#i was thinking earlier if i remembered any good memories with my family and honestly? no
inkskinned · 11 months
for the longest time my family used to host one of the biggest haunted houses on my block: elaborate, themed amateur haunts that pearled out along our lawn for one-night-only. spinning circus wheel-of-terrors and walkthrough alien crash-landings and spiders that arched over our driveway, leaking venom onto your feet.
we didn't have a lot of money; and honestly i don't know how we afforded what we did have. there were not going to be pneumatics or projectors or any supply over 20 dollars - and even 20 was a stretch. we were lucky, and we lived in a town that had a "swap shed", where people would drop off any banged-up-but-usable items that they wanted to get rid of. the whole year, my family would pick over someone else's discarded fans and lights and weird decorations, asking each other - what do you think? for halloween?
we would strip the motors out of rusted fans and spraypaint vases and saw broom handles in half and apply a very thick coat of cardboard and duct tape to everything. for our pirate year, i made the mistake of individually drawing woodgrain onto each strip of cardboard that made up the ship. i then gently painted and distressed the "boards" so they'd each have lichen and cracks and unusual patterns. i hid eyes in the knots and shaped skulls. you couldn't see any of it in the dark, even under our "spotlight" (someone's target-branded workshop flashlight).
i have a lot of very strange skills as a result. i know how to make a flying ghost appear both physically and in the mirror. i know how to make a witch's brew that stirs itself. i know how to burn and cut and paint until there is an iron throne you can sit on, or an alien brushing your ankles, or a hearse trundling along. i can't say we ever made it beyond our local newspapers, but we tried so hard that the town would regularly shut down our street.
i can't put any of these skills on a resume, and i haven't been able to put them to use for a while. i live in an apartment, there's no lawn for me to decorate. for years i've wanted to do an alice in wonderland theme, and have been collecting ideas like coins in a fountain. at other houses, i am transfixed by 12 foot skeletons and paper mache spooky lanterns; easily wooed by the knowledge of how much time people put in.
someone asked me once - so what was the point? and why didn't you guys charge anything to show up?
in truth, we probably needed the money. for years there, we were a 1-meal-a-day kind of a family. i was being polite earlier up in this essay: we furnished both our house and our halloweens using things left a recycling center. we live in new england and still didn't turn on the heat until the end of november, no matter how low the temperature.
every year we would collect donations for unicef and other charities. on an average year, we would collect enough to pay for our food for weeks. every year, without fail: we donated every penny.
this endeavor took months to plan and design and execute. we had to organize any volunteers and check safety and hope-for-the-best. it took at least 24 hours to set up, a week to take down. the motors and fans and lights all had to be packed tight. the cardboard would scatter, pangea in the rain and sleet. i remember picking up a plank from that pirate ship, the paint blown clear off, all my hard work completely erased. a new kind of driftwood.
if this was a poem, and not a memory, i could wrap this up prettily. i could say that these skills landed me a cool job in the haunting industry or that it taught me the value of friendship and responsibility. but i actually think it's something better, something very pretty: there wasn't ever a moral to it.
the night was a long one. yes, there were assholes, people who broke stuff. but mostly it was just kids like us in cardboard costumes, dressed as an incredibly niche kind of truck. good parents who were friendly and laughing. teenagers who slunk in at late hours, wide-eyed and secretly delighted; who asked us can i help next year? like, do y'all take volunteers, or whatever? every year more people came, and told their friends, and offered to pay. and every year we said maybe next year and meant absolutely never.
we did it because it was enough to love something, and to make that love visible. we did it because there is very rarely an excuse to have fun. i think maybe especially, for me - we did it because every year, there was one first "customer" somewhere around 3-4PM, while we were still putting on the final touches. the sun would still be up, and we were frazzled and always-running-late, and these kids saw our vision unfinished in the bright light of day.
something about their parents murmuring say thank you and telling my mom this setup is so sweet while this little kid would grin up at us, dazzled by our artistic mediocrity. the fall air and the chill and their coat-over-a-panda-princess-costume. that first phrase of the night awkwardly managed over a pair of overly-large vampire teeth: a beautiful and excited trick or treat!
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andreal831 · 5 months
I know you have pretty much the entire story outlined for TGW so I’m not sure if you even gave much thought to this, but even if you didn’t, it’s still fun to think about ‘what ifs.’
I’m gonna split the questions up into multiple lines so it’s easier to read. It’s also been a couple months since I read this part of the story, but I was thinking about it earlier and with the new chapter posted I feel like picking your brain a little. So fair warning, some details might be off.
When Hayley offered to erase her memories of Elijah, was there any moment where you thought about actually having Hayley go through with it/Jackson not stop Klaus?
What would you have had Elijah’s reaction been like of finding out her memories of him were gone?
Would Hayley still interact with the other Mikaelsons as much?
Do you think Hayley would have fallen for him all over again had he’d actually gone back to New Orleans for good?
Would Hayley’s actions of been any different to the point Jackson knows she’s significantly different? Would he have felt guilt?
Would Klaus of been able to sit around and watch Elijah hurt, knowing he has the power to give Hayley her memories back? Or would he give her memories back even with Elijah telling him not to?
Would there be any situation that Hayley gained her memories back even without Klaus telling her to remember?
Would Hayley have kept on the bracelet that Elijah gave her?
Some other things that have absolutely no correlation with anything above.
I assumed you wouldn’t kill off cami just because of things you’ve said in other posts, but I wasn’t really sure of how just because of familial ties being required for the bind. The way you did it was absolutely perfect, but why doesn’t Cami also have to be at least part wolf for the unification to work? Given the information from Hayley and Jackson’s wedding, I thought both people had to be apart of the same pack. Im definitely just forgetting something.
Given you’re already planning a sequel(s), I’m assuming Elijah and Cami will both be fine eventually. If you don’t put it in the main story, can you please write an outtake of everyone throwing a huge party for cami and Klaus?
Are you planning the sequel to follow the basis of season 4 (moreso the hollow)? Or are you going a different route entirely?
Last question, wow this was a lot. Since you unified Klaus and cami, if Hayley and Elijah ever get married, will they also do the unification ceremony? It’ll make them stronger, so I don’t see why not.
I probably should’ve split this into two different asks, but honestly, I’m too lazy to do that now lmao.
This will have many spoilers for The Great War. If you are not fully caught up until today's new chapter, go catch up first!
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Hi! Firsts, thank you for reading! I'm glad you are enjoying it.
I do tend to think about 'what ifs' a lot with this story. I've had most of it worked out in my head for so long and for the most part when I write, it goes in that direction, however sometimes side stories do sneak up on me and I have to figure out how to write them in or if I even need to include them. That's kind of what happened with the chapter where Hayley offers to compel away her feelings for Elijah.
This was always going to be a haylijah endgame and I didn't want to kill Jackson so I needed them to end someway and I wanted it to be on Jackson's terms. I always felt like Jackson's character was used as a place holder in the show rather than a character (which is why I never really liked the character), so I wanted to give him his own autonomy outside of just being an obstacle. I also hated how in the show Hayley doesn't have a backbone when it comes to Jackson. She never sets boundaries or stands up for how she is feeling. She essentially gives up her power over the pack and becomes his figurehead queen rather than the Hayley we know and love.
So in order to improve all of that, Hayley had to learn to stand up for herself and Jackson had to learn how to communicate. Meaning we needed an event that would push both of them out of the passive comfort they had fallen into after the unification ceremony. Jackson is angry about how Hayley feels about Elijah and Hayley had repeatedly told Jackson that she couldn't help how she felt in the show and then it dawned on me that, in this world, she can. We saw Elena do it with Damon. This led me down a completely different path than I had originally thought because I asked myself all of the questions you asked. I ended up not going down that path cause we were already 28 chapters in and it would have taken up so much time to get us there and back.
I also just don't think Jackson would ever actually let Hayley go through it. Say what you will about Jackson, I know I do, but he did love Hayley. He didn't always understand her but he wouldn't want her to love him simply because she forgot about Elijah. He wanted her to love him and move on from Elijah herself. And when he realized she never was going to, he decided he needed to move on.
All of that to say, I did debate going down that road but I thought it would be out of character for Jackson and any of the Mikaelsons. I never liked how quickly Rebekah and Klaus got onboard with the unification ceremony and throwing a whole wedding in their home and Klaus inviting Elijah to it like he didn't realize just how painful that would be. But none of the Mikaelsons would ever help Hayley erase Elijah.
Now if she somehow convinced someone to do it, no one would want to tell Elijah. Klaus would likely tell Astra who would then have to tell Elijah. And part of Elijah would be relieved. At this point, Elijah is holding onto his part of the white oak stake in case he needs to take dramatic measures to save his family. Part of him would be relieved that there would be one less person to mourn him. But the other part of him would be devastated. He never anticipated being with Hayley any time soon, but, as Jackson stated, he did hope that they would have their chance eventually.
Elijah wouldn't have gone back to New Orleans because Hayley wasn't what was keeping him away. And he would need even more time away because seeing Hayley look at him without the affection he was used to would break him in ways he hadn't felt since Celeste's death. He would try to get back with Astra to help ease the pain which would only make her angry because she knows exactly what he was doing. It would be a mess.
In New Orleans, Hayley would still interact with the Mikaelsons. Her relationships with each family member existed outside of her feelings for Elijah. However, she likely would feel more pulled to the pack. I think Jackson would end up even more annoyed because Hayley wouldn't just be completely in love with him. I do think Hayley loved him but was no in love with him. Simply erasing her feelings for Elijah wouldn't make her be in love with him. I never felt like Jackson did much to "woo" Hayley. Like at least flirt with your wife if you want her to fall in love with you. He went from accepting that they were just marrying for political reasons to being upset that she wasn't treating it like a marriage. So they still had their own things they would have to work through even if we removed her feelings for Elijah. But I definitely think he would have felt guilty. He would have made her remove such a large part of herself after she already had sacrificed so much for her daughter and their pack.
If Elijah did come back in town, he wouldn't try to win her back. He would check in to make sure she was happy. But they would definitely have to interact at some point. They are still family. Hayley would remember Elijah, just not her feelings. But unlike with Damon and Elena, Elijah hadn't done anything to hurt her so she wouldn't hate him. He would just be a distant family member that she doesn't have any feelings for, one way or another. But like Season 5 showed us, the feelings wouldn't stay gone for long. Haylijah developed feelings for each other very quickly and when they met up in France, it just showed that it would happen no matter what situation they were in.
Elijah would of course tell Klaus not to give her her emotions back because that's what she wanted, but Klaus would argue it's not what she wanted, it's what Jackson wanted and he doesn't care about what Jackson wants. Klaus would 1000% force them back on her once Elijah was back. Or even before that if he felt like Hayley was making decisions based on her feelings for Jackson. I could see him using it to try and manipulate them.
I would love to say Hayley would gain her memories back just for seeing Elijah or some other romantic thing. But that's not how compulsion works. Klaus would have to undo it.
Hayley would keep the bracelet on and she wouldn't be sure exactly why, but it would feel important that she did. She would still remember it was from Elijah and the letter he wrote, she just wouldn't have the emotions connected to it. But she knew that Elijah would keep her safe and that would feel important to her.
I'm so terrible at trying to scare you all because I make it so obvious what parts of the show I can't stand and must change, like Cami's death.
I had to think long and hard about how they would save her. I wanted her to be in the Chambre, but like you said it required a familial tie and unfortunately, Cami is a bit short on family. But the Mikaelsons are her family. So I just needed to make it a reality. I debated a regular marriage but felt like that wouldn't be enough for familial magic, she needed to share blood, or in this case a heart. This is where I'm deviating slightly from the lore. The lore requires it to be alphas from different packs. And Klaus isn't in any pack so logically he can just be the alpha of his own pack. Now it working on a non-vampire is completely in my head and since it's a fictional magical world I can bend things to my will. I try to stay within the rules of the world (more than the writers do sometimes), but this one I can see working. We don't know much about the wolves spreading out, but we know the ceremony was used because packs developed different powers. To me, it would make sense that in the early days, the packs would unite with different supernatural creatures and that's how the packs developed different powers. How else did they become so different when they all derived from the same original pack?
Spoilers for the next story: We will get some marital party(ies). We have not seen the last of Klamille. I just couldn't do that.
TGW is ending in August 2014 and I will not be doing a long time jump like the show did. I hated that so much. They made a whole show about a magical baby and just skipped over the majority of her life. We will have a little bit of a time jump so we will be somewhere in 2015. More spoilers, we will see some crossover from TVD if that gives you any hints of what the story will be about. Also the name of the next story is "I Know Places." All of my story titles are based on Taylor Swift songs (I did that so long ago and have committed to it).
I haven't thought about a unification ceremony between Hayley and Elijah because I need to think through what that would mean to the pack and Jackson. It would give Hayley a boost, but would it sever any ties between Hayley and Jackson as co-alphas? To me, them no longer being married didn't do anything since the magic was already in place, but if Hayley then ties herself to another as an alpha in her own right, it feels like it would get messy with her ties to her pack since she is not an alpha by herself. If that makes sense?
I know this is long but let me know if I didn't answer anything or if you have more questions!
Thank you so much for reading my story! I truly appreciate it and love talking about it.
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grechsblog · 6 months
Oc? 👀
On the serious note, thank you. Now, i can
1. Lok, a guy with amnesia
I do not have a full ref of him because i cant draw coherent pictures as a reference.
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Heres his colored floating head and a bunch of sketches i did in class with a pen and was still motivated to draw
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And a silly little stickman rendition in that style i use in comics sometimes
Surprisingly good leader
A little cocky at times, but does know how to gain leverage against strong opponents
Does, in fact, like fighting. Weapon of preference is a sword, although he's also proficient in any object that can be used as weapon
Relies a lot on his reflexes though, sometimes maybe too much, which is a byproduct of the fact that his body knows more than he ever will.
Moderately caring person, although cannot pass by someone in distress without feeling a little guilty
Would die to save friend. Had died to save a friend. The world died for him to save a friend.
His teeth are not for show. Do not threaten what is his.
His story is just as incoherent as are my attempts to give him full ref, only thing time it's intentional.
The premise is such: he wakes up in a world he only particularly recognises (but it feels Extremely off) with little memory of who he is, what he's supposed to do or go. The story itself is a journey to uncover his previous life, find his forgotten friends while gaining new ones, and discover the secrets of the world he inhabits!
What actually happens to him (as the story goes) is that he has a panic attack shortly after waking up, - because he doesn't even remember his own name! - fights a Big and Deadly Bird™ with his bare hands, face-plants in a mud puddle, has another panic attack after seeing his face in a river, kills some monsters with his teeth, dies, tears more monsters with the tools he scrapped from nothing and dies again. Yes, in that exact order. And it's not even the end of his first week here.
He's... Going through it
As of his ✨ mysterious backstory ✨.... It's incomplete :p
And by incomplete i mean that i have some bare bones structure of it, but its still mostly just... In the air. Because i love him as a blank slate that Knows something he Possibly Shouldn't (like craftsmanship, weapon usage, farming, ect.) that are so integrated in his muscle memory that it's literally so freaky actually. Man freak
Meta stuff
His appearance and general plot of his journey is actually based on a minecraft youtuber and his modded-mc-with-plot series that i watched at the time of creation. However, unlike the guy that won't allow his character to have any magnitude of personality and reflection of the inflicted trauma all his shenanigans surely caused, i'm rerouting the story Completely south of what actually happened there.
Although it is still happening minecraft, yes. Live with that.
Also, i classify my ocs in my head as siblings, from oldest (created earlier) to youngest (created later), and Lok is the fifth and the youngest in the family.
2. Enais "Ena" Crovn, girl that can survive Armageddon
Imagine a generic long haired girl oc of a 11 years old that thought foxes and wings were cool, and you have basically Ena imagined fully
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As you can tell.... This one is from 2017? Ish??
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These ones are obviously new-er, although they are still entirely incomplete
I do not have Any new references of her except these rough sketches, and she needs Tremendous redesign because Generic Girl White Dress no longer fits, although not much have really changed with her design through the years
Design pending.
Honestly one of the least traumatised people out there. She's just living her life man.
She's just Just Some Guy.
Positive person, sometimes soft-spoken. Thinking if Fluttershy had to deliver mail instead of caring for animals, although, obviously, not to that extreme
Good with kids
Can fight but really, REALLY would rather just deliver mail, thank you very much
Loves flying
Entirely unknown. Little me had at least 2 different stories for this gal, one of which was that she's an undertale-esque monster that just happened to look deceptively human and works as a mailman for the entire underground, the other being that she was a Freak Experiment of her insane scientist mother that sew wings and fox ears on her and gave her trauma
Surprisingly, the mailman (mailwoman?) one was the first one i actually came up with myself (while the Trauma route was influenced by a lot of gore mlp edits yt recommended me a lot around that time) and even there she was still cool and, by design, in genocide run would still fight the player somewhere in snowdin. So i think i will go with that one
Meta stuff
She IS actually second least traumatised oc i have. As per my ocs family tree, she's also the oldest - in fact, the very first to ever be made, so her knowledge of children comes from wrangling some ptsd and hyperactivity havers in the lot
There's actually third, secret backstory she has, which includes utdr multiverses we all know about. Although she still delivers mail there, she's actually the very same person who sends the asks to askboxes for character to receive through the entire multiverse, and she Is quite strong - because some universes are WILD and very much deadly and it was a necessity to learn to protect herself; which means she can survive anything under any circumstances.
Little me was based af for coming up with this
It is only two for now because i had not expected for it to take So Much Fucking Time to type out this little bits. Ugh
I need to make a list
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pesterloglog · 7 months
Harry Anderson Egbert, Vriska Serket, Vrissy Maryam-Lalonde, John Egbert, Tavros Crocker
Page 195-196
HARRY: ok everyone, my dad's calling.
HARRY: if he finds out you're here then he will definitely put two and two together, so PLEASE just keep quiet and let me do the talking.
VRISKA: Sure thing.
HARRY: er,
HARRY: hi dad.
VRISSY: Hi Mister Eg8ert!!!!!!!!!
HARRY: oh god dammit.
HARRY: um.
HARRY: so.
HARRY: i guess.
HARRY: first of all,
JOHN: PHEW, that felt good to say.
JOHN: or to yell, i guess. heheh.
JOHN: sorry about that, harry anderson.
JOHN: i just didn't think i'd be seeing your handiwork all over the news quite so soon!
HARRY: so...
HARRY: you know about it.
JOHN: yep! you think i wouldn't have recognized your school?
HARRY: right... and you're not like... mad? about the dead body and vriska and stuff?
JOHN: son,
JOHN: it looks like you tried to pull one of the biggest pranks i can think of.
JOHN: and it backfired!
HARRY: y... yeah.
JOHN: but that's ok!!!
JOHN: it could have happened to the best of us.
JOHN: ok, so maybe it wasn't the most original idea.
JOHN: and you should probably have steered clear of such a blatant nod to weekend at bernie's without seriously planning some of the logistics in advance.
JOHN: i know that they make it seem so easy in that movie, but it's important to remember that not everything on the big screen translates easily to real life.
JOHN: ESPECIALLY when dead bodies and clowns are concerned.
JOHN: but these are all mistakes that any amateur prank master has to make some time.
JOHN: and besides, you managed to keep quiet about it the whole time we were chatting earlier. i was completely fooled!
JOHN: but you had to get one up on the prankster's gambit against me someday. honestly, it feels like an early birthday present or something!
JOHN: so i guess what i'm saying is that... you should be proud of yourself.
HARRY: ok dad.
HARRY: um, thanks.
JOHN: so. you're still at your mother's house?
HARRY: yeah... i couldn't think where else to go.
HARRY: you obviously just heard, but both vriskas are here. tavros too.
HARRY: i think the girls are fighting? i don't really know. it's very confusing due to the fact that there are... well.
JOHN: two of them?
HARRY: yeah.
HARRY: i think two vriskas is more than enough for anybody.
JOHN: heh. two vriskas is NOTHING.
JOHN: when i was your age i lost count of all the vriskas i had to keep track of.
JOHN: it was probably some preposterous number.
HARRY: hahaha.
JOHN: and tavros? is he ok?
HARRY: i think so.
HARRY: he seems his, uh,, usual self,,,
JOHN: now, harry anderson, i know that you and tavros haven't always gotten along.
JOHN: but i am going to have to ask you to try and look out for him for the time being.
JOHN: your uncle jake and i... well, i'll explain later.
JOHN: let's just say that gamzee isn't the only family member jane is losing today.
HARRY: dad... if you wanted me to KILL tavros, you only had to ask.
TAVROS: (Um,,,)
HARRY: couldn't resist.
JOHN: can you see out of the window?
HARRY: yeah, i'm looking right now. the place is heaving with reporters.
JOHN: i thought so. the press didn't take long to come to the same conclusion i did. you're on the news already.
JOHN: and it's the same story here. people with cameras are crawling all over the yard.
JOHN: which means jane's secret police are there too. the drones won't be far behind.
HARRY: oh fuck.
HARRY: sorry, i mean. oh... farts.
JOHN: harry anderson egbert.
JOHN: the word "fuck" was invented for moments like this.
HARRY: haha?
JOHN: but anyway, you need to get out of there, fast.
JOHN: try to create some kind of distraction or something, and then head for the bell tower.
HARRY: you mean the one they hang the dirk strider memorial effigy from every year?
JOHN: yes, that's the place.
JOHN: i'll meet you guys up there.
HARRY: um,
HARRY: ok dad.
JOHN: oh, and harry?
JOHN: just some small pieces of advice.
JOHN: some guidelines that any budding prankster or newly fledged fugitive should know.
JOHN: don't panic,
JOHN: don't make a scene,
JOHN: and whatever you do...
JOHN: don't get caught!!
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himynameisobed · 1 year
another day another psychic.
i was walking to a clinic from my parents house and was waiting at the light at university and elm when a small, southeast asian man standing by me started saying something to me. i had my airpods in, so i missed what he said, but he seemed to be pointing to the corner of his eye so i assumed he was complimenting my sunglasses (which everyone has been doing recently). he laughed and said something like, "no, you're a very lucky man, you have such a kind face," and proceeded to basically tell my fortune. i've encountered something like this before, a long, long time ago back when i worked at hollister, and after that interaction, the yogi asked if i could give him a discount on his purchase, so i knew this was probably some sort of scam, or that he'd eventually ask for some money; but i'm also a spiritual person, and i find these things interesting and think maybe they're some force of the universe anyway, so i decided to let him keep going. he told me that i had 3 lines on my forehead that meant i was going to live a long and happy life (up to the ripe old age of specifically 89), and that i had a lot of friends. he told me something like things will work out well for me, and though i'm mostly carefree, i have a tendency to overthink certain things, and i should avoid doing that at one point, he handed me a small piece of paper and told me to crumple it and then blow on it, so i did. then he told me that i once had a jealous friend in a past life - someone who was pleasant to my face but wished the worst for me in private - and that in this life, i should keep my most important plans to myself. "my advice is in conversations, speak less and listen more. but you can talk to your family because they're blood." and then he asked me to pick a number from 1-9 and name a colour i liked. i picked 7 and blue. we continued talking, about how when i start to overthink things, i should switch from thinking to prayer. at one point he told me i'd be receiving two pieces of very good news in the next month. then he told me to straighten out the small crumpled piece of paper in my hand. i did, and on it was written the number 7 and the word blue - the number and colour i had picked earlier. i'm always impressed by these things, even knowing it's probably some trick or sleight of hand. i don't even remember him writing anything down on the piece of paper to begin with, though he must have at some point, and i can't recall any opportunity he would've had to switch the piece of paper considering in my memory i was holding it the whole time. then he asked me to blow on the piece of paper and put it in his little cache, and when i did he asked me to put in some money too. suspicions confirmed. at first i refused, thinking i didn't have any on me, but then i remembered i had some cash from the weekend, so i gave him a $5 bill. later, i googled this whole interaction and found that it is indeed a common practice known as the "lucky face scam", but honestly, i don't mind parting with $5 for the sake of some unconventional entertainment and words of kind fortune. after all, people pay psychics all the time (although they arguably haven't been tricked into the interaction). and besides, i do tend overthink certain things and talk too much anway (as do we all). who knows, maybe just speaking all those good things out loud will somehow manifest them. likely not, but never say never.
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everygame · 2 years
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Ghosts ‘n Goblins (Arcade)
Developed/Published by: Capcom Released: 7/1985 Completed: 02/08/2022 Completion: Beat both loops (with save states and rewind, yeah.) Version Played: Capcom Arcade Stadium Trophies / Achievements: n/a
Super Mario Bros., released a scant few months after Ghosts ‘n Goblins, has undoubtedly the most famous opening of any platformer ever. I mean, you can visualise that first goomba encounter perfectly, can’t you? I mean, it’s probably taught in every class on level design you’ll ever sit through.
But Ghosts ‘n Goblins has to have, if not the second most famous opening of any platformer, certainly the second most burned-in opening of any game in the minds of anyone who has ever played it. You know it–the gravestones. The endlessly spawning zombies; the ladders that lead to that second level, and, of course, the Red Arremer that kills you.
I don’t believe, honestly, that before playing this through now, that I’ve ever personally seen Arthur past that Red Arremer, and I’m sure I’ve played this game (and I guess, all the sequels that all open basically exactly the same) tens of times. I actually only have one memory of ever seeing beyond that, and it’s so vague–still being in university, being somewhere that had a Ghosts ‘n Goblins machine (unusual) and an older student mentioning that he used to be “really good at it” and getting to the beginning of the second level and no further.
(I can’t remember if he ever claimed to be able to complete it. My brain wants to fill in details like he had access to the machine because his family owned a chip shop or something that had it, but I think I’m making that up entirely.)
Basically what I’m saying is: everyone these days is saying Dark Souls this and Dark Souls that, but no one is saying Ghosts this ‘n Goblins that!
Because this really does live up to its reputation. I suppose before I go into that I should mention what a stunning release it is in context. It’s 1985, Super Mario Bros. hasn’t come out yet, so when we’re talking platformers you’ve got basically Pac Land to compare it against, and if you’re talking run-n-gun games, well, I don’t have to hand an earlier side-scrolling example, with only Sega Ninja (or Capcom’s own Commando) really something you can compare this to–even something like Konami’s Rush ‘n Attack wouldn’t be released for months.
And the above frankly don’t hold much a candle to this if you were walking into an arcade, with Ghosts ‘n Goblins featuring some stunningly detailed and varied graphics for the time. It’s not just that you saw the opening of the game a hundred times without ever getting past it–it’s that it’s dripping with a sense of place. There’s even that iconic opening!
I’ll admit though… I’m pretty sure I’d rather play Pac Land, and even Sega Ninja’s level of brutality is preferable to this. I’ve read that the version of Ghosts ‘n Goblins I’ve played (Capcom Arcade Stadium) suffers some input lag, which might be partly why I found this so, well, unpleasant, but it’s also just that this ain’t no Super Mario Bros..
I do love to point out that the original Super Mario Bros. has pretty quirky movement every time I mention it, and I’ll do so again here, but Ghosts ‘n Goblins, for all its visual flair and level variety, does unfortunately feel like the pre-Super Mario Bros. game it is, with clunky, slow and difficult movement. Hero Arthur might be able to throw lances like nobody’s business, but he’s slow to turn, his jump is static, and climbing ladders is an insane risk as he loves to not actually fully get off them.
Honestly, this isn’t so bad for the first four (of six) levels, which I managed to finish with practice and letting myself save after each level. The game is insanely stingy with checkpoints (no checkpoints before bosses. Come on!) and barely ever hands out replacement armour, but all hell breaks loose on the fifth level as you have to deal with climbing a tower full of flying enemies where you literally can’t take a hit or you just won’t survive the final boss, Satan (basically just Red Arremer, but a bigger pain in the arse.)
It actually gets worse because I was playing the version Capcom Arcade Stadium defaults to: the US revision, which goes out of its way to not be finishable. Once you hit the sixth level, you face off against two unicorn enemies at once (where it’s impossible to not take a hit) and then have to face two Satans who have twice the hit-points of the Japanese Makaimura! And you have to beat them with the shield weapon, which has barely any reach!
I won’t lie. I was able to make it to the first Satan with saves, but after a while battering my head against that brick wall I had to bring out the rewinds… and bring them out I did. I just abused the shit out of them and still barely managed to finish this, it’s so stupidly hard. I probably should have played the easier Japanese revision (also available on Capcom Arcade Stadium) but more fool me.
I will say this–I do think the AI of the Red Arremer and Satan enemies is interesting; they genuinely seem to react to your actions in unpredictable ways, and it is quite a thrill when you take them down, even if for me at times it was like playing Braid. However, I keep imagining how this game must have felt to play back in the day if you were invested in beating it and not just a wee guy with a cup full of twenty pence pieces playing machines at random in Blackpool. Getting all the way to even the first Satan, dying and having to do that entire level again. It’s honestly abuse. Creator Tokuro Fujiwara should have been arrested. Maybe he still can be? I’m in favour.
Will I ever play it again? I have the NES version coming up in 1986. Now the question with that one is if I can be arse to do both loops… or even one loop.
Final Thought: Fascinating to consider that I imagine the game being this hard as being just as unpleasant to gamers of the era as it is to me, but Ghost ‘n Goblins’ long life of sequels and status as one of the top sellers of the era (“among the top ten highest-grossing arcade games of 1986 in Japan and the US, the year's sixth best-selling computer game in the UK, and NES version sold over 1.6 million cartridges” sez Wikipedia) so it’s obvious that gamers of the time were all masochistic perverts, essentially Capcom’s pay-pigs. Well, whatever floats your boat I guess.
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scortchedtoast · 2 years
Now my friend I need your top 5 best disney movies. Then your top 5 flops
Oooooohhhh this will be hard to narrow it down but my family and I just got finished watching a bunch. I will also keep this animated only and remove any Pixar collaborations.
1. Mulan- truly the movie of my childhood I watched this movie so much as a kid and it mostly holds up to me. Mushu is funnier than the average talking companion and the cricket and horse don't speak praise be. The songs slap, the emotional beats are the strong love the message and Li Shang is hot af. Mulan is also just such a great protagonist 10s across the board!!
2. Moana- I had been following Moana ever since it was announced and let me tell you it did not disappoint. It came out when I first started college (for animation and I wanted to work for disney which quickly fizzled out thank god but I digress) me and my friends saw it in theaters so I have fond memories of it. Story wise I have no notes a great sound track and one of the very few times I like lin manuel miranda’s work lol. I also probably bought the most merch from this movie.
3. Lilo and Stitch- A classic!! My parents don’t like it cause of the aliens??? But they are haters and are wrong. Great songs, great animation and now that I'm older I really feel for Nani and cry literally everytime she sings Aloha Oe before they come to take Lilo away. Like I cry again when the alien grabs Lilo and Nani thinks its over. Its a great movie if it can make me cry, plus stitch is adorable.
4. Tarzan- A Suprise entry for me! I remember hating Tarzan as a kid but when I rewatched it, it was an instant fave. Its so well done and also has great songs too, I even enjoyed the love story between Jane and Tarzan and I'm pretty picky about that with Disney. Like I was very pleasantly suprised and this knocked lion king off the list cause lion king was a disappointment on a re-watch.
5. Tangled- It was either this or Atlantis but I had to go with the og of the 3d princesses, and the animation still holds up! (Better than frozen’s if we are being real). This movie is the last princess movie of the old forumla incoroprating romance and a villain and its good fun. She should've got the love Elsa got but oh well.
Flops- I'm gonna preface this by saying I'm sure there are way WAY worse disney movies. I just have never watched them cause they look bad so these are the ones that I've watched that didn’t hit.
Raya and the Last Dragon- Boooo, decent premise and promising start but they had way too much ground to cover in such a short runtime. I honestly feel it would've done way better as a disney plus show like then we would've spent more time exploring the different places but no we had to speed run. Sisu was annoying af awkafina’s voice only made it worse. The moral to trust the person that literally already betrayed you, has been hunting you down, and showed no real signs of changing was also very bad and heavy handed. No way would I have trusted undercut after how she behaved also sisu is literally ignoring how the old lady betrayed her earlier in the movie just cause you trust some ppl doesn’t mean you can trust everyone.
Beauty and the beast- This was an easy one, so boring I never finished. I didn't watch as a kid so again no nostalgia but it sucks man and I tried to watch the live action too and it was even WORSE only made it through even less of that one.
Peter pan- The racism is startling on a rewatch and everyone was so nasty and mean to wendy it felt sexist a bit how every woman was a nasty hater trying to kill her because they wanted to be with peter. Also just boring and bad in general I had a horrible time watching it.
Frozen 2- A gigantic mess from start to finish. There was no salvaging this mess and the addition of the 5 spirits, and enchanted forest, and parents backstory was a confusing choice to pick. Also the spirits designs themselves were trash and super weird. Also from a dystopian capitalist viewpoint why did they not make the four other spirits magic girls as well so they could sell different dolls of the new magical girls. It also would've worked better as a tv show and wouldn't have been as rushed. I'm being nice because I know they had to rework a lot of the movie last minute.
Fox and the Hound- super boring and tedious to get through like all old disney movies. The songs were also super atrocious too, I use to love this movie as a kid but probably just because there were talking animals like no other part is redeeming. The subplot with the birds trying to eat the bug was super annoying too like this is a movie not a tv show why is there a totally unrelated B plot getting a ton of time.
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justineps · 2 months
One thing I decided to completely change about myself is the fact that I will speak the truth, or at least what I believe to be is my truth, even if it pushes people away or causes them to look at me in a negative manner. I really started to feel better once I just blurted out what was genuinely on my mind. The first few times I let this happen, a heavy wave of anxiety surged throughout my entire body, and I remember my body temperature drastically increased. I didn’t receive positive reactions due to this though, but I felt so .. light and did not feel bad whatsoever once I cooled down. I don’t have much, or at all, to lose anymore, and I’ll never speak my truth with any intentions of hurting someone. After all, it is someone’s choice to be affected by it or actually think about what I had to say, albeit it not being the best way to probably convey it, which I know I still need to work on. But I want to be a person to tell someone what I feel like they dont want to hear, but actually should, rather than the clouded white lies that will do nothing for them other than feed their mind with responses that will more than likely come to bite them in the ass harder when that time will inevitably arise again. And in the end, others can view me as rude or mean, but for once, I know if someone will take the time to listen and think about what is said, rather than how it was said (I really need to continue to work on expressing my thoughts the way I hope to without stuttering or not making sense), then I’m confident that they’d feel I only did so because I cared. I thought about this as well, the caring part and just staying quiet, but nothing good for me will ever come my way if I never authentically change how I am towards others. I realized I ended up alone because I had put on so many masks all my life, that even I probably wouldn’t have known whether to help myself if I had asked.
The only thing that bothers me is that.. will any of this even matter? Where do I honestly move forward towards (sounds weird)? I haven’t felt the feeling of “home” in the longest time, but have come to terms that it definitely is not a place or the things that surround myself under a roof. In no way am I trying to sound like a negative doodoohead, but I’d like to believe that I’m at the point where l want to share whats left of my spirit, heart, and mind to be associated with anything or anyone that can reciprocate any excitement in both growth and love towards one another. I don’t see myself adopting a child in the future anymore, and my naive dream of having a small family of my own is starting to seem .. well, nothing but just a younger Justin’s dream.
P.S. I’m glad I got to connect with Francis a few times earlier this year and jokingly told him I hated him for being able to experience my dream only a few weeks after the night we shared what we ultimately desired in life, and spent hours talking about our fears, bucket list, and goals before our time comes close to an end. I told him I felt like I got close, but blew it as always, and he suggested what he always had from day one, to leave this place. I actually responded back with how I felt even if I were to leave and.. well, eh that’s just actual guy life talk at that point lol.
It’s been four years since I’ve genuinely been happy it was my birthday, and I surprisingly still have so many photos of everything. White Claws and a 3 gram “Galaxy: Blasters of the Universe- Cognac Honey” hahaha. I would probably hibernate or act like a total fool if I were to even have those this year, it’s been 2 years since I even had a good blunt and alcohol in my system. Lol I cant help but smile right now. Thanks for the memories. I wonder when it’ll be til another memory tops that night lol. Im alone, but I feel warm at this exact moment, so this is where I’ll end my digital journal entry. (i need to buy myself a nice writing pen/pencil lol!)
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moon-of-liones · 3 months
Hm. Got a few new memories lately and. Hmmmm...
I had tiny little "fangs", and eventually Mr. Meliodas brought up the idea of like. Well. You have these vampire traits- the little teethies and the red eye.. Have you tried drinking blood? Seeing if that'd do anything? And I was like 💀 no.. what if I tried it out and nothing happened? Then I just drank blood for nothing. For funsies. I'd be a weird recreational blood drinker. Or something. I'd rather not do that lmfao. I do think I eventually ended up trying some? I can't remember who was there and what the context was, but a while after that I tried some after a friend handed me an iiiitty bitty bit in a cup. Cause I didn't want to bite someone just for an experiment 💀. Honestly, Ban was involved in some way but I can't remember, exactly. All I know was that it... Well I'm not sure actually. I forgot lmfao. It did affect me, I know that, but I can't remember what the effects were.
So, I was cursed, we know this, yada yada. But, I remembered some details earlier. I didn't remember anything about any of my lives until i was Finnian, and even then, meeting Zeldris for the first time in 3,000 years was the catalyst. However, in every life, if Meliodas or Elizabeth told me at any point about their curses and that entire situation, I would die the same day. Any other detail didn't matter: over and over again, if they told me, I died. That's just how it was. If I was told at 11pm, I'd be gone by 11.59pm- that sort of thing. It's really weird, in all honesty? I'm not sure why that was how it was, but. Oh well, I guess? Lol.
I also remembered one of my lives before Finnian, which is really cool since those are typically really vague and fuzzy for me. In the memory, I was a young farmers boy with light blue hair, and a moon necklace. (Tbh his whole family was very moon-oriented, they must've worshipped something, idk). Elizabeth, at the time, was a merchant's daughter, and they'd come to our village with goods from larger towns. I really looked up to her, and she'd always come with books to read to me. When I met Meliodas, it was after her father had passed (caught something awful from one of the towns they visited), but I remember they were both very kind to me. I had magic, at the time, but I think I was still figuring it out, cause I don't remember much about it. Maybe ice related..? The only thing I remember after that, was maybe a year(?) later, during either fall or winter, they told me about their curses, and later that night I died after being attacked by wolves who were going after our sheep. What a fun way to go 💀 (/s). Would probably explain some of the nightmares I've had in the past (considering I've had no fear of dogs or wolves at all in this life).
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gauravp01 · 1 year
Sat/Sun, 8/9 Apr 2023; 2:16 AM
I am back to my earlier timing of blogs, post midnight. It's been more than 5-6 years, and I just love the midnight vibes. I still remember the days when a rumour was there in school that looking into the mirror at sharp midnight can give a glimpse of a ghost into the mirror... Good old days... And when days pass on, you have to leave the people to meet the new people in your life. And honestly, this is very painful... But there is a time in life when you are used to it....
I was trying to cover the backlog and also to finish the work in advance to get a free Sunday, and....... it's a success...almost😅😅
Heading to the mid 20s, maturity hits hard and perspective changes towards various things. A sense of responsibility is there, but dilemmas are always waiting for you.
At any point of time in your life, you will always be in dilemma upto some extent... Actually, I was reading about "dilemma and conflicts" yesterday and then realised this thing... That it is a part of our daily life, sometimes with the smaller intensity, and sometimes the important decisions of life are on stake...
Got a picture of mine while working on Unacademy... Nostalgia❤️ 
Opting out of here is an example of the same discussed above... Either side I would choose, I had to bear a pain of losing the other side....
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The green screen is now wrapped, mic is lost somewhere, and the Unacademy tshirts are in the cupboard for two years now...
We have to keep things away from us, but at the same time we can't imagine ourself without that too... That's called dilemma in simpler words... When you have two choices, one has to be taken from heart and one from mind, maybe in teenage, someone would easily go for the heart... But at some mature level, the same person can't think about ditching the mind. It's time to be "Practical" in life and maybe we loose multiple things in life in order to get to the other side...
Sometimes we realise and sometimes we don't even know about the loses we are bearing...
But it is life and we always have a guilt of losing the other option, either side we go...
Remember the birds living in my room?
Kids are now grown up, and all of them left for a new journey, exploring the real world outside... There will be a silence in the morning from tomorrow... 
Getting habitual to them.. looking to them with curiosity; intented disturbance; spending some good time, and then leaving them alone at their place.... 
Obviously a void once they leave...A few days of silence... Then new birds, new family... And the chirping will be restored... 
I know you (birds) will come back, lost in the memories while sitting on the window, but won't stay longer as earlier when you owned it... I know you still want it and it still might be empty, waiting for you to return... to sing a song again, and to wake me up....early in the morning... 
Good Night 🌉
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braveandsnipe · 2 years
braveandsnipe's 2022 tokusatsu retrospective
in which i take a trip down memory lane and talk about all the toku i watched this year!
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Kamen Rider
This year I completed 5 Kamen Rider series: Drive, Ghost, Ex-Aid, Zi-O, and Zero-One!
Kamen Rider Zi-O (Dec. 2021 -> Jan. 2022)
Started the year with an ending haha. Out of the 5 series I watched, this was the one that took me the longest to complete. At the time, I had only watched Wizard, Den-O and Build, so I didn't understand every reference in the show. I honestly wonder if that makes a difference. On one hand, I couldn't be mad at the show if they botched a "tribute" cause I didn't know any better, but on the other, maybe I would've enjoyed it more/been more motivated to watch if I knew more of the returning characters. Overall, I enjoyed the series. I thought it was very fun, even if it didn't necessarily stick to it's own mechanics (which in of itself is a huge flaw, but that's discussion for another day) and it's slow decent into a Decade AU™. I love Woz, and the main 4 group is one of my favorites. The 0.5 episodes we're also gold, I loved the self-reference humor. As for things I wish it did differently, definitely making Tsukuyomi a rider earlier. And I didn't particularly enjoy the final episodes (although that could've been because I stayed up until 4AM and had work at 8AM).
Kamen Rider Drive (Jan. 2022)
Inspired by the 2018 hit Kamen Rider Zi-O I decided to watch Drive not to long after. It wasn't really a season on my radar, but I was intrigued by Chase. Initially, I did enjoy it, even though the first 12-ish episodes did drag at times. But after Gou comes and especially the 001 arc, it got way better. Looking back on it now, while I still like it, I don't like it as much as I did when I first watched it. It's solid, but I wouldn't say any character stuck out to me or with me once I finished. Similar to Zi-O, I wish they made Kiriko a rider. I'd argue, she potentially could've made a more interesting main than Shinnosuke, given her relationship to the villains (creator). Maybe could've gotten an interesting family dynamic out of it.
Kamen Rider Ghost (Jan. 2022 -> Feb. 2022)
A more polarizing entry (on twitter anyways). I wasn't really going in with any expectations good or bad. The first 11 episodes were hard for me to get through, but after that, the show does get a flow going and became easier to watch. Similar to Drive, none of the characters particularly stood out (except Alain) for me, but I liked the supporting cast of Ghost better than Drive. I wish they did a bit more with Makoto because (at least concerning the show, no extras) he just feels like he's there. Sure, he has a connection to the other two riders, but he himself never does much besides look out for Kanon or the others. (Maybe he did more than I remember, but I haven't rewatched. I do think his V-Cinema delve more into his character, so maybe I'll get around to watching it). I liked Alain's arc the most, him and Ms. Fumi were iconic and episode 30/31 made me so sad (I cried at work). And Takeru was a fine protagonist. The only thing I didn't really like was how they killed him off 3 times (4 counting Heisei Gen.)
Kamen Rider Ex-Aid (Feb. 2022)
I did not go into this series expecting the impact it would have on me. The main reason I watched it was to finish out the second half of Phase 2 (Drive -> Zi-O) before Zero-One. Honestly, while this is the series out of this list I rewatched the most episodes of, I don't particularly love it. Coming off of Ghost, the beginning of Ex-Aid was really refreshing, and I liked the conflict and connections between the 4 riders. It started falling off for me once Parad became a rider and the introduction of Masamune. I really don't know why I dislike Parad, every time he's was on screen I just got annoyed. And then I didn't like what happened during the finale. But with the bad was good, ie: my namesake. I really don't know why I loved Hiiro and Taiga as much as I did at the time. In a sense, I think I related to certain parts of their respective personalities (which is probably not good...), but otherwise it wasn't like their characters storyline took off until the mid-30's of a 45 episode show. In retrospect, while it it a bit rushed given the timeframe of the show, their story was still really compelling to me. I haven't talked much about V-Cinemas and extra content (mainly cause they're mostly harmless but not much to talk about), but allegedly Ex-Aid only got 45 episodes so they could get the V-Cin. trilogy, and boy do I hate that because the Brave and Snipe V-Cinema was bad. Surprisingly, it didn't hit until my spontaneous rewatch where I realized how dirty it did the characters. In short, Ex-Aid: High-Highs but Low-Lows
Kamen Rider Zero-One (Apr. 2022)
The final series I watched before never finishing a series until this month. Similar to Ex-Aid, I think Zero-One has some really good highs (some of my favorite characters and moments from the franchise), and really bad lows. The writing of Zero-One (in terms of implications) isn't the best, and even arcs were pretty hit or miss. Like a lot of people talk about how the job wars arc was drawn out, and initially I disagreed because I didn't find it that terrible, but thinking back to it, I remember making a post that was like "the most interesting thing about the past 10 episodes was that Fuwa had a chip in his head" so I guess there wasn't plot development. I liked how a lot of the early episode felt like a tour of the town Aruto lives in and we get to meet people (workers) in the community, almost like a carrer fair. Looking at the episodes in a vacuum, I think they're quite nice. I really liked Metsuboujinrai, probably my favorite villain group. At first I thought Horobi saying Jin was his child was going to be a throw away line or like resolved relatively quickly, but it wasn't. The reveal that Horobi was a father-type humagear, and in the final episodes where he slowly was coming to terms about caring for Jin are some of my favorite moments. In episode 42 (?) when Jin sacrificed himself, even though I knew what was coming (the whole "your the only father I ever had" line), I still cried so much during the scene. It was very well done. Ikazuchi and Naki were good support characters, I'm glad each of them have some funny/iconic/good scenes. I wish they had done more with Yua outside of Gai. I feel like Gai gets more to do than her despite her being the tertiary introduced in episode 3. The whole chip in Fuwa's head thing was also weird (I don't have the words to explain it right now). I liked that Fuwa liked Aruto's jokes because their similar to the ones his dad made. I think Aruto is an interesting character to be the main, it's kind of weird he was just thrown into the company, and a bunch of other things I'm going to leave for another day. I don't think Gai needed a redemption arc, but I teared up when he got Thouser back. (Wow I had a lot to say)
2. Super Sentai
I didn't watch that much Sentai this year, and only completed 2: Seijuu Sentai Gingaman and Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger
Seijuu Sentai Gingaman (~May 2022)
I kind of forgot I watched this lol. Overall, it was better/more fun than I was expecting it to be.
Bakuyuu Sentai Abaranger (Nov. 2022 -> Dec. 2022)
I started this one day because no one (my teachers) decided not to show up to school. I ended up enjoying it a lot. I like the team dynamics, and it was solid at balancing silliness and seriousness. I think having the motws be made from forms of art (painting and music) was cool and made for some cool designs/abilities.
3. Ultraman
This year I finished the trifecta and watched 2 Ultraman Series: X and Orb.
Ultraman X (Aug. 2022)
I watched this for totally legit reasons…/ It was alright, but it kind of just felt like the same thing (formula) for 20 episodes. I did like the 24 hours at Xio episode and the Ginga S crossover. I also think this series had some good effects and the fact that their car turns into a jet is so funny to me.
Ultraman Orb (Sept. 2022)
I liked this series better than X. It was more interesting and I feel like there was more intrigue and a story line. The unfolding of the connection between Gai and Naomi was great and overall I liked the one episode plots
4. Power Rangers
Since I've watched most Power Rangers, I only finished the latest series this year. I sometimes forget power rangers is a tokusatsu lol.
Dino Fury (Feb 2021 -> Sept. 2022)
I said a lot about what I thought about the show on my other blog. Generally, I think it has good idea, but the execution of them is hit or miss.
(wow this kind of fell off at the end)
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holdingontoheadache · 2 years
Hi, Doly! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!
It’s definitely my longest save! I’ve not played it in awhile though! But I do love my house in it from what I can remember. As you said, cheers to shit memory, I truly forget things so often and easily. It can be a bit frustrating. I love a lot of games! I tend to really like story based games but usually I’ve not played them but watched creators play them because I don’t/didn’t have the consoles to play them! Like I really enjoyed watching people play Firewatch, it’s such a beautiful game and I liked the story. I also like games like Until Dawn and The Quarry! I think decision based games like that are very fun especially when you have to make quick decisions and it effects your story. I have a switch lite so I tend to play just stardew, Minecraft and animal crossing because I feel like a lot of the games I’ve listed aren’t great to play on switch annnd I’ve got pretty bad drift. Other games I’ve watched people play that I enjoyed were: It Takes Two, A Way Out, Twelve Minutes also a classic The Last Of Us and so many more I just can’t remember them rn! What games do you tend to enjoy?
You definitely have to show me when we get the chance, I’d love to see! I don’t think I have a collection of like one singular character or anything like that. I think I just collect weird knickknacks and vinyl honestly! But I do want to collect more things, I almost started collecting carebear memorabilia earlier this year!
I’m very excited for Niall’s new album and I’m also very excited for his friend Lewis Capaldi’s new album next year!
I hope it’s feeling like the holidays where you are, unfortunately for me the weather makes it hard to feel like it’s even winter! It was 81F today!!! That’s outrageous for December! But I did recently help decorate the house for Christmas which was very nice, it’s the first time my family has put up a tree in like six years! I have my own mini one but it’s nice having a big one. Have you decorated for the Christmas holiday if you celebrate?
Okay, speed round!!!
What does your dream home look like? I think mine would be like a house from the 70s I just loved the aesthetics. I would kill to have some kind of conversation pit in my home and I’d have a whole area for my record player set up and I lose my mind when I see houses that have atriums!! How cool is that?! I think it would be filled with posters, knickknacks, rugs, blankets and just weird stuff! Also mid century is very good too if done right, I hate when people flip older homes, they get rid of the character and style and turn it into a boring all white like chic farmhouse and it’s just awful to me.
Do you think different types/brands of water taste different? I definitely think they do!!
What’s your favorite snack? I tend to like any kind of hot chips and I’m not the biggest sweets kinda person I think? I like very specific sweet stuff! I’m more of a spicy/salty snack person than a sweets one.
What’s a weird side of YouTube you think you’re on sometimes? For me, my dad and I fell down this weird hole of this guy exploring abandoned homes in Canada? It’s truly amazing to me because some are what he calls time capsules where people have just left everything behind and others are very expensive homes left behind and a lot of the time I think what happened? Why did they up and leave? But most of the time I’m just in awe of some of the houses and the stuff left behind like family photos in some! Also I just enjoy seeing weird/extravagant homes completely empty.
Are you the kind of person that needs something on to fall asleep, or nothing at all on ooorrr can you do both? I think I always need something on. My go to sleep aid sound is harsh rain on a window, I swear I could sleep through a hurricane the way I sleep though the rain. I tend to fall asleep with something on the tv.
I’ll cut it there for today, I hope you’re doing well and having a relaxing weekend! Sending lots of love and happy times your way! Talk to ya tomorrow! ❤️
Hello, lovely!! Hope your weekend is treating you very well!! ✨sending all the positive vibes back to you, hun!! 💕
We are literally the same person when it comes to video games and idk how to take that lol. Love that for us!! I tend to watch other “let’s players” play the really well know games on pc/console cause I just don’t have the skill/patience to learn such skill to play them!! Plus, I find it more enjoyably to just sit back and watch them go through the struggles of the game rather myself raging through it 😅. I remember back when Markiplier played firewatch and I was just in utter awe of the aesthetic/story of the game!! I have to rewatch him play it sometime! Some of the games I’ve watched that I absolutely loved have to be God of War, Resident Evil franchise, The Last Guardian, Papers Please, Cuphead, Little Nightmares, Undertale, The Last of Us, the list truly goes on!! Decision-based/fast-paced games are my bread and butter!! I feel strongly on the “early pc strategy/time-management games (dinner dash or equivalent) to farming games” pipeline to be very strong lol. If it has any of those premises, I’m all in 100%!! I’m also a huge fan of the Pokémon franchise and their games, so I’d say I fall into that as well. I’m open to all games within that particular category.
I used to be obsessed with Care Bears!! That’s so valid!!
81°F?!?? Oh my! The highest in my area today had to have been maybe ~50°F. Because I live in the northeast, I find that to be relatively warm in comparison to what I’m used to for the colder months. Hopefully you’re finding ways to stay cool in the heat! And yes, I did decorate for Christmas!! Not as much as years prior cause my parents and I are headed down to Puerto Rico for the holidays!! I do celebrate Christmas, but not necessarily in a religious way. We do participate in the gift-giving aspect and getting together and all that, but that’s relatively it.
Speed Round Answer!! Dream home? For as long as I can remember, I’ve lived within the city! And while I have a love/hate relationship with that, I would love to be able to live in a rural area and, just, have my own space. I don’t have any particular look that I’m looking for in a house, just as long as I have a room that I can convert into an art studio!! I would also love to have a proper vinyl setup where I can play/display my records comfortably!! And maybe a decent sized yard for the pets to run around and enjoy themselves!! Does water taste different? Oh, absolutely 100%!! I am a Dasani hater lol. Dasani tastes like sink water!! Smart water, in my opinion, is the best!! But in all reality, water tastes like water. I tend to buy the generic store-brand bottles of water and I don’t have any complaints about it lol. I would just rather drink sink water than Dasani!! Fav. snack? I tend to lean more to sweets when it comes to snacks, but also depends on the mood I’m in!! I really enjoy those Chex Mix bags that are cookies and cream flavored that you can get at gas stations or wawa/sheetz (idk what the equivalent would be in your area if you don’t have either of these franchises lol). I don’t get them often, but I would say that!! In terms of salty snacks, I’m a basic person and either pick up a bag of Cheetos Puffs or Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream chips 😬. Weird side of YouTube? Hmmmm.. lately, I’ve fallen on the side of YouTube where people explain the complexities/obscurities of very niche topics. Like, the other day, I found this YouTuber who talked about the lore of Martha Speaks/Word Girl. Another one was the rise/downfall of club penguin and rating very obscure movies/books they’ve read. It’s great, honestly! I recommend it lol. Sleep Habits? I feel like I can fall asleep relatively quickly, but I can’t sleep without the fan being on or else I feel like my body is static. Sleeping in utter silence is my villain origin story!! It also has to be almost completely dark! I used to be able to sleep with the tv on, but even that has to be off. Someone can be calling my name and I won’t budge, but once the sunlight or anything like that brightens the room, I’m up!! 🎄✨
0 notes
tlacehualli · 2 years
                     The rise in tension does not go unnoticed-- and for a few moments, he wonders if he’s ruined the moment, compulsive thoughts and fears snaking their way through his mind’s eye as she hangs in silence for what felt like an eternity. The fact that her fingers have ceased petting his hair is further perceived as evidence for alarm... Although, he’s more patient, resisting the urge to begin backpedaling verbally in the off-chance she was simply thinking.
SIGMA releases tension that had collected in his shoulders, unbeknownst to him, when Sombra finally speaks up again-- in the affirmative, no less...
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                           “-- A-ah, trying is fine! There is no such thing as a zero-percent margin of error! Whatever you can do-- it will mean just as much as any actual success!“ SIGMA reassures her eagerly, albeit still with somewhat of a fairly incredulous tone as he lies flat on his back to gaze up at her more fully with tentative hope. He reflexively mirrors her, however, when she begins dropping her tone, his own dropping several decibels to match. Crowds... how did he feel about crowds...? He’s... never been in any! There were rarely enough staff around him on any given day to even warrant being labelled as a “crowd”-- so he’s... uncertain.
“... Perhaps direct socialization is... best avoided for the time being...“ He murmurs softly, though his eyes go somewhat half-lidded when Sombra resumes stroking his hair, having to resist the urge to allow them to close entirely-- lest he get too comfortable. This was a little too important to simply allow himself to tune out of the conversation...
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                           “I, ah-- I want to go wherever-- whenever-- you want to go! I-- I will do everything you ask of me! I will be on my very BEST behavior!“ He whispers excitedly, a weak smile twitching at the corners of his lips, unable to suppress the tiniest wiggle of his body in his obvious elation as he lays there against her.
Planning shit behind people's backs, well - she was a little bit more in her element in that, far more than she was trying to be emotional support. She was equal parts nervous, equal parts excited, and now that her mind had been running through calculations and putting schedules through algorithms and natural language processors and all of that, there was something of a little mischievious glint in her eye.
Sombra looked down at his big head in her lap - honestly, he was just so physically imposing if you didn't actually speak with him and realize he had the personality of like the sweetest puppy one ever did meet - and offered him a cheeky little wink. "Most of the time, I succeed when I try, so no te preocupes, viejito. I'm the greatest of all time." Only half of her was joking. When it came to this, she had all the confidence in the world.
"Yeah, I figured crowds might be bad. But that's not a problem, bakeries are open really really early. I had a tia that had a bakery back in Mexico, my primos would be up even earlier than I was just to start working the dough and baking and stuff." She smiled a little bit at the ancient memory - as spotty as her memory was back then, especially without the aid of her AI, some stuff always stuck. Like the scent of pan in the morning, hot and ready.
She generally didn't like to talk about her past at all, but she found it easier with him. Just sharing little tidbits of a life long past - hell, two lifetimes ago now. Olivia the girl with a family, Olivia the member of Los Muertos - now, Olivia dead and gone, and in her place, Sombra. But sometimes remembering wasn't so painful.
"Anywhere else you might wanna go? Best I can figure right now is we'll have like a couple of hours. There's a park nearby, the trees are pretty this time of the year and there's a bunch of birds. I'm a big nature gal. It's not exactly a state park or something but, I dunno. Sometimes green stuff is good for the soul. Or anything really, you name it. You don't have to do what I tell you to do." She smirked a little. "I always hated following orders myself."
0 notes
pippytmi · 3 years
Supercorp + Hogwarts AU + meet messy + "is that the best you can do?"
“Hey, do you guys want to see a muggle magic trick?”
Kara doesn’t have to look up to know Alex and Kelly are exchanging glances over Nia’s head. Nia is the best witch in the fifth year hands-down, but her grasp of muggle illusions leave a lot to be desired.
“Sure…” Kelly agrees, politely but unsurely, while Alex shakes her head.
“If this is that stupid coin trick again, Nia—” she starts, but Nia is already squeezing between them on the grass, unfolding a pack of muggle playing cards.
“It is not,” Nia says. “Prepare to be amazed! Yvette says I’m really good at this one.”
“Oh, joy,” Alex mutters under her breath, which turns into a pained yelp when Kelly elbows her in the ribs.
Kara finally raises her gaze from the newspaper she’s been half-reading, fully prepared to commit to Nia’s trick, but then she catches a glimpse of dark hair and a brisk pace. It’s Lena Luthor, notorious loner, actually sitting outside by the black lake with her books.
It’s odd—Lena never sits outside. People talk; Lena doesn’t have many friends (someone even started a rumor that Lillian Luthor pays Jess, another sixth year, to hang out with Lena). In fact, the only time anyone really sees Lena is in class, or in the Slytherin common room when Jess is also there. Kara sees her even less (only when Slytherin and Gryffindor share classrooms), but that doesn’t make the hopeless crush she’s fostered on her since they were eleven any less potent.
Kelly starts clapping suddenly, reluctantly dragging Kara’s eyes from Lena (who is reading a book; Kara is wondering just what kind of book it is). “Aw, Nia, that was good!” she says. “Do it again!”
Even Alex is curiously lifting up the cards one by one, as if trying to determine the trick herself. “Did you use actual magic for this?” she asks.
“I’m just that good,” Nia brags, though the way she tries to expertly shuffle the cards right back into their box suggests otherwise; half of them spill onto the grass. “Oh man!”
“I’ve got this,” Kara says, absentmindedly reaching for her wand. “Accio—”
“Kara, no!”
Oh, that’s right, Kara thinks belatedly. My wand is broken. It had been an unfortunate event on the Quidditch pitch involving an overzealous Hufflepuff seeker (Winn is still very apologetic about it, but it can’t be helped now). Unfortunately, Kara never seems to quite remember that magic is off-limits until it can be fixed.
And even more unfortunate is the fact that her mind and her words have begun to converge; she’s thinking about the book Lena is reading while glancing at the cards, and her mouth is forming silent words, and really it’s not a surprise at all when said book rockets out of Lena’s hands and aims right for Nia’s head.
No one dies, though, nor do they have to make the unpleasant trudge to the infirmary—Kelly is far quicker than any of Kara’s botched magic, and the book explodes into nothing when she mutters a firm, “Evanesco.”
“Kelly!” Kara forgets, for a second, about the whole Nia-about-to-break-her-face thing; her heart drops to the pit of her stomach at the thought that something of Lena Luthor’s has been reduced to figurative dust. What if that book was personal? What if it was special? What if it was—
“Excuse me,” says a quiet, sudden voice, and Kara just about falls over in the grass at the sight of Lena Luthor standing there. “I think you summoned my book.”
Kelly winces. “Oh, actually—”
“I destroyed it,” Kara blurts out, because really, this is her fault and Nia still has a face so the least Kara can do is take a fall for a friend. “I’m sorry. My wand is broken, and I was trying to summon some cards, but I was looking at you and thinking about your book and it just…I’m sorry. Again. I can pay for it?” She immediately begins digging into the pockets of her robes, but all she manages to scrounge up is a broken sugar quill and a drawing on a torn sheet of paper that depicts Professor Grant as a dragon.
For a moment, all Lena does is stare down at Kara in a peculiarly quizzical way. She doesn’t seem mad or anything, just perplexed. A second later she says, “You were thinking about ‘Voyages with Vampires’ strongly enough to summon it? I don’t really enjoy Gilderoy Lockhart books myself.”
“To be fair,” Kara’s quick to defend herself, “I couldn’t read the title from this far.”
“Right. You decided you wanted to snatch my book from me because it was mine.” And just like that, the curious expression on Lena’s face drops entirely, twists into something resigned and exhausted. “Is that the best you can do? Petty little child games?”
“What? No, I would never—”
“Because last week Eve Tessmacher hit me with a furnunculus curse that was far more clever than this,” Lena all but sneers. “It’s always the pig-headed Gryffindors that aim out of their league.”
“You wanna say that again?” Alex is jumping up, her wand brandished out, and Lena glances from her to Kara to Kelly to Nia, as if just realizing how potentially outnumbered she could be.
Except, well, that’s so not the issue. Kara hastens to stand between Alex’s wand and Lena’s body, nearly knocking her sister over in the process. “No! No, I didn’t do that as a prank, I—” She pauses, feels her cheeks go hot, and then rushes out, “Ijustthinkyou’rereallypretty!”
Alex lowers her wand; Kara can tell, because Alex uses it to jab her in the ribs. “Oh, bloody hell,” Alex grumbles, and she nudges Kelly to join her. “I think that’s our cue. I’d rather study for Potions than watch this.”
Kelly obligingly drags Nia along, who looks like she wants to protest, but eventually Nia caves in—though not without trying to wink conspiringly at Kara, which doesn’t work because Nia “winks” with both eyes.
“But—” Kara watches as her friends scatter, and then she is left with the heavy, accusatory gaze of Lena Luthor. She tries to smile, but imagines her attempt is more of a wince than anything. “Did I mention that I’m sorry?”
Lena takes a step forward. She raises her chin in the air, no less guarded, but her eyes convey a tiny bit of that earlier curiosity all the same. “You’ve already had your fun, Kara Danvers,” she says. “But I will give you credit, no one has played the ‘I have a crush on you’ prank yet.”
Kara frowns. “Do people really play pranks on you so much?”
“I am the weird little sister of a boy who tried to blow up Hogwarts,” Lena all but deadpans. “What do you think?”
“I think you’re way more than Lex Luthor’s sister, and that’s just...really mean,” Kara says, words bursting out before she even pauses to rein them in. “I mean, you are so smart! Last year you saved a bunch of first years who wandered into the Forbidden Forest. A-and you never tried out for Quidditch, but sometimes you fly with Jess on the pitch and you’re so fast you could easily run circles around anyone on the Slytherin team. You’re the coolest person ever. Even when you were eleven, you—” Finally, her brain starts to catch up with her mouth, and Kara flushes hotter than she ever thought possible. “Oh, gosh. I’m sorry. I swear, I didn’t mean for that to sound…stalker-y. I only know about the first year thing because Professor Grant’s son was new that year and I was supposed to be babysitting him. And then the flying, well, sometimes I go to the pitch with Winn whenever he wants to practice—”
“Kara. You can breathe any time you want,” Lena prompts, and Kara pauses to do exactly that.
“Sorry,” Kara adds, again, after she’s let her lungs rest a bit. Her whole body feels shivery from head to toe, like she is seconds away from fainting, and honestly? She just might. “Anyway. Um. I can replace that book if you want. Or I can give you the money and you can pick out a better one, since you said you weren’t a fan? Whatever you want.”
Lena is quiet for a beat. “What were you going to say before? About when I was eleven?”
Kara bites her lip so hard she knows she will inevitably have to ask Kelly to heal it later. “Oh, that,” she says evasively. “I meant, when you were eleven, and I walked face-first into the wrong wall trying to get to platform nine and three quarters, and you didn’t even laugh at me. You just...helped me up, and promised you would walk with me to the train until I found my family again.”
“I remember,” Lena says, and her voice is softening, as is her expression. “You somehow got lost between platforms seven and eight. Your sister was furious when she caught up with us.”
“Yeah.” And Kara finds herself smiling at that memory; this time it’s a real smile, and she couldn’t stop it if she tried. “That was really nice.” She wants to mention more—how even when Lillian Luthor scowled at Kara’s hand-me-downs, Lena complimented her right away on the shirt that had once been Alex’s—but all Kara does right now is step back. “I’ve bothered you enough, I think. Will you…let me know? About the book?”
“I don’t care about the book,” Lena says, and she swallows, loud enough that Kara can hear it. “Do you mean it?”
“That you’re...nice?”
“Yes.” Lena’s cheeks are a faint pink color, and Kara’s entire mouth goes dry.
“Well, yeah,” Kara says, and in that moment—with Lena blushing, and Kara’s chest tightening—they both know that she’s confessing to so much more than thinking Lena is nice. “So. Um.” She squares her shoulders, and prepares to be brave enough to live up to the Gryffindor name: “Can I buy you something that’s not a book? Sometime? Maybe on our next trip to Hogsmeade?”
“Like a date?” Lena asks, so impossibly soft, and Kara nods.
“Exactly like a date,” Kara says, and honestly, she should demand ten points to Gryffindor herself because her voice does not waver once.
And Lena Luthor smiles, just cautious enough to show how unsure she is, but still warm enough that Kara’s heart skips a beat. “Okay,” she says. “But on one condition: I’ll handle any magic until then.”
“Deal,” Kara agrees, and it’s official; breaking her wand might have been the best thing that has ever happened to her, ever.
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harrysgoldenline · 3 years
can you pls write an angst where y/n went to her and harry's house that they bought or something like that in Italy to try to move on and go on with her life after harry broke up with her but then she never expected that harry will be there as well with his new gf.... you can end it whatever you like!! thank you
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: idk, sad I guess? also not proof read oops sorry lol
When In Italy
It has been three months since you’ve last seen or spoken to Harry. A very abrupt change after being together for four years, with constant talk of marriage and starting a family, the break up was something either of you really expected. It started as a break of sorts, eventually turning into a complete break up after only a couple weeks in a somewhat mutual way. With Harry's career taking off in so many different ways, with acting, the new tour and more, his life had changed completely and has left him very little time for anything else.
It went from daily phone and FaceTime calls, constant text messages and flowers being delivered to nothing.
“You really think that’s a good idea?” Your best friend asked you, concern plastered all over her face, “that won’t bring up too much?”
She had been sitting with you as you finished packing up your suitcase, trying her best to give you her support as you were going to be going on a spur of the moment trip to Italy and staying at the home of you and Harry, needing the much needed getaway and disconnecting completely. Seeing different things online about him all the time didn’t make it any easier and no matter how hard you tried to avoid it, he always found his way to pop up.
“I just need a break, everything here is a reminder to.” You sigh, “I just want a change of scenery. I think it’ll be good for me.”
“I hope so…” she frowned, looking up at you with a sad smile, “please don’t just sit there in the house all alone. Go out, meet some local Italian men!”
“I’m definitely not ready for that.” You say, forcing a laugh as you close your suitcase, zipping it up and placing it on the floor by your door, “but I will really try, I promise. I will call you if I need you and you can come out?”
“Hell yeah I can.” She laughs, standing up and giving you a hug, “and you’re really going right now?”
You bite your bottom lip as your eyes fill up with tears, nodding quickly as you look at her and she quickly pulled you in a tight hug.
“You can do this.”
You pulled your suitcase through the front door, waving goodbye to the driver as you turned around to close the door behind you as they left you alone in the house that has so many memories inside. You pause at the door, taking a couple deep breaths as you look around and try and keep your mind at bay before walking to the guest bedroom, deciding the main bedroom was too much and the guest bedroom was already way nicer than your apartment.
After taking the time to unpack, knowing you would stay awhile, you put away your things into the various drawers and closet in the room. You keep out a swimsuit and change into it quickly, sliding a simple dress overtop before walking out onto the balcony attached to the bedroom, taking in the smell of the ocean and beautiful view, memories overwhelming your senses.
“Well don’t you look absolutely stunning.” You can practically hear him say all over again, reliving the memory as if it was actually happening, “ ‘m the luckiest man in the world.”
You remember him coming up behind you, arms tight around your waist as his head rested on your shoulder, soft kisses being pressed along your shoulder as you leaned back into him, a large smile covering both of your faces before you leaned your head back, connecting your lips before he pulled back.
“I can’t decide…” He had whispered, connecting your lips again.
“Decide what?” You had giggled, turning around to face him, arms resting around his shoulders as his came around your waist.
“If I want to get married here or have our honeymoon here.”
You shuddered slightly as the memory came back, letting out a deep breath before packing a beach bag quickly and leaving the house just as fast, taking a walk down to the private beach and settling yourself in a lounge chair. Applying your sunscreen you could almost convince yourself it was him applying it on you like he always would do, large hands massaging it into your skin.
You push the thought away as you grab your phone, playing music softly to try and distract your mind. Your fingers hovered over your different social media apps, wanting desperately to just give it a quick click, wondering if you could get any update on where he could be from his fans, posts always finding their way on your feed. Instead, you hold it down, deleting all of the various apps and throwing your phone down on your bag, grabbing your book and letting the music play, opening to the first page to try and escape into the new world.
After a few hours been spent peacefully on the beach, you decided to head back to the house to take a nice bubblebath and order yourself some dinner, deciding that you would go to town the next morning in order to cook some of your own meals. The walk back to the house was more enjoyable this time and you began to feel a sense of hope as you approached the house, your heart not clenching in as much pain as it originally had done when you first pulled up to the house earlier that day.
Using your keys, you unlocked the back door, locking it behind you again as soon as you got inside, making your way to the bathroom right away and letting the water fill up the bathtub, pouring in some of the fancy bubblebath that you remember buying once from your favorite boutique in town, making a mental note to stop there again tomorrow.
Discarding your clothes, you hung them up, deciding you could use it once more as a cover up after not even going into the water, and you honestly didn’t even have the energy to even think about doing laundry right now, even simply showering was too much most days so you were happy to submerge yourself simply into the warm water, eyes fluttering closed as it embraced you with it’s comfort.
You began preparing yourself a mental list of things you could do tomorrow, forcing yourself to get out of the house and keep yourself occupied after locking yourself away in your apartment the past few months, planning on taking baby steps but knowing that even starting will be more like a push off a cliff.
Pulling yourself out of the bath once finishing cleansing your body, deciding to save washing your hair for the next day, you pulled yourself out of the bath, honestly just wanting to curl up into bed and go to sleep but knowing you needed to force yourself to eat something. So, you dry off, applying some matching lotion to your body, which made you feel a sense of pride of yourself as you made small steps to take care of yourself again, thanking the air of Italy as self motivation and threw on the robe that you swear was the softest one in the world.
A sudden sound coming from the house made you jump, a hand coming over your chest to try and calm your racing heart as your mind tried to think of all of the possibilities of who could be there, or maybe it was coming outside? Or honestly at this point you thought it could be your imagination as the memories that have been flashing into your mind have been so vivid it felt like it was actually happening. Your feet softly padded on the wood flooring, making your way to what you thought was the site of the sound, feeling bile rise in your throat at the sight before you.
It was Harry there, with one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen in your life, laughing together.
You weren’t sure if they saw you, both of their hair wet as towels wrapped around them and it seemed like they had just got back from the beach, making you think that you must have just missed each other as you swapped positions. You slowly walk backwards, thinking of running out the back towards the beach and calling a car, leaving all of your clothes there.
You could see slightly into the master bedroom, seeing their suitcases sprawled and things laid on the couch as they chatted together, knowing they must have arrived when you were down at the beach, your presence unknown as all of your things sat seemingly hidden in the guest room which you were now desperately trying to go and hide in, but after it being too log since you been here, you accidentally ran into the wall, a photo that was hanging there crashing to the floor, glass shattering.
Two heads quickly snapped their way towards you, both pairs of eyes meeting yours as gasps left both of their lips, Harry’s face going pale as he saw you. You opened your mouth to speak, but with this being your first time seeing your partner since the breakup, no words were able to come out.
Spinning on your heel your ran back into the guest bedroom, pulling the suitcase out of the closet and messily shoving all of your clothes into it, tears stinging your eyes and unable to hold them in as they silently spilling on you cheeks, more coming as you heard the familiar steps coming your way, feeling the presence behind you and hearing the door shut softly behind you.
Part 2 anyone???
I was wondering what people would think about me doing personalized little blurbs/imagines for people who donate to my tip jar? you could give me your name, prompt, pronouns, etc and i will write it just for you!! :) i’m trying to write more and it’s hard bc i’m a broke college student who needs to work but if people who WANT a personalized little fic with bucky or harry or something with their own name and such maybe I could do something like that? of course I will still be doing all normal requests and such but this way it’s kinda like a one time patreon for people who want to do something like that? idk please comment/send me a message/ask and let me know what you think!!!! let’s talk!
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lemonlurkrr · 3 years
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@aureateart​ ok. My favourite parts of twilight princess  (and some other random thoughts about TP sprinkled in there) taken from my monster TP word vomit google doc :
Link lmao
Ok but for real, I like this incarnation of Link :)
I love Ordon (it just seems like such a chill and cozy village)
ALSO love how easy it is to interpret Link as being a sort of older brother figure to the Ordon kiddos. It’s just,, super cute? AND GHHH nice nice good thanks nintendo for giving me characters to care about/characters that I can imagine Link caring about
He didn’t sign up for any of this (tbh, none of the Links really signed up for this jshdjsd). But I mean like, dude was just going to take a trip to castle town, drop a gift off for the royal family, and come back. But haHA oopsies he did get to castle town eventually but definitely not the way he expected hsjdhsd
He’s just a little dude?
everything is new for the player AND Link
She’s cool :)
she really just
*teleports into your jail cell* hello whore.
I am no master at writing but AYYYY she do got a character arc!!!
She was actually pretty helpful sometimes, I ALWAYS checked in with her before turning to a game guide
Other NPCs
Love all of the TP character designs (ASHEI’S ARMOUR??? AOWOAOAOOAO)
Saving Zelda and all of Hyrule was important yea but thinking back maybe it was more like, the Ordonians and the kids were what was pushing Link to keep on going
I like the Resistance members :) Very video gamey of them to have one NPC assigned to each dungeon but hey!!! Kinda cool getting to see a little glimpse of each of em
Idk, it’s just fun to imagine Link popping into Telma’s bar after each dungeon and taking a little rest :) (or to celebrate? maybe just chat, idk, give this man some downtime!!)
Honestly it was just kind of nice that Link wasn’t entirely alone. I mean, I know Midna was there the whole time, but I am always for giving Link a big group of friends (see my love for hyrule warriors, age of calamity, and LU LMAO)
Hero’s shade, very very cool, kinda sad he died with regrets but HEY. He got to pass on his knowledge eventually
AND the connection to OoT?? AND assumed to be related by blood too????? GOOD SHIT
Ilia, I REALLY really wanted to like her (er, it’s not like I dislike her, she’s just,,, kinda there for me).
It definitely seems like Nintendo was pushing to make her the romantic interest, but GHHHHH they really threw that out of the window for me by having her lose her memories
I saw a text post a while ago that said it would have been interesting if Ilia was Link’s sister instead and YES!! That would have been cool too :0
Wish we got to know Zelda a little more
I feel like we barely know anything about her
Idk man, like I said earlier, I never really had any sort of drive to save Zelda during my playthroughs
She obviously knows Midna, so maybe if they gave us just a little bit more of that relationship I’d be more interested in her?
Botw has good world building too, but each race felt kinda,,, isolated? I absolutely love the different architecture and vibe each town has (and all the the weapons too) but ghhh yea everyone felt so separated. As far as I can remember, we don’t see tooo much of the races interacting with each other? Now that I’m typing that out maybe that’s to be expected because of the calamity but KLSJDKJFD ANYWAYS THIS IS ABOUT TP
The world feels nice and alive, love how populated everything is
Castle town I like castle town a lot, it feels dense and busy and I really like how you can’t talk to every NPC you see
Very cool very fun that we got to see the Gorons hanging out in multiple spots
kinda wish we got to see the Zoras a little more (I guess they are a bit limited since they need water but GHHHH the tp zoras are so prebby,,)
BUT HEY, I do remember seeing a zora or two hanging out in the hot springs around death mountain after beating the lakebed temple (I think, might have been a different dungeon) 
but aaaa would have been nice to see them in at least a couple of other places. I think it would have really added to the “congrats Link!! You’re restoring peace to Hyrule” feeling you get from seeing the Gorons hanging out in Kakariko and Castle Town
Love how chill it is and how it’s kind of separate from Hyrule proper
They really do seem to be doing their own thing apart from the rest of Hyrule
Just kinda adds onto the “he’s just a regular dude minding his own business” kind of vibes I get from TP Link
Also I like Ordona :)
Love their design
And love how they’re not exactly like a pure white?
Different spirit representing each aspect of the triforce my beloved
But yes hi I think Ordona is very cool
Who are you, how did you get here, which goddess do you represent? Do you even represent one of the three golden goddesses? Do the Ordonians know about you? Have any of them ever SEEN you??? Do they worship you? Does anybody even know about the existence of the light spirits?? FUCK so many questions but ghhh I like how they broke the status quo a bit by throwing in a fourth spirit :)
I feel like this one is kinda weird but I like that voice sample they used in the light spirit music. It’s spooky and pretty at the same time :)  
cutscenes mmmmm
Ok ok, the spooky lanayru cutscene is very good
IT just
Idk man
It just hit different
I like the music
And seeing the light spirits swimming around in the light juice water whatever it is
Summoning the light arrows?
AND HHHHH “Lend us the last of your power!” THIS IS IT. This is the final battle.
Seeing Zelda bow down, and then Link putting his hand out 👌👌👌
Link: ok bud, let’s do this together :)
Connection to OoT (did I already mention this? Maybe., Whatever)
Very cool nintendo :)
I love seeing connections between all the diff zelda games.
Because like, on one hand, they’re all separate from each other because of yknow, individual hero stuff. BUT ALSO, they’re all connected because of the reincarnation stuff
Grrrr walking through the sacred grove and going “The Hero of Time walked around here a long time ago” FUCK THATS SO COOL
Is the Hero’s Shade watching me? What does he think of me? DIsappointed? Proud? The Hero of Time went through HELL so this timeline didn’t have to deal with any of the shit Ganon was gonna pull with the triforce, better not fuck this UP Link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Midlink is cute
Kinda hurts that she smashed the mirror but that was probably so Nintendo didn’t have to worry about people going “but what about the twili??????” for any of the other games LMAO
BUT ALSO LIKE SKJDKLJFJ There are some pretty massive plot holes in TP anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever it’s fine we’ll just use this for angst because GOD do y’all like angst
So is Shadlink
Honestly don’t know where this ship came from but it’s cute so whatever
Love Midna’s theme and how they referenced the dark world theme from ALttP (I remember trying to learn the dark world theme on the piano and doing the Leonardo DiCaprio point meme at the little jingle I recognized from Midna’s theme)
Hyrule field theme SLAPS.
Apparently references a couple of the other over-world themes from the previous zelda games (I got this from 8-bit Music theory’s video on the over-world zelda themes, he talks about TP at around 11:40 but def recommend watching the whole video if you’re into music analysis stuff)
So there’s this bit of the Hyrule Field theme, I don’t know the official name for it but I remember seeing somewhere it being called the “at an advantage theme” since yeah, you hear it during the boss music whenever you expose their weak points. FUCKINGGG LOVE THAT. Didn’t notice it during my first playthrough, but hearing it during my second was like a little easter egg for my ears every time :)
Midna’s lament is very pretty (and fun to play on the piano)
I didn’t care for it too much when I started playing the game but hearing it in ZREO’s arrangement of the Hyrule Field theme literally makes me turn into a puddle of emotions. Also hearing it around and of the Ordon kids (I think it plays after Link saves Colin) AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Orchestra piece #1 and #2 HOLY SHIT???????????????? 
Literally, the first time I listened to those I just,,,, plugged in my headphones, volume 100, layed on the floor/against my desk and silently vibed. I don’t know what the hell it is, but those two just fit so well with TP?? I still avoid listening to them nowadays cause if I DO I definitely will get overwhelmed with the “god I love this game so FUCKING MUCH” kind of feels.
Wolf link sucks at singing
the first time I heard him howling Zelda’s Lullaby I lost my shit because LKSJLDKSGLKJFSKG god that was.,, Bad. Anyways, hearing him howl some of the songs from OoT was cute :)
VERY GOOD. IT’s like 10 minutes long and GOD do I love every single second of it. It doesn’t have the same energy as the skyward sword staff roll or the orchestra pieces but GOD does it hit good??
Nice and calm after that big exciting adventure. Maybe it would have been more fun or emotional to have a higher energy piece but it was really nice getting to sit back and watch the camera fly around Hyrule. Seeing like, the Gorons and the Zoras having a good time, the kids returning to Ordon? GOOD SHIT.
and AAAAA that end, when you hear the main Zelda theme and see Link riding off out of Faron woods on Epona… good shit. It gets you thinking, where the hell is he going? What is he doing? Off ot do more adventuring? Going to help out the resistance or something? Going to help Zelda? Or maybe he’s trying to figure out a way to restore the mirror of twilight? Whoooo knows.
I also want to acknowledge the instrument/samples they used for all the twili stuff.
They’re all just so unique and contrast SO well with the rest of the TP OST. LIKE FUCK!! Anytime I hear the screech from the Twilit Kargarok? Sends a shiver down my spine. I associate those sounds SO strongly with the twili realm. (Like, the same way you associate the BSHEWW VVWWMMM sounds with light sabers)
I love it so god damn much
literally any time there’s a certain sound or motif associated with something I lose my shit
Sacred grove sacred grove sacred gro-
lovely lovely lovely so much fun playing that on the piano. AND again, I did the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme when I heard the theme from the lost woods come in GHHHHHHHH
shoutout to TP Faron Woods for helping me study and get through all of my schoolwork
BLEGUUHHH can you tell that I really love music?
and also yea I guess TP is kinda cool too :\
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