#i went on a tangent sorry
dawniestar · 1 year
Do you have any worldbuilding tips? :0
Your characters are so interesting!!
hello hi! here’s a couple worldbuilding tips i usually keep in the back of my head when making my oc stuff:
1. don’t be afraid of sounding a lil silly with naming conventions like settings or important objects to your lore!! even if its something like Glitter Rainbow Heart Rock or Meow Meow City that tells the audience that those descriptors hold importance!
2. magic systems are allowed to be convoluted and multi-faceted BUT should still be easy to understand in isolation. i would recommend summarizing your magic system in a short way first and see if it would make sense to someone who’s never heard it before. for example: my demon ocs have special blood that pumps thru 4 magic heart chambers that grant them 4 different abilities.
3. sometimes having super specific dates in a timeline is unnecessary especially if an important event took place thousands of years in the past or if time is measured in a different metric. a timeline can just be the sequence of events by names, like “ancient era” or “the dark ages”
4. keep in mind that you can make as many conceptual ideas as you need! many projects go through development over and over until it forms into the final product, art takes time! if ideas you once liked don’t stick, you can always revise.
5. i’m a big believer that originality is dead and reinvention is the true goal we should strive for in creativity. do you like an idea that your favorite media was able to execute? do you not like how something was executed and feel like it could’ve been done differently? use that! obv just don’t copy an idea in it’s entirety, make it your own and mishmash all your inspirations into something new.
im no professional obv (my brain is just so full of working on my ocs from the shadows for years) but these are stuff i remind myself when making my sillies
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maxintime · 1 year
Hi! I saw in your tags of a post that you headcanon Marty as autistic, and I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on that! There's so much content about him having adhd (I fall into that hc category), so I'd be interested in hearing your perspective.
Wait I'm sorry I forgot to reply to this ;v; I rarely check my inbox
But when it comes to Marty being autistic it honestly just mostly me projecting skskjs cause I have autism and adhd
He definitely does have a lot more traits of adhd but he's somewhat socially awkward, doesn't really have a lot of friends aside from doc and jennifer (I assume his bandmates are just his friends that he hangs out with sometimes but his close friends remain only 2) I remember that line from "put your mind to it" (from the musical) he says something along the lines of "friends are fine but don't be part of a crowd" And that makes me think that he doesn't really like having that many friends or being part of a group so he only has few close friends
Tbh I accept the musical as a sort of extension of the movie lmao so it's canon.
He also doesn't look at people in the eyes that much, is very clumsy, he falls down a lot, gets overstimulated, has a self esteem problem etc
And also George is definitely autistic
I just love headcanon-ing him as autistic :")
I also wanna add another thing, why I love Marty so much is because he really doesn't seem to fit in that much yk
He's not those type of protagonists that befriends everyone he meets and he's an outcast but not as much as doc is (sorry doc)
Idk idk he just seems like the type of kid who is nice but doesn't stand out or fit in that much
Or maybe I'm just projecting again lmao
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tofixtheshadows · 4 months
Id love to hear ur interpretation and analysis on falin! She’s one of my favorite characters and and I was wondering what ur thoughts on her are
Man, I struggle to think of anything I could say about Falin that others have not already said. But she's one of my favorite things about Dungeon Meshi too.
So much of the story revolves around Falin, and she's not even there. Tumblr loves to talk about haunting the narrative, but Falin might be one of the best examples of it ever put to page. She's dead. She's alive. She's dead. She's alive. She's alive but she's missing, she's alive but she isn't herself. She's dead but she might wake. She's dead but she's frozen in ice. She's alive but she's sleepwalking. They chase her ghost and they chase her body all through the story.
I think what Kui does with her is fascinating. Not just as character with a personality we can analyze, but as an object in a narrative- that's why I say she's one of my favorite things about the story, because I also mean it in a mechanical sense. As a writer, Kui's really good at misdirection- that is, setting you up to believe or expect something about a character or a plot, and then turning that on its head. It's most apparent with Kabru, but it works really well with Falin too.
Because the precious little sister is a very well known character archetype, right? So is the gentle healer. The heart of the party. The white mage girl. The damsel in distress. The martyr.
And this isn't a Laura Palmer situation, where we find out that beneath her wholesome surface there's something dark and troubled. No, Falin truly is a kind and gentle person. That isn't where the misdirection leads (and that, too, I think, is another misdirection- it's not "Plot twist, she isn't as nice as you thought!", which would almost be too easy).
The misdirection here is more about structure than about character (but also, yeah- a little about character).
What I mean is, with these archetypes firmly in mind, along with a whole other host of fantasy genre expectations, I think anyone who goes into Dungeon Meshi un-spoiled probably expects Falin's rescue to be an endgame event; at least on a subconscious level, where you're not really thinking about it but in the back of your head you're already stretching out the story to place Falin firmly in the distance. Fire breathing dragon at the bottom of the dungeon is perfect final boss material, right? Slay the dragon. Rescue the princess.
And Falin is the perfect prize in the traditional old school fantasy that the concept of the titular dungeon is a send-up to. Blonde (white), soft-spoken, sweet-natured, beloved by everyone. An angelic figure.
Maybe that's why Ryoko Kui gave her white wings.
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It is sort of jarring when chapter 23 rolls around and it's already time to fight the red dragon. And it takes a few chapters, but they succeed. And then Falin's impossible resurrection succeeds. But by then you guess that this is not going to be the story you expected it to be.
I want to point out that Falin spends a lot of time getting, well, babied, post-resurrection. Marcille washes her in the bath, despite Falin stating that she's capable of washing herself. Marcille schools her about her mana use despite Falin demonstrating that she is not hurting for mana, and brushes aside Falin's explanations. Both Marcille and Laios refuse to actually tell her what happened. Laios scruffs up her hair like she's a little kid and scolds her for something she can't remember doing. Marcille explicitly calls her a little kid when Falin tries to talk about how much she's grown.
Of course I'm not saying that Laios was wrong to act like a big brother, or that Marcille shouldn't be worried about taking care of her shell-shocked friend in the bath. But the framing of it clearly shows a Falin who is struggling to be heard.
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If you'd like to address the big gay elephant in the room while we're here, I want to state for the record that- whether you read her as gay or not -I think Marcille is completely oblivious during this. Because Falin is her little friend from school. Her best friend, yes, but also the young tallman student she, in her infinite elven wisdom, had to mentor and look after. Marcille has not yet accepted that Falin is an adult now, nor has she accepted that she, herself, is only barely past teenagerhood developmentally and is not nearly as mature as she believes. Of course she'd scrub Falin in the bath and fuss over her.
Falin, meanwhile, seems more than aware of her own adult body and the inappropriate way Marcille is treating it.
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The mana-sharing scene is, I think, Falin trying to get a little of her own back. How do you like it, Marcille?
And she tries again in bed.
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Maybe she's wondering if their relationship will change now that they're grown ups. If Marcille prefers her as a little girl, or at least as a woman who lets herself be guided like one; if Marcille will react badly if Falin keeps trying to assert herself. She also might be subtly trying to signal to Marcille that bed sharing, like bathing, carries a different weight to it when you do it as adults rather than as children.
With all this in mind, the decision to turn Falin from the precious prize they rescued into to the vicious dragon they have to slay, hits a lot harder.
Falin with a powerful, monstrous, destructive body. Falin, who couldn't even stand to cause people pain from using healing spells, slaughtering half a dozen people in brutal ways. And that's not her, she's being mind-controlled, but as an object in the story she has completely flipped. From damsel to threat.
And I love that she carries a little bit of that with her when she's resurrected again.
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Because she's no longer the girl who's going to let herself be stifled by her brother's and her best friend's co-dependency, no matter how much she loves them. She's different now: stronger, eyes open, forging her own path instead of following in their wake. Falin is still going to come back to them again, but this time it won't be because they chased her. It'll be because they let her go.
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messiahzzz · 8 months
Grooming also doesn't have to involve sex. So even if people think his relationship with Mystra was appropriate, you still can't deny he wasn't groomed to be great. The guy caught Elminster's attention at eight years old ffs. There's no way around it.
that’s the thing. it doesn’t matter at what exact point their relationship became sexual, it doesn’t matter whether gale was of age at this point in time or not. grooming is a process, it’s pure manipulation that sets the groundwork to ensure that this person will be fully accessible (in whatever way the abuser desires, usually sexual) at a later point. children can be groomed, teenagers can be groomed and adults can be groomed as well - age is no factor in this regard. children are merely common victims due to being more impressionable. it’s essentially about creating a power imbalance that the abuser exploits for their own gratification.
the discussion about where to fit gale’s relationship with mystra in terms of her death & the overall timeline (while fun to theorize over) is redundant imo, since larian has been known to play pretty loose with the lore themselves. there are already so many inconsistencies.
so, the information we have regarding mystra’s relationship with gale are these snippets:
mystra first functioned as his mentor, then his muse, and later his lover.
gale’s relationship with her was indeed of a sexual nature, he has explicitly stated so several times.
elminster sought him out when he was but 8 years old, as stated in the epilogue letter.
during the ending where gale fails to ascend raphael states during the credits that tav has “rekindled gale’s ambitions after mystra had so cleverly put them to rest”
if you do want to consider d&d lore, it also tells us that mystra possesses a degree of foresight. (my friend @galedekarios already wrote a very thorough meta on the general subject.)
elminster’s letter pretty much confirms any suspicions we might have had earlier. after all, what reason is there for elminster, one of mystra’s chosen, to seek out gale specifically? how was he aware of gale in the first place? what personal incentive could he possibly have that isn’t tied to mystra in some way? why gale specifically when there are likely many young wizards with a potential for greatness that he could take under his wing? claiming that “it wasn’t mystra who sought him out, but elminster” feels like a rather naive and shortsighted read on the situation imo. we know that mystra was gale’s mentor and that she eventually made him her chosen. it isn’t hard to connect the dots.
summed up: we do know that mystra had her sight set on gale when he was an 8-year-old boy, possibly even earlier than that. the intention was already there and we know that their relationship underwent the transitions of teacher, muse, and then lover.
gale has been inevitably shaped by her grooming (just like any victim) to be devoted, to be compliant, to be loyal, to not question. many of his behaviors and beliefs are a direct result of said manipulation and abuse. gale himself is only starting to comprehend the possibility that he might actually be a victim once the tadpole crew comes into his life. and, like i said in my previous post, has barely scratched the surface of the damage that was done.
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tibby-art · 1 year
Given how much Scar’s character knows. (From him connecting series that we don’t think he should know about to his character. And him knowing things he shouldn’t…) I’m on the band wagon that Scar is some sort of Eldtrich God.
Righttt like, my best guess is he's some sort of dimension-hopper or something... a traveling trickster god.. mentally i'm at a corkboard w/all the red strings connecting to different scars trying to piece it all together, holding my head in my hands
It's like. Okay. He had an encounter with s8 tycoon scar where he stole his hat, and he killed him (?) but today he said he simply broke a wheel on the wagon and stole the hat? He says each hat has a story. Does Jellie's hat also have a story. Jellie obviously travels with him across every universe. He seems not to mind when people don't remember who he is but he gets VERY upset when people don't know who Jellie is; just thought that was interesting
Did P!Scar travel to the hermitcraft season 8 universe? After the moon hit the server? Did tycoon scar travel to the pirates universe? Or are they the same person and it's just a lie? When he first spawns in Pirates SMP he makes it a point to mention a mysterious flower crown in his inventory. He says it's an important crown, and it's the only one on the server. Buttercups??? (Sidenote he also spawns with some blocks of cyan glazed terracotta. Not sure what that's about but it's dangerously close to being light blue glazed aka the vex magic. I would have lost my mind)
At the very beginning Scar says his ship was called the Flying Jellie. The Flying Jellie. What if it wasn't a boat. What if it was a space ship. He calls it a pirate ship but that doesn't necessarily mean a boat, ti could be a space pirate ship. (He's done loopholes with his phrasing like this before, like today when he sold michela a sword that was "nearly full" durability, only to later clarify it was "nearly full-y depleted"). He says he won an important battle with the ship, but he lost the ship and the crew. I've seen people say that the crew is supposed to have been boatem, not sure if that's canon? Is the ship story even true?
He made references to both Pearl and Grian today, are they his Pearl and Grian from the pirates universe or is he referring to the hermits? He mentions Pearl by name to Sausage, who says he doesn't know who that is (and yet Sausage goes on to casually mention the moon at the mention of Pearl, either Sausage is also a dimension-hopper and he's bluffing or he has a subconscious connection to his other lives). He doesn't say Grian's name but he talks about a man on his crew who sunk with the ship that's very obviously meant to be Grian (says the man's head looked like a loaf of bread, that he wore red, would have been a Kite). He doesn't seem too upset about the loss.
He greets Cleo, Scott and Martyn when he first sees them even though they don't know who he is. Cleo flat-out says "I don't believe we've met" after he greets her by name. Interestingly enough when he first calls Martyn by name, Martyn doesn't question it (I know Martyn also has some Lore going on, maybe he recognizes Scar too) Also I saw someone point out that his pants resemble mayor scar's pants. Possible season 7 reference, season 8 reference with tycoon scar and a possible? season 9 reference?? with that flower crown???
I literally can't tell if he has this planned-out intricate lore that connects all of his minecraft SMP characters like Martyn does or if he's literally just saying random stuff for fun. His character could be lying about his entire backstory, we don't know. i have no idea what's important to the lore and what isn't. this man is such a trickster god its not even funny. tldr WHAT IS GOING ON
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gojo hangover morning brainrot…sigh
he opens his eyes when u fidget around and then he pulls you closer and he’s like “why are u moving baby it’s early” N UR LIKE TORU IT IS 11AM I NEED TO GET UP and he just mumbles something inaudible and buries his face in your pillows but he still has u trapped in his arms so u have no choice but to js melt into him and let him cuddle u.
after u finally get him out of bed he js sort of trails after u while u do ur morning things. and he rests his chin on your shoulder while ur making coffee and he’s all bleary eyed and wearing an oversized teeshirt u found in ur closet for him 😭 😭 i have an image in my brain of him tripping over all ur furniture n stuff when he first wakes up because “its too bright to have my eyes open” he says
if he does manage to survive until u hand him a cup of coffee (with enough sugar to give a small Victorian child an aneurysm) he leans against ur countertop and bumps his head on the upper cabinets but every time u tell him to be careful he still hits his silly little head on everything that’s lower down than he expects it to be. and he gets pouty when you get dressed for the day because it’s “harder to cuddle you” when ur not in cozy clothes. he tries to drag you into his arms every second he can bc his head is pounding and he js needs some kisses to make it better—though in reality he needs to eat more than just a cinnamon roll and some hi-chews for breakfast and he needs to start taking care of himself smh
when he first wakes up his voice is still sleepy so he’s got that good morning voice AND WHEN HE SAYS GOOD MORNING HE BLINKS AND HIS EYES SOMEHOW GET MORE BEAUTIFUL and he gets kinda bashful when u stare and he starts making corny comments 😭. idk man i just kinda really like gojo he’s the cutest pookie bear ever <33 bbg 3000
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helluvahotmess · 4 months
'I want you to continue to be who you are.' what if i fucking died what then
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cherrytraveller · 11 months
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sorry that i've deprived you all of a wip preview, anyway; deity-fies your local bad future mystic magic nuke
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sapphicsnzs · 5 months
camping with allergies is so adorable especially with a significant other. being outside all day kicking off their allergies. then holding them close by the campfire and having the smoke tickle their nose more. and then finally exhausted after a day of sneezing cuddling into their partner in the tent only to realize there’s so much dust in there. also the idea of not having tissues because you can’t throw them out so having to use a bandana, a shirt, or your partner…
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luc3ks · 7 months
forever going to hate the "pearl and marina are 8‘s adoptive moms“ cuz canon wise 8 is AT MOST 2 years younger than marina. chat she is now a grown ass woman those are her FRIENDS not moms
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something to be said about how kristoph's only known mentee is a loud young man who dresses flashily, is particular about music and so passionate about the truth that he forgets to take people's feelings into account sometimes and follows the thread of logic even when it's disadvantageous to his case or people he cares about/admires. and who also does vocal training. like. just admit you miss your brother and go visit him. freak.
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frownyalfred · 6 months
i feel like fan works include a lot of clark and bruce meeting or interacting at a gala. is this something that actually happens a lot in comics? i can't think of any time this has actually happened in canon other than that one time in batman v superman
I don't think they meet for the first time at a ton of galas other than in BVS. There are several interactions that happen at galas in comics.
I think galas provide a very convenient and compelling vehicle for fic writers to create first/subsequent meetings. In no specific order:
they have to stick to their secret identities because they're being observed, which creates an interesting, if forced, scenario.
lots of room for OCs or in-universe characters to be mixed and matched depending on the situation at hand. oh you want Clark to be jealous of Bruce? let's have some models hanging off his arm. oh, this is about Bruce hiding injuries? let's have some random "friend" from polo come and whack him on the arm.
it's a somewhat plausible situation in which the press and the elite would, technically, be rubbing elbows. (as someone who attends galas occasionally I have some notes about how this is sometimes written, but it's usually plausible!) So Clark Kent might never see Bruce Wayne up close and in person if not in this capacity, at this event.
they allow for comparisons to be drawn. both Bruce and Clark can be shown acting in different capacities, identities, personas, etc than normal. they are both masters of their own respective games, and a gala is a great playing field to demonstrate this.
breaking the "rules" in this setting feels particularly egregious, and therefore desperate. does one of them truly feel a certain way they can't hide anymore? do they have some sort of intel that can't wait? when they meet up at a gala and pierce that invisible barrier between them, readers realize it's a big deal.
identity porn is 10x as compelling with an audience. "I know something no one else knows" is a powerful thought.
They have to get dressed up :)
Galas are temporary, isolated events with clearly defined beginnings, ends, etc.
Gotham galas are known breeding grounds for chaos and random attacks.
Any accidental media exposure at a gala has the potential to make the tabloids/gossip rags and create greater interest in a certain pairing, occurrence, etc. If you're setting up a media push (cough cough, ASOH) that's a great place to do it.
As I noted above, I have some thoughts on how galas/reporters interact irl. I actually think the BVS gala scene was a really good example of that being a little more grounded -- Clark was invited on a press pass specifically to cover the literary (?) foundation. He was there mingling with guests specifically assigned questions (that were probably pre-approved by the foundation/hosts) and approached Bruce Wayne, who expected to give a canned quote to the random reporter, only for Clark to go off the rails and ask about Batman.
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pioripan · 8 months
I have been gone for a while and I follow many CoTL accounts-
Which Lamb does this AU have??
I never really gave the AU a name OOP.
The AU is basically; The Prophecy is much crueler in its meaning implying the liberator of The One Who Waits is to be a lamb (child). This follows on the lamb's journey growing up as the leader and child soldier under the Red Crown's influence, and the changes that it brings to them and their surroundings because of it.
Up to Narinder's fight the lamb is a child, and it's a quite a few years (decades?) before Relics of the Old Faith takes place.
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lollytea · 8 months
Unfortunately due to TOH being cut short by Disney a lot of character arcs and more storyline could not be fully fleshed out and finished as Dana had to wrap up everybody’s story in just a few episodes
I'm fully aware that Disney's intervention is responsible for a lot of the plotlines getting suffocated. Which is why I don't think it's fair to go harassing crew members with "why didn't THIS happen??" and all that, because nobody really knows what they endured working on those final episodes and how much they had to cut and rewrite. But from things Dana has said, it was likely a very stressful and exhausting experience. So I don't like to make assumptions about the crew being incompetent. Nobody knows how the season WOULD have turned out if they had been granted full creative freedom and breathing room to develop it to their hearts content.
However, me not directing personal ire towards the crew doesn't mean that I think that the show is immune to criticism. Its flawed. It might not be entirely the crew's fault but that doesn't mean we can't talk about how it's flawed. If anything, I think acknowledging and dissecting its weaknesses is a good learning opportunity for what we should consider when creating our own stories.
Season 3 is a bit of a mess. There's good stuff. There's some less than good stuff. I think ultimately, as a story about Luz, King and Eda, it knocks it out of the park. When they were left with no other option, they decided to prioritize the writing of their three protagonists and I think that was the correct choice.
But I've been thinking about the three specials and how they stand on their own, quality wise, and honestly, there's valid criticism to be said that is completely unrelated to the shortening.
Bear in mind that the crew has known since Follies that the show was getting cut short and they needed to start wrapping up loose ends. So it's not like they started writing Thanks to Them believing it was the first of 20+ more episodes. They knew that they were going to be writing a 40 minute special. So the execution had to be tight, concise and satisfying, right?
Well...it was....weird. Definitely fun. Good for fan service. The main hook was the witch kids navigating the human world in their dorky witchy way. And initially, that was enough. But once the novelty of that wears off and we focus on the plot of the special, what do we have left?
Thanks to Them is very guilty of lore baiting. Dropping in stuff that they know damn well that they're never going to elaborate on, leaving the audience with a feeling of intrigue that is never going to be satiated.
I personally think that is just bad writing. They knew they didn't have a full season 3 and rather than rewrite the means of which the hexsquads finds answers, they still made the choice to drop in what are most likely vague ideas from the initial draft.
I think, if they had no intention of developing it in future specials, there was no point to that scene of Masha telling the Wittebane story. It was just...filler. To stretch out the running time. Which is....kind of precious. Only 40 minutes. If you're obsessive enough about lore, you already knew the story from the Hollow Mind paintings. That scene was for casual viewers. Which is useless, because there's no point in casual viewers learning about Evelyn and Caleb because it never went anywhere.
Also. I personally think that if there was any value to learning the Wittebane lore without making it plot relevant, it would be for the sake of character development. We wanted to know how the kids would react to this knowledge.
Well how did they react?
*Shrug* They seemed a little unnerved but they kinda forgot about it the second they got off the hayride.
So what was the point of all that? What was the point?
Is it because we wanted "Goodbye, Evelyn," to be more of gut punch?
Was it worth it? Was "Goodbye, Evelyn" worth it? We know fucking nothing about Evelyn.
I think the rebus was a stupid and lazy means for the kids to discover Titan's blood. You introduce this mysterious object that was hidden under the floorboards and then you just use it as a plot device.
When the kids uncover the rebus and find the secret code inside, the viewer is not thinking about how it can be used as a means to an end (finding blood) The viewer is thinking "what the fuck is that thing and how did it get there and how did Flapjack know it was there?"
Questions that will not be answered <333
ALL IM SAYING is that I'm sure the crew could have come up with another way for the kids to have a Titan's blood treasure hunt. Maybe they could have dug a little more into the history of Gravesfield and follow leads on weird things happening on this one spot in the graveyard (which turns out to be because there's magical energy there, revealed when Luz realizes she can use glyphs)
I just think that if you're gonna leave the mystery box a mystery, you shouldn't have included it.
And I know. Its subtle storytelling. There's elements of what could have been a far more complex story and they're leaving hints of it here and there.
Well the thing about that is I think the hints are very unsatisfying and weaken the episode's plot significantly.
Also I don't think they should get to just pick and choose what parts of the lore are subtle and what parts are ham-fisted.
YES we are going to be reminded like three times that Flapjack is being secretive and hiding things from Hunter.
NO we are never going to get a payoff for that because he gets shanked and dies first.
BUT!! BUT!! If you squint, its IMPLIED that Flapjack belonged to Evelyn and blah blah blah
You don't get to rub things in the audience face and then choose to be all subtle about it at the last minute. Pick one or the other.
Anyway....I think they could have written Thanks to Them as more of an intriguing and suspenseful horror mystery where they spend forty minutes gathering clues and everything finally clicks together at the very end. That's not what we got.
We got a very weak attempt on the Hexsquad's part to be little detectives, but like a minute of screen time was devoted to them dicking around in a library, a costume shop, and a zoo.
I don't think we can blame the shortening for this.
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bunabi · 8 months
Man as someone who does a non-art dayjob to pay the bills, you genuinely have NO time for art esp if you work 40 hours a week 😭 it also makes it really hard to make art consistently? Not even for like social media update purposes but even just to ensure your skills aren't getting rusty while you're answering Becky from Finance's email.
I totally understand....I remember getting home from the night shift, having to open the morning after, and dragging myself to my tablet
and honestly scheduling was a point of contention for all my day jobs 😭 even ~unionized~ positions made no difference
part-time employers will acknowledge your other commitments, promise to abide by your schedule, then ignore it completely like you mentioned it as a bit
even at the library where I talked about my contract work to the hiring folks and the branch manager at length — even signed paperwork detailing my schedule and income — it was literally: we see you, we hear you, here is your ten-day shift streak, sucks to suck
on the bright side the experience has made me a much more assertive and evil person
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kathaynesart · 1 year
Hi there! Hope you’re taking care of yourself.
I was wondering if I could use your concept for Donnie’s visor and eyebrow display? Just the visor itself, not the background of why he wears it ofc. It’s such a cool look. I completely understand if not.
I am absolutely in love with his design as a whole (may he rest in peace) and every time I see his smug face in your response comics I want to scrunch into a ball of sheer joy. The drained battery expression is a punch of serotonin every time I see it.
That being said I am enamored with your art style. I don’t really know how to use words to express exactly what it is but it’s very shapes, with gorgeous lines and so very very expressive. Thank you so much for sharing your art.
Of course! The concept itself is by no means patented by me haha, however I would totally recommend creating your own spin on it to make it your own! Like maybe it’s more of a dome sphere (so that his eyebrows can lift higher which is a problem I run into haha) or maybe the pixelated display for his brows are less like bars and more like little square pixels or blocky Tetris blocks or even glitching!
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Anyways these are just some quick suggestions off the top of my head. I love how people in communities can inspire each other to create new and amazing things through it :) Let me know if you ever post your design!
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