#i was so happy to see him thrive in tokyo like this
nanamicide · 1 year
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mononijikayu · 1 month
pretending as always — ryomen sukuna.
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"Sukuna." you whispered, your voice barely more than a breath. "Do you ever think about us? About how things used to be?" He didn’t answer right away, his gaze fixed on the ceiling as if the answer was written somewhere in the shadows. When he finally spoke, his voice was low, almost resigned. "Things change. People change." "I know, I know." you replied, your fingers tracing the outline of his hand resting on your waist. "But I miss it. I miss us. The way we were before… everything."
GENRE: alternate universe - modern au!;
WARNING/S: angst, toxic romance, hurt/no comfort, cheating, unhappy marriage, crying, hurt, sadness, pain, character death, grief, unhappy ending, depictions of broken marriage, depiction of grief, depiction of cheating, depiction of death, depiction of loneliness, mention of grief, mention of misery, mention of loneliness, cheating husband! sukuna, long suffering wife! reader;
WORD COUNT: 10k words
NOTE: the thought bubble says 'things change, people change.'; the playlist for this chapter alone was just so angsty. like from i'm not the only one to glimpse of us, i really went through it writing this. i decided to write only one sad fic because i feel like putting out casual, together and thirty nine almost at the same time was just really criminal of me to do. so i hope you enjoy this, though!!! i love you all <3
kayu's playlist - side 900;
if you want to, tip! <3
ANOTHER HUFF RELEASES FROM YOUR MOUTH. You don’t remember how many you’ve smoked today. But you were sure that it was beyond one pack. This was the only time you could be alone, to think for yourself. To have control. The control you’ve been craving for years and years, one that you will never truly have again. You didn’t need someone to see you out here, to tell you no, to worry about your health. You didn’t need that. Not right now. You needed to be alone. You needed silence. 
You sat on the balcony of your lavish penthouse, gazing out at the shimmering lights of Tokyo. The city was alive, vibrant, a testament to the empire your husband, Ryomen Sukuna, had built. He was the man behind the biggest conglomerate in Japan—a titan in the world of business, feared and respected in equal measure. And you were his wife. 
Once upon a time, you had been someone too. A doctor with a promising career, surrounded by friends, fulfilled by the life you had created with your own hands. Your days were spent saving lives, making a difference, and your nights were filled with laughter and tenderness with colleagues who had become family. You were driven, passionate, and proud of the work you did. But now, as you sat in the lap of luxury, the woman you once were seemed like a distant memory.
Now, you were just his wife. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t love him—you did. You loved him more than words could express. Sukuna was everything to you, and being his wife brought a kind of happiness you hadn’t known was possible. Yet, there was a gnawing emptiness, a void that had grown over the years. As much as you loved him, as much as he adored you in his own way, you knew the truth.
Ryomen Sukuna was not a man who could be kept down, not even for you. He was a force of nature, unstoppable, always striving for more, always looking beyond what he already had. His ambition was a double-edged sword, driving him to unimaginable heights but also pushing him further away from the simple life you sometimes yearned for. 
There were nights when he didn’t come home, when he was out sealing deals or attending extravagant parties where you were merely an accessory. You’d watch him from a distance, surrounded by admirers, his presence commanding attention wherever he went. He thrived in that world of power and influence, and you knew that no matter how much he loved you, that world would always be his first love.
You tried to be content with the life you had with him. After all, you had everything most people could only dream of—wealth, status, and the affections of a man who could have had anyone but chose you. But deep down, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you had lost yourself in the process. You weren’t the doctor anymore, the woman with her own dreams and aspirations. You were simply Mrs. Ryomen Sukuna, a title that came with its own set of expectations and sacrifices.
As the night grew darker, you wondered what it would take to feel like yourself again. Could you ever reclaim the life you had before Sukuna, or had you given up too much to ever go back? And if you did, would you lose him in the process? It was a question that haunted you, even as you curled up in the luxurious sheets of your bed, waiting for him to return home. You loved him. But sometimes, love wasn’t enough.
Your husband was a man to love—eccentric and electric, a living embodiment of wonder wrapped in the form of a man. His presence was magnetic, a force that drew people in, leaving them captivated by his every word, his every move. Ryomen Sukuna was a personality larger than life, his energy palpable, his enigma undeniable. He filled every room he entered, his laughter loud and contagious, a stark contrast to his own brother, Jin, who was quiet, composed, and unassuming.
Where Jin blended into the background, Sukuna demanded attention. Everyone who met him felt the spark, the electricity that seemed to radiate from him. He was unpredictable, always a step ahead, always thinking of the next big thing. His mind worked in ways that left others in awe, trying to keep up with the whirlwind that was his thoughts and ideas. Loving him was like holding onto a storm—thrilling, dangerous, and consuming.
But for all his vibrance and charm, Sukuna was still a man of cold realities. His work came first, always. No matter how much you wanted to be his priority, the empire he built was what he poured most of his energy into. He was often distant, consumed by the responsibilities that came with being the man at the top. Days would pass where you barely saw him, where his presence in your life felt more like a memory than a reality.
Yet, when he did give you his time, it was genuine and honest. Those rare moments were when you saw the man beneath the mask, the one who cared for you in his own complicated way. His touch was real, his words sincere, and in those fleeting minutes, you felt the depth of his love, even if it was buried under layers of ambition and duty.
There were nights, though, when he would come to bed, slipping under the covers beside you, and in those moments, he was truly yours. Those were the times you held onto, the nights where the world outside his office door ceased to exist, where the only thing that mattered was the feel of his warmth next to you.
His arm around your waist, his breath on your neck—these were the small, intimate moments that made the loneliness bearable. In the quiet of the night, Sukuna would pull you close, and for those few hours, he was just a man who loved his wife, not the untouchable titan he had become during the day.
But as the dawn approached, you knew he would slip away again, back into the world that demanded so much of him. Those nights were a bittersweet reminder that while he was yours, you would never fully have him. Still, you cherished them, holding onto the hope that maybe one day, the man who captivated the world would find his way back to you, not just in the shadows of the night, but in the light of day as well.
If you tried slyly, you could sometimes extract details about his life—small, fragmented pieces of the puzzle that was Ryomen Sukuna. A hint here, a passing comment there. But even after so many years of marriage, he wouldn’t budge.
He was a vault, his thoughts locked away in a place you couldn’t reach, no matter how hard you tried. There were times you sat across from him, watching his expressions, hoping to catch a glimpse of what was going on behind those sharp eyes, but he was impenetrable. You didn’t know what he was thinking half the time. 
And as the years passed, you began to realize a painful truth: you didn’t know this man anymore. He wasn’t the man you fell in love with, the one who had promised you the world with that charming smile and infectious energy. That man was a memory, fading with every passing day. The man you were married to now was a stranger, someone who wore Sukuna’s face but carried a weight and distance that hadn’t been there before. He was no longer wholly yours, not anymore.
But when he was—on those rare occasions when he let you in, when the walls came down just enough for you to feel the warmth beneath his cold exterior—those moments were everything. His exterior remained hard, a shield against the world and perhaps even against you, but in the quiet darkness of your bedroom, he softened.
The bed you shared became a pure and sacred shrine, a place where the outside world couldn’t reach, where only you and he existed. In that space, the burdens he carried were set aside, and for a fleeting moment, he was just a man, your husband, the one who still held pieces of your heart.
The warmth of his body against yours, the way he would pull you close as if you were his anchor—these were the moments that reminded you of the love that still lingered between you. It was as if, in that bed, time stood still, and the distance that had grown between you disappeared, leaving only the two of you, as you once were.
And though those moments were few and far between, they were enough to keep you holding on, hoping that perhaps, one day, the man you fell in love with would return to you, not just in the night, but in every aspect of your life together.
You lay beside him in the dark, feeling the weight of the silence between you. His arm was draped over your waist, his grip firm but gentle. It was one of those rare nights when he was fully present, when the business world he ruled seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you. You turned slightly, your face inches from his, searching his eyes for something—anything—that might bridge the gap that had grown between you.
"Sukuna." you whispered, your voice barely more than a breath. "Do you ever think about us? About how things used to be?"
He didn’t answer right away, his gaze fixed on the ceiling as if the answer was written somewhere in the shadows. When he finally spoke, his voice was low, almost resigned. "Things change. People change."
"I know, I know." you replied, your fingers tracing the outline of his hand resting on your waist. "But I miss it. I miss us. The way we were before… everything."
His eyes finally met yours, and for a moment, you saw something flicker there—regret, maybe, or a trace of the man you once knew. But it was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by that familiar unreadable expression.
"I’m still here. I always have been." he said, his tone matter-of-fact. "I never left. And you know that."
"Physically, yes, I know. But I just….It’s just." you murmured, a hint of bitterness creeping into your voice. "Sukuna, it’s like I don’t know you anymore. You’re not the man I married. You’re not the man who promised me the world. And I don’t know where he is. And I want him back.”
He didn’t flinch, but you felt the slight tension in his arm as he pulled you a little closer. "The world isn’t what it used to be. It won’t ever be what it was, you know that." he replied quietly. "And neither am I. And you know that too. But I’m still here. I’m still your husband.”
You sighed, feeling the tears prick at the corners of your eyes. "But when you’re here, like this… it’s different. For just a moment, it feels like nothing’s changed. Like it’s just you and me, the way it used to be. I wish we could stay here, like this, forever."
He didn’t respond right away, but you felt his grip on you tighten, his thumb brushing softly against your skin as if to reassure you. "This bed, our bed…." he said slowly, his voice rougher than usual, "it’s our sanctuary. It’s the one place I can forget about everything else. But you know I can’t stay here forever. Not when the world calls me, not when it needs me.”
"I know that." you whispered, your voice cracking slightly. You needed him too. You needed your husband. And he will never see it. Not even when he tries. "But I can’t help wishing you would. That maybe, just once, you’d choose me over everything else. Like you used to.”
He was silent for a long moment, his breath warm against your hair. When he finally spoke, there was a softness in his voice that you rarely heard. "If I could, I would. You’re the only thing that keeps me grounded, that reminds me I’m still human. But I can’t give you all of me. Not anymore. I have things to do too.”
You closed your eyes, letting the tears fall silently. "I just wish… I wish you’d let me in, Sukuna. I want to know what you’re thinking, what you’re feeling. I want to know the man I’m sharing this bed with."
He didn’t answer right away, and you knew he wouldn’t. Instead, he pulled you closer, his lips brushing against your forehead in a rare, tender gesture. "I’m here now, you know?" he whispered. "Let’s just… stay in this moment, just for tonight."
You nodded, unable to find the words to say anything more. You clung to him, holding onto the warmth of his body, the rare softness of his embrace, knowing that when morning came, he would be gone again—pulled back into the world that demanded so much of him. But for now, you had this, and it would have to be enough.
It sounds more romantic than it actually is in reality. What you shared with Sukuna was far from the idyllic love story others might imagine. It was a volatile existence, a solitary one. A lonely existence. There were no whispered secrets in the dark, no playful banter or stolen glances across the room. There were no soft gazes filled with unspoken affection, no tender moments that lingered long after they ended. With Sukuna, you got the raw, unfiltered version of him—a man stripped of any pretense or facade.
Sukuna was not a man of many words, and that held true even during the most intimate moments between you. He was silent, his focus intense, his mind seemingly elsewhere even as he was with you. There were no sweet nothings exchanged, no promises of forever whispered into your ear. He was a man of action, not words, and even less so when you were in bed together.
Yet, despite the lack of verbal communication, there was one thing he always maintained—eye contact. His gaze never wavered, never strayed from yours, and in those moments, you saw something in his eyes that you rarely saw anywhere else. His eyes were earnest, and that sincerity was the closest thing to vulnerability he ever allowed himself to show. It was as if, in those brief moments of connection, he was telling you without words what he couldn’t bring himself to say aloud.
But even that small comfort was fleeting, a temporary solace in a relationship that often felt more like a battle than a partnership. You loved him, but it was a love laced with pain and longing, a love that left you feeling more alone than ever. Because while his eyes might have been honest, they also held a distance that you couldn’t bridge, a reminder that even in his most vulnerable moments, Sukuna was still just out of reach.
So you took what you could get—the warmth of his body against yours, the rare tenderness in his gaze—and tried to ignore the aching loneliness that gnawed at you in the silence that followed. Because at the end of the day, you knew that this was the only version of Sukuna you would ever truly have. And for better or worse, you had to make peace with that.
You lay there in the quiet aftermath, your body still humming from the intensity of it all. But as the warmth began to fade, reality seeped back in. The silence between you was heavy, filled with all the things left unsaid. There was no gentle touch, no soft embrace to pull you closer. Sukuna remained beside you, but there was a distance, an unspoken barrier that kept you apart even when you were lying inches away from each other.
This was your life—a series of fleeting connections punctuated by long stretches of solitude. You had learned to navigate this existence, to find comfort in the small moments, even if they were far from the grand romance you had once imagined. But it was a lonely existence, one that often left you feeling hollow, as if a piece of you had been carved out and left behind somewhere along the way.
There was no pillow talk with Sukuna, no lingering in the soft afterglow. Not like it used to be, when you greeted the morning light talking and talking. The man beside you was not one for such things. He was not the type to reach out and hold you close, to whisper sweet reassurances that everything would be okay. He simply wasn’t built that way, and you had long since stopped expecting him to be.
Instead, there was just the raw version of him—the man who was silent in his love, who showed it in ways that were hard to decipher, in ways that often left you questioning if it was there at all. His love wasn’t gentle or easy; it was fierce, consuming, and at times, almost indifferent. But it was there, hidden beneath layers of responsibility, power, and the iron will that had made him who he was.
Sukuna’s eyes were the only place where you could see that truth, where you could catch a glimpse of the man beneath the exterior. Even during sex, when his body was moving against yours with a deliberate intensity, his eyes stayed locked on yours, never wavering.
There was something disarming in that gaze, something that spoke of an honesty he couldn’t express any other way. It was in those moments, brief as they were, that you felt a connection, a thread of intimacy that tied you to him, even if it was fragile and frayed.
But as much as you clung to those moments, they were never enough to fill the void. The bed, which had once felt like a sanctuary, now seemed more like a cold, empty place where two strangers shared space but not lives. You would turn to face him, hoping for something—a word, a touch, anything to bridge the gap—but he remained still, his mind already miles away, lost in thoughts you could never reach.
And so you would close your eyes, trying to hold onto the fleeting warmth of his body next to yours, trying to convince yourself that this was enough, that you could live with the silence, the loneliness, the distance. Because at the end of the day, he was still the man you loved, the man who had once promised you the world.
But that promise had faded, just like the warmth that now ebbed away in the cold, empty silence of the room. And as much as it hurt, you knew that this was all there would ever be—a man you could never fully have, a love that was always just out of reach, and a life lived in the spaces between what was and what could have been.
You cry a lot about how life has let you suffer this way. The tears come in waves, usually in the quiet hours of the night when the weight of it all feels too heavy to bear. You cry for the life you thought you would have, for the love that feels like it's slipping through your fingers, for the man who promised you everything but gave you only fragments. The pain of it all has become a constant companion, a dull ache that lingers even in your happiest moments, because you know, deep down, that things will never be what you once dreamed they could be.
You knew about the women. You’ve always known. The whispers that reached your ears, the subtle changes in his demeanor, the way he would smell of a perfume that wasn’t yours. You knew about the women he took to hotels, the ones he wined and dined in the finest restaurants, the ones he spoiled with gifts and attention that you used to believe were reserved for you alone. You knew about the strip clubs, the fleeting kisses at bars, the meaningless trysts that filled the void you couldn’t seem to reach.
But knowing and seeing were two different things.
The image before you feels like a knife to the gut, twisting with a cruel precision. She’s beautiful, laughing at something Sukuna has whispered into her ear. They’re sitting too close, his hand resting on her thigh as though it belongs there.
His expression is relaxed, the mask he wears with you completely gone. This is who he really is, you think to yourself. You could feel this bitter realization curling in your chest. You feel like you were going to be sick.
For a moment, your legs threaten to give way beneath you. The restaurant is dimly lit, the low hum of conversation and clinking silverware suddenly drowned out by the rush of blood in your ears. You’ve been here before. It’s one of his favorites—one you thought was yours too, where he used to look at you with that same easy smile.
Your heart hammers against your ribs, urging you to flee, to turn away before the pain can deepen. You take a step back, and then another, the darkness of the entrance swallowing you whole as you move further from the scene. It’s as if you’re in a dream, your body moving on autopilot, one step after another, until you’re out on the street, the cool night air hitting your skin like a jolt.
You keep walking, eyes unfocused, the city lights blurring into a haze of colors. The truth is, you don’t know where you’re going. All you know is that you can’t stop moving. Because if you stop, if you allow yourself to think, to feel, the walls you’ve built around your heart will collapse, and you’ll be left with nothing but the agony of what you’ve lost. Or perhaps, of what you never truly had.
You knew everything. And yet, you pretended as always, especially when he came home. Because he always did. No matter how many nights he spent in the arms of someone else, no matter how many times he broke your heart with his affairs, he always came home to you. And you clung to that, as painful as it was, because it was the one thing you had left—the knowledge that, for whatever reason, he chose to come back to you.
You knew everything. And yet, you pretended as always, especially when he came home. Because he always did. No matter how many nights he spent in the arms of someone else, no matter how many times he broke your heart with his affairs, he always came home to you.
And you pathetically clung to that, as painful as it was, because it was the one thing you had left—the knowledge that, for whatever reason, he chose to come back to you. That he'll always choose to come back to you. And only you.
The sound of his key turning in the lock was your cue to slip the mask into place, smoothing out the cracks in your facade. You could hear the soft rustle of his coat as he shrugged it off, the faint smell of that foreign perfume clinging to the air. It was like a slap in the face, but you swallowed the bitterness down, forcing yourself to stay calm.
“Hey.” he called out, his voice casual, as though nothing were amiss. As though he hadn’t just spent hours with someone else.
“Hey.” you replied, keeping your tone light, as if you hadn’t been waiting in silence, wondering who he was with, what she looked like, if she made him laugh the way you used to.
He stepped into the room, his gaze brushing over you, taking in the sight of you curled up on the couch with a book in your hands. It was a scene of domestic tranquility, one you’d perfected over the years. You’d become a master at hiding the turmoil beneath the surface, at pretending that everything was fine.
“How was your night?” you asked, the words slipping out easily, as if they weren’t laced with the weight of unspoken truths.
“Busy.” he replied, moving toward you. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, and for a moment, you allowed yourself to lean into him, to savor the warmth of his presence. This was the part you held onto—the part where he came home, where he chose you, if only for a few fleeting hours. “Did a lot of meetings. It was dull. Like always.”
But even as he pulled away and headed to the bedroom, you couldn’t help but feel the coldness seep back in, the emptiness that settled in the pit of your stomach. You knew he’d be gone again tomorrow, off to chase whatever thrill he found in the arms of someone else. 
Still, you clung to that tiny thread of hope, the one that told you he would return. Because as long as he came home, as long as he kept choosing you, there was a part of you that could pretend—pretend that it was enough, that you were enough. You knew that you were tearing yourself apart. Apart from this man. But you were stuck. You didn’t know how to get out. Not when you can’t bear separation.
It was a cruel cycle, one that left you feeling shattered and hollow, but one you couldn’t break free from. You pretended because it was easier than confronting the truth, easier than acknowledging that the man you loved was also the man who was tearing you apart. You pretended because you wanted to believe that, despite everything, there was still something left between you, something worth holding on to.
Because as much as he hurt you, as much as he used other women to fill whatever void he was running from, you knew one thing with absolute certainty: he loved you. He might have been distant, cold, and unfaithful, but that love was there, buried beneath the layers of deceit and betrayal. It was a twisted, painful love, one that hurt more than it healed, but it was real. And that’s what made it so hard to walk away.
He loved you, and it hurt you. It hurt because that love wasn’t enough to stop him from seeking out others, from indulging in pleasures that had nothing to do with you. It hurt because that love didn’t protect you from the heartache, didn’t shield you from the loneliness that came from sharing a bed with someone who was only half there.
But it was love nonetheless, a sick, unadulterated, gut-wrenching love you can never truly escape even if you wanted to. and you clung to it with everything you had, because without it, you weren’t sure who you would be anymore.
So you cried, and you pretended, and you waited for him to finish his shower, knowing that when he did, you would smile, you would act as if nothing was wrong, as if your heart wasn’t breaking a little more each day. Because you loved him, too, and that love was the only thing holding you together, even as it threatened to tear you apart.
The stairs creaked with every step, and you quickly wiped the tears from your cheeks, forcing yourself to take a deep breath. You knew the routine by now—how to mask the pain, how to put on a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. The sound of his footsteps echoed through the steps, and you braced yourself, slipping into the role you had perfected over the years. He’d gotten out of the shower and dressed.
Sukuna walked back into the living room, his presence filling the space like a storm cloud. He glanced at you briefly, his expression unreadable as he walked in front of you. You could still smell the faint scent of a perfume that wasn’t yours, the remnants of a night you knew all too well. It was as if he was mocking you. It was as if he wanted you to know.  But you didn’t say anything. You never did.
“Did you have dinner yet?” you ask him, your voice steady despite the tightness in your chest. “There’s still some soba I made for dinner.”
He hums in response, reaching for your hand, his touch warm but somehow distant. “Maybe later, I’ll heat it up myself. Let me stay here with you for a bit.”
You nod, pretending to be satisfied with his answer, even though you know it’s a lie. “Okay, that’s fine.”
You make some space for him to sit beside you, but instead, he lowers his head onto your lap, his body stretching out along the couch. The gesture is familiar, almost comforting, but tonight, it feels like a weight pressing down on your chest. You feel the bile rise in your throat as he closes his eyes, humming softly to himself, as if this moment is as peaceful for him as it is tormenting for you.
You force your fingers to move, to edge along the tips of his fuchsia-colored hair, the strands soft beneath your touch. The motion is automatic, a habit born from nights like these, where you pretended that everything was still okay. But as you purse your lips into a tight line, trying to keep your composure, you feel the tears threatening to spill over, the pain clawing at the walls you’ve built around your heart.
Not now, you tell yourself. Not now. You can’t break, not here, not while he’s with you.
You swallow hard, pushing down the surge of emotions that threaten to rise to the surface, and speak in a voice you barely recognize as your own. “You worked hard.”
He opens his eyes, his gaze meeting yours in the dim light of the room. “So did you.” he whispers, his tone soft, almost tender.
His words, if they were meant to comfort you, only deepen the ache inside you. You bite down on the inside of your cheek, forcing a small, hollow smile as you continue to stroke his hair. Because that’s all you can do—pretend that this moment is enough, that his presence here is enough to make up for all the nights he’s been away, all the lies you’ve told yourself just to keep going.
He closes his eyes again, sighing softly, and you watch him, your fingers never faltering in their gentle rhythm. And as you sit there, with his head in your lap and the soba cooling on the kitchen counter, you realize that this is what you’ve become—someone who is willing to live in the spaces he leaves behind, someone who clings to the small moments he offers, even when they’re built on a foundation of lies.
“I missed you, Sukuna.” you whispered, your voice trembling despite your best efforts to keep it steady.
“I know.” he replied to you, in a tone that knows. A tone that reveals it all. He knew that you know, you weren’t a fool. You were too smart for it. And yet, here you are. With him, his lying, selfish self, loved by you. “I’m here now.”
You nodded, knowing that was the most you would get from him. “I’m glad you’re home.”
He didn’t respond, but you could feel the tension in his body slowly easing, his breathing becoming more relaxed. You knew this was as close as he would come to letting you in, and you tried to take comfort in it, even though it wasn’t enough.
You lay there in silence, your hand still resting on his chest, listening to the rhythmic sound of his breathing. You wanted to say more, to tell him how much it hurt, how much you wished things could be different. But you knew it wouldn’t change anything. He would always come home, but he would never truly be yours.
So you stayed quiet, pretending for him, for yourself, for the fragile love that still tied you to him, even as it slowly unraveled. You pretended that this was enough, that the fleeting moments of closeness were worth the nights spent alone, the tears shed in silence, the knowledge that he would never be wholly yours.
And in the dark, as you lay beside him, you let yourself believe the lie, if only for a little while. Because sometimes, pretending was the only thing that kept you going.
EVERYTHING CHANGED WHEN YOU HEARD THOSE WORDS. The doctor's words echoed in your mind as you drove home, your knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel. "A few months, at most," he'd said, and you'd nodded, thanked him even, before walking out of the clinic in a daze. The sky outside seemed unchanged, the world continuing its indifferent spin, while inside you, something had irrevocably shifted.
When you finally made it home, you sat down, the weight of everything settling onto your shoulders like a heavy blanket. The familiar surroundings seemed distant, like you were seeing them through a fog. The elegant decor, the soft lighting—everything was perfect, just as it always was, but it felt like a set piece now, like something you were watching from afar.
You tried to think of what you should do next, what anyone would do with such news. Should you cry? Scream? But nothing came. Instead, a strange sense of calm washed over you, like the stillness after a storm. Maybe this was it—God's way of freeing you from this misery, this life you’d never truly lived.
A miserable existence, that’s what it was. A life spent in the shadow of Ryomen Sukuna, the man who was everything to everyone, and nothing to you. The man who had captured your heart and soul, only to lock them away somewhere deep inside, where they withered, starved of the love you so desperately needed. You’d given everything to be his wife, to play the part in the perfect narrative he’d constructed, and in the process, you’d lost yourself.
The relief that bubbled up inside you was unexpected, but undeniable. You wouldn’t have to suffer much longer. No more pretending, no more aching for a love that would never be yours. No more nights spent staring at the ceiling, wondering why you weren’t enough. Soon, it would all be over. You wouldn’t have to endure this life, this love, for much longer.
You decided then and there—you wouldn’t tell him. What would be the point? He was a man consumed by his empire, by his power, and you were just another piece of his world, another part of his success. Telling him would only disrupt the perfect narrative he had written for himself, and you couldn’t bear to see the indifference in his eyes when he realized that your story was ending.
No, you would continue to be his wife. You would play your part until the very end, letting yourself fade quietly from the narrative, just as you had faded from his heart. And maybe, when it was all over, when you were gone, he might feel something—a twinge of regret, perhaps. But that didn’t matter. Not anymore.
In the stillness of your home, a peculiar sense of peace enveloped you. The silence was heavy, but it was a silence of your own making, one that spoke of an end and a release. You had loved Sukuna with a depth that was both profound and consuming. Your love for him was a force that had shaped your days and your nights, driving you to care for him in ways that went unnoticed and unappreciated. 
But as you faced the reality of your impending departure, a bittersweet calm settled over you. The weight of your unrequited love, the fatigue of constantly giving without receiving, was finally lifting. You had poured your heart into a relationship where your love was met with indifference and infidelity. You had tried to make him see, tried to make him understand, but in the end, the love you gave was never truly reciprocated in the way you had hoped.
Now, as the days dwindle and the finality of your situation becomes undeniable, you found a strange comfort in knowing that the end was near. The thought of liberation from a love that had only ever been one-sided was both heart-wrenching and soothing. You were tired of the endless cycle of giving and waiting, of hoping for something that would never come. And in the quiet of your home, you felt a sense of relief at the prospect of being free from this endless cycle of emotional exhaustion.
That night, when Sukuna returned home, you greeted him with a facade of normalcy. Despite the heavy burden of your knowledge, you smiled at him with a warmth that belied your inner turmoil. You continued to dote on him, serving him his favorite dishes with the same loving care you always had. Every gesture, every touch, every look was a continuation of the role you had played for so long.
You carried on as if nothing had changed, maintaining the pretense of a happy, loving wife. Your actions were deliberate, a final testament to the depth of your love and the extent of your sacrifice. You wanted to give him one last glimpse of the love he had taken for granted, to remind him of what he would be losing, even if he would never fully grasp it until it was too late.
You went through the motions of daily life, engaging with him, listening to his stories, laughing at his jokes. The facade was not just for him, but for yourself as well—a way to preserve a semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos of your emotions. You wanted to leave him with the memory of a wife who had loved him deeply, who had cared for him until the very end, despite everything.
In the quiet moments alone, after he had gone to bed, you would sit in the darkness, feeling the weight of your impending departure. You would reflect on the years you had spent loving him, on the moments of joy and sorrow that had shaped your relationship. And as you faced the end, you found a strange sort of solace in knowing that you would finally be free from the constraints of a love that had never truly been mutual.
The peace you felt was not without pain, but it was a relief nonetheless. You had loved Sukuna with all that you were, and now, as you prepared to leave, you took comfort in the knowledge that you would soon be free from the sadness and longing that had defined your existence.
Sukuna looked up from his plate, his gaze lingering on you with a mixture of curiosity and concern. He could see a flicker of something in your eyes that he hadn’t seen in a long time.
“You seem... unusually happy tonight,” he said, his voice carrying a hint of both surprise and suspicion. “Is something going on?”
You met his gaze, a faint smile on your lips that didn’t quite reach your eyes. “It’s been a long time since we had a dinner like this, just the two of us.”
Sukuna’s brow furrowed as he studied you. “Yeah, it has. We’ve been so wrapped up in our own worlds that it’s easy to forget what it was like before everything got so complicated.”
You nodded, your fingers nervously twisting the edge of your napkin. “I’ve missed this—being with you like this, without all the distractions and complications. It feels like a rare moment of normalcy in the chaos.”
Sukuna’s expression softened, but there was an edge of concern in his eyes. “You seem more at peace than usual. Is everything okay? You’ve been acting... different lately.”
You hesitated, the weight of your secret pressing down on you. “I’ve just been reflecting on things. It’s strange how time changes everything, how we lose sight of what really matters until it’s almost too late.”
Sukuna’s gaze grew more intense, his unease palpable. “Reflecting on what? You’ve been acting like there’s something you’re not telling me.”
You took a deep breath, forcing yourself to keep your voice steady. “It’s just... I’ve been thinking about how we’ve lost touch with each other. How we’ve let life get in the way of what really matters.”
Sukuna’s eyes searched for yours, trying to grasp the depth of your words. “Are you saying there’s something wrong? Something you’re not telling me?”
You looked away, your smile faltering. “It’s not about something wrong. It’s about realizing that sometimes, we need to appreciate the moments we have, even if they’re fleeting.”
Sukuna’s confusion deepened, his concern growing. “You’re scaring me. Why are you talking like this? What’s going on?”
You forced yourself to meet his gaze, your heart aching with the weight of the truth you couldn’t reveal. “I’ve just been feeling... reflective. It’s hard to explain, but I’m grateful for these moments, even if they’re all we have left.”
Sukuna reached out, his hand gently grasping yours. “Are you trying to tell me something? You’re acting like this is a goodbye.”
You pulled your hand away, the pain in your chest almost unbearable. “It’s not a goodbye. It’s just... a realization. I want to make the most of the time we have, to cherish these moments together.”
Sukuna’s face fell, his worry evident. “You’re making it sound like something terrible is happening. If there’s something you’re hiding, you need to tell me.”
You shook your head, forcing yourself to smile through the tears that threatened to spill. “It’s not about hiding anything. It’s about acknowledging that even when things are difficult, we can still find moments of happiness. I wanted tonight to be one of those moments.”
Sukuna looked at you with a mixture of sadness and confusion, his frustration clear. “You’re not making any sense. Why can’t you just tell me what’s going on?”
You stood up from the table, unable to bear the intensity of his gaze any longer. You smiled at him. And even at that moment, he noticed. He noticed it didn’t go up to your eyes. “I can’t. Not yet. I just needed you to understand that despite everything, I’ve always cherished our time together.”
Sukuna watched you with a heart heavy with concern and regret, as you walked away from the table. "Do you still want some wine?"
"No." Sukuna whispers under his breath. "I'm fine."
YOU WERE GOOD AT PLAYING ROLES. Sukuna didn't suspect a thing. You continued playing your part, showing up at events, smiling when required, and being the perfect wife that the world expected you to be. He remained oblivious, too wrapped up in his own world to notice the subtle changes—the way your laughter had lost its warmth, the way your eyes seemed distant, even when you looked directly at him.
He carried on with his life, his empire growing ever larger, his influence spreading like wildfire. And on the side, there was her—the woman he met in secret, the one who made him feel alive in ways that you no longer could. He didn’t care to hide it anymore, not really. He knew you knew, but in his mind, it didn’t matter. You were his wife, his possession, and that was enough.
The restaurant was bathed in a warm, subdued light, its cozy ambiance a stark contrast to the storm brewing in Sukuna's heart. He sat across from his date, his smirk easy, a deliberate mask concealing the turbulent emotions beneath. His eyes roamed lazily over the flickering candlelight, his drink half-empty, the conversation flowing smoothly. It was supposed to be an escape, a fleeting distraction from the complexities of his life.
The phone buzzed on the table, its vibration slightly jarring against the relaxed hum of the evening. Sukuna glanced at it, a shadow of irritation crossing his features. He almost ignored it, but a nagging instinct—something primal and insistent—prompted him to check. The screen lit up with an urgent message, and as he read the words, his smirk faltered, replaced by a sudden, unsettling pallor.
His hand trembled slightly as he answered the call that followed.
“Mr. Sukuna, I’m terribly sorry to interrupt your evening. There’s been an emergency. Your wife—she’s collapsed and has been rushed to the hospital. The situation is very serious. You need to come immediately.”
Sukuna’s mind reeled, struggling to process the gravity of the message. His heart pounded furiously in his chest, a cacophony of fear and disbelief.  “What? No, that can’t be right. Are you sure? What happened?” His usual bravado turned into worrisome, strained whispers. “My wife was healthy when I left her at home.”
“Yes, I’m certain. She was rushed in a couple of minutes ago. The doctors are doing everything they can, but it’s critical. Please come to the hospital right away.”
The call ended abruptly, leaving Sukuna staring blankly at his phone. The realization of what he had just heard began to sink in, each beat of his heart echoing with a growing dread. Without a word, he stood up abruptly, his chair scraping loudly against the floor.
“Suku? What’s going on? Where are you going?” Her face is a mask of confusion and concern. “Suku–”
 “I—I have to go. It’s an emergency.” His voice barely more than a whisper, laden with panic.
He didn’t wait for any further questions or explanations. His mind was a chaotic whirl of thoughts as he left the restaurant, the cool night air doing little to calm the storm inside him. The drive to the hospital was a blur, the city lights streaking by in a disorienting haze. Every turn, every red light seemed to stretch time, amplifying his growing sense of dread.
Inside the emergency room, the atmosphere was clinical and cold, a stark contrast to the warmth of the evening he had just left behind. The cacophony of beeping monitors and hurried voices created a symphony of chaos that matched his inner turmoil. He pushed past the reception desk, barely acknowledging the questions they asked him. All he could think about was reaching you, seeing you, and holding onto whatever fragments of hope remained.
“Sir, you need to wait here. We’re in the middle of an emergency procedure.” The nurse said firmly, as Sukuna tried to approach.
Sukuna’s eyes fixed on the form lying still on the gurney, a sight that twisted his insides with a profound ache. The resuscitation efforts were intense, a desperate dance between life and death. He felt a profound sense of helplessness, the cold efficiency of the medical staff contrasting sharply with his own emotional chaos.
 “Please, I need to be with her. I have to—” His voice breaking, a raw plea. “Please let me through—”
“Sir, we need to focus on the procedure. You can’t be in the way.”
Sukuna was forced to retreat, his heart sinking as he slumped against the wall, his fists clenched in frustration and fear. The minutes dragged on, each second feeling like an eternity. He stared at the closed doors of the emergency room, the gnawing fear that he might lose you forever consuming him.
In the cold, stark hallway of the hospital, Sukuna felt his world unraveling. The veneer of control and dominance he had always relied on was gone, replaced by a gut-wrenching vulnerability he had never before experienced. He was left alone with his thoughts, confronting the painful truth that he had been given a chance to face his own failures and regrets.
Everything they could, they tried—but it wasn’t enough. He could see it in their eyes, in the frantic movements that were becoming more desperate by the second. He shouted at them, his voice rising to a roar, demanding they do something, anything. He wasn’t used to feeling powerless, wasn’t used to being afraid. But in that moment, as he watched you lying there, unmoving, unresponsive, fear gripped him in a way it never had before.
He couldn’t lose you. Not like this. Not now, not when he’d taken you for granted for so long. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut. You had always been there, always been his, and he’d never truly appreciated it. And now, as he watched the life drain from you, he felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time—genuine, bone-deep terror.
When the nurses finally stopped, when they turned to him with those solemn expressions, he knew. They didn’t have to say a word. He pushed past them anyway, falling to his knees beside your bed, his hand grasping yours, still warm but lifeless. You were slipping through his fingers. He didn’t want to free you — not yet. He needs you. He still wants you.
“Don’t do this, not yet.” he whispered, his voice breaking, something it never did. “You can’t leave me. You don’t get to leave me.”
But you were already gone. The silence in the room was deafening, and for the first time in his life, Ryomen Sukuna felt utterly and completely helpless. 
Sukuna stayed by your side long after the nurses and doctors left the room, long after the machines were turned off, and the sterile, mechanical sounds faded into an unbearable silence. He gripped your hand tightly, as if somehow, by sheer force of will, he could pull you back from the brink, undo what had just happened. But the truth was inescapable—you were gone.
The world outside continued to turn, indifferent to the agony that churned inside him. Sukuna, the man who had always been in control, who had never feared anything or anyone, was now paralyzed by a fear so intense it consumed him. He had never imagined a moment like this, a moment where he would lose something so irreplaceable.
Memories flashed through his mind—moments he had dismissed, overlooked, or taken for granted. The way you would smile at him when he came home, the quiet dinners you shared, the way you had always been there, even when he hadn’t deserved it. He had grown so used to your presence that he never considered what it would be like without you.
He had thought he could live his life as he pleased, that you would always be there, in the background, silently enduring whatever he put you through. But now, with you gone, the enormity of his loss hit him with full force. It wasn’t just that you were gone—it was that you were gone because of him. He had driven you to this, with his neglect, his infidelity, his arrogance.
His chest tightened, and for the first time in years, Sukuna felt the sting of tears. He couldn’t remember the last time he had cried—if he ever had. But now, the tears came unbidden, a raw and overwhelming response to the pain that was tearing him apart. He had lost you, and it was his fault. There was no one else to blame, no way to undo what he had done.
He thought about all the things he would never get to say to you, all the apologies that would never leave his lips. He had always believed he had time—time to make things right, time to explain, time to finally show you that you mattered to him. But now, that time was gone, and with it, any chance of redemption.
Sukuna stayed there, holding your hand, until the nurses gently told him that he had to let go, that it was time to say goodbye. He didn’t want to—he wasn’t ready to. But he knew there was no choice. Slowly, reluctantly, he released your hand, feeling a cold emptiness settle into the space where you had once been.
As he walked out of the hospital, the reality of his life without you began to sink in. The thought of returning to his grand, empty house—one that had always been a symbol of his success, his power—now felt like walking into a tomb. You were no longer there to greet him, no longer there to fill the space with your presence.
And for the first time, Sukuna understood what it meant to be truly alone. All the wealth, the power, the women—none of it mattered anymore. The one thing that had truly mattered was gone, and he was left with nothing but the echo of his own regrets.
As he stepped into his car, the weight of your absence pressed down on him, suffocating in its intensity. He had never been afraid of anything before. But now, as he faced a future without you, he was terrified.
Sukuna sat in the driver’s seat of his car, the door still open as if he might somehow find the strength to run back into the hospital and reverse what had happened. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, knuckles white, and the first sob broke through his defenses, ragged and harsh. He slammed his fists against the wheel, the sound echoing in the empty garage, the pain in his chest mirroring the bruising force of his punches.
Each hit was a release, a desperate attempt to rid himself of the unbearable grief and regret that had settled over him like a heavy fog. Tears streamed down his face, blurring his vision, and he felt a profound sense of helplessness that he had never known. He had always been in control, always been the one to dictate terms, to manipulate situations to his favor. But now, as he sat there, he was powerless, unable to change anything, unable to bring you back.
In the midst of his torment, memories began to flood back—painful, vivid recollections that he had buried under layers of indifference and self-absorption. He remembered the way you would spend hours in the kitchen, cooking meals with a dedication that went beyond mere obligation. You had always taken care of him, preparing dishes that you knew he loved, ensuring the fridge was stocked with his favorite foods.
He could picture you now, in the kitchen of your shared home, chopping vegetables, stirring pots, your face focused and serene. The way you’d hum softly to yourself, the warmth of the kitchen contrasting with the coldness that seemed to have crept into his heart over the years. Every meal you made was a labor of love, a testament to the care and consideration you had for him, even when he had taken it all for granted.
And then there were the times you’d prepare extra food, stock the fridge with ready-made meals, knowing that his schedule was unpredictable, that he might be too busy to eat properly. You’d filled the refrigerator with care, making sure he would have something to sustain him, even when you couldn’t be there. 
He should have noticed the subtle changes in your routine. The house had been unusually pristine lately, the surfaces spotless, the floors immaculate. It wasn’t like you to maintain such a high level of cleanliness without a reason. It was as if you had been preparing the space, ensuring that everything was in perfect order, as if you were orchestrating a smooth transition for him, even after you were gone.
The closets were tidier than usual, the clothes organized and neatly hung. He realized now that you had cleaned out your own belongings with quiet efficiency, not because you were preparing to leave in the conventional sense, but because you wanted to spare him the burden. You had sorted through your things, reducing the mess he would have to deal with, thinking ahead so that your death wouldn’t leave him grappling with the physical remnants of your life.
The laundry was always done, the baskets emptied and folded with a care that went beyond routine. You had taken care of it all, ensuring that he wouldn’t be confronted with chores and tasks that might remind him of the void you were leaving behind. The house had been more than just clean—it had been meticulously arranged to make his life easier, to ensure that the practicalities of your absence wouldn’t add to his grief.
In the midst of his grief, the realization struck him with the force of a revelation. You had been planning for this moment all along, your every action a carefully orchestrated preparation for the inevitable. You had thought of everything—how the house should be, how his daily life should continue without disruption, how he might cope with the void you would leave behind.
And yet, despite all your foresight, he had been so absorbed in his own world, so blind to your quiet efforts, that he hadn’t seen what you were doing. He had been wrapped up in his own needs, his own desires, oblivious to the depth of your sacrifice.
Now, as he sat there in the car, the weight of his regret felt almost unbearable. You had given him a gift of love so profound, so selfless, and he had only realized it in the harshest of moments. He had been given a chance to appreciate you, to see how deeply you cared, but it had come too late.
The house was prepared, the chores managed, the meals cooked—all to make sure that your departure wouldn’t add to his burden. And all he could do now was mourn the loss of someone who had loved him so completely, while he had remained unaware of the full extent of their care.
The realization hit him with a crushing weight. You had been preparing him—preparing him for a future without you. You had known, on some level, that your time was limited, and you had tried to make things easier for him, to ensure he wouldn’t be left entirely lost when you were gone. You had left behind a legacy of care and love, even in your absence.
The tears flowed more freely now, each one a testament to the depth of his regret. The sight of the empty kitchen at home, the pristine rows of shelves, the meticulously arranged pantry—all these things that once seemed so ordinary now felt like a poignant reminder of the love he had squandered. You had been his rock, his constant, and he had never truly valued it until it was too late.
Sukuna’s sobs grew louder, more desperate, his grief palpable in the confined space of the car. He felt as if he were drowning in a sea of his own making, surrounded by the memories of what he had lost and the realization of how profoundly he had failed you. The realization of your love, the sacrifices you had made, and the undeniable truth that he had only seen it all now, when it was too late, was a torment unlike anything he had ever known.
He sank forward, resting his head on the steering wheel, letting the tears fall harder than before, his body shaking with the intensity of his emotions. He wished he could turn back time, could undo the mistakes he had made, could tell you how much you meant to him. But all he was left with was the crushing weight of his actions, the echoes of your love, and the empty space where you once were.
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
to the happiest place on earth
Characters: Octavinelle (Azul, Jade, Floyd)
Synopsis: going on a date with them to Tokyo Disneyland!
Tags: fluff, Disneyland date hehe, reader's tolerance for attractions is based on my own, self indulgent, bot proofread
Word count: 1.4k+
Notes: because obviously i kept thinking about the fish mafia when i was in tokyo disney resort
did i write too much for jade? no
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Azul plans everything
weeks before even going he's doing so much research on every little aspect of the park
he's become an expert, because how else would he impress his angelfish?
asks you what rides you like and sets out the perfect plan for you to experience everything
basically you just need to tell him what you feel like doing next and he'll instantly suggest the best plan
fast pass? fast pass.
he's rich, he's definitely going to buy all the available passes only to improve your experience
time is far more valuable than money! the less time spent lining up for rides and azul having to come up with engaging conversations, the better
his headband of choice:
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doesn't really understand why the mouse ears are so prominent in the park, but he wants to match with you and take nice couple pics hehehe
also apparently that's a sorcerer's hat?? perfect! he's a diligent student of magic and follower of the sea witch!
is reluctant to get on fast rides like space mountain and you can see how pale he looks afterwards
he doesn't complain at all tho, and he's very willing to try rides with you
he has great night vision (deep sea octopus), so he is less affected by rides like haunted mansion and pirates of the caribbean
speaking of the latter, he's incredibly grateful for the darkness of the room, because the way he blushed when you held on to him when the boat fell from a waterfall shook all three of his hearts
fascinated by stitch encounter and considers making a mascot for mostro lounge using the same tech
also definitely gets the best seats for the fireworks/parades so his angelfish won't have their vision blocked
overall great experience, the capitalist thrives in capitalism, and he gets to experience all the joy and wonder of the theme park
The sound of the waterfall only seemed to grow louder and louder, yet there was not a single one in sight. Unless...
"Angelfish," Azul whispered, trying not to disturb the other guests. "Hold on tight, I think the ride will drop off from a waterfall."
You barely had time to react to his words as you felt the pull of gravity on you. By instinct, you reached out to hold onto him for dear life, letting out a shriek of surprise as you crashed onto the water below.
Thankfully, the fall was over in seconds. Azul coughed and shakily whispered, "A-ahem, are you alright Angelfish?" he murmured, though with your ear right next to his chest, it seemed he wasn't really alright himself.
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Jade doesn't really plan as much as azul, but he does come pretty prepared
briefly learns about what rides and restaurants there are and considers your taste all the while
you brought a cute but small bag that couldn't hold a lot of stuff? no worries! your boyfriend is used to hiking with minimal packing
he can help you carry all your essentials and not have it affect him at all!
his headband of choice:
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ok so apparently moray eels eat flounder fish? so I believe this silly eel would find great pleasure in wearing this headband (even better if you're wearing the ariel headband to match)
he's definitely more into the thrilling rides, but he's very happy to sit along for whatever ride you'd like
he's really really good at the buzz lightyear astro blaster, but his favourite is definitely haunted mansion for the chilling atmosphere and the way you clung onto him while convincing yourself everything was fine
whispered things in your ear to calm you, but he definitely tried to spook you a few times bc of how cute you were
your man is a foodie ok, the way his eyes sparkle when he stares at some street food other guests are holding is telling
he's absolutely interested in all of the disneyland food though, so apple caramel churros from le fou's shop, popsicle sticks from food stands, baymax curry, etc.
wdym food's expensive? he's also rich from working with azul and his family background
also super attentive to you, oh you'll need to take off your headband for this ride? gently plucks it from your head and places it in his bag before you can even do it yourself
and oh dear, your hair is a bit messed up after space mountain, let me just brush your hair and smooth it out for you
gets ugly plushie keychains for azul and floyd as a joke saying "i think it quite resembles you, no?"
tall boi sees the parades really clearly and he lifts you up to eye level so you can enjoy the same view as him
and dw about the disappointment of other guests behind you because one eerie smile from your eel is enough for them to know your boyfriend is not to be messed with
overall a very food oriented visit, and plenty of moments where this teasing eel tries to make you flustered
"Oh, it seems we must take our headbands off for this ride as well," Jade mused as he observed the guests in front. In a quick, but gentle motion, he took off your headband and smoothed out your hair.
At your flustered expression, he merely chuckled as he reached up to take off his own, carefully placing both into his sturdy backpack.
"Come, my pearl," he said as he reached out a hand to you. "Should you be afraid any moment, feel free to hold onto me," he teased, his eyebrows furrowed as his eyes glinted in amusement.
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Floyd is very much going with the flow and sees where you/ his energy wants to take him
did no research at all because his Shrimpy can be his tour guide hehe~
also brought minimal stuff, but he definitely takes a moment to show off his new shoes that he bought recently to go on the date
given his mood swings, it's not a great idea to line up for 30 mins plus, particularly if there's minimal air-conditioning
so definitely fast pass where available, water bottles and mini electric fans
also consider downloading some 2-player mini games on your phone to kill time
his headband of choice:
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he finds the "rubber duckies so cute and squishy! just like Shrimpy!" and chip and dale in sunglasses just gives off a memeish chill vibe
you can't convince me this man doesn't consume stupid memes
once he's tried one thrilling ride, he basically demands to ride all of the thrilling ones
runs off to the next one and pulling your hand to catch up because he memorized the map smh
absolute menace when it comes to teacup rides
like you are not walking straight after that intense spinning all the better because he gets to hold you and support you
he will be a menace again and push you in front during the baymax cool down parade so you'll get wet
but you can't stay mad at him for too long when he's laughing so innocently
okay maybe slap him on the shoulder a bit
absolutely gets the electric fans with the water sprays, and attacks you with sprays of water
laughs at you whenever you get scared in haunted mansion, but also "don't worry" because he likes protecting his Shrimpy
funny selfies from weird angles or everything's just a blur
also it's very convenient to have a big scary eel glare at the other guests to convince them to line up another time :)
in conclusion this menace of an eel will without a doubt have a blast stringing you along to his shenanigans, and you find yourself laughing with him all the way
"Ahahaha! That was sooo fun~" Floyd exclaimed as he got out of the teacup. The world continued to spin though the ride had long come to an end. You felt Floyd reach out and help you out of the ride, and you leaned into his touch for help as if you were drunk.
"Hahaha, Shrimpy's all dizzy!" he giggled. "You wanna go again?" As soon as the words registered in your mind, you turned to look in his general direction to glare at him, but maybe your direction was off or you just didn't look intimidating enough, because he just laughed even harder.
"Okayy, okayy, let's do another ride," he said as he began leading you to the exit. "Your choice this time then, where d'ya wanna go Shrimpy?"
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youatemylollipop · 1 year
I loved your post about which girls the tokyorev boys would be interested in! Could you maybe do rindou, kakucho and south if you write for them? 💕💕
A/N: Thank you so much!!♥️ I'm glad that you enjoyed the post and am happy to provide you with a list of respective characters and their dream girls. Thank you for your interest!
Ft: Haitani Rindō, Hitto Kakuchō & Terano South (Tokyo Revengers).
Part One: Haitani Ran, Hanemiya Kazutora, Matsuno Chifuyu, Mitsuya Takashi & Sano Manjirō ➵ Tokyo Revengers
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Haitani Rindō
➵ There is one type that I can see our chicken little becoming interested in, and that is the “queen of sarcasm”.
➵ I kid you not.
➵ She’s the one who invented the “Wednesday Addams” nickname—ahem insult.
➵ I believe that was also the moment when Rindō realized that she was the one.
➵ I mean, it is a well-known fact that Rindō is a sarcastic—and sadistic—brat when he wants to be, so obviously his partner has to be someone who has no problem keeping up with him.
➵ Though she's probably a bit more mischievous than his stoic persona.
➵ They are probably throwing insults at each other on a daily basis, and anyone who has not become accustomed to this fact will probably believe that they are having a serious argument.
➵ They’re also the type of couple that views each other as their sworn enemies until somebody else comes into the picture.
➵ Mostly Ran, who almost always becomes their shared victim for new inventive insults.
➵ Rindō even has a tendency to write down everything unusual that she throws at him or others.
➵ The enemies when alone, but best buddies when they have a mutual enemy trope.
➵ Ran would have laughed if he had not been the one on the receiving end most of the time.
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Hitto Kakuchō
➵ The "god complex" type is his dream girl—I'm not even sure if ‘dream girl’ is the right term for whatever this is.
➵ I don’t know why, but I see Kakuchō as the type of guy that has the “I can fix them” mindset.
➵ Pretty much like Izana, she exhibits tendencies like looking down on others and not taking their opinions or feelings into consideration.
➵ I mean, come on, the fact that he’s willing to follow Izana through thick and thin says a lot about his preferences.
➵ Kakuchō is also one of the only people in this universe that would willingly want to deal with such people.
➵ He even somehow manages to become someone worthy in their eyes.
➵ Seriously, this guy is literally worshiping her mere existence! He would feel honored to kiss the ground that she’s walking on!
➵ She views herself as the empress that’s got the whole world bowing down at her feet.
➵ And well... Kakuchō obviously doesn't mind descending to her personal servant.
➵ If anything, he should feel grateful that she's letting him assume such a "high" position in her life.
➵ I swear to god, I wanna cry!
➵ This boy deserves so much better than this!
➵ But seriously, she isn’t that bad.
➵ Kakuchō would never pay attention to her if she weren't a good person at heart.
➵ Therefore I personally prefer to call her the “her issues are too hard for this world to comprehend” type.
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Terano South
➵ The "brainy" type, aka, the “Grey Cardinal”.
➵ As a man who thrives in violence, South would likely take notice of someone who deals with things through a different approach.
➵ When I say “through a different approach,” I do not mean a “peaceful” one.
➵ What I mean is a cold and calculated one.
➵ She is the type of girl who would not dirty her hands for petty revenge, but instead, she would find someone else to do the dirty work for her.
➵ I can imagine this girl being quite emotionally detached and difficult to anger.
➵ She is aware of how dark the world is and does not view everything through rose-tinted glasses.
➵ She can be cruel and heartless and is not afraid to speak her mind.
➵ She is as quiet as a mouse, but a predator hides beneath the surface—a wolf in sheep's clothing.
➵ South wouldn't be able to find common ground with her if she were a naive butterfly.
➵ He is the brawn and she is the brains, but he wouldn't mind being controlled by her, as she is his queen.
➵ She could also be classified as the "strategist,” a mastermind who always stays one step ahead of her opponents.
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The Monster Inside All of Us ★ pt.1
✦ *.✧.* Monsters live in us, they are our being, they are a part of us, and no matter what we can't outrun them. But we can learn to live and even thrive in their presence. You new neighbor- Bachira Meguru- teaches you about a world different than your own. Word Count: 2.2k / Bachira x gn!reader
Tags: topics of abuse, found family, childhood friends got your back, character study.
*TW: some uncomfortable topics of mental health leading to abuse off screen, not understanding violence, little gore, please be careful.
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A/N: Hi guys! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° Thank you all so much for your patience with me, writing has been a little difficult lately (Im not the happiest with how this turned out but eh). This is more of a journal than story for me. There should be two or three parts depending on what feels right. I hope you enjoy and again some difficult topics will be explored, so please take care of yourself! PS: Child Meguru is precious protect him at all cost.☆★☆
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There is a monster in all of us.
At least that is what your dad is screaming, on the ground sobbing underneath the weight of two bodies restraining him. His eyes pleading, looking to your mother cradling her right arm, swollen, and dripping.
Big eyes try to see more through the thin crack in the door. It sounded like glass cracking or the thumps you heard earlier. Your small mind was wild with fear, and your imagination made it worse.
But most importantly, you wanted needed to see your mom's face.
A lot of things happened because of that night. Your mother would receive pity words filled with blank stares from neighbors that contrasted itself with the usual snacks and kind greetings from before.
Your mother's face became more sullen now that your father was off in re-ha-bili-tee?
You go to school, a small school where everyone knew everyone, and everyone knew everyone's "situations".
About a week later, you finally realized what your father meant when Matsuhiro, the class clown and the boy who would agree with anything to make him seem more "grown up", opened his stupid mouth during arts and crafts.
"My mommy tells me that your mommy should have taken it and been a good wife."
You didn't really understand what he meant by "taken it" and "good wife", because your mom was the best mom in the whole world but the way his seven-year-old face sneered down at you made you angry- no it was something more than anger.
The next thing you realize is your soft bloody knuckles bleeding and Matsuhiro pleading the exact same way your dad did those nights ago, and he wailed lips cracked and eyes swollen.
"You're a monster!"
It didn't bother you much as you landed another punch near his temple, because duh of course there is a monster in you.
There is a monster in everyone.
It wasn't long after, that you and your mom make the drastic move to Tokyo to live next to your mother's best friend from college. 'Her name is Yuu she is an amazing artist.' your mother says packing a backpack to the brim with trinkets, art supplies, and snacks.
On the bus ride there, your mother looks exhausted, big black seeps carve out her eyes and you don't really remember the last time your mom smiled.
She made you pinky promise while getting off the bus that you never, in her words, "hit a person again". She muttered something else along the lines of 'bills' also, but you squeezed her pinky either way because it put a smile on her face and made her happy.
That’s the most important thing. 
Back then, in the principal’s office, you refused to repeat what Matsuhiro said in front of everybody including his parents and your own mother. He couldn't say anything either with his lips swollen shut.
In the back of your mind, you shrug as you squeeze your pinkies together. Besides Matsuhiro wasn't a person, he is a monster.
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You eventually make it to an apartment complex that was at least ten times bigger than your own. It was so big! It felt like it could touch the sky. Maybe you be living in the sky!
An audible sigh of relief comes from your mother behind you, lugging at least three suitcases.
Your hopes were dashed when you realized that apartment 109 meant you were on the first floor and not the hundredth. The door frame hung the sign, Bachira Yuu. Your mother flattening out her shirt gives a hesitant knock against the wood before the door burst open.
A woman, taller than your mother brown eyes light up at the sight of you two as if Christmas just knocked on her door, hair pulled back into a messy bun and streaks of blues and yellows adorned a pink jumper as she hugs your mother.
You were going to jump at her until your mother tentatively puts her arms around her as well, making it look like the second awkward hug in the history of hugs.
"Chiyu-chan!" She lets out and gawk because only you were called "chan" in the neighborhood, "How have you been! Oh is this little (Y/N)-chan. Almost as big as Meguru."
She squats down your head barely meeting her eyes as she ruffles your hair, "Ahhhh, maybe just a bit taller than my Meguru." Callused hands grab your chubby cheeks pulling out your lips into a smile before she squeals, "So cute!"
You really didn't want this women's colorful hands to be on your cheeks but glancing at your mother who had a semblance of a grin made you resist.
Small feet pitter-patter into the apartment, across the floors were tarps filled with half-empty buckets filled with blues, purples, to reds. The smell of the arts and craft room filled this apartment, it was nice.
Your mother's friend, Yuu Bachira, crossed the room swapping extra materials with her feet creating room, "Sorry sorry! I just got so focused on my recent project and forgot to clean, forgive me?" She gives a little wink as her hand rubs the back of her nape.
You expect a frown to form on your mother's face, she always bustled around your previous flat with strict diligence making sure no dust, no objects, and nothing were out of place.
Instead, she looked happy…?
"You're always the same Yuu-chan." And physically you take a step back, because "chan"! Your mother who notices everything about you, including how your mouth is now open in shock, chuckled before pushing you towards the gushing woman, " Yuu-chan has won a lot of awards for her art, maybe she could teach you a thing or two?"
You close your mouth, excitement already in your eyes.  Last month you almost won first place at the elementary school art contest (instead you won an honorary position because having seven-year-olds vote is rigged especially when you were the talk of the town). The first prize was a month's worth of popsicles, but you only won a little sticker book instead. You remember sticking many of them on the refrigerator.
Yuu crouches on the ground reaching your eye level.  "Then how about you see my latest project? I desperately need your advice for the final touches!"
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Looking at her art piece made your little eyes widen in astonishment. Swirls of purples and blue melded over yellow wash as the colors twisted and turned with her paintbrush delicately. With inspiration came chaos and she would dip her fingers into a side bucket of paint before flicking yellow sparks around the edges. If you cris crossed your eyes hard enough together it almost looked like two eyes staring back at you.
"Do you like it?" You hear Yuu say before she walks over to her canvas that dwarfs her, she puts a hand on the rim of it, "I tried to capture the essence of it."
You look at the piece, hues of blue accented with the yellow probably from her fingertips, it's amazing.
She grins as if she heard your thoughts, "Thank you, I am proud of this one." You blink, did she read your mind?
You were about to speak, out loud, until the sounds of metal banged across from you two leading you to jump head darting left and right.
Yuu pats you on the back and a calm rushes over your beating heart, "Perfect timing." before she walks to the edge of her studio unlocking a metal door painted in reds and oranges. A small boy, shorter than you stumbles in eyes red, cuts on his arms and cheeks. Dark brown hair with yellow highlights that curled around the nape up wearing a grass-stained shirt decorated with a shark.
Yuu smile now gone lowers herself onto her knees rubbing her fingertips along the side of his head along with his arms. Satisfied with what she was looking for she brushed the strands of grass left on his shirt before standing up, "Now how did you get this way hm?"
The boy looks down before kicking the ground, "They asked me to play soccer and then-" he looks up eyebrows furrowing as he stomped his foot, "they called me weird! Weird 'cause they couldn't get the ball away from me!" He stares as Yuu confused, "but they aren't right. They should just be better!"
She gives a small nod before pulling out a band-aid from one of her many pockets and placing it on his nose. “You know Meguru-kun, they are just jealous of you.” She says while rubbing out some grass from his hair, “they probably can’t hear ‘it’ anymore.”
You blink. It?
You really need to control your mouth more because the boy lets out a little shout before looking around his mother towards you as if he didn’t expect you to be there. He peers up at his mother’s eyes, “Mommy who is that?” Clear fascination shows in his eyes as he points toward you.
Maybe it’s the way he looks at you, like how previous people would stare makes your stomach flip but your strong, and your mother taught you first impressions are important, “Im (Y/N). Im your….” You look towards his mother because you really weren’t sure what you are now. Yuu finishes your sentence, “our new neighbor Meguru-kun.”
By the look on his face, it seems like he is about to ask a million questions, but you're faster as you clamor towards Yuu. You point to the painting, its hues vibrant against the sun leaking in, “What do you mean by ‘it’?”
This must throw her for a loop because she starts tapping her foot against the floor, head tilting a bit, “Ah how to say it. Like something that burns in your soul.” She snaps her fingers, “Oh! Like a monster, something a bit scary but something strong.”
Your head also tilts in confusion as her son speaks, “Monsters? You mean like the ones on TV?” he puffs his chest out a bit, “but those don’t exist!”.
You think of the monsters you’ve encountered. They didn’t look like the televised ones but they felt the same. The way the previous neighbors looked at you after the incident, Matsuhiro sneering down at you and most importantly you remember the far-off look your mother would have after “incidents” staring blankly at the wall when she thought you were asleep.
You can still hear apologies muffled through thin wooden doors.
"What do you mean? Of course, there are monsters."
You blink as the two of them look at you almost surprised by the steadiness of your voice. The boy’s face shows clear excitement, but his mother read of something you could not understand as her lips clenched tight.
Taking a step closer to the boy you point at his chest, "It’s right there, inside." A pause as you reflect, “The monster.”
He points to his chest also, his small fingers mimicking yours at a short distance as he presses against himself. He looks in awe as if he can see the latest Godzilla hosted inside of himself. That’s not what you mean.
You repeat again, slower, "We all have monsters in us. That's what my dad told me. They take us."
Bright yellow eyes twinkled understanding filling in, "Oh, Like when I can't stop dribbling!"
A frown appears on your lips, you didn't know what "dribbling" is, but he seemed to be the only one who might understand as Yuu still wore a lisp of a frown on the edge of her lips before taking a deep breath. The smile you were used to seeing set on her face again.
His mother puts a hand on both of your guy’s foreheads rubbing both of your hair till it’s a mess. Well, his hair was already filled with grass and twigs yours would probably be filled by dried paint at the end of the day.
"That's right you two. A huge monster lives in both of your hearts, a voice that pushes you to follow yourself though-" she lightly flicks the tip of her son's nose where he let out a little 'ow', "violence is not good. People are jealous of how you both follow that voice."
She gives a smile before bringing the two of you into a hug, "When people grow up, they stop listening, stop believing in its own fleeting yet precious voice." She brings them back looking into their eyes, "But that a waste isn't it!"
She turns back to her artwork with pride, admiration, and longing all put into one, "I still believe you should listen to its voice because look at the beauty behind it."
Her son brightens, but you think about her words.
How it held a warm sort of kindness when she speaks about her said ‘monster’.
It’s voice guiding her…
You wonder why the voice was telling you to aim for Matsuhiro's temples instead of his nose.
And then you start to wonder, as you look at his mother's artwork if there were different monsters out there.
Not kind monsters.
Especially in you
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ultfreakme · 10 months
So, fanfic ideas.... If JJK characters were in Non- Curse world, what would their job be if not become Jujutsu Sorcerer (in your opinion)? Why? Please pick your top 5 fav characters...
Also if Akashi (from Kuroko) or Zuko (Avatar) were in JJK world can they survive as a sorcerer? Can you guess their CT that fitted them? What do you think....?
Sorry it's just for fun, hope you don't mind.....
YAYYYY THE HAPPY AU!!! Non-jujutsu sorcerer jobs!!
Our beloved MC Yuuji: This has canon information, he'd be a firefighter. I can't think of anything else for him too tbh, it's the perfect job for him, he'd have been awesome at it. I love firefighter Yuuji it's adorable like AHHHHH good job kid!
Gojo: Not a teacher that's for sure. Probably some kind of researcher in astrophysics who also does martial arts competitions on the side. And a chess or shogi player too. He's the guy who randomly shows up in places he really shouldn't be.
Nobara: A fashion major in Tokyo. I feel like she'd go for a job that pays high even if it isn't particularly her interest and be ruthless in climbing higher. I'm just picturing her in a Devil Wears Prada movie situation where she's the assistant to Miranda Priestly who somehow can actually go above and beyond what Miranda wants from the start and leaves her to the dust to get a better opportunity with someone else.
Geto: Cult leader Teacher! He actually has the ability to be a good influence on the younger generation, I think he'd find joy in helping kids out and providing them with a safe environment. Probably volunteers a lot on his free time, still has that hero complex which he had at the beginning of Hidden Inventory but this time it doesn't go bad.
Junpei: He probably went to school for film and media, but I think he'd go on to work in counseling or switch to that. Supporting students, working in places that help with bullying. Determined to become a proper adult who isn't stuck playing the hierarchy games of high school(weirdly enough I see him becoming somewhat like Nanami in attitude). Oh my god Akashi and Zuko in JJK!!!! i was thinking about this a lot!
Akashi would THRIVE in JJK in terms of power but emotionally he'd be a wreck. His Emperor Eye is somewhat like Gojo's Six Eyes combined with precognition. I honestly think he'd be like Gojo; Emperor Eye would be an inherited trait like Six Eyes with the ability to see everything that's occurring in his surroundings and through that he has precognition to see what moves anyone would make within a specific radius(it probably extends to all of Japan and more or something that ridiculous) The smaller the radius, the more accurate and farther into the future his precognition is.
His CT....hm, probably has something to do with disabling or scrambling someone's cursed energy so that they become unable to use it. I'm trying to replicate the effects of an ankle break on a large scale lol in terms of CE. Hmmmm......I've entered Gege nonsense territory and come up with a way for this to work.
I'm gonna call it 'Kaleidoscope'. So what a kaleidoscope does is it has two or more angled mirrors inside a tube of some sort, and an object placed within it is reflected multiple times based on how the mirrors are angled. If you twist a kaleidoscope, the reflections change and create wild patterns. Now imagine that instead of an object, it's CE, and instead of a reflection, it's ACTUALLY getting split up and scrambled in symmetrical fashion.
Kaleidoscope makes it so that a person's cursed energy is split up into parts and twisting according to Akashi's will, so the person fighting him becomes unable to redirect the course of their CE to something stable.
(does this make sense? In my head it makes sense lol. Gege I finally understand your thought process lol).
He'd have a Domain Expansion 100% and I wanna say it'd be a basketball court lol, but I think it'd be something like Sukuna's in terms of visuals; an actual emperor's court.
Onto Zuko!!! I love Zuko so much as a character and I think he's great and with that being said, he wouldn't last a week in JJK. He's dead within 7 days or less. You need to have a certain kind of personality to survive in the JJK world and Zuko's got whatever personality type it is that would not only make him bad at advancing his CT, but would actively kill him.
(he's too caught up in his own feelings of right and wrong, of what is honor and what is shameful. He's someone who wants the people around him to be safe and risks his neck to do this multiple times, also he's a bit of an idiot.)
His CT!!! I think he'd be a shikigami user and his shikigami is Druk(and maybe a few more dragons like Ran and Shao). Probably comes from a large clan and he's considered the clan disappointment because he has no ability to create fire on his own. But his medium would still be fire, I imagine he carries around a light or a wick(but later gains the ability to manipulate and produce fire). Uses dual blades, which are cursed tools, to fight(also another thing his family dislikes him for). The dragon shikigami is likely an inherited trait that the clan actually doesn't like because it relies on external fire sources. I think lightning would also be an inherited trait which Azula got and that's the one they've all been wanting to see. Both re-emerged after hundreds of years.
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gurorori · 1 year
O, P, Q, for thé ask game if you dont mind me asking..
SUM OF Y'ALL PUTTIN' DA SAME LETTERS WAHHH I FEEL BAD!! alrdy answered Q so. we do a li'l scrollin?
O - Where would I like to travel?
travellin' (as a leisure? time? i guess) isn' smth i think ab a lot yet, save 4 in terms of immigration from. here. buuuut in my dreams really, i'd luv 2 travel 2 a few places 4 da cultural aspects.. namely ukraine, our.. half-homeland i guess, which we never actually been 2, but obviously uh. sumthin' sumthin'. nawt anytime soon, but i really wud love 2 reconnect with dat side, even if we don' have any contact with our ukrainian side of da family :[ i still want us b able 2 go there one day, specifically vinnitsa which is where our mother's side of da family was from.
apart from dat, i'd luv 2 go 2 japan — ok stay with me — but 'm deathly afraid of big cities (been 2 moscow & st petersbrug an' both times killed us badly) an' tokyo has like, da same population as moscow but much more population.. density? an' jus' seein' da amnts of ppl mkes me super nervous >_< i dream of goin' on a tour of like, shrines an' temples an' otherwise culturally significant stuff, as well as foooood. but ofc 'm willin' 2 put up with a bit of tokyo ONLY cuz of harajuku. i Will hit all da lolita stores. but really i'd luv a trip 2 japan jus' 2 experience da food & culture :3c an' i guess put our dusty musty japanese 2 da test?
nextttt morocco, ik dats.. unusual but dats where our mother's part of da family is Originally from, as they immigrated from there 2 ukraine.. (an' then our mother did, 2 russia.. gulp) an' she was born & raised in ukr, so she always kinda wanted 2 go back 2 morocco 2 at least experience it, but obv lack of funds etc. she always talkd ab it a lot an' stuff. kinda like we're the repeat of dat but with ukraine hehe? so, i wanna visit both if we ever have da chance 2.
P - What kind of music I like?
oghhhh well. bit all over da place but again do stay with me.. i think our very first music experience where we Knew wat we wer doin' & consciously wer seekin' out music 2 our taste was with the Holy Emo Trinity. yeah sorry 2 bring those memories back, none of em r even 'emo' exacly & hate bein' called it or wtv, but yeah n_n mcr, patd, fob... i think we wer into patd da most, ik i personally still am (system integration is a weird thing - i believe i merged w the previous host who was the one 2 discover all those, like, arnd the age of 11-13?).. a fever you can't sweat out (2004) by panic at the disco changed our entire life trajectory. i still have it as my #1 mika album of all time. i do have a lotta love 4 mcr too, fob we wer a bit less into, but yeah.
'm occasionally into pop-ish stuff, i like mika lots (also name twins :3), his voice & his art r spectaaaacular an' very unique an' him. he's so goodddd, his songs def helped us thru many stuffs jus' like da aforementioned bands. idk he jus' gets it, even the melancholic songs he writes (dat hit suspiciously close home >:0) r like DESIGNED 2 lift ya up i swear.
idk wat 2 define aurora as an' i wudn' really call her pop, she's a bit of her own character, especially here she's nawt exacly well known at all, but yeah i had 2 mention her. i don' think i ever connected with an artist on a deeper level than it was with her, largely due 2 her also bein' on da spectrum (it wasn' clear if she's adhd or asd but hey i can diagnose her.), like i see myself in her thoughts an' behaviors so much, da way she talks an' carries herself an' expresses herself in the art she creates. i genuinely Have Feelings 4 her she's so beautiful an' i can't stswp bein' obsessed w her & her music. da stories she weaves & da way she puts her emotions into lyrics is sooo special 'm Really happy 2 live in da same time as her. back 2 her bein' different like us, it really inspires me how unapologetically herself she is, like seein' a neurodivergent creator get Big (in sum parts of da world at least) an' thrive so visibly is astonishin'. i hope 2 attend her concerts one day :[ srry 4 da ungodly amounts of infodumpin' i doin' here but she means Dat much 2 me...
oh an' last but TOTALLY nawt least, 'm a huge goth, i luvvvv goth music so much, i guess a bit 'basic' but i really love the og styff, like siouxsie, bauhaus, the cure, joy division, sister of mercy etc.. i also luv 45 grave, the cramps, the birthday massacre, plastique noir, alien sex fiend, depeche mode, an' ugh SO much more i can't list it all 😭 i listen 2 a lotta goth is wat i can say.
oh an' 'm also a big fan of visual kei (as an extension of gothic lolita ofc...) but i mainly focus on malice mizer, as well as a few eroguro kei bands (which i rly enjoy as a genre too, who woulda thought...)
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storytimewithnova · 11 months
Hey hey hey author chan here before we start this story just some information this story i am about to share is a an update and Retweak of A story i wrote on Wit called our past our justice so if you followed me on wit and you read it you will be familiar with it now before i properly get into the story please bare in mind i am doing these stories out of our so this takes place after the events of the promised Neverland which i will do i will be doing in my weird AU also this in not a spoiler it doesn't impact the story hinata is with Kuroo here but the next one they are not together they broke up because kuroo established his feelings for Kenma Bokuto and Akaashi anyway all the house keeping out the way on to the story
Enjoy the version of our past our justice
The Past We Share, The Justice We Seek
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Lev's narrative: Grace Field, our home, our sanctuary, that's where we all lived, grew up, and felt like we belonged. Belonged, huh? That's what blinded us to the true nature, the true horror of our so-called home.
Grace Field Originally was meant to be an orphanage, a safe haven for children to thrive, be happy, be normal, and make friends, even become a family until they got adopted and sent to new families to live new lives. But when Emma (Hinata) and Norman (Lev) found out the truth about the place they once called home they once called their sanctuary, they couldn't wait to escape with the others. So they went to Ray (Kuroo) to tell him and come up with a plan to bust everyone out before they became demon food, like poor Conny and maybe others.
Now, years have passed, four years later to be exact, with new looks and identities, they are trying to find each other again.
With Hinata:
Hinata was in a wooded area near their home, where they had created a little memorial site. Today was the day they mourned the loss of everyone from Grace Field and asked them to guide them to Norman and Ray. They had skipped volleyball practice to visit the site and started talking, "Hey, Conny, hey, everyone, please. I know you're watching. I know I should have done something sooner. I know I should have done more to protect you guys, and I'm sorry. But please, let me ask you this favor, just one more favor. Now, please lead me to Norman and Ray. Please, I want Ray back. That's all I ask."
Emma thought💭 I have my song as well so if i find them i can make sure it is them only they know it well more like anyone from Gracefield knows it i use to sing it to all the kids
Meanwhile, in a wooded area in Tokyo with Kuroo and Lev:
Norman: "Hey, guys, it's Norman. Please, we should have saved you. We are sorry, and it's a guilt I am going to carry with me forever. But please, Conny, if you are listening, please lead me to Ray and Emma, please."
Kuroo: "Norman, is that you? It's Ray."
Lev: "Ray, is that really you? Wait, Captain, you're Ray. Lev, you're Norman. Show our necks."
Kuroo: "Yeah, that will make it more real and believable that I've found you."
They wiped off their makeup and stared in shock and joy until Lev said, "Ray, you've been by me this whole time."
Ray: "Guess I have. Good to see you, Norman. But how did you escape? We were led to believe you died. Well, that's what Isabelle said."
Norman: "Is that woman ever going to stop being a lying bitch?"
Ray: "Nope, it's her specialty. Don't worry, Emma, we'll find you next. Please, one of our siblings, send up a sign that she's alive. I want her back."
In this AU, Shoyo doesn't go to Karasuno; he goes to Fukurodani. His volleyball partner is Akaashi, although Akaashi has a small crush on Shoyo but also likes Bokuto. He knows Hinata is waiting for someone to find him again and has promised not to get in the way.
Meanwhile, with Kuroo and Lev:
"So, Ray, have you found Emma yet?"
"Sadly, not yet. But that doesn't mean I'm going to quit on her, before you start thinking I am."
"Why you were willing to quit when we were younger, by setting yourself on fire?"
"Will you let that go, Norman? And if you must know, I just don't know where to look. Like, seriously, how many orphan kids are there with orange hair? She shouldn't be that difficult to find, right?"
"So, Ray, I'm just going to put this out there, and don't make a big deal out of it. But remember, Emma always said her body felt wrong."
"Yeah, so? Wait, are you saying what I think you are?"
"Not as dense as you act."
Meanwhile, with Hinata:
Hinata was at a wooded area near his house, where he had a little memorial site. Today was the day he mourned the loss of everyone from Grace Field and asked them to guide him to Norman and Ray. He had skipped volleyball practice to visit the site and started talking, "Hey, Conny, hey, everyone, please. I know you're watching. I know I should have done something sooner. I know I should have done more to protect you guys, and I'm sorry. But please, let me ask you this favor, just one more favor. Now, please lead me to Norman and Ray. Please, I want Ray back. That's all I ask. I just want one little clue on who they are now and if they are safe. I miss them, and I miss you guys. I will hold up my promise; I will save the other children. That's an Emma guarantee."
Meanwhile, back in the larger wooded area in Tokyo with Kuroo and Lev, this is a flashback, and Lev and Kuroo don't know they are Norman and Ray yet:
Third-person POV: "Hey, guys, it's Norman. Please, we should have saved you. We are sorry, and it's a guilt I am going to carry with me forever. But please, Conny, if you are listening, please lead me to Ray and Emma, please."
Norman suddenly hears footsteps. "Shit, it's Mom. I'm playing tag. Hide." He looks down from the tree he's hiding in and sees Kuroo and hears him.
Norman jumps out of the tree and says, "Ray, is that you really you? Wait, Captain, you're Ray. Lev, you're Norman. Let's show our necks."
They wipe off the makeup, and they stare in shock and joy until Lev says, "Ray, you've been by me this whole time."
Ray: "Guess I have. Good to see you, Norman. But how did you escape? We were led to believe you died. Well, that's what Isabelle said."
Norman: "Is that woman ever going to stop being a lying bitch?"
Norman: "Nope. It's her specialty. Don't worry, Emma; we'll find you next. Please, one of our siblings, send up a sign that she's alive. I want her back."
Back to the present, after finding each other:
"Sadly, not yet. That doesn't mean I'm going to quit on her, before you start thinking I am."
"Why you were willing to quit when we were younger, by setting yourself on fire?"
"Will you let that go, Norman? And if you must know, I just don't know where to look. Like, seriously, how many orphan kids are there with orange hair? She shouldn't be that difficult to find, right?"
"So, Ray, I'm just going to put this out there, and don't make a big deal out of it. But remember, Emma always said her body felt wrong."
"Yeah, so? Wait, are you saying what I think you are?"
"Not as dense as you act."
Kuroo:So your saying emma won’t look how we remember her she could have change to a boy if that is so the only one i know that would match emma is kenma’s friend Hinata”
Lev: “ the one you call chibi-chan makes sense emma has always been a shorty”
Ray: “keep talking like that Norman you are cruising for a bruising that is my Emma you’re talking about”
Lev: “ glad to see your feeling haven’t change Ray even if you have We have training camp in a few day right Well if our theory is right Ray and Hinata is Emma we will use a code word only Emma would know like one of our siblings or an object connected to us”
Kuroo: “How about we use mom’s lullaby” I recorded it so we just play it and if Hinata reacts to it we will know that is emma and then we can reveal we are Ray and Norman”
Lev:“You really haven’t changed have you Ray you were always the brains behind us I was the strategist and Emma was our ball of sunshine that motivated us with Positivity”
kuroo’s thoughts 💭 just like chibi chan that is why I am 100% convinced that he is my Emma I am getting Emma back no matter what she looks like or what name she goes under she is still my Emma she is still my little Love bug
Lev:“RAY!? Uh Ray? Ray!!!
Ray::“Huh did you say something”?
Lev:“Your hopeless 😩 I said we should start heading back it’s getting late but you completely zoned out on me which is nothing new for you but please listen to me when I am talking to you”
Time skip to training camp
the teams are all their everyone has settled in to their dorms it is the first practice match of the camp Owls verses cats Currently owls are on match point Akaashi yelled Shoyo this is all you make bokuto proud”
Hinata: “Remember who you are talking to Keiji now Hit me”
Akaashi: “Serves up Sunshine”
while the ball was heading to Hinata the team was cheering him Hinata ran
Hinata's thought 💭this is like tag always read the opponent's movements
while in the air he saw kuroo ready to block but Kenma left it his side of the field open like he was distracted when the ball was close enough Hinata hit it to Kenma a side alerting Kenma fukurōdani won Hinata walked up to Kenma Kuroo and lev was still in Earshot so could hear what Hinata was saying so they were shocked
Hinata: “ kenken you were off today are you okay if you wanted to know how I got the ball past you without you reading me some old friends of mine use to tell me think of any Competitive sport like a game of Tag
Kenma: why like Tag, that's a kids game”
Hinata: On the contrary it’s a game that involves a lot of strategy if you don’t wanna get caught my friends always said treat every competitive game like tag
Kuroo jumps in with always be 2 steps ahead of your opponent (Emma and Ray together) always be ready to think on you feet and adapt to any situation Ray/Emma i found you I was going to find you with moms Lullaby and i was going find you my song i use to sing Lev walked up to them and said “still share the same brain cell I see”
Hinata:Norman Mom said you were dead, how?”
Lev: “ mom is a lying bitch that cares for no one but herself and is that i was going to get from you Emma no Great to see you Norman I missed you norman your boyfriend got all that me nope i get How are you Alive bloody great"
Everyone else was shocked,confused or didn’t know weather to talk or not all Eyes were on the Ultimate trio the whole time even Bokuto shut up which is surprising watching his student and his bro interactions akaashi watched this interaction too and although it hurt him he was happy
Hinata: “Ray I am so glad you kept your promise but I want to do something quickly”
Hinata grabs a water bottle and his towel sprays his neck hand it too kuroo to do the same then lev once all of their numbers are showing Hinata said
Hinata: now I feel like we are properly united the Ultimate trio back together again but I FUCKING SWEAR TO GOD IF ONE OF YOU LEAVES ME AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF NOT THOSE DEMONS ME”
both boys bowed and said “we are sorry Emma we truly are” someone cleared their throat and made the three look round kuroo scratched the back of his neck
Kuroo: “I kind of forgot we were at a training camp i got so caught up in the moment I blame you love bug”
Hinata:“ of course you bloody do pyro”
Kuroo: “oh for crying out loud can you let that go”
Hinata “*giggles* nope and walks off
Kuroo: “ OI You little shit you know we have to explain ourselves”
Hinata turns round to kuroo flips him off then blows him a kiss lev just look and him and said
Lev: “well that just happened mind if we explain everything later it's a complicated past the 3 of us share and right now one of us naming no names has a mood on”
Akaashi pipes up and says
Akaashi: “ is this normal for Hinata he is always so Innocent” to which kuroo replied
Kuroo:“Innocent my ass Emma is far from innocent unless she is round younger kids then she's angel but no my little love bug is far from Innocent i know as our friends you no nothing about our past but Akaashi i am assuming you met Emma at the age of 13 right like me and kenma”
Akaashi: “yeah that correct”
Kuroo:“Norman you were still in gracefield waiting to be shipped right”
Lev: “ unfortunately so I didn’t to start a normal life till i was 14 and i found away to escape after almost becoming demon chow”
Later that day everyone was sitting down to dinner Sugawara pipes up and said “you were going to give an explanation to what happened in the gym”
Kuroo: “ oh right let’s start by reintroducing ourselves then I am Ray or as you know me Kuroo”
Lev:“ I am Norman Or as you know me Lev”
Hinata: And I am Emma as you know me Hinata or close people know me Shoyo"
After they introduced themselves by their real names Hinata continued
Hinata:"before we take questions let’s tell our story We grow up in an orphanage as babies we were all close and looked to each other as siblings well besides me and Ray we felt more for each other anyway we were the smartest in the orphanage passed every exam because we had school there me Ray and Norman were and i guess are still known as the Ultimate Trio"
Lev: true we are anyways continuing on from what Emma said when it came to one of our friends getting adopted that’s when we learnt the truth the night our friend our little sister conny left her plush bunny behind so me and Emma went to return it and we figured she must be on the truck so we went deeper and then….
Lev cut himself off remembering thst night remembering Hinata the shock the horror hoe i must still traumatized them to this day Hinata hesitated but continued
Hinata: we found her body she was dead in front of our eyes
Hinata having flashbacks had a look of horror on their face as they recalled that night what they saw so lev continued after telling Ray to take Emma and calm them down
Lev: we heard footsteps of mom and saw demons mom was helping them we found out it wasn’t an orphanage it was a human farm we were livestock wait to be shipped hence the numbers on our necks the part they wanted from us they part they cared about the most was our brains you see the smarter the child the higher the price
The room was silent apart from Hinata's soft sobs not bad enough that they couldn't talk so they continued the story
Hinata: we got away from the demons and from mom for now but they could still be hunting us for all we know but it was Ray Norman and me that help the kids escape we got way with about 15-16 of us there is still more so after training camp we are going back to finish what we started and burn that place down and HQ as well kill the demons once and for all alright any questions”
Kuroo: “ there Emma goes again did we need to be here for any of this”
Hinata:“Ray shut up”
Akaashi: “ Um Shoyo question”
Akaashi said a bit Hesitant
“Yes Keiji” Hinata said as they looked in Akaashi's directions
Akaashi: “you said your name is Emma so am I right to Assume you were born A girl”
Hinata: “ sharp as always Keiji yes I was I still am i just wear a binder I haven’t had Surgery"
Kuroo: "Still scared of sharp objects sunshine then yet you are happy to use a bow and Arrows”
“STFU Ray and I actually I have some picture of the three of us as kids
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Bokuto:“My student looks cute right Akaashi”
Akaashi:“yes Bokuto they do”
“keiji I like that thank you I actually felt comfortable when you said they because you didn’t gender label me and i hadn't given myself any pronouns that made me feel better about myself so really thank you”
“so is that how you want to be addressed then They/them” kuroo asked
Hinata: “yes i actually makes me feel comfortable about my body and who i am and i can dress how i want thanks for the first time in forever I feel normal this means i can dress as a boy or a girl and not feel guilty besides my little crisis We really haven’t changed hahaha well maybe Pyro has a bit”
Bokuto chimes in with "why do you keep calling Kuroo pyro”?
Hinata: “ because Bokuto if it weren’t for me your Dumbass friend wouldn’t be alive he would be ashes because he tried to set himself on fire the suicidal manic”
Kuroo:“ Bug can you blame me living in that house learning the truth the place isn’t really an orphanage it’s a human farm finding one of you siblings dead in front of your fucking face it’s enough to drive anyone to end their lives so you become useless to the demons”
Hinata: “Fair point but when you were doing that did you think about me the kids did you think about Norman or was you going you own selfish way as normal”
Kuroo:“Sunshine I’m sorry I said sorry then and I’m still sorry now I love you forgive me”
Hinata: “Bite me bitch”
Norman says “Ray you do know what you did is still clearly sensitive to them you still have a lot of sucking up to do but bokuto-san I hope Emma answered your question also Yaku-san you look troubled are you okay”?
Yaku:“Okay I am learning about my boyfriend's,my captain and my best friends past you expect me to be okay how did you deal with all of this alone i mean seriously hasn’t left you traumatized”
Lev:“ Oh no it has it really has If we use Emma as a sample they can hide their feelings so you wouldn’t know if they were suffering the most suffer in silence yes they have little outbursts as you saw but they cover their suffering with sarcasm and sometimes mean comments Which reminds me Ray go and check on them”
Kuroo:“I’m going see ya later”
Lev:“you do know after training camp we are going back there right Emma did say that in their little rant right we have to finish what we started get the rest of the kids and end this once and for all”
Akaashi: “Me Yaku and Bokuto are coming too”
Lev: “Akaashi-San I would advise against coming to this place you know what I don’t think I can stop you can I”
“They all said No” fair enough i am going to check on emma she is mostly crying now see you guys in the morning
Before going back to gracefield house aka the so called orphanage and finishing what they started they decided to go to see their families and introduce themselves properly as the ultimate trio starting with Emma’s family
Their mother was CEO business woman she also was a single mother of 4 the eldest Tooru, the middle child Tobio, and the two youngest Natsu Emma walked in they usual sunshine attitude
Hinata: “Hey mommy hey brothers Hey Nii-Chan” brothers you already met and know each other mommy Nii-chan meet my childhood friends well minus Ray his my boyfriend"
Kuroo:“ouch you wound me love bug is that anyway to talk about you dear Ray Ray Sunshine"
Hinata *hits his chest lightly*
Hinata: ignoring him Anyway mommy we come from the same so called orphanage so we have the same past we are known as the Ultimate trio"
mrs Oikawa: " welcome hope you take care of my Shoyo”
Hinata: “Mom I swear we discussed this I am Trans and Gender fluid
Kuroo: “ well just an Idea if you family is okay with it before get to reason why we are here why don’t we just call you Sho”
Tobio:“ Hai works for us it makes them happy”
Sho quickly Kisses ray and say
Hinata: thanks for the idea Ray Ray now let's talk about why we are here we are going back to our plant we grow up
Tooru cut her off
Tooru: Imōto i don't want you going back there not alone and please you're my baby sister
Hinata: Ni chan i won't be alone i promise plus me and the boys have to finish what we started
I figured you would say that And I know some of our teams want to come to i know you wouldn't trust me and Kicked up a right fuss about it but we need to rescue the rest of the kids you know our story now brothers we can’t leave them there”
Tooru:“and we won’t Sho do you know how many plants their are”
Noman spoke up "you mean Minus the ones Ray and emma already burnt down then if I am not mistaken originally there was 19-20 plants the pyro couple burnt down 8 of them say 11-12 left now not to mention Ray still has a vendetta against mom our our orphanage mom Isabelle is Rays real mum thing is Sho really loved her looked up to her”
Kuroo: “don’t remind me I felt so betrayed when I found out the truth”
Sho pipes up and says in the sweetest voice that can make anyone fall to their knees
Hinata: "we have to go to your family next Ray Ray tell them more or less the same as my family reintroduce ourselves oh and Ray Ray would it kill you to smile a little for me for your sunshine please🥺🥺😚
Kuroo: “oh no not the the puppy eyes sunflower why why okay can we go to my parents now”
Sho: “We can bye bothers Natsu Ray Ray can I sleep in the car”
Kuroo“ sure sunshine looks like it’s going to be you and me Norman you know our friends including Sunshine’s siblings will want to come and fight with us at grace field house”
Lev:“figured that much and my sister will definitely want to and once she means Emma and learn there is more kids that are trapped and ready for the same fate as us she will most definitely be sharpening pitchforks even to kill mom “
Kuroo:“well let’s see how our family react we have a while before we get there so you can either sleep like Emma or we can stop for food and wake Emma up”
Lev: “let’s do that let’s stop at a fast food place wake sunshine up they always wants food”
After they got food they continued their journey even did some carpool karaoke it they arrived at Kuroo’s house he entered and Yelled "Mom Dad Y/N Nii chan I’m home”
Y/N: “in the living room Onii Chan did you need something”
Kuroo:“hey sister I brought some king lost friends over”
Y/n came over to Introduce herself only to see it was Shoyo and Lev
Y/N: “ Onii chan it Hinata and lev”
Kuroo: oh let's reintroduce ourselves maybe that will be a good place to start mom dad Sister my real name before you Adopted me Is Ray This is Emma aka sho my partner because they are trans and Norman aka Lev we are the grace Field kids the ultimate trio”
Y/N: “ I heard those names before they were the smartest kids they were the kids that escaped that awful orphanage with 15 others not before setting it on fire”
Kuroo: “ yeah that was us sister that is one of the other things we wanted to talk about we are going back to finish the job we started” “
Mrs Kuroo. oh hell no we are not letting you go back there”
Kuroo:“mom we won’t be going back alone the volleyball clubs will be joining Sho’s siblings will be coming”
Y/N: “ so will I Onii chan” “
Kuroo: "Nii chan you can’t it’s dangerous my real mom who ran that place is dangerous”
Y/N: “are you going to argue With me Tetsuro” “have you forgotten I’m older than you"
Hinata: "Ray you brat”
Sho slaps his shoulder then continued speaking
Hinata: “respect you sister she is still your sibling “
Kuroo looked down sheepishly and thought this felt familiar before saying
Kuroo: “sorry my sunshine”
Y/N: �� how did you bring my brother back in line”
Y/N asked hoping Hinata can teach her their ways
Lev: “ they have always been like this Y/N-chan you should have seen sho when Kuroo tried to set himself on fire they went completely nuts”
Kuroo:“Again Lev let that go that place was enough to drive anyone to end it all plus like I said Damaged good useless to demons”
Lev: “and like I said fair point but were you setting out to hurt sho that day”
“again like I said I was not thinking of you nor of sunshine or anyone now can we drop it anyways that’s what we came here to tell you before we go on to lev’s and basically tell them the same thing we are going back to put an end to grace field and HQ once and for all”.
So let’s time skip ⏭
The Ultimate Trio have just met Lev’s aka Norman family and reintroduced themselves like Emma and Ray before them told them they are going back to Gracefeild house and Lev’s sister Alisa said she is joining them she said
To which lev wanted to argue back and say she is not getting involved in the mess she said
Alisa: I am already involved plus you need to be equipped with better weapons this time round than they had the first time to escape
Which Mrs Haiba then said they Haiba family can provide anything they needed and also Alisa is stubborn if she says she is doing something she normally does it and she won’t take no for an answer Lev stood up and said
Lev:“okay we need to have a plan that won’t harm the kids yes their will be casualties hopefully none of them are any of the VB members or the kids
Hinata: the only people we want dead are the demons and Isabelle aka our mom although she lost the right to that name a long time ago and we are going to burn down every last stinking farm which will make Pyro here happy”
Kuroo:“yes it will make me happy I am sending that women to the deepest depths of hell I am fucking ecstatic oh and Alisa thanks for the extra artillery”
Alisa:“not at all let’s just pray it isn’t actually needed and if is needed let’s hope everyone is safely away
Hinata:Don’t worry Alisa me and Ray will make sure everyone is at a very very safe distance we know the escape route like the back of our hands so if you do use decide to use it we make sure we are far away but close enough to watch the “fireworks” and before you ask Ray you are not having the lighter fluid if we use lighter fluid Alisa me or Norman is in charge
Lev:greed we are not a suicidal maniac like you Our top priority is getting those kids We have to make sure they learn and know the tag strategy”
Alisa:“Hinata and Lev is right Kuroo the kids are the top priority is getting the kids and everyone else out and making sure they are safe before destroying the farm we’re not just trying to get justice for you guys but for all the kids that have been sacrificed because that’s technically what you were I just hope you and the others can manage it I’ve got a full-proof plan won’t blow up in your face”
Time skip ⏭ to the fight
they were heading back to gracefield Hinata was with the other kids trying to get them to safety Lev and a few of the volleyball boys were dealing with Isabelle and somehow Kuroo got hold of lighter fluid and matches Kuroo, drenched in lighter fluid and holding a lit match, faced Isabelle with a fiery determination. The tension in the air was palpable as everyone watched in anticipation. Isabelle, who had been manipulating their lives for so long, now stood on the precipice of her own downfall.
Kuroo spoke again, his voice filled with anger and retribution,
Kuroo: "Isabelle, you thought you could control us, manipulate us, and turn us into sacrifices for your demons. Well, here's a little lesson in karma."
With that, he dropped the lit match, and the flames quickly caught on the soaked ground, rapidly spreading throughout Gracefield House.
As the fire engulfed the building, the demons inside were in chaos, their food supply vanishing in flames. The children who had been held captive now had a chance at freedom, and they rushed to safety.
Meanwhile, Hinata had been successfully guiding the younger kids away from the danger. They couldn't help but look back at the burning orphanage, a mixture of emotions coursing through them. The place they had once called home had now become a symbol of their escape and revenge.
Back with Kuroo, Lev, and Isabelle, the flames continued to rage. Kuroo's anger was burning as brightly as the fire itself. Isabelle, once so composed and in control, was now trembling in the face of her own demise.
Lev couldn't bear to watch any longer. He turned away from the flames and rushed to join Hinata, leaving Kuroo and Isabelle behind. He knew that their mission was complete, and it was time to ensure the safety of the other children.
Kuroo, standing amidst the roaring flames, felt a strange mix of satisfaction and emptiness. The burning orphanage was a cathartic release, a symbol of their liberation, and a punishment for the woman who had orchestrated their suffering. But as the fire danced and crackled around him, he couldn't help but think of the past, the friends they had lost, and the scars they would carry forever.
Once the flames had consumed Gracefield House and the immediate danger had passed, Kuroo rejoined Hinata and Lev, and the three of them worked together to ensure the children were safe and comforted. It was a bittersweet victory, as they knew the fight against the demons wasn't over, but for now, they had achieved a significant step toward justice and freedom.
As they looked at the children they had saved and those they would still need to rescue, they knew that the ultimate trio had become more than just a symbol of their intelligence and resourcefulness. They were now a beacon of hope for all the children who had suffered in the orphanages. Emma, Ray, and Norman, or rather, Hinata, Kuroo, and Lev, were determined to make sure no child would ever experience the horrors of Gracefield House again
With Gracefield House reduced to smoldering ruins and the children safe for the moment, the ultimate trio – Hinata, Kuroo, and Lev – had to regroup and plan their next steps. They knew that their mission was far from over. The demons and the system that had allowed these atrocities to continue still existed, and they needed to be stopped.
As the sun began to set, casting an eerie orange glow over the burnt remains of Gracefield House, the group gathered to discuss their plan of action. Alisa, Lev's sister, and her team had provided additional weaponry and support, but they needed a clear strategy to confront the demon hierarchy and put an end to the human farms.
Hinata, Kuroo, and Lev shared the information they had gathered over the years about the demons and their operations. They knew that the demon world was not a monolithic entity, and there were factions among the demons as well. They decided to exploit these divisions, hoping that it would weaken the demons' power and make them more vulnerable.
Their plan was twofold: first, they would gather as much information about the demons as possible, aiming to identify key figures and the locations of other human farms. Second, they would reach out to any sympathetic demons or potential allies within the demon society who might help them from the inside.
Alisa and her team agreed to assist in the information-gathering aspect of the plan. They would infiltrate demon society as much as possible, posing as traders or spies, and try to learn about the various demon factions and power structures. Hinata, Kuroo, and Lev, along with some of the rescued children who had special talents, would focus on finding the remaining human farms and gathering evidence against the demons.
As they embarked on their journey, their group expanded. Other siblings from the orphanage joined them, each with their own unique skills, making their team more versatile and formidable. Together, they ventured into the unknown, determined to put an end to the horrors they had experienced and to secure the safety of all the children who remained trapped.
The days turned into weeks, and the group moved stealthily through the demon world, facing numerous challenges and close calls. They encountered demons who were openly hostile and others who showed curiosity about the human world. In one instance, they discovered a faction of demons who had reservations about the human farms and were willing to cooperate.
As time went on, they managed to gather more information about the demons, their hierarchies, and the locations of human farms. They also made contact with other demons sympathetic to their cause, who shared their belief in ending the cruelty of the human farms.
It was during one such meeting with sympathetic demons that they heard of a powerful figure, a queen among the demons, who was rumored to have a particular interest in the human farms. This queen was known for her cruelty but was also seen as a potential target. If they could reach her, they might have a chance to strike a significant blow against the demons' control over the human farms.
The ultimate trio and their allies knew they had a long and treacherous journey ahead. But their determination to bring justice and freedom to the oppressed children was unwavering. The time for retribution was drawing near, and the battle against the demons was about to reach its climax.
The group continued their journey deeper into the demon world, making allies and gathering crucial information along the way. They knew that their ultimate goal was to confront the powerful queen among the demons who had a vested interest in the human farms. She was the key to dismantling the system that had plagued them for so long.
With each new piece of information, the group felt a growing sense of urgency. They uncovered the locations of several more human farms, and thanks to the efforts of Alisa and her team, they learned about the internal politics of the demon society.
Hinata, Kuroo, and Lev made contact with sympathetic demons who were willing to help them. These demons saw the cruelty of their society and were willing to provide inside information on the queen's activities and whereabouts. It became clear that the queen's involvement in the human farms was driven by her desire for power, and there were demon factions who resented her for it.
As they closed in on the queen's location, the group decided to reach out to these disgruntled demon factions. They believed that a coordinated effort from within the demon society, combined with their own determination and newfound allies, would be the best chance to bring down the queen and disrupt the human farms.
The group's strategy was to create chaos within the demon hierarchy, sparking conflict between the queen and rival demon factions. They would gather evidence of the queen's cruelty and crimes, which could be used to turn her own people against her. By sowing discord, they hoped to weaken her power base.
The plan was set in motion, with the group and their allies infiltrating different demon factions to spread rumors and incite rivalries. They carefully gathered information that could be used as leverage, all while maintaining their own safety. The goal was to create a climate of distrust and suspicion among the demons.
Meanwhile, Hinata, Kuroo, and Lev continued to search for the queen's exact location. They knew that confronting her would be a dangerous endeavor, but it was a risk they were willing to take for the sake of the children who were still suffering in the human farms.
Eventually, the group's efforts paid off. They received a tip from a sympathetic demon about the queen's whereabouts. She was known to reside in a secluded palace, protected by loyal followers. The group knew that a direct confrontation would be risky, but they had no other choice.
With a carefully devised plan, they set out for the palace. Their allies within the demon factions provided support, helping them navigate the palace's defenses and security measures. The final showdown was imminent, and the ultimate trio, along with their allies, was ready to face the queen and bring an end to the demons' tyranny over the human farms.
The fate of the oppressed children and the outcome of their mission rested on their ability to outmaneuver the queen and her loyal followers. The battle that was about to unfold would be their most challenging yet, but they were driven by a fierce determination to secure a brighter future for all the children who had suffered in the shadows of the demon world.
The group had reached the palace, and the tension was palpable. The ultimate trio, along with their allies from the demon factions, had a clear plan in mind to confront the queen and expose her crimes. They knew that the stakes were incredibly high, and there was no turning back now.
As they infiltrated the palace grounds, they encountered the queen's loyal followers, fierce demons who were prepared to protect her at all costs. The battle that ensued was intense, with spells, weapons, and cunning tactics clashing in the grand hallways and ornate chambers of the palace.
Hinata, Kuroo, and Lev showed their true strengths in the heat of the confrontation. Their unique skills, honed by years of survival and planning, made a difference in the battle. The demon factions that had allied with them fought valiantly, driven by their own grievances against the queen and the system she represented.
The group's mission was twofold: to defeat the queen and to ensure that they gathered enough evidence of her crimes. The hope was that by exposing her tyranny, they could sway the remaining loyalists to their side and dismantle the human farms for good.
The queen, aware of the threat the intruders posed, made her stand in the heart of the palace. She wielded formidable dark magic and commanded her loyal followers to protect her. The battle was fierce, and the group faced moments of desperation, but their determination to end the suffering of the children kept them going.
During the battle, Hinata, with his exceptional agility and strategic thinking, managed to get close to the queen. He confronted her directly, demanding answers for the atrocities she had committed against the children. The queen, driven by a desire for power, was unrepentant and defiant.
But as the battle raged on, and the evidence of her crimes became undeniable, the tide began to turn. The loyalist demons, witnessing the queen's cruelty and the determination of the group, started to question their loyalty. Some switched sides, adding to the growing numbers against the queen.
As the loyalist demons turned against her, the queen found herself isolated and vulnerable. She launched a desperate final assault, but the combined efforts of Hinata, Kuroo, Lev, and their allies overwhelmed her. With the queen's defeat, the group secured the evidence they needed to expose her crimes.
With the queen incapacitated, the battle came to an end. The group gathered the evidence they had collected and prepared to leave the palace. But their mission was not complete. They knew that the fight to end the human farms and free all the captive children was far from over.
As they regrouped outside the palace, the ultimate trio and their allies prepared to confront the remaining loyalist demons and dismantle the human farms. The evidence they had gathered would be their most potent weapon in this next phase of the battle. The children who had suffered for so long depended on them, and they were determined to see their mission through to the end.
The fight was far from finished, but for the first time, they had the upper hand. The demons' hierarchy was in disarray, and their grip on the human farms was weakening. The ultimate trio's journey had brought them to this pivotal moment, where they had a real chance to bring justice and freedom to the children who had been oppressed for far too long.
With the queen defeated and evidence of her crimes in their possession, the ultimate trio and their allies regrouped outside the palace. They knew that their mission was far from over, as dismantling the human farms and ensuring the safety of all captive children was their ultimate goal.
The group faced a new challenge in dealing with the remaining loyalist demons who were still loyal to the queen. The evidence they had collected would play a crucial role in turning these demons against her and dismantling the human farm system.
The ultimate trio, along with their allies from the demon factions, began a campaign to reveal the truth about the queen's atrocities. They distributed the evidence to key demon leaders and power-brokers who were disenchanted with the queen's rule. The tide started to turn as the disgruntled demons realized the extent of the queen's cruelty.
Demon factions that had been enemies began to unite against the queen, forming a coalition aimed at dismantling the human farms and challenging her authority. The group's allies played a crucial role in navigating the complex politics of the demon world and rallying support against the queen.
As the coalition grew stronger, the ultimate trio and their allies prepared for the final assault on the human farms. They had learned the layout of the farms from the evidence they had gathered, and they developed a detailed plan to liberate the captive children.
The group, armed with their newfound allies and a sense of purpose, infiltrated the human farms with precision and stealth. Their goal was to free every child, ensuring their safety and a chance for a better future.
As they moved deeper into the farms, they encountered horrific conditions, with children living in fear and despair. The ultimate trio's message of hope and liberation inspired these children to rise up and fight for their freedom.
The liberation of the farms was a complex and dangerous operation, as they had to navigate through demon guards and traps set by the loyalist demons. However, the group's strategic thinking and determination prevailed, and they successfully freed child after child, bringing them into the fold of the growing coalition.
The liberated children, now empowered by the group's example, joined the fight against the remaining loyalist demons. The battle within the farms raged on, but the coalition's numbers continued to grow as more and more demons turned against the queen.
The climax of the battle came when the ultimate trio and their allies confronted the remaining loyalist demons and the queen's inner circle. The final showdown was a fierce and emotional battle, as the group fought not only for their own freedom but for the freedom of all the captive children.
The queen, aware of her impending defeat, attempted to use her dark magic one last time, but she was overpowered by the combined forces of the coalition. As the queen fell, her loyalist demons were left in shock, and some chose to surrender, realizing that the queen's reign had come to an end.
With the queen defeated and the human farms liberated, the ultimate trio and their allies had achieved a victory that had once seemed impossible. The children who had suffered for so long were finally free, and the demon world was forever changed.
The group's mission was a success, and they had dismantled the cruel system that had enslaved them for years. They returned to the human world with the liberated children, where they could finally live in peace and safety, away from the shadows of the demon world.
The ultimate trio, Hinata, Kuroo, and Lev, had fulfilled their promise to protect and save their fellow children, and in doing so, they had brought about a brighter future for all. Their journey had been long and challenging, but their determination and courage had prevailed, proving that even in the darkest of circumstances, hope and justice could triumph.
The ultimate trio, Hinata, Kuroo, and Lev, stood together with the liberated children, their faces marked by the trials they had endured. The weight of their shared experiences, sacrifices, and victories hung in the air. It was a moment of profound relief and realization of their hard-fought success.
As they gazed at the horizon, the group knew that their journey was far from over. The world was forever changed by their actions, but there were still many challenges ahead. Reintegrating the liberated children into the human world and helping them heal from the trauma of their captivity was a priority. The ultimate trio, now heroes of their own story, pledged to support and guide the children on their path to recovery.
The demon world, too, was left in a state of upheaval and transformation. The coalition of demons who had turned against the queen faced the daunting task of establishing a new order that would ensure peace and equality among their kind. The ultimate trio offered their assistance, knowing that their unique perspective could help bridge the gap between humans and demons.
Back in the human world, the ultimate trio found themselves returning to their daily lives. They continued their studies, volleyball practice, and the pursuit of their dreams, but with a newfound sense of purpose. Their bond, forged through years of adversity, remained unbreakable.
In the end, the ultimate trio's story was one of resilience, hope, and the enduring power of friendship. They had faced unimaginable challenges, but they had also discovered their own strength and the capacity to change the world for the better. Their journey had left an indelible mark on both the human and demon worlds, a testament to the unyielding spirit of those who refused to accept a dark fate.
And so, the ultimate trio continued to write their story, one chapter at a time, embarking on new adventures, facing new challenges, and making the most of the second chance they had fought so hard to achieve. They knew that the future held uncertainty, but they faced it with unwavering determination and the belief that together, they could overcome anything.
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tender-rosiey · 2 years
𝐓𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐖 | gojo x f!reader
| pt 2 | - | pt 3 | — [SERIES MASTERLIST]
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ᴀ/ɴ: by popular demand, a part two has been delivered and I am thinking of making a part three, but who knows; it does depend on y’all in the end <3 I had fun with this honestly 👁🫦👁
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safe to say, after your last interaction with gojo: the two of you didn’t talk. you were happy with that, so happy. you were finally freed from the shackles of that suffocating marriage, and you thank god that you didn’t go through with the ceremony.
your hand felt a lot lighter too. now, there was nothing holding you back from thriving and making the most out of everything. consequently, after multiple successful missions, the higher-ups have decided to assign you a mission that was rather high in level.
you had faith in yourself, considering the information provided about the curse. you were also told that you will be with multiple other sorcerers so things can go smoother. you didn’t object, considering how even if paired up with someone: it would never be gojo.
you were in kyoto, and with him being in tokyo, it was quite impossible. not to mention, that almost everyone knows the past you two have had.
the mission was going rather comfortably, and easily. the curse’s traces have been found and your group had followed it and found it. now, what’s left is to exorcise it. should be easy, right? you did read that its abilities can be nullified by yours and that overpowering it was guaranteed.
wrong, so wrong. those fuckers mixed up papers and now you were facing a curse that quite literally is your natural enemy. you were a nice person, never liking to cause people harm; however, considering your situation, no one would blame you for cursing those geezers to the moon and back.
holding onto the hope of help coming before you were dealt with was rather naïve in your line of work, though you only wish it will actually happen. as you run to take cover, you hear a loud gruesome screech and sounds of smashing and breaking. after that, your ears are met with nothing but silence.
“I never thought that you would be able to deal damage to that, since you are pretty weak and it’s your natural enemy and all, you know.”
of all people, the person you dreaded the most, someone whose voice became like chalk being dragged roughly across a board to you, and someone you have obviously come to hate.
“are you done with your inner monologue?” he rubs his neck, and cracks it, “egoistical people are so tiring, ugh.”
you mumble, “tell yourself that.”
“I heard that.”
“good, now out of my sight,” you stand up, completely forgetting why you were taking cover; you had rather—noticeable injuries. gojo eyed your figure up and down.
he takes a hold of your wrist, “you can’t move like that,” you quirk your eyebrow at him, and walk a few steps proving him wrong. “y/n, you know what I mean,” he sighs. for some reason, he can’t handle when you, out of everyone else who has given him attitude, do so.
he couldn’t blame you though, after his realization he stopped, neither of you were to blame for the engagement or planned marriage. both of you didn’t want it, yet he went on with being an asshole and hurt and disrespected you.
“leave me alone, gojo; i am sure someone else will come and help me like a gentleman,” you say leaning onto a wall.
the man in question just ruffles his hair, “well, too bad, sweetheart. I am the only person and gentleman you will be seeing for quite sometime,” he announces while leaning on the wall opposite to yours.
you slowly lift your head up, tilting to the side, “what do you mean?”
a grin makes into gojo’s face and he takes a few steps towards you before leaning down, “they told you that you were going to be partnered with someone for the upcoming 2 months, right?”
you refused to believe it, no way, absolutely no way, “OVER MY FUCKING DEAD BODY!”
“woah, calm down, sugar; it wasn’t my choice either,” he proclaimed, “its their way of saying: both of you should start getting along.”
you take a sharp breath in before letting it out, “with all the respect I can nitpick,”
“shut up; gojo, I can’t physically nor mentally work with you,” you conclude.
silence engulfs the atmosphere for a moment, “I figured as much, still hate me?”
“very much so.”
he puts his hand on his chin, to emphasize that he is in his “thinking” state, which never ends well. “so how about—“
“sweetie, didn’t anyone teach you to not interrupt someone when they are talking?” he asks and you only roll your eyes, letting him continue, “how about you let me make everything up to you now? for the two coming months, I will prove to you that I am worth your trust, sounds good?”
“suggestion denied.”
he huffs, “thought so,” a pout settles onto his glossy lips, wait glossy? moving on, he speaks again, with a rather more serious tone, “I know I was an asshole, a bitch, and frankly an awful man.”
“still could be, but okay.”
“can you just listen to me until the end?” he retorts and resumes “I want to make up for everything I have done; if I can’t make you at least like me as friend then I don’t want to be someone your unfiltered hatred is direct to.”
you wait a moment, in case he wants to say something, but when met with silence, you answer “why now? and do you think that money will just make all what happened disappear?”
he places his hand on your shoulder, “I am not trying to win you over by money or gifts; I never thought of you like that. I know you are more than I used to give you credit for. you are weak, but you try.”
you punch him in the stomach, and you find that his infinity isn’t on, but he doesn’t as much as flinch, “y/n, I don’t want to be the person that your eyes burn with hatred when they see them. if I can’t be someone who you can care about then let it be neutral.”
you cross your arms, “you didn’t answer my question: why now?”
he takes a deep breath, “I thought about everything that happened between us; I know you think that I never paid attention to you, but I did. to the point, I though I was going crazy. before you interrupt, yes I was seeing other women, but for some reason you still weren’t out of my mind.”
“liar,” you sneer, “you told me that I was the last thing on your mind. you always voiced it out too. stop lying, haven’t you done enough already?”
he sighs, hand making its way to your waist; he knows he is risking it, but his heart has decided for a while before his mind did: he wanted you. he hugs you, his touch barely there, “let me try at least; try waiting for me a bit. I swear that I will make it worth it.”
maybe yes, his mind was distracted, but at the end, the person who he kept thinking about in his dreams was you.
before you could protest and drop kick him like a child, he continues, “I know; I have been awful to you.” he pulls back and loudly says with his hand on his forehead, dramatic antics coming back “would you please grace me with your forgiveness and give me a chance to fix things, oh dear gorgeous y/n?”
his other hand is extended to you, you were contemplating whether to bite it or not, but you were thinking, maybe it won’t hurt to see what he will do. if no progress can be seen with him, then at least you would be spoiled, and who would say no that?
the moment your hand makes contact with his, he beams, before kissing it gently and running off like a child in a sugar rush, “wait when it strikes 4pm tomorrow! we have a long day!”
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-2 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @bakugossanity @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @luciferspen @fiona782 @kisakitwister
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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onlylovingstrangers · 2 years
Castles in the Air
Your best friend crawled into bed, settled next to you comfortably, and flipped open his switch. The opening melody of a familiar game broke your comfortable silence.
The two of you stayed like that, wordlessly, for a while.
You and Kozume Kenma had occupied the same space for so long that your remembered experience of life was always with an extra set of limbs, and something felt incomplete when you drifted into slumber without the rise and fall of his soft breaths. You didn't know how you were going to cope with the fact that in a week—
"Penny for your thoughts."
"They're worth more than that."
He set down the device gently. "You're thinking really loudly."
You didn't know how you'd cope with the fact that in a week, 7000 miles would separate the two of you, when 0.7 miles had been the most you ever lived apart.
"I don't want to go," you admitted.
You were leaving for fashion school, in New York, a burning desire of yours ever since you and Kenma found a way to watch bootleg American movies on his dad's computer and stumbled upon The Devil Wears Prada.
He was staying behind to attend Tokyo U, where he'd no doubt cruise through life easily.
"This is your dream," Kenma reminded you.
"I didn't know my dream would cost me...," you. No, that's too gross to say out loud. "So much. Otherwise..."
"Otherwise what? Otherwise you would've given up?"
The sad truth was, there had always been a distance between the two of you, and you were afraid that when you left that gap would become insurmountable.
Kenma went through life easily. He was antisocial, but surrounded by people who cared deeply about him. He was a coach potato, but excelled at volleyball when he joined the team. Recently, he had set up a YouTube channel to stream his games, and it'd been blowing up, growing exponentially in subscribers and engagement. Success was guaranteed for his future. You, on the other hand, were always doing all you could to catch up.
Of course you were happy for him; you had been from the start. You just weren't so naive to think you two could share the same struggles and successes forever.
Kenma's question lingered in the air. "Who knows?" you shrugged.
He paused.
"Don't say anything sappy."
"You know I'll always support you—"
"Aaaaargh, I'm dying," you moaned. "I get it. Thanks. No more."
He smiled, picking up his switch. "You're so dramatic. I was going to say something nice."
"Save it. Next thing I know we're going to start saying 'I love you's."
"Oh, you didn't know? That I lo—"
"Stoooop!" His quiet chuckle vibrated through you. "Too cheesy." You closed your eyes. Above your head, the video game soundtrack resumed.
Right before you fell asleep, Kenma whispered your name.
"We're... gonna be together forever, okay?"
"Obviously," you mumbled, or at least you thought you do. Seconds later you were asleep.
The next few days took on a dreamlike sequence. You only felt as though you'd finally awakened when your plane landed on the other side of the world.
It's been years since you've stepped into your hometown — 10 years, to be exact. The realization hits you like a sack of bricks.
"That's crazy," you murmur, mostly to yourself, but your guide hears you anyway, cocking his head curiously.
"I can't believe it's been 10 years since I left," you clarify.
"Yeah. Left and never came back," Kenma ribs.
"Oh, this again? You've had plenty of time to get over it."
"Tokyo just isn't the same without you."
"You know how happy I am in New York! You should be visiting way more often, that's one thing I could get on your case about, but I never do. Because I'm nice."
You grew up in Japan but in America you became an adult. You had gone from being a broke, friendless foreign student to a successful, outgoing business owner. You've found friends, filed taxes, and made enough that you can fly your family out whenever, from wherever to see you. In New York, you thrive, and that's more than enough of a reason to call it home in your book.
"I've visited you like fifty times over the past decade. How many times have you visited me?"
The two of you walk in silence for a little bit before you finally cave. "Okay, you're right."
Kenma is not done being self-righteous yet. "If I don't come see you, I bet you'd forget about me."
"Now that's not true," you declare. "You're my most important friend."
He's hiding his emotions but you can tell he's pleased. You think so anyways.
Actually you're not sure if that's a hundred percent true.
When you lived in Tokyo, you didn't really have any friends other than Kenma. Since moving to New York your social calendar has filled up like never before. You've learned to embrace strangers and share makeup with friends.
But Kenma is your oldest friend, that in itself holds gravity.
And also...
"So tell your most important friend why you're finally back."
There's a bit of pep in Kenma's step, a little sass in his monotone, so you can tell he's cheered up after your argument. You're not sure how he'll react to your answer to his question, and you're a mature grown adult, so obviously you switch the subject as fast as possible. After all, you don't want to rock the boat. "You're paler than last time, Kenma."
He rolls his eyes. "Funny."
"Do you cosplay now? Vampires, maybe?"
"Hilarious. You and my mother should start a two man comedy act. Oh, and Kuroo."
"I should've known. When you came over all you wanted to do was stay in and order McDonald's"."
"That's because the portions are so big," he defends himself. "I was motivated purely by my scientific mind."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. I ask questions and observe the world. That burger is definitely an abnormality."
"You're an abnormality."
"You're an... you being here is an abnormality."
"I grew up here!"
"Not for the past ten years you didn't."
"Okay," you laugh. "Well, in that case, expect more visits from me in the future—"
"It's nice to have you back." Kenma says so quickly and forcefully, you're unsure for a moment whether you imagined it.
His awkward posture betrays honesty, endearing him. You hook your arm around his.
"That feels good to hear."
"Tell me why you're here though, for real."
You bite your lip.
You wanted your parents to be the first to know, but Kenma's — Kenma's practically family. When you were younger, you thought he was going to be your future husband, no questions asked.
"Promise not to flip out?" you ask, almost shyly.
"I knew it had to be some crazy shit—"
"I'm getting married."
Kenma blinks.
Then blinks again.
He blinks and watches as your anticipatory expression tightens, as your eyes narrow, and your mouth opens, and you say: "Don't believe me? See for yourself!" and your right hand is coming up and on the fourth finger — how could he have missed it — shines a delicate but diligently bright gemstone.
How could he have missed it? Truly. Now you're laughing, mistaking his speechlessness for shock.
"I know. I know what you're going to say! I've only met this guy for like a year, but he's Japanese — funny story, he played volleyball too — in Miyagi — his school was called Aoba Johsai — and he's a sports trainer now. I met him at the gym, literally ran into him, and from the start I liked him. I really like him, Kenma. I... love him. I can't believe he likes, and loves, me too. Kenma, you have no idea how badly I wanted to tell you the whole time. I swear it was killing me inside... Kenma?"
Since he met you, Kenma has been tending this secret garden, to which only you have the key. It's buried deep within himself, but he visits everyday.
This is a place where nobody is allowed access, a place that nothing is allowed to touch. Not the fame, not the money, not his closest friends, not the confidantes he trusts most. In fact — the success, the people around him — they were all to nourish this place. They were all to ensure your future happiness by his side.
If you're not there, what was all of this for?
He had asked, "We're... gonna be together forever, okay?"
And you had answered: "Obviously."
"Are you mad I didn't tell you sooner?" you say now, softly.
"No, of course not," Kenma wants to say.
What comes out is: "I thought it was going to be us."
"O- oh."
Your expression tells him all he needs to know.
"You know, we always talked about it, as kids," Kenma attempts to salvage the conversation, lamely.
Luckily, you cotton on to the idea. "Oh, that's what you meant! I remember! We were so silly then, building castles in the air. I made you kiss me to make it official, remember?"
Kenma turns so you can't see his expression. When did you become so easy to fool? You used to read him like a book.
A quick tear glints and flashes, but he is quick to swipe it away, face an impassive mask once more. All those years in front of the camera finally came to use.
"Yeah," Kenma chuckles. "I remember."
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
If it isn't too much could you please do a similar one of this one of a secret admire giving better gift to the yanderes f!darling with Sebastian and Joker [Black Butler] Levi and Eren [Attack on Titan] Shuu Tsukiyama and Ken Kaneki [Tokyo Ghoul] Tamaki Amajiki [MHA] Please and thank you for the yummy writing my heart appreciates your work. I'm grateful to have a writer like you in this app! 🥰🤗💗
😊. Thank you, honey. I went with the scenarios where in one the Yandere is only a friend/acquaintance and in the other they're already together with the darling. Any minor characters are aged up in here.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, manipulation, paranoia, sabotage, threatening, intimidation, kidnapping, killing
Secret admirer
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛I am having a hard time figuring out how better gifts with him are really possible for multiple reasons. Sebastian has himself so well informed about what his darling is into and what her favorites are and he has memorized it down perfectly. Surely his gifts aren't always very flashy since he likes making them himself rather than somehow obtaining them through different ways, but they're always thoughtful, pretty and the whole action is really sweet itself.
🐈‍⬛He might be a creature of darkness, but nothing will really stop him from pampering the s/o and being really doting on her once he has what his greedy nature desires, her affection and love. Look at it the one or another way, he thrives of it the moment you return his love and it manages to even make a demon like him putty in your hands. Knowing that you're happy with him and only love him is his whole pride and even he, someone who likes playing games, will stop playing around the moment someone tries to ruin him this.
🐈‍⬛Looking on how he would very early on start making friends with you the moment he recognized you as his mate, he might already be a familiar acquaintance or already a good friend of yours. And since he makes him look so incredibly trustworthy, you're bound to start gushing about the sudden gifts you started receiving from a mysterious person, all of them very cute and some even pretty expensive, beyond what you could effort.
🐈‍⬛It'll look honestly fine for the darling, Sebastian just smiling and congratulating her, asking if she has any clues on who might have done it. On the inside it is something else, irritation rising inside of him. It's only slight at first, but if his s/o happens to simply not shut up about how cool this person is and that she would love to meet him, his smile seems more and more forced. But that'll change very quickly and for that the other person will have to stop as well. The demon will take matter in his hands, he can't have someone else courting the s/o.
🐈‍⬛I see him as someone who would simply keep you most of the times inside the small cottage he prepared for you the moment he takes you for himself. Keyword is most of the times, he feels generous enough to let you out the moment he believes that he can trust you. He'll probably take you at one point to the Phantomhive manor since Ciel will figure somehow out that his butler has his own private love life and for that would want to know who the heck managed to make a demon fall in love with them.
🐈‍⬛These walks outside are of course not only limited to one place, if there seems to be a place where the s/o likes to go, Sebastian will eventually take her as well. So this means the gift of the secret admirer will be honestly only a one time because the moment Sebastian gets to see it, he'll already find excuses to leave this place, taking the present away from you and soothing your protests by promising to do something else later. There is only the slightest look of displeasure on his face. How pathetic, daring to court on you when you're already his entirely.
🐈‍⬛Even if this all is only a minor thorn in his eyes, it is one he will take care of either way, no matter if he's only a friend or already your partner. It is in a really pitiful way amusing for him to think that someone even thought they could possibly compete with him, he will always be able to surpass humans in regards of charming someone. It will be a piece of cake for him to find the person who dared to try to hit on you and threatening him and showing him a bit of his true form should already be enough to make them stay away for good.
🐈‍⬛I see him handling this a bit different according to the situation, but he will want to get rid of the gifts someone with romantic interest sent you and he'll do it. He'll throw it away like it is nothing at all and definitely plans on letting you forget very quickly about that person. As a friend he'll use your sadness about not only the presents suddenly having disappeared, but also any trace of the person who send them to comfort you and shortly after start showing his own interest in you as well. If we're talking about him already being in a relationship with you, he might become more indignant if you continue wasting time on that guy since he should have shown you by now multiple times that no one can make you as happy and content as he can. And he'll glady prove that to you once again.
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🤡As part of the circus, Joker constantly moves from one place to the next so for him to even get to know the s/o good enough, he would have to spend a lot of time with her or, what I believe to be more likely in here, she's a member of the circus herself. Joker doesn't have a lot of money and he knows that as well, but he tries so much to make his darling happy and to never let her find out what he really does.
🤡He couldn't handle the look in her eyes if it would become reality. He does still quite a few things to please you and cheer you up when you happen to be in a bad mood. He gifts you flowers, performs magic tricks to make you laugh and also looks that every once in a while he gets someone to cook you your favorite food. He actually also prefers to make gifts and presents himself since he believes it to be much more meaningful than just gifting something that you can just buy somewhere. He had to live without money when he used to be younger after all.
🤡Even if he still isn't the partner of the s/o yet, he finds out the one or another way. He makes it somewhat clear that he cares since he often searches for your company and talk to you about performances that are coming up and how you're doing in the circus so far. So it's either that he finds out through you yourself who has to tell someone that you've attracted the attention of someone or through the talking of others since such a thing as a secret admirer won't stay a secret in the circus.
🤡He has a bit of a harder time to hide the bitterness he feels upon hearing this, feeling much more threatened since he doesn't have the resources Sebastian has. But he has no other choice, but to play happy for now and asking if he could see the gift. And the moment he sees it, appearing to be worth more than he had ever in his entire childhood, he will realize how much of a threat this person can be. Someone with money is able to give you a good life and later that evening he'll let his frustration out in front of the others, wanting them to find out who this person is.
🤡It won't be really better if he has already managed to lure you in and make you fall in love, he'll still feel like he has to throw up when you show him what has been left for you, a present with something really expensive inside of it. I see chances of this person being a member of the circus smaller since Joker sets a point by showing everyone else to stay away from you. So it has to be someone who was a guest since such persons have the money needed to buy something like this.
🤡This might of course mean that as soon as the circus moves to the next place, the person will be gone. But this still manages to throw Joker out of his calm acting, still viewing them as a threat and suddenly grabbing your hand in a tight grip, afraid you'll feel tempted to leave and hope for a better life with money and all he will never be ale to give you. But this isn't all that worries him. Even if the person will stay in here when the circus continues traveling, what if others will fall for you as well when seeing your performance?
🤡He probably wouldn't have as much worries if the other person would be just someone who lives in the circus as well since Joker is still the ring leader and for that could simply give them a warning to stay away and they would listen. If that would be the case, he would most likely hold some sort of grudge against them, though he wouldn't show it too openly. But he can not do that that simply if the person is someone who is a spectator and so much less if they're rich since they might have connections which would threaten the circus.
🤡Pressure gets to him one or another way and he will make it his goal to move away from this place as quickly as possible, no matter if he is already in a relationship or not. If you never get to see the admirer and they never know where you will travel as well, the problem should be solved and he will not allow you at all to stay and find out their identity. He'll just come up with some sort of excuse to why you suddenly have to move so abruptly. The fear that the same will happen again if someone else falls in love upon seeing your performance will stay prominent on his mind and might lead him even as far as not letting you perform for a while. He'll monopolize your time more as well and afterwards he seems to have grown more warily if you grow too close to someone outside of the circus.
Eren Yeager
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👊It depends quite a bit on whether we’re talking about Season 4 Eren or the Season 1-3 Eren since they differ severely with their reaction. Personally feel like younger Eren might just be the one who would be much more eager to often do things for his s/o in order to impress them and show her that he loves her since her happiness is for him much more important. He might not have the money needed, but he’ll do all her tasks and is ready to give up food for her due to the shortage of it.
👊There are still small presents, flowers he picked somewhere or other pretty and cute things he always gifts you with a grin on his face. An older Eren puts safety before happiness even if you don’t appear to be happy with it and is generally more stern and strict, believing to do everything for your own protection. Even if you don’t realize it yet. He isn’t as spoiling as his younger self is simply because he thinks if you don’t behave, you don’t deserve to receive presents.
👊Rip the ears of the people who were near him when he heard from others that apparently someone was trying to make you pretty eyes by leaving something for you, a present showing that a lot of money was invested and that there might be more to come. He is known for being impulsive and before his friends can stop him he is already storming over to you, wanting to see for himself. And it is such a cheap trick, giving you something that normal people could never effort.
👊You can’t fall for such dirty tricks! Eren is just outraged, wanting nothing more to do than ripping whatever you got to shreds and stomping on it. A season 4 Eren might appear to be calmer and he probably even is, though he as well feels irked by knowing that you have another one pinning after you. It’ll only become worse if you seem to like the present and want to use it in which case he will feel jealous and bitter and start saying some rather mean stuff to you in order to discourage you. He just wants to stop you looking so happy.
👊The younger version of him who is already your boyfriend will literally just rip the gift out of your hand and do something, possibly burn it so he has never to see it again. It you believe he was already pissed if he is merely a friend than things are about to get even worse. How dare they?! Are they blind to see that both of you are in love with each other?! He has honestly such a hard time calming down now, he is boiling and desperately thinking about who could have done it.
👊Was it horse face?! Someone he knows?! Whoever is the culprit, they better don’t dare to do it again if they want to trigger him even more. If we’re talking about his older self, he’ll just stare with a very creepy look at the gift, asking calmly yet threateningly to hand the sign of admiration over, looking at it for a bit before simply throwing it away. He won’t mention it again and whenever you try to talk with him about it, you’ll be shot a sharp glare as well. It’s still obvious that it bothers him from the way he grows more possessive afterwards.
👊Whilst a younger Eren would want to solve this problem at first alone, he is still not above asking Armin and Mikasa for help to spy and discover who dared to try to make a move on you like this. And he simply won’t rest until he has the face and the name and if this all continues, he grows more and more enraged. Courting on you if he hasn’t confessed yet is one thing, though he can not hide his feelings for you very well. But doing this if you agreed to be with him is another thing that has him do much more angry. Does this person think that he is easy?!
👊Oh, they better be prepared because as soon as Eren discovers with the help of his childhood friends their real identity, he’ll storm over to them and start yelling his head off. Doesn’t matter who they are, he’ll spit out all threats to stay away from you and if they aren’t careful, he might throw fists if Mikasa doesn’t stop him. A grownup Eren will rather solve this all alone since he can think more calmly than the boy from the past and he has the Yeagerists helping him as well. He takes a different approach to all of this simply because he won’t tell or start a physical fight, instead he’ll threaten the other person in a deadly calm way to better stay away from you. One warning. He feels more needy for attention afterwards.
Levi Ackerman
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⚔️Do not underestimate the efforts this man puts in to make his love happy since he knows he isn’t experienced with relationships and his reputation doesn’t help either. Levi has gone through too much already so his darling is his biggest source of happiness he has currently. For that he cherishes her a lot. He might prefer quality time over presents and he enjoys time he can spend with the s/o, be that both of them tidying the house together, cooking or simply having a cup of tea together.
⚔️It helps him feeling better after a terrible day and lifts always his mood. Additionally Levi discovers his talent as a house husband who gladly does all the cleaning and tasks in the house when he has free time and cooks for his darling. Others find it probably laughable, but for him it feels fulfilling. He still spends money on you in form of flowers, new tea, chocolate and other small things. When he can prepare something special for you himself and on special occasions like your birthday he is always loaded with a lot of small yet meaningful gifts.
⚔️Levi knows that he can’t expect himself to be the only person to have interest in you so he might expect someone liking you it he still isn’t together with you. But he will not be able to hide a sudden feeling of bitterness washing over him when he hears one day the cadets who are close to you talking about it and despite him knowing that he actually shouldn’t do this, he eavesdrop on them and what he hears sickens him.
⚔️He won’t be too confrontational about it so he won’t scare you, but he can’t help, but think the next time he sees you, you look so much more happier. He’s heard about the estimated worth of the gesture of affection you’ve been gifted and he knows that he can’t buy you silver and gold like the other person could. But he knows that rich snobs don’t necessarily have a good personality since he knows some of them. Nevertheless, the temptation is still there and he will not be able to compete with money and he has no experience in relationships either so he actually feels worried you’ll fall for them.
⚔️Now how should he feel exactly when in front of your house suddenly appear such expensive small gifts even if it is known to the public that he is your partner? That’s something that is beyond Levi and he just stares with an unreadable expression at you when you tell him after having gotten the first of many to come. He won’t let his emotions out whilst with you. He’ll just ask you to not accept whatever you’ve gotten so you don’t encourage the other person.
⚔️Nor make him feel like the gifts he gives you aren’t good enough (he won’t voice out the second reason). But as soon as he is alone, his face will twist quickly into a expression made out of anger, irritation as well as worry and fear. It is unbelievable that someone tries this despite knowing that he has worked his ass off to confess and build up this entire relationship. This already makes him feel like the admirer is someone who has a unpleasant personality. Hange and Erwin come to notice that something is on Levi’s mind and after enough annoying him, he tells them.
⚔️Feel like he would tell in both scenarios to Hange and Erwin what exactly is bothering him and that he is afraid to lose you, even if he is already together with you. He still feels like he is too new to all of this and might accidentally end up doing something wrong. But even if he has no experience and no money to compete, he won’t give up. Especially if he is already your partner. He’s worked too hard to lose now to someone who doesn’t even have the bones to show their face to his darling. Hange totally encourages him in his way of thinking.
⚔️That’s the spirit! They’ll help him if he needs it. Not only with tracking the wanted person down, they’ll gladly help him courting you as well since it is about time for him to confess as well. Or does he want to sit still in a situation like this? Levi would probably even go easier on the person if they sent all the presents before you were officially his darling since he knows that there was nothing wrong with doing so. Won’t mean he will stop himself from scaring them so they won’t try again. But he will be a lot more pissed if he was already together with you in which case the person better spits out a good apology. He knows his darling is charming and pretty, but sending presents on a daily base is too much. Take those shitty gifts back and don’t dare to do it again. Next time he won’t be as “nice”.
Tamaki Amajiki
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🌗That shy sweetheart here would be exactly the same before he somehow got the courage in his bones to confess and nearly cried when the s/o accepted. Tamaki simply doesn't know how else he can show his devotion and admiration for his darling since he is simply too bashful and afraid to talk to her otherwise. And he spends quite some money on you and through his own knowledge by constantly observing and stalking you and the advices Mirio and Nejire give him, he ends up having a very good image of the things you prefer and are fond of.
🌗So he is a secret admirer of his own, often leaving sweets, small love notes and other cute little stuff somewhere you'll find it, Nejire probably often helps him buying those since she is in full supporting mode just as much as Mirio is. And he gets incredibly flattered whenever he can watch you happily talking about the gifts he got you. Once he finally manages to start a relationship with the s/o, he still continues with his notes and small gifts, though now he can face you and you know from whom they are.
🌗Chances are that you might not even realize at first that you suddenly have two secret admirers the moment you start receiving other presents as well, though it might be somewhat clear that this present differs from the ones you've received so far. Tamaki will find out sooner than he will later because whilst he isn't as bad of a stalker as Izuku is, he still lingers often near you. It is likely that at this point Nejire has already befriended you simply to get to know Tamaki's crush better.
🌗She helps him and since she is not only curious, but one of your best friends as well, she finds out very quickly and instantly realizes that this is in fact not Tamaki's doing. She instantly calls Tamaki afterwards, doesn't matter which time it is and instantly rambles about this new trouble. And the poor boy dropped the phone when he heard it. He gets extremely depressed afterwards, terrified that the other person will prove to be better and much more than he could ever be and Mirio and Nejire have to constantly try to cheer him up.
🌗Now as your boyfriend Tamaki becomes much more possessive because even if he is shy and quiet, it took a miracle to confess and to get accepted and finally loved. And even if he still doubts himself, he is now determined to not let his s/o leave him, not after he did what he thought would be impossible. However, the news that you have suddenly received a rather expensive gift hits him hard and he just kind of freezes for a while afterwards, digesting the information that you've been gifted something that is not from him.
🌗Once it has properly sunken in, he suffers from a short meltdown where really only you can manage to soothe him whilst he clings tightly onto you. This has to be a nightmare, why would someone do this to him now? I think Tamaki actually becomes more dangerous the moment his darling accepts him since he is ready to go further. He will start crying to get you to remove the gifts and whilst he would never show his vicious side in your presence, he will let it out on the packages which ends in them getting destroyed beyond repair.
🌗In his secret admirer times he would probably rely more on his friend's help and this honestly ends up being less dangerous and scary for the other person. Because in this case Nejire and Mirio will try to do it the harmless and friendly way and convince them to eventually stop since both of them are for the ship Tamaki x y/n. At the same time they also persuade their bashful friend to finally confess, reminding him that the other person might not stop and confess before him or that, even if both of them manage to make them quit, someone else might appear. It's triggering and so Tamaki confesses some time later with the help of his friends.
🌗If you're at that time already Tamaki's girlfriend, he would want to try it alone. For the very simple reason that he feels like he has to show now that he is deserving to have been made your boyfriend and to be loved and with his possessiveness that roots from this he is more determined to make the other person stop. To the point where he will skip sleep to watch over your house and catch this person himself and the moment he indeed sees them, he storms over, drags them away without letting them make a sound and confront them. It's up to the stubbornness of them if he'll remain as the insecure and hurt boyfriend or turns more intense. Him growing extremely needy the following days is something not avoidable.
Ken Kaneki
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🔲He is also in the "I am a secret admirer" club even before he turned a ghoul and shouldn't have confessed to y/n yet. After he became a ghoul, he simply didn't think that a monster like him should be near a literal angel so he settled with stalking and protecting from the shadows. Maybe that is where he belonged, in the darkness whilst the s/o lived in the life, that's what he told himself at least.
🔲But he couldn't keep himself from somewhat letting you know that he is there and so he started leaving quite often presents because he loves seeing you being happy over them and wondering who gave you those. It makes him feel so much less sad and depressed and even in an actual relationship that won't change. He wants to prove himself and show that he would never hurt you and it marks him with desperation. Similar to Levi from Aot, I see him being a potential house husnband who'll cook and do the household chores for the s/o.
🔲He finds it all out through pure stalking and it will be a day that'll leave a bitter and depressed taste in his mouth for quite a while. His heart? In pain the moment he came watching over you for a bit and get his peace only to discover you holding something in your hand, incredibly flustered and happy. There is already this bad feeling tickling his stomach.
🔲So when he hears you soon after talking on the phone to someone and explaining that you just received another gift, this time a lot more expensive than all the other gifts before, he finally understands what has happened. It is so hard watching you being so joyful with the present of another and in order to not go crazy over it, he decides to leave. But this knowledge hunts him and robs him of his sleep. Maybe he should be happy that you have someone who can give you a normal life and has money to give you all you need. But what will happen with him then? HE NEEDS YOU!!
🔲Don't know if it is such a good idea to pull such a bold move with Kaneki as your boyfriend because he is only an inch away from insanity and his whole life only seems to revolve around you. And he was in so much bliss when you were able to overlook the fact that he is a ghoul and a monster, you saw him as so much more than he is. And yet...someone wants to take this all away from him. No, no, no. Never.
🔲Kaneki has honestly such a hard time hiding the dark look on his face from only the first time you tell him carefully of this sudden turn of events. He takes a similar way as Tamaki to be honest. The only difference is that he doesn't really intend to guilt-trip at first, he just really loses it if you dare to keep the presents instead of throwing them away. But in regards of letting his wrath out on the presents he is totally the same and the more often it happens, the more he wishes to gore the flesh of the admirer himself. It's such a wholesome thought that plagues his mind quickly.
🔲Kaneki will use in both situations pretty much the same solution to this problem. I'm really sorry, but I see him as a unstable Yandere and so he will kill the person if they don't stop very soon. Kaneki will find out through stalking the house of the darling, wait until the person has left the gift, get quickly rid of it, follow the person afterwards and somehow force them to move somewhere where both of them are alone. And he won't play around from the very beginning, instantly make the other person pee in their pants even with half of his face covered.
🔲He has enough broken sanity in his one eye to make the position of the other person clear, not to mention that if they're human, they'll feel terrified of getting eaten. In Kaneki's "still a stalker" period he has had enough with seeing you constantly happy and excited upon receiving all those gestures of affection from the other person and if he is already together with you the fact that someone still dares to try to take you should speak books itself. Much worse if he ever caught you wanting to keep those gifts. High chance he will slaughter the other person if this kept going on since quite a while and they proved to be persistent. He just can't understand why the other person doesn't realize that he needs you to live. He'll never tell you that he killed that person.
Shuu Tsukiyama
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🍷Hate to say it, but Tsukiyama is the worst from all of those people since not only will he be very petty about everyone who does as much as shortly looking into the direction of his darling, he is a Yandere driven by pure jealousy and he will act on it every single time. I mean, he even gets grumpy if the servants working for his family gift the darling something that makes her happy and even with his own father that might be the case, but those are people he views as his family so instead of going over to murdering.
🍷He only makes an over-dramatic statement and wants a lot of attention and cuddles later on. Shuu believes himself (and his family) to be the only one allowed to please his darling daily on a maximum level. Shuu has as a Yandere a darker past as a sadistic one and it was only due to the help of his dad who (probably even literally) whipped his ass to make Shuu stop and treat you better. So next to his now major infatuation he still feels the need to show you that now he would do about anything for you.
🍷But if we're talking about his darling only being a crush of his it might very well be that his father didn't give him a lecture yet, meaning Shuu is at that time still a two-faced Yandere who can go from adoring and lovevingly to sadistic and cruel quickly as soon as mood swings hit him. But one thing that still stays the same for him is his uncontrollably jealousy. And that doesn't help this situation and he has the most intense and extreme reaction to all of this which affects his darling directly as well.
🍷Because as soon as he hears that you have managed to gain a secret admirer who dares to try to impress you and flirt with you through some barely expensive presents that don't hold a candle against the things he could get you, he snaps. Good changes that you might not even knoe him yet or that he only is an acquaintance. His reaction just pulls the attention of others on him who will start wondering why this young man looks like he might throw up at any moment. Shuu is quite...devastated.
🍷Personally believe that once you're his girlfriend, it'll be much more hard for someone to leave presents since by now you live together with him and have gotten the needed help from his father who put a stop to Shuu's sadistic fun he used to have from time to time with you. It's still not entirely impossible and so one day a anonymous packet is delievered to you, to Shuu's confusion as well as yours, but you open it nevertheless.
🍷And the moment you lay eyes upon the somewhat expensive thing inside together with a small love note inside, hell breaks loose the moment Shuu sees this as well. That's when a house drama starts with him just being speechless for a few seconds before it all explodes inside of him and he just angrily grabs the present, tears the letter into shreds and throws the gift harshly on the ground, triggered to the maximum. It'll take him a bit to calm down, but once he does you'll be like always the target of his dramatic emotions with him being all whiny and clingy to receive attention. Deep down he honestly already thinks about the most satisfying death.
🍷So in either scenario the person can just kiss their life goodbye because Shuu will end it. It's unacceptable and unforgivable that someone besides him tries to spoil you and they will have to pay with their life fo it. Coming to him still not being his darling's lover and them still bein on free foot, with this single event the s/o's freedom will be history as well. Because this incident is the final straw needed for Shuu to decide to kidnap them, he can not let someone else try to take his dove away after all. In this stage it is for the darling herself rather dangerous with him because it can go either way with him.
🍷He can either be the clingy and very emotional guy or he can be the guy who will be amused to make her suffer, much more if he saw how she enjoyed the gifts she was given. It upsets him and so mentioning it is a 50% chance of getting to know his cruel side. With him after having been made better through his father he will just be very needy and not really willing to let her leave his side or go outside, not feeling well with the thought of his princess possibly attracting the attention of others. She's gorgeous so he knows that it might happen, but he won't let it happen. Shuu, after getting rid of the person, feels somewhat in the need to increase the money he wastes on you to feel like he will always be the one who can cherish and treat you best.
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tobiotetsu · 3 years
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chapter four: heel
pairing: Tojixf!reader, ft Naoya
genre: angst, 18+, NSFW, age gap, cheating, a teaspoon of fluff
Summary: In the jujutsu world, they hate to see a woman thrive. They’d do anything to tie her down to marriage to make her incapable of succeeding. So when the Zen’in clan sees a woman associated with their rival clan, the Gojos, who’s a young successful jujutsu sorcerer capable of creating change in their wicked society, they try to break her down. Unfortunately for the Zen’in’s, their very own stray has his sights set on her.
word count: 5.3k
chapter warnings: mentions of suicide, alcohol, death, emotional trauma, mother issues?, slight smut, grammar errors
a/n: sorry this was late:( happy father’s day to our #1 dilf hehe. this chp’s the calm before the storm. didn’t really like my writing for this one but oh well. reblogs are appreciated! (art creds@ jj59u on twitter!)
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Your ears ring as all the blood in your body rushed to your head. How could Megumi possibly know about you two? Did he see you and his father outside the Zen’in estate? Had the makeup on your neck faded away, revealing the dark purple bruises his father left you? This could simply not be happening.
The soft touch of Megumi’s hand on your shoulder is what pulls you out of your sickly state.
“y/n?” his voice was strained with concern. He must have seen your body freeze at the mention of his father.
“Huh?” his words finally reach your ears as you attempt to regain your composure. Your eyes look at his intently trying to read his emotions. He didn’t seem angry but, more concerned.
“You and my father? Gojo sensei said that you two met.”
You didn't know if you should feel relieved or even more worried. The breath you were subconsciously holding in since the initial mention of his father, slowly seep from your lungs.
“Oh yeah, I did” why would Gojo tell him that and not mention it to you. “Did you see him?” you asked attempting to avoid the awkwardness filling the room.
“No, nor do I want to” Megumi said as he sits back down on the leather couch behind him. You join him and take a seat beside him as you hum at his response. You weren’t sure how to proceed with this conversation, this was the first time he brought up the topic of his father at his own will.
“I think he cares about you kid, just in his own way” Even though you hadn’t known Toji for long, you truly believed Toji cared for his son. His efforts were minimal and he was not present in Megumi's life at all but, you knew how it was to have a parent who wanted nothing to do with you. To despise their child for their existence, Toji was not that.
“Whatever, I don't need him” he mumbled as he picked up his book and resumed reading. You let out a huff at his attempt of brushing off the conversation.
“Are you really okay with marrying into the Zen’in family?” Megumi’s soft voice left his mouth without looking away from the novel in his hands.
“It’s a long story kid but, yeah for the most part.” your fake smile wasn’t necessary for Megumi, he had already known your true feelings. You and Megumi were always so similar. He knew you a lot better than you thought, therefore there was no point trying to put a facade for him.
“Of course you two are the only ones here” Maki’s voice interrupts your conversation. She makes her way behind the couch wearing a beautiful black pantsuit with the white silk top underneath. “Oh yeah, thanks again y/n for finding my glasses”
Another reminder of what's at stake.
You couldn’t afford to derail Naoya’s plan.
You wanted the two students in front of you to succeed at all costs. Even if you perished in the process.
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Because of Shoko’s persistence, Gojo was named benefactor for tonight's dinner. You knew Gojo had a very expansive taste so you really shouldn’t have been surprised when the car pulled up in front of Aiko, one of the most expensive sushi restaurants in Tokyo. You had only been here once before with Gojo about 5 years ago; he bribed the runaway stray to eat with him after finding out who you were. Ever since then, he refused to take you out for a meal of that level of expensiveness.
“Why Aiko?” you ask as you turn in the passenger seat to look at him.
He shrugged his shoulders as he put the car in park. “It just felt fitting”. Gojo would never admit it, but he was as sentimental as they came. For some reason, this felt like the end and what better way to end it like it started.
The building was packed from table to table and you expected nothing less for Aiko. You admired the crystal chandeliers that hung from the ceiling as you waiting for the hostess to seat you at your reserved table for eight. As soon as you were seated both the students and teachers alike scrambled to order knowing who was paying the bill.
This was nice. It was refreshing.
It was very rare that everyone could dine together in this type of manner. Glasses of wine and trays of sushi decorated your table as everyone immersed themselves into their own conversations. As the students carried on their own conversation at the opposite end of the table you saw it fit to finally confront Gojo.
“Why’d you tell Megumi about me meeting his dad?” you lower your voice hoping that the students wouldn’t hear.
“What? Why is that a problem?” by his tone, he really did not see it as a big deal. He was right. From his perspective, it was a harmless act, but to your guilty self, it felt like a betrayal.
With that realization came a horrible taste in the back of your mouth. You only feel this way because of your actions.
“A heads up would have been nice, that's all,” You grab the wine glass in front of your plate and sip on the garnet-coloured liquid, hoping for its strong taste to overpower the bitter taste of guilt building up in you. A part of you feels as if you should move on from the subject of the Toji, but curiosity took control of you. “So what’s his story?”
As if it was on cue, the white hair man seated to your left and Shoko and Nanami in front of you fell silent. Shoko swirled the small amount of red wine in her glass before swallowing and both Nanami and Gojo avoided your eye contact.
“Who’d he kill?” you say chucking, hoping that a joke would bring some light to their sudden reactions. But as the silence grew even more deafening, you worried your joke had more truth than intended.
With a nervous giggle, Gojo turns to you with a guilty grin plastered on his face.
Twenty minutes passed as Gojo vaguely explained their situation. You knew Toji had left the Zen’in clan of his own will. But you weren’t informed of his reason or his activities after.
“So he was an assassin, who tried to kill you?” you deadpanned. Of course, there was more to the story, but that was the only thing that stuck in your brain.
“Yeah, but we're okay now. Still don't like him, but” Gojo slightly leans over the table and looked at Megumi as he fights Yuuji for the dish of pickled ginger between them, “he entrusted Megumi to me.”
“And he’s like Maki? Born with heavenly restriction?”
Nanami nods while taking a sip of his ice wine. “Fushiguro’s abilities to use cursed energy were sacrificed so he could have extraordinary physical prowess.”
You did not know why, but it made sense. You sensed no cursed energy on him but he still moved as if he was as skilled as a sorcerer. Your heart started to feel a small ache as you imagine him going through the same experiences as Maki.
Maybe he was smart for intrusting Megumi to Gojo instead of to the Zen’in clan.
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If the world was ending right now, you would die happy and stuffed. Different hues of blue painted the sky above your heads as you made your way out of the restaurant.
“Now everyone say: thank you Gojo sensei for being the best teacher and paying for you brats” Gojo strummed off with a toothy grin. The only people who tried to respond were Nobara and Yuuji who babbled a few words before giving up.
As everyone made their way to their designated rides, you stop and watch them walk in front of you. Laughing, joking, enjoying each other presence. This was where you wanted to be. You wanted to be with them, but your mind was plagued with thoughts 24/7, dragging you back to a cold dark place you were familiar with as a child.
Loneliness. Guilt. Sadness.
“Hey you guys go without me, I'm gonna walk to my place.” You shout to your comrades in front of you.
“You sure y/n?” Gojo shouts back wondering what caused your sudden change of plans. You eagerly nod your head and smile at him, trying to reassure him nothing's the matter. Everyone said their goodbyes as their cars depart.
“Get home safe y/n.” Megumi said as he partially sticks his head out of his open window. He really was the kindest to you. You watch the two cars pull onto the busy road and disappear within the 9 pm traffic.
No longer wanting to put an act on for anyone, you let them go.
You didn't necessarily want to go home, you just wanted to be alone. Nowadays being around people felt exhausting. Your brain was fried to keep track of which lie you told which person. Which secret to hide from who.
The cool Tokyo air brushed against you as you let your feet lead you. You didn’t have a destination in mind when you started to walk but you weren’t going to stop and think now. As if your body was on autopilot you glided through multiple streets.
The only thing you wished before you set out on your little walk was that you had a change of shoes. Nobara’s choice of footwear was exquisite but scored poorly on the comfortability scale.
You manage to make it quite far from your start point because you stop to rest your feet for the first time. You support yourself by holding on to a pole while your other hand removes your shoes.
This truly was a sight to see. A woman who wasn’t completely sober, walking along the streets of Tokyo in a very beautiful but revealing dress barefoot with 5 inch heels in her hands.
If only Naoya saw you now, you imagine how disappointed he would be in his dear wife to be. He would probably say something along the lines of The future head of the zen’in clan's wife shouldn’t dress like a slut
You slap your free hand on your head. Even though you hated him, Naoya managed to slither into your thoughts. You wanted to pull your hair out at your frustration.
An hour has passed since you left Aiko and you were still on the move. Maybe you thought you could walk away from your problems. Maybe if you walked far enough you’d be free.
But that wasn’t the case.
You chose more rural roads as you slowly make your way to your condo. You knew a lot of these roads like the back of your hand due to only relying on public transportation for the majority of your life. You only learned to drive at 18, so you were familiar with the bus and train stations plus their routes.
As you reminisce about your younger days you come to a halt as you turn onto a street you hadn’t been on a long time.
The street was dark and eerie. The only thing that lit it were the streetlights lined around the curb of the road. The street was narrow and seemed lifeless. On the opposite side of the road was a field that went on for as far as your eyes could see. On the side in front of you, was a cemetery that stretched as till the end of the block.
Yeah, You hadn’t been here in a very long time
You cursed yourself for subconsciously leading you here at this moment. You didn’t need this right now.
But If you didn't want to be here why were your legs leading you to the entrance of the cemetery.
Why didn’t you turn around or walk past it?
Your eyes wander around you. There were rows and rows of headstones in front of your eyes. Each one belonged to someone. Each had a life. A family. Each met their demise and ended up six feet under the ground.
One could easily get lost in this maze if they were visiting for the first time, but you knew exactly where your feet were taking to you this time. You pass graves that were decorated with loving gifts from family members. One grave was filled with roses and teddy bears, while another with a bouquet of white lilies. You wondered how one could love someone so much to visit your grave years after your passing, with flowers in hand.
With a heavy heart you think: would someone do that for you? Would anyone love you that much?
You halt as you finally make it to the last gravestone in the row. Compared to the others, this headstone looked awful. The only thing that decorated it was overgrown weeds which were wrapped around like a garland. It was also much dirtier than the others, it was clear that no one had taken care of this person's headstone. No one loved her enough to bring flowers to her grave or to level the uneven grass at the base of the stone.
Why should you love her if she didn’t love you?
“Guess what mom,” the last word left a strange feeling on your tongue. Mom. you hadn’t said that word in years. “I’m getting married” you shout happily in a sarcastic tone.
“You know they say that daughters accomplish the things their mothers couldn’t. Their deepest desires. It's usually going to college or getting a certain job, but yours was to get married, right mom?” your hand lets the heels fall down to the ground in front of her grave. As if every single time you said that word, it grew crueller.
“You wanted it so bad that you blamed your unborn child for ruining your plan, right?” your voice grew in volume but also got shakier. If someone witnessed you at the moment they would either think you were washed with sadness as you grieved your mother.
But it was not sadness, it was anger.
“I never asked to be born mom” you spat out as your arms flared out. “You and he did that, you got pregnant and you chose to keep it. I had no say in my bringing in this world, so why was I blamed for everything?” when she was alive, you never talked to her like this. Back then, no matter what cruel things your mother said to you, you still wanted her to love you. You wanted your mother to care for you, you vied for her love only to get shot down every time. You let her trample over your heart because you thought if you let her, she’d eventually love you.
“She just wanted to get you off her hands as her final act on this earth”
The head of the Gojo clan’s words was burned in your brain as if he branded you himself.
You hadn’t let yourself feel like this in years, you pushed this part of you in a box and locked it behind a heavy metal door. But somehow your impenetrable fortress was crumbling down.
“Did you really hate me that much? You did this to get away from me?” a single tear spilled from your eye as you said the words that shattered your heart into millions of pieces. You stare at her grave in front of you as if you were expecting an answer but, you were only met with the hum of insects in the night.
As fast as you broke down, you pull yourself back together, quickly wiping the tear from your cheek and clearing your throat.
“Well, yeah mom. I'm getting married because you basically sold me to the fucking clan that you hated so much.” you let out a sarcastic chuckle at the irony. Marriage was the one thing you despised the most, and the idea your mother loved more than her own child.
Fucking ironic right?
“Here’s to the bride!” your words dripped with sarcasm as you lightly skip and kick your heels closer to the headstone.
“You know, I think they say to dance on someone's grave as a figure of speech, not literally.” A familiar voice startles you, to your left Toji appears from behind the shadows.
“You know, I think this is called stalking” you joke attempting to hide how shocked you were. You should have sensed his presence. You wonder how much of your conversation he heard.
“I was here first, so I think you're stalking me, sweetheart” he says as he walks to the bench behind you and takes a seat.
He must have been visiting someone. You think back to your conversation with Gojo, his mother must be out of the picture if Gojo was the last result, right?
“Talkin to the dead doesn’t work” Toji's words break your thought.
he did hear you.
“How much did you hear?” you asked as you made your way to sit on the other end of the bench.
“Enough” he huffed out as his fingers played with a toothpick.
Utterly embarrassed, you put your head in your hands and let out a loud groan. With your eyes in your palm, you miss the way Toji looks at you confused. With his eyes brow raised and a small smile tinging his lips. His eyes linger when he sees your outfit as a whole. The low cut of your dress was designed for maximum cleavage. He could see the flesh of your inner breasts perfectly and that drove him mad. The slits on your dress also allowed his eyes to explore the tops of your thighs in all their glory.
He doesn't know why you wore that dress, but he wanted to rip it to shreds to get to what was underneath.
As you remove your palms from your face, he adverts his gaze back to the tombs in front of him.
“If you don't want this marriage, why don’t you just run away?” he suggests.
You scoff at the simplicity his words were implied with. “It's not that easy Toji”. You bite out as you look at him, but you were met with a hardened expression.
You scold yourself. Of course, he knew it wasn’t easy, he had to run away from the same people decades ago. “Sorry” you lowly murmur.
Confusion was written all over his face at your apology. “I didn’t mean to be insensitive, I heard about your history with the Zen’in clan”
“Ah, so you’re one of those types.” he crosses his arms as he turned his body to face you.
“Types of what?”
“The type to go digging for shit on the guy they’re sleeping with.” you couldn’t read his emotions, was he upset or disappointed. In actuality, you really weren’t at all. The only history you need to know about someone before you slept was them was their sexual history. His statement did have a sliver of truth to it though.
“I wanted to know about my student's father, not about the man I slept with two days ago” you say as you rolled your eyes. “And it’s ‘slept’ with not ‘sleeping with’”
This seems to get a reaction out of Toji as he at you slightly taken back.
“What, you didn’t have a good time? I think I can still hear you screaming my name” he says with a smirk as he brings a finger up to his ear and pretends to listen for them. You shoot him a deadly glare that almost seems convincing till he spots the blush forming at your cheeks.
“It’s not that,” you say shaking your head trying to shake off the embarrassment. “Do you regret meeting me?” you ask out of the blue causing his eyebrows to crease together.
“I don’t even know you, why would I regret something irrelevant,” he says coldly. Your sudden deep question must have made him defensive.
With a sigh, you continue. “I thought Megumi had found out about us today. And at that moment I felt as guilty as I ever felt. I thought I was gonna die right there. I can’t do this to him Toji, no sex is worth that type of pain.”
You heard him hum in agreement as he learned back fully into the bench. “Yeah, that would make the brat hate me more than he already does, if that’s even possible”.
So he does care for him.
“Why’d you leave him Toji?” you finally said the question you’ve been sitting on since you knew his identity as Megumi’s father.
It was silent for a minute before he grunted out his one-word answer: “Work”.
It was a valid answer, but knowing Toji, he wouldn’t tell you the true reason.
“Yeah, can’t go killing with a baby strapped on your back” you joke while looking straight ahead. You see his head turn to you in your peripheral, with a confused look painting his face.
“And did six eyes tell you that?”
“Well if I can’t get my information from the source itself, I get creative” you look at him with a playful smile.
“Don't go askin six eyes for info, he’ll tell you I’m the devil incarnate too” a giggle escapes your lips. More or less that was exactly how Gojo described him.
“Okay then, you tell me about yourself then.”
“Touché,” he says as he flicks the toothpick into the grass at his feet. “Left the clan at 16, had Megumi at 19, now 'm sittin here with you at 29.” his lie accompanied by the smile on his face made you burst into laughter.
“Yeah, maybe 29 in dog years old man” you retort still laughing.
Now it was his turn to shoot you a deadly glare, “ya know you’d really make a terrible wife”. His attempt to poke fun of you was overthrown when he saw a small glimmer in your eyes. “Thank you, at least someone gets it. I don’t want to belong to anyone.”
“Not even me?” he leaned his elbows on his knees and held his head in his hands. You’ve seen the look had on his right before. It was the same look that seduced you into kissing him for the first time and the same look he gave you on the rooftop.
“Definitely not you.” you break eye contact with him and look straight at the rows of tombstones in front of you. You let your eyes linger on your mother's plain grave.
“That your mom?” he nodded his head in the direction of her headstone. You nod yes gently.
“Looks sad like that, compared to the others right?” you refer to the lack of gifts at the gravesite.
He shook his head in disagreement. “Bet mine’s gonna look like that” you could see his emerald green eyes hardened to take on a shade darker as he stared at your mother's grave.
“What are your favourite flowers?” you asked innocently. Some would think it was odd to ask a man about his preference for something with such a female connotation but Toji didn’t gawk at your words.
“Lillies, white lilies” he said as he continued to stare at the grave.
“Well okay then, when you get shot at work,I’ll put white lilies on your grave.”
Innocent words, sweet and kind to others felt like much more to yours and Toji's ears. Right when those words left your mouth, you didn’t realize what that met for you and him. you could see the same look in his. they held fear and something else you couldn’t quite distinguish. He was the first to break eye contact and pull away from the intense stare.
“Toji” you breathe his name under your breath for absolutely no reason. He looked at you waiting for you to continue talking but you had nothing to say. You just had an urge to have his name on your lips. His name felt good in your mouth. You never felt something like quite this feeling. It was a nice change from the constant chaos that plagued your brain recently. This feeling was equally scary but also reassuring and safe.
“y/n?” Toji waved his hand in front of your face to draw your attention back to him. “Oh um,” your brain scrambled to find something to say. Unfortunately, you said the first thing that came to mind, “What’s your favourite colour?”
Now he does gawk. “Do I look like a child to you?”
“Oh come on, you can tell a lot of a person by their favourite colour,” you say as an attempt to coax him.
“Fuck if I know” he says while scratching his head. “Black”
“No, give me an actual colour” you give him an unnaturally large smile praying he’ll actually listen. After 3 minutes of him thinking he gives an answer.
“Red” he said flatly.
You lean over to him with gentle eyes to ask why. At first, he shrugged it off but then after your repeated attempts he caved.
“When he was a kid, Megumi loved these toy cars about this big,” he said holding up his thumb and pointer finger with a 3-inch gap in between. “That kid loved the blue one so damn much, he always gave me the red one so I wouldn’t steal it. Learned to like it”
You honestly didn’t expect him to talk about Megumi in that manner. Toji didn’t seem sentimental at all so you were truly shocked by his answer. Rather than making a fuss at his words, you slid it under the carpet and tried to speak with as much calmness as you could summon.
Now you finally knew where the obsession with the blue came from. “You know, he still likes blue. He wants to get a blue car and everything”
“Bet he does” he reverted to his previous tone as he stuck his hands in his pant pockets.
“Why’d you come back, Toji?” it was what you wanted to know the whole time. According to Gojo, Toji never stayed in one place for longer than a week and wouldn’t dare go near the Zen’in estate. But here he was sitting in front of you, the man you met almost a week ago at the Zen’in estate.
Was it something to do with Megumi? Was he okay?
“Do I need a reason for everything I do?” he asked while standing up. You knew he wasn’t gonna answer the question. This was something far more important than his favourite colour or flower.
“Get up, I’ll walk ya home” he said while standing in front of you.
Now it was your turn to look at him in confusion. “Drop the gentleman act toji, it doesn’t suit you” you push yourself off the bench and go to collect your heels as you steal a last glance at your mother's grave. “I can go back on my own”
“I'm sure you can, but you owe me a drink for how much you pestered me.”
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Toji whistled as you open the door to your apartment. It was triple the size as his with a view of Tokyo under it.
“You live here?” he asked as looked at the view with his hands tucked away in his pockets.
The only reason you played along with bringing him to your place was to see if you could get anything else out of him, which was not the case so far.
“Yeah, Gojo helped me get it,” you say nonchalantly as you take out two bottles of beer from your fridge and set them on the table with a bottle opener.
“Here” you beckon him to sit. “I’m gonna change. I’ll be back.” you heard him hum in agreement as he sat down.
You went to your room and let out a breath you'd been holding in since you walked into the building. Fushiguro Toji wasn’t supposed to be in your apartment, but you would admit it was nice. You felt an odd feeling of safety in his presence. You looked at the lights shining from the buildings through your window. You never really acknowledged the view from your apartment till you saw Toji admire it.
Nobara’s dress was stunning but you wanted to peel it off so badly. You attempt to unzip the zipper at the nape of your neck but all attempts failed. You tried to reach it by swinging your arms in different positions but it was no use. You curse under your breath as you understand your situation.
With your tail in between your legs you walk back into the living room and stood in front of Toji.
“Could you help me?” you say as you gather your hair to one side and gesture to your back. With a smirk, he stood up and walked towards you. You turned to face the view from your apartment window as he tugged at the zipper. With ease, he slowly unzipped the dress all the way down to the small of your back. He let out an audible sigh as he stared at the nape of your neck. His hot breath at the back of your neck made you tingle all around.
“I thought I left something here” he rubs his thumb at the side of your neck looking for purple bruises.
“I had to cover them up” you said still in the direction of the window, but instead of the view, your eyes were glued to Toji. The way his head tilted slightly to the right with desire in his eyes made you weak in the knees.
“Hmm, I guess ill have to make some more then.” his eyes connected with yours in the window’s reflection. He was waiting for you to stop him, after everything you said earlier he was sure you would. But you didn’t, simply because your words contradicted everything you felt. His touch ignited something in you. As soon as he’d touch your skin, you were under his control.
His lips latched on your neck and planted sloppy kisses around your nape. He spun you around to look him in the eyes. He was equally as much of a mess as you were. His kisses were full of hunger. Every kiss getting even needier. And you would give it to him.
While kissing you he grabbed your legs and lifted you up and placed you on your dining room table.
“Condom?” he breathed out between kisses.
“Don't have any- but i-m on the pill” you say with moans disrupting your words.
“Good, don't want any kids.” he said with his signature smirk as he pulled away from your lips to unbutton his pants.
You let out a deep laugh at his response. “A little too late for that one, don't you think?” your laughing was interrupted by a mixture of a shrike and a gasp from your throat as Toji pushed himself inside of you.
“Fuck” he said as he was swallowed by your wet core. The sudden pressure in between your legs caused you to slam your forehead into his chest.
This felt right.
No matter what happened in the future, you were sure you'd remember this feeling.
You couldn't think of Megumi or Gojo or Naoya at that moment. You couldn't think of the consequences of your actions.
All that you could think of was the man pounding in to you. The man whom you only knew for a week but felt like a year.
Whatever it was, you loved this feeling, and you never wanted it to stop.
this. this was worth it
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[ taglist: @onigirizoe @meepmoop12w @okkotsoo @juliescorner @godsentkita @bokutoast @jibe-gajima @ifuckinghatepineapples @sandyscastle @evans-dejong @shigaraki-is-my-master  @natqhly  @big-simp-energy @rinrinfoxy @supermissilekidd ]
i’m sorry to the bolded blogs, tumblr isn’t letting me tag for some reason:(
359 notes · View notes
solaeter · 3 years
can i request any soft casual date headcanons for choso or noritoshi or geto? -akatsukimommy
Soft, Casual Date | Headcanons 
Note: tysm for being my first request! .+:。(ノ・ω・)ノ゙ I hope I did these justice, headcanons and I don’t get along because I over think and..it’s a process lmao. I also chose to do all three because I can’t pick between them |ω・)و ̑̑༉
Word Count: 1838
Characters: Choso, Noritoshi Kamo and Suguru Geto
Warning[s]: None aside from possible errors I didn’t bother to check for. 
Request Status: OPEN
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↠ There’d be lots of communication, mostly coming from you as the two of you venture about. From shops, food and to culture, you educate Choso while he just is so lost in you. He’s like a puppy, completely in love and hanging onto every word. From how he looks at you, you’d question if he was actually listening. 
↠ A soft casual date with Choso would probably be showing him around Tokyo. This boy will be glued to your side, arms linked together or he’d hold your hand. Regardless, he’s not letting you out of his sight. 
“Did I lose you?” You worried you were babbling on too much and Choso shakes his head. He can’t help himself and admire you, how you knew so much and the level of patience you had for him made his chest tighten. 
“No, continue please.” So polite he is, taking your hand once again as you smile before going into another explanation that leads into a particularly embarrassing story of a past experience. But Choso doesn’t laugh, he is humored, don’t get him wrong, but he pulls you to his side and offers a small bit of comfort. So precious (´•ω•̥`)
↠ After walking around for what feels like forever, you’d drag Choso to a cute little cafe for a chance to sit down and enjoy a snack or drink. 
↠ Choso might feel a little out of his element but having you there is all he needs. So don’t mind him he wears a little frown or looks around curiously. Normal customs are beyond the poor boy though he is quick to catch onto things.
↠ For example, Choso may not like anything in his coffee. So when you look at him with a crinkled nose and a small smile, he’d tilt his head.
“Black coffee? I could never.” You stick your tongue in a playfully disgusted manner and if Choso wasn’t in love then, he certainly fell more. You were so cute, innocent and he can’t seem to handle the emotions that swarm him.
↠ Choso.exe has stopped working. 
↠ After the pit stop, the little date would end with Choso seeing you home. He had things to attend to so staying wasn’t a choice unfortunately, but he makes sure to give you one hell of a hug. There’s so much love and he will cherish every moment with you, his actions prove this statement.
↠ Especially when he doesn’t let go immediately, keeping you there and mumbling a goodnight in your ear. It’d have your heart hammering in your chest and if he kisses you, or you to him, you’d both probably be flustered messes.
↠ But that’s alright cause neither one of you will forget the feeling and you’d be left at the door to your home, eyes soft and body warm with your phone in hand to plan the next time you get to see Choso.
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↠ A soft casual date with Noritoshi would probably be an evening stroll through the park or sitting at home and enjoying one another's company. It’s not about what goes on, but rather the experience, atmosphere and feelings during that moment. Noritoshi is sentimental and it plays into a lot of things that he does. Especially when it comes to you.
↠ If you went for a walk with Noritoshi, just like with Choso, he’s keep you close. Except it might be a hand on the small of your back or loosely holding your hand. The contact is reassuring to him, it lets him know you’re okay even if there’s no danger in sight. 
↠ He also holds these little dates close to his heart considering he’s busy most of the time with sorcerer work and clan duties. So one the off days where he can see you, happiness and a sense of much needed calmness will radiate around him. And it’s obvious to you.
“You seem happy.” You point out while the two of you stand on a bridge overlooking a quiet stream illuminated by the setting sun. One might say the view is right out of a photo and you’d agree. Noritoshi laughs beside you, sounding so free from whatever shackles held him daily.
“Any time with you brings me much joy. It’s a breath of fresh air. Perhaps even an escape from reality.” He’d say so casually despite the sentence being cheesy as hell. You bite your lip and smile, ignoring the light blush dusting your cheeks. Smooth fucker, how dare he ୧(๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭
Instead of responding because you were lost for words like a fool, you’d hug Noritoshi’s side and enjoy the peaceful view. The contact was all the response he needed, he thrived off of it. 
↠ Noritoshi isn’t opposed to taking you to his home, but he enjoys spending time at yours for a change of scenery. His obligations and duties don’t follow him once inside your humble little abode.
↠ A date can be anything, or so you’ve reassured many times because let’s be honest, Noritoshi doesn’t have the slightest idea on dating. So when you offered to sit at home and ‘chill’, he was completely thrown left field the first time. Now it’s one of his favorite things.
↠ Noritoshi will melt if you let him lay his head on your lap so you can play with his hair. There’s something so, so relaxing about it that he just falls apart over a simple act of affection. Plus you love seeing his content face while you absentmindedly watch tv and chat quietly about the day's events. The domestic atmosphere has your head spinning and mind jumping to thoughts of marriage. You’d bat the thoughts away but you can’t and when you frown, Noritoshi is quick to notice. 
“You okay?” His soothing voice brings you out of your short lived fantasy and you look down at him, noticing the concern despite his eyes never opening. You nod quickly, flashing a reassuring smile.
“Of course! I was just thinking, nothing bad.” You wouldn’t dare admit to thinking about the future that isn’t even certain. Instead of pressing further, Noritoshi brings a hand up to rest along your cheek. His touch was warm and welcoming and you can’t help but nuzzle into the palm of his hand. 
↠ Lovesick fools you both are. 
↠ Noritoshi is attached to you and he knew he was in deep after the first date. Now every moment with you is engraved in his memory, his heart. No matter how simple or quiet or rambunctious, he doesn’t forget. He also makes mental notes to take you out somewhere nice the next time he gets free time. Until then, he relishes in the comfort you bring and the freedom he feels while spending time at your home.
↠ All in all, relaxing at home playing with Noritoshi’s hair after taking a nice walk sure beats going to the movies or staying out into the late hours of the night. You cherish the softness of his face as he lays on you and the way he lets himself be loose around you in private. Nothing can beat the little things. 
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↠ A soft casual date with Geto would be getting him out of trouble probably going out to some unhealthy restaurant and eating your weight in a buffet. Why? Geto can eat and will definitely drag you along. Will also make comments like:
“You need to gain some weight [Name], don’t fear the food.” He’s tryna be nice, honestly especially if you are shy or being conservative. But you may or may not take offense to that. So just punch him to shut him up (๑و•̀ω•́)و.
↠ Will talk about anyone and anything. Geto definitely gossip to you about other people that pass by, making up random blurbs that are far fetched or downright dumb. He likes to keep the mood light and fun especially if he just came back from a mission and needed a change of pace. 
↠ Geto is polite in every sense of the way despite his little comments here and there. He holds doors open for you, keeps your hand locked in his and will often bring it up to kiss your knuckles just to wooo you. Only because he knows it works. Every time. 
↠ After dinner, Geto would take you to the top of some building to look at the sky. Why? It’s romantic in his opinion and secondly it’s nice to get away from the crowds and admire the sea of stars while in the presence of the one who so graciously tolerates him.
“You know,” He’d break the silence and look over at you, catching your attention, “I appreciate you for keeping me grounded.” Geto spoke from his heart, referring to the mixed feelings and lingering doubt that covered his heart. The only light that remained was the space you occupied. You blink and sit up on your elbow.
“Where’s this coming from?”
“I don’t know, I just wanted to say it.” He shrugs, flashing you a half smile before pulling you on him for a hug. The two of you would remain like this until lord knows when. Geto wanted to stay like this for as long as possible because soon he wouldn’t have you anymore. 
↠ Which brings us to the new Geto, the monkey hater. If you managed to stay with him through all the shit he did, good on you for being a certified simp! And if you were a non-sorcerer, you are the only ‘monkey’ he tolerates because he loves you so. This bastard will kill anyone for you, even if you’re out on a cute, casual date.
↠ Which would include him taking you out somewhere very nice, like way out of your normal budget. The man loves to impress, always has and always will. 
“Isn’t this a bit..much?” You question, looking at the array of silverware neatly arranged before you. Geto leans forward, his elbow on the table and chin now resting in the palm of his hand. He wore a sly smile, one that was far too relaxed for a cold hearted killer. 
“Not at all.” He reaches with his other hand and takes yours, brushing his thumb across your knuckles. You melt of course, he always managed to take you down, so effortlessly. “You deserve the best.”
“Even if I’m a monkey?” You raise an eyebrow. No one said you agreed with his ideals, but love kept you by his side. Geto laughs, clearly humored. 
“What can I say? I’m a hypocrite out of love.”
(╯°□°)╯︵ (\ . 0 .)\  
↠ As to where you go afterwards, that depends on you cause Geto will take you anywhere. Even though he’s different now, his opinion toward you and how he holds the relationship never changed. If anything, he loves you even more for looking past the monster he became and showing him the love he was scared to lose. 
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tsumtsumland · 3 years
“can’t help falling in love with you”| m.atsumu x reader
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genre: fluff, sickly sweet romance
warnings: none
author’s note: this is a compilation of a few drabbles I wrote for one of my events, I just cleaned them up a bit and decided to post them as a one shot. Happy Birthday Atsumu!
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A loud chime signifies 12pm and a frustrated growl leaves the faux blonde’s mouth. He glances at the antique grandfather clock on the wall and his fingers resume their wrestling with the bow tie hanging loosely around his neck. He grumbles quietly, refusing to accept that he should’ve just listened to you and gotten the clip-on ones. No, he wanted to do this right. Everything Atsumu was passionate about, he did with the utmost dedication, and this was no exception.
In all his life, he’s sure he’s never been as passionate about anything as he is about you (volleyball is a very close second). He huffs in annoyance when he tries again and the bow just does not budge, it looks sad, and droopy. He plops down on a chair in the room, trying to calm his thoughts. His hands are a bit sweaty, and he narrowly avoids running them through his hair and ruining it. That’s never happened before… he idly wonders why.
Osamu can’t help the amused smirk on his face while watching his twin struggle with the piece of fabric around his neck. He knows exactly what the problem is, but he also knows his brother is too stubborn to ever admit it… that he’s nervous. He strides over to the blonde version of himself, and grabs the tie around his neck, startling Atsumu.
“Hey! I can do—"
“Shut up, Tsumu,” he bites back, leaving no room for argument. His fingers expertly weave the piece of silk into the perfect bow. “There,” he mutters, and dusts a piece of lint off the black suit jacket. Atsumu is quiet, but he can see the gratitude in his eyes.
“Learn to accept help sometimes, Tsumu, you don’t have to do everything yourself,” are his parting words as he leaves the room.
Atsumu is frozen for a moment, before a fond smile breaks out on his face. He knows his twin means that in more ways than one, and he remembers similar words coming from you, his beloved, after a particularly brutal game in the first season you’d started working for MSBY. He was exhausted, and angry, after a nasty defeat, his fingernails bleeding, and knuckles bruised.
“It’s okay to accept help sometimes, it doesn’t make you weak or incapable,” you’d said softly as you held his calloused hands in your own soft ones, wiping away the blood carefully.
He thinks maybe that’s one of the first moments he realized he was in love with you.
Sitting in a room for too long before an event like this is bound to drive anyone insane, especially someone who thrives on being active. It’s 1pm now and Atsumu decides to take a walk, just to calm his thoughts down a bit. His feet lead him straight to the main hall, one you’d both chosen together. Your tastes weren’t so different, but you did have a bit of a difficult time choosing a venue, until this one. It was perfect.
He glances around the room, the crystal chandeliers you’d chosen hung decadently from the ceiling, reflecting on every glassy surface. It was all opulent, but not overdone. He wasn’t big on flowers and couldn’t understand for one minute why in the world they were so expensive, they’re flowers for crying out loud! His fingers reach out to touch one of the delicate, blush-colored petals of the centerpiece, and it takes him back to another time with you.
He thinks of the moment you walked into the flower shop to choose these very same flowers, and all he could see was you. Surrounded by so much beauty, yet you put it all to shame.
“I hope you’re not thinking of running away,” comes a stern voice that was all too familiar to him.
Atsumu bristles, and a short chuckle escapes him as he turns to face the only other woman he felt any real affection for, apart from you.
“I’ve never run away from anything mom,” he grins at her.
“That’s my boy,” she smiles, pride shining in her eyes.
His father comes to stand next to her, and leans over to pat his shoulder, “I hope you enjoyed your last few days of freedom, son,” he laughs when his wife glares and hits him.
Atsumu nods, he looks at his parents and wonders if that will be you and him in the future, the fluttering in his stomach tells him that he wants it to be. He remembers the day he brought you home to meet them. You were so nervous, and he’d only told them that he was bringing someone over. They assumed it was just a friend, because prior to that he hadn’t ever brought a serious girlfriend home, so the thought didn’t cross their minds.
They weren’t prepared for the way he looked at you, or the change in his rough demeanor when he held your hand and introduced you to them, stumbling over his words a little. If you were a little more aware in the moment, instead of trying to maintain your sanity, you would’ve noticed the sparkle in his mother’s eyes and the knowing look in his father’s as they looked at you two. It didn’t take them more than an hour into the dinner to give you both their seal of approval. They knew instantly that you were the one, and so did he.
“You’ll do fine, Tsumu,” his mother’s words are gentle and honest. They put him at ease.
…wise men say, only fools rush in…
Atsumu’s fidgeting stops, and he’s eerily still as the doors open. The moment his eyes fall on you, he feels like the breath’s been stolen right out of his lungs. You’re stunning, and all he can focus on is how you seem to shine brighter than the hundreds of twinkling lights that cover the ceiling and arches of the room.
…some things are meant to be…
It feels like every moment of his life has been building him up for this very one. Atsumu knows he’s not the best man in the world, he’s rough, and many think he’s rude, but he’s never cared for others’ opinions…until the moment he met you. You made him want to be a better version of himself. It goes without saying that he believes you will always be the better half, but he’d like to think that he’s deserving of your light.
…take my hand…
Tea lights in glass holders, and flower petals, illuminate the pathway to your soon-to-be husband, and you take a deep breath when you lock eyes with him. He’s dashing in his tux, his golden hair and eyes highlighted under the canopy of blush peonies and fairy lights at the end of the aisle. He looks like a prince right out of a fairytale. He’d definitely laugh if he heard you say that out loud, and you have to bite back a laugh at the thought of that conversation.
Atsumu isn’t sure how it happened until his vision is blurred, and he’s struggling a little to catch his breath, all he knows is that you’re there and you’re so beautiful, and he can’t imagine it being anyone else. He remembers now nervous he was on the night he proposed to you at the top of the Tokyo Skytree. The way your eyes lit up, and how the city lights paled in comparison to the radiance of your smile as you squealed a “yes!”
It’s barely visible but as you get closer, you see it, the wetness on his cheeks it’s so rare that it happens, that you notice. A wave of emotion hits you so strongly that you almost go weak in the knees.
…take my whole life too…
The look of absolute devotion, and pure love in his eyes is visible to everyone in the room, especially to you.
…For I can’t help falling in love with you…
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languor-em · 3 years
No one:
Me: I'm sick, so here's more Self Ship shit. Suffer.
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Anyway, more under the cut rife with spoilers- long story short I really wanna kiss Korosensei 🥺🥺
So in THIS particular convoluted storyline Theo is a retired field medic from the US military. They fuckin hate the military now, they think all war is pointless and they hate government on principle. But that's neither here nor there. They were discharged on account of some pretty nasty wounds- particularly around their left hip and leg. They have a bit of trouble standing for long periods without pain, and they carry a cane to help with mobility and to take some of the weight off of their leg.
After being discharged they kind of just decided "fuck it" and moved to Japan permanently. They'd been before and had learned the language, they had just gotten sick of America and finally moved to a little apartment in Tokyo. There they got a job working in a tiny cafe/bakery near the campus, which is where they met Aguri!! They were really close friends before she passed under, at the time, mysterious circumstances, and Theo made sure that their little shop was a safe space for the kids in 3E in her honor. They have a little trouble working for long periods, what with pain and all, but they love their job and are more than happy to put up with some pain.
Cue the beginning of the show proper, the moon explodes, and a really weird man starts showing up semi-frequently for drinks and pastries. Theo takes one look at him and goes "Yeah no, that's not a human man" and proceeds to say absolutely nothing. I mean, he's kind and polite, really funny, and he's apparently the new teacher of class 3E. Theo can't help but to keep decently close tabs on him through their own experiences and what the kids will share, y'know,, just to make sure Aguri's memory isn't being trampled but!! She likes what she hears!! And she's happy to see how much the kids are thriving!!
She spends much of the first season as a sort of safe place the kids go after school to study, rest, vent, and plan. It's when the Takaoka incident happens that her medical training comes into use and attracts the attention of Karasuma, who is sick of watching these kids get hurt and who really wants to hire a school nurse. Who better than the constantly frazzled American at the bakery, fussing over the kids like a mother hen?
Thus through a series of events that even Theo can't explain very well, Theo becomes 3E's nurse and Home Ec teacher. They are simultaneously releaved and horrified that their hunches about Korosensei we're right, but he's been nothing but welcoming so they're quick to adapt.
Things go mostly show accurate from there, Theo falls for Koro pretty hard and fast, but doesn't say anything until after Okinawa. Y'know,, adrenaline and fear of actually losing him and whatnot. They love their class fiercely and can be a bit overprotective at times, but they haven't felt more at home since before they joined the military, or since Aguri died.
Long story short, their relationship with Koro is just,,, teeth rotting fluff. Soft physical affection, lotsa giggling like schoolgirls and horrible jokes,,, just,,, sweet. Irina and Karasuma deserve so much credit for dealing with their lovey dovey bullshit.
10/10, would kiss again ÚwÙ
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fairy-writes · 2 years
Hello ! May I request for a male matchup please ? ( I already sent a similar one and I really liked your matchups so I decided to sent another one !)
Fandom : Tokyo Revengers, Demon slayer and Tokyo ghoul pleasee
My zodiac sign is Leo and my mbsti is INFP-T, my pronuns are she/her.
Personality : I’m an ambivert (mix of introvert and extrovert), at first I’m really shy but I became comfortable with a person if she make me feel safe. As soon as I’m comfortable I became very extroverted and funny. I love to laugh so, basically, I laugh everyday. I also smile pretty easily and all the time. Besides all that I like to « be chill » but I gets stressed very easily. However, I can easily stand up for myself like when something/someone is bothering me I immediately say it and don’t necessarily need people to help me with this. Also I’m collected but have a certain attitude. I like to « be rude » and sarcastic to my loved ones but they know that I’m not genuinely mean with them. All that doesn't mean that i'm not polite and respectful because i really am. Finally I’d say that I’m creative, empathetic and passionate but emotionally vulnerable, really self-critical.
Interests/Hobbies : sleep, play video games, watch Anime/Netflix/Disney plus, chill, listen to RNB/ US Rap, study and discover things about science…
Apparence : I’m black girl and my height 5’7 (170cm). I have 4c hair (I often wear long braids) and dark brown eyes. I’d say that my style is a mix between streatwear and Y2K. And an unnecessary information : I wear glasses (even if I rarely put them on)
I think that’s all ! Thanks you very much !
Hello, again, lovely! I hope you like your matchups! You also didn’t specify which type of matchup you wanted so I went ahead and did a mix and labeled them! This is also just a reminder that if this is a romantic matchup, it’s in the current Tokyo Revengers timeline!
Tokyo Revengers Matchup: I pair you with… Sano Manjiro!
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(Romantic Matchup)
Mikey is 5’3” so he’s a bit shorter than you! I feel like he’s either an extrovert or an ambivert. He definitely has his introvert moments though. He loves your laugh! He loves to be the one making you laugh and gets a little jealous when other people (especially good-looking people) make you laugh instead of him. But he is fantastic at hiding his emotion so you likely won’t realize until he grabs your hand and stands close. But he doesn’t get overly jealous and definitely doesn’t get possessive unless you want him to.
Another thing Mikey loves is how you can stand up for yourself and aren’t afraid to do so! Don’t get me wrong, he will gladly stand up for you but he thinks it’s so attractive that you can do it yourself. He loves all sides of you! Whether that’s your empathetic and passionate side or helping you with your emotionally vulnerable and self-critical side. 
The two of you play video games together! Or rather, you play things probably like Animal Crossing and he’ll play games like first-person shooters such as Call of Duty or Halo.
Demon Slayer Matchup: I pair you with… Kamado Tanjiro!
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(Platonic Matchup)
Tanjiro is an extrovert! He thrives off of meeting new people and being able to help them! He initially meets you by slaying a demon that was attacking you and brings you to Shinobu’s to patch you up! While you are recovering, Tanjiro visits you every day to see how you are doing! The two of you become fast friends after you get close to Tanjiro and start opening up to him.
Laughing is a huge part of your friendship! If the two of you get going, you can laugh over any little thing and go on forever. Zenitsu thinks it’s hilarious, Inosuke thinks it’s creepy, and Nezuko is just happy her brother is happy. 
In the modern-day, I see Tanjiro as the type to watch others play video games rather than play them himself. He likes calming games like Animal Crossing and maybe the occasional Pokémon game. He also loves Disney as it’s his sibling's favorite as well!
Tokyo Ghoul Matchup: I pair you with… Kaneki Ken!
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(Romantic Matchup)
The two of you meet at Kamii University! Kaneki is an introvert so the two of you actually meet through being paired together for an assignment. It takes some time and Kaneki eventually asks you out after becoming a ghoul and learning to control his urges. 
He loves your laugh! Especially after everything with Jason, your laugh is one of the only things keeping him sane. He helps manage your stress levels and you usually have to help him stand up for himself in the beginning. After Jason, he has no issue standing up for himself and just wants to protect you.
Before Jason, Kaneki likes to read while you play video games! The two of you like to discuss what you’re reading/playing and have really deep conversations about it all! After Jason, Kaneki is pretty busy and doesn’t have time to watch you play video games but he tries! He really does!
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