours.
“They were good people”
He said, but you knew better. Max watched you closely as you talked, watched how your dimples showed when you smiled, how your ginger hair shined in the sun, how you fiddled with your fingers as if you were anxious but your demeanor said otherwise. Just in those few minutes the man was able to memorise your behaviour and ticks.
After a few tries and some digging in the engine, your boyfriend finally turned the machine on.
“There you go buddy”
He smiled kindly.
"Now excuse us, we gotta head back to unpacking”
He politely excused yourselves before leaving.
“I wish I could help but knowing my luck if I turn this shit off right now I won’t be able to turn it back on later. But! Maybe you could come over and eat supper with me and my friend? Will 6pm be okay?”
“Oh um... I-I'm not sure... We don’t want to be a burden...”
“Oh you wouldn’t, believe me. Daniel loves meeting new people and I could pay off the debt... Sooo? “
"I’ll have to ask George but I’m sure he’ll agree”
“Great! Then see ya later, good luck!”
“Good luck to you too!”
You waved goodbye before rushing off to help George with a heavy box. He insisted on carrying it in by himself, but you knew better to not let him or he’d break something, again...
By the time the evening came you were done cleaning almost the whole house and unpacking just the most necessary things. George wasn’t keen on eating supper with the newly met neighbour and his friend but you’ve managed to convince him with a fun time afterwards. It always worked.
You changed from your house clothes to something more suitable but still comfortable for a meeting and left dragging your boyfriend behind yourself. You didn’t even manage to knock or ring the doorbell when a tall, dark haired man opened the door and let you in.
"I’m Daniel. You’re new neighbours right?”
He greeted eagerly, shaking your hands like crazy. The man was full of energy which terriffied you a little, but it quickly changed further into the night.
“Daniel don’t scare them!”
Max’s voice rumbled in the kitchen .
“Come in, don’t be scared. He’s just excited! "
Walking into the kitchen you could finally take a good look at the interior. It was just how you imagined it to. Modern with a hint of vintage, light walls, golden chandelier hanging above the glass table and fully equipped and up to date kitchen – which you could only dream about. It was beautiful.
You sat down by the table after George pulled a chair for you, as he always would. You’d never thought you’ll find yourself a true gentleman but there he was, all yours. Inhaling the scent of the dish made you remember about saturdays at home.
Your mom used to always make lasagna on saturdays, it was so delicious, you remembered it’s taste even now when you haven’t eaten it for years – and you won’t anymore. Max sitting in front of you with a huge smile made you realize the table was fully set and Daniel and George already started to eat.
“Something wrong?”
The man asked quietly to which you responded with a slight shake of your head and a smile, before trying the food. It was delicious, so delicious you couldn’t believe the blonde made it.
„Homemade or ordered? "
Asking bluntly you felt George's elbow poke your side. It wasn't really polite from you but Max didn’t care.
„Homemade. I know it tastes too good, but I tried my best and it paid off”
The man admitted. He wasn’t affected badly by your question, instead responded with a warm smile that didn’t seem to ever fall. Your honesty impressed while your beauty amazed him.
The supper was enjoyable. Daniel turned out to be a really sweet guy, just a little overjoyed, considering the fact he scared you a tad at first.
Following the meal came board games and wine, even though George wasn’t happy to compete with Max against you and Daniel, but you kind of addpoted the tall man. He was too cute to ignore, making your boyfriend hella jelous, but you were going to recompensate him that later anyway.
The two of you won every round of whatever game, which didn’t please Max. You could see it. You could see the way the vain on his forehead throbbed while he struggled with George, how his hands curled in fists every time Daniel laughed at him, but he tried not to explode as best as he could.
You felt bad for the blonde. Daniel later explained that he was a bad looser but worked on it and that such session was good for him. It made you feel relieved at least a little bit.
When the night started to fall and more and more yawns escaped your lips George decided that it was time to leave. You reluctanlty got up and gave Daniel a huge goodbye hug before shaking Max’s hand and leaving the mansion with George’s arm wrapped around your waist.
When you made it to your new bedroom – which was an old guest room – you insisted on pleasing your boyfriend just as you promised, even though he said you didn’t have to as he knew you were tired. But you were too stubborn and soon George layed underneeth you half naked as you undressed yourself, his hands roaming your body.
Sitting up the man wrapped them around your waist pulling you closer while his lips planted soft kissed along your jaw then down your torso. You couldn’t bother to close the curtains, no one could see you anyway, especially in the dim light of your small nightstand lamp.
But a feeling of someone watching you was constantly appearing in the back of your head.
After you, left also Daniel, leaving Max alone in his huge house - as always. The man didn’t feel alone in it, not anymore knowing that a beautiful and georgous woman like you lived just across the street.
Instead of cleaning the mess Max made his way upstairs to his master bedroom. Not turning on the light but instead opening the curtains letting the moonlight in, the man sat on his bed watching every your move, trying to remember every detail about your body and how it moved.
He wished he was the one laying on the bed, surveying your body, touching your soft, pale skin as you undressed, instead of your stupid boyfriend.
The blonde couldn’t believe someone like George was able to pull you, such a sweet and mesmerizing creature. Have you not noticed his humongous, terrifying eyes staring into your soul? It was quite long since someone caught Max’s eye the way you did. All of them were awlays already taken, but not for long...
A few months passed since you moved back to your childhood house. Those few months were very calm and enjoying although you always had a feeling someone watched you. Watched your every step, every move, everything you did. Also some of your things started to disappear, or maybe it was just your amazing ability to loose them.
All the free time you had, you used to bring the building back to life. It looked way better than before. Fresh, pastel yellow paint graced the outdoors walls, pots filled with red flowers hanged from the ceiling on the porch, a white, wooden swing sat there too.
The only thing you still had to work on was the lawn, but you needed George’s help who worked longer hours than you, coming back home late in the evening, drained from life and any energy.
You told him multiple times to change the job as the money wasn’t adequate to working hours nor the amount of things he did, but he refused saying he won't be able to find a better one.
Sometimes you wondered if he enjoyed the work and exhaustement, that's why he refused to leave. Him not having a job wouldn't have changed much anyway, you've earned more than him anyway and your salary alone was able to cover all the expenses.
Max saw that too. He noticed how you struggled alone with the lawn, just to quickly give up and go back inside, how you did all the chores around the house by yourself which clearly pissed you off.
He noticed that your boyfriend came back home late, not able to please your needs or at least talk with you. If it was him on George's place he wouldn’t care if he was tired or not, instead being all over you the moment he came back home, doing everything you needed him to and more, talking with you about everything and nothing.
He couldn’t let you suffer because of him. No... He had to do something about that.
One night George didn’t come back home at all, which made you worry. He could either be cheating on you or something happened, there was no other option.
To addition to your worry he didn’t answer your calls nor texted back. It was midnight when you heard a car pulling up, you shot up from the couch and run up to the window just to be disappointed immediately.
It was just Max coming back from work. It was weird though, he never came back so late. You sighed and decided to call it a day and try to contact your boyfriend the next day. But he didn’t answer then either, nor the next day.
You finally decided to go to the police station and report his missing. They took it immediately and they assured you they’d try their best to find him. But they didn’t succeed...
That day George was back home way before you, wanting to surprise you with a dinner he was about to make, then try to clean the house as much as he could.
He walked into the house, not bothering to lock the door behind himself, then stepped into the kitchen and dropped the bags full of ingredients onto the kitchen counter.
After changing into home clothes, George started to prepare everything needed for the spaghetti, when he felt a huge pain in the back of his head and his vision went black.
The man woke up after a few hours, to the sound of classical music and sharpening knives. He tried rubbing his head, but was restrained, tied to a chair in a dark basement.
„You finally woke up Georgie”
Russell heard a voice say, but was unable to tell who the person standing in front of him was, because of the darkness. The lamp hanging above his head barely lightened him, not reaching far into the room. The man walked up to George and put his sharp knife under his chin, making him look up.
„You thought one dinner would be able to recompensate Y/N all the time she has to spent to keep the house in a good condition?... "
A sharp laugh vibrated through the room, until it suddenly stopped and the knife pressed against George's neck.
„You're funny "
The strange man stepped closer to George, the light finally hitting his face. Max smiled maniacally, he was going to have whole lotta fun...
Russell’s head hit the metal table, almost knocking him out before Max splashed cold water onto his face.
„Uh, uh, uh. No sleepin, we haven’t even started "
The man strapped him down then approached a trolley, his fingers running through the various torture tools he owned.
„What should I use first... "
Max wondered out loud while George tried to release himself, without success.
„Wha-what do you even want from me?! What have I done?! "
He screamed into the dutch'es face after he turned around, holding a pair of scissors then cutting George’s sweater in half.
„Oh you know well what you've done. If you were smart enough, you'd notice I even said it”
The man could feel Max's cold finger run down his chest to his abs. He picked back his knife and pressed it to George’s stomach, pushing it slowly in and listening how the man screamed in pain.
When the knife was deep enough, he made a sharp move, opening him up and revealing his intestinal tract.
„Looked at these beauties... "
Max peaked inside, opening the wound more and more while Russel choked on his tears. He breathed heavily, which was hard because of the toument, fear spreading through his whole body.
„Is this really... J-just about me... Not having time?... "
He managed to choke out while looking down his body, the sight made him sick. Max's fingertips were already covered in blood, from touching the intestines, his lips spread in a horrific smile, eyes shining in awe at the sight.
„I knew... I knew there was something wrong with you... You better stay... Stay away from her! "
He tried to fight, but the slightest move turned into an unbearable agony.
„Well... It's not like you’re gonna do anything about this lover boy. Not anymore at least... "
Max shrugged and flashed George his white teeth then his hand dipped inside his stomach to soon pull out the large intestine. Russell cried out in pain, closing his eyes which angried Verstappen.
Throwing the organ to the ground he opened his eyes with force. He clipped his eyelids pulling them softly out so his humongous, blue eyes could stay open the whole time and watch the terror.
„You're gonna watch how I ruin you, either you like it or not... "
The man whispered into George’s ear, his hot breath made a shiver run down his spine, their eyes locked. Max's hand traveled back to the wound, slowly creeping inside.
„I want you to say it... Say sorry for your absence... "
He whispered once again before straightening up and watching George from above. He studied his face, how his nose scrunched at the pain, eyes desperately trying to close and chest rising and falling rapidly.
He liked that sight. No. He loved it. He loved to cause him pain, thinking it was fair and well deserved. The man pulled out his small intestine, inch by inch, waiting for the apology.
„I-I'm sorry okay... I-I tried... I tried... I should have... I should have changed the fucking job god!... I fucked... I know I did... But it's not a reason to kill me you psycho!”
With one sharp pull his small intestine was out and on the ground, blood splattered everywhere, some sticking to Max's face. In that moment he looked like a true serial killer and George started to fear about you.
„That's the only thing I wanted to hear. Now... See you on the other side”
With that words Max reached for George’s heart pulling it out with one go and finally killing the man. He then stripped him off the meat and the skin from the face, hanging the later made mask obove his desk.
„Well... It surely was fun... "
„Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can’t help falling in love with you... „
It was a month since you last saw him. The first few weeks you cried yourself to sleep which hurt Max. It hurt him to look at you in that miserable state, crying over a man that didn’t even deserve you.
Weirdly, he was the only person able to fully comfort you. He invited you over for dinner or supper every day or visited you to join eating so you wouldn’t be alone, he helped you around the house – even hired a maid in the first weeks to help you.
The man was so sweet and caring, he made you forget about George by the time Christmas came. He then thought he finally had a chance with you until you appeared on his porch, holding a hand of some strange man, introducing him as your new boyfriend.
“Max, this is my new boyfriend, Sergio. Sergio, Max is my neighbour – obviously – and my close friend”
You smiled up at both men as they shook each other’s hands, Max gripping Checo’s tightly giving him a death glare. Max understood you tried to finally move on and live a normal life, but why couldn’t you move on to him?
After all those things he had done for you, all the nights he’s spent by your side, all the money he’s spent on you, you chose some stranger over him?
Blood boiled in his vains thinking about it and watched your new boyfriend hand him a Christmas gift. He accepted it only because of you, smiling sweetly when you were leaving.
‘’I don’t think he likes me...’’
Sergio whispered as you walked away but you just shook your head with a chuckle.
Checo was just as sweet as George. You tried not to compare them together but it was too hard. You've noticed they were really similar, but Checo had way more time for you than George did.
You've also noticed the change in Max's behaviour, it wasn’t anything big but after a year of your friendship you knew when something was wrong, you just couldn’t figure out what. It started when he met Sergio and from then on he was so cold towards him, not like towards George.
The vain on his forehead was about to pop every time he saw you two together, everytime you smiled because of the Mexican, every time you laughed because of him.
„Was he jealous? "
You wondered but pushed that thought aside. He couldn’t, he was your friend after all.
Sergio was a dream boyfriend, a knight on a white horse. He helped you around the house, didn’t rush your relationship letting you get used to him before doing something and most importantly he truly listened to you and didn’t ignore even the stupidest of your fears or needs, not like George.
But the dream quickly fell appart when you let down your walls and the two of you got too comfortable around each other. He moved in with you without even asking, as his landlord kicked him out.
You couldn’t understand why thought. He had a well paid job yet couldn’t affort a low budget apartment? Well, turned out he lost it some time ago and haven’t told you about it.
From that time he stayed home all the time, doing shit, occasionally leaving in the evening for a few hours. He was really stressed and frustrated, sometimes rising his voice at you when you did something wrong, but then quickly apologising and offering a massage to comfort you.
But that aslo passed rather quickly and with time his shouting became a daily thing. One day he hit you. A juicy slap across your face, leaving a red mark.
You were fighting over his shouting again but this time he didn’t hold back. That’s when you found out how he really was.
Brutal, disregarding your opinion, caring only about sex and a ‘maid’, in one word – despot. Yet he was so sweet at the beginning. You felt fooled...
You were too scared to tell anyone, so scared the man would hurt you even more and you had enough of bruises and cuts you tried so good to cover.
No one seemed to notice it, beside Max. He didn’t want to mention them though, as he figured you wouldn’t like to talk about it.
Every time he invited you over for dinner you either didn’t come because Sergio didn’t let you, or came just for a few minutes before the man burst in and dragged you back home angrily.
Max couldn’t understand why you just didn’t kick him out and leave him. Only two months after Checo started to be aggressive he disappeared. You felt so good when he didn’t come back home for a few days straight and quickly threw away all his stuff. You finally felt free...
Kidnapping Sergio was the easiest thing ever. The man wandered through the two , eventually stopping by one if the alleys and walking in. He lit a cigarette and watched the stary sky while waiting for a dealer. Soon a car parked in front of the alley, a hooded man walked out making his way towards Checo.  
He handed him the money and stretched his other hand waiting for stranger to give him the drugs. The man quickly took the money then tazed Checo, getting him unconscious.  
Slowly opening his eye, Sergio grunted in pain. His body was stiff, half naked, laying on cold metal. The man looked around, the only thing he was able to see was himself, but he could hear footsteps from behind. Trying to roll his head up, he noticed his hands tied to some machine and a back of a man, quietly humming an Elvis song.  
„Well... Well... Well... Look who has finally woken up... "
The Dutch smiled from ear to ear, making his way over to Perez.  
„Verstappen?! I knew there was something wrong with you! You better let me go or-"
„Or what? "
The blonde cut in.  
„It's not like you're gonna do something about this. You can’t afterall... Besides... You deserve it” 
Max hissed turning on the machine that bit by bit started to stretch Sergio's body. The Mexican screamed, wiggling and trying to break free but was tied too hard, only giving himself more pain.  
„You son of a bitch! You're a fucking monster! "
He shouted and spat on Max's face. The Dutch frowned and only turned up the speed slightly, after wiping his face.  
„I am a monster? Maybe tell it to Y/N, after all... You were the key hurting her. Not me... Now. You better apologize” 
He hissed and increased it even more, the screams and noises of breaking bones and muscles filled his ears, they sounded like honey. But Sergio wasn’t going to apologize. Nothing was going to make him to apologize for what he'd done. He'd rather die than say it.  
„Fine... "
Max sighed unsatisfied finally raising the pace to maximum. Sergio’s body teared in half, blood splattered everywhere making the man groan in pleasure and lick the blood off his lips.  
"Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you? "
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billthedrake · 9 months
Note: This is a hypnosis story co-written with @josmith1718
The next day, Dad and I had a lazy Saturday. I usually woke up early, but I slept like a log especially after dad's insatiable appetite after being under. I woke up and saw I was in bed alone. I stretched and made my way downstairs. I was wearing only boxer briefs when I came to the kitchen and saw dad making a whole breakfast spread, "Morning, bud. Can I get you anything to drink?"
"Morning dad, what time did you wake up?"
"I've been up for a while. Woke up so refreshed." He smiled and gave me a kiss before asking me again, "Drink?"
"Uh, I'll have some orange juice."
"Okay bud, sit down, I'll get it for you."
Dad was very happy this morning. He was wearing an old baseball tee and shorts that were being eaten by his ass. I was spent from last night but seeing the sex god in this kitchen making me breakfast was giving me a second wind.
"Here you go son. What do you say we have a nice cookout today? Weather should be good; we can put some steaks on the grill and have some beers."
"Sure dad, but you are in the sun all day, I thought you would want to spend some time in the A/C."
"Well, we could do something else if you want." He smirked as he saw my hardon.
I reached down and tugged at my loose shorts, playfully showing off my endowment to Dad, but also pinching the base a little bit to tame the beast.
"It'll probably be better if I wait." I said.
"Waiting isn't your strong suit, buddy," Dad smirked.
"Nah it isn't," I admitted. I was about to ask whose fault that was but I reflected at how great my father was. I was the luckiest guy in the world. "So... cookout?" I asked. I knew if we stayed in that kitchen, I'd be initiating sex. And last Saturday we didn't leave the house till after noon...
Dad went to get dressed to run his errands to the grocery store. I offered to hit the hardware store for charcoal and some other stuff we needed. Surprisingly, bagged ice is cheaper there, too, so Dad asked me to get a bag or two so we could set up the cooler for the beer.
I was in and out of the big box store pretty quick. I don't know if it was the hypnosis, but I was in a weird mood that morning. Almost giddy with excitement of seeing if Dad was gonna put out for me later, really put out. Maybe I had some misgivings, too. I mean, Dad had brought up the hypnosis route and found the Company, but maybe I was too excited by the idea of reprogramming my loving father.
As I tossed the stuff in the back seat and as I started the car, I wondered about maybe my approach with fucking Dad was wrong. Maybe it wasn't just mental. Hypnosis was one thing, but he would need to get used to having something in his hole.
I took a little detour home, to where one of the adult sex stores was. Hopefully the ice wouldn't melt too much. I'd only been to this store a couple of times, the first time when I turned 18 and a buddy dared me to go as some sort of stupid high school ritual. The other was soon after that, when I heard a rumor you could get a no-strings blowjob in one of the booths. I went in, but chickened out.
Now, I went in and made a beeline for the vibrators and butt plugs. I was not a small fry and Dad would need some practice, even if he was under when I used the toys on him.
I found a beginner sized dildo and picked up an enema bag. I looked for a smaller sized butt plug. Even the smallest looked like it might be a challenge for a newbie at bottoming, but I picked it up too. With a naughty thought I eyed one of the bigger plugs. It would take a hell of a lot of hypnosis to get my tight virgin father to fit that inside him. But the idea turned me on like mad so I bought it too.
I made my purchases and headed back home. Dad was already putting away the groceries in the kitchen, as I went upstairs with my toys and hid them until I needed them.
I'd barely stashed them in the back of my sweaters in the closet when Dad walked into our bedroom. "I'm gonna hit the gym, Kyle," he said, peeling off that baseball shirt. God, here comes my hardon again. But Dad seemed oblivious to that as he went to root through his drawer for his workout gear. "I'll fire up the grill when I get back, OK?"
"Yeah, Dad," I said.
He grabbed his stuff and then paused to look at me. Maybe he wasn't so oblivious to my excitement after all. With a grin he sauntered over and stepped up to me, leaning forward to kiss me gently. It was hot, a lot of soft tongue as Dad and I made out in our bedroom.
His free hand was on my flank, feeling up my muscle beneath my T-shirt. "Nice, son," he grinned. "I can tell you've been hitting the gym too, buddy," he smirked. I worked out during my lunch hour at a corporate gym near my office. I usually enjoyed taking Saturday off.
"Gotta keep up with my old man," I smirked back. I reached down to undo my shorts, but Dad stopped me.
"Save it, buddy... it'll be worth your while, I promise." With that, dad pulled my shorts up and gave me a parting kiss, “Try to keep your hand away from that dick.” He said as he left the room. I did not know it was possible but I was even harder at that comment.
The food smelled great as dad sat next to me to let the meat cook on the grill. He had continued to wear the same workout clothes except for the sweaty shirt. He was showing off a good pump, I'd say, his perky nipples saluted me and his calves looked exceptionally delectable. If I was not so hungry, I probably would have tackled him as soon as he walked through the door.
"So how do you feel about the hypnosis, son?" Dad asked as he took a sip of his beer and sat next to me.
"I was hesitant at first but if it makes you happy, Dad, I'm game but, how about you? Did you feel different when you were under?" I asked. I kept putting the old man under and never even thought of asking if it was enjoyable.
"Not just me, son. Remember what you told me, if we're both not into it, we don't have to do it." He held his gaze on mine, "But I will be honest, if it'll help us... me... I want it."
I nodded and smiled at him. He reached and patted my thigh before answering the second half of my question.
"And to answer your question, I didn't feel anything. It felt like I fell asleep and when I ‘woke up' I felt refreshed. I hope it can help me to be able to give you what you want but if not, it's helping me to feel relaxed at least."
"Did you remember what you did when the man from the Company put you under?"
"No. We were talking and then he was telling me we were done. Whatever I did, I don't think it was embarrassing but I did feel good afterwards."
We ate, we tanned, and we had some more beers. It was a nice relaxed way to spend the weekend. Dad worked hard and in my own white collar way, I worked hard too. It was nice to lie in the backyard and think about nothing.
I had my eyes closed and tried to keep everything out of my mind. I just heard the sizzling of the grill, dad whistling, the light chirping of the birds. Suddenly, I began to think about the hypnosis and started throwing wood. It was a hot idea, having my dad do anything I wanted, bend over, and let me rim him or ask me to fuck him as matter-of-factly as he did when providing me with his oral services. I was maybe hoping it was a one session kind of deal and then Dad would be lifting his legs for me. Yet, he'd put off sex, even more than normal. I wondered if he needed more reinforcement or if I needed to expedite the process.
The more I thought about it, the more I decided I'd put him under again and take dad back to the white hallway. As soon as we went inside, I was determined I'd be putting him under again. I wanted to get in his ass but didn't want to do it prematurely. As I went through the motions of helping him clean and put away things, I was formulating a script in my mind of what I was going to say and do. I had to think of the Protocol the Company provided, and how reinforcement could help tap into Dad's inner psyche.
"That was great." Dad said as we were putting away the last of the leftovers in containers. I admired his hairy frame now that he had gotten a tan on his chest and back. A shame he didn't go shirtless at work, I'm sure he'd get more contracts showing his body off and he'd had an overall tan.
"You are the grill master, dad."
"You flatter me buddy." Dad rubbed my shoulder, as he stepped by me. I watched him walk down the hall, and even as he was out of my sight, the sound of the door closing suggested to me he was taking a piss.
It seemed the perfect chance to catch him unaware. That approach seemed to work the first time and if he was easily put under then, it should be no issue now. I put the food away as quickly as I could and then I walked down the hall to wait outside the bathroom for him to come out. I heard the flushing of the toilet followed by the start of dad washing his hands and whistling as he cleaned up.
"Hey buddy... you gotta go...?" Dad began as he opened the door but at the sound of me saying “power down” he stopped mid-sentence. He went from animated to emotionless in one swoop. His face was drained of emotion, his arms fell to his sides, and he looked past me, as though there was a point behind me, he needed to concentrate on.
"How are you feeling?" I asked.
"Relaxed..." Was dad's monotone response.
"Remember what I told you about Kyle?"
Dad nodded and said "Yes..."
"Repeat to me what you learned about Kyle and what you need to do."
"Kyle does the fucking, to show him I love him, I have to let go and give him what he wants..." He responded. Once again, I smiled, "What does he want?"
"To fuck me." Dad responded, determined. As he finished his thought, I saw how he began to breathe a bit faster, and his cock began to swell up. The shorts he was wearing were flimsy and nothing hid what was happening down there.
"That's right. When this finally happens, you will give him happiness and he, in turn, will bring you pleasure. Your son will be happy, and you want to make your son happy right?"
"That's all I want, my boy to be happy." He was more determined with his response.
"Extend your hands and hold on to me, we are going back to the door in the white hallway." He extended his hands and I reached with mine. I held on, feeling the dampness on his skin.
"Walk with me as I count to five. Once I reach five, we'll be at the door."
"One... we're walking down the corridor," I slowly walked us to the bedroom where I had stashed the toys I would be needing, "Two... you are feeling relaxed and calm knowing your son will never cause you pain or hurt you," I passed a couple of framed pictures of us at a camping trip and from both of my graduations, "Three... you are closer to the door, remembering what you saw there, getting you excited..." At the threshold of the bedroom, I said, "Four... the door is at arm's reach, you want to open the door, right?"
"Yes, I want to open the door." Dad responded a bit breathlessly.
"Good... five, reach for the doorknob and open the door. What do you see?" I let go of his hand momentarily and saw him reach to the imaginary door to open it.
"I'm in bed with my boy... He is on top of me, getting ready to fuck me... My son looks happy..." Dad began to smile warmly as he saw the scene.
"He is very happy, but you can't bottom for him yet, why?" I caressed his hand.
"Men don't get fucked." Again, determined. I knew we would need to work on this now if we were going to get anywhere.
"Look at yourself, Brian. You are a man. Look at your muscles, your hairy torso, strong legs, are you not a man?"
"Yes, I'm a man."
"Keep looking at the scene in front of you, is your son inside you, fucking you, making you feel good?"
"God... yes, he is fucking me, making me feel pleasure." He tightened his grip on my hand and his breathing increased. He wanted to be able to give his boy this, the pleasure that he would experience was secondary at this point. All he wanted was to be a good daddy and take care of his boy's needs. He wanted what he saw.
"And as he is doing this... are you changing at all?" I asked, looking at dad's face to see if there was any resistance to what I was inferring.
Dad looked confused at this. I continued to caress his hand and pushed on, "Did you become less of a man?"
Again, confusion, his brow creased as he thought of it. I answered for him, "No you didn't. Look, Kyle is still fucking you, bringing you pleasure. He is fucking a man, not a woman. Say it, Kyle fucks men."
"Kyle fucks men..."
"Again, with conviction."
"Kyle fucks men." I moved his hand to my cock, and I moved my free hand to his, "Hold Kyle's cock and ask him who he fucks."
Dad looked at me as though trying to look through a fog and asked, "Who do you fuck?", his hand lightly gripping my cock like he did when he was ready to give me a handjob. I fished out his cock and began to match his grip and stroking motions as I answered.
"I fuck men, dad, not women, just men. Hairy, muscular, masculine men. Men that work construction, that have a tan from being in the sun working hard, muscles from moving heavy things all day." I said this as I stroked him.
"God, son..." he whispered to himself.
"Brian, who is getting fucked on the bed?" I asked, getting a thrill calling him by his name.
"I am..."
"Are you a man?"
"So, say it, I'm a man that gets fucked."
Dad's voice was direct and unwavering. A pure expression of his unconscious. "Men don't get fucked."
Jesus Christ. Back to square one.
I let go of his dick and thought for a second. What would the Protocol suggest? I don't even remember where the idea came from, but I remembered something about triangulation. Shifting the focus. "Brian.... Listen carefully to my voice.”
Dad looked at me with unwavering concentration.
"You are past the white door now... where only my voice matters."
"Your voice."
I felt his grip on my cock get tighter, now playing with it, then stroking it. Fuck, this felt good.
"When you are awake, Brian, and you worry about not being a man, you can listen to my voice and it'll relax you, helping you let go for your son."
I spread my legs and let Dad openly stroke me. The more I talked the more eagerly he tugged at my dick. "You know what that voice will be telling you?"
He shook his head no. Like an eager student studying for a test. Aww God, his hand felt amazing. This man, even under, only had one mission and it was to bring me pleasure. I had to bite my lip and take a deep breath before I continued because I didn't want to shoot yet, I needed to see this through.
"That voice will be telling you that anytime you don't feel like a man, to think instead about Kyle. Your son—" God, Dad's hand was driving me crazy. I wasn't normally a hand job guy, but this head fuck was messing with mine in its own way. "—and how manly he is." I finished my train of thought in a raspy voice.
"Yes, Kyle is a man." Dad responded determined, proud even. The same way he would when bragging to his buddies about me for something.
"Good," I said. "And because Kyle is a man, you do not have to worry about yourself. Just listen to that voice...Dad." My breath was getting shorter. I reached out and began stroking Dad's cock as he did mine.
"What does that voice say, Dad?" I stopped calling him by his name and reverted back to ‘Dad.' I wanted him badly and calling him Brian, while naughty at first, was not as personable as ‘Dad.' The man raised me, taught me so much. Now it was my turn to return the favor, as it were, and teach him new things. Things that would bring him pleasure.
"That voice is saying Kyle is a man." He was sweating a bit, his nipples were perky and his cock throbbed in my hand.
"What do men do?"
"Men fuck.”
"What is going to help you be able to be your son's bottom daddy?” I was stroking dad hard, and he was too, we were both lost in the moment. I don't even know when it was the last time, I called dad ‘daddy' but I had just said it and if I was not in the edge of shooting, I was when dad responded.
"Listen to the voice... allow Kyle to make me his bottom daddy." The combination of seeing dad zonked out, his words and his hand on my cock, I shot my load, some of it landing on his hand and floor. Dad, in turn, shot all over my hand. Like father like son, both shooting our loads at the idea that I needed to fuck him, and he was going to allow me to.
We were both breathing hard and as we both caught our breath, I looked at dad and with some clarity instructed him to close the door. Dad used his free hand and simulated closing the imaginary door. I continued, "You are a man that gets fucked, keep that in mind. You still can't bottom for Kyle, but you want to, desperately. You want to get pleasure, you want to make Kyle happy, but you need to prepare for it. You will ask Kyle to help you. It'll be scary but put your trust in your son, he loves you, he is here for you, he is going to make sure everything you do for him, is returned with pleasure tenfold."
"I trust my son." No hesitation at all. That made me really happy that dad have trust in me.
"And he trusts you. He loves you very much." I kissed his cheek and felt the stubble, it was the weekend he hadn't shaved since Friday.
Dad smiled and continued to stroke my spent cock, bringing it back to life, "Once you come out of this state of relaxation, at some point tonight you will ask your son to help you. You will ask him what you need to do, what can you do to get ready. You will only feel pleasure once it happens. This pleasure will make you feel comfortable getting played with and fucked by your son, Kyle. Understood?"
"Yes... I want that... I want Kyle to play with me..."
"He wants to play with you too. Now, you are going to wake up when I count to three. When you wake, you will not realize you were under but will retain all instructions and suggestions. You will also not find it weird that we are here covered in cum. You will find it hot and want to shower off the remnants of it before we head downstairs, and watch T.V. Understood?"
"I understand."
"Good, let's wake up. One... Two... Three..."
Life came back to dad's eyes, and he smiled when he saw the mess we had made, "Shame I didn't get that load in my mouth but can't cry over spilled milk, right buddy?"
I smiled and he closed the gap and gave me a kiss, "Let's hit the showers, son." I nodded and followed him as he dragged me to the bathroom without letting go of my cock.
We showered, made out under the running water, and then saw a bit of T.V. before we called it a night. As we were getting ready for bed, dad looked at me intently, "I love you so much, buddy."
"I love you too dad." I smiled and threw a pillow at him. He caught it and then stroked it a bit, almost as if he was arming himself with courage.
"I really want to give you everything I can, son. I'm a man and I shouldn't be scared to ask for help so here it is.” He took a deep breath, “Help me."
"Dad, anything you need, you know I'm here for you." I responded. I sat on the edge of the bed and dad came to my side and sat next to me.
"I want to be your bottom and I need to know how to do that. I don't know if hypnosis will help but in case it does, I need to prepare myself... but I don't know what I should even do first." He sounded determined but innocent all at once. I bit my lip as he said that, damn, I was once again throwing wood.
I moved a bit, trying to hide what was growing between my legs and at first, I was not sure if dad noticed but he definitely did when he got up and used my name, "Come on Kyle, I need your help. Tell me what I need to do to prep for when I finally give it up." He sounded annoyed that I would choose his vulnerable moment to be a horndog.
"Sorry dad...” I grabbed a pillow and put it over my crotch, “You need to clean yourself out and then practice. It's not much to it. Here..." I got up, covering my crotch making dad more annoyed.
“Take the pillow off, I already know you're horny,” he growled softly.
I blushed and nodded and went to get the toys. I pretended to take a while to look for them as though they were there for a long time and brought out the enema bag, "Here you go dad, this is an enema bag, you use this to clean yourself out."
"So...I fill this with water and then..." He mimed it not wanting to say it, blushing as I nodded my head.
"I can help you if that would—"
"I'll do it alone buddy. We may shower together but I draw the line with you watching me shit out poop water."
"Alright, I'll be here dad. Take your time, it's not a race."
"How long do I do it for?" He asked as he walked towards the bathroom.
"Until the water you push out is clear."
Dad was gone for a while. My cock deflated as soon as he left. Dad's mere presence had that effect on me. He could be standing perfectly still and I'd want to jump his bones. As he cleaned himself, I ended up working on emails and getting them scheduled to be sent out Monday morning. I even folded some laundry as he stayed in the bathroom. I didn't hear much other than the occasional flushing. After a little over half an hour, I heard the toilet flush again and dad come back to the room as I was putting away some clothes.
"If we were to do the deed, I'd have to do that every time?" He was red and sweating. God only knows what he did in that bathroom, but I didn't think it would take that long.
"We can get a bidet and a proper douche, you know, to be cleaner down there." I smiled at dad.
"Fuck, buddy... I have never been in the bathroom this long ever but honestly, I never felt so clean." I couldn't deny my need to be with dad. I grabbed the folded clothes still on the bed and put them on the chair in the corner of the room and ran towards dad. He held me and we began to make out. He held me tight, his shirtless frame on my clothed one. He pulled the shirt off and I began to play with his hairy chest.
As the kisses became more needy, my hands began traveling slowly down towards his ass, something he would not let me do before. The man had his hangups and one of those things was not getting near his hole. I kissed, sucked, touched, caressed and loved every part of my dad's body but his ass... that was something I wanted to explore at length but never could.
"Son..." He began as my hand caressed his ass.
"Dad please, I won't go in, I just want to touch it." I said, going back to kissing him deeply. Dad moaned into my mouth and let me explore. Fuck, that furry ass was making me bone something bad. Dad slowly lowered my shorts and began to play with my cock, "Fat executive cock..." he hissed.
We were both enthralled by what we loved on each other's bodies. I scooted up in bed and let Dad suck my dick some. I had to urge him to go slow at times and finally pulled him off. I didn't want to cum in his mouth, though I could read Dad's desire to get off that way. He loved having my dick in his mouth and loved swallowing my cum.
I got back down so we were face to face, naked in bed together. But as I got on top of him, almost a classic missionary position, I felt Dad's body jerk and shiver beneath mine. Like he got a cold spell.
"You OK, Dad?" I asked.
He nodded, gulping. "Yeah, son... it's just... fuck!"
He got another shiver. I realized it was the hypnotic suggestion, giving him that excitement when I was on top of him. I humped his cock and we made out. Dad was moaning into my mouth and clutching at my back and then my arms. Pulling me in, wanting nothing more than my weight on top of his.
"You're such a fucking stud, son," he whispered as we finally broke that kiss and looked into each other's eyes. Dad was vulnerable and yet totally alive. Turned on. Fuck, this was gonna happen. Maybe I wouldn't even need the toys.
I kissed my way down, feeling my father shiver as I enjoyed the feel of his fur and his aged brawn. I went further, pushing Dad's legs back. That didn't get resistance but almost immediately his hand was on my head, stopping me.
"Can't son," he said. Not apologetic. Like, freaked out just from the fact I was gonna rim him.
"Power down," I said.
Dad's body relaxed, almost to the point of going limp. I even had to hold his legs in place, splayed back. I could see his squeaky clean pucker. Maybe this wasn't the Protocol, but I wasn't gonna waste a clean dad hole like this. Not after dreaming about it all day.
"When you were awake, how did you feel Brian?"
"Horny... then nervous."
"I understand... but, I'm going to share a secret with you that'll make the nerves fade away. You want that, right? You can speak freely”
“Yes, I don't want to be nervous for my boy.” I smiled. It must be hard for him. A man that has lived so long with this notion and wanting to get rid of it, knowing that it'll be a pleasure for him and his lover but unable to.
“Can you keep a secret?" I whispered, looking up from his hole. Damn, I wish I didn't have to do this right now. I was ready to rock his world. Nevertheless, I persisted.
"Yes." His voice was quiet, obedient, determined.
Damn, I was rock hard. This whole thing with dad recharged me in a way that I was ready to shoot again if dad helped me out. "You are a special man, Brian. Some men only have one pleasure spot. Their cocks. You have four."
"Four?" he said, a bit surprised with a hint of confusion.
"Yes, four. You've already found two. Your cock, and the back of your throat." I reached and caressed his cock a bit.
Dad's dick surged hard again when he felt my hand and my voice, the words and their meanings sinking in.
"You like when Kyle tickles the spot in your throat, don't you Brian?"
"I do," Dad answered.
"It's pure pleasure for you."
"Yes," he said.
I ran my fingers along his leg hair as I scooted in. Dropping my voice to an even more suggestive register, I continued, "You have a spot like that deep inside you, Brian. Deep in your ass."
His face grew questioning, but he nodded.
"So deep only your son can reach it. Kyle is the only man who has the key to unlock that spot for you."
"Kyle is a man." No hesitation.
Fuck, my cock just spurted some pre on to dad's furry belly.
"You know why he has that key?"
"Because Kyle loves me." His smile grew with his response. I loved this man.
"Yes, Kyle loves you and he wants you to feel that intense pleasure deep inside you."
"I am a lucky father."
"You are a lucky man, Brian. Because you have one more pleasure spot. Your asshole craves stimulation."
"You want Kyle to make that spot feel good, too."
We'd see if this works.
"Ok Brian, continue to listen to my voice. I am going to count to three. You will not realize you were under, but you will continue to follow all suggestions and instructions while you were in this state. Once you wake, you'll feel alive and happy and allow your boy do what he wants, you trust him. You want this. Understood?”
“I understand.”
“Let's wake up, handsome. One... two... three...”
Dad's body tensed beneath mine and he let out a breath. It took him a half second to refocus, but he smirked at me.
"You're hard as a rock, buddy," Without missing a beat he responded as though he hadn't been under.
I nodded. "You get me that way, Dad." I attacked his chest again with my lips then started the process of kissing lower. We'd see if this worked. I slowly got to his cock, kissing it before I went lower.
Dad was hesitant, I could feel his body stiffen but then I pulled his legs back again and he let me.
I saw my prize, that beautiful daddy hole winking at me, inviting me to love it. God, I wanted that more than anything, to show how good my tongue could feel in there... before something bigger went in.
"Son please..." He whispered. He knew it was going to happen and was nervous.
"I'm here dad, please trust me, let me make you feel good just like you make me feel good."
"I trust you son... I trust you completely." He bit his lip before reaching for his legs and raising them on his own.
"Aww fuck, dad..." I said and before he changed his mind, I dove into his ass and began to kiss it. I was in heaven, after so many years, I was rimming him, and it was amazing.
"My fucking God!" Dad cried. Unprepared for the sensations, he let out a moan and spread his legs wider. "Kyle! Buddy!"
"Yeah? Like your son eating this ass?" I asked as I pulled back to look up his furry beef and into his handsome face.
"I think so..." He opened his eyes, then watched as I dipped back in again to lick his entrance. "Yeah... that's it.... I love it, son. Keep going, eat your dad's ass, buddy."
"Thank you, dad, thank you," I muttered into his hole. I responded enthusiastically and began to really eat him out. Dad was moaning, his nipples were hard, his cock throbbing. The man had denied himself this feeling for too long, and I was happy and lucky to be the one giving him this pleasure.
"Eat me out, son, God your tongue is slithering in there." He was now bucking his hole against my face, almost riding my mouth. I still didn't know how much of this was the hypnotic suggestion or his body naturally feeling good from my hitting his spot but either way, I was not going to question it. Right now, I was going to enjoy myself and really give dad the full experience.
I moaned and nodded, really pushing my tongue into that nice, clean hole, wiggling it around before retreating to tease the pucker.
"My executive stud," Dad grunted, "Showing his dad how good it is to have him playing with his ass."
‘His ass,' fuck that made me double my efforts before I reached for his cock and began to play with it.
"Yeah buddy, play with it, that ass is yours, all yours stud. Fuck, you got me so hard, son." Goddamn, my father was contracting his abs and thrusting that vulnerable cherry hole up against my munching mouth. This was out of control in the best way.
Thank you, Tech Bro, I was getting everything I ever wanted. Never would Dad have let me do this before, and now he was encouraging me to play with his amazing dad hole. This guy at the Company knew what he was doing, and Dad and I were proof of it. I would recommend the service to however many people I could and leave a great Google review.
My man was now a moaning mess, sweating profusely, his nipples hard, his cock dripping precum, I wanted to concentrate on his pleasure and not mine. My cock would explode in my shorts for all I care if it meant that dad would love this enough to let me play in there whenever I wanted.
I pushed my tongue deeper in there as I felt his hole begin to open and suck on my tongue.
"I'm on the edge, buddy... ready to cum for my executive stud... shoot for my boy..." That was hot, I got off his ass and crawled until I was on top of him, "I love you dad, so damn much."
"I want to shoot my load for you, I want to give you my load, buddy."
"Shoot for your son, dad, shoot for your man." I kissed him again. He didn't object to tasting my lips fresh from his ass. I slipped Dad some tongue before pulling back. I wanted to rim him more.
Going back to his ass, I doubled my efforts, just as my hand gripped his cock as I began to stroke him.
"Give me that load, dad, shoot for your stud, show him what a good dad you are."
"Fuck son, fuck, fuck, eat me out.... You're working my spot, son," Dad grunted.
I nodded and increased the speed of my strokes. A combination of my tongue work and my hand on his cock, Dad moaned and then I felt his cock expand and shoot his load. I continued to stroke until I felt dad's hand on mine.
"Fuck, son...fuck..." He was shaking. I kissed his ass one last time before I let him lower his legs. Scooting up, I lay next to him, my cock hard as steel. We were both catching our breath. Dad had his arm over his eyes, like he was recovering from a marathon.
"How do you feel dad?" I asked as I laid my hand on his chest. His hairy chest was damp from the sweat, and I could feel his heart beating hard.
"Damn..." He responded before he laughed, "That was... amazing. So intense, I never... All I can say is.... fuck..."
I smiled and grabbed his head. He lifted his arm and looked at me, "Was it everything you hoped for?" He asked in a sultry voice.
"And more, dad, c'mere." He smiled and we kissed. We stayed kissing until he realized I had not shot, "You didn't cum?" He asked concerned.
"This was about your pleasure dad." I responded honestly.
"I'm such a lucky bastard. Let's get in the shower, son, I'll take care of you there."
Before bed, I pulled out the dildo I'd purchased.
"What's this?" He asked, chuckling, nervous as he saw me bring the thing out of the packaging.
"You washed yourself, now, we need to train your ass to get used to having something up there."
I was undeterred and I looked at him before saying, "Trust me, dad."
He bit his lip and nodded, "How do you want me?"
It was difficult but after rimming him again, to calm his nerves though it was more for me, I lubed him up and ran the dildo along his ass lips.
"Oh!" he grunted. I grinned and gave him a determined look as I ran the toy over his sensitive spot. The more I ran it over his ring, the more he seemed into it, and I watched him get a boner again. I took the cue to push it in. It wasn't too big, but it was enough.
"Easy son, I'm cherry back there." He urged, reaching down to grip my forearm. Dad has a strong grip.
I nodded and concentrated on just the inner part of his sphincter, eventually working an inch in and out, giving my old man time to get used to it. All in all, we both worked to get this next step completed. A compromise between my desire to see Dad penetrated and his desire to focus on the pleasures in his anus itself. We would both get a good night's sleep after our efforts this evening.
I was getting hard, and I stroked my cock in one hand while I used the other to diddle his hole.
Dad let out a grunt and another inch of that fake cock slid inside him. The suddenness tripped my wires.
"Fuck!" I gasped as a load shot out. Since Dad had sucked me off an hour before, it wasn't the heaviest cum, but it was bigger than I expected.
I thanked him with a kiss and pulled out the dildo, laying it on the nightstand.
"That was incredible, Dad," I muttered as he pulled my body to his, “I'm glad bud... and it was good for me too.” We fell asleep soon after, dad holding me in his arms.
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rdngl · 9 months
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i just wanna see my baby standing right outside my door.
featuring: childe, thoma, diluc, kaeya, zhongli
warnings: very ooc, mostly lean towards fem!reader, grammatical errors and typos, kinda suggestive on thoma's part but not rlly, slight obssesive tendencies on zhongli's part.
notes: hi^^ kinda rushed but here ya go! merry christmas! REBLOGS and FEEDBACKS are greatly appreciated!!!
masterlist | holiday event
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childe, who never misses christmas. he could be somewhere far away, doing work or just simply relaxing—but exactly at midnight, he's knocking on your door, a gift in his hand and a wide smile etched on his face, as he waited for you to open the door—but when you do, his lovestruck face and voice will be the first thing you'll see and hear. “merry christmas, baby.” he greets. and before you could even say anything, childe wraps his arms around you, his face buried in your neck and shoulders.
childe breathes in your scent as he hugs you tighter, not wanting any space between the both of you in the cold of the night. you smiled, gently patting his back. "merry christmas, ajax." you whispered in his ear. childe pulls away slightly, his gloved hands cupping both of your cheeks before leaning in and placing a peck on your forehead, your nose and lastly, your lips.
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thoma, who lights up when he sees you open your front door, dressed up and ready for your christmas date. he grins, as he gently nudges you while you lock your door. “you're looking way too pretty...are you perhaps the 'gift' you wanted to surprise me with?” he teased, before receiving a slap on his arm. “sorry, sorry!” he says in defeat.
after that, thoma took you to a park. it was filled with christmas decorations, lighting up the whole place. both of you stopped in front of a large christmas tree and you couldn't help but admire it. however, unbeknownst to you, thoma was admiring you from behind. after a few moments, you heard him say your name. you turned around and saw thoma kneeling on the ground with one knee, and a small red box on his hand.
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diluc, who went home before midnight. to hell with meetings and paperwork—being with you right now is what he needed. he didn't even bother to announce his arrival as he immediately took off his coat and walked towards the living room, to see you watching a movie while drinking hot chocolate.
he sighed in relief, before joining you on the couch—his arms wrapped around your waist and his head resting on top of your chest. no questions were asked, you were used to it. “i'm home,” he mumbles. “merry christmas.”
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kaeya, who catches you off guard as he starts giving a heartfelt speech about your friendship, and how important it is to him—what he felt, what he learned about himself, how thankful he is to you and how he wanted this relationship to last forever.
kaeya chuckled, before turning to you. “you make me feel like the most important person in the world.” he said. “and this time, i want to give it back or repay you.” he added, as he walked closer towards you. he stops and gently holds both of your hands. “i want to make you feel so special...so loved.” he whispers, but loud enough for you to hear—and as the clock strikes midnight, he says...“i want you, and i want to be yours.”
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zhongli, who lets himself get pulled by you—a hand on his wrist as you navigate through the night market. he smiled when he saw you laugh as you rambled about the stuff you wanted to purchase.
with adoration in his eyes, zhongli watched your every move—from the way you held his wrist a tighter, but not too much, to how you showed him random things that reminded you of him—zhongli wanted those saved in his memory. he wanted it all, and he wanted you for himself.
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© rdngl 2023. do not repost, copy, translate or claim my works.
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marksbear · 2 years
So in the spirit of Valentine’s Day I would like to request Ghost x male reader fic. Ghost and the reader are off for Valentine’s Day and the reader has the whole day planned. First it’s breakfast in bed, then it’s a nice lunch, and last but not least a good home cooked dinner with a little bit of wine. After dinner male reader takes Ghost to their room has him strip, then ties him down, cuts him, chokes him, marks him, degrades him, all while edging him and ruining his orgasm when he gets close. After a while of that the male reader overstimulates and breeds the ever living shit out of him. At the end of the session they are both a mess but the reader gets them cleaned up quickly and the fall asleep in each others arms.
P.s. I hope your health is improving and your not pushing yourself to hard. Also make sure to eat and drink properly. Love ya. 🖤🖤🖤
In favor of the holidays I popped my pussy making this fic for you my friend. Thank you for the little message at the end. To give you news i'm feeling a bit better! I love you too! 🤎🐻🤎
Probably like one of the longest things I ever wrote.
Warnings! HEAVY SMUT, knife kink, name carving, edging, overstimulating, degrading, choking, teasing, handjobs.
The day before Valentines Price gives the boys a day off, so they can be with family, friends, etc.
Simon is the one driving home as Y/n is deep in his phone in the passenger seat. "Don't you think it's too late to be Valentine shopping." Ghost says glancing at Y/n's phone.
"Yeah, but hey cut me some slack. I'm gonna make tomorrow perfect. For both of us because we deserve it." Y/n answers with a cheesy smile making Simon smile also.
The car ride home was full of conversation and laughter. Both partners talked to the other about whatever was on their mind until they reached home. As they get out of the car Y/n carries all of their bags inside.
"Should we cook or order something?" Y/n asks looking around the house making sure everything's in order. "Let's cook." Simon says taking off his mask ruffling his own hair a bit. "Alright, lets make F/c." Y/n says getting the pans while Simon gets the ingredients for the food. The two cooked side by side helping the other when needed.
Once the food was half way done Y/n gets an idea. "Hey love? Can you take over real quick?" Simon gives Y/n a side eye, but shakes his head yes grumbling something under his breath. "Thanks. I'll be right back." Y/n washes his hands real fast before giving Simon a kiss on the cheek as another thank you. Y/n leaves the kitchen walking to their bedroom before making sure Simon isn't following him or something he closes the door.
Y/n gets on his knees and looks under the bed getting a red heart shaped box from under it. stands up before putting it on his dresser. Y/n goes to his bag zipping it open picking up two knives one big and one small. Y/n puts the knives one on the right side and the other on the left. After that Y/n goes back to his bag getting out a black rope, the one he usually uses on the field. Y/n puts the rope in the middle of the box smiling to himself. Y/n closes the box finding some stuff to decorate it with before putting it in his night dresser.
Y/n walks out of the room going back into the kitchen. "What did I miss?" Y/n asks stalking up behind Simon. Y/n lays his chin on Simon's shoulder watching him cook.
Simon stops what he was doing and turns over to Y/n facing him. Y/n looks down at him with a smile. "I don't trust that smile, Y/n." Simon says feeling Y/n's hands at his waist. Y/n lowers his head giving Simon a passionate kiss using his hands to lift Simon off the ground moving to a clear counter laying Simon on it.
Simon spreads open his legs before wrapping them around Y/n's waist. Y/n stands in between his legs biting down on his neck. Simon tries to move his hands into Y/n's hair, but Y/n stops him holding his wrist down pinning him onto the counter.
"I didn't give you permission to touch me Simon." Y/n darkly says looking into Simon's brown eyes.
Y/n looks down at Simon's hard cock with a smirk and lets go of him walking away from his partner going back to the food. Simon groans getting off the counter walking up behind Y/n grinding onto him for friction.
"Go set the table." Y/n orders him with a smirk. "But--- Yes sir." Simon stops himself from arguing getting clean plates and utensils and setting up the table. Y/n serves the food and puts the leftovers inside a container.
Y/n sits down on his chair watching Simon getting both of them something to drink. Simon sits down in the seat next to Y/n trying to eat the food without trembling. "Fucking hell Simon, come here." Once Simon hears those words out of Y/n's mouth he rushes into his lap.
"Since you only messed up once, i'll let it slide. But do it again you're getting punished." Y/n unbuckles Simon's pants throwing the belt on the floor. Y/n pulls down Simon's pants alongside his underwear pulling them down until Simon's hard cock is out.
"Let's say this is your early Valentines gift." Y/n mumbles against Simon's neck wrapping his hand on his cock giving it a few lazy tugs before jerking him off properly.
Timeskip! Next day!
Y/n walks to the bedroom carefully holding the tray of food. Y/n creaks the door open quietly poking his head inside making sure his partner is still asleep. Y/n uses his foot to open the door fully and walks to Simon's side of the bed putting the tray on the nightstand.
"There." Y/n says mentally before leaving the room. After a while Y/n comes back with orange juice and a bright bouquet of red roses mixed with white. Y/n puts the juice on the tray before putting the flowers next to it.
"Y/n?" Simon's groggily voice rings out catching Y/n's attention. "Good morning love." Y/n says kissing Simon all over his face until he wakes up. "Y/n! I'm awake enough with the kisses." Simon says moving Y/n's face away from his own.
"I made you some breakfast." Y/n tells him helping Simon sit up and lay on the back board. "Jesus Christ ." Simon says with a groan and smile. Y/n puts the tray on Simon's lap.
"Oh here I forgot this." Y/n goes to his bag and takes out a black teddy bear wearing a skull mask. "Soap gave me this suggestion." "Course he did." Simon responds back rolling his eyes in the process. Simon stares at the food with a smile stuck on his face. Y/n sits on the bed next to Simon picking up the fork and stabs it into the sausage lifting it up to Simon's mouth.
"Now you're feeding me?" Simon says in his sarcastic tone opening his mouth letting Y/n feed him. "Shut up and let me spoil you." Y/n says getting more of the food putting it inside Simon's mouth.
"I love ya." Simon says looking to his side smiling at Y/n. "I love you too." Y/n kisses Simon passionately. Y/n pulls away with a smile.
After Simon is done with his food him and Y/n get dressed. "I forgot to thank you for the flowers Y/n." Simon says looking at the bouquet. "No need to thank me. It's Valentine's day i'm just showing you my love." Y/n responds back putting his shoes on.
"Where are we even going." Simon asks walking out of the front door with Y/n following shortly after him.
"An Zoo! But don't worry it's a special one. After that we're gonna have lunch eating with the penguins." Y/n tells him locking the house door behind him.
"Let's just have fun Simon. Relax I got everything under control. Or planned really."
It's night by the time Y/n and Simon come back home.
Y/n unlocks the front door opening it for Simon. "After you." Y/n says earning a sarcastic "Thank you." from Simon. Y/n follows in after shutting the door behind him.
"Go to the table alright." Y/n goes into the kitchen already getting the stuff out to cook with.
As Y/n is in the kitchen cooking, Simon finds some romantic candles and lights them putting them around the dinning room. Simon goes into the cabinets getting the most expensive/ fancy wine out. Simon walks inside the kitchen getting two wine glasses out, before walking back into the dining room.
After about twenty minutes or so Y/n comes into the dinning room holding plates of food. "Here ya go~" Y/n says playfully giving one plate to Simon before sitting down next to him. The two of them eat in comfortable silence. It was like there wasn't anything to talk about after from what they did today and either didn't mind it.
Y/n picks up his wine class and raises it up. "A toast. A toast to you and me. to Another perfect Valentine. Cheers." Ghost raises his own glass and clicks it to Y/n's before sipping the drink.
"I got one more surprise for us both to enjoy." Y/n says with a smirk knowing Simon would most definitely enjoy it. "Y/n you already have done so much today, there's really no need." Simon says remembering all of the things Y/n had done. (Even when Y/n almost bought him a penguin.) "Oh shut up. Cmon lets g. Forget everything here we are gonna finish the dinner tomorrow." Y/n says standing out of the chair, Y/n picks up his wine taking a big swing of it while Simon does the same following Y/n.
Y/n takes both glasses setting them down on a dresser before pulling Simon into the bedroom. Y/n shuts the door and turns around staring Simon down. "Strip Simon." Y/n orders walking to his own nightstand opening it pulling out the red heart shaped box out and laying it down on the end of the bed. "Good. I thought sluts like you couldn't listen." Y/n says. "Now, sit on the bed hands behind your back. And legs straight out "
Simon quickly does what hes told laying down in the middle of the bed hands behind his back. Y/n opens the red box grabbing the rope before tying Simon up roughly. Y/n lets out a stiff laugh looking down at Simon. "You're so fucking pathetic. You look so worthless. Letting me treat you like a cheap whore which you are and only going to be." Y/n holds Simon's jaw in a tight grip making him look up at him.
"You love it when I treat you like this huh? Like a cheap toy?" Y/n asks with a smirk on his face. Simon only nods his head yes. In one quick motion Y/n grabs Simon's throat choking him, pinning him to the head board. "Use your words." Y/n whispers into Simon's ear listening to him try to speak. Only gasp and failed words come out of Simon's mouth from needing air.
Y/n lets go of Simon watching Simon try to catch his breath. Y/n eyes travel down on Simon's body until Simon's hard cock catches his attention. "What a fucking slut. You're hard just from that? You're more pathetic than I thought." Y/n teases before getting the box from the edge of the bed.
"I'm not done playing with you yet. Since you're all hard and everything you can wait until i'm done playing. Alright?" "Yes sir." Simon responds back weakly.
Y/n opens the box revealing one big and one small knife Y/n mostly uses for battle. Y/n takes the small one doing a cool knife trick showing it off to Simon. "I'm gonna mark you as mine. Mine and mine only Simon." Y/n says looking for a place to start.
"Lets start with your shoulders. I'm only gonna use the big one just to cut you."
Y/n carefully begins to carve his name into Simon's shoulder. Y/n watches Simon squirm and move around while he tries to work. Y/n moves to the other shoulder carving his L/n into it. Y/n licks all of some blood off Simon's shoulders with a smirk.
Y/n begins to carve his initials into Simon's chest and stomach. Making sure each muscle had his initial. Simon's cock twitch and ache precum already leaking out of the tip making his cock look shiny and all wet.
Once Y/n decides Simon was done with the small knife he picks up the big one. "This one is for just cutting you." Y/n says cutting Simon's thigh as an example. "See, not bad. Because whores like you are into this. You love me treating you like an enemy cutting you." Y/n says with a smirk before cutting Simon all over his body.
"Y-Y/n!~ Pl--ease just fuck me already!" Simon finally cries out with a moan throwing his head back from the pleasure. Y/n puts his hand on Simon's throat forcing him to look at him. Slowly Y/n squeeze and squeeze choking Simon lightly.
"Please Y/n! I-I can't take it anymore..." Simon says groggily from needing air feeling his cock begins to ache. Y/n lets go of Simon's throat before guiding his hand down until he reaches Simon's cock. Y/n uses the precum on Simon's cock to make his hand wet then wraps his hand around Simon's cock jerking him off at a fast pace.
Simon thrust his hips into Y/n's fist eyes watering from pleasure. It doesn't take Simon long until he feels his cock twitch in Y/n's hands. "Y/n! Y/n! I'm bout to cum! going to cum!" Simon moans out squeezing his eyes shut feeling the knot in his stomach tighten. Y/n pulls his hand away with a light chuckle before getting off the bed.
"See you in like two or one hour! Depends how long the move is." Y/n says getting a vibrator and lube. Y/n opens the lube and applies it on the toy before moving the toy into Simon slowly.
"Better not cum. If you actually do what you're told i'll breed you nice and deep." Y/n says turning on the vibrator and setting it on its highest setting "Love ya! My own personal fuck toy." Y/n gives Simon a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room and out of the house.
Little timeskip!
After a few hours Y/n comes back into the house holding a tub of popcorn and other leftover snacks he brought with him. Y/n set them all down on the counter before walking into his shared bedroom.
Y/n opens the door seeing Simon moan and whimper tugging on the rope while his legs and thighs tremble.
"And I thought you honesty couldn't do it."
Simon whips his head to the side looking at Y/n's body in the door frame. Y/n walks inside the room shutting it behind him before taking off his own clothes.
"I think you proved me wrong. Little dumb whores like you actually has a brain." Y/n says once hes fully naked. Y/n picks up the control for the vibrator and turns it off.
Y/n unties Simon's legs spreading them wide open before pulling out the vibrator out of Simon slowly. Y/n sits in between Simon's legs lining up his cock to Simon's hole. Y/n thrust his tip inside of Simon before thrusting the rest of his cock inside of him. Simon shoots his load as soon as Y/n was inside of him. Simon paints his stomach and chest white with a long moan escaping his lips. From being edged for hours Simon felt like he was in heaven when he came. Y/n pays no attention and doesn't even give Simon a break from just cumming snapping his hips back and forth at a brutal pace.
Y/n pulling out just to slam right back into Simon causing him to moan and scream. Simon's face becomes ruined with tears and drool. Simon's body is moving up at down from Y/n's thrust.
Simon's hard cock is covered in his own cum making the scene even more erotic to look at. Y/n abuses Simon's hole as if he was only a toy not caring about how fast and rough he's being. "B-Breed me! fuckin breed! use me! Plea--se~ just use me. I wanna be your slut! I'm your fuckin slut!" Simon moans out feeling his cock twitch again.
Ghost's moans sounded like he was a pornstar. But his moans were fully real. "Gah!~ Y/n! harder! harder please fuck me harder!" Simon screams throwing his head back.
"Sooo good! Y/n your fuckin me so good!"~Simon listens to the bed creak and shake from Y/n's thrust. And he loves it. He hopes that their neighbors can hear him. He loves the way Y/n makes him feel and he isn't afraid of saying it (or really moaning it.) Simon cums again even harder from his last load even some landing onto Y/n.
The grip Y/n has on Simon's waist is most likely going to bruise, but neither of them didn't care.
Thrust after thrust Y/n feels his orgasm nearing. At this point Simon could barely keep his eyes open. "Breed me! Cum inside me! Please please please breed me Y/n!" Simon begs feeling Y/n's cock twitch inside him. Y/n lowers his body so he's able to kiss Simon. The two makeout sloppily moaning into the others mouth. Y/n finally cums deep inside Simon. Y/n paints Simon's walls white pulling away from the heated makeout laying his head on shoulder as slowly thrust into him.
After Y/n rides out his high he pulls out watching his own load leak out of Simon before finding a plug to keep it all inside.
Simon breathes heavy on the bed watching Y/n walk around the room getting towels for the both of them. Y/n quickly unties Simon and cleans the mess of his stomach and chest.
Y/n begins to clean his own body before putting the towels in a basket to get washed later.
Simon is quick to wrap his arms around Y/n like Y/n was a branch and he was the koala. Y/n wraps his arms around Simon holding him in the same hold Simon has him.
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