#i will never shut up about her
fallinginaforrest · 11 months
I'm going insane.
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(Screenshots via @/myhamcake on Twitter, but from the NMT2 episode "Daddy")
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isildurreborn · 4 months
i am not that interested in bridgerton, in all honesty i think its kind of boring at times,, but HOLY SHIT IM SO HAPPY THAT A BIG GIRL GETS TO BE SEXY AND FREE IN MAINSTREAM MEDIAAAAA, like as a person whose always been a little too big for average, and is now just big, IM SO HAPPYYYY, recently this year ive been accepting my weight a lot more and its been making me so much more confident but also get so mad at media and online depictions of people cuz every character is always stick tiny, and if they aint, they get drawn by fans stick tiny. and now we have penelope, getting to be big and sexy and i love it so much.
Thank you nicola coughlan and bridgerton <3
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ttheatre-trashh · 3 months
my girl
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aeroblossom · 10 months
just got friendship 6 with furina, i didn't think it was possible to love a character even more. i've been thinking so much of her. she's just... so beautiful? so beautifully human?
i thought they may not touch on the part where your personae become merged with your self, but they did. i feel very impressed, especially since the self, the soul and the persona are also showcased as themes within the world quests as well. fontaine is a region that tells the reason behind deception, how one may define oneself, the importance of "i", trickery, blindness, devotion, escapism, guilt, betrayal, sacrifice. furina, through her act, blurs the lines between human and god enough to fool even her closest companion. she talks about how her mask began to merge with her true self and that she couldn't differentiate between them, and i felt that. that is one of the most real feelings ever. through her dramatic showmanship, furina showcases something very true to real life.
i'd also like to mention that furina having the power of both pneuma and ousia goes beyond simple gameplay or as neuvillette's thanks. pneuma, inspired by matter, and the word itself roughly means 'soul'/'spirit', and ousia, antimatter, loosely something like 'material'/'substance'. soul and essence. when the two collide, when matter and antimatter collide, an annihilation reaction occurs. furina's pneuma form is her archon persona, while her ousia form is her true human form. when furina's true self began to clash with her godlike pretense, when the two began to merge, furina experienced ego death. the annihilation reaction of the self, if you will.
> It's described by people who have experienced it as a feeling of losing one's self. It is termed so because it has been reported as feeling like a form of dying in which one lets go of their sense of self and identity.
> Ego death is a "complete loss of subjective self-identity".[1] The term is used in various intertwined contexts, with related meanings. Jungian psychology uses the synonymous term psychic death, referring to a fundamental transformation of the psyche.
furina's subjective self has been reduced to dust, hence her instability. some voicelines are bright, cheerful, eccentric as she was before. others are brooding, grieving, tired. exhausted. she still tries. it seems like occasionally she finds a burst of strength to be her bright self, which then comes crashing down again in minutes. sunshine one moment, thunderstorm the next. her character story mentions the lack of motivation she feels, laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling instead of getting stuff done until clorinde intervened. big props to clorinde btw, it is so crucially important that someone like clorinde be around in situations like this. furina exhibits signs of bpd, honestly.
she is genuinely one of the best characters i have ever seen in media, and i can't wait to see her more. i won't ever forget her.
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silverdune · 2 months
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she lives rent free..
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cometblaster2070 · 4 months
when i say that i would die for usagi tsukino i hope yk i mean it like that funky emotional bisexual is my ride or die and i would do anything and everything for her
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maranull · 1 year
Btw, I finished The Druid's Call (Doric's prequel book) and...
Her constant need to be useful, because she thinks that's the only way people will tolerate her.
The way she's unable to trust even her childhood best friend when she jokes about not talking to her again.
The way she expects the absolute worse reaction out of everyone.
The way she reads even the slightest coldness as rejection and abandonment.
The way she sees the loss in the young Owlbear she encounters and the way she's able to relate and help a lonely creature that she was fighting only moments before.
The way she hides the new way she is different, because she thinks there's no way would people tolerate her being both a Tiefling and being able to wild shape into —what they think is— a monster.
Like. Holy hell.
She thankfully heals from that by the end of the book, but god damn. Never, ever, ever in my life have I related to a character more.
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pocketscribbs · 1 year
What made the lemur your favorite?
Well for starters, I’m a sucker for new characters in any type of media, so when I first joined the Sonic fandom as saw this character I didn’t recognize(Tangle), she immediately grabbed my attention.
IDW Sonic Issue #16 was the first comic I “read” that featured Tangle.(I say “read” bc I was really watching a Adrenaline Dubs on youtube) Her personality was very similar to an OC I had made for a different fandom, bubbly, adventurous, loud, excitable, so that was another reason she stood out.
and then I got to Issue #24.
That sealed the deal. Her fun banter with Sonic, slowly transitioning to the reveal of her infection. Her undying optimism and faith in Sonic, the way she kept that confident grin on her face as she single-handily fights off of a town- her hometown of zombots, as the infection crept up her spine- AUGHH! CHILLS!
And really every Tangle moment after that just heightened my appreciation for the character. Her dialogue is fun to read and she’s such a friendly and supportive light to everyone she interacts with. A simple, fun design, with a concept that fits perfectly with the themes of Sonic the Hedgehog.
100/10 character.
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c0smicheartz · 1 year
me when thinking about what sakura could've been
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froschdoesstuff · 8 months
I genuinely love Mazey so much. She was there for very few scenes but she is my beloved, she is my everything. If anything happens to her I will never recover. There will be an influx of Mazey fanart.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 10 months
i always think that debbie gallagher is some niche secret character that only i and my tumblr mutuals know about, but then i realize how popular shameless is and that she is a main character, so the reality of it is that the only reason other people aren’t talking about her as passionately is because most people hate her
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radical-thots · 2 years
I remember being so so proud and happy when Danny acknowledged that what she went through was not love and that the cruelty and violence directed at her by the men in her life, was not okay. I think it was that scene where she’s surrounded by Dothraki widows, and her admitting this in front of them shows how she even wants them to realize that the mistreatment they’ve been through is not okay. Something about that scene was so powerful. I don’t know if that’s because at that moment danny as a young woman was able to recognize the abuse, and call it out, even if it was months later - a reminder that the scars of abuse remains and that the victim will always remember and be traumatized by it. It must have been hard for her because her brother never treated her like a person/human and her husband raped her but he was also ‘nice’ to her - she must’ve been confused like many many victims are about whether it was abuse or not because ‘he was nice right?’. Not to mention, she was a young child when she was married off without consent. Making victims think that all is well even when the abuser abuses them but are also nice to them, is a common tactic that many abusers use. First they hurt u then gaslight u into thinking that ur okay and that it wasn’t a big deal. So, I’m so proud of Danny for standing up for herself, and making it an example for other women, allowing them to have the courage to be free from powerful abusive men. 
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reminiscingtonight · 10 months
Fletcher eras era coming
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friendlyorange · 1 year
Every time someone that I followed posts anti-Taylor Swift stuff I simply feel like this
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rise-uncalledfour · 1 year
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Gristle says hi
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witchhatgnat · 2 years
facts about my transgender warforged d&d pc, Rune:
she is a spores druid who carries around part of a hyper-intelligent, world spanning fungal hive mind inside of her body
this hive mind is her best friend(s) and they talk to each other telepathically
she is also a swarmkeeper ranger, which means there is a colony of bugs living inside her in conjunction with the fungus
her swarm is controlled by the fungal hive mind cordyceps style
she is 4'10" and her body is made of porcelain, and so if you gave her a hug it would feel like holding a warm teacup
she was originally created to work at the infirmary for a college, but she became hyperfixated on the concept of physical sensation and what it feels like to actually have senses. she got fired for asking patients too many questions
then she became the school's groundskeeper while reading every biology textbook in the library
which landed her a job as the resident biology professor and owner of a sick greenhouse in the center of the school's courtyard
she carries around a massive grimoire with her everywhere she goes. it's filled with notes on anatomy, zoology, mycology, and botany, in addition to drawings of plants and people she befriends
the spores from inside of her body leak out regularly, so she always has a halo/miasma of spores around her. this makes her off putting to most people, which netted her a -1 in charisma
to make up for this, she tries to be as kind and hospitable as possible
she took up tea brewing as a way to make friends, and she spent years learning how to make tasty tea only with what grows inside her body
she has a familiar named Archimedes, who currently takes the form of a raven
she once had to go to an island that was anti-magic (including warforged), so she disguised herself. however, her eyes gave away her away, which meant she had to blindfold herself to stay hidden. and because she couldn't see, she had to look through Archimedes' eyes while he perched on her shoulder, kinda like Roswell from TAZ
she has pulled from the deck of many things about 3 times now because she views it as the greatest possible experiment. she has gotten a +2 to both her wisdom and constitution, a near-permanent -2 to all saving throws, and all of her magic items once disintegrated (including an incredibly important plot critical book)
she is the smallest member of the party by far but also has the most hit points and regularly deals the most damage in combat thanks to shillelagh, extra attack, and gathered swarm
she is affectionately known as The Robot Linebacker and The One Hit Wonder
she did her own gender affirming surgery via a magic spell, which she then proceeded to name herself after. there is now a magic rune carved into the porcelain that makes up her sternum
none of the party members have ever seen her exposed skin, except for an ungloved hand on occasion. when they first met her she wore a massive witch's hat and robe that covered everything in shadow besides her eyes. and then later when she switched to wearing overalls and sweaters she started wearing a pitch black funeral veil
she has only wild shaped once in her life, and it was to turn into a worm so she could get inside someone's body
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