#i was watching this on hulu and decided to finish tonight since i knew it was marked as expiring sunday
ladyluscinia · 1 year
Ok, rapid fire immediate thoughts on the ending, in no particular order:
Featherstone got to be governor??? Awesome! Also I am so fucking relieved that everything seems to have worked out for Jack x Anne x Max in Nassau. I needed at least one optimistic ending
Really fitting that Jack and Anne get to keep being pirates because they were often the most into simply being famous boat-based criminals vs pirates as metaphor or resistance movement
Seeing that pirate at the end like... Are they throwing in a Mary Read? They ARE!!!
SilverMadi WHOO BOY. That confrontation. The way she couldn't even LOOK at him. Flint was fucking right dude she will never forgive you, and that shot on the cliff (paralleling SilverFlint cliff shots!) still did not look happy. Even if she does love him enough to stay with him there is a crack there FOREVER
The SilverFlint confrontation in the woods though... That was fucking agonizing to watch. Too many thoughts. Moving on.
I am so glad that Jack and Flint got to tag team taking out Woodes Rogers instead of just knocking Jack aside so the main characters could wrap up. He deserved that
Charles Vane deserved his bestie taking down his killer
Also Jack deserved getting to write that affidavit 💕
FLINT 😭💔😭💔😭💔
Silver you sent your soulmate to lifelong imprisonment in a work camp for being a radical leftist terrorist. Like that is what happened. His radical leftist love being there doesn't change that they are in prison. For life.
"A story is true. A story is not true." Silver talked Flint into returning to Thomas. Silver killed Flint and is gonna lie so hard he believes it himself.
Seriously they did a GREAT job of making the Thomas timeline so tight as to be nearly unbelievable but still possible
Also - Madi - good on you for realizing he was making exit contingencies so early. Did Silver even realize that's what he was doing, though? Or was he just getting the Thomas info to decide how best to use it.
Loved the detail with the cook. Past vs Present HELLO
Billy stranded on Skull Island? I've never actually read Treasure Island so I thought I knew Billy would survive the story but end up sailing for Silver? Guessing that was NOT true lol
Also Billy. My dude. I liked you. I really did. But what the fuck was that traitor arc? Glad you seemed to be having some kind of guilty mental breakdown about it because MY DUDE???
Good show. 😵‍💫 Good show.
That theme song fucked as hard on the final watch as it did on the first one 🫡🏴‍☠️
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hobbitsnapes · 4 years
the elf in the café chapter 3
A corpse husband story
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(I do not own this photo, nor do I know where it originated from. All credit goes to the artist.)
Summary: Never in his life, did he think going to a cafe and meeting a Harry Potter nerd could change his life. (I’m shit at summaries)
A/N: H/N means his name, being that we don’t know what his actual name is currently.
Each day passes by, and neither couldn’t stop texting one another. They’d text at least once a day, whether it be how their day had been, or trying to plan a day to see one another again. Their sleeping schedule was quite similar, but with her waking up early each morning for class. But he’d still get texts from her in the middle of the night, how she managed to do her schoolwork on such little sleep was beyond him.
She chalked it up to having done this for so many years, that she grew used to staying up late at night only to wake early in the morning.
They had finally set a day for the date, the coming Saturday. Nerves wracked him each day it grew closer, but excitement filled him further. He hadn’t felt this excited to have someone over, honestly since David had come by. Since then, he’s had little to nobody come over. Let alone having a date come. Each day that grew closer, the happier he became to seeing her again.
Panic filled him as he scrambled to get the rest of the ingredients ready to throw in the pot. He had decided on trying to make menestra de verduras, a soup he remembered having as a child. He however completely forgot how difficult the dish was to make, when you had never made it and have little to no culinary skills.
A knock was heard at the door, causing him to drop the spoon he had in his hand, splattering sauce all over the floor. “Fuck!” He exclaimed, grabbing his apron and hastily taking it off, wiping away the mess. He ran over to the door, stopping and checking in the mirror to make sure he hadn’t got any on himself. Once he saw there was none, he ran to open the door.
She waited at the door of the apartment, slightly fidgeting with her jacket. She heard a muffled yell,her heart rate increasing.
She waited for about a minute,growing concerned she had red the text wrong and got the wrong apartment.
That was until the door was hastily opened, spotting him in the doorway. He had a smile on his face, his hair slightly pushed back out of his face. Her breath hitched when she saw him, taking notice of his attire. Black pants that were pulled over a dark grey dress shirt, with the sleeves cuffed to about his mid arm. It was a slightly fitted top, showing his toned torso and arms nicely. “Hi.” He chuckled out, sounding slightly out of breath.
He pulled her into a hug,inhaling his smell almost instantly. The smell of pine hitting her nose, making her smile. His warm arms envelope her so comfortably, masking the chill of the night air from her.
They pulled away slightly, arms still around one another. Their faces were close, berry feeling each other’s breathing fan across their faces. They both smiled, growing warmth in the face from the close proximity.
He let her inside, telling her to have a seat on his couch.
He ran back over to the kitchen, ready to chop up a few more of the vegetables. He kept stealing glances at her, his breath catching each time.
He knew from the second he saw her she was beautiful, but tonight, she was breathtaking.
A soft tan floral top was tucked into a black pleated skirt, that hit right above her knee. It sit right at her waist, giving her a very romantic vintage feel. Her legs were covered by flesh colored nylons, black ballet flats covered her feet. Her hair was slightly curled, framing her face perfectly. Her face looked almost bare, but her eyes sparkled as if she had gems in them. Her cheeks were dusted with a soft flush, with the rest of her skin glowing, as if she was being lit with candle light. The only truly noticeable makeup was her lips, painted in a soft, rose red color. Making them look like a freshly budded flower.
Panic sets in him as he rushes to cut the rest of the remaining vegetables, anxiety growing with the sound of the soup boiling. “Fuuckk.” He whispers to himself, seeing the soup burning. He scrambled to shut the burner off, trying his hardest to try and figure out how to salvage the dinner. He should’ve chose something easier, something that he wouldn’t fuck up and ruin the entire night. God why did he even bother trying to-“Hey what’s going on? Everything alright?” She asks, making his heart plummet into his chest. He feels her hand on his shoulder, knowing she can feel him shaking. “Uh-m. Yeah yeah it’s fine, I just kinda burnt the entire thing.” He stammers, giving up on trying to steady his voice. His hands tangle into his hair, pulling the long strands. He wishes he could just disappear, get away from the sheer embarrassment of the situation. “Here let me see.” She says, slightly moving beside him to look at the now ruined soup. Her face slightly falling, dread filling him. She looks up at him, no trace of anger or annoyance in her face. “Here, why don’t I make something tonight? Is that okay?” She asks, her voice smooth and calming. “Uh, sure. I’m so sorry.” “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for, now, I have an idea of something I can whip up.” His heart slightly calms down at her words, no longer worrying about ruining the entire night. “Alright, I’m gonna need milk, flour, pees and some kind of fish. Salmon is best for this.” She says, walking over and opening some of the food cupboards. He runs to grab the supplies, knowing he has all of those.
In less than 30 minutes, dinner was plated and ready. He watched her in amazement as she whizzed around the room, effortlessly making the entire dinner like it was second nature. Not once did he see any panic, or rush in her. It’s like she had done this for forever, knowing exactly what to do so easily.
They both sat on the couch, pulling the table closer for them. He let out a small moan at the taste, a smile on his face as he ate. It was shockingly amazing, way better than the disaster he was gonna make for them both. “This is amazing.” He says, causing a smile on her face. “Thanks, it’s an old recipe that I’ve made countless times over the years.” She chuckled, watching as he eats smiling. “Where'd you learn it?” He asks. “It’s a really common recipe in New England, that’s actually where I’m from. I grew up primarily in both New Hampshire and Vermont.” “Wow, so then what made you come to San Diego?” He asks,watching as she let out a small sigh. “School mostly, and to get away from, some people.” He can hear the sadness in her voice, his heart panging slightly.
“That was so amazing, thank you.” He says, watching as she chuckles as she dried the bowls. “You’ve said that like 4 times tonight.” “And I’m gonna keep saying it cause it was amazing.” He laughs, causing her to throw her head back in laughter.
They both settle in on the couch, sitting beside one another. “Uh, I don’t really watch TV, so we’ve really only got my laptop to watch stuff. Is that okay?” He asks, looking over at her. “That’s perfectly fine cause I don’t watch TV either.” She laughs.
“Alright so I’ve got Netflix, Hulu, and prime. What’s something you’d like?” He asks, setting his laptop up in front of them. “Uh, are you into horror movies?” She asks. “I like them.” He chuckles. “Okay so do you wanna watch a classic, hack and slash, paranormal, or psychological?” Age asks, a smile on her face. “Whatever you like, I’m fine with anything you’d want.” He asks, a smirk on his face. He watched as she flushed, smiling at her. “Psychological it is then.”
“That was, what?” He asks, watching as the credits roll. They had gotten closer throughout the movie, no longer with a small bit of space between them like they started. Their legs and sides touched, facing the laptop. His arm later behind her, after a while of toying with the idea and barely moving his arm, he finally built up the courage and placed his hand over her shoulder, letting out a breath when she smiled and scooted closer to him. Letting him put his arm over her. Both of their faces flushed.
“Did you not like it?” She asks, looking up at him. “No i did, it just was kinda weird. What was the name of it again?” “The school. It’s one of my favorites because of how different it is. And you gotta remember, I’m in school to become a Behavioral psychologist. It’s in my nature to like these kinda movies.” “Hm, at least there’s one smart one here.” He chuckles, pulling her in closer. “You’re a lot smarter than you give yourself credit for.” She chuckles. “Oh yeah, how can you tell?” He asks, looking down at her. She looks at him with her eyebrows raised, a small smirk on her face. “Oh yeah.” He laughs, realization setting in. Causing both of them to laugh.
“So now, do you need a PHD to become a psychologist?” “In the state of California, yes. You also need 3,000 hours of supervised experience, 1,500 which can be pre-doctoral. I started college when I was 17, completing my bachelors when I was 20. Now I’ve only got about 5 more years until I’m finished with my PhD which is another word for a Doctorate.” “Well damn, miss smarty pants. Got everything don’t ya.” He says, making her look at him in question. “Got not only brains but beauty.” He says, making her flush and shove her head into his chest, causing him to laugh as he pulls her in further.
They both sat on the couch with another movie playing, neither one paying any attention to it. They both had opened a bottle of wine he had for some time, deciding to have a glass. He had it for years, always saying he’ll leave it for a special occasion. Well tonight seemed like the perfect night for it.
Neither were drunk or even tipsy, maybe a slight buzz. But it did help to wash away any small ounce of awkwardness between them. He slightly opened up more, cracking jokes with ease and making her laugh so hard she had to use the bathroom 3 times.
“And the movies over. I can’t even remember what it was.” He laughs, watching as the credits finish. “I honestly don’t even think we picked anything. I think we just clicked on it and used it for background noise.” She laughed. “Well then, what do you wanna do?” He asks, arms folded comfortably over himself, the same smirk planted on his face. “Well, there is something I love doing.” She says, a smile on her face.
Both laughed out loudly as they moved around the room, arms around one another as they tried keeping up with the song. They tried keeping in beat with the song playing in the beginning, but giving up halfway through.
He has been leading it for the most part, having loved dancing for years. But not doing it in years, and having a good buzz on him, made his moves a little worse than he remembered. But neither cared as they moved around the room, laughing as they sang along to the song. The song came to an end, both stoping with their movements momentarily. “Wait, I know the perfect one.” He says, running over to the laptop. He types in something, then runs down the hall out of the living room. She wondered if he’s lost his mind and ran off. That is until she hears the beginning of the song, letting out a laugh. “Just take those old records off the shelf!” He sings, sliding across the floor in his socks, making her clutch her stomach in laughter as he recreates the scene perfectly. Using a hairbrush as the makeshift microphone. He breaks after a few lines, falling over laughing. She runs over to him, bending down to see if he’s okay. She can’t help but fall over laughing with him, him pulling her in closer as they both wheeze out laughing on the floor.
“That was, oh my god.” He laughs, barely able to catch his breath from his laughter as they sit down. They danced for another hour, barely able to contain their laughter as tears fell down their faces. “God I haven’t had that much fun in, I can’t even remember.” She laughs, her head resting on his shoulder.
She lets out a small yawn, trying to cover it with her hand. “It’s getting pretty late.” He says, his voice hoarse due to laughter. “Yeah it is, but, there’s something I’ve been waiting for all week.” She says, making him look at her in question. Until he remembers, a smile breaking on his face. “Oh yeah I forgot, you still want me to say batman or snape lines.” He chuckles. She sits up, her eyes wide as she smiles. He can’t help but smile at the excitement on her face. “Alright fine. But you better feel lucky, I’ve had so many people ask me this and I’ve refused for forever.” “Well that’s not the only reason why I’m lucky.” She says, making him flush. “Alright, I’m guessing you want me to say the obvious one.” He says, making her nod her head in excitement. He lets out a small cough, taking in a breath. “I’m Batman.” He says in his most serious voice. Making both throw their heads back in laughter. “That was, that was perfect hun.” She laughs, her face falling in realization when she realized what she said. Her heart plummets to the bottom of her stomach. “Hey it’s okay, I kinda like it.” He chuckles.
“Okay what’s another one you want?” “Hm, how about your best snape you can.” She asks. He coughs again, reading his voice. “Mister Potter.” He says, trying his best to try and emulate the potion Professor. Making her laugh at his struggle to match the accent. “That one was really bad.” He chuckles. “No it wasn’t, tire doing such a good job.” She laughs. “You’ve got the perfect voice for both, although I do prefer your own voice over each of them.” She says, a flush to her face. “Oh yeah?” He asks, changing his voice slightly to have a more flirty tone. He watched as she flushed harder, trying to cover her face in her hands. “So you like when I talk like this?” He asks, the same tone but with a smirk on his face. He chuckles as she completely covers her face in her palms, shaking her head yes. “Then I’ve got one that you’ll really like. Come here.” He says, pulling her into his side. He looks down at her, watching as she removes her face from her hands. He has a smile on his face as he looks at her. “What up baby?” He says, making her slightly squeal out and bury her face in his chest. Making him laugh as she burrows her head into him. Wrapping his arms around her as he shakes from laughter.
“Tonight was amazing, thank you so much.” She says. Both of their arms around one another as they stand at the door.
It was extremely late at night, neither realizing how late it was until they checked the time. Neither wanted to leave, wishing they could stay in the small bubble they created that night. “Are you sure you can drive home? I can call a cab or an Uber-“ “I’m fine hun, it’s been hours and I only had a glass and a half of wine. I’ll make it home safely. Trust me, I’m really careful.” She says, a hand resting on his cheek. He can’t help but smile at her, wishing so bad to pull her back inside and having her stay. “Alright, text me or even call me when you can.” “I’ll call you when I get home okay? Now get some sleep, I can tell this past week it’s a habit of yours not to get much.” “How did you, oh wait I forgot again. Damnit.” He laughs, making her chuckle. “Yeah, can’t fool someone like me.” She teases. “Alright fine, but I’ll be waiting for that call before I even lay down.” He says, making her smile. He pulls her in for another hug, his heart beating out of his chest when he feels her soft lips press a kiss into the side of his jaw.
She pulls away with a smile, watching as his face flushes a deep red with a dumbfounded smile on his face. “Bye hun.” She says, walking away from the door, his eyes watching her until she’s out of sight. His fingers lightly touching the spot from her lips, pulling them back and seeing the small bit of red on his fingers. He runs over to his bathroom, looking in the mirror and seeing the mark of her lips on his jaw, a smile grows on his face.
He sits in his bed with his phone in his hands, checking the time every few seconds. Anxiety builds in him the longer the time goes by, only growing stronger the longer he waits. What if she didn’t make it back? Is she okay? Oh god he should’ve just asked her to stay, what if something hap-his thoughts were interrupted when his phone rings, her contact shining on the screen. Relief fills him as he answers the phone, a large breath leaving him. “Hey I’m sorry it took so long. It usually doesn’t take more than 20 minutes but there was a good amount of traffic in my way.” She says, he can hear her as she exits her car and walk up to her door. He can hear as she unlocks her door, hearing as she walks in. Her flats tap lightly against her hard floor, the sound comforting him. “Hey it’s alright, I’m just glad you made it home safely.” “You don’t have to worry about that, I’m a really, careful driver.” He lays his head down on his pillows, his eyes growing heavy. “Good, thank you for calling me. You really didn’t have to.” “But I wanted to, I knew that you’d be worrying if I made it back home safely.” He chuckles at this. “God you can really read me.” “Well I mean you do let me.” She chuckles, making him smile. “I guess I do.” He says, his voice lowering in volume due to his tiredness. “Why don’t you sleep? I can hear how tired you are.” She says, her voice calming hun further. “Alright, I’ll get some sleep. Thank you again.” “It’s no problem hun, why don’t you call me when you’re up okay? I don’t have classes tomorrow.” “Alright, I’ll call you in the morning, I hope you had a good night tonight.” He says, hearing her chuckle. “I did, have a good night hun, sweet dreams.”
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The Set Up - Harry Styles One Shot (Part 5)
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Part 1    Part 2    Part 3   Part 4  
Everything was still going great, if not better in your relationship with Harry since becoming official. You still hadn’t really told many people in your lives yet because you two wanted to sort get used it for a bit. You knew you would tell Gemma eventually, but right now it was nice watching her squirm for information. 
Your co-workers were also very interested in learning about your love life ever since they found out you were dating someone. But you couldn’t worry about adding into workplace gossip because you had a huge event and issue coming out. The 10th anniversary of The Mixtape was in a few days and everyone was working on the issue by piecing different article from the past, some behind the scenes moments and also the story and history of where it all began. 
While, the magazine part of The Mixtape hasn’t been around for ten years, what started it all as been. In addition to the magazine issue, you were having a huge party for everyone who helped make your dream possible. You really wanted Harry to be there, but you also knew what that would mean. Everyone would know about your relationship and it’s not like you wanted to hide it or anything, but you weren’t sure how he felt about doing that just yet. 
You two had sort of talked about what it meant now that you were together, but there was never really a full discussion on it. You’ve never dated someone that was as famous as he was and seeing how was how his past relationships usually become known at some point, you weren’t sure how you were going to handle that. 
Since, you were working so much on the newest issue, you hadn’t really seen Harry much since that morning when he asked you to be his girlfriend. And you felt bad about that especially since in only a few short weeks he’ll be on tour. 
Luckily, the first few dates weren’t too far and you were planning on going to at least opening night, but still, you wanted to spend as much time with as you could before then. You were eating lunch at your desk when you got a text from Harry. 
Gooooood afternoon, beautiful. Just letting you know, you are to be at my house by seven tonight. 
There will be dinner on the table, dessert in the freezer, and a surprise for you on the telly. 
You may also wish to bring a change of clothes because I’m in need of someone to tell me if I snore or not.
You smiled reading his text before quickly trying a response. 
Lucky for you, I should be done no later than five. That should give me plenty of time to head home and get back to your place. 
See you then, lovely. 
The next few hours passed by slowly and after being on the phone finalizing everything for the party you were exhausted. Part of you really wanted to just go home, take a hot bath, relax and go to bed, but the bigger part of you really wanted to see your boyfriend. 
When you got to your place, you decided to grab a quick shower, and change into more causal clothing before pulling some clothes from your closet and drawers to throw into an overnight bag. Once you had everything you needed you went straight to your car. 
You weren’t terribly far from where Harry lived, but sometimes traffic made it seem further than what it really was. It ended up taking you almost an hour to get there and you were behind annoyed and had to pee. Since Harry buzzed you in at the gate, he was already waiting for you at the door. 
He smiled holding his arms out, “You’re here.” 
“Finally,” you groaned. “Bloody traffic.” 
“I’m sorry, love,” he said taking your bag from you. 
“It’s fine,” you smiled giving him a quick kiss. 
“Hm, I’ve missed that,” he whispered pulling away. 
“Sorry,” you sighed. “Work has been crazy with everything going. You know when I had the idea to do the grand celebration and special edition issue, it sounded so much better than actually doing it.” 
“I’m sure it’ll be worth it once it’s finished,” he said pouring you a glass of wine. 
“I know, I know, I keep telling myself that, but it’s not just me. Everyone is stressed and fuses are short,” you sighed. “I really want to enjoy this celebration because I worked... my team.. everyone has worked too fucking hard to get where we are and I want to be happy about that.” 
“Hey,” he said looking at you. “Everything’s going to work out, it’s going to be fine, and you’re going to enjoy it once it’s done.” 
“I’m going to hold you to that,” you joked. 
“And besides, that’s what I decided to all of this,” he smiled. “I know you’ve been stressed and working crazy hours, so why not have a nice at home dinner with your boyfriend.” 
You smiled wrapping your arms around his waist, “Thank you, this is something I really needed.” 
He smiled leaning down to kiss you before the two of you sat down for dinner. 
Once you were finished eating, you helped him clean up, despite his protests and the met over on the couch. 
“So, what is this about something being on the tele?” You asked looking over at him. 
“Well, I asked Gemma what your favorite movie or tv show was, something that you could watch that would de-stress you a bit,” he said. 
“Oh my god!” You gasped. “You did not!” 
“I did,” he laughed. “I found it on Hulu, so I figured we could watch your favorite episodes or something.” 
“You are amazing!” You smiled wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug. “Have you ever seen it?” 
“Actually, no,” he said. “Maybe one or two episodes, or part of an episode, but no I’ve not.” 
You pulled away from him, “Wait? What? You have never seen the without a doubt the fucking best TV Show in the history of tv shows with the greatest couple ever?” 
“Uh, no,” he said with a laugh. “Damn, Gemma wasn’t lying when she said this was your favorite.” 
“Damn fucking right,” you said. “Screw my favorite episodes, we’re watching this from the beginning.” 
“Fuck, what did I sign up for,” he laughed. 
“Shush!” You said grabbing the remote and selecting season 1, episode 1. “Let the binge watching begin!” 
It was the day before the anniversary party and not only have you not found something to wear, you also hadn’t asked Harry about going. Gemma would be there and you wondered if she had mentioned anything to him. He hadn’t said anything to you about it and you weren’t sure how you felt about that. He obviously knew about the event, but he asked about if you wanted him there. 
You knew you would have to say something to him and now that you thought about it, the longer you waited the more awkward it would be. Since everything was set in place, you would spend the entire day finding the perfect outfit. It wasn’t going to be a super fancy party, but you were the co-owner, founder, and editor. 
Jam had already found her’s and was not stressing as much as you. That was one of the reasons why you two were able to work together. The two of you balanced the other out. You were at your place getting ready to head out, when your phone rang. 
“Hey, Harry,” you smiled. 
“Hey, are you on your way to the office? I thought we could get breakfast, or I could bring some coffee or something in,” he said. 
“Actually, I’m not going in the office today,” you said. “I’ve got some shopping to do.” 
“Oh, shopping? Do you mind if I tag along?” He asked. 
“That depends, how do you feel about tagging along?” You laughed. “I can’t promise it’ll be a quick trip.” 
“I don’t care,” he smiled. “I’m spending time with my girlfriend, that’s all that matters.” 
“We’ll see if you still feel that way by the end,” you laughed. 
A bit later, Harry ended up picking you up and the two of you headed into the city together. 
“So, what’s the goal for this day of shopping?” He asked. 
“I need an outfit for tomorrow,” you said. “The uh.. anniversary party is tomorrow night.” 
“It is?” He asked. “I mean, I knew it was coming up, but didn’t realize.” 
You winced, “Yeah, sorry.” 
“I take it, you don’t want me to go?” He asked softly. 
“No, it’s not that,” you said. “I want you to go, actually. I thought you wouldn’t want to go, is all.” 
“Why wouldn’t I want to go?” He asked. 
You shrugged, “I figured it would be too public for you to want to come and plus, it’s not going to be this super fancy, extravagant party like you’re used to.” 
“I don’t know if I should be offended by that or not,” he sighed shaking his head. 
“I-I’m sorry,” you sighed. 
“The public thing, I could understand, but the last bit about the party, Y/N, do you really think I’m that fucking shallow or whatever?” He asked. 
“What? No,” you said.
He simply shook his head and continued driving after the light turned green. You sighed knowing this would was going to come back and bite you in the ass. 
You reached over taking his hand in yours, “I’m sorry, I should have mentioned it earlier, but honestly, I didn’t think you’d want to come. You’ve got a lot going on, plus, we haven’t even told our friends and family about us being together, so I didn’t think you’d want to be seen publicly with me. I mean, yeah, there’s not going to paparazzi or anything there, but there will be public people who are attached to their phones.” 
“Y/N, you’re my girlfriend. I care about you, I’m fucking proud of you, so of course, I want to be there for your big night. This is a two way street, baby, I want to support you, just as much as you want to support me. I’ve seen how hard you’ve worked and how stressed you’ve been and I want to be there to enjoy it with you,” he said. “If you want me there.” 
You smiled bringing his hand up to your lips, “I want you there.” 
“Well, then it looks like I’ll be needing an outfit, too,” he smirked. 
The night of the big anniversary party was here. You were at the venue with the party planner making sure everything was getting set up and there weren’t any mishaps. Harry’s place was actually not too far from the venue, so you would be getting ready there and staying over night. Even though you two mostly talked it out, you could tell it still bothered him a little about you not mentioning the party before. 
But you couldn’t worry about that now because you had the party to worry about. Most everything was already set up, there would still be a little final touches added here and there, but you were so happy everything was going well. Once you got the thumbs up, you went back to Harry’s house to get ready for the party that would start in less than three hours. 
When you arrived, Harry was making lunch for the two of you, he smiled when he saw you. 
“Just in time,” he said. 
“Hey,” you smiled. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome,” he said kissing you quickly. “How’s the set up going?” 
“Great,” you smiled. “I can’t wait to see everything once it’s finished.” 
“Me either,” he smiled taking a bite of the sandwich. 
“Can I ask you something?” You asked. 
He nodded, “Anything.” 
“Are you still upset about me not asking you to come before last night?” You asked. 
“A little,” he shrugged. “But like I said, I can’t blame you for feeling like you did. This is still new to both us.” 
You nodded taking his hand, “It really means a lot that you’re coming though. I want you to know that.” 
He smiled leaning over to kiss you. 
A few hours later, your hair and makeup was done and you were all dressed ad ready to go. You had found a gorgeous black and white jumpsuit with a sweetheart neckline. 
“Oh boy,” you groaned. 
“What?” Harry asked pulling his suit jacket over his shoulders.
“I didn’t realize “the girls” were going to be this noticeable,” you groaned. “I don’t remember it looking like that in the fitting room yesterday. Does it look bad?” 
He smirked, “Quite the opposite actually.” 
You rolled your eyes, “You would say that.” 
He laughed putting his hands on your waist, “It doesn’t look bad, I promise. I don’t think there’s going to be any nip slips, so you’re good.” 
“I’m going to take your word for it,” you said pointing at him. 
He smirked kissing your cheek, “But you are missing something.” 
“What’s that?” You asked. 
“Hold one second,” he said walking over to his dresser and taking something out. “Now, before you freak out, I want you to know that I just happened to come across this and thought it would be perfect for you.” 
“Why would I freak out?” You laughed. “What is it?” 
He handed you a medium sized box and you looked at it suspiciously before taking into your hands to open it. When you do, its a necklace with a little diamond incrusted charm in the shape of an old cassette or a mixtape. 
You gasped looking at him, “It’s beautiful.... I... wow.” 
“Here let me put it on,” he smiled taking it from the box while you turned around. 
He wrapped it around your neck and clasped it, “There you go.” 
You turned around wrapping your arms around his shoulder, “Thank you, I love it,” you smiled before leaning up to kiss him. 
Arriving at the venue, you were shocked to see how many people were in attendance. You squeeze Harry’s hand and he gave yours a kiss. You smiled a bit before getting out of the car and headed into the venue. Harry stayed by your side as you went in through the back. 
“Ready to meet everyone?” You asked. 
“Born ready,” he joked. 
You laughed walking in to where everyone on the main staff was waiting before the big entrance and speeches. When you walked in with Harry Styles on your arm, everyone froze and their jaws dropped. 
“No fucking way,” Jam said. “This is the mystery bloke?” 
“Uh, surprise,” you laughed. “Everyone, this is Harry, this is everyone. The Mixtape staff.” 
Harry smiled making his way to greet everyone. Most everyone was still in shock and Jam smirked looking over at you with a big thumbs up. You laughed rolling your eyes before grabbing yourself and Harry a drink. 
“So, what do you think?” You asked taking a sip. 
“They seem lovely,” he laughed. 
“I think there a bit starstruck right now,” you laughed. “I’ve never seen them this quiet before.”
The rest of the night when smoothly. All the speeches, the little videos playing, photo ops, everything was just how you wanted it do go. Gemma was there and she kept giving you and Harry a knowingly smirk with a few i told you so’s thrown in the mix. Once all of your duties were finished for the night, you really were able to enjoy it and you did. 
You danced with your boyfriend and took pictures with him. You also noticed that neither of you were downing the drinks and that caused something to cross your mind. You and Harry still had yet to take that next step in your relationship, not for the lack of want. 
And the want was very high that night. When the party was over, the two of you got into the car the was picking you up. On the drive to his house, he took his hands in yours, playing with the rings on your fingers. You giggled laying your head on his shoulder. 
“Was it everything you wanted?” He asked. 
“It was perfect,” you smiled. “Thank you again for coming.” 
“Of course, baby,” he smiled looking over at you. 
The car was mostly dark aside from the glow of the screen in the front and the streetlights and cars that passed by. You brought your hand up to his cheek, pressing a kiss against his lips. He ran his hand up your arm and down your back, bringing you closer to him as he deepened the kiss. 
Both of you are obviously to the driver until he let out an awkward cough. Blushing you two pulled away from the other, anticipating the final minutes until he pulled into the driveway. You two got out from the car, making sure you had your bag and headed for the front door. You giggled as your boyfriend took your hand and practically pulled you up the steps of his home before fumbling with his keys again. 
It only took him a few short seconds before unlocked it and pushed the door in. As soon as you both were inside, he slammed the door shut, locked it, and took your hand. He pulled you closer to him, wrapping your arms around his waist as he took your face into his hands. 
Smiling up at him as you leaned your head towards him, he smirked hovering his lips over yours, teasing you for a bit of a kiss before finally pressing his lips into yours. His fingers soon found themselves in your hair as he deepened the kiss. You gripped onto his shoulders as both of you started making your way through the foyer. 
“Bedroom?” He whispered against your lips in-between kisses. 
“Fuck, yes,” you mumbled before pulling him in for another kiss. 
He smirked putting his hands on your ass and picking you up. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he carried you into his bedroom. After turning on the light, he walked over to his bed, sitting down with you on his lap. You pushed his suit jacket down his shoulders as he pulled his arms out of the sleeves. 
You bit your lip as you felt his lips against the skin of your neck and collarbone. Your fingers trembled with anticipation as you unbuttoned the remainder of his shirt, slipping it off his shoulders and down his arm. 
“So, fucking hot,” you smirked running your hand over his chest and shoulders. “And all my mine, right?” 
He smirked, “I’m all your’s baby,” 
“Good,” you whispered kissing him again. 
Less than a few minutes later, you felt his fingers on the zipper of your jumpsuit. He pulled it down slowly, his hand softly touching the newly revealed skin of your back. Since it was all one piece, you got off of his lap long enough for him to pull the fabric all the way down your body. 
“I didn’t realize you weren’t wearing a bra,” he noted as you retook your place on his lap. 
“There was one built into the top,” you smirked. “Why? Disappointed with what you see?” 
“Far from it,” he smirked. 
He didn’t waste anytime attaching his lips to your naked chest and cupping it with his hands. A moan escaped your lips as you gripped onto his shoulders. The longer he paid attention to your chest, the more you wanted his attention elsewhere, as well. 
Sensing this, he brought his hand down and slipped his hand into the last remaining piece of fabric on your body. Your grip on his shoulders, tightened as his hand moved in slowly in a circular motion. Removing his lips from your chest, he kissed his way up your neck before finally placing them back onto your lips. 
Moaning against his lips, he smirked moving his hand a little faster. 
“Fuck,” you groaned his lips. 
Smirking, he removed his hand, much to your dismay before placing his hands on your hips and rolling you over onto your back. You stared up at him, chest heaving up a down a bit more at your elevated heart rate, cheeks redden, and sweat starting to glisten your skin. You moved hair out of your face as you watched he slowly pull the black, cotton fabric from your body. 
Once it was in a ball on his bedroom floor, he ran his hands up your legs as he pushed them a bit more further apart. He crawled onto the bed, hovering over you before planting  a kiss on your lips. You smiled putting your hands on the sides of his face. 
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered. “Gorgeous, fucking sexy as hell.” 
You giggled, “Hm, thank you.” 
He smiled kissing you one last time before making his way down your neck and chest, slowly. Once his lips finally left your chest, he made his way down kissing and licking your stomach before you felt his hand returning back to it’s previous position. You gasped when you felt him inside of you, one finger, moving at an achingly slow pace. 
Needing to hold something, your fingers found their way to the sheets, gripping them as pleasure started taking over your body. Not that you were holding back  before, but the sounds erupted from your body as soon as you felt his tongue working it’s magic on you, where quite loud and you were happy the nearest neighbor was far enough away. 
The build up in your body was starting to rise, your body practically begging for releasing. When your boyfriend start picking up his pace, you knew he had realized this, and soon after you were screaming his name, along with a few choice words as the waves of pleasure took over you body. He stayed where he was until you were completely finished and then he kissed his way up your body before licking his fingers as he hovered over you. 
“I uh, take it you like that, huh?” He breathed out. 
“A little bit, yeah,” you smirked as you tried catching your breath. 
“Only a little?” He raised an eyebrow. 
You giggled nodding, “Yep,” you said making sure to pop the ‘p”. 
“Hm, then I guess you wouldn’t want to continue then?” He asked. 
“Not even close,” you smirked pulling on the top of his trousers. “We’re in for  long night ahead of us.” 
“Oh fuck,” he laughed pressing his lips against yours. 
You didn’t waste any time removing the remaining clothing off of him as you kissed him. He rolled you over onto your back as he deepened the kiss. You ran your hands over his chest causing him to moan against your lips. He pulled away from a bit, reaching over to grab something from the table near the bed. 
You smirked bringing your lips up to his neck as you kissed along the skin there. 
“Shit,” he groaned. 
“What?” You laughed. 
“I dropped it,” he groaned. 
You giggled as he leaned over even more trying to reach the foil package on the ground. You smirked reaching over and tickling his side causing him to yelp out, which made you laughed even more. After picking it up, he took in his hand and looked over at you. 
“Why do you always do that?” He groaned with a laugh. 
“Because it’s funny,” you smirked. 
“Oh, just like this is?” He smirked before tickling your sides. 
“AH! Okay, okay,” you giggled. “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist.” 
“Hm, you know what I can’t resist?” He smirked. 
“Hm, don’t know?” You asked. 
“You,” he whispered. 
You smirked leaning up to kiss him as he fumbled opening the wrapper. He pulled away from the kiss briefly and looked down at you. He brought his hand up to your forehead, pushing a strand of hair away. Smiling up at you, you reached up to return the favor before you felt him gently push into you. 
Neither of you moved for a moment, savoring the feeling of being together. You moved your hands down his sides putting them on his waist as he moved slowly. You let out a whimper against his lips. One of his hands ran up your leg as you gripped onto his back. 
By the time both of you were finished, sweat practically dripped down your bodies. The room was filled with your heavy breathing as both of your chests heaved up and down. He rolled off of you before bringing you close and taking your hand in his. He smiled bringing it up to his lips and leaving little kisses on each of your fingers. 
You giggled, “I figured you’d be tired of kissing me for a bit.” 
“I’d never get tired of kissing you,” he smirked. “Hell, I do it all the time if I didn’t need to breathe.” 
You laughed shaking your head before pushing the sheet off of you and getting up. 
“Hey, what, get back here,” he groaned. 
“I need to wipe my makeup off,” you laughed. “I’ll be back in a bit.” 
He looked over at you with a pout as he reached for your hand, except he leaned over too far causing him to lose his balance and fall onto the floor bringing you down with him. 
“Ow, fuck,” he laughed. 
“Was that because you hit the floor or because I hit you?” You laughed looking down at him. 
“Both,” he laughed. “You know this is your fault.” 
“What? How?” You laughed. 
“Because you got up,” he said. “Had you stayed in bed cuddling, I wouldn’t have fell on my ass.” 
“Or maybe it’s your fault because you’re so needy,” you giggled. 
“No, I don’t think that’s it,” he laughed pushing hair behind your ear. 
“Oh, well, then I guess since you’re not needy, you wouldn’t want to join me in the shower then?” You asked raising an eyebrow. 
“Baby, I’m as needy as needy can fucking get,” he smirked. “Now, let’s go.” 
You laughed as you got up, quickly making your way to the bathroom. 
Welp, looks like there’s going to be another part! With a bit of angst for all those who want it!
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chaoticpete · 5 years
Candy Store
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You’ve made the cast of Heather Chandler, but decided to keep it from Peter because of a comment he made. Now he has be suffer when you introduce your candy store.
Please watch this video if you dont know what Heathers the Musical is. This is the broadway performance of the song “Candy Store”. Reader is the one in red.
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This was it. Your first “big” show. The theater where the big Broadway shows would perform when they go into town was doing a play, “Heathers”.And you just had to audition, you were glad when you got the call back of either being Veronica or Heather Chandler.
“I’m sure you did amazing babe! And it seems like you’re up for two pretty big parts.” You turn to him. “Peter have you ever actually seen Heathers?” Peter blushes a looks down, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ve actually never heard of it till you started talking about…” You walk up to him and hold his face in your hands. “We’re definitely watching it tonight. It’s on Hulu. You order the food. I'll find the movie.” 
You find it and start it once the take out arrives. “So who are you going to be?” Peter asks, slightly confused. “I’m up for either Heather Chandler, she’s the one in red, the leader.” Peter mumbles out a soft oh seeing how she’s already a major bully with just being three minutes in. “Or Veronica, she’s the one whose head was in the ground.” He still nods trying to figure out what’s exactly happening. 
“Heather is such a bitch!” 
“So that’s where you get fuck me gently with a chainsaw from.”
Was just a bit of his comments just barely five minutes in. “How did you even find this movie?” You shrug your shoulders. “What can I say? Winona Ryder is mom. I see her, I watch it.” He laughs at your argument. “Would you have to change your hair or anything?” “No, my director wants us to be as natural as possible.” “Good,” he says kissing your temple. “I like your hair as it is.”
“I think you’re definitely going to be Veronica.” He says after Heather’s death scene. You look up at him arching an eyebrow. “Why do you say that?” “Well, you’re...you. I mean can you even be that mean? Heather is a mythic bitch who deserves what she had coming. I honestly don’t know whose worst, her or Regina George.” You had to burst out laughing at that. “I ask myself the same thing babe.”
You got Heather Chandler.
But you decided to let Peter keep thinking you got Veronica since you're too nice to be the mean girl apparently. Oh what little faith he had in you.
By the time opening night comes around. He’s excited to see his angel take the stage, even if she is murdering people...and kissing another guy but he tries not to think about that. All of your friends are there, Ned, MJ, Betty, Flash, Brad. Even Aunt May and your parents came. You were able to reserve a few seats up front for them.
“I thought you said Y/N was Veronica, Parker?” MJ asks him as she flips through the playbill. “She is.” “Well it says she’s Heather Chandler here.” Peter opens his book and there it is. Y/N L/N as Heather Chandler, her headshot smiling up at him. He racks his brain trying to figure out which one that is. “That’s the yellow one...right?” He asks MJ and just shrugs in response as the lights start to go down.
It’s just the opening song and he already kind of prefers this over the movie. The song slows and the kids hold up their lunch trays making a mini bridge slowly singing Heather. And out you step with a smug smirk on your face. His mouth drops slightly as a saunter out on stage in your mini plaid skirt, thigh high socks, little black Mary Jane heels and a red fitted blazer. 
You knew how much Peter loved the color red on you. The socks made your legs look like they could go on for days. The skirt being short enough to cover you as long as you don’t bend over. Your makeup looks perfect and finished with red lipstick. You knew you looked hot and you felt sexy. When it got to the introductions of the heathers during Beautiful, you did a mini spin and made direct eye contact with Peter while throwing him a wink and blowing a kiss. 
He almost lost it right then and there. He’s never seen you look so intimidating, confident, bitchy. Even your voice was more dominating. You weren't his sweet little Y/N anymore. You were the character you were casted to be. You were Heather Chandler. And he loved it. 
He feels the arousal start to wake up inside of him and he adjusts himself in his seat. But it just gets harder and harder every time you deliver a line that’s barking someone around, yelling a curse word or telling Green heather to shut up.
Then it was time to perform Candy Store.
“Are we gonna have a problem? You got a bone to pick? You’ve come so far, why now are you pulling on my dick? I’d normally slap your face off. And everyone here could watch. But I’m feeling nice. Here’s some advice. Listen up beeyotch.“ You bark at Veronica getting into formation.
He almost died at the opening dance. He slaps Flash’s arm when he whistles at how well the short skirt moves around your hips, giving a sneak peek of the shorts you have on underneath. Thank goodness. He watches with amazement as your body just moves smoothly with the beat, mouth opening at that high kick. It’s just like 20 minutes in and he already can’t wait to get you home. He’s honestly lowkey looking forward to when you die, just so you can’t be there teasing him anymore.
Oh how wrong he was again.
“Hope you brought Knee pads bitch!” You say looking into the audience as you raise from your bed. You have to stop yourself from smirking when you see Peter once again adjusting himself and his jaw clenched. You fix what was your outfit for the rest of the show, a little red silk rub. You smirk in your mind knowing Peter must be dying but unknowingly to him, after your character dies, you’ll still be prancing around in this little robe the rest of this show.
By the time it gets to the point where Martha suspects that JD is behind all of the so called suicides, his jaw is clenched so tight from how you basically demand all attention on you even in the dead. He had to move his jacket onto his lap to hide the fact this performance of yours was rubbing him in ways he didn’t even know possibly. 
“Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw!” You yell in amazement at the conversation taking place before you. ’Oh’ he thought ‘I’ll fuck you gently with something else.’ He feels his face turn red at having such a thought.
By the end of the show, he was proud of how beautiful you looked. So happy taking your bow and dancing with your castmates the intimidating demeanor all gone and replaced with your usual adorable one. Everyone stands up clapping as you guys all take your final bows, all of your loved ones whistling and clapping for you.
The curtains close and everyone rushes backstage to get their microphones taken off so they could go outside to their loved ones. You was planning on changing first but you were just so excited on seeing everyone you just decided to change after. So here you are standing outside in New York City wearing nothing but a red silk robe. You’re looking around for everyone when someone hugs you from behind.
“You did so amazing! I couldn’t believe you could be so fiesty!” MJ says turning you around and giving you a hug. All of your friends and family start complaining and giving you hugs. You almost start crying from all of the love. “We’re so proud of you sweetheart!” Your mom says giving you a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you so much guys!” You say smiling. It was decided that you guys were all going to go out for drinks to celebrate. Flash’s treat (well everyone except your parents and aunt may).
Everyone walks away except Peter to wait for you to get your stuff. “Hi.” “Hey.” You walk up to him, throwing your arms around his neck and giving him a sweet kiss. He kisses you back but you feel his hands wander down your waist to pull down your robe. “I think you've shown enough of what is for my eyes only love.” He whispers in your ear. You pull away giving him a smirk. “Do you take back what you said about me can’t being demanding?” “Oh yeah big time.” He brings you in closer, having both your bodies push up against each other and you feel something press against your leg. You look up at him wide eyed and he shoots you a wink. “Do you think you can summon heather in the bedroom?” You raise an eyebrow at that, and his face goes red. “T-that came o-out worse than I thought.” You reach up and give him a kiss on the cheek. “Well guess we’ll have to wait till tonight to find out huh?” You whisper in his ear in your “Heather” voice. You shoot him a wink and walk back to the backstage door.
You're gathering your things when you receive a text. ‘Is it possible to bring that costume also?’ You laugh and just send him a winky face, already looking forward to the events that will take place later that night.
Tags;; @sovereignparker @allegra-writes @underoosjae @hey-its-grey @spider-parker04 @marvel4geeks @peterismymans2
If you would like to be tagged in my things feel free to ask!
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Normal People, Abnormal Jobs. [Chapter 2]
Normal People, Abnormal Jobs. Relationships in the entertainment industry are never easy. Scheduling is nearly impossible, paparazzi hound you down every date, and everyone seems to weigh in their opinion. Is it possible to have a soulmate with such a demanding career?
Loosely inspired by the 2020 Hulu drama, Normal People, this story explores the possibility of finding true love in a world motivated by reputation, scandal, and money. Touching on themes of love, mental health, and adulthood, Normal People, Abnormal Jobs navigates how two musicians from opposing worlds maneuver a destiny that consistently pulls them together. It’s challenging, yes, but if it’s true love, it’s worth it.
Chapter 1.
The thumping bass of whatever house music was playing was starting to give me a headache. I wasn’t really one for the club scene. I fell more into the hole-in-the-wall pub scene. Better yet, just having a glass of wine at home. 230 Fifth, one of New York’s iconic rooftop bars, felt like a universe away from where I really wanted to be.
It felt like I had been waiting here for hours, when in reality, as I checked my watch, I’d only been here for 23 minutes. I yawned as my phone screen flashed, reminding me of tomorrow’s packed schedule. I know I hadn’t been here long, but it all felt useless, and I figured now would be a great time to make an escape.
Pushing through the crowd on the dancefloor, I started to think how silly I was for even showing up in the first place. After finishing my interviews, I threw myself into a complex beauty routine, exfoliating my skin, tweezing any loose eyebrow hairs, and giving my nails a fresh coat of polish. All on the off chance I ran into Niall tonight, which clearly wasn’t happening.
Would your nails seduce him? Would he be so wowed by your clean eyebrows that he’d want to sleep with you? Stupid. Waste of time. Of course he doesn’t want you.
Don’t go to war with yourself.
If he wanted to see you, he’d be here. With you. You’re getting stood up.
Everything that’s happening to you is what’s supposed to be happening to you, so just relax.
I gave my head a shake, hoping the motion would physically shake the voices from my mind. I felt someone grab my wrist, pulling me out of my thoughts.
“‘Ey! I was hopin’ I’d see ya tonight!” The accent rang through my ears, over whatever high pitched synth was ringing through the speakers, and immediately brought a sense of relief. “Are ya leavin’?” He raised an eyebrow at me, flicking his gaze from my eyes to the direction of the door I was heading to.
“I…” I couldn’t find the words to say as the grip from his fingertips left me feeling more intoxicated than any cocktail I’d ever had.
“Let me treat ya to a drink.” He took a step closer to me, placing my hand on his chest. “What would ya like?”
“Vodka cranberry.” I breathed out, just loud enough for him to hear. My fingers grazed against the open buttons of his shirt, where little wisps of chest hair poked out. He grabbed my hand again, leading me to the bar.
As he leaned over the counter top to catch the attention of a bartender and order our drinks, I couldn’t help but begin to think how hauntingly beautiful he was. My eyes scanned his body, from his hair, thick and perfectly disheveled, to the flecks of gold in his facial hair, to his biceps, which flexed gently as he leaned against the counter, to his long, skinny legs, that ended with the off-white converse on his feet. I felt breathless around him. My stomach began to twist, and I placed a reassuring hand against it while taking a deep breath.
Niall glanced at me. “You alright?”
I didn’t respond immediately, but the bartender commanded his attention with the drinks before he could say anything else. He had ordered something dark, perhaps a rum and coke? I couldn’t tell.
“Let’s find somewhere t’ chat.” He whispered in my ear, leading the way out of the club to an outdoor portion of the bar. 
Since most of the party was focused on the dancefloor, this area was nearly empty, and Niall pulled me over to the balcony. 
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” He looked out to the various buildings, most notably, the Empire State Building. The building was flashing rainbow lights towards the top.
“Yeah, it is.” I mumbled. But I wasn’t looking at the skyline. I was looking at Niall. A light breeze ran through the air, whirling a tuft of Niall’s hair with it. He turned to face me and smiled.
“That was a fuckin’ great performance earlier. But I saw ya cryin’ after. Everything ok?” He took a sip of his drink, not taking his eyes off me.
I blushed. “Oh, well… I’m fine now. I was dealing with a lot of anxiety leading up to this. First performance in a long time, you know? I guess it was just a release after the build up. I dealt with a lot of mental shit throughout the pandemic. Anxiety, depression, isolation… Not that I was the only one but… It was tough.” I realized I was rambling and took a sip from my glass to fill the silence that ensued. The ice rattled against the glass as my hand shook uncontrollably.
“It’s very brave of ya t’ talk about dat.” Niall pointed out.
“I didn’t mean to.” I looked down. 
Niall took a step closer to me. “No, it’s great. We need more people like ya. I deal with dat shit too sometimes. I don’t like to talk about it. You’re much braver than me.”
I shrugged, unsure of what to say. I wasn’t the best at handling compliments, and I hardly thought going on about mental issues was worthy of one.
“I didn’t get to catch your performance. Wish I did, though.” I placed my half-empty glass on the table beside me.
Niall turned out to face the view, leaning against the railing. “Eh, it was alright. Happy to be back on stage.”
“I didn’t think you’d be into my music, to be honest.” I chewed my lip, wondering what the hell caused me to say that.
That was the small talk you chose?
“What makes you say dat?” He raised an eyebrow at me.
“I’m a bit more… grungier than your sound.” I was referring to my brand as a punk artist, while I knew Niall had settled into an acoustic pop genre. In honesty, I hadn’t heard much of his music myself. But I would have to live under a rock to be unaware of his presence in One Direction.
“I listen t’ everything. Rock, rap, country, dubstep.”
I laughed, but Niall kept a straight face.
“I’ve been following you for awhile. On the charts.”
“Wow. I wouldn’t have expected that.”
“There’s no one like you, Mina. You’re one of a kind.” Niall turned to face me once again, and I realized he’d already finished his drink. Our bodies were brushing up against each other at this point, and I could feel myself being drawn into him like a tidal wave.
“Is what I think about to happen going to happen?” I closed my eyes, feeling Niall’s breath hit my face.
“Yeh.” He whispered.
“I don’t think it would be good... If people found out…” But my hands were already slinking their way around his waist.
“No one would have to know.”
And before I could get another word out, his lips were pressed against mine. 
Fire, electricity, all the forces in the universe clashing together and colliding between us. I pushed my body against his, desperate to feel him. All of him. His hands were placed gently on my cheeks, which were growing hotter by the second. He nipped his tongue against my bottom lip, making me crave him even more. I nibbled at his lips, praying to every possible deity that this moment would never end.
Why are you so obsessed with him? Creepy bitch.
This is nice. Just let yourself be happy.
You don’t deserve to be happy.
I pulled away almost immediately, bringing my hands to my eyes.
“Are ya okay?” Niall mumbled simply, although he looked like he’d just been hit by a truck. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were wide. He was taking soft, shallow breaths.
“Fine.” I coughed, swallowing the lump in my throat. “That was nice.” I turned back to face him, forcing a smile.
He peered at me for a moment, but didn’t press whatever curiosities he had further. “It was. We should do it again.” He leaned in, brushing his lips against mine.
The sheer force made my knees feel weak. I wanted to collapse. It was all too much, too soon. My stomach twisted. I felt at any moment I was going to be sick.
This time, Niall pulled away. “Mina, I can feel something’s wrong. It’s alright. We don’t have to do dat anymore.” He nodded, taking a step back to give me space.
I leaned against the wall of the building, tilting my head back and closing my eyes. I took deep breaths to steady myself, cursing myself for reacting this way. I couldn’t figure out exactly how long I’d been standing there, but when I opened my eyes, I noticed Niall sitting in front of me, watching me intensely.
“You don’t need to stay.” I whispered.
“Of course I do. I’m not leavin’ you out here alone.” He shook his head. “Take all the time you need, I’ll get you back to your place when you’re ready.”
“Niall-” I began to protest, but he stood up and pressed a finger to my lips. I wondered if he was aware of the effect he had on me.
He returned to his seat, giving me a nod.
“I’m sorry, it’s just, before the pandemic, I went through this breakup-” I started again.
“You don’t need to explain anything t’me. Just relax.”
I stared at him for a few more moments before deciding it was time to wrap up the night. Niall hailed a cab for us, opening the door for me and helping me in, all without letting go of my hand. He never pressed for conversation, he never pressured me to kiss him, he simply offered a hand to hold. A hand that I held desperately until the very end of the cab ride.
“Would you like me to walk you to your room? Obviously not to…” Niall paused. “But t’ make sure yer safe.”
I nodded. My eyes felt heavy and suddenly, I couldn’t stand the thought of not being in bed anymore. Niall helped me out of the taxi, and I dragged my feet along the shiny hotel floors, my eyes closing while Niall led the way. It suddenly occurred to me how emotionally draining the day had been. The anticipation leading up to the performance, the breakdown after the performance, the interviews, and of course, everything with Niall. I was too tired to feel anxious anymore. I could feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness.
I don’t remember getting to my room, or changing into pajamas, or even falling asleep. But I do know that the following morning, when my alarm blared to wake me up for today’s interviews, a pair of beautiful, blue eyes greeted me as I opened mine.
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
Thank you, Mommy: Bill Skarsgard (AU) & X-reader/Princess
Warnings/Notes: Smut and fluff. Happy Mother’s Day to all kinds of Mommy’s taking care of their loved ones
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 Bill reads over a new script he got in the mail. As he reads the script for the third time, he tries out different vernaculars and facial expressions for the character. The writer and director want him to send in a video test screen. This is the new normal for his audition process.
With not much to get in the way of the creative process since everyone is still on lockdown in Los Angeles, screen writers are turning out loads of projects. Meetings with studios and directs are all on video conferencing. The Corona-19 virus may have brought filming to a halt, but it could not stop future projects from starting. Bill gets a load of scripts in the mail daily. He reads over the synopsis before deciding if he wants to dive into the whole thing.
While he is working in his office you spend your time cleaning, reading, and watching either television or a movie. He only locks himself away for four to six hours a day. Sometimes a few hours more or a few less. You think this is definitely better than when he was gone for months at a time. Having Bill with you every day is a good dream you do not want to wake from.
On the other hand, Bill did not know when he would be working again. He has always saved for a rainy day. The two of you were never that extravagant on purchases but since the CDC and WHO suggested the virus could quarantine some people for up to eighteen months, he wanted to make sure money would last. No more random shopping online. He assured you, you had enough cloths. He would stop ripping your under garments off in the throes of passion so you did not have to replace them. He stopped the house keeping service not wanting anyone in and out of your home, so that saved money.  
Bill did not think you needed to worry about money with as much as he saved for a rainy day, but it was best to cut back on just a few things. He still had residual checks being deposited from merchandise sales for movies and memorabilia people were still buying. Right now, movie sales and rentals were up since everyone stayed home more so he still had a steady income. He was glad he opted in for a part of sales over a bigger paycheck.
 You laid on the couch. Feet flung up on the arm. A few pillows under your head in the center. You were reading The Institute by Steven King. Getting the chills, you decided to put the book down to watch something with some comedy in it. You flip on the television to Hulu. The first thing listed is Villains. You giggle that your man’s movie is the number one suggestion, as it should be.
Bill never watches his own movies unless he was forced to do it at a premiere. He fidgets the whole time. Picks out things he thinks he did wrong. Talks to you for hours after about how he could have done things different or better. You tell him how much you loved the acting choices he made. And remind him of the crowd’s reaction. He still insists he could have done better.
Since he should be in his office for three more hours you decide to watch. You were not able to make the film festival premiere, so you never got to watch this film yet. You prop your pillow against the arm rest so you can comfortably snuggle in to watch Villains.
You giggle a few times. Smirk as THAT ACTRESS gropes your man. Of course, you are not jealous. You know it is all part of the job. Plus, you watched him bang a chick up against a wall and do other things much more gratuitous than this. Then you bit your lip when Mickey was handcuffed to the bed letting out a slight, “Oh,”.
When Mickey says, “I know I was a bad boy. But I promise you I’ll be a good boy if you just give me one more chance, Mommy.” Your eyes are wide.
“Fuck,” you murmur as you continue to watch.
You go through the gambit of emotions while watching the rest of the movie. By the end your knees are curled into your chest as you ball your eyes out. Blanket wrapped around you. You use it to bury your head down as you continue to sop.
Bill sits next to you. He takes the controller and turns the television off. Then he pulls you into his arms. “Its just a movie Princess. I’m right here. I’m fine.’
“But Mickey’s not fine, Bill.” You look up at him tears still streaming down your face.
Bill’s lip twitches as he does his best not to laugh, “It wasn’t all sad. I heard you laughing. And um other sounds come out of your mouth while you were watching.” He pauses a few seconds, “Mommy.”
You stare at him frozen for a minute, “How long were you watching?”
“I was watching your reaction for long enough,” Bill grinned.
You blushed, “how was work today? Any great scripts come your way?” You change the subject.
“Some possibilities,” Bill leaned in to give you a lingering kiss. The blanket you held in front of you slid to the floor. “I want to wait until dusk to record a video outside of me as one of the characters that intrigued me.” He kisses you deeper as you slide under him. One of his hands reached to slide off your shorts and panties. “You will always be the best part of my life.”
Bill stood to strip his dress cloths off. He still dressed as if going to an important meeting daily, incase he had to video chat with industry people. You pulled off your shirt and sports bra as you looked up at his perfect body. He leaned down to swoop you up. You held on to his neck kissing along his jaw as he carries you upstairs to the bedroom.
He puts you down in the bed slowly as he hovered a moment with a sweet smile on his face. He grabs a condom from the draw putting it on quickly. Then pushed some phantom hair from your forehead. Repeated himself in a huskier tone that gave you chills, “you will always be the best part of my life.” Bill linked his hands with yours as he slid inside with low groan.
You whine as he filled you. He moved slower than his usual pace. It was almost torcher as your passion built up.
“Are you alright?” he murmured as he looked down at you so innocently.
“Yes,” you murmured looking in his eyes as you figured out why he seemed different.
He picked up speed with his thrusts. You mewed as you dug your fingernails into his back. You rolled your hips harder into his every thrust. He sucks in his breath. Then lets out a whine. He changed potions slight to go into it to hit your g-spot. You moan out as your orgasm hit your body. Head back as your mouth forms the perfect O. Bill breaths heavily as his balls tighten. He groans three times before he finishes. Forehead to yours as he slows.
He kisses you softly before pulls out to lay beside you., “Nothing will ever feel like this again.” Bill tosses the condom in the bedside trashcan. he  pulls you to him holding you closes quietly for while before speaking, “I hope you didn’t mind helping me getting ready, Princess. It wasn’t the same, but it was still good, right?”
You turned to look at him your hand stroked his cheek, “whatever I can do to help. You need me to be your camera person tonight?”
“Can you tape me without giving any emotional response until I am done runny through it a few times?” Bill said seriously.
“I could try,” You murmured.
“How about you make us some dinner while I work.” He kisses your lips before getting up. “I don’t want to ruin anything for you in case I get it.”
“You are so secretive about your projects,” you giggle. “I love it. I’ll make us some bison burgers and poutine. You go do your thing. Break a leg.”
Bill puts on the loosest fitting jeans he has that he uses for auditions. And a dark blue t-shirt. His cloths need to be within the character description but not take away from the dialogue.  He heads out by the pool where the twinkling hanging lights illuminate his face perfectly as he sits in a straight back chair. Two tables are setup in front of him. One for him to rest his hands on fingers laced together, forehead down touching them to start. The other table is where his phone sits on a tripod. He let the camera start filming as he positioned himself. He looks up at the camera. Eyes red as if he had not slept or has been crying. He starts his monologue.
“As I said, we had our first date night. She invited me inside. While we watched a movie, I leaned in to give her a lingering kiss. She turned off the television. I slide her panties off. She took her shirt and bra off as I took my cloths off. I kissed her again and picked her up to take her upstairs. She told me where to go. I laid her down softly. Slowly penetrated her. I know it sounds strange for a first date, but I told her how she would always be,” his voice hitched as tears streamed. “the best part of my life. She was. We had been video chatting for six months before this first date. I thought the sex was good for our first time. I took her slow and easy. I would never hurt her.” He pounded on the table. Paused a few moments reacting as if someone else was speaking. “I’m sorry. After I went outside for a smoke,” He voice crescendos, “I do not fucking know what happened.”
Bill performed this monologue for the camera on his phone a dozen more times different ways before calling it a night. As soon as he slid the glass door open the aroma of what you made him made him smile. He practically floated into the kitchen. You were setting the dining room table when you saw him. His eyes still red.
“No picking at the poutine Bill,” You knew he was going to if you didn’t stop him. “I poured the wine. Come sit. I hope your eyes aren’t red because you didn’t like how your video turned out.”
He walked over wrapping his arms around you, “I still have to edit which performance I want to send but I did the best I could. Had to make myself look upset so that is why my eyes are still all red.” He kisses you on the cheek and sits down.
“If your character cries, I’m going to cry,” you pout.
“Sometimes that’s the point, Princess,” he grins.
The next couple of weeks you notice he is growing some facial hair. Getting a bit sexy scruffy. You love the feel of it when he goes down on you. The more his mustache and slight hair under his chin come in the better you like it. Of course, you love him clean shaven. But something different is great to. It must be for some role he needs to send a tape in for, you think.
You lay in bed snuggling. Tomorrow is Mother’s Day.
“We have to make sure we video chat our Mother’s tomorrow.” You remind him.
His lips resting on the back of your neck as he dozes off, he murmurs, “ok.”
When you wake, you sit up and stretch before seeing Bill at the door holding a tray with your breakfast. “Oh, breakfast in bed.” You smile.
Bill puts the tray on your lap. He nuzzles his nose through your crazy morning hair to whisper low and airy, “I wanted to do something special for you today,” he pauses for effect, “Mommy.”
Your body stiffens. You hold your breath a moment. Did you hear him correctly?
“I’ll try to be a good baby boy today, Mommy.” He murmured. “If I’m not you can punish me, Mommy.” He got up and went to the toy chest. Tossed the handcuffs on the end of the bed. “I’ll try to be good, honest.” He snuggles back by your side kissing on your neck.
“Um let Mommy eat baby boy.” You manage. “Be a uh good boy.”
He looks at you pouting, “I need to touch you.”
“After I eat sweet boy or Mommy will have to punish you.” You try not to laugh but you are also very turned on by this little game Bill has devised.
As soon as you drink your coffee and have eaten a few bites of breakfast he starts nuzzling against you again. Kissing the back of your ear. Sucking on your neck. You love it but you also told him to wait until you were finished.
“Stop,” you ordered. “Mommy told you not to do that until she was finished. “
“But Mommy,” Bill whines. “I don’t want to stop.”
“Take the tray to the kitchen,” you took your last bite.
He got up reluctantly, grabbed the tray and gave you a big pouty face at the door before turning away.
“Come right back here when you are done young man,” you commanded. You giggled when he left.
He heard you and grinned. It all felt a little strange for Bill to not really be the dominate personality you usually craved him to be, but he also noticed you were enjoying this game so would keep it up just for you.
You attached the cuffs to the headboard how he always did. When he came back you were standing the end of the bed with a sweet smile on your face, “You’ve been a bad boy.” You smacked him lightly across the face. Then bit your lip hoping you didn’t go too far.
Bill looked shocked for a moment. “I’m sorry I didn’t let you eat your breakfast in peace Mommy.” His bottom lip stuck out.
“You know you have to be punished for being a bad boy.” You grinned. “Go on, go on. Get in bed. No touching Mommy now since you did it when I said no.”
“Yes, Mommy,” Bill whispered.
He got into bed. Your hips grinding against him as you put his wrists in the cuffs. You leaned back up on your knees looking at him in this position.
“Mommy?” he whispered as you did nothing for a for moments. “You alright?”
You leaned back to kiss up his neck. Lips brush over his as you murmur, “Such a good boy.”
You get up to take your panties off. You go to the bed and slide your hand up his leg. “Big boy needs to come out and play?”
Bill’s cock twitches, “Yes, Mommy.” He sucks in his breath. Then lets it out slowly.
You pull his boxers off. Kiss his tip making his cock rise completely. You straddle him not easing down until you kiss his lip. His eyes wide watching you as you take him in with a small whimper. He pulls at the restraints. He loves putting his hand on your tits running them down to your hips as you ride. He seethes pulling at the restraints more as you roll your hips getting into a good rhythm.
“Mommy, please let me touch you,” Bill begs as he pushes up into you powerfully.
“Patience,” you breath heavily.
You undo the cuff whimpering as he slides out a little. Bill sits up. Looking right in your eyes as he positions you over his lap better. Your knees up around his body. You both gasp for breath as his thrusts hit your core. Panting he keeps eye contact.
“Fuck, I love you.” He manages between breaths. “I should, I should pull out. No condom.”
“Don’t stop, don’t stop,” you moan. “almost there. Don’t stop.”
He holds your back. Your arm wrapped around him. Fingers holding on to his shoulder blades. Moving together in perfect sync. Your back arches as you come. Bill can’t help himself as your walls squeeze his phallus, he paints them with his seed. Your foreheads find there way to one another as he slows inside you. He lays back pulling you with him. You stay there a few moments catching your breath. Then lays beside him.
“I love you to,” she sighed exhausted.
“Happy, Mommy’s Day.” Bill pulls you in to spoon as he drifts off to sleep.
You giggle holding his hand close to your heart ready to rest.
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hotforharrison · 5 years
Meet & Greet ch 6
Chapter 5 <-- Series Masterlist --> Chapter 7
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Pairing: Tom Holland/Reader
Summary: You missed out on a Tom Holland meet and greet, but a stranger, who you are pretty sure is a Tom Holland lookalike, rescues you from your pity party for one.
Word Count: 2,028
Warnings: More smut, but that’s not all this time!
A/N: I originally intended this to be nothing but irredeemable porn, but then the beginning of feelings happened, and I just went with it.
You were a bit nervous that someone would see you with Tom in the hotel and take a picture to post online. You didn’t want him, or you for that matter, to get the level of hate that tended to happen with those sorts of things.
“You’re checking out early. Was there anything wrong with the room?” the hotel desk clerk asked.
“No, it was fine,” you quickly answered, stumbling a bit over your words. “I just had an, uh, unexpected change of plans.”
The clerk tapped at the computer keyboard in front of her. “Since you didn’t cancel with 24 hours notice, you’ll still be charged for the room for tonight and tomorrow night. Is that okay?”
“Yes,” you agreed, desperate to get this over with and far away from the hotel.
“Now, I’ll need the key card, and we can finish checking you out.”
“Shit,” you muttered to yourself. Tom had taken the key card to grab your suitcase. You thought of all the online hate you could create for what amounted to an extended hookup and decided it wasn’t worth retrieving. “I, uh, lost it.”
She seemed unimpressed. “There’s a surcharge for that.”
“That’s fine,” you said, not really caring how much it was.
As she was tapping the keyboard, you were tapping your foot.
“Okay, you’re all checked out now. Have a nice day.”
“Thanks, you too.” You walked out to the parking lot, night air still humid and heavy from the rain. You quickly glanced around to see if anyone was paying attention to you. Fortunately, no one seemed to be.
You walked to the right side of the car out of habit before you realized that the seats were reversed here, and hurried over to the passenger side to get in. You shut the door behind you and heaved a sigh of relief.
“I have the keycard.” Tom held it up.
“I told them I lost it,” you confessed.
“Why?” he asked.
“I was afraid someone would take a picture of you with me at a hotel and make all the wrong, well, I guess technically right, assumptions. I don’t want you to have to deal with that.” You stared at the floorboard.
“No one was paying attention to us,” he reassured you, taking your hand and stroking his thumb over the back of it. “It’s sweet of you to be concerned, and before we get there, no one camps outside of my apartment late at night to take pictures of me. I’m not that famous.”
You couldn’t help but laugh a little, then looked up at him. “I’m sorry. You must think I’m being silly.”
“You’re not. The paparazzi is an issue sometimes, but they don’t follow me everywhere.” He let go of your hand and started driving. “I’ve been with girls after I was cast as Spiderman without it being in the tabloids. Just have to have some discretion.”
Curiosity got the better of you. “So you don’t lead a life of celibacy?”
“Hardly. I was serious, though, when I said I don’t hook up with every pretty girl I meet. There’s been…” He paused in contemplation. “Maybe half a dozen or so, in the past couple of years? The last one was a few months ago at a party after I had a drink too many. I don’t usually enjoy one night stands as a rule.”
“So a longer-term friend with benefits?” you ventured.
“Something like that,” he agreed.
“You were willing to break your rule for me?”
“Sort of. It was probably presumptuous of me, but you had no concrete plans, and I thought you might be willing to spend a couple weeks with me instead of a couple hours,” he admitted.
“Not really presumptuous.” You glanced over at him. “I’ve had a crush on you for ages.”
“Am I living up to all your hopes and dreams?” he asked cheekily.
“I definitely imagined you’d be a less generous lover. I figured that being a movie star would have made you feel more...entitled? I’m not sure if that’s the exact term I’m looking for.” You shrugged.
“No, I get it. There are definitely some actors who let it go to their heads. I’ve heard plenty of horror stories. I try really hard to be the same person I was before Marvel came into my life.”
“I didn’t know you then, but you seem completely grounded to me.”
“I’m glad, although I have almost two weeks left to disappoint you.” He smiled over at you.
You weren’t sure you’d ever get over his smile. It made your knees weak. Well, really, he made your knees weak. You weren’t sure how long you watched his profile in the dim light, but it startled you out of your reverie when he parked.
“Okay, we’re here.”
You both got out of the car. You couldn’t help glancing around to see if there was anyone watching. He retrieved your suitcase from the trunk, carrying it for you.
“Such a gentleman,” you commented.
“I try,” he replied, drily.
You walked up to his door, and he paused. “Before we go in, you might end up taking back what you said about me being grounded.”
“Why would you say that?” you asked, curious.
“I have some Spiderman memorabilia.” He paused. “Not a ton, but, well, enough.”
You laughed. “That’s not a big deal.”
“You say that now.” He unlocked the door and ushered you in.
You walked in and looked around. There was a modest amount of Spiderman memorabilia, but it didn’t bother you. If you were in a movie, you’d want your merchandise, too.
He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a takeout menu. “Tell me what you want, and I’ll place the order.”
“You don’t have to get me dinner,” you started.
“No, I insist.” He handed you the menu.
You glanced over it, picked out your favorite dish, and gave the menu back.
He tapped at his phone for a few minutes while you watched idly, and then turned his attention back to you. “Should be here in around 45 minutes.”
“What can we do for the next 45 minutes?” You glanced over at his TV, wondering if people in the UK had Netflix or Hulu.
“I might have some ideas,” he said from behind you.
“Oh?” you wondered aloud.
“Actually, quite a few ideas.” He wrapped his arms around you, sliding a hand down your shirt to the waistband of your pants.
You were definitely on board with whatever ‘ideas’ he had in mind, but 45 minutes didn’t seem that long. “You can’t answer the door naked.”
“Who said anything about me being naked, darling?” He drew out the last word at the same time he slipped his hand inside your pants and panties.
“Oh god,” you moaned.
“Already so wet for me,” he commented as he slid a finger through your slick folds, rubbing circles around your clit without actually touching it, teasing you. “I can’t decide whether I want to get my mouth on that delicious cunt of yours again, or fuck you with my fingers and tell you all the filthy, filthy things I want to do to you for the next 13 days.”
“Please,” you begged, not caring what he chose, as long as he chose it soon.
“Bed first.” He led you to his bedroom. You kicked off your shoes and lay on his unmade bed.
He made quick work of taking off your pants and panties. “I’m gonna try something, but tell me to stop if I hurt you, or you don’t like it. Okay?”
“Okay,” you agreed.
He nudged your thighs apart and slid on his stomach between your spread legs. You draped them over his shoulders, soft material of his shirt against your bare skin. You stroked your fingers through his silky curls, and it definitely felt nicer dry than wet.
Like the last time, he dove in eagerly. His tongue quickly found your clit, and this time, he didn’t seem to want to tease you. He sucked your clit into his mouth again, flicking his tongue over it, but this time he didn’t stop.
Your orgasm hit quickly, and you felt a single finger press into you. It felt bigger than his tongue had, and definitely deeper, and a bit more uncomfortable. You didn’t really have time to process the feeling before he crooked it, and pleasure sparked in you, sharp, bright, and incredible.
You screamed his name and bucked hard against his face, fingers tangling in his hair and unconsciously tugging it.
He didn’t stop until you stilled, and then pulled his face back, finger still buried inside you. His face was glistening with your wetness. He was breathing hard.
“Are you alright?” you asked, concerned.
“Yeah. Looks like you like g-spot stimulation.” He moved his finger and crooked it again.
The spark of pleasure returned, and your hips thrust involuntarily again.
“I might be able to get you to squirt. We’ll see. How does my finger feel?”
You thought about it for a moment. “It felt really big and really deep at first, but now it just feels good. I think I might want more.”
“Maybe another finger?”
“Yeah. I’m a little nervous, but I trust you.”
He collected some of your wetness on his middle finger and pressed it gently against the index finger, still buried in you. You sharply inhaled when the tip breached you, pressure turning to a bit of pain and an uncomfortable stretch.
“Do you want me to stop?” he asked, stilling.
You gulped, knowing that his cock was never going to fit in you if you couldn’t even take a couple of fingers. You knew you didn’t have all the time in the world with him, and you wanted to make the most of what time you had. “No, don’t stop.”
“You’re doing so well, love, absolutely perfect. Just a little more.” He worked his middle finger in slowly, rubbing soothing circles on your hip with his free hand. “I promise it’ll feel much better soon. You’ll be taking my cock in no time, sweetheart.”
Although they didn’t spike your arousal the way he called you ‘darling’ did, the pet names made your heart flutter. When his palm finally bumped into your skin, you breathed a sigh of relief. After giving you a little time to adjust, his thumb started rubbing your clit in unhurried circles. The stretch and ache were still there, but you stopped noticing as much when your arousal flared again.
Your orgasm came quicker this time, but no less bright or intense. While you chanted his name between moans, he thrust both fingers in and out. He gradually built up speed, brushing your g-spot every few times, and driving you absolutely crazy.
The pleasure distracted you from the uncomfortable stretch when he occasionally scissored his fingers slightly. The stretch soon became a satisfying fullness, something you definitely wanted again. You were very, very glad your previous fears had been unwarranted.
“Such a good girl for me.” He withdrew his fingers as your orgasm subsided. “Did I hurt you?”
You shook your head. “No. It hurt at first, but then it felt really good.”
He started to lick his fingers off slowly again, making sure you were watching. “I love the way you say my name when you cum. I want to take you apart for hours, get you off on my fingers, my mouth, my cock, until we lose track of how many times you’ve cum, but I still don’t think I could get enough.”
Your already pounding pulse found its way to your clit again, and you couldn’t help the whine that escaped you.
“I promise I’ll take such good care of you, darling. I’ll-”
The doorbell rang.
“Shit.” He quickly wiped his face off on the back of his hand and adjusted himself in his pants. “You can get dressed again, and we’ll have dinner.” He paused for a second, thoughtful. “Or don’t. I’ll leave it up to you.”
He hurried off to answer the door, leaving you lying on his bed, utterly and completely sexually frustrated.
Tag list: @drown-me-before-dema-does @tom-hollands-blog @tylers-ankles-beebos-forehead @moorehollandplz @delicatepeterparker @thollandss
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go4blood · 5 years
tell me your favorite songs // c.h.
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Hello! This is the second piece in my 9to5!sos series! In case you aren’t aware, my 9 to 5 series is the boys in like, normal jobs. I have already posted the Luke one where he is a waiter. Ashton will be a barista and Michael will work in a bookstore. Hope you guys like this fic in the series! I made a playlist to go with this fic in particular with every song I mentioned!
Word count: 2.9k
Pairing: record shop!calum x reader
Content: smut, praise kink, brief choking, a lot of fluff, and good songs
You parked your car in the mostly empty parking lot of the local record store. You just bought an apartment in your hometown after finishing college, and it was great to be back to what you knew. You were a frequent customer at this particular record shop before you left for college, so when you came back, you knew you had to stop by again. You walked in and were greeted by the sound of Rebel Rebel by David Bowie playing over the speakers and monotone voice coming out of nowhere, “Welcome to Josey Records, how's it going?”
You turned to the counter to see a boy with dark curly hair and brown eyes. He had a round face and strong brows, and he sported a Guns N Roses tee and plaid trousers. If looks could kill, you’d be dead on arrival. He looked bored to death as he sorted through some boxes of records. He looked oddly familiar, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on why.
“Oh, just potentially buying a new record. Not sure which, though.” The records were sorted alphabetically, and you looked through the J’s. Janis Joplin, Jimmy Eat World, Elton John, and even the Jonas Brothers were there. There was a good mix of every genre, and you were eager to check the whole place out after 4 years of being away.
“Looking for any artist in particular? I don’t know what music you like, but I also don’t know if you only buy vinyl to display or your wall and never play. Most girls are that type.”
You were taken aback at his comment for sure. If he was planning on getting any sales, that wasn’t any way to talk to a customer. “Pardon me?Most girls?”
He shrugged his shoulders, “Well, you just seem like the type of girl to buy a vinyl of The Neighbourhood or Ariana Grande to display on a shelf and collect dust rather than any good music is all.”
Oh, he was one of THOSE types of record store employees. A music snob. He probably worships The Rolling Stones or U2 just because they aren’t mainstream. But this is the only record store in town, and you weren’t going to just stop coming here. You walked up to the counter, and looked straight into his eyes, “Listen, uh, what is it,” you looked down at his name tag and back up at him, “Calum. Wait a minute,” Everything made sense. You did know him. 11 AM until 2 PM every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday you had music theory with him your junior year of highschool. He was a music snob back then, and obviously nothing had changed, “We had music theory together, Calum Hood. Obviously you’re still an arrogant prick.”
He scoffed, “Well, sweetheart, at least I have taste, because you obviously don’t.”
You rolled your eyes, going back to the J’s and picking up To Be Continued by Elton John and setting it on the counter, “I’ve been looking for this one for a while, so how about you ring me up so I can leave.”
He chuckled, ringing it up and telling you the total with a cocky grin, obviously glad he got under your skin.
You gave him exact change and grabbed the record, leaving without a word. You got back into your car and drove to your apartment, walking up the endless flight of stairs and going inside. You took your shoes off and went to the bedroom to change into comfier clothes. You then turned on the TV and picked a show on Hulu to watch and drift asleep to.
You awoke to the buildings fire alarm going off. You cursed quietly, quickly slipping on the nearest pair of shoes and running downstairs and outside. Everyone was also slowly exiting the building one by one, extremely groggy and tired. You looked at your phone to check the time, and it was 3 in the morning. You looked down at your attire— a crop top with extremely short sleep shorts. God, you’d do anything to not be seen in your sleep clothes. A tall figure stood near you and crossed their arms, complaining about the fire alarm going off at such an hour. You looked over and to your unpleasant surprise, it was Calum. Oh, great, he happened to live in your apartment building. Absolutely splendid.
“Oh, hey, Y/N, looks like you can’t get rid of me that easily.” He smirked and you rolled your eyes, crossing your arms to cover your exposed stomach.
“Unfortunately, Cal, I really fucking can’t get rid of you.” You were obviously annoyed. You thought you’d only have to see him when you went to the record store, but now here he was living in the same building.
He looked you up and down, liking what he saw. You crossed your arms around you tighter, despite the fact that it hid nothing. He chuckled, shaking his head, “Make sure you come back to the shop, if you wanna prove you actually have taste. You got lucky after buying that Elton John album, you gained respect from me, darling.”
You scoffed, shaking your head. The alarm turned out to be a fluke and everyone was told they could go back to their apartments. You silently went back up the stairs, trying to stop thinking about Calum’s request. Was he taunting, or did he actually want to see you? You got back into bed, not being able to think of anything else.
You decided to go back to the record store and prove to Calum you had good taste in music. You parked your car and made your way inside the shop, this time greeted by the sound of Lola by The Kinks and a cheerful greeting from none other than Calum.
“Hey there, neighbor! What are you looking for this time?”
Your mind thought of any album that might possibly impress Calum. Abbey Road? No, too basic. Slippery When Wet? You already owned two copies. You sighed, saying the next thing to come to your head, “Tell Me I’m Pretty?”
He went to the computer, typing it in and shaking his head, “By Cage the Elephant? Sold the last one a month ago and never restocked. Sorry, darling. Good choice, though. Even if they’re a little mainstream.”
You leaned on the counter, resting your cheek on your hand, “Why don’t you recommend me something? Since you apparently have great taste.”
He excitedly came out from behind the counter and led me to the G’s in the indie/alternative section. He pulled out a record with a boy with candle sticks on each of his fingers on the cover. He handed it to me, smiling with pride, “This album is called This Is It by The Greeting Committee. They aren’t very popular here. They’re from Kansas City, but they’re amazing. I think you’d like them. You’ve Got Me is my favorite song on there, also Don’t Go.”
You took a look at the track list, counting the number of songs. You nodded, “Okay, I’ll listen, but only if you let me recommend you something.”
He leaned against a display, “Alright, fine. Go get something and I’ll take it home tonight and listen. It better be good.”
You grinned, handing him his choice for you and also looking through the G’s. You pulled out How To Be A Human Being by Glass Animals and handed it to him, “Youth is my favorite track, but they’re all good. Pork Soda is great, too.”
He took a look at the cover and the track list, nodding, intrigued to hear your recommendation, “How about you give me another one just for the hell of it and I give you another one?”
You nodded, and you both parted ways to go find another. You went to the T’s and picked out Tame Impala’s album Currents. Take Impala was slightly mainstream, but they were your favorite, so you took the chance of giving it to him. You met him at the counter, second guessing your choice, “I chose Currents by Tame Impala, and I recommend you listen to Let It Happen, but you might not like it because they’re sort of mainstream, so if you want I can look for another-“
He interrupted you, smiling, “I’ll listen to whatever you want me to, regardless of popularity. I got you Fleetwood Mac’s wonderful album, Rumors! I remember you mentioning you’ve never listened to them before, and I think it’s a necessity in your collection. Listen to Dreams and Gold Dust Woman.”
“You were listening? When I walked into Mr Meyer’s classroom and I asked what song he was playing? Senior year?”
He chuckled, shaking his head, “Well, of course, I can’t go on with my life knowing you’ve never listened to Fleetwood Mac! That’s a sin.”
You smiled, nodding and handing him your recommendation, “Okay, I’ll listen tonight then.”
He grinned, ringing you up, “$16.12.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, slightly confused, “Did you forget to ring up the second one? That’s really cheap for two vinyls.”
“Second one is on me. For my favorite customer.” He put it in a bag, smiling at you sincerely.
You couldn’t help but blush before uttering out a thank you and leaving to your car.
I lose all control whenever you're around
Darling, don't you know
Now I must admit
I wouldn't last a single day
Without you in it
You sat on your living room couch, listening to every word of every song on the first album he recommended. The song playing was his favorite on the album, You’ve Got Me, and you couldn’t blame him for calling it his favorite. It was a good song, and it was beautifully written.
Meanwhile, Calum was listening to your first recommendation. He would usually not listen to music that had this sound, but he really enjoyed it. And the fact that it came from you made him like it even more. He wasn’t confused about what he was feeling in the slightest— he made a point when he gave you that recommendation. That album has tons of love songs. He was enchanted by you. He couldn’t stop thinking about you. There was something about you he just loved. Maybe it was your feisty attitude, or the fact that you made a point to prove yourself to him, but he would go into a trance when he saw you. He needed to see you now. He knew which room number was yours— you were only a few floors down. He decided to swallow his pride and go down to your room. He stood in front of your door and knocked; There was no going back now.
You answered the door, surprised to see Calum there, “Oh, hey. What’s up?”
He took a deep breath, thinking of what the hell he could say, “I was wondering if you’d like to join me for dinner at my place? I’m ordering takeout, and it’s no fun to have alone.” Nailed it. But now he had to pretend he didn’t just eat leftovers already.
“Um, sure, I’d like that.” You smile, slipping on your shoes that were by the door and quickly running to take the needle off of the record and put it back in the case. You then come back and close the door behind you as you exit your apartment.
He led you to his apartment, praying it wasn’t too messy. He unlocked the door and let you go in first, following behind and closing the door.
“I’m gonna order the food. If you want, you can choose a vinyl to put on.” He smiled at you, walking to the other room to talk on the phone. You looked through his collection, and it was impressive. He had every album by Joy Division on the shelf, and he also a few rare records displayed on the wall. You looked through the ones on the shelf, surprised to see a few Mac Demarco album. Calum walked back into the living room, sitting on the couch and waiting for you to choose an album.
“So, you’re a big Mac Demarco fan?”
He sat up, seeing his copy of 2 in your hands and blushing, “Uh, it’s a guilty pleasure.”
You put it on the player, moving the needle onto it and smiling at him, “I love this album.”
He smiled, patting the spot next to him, inviting you to sit beside him. You got up, taking his request and sitting beside him.
“Listen, I’m sorry for being kind of a dick that first day you came to the shop. I feel really bad.”
You shook your head, chuckling a bit, “It’s okay, Cal. Obviously you teased me because you like me.”
He blushed, “What? Where would you get that idea, I’ve never even looked at a girl!” He laughed, looking away from you and then back. He did like you. You were both silent as the sound of The Stars Keep On Calling My Name faded into My Kind of Woman. He wanted to kiss you. He needed to kiss you. His eyes flicked down to your lips and back up to your eyes, and he moved a piece of your hair out of your eyes, “Can I kiss you?”
You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck. He leaned in and planted a kiss on your lips. At first, he was just gonna kiss you sweetly. Just to get the point across he liked you. That was all. But he wanted more than one little kiss. He kissed you again, harder this time. He pulled you into his lap, resting his hands on your hips as he moved his lips down to your neck. He paused, mumbling against your skin, “Is this alright, darling?”
You nodded, desperate for his touch. He then continued the action, peppering kisses here and there.
He came back up to look at you, singing the words of the song to you dramatically, “You’re making me crazy, really driving me mad!”
You giggled, blushing as he took your face in his hand, kissing you deeply.
He fiddled with the button on your jeans, looking up at you for permission. You nodded, and he pulled them off of you. You sat up, pulling your shirt off and throwing it across the room. He looked at you in awe, undoing his belt. His knee made its way between your legs, spreading them apart. He smiled, twirling a piece of your hair around his finger, “You’re so pretty, baby. The prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”
You blushed, shaking your head and looking away, “No no, not the prettiest.”
He frowned, putting his lips to your ear, “Let me make you feel like the prettiest girl in the world, yeah? Can you let me do that?”
You nodded, and he hooked his fingers onto your panties and pulled them off. He slowly pushed into you, allowing you to adjust to him. Your breath got quicker and heavier, and you gripped his shoulder, digging your nails into his skin. You couldn’t get any real words out, only moans.
He buried his face into your shoulder, gripping your waist with one hand to keep you in place, “You’re doing so good, darling. Taking me so well, aren’t you?” His lips met yours once more, kissing you sweetly and pulling back away.
You took his free hand by his wrist, placing his hand on your collarbones, hinting at something you wanted.
It took no time for him to understand, and he applied slight pressure to your neck. Finally, someone who actually knew how to choke. You gripped his wrist tighter, whimpering as he began to move faster inside of you.
“Are you gonna cum for me, princess? Are you ready?”
You nodded, feeling a pit in your stomach. Your walls clenched around him, and before you knew it, you came undone. You opened your eyes slowly, trying to catch your breath.
“You alright, darling? You did so good for me.” He ran his thumb over the marks on your neck, taking pride in what he left on your skin.
The doorbell rang, and Calum quickly put his jeans back on and throwing a blanket over top of you. He opened the door, and it was the takeout delivery. He quickly paid, telling the young guy to keep the change and closed the door.
He placed the bag on the coffee table, sitting beside you on the couch and handing you your clothes, “So… do you want the egg rolls or the dumplings?”
You were glad you fell for the dork from the record store.
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awashsquid · 7 years
Next in The Death of the Moon, all of which is here. This chapter is around 2000 words and it’s overall a long saga, but I’d say we’re about 1-2 chapters from the close. Like what I did here? Leave a nice comment and make me smile! If you really like it, I have a Ko-Fi here as well.
“How’s she holding up?” Makoto stirred the dip mixture in her bowl absently, more focused on Minako’s facial expression than evenly distributing the ingredients.  The movie nights at her apartment had become almost a weekly tradition now, a means to keep all of them together even without meeting over Senshi duties.
“Good as can be expected,” Minako replied flatly, reaching for a cookie even though she knew Makoto would swat her hand away.  She did so, and the blonde responded by sticking her tongue out playfully.  “I mean, she’s honestly doing great with the leg thing, she’s too distracted by her soul having been ripped from her body,” she deadpanned, rolling her eyes at the conclusion of the sentence.
Makoto silently wondered if she should feel guilty that Haruka wasn’t angsting over her leg any more given the circumstances as Minako prattled on.  “I mean, Miss Succubus isn’t doing super well, according to Rei. Guess it’s good to know there’s a heart in there somewhere.”  She rolled her eyes as her hand dipped into her pocket, pulling out her vibrating cellphone.  “Rei says she’ll be here in five.  Ami’s just got a nasty car accident in the ER, so they need all the interns on deck and she’s gonna be late.”
The dip was spooned into its serving tray, already crowded with various vegetables and crackers. “Cool.  Take this into the living room, will you?”  She thrust the tray into Minako’s hands, causing her to fumble putting away her phone before accepting the offering.  “And don’t eat it all!” Makoto called after her, turning around to take the cheesecake bites out of the fridge.
“Holy SHIT, Mako, where did you get this TV?  It’s massive!” Minako cried, ogling the new television that easily took up half of Makoto’s wall space.
Makoto crossed her small apartment quickly and set the food on her coffee table, already crowded with other treats.  “That would be a gift from the Succubus, as you called her.”  She shrugged at Minako’s stunned expression.  “It came this morning with a little card.  She said she felt bad she never comes so she wanted to send a ‘small token of appreciation,’” she added with air quotes. Michiru’s idea of “small” was obviously much different than their own.
The Outers had been invited to the movie nights, but none had ever showed up.  Haruka had been too busy drowning in her own self-loathing, Setsuna just sent polite refusals, and Michiru had never even replied.  Minako had spitefully commented that she must have felt herself too good to even lower herself to an RSVP, but Michiru’s rather lavish gift told a different story to Makoto.  She was still debating what she was going to make and send as a thank-you of her own—she had decided on a few Petit Fours but was still tossing up different flavor combinations in her mind.
“Well.  That was nice of her.”  Minako spat out the words with difficulty, sounding about as convincing as a child who had received socks instead of games for their birthday. “She’s still a soulless squid monster though,” she muttered petulantly, crossing her arms as she flopped down on the couch.
Makoto was spared from responding when the door opened, Rei marching in and slamming it behind her. “Sorry, the line at the video store was insane,” she huffed, tossing a bag with several rented DVDs onto the floor.
Minako rolled her eyes and popped a pretzel into her mouth.  “Rei, I told you, we should just get Netflix.”
“I don’t watch TV at home, Mina, and using the service once a week, its cheaper to rent a movie overnight.”
Makoto chimed in, “Actually, Rei, my new TV came with a year free of Netflix and Hulu, so…”  She trailed off and looked at the sad plastic bag wilted on her floor, a cracked corner of a case poking out.  “I didn’t set it up yet though, so this is fine for tonight!” she finished, cracking a smile to try and diffuse the tension.
Thankfully, Rei was too distracted by the mention of a new TV to go on a diatribe about corporate greed and small businesses as she spun around to look at the appliance.  “Damn, I didn’t think she was going to do this,” she said quietly, eyes roving over the huge curved screen, currently displaying the options menu.
“Wait, you knew she was going to send me this?” Makoto asked.  “Why didn’t you warn me?  The guys showed up when I was covered in flour, I felt so bad I wasn’t prepared—”
Rei shook her head as she sat next to her on the couch.  “Michiru told me she wanted to send you some kind of thank-you gift, and she told me she wasn’t sure what, so I said maybe some DVDs or a little sound bar but this…” she trailed off, hand gesturing outward lazily. “This is just Michiru not knowing what a ‘small’ present is, I guess.”
“She didn’t have to give me anything.”  She plopped onto her ottoman and nibbled the corner off of one of her cheesecake bites. She had really just invited Michiru on principle, knowing that she would never come, but it didn’t seem right to just invite Haruka and not her too.
“Of course she did,” Mina snorted.  “Her Highness is too good to slum with us peasants, so she sends us cake from the palace instead.”  She bitterly snapped a cracker in two before popping half of it into her mouth.
“Actually,” Rei snapped back, “she doesn’t come because she knows you hate her, and she thinks everyone else doesn’t like her and we just put up with her because of Haruka, and she doesn’t want to spoil our fun. But you wouldn’t know that, because you’re too intent on looking at her as some kind of monster.”  Rei’s face was flushed, and she knew immediately that she had just betrayed Michiru’s confidence, but she was too mad to care. “You know, she’s my friend, and you bitch about her all the time, and I want you to know that she never talks about you, she actually never talks about any of you, in a bad way.  I’m sick of you bashing her.  Michiru’s not perfect, but she’s a person, and though it may shock you, she does have feelings, Mina.”
Minako had slowly been grinding what remained of her cracker to dust in her fist as Rei spoke. “Haruka has feelings too, Rei. You know, Haruka?  My best friend?  That woman who Michiru fucking cheated on?  Sorry that I care a little bit more about her because she’s not some manipulative, back-stabbing —”
“That’s enough!” Makoto roared, standing up to tower over the sitting women, the veins in her neck beginning to throb.  “Minako, Michiru just did something really nice that she didn’t have to do for me, so stop badmouthing her for a few fucking hours while you’re here.  Rei, just…calm down,” she finished lamely.  The other two shut their mouths and slunk back into their seats looking thoroughly chastised, although Rei was a little smug under her abashed expression.
“God, all you two do is fight,” Makoto muttered, flopping back down and putting her head in her hands. “Usagi would be so upset if she saw us like this.”  She had meant for it to stay in her head, but she had whispered the thought aloud accidentally.
The silence lingered heavy in the air, their shared grief thickening the room with its cloying heaviness. “I miss her,” Rei whispered, and they looked up to see her crying, mascara tears falling steadily down her face. It was the first time they had seen her really cry since the funeral, and Makoto gently put her hand on Rei’s lap.
“Me too,” she added, allowing her own tears to fall, adding unneeded salt to the half-finished dessert on her lap.
Minako stared stubbornly at the television, her eyesight going blurry from the tears she was trying to not let fall.  Rei saw this and shifted towards her, trying to be tender, thinking of what Usagi would do. “Mina, it’s okay.  It’s okay if you want to cry.  We can blackmail each other into keeping it a secret that we feel things,” she joked badly, touching her hand gently to Minako’s shoulder.  Minako jerked out of the touch, and Rei, always so resistant to fire, felt for the first time what it was like to be burned.
“You guys cry.  I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine, Minako.  Fuck, none of us are fine,” Makoto added derisively.  “But we’re trying. Maybe it would be easier if we tried together instead of apart.  It’s what she would have wanted.”
“We don’t get to know what she would have wanted because she’s dead, Mako, she’s dead and she’s never coming back, and it’s —” her sentence ended with a shuddering intake of breath as her head dropped down to her chest, blonde hair falling in a thick curtain to hide her face.
“It’s not your fault.” All three whipped their heads to see Ami, who none had even noticed enter, standing with tears in her eyes.  “She’s gone, but it’s not your fault, Minako.”
Minako let out a barking laugh, and the attention turned back to her, tears now streaming freely down her face, lines of black marring her perfect complexion.  “That’s funny.  Maybe you should have gone into stand-up instead of medicine.”  No one responded.  “I told her to do whatever was necessary.  I gave her a command because that’s what General Venus was always meant for, wasn’t it?”  She glared at the ceiling, howling, “I did what you wanted, Serenity, you bitch!  I hope you’re fucking happy!  Maybe next time you should pick a better leader, or maybe wait until we’re not literally children to fucking decide that we get to give up our lives to be your- your puppets!”
Ami approached her and knelt.  “Minako, I ran the numbers, you know that.  If she hadn’t done what she did, the world would have ended.  She would have never been able to live with herself.” She sighed as her eyes looked away, seeing a battle that wasn’t there.  “She was going to do it whether you told her to or not.”
Minako slumped down, the tears falling fast and thick, dotting her leggings with dark spots.  “I know.  It doesn’t change that I was the one that gave her the order, though.”  She looked at her friends uneasily.  “If- if you don’t want me around for a while —” There was an uncharacteristic smallness, a touch of vulnerability in her voice, her self-sure veneer slipping for just a moment, the visor lowered.
Makoto said nothing, but instead crossed and enveloped Minako in a tight hug, which caused her to start sobbing in earnest again.  “You- are- the worst hugger, Mako,” she hiccupped, burying her face into the warm shoulder in front of her.  “Your hugs- make- me- cry.”
“I know, I know,” she replied soothingly, stroking Minako’s hair gently, holding her the way she remembered being held by her mother as a child, trying to convey love through just her embrace as her mother had done.  She felt Ami scoot closer and envelop Minako on the left, and after a moment of hesitation, Rei rounded out the embrace on the right, her still slightly warmer than average body temperature adding extra warmth.  They allowed themselves to cry and to mourn separately, each thinking of what they missed about Usagi the most, each thinking of what they wish they had said to her, and they held each other tighter for all of it, the silent acknowledgement that they would never have to deal with it alone.
Outside the full moon rose, its light shining gently through the window and touching the four women with its shine.
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