#i wasnt trying to steal your art
jalapenoscumbag · 9 months
i had no idea sterling handrick had a tumblr– just gotta hope he never sees my tumblr sexyman posts 😨
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lumi-cherries · 3 months
do you have any rei boob hcs... i like to think she has stretch marks from them growing kind of quickly (projecting) i like to think she was flat chested at first but then they seemed to grow overnight LOL
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STRETCH MARKS.......................................... HOLY SHIT. ANON. YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS SO GOOD this will officially be my hc as well thank u
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ex0skeletal-undead · 6 months
Hi i saw your "This Is Ai" post. And i just want to say, its so annoying.
I didnt even know who this person was, or seen their art before. when I first saw it, i tried to look for any mistakes. And it really made me upset that i couldn't find any. Eventually i saw the others and looked at one of the hands and saw the mistake.
But if it wasnt done by ai, i would say that is such a beautiful piece
but i cant compliment it, because i dont support it at all
I just wish people would try to actually learn the skills. Or like use it for an actual educational purpose. Like using it as a reference, so you have an idea. Or edit it, and use it as a reference or guide.
But people just steal the whole thing, which really is frustrating to real artists, and ut makes people not trust any artist. Because its getting "Better" at replicating other peoples art styles, and ways to form things.
I really look up to your art, but. I guess since the topic was brought up. I thought I could share.
Your art is seriously beautiful, and your very talented. I admire your art, and its gorgeous.
But sometimes it just is so infuriating to even think about.
The art on my blog isn't mine. It says so in the description and every post has credit with links to the artists' pages.
But yes, AI is getting better at replicating real artists' work because that's what it's designed to do. And even using it as a tool for inspiration or to edit the results isn't really ethical because AI is trained on copyrighted works that aren't used with permission.
The only ethical way it could be used is if it's either trained on works used for free with permission from the artists (and there are a lot of free-use works out there!) or if artists are paid when their works are used to train AI. The latter seems pretty unlikely.
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that-one-paintbrush · 6 months
Hey, Paintbrush here!
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Recently noticed that a few others at Hotel OJ have made some tumblr blogs, so I decided to as well! Welcome to my blog, all :)
I'm Paintbrush (they/them) and I've competed on three seasons of Inanimate Insanity! Season three just ended and I've just been chilling at Hotel OJ for a while. Not doing much else, so I'll probably be answering asks frequently.
DISCLAIMER: this ask blog has (unintentionally) become an au
if you want to get the full context, feel free to scroll down certain lore tags or check out the archive! -mod
Tags of interest:
#painty yapping: Paintbrush answering asks, sometimes used for reblog convos
#painty posting: explained here!
#misc asks: Asks that don't particularly have anything to do with a plot line
#bristle blather: Asks or convos specifically related to Paintbrush's bristles
#burnt-out brush: Posts where Paintbrush aint doing so hot... also includes the mini arc where Painty ran away and Backgroundy temporarily took over answering
#magic anon: Temporary events that can be applied on the blog
#rough sketch duo: Posts that feature both Paintbrush and Animatic (from Animatic Battle), Animatic usually played by @animaticaskblog
#backgroundy: A character introduced through a magic anon event, backgroundy is a friendly face on the wall that occasionally shows up on this blog. ....or are they? friendly i mean. backgroundy clearly has a lot to hide, and becomes quite defensive upon being asked about their past
#torch/inner flame: angry paintbrush? wrong! a completely separate character!! torch is a secretive and smooth-talking individual that possesses paintbrush at seemingly random times. also narrates paintbrush's actions
#flooding memories chronicles: Posts taking a dive into Backgroundy's obscure past!
#rediscovering fire chronicles: Paintbrush has an inner flame now. WHAT!!! oh just kidding theyre just possessed. hi torch!! whats your backstory?
#painty yapping and yapping: posts where Paintbrush rambles for an extended amount of time, usually not dialogue
#animaticified saga: paintbrush gets ab animaticified. that's it
#art imitates life chronicles: paintbrushs past wasnt ALL sunshine and rainbows... if only they knew what happened!
#backfire arc: paintbrush makes a terrible no good absolutely horrible bad decision. they suffer the consequences accordingly!
#still waters runs deep chronicles: torch and backgroundy FINALLY talk things over like civilized adults
#history repeats itself chronicles: another life has been created via m!a,,,, waow
#mod kit: Posts from the mod! me!!
hey, mod here! (pandemonium, he/they/she)
there are a few things id like to mention:
this is my first ask blog. in the history of EVER!! so pls be patient with me
dont plan on including ships on this blog! but i dont mind ship-related asks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ please just dont be weird or mention proships
like i said, dont be weird in the asks! please no nsfw or fetish-y asks either
dont be an asshole pretty please- i dont mind jokes and sarcasm but if ur only here to be a haterade pls leave 🥺
yall can do magic anons if you want! please try not to send too many tho 😁
i made the paintbrush asset myself! pls dont use it or steal it :')
i may not answer asks immediately so please be patient and dont spam or pressure me into answering! i may ignore and refuse to answer any asks if im uncomfortable as well
keep in mind some of what i say may be personal headcanons or made up on the spot! ill stick to canon as much as possible but if theres an opportunity to add a headcanon, ill likely do so
thanks for reading!
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daydreamer3469 · 4 months
Levi x Fem!Reader
Summary - Levi is gone, what shall you do??
Content Warning! - Illness, Prostitution, Throwing up, Perverts, Blood,
Authors note! - I wanted to write a little story so my blog didn't look so empty, you know? Anyway, this is my first post, and this will NOT have a part two because it sucks! + Found the art on pinterest, I'm not sure who the artist is sadly. (I started writing this a whole year ago, I finally got back on Tumblr to finish it, but not really.)
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You had no idea what to do, and you were doing worse than ever. You weren't physically fit, and you certainly weren't cut out for stealing. It's not like you knew how to do it in the first place. Levi never taught you anything.
You sat in an empty, but spotless, house. You were in the habit of cleaning; it was practically rent when you lived with Levi. So, at least you had the cleanest house in the underground!
Oh how you miss him...
You obviously missed Farlan and Isable, but Levi was special. You knew him for a longer time, and he saved you. He even kept saving you, providing you with food and care, but not for free. You knew a great deal about medications and illnesses.
Your mother was a doctor, a good one at that!
Though, she was at the brothel when she wasn't treating patients. She met Levi's mother there. They worked together and were good friends. Your mother took you to her work since she couldn't leave you at home all alone. Fortunately for you, you didn't have to witness any of the dirty work; you just had to hear it.
Levi was ill and pale at the time, while you just appeared only slightly better. When your mother worked, you were in a small practically empty room with one bed; you had always assumed it was an extra room they very rarely used.
But you and him always sat in that room, on that bed. In almost complete silence, just the occasional sounds of the ladies working.
You were both just too shy to start a conversation but the company was nice. Though to you, it felt like you silently knew each other.
So when Levi's mother became ill, your mother was quick to offer aid. She visited the Ackerman's house frequently, bringing medication and other supplies to try get rid of what was slowly killing her friend. She took you there with her, not that you mined. You enjoyed getting to see your mother at work. You wanted to be like her, so you observed and watched.
As a result, you got to see Levi more. He didn't go to the brothel every day as you did, only on occasion. So it was nice to see your silent companion more often. It was also adorable to witness him do his best to assist his mother.
He was definitely a mama's boy.
But sadly, your mothers care wasn't enough, Levis mother came to realize she was wasnt going to make it. She asked that your mom stop coming to her house and wasting her medication on a lost cause.
No one even knew what illness she had.
Your mother grieved for a short while, but she had to keep going.
You didn’t see Levi for a while, it made you sad but you had hoped he was doing alright.
After a while your mother was killed while in cross fire from a few gangs fighting. It devastated you. You were now all alone, in the poverty stricken streets of the underground. The only thing you had going for you was your knowledge on medicine.
One day you were in some alleyways looking for scraps of food, anything was everything to you at that moment. You were in your early teens and vulnerable.
“Hey pretty thing, what are you doing here digging through garbage, don’t you think you’re to cute for that?” Your eyes widened and you quickly turned your head to the sound. Unfortunately for you 2 older guys were standing in the alley way, looking at you like you were prey.
You gulped and stepped back, getting ready to run. Only for your back to hit a wall.
You were cornered.
“I-I… leave me alone!” Your eyes were wide with fear, you didn’t know what to do, or what to say.
“I like them scared!” One smirked evilly while walking towards you. As they got closer the more you lost hope. You could’ve done something, fight, or at the very least try to run. But you were too scared, every bone in your body was frozen, you couldn’t move. You couldn’t even fight, you were so sickly and malnourished, you were practically skin and bones.
You closed your eyes as they got closer, trembling. You waited for something to happen. Getting grabbed or even stabbed, you didn’t know. But you waited.
Though, it never came.
You heard a noise but didn’t dare open your eyes. Until it stopped, you were breathing heavy but you could still hear footsteps getting close you. You peeked a eye open and gasped slightly when you saw a familiar face.
“L-Levi?!” Your eyes widen in shock, you couldn’t believe it. You thought you would never see him again. “Are you okay?” He looked concerned while scanning your body, a faint look of relief washed over him.
He looked better than the last time you saw him. His face was healthy and his body too. Unlike you.
You blush from embarrassment, he’s doing so much better than you were. “Yah I’m okay…” you look up at him again, he was cleaning the blood off his knife. But the most noticeable thing was the cut on his arm. Your eyes widen again.
“Your arm!” You rushed over to him and looked at his arm closer. You didn’t care about the situation anymore, you just wanted to treat the wound. “Oh it’s fine, nothing deadly.” He spoke while eyeing the wound.
"Kenny will be pissed though…" He let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. "It might get infected! Then you'll have to amputate it… or even... you'll get sick and die!" You rattle on about the various possibilities.
While you were talking, you missed the expression of fawness in his eyes, or was it familiarity? Whatever it is it helped him relax, now letting you hold his arm to examine it.
After a little pause, you elevate his arm above his heart and instruct him to keep it there. He looks at you puzzled, but he does what he is told. "We need to stop the bleeding, uhhhhh… um this could work!" You lean down and begin ripping the bottom of your tattered dress.
You begin wrapping it around the wound and tying it tightly. "That should be good until you get some water to clean it with.." You take a step back and sigh confidently at your work. He glances at you, baffled, then at the makeshift bandage.
"You didn't have to do that, it would have been fine…" he mumbles and lowers his arm. "Keep it up! It slows the bleeding!" You scold him but start coughing. You clear your throat and resume speaking more gently. "It's not that deep so no dangerous blood loss should happen." You smile gently and look him in the eyes. "Thank you for saving me Levi, I'm forever in your dept." 
He looks at you for a moment; no one in the underground was this nice and kind. In his perspective, you were oddly nice to him.
"I-It was nothing… no need to praise me." He mumbled and glanced down to the ground. It felt awkward since you didn't know what to say. "Well, I'm glad to see you're all right. After… you know… I was always worried about how you were doing." You blushed because this was the most you'd ever said to him. You were quite shy.
He didn't say anything and just stared at you. You assumed that making small chat irritated him. "I'll stop bothering you now," you said as you began to move around him, smiling. He just stood there watching you walk out of the alleyway.
"Hey," he spoke suddenly, making you turn towards him. "I want you to meet Kenny..."
That's how you officially met; he practically took you under his wing, if that's how you want to put it. He looked after you, fed you, and even comforted you when you had nightmares. Even when Kenny left, he made sure you could eat.
Through the years Levi managed to start a gang. It was small but the people were trust worthy and good at what they did. You were only really close to Farlan and Isabel other than Levi though. All the other members treated you well and with respect they sometimes even saw you like a little sister.
Farlan was like a sweet big brother, Isabel was like a sister you could gossip to. You’d stay up at night just talking about things like what you’d do if you were above ground, or how the boys (Farlan and Levi) were so annoying sometimes, but most importantly you talked about boys~ she even knew about your little crush on Levi, she wouldn’t stop teasing you ever moment she got.
Which is why it was so devastating when they went missing. The remaining gang searched for them for a while, not allowing you to go with them though, no matter how much you protested.
After a month of looking, all hope was lost. Some of the gang stopped looking and tried to get back into the swing of things without their boss. Some even kept looking, for your sake.
But no matter how long it takes or how dark the path may become, you will never lose hope in finding Levi, Farlan, and Isabelle. You refuse to believe that they're truly gone, clinging to the memories of your nights spent whispering dreams and secrets. Every day you search for clues, driven by the love and camaraderie you shared. The streets you walk, the shadows you pass—they all hold the promise of reunion. One day, you will see their faces again, hear their laughter, and feel their presence beside you. Until then, hope will be your guiding light, unwavering and steadfast, leading you back to your family.
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spamtoon · 15 days
DCRC Week 12 Paperinik
Huh? Aren't we reading Missing? Yes we are BUT I forgot to read angus tales last time what a crime
If I sound dead tired its because lord school is kicking me in the behind and I'm using this as a break. Let's do this.
i like that angus tales opens up with he's a bitch and then blasts you with a contactless woman
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i do like the art style though i will admit. silly. dare i say angus fangus is kinda cute here, in a doofy way
im so mad the way hes like "A RAID? GREAT!!!!"
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this actually got a chuckle out of me i will admit. the eyelids really sell it for me
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the artist did a good job with these expressions i. they made angus fangus silly
angus fangus got played so hard. but i support women's wrongs. or rights in this case because she's stealing from angus fangus
OKAY NOW FOR tHE ACTUAL ISSUE Missing? Special issue 1997? Like
i missed flaggstarr but not because i watned to see more of the fbi but because i like her design
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she's so silly for no reason
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i love the lighting on this panel so much and the contrast in their expressions and demeanors sorry i. tend to go ooh pretty panel when i do these readings i think you've noticed
"we all think sometimes... watch a bit of tv and it'll pass soon" lowkey goes hard to me im not even gonna lie
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and next in the saga of its not darkwing duck but cmon... its darkwing duck... goes to. i mean tell me thats not a little activity from st canard right next door that'll go away in a day
nevermind this is actualy where the story is going
i like how after listening to his sob story donald actually fixes his raincoat if not out of a sliver of hope for change but out of solidarity for the messed up symbiotic relationship they have
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can we go here. can we go here lyla lay please i wanna see the amusement pa--oh hold on, the marleybonians are calling (REFERENCE ONLY PUFFY WILL GET)
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i like how lyla's robot interface just has donald getting fucking shot i'm so mad hfuirajfkgrhuihur
ooh she's being a good little robot cop. by not following orders and doing her own shit
ahh so a simple time earthquake can release the prisoners of course. no wonder the raider can just get out
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im so mad 'i know you just saved everyone's life but YOURE GROUNDED!!! BACK TO YOUR CENTURY"
i think the raider should call humans mutants more often
raider you realized the duck avenger wasnt there because hes. in the tv. and i've known that since next week is so bad but i wouldn't expect anything less
cog i'm glad that uno is still just. trying his best to fight crime even though he's struggling so hard
IM SO MAD im. uno really said (corner of a party meme) he doesn't know i'm odin eidolon
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odin's makeup is on point today i must say (SORRY)
SCROOGE!!!! forgot he was in these comics.
HI XADOOM!!!!! sorry im just enjoying seeing all of these characters
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fheawuifheohh wahhh she's so happy but this feels so too good to be true everybody is clapping i cant
IM SO MAD shoutout to the vr technicians at the xadhoom division because honestly they deserve credit for faking a whole planet. even if it didnt really work
i have had nothing to say about it but i'm glad one of the stories here is. random evronian adventures
IM SO MAD the way xadhoom just took out the entire evronian base in the span of the two random evronians adventure
IM SO MAD THE WAY HES JUST. in monkland with everett ducklair
and that was missing! i enjoyed myself reading that comic and i'm probably going to be dragged into the aether soon but i missed pk man. and here he is!!!! or i guess isn't
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esoteriamaya · 2 years
Venus in the 8th: More Observations & Tips
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Venus 8th House - Their sensuality is potent & is very magnetic. Their allure is contagious, and they tend to have others wanting to worship then. They could understand the dark side of money and how to make it. I see something about sex work being a thing for a few people with this house placement, but most of all it could be that you are aware of how money works in society and dont look it at from a good or bad perspective. You know that money can be made in all ways and its truly what you do with it is what counts. Hidden secrets around relationships and lovers. You might be able to spot when your lovers are walking out on you, you just know. When it comes to everyone else relationships you can see through them, something you learned during your adolescent years. Youre able to pick up on the energies of people very easy, so it is no wonder you're able to pick up things from others relationships.
I notice if you're a woman with this placement others tend to 'hide their wives/husbands' from you. They think you'll steal them, your sex appeal is extremely high so no matter what people will think youre some 'slut'. Sugar daddies may come out of no where for you guys, the 'streets' chose you not the other way around.
For some of you, you could know some pretty successful people in high places. They gravitate to your aura because it is very dark and powerful, so this can be used as opportunity. You can see into their lives and they trust you with what you know. The more higher youre up on the ladder the more hidden knowledge you tend to come across.
Gifted in the occult, you can be healers in areas that have to do with the sexual organs. Can heal others with your hands (reiki) and could also make money off this if you choose.
Last thing I wasnt to say is that you guys can have a lot of jealous women around you. Girl, guy, non binary. Doesnt matter. Its because since youre personal power comes from your sensuality it can shine light on other peoples darkness.
'Like why is this person so pretty?' 'why does everyone gravitate to them and not me?' like... they cant seem to understand what it is about you. You dont have to be some ig model or extremely attractive to be 'sexy' with this placement you ARE it. You are the embodiment of sex appeal.
Tips I would have these placement holders is to hold on to their sex appeal as long as they can because as they mature in life they'll be individuals that will try to make you turn it down. Hold your head up high & never let them see you sweat because trust me they're waiting it on it. If you have any moment where you are vulnerable thats when the vultures come through and try to attack so privacy over your self & your feelings is necessary.
If you are an artist you can sell your art and can get a lot of vendors and sponsors who want to see your stuff. I say this because people some of you with this placement may be prone to insecurity around your artwork however your passion is noticed in your work. So it should be seen in the spotlight because it gives us a chance to feel the passion and hard work in what you've created.
Another thing I will say before I end this, is that love for yourself & the world at large creates more energy for you to live off of and makes your aura stand out from the rest. You guys are actually work really well with community and you should use your magnetism for the workspaces of helping groups that need your compassion and grace.
thank you for reading <3
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antisocialmia · 6 months
Dr. W. Afton headcanons
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sfw and nsfw mentioned -> mdni
gen!neutral reader, just silly thoughts and mostly sweet (I hope) probably not readproof so sorry for any writing mistakes.
Dr. W. Afton from the game 'Thats Not My Neighbour'
Disclaimer!! I dont own the character or anything. Just trying to support the creators.
Art credits: @_.calitryx on TikTok
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probably about 5'11 to 6'0 tall
takes really good care of his facial hair (the maximum it gets are two days before he shaves again)
see him something between slim and yet muscular, sleeper build
slim waist and his shoulders on the broader side
Cake. Thats it.
his hands are rather on the rough side but he tries to take care of them
long fingers and takes the cleaning of his hands very seriously??
he has defined features but not like too sharp
he has knee issues
addicted to coffee, also his very first thought after waking up
has a habit of sleeping in when he has a day off
or so he says ─ the first time you slept over he was awake at 7.
takes a lot of time for his hair in the bathroom
was insecure about his nose in his teens but learned to accept it nonetheless
he's left-handed
randomly mutturs out some facts throughout the day
he needs to push up his glasses pretty often because he once broke them by sitting down on them but refused to get them fixed
"its only a little bent." Yeah, a whole 90 degrees
he has a picture of you in his wallet
probably all his colleges know about you at this point
he's such a yapper once talking about a topic he enjoys maybe just a little too much ─ but you let him because who can say no to someone like him?
notices the tiniest changes of literally anything
going from things laying somewhere else in his apartment to the act of a person he's talking to
also the type of guy who watches you look at something a little too long and buys it for you as a present later
he remembers everything, literally has the brain of an elephant. 'I remember you saying you wish you had that so I got it for you.'
you might actually mistake him for a phyics teacher (that damn checker pattern)
closet is mostly filled with linen shirts and some suit pants
'thats all he ever needed' ─ his words
color variates, he has almost every color but those bright ones.
of course he has some home clothes (you love to steal)
comfortable sweats and cozy sweaters
great taste when it comes for comfortable clothing ─ always manages to get the most fluffy ones too.
for jewlery, he only wears his watch around his left wrist
he probably has a gym membership but never actually goes
if you go tho, he might join you
in his freetime he loves to jog
loves to explore new things, like new recipes to new games (If mobile or not)
playfights usually end up with him laying down on you with his full weight
always has a stupid grin on his face when he does that
he's completely clean, not freaky clean tho
there's not a single dust grain
but hes not too pressed about it ─ he simply enjoys tidying his apartment
gives him some sort of comfort
you can also find sometimes his clothes over the couch or laying on the ground, which is rare but it happens
his job doesnt require too much of his time so he has plenty of time at home
like said before, he had some insecurities
confidence wasnt his thing in his teens (He was probably one of those 'uhm actually' kids but unintentionally.)
changed in his 20's ─ went out regulary but never found anything that could have gone further
which changed when you came around
so, he indeed was experienced but you taught him things aswell
love language is physical touch and acts of service (also words of affirmation)
loves random hugs and gives them too
huge on pda and shows it too
he really loves to just embrace you and cuddle with you on the couch or in bed while watching a movie or show
sleeping with him is hell
he's tussing and turning all night long, but only If you arent in his grasp
once youre trapped in his arms there's no way out and he wont move a single inch
small snores, but only once in a while ─ barely noticable too.
has all sorts of nicknames for you 'baby' , 'love' , 'honey' , 'sugar' , 'cupcake' you name it.
NSFW -> mdni
a complete switch
service dom
lives to do what you tell him to
to the location -> probably everywhere in the apartment when youre up to it
high-sex drive and probably lasts atleast 2 rounds
gets super touchy when he's worked up and just hints what he wants instead of saying it directly
he's shy! Just catch up to what he's implying.
knows the difference between harder and faster
also, not exactly into hard bdsm but isnt shy to explore with you either
praising to the top with him
you wont catch him letting out one word that would degrade
loves physical touch so this is his time to shine
body worshiping
kisses every inch of skin his lips can reach and then again
always tells you how good youre doing and how proud he is of you for taking him that well.
he's not.. exactly small either
a true mystery how he keeps it hidden beneath those forbidden pants
he loves to mark you, not for claiming and only for his eyes to see (maybe on the nape of your neck but not further)
basically, he does it how you want it. Romantic, slow and tender? He's in with all at it. Rose pedals even.
in the mood for something more rough and- ahem- man handling? Sure. He's in. But expect a godly aftercare ─ he can't stand the thought of hurting you
whenever, he's all sweet and gentle
acting as If youre made out of glass and will break any moment
once again he'll do anything you ask him to do.
a bath? 'Of course, my love.' Just a simple glass of water? Its already on your nightstand. Cuddles? Thats already happening before you had the thought. A massage? 'Just relax,'
a dream, literally.
he'll clean you both up without a second thought and wont let you lift a finger
if you do, youre met with a pouty expression on his face.
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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it. A little rushed.
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hi i just wanted to thank you firstly for writing. for sharing your art with the world. it fucking rocks. and secondly for writing ava as disabled and exploring her agency and emotion and affirming that disability has no bearing on one’s worth. and how it doesn’t affect her and bea’s love (and lust). thank you for Getting It
[i know this wasnt a prompt but i loved this ask so :) a lil smth]
when you wheel into bea’s office, you laugh at how she scrambles to try to hide the fact she’s definitely just watching tennis on her big desktop monitor.
‘working hard or hardly working?’ you ask.
she had told you, an hour or so ago, that she had some “important documents” to go over, which, half of the time, is her way of saying she just wants some alone time. you tell her all the time that she could just say that, but, apparently, you pout, and she can’t resist your pout.
today, she waits a beat, blushing at getting caught, and then laughs.
‘it’s… wait, don’t tell me… mmm. wimbledon? right now?’
‘the french open.’
‘ah, the one with the clay.’
she sounds a little impressed that you know that, which would be embarrassing other than that your interest in tennis lies in the way everyone’s arms look in their little outfits—including when beatrice plays at the country club—which is a way cooler reason to enjoy a sport than winning.
‘what’s up?’ she asks, after you don’t say anything else. honestly you got a little stuck thinking about beatrice’s shoulders, and then her freckles, and then the flat, muscular plane of her chest and her abs, and — ‘ava?’
tragically, she’s wearing a hoodie right now, a saving grace for the productivity of this conversation. you refocus. ‘i’m taking you on a date.’
‘are you now?’
‘i am. be ready to leave in an hour and a half.’
‘alright. dress code?’
‘nothing, ideally.’ she rolls her eyes. ‘whatever you want. we’re going somewhere new, but it’s casual.’
bea nods. ‘okay.’
‘do you need any more mission details, or —‘
she just sighs.
‘okay, good talk, team. see ya in an hour and a half.’
it had been a hard two months, recovering from your most extensive surgery so far, dr salvius and the team of spine specialists she’s recruited for the past few years trying to stabilize your degenerating nerves and discs and vertebrae. the part that’s the worst is preventing the halo from healing everything right away; it’s protective of you, passively, simmering with anger between your shoulder blades, feeling like it’s been given anesthesia too.
it’s been years since you’d gotten it, though: when beatrice, and your sisters and friends care for you after surgery — when they care for you anytime — you understand, now, that they love you. your spine, and the halo humming along it — your pain and mobility limitations and anything else that comes along with it — don’t make you less bright, or capable, or funny. to beatrice — even when she’s had to help you pee in a bedpan or help you wash yourself in the shower on your shower seat — they don’t make you less sexy. she always wants, when you feel up to it, to kiss and cuddle and, once you’re better, touch you, and to let you touch her. she wants you to hold her as she falls asleep, and she wants you to, even though she grumbles about it for show, steal her sweaters. she carefully pulls socks onto your cold feet in the mornings, when you can’t bend over enough to reach them without excruciating pain, and then kisses your knee, your hip, stands to kiss your temple, your forehead, your mouth.
your broken back, always trying and sometimes failing, to hold itself together, makes you who you are, a part sliding into all the pieces that make up a whole. the joy held in her care; the devout reverence; the happiness — there are miracles all the time, you’ve learned, and to you this might be the biggest one of all.
you make a big show of pretending to cover your eyes when you both happen to be in the closet at the same time, and it works because beatrice laughs. ‘give me two minutes to grab my outfit,’ she says, kisses the top of your head, runs a finger along the shell of your ear and then along your jaw. easy touches, that she doesn’t even think about, to show you she wants you. you lean into her hand, your eyes still closed.
you play along, listening to her methodically and efficiently gather her things, and then she squeezes your shoulder.
‘i’ll use my office restroom,’ she says, ‘and you can get ready here.’
‘what if i said i was ready now?’ you don’t have any makeup on, and you’re in a pair of her old joggers, one of the cuffs fraying, and a t-shirt you’d found that has a cat with laser beams shooting out of its eyes; you haven’t brushed your hair after the shower you took post-physical therapy in the morning.
‘i would say that you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen.’ you preen, even with your eyes closed; you hear the smile in her voice. ‘but that i would certainly be the better dressed one tonight.’
you huff a laugh and she tucks a wayward strand of hair behind your ear and then kisses your cheek.
things take a little longer, when you’re hurting, but they’re not impossible. you can reach everything in your closet that you might want, and the counter in the bathroom has space underneath it for your chair, and is low enough you can easily see the mirror. you love your physical and occupational therapists; at this point, you’ve worked with them for years consistently, and it’s second nature to know how to do everything you want when your mobility is limited. it’s not easy, but it’s also not really that hard. the world at large isn’t built for you, but beatrice had built you a home, and you had built her one too: greens she loves; paintings she lingers by still, even if you’ve had them for a while.
korra, always eager to help, gets you a water from the fridge when you give her the command, and she lazes by your feet later, panting happily. she’s worked hard the past two months, and you’re a little bit in awe of her.
you get ready, manage a perfect eyeliner and drape the velvet vintage dress, a deep, burnt orange, kind of glorious, that you’d found in ruth’s closet — that she has insisted you take, because it didn’t fit her anymore and because you looked beautiful and because you loved it — elegantly in the chair. you could struggle, in pain, to fasten the thin straps of the heels you’d picked, but you know bea won’t mind.
you’re just finishing up when you hear bea’s soft footsteps behind you; she can still pad silently if she wants, but this is another way she’s relaxed into your home, your life, your love. you turn and smile, helplessly, because she’s leaning against the doorframe, bathed in the waning light.
you wheel toward her, taking in the impeccably neat tuck of her tight t-shirt into a pair of navy linen slacks, her rich brown belt and loafers matching. she has on mascara and cologne, the rolex you’d gotten her on her wrist, her wedding band faithfully on her finger.
‘you look beautiful,’ she says, a little breathless.
‘so do you.’
‘i suppose i’ll have to settle for a draw.’
‘mmm. for what?’
‘best dressed,’ she tells you, and you laugh.
‘we can be the best dressed couple,’ you offer, and she beams.
she wheels you, because you’d asked her, because she never offers but she never pauses, not even for a moment, when you ask her. the highly-anticipated cambodian food pop up at the wine bar she loves is near enough you don’t need to drive, and there’s a nice patio in the back that korra loves to go to, so she walks happily beside you.
‘hey,’ you say, turning around so you can look at her. the air is still warm and the blue haze of twilight sits around her quietly, catching the grey streaks that have started to pop up in her short hair.
‘i love you. thank you for this life.’
she pauses, walks to the front of your chair, and bends down to kiss you, right there on the sidewalk, just like that. ‘i love you too, ava. a better life than i ever could’ve imagined.’
you clear your throat; you hadn’t planned to cry. ‘let’s go get so much food.’
she laughs, but you hear a sniffle too. ‘yeah?’
‘oh, yeah. i’m gonna order the whole menu.’
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rottenshigaraki · 2 years
I went to an art museum recently and it got me wondering who from the league would go with you
Here are those headcanons
{Twice, Mr.Compress, Toga, Spinner, Shigaraki, Dabi}
This was in my drafts from a year ago. here you go LOL
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The only one whos willing and excited to go is Mr.Compress. He buys the tickets
He holds your hand
Reads every plaque
Will read them to you if you want
He will take his time admiring the artwork
Really enjoys the sculpture
Its an all day event for you two
Would spend a good time at the rose garden, smelling and observing all the beautiful flowers
Will steal a few of them for you to take home
Dabi will not go. At all. Ever.
You could not bribe this man to go
Thinks its the boringest thing on earth
He could care less about art and definitely isnt going to spend all day with you just standing around
He’ll drive you and pick you up
Asks Toga or someone to keep you company
Tomura Shigarak
Shigaraki also wouldn't care
He might tag along just to make sure no one would try to talks to you, and to just be with you
He'll admire the artwork a lil, thinks its nice and can see the work that was put into it
Doesnt care to read about them though
Also doesnt care about the rose garden that isnt even in bloom yet but he rather be outside than in
The silence was so deafening 
understimulated to the max!
try to rush you through the rooms
Does not like the marble statues, at all
Himiko Toga
Toga would go with you if you asked
She would try to read about each piece but would get bored quickly
Wouldnt want to stay long
She'd enjoy the marble sculptures
Find them funny and would mock their poses and expressions
The rose garden being her favorite even if it wasnt in bloom
Would steal any roses in bloom
Spinner also would not want to go but he'd go for you
He'd enjoy looking at the artwork
Listens to you talk to your hearts content about artists and their work
I feel like he wouldnt like the marble sculptures, makes him uncomfortable
Probably because the majority are all naked
He doesnt understand why people care so much about flowers but he enjoys how nice the rose garden is and how it would be only you two around
A nice moment to just sit on the benches and relax with each other
also would get very understimulated but wouldnt fuss
Ends up enjoying himself because of you
Jin || Twice
Jin, now Jin would love to go but he hates how quiet it is
He'd be very self conscious about his movements and what he says
But he'd enjoy having your arms linked and being close
You'd read to him about the artist and their artwork
Tell him about the sculptures and what they represent
He'd enjoy his time because he's with you
Also likes being outside more in the rose garden
He likes flowers
Likes the pretty roses and will pick one to put in your hair
and kiss you or something sweet
actually enjoys the art, will stare and admire the pieces 
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that-starry-freak · 2 months
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Hello!!! I'm Echo, or Starry I don't mind! I am just a silly little guy here on Tumblr thinking about my silly guys and studying them! Don't mind me!
I have a side blog for my current main hyperfixation, for now being my Tsams side blog! Go check that out if you are interested in my Tsams content: @dont-hug-me-im-hyperfixating
DISCLAIMER: not all my art is Tsams/tsbs!! I draw a lot of Fnaf sb dca things, and ship Sun x Moon outside of the tsams fandom! I do not ship incest, and any of the ships you see will never be in the context of them being siblings!
Tags and Aus vvv
My Tags!
#art - this may be shocking, but its my art
#traditional art - my art, but its ~traditional~
#Astro Rants - chat I yap a lot
#oc stuff - its in the title hon
My Aus! (Needs to be updated and changed but I dont wanna)
Mind over Matter au: You've known about fazbear ever since you were 3. You grew up with it, and started working there pretty early on. Now you're moving to their newest location, The Mega Pizzaplex. But you have ulterior motives, and you arnt just there to be a security guard.
You're told to stay out of the daycare, but you've never really cared about what Fazbear tells you to do. You meet the daycare attendant, and when the lights turn off, you have to think quick on your feet. But you end up taming and saving the viruses Moon, and start to slowly get closer to the prickly Sun. While slowly working on your own, personal and more important mission (left vague because I hope to write this story, so I'll keep the twist a suprise <3)
Tag - #MoM au
Rockstars and Romance: In a world with soulmate marks, its unsurprising that everyone wants to know what the back of your's looks like. You however wear a pair of gloves to hide the marks, not needing people claiming to be your soulmate. But when your manager Mr. Emily says you'll be working with Sun and Moon, two robot rockstars that work under the same manager as your rival Vanny, you begin to have sneaking suspicions of who they're for.
Sun and Moon were never made to be rockstars, they were created for the circus. But when fazbear decides to rebrand, they were the only robots that were spruced up and forced to sing. They enjoy it for the most part, but marks began showing up on their hands. They paint over them, but every time they wake up, it's there again. They can tell one set is supposed to be each other, the sun and moon marks were obvious, but the two red stars were not so much. They assume they were meant to represent their dead ex, but when they meet Red, they begin to have other theories.
Tag - #Rsr au
Companion: Sun was always very, very stressed. So they made him a companion: Moon. Thats it, that's the au.
Tag - #cau
The Dying Sun's Protostar au: When Eclipse (v2) died, the star wasn't destroyed with him. So Moon brought it back to his universe and hid it. Things went on as normal, and soon they forgot about it. But when Solar died, Moon was desperate to get him back. He attempted to use magic to use his lingering energy and revive him, but it didn't work. Instead, the star absorbed his eccense and became sentient. Leaving Moon, and the rest of the celestial family, to raise a small powerful semi-animatronic child named Star. Also Moon changed his name to Nexus to distinguish himself from Old Moon, not wanting to keep being compared to someone who he wasnt.
Tag - #tdsp au
Ask Blog
Relocation au: Eclipse (v4) secretly went to a universe with a lord Eclipse with the help of Spanard, convincing his Servant Sun to go against him and steal the star. He brought his family back, and they all thanked Eclipse. He went there every once and awhile, because it felt nice to have people care about him. Sure, Earth in his universe did, but that was about it. But when Nexus went insane trying to bring Solar back, he succeeded in killing his family. All but Eclipse. He attempted to go after him, but Eclipse ran to the universe he had helped before, bringing Spanard with him, now living with the ex servant Sun's family.
Tag - #relo au
Rather than a Widow au: The Lamb didnt remember his own name at this point, so used to being called "The Lamb". They were so stressed with the cult at this point, but there was one good thing: they were married to Narinder, their God. However, when Narinder betrayed the Lamb and asked them to die permanently for his release, they refused. They fought, and the Lamb won. They let him live, but they're divorced. The Lamb is exhausted now, tired of their stupid cult members and their ex now living in their cult. Narinder is still in love with them, but The Lamb really doesn't want to marry him again. Guess we've got a lovers to enemies to lovers slowburn
Tag - #RtaW au
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lubotomies · 5 months
ok this has happened multiple times now so i gotta be blunt about it
if you are going to use my art and post it places the ONLY thing i ask for is permission or credit. Truly. thats an OR, not an AND. if you ask permission, i dont need credit. if you give credit, you dont need permission. if you are tracing my art in private for educational purposes and not posting it anywhere, you dont need either. i only want to be aware of it. im INCREDIBLY open about my art being used, reposted, edited, copied, traced, etc so long as im in the know (this is also to save YOU - when other people see your work and recognise it as MY work, telling them you have permission or having credit listed in a noticeable spot can save you from a lot of grievance). if you are being shady and secretive about it, it may become a problem because that is just bad practice in the art community PERIOD.
i try to be very lax and understanding when it comes to these things, im truly always flattered when such an issue comes up, and im not one to post about it publicly and cause a witch-hunt or make a callout or anything. i like to deal with these privately and quietly because when you are caught plagiarising or stealing in the art community it can GENUINELY end your career and be a PERMANENT black mark on your reputation, and i do not want any artist, young or experienced, to be forced away from art because they used MY work in one way or another. but this is also why its important to credit or ask permission! if you did this with an artist that WASNT okay with this, IT COULD END YOUR CAREER IN THE ART INDUSTRY!! please follow the etiquette in the art community just to keep yourself out of trouble if nothing else.
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snomoscribbles · 7 months
。.・Master-list and Navigation゜・。
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•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •••• ━━━━━ ••●•• •• ━━━━━ •• Heyo! My name is Snomo/Bren and this is where my blue people brain worms reside! --27--He/Him--Artist and Writer--
NOTICE: This is an 18+ space and Minors should not interact or follow for my comfort and general internet safety please! I write and draw things unfit for minor audiences. I have a zero tolerance policy for any kind of transphobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, etc. If I see you posting/sending/interacting with any such content you will be blocked and discarded promptly. Requests: I do accept requests and interaction asks for canon characters and my OCs, but I am very selective. Usually it will be a short oneshot or ficlet. Please keep that in mind, this is a hobby and I want it to remain enjoyable for me so I try to write things I enjoy. Any interactions, asks, reblogs, and comments are hoarded and treasured and I appreciate the encouragement! <3 No underage characters will be put in 18+ situations or content. Timeskips or established AUs will be tagged!
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•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •••• ━━━━━ ••●•• •• ━━━━━ •• Ao'nung x Neteyam Notch the arrow-steal my soul AO3 -- Tumblr Pairing: Ao'nung x neteyam rating: T Status: complete Summary: What if Neteyam wasnt as worried about keeping the peace and overhears people talking shit? Let him be mad 2k24. •---------• •---------• •---------• Eywas Greatest Gift AO3 Pairing: Ao'nung x neteyam rating: M Status: incomplete 4/? chapters Summary: A bunch of snippets of Ao'nung character growth and crushing on the eldest sully. Just letting them grow up and be goofy. slow updates. •---------• •---------• •---------• Best Friends BrotherAO3 Pairing: Ao'nung x Neteyam Rating: M Status: incomplete 1/? chapters Summary: Ao'nung is desperately trying to get the beautiful bastard that is Neteyam Sully to notice him. But being Lo'aks first real friend from moving to Awa'Atlu means he just secured his place in the "adopted sibling" part of Neteyams mind. He's working on it, okay? •---------• •---------• •---------• Put Your Hands On Me AO3-- Tumblr Pairing: Ao'nung x Neteyam rating: E Status: 1/2 chapters posted Summary: Ao'nung is here to make his attraction to Neteyam everyone elses problem. One sparring match at a time. •• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •••• ━━━━━ ••●•• •• ━━━━━ •• INSERTS AND X READERS Sweet to the taste Tumblr - AO3 Pairing: Nanui (OC) x Reader Rating: E Status: complete Summary: Starts cute and ends with Nanui confirming that you taste as good as you look. In a sexy way, not a cannibal way I swear.
Morning Reflection AO3 - Tumblr Pairing: Nanui (OC) x Reader Rating: T Status: Complete Summary: Nanui x pregnant omaticaya/avatar reader! Just a short fluffy ficlet of Nanui being a doting partner to his pregante mate. •• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •••• ━━━━━ ••●•• •• ━━━━━ •• --Art tag -- Request Tag -- OC list --
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quietbluejay · 5 months
Bluejay Reads Samples 2
This time: Praetorian of Dorn, various primarch novel samples (Guilliman, Russ, Magnus, Perturabo, Fulgrim, Jaghatai) and Wolfsbane
tonight let's see what dorn's horus heresy novel is like huh, dude with a name like "Fafnir Rann" sounds like he should be a Space Wolf why hello there sexy lamp horus, here to say ominous prologue-y things and then vanish
Okay, for clarification, the reason I've been calling him that is that for most of his appearances he could be replaced by a sexy lamp.
local man tired of his stuff being inspected annnd a dude gets strangled underground
iridescent furred wolves in the gobi desert ok that's sick update: THE SIZE OF HORSES with scaled faces i think they should show up in other places cmon space wolves this is your moment they're even called rad-wolves because of how rad they are Dorn's going through it, huh yeah, the book isn't really grabbing me French is a decent enough author, but… i don't know if part of it is that i don't have sufficient context despite, you know, having read a whole bunch of heresy books already
i think i've nailed down my issue with most of the recent samples and it's that right now i'm not really interested in the big picture space battles kind of stuff, what i want to see is the human drama and also, i don't really want to get invested into minor character POV when i know they're probably going to die horribly
hm ok i think i'll try the primarch novels next guilliman time
Volcanic ash leads to fertile soil, but it also leads to a theoretical misapprehension. Emphasis on the positive outcome can result in the memory’s blindness to the original destruction. If the source of the ash is not taken into consideration, ash may settle over a dead land. The error in the theoretical results in the misapplication of the practical.
guilliman could use some work on his writing skills
My Father gives the Imperium a cause and thus its unbreakable strength. This principle, once applied to all social, cultural, and military formations, ensures a cohesion that surpasses the vagaries of individual ambition.
oh i really don't like that guilliman: expanding an empire by conquest is based, actually
ack! the theoretical practical thing again! it burns! but also it's nice to see the ultramarines joking around okay that's…basically it it's…okay writing, i guess?
russ time yeah. great idea guys. throwing kids out into the wilderness. yeah the heresy-era Space Wolves definitely a lot less fun to hang out with than their modern counterparts and also don't have the nice coffeeshop hangout ambiance yes by all means let's all eat organ meat with our bare hands and get juices and blood everywhere how unsanitary also given this place is lit with freakin braziers and has straw underfoot: a) that's a giant fire hazard b) that's also a carbon monoxide hazard yes let's also turn over the tables and fight here you guys are lucky you're space marines with all that undercooked meat you're consuming anyways, writing was….also okay, i guess? there was an okay story hook but im still not invested enough in Russ
ok one more for tonight, time for the Magnus one ack! McNeill! My nemesis!!!
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and I continue to be unsold on the topic of Perturabo seriously? stealing quotes? lame, man okay this is. not too purple a prose.
okay mcneill you win this round having magnus be sad about the destroyed art
ack! the usual purple prose description!
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but were his nipple horns thrusting magnificently im sorry im never going to let that one go okay mcneill definitely improved haha especially as a storyteller i still don't like him but at least in the preview THIS TIME I was blissfully free of undulating muscles okay, it wasnt in Angel Exterminatus either. I will be fair.
perturabo sample time
The road was rough, studded with rock polished smooth by the feet of generations of animal herders. Thorny plants lining its edges scraped at the boy’s legs. He examined them cursorily as he passed, curious about them even though he already knew their fundamental essences intimately. He breathed deeply, thrilling at the rain smell even as he formulated hypotheses as to where the rain had come from, and why it affected the world the way it did. Everything was new, and everything familiar. Knowledge came into his mind without active recollection. It was simply a part of him. He was a newborn burdened with wisdom beyond his years.
yeah so like he just got a bunch of knowledge dumped in his head and also can always see the eye of terror i feel like this explains a lot? but also i still do not like him
There was so much to see that he had never seen before, but much was familiar. He knew it all: the materials, their properties and the effects the architect had intended to instil. Perturabo looked upon everything and was at once amazed and jaded. His delight at each new observation faded as the knowledge sprang into his mind, leaving him feeling cheated of the joy of discovery.
yeah that's got to suck perturabo with literally no memories: gold sucks iron is cool hm yeah getting a database dumped into his brain did him zero favours lmao zero memories and already he's like "ew, gods, gross"
Perturabo sneered. ‘A world you cannot see? The existence of such things is illogical. All mortal experience can be encompassed by the rational laws of reality.’ He paused. How could he prove what he had just said? Nevertheless, he felt it deeply, utterly, as an unshakeable conviction.
sdjkfhsdfl it is very funny to me now that he was besties with magnus
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there's something in here but i don't have enough data points to properly chew on it yet
‘Dwellers within,’ the Chaplain declared, his voice amplified to a roar by his armour’s address system, ringing back from the stone walls. ‘You have been found guilty of non-compliance with the desires of the Emperor of Mankind, refusing the benefits of Enlightenment and denying the Imperial Truth. In persisting with your worship of false gods you directly defy the mandates of Terra. Furthermore, in refusing to acknowledge the falsity of your worship you commit the wilful and persistent adherence to an error in matters of faith. ‘There is but one Lore and Law, and it is from Him of Terra that it springs. Font of Truth, the Emperor has claimed this world for the benefit of all humankind. You refused to set aside your selfish vanity and are therefore guilty also of treason against humanity. No clemency will be offered, no mercy shown. Your lives are forfeit and your estates shall become one with the great Imperium of Mankind.’
so that's how you guys are justifying it, huh this has to be before Monarchia lmao kor phaeron: your prayers have been answered! now go hide except you overpriest dude: wh? kor phaeron: i need your head as proof that i killed everyone overpriest: i thought you said my prayers had been answered! kor phaeron: didn't you pray that the gods would look at you? well congrats you're gonna meet them! and then there's a worldbuilding interlude tsk. sloppy writing. the actual description of living on colchis was well done though
Fire and blood. It always came down to fire and blood. Or so his brothers, in their wisdom, claimed. Compliance was forged in fire and cooled in blood, they said. Skies of ash and fields of bone. Fire and blood. A monotonous philosophy, lacking in even the crudest artistry.
is someone an asoiaf fan
It frustrated him to no end that such a belief was the guiding star of humanity’s great adventure. Even the Emperor seemed to hold to it, though more for efficiency’s sake than any other reason. Fire and blood. Efficiency and speed. The watchwords of the Great Crusade.
lmao, "efficiency" bluejay flashes back to just about every compliance she has read about lmaoooo
hm dipping a bit into purple prose again but no one is longing to render his effervescent form into pale translucent marble yet
He turned back to the stars as a polite chuckle rippled through the group. ‘However, we can judge our own efficiency, or lack thereof.’ The chuckles ceased, as he’d intended. There was a time and a place for humour. He knocked on the glass of the viewport with a bare knuckle. ‘My brothers leave behind them a trail of worlds broken to the wheel. Scars of fire and blood, carved across the face of the galaxy. I think – I know – that there is a better way.’ Another smile, swift and sure like the slash of a blade. ‘A more efficient way. And together, you and I will prove it.’
oh for- Fulgrim, please stop sexually harassing your subordinates or….whatever is going on here no, yeah, I stand by my original opinion also, wow fulgrim: be very careful how you talk to me or you won't like the result fulgrim: in private is fine (even though i am threatening you for talking casually to me in private as we speak) fulgrim: so give me your honest opinion on whether i made the right choice or not this is right after him asking the captain's opinion on his speech and then getting on his case for the response i continue to dislike fulgrim
He laughed softly. ‘I would have expected that suggestion from Ferrus, or maybe even Horus, but never Russ. He has hidden depths, that one.’ ‘Well hidden,’ Abdemon agreed. Fulgrim laughed again. ‘Now, now, that is one of the Emperor’s sons you’re insulting, Abdemon. And my brother.’ He paused. ‘My mangy, flea-infested barbarian of a brother.’ He glanced at his subordinate.
man fulgrim would not be a fun boss to have
ew, eugenics the emperor's children are really into blood purity stuff huh okay. the writing on this one was decent but i'm not really interested in the story that seems to be the case for these books in general lol
Jaghatai time:
let's see what Wraight has to say about his blorbo owo Jaghatai mad at the Emperor
‘His neck,’ said the Khagan of Chogoris, the Great Khan of the Fifth Legion Astartes, his long black hair flying loose. ‘If He does not learn to bend it, one day it will break.’ ‘The mind – unequalled,’ the Khan growled, swinging into another hall. His closed fist punched out at a bulbous vase, and it shattered into a rain of echoing fragments. ‘But the neck. That is the weakness. That is the flaw.’ ‘He gazes on the infinite,’ the Khan spat, ‘but we are body, blood and bone.’
o w o this is definitely the most interesting of the primarch novels
‘This is our message – there are no gods, there is no magic, there is only reason. This is our only weapon, the one sanctioned by Him, beloved of all, who set this thing in motion.’ ‘Is nonsense.’ Niasta smiled tolerantly. ‘Which is, I gather, exactly what the Khan told the Emperor. And that’s what’s giving my master considerable trouble, and when our respective masters are at loggerheads, it falls to us to smooth things over.’
Yesugei smiled sadly, knowingly. ‘You wish us to lie.’ ‘We wish you to be sensible.’ ‘He will never lie.’ Yesugei lost his smile. ‘He has fault. All men have fault. But not this. He make an oath, the oath is kept. You understand?’ ‘This is not about truth,’ Niasta said, just a trace of exasperation creeping into her polished voice. ‘It doesn’t need to be.’
anyways Jaghatai continues to be best boy and this is the only book i really am intrigued by
it opens with past!Horus POV of meeting Leman for. the first time. it uh
Horus stared at the barbarian king. No fraternal feeling came to him. Instead he was flooded with dismay.
It didn't go well
‘Are they fit to serve you, my lord?’ asked Horus. He hurried on before the Emperor could reply. ‘They will take much training. Think of the acclimatisation period. We have wiped out cultures more sophisticated than theirs. We should do the same to them.’ It was a plausible lie. His objections to these wolf-kin were rooted elsewhere entirely, and he was ashamed of that. ‘We have killed many similar societies, but we have welcomed hundreds more worlds like theirs into the Imperium. Fenris has complied. There will be no purge.’ Horus was bereft. He was no longer alone. He should not care, but he did. He was embarrassing himself.
hashtag just teenage primarch things
Sensing his son’s resentment, the Emperor rested a hand on Horus’ shoulder. The touch sent shivers into Horus’ soul. Loving devotion welled in his hearts that he could not deny, try as he might.
uh. is he like. emotion bombing Horus here?
‘I understand your disappointment,’ the Emperor said, amused. ‘You and I have fought side by side for years. It is natural for you to feel this…’ The Emperor’s humour grew. Horus basked in it like he would the sunlight, even as it burned him. ‘…sibling rivalry. But I need him. We need him. He was made by me as you were. He is a brother for you, if you like. Brotherly competition is to be encouraged, because it will drive you on to greater efforts.’
Oh no
The Emperor required Horus to look at Him, so Horus did. Horus’ will buckled under the force of the Emperor’s attention, but his misgivings would not retreat.
this explains so much
‘If I cannot trust you to learn how to work with the others, and lead them as the first of my sons, then I have overestimated you,’ the Emperor said. He said it blandly, but the thought of disappointing his father struck Horus with a panicked dread. ‘I will not fail you, father,’ he swore. ‘I shall befriend him. I shall help you teach him.’
yeah this explains so much about horus
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Okay so Bluejay's Emperor thoughts on the topic of the primarchs
I think it really confirms my impression that he got by on pure warp-based charisma rather than having actual social and interpersonal skills I don't think he was deliberately trying to mess up Horus to the extent that it actually happened
I do think part of him did genuinely care about the primarchs, and Horus especially, at least based on everything I've seen so far but he didn't care about them enough to not see and treat them as tools and the combo of that plus him somehow being, how to put it not having the wisdom and sense that God gave a slug that combo is what got us here!
‘We do not believe in fate.’ ‘ This is the Imperial Truth? This the Emperor also says to me on our trip here. An interesting idea,’ he said, as if he had evaluated and rejected the concept. ‘The Imperial Truth,’ he repeated, changing the emphasis as if trying out which way suited him best. ‘You do not believe it?’ said Horus. Leman of the Russ shrugged. ‘When gods come from the sky and tell you there are no gods, it takes little time to see what is true and what is not.’ ‘And what do you think is true?’ ‘I think a believer who ceases to believe when the truth of his world confirms those beliefs is a fool,’ he said simply. ‘It doesn’t matter what gods say. We don’t pay much attention to them. They are as drunk and stupid as we.’ He grinned.
you know if i had a nickel for every time this conversation happened in the book samples i picked up tonight, i'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's funny it happened twice i'll be honest this is the book that's selling me on Russ the most and like actually getting across his concept the best
‘Good?’ said Russ. His smile was all pointed teeth. They did not fit with the primarch’s clean-shaven face. It was rarely commented on, but Russ was a handsome being, though his features tended to the blunt and he had many scars. All the primarchs were made to be perfect, but some of them, Fulgrim and Sanguinius in particular, were more beautiful than others to begin with. Leman Russ was handsome in his way, if one looked past his furs and his manner. Loken wondered how many people ever did.
don't worry, Russ, I'm sure someone will love you for yourself okay this one is definitely one i want to come back to
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wwraithsart · 7 months
Tumblr user @/lisa-russell has reposted yours and many others splatoon art without permission. I'm trying to alert as many artists as I can about this because they blocked me when I asked them to stop doing it. They include users in their screenshots but they're still stealing and reposting art.
ugh, yikes. i looked through their blog & wasnt able to find anything of mine but i don't doubt its somewhere in there, they repost a lot of stuff... in the meantime i'll start beefing up my watermarks or something
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thekinkyleopard · 1 year
Mr Steal Yo…
A Non-Canon Remi x Levi One-Shot
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Public…sex? Some slight…psychics holes?…Smut
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Author’s Notes: I had a craving. 🥵 Sorry it takes me so long to release fics guys, it’s been pretty rough. Between trying to keep with my personal life, work, writing, and all the shit piled on top of me one after the other, it’s hard to sit and write. Especially with ADHD 😭 Please enjoy🔥 @aller-geez owns Remi, and did the amazing cover art as always!
Description: There’s a new APP that’s matched Levi up on a blind date, and it doesn’t go in the cat’s favor. Bored to tears, a handsome stranger sitting at the bar catches his eye…
Levi fixed his hair and he pulled on his dark blue velvet suit looking himself up and down in the mirror, twisting his form back and forth to make sure every curve and crinkle was perfectly out of place. He sighed. “What am I even doing? Putting all this effort in for a stranger I dont even know,” He shook his head gently before stepping out of his house to be met with a jet black Tesla model 3, already the leopard had a chill roll down his spine. This was a bad idea. A Tesla? Dear god no. He waved nervously at the vehicle while the fairly tinted window rolled downward.
“Hey cutie! Are you my date tonight?” The driver of the vehicle waggles his eye brows. He was a boring looking man, your average black suit and tie, standard Wall Street hair cut, and honestly what the hell was he doing ? He should just turn around and go back inside, he should say 'Nope! I'm headed to an event, not sure what you mean!' yet, that would go against his character. It was possible the guy could surprise him and actually be super down to earth. Though it is a Tesla owner, and if someone is willing to give Elon Musk anymore money than he has, probably not a man Levi wanted to get to know. This man is going to either say something incredibly tone deaf, or problematic and the cat really wasn’t looking forward to educating anyone tonight. However, he willed himself forward and waved his hand, putting on his friendliest face.
“That’s me! You’re..Blake?” Levi asked cautiously, but still with purely masked joyful energy as he stepped closer to the car. His sky blues looked the vehicle up and down, it was spotless, like he'd just got it washed, and without a single scratch or dent. Clearly, the car was well loved and taken care of. Hm.
“Yup! Get on in, I’ve got a reservation for us at the nicest restaurant in town,” winking at the white haired male, who internally had to swallow the ick he was experiencing. Seriously? Couldn't they just go somewhere simple? The NICEST restaurant in town? Pretty unnecassary. Whatever, it's better than the guy who wanted to take him to Burger King a few weeks back. He'd prefer the rich people's disgustingly expensive whole foods, over processed cancer.
“Alright, awesome!” He said managing the fakest smile he could possibly muster in this uncomfortable situation. Levi reached for the handle of the vehicle but only pushed his hand into a flattened door. “Oh…uh..” tilting his head, perplexed. He'd heard about Teslas, but had never gone near one, let alone touched one, so the missing handle really threw him for a loop. How the hell do they get into the car?
“Oh sorry bout that,” the man then allowed the handles to come out from their compartment through the simple push of a button. Levi watched almost speechless as the handle slowly began available for his grasp, before taking hold and opening the door. Unnecassary. Why? 'This vehicle is so fucking pretentious,' he thought to himself as he began to buckle the seatbelt, surprised it too wasnt some sort of spaceship activated device.
“Fancy,” he chuckled breathlessly, nervous, creeped out, he did not like wealthy people typically. Especially the flashy ones. After he slid inside and closed the door, the feeling of uneasiness overwhelmed him as he tried to completely mask the fact he was tapping his fingers anxiously against the seat. Almost unexpectedly, Blake sped off down the street, as if they were in Fast and Furious. This was a residential, what the hell was he thinking? In a Tesla no less? 'Sir, you don't own a ferrari, calm the fuck down,' the leopard scoffed inside his head. Levi was feeling incredibly uncomfortable sitting in the passenger seat, yet, not realizing how much worse that level of discomfort would rise when the man's hand came sliding over his thigh, gripping it tightly in his large palm. It took every cell in the smaller's body to simply not bite the man.
“So, what do you do? You’re real cute…Can’t believe that app actually works,” laughing carelessly and tossing yet another stupid wink over into Levi’s direction. The cat masked a perfectly executed smile to hide the truth, he was not in agreeance, in fact he was disgusted. The app was supposed to match you with a COMPATIBLE blind date, every person who joins is interviewed, and then has their background checked by the app staff. It’s $10 a month. Supposedly, it matches you to someone that meshes well with you. Levi felt scammed. How the hell did he get matched with this pompous guy? He wanted to go home and demand a refund.
“Oh well, I am a model and adult entertainer online,” The leopard spoke casually shrugging his shoulders as he struggled to even bother looking at the man. His cerulean blues tracing the lines along the side of the road outside his window, as they passed them by at increased speeds.
“Oh? So like Only fans?” Blake looked curiously but, with a hint of excitement towards the cat, whom suddenly felt very put off by the expression. That was a little too quick of a guess.
“Yeah,” Levi replied with a flattened tone, trying not to heavily invest himself in explaining the logisitics of his profession. He had heard all sorts of judgements and criticisms about his profession before and he didn't want to deal with that on a first date. Not to mention, the stereotypes which, this guy gave him massive fetish vibes. Would probably prompt himself as 'well endowed' and 'great on camera'…gag. The rest of the car ride was filled with awkward silences and small talk that Levi didn't really care for. Mostly just Blake talking about his business trips over seas, and how he should take Levi to the next yacht party. Though the leopard acted excited to recieve the invite, he wanted to toss himself out of the moving vehicle rather than be caught dead on a Yacht with a bunch of corporate dildos.
"Enough of me though, onlyfans huh? That's hella sexy," the leopard could almost feel the eye roll he was stifling inside his skull. Was this dude serious right now? God, what a tool. Levi managed to pry his head from the window to muster up an Oscar award worthy smile.
"Thanks! Means a lot to hear that," lying through his teeth, he'd heard it a million and one times. 'Sexy' How obtuse. For once he just wanted to have an intellectual conversation about his career, not perverted intrusions. 'How much can you fit? Do you film with others? Whats your biggest?' Mindless, vulgor comments that never lead anywhere but having to shatter a fragile ego.
The car came to a halt in front of a posh restaurant; 'Très bon' how lame, so the restaurant is called 'Very good'? That's a joke. This was the sort of place Levi would never have visited on his own. He hated French food, and he hated places surrounded by the 'Bourgeois'. Blake got out of the car and opened the door for Levi, who stepped out, grateful for the fresh air instead of drowning in whatever expensive cologne the man had drenched himself in. They walked towards the entrance, and as they got closer, Levi's heart sank. The restaurant was filled with people they both knew were of high society, and he didn't want to be seen with a man like Blake, especially in such a public place. It might cause a stir amongst them, being perceived by a bunch of wealthy snobs is the farthest thing from being on his bucket list of experiences.
Blake seemed accustomed to this kind of environment, walking with the confidence of someone who frequented this place often. Was this a popular date spot? Was Blake often spotted bringing someone here with him? Was it usually a man? Levi felt like he had eyes on him from every corner of the building, he tried to pay no mind and keep his attention forward. Blake led him towards the back dining area, which Levi was relieved to see was much sparcer than the front through which they came. They took their seats while a waiter in full tux approached their table, and before Levi could secure a cheek into his chair, Blake ordered wine for them both. "Bottle of Romanee-Conti 2019, thanks," without so much as even looking in the server's direction. Another wave of ick rolled over the cat's shoulders. Send. Help.
"I hope you like it," he said, looking now at Levi with a smile that made the leopard feel uneasy. He would give anything to be swooped up and out of this particular situation but he sat gracefully and tried to put on that same award winning fake smile. Get through the date, ghost the man. It would be fine.
"Never been here before, it's very …" he paused, he didn't want to say something rude, but truthfully he was finding himself at a loss in his vocabulary. It wasn't too often he praised or acknowledged places this expensive.
"Posh," finished Blake promptly interrupting the cat's thought, chuckling. "I come here often for business, but I thought it would be a nice change of pace to bring a date, it's just so romantic," He reached across the table, taking hold of Levi's hand. "You're a refreshing change of pace, you know that? So different from the usual crowd I mingle with." Barf. Barf. BARF. Levi wanted to scratch the man's eyelids off. This place? Romantic? Far from the leopard's personal views, that's for sure.
Levi bit his lip, feeling disgusted by the man's touch. It was like a shiver of spiders crawling up and down his back. He hated it. He wanted to pull his hand away but didn't want to offend Blake and risk a scene. "Thank you," he said politely, pulling his hand back naturally and taking a sip of the beverage that had been placed in front of him now. It tasted dry and bitter, but he forced himself to swallow it down. "Thank you, as well," he looked up to the waiter and nodded, someone has to treat the staff like people around here. The man seemed surprised but bowed with a gentle smile before leaving the bottle behind and allowing them to scan their menus.
"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what made you choose your line of work?" Blake leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. Levi wanted to groan outwardly, here we go again.
The cat shifted in his seat, feeling his cheeks flush. "It's just something I fell into. I needed the money, and I was really good at marketing myself so it just sort of, worked I guess….I suppose I continue cause it gives me freedom," his eyes avoiding contact as he scanned through the foreign menu. "What about you? What do you do for a living?" Desperate to change the subject, hoping that Blake would stop asking him about his damn job. Which it seemed with types like these if you give them even so much as a centimeter in length of prying about their achievements, they'll never shut up.
"I'm a businessman, and Investor mostly, I've taken over for my father in the same line of work," Blake replied simply, taking a sip of his own glass, but the way he did it still had an aura of narcissism. Oh great, familial wealth. So his achievements are built off the backs of his predecessors. "I invest in startups, and I'm pretty successful at it. I'm not exactly what you'd call a self-made man, but I do pretty well for myself." He grinned, looking more pleased than he probably should be, morally.
Levi nodded, not knowing what else to say. He wasn't even remotely impressed by what this man has and hasnt done in his lifetime. This man was dryer than a desert, and it was like the second the leopard had asked a question about him, the flood gates were unlocked. Levi felt himself slowly slinking into the abyss of insanity as he mentally screeched through anything his ‘date’ had to share. It was about the time Blake was yaddering on about his exotic car collection that the white haired man noticed someone staring at him from across the way, sitting at the bar. He had jet black hair, and glowing emerald eyes, and was shockingly handsome. Wildly out of place in a ritsy environment such as this, though he seemed fairly dressed for the part, something behind those eyes told Levi he wasnt like the putrid waste inside this establishment. It had him fairly curious. Between trying to pretend he was in fact paying attention dropping the "Oh wow!" and "That’s amazing," lines every few seconds, he'd look for any excuse to turn his attention back to the man at the bar. He noticed him, and he was noticed right back.
Every time Levi's eyes flashed in his direction, he was just sitting there in a full smirk, sipping dark liquid from an ice filled glass. The cat couldn't help but feel drawn to the mysterious man staring him down so obviously. He was like a magnet, pulling Levi in with his intense gaze. The leopard found himself getting lost in those emerald eyes, wondering what kind of person this stranger was, what he was doing there? Why he couldnt seem to look away just as much as himself? He tore his gaze off just long enough to look back at Blake, who was still talking incessantly about his wealth and possessions. The contrast between the two men was stark, and it only made Levi antsier in his current seated position. Who is this man?
As Blake prattled on, Levi found himself getting more and more restless. He wanted to know more about the man at the bar, but he also didn't want to off set Blake, this was not a setting the leopard felt comfortable to blow off a high status investor. At least not without certainty he had an escape plan. Instead he gazed longingly across the way, unbeknownst to Blake. Giving the man only miniscule amounts of responses back, though good enough, he brought his glass to his lips slowly, eyeing the stranger down with obvious interest. The stranger raised a single eyebrow, amused. Levi flashed the man a coy smile and a swift wink of his eye before he realized there was a lull in Blake's chattering. Quickly the cat looked over at Blake to see him, thankfully, looking over the menu and just in time snapped it shut. "I know what I'll order us," immediately Levi taken away from the fantasy of the stranger as he realized he was suddenly stripped of his dinner autonomy. Just when he was about to speak up for himself there was a sudden change in atmosphere.
Almost as if his screaming thoughts could be heard from across the way, the man at the bar had gotten up and confidently strode across the room in the time frame of Levi looking away. He walked up to the table and introduced himself, sticking his hand out to the leopard. He was wearing a dapper grey gingham patterned suit, red tie that contrasted well with his green eyes and red plugs. Levi jumped a bit in his seat, not having expected the man to approach them so boldly, but honestly grateful he did, without hesitation he took the outstretched appendage. Remi slowly bent at the waist and brought it up to his mouth.
"My name is Remington, you can call me Remi," he said in a low, deep voice pressing his lips tenderly to the top of the male's delicate freckled hand, releasing it slowly after. His eyes never leaving Levi's, almost hungry as they stared through each other intensely. "I don't mean to intrude on your evening…but I couldn't help but notice you from across the way. I was wondering if we could chat for a bit?” He finished his sentence with a charming smile that left Levi completely captivated - melted like butter under his presence.
Blake had noticed the newcomer too, and seemed more than slightly offended by his presence and performance. "Who are you?" a tone that could cut through leather, looking between Remi and Levi suspiciously, almost prepared to come to a full stand as his hands gripped the edge of the table.
The much larger man, didn't even bat an eye; instead, he turned slowly over to Blake and smiled, and it was almost welcoming if the atmosphere didn't say otherwise. "Look, bud, I've watched you bore the beautiful blue velvet off this gorgeous man's suit..with much confidence I can say, I've held his interest for a total of 25 minutes while you've gabbed on about your…." looking him down, then up, and shaking his head with a scoff. "Accomplishments, but it seems, I've gotten his attention in far fewer syllables…and I think, but don't want to assume," putting his hand out to Levi as if to excuse himself for being presumptuous. "That I could show him a much better time than you… it seems money can buy you ALMOST, everything…." winking over at the leopard that brightened up in a furious blush.
"Excuse me??" Blake immediately shot up from his seat finding the reason he'd been looking for, but found himself at a loss when he realized he was a sad 3 inches shorter and far, less equipped. It didn't stop him though. "I'll have you kicked out of here so fast…Do you even kno-…" suddenly cut by the leopard who shoved himself out of his own seat coming to a full stand, slamming his palms flat against the table causing everything on it, to clink and clatter..a few stray heads turned now to look at the commotion.
"Actually, Remington here is correct, would you believe that? A man I've never so much as spoken to can read me better than one that picked me up outside my home…." Levi smirked a bit, feeling a rush of adrenaline coursing through him while he tried to remain composed. "I'm going to continue this night, with this lovely gentleman, please lose my number," picking up his things, Levi turned to leave with the tall dark stranger, but not before giving Blake a final glare. Who stood, dumfounded and slack jawed as he watched them disappear. He felt strangely empowered by the way Remington had come to his rescue, but also allowed him to stand up for himself. This only made him feel even more drawn to the mysterious man.
Once they were outside, Remi turned to Levi, another flashy smirk on his face. "I hope I didn't overstep my bounds," Clearly genuine though his voice low and smooth, he fished through his jacket pocket to retrieve a pack of cigarettes. Finding it, he took it out and pulled one out of the box and up to his lips. "I just couldn't bear to see a beautiful man like yourself being bored to tears by that pompous ass." He chuckled loosely, adjusting the lapels on his jacket after sparking up the cancer stick and taking a low drag, he exhaled away from Levi's face. Hands coming back up to pat himself down, making sure he hadn't left anything behind.
Levi felt himself blushing yet again at such a simple comment, but maybe, it was more because someone so handsome was wasting any time on him. "You didn't overstep anything," he said, smiling. "Honestly, I was just about to lose my mind in there…typical suit..but you? What were you doing there? You don't seem like a typical corporate drone…what's your story?" Levi asked cautiously looking the stranger up and down. His suit was posh, very nice, yet the man himself seemed, different. His hair wasn't crew cut and boring but long, almost unkempt in a very purposeful way. He also adonished facial piercings, something most snobs didn't seem to have in places like that. He was definitely an outsider if Levi could pick one out from the crowd.
Remi couldn't help himself but grin as he suddenly found he was now under the spot light, taking another drag from his cigarette while looking towards the night sky. "I'm just a man trying to survive in this world," he responded cryptically. "I don't really fit in with the corporate crowd, but I have my ways of making money. Let's just say, I have a few connections," He looked at the cat flashing his perfectly white teeth with that same hypnotizing smile, those captivating emerald eyes sparkling mischievously. Levi could feel himself being easily lost inside them. The conversation sort of died there, the smaller could tell when someone wasn’t ready to open up.
The cat couldn't help this continued feeling of intrigue though, as he stood so closely now to the much taller man. He had a dangerous aura about him that was both exhilarating and terrifying. "So, what do you want to do now?" he asked, trying to keep the evening from also dying out. "I don't exactly have any plans for the rest of the night…" sort of trailing off. Levi wasn't really sure where they go from here, is he now on a date with this man? Or should he just go back home and call it in and thank him for the rescue?
With a quick shrug of his shoulders and taking one last long drag of his cigarette, flicking the rest out into the street, he took Levi's hand in his own, and then he responded. "Well, how about we go on an adventure?" his voice low and seductive. "I know of a place where we can actually feel comfortable, and have some fun."
"Hm, well, okay, but you promise to bring me back to my house alive and not like, wrapped in a box for my roommate to find right?" the white haired man giggled a bit, nervously almost, but he was relatively sure the man wasn't going to eat his skin.
"Well, not NOW…you took all the fun out of the surprise!” Remi scoffed rolling his eyes with a large grin and bump of the other's shoulder. "No worries, kid, you're safer with me in this whole city than anyone else," something about the tone of his voice and the reassurance on his face that left the cat feeling confident in the presence of the man, before suddenly a long black limo pulled up to the two men.
"Limo?" Levi raised his eyebrow looking between the vehicle and Remi now. It was going so well…yet, the leopard was holding some reserve to judge the wolf so quickly.
"Just to get me back to my bike, parked about 10 blocks back, that cool ? I don't park my shit out here…too risky," Remi opened the door to the back of the long car he raised a thin black brow and paused. "Unless…you WANT to walk? Limo too much? It's just to blend in honestly," Levi suddenly chuckled, shoving his judgements aside for the moment and stepped forward to crawl into the leather seats.
"It'll do…intrigued to see this fancy bike you keep talkin about though," as they both got comfortable in the back of the vehicle, Remi chuckled loudly at the smaller's remark.
"I mentioned it once!" They both fell into a short fit of laughs before the raven haired man turned to him, trying to catch his composure he took a few serious breaths. "So what were you doing on a date with that buffoon anyway?" casually the larger reached over for a glass, filling it with a little over a shot of the whiskey provided inside the limo. Levi watched him carefully, feeling still uncomfortable in this setting but a lot more comfortable with the change of company.
"Honestly, I tried that stupid blind date app and it totally screwed me.." he only laughed to try and hide the sheer embarrassment that came with admitting it.
"Seriously? Why do you need an app? I have a super hard time believing you don't have people throwing themselves at you," Remi sat back down, stirring his drink in a circular motion with the tip of his pinky while he observed the other's body language.
"Yeah, not quality people though…I don't want to be an object, or a trophy to someone," Levi spoke sincerely while he ran the pad of his thumb against the textured fabric of his pants. He felt nervous being this vulnerable with someone he just met, but somehow the man made him feel, safe.
Remi nodded with understanding, taking a sip of his drink. "I get that," he said, his voice softening. "It's hard to find genuine people these days. Everyone just seems to be out for themselves." He paused, his eyes flickering over to Levi. "But I have a feeling you're different. I can sense a realness in you that's rare," speaking with honesty as their gazes connected.
Levi blushed at the compliment, feeling a warmth spread through his chest as his heart began to beat a bit faster. "Thank you," he said softly, taking a moment to truly appreciate the beauty in the other man's face. It was as if every line and curve was perfectly sculpted, Levi almost felt intimidated by Remi's good looks. "You seem to have a good read yourself which can mean you've done a lot of reflection,"
Remi shrugged, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I've had to learn how to read people pretty well in my line of work," he said very vaguley. "But that's a story for another time." He raised his glass back to his lips and finishing the contents while the limo pulled up to a dimly lit parking lot behind a very tall building. "Shall we?" He turned to the cat, extending his arm, and while Levi linked arms with the stranger and felt slightly nervous about their whereabouts, he still also felt a sense of excitement.
They exited the limo and walked across the lot, and while Levi peaked around the vehicles that were scattered amongst the spaces, he locked eyes on the only motorcycle in the area. A black and green, Aston Martin X Brough Superior AMB 001 Pro, Levi only knew what it was because he'd seen it in a magazine at the auto shop once getting an oil change. It had caught his eye in the way he couldn't believe motorcycles looked like that now, couldn't deny it was fucking sick in person.
"Sorry she's a little flashy, it's my newest ride, I really worked hard to save but it's definitely been worth it…you cool with it?" he asked pulling two helmets from his side bags. There was a certain energy in his voice that was almost embarassed by the bike. Yet, Levi was actually stunned beyond belief, he shook his head, taking the helmet being offered to him.
"I've literally never seen a bike like this in person, this is pretty amazing…and the paint on it is gorgeous…suits you," he looked up and flashed a quick grin, sliding the helmet over his head.
"Well, thanks, I'm glad you appreciate her…" unable to hold back the grin on his own face to see he could still impress the other in a slightly materialistic way, it just had to be done right. For Levi, it wasn't the flash, or the title of owning it but the value it held to someone, sentimentally. If it truly meant something and it was a goal to achieve, it had to be appreciated. Loved. Not just valued for the status it brought.
Each male swung themselves over the seats of the bike, getting comfortable while Levi slid his arms around the large man's solid and toned waist. Remi revved the engine and the bike roared to life beneath them. Levi couldn't help but feel a thrill of adrenaline coursing through him as they zoomed off into the night, the wind whipping through his clothes as they flapped loosely around him. They weaved in and out of traffic, the bike hugging the road as they leaned into sharp turns. It was both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time, but Levi trusted Remi completely for some inner sense within his body told him to.
After some time of zipping through different scenes of night life, they finally pulled up to a small dive bar on the outskirts of town. The neon sign flickered above them, casting a soft glow on the street below. Remi parked the bike and they dismounted, removing their helmets as they made their way inside. "What's this place?" Levi asked curiously while fixing his jacket and pants as they were making their way inside, Remi waved up to the bouncer who simply nodded in response. "Best bar in town," Remi turned to flash the cat another smile, every time he did that the cat felt himself become more and more obsessed with seeing it. The bar was dimly lit and packed with people, a live band playing in the corner.
Remi led them to a small table in the back corner, ordering them both a round of drinks. Levi leaned back in his chair, feeling more relaxed now that they were out of that hoity toity cesspool. "So you come here often then?" asking curiously he picked up one of the loose menus going over it and almost salivating at the options. "They got deep fried catfish here??" his eyes brightening at the sound of such a treat.
The wolf watched over Levi as he rummaged through food options, he chuckled taking a huge sip of the IPA he ordered. "Yeah, ain't no place quite like it…" sighing with contentment before setting the beer back down. "I honestly don't like fish so I couldn't tell you how good it is, but I fuck with the steaks they serve," the man spoke genuinely while he seemed to protectively glance about the area they were sitting in, it was peculiar to Levi, was he expecting someone to fulfill a hit tonight? He tilted his head slightly before the wolf looked back to the cat, back to a full grin once he realized he was being watched.
Levi laughed, shaking his head. "Well, I'll just have to try both then," smiling at each other for longer than most people that just met typically would, closing the menu and setting it aside. "So, what's your line of work anyways? You mentioned having to read people," Levi leaned forward, his curiosity still piqued while he reached a hand out to trace his fingertips tenderly across the top of Remi's hand that rested on their table.
Remi hesitated for a moment before deciding to take a chance on vulnerability if he was ever going to earn that back. "I'm in the business of protection," he said, his voice low and serious moving in closer to the other now as he continued to speak. "Sometimes people need someone to watch their back, and that's where I come in…I had a meeting with a potential client at that restaurant today, that's why I was there," his answer was much different than what Levi would have assumed it was, truthfully he almost passed the man off as a drug lord. He also almost felt like an asshole now for assuming so.
Levi's eyes widened, impressed. "Wow, that's really cool. You're like a modern day Batman then," he said, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.
Remi did his best to stifle a large boistrous laugh at the man's comparison finding it so far out of his category, he stifled himself and swirled his drink in hand before responding with a shake of his head. "I wouldn't say that…" still being rather vague, not wanting to delve too deeply into his line of work, unsure how far this date would lead them, he couldn't give away too much.
"What about you, what do you do?" yet the second he asked it, Remi suddenly felt the energy shift and he cleared his throat. "Unless you don't wanna…" his gaze sharply turned to avoid eye contact.
"No, it's fine, I just, get nervous that people will think of me differently? It's really not that big of a deal, just…it's why dating can be a tad difficult for me," They were both avoiding eye contact at this point before what he said rang through the wolf's head and the gears inside started to move. Turning slowly, Remi then reached up to take Levi's chin in the crook of his index and thumb to face him now.
"Whether you wish to disclose it or not, no matter what it is you do for work, I won't pass any judgements on you, alright? Unless your job is to like….kill ME specifically then that may, I don't know, hurt my feelings a bit," winking with a confident smile, hoping the touch of humor would make the cat feel a bit more secured by his presence. Levi smiled back at him, a hint of assurance hidden behind his sparkling cerulean eyes, it seemingly worked.
"What a twist that would be…" he giggled back, finding himself feeling much more comfortable than he had an hour ago. "My main income is OnlyFans as a solo creator but, I also do modeling for many different things, I make mostly fetish content," his cheeks turned up into a lightly dusted pink hue and his body suddenly felt very hot all over, yet all the nerves melted away when he noticed that Remi's expression didn't seem to melt or twist into one of disgust or even overt excitement. Instead he simply pursed his lips and nodded.
"That's pretty awesome, so then that means you're your own boss right? Or do you have like a management team?" the leopard felt refreshed by genuine questions about his job. He seemingly beamed at the opportunity for intellect. Substance.
"Yeah! I'm my own boss, which can be pretty stressful, but I prefer it to answering to anyone or having to be tied to a team that's sucking my profits, you know?" he answered before reaching over and taking the beer that had been brought out. He hated beer, but he would drink it for now as it was in front of him, and he was actually enjoying the company of another man, so he didn't want to get up. Taking it to his lips he took a swig and did his best to hide the fact it was absolutely terrible. The two of them seemingly just smiling at each other with nothing more to say, yet Remi did open his lips to respond at last.
"Oh absolutely, I think that's probably the smartest way for Adult creators to do business, it's a bigger load to carry but at least you know you're being paid the maximum and there's no one to be mad at but maybe the economy on a slow season," responding with a lift of his beverage, he spoke so elequently to the other it was almost suspicious. Was this a prank? Levi truly wanted someone to slap him cause he thought he was dreaming.
"I guess, you could say that…It's definitely nice being your own boss, but it has some drawbacks, like, I don't always want to wake up and take pictures of my b-hole you know? But I gotta," They both broke into a quieted gaggle of laughs before the wolf nodded with understanding.
"Yeah, no, I get that, for you it's your butthole and for me, it's rich assholes that treat everyday common citizens as the enemy…I feel like your job is much more empowering," Remi spoke thoughtfully as he considered the differences in their line of work but also noting the similarities. They both provided a clearly needed service but, Remi often felt like he was protecting the wrong side of the fence, without a whole lot of choice in the matter. He admired that the cat could accept or decline clients as he pleased. For Remi, it wasn't always that simple.
"I mean you're not wrong, in most instances I can say no, but I imagine that's harder for you to do if your biggest clientele is shady rich folk," Levi responded, acknowledging how hard it must be to sometimes sell your soul in a way that you have no control over. The wolf almost taken back at being so seen, and so quickly, without much of him to bounce off of. 'There is something about this man,' they bother equally thought, silently, to themselves, at the same time.
Remi nodded, his expression growing serious once again. "Yeah, sometimes it can be tough to maintain my integrity, but I always try to do the right thing…even if it means going against my clients," he said, determination in his voice. "I may not be able to change the world, but I can make a difference in my own way…there are SOME lines I refuse to cross no matter what's at stake," trying to seemingly reassure Levi that, things weren't so bad, he did have convictions.
Levi smiled at the wolf while ocean eyes laid back on those same glowing emeralds, admiring his strength. "You're a good man, Remi," he spoke softly. "I'm glad I met you tonight."
Remi felt a warmth blossom from within his chest at the cat's words. "I'm glad I met you too, Levi," he said, reaching across the table to take the other man's hand in his own, picking it up and taking it to his lips to place a soft peck against the back of it just as he had done when he first introduced himself. They gazed at each other for a moment, the energy between them palpable. After a few minutes went by, Remi cleared his throat and then brought his attention back down to the menus before them. "Did you want me to order us some food? I'm buyin'," tossing a sharp wink. Immediately, Levi sat up much straighter and nodded his head so quickly it was almost surprising.
"Absolutely! I want the fried catfish and coleslaw," wiggling in his seat, so much more excited for Southern bar eats than boujie french crap. The wolf laughed a bit, it was breathy as he came to a standing position.
"Gross, but you got it," Levi narrowed his eyes and stuck his tongue out before they both shared another playful laugh. "I'll be right back," The leopard watched closely as the man made his way across the space to place their order up at the bar. Levi waited patiently, never seeming to lose sight of his tall date. He didn't take the time to look around, check his phone or even concern himself with some of the drama ruminating about. He just quietly, and almost excitedly waited for the man's return. When Remi turned around upon finishing out the order, he noticed the little leopard's ceruleans still baring down on him as he made his trek back to the their table. "You watchin' me this whole time?" he asked almost surprised he had such a pull on the small male, it was flattering and incredibly adorable.
"Yeah, why not? You're the most interesting thing in this place," the cat said ernestly, the taller couldn't help but reach out and run his long fingers through the other's soft tuft of white hair.
"You're cute," pulling away only to slide back into his chair but this time, he leaned forward and grabbed the edge of Levi's seat, dragging him in closer. The cat was now more or less in between his legs but still in his own seat. "Hope you don't mind, I wanted you to be closer," smirking as his hands stayed gripping the seat’s edge.
"Not at all, if you couldn't tell, I kind of like you, MUCH more than the shitty date I paid to be on," they both shared another round of laughs as they continued to get to know each other. They each took turns telling short stories about how they grew up, and where they were from, how they got out here. It wasn't too long before their meals were being placed in front of them. Immediately interrupted by the intense, and amazing smells of their food. "Oh man, this smells fantastic," the leopard salivated as he gazed over his order.
"Right? Oh man, I am so hungry," their table fell silent of conversation as now it was filled with the sounds of eating, some sounds sloppier than others. Aka Remi shredding his meal as if he hasn't ever eaten in his life, and then Levi, politely picking and tearing at his plate.
As they were just starting to finish up and pat off their faces, the band on stage began to play a slow, romantic tune, and Remi stood up, taking advantage of the sudden change in atmosphere. He offered his hand out to the small male. "Care to dance?"
Levi smiled, his heart beating faster at the sight of the wolf's outstretched gesture. "I'd love to," he said, taking Remi's hand with his own and allowing himself to be guided onto the small dance floor. Remi wrapped his arms delicately along the back of Levi's waist, while the cat placed his over the man's broadened shoulders. The other patrons of the bar seemed to fade away as they swayed together, lost in the music and each other's embrace. "I think this is the nicest date I've ever been on," the cat admitted, his head was resting against Remi's chest but the wolf had keen hearing and could hear it above the slow song playing behind them.
"I'm glad to hear it, you deserve a nice date, honestly you deserve an extrodinary date, but nice is a start," they both shifted against each other's bodies as they responded to the joke.
"It's still early, it could very well turn into extrodinary, I believe in you," this did spark a new sense of hope, and adventure inside of Remi. He grinned brightly with his face buried into the other's silkened strands of hair that sat a top his head.
As the song came to a close, with ideas having swirled through his brain during the rest of the track, Remi leaned down to whisper in Levi's ear. "You ever been on a ferris wheel?" he asked, his voice low and husky. "There's a dock about 15 minutes from here, they have one of those rocking ones, what do you say? You down?"
Levi's breath caught in his throat, his body responding to the wolf's proximity. "Let's do it!" he replied, his voice barely above a whisper but trembling with excitement.
Remi grinned, his eyes sparkling with almost a child like wonder. For years, he'd wanted to take someone out there, but it had to be someone special. Someone worth experiencing it with, he was certain Levi was that someone, a date to remember for the both of them, plus they could hit up some of the corny games afterwards. "Alright then, let's go," he said, taking the cat's hand in his own and leading him out of the bar.
As they walked outside, the cool night air hit them, causing Levi to shiver slightly. Remi immediately noticed and took off his jacket, draping it over the smaller man. "Can’t have you being cold now," he said, his voice gentle and considerate as he fit it to sit comfortably across the other's body. This simple act, without even having to ask or say something, made the small cat's chest flicker and race. Remi wrapped his arm casually but protectively around the other's shoulders now, walking and guiding them to their next destination, every so often, they'd catch each other trying to steal a glimpse. Remi chuckled about the 4th time and smirked. "You starin' at me, huh?" to which the leopard found himself blushing again and rolling his eyes.
"Yeah? What of it?" it was simply undeniable the chemistry these two shared, they'd never felt such an instant connection, it was so easy. Every flow of topic, and the way they seemed to fit together like two perfect puzzle pieces. It only kept them out later and later as neither wanted the night to end.
"Maybe I like it, okay," both of them still choosing to steal a glimpse or two at one another in between maintaining their footing to walk, glowing emeralds against sky blue orbs. Remi cleared his throat as they started getting closer to their destination. "I can see it up ahead," he pointed out the large unmissable circular ride that glowed brightly in the night sky.
Eventually, they made their way to the entrance of the dock, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore filling their ears. The Ferris wheel loomed ahead of them, its bright lights seemed to make the night sky seem brighter. Remi led the leopard over to the ticket both. "Two please," holding up two fingers to represent the amount of tickets he'd like before fishing through his pocket for his wallet.
"That'll be $10," the clerk asked while tearing off two tickets. Remi pulled out a 10 dollar bill and slid it over, exchanging goods with the employee before they turned around and towards the Ferris Wheel. "Alright! Lets do this! I have been wanting to come here for so long," he grinned, subconsciously snaking his hand back around the smaller male's waist almost like they'd been together for so long and it was just habit at this point. Levi didn't seem to mind the slightest.
"Yeah? Why not?" the leopard asked curiously as they stood in line waiting for their opportunity to get on a cart. Standing toward the side for Remi to present their tickets.
"Just wasn't the right time," the man spoke with an energy of distance, like he didn't want to admit how lonely life in his career had made him. The cat took the hint and managed to let it slip away. Soon, they were being ushered into one of the various swaying carts, trying to keep their balance as they sat opposite ends of each other.
"This is kind of terrifying," Levi noted as he was scanning all around them, eventually their door closing. He sat incredibly still in the middle of the bench on one side. Hands at his knees trying to keep the obvious trembling in his legs at bay.
"Too terrifying to enjoy…? You can always come over here if you're too scared," he wiggled his eyebrows patting the seat beside him. The white haired male considered it but found himself unable to move.
"But….if I move we'll go rocking that way and I could fall over! Hit my head! Then I'm bleeding out in the Ferris Wheel for what?" Remi unable to hold back the laugh that escaped his lips, he shook his head.
"Oh my god, is it that serious? Are you really that scared?" he asked genuinely while the laughs began to subside and he went to reach out a hand to the other. Yet, when their cart shifted Levi found himself sitting further back, gripping the edge of his bench.
"Okay….I may have overestimated my innate sense of adventure…I don't like this…" his eyes looking back and forth between the outside mechanics attaching the cart to the wheel, and as well as the outside ground and how far they were starting to creep away from it. Remi's face turned serious and he realized that this wasn't the fun and games he imagined for them, and was starting to feel terrible about it. Almost guilty for turning such a nice date into one of traumatizing memories. 'Real smooth, Rem,' he inwardly cursed himself.
"Hey.." he said softly, and in a quick motion he got up, and switched over to Levi's side, causing the entire cart to shift quickly and send them sliding back. The cat feeling a complete rush of panic shooting through him as the cart began to quickly slip back, he turned to grab at Remi's jacket and force himself flush up against the wolf with a sharp squeak escaping his lips. "Hey..you're good," Remi cooed softly, rubbing the other's back as he slid his arms around him. "My bad, honestly if I knew this would give you the spooks I'd have chosen something else for us to do," he said nervously, now completely regretting his decision. Levi's face buried into the man's shoulder he shook his head back and forth.
"No! No! it's great! really….I've just never..done this? So I guess I'm having a hard time focusing on anything but possible death," chuckling sheepishly behind the wolf's lapels before he felt the man's hand come up under him from his chin, lifting his face now to meet the other's gaze.
"Focus elsewhere then," he whispered with a softened husky tone of voice, their eyes connecting through each other and leaving the cat feeling a sense of relief. Their faces were but mere inches apart, each man taking a quick glance at the other's parted, heaving lips. Nervously, as the tension built and they continued to gaze deeply into each other, Levi's lower lip slipped between his two rows of teeth chewing tenderly as he contemplated pushing himself closer. Emerald eyes flashed to follow the motion. Suddenly the cart felt much smaller, much stuffier than it had before. Unable to look away and hide the blush spreading over his face.
Remi smirked, shaking his head ever so delicately before he brought his palm up to caress and hold the smaller male's jaw. "I'll help you then," his voice smoother than soft serve before he ever so slightly leaned forward and pressed their lips together. In that instant, Levi felt his heart racing now for an entirely different reason, yet it was working and he wasn't so worried about the space around them, but completely lost in the feeling of Remi's mouth moving against his own.
As their lips began slowly, they only increased in passion, almost like the two had been waiting all night to embrace each other like they were. The warmth of their lips seemed to be like a fire that ignited between them, and they found themselves unable to keep their hands off each other.
Remi's hand slid further behind the cat's face, fingers laced through short strands of hair at the back of Levi's neck while his free hand wrapped securly around the smaller's waist. The cat responded eagerly by gripping Remi's shoulders tightly, scooching himself forward despite the slight rocking of the cart that persisted, he persisted himself further into the kiss. Their minds seeming to drift away as they pressed against each other. Seconds turned to minutes and eventually the cat found the courage to slowly slip into the larger's lap, it was now at this time the slow rocking motions did not seem to phase either of them.
Remi immediately took both hands behind the cat to run up the inside of his jacket, and feel the other's fleshy bare back. Levi shuddered at the sudden touch, rocking his hips forward. The wolf tore his lips off the cat's and began to lead a trail of hot wet kisses down his chin, jaw and neck. Shaping his mouth around the other's throat in a oval fashion, he sucked, nipped and licked at the tendered flesh as it slowly reddened and bruised. "Re-m…" Levi gasped as his own hands desperate to explore, worked to unbuttoned the man's vest, before strong hands stopped him in his tracks.
"This ride aint very long…I dont think…" their foreheads now pressed together, sweating at their temples but the cat was past his boiling point.
"Turning down a challenge then, hm? Weren't you trying to change my focus…" Levi nipped at Remi’s lower lip now, feral with lust and it only caused the larger to groan needlessly in his throat.
"You're gonna regret that," he responded with a malicious undertone, the atmosphere had drastically changed and suddenly it felt very dangerous. The kind that drove Levi over the moon. Quickly, said man reached down to unfasten the cat's delicate trousers. "You're gonna have to stand for a second, can you manage?" gripping tightly onto the leopard's thin haunches. With a slight hesitation, Levi climbed out of the man's lap to stand, and despite the racing in his heart as their cart swayed with more force as their balance shifted, Remi took charge and took hold of the other's pants hem. Shoving it just enough to expose the man's small,freckled cheeks, he licked his lips. Levi tried to keep himself stable enough while he waited.
"Hurry…" he whimpered, the longer he was away from Remi the more he would start to realize they were reaching the very peak of the top. The wolf unsheathed his hardening cock out of his pants. With a full fist he gripped the back of his jacket and brought him closer.
"Alright m'ere then," grunting trying not to force him back, knowing the movement would only send the cart rocking back and forth at a very inconvenient pace. Levi slowly, carefully, inched his way back to Remi, the cart sliding ever so slightly backward as he shifted the weight. Eventually the back of his legs met the bench, noticing that the other's legs were spread. He shivered with anticipation before gently setting himself down. His bare end basically hovering against Remi's heat. "All the way…you think I'm fragile? You weigh like a tooth pick," chuckling but from deep within the pit of his chest, it sounded almost menacing, Levi whimpered and finally with full resolve, sat himself against Remi's cock, feeling it stress against his cheeks. Throbbing.
"S-Shit…" Levi's whole body trembled pushing his back up against the other's chest, meanwhile Remi's face came around to whisper past the threads of hair that fell over the cat's ear.
"I'm trying to hurry but I'm gonna need a little help here," gesturing to the lack of lubrication available, he brought his hand up and stuffed two fingers through the side of Levi's mouth. Instinctively the cat began to swirl and lap at the intrusive digits. Allowing the saliva pooling from under his tongue to slip and seep down Remi's inserted fingers and palm. "Good boy," the man cooed as the other drenched his hand, once he found it sufficient, despite how delightful the tickle of the cat's tongue on his flesh felt, pulled away and brought it down between them to moistened both his cock, and Levi's waiting hole.
"I’ll try to go slow, S'not to scare ya," he began, not pausing for the other to respond, his hips began to push forward. Causing the cat's hole to stretch, the ridged head of his member spread the man's entrance out as the wolf worked his way inside, while the muscles clamped down hard on him in a vice tight grip. "Fuck," Remi uttered through gritted teeth, not in much of a rush to thrust the full way in but he'd be damned if he wouldn't bury himself deep within the other before he busted.
Levi bit his lip as he clutched tightly at the bench to try and keep the cart still, almost melting under the entire resolve to keep it steady. What would it matter anyway? He just needed more. He moaned gently, the heat within him continuing to build as he was entered. The wolf's cock had managed to push the first few inches past the ring of muscle without making too much of a rucus amongst the cart.
Almost in the clear, Remi pushed himself the rest of the way as Levi sat leaning, slightly bent forward to take his entrance being so full of the wolf's length. "Oh my fu-…" the leopard gasped, eyes rolling back into his skull, and subconsciously began to rock his hips.
"More….please…more," the wolf seemed surprised as the small male began to beg and pick up speed, gripping the edge of the bench as he lifted himself and sat back down.
"Kitty, if we…shit hah…if we go any faster…Hh..we'll rock…." trying to remind the other that he may send himself into a meltdown with a dick all the way up his ass, and that would be a huge mood killer for them both, should that happen.
“D-Don't…care..fuck," Levi slapped himself back against the wolf's chest, his head shot up and his eyes stared into Remi's now. "Me," he finished, which was all the convincing he really needed. The cart swaying, slowly at first, back and forth. Remi took hold of the small hips ontop of him and began to assist as he now with much more purpose and force, thrusted inside the cat. They both moaned in unison, the larger man now wrapping his left hand around the leopard's throat with a tightened grasp.
"God I wish I could take my time…" the wolf huffed between thrusts, the cart now rocking much more rhytmically with each added motion. Truthfully he did, he hadn't intended this to turn out the way it was, but it felt too fucking good to care. Nor stop. Neither of them had felt so connected and pleasured within an intimate experience before now as their bodies easily melted into one.
"So…good…H-Hh…" was all the cat could muster from behind the threshold of being choked, a thin line of drool slipping down the side of his mouth as the man continued to use and fill his hole.
"I'm going to make you feel so fucking good…all night…" faster, he worked faster to reach his destination, thinking about all the ways he would have him when they left here. "Taking you straight home…." the windows fogged as their breaths came out hot, ragged. Both of them panting through each powerful thrust. "And keeping you there for a few days probably…I'm going to take as much time as I can…." Levi whimpered again, his ocean blues welled with tears as he desperatly wished he could cum, but without trashing the inside of his pants, it wouldn't be ideal. He just wanted to follow through, go back to Remi's and allow himself to be eaten alive.
"I'm going to cum," the wolf almost hissed behind his clenched teeth, the wheel was starting to slowly move yet again, as they continued to rock vigorously back and forth. Desperate for release, Remi grunted and groaned practically using the smaller like a flesh light as he used the grip on the other's throat and hip to slam himself inside the cat, and just as he hilted himself deep within, it hit him. Remi's stomach tightened, his muscles restricted as he exploded within Levi's cavern, biting down roughly onto his shoulder to eat back the animalistic sounds trying to bubble over.
"Aaah~" the white haired male cried gently as his legs trembled underneath the sensation of Remi filling him up with hot seed.
"Shit…" gasping as they both shared a breathless chuckle, leaning against each other. "We need to get decent we're almost fully descended," Levi tried to catch his breath in between pants and puffs, slowly he slid the other's length out of his ass and pulled his pants up. Having to suffer the consequences of leaking until they got back to Remi's.
"It's fine, we have to go up like two more times, I just didn't want us getting exposed to the worker passing through," laughing with a shrug of his shoulders as he quickly stuffed himself back in his pants and rebuckled his belt. "I see you've adjusted though and the distraction worked," smirking confidently at Levi who blinked a few times, having sat back down next to him he nodded agreeably.
"Honestly, yeah, it did, I don't see what I was so scared of," smiling with a new aura of confidence he hadn't had upon entering the ride.
"See? It's nice right? When you sit on this side you can see the way the moon shines over the water it's actually really beautiful….best view is at the top," opening his arm, spreading across the top of the bench, Levi took the invitation and immediately slid into place allowing the man to hold him tightly to his person.
"I'm glad we get another chance to see it then.." his voice was still quaking from the recent events and it didn't go unnoticed by the larger.
"I'll make up for your lack of attention back at mine, or, we can play again…" tickling the cat's shoulder with his fluttering fingers now. Levi smirked, and considered it but shook his head.
"I want the full thing…I can wait," biting his lip the same way that had been driving the wolf crazy all night, Remi inhaled deeply.
"Mmh…I'm thinking that app did it's job after all," licking his lips as they brushed against each other with feather light touches against one another's clothed bodies.
"Oh?" Levi responded curiously, looking over now to visualize the look on the man's face. It was still lust fueled, the way his emerald eyes were slit and glowed more intensely than usual.
“You and I were meant to match, but I don't have an account, it was the only way the AI could set you and I up, by matching you to that dork," they both shared an equally smug smirk, Levi though shaking his head and rolling his eyes to the back of his head.
"Don't give it that much credit, I'm still going to ask for a refund…and then promptly delete it since I…don't need it anymore?" looking away not wanting to face the expression of rejection, should that hit him in this moment.
"You absolutely do not," Remi pulled the cat in closer and kissing the top of his slightly dampened scalp. "You're delusional if you think we're done after tonight…or ever..I like you, kitten…think you're stuck with me now," shrugging confidently before Levi easily leaned into the wolf's possessive hold.
"I can live with that," Levi responded fondly, and they shared the space within the cart now as their windows began to clear up and their view of the landscape much more visible. The moon illuminated their faces as they enjoyed the rest of the ride together in admiration of having such an unexpectadly good night. They both sighed, bodies pressed closely together, and yet, it had only just begun.
The End
Author’s Notes: 🫡 That’s all, I will be taking no questions or concerns about the logistics of the smut. It is what it is. 😂
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