#i wasn't expecting any classes with them since we're a year apart but THEN I WALKED IN TO MY ELECTIVE
cosmic-spider · 6 months
Off the planet
Hi and welcome this was based off on a story I found on AO3 that I really liked. But it was discontinued so the first chapter is based a bit of the story I read.
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Everyone, please remember-" your professor, Mr Altalune, kept talking about this assignment about bringing something from your families history, something inspiring they worked on.
But of course, you didn't really care. You just wanted to leave this damn class already.
Which luckily for you, you we're going to pretty soon due to the fact that it was almost time to leave. But, even when you supposedly didn't care, your mind wandered off thinking about the subject.
"(..What could I even bring?)" you looked down at your notebook which had nothing on it besides a few doodles that you subconsciously drew, little stars, spirals, really anything random.
You zoned out a bit, just staring at your notebook and it's doodles, everything else around you seemed twice as loud. You could hear the sound of light air coming from the ventilation system, the clicking of mechanical pencils and pens, and the soft whispering of people talking.
"Hey, do you know about that rumor? About..what was their name.." The two girls behind you were talking about you as the girl speaking just said your name, another rumour about you that people were whispering about already. You guys were in college, why we're people still gossiping like they were in high school?
"No- I didn't! I need to send that to the group chat." you probably would've turned around to the two girls and tell them that you could hear them but, you didn't wanna talk.
So, you just let them continue with their conversation as they giggled to each other while gossiping like high schoolers.
Finally, the day was finally almost over. You'd have tomorrow off from college but, would have work as well.
But, at least you would get to sleep in. You started packing up your stuff into your bag, still thinking about what to bring for this assignment.
As you heard the girls go over to their friends and whisper to each other, probably telling them all about the rumor they heard about you.
Even if you wanted to yell at them, you couldn't and just, focused on leaving the class while you finally finished packing up everything and putting it into your bag before you left the place.
You made it off college perimeters and made your way to the sidewalk to go straight home to your apartment. As you stopped yourself in the middle of the sidewalk as you finally thought of what to bring for that assignment. You grinned a bit to yourself while rushing off, not a moment to waste.
Okay, maybe walking was a bad idea, maybe you should've brought your car that day. But hey, I guess that's your fault for not bringing your car to school in the first place.
Since it wasn't too long of a walk to make it to campus and back to your dorm and, the weather was supposed to be perfect today. Turns out, it wasn't. It had started raining pretty heavy but, it was worth it. Looking up with the side of your hand pressing against it, you finally saw it.
Your family mansion
You quickly glanced around for a moment to make sure nobody was looking before walking towards the front door of the mansion.
Just in case since you didn't feel like talking to someone nor explaining why you were going into this abandoned, old mansion in the first place.
You gently put your hand onto the door handle, twisting it which made you surprised that the door wasn't locked but you weren't complaining.
You hesitated for a moment before you walked into the mansion, unsure of what to expect but looking inside, it just seemed like any normal house that was abandoned for years.
Cracks, indents, mold, and vines everywhere, the whole 'horror movie house' kinda look. You started walking around as the floorboards creaked under every step you took which, made you slightly nervous everytime.
As you finally started looking around a bit more you found a folded piece of paper on the ground which was...ripped. You stared at it for a good moment before hesitantly picking it up.
Finally getting a good look at it, you finally noticed that it was actually a flyer. Looking at it, it seemed like a advertisement for some sort of museum? The biggest line read:
'Copper 9' wasn't that a planet and, wasn't it destroyed?? Nonetheless, you continued to look through it and noticed at the bottom it said 'supported by the founder of Jcjenson'
..the founder of Jcjenson..you swore that you've heard that before. Your uncle mentioned something about that before, didn't he?? Maybe he worked there..
And that's when you got the best idea
"(If I go to that museum, I'll surely be able to find some stuff my uncle made!)" you smirked to yourself a bit, and well, yes you could've found something in that house but.
It was really starting to creep you out at the moment so, as you finally decided to leave you kept the flyer in your pocket for later, still remembering the rain.
Maybe you should've at least brought an umbrella instead of your car, or maybe you should've chosen somebody else in your family for this damn assignment but now, it's too late. Finally noticing this...big white building
'Yes!!! Yesyesyes!' you smiled, rushing yourself towards the building but stopped for a moment
'..its run down...?' you took out the flyer from your pocket and looked everywhere and when you finally turned the flyer around, you noticed the date.
"GODDAMNIT!" you yelled out in agitation, who else wouldn't be pissed? You got yourself drenched for nothing practically...or, did you?
Huffing, you looked up at the building again, noticing the front door. As you looked a bit closer, you noticed the door war slightly open. You smirked to yourself
'Maybe this wasn't for nothing after all..' you put the flyer away which was now also soaking wet as you ran towards the door.
You quickly checked your surroundings and after making sure nobody was around you entered the building, only leaving the door open a crack as you finally started slowly walking around the run down museum.
Despite the fact that the museum was run down, it still had everything in it, blueprints, weapons, everything. But, there was only one thing that was very disturbing about this place, the powered off robots.
Yes, they were powered off but there was just something...wrong with it, as you looked around you found...a spaceship? You looked down at the small stand that had practically a whole essay about what this spaceship was
"(..I'm not reading all of that.)" you looked at the near end part which read:
'it will not be able to start without keys says the creator,’
you didn't read the rest of that and just thought.
"(Keys, I gotta find the keys)" you started looking around for the keys for that damn spaceship, while also looking at everything else that was pretty interesting to you and while looking, you paused at the front of a door with a sign at the top that read;
'bosses office' your lips curled into a smirk subconsciously, thinking of a great idea
"(One peek wouldn't hurt..)"you creaked open the door only your head popping out of the side, you finally opened the door all of the way before entering and started look around before you found a bunch of papers on a desk in the room. You picked one up
"(..eh, they won't know)" and started to read it
'Copper 9 has finally been inhabited by the Dissasembly drones J, V and N. They will make sure all of the faulty worker drones will be parished I'm sure of it, you have nothing to worry about at the moment besides...what was their name again? [Name], yes, [Name]. I'm sure my brother will be happy for you to be there when they are born, you have nothing else to worry about."
why were they talking about you? Who's serial designation J, V and N? What are worker drones? You shook your head
"(I'm...taking this with me)" you put the paper into your other pocket before deciding to look around again for the keys for that spaceship.
Looking at the rest of those papers probably would've took too much time anyways...as you were about to leave the room you nearly tripped on something in the middle of the room, causing you to yelp as you looked down, it was a small wooden box with indents of flowers such as roses and lilies.
You slowed picked it up and looked at it a bit closer, it didn't have a lock on it neither was it really, protected. It was pretty damaged but, that didn't matter at the moment as you shook the box you heard something inside which you thought were the keys for the spaceship it was just, a dagger
"(Well, at least I can protect myself now)" you thought, smiling a bit as you left the room with your new dagger in hand.
You were exhausted, but you continued looking everywhere for those damn keys and couldn't find them but, perhaps it would be your lucky day because as you finally made your way back to the spaceship.
You decided to at least check the inside of it to see if it had anything for this stupid project of yours and as you entering you immediately felt slightly...uneasy but, that didn't stop you.
You started looking around in the small space that actually wasn't too bad for a spaceship. Considering this has been in a run down museum for who knows how long, you finally noticed that the keys were already in the ignition which honestly.
Made you a little bit pissed at yourself but also a little bit more nervous. As you went near it you noticed a small note on the chair near the spaceship controls, and as you picked up you didn't notice that you had flipped a switch which caused the spaceship door to close
"Wha?.." you immediately looked up at the screens of the spaceship and it all showed
"Wait- NO!" you immediately started panicking you started looking over all of the controls and the room. Immediately grabbed your phone out of your pocket with the dagger and immediately tried to contact anyone you could.
You dropped your phone onto the floor of the spaceship because of how shaky your hands were at the moment.
"Dammit!" you exclaimed subconsciously before you bent down and grabbed your phone. Once again and started trying to call the person again as you watched the timer.
"I'm sorry, but-" you hanged up as it went straight to voicemail. You immediately tried again and again and again but even then it went straight to voicemail. You then tried to start texting them in hopes they would answer as you felt panic overtake you
you tried calling every number you knew, even the police but, they all went to voicemail even after trying what seemed like million of tries afterwards.
"How does the police station phone go to voicemail?!" You yelled, you felt so powerless as you looked back up at the screens.
You felt your knees go weak as you fell backwards as your back slid against the wall of the spaceship still looking at the screens.
Your knees were wobbling as you thought of all of the horrible things that could possibly happen. You could be stuck in space, or maybe even worse than that. You felt warm tear stream down your face as a voice started to say the final countdown
Off the spaceship went with you, you screamed as your head hit the wall, incredibly hard, making you drop your phone and fall into the ground and the last thing you saw before passing out were the screens showing only one thing
Destination : Copper 9
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natsubeatsrock · 3 months
Quick Notes: Chapter 545.5
Well, here we are again. It's always such a pleasure.
I wasn't planning to do this, but since EZ ended AND I'll likely get asked about it, I might as well bring this back for one more time.
Let's go!
It's crazy to see the request for the Century Quest just out on the job board. I know they can do some S-Class missions post-Tower of Heaven, but that should be kind of hidden.
It's good to see Mashima's seen the error of his ways and given Natsu his scar back. Yes, I'm still not over that after all these years.
It's been a while since we've got this explanation, but I still remember these things. Because, of course.
See? This is why this mission should have been off the regular job board.
Lucy wrote the book, got the award for the book, but it somehow isn't selling it well? This award might be in the spirit of his broke AF son.
Stuff like Levy deciding not to tell Gajeel she's pregnant and Levy telling people before they leave messes with the timeline of this series.
Gray losing every article of clothing in a panel fighting Natsu is the kind of shenanagins I've been missing from EZ.
We get one panel of Lisanna and it takes me three reads to notice it's actually her. Mashima never fails to disappoint.
I guess Ichiya spent time away from his boyfriend Mosco to be here. Hey, Mashima made the Twitter sketch of them kissing. Isn't that how it works, Nalu fans?
It's always good to see the Connells in a panel. Fine. I guess we're even, Mashima.
Part of me is mad that the Jellal trick worked at all. Another part of me thinks this was the funniest joke in the chapter.
Honestly, of all the hiding spots they could pick, Lucy's apartment might be the worst.
"What's Ichiya doing here?!" Thing I said out loud somehow makes it into the chapter a few pages later than I said it. We're all getting older, I guess.
Is it a good thing or a bad thing that Wendy's acting more like the other guild members? I wonder how Irene feels about this...
At first, it was shocking to see Erza in this house. Now, it's shocking to see how messy Natsu's house is. Fanfics have really spoiled me over the past few years.
This brings up an interesting point. The team might have gotten the all-clear for the Century Quest if Natsu could somehow convince Erza to take it.
On second thought, I get why he stole the request.
Listen, the existence of the sequel shows that they had to get permission for the Century Quest.
It's somewhat surreal to see the last panels of the final chapter before seeing the last page of this chapter.
Honestly, this was fun to do again. Don't expect any more of these again.
See you!
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Accidentally confessing to each other while laughing over something for Willie/anyone? Please and thank you
Willie groaned as he looked over his schedule for the fall. He'd needed a skills course to graduate, and Dr. Butler the guidance counsellor had told him in no uncertain terms that no, he could not do Woodworking again. Which sucked, because it was an easy A involving him revamping the birdhouse he had made his first year for the third time and not losing a digit to the power saw.
So now Willie was stuck in Home Ec.
He was not looking forward to learning how to cook and sew and a course that still had a syllabus set in the 1950's where the women were expected to make a home while the men worked in ugly suits and ties. Even moreso when he learned the teacher was Miss Abernathy, who looked like she had just finished sucking a lemon every second and hated Willie for skateboarding on school grounds. And for winning the school mural design contest when she wanted her star pupils to win.
Willie just hoped she graded him fairly because he doubted he'd win in the fight over that, he wasn't exactly popular with any of the faculty given the aforementioned skateboarding and tendency to flaut the dress code.
Thankfully when he walked into the class, he spied an empty spot at the bench with Alex and Reggie. "Hey brochachos, you two doing this class?"
Alex rolled his eyes and nodded. "The computer classes were full."
Reggie beamed. "I like baking! My MeeMaw taught me how to do all this stuff, and Alex didn't trust me to take Wood Shop on my own, so here I am."
"Well I know nothing, so you may end up helping me limp my way through," Willie said, pulling his hair into a bun. Grinning to himself when Alex flushed at the move and Reggie failed to meet his eyes.
Look, Willie knew he was hot okay? And he knew that Alex and Reggie thought so too, despite their very established relationship. It wasn't like either of them were hard on the eyes either, so if they ever wanted him to join them, well Willie was game, but he doubted that was a real possibility.
Either way, it was time to focus, as Miss Abernathy walked in, her perpetual scowl present and accounted for and she told them to take out their notebooks for a crash course in health and safety regulations for this class. Willie groaned and wondered if it wasn't too late to switch to art classes.
A few weeks later, Willie was really wishing he had switched to art. He hated sewing, his fingers were constantly getting pricked with the needles, and thus all his fabric was full of small bloodstains. He was terrified of the sewing machine, even more so when Alex used it with ease and managed to make a set of placemats. Reggie had turned in a stuffed dog with a wonky head that he gifted to Willie once he got a decent grade. Willie had managed a passable pair of funky socks, but they had fallen apart in the wash when Willie wore them.
Thankfully now they were moving onto baking. At least this meant they got to eat in class, even if Willie still wasn't sure he should be trusted with spice levels given his very white benchmates. Maybe he'd keep his experiments with poblanos for when he cooked at Julie's house during band meetings.
Band meetings that he went to, because he helped Reggie design merch, helped load and unload the van with Alex. He was fine being an unpaid roadie since it meant he saw every Phantoms show for free and the Molinas fed them all every time they were over, which was pretty often.
"We're making muffins," Alex said as Willie found his seat. "Reg wants blueberry, I think carrot would be better, so you get to break the tie."
"Why not both?' Willie asked. "They might be an interesting combo. But I call not it on grating the carrots."
"That's not...okay," Alex sighed. "You're on dry ingredients, Reggie is on wet."
"You want me to use the lactose free milk sweetness?" Reggie asked.
"Nah, I'm okay having dairy if it's baked," Alex replied. "Willie you vegan this month?"
"I missed honey too much, so no," Willie replied.
"Honey?" Reggie questioned. "Not milk? Butter? Cheese?"
Alex snorted with laughter at that, and Reggie giggled, with Willie joining in. They had many a debate over his love of cheese conflicting with his occasional veganism. And how the vegan cheese downright sucked.
Willie shrugged, still giggling a little. "I like honey."
"I like you too," Reggie said, then slapped a hand over his mouth.
Willie sat up a little straighter at that. "It's okay Reggie. I like you as well, but I gotta say, not the nickname I woulda given you."
"Please, I get stuck with hot dog and he gets something better than honey?" Alex groused playfully.
"He's cowboy obviously," Willie replied. "And I like you too hot dog, don't worry."
"Well d'uh," Alex said, blushing pink. "It hasn't been super obvious what with you flirting and wearing all your crop tops to this class even after the teacher made you sit through three different videos about appropriate clothing to cook in."
Willie shrugged. "It made you both look."
"We were looking anyway," Reggie admitted. "So how about we do these muffins, and maybe enjoy them on a picnic date this afternoon?"
"Sounds good to me," Willie said, and began measuring ingredients. And maybe whisking a little vigorously, covering them in flour, just to make them laugh. Even if they got in trouble and had to stay late to clean up the mess.
Willie didn't mind, and that afternoon, he could care less about the flour still streaking his hair because he had Alex feeding him muffins (he was right about the blueberry carrot combo) while Reggie strummed his six string, serenading them both.
And Willie had never been happier he had to do Home Ec-no matter what grade he got, his new boyfriends were more than worth it.
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12 Bar Blues in F
This recording is the second instrumental from the April/May 1960 home recording made at Forthlin Road (also known as the Kirchherr Tape). It's a little long, so be warned. Though, @peaceloveandstarrs did such a fantastic analysis, you'll want to listen to every second so you can follow along.
This seems to be an improvised blues instrumental. We can hear a steady bass, keeping a good rhythm (more evidence that Stu is unfairly maligned as a bass player). Our working theory is that Stu played the bass kind of how Ringo plays the drums, there to serve the song. We both think, had Stu actually tried, he could have become an incredible bassist. Stu was just talented, at everything, so even though he wasn't trying very hard, it's still more than just passable.
There are at least two other guitars, possibly three.
We had some discussion about who was playing lead guitar. We originally thought Paul, but this was 2 years after Paul flubbed the solo in Guitar Boogie, so the likelihood he'd take lead was low. It's therefore likely George. It's interesting hearing him mess with some chords higher up the neck. It shows the beginning of Geo's talent pretty well, we'd say.
But neither of us our instrumentalists, so we're gonna leave the rest of this analysis to someone who is.
@peaceloveandstarrs has been kind enough to write another guest post about this song:
This is definitely improvised going by how rambling the intro is and how it takes them about a minute or so to finally settle into a key signature. As with the last one I listened to, I wish the balance had been better, but again, I get that the technology at the time made sound quality less than great. There’s a lot of really neat lead guitar stuff, like the picking around 1:23 and then the bit around 1:32. I’m not a guitarist, but I know that any technical playing on any instrument takes a lot of skill and practice. So whoever was on lead on this, my kudos! (Not that that means anything 62 years later, ha!)
The bass is definitely keeping a steady tempo, which is what’s expected of a bass player when there’s no percussionist. Stu isn’t the best bass player, but he’s not as bad as people make him out to be. I love all of the chromatic runs from whoever’s playing them, like the one at 3:37. They’re such a good transition between different melodic ideas or the start of a new chord progression. The random bits of dissonance, like the one at around 5:02, are jarring now that the key’s been settled. But hey, it keeps the listener on their toes and attentive.
I love the moments where the whole thing really comes together and the individual lines fit together perfectly, such as around 5:40. And just when that settles in, you get another cool, technical line at around 5:56. Whoever is playing this (Paul? I can’t tell individual playing styles apart yet) made it sound easy. As an instrumentalist myself, technical runs always give me the most difficulty, so I can say pretty confidently that it wasn’t that easy. At least not right off the bat.
There’s a neat little groove at around 7:33 in one of the guitar lines. It’s simple, but the way it’s played (first note accented, slurred into the second part of the line) makes it have a kind of jazzy feel. I listened to that one a couple of times just because I liked it. And we get to more technical bits in the guitar line around 8:24 or so. It’s a repetitive line, but it’s so clean-sounding. Again, not easy to do. I have a hard time articulating quickly and making it sound that clean! (Granted I play clarinet, so I’m not sure if I can really compare it to a guitar…)
It sounds like Stu is trying to bring the chart to an end around 9:20 and the rest of the group didn’t get the memo! That’s a classic ending bass line, descending the scale to the tonic tone (so in this case, he landed on an F since the piece is in F… music theory classes coming in handy finally!) The last 40 seconds or so sounds like they’re trying to figure out how to end the chart. I sort of wish they’d all ended with Stu’s little descending line, but hey, the way they end it works too. Overall, it’s a nice little improvisation with lots of signs of developing talent, especially in whoever played lead guitar.
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ridleyytheriddler · 1 year
this is a very long post!! very very long!! keep scrolling if you don't want to read this, lol. literally just pretend it doesn't exist, I don't mind. if you do read it, thank you <3
For somewhere around half of the school year, I hadn't been very outgoing and just sort of stuck to myself and the people who were around me. I was satisfied, I guess... looking back, I really wasn't.
About a month ago, I started talking to people, worrying less about what they thought about me and worrying more about what I really wanted and how miserable and alone I was, and how much I hated it, and just wanted it to stop. I was definitely overwhelmed. I made around three friends over the span of two weeks; that sounds pathetic, now, but it's a very big difference from being alone.
These three friends? I'd say that things are about 20 times easier with them than it has ever been with any of the "friends" that came at the beginning of the year. In fact, I'd say that my "closest" friends (my "best" friend in particular) are the worst of them all.
Friend E, the "best friend," literally cannot hold a conversation with me without starting to get defensive and combative, and then guilt-traps me into feeling bad about it afterward. In fact, talking to her makes me defensive and combative and I hate the feeling, so so much. I hate that the only way I can describe her is as a best friend. She's not my best friend. She is not.
Friend L, the second closest friend (??) says that she shows her fondness for people by teasing them. I honestly hate being teased, because I'm kind of insecure about myself and don't like being picked on. But she pokes fun at me anyway. It hurts, and most of the time I'm able to handle it, but one time I just snapped. It wasn't even that bad. I felt like screaming, but all I ended up saying was "Ugh, I'm so fucking sick of everyone." That shut her up, apart from her just muttering, "It was a joke" under her breath. Later she texted me saying sorry, and that she would apologize in person the next day - my "friends" are actually decent people on the outside. The urge to scream and yell returned and I was honestly pretty angry still so I told her something along the lines of "Nah, it's fine, I'm used to it by now lol" because I felt so sick and so mad. She didn't apologize the next day. The worst part was, she had become the only person I trusted, since Friend E and I had been on a ~4-month streak of hating each other?
(this is getting long, sorry, i don't expect anyone to read it anyway 💀 I just want to rant)
Now let's talk about the new friends. Friend C was the first, and possibly the best. It started when she persuaded me to watch her theater show, which turned into me getting her number, which turned into us mutually texting each other at least 5 times a day. (It's died down a bit, but we still text at least twice a day!! And not just dry "hi"s and "hello"s, like full-on conversations) We bonded over our similarities and teased each other over our differences. This time, the teasing didn't hurt. It felt light and right, and everything good. She actually found out that I hadn't ever been on a roller coaster before and immediately started planning a trip to the nearest amusement park, which I now realize is completely unnecessary because we're both going to Six Flags in Chicago for a school trip, but she just did it because she wanted to.
Friend K happens to be really close with Friend C, which might have been why we even started talking to each other, but it's still more comfortable and open than E and L. We have two classes together, and we complain about language arts as we work on our art projects. The things we talk about are hilarious and completely random, and I like it. I hope she likes it too. Friend C actually started planning the amusement park trip and told Friend K about it, to which I responded I'd be the ultimate third wheel, to which C said she'd bring her girlfriend (another reason to love her, she's bi). I told her I'd become a fourth wheel at that point, and she smiled and said, "No way. We're pretty good at not making people feel excluded."
Friend A is the newest, and the shiest of them all. The anticipation was worth it. We'd known the other existed for a while, and did projects together and stuff, but never really knew anything about the other. I'd say A might be the most meaningful at this point because everything about her is calm, quiet, and interesting. Until I actually started talking to her. She's the chaotic kind of calm. She is absolutely obsessed with the Hunger Games and within the first few days of us swapping numbers, found out that I had never read it (I'm sorry, okay!! It's one of those things I've just never gotten to) and promptly gave me her own copy. Just like that. But still. She's more deep and understanding than anyone I've ever met before, and I've heard people say that introverts are like that. And yet... I'm still not 100% sure if I can trust her, because all of her friends are in the same class as the two of us, and we sit on opposite sides of the room, so the only time we ever get to really talk to each other is through texting. She obviously prefers her friends to me, but sometimes she happens to be near me, and I'm scared to wonder if that's because she wants to talk to me. I don't know. I've never actually made friends with introverts before. But... I hope this relationship doesn't die. I really hope it doesn't.
In summary- the feeling is mutual between E and L, we both hate each other, but our lives are so stuck together that we can't do anything about it. And K, A, and C? I just hope they don't ever dump me. I don't think I'd ever get over it.
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superlunarypining · 5 years
me: ohohoho wouldn’t it be fun if i asked my crush out to the next school dance, let’s see when it is!
the schedule: TWO WEEKS
me: *surprised pikachu*
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its-kall-the-clown · 3 years
Mk making valentines for everyone is something I'd like! The fluff aspect would be so cute qwq
Happy Valentine's day!! this was fun to write!
Valentine Traditions
Rating: G
Valentine's day was the best in MK’s opinion! Ever since he was adopted by Pigsy and Tang it became his favorite holiday. One of his cherished memories as a kid (really he was 16 but that's not the point) was all three of them sitting around the kitchen table making homemade Valentine cards for his class.
He remembers being covered in glitter, paste, and several shades of red paper shavings. Complaining that he was too old for this 'kiddy stuff'. And at the time he fully believed that. But Tang insisted it be fun and Pigsy went along with anything Tang wanted to do so that's what they were doing as a family.
And the more poorly cut-out hearts Pigsy made, and the more sappy puns tossed around, plus the music playing on the radio and the heart shape cookies Pigsy made...it eventually got MK into the spirit.
So now it was a tradition. Every Valentine's day they would sit around and make fun cards together with lace and hearts and glitter as a family.
Except for this year.
MK sighs and rests his head on his elbow at the kitchen table in Pigsy's and Tang's apartment. This apparently was a big anniversary for them and Pigsy's surprised Tang with an all inclusive resort vacation for the weekend. Leaving MK to glumly sulk and housesit while the lovebirds had a fantastic vacation together.
the delivery boy wishes he could say he was mad at them for leaving him all by his lonesome. But how could he be when he saw the love in their eyes as they packed? They deserved vacation to themselves at the very least. Especially after what MK put them through when he became the monkey kid.
He glances at the empty kitchen table in front of him. Tomorrow would be Valentine's day officially. And normally by now, the whole table would look like a battlefield from a dimension of paper and glitter acting as viscera.
He pushes away with a huff. There was no point in just sulking in the kitchen. Might as well sulk in bed where it was at least warm under the covers.
He kicks an imaginary can on his way out of the kitchen and passes the front door. Where his skeleton jumps out of his skin when the doorbell rings suddenly. Pigsy and Tang were gone….and MK wasn't expecting any guests….so who?
The doorbell rings again, this time insistently and he scrambled to answer it, only making sure to grab the staff leaned up against the wall first in case it was demons looking to pick a fight.
He takes a deep breath, his knuckles tightening around the staff. And then he flings the door open with a war cry on his lips.
Instead of the assassin like he's expecting. It's an ambush.
An ambush of rose petals and strawberries smelling cookies.
"Ah, thanks MK! I wasn't sure I could get my spare key out with my arms full!" Mei, states lifting what appears to be a basket full of paper roses in one hand and a sleeping bag in the other. Upon her back looks like her overnight bag too. She takes advantage of his stunned state and places everything into his arms.
Right behind her squeezes Sandy with his own box of craft supplies and what he assumes is a Tupperware of cookies. Sandy ducks his head through the doorframe with a cheerful 'pardon the intrusion~' before also making himself at home.
"What's going on?" MK asked, thoroughly baffled by his friend's presence at his doorstep.
"We're here to make Valentine cards!" Sandy boisterously yells from the kitchen he can hear the radio there also turned on suddenly and the muffled show tunes Sandy liked, starts to play.
"I don't understand. How-"
"Pigsy and Tang texted us, way before they left for their trip asking if we would take their place to keep the tradition alive.~" she totes proudly doing a little dance in place
"Oh-oh! And look who I brought!!" She momentarily dives out of view and there is the sound of a struggle before she returns with an arm thrown around a disgruntled fire demon.
"Ta-da! Red's parents are gone too so he wanted to hang too!"
"For the last time you putting a bag over my head and kidnapping me is not wanting to hang out" he huffs squirming out of her grip and straightening his coat down like the regal prince he was. MK knows Mei well enough to not be certain if he was joking about the bag on his head. Seems like a legit action she would commit.
"Well your already her sooOOO" she pushes the demon through the doorway, he trips over the threshold and lands against MK's waiting for chest and arms. She skips by with a wink leaving the sputtering demon to hiss while MK tries to let his brain catch up with the situation.
He steadies Red Son in his arms and for a second he thinks he imagined a dusting of blush on his ears.
The fire demon clears his throat and takes a step back creating distance between them while MK also tried to hide his blush.
Curse Mei and her ability to hold alcohol better than him. He always spilled embarrassing secrets (like his crush on Red son) while drunk and she always remembered the next day.
"Do you have tea in this dump?" Red Son huffs with a nose to the air. MK chuckles and puts a hand on his shoulder leading him in.
"We got more than that~"
An hour later the kitchen table is a battle zone. All manners of craft supplies, including Sandy's pastels and watercolors, were spread across the expanse of the table (and some on the floor.)
Tea was brewed, and MK got into the liquor cabinet to add it into his herbal drink. His chest felt light after the second drink and he's certain he's got flushed cheeks from the burning liquid. Red is sporting a similar flush across his face, his movements a little more dramatic and fluid. Even his fiery attitude seemed to mellow out and he even made some half-hearted Valentine cards.
Everyone was having a grand time and even at some point, Red leaned against MK's shoulder with a whine, complaining that MK's cards looked better than his. He also demanded that MK help him in a slurred state. Sandy and Mei had already finished and migrated to the living room to drink and eat more cookies together.
MK agreed to help, with a giggle leaning into his space to help hold lace down while the demon glued it down. Their fingers brushed a few times leaving MK a blushing mess.
He's glad he has the alcohol to blame at least for the added color in his cheeks
"Looks good!" MK declares when the red heart with flaming glitter that spelled out 'hot' was completed. They tried to put a 'your hot' but found Red was lacking the skills and coordination to spell that out in glue. So they just went with 'hot'. Honestly, MK found it hilarious.
Red Son raised it up over his head to examine it like it was a counterfeit bill. His tongue stuck out the side a bit as the cogs of his brain finally caught up. A wide smile spreads across his face and he nods proudly.
"It's perfect. Superb to all valentinessss!" He declares with a small hick. He then holds it out to MK with a swaying body. MK feels like maybe the alcohol on his own system was affecting him because it took him a full minute to realize Red was giving it to him.
"F-for me?" MK asked, blushing and shifting in his seat.
Red Son frowns and starts to retract his hand. "If you don't want it-"
"No!" MK snatches it out of Red's hand before he can change his mind.
"No, I want it." MK reiterates hiding his face behind the poorly made card.
Red son extends his open palm and waits. "Now give me mine." He demands with a frown on his face that reminded MK of a pouting toddler. MK honestly didn't make Red one. Thinking he had no feelings for him he tried to avoid the embarrassment of rejection.
But Red is still waiting with his drunk buzzed-out face.
MK thinks fast and places his hand into Red's, lacing their fingers together.
"This is mine…" he mutters with a blush. The demon examines where their hands are connected and then nods, seeming satisfied.
"A fair trade. I will treasure it." He brings the hand up to his mouth and places a drunken kiss on it. MK doesn't think he can get any redder. Even the cardstock paper and tissue roses can't compare to him.
"Hey! Tang and Pigsy are on the phone!!" Mei announced, skidding into the kitchen from the living room with her phone up. "Come say hi dorks!"
She exits just as quickly, either completely missing the fact Red Son and MK were holding hands, or she simply doesn't care to point it out.
With great regret, the demon removes his hand from MK's and he misses the burning heat instantly. With a wobble and MK's help, they make it back into the living room. Mei has her phone propped up against some books while everyone crowds into the video call.
Pigsy and Tang already have leis around their necks and wear those corny matching couple shirts.
One says "if lost, return to Pigsy" with a cartoon pig underneath. And funnily enough, Pigsy's says "no returns or exchanges".
"Dad! Dadsy!" How's your trip?" MK excitedly sits between Mei and Red, the demon leaning into his side.
"It's been fantastic! The island is so beautiful~" Tang croons leaning onto Pigsy's shoulder, a fruity cocktail in hand and coconut shrimp in the other. They seemed to be living their best life judging by how relaxed they both look.
"Sorry, you had to do our family tradition without us kid," Pigsy speaks and MK shakes his head quickly.
"Don't be. I've had a lot of fun today!" And he meant that too. Today was perfect. And even if his dads weren't here at least he had a good time.
"Don't have too much fun," Pigsy states with a click to his jaw, eyes growing suspicious at the demon that seemed attached to MK's side. MK chuckles and blushes a little, not helping his case.
His cheeks hurt from how hard he's smiling when he answers, his chest full of joy and love.
"No promises~"
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
Into You
I have a idea for a smutty story with Peter Parker :D maybe Y/N is a new Avenger, Peter see her at her "welcome" Party but they know each other from a few months ago where they had very great sex (maybe a few details in the story, both love hard sex. Peter is the dom :D). Y/N had a great night with all, the girls love her but peter is a bit shy because he doesn't know if she reminds him. So time after time they repeat the night (please mention it) and fell in love. That would be great haha thaaanks :)) maybe a bit Action, where Y/N looks great in her suit and Peter is surprised what she is able to
Requested by : @fabienneweasley
A/N : Reader's character is inspired by Susan Storm of the fantastic four she basically weilds the power of invisibility and creating forcefields. Hope you like this. Feedbacks and suggestions are always welcome.
Pairing : Peter Parker x Avenger! Reader
Warnings : 18+, SMUT, mature content, unprotected sex (not a wise choice to indulge), dom! peter, fwb -> lovers.
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The Avengers are fighting against madame Hydra and her troops
"Parker! Status?" Tony's voice crackles through the intercom whilst Peter fights against a group of Hydra soldiers which seems to just keep on increasing in number.
"Uh Mr Stark things are getting a little crowded over here a little back up would be nice" Peter replies back struggling to keep up the fight as he successfully webs up a bunch of the soldiers. But to his surprise a whole new troop emerges from nowhere.
"Oh no! Karen activate instant kill!" Karen activates the instant kill mode but it still wasn't enough to tackle the whole army as Peter was soon outnumbered. One of the soldiers threw a gamma ray infused bomb which if detonated can be catastrophic to anyone who is hit by its radiation. The bomb detonates with a huge blast but to Peter’s surprise a forcefield forms around it containing the blast inside it, soon the forcefield disintegrates, sucking in the deadly radiation with it like a black hole sucks in everything into it.
"Woah! what the hell was that?!" Peter was awestruck at what just happened.
Suddenly a feminine figure appeared out of the thin air in front of Peter. She was wearing a blue suit which hugged her curves perfectly, hair cascading down her shoulders. And as she turned to face him Peter felt like he was hit by a truck, it was you. He stood there like a statue still processing what he was seeing.
"You're welcome by the way" you quipped, breaking him out of his daze.
"Who are you?" Peter asks though he knew very well who you're but seeing you like this was a huge shock to him.
"Y/N Y/L/N aka storm and you're the famous spiderman"
"Yeah I'm indeed" he chuckles nervously, he was grateful that he was wearing his mask so you couldn’t see his face. You were about to say something when you got interrupted.
"Great work, Y/N" Tony's voice buzzed.
"Thank you Mr Stark" you and Peter fought side by side forcing the Hydra to retreat accepting their defeat.
After the city clean up was done a welcome cum victory party was arranged for you in the evening at the compound. Peter was shuffling on his feet in anticipation of meeting you face to face. The huge spacious hall was feeling stuffy for him. Everyone was enjoying themselves as you walked in a shimmery electric blue number looking stunning as always hair styled into loose waves a dazzling smile adorned your face, eyes scanning through the crowd and momentarily you lock eyes with Peter from across the room but you were soon to look away as if you didn't recognize him.
Peter's mind was a mess, never did he imagine he would run into you again and in a circumstance like this. He had so much to say to you. But you acted so oblivious. Don't you remember him at all? Moreover he was feeling way too shy to approach you what if you actually don't remember him. Tony clinked his champagne glass to draw everyone's attention standing at the center of the room with you beside him
"Ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce you to our newest addition to the team’’ He introduced you ‘‘The very young and talented Y/N Y/L/N!" everyone clapped and cheered for you.
"Hello everyone honored to be a part of this incredible team and looking forward to working with you guys" For a fraction of second your eyes met Peter’s and memories rushed back in. You never expected to see him again not at a place like this. What is he even doing here?
"Y/N come let me introduce you to the rest of the team" Tony offered you happily followed him as he introduced you to Steve, Sam, Bucky, Rhodes, Dr Banner and then the other ladies of the team.
"Welcome to the circus girl" Natasha joked patting your shoulder "we girls always stick together, you'll love it here"
"Yeah and any problem feel free to come to us" Wanda insisted.
"Sure" you gave a broad smile as you engaged in a hearty conversation with them, your eyes occasionally fleeting towards Peter who was standing at a corner.
"Hey kid, why are you standing there all alone? Come here" Tony called out to him. Peter hesitantly made his way towards where you were standing as you watched him intently.
"And last but not the least my young and promising protégé, kid this is Y/N and Y/N this is-" you cut him off
"Peter" Peter looked at you wide eyed you indeed remember him.
"You know him?" Tony asks amused
"Yeah we met last year at Uni. I was an exchange student there before you know I got hit by some weird cosmic rays"
"Well then great! Peter can show you around won't you kid?"
"Yeah would love to Mr Stark" he smiled.
"Looking forward to working with you, Parker or may I say spiderman" you smirked with a playful glint in your eyes strutting past him to mingle with the other guests.
The summer of last year will always be memorable for you. Firstly because you accidentally got hit by cosmic radiation and got your powers and the epic one night stand that you will never forget. You were an exchange student for the Biophysics programme at the Empire State University though you actually never fitted the perfect description of a nerd because you were never a bookworm, very much outspoken, loved to go out and yet managed to score a perfect A during exams one could say you were the best of both worlds. You were a burst of energy in a classroom full of a bunch of nerds and none of them interest you. But in that classroom full of geeks one particular brunette in glasses caught your eyes. The cute awkward guy of the class Peter Parker. He had this boyish charm that you tried but couldn’t resist. You have often caught him stealing glances at you but every time he used to turn away flustered.
Peter himself couldn't deny the fact that he was attracted to you since the day you walked into the class, you were beautiful as well as witty but he knew it very well that you were out of his league and then you started to hang out with Harry Osborn and he started dating Gwen so nothing really happened between you two. And since none of you took the initiative to make a move both of you continued to secretly have a crush on each other though it was just a matter of time.
The club was crazy packed. It was a Friday night so you weren’t exactly sure why it surprised you. You were standing near the bar deciding your drink for tonight when your eyes caught a rather unusual visitor, Peter Parker. He was sulking at the corner of the counter looking a bit tired. You ordered two drinks and took them in your hands making your way towards him. You slid a glass to him, breaking him from his thoughts as he looked up to you.
"Rough day?" you ask nonchalantly. He smiles letting out a long sigh.
"Is it that obvious?" you chuckle lightly.
"Oh no, just never took you as a club going person"
"Well you’re kind of right, I was actually thinking of getting out of here"
"So where's blondie?" you ask while taking a sip of your drink.
"Uh we're taking a break" He answers nervously.
"Oh I see" you "Then let’s drink to that" you raised his glass in front of him
"No it’s fine, I’m not a drinker actually"
"C'mon for one night, now drink up" you insisted. He gulped down the drink, slightly wincing at the burning taste down his throat.
"Let’s go" you grabbed his hand pulling him off his seat.
"To dance! We are in a club Peter" You exclaim.
"I-I can't dance" He stutters nervously.
"Rubbish! Everyone can dance" you dragged him with you. Peter stood in the middle of the dancefloor feeling a little uncomfortable as well as nervous after all he had a crush on you and the last thing he wants is to disappoint you. He watched you intently as you swayed to the music. You took his hands and placed them on your hips placing your own around his neck making him sway with you. He slowly began to loosen up and dance with you enjoying the vibe. After sometime you went to have a couple of shots together and you were nevertheless drunk.
"So you and Harry, huh?" Peter asked, downing another shot.
"Nah we're just messing around" you shrug
"So no one in our class interests you either?"
"Good boys aren't my type. I mean they're real softies and that's cute" you scrunch your nose "But I prefer a little hardcore" You gave a subtle wink.
"Maybe you're wrong to judge just by the looks"
"Well I would be happy if you prove me otherwise" You practically challenged him.
"With all my pleasure if you want" he smirks. His eyes had a mischievous glint that you have never seen before. Things escalated pretty quickly as you found yourself back in your apartment in your bedroom. Your back arched up, face buried in the pillows as Peter took you from the back.
"Fuck!" Your grip tightened on the sheets as he rammed into your throbbing cunt. His grip tight on your ass, as he pulls you back to meet with his thrusts. Your elbows felt weak nearly in the state of giving out as you jolted forward everytime he snapped his hips going deep inside you hitting your sweet spot. He places a slap on your ass as you yelp in shock. You couldn't think straight the only thing you could focus on how well he was fucking you.
His hand goes to grab your hair pulling you back, flush against his strong and sturdy chest.
"You like it don't you? To be fucked hard like the slut you’re" he growled pressing his lips roughly to yours swallowing your moans one hand snaking down to rub your sensitive bud as he fucks you hard and fast. You felt delirious as you felt the knot build inside you. You screamed out his name as your orgasm washed over he was quick to follow suit.
Though it was a one night thing but it was worth it. After that night he had truly left you wondering how a nerd like him was so fit and strong and now you know why and if you had to put it quite plainly you were properly railed by spiderman last summer.
"Sparring with you on my first day is it really necessary?" you quip
"You need to start from day one now C'mon give me your best shot" Nat stood defensively as you lunged towards her throwing a punch that she dodged without any effort before tripping you and causing you to fall on the ground. You groan in pain before pulling yourself back on your feet.
"Ow! that hurt"
"You really need to build up your lower body strength, start with some leg exercise today, do squats 3 sets 10 reps"
"Yes mam"
Peter was sparring with Sam, the moment you walked in that sports bra and skin tight pants he knew he was gone, his eyes frequently drifting away to you as he watched you work out squatting in those skin tight yoga pants which just perfectly defined your plump round ass.
"Yo Parker! Eyes here"
"Yeah, yeah sorry" Peter stutters as he feels his face heating up.
After you finished your set of workout you went to grab your water bottle. Peter's eyes were transfixed on you the whole time as he noticed a little bit of the water drizzled down the corner of your mouth trailing down to your chest just between your perfect cleavage. The only thing he could think of right now was to rip that sports bra off you and suck on to those perfect tits. You noticed your secret admirer through the glass as you sent a playful wink his way. Peter choked on his spit, turning away flustered as if a deer caught in the headlights. You turned around lazily walking towards him.
"You know I'm not a psychic so if you got something to say just say instead of staring at me like a creep" you quip.
"Wha-what do I have to say to you?" He stutters.
"I don't know, maybe hey how are you? It's been a long time" you half shrug.
"OK my bad" you turn to leave Peter scrunches his face at how stupid it was of him.
''Umm Y/N!" he called you as you turned to face him again.
"It's good to see you again"
"Good to see you too Parker" you smiled.
A few days went by like this, both stealing glances at each other from time to time when you were present in the same room or during your missions a lot of unspoken words and emotions bubbling inside of you trying to come out. Peter couldn’t help but admire this new and powerful you. He never got the chance to talk to you after that night because you just vanished from his life and now he knows why.
A new threat arrived from madame Hydra again when she seized the cube and shielded it in a dome of lethal gamma radiation. The team had already sorted out a plan to defeat her malicious plans and you were to play a big part in it.
"May I come in?" You knocked at Peter’s door. He was busy on his computer as he turned to see you outside his room.
"Huh,yea-yeah sure" He says nervously. You smiled in return and walked into his room, eyes looking around.  
"Umm so Tony asked me to discuss with you the plan of how we are going to execute the whole infiltration thing to retrieve the cube which is shielded with gamma radiation’’ you showed him a holographic structure of the dome. ‘‘Anybody entering the dome will become an abomination. So you guys will distract them and I in the meantime will disintegrate the gamma dome so you can retrieve the cube" You looked up from the hologram to find Peter staring at you intently.
"What? Is anything wrong?"
"No-no, it’s absolutely fine" Peter fumbles
"Then what is it?"
"Jus-just still can’t believe that you are here and-and-"
"have super powers just like you which by the way was shocking for me too given that we knew each other for a while" You snicker, Peter smiles shaking his head.
"So how did this all happen?"
"Well a little misadventure with the quantum tunnel in the lab I got exposed to its energy and ta da! Now I make force fields as well as can go invisible"
"But now you can save the world"
"Yeah that's true" you chuckle "So how's blondie?" Peter stiffens at your question.
"Don't know, haven't been in contact for a while" He shrugs.
"Why what happened?"
"There were some differences so we parted ways"
"Oh I'm sorry" you place a hand on his gently
"Don't be" he smiles, eyes soft, gazing at you longingly as you gazed in his eyes too for how long you didn't know before you shook yourself from the daze clearing your throat.
"Uh I think I should go to my room now"
"Yeah-yeah sure" He stutters.
The tension between you was thickening at each passing day and soon it reached its breaking point. The other team members were out on a mission in which you weren’t required so you were now in the kitchen leaning on the counter with a nutella jar in your hand and a spoon in your mouth savoring on the delicacy when Peter walked in unannounced making you jump in fright.
"Oh god!" you gasped, surprising him even.
"Woah! relax it's just me"
"I thought you were Nat, jeez" you blew out your cheeks as he chuckles.
"Please don't tell her I'm not allowed to have this as per her new diet plan"
"My lips are sealed" He assures you with a playful smile as he goes to open the fridge and takes out the juice carton to drink. You poked your finger to swipe the nutella from the edges of the jar as you lick on to your fingers. Peter was following each and every movement of yours the way your eyes fluttered closed whilst you licked and sucked your fingers clean. He gulped as he felt heat rising in his body at your teasing gestures. Your fingers fell short to scoop the leftover at the bottom of the jar as you huffed in defeat. Peter stood in front of you as he gave out his hand
"May I?" You gave him the jar his long slender fingers easily reached the bottom of the jar as he scooped the cream on his two fingers and brought it to your lips. You stick out your tongue giving a kitten lick before wrapping your lips around his fingers. You hummed sucking his fingers a little deeper as you looked at him with big doe eyes. Peter groaned feeling himself harden at the mere sight of you sucking his fingers, a little moan escaped from your own mouth as you continued sucking, swirling your tongue around his fingers coating them with your saliva. You release his fingers with a pop, a trail of your saliva connecting your lips with his fingers.
He swiped his thumb on your plump lower lip eyes flickering between your eyes and lips. Your vision was clouded with lust and so was his as his lips came down to brush against yours. Both of you were breathing heavily as you grabbed his face and sealed your lips together. He slipped his tongue in your mouth, prying it open exploring it. Your hands go to grab on to his soft curls making him groan into the kiss. His hands trail down to your ass giving it a light squeeze through your shorts
"Oh missed this so much" He gasped, pulling away for some air.
"Does Mr Stark know that his young protégé isn't that innocent he looks like?" You bite your lip as one hand goes to palm his growing bulge through his sweatpants. He grips on to your wrist a cocky grin forming on his face.
"Maybe you need a little reminder of whose name you were screaming last summer"
"Then remind me Parker" your voice is challenging yet sultry. His eyes darkened as he threw you over his shoulder like a sack of potato and carried you to his room. He dropped you on the mattress whilst climbing on top of you whilst taking of his tshirt revealing his toned torso. You ran your hands through his muscular chest encircling them around his neck as you pulled him down, your lips meeting fervently as he grinded his hips to your clothed core.
"Mmmph Peter" you pull away after sometime
"What? Is something wrong?" He asks with concern in his eyes.
"No just lock the door, don't want others to come back and know about us do you?"
"Oh, yeah OK" he went to lock the door when a mischievous idea crossed your mind. You quickly stripped out of your clothes and got off the bed. Peter turned to see your clothes lying on the floor with no sign of you in the room.
"Y/N this is not funny!" He whined as your giggles could be heard in the room.
"Find me if you can spider boy" you giggled. Peter smirked accepting your challenge as he closed his eyes and focused his senses. He was able to hear you breathing and he swiftly moved to the direction pinning you against the wall. You squeal as your whole body slowly becomes visible to Peter.
"Gotcha!" he says pining both of your wrists against the wall.
"I’ll give you that spider boy" you smirk as you went to hold on to his face but were unable to move your hands when you noticed he had webbed your wrists to the wall.
"Parker!" You glared at him.
"Who's laughing now?" he chuckles as he brushes lips on the sensitive spot behind your ears making you shudder. He parts your legs placing his knee between them whilst he drags his lips down the column of your neck to your collar bones as you whimper at his touch. He trails further down to your exposed tits attacking your soft mounds with wet kisses before latching on to your hardened bud, rolling the other with his nimble fingers. He sucked and nipped on it as you moaned loudly. He pulled away gasping eyes dripping with lust as he went to kiss you passionately meanwhile his fingers brushed against your wet heat as you arch into his touch, making him smirk as he dips a finger and brings it to his mouth.
"Mmm tastes perfect just as I remember" He sucks his finger before continuing his journey further south slowly kneeling down. He hitches your leg over his shoulder as he looks at your soaking cunt hungrily. Two of his fingers spreads your slick folds as he licks a bold stripe drawing a loud moan out of you.
"Oh fuck!" he smirks before his thin lips wrap around your sensitive bud as he dips a finger inside your heat. He thrusted in and out of you with a steady pace swirling his tongue exploring more of your pussy. He added another digit pumping them in and out of your core as you squirmed above him. One of his hands held your thigh, keeping you in place. You wanted to touch him, tug on to his hair so badly as you struggled to free yourself from the restraints biting your lips hard as jolts of pleasure coursed through your body.
You felt a tight knot building inside you and as you were about to tip over the edge to your shock he pulled away.
"What the hell Peter!" you snapped at him with frustration at your ruined orgasm.
"With that attitude did you think I would let you cum?" He chuckles darkly, you whined in anguish and desperation as you rubbed your thighs to get yourself some relief. He stands up face glistening with your arousal, his hand reaches to cup your face.
"What happened pretty girl? You want to cum?"
"Yes please Peter" you gave him your best puppy eyes.
"Such a needy little thing aren't you?" He chuckles seeing you at his mercy.
"Only for you Peter"
"Well if you be a good girl maybe I’ll let you cum on my cock" saying so he quickly got rid of his sweatpants and boxers and lined himself to your dripping entrance. He kisses you roughly before slowly sliding inside you, stretching your walls deliciously.
"Ungh shit so tight!" He grunts lifting you up from the floor with his strong arms as you lock your ankles around his waist pulling him closer to you. He begins to pound into you making you see stars hitting your spot every time he bottomed out.
"Oh feels so good Peter" you moan.
"I know baby. You feel so snug and warm around me, so perfect, my beautiful angel" he showered praises whilst sucking the nape of your neck marking you up.
"Peter please let me touch you!" you begged him desperately. He finally complied to your request as his hand went up to your wrists and ripped off the webs. Once free your hands greedily go to grab on to his face and kiss him hungrily while he keeps on with his punishing pace.
He halts for a moment still inside you as he pulls you away from the wall and carries you to the bed and lays you down gently with him on top of you. He draws back his hips and slams back right in picking up the pace from where he just left.
"Peter…" you breathed out as you felt the knot growing inside you.
"Yes baby, you going to cum? I can feel you squeezing me real hard" Your back arched when he brought his thumb to your clit drawing tight circles around it coaxing you to fall over the edge. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you gripped on to his biceps nails digging into his skin. You were a moaning mess by now, the fire burning in the pit of your stomach made you feel like you would combust any minute
"That's it baby, give it to me" Peter encouraged you.
Your body convulsed as your orgasm came crashing down on you. Peter continued with his thrusts fucking you through your high as he chased his own. His movements grew sloppier and with a few more labored thrusts you felt him twitch as he came inside you his warm release coating your pulsating walls. Your body trembled with the aftershocks as Peter collapsed on top of you panting head buried in the crook of your neck as you both gasped for air completely exhausted. He pulled out after sometime, placing a gentle kiss on your shoulder he rolled over to your side. Peter gazed at your figure as he watched your bare chest rise up and down when his eyes went to the bruises on your skin courtesy of him as concern clouded his face.
"You okay?" he asks, rubbing soothing circles on the bruised areas. You turned to him gazing into his soft brown eyes.
"I'm more than okay" you breathed out smiling with content.
Though you thought once this sexual tension between you subsidized you would be able to think clearly. But you were wrong as now you couldn't keep your hands off each other for a second. From lingering teasing touches to sneaking away from the eyes of the senior avengers in the lab or a quickie while on the quinjet during a mission. You had become addicted to each other making you come back for more after each time. Still you guys never acknowledged the course of your relationship. It scared you both what if the other didn’t feel the same way so you were content with this current arrangement of yours.
"Oh shit we’re late!" you shrieked checking the time as you turned to meet with a sleeping Peter you took your time to admire him. He looks so sweet and peaceful you really wished you could wake up to this sight everyday. You nudged Peter to wake him from his sleep.
"Peter! Peter, wake up!"
"Ungh what is it?" he groaned pulling the covers over him.
"We are late for our training" he forced his eyes open
"Huh what? What’s the time?"
"It’s ten past seven already"
"Oh shit! Cap's gonna kill me" Peter hurries out of the bed stumbling as he got tangled in the bed sheets before running to the bathroom. You laugh at his antics as you sneaked out of his room to go back to your room.
You were busy sweating it out in the gym after getting an earful from both Cap and Nat for your lack of punctuality you heard Bucky saying
"Hey queens what's with all these red marks on your neck?" you swallowed hard as Peter’s eyes bulged out in fear of getting caught.
"Umm nothing-nothing it-it was a cat, that-that I saved yesterday" he spluttered. "that darn cat, heh" he chuckles nervously.
"Wait let me see" Sam joins in too "Looks like some really big cat" he laughs
"Seems like the kid here is getting some, who is this unlucky girl who fell for you" Bucky teased
"Shut up man! It's nothing like that" Peter shoved him with his elbow.
"Oh c'mon leave my young adult alone he's way too innocent for this" Tony intervened meanwhile heat rose to your face listening to their conversation. Natasha noticed you standing all flustered.
"So is something going on between you two?" she asks you directly
"Between who?" you frowned at her question.
"You and Peter"
"Nothing! we're just good friends" you shrug "He's not even my type" you clarified totally flustered with the whole ordeal. Natasha decided to let you go though she was still suspicious with you two.
You were at the Hydra base the other avengers were busy fighting their whole army making it easier for you to reach the shielded dome. Tony and Banner had devised a plan to blast the shield off which will release a tremendous amount of energy that you will contain inside your forcefield. And as per the plan Tony blasted off the dome you created a forcefield immediately shielding everyone Peter noticed the discomfort you were facing to hold it.
"Y/N no! It's dangerous for you don't force yourself" concern laced in his voice
"I can do it, trust me" You gave all of your strength you had in your body creating a massive forcefield to contain the radiation from the blast but it was true you never did this on such a large scale and it was taking a toll on you. Your ears and nose started to bleed. Peter noticed that as he grabs you by your shoulders and tries to stop you from using more of your powers.
"Y/N stop it, you're getting weak" he was scared of losing you.
"No I can do this!" You assured him as you managed to diffuse the radiation inside the field, finally letting go. Your body was completely drained out, your vision blurring out as you collapsed unconscious.
"Y/N!" Peter was quick to catch you. You were immediately rushed to the med bay in the compound. Banner checked your vitals and everyone was relieved that you were fine but you needed a long bed rest to recover.
You woke up after how long you don't know but your body felt rejuvenated. You sit up to find Peter sitting beside you dozing in his sleep. Your slight movement woke him up.
"Oh Y/N! thank god you're finally awake" he sprung up to his feet "How are you feeling?"
"Refreshed to be honest"
"Never ever do something like that again or I swear I'll web your hands" he scolds you
"Hey it's okay, I'm OK. Come sit beside me" he sat beside you as you looped your fingers to his "See? I'm absolutely fine"
"You know how scared I was? You have been unconscious for twelve hours"
"You don't need to be so worried about me Pete"
"Yes I have to because-because.." he fumbled
"Because what Peter?"
"Because I love you Y/N!"
"What?" you couldn't believe your ears.
"Yes Y/N I love you and if anything happens to you I will be not able to forgive myself ever"
"Peter… " you cupped his face.
"I know you never had feelings for me but this the truth I love you…"
"Hey who said I never felt anything for you? You were all I could think of since last summer"
"For real?" Peter was finding it hard to believe that you actually liked him too.
"Yes you idiot, I love you too!" You pressed your lips to his. It was all soft and gentle at the beginning which pretty soon escalated into a more passionate one with teeth and tongue involved in it you got on his lap as his hands kneaded the soft skin of your ass.
"Hey Y/N! We heard you are awake-"  all the older avengers were stunned at the scene in front of them as you jumped away from each other in embarrassment. Steve was shaking his head in dismissal, Sam and Bucky had a huge grin plastered on their face while Tony was utterly shocked and amused. Nat was the first to speak up.
"Umm you seem to be doing quite well, we'll leave you two alone" she says clearing her throat.
"Aww I'm so happy for guys!" Wanda chirped before Nat dragged her away.
"Be safe kid" Tony added before leaving, adding more to your embarrassment. After everyone left you were the first one to speak up
"So how long have you been into me?"
"Since forever my love" he smirks tackling you down on your back, you squeal as he smothers you with kisses.
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
Daughter of the Sea - Chapter 1
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So, I started this on my Wattpad, and if figured I'd just put it on here! Just tell me if you want me to add you to the taglist!
Percy's POV
My name is Percy Jackson.
I am twelve years old. I'm a boarding student at Yancy Academy, a private school for troubled kids in upstate New York, and my sister, (Y/n), taking online schooling at home.
Am I a troubled kid?
Yeah. You could say that.
I could start at any point in my short miserable life to prove it, but things really started going bad last May, when our sixth-grade class took a field trip to Manhattan—twenty-eight mental-case kids and two teachers on a yellow school bus, heading to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to look at ancient Greek and Roman stuff.
I know—it sounds like torture. Most Yancy field trips were.
But Mr. Brunner, our Latin teacher, was leading this trip, so I had hopes.
Mr. Brunner was this middle-aged guy in a motorized wheelchair. He had thinning hair and a scruffy beard and a frayed tweed jacket, which always smelled like coffee. You wouldn't think he'd be cool, but he told stories and jokes and let us play games in class. He also had this awesome collection of Roman armor and weapons, so he was the only teacher whose class didn't put me to sleep.
I hoped the trip would be okay. At least, I hoped that for once I wouldn't get in trouble.
See, bad things happen to me on field trips. Like at my fifth-grade school, when we went to the Saratoga battlefield, I had this accident with a Revolutionary War cannon. I wasn't aiming for the school bus, but of course, I got expelled anyway. And before that, at my fourth-grade school, when we took a behind-the-scenes tour of the Marine World shark pool, I sort of hit the wrong lever on the catwalk and our class took an unplanned swim. And the time before that...Well, you get the idea.
On this trip, I was determined to be good.
All the way into the city, I put up with Nancy Bobofit, the freckly, redheaded kleptomaniac girl, hitting my best friend Grover in the back of the head with chunks of peanut butter-and-ketchup sandwich.
Grover was an easy target. He was scrawny. He cried when he got frustrated. He must've been held back several grades because he was the only sixth grader with acne and the start of a wispy beard on his chin. On top of all that, he was crippled. He had a note excusing him from PE for the rest of his life because he had some kind of muscular disease in his legs. He walked funny, like every step hurt him, but don't let that fool you. You should've seen him run when it was enchilada day in the cafeteria.
Anyway, Nancy Bobofit was throwing wads of sandwiches that stuck in his curly brown hair, and she knew I couldn't do anything back to her because I was already on probation. The headmaster had threatened me with death by in-school suspension if anything bad, embarrassing, or even mildly entertaining happened on this trip.
"I'm going to kill her," I mumble.
Grover tries to calm me down. "I'm okay. I like peanut butter -" He dodges another piece of Nancy's lunch.
"That's it." I start to get up, but Grover pulls me back to my seat.
"You're already on probation," he reminds me. "You know who'll get blamed if anything happens."
Mr. Brunner leads the museum tour.
He rides up front in his wheelchair, guiding us through the big echoey galleries, past marble statues and glass cases full of really old black-and-orange pottery.
It blows my mind that this stuff had survived for two thousand, three thousand years.
He gathers us around a thirteen-foot-tall stone column with a big sphinx on the top, and starts telling us how it was a grave marker, a stele, for a girl about our age. He told us about the carvings on the sides. I was trying to listen to what he had to say, because it was kind of interesting, but everybody around me was talking, and every time I told them to shut up, the other teacher chaperone, Mrs. Dodds, would give me the evil eye.
Mrs. Dodds was this little math teacher from Georgia who always wore a black leather jacket, even though she was fifty years old. She looked mean enough to ride a Harley right into your locker. She had come to Yancy halfway through the year when our last math teacher had a nervous breakdown.
From her first day, Mrs. Dodds loved Nancy Bobofit and figured I was devil spawn. She would point her crooked finger at me and say, "Now, honey," real sweet, and I knew I was going to get after-school detention for a month.
One time, after she'd made me erase answers out of old math workbooks until midnight, I told Grover I didn't think Mrs. Dodds was human. He looked at me, real serious, and said, "You're absolutely right."
Mr. Brunner keeps talking about Greek funeral art.
Finally, Nancy Bobofit snickers something about the naked guy on the stele, and I turn around and say, "Will you shut up?"
It comes out louder than I meant it to.
The whole group laughs. Mr. Brunner stops his story. "Mr. Jackson," he says, "did you have a comment?"
My face is totally red, I think. I answer, "No, sir."
Mr. Brunner points to one of the pictures on the stele. "Perhaps you'll tell us what this picture represents?"
I look at the carving, and feel a flush of relief, because I actually recognize it. "That's Kronos eating his kids, right?"
"Yes," Mr. Brunner says, obviously not satisfied. "And he did this because..."
"Well..." I rack my brain to remember. (Y/n) would have known the answer. She was nuts for this kind of stuff. "Kronos was the king god, and —"
"God?" Mr. Brunner asks.
"Titan," I correct myself. "And...he didn't trust his kids, who were the gods. So, um, Kronos ate them, right? But his wife hid baby Zeus, and gave Kronos a rock to eat instead. And later, when Zeus grew up, he tricked his dad, Kronos, into barfing up his brothers and sisters—"
"Eeew!" says one of the girls behind me.
"—and so there was this big fight between the gods and the Titans," I continue, "and the gods won."
Some snickers from the group.
Behind me, Nancy Bobofit mumbles to a friend, "Like we're going to use this in real life. Like it's going to say on our job applications, 'Please explain why Kronos ate his kids.'"
"And why, Mr. Jackson," Brunner says, "to paraphrase Miss Bobofit's excellent question, does this matter in real life?"
"Busted," Grover mutters.
"Shut up," Nancy hisses, her face even brighter red than her hair.
At least Nancy got packed, too. Mr. Brunner was the only one who ever caught her saying anything wrong. He had radar ears.
I think about his question, and shrug. "I don't know, sir."
"I see." Mr. Brunner looks disappointed. "Well, half credit, Mr. Jackson. Zeus did indeed feed Kronos a mixture of mustard and wine, which made him disgorge his other five children, who, of course, being immortal gods, had been living and growing up completely undigested in the Titan's stomach. The gods defeated their father, sliced him to pieces with his own scythe, and scattered his remains in Tartarus, the darkest part of the Underworld. On that happy note, it's time for lunch. Mrs. Dodds, would you lead us back outside?"
The class drifts off, the girls holding their stomachs, the guys pushing each other around and acting like doofuses.
Grover and I were about to follow when Mr. Brunner said, "Mr. Jackson."
I knew that was coming.
I tell Grover to keep going; then I turn toward Mr. Brunner. "Sir?" Mr. Brunner had this look that wouldn't let you go—intense brown eyes that could've been a thousand years old and had seen everything. "You must learn the answer to my question," Mr. Brunner tells me.
"About the Titans?"
'"About real life. And how your studies apply to it."
"What you learn from me," he says, "is vitally important. I expect you to treat it as such. I will accept only the best from you, Percy Jackson."
I mean, sure, it was kind of cool on tournament days, when he dressed up in a suit of Roman armor and shouted: "What ho!" and challenged us, swordpoint against chalk, to run to the board and name every Greek and Roman person who had ever lived, and their mother, and what god they worshipped. But Mr. Brunner expected me to be as good as everybody else, despite the fact that I have dyslexia and attention deficit disorder and I had never made above a C– in my life. No—he didn't expect me to be as good; he expected me to be better. And I just couldn't learn all those names and facts, much less spell them correctly.
I mumble something about trying harder, while Mr. Brunner takes one long sad look at the stele, like he'd been at this girl's funeral.
He tells me to go outside and eat my lunch.
The class gathers on the front steps of the museum, where we can watch the foot traffic along Fifth Avenue.
Overhead, a huge storm is brewing, with clouds blacker than I'd ever seen over the city. I figure maybe it was global warming or something, because the weather all across New York state had been weird since Christmas. We'd had massive snow storms, flooding, wildfires from lightning strikes. I wouldn't have been surprised if this was a hurricane blowing in.
Nobody else seems to notice, though. Some of the guys are pelting pigeons with Lunchables crackers. Nancy Bobofit is trying to pickpocket something from a lady's purse, and, of course, Mrs. Dodds isn't seeing a thing.
Grover and I sit on the edge of the fountain, away from the others. We thought that maybe if we did that, everybody wouldn't know we were from that school—the school for loser freaks who couldn't make it elsewhere.
"Detention?" Grover asked.
"Nah," I said. "Not from Brunner. I just wish he'd lay off me sometimes. I mean—I'm not a genius, not like (Y/n). She seems to know everything."
Grover doesn't say anything for a while. Then, when I think he is going to give me some deep philosophical comment to make me feel better, he asks, "Can I have your apple?"
I don't have much of an appetite, so I let him take it.
I watch the stream of cabs going down Fifth Avenue, and think about my mom's apartment, only a little ways uptown from where we sit. I hadn't seen her or my sister since Christmas. I want so bad to jump in a taxi and head home. Mom and (Y/n) would hug me and be glad to see me, but Mom would be disappointed, too. She'd send me right back to Yancy, remind me that I had to try harder, even if this was my sixth school in six years and I was probably going to be kicked out again. I couldn't be able to stand that sad look she'd give me.
Mr. Brunner parked his wheelchair at the base of the handicapped ramp. He ate celery while he read a paperback novel. A red umbrella stuck up from the back of his chair, making it look like a motorized café table.
I am about to unwrap my sandwich when Nancy Bobofit appears in front of me with her ugly friends—I guess she'd gotten tired of stealing from the tourists—and dumps her half-eaten lunch in Grover's lap.
"Oops." She grins at me with her crooked teeth. Her freckles are orange, as if somebody had spray-painted her face with liquid Cheetos.
I try to stay cool. The school counselor had told me a million times, "Count to ten, get control of your temper." But I am so mad my mind went blank. A wave roars in my ears.
I don't remember touching her, but the next thing I knew, Nancy is sitting on her butt in the fountain, screaming, "Percy pushed me!"
Mrs. Dodds materialized next to us.
Some of the kids were whispering: "Did you see—"
"—the water—"
"—like it grabbed her—"
I don't know what they were talking about. All I know is that I was in trouble again.
As soon as Mrs. Dodds is sure poor little Nancy was okay, promising to get her a new shirt at the museum gift shop, etc., etc., Mrs. Dodds turns on me. There was a triumphant fire in her eyes as if I'd done something she'd been waiting for all semester. "Now, honey—"
"I know," I grumble. "A month erasing workbooks." That wasn't the right thing to say.
"Come with me," Mrs. Dodds says.
"Wait!" Grover yelps. "It was me. I pushed her."
I stare at him, stunned. I can't believe he was trying to cover for me. Mrs. Dodds scared Grover to death.
She glares at him so hard his whiskery chin trembled.
"I don't think so, Mr. Underwood," she says.
Grover looks at me desperately.
"It's okay, man," I tell him. "Thanks for trying."
"Honey," Mrs. Dodds barks at me. "Now."
Nancy Bobofit smirks. I give her my deluxe I'll-kill-you-later stare. Then I turn to face Mrs. Dodds, but she isn't there. She is standing at the museum entrance, way at the top of the steps, gesturing impatiently at me to come on.
How'd she get there so fast?
I have moments like that a lot, when my brain falls asleep or something, and the next thing I know I've missed something, as if a puzzle piece fell out of the universe and left me staring at the blank place behind it. The school counselor told me this was part of the ADHD, my brain misinterpreting things.
I wasn't so sure. I go after Mrs. Dodds.
Halfway up the steps, I glance back at Grover. He is looking pale, cutting his eyes between me and Mr. Brunner, like he wanted Mr. Brunner to notice what was going on, but Mr. Brunner is absorbed in his novel.
I look back up. Mrs. Dodds had disappeared again. She is now inside the building, at the end of the entrance hall.
Okay, I think. She's going to make me buy a new shirt for Nancy at the gift shop.
But apparently, that wasn't the plan.
I follow her deeper into the museum. When I finally catch up to her, we are back in the Greek and Roman section.
Except for us, the gallery is empty.
Mrs. Dodds stands with her arms crossed in front of a big marble frieze of the Greek gods. She is making this weird noise in her throat, like growling.
Even without the noise, I would've been nervous. It's weird being alone with a teacher, especially Mrs. Dodds. Something about the way she looked at the frieze as if she wanted to pulverize it...
"You've been giving us problems, honey," she says.
I do the safe thing. I reply, "Yes, ma'am."
She tugs on the cuffs of her leather jacket. "Did you really think you would get away with it?"
The look in her eyes is beyond mad. It was evil.
She's a teacher, I thought nervously. It's not like she's going to hurt me. I say, "I'll—I'll try harder, ma'am."
Thunder shakes the building.
"We are not fools, Percy Jackson," Mrs. Dodds said. "It was only a matter of time before we found you out. Confess, and you will suffer less pain."
I didn't know what she's talking about.
All I can think of was that the teachers must've found the illegal stash of candy I'd been selling out of my dorm room. Or maybe they'd realized I got my essay on Tom Sawyer from the Internet without ever reading the book and now they were going to take away my grade. Or worse, they were going to make me read the book.
"Well?" she demands.
"Ma'am, I don't..."
"Your time is up," she hisses.
Then the weirdest thing happens. Her eyes begin to glow like barbecue coals. Her fingers stretch, turning into talons. Her jacket melts into large, leathery wings. She isn't human. She is a shriveled hag with bat wings and claws and a mouth full of yellow fangs, and she was about to slice me to ribbons.
Then things got even stranger.
Mr. Brunner, who'd been out in front of the museum a minute before, wheels his chair into the doorway of the gallery, holding a pen in his hand.
"What ho, Percy!" he shouts and tosses the pen through the air.
Mrs. Dodds lunges at me.
With a yelp, I dodge and feel talons slash the air next to my ear. I snatch the ballpoint pen out of the air, but when it hits my hand, it isn;t a pen anymore. It is a sword—Mr. Brunner's bronze sword, which he always uses on tournament day.
Mrs. Dodds spins towards me with a murderous look in her eyes.
My knees are jelly. My hands are shaking so bad I almost drop the sword.
She snarl, "Die, honey!" And she flies straight at me.
Absolute terror runs through my body. I did the only thing that came naturally: I swing the sword.
The metal blade hits her shoulder and passes clean through her body as if she was made of water. Hisss!
Mrs. Dodds was a sandcastle in a power fan. She explodes into yellow powder, vaporizing on the spot, leaving nothing but the smell of sulfur and a dying screech and a chill of evil in the air, as if those two glowing red eyes are still watching me.
I'm alone.
There is a ballpoint pen in my hand.
Mr. Brunner isn't there. Nobody is there but me.
My hands are still trembling. My lunch must've been contaminated with magic mushrooms or something.
Had I imagined the whole thing?
I walk back outside.
It had started to rain.
Grover is sitting by the fountain, a museum map tented over his head. Nancy Bobofit is still standing there, soaked from her swim in the fountain, grumbling to her ugly friends. When she sees me, she says, "I hope Mrs. Kerr whipped your butt."
I answer, "Who?"
"Our teacher. Duh!"
I blink. We don't have a teacher named Mrs. Kerr. I ask Nancy what she is talking about.
She just rolls her eyes and turns away.
I ask Grover where Mrs. Dodds was.
"Who?" he asks, but he pauses first and he wouldn't look at me, so I figure he was messing with me.
"Not funny, man," I tell him. "This is serious."
Thunder booms overhead.
I see Mr. Brunner sitting under his red umbrella, reading his book as if he'd never moved.
I go over to him.
He looks up, a little distracted. "Ah, that would be my pen. Please bring your own writing utensil in the future, Mr. Jackson."
I had Mr. Brunner his pen. I hadn't even realized I was still holding it.
"Sir," I ask, "where's Mrs. Dodds?"
He stares blankly at me, "Who?"
"The other chaperone. Mrs. Dodds. The pre-algebra teacher."
He frowns and sits forward, looking mildly concerned. "Percy, there is no Mrs. Dodds on this trip. As far as I know, there has never been a Mrs. Dodds at Yancy Academy. Are you feeling all right?"
Word Count: 3159 words
So yeah, this is the first chapter of this book.
Not much (Y/n) yet, but we'll get there.
Love y'all!              Kaitlynn ❤️😍
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acciocriativity · 4 years
The bet || Harry Potter
Pairing: Fred Weasley and George Weasley x Platonic/Reader (Tiny not so tiny George Weasley x Reader)
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Summary: You had a normal life at Hogwarts, until the Weasley twins decided they weren't going to leave you alone anymore, and what was the reason? You would give five galleons to anyone who knew the answer.
Word Count: 4,0k
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It was still early, I was walking through the corridors towards the Great Hall when two red-haired figures appeared in my sight.
"Hey Y/N!", one of them waved cheerfully at me, I still had no idea which one. "Why do you suddenly look tall today?", the other said with a smile, which made me want to punch him.
"Why are you suddenly more annoying today? It sounds like a serious illness, so excuse me, I don't want to catch this", I walked as fast as I could so they couldn't keep up with me.
I could hear their laughter behind me and the whispering but decided not to pay attention to what was said, that would bring me more calmness.
And why do I basically run away from them? It is very simple.
One day I was just another Ravenclaw student, and the next day I had the attention of the most popular twins at Hogwarts.
They liked to tease me about absolutely everything, no matter if I was just sitting down reading or trying to concentrate in a class, one of them would find a way to annoy me.
I never tried to differentiate which was Fred and which was George, it made no difference, they both seemed equally annoying to me and knowing who is who was not going to guarantee me anything.
"Hey, wait. We have a deal for you", the tallest of them spoke with a grin plastered on his face as he walked up to me in stride.
"And why should I agree? Anything coming from you guys is pretty suspicious", I replied with my eyes screwed tight and crossed my arms.
"Because you can have your quiet time again, we won't tease you anymore as far as possible", the other said with a small smile and I stopped to think for a few seconds.
"Well, that sounds good enough, and what do I have to do? You're going to have to get something out of this, obviously", I still remained in the same position analyzing the two, who seemed to be enjoying themselves more every second.
"You'll have to guess who is who at the end of the day", one of them started and my face dropped at the same moment."Since we're nice, we'll just say it once", the other added.
"What if I don't succeed then? If there's a prank, I'm out."
"There won't be anything out of the ordinary, just an extra dose of us", I took a deep breath just imagining what my life would be like with these two following me around the castle. "So are you going to accept or not?", he raised an eyebrow.
I took a deep breath and looked away, a good opportunity had fallen into my hands but I would have the rest of my peace lost if I didn't win, which would be no small thing but a part of me was just screaming to accept it at once, the competitive part, the part that was going to win this little challenge.
"I accept, it won't be that hard", I replied with a smile, a wave of confidence built up inside me and I really thought it wouldn't be a problem at all.
"Okay then", they just walked past me and kept walking and if I could see my forehead, a big question mark would be hanging there, "Hey? You still have to tell me which is which, it was part of the deal", I said, taking a few steps behind them but they soon stopped and looked at me.
"Oh, you're so confident, do you really need us to tell you who's who?", I clenched my hands tightly to hold back the urge to kill him.
"Of course I don't need to but... HEY!It's not polite to leave a person talking alone", they had the audacity to walk off and wave at me on top of that.
7:30 a.m.
I wasn't going to get any help from them, why did I expect to get any? Obviously they don't want me to win but I will and they will have to swallow that. That's my new goal today, screw the herbology paper.
But now it would be more difficult, few people would know the difference, I would have to ask one of his friends or one of the other Weasleys who studied at Hogwarts.
I wasn't intimate with any of them but I had classes with some, we never spoke but I will change that today.
I just hope they actually tell me something useful, one of the twins could have easily told no one to help me and made everything even more difficult.
8:25 a.m
"Hey Kate, what's up?", I said with a smile just as she was about to pass me down the hall, it was really worth it to eat fast or I wouldn't have made it in time.
The expression on her face already told me everything, the same gleam in her eye that twins have when they are disturbing me, why do I get the impression that it won't be so easy?
"Good morning Y/N, do you need anything?", she said leaning against the wall with a mischievous smile that I chose to ignore. "Actually yes, you should already know, the Weasleys challenged me to set them apart and you as a friend should know how, anything is useful, anything really", I liked that she was direct because I could be too. I don't like wasting time with small talk, especially when I don’t have too much time.
"They actually told me it would happen, but they didn't tell me more details, what happens if you lose? Some kind of prank I bet.
"They will annoy me twice as much as they already do, I don't know how you manage to be friends with them, she stared at me for a few seconds and then grinned. "What?"
"I'll help you since you're asking me but maybe you'll soon see that it wouldn't be so bad to lose", I just nodded without really believing it would happen. "Fred is louder and generally more annoying, George is quieter and more careful. You can find out more by noticing for yourself, I'm going to get going, I want to practice a little before class begins", she pointed to the castle entrance.
"Thank you so much Kate, I'll owe you this one. See you later", I smiled and waved as she walked away from me after waving as well.
Now I know the basics but they might try to trick me, switch places or pretend to be the other one. I have to be prepared and there is only one way.
9:00 a.m
The bell rang and the halls filled with heads hurrying not to be late, especially the poor first year students heading for the dungeon. I could see some shaking on the way out of the Great Hall but my destination was completely different, I headed up the stairs along with the other forty years to Minerva's class.
There was no sign of any of the twins, if they had decided to skip this class my plan was destined to fail.
The class was about to start when the two of them entered without any hurry and I smiled internally for having kept an empty chair next to me, just in case.
"Are you gentlemen having a problem with your audition? The bell rang five minutes ago. This kind of behavior is not tolerated, Mr. Weasleys. Minus ten points for Gryffindor", her angry voice boomed, and no one seated dared to breathe.
"It won't happen again, professor", I was surprised not to hear any funny remarks as a comment and I'm sure she was too but didn't show it.
"Sit down and open your books, let's move one more step forward from yesterday's lesson...", she continued talking but I barely paid attention after one of them sat down next to me.
"So, you're George, you can tell me now that I already know", he looked a little surprised for a few seconds but soon regained his posture.
"How did you guess it? I didn't even say anything", he said looking at me intently and I just shrugged, I wasn't about to say since this is clearly a plus for me.
"That's a secret that will stay with me, it wasn't that hard", I commented, dipping my quill into the ink to start writing what Minerva was going over on the blackboard.
Behind us it was possible to hear Fred's excited whispers that I had learned to ignore after all these years. Now it seemed so much easier, it's not as if I hadn't noticed them both all this time, it's a bit impossible since they make themselves present everywhere.
We remained silent, since this is the only way I can concentrate. I even mentally thanked him for that, but it didn't seem to do any good today. My attention kept being drawn to the red-headed boy next to me, I couldn't help it.
Internally I blamed it on my will to win, because to do so I would have to pay more attention to him, that's all my body wanted to do, focus on George Weasley.
I only realized that I was crossing the line when I noticed that his cheeks started to take on a reddish tint and a shy little smile appeared. To make matters worse, there was Fred's giggles, who was watching everything with the best view; there was no way I could get away with this.
After this awkward moment, I forced myself to pay attention even though my desire was to get out of there, since he now decided to start watching me not as discreetly as he thought he was being. I was much better at that.
"Is there a problem?", I mustered up the courage to ask when it was already 15 minutes before the bell rang again.
I noticed him bite his lips and crack a small smile before looking forward again, "why would there be a problem?"
"You were looking at me", I answered quietly so as not to draw attention from the other students and especially from Minerva who was passing between the desks checking to see if everyone was practicing the spells correctly.
"You were looking at me before that, discretion is not your specialty, you know?", I was a few seconds without knowing how to answer that and in the meantime, I could see him savoring the fact that he had left me speechless.
"Yes, I was watching you to differentiate you better from your brother, and why were you looking at me?", I spoke in a direct tone looking him straight in the eyes and the other redhead's laughter sounded behind us and George gave him a nonchalant look, as did the woman, who had just passed us.
"Is something wrong Mr. Weasley?", she asked and of course, everyone around us had to pay attention too, because they had nothing else interesting to do.
"No, I just remembered a joke I heard, I could tell you if you want. I assure you it is very funny", he assured holding back the urge to laugh even harder.
"Your little jokes stay outside the room Mr. Weasley, and you all, if you haven't perfected today's transfiguration can get back to work", she caught everyone's attention and continued walking peacefully.
We ended up getting distracted from the main subject, he obviously took the chance of not answering me and just kept on training as I did.
12:00 a.m
We had the next 3 classes together and I stayed close to them and their friends as well. As I imagined everyone was very nice to me, we could have become friends much sooner if we weren't stuck in a fixed group of friends.
Some things had become much clearer in my head and others even more blurred. They didn't seem to be picking on anyone but me, although it hadn't happened all day. Then why? I was going to find out.
"Will you come sit with us today?", Katie said with an arm around Angelina's shoulders, both looking at me with a smile that wouldn't let me deny them anything.
"Sure, I'd love to. It's kind of funny that we have more things in common than I expected", I remarked as we walked slowly, with the hasty crowd in front of us. I would usually be with them but it's much better this way, time is not as important as catching up with everyone.
"I had no idea you liked quidditch, have you thought about joining the Ravenclaw team?", Angel, as she asked to be called, inquired and at that moment, I should but I didn't notice her gaze leave me and go to the twins, several times.
"I'm not as good at playing as I am at watching, so I prefer to stay in the stands", I replied with a small smile until I noticed everyone in that small group communicating with their eyes, which I chose to ignore.
"So Angeli, since when did you start playing?", I started the subject that was going to last throughout the entire lunch hour and it couldn't be better.
Everyone had some story to tell, I must admit that Fred's and George's were the funniest. At no time was there any kind of awkward silence, or a moment when I was not included in the conversation. I did notice that some of my classmates were surprised that I sat there, but in general they were looking at us because of the noise. Their special talent was talking, which I found refreshing since I could hear more and talk occasionally.
The worst part of it was that I ended up not paying as much attention to either George or Fred as I had planned, although now I know a little more about both of them and my new friends.
3:00 p.m.
After two classes of Aritmancia, I had a free period and many homework assignments to do and as I walked to the library, a familiar voice called out to me.
"Y/N!", I turned around and was faced with George and his broom near the stairs, not so far from me, "We are going to practice a little, do you want to come too?", I was about to say no, as I was already busy but then I remembered, I still had to guess who was who at the end of the day.
I had really forgotten and started to enjoy their company, I had to remind myself that I wanted to win and that it made perfect sense to spend some more time with him, if it meant that I could guarantee it. Or at least, I tried to convince myself of that.
"Sure, who else will be training?", I asked as I walked over to him and then we walked together to the castle entrance and towards the field. "Just Angelina and Fred, the others have classes or something to do," and I just nodded in agreement.
We hadn't spent any time alone since Transfiguration class and I didn't know what to say, as did he but I didn't feel uncomfortable, just lost in my own thoughts.
"You came to watch half the best quadribol team play today. You won't regret it," Fred was the first to speak up as soon as we arrived and I could only laugh, how could one person be so confident? I needed some tips.
"My expectations are higher than you Weasley, you better not let me down after that speech," I wasn't trying to be funny but I heard a chuckle come from the redhead next to me. "You're not out of it George, none of you. But remember, no pressure. I'm only going to judge a little bit," I said smirking, not really taking any of the words I said seriously.
"Go sit down and prepare to be impressed," the black haired girl gave the last words, grabbed her own broom and flew to the three right hoops as I hurried to the stands.
Luckily, I didn't miss much and less than 5 minutes later, I could tell with certainty how good the three were. They took turns as goalkeepers for Angelina, even though it wasn't really their position in the game.And after 15 minutes, the dynamic changed for the two of them to try to hit her, one at a time, for them to practice as beaters.
But honestly, I paid much less attention than I normally do. I couldn't tell them apart from so far away, and this realization made me face the shameless excuse I had created for myself. I just wanted to be there, and the reason for that I wouldn't say out loud.
More than 30 minutes later, the three of them instead of landing on the ground, came flying towards me and stopped by my side.
"So you can talk about how impressed you are now", I pretended to think for a few seconds and the indignation on his face was so funny I almost didn't say it but after such an arduous training like that, they deserved it.
"You guys were amazing, if someone from another house could watch the official training sessions I would really come to see more", I smiled and it was extremely adorable to see George's already red face redden even more after my compliment.
"You already know you can't watch the official practices, we are finally starting to understand each other", Fred said and took a step to hug me and I immediately took one back. "You're soaking wet Fred Weasley, don't even think about it. This is not the time for hugs".
"But I think it's a good idea sweetie, you can't hide from a Weasley, so just accept it", he said with an evil grin on his face and I was ready to run, I hated sweat especially when it wasn't mine but his long legs came into action once again.
"That's the most disgusting thing I've ever experienced, so you have something to be proud of after all", I complained, pulling away seconds after he had cornered me in the hug, which wouldn't have been so bad if it had been any other time.
"If that's the grossest one, you really don't know what's waiting for you honey. This is just the beginning," Angel said with a satisfied smile on his face. "But we better go now, I need a shower and we still have one last class today," she added and flew out of there after waving to us.
"Yeah, I need to take a shower too, I'll see you guys later," Fred said before getting out of there as quickly as possible, leaving me alone with George again.
"Well, do you want a ride? It's much quicker to get down that way," he smiled slightly at me and I agreed without a second thought.
I held his bare arm, because I thought it was better than hugging him and regret appeared immediately because I always had some issues with flying. It wasn't the worst thing in the world but it was far from being one of my favorites.
All I could do was close my eyes as we crossed the field, my hands automatically closed around his arm, the weather was windy and I could feel the shivers that went through his now red skin as well as mine.
It was a few seconds if I'm really honest but it didn't feel like it to me, I've never picked up a broom other than for classes and it's been a long time since I stopped having fun in those classes.
I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt my feet on the ground again.
"I'll see you later then, I haven't forgotten about the bet. You better be prepared," he gave me a beautiful smile and the consequences of that is the only thing I wasn't prepared for.
5:00 p.m.
There are those moments when you have to stop and ask yourself, what the hell is happening to me? For countless reasons obviously, and it was my turn. I didn't come up with any answers that made me blind to reality, which was really frustrating because that way it would be easier for me to just ignore.
But nobody told me it was going to be easy, which is a shame because I would have someone to blame.
All this played out in my head before I received an owl from them, telling me that I could go to the Gryffindor common room to finish our bet, along with the password for the day. I was prepared after being warned by basically all their friends, all I could think of on the way there were some spells, mainly revenge because I wouldn't let it go if there really was a prank.
But what happened was quite different, the place was quieter than I imagined, although they had many people sitting and talking normally including Fred and George.
"Oh hello stranger, you have finally decided to give us the honor of your presence, I can say for everyone, we are all grateful," I had barely stepped into the room when Fred spoke up with the most sarcastic smile I have ever seen, should I be confused?
"If I get all this reception every time I come here, I will definitely come back more often. Thank you, I feel very welcome," I said with an equally big smile, causing him to roll his eyes.
"Okay smartass, it's time for your answer," he continued speaking, the same voice but now that I was close, in front of them, I noticed that there was something very wrong there.
"Why are you talking like that George?", was my only thought, they were imitating each other, the voice was extremely similar, I could never tell the difference just by that, but looking at him, it is impossible to be mistaken.
Their expression dropped on the spot and I realized that there were more people watching me and maybe they knew the plan, because everyone was a little shocked too, was it that simple?
"That's impossible, who was the snitch that told you? Whoever it was, you're going to have a tough future," Fred even stood up and didn't bother to do another voice, he spoke and I was sure I won.
"Nobody told me, I didn't need much to realize that you guys were faking it. He spent the whole conversation scratching his arm, it's been like that all day," I pointed to George who had not taken his eyes off my person so far.
At that moment they looked at each other for a few seconds and then back at me. I should be happy but I wasn't. Even if I wasn't going to admit it out loud, they just proved to me how amazing they are and I wasn't going to lose that.
"Now that I've won, I want to change my reward. It's very simple, I want to reverse the reward and the punishment. I want an extra dose of Weasleys," I had to get a certain amount of shyness out of the way to say this but it was worth it.
It was worth it because I could see a sparkle in both of their eyes that went beyond a successful prank, it was worth it because I had the best years at Hogwarts with the best friends I could ever want. It was worth it because I found the best boyfriend in the world that day. I never thought I would be so grateful for a silly bet.
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Harry Potter Masterlist
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eryiss · 3 years
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Ship: Freed x Laxus
Rating: Teen
Prompt: Two Bros Chilling in A Hot Tub/Lightning Struck
Summary: Freed knew he had a lot to learn about being a professional wizard, and when he was paired up with Laxus for a mission he expected to learn a lot. He didn't expect to spend a day with him in a hot tub, and he certainly didn't expect to get an entirely unrelated education about life and about love.
Notes: Hello everyone, happy Fraxus Week. For the two bonus days, I've murged the prmopts together to make a two-shot. The second chapter will be uploaded on July the 22nd. I hope you all enjoy it, and head over to @fuckyeahfraxus to see all the other content for the event.
Links: Chapter Two ||| Event Masterlist ||| Archive of Our Own, Fanfiction
Chapter One
Year: X782
Location: Magnolia, Fiore
Professional Wizardry was still new to Freed. He hadn't wandered into the profession without the expectation that he'd be forced to do things that previously would have been unthinkable, or that his life wouldn't change entirely the moment he had joined a guild, but he felt like he was learning a new aspect to his profession every day. His expectations of the job and the reality of the job was almost entirely different, and Freed found himself enjoying the challenge.
He'd thought he'd be on missions near constantly. He'd go to some place in Fiore, use his magic to fight off a monster or dark wizard, and get paid for it. He hadn't expected there to be a community attached to it, that they'd be such a rigid tier system of missions, and how missions could be anything from finding a lost item, to being on a team attempting to disband a cult. There was so much more, and it was all fascinating.
After his eighteenth birthday three months prior, the jobs that he was allowed to accept had greatly opened up. They were more difficult, presented him with a greater threat to his life, and he was relishing the challenge. He could have gone on those missions earlier, but he much preferred working alone. While he was accepting that being in Fairy Tail meant there was a certain level of comradery with fellow guildmates, and that with that comradery there also came obligations, he didn't see the point in splitting his finances with others while he was powerful enough to perform these missions on his own and take home all the money himself.
The exception to this was Laxus Dreyar.
Master Makarov had approached Freed on his birthday with a proposition. He was worried for his grandson, wanted someone to look after him, and wondered if Freed would mind occasionally attending missions with him. He claimed that, while officially the money would be split between them, Makarov himself would make up the difference for Freed so that he would be paid in full. Freed had agreed, and that had been that.
Up until that afternoon, Freed had not gone on any missions with Laxus. They'd hardly spoken, even with Makarov's assurances that they'd get along. Freed would only be on certain missions and that afternoon's mission was apparently one of them. Makarov told Laxus Freed needed training in more advanced missions, and that he should be the one to do it. Laxus hadn't argued.
Somehow, while attending to a supposedly A-Class mission, they found themselves in Magnolia's hot spring and spa resort.
It was surveillance, so the mission stated. The Rune Army themselves had place the job, stating that they believed that members of a potential dark guild were using the site to host meetings and plan attacks. The resort had been trying to get rid of the suspects but couldn't do so without putting their staff in danger, and having an army presence suddenly appearing would tip the dark guild off and give them time to hide all evidence. The Rune Army wanted mages from Magnolia who could plausibly be in the spa for leisure time, but could also defend themselves from attack, to watch them for suspicious activity. Freed had a feeling that Laxus had taken the job to have a day relaxing in a spa, rather than because he felt the Rune Army needed the help.
None of this would have been a problem for Freed – he'd long since accepted that what constituted a job was a wide array of things – if it weren't for the elephant in the room. Or to be more precise, the Adonis wearing nothing but swimming trunks in the room.
Freed was a professional, but he was also eighteen years old and in the presence of an undeniably handsome man. Nobody, no matter their opinions on Laxus, would state that he was anything but sexy. Tall, blonde, square jawed, barrel chested with a scar over his eye and a tattoo over his pecs. His abs looked to be cut from steel and his legs comparable to tree trunks and, well, Freed was only human. Laxus was distracting.
"So," Laxus suddenly spoke as he slung a towel over his shoulder. "I don't exactly know what Gramps wants you to learn from this, but I'll try and teach ya some shit. Surveillance rule number one: fit in with yer surroundings. You seem pretty good at that."
It was only a moment, but Laxus' assessing gaze over Freed's body was exhilarating. But unprofessional.
Laxus didn't seem to notice, and instead started to walk out of the locker room they'd both changed in, and towards the area where they were meant to be watching. Freed followed, making sure to look straight ahead, rather than give into temptation to check out the man's back and his ass, and it wasn't a difficult task. While Freed had no qualms admitting his attraction to the blonde, he knew where his focus needed to be put. The mission was important, not his hormonal desire for his guildmate.
"That's the door we need to watch," Laxus said as he tilted his head to the door. Freed knew that of course, but Laxus was speaking again before he could say anything. "Pretty open room, lots of vantage points. Where should we go?"
Ah, it was a test then. Good, a worthy distraction and hopefully it would nip any ideas that Freed was in some way Laxus' inferior in the bud. Freed looked around the room quickly, glanced towards the door that they needed to keep in their sights, and quickly made a plan of how the rest of the day would go. Strategy was his strong suit.
"The hot tub," He said firmly. "At least for now."
"Why only for now?" Laxus asked. There was no condensation in his tone, he was simply asking for Freed's reasoning.
"Staying in the same place throughout the afternoon would be suspicious. We know who the suspects are, but that doesn't mean they're the only people involved, so we need to look like regular customers constantly," Freed explained, speaking quietly as they walked further into the room. "As we've only just got here, it makes sense for us to use a facility instantly. Going to sit by the pool or at the juice bar would be odd, at least for now. The massage tables and spa treatments are too distracting, but the hot tub allows us to sit and watch without anyone questioning it. It'll give us the lay of the land without drawing any attention on us."
"And we both have to do it?" Laxus probed. "Wouldn't it make more sense to split up and cover more ground.
"Later," Freed dismissed. "We came in together; we'll need to do things at the same time at least once in a while. As I said, the treatments are distracting and as such we should do them one at a time rather than simultaneously. If we spend the whole day apart after we've arrived together, it'll raise suspicion. The hot tub is a good vantage point, and so a good way to be seen together while not losing an advantage."
Laxus thought for a moment, before nodding, clasping Freed on the bare shoulder, and giving him the smallest of grins. "Yer good at this."
"Of course I am," Freed retorted, and that seemed to make Laxus grin wider.
They walked towards the hot tub, which was at the back wall, attached to the main pool. As it was a Tuesday afternoon, only a few people were loitering around the resort and the hot tub was empty. Freed placed his towel on the handle provided and walked into the hot tub, soaking his entire body sans his head in the hot, bubbling water. His muscles relaxed instantly, and he felt himself slinking down ever so slightly.
"You ain't here to relax," Laxus said in a voice almost teasing as he climbed the stairs into the tub. "Eyes on the mission, remember."
Freed went to point out that, given Laxus was looking at him rather than at the door, he was just as distracted. But Laxus chose that moment to sit down, submerging his chest in water and spreading his arms wide. His left hand was close to Freed's shoulder, and Freed felt that it was an act of great resilience that he didn't give into base urges and watch Laxus as he adjusted to his relaxed, wet – very very wet – state.
"I will if you will," Freed eventually said back, looking towards the door. He missed how Laxus' gaze lingered on his body just a little too long.
They fell into silence, and Freed made a genuine effort to keep his gaze away from the man who shared the hot tub with him. He truly hadn't thought this through. He hadn't realised that, as good as Laxus looked from afar, he looked better up-close. Maybe he should have denied the request to join the mission. And maybe he should have worn a looser swimsuit…
"So," Laxus said after a while, looking up at the ceiling for a moment to crack his neck. "How much is the old man paying you to spy on me?"
Freed halted, and removed his eyes from the door and looked towards Laxus. His face only, of course. "Excuse me."
"Rule two, you gotta trust the guys you're working with. So don't bullshit yer team members," Laxus said with a little grin. "Answer the question."
"For every mission that I do with you, he'll cover all the money you take from it, so I'm fully paid," Freed explained. He saw no point in lying.
"Guess we're gonna be doing some well-paying missions together then, if we wanna bleed the old bastard dry," Laxus smirked, and it was an oddly alluring look on the man. Freed looked away from it, and towards the door again. "You gonna tell him that I'm onto him?"
"I'd rather keep the deal up, I can get good money doing this," Freed shrugged, and he saw Laxus grinning a little from the corner of his eye. He tried not to pay attention to the expression, and instead focused on a man who could fit the description of a suspect. The man walked past the door, but that didn't mean he wasn't who they were looking for. "Why did you agree to this if you knew your grandfather wants reports on you?"
"Because it's gonna happen anyway, might as well accept it," Laxus shrugged. "I knew he was gonna get someone to do it, kinda glad that it's you."
"Because yer interesting," Laxus said, looking up at the ceiling again and closing his eyes as he lowered himself deeper into the water. Freed's gaze flickered low on the man's abs for a moment before looking to the door again. "We get a hell of a lot of mages joining Fairy Tail. Lots of people who think they're tough shit and wanna become the next powerhouse. Yer the only person I think whose got a chance of actually doing it."
The compliment was flattering. Laxus had something of a reputation for being generally rude and selfish, and either they were exaggerated or Laxus was making an exception. Freed felt it was a combination of both, but he accepted the compliment without complaint.
"You know my magic?" He asked.
"I've been keeping tabs on you since you came here, yer interesting," Laxus nodded, wading a hand through the water absently and sending ripples through the bubbles. "People give the darker magics a lot of shit. They're idiots. You can kick ass, and you're not bad to be around. Pretty much the opposite of a Fairy Tail mage right now."
"Does that opinion extend to you?"
"What d'you think?" Laxus asked with a cocky expression that Freed found himself enjoying.
"I wouldn't be here if I thought you weak."
They fell into a silence, with the bubbling water warming Freed and making his muscles loose and relaxed. He kept a steady gaze on the door, making sure to avert his eyes when someone walked into the room, so his staring wasn't too obvious. It was a worthy distraction, and one well needed now that Laxus had apparently been watching him for all of eight months. That, combined with the fact that Laxus was wearing swimming trunks and was less than five feet away, could all become rather an issue if Freed didn't focus on anything else.
"Okay, your turn to relax now," Laxus said, cutting through Freed's thoughts. His voice was a little more relaxed. "You can't stay lookin' at the door all day. You'll get a crick in the neck."
"I'll be fine," Freed dismissed.
"Doesn't matter," Laxus stated, shifting slightly to get closer to Freed. It was to get a better view of the door, but the body heat that rivalled the warmth of the water was a noticeable feeling and Freed tensed. "Rule Three: lean on yer teammates. Sometimes you'll need to slack off, that ain't something to fight against. So long as someone in the team is on full alert it isn't too bad a problem. So sit back, close yer eyes, and let me take over for a while."
Freed was hesitant, but Laxus was clearly taking over keeping his gaze on the door, and Freed eventually found himself sliding down to further cover his body in water, and closed his eyes as relaxation flowed through him.
When his mind began to slip, Freed found himself thinking that Laxus was actually rather helpful. Freed wasn't quite so arrogant to think he knew everything about wizarding work, and an S-Class mage would have things to teach. Laxus especially would be useful to learn from, given their apparently similarities in working styles. Freed would need to learn how to work in a team, even if it wasn't fond of the idea, and Laxus might know how to offer actual advice rather than pointless mantras like 'your team should be your family' and other nonsense he'd heard from Fairy Tail. Without lying about why he was there, his team-ups with Laxus might be mutually beneficial.
Perhaps relaxing wasn't too bad an idea, either. Freed's mind had been somewhat consumed by his work. Finding a place to live as a seventeen-year-old had been difficult, and he'd put in a lot of effort in getting rent on time. But now he got better paying jobs, that urgency could fall away a little.
With a bit of effort, he tried to push the fact he was on a job to the back of his mind.
Once this whole thing was dealt with, maybe he would invest in a pass for the resort. In his preliminary research for the mission, he'd heard good things about the facilities, and even though he'd only been in the hot tub as of yet, he felt inclined to agree.
Though perhaps Laxus' company was partially to blame for his mood.
Fairy Tail had sometimes felt like a lonely place. Their focus on friendship, family and their revoltingly sentimental ideas about goodness were nice in principle, but when you were on the outside looking in it could get under your skin. Freed knew he was at fault for his lack of relationships with his guildmates, but perhaps Laxus might be a good starting point. Ironic, given that nearly everyone had told him Laxus was off-putting and rude.
The bubbles sent a pleasant chill over him, and Freed felt his tenseness ebbing away. When he got a pass for the resort, he'd have to explore the idea of a massage. He'd never thought it appealing, but perhaps he could be convinced.
There wouldn't be much convincing needed if Laxus were the one massaging him.
"Shit," Laxus hissed, and Freed's eyes whipped open. A rush of panic filled him that somehow he might have said that aloud, but the idea was ridiculous. He looked to Laxus to see worry flickering over him. "The suspect saw me looking, I think he went to get backup."
"Are you sure?" Freed asked, mind suddenly back on focus again.
"No, but we made eye contact. He's suspicious of me," Laxus was clenching his teeth, seemingly annoyed at himself. "We can't fuck it up, the Rune Army don't take shit like this lightly. We need a distraction or to get out."
"A distraction will be easier," Freed concluded. "Does he know for sure that we're looking out for him?"
"I wasn't being careful. I was watching him for about a full minute without being subtle. Pretty sure he knows it's not a passing glance."
"But that doesn't mean you know what he's doing, it just means you were looking at him," Freed mused aloud. "What if we throw him off the scent, give him another reason for why you were so focused on him."
"The hell would that be?" Laxus growled a little, and Freed scanned the room. They were the only two people in there now.
"Maybe you wanted him gone," Freed thought, plans forming in his head. Many of them he had to dismiss outright. "Perhaps if he sees something he wasn't meant to see, he'll think you were looking at him because you wanted him to leave."
"What the hell would I wanna do that I wouldn't want him seeing?" Laxus snapped, agitation rising. An idea came to Freed. It was good, it would get them out of the situation no doubt, but it might have a few repercussions in the future. Many arguments both for and against it flung through his mind, and his indecision must have been obvious, as Laxus continued talking a moment later. "Rule four, if a mission's going to shit and you think you can salvage it, you do it. So if you've got any ideas, I'd love to hear them."
Freed went to open his mouth to explain his idea, but he heard movement from across the room and glanced towards the door. It was opening, and two more suspects were walking through it, stone-faced and angry.
Before he could second guess himself, he launched himself onto Laxus and began to kiss him.
It was a sloppy, energetic, and passionate kiss. Laxus was frozen for a few moments, but Freed forced himself to push on in the hope that Laxus was trying to understand what was happening. Laxus quickly started to kiss back, and a hand ran down Freed's back, pulling him close. Freed began to mess his hands through Laxus' hair, heart pounding and a ringing in his ears cutting through his panic. He couldn't think of how bad an idea this was, about how there were probably hundreds of other ways to deal with this, because rumours stated that the dark mages were powerful, and he didn't want to get into a fight he could avoid.
Kissing wasn't enough for his plan. People kissed all the time. They needed to get… intimate. Freed began to run his hands over Laxus' torso – damn was he strong – and he felt large hands groping at his ass in return. He gasped into the kiss, and forced himself to remember that it was just for the mission.
The sound of a door closing snapped him back to reality, and he glanced to the side without breaking the kiss to see the suspects had left. He pulled himself off of Laxus, to find he'd been dragged so he was straddling the man's thigh at some point, and turned away with a blush, panting quietly.
"Good plan," Laxus said, voice also breathless. "Think it threw them off."
"Yes," Freed agreed. He couldn't look towards Laxus now. He simply couldn't. "I'm sorry for doing-"
"Don't, you did what you had to do," Laxus cut him off, voice somewhat stern, which wasn't helping the situation. "I would've done the same if I thought of it, and you fixed my fuck up. So no complaints."
"Okay," Freed didn't feel any better. He stood up and reached for his towel, still not looking at Laxus. "I think I should sit at the juice bar for a while, we've been together for long enough."
"Wait," Laxus began, shifting slightly but Freed was climbing from the hot tub before he could reach for him. "This ain't- you don't have to leave on my account."
"I'm not," Freed lied. Because of course he was. Laxus might be straight, he might not like Freed, and he might not appreciate being kissed like that at random. "If we spend all out time in the hot tub, it'll look odd. It was overdue, more so now they've seen us."
Laxus looked ready to argue, but sighed and nodded. Freed walked towards the juice bar, fighting the urge to touch his lips. Electricity danced over them.
Kissing Laxus… it felt like being struck by lightning.
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
— "𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮" (𝐭. 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; after losing you, todoroki moves on with his life. you know you never stopped loving him, and he's desperately wants you back. but life has a funny way to do things.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; angst.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; none.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 1.8k
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; this is a continuation from this ficlet, so probably there are a few things you won't understand if you haven't read it. anyways, enjoy.
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you had moved on, and to say it had been hard was an understatement. you absolutely believed todoroki was your soulmate, but when you found out what he did, it simply devastated you. even thinking of him made your heart ache. you knew you made the right choice, getting out of every shared space you two had, distancing from everything that reminded you of him. transferring to shiketsu was by far the best way. of course, you had to leave all your friends, but they would always be one call away.
for todoroki it was the other way around. no matter how hard he tried, everything had a piece of you in it. his room was full of memories with you, all the times you fell asleep on his bed, your study sessions that always ended up in something more, you dancing and singing to mamma mia's soundtrack. he ended up staying at midoriya's most days, but even then, he would think about you. it was his default mode, somehow, his mind always went back to you.
he shut down completely after seeing you with yoarashi, no one could make him talk about his beloved or his feelings. he started to go to the gym more often, train alone in the woods at night. he barely slept, and as soon as he woke up, he'd start exercising. he was so tired that he didn't think of you. that was his way of moving on, though in every sense of the word, he never actually did.
focusing all his life in becoming a hero, he came first of the class with a big gap. at his twenties, he opened his own hero agency. since your break up, he never had another partner, too afraid that no one could be like you, make him feel what you did.
in your case, after graduating you went to work with mirko. everyone knew you being her sidekick. it wasn't weird to hear about your ex boyfriend on the news, he had achieve all his goals in life, and that made you happy. you no longer held any remorse against him. he was a good person who made a mistake, of course you had forgiven him.
"so, [hero name], you've been going up in the charts like a rocket, could you be thinking about starting your own agency? some heroes, like shoto, are already making their way through the industry" the interviewer asked you. for the first time since highschool, someone asked you about todoroki as a hero.
"i love working with mirko, she's amazing and i think i still have a lot to learn from her. i do admire heroes like shoto, he's undeniably good at what he does, but i think is still too soon for me" you smiled when you mentioned him. even after all those years, when todoroki watched that interview, he caught on those little details. it felt good hear you saying his name again.
it's confirmed! pro hero y/n and yoarashi inasa are getting married! the rumors were confirmed by a picture posted on their social media accounts showing their engagement rings and captioning "she said yes/he finally asked". we are w–.
to todoroki, it was extra hard that you were marrying you highscool boyfriend. he couldn't stop thinking, if he hadn't messed up, you would be marrying him. an hour later, midoriya called.
"how are you?" even though izuku was trying to not be obvious, shoto knew what he meant.
"in another timeline, y/n and i would be getting married".
todoroki finally met someone, you heard on the gossip chanel. great, that was great, he deserved to feel the happiness you felt with inasa, right? of course he did. he was an amazing boyfriend, any person would be lucky to have him, you were happy for him. that was what that knot in your throat was, that sudden urge to cry. come on, you couldn't be so selfish, you were getting married with another man, you broke up five years ago, why were you so upset?. it's not that you dreamed about him at least twice a week, or that you heard his voice clear as water even when you hadn't spoke in so long. you love inasa, stop having those thoughts. you decided with whom you'd be spending your life with years ago, it was about time todoroki moved on too.
"...and i didn't know what to say, but he was so persistent. anyways, i told him we were going to discuss it, what do you think?" your fiance's hand was moving in front of your eyes, trying to catch your attention back.
"can you repeat it, please? i-i got distracted" he smiled at you, kindly. he always did that. no matter what you did, inasa was the kindest person to you, because he genuinely loved you.
"one of my advisors gave me a list with all the pro heros we had to invite to the wedding, i told him we'll talk about it" he pulled out a paper from his briefcase with a lot of names printed on it "give it a look while i take a shower" he got up, kissing your head on his way to the bathroom. most of the names were your old classmates from u.a. and shiketsu, some of your teachers and heroes of the moment.
ground zero, red riot, creati, charge bolt, shoto, cellophane, deku, froppy[...].
you stared at his name for longer than you thought, because inasa came out of the bathroom only with a towel, asking your opinion on the matter. he knew you dated todoroki back in highschool, but obviously didn't think you had feelings for him now. because you didn't. you didn't, you couldn't.
"yeah, okay, let's invite them".
todoroki's jaw almost hit the floor when the invitation arrived at his mailbox. his girlfriend, a model he met at an event, laughed at his reaction. were you actually asking him to go to your wedding? it seemed like a cruel joke to him. the cruelest of jokes.
"isn't she one of your classmates from u.a., baby?" his girlfriend asked, taking the paper out of his hands. he never talked about you, with anyone, not even with midoriya. your chapter had been closed by force, locking all your memories away. but that lock was always on the verge of breaking, something as small as saying your name could unleash his buried feelings.
he was so confused. his irrational side was screaming to accept the invitation, eager to face you again. but he knew it would hurt him. he knew it, if he thought about it enough, he still remembered how his heart break years ago. his mind kept wondering back to you, how beautiful you would look in your white dress, your eyes filled with excitement. it was too much for him to handle.
"yes, i will let them know we're going".
somewhere in yourself, you wished todoroki hadn't replied. in that same place, it hurt to see the "plus one" option marked. right, he had a girlfriend. a girlfriend he most likely cherished, in some level at least. it was okay, you had a boyfriend, a boyfriend you were going to marry in two months. both of you had moved on. maybe repeating that to yourself would convince you.
he got up that morning and went for a jog, like when he was a teenager trying to get off his mind the girl who broke his heart. we could say he was trying to do the same thing.
the only reason you got up in time was because uraraka knocked on your door. inasa had gone to a friend's house at night, arguing he wasn't going to see the bride before the wedding. if it was supposed to be the happiest day of your life, then what is that pain in your chest?.
"you have to hurry, the ceremony starts at four,  we're meeting midoriya at three and you haven't even showered!" todoroki practically was forced into the shower by the girl, he had no will to get himself ready. what was he thinking? he clearly loved you, as much as always, why did he agree to see you marrying someone else?.
everything was ready, just as planned. like in the movies, you were expecting some sort of crisis to happen and could cancel the wedding with an excuse, but it wasn't the case. things were perfect. your hair, your dress, your make up, even the guests arrived just on time. you felt like puking.
not a single thing was out of place, that was certainly planned by you. he could see your unique touch in decorations, colors, even how tables were distributed. and he could point at everything yoarashi had done, because it didn't match at all. it was like a stain in your perfect design, a stain he couldn't remove or avoid anywhere he looked.
uraraka had to grab your arm when the music started to play, and push you out to the aisle. inasa was waiting on the other side. he looked so beautiful and happy, his eyes overflowed with love. but your eyes got lost in the crowd, searching for a certain pair of heterochromatic eyes.
you were like an angel fell from heaven. todoroki expected you to look pretty, but it was mind blowing. he was standing next to a pillar in order to get a perfect view from you. he felt his legs weakened when your eyes connected.
"do you, yoarashi inasa, take this woman to be your wife, to have and to hold[...]?" you couldn't see todoroki from the altar, and it was unbearable. all you wanted was to look back into his eyes again.
"yes, i do" inasa's voice was so determined, that you realized what was happening. before you knew, the priest was saying your vows.
he couldn't watch. he tried, but just couldn't. when he said the priest saying your name, he had to turned around.
you were sure that with one look, you'd knew if shoto still loved you. that was all you needed to go back to him, to see his eyes.
"[...] till death do you apart?" it was now or never. you turned your head, heart beating like a drum. please, please, love me.
oh how much he loved you. as you once said, his undying love for you was so big, that's tearing him apart. a single tear left his eye.
he wasn't even looking. he didn't love you anymore. a lonely tear ran down your cheek. you were too late, you had lost him. "yes, i do".
he had lost you, again. 
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
You Changed But Still the Same
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Pairings : Ex! Katsuki Bakugou x Ex! Reader.
Writing Style : 3rd Person
Warning : Cussing
Word Count : 3428
3rd Person's POV
A Year ago since that fateful day where everything ended and the only thing that's left were the memories and promises from the past. Y/n and Bakugou who were High school sweethearts had quite a past together but sometimes all the good things come to an end .
That's exactly what happened, Bakugou at some point in his life had to pick between two things , y/n or his Hero Career. He picked His Hero Career even though y/nl tried to desperately persuade him that it could work out. She tried her best to persuade Katsuki that They can grow Together.
Even though it was painful, Katsuki still stuck to his choice leaving everything behind . Leaving y/n with her heart that has been shattered, Leaving her to pick up all the broken pieces herself.
He had to pick his Hero career because he knew he needed to become stronger, strong enough to Be confident that He will be able to protect her in the future. Strong enough to flaunt her to the world without worrying how many villains would be after his lover. As surprising as it may seem his reason why he picked his career over her was because of her, not because he wanted to be number one... He'll admit that, it was his former goal but after meeting her everything changed.
He actually wanted to become a better version of himself because no matter how good he is, theres still a nagging feeling at the back of his head that says he does not deserve her because she deserves so much more.
Today was a special Day because Class 1-A was holding a reunion party. And Katsuki normally turns down events like this bit this time , he was excited because he knew y/n would be there. Now he was ready, Now he was confident, Now all he needed to do was to get his Girl back.
Y/n, She was never the same after that dreadful day. She never knew why she was Never Enough for Katsuki... She doesn't know why she's not a good enough reason to be picked. She never knew why He had to leave her in the dust, Hurt and alone. And honestly no matter how hard she tried to forget him. It never worked, She was still hung up on him like before and because of that. She hated him so much.
She started overworking herself doing more hero work than necessary since it's the only thing that could keep her mind away from him.
Her smile faded and she was never the same, she moved to another city because being in the same city where there's a possibility for her and Katsuki to work together is too painful for her.
She managed to rise to the hero rankings in the city she moved in. She was well known and villains feared her. But she started distancing herself from others, always taking on solo jobs and gradually turning colder by time.
It took a lot of persuading from the girls for her to eventually agree to this little reunion and she wasn't looking forward to it.
Because he was going to be there, it was already 6 and she was late since the agreed time to meet was 5 sharp bit she got caught up fighting Villains on her way . Of course the girls were furious but after hearing her reason they were much more understanding than expected.
They were supposed to meet in a Restaurant the boys booked all for their class and of course wearing something fancy was required because according to Momo they should ' Dress for the Occasion ' .
So of course y/n did try to make an effort to dress up because She wanted to prove to everyone that she was fine without Katsuki. Because back then when they broke up, Everything fell apart and she stopped caring about everything around her.
She loves the girls because they almost Wrestled Katsuki for hurting her , and some of the Boys even attempted to fight him because Y/n was a wreck back then.
But now look at her. She's not a narcissistic bitch but she really outdid herself. She wore a red sleeveless fishtail dress that clung onto her curves like it was her own skin, the dress had little crystal details that matched her hair. Her make up was Smoky and elegant and her lips were a crimson color of red. Her hair was curled on the ends and she did end up dyeing her hair to H/c, she also had a few accessories on, like the emerald necklace, a few bracelets she randomly picked out and a small Phoenix Hair clip.
She looked gorgeous and she could tell from the way passersby looked at her when she got out of her car right infront of the restaurant.
She walked towards the receptionist who was oogling on her figure.
Clearing her throat she caught the attention of the receptionist.
" I'm here for Denki Kaminari's Party " Y/n stated and the receptionist immediately stumbled towards the door opening it for her.
" This way ma'am "
" Thank you " Y/n thanked the man who started nodding his head nervously and she made her way inside.
The whole place was noisy and she could see her old classmates chatting and drinking the night away.
The first one to notice her was Momo.
" Oh my God Y/n!? Is that you " Momo exclaimed running towards y/n and giving the girl a tight hug.
The whole room was quiet, everyone's attention was directed towards y/n. She really was a head turner. The states she was getting was a bit overwhelming but she didn't mind. Someone in the room did Though.
" Woah! You really did dress to impress Missy! Where the hell have you been? " Mina joined in and y/n didn't hesitate to hug her as well.
" You're Drop Dead Gorgeous! We didn't even recognize you... I mean... Look at You! Damn " Hagakure complimented slapping y/n's ass.
" Hey keep your hands to yourself " Y/n muttered as she shoved Hagakure playfully.
" My goodness! I can't believe my eyes, Don't tell me you don't have a boyfriend!? It's kinda impossible for you Not to if you Look that Hot " Uraraka joined their little group and soon the boys also gathered around her to Either greet and hug her or comment on how she looks.
The attention she's getting was flattering but a bit suffocating.
" Ok, enough about me. How are you guys? " Y/n tried changing the subject but none of them were up for it.
" Well Duh, we all work in the same city and some of us gets paired up from Time to Time so there's nothing new about us that we didn't Know. You on the other hand moved to another fucking City and we barely have any contact with you so don't change the subject " Jiro stated and everyone seemed to fire their questions towards me one by one.
" So how are you? Are things good over there? I heard you ranked 2 in your city"
" Yeah everything is alright , things are pretty stressful though "
" You're pretty popular there! I see you on the news all the time "
" Er... Well... I can't even get some alone time without people trying to shove themselves to me "
As y/n was bombarded with questions a certain blonde male kept his gaze glued to her figure, she was gorgeous that's for sure and he could barely keep his eyes off her figure but that doesn't mean everyone else had to do that.
Even if they aren't together anymore. She is still considered to be his property and it's pissing him off that she didn't even try to acknowledge his existence. It was spissing him so much that she gave everyone a hug and not him. Why is she so happy talking to other men when he's right here waiting for her to finally look at him.
It's fucking irritating . She was beautiful... Too beautiful that he feels like someone else would take her if he even dares to look away.
It was painful to see how much she had grown without him. He's starting to regret his decision. Damn it. He knew he missed her but fuck. He didn't know he missed her to the point where it's actually painful to see her here but ignore him like he's nothing.
His mood was foul and everyone noticed, sure they were pissed that Bakugou Had the face to hurt y/n but they saw how hurt he was too, and one time during a small get together Bakugou started screaming her name and yelling why he left while sobbing angrily like a sick lunatic. And they finally understood why he made such a rash decision. It was because of his insecurities and nobody thought that this Haughty Hero was actually insecure about something.
And everyone felt bad for him because after y/n left he was a reckless Asshole who kept getting himself hurt over and over again as if he's pushing himself to the brink of death on purpose. Everyone knew he regretted his past actions and that's exactly why they were gonna help these two love sick puppies out.
" Hey! Let's play Seven Minutes in Heaven! " Denki suggested and everyone got the message.
" Really? Denki why would we play that here?" Y/n laughed but to her surprise everyone was in on it too.
" Yeah sounds fun! "
" I'll get the bottle! "
" Who's going first? "
Everyone was seated on the floor forming a circle.
" Ok I'll spin the bottle and if the bottle lands on you, you have to go in the closet with the person the end of the bottle is pointing towards. Simple as that " Kirishima explained and he started spinning the bottle.
" Hey y/n have you heard about the latest trend lately? " Momo asked y/n who's eyes we're torn away from the bottle and her attention was snapped towards Momo.
Sero moved fast and immediately pointed the bottle at y/n and Bakugou.
Bakugou saw the whole thing and he stared at his friends in disbelief.
" Kaachan.... I think you deserve a second chance " Izuku muttered and everyone gave Bakugou a thumbs up or a supporting look.
Bakugou was touched as he stared at everyone with thankful eyes but he was a prideful asshole so he turned his head away muttering.
" I don't need your help shitty extras " His comment made everyone chuckle.
" You better not ruin this Bakugou or else I'll poke your eyes out " Jiro threatened before she turned to y/n
" Y/n! You're going in the Closet with Bakugou! "
Y/n froze at the mention of Bakugou's name her eyes trailing down to ten bottle that was pointing at her and Katsuki.
" What? No" Y/n grumbled her tone filled with venom. Bakugou noticed her tone and it almost made him flinch.
" It's only seven minutes y/n...dont tell me you still love him that's why you refuse to do so " Denki stated slyly earning a menacing glare from the girl that made him shiver.
" I'll fucking do it and you better watch me you Prick " Y/n stood up from her place stomping her way towards the closet, opening it as she pointed inside her gaze landing on Bakugou.
" Get in so we could get this over with " She hissed before stomping inside Bakugou who was a bit astonished by how fierce she had become. But nonetheless he followed her inside the closet closing it as he stepped inside.
It was quiet, far too quiet but he was determined to change that.
" Y/n...I-"
" Shut up" Y/n cut him off sharply and he can't believe he was this sensitive when it came to her because damn it hurt when she said it like that.
" I'm sorry... I know it's not gonna fucking Cut all the shit I put you-"
" You fucking bastard I said shut up " Y/n growled but Bakugou continued.
" I was the biggest idiot in the world --"
" Bakugou. Fuck off. "
" Please just lis--"
" Did you listen to me?! Did you listen to me when I begged you to not end things between us? Did you know how much pain I felt losing you? Because you didn't have the fucking balls to choose me? Do you know how worthless I felt? I felt like I wasn't a good enough reason for you to choose me. I felt like I wasn't enough, because you never looked back on your decision and just kept going leaving me behind ... To pick myself up and pretend like nothing happened. Stop this Bullshit Katsuki, Let's just pretend like we're strangers causing its better that way---" Y/n was cut off with Katsuki's harsh tone.
" Don't you dare Fucking Go there woman! I'm a poor excuse of a boyfriend I know! And I regret the day I made the decision in leaving you because everyday is like walking in an eternity of hell without you.. I missed you so damn much... I missed your laugh... Your smug smile... Everything... I missed you! You wanna know why I ended things? It was because I felt weak, I felt like you deserve better so don't you dare say that you're not enough! Because you're more than enough! I was scared that villains may come after me and they'll take you because I wasn't strong enough! That's why I dedicated my time in trying to be better because the day I'll be ready is the day I'll claim you back . Today is the day.... And you have no idea how painful every passing day is for me without you.... And you turned me into this pathetic shitty love struck idiot who becomes soft and mushy when you're around!... I'm pouring out my feelings here because this may be the last! And I'm not good at this shit you dumbass! You knew that from the start but... I'm begging you Please... Give me another chance Because I Fucking Love you" Bakugou's voice broke at the end of his sentence and y/n was conflicted.
Was this why he left? It still doesn't count for what he did! He hurt her yet why does she feel so happy to hear him say that? Why is her heart beating so fast when he said those three words she never knew she craved. Why is her mind and heart urging her to give him another chance? Simple she knew the answer and it was because she never stopped loving him at all. Even though she hated him, she still loved him the same.
The room was filled with silence and y/n couldn't mutter another word. She wanted to say Yes. But her pride was getting in the way.
Bakugou was losing his patience, growling in frustration he lunged himself at her pinning her to the wall with both of her hands pinned above her head by Katsuki's hand.
" Screw it Bitch, I miss you too much to Just Let this shit slide. If you Kiss back you're Fucking Mine Again you Hear me!? " Bakugou yelled and he didn't give y/n any time to protest because his lips were already on hers.
Kissing her lips with Vigor and Neediness. It almost seemed desperate , he continued Kissing the girl with everything he had, devouring her lips with his and it didn't take long for y/n's pride to hold out because but broke the second Katsuki's Lips touched hers.
She kissed back with the same intensity. Katsuki let go of her hands and her hands immediately flew up to his neck pulling him closer as her fingers ran through his hair, she dug her fingers through his hair tugging on it desperately . Katsuki's hands were roaming her body in any way they could until finally stopping on her waist.
Fuck he missed her so much, he missed her so Fucking much and right now. He's gonna savor every moment of this. He missed these lips and how she kissed him.
If Oxygen wasn't much of a problem then neither of them would have pulled back.
Panting and breathless Katsuki pressed his forehead along hers a deep chuckle vibrating from his chest.
" So.... Was that a Yes? " Y/n could her the smugness of his voice making her growl at him.
" I Fucking kissed you back didn't I? " She snapped rolling her eyes.
" Well... I didn't quite feel it... Oh well, Looks like we're gonna have to do it again " Katsuki smirked and he was about to dive in for another round but Kaminari had slammed the door open making the two flinch.
" Times up---oh" Kaminari grinned as Katsuki and Y/n glared daggers at him.
" You shitty Pikachu! Can't you see we're busy here!? " Katsuki roared as he tried grabbing Denki who immediately ran away form the door.
With a sigh y/n dragged Katsuki out of the closet and everyone was looking at them with playful eyes, some even giving Katsuki a suggestive wink.
Y/n's eyes trailed up to Katsuki's face and she paled almost immediately seeing the red lipstick smudge on his lips.
" Katsuki you Fucking asshole! You smudged my lipstick! " Y/n barked smacking Katsuki's head and Katsuki was fats to react.
" Haah!? I didn't hear you complaining when I was sucking your lips woman! " Katsuki barked back.
" How the fuck was I supposed to complain when you were practically shoving your lips towards mine!? " Y/n said in defense as she raised her hand about to smack Katsuki's head again but he caught her hand .
Katsuki bent down and slung y/n over his shoulder carrying the angry girl.
" Shut up woman, I'll buy you a whole mall of lipstick if it makes you feel any better, and you extras!... Well... I'm only gonna say this once... T-Thank you " Katsuki muttered and everyone cheered and teased the blonde boy who was now cussing everyone for laughing at him.
" Put me down! " Y/n yelled pinching Katsuki's back but it had no effect because the boy didn't even flinch.
" We're heading out early! " Katsuki yelled but the entrance was blocked by the girls.
" Umm, No! We were the ones who put in a lot of effort in bringing her here Bakugou! You can't just take her away! And everyone missed her you asshole! " Jiro growled and Katsuki was immediately pissed off.
" She's Mine! Of course I can take her away! " Katsuki barked glaring daggers at the girls.
" Well looks like we're gonna have to fight in order to see who's keeping her then " Momo stated as she pulled out a staff from her arm.
Y/n was snatched away from Katsuki's shoulder by none other than Izuku who had a smirk on his face.
" Sorry Kaachan but we wanna hang out with her too" Izuku smiled and it only angered the blonde even more.
" You Fucking Extras! Give her back! "
" Why don't you guys just calm down and let me Go Home! " Y/n yelled throwing her arms up helplessly.
" No! " Everyone responded almost immediately.
" I believe we can't do that y/n because Tonight you're the prize for whoever gets to take you out of the door first! " Kids yelled and everyone was excited except for y/n who knew this wasn't gonna end well and she knows for a fact that this restaurant will become nothing but a pile of debris and rocks once everything is over.
" Oh it's on! " Uraraka jumped in excitement.
" I'll Fucking kill all of you Extras and Take back what's mine! " Katsuki yelled angrily sparks coming out of his hands.
And Y/n was right, by the end of the day the whole restaurant was destroyed, everyone was injured the moment yeh fight ensued and nobody won because y/n stepped out of the restaurant herself.
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I know of a heart like yours.
The sickening sound of a heart being crashed
The animated laughter that sounded demented
The shivers and chills that tear from morning to night, then back again.
I know everything, kid.
I know how it feels to be breathing, but feel like the dead.
To have your eyes open and be reminded of what's no longer there
To miss someone so bad, they keep you lost in dreams
You can't hide anything from me.
I've been there.
I'm still there.
"What happened to you, kid?" You ask, and I stare.
How could I answer that without breaking?
Your haunted eyes pierce mine. The pain in them was so like my own, that I would have lost my footing if you weren't holding me.
I search for whatever strength was left inside of me, but the tears still flowed.
"You made me lose you."
Sometimes the worst distractions do not come from the outside. They come from within you, and nothing anyone can do or say can pull your attention away from the invisible storm that only you can feel.
Peter Parker's heart is about to explode into a billion pieces of combustible dust. His head hurts. His throat feels dry and he could swear his saliva tastes like gravel in his mouth. His shoulders are bent and his legs and feet are firmly stuck to the ground, the weight of everyone's expectations keeping his whole body still, too still that not even Happy's murmured "Are you okay kid?" can bring him back out of the orchestrated walls created by his own mind.
He stays rigid, head bowed and eyes unblinking and blurry with unshed tears.
Blinding camera lights keep flashing all around him, the reporters rapidly firing their questions without pause. Pepper, Happy and Rhodey and the SI security team try their best to pacify them, but their efforts are in vain.
"Were you aware that Tony Stark planned to make you his successor?"
"What does it feel like to be the legacy of the saviour of the universe?"
"Mr. Parker, what are your plans for the future of SI?"
"Are you planning to be the next Iron Man?"
"Before the reading of Tony Stark's will, no one's ever heard of Peter Parker. Can you tell us why?"
"Why did Tony Stark hide you from the world?"
"Who are you to Iron Man?"
"How did you know Iron Man?"
"Why did Tony Stark choose you as his successor?"
"Do the Avengers know about you?"
"Peter, Peter, come on! Kid, we need to go," Rhodey's voice was pleading as he tries to usher them out while Happy shields them with his body.
Pepper urges the crowd to give them a path, going as far as to threaten them with lawsuits but they wouldn't even bulge.
Peter stays frozen through all the commotion.
Every breath feels like Thor's hammer plunging straight into his chest. Every second feels like an eternity too long. It would have stayed until…
"Mr. Parker, do you intend to follow your pseudo father's steps?"
Peter drew a gasp then, to everyone's shock and excitement.
His chin lifted from being glued to his chest, and his head turned to the reporter who asked.
The crowd quieted and they all waited in stunned silence as they were greeted with his red brimmed eyes, tears still fresh and pouring down his cheeks.
None of them expected the hollow laugh that came out of him.
How could they?
They couldn't possibly know that all these are news to him.
Peter knew nothing, thought he was nothing more than an annoying protégé to the man who apparently saw him as a son.
Peter didn't even know Tony Stark cared about him that way. He'd always let himself believe the man had only acted out of pity.
But now he knows, and he wanted to scream at how unfair it is to be told all these after the man had died.
He died for you.
He invented time travel because of you.
He risked it all for you.
He wouldn't have died if it weren't for you.
The voices inside his head are back with vengeance and Peter swayed and would have fallen without Rhodey there to steady him.
"You're going to be alright kid. We're going to bring you home safe and sound," the iron patriot promised in the same soft tone that everyone who knows his true relationship with Tony had been using since the end of the Infinity War.
Peter nodded but didn't speak. He could tell Rhodey believes his words, but Peter doesn't.
All his life, Peter's never really been a good liar. But this lie, even just thinking it is too much. He just couldn't.
"To Peter, my son…" the lawyer had said back in the boardroom as he read the last will and testament of Anthony Edward Stark.
"…I leave all my techs and Stark Industries, the latter to be received when you've graduated college and under the mentoring of my wife, Pepper Stark…"
"You back with us kid?" Happy's voice asked him this time, and he blinked to see that they had somehow managed to get him inside the limousine.
Peter bit his lip so hard, he tasted blood.
How could he be alright?
And where even is home?
He didn't even know he had one since May died. He felt barely alive when Tony took him in to live in the Tower. Even then, it had taken a while and a lot of angry outbursts from him, and patience from the man before Peter finally started to feel like he could build up the broken pieces of his life again. And then the fucking Infinity War happened and now…Now.
The glass shatters.
The car screeches to a halt.
Peter had punched the window, glass shards embedded in his hand when he pulled it back. Pepper shrieked in horror, while the men cursed.
Happy was yelling to get him out for some air, but Peter couldn't hear them, too busy having a panic attack.
"Breathe kid. Breathe with us," Rhodey encouraged. "You can do this. Just like Tony taught you, Peter. You got this kid. Do this for him."
And Peter breathed as if those were the magic words.
Because of course, he would. How could he not?
He'd do everything for Tony.
But Tony's gone now.
Just like his parents.
Just like his Uncle Ben and Aunt May.
And now Peter has no one.
For a boy who is no stranger to loss, this feels like the last straw keeping what's left of his sanity intact.
There are so many words he wanted to say to Tony, so many things he wanted to do with the man.
Now, he could only wonder what it feels like to be able to call Tony Stark "Dad" to his face.
He could have done it before, he supposes. He could have done so many things if only he'd known the man had adopted him and made him his legitimate heir.
But no one had ever told him. And just like every time, the universe was adamant to mess with his head and see him crumble.
Peter didn't even know he was more than a charity case to the man he saw as his mentor and hero.
Every time Tony did something parental for him, Peter thanked him but stomped down on the warmth inside his own chest. He convinced himself to believe it was all business for the man. Peter is Spider-Man. And Iron Man needed Peter to be Spider-Man so they could help save the world from chaos.
But Tony had made sure to let him know that he cared for Peter Parker as well. He never said it out loud, but Peter felt it evey time he'd ask about his day, about his friends, his classes and everything else important to him that isn't related to his alter ego. Tony had made sure to show up at his contests. He'd cheered for him and even treated him and his friends for a job well done. The man had spent nights in his room to calm him down from nightmares. He'd been there when he was sick, when he was wounded, when he was sad.
Peter was a mess, but Tony had been there for him to make sure he wasn't alone.
There were many times Peter wanted to cry to him, and just thank him for doing everything he'd been doing for him. But Peter held himself back. He held back because thanking Tony would give a name to their new normal. It would have overwhelmed him with a sense of family, and that more than anything, was the label that scares Peter the most.
Everyone he loved, everyone he saw as family, he had lost. And he couldn't do that to Tony.
Peter couldn't find it in him to believe that the man cared for him, truly loved him like family, in fear of adding a name to his long list of losses.
But he lost him anyway.
To Peter, my son, Tony had called him in his will, having chosen him as family if the adoption papers were anything to go by.
It was everything Peter had secretly wanted but never once believed he could have again.
But he had it. Apparently, he had even if he hadn't known.
Peter feels like a curse.
He really doesn't deserve to have anyone on his corner.
If Tony hadn't adopted him, he could have saved himself from the Peter curse.
Why did he even adopt him in the first place?
Why did he take him in?
He could have just offered money and paid for an apartment, but no. Tony insisted that Peter lived with him. And now he's dead because of Peter.
Tony Stark is dead, and Peter Parker's left trying to pick up the pieces left of his tattered heart and soul.
It's not even his first death of a family member, and yet this feels ten times worse for some reason he couldn't identify.
Mary and Richard Parker were lost in the plane crash when he was six. Ben Parker died in the mugging when he was fifteen. Then May Parker followed in a car accident a year later, half a year after he became Spider-Man.
You'd think that after four losses, Peter would be used to it by now.
But damn it all, he still isn't.
Losing someone never gets any easier no matter how many times it happened to him.
Thanos came with his army. The Snap happened and Peter died along with half the universe. Then it was reversed and Peter was brought back with all his fellow victims.
Peter had been shocked by Tony's reaction at seeing him alive. Tony Stark didn't cry. But at that moment, Peter felt his tears of joy and relief as he'd pulled him into a hug.
We're there, it screams. Like an echo in a whole room of silence, and for a second, only for a second, there was no war but only them. People broken and lost, but together, were mended by each other's presence.
If Peter had known how much the man cared for him then he would have hugged him tighter and not let go. But he hadn't and now he couldn't hug his mentor ever again.
Hours later after their short reunion, Anthony Edward Stark died saving the world and Peter feels like he died with him.
"Sssssh," whispered the soothing voice of Pepper as she pulled him into her arms. Peter could barely hear her through the noise of his guttural cries.
If only he was more conscious of his surroundings, he would have seen the pitying looks of the small crowd forming around them, would have heard his broken voice as he cried out the same word at the universe that took away everything he'd ever loved.
"Dad!" he sobbed, burying his face in Pepper's shoulder. "Bring him back! God, please bring him back!"
The rain started pouring.
The pain didn't stop.
Peter heard the voice again.
It never will.
A/N: Read the next chapters in the link below. Please don't forget to comment and leave kudos! 💞
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
June, 1976 (WITT One-Shot)
A/N: If you want to remain in the taglist pls interact with this one-shot even if you haven’t read book 4-5 yet. A like or a comment is fine, the people who don’t want to continue reading obvsly do not interact and I’ll delete from the taglist :) -Danny
Words: 2,590
Series’ Masterlist
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Emily was tired, but she'd spent all day overthinking and she was done, it was time to grow up.
She could hear Lily Evans' voice ushering Severus Snape away, he'd been coming around for several hours during the day trying to apologize, but he'd finally crossed a line.
"It's not your fault, you know?"
Matthew's voice caught her attention, he'd stopped at the foot of the stairs, one hand propped on the wall.
"Snape and Evans have been fighting for months now, I think it's because of what he's been doing with the Slytherins... you know, the cult stuff."
Emily averted her gaze to the fireplace.
"I know..."
Matthew hesitated, he'd promised himself that he wouldn't go back to being Emily's therapist, but something was different this time, it wasn't her usual kind of sulking.
"Are you okay?"
She looked at him over her shoulder and frowned.
"I'm not the one who got called 'mudblood' by a close friend."
"No, you weren't," He admitted. "Which is why it's so strange to see you all sad."
"I'm not sad."
"Is this about James?"
He didn't want to know, but alas, he'd asked.
"No," She made a face. "I don't think I care about him that way anymore."
"It's easier said than done," Matthew crossed his arms, his shoulder now leaning on the archway of the stairs.
"What do you want, Ruddy?" Emily groaned.
"I don't want anything from you," The boy replied. "But I have the feeling that you need to talk."
"I do," She said. "Not with you, though."
Matt nodded, he sighed.
"Good luck, then, have a good night."
Emily watched him disappear up the stairs, she didn't know why, but the memory of his burning gaze before he kissed her came back then, his intense determination as he held her closer... That moment Emily had found herself unable to move away, to say no. She wished she had his courage to just do stuff even when he was intimidated by them, she needed that kind of bravery tonight.
Lily Evans entered the tower two minutes later, Emily stood up abruptly and the redhead came to a halt.
For a moment none of them spoke, then Lily's face showed tons of fatigue.
"What now? Is it your turn to call me a stuck-up bore because I didn't agree to go out with Potter?"
Emily shifted her weight from one foot to the other.
"Can we talk?" She asked shyly. "I promise it's not a trick... I'm sorry."
Emily's behaviour towards her was usually hostile, tonight her voice was gentle, and even a little afraid.
"You're sorry?"
"I don't expect you to believe me," Emily continued, lowering her gaze. "I know you and Snape were close — I don't understand how can you like him... listen I suck at apologies, can't you just say it's alright so we can go to bed?"
Lily crossed her arms, standing straighter.
"No, I think I want you to try harder."
Emily groaned, she sat down heavily and started to think her words carefully, Lily inched closer.
"Boys can be cruel when they're not thinking — Anyone, really... I've been brutal myself — Matthew and I almost stopped being friends a few months ago, because I don't like talking about my feelings," She laughed dryly. "I don't know what is it about today that it just... I don't want to be a tormentor my whole life, let alone to someone who is... tolerable. I'm sorry for making your life a living hell these past few years."
Lily sat down, although she kept the seat between them empty to keep some distance.
"You didn't make my life a living hell," She replied. "I... can admit you're a bit clever... even likeable — that last match when you threw Lewis a bludger after he called you a midget... it was kind of funny."
"The boys walked me everywhere that week, they thought Ernest was going to try and get back at me," Emily bit her lip, but she was now smiling. "I mean, I lived in fear for days! Thinking he would spike my drink at some point with poison or something... Until Matthew cornered him outside D.A.D.A. class one day, poor Lewis... he looked so small in comparison..."
"Anyone looks small next to Matthew, he's a giant," Lily grinned. "Well, if it's any consolation, I was planning on murdering you in a much classier manner than poison, but since you've apologized, I guess I won't have to kill you after all."
Emily snorted, her eyes lingered on Lily, who looked like she'd been crying for most of the day, and yet still had enough energy to sit down and talk with the girl she'd detested for the last four years.
"Why are you being nice?" She asked in annoyance. "I mean I'm glad you're kind of accepting my apology, but I thought you'd be a bit colder, walking away before I could even finish..."
"What kind of person do you think I am?" Lily raised a brow, with the orange light coming from the fireplace her green eyes looked far more intense than usual. "If I'm honest, you should thank Remus... he's tried to convince me that you lot are far better than you look..."
Emily sighed, when she was young she'd do mischief for fun, but now that she was older, and considering all the weird stuff that was happening outside the school, she was starting to think that maybe her group of friends were indeed changing for the best.
"I'm going to be honest with you too, Evans," The girl took a deep breath. "Being the only girl in my friend group is turning out to be pure torture. I'm in desperate need of a girlfriend."
Lily's mouth twitched a bit, but she didn't laugh.
"What makes you think I want to be your friend?"
"Oh, I don't think you want to," She raised a brow. "But maybe if we're on good terms I'd be able to ask you for a tampon without having to swallow my pride first."
Lily did laugh at this, she shook her head. "Holy Merlin, Sultens, you're loopy."
"You would be too if you were seated next to Sirius every day!" She paused. "So... are you willing to make peace?"
Lily examined her carefully, four long years of quarrels sat between them, but a lifetime of friendship could be ahead if Emily was truly sorry. She was a nice girl, and really smart too, she was annoying only when she was taunting Severus, and he was no longer her friend.
Lily stretched out her hand.
"Very well, but if you go back the deal is over and we'll be less than strangers, understood?"
She retreated her hand before Emily could grab it.
"Hang on — this is not Potter's idea, right? You're not trying to be my friend just so I date him later?"
"Lily, if anything I hope you and James never date," Emily snickered. "Nothing personal, you're just way too good for him."
They shook hands, she'd meant what she said about it not being personal. James was a boy, a very silly one at that, and even though they were really close friends, Emily was no longer a blind supporter of his doings.
Funnily enough, this seemed to be related to Matthew, she couldn't stop thinking about that kiss! Merlin, he was a good kisser...
She shook the thought away, now was not the time for nonsense.
"I'm very honoured to be your acquaintance, Evans," Emily grinned.
"Call me Lily. Only Professors call me Evans... and Potter, but you know I hate that."
"Got it, Lils."
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July 1996
"...I don't think this is right," Mel tilted her head. "Brownies are mean to be brown... not pitch-black."
"You burned them," Harry was standing behind them with his arms crossed, clearly upset.
"How could you burn them, Erick? They were in there for five minutes!"
"Are you sure..." Erick stabbed the mixture with a knife and made a face. "Ugh — they're still liquid in the middle!"
"How the fuck did you do this?"
"I thought it would work just the same if I doubled the heat and put less time," Erick sulked. "Ovens are weird."
"This is why we told you to stay out of it," Harry replied. "You don't know how muggle stuff work."
"I do know!"
"Then why did you burn the brownies?"
"Don't fight," Mel intervened, grabbing the platter and throwing its contents away. "Oh well, at least we ruined my birthday cake and not someone else's..."
"That's not okay," Harry frowned. "You should have a proper cake."
Mel looked at him and grinned. "I'll eat yours, then."
"How's everything going in here?" Emily walked in, behind her Lupin followed.
"Uncle Lu!" Mel rushed over to his side and hugged him, the man chuckled. "You came!"
"Well, hadn't been around for your birthday in a long time, I thought you'd like it," He said, lovingly patting her back.
"I do," She beamed. "We kind of ruined the cake, though, so we should buy doughnuts or something."
"It's a good thing I brought this, then," Lupin lifted his bag and placed it on the table, inside there was a beautifully adorned red velvet cake.
"You just saved my birthday!"
Harry and Erick shared a moody expression and grumbled complaints, Lupin laughed.
"The kids insisted on doing the cakes this year," Emily explained. "I told them it was not an easy job, but they insisted."
"Mel and I have done this before, Erick was the one who wanted to be in charge when he can't even make tea without magic," Harry glared at him.
"Muggles stuff are too complicated, alright?" He huffed.
"I don't mind," Mel said without paying attention to them, she was still beyond happy with her uncle's presence. "I wanted to give my mum a break, Leggie's been a bit hard to handle lately..."
"Is he?" Lupin looked at the little boy Emily was holding. "Is he ill?"
"No, he just cries a lot," The woman sighed. "Wakes us up every night."
"I thought that forcing my mother to bake when she's clearly too tired to be doing anything apart from feeding a baby was a crime," Mel stated. "So I took care of it."
"Then Flint messed it up," Harry taunted.
"And then you fixed it, Uncle Moony," The girl smiled. "So there's no harm done, right boys?"
She looked over her shoulder, raising a brow as if urging them to stop bickering before they embarrassed her in front of Lupin. Both mumbled their agreement, not quite meeting her eyes.
"Lovely," Mel looked back at the adults. "Who wants lunch?"
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Mel and Erick were in the kitchen talking in hurried whispers, she appeared to be upset, the young man too. Emily and Remus were in the drawing-room, Harry was upstairs changing Reg's diaper.
"Do you know why they're arguing?" Remus asked, staring at the pair.
"Dumbledore came by this morning before breakfast," Emily sighed, leaning her head back on the couch. "Talked about this mission he had for Erick — you know how eager to help that boy is... so of course the old man came and put his offer on a silver platter, and Mel won't let Erick go on his own, so being the generous soul Dumbledore is," She said sarcastically, "He said she could go too if she wanted to."
"Really?" Remus frowned. "Well... he's been giving her lessons for years, Mily, perhaps he knows she can handle it."
"I don't care," She said bluntly. "That's my daughter, my daughter. Matt's daughter. How can he continue to risk my family's life like it's nothing?"
"You know Matthew did all he that because he wanted to, Dumbledore had nothing to do with his decisions."
"I know," Emily took a deep breath. "But he's got a lot to do with Mel's... she idolizes him."
"You think so?" The man looked over his shoulder again, staring at his goddaughter.
"I don't see why else she'd be so keen to follow his orders..."
"Maybe because she feels guilty?" Remus offered. "After what happened in the ministry..."
Emily pressed her lips together, she didn't want to talk about that.
"That's not her fault and she knows it. I told her it wasn't."
"You weren't there," He said gravely. "She went out of control. I had never seen anything like it, her magic was dark— I mean that literally. All the spells she did came out pitch-black. Dumbledore was the only one who could put a stop to it."
Emily's eyes grew worried, she looked over her shoulder as well and her gaze landed on Mel.
"You think it could be the same thing that Ariana Dumbledore had? That disease?"
"No one knows what happened to her," Remus said. "Not even Matthew knew, and he was part of the family... but it could be. Maybe Dumbledore knows something we don't, maybe this will help her... perhaps she needs this."
Emily stayed silent for a moment, then she groaned.
"I hate that we're always meant to trust him blindly."
"He's lived a hundred years, he might be wiser than all of us, don't you think?"
The woman scoffed, she looked ahead, deep in thought.
"A hundred years... Matthew couldn't even make it to twenty-one! James and Lily barely did... Sirius spent twelve years in Azkaban — But at least we all knew how the war looked like then, Remus. We fought for years... my daughter just turned sixteen, she still goes to school!"
"And yet she's already done her fair amount of fighting," The man raised a brow. "We didn't have the experiences she's gone through when we were her age. I stand with Dumbledore, she can do this."
"I'm not saying she can't," Emily grabbed the empty plates to take them to the kitchen. "I'm saying she shouldn't have to sacrifice her youth. Dumbledore asks for too much, I'm sure he's got someone else that could help him with the mission, but he's obsessed with making Mel his perfect copy."
Remus didn't try to argue back, little could convince Emily at this point, she'd never been a fan of Dumbledore, and after Matt's death it was no secret that she openly disliked him, but she still followed his orders, because she knew Dumbledore was the only chance they had to win this war.
Mel and Erick entered the room, neither of them angry, which made Remus think they had reached an agreement.
"I should leave," The man stood up. "Leon's been quiet, maybe Harry managed to make him sleep."
"Or maybe he's just playing with him," Emily stood up as well. "Really, I never thought Harry would get so attached to a baby..."
"I'll miss you, Uncle Lu, I hope to see you soon," Mel said, her eyes avoiding to look into Erick's direction.
"Me too, little Em," Remus hugged her tightly, he whispered in her ear. "Be good to your mother, alright?"
Mel looked at him with confusion, but she nodded anyway.
"So?" Emily crossed her arms. "What are you going to do?"
The young witch stared at her mother, Remus knew that expression. It was true and very strange, how she could have her dad's gaze even though her eyes were exactly like her mother's, but he knew that look, he'd seen it in Matt the last time they had spoken. Mel was done being a kid.
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malfoymania · 4 years
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Classes the next day seem to drag. I can't stop thinking about what happened last night in the common room. How easily my hand went to Malfoy's face when I was in such a blind state of anger. I felt guilty.
"Lily, stop worrying about it. He got what he deserved" Hermione smiles, placing her hand on mine.
I told everyone what happened over breakfast. How I slapped Draco. It didn't come to much of a surprise apparently. Ron thought it was hilarious. Harry and Hermione saw the funny side too, but I can tell they both saw how much it bothered me.
"I'm not worrying about it." I reply, snapping out of my daydream and continuing to write my essay.
"Lily, you've been stuck in your head all day" She tells me, and she's not wrong. "What's really bothering you?"
I sigh, the sickening feeling throwing itself around my stomach yet again.
"I didn't hesitate to hurt him Hermione. That screams Slytherin." I admit with guilt evident in my voice.
"Yes it does, because you are Slytherin Lily. I know how much you hate it, but you're also just like your father. You want to help the right side, just like he did."
"My mum would hate me if she knew what I'd done" I say, still feeling ashamed.
"I think she'd be bloody damn proud." Hermione is quick to say. "We all know that her and Harry's mum were two of the quickest witted and strongest women at Hogwarts. She'd of done exactly the same thing, if not worse."
I smile at her words. She's right. According to my father my mum was just like me. She had a short temper and she said what she was thinking. I could listen to him talk about her all day. His eyes light up with such joy whenever he tells me about her. It makes me proud to be their daughter.
"Come on, we can finish this tomorrow. Go get out of your uniform and we'll find the boys." She smiles.
I head back to my dorm and try to bask in Hermione's words. As hard as I try to dominate my mothers Gryffindor traits, I always seem to let my darker side slip out, and since the start of this year it only seems to be happening more and more. I wish she was here to guide me.
When I get to my dorm I pull open the door and get ready to change as quickly as possible, but I jump out of my skin when I see a figure in the corner of the room.
"Merlin Malfoy! What the fuck are you doing in here?" I yelp, not expecting to see the blonde haired boy sat in my window.
"Waiting for you" he hums, looking more relaxed than ever.
"Get out of my room" I demand, pointing towards the door.
"It's not just your room. For all you know I could be waiting for one of your roommates." he shrugs, leaning further back into the window frame.
"You literally just said that you were waiting for me" I spit, crossing my arms. I don't have time for this crap.
"What's with the rocks on your window?" He asks, completely ignoring me and picking one up, twirling it between his fingers in the sunlight.
"They're crystals. They have different healing energies."
"What does the green one do?" he questions, picking up the crystal that's our house colour.
"It's supposed to get rid of headaches."
"Does it work?" He raises an eyebrow, looking over at me from the window.
"Clearly not. You're still here." I reply blandly, rubbing my hands across my face. Why is he here?
He's hopped down from his position on the window now, and he's making his way over to me slowly.
"You're a real bitch, you know that?" He says calmly. He doesn't seem angry or offended by my words. He just simply makes his statement.
"Yes, you've told me before." He's so close to me I have to look up at him now. I bet his height gives him an incredible ego boost. I've never once been nice to Draco. I've always been a dick towards him and I'm aware of it, but when I hear him call me those words out loud I can't help but let them sting slightly.
"Well stop. It makes you annoyingly attractive." He says lowly, his grey eyes not leaving mine. My stomach drops. What the fuck?
"I...I- Wh- what?" I stumble over my words but he doesn't seem to acknowledge it. Any other time he'd use this as an opportunity to pull me apart.
"You heard me Kingsley." He looks down now at my lips. His thumb reaches to them and swipes against my bottom lip, pulling it ever so slightly as his rough skin catches it.
I'm terrified. Not only by the position i'm in but by the fact that I haven't shoved him off me yet. I'm letting him touch me. I want him to touch me.
"Draco, what are you doing?"
"Don't call me that." He hisses, his thumb leaving my lip, but sliding it across so that his hand now cups my cheek.
"Why not?" I breathe.
"Because it makes me want to do this" he whispers, placing his lips on mine.
My stomach completely erupts with butterfly's. Never once did I imagine that this would be happening. His lips are soft. So soft. He pushes against me slightly, deepening the kiss. I do the same, annoyingly not wanting to stop either.
He tastes like mint. He smells expensive. He feels amazing. He is amazi-
"What the fuck are we doing?" I pull away quickly when I stop myself from thinking the unimaginable.
"Kissing?" He replies, looking slightly shocked by the fact that I just yanked myself away from him.
"Dra- Malfoy. This is crazy! I slapped you literally just last night for being an asshole, and now you kiss me?" I yell, getting angrier by the second.
"Yeah, that was uncalled for." He states dryly.
"No it wasn't. I will never let any man degrade me, let alone a boy like you" I laugh slightly, shocked by this conversation i'm having.
"I didn't degrade you."
"Are you kidding me? All you ever do is degrade me! And my friends. You think you're better than everyone else!" It's frustrating me all the more that he's so calm during all of this. I want him to bite back.
He doesn't respond this time. He just looks at me, and as hard as i'm trying, I cannot for the life of me tell what he's thinking. "Say something goddamn it!"
"What do you want me to say?" he asks with more force.
"I don't know! You always have something to say. Some stupid shit that makes me feel like crap" I yell.
"Oh yeah? We'll have you ever noticed that you're exactly the same?" He spits, his demeanour quickly becoming less relaxed.
"Well maybe you should fucking stay away from me then!" I throw my hands in the air, completely infuriated by this situation. By him.
"I can't Lily! No matter what I do you're always there!"
We're both full of anger; heaving chests and red faces. I hate the boy. I truly do, but all I can think about is kissing his stupid face.
Before I know it. I'm the one pushing him against the wall. Both my hands cupping his face.
Unlike before, my lips move forcefully against his. Draco doesn't react at first. He stumbles backwards in shock. When I notice that it's just my lips moving I begin to pull away, but before I can his hands go to my waist and pull me against him. He's kissing me back.
"Christ, what are you doing to me Lily?" He mutters when he gasps for air. Hearing him say my name like that doesn't fill me with anger like it did last night, it makes me feel giddy and special.
His eyes are filled with hunger and lust. Ron was right; there is plenty of sexual tension that's been pent up, and we're finally realising it. Finally releasing it.
When we eventually pull away we're a pair of heaving chests, messy hair and lustful teenagers. I don't look at him to begin with. I'm embarrassed. Ashamed that I let my guard down and pinned the boy who makes me furious against a wall and kissed him.
"That was- something" Draco breaths, looking down at me. I don't say anything. He places his hand under my chin and tilts my head up to look at him. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, i'm just confused" I say honestly.
"Me too. You drive me crazy Lily Kingsley, and I hate that." His eyes flicker between the two of mine. I've never known him to be so honest before, it's weird.
"Yeah well you do too." I say with a small smile. I watch as the corners of his lips tug upwards, making my heart swell. This isn't good. "I... I need to g-go."
I quickly remove myself from his embrace and grab my bag, ready to head out the door.
"You can't just leave" Draco laughs, clearly enjoying my panic.
"Yes I can. And you need to go too." I fluster.
"If you say so" he grins, straightening his collar. I stand and watch as he saunters to the door. "See you in class Kingsley."
And with that he's gone, and i'm left wondering what the hell just happened, and why i'm desperate for more.
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