#i was super scared working up to jabbing myself but once it was in it was like nothing ha
muckyschmuck · 1 year
t update kinda not really idk; i injected yesterday finally! i went a little under my dose because i’m silly but i think it’s fine, i’m supposed to start small and work up to a higher dose throughout the month anyway. it didn’t hurt one bit, but the site’s a little sore today which doesn’t bother me. idk if any of these things have anything to do w the testosterone but i’m sooooo fucking tired. like absurdly fucking exhausted, and really really SUPER hot. i’m in california and it’s summer so it’s most likely just the heat making me tired as fuck and greasy. i have new pimples too but again, probs just the heat working w the grease to make me like this. lots of placebo making me feel better and i’m very excited for next saturdays shot and the changes in general, i’m so happy!
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
Hiya there!
Could I maybe ask for a mha match-up?
kool. so,
Clover. that's her name
(she's an oc of mine)
Her quirk is honey bee
(features of a honey bee)
An extremely gentle soul but not to be taken for granted. Because her kind nature was taken advantage of, she got trust issues. Clover has ADHD and is medicated. loves outdoors and sugar. u could say she's a real sweetheart. hahahahah
thought that was funny.
if it's kool, I'd like to repost if u do.
-madam prince.
Hello! Thankie Thankie for your request! Your oc sounds so cool and gave me an idea for a really cute pair so...DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!
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I don't know why, but I just got a gut feeling that Clover and Bakugo would make a good couple. I don't even fully understand it myself it just came to me instantly when I saw this ask my brain was like yep Bakugo.
The mor I thought about it the more the idea grew on me. They are that sunshine and raincloud trope and for some reason it works. Bakugo is just like I hate everyone and everything...except you. He won't admit it but if anything happened to her, he would kill everyone and then himself.
He doesn't understand why, but Clover just makes him feel all soft and warm and not hella pissed off for once. She's like a small kitten or puppy that just looks so soft, and he wants to cuddle it so bad because even Bakugo can't hate kittens/puppies.
The day he met Clover she had just kinda been dragged into the Bakugo squad by Denki and Kirishima and he just couldn't say no because 1. It's those two even if he said no they would do what they wanted anyway and 2. he thought she was super cute ok.
Ever since that day he basically became her guard dog and anyone who tries to mess with her or take advantage of her would have to deal with King Lord Explosion Murder!!! (DIEEEEEEEE *BOOM*) even though he knows and acknowledges the fact that she can absolutely protect herself.
Bakugo also has a tendency to swear less and be less violent around Clover. He doesn't want to scare her off (although if you asked him about it, he would just deny it and call you a dumba$$). Especially when they are alone, he is an overall much gentler person when she's there.
If Clover is struggling with any of her classes Bakugo will over to tutor her (although he'll pretend, he doesn't want to like the true tsundere he is). Now Bakugo isn't the most patient person even with Clover, but he will try his absolute hardest to stay calm while helping her even if her ADHD is acting up more that day. He will also make sure to explain it in a way she can really understand and grasp before moving to the next subject or problem. (This isn't a stereotype jab at adhd btw I just thought tutor Bakugo was a cute idea plz dnt hate me)
I feel like once they got together Clover and Bakugo would take a lot of dates outdoors. Hiking, camping, picnics especially picnics we all know Bakugo is basically anime Gordon Ramsey and would make some top tier food.
Lowkey Bakugo really likes to spoil Clover with his cooking especially since he isn't very touchy feely or open with his emotions. She may wanna watch out she may gain a few pounds because man knows how much she likes sweets and will make her a LOOOOOT of them because he can't resist how her face lights up when she's eating them (He doesn't mind the pounds though because it means he's a good cook and more Clover to love so sue him.
Overall, Bakugo and Clover would be opposites attract kind of couple. People would be surprised at how well they get along, and grateful there is someone around to keep Bakugo calm.
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I had a lot of fun doing this one. Hope you like it also ofc you can repost this <3 (p.s DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO FIND A PICTURE OF THIS KID SMILING OR NOT LOOKING ABSOLUTELY PSYCOTIC-)
Runners Up: No one because I really like this pairing.
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dreamingofaizawa · 4 years
Short Stack
Okay, so I recently started a series called Saving Her Sanity, and I had only gotten one part posted. But the more I reread it, the more I really hated the way I’d written it. So I’m postponing that and starting a different series. It’s gonna be a real rollercoaster ride of emotions, so buckle up.
Pro Hero! KiriBaku x ProHero! Fem! Reader
**18+ Fic**
Warnings: Angst, fluff, habitual self-harm, dissociation, swearing from obvious sources, alcohol. Coming up in later parts: smexy times, biting kink, double penetration, unprotected sex, more angst, traumatic past (but not super detailed cuz I can’t handle that shit my heart hurts already)
Word Count: 6.9k
Author’s Note: Alright folks, the reader is a fucking savage and stronger than the fucking hulk cause why the fuck not? Tbh body type isn’t discussed, the only thing is that she’s short af and the angry pomeranian and redhead boulder are freaking giants. Also, everyone’s in their mid-late twenties here. 
Part 2 - Part 3
Enjoy the read!
You dove out of the way of chunks of concrete, barely making it behind the corner of the alleyway. You took off sprinting, hopefully drawing the villain away from civilian activity. Thankfully he chased after you, onto an abandoned street, out in the open where you had the upper hand. Twirling around, you materialized a scythe and swung it straight at the enormous arm coming at you, nearly chopping off the villain’s fist completely. 
He stopped in his tracks and howled in pain, giving you the opening you needed. You charged him and dropped to the ground, taking his legs out as you slid under him. A chain materialized in place of the scythe and you wrapped it around his ankles and his undamaged hand, hog tying him in place. You’d only been fighting the villain for about five minutes, and backup wasn’t going to be there for at least another two, so you put a quirk cancelling cuff on him and began to wrap his bleeding wrist to keep him from bleeding out. 
As you waited for backup, you sat down and leaned against the villain, who’d passed out from blood loss, and tended to your own wounds from the encounter. Backup arrived, but it wasn’t what you expected. Instead of police, stomping toward you was none other than the number two hero Ground Zero. His vermillion eyes glanced between you and the villain that was quite literally twice your size, and the expression on his face looked ever so slightly confused at the scene he was witnessing. 
He stopped at your feet, glaring down at you for a few seconds, looked back at the villain, then back at you, and when he opened his mouth to speak the most absurd thing you’d ever heard came from his lips.
“How the hell did you do that?”
You looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, slightly irritated at the implication behind the question. Without a word, you stood up and dusted the dirt off your butt. You walked a few yards away, pulled out your phone and dialed the police, making sure they came with a vehicle that could fit the huge villain. When you turned back around to face Ground Zero, you didn’t expect him to be so close to you. He leaned down so you were face to face, narrowing his eyes at you and letting out what sounded like a growl. “I don’t like being ignored, dumbass.”
You rolled your eyes and glared right back at him. “Well I don’t like to be undermined, Ground Zero. I may be small but I can handle myself in a fight.” And it was true. You were very small, at a whopping 5 feet tall (152 cm). His eye twitched and jaw clenched, and you could almost see the steam coming from his ears. Before he could retort, you saw something being launched from behind him. You swung your leg under him and pinned him to the ground just in time to dodge a manhole cover as it whizzed above your heads.
Without hesitation you launched toward the second villain that appeared and quickly had him immobilized and cuffed on the ground next to the first. You turned back to the number two hero, who was still on the ground watching you with wide eyes. You walked over and held your hand out to him, offering to help him up. To your surprise he actually grabbed your hand and let you pull him to stand. He didn’t let go of your hand, instead looking at it, bewildered. 
“Can I have my hand back?” you looked at him blankly. He blinked a few times before releasing his grip. Soon the police arrived to take the villains, and once they left, you began to walk back to the agency since your patrol had ended a little while ago. Ground Zero ran after you and grabbed you by the wrist, turning you around to face him.
“What’s your name?” You raised an eyebrow at the man. “My hero name is Inventory. Now If you don’t mind, I’ve got paperwork to fill out.” He let go of your arm and walked alongside you. You knew why he was walking with you, seeing as you worked as a hero at his agency. As you walked into the building he turned to you with a quizzical look. Without even glancing in his direction you gave a small sigh. “Why am I not surprised that you don’t even know I work under you?”
He seemed slightly shocked. He made it a point to know who was working for him. After all, he couldn’t have anybody screwing up his agency’s reputation. Somehow, though, you’d managed to slip under his radar. Though considering your stature, hero rank, and the fact that you hadn’t made a single mistake since your debut, he figured he’d just brushed you off.
After you filled out all your paperwork, you changed out of your hero costume and into workout clothes and hit the agency’s gym. Like you always did, you went straight to the separate room reserved for sparring, expecting to have to go back out and find a partner. Today, though, you didn’t. As you entered the room, there was a certain angry blonde and a very muscular red-haired man sitting against the wall. 
“Well if it isn’t short stack” Ground Zero called out to you. Well that’s one way to get you mad. You tilted your head sharply to one side, then the other, your neck popping loudly as you took a deep breath to calm your anger. “Hello, Ground Zero. I didn’t expect you to be in here. I’ll just leave you to it then.” The irritation seeped into your voice as you turned around to leave the room.
Of course, the jackass had to go and say something else. “What? You too scared to spar against me? Am I too big for you to handle?” God damn it. You both knew you had taken down much larger opponents than him, and you knew it wasn’t very smart to fight your boss, but at this point you were pissed. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath through your nose.
He stood up and began stalking towards you, his heavy footsteps ringing in your ears. You dropped your duffel and whirled around, walking to him and meeting him in the middle of the room. At least sparring was only hand-to-hand combat, because you knew he’d easily overpower you if he could use his quirk. But you trained almost exclusively in hand-to-hand, because your quirk wasn’t combat related.
As you dropped into your fighting stance, he narrowed his eyes at you, clearly confused at the odd stance you were in. In all your years of training, you had developed your very own fighting style. He quickly shrugged off his confusion and put his arms up in front of his face, ready for whatever you were about to throw at him. The two of you stood there, waiting for the other to make the first move. As predicted, his patience ran out and you easily ducked and dodged the first few quick jabs he threw.
He kept throwing punches, each one a little more intense, and you could see he was getting irritated from how you were dodging every single one. Soon enough he was lunging at you with each punch he threw, his anger getting the best of him. Five minutes of him punching and you dodging had him fuming. You hadn’t even thrown a single punch. Still, it was a game of cat and mouse with you dodging everything he threw.
The whole time he’d been aiming at your face and shoulders, keeping his strikes high. But suddenly he launched at you and his right fist aimed straight for your stomach. Got him. You planted your right foot and spun counter-clockwise, grabbed his wrist with your left hand, grabbed his shoulder with your right, and used his own momentum to fling him over your head. He landed on his back with a thud, all the air pushed out of his lungs from the impact. 
You knew he’d have to take a few seconds to get up from that, and that meant you won the match in a single move. You stood over his head, smirking down at him. He glared up at you with eyes wide as saucers, wheezing from the throw, and the redhead cackled from his spot against the wall. You kneeled down and hunched over, your noses inches apart, and said, “Still think you’re too big for me to handle?”
Staring down at him, you stood again and walked over to the redhead. “Hi, I’m (y/l/n) (y/n), hero name Inventory.” You introduced yourself and held your hand out for him to shake. He took it and introduced himself as Kirishima Eijirou, a.k.a. Red Riot. You walked back over to Ground Zero and once again held your hand out to help him up. This time, he slapped your hand away and got up himself. “The name’s Bakugou Katsuki,” he said, scowling at you.
Kirishima got up and came over, “Come on Bakugou, don’t be a jerk just cause you lost. Sorry about that (y/l/n), he’s just prideful.” You chuckled lightly, waving it off, “It’s fine. I’ve heard ALL about Ground Zero’s friendly personality and peppy attitude. Anyway, It’s been fun, but I should get going.” Kirishima stopped you before you could walk away. “Hey, (y/l/n), we were gonna go out for drinks after this, you wanna join us?” You looked over to Bakugou, who didn’t give any input, choosing instead to glare at the corner. “Sure I’ll meet you outside in ten.”
You picked up your duffel and went back to the locker room to change into your civilian clothes. The bar was only a couple blocks away, so you all left your stuff in your cars and walked over. Bakugou didn’t say anything the whole way there, still wallowing in his humiliating defeat. You, being the smartass you are, decided to poke the bear.
“Stop sulking Bakugou, I haven’t lost a sparring match since high school. Besides, if we were to use our quirks you’d most likely win the match. You don’t gotta be all depressed about it.” His head snapped toward you and his hands popped and crackled at his sides. It was probably meant to scare you, but you only put your hands up in mock surrender. 
When you got to the bar you all ordered your drinks and sat down at a booth. Kirishima looked at you and started asking questions. “So, (y/l/n), if you’re so sure you’d lose to Bakugou’s quirk, what’s yours?” You answered him like you answered everyone else who’d asked you the same question. “Basically, it’s like an inventory in a video game, hence the hero name. I can “store” things in a pocket of space and materialize them whenever I need them,” then you held out your hand and materialized your car keys and cell phone.
His eyes went wide and he started gushing about how cool and convenient that is. Meanwhile, Bakugou just rolled his eyes and mumbled “showoff” under his breath. Kirishima elbowed him and told him to behave, making you giggle at the dynamic of the two. Despite being at a bar, the only one that drank any alcohol was Kirishima. What really shocked you was that he was a terrible lightweight, and getting him to walk back to the agency was proving extremely difficult, because he was leaning nearly all his weight on you and Bakugou didn’t bother to help.
In fact, Bakugou was busy snickering at the sight of you trying to keep Kirishima from stumbling out onto the road and taking you with him. You’d be lying if you said Kirishima wasn’t heavy, but years of weight training and hero work pays off cause you could easily squat over 200 lbs even if you were tiny. So about a block from the agency, you’d had enough of trying to keep Kirishima from falling over and you just stopped walking.
Kirishima was too out of it to notice. But Bakugou turned and started teasing you for not being able to handle the weight. You just rolled your eyes at him. Before Bakugou could move and take him off your hands, you took a deep breath, and hauled Kirishima onto your shoulders in a fireman carry. Bakugou’s jaw dropped, and he froze in place, just staring at the scene in front of him. That both annoyed you and made you extremely proud, cause you just impressed the number two hero. You were sure the scene was at least a little funny, a giant hanging off your tiny frame, but you ignored it.
Once you had Kirishima secured on your shoulders, you started the trek to the agency. Again, Bakugou was completely silent, but you could tell it wasn’t because he was sulking. Once you were back at the agency, Bakugo led you to his car and got Kirishima settled in the back seat while you stretched out your arms, popping your shoulders and neck. You were about to say bye and head back to your car when Bakugou stopped you. 
“Thanks for carrying him. It was impressive. Unexpected,” he said, not making eye contact, “And the match earlier…You did good. I haven’t been beat that bad in a while.” It almost looked like he was blushing, but it was so subtle you couldn’t tell. You smiled softly at the compliments. “Thanks, Bakugou. I had fun. I’ll be going now.” You turned to walk to your car, but he stopped you again. “Oi, short stack!” You froze at the name, and turned around with a sickly sweet smile on your face, “Yes, Bakugou?” “What’s your number?” It was your turn to be shocked. But you got over it and recited your number to him as he punched it into his phone.
When you got home it was just after midnight, so you got ready for bed and lay down to sleep. The next few days passed relatively quickly, occasionally running into Kirishima or Bakugou. There wasn’t any villain activity in the area, and your gym time was productive. You got a couple of people to spar with you when you needed it, and spent any extra time weight training.
The next day you were off, just like every day you had off, you went straight to the agency and hit the gym. You spent a solid hour at the punching bag and went to go spar again. This time there were five others in the room, which was extremely rare. Normally the room was empty. Two pairs were already going at it, so you asked the fifth if she wanted to spar. 
You’d already worked up a sweat at the punching bag, but you needed the spar, so instead of finishing quickly you made sure to take a couple punches and throw a few before ending the match. You kept the same partner for a few matches, winning each one, and soon the others were watching as you won two more rounds.
The partner you’d been sparring with tapped out to get water, and someone else quickly took her place. You immediately jumped into another match. And then another. And another. Soon they tapped out as well, and by then there were a few more people filing into the room to watch. It confused you, because you’d never seen more than ten people in the padded room, but you ignored it and began another match with yet another partner.
After another few rounds, your new partner tapped out, and you decided it was time to get some water. But it wasn’t until you stepped back out into the center of the room that you realised nobody else was starting a match. Nobody else was sparring with anybody, all their eyes locked on you. As you looked around the room, you noticed it was getting crowded with people, all your previous opponents had already left, and a new opponent stepped out to challenge you.
Now this was strange. Even with your opponent getting into his fighting stance, you looked around the room, confused as to why there were so many people. You dodged a jab, snapping your attention back to your opponent. Well that was a dirty move. At his next swing you ducked under his arm, lunged to his side and swept his legs out from underneath him, ending the match before he could even blink. Playing dirty gets you knocked the fuck out as far as sparring goes for you.
The crowd that had gathered cheered at the quick takedown, and yet another opponent stepped out. You lost track of time, sparring dozens of different opponents, never losing a single match. If you began to tire all you did was end the match quickly to regain energy. After you went to refill your water for what must have been the 20th time, you checked the clock. It was already noon. You’d been sparring for five hours. 
When you went back into the room, another opponent waited in the middle. You apologized and said you had to leave, and the crowd dispersed within minutes. You showered and changed, and as you left the locker room you got a text from a number you didn’t recognize.
Oi short stack, what are you doing right now?
Correction, you knew EXACTLY who this was.
Just got out of the gym. Why?
At the agency
You didn’t get a reply, but you didn’t need one, cause Bakugou was waiting for you outside the building, sitting in his car, with Kirishima in the passenger seat. “You haven’t had lunch yet right?” Bakugou asked. You shook your head no. Kirishima spoke this time, “Great! Let’s go eat, I’m starving!” Bakugou rolled his eyes and told you to get in, and you chuckled as you got into the back seat.
During the ride Kirishima asked about your day, and you told him about the strange occurrence while you sparred, with a crowd forming to watch and people popping out of nowhere to challenge your winning streak. “Wow (y/l/n)! You still haven’t lost? I should spar with you and see if I can win!” You giggled at that and agreed to spar with him next time. And you kept reiterating how strange it was that there’d be so many people in the room at once, when normally there’s only a handful at a time.
They both questioned it but soon shrugged it off as Bakugou parked the car in front of the sushi restaurant. Lunch was a whirlwind of Kirishima asking you questions, you asking them questions, and Bakugou bickering at Kirishima when he ignored Bakugou entirely. It was fun seeing the two so close. Eventually the conversation rounded back to your sparring matches earlier.
“So how long were you there? If a crowd formed you had to have been at it for a while.” Kirishima asked, trying to figure out how long you’d fought people. You answered sheepishly, a bit embarrassed that you’d lost track of time so easily, “Well...when I checked the clock it’d been about five hours.” Both of them froze, staring at you with wide eyes. Your face burned and you took a sip of your water. Bakugou was the first to talk. “You’re a fucking beast.” Kirishima’s expression went from shock to concern. “Are you ok? Like, how are you not passed out right now?”
You assured him you were fine, and explained how much time you spent in the gym nearly every day, even after patrol. Your gym time only seemed to surprise them more, and after they told you about their gym schedule, you realised just how much time you spent in the gym, and the more you thought about it, the more you realised how lonely you were.
Kirishima seemed to catch on to your stress and smoothly changed the subject. After lunch, Bakugou drove you back to the agency, and Kirishima asked if you wanted to go to their place for drinks. “Sure, as long as I don’t have to carry you again,” you laughed. Kirishima turned and looked at you, his cheeks nearly as red as his hair. “Wait...you carried me?”.
Bakugou barked out a laugh. “Yeah shitty hair, she threw you over her shoulders and hauled your wasted ass back to the car.” Kirishima’s face somehow burned brighter and apologized profusely, but you waved it off. “Nah, it’s fine! Besides, if Bakugou wasn’t being such an ass I wouldn’t have had to carry you. I just got sick of trying to keep you standing upright while he snickered at me being short.” Bakugo scoffed. “Well you’re definitely not tall.” “I don’t need to be to kick your sorry ass.”
At that Bakugou went silent and Kirishima exploded in a fit of laughter. “Put a sock in it shitty hair! And you!” Bakugou glared at you in the rearview mirror, “I’m gonna beat your stubby ass next time!” You looked at him with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. “Is that a challenge, Ground Zero?” He growled at the mention of his hero name. “Yeah short stack, it’s a fucking challenge.”
Soon the car parked in the parking garage, and you all went up to their shared apartment. It was spacious, and very modern. Bakugou pointed out the bathroom and went to the kitchen to grab three bottles of beer. The three of you settled into the living room and the conversation went just like lunch did. Most of the questions were directed at you, and you answered honestly. 
The questions were generic and friendly, what you like to do in your spare time (besides going to the gym), your favorite foods, colors, your likes and dislikes, your pet peeves. After the first round of questioning you’d only got through one bottle of beer. “Hey, what other kinds of alcohol you got?” you questioned Bakugou. He got up and listed his menu from the kitchen. You asked him for a glass of the cream liquor, and he returned with a glass filled with the liquid. 
After hours of aimless conversation and a few more glasses, you found yourself slowing as the alcohol permeated your system. That was your signal to ask for a snack and water, and you stopped your intake of alcohol. Bakugou caught on to your self cut-off. “You don’t need to limit yourself. We’ve got a spare room if you need to stay the night, and if you need to call in tomorrow the agency has plenty of people to take over your patrol.” His statement shocked you, and you looked at him like he was crazy.
He spoke again, “If you’re cautious about sharing a place with two guys, Kiri’s nearly wasted already, he can’t do shit, and if I were stupid enough to do anything I’m sure you’d kick my ass before I got within a foot of you. As for tomorrow, both of us are off, and like I said, the agency is not short-staffed. And i’ve got meds if you’re worried about a hangover, and I don’t mind lending you clothes if you need them.”
You were stunned. Completely and utterly bewildered. But he made good points, so you decided to take up his offer to spend the night. “You know what, I’ll stay. But I'm gonna slow down with the alcohol, because hangovers are a bitch to deal with even with painkillers.” And with that, the three of you continued talking. Soon Kirishima passed out and Bakugou hauled him into his room. Surprisingly enough, when he came back out he actually engaged the conversation.
He asked about your fighting style, how you developed it, how long you trained. Most of his questioning was about your physical strength and tenacity, nothing personal. But then he asked why you spent so much of your time in the gym instead of with friends. And you answered honestly and bluntly, probably mostly because of the alcohol. “To be honest, I’m not much of a social butterfly. I don’t really have friends, because I don’t ‘make friends’ with people. In fact, you could call me antisocial. I don’t really like talking to people. I don’t speak unless spoken to or unless speaking is necessary.”
And he only dove deeper. “Why not? The world too scary from down there?” he teased. You laughed darkly at the comment, choosing to drain your glass of alcohol in favor of answering the implied question. He looked at you and raised an eyebrow. “What is it?”
“What is what?”
“You avoided the question.”
“Well it wasn’t really a question, just a jab at my height again”
“Yeah, and you didn’t jab back.”
You huff, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I think I know exactly what the fuck I’m talking about.”
“Just drop it Bakugou.”
“I won’t drop it. Not until you give me some kind of answer.”
“Are you always this insensitive or is it just the alcohol?”
“Spill it (y/l/n).”
“Ugh fine! But I’m not giving you any details.” You crack your knuckles, take a deep breath, and a long drink of water before you talk again. “I used to like making friends. But all the friends I made turned out to be liars and fakes. I was used. A lot. After a while I finally had enough, so I stopped approaching people. I decided if people want to be in my life they can approach me. I got good at reading people, and I shut them out fast if they weren’t good for me.” You sighed, praying that was enough to sate Bakugou’s drunken curiosity. It wasn’t.
“And if people approached you with the intention of using you? If you read them wrong?” he pried. Screw it. You already spilled this much right? Might as well get it out. “I got really good at pretty bad things. I don’t usually read wrong, because I’m suspicious of everyone that walks into my life.” Internally, you prayed that was enough for him. “What kinds of bad things?” Well that’s unfortunate.
“Things like eavesdropping. Spying. Hiding. Manipulation. Lying. Deceit. Long story short, I have trust issues. It’s easier to keep people at arm’s distance than make friends that could hurt you.” At that, Bakugou goes quiet, his eyes studying your face. And you stare back at him, waiting for the judgement that comes with opening up to people. Waiting for the ‘maybe you should openup more’ and ‘just give people a chance’. But his answer is unexpected. His face softens ever so slightly as his eyes lock onto yours, his voice low, soft and somewhat comforting. “Sounds rough.” You look away, trying to keep your breathing steady, not giving tears the chance to fall, “I’m gonna turn in. Good night, Bakugou.”
Moving quickly, you disappear into the spare room and curl up into the bed sheets. Why the hell are you crying? You’d talked about this before. So why now, of all times, are you suddenly sobbing into your hoodie, clinging to it like your lifeline? You try your best to keep quiet, hoping the only other person awake doesn’t hear you. You don’t know how long it’s been, but you hear the door handle turn, and you freeze, closing your eyes and steadying your breath, going completely silent in mock-sleep. It was a technique you’d perfected long ago, turning off your emotionsin order to avoid confrontation.
You hear heavy footsteps, knowing who it is that just stepped in. He was the only other one still awake. You feel the bed behind you dip, and strong arms curl around you and turn your body, burying your face into Bakugou’s solid chest. His deep voice rumbles softly in your ear. “I know you’re not sleeping shorty. I listened through the door and heard you crying. Just let it out.” And before you can stop them, the tears you’d willed to disappear begin to pour down your face. So you sob into his chest, his arms tightening around you as your entire body shakes.
Soon you’re drifting into sleep, your body giving in to exhaustion. You’re in a deep sleep, and Bakugou stays there, holding you, until the last hiccups subside. He leans away to look down at you, and brushes strands of hair away from your face. “How long has it been since you’ve cried, princess? How long since you bottled up those emotions inside you?” He questions your sleeping figure. He presses a soft kiss into your forehead, gets up and tucks you under the blanket before silently leaving the room and going to bed.
When you wake up, your eyelids are heavy and swollen, making it hard to open them. You tenderly massage them open, remembering the reason they’re so puffy and sore. Despite the discomfort of your eyes, you feel refreshed and light, a weight lifted off your chest that you didn’t know was there in the first place. No, it was more like it’s been there for so long you’d gotten used to the pressure. Slowly, you sit up and blink away sleep.
You check the clock and it’s 8 am, a couple hours later than you normally get up. At the foot of your bed is a set of folded clothes. You quickly change out of the clothes you slept in, and into the t-shirt and sweatpants that you assumed were Bakugou’s. As expected, they’re giant on you, but they’re comfortable, and they smell like Bakug-- NO. Stop. You shake the thought out of your head as quickly as it came and go out to see if either of the guys are up.
You quickly get your answer when you see Kirishima lounging -- freaking SHIRTLESS -- on the couch. Talk about eye candy, damn. Like sure, his hero costume doesn’t exactly hide anything, but it’s different when he’s laying across a couch in nothing but gray sweatpants. Again, you clear the thoughts before they screw you over, and greet him. “Hey (y/l/n) how’d you sleep?” “Pretty good, thanks. I’m surprised you’re up so early Kiri.” He laughs at the observation, “Yeah. Bakugou got me up a little while ago and I couldn’t go back to sleep.” Yeah, that makes sense. You nod and make your way into the kitchen, and as expected, Bakugo is there.
“Good morning Bakugou,” you greet him. “Morning shorty. How’d you sleep?” You answer with the same reply you gave Kirishima a few seconds ago. You lowered your voice a little and leaned slightly toward him, “Thank you, by the way. For last night. I really needed that.” He just nods, focusing his attention to the fridge to find breakfast. Satisfied with that, you turn and head back to the couch and chill with Kirishima until Bakugou calls you to the table to eat.
You ask them what they do on their days off, and today the plan was just to stay in and lounge around the house, not doing much of anything and just relaxing. So, that’s what you did. As the hours passed, you found yourself liking the company of the two men, despite their imposing size. You didn’t feel small with them. But the question lingering at the back of your mind was why? Why were you so comfortable around them?
Thoughts buzzed around in your head like a hurricane, mixing with the doubt that they were in any way comfortable with you, and the fear that they were only using you for what men always seem to want. Soon you were telling yourself all the bad scenarios that would end in them leaving you all alone again. You didn’t even know them all that well, but you had become attached and were already bracing yourself for the inevitable loss of the two. The memory of crying to Bakugou last night swirled into your mind and wouldn’t disappear.
You were spiraling into a panic like you always did when people got close. But it was hidden, suppressed, contained. Whenever you panicked it never showed, the only telltale sign being your sudden need to scratch the soft flesh on the inside of your elbow. You hadn’t scratched in so long that any previous wounds had completely healed over, the only evidence left were small patches of discoloration, only evident if you stare long enough. That was about to change as your nails dug furiously while you stared off into space.
Kirishima was the first to snap you out of your spiral, grabbing your wrists and shaking you out, calling your name frantically. Your senses began to drift back, and the next thing you noticed was the sting on your forearms and the light stain of blood on your nails and fingertips. Your eyes drifted from your wrist up to your inner elbow, and you winced at the sight of blood seeping out of the shredded welts. It looked like it should have hurt more than it did.
“Bakugou! Get the first aid kit from the bathroom! (y/l/n)’s bleeding!” Kirishima called out to him. You heard quick heavy stomps and a curse from the blonde before he came over to examine your arms. He looked at you, and you looked back at him, still dazed from your inner turmoil. He knew from that look you were out of it. Instead he questioned the redhead to ask what had happened while he was in the kitchen figuring out what to make for lunch.
“I don’t know! I was watching tv and when I turned to ask her something she was staring off into space and scratching at her arms! She was bleeding before I even turned and I grabbed her before it could get worse.” Bakugou clenched his jaw and went to get a wet washcloth to clean up the blood. You were watching this all unfold before you, still not quite attached to reality. When he returned, he put the cloth on his lap and grabbed your face in his hands, stroking your cheeks with calloused thumbs. He called your voice, attempting to ground you, and didn’t stop until you finally took a few quick breaths and blinked, answering him with a small ‘sorry’.
He grabbed your wrists, which Kirishima had already released, and spoke to you in a hushed tone, but still strong and intense. “(y/l/n) I need you to listen to me. Are you allergic to anything? Anything at all?” It took a few moments for you to regain your mental balance, but you shook your head. “No. Nothing.” He let out a soft breath and with that he began to clean and dress your arms, wiping away blood and cleaning your fingers and nails in silent concentration.
By the time the entire ordeal was over, the different sensations from the sting of the alcohol wipes to the cool ointment and the soft gauze had grounded you completely. As Bakugou went to put the first aid kit away, Kirishima reached out and gripped your shoulders, looking over your face and into your eyes with tender concern. “You okay little pebble?” He moved his large hands so they rested at the sides of your neck, his thumbs gently brushing at your jaw.
You blush lightly at the endearing nickname and the new sensation of his hands. Leaning slightly into one of his palms, you nod. “Yeah, I’m okay. I don’t really wanna talk about it, but I’ll be just fine. I just got distracted.” He looked at you with a face that said he didn’t believe your excuse, but he’d drop the subject because you asked him to. Letting his hand release you, he gives you a toothy, mischievous grin. He leans in closer to you and nearly whispers, like he was about to reveal the world’s biggest scandal.
“That was the most gentle I’ve ever seen Bakugou. Thanks for bringing that side out of him,” he says, flashing another smile. You giggle a little at the thought of the explosive male being gentle, not quite believing it if you hadn’t been subject to it. Then you remembered why he’d been there, tending to the wounds you’d subconsciously inflicted on yourself. Your eyebrows knitted together lightly, remembering the spiral and being shaken out of it by a panicked Kirishima. When Bakugou came back, you grabbed one of their hands in each of yours.
“I’m sorry for worrying you,” you say softly. After a few moments of silence, you decided you owed them an explanation of some kind. “And thank you for catching me. The scratching is a nervous habit when I’m stressed. I thought I got rid of it, but obviously I haven’t. It’s been a long time since it happened last, and it was triggered by my own drifting thoughts. It’s purely subconscious and I don’t realize what I’m doing until the pain becomes too unbearable and snaps me back to reality.”
By the end of your explanation, the two were looking at you with concern and understanding. Kirishima gently smiled, and Bakugou’s features relaxed, when you squeezed their hands appreciatively. The comfortable silence was suddenly broken by a low growl. You laughed at the comedic timing of your stomach and glanced at the clock. It was just after 12:30, and Bakugou got up to go make lunch. After eating you asked to wash your clothes, and asked to use the shower. Kirishima got you a spare towel and plastic wrap to cover your newly dressed forearms. Five minutes under the hot water and you were already feeling suffocated. The steam clouded your lungs, making it harder and harder to breathe.
You knew you had a problem with hot water. You always have. Jacuzzis were never relaxing for you, and you loved the cool water of the ocean the deeper you dove toward inky blackness. You turned the handle in the shower, letting the water turn cold. Your body shivered slightly from the sudden temperature change, but quickly relaxed as the cold water washed away all the stress from a few hours ago.
When you had finished up you went to go relax on the couch again, settling into the space between the two. Now with your mind clear, you began to wonder something that you probably should have wondered a while ago. How tall were they, really? They stood over a foot taller than you, so they had to be at least 6 feet tall. You looked from one to the other, your head swiveling back and forth, before you decided to just ask them.
Bakugou barked out a deep laugh, “Why you wanna know shorty? Finally realizing how scary we look from down there?” You rolled your eyes at him, but he answered anyway. “I’m 6 foot 4 (193 cm).” Kirishima looked down at you and beamed, “I’m 6 foot 6 (198 cm).” Bakugou scoffed, and you giggled at the blonde getting upset over height. Suddenly you bounced up from the couch and turned to the two, barely containing the thought that suddenly popped into your mind. Out of the two, the redhead seemed like the more likely to carry out your request, so you turned to Kirishima with wide excited eyes and a lopsided grin like a kid in a candy store.
“Can you carry me?!” you blurted out a little too loud. Kirishima blushed hard, and then you realized how ridiculous the request sounded and rushed to explain. “Sorry! That sounded weird right? I just wanna know what life looks like from that high up! I’m only 5 feet tall so…” you rambled a little before Kirishima laughed and stood up. “Sure little pebble.” He turned you around and squatted down, put his left arm around your waist and right arm against your thighs just above your knees and told you to lean back and sit on his arm. 
Once you were seated snugly, your back pressed against his chest, he stood up and you gasped a little from the new angle. The floor looked so far away, and you knew that if Kirishima decided to hold you by your armpits your feet would dangle a foot from the floor. Bakugou looked up at you from the couch and scoffed. “Alright shitty hair, put her down before you drop her and she breaks her legs from the fall.” Your hilariously rebellious brain took that as a challenge. You smirked at Bakugou, his eyes daring you to do exactly what you were thinking. But before you could move he looked at the redhead behind you, and the arm around your waist tightened as he reached to grab his right bicep. He slightly activated his quirk, locking you in place. 
“Aw, c’mon! You’re no fun! I’ve jumped from buildings before and landed perfectly fine!” You whined as you squirmed in Kirishima’s arms. Both of them laughed at your struggle, and once again, your brain instantly settled on ‘challenge accepted’. You quickly surveyed your surroundings, going about the best way to escape Red Riot without damaging any of the heroes’ property.
Before either of them could react, you materialized quirk-cancelling handcuffs and clasped one side around Kirishima's left wrist. The instant it went into effect, you brought your foot up and back down into the redhead’s stomach just hard enough for his grip on you to loosen up. When his right arm dropped to grab his abdomen, you slipped down along his body, grabbed the free cuff on your way down and snapped it around the leg of the coffee table, Kirishima landing flat on his ass with an ‘oof’.
Once again, Bakugou just stared in shock. You crossed your arms and smirked at him, “What was that about dropping me, Bakugou?” He was silent. Kirishima chuckled from his spot on the ground. “Damn, you’re a sneaky one little pebble.” You turned back around and took a deep bow. You materialized the cuff’s key and released him, storing them back in your quirk’s storage space. Finally recovering from his shock, Bakugou looked at the time and said, “Alright, short stack. Let’s go spar.” You turned to him and spoke what your brain had thought only moments before. “Challenge accepted.”
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adarlingwrites · 3 years
noun: formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment
The Capital Wasteland lauded the Lone Wanderer as a hero, a Messiah, a savior who’s willing to give her life for the Good Fight. Beyond the legends, the propaganda, and the mythification that surrounded her legacy, there is only one person who knew her bare soul. She gave him his absolution, and now he will fight for hers.
February 11, 2278.
Ten fifteen in the evening.
I loaded my shotgun and watched the rear, gunfire bursting as the tin cans yelled. This was supposed to be a stealth operation. If only DeLoria hadn’t tripped on that one guard…
Truth be told, this was an absolutely fucking stupid plan. Taking away a comatose patient from the Citadel isn’t the brightest idea DeLoria and I came up with, but we had no other choice. Whatever secret about Percy that Dr. Li wanted us to protect, it seemed important. Seeing how Lyons figured out that she’s a living atomic weapon, I understand her.
DeLoria looks goddamn constipated as he helped me push the gurney with my partner in tow, secured with leather straps so she wouldn’t fly off. In the front, Fawkes soaks up most of the damage.
Of course we had a Plan B if the stealthy approach didn’t work. Thank fuck Fawkes is willing to cooperate, too. This wasn’t the first time we worked together to help Percy out of the tight spot. Then again, Percy got us out of our predicaments first. Knowing her, when she wakes up, she’ll scold us for risking ourselves for her, and for coming up with this awful plan.
Too bad. She can’t stop us now.
“Charon, what now? I only brought a pistol,” Butch yelps, narrowly missing fire.
“We’re gonna let Fawkes soak up the brunt of the gunfire, and we keep pressing forward and watch his six,” I grunted in return.
“Shit, this is a bad idea man! What if they hit Percy?”
“That’s why we’re fucking here to shield her! Are you scared of a little gunfire, DeLoria?!”
The younger man gulped and kept pushing. Our group kept pushing forward, already at the courtyard. How we managed to pull this off is beyond me. I expected to be dead right now.
“Hold your fire!”
Whoever issued the command is old, judging from their voice. Almost immediately, the tin cans stopped shooting.
“Father, what’s the meaning of this?” a more feminine voice called out. “They’re kidnapping a comatose patient! An honorary member of the Lyons Pride! I-”
“Sarah, please, enough. I’ll talk to them,” the Elder says, emerging from the crowd.
Another one of the tin cans interrupts. “Elder, they let in a Super Mutant in Citadel grounds! We-”
The old man gives the soldier a stern gaze, and he backs off. Coming face to face with Fawkes, the elder looks up, a neutral expression on his face.
“Please explain the meaning of this.”
DeLoria rushes over from the rear, facing the old man. “We’re getting our friend out of here! Clearly you assholes haven’t been doing her any good, so we’re transferring her to another hospital.”
“Another hospital?” the younger Lyons interrupts. “Listen kid, the Citadel is one of the few places on the Wasteland equipped to handle Zhou’s injuries.” Armor clinking, she marches towards the greaser, a livid expression on her face.
“What makes you think that whatever ‘hospital’ you’ll be transferring her to is equipped to help her, huh?”
A shouting match erupts between those two. Before things get ugly, Elder Lyons intervenes again, placing himself in front of the greaser and his daughter. Grumbling, I reach out and pull DeLoria back.
“I’ll take it from here,” I griped, and shoved past Sarah Lyons. I came face to face with the Elder, and I folded my arms.
“Before she left, Dr. Li told us she doesn’t think that whatever tests you’re running on Percy isn’t for her best interests. Percy trusted that doctor, so I trust her.”
Blondie scoffs, about to go off on us again, but she stops in her tracks, looking at something, or someone, behind us.
“Then, why don’t you ask Zhou herself, if she wants to stay here or not?”
My eyes widen, and I turn around and see Percy, sitting up on the bed, her restraints loose. I checked again, and no, they weren’t loosened. They were pulled away from the bed, and she’s gripping the leather straps.
My breath caught in my throat.
“Percy,” I mumble, taking slow, tentative steps towards her.
She’s looking blankly ahead, eyes glassy. No. Oh no.
What the fuck is happening?
Rough and calloused, my fingers brush against her arm, and her eyes flick towards me. “Percy? Are you there?”
Letting go of the leather strap, her small hand grips mine, and she exhales sharply, panic rousing within her. Through her hospital gown, I see a sickly green glow pulsing below her throat, at her chest.
Barreling her way through, Sarah Lyons points a minigun at my partner, ready to fire.
“Everyone, get back! She’s going to blow!”
“No!” I screamed at her, and instinct kicking in, I scoop Percy’s frail body in my arms and started to run to the exit.
“Move, fucking move aside!”
My lungs are burning as I run through the Citadel gates, Percy still pressed to my chest, unnaturally warm to the touch. Fawkes is following closely behind, footsteps pounding.
Away from the people, I gently laid Percy to the ground, the green glow emanating from her searing now, and covered her body with mine. If I’m gonna go, I’m gonna go holding her.
Screwing my eyes shut, I wait for the inevitable.
Instead, I was pulled aside, and Fawkes crouches over Percy’s body, careful not to crush her.
A bright, blinding light flashes from Percy’s body, and Fawkes covers her completely. Her body erupts, heat and energy bursting outwards, and Fawkes just absorbed all that. I watched the explosion barely made a dent on the mutant’s thick skin, and the mushroom cloud that billows towards the dark sky.
He pulls back, and Percy lies there, hospital gown in tatters.
I rushed to her side, checking for breathing, and felt my heart drop as I heard none.
“We need a medic, get a medic!” I snarl at the bystanders who witnessed the entire ordeal. After the initial shock has worn off, DeLoria weaves through the crowd and runs towards us, kneeling beside Percy.
“Shit man, shit! She’s not breathing, she needs CPR, oh my fucking God I don’t remember how to do it,” he babbles, tears pooling at the edge of his eyes.
Gnashing my teeth, I try to remember whatever first aid I learned from observing Percy in the past. I pulled away Percy’s hospital gown, and with my palms together, I pressed between her nipples, pumping and hearing her ribs crack underneath her skin.
I tilt her head, pinch her nose, press my ruined lips against hers, and blow. Twice.
Then, I go back into giving her chest compressions, and I look over my shoulder. I must’ve looked so feral at that moment.
“Where the fuck’s that medic?!”
I turned back to my partner, and after another set of compressions, I breathed into her again.
“Percy, remember what you told me when you got captured by the Enclave, huh?!” I rasped, gritting my teeth.
“Well, it’s your goddamn turn to listen to me now!”
January 14, 2278.
Fingers clacking on the keyboard, Percy hacked away at the terminal. Once given access, she terminates the hostile creatures in the other holding cells. I wince as I watch one particularly screwed up creature burst into flame, high pitched, inhuman squeals coming out of its… mouth?
Jesus Christ. I don’t want to think about it, ugh.
Then, Percy selects another command in the console, and the doors hiss open.
My partner turned around, footsteps urgent, and I followed her closely behind. Fawkes emerges from his cell, carefully, like an animal let loose from a trap, and he turns to us, towering us both.
“Thank you,” he boomed, and though his voice sounded rough, I felt his gratitude for Percy. “As promised, I will retrieve the GECK for you. This is a debt I am most happy to pay, my friends. Follow me!”
Percy smiles and nods, and she turns to me, looking over her shoulder with a pleased expression.
“See Charon? He isn’t bad at all,” she starts, and I only grumble in response. Percy senses the apprehension that lingered in me, and chuckles.
“To be frank Charon, the first time I met you in Underworld, I might have felt the same thing,” she says, and I look down with a questioning look.
“Dad told me to judge other people by what they looked like, but even then, I felt kind of uneasy around you. Then I heard you beat up Patchwork, and I was really angry for a while.”
I gulped. I never thought about what she thinks of me during that time. It was an entirely different reality back then; her thoughts, or anyone else’s, didn’t matter. Only Ahzrukhal’s did.
“But what Tulip said to me about you being Ahzrukhal’s employee really challenged my perspective. Getting back at you would only end in me getting hurt. You were at Ahzrukhal’s mercy as much as Patchwork was.”
“So is that why you bought my contract back then? You felt sorry?”
“No. I felt your frustration at being powerless. So, I bought your contract to create an opportunity to seize that back. Of course it wasn’t easy after that,” Percy chuckles sheepishly, and I sigh, remembering all the times I struggled with the contract’s hold over me.
But it’s gone, right?
No sense in dwelling over that.
“So, where were you going with this, Percy?”
“Give Fawkes a chance.”
I stop in my tracks, feeling guilty as hell. All this time, all I thought about is Percy, and myself. Meanwhile, she tries to consider everyone around her.
“Fine, Angel, I will.”
I felt a light jab on my ribs; Percy elbowed it playfully. “Whatever, big guy.”
“I don’t think that nickname suits me anymore, Percy. We’ve got a bigger guy now,” I tease her, pointing at Fawkes, who’s taking our conversation in stride as he pummeled a dumb mutie in our way.
“Nah. Fawkes doesn’t need a nickname anymore.  You’re my big guy,” Percy teases back.
Is this flirting? Is Percy flirting with me? Goddammit. If I had more skin left on my cheeks, I would have blushed.
I almost ran into Fawkes when he stopped walking. I look to the right, and see the sickly green glow of the irradiated room that the GECK is in.
“Alright. You better not enter, human. This radiation is lethal to you. Stay here, and I will fulfill my end of the bargain,” he grunts, and my partner nods at him.
“Thank you, Fawkes.”
“No. Thank you, human.”
He turns around, and enters the room. On her tiptoes, Percy watches him inside through the window, while I keep watch, guarding her six just in case. Soon after, Fawkes returns carrying a briefcase.
That’s the GECK? What the hell?
“You got it!” Percy exclaims, taking the briefcase off of the super mutant’s hands gingerly. “Again, thank you so much Fawkes. You wouldn’t believe how important this is to us.”
“It’s my pleasure, Percy. Now, I believe this is farewell.”
I turn to Percy and see her somber expression. Good grief, don’t tell me she’s already getting attached to him. This happened with the Big Town kids too.
“Farewell? Fawkes, why don’t you come with us?”
Okay. Okay, I am definitely accepting that Fawkes indeed is good and that I shouldn’t judge him because of him being a super mutant, or metahuman, but this? Had Percy gone mad? Travelling with him could get us killed!
Before I can open my mouth and say something that might possibly anger her, Fawkes already took care of the problem.
“Sorry, I’m afraid a Super Mutant wouldn’t be welcome in the places you frequent.”
“But you said it yourself, you’re a metahuman! You’re different from the other mutants we-”
“All I would do is cause you undue attention and probably get you killed,” Fawkes interrupts, a tinge of sorrow in his grating voice.
“I- you’re right,” Percy sighs, relenting.
“Take care of yourself, friend.”
And with that, we parted ways.
I can tell Percy is sad by the slump in her shoulders. As much as it pains me to see her like this, it’s for the better. The Brotherhood can barely tolerate my presence. Fawkes? They’d shoot him on sight. It’s definitely for his safety too.
“Do you think we’ll see him again, Charon?”
“I don’t think we’ll see him anytime soon.”
“I’m worried.”
“Worry about yourself, angel. Have you seen him? He pummeled that other mutie no problem, like a kid throwing a teddy bear.”
“I guess you’re right. I- Charon, get down.”
Out of instinct, I listen to her. Percy pulls up her PipBoy, and a worried expression is etched on her features. “So many red dots… Charon, I think we’re about to encounter a huge group of muties.”
“Should we go back and get Fawkes?”
Gripping her rifle, she checks the magazine, then she pats at the ammo pouches on her waist. I proceed to check my own ammunition too. Just two boxes of shotgun shells left, and a grenade; the same grenade Percy gave me when she first hired me. I haven’t used it yet, after all these months.
We’re running low on ammo.
“No, no. Stay low. We’ll sneak out of here,” Percy tells me, and she crouches low, the helmet of her stealth suit protracting over her face, then her suit’s stealth mechanism activates. All I can see is a faint silver-white outline.
“I’ll scout ahead. If I raise a fist, move to my location.”
I nod, and she proceeds.
Cautiously, Percy moves through the hall. My grip on my shotgun remains steady, watching her inch slowly but surely to the open area ahead.
Then, the unthinkable happened.
A pulse grenade drops from the ceiling.
It felt like time slowed all around us. Percy sees the grenade landing near her foot, and turns around, movement abrupt, her helmet retracting from her head and revealing her panicked gaze. Her eyes are wide in terror, lips trembling as she yelled at me.
My feet are ready to take me to her, but what she screamed before the grenade fried her suit’s systems and took her down made me freeze in my spot.
“I order you to live!”
The pulse grenade burst, and so did the walls of the vault. The rubble flew at Percy, who was falling backwards, her helmet thumping against the metal flooring as she hit the ground. Losing consciousness, the GECK escapes her grasp, and skitters a few feet away from her.
From the newly formed hole in the wall, a man emerges. Colonel Autumn. I thought that asshole was dead!
The Enclave is here.
Heart in my throat, I didn’t know what to do. At that moment, I forgot the contract was gone. I turned around, and obeyed, fleeing from the scene with Percy’s words echoing in my head.
“Charon! I order you to live!”
“I order you to live!”
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allbrainrot · 4 years
Hi! First, i love your writing🥺 Now to the point. How about felix, sylvain and dimitri pinning after the female reader? We are basically yeeting ingrid and placing a fem reader instead😂 Like, they are childhood friends and the three of them have had a lovestruck for her since they were kids? And now they just end up fighting for her love or smth? Either hdcns or an scenario is fine! You can pick whichever you wish! However if you dont want to write this req please dont feel forced to! Love u🥺
Thank you so much!! 🖤 And yes, you got it! Bye Ingrid LMAO 😎😎 I write pre timeskip wayyy better so I’m gonna just say that reader is 18 (i don’t write NSFW or anything but age is still a thing lol) so that they’re in between the ages of Dimi + Felix & Sylvain and it works out, hope you don’t mind! I love you too anon 🥺
- Dimi is probably the first one to catch feels when they’re kids! Felix does too but he’s kinda just like wtf is this??? until someone teases him about it. Sylvain is quite ✨special✨ with romance but I think he’d be inclined to trust you a lot more because you’ve known him since you were teeny tiny before you even knew wtf a crest was! So he probably also catches feels when you’re kids but then he goes through his whole girl phase SIGH
- None of them realize their predicament until they all see you again at the officer’s academy together. I wouldn’t say they’re super obvious about it, but they’re teenagers (well Syl isn’t but shhhhh) who all like the same person so they’re going to pick up on each other’s crushes while reader remains ignorant. It’s not an issue that needs to be addressed immediately, but they’re all watching each other cautiously.
- Syl would have a massive head start on flirting with you, but he’s faced with the big issue that you don’t believe he’s being genuine and brush him off. Felix is constantly challenging you to duels to get close to you and also have alone time with you, although the other 2 will occasionally ruin his plans and insist on joining. Ah man bby Dimitri would probably come across as a little overbearing because he’s very protective of you and is constantly offering to do things for you. He’s just a mother hen that’s whipped for you and doesn’t know any other way to express it!
- When it comes to the 4 of you sitting together at lunch or in class, Sylvain is the worst. He’s very aware that his competition is far less bold than him, and so he’s making sure he’s always closest to you. Will squish as close to you as humanly possible HE WOULD DEADASS PUT YOU IN HIS LAP IF HE COULD 😭 If he puts a hand on your thigh or an arm around you it’s a wholeass declaration of war.
- Felix will likely become much more protective which may cause a lot of yelling at you for being careless or weak, but really he’s just so worried! To ease his mind, he’ll help you correct your mistakes himself (which has the added bonus of getting really close to you and occasionally lowkey holding hands when he adjusts your grip). Around other people, especially Dimitri and Sylvain he’ll be evidently sweeter to you to get the message across. A blended mix of jealousy and concern will make him very protective of you around the other two. Dimitri is not getting within 5 feet of you while guard dog Felix is around.
- In the Blue Lions the tension in the air is so thick you could cut it with a knife everyone is thoroughly confused but frankly just sick of it lol. Felix glaring at Dimitri? That’s totally normal but Dimitri is doing it back AND Sylvain is added to the weird stare off- wtf happened?? Byleth would have to talk to them after class and be like guys what in the goddess’s name happened 😭 They’ll all give a vague answer that doesn’t give away that it’s about you and each one of them has a jab at the others to shift the blame..please find your chill lads !
- At this point everything gets a little bit needier because they’ve all had this pent up yearning but have been blocked by the others. (If you’re ok with it) Sylvain will just randomly peck you on the cheek or your forehead when he sees you and you’re just like LOL ok ✨typical Sylvain✨ But when you sit next to him at lunch or in class he’s started very tenderly holding your hand under the table and you’re like huh ok that’s a little odd. If Dimitri is on the other side of you he will carefully take your other hand in retaliation. Felix will probably give in and do the same but he’ll snatch your hand a lot more aggressively and look away from you with a scowl and a blush.
- Dimi and Felix are both touch starved AF and would very much appreciate cuddles or any physical contact. If you’ve reacted positively to everything thus far, Dimitri will slowly start to bite the bullet and initiate affection because he wants it so bad. Any time you touch Dimitri, he gets sappy and lovey af and will express his adoration in hopes that you’ll keep giving him affection. Felix would never upfront ask for affection but he just kinda sits really close to you and glares at you with a little pout and you will have to realize that this is Felix language for ‘it is a crime that you aren’t cuddling me rn’.
- Obviously Sylvain gets lots of physical contact with women but I don’t ever see it as holding affection yknow?? Like yeah he spends a night or two with chicks after them crest babies™️ (i cannot take myself seriously this sentence is so funny-), but I don’t really think that they’ve done actual cuddling or casual displays of affection like petting someone’s hair because they likely don’t care too much for Sylvain and will just do the bare minimum. So in a way, Sylvain is also starved of affectionate touches and he would very much appreciate the little things that no one else has done for him. It’s new and scary for him to actually seek romantic attention, but he’s still pretty bold, just not very tactful when it comes to you lol. If you’re sitting by yourself on a bench he will not hesitate to sprawl himself out on top of you with his head in your lap and stare up at you with an innocent grin. Is also lowkey not embarrassed to whine or pester you?? His reputation is pretty hopeless at this point so what does he have to lose by sitting behind you in class and poking you while dramatically whining about you not paying attention to him?
- Attention is a huge deal to Sylvain. It’s one of the main things he’s looking for when he randomly flirts with people at the monastery. He can’t handle being ignored and that leads him to often seek many girls at once so that he always has attention when one is busy. But when it comes to you he finds himself in deep shit because once he’s gotten a little bit from you, everyone else seems minuscule and with others he only receives a mere fraction of the satisfaction he gets from being with you. So he’s gradually allotting more and more time to you until he hardly talks to any other girl. But Sylvain is used to being the one that everyone wants more of, so when he finds himself in the shoes of the smitten women that piss him off, he’s plagued by the worry that you’ll think he’s overly needy. So he comes to seek validation from you too. If he can just get you to comb your fingers through his hair or give him a kiss on the cheek then he can renew his confidence in trying to court you.
- Dimi is somewhat similar but for different reasons and in different ways. Dimitri has practically no experience with romance so he’s extremely smitten and has an overwhelming desire for the affection you give him that he’s never had. But he’s painfully aware of how extreme his feelings are in comparison to any other couples he may have seen at the monastery, and he’s terrified that he’ll scare you away if he expresses exactly how much he yearns for you. So Dimitri is always very visibly holding back much like he often holds back his strength. Dimi will do anything for you or with you, but you have to initiate it so he can be certain that he’s not smothering you. On days where he’s extremely lovey and never wants to let go of you (which is kind of often lol) he will constantly ask if you’re sure that he’s not bothering you. He is just so horrified at the thought of messing up whatever it is you have.
- Felix will be very easily overwhelmed by you, so it’s much better if you wait to cuddle up to him until you can both go to one of your rooms. It’s not that he doesn’t want to be touched, he does, but his feelings for you make him way too vulnerable for his liking, so he’s not going to want anyone else around. Felix is still Felix and he goes off to take out his feelings in the training grounds every free day, but has started occasionally coming to your room when he’s done for the day and receiving his required cuddle time away from prying eyes. He may have accidentally fallen asleep with you a couple times..
- You’ve probably snuck in to sleep in Dimi’s room on occasions when he’s dangerously sleep deprived. The man, the myth, the legend Dedue would definitely help sneak you in because he knows it does Dimi a lot of good. Dimitri is able to fall asleep with you practically on top of him in his grasp. Feeling your heartbeat close by and your hair beneath his head and hearing you breath peacefully is enough to ground him from his fear of losing you too. He’ll still have nightmares, trauma is a bitch, but when you’re there you can bring him back down and he’ll eventually be able to fall back to sleep (which he typically can’t do alone). It’s not a perfect night’s sleep, but it’s enough to keep Dimi functional and that’s what you’re there for. He’ll thank you a million times and unnecessarily apologize for the inconvenience, please do what you can to reassure him that he’s not a nuisance to you. 
- SIGH Sylvain, this god damn silly little goose, is extremely distressed by his feelings for you and even moreso by his developed neediness. It honestly kinda scares the shit out of him to realize he’s whipped for someone and at a loss for a way to ask you out. He’s used to having that power, to have someone’s feelings in the palm of his hand where he can do anything he wants. Genuinely trying to figure out how he would court someone is a frightening new thing for him and he’s suddenly on a playing field where he doesn’t have his experience or his power to shield himself with. So he reverts to his old ways to try to get a handle on his fear and have his confidence boosted back up. But of course, Syl still wants all the attention he can get from you so you so he spends all of the day with you, then does his other girl bullshit at night! It doesn’t go as smoothly as planned though..Sylvain is used to being yelled at by crying girls, but it hasn’t gone unnoticed that he ignores them all day and drops by whenever he feels like it, and he ends up getting in some pretty nasty arguments that do not help his already vulnerable state. So it’s like 2 AM and Sylvain’s feeling like a sorry sack of potatoes and just wants to be held by someone and talk until falling asleep in their arms. And there’s only one person who Sylvain wouldn’t mind being open with and who could provide him genuine comfort..and you’re the lucky winner of the ‘Sylvain on your doorstep at 2 AM’ lottery!! Unless your sleep schedule is wack you’re gonna be all groggy like hey uhh wtf Syl??? And that is how the occasional nights that Sylvain falls asleep in your room happen!
- If the 3 of these scenarios interfere with each other ummmmmmmmm no they didn’t 😳
Ok! That’s where I’m leaving off because I don’t want to try to write endings with you picking one of them it just makes me kinda sad LMAO. Bro omg it’s the return of the ridiculously long Allister fics she do be goin a little insane though 😳 But for real I’ve been gradually adding to this for like?? a week? And I just kept picking cute relationship milestones or whatever in my walnut brain and writing a point for each of them so that the 3 of them are equally written. So it might not line up perfectly but I hope you like it!!
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kiseki-no-scenarios · 4 years
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huehuehue what a cute request anon! This was fun to write!
Rakuzan Manager!Reader at Multi-Team Training Camp Headcanons
It was the first time everyone was getting together in a long time, and you were excited to get to hang out with the rest of the GOM
Each of the teams had their respective coaches who would handle their training, so you would be coordinating with the other managers on the other duties
Of course, you and Momoi were pretty much the only managers that the teams had
When you first discussed your plans with Momoi, for whatever reason she had begged you to let her take care of the cooking
You didn’t feel super strongly either way so you were fine with her taking that role
You were quickly alerted to the errors of your thinking the very next day when a barrage of texts hit your phone  
“_____-san, I implore you to reconsider your decision of leaving the cooking at the training camp up to Momoi-san.”
“_____-cchi wants us all to DIE!!! ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚ I love Momoicchi but her cooking…we’ll all DIE!”
“Oi, _____! What kind of prank are you playing on us, having Satsuki be in charge of cooking?!?!?”
“Rarely do I lower myself to this level of pleading, but  _____. Even Oha Asa cannot save us from Momoi’s cooking.”
“_____-chin, I’ll crush you if you make me eat Momoi-chin’s cooking.”
“_____, it’s Kagami. I got your number from Kuroko. I’ve never had Momoi-san’s cooking, but I’ve had Riko-senpai’s and all I can say is….For the love of god, do not let that woman cook.”
“_____. Satsuki cannot be allowed to cook during the training camp. Even someone like Eikichi would rather starve than try her culinary…experiments.”
So it was again up to you to fix the issue, but every time you tried to talk to Momoi about it, she was so excited that you couldn’t break the news to her.
When everyone gathered for the training camp and you were all having your initial meeting, the sheer terror that was cast upon all the faces of the members present forced you to do the unbelievable
Tapping into your extremely poor acting skills to try and get everyone out of this predicament
“I can’t believe it!” You shout, startling everyone in the vicinity. “How could you…how could you do this?”
Throwing on the best villainous glare you could manage, you point at the boys with an accusatory finger. “I can’t believe that of all people…you would have Momoi-chan shoulder the entire burden of cooking for all of you! You’ll work her to death!”
“_____-chan, it’s fine-“
“No, how could I let this go in front of my eyes!” Forcing a sob past your lips, you throw your free hand around Momoi, tugging her dramatically into your chest. “It just pains me…to imagine my dear Momoi-chan, slaving over a hot stove for hours and hours…just to feed you ungrateful bastards!”
“Hey, what did you just-“ Kagami roared, but Kuroko quickly delivered a well-timed jab into his side.
PLAY. ALONG. YOU. MORON! You mouthed to Kagami, before quickly getting back into character.
“Momoi-chan, I’m so sorry. I put this undue burden on you because I simply did not understand!” Dropping your voice into a soft whisper, you grab Momoi’s hands and smile at her through watery eyes. “But do not fear. I will make sure that these heathens learn their lessons! I will protect you, with all that I am!”
Momoi’s eyes suddenly started sparkling, her mouth falling agape at your princely stance. “_____-chan….!”
“How could I let a single scrap befall your beautiful fingers?” Gently cradling Momoi’s hands, you place a light kiss on the back of her fingers. “Please, my princess. Allow me to take on this duty, as I cannot bear to see you overworked.” For the finishing touch, you press your lips to her forehead.
“_____-sama!” Momoi swoons, her cheeks flushed.
You were so caught up in your acting that it took you a second to notice that the crowd around you had gone very, very silent. Looking up, you noticed that several of the members were sporting light blushes on their cheeks, and-woah, did someone actually faint?
Thanks to your last minute and improvised scene, Momoi was mollified and you were designated as the cook instead during the training camp
You were relieved that it had all been settled, but then it hit you that all of a sudden, you had to cook for everyone
You thought your cooking was alright, but there were a lot of guys, a lot of tall, bulky, teenage guys who had black holes for stomachs
Your actions seemed like a gift from god to the basketball players that were there, and suddenly, all eyes were on you during the training camp
When you walked around refilling water bottles and switching out fresh towels, there was always at least one player who would appear at your side, rushing to assist you with your tasks
They didn’t even seem to care that you were technically from a different school, and you found it hard to turn them down because of how eager they were
Even calling you _____-sama, how embarrassing!
There were whispers among the players about how they wished you could also be their team’s manager
And of course, Rakuzan wasn’t taking this at all
“Um, did something happen?”
“We just wanted to eat with our lovely manager, _____-nee!” Hayama cheered, throwing an arm around your shoulder. “You’ve been working so hard for us, and your food is so good!”
“I’m glad you like it…” You reply, not used to having all the Rakuzan members sitting around you. Not that you had been eating alone, but most times Akashi would visit with the other members of the GOM, Nebuya would be fighting in some sort of eating competition with the other centers, and Mibuchi would flit around from table to table like a social butterfly.
So it was a bit of an adjustment to have all five of them surrounding you at the table.
“_____, if anyone tries to touch you, let me know.” Nebuya suddenly states, cracking his knuckles. “I’ve been aching for a good fight.”
“And you can’t brush anyone else’s hair except mine, ok?” Mibuchi huffs, grabbing your hands.
“_____. If anyone bothers you at all, for whatever reason, I will take care of it.” Akashi states calmly, and you swear you can hear something going snip, snip.
Following that event during dinner, you notice that you don’t get called out as much as before, which you feel better about since you weren’t sure how long you would be able to stand being called -sama
Another change was that whenever you were running errands, without fail, someone from Rakuzan would accompany you
Not that you’d need it because you were not a child and could take care of yourself, but it was hard to turn down Hayama’s puppy dog eyes, Mibuchi’s watery eyes, Mayuzumi just stared at you and didn’t bother replying, Akashi was…Akashi, and there was no way you could physically get Nebuya to budge (you’ve tried).
Eventually the training camp comes to an end on a good note
You’ve made some new friends, and Momoi had started calling you by your first name, stating how she was going to start visiting you at Rakuzan
You felt proud of how your team had done and how much they had grown during their time at the camp
As you were getting ready to load everything up, Akashi and the rest of the team comes up to you, telling you to leave all the heavy lifting to them
“Are you sure? It’s really not a big deal…”
“You’ve worked hard, _____. Please, go ahead and get on the bus. We’ll be there shortly.” Akashi says, leaving no room for argument.
Once the members have made sure that you’ve left the scene, they all share a glance before turning to the group of basketball members still gathered around.
“Before you all go, we have a friendly warning for you all.” Akashi begins, radiating a powerful aura.
“If anyone of you even THINK that you can take our lovely manager…” Hayama continues, an uncharacteristically dark look flashing through his eyes.
“_____ is a proud member of Rakuzan, and we will never let you get your hands on her.” Mibuchi’s voice is composed, but his eyes are certainly anything but.
“So don’t go getting any bright ideas.” Nebuya finishes, his figure as imposing as always.
“…We’ll kill you.” Mayuzumi adds, scaring most of the crowd due to his sudden appearance.
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osakaso5 · 4 years
La Danse Macabre
Episode 14
Chapter Index
14-1: Collision (1)
Fuga: ........
Arme: Fuga, I'm sorry.
Fuga: ........
Arme: Fuga, I'm sorry.
Fuga: ........
Arme: Fuga, I'm..!
Fuga: Ah, shut up! What do you WANT!?
Arme: I want to apologize, for making you angry!
Fuga: Ugh. ...It's fine, really. I was just in a bad mood, anyway.
Arme: And I'm sorry for hogging Libel all to myself!
Fuga: Huh? Excuse me!? What's that supposed to mean!?
Arme: He probably thinks he needs to watch me at all times, to keep me safe.
Arme: So, if I learn to defend myself, he'll have more time for you again.
Fuga: Y-y-you, what're you... I-I wasn't mad because I was jealous or anything..!
Arme: Oh, I know! You could teach me how to fight! Become my trainer!
Fuga: Say what? A little practice isn't gonna teach someone like you how to survive in a place like the Surface!
Arme: It'll still be better than nothing. And you never know, I might have some kind of hidden talent.
Fuga: ...Hah.
Fuga: You're such a weirdo... Is anything I tell you gonna stop you?
Arme: No, it won't. Now, what should I do first?
Fuga: Ah... lemme think. I guess we could start with punches. Straights, jabs, that kinda stuff.
Arme: Ooh. Straights and jabs!
Cura: ...He's a good kid, huh?
Libel: That he is. Despite envying the people of the Surface, he's got something we lack.  
Libel: I like that about him.
Cura: Haha, you and me both.
Libel: He also has the power to make people smile, without really trying.
Cura: True. I always feel the corners of my mouth curl up when I talk to him.
Cura: Maybe that's the Celestial's true power.
Libel: Maybe.
Cura: That being said, we can't make any more round trips. As soon as we replenish our rations at District 2, we need to hurry back to the base.
Libel: ...Yeah, that's fine by me. We'll contact the Ark as soon as we get home.
Libel: The time we spent with Arme wasn't wasted... Of that I'm sure. 
- - - -
Cura: Hey, look at that...
Fuga: District 2's usually a bustling city... But now it feels weird. Empty.
Libel: ...I think I smell blood.
Fuga: Really? Maybe your nose is just super sensitive.
Cura: Something's off. ...But we need those supplies. Can't just sneak around the place.
Libel: I'll go ahead and investigate. You guys should stay hidden.
Fuga: I'll come too, Libel.
Libel: ........
Libel: Okay, follow me. I'm counting on you, Fuga.
Fuga: .......! Yes, boss!
Arme: Be careful, both of you!
Fuga: Don't you worry your little head over us! Just sit right there!
Arme: Hahaha!
Cura: Well, aren't you two chummy all of a sudden. 
- - - -
Fuga: It's even worse up close. You think they got raided or something?
Fuga: Even I can smell the blood now.
Libel: ....... Look at the bullet holes in that wall.
Fuga: Huh? ...Who uses bullets that big? What caliber are those even?
Libel: Nobody on the Surface, that's for sure. Definitely not raiders.
Fuga: Then...
Qual: We finally meet again, Surface dwelling worms.
Fuga: !?
Leiden: Wow, they really came. I wasn't all convinced, but I guess our intel was correct.
Libel: ...The Unity Order.
Fuga: They came down here...
Libel: What did you do to the people of this city?
Qual: Exterminated every last one of them. They resisted us, you see.
Qual: Were you drawn in by the scent of their blood?
Fuga: What...!?
Leiden: Oh, did you have friends here or something? We put 'em all in a neat little pile over there, feel free to  dig around if you have to. 
Fuga: You monters!
Libel: ...Calm down, Fuga. We need to stay calm...
Qual: Enough trivial chatter. Where is the Celestial? Return him to us at once.
Libel: Hmph... I don't think he wants to go back just yet.
Qual: ...Ngh.
Qual: Nonsense!
Qual: Someone like him should not be allowed to so much as set one foot in this filthy place!
Libel: ...I see.
Libel: Arme doesn't think like the rest of you do. Now I definitely don't think it's right to let you take him.
Qual: D-did you just call him "Arme"..!?
Qual: For someone like you to use his name lightly...
Qual: It's unforgivable!!!
Libel: Hmph!
Qual: Uaaaaargh!
Libel: ...Ugh!
14-2: Collision (2)
Leiden: I guess Qual's got dibs on the stronger-looking one. Well then...
Leiden: I guess I'll just have to play with you, kid.
Fuga: Sure... Time for the side characters to have their own showdown.
Fuga: I've been mad at you guys for a looong while now!
Leiden: Ooh. So you're a gunslinger.
Fuga: ......! He dodged my shots at point-blank range!?
Leiden: And a pretty fast one, too. You're probably the best shot I've met on the Surface so far.
Leiden: But... there's an even faster shooter on our side.
Fuga: Huh!? I didn't even see him..!
Leiden: Try not to get knocked out in one hit, 'kay?
Leiden: Hmph!
Fuga: Ugh...!
Fuga: Urk... Coff, coff..!
Leiden: ...You're a real softie. Work on those abs some more, Surface dweller.
Fuga: Huff... huff..! Q-quit talking smack..!
Leiden: Ooh... At least you've got guts.
Fuga: Coff, coff..! This guy's crazy strong..!
Fuga: I need to put some distance between us..! I'm gonna be out of the fight if he gets me again..!
Leiden: Nice responses. If you hadn't been born down here, I might've liked you as a subordinate.
Fuga: As if..!
Leiden: Yeah, thought so. C'mon, here comes another.
Fuga: !? He jumpe---!
Fuga: ......!?
Leiden: Great, you're still conscious.
Fuga: ...Ah, crap... I'm gonna die...
Leiden: Haha, don't be stupid, kid.
Leiden: You're not getting off that easy. This is what you get for baring your fangs at us.
Fuga: Help...
Fuga: Help, me...
Fuga: Help...
Fuga: Libel. 
- - - -
Qual: Huff... huff...!
Libel: .......
Qual: You're strong...
Libel: It's a shame. Someone with power like yours should be able to help us.
Qual: Fool. Why would I ever do that?
Libel: We're both human, aren't we? Let's find a way to coexist.
Qual: ...Pardon?
Qual: Oh, I see. There's clearly a fundamental difference to how we view things.
Qual: Because I've never once thought of you Surface dwellers as human.
Libel: ........
Qual: You look like us, talk like us.
Qual: You swarm this thoroughly contaminated land, gazing up at us with watery eyes.
Qual: ...There's no telling what goes on in your heads. It's all so eerie.
Qual: Your very existense is repulsive.
Libel: ........
Libel: I know what this is about.
Libel: You're scared of us.
Qual: What..?
Libel: You're afraid that someday, we'll get revenge. That someday, our positions will be reversed.
Libel: You're afraid that the ones you've been oppressing will gain power.
Qual: I would never fear the likes of you..!
Qual: Save me your deluded ramblings... And know your place, maggot..!
Libel: Relax. There's nothing to fear, trust me. We're trying to bring  equality, not get revenge..!
Qual: Silence!
Qual: Damn..!
Libel: ...You're wide open.
Qual: !!!
Leiden: Stop!
Libel: .......
Qual: ...Leiden.
Leiden: Stop, or the kid dies. He's only barely hanging on as it is.
Libel: Fuga!
Fuga: ...Libel...
Libel: Don't speak. It's fine, just stay there.
Unity Order Troop: Captain, Leiden. We have the Celestial in our custody!
Arme: .......! I'm sorry, Libel!
Unity Order Troop: We've also captured Cura. We confiscated any explosives we could find on him.
Cura: Let me go, damn you!
Libel: Arme, Cura...
Leiden: Checkmate, Rebellion.
Qual: Aah... How glad I am to see you safe. Please excuse my tardiness.
Arme: ...Qual.
Qual: I've come to bring you home, Celestial. 
To be continued...
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talkin’ tennessee - t. konecny
so i’m back with another fic! i’ve been working on this one for a while now and it’s rather lengthy but i hope you guys enjoy! slow burn friends to lovers with our favorite country boy- tk <3 
this also is based loosely off the song “talkin tennesse” by morgan wallen so i recommend giving that a listen too :) 
summer nights have always been your favorite. settling down outside in the warm weather, sometimes by a fire and other times lounging around the porch or the patio, made it easy to release the stress of work, school and anything in between. the warm weather made you feel at peace and there was nothing better than catching up with old friends on a friday night.  many friends came home for the summer from their jobs in the city, much like you did.
much like travis did. travis was always something special. he had this energy around him that was captivating and fun which also kept the mood lighthearted and happy. the two of you were always friends, nothing special. not best friends or childhood crushes, just friends. that was until you started your new job in philly. as part of your last semester of college, you need to complete an intership and you took the chance to move a bit further away from home and into the exciting city life philadelphia brings. 
philadelphia also brought you to travis. you knew he played in the city but figured he’d be much too busy with his hockey season to see each other often and you were really fine with that. you two were never super close anyways. travis didn’t have the same thought. you received quiet the phone call from him once he saw a picture from your snapchat that revealed you were in the city. he scolded you for not calling him before your move and the second you answered he insisted on coming over to show you around the city. you laughed at his craziness but agreed. since he gave you his “famous” tour of his home away from home, your friendship blossomed. he spent many nights watching movies at your apartment, meeting up for coffee or lunch after practice, or visiting different bars with his team and your friends. over time, he morphed into one of your best friends and maybe a little more.
you couldn’t deny that you thought travis was attractive. it was obvious to anyone who looked at him that he was quiet the sight. but the way he would lay his head in your lap during a movie night after a long day or the way he draped his arm over your shoulder and ran his fingers through your hair did absolutely nothing to fight the leap your heart made whenever  you saw him. 
the summer warmth made fighting feelings for travis even harder. he wore his hats backwards and looked like a greek god in a short sleeved t-shirt. you couldn’t help but steal glances at him while he leaned against the fence and talked to another friend. you peeled your eyes away from him and chatted with your girlfriends about all of the life updates they had and laughed about your favorite memories together. 
the night grew darker and everyone creeped in around the fire. conversation flowed smoothly as you leaned your head back against the back of your chair and closed your eyes. you felt a strain of hair fall into your face but before you could move to brush it away, another hand was already delicatly tucking it behind your ear. travis had migrated his way over toward the fire and decided make himself comfortable standing behind your chair. 
“you falling asleep on us already?” he teased, glancing down at you with his signature smirk. 
“can’t a girl take a moment to herself in peace?” you playfully snarked at him as he laughed at your reply. he adjusted his weight back and leaned forward to rest his weight on your chair. one of his hands draped onto your shoulder and lightly trailed up and down your arm. 
“not on my watch hun. who would i be if i didn’t take every opportunity to bug you?” he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. you rolled your eyes but smiled none the less. you leaned your head to the side to rest it on his arm. 
the chatter among your friends continued with both you and travis adding to the conversation. you eventually zoned out and found yourself glancing up at the sky. it was a clear night and the stars were actually visible that night. apparently, you were more caught up in the stars than you thought you were because you didn’t notice travis tapping you to get your attention. one final finger jabbed into your cheek brought your focus back to what was happening around you. you jumped, as you were slightly startled by said finger poking you in the face, and qucikly snapped your head to face travis. he chuckled at your reaction and leaned in closer to you.
“what caught your eye? you were in a deep zone there, i was poking you for a solid minute.” travis says quietly, leaning over your shoulder. you gestered up towards the stars you were staring at before answering.
“look at the stars, trav. they’re so bright out here, i forgot how pretty the countryside is. when was the last time you saw stars like this in the city? it’s just so pretty.” you softly spoke back to him, leaning a little closer for him to hear you. he looked up at the sky as you spoke and hummed softly in your ear in response. 
“still not as pretty as you.” he mumbled quietly into your ear. it took you a bit by surprise, was travis flirting with you? you turned to glance at him only to find him already gazing at you with a soft smile on his face. you could feel your cheeks blushing so you quickly snapped your head away from gaze. part of you was waiting for him to chirp you for your rosy cheeks but for the first time, travis was quiet and simply rejoined the conversation with your friends. 
was this travis trying to make a move? did he feel the same shift in your relationship that you felt? the thoughts were spinning around your head a mile a minute and you felt yourself once again losing focus of your friends in front of you. part of you was scared. as much as you hated to admit it, travis was your best friend and the risk of losing him was frightening. at the same time, you couldn’t ignore the way your cheeks flushed when you catch him staring or the way you felt your heart beat faster than you thought possible when he pulled you closer to him. 
you tried to shake travis out of your thoughts and migrated your way closer to the gossip your friends were sharing around the fire. gossiping and laughing with the girls proved to be a great distraction as you completely forgot about travis and his comment until you felt a hand slide around your waist and rest on your lower back. 
“having fun over here, pretty girl?” you could hear the smile on his face as your cheeks slightly darkened when you turned to face him. you gave him a simple nod and a grin before leaning back into his touch. he hummed in response and you swore you felt his lips ghost against your temple.
“i’m gonna grab another drink, you want anything baby?” he asked, still giving you that soft smile from earlier. it took a couple seconds for the pet name to register.
“did you just call me baby?” the words blurted out before you could stop yourself. your cheeks were bright red and you could feel how hot they were getting. travis seemed to think for a minute before he replied.
“hm, guess i did. it seems to slip out when i get distracted around you. anyways, do you want that drink?” he said nonchalantly, sliding his hand to rest on your hip. you messily stuttered out what you wanted, clearly flustered by his answer. what does that even mean? distracted around you? travis didn’t give you enough time to overthink before he started walking away after giving you a “coming right up baby.”. 
at this point, you couldn’t even think straight. was he serious about this? travis always was touchy with you, especially in public and especially as the two of you grew closer. but this was new, even for travis. baby? the closest he had ever gotten to a pet name was the occasional “sweetheart” when you were sad and that one time he got trashed at a bar and called you a “total smoke show”. you watched him walk away into the kitchen with a million thoughts spinning around your head. you couldn’t ignore the chorus of “oooo” that came from the girls who watched the encounter. you playfully rolled your eyes and hushed them just in time for travis to come strolling over with your drink. he smiled at all the girls before handing you a drink and slipping his hand back around your waist. you mumbled a thank you, trying not to get flustered by the feeling of his hand against your back. he made a small noise of acknowledge me into your hair but this time you were certain you felt his lips press against your head. his lips lingered for only a moment before he settled into your side and started up another conversation. 
you didn’t know what to do or what to think. for the second time tonight, you rejoined your friends and tried to push thoughts of travis out of your mind. this worked for a solid hour or so until someone suggested settling back into your chairs and starting a fire. travis lightly guided you over to your chairs, him choosing the chair right next to you. of course, things could never be that simple. it just so happened that the circle of chairs was one chair shy of fitting everyone. travis, in true travis fashion, didn’t miss a beat. 
“here you can just take my chair.” it’s like he was trying to make you go crazy tonight. obviously, travis migrated back over to you but that wasn’t out of the ordinary. he went to settle in behind your chair like he had been earlier in the night. he was always such a gentleman and it was making this rush of feelings towards him so much harder to manage. his hands rested on your shoulders as you tilted your head back to look at him. he smirked at your gaze and pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“do you wanna share my chair?” you found myself whispering after he lifted his lips off of your forehead. he agreed and made his way around to the front of your chair. before you could scoot over, travis scooped you out of the chair and settled himself in it with you on his lap. 
“this okay with you baby?” he whispered into your ear, trying not to bring too much attention to you two. he wrapped both of his arms around your waist as you leaned back against his chest. 
“yeah, it’s okay trav.” he didn’t answer you from there but continued to keep you close. he’d occasionally run his hands up and down your sides and whisper confirmation that you were still perfectly fine into your ear and call you some sort of pet name.
eventually, the night drew to a close and your friends started to head home. you felt travis tap you on the hip to grab your attention. 
“do you wanna start packing up now to head home? i’ll drive you home honey.” he asked, loosening his grip on your waist. you nodded at his words and hopped out of his lap. the two of you said your goodbyes to your friends and travis grabbed your hand to lead you to his car. you reached your hand out to open the car door until travis slapped your hand off the handle and swatted yours away. before you could even ask what the hell he was doing, he was already speaking.
“don’t even think about it.” he grabbed the handle and pulled the door open. “after you, gorgeous.” he helped you climb into the car and then shut the door for you. if he kept proving to be such a gentleman, your heart was going to burst. he really opened the door for you, helped you into the car, and then shut the door. talk about man of your dreams. he hopped into the drivers seat and it was as if he wanted to make your head spin more than it already was, he threw his arm over the back of the passenger seat as he backed out of his parking spot. 
the two of you drove home in a comfortable silence. travis kept a hand on your thigh the whole way home. you could feel him trace small circles on your leg as he mumbled along to the song on the radio. the quiet gave you some time to think. what was travis trying to do? he was never this touchy feely with you and the pet names were something new entirely. was this his way of letting you know he was interested? was he just gonna whisper sweet nothings into your ear and slip up by calling you baby until you asked about it? would you ever ask about it? your train of thoughts was interrupted by travis opening your car door. you hadn't even noticed you had made it home.
“after you, baby” he said as he extended his hand to help you out of the car. in true gentleman fashion, he walked you to your door as he always did when you two were home in philly. “did you have a good time tonight?” travis asked as you approached the door. 
“yeah, it was a nice night. did you have a good time?”
“of course, i always have a good time with you” he said with a smile. you smiled back as he reached out and took your hand in his. “uh...hey..um.. i know i’ve been acting different lately, well, mainly tonight but uh.. ya know i’m just gonna say it. i really like you. i think you’re really cool and funny and awesome and you’re so ungodly gorgeous that i can't think straight sometimes. but if you don’t feel the same it’s totally chill. we can pretend this never happened...so..yeah. i just needed to let you know that.” he ended his confession with a light chuckle. he dropped your hand from his and stuffed both his hands into his front pockets. he rocked back and forth on his heels as he gave you a moment to process what he just dropped on you. 
life couldn’t be real. there is just no way the boy of your dreams is standing here in front of you and telling you he feels the same. you weren't crazy. all the little touches and pet names and soft gazes were intentional and he meant it. he meant it and he felt the same. you couldn't control your reaction. you lurched forward and cupped his cheeks between your hands right before pressing your lips to his. 
his hands wasted no time finding their way back to your hips. he tugged you closer so you were flush against him and deepened the kiss. his hand wandered up to cup your jaw as your hands trailed down to rest on his chest. it felt like the scene in a romantic movie where the guy finally gets the girl and your heart gets that excited happy feeling. expect this, this was ten times better.
you two pulled away after a couple moments. neither of you could believe what just happened. you both beamed shining smiles at each other and lightly laughed out of pure relief. his hands wandered back down to your waist while you lazily draped your arms around his neck. he leaned down to press another kiss to your lips.
this kiss was much lighter and sweeter. he lightly hummed in content and you couldn’t fight the smile that came over your face. you two pulled away giggling and grinning.
“so i take it you’ll let me take you to dinner tomorrow night?” he asked with his signature smirk. you grinned and then faked a sigh.
“i mean if i have to...” you jokingly trailed off. he jabbed his fingers into your side in retaliation. “kidding! kidding! yes, i’ll let you take me to dinner tomorrow.”
you two chatted for a couple more minutes before travis wished you a goodnight and kissed you one last time before heading back to his car. you wandering into your house in complete bliss. the smile seemed permanently glued to your face as you laid down for bed and dreamt of what was to come with travis by your side.   
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bratkook · 5 years
clairvoyant. (m) part five.
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word count: 6.4k
author’s note: wow i finally dug out my drafts and wrote another chapter for this even though its been two fucking years!!! im honestly writing this for myself because im bored and in a rut so if you read it tysm. also finally decided who it’ll be centered around so enjoy.
warnings: just good ole fashioned dry humping and kissing
Everyone around you was saying their goodbyes, thanking everyone for working so hard and you took that as your cue to start gathering the equipment up. 
“Thanks Y/N, just take that to the storage room.” The photographer you and Yoongi were currently assisting pointed out to the far right. You nodded in understanding before unhooking all of the lights and tearing them down properly. A few people lingered behind, makeup artists gathering their supplies, wardrobe crew grabbing a few more snacks off the catering table, and Yoongi rolling up the white backdrop. 
It was your first day on the job and it just so happened to land on a shoot day so you were trying your best to make a good first impression so they wouldn't fire you before you even really started. 
So far everyone had been very welcoming and kind, no one yelling at you if you messed up a little so that got rid of your jitters. It felt nice to be able to work where you knew you could network and learn, the only photography experience you had at your old job was taking shitty pictures of the drunken idiots lying around near closing. 
“So how’d you like your first assisting job?”
You looked to the left and saw Yoongi standing at the door frame of the storage room, a smile on his face and his hands holding the folded backdrop. 
“It was great, seems like kind of a tease though because tomorrow we’ll be doing basic retouching on photos.”
He just shrugged after setting what he was holding down, “True, we get quite a few of these shoots though so make a good impression and someone might take you under their wing.”
You sighed as you locked the lights securely into place. Being taken under someone's wing before you finished school would be a blessing because it almost guaranteed a decent job after school was over and you were tossed into the great unknown of an art degree holding college graduate. 
“Thats what I’m hoping for.” 
The both of you rechecked everything was in its place and secure before turning the light off and locking up the storage room. Due to the fact the shoot day extended longer than a typical shift you were being paid overtime and let off once everything wrapped so you and Yoongi were headed to the nearest restaurant to get actual food in your system. 
Your scarf was wrapped around your neck snuggly to protect from the cold wind and Yoongi draped his arm around your shoulder as you both casually walked. In this split moment you felt content, a slight feeling of everything starting to fall into place and you let yourself bask in it. 
“What's got you all smiley?”
Yoongi looked at you with a small grin, his eyes focusing on your wide smile before shifting back up to your own eyes. 
You just shrugged before playfully tugging his black beanie down over his eyes, earning a grunt of annoyance as he shoved it back up. “I’m just happy.”
“Are you usually not?”
There was a beat of silence as you thought it through. 
“It’s not that I’m not, I’m usually just...living through it?”
He nodded in understanding, “I get you. Kind of just going through routine motions without really feeling much.”
A white cloud left your mouth in a huff as you sighed in agreement, “Exactly, don’t get me wrong there’s little tidbits of happiness scattered throughout but they’re just moments of happiness that pass as quickly as they happen. It’s been a while since I’ve felt happiness for the future and its exciting.”
You looked back over at him, seeing him nod because he fully understood. He was on the same boat as you, his parents much like yours weren’t supportive of his choice to pursue an art degree so you guys were scraping by and holding on to any thread of hope that popped up. The pair of you were just hoping everything would work out. 
“Anyways, enough with the semi depressive reality check. I’m hungry and there’s this new korean barbecue place that opened up a few blocks away. Wanna text everyone and meet up for a nice family dinner.” He chuckled at the end of that, and you joined in light heartedly before whipping your phone out and sending out a group text simply saying “Korean bbq, don't be a bitch and meet here in fifteen.”  
Low and behold, your group of friends were indeed not bitches, they all showed up as punctual as you would expect of them and they even brought along a straggler. This straggler went by the name of Jeon Jungkook and you couldn’t help but look at him with a smile, just seeing him trail behind Taehyung with his head slightly dipped almost like he was unsure if him being there was okay. Taehyung on the other hand paid him no mind and just waltzed in, his denim clad arms outstretched and a boxy smile on display as he approached the table you all sat around.
Him and Jungkook were the last to arrive so Tae decided to slip into the seat beside you, but not before slotting his lips against yours in a chaste kiss that seemed too casual. Like usual no one said anything and you just rolled your eyes with a smile and shoved his shoulder before redirecting your attention to Yoongi who was the master meat cooker.
Jungkook saw the small exchange and his want for coaching, as you so put it, was back. He wanted that, whatever the fuck that was that you and Tae had. Fuck, did that make him a typical fuckboy? Did this go against his morals of being a gentleman?
You had reassured him that it was fine as long as he was straightforward with whoever it involved and he had already set his eyes on someone. Now it was just a waiting game on if Jisoo the cute barista would be for it or not.
“Jungkook sit down!”
The resemblance to a deer caught in headlights was uncanny as he stared at you, realizing he had just been standing behind the only available chair as everyone stared back at him with their own food set up in front of them already.
“Oh, sorry.” His hands came up and ruffled his own hair in embarrassment before he sat down, “Just a little distracted”
Taehyung slid over an empty plate and pointed his chopsticks at him, “He’s been like this for a couple of days, what’s your deal?”
Everyone’s attention was back on Jungkook, including your own. His cheeks reddened slightly from all the eyes on him so he took it upon himself to just scoop up some rice to occupy himself. What was he supposed to say? Yeah sorry I got a lot on my mind like finding out Taehyung and Y/N fuck on the regular but aren’t dating and Y/N is gonna teach me how to do that with the cute barista everyone sees at the campus coffee shop?
“Just a school project.”
“A very hands on school project right Jungkook?” You couldn’t help but tease him, knowing exactly what’s been on his mind since you’ve been texting each other to come up with some kind of game plan on approaching Jisoo.
His eyes flicked over to you for a split second, only giving you a nod before nervously chewing on his lip. You couldn’t understand him, you really couldn’t. How could a man who looked like him be this shy when it comes to literally anyone? He could probably crush someone with his thighs for crying out loud, but here he sat with an aura surrounding him that just showed how unsure he was with himself.
He was a sweet kid, super respectful as far as you could tell, he just needed to learn that wanting to fuck someone while not wanting a relationship was completely normal. Sex was human nature and you were determined to get him to enjoy it as long as he was consenting to your help.
You kept your eyes on him, seeing him reach his plate over to get the meat Yoongi was offering him and mumbling out a thanks before turning his attention to Jin who was on his left and starting a conversation.
A small jab to your cheek via a chopstick snapped you out of your curious gaze, your fingers coming up to rub at the skin and looking to your right where Jimin was sat. “You into him?”
He had mumbled it out to you so quietly you almost didn’t hear him, a couple seconds passed before it clicked and you shook your head, “No, why?”
“You’ve been staring at him like he’s your next victim.”
You rolled your eyes at him and smiled before picking up some kimchi and shoving it into his mouth with no resistance from his part as he happily munched on it. “I don’t have victims Park Jimin.” The way his eyes slightly narrowed at you made it clear he was questioning why you were staring at him as intently as you have been, “I was just looking at him because he’s interesting don’t you think?”
Jimin shook his head because he had no idea what you even meant by that, “Interesting? He’s not a caged animal for you to observe you weirdo.” He was just teasing you, giving you a smile when he heard you laugh.
“That’s not what I mean, forget it. How was your mom’s brunch?”
At the mention of that his expression went blank and he poured himself a glass of soju and took a nice swig of it, “As amazing as you would expect.”
Jimin’s parents always went all out for these brunches, renting out the biggest places and inviting the A class elites of Seoul who would donate to whatever charity they were advocating for. They hassled Jimin every single time to network and find a girl they deemed worthy enough of him marrying and he absolutely hated it. He was the literal definition of a rebellious son, getting a kick every time he would get under their skin. Whether that was by going out on a date with someone they thought suited him and getting absolutely trashed and scaring said girl away, to getting his body tattooed and pierced against their wishes. 
Jimin knew how to play his cards right, he knew his parents would never fully cut him off as long as he was somewhat compliant with a few things here and there but he wasn’t going to be molded into whatever they wanted him to be. He was their only child so in his mind who else could they possibly hand off their money to?
“I told my mom you were my date for the thanksgiving event.”
You hummed as you chewed on your food, already knowing this probably didn’t end well. “How did she take that?”
His smirk just proved your suspicion, “Super well actually. Especially when I told her I think you’re the one and I’m thinking about proposing to you.”
You choked on your food, coughing like a mad man and pounding at your chest with a closed fist. Taehyung who was sat on your left immediately handed you a glass of water and patted your back to help you out. All the while Jimin continued to stare at you with that shit eating grin on his face, pressing the edge of his glass against his lips as he waited for you to speak again.
“Jimin what the fuck I never agreed to that.”
Taehyung was now intrigued by whatever conversation you two were having so he decided to eavesdrop while pretending to eat his food.
“Relax Y/N, obviously I’m not doing that. It was a small joke.”
“It’s not a joke if your parents don’t think it is!”
He pursed his lips at you, “Damn is marrying me really that repulsive?”
Taehyung laughed to himself at that, gaining Jungkook's attention who was now looking at the exchange between you and Jimin.
“No, shut up! That’s not what I’m saying Jimin. I’m just supposed to go to scare off all the girls that wanna latch onto you, I’m not there to piss your parents off, they probably hate me enough knowing you help me whenever you can.”
Taehyung decided to stop listening at that moment, striking up a conversation with Hoseok instead. He knew how sensitive you were when it came to talking about receiving help and admitting to needing it so he knew this wasn’t his business. Jungkook on the other hand didn’t have a clue so as he stared down at his rice his ears stayed hooked on the conversation.
Jimin pressed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, “Y/N, I promise I was joking. I didn't tell my parents that, I wouldn’t put you in that position. They don’t hate you by the way.”
That was a little hard to believe, Jimin was a very giving person, especially when it came to his friends. The rest of your friends were a little more financially stable than you were so the amount of times he would take it upon himself to help you, because you had too much pride to really ask for help, surely it stood out to his parents. 
“What I choose to do with my money is my business okay, my parents don't even notice where it goes half the time.”
You pushed the meat on your plate around with your chopsticks, your mood dropping down just a bit once you really remembered how much help Jimin gave you. You owed him a lot, and even though he says it's fine it doesn't make you feel any better about it. 
“Hey,” Jimin slowly spoke, slouching down and looking up at you from your downcast gaze on the table, “Y/N.”
When you only pursed your lips at the sound of your name he sat back up and slung his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side and wrapping both arms around you. He had his chin resting on your head, seeing the rest of the guys now looking your way. Yoongi mouthing out what the fuck did you do while Jimin responded nothing mind your business. 
“If I ever go overboard for whatever reason let me know and I’ll back off but if I can help you then I will and have no problems doing so okay?” He had mumbled all that next to your ear to not draw attention from everyone else. 
With a deep sigh, you mumbled out an okay and tried your best to go back to the dinner you and your friends were having. Jungkook had heard the entire exchange and he wanted to say something to make you feel slightly better but there was no way he could do that without feeling like he crossed a line by eavesdropping in your conversation. 
After a few moments the dinner had gone back to normal, all of you goofing around like you usually do, the guys including Jungkook in and making him feel like part of the group. When the time came to leave you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket so you slid it out to peek at the notification, momentarily confused when you saw Jungkook's name flashing on your screen when he was sat right across from you.
Regardless, you opened the thread of messages up and grinned when you read what he wrote.
Jungkook 8:45pm
Need help, Jisoo responded.
Jungkook 8:45pm
Can we go to your dorm?
Jungkook 8:45pm
Don’t want Tae to hear…
Right on cue, Taehyung slung his arm around your shoulders, not noticing how you locked your phone and slid it back into your pocket. All of you were now shuffling out of the restaurant, you and Taehyung in the middle of the swarm of your group that was now being reckless on the walk back to the dorms.
“Wanna go back to mine? I can try to get rid of Jungkook.” He whispered in your ear, kissing the side of your head swiftly as he waited for your response.
You slid your arm around his waist as you nuzzled further into his side when the wind picked up, “Can’t, Jungkook and I actually have some planning to do for his project tonight.”
At the mention of his name you could see Jungkook's back tense up from behind and you already knew he was listening in to your exchange while pretending to be invested in the ruckus Jimin was currently doing.
“Oh, planning? Is that code for fucking?” Your cheeks warmed up at his words, your palm instinctively smacking his side, “Cause, to be honest I don’t know how I would feel about you and my roommate banging.”
“Oh don’t be like that, sharing is caring right?” You teased, enjoying the suggestive look that took over his face, “But no, no fucking. I mean it when I say we’re planning for a project.”
He sighed and said alright before dropping the conversation altogether. The walk back to campus took a few minutes, your group huddled by the statue on the front corner of the campus as you said your goodbyes and dispersed. Jimin hopped into an Uber before heading to his apartment, Jin took off in his car to his own place while Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and Taehyung hooked arms and stupidly walked across the quad towards the boys dorms. 
You looked over at Jungkook, seeing him smile at the guys’ antics, his eyes moving back to you and seeing your hands motion for him to follow you to the girl’s dorms. 
“Hey Y/N, who's this?” Joy asked with a smile from behind the front desk, hands already sliding over the notepad used for off campus guests. 
“Oh, Jungkook. I’m a student here.” He slid out his wallet and handed her his student ID. 
She hummed as she filled out his info in a separate notepad before handing it back with a smile. “Okay, well Jihyo’s doing her rounds for guests at 11:40 so if you’re planning on spending the night I’d recommend hiding around that time.”
Jungkooks face started to turn a light shade of red at the implication of him spending the night and now he was wondering how many times Taehyungs had to hide in your dorm on the nights he never came home and it also clicked when you’d make a swift exit out of his and Taehyungs shared room for a few moments when Namjoon made his rounds before sneaking back in when you thought no one would notice.
“Thanks Joy!” You winked at her, hooking your arm around Jungkooks and dragging him away while she fluttered her fingers in a goodbye wave. 
When you entered the elevator you felt Jungkook finally exhale, “Wow, she’s pretty.” Was the first thing he said. 
You could only laugh in response, “Oh, I know. All the girls here are Jungkook, and I’m pretty sure they’d all let you smash if you knew how to ask them.”
And now his blushed cheeks were spreading to his ears as well, he could see it in the warped reflection the elevator doors were giving him. Could he really just ask them? He felt like that would be the quickest way to get slapped to next week. 
The elevator dinged and the doors slid open, you took the lead and walked out, turning left as your hands slid out the keycard that was in the small pocket in your bag. As you entered your room you noticed Wendy was gone, her side completely spotless as normal and a cute post it note resting on your desk. 
Went out for dick and by dick I mean getting absolutely hammered and crying into my street tacos, won't be back until tomorrow so feel free to get your own dick down here all night xo
Jungkook read the note as well, quickly acting like he didn’t when he heard you giggling to yourself as you set your stuff down. His eyes roamed the room, seeing the cute touches you and your roommate have added, one of which was a giant polaroid wall on your side with plenty of photos of you and your friends.
“Okay,” you clapped your hands together as you walked in front of Jungkook and set your hands on his shoulders to force him to sit on your bed, “what’s going on with Jisoo?”
He slid his phone out silently, opening up their thread of messages and handing the device over to you. You grabbed it from him and flicked up to the top of the thread. 
Jungkook 3:12pm
Hey, its Jungkook. Thanks for the free coffee
Jungkook 3:12pm
And your number. 
Jisoo 4:30pm
Hi! Sorry I just got off work but you’re welcome anything for my favorite customer. 
You continued to scroll, seeing Jungkook and Jisoo making nice, innocent conversation with each other. Jisoo kept implying wanting to see Jungkook outside of the regular visits to the cafe while Jungkook was either very oblivious or just didn’t know how to ask her out. 
“Okay, she wants you to ask her out Jungkook. Why haven’t you?” You hand his phone back to him, seeing him fidgeting with his fingers at your question. 
“I don’t know. I don’t even know how to properly ask her. What's a good date suggestion?” You slipped your shoes off and shuffled up on your bed beside him, choosing to get comfy. 
“If you want something short and sweet, I suggest going out to lunch somewhere near campus. You guys can talk and get to know each other and you can get a feel for this before you decide if you like her enough to pursue something or if you’d be down for something casual with her.”
He sighs at that, laying back against your bed and using one of your throw pillows to cushion his head from hitting the wall. “Okay, and if I decide I want something casual how do I bring it up? And if she’s for it and tries to get physical how do I go about it?”
“Well for one, you’re not gonna bring it up on the first date. That kinda stuff shouldn’t be discussed on a first date, not unless theres an obvious connection. I do have to advise you though, if you just want something casual you can’t treat her like you want something more.”
His thick eyebrows furrow at this, “Wait, what do you mean?”
“I mean, if after this one date you decide you just wanna sleep with her or make it a friends with benefits kinda thing you can’t take her on dates or act like a boyfriend. Odds are she’s gonna be the one to ask you what you’re looking for and its very important for you to be honest. Thats how you avoid hurting someone.”
You’re gently patting his head at this, feeling him nod along to your words, “Also, in terms of how to act if she decides to get physical then you kinda act on instinct. I know you’ve only slept with one person before but what about kissing?”
He shakes his head at this, “Not much experience there either. I told you Y/N, I feel completely clueless and I know I shouldn’t care but I don’t wanna be dubbed as the guy that sucks at everything.”
A giggle leaves you at his statement, “Jungkook that’s not gonna happen. Kissing is like second nature.”
He slides the pillow out from behind him and covers his face to let out a groan into it, “Easy for you to say, you don’t understand how many times I have to listen to Taehyung brag about how great you are.”
“At kissing?”
“Yeah, and other things.” He trails off. 
All you can do is sit there and think over his words, part of you wants to suggest he go to a party with Taehyung and make out with random girls before he asks Jisoo out if he’s so worried about being bad at kissing of all things but you know he wont be up for it. Another part of you wants to suggest helping him learn, one on one, but you’re also not sure how he’d take that. Even though kissing was entirely innocent in your eyes you really don’t want to make Jungkook uncomfortable. 
“Look,” you start off, sliding the pillow off his face, “I can show you, if you want.”
The fingers that were strumming on his stomach freeze at your suggestion and you immediately think you fucked up. Until his head tilts to look at you, his eyes wide in curiosity, “Really?”
He sits back up to fully look at you, “Yeah, if you want to Jungkook.”
You don’t expect him to nod as quickly as he does but considering he’s eager to learn it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise. “Please, as long as it’s not awkward for you.”
You shrug and say its not because it really isn’t, Jungkooks hot and kissing is your favorite pastime so you really dont mind. Plus considering you’re the one who suggested coaching him you kind of felt a tinge of responsibility to not let him go off with zero confidence with something as simple as kissing.
He could only sit there and you know he doesn’t know how to initiate it because of the position you’re in so you stand up and go to stand right in front of him. With the height of your bed and his height when you stand right in front of his sitting frame you’re only slightly taller than him. 
“Okay, lets start slow yeah?” He nods, his tongue running across his lips in anticipation. You nudge his thighs apart so you can slot between them more comfortably and gently rest your palms on his jaw, getting closer to him. 
“You can touch me, whatever feels natural okay?” He can only nod again, maintaining eye contact for a moment before looking down at your lips and seeing the smile on them. His eyes flutter closed when you finally press your lips together, his lips feel soft against yours and it only lasts a moment before you’re pulling away and his lips try to chase you back. 
“How was that?” He immediately asks, not noticing that his hands had found their way onto your hips. 
“Good, not too stiff. We’re gonna move on now, just try to follow what I’m doing.”
Your thumb traces his bottom lip before your hands go back to cupping his jaw gently. This time he closes the distance between you two, his lips slotting between yours easily with a little more pressure than last time. 
You test the waters, letting him get used to the actions of open mouth kissing, feelings his lips relax after a while. He lets out a small gasp of surprise once he feels the tip of your tongue lick the seam of his lips. The grip he has on your hips tighten and you give him a few more seconds to adjust before you take it further. 
One of the hands you have on his jaw slides down to grasp the hand on your hip and you drag it up so he could cup the back of your head. Your fingers dont leave his hand until he has a decent grip on your hair. 
His mouth opens up a little wider, letting you slide your tongue inside and his eyes slip open for a second at the new feeling. Its wet, and a little ticklish but the sound of your lips smacking together and the small groans of pleasure you both slip out are making a small fire light up inside him. 
The hand gripping your hair tightens up and he tugs gently, kissing you harder when he hears the small moan that leaves your mouth. Its pure instinct that has you swinging your legs over his thighs and straddling him on your bed, not noticing just how comfortable you’ve gotten until you find yourself grinding down onto him and thats when you stop. 
You pull back, a small string of spit pulling apart between your lips and he doesn’t seem to even notice your new position. His eyes are half lidded and his breathing is harsh and the way his tongue comes out to catch the spit on his lips makes you want to dive back in but you snapped out of it. 
“See, second nature right?” 
He finally seems to realize you’re on his lap when he looks down and sees how flush you are to him, “Yeah, want more practice though.” He doesn't give you time to respond before he’s using the hand still in your hair to pull you towards him again and this time he’s leading the kiss. 
He tilts his head and licks his way into your mouth, groaning when your tongues tangle together. He never realized how messy kissing could be but he thought it was hot. You can tell he wants to speed up but you keep your movements slow, knowing that the buildup is the best part, the feeling of your tongues playing tag or your tongue tickling the roof of his mouth before you pull back slightly to suck on his bottom lip. Those moments were always your favorite when it came to making out. 
Jungkook starts to grow more comfortable, both his hands now coming to grip the back of your head and the other sliding up right beneath your jaw as the kiss grows deeper. And that's when your hips start grinding down again, this time Jungkook notices it right away and he pulls back to let out a moan. 
“Sorry, is that too much?” Your lips are shiny and he can’t look away from them, “I know we said kissing but I didn’t really ask about this.”
His hands fall limp and just as you’re about to hop off they come back to life to rest on your hips, using them to slide you back across his lap, “No, I like it. Its uh, for the experience right?”
You nod at this, not giving it much thought because you just want to go back to kissing him. The logical side of you wanted to stop because you’re just supposed to be showing him the ropes on kissing on a first date and odds are Jisso’s not gonna hop on his lap in the middle of lunch in public and do this but the other side of you wants to see him fall apart underneath you and that part of you is winning. 
“Tell me if you want me to stop.” You let his hands control the motion of your hips while you go back to kissing him. The flavor of the chapstick he had on is all you can taste as the kiss grows more heated. Your hands wrap around his shoulders as you pull yourself even closer to him, speeding up the rocking of your hips and feeling Jungkook choose to place his palms on your back, wanting you just as close. 
The shudder of his breath fans across your face when he pulls back to let out another groan but you don’t want to pull your lips away so you trail them down his jaw until you reach the spot just under it when his jaw meets his neck. 
When he feels your tongue on his skin along with the gentle sucking he can’t help but rock his hips up into yours, “Oh fuck.” He keens, applying more pressure with his hands to encourage you to grind on him faster. 
“Feel good Jungkook?” You ask, nibbling on his skin softly before trailing your way back up to his lips, not slowing down the motions of your hips. 
“Yeah,” he gasps, his eyes are blown out and he knows hes about to cum in his pants like a teenager but he doesn’t care. “So good.”
“Good.” Is all you respond, your lips coming together again to resume the motion that seems familiar now. 
Jungkooks moans of pleasure are becoming more frequent and the feeling of him blowing his load right underneath you is making you embarrassingly wet, but right now its all about Jungkook. You can deal with your problem later. 
“Dont stop, please.” He breathes out between kisses, his eyebrows coming together when he feels his climax approaching. 
“You gonna cum?” You ask him, keeping your face close enough to his where you can feel his breath tickle your cheek at the proximity. 
“Fuck, yeah.”
You speed up your hips, grinding down a little harder and grabbing one of his hands again to grab your boob this time. He gives them an experimental squeeze, moaning again at the feeling of them. 
“C’mon Jungkook, you can cum.” His eyes are open now, looking directly at you and when he sees the fascination in your eyes at watching him fall apart he loses it, letting out a small wine as his body tenses up, his hips coming up to rut against yours as he rides out his orgasm. 
He drops his head forward to rest on your chest as you continue to grind against him to milk out the feeling, his body shuddering at every roll of your hips until he’s whimpering at the overstimulation. 
You still your hips and let him bask in the feeling, his back rising and falling as he tries to catch his breath. 
“Jesus christ.” Jungkook pulls back from you, a dopey smile on his face that can be attributed to post orgasm bliss. “Does kissing always lead to that?”
“No, not always, but its fun when it does.” You smile back at him. His body is definitely loosened up now and just as you’re about to speak again a hard knock comes from your door. 
“Fuck, thats Jihyo making rounds.” Your arms are still around him but you know you need to answer the door before she uses her master key to unlock it for you. 
Jungkook groans quietly when you get off of him, any movement on his sensitive dick being too much for him to handle right now. He’s happy he chose to wear black pants and a shirt that will definitely cover the wet spot of cum because when you stand up off of him it is glaringly obvious what it is. 
The room door clicks as you slide it open and he sees you greet Jihyo with a smile, “Hey Y/N, he’s gotta be outta here in 5 minutes.”
Jungkook can only awkwardly sit on your bed as the exchange goes down, “Yeah, no problem. We were just working on a project.” He sees Jihyo look you up and down, noticing your swollen lips and disheveled hair before she looks at Jungkook who stupidly covers his lap with the pillow beside him. 
“Right. I’ll be back in a few to make sure he’s gone.” You nod before stepping back and shutting the door behind you. 
“Sorry about that, I forgot what time it was. Do you want me to walk you to your dorm?”
Jungkook stands up from his position, shaking his head at your offer. “No it’s fine. I really should get going now anyways, that essay for creative writing is due tomorrow and I need to finish editing it.”
“Oh shit, you’re right.” Your hands comes up to your face, your teeth going to chew on your fingernail as you think of having to edit the monstrosity of the essay you wrote while you were delirious with sleep. 
“Uh thanks for–“
“For giving you the best orgasm of your life? Yeah, no problem.” You wink at him, enjoying the flustered look that immediately takes over his face. 
He lets out a chuckle, happy that you’re not making this awkward, “Really though. Thank you.”
You can only shrug, “You should really text Jisoo though, she’s not gonna reject you and if you kiss her like that she’s definitely not gonna turn down any offer you give her.”
Jungkook doesn’t fully believe you but he knows he has to bite the bullet and do it. He gives you a hug and says goodnight before he shuffles out of your dorm and into the elevator. 
Now that he’s in a brightly lit place he once again looks at the warped reflection in the elevator doors, using it to fix his hair the best way he can and adjust his shirt and jacket to cover the wet spot on his crotch before he exits it. 
Joy spots him as hes about to leave and lets out a whistle, “Y/N take you for a wild ride huh?” She teases him and he blanks, not really knowing how to respond until the automatic excuse comes out, “We were working on a project.”
“Mhm, some project. Bye Jungkook.” She waves him off with a giggle, enjoying how flustered he gets. 
Jungkook all but runs across the quad, wanting to get out of the cold as well as into his room to slide out of his sticky ass underwear and pants. He uses his key card to open the dorm buildings doors, waving at Baekhyun before hopping on the elevator and making his way up to his floor. 
When he slides into his room he really wasn’t expecting to see Taehyung still awake, resting on his bed against the wall where the giant canvas of his ass was hung up. 
“Oh, hello.” Taehyung spoke up first, his eyes raking over Jungkook entirely. “How was the progress on your project?”
He knew Taehyung was asking an innocent question but Jungkook couldn’t help the pang of guilt he felt at it. He knew you and Taehyung weren’t together but he still felt like he was crossing a line by letting you give him an orgasm without his roommate knowing. Especially since Taehyung always boasted about the amazing orgasms you gave him, it almost felt like those were reserved for Tae only and he had just snatched one off the shelf.
“Oh, it was good.” He spoke up quietly, walking over to his closet to grab his pajamas, “Got a lot done actually.”
Taehyung had his eyes glued to Jungkook’s back as he rummaged in his closet. There was something off about him and he just couldnt put his hands on it until Jungkook slid off his jacket and shirt for his pajama shirt and turned around without a second thought to slide his pants off. 
“Dude!” Taehyund gasped in shock, his fingers pointing directly at Jungkook's cum stained pants. 
Jungkook looked down with wide eyes when he realized Taehyung could clearly see. “Did you catch a glimpse of Y/N’s tits when you were studying and busted a nut in your pants or what?”
Mm well no actually just good ole fashioned dry humping is what he wanted to respond with but he chose to deny until he died. “No! I spilled something on my pants at her dorm.”
Taehyung didn’t believe his horrible excuse for a second but didn’t want to continue to tease him, “Whatever dude, go shower. I don’t blame you, she’s hot I bust a nut just looking at her too, now imagine what her pussy feels like.”
Jungkook didn’t even want to respond to his raunchy comment, simply gathering his shower cubby and towel before leaving to go shower. Except now thanks to Tae he really couldn’t stop wondering what your pussy would feel like around his dick.
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For the fic prompts bc these three were overwhelmingly asked: “I’m dying and I’m confessing my love for you” & “I’m scared but won’t admit it so you take my hand” & “You took a bullet for me”
pairing: sterek
wc: 2604
warnings: open ending, violence
Sometimes, Stiles forgot that he was the most unlikely person in the pack to have a happy ending.
It struck him like a blow to the chest whenever he remembered that he was a human among wolves. Between the hunters, the constant threats, and the of the things that they faced on the daily, Stiles was the most likely to not make it through the fights. 
He didn’t have super healing. He had a baseball bat and his wits and sometimes he realized that one day, that wasn’t going to be enough.
So yeah, Stiles always knew there was a chance he lost his happy ending. But he didn’t like to stop and focus on that.
It was a little depressing when he did.
Sitting bound in a dingy warehouse, Stiles once more reflected on these things. One day, he was so going to get out of Beacon Hills. He was going to get out of Beacon Hills and go somewhere far, far away where there were no hunters and no supernatural assholes to put him in the hospital every other week.
Stiles was not a fan. 
He was very firmly trying to avoid looking at the werewolf opposite him, but that wasn’t easy. Stiles didn’t understand how whenever he was kidnapped, Derek seemed to be there with him. The man had supernatural strength; Stiles didn’t. Derek was supposed to be the big badass that got them out of this, not hung in chains opposite of him.
Derek’s shirt hung off him in tatters and he was still unconscious. Stiles didn’t like looking at the empty bullet wound in his shoulder, where one of the hunters had dug the bullet out— much to Stiles’s retching.
Stiles just… he just… he was tired. Of this, of Beacon Hills. Shifting in his position on the floor, he worked his bound hands for a moment before sighing. Stiles was tired. Yeah, that’s what he was.
It took Derek a little longer to wake up.
The man came back to consciousness angry, snarling, and flashing his red eyes. Stiles waited in his spot until Derek’s fight had died down and then he sighed, raising an eyebrow at the man.
“Why good morning, Sleeping Beauty.”
“Stiles, what the hell is this?”
“A good question,” Stiles said. Then he furrowed his brows and backtracked. “Actually, no it’s not. I totally get being kidnapped out of the literal school parking lot for this token human but dude, what the hell? How did they get you?”
Derek shifted again and then winced. He flexed his arm and Stiles flinched away as the bullet wound in his shoulder started to bleed again. “I was shot.”
“I noticed.”
“With wolfsbane.”
“Shut up, Sourwolf, I got to watch the whole ‘digging it out’ process, so you don’t even have room to talk. I’m pretty sure was more painful for me than it was for you because you were unconscious and I was retching.”
Derek rolled his eyes. He moved again and the chains clanged together. The man tugged on them, shifted around once more, and then sighed. 
“Have they hurt you?”
Stiles snorted. The man gave him a flat look. 
“When they come, don’t fight back.”
“I’m well-rehearsed on being kidnapped every other week, dude. I know the basics of not getting myself killed.”
“I’m serious, Stiles.”
“So am I!”
A little bit of red leaked into the man’s eyes. But before he could say another word, the door of the warehouse opened and Stiles straightened as a new hunter came into sight. Stiles didn’t recognize him from earlier, but he did recognize the cattle prod in his hand and that sent a jolt of fear shuddering down his spine.
The hunter didn’t even acknowledge him, though. He went straight to Derek, head tilting as he studied the man’s shoulder. Then he pressed a thumb into it and Stiles shied back as Derek snarled.
“Oh,” the man said. “That looks painful.”
Stiles hadn’t really meant to say that aloud but it slipped out anyway. The hunter turned around, one eyebrow raising, and Stiles cursed himself silently.
“The boy who runs with wolves,” the man said, moving closer. “Don’t like seeing your mutt get hurt?”
“Can we skip the back and forth and jump straight into why the hell we’re here?” Stiles said, raising his chin despite Derek’s soft growls. “Cause I’m a teenager and not a werewolf, and I’m pretty sure you hunters are supposed to have a code.”
“Not a werewolf,” the man said, waving a hand through the air. “Not a mutt. Just a boy in over his head playing with the wolves.”
Stiles glared. The man smirked. 
“You’re not here for much. A little bit of incentive, a little bit of bait. I’m hoping your dog will talk when I ask him about the rest of his pack but we can’t count on that, now can we?”
“Screw you.”
Stiles only got a thin-lipped smile. The hunter turned back toward Derek, who snarled again. Suddenly, the cattle prod was pressing against the man’s shoulder, Stiles heard the buzz of electricity, and he screwed his eyes tightly shut as Derek screamed.
“Tell me about the rest of the mutts,” the hunter said. “I’m curious.”
Silence reigned. Then Stiles heard the spark of electricity again and flinched automatically as Derek’s shout filled the air once more.
“I’m not a terribly patient man, Hale.”
When Stiles opened his eyes again, Derek was just glaring. The hunter smirked and let the prod buzz again, his smirk widening at Derek’s wince. Stiles tried to swallow down a litany of curses, meeting Derek’s eyes from over the hunter’s shoulder. He offered his best nod and could’ve sworn Derek’s glare softened a little.
Stiles wasn’t sure how many hours passed after that.
He kept thinking that sooner or later, Scott and the rest of the pack would come bursting through the warehouse doors and everything would be okay. But that never happened. By the time Derek was hanging heavy and limp in the chairs, and the hunter turned toward Stiles with a sick grin, hours had passed. And Stiles was pretty sure they were alone.
They were alone in this.
He finally let himself curse as the hunter untied the ropes and pulled Stiles to his feet. The man dragged him across the room and shoved him back to his knees in front of Derek, and Stiles really tried to not let his panic show. But he was pretty sure he failed as red bled into Derek’s eyes and once more, the man yanked on his chains.
“Come on, Hale,” the hunter said. “Do you really want me to make you choose? I hate to make you choose.”
“Don’t touch him.”
“And there you have it. So, tell me. The human or the pack?”
“Don’t,” Stiles said. “Don’t, Derek, dammit—”
He cut off as something buzzed and then Stiles screamed, unable to hold it in. The electricity that jumped through his body like fire and he’d never wanted to experience something like this. Ever. Derek roared and yanked forward, chains clanging, and Stiles was pretty sure it was only the hunter’s grip that kept him from dropping sideways.
His vision spotted. He wondered if this was what happened when someone put a fork in a power outlet. The hunter carded a hand through Stiles’s hair and tightened his grip, pulling his chin up a little.
“Got anything to say, Hale?”
“Don’t,” Stiles said, cutting him off. “Don’t, Derek. I’m fine, I’m okay, and I—”
Electricity jolted through his entire body again. Stiles bit down another scream, just making a warbling noise of pain this time. Derek looked utterly broken.
Stiles’s chest rose and fell in pants. He was definitely only being held up by the hunter’s grip on his hair now. He was pretty sure he could taste something iron in his mouth. Or maybe that was just his heart pounding all the way up in his skull.
“I don’t think the boy can take as many of these as you can, Hale,” the hunter said, dragging the cattle prod across Stiles’s shoulder but not turning it on. Stiles smothered a whimper and Derek flinched. “Do you really want to play this game?”
Derek didn’t say a word. His eyes never left Stiles’s face.
The hunter sighed and Stiles tensed. But the man only pulled the cattle prod back. For a moment, all he could do was blink in confusion.
Then there was a click and Stiles went stock-still as the cool muzzle of a handgun touched his temple. His heart leaped into his throat and Derek yanked forward again, teeth snapping. 
“I don’t want to, mutt. Don’t make me shoot a teenager.”
“Please,” Derek said. “Don’t.”
“Tell me about the rest of the werewolves in Beacon Hills.”
Derek looked back at Stiles with terror in his eyes. Stiles tried to shake his head but then the hunter pressed the gun more firmly against his head and all he could do was close his eyes, body tensing up. For a moment, silence reigned.
The hunter sighed. Stiles shivered at the sound.
But suddenly, there was the distant ringing of gunshots and a series of shouts. The hunter straightened, pulling the gun away, and Stiles took that moment to leap for his abandoned cattle prod. Derek shouted his name, Stiles rolled, and then electricity cut through the air once more.
The hunter hit the ground. Stiles shoved himself up, racing toward Derek as the warehouse doors burst open and the fighting spilled in.
“Stiles, go,” Derek said, pulling away as he approached. “Get out of here.”
“Shut up, Sourwolf.” Stiles looked over the chains and then retreated back toward the hunter, searching him for the key. The man groaned and Stiles jabbed the cattle prod back into his gut, turning it on again. The man convulsed a few times before going still again.
Stiles turned back toward Derek, quickly unlocking his chains. The man all but dropped and Stiles only just managed to catch him. Derek leaned heavily against his side, one arm slung over Stiles’s shoulder. 
“Okay, big guy. Let’s get you out of here. Yeah?”
Derek just grunted, face turned into Stiles’s neck. Then he tensed. Stiles gave him a confused look before he heard the click of a trigger. The echo of a gunshot.
Stiles’s blood went cold.
Derek shouted his name as he moved without thinking, dropping the man and angling his body sideways. For a moment, Stiles felt nothing. And then he felt everything— it was like he’d been punched in the stomach. Stiles gasped, stumbling back, and when he placed a hand to his stomach, it came back wet. Red. The smell of iron filled his nose.
Stiles dropped to the floor, gasping in pain.
Faintly, he could hear the sound of the fighting going on a little ways away. Derek roared, there was a blur of movement, and then a scream that cut off. Stiles closed his eyes, clawing at the wound, and then Derek dropped down beside him, gentle fingers cupping his head.
“Stiles, fuck, Stiles.”
“That was dumb,” Stiles said, snorting weakly. “Oh my god, that was so dumb, right? I don’t think the bullet was wolfsbane.”
“It’s still in you.”
“Oh. That’s… that’s not good, right?”
Derek looked downright terrified. Stiles still tried to find the wound, fingers scrabbling weakly, but his stomach was slippery with blood now. And it hurt. It hurt so bad.
“I’m sorry,” Derek said, and Stiles realized he’d said all of that out loud. He tried to laugh but ended up gasping in pain, the taste of iron filling his mouth.
“I’m not used to the unhappy endings,” Stiles said, blood staining his teeth. He was terrified, to be honest, heart pounding against his chest as fear crashed over him. But he still offered up his best grin, before squeezing his eyes tightly shut and taking another gasping breath. “I always hoped I’d get someone other than an unhappy ending. Kinda stupid, right?”
“Shut up,” Derek growled. The man’s eyes searched him up and down, very obviously ignoring the bullet wound. “Shut up, you’re going to be fine.”
Stiles didn’t think so. His throat tightened and he realized he wasn’t going to be fine. This didn’t have a simple solution. This didn’t have an easy way out. And it… it was going to kill his dad.
This was going to kill his dad.
Derek’s voice brought him back to reality, hand squeezing Stiles’s tightly as he looked back up at the man’s face. Stiles didn’t understand why Derek looked so pained until he realized his cheeks were damp, tears sliding down in streaks. Stiles barked a shuddering laugh, before taking a gasping breath again.
“Sorry, Sourwolf. I’m not being emotional, I swear.”
“Stop talking, Stiles.”
“You don’t want me to stop talking,” Stiles said. “What if this is the last time you get to hear me ramble again? You’d regret telling me to shut up. You know you would.”
“It’s not the last of anything.”
“I’m just human, buddy,” Stiles said. His heart twisted and he held onto Derek’s hand tighter, like a life force. “I’m just human.”
“I know, Stiles.”
“I don’t heal like you do.”
“I know.”
“I’m dying, Derek.”
The man’s face twisted. Around them, the fighting had quieted, and Stiles startled when he heard the sound of approaching footsteps. But they cut off sharply a little ways away and when he heard the croaky “S-Stiles?” he knew there was no way he was going to survive this.
“Scott could give you the bite,” Derek said quietly. Stiles blinked.
“He doesn’t want it,” Scott said. “I won’t.”
“I didn’t want the bite,” Stiles said quietly, searching Derek’s face. “I never did.”
“You’re going to die, Stiles.”
One of the betas whined; Stiles wasn’t sure which. He curled his fingers into Derek’s sleeve and tried to shake his head, but he felt a little woozy now. Like he wasn’t fully there. Derek said something that he didn’t catch and he gripped the man’s hand tighter.
He didn’t want to die, Stiles realized. He didn’t want to leave his dad.
Or Derek.
Scott could do it. But Stiles didn’t want that. He searched Derek’s face, swallowing hard. 
Words formed in his mouth but his tongue felt heavy. Sentences of ‘I want you to do it’ and ‘I don’t want to go’ all melded together. When Stiles finally managed to speak, a dozen things spinning through the heavy fog of his brain, the only thing that came out was ‘Want you’ and Derek’s eyes widened.
Stiles was pretty sure that’s not what he’d meant. But he couldn’t get anything else out. The world was dipping to grey around him. Stiles felt his eyelids fluttering closed, fingers curling into Derek’s sleeve even tighter until they slipped off.
He was dying and he was terrified.
He was terrified and unable to form words as Derek said his name over and over again. There was the sound of movement. Derek barked something that Stiles didn’t catch. And then he was being pulled into the man’s chest.
There was a pinch of something right above his collar bone. Stiles thought he cried out, but he wasn’t sure. He thought he felt blood trickle down his shoulder, as if he hadn’t already lost enough.
Someone was yelling. 
And his last thought before everything went black was ‘Want you’. 
He wanted Derek. 
- -
Oh, this one was fun. I don’t usually write open endings but I didn’t want to launch into a 5k+ story just yet so... there could be another part at some point? Perhaps. I hope you all enjoyed!
(if you enjoy my writing, consider supporting your struggling student writer? You can also request a prompt if you’d like!). https://ko-fi.com/rh27writer
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You Deserve Better
Characters: Derek Morgan x Reader
Word Count: 1,461
Warnings: angst, minor fluff, anorexia, eating disorders, depression
request: Could you do an imagine where the team finds out the reader is depressed and has relapsed with her ED? Then Derek gets her alone and comforts her. Super fluffy
Summary: You’ve struggled with an eating disorder your entire life. When a case involving women with eating disorders pop up on your radar, you sink back into the hole. Can Derek rescue you in time?
Squares Filled: hurt/comfort for @cmbingo​
Author’s Note: If you have any requests, please send them in! this is unbeta’d and every mistake is all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
Tags at the bottom
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Many people know this about you just from how you look, but they never want to judge. They see you even if you have three layers of clothes on. The look in your eyes, your high cheekbones, and your prominent collarbone. They see how sunken in your eyes look, and they immediately judge you for the decisions you made in life.
Yes, you are anorexic, and yes, you have depression. It started at an early age--early enough for your mother to start judging you. She is the sole reason why you have these disorders in the first place. She never missed an opportunity to comment on your weight. If you were over what she thought was acceptable, then you were going to hear it.
“You’re looking a little chubby, Y/N.”
“You may want to lose five to ten pounds if you want people to like you.”
“I’ll buy you all the clothes you want when you’re a four again and not a six.”
Even when you were at a healthy weight for your age, she still made jabs and comments about it. She died a year after you were hospitalized for malnutrition. You thought it would open her eyes and make her see what she’s doing to you. As soon as you got better, she was back to her old ways.  Even though you’re fifty pounds under what you should be at, you still think of yourself as obese. It was bad when you were growing up, but ever since you got into the BAU and met the love of your life, Derek Morgan, it’s gotten a bit better.
He’s been supportive of you through it all, and he’s the reason why you’re in therapy and eating a bit more. It’s not where he hoped you would be at, but it’s a start. The entire BAU team was supportive, but they were nothing like your boyfriend. You’ve been trying to gain fat and muscle, but you still were a bit underweight… okay you were a lot underweight, but you were working on it.
“Hey, I got you this,” Derek said and handed you a bag from McDonald’s.
“What is this?”
“You skipped breakfast this morning. I got you two sausage egg McMuffins. I hope you’re hungry.”
“Thanks, Derek,” you smiled.
You knew it meant a lot to him if you ate it even though you weren't particularly hungry. Okay, maybe you were, but you couldn’t inhale it like you wanted to. This process required baby steps which is perfectly fine with Derek. He’s going to be here until you’re full on running. You took the sandwiches out of the bag, and as soon as you smelled it, your stomach growled. You didn’t mean to miss breakfast; you woke up late. Derek smiled when you took your first bite, and you ate it slowly. He got you two, but you both knew you might not even finish one. It’s the thought that counts.
“Briefing room. We got a case,” Hotch announced as he walked from his office to the conference room.
“I’ll finish the rest later, okay?” you said and placed half of the sandwich down. Everyone from the bullpen entered the conference room, and JJ got started. The case involved an unsub snatching young girls and killing them before dumping their bodies in places he wanted people to see like sidewalks, in people’s yards, etc. It’s surprising how he hasn’t gotten caught yet, but you would do your best to figure out who he is before he can kill another unsuspecting victim.
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“Thank goodness you’re here. I just finished with the autopsy,” the medical examiner said once you and Rossi entered the morgue. Both bodies of the victims lay on the table. They looked so peaceful, but that’s not the thing you noticed. They were so skinny and hollow, much like how you were when you first were diagnosed with anorexia.
“What happened to them?” you asked.
“They were starved to death. They weren't given the nutrition they needed, and the killer knew this.”
“How do you know?” Rossi wondered.
“They were snatched from rehab centers. Both women have been diagnosed with eating disorders. It’s how he kidnaps them. I found one of their cards stuffed down her throat since he used it to keep her quiet.”
These girls looked so peaceful now that they were dead. It was a terrible thing to even think about, but maybe you would be happier if you were dead. Even though you’re depressed, you’ve never been suicidal. Sure, the thoughts of dying came and go whenever they pleased, but they never stuck around long enough for you to act on it, much less plan it.
Seeing these girls brought back a rush of unpleasant memories that you wished would stay locked up. A heavy weight laid on your shoulders, and you didn’t speak the rest of the time. Rossi knew this was a touchy subject for you which is why he didn’t really ask about it. He left that up to Derek and told himself to tell him when they met up again.
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Rossi told Derek, and he talked to you, but you made it seem like you were doing better. You didn’t want to make him disappointed with you taking a few steps back. You weren't progressing anymore, and you were scared Derek would be so mad at you. In fact, when he brought you food, you would nibble on it to make him happy, but as soon as he was looking away or gone, you’d throw the rest away.
You never had the courage to make yourself throw up. You never took big bites that could force that side of you out. You made everyone think you were eating but threw it out in a trash can far away from everyone else so they wouldn’t know. Your depression got so bad that you had to go home. Hotch knew you weren't okay which is why he let you go home early. If you weren't going to give it your all, then he didn’t want you at all. You understood where he was coming from so you weren't mad when he told you to go home.
Derek didn’t know you went home, and he spent at least ten minutes walking around the whole building to find you. He was passing by the offices of some of the other desk agents on the other side of the bullpen when he noticed something in the trash can. It was the exact plate of food he gave you earlier, and he knew it was yours because it had the ketchup smiley face he drew to make you smile.
Why would you throw this away? Why couldn’t he find you? Oh shit, where were you and what were you doing? He looked around for the first person he knew, and Hotch was walking out of a nearby bathroom.
“Hotch,” he called out. “Where is Y/N?”
“She went home early. I thought you knew.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Why don’t you make sure she’s okay.”
“Yeah, thanks,” he muttered.
He was already out the door to get back to your shared apartment. He was scared to find out what he might be interrupting, so he rushed back which took him half the time. He used his key to force the door open, but you were nowhere to be found. He could hear your cries in the bedroom, and he lightly jogged into the bedroom.
“Y/N?” he knocked lightly.
“Derek?” you hiccupped.
He walked over to you and knelt on the floor so you could look into his eyes without lifting your head.
“You were doing so well, Y/N. Why are you not eating?”
“Those women, Derek. They had an eating disorder too. I don't know why, but I just couldn’t bring myself to eat,” you cried.
“Hey, you’re doing the best you can. Please don’t compare yourself to anyone.”
“I’m sorry, Derek. I didn't want to disappoint you,” you stuttered.
“Disappoint? You could never, Y/N. Just because you had a setback, doesn’t mean you should give up hope. We just had a minor bump in the road, but we can still work through this.”
“We?” you sniffled.
“You’re not alone in this, Y/N. I am so proud of you. You’re doing such a good job. You’re trying which is all I ask.”
“I don’t deserve you,” you cried once more.
“You deserve everything you could ever hope for. I know you don’t want to eat, but why don’t we try? Even if it’s just a cracker. Baby steps, remember?”
“Baby steps,” you nodded.
Derek leaned up and kissed you softly to let you know he isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. And you didn't want him to.
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ninjanonymous · 4 years
I’m pissed off, and sad, and scared, and I have a lot to say right now. This all needs to be said, for my own sake if not for anyone else’s.
Very recently, the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that employers under the Affordable Care Act are now allowed to roll back access to birth control for their employees, as long as their religion disagrees with it. This ruling was made in the name of religious tyranny, and NOT that of religious freedom. Christian-run businesses can now force their beliefs onto their employees by actively denying them the healthcare that they very much need.
Can you imagine the outrage there would be if SCOTUS decided that it was suddenly okay for a Muslim-run business to break FLSA standards during Ramadan? After all, if a Christian-run business shouldn’t be forced to pay for all ACA-protected aspects of an employee’s healthcare, why should a Muslim-run business have to sacrifice profits when eating lunch during Ramadan is against their religion?
“Oh, but there are federal protections to keep something like that from happening.” Are there? Are there really? The ACA gave employees FEDERALLY PROTECTED access to birth control through their employers, because an employer’s religious beliefs shouldn’t be used to control the freedoms or hurt the wellbeing of others. Now look where we are.
This court ruling essentially dictates that religion can make you exempt from federally-mandated rules for the sake of profit. It puts the employer’s beliefs above the beliefs and wellbeing of their employees. It puts any company’s self-proclaimed God over the law, and allows them to forgo worker protections because, according to them, it’s what Jesus would want.
And where do we draw the line? Should a company that’s run by a Jehovah’s Witness be allowed to deny coverage for a needed blood transfusion? Can a religious company claim that any illness is a righteous punishment from God, and the use of modern medicine to treat it would be sinful? What would that mean for something as devastatingly expensive as cancer treatment? What if the CEO doesn’t agree with vaccines? And really, why even stop at access to healthcare when there are any number of ways that a company could encroach on their worker’s rights in the name of God?
Too many people in this country are entirely dependent on their employers for their health insurance. Healthcare costs in America are the highest in the western world by far, and life-saving treatment is often prohibitively expensive without it. This SCOTUS decision may ultimately deny many Americans their constitutional right to life.
Employers pay private insurance companies to provide care for their employees. This is a blanket expense. They don’t get an itemized bill for the healthcare that they’re covering. They’re paying for general healthcare coverage to be provided by insurance company, and that’s it. The employers are not the insurance companies themselves. They are not the ones processing the claims and choosing which to deny and which to cover. Your medical record is private, protected information. Your employer does not have access to that information under HIPAA. If your employer isn’t allowed in the room with you during your doctor’s appointment, they absolutely shouldn’t be allowed to pick and choose what care you can and can’t receive.
These companies are literally just saying, “see that person right there? I don’t like that they’re on birth control, because I’M a Christian, and that’s against MY beliefs, so now THEY can’t have it.” A Christian forcing their beliefs onto someone else isn’t religious freedom, just like a Muslim forcing their beliefs onto a Christian wouldn’t be. This is religious tyranny the and Christian-backed persecution of women.
And for this specific ruling, it really is that arbitrary. This ruling is a poorly-disguised move to further strip away the rights of women in the name of Abrahamic theocracy. The idea that this decision would save money for these employers is completely asinine, considering good reproductive healthcare and access to birth control reduces long-term costs overall (I will be adding the stats and sources to back this up in a later post).
And here’s an important reminder for you all: reproductive healthcare is still basic healthcare. Taking care of one’s needs regarding their reproductive system benefits their overall health. And even if you disagree with me there, “birth control” is a pretty damn big misnomer. While it is commonly used to prevent unwanted pregnancies, there are a myriad of other reasons that a woman might need it for.
Birth control can control hormonal acne. My own mother was put on it for this reason back when she was a teenager.
It can be used to help regulate one’s mood. A dear friend of mine is on it for this reason. She suffers from severe depression, occasionally to the point of suicidal ideation. I am fucking terrified about what this court decision could mean for her.
It reduces one’s chances of getting uterine cancer. I have a family history of uterine cancer, and it can be hard to detect. They only found it in my grandmother by chance when they were performing an unrelated surgery.
It reduces your chances of forming ovarian cysts. Women with PCOS often suffer from these, and they can be quite painful. My mother had to have a football-sized ovarian cyst removed from her abdomen, and histology found that it contained pre-cancerous cells.
It can relieve symptoms of PMS and PMDD. Again, this is a form of hormonal mood regulation, as well as a means of controlling many of the unfortunate physical side effects of the menstrual cycle. PMS and PMDD are often topics of ridicule, but their symptoms can have a serious negative impact on one’s day-to-day life. I’ll add more information on this later, since there’s a lot to cover.
It can help regulate one’s menstrual cycle. For reasons I shouldn’t have to explain, knowing when blood and viscera is going to start pouring out of your crotch really helps with being prepared to deal with it. It also helps to avoid really embarrassing situations in public, or the need to clean bloodstains out of clothes and furniture. Irregular periods are a gruesome guessing game. I’ve been there. I don’t want to go back.
It can make your periods less painful. Periods happen when, once a month, the uterus sheds its inner lining. As in, the person having their period is bleeding internally, because one of their organs is shredding and expelling parts of itself from the inside. That shit hurts. Many women have reported vomiting or passing out from period pain. For me, the average period cramp can be compared to really bad gas or diarrhea pain. You know, the kind that has you breaking out into cold sweats on the toilet while you silently beg for mercy to any god that might be listening. Fun, right? I’d recon my pain level is about the average, too.
It can be used to manage menstrual migraines. Did you know some women get migraines in conjunction with their periods? Migraines are debilitating. Imagine having them chronically, getting them frequently around the same time every month, then being denied affordable access to the one medicine that was keeping it in check because your asshole boss says that Jesus wants you to suffer. Bonus points if you get fired because the migraines had a negative impact on your ability to work.
It can reduce your risk of anemia. Some women get really heavy periods. Like, crazy heavy, to the point where they bleed so much that it’s unhealthy. Technically speaking, I fall into this camp. I’d hemorrhage to the point of needing a transfusion if I went long enough without birth control. Gee, I sure hope the insurance-throttling company that I work for isn’t run by a Jehovah’s Witness.
Birth control is the only non-invasive way to control uterine fibroids, which often go hand-in-hand with endometriosis. These are non-cancerous growths within or around the uterus can cause uncontrolled bleeding, and may be quite painful in and of themselves. A ridiculously high number of women have this, myself included. Most women that have them have no or very few symptoms. I was not so lucky.
And that’s just a few of birth control’s many uses. And actually, let me talk about my fibroids some more for a second, just so you all have a better idea of what it means to live with this shit. TMI time. I take birth control. I’ve been taking it regularly for about five years now. I’ve never had sex before, and I don’t plan on it any time soon. This is the one and only reason I’m on the pill.
Five years ago, during my freshman year of college, I started bleeding out of the blue. Really, really badly. This “spotting” was sudden, and heavy, and unrelenting. I’d completely bleed through a super tampon in less than two hours, when one of those would last a good eight hours on my heaviest day during a normal period. I had to sleep with towels on the bed, and set an alarm to wake up early so I could take deal with the shed blood before it got too bad, and to give myself extra time for cleanup before classes. After going from horizontal to vertical for the first time in several hours, getting to the bathroom was a race against time and gravity.
I lived like this for a full month. Tampons and pads, for those of you that have had the privilege of never needing to buy them, can get really pricey. Doubly so for a broke college student, triply so when they need to be extra-large packs containing extra-large products, and quadruple-y so when that broke college student is still managing to bleed through those products at an absurd rate. And, it hurt. The pain was worse than usual; the camps were sharper, more persistent, and sometimes it felt like someone was jabbing a big needle into my abdomen and twisting it around. I was taking OTC painkillers constantly, and they barely made a dent in the pain.
The bleeding started just over a week after my last period had ended, so it was way too early for it to be my next cycle. I figured that maybe my cycle was syncing up to my roommate, or some other chick on my floor had some weird hormonal imbalance, and the outside interference from other people’s hormones was screwing with me enough to make my own body act weird. I figured I’d just have to wait out this one bad period, and everything would settle back down to normal. But, two weeks passed and absolutely nothing changed. The bleeding wasn’t slowing down, and I started to get worried that it wasn’t just an abnormal period. I waited a couple more days, then booked an appointment at the health center. It was more than a week until they could see me.
The consensus was fibroids. They couldn’t give me an official diagnosis without an ultrasound, but all signs pointed to that one conclusion. They said that the only way to make the bleeding stop was by taking birth control. I wasn’t happy about it, since my mom had me convinced that birth control would actually increase my risk of cancer (not true, as I later found out), but I agreed anyway. The nightmare was over a few days later.
So, off topic but still related, I had surgery on my foot a couple months ago. It had to be immobilized for a while, and I was put on blood thinners to prevent any clots from forming while I recovered. Birth control pills can actually increase the risk of blood clots, so I made the choice to hold off on taking those for a while, just as an added precaution. Sure enough, only five days later, the bleeding and the pain was back. Again, it had been only a week since my last period.
I still need to be on birth control. It is a medical necessity for me. My fibroids are still around, and I’ll still spot and cramp up if I miss a pill. I’ve recently been told by my doctor that a permanent fix, and my only other option for treatment, is a hysterectomy. I am 22 years old. Most surgeons would never dream about performing that procedure on me, even if it didn’t already come with its own health risks.
And hell, even if it is used just to prevent pregnancies, what gives someone else the right to deny a woman her bodily autonomy? Human beings are sexual creatures. They’re going to fuck, regardless of whatever laws or religious doctrines are involved. We are quite literally built to have sex, and it’s entirely healthy to do so. There are plenty of peer-reviewed studies that go into detail on the matter; just hop onto Google Scholar and see for yourself. And, maybe, preventing pregnancy is a need in and of itself. What if a woman has a condition that would make pregnancy extremely high-risk? Is she not justified in taking birth control to protect herself from grievous injury? If she’s married to a man, does that married couple not have a right to sleep together without fear of one of them literally dying for it? Even by Christian standards, it doesn’t seem right.
This decision that the Supreme Court has made is utterly shameful, and countless law-abiding American citizens will now be denied access to needed care that they otherwise couldn’t afford without insurance coverage. This is truly a loss for America and her people, and one that will cause suffering for decades to come.
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They See Us Trolling, They Hating || Rio and Kaden
TIMING: Current LOCATION: The woods PARTIES: @3starsquinn  and @chasseurdeloup SUMMARY: Rio and Kaden meet a family of trolls in the woods. CONTENT WARNINGS: Minor mention of abuse, mental and physical.  
In other towns, hunting was exhilarating, an adrenaline rush. Kaden remembered it fondly. But not here in Wicked’s Rest. No, in White Crest, hunting felt more like a burden than it ever had before. Maybe it was the sheer number of monsters everywhere, maybe it was all the extra bonus weird shit happening everywhere else all the time. Or maybe it was just him. Maybe he’d changed enough that he was as broken as his mother implied he was. Still, it didn’t change what he was. So out in the woods he was, guns and knives on him and a crossbow strapped to his back. His brows at the rustling in the distance. Definite sounds of movement. He crouched down and hid behind a tree, keeping as quiet as he could. His hands coiled around the barrel of the gun and slowly pulled it from the holster, careful to make no noise as he loaded it. There was nothing but darkness and the sounds of footsteps growing louder as he waited, gun raised, aimed, and ready. With a deep inhale, he peaked around the tree to see… flannel kid. “You should try walking a little quieter,” he said, lowering the weapon. “Or come armed. I have a feeling you’ll go for the former.”
If it weren’t for the Scribe building, Orion would never go into the forest again. He hated this place. As if the creepy noises and constant threat of danger weren’t enough, the woods had always frightened him in other ways. They were both open and cramped. Quiet, yet extremely loud. Despite how lonely the place was, he never felt safe with his own thoughts. Perhaps that was the irrational fear talking. He tried to stay alert in the woods, but sometimes his hearing was so deafening that the only way to block it out was with headphones. Today, he had a pair in, playing music just loud enough to block out some of the usual noises. He never really knew when his hearing would cooperate or not. Some days it was perfect, he could cancel out noises he didn’t want in order to focus on certain sounds or people. Other times, everything poured in at once, needles jabbing at his ear drums and making him dizzy. He could only guess that his level of control may be tied to stress or anxiety. Both things that Rio had a surplus of. Of course, the downside to using music to drown at the noise was that he didn’t hear when someone- an armed someone was a yard away from him, popping out from behind a tree and scaring Rio to death. Rio jumped what felt like a mile high, letting out a scream and ripping the earbuds out by their cord. “Holy- Why?” Rio yelled at him through gasped breaths, “Maybe you should try being a little less quiet. So you don’t give people heart attacks!” Of course it was Kaden. Of all the people he could run into from town. His feelings on Kaden were…. Complicated. The two had gone from yelling at each other about the supernatural to casually discussing the humanity of the job. By the end of the conversation, Rio wasn’t exactly sure if Kaden hated him or liked him. Rio wasn’t really sure where he landed on the topic either. The uncertainty only worked to make Rio more uncomfortable by the sudden meeting. “I don’t do weapons.” Rio explained, “The last thing I need is to accidentally stab or shoot myself in the woods. I’d be a lost cause.” He already was, honestly.
“I was hunting. The whole fucking point is to be quiet.” Kaden didn’t intend to roll his eyes. Sure fucking happened anyway. “Putain, were you wearing headphones, too? In the woods?” Was he sure he had hunter training? No weapons? Not listening to anything around him? “You may have a point but even Regan carries mace with her. Do you have a death wish or something?” It was hard to reconcile having the powers that they shared and ignoring them, if he was being perfectly honest. At least Rio was useful with all the book learning and research. It was something he could barely tolerate. Only when it was a subject he was sincerely interested in. And hunting through ancient texts for possible mentions of a thing that may or may not be the thing you’re looking for wasn’t the kind of shit that held his interest. “Where are you headed anyway? I know you seem to be doing everything in your power to get yourself killed out here but I’d rather you didn’t.” Who he was hardly mattered. Rio was human and that was more than enough reason for Kaden to make sure the kid lasted the night.
Orion was going to assume that Kaden did not actually want Rio to answer that question about the death wish, “My hunter hearing isn’t… great. I use things to drown out the noise if needed.” Rio admitted. Kaden might be the worst of the hunters that he could have run into tonight. Clearly the two couldn’t agree on… practically anything. As far as Kaden was concerned, Rio’s lack of a handle on his hearing was probably just further proof that he was just one big giant failure. Rio had enough hunters in his life reminding him of that. He didn’t need Kaden adding to the chatter. And in French no less. “And language” Rio mumbled under his breath. Not that mumbling mattered, since Kaden probably had mastered his hunter hearing. He crossed his arms, suddenly nervous that he was out here in the woods with Kaden. He wasn’t afraid that Kaden would hurt him. Kaden seemed way too dedicated to the whole protecting humans thing that hunters used to justify the violence. He was more nervous about whatever Kaden was out here hunting. “Um- Scribe building.” Rio pointed back towards the direction of the building, “I was just grabbing a few things. And now I was heading home. What…” Rio was afraid to ask, “What are you out here looking for?”
Kaden shook his head at the reluctant hunter. “I know you have zero interest in your abilities but you didn’t even get a grip on your hearing? How the fuck have you not gone insane?” He could understand this from someone who didn’t grow up with hunter parents, didn’t know what they were. But he did. Fucking baffling is what it was. He rolled his eyes at the language comment but dropped it. Wasn’t worth it. Though it did make him want to curse even more, had to admit. Of course the kid had come from the library. He should have expected. What was Kaen hunting, though? “I don’t know. Anything,” he said with a shrug. “Didn’t find much yet surprisingly. Missed a shot at a chickcharney earlier but that was about it.” It was strange that he forgot how much this kid was probably going to squirm at the thought of him hurting a single hair on a supernatural creature’s head. “You know, I feel like I should offer to make sure you get home alright. I know how much you love the thought of violence but I know how much I don’t love the thought of you dead for no fucking reason.” Before they could move a foot, there was a low rumble in the distance. Vibrations rippled through the ground. Kaden concentrated and tried to pinpoint the direction of the sound and turned to his left, putting himself between Rio and the potential threat. He reached for the gun again and brought it up, aimed and ready to fire at whatever monster was headed their way.
“I think the jury is still out on whether or not I’ve gone insane.” Orion sighed. He was sure that his parents, and especially his sister thought that Rio was crazy in some capacity. Seeing the incredulous looks that Kaden gave him implied that he probably thought so too. Rio probably was, in some ways. “I wouldn’t exactly call my family’s training conventional. And I wouldn’t call myself a star student or anything.” Maybe Rio should have focused on their teachings a little longer, tried to master the basics before tuning out all of their outdated, cruel teachings. But clearly it was too late now, and he was stuck trying to figure it out on his own. “You really don’t have to do that,” Kaden offered to get Rio home. It was a nice offer, but Rio wasn’t sure why Kaden would offer. Sure, hunter duties and all. But neither of them wanted to be stuck awkwardly talking about how different their lives were. Rio had escaped hearing about his hunter duties once already, no need to go back. But then the ground started shaking. And Kaden reverted back to hunter mode in an instant, gun up and ready to shoot while Rio’s heart exploded in his chest. If the earth weren’t already shaking, he would be. It wasn’t until the ground began rising and taking a form that Rio realized what they were dealing with. Without thinking it through, or maybe because he truly did have a deathwish, Rio forced his body to move, moving in front of Kaden and using his body to block Kaden’s gun pointing towards the creature. “Don’t shoot them!” Rio held his own arms up in surrender. He was confident that Kaden wasn’t going to shoot him. That was why he had jumped in front of Kaden’s gun, right? “It’s a troll. They’re… not dangerous.” Rio stole a glance over his shoulder at the creature. He had read about them a lot. They had drastic size ranges, from tiny to bus sized. This one must be fairly younger, being no larger than a human child. Still, that tiny creature could lift a bus, and they weren’t exactly unknown to target humans. It just wasn’t super common. “Well, I mean they could be dangerous. But we should be fine. If we leave. Because they usually travel together.” As if on cue, that familiar vibration started echoing around the forest again. The creatures, more trolls it looked like, crept from behind a hill, following along a trail of tries that slowly led up to the one that had now noticed Rio and Kaden standing there. Rio was pretty sure those were his friends. And they looked a lot bigger than before.
Before Kaden could make a single move. Rio was practically throwing himself in front of the gun. “Alright we really have to talk about this fucking deathwish of yours,” he snipped. Putain, he nearly missed what was up ahead. It looked like a clump of moving rocks. A lot of moving rocks. “Get out of the way,” he hissed, not lowering the gun just yet. Still, his finger was fully off the trigger; he really didn’t want to accidentally shoot the kid. He hoped the visual threat would be enough. And yet there was no movement on his part. He caught a better look at the monsters with his peripheral vision, his focus stayed on Rio, hoping he’d get the fucking hint and move. They were trolls back there alright. “I know what a troll is. And you want to tell the hunters they’ve crushed to death with rocks how dangerous they aren't?” Honestly, Kaden wasn't sure anymore how many of the stories he'd’ been told among colleagues at hunter bars were true. Looking at them, though? He’d fucking believe it. Just as he was about to yank Rio by his shoulder and force him out of harm’s way, another fucking monster showed up. And then another. And another. Merde. “Move and let me fucking take care of them. Unless you have a better fucking plan. And if so you better start talking. Quick.”
As more and more began to show up, Orion was willing to admit that he was beginning to get a bit more nervous. Not out loud to Kaden of course. The last thing Rio needed was Kaden with those ‘I told you so eyes’ or worse, actually telling him that he told him so. But internally, Rio was able to begin freaking out. But he tried his best to stay calm, even if the shaking hands and quivering voice may or may not work to give it away. “Yeah well- uh trolls are not typically violent. From what I’ve read. So maybe those hunters were attacking them or something. We don’t know.” The sinking feeling in his stomach made it harder to argue. As it was, arguing over his opinions on the supernatural was a lot easier to do online from the safety of his bedroom. Staying calm and level headed seemed a bit more challenging now. “I- uh yes. I do have a plan actually. Just put your gun down. Or point it somewhere else.” Rio swallowed hard. His legs felt like gelatin as he tried to force himself forward. He wobbled, a straight path across the greenery impossible in his current state. But he tried moving with purpose, and his arms raised slightly in the air as if surrendering. “Hey there!” Rio called out to the group, shrinking himself as he stepped closer and closer to the group. “We are not here to hurt you. We were just passing through. We can both head on. Peacefully.” Rio said as loudly as his voice could manage at the moment, hoping his words got to all of the trolls scattered around the duo.
It was hard to tell exactly how the trolls were feeling at the moment. They stared at the hunter as if studying them, but their features were rigid, literally and figuratively. They weren’t easy to read. Finally, the one closest to Rio spoke, “Hun-ter” The voice was deep, methodically spoken and drawn out. It sent a shiver down Rio’s spine. “No!” Rio immediately called out, looking back at Kaden, the freaking gun in his hand a dead giveaway, “No. Just passerbys. No hunting here. I don’t have any weapons. I don’t even like fishing. Too violent.” He laughed nervously, wondering if the trolls understood humor the way that other Fae might. Jury was still out on if Trolls were even considered Fae or not. “I- we are not here to harm you. I just want to go home.”
Not a single fucking moment of this sounded like a good idea. Kaden was pretty sure this was how they got crushed with rocks. But some stupid part of him wanted to trust that the kid was right. If he was right here, maybe he could be-- Not the time, not the place. He remembered Theo’s words, and the words from his training. Uncertainty is death, decision is survival. He put his gun down by his side and was willing to give this shit a chance. Plus, he had a feeling if his weapon was drawn and this went south, the kid would get attacked first. Better to be a little cautious for his sake. It wasn’t like Kaden wasn’t a quick fucking draw either way. The conversation seemed okay at first. Maybe. But the reply of hunter didn’t exactly bode well for them. “Kid. Might be time to back away,” he whispered mostly through his teeth. He had a bad feeling about this. Of course Rio took this as a fucking opportunity to chit chat with the trolls. Bleeding fucking hearts. It was clear they were too dumb for so many words so fast. “Vio-lent? Squishy humans are violent?” it growled. Putain. That sounded bad. Almost like they missed the many other words the kid threw at them. “You try harm troll? You hurt?” Yup. Dumb fucking rocks were not listening to any words other than the not so great ones. Kaden made sure the safety was off and he was ready to shoot at any moment, slowly inching towards Rio to hopefully pull him away the second this went wrong. “Maybe we should just turn around.” Fuck, there were too many of them to fight if this got ugly.
“Tiny hunter no hurt troll!” it yelled out and before Kaden could leap into action, the nearest troll grabbed Rio and threw him like he was nothing more than a rag doll. Fucking hell. Kaden raised his gun and unleashed a few rounds at the trolls but it was doing shit all. Because fucking relicts were the worst. He ran over to see if the kid was okay. Fuck, they were fucked. One of the rocked fists reached out and grabbed his ankle. Kaden kicked out with his free leg, hearing the crunching of his shoes against the rock, not sure that it did much. Especially with its friends descending.
For how slow the trolls seemed to lug around the forest, they sure could throw people quickly. Before Orion could react, the troll in front of him had latched onto his clothes. He didn’t have much time to try to pull himself free before the troll had flicked him through the air as if he was no lighter than a tic tac. It all came to a screeching halt when Rio collided with the tree. All the air rushed out of his body and was replaced with searing pain. His nerves went haywire, and he was pretty sure he heard something cracking. The pain only got worse once he completed the fall and smacked hard against the ground, his back breaking the fall. Everything hurt. He tried pushing himself off the ground and his chest did not want to cooperate. Every breath felt like something sharp was piercing his lungs. Ribs. Something may actually be piercing his lungs. He was able to push himself up enough to drag his legs under his body and push up to his knees. Where was Kaden? He spotted him, heading towards Rio. Rio sighed in relief, flinching from the pain it caused in his chest. Kaden was coming to help. The two could get away. But then Kaden fell. No, Kaden was grabbed. Rocks were pulling at Kaden’s ankle, knocking him to the ground and starting to drag him.
Rio forced himself to move forward. He had trained with broken ribs before. This should be nothing by now. Whether or not Rio regretted what he tried to do didn’t matter. He was the reason Kaden was in trouble now. Rio searched desperately for something that he could use to help Kaden get free. Maybe there was still time for the two to escape. Rio ducked down and picked up a large rock from beside a tree. Fight fire with fire or something like that, Rio supposed. He stumbled his way through the forest until he could finally get to the troll that was holding onto Kaden’s leg. Rio fell back into his knees and smashed the rock against the troll’s arm, hoping to hurt it enough to let go of Kaden’s leg. “Let. Him. Go!” Rio yelled, one word for each swing. His voice was hoarse, it came out as barely more than a whisper. But it wasn’t working.  The body was too hard. And Rio was panicking. Until he remembered the stomach area. The idea of hurting the troll still made Rio sick to his stomach, even now. But the pain from hitting the true drowned out the nausea. Turning the rock so that there were no jagged edges, Rio swung the rock one last time at the stomach, jabbing the troll in the stomach and sending him tumbling backwards. Rio allowed himself a moment of triumph that Kaden had been freed before a troll grabbed Rio from behind and began dragging him backwards.
Shit, Rio looked like he was in pretty bad shape. It was lucky he had hunter genes or else Kaden was pretty fucking sure he’d be a lot worse for wear. Or at the very least, less prepared to deal with the pain. If they had to run, though, they were clearly fucked. “Get out I’ve got th—“ he started to shout, but there was the kid, coming to help anyway. Putain, he was hoping he’d have one less factor to worry about.
Kaden kicked and trashed his feet to try and break free, but it wasn’t doing any good. Rio’s swinging didn’t make much difference either. Until he gut punched the troll with a rock. Alright then. Kaden pulled his foot free and scrambled back. Only Rio didn’t exactly think to do the same. Fuck. Kaden stood and tried to take aim again. No clear opening. If he shot, there was no way to be sure he wouldn’t hit the kid. “Let him go!” he shouted at the troll. “Tiny hunter hurt Borg. Both hurt tiny hunter.” Kaden had no advantage here that he could see. Other than… He took a shot at one of the other trolls genius Borg, aimed for the squishier looking stomach. It growled in pain. “Let the tiny hunter go and we walk away or big hunter will keep shooting.” Another one of the trolls lunged out at Kaden, this time he kneed it in his guts before reaching back for his knife, pushing it right up against the beast’s belly as he reached around to try and headlock the thing. One slice and the troll would be toast. “What do you say, Borg? Yours for mine?” He kept the knife digging, small pinpricks of troll blood spilling out. This better fucking work. He was running out of plans.
Orion couldn’t break free. The troll had hold of the back of Rio’s sweater, dragging him through the woods. His body caught on rocks and branches, stabbing into his back and legs as his own sweater choked him. The troll’s rocky hands dig into his back as he was pulled backwards. Eventually, the grip on Rio’s sweater was loosened, but before Rio could scramble away a fist came down on him. It smacked against his face, crushing his head against the ground and ricocheting off of the hardened dirt. His head felt like someone just hit him with a rock, which he supposed was the case. Hot liquid dropped down his cheek and he could taste the metallic sting of blood as it dropped between his lips. He coughed it free immediately, a mixture of spit and blood pooling beneath him. The punch had split his cheek open, Rio could tell that much without even seeing it.
The troll grabbed onto Rio’s wrist next, squeezing it tightly and twisting it upwards, forcing Rio to follow its direction. He sat there, right arm raised in the troll’s grasp and facing towards Kaden. Rio was shaking, minutes away from full on tears, but he begged himself to stop the tears from coming. Not now. Not in front of Kaden. Kaden bartered for him, threatening another troll for the release of Rio. “Please let me go. Please” Rio begged. His voice was whiny and came out scratchy. He was so freaking pathetic and useless. He had gotten Kaden into this situation. If he had only come up with a better idea. Something not as stupid as begging for safety. As if any troll would have believed that coming from a hunter anyways. Rio used his free arm to feel around the ground, looking for anything he might be able to use to break himself free. “Big hunter lie.” The troll yelled to Kaden. Rio’s hand finally caught on something, a piece of a branch maybe? It was jagged and jabbed into Rio’s hand as grabbed onto it. Rio hissed in pain, pulling his hand back before going back for it more gently this time. His fingers just barely reached it. He stretched his hand as far as it could go and used the tips of his fingers to slowly start pulling the branch closer to him.
Some of the other trolls joined in on the yelling.  Rio’s head was swimming, but he could tell that they weren’t positive. They didn’t want them to get away. “Kill tiny hunter” the troll spoke. His grip tightened on Rio’s wrist and he cringed in fear. This was it. Rio was going to die. Killed by the trolls in some horrible misunderstanding. His hand tightened against the wood. What did he intend to do with this? Hurt the troll? Kill it? Was Rio even capable of that? Or was he better to just let himself get killed? “Kill big hunter next” the troll stated, matter-of-fact. If they killed Rio, would Kaden leave or try to kill them all? Would Rio get him killed too? The troll’s hand switched again, wrapping around Rio’s neck and squeezing. He couldn’t breath. Now or never. Now or never. Rio pulled the branch up and swung it behind him as powerfully as he could. He knew he hit his target. When the grip on his neck didn’t lighten, Rio twisted his arm, snapping the branch off and using the shortened piece to stab again. And then one more time. Finally, Rio could breathe again and he tore the arm off of him, refusing to look back as he threw his body forward and started to run back towards Kaden.
The more Rio was injured, the more Kaden could feel his blood boil. He had no idea if the kid saw it that way or not, but Kaden knew point blank they were dealing with monsters. He’d fucking kill every single one of them without hesitation if he could do so without jeopardizing Rio’s safety even more. “I’m n-- I’m telling the truth!” Kaden almost said he wasn’t lying but it seemed the trolls weren’t good with negatives, only the main words being said. “Let him go!” he yelled again. “We’ll fucking leave just let--” The troll didn’t fucking stop, just kept dragging the kid and Kaden could barely concentrate beyond the pounding of his pulse in his ear. He had to stop this but he couldn’t get a shot in, there was still no safe opening. Every time he thought there was, another twist and turn.
“No!” he shouted at the troll’s yelling and ran up to the monster as soon as he saw the rock hands clasp around Rio’s neck. As soon as he tried to get close, another troll cut him off. It reached to grab his arm and Kaden twisted away, shooting at it, not hitting a whole hell of a lot that was significant. The monster got his leg again instead, but this time Kaden knew what to do. He unleashed the rounds into the stomach and the troll growled and wailed, collapsing in a rock heap. Kaden wriggled and struggled to get his leg out from under the previously living boulder. Shit, shit shit, was he dead? Was Rio dead? There’s no way he-- He couldn’t hear past his own panic and breathing as he scrambled to get up, get his gun aimed again. Just in time to see the monster fall forward. Putain. He did it. He was a hunter. For a whole two seconds. Fuck.
Kaden didn’t waste a moment and rushed over to the “tiny hunter’s” side, dragging him away from the other trolls as soon as he could. Some of them had shambled away at the sound of gunshots earlier and the sight of their fallen companions. “Hunters bad! Hunters kill Borg and Trag!” the others bellowed as they turned away. “Yeah we fucking did! And we’ll kill the rest of you two if you don’t let us leave. So back off!” Kaden’s voice was pure venom and anger. It was enough. Whatever it was, it was enough to make them turn back and let the humans shuffle away. “We come back. We kill hunters if see again! We kill you!” the last one grumbled though rock.
Everything felt distant. Orion felt himself being pulled again, just barely registering that it was Kaden this time. And he was yelling… something? But Rio couldn’t focus long enough to understand the words. There was a loud humming noise in the back of his head that drowned out everything else. All Rio could do was stare at one single spot on the ground. His feet began moving on their own, following Kaden who seemed to be leading him through the forest. Or were they still in the same clearing they had been during the attack? Rio couldn’t tell anymore. He could barely feel the pain in his chest or wrist or head. All he could think about was all the blood on his hand. He could hear it dripping onto the ground. Some of the blood was his, probably. But most of it… He had killed that troll. Rio was a murderer. Just like his parents.
When Rio finally broke out of the trance he had been in, it was to finally start sobbing. His legs gave out on him and he found himself on his knees on the ground, a blubbering mess as he tried and failed to choke back the hysterical sobbing. He knew he couldn’t stop it. He didn’t know why he even tried. Probably because he was embarrassed that Kaden was here to see it. “I’m sorry!” Rio coughed through the tears. The pain came back, and every single breath reminded him of the pain some broken ribs could bring. “I’m so sorry.” He wasn’t sure who he was talking to at the moment. Kaden? Or the troll he had just killed? A mix of both, most likely. “This is all my fault. We could have avoided that if-” He cut himself off. Kaden didn’t need a reminder of how badly Rio had screwed up. And now Kaden was hurt. And trolls were dead. Rio noticed Kaden’s limp, but was too afraid to ask him how badly he was injured. Rio couldn’t take that guilt. He felt sick to his stomach, bile rose in his throat but Rio forced it back down. He grabbed onto his chest and tried desperately to quell some of the stinging pain, but all he could do was cry and cry. “I did this. I killed them.” His voice was nothing more than a whispered cry at this point. How did hunters do this? Rio felt like his entire life was coming to an end.
Once Kaden could help pick Rio up off the floor, they started hobbling away. Kaden did what he could to help, but he seemed okay enough to walk and it also looked like he needed a moment. Shaken probably didn’t begin to cover it. They were making their way back towards town, very slowly, the long way around to boot, but they would get there eventually. Kaden heard a collapse into the ground and whipped around to check on Rio, make sure he hadn’t passed out or hurt himself to the point he couldn’t carry on. From what he could see, it wasn’t the physical pain that brought him to his knees.
Every instinct from his training told him to be harsh. To tell him to suck it up, stand up, and keep moving. That was how you survived. Shit was hard but you killed the monsters and moved on, saved your pain and your tears for your pillow if you let them plague you at all. That’s what his training said he should do. But looking at Rio there on the ground, clearly broken hearted and in pain over whatever the fuck had just happened back there, the words caught in his throat. He couldn’t say them. But he sure as shit didn’t know what else to say. It didn’t make sense to him to cry over a few dead trolls. They were monsters. Maybe the next passers by in the woods would be a little safer. Something dropped in his stomach at the thought. Some small piece of him knew that wasn’t exactly true. Those trolls were angrier now and likely more of a threat to humans now then they had been a few minutes ago. He really should have found a way to kill them all.
Kaden stood and watched a few moments, let him figure it out or whatever, then out out his hand to help him up. No part of him could remember what he really felt after his first kill. It was so long ago now, he was only ten. He remembered the fear, though. The fear of dying and the panic when that fight or flight moment kicked into overdrive. The moment no amount of training could possibly prepare you for, no matter what anyone said. His parents had been proud. Even when offering their critique for next time. And what should have been a beginning felt like an end in a way. An end of choice. Or something like that.
He couldn’t say for sure what Rio was feeling right now exactly, but he figured there was some overlap or two. And no part of him could bring himself to tell the kid how to feel. “Was this your first time? Killing anything? In the field?” It was hard to imagine a hunter with parents like his refusing for this long. If that was true, he had to be used to immense pain. Kaden wasn’t sure where that pain would be coming from exactly, but he knew it was there at the end of a refusal to hunters like that. He just knew.
Orion expected to be belittled. To be yelled at or made fun of or something. Anything to bring back some sense of familiarity. But this was all new territory. Something was dead by Rio’s own hands. In just a few seconds, that troll had taken its last breath. Rio had stolen that from the creature. But Kaden let him have this moment. Rio wasn’t forced to listen someone berating him or telling him everything he had been wrong. Or even worse than that, risk his parents actually being proud of him for something. If they ever knew about this, what would they think? Rio would rather risk their insults anyday. Nothing could be worse than feeling for a second that he was like them. “It- I killed a stupid mime once, but-” That hadn’t been real. It had exploded into smoke afterwards, and then again with Winston’s. It wasn’t anymore more than some illusion or clone. “Not like this. Those things disappeared after they died. They weren’t alive. This-” He had stopped from crying, finally. And he accepted Kaden’s hand when it was offered to him. His entire body ached. All he wanted was to go to sleep. Could he even sleep, after what he had done? “You saved me. I got us into that but you still saved me.” He had no idea where he was going with that. He didn’t have it in him to thank Kaden, the murder was still too fresh. So he simply stated it as fact. “Can you- take me home? I don’t think I can drive right now.”
Kaden sincerely couldn’t imagine growing up in a hunter household and never killing one single thing. He was fairly certain he’d have been disowned by his own parents a hell of a lot sooner if that had been the case. “Right. The fucking mimes. Well, I had to kill mine twice. Or well, it was killed twice. I fucked up and let someone else get the killing blow the first time. Guess you really are smarter than I am.” Once Rio was up and standing, he waited a second until they walked again. So taking away life was his hang up? It was hard to argue with that. More and more, Kaden was starting to feel a bit more like a harbinger of death than his banshee girlfriend. The only thing people ever asked him for help with seemed to be killing shit. Alright, maybe that was unfair, but it was most people’s first thoughts all the same. “What, did you think I was going to leave you there?” He gave a small shrug, wanting to brush it off. Thanks and gratitude in any form weren’t something he was ever good at fielding. He was just doing what he was supposed to the best that he could. And he hadn’t done a stellar job of it today, as far as he was concerned. If the kid didn’t have hunter healing, he would have insisted that they go to the hospital. But as it stood, he knew Rio was familiar enough with pain management if not the rest of the hunter benefits package. “Yeah, I can do that. As long as you promise to be more careful next time you’re out here by yourself, got it?”
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xxsovereignsarayaxx · 4 years
Supernatural - Road to Revenge Chapter 7
Authors Note: Sorry for the wait! My computer is still broken so I’m having to use my tablet. I’m not super experienced in writing fight scenes so I hope its reads right, But I hope you guys are keeping safe and enjoy the latest chapter! Feedback is amazing as it makes me a better writer! Just a bit of a filler chapter before things go back to the chaotic mess us Supernatural fans know and love.  Word Count: 2509 Warnings: Some swearing.
Check out the other chapters and my other works here!
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“Deal.” And sealed it with a kiss.
After the heart to heart in the car, I suggested that a pizza, a couple crates of beer and a movie was what the three of us needed right now and luckily Dean agreed with me. I sat in the car whilst Dean was waiting in the takeaway, I saw him lift up his jacket sleeve and scratch at the mark. It made me sigh, I just hoped that we could now find a way to rid Dean of the mark and go back to whatever our version of normal was. As I was lost in thought I failed to notice that Dean was now back and he was waiting for me to take the three boxes of pizza off him so he could get in the car. 
“Earth to Nikki…”
I shook my head, the long strands of my hair flicked about against the leather interior. I gave an apologetic look and reached out for the delicious mix of cheese, tomato and dough. I took in a hearty sniff and my mouth was already starting to water. 
“This smells so good.” I said smiling, trying to lift up the lid to one of the boxes.
Swiping my hand away “Well you know the rules Miss Callahan.” Dean replied.I pouted. Food was one of my weaknesses. The drive back to the bunker was quick and within minutes myself, Sam and Dean were enjoying ourselves and telling stories of our past.
“Hey, do you remember when you got arrested and I had to bail your ass out otherwise you would have been sent down?” Dean teased, taking a bite out of his fourth slice.
Sam almost choked on his drink. “What?” I rolled my eyes aiming them at Dean. 
“Oh come on it wasn’t like that and you know it.” I replied, the remains of my british accent accidently slipped through.
“Pray tell Nik.” Sam attempted playfully.  
Throwing my arms in surrender. “Ok so this was about three months or so before Dean came to get you from Stanford, and at the time I always carried two phones. And the beat cop that arrested me only found the first…”
2005 Chewing some gum and bouncing my handcuffed wrists so that the metal rattled on the table I was attached to, in some hope to annoy the cop that had arrested me. The officer mumbled something but I couldn't figure out what as he continued to write a report. From what I could see he wasn’t able to fill it in very well as I refused to tell him my name. 
“Shall we try this again? Name?” 
“How about you kiss my ass?” I said, raising a sultry eyebrow with a grin on my face.
“I don’t think you understand how much trouble you're in little lady, you're carrying an unauthorised firearm and in possession of multiple credit cards and identities…”
“And like I told you before, they're not mine. I’m holding them for a friend.” I replied sweetly. 
The officer let out a sigh and got up from the chair, packing up the small wimsey file and shoving it under his arm. He looked me up and down. “Need to go to the little girls room?” He asked sarcastically. 
“Nope.” I replied, popping the ‘P’. “But you could loosen these a little.” I added bringing my hands up to view, rattling the cuffs once more.
“Your right...I could but I won’t.” The officer said leaning on the table so that he was a few inches away from my face, I could feel his breath and it stunk like stale coffee and desperation. 
Rolling my eyes I shifted in my seat, turning my face away from his and the officer pulled away with a chuckle. “You're not the only one capable of playing mind games darling, if you change your mind about talking, give me a holler.” And with that he left the room shutting the door.
I sat back in the uncomfortable chair, picking at my nails when I felt the phone in my bra start to vibrate. Leaning over the table slightly I was able to pry the small device and flip it open and brought the phone to my ear as best I could. 
“You took your time answering.” The voice of Dean Winchester rang through my ears.
I could imagine the smug look on his face if he saw the predicament I was in. 
“Well I’m working.” I snapped back, rolling my eyes not like it mattered he couldn’t see me but at this point it was forming to be a habit.
“Working, where?” He asked.
“Miami, fancied a little sunshine beats the unbearable weather and your lame ass jokes.” I lied. 
“Really? You sure about that? Because I’m about five yards away ready to talk to a Detective Douche, you know the guy who arrested you. But if you want me to leave you in this stink hole I can turn around and go back to hitting on chicks at the bar. There’s something about a man in a suit that makes the ladies go wild.” 
I let out a groan. “Fine...Get me out of here Winchester.” 
“You making noises like that gets me all excited.” Dean teased.
“Bite me.” I told him in a pissed off tone.
“I really hope you do sweetheart…”
Sam, Dean and I were all laughing at my tale. The remaining few slices of pizza had been forgotten and more empty beer bottles littered the table and the whiskey had been brought out. 
“I can’t believe you pair used to flirt so badly back in the day.” Sam said, taking a sip of his whiskey.
“No way! Dean’s over exaggerating.”  I threw a rolled up napkin at Sam to which he dodged with ease. “Your brother was a cocky ass and full of himself, he was just painting a target on his back. I knew how to get under his skin Sam.” I added, trying to defend myself. 
“And yet it took how long for the pair of you to finally get together.” 
“Good things take time Sammy, and Nik being with us is more than a good thing.” 
The rest of the evening went by pretty quickly we drank, talked about the good times and even the bad. But most importantly we bonded as a family and by midnight I called it a night and headed to bed. Dean followed behind shortly afterwards. 
I woke up early the next morning wanting to grab the day by its horns, because of the heat Dean often kicked out in bed, getting out of said bed was often easier said than done but I reluctantly left his warmth and got out of bed leaving him peacefully asleep. With my swift motions getting up he rolled over and carried on snoring, glancing over at him I got to my feet putting on some clean workout clothes and quietly left the room.
Walking through the halls I headed to the kitchen first wanting to put on some coffee for when the boys finally woke up, as I softly clattered about in the kitchen I glanced up at the clock seeing I had some time to kill I made my way to one of the rooms we had converted into a workout space. 
The room itself was quite large and we had kitted it out with mats, weights and a couple of punching bags. Setting up a bag, hooking it to where I wanted it I bent down to the kit bag I kept in the room and pulled out some medical tape to secure my fingers. As I wrapped my fingers I let out a relaxing breath and then ran my hands through my hair using the hair tie to put my hair into a ponytail then composing myself and reaching for my boxing gloves. 
Eyeing up my target I gave the black and red punching bag a few jabs, with each connection I felt the adrenaline flow through my body and enter my muscles and continued the assault mixing in a combination of jabs and strikes making the bag swing wildly. Losing track of time I hadn’t realised the sweat build up and next thing I knew I had to take a breather, using my teeth I pulled on the velcro to release my hand so I could wipe the sweat from my forehead with my shirt.  Because I had been more focused on my morning workout I failed to keep a track on my surroundings and I felt a large hand reach out and grab my sweaty exposed shoulder, my instincts took over launching a swift elbow backwards with the hope to put some distance between myself and my attacker. But my movement was blocked and I felt a hand hold onto my elbow and the other gripping my hand forcing my arm to straighten out and twist so I was unable to move. 
“Whoa there sweetheart, it's only me.” Dean said with a chuckle, as I span around to look at him. 
Seeing that I had in fact calmed down he let my arm go. “Asshole, you scared me.” I replied, mocking a punch to his stomach. 
“Your stamina seems to be getting better.” 
“There’s nothing wrong with my stamina Winchester, plus I’m pretty sure mine beats yours.” I deadpanned. 
Only just noticing that Dean was in sweats and a loose shirt he brought his hands into a defensive position. “Oh really?” He asked with his famous shit eating grin. 
“You’ve never complained about my stamina but is this really a good idea for you? Because last time we sparred you tapped out.” I replied with a sly smile, going into a matching defensive stance. 
“Nik, less talk. More action.”
Just as Dean finished his sentence I threw a right hook his way to which he easily blocked and returned the favour with a left jab. Using my much smaller frame to my advantage I ducked from his range. We circled each other for a good thirty seconds and then exchanged another few sets of blows to which only a select few made contact. Dean's next attack landed slightly winding me and he swiftly followed up with a judo toss, my small frame easily being slung over his much larger one and landed heavily on the mat with a thud. Still using his forearm pressing me into the mat he looked over to me with a grin. 
“Give up?” He asked.
“Not in the slightest.” I said with a playful smile. 
Dean replied to me with a smile to match mine and lifted the pressure ever so slightly allowing me to get out of his grasp and roll to a safe spot. Bringing myself back to my feet I bounced on my soles, allowing me to shake my muscles loose and went back to circling around Dean at a safe distance, it was nice to be sparring with him as he didn’t hold back much allowing us to truly get to business. Making a quick move towards him I connected my foot with the back of his right knee, it was a spur of the moment decision but seeings as the impact made him fall to a knee and making the most of the opening I jumped and using my right leg I hooked it around the back of his neck, twisting my body around his torso quickly using my other leg to shift the position my right leg once had around his neck and moved that towards his left leg. Using my arms I pulled his right towards myself and leant backwards hoping my weight would refrain him from moving and all in all hope he would fade and reluctantly tap out. 
Sensing my intentions I could feel the struggle we both were facing, also feeling the strain his muscles were working to try and break free from my hold using his free arm. Not wanting to lose I removed one arm and used it to try and push down Dean’s making him imobile.
“Not today princess.” He stated, panting trying to catch his breath as he tried to break free from my hold. 
“I hate to break this match up, as entertaining as it is but we have a case.” Sam said, interrupting the heavy breathing and pants. 
Looking up I saw Sam leaning against the door frame with his laptop balancing on his palm. Letting out a playful huff I released Dean from my hold, unwrapping my legs and swiftly jumped down using him as a spring and landing softly on the mat. Stretching his muscles he shortly joined me and Sam. 
“Never thought I’d say this but perfect timing Sammy.” Dean said with a chuckle just about having his breath back.
“Thought I would save your last shred of dignity.” He teased.
“So what are we looking at?” I asked to change the subject, softly tilting the laptop down to my eye level so I could see the screen. 
“Well we have two jobs that need looking at, I thought you might want to look into this Nik as I’m pretty sure you’ve dealt with this witch before.” Sam explained, showing me the numerous news articles. Gritting my teeth. “Camille O’Malley…What is the cow bag doing these days? Still robbing rich folk and then killing ‘em?” Sam nodded.  
Dean looked at me with a confused look. “Back in 05 I came across a witch by the name Camille O’Malley. Cunning and fickle she used magic to enhance her beauty and use that beauty to her advantage, whilst you were roaming around with your dad doing other hunts I spent six glorious months tracking this bitch down and almost had her too. She used a spell, knocked me clean out and then went underground, I hadn’t heard anything regarding her ever since. Figured she pissed off another hunter and kicked the bucket years ago.” I explained. “Is she still using the same M.O? Internal bleeding?” 
“Seems like it, the recent string of deaths were ruled as natural causes. The latest victims were all attending an invite only auction.” Sam answered.
“I’ll have a look into it, I use some of the notes I took back in the day and see if I can finally put a bullet in that bitches head. What’s the other case?”
“Death of a college student, apparently her eyes were missing and the witness said the guy jumped from a three-story window and took off running.” 
“Three-story? Yeah that’s something to be looked at... You guys gonna be ok dealing with this one? I’m sure I can send one of my buddies to deal with Camille.” I asked. 
“No we’re good, you deal with another blast from the past.” Dean said with a smile, planting a kiss to my temple. “Your bike could do with the run.” 
“If I get done before you guys, I’ll head over to you if you need the backup.” 
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alo-piss-trancy · 5 years
What Lurks in the Shadows (P/5 Omo Snippet #7)
((This was going to be a 3 part omo whumpfest about Akira's time after captured by the police/Akechi. 1st chap would be his time in confinement w/Sae and then the car ride with her after escaping aka normal playthrough, 2nd was the Bad End w/Akechi which was going to be absolutely brutal, and THIS was Chapter 1.5 (took place directly after Sae's chapter which had 1 wetting. Makoto stays the night in leblanc to keep an eye on him since Sojiro and Sae can't. Akira is super fucked up from all the injected drugs, Tae's meds, and the trauma. Out of all my snippets this is the one I was most invested in and would love to finish if I ever had time/motivation.))
((Forgive the not-so-accurate injuries, I had planned to research and edit those to be more realistic/close to canon after the basic draft. Same with his paranoia it was gonna be more fleshed out.))
The haze of sleep had faded as he gradually became aware of the various signals coming from his body. His head was pounding... he wasn't sure how much was from the man's foot kicking into it when he'd first woken up in that cell, and how much was a side effect from the drugs still coursing through his veins. It was enough to make him feel nauseous, but the churning in his stomach was nothing compared to the sharp stinging every time he tried to breathe. His sides and back were killing him. 
Everything hurt… he just wanted to drift back off...
But there was one other thing he was aware of that would make that impossible. His bladder, heavy and aching badly enough that he had to squeeze his thighs together, huffing under his breath. Right. Normally he was fine during the night, but after what had happened earlier and all of the fluids he'd had to drink to combat the dehydration, he guessed it made sense that those muscles would be weaker than usual.
Licking his lips, he reached towards the nightstand, fumbling around for his glasses. His sides were screaming in response to the simple movement, but he finally managed to get his shaking fingers to grasp them. As soon as he put them on though, he swiftly wished he hadn't.
His vision was still bleary anyways from the sleepiness, but the slight bit of extra focus he gained made the darkness of his room seem much more threatening than it had been a few moments ago. It had been hazy before, but now he could make out sharp shadows and bulky figures, some of which he swore would move the moment he turned his head. He couldn't gain a clear image, but they were there, lurking in the edges of his vision, the briefest flashes of legs or arms, shined shoes, smug faces. Sharp teeth, inhuman masses, bloody necks without heads.
Shadows can't manifest here, can they?
Arsene. Arsene, can you hear me?
He couldn't sense the rush of unrestrained power, that rush of confidence and flair that let him know his Persona had come to the forefront of his mind. He couldn't feel anything but his heart beating faster, the tremble of his shoulders as he pulled his arms closer to his chest. 
Another flashing face out of the corner of his eyes and he was forced to clench them shut. How many of these things were there? Where were they coming from? Ow, sitting up like this really hurt... every inch of him hurt...
There's too much I'm trying to focus on... I can't think clearly enough to contact him…
Nibbling his lip as he squeezed his thighs together against his body's insistent nagging, he risked a glance towards the left side of the bed. Makoto was still lying there, sleeping peacefully. The sight was somehow both comforting and painfully lonely. Yes, it was nice to know someone else was here with him, but if they weren't actually awake to see the danger in the room...
But... she's always aware of things.  She's the one who triple-checked the door, and made sure both our phones were charging. If there was really an intruder here, she'd wake up immediately, right?
There's nothing here. There can't be. We're the only two things alive in here.
Those things that he was seeing... they must just be hallucinations. Terrifying, but not real. He fought monsters weekly anyways. He could handle a few spooky apparitions.
Taking a breath, he forced himself to look back at the rest of the room, his eyes straining to see what the strange forms and shadowed areas could be. Well, he knew some of the lumps by memory... the crafting table, and all of the junk on that one shelf...
I can feel my way through the rest.
But just as he started to work up the nerve to shift his legs, he caught sight of the door. The doorway, cloaked entirely in darkness, and leading the way down into a pitch-black café. The café everyone had been gathered in so shortly ago...
Someone could have seen Sae's car... And if Futaba had bugged the place once, surely the much more advanced resources the police had access to could do the same... They could have followed him here, and they could be waiting, right down there, and he'd come down and they'd pin him again, and he couldn't fight back, not like this, and they'd-
His breath quickening, he'd finally let himself lie back down, pulling the blanket over his head. He couldn't risk it, he couldn't go down there, not when there could be an ambush...
Just listen to yourself! You got away! You had that whole plan, and it worked, you know it worked! Makoto's here, Sae's on our side... you're safe here…
He knew he should trust logic. But... if there was the slightest chance that they could be here, that he could go through that hell again...
He could wake her, ask her to walk down with him...
But if he was right, then they might beat her, or drug her, or do something even worse, and he couldn't allow her to be put through that...
And if he was wrong, which was just as likely, then she'd just think he was wasting her time and being paranoid, and he was their leader, he was supposed to be confident and strong and totally not scared about the way their plan had gone, because if they knew he had doubts, they wouldn't focus, and then they might not be able to stop Shi-
I can't ask her. I can figure something out.
Well, he couldn't hold it until morning, and he definitely wasn't going to piss himself, so he'd just have to suck it up. Whatever was waiting down there, he'd just have to brave it. 
Just run down there, it'll take two minutes tops. You'll be back up here in no-time, and then you can go back to bed and sleep it all off.
He couldn't bring his legs or arms to move. They were just frozen in place, paralyzing fear running though his body. 
The pulses were getting stronger and stronger with every minute he stayed lying there, each steady throb forcing him to bite down on his lip harder, forcing his hand to squeeze his crotch tighter. He wanted to squirm around so badly, but he couldn't risk waking her. Squeezing his watery eyes shut, he rocked his hips a little, nearly rutting into his hand in a desperate effort to take the edge off. It wasn't helping, damn it, nothing was helping, it was just getting worse and worse...
It's just a room away, damn it! Just get up! All you have to do is get up!
He couldn't help moaning as another urgent spasm sent pain ramming through his abdomen, a slow trickle of warmth dripping out for a few seconds before it stopped, not enough to give him any relief at all. He was already in enough pain, and yet this hurt so badly...
Just slide off the fucking bed. The plant's right there, you don't even have to go downstairs. Just stand up and walk a few feet.
The dim noise of a dog barking outside assaulted his ears, and he clutched himself tighter, his crossed legs shaking as his bladder continued to spasm, waves of pain rolling through him as he fought to breathe quietly. He needed to go worse than he ever had in his life, and yet he was stuck laying on his side, panting into the pillow. He couldn't even work up the nerve to throw the covers back and sit up, knowing they were his only shield from everything else outside his protective bubble.
If I go out there, they're going to kill me... Akechi's going to be there with a gun, or they'll wrestle me to the ground and cuff me again first…
Another burst of warmth started streaming into his boxers, leaking through to wet his sweatpants. His face was blazing hot, sweat starting to drip along his skin, and he groaned, pressing his face harder into the pillow. He felt sick. It felt like the room was starting to spin, and he could barely find the strength to clench himself off before he leaked any more.
I can't piss myself again... I... I can't…
But I can't get up, not when they're right there…
It was too easy to hear the voices floating up from downstairs, those deep tones and firm orders, heartless, merciless. It was too easy to feel the sharp toe of a boot against his ribs, or the cold metal pressed against his head, the sting of more needles jabbing into his skin. He could taste the copper in his mouth, the warm heat bathing his tongue as he tried not to swallow mouthfuls of his own blood...
His entire abdomen was throbbing and pulsing, shudders running up and down his spine as he whimpered under his breath, squeezing as hard as he could against the burning in his crotch. The wet fabric rubbing against his skin kept teasing him, and little spurts kept slipping out to soak them further. 
Please... if I can just hold it until the sun comes up…
If he could just wait until Sojiro came in the morning... it would prove he was safe then...
A new jet shot out to flood his thighs with warmth, coming out so harshly that he had to bite down on his knuckles to muffle the gasp. When he breathed it caused the fabric to shift slightly, little dribbles of the liquid sliding around on his skin. He could feel every inch of his lower body throbbing, the stinging urge to release aching at the very edge of his member. Grinding against it wasn't doing anything to ease it anymore. If anything, it just made his need worse, forcing tiny leaks to drip out with the added pressure.
If I could at least slide off onto the floor, that'd be easier to-
The click of a gun, aimed at his head as Akechi walked through the door, striding over to find him on the floor and helpless. 
The creatures were still flashing at the edges of his vision too, dancing around in the dark patches. One could easily be lurking under the bed, waiting to drag him under and rip him apart.
Another harsh burst started pouring into his pants, and he tightened the grip on his mouth, hoping to imprison the sob trying to escape. Sojiro was going to kill him for this.
I can't... I just can't...
No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't hold it anymore. It was gushing out now, heat drenching between his legs, his thighs, and pooling around his waist. The muffled hiss against fabric sounded way too loud in this room, and he squeezed shut teary eyes, praying nothing was attracted by the noise. It felt so good to go, but the relief only made him feel sicker, his stomach twisting into knots as he felt the blankets around him and the sheets below begin to soak into a pool. 
He was trying his best not to sniffle too loudly, nose running from the light smell that was trapped under the covers, but he felt the bed shift as what he dreaded most began to happen. Makoto was moving, starting to stir with a soft groan, and he was nowhere near finished.
Stop, please stop... please stop...
But no amount of shame was going to force his body to put itself in more pain just to spare his feelings, and he could only lay there in dull fear as urine kept gushing out of him.
"What... What time is it?" It was the softest of slurred voices, but he still flinched as Makoto sat up. She was probably rubbing at her eyes, but he wasn't about to risk making eye contact to check. No, he was keeping his eyes firmly closed, doing his best to try and shut out whatever visual horrors lurked around him.
"Why is... The bed feels..." His breath hitched despite his best efforts, fresh pain shooting through his chest, and that was enough to awaken her more fully. "Akira? Akira, are you crying?"
He didn't answer, trying his best to keep quiet even though it was impossible. His breathing was becoming more ragged as his nerves and the pain caused by them set in, and a few of those shameful tears were sliding down his face. He couldn't wipe them with both hands busy.
((He's ashamed, but is still too panicked by everything else to be too upset about the actual wetting. She's very gentle when she comforts him, listens to why he couldn't leave. ))
((when she finally helps him move to sit in the floor, he's in agony from his injuries and still dizzy from the drugs.))
"You're wet..." She yanked her hand back from where she'd been touching him, squinting in vain as she tried to inspect her skin in the dim glow of moonlight. "You shouldn't be wet there."
"Sorry... it was kind of a lot, so..."
She shook her head quickly. "No, it can't have been that, it's too high up. Let me see your shirt." 
Before he could protest, she reached out to grasp the edges, tugging the cloth up until it was just below his armpits. He shuddered, both from the pain of having to keep his arms stretched up out of the way, and because of the chilly air hitting his skin.
"Akira, you're bleeding!" The moment her fingers stroked the bandaged area (light as her touch was) he flinched, gasping and gritting his teeth to try and trap a mewl of pain. 
"Oh, sorry, I'm so sorry! That's near where your ribs were broken... I'm going to have to change your bandages though, and get another look at that wound. I think all of your moving earlier pulled open the scab."
((takes him downstairs to clean up in the bathroom, washes him very carefully and avoids his privates. He hates that she has to see his injuries in full, but has no choice.))
((after he gets re-bandaged, she quietly suggests he wait in the booth while she fixes him a snack because he didn't eat earlier (he chooses to hide out in the bathroom instead, still paranoid about the door. She agrees to stay in there with him) ))
((At one point while they're downstairs, Morgana and him make brief eye contact through the shop window. Mona desperately wants to come in and comfort him, but Akira signals for him to stay outside like they originally planned. Mona knows the best way to help Akira is to stand guard seriously, even if his heart is being torn to pieces seeing what a wreck his best friend is...))
"I told you, I'm really not hungry..."
"Just some light broth, and a few noodles. I'll go fix it, stay in here and rest until I come get you."
((when she comes with his food and some light pain meds, he sees her eyes are bloodshot and puffy. She's been bawling in the kitchen, but forces herself to be calm for his sake.))
((they can't do laundry for the bed at 4am, so she fetches some clean blankets from the closet and they lay bundled up on the floor ))
((makoto tries to comfort him with sympathetic story of Kaneshiro's harassment and calls, when she was terrified he was going to break into her house and how she dealt with the paranoia to keep from breaking down since she couldn't tell anyone.))
((More angst fluff and both trying to hide their emotional anguish from each other as they fall asleep huddled on cold tile bc I am nothing if not a cruel bitch))
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Could I get a life generator for Dangerous Fellows? I’m 5’6” with short brown hair, brown eyes, and glasses. I wear super bright clothing (80’s style). I hate my body weight (133 lbs) and wish I could lose weight. I love to make people laugh and smile. I do acting and drawing (a lot). I love playing funny roles and tend to goof around a lot. Deep down I’m really insecure and scared of commitment because I’ve always been made fun of by guys. I’m in my sisters shadow, and am sick of it.
Before I start, I just wanted to say that your body weight sounds perfect to me! If you ever feel insecure or down about it, feel free to talk to me. Don’t hate yourself because I’m sure you’re beautiful. Also, I’m sorry about the delay, life’s been a bit hectic lately.
Anywho, your request is finished! I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you for your interest in the world of Dangerous Fellows. You will be reborn shortly. The simulation will start in 3........ 2...... 1........
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Your life was a colorful one. At school, you were the perfect theater kid that was friends with everyone. Your grades were average, but you made up for it in your talent. Since elementary school, you dedicated most of your time towards acting. You thought about getting a part-time job, but it took time away from practicing your lines. Any time there was a play, you always got the role you wanted. While you had the skills to play the protagonists, you often chose to play the comedic relief. For you, the humor came naturally. Your presence on stage made the entire room light up with laughter and joy.  Needless to say, your life was as perfect as you wanted it to be.
On the day of the apocalypse, you were getting ready to perform the final show of the school year: a musical. You were getting ready in the dressing room, dusting a dash of highlight on your cheeks. Next to your mirror, the clock read 7:25 PM. Only five minutes until the show began. Your stomach was filled with excitement and nervousness. When you arrived at the left-wing (which was covered by the curtains), the entire cast had arrived except for the lead actor. He was never late to a show. Besides, you had seen him in the dressing room a few minutes ago. Where could he have gone?
The director asked the same question. She began to panic as no one had an answer for her. You went to look for him as you weren’t in the play during the beginning. First, you searched the bathrooms. Then you peeked in the dressing room. After that, you ran around the school but there was no sign of him. The last place you could think of was the area outside of the theater entrance.
When you arrived outside, there was a body lying on the ground. You walked closer. It was the body of the main actor. You didn’t want to touch it, but you couldn’t leave him there. He could be alive. So you stopped right in front of it and crouched down. His skin was grey and his hair had fallen out. He was unrecognizable. 
He opened his eyes. They were yellow with no pupils. A scream escaped your lips as you crawled back. The boy grabbed your leg and you kicked him off. You got up and saw a bunch of monsters behind him. They looked like zombies from the movies.
Instead of staying around, you did what your gut commanded. You ran.
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After you were taken under the wing of Lawrence and his crew, life was rocky. No one full trusted you (besides Judy) or saw any useful skill within you. Although you were a great actor and terrific artist, there wasn’t any reason to use them. To prevent being made fun of, you grew more introverted and stayed out of everyone’s way. They couldn’t bother you for not being a nuisance.
Actually, they could.
During another meeting, everyone was discussing the plans for the upcoming week. This included night watches, food supply, and possible trips outside of the school. You hadn’t said much because you didn’t want to be involved (or mainly, get yelled at). Besides, you learned more about the way things worked around here, which would make you more useful to the team. 
“I don’t understand why we have to keep her around! Not only is she probably infected, but she also doesn’t have any talents. She’s a waste of space,” Scarlett said.
You roll your eyes. Here we go for the millionth time. To think that the meeting had almost ended without her incessant yelling. But such a dream was too good to be true. 
“Scarlett. Please don’t yell at her. Suspicion will only tear our group apart,” Harry spoke.
“No, she’ll tear us apart! I don’t see why you don’t understand that!” Scarlett jabbed a finger at you and ran out of the classroom. That was one way to end the meeting.
Harry approached you, placing a hand on your shoulder. “I’m really sorry about that, Scarlett can be a bit overwhelming. Please don’t hold it against her.”
You give a small smile. “As long as she doesn’t turn me into a zombie, I think I can handle her.”
“I’d hope not,” Harry said.
You cocked your head with wide eyes. “Wait, maybe I am the zombie. I’ll eat your brrrraiiiiinssss.”
Harry laughed. “Just don’t do that around Scarlett and I think you’ll be fine.”
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It was time another nightwatch and this time Lawrence had chosen to go with you. You had gone with him once before, but the two of you were attacked by a mob of zombies. The only reason you guys made it out was that Lawrence had stalled for enough time to get help from the rest of the crew. Needless to say, you were traumatized.
This time, Lawrence had brought extra weapons. He handed a baseball to you and briefly showed you the weak points of the undead in the case another zombie attacked the two of you. After a few practice swings, you felt somewhat ready to go out in the dark.
During the start of the nightwatch, there was a large amount of silence to prevent getting unwanted attention from the zombies. The two of you scouted the back of the school and found that most of the zombies weren’t there. While zombie had crept up on you, you managed to smash its skull with your baseball bat. Lawrence was highly impressed.
“That was really good. Zion might have some competition,” He said
“Thanks,” You responded.
After completing the nightwatch, the two of you returned to the main classroom where the meetings were held. Surprisingly, the room was empty when you guys arrived. The only thing that kept you company was a silver shimmer from the moonlight. You plopped on the closest chair. Frankly, you were exhausted from all the walking and wanted a good night sleep. However, Lawrence insisted on waiting for the other members to return.
“How are you finding it here?” Lawrence asked.
“It’s nice. Besides the issue of other members verbally attacking me, I like the teamwork we have here. We get a lot more done when we are united,” You responded.
Lawrence nodded with a smile. “That’s what I’ve always said. I know not everyone is fond of the idea, but I’m glad you see the logic behind it.”
You tapped your fingers against the wooden desk. “But I can’t help but wonder, how much closer is our teamwork to bringing us out of here? It’s not possible to stay here forever.”
Lawrence shook his head. “I understand, but the circumstances don’t seem safe enough to leave. However, there has been a notable decrease in zombies, so we might be leaving soon.”
“I know, I just don’t want things to end here. I want to be able to flesh out my future by making a name for myself in acting and finally stepping out of my sister’s shadow,” You sighed.
Lawrence grabbed a chair and sat next to you. He placed his hand on his jaw and looked in your eyes. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll get out. That’s a promise.”
F I N A L   F A T E
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A/N: Ok, so I changed it ever-so-slightly so that Lawrence was not a yandere or evil psychopath because I know getting an ending with psychopath Lawrence is not fun or worthwhile.
The entire crew had grown sick of the school. Everyone had been cooped up in the same five rooms for way too long and it was time to go elsewhere. However, Lawrence was still unsure of leaving the school due to the possible risks that came with the expenditure. After growing extremely close to him, you assured Lawrence that it was the right course of action. 
It was not long until the poster of the safe zone appeared on the sides of the school. Eugene was the first one to find them and nearly toppled over in glee when handing it over to the crew. Everyone was so excited, except for Lawrence.
You walked to the classroom, looking for Eugene. Instead, you saw a tensed Lawrence pacing around the room. It was unusual for him to look so worried.
“What’s wrong Lawrence? You looked stressed,” You asked.
Lawrence looked up in surprise. “Oh, hello. I’ve just been thinking about some things.”
“What things? You can talk to me. Don’t bottle everything inside of you,” You took his hand.
He sighed. “It’s just that I enjoy the dynamic we’ve created here. I’m in charge while Zion and Eugene are the brawns. Harry is our peace-keeper while Eugene is well........... Eugene. Then we have you, who-”
Lawrence stops and leans towards your face. “Who stopped me from falling down a dark path and you don’t even know it.”
You placed your hand on his cheek. “I’m not sure what that means, but I do know that you won’t lose anyone after going to the safe zone. If you stay here, there is no guarantee that we’ll all make it out alive.” 
Lawrence took a moment to think and sighed. “You’re right. Gather everyone and tell them that we will be leaving tomorrow at dawn. The zombies are least active then.”
You nodded with a smile.
The trip to the safe zone was much more difficult than expected. Although there were fewer zombies on school grounds, there were much more on the streets. Unfortunately, the crew had lost Scarlett and Jay to the flesh-eating monsters. But the rest of you had made it there without a scratch.
Upon arrival in the safety zone, you first searched for your family. Luckily, they all had made it there without any problem due to the help of other friendly strangers. You introduced Lawrence and the crew to your family and spent the rest of your time bringing joy to the children of the safety zone through acting.
T H E  E N D
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