#i will get my revenge
jack-crow-lantern · 6 months
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acuar-io · 6 months
Omg I want to evil boop but I’m on mobile rn sksksks
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graaaaaayy · 6 months
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@kiraslivingonmars i am finally sober enough to realise you were making fun of me. This will not be forgotten
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I told my mom about a dream I had where I moved states and had to start school all over again because they didn't count my out of state education. I said it would make a great movie and she said someone already did that.
Adam Fucking Sandler
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sassykinzonline · 8 months
i heard my mom introduced me to kushina and naruto before he was born and kushina said "i hope you'll be great friends"
please please PLEASE tell me she's not responsible for banishing me to the friendzone
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ineffag-swag · 2 years
I thought it's my role to kill brains with the edward "bot" but you guys are making ME suffer. But I stay strong. And commit to the bit
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quinnyyyleft · 1 year
all I want is to play my hot, Tiefling blood hunter - is that too much to ask?
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
Just gonna leave this here 😭
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Tiktok 1
Tiktok 2
Tiktok 2 was cute but I'm sending you to jail for tiktok 1 😐😐😐😐😐 like I give yall some hurt/comfort and you really said: anyways go cry before 9am!!
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alastors-prophet · 2 months
Recently there has been an upsurgence in squirrels near my house.
The enemy grows stronger.
I must retaliate.
I cannot continue to live in fear.
My power must grow.
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justwantedtoscrolldown · 11 months
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bixels · 5 months
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Scary Sunset.
I'm concepting things way outta order in this story, but I'm sure you can piece things together. Context is for a storybeat where, after defeating and capturing Adagio (thus having all three sirens in her possession), Sunset enacts her revenge plot to release the sirens on Canterlot as Thea discovers she's been manipulated. In a confrontation, the two scuffle and fight over the siren orbs while Sunset struggles with her conflicting wants and emotions.
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specialagentartemis · 2 years
in middle school during my Intense Greek Mythology Phase, Artemis was, as you can likely guess, my best girl. Iphigenia was my OTHER best girl. Yes at the same time.
The story of Iphigenia always gets to me when it's not presented as a story of Artemis being capricious and having arbitrary rules about where you can and can't hunt, but instead, making a point about war.
Artemis was, among other things--patron of hunting, wild places, the moon, singlehood--the protector of young girls. That's a really important aspect she was worshipped as: she protected girls and young women. But she was the one who demanded Agamemnon sacrifice his daughter in order for his fleet to be able to sail on for Troy.
There's no contradiction, though, when it's framed as, Artemis making Agamemnon face what he’s doing to the women and children of Troy. His children are not in danger. His son will not be thrown off the ramparts, his daughters will not be taken captive as sex slaves and dragged off to foreign lands, his wife will not have to watch her husband and brothers and children killed. Yet this is what he’s sailing off to Troy to inevitably do. That’s what happens in war. He’s going to go kill other people’s daughters; can he stand to do that to his own? As long as the answer is no—he can kill other people’s children, but not his own—he can’t sail off to war.
Which casts Artemis is a fascinating light, compared to the other gods of the Trojan War. The Trojan War is really a squabble of pride and insults within the Olympian family; Eris decided to cause problems on purpose, leaving Aphrodite smug and Hera and Athena snubbed, and all of this was kinda Zeus’s fault in the first place for not being able to keep it in his pants. And out of this fight mortal men were their game pieces and mortal cities their prizes in restoring their pride. And if hundreds of people die and hundred more lives are ruined, well, that’s what happens when gods fight. Mortals pay the price for gods’ whims and the gods move on in time and the mortals don’t and that’s how it is.
And women especially—Zeus wanted Leda, so he took her. Paris wanted Helen, so he took her. There’s a reason “the Trojan women” even since ancient times were the emblems of victims of a war they never wanted, never asked for, and never had a say in choosing, but was brought down on their heads anyway.
Artemis, in the way of gods, is still acting through human proxies. But it seems notable to me to cast her as the one god to look at the destruction the war is about to wreak on people, and challenge Agamemnon: are you ready to kill innocents? Kill children? Destroy families, leave grieving wives and mothers? Are you? Prove it.
It reminds me of that idea about nuclear codes, the concept of implanting the key in the heart of one of the Oval Office staffers who holds the briefcase, so the president would have to stab a man with a knife to get the key to launch the nukes. “That’s horrible!,” it’s said the response was. “If he had to do that, he might never press the button!” And it’s interesting to see Artemis offering Agamemnon the same choice. You want to burn Troy? Kill your own daughter first. Show me you understand what it means that you’re about to do.
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armouredheart · 1 year
can we talk about the actual trauma of losing my childhood bedroom (the place i spent most of my teens, curating it to be a safe, precious environment, the only place i felt safe in my home) because my younger brother (who is a lazy bum who never even made an effort to do his room up) has claimed it. i put all this furniture together over the years, the closets are full of memories and objects that i’ve collected over the years and now i’m supposed to put them in bin bags and take them to the garage? just toss away all my things to make space for his? (please keep in mind he COULD still use the closet in his room but bc he never tidied it, its full of stuff) CAN A WOMAN EVER GET A BREAK
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eddiepeaches · 4 months
sound on!! bbgirl watching his crush <3
audio pulled from that one bts clip of taika directing s1 ep1
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n3ptuned · 4 months
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you know i was going to wait until the morning to post this but its technically the 8th already here so idc. happy 20th tcfsr anniversary to those who celebrate <3
i’m shit at taking pictures don’t worry about it
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