#i will NOT be adding much across the board for other chapters lol
sugarskies · 6 months
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The Deca S1E1: Pilot || Recorded Changes
Rephrased sentences throughout the chapter.
Rewrote the majority of select passages.
Changed instances of passive voice to active.
Modified conversation regarding Lungin.
Corrected typos.
Changed “pills” to “food bars” for accuracy.
Added dialogue for Magnus and Mortimus.
Added further Rallennia thoughts.
Added "steal the lunch lady" line, etc.
Added dialogue for Mortimus and Millennia.
Final Word Count: +5
for those wondering why i'm revising i also want to quickly share this beautifully ironic highlight from the original version of the chapter:
He lowered his head closer to the paper, re-reading his work to make sure that he hadn’t made any stupid mistakes. “To be fair, you did just randomly start taking while I was working.”
me in 2018 really wrote "don't make any stupid mistakes" and immediately proceeded to make and publish a stupid mistake
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swan-of-sunrise · 2 years
Endgame (Chapter Two)
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Summary: Armed with coordinates and a solid battle plan, the Avengers hunt Thanos down in the hopes of retrieving all six Infinity Stones to bring the Vanished back, but are quickly met with a shocking discovery.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: This chapter’s on the shorter side but if you know what’s about to happen then you already know why (obligatory heads-up for sadness and angst in this one lol) Thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
Chapter Two (Previous Chapter)
“Looks like you’re one of the ones with an added leg-up on this mission, hot-shot,” Natasha commented, casting a wary glance over at the towering Benatar while they waited for Rocket and Nebula to finish up their last-minute repairs to the spacecraft. “I’ve done a whole lot of things as a Black Widow, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and an Avenger, but I can’t say that I’ve ever traveled through space before.”
(Y/N) cracked a small smile as she fastened the last of her Asgardian armor over her new tactical suit. “Well, imagine you’re on the world’s fastest roller-coaster in the middle of a kaleidoscope and that kaleidoscope is trapped in a 9.5 magnitude earthquake, and that’s sort of what it’s like. Oh, and there’s a slight chance that you might pass out; that’s what happened to us after we escaped Sakaar and traveled to-” As she spoke, Natasha shuddered and Steve’s face paled, so she thought it best to quickly backtrack her words. “That’s only when you’re traveling through a jump-point, though! Normal space travel’s just like flying in a Quinjet or a helicopter, only the view is much prettier than anything you might see here on Earth and spaceships are a hell of a lot safer than a damn helicopter.”
“When I was a little kid, I always used to daydream about going to space…” The super-soldier sighed as he tugged his finger-less gloves on, the sorrow filling his features telling her that he was thinking about Carina. “Never thought that something like this would finally get me there.”
“Ship’s ready, humies!” Rocket announced across the manicured lawn of the Avengers Facility. “We just gonna stand around staring at each other all day or what?”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes at the raccoon’s attitude but followed Natasha and Steve as they boarded the Benatar for the first time. The trio took their seats in the second row of the spacecraft’s roomy flight deck, sitting in front of Rhodes and Thor and behind Rocket and Carol while Bruce and Nebula were seated on the lower level; for the first time in three weeks, the Asgardian didn’t look away when (Y/N)’s gaze met his and judging by the hint of a smile he gave her, he was feeling confident in their plan to acquire the Infinity Stones from Thanos and bring the Vanished back.
The spacecraft’s engines roared to life and once all of them fastened themselves into their seat harnesses, Rocket piloted them off the ground and up through the skies towards the planet’s upper atmosphere. Noticing how both Steve and Natasha were tensing up in nervous anticipation, (Y/N) nudged their shoulders and rested her hands palms-up on their shared armrests in an open invitation; the spy immediately latched onto her hand without taking her eyes off the flight deck’s viewport ahead but Steve was slower, tightly threading their fingers together and bringing their joined hands up to kiss the exposed skin above her engagement ring. They shared a knowing look before glancing over at Carol as she remarked with a reassuring smile, “Trust me, you get used to it.”
“Easy for you to say, Danvers, you glow and fly around shooting plasma bolts out of your fists for a living…” Natasha grumbled under her breath and (Y/N) bit back a smirk of amusement.
When Earth began to grow smaller through the flight deck’s viewports, Rocket turned around in his seat to address all of them. “Okay, who here hasn’t been to space?” Steve, Natasha and Rhodes all raised their hands. “You better not throw up on my ship.”
“Approaching jump in three…” Nebula called out as Steve’s hand gripped (Y/N)’s with a bruising force. “…two…” Natasha held her breath and braced herself against the back of her seat. “…one!”
The Benatar shot through the jump-point at breakneck speed and they were encased in swirling shades of blue and purple, speeding through space so quickly that all the stars around them appeared as fleeting streaks of white light. (Y/N) glanced over at Steve in time to watch his azure eyes widen in awe and despite the seriousness of their situation, she felt herself smile at the endearing sight. The moment they exited the jump-point at their final destination, however, her smile fell; the spacecraft hovered in orbit before the orange-colored planet where Thanos intended on living out the rest of his days, happy and satisfied in the knowledge that his plan to balance the universe had succeeded. He won’t be happy for very much longer, she thought as her jaw clenched tight, not if we have anything to say about it.
“That’s my cue.” Carol unclasped her seat harness and disappeared into the bowels of the Benatar; moments later, she appeared outside of the spacecraft and her voice spoke through their comm links. “I’ll head down for recon.” The captain flew off towards the tranquil planet while the rest of them finished planning and preparing for their impending fight with the Mad Titan.
(Y/N) had gotten up to help Natasha reboot the newly-repaired Hulkbuster armor for Bruce and was in the middle of adjusting her worn golden-yellow cloak when she saw Steve staring down at the familiar faded photograph of Peggy Carter pasted into the lid of his old compass; several years ago, she would’ve felt a pang of jealousy at the sight but now that she was older and their relationship had matured, she understood Steve’s connection to the remarkable woman and that there was nothing to feel insecure about. Throughout her groundbreaking life, Peggy Carter always seemed to know just what to do and if (Y/N) were being honest, she’d give just about anything to hear Peggy’s advice if it meant they’d win against Thanos and succeed in bringing everyone they’d lost back.
Natasha, who also noticed Steve and the weathered compass clutched tight in his hand, pursed her lips as her green eyes filled with sympathy. “This is gonna work, Steve.”
“I know it will.” After a moment, Steve closed the compass lid and looked up at the spy, the barest hint of fear in his gaze and a wavering edge to his voice as he continued. “Because I don’t know what I’m gonna do if it doesn’t.”
(Y/N) crossed over to where her fiancé sat and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pressing a kiss onto his jaw before nuzzling into his neck and listening to his steady heartbeat. “I promise that whatever happens down there, sweetheart, you won’t have to face it alone.” She tightened her hold on him as he leaned into her embrace. “I love you.”
Steve sighed and maneuvered his head so he could kiss her lips. “I love you too, sunshine.”
“No satellites, no ships, no armies…” Carol’s voice announced through their comms and they all turned toward the spacecraft’s viewport to see her fly up to it. “No ground defenses of any kind. It’s just him.”
(Y/N) and Steve exchanged a look as Nebula’s raspy voice filled the flight deck. “And that’s enough.”
The Benatar’s thrusters activated and Rocket piloted the spacecraft down through the planet’s upper atmosphere and into its clear blue sky littered with snow-white clouds; it was a tranquil planet, covered in trees and grass and peppered with stunning waterfalls of crystal-clear water, and (Y/N)’s blood boiled in rage at the thought of Thanos retiring to somewhere so beautiful after committing such heinous atrocities throughout the entire universe. The raccoon landed the spacecraft behind a dense forest of trees, out of sight of Thanos’ small hillside farm but close enough to journey there on foot, and they wasted no time, gathering their weapons and making their way through the trees towards their destination.
“Nice retirement project.” Once their group stopped by the trees bordering Thanos’ crops, Carol squared her shoulders and turned to face them as her body began to glow with cosmic energy. “Let’s pay this loser a visit, shall we?”
Carol shot off into the sky and blasted her way into the Mad Titan’s spacious farmhouse while Rhodes and Bruce followed in their respective armored suits; the sounds of battle echoed throughout the once-silent farm as all three heroes worked to restrain Thanos, and the rest of them began making their way up the path to the farmhouse. Once Rhodes gave him the signal through the comms, Thor burst into the farmhouse and Thanos bellowed in pain as the Asgardian severed his gauntlet-clad arm off with Stormbreaker.
(Y/N) exchanged an anxious look with Natasha and gripped her blaster’s shoulder strap as they followed Steve up the steps and into the farmhouse; inside, Thanos was kneeling on the floor and being restrained by Carol and Rhodes, while Bruce held him at repulsor-point and Thor brandished his blood-soaked battle axe. Rocket was the first to reach the severed arm but froze in shock when he flipped the heavy limb over to reveal six empty settings where the Infinity Stones once rested. “Oh, no.”
(Y/N)’s heart jolted in her chest and she glanced up to meet Steve’s eyes, an unsettling feeling beginning to form in the pit of her stomach; her emotions were reflected in her fiancé’s face but he did his best to bury them as he turned to face Thanos. “Where are they?”
When Thanos didn’t immediately answer, Carol’s glowing arm tightened around his neck. “Answer the question.”
“The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose beyond temptation.”
“You murdered trillions!”
Bruce shoved the Mad Titan across the room, where he landed hard on the ground and spat out, “You should be grateful!” The Hulkbuster’s metal fist slammed into his charred purple face and stopped him from saying anything more.
Natasha’s green eyes shone with unshed tears and her voice shook as she took a step closer to Thanos and repeated Steve’s question. “Where are the stones?”
“Gone. Reduced to atoms.”
With her panic steadily rising, (Y/N) impulsively slung her blaster’s strap off her shoulder and aimed the weapon directly at Thanos’ smirking face, unbothered by the sudden threat of violence she found herself displaying. “We know you used the stones two days ago, so tell us where they are. Now.”
“I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me, but the work is done…it always will be.” Her blood ran cold as the Mad Titan’s self-satisfied smirk widened, obviously relishing in their growing dread as they realized what had happened. “I am…inevitable.”
Hot tears formed in (Y/N)’s eyes as he repeated the same words he spoke to her back in Wakanda and she forced herself to look away, her knuckles tightening painfully around her blaster and her breath coming out in uneven puffs while all around her, the others were struggling to grapple with the seriousness of their situation. “W-We have to tear this place apart, he has to be lying-”
“My father is many things,” Nebula interrupted Rhodes’ rambling, her gaze trained on Thanos as a grim expression overtook her features. “A liar is not one of them.”
There was a subtle shift in Thanos’ demeanor and he looked up at his adoptive daughter with an emotion akin to pride written across his face. “Thank you, daughter. Perhaps I treated you too harshly.”
The sudden sound of Stormbreaker slicing through the air barely made (Y/N) flinch, her body entirely numb as she watched the Mad Titan’s decapitated head roll across the farmhouse’s floor. The others were in various states of shock, with a horrified Rocket being the only one to break the heavy silence engulfing the room. “What did you do?”
“I went for the head…” Thor replied, his voice shaking with grief and his eyes filling with tears. Without looking at any of them, the defeated Asgardian turned and walked out into the field of crops, his bloody battle axe still clutched tight in his hand.
Nebula, with the blood of her adoptive father speckled across her face, knelt down beside his severed head and closed his vacant eyes. Natasha and Rhodes were crying silent tears while Rocket sat on the farmhouse’s steps and buried his face in his hands, and both Carol and Bruce were at a loss for words as they stood and stared at Thanos’ body. (Y/N) hadn’t realized that her blaster was still raised until Steve’s hands came into view and gently pulled the weapon out of her bruising grip; her own hands were trembling as she covered her mouth and her shoulders shook with suppressed sobs, the feel of the super-soldier’s arms wrapping around her waist from behind proving to be the final straw. (Y/N) spun around and buried her face into Steve’s chest, her muffled cries echoing throughout the farmhouse as his own tears dampened her hair.
Steve held her against him even when her legs lost their strength but no matter how tight his grip on her was, there was nothing he could do to prevent her heart from shattering as she grappled with the knowledge that they’d lost. Their friends – some of the only family that either of them had – and their own daughter were truly gone forever, all because of Thanos.
“I am…inevitable.”
A/N: I mean...you know I had to do it, right?? Lol at least we all know that things will eventually get happier for them both! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5L6MERx3PIydW3FyNPqYvl?si=6e6119bc3e8b49d0
Chapter Three
“Endgame” Masterlist
Tagging: @mrs-obrien​​​​​​​​​​ @lahoete​​​​​​​​​​ @awkward117 @cminr​​​​​​​​​​ @natdrunk​​ @momc95​​​​​​​​​​ @savedbystyle​​​​​​​​​​ @miraculouscloud @awkwardnesshabitat​​​​​​​​​​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​​​​​​​​​ @mangosandmimosas​​​​​​​​ @supersouthy @benakenalove​​​​​​​​​​ @brooke0297​​​​​​​​​​ @hufflepeople​​​​​​​​​​ @becausewelie​​​​​​​​​​ @outoftheregular​​​​​​​​​​ @junipermurdock​​​​​​​​​​ @ladydmalfoy​​​​​ @mads-weasley​​​​​​​​​​ @username23345 @crist1216​​​​​​​​​​ @capswife​​​​​​​​​​​ @lilmschild​​​​​​​​​​​ @avngrsinitiative​​​​​​​​​ @crowleysqueenofhell​​​​​​​​​​​ @y-napotat​​​​​​​​​​ @mary1raven​​​​​​​​​​​ @groovy-lady​​​​​​​​​​​ @ljej95​​​​​​ @innersublimefury​​
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inks-books · 2 years
5, 9 and 15 for the writblr asks please x
5.  What is your favorite book/story/poem you read this year? 
@authorlaurawinter​’s book The Curse of the Broken Shadows which is on Amazon and Kindle! I fell in love with Brela from the first sentence. 
9.  Create a meme or mood-board that captures your past writing-year!
This video, playing o Fortuna instead, but I actually finished something and started two other projects xD
15. Time for shameless self-promotion! answer with a piece of writing you want others to see/read! (if you have nothing posted/published this year, any other year is fine too ^^)
Putting it below the cut because it’s long, but here’s a snippet from my first chapter of Love Triangle Gone Wrong. Someone please tell me what they think of Ethan lol He’s a handful and a half and I love him.
“Do you believe in love at first sight?”
The pretty blond girl sitting at the counter in front of Ethan fluttered her eyelashes at him in a flirtatious way. She was shapely, had perfectly manicured nails, and the sweater she was wearing clung to her in a very nice way that accentuated her breasts. Ethan could appreciate that much. In fact, a week ago he would have jumped all over that invitation in a heartbeat. Probably with a line like ‘I didn’t until I saw you’ or ‘I think I might have just become a believer’. But right now, his eyes drifted over to the redhead in the corner of the restaurant sullenly as he sighed with great tragedy.
“No,” he murmured, looking back down at the bar he was wiping down and continued his chore.
Harper, Ethan’s best friend and confidant since elementary, snorted behind him as he passed by with a bucket full of dishes he’d just bussed off a table where a family of five had left a mess. 
“Ethan,” he said. “You just proclaimed last week you’d met your soulmate. And it was a girl you’d never laid eyes on before in your life. You usually don’t wait that long to get into anyone’s pants.”
Harper was a tall, lithe boy with strong shoulders and a dark brown skin. His hair was buzzed, and his eyes were bright and shining with mirth. Both of them had Native American blood in them and it showed strongly. He and Ethan had known each other for longer than they hadn’t known each other, and their friendship had only grown stronger over the years. Even with the constant teasing.
“Don’t you have some tables to take care of?” Ethan hissed, throwing his towel at Harper.
“You haven’t even taken the time to talk to the girl,” said Big Joe, the cook who looked at Ethan through the window that peered into the kitchen. His voice was deep and booming, but he tried his best to keep it low so as not to be overheard by the redhead. Big Joe was not only the tallest man for miles at six foot eight and four hundred pounds, he was the best cook this side of the tri-county area. He had a heart of gold and was the most gentle giant you would ever come across.
“There’s a reason for that,” Ethan said blandly, then added with a hiss, “And since when are you two so interested in my love life?”
“Since you quit sleeping around and started moping over the one that got away,” Harper replied. “Or rather, the one you’re too terrified to talk to even though you’re obviously crazy about her.” By now, the blond girl had left the bar, feeling rather ignored in this little drama, and the three of them were alone again. “Besides, didn’t you say you imprinted on her?” Harper whispered. “At least try talking to her!”
Ethan groaned at himself for having shared that tidbit the day it had happened. He’d been so enraptured in the euphoria of it all, he wanted to shout it from the rooftops. But the very next day his heart had been shattered into a million pieces and he’d been brought back down to earth with a crash and a fiery bang.
Being a werebeast wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.
The bell on the front door tolled signaling someone had entered, and Ethan looked up as a blond male with long hair down to his shoulders pulled back in a low ponytail, entered the restaurant. He was broad shouldered and nearly six and a half feet tall, and was an imposing figure in more ways than one. He looked around the room for a moment before his eyes lit on the redhead typing away at her computer in the corner, and smiled broadly before joining her. His smile changed his features from threatening, to devastatingly handsome in seconds. It physically pained Ethan to see him smile at her like that. He wanted to throw Harper’s bucket of dishes on him and see if that gave him something to smile about.
Ethan knew the man was a prick too. Wearing a cream colored turtleneck sweater and khakis? Who even dressed like that? Pricks dressed like that. Rich pricks too from the looks of it. He watched the blond greet the redhead.
“Hey sorry I’m late,” he was saying as he sat across from her in the booth.
“Rune,” the redhead drawled. “You’re always late. It’s a part of your nature. You’ll be late to your own funeral. Meanwhile I’m actually getting some work done.”
Rune frowned. “I thought you said you were taking it easy on the work during the pregnancy.”
“I said I’d take it easy, I didn’t say I’d stop working all together,” countered the redhead.
“Hope,” Rune complained. “You know how important this is.”
“Relax, I’ve got this,” Hope replied.
The rest of the conversation was lost on Ethan as Harper ran into him pointedly and put a couple of menus in his hand before giving him a significant look and glancing at the couple in the corner booth. Harper raised his eyebrows at Ethan one more time, and left silently to take care of his corner of the restaurant. Ethan took a few steadying breaths through his nose and plastered on his customer service smile, and marched his way over to the corner booth and slid the menus in front of them.
“Can I get you anything to drink?” he asked, looking at the redhead with a flirtatious smile. Okay. So he couldn’t completely kill ingrained habits so easily.
“I’ll have a sweet tea and she’ll have a water with lemon in it,” Rune answered for her. 
Ethan flicked his eyes over to Rune and back to Hope as if to confirm.
Definitely a prick.
“I’ll have a diet coke,”’ Hope corrected. “And a water with lemon,” she added pointedly looking at Rune who rolled his eyes.
“You do that just to spite me, I know it,” Rune grumbled. 
Hope blinked innocently and Ethan gave her a wink and a sly grin, moving off to get their order. The second he turned away from them into the mostly empty restaurant, he dropped the plastered smile and scowled across the room at Harper who made a motion of smacking himself in the forehead.
This was why his heart had been shattered. She was already with someone else and pregnant with his child. And every time Hope came in here, Rune wasn’t far behind her in arriving. It was like he was attached to her by the hip or a short leash. Whenever he tried to work up the courage to start a conversation with her, Rune would pop up and ruin the moment. How could he be around someone he’d imprinted on if she was busy making her own life and starting a family? It wasn’t fair to either of them for Ethan to try and worm his way between Hope and Rune. Wouldn’t be fair to the kid for that matter.
And yet Ethan still found himself arguing internally about how he could make this work. She’d just wandered into his life randomly in this small town where everyone pretty much knew everyone else (which was annoying when you were trying to get away with something and would have half the town gossiping about it the next day), and was a stranger to them all. He wanted to get to know her, learn her secrets.
But in a small town where everyone knew everyone else’s secrets, there were secrets still that everyone kept or pretended they knew nothing about. Because knowing meant acknowledging they were real. And something’s were better left to stories you told your children at night to keep them from wandering out past dusk.
Things that Ethan knew all too well about. Harper and Big Joe too, though, there were probably a few secrets of Ethan’s the other two didn’t know about. Could Hope accept the parts of him the rest of the town pretended not to know about? Or at least if they didn’t know, they looked the other way so they could keep themselves ignorant.
“Your face is going to stick like that if you don’t stop making that face,” Harper said, pushing his finger against the furrow in Ethan’s brow. Ethan’s face went slack with shock as he blinked at Harper. “Were you seriously so lost in thought you didn’t notice me talking to you this whole time?” Harper asked.
“He got it bad,” Big Joe said. “Why don’t you try talking to her while he runs to the bathroom?” he added, nodding as Rune got up and headed to the restroom. 
Ethan perked up and quickly moved to get the glasses but Harper handed him the tray before he could register what he was holding.
“Overheard the prick order for her. His voice carries,” Harper explained. 
Well perhaps Ethan wasn’t the only one who thought he was a prick. He grinned at his best friend who winked at him and told him to ‘Go get her.’ Ethan swiftly but carefully so as not to dump the drinks and ruin his chances, went over to the table to set the drinks down and leaned against the table with his hip.
“Anything else I can get for you?” he asked. “Appetizer, Entre, a date?”
“A what?” Hope asked, taken aback.
“You know, like the dried fruit?” Ethan smiled seamlessly. 
Hope laughed. And god was it a beautiful sound. It was like a straight shot of adrenaline to Ethan’s system, his heart began racing, his palms began sweating, and he felt like he could soar through the sky like Superman. Which was ridiculous of course he didn’t have wings or superpowers that would allow him to fly. In fact, what he did have he wasn’t even sure was a power at all. Right now it was just a curse that was getting in between him and a normal life. But right now? Right now he was on top of the world and didn’t care. He’d made her laugh and that was a superpower in and of itself.
“What do you like on the menu?” Hope asked, placing her chin on her hand and watching him with smiling eyes. 
Oh god. He knew the menu like the back of his hand. He’d tried everything on the menu and a few things not listed on there. He knew what he liked and disliked, what were the best choices to suggest to a customer and the safe choices that most everyone liked. He knew it like he knew his own name.
Which at that moment he couldn’t remember.
“Um,” he said, wracking his brains. He took the spare menu and took a seat opposite of her and scanned the contents as if trying to refresh his memory, but his brain was in panic mode and he suddenly couldn’t comprehend anything he was reading. He knew how to read. He knew the words on the page. He’d read them a billion times over and could quote the menu from start to finish. (Listen slow days were boring when you had no one to serve and nothing to do, and your boss wanted you to still be productive. You found ways to entertain yourself. Memorizing the menu faster than the other employees was the best way to make the boss happy and earn some extra cash for the bets placed.)
“You’re in my seat,” Rune said as Ethan blinked at the menu. 
He looked up, and up again to find Rune’s eyes that bore down on him like a dangerous pair of emerald daggers, telling him to move without telling him to move.
“Finders keepers,” he blurted out, making Hope giggle. 
Oh the look Rune cut Ethan was sharp as a shattered piece of glass. Or one of Big Joe’s kitchen knives. The man didn’t like a dull knife and would sharpen them himself every week to the point you could lay a hair on them and it would sever it. 
“I was just helping her decide what the best item on the menu would be to try,” Ethan smiled, standing up from his seat - or rather, Rune’s seat - and suddenly his brain was working again. He could remember his name, he could remember the menu items he liked and hated and what was the best option to serve a new customer to get the full experience of the diner.
“And?” Rune sat down, looking at him expectantly. “What was the verdict?”
Ethan bit his tongue before listing off a few menu items that sounded pleasing, but The Prick dismissed them all, then ordered the country fried steak with white gravy and a side of steamed broccoli for Hope, and an order of the greasiest hamburger they had on the menu for himself.
“Is that accurate, ma’am?” Ethan checked with Hope before walking away and just assuming like The Prick.
“Why wouldn’t it be?” Rune demanded. “I know what she likes.”
“Yeah, I’d like to knock you upside the head,” Hope replied under her breath, but then turned to Ethan with a polite smile. “That will be fine, thank you.” 
Ethan gave a nod and turned to walk away, but heard Rune’s voice drift back towards him in a hushed tone.
“Rude ass.”
If Hope responded, he didn’t hear what she said, but Rune continued muttering under his breath as if arguing with her. When Ethan got back to the other side of the counter and put their orders in, Big Joe just shook his head sadly. Ethan gestured blatantly at the couple’s table where they had their heads bent over talking about something in low tones, paying them no attention, and pursed his lips. It was a gesture of ‘See what I have to work with?’ Big Jo just shook his head again disappointed. Ethan rolled his eyes.
Harper elbowed him in the side. “You got her to laugh,” he said to cheer Ethan up. “That’s an improvement.”
Sure, an improvement. From what not talking to her? Ethan guessed that was something. Still though his skin was beginning to itch with all the emotional rollercoaster-ing his insides had done in the last ten minutes. He needed to shift, but to do that in the middle of his work schedule could get him in trouble. But going too long without a shift could also get him in more trouble. A lot more trouble.
“After I serve them, I’m going for a run,” Ethan said under his breath to Harper. 
Harper’s eyes darkened slightly.
“You good?” he asked. “Have you checked your blood sugar?”
“I just need to shift for a bit. I’ll be fine,” Ethan replied.
“Oh no,” Big Joe said. “Last time you got stuck like that. Eat something first and then you can go.”
“Okay dad,” Ethan complained with a sigh. He knew there really was no arguing when Big Joe put his foot down. Even though Ethan knew he was right, it didn’t make it any less annoying to be scolded like that when he was already in a bad mood. When Big Joe passed the food over to Ethan, he gave one last warning. “Okay! Okay. Just… I dunno. Make me a burger or something! Sheesh.”
“One burger, coming right up,” Big Joe smiled and winked. “Now go give ya girl her food.”
“She’s not my-“ he looked over his shoulder quickly to make sure she hadn’t heard his voice carry across the small room. Thankfully, she was engrossed in something on her computer as she muttered something to Rune, a serious look on her face. It was cute, Ethan realized. The little furrow her brow made put a dimple on her forehead that looked like a little frowny-face. He was pretty sure Rune wasn’t appreciating that as he shook his head to whatever she was saying.
“Ethan,” Harper said, nudging him. “Go, the food’s going to get cold.”
Blinking rapidly and remembering he was holding the food for their table, Ethan made his way around the counter and over to them again, announcing his presence a few feet away so they couldn’t accuse him of eavesdropping as he came up on them. People often got antsy if they thought you overheard their personal conversations. Especially when they were whispered to each other hastily with little furrows in their brow that made a frowny-face.
“We have your orders here,” he said with a flourish. “Do you need a refill on that Diet Coke, ma’am?”
“No,” Hope said with a bright smile, the crease in her forehead easing quite rapidly. She gave a little shake of the head as she spoke and added, “I’m going to work on my water and lemon now. But thank you!”
“My pleasure,” Ethan said. “Does everything look alright?”
“It looks delicious,” Hope said, reaching for her silverware.
“One thing doesn’t look right,” Rune interjected. “My glass is getting a little empty.”
“I’ll fill that right up,” Ethan said without missing a beat and reaching for the cup. “Anything else I can get you while I’m gone?”
“Ignore him,” Hope said apologetically. “He’s grumpy when he hasn’t eaten. And he takes it out on people around him.” She added the last bit pointedly, glaring at Rune.
“It’s perfectly fine,” Ethan lied. “I understand. I’ll get that drink for you.”
“Thank you,” Rune grumbled, then looked at Hope pointedly as if to say ‘See? I can be nice.’
It fell a little short in Ethan’s book. 
Okay a lot short. 
Ethan turned around, the smile instantly falling from his face again as he gave Harper and Big Joe a glare. They quickly went back to what they were doing, pretending like they hadn’t just been staring in his direction and shirking their duties. Big Joe started whistling to appear more innocent, but it only sealed the fact he had been spying on Ethan. He only whistled when he felt guilty or was trying not to appear guilty.
Ethan looked into the security camera as if he were on The Office and made a face. If only there were someone at corporate watching just then to see it, he’d feel justified. He often would cast a look at the camera, though he wasn’t entirely sure which way it was pointing in it’s little black glass ball. But he often imagined it followed him around just to watch his antics throughout the day. At least it entertained him to pretend it did. Like his own little reality show.
0 notes
pumpkinpaix · 4 years
hello there, hope you're having a nice day <3
so i've been reading a lot of fics lately, uk for sanity's sake, and i've noticed that in most of them, lwj doesn't use contractions (eg., says do not instead of don't)?? and i think he doesn't in the novel either but i don't remember lol so i can't be sure but anyway that made me curious - does chinese have contractions as well? does he not use it bc it's informal?
hello there! I’m doing all right, i started to answer this ask while waiting for a jingyeast loaf to come out of the oven 😊 many thanks to @bookofstars for helping me look over/edit/correct this post!! :D
anyways! the answer to your questions are complicated (of course it is when is anything simple with me), so let’s see if I can break it down--you’re asking a) whether chinese has contractions, b) if it does, how does they change the tone of the sentence--is it similar to english or no?, and c) how does this all end up with lan wangji pretty much never using contractions in english fic/translation?
I’m gonna start by talking about how formality is (generally) expressed in each language, and hopefully, by the end of this post, all the questions will have been answered in one way or another. so: chinese and english express variations in formality/register differently, oftentimes in ways that run contrary to one another. I am, as always, neither a linguist nor an expert in chinese and english uhhh sociological grammar? for lack of a better word. I’m speaking from my own experience and knowledge :D
so with a character like lan wangji, it makes perfect sense in english to write his dialogue without contractions, as contractions are considered informal or colloquial. I don’t know if this has changed in recent years, but I was always taught in school to never use contractions in my academic papers.
However! not using contractions necessarily extends the length of the sentence: “do not” takes longer to say than “don’t”, “cannot” is longer than “can’t” etc. in english, formality is often correlated with sentence length: the longest way you can say something ends up sounding the most formal. for a very simplified example, take this progression from least formal to absurdly formal:
whatcha doin’?
what’re you doing?
what are you doing? [standard colloquial]
may I ask what you are doing?
might I inquire as to what you are doing?
excuse me, but might I inquire as to what you are doing?
pardon my intrusion, but might I inquire as to what you are doing?
please pardon my intrusion, but might inquire as to the nature of your current actions?
this is obviously a somewhat overwrought example, but you get the point. oftentimes, the longer, more complex, more indirect sentence constructions indicate a greater formality, often because there is a simultaneous decreasing of certainty. downplaying the speaker’s certainty can show deference (or weakness) in english, while certainty tends to show authority/confidence (or aggression/rudeness).
different words also carry different implications of formality—in the example, I switched “excuse me” to “pardon me” during one of the step ups. pardon (to me at least) feels like a more formal word than “excuse”. Similarly, “inquire” is more formal than “ask” etc. I suspect that at least some of what makes one word seem more formal than one of its synonyms has to do with etymology. many of english’s most formal/academic words come from latin (which also tends to have longer words generally!), while our personal/colloquial words tend to have germanic origins (inquire [latin] vs ask [germanic]).
you’ll also notice that changing a more direct sentence structure (“may I ask what”) to a more indirect one (“might I inquire as to”) also jumps a register. a lot of english is like this — you can complicate simple direct sentences by switching the way you use the verbs/how many auxiliaries you use etc.
THE POINT IS: with regards to english, more formal sentence structures are often (not always) longer and more indirect than informal ones. this leads us to a problem with a character like lan wangji.
lan wangji is canonically very taciturn. if he can express his meaning in two words rather than three, then he will. and chinese allows for this—in extreme ways. if you haven’t already read @hunxi-guilai’s post on linguistic register (in CQL only, but it’s applicable across the board), I would start there because haha! I certainly do Not have a degree in Classical Chinese lit and she does a great job. :D
you can see from the examples that hunxi chose that often, longer sentences tend to be more informal in chinese (not always, which I’ll circle back to at the end lol). Colloquial chinese makes use of helping particles to indicate tone and meaning, as is shown in wei wuxian’s dialogue. and, as hunxi explained, those particles are largely absent from lan wangji’s speech pattern. chinese isn’t built of “words” in the way English is—each character is less a word and more a morpheme—and the language allows for a lot of information to be encoded in one character. a single character can often stand for a phrase within a sentence without sacrificing either meaning or formality. lan wangji makes ample use of this in order to express himself in the fewest syllables possible.
so this obviously leads to an incongruity when trying to translate his dialogue or capture his voice in English: shorter sentences are usually more direct by nature, and directness/certainty is often construed as rudeness -- but it might seem strange to see lan wangji’s dialogue full of longer sentences while the narration explicitly says that he uses very short sentences. so what happens is that many english fic writers extrapolated this into creating an english speech pattern for lan wangji that reads oddly. they’ll have lan wangji speak in grammatically incoherent fragments that distill his intended thought because they’re trying to recreate his succinctness. unfortunately, English doesn’t have as much freedom as Chinese does in this way, and it results in lan wangji sounding as if he has some kind of linguistic impediment and/or as if he’s being unspeakably rude in certain situations. In reality, lan wangji’s speech is perfectly polite for a young member of the gentry (though he’s still terribly rude in other ways lol). he speaks in full, and honestly, quite eloquent sentences.
hunxi’s post already has a lot of examples, but I figure I’ll do one as well focused on the specifics of this post.
I’m going to use this exchange from chapter 63 between the twin jades because I think it’s a pretty simple way to illustrate what I’m talking about:
[...] 蓝曦臣道:“那么金光瑶呢?”
my translation:
Lan Xichen said, “You saw it with your own eyes?”
Lan Wangji said, “He saw it with his own eyes.”
Lan Xichen said, “You believe him?”
Lan Wangji said, “I believe him.”
[...] Lan Xichen said, “Then what about Jin Guangyao?”
Lan Wangji said, “He cannot be believed.”
you can see how much longer the (pretty literal) english translations are! every single line of dialogue is expanded because things that can be omitted in chinese cannot be omitted in english without losing grammatical coherency. i‘ll break a few of them down:
Lan Xichen’s first line:
你 (you) 亲眼 (with one’s own eyes) 所 (literary auxiliary) 见 (met/saw)?
idk but i love this line a lot lmao. it just has such an elegant feel to me, probably because I am an uncultured rube. anyways, you see here that he expressed his full thought in five characters.
if I were to rewrite this sentence into something much less formal/much more modern, I might have it become something like this:
你 (you) 是 (to be) 自己 (oneself) 看见 (see) 的 (auxiliary) 吗 (interrogative particle)?
i suspect that this construction might even be somewhat childish? I’ve replaced every single formal part of the sentence with a more colloquial one. instead of 亲眼 i’ve used 自己, instead of 所见 i’ve used 看见的 and then also added an interrogative particle at the end for good measure (吗). To translate this, I would probably go with “Did you see it yourself?”
contained in this is also an example of how one character can represent a whole concept that can also be represented with two characters: 见 vs 看见. in this example, both mean “to see”. we’ll see it again in the next example as well:
in response to lan xichen’s, “you believe him?” --> 你 (you) 相信 (believe) 他 (him)? lan wangji answers with, “信” (believe).
chinese does not do yes or no questions in the same way that english does. there is no catch-all for yes or no, though there are general affirmative (是/有) and negative (不/没) characters. there are other affirmative/negative characters, but these are the ones that I believe are the most common and also the ones that you may see in response to yes or no questions on their own. (don’t quote me on that lol)
regardless, the way you respond to a yes or no question is often by repeating the verb phrase either in affirmative or negative. so here, when lan xichen asks if lan wangji believes wei wuxian, lan wangji responds “believe”. once again, you can see that one character can stand in for a concept that may also be expressed in two characters: 信 takes the place of 相信. lan wangji could have responded with “相信” just as well, but, true to his character, he didn’t because he didn’t need to. this is still a complete sentence. lan wangji has discarded the subject (I), the object (him), and also half the verb (相), and lost no meaning whatsoever. you can’t do this in english!
and onto the last exchange:
lan xichen: 那么 (then) 金光瑶 (jin guangyao) 呢 (what about)?
lan wangji: 不可 (cannot) 信 (believe)
you can actually see the contrast between the two brothers’ speech patterns even in this. lan xichen’s question is not quite as pared down as it could be. if it were wangji’s line instead, I would expect it to read simply “金光瑶呢?” which would just be “what about jin guangyao?” 那么 isn’t necessary to convey the core thought -- it’s just as how “then what about” is different than “what about”, but “then” is not necessary to the central question. if we wanted to keep the “then” aspect, you could still cut out 么 and it would be the same meaning as well.
a FINAL example of how something can be cut down just because I think examples are helpful:
“I don’t know” is usually given as 我不知道. (this is what nie huaisang says lol) It contains subject (我) and full verb (知道). you can pare this straight down to just 不知 and it would mean the same thing in the correct context. i think most of the characters do this at least once? it sounds more literary -- i don’t know that i would ever use it in everyday speech, but the fact remains that it’s a possibility. both could be translated as “I do not know” and it would be accurate.
ANYWAYS, getting all the way back to one of your original questions: does chinese have contractions? and the answer is like... kind of...?? but not really. there’s certainly slang/dialect variants that can be used in ways that are reminiscent of english contractions. the example I’m thinking of is the character 啥 (sha2) which can be used as slang in place of 什么 (shen2 me). (which means “what”)
so for a standard sentence of, 你在做什么? (what are you doing), you could shorten down to just 做啥? and the second construction is less formal than the first, but they mean the same thing.
other slang i can think of off the top of my head: 干嘛 (gan4 ma2) is also informal slang for “what are you doing”. and i think this is a regional thing, but you can also use 搞 (gao3) and 整 (zheng3) to mean “do” as well.
so in the same way that you can replace 什么 with 啥, you can replace 做 as well to get constructions like 搞啥 (gao3 sha2) and 整啥 (zheng3 sha2).
these are all different ways to say “what are you doing” lmao, and in this case, shorter is not, in fact, more formal.
woo! we made it to the end! I hope it was informative and helpful to you anon. :D
this is where I would normally throw my ko-fi, but instead, I’m actually going to link you to this fundraising post for an old fandom friend of mine. her house burned down mid-september and they could still use help if anyone can spare it! if this post would have moved you to buy me a ko-fi, please send that money to her family instead. :) rbs are also appreciated on the post itself. (* ´▽` *)
anyways, here’s the loaf jingyeast made :3 it was very tasty.
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bbrandy2002 · 3 years
Fool’s Rush In
Chapter 17
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This is my @wackydrabbles​ post for week 87. The prompt is bolded. "No offense, but I'm not interested."
Book: TRR
Pairing: Liam x Riley
Warnings: Drake and some language.
*I was in a silly mood and this turned into a dumpster fire lol and it feels very rushed but I was trying to meet the word count. There may be a little bit of plot in this.
Word count: 1999
Liam sat on the floor with his back pressed against the mattress; one leg bent upright with the other extended crookedly out in front of him. Half of a bottle of Don Julio dangled loosely from a hand settled on his knee while two shiny gold rings encircled the pinky tip of his other.
In a fit of anger late last night, he searched for and consumed the first bottle of alcohol he came across in the liquor cabinet. He had no intentions of getting hammered or even a little drunk; Liam just needed something to take the edge off the hurt. Not that he for one second believed a word Riley told him before she walked out and boarded a red-eye commercial flight back to the States. 
As Liam pondered her abrupt departure in the early hours of the morning, one thing was for sure: He'd never been in love before, but what he felt for Riley was real -- and reciprocated -- that, "no," she spewed from her mouth when asked if she loved him was a lie.  
But why? That was the question he just couldn't figure out.
Having racked his brain for hours and with the sun finally coloring in the darkness of his chambers, Liam set aside his drink and lifted himself off the ground. Every thought that consumed him for the last several hours was riddled with putting the pieces together of why she actually left and why she felt she couldn't tell him the truth. Nothing made sense, yet ruminating alone in his room until he figured it out wasn't going to solve anything; the only way to get to the bottom of this was to retrace Riley's steps from the time she left the ball to when he made his way up to join her a little later. 
Stumbling to the bathroom -- mostly from exhaustion and perhaps a little drunker than he realized -- Liam stripped off the tuxedo he wore the prior evening and took a quick shower before heading down to the security office.
Riley's heavily drooping eyelids popped wide open when the plane shook from another vigorous tremor of turbulence. Gripping the armrests on both sides of her seat, she hesitated to peek out the window but was relieved when she saw the billowy waters of the Pacific had transformed into small, mosaic blocks of land covered by a shadow of the nearly setting sun. 
When the aircraft settled again, Riley reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone to check the time, grateful to be landing soon. She planned to go straight home, sink into her bed, and sleep the rest of her life away. Maybe wake up every once in a while to sob again before going back to sleep. Whatever Riley decided to do, she hated Madeleine, she hated Tyler, and she hated telling Liam she didn't love him; the more Riley thought about the stunned look on his face when she said it, the more nauseous her stomach felt.
And the nausea was getting worse.
Riley caught the eye of a nearby stewardess and waved her over; she needed ginger ale, and she needed it fast. 
"Can I help you, Miss?"
"I … I need, ginger ale, please." She asked through ragged breaths.
"Let me check and see if we have more." Riley nodded appreciatively.
"Hey. Don't I know you from somewhere?" A relatively large guy in the center seat, whose sweaty arm flab had been lodged in Riley's shoulder since takeoff, asked. Oh shit! Riley cupped a tight hand over her mouth and shook her head vigorously; the last thing she wanted was to be recognized. 
Or vomit.
While the stewardess searched the service cart for the requested drink, the gentleman's eyes enlarged. "Wait a minute. Yeah! You're that little gal who married some king, with ..." he snapped his fingers before adding in his thick Texan drawl, "the monkey and hookers and shit. Wow, my fiance wants to have a wedding just like yours." He held his hand out to her. "The names Beaver Calhoun, mayor of Slippery Nip, Texas. I guess you could say we're both royals, huh?"
Riley lowered her hand slightly; she was past the point of ginger ale helping, and this guy was blocking her way out. "Beaver, I need you to move." 
He stroked his chin in thought. "Well, I don't know, Queenie. I'm pretty content with my life there in Slippery Nip, Not really lookin' to uproot."
"No!' Riley's strained voice responded forcefully, "move out of the way--" She tried to fight it, but her head flung forward and everything came out with her last word.
Beaver looked down at his shirt and quirked a brow. "That's gonna leave a stain."
On the second floor of a run-down Motel 6, just off the beaten path in Las Vegas, Drake tossed in the last of his clothes and airline tickets in a duffle bag and zipped it. Stepping over to the window, he pulled aside the tattered curtains to check if the airport's shuttle van had arrived yet. Disappointed, he grumbled to himself, "Where the hell are you? I'm ready to get the fuck out of here." 
The past week had been intense -- well, frankly, the entire month had been nothing short of shit balls. Five weeks ago, Drake landed in Las Vegas for Liam's bachelor party and won big money at the casino, only to have it all pissed away on some old, decrepit hooker who stole his wallet, cell phone, dick health, and what little joy he had in the world. Liam left with a sexy ass wife, and all Drake got was the false claim of fathering triplets and his scowling face on the front cover of the National Enquirer with Dr. Ethan Ramsey detailing the entire sordid journey from pre-surgical rooster rot to the aftercare.
He made a quick $500 for the story, in which he badly needed the money, considering he couldn't leave Vegas until the paternity test results came back. It was enough for his lodging, a couple cans of Beenie-Weenies and a few boxes of pepperoni Hot Pockets; his stomach felt like oil sludge at this point. But as a joke, Leo had sent a box of Ding-Dongs, so it wasn't all bad.
The rotary phone in his room rang out, and he answered the call from the front desk, which let him know transportation had arrived. Drake grabbed his bag, flicked a cockroach off of it, and exited his room into the enclosed hallway.
After stepping onto the elevator and hitting the down button, another person strolled on in a black leather mini-skirt, white see-through halter top, and a pair of fishnet stockings that he'd recognize anywhere.
"You!" He growled at the chain-smoking hooker, backing her up into the corner. "Do you have any fucking idea what you did to me? And I WANT my wallet and cell phone back, now!" He hovered menacingly over the much smaller woman.
"No offense, but I'm not interested in giving them back to you," Pinquee Kittee sneered before reaching into her bra for mace and spraying him directly in the eyes. The rapid burn gave way to her next act of defense when a screaming, blinded Drake was doubled over by a swift karate kick to his newly transplanted organ. "Hiiiiyah!"
Drake cupped himself in anguish, fell to the floor, and slumped over as the elevator doors opened. Pinquee Kittee grabbed his duffle bag and peeked down the hallway to make sure no one was around before making her getaway.
Just outside of the palace's security office, Liam knocked on the door several times without an answer. It was rare that the King would personally pay a visit. Usually, he would call Bastien and have the head guard look into any issues. With him gone, this just felt like something Liam needed to do in person. 
After several more knocks, Liam reached for the door handle and slowly opened it to let himself inside. The lights were off, with only a few CCTV screens displaying various images of places within and surrounding the palace. Finding the light switch on the wall beside the door, Liam flipped them on, and his mouth fell agape at what he saw.
"What the hell happened in here?" He shouted as his hands shot to his hips, glaring around the room. 
On the floor was a maze of beer cans, whiskey bottles, remnants of silly string, a five-gallon bucket of butter next to a slip-n-slide, a voodoo doll with Liam's face on it, and half-a-dozen guards passed out. 
A furious Liam made his way through, kicking the feet of guardsmen as he stepped along. "Get up! All of you!"
One-by-one, they slowly roused until they realized it was the King in their presence, then they jumped to their feet at attention. 
"Would someone like to explain what the actual fuck happened in here?" Liam wasn't one to swear in front of his staff, but there was no way he could hold back after walking in on this scene. His glowering eyes shifted with expectancy from one man to the next, waiting for an answer, until someone finally called out, "We threw Rogers a going away party for his last night on the job, Your Majesty."
"And you thought having a wild party while you were ON DUTY to protect 400 members of the nobility for a major event was the time to do that?
The guard shook his head. "Not at all, Sir. I admit we weren't as attentive as we should have been last night ..." he pointed behind Liam, "but Prince Leo came by and suggested we kick it up a notch."
Liam turned around and caught Leo slithering along the edge of the wall toward the door. "Leo!"
The Prince stopped dead in his tracks, then flickered his eyes and jolted his body as if he were just waking up. Leo looked at Liam, acting surprised to see him. "Liam? Is that you? H-How did I get in here?"
Liam rolled his eyes. "Knock it off, Leo."
"What?” Leo shrugged innocently. “You know what I think happened. I must have been sleepwalking again. You know how I get when I watch The Duchess before bed." He cocked his head introspectively at his brother. “And you do look like the Duke from that movie, you handsome devil you?” He grinned impishly.
Liam stared blankly at his older brother for a few seconds, then turned around to face the others gathered around. "Who's in charge here?"
When one of the men raised a hand, the King stepped up to him and explained, "Alright, I need you to pull up security footage from last night. I want to review everything from the moment I stepped outside the ballroom to meet the Queen around 9:30, and where she went after I went back into the ballroom." 
If this were any other day, Liam would have fired every one of them on the spot and sent Leo to Antarctica, but he only had one concern: Finding out what happened to Riley.
As the guard typed in his computer to pull up footage from last night, Leo stepped up to Liam, who was hovering over the guard's shoulder with anticipation. "What's going on?"
Never taking his eyes off the screen, he responded. "Riley went back to Las Vegas last night."
"Wh-Why? What happened?"
Liam let out a breath. "That's what I'm trying to find out."
Leo remained silent before giving his little brother's shoulder a reassuring squeeze and watching with him.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary as different camera footages were switched to follow Riley walking from the main staircase, through several passages, and finally ending with the corridor outside of his quarters.
"Stop!" Liam leaned in closer as the guard paused the video; his entire body tensed up at what he saw.
"Is that ..." Leo scrunched up his face in disgust.
Tags: @burnsoslow​ @dcbbw​ @ao719​  @jessiembruno​ @texaskitten30​ @janezillow​ @merridithsmiscellany-blog @mskaneko @callmeellabella @queenjilian @sirbeepsalot @drakexwillow @jovialyouthmusic​ @forthebrokenheartedthings​s @bebepac​ @kingliam2019​ @lovablegranny​ @cordoniaqueensworld​ @amandablink​ @liamxs-world​ @choiceskatie @iaminlovewithtrr​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @charlotteg234​ @annekebbphotography​ @txemrn​ @thecordoniandiaries @alyssalauren​ @cordonianroyalty @monsoonbloom12 @mom2000aggie​ @theroyalheirshadowhunter​ @princessleac1​ @kimmiedoo5​ @graceful-leah​ @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful​ @thegreentwin​ @gkittylove99​ @neotericthemis​ @pink-diamond13​ @walker7519 @natureblooms24 @yourmajesty09​ @gabesmommie1130​ @sweatyrysconnoisour @kat-tia801​ @debmcg1106 @lifeaskim @choicesstan650​ @emkay512​ @royalromancer​
Liam x MC: @cordonia-gothqueen​n
Anything with Drake:@tinkie1973
FRI Series Tags:   @narrytheworld​​  @queenwalton​  @cordonianprincess​        @zaffrenotes​ @zilch3​  @drrookie​ @sfb123​ @secretaryunpaid​ @masterofbluff​
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Well Off (1)
John B Routledge x OFC (Tabitha Thornton)
Warnings: language, and I think that’s pretty much it lol
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: Little intro chapter! There is no limit to the number of WIPs I will accumulate and I am adding OBX to that roster haha. I love John B, and I think that y’all are gonna grow to love Tabitha as much as I do. So, enjoy, and stay tuned for updates! xo
Outer Banks Taglist: @garbinge (Let me know if you want to be added!)
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“I’m gonna talk to her,” John B said with a definitive nod.
“Don’t,” Pope and Kiara both responded in unison, shaking their heads.
“Why not?” his eyebrows shot up as he looked around at his friends, “What’s the worst that could happen?”
“She could slap you,” JJ offered up before taking a sip of his drink, then nodding as he thought of other outcomes, “Or call her crazy Kook friends to come jump you. Or her crazy Kook boyfriend.”
John B shook his head, “She doesn’t have a crazy Kook boyfriend.”
All three of them turned and looked at him, not completely surprised at the certainty with which he said it, he was always certain of everything until he was wrong. JJ laughed and shook his head, “Alright, John B, how do you know that?”
He shrugged as he stood up from the table that they were sitting at, “Just got a feeling.”
They knew that there was no stopping him now, so the three of them decided to sit back and watch how the situation unfold. They were all murmuring bets to each other, tossing the few singles that they had between them onto the surface of the table. It was like a car wreck that they couldn’t look away from.
John B wasn’t exactly in his Sunday best, even by his own standards. The four of them had spent all day out on the water going back and forth between fishing and swimming. His face and neck still had faint streaks of dirt on them, his damp, messy hair mostly stuffed beneath the baseball cap on his head. The entire look was tied together with an old worn-out t-shirt and a pair of cargo shorts that were hanging on by only a few threads. It was an outfit that he’d worn a million times with his friends when they ran into town for sodas and snacks, and it worked just fine for that, but it wasn’t what he usually wore to try and get a girl’s number.
She was packing a few things into the small backpack that was in her hands. John B couldn’t help but to stare as he approached her, watching the way that her wavy brown hair blew across her face in the breeze. The tie to her bikini top showed beneath the wide neck of her cropped t-shirt. She had on a pair of stylishly frayed denim shorts but John B was willing to bet what little money he had on the fact that she had on the matching bottoms to the bikini on underneath. Her sneakers were white, but starting to get a little dingy from wear and tear on the beach, and riding the penny board that was currently resting back against her leg so it didn’t roll away.
The walk over to her felt like it was taking longer than it should, but maybe that was just because he was spending so much time looking at her rather than trying to get over to her, or thinking of what to say when he finally got there.
“Um,” he cleared his throat awkwardly as he fought the urge to shove his hands into his pockets, “hey.”
She looked up from her bag, meeting his gaze. She didn’t seem annoyed, just confused. Letting her hands, and by extension her bag, lower slightly, she cocked her head to the side, “Hey?”
“Crap, sorry, um, I’m John B,” he held out his hand for her to shake, suddenly forgetting everything he knew about talking to girls.
She laughed quietly, shaking his hand, “Very official. Nice to meet you, John B. I’m Tabitha A.”
He chuckled, feeling his face heat up at her response despite the fact that she was being perfectly nice about it. He knew that he was supposed to follow up with something else, but truthfully, he didn’t think that he was even going to get this far. Usually, the girls that were on vacation in the Outer Banks, especially ones as pretty as her, didn’t really give him the time of day. Especially when he was looking the way that he did. Suddenly he realized that talking to girls at parties was so much easier because there was alcohol involved, and also a place to easily hide if it all went horribly wrong.
She saw that he was trying to come up with something to say, but couldn’t. So she offered him an out, “Something I can do for you, John B?” she asked as she zipped up her backpack.
Every word she spoke only made him more nervous about asking for her number, but it was going to be now or never. Clearing his throat in an attempt to give himself just another extra moment to prepare, he said, “I was just, I was wondering if I could have your number?”
She raised her eyebrows, her smile growing wider, “My phone number?”
“Figured asking for your social security number right off the bat might be a bit much,” he chuckled nervously.
“Way to lay the foundation,” she laughed, “But sure,” she held her hand out for his phone, “I’ll give you my number.”
“Really?” he couldn’t hide the shock on his face as he patted his pockets in search of his phone.
“Really,” she looked up at him for a moment as she typed her number in, “and make sure you let your friends over there know that they owe you whatever money they’re betting against you.”
He turned and looked over his shoulder as she finished typing her name and number in, only to see Pope, JJ, and Kiara quickly trying to look away and failing. He wondered if they had been watching that obviously the whole time.
He took his phone back, a nervous laugh bubbling in his chest as he tucked the phone away in his shorts pocket, “When’s a good time to meet up with you to give you your cut of the money?”
She laughed as she resituated her backpack onto her shoulders, “There’s never a bad time for that,” she let her board drop flat back onto the ground and stepped onto it, flashing him a smile, “See you around, John B.”
He gave a small wave as she took off towards the road, “See ya, Tabitha.”
Walking back over, he shook his head at his friends who were all sitting there a little dumbfounded at how it had all played out. They hadn’t seen her looking upset, or trying to push him away. Those were two huge wins as far as they were concerned, because the Kook girls didn’t have the best track record of letting guys down easy, especially guys like John B.
“She didn’t really give you her number, did she?” Pope asked incredulously.
“She did,” John B sat down, taking his hat off so he could run his hands back through his hair as he mulled over the entire interaction.
“Double or nothing says the number’s fake,” JJ said with a laugh.
Kiara laughed, shaking her head, “It’s not fake. She wouldn’t take the time to come up with a fake number for him. Kooks like their rejection more out-right than that.”
John B was only half listening to the rest of them cracking jokes about it as he took his phone back out and went to his contacts. He scrolled through the list, and sure enough, Tabitha A was listed amongst the rest of the names. He tapped on it, staring at the numbers as though he was trying to make sure she really put them in there.
“You’re not really gonna text her though, right?” JJ asked.
“Why wouldn’t I?” John B asked, confused.
“Thought we swore off Kooks, even Tourons.”
John B fought the urge to reply with something along the lines of: you swore them off, not me. But he knew that picking at that scabbed-over wound wasn’t going to get any of them anywhere. Instead, he shook his head, “I don’t remember that at all.”
“You don’t know anything about her, though,” Pope offered up.
“What better way to find out?” John B contemplated texting her right then and there, but decided against it. He’d fumbled over himself enough already, he didn’t want to add looking desperate to that as well. He looked down at her name in his contacts for another few seconds before locking the screen and setting his phone to the side, letting himself get sucked back into the discussion at hand that currently consisted of JJ listing off all the ways that things were going to go wrong for John B and the new tourist girl.
Tabitha rolled back up to the house, leaving her board propped up against the siding next to the door. She walked inside and was met with a quiet house with the exception of the television playing in the living room. She wondered where everyone was as she shrugged her backpack off, tossing her drink into the freezer to cool it off again before she drank it. Pulling the other snacks out, she ripped the bag open as she wandered deeper into her cousin’s house.
“Where’d you run off to?” Topper emerged from his room down the hall.
She shrugged as she sat down on the couch, “Went to get some snacks. Where is everyone?”
“Country club.”
“You didn’t go?” she cocked an eyebrow.
He shook his head, “Was gonna see if you wanted to do something, but then you were gone,” he chuckled.
Tabitha smiled, “My bad.”
“All good,” he tucked his hands into his pockets, “There’s a party this weekend at the boneyard. Everyone’s going, if you wanna go with Sarah and I, you can.”
Her eyes lit up at the prospect of it, “Yea, that sounds great,” she saw the way he was awkwardly standing in the middle of the living room, “You heading out now or…?”
He shook his head, “Was gonna stay here with you if that’s cool.”
She laughed, nodding, “Of course it’s cool. Besides, it’s your house,” she held out the bag of chips towards him, “Frito?”
He chuckled, sitting down next to her before taking a few chips out of the bag, “Why not?”
The two of them put on a mindless reality TV show, putting their own commentary to it. The sounds of their laughter filled the large, otherwise empty house. Topper looked over at his cousin, chuckling to himself as she tossed chips up into the air and caught them in her mouth, and he couldn’t help but to wish that things were always this easy, this stress-free. He felt like a totally different person around her and he hated that in a couple weeks she was going to be gone again.
He watched as she checked her phone quickly for the umpteenth time that evening, “Waiting on someone?” he asked with a smirk.
She laughed, shaking her head, “Sort of? Not really. I, I don’t know. Met a cute guy in town today.”
When she didn’t offer up the name, he didn’t pry, “Mystery guy? So intriguing.”
She laughed, taking one of the decorative pillows and smacking him with it, “Shut up.”
Topper laughed as he snatched the pillow away from her, “Hope he knows what he’s getting himself into.”
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Nothing Good Happens After 2AM (Ch 4)
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Rating: M (finally earning that for this chapter)
Words: 2900
Read: ao3, ff.net CH 1 CH 2 CH 3
Summary: Emma took Killian home for the holidays as a fake date. Things seemed to be going well…until it didn’t. What happens when two fools in love didn’t confess their love over the holidays like they planned and have to go back home to reality? This. This is what happened…(A twist on fake dating during the holidays)
AN: Well....shit lol here we finally are! I wish I had a good reason for the year and a half delay. Honestly, I got one not so great review and it shook me a bit and I was already iffy about writing. But thank you to so many incredible souls being so encouraging and supporting me to get back into writing. Thank you to @kmomof4​ who read all four chapters and edited them (make sure to check them out). I really hope you enjoy this last part as I’m so happy to finally have this out for you all. A very late and final contribution to @csjanuaryjoy
tagging some of the fam squad (please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed): @kymbersmith-90 @let-it-raines @artistic-writer @hollyethecurious @hookedonapirate @carpedzem @nowforruin @kmomof4 @wellhellotragic @thesschesthair @teamhook​ @winterbaby89​ @zaharadessert​ @stahlop​ @ultraluckycatnd @blowmiakisscolin​ @peggyswan​ @jrob64​ @klynn-stormz​​ @tiganasummertree​ @batana54​ @pirateprincessofpizza​​
Ruby made her way back up to the party, excited to see how the rest of the night would play out after her phone call to Emma. As she made her way back into Killian’s apartment she saw the Nolans as they gestured rather animatedly. Then Ruby rounded the corner and looked in to see who they were yelling at. 
It was Killian. 
And from the looks of it they were letting Killian have it. And he was just standing there taking it.  
What the hell did he get into in the last five minutes to warrant this? Ruby was both concerned, but mostly entertained because the sweet sunshine Charmings never yelled. She strolled into the kitchen with a grin, figuring she would enjoy the show. That was until the furious couple saw her - apparently she was their new target. 
“Ruby Elizabeth Lucas! You have a lot of explaining to do.”
Ruby was confused to say the least. How the hell was she involved in... whatever this was? 
“Um...I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
“Bullshit, Ruby!” She was completely taken back, Mary Margaret never swore. “You just told me that Emma thought Killian was dating Elsa. And last time I checked Killian and Emma have been together for the last three months. So please, explain yourself. Now.”
“I feel like it’s not really my place,” she said, darting her eyes toward Killian, but she could tell no one was buying it. “Listen, Snow White and Prince Charming, your poor sister felt pressured to bring a date home for the holidays. She and Killian decided to go to Ruth’s and tell y’all they were dating so you’d back the hell off. And it worked and everything was fine. Then Elsa showed up and spooked Emma because she thought she lost her chance with him. Because shocker,” she looked fiercely at Killian and had to restrain herself from smacking him upside the head, “they’re both in love with each other and are being absolutely idotic and not telling the other the truth.” She turned back toward the stunned silent Charmings, “And you two are not helping the cause!”
Killian looked up in complete shock, his eyebrows nearly reaching his hair. The Nolans stood gaping at her, obviously not expecting her brutal honesty. 
“Listen,” Ruby took a deep breath. “Cut them some slack. You two were acting like Emma was going to turn into some crazy old spinster if she didn’t find a date soon. Also, you two act as though you are a literal fairytale couple.” She shrugged. “Sometimes it’s hard to live up to your kind of love.”
As David stood in shock, Mary Margaret finally spoke up. “We went too far, didn’t we?” That’s when she turned to Killian. “We’re sorry, Killian. We shouldn’t have ever put you in this situation. We love you, we love Emma, and that wasn’t fair...I hope you can forgive our behavior this evening.”
Just as Killian was about to speak up, the door opened revealing an out of breath Emma Swan.
Emma was confused by the odd looks she was receiving as her welcome. She should be used to their bizarre behavior at this point, but this felt different. 
As she made her way over to the group her nerves set back in. She was here to tell Killian the truth. She was going to finally confess her love for her best friend. On his birthday. What could possibly go wrong?
“Right, well, this has been fun. Perhaps we should give these two some alone time.” Ruby elbowed the couple so Emma and Killian could have a moment.
As Emma walked towards Killian she finally took in her surroundings and realized how packed the apartment was. “I wish there were less people here…”
“Why, Swan? I love large parties, they’re so intimate. At small parties-”
“-there isn’t any privacy. I like it when you quote things to me.” Looking at him, she realized how close they were. She wasn’t even aware of her own movement toward him. Then she looked into his blue eyes. She missed them. 
She missed him. 
They stood there, taking each other in. It’d been weeks since they’d been together, really together. Neither one knew how to start. 
“Emma, you came.”
She wished in that moment she had something poetic to respond with, but that wouldn’t be Emma. “That’s what she said.”
The two instantly burst into laughter, the tension dying with every laugh. 
“I missed you, Swan.” Killian reached his hand out to tuck a loose strand behind her ear, Emma leaned into his touch. 
“I missed you too. I’m so sorry I ran…I wish I had a good excuse, but I don’t. I wanted to tell you so many times how I felt. I was going to tell you. On New Year's Eve. I was finally going to tell you. I had this whole plan. It was a good plan. And then Ruby fucking decided to be Chef Julia Child and give me food posioning. And then...I saw how happy you looked with Elsa and I thought, I thought, I’d lost my chance with you.” Emma finally found the courage to look up when she finished.
Killian’s eyes were full of unshed tears. When Emma opened her mouth to try and say something to break the tension Killian wrapped his arms around her. Emma finally took a breath. A breath she had been holding for weeks. He didn’t hate her. 
“Emma, my love, I promise nothing happened with Elsa. She was Liam’s fiance. She’s an old friend and nothing more. You though...you’re so much more than that. I’ve been a coward. I’ve hidden behind our friendship, behind the lie we told your family, and I will not do that any longer. I’ve had three words on the tip of my tongue since the night we met, I swear, and I will not waste another minute without you hearing them.”
Emma extracted herself from his grasp. “Before you do, I have something for you.” 
Killian lets out a sigh, “Really? Right now?”
Without another word Emma pulled the small red box from her clutch and handed it to Killian. He looked at her with curious eyes. “It’s your birthday, open the damn thing, Jones.”
“So demanding. Now what do we have here? It's a-” 
He stopped.  
It was the most infuriating object that haunted his dreams - well, besides Emma. That trip to her home, the infernal garnish was everywhere. 
There was that kiss.
God, that kiss. He relieved it daily, prayed that it wasn’t the last kiss he’d ever share with Emma. Up until this moment he was convinced that would be the case.
“Well, Swan, this is quite the gift. I don’t know exactly what to say.” He scratched behind his ear, a nervous tick they were both well aware of. 
“I, um, do you wanna see if it works?” Killian’s eyes shot up to Emma.
“Well, love, seems only right I try it out with you since you were the one that gave me such a generous gift. Shall we...”
Emma cut him off with a bruising kiss, it caught him a little off guard, but it only took a moment for him to catch up. Killian didn’t give a damn that there was a party going on around them. He finally had Emma in his arms. Emma’s hands wandered to the nape of his neck, holding on for dear life. Killian’s hands roamed down her sides before anchoring on her hips, holding her tightly against him. He cursed the fact that Emma was wearing a dress, even if she did look bloody gorgeous in the tight red piece. He couldn’t wait to have that blasted thing on his floor.
They finally broke for air, still clinging to one another, foreheads touching. Killian was ready to dive back in when he looked up and remembered they weren’t alone. Mary Margaret was crying, Ruby was cheering, and David looked slightly annoyed but Killian saw the small smile he was trying but failing to hide. 
“Come on, love. I think it’s time we faced the vultures. And I’d like you to meet Elsa, if that’s alright with you?”
“Yeah, I think that’s a pretty good idea, Captain.” Emma reached down and grabbed Killian’s hand before they walked over. 
Maybe the trope board wasn't wrong after all. 
As the party went on, Killian and Emma were inseparable; the two constantly touching the other. At one point, while talking to Mary Margaret and David, Emma laid her head on Killian's shoulder, something she'd done a million times, but this time Killian placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. 
The two were in their own happy bubble. They pretended to be engaged with those around them, but they couldn't ignore but feel the sparks ignited with each touch.  
"So, Emma? It's nice to finally meet you. I'm sorry for the miscommunication. I feel as though that was my fault." Emma was confused on how Elsa seemed to be privy to their issue, but then she saw Mary Margaret across the room and assumed her friend had filled her in.
"Please, don't be. I was...scared I lost my chance with Killian."
"Oh, honey. I don't think you could ever lose this one." Killian squeezed Emma closer to prove her point. 
Turns out Elsa was hilarious and had wonderfully embarrassing stories about Killian. Emma had a feeling the two were going to be good friends after tonight. 
The party eventually wound down a little after one, slowly the various couples left. That's when Emma realized she was alone with Killian. 
Suddenly, Emma felt her nerves grow. They'd declared their love and haven't left the others' side since, but she would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. She absentmindedly threw out some empty cups as she tried to plan her next move.
"Love," Killian called for her from the living room, "can you come here?" Emma slowly made her way into the room as Killian stretched out his arms to embrace her. 
"Emma, I...I know that tonight has been a lot. Our relationship has always been a lot. And I know the future is uncertain, but there's one thing I want you to be certain of - I will always be by your side. For as long as you'll let me, my love."
She didn't even know a tear had slipped until Killian pulled back to wipe it. 
"I haven't always made things easy. I get spooked easily, but I'm tired of running. I want to be with you, Killian. I love you."
"And I you, my beautiful Swan." 
The kiss started off slowly, different than the one earlier, but no less passionate. Emma brought her hands around Killian's neck, playing with the nape of his hair. As Killian kissed down her neck, Emma didn't recognize the noises that escaped her mouth.
As their kisses continued, Emma was surprised when Killian's legs hit the couch and he fell down. She hadn’t been aware that they moved. Emma said she was tired of running, and she was ready to show him. So she straddled his legs and hovered over him for just a moment.
They felt like teenagers again, making out on a couch like this. She could feel him harden beneath her, driving her wild. But, it wasn't enough, she needed more. Emma started unbuttoning his shirt, the bastard already had the top three undone. Without a second thought, she began to rake her fingers through the coarse black hair. 
"I've been dying to do this since we first met. So soft," she murmured. Killian found a spot behind her ear that made her mewl. Emma brought her lips to his ear, "I've always wondered how it'd feel against my breasts." 
With that, Killian pulled back. "My love, are you sure? We can wait. Because once I have you, I'm never going to let you go." Emma nodded slowly. As she looked into his eyes, she could barely see a trace of blue. His pupils were blown. 
Before Emma could stand, Killian wrapped his arms around her to carry her to his bedroom. He only ran into the wall twice as Emma was no doubt leaving marks on his neck. Killian gently placed her in the middle of the bed. 
"I always swore that if we got here, I would worship every inch of you."
"Killian, please, worship later. I need you now."
"Just a taste. Patience, darling." Killian was beyond thankful at that moment Emma had opted for a dress as he quickly removed her thong.  
Before she could speak, he brought his mouth to her sex. "You're already drenched for me. You..fuck...you taste delicious."
Emma couldn't speak, he was overwhelming in every sense of the word. She grabbed a fistful of his hair, not that she needed to guide him; he knew exactly what he was doing. 
Killian replaced his mouth with two fingers. "That's it, Emma. You look so beautiful like this. I want you to come for me, darling. Come and then I'll give you what you really want."
His voice was deeper, accent thicker. Emma had a feeling she could finish from his voice alone, but right now, it was his fingers and mouth that were going to do the trick. 
Emma lost all control of her limbs as he sent her over the edge. He didn't let up though, he continued slowly licking as she came back down. As her breathing returned to normal, Killian kissed up her body. 
"Worship later, Killian,” she moaned again. “Please. I need you. Now."
"So demanding, Swan,” he observed, taking his pants and boxer briefs off. “I think I like this side of you, all in a commanding voice, chills really." 
He climbed back on top of her, but instead of responding, Emma hooked her legs around Killian and flipped him, so he laid on his back. He looked up in awe, he had never been so turned on than in this moment. 
Emma decided she was tired of waiting, but before she could sink down Killian stopped her. "Give me a moment, let me grab something, I -"
"I'm clean, and I'm on the pill. I...I don't want anything between us."
"Gods, Emma. If you're sure? I'm good too, I haven't been with anyone since...since we met." 
Emma dove down to meet his lips as she sank down onto him. Killian swallowed her gasp as she adjusted to his size. Of course, he lived up to every innuendo, and Emma couldn't be happier for that than in this moment. 
For first times, they were both surprised with how easy it was to fall into rhythm with the other. There were only a few slightly awkward moments, but that didn't stop them from enjoying this moment. Emma's hips met Killian's with each thrust, quickly driving the other wild. 
"So fucking glorious, Emma. You're so tight like this. Ride my cock, such a good girl. I want to feel you come around me this time. You're stunning when you come. That's...fuck... that's it Emma, take what you need, darling."
Before Emma could even respond, Killian decided it was her turn to be flipped on her back. "Now, if I remember correctly, you wanted to know how it feels with me on top."
"That's, ugh, that's not exactly what I said. But I'm not complaining."
Emma felt that familiar sensation growing in her stomach as Killian's pace intensified. "Killian, I'm close. Together, I wanna -"
"Aye, love, together."
Killian felt her tighten around him as she moaned out in ecstasy, pulling him right after her. He gave her a searing kiss as he spilled himself inside of her. Killian fell on top of her, too exhausted to worry about crushing her for a moment. 
"Killian? As much as I love how, uh, close we are now, do you think you can move? I can't breathe, and I need to clean up."
"Oi, you're gonna give a man a complex!" Killian slowly rolled off her, in awe of the glow Emma radiated at the moment. Emma couldn't help but giggle as he was being an annoying ass, but mostly he was still...Killian. 
They were still them. Except they just had mind-blowing sex. 
She could get used to this new addition to their relationship. 
"Stay here, love. Let me." Killian was back in a moment and helped clean Emma. When he finished, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, just like before. 
"What is it, Swan?"
"Nothing, I'm just happy. It's just so surprising."
"Aye, love, me too. But this doesn't change anything. I've loved you for years now, and we'll go at whatever pace we both see fit, but I'm in this for the long haul."
"As am I, Captain."
The two laid in bed, cuddled close, and shared lazy kisses. When Emma looked at the clock, she saw it was nearly three in the morning. A few weeks ago, Emma had thought nothing good happened after two am; it turns out she was wrong. 
"Swan? Can you tell me what the bloody hell a trope board is?"
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all-hallows-evie · 3 years
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Chapter 1: Marooned
Rating: T, for language, Canon Typical Violence/Action. Honestly, this chapter isn't that bad, the T rating is just in case I forgot about something lol
Wordcount: 3,776
Warnings: Canon typical violence and adventure, female OC with name × Tech slowburn, but not too slow lol, NOT BETA'D, because if I have to stare at this first chapter again I'm not going to post it.
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There were bad ideas, really bad ideas and then there was this.
The ship hums under her feet as it trudges through the far corner of the mid rim, chugging along on it’s route without any sign of trouble or disruption from it’s preplanned course.
It should have been a routine pillaging, something she had placed firmly in the ‘great ideas’ list but instead it had turned into a routine mutiny and finished the day as a routine marooning. She sighs as she lays her head back against the seamless panel behind her.
Fucking pirates. 
She has been stranded on the old freighter for at least two moons, but it was hard to say with certainty. The droids that man the ship have no need to eat so more often than not they forget to pass along anything to keep her mounting hunger at bay, adding along to the lack of any kind of panel to the outside world, getting her bearings is proving to be more difficult than usual. 
She hisses a swear to drown out the low growl of her belly and focuses her gaze on the far corner of the room. Another day, another chance to count the diamond shaped tiles above her cell, she swears the number changes every other time she counts. She doesn’t get farther than eighteen when the door of the maintenance room blows open. 
The dust fills the room, hiding everything under its grimy shadow. The grit in the air crackles as it’s pushed against the red of the electron walls that keep her prisoner with the ships cooling coils and a water filtration unit that has calcified and has never been fixed.  
"Well look at that, we found it! Lucky break!"
"Luck had nothing to do with it, if you had studied the schematics of this cruiser like I had asked-"
"Yeah yeah yeah." The first figure, a hulking shadow in the doorway brushes off the smaller one as he stomps into the suddenly too tiny room.
"The memory core should be at the end of the-" the smaller of the two figures stops in front of her cell as the big one charges towards the end of the room without stopping. They launch themselves into the piles of junk thrown haphazardly inside, "That's concerning."
"Concerning? You see someone in a cage and you go with ‘concerning’?" She replies as she pulls herself up to standing. She takes in his armor, modified clone armor from the looks of it painted pale with a bright red stripe down his chest, his eyes slightly magnified by the goggles on his face, the rest hidden by the elongated helmet.
"According to the intel we were provided there weren't supposed to be life forms aboard." He seems irritated to see her.
"Good old Republic intel, still living up to its reputation."
The other clone approaches, he rips open the metal box in his hands and yanks out the core as if the casing was made of thick flimsy and nothing more, "I've got the thing, time to go!"
She watches, dumbstruck for a moment as her ticket out starts to head for the gaping maw that used to be a door, "Wait, you're taking the old database?" The two of them stop and turn, "It's not complete! It's missing pieces of the coordinates!" Firefek she didn't want to sound desperate but she was.
"Likely story-" The big one chuckles.
"I was trying to steal it too, I almost got all of it before my crew turned on me!"
"A mercenary or a pirate? No matter, I trust you even less now."
She had never wanted to punch anyone's face as hard as she wanted to punch his, "Check the core Goggles, I swear to you! It's missing pieces!" He hesitates and in that baited pause she knows she has him, "Please, just let me out and drop me off wherever you dock next. You can have my data chip. No harm, no foul, just get me out."
The one with the goggles glares at her, the yellow tinted transparisteel of his visor snapping downl before he turns to the bigger man. Klaxons ring all around as he scans the core with a handheld device, but it's taking up time they do not have.
The two clones share a look, silently deciding her fate.
The bigger one caves first, "Aww c'mon Tech, we can't leave her! You saw what's on this ship, she'll be a goner on some mining planet!"
"Under normal circumstances I might agree but she's caged for a purpose, and I'm disinclined to put any trust in her."
"How much damage can she do? She’s smaller than you are!" 
Tech, the one in the goggles, sighs before he turns back around to face her, "If we spring you, you play by our rules. You follow our orders, no complaints, no rebuttals and if you put one toe out of line-"
"Out the airlock, understood." She nods furiously, hands pressed against the panel as she watches Tech short out the electron wall holding her hostage, the panel shudders and then it spews sparks on to the ground as the red fades and she's finally able to step through. 
"Lets go shortie!" 
"Wait, let me just grab-" She scrambles to the other side of the wall, trying to pull at something from the top of a shelf. The bigger clone reaches over and tosses the crate to the floor. She throws open the top and snatches out a bantha leather bag and a helmet.
Tech doesn't have to tell her twice, the three of them bolt out of the door and into the corridor, the lights above flash in time with the klaxons. There is a low rumble that joins the hum of the hyperspace engine, as whatever security droids are on board begin to activate.
"Back to the ship, short stuff!" 
The three of them book it down the darkened halls, ducking behind walls and crates as the first cluster of security droids pass through.
She tosses her bag across her shoulder, slinging it against one side of her hip, clipping it into place with snaps sewn into her jacket. They watch three more droids pass them by before she speaks again, "My name's Nox, by the way." 
"Doesn't sound like a girl's name." The big one chuckles, so deep and rumbling it almost feels like a growl.
"Well it's the only name I've got. My parents named me a bit of a mouthful, Nox just works better."
"Clear." Tech calls out and they continue on their way heading to the service hangar where their ship hopefully was waiting for them.
"How'd you end up out here?" The big one asks, with every flash of light above them she can see more of the large scary face painted roughly on his helmet, lines thrown on haphazardly only to be scraped away by carbon scoring.
She is about to answer when she is shoved back into a corner by Tech. He slaps a hand over her mouth before she can yelp, the leather slightly singed, it smells of electricity and grease.
"I'm getting tired of all this sneaking around, I say we blow our way outta here!" The big one growls.
"We’re almost there Wrecker, it would be pointless to try now."
She shoves Tech's Hand away, "Blow your way out of here, are you insane? With the amount of baby on board you'd blow us into the next dimension!"
There are a few beats of silence before both helmets turn towards her.
"Baby?" Wrecker repeats but is shushed by Tech.
"You don't mean baradium-"
"Bisulfate? I absolutely do! There were containers of the stuff in the holding bay."
"This Imperial ship is headed somewhere to mine thorilide?" He repeats, tone stressed over every syllable in the word ‘Imperial’.
"That or some unlucky planet is about to be wiped from existence."
"The location of the Republic thorilide mines have been kept under the utmost security for ages, not even the Jedi Council was ever advised of its location."
"Can’t say I blame them, I barely trust them with those glowy sticks of death." She murmurs, making lightsaber sounds with her mouth as Wrecker snickers.
"Stop that. Do you know where this ship was heading? Do you have a copy of the manifest?"
"What, your amazing Republic recce didn't get you that information shiny?" He glares back at her, brows pinching together behind the dark frames of his goggles, "Maker! Did those cloners take your sense of humor? Yes, I know where this ship is going."
"Bet Cid’s contact would pay more for that bit of info." Wrecker’s grin can be heard even through the plastoid of his helmet.
Tech meanwhile has typed something to a com on his wrist, "Hunter, there's been a complication."
"What kind of complication?"
"There is more on board this ship than just the republic database-"
"What do you mean?"
"This ship is a mining vessel, out to mine thorilide."
Tech’s wrist comm goes silent, just quiet static while the voice on the other line thinks, "Ordinance?"
Both clones look at her, she nods emphatically, "Ordinance, med supplies, if there was coaxium on board I wouldn't be surprised, this place is the motherlode."
"Quite a bit of supplies on board, it would seem."
The comm goes quiet again for a few moments, "We don't have time for this, it's only a matter of time before they realize that your cruiser is stolen. Grab what you went in for and leave."
Tech shakes his head, it's so tiny and quick that if she wasn't looking at him in that moment she would have missed it, "Where is it being kept?" 
"Up, five or so floors unless I've miscounted."
"Tech, Wrecker, Get out of there, now!" The voice on the other end grows more and more irritable as they stand around in silence.
"We'll be out as soon as possible." Tech replies curtly as he cuts the comm. He makes it sound so easy like they were stopping by the nearest market to pick up fruit, instead of about to hijack high quality explosives from Imperial custody, "Lead the way."
"What? Just like that?"
"Are there, or are there not these items on board?"
"You swear?" Wrecker leans in close, hovering over her.
Tech nods, "Vital signs are stable, no signs of heightened stress-"
"What if I'm just a really good liar?"
"You can try all you want my dear, but the data doesn't lie."
"Does he do this to you too? I'm finding it a bit creepy-" She asks Wrecker as her eyebrow raises.
"You get used to it."
"Weird, so weird…" she mutters to herself as she turns and peeks around the corner. She looks around for anything that is familiar, when she sees a maintenance lift at the very end of the hall to the right. She motions them forward, and silently they sneak their way closer to the lift. She turns her attention to her side as she digs in her bag, her fingers grasp at the odd collection of junk in her pockets until her hand finally wraps around the cool metal of her code cylinder and she can finally stop holding her breath.
Tech's hand on her shoulder pulls her back to the task on hand as he drags her back a few steps. The catwalk above them from here to the lift is no more than a shoddy looking set of grates that creak as a group of security droids march along their patrol, oblivious to the three of them below. 
“The maintenance lift?" Tech sniffs as they come to a stop at its doors. He raises hand to push his goggles back into place, "Perhaps you have failed to notice but none of us are maintenance droids, the moment you try to access that panel they will -”
“They’ll what?” She asks as she jams the cylinder into the port, the lift clicks open silently and she steps inside. 
“The alarms-”
“What alarms? According to this," she snaps her code cylinder from the panel and drops it back into her bag, lost again to the chaos of the random junk held within, "I'm a maintenance droid doing routine inspections. How stupid do you think I am?”
"Hey hey, this one's pretty smart huh Tech?!" Wrecker is thrilled.
"Pirate." She reminds, "You don't see many my age that aren't intelligent and I'll give you one guess as to why."
The doors silently click open and before they can step out a team of at least half a dozen well armed sentry droids roll past. 
They all leap from the inside of the lift and fall into a crouch behind a stack of supply crates. They wait for a few moments before Tech quickly peeks over, "They don't seem to have spotted us."
"Fuck, there weren't this many when we tried this the first time." She swears a few more times under her breath.
"We should do this my way." Wrecker offers.
"What's that mean, what does he mean?!" Nox looks nervously over to Tech, "He doesn't mean-?"
"Explosives and violence? He absolutely does," Tech sighs, “ and I'm afraid we are running low on options and even lower on time. Wrecker, what does your ordinance look like?"
“But you said I couldn't bring any?”
“Yes, and when was the last time you actually listened?”
Wrecker, the fun if not absolutely homicidal one, pulls out a couple of detonators, a roll of plastic tape, a half dozen hand grenades and three droid poppers.
“Great, nice to know you could have turned us into a small sun if I hadn't told you about the baby on board.”
"Everything save for the poppers is far too dangerous to use around those crates." Tech hisses, "Any more of those brilliant pirate ideas floating around in your head?"
She chews on her lip for a moment, wracking her brain for anything else that might be useful as she ignores Tech's sarcastic tone. Apart from the crates on this floor littered with treasure, there didn't seem to be anything of any use...except for the busted water filter. “How big of a distraction do you think it would take to get all those sentries away from the haul?”
“It would need to be something quite large or destructive enough to threaten the integrity of the ship.”
“The water filtration system on board is completely calcified, I don't think it was ever fixed since there are only droids on board. If you could flood that with enough pressure the entire pipe should burst-”
“And flood the entire floor, along with the engine room, that might just do it.” He’s on his data pad before the words are even out of his mouth, he scans the room all around and matches it with the wireframe schematics on his screen. He stalks his way backwards until he finds the panel he is looking for. He pops it open easily and then begins to slice into the mainframe of the ship, “On my count, take Wrecker to wherever the baby is, let him handle it. You get your hands on as much of the medical supplies as you can, the security onboard is a little tighter than I would have preferred so I will have to stay here and continue to flood the filter.”
“Oh, easy.”
“Think you can handle all that tiny?” Wrecker’s thundering chuckle threatens to give away their location even with the steady moan of the alarms overhead.
She grins, Wrecker is back to being the fun one, “Try and keep up.”
There is a sound of roaring water all around them as tech funnels every liquid on the ship into the filter, then a sound like an explosion a couple of feet below them rocks the ship like a lightning strike. 
The sound of the alarm overhead changes as every droid on the floor turns away and heads to a lowering platform, all instructed to assist with the burst pipe.
“That’s our cue!” 
She shoves Wrecker forward playfully before they both break into a sprint toward the storage rooms where their bounty is being held. She points to one of the rooms as they approach, "This one's your big boy!"
The door is sealed shut, but not for long. Wrecker doesn't slow, instead he hunches low, bringing his shoulders down and tucking his chin into the collar of his armor before he barrels straight through, punching a hole through the doors with enough force to make even her teeth rattle.
She dips into the storage room across the hall, thanking the stars that her haul wasn't locked away like his was. She rips open any crate within arms reach, tossing open the tops and letting them scatter around the room wherever they land. She snatches bacta patches and hypos by the handful and packs the crate as full as she can, slamming her entire body weight against it to get it to close. She drags it out into the hall, placing it by the door before she bolts into the room right beside the one Wrecker is standing in. 
Wrecker watches her disappear into the room, the four small crates of explosives tucked carefully under his arms, “Wait, where are you-”
His question is answered as another crate hits the floor beside him. She comes running out of the room, grabbing this second crate by the handle and yanking it along, “Perfect! Not a single explosion! Love that for me!”
Wrecker bends down to offer her a hand but she has already snatched up the first trunk and is flying down the hall with them. She's faster than Wrecker would have believed she would be capable of with the two crates almost her height. She almost trips over herself as she stops and with a swift kick, the second crate lands at Tech's feet, “Come on 20/20, cut her loose, let's go!”
“What’s in that- I specifically ordered you to only carry medical supplies.”
“Yeah well, it sounds like you are used to not being listened to so, ship. Now!”
Wrecker races past, hopping off of the side and down to the level below, the halls are empty as all hands are called to help with the floor that is flooding. 
Nox peeks over the side, she watches as Wrecker sets the small boxes of baby down beside him, "Toss your crate!" He calls up. She nods and yanks the crates handle, flipping it up and off of the edge with a nudge from Tech. 
She helps him in turn, as they gingerly haul the crate full of ordinance over the edge before tossing it below. 
Wrecker sets the crates to one side before turning back to catch Nox, but she's already climbing down. Her fingers dig into spots on the wall where she should not be able to have any grip. She finds her own way down and with a little hop, lands right beside Wrecker as Tech lands beside her. The clang of his boots echoes down the empty hallway. "We'll need to make our way through the flooded floor of the ship in order to get back to the hangar." Tech types away at his data pad again before picking up the side of his crate.
Nox follows close beside the two clones, tossing the crate up onto her back to avoid making any unnecessary scraping sounds as they get closer to the flooded area, the sound of pouring water gets louder and louder with every floor. The next floor they walk through has the water barely deep enough to wash over the toes of their boots, but it rises rapidly after that. By the time they are on the same floor as the hangar, the water has risen up to their knees and Nox has a harder time trying to distract her mind from where all of this stagnant water has been hiding this whole time.
“Holding out ok over there tiny?” Wrecker chuckles. 
She turns to answer, when everything becomes...not alright. Her next step slips out from under her and she goes flying forward, crashing face first into the dark disgusting water, the crate on her back keeping her under the surface as she struggles to pull herself back up to standing. 
A hand at the back of her collar pulls her back up into fresh air, slimy water pours from her mouth and nose as she gags. She doesn't need to clear the water from her eyes to know what the dark figures that are starting to line the hallway are. Tech and Wrecker are on either side of her, blasters raised as the sentry droids file in.   
“I'm hoping you can fight better than you can swim.” Tech calls over as Wrecker leaps over them both and charges straight into one of the sentries.  Tech keeps a few of the others at bay, clipping them with bright bolts from his twin deecees, but it's not enough. She rubs the slime from her face and charges right behind Wrecker, using her entire body to check a droid in her path, she grabs the blaster from its hands as it goes tumbling backwards and into the water. Techs shots ring out around her as he stays behind, watching over the crates behind him. Wrecker tears through any droids that get within reach, sparks flying on to the water before they sizzle and die. She concentrates her fire on any droids Tech misses until the hall is clear.
"There'll be a second platoon on their way, we better get a move on." Tech calls back to them, she tosses the almost empty blaster into the water beside her.
"Are you always just, you know?" She makes growling and ripping sounds at Wrecker.
He laughs, "Not often enough." 
She stifles her laughter behind her hand as she walks back to where Tech is to retrieve the case of medical supplies, for a brief moment the last couple of days are forgotten and even the slime on her skin is the last thing on her mind. For a brief moment she was back with her men, waiting for that score of a lifetime, but when she grabs the handle of the crate and looks back it’s the clone armor that reminds her she is in fact alone. The sudden quiet of sadness doesnt last long as the doors behind them open and a new series of drods begin their march towards them. 
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Tag list: @themarvelbunch @agentwhiskeysdarlin @pascalisthepunkest @ashotofspotchka
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hiccstrxd · 3 years
a winter wonderland in spring
Behold the ice skating au no one asked for! My first multi chapter and i'm already dreading not finishing it lol. Read it on ao3.
Summary: Rayla glided, her skates creating a grinding sound on the ice. She felt a hand coming to encircle her waist from behind, it's a feather-light touch; the jolt of electricity wasn't. There's something unspoken that hung in the air between them, a connection that hadn't been there before, a delicate balance.
Rayla is in search of a skating partner, she might have just found the one. Perhaps even more.
Ever since she can remember, a pair of skates under her feet felt like the whole universe was within her reach, and the unachievable turned achievable. It’s everything she has known, everything she has put her entire heart into. It brought her a sense of serenity and freedom, peacefulness and strength; it’s her primary source of self-confidence and gallantry. It’s part of who she is.
She first fell in love with it when her surrogate father took her for the very first time to their local ice rink as a child. The wonder in her eyes, the pure delight in her smile and the giddiness that overtook her as she saw countless skaters performing tricks and spins and footwork on the ice is something that she still remembers rather vividly. It’s what called to her, after all.
Later on, that sentiment was fueled by her father teaching her some basic moves. She didn’t think it was possible to fall even more in love, but it turned out wrong because she ended up getting impossibly eager to start classes right then – which subsequently became a reality and led her to become the professional skater that she is now, twelve years later.
She was very determined even as a kid.
So she doesn’t see how this is any different. But somehow it is because then she wouldn’t be so nervous about asking for this one request (maybe because she knows the answer and dreads it).
Rayla paced back and forth in front of her coach’s office, worrying her bottom lip in between her teeth, hands shaking in anticipation. She would occasionally glance at the door — a barrier between herself and her next goal on the ice — and glare daggers for it seemed to be outright mocking her lack of resolve.
She knows she can do it, but she’s not exactly thrilled for the resistance that’s bound to come.
She raised one hand, a fist mere inches away from making contact but she couldn’t bring herself to knock. The number of times she has come after practice thinking that today would be the day she would do it just for her to end up going through this exact ritual is more often than not. No, this time she’d do it for sure. Rayla took one last deep breath, closed her eyes, and murmured encouraging words under her breath because nothing could deter her now.
And she would not go out of that office with a no for an answer.
Before Rayla could back out once again — and all the courage she had mustered could fade away — she knocked thrice at the door and it was immediately followed by a muffled come-in from the other side.
She gripped the handle and pulled, and upon seeing her coach, she squared her shoulders to make herself seem more confident than she felt.
“Ah, I was wondering when you’d knock.” Runaan didn’t even bother to avert his eyes from the forms he was filling. Her posture faltered a bit, blushing at the revelation that she wasn’t being as discreet as she thought she was being. For one week straight.
“Coach,” She gave him a court nod and waited for him to pull the paperwork away. Rayla shifted uneasily on both feet while trying hard to push down the nagging turnabout of thoughts — perhaps this could have been a whole lot easier if she had decided to do this at home, Ethari would have been a nice backup if things went sour.
When she was sure she had his full attention, she cleared her throat and set her jaw, “I’ve decided I’m ready to try pair skating.”
Rayla could practically foresee his exasperated sigh and the furrowing of his eyebrows before any of them could take place. “Rayla—“
“And I know what you are going to say, but I’ve mastered all the solo techniques, spins, and jumps already. I’m a proficient single skater and my skills are one of the sharpest out there.” She looked him in the eye, staring closely for a change in his stern expression but all he did was fold his arms across his chest, leaning backward on the chair. Seeing as he made no attempt to cut in with an argument of his own, she continued on with the spiel she has been practicing beforehand for the past few weeks.
“I’m aware of the strenuous work that goes into pair skating, I know about its complexity and hardship but I feel ready. I want to do it.”
Runaan only stared at her, unmoving, with his characteristic frown whenever she decides to defy his authority (which are more times than he’d like to, she’s sure). It should make her back out. It doesn’t.
She stood firm, undeterred, doing her best to make herself look bigger under his gaze.
He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his desk and intertwining his fingers together, a pensive look on his face. “A talented skater such as you should not depend on someone else. Your skills must not be at someone’s expense.”
She had expected that answer, of course, it’s what she has been hearing every time she brings the topic up during practices, dinners, and car rides. And just like the other times, Rayla had to swallow down a retort that would surely land her two weeks off the ice, which would certainly make matters worse. “It would be a crime, for the expertise you’ve got it’s too highly thought of for someone else to come and taint it. Besides, pair skating is ten times more difficult than single skating — more effort is put into each move, each trick.”
“And I’m willing to take every risk.” She said, not missing a beat. He needs to realize that she has never been more certain about something in her life. She raised her chin up, eyes solemnly staring at his, though she’s sure her nerves are pretty much transparent at this point.
Runaan blinked, clenching his jaw, brows furrowing further. “Rayla, I just don’t think it’s such a good idea for your career. I believe this could either end extremely good or extremely bad.”
“I know. But that doesn’t change the fact that I will do it.”
His patience was running thin. So was hers.
He took a deep breath, his nostrils flaring in the process. “Very well, then.”
Rayla had to physically restrain herself from widening her eyes in disbelief because despite coming in here with determination in her tone and confidence in her posture, part of her had expected this reunion to be futile like the previous ones. He had always been very firm when it came to sharing his thoughts on pair skating — which he had oh-so-fondly labeled every solo skater’s doomsday — and it was clear that he had some type of reservation towards it. She envisioned nothing else but rebuttals from his part.
“Let me make several calls, ask if a skater is looking to pair. In the meantime, you can put a notice on the bulletin board or an ad on the web.” He said at last and regardless of his suggestion, his lack of enthusiasm was more or less translucent. “Heard those new databases are great search engines for a skating partner.” Runaan mumbled under his breath.
Rayla knows for a fact that, in spite of his demur and the hesitancy he’s got for pair skating, he’d still give his best to coach her — and her partner — through.
“You are dismissed.”
She smiled, “Thank you, Runaan.”
He gave her a small smile in return.
She exited his office feeling lighter on the shoulders, relaxed on the limbs, and calmer within. It was something that had been troubling her for quite some time now, and its resolution was like a breath of fresh air, a weight off her mind. Truthfully, she had been prepared to give thoroughly thought reasons to his upcoming excuses. She’s glad she hadn’t need to put those into use.
Just as the door closed behind her, a feeling of excitement came over her in full force, though she tried to contain it in as to not make a scene in the middle of the hallway. She can’t say she did the same in the enclosed quarters of her room.
Now, all that rests to do is to get to work in those ads.
How hard could it be to find a partner?
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world-of-aus · 4 years
Behind the Screen - (Part 1)
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 5,412
Warnings: smut 18+
Author’s Note: First chapter guys, i had a lot of fun writing this, and i hope you all enjoy this first chapter. Smut is also not my forte, but i like to try new things so i hope i did it justice lol. If y’all would like to be added to the tag-list for future chapters, or taken off please send me a message! Feedback is always appreciated in anyway, so let me know what you think, let me know your thoughts what your expecting! Thank you for reading!
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“Hey Wilson, you seen y/n?” Bucky questioned from his spot on the couch.
Sam shook his head, “Yeah earlier, she said she had something to do real quick before she was going to join us, shouldn’t be long.”
“Wasn’t that like 30 minutes ago?” Steve spoke up.
Sam shrugged his shoulder his eyes not leaving the TV screen, “I don’t know man, if y’all are so worried why don’t you send Tin Man to go find her.”
Bucky mulled it over before he was pushing up from the lounger, “where you going Buck?” Steve called out over his shoulder as Bucky retreated from the room.
Bucky didn’t bother with a reply, they all knew he was going to get you.
You were perched on your bed laptop in hand, your fingers working over your latest post the white glare from the computer illuminating your features. You couldn’t wait to get this new post out; your newest work had your readers begging for more, there just wasn’t enough time in your day to crunch out the words that bounced around in your mind. Recently your readers had begun to get antsy with you especially behind “anon”, there was many coming after you for not writing Bucky to the best of your ability. How did they expect you to give them your best work when you didn’t know how the man was in bed? It’s not like you could confront your teammate and ask him to help you write fanfiction about him and how he pleases women in bed.
I mean imagine the conversation,
“Hey Buck so you might not know this about me, but I write fanfiction,” awkward pause, “about you, and well do you think you could maybe guide me through it?”
You scoffed rolling your eyes at your inner dialogue, you stared at the blank white screen the cursor blinking at you, waiting. Your fingers hovered over the board, but your mind was drawing blanks, the words were there not even a minute ago, how did you lose them so quickly. You groaned pushing the laptop to the side, maybe it was time to go join the others, it had been a little over thirty minutes since you had told them you would return. Deciding you needed the break from the screen you pushed yourself from the bed making your way to your bathroom to freshen up.
Bucky walked the quiet hallways passing the other team's quarters before he finally came across yours. Bucky never bothered knocking, if he reached for the door handle and it wasn’t locked, he would just let himself in. Entering your room, he saw no sign of you except for your lone laptop that he had recently seen you glued to. He wasn’t sure what had you so entranced to the screen, but at the same time he understood it could possibly be a hobby that you were working on, especially during down time from missions or training. He looked around your quarters and noticed the sliver of light peeking from the bottom of your bathroom. Deciding to wait for you, he walked over to your bed plopping himself on the cushioned comforter. He reached for you laptop to see if he could get a peek at what had you glued to the device, and a peek he got. His cheeks were flamed rosy, his pants suddenly feeling a little tighter, while he wasn’t sure what to think, he was tickled pink at the words he read. So, this is what you did on your past time. He looked over the browser, his brows scrunched in confusion, what was Tumblr?
“Barnes what are you doing with my laptop?!”
Bucky looked up from the screen eyes blown wide matching yours, “Uh, I could ask you the same.” he murmured turning your screen to you.
Your heart dropped into the depths of your stomach, face going deathly pale, oh god, oh god, he knew, gathering your bearings you lurched forward lunging for the laptop in his hands. Bucky ducked out of your way falling back into your pillows laptop still clutched in his grip. You crawled half on top of him, “Goddamnit Barnes, give me my laptop back!” you growled.
He continued to dodge your attempts at grabbing your possession, “not until you explain what this is.” he grunted, his metal appendage pushing at your head.
“There is nothing to explain,” you hissed, “now give me the damn thing!”
You continued to claw your way up his body, though for every inch you climbed you were quickly scooted down by the cool metal pushing at your head.
“Nothing to explain?” he questioned, “I think there’s a lot to explain, like what the hell is Tumblr, and why are there people writing about me and some person named “y/n” he grunted “did you just bite my finger?” he questioned eyes glaring at you.
Your movements stalled, “Oh I'm sorry, I didn’t realize your vibranium hand had any feeling.” you deadpanned.
Your eyes caught the moment Bucky’s form began to fall, being a trained assassin had come in handy, taking your chance you lunged forward getting a grip on the laptop. Bucky grunted at the awkward position, “Jesus Christ,” he grunted, “what the fuck, ow!” he growled, “fucking hell y/n!” Bucky being stronger than you pulled the laptop from your measly grip flinging It to the side as he pushed you onto your bed, his frame covering yours, “would you stop fucking squirming, if it was nothing why are you putting up such a fight,” he grunted catching your swinging hands in his, pushing them down into the bed.
“I'm putting up a fight because you were going through my personal things, ever heard of the word privacy nosey ass” you hissed glaring at him.
Bucky rolled his eyes at you continuing to push your frame down into the bed, maybe you could use this as a future reference.
“Now that you’ve stopped squirming maybe we could actually have a conversation.” he murmured looking down at you.
Dread filled you again, “There’s nothing to talk about Bucky, at least nothing I want to talk about with you,” you groaned, “will you please just leave it alone.”
“I won’t leave it alone, I think I deserve an explanation,” he voiced, “you either tell me what I want to know or we can be like this all night.” he grunted applying more weight onto yours. Jesus, you could really use this as a reference but you weren't sure how to describe “Dead weight” would that even be considered sexy, you weren’t sure it would have your readers on the edge of their seats thighs clenched, cheeks rosy, giggling behind their phones, as they read your latest post.
“y/n, doll!” he muttered snapping his fingers in front of your dazed face.
You knew there was no getting out of this, there was definitely no denying what he had seen, possibly read. God what had you even written, how much had he seen. You knew this wasn’t going to end good, “what do you want to know?” you murmured, eyes not meeting his.
“what’s Tumblr?”
You sighed, you were really going to do this, you’re already in the rabbit hole, might as well keeping digging yourself further. “Tumblr is a blog site, users can post different types of media on it, they post videos, pictures, written posts - ”
“is that what you do?” he questioned cutting you off.
You groaned cheeks turning pink in embarrassment, “Yes buck, can you please get off me, please,” you murmured.
“who’s x reader, also who’s y/n, do I know them, because I don’t recall doing any of what i read with them.”
Your eyes slipped shut, oh god you couldn’t breathe, you prayed that a hole would open up beneath you and swallow you whole, “Barnes please get off me, I don’t want to do this!” you grunted trying to buck the man off you, you were on the verge of a panic attack.
“No, not until you explain it to me, then I'll get off,” he grunted applying more of his weight down onto you. This man was a damn wall of muscle, it was useless, there was no getting out of this, a growl left your lips, “Fuck okay, I’m not sure what you saw, but you more than likely saw my blog, and I write on my blog as I answered earlier,” you groaned, you didn’t want to say it, “I also,” a pause, another moan of embarrassment, “I also,” deep breath, “ I also write fanfiction about you,” oh god you cringed, this sounds much worse coming out of your mouth than it did when the words had been in your head. “the reader is anyone who also like me sits behind the screen of a computer reading the posts, and y/n is the reader, its abbreviated for your name, and no you didn’t do any of those things but it’s what writers like myself imagine you would do.” a sigh left your lips, eyes clenched undeniably tight, god you wanted this nightmare to be over, “can you please get off now.” you whispered feeling utterly ashamed.
You felt his hands leave yours, the weight and heat of his body a distant memory as he shifted off of you. Your eyes remained screwed shut, god you had really done it now, you should have never started the blog, what were you expecting. He was probably getting ready to go tell the others what you were up to, tell them everything he had seen, tell them about you embarrassing past time.
“Can you show me some more?”
Your eyes shot open, head turning to the side to see Bucky staring at you intently, your mouth parted slightly, “excuse me?” you choked out, he couldn’t be serious. “You can’t be serious,” you murmured.
“oh, I’m serious,” he murmured grabbing a hold of your laptop and pushing it towards you, “here.”
You glanced from him to the laptop, then back, “you��re actually serious?” you questioned brow raised.
“wouldn’t still be here if I wasn’t,” he murmured sliding closer to you, “now come on, show me, I'm curious.”
You cautiously flipped onto your stomach, you weren’t sure he was ready for what exactly was out there, but he had asked, and if it kept the attention off of you, anything would be better.
Bucky was glued to the screen, his eyes roaming the vast words and posts written about him, your eyes stayed trained on him looking, watching, waiting for a reaction, there was none. He was stiff as stone.
“this is all wrong” he muttered turning to you, “i wouldn’t do this.”
You raised a brow at him, “its fanfiction Bucky, it’s not supposed to be real,” you explained, “the writers are doing just that, they’re writing they’re perspective of you, some of them are really talented.” You added.
“Well yeah I can see that, but still I wouldn’t do it like this, they didn’t capture me right I wouldn’t get straight into it like this.”
A laugh slipped past your lips, “Bucky the writers on the other side of the screen can only imagine these things about you, they won’t always get you down to a T, they can only imagine how you’d be, how they would want you to be.”
“so, then you do it,” he voiced perking up, “write me and this y/n character, there's no one that knows me better than you, well aside from Steve, I could guide you through it.”
Your eyes went wide slightly, “buck I don’t think that’s a good idea, I never wanted you to find out about this and now your offering to help me write, you can’t be serious.” you murmured.
“it could be fun,” he exclaimed, “who better to help write about me, than me.” he deadpanned.
You groaned your hands coming up to cover your face, “bucky you honestly don’t know what you’re saying, you shouldn’t even be this calm about all of this, for fucks sake you just found out I write about you and now you want me to let you help me write,” you paused, “about you, you sure your arm didn’t short circuit and mess with your head?”
Bucky chuckled deeply his hands reaching up to pull yours away from your face, “Look I'm not saying that I'm not freaked out by all of this, but if I can be honest its kind of flattering to know so many people write about me like this, not that I can understand why” he murmured, “but I wouldn’t mind seeing a more accurate description, and who better to give that to the readers than someone that can be guided by me?” he questioned.
“bucky,” you groaned.
“come on doll, indulge an old man,” he teased, “help me, to help you.”
You couldn’t really be thinking this would be a good idea, but then maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Bucky could guide you through some parts of your stories that just wouldn’t flow through your finger’s right, maybe the grouchy anons would back off, you bit your lip in thought.
Your groaned your body flailing a bit as you really mulled it over, “fine,” you muttered, “but the second you get all weird I’m kicking you out, understood?” you questioned.? t.”
He grinned at you his hands rubbing together, “deal.” You really were beginning to think his arm had short circuited.
“One more thing, you can’t tell the team about this at all, it’s weird enough you knowing, I don’t need the others knowing what I do.” You voiced.
It was quiet for a few seconds before Bucky was speaking up, “do they write about the others?”
“Bucky would you stop squirming, you’re not letting me think,” you muttered turning your head away from the screen to glare at him.
He stopped moving eyes going from yours back to the white screen, you sighed rubbing your temples, you were really beginning to regret ever agreeing to this. It had been about thirty minutes since Bucky had taken a look at your most recent post you were working on, you were currently trying to rub out a steamy oral scene between Bucky and the reader and let’s just say it wasn’t happening. If it wasn’t happening before the whole ordeal with Bucky, it surely wasn’t coming to you now. You had tried time and time again for the past thirty minutes to find the right words but between the squirming super solider next to you, and your mind replaying the events of this evening it just wasn’t going to happen.
“alright that’s it, I can’t do this,” you sighed reaching to shut the laptop.
Bucky reached out for your hand stopping your movements before you could shut it completely, your head turned towards his, brow raised, “you're not capturing the scene right doll, you’re not capturing the moment right.”
Your head tilted back slightly in disbelief, “well excuse me,” you muttered pulling your hand from his, “if you know so much, why don’t you write It?” you questioned sarcastically shoving the laptop in his direction.
He sighed, “I'm not the one that has a way with words doll, that’s you,” he pointed out, “besides I'm better with actions.” he added eyes twinkling.
“so, what are you implying buck, are you going to show me how you please a woman orally?” you questioned jokingly.
He perked up, “I could do that,” he agreed, “that way you could really get into the right mindset, you could really be in the moment.”
You choked on your saliva looking at Bucky in disbelief, “Barnes I was joking!” you coughed, “I wasn’t being serious.”
“oh come on now sweetheart,” he grinned, “you would be knocking out two birds with one stone.”
“look at you learning,” you deadpanned, “and the answer is no Buck, now stop before I make you leave.” you muttered.
He turned on his side facing you, sliding closer laptop forgotten, “I’m being serious y/n,” he started, “you could get real life inspiration for the next part of your post, and also get some pleasure from it, it’ll be a win win .”
“okay that’s it,” you muttered sitting up, “out buck, I don’t have time for these games.”
He sat up with you, “who said I'm playing games?” he questioned.
You looked up at your ceiling a sigh leaving your lips before you were meeting Bucky’s gaze again, “Bucky, seriously, stop, this isn’t funny.” you murmured shaking your head.
Bucky’s hand reached out taking yours In his, “who said this is a game?” he questioned staring at you in earnest.
“You can’t actually want to do this Buck, I get that you discovered my secret, what I do on my down time, but you don’t need to help me with this, we’re best friends Buck, this could make things weirder than it probably already is.” you muttered pulling your hand from his, eyes looking away.
“Us being best friends should make this that much easier, you can tell me when you’re feeling uncomfortable and I'll stop, this wouldn’t make things weird between us, besides you’d be helping me too, we’d be helping each other.” he said his hand coming up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. His fingers hooked under your chin, coaxing you to look up at him, stormy grey eyes staring back at you intently.
“Buck,” you sighed, your resolve was really failing you, you couldn’t lie to yourself by saying you didn’t want this, hell you had fantasized a moment like this for god knows how long, there’s only so much writers can offer you, but now that you were being given the opportunity to experience the real thing, were you really about to let this slip you by?
“this really isn’t a good idea Buck, it just doesn’t feel right,” you sighed body slouching.
He chuckled lowly, his body leaning in towards yours, breath fanning across your face, “it sounds like a great idea,” he murmured, “we’d both be getting something out of it, and that way, next time you write me giving our reader oral, you’ll know exactly what it feels like.”
You sucked in a breath at his words, your voice caught in your throat as he leaned even closer, his forehead pressing against yours, “come on doll, what do you say?” he questioned softly lips brushing against yours.
You nodded your head shakily, “okay,” you breathed.
Bucky surged forward his lips pressing against yours, your eyes slipping shut at the sensation of his lips gliding against your own. His flesh hand trailed its way up your body, around your neck where it tangled through your hair, his metal one finding its way onto your hip, squeezing.
Bucky nipped at your bottom lip, a breathy gasp falling from your lips. He seizes this opportunity to push his tongue in, he licks at you coaxing your tongue to dance with his. Your lungs burn from the intensity of the kiss, you pull away gasping for air, eyes dazed as you stare at Bucky his lips swollen and glistening in the dim light of your room.
Your hands reach out to touch him, fingers sliding up his torso, only to gravitate back down, his hands reach for yours stopping your movements before you can reach for the button of his jeans. He shakes his head a soft smile on his lips, “this isn’t about me sweetheart,” he murmurs leaning forward to nip at your lip, “this is about you,” he breaths.
The air around you is tense, your body thrumming with want. You don’t move though as Bucky’s eyes watch you, you wait with baited breath as Bucky’s hand untangles from your hair reaching down to get a grip on the hem of your shirt. He lifts up slowly, pulling the shirt off of you before tossing it off to the side. His eyes darken as he watches your ample breasts rise and fall. Your breath catches in your throat, you had never had a man look at you like this. The anticipation for what was to come next was building.
Unsuspecting, Bucky has you on your back in seconds, his frame hovering over yours, he leans down, his nose brushing against your chin, lips lowering till they’re meeting the skin of your neck. He kisses along the expanse of your neck drawing out breathy moans from your lips, a soft gasp follows when his teeth nip at your collarbone. You feel the coolness of his left hand trail up your stomach your body arching with it, it stops along the swell of your breast. His thumb reaches out sliding into the fabric of your bra, gliding over a now hardened nipple, the heat pools between your legs. A breathy moan falls from your lips at the sensation, Bucky chuckles lowly, warmth breath fanning across your dampened skin.
You whine as he pulls his hand from your breast, his hand trailing lower, you suck in a breath as his hand hovers over the top of your jeans, metal fingers popping open the button. His hand flattens against your body dipping into your jeans, fingers cupping you through your dampened underwear, a moan falls from your lips as he presses a single digit into your folds, wetting the fabric of your panties more.
“Mmm Buck,” you moan.
Bucky grins against your neck, his lips gliding up till they’re right by your ear, “I’m a giving person sweetheart,” he whispers, “i don’t just get right into the action, I like to play a little,” he husks, “i want to have you begging, I want to have you a moaning mess under me.” he breathes teeth nipping at your ear.
“Fuck,” you groan back arching off of the bed, Bucky presses his hand down harder against you stilling your hips. He pulls his face away from your neck his eyes holding yours, “keep your eyes on me.” He whispers, you swallow. You suck in a breath as his fingers push your panties to the side, his index finger finding it’s way into your dampened folds. The sensation alone has a breathy “Bucky” falling from your lips followed by a broken moan as his finger grazes your clit.
His fingers work over your clit your body writhing under his hand, broken desperate moans falling from your lips. A whine leaves your lips as Bucky tears his hand from your underwear, “Bucky please,” you moan.
He chuckles “patience sweetheart, let me make you feel good.” He whispers ducking down to press his lips to yours. Your lips chase his as they find their way back to your neck. He licks, sucks, and nips at your skin as he trails down your body. From your neck, down the valley of your breast till he’s reaching the top of your jeans. You watch him pull away from you leaning back on his feet as his hands reach down pulling on your jeans till your able to kick them off the rest of the way for him.
He’s slipping from the bed, his hands pulling on your thighs as he drags you down the edge of the bed. He sinks to his knee his head lowering, his warm breath fans across your mound, a shiver rolling through you. He doesn’t move, you begin to worry, maybe he had changed his mind, “Buck, we don’t have to- ” a loud moan breaks through your words, his mouth presses harshly against your cotton covered pussy, tongue pressing into you, the fabric rubbing against your aching clit.
“Jesus Buck,” you gasp body arching off of the bed.
He laughs lowly, tongue still running over your covered mound, he gazes up at you from between your legs, “ I told you sweetheart, patience.” You would definitely be adding this to your story you thought as another moan ripped through you Bucky’s head having moved from your aching core to nip at the sensitive skin of your inner thigh.
Your hands reach down to tangle in his hair as he continues his assault on your sensitive thighs. His thumb presses into you, rubbing against your aching clit, the fabric of your panties dragging deliciously against it. Your feet dig into his back, your body writhing on the bed. He glances up at you from where he’s perched between your legs, his eyes darkening, “ you think you could cum like this, you think you could cum for me.” He questions his breath ghosting over you.
A breathy “yes” falls from your lips, your body is buzzing with the need for release the teasing too much. Bucky continues to nip and suck at your sensitive skin, thumb working faster against your clit. “Fuck,” you gasp , “please Bucky,” you plead, “please,” you beg. Your desperate for him, for the need of release. His thumb pushes into you harder, working over you faster, his lips latching onto you skin sucking. A chant of his name falls from your lips as your orgasm takes you by surprise, your head pushing back into the sheets your back arching off the bed, your fingers tightening in his hair.
Bucky barley gives you a second to catch your breath before he’s moving, his hands gripping the middle of your panties, ripping them down the middle.
“Bucky did you just -”
Your words fall short as he’s pressing against you again, his face presses in close, his tongue peeking out to press against your folds. His tongue dips in dragging across your entrance till he’s flicking up against your clit, the tip of his tongue circling it. Your chest heaves as breathy moans fall from your lips, your thighs clenching around his head from the pleasure surging through you.  Bucky grips your thighs pushing them open, spreading you out for him, your back arches, breast pushing into the cooled air as his tongue flicks teasingly in and out of your soaked folds.
Your fingers grasp the sheets beneath you, twisting them in your hold. His mouth works over you, taking you higher, he’s alternating between your clit and your dripping entrance. His tongue will drag over your clit before it’s dipping down to bury into your entrance his tongue fucking into you till your screaming his name.
“Bucky fuck,” you moan, “please,” you whine.
He continues to work you over, moans of pleasure falling from his lips, the vibrations leaving you quaking in his hold. Your fingers find their way into his hair, your eyes glancing down at him the sight alone leaving you a breathless mess. He glances up his ocean grey eyes connecting with yours, you weren’t sure it was possible but they seemingly darkened more as he pushed you closer to release. His arms wrap around your spread thighs pulling you into him more, his lips work faster, tongue gliding quicker as he works you over. A loud moan falls from your lips as he quickens the pace, his name falling from your lips in a silent prayer as your grind  up against his mouth. A moan catches in your throat, his lips finding your clit as he sucks harshly, his tongue working over it with quick strokes. Your pussy clenches, body heaving as the intense pleasure washes over you. Bucky doesn’t stop as he works you through your orgasm his tongue continuously flicking over you, dipping into you to suck up your juices. Your vision goes white as you clench around him fingers pulling at his hair.
“Holy fuck,” you choke out thighs trembling as you wind down, Bucky chuckles as he moves up your body kissing up your sweat slicked skin. He looms over you eyes hooded with lust, a small smile on his glistening lips. Your hands come up wrapping themselves around the back of his neck pulling him down to you. Your lips press against his, a groan falling from your lips as you taste yourself on his sinful tongue. You lean up slightly your arms moving from Bucky’s neck to his shoulders as you move him around till he’s flat on his back on your bed. You straddle him, his hands finding a spot on your waist as he squeezes you,
“I thought this was about you doll,” he husks grinning up at you.
You roll your hips over his slightly, leaning your body over his, “it was, but I’d like to return the favor,” you whispered lips ghosting over his, your tongue peeking out to run over his plush lips. Sliding yourself down his firm body you stop once your seated on his thick thighs. Running your hands down his torso, your fingers work at popping the buttons of his jeans open, helping him shimmy them off, your tongue running over your lips as his cock springs free. You scoot down the bed settling yourself between his spread legs, leaning down as you run the tip of your tongue along the underside of his cock. A low grunt falls from his lips as you take the base of his cock into your hands, your tongue swirling around the tip. You continue to work your mouth over him indulging in the sinful noises that drip from his lips. “Fuck y/n,” he grunts, “fuck you gotta stop if you want me to finish this the right way.”
You grin up at him, you lips spit slicked, “fuck doll, come here.” He whispers gripping your arms as he hauls you up. He kisses your roughly, his tongue running over yours before he’s flipping the two of you, your back meeting the cool sheets.
Pushing your thighs apart he settles between them, gripping his cock in hand he runs it through your folds teasingly before he’s pressing in, a slow delicious burn that’s rolls a shiver through your spine. Bucky leans down his forehead pressing down onto yours, breathing each other in as he rolls his hips into you. His cock drags in and out of you, at a slow toe curling pace. Your body writhes against him, your heels digging into his ass to press him to you closer, you need to feel him, you want to feel him.
Bucky changes the angle; unwrapping your legs,  he hauls one over his shoulder the other gripped tightly in his hand as he spreads you out, the angle driving him impossibly deeper, a gasp catches on your throat, “fuck,” you moan, “fuck right there,” you gasp.
“Come on sweetheart, let me feel you, cum for me.” He grunts his thrust jarring you.
A few more hard thrusts and his thumb sweeping over your clit has you shouting out his name in a breathy moan. Your back arches, thighs trembling as the waves of pleasure wash over you. Bucky continues to push into you, dragging out your orgasm as his takes over, your name tumbling from his lips as he crashes into you.
Bucky slumps forward his face falling into your neck as he takes in a shuddering breath. “Fuck,” he grunts, “that’s going to be a hell of a fic,” he murmurs pressing his lips to your skin.
You can’t help the laugh that escapes you, right the fic, you think, that’s why this had happened, Bucky was helping you out, and help he did. Bucky rolls off to his side propping himself up on his elbow as he smiles down at you, your body lax against the sheets.
“When are you going to finish writing it?” He grins
“Not right now, m’ too tired, hopefully sometime in the morning” you murmured.
“So In these fics do like me and the reader cuddle?” He questions a teasing twinkle in his eye.
“I don’t know Barnes, it depends,” you reply, “are you a post sex cuddler?”
“for the right girl,” he grins opening his arms, “c’mere doll,” He murmurs wrapping you in his arms a sloppy wet kiss placed to your heated cheeks.
Your readers are in for a hell of a surprise,” he murmurs into your hair.
“That they are,” you whisper, “that they are.”
Part 2
Behind The Scenes Tag-list: @ladifreakingda @georgialeighc13 @racewife2004​ @multy-fandom-lover​ @otvlanga​ @sailorstupidsblog​
812 notes · View notes
Not Alone: Chapter One
-> an apocalyptic series with bnha characters but without quirks because im the writer and i can do whatever the fuck i want :3 anywho i hope you enjoy :)) The main love interest will be reader and bakugo i think edit: it is not going to be just bakugo it will be a love triangle k byebye for the second time oh also this is fem reader k bye lol
-> Word Count: 1.9k (I lowkey popped off)
-> Warnings: None rly just mentions of guns and blood
-> Tag list: @5sosfckss @laudthingcat
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Chapter One
People would tell you that the world was made for two, but as Y/n sat in the silence of the old cellar two felt like a long lost dream. It was like wind rolling around you gently, trying to persuade you to move in all directions. It’s an ice cream cone on a boardwalk with the sun above and the salty ocean below. It’s a perfect place no one tries to remember.
Any mind left functioning in the world has evolved to be built for pain. Maybe once upon a time there had been a time and place where love and compassion was something for people to look forward to in life.
This wasn't that world anymore.
To Y/n, that type of world never existed anyways. The world had always been a selfish dark place where love is fleeting and the people are brutal. Once upon a time, true love accidentally affected those who were fortunate. But like every other beautiful thing, they polluted and corrupted it, and like everything else, it got sick.
Y/n’s seen it all. And in the end when it’s taken away the people who protested or cried the loudest, were the one who had taken it for granted the most.
Y/n looked around the cellar, in three days she barely moved. It’s her rule and because of it she can leave easier with the feeling of safety. She always ended a shopping trip with a quiet few nights in a cellar or basement.
Y/n wasn’t born to do this, she had to learn to move around quietly, how to sit still. She knew what she had to do to survive. She had lain amongst the dead, she had run through the dark woods, having to feel her eyesite clear like a wild animal and embrace the darkness.
She crept out into the beam of dust lingering in the stale air, sparkling from the sunlight that found its way down two stories into a dark cellar. The beam of light almost made her smile as she admired the light's determination. Y/n shook her head to bring her thoughts back to the harsh reality as she took her first step towards the stairs.
The explosions never seemed to destroy this home in any way. The stairs were in one piece, which had become a bit of a novelty to her. The old farmhouse was too far from any major centers or roads to have even known of the problems, at least in the beginning. The blood stain smears on the white siding outside proved that sickness has touched every single inch of this world.
The hard wood creaked under the weight of her first step. She held her breath and hoped that the creak went unheard. She slowly took another step up as she let out a shaky breath. On the third step she hesitated, listening for any sort of alarming sounds. Her heart was beating like it was trying to free itself from her constricted chest. She waited a second longer, it was another rule of hers. Never leave when you feel safe, always wait three more seconds.
She put her feet on the far sides of the stairs, where the rusty nails attached the boards to the frame. Shallow breaths make sounds in this new world, in the borderlands anyway. There was no electricity, no cars, no phones, no buzz. The world now sits quiet, as if it was sighing and taking a long inhale after what seemed like forever with mankind and the noise pollution. Y/n was at peace when she was at home, but here in the open world she was one of them. One of what was left of humanity. What scrambles to survive, most of the time seperate from everyone else.
Y/n looked through the cellar door and tried to keep her anxious heartbeat low and her breath quiet. She knew that her body needed to make some noises, but others she could control.
The house was simple. Farmhouses were always the best houses according to Y/n. They always sat a long way off the road, not that roads mattered anymore. They always have canning and pickling that would outlast any human. They always have safety supplies and extras of everything. Farmers lived the longest, just as Y/n’s father said they would.
Two trips a year was rarely enough, but Y/n knew that if she traveled any more than that she would be caught.
She walked through the small kitchen and was amazed at how pristine it still was. Everything was still in its place, just as it was the first time she came to the farmhouse, although now layers of dust had found their way into the home, along with the bits of weeds that grew in through the cracks. With no busy grandmother to buzz around cleaning and dusting the mess, everything shows the house’s years of abandonment. Vines grew up the sides of the house, like all houses. As always, she stood against the doorframe and put her hand at the top of her head as her measurement. She turned and looked at how much higher it is than the mark she foolishly put there last time she came.
She looked away from the mark and pushed away the memories of the happy little girl she used to be. She walked low to the ground toward the backdoor. She couldn’t help but laugh inside at how ridiculous it was that she still felt safer going through the backdoor, even though there was no front or back. There were only doors. They didn’t go anywhere anymore. There was no direction.
Nothing goes anywhere.
Y/n positioned the heavy pack on her back carefully. It contained jars full of heart and soul and survival. To Y/n each jar was like a gentle kiss from the old lady who canned and pickled from her own farm of fresh vegetables. She assumed there are no preservatives, no added colorings, no added salt. There weren’t any labels to contradict anything. For all she knew there was MSG in everything. Y/n found herself smiling at the letters MSG, they meant something to humanity once. That was before.
She fought back memories of nice old ladies and the world before. She had been to many worlds in her life, and being nineteen felt more life sixty most days. She took a deep breath and creaked the door open, as if the wind had opened it. She closed it and opened it again. It felt like the wind coming off the brown dirt field was playing with the door.
Her sharp eyes focused on the dirt yard. Nothing moved, everything was standing still. She knew that she should’ve been waiting for the night to travel, but she had stayed too long this time. She needed to get back. Things only lived so long alone, she knew this well. Her garden had died many times before.
The old barn door swung in the soft breeze, making it creak slightly as the long tan grass swayed and small pebbles scuttled along. Everything moved in sync with the wind. Y/n learned how to spot that.
Y/n pulled the door and cringed, she knew this was always the worst part of the walk home. She hated leaving this house.
She felt her eyes squint shot, as the intense light of the sun nearly blinded her. Her pack felt like tons of bricks on her back, but she took her first steps, desperate for the walk to be over with already. She tried not to jostle her bag too much because she didn’t want to break any jars. She learned the hard way that pickle juice is hard to get out and that backpacks were even harder to find.
Walking across the dirt and gravel driveway to the field was the worst. Y/n looked around, walking with her shotgun in her hand. She usually practiced often with her rifle and silencer at home. But on the road she always brought her shotgun. She saw it as her lucky gun. The thick cold metal made her feel strong, even though she knew what strength was.
To her, strength was not pulling the trigger. At this point in life she has yet to prove her strength to her own self. She always took the cowards path. Just like her dad told her to.
Her boots crunched along the path. She walked softly but some noises were unavoidable. She knew the noise would last until she reached the huge wheat field. Then she would be a whisper in the wind. She entered the field without looking back, when she reached the field she knew the rule.
Her legs groaned under the first steps, but after the first quarter mile she started to warm up and she enjoyed running. Her back was the issue, what with the pack being so much heavier than she had ever trained with. She gripped the shoulder straps tight until her arms couldn’t stand it for another second. Even then, she kept pushing until she reached the forest.
She ran deep intothe woods, always on the same side. Never the same path but always the same destination. The branches whipped past her. The edge of the forest was always the thickest. As the forest clears I see him. He’s smiling like always. He’s calm. He doesn’t run and jump. He waits to confirm that she hadn’t brought anything with her. He’s seen them before. He knew how bad it could be. Together both of them had seen the people get swarmed and taken, usually women.
“Hades.” Y/n whispered out of breath.
Instead of the warm greeting they both want, she quickly turned around and held her shotgun up. She walked backwards as Hades sauntered over to watch the forest. They sat behind a tree and waited and after a few minutes she put the pack down gently and climbed one of the huge trees. The thick branches were very rough against her hands. She sat on a branch and looked through her binoculars from the high viewpoint.
She could see the entire field of brown hay from where she was sitting. Y/n let herself have a weak moment and let herself imagine living in the farmhouse one day and harvesting hay. She felt her eyes strain as she tried to find even a single strand of grass moving in a way that would mean she was followed. She looked at the farmhouse sitting still and alone and hoped it would stay that way until her next trip.
She looked past the farmhouse and watched everything move just as it should. After coming to the conclusion that no one had followed her, she climbed down the tree, eager to lay in her own bed.
When her feet touched the dry ground, she looked at Hades, whose yellow eyes confirmed her thoughts. They were alone. She dropped to her knees and greetedhim as he bounded towards her. The large tundra wolf licked her face and raised his massive paws up to hug her. She would hug him so often when he was baby and one day he hugged back.
He nuzzled at her softly and nipped at her arms. She rubbed his huge soft ears and stood up. She patted him gently on his head.
“Ready?” She asked.
She picked up the heavy pack and adjusted to having it on her back again. The walk home would take an entire day if she could manage to keep a solid pace. Hades started the walk home by heading past the old broken oak tree. Their meeting place.
I worked really hard on this and so i hope people enjoy this although ik this chapter is a lil boring but i promise next chapter will be better k goodbye have a good day love u
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years
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Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
Chapter 6
When The League of Villians discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you're in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
Word Count: 1,988
Trigger Warnings: None really, homelessness? 
A/N: Shit! This chapters later than I wanted it to be! Since I've been back to work my schedule has been all fucky. Usually I try to post every friday but...lol. Anyways, If you like my work, don't be afraid to interact! I love hearing from you guys! Also check out my Wattpad for my original works, and my Patreon if you wanna support me further!
Chapter 5 Chapter 7 
Toshinori watched from the doorway of what he once called home. He watched men in police uniforms, suits and ties, and underground heroes, rush through the apartment. Now living exclusively on campus, the apartment felt like a grim reminder of your absence. Your mother and Xavier poured over pages upon pages of eyewitnesses and anything else that could give them a clue.
Unlike the last time the heroes found and raided The League, there were no signs of known members. Meaning they were either being more careful, or they were no longer in Musutafu. He shuffled into the room, sitting down on the couch and looking outside to large windows onto the city below. Suddenly, the phone rang.
Everyone froze. Heads swiftly turned. Was this news of your disappearance? Had you been found? Detective Tsukauchi was the first to move. Slowly picking the receiver, and placing it to his ear.
"Hello, yes, who is this?" A scratchy voice asked.
"I am Detective Tsukauchi. Who am I speaking with?" His voice was firm and demanding. A dark chuckle came from the other end, sending a chill down the poor mansion spine.
"I think you know who I am, detective." Another laugh rattled from Shigaraki's chest. You watched him from the other line. Everyone sitting patiently around him as they watched him on the phone. You sat beside him, hands placed on either side of you on the couch. Anxiously waiting for your turn.
"Can I-"
"Shh." He hushed you gently, putting a finger to his lips before they broke into a wide smile.
"You see I just called because someone here has a little message for you. It's family business you see, would All Might be available to talk?" He pulled the phone away before letting loose another laugh. The room jumped and coiled in uncontrollable laughter. Like a group of kids making a prank phone call.
"Shigaraki...I swear if you lay a finger on her I'll-"
"Hold on one sec, she's right here. Y/N?" He pulled his attention away from the phone and smiled at you as he handed it over. You took it and gently pressed it to your ear.
"Y/N! Are you alright? Have they hurt you?"
"No...No I'm fine actually." Shigaraki watched you with a clever smile stretched across his face. He leaned back against the couch, resting his head in his hand. Clearly very proud of himself and the torment he caused.
"Where are you?"
"I don't know actually. It's like a repurposed office building I think. I don't know where it is, all the windows are boarded up. They brought me by car."
"By car?”
"Yeah, I don't really know what they're up to. I mean, I do, I just... I don't know they do things weird." Shigaraki's smile slowly started to fade as you critiqued. When you looked up and saw his expression, you felt compelled to respond. "What? You do." You told him. He shrugged you off.
"You sound...alright." Your father said, confused and concerned.
"I guess I am relatively okay. They feed me and clothe me and no ones been really that bad to me yet so...I'm okay I guess."
"She's lying!" You heard a voice chirp from the other line. Your stomach turned. Xavier was there?
"Y/N! Y/N tell us where you are!" Your mother demanded as she wrenched the phone away from your father. Her voice was jarring and rough. You tensed up.
"I...I don't know where I am. I told him it’s like an old office building I-"
"Can you tell us anything else? What do you remember from the car ride?" She was frantic now.
"Nothing. I had a bag over my head the whole time. This place has some electricity and some running water but it’s not to the whole building? It's old... it's been years since anyone has been here-"
"Anything else!?" She cried. You paused.
"No...I...I'm fine otherwise." Shigaraki made a 'speed it up' motion with his hand. "I...I have a message for Detective Tsukauchi, could you put him back on?"
"Let me talk to her!" Xavier begged.
"I don't have much time, please, Detective-"
"Y/N! Baby!" You cringed at the sound of your boyfriend’s panicked voice.
"Hey, babe. I'm fine." You tried to brush him off.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"I'm alright, I guess. A little tired. Scared." You had to remember the last part.
"I can't imagine what you're going through without your meds."
"Oh. Yeah. My meds. I'm losing my mind." You said in a flat, sarcastic tone. It made the others snicker.
"Just remember your breathing exercises we did, okay? Do them with me now, okay? You ready?"
"One, two, three, in.........out. Okay? One, two, three IN! . . . . . . . . OUT! One, two, three, in . . . . . . OUT! Okay? Do them with me. Remember to align your chakras!" He went on like this for a solid minute. Unable to contain yourself, you covered your mouth with your hand and held the speaker out so the whole room could laugh at him. Even Shigaraki, who turned away to laugh joined in on the fun. "Y/N?"
"Yeah?" You smiled through.
"We're coming to get you, alright? Just hang tight a little longer."
"Don't worry, okay?"
"I love you, sugar muffin."
"Right. So Detective Tsukauchi."
"Okay, yes, here he is...I love you!"
"Love you too." You chuckled, your hand playing with the flesh between your brow as you laughed at him.
"Y/N." Finally.
"I just, have a message from the villains." You told him with an awkward smile.
"Go ahead." You looked up at your captor.
"They say if All Might doesn't come forward soon, they won't be giving me back." You watched his smile widen. "They want the world to know the Heroes' failures. It's either me or the truth. Your choice." And with that, you hung up the phone. The room fell into a satisfied and relaxed state. A sense of victory went around the room as smiles and giggles greeted you. 
"Who the hell was that last guy!?" Toga shouted as she laughed.
"Oh, that was Xavier, my boyfriend."
"Ooh! Boyfriend! How Sweet!-Gross!" Twice added.
"You've never mentioned a partner before, Y/N." Mr. Compresss added. You shrugged.
"I guess I forgot. Being kidnapped and all."
"You've been pretty forgetful latley haven't you? First your meds, now this. Anything else you care to share with us?" Dabi questioned.
"Not that I can think of. I guess sometimes I forget I should be scared nowadays." You paused before turning to look back at Shigaraki who wore a satisfied grin as his eyes wandered around the floor. Clearly dissociating. “Shigaraki?” 
"...what happens to me, if they don't comply?"
"They will."
"Are you going to kill me?" He rolled his eyes.
"No. I'm not going to kill you. Especially now with that quirk of yours."
"Are you really questioning why I'm not going to kill you?" He took the phone in his hand and dusted the object. He stood and started walking out to another room.
"I just...aren’t I a pain in the ass to keep around?" You asked the room. A few answered with a nod, others stayed silent.
"Come on. I wanna show you something." You stood and followed him down the hallway. You followed him through the building, through the parts that were inhabitable and rotting. He took you up a few flights, up to the very top just before the roof. There was a large room filled with old desks, chairs, computers, etc. He stopped in front of a large window that overlooked the city. "Come here." You stood beside him and looked out the window at the people walking around. You saw an old alleyway that housed a few homeless people as they went about their day. A few passers-by ignoring them and rushing past. "What do you see?"
"A group of homeless people. Why?"
"And what about him?" You watched as a man, well dressed and well-kept walked down the street. He starred at a man who begged him for money, then laughed in his face before walking away.
"Some asshole." You noted. He smiled.
"The world is littered with them. And it’s the heroes that encourage it, they demand it. They created a world where we steal and rob and ignore each other assuming someone else will take care of it. Heroes created a society that requires you to assimilate, to obey. If not, you're thrown away like trash." He grumbled as he watched the homeless man. 
"Is that...what happened to you?" You asked. He didn't answer. "What about her?" You watched as a woman passing through stopped to give the homeless man some change.
"What? You think she deserves a pat on the back for the bare minimum?" He snarled.
"What good does that one act do, huh!? He'll have a meal and live to see another miserable day. She solved a minor problem, she's not doing any real good. And she doesn't deserve anything for it."
"It doesn't matter unless you do something to change the bigger picture. She can give all the change she wants, take him in for all I care. But she only helps one person! She won't do any real good unless she demands change for them! Unless she actively works to make sure people like him don't end up like that!" You took a few steps back as he yelled.
"Alright! You don't have to yell at me!" You barked, the tension in the room coming to a climax when your quirk pulled a few chairs and tables closer to you. Making a horrible screeching sound as it did. "I understand." You finally spoke when the two of you had calmed down.
"If All Might doesn't come forward and tell the truth, you'll be working with us."
"What? Why? My quirk is dangerous and volatile. I have no control, I'd be practically useless."
"That's why your training starts today."
"What? You wanna be a slave to your quirk forever? Because if you wanna go back on your meds, you can. But I doubt you want to keep living in fear of yourself." You thought for a second before answering.
"I...I don't know..." He slowly started to approach you.
"You don't have to be afraid anymore. I can help you."
"How? You hardly have control of your own emotions as it is. You think you could help teach me to control mine?" You chuckled.
"If my research is right, this isn't about control, it’s about distribution."
"If you could learn to express your emotions properly. Let yourself be free from the fear of your own quirk, you could learn to repurpose that energy, and gain anatomy."
"Those disgusting bastards!" Xavier growled under his breath as his nails dug into the sleeve of his button-up. He rattled with rage in the corner as others worked. Your mother paced back and forth, spewing theory after theory.
"She sounded...fine..." Toshinori said in disbelief.
"Clearly she's traumatized beyond repair!" Your mother declared.
"Everyone." Another detective called. The room fell silent. "I think you should hear this." Pressing play, the sound of your recorded voice played out.
"In......OUT! One, two, three, IN.........out." From the other line, the sound of soft snickering and laughter could be heard. Your laughs being the loudest.
"Is she, laughing?" Your father asked.
"She's laughing...with them," Xavier observed.
"What!? Laughing? A reflex! She's disturbed! She's hysterical!" Your mother shouted.
"They're turning her," Xavier said softly. "They're corrupting her...without her meds she's left defenseless and scared. They're taking advantage of her good nature!"
"We got it." Detective Tsukauchi declared.
"Got what?"
"Well, it was difficult considering it was a prepaid wireless phone but...We've got her location."
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable
@kamenoyaki @hentaiqween101 @skzero-99
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melancholyblues0 · 3 years
𝓌𝒽𝑜 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊
𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝓃𝑒 : 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓂𝓅𝒶𝓃𝓎
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brian may x reader series
warnings : swearing, alcohol, future chapters will have smut so... be aware of that ig lol. like tiniest mention of weed
a/n : thinking of making this a bit of a series but we’ll see ? i also have a heavy week of exams next week but i am free from school for like three months (yay fucking hey) so i’ll try to prepare a second chapter because we all know i won’t revise lol. also loosely based off of a roger taylor x reader fic i read a while ago ! i can’t remember the name/author, but if i find it again i’ll tag the author. all characters are mine, aside from brian may/anita. thank you for reading ! this is set in 1994, and freddie doesn’t die/ john doesn’t retire because we’re not gonna deal with that kettle of fish in this fic.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧
it wasn't raining today, surprisingly. it wasn't as if it was unusual for the uk - it was always like this - rain, and then a week straight of blazing hot sun. you could even say you'd grown to love it. you'd enjoyed playing with little anya colston the day before, the thirteen year old who lived next to your parents. you'd been in the pool her parents owned, when you heard of a new couple moving in two doors down. rumours had gone round of the husband being famous, but for what you nor anya knew. you both just hoped they wouldn't be as dull and empty as the other adults were (something you and anya had bonded over - your mutual hatred for prissy adults).
"y/n, darling, please hurry up. you know your father and i don't want to be late." your mother called up the stairs, watching as y/n slid down the bannister. "and the countless times you've slid down the bloody bannister. you'll break your neck one day." she added, sighing as she gave you a once over. "where's xavier ? xavier, hurry up !" she called, and the heavy footsteps of her older brother sounded above them. "why is he always allowed to be the last one out, but i get a bollocking if i am ?" y/n groaned, sitting on the step. "because, you know how xavier's like." your mother said, sighing as xavier finally made an appearance. you huffed as she stood up, and stalked towards the door, xavier not far behind you. 
the second the family entered the maybank home, your mother made a beeline for the champagne flutes on the breakfast bar; your father to the men outside (also where more alcohol was), and xavier followed suit, albeit reluctantly. and although you could think of nothing worse than talking to the women, you followed your mother - entirely for the champagne. "y/n ! how are your a levels going ?" diane asked, peering at you over her wine glass. "i think she's doing alright - she did drop literature for psychology, but i suppose it's better than what she could've chosen." your mother smiled patronisingly. "oh ! darling, this is anita - she's just moved in." diane smiled, gesturing to the woman next to her. you had to admit, she was beautiful. and even better, she didn't share the same patronising smile your mother and the other women donned constantly. "it's nice to meet you, anita." you smiled, taking a sip from your flute. "not too much, sweetheart," your mother said. always the one to take the fun out of everything - and what was the point in not being able to drink; these gatherings were hardly tolerable sober, and you were seventeen. "i'm gonna go find the kids." you muttered, snatching your glass from the table. 
soon enough, you found three girls, only a few years younger than you, sat by the pool. "y/n ! c'mere !" anya called, waving her hand. you made your way to the girls, and anya introduced you - louise was the older girl, recently turned fifteen, and emily the younger, was ten. they were the daughters of the new family, so you and anya made sure to give them the run down on who was who. dominique and otis rains, your own parents; they only had you and xavier. diane and emanual colston were anya's parents (admittedly the least snobby), and had anya and carlson, who was louise's age. then there was adrianna and henry maybank, who had mina (the only girl your age, but after her parents found the pot you frequently smoked under her bed, they sent her to boarding school somewhere out west in the country). florence and alistair bohr (florence was the youngest and prettiest, but the one who tried the hardest. alistair was a sixty - something year old ceo. in your eyes, a perfect match). then finally, there was louise and emily's parents, anita and brian may. they said they also had an older brother, jimmy, who, when you looked over, looked deep in conversation with xavier. the girls appeared to sound equally as disdained by the adult snobbery as you and anya were (mina also - speaking of, it was a shame she wasn't here. you thought she'd broken up from school by now). you warned the girls of the sunday brunches too. it was either you tired yourself out by playing tennis, or you drinking sangria's and champagne with the women, who all ogled the fit male tennis players and bartenders, and seemingly had endless shit to talk.
you glanced up at the men - the very people you found trying to avoid at all costs, but you were curious as to who this brian was. you could've sworn you recognised his name, but from where you couldn't recall. as you scanned the group, you noticed an unfamiliar mop of curly hair - in which became familiar to you very quickly. how could you not know ? that was when the memories of your poster clad walls, concerts that left you and mina with sore throats, and various records with those four faces adorned across the front strewn across your bedroom floor rushed back. "one second." you murmured to the girls, as you got up, and dusted off your skirt, making a beeline towards the group in a spurt of confidence. 
"y/n ! i was wondering how you had been with those women for so long, i didn't see you leave. this is brian, our knew neighbour." your father smiled, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "my youngest, y/n." your father grinned to brian, and you looked up at him. and christ, you knew he was tall, but he was a bloody giant. "i think what my father really means is that it'll be nice for another man around. he's getting bored of these three dinosaurs." you grinned, the same cheeky grin you'd inherited from your father. "glad to know you don't seem like the others." he laughed, shaking your outstretched hand. "god no, i like to think i taught her better than to end up like those women. in secret, of course, the missus would slaughter me." your father laughed, the others following suit. but you liked the look of brian, a lot. more than you should, but who could blame you ?  you'd practically been in love with the man since you were twelve. not that you would tell him of course. and then you heard the squeal, one you'd known all your life - mina was here. "i'll be back." you smiled uneasily, and rushed inside to find the tall brunette in the doorway. "get here you silly bitch !" she shouted, barrelling into you, tackling you to the ground. "language, mina." adrianna sighed, tossing the keys onto the shelf near the door. she too, like your mother had, rushed to the wine and the women. she needed a drink, after picking up her spritely daughter and managing to cope for a two hour car ride. you and mina rushed upstairs into her bedroom, and you slammed the door behind you. "right, do not freak out. we have new neighbours." you began, looking at mina's flushed face. "and ?" she asked,
"it's brian may."
"it's who, now ?"
"brian may."
"brian may ? the new - new - new guitar guy ? the man we've been gushing over since before we had tits ?"
"yeah, that's the guy."
mina laughed, tossing her hair behind her shoulder. "good god. glad you haven't pounced him yet. if it was roger, i know i would've." she smirked, making sideways glances to her own queen poster above her bed - that had been signed by every member during their '86 tour. "well, not only is his wife and three kids downstairs, he was bombarded by males. shame, really." you joked. 
"kids ?" she gasped, hopeful they were like anya. 
"thankfully, louise and emily are exactly like anya." you smiled. 
"i'll finish this later. i wanna meet the newbies." she wiggled her eyebrows, running out of her room, with you tow.
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thedevildomdaily · 3 years
Demonic Possessions Ch 6: The Design Diva Strikes Again!
Here's the first of TWO chapters coming to ya on my days off as promised! Thanks for being patient and the well-wishes. I'm recovering pretty well.
Note: Here's the Master List for the full story. I recommend reading my stuff on my actual Blog if you enjoy OM! official music! Thank you so much for the support. Please let me hear from you in the comment section. I wanna talk OM!
Warnings: Swearing, NSFW (I told you I'd get to it soon lol)
Lilly squirmed around in her bed. Her pink and purple curls were sticking out around her pillow that she used to smother her own face. A hand with beautiful galaxy nails, courtesy of Asmodeus, was planted in the middle of it. She moaned and groaned, not wanting to wake up. That was until she felt movement in her bed!
Her hand clutched the pillow and tossed it quickly from her face in a hurry. She immediately looked down at the foot of her bed. There was a large mass beneath her giant, fluffy comforter. There was something in her bed!
Slowly mustering all of her courage, the human eased the comforter up and open. Her eye were squinting, afraid of what she was about to see at her feet. One eye opened, then the other.
“Hello~” there was a very sensual, yet familiar voice. A set of icy blue, glowing orbs stared at Lilly before she registered the female nephilim peering at her from the darkness beneath the covers.
Yes, it was Lena! A nearly naked Lena at that: she wore a lacy black thong that was completely see-through and an oversized tank top. Because she was on all-fours, the giant opening hung low enough to reveal her full chest. She giggled devilishly and licked her lips, staring at Lilly like a predator.
“L-L-Lena!?! What are you doing!?” Lilly gasped. Her beautiful, tanned skin was now bright red as she looked at the nephilim crawling closer, between her legs.
“You, if you’d let me babe…” she smirked and crawled closer, now close enough to anchor her hands on either side of the human’s hips. She tilted her head to the side, letting her long hair fall to the side, gently touching Lilly’s leg. She awaited her answer, knowing very well how tempting she looked in this precarious position.
Lilly gulped, and parted her lips for a moment, staring at Lena in almost a trance. A nod followed, then a motion for Lena to approach her further. The nephilim crept up and over the petite human and kissed her softly.
“Good choice…” Lena purred. Lilly laughed and pulled her into a deeper kiss. Her lips tasted sweet and her skin was like the finest silk in the three realms. The human wanted to explore every inch of her body.
The nephilim wasted no time to straddle her. Lilly gasped as she watched her remove her top, revealing her beautiful large breasts; They nearly made her cry, “You’re so fucking gorgeous Lena…”
Lena giggled, “Look who’s talking...you’re fucking hot. I’ve lived for thousands of years and never seen such perfect caramel skin and those lovely violet eyes. You’re bewitching Lilly.” She pulled the human into a deeper, more sensual kiss. Her hands wandered to the small of her back, slowly lifting her shirt up and off.
Unable to wait any longer, the mortal reversed their positions, pinning Lena on her back. She was dominant by nature, and while she knew she was no match for a powerful being like the nephilim, she wanted to take control. Lena seemed very welcoming to the idea.
Lilly ran her tongue across Lena’s left nipple as she softly groped the other. Hearing the other woman moan was music to her ears. It’s been so long since she’d shared her bed with anyone; a dry spell since the exchange program began.
Just as she began to inch Lena’s thong down, Lilly began to wonder why she was thinking so intently about things other than this drop-dead gorgeous creature beneath her and what was that sound in the distance…
The human woke to those words. A fucking dream!? NOOOOOOOOO! Pouting, she looked over at her temporary roomy, waking up on her couch; fully clothed and oblivious as to what was going on.
A series of profanities filled the entire House of Lamentation. Lena knew who it was and wanted to jump out of the nearest window and run away.
Mammon gave his one knock warning and popped his head in. “Are ya guys alright? Who was that?” Awe, he came to check on them.
“That was just my darling brother discovering my room you guys are lending me...and the sound of a nephilim experiencing a heart attack I’d imagine…”
Lena quickly put on a robe and followed a series of ‘motherfuckers’, ‘sons-a-bitches’, and ‘dirty rat bastards’ to the attic. Both Lilly and Mammon accompanied her, despite the many warnings she gave them. “Major Diva warning alert...just saying…”
When they arrived upstairs, the trio found a raving mad Azri, Asmo, and Satan. The demons were standing in the doorway, quietly observing the nephilim as he inspected the room. He was listing every single thing that was wrong with the room.
“Good morning, my darling big brother…” Lena grinned evilly at him. This caused a chain-reaction of giggles.
“There’s not a damn good thing about it!” Azri responded with his hands on his hips, “Why didn’t you tell me sooner that they put you in the filth and squalor like those poor ‘Flowers in the Attic children’?! These are abhorrent living conditions Azralena!”
Lena had to fight hard not to laugh or tell him it was cleaned-up compared to what it was like after Belphegor took his stuff out that first night. He’d scream and faint like a goat if she did. “It’s not that bad bro. If anyone can fix it up, it’s you!”
Azri stopped his pacing and approached his little sister. Everyone held still, afraid of his reaction. He put his hands on her petite shoulders and looked down at Lena with a severe expression, “Lena,” he paused, “I may have to actually pray to celestial realm and every angelic fiber of my body for a fucking miracle to fix this abomination…”
“Is it really so horrible?” A deep voice boomed from behind them. Apparently, Lucifer had joined the fray.
“Oooh, Lucifer’s involved now...this is gonna be good…” Asmo whispered to his brothers and Lilly. There were smiles exchanged, but nobody was brave enough to laugh at this in front of the eldest brother.
“As a matter of fact it is Lucifer,” Azriel responded, “My sister deserves better than this. Are we not guests of Lord Diavolo’s? My sister has told me about ‘how cool Leviathan’s room is with the jellyfish and mega aquarium…” he then looked over at Asmodeus, “and his room is ‘absolutely beautiful’ she says. And it has a giant bathroom that looks like Regina George’s...and you give a dust-filled, cobwebbed attic with loose boards and….ARE THOSE EYES!!!!!?”
Azriel pointed to a whole in the wall on the north side. “This is unacceptable! As the eldest brother you must take responsibility to make sure my sister is staying in comfortable living quarters during her stay!”
Lena just tried to hide her face out of embarrassment. Why was he such a diva? She of course appreciated him looking after her like this, but sometimes he was just too much. This was definitely one of those cases.
“And what do you propose I do about it? My brothers each fixed their rooms on their own. This IS the House of Lamentation, not a human world resort.” Lucifer responded dryly. He did have a point there. One that only irritated the eldest nephilim. Lena felt the need to intervene before things got ugly.
“Hey guys, let’s just take a chill pill for a moment…” she said, holding her hands up as if to surrender to this mess.
‘Chill...pill…?” Lucifer looked at the female nephilim with a weary and perplexed expression.
“Yeah. I mean, it’s a metaphor…” Lena chuckled, “Look, I never meant things to get out of hand and Azri...you shouldn’t barge into someone’s home and go off like this...apologize. Now.”
After looking down at his short, little sister, Azriel sighed, “Sorry. Lena is right. I tend to...overreact when it comes to my siblings. I am in charge of the both of them.”
“I...can understand that.” Lucifer was willing to meet him halfway. From one eldest sibling to another.
“And Luci...fer” Lena almost tried a nickname but was not brave enough to go there yet. “Uhm, please allow my brother to remodel this room. I promise he is a professional in interior design as well as fashion. He will make structural repairs that could save future incidents. It’d give him peace of mind, I’ll be cozy, and you get a new roof out of it...for free.”
Lucifer eyed her, then her brother. They were both strangers, but if he was a professional, the demon believed he could be trusted enough for the task. “Very well. The two of you can do what you see fit in this room..and the roof if necessary. You’re not to do anything with any other room without my immediate permission alone. And, of course, you’re responsible for the remodeling costs. My brothers paid for the own rooms to be remodeled into what they are now. Even Mammon.”
All eyes shot to the Avatar of Greed and he felt it immediately, “HEY! What y’all look’n at! Of course I paid for my room to look as amazing as me, The Great Mammon!”
“He says that like we could actually believe him…” Satan muttered and the others agreed with him.
“Bet it was paid for from stolen belonging or money laundering schemes…” Lilly added.
“Most definitely.” Amso agreed.
“STOP TALK’N AS IF I’M NOT HERE!!!” Mammon yelled.
Lucifer cut his conversation with Lena and Azriel short to deal with his siblings. “MAMMOOON! Quit yelling so loudly. Get downstairs and eat breakfast. Now!”
The group, sans Azriel, did head down to eat breakfast. Those missing at the scene were filled in about the construction that was going to be done to Lena’s room by her brothers. Azriel was the design genius, but it was Zak that was the brawn behind the project. He was just more sensible and refused to show up so early in the morning.
The rest of the day went by fairly quickly. In just a couple of days, the nephilim had adjusted nicely into their classes. Belmont Academy had a similar curriculum blended with human education as well. It was “hybrid education for hybrid youth” as Lena explained it. She talked Lilly into checking into it once she returned to the human realm after the exchange program.
At lunchtime, the group joined together and talked about the events that started their morning. Asmo and Mammon dramatically told everyone what happened, getting everyone laughing about it. Well everyone but the two nephilim.
“Why the fuck didn’t you stop him from showing up so early?” Lena asked Zak, pointing her fork at him.
“I told him not to. He lied, saying he wouldn’t, and took off when I hopped in the shower. For being the supposed ‘responsible one’, he’s horrible when it comes to using his design skills or cleanliness…”
Lena sighed and nodded, “The. worst.”
“You do have to hand it to him though,” Asmodeus chimed in, “Azri did stand toe-to-toe with Lucifer without batting a silvery eyelash. That’s crazy! And Lena! You got between them quickly to intervene and stopped them from bickering!”
“Well of course. The root cause is ultimately my fault. So I took responsibility for it. Besides, it was pretty stupid to begin with. Arguing over interior designing an attic. Really?” Lena laughed.
“OOOOH I GOT IT!,” An otherwise quiet Leviathan exclaimed, “Your superpower is the ability to calm even the most powerful foes, like Lucifer, down!?!”
Lena paused for a moment, then burst into laughter, her brother joining in. Even Solomon couldn't help but chuckle at the notion. “THAT’S HILARIOUS!!!” She began to choke and punched her chest to stop it. “That’d be great. And it would have probably stopped many of earth’s wars. But nope. That’s definitely not it Levi-kun!”
Her response embarrassed the third eldest demon brother. That was, until she called him Levi-kun; It brought up a whole different reason to be embarrassed.
The rest of the school day passed in the blink of an eye. The RAD students disbursed, with the Purgatory students wishing everyone good luck with the remodelling go on. It was code for ‘good luck not getting into another fight over it’.
On the way home, they decided to grab Hell’s Kitchen burgers to go. Of course Beel wanted to eat a dozen there first, so they divided between those playing arcade games, those ordering the food, and Belphie watching Beel eat and hopefully not go on a rampage.
“Yes! I got it!” Lena screamed. She was at the claw machine with Lilly and Leviathan.
“That’s amazing!” Lilly cheered.
Leviathan gave his signature scream of excitement and proceeded to tell the girls what character it was, and their backstory, and everything in between.
“So what I’m hearing is…this is a valuable part of a set...and that you’re collecting that set aren’t ya?” Lena asked.
“Yeah. I’m missing her and two others.” Levi admitted.
Lena grinned and handed it over to the demon. “Then you’ll get more value out of having this than I will. So you’d better take it then.”
“R-Really?” Levi asked, shocked that she would just give the figurine to him.
“Yes, really!” Lena chuckled, “I just wanted the thrill of winning. You can have the figure. I don’t know what I’m gonna have room for when Azri’s done and that clothing haul is moved in from Lilly’s room.”
“ARIGATO!!!!” Levi cheerfully thanked the nephilim and held up the figurine into the air to admire it.
Lilly lingered back, watching the two nerd-out, sighing inwardly. It was clear that Lena was getting a little attached to Leviathan. He wasn’t catching on, and it made it more adorable...and sickeningly sweet to her. Oh well, she’d have to rely on her dreams still, until she could find a hot demoness that was interested in her and not devouring her soul.
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riversofmars · 3 years
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Oops forgot to post this on here last night when I updated lol. Hope you’re all happy with my choice of villain. And for those who don't know the Eleven/the Thirteen yet, you'll get to know them alongside the Paternoster gang as they're totally clueless themselves lol. So real hope you enjoy this next chapter, let's see where everyone is off to!
Chapter 8: Where We Started
Glasgow, 2021
Jack returned in no time at all, at least from the perspective of the team at Torchwood Two.
“You better be grateful, this took me all night and I’m starving!“ Jack announced after materialising in the centre of the room. He was crouching in between two dead bodies, holding on to a wrist each to pull them with him through the time vortex.
“Food is still warm.“ Mickey retorted and gave Jack a hand lifting the two men onto gurneys.
“What’s so significant about them?“ Ryan asked, stepping closer. There was no obvious cause of death. Both men were young, 20s, 30s maybe and looked healthy. There was no blood, no bullet holes…
“How did they die?“ Graham asked, noticing the same thing. “Who killed them?“
“We’re not quite sure on the who yet.“ One of the Osgoods answered, steppinganswered stepping up to the body on her right. She pulled a scanner from her lab coat pocket and ran it over the dead man’s chest.
“And not sure about theon the killing either.“ The other Osgood agreed as she stepped up to the other corps, mirroring her twin’s actions with a scanner of her own.
“Well, they are dead…“ Ryan couldn’t help but point out but by now he knew better than to judge a book by its cover.
“Yes, but we’re not entirely sure they meant to kill them…“ The second Osgood replied, frowning a little at the readings she was getting.
“What do you mean by that?“ Graham asked, looking around for answers. None of the others appeared surprised so he could only presume these were not the first two cases.
“These are not murders as such, we believe these are experiments gone wrong.“ Kate revealed and Ryan and Graham exchanged concerned glances.
“We’re just not sure to what end.“ Martha came to stand next to them.
“We’re not the first to notice.“ Kate carried on. It was time they filled them in properly. She had been worried about revealing too much back in Sheffield but they could talk freely now. “When dead bodies turn up, the police do tend to get involved.“
“That’s when people started disappearing from time, being erased.“ Jack concluded.
“For examining these murders?“ Ryan frowned, deeply concerned now.
“This is why we’re doing our best to keep off the radar.“ Gwen explained as they all gathered around now. “Someone is trying to cover this up and they’re using very advanced technology to do it. You can’t just erase people from time.“
“So far, whoever is behind this has not noticed our investigation.“ Kate stated, which wasn’t to say that they wouldn’t be found out eventually.  
“Or at least they have not found a way to erase us yet.“ Jack interjected, more grimly.
“Like I said previously, people who have had dealings with the Doctor, particularly those who have travelled with them, seem to be less affected.“ Kate continued to explain and one of the Osgoods added:
“By travelling in time, you become a temporal anomaly, a complex space time event. Much harder to erase than someone who has only existed in one time period.“
“I guess that makes sense…“ It didn’t make an awful lot of sense to Ryan but he chose to just accept it.
“Either way, we have to tread carefully. Someone is using humanity as guinea pigs.“ Kate crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“And we need to find out why.“ Jack nodded. “Now that we have two bodies, we might be able to do just that. And once we know what they want, we will stop them.“ His voice was full of determination.
“I will need a while to analyse.“ The Osgoods gave apologetic smiles, indicating they would like to be left in peace to do their work now.
“You best get some rest. We will have a lot of work to do soon.“ Kate smiled at Ryan and Graham who could hardly refuse the request. It had been a very long night already.
In orbit around the Library, 52nd Century
Paternoster Gang
“So this Thirteen person, is it possible they’re the one that took the child as well?“ Yaz asked, leaning onto the control desk as they digested the news. “They are a Time Lord, we found Time Lord technology at your house.“
“It would be an extraordinary coincidence if it wasn’t.“ Vastra agreed, she was pacing the room. Even though they had no idea what their motivations were, they had to assume the same person was behind both kidnappings. She knew nothing of the dealings either the Doctor or Professor Song had had with this particular Time Lord but she decided it didn't matter for the time being. What mattered was that they found River and her son. With any luck they were being taken to the same place. They could ask questions later.
“We need to find a way of following them.“ Jenny concluded, watching her wife pace. As much as they had hoped for a conversation with the Professor, for a chance to make their apologies and to promise to make amends, at least they had a trail to follow now.
“Did our sensors pick anything up on our approach? Any other ships in the vicinity? Someone heading away from the Library?“ Vastra asked, looking to Strax who started working the controls with military efficiency.
“We were too far out at the time. Nothing on long range sensors.“ Strax growled seemingly displeased with the efficiency of the scanners. “This wouldn’t have happened on a Sontaran warliner.“ He huffed.
“What about the Library? Do they not have any sensors or CCTV or something?“ Yaz asked as she thought back to her police training. If someone was kidnapped, looking for CCTV footage in the area would be the first step, surely.
“Excellent idea, Ms. Kahn!“ Vastra gave her a kind smile. “Mr. Maldovar, any suggestions as to how we might establish a more permanent link to the Library?“
“It’s a closed system, trying to keep out intruders, probably a defence mechanism…“ Dorium mused, putting his feelers out. What he lacked in physical mobility, he was making up for with technological know how.
“If not a video link, at least some means of data exchange?“ She gave him a kind smile. “I have every confidence in your abilities.“
“She means: see if you can hack the system.“ Jenny chuckled, recalling Dorium’s rather impressive work at Demon’s Run. It seemed as though all their expertise would be called upon at one point or another.
“I don’t suppose CAL would mind once she realises what you’re trying to do.“ Vastra carried on. “Perhaps if you started with a reassuring message for her. Would you maybe be able to get information about ships that approached or departed?“
“I shall certainly try.“ Dorium agreed, his tone gracious, but he hardly had to try at all. “Never mind, she’s ahead of us, she’s sending something across.“ Dorium looked up to the screen. “I believe we can extrapolate the course from this.“ A diagram appeared on screen, green dots outlining a route away from the planet.
“Bringing us around now.“ Strax announced as the computer worked out the course. “We shall hunt them down and shoot them out of the sky!“
“Not with Professor Song on board, we won’t.“ Vastra pointed out and Strax huffed displeased.
“Ready to jump into hyper speed.“ He grumbled in response.
“Hang on, CAL is sending some more data across.“ Dorium announced. “Just wait till… There we are, all done.“ He nodded and nearly fell out of his box doing so.
“What is it?“ Vastra asked as the ship jumped into faster-than-light travel and the stars blurred outside. They left the Library behind.  
“A file with everything the Library had to offer on the Thirteen and their previous incarnations, I’m sure that will make for exciting reading…“ Dorium almost sounded surprised.
“Clever girl!“ Jenny grinned.
“Perhaps we can learn who we are dealing with.“ Yaz felt a little better that they were all in the same boat. She wasn’t behind this time, they all had to start from scratch.
“Best to know your enemy.“ Strax grinned. “Give us the intel, head.“
“Sorry, Doctor but I can’t take credit for that.“ The Master laughed at the look of surprise and disappointment on her face. She had hoped to get answers but there were none to be had.
“And you never will.“ It was a split second decision on the Doctor’s part as she pulled a gun from under the console.
She had always pretended she didn’t know where River had hidden her guns around the TARDIS but of course she did. She wasn’t quite sure why she had never stopped her doing it. Perhaps because she knew eventually, they would come in handy. River had borrowed the TARDIS plenty of times and if she ever got herself in a scrape, she didn’t want to leave her wife defenceless. While the TARDIS had redecorated since River had last been here, she had kept her guns where they belonged.
“Well, well, well Doctor.“ The Master smirked as she pointed the gun at him.
“Get out.“ She said.The weapon felt heavy and uncomfortable in her hand but that didn’t stop her. She couldn’t take the risk of the Master getting off Gallifrey. She had no way of knowing for sure whether he would be responsible for her son’s abduction in the future but she couldn’t take the risk. If it was the case, she would stop it here. She gestured to the door. “Now.“
“You’re not leaving me here.“ The Master laughed, shaking his head, he didn’t seem to be taking her seriously.
“Yes I am. You are not getting off this rock. You will never get the opportunity to hurt my family, ever.“ The Doctor retorted, her voice low and threatening.
“You won’t shoot me.“ The Master shrugged, taking a step closer, daring her to do just that.
“Yes I will.“ The Doctor snapped, taking proper aim.
“No you won’t. You didn’t last time and you won’t now, you’re weak.“ The spat, enjoying seeing her struggle with herself. Her kindness and reluctance to use force had always been her greatest weakness. “You think you can protect them when you can’t even find out who’s behind it all? You’re pathetic. Probably best if you don’t find your child, you’d be such a disappointment to them.“
A shot rang out and the Master staggered back. The Doctor was shocked herself but she tried her best to cover that moment of disbelief. She tightened the grip on the gun just in time for the Master to look up again.  
“Wow…“ He grinned, in a maniacal sort of way and pressed his hand to his arm. She had only grazed his shoulder. She was a terrible shot that lacked the strength of her convictions. Or at least she thought she did. Part of her couldn’t believe she had shot him at all and the other part couldn’t believe she had missed.
“The next one will be lethal.“ She threatened, squaring her jaw. She pointed to the door, hoping he would leave already and not put it to the test. In a way, leaving him on Gallifrey was just as bad as shooting him. Both were a death sentence, one just felt a lot easier than the other. Either way, she had to protect her family and if she was strong now, perhaps things would find a way of resolving themselves.
“No, it won’t.“ The Master laughed and before she could follow through on her threat, he darted forward. The Doctor felt the ground move under her feet but not because he knocked her over. He hadn’t gone for her, he had lunged for the controls.
“What have you done?“ The Doctor shouted and crashed against one of the crystalline arms in the control room. The gun was knocked from her hand and skidded off somewhere. The TARDIS was spinning, somersaulting, they were launching into the vortex.
“What have you done? You tried to kill me!“ The Master shot back and was knocked to the ground as well. The TARDIS was out of control.
“Oh because you’ve always been so restrained?!“ The Doctor snapped over the racket of them catapulting through the vortex, hitting energy fields, chronon clouds and any other kind of obstacle the vortex had to offer.
The Doctor pulled herself along the floor, towards the control panel. She had to stabilise them. Just for the moment, the Master was not her primary concern. She managed to grab hope of the console and pulled herself up, hitting the blue stabiliser button. The TARDIS stopped shaking, steadying itself and the Doctor let go a sigh of relief. She got to her feet properly and turned back to the Master who was clambering to his feet as well.
“That was really stupid and incredibly dangerous, we could have been torn apart.“ The Doctor snapped.
“I couldn’t let you leave me there. Better to be killed than return to that isolation.“ The Master huffed, slightly calmer than before. “Do you know what it was like, Doctor? Just you with your own thoughts? Not a living, breathing thing in sight?“ His tone was surprisingly genuine and there was a bitter edge to it.
“You’re not the only one who’s had a tough few decades.“ She retorted but was in no mood to fill him in on her prison sentence so she changed the subject quickly: “Can’t have been all that lonely, you told someone about the timeless child.“
“For the last time, Doctor, I didn’t tell anyone!“ He groaned in annoyance, tossing his arms in the air. He hissed as the movement sent a jolt of pain through his injured arm. “I killed everyone that could possibly have known.“
“Then it was you that told Dorium!“ The Doctor snapped.
“I already told you, I didn’t! When would I have done that?!“ The Master yelled.
“What then? Someone else just found out about the Timeless Child and happened to have taken an interest in my child?!“ The Doctor was trying to wrap her head around it. She only trusted the Master as far as she could throw them but she was beginning to doubt her previous assessment.
“Why would you think those two things are connected?“ The Master shook his head at her shortsightedness.
“What do you mean? Of course they’re connected!“ The Doctor shot back angrily.
“Because you have the word child in both sentences?“ He laughed, gesturing question marks into the air. “Come on, anyone could have taken your child with no other motive other than to get to you. And there are a lot of people who would love a way to get to you, not just me.“
“What do you mean by that?“ The Doctor frowned, taken aback. This was not something she had considered before.
“You have a lot of enemies, Doctor, have you never noticed? None as brilliant as me, obviously, but they’re out there.“ The Master chuckled, giving her a patronising look.
“Is that a hypothetical or do you actually know something?“ The Doctor pressed on. There had to be more there than he was letting on.
The Master shrugged.
“Because if you don’t and you claim to have nothing to do with it, I might as well take you back to Gallifrey.“ She stepped up to the console, intent on changing the course.
“Don’t.“ The Master grabbed her arm and pulled her away. “You know I have nothing to do with this and I don’t know where your child is.“
“You’re gonna have to give me more than that.“ The Doctor shook him off. “You know something… what did you do?“
“Alright… I may be guilty of a teensy little fibette…“ The Master smirked, clearly enjoying this. “Perhaps someone did hear about the timeless child… so maybe it is connected to the kidnapping of your child after all… though, I wonder how they would have found out about your son…“ He mused but was interrupted when the Doctor grabbed him by the collar of his coat.
“What did you do?“ She growled, fresh anger shooting through her.
“I just wanted to play… create a little chaos…“ The Master grinned.
“What did you do?“ She repeated pulling him closer.
“Every species has their black sheep don’t they… apart from you and me of course…“ He smirked.
“You didn’t…“ The Doctor’s eyes widened as she sensed where he was going with this. So close to him, she could almost see his memory of it in her own mind.
“What do you think would happen if you free all of Gallifrey’s bad boys and girls in one go? I couldn’t create all that destruction just by myself, could I.“ The expression in his eyes was nothing short of madness.
“And you think someone fled the planet before you destroyed everything?“ The Doctor carried on and he shrugged:
“Who knows, I didn’t keep count.“
Space, 52nd Century
“It’s not much… bits and pieces of his misadventures… this bit is interesting, it’s a footnote from the Book of the Revenants, you know the Doctor has her own volume.“ Dorium flicked through the data in his mind, keeping quiet for a moment as he focused.
“Yeah she’s mentioned that…“ Yaz couldn’t help but smile at the fond memory. What a carefree adventure that had been in comparison to what was happening now. She wondered how the Doctor was doing. She had no idea River had been taken as well… Perhaps they should try to contact her…
“As if their head wasn’t big enough…“ Vastra sighed. “What does it say?“
“It’s a brief description of their personalities, stops at twelve, sadly.“ Dorium revealed and he started to recite: “Originally a member of the High Council on Gallifrey, the One fell from grace and became one of Gallifrey’s most notorious criminals. Suffering from regenerative dissonance, the personalities of their regenerations remain within their consciousness. Following incarnations are known and distinguishable. The One: the archivist, often pedantic and knowledgeable on many Gallifreyan secrets.“
“So he could have known about the Timeless Child?“ Jenny jumped in, listening closely and her wife nodded in agreement. They had yet to find out what exactly that phrase was meant to mean. The Doctor hadn’t filled them in but somehow, that secret from Time Lord lore seemed to be at the centre of everything.
“Indeed…“ Vastra mumbled. “What else does it say?“
“Brief descriptions of the others, make them more distinguishable I suppose…“ Dorium continued: “The Two: The charmer, a charismatic liar and manipulator; and the Three: The Juvenile, childish and self-centred, prone to tantrums and violence.“
“Not unlike the Master then, makes sense you would confuse them.“ Yaz wondered if the Doctor just attracted a certain kind of mad man to face off against. Despite the seriousness of the situation, it was an amusing thought.
“The Four: The intellectual, a sophisticated and arrogant game-player. The Five: The joker, a funny, wise-cracking and confident trickster. The Six: The psychopath, extremely violent and unstable.“ Dorium carried on as the others listened intently.
“A man after my own heart.“ Strax grinned.
“The Seven: The scientist, clever and calculated with vast scientific knowledge.“ Dorium chose to ignore Strax’s comment and skipped to the next one.
“It sounds like he would have quite the arsenal of abilities at his disposal.“ Vastra mused, trying her best to commit the different personalities to her memory. There was no way of knowing if and when it would become useful. If their hunt was successful, they would soon find themselves face to face with this mysterious Time Lord.
“The Eight: The good man, who unlike his other selves strove to do good.“ Dorium raised his eyebrows, surprised. He checked the data entry twice, just to be sure.  
“Interesting…“ Vastra pursed her lips and Jenny added:
“People don’t have to be just good or just bad, there are two sides to everyone…“
“I’m beginning to see that…“ Yaz admitted, thinking back to the Doctor and the way she had been acting in Dorium’s bar. Her anger and fear had brought out the worst sides of her. She could only hope she was doing okay where she was now.
“The Nine: The kleptomaniac, driven by greed and prone to theft.“ Dorium continued reciting: “The Ten: The hypnotist, confident and able psychic.“
“Another useful ability…“ Vastra commented.
“The Eleven: The schemer, clever, patient and determined.“
“None of them particularly sound like a breeze to deal with…“ Jenny sighed.
“The Twelve: The matriarch, first female and last known regeneration. They are presumed dead.“ Dorium concluded at last.
“Imagine what that’s like, having all those personalities inside you.“ Yaz shook her head to herself. Anyone might go mad under those circumstances.
“I shall be glad to put them out of their misery.“ Strax announced, checking through his blaster rifle.
River’s head was spinning. She was disoriented. The flood of sensation that came over her was painful in its intensity. She had a splitting headache. Her chest burned with every breath and she coughed. Light was blinding her, her eyes were refusing to adjust just yet. Her muscles were stiff and her joints ached, as if she was awakening from a long sleep.
That was when she realised she had corporal shape. She had a body. She tried to move but found her muscles wouldn’t cooperate, not just yet anyway. She was still getting used to breathing again.
“What…“ She tried to speak but she couldn’t produce sound yet. She felt utterly helpless but she was alive.  
“There we are, slowly coming to.“ The voice seemed very distant and her ears were only just getting used to processing sound again.
“A Time Lord’s body is a miracle. Even one that has spent all their regenerations.“ There was another voice but she couldn’t place it either. Her mind was still trying to catch up to where she was, how she had got here, what had happened last. The Library… had it all been a bad dream?
“She’s not a Time Lord.“ The first voice grew sharper and was beginning to sound more familiar as her senses began to normalise.
“Close enough.“ The second sounded female.
“What’s taking so long?“ There was the first voice again but changed. “Patience, Three.“ River knew that she knew this person but her brain wasn’t at full capacity yet. She blinked against the light. If only she could make something out. She was slowly adjusting. “You did a good job keeping her body intact.“
“The machine will restore her, it might take a while but she will be herself soon enough.“ River knew she had heard the female voice before, too.
“I hope so, I do like them with a bit of bite.“ The Thirteen. The memories were coming back to River now. She had been in the Library and someone had hacked into the system. He must have taken her, brought her elsewhere, returned her to a body. How had he done it?
“No.“ River whispered, her voice horse as her vocal chords hadn’t been used in a long time. It was like she had to learn how to use her body all over again. That was when she realised how she knew the second voice, a voice that still haunted her nightmares.
“Hello Melody.“ Madame Kovarian smirked, leaning over and into her field of vision.
“What are you…“ River tried to reach and push her away, she managed to raise her hands but collided with a glass case. She pressed her hands against it, she was in a glass tube of some kind. Or was it a coffin? She looked at her hands, pressed against the glass, finding her skin red and raw from the electrocution she had suffered while connecting herself to the Library core. She should have been dead. She had been dead. They had brought her body back to life and it was painful.
“Easy now, Melody, dear. A few days and your body will be good as new.“ Kovarian smirked. “Lucky really we got there in time but you were right, Time Lords take forever to properly die…“
“What are you planning on doing with me?“ River managed to turn her head and spotted the Thirteen standing behind Kovarian, watching with a content smirk on his face.
“All in good time, Professor, get your strength back now. It’s no fun beating you when you’re already down.“
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theoriginalladya · 3 years
WIP Whenever & Sunday Snippet
I was tagged by @pigeontheoneandonly for a WIP Whenever (thank you, my friend!) and as I have yet to do my Sunday Snippet, I decided to combine the two!
So... More CALEB! lol Well, I've pretty much only been working on him for Nano, so here's a snippet of something... goes digging into the WIP folders...
Aha! A bit of something new added to Chapter 1 of the Celtic AU I'm working on! :D
Setting: 2021-ish (ie: modern day) Ireland, Keelan (is Kaidan in this timeline), Loco (the German Shepherd), and memories of Dillon (Caleb in this timeline)... (very rough draft)
Through sheer force of will, Keelan and Loco board the plane out of Vancouver that evening. The flight is long, but thankfully those sitting around them are not the extroverted, talkative type and after only the briefest of pleasantries, Keelan seeks solace in sleep.
Their arrival at Dublin Airport is wet and rainy, and thanks to jetlag it takes an inordinate amount of time to process through customs. By the time the car is rented and he finds it, Keelan is both mentally and physically exhausted still with miles to go before he and Loco reach their first destination. And, to top things off, he has to drive on the left side of the road.
He grabs a cup of strong, black coffee before heading out the door of the airport, and the caffeine boost helps. . After a few awkward minutes adjusting to the strangeness of the vehicle and the even stranger driving requirements, he shifts into gear. Only a near miss of his exit onto the M4 delays him from that point, and he and Loco eventually leave the city behind them for the wide-open Irish countryside. A tiny seed of an ache settles in his chest at the beauty he finds there.
“I might be a bit biased, K, but nothing quite matches the beauty of Ireland… except maybe you.”
The seed takes root, and the ache spreads. Breathing suddenly difficult, he reaches for the button to open the windows and instead changes the angle of the side-view mirror. It isn't panic so much as necessity that makes the decision to take the first turn off he finds so he can readjust it without getting into an accident. He pulls off to the side of the service station and comes to a stop. All he needs is a moment, maybe two, to pull himself together. That’s all.
Loco climbs into the spare front seat and lies down with his head across Keelan’s lap, whining softly in empathy while Keelan searches for some semblance of steadiness as the same old battle against anger and denial kicks to life with renewed intensity. It's a battle he cannot win. Breath stuttering, he covers his face with one hand while stroking the top of Loco’s head with the other.
Dammit, we were supposed to make this trip together, Dillon!
Some minutes later, a light tap at his window introduces him to the station clerk coming out to check on him. Keelan explains he just stopped to fix his mirror and rest his eyes for a bit due to jetlag from the flight over. If the man sees any evidence of the tears or the circles under Keelan’s eyes, or even the way his knuckles are white as his hand grasps the steering wheel, he is kind enough not to mention it and instead wishes him a pleasant stay on the fair isle. Keelan heads back out onto the road...
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