#i watched so many tiktoks for this
jaeyxns · 2 months
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Jake ★ EN-O'Clock Ep. 96
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fcthots · 10 months
thinking about childhood best friends to lovers jason. who spent hours in the school library with you, laughing and whispering over textbooks. who took you to prom, because you didn’t have a date and definitely not because he was in love with you. who let you drive his car when you got your license. who refused to let you take the bus as soon as he could drive.
jason, who only applied to colleges you also applied to, so that he wouldn’t have to go to school without you. who convinced bruce to let him have an apartment off-campus, so you could stay with him. who made sure he was in all the same classes as you. who made sure you were never out alone after dark. who helped you study for all of your exams. who took care of you when the flu was going around campus.
jason, who never lets you move out. who reads to you when you get home from a long day at work, your head in his lap. who washes your makeup off for you when you’re too tired. who cooks for you every night and makes sure you have coffee ready when you get up every morning.
jason, who finally asks you out over breakfast one morning. who takes you on dates every friday night. who never misses an anniversary or birthday, who takes you out every valentine’s day. who never shuts up about how lucky he is to have you to anyone who will listen.
- 🍓 (apologies for how long this is, i’m sick and have been thinking extensively)
but I've been angsting it.
Because you pick colleges together, but he never gets to go. He lets you drive in his $200,000 car that you were always scared of scratching, but he would reassure you and say he'd fix any damage. That same car was left unused for years. He takes you to prom and you keep the flowers, but you end up leaving the dead flowers at his grave. You would look at two-bedroom apartments together and now you're moving into a single bedroom apartment in the building you always wanted to live in together. He used to write you notes in class which would almost get you caught. Now you wished you saved those notes. The books he used to read to you, you now can't hear quotes from, lest you start crying. He used to help you study for everything and now you swear you don't know how to study alone.
Jason was with you practically every second of every day. What are you supposed to do without him. It's not that there's just a hole in your life. The center of your universe is gone.
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I really do need platonic stobin’s next job to be at a sex shop. Them sitting on the counter and eating the busted shipment of edible panties during their lunch break. Them lamenting about their failed love conquests to a background chorus of vibrating silicone dongs. Them pointing out all the plot holes in the softcore porno that’s been stuck in the vcr for the last two weeks.
Platonic sex shop employees stobin could cure my deeply rooted trauma and no one can convince me otherwise.
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tricoufamily · 6 months
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we're rewatching a television show. doing irreparable damage to my spotify wrapped rn
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 1 month
At a certain point blaming the school system for failing to teach you every fact becomes an excuse to absolve yourself from learning on your own time as an adult. Maybe you had bad teachers and curricula, maybe you never did the assigned reading, maybe you were taught propaganda, but it’s okay to start now. It’s okay to learn geography from online games. It’s okay to get entry level books from the library on a subject. It’s okay to explore Wikipedia and other reputable websites as a start. You can learn as an adult. You should continue learning as an adult.
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shamsshamousa · 1 month
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I was Happier Before I Became Queen
I just love doomed tragic couples, nothing to see here.
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cuntela · 19 days
Billford. This is literally about Billford
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catherine-sketches · 8 months
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♥️💙💜Fizzarolli, Queen of Lust 💜💙♥️
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watanabes-cum-dump · 1 year
I saw someone somewhere say that not all the Aphrodite kids are “conventionally” attractive AND I WILL STAND BY THAT!!!!
Because yes!!! They’re not all white and skinny there’s gotta be some variety. They’re the children of the goddess of love and beauty, self love is a given. Confidence makes the most beautiful people.
Like even if some of them have braces or acne or whatever, I know they’re all beautiful and charming like it’s the vibes you know? People try so hard to make braces seem awkward but some of the prettiest girls I know have braces and they LOVE to laugh and show them off.
I also just know the Aphrodite boys are ACTUALLY CLEAN. They all actually wear chapstick, put on deodorant, brush their teeth and T A K E B A T H S. Nothing is more attractive than a man that actually washes his ass let me tell you.
What makes all the Aphrodite kids beautiful is that they’re all confident, there’s no way all of them have pretty baby blues or the metabolism of fucking cheetahs. And I just know they’re supportive like come on. Hot bitches don’t gate keep
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thepunkmuppet · 4 months
mcr might be a surprise band at download…. the weekend before my birthday…. here in the uk…. this is fine it’s fine I’m fine
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gelly-fsh · 6 months
Diary of a (smitten) Mariachi
I've been having all types of thoughts about Mariachi James Potter, like you cannot honestly tell me that he would not thrive in it. I think his grandfather would have been a famous Mariachi and he just taught James how to sing and how to play the guitar.
When he was in Uni, he didnt want to depend solely in his parents money so he decided to put his grandpa's lessons in good use and start a small business out of it with a couple of friends and cousins that lived in the same city. They got pretty famous, especially when his cousin Mary decided to do a YouTube channel and a Tiktok account for the band.
And look, in the 3 years he has been doing this, he has come across some weird and scandalous shit. Until now his favorite was when a dude hired them to serenade his wife (apparently they had a fight) but when the woman didn't appear in her balcony the guy was so mad he asked them to come with him to go and serenade his mistress instead.
Yeah, fun times. At least that girl did love it.
Today, they had a morning job for a birthday. The guy who hired him (Barty, if he remembers correctly) gave him a rundown of what he wanted to happen, and James knew almost instantly this was one of those prank serenades. He hoped this Regulus guy didn't beat the shit out of anyone for waking him up with guitars and trumpets.
When they arrived to the house address, he could see they guy that he must assume is Barty waiting for them outside with a mischievous grin on his face.
"I gather that you're James Potter no?" The guy asked
"Pleasure to meet you" James said, shaking his hand "are you Barty?"
"The one and only" Barty confirmed. He quickly explained that his friend Regulus would be waking up in half an hour, so they had to be quick going upstairs (the house was fucking gigantic). When they were outside the door, all of them started to prepare their instruments and do a last check up on their clothes (Mary fixed James hat bc apparently it got crooked). He could see Barty taking out his phone, most probably to start recording everything, and then they went inside the room.
From the first notes of the trumpets and the violins, James could see clearly how the boy that was before sleeping so peacefully jump up so high he almost rolled out of the bed. But when he raised his head to see them, James breath hitched in astonishment.
That had to be the most prettiest boy he has ever seen.
Even bleary-eyed, with a dry trail of drool on his chin, and sheet marks in his cheeks, James could only think that he would really like to sing every love song ever invented to him, isn't that crazy?
"Estas son las mañanitas que cantaba el Rey David..." (This are the mornings that the King David sang about) James started as normally, he has sang Las Mañanitas a thousand times, the Vicente Fernandez version being one of the most popular, but James just didn't want to sing that one, it was to impersonal, so he just decided to throw the protocol out of the window and sing the version he really wanted.
"A los muchachos bonitos, se las cantamos aquí" (To the pretty boys, we sing it to them here)
"Si el Sereno de la esquina me quisiera hacer favor, de apagar su linternita mientras que pasa mi Amor" (If the watchman in the corner would be so kind, of turning off his little lamp while my Love passes by) He could feel the gazes of all the band members piercing through his skull, and for a moment James thought that maybe he shouldn't have sang the more romantic version of Las Mañanitas with a band full if family members and friends who could understand Spanish, he was fucked for the next family reunion, but Regulus face when he saw him sing made it worth it.
Remnants of sleep still filled his eyes, and when the song started he was in the middle of cursing Bartys whole bloodline out, but when he locked eyes with him, James could perfectly see how Regulus entire face turned into a beautiful shade of cherry red. He just sat in his bed with his gaze fixed on James while he sang about birds singing and the Moon hiding out, giving way to the beautiful morning that resided in his eyes.
"Si no estas enamorado, enamoráte de mi" (if you're not in love, fall in love with me) he sang with a small smile in his face, and he delighted himself by how Regulus face went even more red.
He sang the rest of the song effortlessly, and when he finished, James and all of band did a small bow in Regulus direction.
"Happy Birthday Mr. Regulus" James said with a soft smile on his face.
"Eh- ehm thank you" Regulus responded, sounding awfully flustered.
"Well that was no fun, you didn't even make that much of a fuss" Barty whined on the other side of the room "I bring you your favorite Mariachi as a present and you couldn't even give me more drama?, please Reg" James could exactly pinpoint the moment Barty realized he fucked up, did Regulus already knew James?
"BARTY!" Regulus hissed out, throwing a pillow that landed directly in Bartys face.
"You are a fan of ours?" James asked surprised, Regulus type was not exactly their normal audience
"You could say that..." Regulus mumbled
"He has watched all of the videos where you are and-" another pillow was thrown to Bartys face, the beautiful color red coming backbto Regulus cheeks.
"Well I am honored" James chuckled softly, before deciding that he might as well be bold, even if it was deeply unprofessional "Its not all days I find out such a beautiful boy is a fan of what I do"
The compliment got him exactly what he wanted, which was a small gasp and more of that beautiful blushing, oh he was down bad. Regulus opened his mouth to say something, but Mary used that moment to (rudely) interrupt them
"I am deeply sorry to interrupt, but today we have another job in the other side of the city, so we should get going" Mary interjected softly, looking a mixture of amused and regretful (as she should be, why is he interrupting hid attempts to woo the love of his life???) "Happy Birthday again Mr. Regulus"
All the band echoed the congratulations, before softly taking the instruments and leaving the room. James almost wished Barty had payed for more than one song. Mournfully, he gave Regulus one last glance before tipping down his hat and saying "Happy Birthday, Amapolita dorada" before leaving the room.
While going down the stairs, he was being teased by Mary and the others about how obvious his little crush was and how annoyed they where that he changed the song version at the last minute (they were not really, but they do sure liked to whine).
It was not until he was going out the door that he heard frantical footsteps going down the stairs, and James just stood there at the door, hope filling his heart when he saw Regulus disheveled form looking at him.
"Listen, I probably am reading the situation wrong but-" Regulus said breathlessly "If you like, wanted to go out or something..."
James never accepted something so fast in his life "absolutely, I want to see you again"
He could hear Regulus breath hitch, breathing out a soft "Oh, well" before pressing a piece of paper in James chest "it's my number, text me ok?"
"Oh I will" James smile was blinding, he got the interest and the number of one of the most handsome guys he has ever seen, and he was not wasting this golden opportunity so easily. In an act of chivalry (and maybe stupidity) he softly took Regulus hand and slowly took it to his lips, leaving a soft kiss in the dorsum of his hand "Until we meet again, Regulus"
"Until then, James" Regulus sounded breathless, and James smirked in delight at the knowledge that Regulus did know him before the performance.
Since then, everyone could see that James Potter sang love songs with a bit more sweetness to it, as if really really knew what he was singing about. With the beautiful muse that he had, how could he not?
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mundifinis · 2 years
i pray the day never comes when tiktok discovers gregg araki's films (specifically the teenage apocalypse trilogy ones) because the amount of discourse i can already picture.... oh my god
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overtake · 4 months
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Josh Allen’s Life On And Off The Field
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satinstowaway · 2 years
been thinking about zoscar lately. been thinking about loveless aromanticism and relationship dynamics that differ from the 'norm' and the fact that zolf and wilde never said i love you to each other but they didn't have to for us to understand just how much they care for each other. thinking about how they probably don't have the words that we have to describe their relationship. no queerplatonic, no aromantic, no asexual. thinking about how despite the fact that both of them are writers, putting their feelings into words has never been their strong suit. thinking about how maybe it doesn't have to be; maybe they don't have to say i love you to mean it, to mean something like it. maybe they can just say "i missed you yesterday" or "i made you breakfast" or "i fixed the button on your coat" or "i know you're having a bad day today so i'm just going to sit with you and not say anything to let you know i'm here for you" or "shall i read to you" or "you always oversalt your food" or "almost lost you" or "we've got this" or "i need you".
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bnhatrashsideblog · 2 months
If you think of it, many of the people in this fandom keep proving Monoma right and making his character have so much sense- like guys, class 1-B is not the lesser class. They aren't weaker than class 1-A, the classes weren't assigned by strength or anything like that. The only difference between the two classes is that the fucking MC is in one of them, which automatically makes them the center of attention. If Midoriya got assigned to class 1-B then no one would fucking think they're lesser than class 1-A lol.
"How Hagakure/Mineta/whatever got in class 1-A?" girl the question is how they got in the hero course, not class 1-A (which is a talk for another post, not this one). Them being in class 1-A doesn't mean they're automatically stronger than everyone in class 1-B
#Like I'm so fucking SICK of everyone still acting like class 1-B is weaker than class 1-A which is NOT#The manga si nearly done so fucking grow already#Monoma is so right to throw shade at class 1-A like. They're good too. They deserve recognition too#Not class 1-B's fault no villain attacks them looool#I don't know if is something actually confirmed or not but I think half the students were put in class 1-A cuz that was Aizawa's class and#he could erase their quirks in case of something. Many quirks in class 1-A are lowkey dangerous if your control on them is shit#Todoroki? Bakugou? Aoyama? Kaminari? Midoriya? Tokoyami? Damn even Iida if you think of it. Ashido. Like someone needs to be able to#'restrain' them if something happens. I don't remember being any destructive quirk on class 1-B not on that lvl anyway. Not something that#Vlad King couldn't control on his own#So yeah. Get off your white horse and open your fucking eyes#Class 1-a = Class 1-b#Sorry guys but the fandom on TikTok is slowly killing me#Like I dropped the manga after the whole villain arc and I still know as much how is so hard to understand#And gosh don't get me started on people thinking Shinso got transferred from class 1-B to class 1-A DID WE WATCH THE SAME SHOW#His whole deal was him being in a general course??? And not having a flashy/strong quirk???? How the fuck would you expect him to be in a#heroic class when their exam was DESTROYING ROBOTS when his quirk is literally BRAINWASHING PEOPLE#He only joined that exercise between classes cuz at that point the school was scouting him for a transfer in the heroic course#And he joined both classes didn't he? He participated twice
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rnoonjelly · 9 months
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Watching the Trolls movies. Obsessed with the evil Betty Spaghetty dolls
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