#i watched merlin for the first time recently and have been so obsessed with it it’s such a good show
tinakiheart · 9 months
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dnf as merthur doodle for you all.
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many-gay-magpies · 1 month
hello dead boy detectives fandom and bbc merlin fandom. i know there is a decent overlap between the two out there because i am either followed by or have followed several blogs myself that post about both merlin and dead boy detectives, so hopefully this finds its target audience. anyway a little while ago i became obsessed with the idea of merlin and kashi being besties, so i started writing a thing, and i don’t know if or WHEN i’ll finish the thing but i don’t want it to stay hidden until then so i am posting the incomplete and very unpolished version to tumblr. and who knows maybe if people like it that will give me the motivation to rewatch some merlin and actually finish it
anyways without further ado. here’s 1000 words of merlin engaging in (fairly mild) shenanigans in port townsend
There was a cat sitting on a rock.
Port Townsend had quite a lot of cats, Merlin had discovered. There had been at least one in sight at all times since he’d arrived in the small coastal town. This cat was regarding him with an expression that might have been called scrutinizing, had it been made by any face other than a cat’s. That is to say, it looked rather like cats typically do, which is scrutinizing as it is.
“Hello,” said Merlin, just to be polite. He had a bit of time before Kashi’s host—Angie, he’d said her name was—came to the surface, after all, and he was in the mood for a spot of conversation.
“Oh, great, it’s another o’ you English twats,” said the cat. “The hell are you doin’ here?”
“I’m visiting an old friend,” said Merlin. “We meet for tea every so often, to catch up. This’ll be my first time seeing his new place. I won’t be staying long.”
The cat settled further onto the rock, folding all four of its legs underneath its body. Its tail flicked lightly before curling around its haunches.
“Good,” it said. “Hopefully you won’t cause as much trouble as those two dead little shits from a couple months back. Brits, I tell ya—ain’t good for nothin’. The Cat King’s still hung up on the stuffy little asshole.”
Merlin hummed. “Huh. I don’t think I’ve met a king of cats before. What’s he like?” He’d met a number of kings in his times, including, quite recently, the King of Dreams—but that number had never included a king of Cats.
“None o’ your fuckin’ business,” said the cat. “Hold on—who are you, anyway? You don’t smell human, and you’re not dead.”
“I’m Merlin,” said Merlin. He thought it sticking his hand out for a shake, then thought better of it. “Pleased to meet you.”
The cat snorted. “What, like the wizard?”
“Warlock, actually,” said Merlin. “But yes.”
The cat opened its mouth to speak again, but was interrupted by a whispered voice floating up from the shore.
Arthur’s voice.
“Merlin,” he called, his voice sounding exactly as it always had when Merlin did something far too stupid and risky for a servant, and he had to hide his worry under blankets of annoyance. “Merlin, are you there?”
“Fuckin’ Christ, again?” The cat grumbled. “There wadn’t even no storm last night!”
Merlin cleared his throat, shaking loose the small lump that had grown there at the sound. Kashi had warned him about Angie’s hunting techniques, so he’d known what to expect, but it was still something of a shock to hear in person.
“I think that’s my ride,” Merlin said. He turned to the cat and gave a little wave. “I’ll be off, then. Thanks for chatting with me!”
“Wha—hey!!” The cat exclaimed as Merlin turned and headed for the cliff. “No—Oi, stop that! Don’t—oh, brother…”
Merlin leaned over the stone barrier to peer down into the water, where a large light was pulsing visibly just below the surface. As he watched, his phone began to ring in his jeans pocket. He was still watching when he brought it up to his ear to answer.
“Hello, my friend!” Crackled Kashi’s enthusiastic voice from the end of the line.
Merlin squinted against the rays of sunlight lancing off the water.
“Is that you down there, Kashi?”
“Yes, it is me. And this is Angie! Say, hello, Angie!”
A loud, almost thunderous roar shook the sound, sending waves clawing at the sandy shore below.
“Hi, Angie,” Merlin shouted down to the creature. Then he waved. He doubted she could see him, but it didn’t hurt to be polite.
To Kashi, he asked, “How should I get in? Should I teleport?”
“Best not,” said Kashi. “Your style of teleportation might upset her stomach. Just jump down! She will catch you. Being swallowed is not the most pleasant feeling, but I’ve asked her not to chew on you.”
“Yeah, I’ve been swallowed before,” said Merlin, thinking back to a very particular instance with a giant snake in the Andes mountains. That was the time he discovered he could bounce back from being fully digested—although digging himself out of a pellet of giant snake dung after his body reformed inside it had not been fun.
“Are you there, Merlin?”
Merlin shuddered and shook his head to clear it of the discomfiting deja vu. “Yeah—yep. I’ll be right down. I just jump in?”
“Exactly, yes,” said Kashi. “It is not a far drop, so you should be fine.”
“Right,” said Merlin. “Well, see you in a minute, then.”
“Looking forward to it!”
Merlin hung up and deftly tucked the phone back into his pocket. Then, he climbed up onto the stone wall, and—after ensuring there was no one around to be traumatized by what it would seem like he was doing—performed an exquisite swan dive into the water.
Being swallowed was about as pleasant a feeling as Merlin remembered it being. That is to say, he felt rather how he imagined toothpaste being squeezed out of the tube might feel, had it possessed any of the five senses or been in any way alive. This time, though, he did not have to endure the process of being digested—which had taken nearly a month, given that Merlin’s first time being swallowed had been by a gigantic snake—and was instead spat out onto the floor of a large, warmly-lit cavern, drenched to the bone and coated in fish mucus.
A step up from being digested by a snake, all things considered.
“Eugh,” said Merlin.
It was then, of course, that Kashi appeared, stooping down and offering Merlin a hand to pull himself up with. Merlin took it and thanked him.
“Welcome in, welcome in!” Kashi said, grinning widely. “Sorry about the mess. I tried to clean up a bit before you came, but things got thrown around in the journey to the surface. Speaking of—“ he raised a finger, and the ground beneath Merlin’s feet—which was disturbingly hard and dry for being the stomach of a fish—began to shake. “—she seems to be going back to the bottom now. Come, sit, so you don’t lose your feet!”
“Nice place you’ve got,” Merlin said, allowing Kashi to lead him across the quaking floor to a small table near the back. “Definitely the best-furnished stomach I’ve ever been in.”
“Yes, it’s very nice,” Kashi agreed.
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relenafanel · 1 year
@notenoughgatorade Tagged me in the 8 shows for your followers to get to know you game!
Shows that shaped me:
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We're not going to talk about problematic. We're instead going to talk about how the quippy banter and how Buffy's whole cute valley girl irreverent heroism was very definitive to baby teen me's style of writing (to the point where it needs to be first on this list).
Gundam Wing
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I had the biggest crush on Relena. Adult me can identify it as a crush. Baby me just thought I had a crush on Heero (which ngl I also did). Anyway, this manifested in my very first fandom / shipping / foray into writing fanfic! This was the start of it ALL.
(and, well. ☝ username)
Teen Wolf
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I got into Sterek (and non-heterosexual ships) around the time I stopped repressing thoughts about my own sexuality, so I see this as an actual turning point in my life. Sterek was a lot of fun to ship, and I worked some shit out that first year I was writing about bi Stiles, so that will always be a part of me.
Comfort Shows:
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No one is particularly surprised by this. It has fun dialogue, great characters, and while I KNOW a lot of people hated the ending, I actually consider Merlin walking in modern-day one of the best closing scenes I've ever seen.
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A lot of what you need to know about my personality and my social ideologies is ☝✔. I've said this before, but the more time that passes since Leverage came out and the more things that were on Leverage that just get casually mentioned in the news these days is just !!!(negative) The version of me from 2008-2012 who watched this show when it was on TV was so naïve.
Yuri on Ice:
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MY BABIES. Look, I really just like this because it's a cute gay anime that makes me feel good. It's not deep. I do, however, ship them deeply and love reading canon-divergence fics where they met differently.
My Current Obsession:
The Untamed:
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The biggest irony of this show and ship is that when it was coming out I was making posts like "i need a new ship" and people were like "try the untamed!!" and i did not try the untamed. 4 yrs later I have tried the untamed.
uuuh that's only 7, tiktok algorithm what's my fav shows?
I have been watching a lot of kdramas recently - I think Healer is my fav so far, but Hotel Del Luna was the first I was so into I binged straight through. I'm just going to blanket statement kdramas as a current obsession.
@ellebeesknees tell me about your obsession with Kinnporsche.
Anyone else who wants to nerd out with me about shows you love~~
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mayahawkins · 2 years
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no one asked me to list my fav blogs but i’m just gonna make my own end of year follow forever bc i wanna rant abt my talented friends, beloved mutuals, and just people i follow that i have never spoken to but who are such a joy to see on my dash. so, without further ado, maddy’s 2022 follow forever:
@strangeswift abby strangeswift, my beloved. you were the first person i talked to in this fandom and i’m so glad u were bc u are the sweetest most kind person ever. you are so supportive of all your friends and mutuals and u make me wanna be a more outwardly loving and supportive person fr. i remember when u wrote that lil ficlet based on my text post and i’m p sure i almost cried bc i felt so special that someone had been inspired by something i had said to write smth so wonderful. you’re an incredible writer and i am always so excited anytime you post any of your writing. i can’t wait to read more of your fics and am so patiently waiting for MilevenVision (as much as i may bug u for crumbs). i’m so glad to call you a friend <3
@elekinetic ella ella, bonded in shared discord trauma so ur never getting rid of me. i feel so honoured to call you a friend bc you are one of the best people i know. you are so smart and level-headed and loyal as hell to your friends. you are also so kind and you're so deliberate with what you say and how you say it. you defs intimidated me the first few times we talked but now im like oh ya ella, my amazing talented friend ella. your scripts give me so much life. and not just your st ones but your original ones as well. can't wait to one day see "ella elekinetic hexagirl" in movie credits (bc obviously ur last name is ur url). and your OCs?? i have never once become obsessed with someone's OCs the way i can't stop thinking abt yours. that's what you've done to me. you are so incredibly talented and ily <3
@andiwriteordie ANNDDIIIIII ILY FR <3 u are so insanely talented and kind and wonderful. i’m so happy we started talking recently bc u have truly brightened the last few weeks of the year. u got me back into watching merlin so thank u for the pain u will surely cause me as i rewatch this show i haven’t seen in almost a decade. ur fics were some of the first that i read in the byler fandom and that means u will always hold a special place in my heart. i remember the first time i read your let's hear it for the boys series and i was just like omg i'm obsessed with this. i have absolutely adored every single one i’ve read (even though i’m a lil behind on them rn oops but i will catch up) and can’t wait to see what else you write. your atla!au (and the newly brainstormed merlin!au) live in my head rent free and i can’t wait to read them if you write them.
@nnilkyway my fellow emo will truther <3 yvie i love you dearly. you are so incredibly talented i could scream abt ur artwork literally for days. your fanworks and your original art and your doodles are all beautiful and stunning. the day we started talking and you sent me the lil doodle you did of emo will byers i think i actually cried at how much i loved it and that it had come from our conversation about it. i saved it onto my camera roll so i can come back to it easier that's how much i love it. you are also one of the funniest people on here, your tags almost always have me rolling. i can't wait to see what beautiful art you draw in the new year.
@finalgirlbyers sierra lovqbrl madcleradin finalgirlbyers!!!! i know we haven’t talked much but i love seeing u on my dash and u always have the best takes and theories and just posts in general. i know i've said that literally multiple times to you but it cannot be overstated how correct you always are. one of my fav people to follow on here.
people i don't talk to but whose presence is a joy to have on my dash:
@astrobei an absolutely incredible writer that wrote some of my fav fics. one of the best will fics, not all the prayers, that truly is just so unbelievably amazing. like the care that you can just tell went into that fic is just incredible. Some absolutely incredible lines that will punch you right in the gut in the best way possible.
@blueeandyellowmakesgreen jade! one of the coolest people, has some of the most amazing art over on @azuries, like it's actually so amazing and people need to go look at it and reblog it now immediately
@mlchaelwheeler an absolute joy to follow. so many good posts and im fr rooting for mike with a sword in s5 just for her
@elmaxed their fics were some of the first i read in the byler fandom and i absolutely fell in love with them. they hold such a dear place in my heart. also one of the sweetest people fr, one of the first to compliment my gifs and so they are forever in my mind for that <3
@smoosnoom omg their fics!!! are!!!! incredible!!!! so many wonderful fics, i was just looking through my bookmarks and i swear half of them are theirs. the one about mike's will voice has my whole heart.
@wiseatom another lovely fic writer, and one who titles her fics with taylor swift lyrics bc she Gets It!!! also one of the sweetest people in the fandom, always seems to be supporting other people.
@kidovna one of the most talented artists in this fandom oh my GOD. i cannot praise her and her art enough idk how what else to even say besides amazing incredible talented showstopping
@byeler wrote one of my all time fav fics, Heavy Hopes, with my beloved trope, oblivious jealous mike, which is truly *chef's kiss*. such a good writer like it cannot be overstated
@ice-sculptures a truly amazing gifmaker. gifs so many little byler moments that are so precious that i've definitely missed when watching the show.
@william-byers an absolutely incredible gif maker. taylor swift and stranger things together on one blog, what more could you want?
@padme-amidala makes some of the most beautiful gifs ever oh my goodness, her gifs are part of what inspired me to start making gifs and to challenge my gifmaking. i hope to one day be as good as she is.
@robiinbuckley also makes some of the most beautiful gifs, literally in awe of her gifs. also inspired my gifmaking journey and has inspired me to challenge myself when it comes to gifmaking.
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lesbianriverphoenix · 6 months
tag people you want to get to know better! tagged by @spiceworld1997 longtime beloved mutual...<3
tagging: @ashleyjowilliams @dykescully @essiegeranium
LAST SONG: isn't it a pity by george harrison
CURRENTLY WATCHING: survivor 46 + amazing race season 21, intermittently rewatching freaks and geeks and veronica mars
THREE SHIPS: ok i was just thinking about this recently how all my truly favorite ships are the same as they were ten years ago. it makes me wonder if that part of my brain is just closed off to new stimulation? like i'm not any less obsessed with romance than i've always been but no new stupid fake gay boy relationship is ever going to impact me like (for example...) enjolras and grantaire did in the winter of 2013 at age 16. so with that in mind i think the top three of all time are kirk/spock, merlin/arthur, and steve/bucky
FAVORITE COLOR: light blue
CURRENTLY CONSUMING: honey and peanut butter uncrustable.
FIRST SHIP: i mean it has to be buffy/spike. if i cared about another buffy ship before that then it has since been cleansed from my mind. after that i have strong memories of finn/kurt during season 1 lol...
PLACE OF BIRTH: ithaca new york
CURRENT LOCATION: nyc. but also there were 22 years in between this and ithaca spent in other states
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: dating around and whatnot....on like date #5 with one girl but we are NOT jinxing anything
LAST MOVIE: wild things 1998
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: hmmmm no real projects rn but working on finding a second job and not falling into unstructured despair :-)
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atlantablack · 6 months
9 People To Get To Know Better (tag game)
Thank you for the tag @m-b-w!
3 ships you like: oh geez, only 3, I guess I'll have to say Merlin/Arthur (bbcm), Steve/Jonathan/Nancy (Stranger Things), and Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes (mcu)
First Ship Ever: I have to say Draco/Hermione - my brother lied to me at some point before the last two movies came out and told me they were end game and I foolishly believed him and from there I somehow spiraled into fandom
Last Song You Heard: caffeine by brakence (I've been in a like hyper/glitch pop mood and brakence's album hypochondriac is single-handedly responsible)
Favorite Childhood Book: I was really obsessed with Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden and the Boxcar Children as a kid. Honestly, is it fair to use a manga, because if so my love of Fruits Basket has lasted to this very day, I just bought the collector's editions in January and binged the newer anime recently. So, I think I might have to go with those.
Currently Reading: ohgod, so, I started "The Light Between Worlds" by Laura Weymouth a time ago and haven't finished it yet. Also "the hidden culture, history, and science of bisexuality" by Julia Shaw is one I'm working through. Also Volume one of "Fruits Basket" and for school I'm reading "Pale Fire" by Vladimir Nabokov (which I do not think I'm going to manage to finish) and I've also started "Time is a Mother" by Ocean Vuong....... so I'm doing super great and will one day actually start finishing some of these
Currently Watching: I have a few episodes left of Fruits Basket to get through and I still need to watch the last episode of Percy Jackson. Before that I was in the middle of trying to catch up on MCU content, she-hulk was next on my list.
Currently Consuming: coffee and water , the usual
Currently Craving: the ability to focus on schoolwork for longer than 15 minutes would be super neat, or the ability to write
Tagging: @queerofthedagger @kairyenn-n @magicinavalon @alchemistc @nextstopparis @emryses and anyone else who wants to!
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Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @maybemalapert
Three ships: Very obsessed with Dreamling (Hob/Dream|Morpheus, The Sandman), might've been squinting at Corinthian pairings in the same fandom lately. All time favourites include Merlin/Arthur (mostly the BBC version) and Arthur/Eames (Inception).
First ever ship: I was about to say Harry/Draco (Harry Potter) but while this was a massive one ever since the early days of HP fandom (probably should be under the first bullet point as well) this is not true. I guess it's actually Mulder/Krycek (The X-Files), really long ago, like when I didn't have internet access at home and lovely people sent me letters and print-outs of fics or discs with more reading material via regular mail... (excuse me for a moment while I silently weep in the corner about growing old)
Last song: Where The Heart Is by HAEVN, probably my personal theme song for my Dreamling WIP
Last movie: I recently have zero time to watch any movies (I try to write, duh, and it seems to consume all the limited spare time I have), so it actually must've been Top Gun Maverick while being on a plane back from a business trip a couple of weeks ago. Rewatched some classics during Christmas with my mum but I was writing on my phone during those so they don't count.
Currently reading: Ab instrumento ad corpus by @moorishflower - I'm somehow still on it because I got sidetracked by @landwriter's lovely Cori spin Just Like Love. Also desperately trying to catch up with @avelera's Giving Sanctuary and waiting for @calculatingthestars's final chapter of In Occursum Dei.
Currently watching: Mostly rewatching The Sandman but my "wanna watch once my wip is finished" list is getting quite long...
Currently consuming: Coffee with milk and a cup of tea on the side. (Yeah, I love both.)
Currently craving: In the sense of food: nothing, otherwise: 48-hour-days so I finally can fit in everything I wanna do.
Tagging 9 People: @ehonauta, @unlikely-gravestones, @wordsinhaled, @dancinbutterfly, @xx-vergil-xx, @violetequus8 @tiltingheartand, @calculatingthestars, @issylra
Too lazy to check for any double tags and of course, no pressure, just for fun :)
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joinmeinjoy · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @minisgatewaytoinsanity !!
Three ships: Currently obsessed with Dreamling (Hob x Morpheus // The Sandman), but Merthur (Merlin x Arthur // BBC's Merlin) and Geraskier (Geralt x Jaskier //The Witcher Series) will forever hold special places in my heart
First ever ship: It might be Destiel?? it's either that or Merthur, I honestly don't remember
Last song: Black Lipstick by Powerman 5000...recently it's been giving me 80's Dreamling vibes, but like. If they went to an 80's themed night club and acted-out how the 1989 meeting would have gone, should they have met up...god I have a whole idea around this now
Last movie: Kingsman The Golden Circle. I fucking love the kingsman movies, specifically the first two...idk about the prequel, but the first two are definitely up there with my favourite movies of all time. It takes a special kind of self restraint not to watch those two movies back to back to back for 10 hours straight
Currently reading: Giving Sanctuary by @avelera (Forever eating bricks over this fic - in the best way), but Shelter by @softest-punk, Fey Divorce Court Isn't a Thing by @moorishflower, and literally countless other fantastic fics are in my marked for later, ready to be read when my brain wants to cooperate. There are so many damn good fics out there, the talent is insane
Currently watching: Nothing much tbh...another Sandman rewatch is in order I think, as well as Good Omens, but besides that it's mostly been movies with the occasional episode of something in between to spice things up. Labyrinth, X-men first class & days of future past, Derry Girls, Sense8, etc
Currently consuming: Gozleme. So much chicken gozleme it's not even funny
Currently craving: A good night's sleep and a little bit of hope, but I'll settle for some warm food...or a strawberry thickshake
@avelera @cuubism @wizardofgoodfortune @wordsinhaled @dsudis @softest-punk
No pressure, just some fun !! :)
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hopeyallenjoy · 3 years
First time
Tell me the truth Severus. Don't you want me?
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Pairing : Young Severus Snape x Fem!Reader 
Warnings : slights smut ; severus switch and reader switch ; dom/sub kink ; little bit of swearing ; alone at house ; bathroom teasing 
Wordcount : 3,504 words
Request : Marauder era Severus x reader’s first time 
Resume : That’s the same request as “An eventful birthday” but I did it with a more bold reader and only Severus' first time. Hope you’ll enjoy it just as much ! 
Y/l/n = Your last name Y/n = Your name 
"She asked you what?" said Lucius as he and Severus headed to their common room.
"She invited me to come spend the weekend at her house over the vacations," Severus repeated, rolling his eyes to the sky.
"Tell me mate, you've been dating Y/l/n for how long now?" Lucius as he opened the door to their dormitory.
"9 months." he replied.
"And you've already gone beyond a simple kiss? You know, despite what they say about young wizards, it's the young women who are the most hormone-driven. Think about it, Severus! That's why they're all so obsessed with love. They need a man and they need him to be their own to calm their ardor. And it's even truer for the veela.”
Severus shook his head negatively, setting his things down on his bed. Lucius couldn't help but smile mischievously at his friend.
"What are you getting at?" he asked when Malfoy didn't continue.
"My point is that she didn't invite you to chat. She wants you, Severus Snape, the dark male, to take over and make her your bitch.” Severus widened his eyes, not expecting such a revelation.
Was this really the case? You were a former student of Durmstrang Institute who had arrived at Hogwarts at the beginning of seventh year even though you were already of age. Because of the reputation of your former school, rumors about you had spread within a week of school, claiming that you were an accomplished black mage or a monster from the darkness, a cross between a veela and a vampire. You ended up in Slytherin, which wasn't entirely in your favor. You even had to deal with the most popular students in the school who were self-appointed protectors of Hogwarts and wanted to check the rumors.  Luckily for you, you were persuasive. You weren't a dark mage or a monster, but you had learned enough from Durmstrang to stand up for yourself and stop anyone from stepping on your toes.
After your little show of strength, girls started coming to you when a boy bothered them and guys who thought they were irresistible, like Lucius Malfoy or Sirius Black, came to try their luck with you. You'd packed them all, one by one. None of these boys were interesting for you, you only had eyes for your Potions and DADA partner, Severus Snape, the only one who didn't ogle your form even when he thought you didn't see him, the only one who shared your curiosity about dark magic, and especially the only one who didn't seem to be interested in you. That's what you liked about him, he really wasn't interested in you, or at least not more than in friendship, until you spent more and more time with him and finally confessed your love. 
In fact, you didn't really do that, you two just kissed on a full moon night in the astronomy tower and it was so natural between you that you just started acting like a couple. Holding hands during Hogsmeade outings or during classes, kissing for hours in your common room while all the other students were watching Quidditch matches, taking turns reading  poetry under the moonlight every night or so. In short, everything was done in a natural way, without the need for embarrassing confessions or the obligation to call each other ridiculous names. No, you had no obligation to each other, you just saw other as you pleased, doing the things you liked and it was just... perfect. 
The more Severus thought about it, the more he thought how stupid it would be to change that.
Add sex to such a perfect relationship? No way. It wasn't that he didn't find you attractive, on the contrary, he simply found you breath taking and sometimes wondered what such a beauty was doing by his side but he wasn’t sure that sex was for him. Sex was always something you grow tired of, and there was so much about it that he didn't know, he was sure he would disappoint you if you ever introduced sex to your relationship. Everything Severus Snape knew about sex, Lucius had told him, and if there was one thing he had learned from his friend's stories, it was that sex was complicated. 
Then when he presented himself in front of the door of the manor Y/l/n, he was well decided to keep his pants on. He knocked and expected to see one of your parents open the door for him, but he came face to face with your little face when the big door was fully opened. His eyes didn't leave your face but his peripheral vision allowed him to see that you were dressed a little lightly for the season, a simple t-shirt pulled over your tantalizing curves. He swallowed hardly. Keeping his pants on seemed much more difficult now. 
"Hello, Sev'. I see you're still on time. You'll excuse me, this time it's me who's a little late." you gave him your best smile and invited him to come in "My parents aren’t here so I took the opportunity to sleep in a little longer.”
Well, that wasn't entirely true, but he didn't need to know that, did he? You'd been up for a while and had spent the morning getting ready for the special weekend ahead. Despite the blasé expression you wore, inside you, your hormones and your heart were racing. Your little Severus was just beautiful and you were even more aware of it now that you saw him without his school uniform.
“Do you mind if I go put something on quickly?“ you asked without noticing the gleam of desire in the eyes of your companion. 
He shook his head negatively too happy that you propose of yourself to remove this angelic vision of which he had difficulty to get out. Merlin what you could be beautiful. You left to change your clothes after taking him into the great hall. Severus was trying to calm his imagination as he gazed out at the garden of your house that could be seen from the living room window. He was still standing there when you returned from your room, looking so absorbed that you had to pull him by the sleeve to get his attention. When he turned around he was breathless again. You had changed but your new outfit didn't help his case at all. You were now wearing a flowing black knee-length dress with a white corset that showed off your slim waist and gently carried your swaying breasts. If he was to believe what he saw, you weren't wearing a bra and he hoped... no panties either. 
"Severus...are you okay?" you questioned as he said nothing.
Severus quickly pulled himself together, serving you one of his grinning smiles that only he had the secret to. What was he talking about? Wasn't he the one who wanted to keep your relationship simple and natural? As recently as thirty minutes ago? And now he was the one who imagined you fucking on the floor, after having torn off your little black dress. This weekend was getting more and more complicated for him. He nodded nevertheless seeing the worried look that you threw to him, the back of your hand put on his forehead as if to see if he had a fever.
"Are you sure? You're all red?" he took your hand, squeezing it gently.
"Yes, yes. It's just your beauty that bewitches me," he said, placing a light kiss on your hand.
It was your turn to blush. Severus' compliments were rare and always came when you least expected them, so when he complimented you, you took full advantage. You kissed him tenderly.
"Idiot. You scared me."
He savored her words in turn, still not used to someone worrying about him and showing it.
"I should scare you more often if you kiss me like that every time" he murmured a sneer stretching his lips.
"You know very well that I would kiss you every day like that even if I wasn't worried. You just have to ask me or... do it on your own.”
At the fiery look you gave him, Severus stiffened and looked away a little.
"Do you have a chess set? It's been a long time since I've played against the grand queen of chess," he said in an attempt to divert your attention.
This worked in part, you nodded and went to get your chess set and then you sat down at the small table near the window. It was a hectic late afternoon of battles and verbal jousting, all of it friendly and good-natured. Even if your thoughts were turned to the particular behavior of your boyfriend. You wanted to wait for him to come and explain to you on his own what was the problem but you were sure he wouldn't. You didn't embarrass him with a serious discussion though, not wanting to spoil the wonderful weekend ahead. And you were right. Severus, on the other hand, was having a hard time concentrating, with hot scenarios taking up all his attention. If you had always been a bit daring, he had never noticed before, too busy admiring your little face or your knowledge of dark magic. And now he was biting his fingers, having the impression to rediscover the wild beauty that you were.
Laughing loudly, arm in arm, you entered the kitchen, your bellies rumbling. You brought in the leftovers from the night before and you gobbled them up in a few seconds, neither you nor he being picky in terms of food and it wasn't as if you had eaten mud, quite the contrary. 
It was your father who had made the food the day before. He had deliberately prepared more food than he needed, not wanting to leave his princess without food during the long weekend he was going to spend away from you.Because yes, you had fought for your parents, especially your father, to leave you at the mansion alone. Yet they knew you could handle yourself, after six consecutive years at Durmstrang, it was rare not to know how to handle yourself. 
The meal was just as nerve-wracking for Severus as he couldn't help but make you laugh which made your breasts jiggle under the thin fabric of your dress. You even bent down to grab the pepper on the table which allowed him to see that you were indeed not wearing a bra. He almost choked, his imagination and hormones still running wild. By the end of the meal, Severus was convinced that he was going to lose his mind before the end of the weekend if it continued like this.
"Y /n, could I know where the bathroom is? I'd like to take a shower before I go to sleep, if that's possible," Severus asked, convinced that a nice cold shower would put his mind at ease.
"Oh, of course. The bathroom is upstairs. It's the first door on the left. Do you need me to lend you something? Slippers, a nightgown?” you asked as a particularly Machiavellian idea appeared in your mind.
At this point of the evening, you had understood that your boyfriend, who you thought was so innocent, had started to understand that you were no longer a child and that your body was indeed the one of a young adult. Seeing him almost choke at each movement you made and that revealed a little more of your forms, was, it had to be said, a most amusing spectacle. So you let him go up the stairs to the bathroom and slowly followed him once the plates were washed and put away.
Meanwhile, Severus had slipped out of his black clothes and into the bathtub, which was filled to the brim. It wasn't every day that he could afford a nice hot bath and he was sure you wouldn't mind if he took a few drops of the Muggle lotions that adorned the rim of the big tub. He slipped all the way into the water, after a deep breath, desperate to calm his ardor. If Severus Snape was so determined not to give in to temptation it was mainly due to the bad treatment he had received from the Marauders, humiliating him to the point where his body was dripping and he was unable to touch himself, even alone. So how could he have succeeded in maintaining a carnal relationship with anyone? Love, love was different, he felt it and managed to express it, but sex? Very little for him. Finally, this afternoon spent by your side had shown him that even if the thing seemed inconceivable to him, he was still capable of desiring someone. And to want you, he wanted you really bad. He opened his eyes, his head still immersed in the bathtub, and saw through the water a figure towering over him. He emerged from the water recognizing your little face. 
There you were, standing in front of him, you had left your corset behind and were now wearing only your black dress. Your face was still impassive.
"Y/n? What the..." he began.
"Sev', do you love me?" you didn't let him finish, starting your Machiavellian plan. "Because I'm starting to doubt it, you know? You've been acting weird ever since you got here. So tell me the truth, Severus. Don't you want me?" as you spoke his words, you let your robe slip off at your feet showing yourself completely naked to him. 
Severus could not believe his eyes. In that moment, he couldn't stop his eyes from devouring you, his cheeks from turning red, and his sex from growing. The fire that swept over him was so sudden that it took his breath away. You were satisfied with your little effect, but when Severus didn't move, just clung to the edge of the tub, you slid as sensually as possible into the bath without taking your eyes off him. Severus watched you, holding his breath. Yes, you were definitely going to drive him crazy. 
"-Severus, how do I look?" you asked again as he still hadn't said anything.
"Y/n... You don't know what you're saying. I... I want you so much, you can't even imagine how much but..." Severus was short of breath, "I've never done anything, never even t-touched myself. I wouldn't know how to... I wouldn't know how to do it and I could only..." you cut him off, kissing him gently as tears of frustration flooded down his face.
 You felt a little bad now that you knew the truth. You had never wanted to made him cry but you understood that he needed to cry so you let him, kissing his cheeks, his nose, his eyes, in fact, everything that was within your reach, wanting to reassure him a maximum.
"Shhhhh Sev'... It's okay, don't worry. I'm here.  Shhhhhh... Oh boy ! I could never be disappointed in you, Sev' I assure you. So please don't cry anymore. I hate seeing you like this. I love you so much, you know." you continued to kiss him with your arms around his neck.
"I-i love you so much t-too ," he replied between sobs. 
Severus was drowning in your affection, his whole body burning. He felt so good in your arms, covered in your kisses. You covered him with tender kisses for another moment, telling him how beautiful he was in your eyes between two kisses. Once the sadness passed, he wanted to return your affection, covering the zebra skin of your breasts with soft kisses which felt like butterfly wings. Then the butterflies became more urgent as your hand clung to his ebony hair and your lips let out sighs of pleasure. You pulled your lover's face up to steal a passionate kiss, your two foreheads finally pressed together, your body slightly elevated as Severus had his arms around your waist.
"Do you... do you want to go all the way Sev'? I certainly don't want to force you to do anything you don’t want, love."
How? Weren't you supposed to not give him ridiculous nicknames? I don't remember saying that. Severus nodded, pulling you tighter against him.
"Guide me, Y/n," he breathed.
His voice was infused with desire, as was his entire body. He was overflowing and tense with desire beyond your touch. You placed his hands in the places you knew were your pleasure points, guiding him to know what to do. His lips came to rest on your neck as you told him to, as your hands slid gently through the cool bath water to land on his crotch. It may have been hard to believe but Severus Snape was very well built, his sex was moderate in size but not all the way down, his base and glans were wider than the rest. It was also slightly curved towards the glans. If you hadn't already had other relationships you wouldn't have realized just by touching him, that Severus was just perfect for you. Your fingers began to do him good, drawing grunts from him that made your skin tingle as he didn't stop his attentions. When you felt him grow a little larger in your hands you stopped your stroking, spreading your own legs just enough for him to enter.
"Severus... I want to cum with you..." he understood the invitation taking his sex in his hands and positioning it facing the entrance to your pussy. 
He didn't really know what to do once he entered so it was you who guided him again, initiating back and forth, impaling yourself a little more each time, your hands resting on his shoulders. Severus moaned with each return, feeling your insides react to his member. You weren't especially tight, but he was still able to fill you up completely. You guided him for a moment and then he felt confident enough to take over. Slowly but surely, he varied the strength of his thrusts. Then he added his lips in your neck making you plant your nails in his shoulders when a so good and... unexpected pleasure. Instinctively, he squeezed you tighter as the last thrust inside you came accompanied by waves of immeasurable pleasure. He had finished before you but you were so close to cumming that you couldn't stop a groan of frustration from coming out of your mouth.
"This one is different from the others. Did I hurt you?" Severus fretted as he came to stop, causing you to let out another frustrated moan.
"No, no, no ! I... Can you go on a little longer, please? I'm not far..." you whispered in his ear. 
He undulated his pelvis gently under you, a sneer coming to perch on his lips.
 "What exactly do you want, Y/n? I need you to explain it to me precisely, please. I don't think I'm experienced enough yet to understand your demands without you finishing your sentences," he said, kissing your temple. 
He knew perfectly well what he was doing now. You wanted to protest by realizing it but it had started again to undulate under you, letting out of your mouth only words drowned between your moans. He ended up kissing your temple again, letting you breathe and waiting for your answer. 
"I want you to fuck me until... Until I cum Severus, please!" you finally managed to articulate making Severus' smile grew wider and wider.
"Gladly, love," he replied as he began to pound you again. 
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whyhereiam · 2 years
Ok so I saw someone else’s blog and they have like an ”introduction” post and I guess I wanted to do one too so here it is
‼️But first a disclaimer that homophobes/transphobes/rascist of any kind/discrimination etc are not allowed here and I will block you if you express any of those sentiments :) ‼️
So my real name is Matilda (like the movie I know..) I’m 19 and I mostly started using tumblr to just reblog stuff and seeing other’s amazing and hilarious posts about the fandoms im in. Pronouns are she/her and I have a minor hearing impairment (I use a hearing aid) so I occasionally reblog activist-things or things about hearing loss/hard-of-hearing-things so it’s either that or about fandoms you’ll see on my blog (though it’s mostly fandoms bc I love them)
Fandoms i’m in are a lot but here’s the ones I remember:
- One piece (Tekking101 is included in this lol and yes I read the manga so spoilers for that)
- Marvel (Everything marvel but mostly MCU)
- Pokemon (mostly the anime and journeys specifically rn)
- Merlin (TV) (also: Go read A Warlocks Wish by Vividpast on ao3 RIGHT NOW if you like the merlin fandom, you will not be dissapointed)
- Good Omens
- The Sandman (Netflix - go watch it now!!!)
- Wednesday (also other Addams Family stuff since i’ll probably go watch everything about then now lol)
- Doctor Who
- Encanto
- Game theory (all the theory channels tbh but MatPat stuff- anyway FNAF, Bendy and the Inc machine, Cuphead and a lot of other fandoms are included in this)
- Jacksepticeye (I mostly watch playthroughs of his so like Undertale, Life is Strange and Detroit:Become human are included here)
- Julie and the Phantoms (watched first time 2022, two years late I KNOW)
- Six of Crows (i’ve read the trilogy and duology but this book is my favorite, planning to watch the netflix series and read Kingdom of scars duology soon)
- probably more
I also have some show’s that I’ve watched and really liked but i’m not as active in those fandoms even if I might have been at some point:
- Sherlock
- Thomas Sanders (i guess mostly Sander Sides)
- Fairy Tail (watched it a looong time ago)
- Rick and Morty
- Rise of the guardians (I watched it like 5 times in a row i was so obsessed😭 it’s a great movie though go watch it!)
- MLP generation 4 (I recently - autumn 2022 - got so nostalgic and now I’m thinking of rewatching the entire thing💀)
- Musicals like Dear Evan Hansen, The Waitress, Heathers and Hamilton (i listen to the soundtrack and watch animatics on yt basically💀)
Anyway so the above is something you have a chance of seeing me reblog at some point. Also probably student/science stuff bc I’m apparently in love with physics/chemistry and don’t have any artistic or music talent whatsoever.
I just admire others amazing talent😍
I don’t plan on posting a lot like this and mostly just keep on reblogging but if you want to you can ask me about anything!🥰
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engie-ivy · 3 years
After the betrayal, after the murder, Remus wonders if he could've known? After all, hasn't it always been clear Sirius Black is mad?
Wolfstar Angst. There are some Fluffy moments in between, but it comes down to Angst.
Never Like This
Don’t cry.
The ceremony is drawing to an end. Soon, all that needs to be said, will have been said. Which seems absurd to Remus. How can all ever be said? There’s so much to say, for most of which words don’t even exist. Still, the final words will soon have been spoken, and they’ll walk to the cemetery of Godric’s Hollow, where members of the Potter family have been buried for generations. Where Lily and James will have their last resting place.
Don’t cry.
Not now, not here, not in front of all these people. Remus can feel their eyes burning on his back. He can just imagine the conversations.
“Is that-?”
“Yeah, that’s him!”
“That scrawny, pale fellow? He’s the Werewolf who fought in The Order?”
“Poor guy, all his friends are dead now. Well, except for the one who’s hopefully wishing he were dead.”
“Hey, weren’t they...?”
“They say they were.”
“And he never realised...?”
“Apparently not.”
“How naive can someone be.”
It’s only in his head, and he can’t actually hear anyone talking, but it seems real to him. He won’t break down in front of all these people. He won’t show that kind of vulnerability.
Don’t cry. Be a man, Lupin. Don’t cry.
Immediately, he can hear Lily’s voice in his head: “Remus John Lupin. Crying is a valid way of expressing your emotion, whether you’re a man or a woman. I will not hear such nonsense out of your mouth!”
Involuntarily, Remus lets out a laugh, and oh, Merlin, that’s probably even worse than crying. Suddenly, the whole situation seems utterly absurd to him. A room full of people staring at the Werewolf Order member whose friends are all killed, waiting for him to fall apart, and here he is, fighting the urge to start laughing. They’ll think he’s gone mad. It’s what they said about Sirius, innit?
He remembers the resentment in Alastor Moody’s eyes.
“There’s not going to be a trial, Lupin. It’s no use. The man has lost every ounce of sanity. You want to know how the Aurors found him? Standing between his victims, the remains of those Muggles he blasted to pieces, gruesome enough to give even the most experienced Auror trouble sleeping, laughing. He was laughing, Lupin. He’s mad. Besides, with everyone knowing he was the Secret Keeper and all the witnesses that saw him murder Pettigrew, we hardly need a trial. We’ll lock him up in Azkaban and that’ll be the last you see of him.”
Even worse was probably the pity in Emmeline Vance’s eyes, when she hugged him tight.
“You couldn’t have known, Remus. You can’t blame yourself, okay? You couldn’t have known!”
Couldn’t he have known? Didn’t he already know Sirius Black was mad? He has said it often enough.
“You’re mad,” Remus said, staring incredulously at Sirius’ grinning face.
He surely hoped the boy was not, as he was to spend the next seven years sharing a dorm with him. But the boy had just informed him that he, in their first week at Hogwarts, had already figured out how to break in into the Slytherin dorms and had managed to sneak into Hogsmeade to purchase a load of Dung Bombs.
Remus knew he didn’t have to count on their other dormmate to be a voice of reason, as James had a similar grin on this face as Sirius. Remus knew he should say no, be the responsible one, that going along with them would only end up getting him in trouble.
But Remus took one look at Sirius’ grinning face, and he already knew he was going to get into a lot of trouble the upcoming years.
“You’re mad,” Remus choked, trying to fight back tears.
Sirius blinked at him, not understanding all the emotion. They had been lying on Remus’ bed, trying to plan a prank to get back at Slytherin for cheating in the latest Quidditch match.
“We can’t do it tomorrow night,” Sirius had said. “James has detention then. And of course not the night after, as it’s the full moon, so you’ll be off doing your Werewolf thing.”
It was just a simple, offhanded comment, like it didn’t make Remus’ entire world come crumbling down. Remus didn’t even have the state of mind to deny it. “Y- you... you know?” He had stammered.
“Oh, right. Yeah,” Sirius had said absentmindedly. “We figured it out a couple of weeks ago.” Then, he had grinned at Remus. “I must say, Moony, that’s your nickname now by the way, I always knew there was a wicked side to you, but this exceeds my expectations! Bloody brilliant, mate.”
So Remus had called Sirius mad, because how could he not mind? How could he not be disgusted with him? How could he not demand Remus to be expelled?
Sirius just shrugged. “I might be a little mad. Does run in the family.”
“You’re mad,” Remus chuckled.
Sirius had just informed him of his most recent crazy idea. He had learned that Werewolves aren’t dangerous to other animals, so he wanted to become an Animagus, to keep Remus company during the full moon, and perhaps prevent him from harming himself. Sirius obviously had no idea how difficult, and potentially dangerous, it is to become an Animagus. There’s a reason why the Ministry is monitoring the process so carefully. It’s quite impossible for a Hogwarts student to pull it off.
“I’m gonna tell James and Pete!” Sirius said enthusiastically, before dashing out of the room.
Remus fondly shook his head and focused back on his book. Typically Sirius. He would be obsessed with some crazy idea for a while, and then move on to the next. Sirius would surely put it out of his head once he finds out how much time and effort it takes to become an Animagus.
“You’re mad,” Remus murmured, barely preventing his voice from breaking.
He was sitting on his knees, his face pressed against the big, black dog sitting in front of him, his hands clutching his soft fur. “I can’t believe you actually did it... I can’t believe you would go through all that effort... For me?”
The dog shifted, and suddenly Remus was resting his head on Sirius’ shoulder, while gripping Sirius’ shirt.
Sirius wrapped his arms around Remus and held him while he sobbed. “You’re worth it, Moony. And we’re never going to let you go through that alone again, okay?”
“You’re mad,” Remus said breathlessly, wide-eyed staring up at Sirius, his lips still tingling from the feel of Sirius’ lips being pressed against them.
They were standing on top of the Astronomy Tower. Gryffindor had won the Quidditch Cup, and there was a party going on in the Gryffindor Tower. Remus had gone up to the Astronomy Tower for some air, and Sirius had followed him. Remus had told him he didn’t have to, as surely there was a lot more excitement for him at the party. As usual, pretty girls with sweet smiles had been throwing themselves at Sirius all evening. As a response, Sirius had kissed him.
“Why...” Remus stammered, his heart beating wildly and his stomach fluttering.
Sirius cupped his cheek. “Because it’s you, Moony. It has always been you.”
“You’re... mad,” Remus panted.
He was lying in bed, clothes discarded on the floor, while Sirius insisted on kissing every scar on his body.
“Beautiful,” Sirius murmured against his skin. “You’re so beautiful.”
Remus laughed breathlessly, and took Sirius’ face in his hands, pulling him up to his face to properly kiss him.
“You’re mad,” Remus whispered, shifting his eyes from the star-scattered sky to meet Sirius’ gaze.
“Not the reaction I was hoping for,” the man replied.
Remus lifted their intertwined hands to his lips and kissed the back of Sirius’ hand. “Just making sure you know. And to be clear, I love you too.”
“You’re mad,” Remus smiled, spinning around in Sirius’ arms.
Sirius smiled back at him, brighter than all the fairy lights illuminating the dance floor together. “Madly in love.”
Remus rolled his eyes. “Madly drunk I’d say.”
Sirius grinned. “I’m allowed to be a little drunk. My best man duties are done.”
Remus laughed as Sirius dipped him, feeling happy, carefree, and in love, and maybe a little drunk himself.
“You’re mad,” Remus gasped, falling to his knees, trying to control his breathing.
“You can’t do that, Padfoot! You can’t!”
“He tried to hex you from behind!” Sirius argued.
Remus glared at him. “You can’t just bloody jump between me and a Death Eater’s curse! You could’ve...” His chest constricted and he struggled for air. “You could’ve died. You could’ve died because I wasn’t properly watching my back!”
Sirius dropped down on his knees in front of him, and soon came the familiar feeling of Sirius’ arms being wrapped around him, pulling him against his chest. “But I didn’t. I’m okay. We’re okay.”
Remus let out a shaky breath. “Promise me. Promise me you’ll never do that again. I can’t lose you, Pads.”
“I can’t lose you either, Moony,” Sirius whispered. “That’s why I can’t make that promise. I acted on instinct seeing you in danger, and I can’t promise I won’t do it again.”
“You’re mad,” Remus spoke softly, staring down at his cup of tea.
“They’ll come after you. Him, and all his followers.”
“I’ll go into hiding,” Sirius replied.
“But you won’t have a Fidelius Charm to protect you!” Remus snapped, lifting his head.
“We said we’d do anything to keep Harry safe,” Sirius argued. “We all did. I’m the best choice-”
“Exactly!” Remus interrupted. “And everyone knows you are. Isn’t it better with this sort of thing to not go for the most logical choice?”
Sirius avoided Remus’ eyes.
“Look, Sirius,” Remus sighed. “I know you’d never tell, I do. But no one has dived deeper into the Dark Arts as He has, and who knows what methods He has to pry the information from you? Isn’t it better to go with a Secret Keeper no one will suspect?”
Sirius turned his gaze back to Remus, his expression pained. He opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but then closed it again, squeezing his eyes shut. When he eventually spoke, there was a forced calm in his voice. “I know what I’m doing, Remus.” He reached out and took Remus’ hand in his. “Please, you have to trust me in this.”
And Remus had.
If Sirius could do that, if Sirius could hold Remus’ hand, look him in the eyes with that sincere, vulnerable expression on his face, ask him to trust him, and then turn around and destroy everything Remus held dear, then it could’ve all been a lie.
It had all been a lie.
Each lingering gaze, each soft, private smile, each reassuring touch, each slow, loving kiss, each whispered word of ‘I love you’, a lie. And Remus had let himself happily be lied to, blinded by his foolish and naive belief in true love.
Remus really couldn’t have known. Alright, maybe he’d always known Sirius was mad, but not like this. Never like this.
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a-simple-imagine · 4 years
The Smarter Witch
Synopsis: You like to consider Hermione your academic rival but things begin to fall apart between the two of you when Malfoy and friends start asking questions. The reader is in Slytherin sorry.
Pairing: Hermione Granger x fem!reader (can be read as romantic or platonic)
Words: 3.5+
A/N - I’ve been rewatching all the Harry Potter Movies at the cinema recently and I think i like it more now than I ever did before. This is my first HP story so go easy on me, okay? Comments are appreciated and requests are open!!
Warnings - Swearing, excessive use of the word mudblood... i think that’s it. 
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"Granger," You call out, shoving your things into your bag as quick as humanly possible before charging after her. The crowd of other students growing the distance between you as you slip between them but not without almost crashing into people a bunch of times along the way. "Granger- wait." You try but she continues to walk away with Potter and Weasley beside her. You eventually manage to push your way through until you're walking in step with the trio. The girl stands in the middle, guarded by her two best friends.
"Hey," You offer them a smile, "Guess who got a perfect?"
"How?" It's instinctive to turn your nose up when it comes to Ronald Weasley. Not because of his social status like Malfoy suggests but you just found him rather... irritating. You completely ignore his question; breaking formation, you get ahead of the group and begin to carefully walk backwards so you can focus on the girl. She looked anywhere but at you, however, she had a smirk on her lips. Small but visible.
"Only because Snape favours you," The brunette proclaimed. This was routine for the two of you as of late. Always making excuses as to why the other came out on top. Only because of this. Only because of that. It was never as simple as just studying and doing well.
"You're just jealous that I'm a genius." You insist, your smile growing as you teased your own brilliance. Her head shakes a little.
"Since when were you, two friends?"
"Nobody said anything about friends Weasley-" You growl, your once happy expression morphing into one of pure distaste as you look at him. Spinning gracefully on your heel, you begin to walk normally again. "Since I'm so much smarter than you, I can help you study if you need it."
"I don't need any help from the likes of you, thank you," The likes of you? Did she mean a Slytherin? Or just someone who was smarter than her? Although you didn't actually believe you were smarter... well, not entirely anyway. Hermione Granger was often proclaimed as the smartest in your grade, didn't matter how hard you worked; you'd never quite be the promising young witch everyone seemed to think she was. Which is why you find yourself constantly competing. If you can prove to her you were smart then maybe everyone would see you as more than just a Malfoy crony.
You slap your hand against your chest just above your heart; stumbling backwards as if she just shot an arrow straight through. "Oh, how you wound me, Miss Granger. Care to share how well you did? One hundred percent?" She wouldn't have done badly at least not by everyone else's standard of bad. "Ninety maybe?" You turn back to them, coming to halt directly in front of the girl. "Merlin's beard Hermione, don't tell me you got less than eighty? That would be a travesty."
"if you don't mind, we're a little busy." She hadn't answered the question and as she walked around you, you expected she wasn't going to. "Come along Harry," she took his hand. "Ronald." And his before marching away. You watch them as they go, a smirk lingering before slipping off in search of your friends.
Come Friday afternoon and you found yourself in the great hall. The busy castle was beginning to calm and few people sat in the tables alongside the two of you. You take a sip of some water as you watch the gears in her head turn, debated her next move. At this point you already knew you would win; you always did. While everything else was more of a competition; Hermione Granger surprisingly wasn't all too hard to beat at Wizard's chess. Your Fridays together we're brilliant times to chat though, you'd often sum up any achievements from the week just to see who's doing better.
"I can't believe you beat me in history of magic again- I spent hours on that stupid essay. I basically lived in the library."
"I can help you study if you like," she offered, her eyes not leaving the board as she ordered her bishop forward. You watch as the chess piece moves along the board.
"You're not funny Granger," you tease, ordering your knight forward to take down her bishop. "Check,"
A paper ball hit the back of your head, drawing your attention away. Pansy stood with a wide grin on display, you ignored her and returned to your game but Hermione was also focused on your friend. "I think she wants your attention."
Another paper ball collides against your head. You sigh loudly before turning and mouthing 'what?'
"We're going down to the black lake? You coming?" She asked. "Or are you too busy with the Gryffindor?"
"just give me a sec." You wave her away, turning back to the other girl. "Have you moved?" She nods a little, her hair bouncing with the movements. You examine the board trying to figure out who she had moved but it didn't really matter. With a final move of your queen, the king was knocked off the board. "I do believe that is checkmate."
"I'm beginning to think you're cheating."
"Me?" You ask, pretending to be offended by the notion. "Never. How little faith you have me in, Granger."
"Slytherins are known for being cunning."
"We're not all cheating monsters, my dear sweet Gryffindor. Some of us actually have a conscience."
"I find that hard to believe," Her lips were curled into a cheeky smile. You'd never quite noticed the way her eyes crinkle when her smile is so big or how teethy it was. It was adorable. 
"I gotta go- same time next week? Maybe I'll even let you win."
"I don't need you to let me win,"
"You sure?" Nothing more than a harmless joke as you stand. "How many times in a row have I won now?"
"Slither away," Hermione smiles as you back away towards Pansy. You had to admit, you did firm Hermione to be intriguing.
Being in the same year, meant you actually saw Hermione rather frequently, however, your actual interactions were limited. Yes, you played Wizard's chess together every Friday but other than that, you basically only had very short conversations. It was like being in two completely different worlds simply because you were put in different houses. This school had a weird obsession with separation by houses. You were a proud Slytherin as were you friends but your ambition to branch out was often looked at as beneath some of the others. It was dinner time and you sat at the Slytherin table but your focus was pulled towards a certain familiar Gryffindor student. She just happened to be sat in your eye line, so you couldn't help but amuse her from afar. With funny faces and playful winks. Her most common reactions were shakes of the head or rolling her eyes but you knew secretly she enjoyed the teasing.
"Are you even listening?" A sharp elbow slams into your side. You bite back a groan as you shove the boy gently.
"The hell Draco,"
"What are you staring at?" There was a particularly bite behind his words but you'd grown used to how aggressive he could come across. He was always trying to be the alpha and frankly, everyone let him be. You simply shrug at his question; grabbing an apple and taking a bite.
"What did you want?"
The grey of his eyes flickers in curiosity as he tries to figure out what had you so distracted. When you look across at Granger, she's chatting to Ginny Weasley about something.
"Sometimes I wonder if the sorting hat got it wrong with you," He muses. "Should have put you in Gryffindor since you're so obsessed with Potter."
"Says the boy who never shuts up about him." You fight back. You couldn't care less about Harry Potter or his chosen one status. You knew Malfoy hated him though; it was a little weird just how much.
"You gravely misunderstand my interest in potter."
"I don't care if you have a crush on him Malfoy," There are a few snickers around the table but he's definitely not laughing.
"Don't be ridiculous." He growled, leaving the table. It was only a joke. You follow after him along with the others.
After dinner, you're lounging in the common room. One leg hooked over the arm of the couch as you read a book all about dragons. Fascinating creatures.
"So are you and the Gryffindor friends?"
"Who?" You question. Not even looking at the blonde as he sits down beside you.
"Granger." He confirms. "Pansy thinks you have a crush or something?"
"Pansy is a liar." The joke isn't as funny when it's against you. Your feelings towards Granger was nobody else's business but your own. You were often left conflicted when it came to her. You roll your eyes, sitting up straight. "I just like proving that I'm better than her."
"You spend a lot of time with her," Goyle adds.
"So?" You finally lower your book. Your brows knitted together in a clear frown as you scan the room. A few people had invited themselves into the conversation. "I spend a lot of time with you but doesn't mean I wanna get into your pants,"
"I don't know why you associate with any of them." This was beginning to feel like a lecture. Why do they even care who you hang out with? You didn't care much for the boys but you liked Hermione. She was kind, funny and really smart. You enjoyed the little time you ultimately spent together but if you admitted that, they would crucify you.
"They'd probably say the same about you lot," you state. Bringing the large book back up to cover your face. "Now if you don't mind, I'm trying to read here,"
"You can tell us if you like her," Pansy contributes. "I mean we all know you have a soft spot for the weak."
"Are you taking pity on her?"
"Maybe she wants to start hanging out with Potter. Can you imagine?"
You grit your teeth, not at all reading the words on the page in front of you. They're just trying to get a rise out of you.
"I can't imagine anything more pathetic," Malfoy chuckles followed by a few of the others. "They're an embarrassment to the wizarding world if you ask me. Parading around like they own the place-"
"We're nothing okay?" You slap your book shut. "Not friends or secret lovers or anything, I would never date someone so.... dirty." The word slipped out before you had a chance to stop. You didn't see her that way; she was much too grand to be considered dirty. And you couldn't care less about pure bloodlines. It didn't make her any less of a fantastic witch. "I'm not joining Potter's Merry band of monkeys, so just drop it okay." Ignoring the snickers and hushed whispers, you march off to bed.
It's the Friday following your little session in the common room. You forgave them all of course; you always did. There was no point in being angry at them over some harmless teasing. You had the chessboard set up and even brought along a pack of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans but she was running late. Normally it was you showing up late; very unusual behaviour from someone known for punctuality. But as time ticked on and you were still left alone, you began to realise she wasn't going to turn up. Packing everything up, you decide it'll be best to search for her; something bad must have happened for her to not show at all.
"Weasley," you shout, jogging up to Harry and Ron who seemed to be missing their third arm. "You seen granger?"
"Why?" Asks the redhead. Harry presents you with a smile.
"None of your business," you spit at Ron. "Have you seen her or not?"
"Last we saw her she said she was heading to the library," Harry answered. You offer a grateful smile but you can't help but wonder why she's decided to head to the library. Was there a test you didn't know about? Was she trying to get the upper hand? Surely she could have just told you that instead of having you wait.
"Thanks, Harry," You skip along to the library but the journey proves pointless when you discover she isn't there either. You would be lying if you said you had searched particularly hard before giving up though. There was always next week. With a defeated sigh, you head back towards the common room. Luck must have been on your side because you spot her on the way back. Perched on a ledge with her head in a book. Typical Hermione Granger.
"I've been looking everywhere for you," you announce as you walk towards her. "I thought we were gonna play wizards chess so I could annihilate you again." The faintest sniffle hit your ears and you froze. Was she... crying? Shit. You don't do well with criers; you never know how to handle situations when people cry. It's always so... awkward. "What's wrong?"
"Go away." Her voice is quiet but echoes through the empty corridor.
"Granger?" You closer to her now, leaning against one of the stone columns.
"I said go away," Her words are harsh; she shoves her face further into the book. Was she trying to hide the fact she had been crying? It was pretty obvious at this point.
"What's up with you?" You wonder, folding your arms over your chest.
"I don't want to talk to you,"
"What did I do?" The confusion is very clear in your voice. You'd hardly even spoken to the girl recently so how could you have possibly upset her.
"You're as bad as the rest of them, now leave me alone," Sharp words as she grabbed her things and stormed off. As bad as the rest of them? What did that even mean? Pushing yourself upright, you follow after her.
"What's gotten into you?"
"Just some filthy mudblood am I?" Venomous words spat at you with the speed of a viper. You stumble back a little; she's never been so angry with you. Tears spill down her rosy cheeks."Malfoy told me what you said- Guess I should have known better considering your so-called friends. You're just as cruel as the rest of them."
"Hermione..." you sigh softly. You couldn't exactly defend your fellow Slytherin friends. "Why do you believe him anyway?"
"So you didn't say it then."
"No, I did," you shrug a little. "Well I said you were dirty, I didn't say... that word."
"Mudblood- Same thing though right? You think you're so much better just because you're of Pure blood."
"I didn't say that, I-"
"Just stay away from me." Her tone has you backing down from the fight. You consider following her as she charges off down the hall but instead, you go back to the dorms.
"You're a right git," you exclaim, storming into the room, grip tight on the book you launch at his head. Platinum blonde hair darts of the way.
"What the hell."
"You told her?" All eyes are on you as you confront him.
"What are you on about?"
"Hermione- you told her I thought she was dirty."
"Your words, not mine." Draco shrugged a little. A huff of a laugh passing his lips which pissed you off even more. 
"I-," you look around, picking up a pillow and tossing it at him. "You are such a pain in the ass."
"Why do you care about that filthy mudblood, you said you don't even like her?"
"I don't even like you and yet we're best friends," You shout, looking at the coffee table you grab a mug and aim at the boy. Draco's hand shoots up in defense.
"Don't you dare throw that at me or I swear-" He fought back. You lower your hand and so does he then you throw it anyway, hearing it break as you collapse on the couch. "You don't need someone like that." He muses as he cautiously approaches the couch.
"We can't all be insufferable snobs Malfoy," you grumble, rather casually considering what just happened. "You mess up everything for no bloody reason"
"Probably shouldn't go around calling her dirty then," He argues. "I didn't make you say that..."
The boy hovers over the back of the couch and you shove him away. "I hate you."
You realise you have to be the one because Malfoy's not about to admit he did anything wrong. And you know at the end of the day it was your fault for saying it in the first place. You retire to your bed, no longer watching to deal with other people.
For the next week or so Hermione avoids you like the plague. You'd obviously see her in some of your classes but when you'd try to speak to her after, she'd rush out before you had a chance to so much as saying hi. If you managed to catch her gaze, she'd stare daggers; if looks could kill you'd be six feet under by now. You'd sometimes find her in the library, it was the one place she could cause a scene but neither could you. When you tried to whisper to her, she'd completely ignore you. You were beginning to miss the limited interaction you hard; Half the fun of studying was ultimately doing better than her in the end.
The girl was alone today, searching the shelves. The library was fairly empty and it was getting late. You take the opportunity to make some paper birds and send them fluttering over to her. One by one until she whispers yells at you to stop. You chuckle. Doing it again. This develops into a habit throughout the next couple of days. You'll send paper birds her way, just to get a reacting out of her. You start writing little messages on them too but you don't think she ever reads them before setting them on fire.
It becomes abundantly clear she's not giving in and therefore one day during breakfast you abandon your table and enter what Malfoy would consider enemy territory. Pushing Neville aside to sit next to Hermione. A bunch of lions look to you like you'd just entered their den without permission; in their defense, you never sit here. Hermione gets up to leave but not before you can grab her wrist.
"Can you please stop ignoring me," she yanks out of your grip, walking away to leave you surrounded by kids you've only ever spoken to in passing. You groan loudly.
"What happened between you two?" Ron asked.
"Do you ever keep out of other people's business Weasley or do you have some obsessive need to weasel your way into everything."
"Just tryna help, jeez."
"If you must know, Malfoy told her that I referred to her as a... y'know."
"Mudblood?" Harry continues for you.
"I called her dirty but I didn't mean it."
"Thought you weren't friends anyway," Ron wore a smirk like he caught you out or something so you just ignore him.
"Now she's ignoring me. I just want her to talk to me."
"Have you apologised?"
"How can I apologise if she won't bloody talk to me, Harry? I thought you were supposed to be smart." You comment, dropping your head against the table. "I've tried writing notes but she burns all of them. I'm running out of ideas, I can only be so charming."
"Can't really help you there," Ron replies.
"All the boys in this school are so bloody useless," you sigh dramatically, slamming your hands on the table to push yourself up. "You’re her best friends and you can't help? Pathetic."
You debate joining the others but you decide against it and leave the great hall. You're not hungry anymore.
"You really should stop sending paper birds," The voice catches you off guard, whipping your wand out before realising it's her.
"I'll stop if you talk to me again," You counter, lowering your wand.
"I'm not ashamed of my parents."
"And you shouldn't be." Your head falls, "I really am sorry for what I said, it was definitely a peer pressure thing and I was stupid." You blurt out. "Malfoy can just be a lot sometimes and I was trying to study so... I don't think you're less than just because your parents are muggles Hermione. Not even a little." You take a deep breath. "I just want my friend back."
She hesitates. "Oh, so we're friends now huh?"
"Only if you want to be," You shrug. There was part of you that wanted to say maybe you like her as more than that but you kept it to yourself; at least for now. "I understand if you don't like... I was really shitty."
"So Friday then?"
"Wizards chess? I think I may be able to beat you now, I've been practising."
"Pfft not likely," You tease, your smile growing. "Friday sounds good."
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wollymalfoy · 4 years
White cat
Young Sirius Black x Reader
Description: Y/N Potter can now join the marauders during a full moon. This ends better than she ever could of hoped.
Writers note: I’ve recently been obsessed with the marauders so I thought I’d write a little something. I’m v proud of this I think it’s the best thing I’ve written so far! Anyways enjoy :)
You kicked open your brothers dorm room it hit the wall with a loud thud. Peter screeched, Lupin sighed, Sirius quickly closed the curtains on his bed and James grabbed his pants to cover his underwear. You and your brother James were close, best friends even. Him being a year older than you he’d protected you since your first day at Hogwarts. You was sorted in Slytherin but was able to enter the Gryffindor common room at will because of your close bond with the marauders.
‘Have you ever heard of knocking!’ James yelled at you.
‘Princesses don’t need to knock’ you said cockily dodging the peice of clothing he threw at you.
Lupin who was the only one that was fully dressed walked over to you and covered your eyes with his hands.
‘Come on moonyyy I have great news’ you wined trying to pry his hands off your eyes.
He finally let go and you ran over to Sirius bed and opened the curtain to see his face. The raven haired boy still only had his boxers on making you smirk at him.
‘Y/N!’ He laughed closing it again.
‘What is it Y/N?’ James said walking over to you as he fixed his tie.
‘I finally did it’ you said excitedly taking a hold of his shoulders and shaking him.
‘Did what?’
‘I can finally transform!’ You said jumping up and down, ‘I can join you on full moons now!’
‘Woah, really!’ Sirius slid off his bed finally clothed and gave you a tight hug, taking your feet off the ground and spinning you around.
You nodded smiling widely at him.
‘That fantastic!’ James said putting a hand on your shoulder.
‘What animal are you’ Peter asked looking at you as if you were Merlin himself.
‘A cat, a white one’ you said still smiling.
‘Hey I guess we’re like yin and yang’ Sirius said laughing at his own joke.
The rest of you laughed along with him.
The full moon finally came around and like James promised on your first month at Hogwarts you’d be able to join now that you could transform. You snuck down the halls and stairways from the dungeons to the front doors of the castle where Sirius, Peter and James stood under his invisibility cloak.
‘It’s about time’ James Joked which earned him a cold look from you.
You all left the castle and made your way to the womping willow where Remus was already waiting.
‘We finally get to see you transform’ Sirius shouted loudly, ‘this is gonna be awesome!’ He wrapped his arm around your shoulder as he said this.
‘Keep your voices down’ Peter said timidly.
The night was just as amazing as you thought. You ran through hogsmead with your best friends, the wind blowing through your snow white fur. At points through the night you’d jump onto Sirius’ Black furred back causing him to jump around.
When the sun came up and Remus was once again human you watched out for people as James and Sirius helped an exhausted Remus up to Gryffindor tower. You all attended to his wounds and left him to sleep. James fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
‘Why don’t you stay’ Sirius said his cheeks flushing after he realised what he said, ‘I just mean because you’re probably exhausted you might not make it back to your room’ he laughed lightly.
You nodded and climbed into his bed. He stared at you for a moment before climbing in next to you. He lay stiff next to you. You had never seen Sirius like this before.
‘I could transform, it might be less awkward if I were a cat’ you smiled.
He laughed and agreed.
Once you had transformed you curled up to his side. Your white fur camouflaging into the white sheet beneath you both.
You awoke and saw Sirius’ arms wrapped around your robe covered shoulder. Human shoulder. You must have transformed back while you were asleep you thought. You sat up to see Sirius dark eyes. He was wide awake.
‘Good morning love’ he smiled.
‘Good morning’
‘Lay with me for a while longer, we don’t have anywhere to be’ he said wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you down.
‘What happened to the shy Sirius from last night’ you said playfully.
‘That Sirius only appears when there’s a full moon’ he said his face close to yours, your noses touching slightly. You instinctively closed the small gap between the two of you and smashed your lips against his.
‘I didn’t expect that’ he smirked when you separated.
‘Neither did i’ you confessed.
You kissed him again this time he pushed his tongue into your mouth. Your tongues danced in each other’s mouths before the curtain of Sirius bed was ripped open. James stood tall scowling at the two of you.
‘Keep your hands off my sister mate’ James scolded, his arms folded in front of him.
‘But she’s so cute’ Sirius said pushing your cheeks together making your lips look fish like. He kissed your squished lips lightly before letting go.
‘I know you’re my best friend and all but no... this is just- no’ he said closing his eyes and shaking his head.
Sirius places his forehead agains yours and looked at you lovingly.
‘It’s about time you two got together’ Remus croaked from his bed, ‘the sexual tension between you both is crazy.’
‘Don’t you start moony’ James huffed.
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Hi! Could you do a fic where James is this tall, muscular, qudditch captain and has a pile of girls after him and Sirius is a little on the chubby side, not as popular etc and thinks he has no chance with James, James disagrees of course. (maybe a smut scene)??
James Potter was the most gorgeous bloke in Hogwarts. It was a fact, like that he was the Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and that there were scouts from various teams at the matches specifically to watch him. It was a fact that there were girls enamored with the idea of dating the James Potter-- or that his best mate was Sirius. 
Sirius appreciated that last point. He appreciated most of it, actually, because James was quite the specimen, not to mention that he'd worked really hard to hone his Quidditch skills. James deserved to have as many girls as he wanted, because he was that stupidly attractive. James could have anyone he wanted. As a friend, as a romantic partner or even for a quick little tryst. So far, all he'd done was claim Sirius as his best mate in first year and never look back; James had kissed Alice Thompson, a year above them, once after they went on a date in Hogsmeade, but that was the extent of his experience with girls. 
To be honest, Sirius didn't understand why James hadn't gotten a new best friend. Not that he wanted to be traded out or anything, but James was... well, popular. And Sirius wasn't. Sirius had been popular when he was younger, but when puberty hit and he started to get chubby instead of staying thin or gaining muscle like a lot of his year-mates had done, that popularity faded. It's not like he was an outcast or summat, but where James's popularity exploded, Sirius's own had faded. He didn't really give a rat's arse about it since he was perfectly happy with his body. He was even happy with his social status at Hogwarts because it meant that people didn't bother him over stupid shite anymore. Besides, he always had James's attention, and that meant a hell of a lot more to him than everybody else at the school combined. 
That being said, he didn't know why James still stuck with him. At this point, it would've made more sense for him to be best friends with Benjy, who was the Keeper on the team and had a lot more in common with him. Mostly Quidditch. Not really anything else, actually. Benjy was sodding nice, but a bit of an idiot. James had made an Arithmancy joke the other day and it had gone right over Benjy's head. Sirius, of course, had thought it was hilarious. 
Maybe that's why they were still best friends; Sirius laughed at his jokes. A great sense of humour would only get Sirius so far, though. It made him best friend material. It didn't make him boyfriend material. 
Sirius sighed, wishing that he didn't always get so morose when he heard girls in the common room talk about how cute James was and whether or not they should ask him out. If Sirius were a nice bloke, he'd give them a warning not to bother. James always turned girls down, claiming that he was too focused on Quidditch and his schoolwork to have time to date anyone. Sirius knew, that while that was partially true, it was just an excuse. He wondered what excuse James would give him if he asked him out. Probably that he didn't want to ruin their friendship. What would be great about that excuse is that it's exactly the reason Sirius hadn't asked him yet. Why make James uncomfortable about how close they were when everything was fine? 
With his brain twirling in useless circles, he figured he might as well go up to the dormitory. If he was going to be miserable about fancying his best mate, he might as well do it in private. 
He trudged all the way up the stairs only to find that James was there. "I thought you had detention tonight?" he asked, because he really had thought that. 
"Nah, Minnie's got to see to her duties as Head of the House, so we rescheduled for tomorrow night," James explained. He glanced up, then frowned a little. "You alright?" 
"'Course. Why wouldn't I be?" 
"I dunno, you just look... off." 
Sirius snorted. "Thanks." 
"You know what I mean," James said, rolling his eyes. 
Yeah, he did, but he didn't want to admit that because then he'd have to say what was wrong with him. Just fancying the pants off of you, nothing to see here. That'd go great. Not. 
Except then James said, all seriously, "Hey, can I talk to you about something?" 
"Sure," Sirius said, sitting on his bed, facing James who was sat on his own. Sirius pulled off his shoes and dropped them on the floor. "What's up?" 
"Are you mad at me?" 
"What? No, of course not. Why'd you even think that?" 
"I dunno, it just feels like you've been avoiding me recently. Is it because I didn't wait for you to go to Three Broomsticks last Hogsmeade weekend?" 
Sirius squinted at him, hoping that it was a joke but only finding sincerity. "You really think that would piss me off enough to avoid you?" 
James shrugged helplessly. 
"Merlin, I'm not avoiding you. And I'm not mad at you either. I don't know if you've noticed it mate, but there's a lot of people that want to talk to you that aren't interested in talking to me too. I don't force myself into the conversation. That's it." And a lot of people had been wanting to talk to James in the past couple weeks. He hadn't thought of it as being a pattern until just now, but that's what had been happening. 
"Okay, well next time someone does that, just don't move." 
"Easy for you to say," Sirius said, without really meaning to. 
"What are you talking about?" 
"People like you a hell of a lot more than they like me," Sirius said. 
"What? That's stupid. You're like, objectively the best person on the planet. Maybe you only think they don't like you." 
Sirius rolled his eyes. "Are we good now?" 
"No. You can't just say that people like me more than you and expect me to be fine with it. We're a package deal; they're supposed to like both of us or neither of us. What are you talking about?" 
This wasn't really something that Sirius wanted to get into, but James was a really stubborn person and the expression on his face was rather familiar. He gave a small sigh, leaning back onto his hands. "You're popular. You're the bloody star student. Captain of the Quidditch team, and some of the best test scores in the school." 
"This coming from the bloke that has the actual best test scores." 
"It's not just that. You're attractive. Everyone either wants to be you or date you. They don't want to deal with your best friend, that they'd rather ignore than talk to when all they want is to talk to you." 
James blinked. "That's not true. People like you." 
"For fuck's sake, I'm not trying to elicit your sympathies or summat. I'm telling you why people that are obsessed with you don't want to have anything to do with me. Yeah, some people like me, but when people come up to you, they're not thinking about how to make nice with me." 
"I- well that's stupid." 
"Couldn't agree more." Sirius could appreciate that people wanted to know James-- he was amazing, after all-- but it wasn't the same as when they were twelve. Now that they were seventeen-- eighteen, in Sirius's case-- it felt more creepy than anything else. Maybe it was equal parts creepy and flattering. For James, at least. For Sirius, it was just creepy. And maybe a little jealousy inducing. Well okay, a lot jealousy inducing, but it was adding to what Sirius already felt, knowing that James was never going to look at him that way. 
"No, I mean the whole thing's stupid." 
"I'm still agreeing with you." 
"You said that everyone either wants to be me or date me. That's not true." 
"I might've been exaggerating a little bit," Sirius admitted. "I guess there are some people that don't really like you. But they're like, Slytherins that don't like Quidditch, so I don't think they count." 
"I meant you. You don't want to be me or date me." 
"Right?" James asked. 
Sirius glared at him. "Is there a point to this? You were worried that I was upset with you, and I'm not. Problem solved." 
"So you want to date me," James said. 
"Why're you being so weird?" 
"I'm not being weird," James denied. Then he paused and said, "Okay maybe a little bit, but when I pictured this happening, I always thought it would be more romantic. I didn't think I'd have to pull it out of you." 
"Why were you picturing this happening at all?" 
"What, you're saying that you've never dreamed about it either?" 
"Well sure I have, but I'm the one that fancies you." 
"Yeah, so what does that tell you about me?" James asked leadingly. 
It seemed like a really obvious direction that James was guiding him towards, but he didn't want to be wrong. It would be so embarrassing if he was wrong. He wasn't about to risk that. "That you have weird dreams?" 
"Yeah that, or that I fancy you too," James said, getting to his feet and taking the few steps over to Sirius's bed, then sitting next to him. 
Sirius blinked. It felt too open to be comfortable with James that close to him given what they were talking about, so he leaned back up to normal and looked over at him. "Nah, that's too unrealistic." 
"Can't you just accept it and be happy?" 
"Also too unrealistic," Sirius said, but he was joking so James laughed. 
James reached over and toyed with the bottom of Sirius's shirt, rubbing the material between his fingers. "Can I kiss you?" 
"Not entirely sure why you'd want to," Sirius muttered. 
"You're kidding, right? Do you want a love declaration of all your good qualities or summat?" 
"No," Sirius said. "It's just... strange. I never thought you'd feel that way about me. Or look at me that way. And now you're sitting next to me and- it's a change, you know? How long have you even felt this way?" 
James didn't answer for a moment as colour rose in his cheeks. "I'll tell you if you tell me how long it's been for you." 
"Deal," Sirius said immediately. Even if James had picked this feeling up in the last month, it wouldn't be as embarrassing anymore to admit that Sirius had fancied him for almost two years. Pretty much from the moment he moved in with the Potter's, to be honest. 
"Okay, so erm, it's- like, third year, I think?" 
Sirius blinked. "Really? That long?" 
"Why didn't you say anything?" 
James shrugged, still playing with Sirius's shirt. "How long was it for you?" 
"When I moved in with you and your parents. After fifth year." 
"So it hasn't been as long for you," James said, but he didn't sound like he was upset about it. 
"It felt bloody long enough," Sirius said. He turned his head and kissed James on the cheek. He lingered, and James turned his head to catch him on the lips. His hand slipped under Sirius's shirt, and his palm molded against the bulge of fat on Sirius's hip above his trousers. Sirius couldn't help but snicker. 
"What?" James asked. 
"First kiss, and you're already getting handsy." 
"Considering how long I've wanted to get handsy with you, I think you should admire my restraint." 
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lonelysoul029 · 4 years
His Hufflepuff Secret ~ Eight
Tumblr media
A/N: So here's what I was supposed to post on Sunday before my laptop decided to hate me and delete it. I'm sorry for the wait. I do hope you enjoy it, though :)
<-Previous Chapter
"Are you sure you want to stand next to me in front of everyone?" Y/N asks as they reach the top balcony overlooking the lake. There are three towers set up in the waters, and she and Draco are on the one in the middle.
Draco groans, "For the millionth time, Fawley, I'm sure. People didn't come here to gawk at us, did they? No. They came to watch the Second Task," his hands grip the railing and he leans over to see the water beneath them, "How much would you bet that Potter would mess up and drown."
He gets punched on the arm, "Don't be so mean," Y/N frowns, "That's my friend you're talking about."
"That actually hurt, you know," Draco says, rubbing his arm.
"You're lucky I didn't push you into the water instead," she scans the other towers, "Where in the world is Hermione? Surely, she wouldn't miss out on cheering for Harry, right?"
"I don't know about that," he smirks, "Maybe she realized Potter isn't worth watching on for. She and Weaselbee are probably off snogging instead," This earns him another punch, "Seriously? The same spot?"
"When are you ever going to grow out of this nonsensical rivalry?" Y/N asks annoyed, but really she's thinking that even Draco can sense the tension with Hermione and Ron.
"Well let's see," he puts a finger to his chin and pretends to think, "Today's Friday, so... never?" Draco grins at her.
"Idiot," she can't help but grin back.
"Welcome to the second task," Dumbledore's voice cuts through the cheering of the students, "Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure, of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie at the bottom of the Black Lake..."
"What, so they took Potter's glasses?" Draco snickers.
"Maybe you should be dating Harry instead of me since you won't shut up about him," Y/N rolls her eyes.
"Me? Date Potter?" his face contorts in disgust, "That's absolutely nauseating."
"Stop being so obsessed with him then," she smirks.
"...They will have one hour to do so, and one hour only. After that, they'll be own their own. No magic will save them. You may begin at the start of the cannon," Dumbledore announces.
The cannon fires, and the four champions dive into the water. Well, three dive into the water and Harry gets pushed in. The crowd erupts once more, but soon, the cheers die down. The ripples created by the divers then disappear, making the dark water look calm and perfectly still. No one knows what is really going on under the water, so they are all silent.
Suddenly, Dumbledore's voice can be heard through the speakers again, "The Beauxbatons champion Miss Delacour has unfortunately been forced to retire. She will take no further part in this task."
Once again, the crowd is silent. "Poor girl," Y/N says sympathetically.
"Yeah," Draco scoffs, "That's why she got eliminated so fast."
"Merlin, Draco what is your problem today?" she turns to him, "You've been quite mean and moody."
She's right. Draco has been moody. It's not his fault, though. The nightmares he's been having are just getting to his head. Why is it always the same man? Where did those babies come from? Why did they suddenly appear? "It's nothing, darling."
Y/N just stares at him for a moment, chews her lip nervously. She might have an idea of what's been bothering Draco, but doesn't want to bring up something that might make him uncomfortable. Hesitantly, she mumbles "It's not the nightmares, is it?"
His eyes widen a little, "How did y--"
"I noticed it a few months ago, when I slept in your room," she cuts him off, "I left to get a glass of water then I came back to you writhing and sweating. I got you to calm down and I thought that was it, but it kept happening. Even on other times we'd sleep together, every time I would leave, I'd come back to you having a nightmare," Y/N gives him a concerned look.
"Oh," Draco blinks at her, "I uh, usually don't have nightmares  when you're sleeping with me," he admits sheepishly.
She takes his hand and rubs it with her thumb, "Do you want to tell me about them while we wait?"
"I guess we can talk about it," he shrugs. Draco tells him about the recurring nightmare of the man floating in a black cloak, and how Y/N always ends up dead. "... the most recent one was last night. It was a bit different from the other ones."
"How so?" Y/N inquires.
Draco laughs a little, "Well, there were twins in the dream. A baby girl and boy. They looked exactly like me."
"Twin babies?" she exclaims, "Your twin babies?" Y/N chuckles.
"Ours, I think," he rubs the back of his neck.
Y/N's jaw drops, "What?!"
"Weird, right?"
"Weird? It's downright absurd!" she almost shouts. The thought of having twins with Draco Malfoy clouds her mind. They literally just started dating yesterday. She can't possibly be thinking about having kids with him. Apparently though, he dreamt, or rather, had a nightmare about it.
"That's not the most absurd part," Draco says, his voice more serious now. She raises her eyebrows at him, "You know how I said you always end up dying right in front of me one way or another?"
"Yes?" Y/N prompts, "Oh no," her face falls, "Please don't tell me the babies died too."
He gives her hand a squeeze, "They did," he almost whispers.
"Christ," is all she can mutter. They stay silent for a while, until Y/N speaks up again, "The nightmares, they must mean something right?"
"After the first few, I thought they meant something, then I kept having them but nothing happened in real life. I just shrugged them off."
"Yeah, you're probably right," she nods, although the thought of her getting killed by a man over and over again in Draco's nightmares doesn't sit right with her. He senses her worry, so he interlaces their fingers then brings her hand up to his lips and kisses it softly. His lips linger for a moment longer, then lets go of her hand to place his on the small of her back, turning them both to face the water.
Just then, Cedric Diggory emerges, Cho Chang with him. The crowd erupts in cheers. "Woohoo! Go Cedric!" Y/N claps along.
Viktor Krum comes up next, and to Y/N's surprise, Hermione is with him. They, too, get to the dock and the people start chanting "Krum, Krum, Krum."
Finally, Ron and a younger blonde Beauxbaton girl surfaces. Draco hums, "That must be who Fleur Delacour should've saved."
"Must be," Y/N agrees, "But where's Harry?"
"Lollygagging with the Merpeople, perhaps?" Draco chuckles. She gives him a glare and he puts his arm around her shoulders, "It's Potter. No matter how incompetent he is, he always ends up fine."
"That's very reassuring. Thanks," she rolls her eyes.
"You're quite welcome," he winks.
Damn it that wink makes me weak, she curses herself for thinking like that.
"Look," Draco points at the water, "He's alive."
Y/N turns her gaze down. Harry shot through the air and landing on the deck where the crowds are.
"Thank god," she runs down to the lowest platform to meet with Harry. Draco stays behind, not really wanting to congratulate his enemy. Y/N She reaches the platform and gives Harry a hug. "I got worried. I didn't think you'd make it."
Harry chuckles, "I didn't think I'd make it either."
She looks around to find Cedric to congratulate him but sees him conversing with Cho. Not wanting to disrupt the two, she decides to just talk to Cedric later in the common room.
Draco and Y/N walk together, headed to the Great Hall for dinner.
"You should eat with me," Draco suggests.
Y/N looks at him confused, "Why?"
"Why not?"
"People would talk," she deadpans. Is he being serious right now?
"So? People talk any way," he takes her hand in his, "If I want to eat dinner with my girl, I think I should be able to do that."
His girl. I like the sound of that, she thinks. "Alright, fine. I'll sit at the Slytherin table with you. Wouldn't your little side chick get jealous, though?" she smirks at him.
Draco scoffs, "Bold of you to assume you're not a side chick either," he teases.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I better go and eat with the Weasley twins then," she winks.
His face scrunches in disgust, "Out of all the guys you choose to be with on the side, you pick the ginger jesters?"
She mocks him and sticks her tongue out, "What? They're hot."
"I'm way hotter, though," he says in her ear.
Y/N shrugs her shoulders, "No argument here."
When they enter the Great Hall, Draco suddenly takes her hand. He leads them to the Slytherin table and already, students' eyes are on them. Y/N tries to hide the blush on her cheeks. It disappeared completely, however, when she sees Pansy giving her a death glare. Y/N smirks triumphantly at this as she and Draco sit next to each other, across from Pansy and her group.
Pansy slams both hands on the table, "What are you doing here, blood traitor?"
"Parkinson," Draco warns.
"I came here to eat with my boyfriend, Pugface," Y/N makes a face as if to say 'try me.'
"You've a got a lot of nerve showi-"
"Do you ever shut up?" Y/N cuts her off, "Honestly you keep opening your mouth and it's always the same old boring shit that comes out of it. You're like a broken record, all screechy and annoying."
Heads turn to her direction. Blaise is smirking, Millicent Bulstrode's jaw dropped, and a few other Slytherins are listening in, eagerly watching in case a fight erupts.
"Don't you have anything to say besides calling me a 'blood traitor' and a 'pathetic little Hufflepuff'? No? I didn't think so," she continues.
Pansy huffs, "Girls, let's go," she stands to leave. Tracey and Daphne look at each other, hesitant to leave. "Come on then!" she gestures to the door.
Tracey speaks up, "I think we'd like to stay and eat."
"Y-yeah. We're good Pansy. You can storm off without us tonight," Daphne agrees.
"Traitors," Pansy spat before walking away.
The two girls look to Y/N, they all start to laugh and giggle.
"That was awesome," Daphne says.
Tracey nods, "We've never disagreed with Pansy before."
Y/N smiles at them, "Always a first for everything," she turns to Draco, "I really didn't expect that."
"I'm just glad she's gone," he replies with his mouth full, "I thought I was gonna have to suffer through a meal with her face constantly making me want to vomit."
Blaise cuts in, "I think I'll be the one vomiting if you keep chewing with your mouth open like that."
Draco throws a piece of ham at him, causing a mini food fight to occur.
They all enjoy the rest of their dinner, laughing and talking. Draco looks at Y/N as she laughs with his friends. Her smile giving him butterflies. Of course he'll never admit that out loud.
It's so easy, he thinks, She fits right into my world.
Next Chapter->
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cross-d-a · 4 years
fic tag game
aaahhh @vishcount thank you for tagging me!!! These are so fun and I adored reading about your fic journey~!  ೖ(⑅σ̑ᴗσ̑)ೖ ❤
OH as a note!! For the ppl I tag at the end I don’t expect you to read all of this bc it’s A Lot!!! but I figured you might want to do this game yourself? haha :)
Name: cross-d-a shortened version of my first ever username. unfortunately stuck with it now haha but i’m fond of it :p wish it was cuter tho!!
Posting the rest of this under the cut so it doesn’t eat up people’s dashes!! 
oKAY YIKES there are....honestly too many too name. I’ve got a short and obsessive attention span so it’s either all or nothing with me usually. When I can stay in a fandom for a long period of time it’s a miracle. I’ll name the bigger ones that I’ve all written fic for! Even if I’ve never posted them haha
Right now I’m very firmly into Daomu Biji (dmbj). It feels like it’s both got a crap ton of content and yet barely anything at all haha. Maybe because the English fandom is so small. But at least there are a bunch of dramas and books!!! I really, really, really adore dmbj so much!! And a large part of that is the fandom!!! It's been a really cool and unique experience! Everyone in it is truly so kind and wonderful, and I’ve made some really incredible friends because of it (looking at you vish!! ❤). I’ve got a bunch of wips, but I’ve only posted two fics for dmbj!
Before this I was very into Guardian and mdzs. MDZS was my first foray into cdramas and Guardian’s Zhu Yilong really suckered me into watching more haha I also have fics for both these fandoms!
My very first fandoms were Fullmetal Alchemist, D. Gray-Man and Naruto. My very old ffnet account has fics for these and I’ve got a bunch of newer wips on my tablet. Then Star Trek, Twilight, BBC Merlin, Sherlock, Death Note, Harry Potter, How to Train Your Dragon, Battlestar Galactica, Avatar the Last Airbender and Marvel were a few of my main ones in high school. Plus a bunch of anime (like Fruits Basket! and Kuroshitsuji and Natsume Yuujinchou). 
Then college hit and I renewed my childhood love of Tolkien (mainly lotr and the Hobbit), and Star Wars. I also found Teen Wolf! Then after college it was Stranger Things. 
I find myself in a cycle of mild fondness and complete obsession with these fandoms haha I go back to Star Wars at least once a year!! Then I’m in the gffa hole for a few months. Marvel also reoccurs, depending on how interested I am in new content! Star Trek I always always always go back to. TOS is my comfort show and it will never fade from my heart ❤
But for now I’m stuck in cdrama hell and I love it
Time travel, found family, whump+hurt/comfort, fairytale-like elements, resurrective immortality (thanks to a “Nine Lives” Hobbit fic), CROSSOVERS
I’m a slut for all these things so they often worm their way into my plots haha
I also just- love weird premises. I think that’s the anime influencing me haha
Fic I spent most time on: 
My series he leaves sand and stardust in my wake (main fic is hurricane on the edge of oblivion), I have...spent five years on now. I have done so much research for this fic it’s insane. 
The premise is force ghost!Obi-Wan getting shunted back into his tiny 10 year old self. I incorporate a shit ton of legends and I try to stay as canon as possible. I basically want this au to feel like it’s 1000% plausible while still getting all my gay shit. It’s chock full of whump, redemption, found family, minor characters turning into major characters, and I’ve got slavery uprising on the mind, too. It’s just- everything I could ever want to explore in the Star Wars universe basically. 
It’s my first big project. I started doodling and scribbling ideas in the margins of my notebook in my Scottish History class. I adore it so so so much. But, because of my hyperfixation and fleeting intense obsession with things it makes it- really difficult to consistently update. I leave it for months at a time and I am constantly guilt-ridden about it. Because it’s my baby and I have a lot of wonderful readers. I fear I’ll never be able to finish it. Especially since I’ve written so much and I’m still only in the beginning of it. ( ; A ; )
Also, I’ve spent so much time with Xanatos, Feemor and Bruck that they just feel like mine now. I can’t read any fics that involve them, it’s too strange. Which is a damn shame because I love them so much haha OH ALSO!! I think it’s the first really big fic to include those three?? So I’m very proud about that haha (I’ve had so many ppl comment about how they actually Give A Shit about these three and are Invested bc of me haha)
Favorite fic(s) you’ve written: 
hurricane on the edge of oblivion (with nowhere to go) (Star Wars)
My long-term passion project. My love-letter to Star Wars, I suppose. Reading it now I feel like a lot of it is clunky or long-winded, but I think it really shows the foundation of my writing today :) Main characters are Obi-Wan, Xanatos Du Crion, Qui-Gon Jinn, Bruck Chun and Feemor. Eventually we’ll get to Maul, Savage, Feral, Shmi Skywalker, (more!) Ahsoka, Anakin and a shit ton of clones ❤
things we hunger for (Guardian)
My Ye Zun self-indulgent fic. It’s a time travel amnesia Weilanzun! Honestly has some of my fav writing I’ve ever done. It’s so soft and really indulges in the hurt/comfort. It gives Ye Zun the friends and family I think he deserves. Also, he gets to grow into a (mostly!) functional person and I adore him.
the beast that slumbers within your soul (mdzs)
Jiang Cheng centric fic!! I feel like all my favourite fics I’ve written are love letters haha. This is one def my love letter to Jiang Cheng. This fic possessed me for two whole days. I wrote 16k in almost one sitting. I went to sleep at 6 in the morning bc I couldn’t stop writing. And when I drifted off I kept thinking of new ideas so I’d whip out my phone and write down lines and notes. I- have never ever ever felt that way about anything. It was- insane. It felt insane. It was so amazing. I’m still riding the memory of that high.
 Basically Jiang Cheng actually finds Baoshan Sanren and it turns out she’s a fox demon and Jiang Cheng is descended from wolves. It’s- okay I said the fic above this had my favourite writing?? That was a lie. This has my favourite writing I’ve ever done. It’s unfinished bc I am in dmbj hell but I am still excited about the next chapter which features Wei Wuxian’s pov!!
the whispers of spirits (dmbj)
My current passion project. In a way it kinda feels similar to hurricane? Bc multiple povs, incorporating different aspects of canon (we’ll get there!! I promise!), shit ton of research, etc. etc. I really really really love it for so many reasons. I’m basically taking all the things I was unsatisfied with in Reboot and Sha Hai and running with it. Found family and whump galore! It’s also a love letter to the women of dmbj who really deserve so so so much better.
Honourable mention to:
One Day (you’ll have given more of yourself than is meant to be taken) (Marvel)
This fic also kinda possessed me. I just- couldn’t get rid of the idea of a trans!Thor. And I mean a mtf Thor! It’s just? So many people look at Thor and go “that’s a Real Man.” Full stop. They never think there could be anything more, and it really really really bothered me. So I wrote out my feelings. I’m not trans. I don’t have that experience at all. I’ve had issues and confusion about my gender but nothing like this. I just wanted to do justice to this idea of Thor in my head. And I still feel a bit nervous having posted it. But I've gotten so many comments from people who really connected with what I’ve written? So I’m very very thankful I wrote it and it has a very special place in my heart. It’s a very cathartic fic.
Fic I spent least time on: 
Probably we rise (Star Wars) and I think it shows haha. I wrote it in response to Dave Filoni posting a drawing of Ahsoka and Gandalf telling her “People thought I was dead, too, and look how that turned out...” So I incorporated Ahsoka (and Din and Grogu and Ezra!!!) into the ending of Rise of Skywalker, kinda explaining how I think they could all still be alive. :)
Longest fic: 
hurricane is my longest fic (159k) but I’m kinda worried whispers will eclipse that.....
Shortest fic: 
Of my posted ones it’s The Five Moments it Took Tony and Scott to Admit They Were Best Friends (and the first time they ever did), currently clocks at 1.6k. It’s unfinished tho so maybe that doesn’t count.... otherwise it’s we rise which is completed and 2k.
Most hits/kudos/comments/bookmarks: 
hurricane overall has the most of all these. Though I don’t think hits counts as much bc it’s multi-chapter. If you discount multi-chapter stuff, most hits goes to my obikin smutfic Homecoming, bc people are horny af haha
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: 
If I had energy I’d like to rewrite the beginning of hurricane bc it feels so so wordy. I’d want to expand on One Day bc I really would like to write a whole series with trans!Thor. And like- I’d really like the focus to finish any of my WIPs.
Share a bit of a WIP: I really wanna share my Guardian/dmbj crossover that I started back in August. Bc I adore the idea of wu xie&shen wei&ye zun triplets! Plus time travel!!! I dunno if I’ll ever finish it tho ( ; A ; ) It just feels like a lot to deal with right now.
This scene takes place during the Mountain Awl arc. Guardian crew and desperado fam run across each other at the village! Wu Xie has recently found out that he’s adopted and he’s searching for answers in the area Sanshu originally found amnesiac!toddler!Wu Xie in :) Gonna pull two snippets bc I’m v excited and this might be the only time anyone else sees this fic haha:
“Oh?” Pangzi focuses on Yunlan now, lips twisting. “You think I’ve ‘got the wrong guy,’ huh?” He laughs, but it’s not a nice sound. “That’s rich! Are you that cocky or are you just stupid?”
Bristling, Yunlan drops his hands and scowls. “Excuse me?”
“Sir,” Shen Wei tries. “I think—”
Pangzi’s eyes snap back to Shen Wei, sharp and blazing. “How dare you fucking steal his face!”
Automatically, Zhao Yunlan turns to Shen Wei, but the professor looks just as shell-shocked as Zhao Yunlan feels which- is seriously something. Since everything about Shen Wei is so carefully controlled, kept to the minimum. Except for those delightful little smiles that bloom across his lovely face, or the startled little bursts of laughter that fall from his lips. Or even when anger and frustration spark across his features, cracking his calm veneer open enough that he can see a glimmer of what lies beneath, the fire in those eyes. Zhao Yunlan delights in those moments, makes a game of making Shen Wei’s control slip.
He tells himself it’s nothing more than a game. Nothing more than trying to find out what makes Shen Wei tick.
Zhao Yunlan’s always been very bad at lying to himself. Or very good. Depending on who you’re asking.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Yunlan splutters.
But before anyone can say anything else, a very familiar voice calls:
“Pangzi? What’s wrong?”
Yunlan can feel Shen Wei stiffen, and Yunlan himself is pulled to that voice like a planet in orbit, like the inevitable plummet to the ground.
Another shadow wavers in the doorway before it steps out onto the dirt. Light illuminates shaggy hair, limning it gold, sharply casting everything else in shadow. But as the figure nears, the contrast softens until Yunlan can see the newcomer’s face properly and- and—
“Wu Xie!” Pangzi growls. “We’ve got ourselves an impostor!”
The man wearing Shen Wei’s face steps up to them, brows furrowed and mouth pulled down into a sharp frown. He glances between them, eyes landing on Shen Wei. His scowl deepens. He opens his mouth, but then—
“Wu Xie?” Shen Wei breathes, all trembly and lost and hopeless.
Heart in his throat, Yunlan turns to Shen Wei again. Turns and flinches at that stricken look upon Shen Wei’s pale pinched face.
“A-Xie?” Shen Wei chokes. “Didi?”
Pangzi snorts. “Professor?”
“I-it’s true!”
Startled Yunlan swings his attention over to Jiajia who clenches her backpack to her chest, face screwed up in admirable determination. “P-professor Shen took me and Xiao Quan on a field trip to investigate an archeological site around here!”
“Oh?” Wu Xie drawls all slow and amused. “Well, what a coincidence. We’re archeologists, too.”
“With guns?” Yunlan bites out.
Wu Xie raises a brow, grin full of teeth. “Well, you can never be too prepared.”
“Right,” Yunlan drawls right back. “Are you a professor, too, then? You come here with your students?”
Wu Xie outright grins. “You could say that, I suppose.”
Out of the corner of his eye, one of the men rolls his eyes. He’s the one with sharp features, glasses and looped earbuds. Does he think it’s appropriate to listen to music at a time like this? Yunlan admires the man’s gall.
aahhhh vish thanks so much again for tagging me!! This was so fun to relive my fic memories!! I’m gonna tag @alwaysaslutforshakespeare @jockvillagersonly @tehfanglyfish @lichelleme @undyingsunshine @humanlighthouse  @thewindsofsong I’m curious about your guys’ writing and fandom journey!! As always, no pressure to actually complete this!! I just thought it was fun ❤
Wow if you read all of this I am very humbled and impressed, thank you!!
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