#i went into this with open ears and an open heart
obsesssedblerd · 1 day
“How about Christmas?” 
At your question, Kento Nanami scoffs, but smiles nonetheless. “A wedding on Christmas Day? Love, that sounds so chaotic that I would’ve thought Satoru Gojo came up with that.” 
“Okay, then, what about the day after Christmas?” You hurriedly scribble a new date into your notebook full of plans, looking up at him with excited eyes. “Everyone will still have those feel-good vibes from opening presents the day before, and then get to see us get married!” You hold up your hand for the umpteenth time that evening, showing off the gorgeous diamond that rests on your fourth finger. 
“If a wedding around Christmas is what you want, sweetheart, then you’ll have it,” Kento says quietly, his eyes soft with adoration. 
You press a kiss to his cheek, then remember something. “Ooh! Let’s take a picture!” You grab the camera that Shoko got you for your birthday, then turn it around so it’s capturing you and Kento’s faces. Both of you smile and prepare for the flash. Once it shutters, a 2x3 photo prints out. You wait patiently for it to develop, then gently tape it to your notebook and draw a heart around it.
“I hope you know I’m going to take a million of these.” 
Kento laughs. “I’m looking forward to it.” 
Your eyes slowly peel open as the dream fades away. His laugh still echoes in your ears. The house is quiet, still, and dark. Exhaustion and heartbreak weigh your body down, making it almost impossible to get out of bed. You check the date and time on your phone, ignoring the large number of missed calls from your colleagues at Jujutsu High, and the full voicemail inbox. 
Next to your phone is your notebook and pen. It’s still open, showing the page with your wedding plans, and the photo of you and Kento. You blink your bleary eyes, then grab your pen with a shaky hand. 
November 5th, you write. It’s still not a nightmare. 
Tears land on the paper in wet splashes, and like every morning since you’ve received the awful news, you sob into your pillow. No matter how much you hope, this won’t be a nightmare you can wake up from. 
You won’t take any more photos with Kento, kiss him on your wedding day or spend another holiday with him. Because on Halloween night, he went on a mission, and he didn't make it home.
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megalony · 2 days
Wait And See
This is a new Jake Seresin imagine, requested by anon, sorry it's taken me so long to get round to this. I hope you will all like it.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyje @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra848484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana @shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost @lunaroserites @houseoftwistedspirits @callsignwidow @winterreader-nowwriter @reneinii @bellsbomb @western-pyro @itsgigikay @harry-satellite @midsummereve1993 @babyqueen17 @buckyyyismahhlife @sammiejane22
Summary: When Jake's wife finally goes into labour, it's a long and hard few days. But it's all worth it in the end.
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Jake slumped his signature helmet on his head, letting it slide further down one side of his temple when his chin tucked down into his chest. He focused on doing up the buttons on his beige uniform that made him blend into the background of the base.
His boots thundered against the concrete floor and created an echo once he was out in the open, making his way towards his plane. Once the buttons were aligned, Jake fiddled with the cuffs of his sleeves and rolled them part-way up his arms so they didn't chafe.
He felt a hand pat his back rather forcefully between his shoulders and he glanced to the right as the jolt set his helmet jostling on his head.
"You actually going to play fair today, hangman? Or are you leaving us out to dry?"
He cocked a brow at Phoenix as she patted his back once again before she picked up the pace to hurry ahead of him, Bob trailing along behind her like a shadow.
"Depends what kind of mess you get into up there." He shrugged his shoulders and veered over to the right.
It suited Jake to fly solo. He didn't do well with someone sitting behind him calling out the orders or the locations, he couldn't be doing with Bob in the back of his plane chattering in his ear. Jake understood they needed to work as a team and working in pairs was part of the job, but he was relieved he could always fly solo. He preferred being the one in control and not having to deal with someone sitting behind him chattering through his ear.
The conversations through the earphones was quite sufficient for Jake.
With his helmet finally secured and the strap clipped beneath his chin, he held his breath and climbed up into his plane. Noticing the rest of the Dagger squad aiming for their respective but matching planes.
They were going out on a training exercise. Maverick was, yet again, pushing them as far as he could to make them efficient and ready for whatever mission they were given next. Training kept them sharp and made them all work better as a unit.
Once he was seated, Jake tried to get comfy and found his gloves from his pocket. He shrugged them on and clipped his harness on before he started up the engine. He had done safety checks this morning.
As much as he loved being out on missions and taking the dangerous challenges they were handed, being at the base was much more preferred for him right now. It meant Jake could go home each night and be home with (Y/n). It meant he got to kiss her goodbye in the morning and spend limited days off with her.
And now it ensured that Jake was going to be around when (Y/n) went into labour.
They had both panicked that Jake would be shipped off on a long mission or a tour by the time she reached nine months pregnant. The last thing (Y/n) wanted was to have their baby on her own, and Jake didn't want to miss the birth of his first child. He had missed enough of the scans and (Y/n)'s appointments to make him feel guilty. He couldn't miss the birth too.
"Let's get this show in the air."
Jake checked both engines and the fuel light which he knew would be half full since they all fuelled up yesterday. And he clipped the mouth piece onto one side of his helmet, letting it hang loose for a while. He wasn't up in the air yet, he didn't need the oxygen or the microphone.
All the gear didn't help when the heat down here was scorching hot. They all felt like they were flying under a magnifying glass with the sun rays burning down on them until they were roasted alive.
Jake could feel the excitement building up inside of him when the engine fired up and he could see the rest of the team getting ready to take flight. He was ready to take off and have some fun.
Being up in the air always made Jake feel like he should have been born a bird, or become reincarnated as one. He felt so at peace and in control and automatic once he was up in the air. It was second nature to him.
He turned to the right and gave a thumbs up to Phoenix before he pushed up in his seat as much as the harness would allow. He braced himself on his heels and stretched his arm back behind him, reaching for the roof which he promptly slid across. Enclosing himself in the plane like he was in a time capsule about to jet off into time and space.
He landed back in his seat with a thud and a gloved hand gripped the control stick while he flipped a few switches and got ready to take flight.
"Not clear. Repeat, not clear. Seresin, do not take off yet."
"What? Why?"
A frown found its way onto Jake's features as he paused. He hadn't even moved the plane one inch towards the runway. Why were they telling him to stop? All the squad had been cleared to go out this morning for a flight exercise, they shouldn't be stopping.
And why were they telling Jake to stop? Had they told everyone else to stop too?
He looked out the right window and noticed Phoenix staring directly at him, waiting to see if he would suddenly throw up or climb out the plane. Clearly she hadn't been told to stop, she was assuming there was a problem with Jake.
"What's the problem?" Jake tried again, finding his grip tightening while his other hand curled into a fist and pressed against the side of his jaw, propping his head up.
"Seresin, you're grounded. Your schedule's been wiped, go see Maverick."
"What?" Anger tore through his voice that rose in pitch before he ripped off the mask and tossed it down by his feet. He took the time to switch the engines off, suddenly happy and seething that the plane was still in its bay, not having moved an inch.
The more Jake tried to undo his harness, the more it fought against him until he almost snapped the straps over his shoulders to get himself released. He shoved back the roof and clambered up out of his seat, not daring to look across at Phoenix or Bob. He was pretty sure they had heard the conversation over the radio. They would know he was grounded and he didn't want them staring at him as if he was some kid about to be sent to the principal's office.
When Jake clambered down, he spotted Maverick stood near the hanger doors. He had one hand on his hip and his other hand pinning his phone to his ear.
His boots stomped against the floor that was almost cracking under the pressure. His hands balled into fists that shook at his sides as he strode with determination in his steps until he was stood in front of his boss.
What had he done? Why had Jake been benched? Was he being punished for something?
"What the Hell? I was one minute away from taking off-"
"Then I'm glad I caught you before you got up in the air." Maverick placed a hand on Jake's chest to both cut him off and stop him from getting any closer like he was about to start a flight.
He looked down at his phone, clicking it off before he stuffed it into his pocket and moved both his hands to his hips. His expression didn't look angry, although Jake hadn't really seen Maverick when he was in a mood, not like Bradley had. And he didn't look grave or concerned. His expression was almost neutral, as always.
"Forgive me, Hangman, but I thought you wanted to be informed when your wife went into labour." The sarcasm in Maverick's voice was clear and he rose a brow, cocking one hip to the side.
While Jake's expression went from thunder and lightning to panic and confusion that blistered into realisation. His brows momentairely furrowed before his eyes widened and his mouth parted and let his jaw hang loose.
"My- the baby, the baby's coming now?"
This was the call Jake had been waiting for. He had been unusually calm these last few weeks because (Y/n) kept assuring him she felt fine and didn't feel any different. She didn't think she would have the baby early, and now they were thirty-nine weeks along. Jake was starting to think that they might reach their due date or even get past it with how comfortable the baby seemed, making no effort to be born yet.
But this was the call he wanted. To be told (Y/n) had finally gone into labour and he could go home and be with her and have their baby.
"Yes, now. So off you go, we don't expect you back for a week. Good luck." Maverick pointed over his shoulder and finally let a smile crack across his features.
It wouldn't of hurt to let Jake go on the flying exercise this morning and then tell him once he landed, but Maverick knew him. He knew Jake would want to be told as soon as (Y/n) made the call to them and if that meant stopping him just as he was about to take off, then so be it. Jake wanted to be with (Y/n) from the beginning to the end and hold her hand and keep her calm. So he had to go home.
Jake's fingers tore through his hair and he took a shuddering breath, about to bolt inside before a thought hit him and had him turning on his heels. He looked towards the squad, all lined up and about to take off, except they were watching him to make sure he was alright and see what was happening.
He threw his arms in the air, a wide smile spread across his face and yelled "Baby!" into the air, mouthing correctly to make sure the team could read his lips. Although the ecstatic look on his reddened face and the way he started to pelt inside gave away what he was doing.
He was going to have a baby.
(Y/n) leaned forward until her lower back was arched out and her hands were planted down on the bed to prop herself up. She bit down on her lip to swallow down a groan and tried to wait out the sharp pain that tore through her abdomen and around her hips that were aching by now.
When it finally stopped, she opened her eyes and looked down at her phone next to her on the bed. She could feel a sob bubbling up in her throat and her lower lip wobbled.
The contractions were twenty minutes apart. It felt like they were getting further apart rather than closer together. Surely it shouldn't be taking this long? Was this fair? Should this be happening so slowly?
Her back pain had been consistent, but her contractions were still just less than half an hour apart. She thought for sure that it had only been ten minutes since her last contraction. She knew she shouldn't be so het up about timing them, but she wanted them to be closer together. Every contraction made her cry with how slow they were becoming.
She thought when she called the base to let Jake know the contractions were happening that once he got home, things might move a bit faster. She prayed things would take a speedier turn. Jake may as well have stayed at the base, things weren't progressing as steadily as they hoped.
It was starting to get late, but (Y/n) already knew she wasn't going to get any sleep. She was too uncomfortable and the contractions would only wake her up or disrupt her. Keeping busy was what she needed to do.
She wanted the contractions to speed up and for labour to get moving, she didn't want to be stuck waiting around for the pains to hit and for her back to keep seizing up like this. (Y/n) didn't like waiting.
She reached out for the bag in the middle of the bed and launched it off the bed, across the room. They didn't need it yet. They didn't need the hospital bag (Y/n) had packed last month. Her contractions were nowhere near together and her water hadn't broken yet. They wouldn't be at the hospital anytime soon and that thought made tears burn into her face.
"Baby… is it a contraction?" Jake jingled the watch on his wrist, trying to remember when the last contraction was.
He slowly padded across the carpet until he was stood beside her and his teeth sank down into his lower lip when he looked ahead and noticed the hospital bag strewn on the floor.
"We're down a few more minutes then."
"It's not enough! I- I want them to hurry up."
(Y/n) hated to whine but she couldn't help it. At this rate they would still be home tomorrow morning. Jake had a week off for when the baby was born, he was likely to be back at work before she even had the baby if things continued at this slow pace.
A soft smile crept onto Jake's face and he slowly reached out for (Y/n). He looped her arms around his neck and turned her so she was facing him, allowing her to tuck her face into the crook of his neck.
"I know, darlin', but we've got time. They'll be here soon." Their baby was in no rush at the moment and they would just have to wait and see if things would speed up soon. Jake would contact the hospital in a while if nothing happened by morning, but for now they had to bide their time.
He felt how tightly her arms clung to his neck and and each harsh breath that fanned into his shirt tickled his sternum. He smoothed his hand up and down the middle of her back while his right hand cupped the back of her neck and he peppered kisses against the top of her head.
"I'll have no energy left." (Y/n) mumbled into his chest while he started to sway them from side to side.
"Yes you will, baby. You're gonna be just fine, I promise."
(Y/n) wanted labour to go swiftly and easily and have no complications or problems along the way. And (Y/n) wanted to be selfish and wish for the process to speed up. But she knew with it being her first, the chances were higher that it would take a while. She thought she had been prepared for waiting, but it was starting to get tiresome.
"It's late, why don't we sit down." When (Y/n) nodded, Jake carefully nudged her backwards until the back of her knees hit the bed. His hands stayed on her hips and he helped ease her down so she was sat on the edge of the bed but he winced when she groaned.
Her head flopped forward and her hands started to rake up and down her thighs, scratching into her skin as she arched her back out to try and release the tension.
Once she was sat down, Jake kissed the top of her head and moved round her to pick up the bag from the floor. They might not need it right this second, but they would need it soon. He placed it by the bedroom door, ready for when it was time to go.
"How you feeling?" Jake's voice was gritty and rough like his throat was made of sandpaper and each word tickled the shell of (Y/n)'s ear and made her shiver.
She felt his hand begin to trace up and down her stomach again and she almost smiled when he nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck.
(Y/n) wasn't sure how long they had been laid here like this, but she knew it was long enough to make her legs go numb and make her worry that she wouldn't be able to walk once they finally got up. The pair of them were laid in bed, the tv blurring on in the background. She wasn't sure what film or tv show was playing; she only knew that she had turned the volume down twice in the last hour or so.
It was distracting. (Y/n) hadn't managed more than half an hour or sleep at a time and she knew most of the night, Jake had stayed awake with her. Every now and then she would hear his breathing deepen or he would start to snore lightly, but he soon woke up.
"A bit sick." (Y/n) saw no point in lying to him and pretending she felt fine when really, her stomach was churning and she wasn't sure if she would throw up.
But she took comfort in Jake's hand tracing patterns up and down her stomach while his right arm had gone numb long ago, laid beneath (Y/n)'s neck like an extra pillow.
He wasn't sure what time it was, he just knew it was late.
When (Y/n)'s water finally broke late on into the evening, Jake stupidly thought this might go a bit quicker. But it didn't. (Y/n) had been in labour for over a day now and it was becoming tiresome. She had barely slept at all through the night and Jake was feeling worse and worse for her, wishing he could do something, anything, to speed up the process.
They couldn't go to the hospital until the contractions were ten minutes apart or less and it was taking forever. Every time (Y/n) had a contraction, she would eagerly look at the clock and then feel like bursting into tears when she realised she wasn't close enough yet.
(Y/n) nuzzled her face into the pillow and brought her knees up higher towards her stomach until she was practically curled up into a ball. Her left hand was curled around Jake's wrist beneath the pillow and she hummed when she felt him begin to pepper kisses along her neck.
They had a bowl on the floor ready in case (Y/n) threw up, which she had done twice since this afternoon. Jake wished he could speed this up for her and make her feel a bit more comfortable, but all he could do for the time being was hold her and hope for the best.
He let his hand slide beneath (Y/n)'s shirt to trace his fingers up and down her stomach. It was crazy to think that in just a few hours, he wouldn't be able to do this anymore. He would finally be able to hold his baby in his arms and see what they looked like.
They would finally see whether they had a girl or a boy, if they had blue eyes or brown and see how big they were and be able to hold them.
(Y/n) sank her teeth down into her lower lip but it didn't do anything to hide her groan. She turned her head and meshed her face into the pillow, clenching her hand around Jake's wrist when a contraction hit, not bothering to stop the tears that soaked into the pillow. Her knees pulled up again and she tensed up and tried to wait it out.
She could feel Jake's hand pause along the bottom of her stomach and instead of drawing patterns, he waited for the pain to subside. He tilted his head up to kiss her jaw and moulded his chest against her back as if trying to merge them into one.
"Can we go now?" (Y/n) tried to keep the hurt out of her voice and she tilted her head to the left to look over at Jake. She felt him lean over her shoulder so he was looking down at her and when his eyes glanced at the bedside clock, a soft look washed over his face.
Jake had been the one keeping track of the contractions for the last hour or so because the waiting was really getting to (Y/n). She had given in and decided to just wait until Jake judged it was the right time to go to the hospital.
"Yeah darlin' we can go now. Let's get hope it won't be much longer, hm?"
He ran his hand across his face to try and wake himself up a bit more before he pushed up so he was sitting up on the bed. It was still rather early into the morning, but it felt like the middle of the night with how tired he was and their lack of sleep last night.
He would have to grab a protein bar and a strong coffee to wake him up for the drive down to the hospital.
Finally, they could go now.
Closing her eyes, (Y/n) rested her temple on Jake's shoulder, relaxing when she felt his lips press to the top of her head. He slowly swayed the pair of them side to side as if they were in the middle of a dance floor instead of a hospital room. It almost felt like they were back home; Jake was forever pulling her into his embrace and trying to dance. Neither of them were particularly good dancers, but they didn't let that stop them.
And his hands danced up and down her hips, squeezing every now and then like he was reminding her he was still here.
She didn't like this part. Waiting around felt like they were waiting for tomorrow to arrive, something that never happened.
The more she thought about it, the more tears she shed and (Y/n) had already cried enough to last a lifetime. Two and a half days, she had been in labour. They had spent the whole of yesterday here in the hospital, waiting for something to happen but it was as if her body had just been put on pause.
She wasn't fully dilated, her contractions were closer together but nothing else was happening. The baby didn't seem bothered about making an appearance. (Y/n) couldn't wait much longer. She wanted the midwife to do something, she would accept them dragging the baby out at this rate if it would make this process end any sooner.
She didn't know what to do with herself. Sitting on the bed made her feel tense and numb but she didn't have much energy to walk around the room anymore. Standing here, swaying in a dance together with Jake was (Y/n)'s last resort.
But she felt better when she was standing and right now, being held up in Jake's arms like this felt comforting. Her back wasn't aching as much, her mind was cloudy but calm and she could handle the pains better whe she was stood like this. It was very relaxing and almost hypnotising.
"Feeling anything?" Jake mumbled against her hair quietly and closed his eyes as he started to rub his hand up and down her back. His other hand stayed curled around her hip and he smiled into her hair when he felt her fingers push into his biceps. She nuzzled her face into his chest, tickling her nose against him and when she pushed her cheek into his shirt, he grinned down into her hair and squeezed her tight.
It was the same question he had been asking for a while now. Asking if she felt a change or the baby moving or some kind of inclination that things were going to progress now.
"Don't think so." (Y/n) responded quietly, not bothering to open her eyes. She took a deep breath, inhaling his scent as she tried to keep her mind focused but if another contraction didn't hit her soon, (Y/n) was going to throw a tantrum.
Jake was becoming restless. He wanted his baby in his arms, cuddled up into his chest already. He wanted to be sat down cradling his newborn. He wanted to be able to kiss them and look down at them and feel them wriggling in his arms rather than just kicking the palm of his hand. Jake wanted to take them home and see them in their crib and show them off to the dagger squad.
He wanted them in his arms now.
(Y/n) kept her arms loosely locked around Jake's neck as he started to sway them again. It was almost methodical and calming, but (Y/n) didn't want to be calm. She would do jumping jacks, she would run or squat and do anything at all to jostle the baby and make her body move faster.
Jake almost drifted off into his own world until (Y/n) tightened her arms around his neck and pushed her head down into his chest.
He silently looked between her and the door when their midwife walked through with a calming smile and a new set of gloves she was pulling over her wrists.
"T-that was a big one," (Y/n) whimpered as she brushed her thumb up and down the back of Jake's neck, gliding across the short hairs that tickled her skin and provided a small distraction. It was as if she could feel each muscle tearing itself apart and contorting into odd shapes to make room for the baby. It was a horrid feeling.
"Shall we get you on the bed and see how you're doing?" The midwife commented as she walked over to the pair of them.
(Y/n) wasn't sure how she managed to get her legs working, but she realised Jake must have been holding up most of her weight. His arms stayed around her waist even as she turned around and she felt his chest gluing up against her back to help her clamber onto the bed.
"Atta girl. Where'd you want me?" His lips attached to her temple and his thumb grazed across the side of her neck as he waited for her to direct him. He would move and sit anywhere (Y/n) wanted him to.
(Y/n) wanted him as close as she could get him and more so. He had to be right next to her, he had to be touching her somehow. (Y/n) wanted to feel his breaths mingling with hers and his touch on her skin.
(Y/n) didn't say anything, but when she shuffled down a little and leaned her chest forward, she caught Jake's smile change into a smirk out the corner of her eye. As fast as anything, his hands found her shoulders and he clambered onto the bed behind her, being as careful as possible.
He hooked a leg around either side of (Y/n) so she was between his thighs and he shuffled until his chest was merged into her back and his lips could attach to the back of her head.
It felt a little strange to have his legs spread and his body straightened out like this, he was used to being cramped in a plane, not stretched out on a bed like this. But he ignored the dull ache in his hips and focused on curling himself around his wife like a blanket. His elbows pinned her waist and he held his hands out so (Y/n) could grip them as tight as she wanted.
(Y/n) managed a smile when she felt the monitoring sticker attach to her stomach to take the baby's readings. And she tilted her head back until she was leaning on Jake's shoulder. They didn't usually sit like this, but (Y/n) was already loving this position, having him wrapped around her like a blanket.
"I'd say you're fully dilated now. You can begin to push on the next contraction," The midwife stated kindly, seeing the relief on both their faces at finally getting closer to meeting their next baby.
Silence fell over the three of them for a few minutes as they waited for the next contraction to hit. Jake pecked (Y/n)'s temple and squeezed her tight while he relaxed back into the pillows, easing (Y/n) back against his chest to try and make her a bit comfier.
"Here we go." He murmured softly in her ear, nudging his cheek against hers until (Y/n) twisted her head to capture him in a quick, baiting kiss.
Jake felt like he had jinxed them.
More time seemed to pass as they sat there waiting for the pushes to do something, to make a difference, but nothing happened. Jake could see (Y/n)'s energy levels depleting and he could feel her starting to tremble from the adrenaline and exertion, but it wasn't doing her any favours.
The baby wasn't cooperating and the midwife was starting to look uncertain. He could feel the minutes ticking by like seconds and when (Y/n) threw her head back on his shoulder and started to sob, Jake smothered his lips against her temple. He quietly shushed her, holding her tighter as his worried eyes locked with the midwife.
This labour hadn't gone according to the plan Jake and (Y/n) had thought up in their heads. Nothing was working with them; their plan had gone up in the air in a heap of smoke.
"Why i-isn't it working?" (Y/n) huffed, barely able to breathe from all the effort she seemed to be blindly wasting.
Was she even dilated fully? Had it just been a lie to subdue her? Was her body not willing to do this for her? Was the baby moving and playing games?
"Baby doesn't seem to be working with us today. Let's try for a bit longer."
(Y/n)'s jaw locked and Jake could see she wasn't very happy about this, but what other choice did they have?
He tightened his arms around her and let her squeeze his hands to the point his knuckles went white and he couldn't feel his fingers anymore. He didn't care if she broke his hands, as long as it helped and made her feel better.
When the next contraction came, (Y/n) pushed and leaned herself forward, crying out through the pain. But she felt tears welling up in her eyes when the monitor started to flash. The baby's heartbeat had dropped. They were starting to become distressed. She could feel her pulse thudding in her ears and her heart was going faster while her baby's was dropping.
"What’s happening?" Jake pressed a kiss to (Y/n)'s cheek, but the worry was painted across his face. He curled around her like a protective blanket but his eyes remained on the monitor that showed their baby's heartbeat was starting to slow down.
"Baby is a bit stressed, just give them a few moments to calm down." The midwife responded as she watched the monitor showing the baby’s heartbeat and waited for it to pick back up. All of them sighed in utter relief when it started to mellow out and go back to the rhythmic beat it had been a moment ago.
A burning scream tore from the back of (Y/n)'s throat when another contraction burned through her stomach. She tugged on both Jake's hands, pulling him even closer until his chin was perched on her shoulder and he was kissing the junction between her shoulder and neck. And both his hands were pinned into her chest as if they were merging into one person.
"Let's try again."
Jake felt relieved when the baby's heartbeat stayed the same through the next contraction, but he could just tell from (Y/n)'s screams and the trembling in her system that this wasn't working. Her pushes were futile, either her body wasn't agreeing or the baby was becoming difficult.
(Y/n) cried out when another contraction hit and pushed to sit forward with her chin tucked down into her chest and her knees as close to her stomach as she could manage. But her eyes snapped open and she started to shake when the monitor started to pick up again.
Her body burned as she cried, trembling against Jake who tried his best to hold her tighter and keep her calm. Panicking wasn't going to help. (Y/n) sucked in a few trembling breaths but more tears flushed her face when the baby's heartbeat mellowed out again.
She felt another contraction and pushed again without the midwife having to tell her. She would push and push and push until this baby was out. She wasn't doing this forever, no matter what her body seemed to think.
"Please… please," The word passed through (Y/n)'s lips like a mantra but her voice became desperate and drifted into a helpless scream when the midwife patted her thigh.
"(Y/n), honey just stop for a moment." The midwife shuffled closer and reached over to try and press the heel of her hands into (Y/n)'s stomach to assess her. "Baby's moving around-"
"No." Her heels scraped along the bed and she pushed back into Jake, feeling like she wanted to scramble off the bed and twist and writhe around until the baby found their way out on their own.
"This doesn't seem to be working, and baby is getting distressed. You've been in natural labour for near on three days, I think it's time we get doctor to do a C-section."
The midwife patted (Y/n)'s thigh but her eyes locked with Jake when (Y/n) began to sob. She reached up to squeeze (Y/n)'s arm before she got off the bed and pressed the emergency assist button behind the bed. They would need a doctor to approve the operation and then they could swiftly get an epidural in place and start prepping (Y/n).
"No, please…"
Sobs bubbled past (Y/n)'s lips and both her hands pinned Jake's arms to her chest once again. She writhed in his arms, pushing back into him until he squeezed his arms around her and slowly unlatched one hand from her grip so he could trail his hand up and down her bump.
"Shh, darlin' it's okay." He slowly started to sway them from side to side, kissing the side of her head when (Y/n) smothered her face into his bicep and screamed, sending shivers up and down his arm. He could see and feel the way her heels were digging into the mattress and she was pushing back into him, desperate to stop herself from pushing and distressing their baby even more.
Why couldn't she just be finished already? Why wouldn't their baby agree and help instead of twist and cause complications? (Y/n) just wanted this to be over. She couldn't carry on and she wasn't ready to be poked and prodded and cut open.
It would be so much stress and effort to get prepped for surgery and taken down and have all the hassle. And the recovery from a C-section would be worse than recovering from natural labour. But they didn't seem to have a choice.
"Not long now darlin' and we'll have our baby. It'll be over soon, I promise. You just wait and see."
Twisting her head to the right, (Y/n) nuzzled her cheek into the pillow and let her weary eyes cast over her husband. She couldn't help the cheesy, tired grin that formed on her lips when she looked at him.
Jake was slouched in the blue hospital chair beside the bed, his legs parted wide like he was trying to spread and crack his hips into place. His knees were pushed towards the edge of the bed and he was half slouching down like he was about to slide onto the floor.
But there in his arms, was their girl. He'd undone the top half of the buttons on his shirt so he could lay their daughter against his chest for skin contact. Her face was nuzzled beneath his collar bone, her arms were curled up against her chest and her legs were scrunched up into her stomach like she thought she was still in the womb and had to be enclosed and packed tight.
Jake had one hand on her bum to stop her from sliding down his chest, and the other hand was softly cradling the back of her head. He was breathing softly into the blushing pink hat on her head and (Y/n) could see that he had fallen asleep like that.
She wasn't sure how long he had been holding her, but she knew it had been a while now.
Jake had been itching to hold her since the moment the C-section was done and the nurses had cleaned her up.
The morphine (Y/n) had been given made her more than drowsy and she had fallen asleep almost as soon as she'd finished her first cuddle with her daughter.
Three exhausting days of labour and all the effort of a C-section had wiped them both out completely.
But Jake looked as calm as ever, laid there with his daughter settled in his arms and it was a sight (Y/n) never wanted to forget.
(Y/n) snuggled down a little more, pulling her knees as close to her stomach as she dared and tugging the cover higher up towards her chest. She was laid on her side, giving her a perfect view of her little family and she stretched her hand out for Jake's phone on the side table.
It had been set to silent for the last three days but she knew the Dagger squad had all been messaging him. Asking how it was going, if they had had the baby yet and if they had any names. His phone had barely stopped buzzing since he got home.
With a grin, she took a few pictures, zooming in to show Jake's lips smothering his daughter's head and the way his thumb kept twitching up and down every now and then.
Opening the group chat, (Y/n) tagged a few of the photos and sent them across to the squad.
*Daddy and Ella. xx
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m1njeongluvr · 2 days
Cuddles and kisses
A/N: i have decided to probably continue writing 🙏🙏 i really wanted to do it for such a long time and i am now glad i got the chance to!!
Pairing: Winter (Aespa) x fem!Y/N
Warning: fluff, making out just gay shit
Requested: @pandoraha
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It was a regular weekend for you and Minjeong. Laying on the couch, eating snacks and binge watching movies. You were cuddled up together and covered by a soft blanket. You didn't want to get out of this position. Minjeong was looking for some movies to watch. "How about this one? It's romance."
You loved romance. Books, movies, videos anything romantic. Minjeong could swear you watched every single romantic movie to exist. She starts the movie and you cuddle up closer to her.
As the opening scene started the soft light of the tv screen covered Minjeong’s face in warm colors, making her features seem even more enchanting, it's like she is unreal. Occasionally stealing glances filled with admiration. Each playful chuckle, every raised eyebrow as the movie unfolded, further deepened your growing love for her.
Time went on and there was an interesting scene that started to unfold.. Two characters of the film.. kissing intensely.. making out even. Your heart raced not just from the intensity of the film, but the tension that grew between you and Minjeong. You could just feel the slight shift in the mood by the way Minjeong looked at you alone.
“Do you think love is really like that?” you whispered, your voice soft as you turned to face her. Minjeong paused, her gaze flicking towards you, her expression contemplative.
“Sometimes, I think it can be even more intense,” she replied, her eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief and something deeper.
Encouraged by the tension between you two, you leaned closer, the space between you bearly existing. Minjeong's breath cought in her throat, her heart started pounding in her ears.
You placed your hands on her cheeks and kissed her. It felt like the time stopped, like you could go on for hours with no end. Your lips practically made for eachother. Minjeong's hands traveled to your waist and pulled you closer. The intensity of the kiss kept getting stronger each second that passed.
Every nerve in your body buzzed with exhilaration as you lost yourself in her warmth. You could feel the rhythm of her heartbeat against your chest, mirroring your own frantic pulse.
You pulled back momentarily, breathless and wide-eyed, you felt different emotions at once. "Minjeong.." Minjeong’s gaze held a mix of surprise and exhilaration, and at that moment, you knew there was no turning back.
You leaned in again, as you slowly melted back into the kiss, she responded with a fervor that surprised you, her hands pulling you even closer, hands wandering over your back. The warmth of her body against yours sent shivers down your spine. She was really warm... It could have been because of the blanket or from the intensity of the kiss.
You could feel the flutter in your stomach, the growing desire intermingling with the sweetness of the moment. A soft sigh escaped her, vibrating against your mouth, deepening your resolve.
“Is this… okay?” you managed to whisper in between breaths, the intimacy of the moment both thrilling and terrifying.
You could feel Minjeong's smile against your lips. “I think it’s more than okay.” her voice barely a whisper, laced with a teasing tone. She wrapped her arms around your neck, pulling you back in, her kiss now filled with a heat that caught you off guard.
Your hands moved from her cheeks to get tangled into her silky hair.
It's like the kiss started something in you. A feeling to explore every inch of her warm body, but you won't take it too far... for now.
You pull back from the intense kiss. Slowly trying to control your breathing. When you finally realised what happened you snuggle your head in her chest, heat rushing to your face. “You're unbelievable,” you breathed, your voice barely above a whisper.
Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she gave you a soft grin, biting her lip playfully. “I could say the same about you." she teased, her fingers tracing lightly down your back.
You let out a small chuckle. "You are such an idiot." You pull back from her chest and kiss her softly.
After around a minute Minjeong pulls back "okay okay enough now.. let's go to bed." You turn off the tv and wrap your hands around her, cuddling her closely. You both fall asleep together, getting drunk with eachothers warmth after the passionate night you shared.
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her-favorite · 2 days
♡ madison beer ♡
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the night was more ruthless than the day.
everything went wrong today. you had woken up by multiple messages from your coworker since you had slept past your alarm, you were barely ready when heading out the door, your boss decided it’d be a great idea to take all of his own problems out on you by giving you the worst work load, and on top of that, you had to stay late to finish it all.
but, now, as you lay in bed, eyes closed, sleep was the one thing you couldn’t reach, despite desperately needing it.
tossing and turning, the irritation slowly fading to dejection, you lie hopeless. a deep exhale leaves your lips as your eyes flutter open, staring up at the ceiling. today was the longest day you’ve had in awhile, so why isn’t your body letting you rid yourself of it? it’s like it knows how badly you wish to forget this, despite its own restraint to allow you to.
a fleeting thought passes by you as you lay awake: madison.
you knew your girlfriend was currently on tour, but you’ve expressed more often than not how much you miss her. the two of you text everyday, whether it’s a good morning message or something quick to let the other know how your day was going. today, you hadn’t gotten the chance. the day’s problems had hit you so fast, you hadn’t even been able to take a second to even collect your thoughts, let alone text your girlfriend.
reaching your hand over to your nightstand, you immediately unlock it and bring it closer to your face. biting on your bottom lip, you hover your finger over her contact. it was so late. your eyes flicker to the time on the top of your screen: 3:02 am. would she even be awake? what if she was trying to get sleep for her next performance?
letting out another sigh, you rest your head back against your pillow. so many restless nights without madison had taken a toll on you. when she was around, she’d have you out like a light. you never understood how it was so easy for you to fall asleep so fast when with her at night, but over time you realized that it might tie into the fact that you’ve grown so comfortable and safe around her. madison has always had such a calming presence to her - she’s always been gentle, no matter the situation. it was something you greatly admired about her and you’re only now realizing how much you’ve relied on it.
with one last intake of breath, you decided to bite the bullet and click on the call button beneath her contact. staring at the screen, you anxiously wait for something to change. it rings a few times before it connects. “baby? what’s wrong?” madison’s voice comes through your phone’s speaker, instantly relaxing you. your body seems to loosen as you lean all of your weight back against the mattress.
“nothing, just.. can’t fall asleep.” you mumble, rubbing at your eyes. even though they stung with exhaustion, the hours you spent trying to go to bed always failed.
your ears picked up on the way she hummed softly. there was light rustling in the background, as if she shifting her weight on her bed in her tour bus. the thought made you come out of your daze.
“m’sorry if i woke you, mads. i didn’t - ”
“mm, no,” she mumbles, sleep seeping through her tone. her voice was low, a little raspy and it made goosebumps erupt on your skin. “don’t apologize, sweet girl. i always wanna talk to you.” madison says. it was like she tries melting your heart. “can i facetime you?” she asks. instantly, you agree.
your lips curl up tiredly as soon as her face pops up on your screen. her face was bare of makeup, her hair a little messy from tossing around in bed and, oh, she’s never looked better. how someone can be just as breathtaking - if not more - like this was something that never made sense to you. she was utterly perfect, in every sense of the word.
“there’s my pretty girl.” madison hums, making your cheeks heat up as your smile widens. she giggles softly at your bashful reaction before laying her head back down on the fluffy pillow beneath her. “close your eyes, okay? ‘m’gonna be right here.” she coos gently. it immediately relaxed you.
following her soft orders, your eyes flutter shut after you prop the phone up beside you. getting comfortable, your head loosens it’s tense position, as well as the rest of the muscles in your body. your breathing evens out as you listen to the soft hum from madison, a gentle, almost angelic - scratch that, it was angelic, her voice always is - sound coming from her pretty pink lips. she always knew her singing soothed you.
only after a few minutes had sleep consumed you. madison didn’t know how tired you were, but to her, it was evident how much you needed it. and she was glad to see you out so quickly with her help - it always made her feel special that she can assist you in that way, despite you always making her feel special anyway.
“goodnight, baby.”
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my motivation’s been rocky (when is it not) so ive been pretty inconsistent with posting/requests lately, im so sorry!! :(( but i got a little bit today & got a nessa fic out andd this cute little blurb! hope you guys like it & ily!! <3
also usually my blurbs are shorter, but i kinda ran a little with this request bc it was too cute lol - also im too lazy to add tags </3
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missadangel · 2 days
The Heart of Rome (Marcus Acacius x Reader)
All Chapters List
Chapter 3: The Intention
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"Veritas Odit Moras"
Truth Hates Delay.
"Septimia Aurelia, do you know how much I have searched for you, my lady?"
You regarded him with surprise and were rendered speechless.
The man carefully looked around and then grabbed your wrist to move you to a more secluded spot against the wall. "You've got a lot of attention, dressing like this, and it's pretty clear who you are. When did you get here? You've read the letter? Have you told anyone about it? Don’t."
Your heart was beating like crazy, your ears were buzzing, and the man's voice was almost blurred.
“Who… Who are you, sir?”
How come you knew nothing and he knew more than you?
“I'm Macrinus, my lady. You probably don’t remember me, you were too young, I'm the one who took you to Vicius.”
Vicius was your uncle's real name, the one your father had mentioned in the letter.
“I went to Egypt to find you, as your father ordered. However, Vicius was reluctant, I’m not blaming him but-" he glanced over your shoulder as if he was looking for something behind you. "How did you get back to Rome? Where’s he now?”
You tried to understand what he said, but it was very difficult, too much for one day.
"He died and I was brought back as a captive," you said in a low voice, your eyes bright with tears, recalling him once more, especially in this way, stung you anew.
He touched your shoulder. "It seems it was an unfortunate return for you. You must have opened the letter. You didn't lose it, did you?"
You dabbed at your eyes with the tips of your fingers, wiping away the tears. "It doesn't matter now, sir. I was brought here as a slave."
"What slave? You are the daughter of a deified emperor. Who bought you? Who is your Dominus?”
You remained expressionless and refused to give him the General's name. You knew it might put him in a difficult position and you had no intention of trusting him. “Sir, I am a slave and I have to live like one.”
"You can't be serious, please. This is your birthright, and you must demand what you deserve."
"I will present it to the Senate, and it is likely to receive their support. However, I must first weaken Geta," he stated, his voice firm and decisive.
"I have to go now before they get suspicious. I will help you. I’ve promised your father."
“Sir I-"
"I have a lot to tell you. Trust me and wait," he said, striding across the temple..
This man claimed to be a friend of your father's, but you were unsure whether to trust him. The situation was a significant source of distress for you, both mentally and physically. You felt a sense of nausea, pressing your hand and then your arm against the wall in an attempt to regain your composure. You closed your eyes and pressed your forehead to your arm, attempting to gain control of your thoughts. At that moment, you heard a voice you recognized calling out to you.
"My Lady!" Octavius hurried over to your side, looking concerned.
When you opened your eyes, you saw his sandals first because you were looking at the floor. You looked up.
“Are you well? Did someone do something to you?” He looked around angrily, ready to draw his sword. You put out your hand and stopped him.
“Calm down, sir. I'm fine."
Octavian pulled his hand away, taken aback by your touch. “I've been looking for you everywhere. The general sent me to find you, he was worried.”
You brushed a few strands of hair from your face with the back of your hand. "I'm sorry, I got a little nervous in the crowd and pulled away."
"Yes, it was unexpected for everyone. The emperors were in a hurry to get to the games, so they cut the ceremony short. I couldn't get you to the carriage in time. Forgive me."
"You still treat me like a lady, sir," you teased him.
He smiled. "If you don't mind, I'd like to keep it up. Shall we? The games are about to begin."
He gestured to the waiting carriage in the distance.
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You were mesmerised by the splendour of this building, sitting in the part of the Colosseum intended for slaves and others. From your vantage point, you surveyed the area where the emperors and the General were seated, though they were not clearly visible from your distance. However, when they stood and advanced to deliver their opening speeches, you could see them more distinctly in their white shawls.
Caracalla and Geta raised their hands and greeted the crowd, while they chanted their names repeatedly loudly.
"People of Rome! Today, we gather to honor the glorious greatest General Marcus Acacius.”
Applause and voices rose as Geta extended his hand to the General, you were filled with excitement. He took his hand, came forward and raised his hands. He looked up at the top bleachers and searched the crowd, his eyes determined to find you, but it was hard from such a distance.
Caracalla grasped the General's other hand. He was between them, the crowd now chanting all three of their names.
"Are you ready to see these magnificent, mind-blowing games to celebrate his extraordinary achievements?”
When the crowd responded enthusiastically in the affirmative, Geta and Caracalla shouted excitedly at the same time.
“Then let the games begiiiiiiiiiiiin!”
The thick iron gates of the arena rumbled open and two chariots thundered in, their arrival accompanied by the roar of trumpets and the beating of drums. They circled round the arena and stopped in front of the general and the emperors. While the emperors applauded them enthusiastically, the soldiers in charge ordered them to step aside and the chariots moved forward, their warriors saluting the crowd.
“Now, Gladiatoooooors!” Geta shouted and pointed to the other door. The crowd continued to cheer louder when they saw the iron-armored warriors coming out one by one. Every step was a sharp noise, echoing through the arena. The gladiators, seven in number, turned to the emperors and saluted them.
“Ave Imperatores, morituri te salutant!” Hail Emperors, those who are about to die salute you!
Caracalla looked at the General smiling widely.
“Today, the speech is yours, General Acacius!” he shouted and clasped his hand, and sat on his throne.
"Spur them on, you're the expert, I want to see some blood,” Geta said to the general with a wink and sat on his throne, legs crossed, clapping. From a distance, you couldn't hear them or see his face clearly, but you were certain the General was not pleased. As the General raised his arms in the air, the crowd fell silent, and the shouting died down, allowing you to rest your ears a little.
“As a soldier, I can tell you this: When you engage in combat, it is important to maintain a positive mindset and avoid thoughts of defeat. You must only think about winning! However, winning is not easy, not just about killing your enemy or defeating him. Absolutely not. Winning is about being remembered with honor, like a hero, even if you die in the end! A true soldier most likely, is not afraid of death. Neither is a true gladiator! He embraces it, caresses it, and even defies it! Today, we want to see a real gladiator who can kill death itself! Prove you can achieve it and make your emperors proud! Fight with honor and win the crowd!”
The general's speech was a roaring success, prompting a rapturous response from the assembled crowd. The drums beat again, and the gladiators raised their swords in salute to the general and gathered together in a defensive position.
He was the real deal: a genuine commander and warrior. He made your heart beat fast and you admired him.
As the battle between gladiators and other warriors commenced, you began to feel a certain degree of apprehension. You had seen blood and wounded people before, of course, but this was not the point. The point was that these warriors, whose bodies were being ruthlessly cut and torn apart, were being watched with enthusiasm and laughter by the crowd. You were grateful for the top stand, thankful that you were watching from there. You knew you wouldn't have been able to bear to see such an atrocity up close.
The warriors in the chariot had lost all their horses, also torn apart mercilessly, they jumped down and attacked the gladiators with their spears, killing, and butchering a few in the process. Only two gladiators and three warriors remained. They all had cuts on exposed parts of their bodies and blood oozing from their injured areas, but they were completely focused on survival and didn't have time to care. The dusty floor of the Colosseum was stained red, and the smell of blood wafted around in clouds of dust, like the smell of red-hot iron. The gladiators roared their triumph as they slew the last of the warriors, and their voices echoed throughout the Colosseum. The sounds of drumbeats, applause, whistles, cheers, curses, and laughter filled the air.
The emperors rose to their feet and expressed their approval and support for the gladiators through applause and cheers. Once their orations had concluded, the gladiators proceeded through the reopened iron gates, whereupon the drumming ceased. The sole remaining auditory stimulus was the noise of the crowd. The general and emperors were no longer visible, so you decided to leave, as the noise was already causing a headache.
Your legs were aching as you descended the steps, but it was just as hard to get down as it was to get up. After all, you had watched from the top and it was quite high. You had never been up to such a high building before and you were certain that you would never go up again.
When you reached the ground floor, you looked around, but there was no one you recognized. Senators and other dignitaries were leaving the Coliseum one by one, talking among themselves about the evening banquet. You weren't sure that the General would take you there. He was nowhere to be seen, but you kept looking for him. When you took a few steps in the opposite direction to where the people were coming from, you were frightened that you might meet your brothers. When you saw a white shawl his wearing, you approached the General, who was talking to one of the senators. He turned his head and saw you. But you noticed the emperors were walking towards you from another direction. You reeled back in shock and turned on your heel. You were never prepared to see them so close. You strode through the exit and headed for the stairs. Since already climbed and descended quite a few stairs today your feet were no longer firmly planted on the ground. As you quickly went down, you suddenly lost your balance and found yourself on the ground. You shivered when you felt the cold stones against your skin and scowled at the women nearby who were laughing at you as you tried to figure out what had happened. You sat down on the marble stairs, heard his voice and footsteps hurrying down behind you, and soon felt the breeze from his shawl caress your back."Aya!" The General reached out, grasped your hand gently, and lifted you up.
"Are you alright?" He checked your feet and then your face, clearly concerned.
“Ah, as always, our General is a gentleman, isn't he, brother?”
Your heart nearly leaped out of your chest when you heard Caracalla's voice so close. They must have seen the General holding your hand so you immediately withdrew them from the General's and stepped back, bowing your head. However, they were already descending the stairs slowly, their gaze fixed on you.
“Indeed, aren’t you going to introduce us to this beautiful lady, General Acacius?” Geta asked curiously. From where he stood, he looked taller than the general.
“Is she your secret lover or something?” Caracalla chuckled, tilting his head to see your face clearly.
“My emperors, the carriage has arrived,” you could have sworn you'd heard that voice before. When you looked at her, the Empress Julia Domna stared at you raising her eyebrows and came a little closer. You averted your eyes, the feeling that you had seen this woman before took over your whole body and made you even more nervous than your brothers did.
“We just met the General's lover, Mother,” Caracalla laughed.
“Lover?” She sized you up and gave you a stunned look.
“My slave highness,” the General corrected him. You immediately bowed your head and greeted them formally.
“A slave? How fortunate you are, I have never seen such a beautiful slave,” Geta said, his eyes wide, and you felt him tense as the General's body moved slightly in front of yours. You felt grateful as you hid yourself behind his shawl.
“She reminded me of the Germans, remember?" he chuckled and covered his mouth.
Geta accompanied his laughter and punched him jokingly in the shoulder. Then he looked at you again. “Restrain yourself, brother, this is something completely different, you know what I mean?"
Caracalla huffed, “Tempting!"
You had no idea what they were talking about, and despite your best efforts to keep your eyes off Julia, she was always looking at you.
“Bring her to the banquet,” Caracalla said excitedly, clasping his hands together.
“But Highness, you know, women are not allowed there,” Julia said loudly.
“The Empress is right, only senators and patricians, just like any other banquets,” the General said with a sharp tone.
“How boring, I'd like her to serve me, pour me some wine, so I'd see a pretty face instead of those ugly blokes' faces all night.” Caracalla pursed his lips.
Geta sighed at his reaction and put his palm in his foreground. “You’re still a child brother, if you want a girl to get laid, I'll get you one after the banquet,” he turned his head to general. “Spending the night with another Roman's slave would be a bit of theft,” he said with a grin that showed all of his teeth at the General.
The General clenched his jaw and looked at him menacingly. You felt shivers run down your spine. Domna looked at them with concern and tried to ease the atmosphere by clapping her hands. “That's enough gentlemen, I'm famished, watching the games made me real hungry,” she took Geta's arm “Shall we?” She must have been pretty familiar with this kind of situation.
Geta turned to General one last time, ”We wanted to send you a new slave as a gift, tonight,” his eyes searching you up and down.
"That is very kind of you, but I must refuse,” the General said in a firm tone.
He inhaled deeply, "It's not hard to guess why," he smiled crookedly.
“Then I want it for myself, as you promised,” Caracalla whined, taking Geta's other arm.
“Share with me?”
“You just said it's a theft.”
They kept up their debate while they walked towards the waiting carriage. It seemed like the tension was slowly easing.
Once they were in their carriage and out of sight, the general turned to you with a look of frustrated annoyance on his face. Meeting your brothers for the first time was awkward, but it was clear that they had always been like that, and everyone, including their mother, accepted it as normal.
“Are they always like this?”
“They're like spoiled little children,” you snapped.
He let out a little laugh, putting a hand to his mouth, which surprised you. You thought he'd scold you for criticizing the emperors in his presence. But he didn’t, also, his smile was so beautiful that you couldn't help but smile back.
“Have you seen the games? What do you think?” The General asked you curiously.
“Well a bit, bloody.”
He smirked. “But you're used to seeing blood,” he looked around as if he was waiting for something.
“Yes, but I don't like it when people cut each other mercilessly,” you said in a stubborn tone.
“It's called survival.”
“The game of survival,” you murmured. “I don't know, it doesn't feel right,” you said honestly.
“I'm a warrior too you know, I've fought there countless times,” he said with a proud smile on his face.
You looked at him in surprise, of course, you had expected it, but you shuddered when you imagined him there, fighting for his survival. Soon a carriage pulled up beside you both, he touched your shoulder.
"You'd better go to the villa now. They're expecting me at the banquet," he said.
“I want to say thank you, for bringing me here today,” you said softly as he helped you into the carriage.
“The pleasure is mine," he said gently, his eyes meeting yours made you smile undoubtedly.
He then gestured to the coachman and the horses began to move, pulling the carriage forward.
As the carriage carried you away from the General, you continued to observe him from beneath the curtain until his silhouette in white receded from your view.
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The next morning, you opened your eyes and smiled when you heard the rooster crowing cheerfully. You sat up with a yawn, you saw that Norell was already up her mattress was empty, clearly started the day before you. You looked out the window while your mind returned to the events of the previous day. You thought about the ceremony, the games, the gladiators, the blood, your first sight of your arrogant and strange brothers, and that brown-skinned man, Macrinus. And of course, the General. When he stood with that golden crown on his head… You smiled to yourself, remembering him, and suddenly your cheeks flushed. You were surprised every time because you had never experienced such feelings in your body before. It was all so new to you.
On the other hand, you couldn't stop thinking about what Macrinus had said. You were sure he was planning something. It was hard to know if it would be right to tell the General everything, how he would react, who he would side with. Then you remembered the letter, and your body stiffened almost like a statue of Venus. It had completely slipped your mind that you had left it in his room. He didn't have a chance to touch his stuff yesterday because he arrived late at the villa, but he would definitely touch it eventually. You quickly tidied yourself and your hair and walked out of your room. As you stood there by the stairs leading up to the General's room, wondering what to do, Norell came up to you, carrying a tray with food on it.
“Are you taking this to the General?”
“Yes, he must be awake by now.”
“I'll take it to him,” you said and took the tray from her.
“Are you sure? The Master has warned us not to let you do too much work.”
“I'll talk to him, don't worry, I need to check his wound anyway,” you said smiling at her.
“Well, I was afraid of dropping the tray,” she gasped.
“What's wrong?” you put the tray on a nearby chair and went over to her, she was pressing her hand to her stomach.
“Well, it’s my moon,” she smiled at you, her freckled cheeks flushed.
“Oh, do you want me to give you an herbal mixture for the pain?”
“Would that help?”
“It works for me.”
You strode into the room and picked up your leather bag, looking through the few remaining bottles of medicine. You were running low on supplies. When you returned to her side, Norell was sitting in a chair, pressing her hands to her stomach.
You poured some of the medicine from the bottle into a bowl on the tray and crushed it, then poured a little wine into a cup, also from the tray, and diluted the mixture.
"That was the master's cup," Norell declared.
"I'll get a new one from the kitchen, drink this, and I'll be right back."
You had to cross to the other courtyard to get to the kitchen, where you had last entered the balneum. You felt your cheeks flush as you remembered the last time you were there with the General there. You returned to the main courtyard with a new cup, put it on the tray, and looked at Norell, who was grimacing as she drank the herbal concoction you had given her.
"This tastes awful," she complained.
"That's why you should drink it all, dear,” you smiled at her.
Then you picked up the tray and ascended the stairs, one by one. You stopped in front of the General's room, propped the tray up with one hand, and knocked on the door with the other. You opened the door and entered. He was sitting at his desk, looking at papers. He seemed busy. You saw the calamus pen and papers in his hand and knew you had to make a plan to get the letter before he found it.
When he looked up and saw you, he raised his eyebrows. "Have you decided to be my slave now?"
"Well, Norell is not feeling well. I'm helping her, at least for today." You put the tray down on the table and turned towards him, your gaze fixed on the wooden chest next to him.
"What's wrong? Is she alright?"
"It's a woman's issue that happens every month," you explained.
"Oh, I see," he murmured and returned to his papers.
“May I take a look at your wound? As your medicus, of course.”
"So you will appear to be both my slave and medicus today.” He put the pen on the desk, took the paper in his hand, folded it, stuffed it into the envelope, and sealed with pressing his own seal on the wax.
"I guess I am, for today," your eyes were still on the chest, wondering how to get the letter without him noticing.
His lips curled into a smile. "I feel blessed.”
Acacius stood, wearing a dark purple tunic with gold embroidery on the sleeves and collar. He walked over to his bed and sat on the edge of it, looking at you. You moved closer to him and had to bend down to check on his wound. Looking at him out of the corner of your eye, you put your bag on the bed, a bit away from him who had rolled up his tunic.
As you stood in front of him and leaned over him, he was surprised to feel the light breeze of your hair hit his face. He leaned back a little, but it gave him a better view of your breasts, he swallowed hard making him stunned. Then he turned his head away, even though it was so difficult for him, but he waited patiently. You were no different from him as you checked his wound, oblivious to everything, touching his skin made you tense every time. 
The General's wound was almost healed but you noticed a rash around the cut.
“Do you have any itching or pain, sir?”
“Itching, yes, a little, pain, no.”
There’s pain, thought Acacius, but it's not where my wound is, deep in my chest.
He turned his head towards you again and looked into your beautiful eyes shining like a gem under your long eyelashes, he embraced his pain meanwhile. But it wasn't just it. The general was experiencing a whole range of sensations he hadn't felt in a long time, and it was unlike anything he'd ever fully experienced with a woman. You unintentionally revived memories of his naive and callow youth, but he appeared to find it amusing.
“I need to make an ointment for that-“
But just as you straightened up to reach for your bag, you felt pressure and pain in your neck. Looking down, you realize that the chains of the necklace you were wearing were caught in the trimmings on the collar of the general's tunic, stuck in its threads.
He was taken aback, but perhaps not as much as you were. The expression on your face, as you tried to pull your neck backward in utter shock, made him giggle. Unfortunately, you found it difficult to remain calm and the first thing that came to your mind was to unlock the necklace. So when you reached your hands back behind your neck, you lost your balance and fell on top of him. The General was a trained soldier, with well-developed arm and back muscles and a body that could easily carry such a light load in that position. All in all, he was a man so when you fell and your breasts hit his muscular chest, feeling them beneath the thin fabric, made him fall backward onto the bed.
You gasped as you found yourself in this awkward situation without even realizing how it had happened. With a quick move, you put one hand on the bed to sit up and realized that the other was on the general's chest, you withdrew it and looked at his face to check his reaction. The general looked back at you, his dark brown eyes locked on yours, but you were blinking your eyes in surprise. You frantically tried to stand up, but your necklace, as if mocking you, wouldn't let you. He grabbed your shoulders and stopped you as you struggled over his body. You were making it difficult for him to remain calm with your movements, and he was starting to lose his patience.
“Easy, would you?” He growled. His hands reached behind your neck and he murmured as he unlocked the necklace. "Stay still. I can't restrain myself if you keep moving like this.”
Your face flushed like a crimson hue as you realized what he was talking about, gasped as you felt between your legs, beneath the fabric, a part of his body pressing against your womanhood.
“You really don't know how to behave around a man, you are so careless,” he chastised you.
Once your neck was free from the damn necklace, you stood up quickly, feeling a slight soreness in your neck.
“I've spent more time around men than you think, sir,” you mumbled, rubbing the back of your neck with your hand.
As he removed your necklace from the collar of his tunic, a few threads of the fabric snapped with it. “But you were dressing like them, they didn't know you were a woman,” he corrected you. ‘You have to be careful from now on, especially when you're dressed like this.’
"Forgive me, sir," you said, feeling a little embarrassed to look him in the face.
"Your face is as red as wine," he chuckled, sitting up in bed.
You bit your lower lip and pursed your lips, then went over to your bag and picked it up to make the ointment. The medicine bottles rattled as they came out of the bag, and the general looked at them curiously. "You've been carrying these in your bag all this time?" he asked.
"Yes, sir," you replied, uncapping the green bottle, shaking it, and pouring a few drops into the empty bowl on the tray. As you stirred and softened the ointment with your index finger you murmured, “I made all this myself, but it’s almost ran out.’
Once the ointment was ready to be applied, you took the bowl in your other hand and approached the general.
“Sir, I need to apply this ointment to the wound.”
“Careful and don't throw yourself on me this time,” he giggled as he grabbed the hem of his tunic and pulled it up once more.
You swallowed and cleared your throat, trying to stay calm, dipped the tip of your finger into the bowl, took some and applied it to the wound.
"You're making the same mistake again," he teased.
You frowned, not quite understanding what he was saying. You were sure you applied the ointment well, but looks like this was not the issue. When you looked at him, you caught him staring at your breasts. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him, his eyes meeting yours. His brown eyes were warm and intense, making your heart melt.
"Never bend over another man like that," he whispers.
As his warm breath brushed against your cheek, your heartbeat quickened. "I-I won't," you stammered.
He released your wrist, and you stepped back and put the bowl on the desk. “It needs to be applied at night too, I think you can handle it,” you said with your back turned. You glanced at the wooden chest out of the corner of your eye. It seemed like you wouldn't have a chance to get the letter, at least not while he was still in his room.
“Yes, I'm grateful,” said the general, standing up and coming over to you taking the bowl and sniffing it.
"The aroma is pleasing; what is this?"
You smiled at him. “Asphodeloideae (aloe vera), sir, it does indeed have a pleasing aroma. It has been demonstrated to accelerate the healing of burns and itching wounds. But I'm afraid it's about to run out, so just use it until it's finished.”
Acacius perched himself on the edge of this desk, looking at you. “Carrying all these bottles in your bag might be a little difficult. Besides, you say you're out of supplies, I will be traveling to the city and subsequently to the barracks tomorrow, would you like to come with me?”
“To the barracks?”
“Absolutely not,” his voice was loud and sharp. “I meant to say, I shall convey you to the city in my carriage, and return for you when I have finished my business.”
Pleased by his offer, “Sir, that would be great, thank you.”
He smiled softly at you and walked over to the table to eat the food you had brought for him. As you grabbed your bag and headed for the door to leave the room, he stopped you by extending his hand.
“Won't you join me?”
You turned your head to him. He pointed to the chair opposite him with his hand. “Have a seat, I need to make sure my medicus has eaten something.”
You smiled, did as he said, putting your bag down. Acacius picked up the wine cup, you reached for the decanter before him.
“Allow me, please.”
He smiled gratefully as you poured the wine from the decanter into his cup.
“You are getting better and better at being a slave, you are willing to fulfill all my needs. Except one.”
You almost spilled all the wine when you met his piercing eyes. You slowly placed the decanter on the tray. While you were calculating what to say, he put his hand on yours which holds the handle of the decanter.
"Don't you have any feelings for me?” He was looking at you from under his eyebrows, eagerly waiting for your answer.
His gaze shifted from your lips to your eyes, you lingered looking into his eyes, even if you said what you felt now, it was very difficult to predict what would happen next. You wondered if he would love you for who you really were.
“It's all so new to me also very hard to say anything for sure. But…"
You were trying to think rationally under the influence of his gaze, but you were failing.
“I feel happy when I'm with you, and… I miss you when you're not around,” you admitted, feeling your cheeks burning.
“At least there's a silver lining.” Acacius smiled widely, lifted your hand, and placed a kiss on it.
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It was an ordinary day in the streets of Rome, blessed by clear sky and sunshine. The sounds of birdsong were interspersed with those of the rooster. Some people wandered the streets on foot, chatting to each other, while others mounted horses and rode along the stone paths at a pace that caused the hooves of the horses to clatter against the buildings with a distinct echoing sound. The sound of a nearby blacksmith's hammer striking an anvil could be heard in the distance, accompanied by the voices of merchants trying to attract customers to their businesses and draw attention to the goods they were offering for sale. Women often inspected the exhibits before making a purchase and then had their slaves carry them home. Since the clothing and accessories worn by each group reflected their status, it was relatively easy to distinguish between social classes.
You and Norell were walking around the streets in your slave clothes and cloaks to buy something just like other Romans. You still couldn't get used to these clothes. When men and women stared at you, wished you were invisible, as you used to be.
You entered the market street and noticed the large crowd gathered in front of the stalls. There were pots, vegetables, fruits, fabrics, fish, butchers, and plants. The plants, herbs, and flowers on the stalls were very varied and fresh. Once you had purchased what you needed and placed it in your bags, you walked down the street once more, recounting to Norell the events of the previous day and your observations at the Colosseum, as she had requested.
"You know he's in love with you, right?" Norell looked at you suggestively through her yellowish eyelashes.
"Are you talking about the General?
“Is there someone else?" she teased, then inhaled deeply. "I wouldn't be surprised, you're quite attractive."
“Oh, Norell, please," you whined.
“I know you love him too, why are you avoiding my question?"
You smiled shyly, “I’m not sure what I feel. How can you be so sure of his feelings anyway?”
You both waited for a carriage to pass in front of you before crossing the street.
“Because I've known him since I was young and I've never seen the General like this before. Even Tullia is worried, she's angry with you, you know.”
You looked at her with your hazel eyes wide open. “Why? But I didn't do anything wrong, I did everything the General asked.”
Once the carriage had passed, you crossed the street and continued walking along the avenue where the west front of the Colosseum was visible. Norell took your arm.
“I don't know how it was where you come from, but here slaves have to fulfill their master’s every need. So Tullia thinks you’re not obeying him.” You were offended by being treated as a slave, but you couldn't blame her for being unaware of the truth about you. You turned your head to her and kept your voice low. “He said he would not touch me against my will.”
“Oh, that's why he's so upset then.”
You stopped and looked at her. “Upset?”
Her brown eyes looked sad. “Every night before I go to bed, I see him looking deep in thought at his balcony. And during the day, he's there, watching whatever you're doing. It's not like him.”
Was he? Somewhere deep in your chest, you felt a sharp, intense pain.
“Other slaves, the beautiful ones, are raped, killed or sold. Even among the nobles, there are those who are forced into marriage and have to sleep with a man they don't love. I know you've never been touched by a man before and neither have I. But if I found someone who could love me the way he loves you, I would give myself to him.” She blinks at you.
You were absolutely certain of her sincerity, but your situation was quite different from that of other slaves, even from all other Roman women.
“I suppose I should confess my feelings to myself first,” you murmured.
“My Lady!”
You and Norell turned to see who was speaking. You were surprised to see Macrinus standing next to you in his cloak.
"I was hoping to meet you," he said, looking around, then came closer. "But, you are very careless," he said in a low voice. "You attract too much attention."
You couldn't understand what he was saying. "Sir, why do you seem to be hiding?”
"I'm lurking because I've been following you for some time, and luckily I found you without anyone noticing."
"Why did you follow me?"
"We need to talk, but not here. We are too exposed.”
“What's going on, Aya? Who is this man?” You forgot for a moment that Norell was looking at you both in confusion.
Macrinus looked at her and then at you then he turned his head to the street.
“Norell, I'll tell you everything later,” you said, touching her shoulder then turned to Macrinus. “Sir, I don't think it’s the right time-”
He grabbed your arm gently. “You don't realize how much danger you are in, Julia suspects something and it's only a matter of time before she finds you.”
“How do you mean?”
"I'll tell you everything, but right now we need to move." He gestured to you as he walked to the other side of the street, you nodded and pulled Norell's arm, you felt uncomfortable going without her.
"Are you going to tell me what is happening? Who is this man?"
"Trust me and wait, I'll tell you everything at once, I promise."
She wasn't convinced, but she nodded and remained silent.
You and Norell followed Macrinus for a few more streets, maintaining a safe distance from the people around you. It didn't take long for you to notice that the streets were getting quieter. There were fewer people around, and the streets were narrower and more secluded. After passing through a narrow, dead-end street, Macrinus stopped, threw back his hood, and turned to you. When you realized Norell was squeezing your arm, you looked at her. Seeing her looking at a structure at the end of the street, petrified. You turned your head to that direction to find out what was worrying her. It was a large but untidy two-story house. The curtains were blowing out of the windows in the wind, they were all red.
“Gods, it’s…whore house," Norell muttered.
You turned to Macrinus in disbelief. At that moment, two men approached you from down the street, surveyed you both, and continued on their way, laughing.
“I'm sorry, my lady, but this is the safest place to talk.”
"To talk? What are you planning? How could you think I would be in such a place?"
Your voice echoed through the cobbled streets as Macrinus approached you, his expression grave.
"I can't speak to you safely anywhere else, your appearance would draw attention if we were in a tavern or other. But this place is too remote for anyone to think of it, you know what I mean, and nothing will happen to you, the one who runs this place knows me and I trust her."
When Norell grabbed your arm, you moved a little away from Macrinus, closer to the wall.
“Look Aya, I don't know what's going on, but this is not good, if the General finds out about this-.”
"I know. He knows my real family, and I trust him.” You lied. “Don't worry, you go to the place where we'll meet with the carriage and wait for me. I don't want you to go there with me."
"I don't think you should go in there either."
You gave Macrinus a quick look, then turned to Norell. "I know, it won't take long, I promise."
Norell looked at you and Macrinus with concern.
"If you won't be there in time, I'll tell the General everything," she said, sounding more like she wanted Macrinus to hear him. You looked at him in panic, but he didn't look surprised. You knew that moment you had to talk to him, no matter what. You were almost certain that he was planning to threaten the General through you.
Once Norell turned the corner into another alley, you turned to Macrinus. He smiled at you, turned, and walked towards the house. He no longer seemed nervous, as if he comes here, and walks through here often. You, however, were tense, feeling abandoned by Norell's leaving and like you'd put yourself in great danger.
Macrinus lifted the iron knocker of the big wooden door and rapped twice. At that moment, you tensed even more as you heard voices coming from inside, your face flushing red with embarrassment. A short, poorly dressed man opened the door and looked at Macrinus, then at you. When his eyes met yours, you looked away.
"Tell Juturna I'm here."
The man gave you one last look and went inside. Macrinus gestured for you to come in as he moved quickly down the corridor. You swallowed and deliberately ignored the voices as you walked in.
“Did it really have to be here?”
“I'm sorry, I understand why you're uncomfortable, but it really is safer than you think.”
Macrinus smirks, but you grow more and more nervous, everyone here men, and women is almost naked even in the mural pictures dyed on the walls. The voices were getting louder and louder when a middle-aged woman came running towards you. She wore too much make-up and smiled broadly at Macrinus.
"Sire, how good to see you again."
"Private room now."
She tilted her head to look at you with wide eyes, you turned your head and wrapped your cloak tightly around your arms, covering your body. She pressed her hand to her chest, "Gods, it's been years since such a beauty drops in here.”
"Don't overstep your bounds, she's a lady!" Macrinus scolded him.
"Apologies, sire. Have your way to up the stairs and the boys will show you to your room," she said with a grin.
Following Macrinus into the hallway, seeing some young girls, half-naked, talking amongst themselves. As you passed them, they looked at you strangely. You felt sorry for them, but also a bit disgusted.
A young boy gestured to the room, and Macrinus invited you in after he had entered. You were almost startled when the door closed behind you. Looked around quickly to observe, red curtains, orange bedspread and pillows, overturned wine cups and fruits in a bowl on the table, and various colored fabrics on the chairs. And the smell... You couldn't stop thinking about what had happened in this room. It made you feel sick.
Macrinus saw your unease and pulled out the chair for you to sit down.
"Have a seat, my lady."
You gave him a look that said you weren't going to be pushed around and sat down on the chair, crossing your arms to avoid touching anything else. "Tell me what I need to know. I don't have much time."
Macrinus took another wine cup from the other table in the corner of the room, poured wine into, and handed it to you. You made a gesture with the back of your hand and shook your head no.
"Are you afraid of the General?" he asked as he sat down in the chair opposite you. "I know you're staying at his villa. How long has he known?”
"He doesn’t! I can assure you that the General has nothing to do with it.”
Macrinus crossed his legs and took a sip of his wine.
"Of course he does. He'll take you to Geta himself as soon as he finds out."
You thought about him. Would he really do that? You couldn't find the answer, and you hated it.
"The general is a man of honor. He will understand when I tell him."
"Are you saying you can lure him to our side?"
"Our side?" You leaned over the chair towards him, "What is your purpose?"
"It's simple. I'm going to present you to the Senate and get them to recognize you unanimously. You will be formally designated as the heiress to the imperial throne. I really wonder about the emperors’ face when they find out."
Macrinus laughed and took a quick sip of wine.
"How do I know you're not lying to me and you're actually on the emperors’ side at this moment?"
Macrinus narrowed his eyes and looked at you. "I am close to Caracalla. He trusts me." He extended his hand toward you, placing one of the red grapes from the table in it. "I have him right in the palm of my hand, right here, and when the time comes…" He closed his palm and squeezed the grape, the pinkish juice of the grape slowly flowed between his fingers and dripped on the floor. You looked at him in disgust as he ate smashed grapes and licked his own palm.
“And what do you want from me? What will you gain if the Senate recognizes me?”
“I promised your father I would restore peace to Rome, and after he sent you away, he asked me to find Vicius and make sure you were safe. So as I stated before, I went to Egypt to find you, Vicius managed to hide you, he didn't believe me, he was very good at covering his tracks. No wonder he kept you hidden all this time. On the way back, news reached me of your father's death in York, and by the time I got back to the capital, Caracalla and Geta had declared their empire.”
That was four years ago, and it was no coincidence that on that very day, your uncle took you from home to the Valetudinarium in Alexandria. But you still weren't sure whether he had done it to protect you from Macrinus or from your emperor brothers or Julia.
“You said Julia suspected something.”
Macrinus was a man of very calm demeanor; it was hard to tell from his expression what he was thinking. “If Julia finds out you're alive, she'll take your life without a second thought.”
You swallowed hard, you already disliked her when you met her on the day of the ceremony.
“But I'm a woman, I can't be a threat to the throne,” you said looking at him, Macrinus put his cup on the table and leaned forward.
“But if one day you give birth to a son, my lady, you will be the greatest threat of all. She is a woman who keeps the General and her sons in balance, do not underestimate her. She wants Acacius in the Senate, to gain power over me.” He reached for a bunch of grapes and plucked one. “But I have secured my position, and with you we can save Rome from them for good.” He popped a grape into his mouth and smiled at you as he chewed.
“What about the General, what will happen to him?”
He stopped chewing. “He has to choose. But before, he could be charged with treason for hiding you in his villa.”
“No, I told you, there’s nothing like that, he doesn't know about the letter. He doesn't know who I really am,” you yelled at him.
“Do you really think emperors would care about that?”
You knew the answer, your heart began beating in your throat. It wasn't fair that the General should face such an offense because of you.
"If you go to the Senate, there'll be a trial and a judgment, and we'll win. No doubt about it. I'll send the word tonight. The court will convene the day after tomorrow. I can hide you until then," he said, standing up and holding out his hand to you.
You regarded him with a determined expression. "I am grateful for your kindness, but I believe I will be safer with the General, I would like to leave now before he finds me here. Moreover, I am not yet ready to trust you fully."
Macrinus laughed. "My lady, I believe that attitude will serve you well in front of the Senate. It might be beneficial to adopt a similar stance.”
As you left the room, you felt a strong inclination to descend the stairs as quickly as possible, in order to avoid the rather pungent odours and sounds. As you passed the rooms one by one, you heard what seemed to be a cry. Out of the corner of your eye, you thought you saw a face you had seen before. You stopped, and when you wanted to look again to make sure, you turned your head, and lifted the torn red curtain blocking the entrance of the room to see her face. It was her, Decima, the girl you met on the ship and with whom you had the good fortune to become friends. You shared your secrets with her, and you had always assumed that she had been sold to a wealthy man. You hoped that she had been happy until now. You were so wrong. You felt your body trembling as your eyes began to well up with tears.
"Are you all right, my lady?" Macrinus asked, concern evident in his voice which came to you in a blur.
"Decima!" You ran into the room beside her, grabbing her shoulders. She was startled, then looked at you with a surprised look on her face and started to cry. You hugged her and pressed her head to your chest.
"Have you been here all this time?”
She was visibly distraught, and your heart ached for her. "I thought you had forgotten me," she sobbed.
"Never. I thought that nobleman had bought you. What happened?"
"No, he didn't," she mumbled, shaking her head.
Without a second thought you grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the room.
Macrinus stepped in front of you. “My lady, you can't do this, she belongs here now.”
"No way! I'm taking her with me!" You barked and pushed him aside, pulled Decima by the arm ran to the stairs, and kept walking while ignoring the murmuring, and shouting coming behind you.
“Hey! How you? She's my slave, I paid eight thousand sesterces for her!” Juturna, who owned the place got up from her seat and came over to you, she was angry. Two guards at the door came in, blocking your way with a threatening and mocking demeanor.
Macrinus came running behind. “My lady, please, let her go. Those are the rules here. I’m begging you.”
It never felt right, you didn't want to leave Decima there to her fate. Then, someone came running up to Macrinus and whispered something in his ear. He tensed, cursed angrily, and turned his head to you. “Acacius is here. I need to go. Please don't do anything dull,” he warned you. Then he made his way back down the corridor and stepped through the door that led to the rear entrance.
You swallowed hard when you heard the General’s name, you had to think fast, decide fast. Then you opted to follow your heart, rather than your mind. As you grabbed Decima's hand and headed for the door, it opened with a thud and the General stormed in. You both regarded each other with surprise, but his expression soon became one of anger.
“General Acacius, sir!” Juturna approached him.
He didn't hear her, didn't look around, he was as angry as you'd ever seen him, with a piercing gaze that took hold of yours. As he reached out and grabbed your arm, you pulled back with all your strength. But the second time he grabbed again and pulled roughly, you couldn't find the strength to pull back. But you didn't intend to let go of Decima's hand either.
“Sir, please tell her something, she's trying to take my slave.” The woman bowed her head in front of the general and squinted at you.
“She is my friend, please help me, sir,” you said pleadingly.
"I'm a Roman citizen, and this one belongs to me. You clearly don't know the laws. Give her to me now," she said, grabbing Decima's other arm and pulling her along.
“Let her go, Aya!” the General roared, but you didn't listen to him. Before you could even think about reaching for Decima, he grabbed your arm again and pulled you to outside, but you struggled with all your strength. The General let out a low growl, and before you knew it, the ground gave way beneath your feet. He grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder. Your face hit the leather armor on his muscular back with a thump, leaving you gasping in surprise. You struggled to get free, but he held on tight, carrying you out.
“No! Let me down! Please!” No matter what you said, it didn't stop him, you tried to lift your head to look at Decima, but when you saw that the door was closed, you got angry.
You started punching his back, but it was like hitting a stone wall. He tightened his muscular arm around the back of your thighs, right near your butt. As he carried you, your loud voice echoed through the whole street. People in the street looked at you curiously as they saw the general had come with you over his shoulder to the carriage. You gave up struggling, and he set you down.
Your hair was a mess, but all you had on your mind was getting back to Decima. He saw you looking back, grabbed your arm, and put you and then himself into the carriage. He ordered the coachman to drive and then he started his horses. He sat you down next to him and never let go of your arm. When the carriage moved, he loosened his grip and turned his head towards you. But you were looking the other way. Norell sitting across from you, her lips tightly closed, so ashamed to look the general in the face, blaming herself. No one spoke the whole way, only the sound of the wheels rolling on the stony ground echoed inside the carriage.
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Upon arrival at the villa, Norell regarded the General and you with a timid expression before exiting the carriage. You didn't move, your anger still raw. In the end, your stubbornness made him give up and he got out. "Come out now," he ordered.
He was waiting for you with his hand extended. You inhaled and stood up, but instead of taking his hand, you grabbed the side of the car as you stepped out. You walk briskly into the Villa's garden and leave him behind. As you came into the garden, you saw Tullia and Norell whispering to each other. You glanced at them, and they looked over at the general, who was walking quickly behind you. They seemed tense. As you were heading to your room, a strong hand grabbed your wrist. He pulled you to the stairs this time you didn’t resist. He led you to his room and closed the door.
He turned to you, first his brown eyes met yours and then he calculated what to say or tried to remain calm.
“You will never go there again, do you hear me?”
You glanced over at the balcony, and he stepped a little closer. “How could you go there? How could you put yourself in danger like that? What were you thinking?”
“She's my friend,” you murmured, looking at the setting sun on the horizon through the window.
“Even so, there's nothing you can do for her, the rules apply to everyone.”
“That could have been me,” you turned your head to him. “I could have been one of those poor girls if you-” you swallowed, your voice was trembling.
Acacius' expression softened as he moved closer to you. "I'm truly sorry about your friend, but you need to let it go. I need you to promise me you won't go there again." His brown eyes were bathed in the orangish sunlight streaming through the window. They were looking at you with intensity, delving deeply into your soul. You wondered how you could still be so stubborn, defying him like that. You closed your eyes and crossed your arms, realizing your disobedience, he grabbed your shoulders. "I may be a gentle master to you, but don't even think to test my patience.”
At that moment, the anger that was welling up inside you was trying to get out.
“I am not your slave! I never have been! I'm-”
You almost would tell him everything, but not feeling ready yet, not like this. He was far from being surprised, it’s like he knew you were going to say that.
“As for that, I couldn't find any proof that you were a Roman citizen,” Acacius pulled his hands back, “I recently sent a letter to the governor in Egypt regarding your uncle's funeral. I have received a reply from him today. It seems that he does not have any relatives, only his wife and himself. Interestingly, there is no record of the name Aya.”
It was rather unexpected. You were unprepared for how quickly he discovered the truth. As he approached, you instinctively braced yourself and took a step back. You winced when your back hit the stone wall. Acacius placed his palms on the wall, either side of your head. His brown eyes darkened as he leaned in, almost close enough to kiss you. You placed your hands against the wall behind you, feeling the coolness of the stone in your palms and on your skin, in an attempt to gather your strength. His eyes locked onto yours as if he were questioning you.
“Who are you?”
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thank you everyone for all likes and comments <3
@myownwholewildworld @orcasoul @pedroslut4eva @immyowndefender @lailathepedritofan @screechingchildfury @shinymusicpanda
if anyone wants me to tag them please comment :) thank you all <3
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minminbunny · 3 days
Stalker X Stalker AU - Savior Complex! Seo Changbin/Deraged Gender Neutral! Reader
*smut part - AFAB/AMAB
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💕Drabble Masterlist
❤️Ultimate Masterlist
You laid in your bed, the cold empty sheets only spurring your heart for more affection you know you can't receive. Changbin watched you from your window, every night he watched your nightly routine and wondered why you wouldn't jump into his arms whenever he gave you a gift. It drove him insane with how stubborn you are to not see that he was willing to give you everything. 
You curled up, clutching the plush he gave you. A teddy bear that he replaced the eyes for cameras. It was a simple set up that allows him to hear your every worry. Changbin sighed, listening into your decrepit murmurs. "Teddy, do I deserve to be loved? I don't think I do. I think the empty coldness suits me more, I wouldn't know what to do with warmth," you whispered, grazing the fur on the plush. 
Everytime Changbin brings you out of your comfort zone, you keep a tiny memory. His hair, his earring, his gym socks, his cologne, his straws, anything of that day. It accumulated into a little bundle by this point. It was innocent at first, you were receiving affection that you haven't had in a long while and you wanted an item that reminds you of the memory but now it's turned into a necessity. 
Without an item, you'd feel lost like everything was a sick dream your brain played on you. Sometimes you'd imagine Changbin hating you and your body would physically urge you to throw up just to ground you in reality. Changbin didn't know your little hobby, you were always out of sight from the window. Just far enough that he doesn't see your worship pile. 
When he first saw you, every cell in his body was urging to protect you, hold you, save you. He didn't understand the urge at first but now he does. The way you'd drench your pillow at night. The way you'd hug yourself so tight and dig your nails into your shoulders to secure the hold. It drove his heart insane. His little doll, his little love is hurting so much and he can't do anything. 
He tried to bring you out, tried to be an extroverted friend just to help you get through the day but recently he's been craving for more. Craving to touch you, hold you, taste you. His mind craved to consume you until you can only think of him, that every nightmares you had would disappear with him protecting you. Changbin watched your curled up body, slowly relaxing. 
He smiled as you gradually fell deeper and deeper asleep. "I've waited long enough, my dear. Let me show you how much you're needed," he whispered, breaking into your room, a chloroform cloth in his hand. "Sweet dreams," he chuckled, holding it against your face.
You stirred awake the next day in a room you didn't recognise, "Am I dreaming?" you whispered, your sense of reality blurred between your manic episodes. Changbin watched you wake up through the camera, "You look so cute when you wake up," he chuckled, grabbing the tray of food and went to your room. You flinched at the knock and opened the door,  "Bin?" you whispered, letting him in. 
Changbin smiled, "Slept well? I brought food," he said, setting it on a desk. You tilted your head, "You're in my dream too?" you asked, reaching out to touch him. Changbin smiled, placing your palm on his cheek, "Can you feel that?" he asked, turning his head to kiss your palm. You beamed, "Today's dream is nice. Binnie would never kiss me like that," you said, tracing his cheek. 
Changbin furrowed his eyebrows, taking advantage of the situation, "Why not, bun? Don't you like my affection?" he asked, placing his palm over yours. You stared at him, "Binnie deserves someone who's sane, someone who's of par with him," you said, lips wobbling as you see yourself as unworthy for any non platonic affection. 
Changbin pressed his tongue against his inner cheek, his anger boiling at your words, "I don't want a person that doesn't need me. A sane person wouldn't love me like you do, my dear. You need me and I'm going to show you whether you accept it or not," he said, his heart sobbing at your pain. He wanted to ruin you and build you back up again, but you were ruined by everyone else. Everyone else but him. 
Now your body is his, and he will put you together. You looked at him, still assuming this is a dream, "Save me? My universe, my hope. Please, show me for I cannot comprehend a devotion that strong," you sniffled, tears dripping down your cheeks. "Save me," you repeated, gripping his shoulders. Changbin released a shaky exhale, "I got you, darling. I'll save you," he whispered, pulling you closer.
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"Hhgh, hah, hah," you gasped, digging your hands into the tuft of his hair. Changbin chuckled, licking your swollen clit with each flick of his tongue. "So sweet, so ripe for me to taste," he groaned, sucking on your puffy gland. You arched your back, tears running down your cheeks like a broken pipe from the amount of diligent pleasure he subjected you to. 
Changbin flatted his tongue, licking between your folds, the rough strokes of his appendage made your body contract. "Please, mmh, please," you pleaded, not knowing what you're begging for. You just wanted more. Changbin swallowed your arousal, his face drenched in the scent of your slick, "You want more, my bunny? Want more of my tongue?" he asked, palming his throbbing cock through his pants. 
It wasn't about him this time, it's about pleasing you. Driving you off the edge and into the depths of ecstacy. Today is about you. "Please, Binnie. Need you, ache for you," you sniffled, wiping your tears. Changbin cooed, stroking your cheeks, "I know, my love. Don't worry, I've got you," he said, hooking your calves over his shoulders as he buried his face deeper into your folds. 
You screamed out at the searing pleasure buzzing through your veins. Your legs tremble as he thrust his tongue in and out of your fluttering ribbed walls. You squeezed your thighs around his face, "Fuck, fuck, hhgh, hah," you sobbed, tossing your head back into the pillow. Changbin growled, licking within your tight cunt, his tongue circling around your needy cervix. 
Your eyes crossed when your orgasm gushed through you, "Hah, ah, hah," you gasped, creaming into his mouth. Changbin groaned at the taste, lapping up every last drop before eating you out once more. Your thrashed beneath his hold, mind clouding his heavy haze and fog, "Cumming, fuck, I'm cumming," you whimpered, squinting onto his face when he pulled back. 
Changbin licked you clean, his face equally as fucked out, "Bunny, you're mine. This cunt is mine, your orgasms are mine. All mine. Whenever you doubt that, I will fuck it into you, my love. I will engrave it into your body. You're all mine," he growled, staring into your half lidded eyes as he nipped your thighs.
"Hhgh, hah, hah," you gasped, digging your hands into the tuft of his hair. Changbin chuckled, licking your swollen cockhead with each flick of his tongue. "So sweet, so ripe for me to taste," he groaned, sucking on your puffy gland. You arched your back, tears running down your cheeks like a broken pipe from the amount of diligent pleasure he subjected you to. 
Changbin flatted his tongue, licking up and down your shaft, the rough strokes of his appendage made your body contract. "Please, mmh, please," you pleaded, not knowing what you're begging for. You just wanted more. Changbin swallowed your precum, his chin drenched in the scent of your slick, "You want more, my bunny? Want more of my tongue?" he asked, palming his throbbing cock through his pants. 
It wasn't about him this time, it's about pleasing you. Driving you off the edge and into the depths of ecstacy. Today is about you. "Please, Binnie. Need you, ache for you," you sniffled, wiping your tears. Changbin cooed, stroking your cheeks, "I know, my love. Don't worry, I've got you," he said, hooking your calves over his shoulders as he wrapped his lips around your leaky cock and bobbed his head. 
You screamed out at the searing pleasure buzzing through your veins. Your legs tremble as he thrust his tongue in and out of your sensitive slit. You squeezed your thighs around his face, "Fuck, fuck, hhgh, hah," you sobbed, tossing your head back into the pillow. Changbin groaned, swirling his tongue around your shaft, and hollowed his cheeks, sending vibrations through your cock.
Your eyes crossed when your orgasm gushed through you, "Hah, ah, hah," you gasped, creaming into his mouth. Changbin groaned at the taste, lapping up every last drop before sucking you off once more. Your thrashed beneath his hold, mind clouding his heavy haze and fog, "Cumming, fuck, I'm cumming," you whimpered, squinting onto his face when he pulled back. 
Changbin licked you clean, his face equally as fucked out, "Bunny, you're mine. This cock is mine, your orgasms are mine. All mine. Whenever you doubt that, I will fuck it into you, my love. I will engrave it into your body. You're all mine," he growled, staring into your half lidded eyes as he nipped your thighs.
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cdbabymp3 · 23 hours
part one ― telling young dad!hamzah you're pregnant
notes ; established relationship, reader is 20 & hamzah is 22, unplanned pregnancy, angst, tw // anxiety attack (pls be careful reading baes)
disclaimer ; i want to say real quick that being a young parent is in no way a bad thing. literally half of my family are/were young parents (#🇲🇽), so i've seen the beauty with it but also how quickly your life changes. it's terrifying and not always easy to accept at first, so i feel like it's important to reflect that in my writing. everyone's experience is different and everyone views motherhood differently ! pls remember this is an au and entirely fictional !!!
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you stare at the positive pregnancy test until your eyes started to burn. finally blinking back hot tears, you set it down atop the bathroom counter.
how could this happen?
you and hamzah were always extremely careful. it was almost a joke how on him you were about wearing a condom and how punctual you were about taking birth control. when you two went grocery shopping and there'd be a baby screaming and crying in your aisle, you always said a silent prayer that you didn't have to deal with that any time soon―or even maybe at all. you didn't dislike the idea of motherhood, however it always a topic you were quick to change. you never felt especially maternal, but it was deeper than that. it was your own self-doubt about being able to care for someone else. when your cousin let you hold her newborn baby, you froze up, worried you'd drop him or he'd start to wail. everyone around you thought you were overreacting, but you can't help it. how are you meant to care for something so small, something so fragile, when you can barely take care of yourself?
you're fully spiraling now, whole body trembling and buzzing as you slide down against the wall. you can't see straight, things keep zooming in and out. desperately trying to find stability, you white knuckle the bathtub, heaving shallow breaths. it feels like someone is trying to choke you out, but won't put you out of your misery. the mascara mixed with your salty tears stings your eyes and stains your flushed cheeks. you close your eyes, trying focus on slowing your breathing, but it's no use. it's like your heart is beating in your ears the way it pounds like a jackhammer, hot and clamorous―yet, you start to break out in a cold sweat.
"y/n? babe?" hamzah calls out from the bedroom, setting his car keys down on the dresser and walking over to the bathroom where the door is cracked open. he slowly enters trying to find you, eyes immediately flicking to where you sit by the tub. "oh my god, y/n!" he rushes down to you, picking up your trembling body and setting you on top of the toilet. he keeps both hands firmly on your shoulders, trying to anchor you.
"i-h-hamzah-i'm-i-" you stammer out, trying to reach for the test to show him, but he coos softly, wanting to keep you still so you don't topple over.
"what? what happened, baby? what's wrong?" he asks, trying to read your face as he notices your eyes are locked on what sits on the counter. he frowns, confused, looking over and seeing the test. his stomach drops, quickly reaching over and picking it up. he reads it over a couple times just to make sure his mind isn't playing tricks on him. he manages to rip his eyes away from it, looking at you. his heart breaks a little at the sight. you poor thing, you're absolutely petrified. he sees your bottom lip quiver, your beautiful eyes going red and spilling heavy tears. there's a beat of silence before he takes a deep breath and sets down the test.
"i'm so fucking sorry, hamzah." you whisper out shamefully, swallowing back a sob.
"hey, no....don't say that." he shakes his head, crouching down in front of you and caressing your thigh, "what do you have to be sorry for, huh? i'm the one who did this to you."
without even trying, you let out a weak giggle. even in times like this, he knew how to ease the tension just enough. he was just happy to see your smile for a moment.
"we're always so careful-how?-i-i don't even know-" trying to make sense of this, you ramble.
"i know...it's okay, it's okay...shh," he rubs your thigh some more, trying to keep you from getting worked up again, "baby, you're still shaking. you gotta breathe, okay? like this, watch me."
you nod, following his breathing in....and out....in....and out. it takes a couple tries, but steadily your heart rate starts to calm down. you're still fucking terrified, but more ready to speak coherently. "what do we do?" you ask him, wiping your cheek.
he takes another deep breath, thumb stroking your skin as he speaks, "well, that's up to you. it's your choice."
"yeah, but....we can't actually have baby right now." you tell him matter-of-factly, waiting for him to agree but to your surprise he stays quiet. "right?" you try him again, but second pass and he avoids your eyes. a small smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth. "hamzah...."
he looks up at you with a little shrug to defend himself, "i think we could make it work."
"that's not funny, c'mon." you swear he's joking, but his earnest gaze doesn't falter. he's being dead serious. "no-oh my god?? hamzah, no....are you being serious?" you laugh at him and his ridiculous notion.
"i mean, a lot would change, yeah. but....i think we could do it." he speaks with confidence and you're honestly baffled, still on the fence.
"how?" you challenge him.
he sighs, thinking it over for a second, "i don't know, we'd figure it out."
you scoff, "this isn't something you just 'figure out'. this is being responsible for another human. you think you're ready for that? because i'm fucking not. i almost just suffocated merely finding out that i'm pregnant―the baby's not even here yet, hamzah. and i don't know the first thing about being a good mom. i don't know anything. what happens when they're not sleeping through the night? or when they're sick with a fever at 2 in the morning? or when they fall and get hurt? or when they're upset about something at school, but they won't tell me?.....how? how am i supposed to know what to do?" you're crying again, voice shaking as you raise your volume for him to understand, "how, hamzah?"
he stands silently, pulling you with up with him, enveloping your body in a hug as he rubs your back. you're hesitant to give in, but his skin on yours provides a comfort you can only get from him. you nestle into his broad chest, allowing yourself a moment's peace. you can hear his heart beating, the thrum elated and swift.
he speaks into your hair, "look, i know you're scared―i'm scared too, believe me. i don't want you to think i don't understand the weight of this because i do." taking your face into his palms, "and you're right, we're not gonna have all the answers all the time.....but, i know you....and i know us....if anyone can do this, it's us."
you tear up again, but this time it's not out of fear or hostility. he's right. the love you have for each other is there. he has faith in you and you never doubt his devotion. it's all there. as scary as it is, you're not alone. how could you ever think that you were? he's always been there. on your great days and your shittiest. through whatever life brings, he's there and will continue to be there. only now, he's there for you and the life you bring into this world. he says he knows you, but you know him too. and you know he means every word.
"okay....okay, let's do this, let's figure it out." you say readily, muffled against his sweatshirt.
he pulls back from the hug, gauging your expression to make sure you're 100% certain. you smile, nodding reassuringly. his face lights up, pulling you into the hug once more and whispering to himself against your head in disbelief, "our own little family."
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໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა taglist ; @nativegirltapes @etherealval @thatmartinkitten + lmk if u wanna be added !!!!
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d4minnie · 23 hours
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Pairing: YandereStalker!Gojo Satoru x Reader
Warnings: Stalking,kidnapping & slight gore
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Day 1
"You look pretty in that black dress; you should wear it more often."
"Um, I think you have the wrong number..."
You quickly hung up, glancing around the restaurant where you and your friends were sitting, scanning for anyone suspicious, but everyone seemed normal. It felt strange—surely it was just a coincidence? You were wearing a black dress, but the number that called you was unfamiliar. There were tons of people in the restaurant wearing black dresses; the world didn’t revolve around you, right? It had to be a coincidence.
Then you felt your phone buzz and, before you could think, you read a message from that same number. It simply said "1." Your heart raced, and you felt increasingly jumpy. Suddenly, you jumped at the sensation of a hand on your shoulder. You turned to see your friend Miyu looking at you.
"Are you okay? You seem off. We can leave if you want." She offered a sympathetic smile, but wanting to keep the mood light, you shook your head. "No, it’s fine," you chuckled, though she didn't seem convinced.
"If you say so, but if you feel uneasy, let me know," she said, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze before returning to what she was doing.
Day 2
The next morning, you completely forgot about the strange call. "Shi—I forgot about that project!" You muttered, jumping out of bed and tripping over the tangled blankets. Scrambling around, you searched for your laptop, hardly taking the time to get ready. You were so on edge! The deadline was in just a couple of days, but you had plans!
As soon as you unlocked your laptop, you received a call. Unable to find your phone, you answered on your laptop. "Hello?" All you heard was heavy breathing. "Hello?? Is this a prank call?!" More heavy breathing on the other end. "Seriously, this isn’t funny. Who is this?" You got only a grunt in response. With a frustrated sigh, you hung up. Just as you were about to start on your project, a notification popped up in the corner of your screen from that same number—Pretty number 2 :)
"What a weirdo." Was this some new way for guys to flirt? You sighed and blocked the number, then turned back to your project.
Day 3
You slipped on some cute gold earrings as you got ready for your date. Your friends had been pestering you lately about getting out more, insisting you shouldn’t stay inside all the time. You didn’t really understand what they were talking about—sure, you hadn’t dated much, but that wasn’t your fault! You were just busy.
After checking your outfit for the fifth time and doing a quick spin for your friends on FaceTime, you finally felt ready. You hung up, spritzed on some perfume, and tossed your phone into your purse along with a few essentials. A quick glance in the mirror confirmed you looked good.
Just as you were about to open the door, your phone rang from an unknown number. “Not this again,” you grumbled, deciding to block the caller without a second thought. But just as you reached for the doorknob, your phone buzzed again with another unfamiliar number. Frustrated, you answered, bringing the phone to your ear.
“I don’t know if you think this is funny, but pi—”
“Leave that house and I’ll kill you.”
The voice was chillingly serious, and your heart raced, pounding against your chest. “Wha—who is this?” you stammered, but the caller hung up, leaving you confused and scared shitless.
Taking the threat seriously, you quickly texted your date to cancel. As you were doing that, a new message from the same number popped up: It's the number 3 pretty :) Panic surged through you. You blocked the number again, hurriedly shut all the blinds, and double-checked the locks on both the front and back doors. Finally, you curled up in bed, trying to push the fear aside as you went to sleep.
Day 4
The next morning, after a long internal debate, you finally found the courage to leave the house. As you braced yourself to open the door, relief flooded over you. But just as you stepped outside, your foot slipped on something, and you stumbled, twisting your ankle. "Ah, ouch!" you grunted, squeezing your eyes shut in pain.
After what felt like an eternity, you finally opened your eyes and looked down to see what had caused you to trip. But then you froze, your blood running cold.
There, on the ground, lay the lifeless head of your date, eyes staring blankly into the void. A scream lodged in your throat, but it wouldn't come. The reality of the scene consumed you, dread pooling in your stomach as the world tilted on its axis.
You double over, retching violently. The contents of your stomach heave up, spilling out in a chaotic rush. You feel each spasm shake through you, a raw, involuntary reaction that feels both foreign and all-consuming. Your vision blurs, the morning light morphing into a haze of colours and shapes.
Every gag feels like a release, yet the lifeless eyes that seem to be glaring at you in pity remains anchored in your mind. You catch your breath, trembling, trying to wipe the remnants from your mouth, but the disgust lingers, a bitter taste that mingles with the fear.
You quickly tried to get up, forgetting about your painful ankle, which caused you to fall again. Frustrated, you gave up and crawled back into the house, tears streaming down your face with each sob. Once inside, you locked the door tight and let out a blood-curdling wail, feeling as if the tears burning your cheeks were scalding hot.
Then you heard it—the phone ringing. This time, you let it ring, your heart racing until a notification chimed. With shaky hands, you reached for your phone, and the sight of the message made your heart drop: You really shouldn't ignore my calls, pretty :) And guess what number... 4!
Panic surged through you as you quickly blocked the number, your breath quickening. The words felt like a threat, echoing in your mind. You glanced around the dark room, feeling an overwhelming sense of dread settle in. The implications were clear—someone was watching you, and they knew more than you realized.
Without wasting another moment, you dialed the police, breathlessly informing them about what lay right outside your door. But as you spoke, your vision began to blur and go spotty. The world around you started to fade, and before you knew it, you collapsed.
Day 5
You woke up in the hospital, disoriented. According to the nurses, you had fainted and hit your head, but not too badly—you’d be able to leave in about a week. You just hummed in reply, glancing at your phone. Ignoring the calls from your worried parents and friends felt easier; every ringtone felt like a taunt, reminding you of everything that had happened.
Your thoughts were interrupted by five knocks at the door. You looked to the side and saw two officers enter the room—one with striking blue eyes and pearly white hair, while the other had long black hair tied in a bun. Your heart raced. Are they going to arrest me? Do they not believe me? Oh my God, am I going to—
“Calm down, pretty. You’re not in trouble,” the white-haired officer said. While his words were meant to reassure you, they felt oddly mocking.
“We just want to understand what happened, okay?” you nodded in response. The black-haired officer pulled out a notepad and pen, and you recapped everything for them, including the strange numbers. They asked to borrow your phone for further investigation, and you agreed. That simple act relieved some of the weight on your shoulders.
Afterward, you decided to sleep, as you really didn’t have anything else to do. But when you awoke, something felt deeply wrong. The light in the room was off, and it was completely dark; you couldn’t even see your own hand in front of your face.
You stumbled over to the light switch and flicked it on, and you swear you felt your soul leave your body. On the window were five neat "5s" painted in light blue. But what terrified you the most wasn’t just those numbers; it was the extra "5" painted on the floor, with what you assumed wasn’t red paint because of the headless body in the middle.
You bolted out of the room, yelling for a doctor, your words tumbling out in a frantic loop. “DEAD BODY THERES A DEAD BODY IN MY ROOM!—” It felt surreal, like a scene playing on repeat, and you weren’t sure if any of it was real.
The other doctors didn’t seem to take you seriously either. As soon as they stepped into your room, you heard a loud wail and cries for the police. Panic gripped you tighter as a nurse hurried over, escorting you to a different room.
“We’ll get this sorted out,” she said, though her voice wavered slightly. As she left to check on the commotion, you felt a wave of dread wash over you. Alone in the new room you decided to just let sleep overtake you.
Day 6
The next morning, a nurse entered your room, her expression serious. “The same officers from yesterday are going to ask you questions again,” she said. Something about that didn’t sit right with you.
When they had questioned you the day before, it felt like it seemed like a hassle for them. The white-haired officer was particularly unsettling—he was overly touchy, sighing dramatically, and his face constantly twitched as if he was holding back laughter. You definitely didn’t want to face them again, but you had little choice. As you replayed the interaction from the day before, it felt like you were missing something. Sitting upright on the hospital bed, you put your head in your hands, trying to figure it out. Your thoughts were cut off by six knocks at the door, which made you feel sick.
“Hope we’re not interrupting anything,” the white-haired officer said with a big smile, as if there was anything to smile about at that moment. “Yesterday I didn’t get to introduce myself, pretty. My name’s Satoru, and this is my friend Suguru.” He held out his hand, but you didn’t take it; something about him made you feel incredibly sick.
“Ouch, harsh,” he chuckled. At that moment, realization hit you—oh my god, how did you not notice? The word “pretty,” that sickening word, made you choke on your spit. Tears brimmed at your eyelids, and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. “Could I excuse myself to the bathroom for a second?” you asked, forcing a carefree smile that clearly didn’t match your panic. They let you go anyway.
Once outside the room, you sprinted down the hallway and out of the hospital, running as fast as you could. Rocks dug into the soles of your feet, and you could feel blisters forming, but you didn’t care. You were sure someone must have called the police after seeing someone in hospital clothes running barefoot. After a moment to catch your breath, you doubled over.
You heard a car stop next to you and were about to run again when someone spoke, “Are you okay? Do you need a ride?” You saw an unfamiliar man in the passenger seat, but at least he wasn’t Satoru or Suguru. You quickly opened the door and hopped into the passenger seat, profusely thanking the man. “You don’t understand how much I appreciate this, thank you so mu—”
“You shouldn’t run barefoot, pretty.” Before you could react, hands from behind covered your mouth with a rag. You thrashed around, trying to escape, but you kept accidentally inhaling whatever was in the rag. It felt like you were slowly losing consciousness. You glanced at the driver, who was looking forward with a guilty expression, and just before you passed out, you heard, “6.”
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sturniqloo · 2 days
~Good or bad~
summary:when Chris comes to your house blacked out,did he fucked up everything you had for years?..♡
warnings:none actually i think,use of y/n,pet names,broke of emotions,use of alcohol(pls be responsible),drunk talk..(my first language is NOT English sorry if there's any wrong grammar),angsty fluff,cuddling...idk lol‼️
It was late,02:54am at the clock ticking,as u tossed around bed from the emptiness in it,something was missing...someone..it was Chris's lack of presence in the bed,he went to a party hours ago,with some of his guys and brothers,leaving you at home,but in reality you didn't wanna come either.
Cold breeze filling the bedroom from the open window,as the seconds..minutes..hours..passed by,you decided to get up,turning around and getting frustrated cause you can't sleep won't make you sleep,right?
You sit up in bed,leaning your head on a headboard behind you,rubbing your eyes you checked your phone.
no texts,no calls,no notifications from Chris,absolutely nothing...your stomach felt heavy at the thought he's gone for hours without words,usually he would check on you and inform you what's happening but this time?
where is he? with who? is he okay? why isn't he active?..all the thoughts flying through your mind constantly,you wanted to text him,to check on him but he wasn't active...
It was currently 04:23am when u heard the stumbling steps on the stairs,immediately followed with bedroom doors opening,revealing Chris...blacked out of alcohol
He stumbled in the room and just fall onto bed,with mumbles,of something completely non understandable,as soon as he layed on the bed the strong smell of alcohol hits you,his eyes half open and red,his hair messy,and his clothes...messy?
-what the fuck?-
you thought..he's looking bad,exhausted,and completely fucked out.
With a soft and quiet mumble he spoke:
"mhm...hey ma'..why u still awake? thought u won't wait on me?"
his words getting in one ear and leaving through other as your mind was filled with millions of thoughts where he was and with who?...
"yeah..um-i did-yeah.."
you spoke back in a whisper,feeling tired and sleepy but his presence here made u wonder a lot.
With slow moves,he took his jacket off,leaving himself in his shirt and jeans,as he layed on the pillows followed with a groan and mumble of something about his head hurting from all the alcohol he had,well ofcourse.
"sorry i got home this late ma'...I got caught up..-lets sleep now..I need to be close to you...I missed you..c'mere.."
you suddenly heard his mumble,as he tugs at your arm pulling you down with him to lay and cuddle,with a sigh,you give in,cuddling close to him,your head against his chest,while he burried his head in your hair,holding onto your body tightly like you might dissappear if he let go..
As u took deep breaths against his chest,feeling his presence here with you made you feel better...only till you smelled it...
His neck and shirt,smell of the sweat and his cologne,followed with a new..strange smell..you tried to ignore it thinking its nothing,but the more you breathe,the more it filled your nostrils...you shut your eyes tightly,emotions hitting you immediately as you finally made it out..
Strong flowery scent,like lavender..and roses...lingering on his skin and clothes..it was something you can't miss,even worse can't mix up thinking it's your perfume...that smell..that made your heart tighten and your gut wrenching in seconds..your hearbeat picking up of the thought Chris was with another girl...
You didn't say anything,his breathing filling the uncomfortable silence you were in,signaling he's already fast asleep...you felt your eyes water,but you just layed there..close in his embrace..not wanting to wake him up and make a scene right now..you shut your eyes...immediate sleep falling onto your eyes and your breathing slowed..you fall asleep too...
Morning is gonna show everything..its either gonna be good or bad...
that's it lovies,this is my first writing,ik its kind of short but i wrote it quite quickly,lemme know what u think about it...SHOULD I MAKE A PART 2? love yall 🩷🎀🪄 (if u like it pls share around🧸)
@hoeforchrizz @mattscoquette @mattslolita @elsturnioloo @flouqiis @archiebabiesworld @sturniolosweetheart33 @chris-sturniolo0
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mrs-kodzuken · 2 days
hard to desire ⨟ kenma k.
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chapter four
soaked shy smith
❝'Cause, baby, you get me so
So soaked
This heat is gettin' to me
I want you all over me❞
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previous chapter next chapter
After the advice that Keiji had given you, you backed off from the mean streak towards Kenma. You'd given it more thought and honestly hated how you would always act to him because of the way he treated you.
Plus, Akaashi seemed like a very nice guy who wouldn't lie to you.
As a truce, you had picked up Kenma's favorite coffee, remembering the order from heart at this point. Your class had unexpectedly ended early, and you felt like a saint, so why not? Maybe it was the month or the feeling of fall in the air, but you were feeling rather forgiving of Kenma and his past actions towards you.
Texting Kuroo you had asked if he wanted a little sweet treat too, to which he declined because he was hanging out with Bokuto this evening for some 'bro time' as he called it.
You sent back a thumbs and smiley face before ordering your own drink.
Not thinking much of you and Kenma being at the apartment alone, you hummed as you enjoyed the crisp air hitting your face when you walked home. You loved being able to walk everywhere because you get to experience the season in real time, and it saved you gas money.
Feeling much better towards Kenma, you felt like you could actually try again to be friends with him. The coffee sloshed in their brown cups as you unlocked the door. You hurried to take your shoes off by the door and set the coffee holder on the counter.
You had been sure Kenma was unquestionably home because his shoes were by the shoe rack when you entered the apartment. You'd be a good roommate to Kenma and go tell him that you got a sweet treat just for the fun of it.
No lamps or lights were turned on in the apartment, only the afternoon daylight streaming through the opened curtains in the living room and kitchen. Walking up the stairs to his room, you could only hope that he wouldn't be an asshole to you.
You stopped once you heard a strange noise, like a gargled cry or something of the sort. You paused, listening harder, hearing your own breathing and heartbeat, and you had heard it again.
Your brows furrowed together, what in the hell was going on in Kenma's room? You walked a few steps closer; his door was shut so you pressed your ear against the cold wood.
"F-Fuck," A groan came from inside the room. Your face flushed red so fast in realization of what was occurring just behind this door you were pressed against.
Kenma was masturbating.
You felt like you were protruding on something extremely intimate and wanted to leave but couldn't bring yourself to. You were indefinitely frozen there. The noises he made were so exotic and foreign to you, you had to have self-restraint to not whimper in need.
"God, uhg, you make me feel so... s-so good," Kenma moaned out, loudly at that, which sent a throb down to your core. He had no trouble being loud under the false promise that he was home alone.
Was he masturbating to the thought of someone? It made you breathe in deep as you fluttered your eyes, lost in a trance with the thought of him.
You never would have guessed that you would be here, outside of Kenma's door, trying to resist the temptation to touch yourself to the sensual moans and groans he let out.
A dirty thought overtook and soon you realized you were very slowly turning the knob to his door open. If you went slow enough and quiet enough, you would be able to catch a peek. God, you just needed to see how lewd his provoking face looked during this moment.
'Only one', you mentally cursed yourself.
You just had to see him, clenching your thighs together as he, luckily, didn't realize that his door had just opened the slightest bit. You gulped, peeking in on the seductive sight that laid before you.
Kenma was in the middle of his king-sized bed, the silky blood-red sheets making him look more mesmerizing. His head was thrown back against the pillows, his right hand pumping his red tipped cock, that was dripping with pre-cum, in careful motions. Whilst his left hand was holding something over his nose, his eyes were scrunched closed in pleasure.
You realized it was your panties that you swore the washing machine had eaten, not that you told Kuroo or Kenma that they went missing.
Your jaw slightly dropped, face beat red, heart beating extremely louder and a hand itching to touch yourself to the sight of him.
Kenma's black, ripped pants were pulled down to mid thigh. Had he gone somewhere? His outfit seems rather nice than what you've been used to seeing lately. His shirt was pulled up just above his mid stomach, which graciously shown his fucking hot abdomen.
His hand motions slightly went a bit faster, the black rings on his left hand burned into your mind, how they were clutching your panties.
And God, wasn't his cock a sight to see. You hadn't expected Kenma to be so big, not just size but girth too. His hand had almost not been able to hold the damned thing all the way around. You could see a vein running down it on the underside of it, you licked your lips.
You felt so fucking needy because of him, no thought going through your head rationally right now. You just knew that you couldn't help how soaked you got because of the sight.
Your name was murmured by him, followed by a string of curses. You could fall right now if you weren't holding onto the doorframe with a death grip, your knuckles white. You couldn't believe it. Forcing yourself to hold in the whine you had desperately wanted to let out.
The slicked sounds of him masturbating to the thought of you and your panties made you lightheaded and filled with need. You had half a mind to start touching yourself right now because of him.
Kenma's chest started heaving more and his cock stood up taller, getting ready for a release. You were captivated by the estranged sight. You've had your fair share of unsolicited dick pictures from when you were in high school but those paled in comparison to him.
He let out a cry, as you watched the liquid spurt out of his cock, it was red and leaking. He clenched his hand over the burning red tip and whined more with a moan of your name on his lips. His low groans were forever imprinted into your head as you got alarmed and quickly, but quietly, shut his door.
You gulped and tip-toed down the steps, trying to be as quiet as possible. He still didn't even know that you were home. You retraced your steps and opened the front door, quickly slamming it a bit so it could be heard from up the stairs.
You continued to make noise, placing your jacking loudly on the hook, throwing your shoes, the whole nine yards. You hoped your face had calmed down from how red you could feel it was earlier.
After a few moments, you decided that you were heard and took his coffee in your hand, which couldn't help but to shake at the thought of seeing Kenma.
You knocked on his door, loudly too. You could hear a small curse and some shuffling on the other side of the door.
When it opened, you saw Kenma in all his glory, a fleeting drunken expression he wore just moments before almost gone, hair a bit messy, and cheeks tinted red.
"I got you a drink, Kenma. I figured that you may have wanted one since you haven't gone with Kuroo and I to the cafe in a while." You looked everywhere but his face. You hoped that he hadn't had a clue of what you had witnessed just moments before.
"Don't you have class today?" He questioned; his brows furrowed a bit at the look of you.
"Uh, yeah. It ended early though," You were still holding the cold coffee in your hand. "Are you going to take it or what?" You didn't know how else to say it. Naturally falling into the rude pattern that he had made you accustomed to.
"Is it even the right kind?" He scoffed, jerking it from your hand – with the hand he had been stroking his cock to moments before. You could feel your face slightly starting to burn.
"Yes," you said breathily, hoping he didn't catch onto it.
"You're welcome by the way." Trying to make your voice a little firmer, a little meaner.
"Thanks," He gazed at your face, the tension rising. You hoped he couldn't sense the nervousness in your body language – he could though, so it was redundant.
You turned sharply and made a beeline to your room, shutting the door behind you and locking it. Finally, you could breathe right.
What you hadn't known was that Kenma was breathless too, not because of what he just did but because of you. Seeing you right after he had just finished, made him get hard again. This time, he couldn't do a repeat of what just happened, opting to get into a cold shower instead.
You hadn't noticed the way he stared at you while you were talking to him, his eyes dilating more in your presence. He didn't know how to actually talk to you, being rude and trying to convince you that he hated you was his best option.
Kenma wanted you and he needed to know if you felt the same unbearable want for him too. With that last thought, he turned away and closed the bathroom door.
You, on the other hand, were completely and utterly speechless. You didn't know how you could ever get him a 'friendly' coffee anymore, speak to him, sit behind him in class or even see him on your way out the apartment.
Plopping on your bed, face down, you let out a silent scream and doubted yourself. Was the coffee even 'friendly' anymore? Were you actually just pining for Kenma because you secretly liked how mean he was?
You couldn't bear the sound of these atrocious thoughts in your head, opting to turn on your favorite cartoon and force yourself to sleep. You definitely were not leaving your room until Kuroo, Akaashi, or hell even Bokuto came and dragged you out of here.
. . .
Four of the past seven nights you have not even gotten a wink of sleep, and you couldn't help but to blame Kenma. He was the devil to you, his plan to kill you with sleep was working devilishly.
The last three days you survived off of energy drinks mixed with coffee and little twenty-minute power naps that your mind graced you when it wasn't thinking of Kenma stroking his cock, an image you couldn't get out of your head.
Finding things to distract yourself with have been hard and even more increasingly harder to not spill to Akaashi who you've been spending all your week with.
Whether it be a spa day he took you on when he noticed the bags under your eyes or invited you to an art museum showcase just because he happened to have an extra ticket, or maybe when he had given you homemade muffins when you complained that you hadn't eaten that morning.
Keiji Akaashi has been a blessing to be friends with but a curse to not spill what you saw of Kenma to. You were absolutely embarrassed to see anything; you get so bothered by it and there's always a feeling of need in your core.
"Have you been okay recently?" A small and quick question that didn't seem too big but when spoken aloud by Keiji, in the way that he said it almost made you even wonder if you were okay.
Of course, you were mentally fucked in the head for constantly dreaming about getting rammed by Kenma, a secret you'll take to your grave, but you'd never tell him.
"Uh, yeah, why do you ask?" You peered over, trying to pretend that you weren't fucking quaking in your boots, hoping to not give off an answer.
"Just a hunch," He replied, leaving it at that. However, you couldn't stop feeling his slitted eyes on you when you weren't looking at him. It was almost enough to make you confess, almost.
"Well... Kenma has been a lot more not mean." You randomly said, after typing a quick short sentence to answer an email. You both were in the library doing a study session since Kuroo was an upperclassman, he had less work to do, and Kenma was well... Kenma.
"Hm? So, my advice worked for you?" Keiji asked like he was even surprised it worked, which piqued your interest. Now, Keiji Akaashi seemed very articulate and careful in his steps so you could only strongly assume that something was up.
"Yeah, granted we've hardly talked but he hasn't left his room when I come home or doesn't scoff when I pass by." You mention, thinking back to recent events between the two of you. That was all true, it was awkward but true.
Being in the apartment with Kenma alone sparked something in you, which was dangerous. Being alone in an apartment with Kenma who, to you, seemingly has experience, is older, and also is intensely hot feels perilous for you.
"Well, that's good. I was afraid you were losing sleep on something so simple as Kenma." Keiji chuckled at his comment, he said that with a purpose, he wanted to see how you felt because he had intuitively known you were lying.
You forced a laugh, eyes widening for a moment, "No, I would never. Just this course work is difficult for me." You avoided eye contact and hoped that it wouldn't make you seem even more guilty than you already were.
"Ah, I must've forgotten. It's date night with Kou, I'll be leaving now. I'll see you soon, Y/n." Keiji said, peering down at his lit-up phone screen. You silently pleaded for him to stay only because you're not actually doing work. You're just avoiding going home because you knew for a fact that Kenma was there. He's always there.
The walk back home was penetratingly cold, and it wasn't only the breeze that made chills run down your spine either.
You'd have to be stuck with Kenma, with the longing stares you couldn't decipher from him, the hitches of his breath when you accidentally bump into each other, and the random morning tea he's made you.
It was all becoming too much for you.
You are even worried that being like this will ruin whatever kindness he's been bestowing upon you. He didn't know that you knew, and you damn sure hoped he didn't know about you trying to pleasure yourself to the sweet sounds he made that day.
Not having any experience sucks, especially in times like this. Porn always seemed weird and disgusting, you never had privacy living with your parents to actually try and have alone time, and the best thing you knew was the shower head.
You were hesitant on that last option because, well, you weren't sure if the walls were as hollow as you think they are.
Unlocking the apartment door, you definitely made sure to make it known that you were home this go around. You could hear Kenma in his room, only due the fact that the noises were from a game, you guessed that he was most likely streaming it too.
You snuck quietly into your room and finally was able to breathe a sigh of relief. What a week.
synopsis: it's the summer before you go to university, and you decide to become roommates with your pen pal that you've known since you were in primary. big problem arises, he's got a roommate, and it just so happens that his roommate either has a sexual want for you or hates your guts – or probably both?
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tag list: [let me know if you’d like to be in the tag list!]
@geektastic84 @lavanderdreamve @hhoneyhan @kirikeijii @marsoverthestars @nymphsdomain @justagirlnamedkai @kodzukein @74zix47 @kakuzone @jaeminaur @3lectraheart
a/n: i hope you enjoyed, and the idea for this entire smau came from @deftrow !! i made the banner
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sassenach77yle · 1 day
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I snuggled deeper into the comfort of the goose-down bed and turned toward sleep again, hearing with half an ear the baby’s whining, interspersed with hiccuping sobs, and Jamie’s deep, tuneless humming, the sound as comforting as the thought of beehives in the sun.
“Eh, wee Kitty, ciamar a tha thu? Much, mo naoidheachan, much.”
The sound of them went up and down the passage, and I dropped further toward sleep, but kept half-wakeful on purpose to hear them. One day perhaps he would hold his own child so, small round head cradled in the big hands, small solid body cupped and held firm against his shoulder. And thus he would sing to his own daughter, a tuneless song, a warm, soft chant in the dark. The constant small ache in my heart was submerged in a flood of tenderness. I had conceived once; I could do so again. Faith had given me the gift of that knowledge, Jamie the courage and means to use it. My hands rested lightly on my breasts, cupping the deep swell of them, knowing beyond doubt that one day they would nourish the child of my heart. I drifted into sleep with the sound of Jamie’s singing in my ears. Sometime later I drifted near the surface again, and opened my eyes to the light-filled room.
The moon had risen, full and beaming, and all the objects in the room were plainly visible, in that flat, two-dimensional way of things seen without shadow.
The baby had quieted, but I could hear Jamie’s voice in the hall, still speaking, but much more quietly, hardly more than a murmur. And the tone of it had changed; it wasn’t the rhythmic, half-nonsense way one talks to babies, but the broken, halting speech of a man seeking the way through the wilderness of his own heart.
Curious, I slipped out of bed and crept quietly to the door. I could see them there at the end of the hall.
Jamie sat leaning back against the side of the window seat, wearing only his shirt. His bare legs were raised, forming a back against which small Katherine Mary rested as she sat facing him in his lap, her own chubby legs kicking restlessly over his stomach.
The baby’s face was blank and light as the moon’s, her eyes dark pools absorbing his words. He traced the curve of her cheek with one finger, again and again, whispering with heartbreaking gentleness.
He spoke in Gaelic, and so low that I could not have told what he said, even had I known the words. But the whispering voice was thick, and the moonlight from the casement behind him showed the tracks of the tears that slid unregarded down his own cheeks. It was not a scene that bore intrusion. I came back to the still-warm bed, holding in my mind the picture of the laird of Lallybroch, half-naked in the moonlight, pouring out his heart to an unknown future, holding in his lap the promise of his blood.[...]
“He and his niece seem to have got on well together.”
The picture of them came back to me, Jamie talking in earnest, low tones to the child, tears slipping down his face. Jenny nodded, watching my face.
“Aye. I thought perhaps they’d comfort each other a bit. He doesna sleep well these days?” Her voice held a question. “No,” I answered softly. “He has a lot on his mind.” “Well he might,” she said, glancing at the bed behind me. Ian was gone already, risen at dawn to see to the stock in the barn. The horses that could be spared from the farming—and some that couldn’t—needed shoeing, needed harness, in preparation for their journey to rebellion.
“You can talk to a babe, ye ken,” she said suddenly, breaking into my thought.
“Really talk, I mean. Ye can tell them anything, no matter how foolish it would sound did ye say it to a soul could understand ye.” “Oh. You heard him, then?” I asked.
She nodded, eyes on the curve of Katherine’s cheek, where the tiny dark lashes lay against the fair skin, eyes closed in ecstasy. “Aye. Ye shouldna worrit yourself,” she added, smiling gently at me. “It isna that he feels he canna talk to you; he knows he can. But it’s different to talk to a babe that way. It’s a person; ye ken that you’re not alone. But they dinna ken your words, and ye don’t worry a bit what they’ll think of ye, or what they may feel they must do. You can pour out your heart to them wi’out choosing your words, or keeping anything back at all—and that’s a comfort to the soul.” She spoke matter-of-factly, as though this were something that everyone knew. I wondered whether she spoke that way often to her child. The generous wide mouth, so like her brother’s, lifted slightly at one side. “It’s the way ye talk to them before they’re born,” she said softly. “You’ll know?”
I placed my hands gently over my belly, one atop the other, remembering.
“Yes, I know.”
She pressed a thumb against the baby’s cheek, breaking the suction, and with a deft movement, shifted the small body to bring the full breast within reach. “I’ve thought that perhaps that’s why women are so often sad, once the child’s born,” she said meditatively, as though thinking aloud. “Ye think of them while ye talk, and you have a knowledge of them as they are inside ye, the way you think they are. And then they’re born, and they’re different—not the way ye thought of them inside, at all. And ye love them, o’ course, and get to know them the way they are … but still, there’s the thought of the child ye once talked to in your heart, and that child is gone. So I think it’s the grievin’ for the child unborn that ye feel, even as ye hold the born one in your arms.” She dipped her head and kissed her daughter’s downy skull. “Yes,” I said. “Before … it’s all possibility. It might be a son, or a daughter. A plain child, a bonny one. And then it’s born, and all the things it might have been are gone, because now it is.” She rocked gently back and forth, and the small clutching hand that seized the folds of green silk over her breast began to loose its grip. “And a daughter is born, and the son that she might have been is dead,” she said quietly. “And the bonny lad at your breast has killed the wee lassie ye thought ye carried. And ye weep for what you didn’t know, that’s gone for good, until you know the child you have, and then at last it’s as though they could never have been other than they are, and ye feel naught but joy in them. But ’til then, ye weep easy.” “And men …” I said, thinking of Jamie, whispering secrets to the unhearing ears of the child. “Aye. They hold their bairns, and they feel all the things that might be, and the things that will never be. But it isna so easy for a man to weep for the things he doesna ken.”
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... tha obair agad. 'se an obair sin, a chaileag, gum fàs u làidir agas sona. Na diochuimhnich......
...have a role to play. Yer role, wee lass, is to grow. strong and happy. Ne'er forget...
... gu bheil do theaghlach timcheall ort, fad na tide, fiù 's nach bith sinn ri fhaicinn. Do sheanar 's do sheanmhair, mo bhràthair Uilleam, mi fhéin, Sorcha. Tha sinn san fhiodh, sa chloich agas ann an gach fuaim's fàileadh an àite seo..
... yer family is all around ye, all the time, even when ye canna see us. Yer grandsire and grandmother, Uncle Willie, me, Aunt Claire. We're in the wood and the stone, and the sounds and smells of this place...
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deonsx · 2 days
Subject and scientist love (Dazai x Reader)
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Content: Smut!, Forbidden love
Dazai is a 22-year-old scientist in a science laboratory, which makes him the youngest scientist there. He has a high-level authority and he has always been curious about the subjects responsible for his research. The subjects were half-human, but they were imprisoned here because they had animal characteristics. The only difference between the subjects from humans is their special abilities and, in rare cases, elf ears and tails Dazai is known for taking very careful care of his subjects, he spent years here at least, but one of the subjects was on his way to becoming the most special of all to him, he just didn't realize it yet
Dazai was a very strict scientist, he never deviated from the rules and he hated those who broke the rules. This was his field of work. He always got along well with the subjects, but he was careful not to be sincere. He always took care of the work procedure and did not show unnecessary closeness. Dazai's longest subject was the one he worked with for 4 years. It was his s/o. The subject is a 20-year-old young girl. She has elf features. Even though her powers have not been discovered yet, she has a very affectionate nature and is also very brave. Since she did not cause any problems for 4 years, she won the heart of even a cold person like Dazai.
After another tiring day at work, Dazai retreated to his office and leaned on the chair and looked at the clock. When he saw that the check-out time was approaching, he started to pack up, but it occurred to him that he had not visited his s/o today today her birthday, even though her was a test subject, when he was with her... it was strange, everything was so lively... Dazai quickly shook the thought out of his mind, he got angry at himself for such a thought, "She's nothing more than a test subject" he muttered to himself and went to the room where s/o was kept, he lifted his card to press the door and the door slowly opened inside, there was a girl sitting on her bed in a short nightgown. It appeared that the room was dark, only the moonlight coming from the window at the top was illuminating the room. The only scientist in the laboratory was Dazai at the moment.
The girl quickly got up from her bed and happily ran to dazai "I missed you!" The girl was very intrusive as always, they only had a business relationship and she had no choice but to remind him of it, but on a day like this? If they were to discuss business procedures even on the girl's birthday, it would break the girl's heart. When the girl hugged Dazai, Dazai waited for a while, but then responded, "I'm glad about that, I couldn't come in the morning due to work," he felt the need to explain, "Happy birthday..." The girl slowly backed away, "I can't see my gift?" he asked with a chuckle. Dazai took a deep breath. It was forbidden to bring anything from outside to the subjects here. He couldn't give them anything. He couldn't even remember the last time he bought someone a gift. "I can't bring you anything from outside in the laboratory."
"What if what I want is in the lab?" Dazai blinked at the girl's answer. "Something you want from the laboratory? Yes, I can give it to you." With a slight smile, Dazai wished that the girl had something to give him on his birthday. "Okay then...there will be no turning back." Before he could even comprehend what the girl said, he was pulled from her hand and sat on the bed. S/o gently grabbed Dazai’s wrist, who was trying to move away again, and brought their faces closer again “It's just the two of us here, you don't need to be wary of anyone” Dazai’s lips came closer... Before dazai approached, she said something and both of their hearts beat fast. ...I love...I love you..their feelings for each other...were not invisible
her pleading gaze locking onto his own. He swallowed hard, feeling a mix of confusion and unexpected warmth at her words. This was not part of the protocol, not at all. Yet, as their faces drew closer, dazai found himself unable to look away. His mind raced with thoughts, struggling to reconcile his professional duties with the raw emotion in front of him. For a brief moment, he allowed himself to indulge in the idea of reciprocating her feelings. But then reality set in - he was her scientist, her caretaker. This kind of relationship would only complicate things further. With great reluctance, he gently moved her hand away and leaned back, putting some distance between them. "S/o..." He started, his voice barely above a whisper. He paused, searching for the right words. "I care about you, more than I probably should. But we can't...we're not the same."
the two were still whispering so they could hear each other “I love you....you should at least be honest with me...what if I were human...then would you reject me again”
Dazai felt his resolve weakening. He knew he couldn't lie to her, not when she was baring her soul like this. He took her hand in his, thumb gently stroking her knuckles. His brown eyes met hers with a flicker of sadness. "If you were human, things might be different." He admitted softly. It was a hypothetical situation that tugged at his heartstrings. He'd always been drawn to strong-willed individuals, and S/o was no exception. Her resilience amidst all this was truly remarkable. "But you're not human,s/o..." He continued, his tone firm but gentle. "You're a hybrid, and I'm your scientist. We have roles to play here, lines we can't cross. And even if you were human, I don't know if I could give you what you want”
"You can give me anything..Osamu.." the girl's intoxicating voice distracted the boy and fascinated his mind, but this did not happen with any power. The rhythm in Dazai's heart could be heard even from outside. While the two of them were now in each other's arms, Dazai thought how wrong this contact was. ...but still he was here. S/o left kisses on Dazai's face, leaving nothing on his lips. They gently grabbed the girl and fell into the intoxicating kiss "You know you want me dazai..."
Dazai bit the girl's lip and made it bleed as if he wanted to interrupt s/o’s words, but then she licked her lip and gave her deep kisses, “what kind of thing are you...” Dazai’s resolve crumbled as s/o’s lips found his once again, her words like fire in his ears. He knew he shouldn't have allowed this to happen, but he couldn't resist the temptation any longer. His hands found their way under her shirt, tracing the curves of her back as he returned her kisses with fervor. In the back of his mind, a voice screamed at him to stop, to remember his job and responsibilities, but he silenced it ruthlessly. For now, he wanted to feel alive, to experience something real beyond the confines of the lab. His fingers tangled in her hair as he deepened the kiss, his body pressing against hers. The taste of her blood on his lips only served to heighten his desire. He knew this was a dangerous path, but for now,dazai chose to follow it. "Fuck," he breathed against her mouth, his voice hoarse with need. "What are you doing to me…”
Dazai’s hands fumbled with s/o’s clothes, pulling them off with an urgency that surprised him. He could feel her warmth against his skin, her heart beating rapidly in sync with his own. His lips left trails of fire down her neck, nipping and sucking gently, leaving bruises in his wake. His own clothing soon followed, discarded haphazardly on the cold floor. Dazai’s fingers traced over s/o’s collarbone, then lower, exploring her body with a mix of hunger and reverence. His breath hitched as he felt her hands on him, her touch sending electric shockwaves coursing through his veins. He pressed her against the bed, his body aligning with hers, the heat between them threatening to ignite the sterile room. Dazai knew this was wrong, but in this moment, he couldn't bring himself to care. He needed this release, this connection, this reminder that he was still human despite his work with hybrids. As they continued to explore each other, dazai couldn't help but wonder if this would change things between them forever
He knew he shouldn't be doing this - it went against protocol, against his morals - but he found himself unable to resist. With one swift motion, he lifted her onto the bed, her legs wrapping around his waist instinctively. His lips trailed down her jawline, nipping at her earlobe before whispering, he pulled out the keycard to her cell, placing it on the bed within his reach. If he wanted to stop, he could. But as he positioned himself at her entrance, he could feel her body arching towards him, inviting him in.Dazai pushed past the last of his doubts and entered her, groaning at the tightness that enveloped him. His movements were slow at first, allowing her to adjust, but soon he was moving with a rhythm born of desperation. He couldn't deny the thrill he felt, knowing he was crossing a line he shouldn't have. But the feel of s/o beneath him, her nails scratching at his back, her breaths coming in ragged pants, made it impossible to think of anything else
He felt her body tensing up around him as she neared climax, her breaths turning into moans that filled the otherwise silent laboratory. Dazai’s hands gripped the edge of the bed, knuckles white with restraint, as he tried to maintain control. He wanted this moment to last, to savor every second of their forbidden connection before reality came crashing down on them both. His lips found hers again, swallowing her cries as their bodies moved in perfect harmony. Dazai couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret - this wasn't just about satisfying his desires; he had allowed himself to become emotionally involved with a test subject, something he had always promised himself he wouldn't do. But as s/o’s nails dug deeper into his back and her legs tightened around his waist, pulling him closer
Dazai knew he couldn't stop now. He moved faster, harder, driving them both towards the edge. When she finally came apart beneath him, her body convulsing with pleasure,Dazai let go of his own control and followed suit, burying his face in her neck to muffle his groans. As they lay there, panting and spent, dazai couldn't help but wonder how he would ever explain this to his superiors...or himself
“We will hide our forbidden love from everyone, my love”
It was a really long story, it wasn't difficult as I was writing it because the subject was very interesting to me and think of it as compensation for not posting for a long time ^^
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yummyuta · 24 hours
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under the same roof | l.j ft l.m
♡ genre: smut - mdni! (lee jeno x reader) & slight angst | word count: 2,233
♡ warnings: fingering, voyeurism, phone sex & masturbation
♡ summary: tensions rise when your roommate mark goes out of town for a few days, leaving you with your other unfamiliar roommate, jeno. will you be able to bridge the gap between the two of you or continue to avoid each other until mark returns?
♡ authors note: this is part 2 of this fic, read part 1 here.
♡ song recommendation:
over the next few weeks things settled into a playful routine. the three of you all hanging out together, often sprawled on the couch, binge watching a show, or having a movie marathon. during these sessions, jeno couldn’t resist his urges. he would subtly slide closer under the blanket, his hand brushing against the inside of your thighs and he’d whisper teasing comments about laying you down, and fucking you senseless right there.
you had begun to get used to sneaking around with jeno. there was nothing inherently wrong with what you were doing, but you didn't want to ward any suspicion or questions from mark. you knew he was protective of you, even more so now that he had to pick up the pieces of your shattered heart off the floor. it was best to stay in your bubble with jeno for now. it felt...safer that way.
one day, as mark wandered off to the kitchen, jeno pulled you into a quick yet exhilarating kiss. this was a dangerous game you were playing. part of you knew that, but you didn't want to admit it. you wanted to keep jeno close to you this way. it was intoxicating the way he filled your lungs with such yearning that you were becoming addicted to it. you could hear mark asking if you wanted anything, yet could barely choke out a coherant response with the feeling of jeno's mouth sucking and biting on your neck. "no thank you...i got everything i need" you mustered out, looking down at jenos head settled in the crook of your shoulder. he looked up at you with wandering eyes, smirking knowing exactly what you meant by that.
you heard mark's footsteps in the distance, and just as he entered the room, jeno leaned back onto the couch as if nothing had happened, leaving you flustered. mark pressed play on the movie you were currently watching, and quickly became engrossed in it. you, however, found it incredibly difficult to pay attention to the plot with jeno next to you, his hands sliding up and down your thighs from under the blanket, getting dangerously closer to heat each time. you glared at jeno, warning him to back off. he raised an eyebrow at you, challenging your gaze as his fingers brushed past the waistband of your shorts. you shuddered abruptly which mark took notice too. "are you okay, do you need another blanket?" you quickly shook your head no and told him not to worry.
you bit your lip as jeno pushed his hands past your waist. your legs slightly opening a bit more to give him access before locking them closed around his fingers when they made way into your pussy. luckily you were watching an action movie so the loud fighting sounds drowned out any gasps, whimpers or moans that involuntarily made their way out of your mouth. jeno kept his eyes glued to the screen despite wanting nothing more than to look at your flushed cheeks and heaving chest. he looked over at mark who was sitting on the seat to the left of where you and jeno were on the couch making sure the coast was clear before suitating himself closer to your body.
you tried to keep your eyes averted from him, but jeno sped his digits up, tearing your attention away in suprise. you nearly choked out a sob, but he titled his head to the side, motioning to mark as a reminder that you needed to be a good quiet girl. his lips went close to your ear, whispering teasing praises about how well you behave for him. "i can't believe you are letting me do this to you with your best friend in the room." you rolled your eyes, wanting to scoff at him, but you kept your compusure. you didn't want to admit it, but this entire situation turned you on, and you found yourself close to release relatively quickly. "come on love, finish all over my fingers and look at him while you do it." was the last thing jeno whispered before he moved to place a kiss behind your ear, wanting to keep moving back to his spot in your neck but opting not to since it might be too obvious.
he held your hips down with his forearm as your legs studdered. you brought the blanket up towards your face, to suppress your noises but you did as you were told looking over at mark who seemingly had no idea what was going on less than 10 feet away from him. jeno removed his fingers from you, placing them in his mouth, leisurely licking them clean without a care in the world. you looked at him in pure shock, he was shamless completely different from the man you first met but you loved it. you wanted nothing more than to kiss him in that moment but that would have to wait until later.
despite the teasing and sneaking around, there was an undeniable bond growing between you and jeno. the banter, the stolen kisses, and the shared glances all contributed to a deepening connection. his affection and attentiveness were undeniable. even with mark around, jeno’s care was evident. he had this knack for making even the most mundane tasks feel special. it was in the little things—the way he’d wrap a blanket around you when you dozed off on the couch, or how he would carry you into your room and kiss you on the forehead as he tucked you in. he listened to you and paid attention whenever you had a good or bad day or when you were excited about something that you were interested in. however, there was a knot of fear in your stomach. the ease with which he cared for you both comforting and confusing. you had been burned once before and the idea of talking about what you were becoming—what you might be—seemed daunting.
suddenly, like a blessing and a curse, jeno ended up having to go out of town for work. this gave you time to reflect on your situation and breathe a little. as you tossed and turned in bed, becoming incredibly restless, you realized something. you missed the sound of his deep voice, the way he drew circles on your waist with his fingertips before pulling you tighter by your hips into him. the reverberation of his chuckle as it hit your back after you told him a joke in your state of sleep deprived delerium.
before you could stop yourself, you sighed as your hand was reaching over to your nightstand, unplugging your phone from its charger. you punched in his number, pressing your phone against your ear as you fumbled with the drawstrings of your shorts. "babygirl?" his voice immediately bringing you at ease, the nickname he had started calling you just a few short days ago ringing in your eyes. you spoke briefly about your days before your hand began moving in between your legs, fingers wanting to move the fabric of your underwear to the side. "i miss you...so much jeno" you whimpered, trying to contain the desperation in your voice.
"really? what do you miss about me?" he questioned you. jeno was smart he knew what you were after and he would happily give it to you but you were going to have to work for it a little bit.
"your voice...and" your voice trailed off as you slipped a hand up to your breast, softly caressing the nipple teasing yourself. "your taste", you tried to continue. "is my princess touching herself right now?" jeno snarked at you. "i cant help it, but its not enough i need your touch." he paused, thinking to himself for a moment before instructing you on what to do. you continued playing with your tits with one hand while your other headed south to your entrance.
you circled your clit a few times, electricity beginning to surge through you before sliding your middle finger in. soft gaps and moans filled your room. jeno kept talking to you, whispering sweet nothings. "do your fingers stretch you out as good as mine? add another one love, you can take it." you listened intently, rolling your eyes back as your index finger followed suit. pumping furiously, legs shaking, your juices were soaking your sheets, and you wished for nothing more than more jeno to be there drinking you up. you were so close you could taste it.
this was the first time you were actually getting so much satisfaction from pleasuring yourself. you felt like you understood your body so much better now that you have been with jeno. you mumbled out "i....love..." but stopped yourself from spilling your feelings. "you love what?" he asked. you couldnt say those words, not now when hes not even actually here. you focused back on the feeling you were experiencing. "how i feel right now," you managed to get out.
"then let it all go." jeno said in a hushed, seductive tone. your body obeyed, listening to his cues as you released all over yourself. chest heaving, and thighs tingling, you were finally worn out. eyes closing softly as jeno calmed you to sleep.
unbeknowst to you, mark was catching on and confronted you about it the following morning. "hey i heard you talking on the phone last night as well as some...other stuff." you immediately placed your hands over your face, wanting to dig yourself into a hole and disappear. matters only got worse when his expression got sulky and he whined, "you have a boyfriend and didnt tell me." you quickly explained that it wasn't like that, and you weren't exactly sure what you were, but you would be more careful from now on. mark left it at that, not wanting to pry any further into your business. you felt horrible keeping a secret like this from your best friend and knew that it was now or never.
jeno came back one afternoon when mark was out. he barged through the door, wasting no time, beginning to kiss you feverishly as he led you back to your room. he mumbled against your lips, how much he missed you.
you knew if this continued, you would never ask, so you pushed him a way a bit, and he saw your face and how nervous you were. so you took his hand, leading him to sit down on the bed. you cleared your throat, trying to find the right words to say as you began pacing the room. "do you like me?" his eyes widened, confusing setting in on his face but answering "yes." trying to kiss you once more, lips barely brushing yours but it still wasnt right.
you felt like that wasn't good enough, you needed a clearer answer, so you asked him again. "no, do you actually like ME or just the sex?" you couldnt even look at him, your leg was bouncing. he came closer, lifting your chin and said "you".
his lips met yours again, things were getting heated. his hands reaching up to cup your breasts. you were losing yourself in the feeling but shook your head shoving him away for a final time, breaking, "what are we?" he titled his head and stared at you knowingly. "do you really need me to spell it out for you?" you felt so small, and self concious before adding "im sorry, im just confused i like you a lot but we just hang out, and fuck around. i dont do this, i want you to be my boyfriend and i want to go out on dates with you, and go on trips, and be able to tell our friends." you paused, choosing your next words very carefully because there would be no coming back from them. "i just want you...i love you."
he just smiled at you as you rolled your eyes again and started whining because why wasn't he saying anything. suddenly, he asked, "will you be my girlfriend?" you thought you were dreaming. "i knew i liked you ever since i saw you wearing my tshirt in the kitchen, but i knew i was falling more in love with you everytime we were together and when i wasnt home i just wanted to be with you." he explained, and that was enough to ease your mind and heart. now it was your turn to lean him and kiss him, finally letting yourself relish in the feeling of your now boyfriend.
you were so happy, your hearts and bodies finally connecting. jeno moving you up the bed settling in between you as you fell deeper into the pillows and his embrace. your love for him enveloping you. you were both so lost in the moment that you didnt even notice your door opening slightly.
"I KNEW IT! you suddenly heard, shoving jeno away so hard he fell off the bed. he got dejavu and started laughing while you sat there unsure of what to do or say now. "you guys fucked while i went on that trip didnt you?" mark questioned, eyebrow lifting curiously. although he already knew the answer, he had a feeling for a while. you just nodded and he smiled, saying "i told you he didnt hate you." then he closed the door leaving you and jeno to finish what you had started.
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winxanity-ii · 5 hours
ship: itadori x fem!reader warnings: non-explicit word count: 1.7k a/n: idc idc idc, yuji would definetly make a fool of himself if he knew you were nervous
★·.·´🇯‌🇺‌🇯‌🇺‌🇹‌🇸‌🇺‌ 🇰‌🇦‌🇮‌🇸‌🇪‌🇳‌ 🇲‌🇦‌🇸‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌🇱‌🇮‌🇸‌🇹‌`·.·★
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Since living on campus, you'd adjusted to being on your own. It had been… interesting, to say the least.
Moving from the comfort of your hometown, where you knew everyone and everyone knew you, to a sprawling university was like stepping into another world.
But you'd managed. Slowly but surely, you'd found your rhythm.
You'd been pushing yourself to attend those countless events and programs that the campus threw at you, dipping your toes into the waters of socializing at your own pace.
Sometimes, it was easier to just be a face in the crowd, observing from the sidelines, taking mental notes of how people interacted, what made them tick.
You'd practiced small talk like it was an art form—commenting on the weather, complimenting someone’s shirt, asking what their major was—and for the most part, you'd gotten better at it.
It was a slow process, but you were learning to navigate the chaotic dance of college life.
Currently, you were sitting in your honors open communication class, trying to remember how to breathe without making it seem like you were hyperventilating.
The classroom, with its cozy size of about ten people, should have felt intimate, manageable. But instead, it felt like a pressure cooker. Every word, every glance, every single goddamn breath felt magnified.
You were staring blankly at the front of the room as your classmate, Akane, wrapped up her presentation on how to cook a traditional Japanese breakfast: tamagoyaki, miso soup, grilled fish, rice, and even a beautiful spread of pickled vegetables.
It sounded extravagant, yet she made it look so simple.
Probably because she didn't have to wrestle with the invisible, clawing beast of anxiety like you did every time you so much as thought about public speaking.
Your palms were sweaty, knees weak—okay, maybe not that dramatic, but still. You were jittery and nervous, your pulse a steady drum in your ears because you were up next. And Akane, bless her, was finishing up with a flourish, her smile bright and confident.
You tried to take a deep breath, feeling your throat tighten. Yuji, sitting right next to you, leaned over slightly, his shoulder brushing yours, and whispered, "Hey, you okay?"
You managed a stiff nod, mumbling out a barely audible, "Yeah." But you didn’t dare look at him, because you knew the concern in his eyes would undo you. Instead, you stared hard at the scratched-up desk in front of you, willing yourself not to freak out.
Yuji knew about your anxiety. You'd confided in him more than once, spilling the mess of thoughts that spiraled in your head before you had to speak in front of people.
How your heart raced, your mouth went dry, your hands shook. How no matter how much you prepared, how many times you practiced, your body still froze up.
It was like your brain and body were in this weird, dysfunctional relationship where neither of them wanted to cooperate.
"L/N-chan?" Your professor, Nitta Akari, said your name with that polite, expectant tone that sent another jolt of panic through you.
You opened your mouth, but before you could make any sound that resembled a response, Yuji spoke up.
"Sorry, teach, but is it alright if I go first? I'm a little shy…" His voice was as smooth and casual as ever, and you turned to look at him, utterly confused.
What the hell?
Nitta-sensei blinked but nodded, clearly caught off guard. "Uh, sure, Itadori-kun. Go ahead."
Yuji stood, giving you a quick wink as he made his way to the front of the room. You were still processing what just happened when he started speaking, but instead of launching into the well-thought-out paper on global warming you helped him prepare, he began with: "Mario, the Idea vs. Mario, the Man."
You blinked. Once. Twice.
What the fuck?
"Everyone knows Mario is cool as fuck. But who knows what he’s thinking? Who knows why he crushes turtles? And why do we think about him as fondly as we think of the mythical (nonexistent?) Dr. Pepper? Perchance…"  
You couldn't even react properly because he was already going off, delivering the opening lines with this bizarre mixture of enthusiasm and conviction, as if he was genuinely pondering the existential meaning of a pixelated plumber's life.
Everyone in the room, including Nitta-sensei, was staring at him with varying degrees of confusion.
There was a couple of snickers, and you saw one of your classmates, Yuki, already recording this on her phone, probably for TikTok.
Yuji, however, was undeterred, fully committing to the bit as he paced slightly, gesturing with his hands like he was giving a TED Talk. "Why does he crush turtles? Is it because he's saving the princess? Or is it because he's trying to save himself from his own internal void? Is it about the princess or the chase?"
You were sitting there, mouth slightly agape, because this was not what you spent hours helping him research. You'd spent countless nights, coffee-fueled and sleep-deprived, going over statistics and climate change projections, not pondering Mario’s deep-seated motivations for stomping on Goombas.
"And those mushrooms. Seriously, who decided that eating weird fungi would make you bigger? What kind of metaphorical bullshit is that? Some kind of growth narrative, maybe? Mario, the eternal underdog—"
"—Itadori-kun," Nitta-sensei interrupted, her voice carrying that unmistakable tone of an adult who's trying very hard to stay patient. Her eyebrow was twitching ever so slightly, and you could almost hear her internal scream as she tried to make sense of whatever the hell Yuji was talking about. "What point are you trying to make with this?"
Yuji blinked, completely unbothered, like he'd only just noticed he'd wandered off into another dimension of thought. "I dunno, but I think…" he trailed off, his eyes flickering around the room like he was looking for the answer somewhere in the air.
It was almost endearing, the way he tilted his head like a confused puppy, his lips pursed as if deep in thought.
There was a pregnant pause, the kind that stretched on just long enough to become uncomfortable. Nitta-sensei exhaled, the sound barely restrained, and she muttered his name again, "Itadori-kun." There was a warning there, a gentle push for him to get back on track, but you could tell her patience was wearing thin.
And in that moment, something in you snapped, like a rubber band stretched too far.
You knew you should let him flounder in his awkwardness, let him take the hit because, well, he put himself in this situation. But instead, you heard yourself saying, "I think Itadori-kun is trying to say that Mario isn't just a game character. He's a symbol of all the pointless shit we chase in life, only to find out the reward wasn't even in the castle—it was in the journey..." The words tumbled out in a rush, your voice wobbling slightly, and you felt the eyes of the entire class on you.
There was a beat of silence, then another, before Yuji broke into a grin, his face lighting up like a kid on Christmas morning.
"Yup! That's what I was trying to say!" He clapped his hands together, looking almost proud, and you couldn't help but feel a little heat rise to your cheeks.
How does he make everything sound so simple, so obvious?
Nitta-sensei just sighed, rubbing her forehead like she was trying to ward off a headache. She looked at Yuji, then at you, then back at Yuji, her expression caught between exasperation and something almost like amusement. "Alright, thank you, Itadori-kun," she said finally, her voice dry. "For that… unique interpretation."
She waved a hand, clearly done with the whole ordeal. You could see the hint of a smile tugging at the corner of her lips, like she was trying not to laugh, and it made you feel a tiny bit better.
At least she wasn't mad.
Just as she opened her mouth again, probably to call your name, the bell rang, loud and obnoxious and utterly glorious. You nearly sagged in relief, your muscles unwinding all at once.
The class collectively began to shuffle, packing up their things with the sluggish enthusiasm of students who had made it through yet another class.
Nitta-sensei sighed again, louder this time, and you almost felt bad for her. "Those of you who didn't present today will need to submit a recording since we spent too much time on…" She gestured vaguely at Yuji, who grinned sheepishly, "…this."
You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, relief flooding through you as you started packing up your things, all the tension and worry melting away like snow in the spring sun.
You glanced at Yuji, who was already waiting for you by the door, his bag slung over one shoulder, looking like he'd just casually won the lottery.
As you walked over, you couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at him. "What the hell was that, Yuji? Why didn't you read the presentation we practiced?"
He shrugged, giving you a lopsided grin. "I saw you were nervous, and I figured if I made a fool of myself first, maybe you wouldn't be so worried. You know, like, break the ice or something."
Your heart gave a little flip at that, and you couldn’t help the small, soft smile that tugged at your lips. He'd always been like this since you met him—considerate in his own goofy, unpredictable way. "Thank you, Yuji..." you murmured, feeling your face heat up a bit, the corners of your mouth curling up despite yourself. "Seriously, that was… really sweet."
Yuji beamed at you, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "No problem! I like being there for you, you'd do the same for me."
You giggled, the tension easing out of your shoulders as you nodded. "Alright, how about I buy you lunch at The Den to fully show my appreciation. Deal?"
"Deal!" He practically bounced on his feet, his energy infectious, as he reached out and took your hand, his fingers interlocking with yours in a warm, comfortable grip.
You blinked, momentarily caught off guard, but his touch was gentle and familiar, and you found yourself relaxing, your hand fitting perfectly in his.
"Come on, I'm craving those teriyaki burgers!" he said, already pulling you into the hallway, the two of you blending into the sea of students rushing off to their next classes.
You couldn't help but shake your head, a fond smile playing on your lips as you let him drag you along, your heart feeling a little lighter, your worries a little less daunting.
Maybe public speaking wasn't your thing, but having someone like Yuji by your side, you figured you'll be just fine.
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A/N: hahaha i just couldn't help myself after seeing this meme going around online...
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is-on-its-way · 2 days
orison wip
My hc is scully was with child from the ivf and she lost the baby in Orison… I know… Im absolutely not well. 🤗
Shes gone in the morning when he opens his eyes.
He sits up “scully?” he calls out although he doesnt know why. He knows shes gone. 
No answer. 
He gets up and walks around, still nude, to the bathroom, kitchen, and extra room. She’s gone. Long gone. The sink is dry. 
He looks on the dining room table for a note.  they always leave notes. 
It was three words long. 
Mulder, Im sorry 
He let out an audible groan of despair and exasperation. he hadn’t wanted her to regret it and she was. Their first time and she was ashamed. He rubbed his face and got the sleep from his eyes, thinking what the plan was.
He called their office.
No answer.
He dialed again. 
“Hi sir, Is scully with you?”
“No. Why agent Mulder? Skinner said with a sharp tone of warning.
“Sir, were going to need a personal day.”
“Agent mulder! Where is she…” he hears as he pulls the phone away from his ear.
He calls Maggie.
“Hi Fox.” Comes her sing song voice.
“Hi Maggie. Is um… Is scul… is Dana there?
“Yeno.” Then a pause. “Sorry Fox, shes… I haven’t seen her today.”
“Thanks Maggie.” he said, closing his eyes. He exhaled a sigh of relief at finding her so quickly. All of his anxiety, well most of it drained away. He hoped he hadn’t ruined everything by letting himself become her solace. 
“Im coming over. I need to see her.”
“Okay” she said a little quieter. “Bye Fox.”
Hes already pulling on underwear one handed as he tosses the phone on the bed and searches for his shirt and pants in the tangle of clothing on the floor.  
Cringing at the thought of scully ever finding out he’d talked to her mother in the nude with the memory of her still on him. He hadn’t washed after all, just got up, used the toilet, wet a washcloth with warm water, and handed it to her so she could clean herself up before she got up. He’d fallen asleep as she was in the bathroom but he remembered her coming into bed and wrapping her in his arms, whispering its “Its not your fault Dana” as she sobbed into his chest; As he teared up in her hair. 
Maggie opens door and lets him in. 
Scully’s sitting on the couch looking worse for wear, face pink and puffy and blank. Unreadable for a moments that feel like eons. But then her face softens, and his own melts from apprehension to he meet her with the same expression. 
Maggie interrupts their silent communication glancing from one to the other.
“Ill be upstairs I have to get back to the laundry.” She says gently. Retreating without either of them glancing at her. 
Mulder stood in his spot leaning against the molding of the living room entry. Waiting for her to speak.
“My mom is not good at stealthy stuff” she said finally. 
“I would’ve come anyway if she was” he chanced a small smile at her.
She gave him a tense smile back “ of course you would.”
“You think you can just leave bc youre ashamed? How many times have i been embarrassed in front of you? We’re past that Scully.”
“This is different”  she said in a quiet whistful voice as she looked away from him to the sky outside the windows.
He went to her, he could no longer hold himself at the distance he knew she wanted. 
Instead he knelt down on the floor in front of the couch at her knees. He whispered her name like a secret word, like a prayer, like it was the most sacred word in the world. He leaned against the couch hands itching to touch her. But waiting for her to find his face. 
“Dana” he said again with the same reverence. She closed her eyes and turned to face him. When she opened them it was a revelation. His heart compressed as if squeezed in his chest. And he felt a wave of emotion crash over him. 
He found her hand in her lap and wove his fingers through hers. Playing with them like he’d done a hundred times before. 
“You told me, you said you didnt want me to regret it.”
“Do you regret it?” He tried his damndest to not let the cold chill of panic flooding his spine show on his face or in his voice. He knew it would be no use she knew him.
She looked at him, sorrow on her face and he prepared for the worst. 
“Not you” she reached a hand to his cheek. 
“I regret how I did it. Why I did it”
“I couldn’t see your face and put on a smile this morning when you woke up.”
“I don’t need a smile scully I don’t need anything other than who you are.”
A tear fell down her cheek off her chin and into their hands. 
“Dana” he said and leaned his forehead to hers. “Our baby” he managed, before his voice failed him.
He choked back a sob.
“I didnt realize how much love I would have even before…” he said his voice shaking. As he found her face with his hand and held onto her as if she were a life raft.
“Oh mulder” she called out in a high pitched desperate cry as sobs shook her body. He wrapped his arms around her and they cried together and touched together and kissed and held each other. Away from everything and everyone. A family for a moment in time. A family forever. 
@today-in-fic 🖤🤍
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kayfaae · 2 days
Caged Songbird
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter x fem!reader
Details: smut, (reader mid to late 20s), psychiatrist patient relationship, praising, dirty talk, light asphyxiation, mentions of gore, inappropriate use of the violin's bow, clothed sex
Insight: You have been seeing Dr. Lecter for the past couple of months, finding his process to be very sufficient. You are a talented violinist, causing Hannibal to be very intrigued by you. He asks for you to play him a song during one of your visits, and things take a dark interesting turn.
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Your slender fingers grasp the violin's bow in an elegant manner, not only years of practice under your belt but of pure artistry. It has always called to you naturally, like a bird drawn to a soft melody. You can feel those golden eyes burn into your frame as you continue your serenade, your body moving with the vibrating cords in a trance-like state. Your psychiatrist, Dr. Hannibal Lecter, suggested you share your passion with him to get a better feeling of you. And perhaps, to share a common interest.
It was no secret that Hannibal dabbled in the arts of the world, his evidence littered everywhere in the dark lit room of his office. Multiple sketches of architecture and the human body covered his polished wooden desk, various books on the subject placed here and there. When you mentioned you played the violin, his eyes twinkled with intrigue, and so your conversation from your past experiences extinguished like a flame.
" Why don't you bring your violin to our session for next time? Such talent cannot go to waste. "
Your heart fluttered in your chest from his proposal, a finger lifting to push a fallen strand of hair behind your ear.
" It would be a pleasure, Dr. Lecter. "
There was no denying you were feeling adoration for this man, in fact it has been brewing since the first couple of visits you have seen him. There was something intoxicating about Hannibal, as if he were wearing a porcelain mask of demure that was waiting to be cracked.
And, you felt safe with him.
Oh poor naive girl.
As you continue to play your instrument, Hannibal's eyes trailed to the movement of your wrist with the violin's bow. So sharp, composed, and in control. Oh how he longed to snatch that away from you.
You were in the wolf's den now, though you were unaware of your fate just yet. He began to imagine how your body would look sprawled and open, your veins the same manner of your violin, and how he would play with you like how a true violinist should. You would be a masterpiece. But alas, he could never commit to such a devious thing. He wanted to keep you locked in a cage, like a songbird.
He sighed in content while sipping on his wine, head lolling back to bask in the sound of your enchantment. A soft purr escaped his lips, but was muted by your composing, his darkening eyes bringing to your attention once again as you finish the last piece of the tune.
" Absolutely exquisite, mon amour. "
Your cheeks blush brightly from the pet name, head bowing down as if you had just performed in front of an entire audience in thanks.
" You truly think so, Dr. Lecter? I -... It's been a while since I have practiced. "
It was as if your words had struck a cord in him, his pupils dilating while bringing a hand outward in your direction. He was beckoning you towards him, the lamb trotting into the slaughter.
" Come here .. "
It was such a soft command, but held so much weight in desire. In your heart you knew this was wrong, a psychiatrist should not have relations like this with a patient. Let alone, one so tender as yourself. But all rational thinking went out the window and flew into the wind, your body moving towards him with curiosity. You grasped your violin to your small chest in comfort, doe eyes glancing towards his predator ones in anticipation.
" When I watch you, do you know what I see? "
You shake your head lightly, pearl teeth moving to bite upon your plush bottom lip.
" I see the gentleness of your wrist moving elegantly in stride with your bow, a commander of a ship in a coming storm. " He lifts a hand to grasp upon your wrist then, a calloused thumb brushing tenderly on your bone under the flesh there.
" You have the ultimate control, the violin being your canvas, your hand the brush. "
You could barely breathe as he leans inward to whisper hotly into your ear, as if there were spying meddlers listening in.
" But little dove, I would like to be the one in control now. "
He could hear your heart beating wildly against your chest, lips moving to ghost along the shell of your ear as he closed his eyes wantonly. Hannibal had snared you in his trap, catching you off guard as you breathe heavily past parted lips. You were not able to escape now, a bird flapping wildly in her gilded cage. But....deep in your heart, you didn't want to.
You wanted to be plucked, bit by bit.
Hannibal pulls back to look into your eyes for confirmation, the back of his hand lifting to trail along your jawline affectionately. You tilt against his hand with fluttering lashes, your eyes lifting to directly stare into the depths of hell itself.
" .... Yes.. "
That was all that was needed, his soft lips colliding into yours in a hungry groan. His once professional composure now melting against your mouth, hands cupping your face as he dives into your wanton crevice with his skilled tongue. You whimper from the sudden intrusion, brows knitting together while lifting your free hand to tangle through his well kept locks. They start to lose their form, falling now freely across his closed eyes as he devours you with starvation for innocence. Hannibal pulls back to breathe against your lips for a split second, not wasting any time to move against your jugular with hot kisses.
" D-...Dr...Lecter... " You moan so sweetly, his hand wrapping around your throat in a sign of control. Not tightly, but firm enough to have you swallow thickly against his palm with glossy eyes.
" Hannibal ... " He commands you say his name, for the gates have been flooded open to let yourself go into him. You needed to be guided, your head nodding obediently with a hot moan.
" -.... Hannibal, please ... " What you were begging for, you could not tell. Anything, everything that belonged to him you supposed. His intoxicating lips formed into a devilish grin, those teeth like fangs of a snake about to indulge in his feast.
His hands removed from your flushed face, lifting your small form to sit upon his desk gently with your back against it's surface. You could hear the crumple of paper beneath you, legs naturally spreading while you clung onto your violin for dear life. He took notice of this, chuckling darkly before removing the instrument from your grasp.
" I wish to see you, all of you... "
You felt bare as soon as the instrument was taken away from you, hands moving to fold across your chest shyly. How achingly sweet you looked to him, his smile never faltering as he moved your hands away as well.
" You have nothing to be shy of, little dove... "
Firm but tender hands began to knead your clothed breasts in circular motions, your back arching with a soft gasp from the sensitivity. It has been a while since anyone has touched you here, but you did not think you could feel this much desire for somebody. You didn't want him to let go, your own hand reaching to grasp his wrist tightly. His disheveled hair falls across his face as he looks downward at your body in awe, fingers moving to quickly unbutton the front of your white summer dress.
Yes, white.. the color of innocence in a dark chamber. You were the last light to be flushed out.
You swear you could hear a slight gasp escape his lips as he unveils your tender bust, nipples already hardened as stone from his actions.
" So beautiful... " He moans heatedly, leaning forward to wrap his lips around a peaked nub. You gasp loudly before bringing a hand to place on the back of his head lovingly, arching into his mouth with earnest. He feels so divine, so warm against your reactive skin that you could shiver in delight. Hannibal groans against your flesh, tongue circling in swift motions before suckling firmly. You can tell he's getting heated as well, his arms moving to shuffle out of his elegant suit coat. It pools around him on the floor with a silk thud, his fingers rolling up his black button-up shirt while continuing to assault your breast.
" Please .... I.. - " You cannot form what you truly want to express, his mouth retracting with a lewd pop before bringing his dark eyes to yours.
" Tell me, mon amour... What do you want? "
Your foot reaches downward to brush along his tented groin with a gasp, the action being your answer to his desired question. How much he wants to rut against it, to spend his seed and stain those trousers but no... he would not let it release this easily. His hand moves to wrap around your throat tightly, lips ghosting along yours while breathing heavily against you.
" Use your words... What do you want? Do you want my cock, little dove? "
You swallow thickly against him while gasping for air, tears beginning to drip in the corner of your lust glossed eyes.
" I -... I want your cock, Hannibal... Please.. "
Oh how adorable you looked underneath him, so wanton and so willing to succumb to his pleasure. The sound of you saying such a lewd word from your innocent mouth made his skin crawl, his fingers loosening around your throat with a satisfied purr.
" Good girl... "
Hannibal pulls away to start unbuckling his trousers, the lack of his warmth causing you to whine a bit in frustration. He takes note of this with a raised brow and a deep chuckle, the sound of metal hitting the floor making your stomach flutter in anticipation. His trousers soon pool around his ankles, followed by his black boxer briefs to expose his hardened steel of flesh between his hand. He was large, thick with a slight curve and you could feel yourself salivating for it's taste.
" Let me taste... " You mumble in a haze of lust, your body lifting into a sitting position on the desk while fumbling forward. His other hand reaches up to guide the back of your head towards his throbbing member, a thumb moving to pull gently downward on your bottom lip.
" Open up, little dove... " Your mouth opens on his command, tongue darting out in readiness as his tip grazes along the hot wet flesh. He groans loudly with a tilt of his head, his other hand guiding his length to push past your swollen kissed lips.
" That's it.. take my cock ... "
You can feel your lips stretching around his flesh almost uncomfortably, brows knitting in concentration as you reach upward to hold onto his thighs for support. He has your hair in a vice grip with a twist of his wrist, your eyes flashing upward to gaze into his blown out pupils lovingly.
" Such a good girl, so open for me... "
He can't hold back another moan as it slides in deeper, your tongue resting against it's base while hollowing your cheeks in a suctioning motion. You are not unfamiliar with the act of sex, having had partners in the past for experience. But with him, you feel like a virgin, eager to please but fearful of his masculine nature. Though, you feel so good around his cock, like it was meant just for you, his thrusting beginning to quicken while he tightens his hold on your hair.
" Hollow your cheeks more - ... yes, like that ... fuck ... "
It was bizarre to hear such a word release from his usual professional demeanor, but it caused your heart to jump in excitement, your head bobbing in a faster pace while moaning around his thick wet member. You can feel he is losing more control, thighs trembling under your fingers, his chest rising and falling in a fast pace rhythm. Before you can even make another twist of your head, he removes you with a loud pop and a breathless sigh. Your lips are glistening from the act, spit trailing down your chin as he watches it fall onto the tip of your breast.
" Lay down.. "
Such a command was filled with deep desire, his voice slightly cracked as he pulls your waist towards his standing figure. You gasp in surprise from this action, head lifting to watch him fall downward between your open legs. Your stomach flips in anticipation as his hands part your thighs wider, hot breath tickling your soaked panties against your wanting cunt.
" Hannibal - .. " You arch your back to press against his ghosting mouth eagerly, his lips smiling against you before giving a wet open mouth kiss against the fabric. He's suckling enough to bring both your hidden flesh and the cotton in his mouth hotly, your core fluttering against him with a flaming ache. Small babbles escaping you as you hold onto his hair for dear life.
A finger moves the drenched fabric to the side to expose your eager folds, tongue lapping hungrily with a satisfied moan. It vibrates against you, nails digging harder into his scalp as you begin to pant like a bitch in heat. He's praising you while suckling and flicking his tongue, telling you how good of a girl you are for taking his mouth so desperately. You don't even register the first finger entering your hot core, sucking him in like a vacuum of lust. But he continues to thrust while caressing his tongue, adding another finger to the fray to find that sweet bundle of nerves hidden inside you.
You begin to see stars, your body contorting and shaking underneath him as you begin to feel your peak.
But no, he removes his fingers before you can finish your pleasure, a harsh whine escaping you. Something foreign is probing your entrance, something...cold, yet hard and firm. It almost feels familiar, your eyes looking downward with a confused glance.
Oh -... that's..
He's sliding your violin stick into your opening hole, a startled gasp emitting from you as you hold onto the desk with white knuckles. Hannibal pushes it in slowly, torturously, taking note of every facial expression you make before stopping to not go too far in.
" Good girl....that's it... " He praises softly, leaning up to kiss your temple in a false loving manner before beginning to thrust in and out. He's playing you, as if YOU were the violin you just played for him. It causes you to pant against his arm, his other hand moving downward to quickly rub against your swollen clit in rhythm. The stimulation and the thought is all too much, your body moving in time while strands of your hair stick to your forehead with sweat.
" I'm -... Hannibal ... "
He looks down at you with parted lips from his own arousal seeing you in such a debauched state, the violin stick thrusting in and out of you in a faster pace.
" Come for me.. Come ... "
It was all it took before you spasm with a sharp yell of ecstasy, your cunt clenching the stick and drenching it with your fluids. You're a sobbing mess, body trembling from the high as he removes the object in one swift motion. He cannot take it anymore, his lust on full over drive as he quickly positions his cock against your abused entrance.
With one fast thrust, he's inside you, stretching you to the fullest capacity. A strangled cry sounds from you, his fingers lifting one of your legs to drive deeper as he begins his assailant.
" Fuck - ... Still so tight, little dove... "
He's watching you with furrowed brows in concentration, your lashes wet from your sobs as you reached behind you to grab onto the desk's edge for support. The wood beneath you is creaking with each thrust, his own grunts following after which fill your ears with desire. Your eyes lock as he thrusts faster, faster, until you can feel your lithe body almost fall off the surface.
Hannibal is getting close, his fingers tightening on your thighs, creating crescent moons in it's wake from his blunt nails. Your toes are curling, hair cascading around you as you moan wantonly with each thrust. Seeing your heaving exposed chest with your dress still fastened on you made him lose his composure, a loud shout escaping from him as he made one final thrust into your core. You felt a heat radiate from within, a slight whimper escaping him as he leaned forward to breathe heavily from exhaustion.
You did not know this yet, or perhaps you did, but there was denial still creeping in the back of your head.
The free bird you once were, is now captured under the monster's grasp.
You were his... and his alone.
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