#i will never forget my grandfather's memory. of walking down the street that day in the deep south and asking what was the matter.
queerprayers · 1 year
Here in the US, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, as we watch countless people de-radicalize and water down Rev. King's politics, we also watch the same thing happen to his religion. The Reverend was a preacher, first and fundamentally, and he approached all his political actions as a Christian. I wanted to encourage you today to honor both his political and religious legacy, as they go hand in hand.
Wikipedia's list of his sermons and speeches (includes short summaries and links)
the Stanford King Institute has many texts of his sermons
Archive.org has many of his books available to check out
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taephilia · 3 years
lost (myself) & found (you)
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pairing: jeon jungkook x gn!reader
genre: fluff, soulmate au, based off of kimi no na wa
warnings: one (1) swear word
word count: 2,120
a/n: i saw this quote from the movie and inspiration just struck and i haven't been able to get it out of my head since. ofc i wrote this for jungkook since he's a weeb and said he would also want to hear bells ring when he meets his soulmate <3 also this is not edited lol i'll come back to it later, i just wanted to get this out
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"Once in a while when I wake up, I find myself crying. The dream I must’ve had I can never recall. But… the sensation that I’ve lost something, lingers for a long time after I wake up." - Tachibana Taki, Kimi No Na Wa (2016)
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Jungkook isn’t sure how long he’s felt like this—felt like something is missing, something important, something that his heart just can’t seem to let go of even if his brain has already forgotten. He knows that he dreams of whatever it is. He recalls scenes as he goes about his day; a loud laugh here, a brush of a hand against his there. People that he’s never seen before walking by him in a city he’s never been to, music playing on the radio that he’s never heard, a family that he comes home to that he doesn’t recognize at all. It’s all very strange and Jungkook is starting to wonder if maybe the late night ramen he’s built up a habit of eating has gone bad or maybe the unhealthy amounts of salt in it are the cause behind this. Because it was all fun and games until Jungkook’s heart starts to ache, like it’s calling out to someone that his brain can’t even conjure up an image for. Someone that he would search the ends of the cosmos for, someone that, whenever he feels like he gets close to them, slips right through his fingers like grains of sand. But he shakes it off whenever the feeling comes and ignores the heavy feeling in his chest in favor of paying attention to that day’s classes. If he had somehow found his soulmate, it definitely wouldn’t be someone in his hometown in the countryside.
Soulmate. That’s who his grandfather had told him he’s been dreaming about ever since Jungkook confessed almost two months ago about the reason behind his ever-present furrowed brows and faraway look in his eyes. He says that it had happened to him when he was around Jungkook’s age but, like most dreams, he’s forgotten who it was. He then went on to talk about the red thread of fate and that’s when Jungkook started tuning out. It’s a nice concept to think about when you’re a child—a red string tied around your pinky that connects you to the person that you’re destined to be with—but it’s just a myth and Jungkook doesn’t have time to think about things that aren’t real. Not when he barely has the time to think about the things that are real, like college entrance exams and graduating from high school.
So he buries his head in his books and pours every last drop of blood, sweat, and tears into his studies to get into his dream college in Seoul. The yearning in his heart doesn’t go away but it’s eclipsed by the pure exhaustion that he feels at the end of every day. And, like most dreams, he forgets.
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Jungkook is 23 when he seriously begins to wonder whether or not he’s going crazy. He had thought he was going over the deep end while in college but hearing bells go off? Now that takes the cake. It happens at random; he never knows when the bells in his head will ring (and Jungkook knows that only he can hear them because nobody around him ever gives any sort of indication that they’ve heard them) no matter how much he tries to prepare for it. He checks his surroundings every day, eyes scanning over the crowds of people weaving around him in Seoul, but it’s no use. The only consistent location that they seem to chime in is when he’s on the metro and even then, it’s on random days, at random times, and not always at the same stop.
He’s not the type to go chasing after fairy tales, or at least, he isn’t anymore. He doesn’t have time to think hard and long about what these imaginary bells could mean, not when he has a job to do and people to impress and money to be made. And his grandfather died during his second year of college so the only conversation of “soulmates” that occurs now are the ones he has with himself in his head and the memories of their conversations years ago. But as fate would have it, Jungkook took a couple of days off to get an early start to the weekend and he is just itching for an adventure. So when he hears the bells go off while he’s making his way to his connecting train, he closes his eyes for a brief moment and puts himself into the hands of fate.
Jungkook allows his feet to carry him where they want, observing his surroundings and keeping an eye out for any person who gives any sort of indication to hearing something that they shouldn’t be hearing. He climbs up the stairs and out of the station, not giving any attention to the people who side-eye him for standing still on a bustling sidewalk, but looks down at his hand instead. In particular, at his pinky, which feels like there’s something squeezing at it. Like… like a thread that’s been tied snugly around it.
The red thread of fate, a voice in his head whispers to him and Jungkook almost chuckles out loud at the thought. And then almost laughs out loud again because, although he doesn’t believe in soulmates, his actions say otherwise. Because as much as Jungkook doesn’t believe in soulmates… Well, the thought of them and the red thread of fate being real is nice, isn’t it? Someone that you’re destined to be with, connected to by a string that can tangle and stretch but will never fray, keeping you tied to them for all eternity. It’s a comforting thought, especially when he thinks of his extremely lacking love life that comes with his high standards and fear of rejection.
Jungkook passes by a bakery during his fate-led walk and just as he’s considering stopping in to buy something, he hears the bells again. A light sound, one that could be mistaken for a phone notification, but one that he knows very well. But Jungkook’s soulmate must be as used to the sound as he is because no one around him gives any sort of indication that they’re also in search of him. And after an hour and a half of walking around a part of the city that he isn’t too familiar with, he’s ready to call it quits for the night. So Jungkook makes his way to the nearest metro station and gets on a train home.
Of course, that’s when he hears the bells again.
He looks up from his phone and around the crowded train but nobody has been able to move since the doors closed. And if it were someone near him, he would have heard them before. There’s a flash out of the corner of his eye and when Jungkook looks up and out the window of the sliding doors, he sees a pair of eyes staring back. A pair of eyes that are not his but in fact belong to someone in a train traveling right next to his. They stare right at him and mirror his own when they widen at the exact same time as his. But just as soon as Jungkook finds you, he loses you just as quickly when your train goes in a different direction.
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Jungkook spends the entire day the next day looking for you. He manages to cross off everything on his “things to do when I’m in Seoul” bucket list that he’s been adding on to for the past 10 years. His feet hurt, his wallet feels significantly lighter than when he first left his apartment, and he’s wondering how much weight he lost from walking what feels like the entire expanse of Seoul three times over. And even after all that, he hasn’t heard the bells. Not once.
And it’s at this point, when Jungkook decides to eat dinner at his favorite ramen shop before calling it a night, that he begins to wonder if he had missed his chance last night. Not like it was much of a chance considering the fact that you were on a different train and he had no way of getting to you. But fate is cruel, isn’t that what some people say? Maybe his thread is just so tangled, so frayed, that it’ll take a lifetime before he’s able to get another glimpse at you. And Jungkook just isn’t that patient.
He can barely even remember what you look like anymore. Maybe it’s the hunger eating away at his stomach and the aching of his feet but as he eats his ramen, he can only recall vague details about you. Like how he wants to drown in your eyes, how soft your skin looks even through two dirty train door windows, and how he thinks your shiny hair probably smells nice - like vanilla or peaches or something. But your face? Absolutely nothing. It’s like he blacked out the second he looked up at you last night.
Jungkook leans back in his seat as he sips at his water, staring out the window of the shop as if you would walk past right that second. But you don’t. So Jungkook throws a couple of bills down onto the table for a tip and heads out, a sigh leaving his lips when he looks around but doesn’t hear any bells. Now that he’s had a chance to sit down and eat, he feels a bit more rational and more determined to find you—but that can wait until tomorrow after he’s had a good night’s sleep. It’s a bit later in the evening so there’s barely anyone around him as he makes his way to the nearest metro station that will take him home. Jungkook is just about to descend the stairs when something makes him stop. He’s not really sure what it is that he stops for; the bus honking on the street beside him or the group of friends laughing as they walk by him? Or perhaps it’s the person at the bottom of the stairs, their eyes looking down as they climb up, but Jungkook just knows that it’s you.
Well, he doesn’t actually know. He’s pretty sure it’s you. It feels like it’s you. But is that fate talking or just his hopeful heart? Jungkook decides not to say anything and slowly walks down the stairs. The bells will tell him if he’s right. Your eyes glance up and meet his and Jungkook sees them widen, but like him, you don’t say anything. Are you waiting to hear your own bells?
He shoves his hands deep into the pocket of his hoodie, eyes quickly darting away from yours to stare holes into the ground as he keeps walking. His heart beats faster with every step and he has to resist the urge to just stare at you point blank because he needs to know and-
He hears the bells. And it’s like a weight is taken off of his shoulders.
But he keeps walking. And you keep walking. And now Jungkook is panicking because why the fuck is he still walking? You’re his soulmate, he found you, so why isn’t he stopping? Jungkook tries to get his feet to stop moving, to just turn around and call out to you but he can’t. What would he even say? ‘Hey, you’? He doesn’t even know your name. ‘I think you’re my soulmate’? How disgustingly cliche. What if you don’t even care that he’s your soulmate? What if you’re already seeing someone? What if he’s the only one that can hear the bells for you and you hear them for someone else? What if-
“Um, excuse me?”
Jungkook almost trips on the last step from how fast he turns around at the sound of your voice. His hands feel clammy but he keeps them in his pocket otherwise you’d be able to see how they’re shaking ever so slightly. He drags his eyes up to yours and suddenly, every bit of anxiety he felt is suddenly gone. Is this what it’s supposed to feel like?
“Have we met before? You seem really familiar.”
You’re at the top of the stairs now but you step down a few steps, as if you want to get closer. Jungkook climbs back up a few steps because he does want to get closer. There’s an easy smile on his face as he says, “Found you.”
He isn’t sure where it came from. He isn’t even exactly sure what he means. But it feels like the right thing to say, like something that he’s vaguely remembering from a dream he had a long time ago. And judging from the matching smile on your own face, you know what Jungkook means.
“Took you long enough.”
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teamhook · 3 years
Finding Hope :: A CS August Rush AU birthday fic
Hellol! Okay, before I go on. I swear this will be the last WIP I start. I had to. This story is for my favorite dork @hookedonapirate cause I love her to death. She had asked me to write it before but at the time I was writing the Forever My Girl CS AU.
Happy Birthday!! Hope you like your present.
Thanks to my beta @ultraluckycatnd she is the best!!
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A love for music unites an unlikely pair. The rhapsody they unknowingly created will give life to the hope they still have in their hearts.
Killian Jones and his older brother Liam had arrived from London with nothing more than the clothes on their back to pursue a music career. The lives of the Jones brothers had been difficult since the beginning. Their mother died at a young age and their father had decided he was not made to be a family man.
The Jones brothers had formed The Outlaws with some fellow expatriates they met along the way. The venues they played weren't the best, but they managed to make a name for themselves enough to have steady gigs.
Emma Nolan had grown up with loving parents but after an unfortunate accident, she was left alone. Afterwards, her grandfather took her in. George Spencer was an ill-tempered man. He wasn't a doting person, which caused Emma to become closed off. She focused on solace in the cello. Thankfully, the man valued pomp and grandeur so, at the thought of his granddaughter attending Juilliard, he eagerly made it possible.
On a rare night out with her best friend Elsa, they decide to go to listen to a little-known rock band called The Outlaws they saw fliers for. It was love at first sight. The lead singer mesmerized the young cellist with his voice. The girls waited for the band to finish their set to introduce themselves to them. Elsa and Emma fit in with the band perfectly. The Jones brothers had quickly gravitated towards the blonde beauties.
Emma and Killian had slowly drifted away from the group. It ended up being the most magical night for the young lovers above New York's Washington Square.
Months later, Emma finds out she is pregnant. Somehow, she already loves her kid so much. Her grandfather makes his displeasure known, however, every moment of her pregnancy.
The day her life changed was gloomy and rainy. After an argument with George, Emma had gone to the store to buy some last-minute things for her baby. The drunk driver came out of nowhere. When she gives birth prematurely, her grandfather takes advantage while she is unconscious and gives the baby girl up for adoption. The moment Emma wakes up, she is told the news that her baby is dead. The news shatters her musical dreams and any hope of happiness.
You're not special. You're just like the rest of us... alone, nothing but an orphan.
The music... Can you hear it? Listen... I can hear it everywhere.
It's in the wind ...
in the light...
It's all around us.
All you have to do is open your heart and listen.
Sometimes the world tries to knock the hope out of you.
They tried to stop me from hearing the music...
I believe in music the way others believe in fairy tales. When I'm alone it builds inside me eager to erupt into a melody. I like to believe that what I hear came from my parents. That the music I hear is the same one they heard the night they met...
Maybe that's how they found each other and that's how they'll know I am theirs and find me...
Hope Swan had grown up in foster care. As a baby, she had been adopted but returned once the couple was blessed with their own flesh and blood. After that, she bounced from foster home to foster home.
In her shared room at the group home, she's currently at, Hope records herself humming a song that keeps playing in her mind, but is rudely interrupted by her roommate who mocks her. "You are not special. You're just like us, an unwanted orphan."
The girl walks away, slamming the door.
Hope's eyes water at the mean girl's words. She knows it in her heart that she is wanted and someday she will find her parents. She continues recording her humming of the song in her heart.
Hope is now eleven years old. She stands in the back of the group as one of the younger girls is adopted by a couple. Maybe she should be bitter and want to be adopted but if she was, she would never find her parents. They're out there and she will find them.
Hope runs away once more from her group home. Living on the streets she makes friends easily, but is still guarded. She knows that someday her parents will come looking for her. All she wants is to go home.
As she wanders the streets, runaway Hope Swan is getting closer to find her home. She knows she will find her family. All she has to do is listen to the music in her heart and follow it.
A kind man, Merlin, is assigned Hope Swan's case. She wasn't a trouble maker, but she was reportedly closed off with the couples. He is notified that she has run away. She has a history of running away. The picture of the young girl saddens him. He wishes he can find her and place her in a good home. She is a pretty girl, with blonde hair, vibrant sea-blue eyes, dimples, and a slightly dimpled chin. He posts her picture on the board.
Emma Nolan had moved away after losing her daughter. Her little girl, her grandfather told her the baby was a tiny girl. The heartbreak led her to become a music teacher to kids. She was always surrounded by children and music. That was the way she chose to honor her child. An unexpected call from her grandfather's doctor makes her break a promise she had made to herself years ago. He is the only family she has left.
Once she arrives at his house, she is summoned to his death bed.
His eyes tear up. "I thought you wouldn't come."
"I don't hate you Grandpa, but my heart hasn't healed. Time will never heal this wound," she sniffled.
He closes his watery eyes. "I think I can help with that."
Emma gets closer to his bed, confused. "How can you say that? My child is gone! You didn't want her, so you threw her away while I slept. You took that away from me. I couldn't hold her!"
"Emma, enough!" he screams, then immediately starts coughing from the effort.
"I'm sorry, I made a mistake. I know now that family is precious, that image doesn't matter. Emma, I have a confession. I hope it's not too late and that you will find it in your heart to forgive me."
Emma stares at him.
"She's alive. Your little girl is alive."
"What? How can you be so cruel and say that to me!" Emma says with disbelief and tears pooled in her eyes.
"Because it's the truth. She is alive. I gave her up for adoption, and I was the one who signed the papers. I was your next of kin since you weren't married."
Emma gapes at the old man as she let her limp body drop to the chair next to his bed. "You gave my daughter away as if she was property because I embarrassed you?"
George Spencer can't keep his eyes on his granddaughter. The once-proud man weakened by age and disease casts his eyes down in shame. "In my safe, you will find the documents."
"What good will that do me?" Emma asks.
"Emma, my attorney can help you find her," he says quietly.
"Emma, if your parents were here, they would tell you that you should never lose hope," he says.
Emma stands up. "You're right, I'm going to find my daughter."
George sighs as he falls into a deep sleep, his machines flatlining. The nurse that had given them privacy to talk rushes in as soon as the machine goes off.
Emma finds the papers and with trembling hands, calls Mr. Gold, the attorney.
The man is a ruthless slimy bastard. He tries to convince Emma that her kid is better off where she is. Of course, he would say that seeing he had helped her grandfather do this to her; he was just covering his ass. She doesn't care about that. All she wants is to get her kid. She has a daughter and she is out there. She hopes to God that she is being taken care of.
Killian Jones had moved to California not long after The Outlaws broke up. He had given up his dream of singing, but somehow had managed to gain a thriving career as an agent.
He had also distanced himself from the memory of Emma. After the band broke up, his brother and former bandmates had moved to Boston. Killian thought the further away he could get would be better, though. He tried forgetting her, but he knew he could never forget her. It was only one night, but he would belong to her for the rest of time.
Liam had called him a few days prior to ask if he wanted to join them in a reunion of sorts. They were going to play at the little place where he had met Emma. The joint was going out of business so in an effort to raise money to save it, The Outlaws had agreed to come out of retirement for one night only.
Killian had yet to agree, but 'what if' rattled in his brain. Something inside him tugged at his heart. A man unwilling to fight for what he wants gets what he deserves, Liam had told him over and over. He decides he will do it. He will fly to New York and look for Emma. He prays to every deity he can that she is not married. It's a selfish thought, but he couldn't bear it if she isn't meant for him.
Killian picks up the phone and dials his brother's number. "Liam, I'll be there."
"Brother, you'll do it? What happened to never setting foot in New York?" Liam asks.
"Liam, are you going to question my decision? I thought you would be happy," Killian says through gritted teeth.
"I am, I am. I'm just surprised. Killian, this doesn't have anything to do with her, does it?"
"Brother," Killian sighs, "Even if it was, I don't have a way to contact her." Sure he was lying, but his brother didn't have to know all his reasons.
"We are driving out there," Liam says.
"I'll fly. I will text you the details once I've made arrangements," Killian says.
"Alright, see you then," Liam adds. "Brother, it's going to be good seeing you after so long. I miss you."
Killian sighs. "I miss you too."
The line disconnects. Alright Emma Nolan, what have you been up to? he thinks as he enters her name in the browser's search engine. He had thought of looking for her before, but he had never found any sign of her online. He knows her family has money but somehow she has managed to stay hidden. The only information that would come up was of her grandfather's business deals. His heart tells him that this time, though, things would be different.
Sure enough, he finds one headline: "George Spencer dies at home after a long battle with heart disease."
Killian reads the headline carefully and his heart sparks with hope to see Emma again. The newspaper lists her as the sole survivor of her grandfather's Estate. That means she would have to be at his home. He winces at the thought. He knows that his method to approach her while grieving will be considered to be in bad form, but if it is the only chance he has, he has to make the best of the situation. He takes a deep breath and alters his flight plans so he can arrive a couple of days earlier.
Mr. Gold had changed his tune when Emma didn't fall for his manipulations and offered his services. Emma reluctantly accepted his help. He told her to give him a couple of hours and at that time, he would have information to make her search easier. He quickly found out that her daughter had ended up in foster care. He gave her the name of the caseworker assigned to Hope Swan. That was her baby's name. Emma tries to ignore the fact that her daughter is in the care of the state. She wonders what she looks like? Does she take after her or him? Killian Jones, he had never left her thoughts, but before it was painful to think of him because inevitably her thoughts would end on her daughter. Emma smiles, realizing how fitting the name Hope was for their daughter. Emma thanks Mr. Gold and goes to see Merlin Wilde.
Emma arrives at the CPS office. Her nerves are getting the best of her. She approaches the information desk. "Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr. Wilde?"
The woman looks bored. "Do you have an appointment?"
Emma shakes her head. "No, I'm sorry. I must speak to him, though."
The woman rolls her eyes. "Fill out the sign-in sheet. I will see if he can fit you in today." She gets up and heads to a door behind her desk.
Emma is about to sit down when something catches her eye. Pictures of missing kids. Runaways. She gravitates to the board. Her heart is beating so fast as her eyes land on a name, Hope Swan. Emma smiles as she stares at blue eyes that reminded her of the pair that stole her heart all those years back. The sound of someone clearing their throat startles her.
"I'm sorry for startling you, Miss Nolan. I'm Merlin Wilde." He smiles at her as he looks over her sign-in sheet and signals for her to follow him.
"Oh, no it's okay. Yes, I wanted to speak to you in private. My situation is not a common story," Emma says as she follows him to his office.
They enter his office and he kindly motions for her to take a seat.
Emma looks around the office. She tries to get a feel for the man. He seems kind, but looks can be deceiving.
"Miss Nolan, how may I help you? Is there a child in a situation you are concerned about?"
Emma nods. "Mr. Wilde, yes, in fact, that is the reason why I'm here."
"Alright," he starts taking notes. "May I have the child's name?"
"Hope Swan," Emma says. "I'm her mother."
Merlin looks up from his computer. "I'm sorry," he says as he types rapidly on his computer keyboard, before looking up quizzically. "Her case says she is in the care of Mrs. Emerald."
"I'm afraid you misunderstood me. I'm Hope's biological mother." She takes a deep breath. "I was young and unmarried when I got pregnant with her, and my grandfather didn't think having a child was appropriate." Her eyes begin to sting because of the tears. "He took it upon himself to decide that giving my daughter away while I was unconscious because of an accident was the appropriate decision to make. Until recently, I thought Hope was dead. I'm here because I need your help getting my daughter back. I understand she is in foster care, so it shouldn't be a big deal, right?"
Merlin keeps his eyes on her and laughs. "She is a good kid, the people that had fostered her before never had a complaint about her. She loves music and she always hummed a melody to herself. She was just not open to letting them in. It's like she knew she didn't belong there. I'm afraid that has caused her to run away on several occasions. I was just informed she ran away from the last home."
Emma's eyes tear up. "I loved my daughter from the moment I knew she was there. I used to play a song on the cello for her that her father sang the night we met. Until the day I thought I had lost her, I played the same song. I need to find her."
"And we will, Miss Nolan. I have put up fliers all over the city."
Emma nods. "I will look for her myself. I plan on hiring a private investigator. Could I have a picture of her?"
"Of course, Miss Nolan. I will do all in my power to help get your daughter back. I'm going to go looking for her at Washington Square Park. That is a hot spot for runaways. If you would like to join me? We might get lucky," he says as he hands her the picture of Hope from her file.
Emma smiles. "Sure, I will. Thank you for asking."
Hope is sitting on a bench at Washington Square Park and then she hears some music playing. Instantly, she is drawn to it. A boy around her age is playing the guitar. She smiles wide and sits down to enjoy the show. People surround the boy as he plays and they drop change on a baseball cap on the floor. Once he finishes playing, the boy picks up his cap and puts the money in his pocket. He grabs his guitar and thanks the crowd before leaving.
Curious, Hope follows him to an abandoned theatre.
Killian arrives on the first flight of the day. He rents a car and makes his way to the Nolan Estate. He is a nervous wreck. What will Emma think of him showing up unannounced? He hopes she will be happy to see him.
The boy Hope was following introduces himself as Henry. She likes him. He is nice and he promptly explains that all the runaway children live there. They had been taken in by Walsh Oz, the "Wizard". The man provides a roof over their head and food.
"Don't worry, Hope. He will teach you how to perform in street corners to pay for your part. If you're lucky and any good, he will let you use one of the park's spots," Henry says. "When he gets home with food, I will introduce you."
Hope thinks to herself it couldn't be that bad. This way, she won't be picked on for playing music.
Henry smiles fondly at Hope. "So why did you run away?"
Hope smiles back. "I'm going to find my parents. How about you?"
"My adoptive mom didn't love me." He shrugs. "Hope, I know you will find them."
Hope beams. "Thank you, but how can you believe so?"
Henry smiles. "I have a feeling that you will find them and then you will have your happy ending."
The Wizard hadn't always lived in condemned buildings. He once had been a success in his art but lost it due to some scandal years ago, but he could still spot talent. The young girl Henry had brought to him had loads of talent. She had played a song that most of the other kids couldn't play. The girl was magical. She appeared to be a musical genius with savant-like abilities and perfect pitch. He knows he could make a good living off of that girl. He smiles wickedly as the girl plays with his prized guitar, Roxanne. "Well, looks like we found our top earner thanks to Henry," The Wizard says to the group. He pulls Hope to the side. "Alright, you are going to be in my old spot at the park and you will be using Roxanne." He scrutinizes her. "Now what should we call you?"
"My name is Hope," she says.
He walks back and forth contemplating and shaking his head. "I know, I shall call you Odette."
Emma and Merlin arrive at the park. They split up in the hope to cover more ground.
Merlin posts missing posters of Hope on every corner he can; he even hands some to the people walking by.
Emma is walking around the corner when something catches her eye. They have some posters for an upcoming event displaying some talent from Julliard. She smiles wistfully, she misses her music. She takes out her phone to call an old friend. Elsa had ended up at their old school as a teacher.
Somehow her connection is stronger now. She has a sudden need to play. She feels it will help her connect with her daughter.
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acatnamedpusheen · 4 years
i saw your requests open. Would you be able to write got7 reactions to s/o for panic attack/ nightmare? ty!!
Hi and thanks for requesting! I chose reaction to panic attack since I was thinking about writing something along those lines a while ago. Hope you like it! ^^
[GOT7] Reaction to you having a panic attack
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, anxiety triggers, abusive ex and panic attacks
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When he came home after practice and didn't find you watching TV or just reading on the living room sofa, he thought very little of it. When, however, he walked towards your shared bedroom and heard your sharp inhales, he instantly knew something was wrong. Sat down on the floor, back against the wall, you were shaking and struggling to breathe. The recent pressure from your studies was weighing down on you and you'd reached your breaking point as deadlines were approaching. Jaebeom was instantly by your side, trying to cover how worried he was in an attempt to help you calm down.
"I'm here now Y/N, try to focus on my voice. Nothing's going to happen to you, ok? You'll be alright."
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Starting a new semester in university was never easy. You didn't know what to expect and the thought of failing the midterm exams was daunting. Curled up on the sofa you were having a panic attack and crying uncontrollably. Fortunately you still had enough control over your body to manage to get a hold of your phone and text Mark.
"Can you please come over? Please, I need your help, I'm having a panic attack." you hit send with shaking hands and prayed that Mark would see it fast and be able to come home, because you were in no position to call him and tell him what was going on over the phone. Lucky for you he texted back seconds later, that he was on his way and indeed was there about 10' later.
He took your hands in his as he sat down with you reassuring you that there was nothing to fear.
"It's going to pass Y/N, don't be afraid. I won't let anything happen to you."
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Fights were rare between you and Jackson, yet here you were raising your voice at each other over nonsense. Seeing him standing this furious in front of you was enough to flood your mind with memories from your abusive previous relationship. Only when you flinched with the next thing he yelled at you and your breath quickened, did it hit him. Immediately softening and forgetting all about the quarrel, he slowly moved towards you checking to see if you wanted him close. When you didn't avoid him he softly held your shaking form in his arms.
"I'm so sorry Y/N, I could never harm you. You're safe with me, don't ever think otherwise. I love you."
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You had issues with the papers needed for the inheritance of a house your late grandfather left you and your sister. The bureaucracy proved to be more complex than you'd expected since there were two people involved and it had you extremely stressed out. On top of that it was tax season and as you were trying to sort everything out one day along with Jinyoung, it became to much for you to handle, leading you to a panic attack. Jinyoung was quick to react, understanding what was happening:
"I shouldn't have bothered you with this, we can always have an accountant sort it out. Don't worry, it's all going to be alright Y/N. Look at me and try focusing on your breath."
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Once you were home after your first presentation at work you collapsed at the front door. It had you stressing out since the day you were assigned to do this project, given that you were never fond of public speaking, but Yougjae was always there encouraging you until the last moment. You'd promised him you'd do good and it all went great in the end. You even called him right after you'd finished to tell him briefly how you did. But pent up anxiety was making you question everything on your way home and that's how you ended up having a panic attack. Fortunately, Youngjae was in the living room and came to help you in no time.
"You did amazing today Y/N, I'm proud of you being so brave. Now it's over, you can relax, you did nothing wrong."
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You were out in public for the first time since you'd announced that you were dating. The malicious comments had given you a hard time, although BamBam was always trying to take your mind off of them. All of a sudden while you were walking side by side, you thought that everyone around you was judging and hating you. You felt your chest tighten and stopped dead in your tracks startling BamBam. In between breaths that kept getting shorter you told him you wanted to be in a quiet place away from people. He held your hand tightly and guided you towards a small side canal of the river Han that was just below the street you were in. He sat down with you on the small steps by the water, still holding your hand. You felt awful for ruining the date but BamBam was quick to erase your negative thoughts.
"No Y/N, you're not ruining anything, it's totally ok. You've got this! It will be over in no time, gone just like the water. No one is going to hurt you as long as I'm here."
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Your aunt was having a scheduled surgery today and even though you knew the possibilities of something going wrong were minimal, you kept thinking about the worst case scenario the past few days, your fear of hospitals only adding to your anxiety. You were bound to have a panic attack but at least you were at Yugyeom's apartment and at that moment he happened to be coming back from the kitchen to the living room where you were sitting. He was a bit taken aback and didn't really know what he could do to help you as he sat next to you, but still did his best.
"Your aunt will be fine Y/N, she wouldn't want you to worry about her, right? When she's out we can go see her if you want. I'll be with you the whole time, so you won't be scared. It's going to be alright, look, Dalkyum is here for you too!"
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allthingsfangirl101 · 3 years
Finally Home–Logan Thibault
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Logan's been gone for 3 years, 11 months, and 22 days. I tried not to keep track, but it was the only thing that helped me not think about the danger he could be in. Instead of focusing on it being another day that Logan was gone, I focused on it being another day he was alive.
I was sitting on our couch, working from home when Kasey, our german shepherd, ran up to me and jumped on my lap.
"Kasey," I sighed. "Mommy needs to finish this marketing report."
He whined as he laid his head on my keyboard. Logan and I got Kasey as a puppy right after we were married. It's been amazing having Kasey around since Logan left. With Kasey always being around, he helped distract from the loneliness. He even sleeps next to me so I don't have to focus on Logan not being here.
I ran my fingers through his fur as I tried to go back to my report. About an hour later, I couldn't handle being home anymore.
"Come on, baby," I sighed. "Let's go for a walk."
I giggled when that word made Kasey's ears perk up. He jumped off the couch and ran to the door where we kept his leash hanging. I stood up, slipped on my shoes, and followed him.
We went on our regular route of walking around the neighborhood. When we were almost back to the house, I noticed Kasey start to pull a little more.
"Kasey," I sighed. "I know Daddy usually takes you on runs, but Mommy. . ."
I gasped as Kasey's leash slipped out of my hand and he took off running down the street.
I instantly started chasing after him around the corner. I froze as I watched Kasey run towards someone. My heart jumped into my throat when I noticed who he was running to.
He looked up when he heard me say his name. I could see his smile from all the way down the street. With tears streaming down my cheeks, I ran over to him. He laughed and met me halfway, catching me as I jumped into his arms.
He wrapped his arms tightly around me as he picked me up and spun me around. When he put me back on my feet, I didn't let go of him.
Tears streamed down my cheeks as I held my husband that I haven't seen in almost four years as close to my chest as I could. 18 months after we got married, Logan was drafted and sent out on assignment. The last time I saw Logan, I was dropping him off at an airport, not knowing when or if I would ever see him again.
I slowly let go of him, leaning out of the hug, and stared into the eyes I love and haven't seen in almost four years. I grabbed his face and brought his lips down to mine. I felt him smile as he started to kiss me back. The tears continued to stream down my cheeks as our lips moved in sync.
When I finally broke the kiss, I leaned my forehead against his. Neither one of us said anything as we caught our breaths. I leaned back, studying him through my watery eyes.
"Is this real?" I asked under my breath. "Are you really back? Are you really home? Or am I dreaming again?"
Logan chuckled as he tightened his arms around my waist. "It's real. I'm home, baby."
"Like home home?"
He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I sighed as our lips immediately started moving in sync. Logan broke the kiss and smiled down at me.
"Home home," he chuckled. I let out a relieved chuckle as I cupped his face in my hands.
"I've missed you so much, baby," I whispered. "Four years is way too damn long. Ever since you left. . . I was so scared. . . Every time the phone rang. . . I thought. . . I thought I'd never see you again."
"Well," he smiled, "I'm back, babe. For good."
"For good?" I repeated.
"For good," he nodded, slightly laughing. "I am never leaving you again, Y/N. I love you."
"I love you too."
We were about to lean in for another kiss but laughed when Kasey wanted in on our hug.
"Looks like I wasn't the only one who missed you," I laughed as we finally broke apart. I crossed my arms over my chest and as Logan knelt down to pet Kasey. I watched with tears in my eyes as Kasey excitedly licked Logan's face.
I studied my husband, instantly noticing the weight on his shoulders. I knelt down next to him and cupped his cheek in my hand, making him look at me.
"I love you, Logan," I whispered.
"I love you too," he chuckled.
Even though he was smiling, I could tell that a lot was weighing down on him. I grabbed his hand and made him stand up. I quickly grabbed Kasey's leash as Logan grabbed his duffle bag. Hand-in-hand we walked down the street towards our house.
I laughed when Logan stopped and just stared at our house. My smile fell when I saw the look on his face.
"Everything okay, baby?"
Logan looked over at me, his smile returning. "I'm great, babe. I'm home. I'm back with you. Nothing could be better."
He leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. I grabbed his face before he could pull away and deepened the kiss. I broke the kiss and stared into his eyes. I debated about saying something but decided against it at the last minute.
"Come on," I said instead. "Let's go inside."
When we walked in the door, Logan immediately dropped his pack. "Sorry," he chuckled. "I'll take that upstairs later. Right now, I want to. . ."
"Right now you need to take your wife upstairs," I laughed before grabbing his face and pressing his lips to mine.
Logan chuckled against my lips as he immediately deepened the kiss. Our lips moved in sync as I wrapped my arms around his neck and Logan wrapped his arms around my waist. I let out a soft moan as Logan pulled me tightly into his chest and pressed me up against the wall. He broke the kiss, both of us catching our breath as he stared intently into my eyes.
"You okay?" I whispered.
I reached up and gently moved his hair away from his face, my hands lingering on his cheeks. He reached up and grabbed my wrists, not pulling my hands away from his face. Logan sighed as he leaned his forehead against mine.
"I missed you so much, Y/N," he said, his voice breaking. "I can't. . . I don't think I can ever leave you again."
"Then don't."
                       * * * * *
I laid my head on Logan's bare chest, listening to his heart rate slowly return to normal. The entire time we were making love, Logan seemed different. It was the first time in almost four years, but I could tell something was on his mind.
I gently rubbed his chest, debating about talking to him. It was clear he was thinking about whatever happened over there, but I didn't want to pressure him into opening up to me before he was ready. Memories of my grandfather and his PTSD popped into my mind, making my heart drop.
I sat up on my elbow, grabbing the blanket and covering my chest. "You okay?" Logan asked.
I looked over at him as I nervously bit my bottom lip. "Do you remember my Grandpa Peter?"
"Yeah," he said slowly as he sat up.
I sighed before sitting up and turning towards him. I smiled as he leaned down and handed me his shirt. I slipped it over my head as I gathered the courage to talk to him about this.
"Well, I've been thinking. . . And maybe this is none of my business. Maybe. . . Maybe we should forget it, get dressed, and go to dinner."
"Y/N," Logan cut me off as he grabbed my hand, stopping me from getting out of bed. He reached over and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "It's alright, baby. Just say whatever is on your mind."
I looked up at him, studying his eyes. "Well, he had really bad PTSD after he came home from war. My grandma said he was never the same man. She once told me that she wished he had opened up to her about what he went through and maybe it would've helped him get past it. Not that they were having marriage problems because of his PTSD but. . ."
"Y/N," Logan cut me off again. "What's going on?"
"You're different," I blurted out. "I just mean. . . I'm sorry, baby, but I can tell that something is weighing you down. You're smiling, but you're eyes are saying something different. I don't want to pressure you, but I want to help you. You're my husband and I love you. I just want to make sure you know that I love you and I'm always here for you. I don't want you to feel like you're on your own or like I won't understand. I will! My brother is in the marines, my dad was in the air force, my grandpa was in World War II. Even my great grandfather went to war. Every man in my family has enlisted or gone to war and I don't want you thinking I don't understand. I do, baby. Or at least, I could try. I mean, I could listen and. . ."
Logan cut me off by leaning over, cupping my cheek as he pressed his lips to mine. As our lips moved in sync, I felt a tear slide down his cheek. I broke the kiss, my eyes watering as I saw the tears in his eyes.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. "The things I saw. . . I didn't want to burden you. I wanted to keep you as far away from that world as possible. It was terrible. . . The things I saw. . . You're too good for all of that."
"Hey," I sighed. "I'm your wife, Logan. When we got married, we agreed to take each other's burdens as our own. Which means my problems are yours and your problems are mine. I will be here to help you through every PTSD moment, anxiety attack, nightmare, sleepless night, and anything else that comes our way."
"But. . ." He stuttered.
"But nothing," I cut him off. "I love you, Logan."
"I love you too, Y/N," he sighed. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. I felt him genuinely smile as our lips moved in sync. I giggled against his lips as he laid us back down without breaking the kiss.
Logan slowly pulled out of the kiss, staring down at me. He sighed as he reached down and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.
"I've missed you so much, baby," he whispered.
"I've missed you too."
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
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“Twinkle, twinkle, little star, So we'll know where you are --  Gleaming in the skies above, Lead me to the one who loves me...”
~“The Second Star to the Right (cover),” by Simone
Hahaha, yes! This is Peter-Pan!Orion and Wendy!Carewyn (Carewyndy?). No, I won’t be writing this AU before the Tangled AU at least (and yes, I should have that up hopefully by next week)...but I couldn’t resist doodling these and talking a bit about the daydreaming I did based on this concept. Orion’s ripped pants were kind of based on how the pants are ripped in the 2003 Peter Pan’s costume, but I just couldn’t resist giving him his canon fingerless armwarmers. (I see them being forest green just like his pants, though, while his tunic is a light tan.)
Basically I see eternally 12-1/2-year old Orion Amari taking a strong liking to 10-year-old Carewyn Cromwell when she comes to Neverland. Even though she does act a bit too grown-up sometimes, it’s largely because of how deeply she feels for other people -- she’s determined to protect others, whether from bullying or actual danger, and she hates the thought of anyone feeling alone. She actually is the only person who’s ever asked Orion if he was lonely, being the only child who was destined to never grow up. And as much as Orion will airily state that “to die would be an awfully big adventure,” he finds that it’s Carewyn who believes this most, for the idea of growing older doesn’t frighten her the way it does her grandfather, the man now called Captain Hook. If anything, what makes her saddest about leaving Neverland is not for her sake, but for Orion’s -- she, Jacob, Charlie, and Bill were all going home to London, along with a good chunk of Orion’s friends among the Lost Kids...and Carewyn hated the thought that she’d never see her friend Orion again. So she reminded Orion that she would always have her window open at night, if he ever wanted to come and visit, hear her read a story or two, or even just listen to her singing while she did her evening chores. Sensing Orion’s hesitance, she reassured him that she’d never forget him. 
Orion proceeded to return to life in Neverland, embarking on those same old adventures that make the days blur and make it easy to forget things. Forgetting was part of Neverland’s magic -- even Bill had almost forgotten he had a new baby sister back in London, when he, Charlie, and Carewyn had been there with Orion and the Lost Kids. But, as Orion would often tell himself, adults forgot things in the other world too: they forgot the joys of childhood, they forgot the freedom and the simple pleasures and the bottomless daydreams. All of them, every last one of them, eventually forgot how to fly. 
But perhaps because of Carewyn’s final promise, every time Orion thought of how easy it was to forget things in Neverland, and therefore how easy it was to forget things outside of it, Carewyn’s face and words always returned to his mind. And so, the memory of her conviction and caring never strayed too far from his mind...and with it, other thoughts would crop up too. How stable things had been, when Carewyn was around. How well she understood him and how easy it was to talk to her and trust in her. And it was then that Orion realized that he really, truly missed Carewyn. It was a feeling he’d never really experienced that deeply before, not even for the other children who had eventually returned home to their families. Even Bill and Charlie, who Orion likewise grew reasonably fond of, didn’t make him feel like his stomach was always empty, no matter how much food he ate -- like his heart was scraping at the inside of his chest like a hungry animal desperate to devour something outside its cage. And that feeling only intensified when his fairy guardian Merula would try to urge him to go challenge Torvus and the centaurs to a race or splash around with the mermaids, even when Orion wasn’t in the mood to do so. 
Orion felt restless, unsure of quite what was wrong with him and not knowing how to explain his muddled thought process to McNully and his remaining Lost Kids. One day Orion was eventually persuaded by McNully to lead an expedition to find a lost chest of pirate treasure, and for a short while, the Boy Who Never Grew Up was simply able to enjoy pulling one over on his old enemy and sharing the loot with his gang. That changed, though, when Captain Hook crashed the party. 
Orion and Hook traded as many blows as ever, throwing insults at each other like they always did -- but this day, Hook said one barbed phrase that stuck in Orion’s ear more than he ever would’ve admitted.
“Already forgotten my dear Winnie, I see. But I guess I can’t be surprised. After all, the only thing that can break through Neverland’s curse -- that thing that makes everyone forget...is love. And you -- ha -- you don’t know anything about that, do you, boy?”
Love. Yes. That was the thing that made Carewyn remember her lost brother and mother, even while she was a Lost Girl. That was the thing that had made Charlie remember his parents, even after he’d forgotten London altogether. That was the thing that made Bill remember his other siblings, once he remembered how his baby sister Ginny would always cry after her afternoon nap until he came home from his newspaper route and bounced her up and down for a minute or two. That was the thing that had made Jacob remember his little sister in London, even after he was kidnapped by Hook and commandeered into piracy. And, Orion realized, it was the thing that he missed most about Carewyn -- her ability to love more deeply than anyone else he had ever known...like a mother would, and yet like an equal...a companion, more than just someone to go on adventures with. 
Orion tried to broach this topic with Merula, but the huffy little fairy put up her walls and stubbornly refused to let them down. Feelings were grown-up things, and Orion didn’t need grown-up things! Orion wanted to agree, but the feelings he felt were becoming heavy -- so heavy, in fact, that he found it harder for him to find his center, to think thoughts happy enough that he could fly to any height he wanted. He actually found himself hovering and floating more than flying...and this troubled him. It made him more anxious than he could remember ever being. 
Then the thought struck him -- why didn’t he just go and visit Carewyn? She said he could, whenever he wanted. She could tell him some stories and sing some songs for him -- maybe she could even sew him a new pocket for his shirt! These thoughts perked Orion up a bit, and he decided to leave for London straightaway. 
He hadn’t expected it to be so cold -- for you see, in Neverland, it’s every season all year ‘round, all except winter. It was a fact Carewyn had lamented, for winter was her favorite season. She loved the Christmas holidays and how everyone would gather around the fireplace with warm food together and sing Christmas songs and tell stories. It had actually sounded kind of nice to Orion, when she described it to him and the Lost Kids -- but on this day in London, Orion didn’t think the cold was so nice, nor the gray, dreary city itself. There were buildings that had been crushed and holes in cobblestone streets, made by bombs that had been dropped by German Zeppelins, and just about nobody raised their heads enough to look skyward. The adults prowling the streets were just as lacking of joy as Orion had always imagined them to be, yet it wasn’t due to stupid grown-up things like wearing a tie to work or paying bills. Instead there was exhaustion, sadness...pain. Orion hated these people’s wrinkles even more than the ones he’d see on the pirates’ faces, from dwelling on mindless things like how much treasure they had or what their daily duties were. 
But none of that mattered, of course. What mattered was seeing Carewyn. But alas, when Orion arrived at the Weasleys’ house, it was still daytime...and the window to the room Carewyn, Bill, and Charlie once shared was locked. 
Orion rattled at the window desperately, slapping the glass and pulling at its handles as he cried her name. All logic left his mind -- his breathing became raspier and weaker even as he shouted louder. 
She had to be there -- she had to be there -- she couldn’t have forgotten -- she wouldn’t have forgotten -- she promised -- she promised she wouldn’t forget him -- love was what kept someone from forgetting -- Carewyn knew love better than anyone -- she loved her brother -- she loved the Weasleys -- she loved the Lost Kids and Torvus and the mermaids and the fairies -- she loved Orion -- didn’t she love -- ?
As Orion’s anxiety spiked, the magic of Merula’s fairy dust began to abandon him. He found himself becoming heavier. He tried to cling onto the windowsill, pulling at and smacking the window, but it wasn’t wide enough for him to hold onto while it was closed. Soon enough he found himself falling slowly, like someone drifting down to the bottom of a pool...and when he landed on the ground, he landed on his knees, shaking. He clasped his hands together, his eyes wide and hollow upon the frosty ground as wintry condensation fell from his panting lips. 
He’d lost his happy thought. He’d lost it. 
He tried to fly. He tried desperately to fly, only to fall and scrape his knees and hands. Never in his life had Orion Amari ever been so frightened, shuddering from head to toe in the freezing cold. 
He shakily got to his bare feet and, barely knowing where he was going, he walked. He wandered aimlessly, his eyes glassing over as he gasped for air, searching every revolted and anxious face that he passed as the faces’ owners cringed at the state of his long hair, ripped clothes, and lack of shoes. 
Orion wandered for what felt like hours, until at long last, as if by fate, he ended up not far away from a Church-funded school, which taught both elementary and higher-elementary-level students. One of those such students was a girl with a ginger braid and almond-shaped blue eyes, walking home with several classmates, including a black-haired girl with glasses carrying a bunch of books, a rather pretty blonde with pigtail braids, and a rather cowardly-looking boy with blond hair, brown eyes, and a very thick sweater and mittens over his Church-provided uniform. The ginger-haired girl herself was wrapped up in a rather thick old dark blue blanket she’d turned into a shawl after it got ripped and had been holding it tightly around herself when, all of a sudden, she heard her name being cried by a misty, and yet anxious voice. 
“Carewyn! Carewyn...!”
One can only imagine what Carewyn’s school friends Rowan Khanna, Penny Haywood, and Ben Copper thought, seeing such a scrawny, ragamuffin street boy running toward their friend. Rowan actually tried to step in front of Carewyn as if to protect her, while Ben made as if to cling onto Carewyn’s arm in terror. But Carewyn herself, her eyes very wide upon the boy, immediately tore away from both Rowan and Ben and ran to Orion without a single shred of hesitation. 
She barreled over, whipping the shawl off her shoulders and wrapping it around his instead. 
“Orion, what are you doing here?! You’re going to catch a death of cold!”
Orion hadn’t been able to stop shaking for an instant, but her shouting his name, rushing to take care of him -- her remembering him -- it made his heart feel like a beast craving food again. Her concern wet his appetite. He wanted it. He wanted her caring. He wanted her love...
She was as tall as him. She’d been so tiny before...
“Carewyn...you know this boy?” asked Rowan, looking bewildered.
“Yes,” said Carewyn, glancing over her shoulder, “he’s a friend. Rowan, this is Orion. Orion, this is -- ”
“You’ve...grown older,” Orion’s absent mumble cut her off. 
Carewyn fixed him with a faintly reproachful look. “I’m afraid that does happen, in the span of three years...”
Thirteen. She was thirteen. ...She was older than him.
Carewyn’s eyes welled up with concern as she looked Orion over. She turned to her friends quickly. 
“...I’d better get him inside and warm...I’ll see you all tomorrow, okay?”
She quickly bid her friends goodbye, before wrapping an arm tightly around Orion’s shoulders as best she could, rubbing his arm through her shawl in an attempt to warm him. 
“Orion, what were you thinking?” she whispered, her voice full of concern as her eyes stayed locked ahead at their path. “Coming here in broad daylight, in this cold...”
Orion had started to shake again, his hands clasping more tightly. 
“Your window was shut,” he mumbled. 
Carewyn looked very upset. “...My old window, you mean? The one I shared with Bill and Charlie? Oh, Orion, I don’t share a room with Bill and Charlie anymore -- I share with Ginny now. Girls’ room, you know. Charlie and Percy actually share that room now...Bill’s sharing a flat with several other boys, closer to the newspaper’s headquarters in the East End...” 
Her eyes rippled with pain. 
“...Ginny’s and my room doesn’t have a window,” she explained. “I’ve told Charlie and Percy to keep their window open for me, but...well, Percy’s grown up way too fast. He must have closed it to block out the air raid sirens last night and forgotten to reopen it...”
Orion didn’t understand half of what Carewyn was saying, but the tone she spoke with held such reassurance and remorse that it soothed the racing anxiety that had so paralyzed him. He closed his eyes as the adrenaline his anxiety had built up ebbed away, leaving him oddly drained and colder than ever. He was so out of it that he barely seemed to acknowledge that his head flopped down onto her shoulder. 
“Orion?” said Carewyn, startled and worried. 
But Orion merely inhaled and exhaled slowly. Her caring fed that beast in his chest. He wanted a bit more. 
“Carewyn,” he murmured, “did...did you think of me?”
He felt Carewyn adjust her arm around him. 
“Of course I did,” she said softly. “I told you I would never forget you.”
The tenseness in Orion’s clasped hands and face loosened its grasp. “...Because you love me.”
Carewyn looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed with confusion. “What?”
But Orion barely reacted -- as if he didn’t think what he’d said was the least bit weird. 
“There’s only one thing that can prevent someone from forgetting...and that’s love. For once you love someone, your heart never really forgets them. Instead they become part of you...an indispensable piece...that would make you feel incomplete, if it was ever removed.”
Orion slowly opened his eyes, his lips spreading into a small, rather soft smile that made him look a bit more like his usual self. 
“...It’s what helped you remember your brother and the Weasleys, while you were with me...and your brother remember you, while he was with Hook,” he said. “It’s something I know nothing about...but I know you know it very well.”
Carewyn considered him for a moment, before returning her gaze back to the road. Plenty of people passing by gave her and Orion the side-eye, but she didn’t care. 
“I don’t know if I’d say you know nothing about it,” she said at last. “You remembered me just as much as I remembered you, did you not?”
Orion’s smile faded from his lips as his eyes widened ever-so-slightly. Then his expression slowly relaxed.
His black eyes trailed over her arm around his shoulders and her hand rubbing up and down his arm hesitantly. His arm beside her chest twitched slightly -- then, very, very tentatively, he tried to wrap his arm around her shoulders in return. It was a bit awkward, with the shawl wrapped around him...but once Carewyn sussed out what he was doing, she adjusted enough to give the shawl enough slack that he could successfully hold her in return. Once he had gotten his arm around her, he seemed oddly proud of himself, his smile spreading and his eyes closing again as he leaned into her, his head beside hers on her shoulder. 
They stayed that way for several blocks, walking in silence and simply enjoying each others’ company. Orion felt his center of balance returning to him. It was like having this stable place, with his arms wrapped around Carewyn’s shoulders and hers around his, was the earth he needed under his feet to launch himself back up into the air. He felt like he might even be able to fly again at some point...maybe not yet, but soon. Time always moved more slowly in Neverland than in London anyhow, so no one would mind if he took his time...
“I...don’t know if I can make it back to Neverland,” he confessed. 
Carewyn looked at him, her eyes once again flooding with concern. 
“I fell, when I failed to open your window,” Orion explained. “I’ve only ever fallen like that once before...when...”
“...When Grandfather made you think unhappy thoughts,” Carewyn finished grimly. She turned away from him, facing the road again. 
Orion nodded. His black eyes flickered across her face, even though she was no longer looking at him. 
Hook had taunted him then that Carewyn had no reason to stay in Neverland -- that she preferred the thought of growing old and dying to staying with him -- that he could never meet her high standards. He’d taunted that one day, Orion would go back to find her window locked and barred -- a grown woman who’s forgotten all about him, about Neverland, about how to fly...who’s replaced all of it with adult things Orion could never understand. Ambition. Family. ...Husband. 
Carewyn wasn’t an adult yet, but she certainly wasn’t a child anymore either. There was a practicality to her posture -- a steadiness and gravity to how she walked. There was a neatness and meticulousness in how she handled her appearance. And yet even so, her hands were still so warm and her eyes were still so soft...and the sincerity in the little wrinkles that creased her brow and eyes and kissed at the corners of her lips was just the same. 
Carewyn raised her head in Orion’s direction, but her eyes couldn’t quite reach his. Instead they landed vaguely on his shoulder. 
“...I never told you...Grandfather was wrong, did I?” she asked quietly. 
Orion tilted his head. “...I suppose it depends on which thing he said that you’re thinking of. You did say you’d never forget me, or Neverland...or how to fly.”
“Yes,” said Carewyn, “but I didn’t say that he was wrong, that you’d never understand ambition or family. That’s definitely not true. Ambition isn’t just an adult thing -- you dream of never growing up, of never losing your freedom or your independence...your spirit. That’s a wonderful ambition. And you have a wonderful family too, in Neverland. The centaurs and mermaids -- Merula and the fairies -- the Lost Kids! You take care of them as if they were your family.”
Orion stared at her for a moment, his face very unreadable, but his black eyes rippling with a strange emotion. Then he curled his fingers into the puffy white sleeve of her shirt. 
“...And...the last thing?” he asked softly. “‘Husband?’”
Carewyn frowned deeply. “Is marriage something you even want to understand?”
“No!” said Orion instantly, looking revolted. “No...but...well...”
He swallowed, his own gaze drifting away. “...If you grow up...you’ll eventually want one, won’t you?”
Carewyn cocked her brows coolly. “It’s possible. But honestly, marriage seems like a bit of a bother. I’ve had to answer to plenty of adults in my life: I’d hate to have to answer to one more by choice. Especially if it means I have to give up Jacob, my friends, and my dreams just to make him comfortable.”
She said this so huffily, and yet it comforted Orion more than he could ever properly express. His own chest seemed to lighten and he felt better able to breathe again. His eyes softened upon Carewyn’s face. 
“...I see.”
The two finally reached the Weasley home again. Orion noticed the house across the street that Carewyn had once pointed out was hers and Jacob’s had been boarded up. 
“It’ll get torn down soon,” said Carewyn, noticing Orion’s gaze. “The family that lived there had their house ransacked, just because they were German...”
Her eyes narrowed. 
“...It’s disgusting, how they were treated,” she added to herself. “They were very nice to Jacob and me, when we first came home...”
“Where is your brother?” asked Orion. 
Carewyn deflated. 
“...The war front,” she said sadly. “He’d been saving up so we could move into our own place, but...well, the army needed soldiers, so both he and Mr. Weasley signed up. Mrs. Weasley let me stay here, so I wouldn’t have to struggle to find a place to stay myself.”
Orion felt something oddly like pity prickling at his chest. “You mean you’ve lost him again, after only just getting him back?”
Carewyn didn’t answer as she opened the door of the Weasley home and bustled him inside. Once the door was closed, she guided him over to the main room and into an armchair, wrapping several more blankets around him. 
“Wait here,” she said. Her lips spread into a fuller smile. “I’ll make you some hot cocoa -- that’s sure to help you fly again.”
Orion felt his heart give a somersault. 
“Do you remember?” he said very quickly, before she could leave the room. “...Do you remember how to fly?”
Carewyn beamed. 
“Of course. All you need is faith and trust, and to have been brushed with fairy dust. Then you think happy, wonderful thoughts, and...”
She spread her arms, and -- amazingly -- her feet actually came up off the ground.
Orion’s black eyes widened. Then his mouth slowly spread into the fullest, brightest smile as he found himself coming up off the ground himself. He floated just below her, spreading both of his arms too so as to take her hands and hold them out on either side of them.
Even when the world was so miserable -- even when she had so much reason to forget...Carewyn still knew how to fly. 
“You’re flying,” said Carewyn with a warm smile. 
Orion’s eyes sparkled as he guided her around in a circle, just as he had when they danced with the fairies. “I found a happy thought.”
“Did you? What is it?”
“A person whose company makes you feel stronger, when you’re at your worst.”
Carewyn smiled. “I believe that’s what’s called a ‘friend,’ Orion Amari.”
Orion’s midnight-black eyes gleamed.
Yes. A friend. Not just someone to go on adventures with, or look after, or play make-believe with, or give direction -- but someone to be your shoulder to lean on. To listen, to comfort...to love. That was a friend. As much as he cherished the Lost Kids, he was the one who had found them -- they answered to him, seeing him as leader, since there was supposedly no one else who could. 
This friend...he wanted this friend by his side forever. “Forever,” as Carewyn had once reminded him, was an awfully long time -- but he didn’t hesitate in this thought at all. 
And so, not long after, the Boy Who Never Grew Up returned to Neverland. He passed his mantle of leadership onto Lost Boy McNully, said a quick goodbye to all of the members of his Neverland family...and decided to leave for good. Even his short trip back to the Second Star to the Right took up a few weeks, but when he returned to London, his friend was waiting for him. And Orion and Carewyn grew up together, as close of friends as teenagers and later adults as they were as children. Orion grew more than just a fraction of an inch -- he soon towered a good head over Carewyn once more. He even grew a mustache, and a beard too! And yet even with this, it was never beneath his dignity to climb a tree, nor to engage in food fights, nor to read adventure books about pirates, nor to crow like a rooster upon winning a game. No matter how much his other classmates at school would frown, and no matter how much the adults would disdain and scold him, Orion never cared -- and neither did Carewyn, or Bill or Charlie, or any of the other friends he made over the years. 
So you see, even if Orion grew older, he never truly grew up...for all children grow up, except one. And one day -- many, many years down the road from when Orion first made the choice to stay -- he looked at Carewyn and realized that his first and dearest friend had become something even more precious: a friend he wished to love, cherish, and live beside far longer than forever. A friend he would call “lover.” 
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only-lonely-stars · 3 years
The Future is Bright, Chapter 1
[Chapter 1 (Beginning) - you are here!] // [Chapter 2] // [Chapter 10 (End)] (FFN)
Credit for the inspiration of this newest story goes to @hot-anime-plundar! I finally got around to writing it in full (10 chapters). :) Thank you for allowing me the use of your idea! Updates will be on Sundays.
Summary: What would happen if Cole had indeed had a reflection in the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master? How would that have changed his life later? What would it have been? This story follows what might have happened if he had seen something, and what it was; who he would have become. What if his future was already decided?... (Rated T for safety. Alternate title: the Cosmic Spoilers AU.)
Chapter 1: The Tomb and the City
The arrival of ghosts was not something any of the Ninja expected, and certainly not something Cole had thought would happen to them. No, he hadn't expected anything like what had happened; what’s more, he really didn't like being stuck as a ghost.
Of course, it wasn’t as if he could change the fact that he was a ghost. It was… irreversible.
Days, weeks later– how long had it been?– he was stuck in an underwater ship, going to Lloyd's grandfather's tomb. It was a wild goose chase, but they were there to hunt down a magic crystal and hope that Morro hadn’t killed the youngest of his brothers. It was a dire thought, but there was at least a little levity; the irony of it all made it at least a little bearable.
The seawater crashed against R.E.X.’s walls as they descended, and Cole tried to ignore it by cataloguing the events since Morro’s return. As he thought back to the beginning of this mess, it was a bit of a blur in his memory. One moment they’d been trying to advertise the tea shop, the next they were fighting for their lives and Lloyd’s freedom; it was all just too fast to keep straight.
He was too tired to remember.
No, he couldn’t say that anymore. Of course. Cole couldn’t blame tiredness, or hunger, or thirst, or anything he felt, for how messy the whole deal was. Now that he was a First-Master-forsaken ghost, he couldn’t feel anything but cold and emptiness… how fitting.
It was almost a relief when conversation resumed and they were attacked by a giant squid. Then they were at the tomb, with R.E.X. gone… and everyone else felt just as cold as he did.
When they reached the ice maze, they knew Morrow was ahead of them, but it was hard to ignore the grandeur of the place despite him. Around them, great walls of ice reached up, dwarfing the Ninja as they regained their breath from the slides that went down to it from the chamber with the golden staff. Ice coated every surface but the rocky floor, making for traction but not the same amount of reflection. There was a source of light somewhere unknown, filtering through the ice in its watery way, and it made the area almost feel sleepy.
As he took in the surroundings, Cole couldn’t help but look up, up, up at the walls and wonder what the caves were for. Were they always there? Did the First Master make them? It was a curious thought– had the creator of the realm made something without the Golden Weapons, too?
The four didn’t take very long to stop and marvel, resolving to continue in and follow Morro. After all, they had to beat him to the Realm Crystal. However, they stopped again when they reacted the first of the ice walls.
When they reached it, Zane approached the wall alone, curiosity written on his mechanical features. “My reflection… is that me?” He paused, examining it and turning his head this way and that. “I look older, but my attire is… different. This is not what I look like right now at all.”
“Really?” Kai followed him. Then he stared at himself, taking a moment to redo the spikes in his hair a little. “Well… mine looks like me, but older. There’s a bunch of magic junk in this tomb; makes sense that the ice walls are magic too.” He grinned. “By the way, I aged super well.”
“Wait, really?” Jay ran up to his own with a beaming grin. “Let’s see!” He looked himself over in glee. “Woah ho ho! I get an awesome eyepatch!” he yelled, voice echoing through the caverns.
“Shh!” Kai hissed. “Jay! Morro’s in here!”
“I know, I know, give me a break!” Jay laughed. “Magic ice is telling me I’m gonna be a pirate, and he knows already.” He touched the ice. “There’s just a thing next to me– a blur. What is that…” Jay stopped talking and watched as the blur shifted, and then sighed, sounding completely smitten. Now he whispered. “...I end up with Nya.”
Cole tried to hear what Jay said, but for once, he was too quiet. Cole only shrugged to himself– it was probably nothing. No, he walked up to the ice wall as well, taking a moment to look at the others before his reflection. “I wonder what mine is.”
“Well, look at it!” Kai called. “We don’t have forever!”
“Fine.” After a moment of trepidation, Cole looked to the ice.
As soon as Cole caught sight of his reflection, Cole couldn’t help but stare. Looking back at him in the ice was himself. He didn’t smile or move if Cole didn’t, but it was no vision of his current self… it really was the future.
In the ice, Future Cole’s hair was longer. He wore white and blue, not black– a sort of robe that tied at the waist, with a belt that had his dragon symbol for the clasp. However, two things were most surprising: a yin-yang pin on his chest, and an orange scar on his very much not ghostly temple, reaching halfway down his face. He was everything that Cole was not right now.
As Cole took in the image, he couldn’t help but grin. Future Cole grinned too, and laughter lines appeared by his eyes. He stared, taking in the sight of himself, until he heard the sound of Kai’s impatient footsteps behind him. “Well? What do you see? You got all quiet.”
Cole turned to him, still grinning wildly, and couldn’t help a little laugh. “I’m human again!”
“What? That’s impossible!” Kai cried. “I mean, it’s good, but it’s still impossible!”
“Apparently not!”
“Kai, you forget that we believed ghosts were impossible before recently,” Zane interrupted, coming over to look as well. “Cole, what do you see?”
“I… well, I’m human.” He examined it again in awe. “There’s… there’s a weird scar on my temple, but otherwise it’s like nothing ever happened.”
Jay laughed. “That’s awesome! You don’t stay a ghost!” He tore his eyes away from his reflection and came up to Cole’s, looking at it curiously. “That’s weird... You’re dressed differently than I am.”
Cole tore his eyes away and looked at Jay. “Really? What do you mean?”
Jay shrugged. “I’m wearing something like, I don’t know, a sensei’s robe. You’re wearing a dress!”
“It’s not a dress! Those are formal robes!” He looked back at it, frowning. “Though… white and blue isn’t like the Ninjagian royal family, so that can’t be it. Plus, a yang pin…”
Kai gaped. “You’ve got a yang?!” The sound of his shout echoed through the ice maze, shrill and bouncing off the ice.
“Quiet!” Zane hissed, covering Kai’s mouth with one freezing cold hand. “Remember, Morro is here. We must stay focused!”
Cole grimaced as Kai recoiled from Zane’s touch. “Crud– okay, yeah. Having a yang is not so great, but let’s talk later!” He glanced back at the ice one last time. “We’d better find Morro.” Still, that was his future self...
He frowned again. Was his reflection glowing green, like a ghost? Why would it glow like that if he was human?
Realization crashed down with even more ghostly coldness as the glow darkened and grew. It wasn’t his reflection, or anything like it.
The words ripped from his throat before he could think. “Morro’s here! LOOK OUT!”
For years, the memory of the First Spinjitzu Master’s tomb was one that stuck with Cole more closely than he would admit to anyone.
Long after Morro and the Preeminent had been defeated, he still found himself sometimes thinking about what he’d seen. Some days he’d ignore it, knowing he’d recognize his path when he saw it. Other days it would weigh on him, much more than it ever did on the others. After all, he had a different fate than them, and apparently a yang to go with it. What did that leave for him to decide?
Nevertheless, and despite Cole’s worries, it didn’t seem to come. Years passed with no sign of any of his brothers’ futures coming to pass– the only exception was Jay, whose relationship with Nya was rebuilt stronger than ever. Even so, the rest (including the eyepatch) didn’t seem to happen, and Cole wondered if it ever would. Maybe it was a trick, or a test from the First Master. What if it wasn’t real at all?
Whatever the truth was, the vision slowly faded from his mind, and he eventually conceded to let it come to pass when it would. There was too much to do and think about, anyway; a biker gang, being stranded in another realm (or three), and evil emperors were just a few of them. There was never a rest, never a break, until after they’d liberated the prisoners of Prime Empire. It was only then that he remembered the vision… and promptly tried to ignore it again.
Despite Cole’s desire to avoid his memories, another adventure came too quickly for his liking. It was an invitation to a place he’d only heard stories of, mostly from his mother as a child. It was to the mythical city of Shintaro, deep in the mountains in central Ninjago. On the surface, it looked like a vacation, but Cole knew better; it was bound to become yet another mess to clean up.
When they at last arrived, the Ninja looked in awe upon the ivory city. There were spires and minarets on every building, and especially the palace. The city’s flagstone streets were perfectly clean, the roofs were gilt, the people were the fairest-skinned people Cole had ever seen– all in all, it was a true wonder to see.
The city’s force of winged guards escorted them to the palace as honored guests, having saved them from horrid direbats as they entered. As they went into the palace, their eyes caught on the vaulted and painted ceilings, buttresses, and columns everywhere. Every wall seemed to be inlaid with gold and carvings, or painted beautifully enough that they would stop looking where they were going. That was what happened when Kai walked into Lloyd, who had stopped to stare– they’d hit their heads, and rubbed them ruefully as Nya rolled her eyes.
Despite their distraction and awe, the Ninja eventually reached the throne room, and without injury. When they reached it, two Shintaran guards opened the doors. The captain of the guard–a man named Hailmar, if Cole had heard him correctly– led them in, gesturing to them and bowing to the throne.
“It is with great honor, King Vangelis,” he cried, “that I present the famed Ninja of Ninjago!”
At his announcement, the king stood from where he’d been sitting on his throne to greet them. He wore white and blue robes that struck Cole as being very familiar, but he struggled to place the familiarity. The king didn’t seem to notice his confusion, as he smiled at them and spread his hands.
“Welcome, welcome! I’m most pleased that you were able to accept our invitation.” The king bowed in greeting. “It is an honor.”
“The honor is ours,” Sensei Wu responded with a matching bow. “Shintaro is beyond anything we imagined.”
The king smiled benevolently. “I’m only a figurehead. The citizens of our proud city are the heart of Shintaro.”
“Oh!” A cheerful voice came from the side of the throne room. “They’re here!”
Cole looked over to its source. The voice belonged to a lovely young woman, dressed in white and blue robes to match the king’s. She was grinning excitedly, and bowed in greeting hastily. Cole’s eyes caught on her– she was beautiful, in a young sort of way, and he immediately knew she was the princess. The colors were still so strangely familiar...
The king beamed at his daughter as she entered. “Ah! Please, meet my heart– her royal Princess Vania.”
Vania happily approached them, coming to stand in front of the Ninja with barely-contained excitement. “I am such a fan of yours. I’ve read all about your adventures! It was my idea to invite you to my birthday.”
Cole couldn’t help but smile at her. Her enthusiasm was infectious! He hadn’t realized it, but she was at least half a head shorter than him– not that her small stature contained her enthusiasm. “Well, it’s an honor to be here, Princess.”
She smiled back, cheerful and bright, and looked among them. “So, is it true that you’ve been to Hiroshi’s Labyrinth?”
“Affirmative,” Zane noted cheerfully.
“Competed in the Tournament of Elements?”
“Oh, do we have stories for you,” Kai added with a grin.
She gasped. “I need to hear them all!”
“Where shall we begin?” Cole was about to tell her a story, but he stopped, for Hailmar had descended between them. He was frowning, clearly protective and watching Cole distrustfully. However, he stepped aside for the king, who set a hand on Cole’s shoulder.
“You can begin by following me!” the king interjected with a smile. “Tomorrow will be a very busy day for all of us; I will show you to your rooms here.” He led them to hallway, and the whole group began walking together.
“Cole, the Earth elemental,” Vania began, coming up alongside him with no sign of losing her excited smile. “What is it like to command the very earth? Is it as fun as it sounds?”
He grinned back at her– it wasn’t hard. “Yeah, pretty much.”
“That’s what I thought. Personally, it sounds amazing! Imagine what you could do with the mountains!”
“Oh yeah, just about anything you can think of! It’s pretty cool.”
King Vangelis hummed in interest. “Are you quite strong, Cole?”
Cole looked to him, then shrugged sheepishly. “Well, uh, I guess. Not the strongest person– that’s probably Karloff– but I can move a lot.”
Vania flushed a light pink. “Come on, Father! He’s the Master of Earth. I’m sure he’s very strong.”
“But of course,” the king said indulgently, though not with the same enthusiasm. “I’m sure the Master of Earth is more than a match for our mountains.”
Cole grinned self-consciously. “That’s really nice of you to say, your Majesty.”
“Think nothing of it,” the king dismissed. “I simply hope you find Shintaro as lovely as we do during your visit. I have personally seen to it that you will want for nothing while in our borders.”
Cole smiled properly at the king. “That’s really nice of you, your Majesty. Thank you.”
“Consider it thanks for all you’ve done for us.” Vangelis smiled flatteringly. “After all, Ninjago’s business is our business. We’re at your service.”
“Yes, we are!” Vania repeated. “I’d be happy to show you around the palace, actually.”
“Well, we’d love a tour,” Cole responded hesitantly. “All of us are super excited to see Shintaro.”
“Of course.” A little wind seemed to be taken out of her sails, but she quickly bounced back. “I’d love to show you all around! I think there’s a spot in the garden you’ll love…”
From there, conversation flowed easily. Cole was completely engrossed in it, even as the king fell behind to talk to the others more, mostly with Master Wu. Behind the group, Jay stopped to whisper with Lloyd and Nya, watching Cole from behind.
“The princess seems to like Cole!” he remarked. “I mean, he’s my best friend and all, but… Cole?”
Lloyd glared at Vania’s back. “Yeah… weird.”
Nya elbowed Lloyd harshly. “Not every princess is like Harumi! Plus, Jay... you’re not subtle.”
“Nya, my darling, my yang, love of my life–”
“–all I’m saying is that she has a thing for him! When has that happened?”
Nya was about to retort back, but paused, considering what he said. “...You know what? It’s been a while for him.” She pointed at Jay. “That’s really cool, but don’t tease him!”
Jay frowned, muttering. “I have to, he’s my best friend.”
Nya reached over and smacked him.
“We’re in the presence of royalty!” she hissed.
“Fine,” he whined. “I won’t tease him in the presence of royalty.”
Lloyd gave him a curious look. “Is that code for ‘I’m going to bug him later?’”
“Yes. Yes it is.”
Lloyd snickered. “Do it.”
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theheartsmistakes · 4 years
The Last Night
Jordelia Fan-fiction
Lucie Herondale shook with the knowledge she had just learned about the bracelet that her brother wore so loyally. If Matthew hadn’t been there to hold her arms back, she would have gladly hit Grace Blackthorn with her tightly wound fist. 
Back in Matthew’s car, she glared out the window at the gray London skyline, bracing herself as Matthew sped past a group of boys on bicycles, narrowly hitting a car passing on the other side of the uneven cobblestone street. 
“We need to find James and get that bracelet.”
“You heard what she said,” Matthew argued. “He won’t willingly take it off.”
“Then we take it off of him,” shouted Lucie, sounding terribly like her mother when Tessa rarely showed aggression, which was usually elicited by someone talking about her family or her close friend in a way that she deemed cruel or unkind. “You hold him down,” Lucie continued, “and I’ll rip the bloody bracelet off and smash it into pieces.”
The terrible things she had said to James when she couldn’t find Cordelia made her cringe. She wished she could take them all back, but knew that she couldn’t. The truth was, she was angry at herself more than him. They were to be parabatai, she should know how to find Cordelia. She should know the place Cordelia would look to for solace, for strength, and they should be a place of solace and strength for each other. 
“Lucie.” Matthew reached out and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “It’ll be all right.” 
Lucie wanted to believe him, to take comfort in his words, but something dreadful told her that it wouldn’t. It couldn’t possibly be all right. 
* * *
Cordelia stole a moment before she entered through the door. The weight of her sword Cortana across her back served as a reminder of her courage and strength. The light from the fire inside flickered under the door casting a warm orange glow across her feet that she wishes would extend to the dark corners of her mind and warm her heart. Her fingers shook where they grabbed her thin, silk coverlet; focused on the light beading in the design of daisies. She’d tried to dress in a manner that she thought he would like. If it were to be his last memory of her, she wanted it to be a good one.
Her hand hovered in the air for a moment and she thought dreadfully of turning around. All of her life she’d lived in lies. Lies her brother wove to protect her. Lie her father designed to protect himself. Even lies her mother told to protect everyone. She would not lie to herself, even if it tore her very heart out of her chest. Even if it darkened her dreams and erased her fantasies forever. Even if it meant she was ruined. 
She felt ruined already.
The door opened and her heart quickened in her chest. Jamie stood in front of her, his crown of dark curls fell into his eyes that were circled in darkness. His eyes blazed yellow like the glow of the fire light. He hadn’t changed out of his clothes from the night before and she wondered, darkly, if it was because they still smelled like Grace.
The image of the two of them locked in a passionate embrace violated her thoughts. She caught her breath and focused on the undone button just below his clavicle.
“Daisy,” his voice was rough. “Where have you been? Everyone has been out looking for you. You had us all worried.”
He reached out for her, the silver bracelet catching the candle light. She stepped back before he could reach her.
A muscle in his jaw tightened as he swallowed. His hands, empty, opened and closed as they dropped back down to his sides. “Cordelia…” She had never heard her name said in such a way, as if it were the most important word. It was nearly enough to shatter her. “I cannot properly express how sorry I am, but if you could please, allow me to explain.”
“It’s not necessary James,” she said, not unkindly. If she could, she would listen to him talk all night long and forget any animosity that she felt towards him, but she needed it to give her strength for what she was about to do next. 
“This is entirely difficult for me to say.” She wished she could go on the other side of the door and say what she needed to say instead of saying it to his face, but that felt incredibly cowardly. “Growing up, I was very much alone. I had my brother, of course, but we were very different and often wanted different things. To spend the time, I would read anything I could get my hands on, because of that, I think that I created a fantasy in my head. It was very difficult to let the outside world in. To let the truth in and ruin it, which is why I think it was so easy for me to say yes to your proposal, because it made sense for my fantasy. But James, I feel as if it was the most selfish thing of me to do.”
“Selfish?” Jamie shook his head. “Daisy, I have been the selfish one, not you.”
“Please, let me finish.” Her eyes burned with unshed tears. “When you asked me to marry you, I saw a life so different from the one that I am living. A life surrounded by people who love me and people who I love. I promised myself if I ever found that within my possession I would never let it go.”
“It can still be yours.” James, ignoring her protest, reached for her again. This time, his hands wrapped around her wrists and brought her scarred hands up to his mouth. She allowed him to kiss the tops of her fingers; the promise ring he’d slid onto the second to last on her left hand. “Do not let what I’ve done take this away.”
“I cannot marry you James.” The words spilled from her by their own volition. 
He released her as if she’d burned him. “It’s only for a year. We will come up with a lie and you’ll be free to marry whomever you choose. Someone who can—”
  “What?” She asked. “Someone who can love me?”
Who could ever love you like that? 
The fire was quickly dying behind James allowing a chill and darkness to descend upon the room. His eyes, burning embers and gold, held her gaze and filled with a terrible sadness.
“Where will you go?” His eyes darted away from her face and then back again.
“Home. To Idris,” she said. It was mostly true. She wouldn’t go home to stay. Being a ruined woman and all, her options were limited and she couldn’t stand the idea of returning to the lonely life that was left for her in Idris. Alastair promised to return with her and keep her company, but she couldn’t subjecting him to the same fate she sealed for herself. The idea came to her in a dream. She joined the Iron Sisters where she forged weapons as strong as the one that hung on her back. 
“What about Lucie?” His eyes blazed and his tone turned chagrin. “It’ll break her heart.”
“So would losing her brother,” said Cordelia. “I don’t regret what I did. Not for a single moment. Lucie will understand. She is clever and will make anyone a wonderful parabatai.”
“And what of the rest of us?” James took a step towards her, closing the distance between them. “Anna. The Merry Thieves. My father, who told me if I hurt you, he’d throw me into the Thames.”
Cordelia smiled, but she suspected it looked more like a grimace.
“We’ve all grown to appreciate your presence in our lives,” continued James. “It will be like ripping pages out of a book; nothing makes sense without it.”
His features blurred together through her water-rimmed eyes when she looked up at him again. “You will fill it with something else- someone else.” 
“No.” The word was a breath on his lips. 
The grandfather clock on the wall  startled her as it chimed eleven times . If she didn’t leave soon, Alastair would come in looking for her and she wasn’t sure she could stop him from enacting his threat to deal James a world of pain for hurting her. It took her a great deal to calm him down before she wasn’t sure she could do it again.
It didn’t matter though. She had said all she needed to say except the two words she needed to, but couldn’t bring herself to say.
So instead, she turned from him and walked towards the door, except her foot caught on the Persian rug and she stumbled downwards when a hand caught her wrist. Another wrapped around her waist, spinning her back, and she was crushed again him. His face buried in her neck. His arms like a vice, leaving her breathless.
“James,” she sobbed.
“I can’t— I don’t want to lose you.” His words were muffled against her skin. He kissed her shoulder, her neck, her jaw, her cheek, until his mouth hovered over hers. An invitation. All she would need to do was look up, but it’d be her choice. 
Her hands went from his shoulders to his face to stop him, or to stop herself, she wasn’t sure. She slid the pad of her thumb across his bottom lip, wet with his tears, and remembered what it felt like to kiss him in the Whispering Room of The Hell Ruelle. Warmth climbed up her chest and into her cheeks. 
It had been a kiss of passion and one that she didn’t want to replace with one of sadness and regret.
“My father once told me that love is like the flame of a candle.” She felt his chest press against hers when he breathed. Every inch of him touched every inch of her. “To keep it lit you need to protect it. Block it from even the slightest breeze and it will carry you through even the darkest of times. I thought, for the briefest moment, that maybe if I kept my light, my love, burning maybe one day one would grow for you too.” Her hands slid down to his chest, and as gently as she could, she pushed him away. “But I see now that’s not possible. Not when you have a flame that burns so brightly for someone else.”
James opened his mouth to say something, but no words came. It hurt worse than any broken bone, cut, or bruise she’d ever endured. She had the answer she’d come for. She could stand no more torment.
Slowly, she backed away from him, until she was nearly at the door. 
His hand circled his other wrist, around the bracelet, as if he were going to take it off.
“I wanted so badly to marry you.” She quickly wiped at a tear that had escaped down her cheek. “But a year with you, as your wife, is not possibly long enough.”
“Cordelia— I” 
“Goodbye James,” she whispered into the space between them and took her leave before anymore words could be said. 
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popsunner · 4 years
'Cause I Was Just Thirteen (when I got my first taste of danger)
@cubedleo​ this isn’t what you’ve been waiting for but it’s somethin’ sjdjb
A/N: I was trying to write the Spirit Sokka AU but my brain wouldn’t let me until I finished this,,, so. AO3 link!! 
“We’re just kids.”
“Are we?” Sokka asks, and the silence stretches between them.
(The answer is yes, but it’s easier to pretend they grew up a long time ago than admit they’re just broken children trying to fix a broken world)
When Sokka was twelve years old he carved a promise to be a warrior into a block of ice.
It took him an hour to chop out the crude symbols with the tip of his boomerang, and when he was done he was sweating, and his arm ached. War was in his blood, it was his main drive, his life.
He never understood the people who didn’t want to fight.
(Later in his life, he would meet a boy with a scarred face and a girl with dangerous eyes, and he’d know that in a different life, that could’ve been him and his sister)
(The desire to fight would all but fizzle out at that realization)  
There are few people left in the world who weren’t raised for war.
Bumi is one of them, and so is Aang. Sokka can see it in the way they speak, the way they move. The way they don’t shy away from fire or loud adventures that draw attention. He can see it in their smiles, wide and fearless and kind.
Bumi and Aang weren’t born into a world of destruction and stifling fear.
(Maybe that’s why Aang looks so much more hurt by the charred forests and waves of injured troops finally coming home)
(Sokka hurts too, but he’s tired)
(He’s so tired)
When the war ends, Sokka breathes for the first time in his life.
It’s like a wave of exhaustion hits him all at once, and if Suki hadn’t been supporting him and his broken leg, he would have crashed to the ground.
“We won,” Katara whispers.
No one cheers. No one smiles.
Slowly, Zuko stands, Katara’s hand hovers next to his hip and the second scar his family gave him. He holds a hand out to Aang, his face stone.
Aang doesn’t shake his hand or nod back grimly. He launches himself at Zuko and laughs with so much relief in his voice it reminds Sokka just how young he is.
(Aang wasn’t raised for war, but he was shoved into the middle with no warning, and expected to fix it)
Zuko shudders and stumbles, and Katara catches him and Aang before they all fall.
Sokka watches her, his baby sister, and realizes she’s been catching people her entire life. His eyes go blurry, and he staggers out of Suki’s grip to grab her shoulders and crush her against his chest.
“You made it,” he says into her hair.
Katara starts to cry.
Sokka isn’t sure how long they stand there after Toph burrows her way between them all and Suki wraps her arms as far as they can reach over the group, but it’s long enough for his leg to scream painfully in protest, and the weight on his chest to return.
Because it isn’t over yet.
Sokka looks down at his friends- his family , and realizes with a shaking breath that the war might be over, but the fight is far from done.
Getting used to a post-war world is more difficult than Sokka could have imagined.
For Toph, it’s not very hard. She was raised sheltered, and even despite her attempts to shun that lifestyle, she was never exposed to the loss of war or the scar it left.
Sokka is proud of Aang and Katara, who despite everything, held onto their wonder and inner light.
(the nights he spent pouring over strategies and plotting routes, burying evidence of scorch marks from around their campsite, the days he spent cracking jokes and letting them take out their frustrations on him through light hearted teasing paid off, and he’s so, so proud)
Suki was always an optimist, and Sokka is grateful for her every day, especially at night when he feels the guilt and fear grip his heart and threaten to undo him.
(She holds him and they whisper uncertainties and reassurances to each other until the sun rises)
Sometimes, though, Sokka just wants someone who understands what it’s like to live with what feels like the weight of his people on his shoulders, who knows what it means to grow up training every day for a fight he never asked for.
He finds himself sitting with Zuko more and more often after the war is over.
“Do you think they can ever really forget?” Zuko asks, watching a group of kids fly kites in the courtyard a ways away from where they sit.
“Them?” Sokka shrugs. “Yeah, they’ll forget. They’re just kids.”
Zuko’s eyebrows lower into something sad. “We’re just kids.”
“Are we?” Sokka asks, and the silence stretches between them
(The answer is yes, but it’s easier to pretend they grew up a long time ago than admit they’re just broken children trying to fix a broken world)
Hakoda is by no means old, even though his eyes crinkles at the corners and his hair is lined with wisps of white from years of stress, but war takes its toll on everyone, and the warrior has seen too many battles.
He walks with a permanent limp now, and when he asks Sokka to succeed him as chief of the Southern Water Tribe, he favors his right leg.
Sokka is eighteen, the same age his father was when he took charge, technically a full fledged adult now. But the sag in Sokka’s shoulders and the numbness in his eyes didn’t appear on his father until Kya died. His father grew up in a war just like he did, but he didn’t fight in it until Sokka was twelve.
There’s guilt in Hakoda’s eyes, so Sokka doesn’t stop himself from grinning and accepting happily, erasing any sign of the aching exhaustion off his face.
“Is this really what you want?” Katara asks him later, staring into the fire that crackles quietly between them.
Sokka wants to ask her if she’s ever asked Aang that, or Zuko. He wants to tell her he doesn’t have a choice, none of them ever had a choice.
Instead, he smiles. “Well, yeah! I was getting tired of Zuko being the only royal one.”
He can see it in Katara’s face, that she doesn’t believe him.
(But the war is over, the war is over so she lets him lie, the war is over and the worry lines on her forehead are slowly going away)
(Sokka knows now, more than ever, that the war isn’t really over)
(He lets her believe it is)
Sokka is at another meeting, another day long discussion of how to achieve peace when the sight of fire and red emblems still scares children, when all that conceals Ozai’s fallen statue in Omashu is a large, green canopy, when Sokka’s people are still scavenging for any food they can find, when Aang is still the only Air Nomad left.
Sokka forces himself to sit straight instead of prop his head on his hand and roll his eyes at Aang as the Earth Nation ambassador goes on and on.
Usually, Toph would be here to cut in with some crude one liner to break up the tension, and Katara would take notes for him when his mind wandered. Usually Suki would squeeze his hand under the table to keep him present.
But this is a closed meeting, as stupid as that is, and only recognised officials are allowed inside.
Zuko sits next to him, hands folded on the table, the epitome of royalty. Even Aang, who’d gotten such a sugar rush from his fourteenth birthday the day before that he tried to teach Momo to swordfight, sits stoically and nods along to the speech that’s been going on for an hour.
“-focusing our rebuilding efforts at this time on Ba Sing Se would be our smartest move,” the ambassador finally finishes.
Sokka raises an eyebrow. “Rebuilding what part?”
“Excuse me?”
“In your entire drawl you didn’t mention the outer rings of Ba Sing Se once. Do you really think we should spend more time and money on a rich inner ring that thrives off the other citizens' poverty?”
Aang looks surprised, like he’s trying to walk back through the meeting to figure out why he missed that. Zuko nods. “I spent time in the lower ring of Ba Sing Se personally, ambassador. I agree that you should be putting your main focus on the people there.”
If the ambassador were a firebender, he’d be blowing smoke out of his ears. “All due respect Fire Lord, but you’d really take the side of a chief of the most desolate land in the world over mine? A non-bender no less?”
Sokka’s wolf tail flips over his head as a rush of hot hair whips past him, from the Fire Lord and Avatar respectively. Aang is standing, his staff in his hand, and Zuko’s hands are clenched, his eyes flashing a warning.
Sokka holds up a hand, and Aang sits down, Zuko relaxes slightly.
(Because he might not be able to do the things they can, he might not have their power, but he does have their respect)
“You forget, ambassador,” Sokka says coolly, “that your king himself is a non-bender, and a personal friend.”
The underlying threat is understood loud and clear, and the ambassador sits down.
The discussion goes on, and Sokka has the taste of bile in his throat for the rest of the meeting.
It isn’t the first time he’s been disliked, like not being able to bend somehow makes him unfit. He sees the looks people give him when he walks alongside Aang on the street instead of behind him, when he tousles the great Toph Beifong’s hair or spars with the Fire Lord, when he teases his sister in public.
It isn’t the first time he’s been disliked for being a non-bender, but it’s the first time someone has said it to his face, in front of his allies. It’s the first time he’s heard the disdain voiced, and the ambassadors words cut sharp like a wip.
(The bile returns later, when he realizes his mind changed the title ‘family’ to ‘ally’)
The first thing Sokka does as the official Chief of the South is make plans for a memorial to commemorate the men lost in the fight, and the waterbenders lost in Ozai’s attempts to make sure that his grandfather's plan worked, that the Avatar wouldn’t survive.
(Sokka and Zuko find the place where the waterbenders were held a few weeks later, an entire underground fortress of cages)
(Every cage is full except one, there are no survivors)
(Sokka stares at Hama’s empty cage and forgives her)
It’s Katara’s idea to make the old Fire Nation warship part of the memorial, and with Toph’s help, the two of them build a statue that intertwines with the tarnished red flags and snow beaten metal. It means remembrance and hope.
Sokka’s tears freeze on his flushed cheeks when it’s finished.
“You know,” he tells Zuko the first time the Fire Lord sees it, “that ship isn’t all bad memories. It’s the reason we met.”
Zuko scoffs. “I thought that was a bad memory?”
“Funny how things can grow, isn’t it?”
Zuko has never looked more thankful than in that moment, and that night, sleepily sipping wine while Toph snores in his lap with her feet propped against Suki, watching Aang and Katara dance around the fire, he tells him so.
Sokka smiles, and looks around at his family. It seems like a lifetime ago when all he had was gran gran and Katara.
(Funny, how things can grow)
Rebuilding the South is… not easy.
Even with the men home from war, the South’s trade systems and outreach to the other nations had been completely demolished in the war.
The North, despite all its talk about rebuilding its sister tribe, does very little in the way of help.
The Northerners who moved with Sokka’s grandfather are angry, and a group of them plan to sail back to the North to convince them to bring aid.
Sokka lets them, and the day after they leave a blizzard hits the South.
Only four of the seven return.
(After the funerals, Sokka stands on the wall of ice surrounding their village and begs the moon for an explanation until his throat is sore and his voice is hoarse and raspy)
(She never answers)
Aang shows up one day, bouncing on his toes and grinning so brightly it hurts Sokka’s eyes, and tells him they’re taking a vacation.
Sokka has things to do, responsibilities and work that he can’t just blow (ha) off, and he just about says so when Appa roars, and Sokka remembers a time when he didn’t have to be chief or have the weight of his entire tribe on his shoulders.
(Somehow, the weight of the world felt lighter than this)
(Maybe because he grew up carrying it, or maybe because he never did, he only ever carried his friends)
Hakoda agrees easily to take over the Chief’s duties for the time being, and Sokka sees relief in his eyes when Sokka picks Aang up in a hug, and the two run off to the flying bison waiting for them.
Sokka sits in the saddle and stares at the back of Aang’s head, and tries to remember what it felt like when this was his life.
“Aang? Do you ever… miss when it was just us?”
The way Aang’s shoulders slump tells Sokka everything, and the younger boy nods. “Sometimes.”
(Sokka climbs up next to Aang and wraps his arms around his shoulders, and takes the reins when Aang turns to bury himself in Sokka’s shirt, because being Chief is hard, but being the Avatar is infinitely harder)
They meet at the Western Air Temple, because that was the first time they were all together.
Usually, there would be workers milling about, restoring all they can, but Aang got them to take the day off.
Katara hugs them both when they arrive. She cups Sokka’s face with her hands and squints at him like she knows he’s hiding something, and it takes all Sokka has not to crumble.
“Move aside!” Toph shouts, not giving Katara a chance to listen before she slides the stone under her out of the way. Toph punches Sokka’s arm hard, enough to make him wince, and then she drags both him and Aang into a bone crushing hug that they barely get out of alive.
Zuko laughs at them both, which is a welcome sound. Sokka only ever heard him laugh a few times during the war, and even fewer when they were all still navigating the new world. He steps forward and bows to Sokka, “Chief.”
Sokka doubles his dramatics when he bows back, “Fire Lord.”
Zuko snorts and stands. He pulls Aang into a side hug, and grips Sokka’s forearm. “It’s been too long.”
“The South Pole isn’t exactly a short walk away from the Fire Nation.”
“No,” Zuko smiles. “I guess I’ll have to plan more diplomatic meetings.”
Sokka groans.
Suki is a lot gentler in her hello, kissing Aang’s cheek and squeezing his shoulder, then wrapping herself around Sokka where she’ll stay for the better part of their meetup.
“Look at us,” she says, and she’s beautiful. “We’ve all changed so much.”
(Sokka hates how as the others smile, his stomach churns)
The anniversary of the end of the Hundred Year War is filled with celebrations, the steps of Zuko’s palace are transformed into a festival, a symbol of the Fire Nation opening its gates with kindness for the first time in a century.
Important people from every nation attend, and Zuko works with the Earth Kingdom to pay travel costs for as many citizens as possible, especially children.
Sokka has never seen so much food.
His stomach growls and his mouth waters, and Katara laughs at him when he’s led off to be formally introduced instead of being allowed to eat until he bursts.
Katara falls into step next to him, and Sokka takes a few seconds to take in how amazing she looks.
Her travels with Aang aren’t rushed or secret anymore, her eyes are brighter than he ever remembers seeing them, and she wears the Air Nomad cuffs Aang gave to her on her last birthday, a green headband holds her hair in place, and Sokka recognizes it as Toph’s. She kept the light-weight red shoes from their time hiding in the Fire Nation, and her blue dress has been altered to handle the hot climate most of the world shares right now.
Sokka thinks she’s the only one who could pull off wearing an outfit that includes all four nations, and he thinks she looks happy.
“I love you, you know,” He tells her, because he hasn’t seen her in months, because he missed her.
(He won’t admit it, but Sokka is still getting used to not having his sister at his side. His whole life, she’s been there. There’s something missing in him when she’s not)
Katara looks surprised for a moment, and then she smiles, and slips under Sokka’s arm, leaning against his side. “I love you too.”
Eventually, Sokka gets to eat, and relax, even if it’s only for a moment.
He watches Aang and Toph laugh at something Momo is doing as he devours a leg of meat he can’t name, and the sound of people enjoying themselves fills his ears.
Sokka had spent so much time staring at plans and treaties, organizing trades, building houses in the South, teaching people to fish and wash fur, that he hadn’t stopped once to look around him.
He’d spent so much time trying to heal the world, he never realized it was working.
(He loses his appetite then, but he still dances with Toph until his feet hurt, and he still tries to play Airball with Aang again, and he still smiles, and he still laughs)
(Because maybe he spent so much time trying to heal the world, that he hadn’t realized he was healing himself too)
People have tried to assassinate Zuko before. Sokka gets a letter from Toph (from Iroh, really, but they all pretend he’s not the one she dictates to) explaining a failed attempt in great detail at least once a month.
Toph finds it hilarious, but that’s because she’s there to take down the guy before they even make it into the palace.
Sokka finds it terrifying, because he’s halfway across the world with no way of helping.
It’s one of those sunny days that makes Sokka glad to be in the Fire Nation, and he’s sparring with Zuko, and for once, he might be winning.
Zuko’s dual swords clash against his singular one, and the two grunt as they both try to gain the upper hand. Sokka smirks and sweeps his foot out, tripping Zuko and knocking him onto his back. “Ha! I win!”
He reaches out to help Zuko up, fully intent on bragging for the rest of the day.
“Zuko move!” Toph shouts suddenly, and it scares Sokka so bad his instincts kick in, and he drags Zuko back to the ground, rolling away as a spike of ice longer than his wingspan flies through the air right where his head used to be.
Zuko breathes heavily under him, and Sokka slowly lifts himself off the ground, staying crouched as he scans the area.
Toph is on her feet, Katara at her side with a hand on her shoulder, and Aang is rushing forward, pulling Zuko to stand.
“Just so we’re clear, that wasn’t you, Katara, right?” Sokka asks, pulling his boomerang off his hip stealthily.
“What? No!”
“Didn’t think so,” Sokka says under his breath, and whips around to throw his boomerang towards Zuko and Aang.
Aang yelps and ducks behind Zuko, and there’s the sound of metal hitting something soft, and a loud ‘oof’.
Sokka barely has time to move before a wave of water forms a tiny tsunami in his direction. “Zuko, you need to get inside!”
People had tried to assassinate Zuko before, and it wasn’t out of the ordinary for the assassin to be from a different nation, though most of them were firebenders, loyal to Ozai.
Sokka realizes too late that this one being a waterbender is no coincidence.
His legs are swept out from under him and he hits the ground with a grunt. He’d slipped on ice like an amatuer. Sokka pushes himself up, reaching for his sword, and is met face to face with the assassin.
His eyes widen. “Nia?”
She snarls at him and yanks him into a choke hold, Sokka watches as his friends circle her.
“Let him go,” Zuko says, and it's only because Sokka knows him that he hears the tremor in his voice. “This is about me and you.”
“You think I’m here for the Fire Lord?” Nia spits, tightening her grip on Sokka’s neck. “I couldn’t care less about you or your people.”
And oh. Sokka should have known. He should have known because he knows Nia, he knows what she’s been through, what she’s lost. “This is about your sister.”
Nia’s breath quickens in his ear and she snarls. “You sent her back to the North, she died on that ship!”
Sokka should tell her it’s not his fault, but he doesn’t, because it is.
(He learned a long time ago that when you’re a leader, everything is your fault)
“You’re weak,” Nia continues, and Sokka can see Toph stiffen in the corner of his eye.
Katara’s glare is sharp. “Leave him alone. What happened to your sister was an accident!”
“It never should have happened!” Nia shouts, and her voice softens when he talks to Sokka’s sister. “If you were Chief, it wouldn’t have happened.”
For a moment, no one does anything. Everyone is still, frozen in a stunned and confused silence. Finally, Aang says, “What does that mean?”
“Our leader should be a bender! You and your father have made us weak! I saw it when I moved to the South!” Nia yanks on Sokka’s head, cutting off his airway with her grip. “With you gone, a bender will be in charge, as it should be.”
Sokka gasps on air, and closes his eyes.
That’s it. That’s always been it. Sokka can’t bend, which makes him less, which makes him weak.
History will remember the Avatar, and his three masters. History won’t remember Sokka.
(History has never remembered non-benders before)
(The world may have changed, but it hasn’t changed that much)
Maybe it would be better, with Katara as chief. She’s cool headed and smart, she pays attention in meetings, she’s respectful and kind and responsible.
Ever since they were kids, Katara has been everything Sokka is not.
Sokka coughs as a rush of air fills his lungs, and he grabs at the closest thing to him, which happens to be Aang’s hand, and holds tight. Zuko is holding his shoulders, searching his eyes for something Sokka isn’t sure is there. Katara has an arm around his back, and Toph is squating next to Zuko.
No one answers, and Sokka understands. They caught her. She’ll be shipped back to the South for a trial. A trial Sokka will have to rule over.
(He’ll have to banish her, he knows. He knows and he hates it because she’s a child)
(She’s a child who was raised for war, and when it was won, she found another one to fight)
(Sokka knows, he knows and he understands)
His shoulders start to shake, the mask he’d been wearing for so long starts to shatter, and the hands holding him tighten, Toph says, “You’re not weak.”
“I would hate to be a chief,” Katara assures him.
But none of them say anything about Nia, and none of them try to stop his tears.
(Because in a world where children fight the battles, who really wins?)
Sokka is accompanied by his friends when he returns home, which sounds a lot better than saying he’s bringing back the Fire Lord, the Avatar, and the two most powerful water and earthbenders in the world.
He’s welcomed back with open arms.
The South has grown, refugees of the Water Tribe are returning home, the warriors are all home, the children are growing up on their own terms.
Hakoda tells him they found a place for Nia in the North, a school for kids who’d been traumatized by the war or the resulting events after it ended, and Sokka is so relieved that he spends the rest of the day letting Aang drag him penguin sledding and teaching Toph and Suki to spear fish.
They have a feast, and it’s the first time Sokka laughs in a long time. Aang doesn’t let go of his arm the entire time, and Zuko promises another spar.
Sokka isn’t perfect, and he isn’t all powerful. But when he looks at the shining, beautiful, alive faces of his family and his people, he knows he’s not weak, and he knows eventually, they’ll be okay.
When Sokka was twelve years old he carved a promise to be a warrior into a block of ice.
Now Sokka is nineteen, and he carves his name into a tiny corner of the icy memorial, right above Katara’s, to the left of Zuko’s, to the right of Toph’s crude fist print, and just above Aang’s.
Sokka was raised for war.
He held his sobbing sister as his father explained that the Fire Nation killed his mother. He watched the warriors ships sail away without him. He spent years teaching himself to fight so he could protect his family.
He was the newly redeemed Fire Prince’s first friend and the first (honorary) male Kyoshi Warrior. He fell in love with the Moon Spirit and crafted a sword from meteorite. He taught the first metalbender it’s okay to cry. He taught the Avatar how to deal with nightmares.
Sokka was raised for war. He was raised in fear and hate. He was raised to fight.
As the years go by, there are more people in the world who aren’t raised for war.
Sokka can see it in the way they speak, the way they move. The way they don’t shy away from fire or loud adventures that draw attention. He can see it in their smiles, wide and fearless and kind, and with those new faces and new hope, Sokka learns to forget.
(Of course he does, he was just a kid, and he learns to stop pretending he grew up a long time ago and admit he was just a broken child trying to fix a broken world)
(They all were)
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chronicbatfictioner · 4 years
Exchanges and Compromises - Chapter 13
"Grayson? Are you awake?" the tiny little voice was unmistakably scared. The Court has trained Dick more than enough to recognize fear in a human being, and complimented on his natural ability to read people. If asked, he would say that children would be the easiest to read.
Except for Damian.
According to Jason, Damian has been trained by his mother and grandfather, and a plethora of trainers, to eventually take the mantle of the Demon Head from Ra's Al Ghul. His trainers, including Jason, have joked that it might take a while; because Ra's was believed to be an immortal. He has the magic fountain of youth called the Lazarus Pit that could even revive the dead and has been using it in the past 300+ years. Or so the lore said.
Behind Damian's back, Jason has also told them that both Ra's and Talia were decapitated and their heads were missing. The Lazarus Pit might be able to revive the dead, except it required the important organs of the body to be intact; e.g. head, heart, lungs, etc. Dick reckoned that the heads were removed exactly to prevent the use of the Lazarus Pit.
"You need something, buddy?" Dick replied.
"Not at the moment, thank you," Damian replied, taking a seat next to Dick's station next to the door. "I can't sleep." he admitted.
"Nervous for tomorrow?"
Tomorrow they were going to the Wayne Manor, through a convoluted route that Tim has come up in order to avoid detection by anyone who might want Damian to a. not meet his father or b. kill him to take full control of the League of Assassin. Yeah, neither scenario appealed to Dick, but the little voice in his head said that scenario b might be preferable than scenario a.
Dick never understood men who denied their children of their presence. He remembered his dad, a poor circus performer, who would even give small shows for kids who couldn't afford to watch the aerials - walking on his hands, random somersaults, teaching them how to somersault. He remembered Tim's crestfallen face when he couldn't go and watch Dick perform that day - albeit it turned out to be a little more beneficial for Tim in the long run. He remembered his dad telling him that "whatever little things you show those kids now would make them feel that they are loved and cared for, even if they don't have money. And they'll remember you forever."
"I do not understand nervousness," Damian replied plaintively.
"No, but your brain is giving you signals that make you anxious, you know? Like, you're wondering what's gonna happen tomorrow, and a thousand of scenarios would run to your head. That's... the chemical imbalance is called 'nervousness', I think." Dick explained. Jason has also warned him that Damian hated being treated like a child. Jason has been the only person other than his mother or grandfather who was 'allowed' to discipline him and tell him 'no'.
Still, adult body language and attitude notwithstanding, Dick could see and recognize the child Damian still was.
"Soo... when I couldn't sleep, my mother used to read to me. I mean, obviously I could read on my own by then. But there's just something... I dunno, maybe my subconsciousness just calmed down at the thought that she was there with me. Whatever would happen tomorrow, she would be there, too, to proverbially catch me when I fall, you know?
"I know it's... hard, that... you know that your mother is gone and all. But the thing is - like Tim has told Jason, whatever will happen tomorrow with your biological father, you'll still have a home with us." Dick said, eyeing Damian sideways to check if he was offended or not.
"I have a home with the League of Assassins," Damian stated haughtily. "Jason has informed me that there is a difference between underlings and friends. I gather what you are saying is that I shall have you as friends - as contemporaries - rather than an underling, as you all seem to revere to this Oracle person."
"See, Oracle is not really our... supervisor. Oracle is a really good friend who believes that we all could be good and showed us how. I..." Dick hesitated as he was about to say 'she' to designate Oracle. "When Bane killed off the Court of Owls and almost all of the Talons, I was lost. But then I remembered this person. Through the years of my training, this person had somehow remained in my memory. And the first time we've met was literally a few hours before it turned to be the worst day of my life, the day when my parents' were murdered. Before that, I was playing outside, performing tricks for the kids who couldn't get in the aerial shows. Oracle was there and told me that I was a 'good person' after I was done. I don't know how or why, but it stuck with me.
"I am a Talon, I am trained to kill those who hurt Gotham City. I have done so many despicable things that... I dunno, common people might simply see me as... as a vile person. A criminal psychopath. But not Oracle. Oracle and Tim opened their doors, asked me to join them to help them make Gotham better for the common people. Because they believed I'm a good man. I've been here for barely three months, and I'm enjoying myself. Sure, the fights were harder and viler than when I was Talon - especially since the criminals now seemed to have superpowers and no longer fear the sight of a Talon. But I do it because I know they count on me to make it work. And because I know that whatever will happen, I'm not alone. I won't be hiding in a nest somewhere alone, tending to my own wounds. I won't have to wonder where I'll get my next meal from, or if I'll have a warm place to hide in..."
Dick was really just rambling because it has been a long time since anyone would listen without judging or being wary of what his intentions were. But then he felt a weight on his side and looked. Damian was leaning on him, eyes closed. He twitched a little when Dick quieted down.
So Dick continued, "It's been a while... a good long while since anybody listened to me and not take my opinion as being counted. As a Talon, I was to do as told. The 'how' would be the only thing in my discretion. The who, where, and when, were all decided. The 'why' should never be asked. Here, my opinion counts - except on wearables. I don't know why.
"Therefore, Damian. Oracle is not the 'leader' of us. I'd rather see Oracle as our pillar of support. I know a lot of the Oracle to consider... them--"
"Her," Jason's voice suddenly corrected him. "We know she's a female, Dick. Don't worry. We're not interested in figuring out who she is, yet." he smirked. "Subliminal marketing, much?"
Dick chuckled. "More like a bedtime story for the real-life assassin-slash-heir youngster," he replied. "How long have you known?"
"Pretty much the first fifteen minutes after her projection showed up. Her reactions of yours and Tim's antics were kind of like--" Jason paused and swallowed. "Talia's when we did the same..."
"You cared for her," Dick concluded.
"She took me off the streets and give me a home and purpose. So yeah, I cared." Jason replied. "So how did Oracle became your personal muse?"
"She has... uhh... distinctive features that caught my eyes then, I guess. Can you imagine that? I was like, ten years old." Dick grinned. "Puberty pre-kicking, I guess. But I'd picked the right person, I think. Most of the Talons forgot who they were after the training. I still remember that I'm Dick Grayson, son of John and Mary; once one of the best family of aerialists in the world." he said. "Was it anything like that in the League's training? Do they want you to forget who you were?"
Jason snorted. "No, if anything, they want you to remember and remember how bad it could get if you're not there."
"Was it that bad for you?"
Jason shrugged. "I'd probably end up as a hooker by the end of that week if Talia didn't get me outta Crime Alley." he replied. "that, or dead, or jailed. Whichever got to me first."
"Oookay..." Dick looked at Damian, who was fast asleep. "Think he'll wake up if I move him?"
"Naah, I'll move him." Jason offered and picked up Damian easily. Damian stirred a little but settled his head on Jason's shoulder. "Thanks. I got the feeling that if this daddy stuff doesn't work out, he'll be adopting you," he added.
Dick snorted a soft laugh. "Yeah right..."
But regardless, he did spend the rest of the night wondering if Bruce Wayne would rise to the occasion, or sink to his playboy reputation. Even the Court never bothered to pay him much attention, largely due to his larger-than-life obnoxiousness. He wondered if Damian would indeed be better remaining there, at the Birds of Prey's lair.
His last thought before succumbing to sleep was, at least there's Jason, who seemed to be the voice of reason for Damian...
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harveywritings92 · 4 years
Dad!Connor And Reincarnated! Reader p3
You, Achilles and Diana had settled in the dinning room; Diana had calmed you both down, Connor came back after removing the intruders body from the manor, his body was tense a he looked at your flushed face, he frown and took you from Diana he may not be showing it, but he was just shaken up by this whole thing his eyes were red. mentally beating himself up how could he have let someone get passed him like that?! he almost lost you. "She won't stop crying, she must have been terrified." Diana said voice trembling as Achilles brought her a drink of water.
Connor was in deep thought as he finally found his voice. "How early do babies begin to remember things?" he asked concerned about your mental state, "Everyone's different in regards of childhood memories." Achilles huffed his brows furrowed in concentration as a he tried to remembered his experiences with his own son. "luckily Y/n's young enough to forget this whole thing," *not likely old man!* you mentally interjected while slowly drifting off  to sleep as Connor rocked you. "however it's hard to say if it will effect her later." the old man explained.
Just then the manor door sudden burst open as Terry,Norris Warren and Godfrey holding axes,a ho and a pickax demanding where the intruder was? only to be told by Achilles it's they were late and the scoundrel's been taken care of, the men all lowered their weapons surprised before Terry spotted his wife saw the state she was in and demanded to know what happened. 
The full story was that Diana was coming to deliver some clean linens to the manor when she saw Norris ducking behind a bush looking at the manor warily, he told her there a man sniffing around the grounds before watching him try to climb up to the balcony to Y/n's room, Diana dropped the wash and ordered the miner to gather the men. 
Norris did as he was told while the nurse snuck up to the front porch while keeping her eyes open for the boy trying to break in then managed to quietly enter the manor, she then went down into basement and alerted Connor to the danger , they both arrived just before the man could harmed Y/n. 
Diana took another sip of water "I've never been so shaken in my life!" she said recalling how terrified she was when as she held Y/n cold and stiff in her arms. "I thought Y/n had died of fright, I was so scared!" she swallowed Terry hugged her as the other men looked at the little girl upset.
"But, she alright...right? the man didn't hurt her?" Norris asked as Godfrey raged "It's not bloody right! What kind of ill minded cù (dog) tries to murder a baby?!" while Warren kept a calm head knowing full well Prudence with be screaming up a storm when she find out about this ."Does it have had anything to do with Y/n's mother?" 
Connor shook his head "No, this is Not related to her mother's murder, this was something else." he stated he found a diary on that boy, It was hidden in his room, the assassin intends to read it later and see why that boy specifically targeted Y/n he knew exactly where her room was, but for now he'd make sure everyone was alright.
Now when now to say Connor was shaken by this whole situation was putting it mildly, He went into full blown paranoid father mode, For the last month since your near murder, he'd moved you into his room keeping your cradle next to his bed and silently patrolled the homestead grounds; making sure that boy was the only intruder, Sadly he wasn't.
Connor found out one of his own sailors; Louis, had betrayed him, the boy had been paying the man to spy on the assassin for months now looking for a way to hurt him, hence how he found out about Y/n, he saw a perfect target to weaken the native man emotionally, and Y/n was the perfect target. 
He theorized the boy snuck into the town under the guise of a traveler. Connor was disgusted by how easily the man gave into greed and left the traitorous sailor’s fate to Faulkner and his men to deal with as they were out for blood when they heard what had happened.
Connor returned he took off his gear and came upstairs to find Achilles watch over Y/n, and reading that diary he'd hidden away "How is she is doing?" Connor whispered checking the baby over, she twitched but didn't wake up. "Better then she was earlier." Achilles hummed glancing up from the diary.
He looked concerned which wasn't lost on the young assassin. "Have you read this?" the old man asked keeping a steady gaze on Connor who nodded, the two started discussing what was in the diary unaware that Y/n was actually awake a listening in on their conversation.
The more y/ec eyed child listened the more she started feeling bad for her would be killer, His name was Johnathan, apparently this whole plan started after his mother had passed from fever and he was sent to the colonies to live with his father, a man he barely knew as he had sent his mother away to England claiming to meet up with her later, but that turned to be a lie.
The boy's mother was stranded in a place she didn't know forced to start her life over and worked herself to death so she could provide for her son. and not once had his father tried to find them or send them money or any kind of olive branch to prove he cared about them, it was only after she died he learned the name of his father was sent to America to live with the man who abandoned them.
 Still his father ignored and treated Jonathan like a nuisance than a son, soon he was introduced to the Templars a group who visited his father's home frequently; the boy heard of their war with the assassin's saw the way his father praised and respected these men. 
Jonathan thought if he found a way to damage or Stall the Assassin's efforts against the Templars... then just maybe his father would finally notice him and let him join the Templars? Jonathan was actually quite observant and watched the streets and docks for any suspicious activity before he noticed Connor.
He deduced who the "man in the white hood" was fairly quickly and managed to tail him without him noticing. he found the Aquila, and made a survey of Connor's crew to and figure out who was loyal and who would break their silence for the right price... And that's how he met Louis all Jonathan had to do was buy him a few pints and give him 10$ for him to start talking.
Louie told him about the homestead, the inhabitants, and most importantly... Connor's precious baby girl all coddled and protected up in the hilltop manor; With that Jonathan's fate was sealed. he thought he had the perfect plan and target, with Connor's child dead he'd to broken and disorganized to meddle with the Templars. 
He stayed in Davenport for a while observed Connor's schedule for a week assumed he knew when the assassin would be too busy watch over his child and he saw his opportunity, his last entry was hoping god would forgive him for what he was about to do. All because he wanted to be knowledge and respected by his father...  Charles Lee. 
That caused Y/n to eyes to snap open as her father and grandfather discussed what to do with Jonathan's body? Achilles suggested sending him back to his father, even if the man was a sadistic fool surely Lee would give own son a proper burial.
the native sighed as much as he hated the idea; Jonathan did deserve a proper burial by family even if his father was uncaring towards him, He knew Lee was in Boston at the moment they had send someone to act as a courier to tell him the news Jonathan had died when he walked on a robbery while the Inn he was staying at was thought to be empty. Luckily there were a lot of people who owed Connor a lot of favors.
*But... Charles Lee never had any children!* Y/n fussed wishing the adults could hear her, Sure in the modern day her knowledge in U.S. history was a little rusty at best... But, she pretty dang sure that Charles Lee never had children! 
He had a sister who inherited all his assets and property when he died; She also died unmarried and childless! Something was wrong here... Y/n's brows furrowed as she tried to figure out what was going on here?
*Could...Could I be in an alternate Timeline, like King Washington?* That would explain a lot of inconsistencies with the plot Hunter,Norris and being here before Miriam kinda clue the y/hc girl that something was askew, Of Course she just thought she was making a mountain out of anthill, *Hmm...Let's see." Connor found her when he was about 18... that was three days after the Boston tea party... 
that was six...no, almost seven months ago! she read the date on the news papers, She sighed resting her hands behind her head as she tried to calculate, So if Y/n was right? Kanen'tó:kon should be here sometime to tell Connor about William Jonson's deal with the Clan leaders.
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hanmajoerin · 3 years
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Polished, but pulled straight from the 2015 vault. Please excuse slightly dated versions of Rinne and Sakura, I wrote this prior to the end of the series.
Summary: Ever since she could see ghosts, Sakura wasn’t afraid of death. Maybe she was afraid of dying, but not what happened afterwards; then she met Rinne, and it was suddenly too hard to be afraid of dying, too.
II AO3 II Fanfiction.Net II
The last time Rinne wore that expression was five minutes after Sakura wheeled her life—three suitcases, two purses, and one overstuffed backpack—into the center of his studio apartment. Sakura was practically wheezing as she said, "I want to live with you, Rinne." It was more of a demand than a request, and once she could stand without having to brace her knees, Sakura shrugged her purses and backpack right into the apartment's entryway.
She refused to let Rinne tell her no, a word that appeared to be resting on the edge of his open mouth. She supposed that it shouldn’t have surprised her though when his response finally came. “You deserve more than this.”
Rinne wasn’t necessarily wrong. The place he and Rokumon called home was maybe three steps above Sankai High’s rundown clubhouse. There was a clunky A/C unit that was barely used, a musty aroma that clung to some of Tamako’s old furniture, and a dingy light that hung in the center of the studio apartment’s main room. It was a far cry from a dream home, but Sakura wasn’t looking for that. She’d been looking for him. Sweating through her skin during the summer and shivering regardless of how many sweaters she piled on during the winter didn’t seem all that bad if she and Rinne could continue passing on souls together. That’s why, even after all of this time, she stood by her response to him. “It’s enough.”
Earlier today Sakura stood next to Rinne at her own funeral; it was a bit weird to watch since she felt very much alive, but she stayed in place, hand clamped onto Rinne's shoulder. The shinigami wore an indifferent expression although he stood as rigid as a wooden plank. Death and finding peace were everyday occurrences for both of them she hadn't meant to change, but it was likely all he was thinking about. He was nodding his head, playing along, but she bet he was figuring out how much time was left. Sakura wondered if she should recycle her words from over sixty years ago, but didn’t. Call it intuition, but she figured that the phrase, “it’s enough,” wouldn't have the same effect now. "I'm right here," was all she decided to say whenever his voice strained while talking to her relatives and friends.
After the funeral, Rinne remained in one of her father's black suits, and because he didn't look a day over thirty-five, it continued to fit better than any glove. The dress shoes he wore were weathered, faded. They belonged to Rinne’s grandfather. The outsoles were thin yet Sakura heard each step he took in the afterlife; it was as if they were somehow tangled in the dirt, and he needed to drag himself forward.
They just made it to the street vendors bordering the Entry of Contentedness when it hit Sakura. A new kind of silence was stretching between them that felt out of place, or rather, dated. The two spent most of their lives together, so now was the oddest time to feel like high schoolers again. That's why Sakura hooked her arm around the familiar folds of the haori of the underworld. Her hand easily slid down to Rinne’s. With all its sunken skin and protruding veins, Sakura often wondered if it was weird for her hand to sit in his. Rinne never mentioned anything, even when she was alive. He offered her a gentle albeit forced smile.
"I remember the last few times I was here," Sakura confessed, sounding surprisingly chipper as she took in all the new old faces. "Back when I ripped your haori sleeve, everyone kept asking me if I had any unfinished business and they were so happy that I forgot I had to return it. I think I really understand them now, though."
Rinne offered her another crooked smile, one that was nowhere near as genuine as his salesman’s smile. "That's because it's easy to get swept up in the atmosphere of this area."
"Are you happy now?" Sakura inquired, not bothering to listen to his response. She was lucky, dying an old woman. Although she tended to walk slower, she could walk ten times faster than the stroll Rinne took her on. She wasn’t the one with the attachments. "I wonder what Ageha will do once she realizes I'm gone," Sakura said, staring at the string of red lanterns lining the strip.
"She's still trying to take my old man down; probably won't be back for a while..."
Sakura nodded, watching as one of the elderly men tried catching a goldfish. "That boot-camp her parents sent her to really helped. I never thought she'd learn to pass on souls like you... it definitely made things easier for Oboro."
"Yeah," Rinne hummed and Sakura squeezed his hand. "Jumonji's going to throw an entire briefcase of holy ash at me when I tell him you made it to the wheel," he mumbled, finally looking down at Sakura. His eyes shined like glass. He chuckled alongside her.
"Don’t forget to respond to his new year's letter when you get home," Sakura chided.
In their senior year of high school, Tsubasa transferred again. He promised he'd be back to date Sakura, but once he finally found his exorcism niche, that promise was too difficult to keep. Instead of returning, Tsubasa wrote Sakura a letter every year. After a while, he finally stopped signing them with "Love."
Was it even possible for Sakura to feel more warmth now? She was a content spirit, but the sight of Rinne scoffing and wearing such a nostalgic expression somehow made her feel lighter. "Isn't Tsubasa more tolerable than Matsugo though?" They hadn't seen him since college.
"Sakura Mamiya!" Rinne blurted out, throwing her arm away from his. Sakura couldn’t help but laugh; she hadn’t been called that in decades.
"At least Shoma didn't turn out too bad, right?" The overambitious shinigami inherited his family fortune but still had a lot to learn when it came to pacifying spirits. Rinne helped him out from time to time. "Oh, do you remember when my mother passed? She was so shocked that you offered to lead her to the Wheel of Reincarnation and even more surprised that I could see her."
"Yeah, and your dad tried to kill me when he died; he almost turned into an evil spirit," Rinne added. "Would've been better if he did. At least then I would've gotten a better reward..."
Sakura sighed and stared at the sky above them. It was a mesh of bright colors. Pinks and yellows, soft reds and blues. Whirlpools twirled above them like ballet dancers. Maybe if she didn't know what would happen next, she would've gazed upwards stiffly like her husband. "Did Auntie Tamako tell you how I'll come back?" She asked, leaning against his shoulder as they arrived at the Sanzu River.
Countless adorable boats eased downstream, shinigami and black cats guiding spirits like employees of a theme park. Death and peace, everyday occurrences. Ends followed by new beginnings, an inevitable process. Rinne swept Sakura up bridal style and she leaned her head against his heart. There was no peace to be experienced by listening to it, but Sakura shouldn’t have expected to find comfort in him. They flew over the Sanzu River and Rinne hummed in agreement to Sakura’s question. "You'll be a calico."
And then they arrived at the line, and she was set down. Sakura stared at the stupefied, blissful faces around them. They encouraged her to shed the oncoming urges to memorize every feature on Rinne's face. Sakura Rokudo’s last ties.
"I've had so much fun in this life, and it's all because of you."
The way his shoulders tensed and his mouth quivered when she said stuff like that always made her laugh. "R-really?"
Sakura nodded vigorously, moving in time with the line of souls waiting to step onto the Wheel of Reincarnation. "Yup. Promise you'll find me again so we can make new memories in my next life."
"Alright..." Rinne agreed as a blush blew across the bridge of his nose. "I'll do it."
Rinne lifted her by the waist onto one of the translucent red tiles, planting her square in the center. When Sakura was settled, he interlocked their fingers. "Great," she began, not fighting the pull the wheel had on their grip. "Now I truly have no attachments."
Rinne’s feet lifted off the ground, keeping their hands level. He ignored the idle chatter surrounding them, attempting to mirror Sakura’s carefree attitude. She may have been ready, but he wasn’t. "Excuse me, Sir," a pig-masked worker interrupted, tugging on the bottom of his haori. Maybe it was the spot where the man tugged, but it brought Rinne back to when Sakura used to tug on the sleeve of his office blazer. She’d remind him that, “The only person we should be pacifying until 6:30PM is the manager," as countless spirits wandered through the surrounding cubicles. The memories from their working days seemed so small in light of where they were now and he didn't know what to do. "Shinigami are not permitted beyond this point, please step back onto the platform."
"Right. Sorry," Rinne mumbled, slowly lowering himself until Sakura's hand slid too easily out of his.
She shrunk before his eyes, her spirit becoming more translucent the higher up she went. It took every scrap of courage Rinne had to keep focused. He searched Sakura’s entire face for the moments when they were in high school and he walked a tightrope with their relationship. Her backpack was gone, her uniform was gone, and she hadn't put her hair in braids after their coworker Yumi made fun of her for it, but maybe—just maybe— he'd be able to go back. The years were there after all, lined up along the lines of her face.
"Goodbye,” Sakura said, although he couldn’t really hear her. She waved to him. She asked him to find her. It was a naïve request; humans never lived the same life twice.
"Goodbye, Sakura," Rinne whispered, waving back at his most treasured person as she rounded the top, lost in the Wheel of Reincarnation’s magnificent reds and golds.
Rinne told Rokumon that he'd return home after guiding Sakura to the Wheel of Reincarnation, but his entire body sagged like a sodden, rotten log. It would be too hard to look at anyone without feeling as if he were troubling them.
"Granny," Rinne stated loudly, sliding the door open and walking into Tamako's house. It was the only place he could stand to be. She was the only one who would understand.
Like clockwork, Tamako materialized to twist her knuckles against Rinne's temples. He was still standing in the genkan. "How many times do I have to tell you not to—Rinne!"
She probably hadn't expected his forehead to fly from her knuckles to her shoulder. Or for the momentum to send them toppling into the hallway. "Rinne?" She asked, raising a brow at the chipped, worn dress shoes his toes dangled over. His back and shoulders rose and fell without rhythm and he wrapped his arms around her but the action brought no comfort. Tamako pushed him back, and Rinne wished she would have let him stay hidden. His eyes glistened as he took deep breaths. "What kind of shinigami are you—crying over something as common as death?"
"I'm a human, kind of thing."
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gloves94 · 4 years
Sunburn [Prince Zuko] 9
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Warnings: None   Rating: PG-13   Pairings: Zuko/OC   Summary:  “You have everything you’ve ever wanted.” “No.” He said softly. “Not everything…”  His golden eyes looked at her with a melting intensity she had never witnessed before. “I guess not.” She responded with glassy eyes as tears welled up threatening to break the dam of her eyes.
My fanfiction: M A S T E R L I S T
Later that evening Tsai had returned to where the Avatar gang were spending their nights in. Katara had been tossing around in her sleeping bag complaining about not wanting to be in the healing class because she would've gathered be learning how to fight instead.
"All knowledge is power Katara,"Tsai uttered wisely as her grandfather would've said. She lightly played with her choker necklace at the memory of the man. "You never know, the healing techniques that you learn might actually come in handy in the future." She nodded.
"A difference?" Katara questioned popping her head on her palm with curiosity. "What do you mean?"
"Yeah," Aang suddenly commented. "I'm also very curious- how was it that you managed to get past all of those Fire Nation guards at the Pohuai stronghold? He asked.
Tsai lowered her head in an attempt to hide the smirk that slowly inched across her face. She tugged in her arms deeper into her sleeves mischievously.
"I'll keep my secrets," she said with a ghostly smile before turning away from them preparing to sleep. "I'll tell," she said. "But first I have a question," she turned to look at both Aang and Katara once again.
"Why does everybody here hate me?" She asked bluntly.
Aang and Katara exchanged a look of pure confusion.
"In the Water Tribe, I mean." She clarified.
"Tsai," Katara began to explain. "You're Fire Nation. You're their enemy. You're our enemy."
"But why?" She retorted leaning forward as she sat with her legs crossed. "The Fire Nation is and has always been the greatest nation!" She spoke with a sudden bold sense of nationalism. "We bringing our culture and goods to new lands because we want to share our greatness with the world. It would be selfish not to."
"WHAT?" Katara roared furious. Tsai flinched slightly at her explosive reaction. She was not expecting her to react in this way.
"That's what you think the Fire Nation is doing?" She snapped. "I knew we shouldn't have trusted you!" She exited her sleeping back and rose to her feet aggravated. Tsai did the same.
"The Fire Nation took everything away from me! My family, my mother!" She roared. Aang held her back. "Starting this war is just as great of a sacrifice for my nation! It's for the greater good."
"You killed my mother!" She screeched heaving.
Tsai dropped the argument at the accusation. Katara's eyes were wide. Her nostrils were swollen with hatred as her eyes zeroed on the aghast teen before her.
"Can't you see? The Fire Nation has done nothing for the world! Everywhere you go you spread war, hatred, fear, famine, death and pain! You tear families apart. Leave orphan children, widowed wives, wounded soldiers and for what? For greatness?" She spat.
"Katara!" Aang pleaded.
Tsai wasn't going to sit here and take this. She turned away with her jaw clenched and stormed out of the room.
"Tsai! Wait!" Aang called after her. "Where are you going?"
Katara huffed and exhaled a sharp breath before snuggling inside of her sleeping back once again. She punched her pillow angrily a handful of times.
"Tsai means well Katara," Aang said after a moment. "I know it. She's just-" He paused for a moment trying to find the proper words. "The daughter of a Fire Nation governor?"
Aang was quiet at Katara's silent response.
"She's Fire Nation Aang. She's evil. They are all the same. Don't forget."
"Is your friend toying with me?" Sokka snapped as he walked back to where they were staying.
"What are you talking about?" Tsai asked confused not in the mood to be dealing with these types of situations.
"I don't understand her. I thought she liked me and now she's telling me to get lost. I don't get it!" He threw his hands up in the air confused. "That's odd," Tsai said. "She told me she really liked you earlier today."
"Is she playing games with me or something like that?"
Yue didn't seem like the type to play these games. And from what she had told Tsai earlier she seemed to genuinely like the Southern Water Tribe boy. She thought for a moment scratching her chin.
"I don't think so," She said not really wanting to engage in conversation in her foul mood after her fight with Katara.
"So what should I do?" He deadpanned.
Was he really asking her for advice?
"I don't know," she shrugged. "Just talk to her. Ask her how she really feels about you."
"Why do I have the feeling you think talking is the solution to everything," he sighed in defeat. "It's probably what my grandpa would've said," she smiled fondly at the memory of the man.
"That is- completely unhelpful," he grumbled and hid his face in his arm.
"Sometimes some things are lost in translation." She says wisely. He looked at her oddly, she suddenly get a sad look on her face. She looked at Sokka one last time before continuing on her trek to nowhere in particular.
Katara was wrong.
The Fire Nation was the greatest nation. The war was well intended. Together all united under one nation the world would thrive. All under the rule of fire.
She thought about her home, Yu Dao. It's history serving as testament of the Fire Nation's greatness. Under Fire Lord Azulon the Fire Nation had made a mecca of industry and commerce out of a nowhere town in the edges of the Earth Kingdom. The city had drowned and blossomed to be one of the most important in the world. That would've never happened without them. So if they were so great...
She looked at a couple who whispered and shied away from her scarring away.
A man walking spit at her feet.
Arnook did not welcome her like a hero would've been welcomed.
If they were so great- why were they so hated?
"Yue, I need to ask for a favor." Tsai asked the following morning. She hadn't slept in the same room as the Avatar and his friends. Instead she had found comfort outside the doors of the palace simply leaning against the snowy wall and barely sleeping through the cold night. She really hated the weather here.
"Anything," Yue smiled taking her hands in hers. Tsai didn't have time to ask about what had happened with Sokka. It's not like she cared either. She wasn't the nosy type. "I need you to get me an audience with your father."
Moments later Tsai had her audience.
She walked into the meeting room. One which like the entire tribe was made of snow falls which reached the skies. The ceiling was gone allowing for the clear weather and shinning sun to witness their meeting.
"Arnook," she bowed before him in respectful Fire Nation fashion which irked the leader to no end. "You're persistent," he barked.
"What do you want?" He asked impatiently.
"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tsai of Yu Dao. Yu Dao is-" he interrupted her. "I know what Yu Dao is!"
She paused for a moment. Knowing he would be difficult.
"I've come to you with a challenging question." She scrapped everything she had reserved. "Do you think.." She says slowly. "Do you think the Fire Nation and the Water Tribes will ever be able to work together as one?" She pondered.
"If you have come here to sheathe blood and bring darkness and war to my land I'm afraid that you've come to the wrong place," he threatened approaching her. The soldiers and other officials surrounding him raised their hands and weapons menacingly. A bead of sweat formed in her temple as she look at them. They were at least a dozen of them.
"Listen!" She snapped frustrated. "I did not choose where I was born. My mother is of Earth Kingdom descent, my father Fire Nation. Which makes me half of both. I cannot bend fire or earth-" once again he interrupted her.
"That only makes you a mutt." He said bitterly.
It was then that his eyes darted up in the sky. All of them did. She turned after a moment only to see what looked like black snow snowing above them. The girl had never seen snow before, let alone black one. It took her a moment to realize that it was ash raining above them. Which could only mean one thing.
"You have lead them to us!" Arnook pointed accusingly. "Arrest her!"
"No. I have no idea how they found us!" She denied the dangerous accusation.
Tsai tried running. She tried fighting but before she could move an inch was frozen still to the ground in ice.
The girl was thrown into jail. She didn't know how long she had been in there. It must've been more than a day. Unbeknown to her Yue pleaded with her father. Pleaded with all of her wish and power to let her out. She tried explaining it was a coincidence and that she believed in the Fire Nation girl's honesty, but Arnook would not see to it.
The cell was cold as ice which had her shivering in the corner alone hugging herself in an attempt to retain some of her body's warmth. In her time in jail she felt a terrible headache. One which she felt could've split her forehead in half. Looking out the window she noted that an ominous light as red as her hair crept in. Holding on to her temples in pain she looked out and saw that the full moon had been tinted a color of crimson red blood. She starred eyes wide when she suddenly heard a sudden crash nearby.
Shocked she took cover before a market stall was thrown at the wall making it collapse. Setting her free.
"Well.. That was lucky," she mused as she carefully snuck out of the gaping hole that had been made by the crash. Creeping on her toes she slid down a hill of snow to the streets of the Northern Water tribe with only one objective in her mind. Escaping. She didn't realize where she was falling to and fell into a freezing stream of water. The icy North Pole water felt like a thousand knives nipping at her body from all over.
She had to get out of here fast. As she ran the moon shifted color as the air became colder, the air darker as all color seemed to be drained from the world. She hadn't stopped to wonder just what thing could've thrown such a heavy cart at such a distance when a monstrous creature in the figure of a glowing fish rose from the depth of the waters. It attacked all Fire Nation as it stormed through the village.
She cursed as she avoided it. Noting it was mainly attacking the invading Fire Nation troops that had descended on the Water Tribe's village. If she got near it, it would probably lead to her demise.
Whatever that thing was- She saw fire balls being aimed and fired at the creature which advanced unaffected - whatever was going on - it was not good. There was no time to say goodbye to her friend Yue. To converse with the Avatar. She had to get out.
Tsai continued on her dash towards the docks when she slid around a corner and looking over her shoulder teeth chattering she turned and crashed into something hard. She reached for her head as she tripped over her feet and fell to the ground on her bottom. She looked up and saw a pair of angry eyes glaring daggers at her. Oh, she had crashed into somebody.
"You," the man growled dangerously.
It was that son of a bitch Zhao.
She staggered to her feet but wasn't fast enough. Zhao was fast and his meaty hand claws around her neck with a deathly grip. He had obviously taken the night of the Blue Spirit at the Pohuai Fortress a little too personally.
She coughed struggling to gasp for breath when a third party stumbled upon the scene. Zuko walked into what seemed like the worst surprise of his life. Zhao turned to look at him maliciously.
"One step and I'll make sure your pretty girlfriend has a scar to match yours." He threatened.
Zuko's jaw clenched, he gritted his back molars in anger and frustration. He saw Tsai struggling to breath coughing for breath as her face slowly turned blue. He had to do something. Anything.
"So- tell me, what was your plan? You went in and distracted me and the Blue Spirit did all the dirty work?" He chuckled as he squeezed his grip on the girl's neck. He was holding her up above her feet so that they saw eye to eye. He suddenly dropped her and she gasped and coughed for air the color returning to her face. He turned her and kept a firm grip around her as he slowly retreated out of the scene.
His terrible breath pricked at her skin as he kept his arm wrapped around her body holding her in place.
"It's going to be interesting to find out what could've happened between us that night-" He whispered that and other filth into her ear.
"You're sick!" She growled out at the older man as she struggled against his deathly grip still shivering as she was soaked to the bone.
Zuko was ready to fire. He aimed his hand twitching slightly. His heart was pounding in his rib cage. One wrong move and it was over. He only had one shot before things went South. Zhao continued advancing over a snow bridge. He was going to get away! The girl struggled, her breathing loud as it became harder and harder to breath with every step the admiral gave. It was then that her eyes met his and he saw something familiar in them.
He understood and lowered his hand. Her body was trembling from the cold. Zuko lowered his guard and it was then that he saw offensive. Two silver blades crept our from her long sleeves and in one swift fluid motion she punctured Zhao's arm and Zuko swore he saw the blade go through his hand. The man screamed in pain. She twisted her torso and managed to guide the burning flame in his other arm to the sky missing her by mere inches. She took a sharp breath and ducked with skilled training. She used all the strength in her legs to push away from him. Her body collapsing to the snowy ground. Zhao held his arm put again ready to attack. However lost his footing when she twisted kicking him off his feet smoothly. Without hesitation Zuko stepped in and blasted Zhao away in a fiery dance.
Wounded and miserable the man collapsed to the ground in the middle of the snow bridge.
Massively monstrous blue hands suddenly struck out from the water and clawed at the top surrounding the admiral in a deathly capture. Zuko and Tsai managed to roll away from the monster claws as to their horror witnessed the admiral being dragged away to a watery grave. Tsai glared with eyes narrowed. Zuko was the better person and stretched out his hand in aid. For a second it looked like Zhao was going to take it but the prideful man turned away.
And just like that he was gone. Color returned to the world and it seemed like a glance had returned to the world. Zuko stepped back and saw the red-head shivering a couple of feet away from him. Her teeth chattering. He looked at her and her at him and she couldn't believe how happy she was to see him. To see somebody from home, someone familiar.
"Zuko!" She spoke in a low voice through violent shakes. Now having her she got a good look at his face and noticed the many new scars and wounds that decorated his face. She was about to ask what had happened during her short absence.
"What-" She was left with the words in her mouth when he wrapped his arms around her hugging her in a tight embrace. He almost sighed. Relieved that she was okay. That they had found each other again.
She stood before him sharp hidden blades unsheathed, shocked, shivering, soaked to the coldest bone. It took her a moment of hesitation before hugging him back just as tightly.
"I'm so happy to see you," the words left her mouth before she could process them. She hadn't even realized that she had started to cry. She buried her face on his shoulder. He was warm. He was the piece of home she had been missing. Right now, he was comfort.
"You're freezing," he said taking her hands in his as she retracted her hidden blades. He said nothing. Simply held her icy hands in his and brought them close to his lips breathing a hot air into them slowly warming her back.
She didn't even know why she was crying at this point. She smiled at him endearingly and wiped a stray tear from her. Everything was just too much to handle right now. Way too overwhelming.
"Let's get out of here." He said to her.
She wiped her tears as they escaped the icy tundra.
They met up with Iroh and Tsai sprinted hard running into his arms hugging him tightly. He hugged her back almost like a missing child and she repeatedly apologized for leaving without saying goodbye. He simply cupped her face with a hand and told her she did the right thing.
"I feel like you're at the crossroads once again Tsai, " Iroh said wisely tucking in both of his hands inside of his sleeves. "I wonder what road you'll take." He said ominously.
She raised an eyebrow confused at his riddle and shook his head.
"Let's just go home," she sighed. "I want to go back to Yu Dao. I think I'm going to be sick." She shivered not wanting to linger in this icy Neverland for another minute.
"Very well." Iroh said understandably. The man insisted on leaving on a makeshift raft boar which the girl refused to get on endlessly. Having been lost at sea for so many dies and almost dying from starvation she refused to put herself through the whole thing again. So instead they stole a slightly larger boat. One from a Water Tribe fisherman.
"They owe me," she grumbled. "That's for throwing me in that cold pit." She said bitterly as she remembered her brief stay in the icy prison cell. She hadn't even done anything!
And so they sailed away. Iroh explained to Tsai everything that had happened. Zhao killing the moon spirit. Yue becoming the moon spirit. The attack. The Avatar becoming one with the same spirit and taking down the fire nation. It had been a loaded day. He reasoned that it was probably the best that she had spent the day in jail for her own safety.
"You're really sure about returning back home?" Iroh asked.
Tsai snapped back into the conversation feeling distraught by her friend Yue's demise into the spirit world. "Sure," She mumbled. "Why not? I don't want to keep on 'getting in the way.'" She glared at a certain scarred prince who looked like he had the worst headache of his life.
"I'm concerned as your status as a traitor to the Fire Nation," Iroh stroked his beard wisely. "But that's a problem for when we arrive back to the mainland," he smiled at her warmly.
"You shouldn't have done that!" Zuko suddenly snapped in a scolding tone. "That stunt at the Pohuai Fortress? What were you thinking!" He sounded almost worried. Tsai misses the slight smirk that is growing on Iroh's face as he looks at them from the side.
"Hey! I freed the Avatar for you! Do you should be thanking me!" She shot back. "If I hadn't done that you'd be sitting in your room right now sulking with your arms crossed over your chest angrily meditating like an idiot."
"I don't sulk!" The other shot back slightly embarrassed and reached for her arm
"Also- may I remind you that Admiral Zhao is disgusting company. Interacting with him was definitely not pleasant," she raised both of her eyebrows eyes holding a little horror in them at the awful memory. It was then that he realized that he was holding on to her lower arm. He raised it up and her sleeves rolled back which exposed her secret weapon. He scrutinized over it looking at the arm braces she wore with the hidden blade mechanism.
Zuko would've never admit it outlaid but this was way more simple than what he had expected. Mind reading, secret bending, being a blood thirsty vampire demon, and super natural powers all came to him in his theories of how Tsai had gotten in an out of the stronghold with such ease.
"I'm glad to see your grandfather's hidden blades are in good hands," Iroh commented with a knowing smile.
"You knew about this Uncle?"
Iroh simply smiled a mischievous glint on his amber eyes.
"My grandfather taught me how to fight," she admitted reaching to touch the sunstone necklace she wore. "But I refuse to unless it's necessary. You see it can be quite deadly."
"Why didn't you say anything?" Zuko asked.
"I guess I didn't want you to think I was... weird." She said looking away slightly embarrassed.
"I....think it's cool," he said sharing the same tone after a moment. "Really?" She turned to look at him beaming. This only caused his cheeks to redden even more.
Iroh chuckled.
Zuko sighed and threw his hands up in the air not wanting to further have this conversation. "I'm tired." He declared.
"Youre not going to chase the Avatar?" Iroh asked.
"No- I'm tired." he repeated as he collapsed on the ship.
"A man needs his rest. Besides, Tsai and I have some much needed catching up to do." Iroh winked in her direction and she winked back.
They certainly did.
AN: Your lovely thoughts? Phew and that's the end of Book 1, now onto what's next. Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 were originally one really long chapter so I decided to split them into 2. Also I have the story written until chapter 26 but as I keep editing and rewriting for posting I have made so many changes and I am loving how the story is unfolding.
Much love - G
FIRST https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/621142853126602752/sunburn-prince-zuko-1
NEXT https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/621293121020608512/sunburn-prince-zuko-10
PREV https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/621256367939993600/sunburn-prince-zuko-8
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saundraswriting · 3 years
Deprived Chapter 2: Fateful Day
SUMMARY: How is Yeon-Woo dealing with the increasing closeness of his probe when he has been taught to push them away? Yoo-Han pushes closer, concern for his mono making his disregard boundaries NOTES: This chapter is where the AU aspect begins. Yeon-Woo and Yoo-Han go on a date. WARNINGS: implications of self-harm, self-doubt, dom/sub undertones and praise kink
You can read it on Ao3.
Previous // Next
Deprived Masterlist // My Ao3 // My Masterlist
The day of the art show came, and with it was a missing Yoo-Han and a sullen Yeon-Woo. The former had an early meeting with his agency, or so he told everyone. He was really getting all the details of his afternoon date set up. He made sure that a delivery of groceries was scheduled for later in the evening so he could cook for Yeon-Woo once they got back to his place. Yoo-Han had a very detailed and lengthy plan to coddle and pamper the person who was quickly becoming the most important thing to him.
Yeon-Woo shuffled through the first half of school with a cloud over his head. He had been so happy the last few days, learning colors with Yoo-Han but even spending time with him and Min-Jae and Joo-Haeng. He was learning how to be a happy normal teenager. He was pleased that after year of failing to find a place to make his own, he found it on accident. 'I have to remember to thank Yoo-Han. He was the one who helped me see that I can be happy, that I deserve to be happy.'Yeon-Woo thought. The idea of his probe/possible boyfriend made him smile. Yeon-Woo had been worried that he said something the day before that made Yoo-Han upset, he had pulled away and he knew how that hurt him every time. He just was so surprised by his own thoughts, they scared him. He wasn't supposed to feel happiness when it came to his probe. He was supposed to feel nothing. He tried to shake his melancholy by the time lunch rolls around knowing that Joo-Haeng has probably reported his mood to Yoo-Han. The three of them seem to be his personal musketeers, differing to Yoo-Han when it came to making a decision. To avoid the questions about his mood and lack of appetite, Yeon-Woo treks outside to the small flower garden the school maintained.
My Yeon-Woo
My Yeon-Woo, who is the softest.
Are you there?
The texts come in one after the other giving him no time to respond. Yeon-Woo waits a moment but when no more come he answers. I am. It's lunch. How did you meeting go?
Well. I heard you're in need of some cheering up.
You heard wrong. I am doing fine.
You only say you are fine when you are not. You think it will discourage me from asking. All it does is make me pay more attention. My Yeon-Woo. I said we'll be together forever. Remember?
Yeon-Woo remembered. He remembered crying softly into a shoulder that was there because it wanted to be, not out of obligation to be there. He remembered the bright smile, visible even with the mask. He remembered the tremble in Yoo-Han's voice, full of happiness and warmth and affection. Yeon-Woo is struck with the powerful urge to see Yoo-Han, to feel him under his fingers, to hear him murmur softly in his ear. I remember. I want to see you. Yeon-Woo texted back. He was forgetting more frequently why he should be less eager to see and feel and hear his probe.
My lovely Yeon-Woo. When you say things like that, it makes me the happiest person in the world. What if I told you that you could see me? I have a date planned for us. I will be picking you up right after school. So don't be late.
Yeon-Woo spluttered at his phone for a few seconds before texting back a jumble of words that he hoped came across as agreeing. After a few more minutes, any texts he sent with questions about the date were read but ignored. Any texts that he sent not about the date were promptly answered, which Yeon-Woo took correctly as a sign to stop asking about the date. He went back to class after talking to Yoo-Han a bit longer, steps much lighter and the cloud over his head gone.
Joo-Haeng sent Yoo-Han a quick text to let him know about the mood shift and could feel the pride and smugness through the phone.
Yeon-Woo was out the door the second the chimes began, he had somewhere to be after all. Min-Jae agreed to handle his clean-up for the day-citing the grandfather told him to be prepared for this-with a wave of his hand. Joo-Haeng told him to leave his bag, he would take it home and bring it back. Yeon-Woo was met at the gates be the familiar silhouette of Yoo-Han. Yeon-Woo hurried even faster, coming to a stop right in front of him. Yeon-Woo reached out and hesitated, wanting to touch but unsure of how to initiate affection. Yoo-Han smiled before pulling his hand to his cheek and nuzzling, pressing a mask covered kiss to his palm.
"Hello, my darling. Are you ready? I have a big day planned." Yoo-Han said. He laced his fingers with Yeon-Woo's before walking down the street.
"I am a little nervous. I have never been on a date." Yeon-Woo confessed to the sidewalk. Yoo-Han almost stopped, the shot of possessiveness and pride making him ditch the whole idea and take him straight home. He shook those thoughts out of hiss head.
"I am thrilled that I get to be the first and only then. I have everything planned out for us. I have everything covered too. First we are going to an exhibition. I plan on taking my mask of for it though, once we are inside. That is all I am telling you know though." Yoo-Han said. He squeezed Yeon-Woo's hand tightly before the made their way to the art show.
Once they got close, Yoo-Han took of his mask. A testament to how long they had been working on Yeon-Woo's color rushes meant he didn't pass out. They arrived and Yeon-Woo could feel the excitement bubbling. Yoo-Han held out two tickets, while Yeon Woo snapped a few pictures. They were both given stubs to keep. Yeon-Woo decided that minute he was keeping it forever. He was going to start a scrapbook full of his memories with Yoo-Han to keep forever, for when he was ripped from this happiness.
The two boys without a care in the world took their time going through the different rooms. They took videos and pictures, trying to immortalize the moment. Yeon-Woo lingered constantly, trying to etch the colors in his mind. Trying not to think about when he was alone once more, all the evidence of the day would be as monochromatic as everything else, for without Yoo-Han there was no color, nor a reason to see it. Yeon-Woo pushed aside those thoughts again, thriving in the moment, surrounded by vibrant colors, given to him by Yoo-Han, given only to see him smile. In one room, Yoo-Han pulled their laced hands to his mouth pressing a kiss to Yeon-Woo's knuckles. The affection in Yoo-Han's gaze was enough to make his heart skip a beat. I would do anything to make sure he always looks at me like that.
I love him.
The thought stopped him dead in his tracks. Yeon-Woo knew what loving his probe lead to. It lead to possessiveness and aggression and death. Yoo-Han was too bright to only light up Yeon-Woo's world of shadows. That didn't leave many options. He would have to disappear, before he became the monster he feared.
"Yeon-Woo, are you okay? We are almost done. Think you could finish the exhibition, or is it too much?" Yoo-Han's voice split his thoughts like an axe. Yoo-Han looked so soft and warm and fond that Yeon-Woo couldn't think for ruining this day for a second. "Let us both have this day. Then come tomorrow, I swear that I will be gone from your life. I will protect you, even if I am the thing you need protected from.'Yeon-Woo swore to himself.
"I am okay. Lets finish the show, but I am getting hungry." Yeon-Woo said. Yoo-Han smiled at him before lacing their hands together again.
"Okay. Then let me finish working on our dinner plans while we finish the show. I know you are probably getting tired but hang on a little while longer." Yoo-Han began tapping away on his phone and a few minutes later as the entered the last room, The both gasped in wonder.
The last room was a constantly shifting projection of a myriad of colors. They shifted and bloomed and dripped and grew and rose with every breath a different color every minute. It was beautiful and seemed to never end, the two boys began dancing together in the room, holding each other close. Yeon-Woo holding tighter than ever, knowing if only in his head that this was the last time they would be together. He wouldn't allow himself to be the source of Yoo-Han's pain and anguish, not when he had such a bright future ahead of him. After lingering for several moments in the final show room then finally exited. They did stop at the gift shop. Both boys buying a small print of one of their favorite pieces. The paused on the sidewalk, Yoo-Han checking something on his phone with a bright grin.
"Okay, sweetheart. Our next stop is out final stop. Your place. I had some stuff delivered so I could make you dinner." Yoo-Han for the first time in all their months together looked nervous. Yeon-Woo felt pure love rush through his veins, no one has cooked for him in years. When his aunt was home she usually went out for dinner with work friends or contacts, and left him alone.
"That sounds perfect. Come on." Yeon-Woo tugged on their clasped hands, and Yoo-Han stumbled a bit laughing at his eagerness. He slipped his mask on, to hid from the public and dutifully followed.
The walk was short, Yeon-Woo unlocked the door and security alarm, Yoo-Han memorizing it for reasons. He stood right behind him with the two bags of groceries in his hands. They took off their shoes, Yoo-Han unpacking everything while Yeon-Woo changed into more comfortable clothing. When he came back down, he had in his arms a bundle of cloth.
"Yoo-Han, I have some clothes you could change into. I also pulled out a spare futon and some pajamas for later if you want. I don't know what the rest of the night holds for us but, I figured be prepared?" Yeon-Wo trailed off, unsure.
"Do you want me to spend the night? I had one more thing planned for you this evening after dinner. I didn't want to be to presumptuous and demand to stay the night. I will if you want me too." Yoo-Han cupped his cheek in his hand, pressing their foreheads together.
Yeon-Woo's eyes watered slightly at the soft touch. "I would like nothing more than for you to stay." Yeon-Woo blinked the tears away. "Take these and get changed. We can hang your uniform on my door so it stays clean." Yeon-Woo said. Yoo-Han nodded in agreement. He took the offered clothes and went in to the bathroom. Yeon-Woo walked over to his mother's portrait and stared at it. 'That man is Go Yoo-Han. He is my probe. I love him. I want to protect him. I hope you approve.'Yeon-Woo was distracted staring at the painting that he didn't hear Yoo-Han come back.
"Who is this? Your sister?" Yoo-Han's voice wasn't muffled by the mask,
"No. My mother. My aunt's sister. She went missing almost 5 years ago. It was what made my aunt begin Black and White show. She went out on an errand and never came back. She was trying to teach me yellow that day. She would try to teach me like you do, not just the color but what makes it that color scientifically and emotionally too. She would be happy I met you, even though dad died of illness a year before she went missing." Yeon-Woo spoke with a carefully distance, trying to smother the emotions the story brought up with detachment. He didn't turn around and face Yoo-Han, not yet.
"You suffered so much and you still try to carry it all on you own. You aren't alone anymore. You said it yourself, she would be glad we met." You look like her. I can see it a bit in your faces." Yoo-Han said, happiness ringing in his tone.
"You are right. I'm not alone." Yeon-Woo took a deep breath. "Can we wait a minute on dinner? I want to see her. My dad painted that for her years ago. Said that is what she wore the day they met." Yeon-Woo didn't dare turn around, not wanting to see Yoo-Han's face at his eagerness and heartbreak.
"Of course. Do you want to sit down. Here is a blanket. You sit, I will show you my face. If you want to talk I am here, if not then we move on to dinner." Yoo-Han wrapped Yeon-Woo up in a blanket and plopped him down on the small bench across from the uncovered painting. Yeon-Woo looked up into his best friend's face, into his probe's face and promptly passed out from his second color rush.
When he came to, he first looked at Yoo-Han-always the first thing he looks at-then at the painting that has haunted him for almost 5 years. He began crying quietly, seeing the yellow headband and red lips and sky blue dress and brown shoes. He was unaware he was talking through the distant memories, working through the trauma and despair while clinging to his future like a drowning man. Yoo-Han felt his heart break all over again for this small sad boy who only wanted simple things in life-someone to love and someone to love him. Yoo-Han felt a red-hot anger scorch through him when he thought of everything his perfect Yeon-Woo had gone through to get to this point right here, breaking down in his arms over a painting for a woman he never got to mourn because of his deluded aunt's belief that she is still alive.
Minutes or hours later, Yeon-Woo finally stopped crying. He loosened his grip on Yoo-Han swaying to his feet. "I am going to wash my face. Then we can get started on dinner." Yoo-Han got up and started rummaging through cupboards to find what he needed to get dinner made.
Not a minute later, Yeon-Woo settled into the kitchen to begin helping make food. It was slow goings at first, Yeon-Woo was getting distracted by the food and the colors. They worked as a good team together. He had to keep pushing down the desire and thoughts of this being the rest of his days. He wasn't going to open that door, it would be too hard to shut again and he was already pushing Yoo-Han's luck with as much time as they have been spending with each other. He didn't want anything else to tip the scales, to make him into a monster.
"Food looks and tastes better when you can see what it is supposed to look like. Most days I can only stomach one meal, everything looks gray and bland."
Yeon-Woo admitted quietly. "My Aunt doesn't have monochromatic vision but she isn't home often so a lot of my day to day is handled by me. And sometimes, food is hard. sometimes living is hard." Yeon-Woo continued the confession, unaware of what he was doing to Yoo-Han's heart. "You make it easy. I will never be able to thank you for everything you have done for me." Yeon-Woo tried to smile at Yoo-Han but knew it was shaky and weak. Yoo-Han felt his breath catch in his throat. 'What am I supposed to say to that? My poor Yeon-Woo, depressed and alone, believing he doesn't deserve the things that make life worth living.'Yoo-Han was brushed his hands off before pulling the other boy into a hug, squeezing tight, trying to press the broken pieces of this boy back together.
"Thank you for telling me. I am glad you trust m enough to talk to me. And you are my Yeon-Woo, my mono, you will never have to thank me for anything. Now let's finish dinner. I think the rest of the night will be much needed, and I want to have enough time to do it right." Yoo-Han pressed Yeon-Woo against the counter, lifting him by the hips and sitting him on the counter. "Now, just sit there and look pretty. Tonight is all about you."
Dinner was amazing. Yoo-Han was rather skilled in the kitchen, handling several things at once, letting nothing burn. He only let Yeon-Woo handle stirring from the counter after listening to him nag about it, citing he felt useless. Once finished, they sat at the small table off to to the right of the kitchen, Yeon-Woo eating at a snail's pace. Yoo-Han didn't mind, he knew from now on they would be eating together somewhere private. With or without a color rush, Yoo-Han would make it his mission to let Yeon-Woo begin enjoying the simple things again. They chatted through dinner, talking about school and kpop training and the art show. It was intimate and pleasant. Yeon-Woo felt warm and fuzzy, he felt cared for for the first time in years.
"The next and final part to this is a bath. I want this day to be all about pampering and coddling you, so I figured that I could give you a bath. What do you think?" Yoo-Han offered. Yeon-Woo barely blinked before he nodded, a bright grin on his face.
"Okay, let me get the bath ready. Can you get me some towels and your pajamas please, sweetheart?" Yoo-Han didn't miss the slight blush on his face. Yeon-Woo got up and tried to gather the dishes, a hand on his arm stopped him. "What did I ask you to do, dearest? I will handle this. You go on." Yoo-Han said. Yeon-Woo nodded again, the endearment making him flush again. Yoo-Han went to the bathroom controls to hear the room and floor, he gathered all the necessary bottles, and began filling the tub, using water that was a little to hot since they wouldn't be getting in right away. Yoo-Han rolled his pant legs up and waited for Yeon-Woo. He came in a few seconds later, clothes in a bundle and dressed in only a robe.
Yoo-Han smiled softly. "You did a great job, love. Now, come here and sit down. I'll wash you hair and back before you get in." Yoo-Han pointed to the stool, turning the water on. Yeon-Woo blushed deeply, before settling down on the stool. Yoo-Han filed that information away for later use. Yoo-Han had him test the water, before spraying it on his head. He wet his hair and picked up some lemon lavender shampoo massaging it in deeply. the lather smelled nice, filling the whole room. Yoo-Han rubbed his fingers into Yeon-Woo's scalp, small circles to simulate a massage. He could feel the tension easing in Yeon-Woo's shoulders and back.
I'm gonna rinse now. Keep you eyes closed, sweetie." Yoo-Han waited for the quiet hum of agreement before gently pressing on Yeon-Woo's forehead, resting him on his shoulder. With soft fingers and gentle motions he rinsed the shampoo out. He grabbed some conditioner and rubbed that in just as softly. "Okay, precious. I'm gonna scrub you down okay? I got the cloth right here and I'll handle everything okay, honey?" Yeon-Woo let out a small whimper at the endearment. He leaned against Yoo-Han even more. "I have the bath ready. Let's get you in, cupcake." Yoo-Han helped Yeon-Woo into the tub, using his foot to slide the soap over. He put a towel to cushion Yeon-Woo's head and began washing him. He did his arms in nice, smooth strokes. He washed his torso, legs, toes, fingers, neck. He nudged him forward and cleaned his back. Yeon-Woo was just shy of asleep. Yoo-Han felt pride and possessiveness run through him again, 'I made him look like this. I am the only one to see him like this.'.
"Hey, sleepyhead. All done. You with me, sugarplum? Can you get up? Let's get you dressed and tucked into bed." Yoo-Han helped him out of the bath and into his clothes. Yoo-Han helped him into bed, swiping the pajamas that Yeon-Woo had set out earlier. Yeon-Woo was laying under his covers, eyes soft, affection making his gaze syrupy and thick. Yoo-Han came back in, the direct gaze loosening his shoulders. Yeon-Wo looked pampered and soft and happy and all because of Yoo-Han.
"Yoo-Han, thank you for today. I have never had a day like today. I am glad that I met you." Yeon-Woo murmured. "You can't ever leave me, Yoo-Han. I would go crazy without you." Yeon-Woo's eyes closed, breaths evening out. Yoo-Han settled into the futon on the floor, content that he made Yeon-Woo happy.
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bvidzsoo · 4 years
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 Author: bvidzsoo
 Warnings: violence and swearing
 Pairing: Park Chanyeol x female reader
 Summary:  Mermaids and Pirates, in this story they are all true. Fairytales come to life when you least expect them, bringing you on amazing adventures. What you could have never even imagined became a nightmare as soon as you are kidnapped by some cursed pirates that perhaps aren’t as evil as myths make them out to be.
 A/N: Well damn, it’s been a long time since I have written something but motivation hasn’t been with me for a long time now. Maybe it’s the stress and the time I don’t have anymore, but quarantine made sure I have enough time now. This one shot has been sitting in my drafts for a long time now so I’m glad I finally finished it. This was a request btw and if the one who requested it sees it, I hope you enjoy it even though I made some changes! Happy reading now!
     Have you ever heard of mermaids? Do you believe in mermaids? What about pirates? Do you fear them? Well, you better do. Pirates are ruthless men who navigate on the seas and at night, when everyone is sleeping, they make a stop at shore towns and then...they robe the whole village, killing men and taking the women and children.
Even if these are just myths, people in the town I grew up still believe in them. And unfortunately, I do too. It’s not just the pirates, the creatures of the night and sea...they are real. I haven’t seen a mermaid yet, but when I was younger my grandfather, who was a sailor, would tell me stories about the big sea and its mermaids, sirens. Mermaids, who were kind and guided him...sirens, who were bloodthirsty creatures who guided him towards his death. One day, when I was ten years old, my grandfather didn’t come home. Some say it was the sirens who killed him, others say that the pirates attacked him and took him as a prisoner. But growing up as the daughter of the major, with a sailor grandfather, my hopes still rely on the fact that he found that much-desired chest of gold he always told me about and decided to settle on a quiet island, with his mermaid friends.
   Our town is called Shell, and it has two origins. Elders say that before humans lived in this place, this was the territory of all kinds of mermaids, their sanctuary. And those who still refuse to believe in ‘fairytales’, as they call it, say that the town got its name because of the influx of shells the sea brings to the shore. It is true, if you go on the Vest side of the beach, you risk of getting cut by the many shells that lay untouched on the sand. But that’s also one of the things we are famous for, rich people who wish for the finest jewelry or people who would like to gift something elegant to a significant other, travel to our town to buy these shells, handmade by the people of the town...that including me.
   The streets of the town were buzzing with people running up and down, getting ready for tonight’s summer festival, the Mermaid Night. It’s a celebration our town always holds on the third week of July, a way of showing their gratefulness to the mermaids that left this land behind for us. But truth be told, people are just happy that they can get drunk and holler around the streets without getting sanctioned and probably hook up with others.
I sighed as I stared out the window of the shop, the wind blowing gingerly my bangs away.
“Is something bothering you, Miss?” The rusty voice of the old lady resonated in the vacant shop, her fingers working fast as she braided the rope of the bracelet.
“My father” I answered with a sigh, staring at the people longingly “He said I’m not allowed to attend the festival this year--Have you heard anything more absurd than this?”
“Maybe he knows something you don’t” The old lady, Mrs. Han, muttered quietly.
“And what could that be?” I asked with a huff, closing the window and turning around to face Mrs. Han.
“The legend says…” Mrs. Han looked up, a glint in her eyes as she grinned “On every fifteenth year, there will be a white moon...and the white moon is the guide of the pirates, meaning it brings pirates. I’m sure the Major just wishes to protect you from any oncoming danger”
“But if pirates are coming, doesn’t that mean the whole village is in danger?” I asked quickly, standing up from my place and walking closer to her.
“The village is fine, dear. The people are getting older and older, we aren’t in danger but you and your friends--I can’t say the same” My eyebrows furrowed as I stared at Mrs. Han’s wrinkled face.
“Because we are young? Are we potential targets?” I raised my eyebrows, growing a little amused. Even if I believe in the myths, until I don’t see something I won’t truly believe it. Just like mermaids, maybe they left this land for us, but maybe they are already dead and we just try to carry on with their memories. What if pirates don’t exist anymore? Leeteuk and Donghae, friends from the Sun kingdom, last time they visited, they didn’t bring any bad news...in fact, I haven’t heard of pirates ever since my grandfather disappeared eight years ago.
“It’s a dangerous thing to play around like that, child. You should be careful, the Major didn’t say those to you to scare you off” Mrs. Han’s words were stern as she looked up and I just hummed quietly.
The door opened behind me and two voices I already know too well abruptly stopped talking.
“Y/N!” It was Sooyoung who called out first, her voice loud.
“Hello, Mrs. Han” The always respectful Joohyun bowed as I turned around and smiled at my friends.
“Hi” I waved a little before turning back towards Mrs. Han “Well, I will come and pick up the bracelets tomorrow, Heechul is quite impatient” I muttered, gathering the gown in my hand from the table as Mrs. Han just chuckled.
“Tell the boy I expect more silver from him this time, he might travel here from the Sun kingdom, but I work on these not him” I giggled and kissed Mrs. Han’s cheek before heading for the door with the girls.
“Of course, I’ll make sure myself he pays more” Mrs. Han just snorted before I closed the door, turning towards the girls.
“Why is she always so...cranky?” Sooyoung asked with a grimace, her red dress shorter than usual.
“She can hear you, you know” I rolled my eyes as Joohyun pushed Sooyoung to the front as we started to walk.
“She’s too old to hear us” Sooyoung snapped back as she fixed her eyes on me.
“She’s not” I huffed, crossing my arms in front of my chest, almost letting my white gown fall on the sandy street.
“That’s not important” Joohyun was quick to interfere “Tonight, however, is important. How are you dressing up?”
“Oh, my sister made a dress for me at least two weeks ago” Sooyoung shrugged as she pouted “I don’t really like it but she wants me to wear it, so I guess I have to”
“Your sister is the best tailor in the town, how can you not like it?” I asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“She has a different style compared to mine” Sooyoung shrugged, taking an apple from Yuta’s tavern, who was too busy grinning at Yeri, a girl that is three years younger than us. 
“You should pay for that” Joohyun was quick to narrow her eyes at Sooyoung who just chuckled and took a bite of the apple.
“When was Sooyoung ever fair?” I asked in a mocking whisper, making Sooyoung roll her eyes.
“It’s not my fault he was too busy flirting with Yerim” Sooyoung just shrugged, leaving Joohyun sighing.
“I’m not coming” I suddenly forced out the thought that has been bothering me all day.
“What?” Joohyun stopped walking, wide eyes directed at me.
“My father forbid me from doing so” I sighed loudly, watching the ground as I pushed the sand around with my feet.
“Why?” Sooyoung asked, her voice not as concerned as Joohyun’s was.
“Something about pirates and the fifteenth white moon” I just shrugged and Sooyoung hummed as her eyes surveyed the market.
“My mother told me about it too” Joohyun spoke up, placing a comforting hand on my arm “I’m not allowed to stay out later than midnight”
“Of course, can’t have a beautiful maiden like you disappearing” Joohyun stiffened at the masculine voice, her face suddenly turning blank. Sooyoung just chuckled as she took in the sight of Yunho. His hair was tousled, he probably just came back from fishing judging by the smell and bag he carried. His white shirt unbuttoned until you could see his tanned chest and trousers at the end slightly wet.
“What do you want?” Joohyun asked as she sent a glare towards him.
“I hope you didn’t forget about that dance” Yunho only winked at Joohyun.
“I told you, I am not dancing with you, Mr. Jung” Joohyun held her head high even if Yunho towered over the three of us.
“Irene, dear, why won’t you drop your attitude and--”
“It’s Joohyun, and why won’t you leave me alone already?” Joohyun hissed at Yunho who didn’t look that amused anymore.
“Where’s the fun in that?” He still chuckled, but a small glare was sent at my friend.
“I bet it won’t be too much fun when the Major hears about it, huh?” I raised my eyebrows, speaking before anyone else could. Yunho’s eyes snapped at me and Joohyun hissed, glaring at me. It’s known by everyone that Yunho doesn’t like me, he thinks I’m arrogant and hold power over everyone just because I’m the daughter of the Major. But those aren’t true, I’m only like that with people who are rude and won’t stop bothering me. So maybe Yunho is right, I do kinda act rudely towards him.
“Oh look, Miss Kwon found her voice, are you now running to daddy as well?” Yunho rolled his eyes as I just smiled, waving at him.
“I’m sure you know your way to the Major’s house. I’d like to thank you in advance for the delicious fish you brought for us” I winked at Yunho as I took Sooyoung and Joohyun’s arms, pulling them after me.
“You need to stop doing that!” Joohyun hissed as I felt dagger-like glares melting into the back of my head, no surprise, coming from Yunho.
“Why? It’s funny” Sooyoung snickered and Joohyun was quick to slap her back.
“Because it’s dangerous” Joohyun looked at me, pulling her arm free from my grip “You know Yunho is not a very good man”
“And you expect me to stay calm and not worry when he’s after you? Of course I know about his reputation, that’s why I always interfere” 
“He could hurt you”
“No, I’m the daughter of the Major and you are not, Miss Bae” I stared at Irene with concern, eyebrows turned into a frown.
“Okay, fine” She sighed, turning away from us.
“What did you do to him though, Miss Bae?” Sooyoung’s voice was mocking as she nudged my shoulder “Tell me your secret spells”
“Do not call me a witch, you know how people react to that, Sooyoung” Joohyun snapped, apparently her good mood gone thanks to Yunho.
“Come on, I was just joking” Sooyoung rolled her eyes offended “But I’m serious though”
“I didn’t do anything” Joohyun shrugged, her eyes lingering on a set of shell necklace. I eyed it too with a smile, I’ll buy it later for her.
“He’s just...Yunho. You know he can’t accept a no and I’m constantly giving him no’s, figures why he’s still after me” Joohyun shrugged and Sooyoung rolled her eyes while I chuckled.
“You say no to every boy” 
“Well…” Joohyun’s cheeks suddenly turned red and Sooyoung and I glanced at each other amused. Jaemin was standing in the doorway of the flower shop, waving with a big smile at Joohyun. She waved back, throwing us a glare when Sooyoung and I waved at Jaemin while giggling.
“Why are you like that?” Joohyun hissed as Sooyoung and I just continued to giggle.
“Yunho is going to be livid when he finds out about this” Sooyoung commented with an evil smirk and I mirrored her reaction.
“Oh, really?” Joohyun’s tone turned darker as she looked at us with the same smirk “I guess he won’t take it well when he hears Jaemin is my date for tonight”
“What!” Joohyun just giggled as she hurried away to her mother’s tavern, leaving Sooyoung and I with our mouths hanging open.
“This girl!” Sooyoung just sighed as I started giggling again.
“At least she knows how to get a man...unlike us”
“Speak for yourself” Sooyoung nudged me, eyes narrowed “I always get what I want”
“I almost forgot” I rolled my eyes as she just chuckled and pulled me after her, going to Mrs. Bae’s tavern.
   The lights were dim in the room as I rushed underneath the covers, pretending to read when I heard my father’s steps getting louder.
“Y/N?” He asked as he knocked on the door, his deep voice soft.
“Come in” I cleared my throat as I looked at the door.
“You are reading…” He trailed off, looking around the room “I thought you left”
“Left? How?” I asked with a chuckle and dad only shook his head, which was lowered due to his height so that he wouldn’t hit in the doorframe.
“I’m sure I don’t have to say more” He raised his eyebrows and I chuckled as I lowered my book and slightly turned towards him, making sure the blankets still covered my whole body.
“You know I usually listen to you” 
“Usually, that’s the problem” I chuckled and dad just sighed as he ran his fingers through his gelled back hair.
“I have to go now, you stay home, okay?” I just hummed as dad sighed again and turned around, closing the door behind him as he walked away. I grinned as I threw the blankets off my body, rushing to my mirror to clip my bangs to the side and place on red lipstick. I patted down my red dress, slipping on my sandals and taking the little jewelry box I quickly opened my window, glad that my room was on the first floor for the first time. Dad left a few minutes ago so it was safe for me to go too. 
I know I’m doing wrong by not listening to him but I can take care of myself and it’s not like some legend is actually true. I carefully climbed out the window and closed it back, my sandals sinking into the sand of the beach.
“Hey!” I quietly called out, looking towards the bushes on the left, “Joohyun, Sooyoung”
“Is it okay to come out?” Sooyoung hissed quietly and I giggled as I answered a ‘yes’.
“Finally” Joohyun sighed as she stepped out first, patting down her light blue dress, “I’m never hiding in the bushes again for you”
“Next time this happens, drinks are on you” Sooyoung threw me a glare and I just laughed, walking up to hug them. Sooyoung’s dress was absolutely pretty, the green contrasting her red hair nicely.
“Why were you complaining about your dress?” I huffed as Sooyoung just scoffed, “It’s gorgeous”
“Yeah well...it’s not that bad…” Sooyoung just grimaced as both Joohyun and I snorted, she obviously likes it. She’s just too stubborn to admit it.
“Joohyun” I cutely smiled at Joohyun as I took her hand and placed the jewelry box in it.
“What’s this?” She asked confused, taking the box.
“Open it” I muttered and Joohyun’s eyebrows were furrowed as she opened it. Sooyoung’s mouth fell open as Joohyun gasped, quickly looking back at me.
“No, Y/N, why?” She whined like a little kid and I just shrugged.
“I saw you looking at it in the market” 
“I can’t accept this” Joohyun quickly closed the box, trying to hand me back the light pink shell necklace.
“Yes, you can” I sassed back and Sooyoung took the box from Joohyun, opening it.
“This is really pretty” She muttered as she took the necklace out and turned Joohyun around.
“Next time tell me when you are in the mood to buy us something” Sooyoung muttered as she carefully placed the necklace on Joohyun.
“This isn’t fair” Joohyun just whined as she touched the shells tenderly, looking at me, “This costs a fortune, how will I pay it back?”
“Your friendship, both of you, is enough. I don’t need money or anything else, just you two” I smiled at Joohyun and Sooyoung gratefully while Joohyun just looked away while Sooyoung rolled her eyes.
“That’s cute, but now we need to go unless you want to miss out on the fun?” 
“Let’s go!” We intertwined our fingers as we quickly took off towards the market.
Obviously, thanks to Sooyoung’s needs, we first stopped at the Inn to drink something. It was loud and more crowded than usual. Men usually populated this place, but now women were roaming around too.
“Something light or…?” Sooyoung raised her eyebrows as we made our way up to the bar.
“Beer” Joohyun was quick to call out as Mr. Kwon looked at us with his eyebrows raised. He’s a middle aged man who’s been working at this Inn ever since it opened.
“Three?” His eyes narrowed at us, trying to recognize us, “Miss Bae, Miss Park and...the Major’s daughter?”
“That’s right” Sooyoung flashed Mr. Kwon a cute smile, waving some cash in her hand. Mr. Kwon got the message and quickly handed us three big glasses of beer. Sooyoung liked her lips as she quickly drank it while I took my time. Joohyun’s eyebrows were furrowed as she carefully gulped down the contents of the glass. I shivered when I finally finished the beer, Sooyoung’s eyebrows raised at us as she already finished it.
“You are supposed to drink it faster” She said with a chuckle as I placed the glass on the high table beside us.
“I’m dizzy” Joohyun muttered as she took a last sip and placed the glass beside mine.
“What?” Sooyoung rolled her eyes as we made our way out “There’s no way you are already dizzy”
“It hits hard” Joohyun muttered as she clung onto my arm.
“This is beer, it can’t hit as hard as Vodka or whatever Mr. Kwon likes to mix” Sooyoung pushed some people away as they were blocking our path.
“Shut up” Joohyun snapped as she sent a little glare at Sooyoung “We are all different”
“Wow, they overdid themselves this year” Sooyoung’s voice was mocking as she stared at the market with a scoff on her lips.
“What did you expect? It’s the one-hundredth year anniversary of this Festival” Joohyun deadpanned, rolling her eyes.
“Well, I don’t think it’s bad” I shrugged while looking around. The market was cleared of the stalls, a decent looking stage placed at the other entrance as the middle was left empty for people to dance. On the stage, a band was singing some slow songs, an older band that had been playing ever since I was born. They are quite old but people here like them a lot, well, mostly elderly people.
“I should find Jaemin” Joohyun muttered as she looked around, just as people started clapping and the band left the stage only for another to come up.
“Good evening!” The young boy spoke loudly into the microphone, he was one of Jaemin’s friends, Jeno.
“We hope we can make you feel good tonight, have lots of fun!” The youngest, Jisung, spoke into his own microphone enthusiastically. The crowd clapped loudly, some even whistled. 
“They do look good” Sooyoung’s lips pulled into a grimace as she watched the band pace around before starting to play some upbeat music.
“I’m going now” Joohyun flashed us an excited grin before running off towards Jaemin. Both Sooyoung and I watched with a pout as Joohyun was hugged by Jaemin, and our usually shy Bae Joohyun, actually kissed Jaemin on the lips.
“I didn’t see that coming” Sooyoung’s voice was surprised as I looked at her with my eyes wide.
“Well...at least she’s having fun tonight”
“Yah, if you think I’m not having fun tonight...you are wrong” Sooyoung crossed her arms in front of her chest as she pursed her lips at me.
“Are you leaving me too?” I asked with a sigh, maybe I’ll just go home after that.
“Not yet” Sooyoung flicked her hand, leaning closer to me “We have fun first”
I giggled as Sooyoung took my hand in hers and we went to join the others dancing, the music loud as people laughed and danced together. I grimaced at Sooyoung as she twirled me around, making her laugh. Our fingers intertwined as we danced around, bumping into people, even being able to tickle Joohyun as we passed by her, our dancing wilder than others. Some people glared at us when we just laughed but others joined us and soon we were breathless and retreating to a table that was empty by the stage.
“Oh, this is fun” Sooyoung laughed as she patted her forehead.
“Who needs boys, right?” I winked at her as I gathered my long hair in one hand, fanning myself.
“I do” Sooyoung pursed her lips and I just rolled my eyes, eyes falling on the crowd. I could see Joohyun dancing with Jaemin, a big grin on her lips as Jaemin was smirking at her. Unfortunately, it wasn’t just me who saw them, Yunho, on the other side of them was dancing with a girl, Soojin, but his eyes were on Joohyun and Jaemin his glare hard as it was directed at the happy couple.
“Yunho isn’t too happy” I muttered as Sooyoung searched the crowd, a snort leaving her lips.
“That’s what he deserves, Soojin is just made for him” At that both of us burst out laughing, Soojin being not one of the best girls in the town. After cooling off, Sooyoung waved at a bartender from the Inn and asked for water as we continued to sit at the table, wanting to rest just a little more.
As I looked around, my eyes lingered on the entrance to the market, a strange feeling enveloping me. I can’t be spotted by my father or Mrs. Han or else I’ll get in trouble. Just as I was about to look away, nine men came walking towards the market.
“Sooyoung” I called out, reaching for her arm to get her attention.
“What” She snapped as she ignored the boy that tried flirting with her “I was in the middle of some--oh”
“Exactly” My eyebrows furrowed as my eyes took in the figures of the nine men “Who are those?”
“I have no idea…” Sooyoung chuckled, a smirk forming on her lips “But they definitely live up to the image of a good man”
“They seem dangerous” I muttered as my eyes were drawn to the tallest one, his black hair curly as it fell messily on his tanned forehead. They all looked tanned, too tanned. My eyebrows furrowed as I let my eyes rest on them for longer, observing how they were dressed. Their pants were a dark green, form-fitting as they were tucked into black boots and they all wore white shirts, some tucked some not, their tanned chests on display.
“I don’t know about you” Sooyoung was on her feet, dusting her green dress of “But I really like what I see”
“Sooyoung” I finally averted my eyes from them, catching her hand when she went to move away, “We don’t know who they are. They could be dangerous people”
“And what if they are from the Sun Kingdom?” She raised her eyebrows.
“But we don’t know” I insisted and Sooyoung only rolled her eyes, shrugging my grip off her hand.
“And I will get to know them, unlike you” She shrugged as she walked away with a small wave, heading to the Inn, where these nine mysterious men disappeared to. I sighed watching as Sooyoung had a bounce in her step, greeting a few people. Now I really am alone, should I head home? But as that crossed my mind, suddenly someone appeared in front of me. I looked up to see Yeri smiling down at me.
“Did your friends ditch you?” She asked.
“Oh...I guess they did” I chuckled, scooting over to let her sit down.
“Well, Seulgi and Wendy unnie left me alone” Yeri sighed as she looked at me “And I saw you sitting here so I thought I’d come up and speak to you”
“Thanks, Yeri” I patted her shoulder, making her smile widely back, “Do you not have a date?”
“Oh...well, I kinda did” She played with her blonde hair, biting her lip “But I guess I was ditched”
“By whom?” My eyebrows furrowed as Yeri just sighed.
“Yuta” She muttered and I snorted loudly. Yeri’s head whipped in my direction, eyebrows raised.
“Yuta is a charmer, you should have known better. He targets young girls, don’t fall for his flirting anymore, okay?”
“I realized that too” Yeri just pouted, voice quiet.
“Well, since we both are dateless...let’s go and dance!” I exclaimed, pulling Yeri up with me. She giggled as she followed after me, waving at Jisung and Chenle when I dragged her to the front of the stage.
“Why are you dateless?” She raised her voice, swaying to the music.
“Because my father forbid me from coming” 
“Why?” Yeri asked surprised, giggling when I twirled her around.
“White moon, usual superstitions” I just rolled my eyes and Yeri giggled again, bumping her hip into mine. We both giggled as we made eye contact and wiggled our butts to the rhythm.
“Y/N” She spoke up as we connected our palms, dancing in circles “Did you see those men that came?”
“I did, don’t speak to them” I warned her, changing places with a jump “They can be dangerous”
“What if they are pirates?” She bit her lip in excitement as I tensed a little, looking around quickly.
“They disappeared eight years ago” I answered, holding her hand in one hand as we got away from the stage, dancing more in the center of the market.
“But my brother says that there was a crew sailing around the Moon Kingdom and rumors say they are ruthless and powerful. You know my brother wouldn’t lie about something like that” Yeri’s eyebrows were furrowed as I hummed, twirling around as she pushed me around. From too many spins, I became disoriented and ended up tripping over my feet and sent Yeri back, making her giggle. She almost fell on her butt but she seemed like she wasn’t bothered by it as some hands steadied her by the waist. My eyes shoot up at the face of the person, only to make me tense when I realized it was the tallest of the nine mysterious man.
“Tricky these dances are, aren’t they?” His deep voice rumbled over the loud music, making me quite surprised that someone like him could have such deep voice. From closer up, his eyes were too big and lips plump, his ears big almost as if he was a Fairy.
“Good enough if they sent me in the arms of a man like you” Yeri was quick to answer and my jaw almost dropped open upon her words. The man’s lips quirked up in amusement as he pushed her slightly away, to let her stand on her own feet.
“Would you mind dancing with me then?” But before Yeri could answer, I gripped her arm and pulled her behind me. Yeri remained silent as I narrowed my eyes at the taller man in front of us.
“She’s not up for a dance with strangers, sorry” I said, voice steady and stern as the man’s eyebrows shoot up.
“And are you her mother to tell her what she can and can’t do?” The man was quick to fire back and I raised my eyebrows at him.
“And who are you to ask such question from a young girl? Dancing? Seriously?” That seemed to shut the man up as he glanced at Yeri once again, his eyes racking over the little body that was still visible from behind me. He seemed like he realized how young Yeri looked and lowered his head a little, almost like in a bow.
“My apologies Miss, I did not realize how...young she looked…” His tone was sarcastic, dripping with teasing and I just smiled at him, obviously not affected by his words.
“Yerim, go find your friends” I muttered to the younger girl as she nodded and patted my shoulder before running off.
“Seems like you don’t have a partner to dance with anymore” I clasped my hands together in front of me as I smiled up at the tall man, “What a pity...” 
“That’s truly a pity” He rubbed his jaw as if he was thinking but then a dangerous glint appeared in his eyes “And since you are the cause of a potential dance partner leaving me...how about you dance with me?”
I chuckled loudly, raising my eyebrows at him, “I don’t trust strangers”
“In that case...I’m Chanyeol” He extended his hand and I glanced at it but didn’t shake it, “Come on, we aren’t strangers anymore”
“Fair enough, I’m Y/N” I gave him my name as well and a smirk appeared on Chanyeol’s lips.
“So...you owe me a dance, Y/N” He muttered, stepping closer. I flashed him a confident smile, maybe I can get some information out of him.
“One dance” I pointed a finger at him and Chanyeol just nodded his head, extending his hand for me to take. Walking us back to the dancing people, Chanyeol’s big hands landed on my waist as I grabbed his elbows. The beat of the music slowly turned slower and slower, until people were swaying to the beat in partners.
“This place seems lovely” Chanyeol spoke up as he lead us to the beat of the music.
“It is” I nodded, looking up into his eyes “Where do you come from?”
For a little moment, his eyes narrowed into slits, but as fast as they came they were gone. A big smile spread on his pink lips, eyes glinting in the lights of the market.
“From the sea” I cocked an eyebrow, lips pulling into an amused grin.
“What a surprise, I would have never guessed” At my tone Chanyeol laughed quietly, but I waited for a real answer.
“Me and my comrades are from the Seven Seas Kingdom” My eyes widened a little bit as Chanyeol hummed along the music, bringing me a little closer to him. The Seven Seas Kingdom is up in the far North, those who travelled there say that people are ruthless and don’t like new comers. The waters are always harsh there, the weather a lot colder than here, in the South.
“Then what are you doing here?” I asked, eyebrows now furrowed as I watched Chanyeol’s lips twitch.
“We are...explorers” That didn’t sound too convincing as he said it, his eyes narrowed when he probably saw I didn’t believe him entirely.
“We wanted to see new places, meet new people. This is my favorite so far” I smiled at him, growing a little stiff when he leaned down.
“And the girls here…” He trailed off with a chuckle, a smirk settling on his lips “are quite beautiful, those people who said so sure didn’t lie”
I snorted, detaching myself from Chanyeol as the song ended and Jeno said his goodbyes before a girl band would take over their place.
“I bet those people had some great experiences here” Chanyeol just smirked as I looked past him to see Sooyoung with a man that arrived with Chanyeol. His light brown hair was pushed back, his jaw sharp as his head hovered dangerously close to Sooyoung’s. My eyebrows furrowed as I watched them dance, not happy to see Sooyoung so careless.
“Ah, do you know her perhaps?” Chanyeol was quick to see the change in my face as he turned around, eyes on Sooyoung and his comrade.
“She’s my friend” I answered, looking back at Chanyeol to see him nodding at the man who was smirking. I really don’t like this.
“He’s Baekhyun, a comrade of mine” Chanyeol looked back at me, his features holding amusement “Don’t worry, he’s a good guy. I’m sure your friend will enjoy her time with him...”
“Yeah, I bet she will” I muttered rather unhappily as the town clock gonged loudly, alerting us that it was midnight. Since I promised my father I wouldn’t come, but I still did, the most I could do was at least go back by midnight.
“Well, if you are looking for fun I suggest you find someone else” I smiled at Chanyeol as he raised his eyebrows.
“I’m leaving...but you can search for a girl called Soojin, she’s quite fun to hang out with...at least that’s what I heard from men around town” I winked at Chanyeol and before he could say a word, I turned around and left the place, hurrying home hoping that father didn’t arrive before me.
     Usually, on a Sunday morning, the town is quiet, everyone enjoying their time with their families. But the loud noises outside steered me awake, eyebrows furrowing as I sat up in my bed, rubbing my eyes. The Major’s house wasn’t far from the market but you still had to walk down the beach or go through the little street to get there. There was some sort of commotion happening outside that I didn’t understand as I got out of bed, opening my door.
“Father!” I called, walking around the house “Are you home?”
There was no response as I knocked on his study door so I pushed the door open, indeed finding it empty.
“Father--” My sentence got cut off by the shrill scream that traveled around the beach and into the house. I froze, heart picking up. I know that scream, I could recognize it anytime.
Throwing the door open, in a haze, I picked up my white gown and threw it over my nightgown as I ran down the beach, barefoot. The wind whipped at my face as my feet sank into the sand, heart beating faster and faster as there was another scream, from the same person. The splashing sounds of the water only edged me on to go faster, the market coming in view as I spotted the people gathered around the stage that was placed for the festival. I ran even faster, lungs burning as I finally got off the beach, feet aching when it made contact with the wood and sand on the ground of the market. I pushed the people out of my way, eyes wide when I could see the people on the stage. A blonde man was holding Sooyoung, holding a knife to her neck while the one who she danced with yesterday night, Baekhyun, was threateningly holding a sword towards Sooyoung’s family. My heart seemed to fall flat when I saw little Yeri, with tears streaming down her cheeks, as she was held by Chanyeol. No, this can’t happen. I flinched back when someone suddenly gripped my hand.
“Y/N” Joohyun’s voice was shaky as she stared at me wide eyed “They--they are pirates”
“What!” I breathed out, still trying to catch my breath.
“They want to take Sooyoung and Yeri” Joohyun continued and I almost choked on air as I looked back towards the stage. It seemed like Sooyoung’s eyes found us as she stared at us, face blank but her eyes held fear. No, this can’t happen, not to them. 
“Mother!” Yeri called out when Chanyeol suddenly started dragging her away and my muscles tensed as I knew I had to do something.
“No!” I screamed, pushing past the few people that were in front of me, Joohyun still gripping my arm, “Let them go!”
The people went silent, shocked as they stared at me. The pirates were looking at me amused, but the blonde one looked surprised even. As my eyes darted around, I saw my father’s wide eyes as he was pushing the people out of his way.
“I’m not letting you take them!” I screamed, looking directly into Chanyeol’s eyes as he stared at me with a smirk.
“Oh really?” His deep voice resonated in the market as people covered back, “What are you going to do?”
“Y/N, no” My father’s harsh voice made me jump, wide eyes looking at him “Stop it”
“Y/N, you can’t--”
“I have an offer” Chanyeol’s voice silenced my father as we looked back at him, “You give us your daughter and these two girls can stay”
The market went dead silent as my heart stopped beating. I felt all eyes slowly fall on me and I gulped. By now, Joohyun’s grip felt normal but the way she was squeezing it suddenly made my whole arm go numb.
“Y/N” She whispered, eyes searching for mine.
“No” My father said, head held high as he looked at Chanyeol and the other three pirates, “I will not let you waltz into my town and take away our women. My daughter or not, you can’t take them”
At that, the three pirates started laughing and people started muttering around us.
“Or we can kill you, it’s your choice” Baekhyun said with a shrug and I glared at him hard.
“Let them go” I said again, eyes pleading as I looked back at Chanyeol.
“Come with us then” Chanyeol tilted his head with a grin and I gulped as Joohyun whimpered beside me.
“I’m not letting you take her!” My father shouted as he charged forward and I gasped when suddenly two more people jumped out from the town people, swords pointed at my father.
“One more step and you are dead” A man with big eyes and a killer gaze spoke up. My father stopped abruptly and silence once again settled over the market until Yeri’s brother turned towards me.
“Go” He spoke up, eyes narrowed at me “They want you, go with them!”
Yeri’s eyes were wide as she stared at her brother, unable to speak. 
“Yes, they want you not my Sooyoung!” Mrs. Park screamed, pointing a finger at me.
“Very well” Chanyeol smiled and he nodded at Baekhyun and the blonde man who let go of Sooyoung and they both took off, coming towards me. Before my father could react he was held back by a gentle-faced man, hold firm.
“Y/N, no, wait, please--” My father continued calling out as Baekhyun grabbed my arm and urged me forward.
“No.” Joohyun’s grip was iron like as she glared straight in the eyes of the blond haired man, “I’m not letting go of her”
“Then you come too” The blond haired man scoffed as he gripped Joohyun by the arm, trying to pull her off me but she was not letting go. Now that Sooyoung was free, her mother was clutching her to her chest as Sooyoung watched with tears in her eyes.
“Kill me if you want to but I’m not letting go of her” Joohyun’s voice was low and her eyes screamed murder.
“What about you come with us then?” Chanyeol suddenly proposed as he roughly pushed Yeri away from him, who stumbled a little before running to her brother.
“I said, let her go” She hissed as she gripped the blond haired man’s arm tightly, the man had a cheshire grin on his face.
“Sorry, but I can’t do that, Miss” He almost looked apologetic as he flashed Joohyun a look before hauling her up by the waist, her grip instantly disappearing from my arm.
“No, let me go!” Joohyun screamed as she started kicking around, Baekhyun suddenly picked up his pace as he dragged me off. I couldn’t do anything but stumble after them, not if I wanted the town and my friends safe. Joohyun’s cries were loud as she screamed after us, probably putting up a fight with the pirate. I caught Sooyoung’s regretful eyes before I was fully dragged out of the market and my father’s tearful eyes. It was okay, I saved people. So after all, pirates were really real. That should have been a shock but I was expecting it in some ways, it was too good to be true, as some would say.
Baekhyun’s grip on my arm was still harsh but he wasn’t dragging me after him anymore, rather walking beside me, whistling quietly as Chanyeol led the way. The other pirates were behind us and as we neared the beach, the blond man ran up to us, cheek a little red and forearms marked with red scratch marks.
“That friend of yours is quite feisty” He chuckled as he fell in step with Baekhyun and me, chest falling and rising quickly. I refused to acknowledge him but I couldn’t fight off the little grin that appeared on my lips, serves him right for touching Joohyun.
“May I get her name?” His question was polite, a charming smile on his lips. I scoffed but still didn’t spear him a glance, my eyes glaring daggers into Chanyeol’s broad back.
“I wouldn’t mind having fun with her when we return” The blond haired man muttered and that ticked a nerve as I flinched away from Baekhyun, jumping to the blonde haired man’s collar.
“Don’t even dream about it. You have me, leave her alone” I hissed as the others eyed us amused, Chanyeol with a scowl on his face.
“All are women like you in this town?” Baekhyun only laughed at the question, pulling me off the blonde haired man quite roughly.
“I guess yes, you have no idea how hard it was to get Sooyoung to finally shut up last night” At that the boys cackled and I looked at Baekhyun, my glare directed at him.
“You don’t scare me” He chuckled, looking down at me “I’ve dealt with scarier things, and I know how to shut you up”
I felt like gagging at his wink but got distracted by the huge ship in front of us. How did we not see this? Was it here all the time? When did they arrive? I wish I did listen to father and didn’t go to the festival last night.
“We have our ways” The big eyed man spoke up behind me, examining my face as if he read my thoughts, “We hid the ship, we aren’t stupid”
“Anyone with two eyes would see such huge ship” I muttered, biting my lower lip when I was getting dragged into the water in order to reach the ship.
“Let’s call it…” A weird grin stretched on the same man’s lips “Magick”
“As if” I scoffed but the man just remained with the same grin, making me feel uneasy. The water reached my waist by the time we reached the ship and I already regretted wearing such a nice gown. The salt water probably ruined it, not like I could wear it anymore, who knows what will happen to me now. I’ve heard enough horrible stories about women who are taken by pirates.
Chanyeol was the first one to climb up the ladder, easily jumping on the ship. I was nudged forward and I almost fell face first into the water. I turned around to glare at Baekhyun but he wasn’t even looking at me.
“We haven’t got all day” He shrugged, pursing his lips “Go on, hurry, little princess”
“Don’t call me that!” I snapped at him, angrily gripping the ladder and hauling myself out of the water, “Try to peek and you are dead”
The men bellow hollered in laughter as I scoffed, eyes set into a glare as I climbed the poorly bid stairs of the rope. It was hard to climb it, it was cutting my feet and the wet dress was another weight on my body. Great choice to wear all white, Y/N, really amazing I must congratulate myself. 
To my relief, there was a hand extended for me when I reached the top and I grabbed it tightly, jumping on the other side of the railing. I was stunned when I looked up, the youthful face handsome and sharp.
“Come” He muttered lowly, voice not too deep as his grip was gentle but firm. 
“Where are you taking me?” I asked, panic rising in my voice as the boy sighed.
“To your room”
“My-my room?” I asked wide eyed, looking at the boy’s face. He seemed serious, not giving much away.
“Captain Park said so” He just shrugged as we descended the desk that led underneath the deck.
“Captain Park” I scoffed, finding it amusing. It sounded amusing. He’s just an asshole, not worth the respect. 
“I suggest you don’t anger him, he’s not pleasant when he loses his temper” The boy commented casually, opening a black door. The room was definitely not big, far from my room back at the Major’s house. There was a bed in the left corner, just enough to fit a single person. A little closet on the opposite and a desk on the right side with a fallen chair. The light was dangling from the ceiling, and I haven’t seen something like that before.
“It’s not that horrible, just listen to the captain” The boy said as he gently pushed me inside the room, “I’m Sehun, by the way”
“Okay” I muttered, eyeing the waiting boy. He had his eyebrows raised, waiting for something.
“Y/N” I muttered, realizing he wanted to know my name. For the first time he smiled, he looked even younger, before he turned around and left me alone, closing the door behind him. I sighed and went to sit on the bed, not bothering to raise the chair back to its place. Curse this whole day. 
   I was left alone for a short time before I heard loud voices above me and I figured it was the boys from the deck. The ship suddenly jolted and my heart clenched, we are taking off. This really is happening, they really are taking me away from my home, my family and my friends. The door opened and I couldn’t help it but glare at the man standing in the doorway.
“I hope you like your room” He grinned, stepping inside uninvited. I glared more at him, murdering him in my mind. It’s all his fault I’m here right now. If he didn’t have to show his masculinity back in town, I could still be at home, but no, he needs to show off.
“Did you forget how to speak, sweetheart?” He asked with a chuckle when I scoffed, still glaring at him.
“You wish I did, and don’t call me sweetheart” I snapped at the pirate.
“I guess you are quite shocked” Chanyeol smirked, only now did I see he had some clothes in his hands.
“Shocked? Not really. Angry? Very much” I flashed him a sweet smile, standing up when he started coming closer towards me.
“Why so snappy? You were nicer yesterday night” Chanyeol pouted fakely and I rolled my eyes, standing with my back straight.
“Yesterday night I thought I was speaking to a man, not a pirate”
“You make it sound like we aren’t human, sweetheart” My jaw clenched at the usage of the nickname as I crossed my arms in front of my chest.
“Are you though?” I raised my eyebrows, gaining Chanyeol’s attention as he was looking around the room before, “If you say you are human, why do you steal, rob towns and kill people? Why did you take me away? I tell you why, for your own sick entertainment. You are just a bunch of assholes who grew up in a bad family and now have to show their superiority to others by such acts? You know what Chanyeol? You got yourself the wrong girl if you think I will obey you or anyone on this ship. Filthy pirates”
“Watch your language” Chanyeol’s deep voice raised an octave as he glared at me, “I won’t let someone like you treat me without respect. A little princess who was raised in wealth and luxury? You have no idea what’s waiting for you”
“Really? What makes you think I’m not going to kill myself the second you leave this room?” I challenged Chanyeol, knowing well damn it was wrong. I shouldn’t test my limits.
“If you want that town to live, you won’t, trust me” He chuckled, standing too close to me for my liking.
“Don’t expect me to respect you, not after what you did, you are just a filthy pirate who probably has some daddy or mommy issues and doesn’t know how to--”
“You will--” Chanyeol’s big palm gripped my neck harshly, cutting my words off “listen to me and obey me. I won’t be treated without respect. You have one week to prove yourself to be useful before I send you out on the dark market or feed you to the sharks. If you know what’s best for you, you will listen to me”
I didn’t want to show it, but I knew the second Chanyeol smirked that the fear I felt was obvious in my eyes. He pushed me away, making me fall on the bed as he strode towards the door, head held high.
“And you won’t be wearing those princess clothes anymore” He chuckled mockingly and my jaw clenched as he slammed the door closed after him.
“I’m not a princess!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, falling in the bed limply, closing my eyes when I suddenly felt them fill with tears. No, I can’t go to the dark market or die, I need to go back to my father and friends. I couldn’t help it but curl up in a ball and let the tears fall as sleep quickly took over me.
     The heavy knocks on my door woke me up from my deep slumber, eyebrows furrowing when I sat up. At first, I felt confused as to why was I slightly swaying but soon realized I was on the ship with those pirates.
“The captain wants you on deck in ten minutes, I suggest you hurry, princess” Baekhyun’s irritating voice made me furrow my eyebrows as I groaned loudly.
“I’m not a princess!” I shouted again for everyone to hear, jumping out of bed. I kept huffing as I paced up and down in the room, not wanting the pirates to see me in my nightgown, it’s quite see-through. What about the clothes Chanyeol brought in yesterday? I suppose they are for me to wear since they don’t have any female clothes. I sighed as I eyed them, thankfully they seemed clean, and quickly got myself dressed. I pulled my hair in a high ponytail, tying it with a rope I always keep on my wrist, just in case. The clothes weren’t too big and they surprisingly fit well, only around the hip area were they a little too baggy. With a grimace, I opened the door and went back the way I was lead here yesterday by Sehun. The hallway was darker than upstairs, so as soon as I stepped into the light my eyes started hurting. I groaned loudly as I walked up to the stairs to the deck, the chatter stopping between the pirates.
“What!” I snapped as nine eyes were on me. I felt a little intimidated but I kept my back straight and head high, that’s how my father taught me, no matter what the situation is, I show who I am.
“She doesn’t look like a princess to me” A man with a weird accent whispered, not quietly, obviously, if I heard him, to the man beside him who had peaceful features. His comrade only chuckled before looking back at me.
“Welcome, princess, I’m glad we didn’t have to drag you up here ourselves” The deep voice beside me was so sudden that it made me jump. The pirates snickered as I glared at all of them.
“That’s probably best for you” I snapped as I looked at Chanyeol “You are not allowed to touch me in any ways”
“Oh really?” Chanyeol asked as a smirk spread on his lips. If he is trying to humiliate me in front of these men, I hope he stops before I kick him in the balls, I’m not afraid to do it. 
“That refers to all of you” I snapped, looking back at the other eight boys.
“Captain, why did you take her? She sounds annoying” A man with cat like eyes commented as he was sitting on some wood barrel, sharpening his daggers.
“I didn’t have much of a choice” Chanyeol sighed beside me and my eyes widened.
“You didn’t have much of a choice?” My voice raised as I looked back at him “You could have easily left my town without showing off, you asshole. Wasn’t I clear enough last night? Do you want me to repeat my thoughts about you all? Would you like the boys hear my thoughts as well?”
Chanyeol’s eyes narrowed as he took a step towards me, making me take a step back away from him. 
“If you want to live, shut up” I snickered at Chanyeol’s threat, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
“Really, I’m not afraid of you” I grinned at him but Chanyeol’s jaw was gritted as he suddenly grabbed my arm harshly. I was about to protest but he started dragging me harshly after him, I tried fighting my way out of his hold but he was obviously stronger. 
“Stop” I hissed at him as he stopped right by the edge of the ship, a piece of the railing missing here. The ship was rocking stronger as the wind picked up, waves also stronger. A wrong move and I’d be sent into the sea underneath us.
“See this?” Chanyeol muttered darkly, his grip tightening only a little bit, “Keep that attitude going and this will be your faith”
I yelped when Chanyeol pushed me just a little forward and I quickly latched onto his arm, afraid that he’d really push me into the water.
“You have no power over me, Y/N, don’t forget that” He looked directly into my eyes before pulling me back harshly from the edge, eyes still on me as I slapped his hand off my arm.
“Did you enjoy the show?” I sneered at the rest of the crew as they were looking at us curiously, my comment made them crack up.
“It wasn’t even that entertaining” Sehun said with a shrug and I glared at him.
“Since you are already here” I flinched away from the hand on my back, glaring hard at the tanned boy, “Your help would be nice around the deck”
“My help? I’d rather root away in my room” I scoffed making the boys laugh. 
“Actually, Jongin, that’s an amazing idea” Chanyeol grinned as his eyes lit up, teeth showing. I stared at him a little longer, finding that expression adorable. No, what the hell, we hate Chanyeol, remember?
“I know it is” Jongin grinned as he placed his hand again on my back, making me step away from him.
“So, what are you thinking about?” Chanyeol asked as he eyed Jongin curiously.
“She can be our personal maid!” Jongin exclaimed and my eyes widened as affirmative responses came from the other boys.
“Oh no” I shook my head with an almost hysterical laugh, “I’m not going to clean your mess or be ordered around by you. You did it yourself before, keep doing it. If not, I’d rather jump into the water by myself”
“She’s funny” The blond haired man from yesterday said with a loud cackle, earning a grin from Baekhyun and an eye roll from the big eyed boy.
“I wouldn’t mind some help though” The cat like eyed man spoke up, putting his dagger finally away as he seemed pleased, “Cleaning up the mess after them can be horrifying”
“Exactly my thoughts” I nodded eagerly, pointing my finger at each pirate, “I’m not going to clean their dirt”
“That hurt, princess” Baekhyun placed a hand against his chest “We aren’t that filthy”
“Yes, you all are just some filthy pira--”
“If you’d like…” The big eyed boy spoke up, voice softer than what I was expecting it to be, “You can help out in the kitchen today and clean up tomorrow”
“My room needs cleaning today” The weird accented guy said with a pout, he actually looked cute.
“Clean it yourself” I scoffed, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
“Here” I jumped at the loud sound when the blond haired man and Chanyeol dropped different cleaning items in front of me, “You can start right now”
Chanyeol’s grin was the most annoying one, making me fum with anger. I huffed as I picked up a cleaning rug and stormed off, knowing I didn’t have much of a choice but to clean the ship. Screw these pirates.
   Was I right to call them filthy? Oh yes, I was very right. I wonder if these boys even know what washing a cloth is? Except like three people, their clothes smelled horrible and I was forced, by my own brain this time, to wash their clothes as best as I could with the salty water and some soap I found in the ‘dungeons’. It was just actually the storage room underneath all the other rooms, basically the bottom of the ship.
After washing their clothes and proudly hanging them up on a rope on deck, I finished cleaning their rooms, actually happy they didn’t posses many things. But the dust was horrible in one room and I didn’t even want to find out whose it was. By dinner time I was spent as I usually don’t do this at home, we had a house maid who did this job. Sometimes I would help her, but my father wasn’t too fond of the idea. I was forced to not wear the little vest as the burning sun was making me sweat like crazy on deck. Yes, I even had to clean the deck. When I finally finished cleaning, the big eyes man, who’s name is Kyungsoo, approached me cautiously.
“I don’t bite, you know” I muttered, rolling my eyes as I tapped away the sweat on my forehead with some mop I found in my room.
“I take your threats seriously, I still need my private parts, you know” I couldn’t fight back the little smile as I looked at the boy.
“Dinner is ready, you should come and eat with us” The boy continued to watch me as I stood up and rolled down the sleeves of the white shirt.
“Are you the cook or something?” I asked Kyungsoo as we made our way down, heading for the kitchen.
“I can cook too, to their luck otherwise they’d die of hunger” I couldn’t help it but chuckle, imagining Baekhyun whining for food like a little kid. It’s my first day on this ship, what am I doing going around imagining things? No, get yourself together, Y/N. You are the daughter of the Major and you need to get back to Shell somehow.
“That would be nice to watch” I muttered barely but Kyungsoo still heard it and chuckled, opening the door for me. I offered him a thankful smile as the others stopped whatever they were doing, eyes set on us.
“Wow, she smiled” Sehun was the first to break the silence, his face just as blank as his voice. I rolled my eyes and went to sit beside Minseok, the cat like eyed man, rather than Jongdae, blond haired man, who had a dangerous grin on his lips. Kyungsoo occupied the seat beside Jongdae and the boys suddenly went back to eating, digging into their food. Even though Baekhyun was sitting across from me, his loud chewing was getting on my nerves as he kept grinning at what Yixing, the weird accented guy, was telling him. Junmyeon, kind faced guy, kept sighing beside me as he slowly ate his food. My mouth pulled into a grimace when Kyungsoo placed some rice and fish on my plate.
“Oh, princess doesn’t like the food?” Chanyeol mocked from the head of the table. I rolled my eyes and started eating the rice, eyeing the fish.
“You can eat it, I made sure it’s well cooked” Kyungsoo eyed me as I hesitantly teared the fish apart to take out the little bones.
“I don’t exactly like fish” I muttered and Minseok eyed me as him, Junmyeon, Yixing and Kyungsoo were the only ones eating like civilized people.
“Aren’t you from a shore town?” Minseok asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“That has nothing to do with me liking or not fish, it’s not my favorite dish” I shrugged as I slowly chewed the food.
“Well, princess, you’ll have to get used to it...or at least for this week” Chanyeol smirked when I glared at him.
“One week?” Sehun asked curiously, stealing some pepper from Jongin’s plate when he was busy staring at Chanyeol.
“If she’s not useful to us, we are sending her to the dark market. Our next stop is in the Vest Kingdom, so we shouldn’t worry” Chanyeol spoke with authority and the boys remained quiet as he continued, “I’m sure Blackpink wouldn’t mind an addition to the team”
“Jennie and Jisoo would be thrilled to hear” Baekhyun said with a smirk, mouth full of food. I glared at him for not being able to eat like a normal person.
“Who’s Blackpink?” I finally voiced my thoughts, looking around, eyes landing on Junmyeon who sighed once again.
“An organization of girls, a cult, anything you want to call it...they take girls and teach them different things...if they are good fighters, they add them to the Vest Army under Rose’s division, sometimes Lisa gets new girls for entertainment purposes or...Jennie and Jisoo get new girls either for prostitution or different criminal activities” Junmyeon’s explanation made me gulp hard as the boys eyes were on me.
“I don’t...want to meet these girls” I muttered, looking down at my food as I continued to eat.
“Then be a good girl” I could practically hear the smirk in Chanyeol’s voice but for once I decided to gulp down my remark with my food, it won’t do anything good. I don’t want to get to the hands of Blackpink...especially not to Jennie and Jisoo’s hands.
   After dinner, I was nice enough to offer and wash the dishes as the boys left me behind, apparently going back to the deck, cards and bottles in their hands. They were definitely not up to something good. My hands felt numb by the time I finally finished washing the dishes. Drying my hands on my brown pants, I left the kitchen, heading to my room when I heard someone groaning from the top of the stairs. Curiosity getting the best of me, I took a peek only to see Kyungsoo glaring at the steps, leaning against the railing. I was just about to leave when he called my name.
“Yes?” He sounded unsure, almost confused.
“Could you help me?” My eyebrows shoot up but I climbed the stairs and joined Kyungsoo.
“What happened?” I asked curiously, realizing he was drunk as his clothes smelled of some strong liquor.
“Oh, we went to play cards and I drank too much” He chuckled, his eyes not exactly on me “Now I’m drunk and can’t descend the stairs...could you help me out a little?”
I sighed but took Kyungsoo’s arm and placed it around my neck, letting him lean against my body.
“I feel sick” He muttered and I almost cringed away, afraid that he’d throw up.
“Why did you drink then?” I asked instead, taking one step at a time, careful to not fall.
“We need to loosen up from time to time” He just shrugged and I huffed as we got to the bottom of the stairs.
“Which is your room?” I asked as I walked down the corridor with Kyungsoo.
“The one beside the kitchen” He muttered, swaying a little, almost knocking us over. I chuckled, looking at him.
“The cook is closest to the kitchen, the boys would die without you here” I muttered and it made Kyungsoo laugh a little too loudly. 
“They are good boys, you know” He hiccuped as we arrived to his room, “Especially Chanyeol, just give them time. Chanyeol is pretending to be all this big and bad boy, but he’s actually softer than any of us--”
Kyungsoo’s eyebrows furrowed as I helped him sit on the bed, glad that his weight was finally off me, “Well, maybe he’s not softer than Jongin, but he’s nice, you know”
“He didn’t leave the best impression” I muttered as I headed to his closet, opening it.
“I’m surprised my clothes fit you that well” Kyungsoo muttered as he eyed me taking out his clothes.
“Your clothes?” I asked surprised, turning towards him.
“Yeah, mine” He chuckled and I grinned a little as I went back to him.
“Can I help you change, you smell awful” I grimaced a little and Kyungsoo hummed.
“So it was me” I chuckled a little as he struggled out of his shirt.
“I’m sure the others are just as smelly as you are and I’m also sure I’m not helping them as well” Kyungsoo laughed drunkenly and held his hands up like a little boy as I fidgeted with the clean shirt.
“You know…” Kyungsoo trailed off for a second as he looked at me seriously with his big glinting eyes, “I’m surprised how much I like you, it’s only the second day of having you here”
“Well, at least I know someone likes me genuinely” I muttered as I buttoned Kyungsoo’s shirt rather clumsily as the waves were harsher tonight and rocked the ship more.
“I guess you don’t like us…” Kyungsoo trailed off, again, watching the ceiling.
“I do like you, it’s just--” I sighed as Kyungsoo and I locked eyes, “You stole me away from my life. I didn’t want this, your Captain dragged me into this mess. I want to go back to my father and my friends. I miss them so much and it’s been only two days, Kyungsoo. I want to escape from this nightmare. Every day I wake up I just hope it was another bad dream, but then Baekhyun whistles ‘princess’ outside my door and I know I’m in the same hell”
Kyungsoo chuckled at my last words and sighed as he gripped my arm, carefully laying down as I helped him.
“I understand how you feel, because I was once like you” He muttered so quietly I almost didn’t hear him, “My life, our lives, weren’t like this always. There’s horrible things out there in the world and we stumbled upon one of them”
“What do you mean?” I asked softly, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Kyungsoo pulled me to sit down on his bed, hand still holding onto my arm.
“We were once all carefree kids, running around the markets in our Kingdom and causing mischief” He smiled fondly at the memory, eyes closing, “But one day...Chanyeol stumbled upon something dangerous and that cursed us…”
I stared at Kyungsoo’s peaceful face as I let his words replay in my head. Chanyeol stumbled upon something dangerous and that cursed them? That made no sense. I didn’t see Kyungsoo as the one to believe in fairytales. Was he so drunk that his mind made up stories? They do say after all...drunk men tell no lies. My head swirled with confusion that night as I left Kyungsoo’s room and headed to mine to rest. Were they really cursed? But how did that happen?
     Next day I was up before the sun was. I decided Kyungsoo deserved a good breakfast after the night he had. He most definitely will be hangover. It leaves me confused as to how the swinging of the ship doesn’t make them feel sick as every morning I wake up I feel dizzy and lightheaded. 
Thankfully, I knew my way to the kitchen and didn’t cause any hubbub, however, I did stumble into a chair placed in front of Baekhyun’s room, which left me confused. Why was the chair there in the first place? It wasn’t an easy task finding every ingredient for the seaweed soup I planned on cooking which Mrs. Han taught me after my father had a huge hungover and couldn’t stand up from his bed for a whole day. There was no pepper but paprika would work as well. I hummed quietly to myself as I added all ingredients into the cauldron, careful with the fire of the stove. A very weird stove that I had to stare at for at least ten minutes before I figured how it worked...at least they have a stove. I also figured if Kyungsoo drank so much the other boys must have done the same, and as much as I don’t like them, I don’t wish to hear all day some men whining about how bad they are feeling or worse...having them throw up which I would have to clean afterwards, disgusting. I moved around quietly as I looked for a cup and spoon that I could take to Kyungsoo. 
Today I felt rather creative so before leaving my room I decided I would freshen up a bit my outfit. The pants were too warm as I spent my days out in the blazing sun on deck and decided that I could just shorten them, like Sooyoung’s sister taught me once. Just the thought of Sooyoung brought tears to my eyes but I blinked them away knowing she was safe, and focused rather on the little happiness I felt after successfully designing these new pants for myself. I hope Kyungsoo wouldn’t mind seeing as I ripped one of his pants.
I jumped as someone cleared their throat behind me, slamming the cup down against the table beside me.
“What are you doing?” The deep voice was hoarse and I turned around with a glare.
“Cooking, obviously” I muttered as I took in Chanyeol’s disheveled form. He looked horrible, honestly. The only thing that sat rightly on him were his pants. His blue shirt was wrinkled and all buttons undone and black curly hair sticking out in every possible direction while his face looked swelled.
“Are you planning on poisoning us?” He chuckled as he shuffled inside the kitchen, eyebrows furrowed as he held onto his head.
“I wish I was doing just that...but no” I answered Chanyeol as I watched him amused. He seemed disoriented as he opened cupboards.
“What are you searching for?” I asked curiously as I watched him hiss as he closed his eyes. Just how strong was the liquor they drank last night?
“Stop asking questions or else my brain will blow up” Chanyeol hissed and I chuckled as he drew closer opening and slamming the doors of the cupboards. 
“Then I shall gladly continue questioning you” I said with a smirk when Chanyeol sent me a dark glare, making me chuckle. Who would take a man seriously when he looked like that? He stopped in front of me and I tensed as he leaned up and opened the cupboard above me, his chest pressing dangerously close to my face. Bare chest, tanned chest, muscular chest...I hissed at my own thoughts, silently lecturing myself for openly drooling at the enemy.
“Curse Kyungsoo, we’ve got no hangover potion anymore” Chanyeol slammed the cupboard door close with a groan. I grinned as I looked up at him.
“Luckily for you, I have just what you are looking for” Chanyeol’s eyes landed on me as he stared down at me, eyebrows raised.
“And what is that?” He asked mildly interested and I smirked at him as I pushed him away harshly, making him groan as he stumbled backwards.
“My poison is actually a soup for hangovers so...sit down and wait patiently” I pointed the spoon at him as I went and took another cup and walked back to the cauldron. It was boiling, green bubbles raising to the surface, that means it’s all good to serve. Filling half of the cup, I walked to the table and placed the cup and spoon in front of Chanyeol while staring at him expectantly. He stared at the soup in disgust as it continued boiling, the green bubbles continuously raising to the surface.
“I was right, you are trying to poison us” He muttered as he carefully took a spoonful and stared at it.
“Well excuse me, but until you stare at it and contemplate whether it will kill you or not, I shall head to Kyungsoo’s room and feed him the soup” I said with a glare and walked past Chanyeol, ignoring his confused gaze as I knocked on the boy’s door. There was a quiet murmur and I walked inside, closing the door behind me.
“Morning!” I called loudly and cheerfully, watching as Kyungsoo squirmed and pulled the covers over his head. I chuckled and went to sit beside him on the bed.
“You know, as much as seeing you all squirming and whining amuses me, I decided to be nice and not poison you while I cooked this soup” I said quietly as if talking to a child and Kyungsoo peeked out from underneath his covers.
“What soup?” He asked quietly, voice barely audible.
“Seaweed soup, the best one from my Kingdom, an old lady taught me how to make it”
“It must be good then, old ladies always know what they are doing” Kyungsoo muttered as he carefully sat up and took the cup from my hands.
“You are underestimating me, comrade” I glared at him jokingly and a smile appeared on his lips as he smelled the soup. I watched as he started eating it carefully, slowly grinning and grinning wider.
“So it’s good then?” I asked with a grin and Kyungsoo nodded eagerly as I chuckled.
“Its effects come rather quickly so you shouldn’t worry about--” There was a big commotion outside the door as loud whining and footsteps combined together.
“You better go and feed them before they realize we have no more hangover potion and think it’s the end of the world” Kyungsoo said with a chuckle as he nodded towards the door.
I sighed as I glanced at the door, not wanting to leave Kyungsoo’s room, “Fine”
The second I was out in the hall it felt like I was in the market. The boy’s voices blended together, louder and messier than ever before. This was a disaster already. I stood in the doorway to the kitchen and clapped my hands loudly. Everyone in the room groaned loudly as Baekhyun glued his palms to his ears, Yixing following suit.
“If you’d just take a seat and calm down I could actually help you out!” I said loudly, making Jongin whine as he looked at me in pain. Chanyeol remained quiet as he looked at everyone and as he nodded everyone took their places at the table, except for Kyungsoo who was still in his room.
“Very well” I said with a pleased smile and walked to the cups and took eight of them to fill with the soup, I was hungry as well. Handing them the cups and spoons I took a seat opposite Chanyeol and quietly started eating, that is until someone made a gagging sound.
“What the hell is this?” Of course it was Baekhyun who was glaring at his green soup.
“Poison” I said casually and all boys stopped eating as their eyes fell on me. Jongdae spit back the content from inside his mouth into his cup. I remained nonchalant as I kept eating that is until Chanyeol started laughing loudly. My eyes widened and we all looked at him as if he was crazy.
“You good, Captain?” Junmyeon asked softly as he had already begun eating again, having seen that I was eating the same soup.
“You really don’t think she’d poison herself as well?” Chanyeol asked as he looked at the rest of the boys that weren’t eating anymore, “It’s good for your hangover, eat it”
And with that Chanyeol rose from the table as the boys started eating again, eyes finding mine when he was in the doorway. He nodded at me subtly and I looked back down to my soup as he walked away. I guess that was his way of saying ‘thank you’.
     The days passed by quickly and I became more and more nervous as we were drawing closer and closer to the Vest Kingdom. Chanyeol still wasn’t saying if I would stay with them or if they would sell me away. I was really holding onto the hope that seeing as Kyungsoo, Sehun and Jongdae really liked me, Chanyeol would keep me around. But then...Baekhyun doesn’t like me and neither does Chanyeol and seeing as those two are rather close, I will most likely be sold off. Before that happens, however, I have formed a plan in my head. If I am to be sold, I shall act like a weeping princess and beg them to keep me, acting of course because I wouldn’t beg a pirate even if my life was at stake. So then we get to the market in the shore town of the Vest Kingdom and I kneel whoever is with my in the groins and run away, hiding. After they leave I travel to the Queen of the Kingdom and beg her to send me home, our Kingdom’s might not be on good terms, however my father once helped her and she needs to turn back the favour. 
   I was busy cleaning the Captain’s cabin, which was fairly larger and fuller of objects than the others room. Of course Chanyeol would take the largest room, he was that selfish. I sighed as I dusted off another shelf of books until one book caught my eyes, ‘Curses and how to live with them’. What was a book like that doing here? The others were about traveling, the kingdoms and some myths and fairytales written by famous authors. My eyes narrowed as I took the book and walked back to the big oak desk, abandoning the rag on the chair, as my eyes fell on another book laying beside the outstretched map, ‘Witches, Curses, Countercurses’. What is all this curiosity about curses? Was Chanyeol planning on cursing someone? Perhaps me? Then suddenly Kyungsoo’s drunken words about a curse rang through my brain. Was it true then? Did he really say the truth? It seems like.
“What are you doing?” I slammed the black book against the desk in fright as Chanyeol’s deep voice boomed in the room.
“Cle-cleaning your room” I cursed myself for stammering, but Chanyeol’s gaze was murderous.
“Doesn’t look like it” He snapped as the door behind him slammed shut, making me jump again. Curse you, Y/N.
“Who allowed you inside?” He walked closer and I walked to the other side of the desk to make sure there was distance between us.
“I’m supposed to be cleaning every single room on this ship, remember?” I snapped as I sent a glare at Chanyeol, heart beating faster than before. I’m afraid, but I don’t know why. Being closed inside a room with Chanyeol alone makes my hair stand on edge and heart beat fast. Maybe because he’s the one that basically kidnapped me or maybe because he’s really handsome, however this is the first and last time you hear me saying that, or maybe because he looks like he could kill me with his eyes after he took a look at the book I took interest in.
“I didn’t give you permission, however, to clean this room” His dark eyes watched me intently as he walked closer.
“Yes, but you also didn’t state that I was not allowed inside, so how was I supposed to know?” I raised my eyebrows at him as we kept circling the desk, him trying to close in on me and me trying to put more and more distance between us.
“You were snooping around. I don’t tolerate thieves on my ship” My eyes widened at the accusation. Does that mean he’ll really sell me? I’m not even a thief!
“I’m not a thief!” I exclaimed angrily as I walked faster after Chanyeol tried lunging at me, “Stop running after me, I told you I won’t let you touch me!”
“As if someone will respect your wishes on this ship” Chanyeol sneered and I glared at him fiercely as I took the black book from the desk in my hands, his eyes fixating on it before his glare intensified.
“To keep you updated, Kyungsoo, Sehun, Junmyeon, Yixing, Minseok, Jongin all respect my wish so I don’t see your problem here, Chanyeol” I taunted him with a smirk and Chanyeol scoffed before his glare returned again.
“Put that book down” He demanded, making me look at the black book in my hands. He stopped in his tracks and so did I.
“No” I answered defiantly, glancing at the open window. Chanyeol seemed to pick up on my train of thoughts as his eyes darkened even more.
“Don’t even think about it” He warned, Adam apple bobbing up and down as he gulped. He almost looked...nervous.
“Why does this book matter so much to you?” I pressed on, knowing my luck was running thin.
“Put it down on the desk and I will let you go unharmed” Chanyeol’s voice sounded nice for the first time, but I didn’t like the threat.
I smirked as I took a small step towards the open window, the waves crashing loudly against the side of the ship, “What if I throw it out the window? The ocean will swallow your book and then--nothing will remain of it. Like you did with me. You took me away from everything I held dear and threatened to sell me off”
“I will take you back home, but put that book down, now” Chanyeol’s lips pulled into a tight smile and I chuckled as my eyes widened, amused that for once I had the upper hand while interacting with him.
“I don’t believe you” I said the words slowly, looking down at the book with a deep fake frown, “And I don’t like this book, we’d be only even if I made it disappear, don’t you think, Chanyeol?”
His eyes stayed fixed on my hand and I smirked as the silence dragged on, neither of us making a move. The desk was still between us. What’s my plan though? I throw the book out the window and run from his room? I can’t hide in my room, I’m on his ship for God’s sake. He’ll throw me off the ship in the best case, better to drown than get sold off to that Blackpink organization. I’d rather die than become a slave. But I want him to hurt like I do, knowing how far away I am from all of my loved ones. My eyes must have shown finality because Chanyeol’s eyes widened as he jumped towards me right as I raised my arm. I was going to throw the book out of the window, it almost left my hand, but I was roughly showed into the bookcase behind me, book flying out of my hands but sadly onto the wooden floor and not out the window. I hissed as the shelves dug into my back, Chanyeol’s big body pressed against me. I flailed my arms, pushing against his chest hard but Chanyeol growled and just held on tighter. I kicked his shin hard, realizing my hands were no use, and Chanyeol yelped loudly as he let go of me, I was finally able to push him away. I turned sharply and went to run for the door but before I could take even three steps hands around my waist whirled me around and I screamed as I was thrown against the desk. I yelped in pain as my hips crashed into the edge of the desk, probably bruising it as well, before I was turned around again, hand around my neck. I was bent backwards, feet barely on the floor and hands gripping the desk tightly as I fought against Chanyeol trying to push me down against the desk fully. Realizing I wasn’t about to give up the fight, he stopped pushing me but his hand remained around my neck, keeping a firm grip. He lay his other hand on the desk behind me, leaning so close our lips were almost touching.
“You are going to pay dearly for that” He spoke quietly, aware that due to our closeness I could hear him very well, but his voice was deadly.
I huffed, maintaining his eye contact even if I was close to shaking, “I didn’t even get to throw it out the window so why are you getting worked up, Chanyeol?”
“Stop saying my name like that” He snapped and I smirked as I raised my eyebrows.
“I don’t like being called princess and yet you still call me that…” I pretended to think for a moment, “What to do, what to do…”
“I know what I’m going to do with you” The dark smirk that stretched on his lips made me gulp, “And I have a feeling you won’t like it--”
“You and your crew are cursed” I blurted out in panic, not wanting to hear the rest of Chanyeol’s words. Chanyeol’s mouth remained opened as he looked at me mildly shocked, hand tightening around my neck.
“How do you know” He growled after collecting himself.
“Kyungsoo told me when you all got drunk” I whispered, my heart pumping fast due to the adrenaline. 
“He can’t keep his mouth shut when drunk, the idiot” Chanyeol hissed as he looked past me.
“So it’s true then…” I trailed of gripping his wrist with one hand as his grip was becoming uncomfortable, but Chanyeol didn’t loosen it he just looked back at me with a fire burning in his eyes.
“I decided last night to sell you off tomorrow” Chanyeol’s words felt as if a weight was dropped onto me. My eyes widened and I gripped his wrist firmly now, feeling the panic rising in me again. But I thought he’d keep me after everything I did for him on this ship!
“But--but I did everything you asked and I--”
“You are too annoying and what you did everyone else on this ship can do, therefore you are to no use to us” Chanyeol’s voice held finality as he pulled me upright, back to my feet and let go of me.
“No, you don’t understand! I--I did everything you asked me why would you--the boys like me! I help Kyungsoo a lot and I--Sehun said how much he liked my company and that you feel better having me around! He told me that you enjoy my company, Chanyeol, why would you--”
“All that boy talks is nonsense” Chanyeol scoffed, averting his eyes from mine. I felt the tears in my eyes as I gripped his biceps trying to get him to look at me.
“Chanyeol, please--”
“Get out” His voice was quiet as he didn’t look at me.
I shook his arms as I stared up at him helplessly, “Please, Chanyeol, don’t do--”
“Get out” He repeated his words still refusing to look at me, still standing numb underneath my touch.
“Chanyeol, I--”
“Get out!” He suddenly shouted so loudly that a sob involuntarily escaped my lips. He stepped back and wrenched his arms out of my hold as he walked to his chair, leaving me trembling. I took off towards his door almost numbly as my lips trembled as tears rolled down my cheeks.
“You are the monster they speak about in the fairytales and myths” I muttered lowly before slamming his door shut and running down the corridor and towards my room. 
I wanted to die.
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sadgssdg · 3 years
Just be careful and always have both hands free
Just be careful and always have both hands free.. They walked the streets both day and night, in dark hoods and brazen masks. Poor Daario, her brave captain … she will never forget him, no … but better for all of us if he is dead, yes? Better for Daenerys too.”. Sen. The young prince arrived. IntroductionMental disorders are experienced by 10 20% of all children and adolescents worldwide. Sad day all around. (Photo by Ian Walton/Getty Images). I think that’s been described somewhere by Tolstoy: two people promise to call each other by their pet names, but they can’t do it and keep avoiding using any name at all. Trumpets saw the column on its way. Ice and storms and empty promises, these they are not wanting. “Are you deaf?” She spun, the stick in her left hand, whirling, missing. Hmmmmmmm. 9, 1964; where the Rolling Stones played six times, and Michael Jackson performed in 1970 at age 12, when he was just a healthy, talented boy.. The most striking change is visual. I hear them everywhere. Show that you put some effort into what you're wearing (it says the date is important leon oneil mellény papucs győr to you) but you're not trying too hard (which says you're des perate or, worse, slick). Queste scarpe sento come se avessi un po 'di benessere tappetino sotto ogni piede. On Sept. But the yard held darker memories as well. Sometimes you just have to adhere to that old principle, "You need to spend money to save money." Well, I try that line on my wife about six times a year and usually it works at least once maybe twice depending on how the kids are acting. I will find a wet nurse for him and he’ll be raised here at Castle Black under my protection. Azorka was going to run back to us, but grandfather called to him; he ran after grandfather nike air max thea atomic pink and kept whining. “The moment we got in, though, you could see none of it was going to work. La couleur et le cinmascope attirent le public. The miniseries "American Horror Story," a nightmarish saga about a haunted house, received a matching 17 awards, including an acting nod for star Connie Britton. Q: I had a terrible bike wreck in August 2006 and am now on social security. Great skill from kimono long femme grande taille Scott Mooney saw him bring the ball down just outside the box, turn and send in a powerful volley that was taken well by Rhys Redding. Cheesemakers (and former professional actors) Joe and Wendi Arnold built hanorace panda barbati the cheery yellow creamery and host entertaining tours and tastings when not making Hoppin' Mad Gouda, Joe's Hawaiian Shirt feta, and other original cheeses. The world dissolved into a red mist. Here it is that the highest obligation of the Southern Christian lies. 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Along the walls the banners hung: the horseheads of the Ryswells in gold, brown, grey, and black; the roaring giant of House Umber; the stone hand of House biciclete rusesti vechi Flint of Flint’s Finger; the moose of Hornwood and the merman of Manderly; Cerwyn’s black battle-axe and the Tallhart pines. YOU HAVE TOUCHED ON IT A COUPLE OF TIMES WHERE MONEY MIGHT AFFECT JUDGMENT. Chavez Boulevard, Northeast 33rd Avenue/Fremont Street, Southeast 112th Avenue/Mt. Canadian Mountain Holidays (CMH), under permit from the Canadian government, operates two wilderness lodges in the pristine lands of the Columbia Range. Ajay Bijli, chairman and managing director of PVR Ltd, is always impeccably dressed in formals. The waiver cannot be applied to the first $99 of a $120 pair of jeans, for example, but a total purchase exceeding $100 will be tax free as long as such a bill consists of multiple items individually priced below the limit.. He said, "Another part of town, maybe. Though a lucky overlap saw the Dalkeith backs eventually punch deep in evro kalkulator the Northern 22, even with an excellent field position, they couldn't break through. This only increased the drunken fury’s rage. Crunch is dead. The arms most wildlings carry are little more than sticks, thought Jon. I rushed off to Vassilyevsky, and there it was, do, you remember, we met. It's just an awesome. He knew there were true dungeons down in the castle cellars—oubliettes and torture chambers and dank pits where huge black rats scrabbled in the darkness. ��Look at the snow. I perhaps love him too fondly; but I am convinced that I am not a sufficient guide for him. He titled the dress Indian Girls Go to Balls Too. Littering streets and sidewalks. Natasha instinctively felt that she would have mastery and dominion over him that he would even be her victim. During one stop, he used the time to have a closer look at the road. But Taylor delivers more than broad comic book strokes. A few queen’s men stood watching from beside the embers of Lady Melisandre’s nightfire. I like when the trend is something you can buy the authentic version of when it's snowy and nasty and they're built for that.". More recently, the youngest of Lord Yronwood’s daughters had taken to following him about the castle. Get it, girl.. Skipper Dear was pleased with his side's endeavours. Rising to my feet, I angrily grabbed fekete táska női a shell determined to continue the fight. The best of local performing artists with singers, musicians, dancers and actors showing a great variety of original work. “If that fails, you may well need to go to Braavos, to treat with the Iron Bank yourself.”. Across the pit, Viserion’s wings unfolded, stirring the stale air. FUNERAL NOTICE: Funeral services for Max will be held Monday Aug. Another question will arise, Whether, in Christ’s judgment, Mrs. The batsmen allowed England to win the first session and the poor bowlers were left too much to do in the second session. It may not be amiss to describe my deportment towards my servants, whom I endeavor to render happy while I make them profitable. Emily crossed the Queensland coast in late March 1972, just to the southeast of Gladstone, QLD. While in the neighborhood, venture a half block north on San Pablo to Indus Food Center and Halal Food Market, both Islamic providers of Halal meats, poultry, and produce. “Even death is not sacred to a Dornishmen.
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