#i will never be able to look at the man who saw someone healing and went 'fuck that im going to make him worse for my own gratification'
llonelygoddess · 1 year
How they react to...you getting injured
A/N: I hope this doesn't sound redundant but here ya go :)
Romantic Pairings: Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Margaery Tyrell, Theon Greyjoy, Khal Drogo, Brienne of Tarth, Missandei
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Ned Stark: If you got injured it would most likely be from falling off your horse during a casual ride. As the doting husband he is he would be rushing to your side and calling maesters to check on you. With only a small bruise to show for you try to get back on the horse but Ned doesn't allow it. He doesn't mean to control you, he only wants to keep you safe from any more serious injuries that won't heal as easy as a bruise.
Robb Stark: With Robb, he normally has guards with you at all times because he worries for your safety. When one of them turns out to be a spy with intent to hurt you, Robb is livid. You were pushed and left with a few bruises but all he sees is red. Robb sentences the man to die and takes his head for it. He spends the rest of the day with you in bed, feeling guilty while he looks at your injuries. You'll definitely want to console him cause he will cry, especially thinking of what COULD have happened to you.
Jon Snow: He truly believes in your ability to take care of yourself, but when you get hurt during a fight he rushes to your side without second thought. You'll both have to fight your way out of the conflict but once you're safe he checks on your wounds. He asks for a maester to check them out to keep out infection and feels a little useless not being able to do anything himself. Jon makes it a point to joke about it to take away the serious energy going on and promises to always have your back.
Sansa Stark: Girly is straight up crying. Doesn't matter if it was just a little accident or you were roughed up by some thugs, younger Sansa is a crier. When she finds you she's holding onto you with strength you didn't know she had. Unlike older Sansa who would be ready to pass someone's death sentence, younger Sansa only cares about you feeling better. She does her best to make you a prayer wheel like her mother does for her.
Margaery Tyrell: She'd be a lot more calm than you'd think, at least around others. Once she sees you lying in bed with your leg elevated, she's questioning the hell out of you. What happened? Who was it? Do you need anything? Milk of the Poppy? It's almost entertaining to see how much she worries in contrast to her usual cool attitude. After you assure her that you're alright she's cuddling up in bed with you, probably to read something to you.
Theon Greyjoy: Pre!Reek Theon would instantly be at arms and ready to fight whoever touched you. He's possessive and the thought of ANYONE touching you pisses him off but especially if they meant to harm you. He wouldn't know how to express his worry for you so he'd just angrily stand by you as you recover. Post!Reek Theon is deeply insecure and guilty about you getting hurt. He still wants to fight whoever hurt you but he's more concerned with making sure you're okay.
Khal Drogo: *Activate instant death mode* I mean we saw what happened when Daenerys almost got poisoned, think about actually getting poisoned. Having to lay in bed for days while Drogo goes out in search for whoever did this to you. It doesn't matter why they did it or if you die or not, all that matters to him is giving them the most painful death possible. When he's done, he sits at your bedside knowing you are strong and capable of overcoming this.
Brienne of Tarth: It was only a training accident but your messed up ankle reminded Brienne how fragile you were. She was born and raised to endure the pain that came with being a knight/fighting, but you never asked for it. She'll feel upset at herself for not teaching you properly and it'll come off as anger towards you. Truly she doesn't mean it but if being hard on you will keep you safe next time then she knows what she has to do.
Missandei: Tearsss. She's crying before she even knows what happened to you. Stays by your bedside as you heal from a battle wound and takes responsibility for changing your dressings and cleaning the injury. Missandei knows that this is the life you've chosen to live, but sometimes she wishes she could take you away to her homeland safe from any harm.
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roosterforme · 4 months
Covering the Classics Part 12 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: When Anna noticed that a new poem by her favorite, amateur writer had been posted, she was afraid to read the finality in his tone. But Bob always managed to surprise her. And maybe she could find a way to surprise Kevin, too.
Warnings: Angst, Kevin is a dick, adult language, 18+
Length: 3600 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story is part of the Beer Boy/Sugar and Jake/Jessica universe)
Covering the Classics masterlist. Check my masterlist for more!
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After that, it was radio silence. Anna didn't reach out to Bob, and he didn't try to either. He went to the Hard Deck on Friday night and lasted about an hour before excusing himself. Nobody asked him why he was bailing after one ginger ale and a single cup of peanuts, and that was enough to tell him that everyone knew. Everyone knew he slept with Anna. Everyone knew she was married. Everyone knew that they shouldn't talk about it in front of him for fear that the ladies would snap their necks. Even Nat was being very kind and considerate which wasn't really like her at all. 
When Bob was halfway to the door, he felt a small hand curl around the back of his bicep. "I'll see you tomorrow night for D&D?"
He nodded down at Jessica's hopeful face. "Yeah. I can pick you up if you want."
Her face brightened a little bit. "I'll text you in the morning." He turned to walk out, and her hand slid down his arm. "Hey, Bob? Don't give up hope on her, okay?"
He didn't know how to respond, so he just kept walking. He had no idea what to say or what to think. It wasn't like he could stop loving someone overnight. He didn't really want to either. Anna's life was quite frankly messier than he had ever expected. She did a pretty good job of hiding it from everyone, and it seemed like she would have continued down that path if they didn't have sex. And that was the other issue; it wasn't just sex to Bob. Anna knew about the things he tried to hide himself, and she seemed to want him in that moment anyway. 
Her words from the previous night made him ache. 
'You're perfect. You're Sky Writing. You're the handsome man from the bookstore who smells like tea and soap. You're Bob, the guy my friends knew I would fall in love with as soon as I met them.'
If that meant she was in love with him or that she thought she could be someday, then he was afraid to walk away from her. But now he was terrified of getting hurt or somehow hurting Anna like Kevin had. Part of him believed if he could just see Anna's husband with his own eyes, confirm that he was exactly the way she described him, then he might be able accept that she just needed time to settle her divorce and to heal. If that was the case, he wanted to make it work. 
In the meantime, when he got home, he ended up standing in his living room, staring at his bookshelf before going upstairs and staring at his bed. He could still picture her red hair all spread out for him. He could still feel it between his fingers as the silky strands slid along his palm. He could taste her on his tongue. He could hear her telling him what she wanted.
Bob picked up his computer and slipped under the covers, knowing he wasn't going to be able to sleep right now.
It had been there since early Saturday morning. A new one. Anna desperately wanted to read it and memorize it like she had the others, but she was afraid to face the finality. Her email alert mocked her every time she looked at it.
Sky Writing has posted a new, original work! Click the link below to check out the subscriber that you follow!
Bob wrote a new poem, and she didn't think she could handle reading exactly how he viewed her now. He'd never be like Kevin, openly belittling her or putting her down, but she knew the shiny packaging had been removed now, and he saw what was really inside. Just a mess of a human. She put off reading it and put off reading it, but when she was sitting at her desk at work on Monday, she made herself decide between reading the new poem or calling Kevin. After a fairly short debate, she decided to read the poem. It was probably so bad, calling Kevin later wouldn't even feel painful in comparison. 
She tapped on the link in her email and was taken to something so unexpected, she gasped as she read it.
There is empty space on my bookshelf,
The one I bought with you in mind.
I didn't know it was for you at the time,
But one night made it obvious,
Before an instance took it.
Reality surpassed intention today.
Your worn favorites and mine pristine,
Should mingle and mix,
Genre forgotten.
Dog eared pages became so endearing.
But I'll never see them on my shelf,
Unless you come back and stay this time.
The format was different from what he usually wrote, but it was so obviously Sky Writing. So obviously Bob. So obviously about her. And he didn't sound angry. Could he possibly miss her after everything she did and said?
She jumped when her phone vibrated on her desk, and for a split second, she believed it could be Bob. Her heart beat faster with anticipation, but it was from somebody else.
Jessica Reed: If you don't come down to this weird tree right now, we're going to come up and get you.
Anna had lost track of time. It was after noon now. She knew that her friends were trying to make sure she was holding herself together after she refused to go to the Hard Deck over the weekend. How could she continue to go somewhere that Bob had the rights to first? It wasn't until she read his Sky Writing poem that she thought perhaps there was a chance he might not only be okay with her presence but perhaps even miss her like she missed him.
With her sad little lunch in hand, she dragged herself down to the quad, trying to decide when was the best time to call Kevin. She was tired of going through lawyers who couldn't seem to get him to budge, and each ninety day window just ate away at more of her soul. She should have been so much more careful with her writing when she had the opportunity, and now he'd completely locked her out of being able to access it. 
No, she was going to have to beg him, plead with him, anything it took to get what she wanted without giving away where she'd moved. Maybe if he agreed to let her have her manuscript, one of her friends would let her borrow money for a flight back to New Jersey to retrieve it. She was getting ahead of herself, but she couldn't help it. She needed to at least get this one thing.
"There she is!"
Anna looked up to see her friends directly in front of her on the bench by the tree, and the fact that they both looked happy to see her made her heart ache. "Hi," she said softly as she sat down between them when they both scooted over.
"Hummus?" her friend asked, passing along a container while she bit into her perfect looking chicken salad sandwich on artisan bread. Anna accepted a few bites of Bradley's gourmet snack, because she was absolutely starving today.
"Thanks," she murmured, and she let herself sink into the background a little bit as the two other women continued the conversation they'd been having. Now that she was down here with his friends, she couldn't stop thinking about Bob again. His soft hair and his kind eyes. The way he always paid attention to her when she was talking. How good he made her feel.
She listened to her friends argue about alumni weekend for a few minutes before she finally cut them off to ask, "Has Bob said anything about me?" Both of them looked at her, and she quickly added, "I can't stop thinking about him."
Jessica smiled softly and said, "Not a word, but I've never seen him look so sad. And I mean that in a good way, because although I know he's confused and hurt, I'm pretty sure he just misses you."
"But," the other woman quickly cut in, "the most important thing right now is making sure you take care of yourself. Even if you are in love with Bob."
"Oh!" Jessica exclaimed. "I have an idea! We could just kill Kevin!"
Anna snorted in spite of herself. "That would actually solve a lot of my problems. Maybe even all of them."
"Only one problem with that," Advanced Calculus said blandly. "You're not a killer, Jessica."
"I could kill someone," Jessica muttered under her breath, and truly Anna almost laughed, because Jessica Reed was one of the gentlest people she'd ever met. The most violent thing about her was her Dungeons & Dragons character. "I could at least probably slap him."
"He wouldn't know what hit him," Anna said, and all three women erupted into laughter. And it felt so strange to feel genuine happiness, even if it only lasted for a few seconds, that Anna almost started crying. As their amusement died down, she asked her friends, "Do you think.... Bob would respond if I texted him?"
Jessica squeaked, and then both women said, "Yes."
Bob was back to square one. Back at the bookstore. He was fifteen minutes early. He was already looking through the Classics. He was about to meet up with Anna. He was nervous.
Nat scoffed when he told her where he was going, and he truly did appreciate that his friend wanted him to proceed with caution, but she just didn't understand how Anna made him feel. Being friends with her after sleeping together a total of one time might kill him, but he knew that was probably all he could have now.
It was almost like he could sense that she was there. He looked up from the Shakespeare volume in his hand, and he saw her walk in the door. As he got closer to the loft railing, he saw her glance up and meet his eyes like it was some depraved version of Romeo and Juliet. She mouthed the word Hi before she headed for the stairs, and in less than a minute, she was standing right in front of him. 
Anna looked nervous, but everything else was just the same. Those perfect freckles decorated her face. Her brown eyes were bright. Her pretty hair was in a messy braid. He saw her burgundy nail polish as she fidgeted with her denim jacket. He wanted to know if she still thought he was the kind of person she could love. He wanted to ask her if her husband was any closer to signing papers. Instead he said, "I was surprised when you texted me."
Her eyes went wide, and he wished he could shove his foot in his mouth as she started looking around anywhere but at his face. "I need some books for my feminist literature course, and I just thought maybe you'd like more books for your bookshelf."
Had she read his newest poem? It was a sloppy one that he wrote late on Friday night and posted on a whim. She could have deleted her account by now or vowed never to read anything else by Sky Writing. But that didn't stop the poem from being about her.
"I do need some more books for my shelves," he replied, and her eyes finally settled on his again. "And you don't have to be nervous around me. I know you're dealing with a lot, and I promise I won't touch you or anything."
Now she just looked sad and distraught, but she nodded and turned down the very aisle where they first met. Bob had to fight to keep a few feet of space between them as she said, "I'm looking for Mary Wollstonecraft, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton."
They worked their way slowly up and back down each aisle, falling into a natural conversation in spite of the awkwardness between them. In spite of the way Bob couldn't keep himself from looking at her as she ran her fingers along the spines. When she wanted something that was on a top shelf, he reached it down for her. When her hands got full, he offered his up for her use. And to his delight and also sadness, she kept recommending books for him along the way. That's how he ended up with Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day as well as The Importance of Being Earnest in his hand when she led the way downstairs to pay.
Bob cleared his throat as Anna reached into her pocket for some cash. "I can get them."
Her brown eyes snapped up to meet his, and her cheeks turned pink. He already knew what Kevin did, and while he didn't think there was any harm in saying it, he could tell that she at least had her pride intact. "The college is going to reimburse me," she said firmly before handing forty dollars across the counter.
"Right," Bob said before paying for his own books. When they walked out into the fading sunlight, he looked down into her pretty face. "Will you let me drive you home? Not because I think I need to, but because I want to?"
She seemed at war with herself as she looked across the street and pressed her lips together. But her eyes fluttered closed and she said, "I would really appreciate that."
The interior of his truck was quiet the whole way as their books sat on the seat between them. Only the soft hum of the radio helped Bob hold his thoughts at bay. The ride wasn't too long, and when they were most of the way there, Anna finally spoke. 
"I'm going to deal with my shit. I promise."
Unsure exactly how he should respond, Bob simply said, "Okay."
When he pulled up in front of her building, he turned toward her, intending to ask if she wanted him to walk her up, but she was gathering her books together as she said, "I don't know how you feel about me now. I don't know if you could want me again. But I am going to deal with Kevin. I am going to fix my life. Because I want to move on. I need to." When he was so flustered that he didn't immediately respond, Anna said, "You know where to find me. Thanks for the ride."
He watched her run up the sidewalk before struggling to open the door with her arms full, and then she ducked inside when he finally figured out what he wanted to say. "I'll find you."
If Anna even had a hope or a prayer at a chance with Bob ever again, she needed to work up the nerve. A real chance with him now that he knew all about her disastrous marriage was what she wanted, but she needed to sort Kevin out first. 
As far as she could tell, everything came down to two options: keep her freedom by giving Kevin ownership of her manuscript, or keep her self worth by fighting until she didn't have anything left to give up. And both of them sounded terrifying. The whole weekend passed where she tried so many times to call him. She took her phone out again and again, let her thumb hover over her husband's phone number, and then chickened out. His voice was like a distant memory, and she didn't want to bring it back to the forefront of her mind. He hadn't reached out one time since she up and left without telling him where she was going, and she was afraid to let him know where she was now.
The worst part was, he would know immediately why she was calling. He knew that he had the one thing she wanted. He cut off her access to the cloud files where she should have been able to piece her writing back together. It would have been time consuming, but she would have been all too happy to do it. She should have known better than to let him have so much of her life and so many of her resources in only his name, but there was a time when she trusted him. That was the part that made her so sick. She had trusted her husband, and now look where it got her.
A shiver went through her body as she woke up for work too early on Monday morning. She wanted Kevin's computer where everything was saved. She wanted access to the cloud. She didn't want a damn penny from him otherwise. She was aggressively brushing her teeth, wishing she had more to eat than a granola bar when she spit out her toothpaste and rinsed her mouth.
She hated him. She hated him so much, she was going to call him right now. Without a backward glance, she marched over to where her phone was charging and pulled the cable out. Before she could even think about exactly what she was going to say, she tapped on his stupid name.
Anna was breathing fast and deep, her heart pounding in her ears when she heard his voice for the first time in so many months.
"Anna?" he asked, her whole body cringing after just one word. His voice was scratchy as if she had woken him up, but it was 9:16 in New Jersey. He should be on his way to work if not there already.
"Kevin," she snapped, gripping her phone tighter. She was getting angrier by the second as she listened to him yawn while she looked around her tiny apartment.
His tone was condescending as he said, "Of course you'd call me at six in the fucking morning after I haven't hear a word from you except through a lawyer since July. What the hell do you want?"
She couldn't do this. She couldn't talk to him. While she felt strong a few minutes ago, her resolve was already crumbling. She wanted to tell him that he knew damn well what she wanted, but then she zeroed in on what he said. "What do you mean it's six in the morning? It's after nine."
His voice was suddenly loud and harsh. "I meant exactly what I said. I'm in California for a medical convention. Now get to the point of your call."
Her mouth felt like sandpaper as she carefully put her phone on speaker. She started searching for Neurological conventions in California while she told him, "I just want my manuscript. Please, Kevin. That's all I want, and then you can be rid of me."
The bite was gone from his voice, replaced by a lazy tone, and he spoke to her as if she were a very simple child. "It's not going to happen, Anna. I didn't cut off access to it for no reason. It's worth money. You can pay me for it, or you can kiss it goodbye. I might even publish it myself."
She was gasping for air as she scrolled through her search results, coming up with a conference in Carlsbad that was starting today. As the page loaded, she swallowed and told him, "I'll sue you if you do." But even she knew she was full of shit.
"What what money, Anna? I'm surprised you can still afford your lawyers. I don't even want to know what you're doing to make ends meet right now."
Then she saw it. She saw his name. He was a keynote speaker at the National Neurological Physicians Association conference. He was less than an hour away. She sank down to her knees in surprise and fear. Her mind was swirling with information and ideas, and she couldn't even comprehend what Kevin was saying now.
"What?" she gasped.
"I said come up with some money for me, or I'm not signing shit." Then he ended the call as her hands started shaking. She dropped her phone onto her bed. He was in Carlsbad. Maybe she could surprise him. Maybe she could talk him into it easier in person.
Anna had to run to the bathroom to be sick, but her mind was made up. Once she cleaned herself up again, she tearfully made the decision to cancel her morning classes via email, and then she started grabbing her purse and her essentials. She folded up the newest copy of the divorce paperwork her lawyer had emailed to her and tucked it away. Then she ran for the bus stop, nearly tripping several times as she read through the schedule of speakers who were at the conference this week on her phone. If she caught a bus within the next fifteen minutes, she might make it in time to see Kevin right before he gave his welcome speech.
We will meet Kevin in the next chapter. Now is an acceptable time to start sharpening your knives. Bob, please don't give up on Anna. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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22ayla19 · 3 months
Jiaoqiu x Reader
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You have known Jiaoqiu since childhood. You liked his mischievous and cunning nature, and it’s not surprising, because he is a fox, and although you are a long-liver, you are an ordinary person from Yaoqin.
As the years passed, although you were friends, as you grew older you were busy with your work. Jiaoqiu as a healer in the alchemy commission, and you as the owner of a small traditional-style cafe. Over the years, Jiaoqiu matured and no matter how you look at it, he was still an enviably handsome man. It would be a lie to say that you liked him too, but remembering his character at times... Yes, it’s better that you don’t need such a thorn in the form of a sly fox who always loves to tease.
Later, you were stunned by the news that he would quit his business due to a broken heart. You tried to support him, to bring clarity to his clouded mind from love, but in the end you had a big quarrel, which is why your long-term friendship collapsed.
Even if Jiaoqiu later realized his mistake, he understood that you were unlikely to accept his apology, because then he told you a lot of unnecessary things, which he really shouldn’t have done. And although he smiled at others with his signature grin, when he saw you, this smile disappeared. He felt very bad at heart for his words.
At some point, he even came to terms with the fact that he had lost someone so close to whom he would trust his life. Until one day you came to his pharmacy.
There was no face on you. My eyes were swollen from crying, black circles under my eyes from insomnia, and I just looked tired. Jiaoqiu was horrified to see you like this. The smile that always accompanied him disappeared.
- (Y/N)? - the fox hesitantly pronounced your name. You didn’t look like yourself, even if it was that you were offended by him, you weren’t so upset. What happened to you while you were quarreling?
To be honest, you didn’t want to come to him, especially in this form, but you knew that the only person (fox) you could trust was Jiaoqiu. Taking a step towards him, you said with a voice hoarse from crying:
- My mom died...
- What?... - Jiaoqiu’s shock was impossible to describe in words. He knew your mother as a strong and resilient woman. He won’t deny that your mother scared him at times, but despite this, she cared for and sincerely loved the mischievous little fox with whom her daughter was friends.
- This morning at 8:20, my mother died in intensive care. For the last year and a half, she was sick with something, all the healers from the Alchemy Commission could not help her, - a minute of silence in which Jiaoqiu did not believe your words. -... I don’t believe... I don’t believe that she died!
Falling to your knees, you began to cry hysterically again. You didn’t want to believe that such a strong and healthy person like your mother died from illness. She had never in her life complained that something hurt her or that she felt bad. Even the commission’s doctors were surprised at how strong your mother’s body was, with all this amazing willpower that helped her in the fight against the disease, but even this did not help. Experienced doctors, a strong body and the desire to live next to her beloved daughter did not help her overcome the disease.
Jiaoqiu himself didn’t fully believe in your words, but seeing how you were crying hysterically and didn’t believe what happened, the only thing he did at that moment was hug you. When you lose someone close, it is a terrible pain that even time cannot heal. He knew that you were strong, that perhaps you could cope with the loss, because your parents passed on two strengths to you: your mother’s perseverance and your father’s patience.
Jiaoqiu hugged you until you fell asleep from powerlessness. Taking you in his arms, he carried you to his home so that you could rest, although looking at your condition, he understood that you wouldn’t be able to rest much, so he decided to stay next to you in order to calm or support you if something happened.
As you understand, the situation described in the story is directly related to me. As someone who has lost a loved one, I will simply say: value the time you spend with your loved ones, because you will never know when Death will take them away from you. No one expected that my mother would die, even those closest to me, we all hoped for the best, but even so, an absolutely healthy person developed cancer. Well, I... I still don’t believe it, I’m still waiting for my mother to call me and say that she’s feeling better, but she won’t call me again...
Appreciate the time spent with loved ones.
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unoislazy · 11 months
Oldest to newest
(The only things out of order are the Headcanons which can all be found at the same spot, specifically for BES)
If I did it correctly you should be able to click the underlined places and they’ll send you right to the story!
Special Information
Request Information
Y'all will never believe what I forgot to add
How To Aim
Arthur Morgan x Reader
One Part
Th actual fic that started it all
Question? What Question?
Hiccup x Reader
Part 1
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: Hiccup accidentally lets it slip that his father is expecting him to ask someone a question. Who could that someone be… and what’s the question?
Part 2
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: You and Hiccup go out to figure out where that smokes coming from. You decide to return back to Berk to tell Stoick what you saw. However, Stoick had other plans in mind.
Somethings Off About That Boy
Hiccup x Reader
Part 1
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Hiccup has always been weird but lately he’s been acting… weirder than usual. What could he be hiding? Maybe you should try to find out on your own. Who knows, maybe he’s just going to the woods to make weird outfits.
Hiccup Haddock Headcanons
Word Count:459
Hiccup x reader headcanons : just general ones, no specific focus.
What Can Never Be
Hiccup Haddock x Reader
One Part
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: You and Hiccup fight together during the battle against Drago Bludvist, what could go wrong?
Warning: a bit of angst
Trapped With You
Hiccup x Reader
One Part
Word Count: 3.4K
Warnings: if you’re prone to second hand embarrassment this one’s gonna be a doozy
A Dragon Trappers Fate
Eret son of Eret x Reader
Part 1
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: You’re forced to tag along on the quest to find Hiccup after he went off, determined to find Drago. While you there you happen to stumble across a certain dragon trapper. You feel… weird when you look at him. Why?
Part 2
Word Count: 1.7k Words
Summary: you thought you’d only have to see Eret once and never again, that way that weird feeling you got when you looked at him would disappear. Well, turns out you need him again so you an find out where Drago Bludvist is located. No one better to interrogate than a dragon trapper.
Just Talk To Me!
Hiccup x Reader
One Part
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: You and Eret have gotten pretty close due to your constant fighting practice. Of course, a certain chief isn’t too happy about it but he has a bit of trouble trying to tell you this.
The Outsider
Hiccup Haddock x Reader
(Shocker I Know)
Part 1
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: You wound up on the shores of Berk after something… had happened to you. Thankfully someone had found you and reported your presence to the Chief.
Blue Eye Samurai
Spar With Me
Mizu x Reader
Part one
Word Count: 2.7k
Part Two
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: Not much sparring actually happens this time. But you still somehow wind up in an embarrassing position.
Disclaimers: light language, has not been proofread, shorter and way more embarrassing than the last chapter
Part Three
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: after dealing with a situation in town, Mizu helps you calm down a bit.
Disclaimer; a small bit of violence
Healing Takes Time
Injured! Mizu x Reader
One Part
Word Count: 4.9k
Summary: you’re just a simple healer minding your business, avoiding a fight that had broken out along your street when suddenly an extremely wounded strange man ends up at your door.
Disclaimers; very soft angst, nothing too bad.
Part Two
Jealousy Looks Good On You
Mizu x Jealous!Reader
One Part
Word Count: 3.6k
Summary: You and Mizu have been close friends for quite some time. You truly enjoyed each others company, that was until Taigen showed up.
Disclaimers; light language, has not been proofread, I am currently delirious from packing and moving all day but I had to write this out to feed the starved mizu lovers. A fair amount may not make sense at this point in time. My apologies ❤️
'Til The Caged Bird Sings
Mizu x Mixed! Fem! Reader
Part One
Part Two
Word Count: 3.9k
Content Warning: Contains violence and mentions of SA
Part Three
Cw: A bit bloody, mentions of SA
Mizu Dating Headcanons
Mizu Fluff Headcanons
Jealous Mizu Headcanons
BES Characters and pets
BES College Au
NSFW Mizu Headcanons
Fucking Brat
Mizu X reader
Part One
Disclaimer: light cursing obvious
Heated but no NSFW
Your Touch
Mizu x Reader
One Part
I lied, here's
Part Two
Fem! Reader
a bit heated, but doesn't go all the way
I Am No Coward
Mizu x Fem! Reader
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Mizu Drawings 1
Mizu Drawings 2
Mizu Drawings 3
Mizu Drawings 4
Mizu Drawings 5
Mizu Doodle (w/ Progress picture)
Mizu Drawings 6
Mizu Drawings 7
Mizu Drawings 8
Mizu Drawings 9
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Jay Halstead: The Man Who Loves Her 
The link to the song that inspired this is here. This was healing for me to write. I hope everyone finds someone who will defend and protect them like Jay Halstead.  
Warnings: Daddy issue & alcoholism  
The bar was a hole in the wall. It was dingy but Jay had been in worse for work. Unfortunately, this unsavory stop had nothing to do with his job, and he knew he couldn’t get this bastard to bend to his will by flashing his badge. He knew he would get no satisfaction out of the encounter, more likely to be more pissed off than anything. 
He saw his target sitting at the bar in a dark corner. A beer was in his hand still chilled and two more empty next to him. Jay took a breath and then another to calm his anger.  
An attempt that failed. 
He charges over to the man with purpose and clears his throat. The man in front of him grunts. It pushes Jay’s buttons a little too well. He clears his throat again louder, and this time when he gets the same response, he slams his hand a little too roughly on the man's shoulder. It has the intended effect; the man turns to growl at Jay. “Do I know you?” 
“You would have if you had bothered to show up tonight.” The man sighs heavily and turns forward waving his hand in a clear dismissal as he takes another sip of a beer. Jay feels the anger start to bleed into fury. He let a breath out of his nose. He sits down on the stool next to the man. He grabs the bottle that's up to the other man's lips and slams it back onto the bar. Foam and beer spurts on the bar top. Eyes flash towards the disturbance. 
“Listen,” His tone is low and with a razorblade edge. “This isn't some shit that you get to wave away. She waited for you for hours. What the fuck was the point of making plans with her if you had no intention of showing up?” Your father glances down refusing to make eye contact with Jay’s icy blue gaze. “No, I was the one who pushed her to meet up with you again. The least you can do is look me in the eyes and talk to me man to man.” Jay slams his hand down the bar top when the man's stubborn gaze still refuses to meet his. His gaze shoots up at the noise. 
 More curious looks but Jay didn’t give a fuck about the scene he was causing. “You're a real piece of work, you know that.”  
“I tried my best,” Jay scoffed, his hands unconsciously turning to fists. 
“Your best? Bailing out of her when she needed you as a kid? Whirlwining in and out of her life for her early twenties? Not even being able to keep a fucking dinner that you invited her to? If that’s your best, I hate to see what you not caring looks like.”  
“It was just a bad time- a rough day- she will understand. She always does.” Jay was practically vibrating with anger.  
Your father hadn’t seen your doubt on his return. Hadn't heard you wave off the possibility of getting together. He hadn’t been there when Jay persuaded you into making those plans thinking it would be good for you- thinking it would help mend fences. He hadn’t seen the indifference turn to uncontrollable tears as the time passed in the restaurant. He didn’t know the fallout of his actions. The trust issues you had. The inability to believe that someone would stick around. He didn’t get crushed by the lack of self-confidence you had.  
Jay did. 
He was the one who had to heal the wounds that your father had left etched into your heart. The slow pace and the backtracking in your relationship. He had thought that he understood the problems you had with your dad. That he knew the pain that your dad had caused you. He now knew that you had downplayed the severity. You had clearly given him more than the benefit of the doubt. He felt like a complete asshole for pushing. His father’s death and the damage it had caused him were projected onto you instead.  
“We will try to get together again-” The beer never far from his fingertips returned to his lips to take another long pull. It was compulsory and Jay wanted to break his fingers.  
“No.” Jay growled definitely.  
“Now son,” 
“I’m not your son. And if you think for one second that I’m going to put her through this again, you're out of your damn mind. I wasn’t under the impression that you would try to fix everything, but I thought you would at least let her know that what happened wasn’t her fault.” 
“She knows that. She knows I love-”
Jay scoffs and gets up to leave. Your father doesn’t call after him or even acknowledge that he has got up to leave. Jay only takes a step before turning around. “You know I pity you. Your daughter is the most amazing person. Smart, funny, and pretty. She is sensitive but tough. A better person than I will ever be.” Jay reached into his back pocket. “I love her, and I get to go home to her tonight, and every other night of my life. But you? You’ve been damned from it, and you have no one to blame but yourself. Don’t call her again until you want to be a father.” Jay throws a twenty on the bar where it absorbs the spilled beer. “Here, the next round is on me.”  
Jay doesn’t look back as he exits the bar.    
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ornii · 7 months
Tara Carpenter x Male Reader?
Funny enough, I was never a big Horror Fan so the Scream series went under my radar. Conveniently enough I decided to watch the latest one and I gotta say not too bad.
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Takes years to form, can be broken in one moment.
After a short but memorable service in the Army, you were able to take an honorable discharge after barely a year, after searching a Home you saved your squad from a makeshift IED. It Left a few scars, but that was the last of the physical damage, mental damage can never truly be measured and heal fully, but you’re managing. Hearing the Murders of Woodsboro, and Tara surviving thankfully.
You and Tara had been friends since moving to Woodsboro years ago, just kids at the time but there was something really different about her, you couldn’t put your finger on it but she always lit up the room, and specifically took your breath away. Leaving for Basic Training, you never got a chance to admit it, but you knew once you returned it was the first thing to do on your bucket list.
So when you were discharged, Blackmore University was a nobrainer to attend. But it was only downhill after that, the Killings return, and it seemed to return just as you did.
It was all too much of a coincidence for anyone else to ignore. So they did the only sensible thing.
You were standing in the middle of the apartment, unsure of what to do. You were essentially surrounded by Tara, Sam, Chad, and Ethan. “I don’t understand..” you said, your eyes tracing along the eyes staring at you. “You think.. it’s me?” You ask. And Chad stepped up first.
“We heard what happened at Woodsboro, it just, takes someone pretty skilled to do that stuff..” he said, Chad had an attitude that he didn’t want to believe it, but a capable man with a knife is pretty tough. You looked over to everyone else, Quinn seems indifferent, Sam was reluctant to speak and Tara couldn’t look you in the eye.
“Tara, Tara look at me…” you pleaded, Teary eyed she slowly looks up to meet your gaze.
“You really think I could do this? I came back here for you, why would I…” you slowly trail off, silent as you truly were at a loss.
“I don’t want to believe it..” she said, “but.. it just all looks bad..” She admits, and that truly broke your heart, the one person you wanted to believe you, before you could say anything, Ethan walks over putting his arm around Tara to try to soothe her. Ethan always had a slimy attitude, and you never really felt, safe around him. But seeing him do that to Tara made your skin crawl. Something about this, about all of this, was way off.
“(Y/n), Quinn’s dead, we have to stop this before more people die; if it isn’t you then the police are gonna release you.” Sam explains, and they wheel an office chair with arms over for you to sit. Seeing how distressed Tara was, you very reluctantly sat down on it, and allowed them to bind your arms to the chair. Tapping your foot restlessly, you eyed Ethan. “Feel safer now?” You said obviously with sarcasm, and Ethan give this look. Of disappointment.
“Look I know service does a lot to the brain.” He started, and you realized just what he’s about to do.
“No you fucking don’t..” you cut him off sternly and harshly, knowing his plan to blame your PTSD and use it to label someone as unstable. Ethan gives you another look, as if he’s hiding a smile.
“Let’s give him some fresh air at least, would be better for him.” Ethan walks over and calmly pushes you to the balcony, “it’s for your own good.” He mutters a bit abruptly, and walks back to the others, you can’t hear what they’re saying but Tara eyes you a few times. You wanted to plead and beg for her to listen to you, but it would have been for nothing, she’s already convinced it was you. Your train of thought was cut off by footsteps around you, mostly above, you hear them and look up to see someone heading down, it was too dark to make out who it was, but once you saw the flash of steel with their knife you instantly knew.
“Guys! Guys!” You shook and kicked to get their attention, they all looked over as you fought to break free. You screamed for help, It was too late, heading down the fire escape, Ghostface made their appearance, grabbing your legs they lifted you up and over the balcony, you felt the instant dizzying sensation of being tossed and your head slammed hard against the lower balcony rail, it all went dark after that but you tumbled against more rails and slammed on a hard sheet metal roof and slid off onto the ground.
Somehow, you still lived. Opening your eyes slowly you see the hard New York ground and the wheels of a dumpster, using what strength you had you were able to stand up, seems the chair broke most of your fall, but still causing cuts and bruises and probably a cracked rib or two. Using the dumpster you prop yourself up and reach into your pocket with your bloody hands to your cracked IPhone, it was near impossible to make any calls, but one app did catch your eye. Find my IPhone. Tapping on Tara’s name you spot her location, a old theatre. Tearing off the tape on your wrists you look around for anything to defend yourself, all you see is a sharp end of plastic from the fallen chair. Snatching it you make you plan.
You stand up, feeling a hot burning pain in your leg, specifically your ankle which probably has a torn ligament or shattered bone. You push the pain down and limp your way to the theatre. Pushing the door open with your bloody palms you limped in, to a sight you least expected. You watched Ethan terrorize Tara, who looks ready to fall off a ledge, Sam barely holding on as Quinn, who never was dead approaches, and Detective Bailey, aiming a gun at them all. It was all a ploy to kill you and lessen the numbers. Ethan’s words “for your own good” kept running in your head, he set you up to get killed. All that military training began to pay off, you crouched with a bad limp and had to crawl to avoid making too much noise, you crept up behind Bailey and didn’t hesitate. You took the sharp plastic and rammed it into the side of his neck with force. Using his other hand he tries to hold his neck to keep the blood loss. You reached and gripped his hand hard, forcing him to Aim at Quinn and crushing his tigger finger. A bullet flies and almost hits Quinn, Sam looks up to see you and you continue to force him to pull the trigger until one bullet gets lodged right in the head of Quinn. She drops dead and so does Bailey. You stood there, silent as Ethan turns to see you. You didn’t care why he did it, you didn’t care to even ask.
“Get Tara up.” You gave Sam her order and she took the change to yank her sister up while you handled Eathan. He danced the knife around his hands, waiting for you make a move but you knew better. You kept calm and locked in. Ethan thrashed at you to land a hit but you kept calm, keeping your distance and avoiding close cuts. You watch in go for a stab, you open your arm, he goes past it and you lock his arm under yours, with one swift jerk up you snapped his arm, you cocked back and began to hammer his face in, punch after punch. Ethan stumbles around and with one judo throw you slammed him into a table, exhausted from the ass beating you promptly put on him, he lies there, laughing.
“You don’t deserve her, I always wanted to stick something in her… and she picks you, a fuckin freak who cries when fireworks go off..” Ethan spoke with venom though his bloody teeth. You looked at him, disgusted.
“Cry me a river.. and fuckin drown in it.” You grabbed him, dragged his head to the edge of the table and lifted up your arm and slammed your elbow right into his eyesocket, his neck snaps back with a crunch, as he lays there, dead. (Y/n) slumps down, exhausted. After dispatching three serial killers like John Wick he finally breathes as the nightmare is over.
The FBI and Police arrive, taking statements and doing some investigating and body clean up. You were getting the cuts and bruises patched up, and the ankle looked at.
“Hairline fracture. Gonna need some time for it to heal but you’ll be walking again.” The EMT gave a warm smile to you and went to tend to Sam. You leaned your head back to finally rest, you felt a presence approach, he could immediately tell it was Tara.
“…What do you want?” You said, you tilt your heard back forward and look at her. She looked good, even if she was getting murdered half an hour ago, still so.. beautiful. “Can We.. can we talk?” She said, almost in a whisper. You scoot over the ambulance seat to let her sit down.
“I’m… so sorry I didn’t believe you. And you almost got killed for it..” she bit her bottom lip to keep from crying, as angry as you were, she got baited into it, you put your arm around her.
“I wish you trusted me but I understand why you didn’t, let’s just, relax first.” You felt her lean into your arm, content with how things are finally.
“Yeah.” She closes her eyes to take in the moment, and you finally let this nightmare end.
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So I've seen a lot of 'Hop actively dislikes and distrusts Steve', 'Hop tolerates Steve because he's useful during UD shenanigans but doesn't like him', and the big swing to 'Hop has adopted Steve as his own and treats him the same/almost the same as he does El'
BUT, I present:
Hop pseudo adopts Steve because when he and Owens were trying to get the Harringtons to make any decisions about their teenager who saw some sketchy shit and may need government testing they legally gave Hop the rights to act in loco parentis and he takes that seriously because he doesn't want another Will Byers and he's pretty sure the Harrington kid has a concussion.
Hop who stays involved just enough in Steve's life season 1-3 that we the audience see Steve is getting attached. But Hop just sees an annoying kid who won't leave him alone when he's trying to deal with a rebellious psychic and her insane little friends and keeps asking stupid questions about highschool romance and teenage rivalry drama. Knows Joyce Byers doesn't like the kid but won't give a lot of reason why but he's mostly learned to trust that woman's judgement about people. Still gets him the job at Scoops when the kid's dad makes a stink about college and tells him if he survives a few months there he'll consider bringing him on the force, makes sense to keep him close and in a position to help should shit hit the fan again.
Hop who doesn't get it when Steve is one of the most relieved when he 'comes back to life' after Joyce and Murray bring him back from Russia. When Steve introduces him as "My Hop," (something he'd taken to calling him just before season 2 shenanigans) to his sarcastic, fidgety little friend like it means something. The girl, Robin, looks between the two of them and gets this sad look on her face for a second before smiling and shaking his hand and saying something about "Dingus has told me all about you".
Hop who complains to Murray one of the times The Party and assorted teens and adults are over at his renovated and expanded cabin (courtesy of Owens and shady government organizations recognizing these people are worth investing in, heavily if omens are to be believed) when the bald annoyance asks about what's up on there. Complains about having annoying teenagers who have nothing better to do but pester him legally put under his supervision cause their parents can't be assed to care and are spoiled little shits who are slightly more bearable versions of said parents cause he can stand toe to toe with one of those monsters they faced and the kids kind of listen to him. Complains about barely being able to breathe cause of regular visits and check-ins like Hop was still responsible for him. Says at least the extra hands are useful around the cabin what with the still healing up and El pacing herself after the showdown with Creel and still trying to find Max and the Byers not quite moved back to Hawkins yet.
Hop who doesn't realize that Steve hears every word cause he had gone looking for the older man when he disappeared for more than a few minutes, when he couldn't see him to make sure he was here and safe and alive. Steve who thought Hop actually had come to care for him in his own gruff way and had confessed to Robin that in a lot of ways the way Hop has taken care of him makes him the closest thing to the father figure he's always wanted but never thought he'd get to have. Steve who hears Murray hum and recollect a visit from Nancy and Jonathan where their romance officially started (he vaguely knows about the visit, didn't realize that's what happened, didn't realize she couldn't be bothered to even do the decent/considerate thing before moving on to something better) because it seemed it was a pattern he was seeing 'people liked Steve, but people didn't love Steve'.
Hop who hears a choked sound like someone taking a claw to the gut and turns to see Harrington. Steve Harrington his bandages just peeking out from the collar of his shirt and the opening of his sleeves. (He never did get the stories behind those, too busy being fussed over and being told about the kids and how they were doing as Harrington played babysitter) Steve Harrington a kid who went through hell and still managed to smile and laugh and stand tall and unyielding looking at him with a blank face his eyes misty and his shoulders starting to curl in on himself before he clears his throat, chokes out that he just wanted to make sure Hop was alright but looks like Murray had everything under control. He'd go now, get out of his hair, let him rest, let him breathe. Steve Harrington who walks away with purpose like a man on a mission and doesn't acknowledge the kids calling out asking if he's alright, make sure he has his walkie talkie on him.
Hop, who realizes maybe he left behind two kids who missed (needed) him. Who wonders who took care of Harrington's paperwork when he was concussed and sedated because he was bleeding out and feverish from infection and Hop was busy at the cabin reveling in the comfort and warmth of his daughter and the woman he loved and her two sons who were fast becoming like his own. Hop, who realizes too late that maybe if he'd given the kid half a chance he could have had 3 sons to sit with him and his daughter and the woman he loved as they basked in surviving another end-of-the-world. Hop who has spent years barely giving a damn about Steve Harrington and realizes that he's no better than the kid's own parents.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4.1
Part 4.2
Part 5
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honeyedmiller · 1 year
Law of Attraction — Chapter One: Rough Draft
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series masterlist | next chapter
rating: 18+, minors dni.
warnings: Professor!Joel, reader is self conscious for a bit, reader is mentioned to be plus sized, no outbreak au, smut (fingering, thigh riding, f oral receiving, unprotected piv), pet names, age gap (joel is in his mid forties and reader is in late twenties), no use of y/n.
word count: 4.4k
chapter synopsis: you need help with a paper you’re writing for Professor Miller’s class, and he’s more than happy to oblige.
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Professor Miller’s class was your favorite.
Criminal Law was your favorite subject, and Professor Miller made learning about it sound like the most interesting thing in the world (which to you, it truly was).
Although the class itself was a bit monotonous, you got to look at the most handsome Professor on the University of Austin’s campus. It was no secret that people only joined Professor Miller’s class just to ogle over him and his ruggedly handsome looks.
You, on the other hand, needed this class to graduate. Which means you needed to try. You were a good student; A’s and B’s as your final grades at the end of each semester, took good notes, studied hard, and asked for help when you needed it. However, you found it to be a bit difficult to do so for Professor Miller.
Even just being around him made you unintentionally blush. His eyes always tended to land on yours because you sat up front, and, well, tried to pay attention to the lesson. So, when you weren’t exactly confident in the rough draft of a paper you wrote for his class, you’d emailed him for help.
Good evening Professor Miller,
I was just wondering if I could have you read through the rough draft of my paper. I seem to be struggling a bit with this particular section of the course, and would like some feedback to see what I need to change or can improve.
Thank you and kind regards.
You held your breath as you clicked ‘send’, and in less than five minutes, he replied to you. Your heart leaped into your throat when you saw his name on the screen, and you rolled your eyes at yourself for getting so worked up over a man that you’d never be able to have, regardless if you were well above a legal age.
Of course. Meet me after class tomorrow and we can go over it in my office during my office hours.
Have a good night.
Professor M
You often thought of Professor Miller outside of class, and, sometimes, you’d let your mind wander to places it shouldn’t go. Places like what it’d feel like for him to run his hands over you, fingers in you, him moaning because of you.
Your thoughts always quickly dissipated though when reality sunk in. Surely he’d want someone his own age, not a student of his, and someone who was… well, thinner. You were a bigger girl and you’d struggled with your image a lot, especially because trauma from your childhood from being made fun of constantly haunted you into your adulthood.
It wasn’t easy not caring what people thought of you, especially since you weren’t society’s “standard” beauty. You were curvy, yes, but you didn’t have a flat tummy like other women. You’ve been on a journey of self love and healing for a long time, and you've come a long way. You've had a newfound confidence spring within you, but you just couldn't help the thought loom in the back of your mind as you fantasized about your unfairly gorgeous professor.
So, as it was, you went to bed that night fucking yourself with your fingers, wishing they were his instead as a ghost of his name was whispered from your lips.
It was unusually hot in Austin the next day, which resulted in you wearing a pencil skirt that came just above the knees, a button down shirt with the first couple of buttons undone, and strap back kitten heels. You had a presentation in your first class with a team to act as if you were profilers giving a profile on a high stakes case. So, naturally, you had to dress the part.
What you didn't take in account is the fact that several of your classmate's eyes landed on you as you walked into Professor Miller's class a few minutes before it started. Professor Miller's eyes snapped up and looked at you, taking in your professional attire. You felt your face get hot as you tried to subtly head to your desk in the front, but your heels clicking against the floor didn't help.
Joel cleared his throat as he typed something on his computer, turning on the projector so the screen could display today's lesson. Joel got up from his desk and trudged over to yours, knocking on it twice. Your head was already buried in the notes from the previous lessons, so his presence startled you.
"I remembered your email from yesterday. See me after class today if you can." He pauses, taking a moment to look over your features, pretty face was perfectly on display for him. Your eyebrows were furrowed and your doe eyes scanned his face, lips in a soft pout, and your chest was rising and falling faster than usual. The way he looked at you made you squeeze your legs together, and Joel noticed.
"For my paper." You stated matter-of-factly, rather than questioning it. He nodded, and you mirrored his actions once before he stalked back to his desk. He greeted the class shortly after, beginning the lesson almost immediately.
Class lasted the two hours as usual, and as everyone gathered their stuff, you stay put. You’d crossed your leg over one another because the heavy feeling of arousal just wasn’t going away.
Professor Miller looked particularly good today, with his hair done up and a tight cotton green button down hugging the muscles in his arms. You always admired his husky build, and this shirt he wore with the fitted denim jeans he had on accentuated it perfectly.
“So what exactly are you struggling with?” Professor Miller cuts to the chase, prompting you to come up to his desk. You clear your throat as you pull the rough draft from your folder, sliding out of your desk. You walk over to him, heels still clicking onto the floor with purpose. You hand him the paper and he takes it from you gently.
“I’m having trouble with the case study here,” You lean over his desk slightly, a perfectly manicured finger of yours pointing at the third paragraph on the first page. “I don’t know if I should apply or dispute it.” You chew on your bottom lip nervously, not realizing how incredibly sexy you look to your dear professor right now.
One of your hands was hooked to the edge of his desk, gripping on it to balance yourself as you leaned over giving him a slight peep of the very top of the soft flesh of your breasts. You biting your lip like that didn’t make things any better. Joel felt his cock twitch in his jeans, and he wanted to groan.
Joel’s admired your curviness since the first day you walked into his classroom. He always found plus size women attractive, so naturally, he felt more drawn to you. He knew you were a consenting adult and a grown woman at that, so he truthfully didn’t feel too guilty for unashamedly checking you out. You just never noticed.
Joel’s eyes snapped back to your paper, reading over the section you pointed at. “You should apply the argument,” Joel said, writing next to the printed words with red ink. “Everything looks good, though. Just apply the argument and assess the similarities between the two cases and you’re golden.” He hands you back the paper after writing his feedback.
“Great. Thank you for your help, Professor.”
“Call me Joel.”
You look at him a little confused. “Sir?” The word just slipped out of your mouth, and you didn’t realize what you’d just said until after the fact. Joel exhaled shakily out of his nose.
To change the subject, he took in your attire again. “What’ya doin’ dressed up all fancy like that?” He asks, leaning back in his chair. He was trying to distract his own mind from wandering places that it shouldn’t with you.
“Oh,” You laugh, and fuck if that wasn’t one of Joel’s new favorite sounds. “I have Professor Sanchez’s class before this. We had a group presentation today,” You turn away from him to put the paper back in your folder, so your back was facing him. You heard Joel get up from his chair, but his footsteps didn’t go far. It sounded like he was leaning up against his desk. “We basically had to give out a profile for a mock high stakes case.”
Joel hummed, and you whirred around to face him. His body looked elongated the way he leaned so cooly up against his mahogany desk, legs extended but crossed as his boots touched the ground, and his arms were crossed over his chest. He looked like a tall glass of water and you’d be damned if you didn’t get a sip.
“Professor Sanchez’s class sounds fun.” Joel quips, tilting his head.
“Yours is better.”
“Oh really? Why’s that?” He uncrosses his arms and pushes himself off of his desk, analyzing your body language again. He can tell by the way your legs are pressed together and the rising of your chest that you’re nervous, which makes him nearly smirk.
“More fun to learn about.” You shrug, trying to play it cool. You were certain he could see right through you, though, but neither of you were doing anything about it. You couldn’t help but have a hunch that Professor Miller might just want you the same way you want him. Maybe.
He huffs a chuckle and looks down at the linoleum tile on the floor, biting his tongue. You know he wants to say something, but he’s hesitant. So, you took the initiative and took a step closer to him, taking in his broad frame.
“Look, darlin’,” He starts, and your stomach flutters at the nickname. “I know you’re a grown woman and all, but you’re still my student.”
You tilt your head to the side in wonder, a ghost of a smirk on your lips. “What ever are you talking about, sir?” You’re playing with fire now as you take a step forward, just inches away from the man you’ve wanted to ruin you for so long.
“You know exactly–” He paused as you dragged your index finger down the side of his neck, to his exposed collarbone. “What I’m talkin’ about.”
“As far as I’m concerned, sir, we’re both consenting adults.” You drop your hand and shrug, your eyes feening innocence.
He sighs defeatedly, shaking his head.
“You’re not wrong about that. You don’t know how hard it’s been trying to keep my eyes to myself every time you walk into my classroom. And then you come in here looking like this?” Joel gestures to your whole body, and your heart is hammering in your chest.
“Never thought you’d look at me that way, Professor.” You confess.
“You kiddin’ me? You’re one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen in my life,” He scoffs as if he can’t believe you don’t see yourself in the same light that he does. He thinks for a moment before opening his mouth, then clamping it shut. It seems that he made a final decision when he sighs and closes his eyes, opening them to look directly into yours. His brown eyes were so mesmerizing, you almost didn’t hear him say his next words. “If you really want this, want me, follow me into my office.” He whispers, and you nod with subtle eagerness.
Holy fuck. You couldn’t believe this was happening. You trailed not too far behind him with your book bag slung over your shoulder, heels clicking against the floor in anticipation as you tried to keep up with his wide strides. You walked through a door in the classroom that led to a hallway with another door at the end. Joel unlocked the door and opened it for you, letting you in first. He trailed in hot on your heels and shut the door. He locked it and swiftly grabbed the softness of your hips, pushing you up against the door. You gasp softly, hands landing on his broad chest.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so beautiful.” Was all he said before he crashed his lips with yours, gripping one of your thighs and bringing it up to wrap around his waist. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of your thigh as your skirt rode to your hips, leaving you to feel just how hard Joel’s cock was getting.
You moaned into his mouth and tangled your fingers into his slightly graying hair, tugging the slightest bit. He pushed you even further into the door, grinding his hips into yours. You left out a soft whimper into his mouth, but he swallowed it right up when he swept his tongue over your bottom lip. You didn’t hesitate to let his tongue explore your mouth.
You both were clearly so ravenous for each other, and the clashing of tongues and teeth proved that. You gripped at each other like you’d both disappear and this would’ve been a sad, unfulfilling dream.
Joel pulled apart from your lips as he trailed his warm lips down your throat and to your collar bone, his hot tongue poking out to soothe tiny bites he made along the way.
“Joel, please.” You beg, not really sure for what though. You want him everywhere on you all at once. You wanted to drink him in like he was the last fucking water source in the world. You wanted to feel his burly muscles rippling beneath your hands as you became full of him, stretching you out so heavenly that you couldn’t even comprehend what was going on around you.
He moaned at the sound of his name rolling off your tongue, and he pulled apart from you. He dragged you over to his desk, where he sat down in his large office chair and pulled you down to straddle one thigh of his.
“Go on, baby, use me.” He breathed, brushing the curve of your cheekbone softly. You leaned forward to kiss him again, finally registering what he meant. You settled your clothed core over his jean-clad thigh, grinding yourself onto him slowly at first. The friction was heavenly and you knew you were already close.
So many days and nights of fantasizing about this and how it’d go down, only for it to come true in the end, was truly otherworldly. His large hands moved down to unbutton a couple of more buttons on your shirt before moving down the curves of your body to rest on your ass, giving it a squeeze. You brought your hands onto his shoulders to steady yourself as you began to really ride his thigh.
You moaned softly and your eyebrows threaded together, the friction becoming nearly unbearable.
“Fuck.” You muttered, jaw going slack. Joel watched you in pure lust and amusement, waiting for you to soak a spot into his jeans. Seeing you like this, on top of him, riding his thigh, getting off because of him… made his head swirl with euphoria.
“That’s it, angel. C’mon. Give it to me, baby.” Joel encouraged, softly forcing his hands against your ass to get you to rut your hips a little faster.
“Fuck, fuck, Joel, I’m gonna– fuck!” You came hard on his thigh, and he nearly came in his pants at the sight. He felt the warm slick on his thigh, and he needed to get a taste of you.
“So good for me, sweet girl,” He murmured as he lifted you by your hips and set you down on his neat desk. Your skirt was already up to your hips, so Joel swiftly removed your soaked panties and stuffed them in his back pocket. “Let me just get a taste.” He said, looking down at you. Your cunt clenched around nothing at his words, silently begging him to devour you like you were his last meal.
He got down on his knees and pulled your ass closer to the edge of the desk by your thighs, hooking them around his shoulders as he came face-to-face with your glistening heat. “So fuckin’ pretty. This pussy’s mine.” Joel mewled, calloused fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs once more as his tongue circled your clit.
The drag of his muscle was slow, teasing. He took his time just to hear you beg for his mouth. He needed to hear it.
“Sir, please.” You softly whimper, and his eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head. His ran his tongue up and down your folds, swirling it a few times before it prodded your entrance. He delved his tongue inside of you, and you had to clamp your hand over your mouth in order to keep from screaming.
His tongue felt so warm and wet and heavenly in you and around your aching cunt, just begging to be devoured until you reach another orgasm. Joel is was moaning against you, and the vibrations shot straight up your core. It made your toes curl in your heels, and your hips buck up from the desk. He folded his hands on top of your stomach to keep you locked down, and you whined at the sensation.
You were panting heavily beneath your hand, trying to muffle the loud whines and moans that you emitted. Joel’s tongue kept working against you as he lapped up your slick, drinking you in like he was dehydrated in the desert. You tasted so good to him; like nectarine from the ripest peach.
He then solely focused his tongue on your clit, flicking over it rapidly before using his lips to lightly suck on it. Your nails from your free hand clawed at the desk, the feeling of overstimulation creeping in. You felt that low burning sensation in your core as your next orgasm began to build up. As if on cue, Joel swiftly detached his mouth from you as he gathered your slick on his middle finger, followed by his ring. He pushed his two fingers into your entrance slowly, relishing the tightness around his digits.
He latched his mouth back onto your clit, interchanging between licking and sucking. Your shaky thighs began to squeeze Joel’s head as your orgasm was about to peak.
Joel hummed against you as he curled his fingers , hitting that spongy spot inside of your cunt that had you rolling your eyes back as your body shook through your climax. You whimpered as he detached his mouth and removed his fingers, bringing them to his mouth to lick them clean. The whole bottom half of his face was covered in your arousal, and he looked down at you with a dangerous glint in his eyes.
“So sweet f’me, baby. Could eat that perfect pussy all day.” He tossed you a shit-eating grin, and your thighs clamped shut as you tried to regain your breath. He leaned down to give you a kiss, and you tasted yourself on his tongue as he slipped it into your mouth. You could feel his painfully hard erection against your thigh, so you tried to muster up as much energy as you could to start taking off his belt.
Joel helped you by taking the rest of his belt off after you undid the buckle. He unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, pulling them down just below his ass. He tugged his boxers down too so he could free his erection. Your mouth watered at the sight of his erect cock, head weeping and leaking pre cum.
“L’me taste you.” You managed to say in your already fucked-out state, but Joel shook his head.
“Next time, baby,” Next time. You pouted at him and he chuckled, cradling your face. “Now if you need to tap out, give me two hard taps on my thigh, okay angel?” You swallowed and nodded at his directions, and once again, you clenched around nothing.
“I’m– I have an IUD.” You say, and Joel looks down at you.
“Good.” Was all he said before putting both of his hands by your head, leaning down to kiss you gently. Without removing his lips from yours, he took one hand and guided the head of his cock over your aching folds. You were buzzing with anticipation, because the need to have him in you was almost unbearable.
He slowly prodded your entrance, then pushed himself in. You nearly choke on a gasp as he fills you up. You felt every ridge and vein on his silky, girthy flesh and you closed your eyes in pure ecstasy at the feeling. His cock was heavy in you, the weight adding to the extra pleasure you were already experiencing.
Joel looked at your face, admiring how it was contorted in pleasure and slight pain before he leaned down again to bite the soft flesh of your breast as he adjusted to your tightness.
“Feel so fuckin’ good, baby.” Joel moaned, standing upright after littering a few more kisses on your chest.
“Please move, Joel.” Was all you said before he began to rock his hips steadily. His thrusts were slow at first, but you tried to grind your hips against his for more friction. A few times your clit met the coarse hair at the base of his cock, and that gave you the friction you needed to clench around him so deliciously.
“This pretty pussy is all mine, y’hear me? So fuckin’ wet and tight, darlin’. Have me fuckin’ losin’ my mind,” Joel picks up his pace, slamming into you at an impossible rate. “Say it.” He warns, taking your breasts out from the cup of your bra.
“It’s–fuck, it’s all yours sir. All yours.” You couldn’t believe how good he felt as he fucked you like this, feverishly and buried to the hilt every single time.
“Good girl.” You moaned at the praise, and he leaned down to capture a swollen bud into his mouth. His hot tongue swirled around your flesh, sucking it and ever so slightly nipping it with his teeth. You hissed at the feeling, but it only spurred your arousal on further.
You wrapped your legs around his waist as he fucked you, but he stood up and removed your legs from him and put them over his shoulders instead. The new angle made it easier for him to fuck you deeper. A dark glint passed in Joel’s eyes as you moaned loudly.
He gathered both of your wrists into one of his, pinning them above your head. The pace of his hips picked up, and all that was heard in the windowless room was the sound of skin on skin slapping together, your wonton moans, and Joel’s grunts. He moved his other hand over your throat, wrapping around it and giving the sides a squeeze as he fucked you senselessly. You felt that tight coil in the pit of your core once more, and you were writhing beneath Joel the best you could.
“Fuck, Joel, ‘m gonna cum again.”
“Go ‘head angel, cum f’me.” His deep Southern drawl is what sent you over the edge, crumbling down and shattering all at once as your orgasm ripped through you. You cried out, and Joel quickly removed his hand from your throat and kissed you urgently, but the pace of his hips didn’t let up. He released your wrists next and your hands found purchase in his hair, raking their way down his back as you desperately tried to grab a hold on him.
It resulted in your nails scratching down his back, which he hissed at but didn’t seem to mind overall. Joel was chasing his own release as your slick cunt gripped him so desperately.
“C’mon baby, give me one more.” He grunted, gripping your hips so tightly you were sure there were going to be bruises. As if on command, your body beckoned to his call and you found yourself orgasming for the fourth time that day. A gush of liquid expelled from your overstimulated cunt, and a strangled cry left your mouth.
Joel was teetering on the edge, teeth clenched and brow furrowed. “Where do you want me, angel?” His voice was strangulated and desperate, both of you gasping for air.
“In me, Joel, please.” You cry, gently gripping at his hair as his head dropped to your shoulder, warm spurts of cum shooting into you. He groaned into your ear, cursing under his breath as he filled you to the brim.
He collapsed onto you, cradling the side of your face as he kissed you passionately.
“So good f’me, sweet girl. Y’did so well.” He praises, kissing your lips once more before standing up slowly and pulling himself out of your sensitive cunt.
You hummed as you tried to relish in the feeling of being so fucked out by one of the hottest men you’ve ever come to know in your life. You couldn’t believe that just happened, and your mind was swirling with a million thoughts per minute.
Joel helped you up onto shaky legs, grinning to himself at how fucked out you looked. He was sure he looked the same way, but he couldn’t care less.
“You have any classes after this, baby?” Joel asks as he buttons up your shirt for you. You shake your head no, your voice not quite caught up to you just yet.
“‘M going home to sleep. Im exhausted.” You sigh, leaning against him. He chuckles and kisses the top of your head, smoothing out any stray hairs that were misplaced from your activities.
“Get some rest, baby. Here. Take my number and I’ll call you.” He rips a piece of paper from a notebook laying nearby, scribbling his number on it before tucking it into the breast pocket of your shirt. You beam up at him, hand trailing up his torso to rest on his chest. Your other hand found purchase on the back of his neck, softly tugging him down to kiss him once more.
“Mm. Will do, Professor.” You playfully wink at him, and he taps your ass playfully before you unlock the door to his office.
He half smiled as he watched you walk away, admiring your beautiful body from behind. He called out to you one last time, hoping you’d text him asap that night.
“Don’t forget to fix your rough draft!”
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tag list:
@cool-iguana ; @wannab-urs ; @bastardmandennis ; @nostalxgic ; @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin ; @pamasaur ; @planet-marz1
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fatkish · 12 days
Demon child Pt. 9
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You followed Muichiro to the edge of a cliff. You saw Tanjiro and Nezuko below, as well as a large demon chasing after some villagers. You also saw that the sun was on the brink of rising. Haganezuka, Kotetsu and Kanamori caught up to the two of you. You watched as Tanjiro cut the head off of the demon, but then the sun began to rise. Seeing the light on the horizon, and the headless demon chasing after the villagers. You watched as Nezuko began to burn the moment the sun touched her skin, Tanjiro ran over to her, you jumped down from the cliff, you felt immense pain in your legs but continued to run towards Tanjiro and Nezuko.
You watched as Nezuko kicked Tanjiro, sending him flying away from her, and towards the villagers. You ran to Nezuko and licked her, trying to erase the sun’s effects. Despite your healing abilities Nezuko continued to burn. As you watched her burn you felt an immense amount of sadness and grief. You decided to try what the man in your dreams taught you. You focused on your intent to heal Nezuko and channeled it into your aura, your blood demon art activated and a bubble grew around you and Nezuko, slowly healing her. As Tanjiro left to slay the demon, you focused on healing Nezuko. You cried until you felt arms wrap around you. You looked up to see Nezuko standing in the sunlight, smiling at you.
After your blood demon art deactivated, you saw Tanjiro knelt over with his back to you as you helped Nezuko walk towards him. You continued to wipe your tears away as you were relieved that Nezuko survived. Unaware of your part to play in Nezuko’s conquering of the sun. You both walked over to Tanjiro who finally turned around after many attempts to get his attention from the villagers. He turned around to see Nezuko standing in the sunlight, smiling at him. “G-go-good morning” Nezuko spoke. “Nezuko!” Tanjiro cried. He tried to get up but fell to his knees, unable to move from his injuries. You quickly ran over an licked your hand before touching his cheek. His wounds quickly began to heal as he got up and ran over to Nezuko.
“Nezuko, thank goodness. Are you alright? You’re not hurt?” Tanjiro shakily asked with tears in his eyes. “Thank…thank goodness.” Nezuko repeated. “Are…are you alright?” She asked. Tanjiro continued to weep but smiled. “Thank goodness, right?” She said with a smile never leaving her face. “No really… thank goodness…you didn’t turn to ash and disappear!” Tanjiro said as he enveloped Nezuko in a hug. You watched, happy that Nezuko was alive. Tanjiro continued to cry, “thank goodness, I really thought you were dead when you started to burn. Thank goodness Nezuko. I’m so glag you’re alright. Thank goodness!” He cries into his sister’s shoulder as he hugged her. Nezuko just watched in astonishment before smiling and returning the hug. “Yes, thank goodness” she said.
You looked over at the villagers and saw that they too were crying. You saw Genya walk over and you smiled before running over to him, as he watched the interaction between the Kamado siblings, you licked your hand and touched his, healing his injuries. He looked down at you and smiled softly. “Thank you, y/n” Genya said. You smiled up at him. As Genya looked at Tanjiro he smiled. “Good for you, Tanjiro, Nezuko.” he said. You sensed a deep sadness inside of Genya. You tugged on his pant leg, “Aniki, up up” you said. Genya looked down at you surprised before smiling softly and scooping you up. “That’s right, y/n. I still have you, don’t I?”He asked as he held you. You smiled up at him as you wrapped your arms around him.
Meanwhile, elsewhere inside a house, in a room filled with books, a little boy stood surrounded by fallen bookcases. Books laid strewn about everywhere, the room was a mess. “At last, after all these years someone who is able to withstand the sun has finally appeared. Good work, Hantengu.” Muzan muttered to himself in his child disguise. A woman and a maid stood not far from him, as the woman spoke, Muzan cut her head off at a blinding speed. The maid next to the woman looked over at the fallen body, the tea set in her hands shaking on the tray she was holding. “If this is true then there’s no longer any need to search for the blue spider lily. That took so long. But it was for this reason, for one thousand years, I’ve continued to increase my kind unwittingly!” Muzan muttered to himself as he began to change his shape and turn into an adult. The maid watching in horror at the spectacle.
“A rare constitution and an ability to heal others that never showed up even among the twelve Kizuki. The chosen demon. If I devour both that girl and the half demon child and absorb their properties, then I, too, will be able to gain the ability to conquer the accursed sun!” Muzan muttered with a smile on his face as he returned to his natural form. The maid began to freak out, causing Muzan to kill her. Muzan walked out of the room, as he began to think to himself. “Now that I think about it, that half demon child reminds me of Minako, my little sister. I felt it when she passed away, I felt the link between us sever. It seems that child is hers. It seems my foolish and beloved little sister was able to create new life after all. Despite being a demon, she was able to grow and nurture a half human child within her body without killing it. Perhaps I won’t devour that child, however, I cannot let that child continue to be with the demon slayers.” Muzan thought to himself.
After the battle you watched from Genya’s arms as everyone began to reconcile after the battle. You sat in Genya’s arms as Nezuko carried Tanjiro over to you, Genya and Muichiro who was being held up by Kotetsu. As Tanjiro and Muichiro talked, you yawned yet you weren’t tired. After a moment you heard a shout and turned to see an angry Haganezuka. You smiled as you watched Mr. Haganezuka chase around Nezuko and Tanjiro. You turned your head when you heard another shout. “You guys” Mitsuri called as she ran towards you guys waving an arm in the air.
When she got to you guys she enveloped everyone in a large group hug. You giggled as Genya’s face turned red. Mitsuri was crying but stopped when she noticed Nezuko. You kissed Kanroji to heal her wounds. A lot of people started crying after a moment, relieved to have survived. This is when Genya noticed your legs. “Y/n! Your legs! They’re all purple and bruised!” Genya shouted. He gently began to feel along your shins, trying to feel if anything was broken. “That’s right, you can’t heal yourself can you?” He asked and you shook your head. “Let’s go get you bandaged up, yeah? We don’t want your legs getting any worse” Genya said as everyone began walking back towards the village.
After returning to the village and collecting your things, you left with Genya and the Kakushi. You and Genya returned to Gyomei’s estate. Gyomei was very happy to see you again. “Ah, little one, it is good to have you back with us again.” Gyomei spoke. You reached up for Gyomei, wanting to hug him. He picked you up from Genya’s arms and held you as you nuzzled against him. “Gyomei! Gyomei!” You cheered. Gyomei smiled softly as he basked in the moment. “Genya, there is to be a pillar meeting, I will be taking Y/n with me as the master has requested it.” Gyomei informed Genya. “Alright” Genya said. That night, you had dinner with Genya and Gyomei before snuggling with Genya and going to bed.
The next day Gyomei took you with him to the pillar meeting. When you got there, Gyomei set you down so you could say hello to everyone before the meeting. When you saw Kyojuro you ran over to him and jumped into his arms when he crouched down with his arms spread wide. You snuggled into him and smiled as he stood up with you in his arms. “Well hello little y/n! It is good to see you again! I have missed you and so has Senjuro and my father. You should visit when you get the chance.” Kyojuro said as he walked with the others into the meeting room.
Once Kyojuro sat down, you got out of his arms and walked over to Giyuu. You smiled at him and sat by him much to Sanemi’s dismay. When Kagaya entered the room Everyone bowed so you did too. You then crawled into Giyuu’s lap and waved at Kagaya. “Let us begin the Hashira meeting” Kagaya said. Although he was healed, Kagaya was never able to train with a sword. His role as the leader of the corps kept him too busy. “I’m sure you all have heard this, but we now have a demon who has conquered the sun, and she is here. Muzan Kibutsuji has no doubt set his sights on her so that he too may conquer the sun. The time for an all out war is upon us.” Kagaya said.
“Also, we have reports of strange marks appearing on miss Kanroji and Tokito during their battles with the upper moons. So I would like to ask how you got those marks and what the conditions are to obtain them” Kagaya spoke. As Kagaya explained things, you began to space out. You stared off into space, not realizing that you had begun to cry. Giyuu was the first to notice this, then Kagaya. He stopped speaking momentarily and looked at you concerned. “Y/n, what’s wrong?” Kagaya asked you gently. You looked up at him, “Mui and Mitsuri are gonna die.” You cried. Not understanding Kagaya asked you to explain.
“Those who awaken demon crests won’t live past 25. Even if they beat Muzan, they still gonna die” you cried. “Y/n, how do you know this?” Kagaya asked. You sniffled before shrugging, “just do, like how I know I’m y/n” you said as you snuggled into Giyuu. “I see, perhaps it’s possible you were born with that knowledge ingrained into you. Is there anything else you know, y/n?” Kagaya asked. You looked up in thought for a moment before nodding. “Muzan can’t be killed by simple decapitation. The sun is the only sure way to kill him. But it is possible to weaken him. To weaken him, you must cut each of his seven hearts and five brains. To locate them, a marked slayer must be able to see the transparent world” you spoke almost cryptically. Kagaya hummed at this newfound knowledge. “And may I ask what the transparent world is?” Kagaya asked. “The transparent world is an ocular extrasensory perception that allows one to see transparently through others. Allowing one to see the inner workings of one’s body.” You spoke. “Thank you y/n” Kagaya thanked you before continuing the Hashira meeting.
You began to space out once again. Until Kagaya called your name. “Y/n, do you think it’s possible that you could work with Shinobu to create healing elixirs for my children to carry into battle?” Kagaya asked. You didn’t know what an elixir is but you were willing to try. “Okay” you said from your spot in Giyuu’s lap. You looked up at him and smiled at him while he just stared. Kagaya had asked each of the pillars to train with the other corps members to try and strengthen them. When Kagaya left the room and everyone began to discuss who would train in what, you decided to get up and follow Kagaya. While the others fought, you went to Kagaya and caught up to him.
“Ah y/n, there is something I wish to ask of you. I’m bringing a demon woman here to help us as she also wishes to defeat Muzan Kibutsuji, do you think you could help her and Shinobu get along?” He asked you. You smiled and ran over to him, hugging him and looking up at him. “I help!” You exclaimed as you were happy to be able to help. Kagaya smiled gently and rubbed your head. “Thank you y/n, for everything you’ve done and will do. I only hope that you’ll be able to live a long happy life after all of this” Kagaya said. He knew that once Kibutsuji was killed, all of demon kind would die as well. He only hopes that ending Kibutsuji wouldn’t kill you too.
After snuggling with Kagaya for a bit, you left and found Shinobu. “Are you ready to go y/n?” She asked. You grabbed her hand and waved goodbye to the other pillars before you two left for the butterfly estate. While walking there you sensed the Shinobu was angry but hiding it. You wanted to alleviate her anger and make her happy but you didn’t know how. “Why Nobu angry?” You asked as you held her hand. “Oh I’m not angry.” Shinobu lied. “Nobu’s a liar” you said. Shinobu sighed. “The demon that killed my older sister is an upper moon. And soon the time will come for me to avenge my sister” she explained. “Will Nobu die?” You asked. “Yes, most likely” Shinobu spoke. You stopped and hugged Shinobu’s legs. “No go! Nobu no go! Nobu no die!” You said. Shinobu sighed and knelt down. “I’m sorry, y/n. How about I promise you that I won’t die” she smiled. You looked her straight in the eyes. “Okay” you agreed.
Tag list: @shortneko
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bookwormjust · 7 days
Bonding time (established relationship, Helion’s mate, truth not hidden anymore, Lucien son of Helion) 
You sat in the lush gardens of the Day Court, the golden sunlight dappling through the trees, creating a serene, warm atmosphere. Lucien sat beside you on the marble bench, his posture stiff at first, as if unsure how to navigate this newfound relationship. The tension from his recent confrontation with Helion still lingered in the air, but there was a softness now, a vulnerability in Lucien that hadn’t been there before. 
You looked over at him, offering a gentle smile, your hand reaching out to rest on his arm—just a simple, motherly gesture. “I know this must be a lot,” you said softly, your voice full of understanding. “But I’m here. You don’t have to carry everything alone.”
Lucien’s amber eye flickered toward you, and for a moment, you saw the boy beneath the hardened exterior—the one who had grown up without the warmth of a true mother’s embrace. Lady Autumn, though she had tried, had never been able to give him the care and love he needed, burdened as she was by her own fears and her role in the Autumn Court.
“I’ve never had this,” Lucien admitted quietly, his voice raw. “A mother figure, someone who... sees me.”
Your heart clenched at his words, and without hesitation, you pulled him into a gentle hug. He hesitated for a moment before slowly relaxing into your embrace. “You’ll always have that here,” you whispered, stroking his back with a tenderness he had never known. “You’re part of this family now, Lucien. You’ve always been.”
From across the garden, Helion watched you both, his golden eyes softening with pride and love. He stood leaning against a tree, arms crossed, but there was a quiet intensity in the way he observed the two of you. This moment—this simple act of bonding—meant more to him than any battle he had ever fought, any victory he had ever claimed. It was healing in its purest form, something Helion had longed for, for both you and Lucien.
Through your bond, you heard Helion’s voice in your mind, thick with emotion. *Thank you,* he said, his mental tone filled with a deep, profound gratitude. *You’ve given him something I never could. You’re healing both of us, my love. I don’t deserve you.*
A warm rush of affection surged through you as you held Lucien a little tighter. *You deserve everything, Helion,* you replied, sending him love through the bond. *We’re a family now. We’ll heal together.*
Lucien finally pulled away, offering you a small, tentative smile—a glimpse of the man he could become with the right kind of love and care. And as you looked over at Helion, the two of you exchanged a silent promise. You were all going to move forward, stronger and more whole than before.
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xoxoladyaz · 1 year
AU-gust, Day 5: Pet Sitting
“Nope, no way. Absolutely not.”
Six sets of puppy-dog eyes stared back at her. Lucas, the ham, even pretended to start whimpering.
“Stevie, please,” Dustin whined, “Eddie needs a safe place to stay.”
She stared at Dustin for a few seconds before glancing down at the shoebox in Dustin’s hands. Inside the shoebox surrounded by a few of Claudia’s oldest and fuzziest kitchen towels stood a bat, a small black bat with big black eyes that looked almost just as pathetic as the rest of the kids.
“I’ve done this song and dance with you before, Henderson, and I told you when you got rid of the alien lizard - ”
“D’artagnan was a cryptid, Stevie!”
“ – alien lizard that I wasn’t going to help you keep playing monster vet. I still haven’t recovered from seeing Mews’ corpse!”
“Mews was my cat and I’m fine! Besides, Eddie’s just a normal bat!”
“Dustin, he has a full head of hair!”
Stevie and Dustin stared at each other before looking back down at the bat (Eddie). Who was running his little claws through his hair and preening. (Stevie could have sworn that he winked at her, but she wasn’t crazy; it was definitely just a trick of the light.)
Dustin’s face started to flush like he was going to argue with her but El (sweet, precious El) cut him off before he could really get going. “Stevie’s right. He is not normal,” El said, stepping forward to run her fingers against Eddie’s head. Eddie rubbed up against her fingers and chirped. 
“See, I knew it - ”
“But he is a friend,” El said and fuck, the full force of El-most-likely-a-changeling-Hopper’s big brown eyes was something Stevie would probably never learn to resist. “And he needs someone to care for him while he gets better.”
“Better? What do you mean, better?”
“Bad man,” El replied matter-of-factly and, well, shit. She didn’t need to say much more than that.
Stevie sighed and turned her attention back towards the “bat” in question. “How long?”
Just a few weeks, maybe a month or two, Dustin had said. “I would have kept him myself but Mom was worried that he’d eat Tews – ”
(“Oh, and you don’t care if I get eaten?” Stevie had replied. Dustin had just rolled his eyes and ignored her.) 
So yeah, two months tops, just until Eddie was “healed” or what not. (He didn’t have any visible injuries that Stevie could see but then again, she was just a cosmetologist, what the fuck did she know about bat anatomy?) Until then, Stevie was going to have a tiny flying roommate who apparently “only likes to listen to metal music, so I’ve brought a few tapes and oh! He loves fantasy so you’ll have to read him this as a bedtime story,” at which point Dustin handed her The Lord of the Rings, “and he gets lonely at night so don’t lock him out, he likes to cuddle, and he should be able to fit in your jacket pocket when you go to work during the day - ”
“No, nope, no way, none of that is happening,” Stevie argued and she really had been planning on sticking to that – no metal music, no bedtime stories, no cuddles, and definitely no work trips, no way, no how.
(She’d folded by hour two of Eddie’s stay at Casa de Harrington.)
“You get this is weird, right?”
“Hmm?” Stevie was cutting apart some strawberries to blend with whatever “protein drink” Dustin kept dropping off at her house. “What’s weird?” She turned to look at Robin, who was watching Eddie shimmy up and down the dining room table to “Rock Me Like a Hurricane.”
“Stevie. This is not normal bat behavior.”
“So? It’s normal Eddie behavior,” Stevie shrugged. She tossed the berries into the blender and, once it was a fine red concoction, put it in a little cup with a little straw and walked over the table. Eddie slid his way across the polished wood and wiggled when he saw her, chittering happily before going to town on his fruit smoothie.
“Yeah, well, this isn’t also normal Stevie behavior!” Robin threw her hands up in the air. “You’re letting a wild animal sleep with you in your bed!”
(She’d tried to encourage Eddie to stay in the guest room that first night all those weeks ago but she’d barely laid in bed for all of two minutes before a dark shape flew through the dark and landed on her chest. She’d screamed and leapt out of the bed but Eddie had somehow managed to grip his claws into her shirt and no amount of arguing with him was able to get him to let go. 
“Fine,” she’d finally growled, “but if I roll over and squish you, it’s not my fault.” 
When she’d finally woken up the next morning, she was still lying on her back and Eddie was still nestled onto her chest. They’d been going to sleep every night that way ever since.)
“Hey,” Stevie replied defensively, “he’s not a wild animal, he’s totally tame.”
“Uh huh,” Robin replied queasily, watching as Eddie happily slurped up his smoothie. “Just because you play dress-up with him doesn’t mean he’s tame, Stevie.”
The tiny vest was from El and Will, something about how Eddie looked “wrong” without it (whatever that meant. Stevie had to admit it did look really cute on him.)
“He looks adorable, Robin!”
“He’s totally taken over your life,” Robin shot back dramatically. “He goes shopping with you, you take him to work – Stevie, he sits with you when you take bubble baths, for Pete’s sake!”
(Hey, Eddie was a gentleman, he always waited until she was covered by bubbles until coming in and sitting on the little nest of towels she’d made for him on the set of drawers by the bathtub and okay, maybe Robin had a point here.)
“And that’s not to mention that I’ve been trying to get you to read a book for literal years now and this bat shows up and suddenly you’re reading Tolkien to him every night?”
“It’s actually a good book, Robin,” Stevie said defensively.
“I know that, Stevie, I just can’t believe that you’re not seeing this! Like, there are so many red flags! He’s literally drinking blood right now!”
Stevie huffed and leaned over the table, like she was physically covering Eddie from Robin’s criticism. “It’s rude to judge somebody else’s eating habits, Robin. Or did you forget our conversation last month when you tried to go vegetarian?”
“That’s different and you know it!” Robin exclaimed. 
Eddie, because he was a little drama king, took the last sip of his smoothie while making eye contact with Robin before letting out an exaggeratedly content sigh. 
Stevie rolled her eyes and set her hand down. Eddie scurried onto her palm, letting out a series of happy chirps. She lifted him up and set him on her shoulder where he waddled to her cheek and pressed his little face against it, like he was giving her a little kiss. “You’re being overdramatic, Robin.”
“Fine, whatever, just don’t come crying to me when he makes you his eternal vampire bride or whatever,” Robin huffed before getting up and stalking out of the kitchen.
“He’s just a bat!” Stevie called after her. Robin responded by slamming the front door after he on the way out. 
Sighing, Stevie turned to look at Eddie, who was currently making a home for himself in her curls. “You are just a bat, right?”
Eddie turned and shot her a wink before wrapping his little body in one of her ringlets.
“Yeah, that’s probably fine.”
One of the best parts of having Eddie around actually was nighttime. She hadn’t gotten so many nights of uninterrupted sleep in years. He was like some sort of nightmare repellent or something; in fact, the only dreams she’d had recently were of a shrouded figure with long dark hair and a sexy laugh and teasing cool hands and other things – 
And when she woke up a month and a half into Eddie’s residency in her home, she probably should have been more shocked at the fact that her bat had turned into a very pale, very sexy and very naked man with long dark hair and cool skin and – 
“God, Robin’s never going to let me live this down,” Stevie murmured as the man stirred above her. He opened his eyes and yep, yeah, those were her bat’s eyes. 
Eddie’s grin grew sharp as he pressed her further into her bed. “I’m sure I can find some way to make up for it,” he said as he drew close enough to kiss her. 
“How do you feel about a Halloween wedding?”
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butterfly-writer · 11 months
A Mother's Love
Dabi x Female!Reader [PLATONIC] Summary: Dabi didn't grow up with a good relationship with his mother, always focused on the attention from his father. Because of this, he lacked a mother figure, but when he joined the League of Villains, someone became his mother figure.
★☽A/N: Ahh!! It has been so long since I wrote something like this! I’m currently getting piled with school and club activities so that’s probably why– I hope you guys didn’t forget me:(( 
Contents: FLUFF - Slight angst? - Reader seen as a mother figure
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The League of Villains, a villain organization filled with powerful villains that threaten to destroy the hero society. An organization that was founded by the most powerful villain, a villain who could rival All Might, All For One and his successor, Tomura Shigaraki. People from different backgrounds, bad trauma, gathered together into one group with goals of their own but had one goal in common, to destroy the hero society.
But the league didn’t expect to have such a motherly figure heal their wounds.
A female villain, Y/N L/N, known as Crimson, fitting name for her blood manipulative Quirk. A 31 year old woman who was wronged by society. People were afraid of her, but not the members of the League. The members see her as a motherly figure, who cares for them.
One of the people who really saw her as a mother was Toga. She loves whenever she would take the time to braid the girl’s hair or to put her hair into buns in the mornings. And she loved how she would come up with various ideas to style her hair and they would spend time laughing and such. After being close for months, Toga started to even call her mama, because of the absence of a loving mother. Toga felt so safe around her.
Who really felt comfortable with her was Dabi. Despite the black-haired didn’t wanting to admit it, it felt so nice to have someone caring for him. After all, Dabi didn't grow up with a good relationship with his mother, always focused on the attention from his father. Because of this, he lacked a mother figure, but when he joined the League of Villains, she became his mother figure.
What was more embarrassing to him was that he even called her mother once! It was during the U.A Camp invasion. Everyone was gathering around and he saw as one by one went to the rendezvous. As Y/N came back, he asked if she was okay, clearly showing that he cared for her well-being. He didn’t realize what he said until he saw the shocked faces of his comrades. He said, “Are you okay, mother?”
He could see the shocked face of Y/N and felt himself blushing in embarrassment. “Pretend you didn’t hear me!!” He demanded, clearly ready to kill anyone who was going to talk about it during that moment. Everyone just laughed and chuckled but the man didn’t like it at all. He looked at Y/N who chuckled softly, “I don’t mind you calling me mom, darling,” She reassured.
Dabi continued to see her as his mother figure and would refer to her as such. Only in private, of course. During missions and such, he would refer to her as her villain name. But whenever he called her “mother” and would get teased for it but by now, he didn’t care.
Y/N acted like a mother, a mother that Dabi never took the chance to have. He could’ve had a better relationship with his mother but he didn’t take the chance. He regretted not taking the chance, but he was somehow thankful that he didn’t. Or else, he wouldn’t be able to have a mother figure like Y/N.
Dabi would constantly get nightmares which causes him to be tired most nights. As much as he didn’t want anyone to know, he knew that Y/N knew. She would always look at him carefully, as if knowing he didn’t get to sleep the night before. “I’m fine,” he spat harshly every time at her, but she knew that he was lying. She could see that in his eyes, the tired look and how even less energetic he was being.
That’s how she started to come into his room to check up on him. She would come to his room every night in the league’s old hideout, since he stayed there due to no other place to live, and she would ask him how he was doing. He would always say he didn’t need her coming in every night, but a part of him felt really happy to have someone caring for his well-being.
Sometimes, if he mustered up the courage, would ask her to sing for him. Of course, he was blushing and embarrassed after the words came out. But Y/N didn’t mind and just chuckled before saying, “Of course, sweetheart. C’mon.” With a smile, she would make him lay down with his head on her lap. She would play with his hair and start to sing.
She had an angelic voice, a lovely voice that could put anyone to sleep. And that’s what he did. Every time she would sing for him before sleeping, he would be fast to sleep with no nightmares. It’s as if her songs were a spell to keep nightmares away. She would slowly put him in bed with a blanket placed on him. She kissed him on his forehead and left the room. But before she left the room, she would always say, in an gentle voice,
“Sweet dreams, darling.”
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misguidedasgardian · 8 months
The Hour of the Wolf (9)
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IX. Longing
Summary: Your husband is away from you, and you are away from your husband
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, allucinations, complications in pregnancy, arranged marriage, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon, might miss some warnings, this chapter might contain triggering content as its features threats to a pregnant woman, from someone who is supposed to be deceased, ghost much? jeje
Wordcount: 3,7 k 
Notes: I really want to think Northerners are not like they were portrayed in the last seasons of the Got shitshow. I did not check this for errors, I'm so excited to post it jeje sorry
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It felt like your baby knew, as soon as Cregan left, you started showing, you had been married to Cregan for more than six moons, but it was complicated to tell which of all those numerous times he bed you did the trick, but the Maester believed you were almost four moons now 
Further than you expected
But also, as Cregan left, you felt terribly lonely, especially at night, your treacherous mind would draw sinister figures in the corner of your vision. You had trouble sleeping, only able to do so if there was at least one fire lighten in your room
You didn’t want to feel like this, you really didn’t, you wanted to be relaxed, for your child’s sake 
But it was proven really difficult, your tricky eyes would draw shapes of people in corners that were not really there, when you turned too quickly or even in the corner of your eye. You besides dealing with issues of a healing Kingdom, you wanted to keep your mind busy 
“Have you seen Vhaelar flying over the city this past week?”, you asked Ser Arryk
“No, your grace”, he informed dutifully, as he was commanded to keep an eye on your dragon
“I want to see her”, you inform him, he looked at your belly doubtfully, but when he looked back into your eyes, and the decision made, he didn’t question you, he just nodded
“I’ll get the dragon keepers and some of the guards to escort you, your grace”, he said and almost ran to fulfill the command 
You could feel how nervous they were as you were walking dangerous steps amongst the coast of King’s Landing.
You had put on your riding gear, even though you weren’t sure you were going to actually take a fly, but it is the only “suit”, that allowed you to wear pants without looking strange, and boots so you won’t slip in the rock and hurt yourself
Vhaelar never liked the Pit, and now that it was mainly destroyed, she nested in the cliffs near the castle 
You could hear her even before you saw her, you looked back at your escort and they stopped moving to allow you to get close to the huge cavern she rested in
“Vhaelar!”, you called, and you hear her acknowledgement in form of a more soft growl, you placed your hand on your belly excitedly, as you took a torch a dragon keeper offered you and walked inside
The cavern was huge, dark and moist, humid, it hit you like a slap, the smell of hundred of dead animals, burnt, devoured by your huge dragon
it was an issue, before you paid farmers for cattle and the cattle was taken to the Dragon Pit to feed the dragons, but now that Vhaelar roamed freely, it was harder to paid the farmers back for their troubles, but the crown did
Vhaelar’s huge head appeared in front of you 
“Rytsas, ñuha dōna riña, emagon ao issare ruaragon?”, [Hello, my sweet girl, have you been hiding here?]
“issa verdagon iā lenton, aōha dārōñe”, [She is nesting, your Grace], muttered a brave Dragonkeeper that followed you inside, you looked back over your shoulder, he was one that knew Vhaelar and how to interact with her, so she didn’t even move a muscle
“verdagon iā lenton?“,[Nesting?], you asked, excitedly, the man nodded, your hand went to your belly, you looked back at your dragon and you found her huge golden eyes looking down at your belly, and then at you
“ñuha dōna riña”, [My sweet girl], you whispered, placing your hand in her snout, and petter her until she purred almost 
Your dragon was going to lay a clutch of eggs, or egg, for your baby, they were right, there was a special connection between dragon and rider, you smiled warmly at the very thought. It also wasn’t strange, there was still some dragons in Dragonstone, the Cannibal for example, dragons she can mate with. 
This had certainly lightened up your mood for the rest of the day, as your guards were relieved that you decided against taking a short flight.
Vhaelar was to be left alone if she was indeed nesting 
It is indeed a wonder she didn’t burn you to a crisp
But now… as soon as you entered the castle, you felt like a dark cloud was on top of you and wouldn’t let go 
Cregan had done all he could to make the place nice for you again, there was a few weeks in which he would walk by your side and watch you carefully, everything you looked at and flinch, he would change for something else, all the tapestries and furniture, all of it, he would trade it for others, he even went as far as commissioning paintings from Lys to change the colors of the rooms
But still, it was still an impregnable fortress. Designed to not let anyone in… or out…
You tried to go about your day, but it didn’t take long, as the sun was hiding, for the shadows to start taking shapes.
Oh how you wished Cregan was there with you
You placed your hand in your belly
Cuddling you every night, placing his big hand on your belly like you were doing now, to feel your unborn child
Protecting you, making the shadows go away
You dismissed your ladies as soon as they took out your dress, and you put on your night shirt. You felt skittish about people touching you in your condition, you felt like you were cheating on Cregan somehow, by letting someone else touch your pregnant body. 
You got on the bed, and drifted off to sleep strangely quickly 
You woke up in the middle of the night, without apparent reason, you didn’t remember what you were dreaming about, but you woke up distraught, relieved that you actually woke up… and even a bit disoriented… and then… when you looked in the corner of the room.
You gasped, a tall figure was there, with his usual pose, hand grasped behind his back, standing up really straight, his long hair combed to perfection,  his eyepatch seemingly cutting his face in half, his remaining violet eye looking at you, with malicious intent 
Aemond was there, a smirk on his lips.
“Aemond? you are dead”, you whined, your hand on your belly protectively. In a quick movement he unsheathed his dagger hanging from his belt and made the knife dance in his hand 
Why him? of all of them, why was he presenting himself in front of you like this? because it's probably a dream, it couldn’t be real, he was dead! He was dead, well, they never found his body but he was dead, Daemon took him out with him in an incredible battle over the God’s Eye
Then you saw it
Dark sister, the sword, hanging from his belt 
“You would like me to be, wouldn’t you?”, he asked, his eye then traveled down your body to your small baby bump. He chuckled darkly as he saw your protective stance 
“My my, my little bastard having bastards of her own”
“He is not going to be a bastard”, you defended, “I’m married”, he chuckled again
“Oh yes, married and ruling the seven Kingdoms… Would you look at my pretty little bastard niece, how far she’s come”
Your breathing got heavy, you tried to sit on the bed, you did so slowly, your eyes never leaving his form
This couldn’t be real, he wasn’t here, this was some sick nightmare
But why does the hot tear that fell down your cheek felt so real?
“What are you doing here?”, you asked shakily, still, not being able to believe your own eyes, this felt way too real to be a dream, but it had to be, right?
He was quick on his feet, he had always been and he ran towards you who couldn't get out of bed and grabbed you by the neck, the dagger still on his hands
“Guards!”, you screamed but nobody came to your rescue 
“Is of no use”. he mocked, shaking you, you only could grab into his wrist, your other hand still protecting your belly from his anger, “nobody will come to save you. not even your idiotic husband”, he mocked then
“Cregan!”, you cried, as he could hear you, but you had sent him away, thousand miles away
He chuckled darkly
“Nobody is coming”, he threatened, “this feels like just old times, doesn’t it?”, he kept teasing, mocking you, provoking you, he didn’t squeeze, but he had you on a chokehold, you wouldn’t move  as he threatened your cheek with his blade, “me, sneaking into your rooms, late at night”
“Fuck you”, you grunted, “nothing ever happened, you just wanted to torment me”, you recalled
“Mhm, just like now”, he purred, he really hasn't changed since the last time you saw him, the dinner? was it? He looked older, perhaps, more tortured 
“What do you want?”, you whined
“You dead, me sitting on the Iron Throne, as is my right, bastard”
“They will never take you”
“They took you, didn’t they?”, he mocked, squeezing. You whined, scared not of him, but for your babe, your unborn child
“My baby”, you whined
“Ah, don’t worry, I’ll carve it out and leave it for the Stark to find if it concerns you such”, now you whined and twisted in the bed 
“No! my baby, he isn’t at fault!”, you were growing desperate, you looked to the side and found a heavy looking chandelier in the night table by your bed, at arm’s reach, you tried to grab it, making it drop to the floor with a loud “clang”, he then squeezed, tighter, and tighter, until you couldn’t breath, you thrashed and pushed but he wouldn’t let go… and everything went black 
You woke up taking a huge breath, like you had been shaken awake
You look at all directions, scared out of your mind
Gods… were you dead?
No… you were still in your room
it had all been a dream, a nightmare more like it
A horrible, gut wrenching nightmare…
Gods, what were you thinking? sending Cregan away like this?
You had been childish, keeping this important information away from your own husband, you couldn’t be like this, he was never going to let you flight up there, but… you wanted to tell him, you missed him, and even though that by your calculations he had been back home for at least a couple of weeks, you really hoped deep down, and in a very selfish way, that he’d return for you, for your unborn child.
You hated yourself for being so weak, so dependent, but… you would not live with yourself if he came back a year from now to an already grown child, his child, which he didn’t know anything about. 
So you rose from the bed even before the maids got to you, took a quill to paper, and started writing a heartfelt letter to your husband. Revealing your state, telling him why you hid it from him, and promising, if he so wishes, to go visit him.
After you finished writing it, you took it to the Maester yourself to be send at the earliest convenience 
If only you saw the chandelier on the floor before the maids return it to its rightful place 
. . .
Cregan took a long breath as he looked down at Winterfell, he smiled brightly, it felt so good to be back home, he spurred his horse on and started galloping, he couldn’t wait no longer, he felt like a little kid
But is his own child he wanted to see
He sent word before his arrival, so it was to no surprise that the entire castle habitants were waiting for him in the courtyard
He was finally home
After a huge march, after a bloody war, after taking the freaking capital, after marrying the Queen of the seven kingdoms, after all of that… he was finally back home 
“Our Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North and King Consort to the Queen (Y/N) of House Targaryen, his Grace Cregan, of House Stark”, chanted a soldier and he felt goosebumps in his arms when he heard all those titles 
He tried to look solemn, not like a twenty four year old who just got home after two years away, but as soon as he saw them, his family, all the solemnity went away 
There, at the long steps that led inside the castle, was his sister, his bastard sister Sara, and by her side, holding her hand, was his son, Rickon. He was… so grown, taller, his face was the one of a boy, not a babe like the last time he saw him, his dark curls… his big grey ghostly eyes just like him… He looked like his mother. 
He jumped off his horse and went straight for him
The boy seemed skeptical of him, but he didn’t care and he grabbed him in his arms and hugged him tightly
He was barely a boy of 6 name days
He had him so young and yet… he was his son and heir, his blood
“I missed you my boy”, he whispered against his head
“I missed you papa”, he answered, his voice choked, and still the one of a child
He released him then, and turn to his loving sister
He greeted the rest of them, all of them, he knew every face and every name still, they were his people, and before he could finally enter his home, he looked over the walls of winterfell… The gray wolf on cream and green field was no longer alone. The three headed red dragon with four legs stood by its side.
As he walked amongst the hallways he noticed that everything stood the same, like it had been for the last thousand years and it surely will be for the next 1,000.
The first thing he did was talk to the maester, to see if he had received any ravens from the capital. He couldn’t hide his disappointment, he hadn't had words from you since he left a moon ago.
But to no matter, he was home now, he needed to focus on what he was doing, he couldn’t be with you wishing he was home, and then in his home wishing he was with you. Your beautiful, golden, resented heart probably still ached for his departure, he could understand that, he read you better than you ever believed he did, he was going to give you time and write to you himself. 
He called his sister Sara to his private audience room, he needed to get acquainted with everything that happened here since he left 
Sara presented himself shortly after, with a silly smile on her face, now, she was his sister, not the Lady Regent of Winterfell
But as he saw her face… he sighed 
“Why do I feel you are somewhat disappointed?”, he asked with a mocking tone
“Well, I’m not gonna lie, we wanted to see her”, she said with a smirk
“Her?”, he asked
“Our Dragon Queen”, Sara said with a smile, “and her Snowy dragon”, Cregan chuckled
“I wish she could hear you”
“Is she as beautiful as they say?”, she asked enthusiastically 
“She is”
“Is she as strong…?”, she asked then
“She is”, he said then
“Can her dragon burn people to a crisp?”
“She can”
“She is a girl? so amazing!”, she said, “So… how are things… King Consort of the Seven Kingdoms?”, it didn’t take her long to start teasing him
“They are still working on the title, they believe the husband of an acting Queen shouldn’t be named King, but merely Prince, or something else”
“Whatever they call you, you still married the QUEEN!”, she said with her eyes wide and her smile broad. Cregan chuckled
“I did”, he said with a smile.
“Do you miss her?”, she asked then, “Is she coming here?”
“I hope so”, he said with a sad smile, “and I do miss her”
“Auw! my brother is in looove”, she teased
“It’s too early to talk like that”, he said, trying to return to his more authoritative facade
“You are married to the Queen! is actually too late to talk about love”
“We need to discuss what is happening in my Kingdom”, he said then, “I might be the king consort, but… I’m still Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North”, he said with a short smile
“Well… let’s start with the fact we don’t have any more men because after the war they decided to settle in the Riverlands…”
So as soon as he arrived home, he started the long process of audiences and meetings with his lords to attend to the most urgent matters of the North…
So as days turned to weeks, he started to worry, he send a raven to King’s Landing, communicating you of his arrival safely to his home, and asking for your well being
He wanted to see you
Perhaps he was being selfish, but… he requested your presence, perhaps you could take to the skies and visit him, it was not a strange idea, you were his wife, you were a skillful dragon rider who assisted in the war and burnt armadas to the bottom of the narrow sea. And the sunset sea like when you saved him and the rest of your small council
You could easily pay him a visit, right?
So you were expecting his answer, and he was expecting yours, two ravens sent weeks away from each other, but only one was set to arrive at their destination, not the other.
It was a few weeks until Cregan received word back from the you
The letter was vague and distant, claiming you were not going to be able to travel North due to important matters that required your attention
He couldn’t prevent feeling truly disappointed, he wanted to see you
You in turn, thought he had received your letter, and gave no answer but a request for you to travel North, without even acknowledging what it would be the greatest news for your marriage and the future of The Kingdoms, so just answered back that you couldn’t make the journey
You were heartbroken, but understood that maybe he was angry with you, and he had the reason to. 
Another moon went by, and another 
Cregan was teaching his son how to use the bow, that he had commissioned specially for him, when he received a letter, not from King’s Landing, but from Driftmark
A letter from the Sea Snake himself
Cregan found it amusing, and was truly curious about what Lord Corlys may want
Searching for a way in? most likely
Did he want to propose a union between their houses? Did he have a young girl he wanted to present for his son’s hand?
But Cregan never would have expected the news that came inside that letter
He was livid
Why had Corlys Velaryon written to him, congratulating him for the unborn prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne?
Why would he be expressing his concern, chiding him as he was a child, of the dangers of his absence by his wife’s side?
Why was that nosy old bastard expressing his concern for the wellbeing of the royal marriage?
You were pregnant…
… With his child…
… You didn’t tell him…
… He was half the continent away…
What was he thinking? leaving you like this, without making sure you were not with child?
Why didn’t you tell him?
Why did you hide this from him?
You could have known after he left, but the thing is, you didn’t write to tell him…
What were you thinking? 
Allowing yourself to be left alone in these circumstances?
He called in Sara immediately
“Make preparations, I need to leave for King’s Landing as soon as possible”
“Did something happen?”, she asked, alarmed
“The Queen is heavy with child, my child, I did not know, I have to be with her by her side…”
“When do you want to leave?”, she asked, concerned
“As soon as possible”
“The preparations will take weeks”
“I’m aware, I will take Rickon with me too”
“Really?”, she asked, concerned, “But Cregan, there must always be a Stark in Winterfell”, he smiled, sliding a large parchment over the table towards her
“It’s going to be you”
It was a decreet, to make her legitimate, signed by you
He was going to return south, to you, and he was going to take his son with him, even though he didn’t think it was going to be a good idea, for his son to be influenced like this, but still, he wanted you to meet him, and if you were not going to come to him, he was going to take his son to you
Perhaps, he didn’t think he was going to be able to leave him again, not after everything, not after missing two years of his short life
Adding to the stress and problems he had at home, now he had to add his unruly wife, who hid her pregnancy from him, and a unruly Lord, who purposefully send him that letter with ill intent, passively revealing against them
Corlys Velaryon was acting with a spoiled child whom his parents paid no attention anymore
What was he to do with him?
What were you going to do with him?
As he looked out the windows of his rooms to the vast valley in front of him, his home, he couldn’t help but release a single tear that fell from his cheek.
He was overwhelmed, now sad, that you mistrusted him so much, you must truly hate him to keep your pregnancy from him
He was now himself divided, South and North, Lordship or Crown, his son or you and his unborn child
A child that was going to be the next Queen or King of the Seven Kingdoms…
and his people needed him too, so much, they were also healing from the war, and losing a great percentage of his male population.
But he then smiled
Oh his child, his unborn child, a baby, made from you and him…
He couldn’t help but giggle a bit 
Despite your beautiful, but resentful heart, oh he couldn’t wait to see you all fat for him, because of him, because of your and his child
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pooksgetspooked · 9 months
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Summary: A devout priest of unshakable faith stumbles upon what could only be called his own slice of heaven. With no creature holier than you roaming the mortal realm, it serves to be beyond troubling when Leon finds himself quickly falling into the clutches of corruption by the mere presence of you. Pairing: Leon s. Kennedy x Angel!Fem!Reader Word Count: 3.7k
Content warnings: MDNI! Religion, Corruption, no explicit NSFW, possibly blasphemy
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Growing up, Leon has had his faith waver every so often. His darkest moments lulled by the temptation of all things sinful and unholy, whispering for him to indulge himself and to let go of his inhibitions. However the teachings of his mother was ingrained within him; as though woven into the very fibre of his being, and the vice it had on him never relented, keeping him always within the path of light. Despite his moments of weakness, he never caved. He never thought he would face such conflict again after devoting his life to the church, setting out to become one of the youngest priest the church has seen. Upholding his duties and following the word of God, he flourished to become the gracious man everyone knew him to be today. He was a figure of warmth and comfort, someone to confide in during trying times in exchange for genuine solace, free from any judgement. Upstanding and virtuous, Leon always made it a point to help those in need to whatever extent within his capabilities, his heart brimming full at the notion of being able to give aid to so many people and heal their plight. You were different. An exceptional case that he made a personal mission to assist and see to. It was by some stroke of luck; a miracle he liked to call it, that you came stumbling upon the church back gardens. Dilapidated and ramshackled, the overruned plot of green rarely ever saw the presence of anyone, save for the Leon himself who occasionally ventured out back for a breather and to bask in the serene nature. He had considered tidying up the place himself one too many times, but each time he came close to making up his mind, he would always find some little signs of life making home. Some snails treading on the cobble, bunnies that frolicked around before skittering into the ground once noticing Leon, or on the rare occasion, some deers would stumble upon the little makeshift forest and graze on the grass. It didn’t take long before he came to the consensus that the gardens would be a sharing space for him and nature, and that he would have to put up with the irksom tickle of the weeds against his skin. Out of all the sightings he would recount in his daydreams, you were his favourite by far. As he ventured out back on another one of his off days, he was surprised by the sight of fluttery white wings, soft and fuzzy, and far too large to belong to that of any known bird. Hunched over and wings cresting to shield the mystery that enclosed within those confines, he found himself in a daze, his mind going blank and his breath stolen from his lungs. It was only when he took a subconscious step forward, the soft crunch of the ground beneath him caused the wings to retract to reveal a softly glowing halo floating above a mop of hair that looked too soft to be real, before spinning around to reveal your face, wide eye and lips parted in surprise. Both of you were stunned, with Leon trying to grapple at the sight you were to behold, and you, a clutch of baby bunnies squirming in hand, and the mother rabbit perched beside you, somehow just as stunned as the both of you. Leon found his words failing him, his mind lagging behind while he tried to speak, “you… you’re… are you real?” his words came out lame and dumb, as though drug addled and sluggish. You couldn’t help but giggle, the surprise quickly wearing off as you gently returned the baby bunnies into their nest in the ground with the mother close behind, before returning your attention to the man, “yes, I am real. It is a pleasure to meet you” Your smile was a touch nervous, as though unsure of everything. Leon could see the way you fidgetted, gaze flitting askance as you took in the chapel behind him, “i’m sorry, should I not be here? I could find someplace else if I am unwelcomed here,” you swallowed thickly, growing a little more anxious under the intense stare of the man. 
Seized by all sorts of questions, the priest could barely hold back his thinly veiled confusion, or his barrage of questions. What was a priest supposed to do, when stumbling upon a creature only documented in books, of dubious existence that was now concreted by his gaze upon the benevolent creature. Were you sent here on a mission of sorts? Maybe to right all the wrongs that plagued the world in steed of God himself? Because heavens know that that was long overdue now. “Ah! No, no no please, you’re welcome to stay,” his mind finally caught up to the present, reeling at her words as he frantically waved his hands to stop her, “i’m sorry,” he laughed dryly in disbelief, “I’m just… so overwhelmed. I don’t even know what to say,” he ran a hand through his hair, trying to come up with what to say, where to start with his ceaseless myriad of questions. “Overwhelmed?” Your wings shuddered, expression knitted as your lips pursed, “I’m supposed to bring comfort and tranquility, not heightened emotions,” even in the midst of your self questioning, you still looked heavenly. The soft glow around never flickering and the soothing cast of warmth caressing his being just by standing in front of you. You were like a piece of heaven itself, fallen out of the sky to bless the earth; to bless him. “No you do! Really, you do, I’m just- I never imagined I would ever meet an angel in my life. Please, pardon me, i’m not usually so uncomposed and unkempt,” his nerves were growing frazzled now, as though crushed by the familiar sense of inferiority that he hadn’t felt plague him since his days as a child. Through his nerves however, he wasn’t lying to comfort you; you did enemate some unexplainable sense of comfort that lulled his soul, as though alleviating it of some prior weight he had never noticed, the sensation was merely shrouded by the multitude of scrambled emotions that suddenly seized him. 
With a yearning to alleviate and heal, you hesitantly reached out to the man, hands open to gently rest upon his forearm, “please do not apologize. Is there anything I can do to help? Do you need a moment to yourself? I may leave the premise if that can quell your being.” 
Acting behind some unknown force, Leon found his hand holding onto your wrist, gentle enough to not hurt yet firm enough to keep you within his grip. “No, no,” he sucked the air back into his lungs, lips parting as his chest rose and fell before he found it within himself to settle and calm, “please don’t leave,” he swallowed thickly. Blue eyes burning into your gaze as his thumb rubbed against the underside of your wrist, “I just have so many questions. May I ask you some?” That was the start of a blossoming kinship. Leon learnt from that encounter that you weren’t meant to be here, and rightfully so considering you had little to no knowledge of the worldly happenings. Not of how the world operated, and not of the terrible news plundering the world, countries at a time. Not of all the suffering and anguish the people faced, no. You were blissfully ignorant of everything, and Leon found himself wanting to keep things that way. 
This feat that Leon set out on turned out to be more difficult than he initially believed to be. The revelation of your presence stirred all sorts of outrage and desperation within the Chapel the day Leon introduced you to their community, seeing as you didn’t have any place to go. Devote believers awed and marvelled at you, singing praise and rejoicing in the salvation God would bring with him, with you being their first sign of the return of Christ. They tailed you at any possible turn, hands desperately trying to hold onto any part of you, occasionally getting too handsy with how they would tug at your wings and reach for your halo.
The smaller, but just as big in presence of the community was beyond desperate. They were those who had their own pleas and grievances that had gone unanswered countless times by God. Those people harassed you, hissing all sorts of demands for answers and for you to perform miracles outside of your capabilities, too blinded by their despair to see that you weren’t responsible, or had part in any of it, much less could you do anything about it. It was at that point that Leon made the decision to stick close to you for your safety and wellbeing. He could see you grow dreary from the increasing pressure of being around everyone, expectant for you to be their salvation. The soft glow around you seem to grow weaker, your complexion growing more dull and your wings more sunken. It was as though everyone was robbing you of your energy, which wasn’t all too far from the truth. Despite the treatment you had received from the masses, some negative and most a little too positive and wanting, you always made it a point to listen to the plight of the people despite being helpless to do anything to actually make an impact. You’d soothe what you could, comfort who you can, and heard whoever spoke as though you had not a single ill bone in your body, and Leon would later learn that it was something alike your purpose of creation.
You were a creation of God, just like any of them, but it seemed like you were an angel crafted for a more intimate role of being a companion for God himself. You often recalled what it was like back up in heaven, the breathtaking view from up above within your sanctioned tower, what it was like growing up in heaven and your tight knit relationship with God. From what Leon understood, most angels come to be as adults, but you were the exception in this case, where God spent his time nurturing you since your youth. Perhaps he wanted a taste of something akin to fatherhood, and the familial relations that came with it, and hence made you.  The more time he spent with you, now making it his duty to watch over you whenever you were out and about, the more he learnt about you, heaven, and God himself. It was fascinating to hear about what he was like. A strict father figure yes, but he was kind and patient with you all the same. The both of you were close knit, and from the way you phrased it, it sounded like you were all both of you had. It made Leon somber as he found himself reminiscing some of his youth and the yearning for the type of familial love you shared with God himself, or at least, that’s what he initially thought until time slowly began to unravel. It started off small, with little questions about how you wound up on the mortal realm since you weren’t at all supposed to be here. The simplest way you could put it was that you accidentally fell. You got too curious and bold one day, defying God’s rule to not stray too far from the tower and never wander too near the edge of the clouds. Never going too far into detail, you would give a strained smile, curt flap of your wings, and just go on to talk about how God must be upset at you for disobeying him. 
The seams began to crack from there. Leon could sense something more sinister beneath your tales and fond memories. How you never saw much of anyone outside of God and the occasional visitors or some significant figures in the castle. How God would always have some means of monitoring you at all times, just in case his child got a little too imaginative and curious. How God would confide in you about his deepest sorrows and regrets, the dents it made in your psyche and how you always tried your best to come up with something to cheer him up like the sweet daughter you are. It sounded overbearing and gripping, yet you didn’t seem to realize it yourself, all too happy to delve back in the recounts of shared laughter and joy. 
It troubled him. Like a long forgotten sensation, he found himself questioning his faith. He had pondered in his youth, why God would allow all the cruelty and unjust go unpunished in this world. Was he not all loving as everyone preached him to be? An all powerful being, capable of everything at just a whim of want? Leon couldn’t understand it. He made his own conclusion early on. If God is all loving, then he isn’t all powerful; and if he is all powerful, then he isn’t all loving. He decided to leave it at that, and never tried pursuing for more answers. As his faith wavered, a crisis was nigh. His entire life built upon the faith in God, and now he had a living testament to the figure of worship, and it was ruining him. It forced him to face the pursuit he tried to cast away early in his life, to give consideration into the figure he kneeled before on a daily basis, and he hated it with every bit of his being. It was ruining him, just as you were ruining him. His emerging discord was tearing him apart, and through it all, he was facing another dilemma he was desperately trying to keep from surfacing. His growing fascination with you. He didn’t know how someone could be so kind and free of sin. You were unlike anyone he knew; never greedy, always compassionate, ever gentle, even when faced with the most hostile of people. You were ethereal, and embodied the very bit of the word. It was easy enough to wave it off as a deep interest in you because why wouldn’t he be? You were a living, breathing angel who was presented to him, a priest. You were supposed to be living proof of his faith, and you withheld so much information within you, it was only natural for Leon, and anyone really, to hold a deep fascination in you. That’s what he told himself, until his mind began to wander. It started with his gaze, and how they would dart too low, how they would stare at a little too long, too hard, at some place anyone would deem as inappropriate. It was troubling for Leon, how he’d find himself a little too warm and too aware of your friendly touch, how the air felt too thick and he struggled to breathe, much less think through a muddled, heavy haze within your vicinity. Like a man guided by barely restrained instinct, he returned your touch with a firm grip, sometimes a gentle hand clasped around your arm, other times a well placed hold on your waist to move you behind him when the flock of people got too excited. 
It only got worse from there. He tried to keep his distance from you when walking with you, unwilling to feed into this festering desire, but unwilling to leave you vulnerable to te mob of people that always followed you everywhere, not even risking leaving you alone when seemingly no one was around. Sometimes you’d pray with him, kneeling at the alter beside him as you both whisper your prayers, and Leon’s thoughts would wander off just a second too soon for him to catch. A flash of you on your knees before him, cinture wrapped snugly around your neck with the other end firm around his hand so that he could tug the holy cord and tip your head up enough to peer into your eyes. That was only scratching the surface, and Leon could already sense his downfall. He thought his dick was but a decorative piece at that point, having not gotten any sort of attention or reaction for years on end, he knew something was dreadfully wrong when it was revived a few nights after his first inappropriate thought made it’s appearance. His room window faced the back gardens where the both of you first met, giving him a lovely view from up above of the place that now held a near and dear spot in his heart. He had been praying towards the window that night, hands clasped with his cross in hand in front of him as hushed prayers fell from his lips. Prayer for forgiveness and guidance, to purge him of his sins and shield him from sin. He so desperately wanted to stay within the light, but he had all but slipped away from it the moment his head lifted, and he saw you down below in the gardens. Seeing you there came as no surprise; ever since your arrival, you had took to the gardens as though it was your personal sanctuary and helped clean it up while still maintaining the natural flora and fauna. Within a couple weeks, the gardens was flourishing better than it ever had, the plants far more green and the woodland creatures flourished under your care. The shock that caused Leon’s mouth to grow wet was the sight of you donned in your night gown, the sheen white fabric clinging onto your frame while you frolicked in the pond, soft laughter chiming outside as you played with the fish that somehow seemed to reciprocate your friendly behaviour, swimming around and splashing you.  Just the glimpse of you felt like a sin he couldn’t wash away, yet he couldn’t look away. It felt as though he had secured his one way ticket to hell now, but he was enamoured with the curves of your body, how the wet fabric was fainty see through. His eyes fixated around the hollow of your collarbones, the perk of your nipple, the curve of your waist and the outline of your legs. He couldn’t breathe. That night, you set a holy man on a path driven into madness. 
Dead in the middle of the night, he was curled up in his bed, the white sheets moist with his sweat as he clutched onto the cross of his rosary with eyes screwed shut to try and block out the depravity of his mind and the throb of his dick. On the verge of tears, he heaved and panted, head swimming in the suffocating air of his room while he tried not to give into temptation. Never in his life has he ever been so swayed to stray from the holy path that was set out for him, not until now.
Through the growing pit of sickness, he continued praying, hoping to pray his thoughts away, only for more pervasive thoughts to cloud the rolling reels behind closed eyes. Pushing you against the cross and tying you there with the intention to bring you closer to God and make you even holier than you already are, hands that could easily engulf your breast trailing over the side of your chest, thumb grazing the fabric over your nipple while his lips dipped to your collarbone to take a bite. 
He couldn’t help but imagine your cries, the arch of your back and how your nipples would perk with under the attention, back arching closer to his chest under the whim of your bodily wants. Hands slithering underneath the arch and wrapping around your waist as blood tinged his tongue. 
The final straw in the midst of his mindless prayer was the vivid imagery of you staring up at him through fluttering lashes, down on your knees with his cock sprung free, tip flushed and shaft begging for your touch. The sensation of your lips on his dick, peppering the tip with kisses before shyly sticking your tongue out to give a kitten lick to the precum budding at the slit, watching the string stick on your tongue and connect on his dick even as you gently pull away. He hadn’t realized the sob for forgiveness falling from his lips as he pulled down his pants, dick springing free just like how he imagined in his dream. He couldn’t stop the mantra of chants, seeking guidance and salvation as he thumbed the slit, rubbing the copious amount of slippery precum on his shaft as he gripped around his dick like a vice, all while the vision continued to play behind his eyes. He could feel your tongue, soft and wet licking a stripe up from the underside of his dick before plush lips wrapped around his dick, causing him to groan. Tears leaked from his eyes from how you slowly bobbed around the head of his dick, never going any further than the dip of his head, your tongue flicking over the slit and circling the mushrom tip that has him whining and gasping for air. You were robbing him of his faith, draining it with every little timid lick. He was growing dizzy, lungs aching and the burn coiling in the pit of his guts as his hips stuttered. Mutters of “laying on of hands,” slipping off his tongue as his hands wrapped around the back of your head, slowly guiding your mouth to take him deeper, the ring of spit around his dick going further and getting wetter the further you went before he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. Like a snap of restraint, his mouth fell open in broken moans as your head was pushed all the way down, throat closing tightly around the offending intrusion while you gagged with tears pricking the corner of your eyes. A sight to behold, teary and hollowed cheeks while staring up at him with those bright, wide eyes. 
The burning twist in his guts was tipping too quickly. Lightheaded and back arched towards the high heavens, Leon cried into the night as the burning hot splatter of his cum marred his skin and the fabric of his shirt, the sticky white seeping into the fabric like how it clung onto his hand as he continued to pump himself dry. His dick throbbed within his grip, spasming while his core tightened like he was hit by a lightening as punishment for his sin. His chest heaved erratically while his eyes cracked open to peek at the ceiling through tear-muddled vision, his body quivering while his thighs jerked. Dear God, He was done for. 
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cobaltperun · 9 months
Lost (10) - Blood // Water
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Summary: To anyone on the outside, and to Tara’s friends, you were Tara’s fierce protector, the MMA fighter who’d take anyone on for Tara. The Guard Dog, as Amber called you. You had no idea you’d have to protect her from people who claimed they loved her. It didn’t matter. As long as you and Tara had one another there was nothing you wouldn’t be able to survive.
Story warnings: Scream violence, family issues, trauma, angst, certain sensitive topics
Word count: 4.4k
Story masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
-The price of your greed is your son and your daughter. What you gon' do when there's blood in the water?-
You weren't at your best. You were far from it, really. Sure, the wounds healed, though slower than they should have since you kept pushing your body past your limit constantly, but the recovery and getting your strength and stamina back was another story. Soaked from head to toe in sweat from hours of working out, driven only by adrenaline and anger you cursed yourself for getting closer and closer to your limit.
Frustration, however, helped, as you slammed punch after punch into the bag. The sound of the hits echoed in the empty gym, since it's long been past the closing time. The owner knew your coach and it helped that your success brought some new people to his gym, so he let you use the equipment after hours.
You needed that. You were angry. At yourself for not stopping Tara. At Tara for putting you in that position when she asked you to leave. At Amber for starting all of this in the first place. Punch after punch, you hoped the next one would finally set you free from the anger. Yet with every punch you would be reminded of the recently healed injuries and that only made you more furious. You gritted your teeth as the cycle continued until you heard the doors opening.
"Y/N," you didn't stop pummeling the bag, it was just your coach. He faked a cough and you let out an exasperated sigh, finally turning to look at him, only to see a face you vaguely recognized.
"Hello, miss L/N, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," the man next to your coach was Thomas Laurent, a former middleweight MMA fighter who had a promising start in his career, but then got seriously injured in his fight against Zack. He never truly recovered after that. Nowadays whenever someone mentions his name all they say is he had potential, but that the injury ended his career before he could reach his prime. From the looks of it, he kept training, and with no weight class to hold him to a certain weight you figured he was somewhere between light heavyweight and heavyweight now. He was thirty-seven and you were sure he could still give plenty of fighters a run for their money.
"What? You want to swap retirement stories?" you really had no desire to deal with him, or anyone else right now.
Your coach flinched for a moment, but Thomas merely laughed, it was a loud, hearty laugh and despite your mood, you wiped the scoff off your face and looked at him with a raised eyebrow, now a bit curious about his reasons for coming here.
"No, no, I'm here to make the greatest retirement spectacle women's MMA has ever seen," he boasted with confidence that made you genuinely intrigued.
"Is that so? And how do you plan on doing that, exactly?" you were pulling your gloves off, only now seeing how bloody your knuckles got. There were bloodstains on your bandages. Both Thomas and your coach noticed that, seeing as their eyes widened when they saw the state of your hands. "Long day yesterday, I had a lot of pent-up frustration," you explained as you shoved the gloves into your bag, not really bothered by scrapped knuckles. The tiny scars you had accumulated from training had long since stopped bothering you. “What did you have in mind?”
Thomas nodded, disregarding the state of your hands as you winced and peeled the bandages off. "You have two fights, so let's make history. You'll fight at the end of November against one of the previous title challengers and then, on the ninth of December, if you accept, you'll challenge Anya Golubeva," Thomas didn't need to explain any further.
Anya Golubeva has been the women's featherweight champion for the past five years, with good grappling and explosive punches, she hardly left any openings. In addition to that you would fight someone around her skill level two to three weeks before that fight. He wasn't kidding when he said he wanted to make history. You'd have one of the shortest, if not the shortest, breaks between two fights, and in case you won the second fight you'd retire as the world champion.
You didn't ask how he could make it happen. You didn't need to know. You knew just one thing, that would be an issue. You couldn't prepare for those fights in Woodsboro. No sparring partner, the gym that lacked equipment... You'd have to leave as soon as tomorrow.
If Tara hadn't told you to leave her, you would have gone to see her, to talk with her. But she told you to leave, and as much as you loved her, you weren't about to waste this opportunity. You’ll see Tara in two months. "I'm in," this was your only chance to make Zack, and your own, dream become a reality, and you were not about to miss out on it.
Being in, however, meant calling Sam to handle your absence. So, that's how the two of you were sitting in Woodsbo-Restaurant. She looked tense, though you couldn't see any anger, at least on the surface.
"So, did Tara tell you what happened?" you guessed she probably did, it's been over forty-eight hours since Tara left your apartment, and you haven't seen her since. That alone would have been enough for anyone who knew you and Tara to figure out something happened. You were actually surprised Mindy didn’t text you to get you to fix things.
Sam sighed, but instead of answering she added sugar to her coffee and began stirring it. Honestly, you were growing impatient. "About retirement, or how she asked you to leave her?" she finally spoke up, her eyes staring into your soul.
You slumped into your seat, consumed by the look on her face when she asked that of you. Sam was disappointed, worried, she wasn’t angry, but you could tell she absolutely wasn’t happy with either you or Tara. "Both, I guess. Not that it matters. I'm leaving Woodsboro, I won't be here for two months," you told her and placed a key to your apartment on the table.
"You're leaving? You'll actually listen to Tara?" Sam got up, pressing her palms against the table and leaning over it toward you. There was anger in her eyes now and most people would have backed away, intimidated by Sam.
You weren’t most people. "Yes, but not because of what Tara said. I'll have two of the biggest fights of my life by the end of those two months and I'm not about to fuck it up," you didn't even budge when Sam got up. You slid the key across the table and met Sam's angry glare. "Tara is free to spend as much time in my apartment as she wants. She can sleep there, move in, whatever she wants. You can work here since there's about to be an open spot starting today," you had no intention of stopping, you needed Sam to hear you out.
You straightened your posture as Sam began sitting down. "Tara and I grew too codependent, Sam. We grew too attached to guilt. If it spirals out of control she'll stay by my side because she feels guilty for my retirement and I'll stay because I'll feel guilty for not being there to protect her the first time, for letting Amber make her vulnerable and not noticing she was a danger to Tara. Love built on guilt isn't love, it's just regret," you stood up, leaving enough money to pay the bill, and began walking away. You didn't have any time left. Your coach was already waiting for you outside the restaurant.
"Y/N, I'm sorry I dragged Tara into all of that," Sam's declaration didn't surprise you, she felt even more guilty than Tara or you did. All three of you were being consumed by guilt, and it had to stop, otherwise living a normal life would become impossible.
"It's not your fault those two were crazy," you stopped and turned to look at her.
Sam shook her head, surprising you for a moment. "It is. Billy Loomis is my father, and that's why all of that happened."
It was actually the first time you heard Sam and Tara were half-sisters. Not that it mattered. "It's not, Sam. Who your parents are has nothing to do with it. It's an insane excuse made by insane people," you shrugged and offered her a smile. "So, how about this? Instead of being Billy and Christina's daughter, how about you just remain Tara's sister?"
The last thing you expected was for Sam to grab and pull you into a hug. Whispering a small, emotion filled 'Thank you' as you patted her on the back. You had no idea when Sam found out about Billy, but things somehow began making sense. Why Sam left, why she was distancing herself from Tara when they were younger, maybe even why Tara’s dad left. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that at least some of it was connected to Billy Loomis.
“Take care of Tara,” you requested, though you understood there was no need to ask for that, but you did anyway.
You left, you actually left and Tara couldn’t reach you, you weren’t answering your phone. It’s been three weeks since she last set foot in your apartment, she didn’t want to make Sam do more than she was already doing for her. And she missed your presence more than ever. Was this how you felt when Tara was with Amber? Alone? Lost? Tara guessed you did.
Her leg was finally healed, and she could walk once again, though she was yet to recover her strength. It would take some time and going up the stairs all the way to the third floor to your apartment exhausted her more than she predicted it would. How much stamina did you have when you could, as injured as you were, climb up those same stairs while holding her in your arms? It was just another reason to admire how strong you were. She unlocked your doors and was met with a familiar scent, her anxiety lowering almost instantly as she was reminded of you. The place was almost exactly the same as when she left, only this time your bag was missing.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, feeling like she had to say it as she locked the doors behind her. She moved on autopilot, going to your bed and lying down. She shouldn’t have told you to leave her, and sure, she understood you would have left anyway to prepare for your fights, but she still shouldn’t have told you to leave her. She should have been there to see you off, she should have been the one you gave your spare key to, she should have hugged you and told you to be careful, she should have told you she loved you, or she should have thanked you or at least told you that she would miss you.
Anything would have been better than telling you to leave her.
And then, from the corner of her eye, she noticed your phone on the nightstand drawer, left there, likely on purpose. Her eyes widened and she sat up to take it, just to make sure she wasn’t seeing things. Her cheeks turned red when she noticed the photo of you and her, hugging, as your lock screen, but she couldn’t help but smile. She didn’t know, you rarely used your phone while you were with her.
Fresh out of the shower, you stumbled into the apartment above the gym Thomas had you training and living in, and dropped to the floor, not even having any strength to get to bed. You just needed to take a quick nap and then you’d move to your bed, at least that was the plan. But, much like many of the previous nights you woke up on the floor as the first rays of sunlight entered the room. And you didn’t wake up naturally either, you were woken up by Thomas and your coach knocking on your doors.
“Up you go, Y/N!” Thomas bellowed as you pushed your body up from the floor.
“Easy for you to say, unless we’re sparring you’re just overlooking my training,” you grumbled and groaned as you stood up.
Six weeks, six days, and thirteen hours. That was the last time Tara saw you, heard your voice, touched you, spoke to you. That was when she told you to leave her. So much has changed. In the few weeks since she went to your apartment and found your phone. She cut contact with her mom and moved into your apartment because she couldn't take it anymore and just needed a semblance of you in her life.
And seeing as you left your phone behind no one could reach you, not her, not Susan, no one. So, that's how she ended up in Sacramento with Sam, Mindy, and Chad, waiting for your second-to-last fight.
“Who is she fighting anyway?” she found herself asking, almost a bit excited to watch the fight, if only so she could see you.
“Uh, not sure, but her opponent fought for the title before and lost in a fairly even fight, there wasn’t even a knockout,” Chad told her. Ever since you began fighting Chad was her source of information.
You opponent fought for the title before? So, she was close in strength to the world champion? Tara remembered how you came back after your first fight and she couldn't do it, she couldn’t watch the fight. Despite being excited to see you, she just couldn’t handle seeing you get hit. You probably still haven't fully recovered from what Amber and Richie did to you, what Amber forced Tara to do to you. So, she'd miss the start, maybe even miss the entire first round or two, because she couldn't take watching you get hurt.
“Tara?” Sam question as Tara stood up.
“I need a moment, don’t worry,” Tara assured her softly and went toward the kitchen.
“Tara, uh, can’t exactly watch Y/N’s fights. Because Y/N gets hurt,” she heard Chad explaining and Sam’s small ‘Oh,’ at that.
She entered the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. She felt cold, she missed you, she wanted to be near you, to grab onto you and not let go. Instead, all she could do was clutch the necklace you gave her, all she could do was hold onto it as she hugged herself. A sob tore through her throat, but she stopped herself when she heard the doors opening.
"Tara, honey, it's about to start," Susan came in. The woman became Tara's ally since you left, offering reassurance and convincing Tara you'd come back. Somehow, her words held more weight than anyone else's when it came to you, and Tara somewhat believed her.
"I don't think I can," Tara admitted, ashamed that she couldn't watch you even now that she knew how much it meant to Susan and you. That she couldn't watch you even if it was her fault that ten days from now, you'd be out of MMA.
Susan gently rubbed Tara's left shoulder. "I get it, how about we just sit here then. I'll go and turn the volume up so we can hear what is happening. Is that okay?"
Tara nodded and sat down, thankful that the woman understood and was willing to stay by her side to support her. She watched as Susan turned to go and get the volume up, only to freeze on the doorstep. "It's over."
Tara felt her blood run cold. Over? What was over? The fight? She ran outside of the kitchen and took in the sight in front of her. Chad sitting there with his mouth wide open. Mindy was frozen as she leaned over to Sam to grab the popcorn. Sam just watching the TV wide-eyed and confused. And you on the TV, without a single scratch, just standing with one fist raised in the air.
She watched as the fight replayed on the TV, right from the start. Your opponent approached, and opened with a punch, only for you to counter with a punch straight to her face and she just dropped. Six seconds into the fight. You knocked the woman out in six seconds.
She just stood there, taking your figure in. Her heart beat out of rhythm as she saw the results of your training, the defined muscles, the power and speed you possessed. Tara had never spent this long away from you, even when she was with Amber you two still hung out as a part of the same friend group and though rarely you still spent some time alone as well, and seeing you like this, so abruptly and so briefly made her realize exactly how much that affected her.
"How's the ogling going, T," Mindy's teasing made her look away. She wasn't ogling, she was just looking.
Less than two weeks to go. You'd come back to her soon.
When the title match came Tara watched with Sam, Chad and Mindy in your apartment and she nearly had an asthma attack as she watched you take hit after hit.
This was the end, in half an hour you'd step into the octagon and have your final professional fight. Yet you never felt more relaxed than you were tonight.
The doors opened and you expected to see your coach. Instead, you saw Anya Golubeva, a blonde Russian with piercing blue eyes. You met recently but between promotions that required some hostility, you didn't have any other interactions with her.
"Hello, Y/N," her accent was thick, and you stood up as she approached you. She was 5 foot 8, almost an inch and a half shorter than you, but considering her skill and strength it felt like there was no difference at all.
"Anya," you nodded to greet her, the two of you already met, and you did the usual trash talking that was supposed to hype people up for the fight, honestly, to you it was just part of the business, and from the looks of it she saw it the same way. No matter who won or what either of you would say in an interview after the fight, there wouldn’t be bad blood between you. At least you hoped that would be the case.
"I just wanted to say I am sorry this is how your career ends," the sentiment surprised you. "I wish I could have fought you at your peak, in a few years," despite being fine with the retirement that was somewhat of a regret. You'd never reach your professional peak, you were only twenty, most MMA fighters reached their peak sometime between twenty-five and twenty-eight years old. You could train, sure, but you doubted you'd reach the same heights you would've if your career continued.
Anya, however, was at her peak, in fact, most experts predicted she would wipe the floor with you prior to your previous match. Now that you knocked your opponent out in six seconds the predictions were different, and some even dared to bet on you.
You sat down, grinning a bit. "I guess that's right. I don't regret it, though."
"You were protecting a friend. Admirable, really," Anya nodded her approval.
"More than a friend, at least as far as feelings go," you blurted out, not really sure why you felt the need to say it. You just missed Tara so damn much.
Anya chuckled a bit and motioned to the bench next to you.
"Of course," at your words, she sat down and leaned her back against the wall.
"What's her name?" she asked.
"Tara," you replied, unable to keep the smile off her face.
Anya remained silent for a moment. "There's a river in the Balkans called Tara. In a small country called Montenegro. Its canyon is the deepest in Europe, so if you ever go there, make sure you take your girl rafting through it. I personally found it to be more exciting than most things I did in my life."
You had no idea there was a river called Tara, but you really wanted to see it now, and you wanted to take Tara with you. "Thanks. I'll keep it in mind."
"Make sure you do, it really is an experience," she got up. "Well then, good luck," she offered you a hand.
You took her hand and nodded. "Good luck to you too."
Her behavior took you by surprise, there definitely weren't many fighters who were openly like this. Still, there would be no holding back. You had a fight and you were going to do everything in your power to win.
She was strong. You had never encountered a fighter that could match you like this. You traded blows, and you barely got out of her submissions. You couldn't make her submit. In the four minutes since the fight started, you managed to get her on the ground once, and she easily got out. You on the other hand found yourself on the ground for the second time, with your neck in a chokehold as she pressed down on your abdomen and kept your legs immobile by holding them between her own.
In an almost desperate attempt not to lose in the first round, you managed to move your fist back enough to land a fairly strong blow to her side. Her grip on you loosened with a grunt coming above you. So, you hit her again, and then the third time before she finally let go enough for you to get your legs free and twist the position. She pushed against your abdomen with her legs, but you landed a solid right punch to her face. You raised your fist again, but just as you were about to hit her again the round ended, and you got up.
You gave one another a quick fist-bump, enjoying the way this fight was going as you separated. There was no malice in this fight. It was just a competition.
The second round started off much better. You circled each other, throwing faints, and testing the distance for a bit. You landed a low kick to her left leg, she in turn grazed your head. You exchanged a couple of punches, pulling away from one another with nearly simultaneous clean hits to the faces. You could feel blood dripping from your nose and your lower lip, you could feel the area around your left eye starting to swell. She wasn't doing much better, though. You landed an elbow on the side of her head, grazing her forehead in the process. From the looks of it, you also made a small cut on the side of her nose.
Both of you were bloody, both of you had taken several hard hits. Anya went in for a kick, but you pushed her back, landing a couple of good blows to her upper body. It wasn't enough. She quickly recovered, bouncing away from your assault. She hit you in the side with a nasty uppercut and you felt wind getting knocked out of your lungs, but you managed to block Anya's follow-up attack.
The following exchange ended in your favor when you landed three good blows to her head and upper body and finished it with a kick to the side.
You made a mistake, though. You misjudged the distance and her kick connected with your jaw. The next thing you knew you were slammed into the ground, feeling the back of your head bounce off the octagon mat and you just barely had enough consciousness to lift your forearms above your face to guard against the flurry of punches raining down upon you. And then, just as your guard was about to be shattered the round ended.
You stumbled to your side of the octagon, slowly regaining awareness of your surroundings as several icepacks were pressed against your face and sore muscles. You felt something warm trickling down your neck. You touched it and saw red. Blood. That kick made your scar bleed. Scar...
Your breathing became steady, and you slowly shifted into the breathing pattern Zack taught you. In, out, two times in, out, in, two times out, in, out, two times in, out, in, two times out. Your head was getting clear again just as you were left on your own and just as the third round began.
You needed a bit more time, but Anya wouldn't let you have it. So, you went in, hoping a good offense would give you that precious time. You managed to surprise her, catching her in a clinch and landing two good uppercuts to her face before she pulled back. There was a smirk on her face, indicating she wasn't annoyed by your continued resistance.
You smirked back, going for a quick exchange of punches that ended with a side kick from you. The two of you had a few more exchanges, trading blow after blow and it wasn't clear who was getting the upper hand. the second minute of the third round was already halfway done when Anya went in for and went for a grapple. You had no time to react, no time to think, you just went in for a flying knee and got her right in the face. She dropped and you stumbled away from her, barely registering that the collision of her and your momentum made that hit much more effective than it ordinarily would be.
It was over.
Third round, twelve minutes in total and you were the champion. The end results of your career. Two years and five months of fighting. Thirteen fights. Thirteen wins. Twelve by a knock-out. You were the world featherweight champion. You were retired.
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marymary-diva17 · 10 months
Hello I just tried to send in my request by message but it didn’t go through but here it is:
Tonowari x Fem Reader x Ronal (poly mates)/ Aonung x Tsireya x Rotxo x Fem Reader (platonic/parental relationship):
So this is around the time that the Sully’s arrive. So the Reader never formally met them and has no idea that they are there so one day when Jake is helping around the village with some chores the Reader sees him doesn’t reconise him and attcks him. So they’re fighting and a crowd is forming. Then Ronal and Tonowari as well as Aonung, Tsireya, and Rotxo and the other Sully’s show up and Aonung and Rotxo start cheering the Reader (their second mother) on. And when the Reader pins Jake down to the ground and has a sphere to his neck ready to kill him when her mates call for her. That’s the idea you choose what happens after.
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The sully family had arrived at metkayain village with their clan, sneaking help and refuge from the rda and lost of most of their home. They had been welcome to stay at the village by tonowari and ronal, Jake had been told ronal was not a easy women to speak with but it seems like she went along after tonowari and signed something to her. There was someone who had been able to soften ronal over the years, and that she was the peace maker of the clan and had kindhearted she did have a fighting spirt as well. As the sully family and their clan were getting use to their new home, soon a homecoming of someone beloved to the people will be happening.
y/n " finally home after being gone for so long" you had been gone doing some healer business with a far away clan. Now you had arrived home ready to see your mates and children once again. Your role in the task was very important but took a toll of you at times, but it was something you enjoy doing.
????? " ahhhh" you soon heard a scream you had looked up and saw man coming crashing down into the water, hitting the water hard.
????? " that was a nice move"
y/n " are you okay" you soon look at the stranger as he had his back turned towards you but you soon, saw he had eyebrows and five fingers. You had been told of the sky demons return, but this man seem different.
y/n " so war has adventure to the ocean I can see that"
Jake " hello I'm Jake sully or toruk makto"
y/n " yes I know who you are Jake sully I have head you tales, so tell my why you coming crashing into the water ... Jake sully"
Jake " well I was trying to ride that creature but it seems it hate me" you soon laugh at Jake sully words soon getting him to look at you, as he was shocked at he made one of reef navi laugh.
y/n " you are funny Jake sully but if you are going to tame one of strimwing then you most, learn how to do it right or you will get use to falling off until you to bad damage"
Jake oh"
y/n " come with me to that rock so we can fix you up, before you get the attention of any dangerous creatures" Jake had nodded his head and soon followed you to the rock, you were unknown to them as you are dress differently and seem to be look bit different as well.
y/n " your head seem to have a horrible burn and cut I'm guessing, you had wrapped your hands hoping to stay on"
Jake " yes that was my bets idea"
y/n " that was a foolish idea even for a mighty leader and warrior like you"
Jake " you are right ... ahhh"
y/n " you will be better in a couple hours but next time you wish to ride, you should not do that again if you don't wish to hurt your hands worst"
Jake " thank you"
y/n " so tell me which clan are you staying with Jake sully, there are many clan of the reefs and ocean"
Jake " we are staying with the metkayian I was shocked we were allowed to stay, tonowari had agreed to allow us to stay but ronal took some time"
y/n " that sounds like ronal and tonowari"
Jake " who are you I do have the right to know the women who, helped heal me and give me some advice"
y/n " I'm y/n and healer along with some other important roles as well"
Jake " it nice to meet you y/n"
y/n " it nice to meet you as well Jake sully"
y/n " come on we should be getting to the metkayian village and it seems, like you might be lost on getting home" you were right as Jake was a bit lost, soon the two of you had headed towards the village.
Sometime later
Jake " so you are a healer and seem to have a special connection, with the great mother"
y/n " yes I had trained to be a healer and use learning to understand, the great mother as well"
Jake " wow"
Jake " looks like we will be greeted I hope I can introduce you to my family"
y/n " I will love that but there are some words I need to have with tonowari and ronal"
Jake " oh you have to speak with the the oloeytahn and tshaik"
y/n " yes there is some news I came to share with then from other clans" Jake had nodded his head as the two of you soon head towards the village. Jake and you ahd went to a dock and climbed on, as tonowari made his way towards Jake.
tonowari " welcome bakc Jake sully how was the swimming practice"
Jake " it was good but it seems like I need more training and I meet someone, who seem to be give me good insight about the matter"
tonowari " who"
Jake " a women named ......"
????? " daddy your home " you soon saw some kids rushing towards Jake greeting him, you are looking for your children.
Jake " hello kids as I was saying tonowari I meet a women named y/n" tonowari ears soon went up as he heard that name Jake soon stepped back showing you.
neytiri " hello thank you for helping my husband" a group had gathered around to watch what was going on right now.
y/n " you are welcome"
tonowari " y/n"
y/n " tonowari"
tonowari " I have missed you ma ....."
????? " mama" tonowari was soon cut off when his two son had ran pass him and hugged you, You soon smile seeing your children again make you so happy.
y/n " hello my sons" the boys soon broke the hug and were now standing to the sideline. The sully family seem very confused about what they were seeing and so were their clan members as well.
y/n " it good to be home and I see we have guest we have offered help to"
tonowari " yes it seems like you words of giving other chance have hit ronal hard"
y/n " that good"
????? " mom" you soon looked up to see tsireya coming to see you with a boy behind her, soon enough she had hugged you happy to see her mother again.
tsireay " mother become home I wish I was here earlier to greet you"
y/n " hello my daughter it okay I'm happy to be home right now" soon the crowd started parting ways as ronal and mo'at had came towards, all the communication that was happening. Ronal was holding your son in her arms soon a bright smile grow on your baby face.
ronal " y/n welcome home I was worried you will be gone longer"
y/n " I had gotten done with my duties and came home to see my mates and family"
ronal " well all the children have missed you but it seems like sova missed you more" ronal soon passed you sova who soon wrapped his arms around you.
y/n " hello my little warrior have you been behaving for you baba and mom"
ronal " he was good boy but was fussy after the day you left"
y/n " well everything will be good now my little one"
mo'at " so you are the peace marker and god fighter I have been told about"
y/n " hello tshaik mo'at"
Jake " I dont mean to be rude but right now it seems I myself are confused right now, with the rest of my family and clan"
tonowari " oh yes y/n here is our third mate she was not here when you all came, she was off visiting her old mentors and friends as she was need by them"
Jake " oh"
ronal " she a good teacher and healer in the clan whenever there a issue, our people will go to here for help and guidance ... maybe she will be good mentor for you and your children"
y/n " I will love to help if you all wish for that I don't wish to overstep"
Jake " we will love that"
y/n " good maybe I can help you all learn to fight in water if you are going to stay here, you are going to need to learn many survival skills" the sully family and their clan were very amazed by you. That when you soon become on of the mentors for the guest, and that when the Jake and neytiri learned you are a good fighter. Even due you may seem very kindhearted and soft spoken, you knew how to fight.
Jake " ahhh" Jake soon fall into the water after you had knocked him down, soon pointing you spear at him.
y/n " you are getting better Jake but still need to work on your foot work and position"
Jake " well I'm happy to see I'm getting better and you arw a good teacher"
y/n " thank you" you soon nodded your head toward Jake and soon helped him back onto his feet, as you were not looking at him. You soon started back up with the lessons, as other watched form the sideline too the fight going on. The children of both fighters seem to be enjoying everything that was going on, and seem to be on your side even the sully children were cheering you on verse their own father. It seems like this homecoming was something good after all as many things were being learned and many alliance had been made as well.
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