#i watched it when i had covid and it was SO good omg
soapyakships · 3 months
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mama im in love with a criminallll
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bambi-slxt · 1 month
when i made this account i decided i wasn't going to allow negativity on my page in any form, regardless of what shape it took.
i've now decided to amend that for one reason and one reason only.
making fun of my moots, or even just other sturniolo writers on tumblr, is pretty shitty behavior, ngl.
imagine having nothing better to talk about, so you feel the need to go to a brand new app (as if tiktok, instagram, youtube, snapchat, and reddit aren't enough), look up triplet content, and grasp your pearls in horror because we have the audacity to write about chris selling drugs (oh the humanity, someone kill me now).
or, rather, let me use your words: "like, the reader was dating one of them [the triplets] and they all had covid, so she came over and made them all soup-"
leave us alone 🥰
"ok but like what happened to just like normal boyfriend, like why are they all drug dealers-" omg girlie lemme show u how much sweet fluff fanfiction we have on here! oh, what's that? ur not interested? ohhhh is that bc it won't make good content for your knockoff podcast? weird.
"it's always such a 180 from their real personality, like what do you mean, you watch them all the time and you don't know them?" omg girlie! it's almost like it's called fanfiction for a reason!
"lemme write this shit!" go ahead, you'll probably like it, just like the rest of us! writing about the triplets is really fun, and having your moots reblog and comment and like your shit is so super cool. this is a more supposrtive community within the fandom than any i've found on any of the other platforms, and we got that way because we don't judge each other!
i need to go lay down jesus christ
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vamossainz55 · 2 years
Run Your Hands Through My Hair (1.3k) | Carlos Sainz Jr x Reader
req from anon:
imagine carlos obsessing over your hair, literally attempting to braid it and style it. plus reader having bangs 😩
a/n: omg so this is the first request i've ever gotten so i wrote a quick drabble. reminded me of ari's song 'my hair' tbh. but omg i loved it and it kinda pushed me to write something different and more domestic but i loved it <33. also this just made me think about carlos' hands bc- yep. definitely having some thoughts. anyways tysm anon for requesiting and i hope you enjoy and i was able to meet expectations <33
++ extra carlos hand porn w his mclaren trophy bc why not
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“Are you good my love?” You ask in amusement as you continue to scroll through your instagram. You’re sitting on the couch, head on Carlos’ lap as the TV softly plays in the background. Carlos had been going around the house, cleaning up a few things earlier before deciding to sit with you on the couch. He had been focused on the movie for a bit but you had soon noticed that he was gently playing with your hair. He’s curling your locks between his fingers, once in a while pulling gently. It doesn’t hurt but it’s enough to catch your attention. 
“All good,” He says, smiling when you finally put your phone on your lap to look up at him. You squint a little as your hair gets slightly into your eyes but before you go to brush them off your face Carlos is already helping you with it. His hands go back to your hair, once again playing with your locks. 
“I should let them grow out. It's time, don't you think?” You ask, hands gently going to your outgrown bangs and seeing an instant pout appear on Carlos’ face. You had been one of the many victims of COVID boredom and sure, staying at home was fun at first, but one week led to one month and before you knew it you were holding a pair of scissors and cutting at your own hair. To be fair the tik tok you had followed had been quite helpful because by the end of it you had fairly decent wispy bangs sitting on your forehead. 
That was a year ago. The bangs were fun at first, and you really liked how you looked with them, but it was truly getting annoying to have to fix them every few weeks to make sure they weren’t going into your eyes. You had told yourself countless times to let them grow out, but one thing always held you back. 
“But mi amor,” Carlos whined, the usual way he did whenever you brought up the topic. “You look gorgeous with them.” He says gently ruffling your bangs. Your nose scrunches a bit at this effort as he only succeeds to once again obstruct your vision. Soon though Carlos is leaning down to give you a gentle peck on the lips. “Keep them please?” He asks with the usual smile that you can barely ever say no to. 
“You know how much effort that is,” You say, rolling your eyes when he says and so what? You’re about to argue with him when he says something that makes your brows raise.
“I can learn to cut them for you,” He offers and you give him a skeptical look. Soon he’s shifting a bit and you sit up. You let out a soft huff when your hair gets into your eyes again and once more Carlos fixes your bangs. His fingers are so gentle that it almost hurts. 
“Carlos,” You say, not expecting to budge. “You can’t even braid hair.” This doesn’t seem to discourage him as he looks you with a determined look. 
“I’ll learn. Wanna bet?” He asks, holding his hand out. You take a deep breath, knowing he isn’t going to let up on it. Soon you’re taking his hand in yours before giving it a firm shake.
One thing that you had learned over the two years of dating Carlos was that he wasn’t a quitter, but you didn’t expect him to try this hard either. The day after the deal you come home from going out with some friends and you find him on his phone, eyes glued to its little screen. “Hola mi amor,” He says, eyes not moving to look at you. You can hear a woman’s voice in the background and you curiously come closer, setting your bag on the bed. 
“What are you watching?” You ask, sitting next to him and looking over his phone and see that it’s a video with a woman and a girl sitting down. A smile pulls at your lips when you notice the woman slowly explaining how she’s going to braid her daughter’s hair and that’s when you realize he’s watching a tutorial. “Oh my god,” You say, holding back a laugh. 
“What?” He asks, pausing the video to look up. “We made a deal.” He says, soon leaning close to greet you properly with a peck. “Wanna try?” He asks and you can’t help but concede. Soon you’re sitting on the edge of the bed, Carlos sitting cross legged behind you as he slowly runs his fingers through your hair and tries to get out the knots. “Wait!” 
There is a shift on the bed and you look back to see what your boyfriend is doing and you fondly roll your eyes when you see him coming back with a comb in his hand. Soon he is gently brushing through your hair, the silence in the room is loud as the driver is focused on getting this right. It’s endearing how genuine he is with it, his focus sharp as he slowly begins to attempt to loop your hair together. He restarts twice- but you can’t blame him really, your hair was cut in layers which didn’t make it easier for him but when he’s done he’s proudly asking for your hair tie. You offer your hand up and he takes the band off your wrist before securing your hair with it. 
“Not bad Carlos,” You say as he proudly shows you the image on his phone after taking a quick picture.
It doesn’t end there though. For the next few weeks Carlos becomes really invested, every night he finds himself asking if you had an extra ten, fifteen, twenty minutes for him to just practice on you. He watches videos, tutorials, and even asks a friend or two for different ways to style out your hair. It doesn’t always work out (which leads to one or two small arguments), but overall he manages to learn a lot more than you expect him to. 
It becomes a ritual too, every night that you’re together you both find yourselves on the bed, Carlos gently combing through your hair as you both catch up on your day, or talk about whatever really. It’s a special moment that you both share, and you find yourself sometimes saving stories to share then. It’s nice really, a moment where you’re both really focused on one another, not worried about anything else. 
Carlos also ends up always carrying one of your hair ties on his own wrist, and more often than not, you forget to grab one for yourself whenever you’re both out together. 
It’s a bit over a month after your deal, and you can feel your bangs already pushing their luck, you’re in the bathroom, looking for your go to hair-cutting scissors to trim them down for the first time since you’ve made the deal with Carlos. You’re about to make the first snip before stopping yourself. “Babe?” You call out. There is a moment of silence and a bit of shuffling before Carlos is opening the door.
“Yes, cariño?” He asks, looking at your reflection in the mirror. 
“Can you help me out?” You ask with a smile. His eyes light up and he walks closer.
“Really? Are you sure?” He asks, and you can see he is a bit nervous. It’s funny really, because you both were well aware that Carlos had watched dozens of videos on cutting bangs. At this point he was more qualified than the first time you were snipping at your own hair. 
“Of course, I trust you.” You smile and he can’t help but grin as he grabs his brush before he’s making you sit down. He slowly ties your hair up, brushing your overgrown bangs to the front. 
“Vamos,” He says with a grin.
a/n: thanks for reading!! (and yes ik i got caught up with the bangs part, sorry but not really) . hope you enjoyed and as always constructive criticism is appreciated <3
reqs are currently still open
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Watched the little mermaid and I seriously don't get the hate this movie is getting. The CGI was wonderful, I felt like I was 'under the sea', literally.
Halle crushes the role with her acting and singing, I was moved to tears. Jonah as Eric is perfect, he's so soft and in the screen time he gets allows us to see who Eric really is. He had me giggling.
Plus his song????? Had me melting in my seat and raised my standards. As a beauty and the beast 'Evermore' girlie, this song is my new obsession.
Melissa McCarthy as Ursula got me laughing and wetting my pants in fear and felt like a true Disney villain. 'Poor unfortunate souls' is top tier and Melissa's vocals is just AHHHHHHH so good!!
Javier as Triton omg, he portrayed Triton's protectiveness and love for Ariel really well.
Jacob, Daveed and Awkwafina smashed their roles as Flounder, Sebastian and Scuttle. Loved Scuttle's song too, it had me laughing. Also when they orchestrate 'Kiss the girl' omg it was everything 😭
Jessica as Vanessa killed it, I was legit scared haha.
It was amazing to be honest. Yeah nothing can compare to your memories of the original but this movie is meant for the this generation's children and having different women from different ethnicities play the mermaids of the seven seas and having Halle be Ariel actually was so beautiful.
Please watch the movie in a theater or write a good review for it, because people are just review bombing it and I feel that is not fair to everyone who created this magical story during covid.
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cosmoseinfeld · 1 year
How was the Sunny Dublin show?!!! Do you have any pictures?
How long was the macdennis segment? Was Glenn shaky on the macdennis "love affair" chat (saw a post on twitter) or was he just doing one of his Glenn bits like from the podcast where he acts like he's not into things before he's honest about it? Did they confirm Honey and Vinegar for s16 or were they just teasing the idea of it in future seasons? Were you able to see their expressions from your seat? (Sorry for being cringe and insane in your asks!)
hiii! sorry it took me so long to reply. I was kind of processing those days and also recovering from covid which i brought as a fun souvenir! (nw, it's all good) I can't possibly tell you how long the segment was but it def took up a good chunk of the show! i was sitting too far away to take good pictures or videos (nor did i want to yknow, kind of living in the moment) but i took this pic of the screen which was up for a satisfyingly long time
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I honestly think glenn was just doing one of his "bits" because - imo - he's much more on our side when it comes to the meta level of the show just from how he is talking about dennis etc. I still love how bold rob was by just straight up saying macdennis is a love affair to some. at least, glenn then said to rob "love you, baby!" I remember meg saying it's one of her favourite dynamics but we already knew that. Oh, she also said that the impl*cation scene was put up there against her will and i agree. It's not a macdennis moment and I overall hate it (in parts because it is what dudebros cling to so desperately). I am amazed that they somehow managed to avoid talking about Mac and Dennis break up AGAIN by "letting the audience choose" (which is a fabricated thing because a hyped up audience will cheer and holler for anything) but i will say that Suburbs got a REALLY loud cheer. They played the montage from that and ofc the dinner scene with the "newsflash asshole" moment. Oh, we also had to watch glenn's naked ass on screen. Rob talked about shooting that scene and said how hard it was for him to keep up because glenn was bringing his whole talent to it and rob said he wasn't that good of an actor to keep up. glenn said he's sometimes concerned that there is this psychopathic side to him and that he needs to get that checked. They then played Mortgage Crisis but didn't really talk about it. BUT meg suggested that hugh honey & vic vinegar should make a comeback at some point and rob sort of agreed and so did the audience, so who knows! The segment ended with them playing the impl*cation scene instead of break up and meg saying mac and dennis keeping each other in check is one of the things she loves about that dynamic and that they follow their own specific set of rules.
Overall, it was a very fun show and I am happy I went. The mood was so great, on stage and in the audience. I couldn't see their expressions from up there but I did see rob pulling down his pants to show us his shamrock tattoo, so there's that image... I loved the video cameos by danny, artemis, the lawyer and even uncle jack. Glenn got drunk on stage to the point that rob felt the need to intervene when he got too annoying lmao. Glenn said rob gave him a shot of "tequila" backstage and it might have been the bit that tipped him over - he then got corrected because it was whisky of course (maybe he had flashbacks to the christmas special). They played family fight but it was sooo messy omg... never give buzzers to drunk man-children. Everybody celebrated kaitlin of course and it was... a special experience to hear her and glenn sing the tiny boy song live. Charlie sang a bunch of sunny songs. The one that got me most was "I like life at paddy's pub" of course, especially because the whole audience was singing along. They also had an inflatable tube guy on stage before the show started which I thought was hilarious and weirdly relaxing to watch... Oh, yes before the show started, they had a sunny playlist going on with all the classics like "the boys are back in town" and the ghostbusters song etc. During the intermission, they showed gag reels on screen. Hm what else... Not to burst the bubble, but they also talked about how they couldn't film s15 in Ireland because of covid restrictions, so the on locations shootings took place in california - movie magic! If I remember anything else that's of significance, I'll post a follow-up. I really hope they'll come back to europe soon because i'll def go again. It was so nice to meet other sunny fans IRL and hang out and have a good time together :) i am always amazed how a shared love for a show can bring people together... it's so wholesome. (and you could also sense their love for the show and each other and I think it's great for them to finally get such a direct feedback from the fans)
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purplegirl20 · 8 months
Pairing: Damian Priest x Self-Insert (Me), along with judgment day
Summary: The Judgement Day decide to surprise me after not seeing me for several months.
Warning: None
Tagging: :@ghoulsister1 @omg-im-such-a-masochist @sparkleva95 @alicejoaquin1990 @vintage-pvssy @ashkrystal @theworldofotps @nyc-kyra-93 @ziasaph @priestparty @queenzay @sultryfandoms @auburnwrites @windhamsrotunda@rheaanddamianfan@theclawdeen1442@tmt-77@blueberryomega@ironshamelessyouth@lisashield @sparklykryptonitequeen91 @claymoresofinfamy23
Note: Sorry for the very long hiatus. I've been dealing with studying to get my nursing license and now I'm back. I hope you enjoy my oneshot.
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October 18th:
It' was a chilly Wednesday afternoon. The Judgement day was eating together at a local dinner.
Damian: It's good to reclaim our titles.
Finn: I know right. Finally back home. Their real home.
Rhea smiled as Dominik was munching on his chicken tenders.
Rhea: By the way, What's happens with your girlfriend lately? We haven't from her in a while.
Damian: Oh. She's out of town. She been dealing with her family. Apparently both her mom and her dad caught COVID and been dealing with taking care of them.
Rhea: Damn. Doesn't she have siblings that will help her?
Damian: She does, but both of them live out of state and she's the only one that lives in the same state as her parents. It like a 3 hours drive for her.
Rhea and Finn: What?!
Finn: Is she the oldest?
Damian: Middle child.
Finn and Rhea:(groans) Ah. Middle child syndrome.
Dominik:(mouth full) Middle child syndrome?
Rhea: Dom! Don't speak with your mouth full.
Dominik:(mouth full) Sorry Mami.
Damian: Yea. She basically had been busy taking care of their needs. She barely talk to me because of this. She does small talks via text.
Dominik: Wow. She have alot of her plate. Does she have a good relationship with her parents?
Damian: It's normal. Although her parents are strict. She kind of quiet and socially awkward because of that.
Dominik: How strict are her parents?
Damian: A lot stricter than any parents in a typical Latino home. I mean they wouldn't let her celebrate Halloween. Or let go out to parties while she growing up.
Dominik: Holy shit! None?
Rhea: Now, that you think about it. The few times that I interact with her, she sometimes have problems with eye contact.
Dominik: Really?
Rhea: Remember, on her birthday last year and during the induction ceremony back in April, she sometimes don't look at us.
Dominik: Huh. I didn't notice it.
Damian: She kind of a homebody. She would rather stay home, watching cartoons, anime or play on her phone.
Rhea: Wow.
Finn: That's crazy.
Damian: Yea. I sometimes has to gently push her out of her comfort zone, from time to time.' It sometimes works, but she get overstimulated after a little while.
(Phone vibrating)
He quickly looks up at his phone and see my name on the phone.
Damian:(gasp) It's her.
He quickly picks his phone.
Damian: Shaynell. Mija. My chocolate cake! How are you? I miss you so much.
Shaynell: Hi Bunuelos. I miss you. I'm sorry for not talking to you that much for the last several months. I've been dealing with my own family affairs.
Damian: It fine, Mija. I miss you so much.
Shaynell: I miss you too.
Damian: What are you doing now?
Shaynell: I'm actually driving on my way home. I have at least 2 hours to go.
Damian: Wow. Really?
Shaynell: Yea. After 5 long months, dealing with family, I finally get to arrive home.
Damian: Aw. Don't worry baby. When you come back, I'm going to spoil you rotten?
Shaynell: You promise?
Damian: I promise.
Shaynell: Alright. I love you. Bye.
I quickly hangs up the phone.
Damian: Alright. I have 2 hours to surprise. I'll need your help.
Rhea: Of course. We'll always here to help. Right guys?
Finn and Dominik nods their head in agreement.
Damian: Perfect.
Dominik: Can I least like 2 more orders of chicken tenders and fries, please?
Rhea, Finn, Damian: DOM!
2 hours later...
Shaynell:(sighs) Finally! I'm home! 5 months of being away. I know my fridge has expired food already. I need to clean the fridge and order some groceries when I get home.
I turned the engine of my car and parked my car. I then noticed Damian's car at the parkway.
Shaynell: Look like Damian is at my house already.
I grabbed my luggage and grabbed my keys to get into my house.
Shaynell:(sighs) Finally! I'm inside my own house.
I opens the door and went inside the house. I set my luggage aside and kick my shoes off.
Shaynell: UGH! Finally. Damian! I'm home!
I heard from no response.
Shaynell: Damian? Hello?
I went to the kitchen to try to get rid of the expired food, when I noticed that a huge chocolate cake on the table.
Shaynell: What the hell? Why there's cake here?
Shaynell:(gasp) AHH!
I quickly turns around and saw Judgement Day in front of me.
Judgement day: SURPRISE!
Shaynell: What the hell is going on?
Damian: I just want to surprise you!
He smile and kissed me on the lips, making me a smile.
Damian: I miss you so much!
He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight.
Shaynell:(giggling) Damian!
Damian: I miss you so much! I miss your Face! Your voice! Those lips!
He smirks and and sloppily kiss me on the lips, causing me to gasp for air.
Rhea: Damian! Give her some space. You're going to swallow her face.
Shaynell:(coughing) Jesus!
Damian: I'm sorry. I just miss her so much!
He quickly picked me up and hold me tight, accidentally squeezing me.
Shaynell:(gasp) Damian! You're squeezing me! HELP!
Finn and Dominik quickly pulled me away from him.
Finn:(concerned) Are you ok?
Damian: I'm sorry. I just can't enough of you.
Shaynell:(coughing) I know. Just please be gentle next time.
Damian: I will, Mija.
He smile and gently holds me.
Damian: Come here, princesa.
He smiles and playfully pokes my sides, causing me to giggle and squirm.
Finn:(clears throat) Excuse me. Aren't we going to eat this cake or see you make out?
Damian: Oh right. I got some double chocolate cake for you.
Shaynell: I can see that.
Dominik: Oh. Let get some milk to eat some cake.
Shaynell: DOM! Don't drink that! It expired!
He accidentally drink the expired milk, but quickly spit it out.
Dom:(gags) YUCK!
Shaynell: Sorry. I haven't throw away the expired food. All of my food went bad for the last 5 months.
He continue gagging to get rid of the awful taste in his mouth with Rhea by his side.
Rhea: Wash it down with water.
He quickly drinks water from the tap to get rid of the smell.
Rhea: You feel a little better?
Dominik: Yea.
Shaynell: Seriously. Sorry. I didn't have the chance to get rid of the food in the fridge.
Dominik: It fine. You got Listerine?
Shaynell: Bathroom on the right.
Dominik: Thank you!
He quickly left the kitchen to go the bathroom.
Shaynell: While he in the bathroom, I'll order some pizza and wings to go along with some cake. Damian, can you take the cake to the living room?
Damian: Of course.
Shaynell: Thank you, my bunuelos.
I smile and kiss him on the lips, making him blush.
I starts ordering some food while we wait for Dominik to recover.
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nouies · 1 year
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hello and welcome to the second fic rec of the year featuring works that i’ve read and loved during the past weeks. as always, please check tags before reading. if you liked the fics please reblog their posts, leave kudos and write a nice comment. happy reading! 🔒 = only for ao3 users rec tag | more rec lists
— harry/louis —  
໑ A Deal by @allwaswell16​ (T, 898, acquaintances, harry potter au, slytherin harry, gryffindor louis) absolutely amazing. it made me scream out loud and to want more from them in this universe but honestly, it’s perfect already as it is. a bit of flustered harry with confident louis to make your day brighter.
໑ I Like You Venti, Venti Much by Blinding_Lights  (G, 915, strangers to lovers, coffee shop au, valentine’s day) super sweet and lovely! i love how both of them were mesmerised by each other lol.
໑ forever&more by @forthetherapyy​ (G, 1k, established relationship, valentine’s day, long distance relationship, covid) absolutely gorgeous! their letters to each other were so sweet (please check out the author’s art for them!) and their love for each other was palpable even when they were not together. i read this on valentine’s day but i’m still sobbing abt it.
໑ Art Isn't Paint, It's Love by @faithinwalls369 (T, 2k, established relationship, valentine’s day, art exhibition) this was so beautifully written. the atmosphere was absolutely stunning and their love story was even greater.
໑ you could take a lick (but it's too cold to bite) by cinnamons / @sunbellylou​ (E, 2k, established relationship, pwp, summer) this was so hot that i even wanted an ice cream for myself even though i haven’t had one in years.
໑ I could be lucky by yourlionheartx / @djtommotomlinson​ (G, 3k, strangers to lovers, meet-cute valentine’s day) so sweet and funny! the end had me swooning. so, so lovely!
໑ I Choose You by @disgruntledkittenface​ (NR, 3.6k, established relationship, domestic fluff, tiredness after work) omg i read this on valentine’s day but i’m still thinking about it. it was sooooo freaking awesome! it’s like those fics where you don’t feel you’re reading abt made up characters but rather you’re looking through the window of their house and you’re seeing what they’re doing (respectfully though lol). this was amazing.
໑ 🔒 (your smile is) on every face by @justanothershadeofblue​ (T, 5k, strangers to lovers, famous/not famous au, meet cute) absolutely amazing! loved the characterisation and in general, Harry’s journey to become a Louis fan.
໑ Running Through A Cloud Of Steam by @allwaswell16​ (M, 5.7k, friends to lovers, soulmates au, body swap) a fun way to find who your soulmate is. and even though i knew what is going to happen, there were so many elements that made the fic to stand out for me, especially when it switched to Louis’ POV (but Harry’s was just as great!)
໑ Warm Chilling by @larryyouknow​ (G, 7.8k, strangers to lovers, countryside au) as i was reading i could feel the breeze in my face as if i was in the countryside, which honestly what a nice place it sounds. i liked the easy banter between Louis and Harry, and of course i loved all the animals. lovely reading, check it out!
໑ Kalopsia by delsicle / @eeveelou (M, 9k, established relationship, dark au, very very dark please read tags and author’s note) so well written and well thought. it’s very heavy so be careful if you don’t like dark aus but if you do, you’re gonna love this one. i’m planning on rereading this during halloween if not before bc it was really good.
໑ let me be your good night by @levelofcharm (E, 10.5k, strangers to lovers, valentine’s day, rich louis, waiter harry, read tags) i loved the characterisation here (especially Louis’), it was very close to my heart. and in general it was so good, so entertaining to read.
໑ Obsessive Love by Jennifer_Kaid / @poetsreprieve (E, 11k, strangers to lovers, prison au, dark harry, innocent louis) i felt like watching a series when i was reading this. i could read more abt this universe with no hesitation, it was amazing.
໑ kiss me in your chevrolet by cinnamons / @sunbellylou (E, 11k, established relationship, road trip au, read tags) ahhh this story was amazing. it tele-transported me to a new era completely. my heart ached for Louis but i loved how cherished he was by Harry, unconditionally. came for the smut, stayed for the feelings.  
໑ Souls; Plural, Parallel by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup (T, 19.6k, strangers to lovers, soulmates au, one night stand, pregnant louis) such a cute concept and a extremely fun way to tell it. i fell in love with several things during my reading, especially how lovely Louis was towards Harry.
໑ lovin' online by @levelofcharm and @pleasing-louis (NR, 27k, established relationship, frat boys au, sex tapes) i loved every second of this. their relationship was so lovely and admirable, there are very sweet moments during the fic, but there’s also smut which was hot HOT so you’ll find a good mix here.
໑ he was sunshine, i was midnight rain by wildestdreams / @thelavendrhaze (E, 30.8k, exes to lovers, a/b/o regency au, artist harry) ahhh this one was angsty but so entertaining because of all the jealousy going on. tbh i thought it was shorter bc of how fast i read it.
໑ Maybe You'll Like the Way I Am by @lululawrence (NR, 55.8k, neighbours to lovers, a/b/o fake relationship au, medical conditions, read tags and author’s note) what a beautiful story, a must read for hurt/comfort lovers! it’s angsty but fun and romantic. it touches heavy topics but in a very natural way.
໑ Perfect Storm by @cherrystreet (E, 80k, exes to lovers, fake relationship, wedding, hawaii) i loved this fic so much! i love discovering old fics that feel timeless. the characterisation was on point and there were so many moments where i felt my heart squishing.
໑ nothing quite hits like you by @outropeace (E, 80.8k, enemies to lovers, a/b/o dark academy au, curses, read tags) this fic was quite the journey. i don’t know how else to explain it. if you’re into fantasy and genuine rivalry between Louis and Harry, you’re gonna love this one.
໑ Darling, so it goes by @disgruntledkittenface  (E, 195k, strangers to lovers, royalty au, grace kelly au, actor harry, prince louis) i learned so much with this fic! it was very entertaining and i could only put it down when it was strictly necessary but it didn’t feel as long as it is. i could read more abt the future of their family bc i’m sure they’d have the best anecdotes, especially as parents.
— rare pairs / categories —  
໑ Guitar Cutie by cherrylarry / @beelou (girl direction, niall/harry, G, 632, strangers to lovers, meet-cute) such a lovely and sweet story. a great story to get you in a good mood.
໑ Winds Blowing Westerly by @ladyaj-13 (niall/louis, G, 655, friends to lovers, canon compliant) definitely loved this one! it made me think of several scenarios that led them to that point. very cute!
໑ Melting into You by cherrylarry / @beelou (liam/zayn, T, 1k, established relationship, valentine’s day date) this was very cute! they make a wonderful family with their two little girls but it was so sweet to see them have a day for them.
໑ we're right here in this room by flicker_album / @niall-official (niall/shawn mendes, G, 2k, strangers to lovers, coffee shop au) very soft and sweet! a perfect meet cute with amazing setting and characterisation.
໑ a sudden desire by edensrose / @holdingthornsandroses (louis/agent whiskey, E, 2k, strangers to lovers, nurse louis, pwp) this was so hot and sexy! the summary says “save a horse, ride a cowboy” so you can imagine what happens and it’s perfect.
໑ Doc In My Box by @homosociallyyours (girl direction, E, 2.6k, established relationship, doctor harry, pwp) so intimate and sexy! i really loved the way the author captured the trust between the couple in subtle ways.
໑ count me in by @disgruntledkittenface (girl direction, zayn/harry, NR, 3k, established relationship, a/b/o au, proposal) this was so lovely and cute. it reminded me how important it is for people to give something that the giftee is going to really enjoy. and it was nice to see a glimpse of niall and louis’ life.
໑ when we're finished saying nothing by @disgruntledkittenface (girl direction, M, 3k, established relationship, a/b/o au, pre-rut) this story was inspired by “written all over your face” and the author did a terrific job. it has so many great a/b/o elements that really make sense with the story. absolutely amazing.
໑ reckless serenade by @thepolourryexpress (girl direction, E, 4k, established relationship (or is it?), college au) this was very cute and sexy! perfect for valentine’s day but also any other time of the year!
໑ feel my body come alive by eynap / @panye (niall/shawn mendes, E, 10k, established relationship, a/b/o au) absolutely lovely, sweet, and romantic. it’s the author’s first a/b/o but it was so natural.
໑ Blind Date by @ladyaj-13 (ot5, G, 14k, strangers to lovers, reality show au, model louis) this was very fun and entertaining. everyone’s personalities just clicked and it was great to see how on board they all were with the relationship.
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magickman1234 · 1 month
Please Ma’am
The cute thick waitress appeared with a tray with what Anne thought was certainly dinner mints and the check. Jen was chanting away oblivious to the world they both were mildly stoned so they missed it until it was placed in front of Jen. A plate with another slice of that chocolate cake. Jen blinked and looked at the waitress.
“Oh uh, you already brought me that, thank you but we want our check please,” she managed between stoner laughs.
“Please ma’am it’s on the house,” the waitress stood stoic like on Jen’s left side.
“Okay but I’m full, please take it back or can I have it to go?”
The waitress didn’t give any indication of a response and stood at attention.
“Please ma’am eat it.”
“What…what do you mean? I’m not hungry I already am stuffed,” Jen laughed as a nervous look crossed her face.
“Please its complements of the house,” the woman said flatly. “It’s special for you, please eat.”
“Well I’m not hungry!”
Suddenly Anne noticed several more waitstaff approached from unseen corners or something. The emptiness of the restaurant dawned on her. Anne shot a nervous look at Jen.
“Hey how about I eat it then?” Anne blurted out. “Umm, I’m sure I’ve got room let me take it…”
Jen nodded in agreement her eyes wide with fear at realizing they were surrounded.
“Oh no ma’am we have a specific dessert for you.”
Anne gulped in fear at that statement.
“Only the blonde can eat this…” the blank faced waitress said.
“You can’t be serious! Omg this is a prank right?” Jen looked from stern faced waitstaff to waitstaff.
Her eyes went wider the lack of response and strange blank stares were making her panic. She looked at Anne who was just as nervous.
“Do you need help ma’am?” Said one random waitperson.
There were now an impossible number of waitstaff surrounding them. The crowd stared waited on the now scared Jen to respond.
“Help? What the tuck does that mean?”her fear transmuted to anger.
It was too much so she stood up. Angry as she turned to make her way between two of them. Rapidly hands clasped her shoulders and she was turned to the table as she screamed and shouted. No real response but to hold her down harder as she struggled to get free. Her last year of overindulgence and pot smoking left her weak and flabby. Her once semi-fit body render lard by too many years in Covid isolation and freely available pot and junk food. She realized her weigh was easily used against her as she plopped into the chair easier when pushed. Two held her down. Anne watched frozen in terror as the original waitress picked up the plate.
“Please eat ma’am. It’s on the house.”
Monotone like a weary employee at the local grocery store reminding their five thousandth customer to keep to some mindless policy. The plump rocker chick bounced and jiggled as they held her. The cruelty of her fate not lost on her. All those indulgences had added up. The waitress first put it in front of her but she resisted and even tried to spit on it. The waitress was uncanny and dodged that plus several attempts to bite her hand. A strong hand grabbed Jen’s shoulder length hair and yanked her head up. The grip was vise like at her shoulders as the waitress picked up a good chunk of the slice. Another hand squeezed her nose shut until she gasped for air and the chocolate cake went into her mouth cruel hand shoved into all into her mouth as she struggled to spit it out. She chewed and gulped the waitress looked her in the eyes as Jen’s wide eyes teared up. A meek helpless pleading look to the waitress did nothing as the hand staid over Jen’s mouth. The second half came and muffled cries and more tears the whole piece was gone down her throat. Gasping for air the fat girl begged them to stop as another even bigger piece came.
“No, no, no! Please! I’m so full!”
No mercy the whole piece came forth. Anne could only watch as Jen struggled to keep up as a who;e chocolate cake came out. She watched her friend beg again as Jen rubbed her sore distended belly. They had just finished a feast! They held her down again and the force feeding harsher as Jen moaned in pain and humiliation to keep up. Chocolate smeared all over her fat face as tears trailed her dark makeup down her pale plump cheeks. They were savage and bits of cake were all over her.
“Oh god no! Please tell me,e that cake isn’t for me! I’ll explode! I’ll explode if you make me look at another piece!” She earnestly begged.
Anne teared up too they made eye contact and shared several useless nonverbal pleas to try something until that fourth piece came to Jen’s face. Drunk from food and stoned she submitted more fully and started to eat it without completely being forced to. Something fucked happened and she found she loved it part way through. There was an irresistible and irresponsible urge to finish it as she felt her stomach hit its limited as she finished an immense belch escaped her. There was an odd sense of relieve as her stomach went from taut to relaxed with the burp. In fact she felt her whole body relax. Anne screamed as flesh poured out from her friend’s plump body. Jen moaned in fear and pleasure as she felt herself up. Her skin burned with joy and her panties wet as they squeezed her enhanced fupa. Her belly was hit the hardest. Anne stood and her wait people grabbed her. At her edge of awareness a tray with a huge pie behind was behind Anne. Jen grabbed her tummy fat as she edged to an orgasm with the next slice as she eagerly gobbled it up. She saw the spark of arousal in Anne as clap of fat asscheeks on a seat before they forced Anne to eat a slice of blueberry pie. Anne didn’t last long at all as she moaned for joy the reality of a fantasy given flesh was too much for her. She rubbed her thighs together in a tempt to stimulate herself. Her panties beyond soaked as she fluttered eyed on the edges of orgasm as she gobbled it up. Someone lifted her skirt up and slapped her fat right asscheek mostly bare with her thong. She nearly came her pussy sore from getting so excited too fast. She was honestly too aroused to come.
“Don’t resist Jen it feels so much better!”
Another swift ass slap to her left cheek made her cry out for joy. She left herself start to widen as she ate the second piece of pie. Lost in the pleasure of it all she felt her belly and her hips as they hand fed her. She was certainly filling out but it was not fat! She glanced at her hands and saw they were blue and her legs were turning deeper blue. The truly impossible reality of juice under her skin hit her as she watched the slow growth of herself. The fear long gone she moaned for joy as her hands felt her spreading ass.
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queerfables · 2 months
S04 part the first liveblog
It's kind of cute that Maddie and Chimney are living with each other's siblings during the pandemic
Who is Buck's new ~covid crush?
Honestly I love when this show does jumpscares that have me staring at my screen like :O. The bus coming through the window while they're fighting was great.
May's doing 911 dispatch?? That's so fun and I bet she'll be great at it
Gosh now I like everyone on the bus and I hope they're OK
I'm in love with CJ. Saves a man's life, makes a joke about how he's working on his eye contact
They're all OK!
Lmfao it's obvious neither Chimney or Buck have ever used a baby monitor before. I have absolutely forgotten to put the receiver down when going to pick up the baby and I knew immediately how to find that kid
Aw Buck's covid crush is actually a therapist!!
Yeah no there's no way these students' first experience with cadavers would involve them dissecting said cadavers. I took a year's worth of human anatomy in university and never touched a scalpel once.
Delighted by every Buck+Eddie+Christopher scene
Lmfao watching Hen negotiate with a toddler feels reaaaal familiar
Except that her toddler still responds to "swap?"
Omg Buck and Christopher pulling that prank on Eddie, adorable!!
I feel like I missed some kind of crossover event, should I look into that at some point?
Oh just like I said May is doing a great at this job. She really takes after her mother, I love it
Eddie and Buck are being DORKS at the crime scene it's CUTE
Ok the hell did Maddie tell Chimney about Buck?
Omg Albert just straight up running away so Chimney won't tell him the secret this is amazing
Wow Chimney really is bad at keeping secrets it's very funny
Oh that was a really good scene, the family dinner and Buck's break down. It was sad but really good
Ohhh secret brother!! I actually low-key guessed it was something like that
Oh Jesus, Buck was the baby they had to try and save their first baby, but he didn't. That explains a LOT.
Wow, this really does explain a buuuunch
Did they always plan this as Buck's backstory because I can't get over how well it clicks everything into place (and some stuff about Maddie too)
Oh Maddie, you should have gone with him
Oh man she nearly did, oh wow, that's crazy
This guy in the hand sanitiser place is hilarious "this [mask] is helping. The fire is not."
Oh, Buck. This is a bad time for you to lose one
oh no everyone's there and helping T_____T
Oh no I'm gonna cry over Maddie and Buck and Buck asking her to tell him about Daniel and Buckley siblings oh no
Okay one more and then I'll sleep
Lmfao this episode is off to a very entertaining start I love dumb superstition episodes
Eddie stop flirting while you're supposed to be working (jk she's cute)
I was right this episode is GREAT
Plus I greatly enjoy Eddie the skeptic
"Is it a curse or a jinx?" I'm crying at how seriously they're taking it
Who the hell is this guy from the 147
Oh it's a whole thing I see
So glad we got a hijinks episode, delightful
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juniperhillpatient · 1 month
I finished Yellowjackets and I already miss it! Any recs for what to watch to fill the void?
Omg I feel you every day of my life I miss Yellowjackets I wish I could watch it all for the first time again 😭
I don’t really watch that many shows so I’m terrible with recommending stuff 😅
If you want more depravity & complicated awful female villains & anti heroes with complex toxic sapphic dynamics Hostel 2 is my go to but you do have to watch the first one to understand it & I love the first one myself but it is very man heavy with characters lol
If you are really wanting to lean more into the messed up flesh consuming homoerotic codependent sapphic dynamic aspect specifically I’d recommend Ginger Snaps or Jennifer’s Body the main canon sapphic female relationships in both those movies are brain rotting in similar ways to JackieShauna. (Though Ginger Snaps gets incestuous so I know that’s as quick for a lot of people tread carefully)
Ooh as far as TV shows go you’d probably enjoy Killing Eve if you like Yellowjackets although that one the writing really goes downhill pretty badly so I do hesitate to recommend it unless you’re in it for the parts that are worth it & prepared for disappoint down the line…. Ugh but Eve & Villanelle are SUCH amazing characters!!
Dead to Me is another show that’s really good & far less depraved & more drama centric than the other stuff I’ve mentioned. However in my opinion the writing does go downhill but the first 2 seasons? Iconic. Not canonically gay like the other things I’ve mentioned but still a delicious dynamic between two complicated & somewhat crazy women.
Not in the same genre as my other recs but Bottoms is a great comedic movie if you just want crazy & sort of awful lesbians.
Oh —- ok last 3 recommendations. These ones don’t necessarily have the toxic crazy sapphic girlies element of YJ that I just assume is a big part of the draw (it is for me lol) HOWEVER they are some of my faves -
Hannibal. I love this show. It’s art. I don’t have anything else to say that hasn’t been said meow articulately by more hardcore fans. I watched this entire show in a fever haze when I had Covid so that probably affects my analytical ability but I promise it’s great. It’s also a little man heavy & the female characters could be… done better sometimes so that is a criticism I have that keeps it from being a number one fave for me but Hannibal & Will are VERY compelling & the plot & visuals are soooo good.
Scream mtv I honestly feel like you’ve seen this one I’m pretty sure but it’s a fave of all time & Emma/Audrey is one of my fave ships of all time. Excellent cast excellent writing it’s so good.
Bates Motel. This show is so slept on in fandom & it’s probably the best horror tv I’ve ever seen from start to finish it tells an amazingly cohesive prequel backstory for one of the most iconic villains of all time in a way that honors the book & film both of which I LOVE & somehow manages to stay fresh & shocking & exciting despite the audience knowing where it’s going. For quality horror tv I can’t recommend this show highly enough it’s honestly the best thing on this list on an objective level like the cinematography the fantastic acting from Vera Farmiga & Freddy Highmore especially but also Max Theriot & Olivia Cookie I just - I LOVE this show. Heavy heavy trigger warning though not just for incest which is inherent to a Psycho prequel but like…. Everything you could ever need a trigger warning for. There is a significant amount of SA shown so yeah be careful.
Anyway there you go you’ve probably seen a lot of the stuff on this list but this is what I could think of to watch next to somewhat keep the mood of Yellowjackets although of course we both know YJ is unique enough you’re never going to recapture that exact vibe 😉
If anyone else has recommendations also I’d also be curious! ❤️
Oh wait last thing my best friend Juliet Lewis plays another iconic traumatized girly with maybe worse daddy issues than Natalie even in Natural Born Killers. This is one of my favorite movies but it is NOT for everyone. You are signing up for unapologetic depravity & sympathetic serial killer villain main characters with a toxic relationship. Now for me those are selling points but it is a very messed up movie so yeah. Trigger warning for SA incest & basically every dynamic in the movie being the definition of toxic.
Okay that’s off the top of my head for watching after YJ I’m done now lol 🫶
****Edit I’m listening to music on my porch as I play on tumblr & I Know the End by my best friend Phoebe Bridgers came on & I remembered to recommend School Spirits it’s not exactly the same horror vibes of YJ but I just think you’d like it because it’s a delightfully creepy compelling & fun ghost story / mystery with absolutely wonderful characters fun cinematography exciting lore a good plot & a banger soundtrack ok I’m done now lmao go watch School Spirits it’s so great
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ricciardoswife · 2 years
Summary: daniel and y/n find out their going to be parents
Warnings: pregnancy
Endless love masterlist
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Daniel and y/n had reached the next stage in their life where they were ready to add to their little family. A dream both daniel and y/n had from an early stage in their relationship was to at some point have children. So for the last couple of month that's what the couple have been doing. Both of them enjoying the love making side of it alot.
That's how they both find themselves standing in the bathroom of their hotel room in Saudi Arabia the day before qualifying. Y/n has been feeling miserable for the past couple of days and after taking more than the necessary amount of covid tests to make sure that she hadn't caught the virus, both herself and daniel had came to the conclusion that maybe she was pregnant they did factor in the point that she was late to but sometimes y/n is late so they couldn't really base it of of that. So now their both in the tiny hotel bathroom laughing and giggling as daniel watchs y/n pee on the third test.
"Are you sure your peeing on it correctly like how long does it take for the results to come up" Daniel asked giddily. Y/n couldn't control the laughter that came out as she placed the third stick on the counter pulling up her trousers and walking over to where daniel was standing looking at her confused. "Okay firstly yes I have peed on all three of them correctly and secondly you have to be patient it takes a couple of minutes" she replied. "Oh" Daniel said back laughing.
Y/n could swear it was only thirty seconds when Daniel asked "can we check them now" "no Daniel we have to be patient we have only been waiting for thirty seconds my phone will go off when we can" y/n replied. To pass the time the couple returned to there bed where the TV was playing on a low volume though neither were actually paying attention just being okay with being in each other's presence as they waited for the timer to end.
Y/n was both nervous and excited with the idea of becoming a mom. She was nervous that it wouldn't be postive and she would be letting daniel and herself down though deep down she knew that is nowhere near true. She was also nervous about having a kid the idea that she might not be a good enough parent scared her, though the excitement of the test possibly being positive and a new chapter was starting where they would both be parents outweighed all the negative thoughts and deep down she knew both of them would love their kid with everything they had and they would be good parents.
With that both y/n and daniel were dragged out of their thoughts when her phone rang signalling that the three minutes were up. They both looked at each other when Daniel spoke "does that mean we can check now". Y/n just simply nodded her head with a huge grin plastered on her face it was mirroring the one daniel had on his face as they both took of for the bathroom.
"If this is negative we will be okay" Daniel says to her as the both look at the back of the test not turning them over yet. "I know we will" y/n simply replied. With that they turned over the tests.
"OMG YES" Daniel shouted excitedly as he turned to y/n tears forming in his eyes. "There's a baby in my tummy" she replied excitedly also as the tears were now running down both their faces. Daniel engulfed y/n in the biggest hug she swears she ever got off of him. "We are having a baby" he said happily "we are having a baby" she replied excitedly. All of y/ns worries had just disappeared the moment she saw the words pregnant.
Daniel placed his hand on y/ns stomach as she mirrored his action placing her hand on top of his. "Hey little bean we are your parent" the both said at the same time with smiles on their faces no one could wipe off.
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Authors note: I hope you guys enjoy this i really enjoyed writing it. In regards to the poll telling their families was most voted for so thats what I'll write next. Hopefully it eill be out soon but if you haven't noticed already I am a very slow writer 🤣🥰
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five good things
okay, gonna start with the main one because it's a big one:
LAST CAT STANDING IS GETTING HIS THYROID SORTED! He's had an overactive thyroid for pushing on for three years and we've been managing it with medication but it's been getting worse and although there is a treatment that will fix it outright (radioactive iodine injection) there have been such shortages that only one place has been doing it and their waiting list is over a year long, so he wouldn't be getting it this year, and he's nearly 18 so the longer he has to wait the worse he's going to get. However! Our vet called us last week and said she'd been doing a bit of research and found a couple of places much closer to us who are offering the treatment again and have much shorter waiting lists - one of them only about a month - so we said please refer him to one or other of those, and settled down to wait. Then I got a call yesterday from a very lovely vet at one of the places who talked me through it all and booked him in FOR TWO AND A HALF WEEKS' TIME. He'll have had it done by the time he turns 18 in mid-April! The really amazing thing is that this treatment has a 99.9% success rate - the vet described it both as 'the gold standard' and 'magical' and if a Sensible Veterinary Science Person is describing a treatment as 'magical'...well. I can't even begin to describe how thrilled we are. Our other three all had things that couldn't be cured (we don't even know what it was that Beanie had) so to have something that really can be cured straight off with one injection is just...it's such a relief you guys, I don't know how to tell you.
I've just had a really good two days at job number two with my gardener-lady biographer (who has turned into a really good friend and in fact bought our lovely little car off us a couple of months ago - so I got to see the little fella again which was lovely) - we did some reboxing of the stuff she's been sorting out, shuffled everything up and sorted it into a better order, and it all feels a lot more manageable now.
X-Men 97 is out!!! I haven't had chance to watch it yet but I'm SO EXCITED YOU GUYS OMG. I've seen a few stills, and it looks like my beloved Gambit is just as he was, and oh I am so pleased. <333333
The sun's been out today and we went for a wander at lunchtime, the spring flowers are all out and it was just so gloriously lovely to stand in the sun and feel warm.
Barduil Month is nearly here! (if anyone wants to prompt me please feel free - I have a couple but am always on the lookout for more!)
I am sitting in the pub with a very nice pint of Camden Hells and the laptop, one of my fellow regulars who I get on really well with is in the back room watching the rugby on his ipad and is going to come and join me when he's done, and some of my favourite bar staff are working. I am utterly knackered (I am such a lightweight, I'm not used to doing five-day weeks any more, and when I do two days in a row for job number two, to make it worth it for my friend to come up from London to work on gardener-lady's papers, I am always utterly wiped out at the end of it) but I'm chilling out and decompressing, there's a Wall of Sound playlist on the speakers (Da Doo Ron Ron currently) and everything is very lovely.
Both Isaac Howlett from Empathy Test and The Holy Ones have new singles out! Isaac's is here and is just perfect wounded-yearning-boy electropop (much like Empathy Test really) and THO's is here and is huge fun stoner-rock and Japa-the-guitar-player (who is one of my favourite people from the Finndom) hasn't changed a bit in fifteen years and I adore both him and the song. I'm hoping they'll announce some shows - they were playing in Helsinki in May 2020 and announced the show with enough notice that I was able to make arrangements to go, and I was on the point of doing so when Covid happened, the show was postponed to the September (when I still wouldn't have been able to enter Finland) and then cancelled, so I'm really really hoping they come through this time because I'm dying to see them. I also have itchy feet like you wouldn't believe and am dying for an excuse to go somewhere, and Helsinki being one of my favourite places in the whole world, well... :D :D :D
I had a fab birthday last week, and we went up to the new 'food dock' in town (one end of the docks has been converted into lots of bars, cafes and restaurants and it has been a very protracted process but it's finally finally all open) and had awesome burgers, locally-produced ice cream and locally-produced beer and looked at the pretty lights on the water and generally had a lovely evening of it.
Aaaaaand I have a fancy record player that works with our fancy wifi sound system, and Placebo's last two albums on vinyl, courtesy of the missus, and it's fancy enough that it doesn't auto-return at the end of a side so for the first time in about forty years I heard the track in the runout groove of side two of Sgt. Pepper which I hadn't heard since my dad got a tower stereo system in the 80s that had an auto-return and didn't play the runout groove and...yeah. Awesome. I sorted all my vinyl back into order (the missus does not do alphabetical order, and she'd had it all out of the cupboard at some point to do something or other behind the cupboard and then had not put it back in the right order), rediscovered a good few things, listened to a bunch of stuff and generally nerded out quite happily for a good few days XD
I had 96% on my most recent OU assignment XD all that's left to do is an essay plan for the final assignment, and then the final assignment itself, and given that I find planning really difficult, I'm probably going to write the final assignment and then summarise it for the plan, hand that in, then hand the final assignment in once I've had the feedback from the plan XDDDD And then I will be done, and I will be the king's favourite band (the Three Degrees) XDDDDDD
I think that's more than enough, don't you? :D Things are pretty all right at the moment, which is rather nice.
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tal-vez-o-quizas · 1 year
How I became a Byler
It wasn't fate, it wasn't destiny, it was just simple dumb luck! 😜 
Get some water guys, this is long.
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When Stranger Things first came out in 2016, my older brother was the only one who had a Netflix subscription at the time (I have one since 2 years ago) and I remember he said to my whole family (except my Dad who usually gets home late for work) that we had to watch this show that was super popular with Wynona Ryder, and that everyone loves it.
Now, of course we all knew who Wynona was! Even my Mom, who never remembers the name of actors or singers recognized her, lol. So we were like "Yeah, let's watch it!"
And we were all so impressed and flabbergasted by the show. My mom loved the cast and her favorite kid is Dustin cause she said he looked like such a naughty kid, haha. I absolutely loved it as well and I wanted to know more about Will, who seemed like such a lovely boy.
After that, I watched each season everytime it was released but I was not a hardcore fan at all. I didn't ship anybody, didn't analyze things, I just purely enjoyed it, found it very entertaining and thought that it was very well done.
When S3 came out and EP3 happened with the rain fight, I was like "Oh, are they gonna-? Nah, I don't think so... Will they? OMG" with displaying Will's sexuality. At the time it didn't occur to me that Will was struggling with his friend's exclusion and his sexuality at the same time (I know, dumb me). So I was like "I mean, he could be a late bloomer, I didn't get interested in boys until I was like 14" but now that I'm recalling middle school, I had crushes on different guys, lol. My mind was in denial because I just thought that Will being gay wouldn't be shown properly or in a sensible and serious way.
Then, when that first ST4 teaser ("With love, from Russia") dropped with Hopper in the snow, everyone and their mothers freaked out and the worldwide Stranger Things frenzy began all over again. I also remember that I saw some news online that said that ALL productions were suspended for Covid and that included ST or course. Me and my brothers were kinda mad because everyone knew ST was gonna be released like in 2 years or something, waaay later than it was supposed to.
Then, like a month and so before Volume 1 premiered, I don't recall how, but I watched the rest of the ST4 teasers (002, 003 and 004 with the Hawkings gang, the Hawkins Lab and the Cali one) and I got so excited! I started to watch a lot of the cast press interviews, videos and content, then I rewatched ST again, and was so surprised to realize, all over again, that it's such a great show and the cast is amazing. But my Byler senses were still dormant. The idea of Mike and Will romantically never crossed my mind (again, sorry for my ignorance).
Which is weird because I'm good at clocking queer characters.
Like, back in college, we had to watch a movie about this family who pretended to be someone else everytime they moved; they were imposters in a way. Thanks to the camera angles, the fact that he seemed uninterested in any girls and micro-expressions from the actor, I said to this girl next to me in class "He's gay" regarding the son in the family, and she was like "What? How do you know?" and I just told her to keep watching. Indeed, towards the middle of the movie, the guy (the son in the family, who was a teenager) went to this party; he started talking with this guy and they got in a car I think? Or was it outside the house the party was at? Can't recall. Anyways, the guy got closer to his school colleague and tried to kiss him, but the other guy flinched and said "I'm sorry, I don't feel that way" or something like that, he left, and the girl next to me was like "You were right!"
I've always been very open-minded, but I think I was used to watch media where queer characters where displayed as queer or in love with their friends in their late teens, so Byler was not something I ever considered.
After rewatching all the seasons, ST4 Vol 1 premiered on May 27th and boy, was I excited! Before that, I watched the first trailer, Sadie on Fallon, Millie on Fallon, the cast interviews on the ST4 premiere days ago and I knew that they were going to move forward with Will being in love with Mike thanks to that cut on the trailer when Mike and El are skating and Will stares at their hands. So I was like "Oh, what are they gonna do with Will?"
I was free from work on that Friday (it was not planned at all and I did absolutely nothing on that day, woohoo!). I started watching ST4 around 10AM in the morning in my living's room TV.
Now, I was incredibly hooked since the intro (I knew right away that El didn't murder those kids because the way their bones and limbs were broken didn't align with how El has attacked people before), got very interested after El said that Will was painting a lot and that maybe it was for a girl, clocked what was gonna happen later in the season with the basketball game and Eddie's campaign (Mike saying that they thought Vecna was killed by Kas, Eddie declaring that Vecna lives, the 11 that Dustin threw and it wasn't enough to win) as well as who actually massacred those kids in the Lab back in 1979 after Chrissy was taken by Vecna.
I found Mike so weird and odd in EP2 but I didn't know what it was; his outfit was horrendous and after EP3, I said to myself "Hold on, Will is in love with Mike in the same season when Mike can't say I love you to El's face? That's no coincidence" and kept on watching.
I knew Peter was Vecna immediately since he appeared on EP5 because there was not another new character that fit the vibe but I didn't know he was Henry Creel or 001, lol. Him being 001 was there for us to notice but I didn't, for some reason, haha.
I stopped watching on EP5 I think, in the afternoon. Did some stuff and then picked it up at 9PM.
After the master reveal and plot in EP7, I went to Twitter and started to check people's opinions or takes for this season, then I saw a tweet that linked Kaypeace21's "Why I no longer think Mike is bi, but gay" post, saying that Will loved Mike and Mike reciprocated, and I was like "WHATT?! OMG! This looks promising" and read the whole thing.
When I tell you that I felt like I had an epiphany it's downplaying things (not an exaggeration). It felt exactly the same as when I watched Maze Runner's "The Death Cure" on theaters and Newt threw Thomas against the wall in the middle of the film after screaming at him and I felt such an insurmountable amount of tension between those two characters that I started to read Newtmas fanfiction when I got home.
Everything on Kaypeace21's post seemed very well thought, it made sense and after that I read more Byler theories as well as overall theories for the supernatural, Vecna and more. I got obsessed, became a proper fan of the show and the characters, and waited for Vol 2 to drop. Stranger Things actually replaced my Heartstopper fixation.
The show was more popular than ever, the hype was so real. Even my brothers, who haven't still watched Season 4, said that they read that The Duffers "forgot" Will's birthday and I was like "yeah, I don't really believe them" because I actually do not believe anything that comes out of The Duffers or Shawn Levy's mouths until I see it with my own eyes, lol.
Anyways, when Vol 2 premiered, I woke up at 4AM on July 1st, I think, to watch it and when we got to Will saying "Can I show you something?" to Mike, I actually paused my laptop, took a deep breath and started pacing in my room, haha. I was like "Sh*t, so early on the episode?" because I felt I was gonna have a heart attack. I was flabbergasted, shocked and a bit sad after the van scene, but found it so beautifully heartbreaking.
Now, I'm very objective and being the Libra that I am (not that I believe that much in Astrology, but there is a degree of certainty to it), I always see all sides of things and I do not consume media in a subjective way only. When Mike "confessed" to El on Surfer's Boy Pizza, I stood very quiet and watched the whole thing, but felt nothing, because it came across as very clichéd, lies were spouted by Mike and the whole situation happened in the middle of Max getting killed by Vecna and everyone was at the brink of death. It felt like an empty moment.
Then, towards the end of Vol 2, I was like "Well, Mike and Will seemed closer than ever at least".
I checked Tumblr and everyone was losing their minds. Me as well, but in a more subdued way. Then, the Byler hope was restored pretty much like Aang restored peace in Book 3 of The Last Airbender, I saved so many Byler blogs on my browser, visited them everyday, liked all their posts, learned more and more about the show, read even more theories about many things and a few weeks ago created a Tumblr specifically to indulge on my Byler hyper-fixation and here I am.
Byler Tumblr has made me more aware of symbolisms, plot devices and how to digest media more acutely. Thank you guys so so much.
Love that for me!
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slytherinshua · 17 days
omg so basically i did ballet when i was 8 until like.... idk 12 or 13? and it was all rly fine for the most part i rly liked dancing and i wanted to start doing it i begged my parents for it... i even signed up for summer intensives where we danced 5 days a week for 4 weeks like 6 hours a day (though i literally wanted to skip those sm after i signed up 😍) but then i had to move to another city so i joined a new dance class and that's when i start to realize that i was rly getting tired so fast compared to the other girls even tho i had amazing technique and good training compared to them my stamina was so shit and i was like wtf is wrong w me.... so then later i found out i was severely anemic and my iron levels were like non existent and i had to get iron infusions for like 6 months 👎👎👎 but like now i just remember all the times i was so fucking tired in ballet class and had no idea why like i wouldn't be able to breathe and it was so frustrating tbh cause my ballet teacher would always tell the other girls to come look at my amazing technique but i was struggling to keep up with the actual combos 😔 yeah i actually progressed enough to get on pointe but then i quit soon after cause of covid and later realizing i was anemic but after i quit ballet for a tiny bit i did private tap lessons and that was WAY WORSE I MUCH PREFERRED BALLET GOD DAMN 😭😭 i still have my pointe shoes hung up in my room <3 and honestly even tho i never think im gonna dance again it was such a nice experience in my life apart from the struggle lmao like i still adore ballet sm and i love being able to watch it and know how hard it is to execute those moves it makes me respect it sm more and also makes it sm funner to watch ^^^
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tired-biscuit · 9 months
Hello! I just wanted to say how happy I am to have found your blog. ;; It's great having another Kiba fangirl on my dash! I feel like folks I meet irl are taken aback a bit when I tell them how Kiba was my anime husband (he graduated from boyfriend when boruto came out), and how he's still my favourite anime guy because they always expect one of the more popular guys to be a gal's top pick.
Your posts have motivated me to work on some more Naruto related things of my own, so just thank you so much! I can't wait to read more of your fics! Take care and have a wonderful night!
(I also wanted to ask if you also decorated your high school locker with crusty jpegs of Kiba that you swiped from google images too because back in the late 2000s I was the Kiba girl and had a dedicated shrine to him in my locker lmao. I used to wear my ninja headband to school all of the time too. xD; Sorry this is a bit long, I just got really excited to find someone else who enjoys best boy.)
this is such a sweet message, omg!! i’m so happy that my blog has inspired you to do more naruto stuff and i love, love, love conversing with fellow kiba girlies!!
and to be completely honest, i’m still pretty new to the naruto fandom. i’ve always known of naruto, but i only started watching it (and also finished it) during lockdown back when covid was going around more often and we had to stay inside and thus had lots of free time!!
so i suppose i’m indulging this hyperfixation for him for like, what, two years now? it started with kakashi but then the time for shippuden came and i was like oh yeah, he’s the one as soon as kiba appeared ajddjfhh
though i did manage to accumulate a pretty decent little shrine in my living room for all things kiba/naruto related during those two years lmao!! my friends always poke fun of it, it’s funny.
(also, i am happy to let you know that the current fic i’m writing about him has just hit 13k words and i’m still not particularly close to finishing it so……. it’s gonna be a good one >:3 hehe)
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chupenguin · 1 year
Hi! I have been desperately wanting a skk figure skating AU and was expecting I’d have to write it myself but then I found out you have one! Please take this as an invitation to ramble about it, I am listening intently and taking detailed notes like this is a college lecture.
1st of all you must know that i actually have 2 versions of this au: skk medal count goes more or less the same but there's a diference
The au I have more worked and developed is a figure skater chuuya only, he's the skater, Dazai is his #1 fan and best friend since dippers, he ends becoming a teacher but he quite likes music, so some times he makes the arrangments for Chuuya's programs
That one is a simple one, Chuuya is adopted by Verlaine when he's 4 or 5, Verlaine is France top skaters, but he suffers an injurie during Torino 2006 and had to retire, so he become Chuuya coach
I love figure skating, I follow it all season so I know more or less about how ISU works and I wanted to keep it more or less realistic: under and over scorings, disliking some music, styles and all that
The only thing I'm more or less ignoring about the ISU is that here they're transfrindly weeeeeeeee Chuuya is trans here
Anyway back to the details Chuuya is also inspird by Yuzuru Hanyu, I'm biased and I'm not sorry
He wins a lot, gets a lot of world reconds and, since he's my fave and this is my self indulgent au, 3 consecutive medal titles: 2014, 2018 and 2022
He'll retire around 26 or so, becuse his style is really agresive, like he has a good technique and he takes care of his body, but he's been hiding injuries and trying quads since his junior days
he's such an artistic skater, deep edges, can do figures, so so so flexible and adaptable... he knows ballet, so he's really a pretty clasic 90s like skater, but with a punk side
Well, you've already seen my post about his programs: he chooses the music he wants, not the one the ISU would like to hear
This happens because, when he was still a junior, he made a deal with Verlaine: If i win the gold at junior worlds, I get to choose my music ALWAYS
oh and kouyou also trains him, she's his choerographer
but like his brother he gets a bad injury during the Olympics, hide it, and it gets worst at words, so he needs surgery and he takes a whole year to heal
anyway after retiring he goes into coaching, and skk get to get marred and have a kid
also he's terrible at intweviews during his whole carrer, he doesn't have a filter
and he's plushie is of course a tinny dog
The other au is: ice dancers skk
because listen, I love ice dance, and I've been in this fandom since 2016 so you know, the moment i sat in front of my TV watching VirtueMoir skating to Moulin rouge I KNEW THAT WAS SOMETHING MEANT FOR SKK
I know dazai is strong, but I choose ice dancing for them instead of pairs becase I still think that, even if he's strong, Dazai is quite lazzy
They're insane in ice dance, they lifts are, so SO SOSOSO ACROBATIC, they're so in sync that it's scary
also win a lot, they retire a little latter becuse ice dancing is """""easier"""" so they stay in top until their 30s and retire
and well, the kid happens here too because it's my other self indulent thing, he borns during the covid seaons, so they only miss a season and half as they recover and adapt, do a few more seasons where a whole horde of uncles and unties take care of the kid while his parents win medals, and when they finally retire, it's in part so they can foccus on the family they're creating
oh and this chuuya (because i can never leave him alone) gets a small plot of having fribromialgia
the diagnosis is actually what makes skk switch from pairs to ice dance, so it won't take such a tool in chuuya's body
inspiration?? VirtueMoir, SuiHan, Smart/Diaz, Sara/Kirill (can you tell I love pair events???) they're so elegant
Like Poirier/Gilles?? I may have not liked them this season, but the last ones??? the elegance in their Vangoh one?? god insane, i want that for skk
they're elegant and risky and bold, as they get older they lean more in the Daisuke/Muramoto style, older figure skaters everyone looks up to and everyone loves
they're glued by the hip, never seen apart
The base of this one would be their kid in the futyre giving an interview about his parents, like a 10 aniversary thing of skk first OLympic medal, and we'll see their storie like a docuentary
(this is fun because one scene is the reporter showing an old video of skk to the kid and the video is an interview that goes like:
Reporter would you like it if your kid become a figure skater?
skk: no, they would like a sport easier and more natural for the body for the kid.
cut back to the kid in the docomentary sayinf that teehee, he did become a figure skater in the end)
and well that's more or less everything
also my dms are open if you want to talk
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