#yes i am!
bambi-slxt · 22 days
when i made this account i decided i wasn't going to allow negativity on my page in any form, regardless of what shape it took.
i've now decided to amend that for one reason and one reason only.
making fun of my moots, or even just other sturniolo writers on tumblr, is pretty shitty behavior, ngl.
imagine having nothing better to talk about, so you feel the need to go to a brand new app (as if tiktok, instagram, youtube, snapchat, and reddit aren't enough), look up triplet content, and grasp your pearls in horror because we have the audacity to write about chris selling drugs (oh the humanity, someone kill me now).
or, rather, let me use your words: "like, the reader was dating one of them [the triplets] and they all had covid, so she came over and made them all soup-"
leave us alone 🥰
"ok but like what happened to just like normal boyfriend, like why are they all drug dealers-" omg girlie lemme show u how much sweet fluff fanfiction we have on here! oh, what's that? ur not interested? ohhhh is that bc it won't make good content for your knockoff podcast? weird.
"it's always such a 180 from their real personality, like what do you mean, you watch them all the time and you don't know them?" omg girlie! it's almost like it's called fanfiction for a reason!
"lemme write this shit!" go ahead, you'll probably like it, just like the rest of us! writing about the triplets is really fun, and having your moots reblog and comment and like your shit is so super cool. this is a more supposrtive community within the fandom than any i've found on any of the other platforms, and we got that way because we don't judge each other!
i need to go lay down jesus christ
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p-receh · 2 months
Happy super duper late Ied Mubarak!
Since this is still in Ied holiday vibe, I wanna talk about some short videos of Boboiboy especially for celebrating Eid Fitri!
I believe when I went hiatus there was at least four short videos commemorated Ied Holiday.
There were:
Kebenaran Raya (2019)
Memori Aidilfitri (2021)
Kembali Aidilfitri (2022) , and
Temani Raya (2023)
And the way I see it, Monsta usually published the short video in the same year they released their show.
Like Kebenaran Raya was in the same year of Movie 2;
Temani Raya, same year of Mechamato Movie came out;
Or even the newly released Papa Pipi Pindah that marketed this year with its upcoming movie, Papa Pipi: Game On.
Again I just rejoin to this fandom not long ago and I missed too many things during my absence. Who knew there was a prequel series to Boboiboy when I was gone? There's even the movie that already came out!
Real talk. I thought Mechamato was another series from different publishers....
(Just like how I deduct Boboiboy was a branch series under Upin-Ipin... Until I read the credit scene properly 🙃)
So my mind was a bit... Convoluted when watching those short videos.
"Wait, Pian who? There's a baby ver of Boboiboy? Mechabot knows Boboiboy? Younger ver of Atok in another house?? Hold on, why there's so many alien robot in this place?? And people used to it??? And how the heck there's a freaking iron man basement somewhere???"
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"Am I missing something here?!"
But after I completed my speed running this series, now I say these shorts were both charming and saddening.
TO BE FAIR, I heavily wanted to talk for new canon theories that somehow a bit unique to cater this deep from a "supposedly" heartwarming vid that all family of ages could enjoy.
Buuuuuut... Since I haven't yet watch all the Mechamato series, I might retract my thoughts and need to finished my marathon session first before continuing. (I want to watch the movie first before the TV series one yet I'm still having trouble to find a proper time to do it, alone. The struggle to have one Netflix account and can only access it from TV in the living room was painful sometimes :/)
For general impressions, I'd say I'm amazed! The quality is preeettyy~~~~
Usually their new attires for Ied holiday is my fav highlights, thus 'Kembali Aidilfitri' is my bias.
Especially the picture where Fang take off his glasses from one its promotional images made me—
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(Now I can see why Kobo simping him so bad holy—)
and ALSO—
I DID Not expecting this vibe went downhill so fast wtf?! This line broke me so hard.
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Like, weren't we still in a vibe of wholesome-family-gathering-week?
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Excuse me for one sec...
My guess for Boboiboy's next short vid will be on... Either next year or 2025. Whether after the second season finished or BM3. Who knows?
PS: How can you be this cute Ya Allah👀👀
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shishiikura · 6 months
Top ten songs?
ooh this is a tough question, I'll answer with my current top 10 in no particular order:
Oleander - Mother Mother
2. Effigy (I'm not an) - Ministry
3. Disintegration - The Cure
4. Shake the Disease - Depeche Mode
5. Your Silent Face - New Order
6. I Am What I Am (one and only mix) - KMFDM
7. Deliverance - CHVRCHES
8. What Difference Does It Make? - The Smiths
9. The Mall and Misery - Broken Bells
10. Domino Dancing - Pet Shop Boys
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thepaintedhand · 1 year
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You know Avdol rockin' that infinity scarf
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engelsschwert · 8 months
Not me being angry again at DD art/models, nope! Not me, no sir!
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filmnoirsbian · 2 years
are you an lotr fan?
The fellowship of the ring is actually the first film I remember seeing in theaters :)
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mat2modblog · 1 year
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starry-night-rose · 1 year
Lilia looks like he listens to the Cure
He’s giving me Lullaby and Burn vibes with a hint of Boys Don’t Cry
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psalm40speakstome · 2 years
I want to prefix this by saying I know next to nothing about the Bridgerton books so maybe it’s already a thing…
But I’m gonna need casting to give me an Asian Male lead in Regency clothing at some point or I will riot.
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windfighter · 2 years
Sleepless nights
Another nightmare. Kouji sat up in the bed and glanced at the clock. A quarter past eleven. 45 minutes of sleep.
He glanced at his hands. There was no blood on them, but he needed to wash them off anyway. Just to be sure. He shivered as he got out of the bed. Kousei and Satomi had just gone to bed and Kouji snuck past their bedroom to the bathroom.
He washed his hands – scrubbed them – for ten minutes before realizing it wouldn’t change anything. He turned the water off and sat down on the toilet. He was so tired. He could see patterns in the walls that he knew wasn’t there. Dreamlike figures dancing infront of his eyes, as if he was still stuck in the nightmare.
He couldn’t even remember the dream any longer.
He returned to his bedroom, laid down on top of the cover and stared at the ceiling. He didn’t sleep that night.
There was barely any substance in the dreams any longer. Kouji sat up and choked on a scream he couldn’t let out. His hands were shaking, his whole body shivered.
How long had it been since he had a full night’s sleep?
He stared at the ceiling, watched the figures of his mind sweep across it.
He didn’t fall back asleep.
School was suffering. Kouji couldn’t hear the teacher, only the voices in his head. Remnants of the dreams still hanging in the back of his mind.
Just out of reach and impossible to understand.
Kouji’s hands shook too much to hold the pencil and it clattered against the floor. His classmates stared at him and he looked away.
Duskmon stood infront of him. Kouji turned his gaze down at the sword sticking through his body. He looked up again.
He reached for his brother. His own sword through Kouichi’s body and Kouichi’s blood on his hands.
He woke up with a scream. Breathing was hard and he stumbled out of bed and to the bathroom.
Scrubbed his hands in the sink until they were bleeding.
Arms wrapped around him and pulled him away from the sink. Kouji fought, struggled to break free until he couldn’t fight any longer.
He sank to the floor and cried into Kousei’s chest. Kousei sat quietly, held Kouji until he couldn’t cry any longer.
Wrapped Kouji’s hands in bandages and carried him to the bed he shared with Satomi.
Kouji stared at the ceiling. Exhaustion pulled at every fiber of his being and yet…
Sleep wouldn’t come.
Every time Kouji’s eyes closed images of death would haunt him. He pressed his nails into his arms to stay awake.
He couldn’t focus. To hold a conversation was futile. He hadn’t even tried to contact Kouichi.
Maybe he should.
He stared at his hands. They trembled, unable to hold onto anything. Even the remaining pieces of his sanity slipped through his fingers.
Ethereal figures danced around him. Remnants from a dream he couldn’t catch.
How long could he live like this?
He skipped school. An attempt to catch up on sleep, but even at day the nightmares would come.
He scratched at his chest until it bled to get the sword out of it. Satomi’s face hovered above him as she tried to grab his arms and stop him. His arms fell, his energy depleted.
Satomi cleaned his wounds, put bandaids over them and then held him until his breathing calmed down.
”Niisan…” Kouji whispered and curled up in Satomi’s arms.
”Try to get some sleep”, she whispered.
Kouji didn’t.
Kousei and Satomi argued. Kouji stared at the ceiling, at the Gigasmon hovering above him. He reached for a digivice he no longer had.
Duskmon took Gigasmon’s place and Kouji closed his eyes and waited for the sword to fall.
If he had let Duskmon win, would everything be better?
His body shivered, but he didn’t reach for the cover next to him. It didn’t matter, either Duskmon would kill him, or his body would do it. He took a shaky breath and turned his face towards the wall.
Maybe not facing the world was better.
He felt seperated from the world. Watched it through the mist wrapped around his brain. The hallucinations more real than the people around him, and yet untouchable.
His body ached and exhaustion robbed its ability to stay warm.
People talked outside his room and Kouji closed his eyes. He fell asleep just as someone opened the door.
Kouji woke with a scream. Arms wrapped around him.
”Hey. Hey, it’s okay. I’m here”, the owner of the arms whispered.
Kouji recognized the voice, but the memory of it hidden under layers of haze. He buried his face into their shoulder and fell back asleep.
Kouji woke up from sunlight for the first time in two weeks. He rubbed his eyes and stared at the door. Something moved under him.
”You need more sleep than that”, it said.
Kouichi. Kouji grabbed Kouichi’s shirt and pressed into his shoulder.
”Sorry for killing you”, he mumbled.
”You saved my life”, Kouichi answered. ”Go back to sleep.”
Kouji went back to sleep.
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loathsome-sickness · 5 months
"people show their true colours in life threatening situations" no, they show you what they act like when they're mortally terrified, an emotion notorious for literally turning your entire brain off to the point where people who go into those situations as a profession need to be literally trained on how to not have that happen
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
can't believe we're all adults being forced into the club penguin level of censorship in 2024
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merrigel · 1 month
Everybody do the wenis!
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 months
see 0 note flop posts aren't that bad when they're personal but 0 note fandom posts feel literally so bad. like if you don't wanna play toys with me anymore just say that. i'll pack up my super cool awesome things and go and i'll sit on the other side of the playground by myself and i won't even look at you. fuck
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hawkpartys · 2 months
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POV you made a popular post about insects
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transannabeth · 2 months
if you opened discord’s april fools day loot boxes how long did it take you to get all the items? it took my friend 18 boxes but me 65 and i want to see how bad my luck is
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