#i woke up. checked my phone for 5 Seconds. dropped between the top of my bed and wall
clonewarsahsoka · 2 years
I've just had such an awful fucking time
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All the MTC song trailer snippets are out? What are your opinions? :D I think Rio's is surprisingly chill and I'm still torn on Samatoki's, the lyrics might decide that one!
Heyy did you listen to the mtc album snippets ?
Nope. Let's check them out!
Title note: Presumably from 気骨, which has a slightly stronger-- almost noble-- connotation than English "backbone." Someone with 気骨 never lets anything stop them from doing what they believe is right, and not necessarily in the personal sense like in the English phrases "Grow a backbone." or "They have a strong backbone." As some people in this comments section are noting, it's also possible to interpret the title literally. The back is a recurring image in Japanese fiction; in this case, it represents Samatoki single-handedly shouldering various burdens for those he cares about. People are also drawing connections to the Aohitsugi's death motifs and Samatoki's skeleton speaker.
20 seconds in: Okay he literally just says the shouldering burdens bit haha. I guess that part is canon authorial intent
24 seconds in: "Nobody can break my 'backbone.'" If we assume this should be interpreted figuratively, that's like "Nobody can make me do anything I don't believe in." / "Nobody can break my spirit."
35 seconds in: "My 'backbone' is my true strength." This + the traditional Japanese-reminiscent instrumentals remind me of the Katen-gumi. Iirc they have a scroll hanging in their main office proclaiming their dauntlessness, an attribute Samatoki embodies well imo.
53 seconds in: This is a mean-spirited thought, but I always find it funny when Samatoki's like "This god damn city is broken and filthy... *takes a drag from a cigarette*" when the god damn city in question is one of the most affluent in the world.
64 seconds in: With that said, it's nice to see him acknowledging the positive presence he has in Yokohama and vowing to rid it of... whatever ills are plaguing it... taxation and ne'er-do-wells with illegal mics, no doubt. An Ichirou-esque sentiment.
71 seconds in: Props to Asanuma for rhyming jinsei and shinsen so well. "My life is always fresh; this is still just the prologue." Samatoki being receptive to growth? You love to see it. With that said, it's interesting to see the discrepancy between the two ideas of "It's time to change." and "My core values will never change." as we see in this song. I'm not sure how that'll actually play out in canon, so we'll have to wait and see.
Overall: That was fun! It had a nice beat. I look forward to hearing the full song when it drops.
Title note: ??? 目覚めた? Like, "I'm woke af now"? Haha let me see what this song is actually about and then come back to this...
Side note: I was staying with a friend-- a buddy from the old scanlation team-- when this song preview dropped, and she was keeping me up to date with this song's delayed release drama. When it finally dropped, she was like "YOOO SLUG, LISTEN TO THIS" and turned her phone waaaay up, blasting the sonorous tones of Mr. Komada into our not at all soundproof hotel room, immediately alerting me to two things: 1. I was not awake enough for this. 2. The illumatic Iruma Jyuto was IN the building and, at that volume, probably in every floor of the building. Anyway, I'm still not awake enough for this, but let's go.
5 seconds in: Love the horns. Very MTC and very Gen III Pokemon. Yokohama 8/10 too much water
20 seconds in: hey hey heeey
30 seconds in: I appreciate the technical skill involved, but I am not comprehending one word of this. I'm going to have to look up the lyrics when I'm done fr.
Overall: Seems fun to rap! Once again, looking forward to the full song.
Top YT comment at the time of writing: Juuto: Y'all never seen me like this before! Me: Yeah, no shit.
Scrolling through the comments: Spare lyrics, ma'am? Spare lyrics for the poor? Jesus, there are some thirsty-ass mofos in this comment section...
Well, I didn't find any lyrics, so here goes watch 2 with a lot of pausing, I guess. Hmm the gist of the chorus seems to be "I'm not fucking around anymore" which-- like someone else has pointed out in the comments-- is kind of how Juuto's been since day one...? I'm not sure what's changed. I suppose the biggest difference would be it's no longer "I'll solve this problem" but "we'll solve this problem." I do like the opening of this first verse: When someone makes bad choices, who's left smiling? Who's left grieving? What is right, and what is wrong? Can that be something for every person to figure out for themselves? Here's another interesting bit: I used to think I didn't have any interest in colluding with other people-- it was more like mutual exploitation. But then I joined hands with a couple of like-minded people, and now we share the goal of victory. Yeah, it seems like the biggest changes here are Juuto embracing teamwork, which hell yeah. Opening up and trusting other people with his mission, in turn taking on their missions and incorporating it into one singular goal? That's baller.
Title note revisited: yeah I guess deadass this is "awake" in terms of "I'm woke now" haha. Or like, "I've come around to [the power of friendship]"
5 seconds in: Oh, now I get why someone on the Samatoki video called this "Riou's baby-ass song"
22 seconds in: I was NOT prepared for the autotune. I think I'm a little too tired because I found this really, really funny.
30 seconds in: "Conflict isn't entertainment; it's not a show." YOU TELL 'EM, RIOU.
44 seconds in: I always really, really appreciate Riou's unwavering distaste for warfare and conflict even as he considers it something worth devoting his life to. I would sincerely love it if the authors were to ever dive into why Riou has such dedication towards serving in the [whatever] army and whatever cause they were fighting for, but I don't think that's the story the authors want to tell. We probably just have to assume it's for whatever Riou considers to be a morally good cause.
49 seconds in: Ignoring the rhyme-induced silliness of "my buddies are my turret," I like the thematic consistency of each MTC member stressing that they're not alone anymore--that is, that they've given up on their self-imposed solitude--and they have each other to rely on and trust with their backs.
53 seconds in: "Practically brainwashed puppet soldiers" Oh?? Mind expanding on this a little, Hypmic? Again, I doubt the writers are keen to delve into the causes of WWIII or why Riou joined up at all, but the suggestion of propaganda or coercion being involved is tantalizing.
65 seconds in: I like the bit that goes (paraphrased): "What can you see when you look out of your binoculars at base camp? Rifles, revolvers--is that it? Instead of obsessing over who's strong and who's weak, why not be soldier who prays for peace?"
Overall: The lyrics are vaguer and more platitudinous than is my preference, but I fully recognize that my interests in this topic are outside of the scope of the story the writers want to tell. Which is fine! The music is pretty chill; I think I'll like this song when it comes out in full.
My favorite YT comment by a landslide: Thank god he's not making us work out again.
Thank you very much for the asks! :D It's fun to check this stuff out, and I probably wouldn't have done so otherwise.
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Draken's Brother Part 5
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Something didn't feel right to Takemichi. When he left the bathroom in (Name)'s hospital room, he expected Chifuyu to be on watch. Since Taiju was guarding the door from outside. But when he walked out Chifuyu wasn't there.
He checked on (Name) real quick then, then cracked open (Name)'s door. He saw Taiju...but it looked like he was sleeping. Wait. This might be the attack! Takemichi closed the door quickly. He wasn't sure if he should lock it. Cause what if Chifuyu came back?
Takemichi checked for his phone before he realized, he left it with Chifuyu before he went to the bathroom. So that means....Takemichi can't contact anyone. Oh no. He can't contact anyone. Wait...didn't (Name) have his phone on him, when he dropped?
Takemichi opened the closet where he knows, Draken put (Name)'s stuff in case he woke up. Laying right on top of his clothes, was (Name)'s phone. Takemichi let out a sigh of relief. Wait. He opened (Name)'s phone.
64% was left of the phone's battery. Takemichi slumped into the seat beside (Name)'s bed. Okay so he had some type of contact with the others. Takemichi thought for a moment before calling his number. It rang for a few seconds before he heard Chifuyu's voice.
"Hello? (Name)?" "No it me. Where are you?" It was quiet for a few moments. "Hinata called your phone while you were in the bathroom. She said she it was an emergency. So I came to help. I thought if I did it. The future would change since you're still with (Name)."
He had a good point. According to the future, it was Takemichi that had left (Name) by himself, to help Hinata. But since Chifuyu and Taiju are helping. (Name) won't be by himself. Takemichi heard the door open. But when he turned expecting a doctor, he was met with a male in a mask
He knew that this was the attack. "Chifuyu it's starting! Get here quick!" Takemichi immediately closed the phone, and stood protectively in front of (Name)'s bed. He wasn't going to let anything happen to (Name). Not while he's here.
The masked male stared at Takemichi and laughed. "This is all Toman could spare? Looks like I can knock you down with one punch. It was hard knocking out the ex black dragon leader. This will be easy!"
Before the guy could even throw the first punch. The hospital room door opened. Revealing a very pissed looked Taiju. "So you thought you knocked me out huh?"
Takemichi could tell this wasn't going according to plan. He could see how the guy froze up. "Good thing that vice-captain warned me." Wait. Chifuyu warned Taiju? "He told me the cry baby's girl friend had an emergency and you bastards would try something."
Takemichi let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. So Chifuyu didn't tell Taiju anything. Just warned him. The masked male looked between the two. Takemichi had a feeling of what was gonna happen.
(Name) was safe behind him. The male would have to go through both of them, to get to (Name). They weren't gonna let anything happen to him. The masked guy clicked his tongue. "Great. This is gonna take longer then I was hoping."
The male pulled out his phone. Taiju already knew what the male was gonna do and snatched his and quickly, punched the male. Knocking him out and onto the ground.
A few moments later the door was kicked in. Many Toman captains entering. Draken quickly made his way to (Name) checking him over before relaxing. Draken turned towards Taiju and gave a deep bow.
"Thank you for protecting my brother!" Many members behind him bowed as well. Mikey walked up to Takemichi, face and arura serious. "What happened Mitchy?" Takemichi then explained what happened after he left the bathroom.
"But after he pulled out his phone Taiju took his phone and knocked him out. We have him tied in the bathroom." Mikey nodded along and waved Draken and Baji over.
"You two can interrogate him. I'll have Kokonoi come and see if he can recognize him. Mitchy, did the guy happen to have anything on him?" The air turned colder when Takemichi pulled out a syringe.
"He had this. We think he was gonna use it on (Name). Other then this, he didn't have anything else." Mikey nodded. Not taking his eyes off the syringe. Something clicked in Mikey's mind.
"That liquid...." Mikey snatched the syringe from Takemichi then ran to (Name)'s tubes. "I knew it!" Mikey quickly pulled out the tube connected to (Name). Draken, Baji, and Taiju immediately started yelling.
"OI! Mikey! Put that back!" "The fuck Mikey!?" "You better put that fucking back!" Mikey silenced them when he turned showing the how the liquid in the syringe matched the liquid being given to (Name).
"The reason (Name)'s Omega is gone. Is because it's being medicated to stay gone." Wait do that would mean-"The fuckers are on the inside too." Takemichi paled. If they're on the inside. Then there's no telling what they've put in (Name).
Draken slowly made his way over. Looking at the medication being pumped inside his brother, and then stared at the syringe. "How long has this been pumped into him?" That made Takemichi remember something. "A nurse changed his bag about 30 minutes ago."
Draken clinched his fists. Baji spoke up breaking the gowing silence. "What does this mean?" Draken turned tears going down his face. "(Name) might have lost his Omega for good." Nobody said anything. Eyes wide open. Jaws dropped. Hearts broken.
They knew what that meant. If (Name) doesn't have his Omega, he won't survive for long. Baji marched towards the bed. Teeth gritted. Fists clinched. He looked down at (Name). He looked so ill. "What if I mark him?"
Heads snapped to his directin. "What?" Draken was surprised by the question. Baji sighed heavily. Running his hand through (Name)'s hair. Pulling it away from his face. "I asked. What if I mark him? Would it bring his Omega back out if he's there?"
The air was so heavy. Draken thought about it. What if (Name) was marked? What would happen? "I don't know. I never thought about that honestly." Baji brushed his lips against (Name)'s forehead. "I swore that I would love (Name) no matter what."
Baji turned around. "I will stand by that statement." He then got on his knees and bowed to Draken, his head hit the floor making many members flinch. "I Baji Keisuke, ask you Ryuji Ken, permission to mark Ryuji (Name)."
Everyone stared at the first captain in awe. Nobody had ever seen him like this. Mikey stepped up beside Draken who was too shocked to speak. "Baji. Do you know what your doing? If this works you won't be able to ever go back."
Baji took a deep breath. "I've been in love with (Name) since we first met. The way the light would always shine on him just right. The way his laughter made me feel so warm and happy." Baji looked up seriousness write all over his face.
"I truly love him. He completes me. So please." He bowed again. "Let me mark him." Mikey placed a hand on Draken's shoulder. Catching said males attention. Draken looked heart broken for a moment.
"I-I give you permission." Baji bowed deeper before standing. He turned and made his way back to (Name)'s bed side. Everyone watched with anticipation. Baji pulled his hair back, and moved (Name)'s hair away from his neck.
As Baji unwrapped his sent gland, he saw the other bite. It wasn't deep but he knew this was gonna hurt. Unconscious or not. Baji took a deep breath, letting his fangs extend. Baji took one last look at (Name).
Then he bit down.
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If you want to read others. Click HERE
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vad-hander · 3 years
Pairing: Jaebeom x reader
Genre: Series | Eventual Smut | Angst | Fluff
Warnings: break up, cheating, strangers to lovers, mentions of drinking
Words: 3.3k
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
You opened your eyes in fear. Your head was about to break in pieces and it took you forever to work out where you woke up.
It was your bedroom. At least you woke up in your bed, you thought happily. You tried to sit up, feeling as if your head weighed thousand kilograms. You looked around trying to remember how you got home, pointing out as well that you felt completely fine except for the headache, just in case anything could’ve happened to you physically.
Jaebeom, you remembered that you were with him last night. You gasped, lifting your blanket off your body to check what you were wearing. A shirt.
You tried hard to remember if you changed clothes yourself, doubting it highly. He probably did it for you. Did he see you naked? You felt the heat of embarrassment on your cheeks. What if he didn’t leave and is in the living room now…?
You tried to stand up, noticing a piece of paper on the table. Reaching out to grab it, you read “drink water and take the pill, I’m sure you’re dying from hangover right now. ;)” your eyes moved lower to the corner of the paper “p.s. I closed my eyes when you changed clothes, I promise.” you chuckled and grabbed your head in pain right after. You took the pill, gulping the water hungrily. You plopped your body on the bed, grabbing your phone to scroll mindlessly. Your fingers automatically found contacts, scrolling through the phone numbers you had, pausing on the letter J, seeing how Jaebeom saved himself as “Jaebeom, the guy from the bar”. You opened the chat box , thinking what possibly you could text him. Should you even text him first? Your fingers automatically typed “thanks for getting me home.”, deleting it right after. “hi, it’s y/n, thank you for taking care of me.” you typed another message, thinking for a few seconds if you should send it. Quickly exiting the chat, you lowered your eyes on the letter J noticing “Jeno👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻”. Your fingers quickly opened the chat with him, feeling the fear of seeing whatever message from him. But the chat was empty. The last message was sent by you and you felt even worse now noticing how it was read after you caught him cheat “Jenoyah, babyyyyy, happy birthday my love. I’m so happy to have you in my life and I wish you all the best because this is what you’re deserving. Can’t wait to see you and cuddle you to death, birthday boy <3”. He didn’t even try to reach out to you, he didn’t even try to apologise. You threw the phone to the bedside table, turning on the bed to hug your pillow and hide your face in it. You shut your eyes, feeling like tears could flood your pillow any second. Jeno is a cheater, what if he cheated before? Now you weren’t sure he didn’t do it before. Jeno didn’t even regret it. He didn’t try to contact your or explain anything to you. He just disappeared and now you had to pretend he never existed.
You rested your body against the mattress of your bed, suddenly getting a flashback.
/You moved your face closer to his, losing the balance and dropping your palms onto his thighs. Jaebeom’s arms caught you by wrists right before you smashed your face against his.
“I think you’re a bit too drunk now.” he chuckled, helping you back into the stool.
“Isn’t it a great day to get drunk?” you smiled wildly.
“It’s a Saturday, just a normal Saturday, at least the last time I checked.” he spoke to you seriously, covering your drink with his palm when you tried to grab it.
“I guess you checked too many hours ago. Today we’re celebrating my sudden freedom, fun, right?” you giggled hysterically. “A great day to be thriving, I was dedicated and loyal this whole time. Turns out it’s a waste? I could’ve slept around even while I was in a relationship, turns out it didn’t matter.” you spoke into nowhere, focusing your gaze on the wall of bottles. “I really wish I knew so I didn’t feel too hurt and too surprised right now. Do you know that it actually hurts? Do you know how much it actually hurts?” you turned back to Jaebeom, finding his beautiful brown eyes with yours. He blinked, blinked multiple times and kept quiet. You felt as if he gave you a chance to speak, a chance to get everything off your chest and he was the only person you could talk to right now and you felt thankful in the deepest sober part of you, you were endlessly thankful to Jaebeom. “Am I this useless? I met Jeno three years ago through a friend and he immediately became someone I always wanted to have in my life, someone I’d like to travel the world with, someone I’d die for and I was ready to die when he straight up ignored me for three years. First he was acting like I never existed, like no girl existed and I asked everyone around if he had a girlfriend but he didn’t. And I guessed it just wasn’t the time for him, I patiently waited and we became friends, we became close. We were so close he even asked me to get him with my friend, and I did because I could never say no to him. But they never fit, I knew they wouldn’t, maybe that’s why I was too keen for it, I hoped he’d see that we actually fit. And when they broke up in three months he came to me. I thought he came to talk, to maybe I don’t know what I thought. But he just asked for another friends phone number and then I just broke down in front of him. I told him that he’s mean and blind, that he asked me for all those things when I liked him so much and even loved him by then, and showed him all of it the whole time. And you know what happened?” you asked him feeling the tears in your eyes. You wanted him to answer this time, and he felt it, speaking.
“You began dating?” he cleared his throat before speaking. You nodded and pursed your lips.
“We did, he apologised so many times, he said he never thought I’d like him like that, he said sorry so many times I couldn’t believe this was even happening in real life. He stayed the night, and then the other, and he stayed all the nights there were, and days too, we’ve spent every day together. In a month he said we should tell everyone we’re together, I thought I was in heaven. He treated me nicely, he treated me the way I wanted him to, but to be fair I had nothing really to compare him to. But I waited for so long maybe I was blinded by it to see signals?” you chuckled and your eyes noticed that his hand let go of the glass, and you grabbed it, quickly taking a sip. “In five months I was barely seeing him, he just began disappearing, constantly, I’d only see him twice a week, I was scared and I told him I am, but he apologised again, and said he just got busy with life. From then up until today we were seeing each other regularly, yes, sometimes like the night you saw me for the first time… but we’d come home and he’d tell me I’m the one… and that mattered to me, and I guess it shouldn’t have. Because even with spending time with me he found time to cheat…” you gripped onto the glass. You looked Jaebeom deeper in the eyes, seeing sympathy, compassion? “Why am I giving a speech to you?” you chuckled suddenly trying to switch your mood in a click. “I’m sorry I’m like that.” you wiped the tear.
“It’s okay, we all need to get things off our chest sometimes, and I was the one who told you to do it. You needed it, I hope you’re a little bit better.” his fingers found the back of your palm, caressing lightly. Both his and yours eyes fell to where your hands met, raising back up to look at each other.
His burning touch and even more burning gaze made you want to do questionable things. Things you weren’t able to allow yourself to do yet in the morning. The movement of his fingers made your insides tickle and you slid off the chair you were sitting on. You felt your body get excited when you turned your hands around, laying your palm on top of his. The heat rushed over your body and you were scared he’d notice you turn red if you’ll get any closer. The amount of alcohol you consumed was the only thing that kept you from getting a stroke when your fingers ran up his hand, feeling up his soft and warm skin. Your eyes traced your fingers because you were too scared to see Jaebeom’s reaction, not feeling him move or tense up. It felt as if he froze. When your hand got to his biceps you wrapped your hand around it, finally lifting your eyes to meet his, that immediately moved to meet yours. He turned his body towards you, spreading his legs more for you to stand between them. You moved your hand even higher, feeling your fingers get under the shirt and having to let go of him for a second to rest your hand on his shoulder. You felt your heart beat in your ears, only thinking how he said he liked you. Maybe it was your turn to take chances? Not wait and sulk until someone picked your hopeless self, but to take your life in your hands, be wild, bold, young and alive? Jaebeom suddenly laid his palm on your waist, pulling you in closer between his legs, forcing you to hook your hand around his neck. His other hand found your cheek, rubbing it with his thumb. His eyes burned into yours and it felt like you stopped breathing at all. You leaned in but stopped, being too scared even though you had nothing to regret or be afraid of. “Do you like me as a friend or as a woman?” you didn’t find anything better to ask before you’d embarrass yourself.
“I like you as a person.” his fingers moved to your hair, brushing it behind your ear.
“What is that supposed to mean?” you replied before you could think.
“What do you want this to mean?” you felt his fingers run down to your neck, caressing it lightly. If this didn’t mean he liked you what did it mean at all.
“Kiss me.” you said baldly, watching his reaction. His eyes smiled with satisfaction, and he pulled you in closer, leaving only 2 centimetres between you. Your second hand wrapped around his neck too, and the electricity between you two made it impossible for you to keep yourself on your feet. Your mind focused on him only, you could not hear or see anything around you except for Jaebeom. He lingered, running his eyes all over your face, stroking your hair. Finally, he got closer and you shut your eyes in anticipation. You could smell him close to you, unconsciously brushing your fingers trough his hair. You felt him leave a warm kiss on your cheek and move away. You opened your eyes and your first intention was to smile, but then reality hit you and embarrassment took over you. You were wrong yet again in reading signals. He didn’t mean it and he was just kind to not reject you completely. You felt tears form in the back of your eyes in a span of a second, pulling your hands in swift motion from him.
“I’m sorry.” you mumbled and felt your face get red. “I’m too dumb.”
“No, no, don’t run away.” he protested, grabbing your hands and clipping you between his legs.
“You don’t have to make excuses, I’m okay.” you chuckled pitying yourself once more.
“It’s not that, I’m not making excuses, you just broke up with your boyfriend, you’re trying to make me someone you’ll regret sleeping with when you’ll get sober, and the last thing I want is our relationship to die like it was a stupid drunk hook up.” his hand got back to your cheek, and he pulled you in, forcing your drunken body to fall against him and hug him. “Let me take you home, you’re too drunk, I’m scared you’ll pass out soon or will do something silly. What if you’ll try to kiss someone else instead of me?” he chuckled and you felt his fresh breath on your face. Did he not drink at all? You wondered. “I don’t think that someone will hold back, I’ll get jealous and will fight.” he moved his face closer to yours again, making you think he’d kiss you. “Let’s go home.” he just whispered.
“I’m not drunk.” he chuckled and nodded “I’m serious. You can kiss me if you want to, I won’t regret, I swear.” you might’ve sounded a bit too desperate but you were drunk and you could’ve just told him it was alcohol if he’d reject. You really were as desperate as you sounded by now, feeling no shame only knowing if he’d let you go to bed like that you’d lose hope in yourself completely. “I won’t go anywhere without that.” you brushed your hair off your collarbone. Jaebeom laughed loudly at that.
“Because you won’t remember?”
“No, because I’ll have written confirmation I won’t be able to brush aside.”
“You’re carrying paper with you for such instances?”
“No, but I have a pen.” you painted with your finger, reaching out into your bag and taking few seconds to find it. “Here!” you showed it to him.
“Okay, and what and where are you going to write?” his eyes sweetly looked at you and your insides did a flip. His fingers moved on your waist, while his other hand got back to your neck. You looked around, trying to find a piece of paper.
“Here.” you grabbed Jaebeom’s hand by fingers, laying it on the bar and running your fingers through inner side of his lower arm.
“My arm?”
“Your arm.” you nodded.
“What are you going to write?” he chuckled.
“This.” you sighed, beginning to draw words letter by letter on his arm.
“I, Y/n, want Jaebeom to kiss me, sober or drunk.” he read out loud when you finished.
“Want a sign or is it eligible enough?” you lifted your eyes at him.
“Eligible enough.” he chuckled and grabbed your face in his hands. “Are you normally this cute or am I able to enjoy your cuteness only because I never met you sober?” both of his hands were drawing small circles with his thumbs on your cheeks. Your eyes trembled because of his touch, almost closing when his finger ran over your lower lip. Your hands wrapped around his neck and you felt him push you in and lay his lips on top of yours softly. He didn’t move for a second, slowly moving his mouth against yours in a moment, not pushing or pacing, just making your heart beat out of your chest. His tongue slipped into your mouth when you opened it inviting him, and a low groan left your throat accidentally, letting him know you enjoyed it very much. You weren’t planning on being too open about it, but the drunken state of you broke your plans and he pulled you in closer, wrapping his hands tighter around you. You tried to run your hand down his chest, to wrap it around his body, but Jaebeom made it impossible with the way he held you. Your tongues moved in unison until he pulled back, pecking and licking your mouth multiple times before finally letting go. You held in a disappointed moan, killing the will to hug him once again as well./
You did what? No, you didn’t. You sat up immediately. You grabbed your phone, not knowing if calling him would look as if you were pushing boundaries and asking for more? We’re you in position to do any of that or were you meant to wait until he’ll text you first? You pushed the phone back off, hiding your face in your pillow. You groaned loudly in disbelief. You wrote on his arm that you wanted him to kiss you. Were you out of your mind when you wrote that? Oh, you definitely were, after all those drinks you definitely were out of this world. Your fingers ran over your lips, reminiscing on how his lips felt on yours. It felt nice, but you couldn’t remember for sure. And now, the only thing you wanted is to kiss him once again when you’re sober to remember it vividly./
Your phone made a sound taking you back to reality.
from: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“I hope you took the pill and feel better.”
You read, sighing loudly. He texted you in the morning… that’s o positive sign, right? It definitely is, you quickly opened the chat, texting him back.
“I did”
“thank you for the pill, and for everything you did too”
You texted him back quickly, seeing him reading it immediately.
from: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“You replied”
“So you really don’t have any regrets”
“Or don’t remember a thing”
So he did remember, you should’ve guessed he did, but you couldn’t remember how he got you home.
from: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“I took a picture of your message in case you forgot.”
“Want to see?”
to: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“no, thank you.”
“how did I got home?”
from: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“do you want to see me?”
“with me, I drove you.”
“I thought you guessed that by my note.”
to: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“I did, I just thought you ordered a taxi.”
you only replied.
from: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“so you do see me as a mistake?”
to: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“no, no, I told you I won’t regret”
“I liked it”
“I mean, hanging with you.”
“I liked your company.”
from: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“I liked kissing you too.”
You choked on air.
“let’s meet tomorrow?”
“I want to see you sober.”
“tell me what time you’re free.”
You didn’t read his messages, taking some time to process his words.
“don’t ignore me, I know where you live. You even told me the code. I’ll find you and will make you go eat with me.”
to: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“aren’t you working tomorrow?” suddenly you realised you didn’t know if he works, how old is he, what is he even doing in life.
from: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“I’m on freelance, I can find time for you.”
to: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“I’ll text you in the morning, okay?”
from: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“Can’t wait to hear from you.”
let me know what you think ❤️
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hopeless-ro-simptic · 4 years
Familiar Cerulean Eyes Pt. 4
Click here for other parts. Part 5 
Warning: This shit gets intense. Not smut but like character almost dies. Be prepared. Dabi’s alpha really comes out in this one. He angry boi. 
Word Count: Just under 2.5 K 
Taglist:  @skzero-99 @superblyspeedydragon @jparra4587 @flyingowls @emrysaaryn @imuziawi @sheedaabee @peculiarinsomniac @littlelovebug98 @plutoneu @giftofwonder @kitty-kat-ash @fukyouthink @anarchys-bnha-mess @threbony @orenjineki @toobsessedsstuff @bamf-barnes
You woke up from your nap, your neck stiff, to the annoying sound of Dabi’s phone going off for what you were pretty sure was the third time in five minutes. Whoever was trying to contact him really wanted his attention, and he wasn’t giving it to them.
Instead you watched with wide eyes as the annoyed villain gave another meaning to burner phone, watching the melting plastic drip onto the floor, holding it from the top of the phone so not to get the melted plastic on himself. He was sitting up on the bed and looked absolutely done with whatever was going on with that phone. Running his hands over his face pulling his skin with a deep sigh before he noticed you watching, replacing his expression with a smirk as he pulled out a cigarette lighting it with his finger and placing it between his lips before leaning back against his forearms.
“Good morning, Princess. Well I guess I should say good night.” The shadows on his face being exaggerated by the lamp next to his bed by his cigarette tray. He was just in an old tattered wife beater at this point, the hoodie piled up on the corner of his bed like he was using it as a pillow. It was only then that you noticed his singular pillow was tucked between you and the armrest of the chair you were in, and the furry blanket draped across your body. You could help but sniff it, shocked that it smelled brand new and unscented. For some reason you pouted at that. Which he didn’t miss.
“H- ahem… How long was I out?” You’re throat was dry making your voice scratchy and you were silently grateful when he reached out to you, handing you an unopened water bottle.
He hummed thoughtfully to himself glancing at the window, blowing out a puff of smoke that started to collect in the air. “Maybe five hours? I tried to get you to move to the bed and stretch out but you’re pretty mean when you’re asleep”  
“I’ve been told that before,” You stood up out of the chair, letting yourself stretch out and folding the blanket up neatly on the chair, pretending like you didn’t care about it, the butterflies erupting in your stomach. You could feel the eyes of the alpha in front of you drag along your body, slowly taking in what was before him. There was nothing you could do to stop him, and after your nap your omega was starting to wake up and was enjoying the stares for once. It did feel kind of nice that someone thought of you like that, like you were something worth looking at. You tried not to dwell on it. Instead you located the snack bag, riffling through it to locate something to eat, the alpha next to you as he continued to puff smoke out like an angry dragon, making lazy circles in the air.
Finally, after some deliberation, you picked out a candy bar, turning and leaning against the dresser facing the door and opening it. Your stomach ready for food, your foggy brain, however, was not prepared for the door in front of you to collapse suddenly in ash, the number one villain in Japan standing behind it, five fingers up where the previously standing door was, rage in his blood red eyes. The stench that enveloped the room could not be mistaken for anything other than a very angry and pissed off alpha.
Dabi reacted quicker than you, jumping up in between you and the offending alpha with a snarl ripping through his throat.
“What is this? Playing hooky with some dumb useless omega? Can’t keep it in your pants, Dabi, long enough to answer my calls?” The tall and lanky blue haired alpha stepped into the room menacingly, and while Dabi was easily bigger than he was, you knew that the other alpha outranked him. That he was more dangerous.
“Get out, she’s mine.” The smell in the air was choking you as the two alphas pumped out enough pheromones to coat the entire block, along with the smoke emitting from Dabi’s body, his temperature rising and blue flames appearing in one of his hands threateningly. Your omega let out a loud chirp realizing the situation. You were in a very small flammable room, with two pissed off and very dangerous alphas. That were about to fight because of you. And you had dropped your candy bar.
Shigaraki moved first, he reached for you, but Dabi reacted faster, grabbing your wrist and spinning you behind him the opposite way past Shigaraki, thrusting his enflamed hand out towards the alpha, essentially switching your places, the lamp providing the only light in the room other than the light from the hallway outside being dusted in the process, Shigaraki hissing in pain at being touched by Dabi’s fire before he started laughing maniacally. You could smell the fear coming off of yourself as you stepped back into the door frame. You realized this was it, you could run. But you weren’t sure you would get very far. You hesitated not sure what to do, your omega chirping wildly as you searched for an answer.
Dabi continued his onslaught of fire, burning scorch marks into the walls as the blue haired alpha dodged. An annoyed hiss leaving his lips. “Kurogiri!”
Shigaraki moved again, this time disappearing into a black mist that appeared in front of him. You could hear Dabi snarl out whipping around to grab you, but he was too late. Four fingers were wrapped around your throat from behind you, and you could smell the distinct scent of ash and decay radiating off of the alpha that had you trapped. The room went silent other than your whimpers that you couldn’t control. You had heard very little about Shigaraki, but after the USJ incident, Shoto had talked about the villain who could dust anything or anyone with just a touch of five fingers.  At the time you had thought the villain was scary. With how shaken up Shoto was you thought you understood what he was trying to explain. But being here, in this moment, with your life just a finger from ending, you truly understood the extent of the fear that those kids had gone through. You weren’t even sure if this villain’s quirk would work against you, but you didn’t want to test it.
“Maybe next time you’ll answer your phone instead of entertaining a stupid little omega whore.” You couldn’t even feel the tears streaming down your face, your voice had gone silent. You never smelled anything as sour as the fear radiating off of you. Not even when Endevor had engulfed you in fire for the first time when you were just a pup to test if your quirk would protect you.
“No! Please!” The look on Dabi’s face was heartbreaking. The sound of his voice cracking at seeing you like this, about to die due to his negligence, echoed around the room. The word ‘please’ ringing in your ear, almost as loud as your own roaring heartbeat.
For some reason, that word made Shigaraki pause, glancing with confusion to you behind your back, and for some reason, that brief second made you realize you didn’t want to die seeing Dabi with that look on his face, it reminded you so much of a look that another alpha had given you so long ago. So you did the only thing you could do in the moment to make him feel better.
Dabi doesn’t think he has ever heard a purr so heavenly. You sounded like an angel. Like a siren desperately calling him out to sea. He didn’t think he would ever listen to another purr again and enjoy it, with one noise you had ruined him. It was sad, scared, but beautiful and comforting and all at the same time, even with the current predicament you found yourself in. It was all that his alpha could do to return your purr with an attempt at a calming scent, one that he hadn’t emitted for a long time, and it was a shaky attempt at best, but your omega could still pick up on the change in the smell of the air. You closed your eyes, purring louder and focusing on that spicey warm smell of cinnamon, letting your mind wander back to the one of the last times you had smelled something so nice.
“Leave her alone!” A growl came from the young red headed boy in front of you, he was getting closer and closer to presenting age and his secondary sex was growing stronger by the day. There was no doubt now that he would present as an alpha. Endevor was proud.
He was also annoyed at the pup’s disobedience.
Endevor shoved you to the ground, you chirping softly and curling in on your self as you looked up at the two males.
“You want me to leave her alone? Then prove to me that you can handle this. Do it Touya. I want you outside in five minutes, and you are going to get that move perfected or she becomes target practice.” Endevor turned to leave at that point, sending one more glare in your direction before muttering. “Prove to me there was a point in wasting the money on this runt.”
Immediately Touya dropped down in front of you, pulling you into his arms, checking you over for injuries.
“I’m fine… Touya I’m fine.” You pushed him off of you. For once in your life you were upset at him. Angry. And he couldn’t understand why.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I should have stopped him sooner. I just am too weak to over power him. I promise I’ll get stronger.”
“No! That’s not what I want! I just want you to be safe! Stop trying to prove that you can do this stupid move. Do you not see what it’s doing to you?  Touya you are burning yourself up! You are going to end up hurt in a way that might not be fixable!” You stood up, brushing yourself off, ignoring the bruised pain where endevor had you held up by your throat. Ignoring the way your eyes your eyes burned with unshed tears. You couldn’t protect Touya if he was so worried about you all the time. You had to suck it up.
“Y/N,” Touya’s face looked completely torn. All he wanted to do was to be good enough for you, and if it meant hurting himself just a little he would do it.
“I have to Y/N… I have to get stronger, to be able to protect you.”
He pulled you back into his arms, placing soft little kisses to your cheeks, releasing the calming scent of cinnamon that he knew you liked so much. He would do whatever it took to keep you safe. He wouldn’t let you cry anymore. He would do whatever it took to protect you. To give you the life you deserved.
You threw yourself into Dabi’s arms, a sob leaving you lips the second that the fingers detached from your throat. He collected you into his grasp, hugging your face to his chest, lightly pressing his lips to the top of your head, petting your hair soothingly as he glared daggers at the other alpha who was watching in awed confusion, his fingers tearing at his neck with scratches.
“What the fuck is your problem?” He was angry. He was livid. He was going to kill him for scaring his precious omega.
You couldn’t help yourself, your omega wanted comfort, from the only person in the room that would give it to her. You leaned up on your tip toes and nuzzled gently against the alpha’s scent glands, inhaling the scent of cinnamon, smoke and whiskey, trying to calm yourself down. Earning a soft strangled sound from the alpha’s throat.
“Get out!” He wasn’t going to say it again, you were finally warming up to him and it was because you were terrified. He hated that it was in this situation but all he wanted to do was to make you feel better. All his alpha wanted to do was worship you.
The blue haired alpha was scratching his neck in thought, watching the exchange between the alpha and omega in front of him. He could tell she wasn’t bonded. Hell, she wasn’t even scented by him thoroughly it seemed, yet the alpha in front of him was acting like she was more than just some groupie he found to warm his bed. As far as he was aware, Dabi had never shown any interest in an omega other than to deal with his ruts, and they usually didn’t want anything to do with him after that, screaming profanities that could be heard throughout the compound that was the leagues base where most of them stayed. In fact, Shigaraki was pretty sure Dabi never brought anyone to his personal shithole of an apartment, always stating that he didn’t want them to stink up the place.
Dabi leaned down, running his nose against your scent glands in return, cooing softly in your ear that everything was okay. You were okay. He was going to kill him and that everything was okay and then the two of you could take a nap and relax and everything was going to be okay.
For some reason, the threat didn’t even phase you.
Finally, Shigaraki groaned in annoyance. His fingers stopping their itching as he turned to the beta Kurogiri, who you just now registered was there, mumbling something quietly to him before snapping at the couple in front of him.
“If you want to play house then do it on your own time. We have a mission to do.”
“I’m not leaving her unprotected” Dabi snarled back the tension in the room still thick, causing your omega to curl further into his arms until you were flush against him, your face hiding in his neck whimpering soft pleads for him to protect you. You knew within three seconds that you much rather cuddle up against the murderer in your arms than have to face the hand covered alpha that wanted to rule the world.  
“Fine, fine. Then bring your pet. I don’t care.” Shigaraki turned and slipped into the black mist that was Kurogiri’s portal, another one appearing underneath you and Dabi, swallowing you whole as you let out distressed chirps.
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made of gold (reader x myg) (*SFW*)
can be read as gender neutral!
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tags: fluff, dating, insecurity , slight angst, happy ending, can be read as gender neutral, reader wears a bit of makeup
warnings: none
word count: 2.3k
the liquor had gotten to your head.
your boss had insisted on a round of drinks tonight to celebrate the project that had just wrapped up, but no one in the team was in the mood. but knowing his head-strong approach, all your co-workers merely glanced at each other unhappily when the clock struck 5 and got up to follow him.
fast forward three hours and here you were, drunk off your ass in a neighbourhood far from your own. it was friday and you didn’t have anywhere to be tomorrow but you weren’t in the mood to sit in a taxi for the half hour it would take to get back home. you were feeling nauseous as it was, stomach uneasy from too many cups of coffee and the all-nighter you’d pulled in preparation for today’s presentation. it had all gone well, it always did knowing your team. but you were a worrier, and the last few weeks of working on this project had done bad things to you. forget the possible promotion your boss had hinted at, you just wanted to get by without liver damage for the rest of the weekend.
“hurry, hurry.” you told the first cab driver that pulls over. you glanced nervously over your shoulder, hoping your boss doesn’t spot your face standing on the sidewalk. you had made up such an elaborate lie to get away before they left the bar for a second round.
drunk and tired, you didn’t realize the address you told the driver isn’t your own.
you just got out at the corner and pay, bowing goodbye absently. then you turned around, fumbling when the passcode for the front door doesn’t work.
“what the fuck.” you muttered under your breath. you sighed and pressed a hand to your forehead. don’t say i forgot the passcode.
you turned around, wondering why your female roommate’s voice was so deep today, or why she was just getting home now, too. but then you felt it. two warm, sturdy hands that clasped your upper arms. and then you saw them. dark, gentle eyes, hidden under a baseball cap and a mask, but you would recognize those eyes anywhere. you smiled. “when did you get here, baby?”
yoongi cleared his throat, cheeks turning a bit pink. in your drunkenness, you forgot yoongi isn’t baby, not yet. it had only been about three months of flirting between you two, more phone calls and top-secret dinner dates than anything serious. you understood that. yoongi’s a big man, and you were just lucky enough to have met him through a mutual friend.
you were simple and he was charming, but for whatever reason, he looked at you like you’re made of gold.
“this is where i live, y/n-ssi. remember?” yoongi reminded you lightly. your mouth fell open dramatically. ah. you fucked up. no wonder you’d felt a little funny telling the driver your address.
“oh. oh!” you blurted, looking around quickly. your eyes searched for any lingering people, cameras in bushes, that type of thing. suddenly, you felt a lot more sober. “shit. i’m sorry yoongi-ssi. let me just—”
you pulled up an app on your phone, ready to call your roommate to come get you instead of risking lingering around and being caught. but before you could do that, yoongi’s hand gently tapped your shoulder. you turned and he was standing with the door half-open. “just come in.” he said, hand trailing down your arm to take your hand in his.
blushing like a teenager on their very first walk of shame, you follow him past the lobby to the elevators. you can’t help but be a little shocked at all the marble and sleek steel around you. of course you knew of bts before you met yoongi, but you worked a very busy corporate job that made it hard to have hobbies. but even with all the small promotions you had gotten in the last ten years, you knew you would never afford luxury like this. min yoongi was rich rich. you realize.
when you glance at him, you suddenly feel nervous. you had been upright with him since day one about keeping the flirting polite and secret. you had a good job of your own and were very independent. yoongi liked that, he’d told you multiple times. you both liked to take relationships slow, mature and sensible adults as you were. but now you’d done it. you’d showed up and invaded his space, without the two of you ever discussing “dating”. as far as you knew, you were just another fling of this big superstar. perhaps you were making him uncomfortable? you two hadn’t even held hands until now.
you looked down at your clasped hands. yoongi was looking at something on his phone to bide the ride up to his floor. he was dressed in simple black sweats and a t-shirt but there was a rolex on his wrist. if you moved your wrist just a little, the cold sweat on your body would smudge the glass. are those diamonds? like real fucking diamonds? you wondered, staring at the shining jewels around the glass.
“something wrong, y/n-ssi?” yoongi asked. you jolted, pulling your hand back.
“n-no! nothing at all!” you replied a beat too late, mind still fuzzy. man, you really needed a nap.
yoongi looked down, where his rolex-clad hand dangled by his side. then he pulled his mask down, chewing his upper lip. “do you want me to drop you home?”
just the mention of getting in a car had you feeling nauseous. his home was even further from your place than the bar had been. and now that you know that min yoongi is rich rich, you can’t risk it. god, what if i threw up on his, like, hand-crafted leather seats or something?
the elevator dinged and slid open to reveal yoongi’s floor.
you followed him quietly down the long, marble hallway to the very last door. yoongi’s apartment. he glanced at you as he tapped the numbers into the electronic lock. you looked away sharply at the plant outside his neighbour’s house instead. you hadn’t seen the code, so why did you feel so guilty?
“sorry to intrude.” you said as you enter his home. yoongi didn’t reply, just nudged the pair of guest slippers towards you with his foot. you took off your shoes, watching yoongi with a bit of awe as he strode into the house and turned on the lights. was his back always that broad?
“what did you do today?” you asked, cringing at how it sounds like a question a partner would ask.
the sound of the fridge opening and closing answered you. a second later, yoongi appeared behind you. he lightly tapped your elbow as he came around you to sit on the large sofa. you followed, sitting down at the edge of your seat.
“i worked in the studio today. we’re preparing for our new album.” yoongi answered in short but polite sentences. he opened a can of beer in his hand. “how was yours? you mentioned you had a presentation today.”
you flushed. you couldn’t believe he remembered that, you had told the deadline for your project that weeks ago. “it was good. we went for drinks afterwards.” you explained, your leg bouncing at your side. “what do you usually do when you get home?”
yoongi set the can on the coffee table. he leaned into the sofa, facing you. “depends on the schedule we had that day. if i’m tired i’ll just eat, wash up, and go to bed. if i’m feeling good, i do all of that plus a drink or two.”
“you feel good today?” you asked, your heart jumping to your throat when he smiled against the cushion.
“yes.” yoongi answered, eyes not leaving yours. “i do.”
you cleared your throat. a notification popped up and you glanced down at your phone, happy for a split second away from yoongi’s eyes that make you feel hot inside. your roommate was asking where you were. “my roommate can come get me soon.”
“i’ll order us something to eat. text her once we’re done eating.”
you nodded numbly, looking at the can of beer on the table rather than at yoongi. alcohol really was the bane of your existence. you were so embarrassed to look this way in front of yoongi.
you and yoongi engaged in some more small talk once he ordered food. he asked you what you would like to watch on netflix and handed you the remote to put it on. in the meantime, he said he would go get your food. you felt embarrassed when he said your food. it was a reminder that you showed up uninvited and that he was probably just too nice to kick you out.
your sadness seemed to amplify the tiredness. without knowing, you drifted off in the few minutes between when you put the show on and yoongi’s return.
when you woke, there was something soft but firm in your face like a pillow. it smelled like laundry detergent and feels warm and cozy. you buried your face into it, sighing in comfort. a moment later, you felt fingertips gently card through your hair. was that your roommate pulling you in for one of her random cuddle sessions?
you adjusted again, pushing yourself up against your pillow. you were about to drift back asleep when a deep voice filled your ears. “do you want to eat yet?” yoongi asked.
you startled, sitting up as fast as you could. you looked down, horrified. you were laying on top of yoongi’s chest, your head having been tucked in the space between his neck and shoulder. yoongi, who had been scrolling on his phone until now, turned his phone off at your worried expression. “what is it, y/n-ssi?”
you grabbed your own phone off the coffee table to check the time. it’s 10:30 now. your roommate was probably asleep by now. and here you were, still drunk and laying on top of a man who wasn’t even your boyfriend yet. shit, shit, shit.
“i’m sorry. i really need to leave.” you said, climbing off yoongi. your eyes catch on an unopened pizza box on the armchair next to the sofa, feeling extremely guilty. this was terrible. you ruined everything.
yoongi was kind, too kind for you. he took you in despite the risk of cameras catching you outside his apartment. he bought you dinner just for you to fall asleep and not let him eat it. your own place was too far from here, a taxi would cost a ton. and on top of it all, you weren’t even dating. what the hell were you supposed to do now?
“i’ll drop you.” yoongi’s voice was back to normal, no longer sleepy. as expected, he didn’t try to make you stay. whether that was out of courtesy or just because you were annoying to him, it burned. “but aren’t you hungry?” he asked.
on cue, your stomach grumbled.
yoongi laughed. “sit down, i’ll warm some up for us.”
the two of you ate quietly, awkwardly.
when you were done, you stood up. fuck it, you would have to pay the big taxi fare and endure the nausea. you couldn’t bother yoongi anymore. so you said a quick thanks for dinner without looking him in the eye, ready to run for it.
“y/n.” yoongi’s voice stopped you. “are you sure you want to go home?”
yoongi’s cheeks were pink when he looked at you. he scratched the back of his neck. “you can spend the night here, if you like.” when your eyes widened, his did, too. “i have a guest room. a guest room with a bathroom and everything.”
still drunk and crushing too hard on min yoongi, you smiled. “okay.”
but as you took a step towards him, you nearly slipped on the polished surface of the hallway. you groaned as he caught you, embarrassed. you were going to kill your boss for making you drink this much.
steadily, yoongi guided you to the guest bedroom and sat you on the bed. you wait for him to return and when he does, it’s with a packet of makeup wipes and a brand-new toothbrush still in its pack. purple. you noticed as he set the latter on the duvet. interesting.
you startled when his hand cupped your face, guiding you back to look at him. “close your eyes.” he whispered, face only a few inches from yours. you let him wipe off the light makeup you wore every day to work. when you opened your eyes, yoongi was giving you that same look from earlier. like you were something special, something whose true value only he knows. like you were made of gold.
your eyes fell to his lips. you inhaled, ready to take your chances.
yoongi closed the space, kissing you sweetly. his hands cupped your face, and yours wound around his broad back. it felt perfect.
when you separated, the two of you were breathless. seeing each other’s flushed faces, you laughed together.
when you come back from borrowing yoongi’s shower, the lights in the house were off except for yoongi’s room. he smiled as you slid into bed beside him. he reached over you to turn the lights off, then pulled you in against his side. your heart fluttered when you felt him tuck the duvet in around you.
“yoongi?” you asked. under your ear, his heartrate got a little faster. he must’ve thought you were asleep. “we’re—we’re a thing right?” you ventured, hoping all of this was real. that min yoongi wasn’t the kind of guy who could do this for every fling.
yoongi laughed under his breath. “obviously, baby.” he replied, kissing the top of your head. you smiled as you fall asleep beside him.
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hes-writer · 4 years
Summary: y/n catches harry live streaming a show
Warning: smut
Word Count: 2293 words
University was no joke. It’s expensive for sure. Harry had a full-time job at the beginning of the semester working at a cafe near his flat. He soon found out that that wasn’t the best idea. Maybe because he didn’t manage his time right or it was simply too exhausting for him to work late hours when he had to take mandatory morning classes. His next solution was more--risky per se. 
Harry had always been confident with his body. He ate well; loading up on fruit smoothies and veggie shakes every morning to accompany him on his early morning workouts. The sweat beading in between his toned pecs made him revel in the accomplishments of self-care, washed away as he palmed his face underneath the stream of the locker room shower. His wet curls stuck to his small ears as he pulled his sweater over his body, exiting the gym with a bag slung over his shoulder, plucking a peace sign to the person at the front desk as he left the building. 
It started off as a blog; posting pictures of his body that he worked hard on. The narcissist in him craved the compliments of strangers drooling over his muscles and shapely body. Sometimes the messages he received were explicit, but he also couldn’t help the arousal flowing through his veins as blood pumped towards his cock. Thus, the next part of his routine was to go home to his flat and strip his body off of his clothes. His webcam would be switched on with a push of a button, his long fingers floating over the keyboard as he signed in to his account. 
Speaking of, the meat between his thighs plumped up with the lingering thought of user ‘sweetgirl112’ messages last night. How much she wanted to tuck his thick length in her mouth, how much she craved to feel his large hands adorning her body. God, she had such a way with words and here Harry was with an erection pudging up in his lycra leggings. An outline of his mushroom head visible through the tight material. He played with his bottom lip as he waited for the traffic light to turn green. One hand tapped against the steering wheel in a rhythmic pattern, his mind drifting away to how it would feel like to have those pleasures within his reach. 
But he didn’t. 
He rushed off from his seat, quickly locking his car and keying the front door to his flat. Harry was hornier than usual today, thanks to sweetgirl’s lovely messages from last night. Harry rolled his eyes at the effect the stranger had on him. He dropped the chain dangling from his fingers on the bowl beside his door, sighing with excitement as he toed off his runners. 
On the couch, Y/N snoozed with her mouth agape, hair messily splayed across the pillow he provided her. He almost forgot she had slept over last night during their movie night. She insisted to sleep on the sofa despite Harry offering his bed to share between the both of them. In the end, both of them slept on the uncomfortable cushion cuddled up into one another. The distance between them was non-existent but Harry found it endearing the way Y/N cuddled up into his body in order not to fall off the edge, snuggling into his chest with a quiet snore after jolting when one of her legs tumbled of the border. 
Nonetheless, that meant that Harry had to tone his volume down a bit, keeping a keen ear to make sure his noises don’t wake her up or arise any alarm from his friend. He crouched down beside her sleeping face, waving a hand over her eyes to make sure she was still in a deep sleep. 
“Hope yer’ having sweet dreams,” His thick accent made the words stick to his tongue, lazily drooping like honey. Harry pressed a kiss to her forehead, ignoring the way his heart thumped as she smiled slightly in her sleep, humming with satisfaction and cuddling closer to the pillow clutched between her arms. 
Adorable, Harry thought. 
Soft footsteps tiptoed over his bedroom, shutting the door gently. He stretched his arms to remove the black sweater over his head, ruffling his curls in the process. His nose hooked at the opening, muffling his breath for a bit that had him tumbling down on the end of his bed with a slight bounce. Harry is clumsy.
He managed to remove the rest of his clothes without further trouble, leaving him in his boxers briefs and socks which he would take off when he got situated in his office chair situated in front of his computer. His set up was on the corner of his room, facing the door. It was a bit odd at first but Harry learned to make it work. 
Harry pushed two pumps of coconut-scented lotion into his large palm, lathering his upper body with a subtle sheen, moisturizing his biceps to appear shiny. The excess cream was rubbed along the nape of his neck, massaging the tense muscles along the way. A swift glance at the time at the bottom corner informed him that he had five minutes left until his scheduled show would begin. In preparation, Harry gathered the items he might need during his session. A bottle of clear, water-based lube, a bullet vibrator that recently joined his collection of toys and a silicone cock ring that looked to be a struggle to fit around his plump dick. He set the items aside on the table in front of where he would be sitting. 
Harry chewed on his bottom lip, hands grasping the width of his hip as he opted to check on Y/N again. She was a heavy sleeper and the show will probably take around thirty minutes to do, minus the foreplay and all of that. It was still pretty early in the morning too; around ten-thirty, surely she’d stay put till then. He peeked his head through a small gap in his door, craning his neck to catch Y/N shifting just in time to rest on her other side. 
Pretty soon, the webcam displayed a green dot at the corner and his screen was loaded to a  black screen. The chat indicated that there were currently twenty people watching him. The total viewer count increased with each passing second that had Harry grinning to himself. Once the camera was adjusted to where it cut off around his neck, he sat back in his spinny chair, splaying his wide palms on his muscly thighs. 
20 seconds left.
Harry could feel his cock grow in his boxers, the anticipation of his fans commenting on dirty things that they would like to do to him left his imagination endless. A blurt of precum stained the inside of the fabric, dotting the area a darker colour. He sighed deeply, wide eyes watching as the countdown changed.
In a blink of an eye, Harry’s toned body was showcased on the screen, allowing him to view what his viewers had the pleasure of viewing. The ‘LIVE’ sign blinked repeatedly. 
“Hello,” Harry drawled out purposefully using a deeper tone to set the mood. “How are you today?” His fingers stayed hung over the armchair, griping it slightly when comments started rolling in.
“How’s my baby? Are you needy for me?” He found that the best way to ensure as much of connection between his viewers was to speak as though it was a one-on-one conversation. “Because I am,” A hand crawled towards his crotch where his half-massed dick rested on his upper thigh, the head prominent against the tight briefs. 
Making sure to keep his face out of view, Harry leaned forward to read the remarks.
User12314: i love your tattoos
User48529: what i’d do to have my hands on you
He chuckled to himself, rubbing up and down to tease himself and them even more. Various 'pings' littered the room with Harry thanking each of them as much as possible. 
“I’d love to have my hands on you too,” He gave his cock a gentle squeeze, sucking a breath through his gritted teeth at the sensation. “Wanna feel your body on my skin,” Harry released a throaty groan as he shifted to pinch at his nipples, “Would ya’ let me touch your breasts? I bet they’re soft and perfect for my hands,” His thumb rubbed circles on his top two nipples, shivering slightly.
One palm cupped his balls, thumbing at the middle as the other continued the ministrations on his chest. This went on for a couple more seconds until he pulled his hands away to rest on the ferns tattooed on his hips, rubbing the skin there sensually while he spoke, “Y’wanna see my cock? It’s so hard for you,” The head twitched twice, forcing an involuntary moan to leak from his plump lips. 
User09321: yes please
He sighed at the message, his stomach burning with the need to just wrap his fingers around his dick and jerk it till he cums. But he couldn’t do that—at least not yet.
Y/N woke up from her slumber, dizzy and discombobulated about where she was only to realize that the ache in her lower back was caused by Harry’s uncomfortable couch. Her phone buzzed beside her; an alarm to wake up to watch a show. Not just any show—a filthy, dirty cam boy who hadn’t left Y/N’s mind ever since she discovered him for the first time a few days ago. She was drunk on wine and barely remembered what the live stream had contained. He was hot, that much she knew. 
He wore a dark red sweater that covered his body which Y/N found quite adorable. Yet at the same time, his fist peeked out from his bunched sweater paws to desperately tug at his cock while endless whispers and groans flowed from his mouth through the speakers. His covered body arching against his seat, the walls behind him a plain white. Apparently, he was feeling like a sub that day and asked permission to touch himself like a good boy, pleading to cum. His audience couldn’t resist the whine in his deep voice, shooting streams of cum on his sweater, staining the fabric and probably ruining it forever. 
Just before the live stream ended, he reminded everyone when his next show was--today-- and in her drunk daze, Y/N must have set up a reminder on her phone, completely forgetting that she was to hang out with Harry the day before. She rubbed the ball of her palm against her eyes, willing away the sleep on her lids. Sitting up on the cushion, she looked around Harry’s apartment to find the curly-headed boy. 
“Harry?” She called out, checking his kitchen to find it empty. She went to his bathroom to freshen up, picking up her toothbrush that Harry had sweetly brought her after Y/N stayed at his place more times than both of them can count. After spitting out the foam pooling in her cheeks, Y/N dabbed the corners of her mouth with a soft, fluffy towel. 
As she exited the bathroom, Y/N opened up the web browser in incognito mode, refreshing the link from a few days ago. The page loaded slowly, enabling Y/N to continue searching for Harry. She absent-mindedly walked to Harry’s closed bedroom door—the last place she had yet to look. Her phone produced a muffled sound when it finally loaded. She rapidly typed out a comment to send.
“Can’t take it anymore,” The man said, “I‘ve gotta touch myself but I’m wishing it’s you wrapping your hands around m’cock,”
Y/N could feel her thighs tighten, standing in front of Harry’s bedroom. 
Sweetgirl112: touch yourself for me daddy. i wanna hear you say how good it feels
Harry growled upon seeing the message and its user,  pulling the fabric down and letting his dick hit his skin with a faint slapping sound on his flushed stomach. Shaky fingers teased his length, tracing of the prominent veins that pumped his cock with blood. “Mm, it feels so good, love,” His thumb spread the liquid seeping at the tip, making sure to lube the head of his dick for a smooth stroke. 
With distracted thoughts, Y/N pushed the bar handle down, a gentle bump knocking the door open.  
She couldn’t believe her eyes when the loading screen on her phone mirrored the sight in front of her; Harry’s head thrown back, resting against the head of the office chair. Her phone cut off at the veins stretched over the expanse of his neck. His heaving chest glistening with sweat and the faint smell of coconut lingered in the air. His fist pumped his long cock up and down, squeezing at the tip to produce a dollop of wispy pre-cum. Closed eyes blocked his vision from Y/N standing frozen on the door, gazing back and forth towards the device on her sweaty palm to the even hotter view right in front of her.
A resonant sound of ‘pings’ pulled Harry out of his pleasure, lifting his head with the aim to thank whoever tipped him but was taken aback by the sight of his friend at his doorway.
“Oh shit,” He mumbled, impulsively clutching his full balls cradled between his fingers. Harry’s green irises were hooded, observing Y/N’s face with such intensity that it made her want to cower back. His two-front teeth grazed his bottom lip before parting his sweet mouth in a silent gasp at a particularly good stroke. “Wanna join me, baby?”
Let me know what you thought!
Permanent Taglist: @splendidsunsetx @swagmoneymaya @luviewoo @textingharry @arypesanchez @theresthingsthatwellneverknow @sunguines
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aewhore · 4 years
Yes sir. ~Kenny Omega x reader. (NSFW)
This is pure nasty ass smut. I'm talking pure PWP!! NO UNDER 18′S ALLOWED!!! Hope you enjoy :D   
Word count: 2500
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Open the box on the desk in my office and be wearing nothing but that when I get home.  
Delivered at 09:35
That was the text you woke up to from your boyfriend, Kenny Omega. You checked the time and saw you only had twenty minutes before Kenny would return from the gym. You quickly ran to the shower to scrub up before rushing to Kenny's office. As soon as you enter you see a rather small box on Kenny’s desk, it's already been opened presumably by Kenny before he left. You open it and let out a gasp at its contents. it's a small pink buttplug, it's made of glass and feels cold to touch. It has a crystal heart at the end, looking at it made you heat up at the thought of the heart being the only thing visible when the plug was buried inside of you. You look back into the box to see a small bottle of lube and a pink leather collar with white lace around the edges. You hold the collar in your hand as you feel how sturdy but lightweight it was, it has a small metal loop at the front of it that has a tag attached to it, you flip over the tag to see it’s engraved with ‘Kitten’  and has a small white bow with a bell on it above the tag. You break out into a smile as you put everything back into the box and go back to your bedroom.  
You quickly strip as soon as you enter your bedroom. You grab the collar out of the box and latch it around your neck at the perfect tightness to know it's there but not too tight that it hurts to breathe before grabbing the lube and laying on your back to massage the lube up your thighs and onto your awaiting hole. You slowly start to tease your entrance with a finger, gently easing yourself in. This part was always the most tedious part so no wonder Kenny left it for you to do. Once you got to the knuckle with one finger you slid a second one in, You moan at the stretching feeling, you loved this part, the feeling of your fingers disappearing into your tight hole and you started to thrust your finger more aggressively as your moans built. You knew you weren’t allowed to orgasm until Kenny told you so but you continued to build the pleasure until he came home. Once you could comfortably scissor your fingers you knew it was time to ease in the plug. You reach over to the box and grab the cool glass plug and apply a small amount of lube to it so it did not get too slippery.  You ensured you didn't have any tension in your body as you regulate your breathing before you started to prod your hole with the tip of the plug.  
Your mouth falls open in a cross between a gasp and a moan as you slowly slid in the plug, Your hole opened to accommodate the girth of the plug as it slid beautifully into you. Once the plug was in you could feel your hole grip around the base of the plug almost trying to pull more into it. You smiled as the cool feeling spread to the hot tight walls of your ass. You lay on your back for a few moments just basking in the feeling of having your hole being stretched by the plug. You reach down to feel the crystal heart sitting snugly against your hole, you move it slightly and gasp and the feeling of the plug stretching your hole even further. You hear your phone go off again. You reach over to see its another message from Kenny. 
I also want you on your knees by the door, I'm 5 minutes away. 
Delivered 09:55 
You smile widened when you realized that Kenny was in his Dom headspace. You sit up on the bed and gasp at the feeling of the plug moving with you. You and Kenny had done anal before but normally he would use his fingers to stretch you out, you had never used toys in your ass before but judging by how you felt right now you were going to be suggesting this a lot more often. Walking down the stairs to kneel by the front door proved to be slightly more challenging than you had hoped as you had to pause to catch your breath every few steps, the pressure slowly building in your lower abdomen with every movement of your body. You finally get to the door and kneel in front of the door on the hallway rug, you bow your head and fold your arms behind your back in anticipation for Kenny’s return.  
Hearing keys rattle in the door sends a cold chill down your spine and it feels like time slows down. From your bowed position you can see the door open and Kenny’s leather dress shoes enter. He drops his bag at the door and hangs up his coat. “Well, isn’t this a sight for sore eyes” you're now shivering with anticipation as you feel Kenny’s eyes drinking in your appearance. He starts to circle around you like a predator that has caught their prey and now is toying with them before they go in for the kill. You feel the tip of his shoe gently nudge the plug and you let out gasp from the pressure. “Come on kitten, show me what I paid to see, hands and knees” The arrogance in his voice mixed with the pressure in your ass was causing you to become so wet you knew Kenny could see it as you bent forward onto all fours. You hear a click as you whip your head around to look over your shoulder to see Kenny standing back with his phone in hand taking pictures of you on your knees with the heart shaped plug in your ass. Noticing your body going tense all of a sudden, Kenny does little to calm your nerves. “Calm down kitten, these are for my eyes and my eyes only.” 
Your body relaxes as the clicking continues until the room becomes silent. The suspense builds again as Kenny walks around to stand in front of you. “Back onto your knees now kitten, I have something I want to show you.” You quickly sit back as you arch your neck to look up at Kenny as he towers above you. You watch as he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a pink leather leash, matching the collar you were already wearing. You bite your lip to stop the moan of anticipation as the smirk on Kenny’s face grows. He takes a knee in front of you as he clasps the leash onto the collar before standing back up and giving the leash a few tugs to test the leashes strength. Kenny starts to walk towards the living room, tugging at the collar to signal for you to follow. You struggle to follow behind his long strides as you crawl on all fours before you reach the living room. He takes a seat on the leather couch while you sit by his feet with your head resting against his knees, Kenny starts to lightly run his hand through your hair and you can't help but sign with contentedness at the calming feeling of being completely submissive to Kenny. Kenny chuckled at his little kitten purring when he caressed your hair. He cherished these soft, sweet moments when you were both in your sub/Dom headspaces but never lost sight of the love and admiration between the two of you.  
Kenny pats the seat beside him and tugs the leash as you rush to jump up onto the seat beside him. You sit on your knees as Kenny wraps the leash around his fist until you start to be pulled to lay across his lap with your face pressed into the couch. Kenny holds you in position with one hand holding the leash but his other hand begins to roam from the top of your spine, down your back and grabs a handful of your ass. He stretches your hole slightly, causing you to gasp and shudder as he starts to pay attention to your throbbing hole. “You're enjoying this aren’t you?” Kenny asks as he continues to massage your left ass cheek before moving to the right one and showing it the same amount of love and attention. You were lost in the wonderful feeling of Kenny’s massage before your suddenly brought back when you felt a hard smack against your already sensitive ass causing you to release a surprised yelp. “I asked you a question, kitten. I expect an answer” Kenny growls as he pulls the leash to turn your head so when you spoke he could hear you as clearly as possible. “Yes Kenny, yes I love it, I'm enjoying it.” you pant out as the surprise of the strike washes over your body when suddenly he strikes your bare ass again earning a second yelp from you. This strike was harsher than the first. “Calling me by the wrong name, kitten. That's strike 2, 1 more strike and you don't want to see what happens.”  
You’re grasping at straws as you try to string together an apology for your mistake as your entire body tenses and relaxes in aftershocks of the two quick, harsh strikes it has just received. “I-I’m sorry S-Sir. It w-won’t happen again S-Sir.” Kenny seems to be pleased with your apology as he returns to massaging the now red skin of your ass. “I accept your apology Kitten, but you need to be taught a lesson. And that lesson is that you need to respect me. I am a kind man, I'll let you choose your punishment, would you rather I spank you and I keep count but you'll get more spanks or you count each spank out loud with fewer spanks but while counting you have to say ‘thank you sir’ with every spank?” You knew with Kenny it was about the quality of the strike, not the quantity but You spoke before you really thought about it so as to not show any further disrespect. “I’ll count them sir.” You say with about as much confidence as one can muster up before they're about to get spanked. “Are you sure kitten?” Kenny asks with a softer voice but still maintaining his commanding tone. “Yes sir.” You say making eye contact with Kenny to see his face break out into a sadistic smile that he always made look so good.  
The first strike came and you quickly realized what a punishment you had ahead of yourself. “One, thank you sir.” you say as the tingling feeling returns to your burning ass cheek. The second strike comes faster than you were expecting but you were still able to clearly say “Two, thank you sir.” he allowed for you to settle down before he delivered the third strike and once it happened you knew immediately why he allowed time to build up. He had perfectly aligned the edge of his palm to collide with the heart of the plug causing it to thrust painfully into you but the aftershocks of the strike were toe curling pleasure. You gasp as you attempt to find air to catch your breath. Kenny’s hand snakes into your hair to wrench your head back as a sign to start talking. “T-Three, Thank you Sir.” Kenny releases your hair and you fall forwards to rest your head against the warming leather of the couch as you put all your weight on your forearms. Kenny returns to massaging your now dark red ass cheeks as the pain and pleasure combo creates a tightening coil in your abdomen that's begging for release. The next strike knocks the air out of your lungs. You let out a scream as he just barely hits your soaked pussy and your vision dots with white. “F-four, thank you sir” Your voice is muffled in the couch when you lose the strength in your arms to keep yourself supported. Kenny grabs the leash and pulls back so you're lifted off the couch by your collar. He began to tut at you “Kitten.. Lets not make this harder than it has to be, you're so close to finishing… So we’ll do that one again” He pulls the leash even tighter so your ear lines up with his mouth when he growls “and this time i want to hear you, nice and loud.” He drops the leash and you immediately fall back onto the couch but focus all the remaining energy on supporting yourself on shaky arms. The spank occurs at the same spot but you have an even more intense reaction. “Four, Thank you sir” you damn near scream as soon as you can breathe again. “Good girl, now last one” Kenny coos as his hand settles on the plug to toy with it for a few moments, you're now panting trying to get more air as your panties become so wet you can feel it dripping down your thighs. Kenny lays in the last strike and your eyes roll into the back of your head as your nerves short wires and your whole body trembles as you struggle to keep yourself up. “Five, T-Thank you, S-sir.” You choke out before you collapse onto Kenny’s lap. 
Kenny massages and lays gentle kisses on your now nearly purple ass cheeks as he begins to whisper sweet nothings to your slowly recovering body. “You're so perfect Kitten, you did such a good job taking all those spanks. You’re so beautiful. I love you so much Kitten” He punctuated every remark with a kiss or a caress as you caught your breath. You could feel Kenny’s hands move from massaging your ass to your thighs then up towards your soaked pussy. “Did you get this wet from your punishment Kitten?” He asks as he runs a finger through your slit to wet his fingers. “Yes, Sir. Only you can make me this wet” You moan as Kenny sinks one of his long, thick fingers into you and you know you wont last long with the pace he is thrusting into you at. “Oh I love how your pretty little purrs sounds Kitten, I think you have earned a nice reward” He slides a second finger into you and begins thrusting at the perfect speed, his fingers are the perfect length to hit your G spot every time, while the girth of his fingers stretches you in such a delicious way. Your orgasm hits you soon after when the coil in your abdomen snaps and a flush of wetness floods down your thighs and onto Kenny’s crotch. 
He carefully reaches up to your neck to unclasp the collar to take it off of you before he turns you over in his arms and cradles you in his arms as he lifts you off the couch and begins to walk towards the bathroom. “How does a nice, warm bath before naptime sound Kitten?” You nuzzle into his chest as you mumble out an approval of Kenny’s idea. He laughs at how cuddly you always become after an intense orgasm. He kisses the top of your head and he thanks god or whoever is listening that he has such a perfect Kitten in his life. 
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blujk · 2 years
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Lmk if you want to be added to the tag list!
I woke up the next day, and the first thought that came was being thankful that I didn’t have to work today since it’s the weekend. I start doing my usual morning routine to start my productivity. I finish washing up and put on some sweats. I walk to my desk and check what I have to do for the day. One of them being me editing my video of recording a normal day for me. I let out a sigh, get up and make my way towards the kitchen. I start to think about what I should make myself and become indecisive, because honestly, anything and everything sounds pretty good to me.
I open my fridge, grab two eggs, bacon, and take out the rest of the stuff I need for my breakfast. I take out the pan and wait for it to heat up. While waiting, I see two separate twitter notifications, and one from weverse. I clicked on the one for weverse and my eyes widened.
“Ooooohhh mY Gosh!!! No WaY!!?? Esto Es BRomA?!?!?!? ( trans: is this a joke!?!?!), I won the raffle?!?!? I’m gonna talk to TXT????” I scream at the top of my lungs, my hands shaking and my heart beating so fast. Forgetting I have my stove on for a second.
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I take a deep breath to calm down and start making my breakfast, still shocked and processing what just happened.
I finished making my breakfast and calmed down for a bit. I take my food and utensils to the table and start eating. I had my phone screen facing up and remembered that there were two twitter notifications.
I clicked on the first one, which happened to be a dm from Big Hit reaching out to me. I was shocked and was about to reply when I thought, ‘Hmm… this is too good to be true, maybe their account is hacked. I’ll just ignore it.’ I clicked on the second notification and my jaw dropped. Yeonjun had posted pictures and replied.
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Throughout the whole day I was working on editing the last bit of my video and got it ready to upload for Monday- which coincidentally happens to be when TXT releases their TO X DO episode hehe. I finished everything and even did a few tiktoks. By the time I was done with all that the sun was setting. I sigh and take a seat on my couch, and while I was editing one of my tiktok videos, my stomach grumbled.
“Wow, did I really miss lunch?” I said out loud. I felt too lazy to make anything and search for take out and have it delivered to my apartment. While waiting, I decided to clean up a bit and put on my comfy clothes. The second I took a seat, my phone notified me saying that my food was delivered.
“Ooh Yas food’s here!” I make my way to the door and open it- thanking the person who delivered my food and speed walk back to my couch. I turn on my TV, and search for any funny video of TXT while I’m eating.
I opened my food which was some fries and spicy chicken burger and dug in, “MMM yAs.” I said with my mouth full.
I finished eating my bomb burger and switched to watching a TO x DO episode that I missed this week. I heard my phone go off, and it turned out to be an email from one of my students, and it read that they had canceled their appointment with me for Monday. Turning off my phone I go back to watching TO X DO and suddenly the thought of Jake comes into my mind.
“Nope, nope stop it. Nothing’s going to happen between us.” I told myself. I shift my focus to the TV, trying so hard to take my mind off Jake.
Tag list: @magicalstudentwhispers
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vslattae · 3 years
ɪᴛ ᴀʟʟ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴄ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴍᴇ ᴀ ᴋᴘᴏᴘ ɪᴅᴏʟ...ʙᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ɴᴏᴛɪᴄᴇᴅ ʜᴏᴡ ᴏɴᴇ ᴏғ ʜɪs ɢʀᴏᴜᴘᴍᴀᴛᴇs ᴘᴀʏᴇᴅ ᴀᴛᴛᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ..
Paring: Taehyung x Reader
Warnings: ...tae kisses y/n but then something happens.., slight fluff, a little angst, taehyung finally isn’t a dick for a phat second,...and yeahhh new character yes.
ᴀʟʟ ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ɢᴏ ᴛᴏ ᴠsʟᴀᴛᴛᴀᴇ
UNEDITED. i just wanted to throw a curve ball :)
Chapter 3. Well now what..
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you’ve been in the car for a little over an hour or two...Jk took over driving while jin and haru made themselves comfortable in the middle row of jins mini van rented by the company. Which left you and Tae in the very back.
You of course were struggling to sleep and even attempting to get comfortable laying your head against the window and thinking about the messages between you and haru before you left. See...you telling taehyung your feelings is like letting him win. Sure he was heavily a dumbass but you as time flew by you noticed how much he payed attention to you..it’s like he can read your mind half of the time.
Behind all those snarky remarks and dreading the times taehyung flirted with you, it was drastically easy for everyone else to notice how much you really didn’t hate Tae.
Taehyung noticed how uncomfortable you were only because you kept mumbling and tossing and turning in your sleep. So common curiosity he carefully picked your head up off the window and placed it on his shoulder so you could peacefully fall asleep.
“thank you tae” you whispered. He was shocked that you weren’t actually sleeping yet. He of all people other than your brother and Haru knew you were a deep sleeper among everyone else. See...sometimes Taehyung wished you spent more time with him so this lovely 5-6 hour drive in the middle of the night was the closest he ever got to you.
“ of course y/n, sleep you need it” he placed his cheek on the top of your head and finally drifted to sleep too until...jungkook pulled over behind namjoons car because everyone needed a bathroom break and jimin was hungry.
The lights came on and you arose from the short nap...only to find your head on Taes lap his arm around your small petite body and of course he was still sleeping. The company must have overworked him for the last comeback.
Glancing as his sleeping figure, you finally noticed how undoubtedly attractive he was. His long lashes, soft lips that were partially opened and his soft curly brown hair that almost overflowed his face, the quiet snores that came from him. Flawless was the only word you could think of...until he woke up stretching his arms up and yawning then to look down to catch you starry eyed looking at him.
“ is there something on my face? Am I drooling?” he jolted and then in return you chuckled. “ No..i Just thought you had something in your hair” you lied smoothingly more than you had hoped.
He gave you that boxy smile as everyone hopped out to stretch there legs. “ Oh my god it’s freezing” you shivered running to the warm body that stood in front of you which just so happened to be tae. It was about 10 pm and you were close to the water so you guess that made the weather change.
Everyone walked around taking pictures of the moon and the stars but you and tae were the only ones closed in by the cars. Then that was when you knew...you promised haru that you’d tell tae how you felt and now was the time to do it. sure it seemed rushed but...if you didn’t tell him now you were probably never gonna let it out.
Focusing back on the subject and focusing your eyes on the only person around you he just stood still staring at your lips... “ Tae why are you staring at me like that” you questioned him “pretty” was the only word that came from his mouth as he walked towards you pulling you in. His lips ghosted yours like he was hesitating whether or not this was good idea but then again his lips swooped down and mashed against yours.
Magical. You swear on your life no one has ever kissed you like Tae did..he was so soft and gently barely using any tongue just him and you pushed against each other kissing gently. Until his phone rang. Disconnecting from the kiss made you a little woozy but he pulled his phone out answered the call and pressed it to his ear.
“ oh shit..” he hung up both of you spinning around to only find...Ryujii. Taehyung ex...and his first love. He was so whipped for this girl when you first met but of course she was just an occasional girl that hung out with the boys but now she was back..
Everyone now turning back to get in the cars and now seeing this girl that taehyung used to mess with. You of course told yourself that you should have known better...so as always you ran to hug your brother and stand by yoongi.
“ oh hey everyone...my uh friends left me here and like i need to a ride to the closest town.” she smiled hooking her arm around taes. “ it’s okay if we drop her off right hyung?” Tae glanced at jin and of course he nodded.
Haru noted how quiet you were. you should have been laughing and cracking jokes but you just stood there emotionless. “ Excuse me guys i think y/n is sick give me a moment” haru chuckled and pulled you away from the crowd.
“ what’s wrong what happened?” her eyes widening.. “ are you sick? or like what happened to y/n is she possessed hellooooo” she waved her hand in front of your face. “....we kissed” you spit out. “ but now haru came back and you know how she is and i can’t keeping playing this stupid game haru...i wanna be like you and jin but obviously that’s never gonna happen because guys that Tae don’t go after girls like me.” you stood there fighting the feeling not to cry.
“ y/n hold up. you guys kissed like actually kissed kissed?” Her eyes frantically scanning your face. “ yeah..( you wiped your face a little )...yeah we kissed but it meant nothing and this is stupid..i just want to get to where we’re going and have a nice time with my brother.” you managed to get out laughing a little. “ okayy...i’m gonna ask if jimin if the car is open for you to ride in there okay? I don’t wanna have to pull you out of a police car.” She laughed as you nodded.
Jungkook came looking for you and haru hoping you two didn’t get kidnapped. “ my gosh y/n...are you alright? what’s going on.” he asked tilting his head to the side. “ oh nothing y/n is gonna ride with joon and them she wants to actually sleep but you know how loud jin snores..” haru covering for you as you nodded frantically. “Jins car is weird and i usually ride with yoongi and them” you spat out walking back to the others.
“ so joon..is okay if y/n rides with you guys?” haru looked at namjoon. “ yeah yeah of course she’s gonna have to sit in between yoongi and jhope. you know how jimin is” he laughed. “ wait why isn’t y/n riding with us?” Tae asked puzzled. “ because we’re taking ryujii and there’s no room.” haru looked at tae trying so hard not to smash his face through the window.
Finally back on the road jimin and everyone else started to question you. “ so you wanna tell us the REAL reason why you decided to ride with us? I thought you and tae sorted shit out?” Jimin asked. “ hahaha that’s what i thought to until his ex girlfriend came out of nowhere. He kissed me out of nowhere and bam just my luck..shit” you covered your mouth and now everyone’s eyes were on you. You covered your face in yoongis shoulder.
“ YOU GUYS KISSED?” Jimin screamed making namjoon swerve a little he apologized and sank back down. “ yeah... i mean we all knew you had a thing for taehyung but we didn’t think it get that far after you shut him out every time.” Namjoon snickers.
“ Can you guys please not be a dick for one second..i’m going through a crisis and i’d like to throw tae out of a window god i’m so stupid.” you manage to get out but as always everyone comforted you. “y/n relax...everything is gonna be fine you know she cheated on tae and he’s never gonna go back to her.” jhope stated. “ oh but you guys don’t remember her like a month ago sneaking out at like 4 in morning?” Jimin questioned. “ what the fuck..guys i think i have to go to the hospital..i might have to get checked for stds.” you chuckled out.
“ chill taehyung clean as far as we know but anyways he kissed you? like in a rough dom kind of way orrr” jimin poked your cheek and smiled. “ ew gross no he kissed me like i was the last thing on earth and now i’m confused and like at this point i’m throwing away my feelings for tae because i obviously can’t handle this type of shit” you poked jimins cheek and pouted.
“ you’ll be fine everything is gonna clear up and you’ll have your chance with tae...hopefully” yoongi inputted. “ yes but for nowwww we’re gonna use y/n as our pillow and sleeeep night everyone” jhope layed his head on your shoulder and you layed your head on yoongis and finally drifted to sleep forgetting everything that happened in the last hour and half.
an: welp. taes kind of fucked up and bam you got drama now so yay :) btw...you know that, that kiss meant everything to y/n and she’s hurt but she’s bottling it up cause she’s bad like that :) Until next chapter flowers 🌸
BTW lmk if you wanna be in the taglist :)
@hantaev @strawverryxmilktae
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
Qui Totum Vult Totum Perdit (d.s.) - 6
A/N Out in the open
Warnings: This story is centered around a murder so there will be graphic descriptions of blood, death/manslaughter, dealing with corpses, possible domestic abuse (physical/verbal), crime/covering up a crime, shock/grief, and other possibly heavy or triggering topics. Please read at your own discretion.
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You may think you understand stress, dear reader, but I can assure you that you do not. You do not understand stress unless you have driven around the city in broad daylight with a body in the trunk of your car. There was only so much guilt that a hat and sunglasses could cover.
“We should stop by the bank…take out some cash before we leave the state.” I suggested, my hands tightening on the wheel slightly as I drove. 
Jonah nodded and reached into the backseat to pulled over his bag to shuffle through it. It was always full of random junk from snacks and a water bottle to notebooks and his wallet and phone charger. He carried his life in that bag. He pulled out said charger and helped himself to the port in my car to plug in his phone.
“Jo.” I said.
“Why aren’t you…freaked out?” I asked.
“I am.” Jonah answered as he dropped his bag in the backseat again. “My best friend called me out of the single most important studio session of our careers to get me involved in the murder of his wife. Who wouldn’t be freaked out? Why aren’t you freaked out?”
I shifted my hands on the wheel nervously, “I-I am freaked out. I just…I don’t know what happened at all and I think I’m just in shock.”
“Do you think you killed her?” Jonah asked quietly.
I could sense the nervousness in his voice as if he was scared of me too. I honestly didn’t know what to tell him…I didn’t know what to tell myself to reassure either of us. I loved Avalon. I loved her with almost everything in me. So what would be my motive to kill her? Would our argument about my job be enough to enrage my conscious to see nothing but red?
I could only answer my best friend truthfully. After all, he risked so much to come help me.
“I don’t know.”
Jonah nodded stiffly. He probably expected that reply from me. I had been saying it all morning.
“Well, we’ll go to the bank and check out this J person at the Lincoln motel and see where that takes us.”
Jonah and I were by no means celebrities, but our jobs certainly put us in the spotlight more often than we might have liked – especially in a situation as we found ourselves in with Avalon. Owning one of the top record companies in the country was not an easy feat and the publicity that came with it often made going out in public a bit of a hassle. I couldn’t tell you how many times Avalon and I were interrupted on a date for someone to want to talk to me, slide me a demo, or – for some reason – even get my autograph. Even Hollywood Fix seemed to have a soft spot for Jonah and me.
Avalon hated paparazzi. She hated paparazzi more than any other aspect of my job honestly. They made her nervous and claustrophobic and she always felt completely tense the entire night we were out if the paparazzi greeted us at the restaurant. Seemed like no matter the country they followed us everywhere. Even on our honeymoon we couldn’t catch a break.
“It’s just a few cameras.”
Avalon glanced out the tinted window of the rental car to the sidewalk that was swarming with paparazzi and their crew, waiting for us to step out.
“That’s hardly a few.” she mumbled.
“Just keep your head down and don’t say anything.”
“I can’t just ignore them.” she turned to me, “That’s rude.”
“Well what do you want me to say?” I sighed.
“I want to have a date with my husband that’s not riddled with strangers and their cameras.”
“Sorry to be such a burden in your life, honey.”
“Oh, Daniel, stop that.” she scoffed, shaking her head as she turned back out the window.
I stared at her a moment, her bottom lip held between her teeth and her arms crossed over the chest of the tight tropical dress she wore. I slid my hand over her thigh and gave it a squeeze to get her looking back at me. Her brown eyes were shimmering in anxious tears.
“I want to go back to the hotel.”
“No, no. It’s fine. I promise. I’ll be right beside you.” I assured her, capturing her chin in my hand to pull her lips onto mine for a quick kiss before reaching for the handle on the car door, “Come on.”
Thinking about these things only made me realize how much we actually argued. Maybe how dense I was to her feelings. Did that make me selfish? Well, I’m no perfect man. I can only push that fact on you so much, dear reader.
Jonah and I stared up at the brick bank building in front of us. The few steps to the ATM seemed like a mile. I took out my wallet from my jeans pocket and flicked through it to pull out my credit card with a sigh.
“5k?” Jonah suggested.
“Yeah, sounds about right.” I mumbled, adjusting the cap on my head as I scanned the curb we were parked in front of. “I’ll be quick.”
I stepped out of my car before I could psych myself up anymore and hopped up onto the sidewalk towards the ATM outside the building. I stood close to the machine, head down, and slid my credit card into the slot. I typed in my pin number with shaking hands and waited for my withdrawal request to go through while I tried not to think about what I was hiding in my car just behind me.
The sun beat down on the back of my neck as I hunched over the ATM, trying my best to keep myself in the shadows. It felt like ages had gone by until the machine slid out a stack of one-hundred-dollar bills and returned my card. I kept my head down as I turned on my heel and crashed right into a man walking towards the front doors of the bank.
He must have apologized – I remember him saying something to me – but the fear that our sudden collision injected into my veins had me bowing my head and rushing off to my car a few feet away without a word. I was breathless when I closed the door behind me as if I had just hiked up the Hills and back and I tried to play it off as I flicked through the bills in my hand.
I held out half the stack to Jonah so we could split the total just in-case anything happened to either of us, “Twenty-five-hundred for you. Twenty-five-hundred for me.”
“Great.” Jonah reached into the backseat and grabbed his wallet from his back to tuck the cash safely away and I slipped my half into the glove box of the car.
We had to keep moving so I pulled out of the bank parking lot back towards the main roads while Jonah brought up the address of the motel in the GPS and set the route navigation on. We drove in silence, not even bothering to put on any music, and he scrolled through his phone as we hit some traffic on the freeway.
“The place looks musty as hell.” Jonah said casually.
I glanced over to his phone screen to see him checking out the Expedia site.
“It’s like 1 out of 5 stars. Reviews say bed bugs, broken furniture, unfriendly staff. Why would Avalon want to go within five blocks of this place yet alone meet someone inside?” Jonah mumbled and he set his phone back down to charge.
“Yeah, well, I don’t think the interior design what she was particularly worried about.” I muttered as I switched lanes towards the exit for Pasadena. I couldn’t help but let the jealously come out through my tone of voice.
My phone rang through the Tesla speakers and I glanced at the screen to see Christian calling me for at least the third time since the night before. I declined it.
“Fuck. Why does he need to know where I am so badly?” I grumbled.
“Maybe you should just tell him you’re busy at work.” Jonah suggested.
“It’s none of his business where I am.”
“It’ll get him off your back.”
“It’ll get him asking questions. We really don’t need that.” I sighed tiredly.
Jonah kept quiet.
The Lincoln Motel was right off the freeway and was so closely built under the underpass that it could have passed as a troll under the bridge. Honestly, it sort of felt like that same sort of sense as I pulled into the cracked parking lot of the nearly crumbling orange stucco two-storey building. My white Tesla looked like a diamond in the rough beside the motel and I would have been worried about it being stolen if it wasn’t for the body in the trunk already depreciating the car.
I parked in the spot closest to the building and Jonah and I took a moment to prepare ourselves for not only the person we were going to meet uninvited but also to face the decrepit building firsthand. I leaned forward to see up to the second storey balcony – all the rooms being outdoor entry – and located number nineteen. This certainly was not what I had planned when I woke up that morning.
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Detective Team: @jonahlovescoffee​ @randomlimelightxxx​ @stuffofseaveyy​ @hopinglimelight​ @tempus-ut-luceant​ @br4nd1s​ @xkelsev​ @hiya-its-amber​ @sexyseavey15​
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trashbinbackyard · 3 years
jack/mirad & kai/helvi
I woke up at 8 and went like eeeh i can sleep another half an hour and them boom, 1pm
1. Who's the one who's reckless and always getting into trouble while the other gotta pull em out
Mirad has grown past his most reckless tendencies, Jack however hasn't, but he's more at danger to himself than to others
Kai is very careful when he's out hunting and he's never alone. Helvi however has a habit of going into the woods alone
2. Who's the one to send the other "I love my gf/bf" memes
I don't feel like either?
If they had phones it'd be Helvi
4. Which one spoils the other more and do they ever get competitive to show the other more love
Mirad spoils Jack, lets be real, it doesn't turn into a competition bc it's in moderation, and mostly Mirad treating Jack to some of his skincare products
Kai miiiiight spoil Helvi juuuuust a bit, he doesn't mind getting up way earlier to fix her breakfast and help her tie her hair and acquiring many fur blankets
5. How many years did it take to get married or was it just not for them
A few years for sure, when they both were sure about it. Probably talked about it too before Mirad proposed
Few years, if wasn't for Kai's role in the village they would've gotten married later, as neither really saw marriage as That important and just something they one day would like to do.
6. What was their wedding like
Small, just closest family and couple friends, nothing extravagant for the middle aged men
Whole day event basically with everyone from the village and surrounding area invited (against Kai's best wishes), Weddings, and especially high profile weddings like that are few and far between and they're quite the event. Small ceremony but then a huge feast with dancing singing and general revelry
7. Is their friends/family supportive
Ellen is very happy for them both, Mirad's parents were wary but approve later on, Marda is still sus about Jack
Very much so, Kory pretty much pushed them to get married already, Kat when she finds out is very happy for them both. Helvi's parents are so proud and treat Kai like close family
8. How does one comfort the other when the other is in distress/having a panic attack/crying
Mirad talks to Jack gently, checks if he hasn't hurt himself, bring him a snack and drink. When Mirad's distressed Jack will ask if he can do anything and keep him company if he lets him
If Kai's in distress he tends to shut down and all Helvi can really do is keep him company and hold him. If Helvi's upset Kai will call a timeout and just go somewhere with her where she can calm down and talk things through
9. Which one dissociates
Jack mostly
10. Which one stares at the other's booty like "damn" and how does the other react when catching them
Both. Mirad would be more cheeky (hehe) in his reaction while Jack is like "my booty?? :0"
Helvi. Kai blushes
11. When they live together what kinda place do they live in? What does their home look like?
Both had their separate places, where Mirad's was very neat and organized and Jack's was a whole mess. Jack would still keep his place as a workshop while he pretty much now lives with Mirad, where he learns to respect the house rules
They share a two-story chief's house with Kory and a garm, they have the whole lower level to themselves pretty much, and it's quite big, it's very cozy and bit cabin'y even if it's larger
13. How does each act when getting drunk
Jack's a sad drunk, first thing Mirad knew about him tbh. Mirad doesn't drink if I remember correct
Neither of them want to get Drunk drunk, just tipsy. Kai loosens up and gets chattier. Helvi gets giggly and cuddly
14. Which one rolls over in the morning to wake up the other one just to give kiss them
Beware the morning breath. Mirad wakes up before Jack
Kai doesn't wake Helvi up when he leaves the bed to go prepare breakfast, but when that's done he will kiss her goodmorning
16. Does one have an interest the other think is weird but wants to listen to it regardless
Jack likes welding for fun too, he's made some little "art" pieces for Mirad with textures he knows he likes, and Mirad appreciates it. Mirad's big into working out and Jack will be out of breath in two minutes if he joins but it's a pleasant experience
Helvi loves making potions and instruments and while Kai knows little about either he's up for helping her if she asks, she also sings. I know this seems kinda random bc I just know thought of it, but Kai's into drawing with charcoals, it would be fitting for his "quiet kid with not many friends" character (it hits a little too close home lmao)
17. Which one uses cropped hentai as reaction images
That's very much up Jack's alley
If they had phones, Helvi
18. Does one of them kinkshame the other
Not kinkshame, more like kink-concern on Mirad's part like "Jack, honey, WHY do you wanna be choked that hard"
Neither of them have really out there kinks, though Helvi would be up to do it in the woods. Just have to be extra careful they're far enough from any civilization
19. Is one of them self conscious about their body? If so how does the other comfort them
Jack, he's pudgy and wrinkly. Mirad doesn't mind it one bit and calling Jack a sexy beast on the regular makes Jack happy and less ashamed of his body
Helvi used to, before trans-your-gender spell hit, (and bc she basically got to decide what her body would look like of course she has no regrets) Kai is very body-neutral about himself, yeah that's a body, nothing special but ain't nothing wrong with it either
21. What is their song? Like the song that gives them overwhelming feelings?
Well I have listed Silent storm for them once and you know what, I stand by it
From Heilung Traust and Krigsgaldr (first half of it anyway), both were big inspirations for Helvi's character in general and Maria Franz is her voiceclaim too lol (also the guy on krigsgaldr second verse for Kai's voiceclaim (before 4.40 mark))
28. Are either of them mentally ill, if so how do they help one another cope
Jack is a recovering addict, also depressed, and alcoholic (recovering when they get together). Mirad is also an ex-addict and while he's much further into his recovery he's not immune to the shitty stuff that still might happen, they're each other's peer support
Helvi used to have bad dysphoria
29. Does one have a spot on them where they would melt when the other kisses them there
Head, forehead for Jack (and lips of course) he's not that big into getting kisses on his body. Mirad is sensitive everwhere but IIRC neck and sides are big
Helvi's wrists and neck just below her ears. Kai's throat and forehead
30. Do they dance together
Mirad poledances, Jack enjoys the view
At their wedding sure, both lil tipsy and letting loose, both lost their flower crowns that evening
31. Do they sing together
More like hum if they feel like it
Helvi's the one signing, Kai might join in on a verse or two
34. Are they a reckless couple or safe
Pretty safe with the occasional reckless on Jack's part
35. What be their kinks and do they try each other's kinks
Love and Care, and choking
They're pretty vanilla
37. Do they get into fights often? If so what do they fight over and how do they make up?
Arguments sure about Jack's self-destructive behaviors sometimes but the rule is never go to sleep angry so they both reflect on it with compassion
Not really, at least before The Incident, apologize and kiss and make up
38. Which one's top, bottom, verse
Mirad's a top, Jack is a pillow princess vers
Kai's top, Helvi's bottom
39. What kinda sex they be having (gentle rough whatever)
Whatever they're in the mood for, some tender lovin'? Sure! Get hot and heavy? With moderation. Break into laughter in the middle of it? Silly is also a mood!
It starts off as hot and heavy but calms down to more gentle
40. Who would fight in honor for the other if someone would insult them
Jack would just hit them with the "don't be meeeaaan 🥺🥺" Mirad I feel like would go the verbal route as well but more stern
It's common knowledge to Not insult the village shaman (the one who has illness remedies and the one who blesses you before you travel), and you DONT insult the the chief's kid/chief. They're both capable of defending themselves but Kai will step in if he happens to hear
44. Do they want kids
Nah, who needs kids when you got nieces
Yeah, and I've finally made up my mind, they're gonna adopt a bunch (and bc you dropped out of the campaign I can tell you how: a village not that near but not that far gets attacked by a power hungry druid and leaves bunch of kids without parents and the party will escort them back to Kai's village, before they go after the druid)
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8unnieswrld · 4 years
5 more minutes (Johnny Suh x Reader)
Word count: 1.8k
Requests: “Kiss me again” + “lol why u so short?”
Warnings: none shit is so cute
A/N: im literally so stupid i posted this but messed up in structure so i deleted it and took a week to redo it
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You could feel a soft vibration coming from under your back as it shocks you from your sleep. The noise causes your heart to race as you roll over to reach for your phone. You couldn't even possibly begin to think who would be calling you, first thing in the morning. Nevertheless, silently cursing at them while thrashing your legs about angrily.
“Hello?” You grumble, head thumping as you roll over, placing your phone to your ear as you close your eyes once again.
“Y/N where are you? It's been 30 minutes and I-” You heard your boyfriend speak from the other side of the line, the background buzzing with chatter and laughter. Going silent you realise what Johnny was talking about.
You almost screamed at yourself when your eyes shot open, checking the time on your phone. You felt like you could just about kick yourself in the face right now as the large numbers stare you in the face.
The ‘punch in the gut’ numbers haunt you as you roll out of bed running towards the bathroom, as best you could.
“Ha ha ha ha ha, the bus was late! Just uh- Let everyone eat first!” You laugh awkwardly. Tumbling into the bathroom, you flinch as the cold tiles touch your warm feet.
“You just woke up, didn't you?” Johnny sighs, chuckling a bit.
“I'm sorry! I set my alarm for 9:30 p.m. instead of a.m.! Tell the boys to start eating and i'll just order later!” You apologize while turning the faucet on the highest setting due to sheer panic, the abrupt action causing water to splash onto your phone, muffling Johnny’s laughter.
“It’s okay, I could have come and picked you up if you weren't so stubborn. I’ll come pick-” Johnny suggested before you cut him off, yelling.
“No! Babe, please eat first!”
You hear Johnny excuse himself from his bandmates at the table, explaining to them why he was leaving momentarily, causing them to all laugh and coo at you through the phone.
“I'll see you in a bit babe~” Johnny sings, before making kissy noises to the phone and hanging up.
You could not even believe the sheer idiocracy that you felt wrapping around your body as you stared into the mirror, a reflection haunting you.
“You’re so fucking stupid Y/N, you know?” You groan, smacking yourself on the head before violently turning on the faucet, yet again. Brushing your teeth and washing your face felt like a blip as you were running out of the bathroom, immediately towards your ‘I like to keep them in view because they’re pretty’ clothes rack to look for an outfit. Instinctively, you pause for a second to play music before picking your outfit. One that’s comfy enough to wear for a brunch but not too restraining on the stomach. As you were changing in your room you hear Johnny’s car pull up from outside, honking as if he wanted you to be dressed and ready to go when he arrived. You choose to ignore his signal, telling yourself that no one in their right mind could get ready that quickly. Pulling a dress over your head, you hear Johnny begin honking impatiently.
“Fucking hell.” You mumble, frustrated as you stomp towards the window, pulling it open to yell at him at the top of your lungs.
“I'M NOT READY!” You scream, poking your head out of the window slightly. Johnny laughs at this, amused as if you weren't almost an hour late to his best friend's insane engagement brunch. You reach behind your back, struggling to pull up the dress’ zipper. Fast paced footsteps carrying you to the mirror, rapidly spinning to see any potential issue. The sound of the front door closing causes you to flinch, even though you knew it was Johnny. You jiggle the zipper even faster trying to get it up before he walks in. You didn't even know why you wanted the dress up so quickly before he walked in, it's not like he had never seen you naked before, but right now you felt embarrassed and didn't even want to hear a word of it from Johnny. Frustrated, you scream in anger throwing yourself onto the floor in defeat while the non-compliant dress bundles at your feet. Johnny rushes towards your bedroom at the sound of the scream, quickly throwing the door open out of worry. The sight of you sitting in the middle of your room, pink silk dress bundled around you, hair messed up and half wet from washing your face, quickly dismisses his worried thoughts. Johnny could feel his heart soften, cherishing this simple moment in his mind as he smiles, walking over to you before placing you on your feet and zipping up the back of your dress.
Johnny’s hands felt cold on your warm flushed skin, hot from a mixture of anger, embarrassment and adrenaline. You look at him through the mirror, silently staring at him as he brushes your hair, not saying a single word. You had expected him to come in, laughing at you for setting your alarm wrong but I guess he could read your utter distress enough for him to stay silent, understanding. With one swift movement you turn around, hooking your arms around his torso, leaning into him with your face squished against his chest.
“Y/N it’s alright, no one is going to care.” Johnny comforted, stroking your head. You didn't reply, only getting up to walk towards your vanity which held all your makeup. Johnny opens your closet, grabbing a cardigan and an undershirt knowing how cruel the cold weather was to your health. He sits on the edge of your bed, close enough to feel heat radiate from you as he watches you apply makeup to your face. He decides to braid a strand of your hair to pass the time. One strand multiplied into two which then turned into 3. Johnny shuffles a bit, the fabric of his puffer jacket chafing together and creating sounds that faded into the music that continued to play. He pulls out his phone, sneakily taking a picture of you.
“Alright, I'm finished!” You announced, getting up from your seat to turn and look at your boyfriend. He smiles at you before handing you a black turtleneck to wear under your dress.
“You’ll get sick if you don't wear this.”
You roll your eyes, turning around as Johnny unzips your dress. Once you have shifted the straps of your dress off of your arms, Johnny places the turtleneck over your head, allowing you to pull it down and tuck it inside the dress before flattening out the layered material.
“Let's take a picture, we’re matching!” You laugh, finally paying attention to his outfit. Johnny was wearing a dusty pink button up shirt layered with a similar black turtleneck and a jacket. His outfit made you smile, realising that you had both unintentionally coordinated your outfits without communication. You stood in front of your wardrobe mirror, pulling out your phone as you pose awkwardly before Johnny stands next to you. His calming presence causes you to become more relaxed as you pose with him. You both took a couple photos, before you began to pose playfully with one another, completely unaware of the passing time. Johnny picks you up slightly which causes you to laugh as he takes more pictures. You cup his face in your hands as you giggle, staring at him full of love, quickly giving him an unexpected kiss. Johnny drops his phone, eyes wide as you smile, placing a kiss on his lips. He goes in for another before your eyes widen, seeing the time on the wall staring back at you like it had moments before on your phone.
“Johnny! Put me down we’re so late!” You squeal, kicking as you slide yourself off him, grabbing your belongings and his car keys. Johnny feels frustration build up in his chest as he whines playfully. He pulls you towards him once more as he huffs sitting down on your bed, kicking his feet like a child.
“Kiss me again Y/NNNNN~” Johnny whines, looking you in the eyes as he kicks his feet even more.
“Johnny we gotta go, we’re already so late.”
He pouts, eyebrows furrowing as he refuses to move, crossing his arms and puckering his lips. “Kisses. Now.” He demands, keeping up his childish demeanor.
You sigh, rubbing your temples as you move towards him, causing him to happily stand up and pucker his lips again, eyes closed and all.
A frown creeps onto your face. Who in the world would be unable to remember the difference in height between you two?
“Johnny... I literally cannot reach.” You announce, pushing his shoulders down as he laughs.
“Lol, why you so short?” He teases, causing you to hit his chest playfully to which he responded overdramatically by gripping his heart in “pain.” Apologizing, he bends down a bit till his face is just above eye level with you.
“Come on, I'm waiting~” He sings happily moving his body from side to side. You sigh, rolling your eyes playfully as you cup his face giving him repetitive pecks on the lips. He smiles into the kisses grabbing you by the waist as he pulls you both down, falling on the bed with a physical ‘oomf’. You laugh, but quickly turn to scold him for the sudden action.
“Johnny, we are literally so late! Jaehyun is going to be so upset!” You squeal, pushing his chest in an attempt to get up. Johnny barely moves, only nuzzling his head on top of yours. After repeatedly trying to escape and failing you sigh. Giving into his cuddling, you wrap your arms around his torso.
“Just 5 minutes Y/N. I barely see you.” He pleads, a more serious tone escaping his lips.
You bite your lip in guilt as you knew how far you and Johnny lived apart from one another, due to the fact you both attended different universities.
“Fine…” You mumble, placing a kiss onto his neck, the only place you could reach due to Johnny’s sheer strength and height. Laying in silence you could hear Johnny’s steadying heart beat rhythmically in your ear as you traced circles on his back. The silence was soon interrupted with Johnny’s phone ringing, sending waves of vibration over the entire bed. Johnny picks it up, placing it on his ear as he rolls over again to continue hugging you.
“Hyung! Where the fuck are you?” You could hear Mark question over the phone. Johnny and you both stay silent, looking at each other, desperately searching for a reply.
“Hello? Can you hear me?”
“Uh! Sorry Mark- Traffic’s real bad right now!” You panicked, getting up from the bed while silently motioning Johnny to do the same.
“Damn, the traffic’s that bad right now?” Mark laughs, causing you to facepalm in disbelief that he really believed the lie. “Alright...See you soon!” He greets before hanging up the phone.
“He is so stupid.”
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topsytervy · 4 years
Mob Rafe: The Series
Part 1
I still couldn’t think of a title after a month so it’s just going to stay as Mob Rafe: The Series
You can read the prologue here
Word Count: 4,096
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, i think that’s it
It was almost 10:30 when you stood in your kitchen, staring into your fridge that was practically empty, trying to figure out what you could make for breakfast. You finally decided on eggs after googling how to tell if they were still good or not and decided that they were fine. After all, JJ had eaten moldy bread before. What’s the difference between that and eating eggs a couple of days past their best by date.
As the eggs cooked in the pan, you grabbed the Aleve and a glass, filling it with water, before walking into the spare bedroom and setting them on the nightstand. You smiled as you watched JJ hug a pillow to his chest, looking rather serene. 
In about half an hour, he’d be complaining though and you’d have to listen to it until he left.
You went back to the eggs, stirring them around as you glanced out your kitchen window. You leaned closer and squinted, trying to make out the faces of the people who were going in and out of the place next door. 
That house had been up for sale since a week after you moved in, the old lady that lived there deciding that it was time to go into a home.
Well, her family decided. She screamed every curse word underneath the sun as her things, and herself, were being moved out.
That was almost a year ago. You tried convincing JJ to buy it but he said ‘I’m not living near a bunch of people who think my business is their business’. You tried to figure out who exactly was moving in but it was hard to tell considering it could’ve been any of the three guys who were exiting and entering the house.
You sighed before turning your attention back to the eggs that were close to done, hearing JJ groan from the guest room. 
“Who the fuck made the sun so bright?” You heard him say, voice muffled.
“Depends on the religion of the person you’re asking!” You hollered back.
“Well, I’m not religious so make it non-religious.” You heard a thump come from the room and you assumed that it was his feet hitting the floor.
“Then the Big Bang.” 
“Like the show?” 
You closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose, taking a deep breath. “You know what? Sure. Like the show.”
JJ emerged, rubbing his face with one of his hands, the glass of water in his other.
“Oh, fucking hell. My head is pounding.” He mumbled, sitting down at the little kitchen table you had.
“I wonder why.” You asked, sarcasm lacing your voice as you plated the eggs. 
You brought the eggs over to JJ and set them down with a fork. JJ shot you a smile as you sat down across from him before he began to eat. “Where’s your food?” He questioned, eyeing the empty place in front of you.
You shrugged. “Not that hungry.”
JJ rolled his eyes. 
“I’m just not hungry in the mornings’ JayBird. You know this.”
“You should eat in the mornings. Even if it’s just a toaster strudel or a pop tart.” 
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes as you stood up and walked over to your almost empty pantry, rummaging around for anything. You managed to find a pop tart hiding away and you opened it, taking a bite from the pastry. “Happy?”
“When’s the last time you went grocery shopping?” 
You shrugged. “I’m planning on doing a little run today.” 
“You didn’t answer my question Y/N.”
You walked over to him and placed both your hands on either side of his face. “Don’t worry about me JJ. I’m not starving. Mom dropped off leftovers and I finished them an hour before you showed up last night. She’s been giving me so many leftovers, I just haven’t had the need to go grocery shopping in a bit. Besides, I finished off the potato salad she gave me two days ago at like 5 a.m. this morning when I went to go pee. So I technically had breakfast.”
“What was last night’s leftovers?”
“Tuna casserole. The week before that was a chicken pot pie. And the week before that was stir fry. And the week before that was-”
“Okay, I get it.” He cut you off.
You smirked as you sat back down in your spot. You were pretty sure that your mom was dropping off food just so she could get some time with you. Between work and classes, you didn’t really have time to go over and visit as much as you should. If you weren’t doing either of those things, you were either catching up on sleep or doing as much of your homework as possible. You were lucky you had a fenced in yard so Blue could run around for a while for those days you didn’t have the energy to take him out for a walk.
This also meant you definitely didn’t have the energy to drive yourself to the store and figure out what you needed for food and then drive back home. 
So, you were living on your mom’s leftovers that she brought over since she seemed to forget that there was one less person in the house so she didn’t have to make as much food.
“You want me to come with you?” JJ asked, scooping more eggs into his mouth.
“You really don’t need to. I think I can do a simple grocery run myself.” You smiled.
“Don”t say I didn’t offer when you’re making more than one trip.” 
You took another bite of your pop tart as you looked down at the floor where Blue and Piper laid, looking at you and JJ for any scraps. JJ was the one to break, giving the two dogs his last bits of breakfast before he leaned back, interlocking his fingers together as he placed them behind his head.
“What do you think the others did last night?” He asked.
You just shrugged, giving him the other pop tart which he reluctantly took after you wouldn’t bring it back to the foil after he shook his head no. JJ felt bad for taking it after just having eggs but if you were so persistent on him having it, he might as well just take the damn thing.
He took a bite and looked out the kitchen window and, through a mouthful of pop-tart, asked, “Who’s moving in?” 
You shrugged once more. “I’ll let you know later today when I find out.”
“You guys whine more than anyone I know,” Rafe told Kelce and Topper as they brought the couch through the door.
“Yeah. I wonder why. It can’t be because we woke up with massive hangovers and someone made us get up at 8:30 in the morning.” Kelce grumbled.
“I told you guys that you might want to take it easy on the alcohol considering we’re going to be up early tomorrow and the sun’s going to be shining all day. I also told you we'd ve working until we had everything moved in. It’s your fault that you two didn’t listen.” Rafe stated, looking behind him so he could see where he was going. "And think of this, you won’t have to go to the gym tomorrow."
“You sound like my mom. Shut up.” Topper grunted, looking at the floor.
As far as Rafe was concerned, it was Kelces and Topper’s fault. He did, after all, tell them what was happening and what day he was moving in. And he provided lunch for them and was also providing dinner so why were they whining. He would've been better off recruiting Sarah for this job. She would've complained less.
“I’m losing grip. Down. Down.” Kelce told the two.
They set the couch down on the floor and caught their breath, leaning against the piece of furniture. Rafe checked his watch. 
4:30 pm. 
He sighed as he noticed the hunger in his stomach for the first time since 11 when they ate lunch.
“It was nice of Rose and Ward to give you all their old furniture,” Topper commented, causing Rafe to look at him. 
Rafe scoffed. “They only did that so they could have an excuse to get new furniture.”
“Even if that’s true, at least you didn’t have to spend thousands of dollars to get furniture.”
Rafe sighed. Topper had a point and he had to admit, he was a bit grateful to his father and stepmother for deciding their furniture was outdated. Even if it was only 2 years old.
“Kelce, wanna grab the water bottles from the truck?” He asked. 
Kelce nodded, heading outside to retrieve the drinks as Rafe readjusted his grip.
"Oh, we're gonna finish this without Kelces’ help," Topper said, catching on after a couple of seconds of Rafe staring at him. 
Topper readjusted his grip, nodding to let Rafe know he was ready. 
"Yes, Top. And then we're gonna order a pizza." Rafe grunted as they lifted the couch once more.  
"You're paying right?"
"Yes, I’m paying. Now angle it more towards the right so it doesn’t hit this corner." 
"You're right or my right?"
"My right."
Topper did as he was told, happy for the free meal that would be provided. Rafe was just happy that this was one of the last things they had to move in.
They placed the couch down underneath the window as Kelce came back in, water bottles in hand. The brunette tossed a water bottle to each of his friends as Rafe grabbed his phone from his pocket. 
"Dominos or Little Caesars?" Rafe asked, looking between his friends.
"Dominos cause I want a sandwich," Kelce stated.
Topper looked at Kelce. "But little Caesars. Besides we had Firehouse Subs for lunch."
"Did I stutter? I want a fucking sandwich to go with my pizza, Topper."
The blonde stared at Kelce before sighing. "Fine. Dominos."
You looked into your trunk, trying to figure out if, no not if, how you were going to get everything in one trip when one of your neighbors approached you.
You looked over at her. "Hey, Mrs.Keling. How are you?" You asked, grabbing one of the paper bags.
"Fine Y/N but how are you?" She asked.
Mrs. and Mr. Keling lived across the street and four doors down from you and never really came over and talked to you. It was usually just the usual wave and smile, maybe a hello and a how are you. But that was only if you ran into each other. 
You raised an eyebrow. "Um…fine. Why do you ask?" 
Mrs.Keling glanced at the house next door, the Uhaul still parked there. You followed her glance before commenting. "Wow. They're still not done moving. They've been working since I woke up." 
"Aren't you worried about living next to him?" 
Those words made a chill go down your spine but you ignored it. "Should I be worried?" You set the bag back down in the trunk.
Mrs.Keling sighed. "Do you not know who's next to you?"
You shook your head. You hadn’t caught a glimpse of the mystery neighbor yet. You had noticed, however, many of the neighbors peeking through their windows or standing in their yards as they talked amongst themselves all day.
Mrs.Keling moved in closer and you looked at the middle-aged woman, slightly scared of who she was going to say moved in.
"Rafe Cameron." She whispered before stepping backward.
You felt yourself relax a bit, scared that it was going to be someone horrible.
 Granted Rafe Cameron wasn’t exactly a saint.
His past wasn't the best and his past consisted of terrorizing you and your friends but, from what John B, Pope, Kie, and Sarah had told you and JJ, he's pretty tolerable now. His hotheadedness, which probably was a result of his coke addiction, seemed to have died down immensely and he didn't really pick fights out in public anymore.
This was probably because if he got in trouble with the law for something stupid like speeding, his criminal activity would be uncovered.
Rafe Cameron may have looked like he turned a leaf and became a law-abiding citizen overnight but that’s why you never judge a book by its cover. Because, if anything, he got dirtier. 
People on the Island knew about Rafe’s new family that he got involved with back when he was 20, no thanks to Wheezie and her mouth.
She told one person to leave her friend alone or else her mob brother would take care of him and that’s all it took. However, no one could arrest him for any illegal activity cause, from what they saw, there was none. He was perfectly clean. Not even the scent of weed to cause them to suspect anything. Eventually, Shoupe had decided that everyone was pulling his leg considering Rafe always lets them search the place and no one had ever caught him doing anything that he could be arrested for.
You let it go, deciding that it was a rumor that could die. You were never much for the gossip that took place within the subdivision you lived in, let alone the island.
"Rafe Cameron lives next door now?" You asked, “As in the man who once climbed a tree to help get a child’s kite down?”
Mrs.Keling nodded. "He’s not as good as he seems Y/N and some of us are worried about you. There’s something about him that’s just...off."
You managed to hold back a scoff. Sure, some of them were worried and you knew they were but it was usually the seniors. The others just wanted to fake it to see if they could get some dirt on the others.
You shrugged as you looked into a bag, seeing the pie at the top, remembering that you picked it up for the new neighbor. "I'll be fine. I have a Blue." You reassured her, grabbing the pie.
You walked across the patch of grass separating your house and, what is now apparently, Rafe’s house. You raised a fist and knocked on the door. Looking around, you saw the neighbors staring at you as you stood there. You grinned and waved at everyone before turning back towards the door.
You heard laughter and footsteps before the door opened, revealing Rafe Cameron himself. He stood in the doorway towering over you, giving you a once over.
"I did some grocery shopping today and decided to pick up a welcome pie. It’s probably not that good considering it was in the clearance section but, ya know, as my dad always says "When you have a cheap pie, have a cheap beer with it"." You smiled, extending the pie towards him.
Rafe smiled back, taking the pie from your hands. "Your dads a wise man."
"Indeed, he is." You grinned.
Rafe looked past you and towards the people watching from their yards.
"Do you want to come inside? Have a slice of this pie you bought? It'd be unfair to not share." Rafe offered.
You smiled but shook your head. "Thanks for the offer but I'm going to have to decline. I've got to go get ready for my shift at work and get my groceries inside." You told him, turning to face your neighbors.
You turned back to the man in front of you and leaned in. "Don't mind these guys. They're, sadly, just your stereotypical suburban moms and dads who like to talk shit about others but hate it when others talk shit about them. Except for Bonnie. She's sweet." You said, waving to the old lady across the street who was tending to her roses. "Anyway. See you around, Rafe." You smiled, waving before turning around and heading back to your driveway where Mrs.Keling still stood.
Rafe watched as you exchanged a few more words with Mrs.Keling, no doubt in his mind that it was about him considering the older lady kept glancing his way.
"Well, she's cute." 
Rafe turned around to see Kelce and Topper standing off to the side where they could see outside. Rafe rolled his eyes at his two friends, both of whom wore a smirk, and shoved the pie into Kelces hands.
"You two wait for the pizza." He told them before walking pit the door and to your driveway. He smiled at Mrs. Kelsing who immediately bid you goodbye and scurried off to her home.
You looked at Rafe, a bag in each arm as you waited for him to say something. 
"You brought me a pie. Let me at least help you bring in groceries if you're not gonna have a slice of the pie." 
Topper and Kelce watched from the living room window as Rafe grabbed a couple of bags and helped you bring in your groceries.
"Why is he helping her?" 
"Cause that’s what you do when a nice cute girl brings you a pie. You help her with whatever." Kelce answered. 
"And you leave your best friends unattended with the pie? A poor choice really." Topper stated, flipping open the box the dessert was in. 
"A poor choice indeed." Kelce agreed, opening a box labeled kitchen and pulling out a couple of plates and forks.
Kelce served each of them a slice, clinking their forks together before digging in.
"Wait. My brother lives next to you now?" Sarah asked as you brought your friends the drinks they ordered.
It was probably 3 hours into your shift when JJ asked if you had met whoever moved in next door. And when you told the group, their jaws hit the floor.
"And he helped you bring in groceries? You sure that’s Rafe?" JJ raised an eyebrow as he immediately brought his bottle of beer to his lips.
You nodded as you tucked the now empty tray under your arm, looking at your watch. 15 minutes left of your shift.
"That’s so weird," Kie stated.
"Is it though? I mean, he has been wanting to have his own place for a while. It doesn’t help that Topper doesn’t pay attention to what name is on the sticky note when it comes to food." Sarah rolled her eyes, remembering all the times she called Rafe for something and heard an argument break out amongst the two boys.
And all she had to say was poor Kelce for having to put up with their bullshit.
"Yeah. I know that feeling." Pope commented, glancing at JJ.
The blonde immediately pointed his finger at Pope. "You don’t write your name on shit. You specifically said that we aren’t going to do the whole this is my food, this is your food." JJ defended himself.
"Uh, no. I never said that. Why would I say that, JJ?" 
"You tell me cause those words came out of your mouth."
"Oh did they? Cause I don’t remember that. In fact, I remember you saying we should put our names on our food so we know what belongs to who but then you broke that rule." Pope glared at his best friend.
"No. I said we should label the to-go boxes from restaurants when we dine in then take our leftovers home so we know what belongs to who."
"Okay. Pipe it down and quit the squawking." You told them, giving both of them a light smack.
"You two fight worse than me and Sarah and you two aren’t even together like that." John B shook his head.
"You don’t know that for sure," JJ smirked, bringing the bottle up once again so he could take a drink.
Pope sighed as the rest of you stood there staring at JJ before you shook your head. "I’m going back to work and in 15 minutes you all better be ready to leave." John B held up the keys to the twinkie and you snatched them from his hand. "And I'm driving."
You had driven to John B’s in your car and parked it there once you heard from Kie that everyone was planning on going out for drinks, opting on being the designated driver. This wasn’t the first time you did this, having them have their night out at the bar you worked at so you could drive them home safely after your shift. It gave them plenty of time to get shit-faced and you were able to make sure no one did something dumb while still being able to work.
It was kind of like Nani and Lilo’s situation of Nani bringing Lilo to work.
The pogues were Lilo and you were Nani.
Rafe took a swig from his beer before setting it down harder than he needed to.
He was currently swearing under his breath as he sat on the floor, attempting to assemble an entertainment center he bought from IKEA as his two best friends sat on the couch, each enjoying another slice of pie as they had a beer themselves.
“I’m telling you, man, you should’ve had them to assemble it for you,” Topper told him.
Rafe rolled his eyes. “I can do it myself thank you very much.”
“You couldn’t do it sober. What makes you think you can do it drunk?” Kelce laughed.
Rafe turned around and sent him a glare. “I will have you know that it’s going to take more than a beer and a half to get me drunk.” He looked down at their plates to see them both halfway done with their pie slices. “Is there going to be any pie left for me?”
“You mean the pie that the cutie pie from next door brought over? There’s a slice left.” Kelce told him.
“And I’m not taking any chances,” Rafe muttered, slamming down the allen wrench and standing up, walking into his kitchen to retrieve that last slice.
He grabbed a fork and the box that the pie rested in, not bothering with a plate, before walking back over to his spot on the floor.
“You know,” Rafe started, using his fork to cut a piece of pie off his slice before letting his fork hover in the air, “you two having been pigging out this whole time, yukking it up and whatnot while I have been doing all this work.” Rafe punctuated his sentence by placing his fork in his mouth.
“Not true. We’ve been providing you moral support.” Topper defended.
“Well if you two aren’t going to provide physical help, then you can walk your asses out the door.”
Topper and Kelce looked at each other before nodding and getting up. “See you later, buddy.”
“Yeah. Oh, btw, Sarah said something about throwing you a little ‘congrats on getting a house’ party at John B’s on Friday since she didn’t want to throw it here and upset your neighbors!”
Rafe opened his mouth to speak but the door shutting cut him off.
"Thanks for helping." He muttered.
He picked up his beer and took another sip, checking his watch as he brought the bottle away from his lips.
12:30 AM.
Rafe sighed as he continued to eat his pie and drink his beer, deciding that once he was finished with his snack he’d head to bed. 
He got up to put his fork in the sink and throw away his garbage when headlights caught his attention.
He looked out the window, confusion on his face. This wasn’t the type of neighborhood where he expected people to go out until midnight. Hell, they didn’t even seem like the people who’d be out until 10.
It made a lot more sense when he saw the car pull into your driveway and you getting out of the car. He watched you walk up to your door and unlock it before walking in, closing the door behind you.
He shook his head before walking away from the window, continuing his way towards the kitchen. He threw everything away and tossed his fork into the sink before shutting off his lights and heading into his bathroom. He brushed his teeth before changing into a sweatshirt and sweatpants, heading into his room, and flopping down onto the mattress that laid on the floor with a groan. He suddenly regretted ordering his new bed frame online and not paying for two-day delivery. 
He let his eyes close, his breathing steady as he worked his way to sleep, letting darkness completely take over in a matter of minutes.
Taglist: @oleariaux @popcrone818 @void-sadie @diverrdown @teenagekook @acvross-the-universe @poguemackin @bibliophilewednesday
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
Superior Specimen - Chapter 7
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Summary: One night when you are following the Archaeology tag on instagram you stumbled across a fun looking dig… and an even more interesting Paleontologist who soon follows you back. Over the following weeks you start chatting and a friendship soon grows.
Relationship: AU Henry Cavill x Female Reader (No race or body shape mentioned)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Warnings: Slow Burn, NSFW, 18+, Mutual Masturbation, Phone Sex, Drunken Piggy Back Rides, Oral Sex (Female Recieving), Drama, Theft, Amateur Heroics, Hospital Visit, Shower Sex, Oral Sex (Male Receiving), Blow Job, Fingering, Lavish lifestyle, Henry is loaded, The Shard, Expensive Gifts, Sixty nine, Unprotected Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Angst, Argument, Jealousy,
I do not operate a tag list, but please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, as you will then be notified whenever i post something new.
I don’t have a masterlist, but all my works are on AO3, link here. Usually i post oneshots to Tumblr and AO3, and multichapters exclusively to AO3, but as this is my first henry story and its going to be a short series, i’ll post to both places.
Chapter 7
 When you emerged from the bathroom Henry was just coming out of the kitchen area, two bottles of water in hand before he opened one and handed it to you;
 “Thank you” you took it from him and lifted it to your mouth, not realising how dry your throat had grown from all the exertion. As you drank in silence you couldn’t help but to let your eyes stray over his exquisite body, from his broad chest to his narrow waist, to his thick cock hanging heavy between his enormous thighs. You hadn’t realised how long - and obviously - you’d been staring, but when he held his arms out and span slowly around with a smirk on his face you realised it hadn’t been in the tiniest bit subtle;
 “Like what you see Princess?”
 Stepping forwards you wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your chin on his chest as you smiled at him;
 “You know I do”
 With a sly grin you pressed the cold-water bottle to his naked ass and he let out a high-pitched squeal and leapt forwards, knocking you to your ass onto the soft plush carpet. Propping yourself up on your elbows you grinned at him as he towered over you, a look of dark amusement on his face;
 “Oh, you are in for it now Princess”
 You let out a squeal as he suddenly swooped down and threw you over his shoulder before stalking back to the bed and tossing you onto the king-size mattress. You squealed and laughed as he was suddenly upon you, tickling your sides in a relentless fashion as you writhed and wriggled beneath him. With your legs entangled you were soon rolling around, skin sliding against skin and you could feel him getting hard against your belly. In a moment of weakness you were able to twist your body enough so that suddenly you were on top, straddling his waist. You caught his hands in yours and intertwined your fingers together, your chests heaving from exertion and laughter.
 You leant forwards and pressed a kiss to his lips, and that’s when you felt it. You weren’t sure if henry knew what you were about to do, but as you knelt back upright and rolled your hips just right, you slowly sank down onto his hard length that had notched just right at your entrance when you’d kissed him. His eyes went wide in surprise, his jaw hung open before the feeling of your hot soaked walls completely enveloping him was too much to process and his eyes fluttered shut;
 “Oh… oh-hoh… fuck…”
 His lip trembled as you slowly rolled your hips, arching your spine before straightening. With your fingers still linked you moved, riding him slowly, spelling out letters and words with your hips to rub him just the right way to make him go crazy. Out of all the times he had known how to work your body and drive you to an intense orgasm, now it was your turn. With a roll and curve of your hips you felt his fingers tighten against yours, his mouth moving but unable to get out the words he wanted to say, before finally finding his voice;
 “Hu-holy… fuck... Princess, I-if you keep going I’m gonna cum”
 “That’s the plan…”
 “But you…”
 “Shhh… don’t you worry about me Hen, just enjoy it”
 His body relaxed when he realised what you wanted to do, that you weren’t concerned about your own orgasm, and instead wanted to drive him completely crazy. With a swirl of your hips you started to spell out certain letters with your hips. You closed your eyes and concentrated on spelling and with each letter Henry’s moans and cries got more heated. On the second to last letter he let out a high pitched whine and his hands flew to your hips, the tell-tale tremble where your bodies were joined, and as you swayed your hips from right to left to right to left it was the trigger and his back arched, pumping you full of another load of his thick seed.
 He wrapped his hand around the back of your neck and pulled you down to his lips, kissing you before you settled onto his chest, your head resting on his shoulder as you held him in the afterglow of his orgasm. When he finally spoke, his voice was barely a whisper;
 “Thank you”
 “Umm, you’re welcome?”
 “No, really, thank you. It’s been a long time since a lover has solely given me pleasure without expecting it in return… which I absolutely will do, but…”
 In that moment you felt for him, you knew that he knew he was a skilled lover, but when you have a skill sometimes people can take it for granted. You went to speak but in that moment your stomach rumbled, and you giggled as he ran a hand softly over your back;
 “You are feeling hungry again Princess?”
“We did work up quite an appetite… do you think it’s too late for room service?” you propped yourself up and smiled at him.
 “Go check out the fridge… I would move but you’ve rendered me useless for the next few minutes with that pussy from heaven…”
 You delicately shifted off him, feeling his now soft member slip out of you, and you stood on wobbly legs, walking bow legged to the kitchen as you felt Henry’s cum slowly coating your inner thighs. Bending to look into the fridge you let out a squeal when you saw the large plate decorated with miniatures of all the restaurants famous desserts. 
“Bring two spoons!” you heard Henry call from the bed and you smiled as you did as he asked, carrying the plate in one hand and the cutlery in another as you made your way through the room lit by a single lamp at the side of the bed that he’d switched on and settled the plate on the bed beside Henry as he sat propped up against the plush pillows. You handed him a spoon and grinned;
 “Okay so we’re not going to just eat these off each other’s bodies?”
 “Uh-huh… you see this one?” he swiped his spoon halfway through what looked like a chocolate cheesecake; “This one has cocoa nibs in… they get caught in my chest hair”
 He lifted the spoon to your lips and you moaned as the rich Ecuadorian cocoa hit your taste buds, before grinning and talking with your mouth full;
 “So, you’ve done the body cheesecake eating thing with someone else?” you cocked an eyebrow, before your eyes went a little wider when you saw him start to blush and you stopped chewing.
 “Not exactly…” he took a deep breath and smiled sheepishly; “I was staying here last year - my Air B&B wasn’t ready - and I ordered room service. I had fucked up my shoulder on a dig so couldn’t be bothered to wear a shirt… and proceeded to drop an enormous spoonful of cheesecake on my chest”
 You let out a burst of laughter, struggling to keep the chocolatey mess in your mouth as he continued;
 “So not only was it super cold, it got caught in all the hairs… and my dominant arm was fucked up so when I went to pick it out I missed the plate with the crumby base and dropped it on the floor… then proceeded to step on it and leave a trail of brown stains across this carpet to the bathroom that looked like I’d trodden shit around the suite”
 Your eyes watered from trying hard not to laugh and spray cheesecake over him, but the thought of him having to speak to the concierge about another ‘its-not-shit-its-cheesecake’ incident was too much… thankfully Henry could see your predicament, quickly reaching to the plate to grab a paper napkin that had been set on it and handing it to you so you could spit the cheesecake out.
 The pair of you picked at the desserts, feeding each other, talking and laughing, before you stifled a yawn;
 “I need some sleep… you’ve worn me out”
 “Let me get rid of this” Henry grabbed the empty plate and started towards the kitchen area; “And then I’ll see about sorting you out Princess”
 Standing you smiled as you headed towards the bathroom, your body and mind in that pleasant glow of pre-sleep, absentmindedly calling out to him;
 “I love you to pieces Henry but you are not coming near this pussy again tonight, she needs time to recover… I’m gonna pee then fall asleep in your arms in that massive bed”
 With your back turned you weren’t aware of Henry’s reaction to your words, how he’d picked up on your casual use of Love, and that he knew it came from the heart. 
 By the time you returned to the bedroom Henry had lowered the blinds and was laying in bed, the covers to his waist as you climbed in beside him, curling up to his wide chest as he wrapped an arm around you and pressed a kiss to your forehead. You were asleep within minutes; however Henry was wide awake, his mind racing, processing something that had never been said to him before.
You woke to find Henry’s arm draped over your waist, his chest to your back as the cracks of daylight peeked in through the miniscule gaps in the blinds that covered the windows. You shifted a little and he rolled silently onto his back, the sheets draped over his lower body and you could tell he was sound asleep. Sitting on the side of the bed you reached for the water bottle only to find it empty, and with a longing glance at sleeping beauty you pushed yourself to your feet in the search for a drink.
 Twenty minutes later you emerged from the shower, having found your lower body to be a sticky uncomfortable mess upon waking, you spied Henry’s shirt from the night before draped over a chair and pulled it on, smiling at the scent of his aftershave as your body heated the luxury cotton as it nestled against your naked body. Quietly making a cup of coffee you peered in at Henry, still snoring away in the massive bed. Letting him rest you took a seat in the dining area, resting your legs on the glass table as you checked your phone, snapping a shot from your hip that showed Henry’s shirt tails draped over your thigh, your steaming mug of coffee, and the London skyline in the background. 
 One Instagram upload later you were quietly enjoying your coffee as you checked your messages when one caught your eye, from your roommate. As you read it your heart sank. Two years ago when you’d been hunting for a flat share in London you’d been introduced to a friend of a friend, a photographer that had a flat in Fulham and was never home, as he was a Paparazzi and travelled for 9 months of the year. He kept a place in London that was in essence a storage flat, but for security he liked to have a roommate. The last person had moved out and he needed someone to take on the spare room. Rent would be low by London standards, and for most of the year you’d have the place to yourself. Well, now he had decided to make the move to LA permanent, and wanted to touch base with you regarding how you and he should go about sorting the flat… and he was giving you first refusal to see if you wanted to buy it. 
 You set the phone down on the table and stared out of the window, a million and one things racing through your mind… did you earn enough to get a mortgage? Would it just be easier to move out and find another place? You were chewing on a fingernail when a large pair of hands slid down your shoulders and slipped inside the open shirt to cup your breasts, whilst the owner of said hands bent over you and kissed you;
 “You look delicious in my shirt Princess”
 Henry's voice was rough from sleep, immediately ridding the previous problem from your mind and it sent a jolt of arousal straight to your core;
 “You looked pretty damn good in it too last night”
 Turning you stood and wrapped your arms around his wide shoulders, sighing into the tongue filled kiss as he lifted you and set your ass down on the cool glass of the table. Slowly he unfastened the few buttons that were holding the shirt together, before letting the garment fall open to expose your naked body. He ran his hand down your body, cupping your sex before sliding two fingers through your folds;
 “You’ve showered”
 “I have… I was sticky…”
 “Mmmn… I’ll just have to make you sticky again”
 He angled his hips and you felt his morning wood press against your entrance, his thumb rubbing against your clit as he slowly pushed into your soaked channel. You were expecting him to just fuck you on the table, but when he lifted you and wrapped your legs around his waist, you let out a cry of surprise before he walked the few steps to the massive windows and pressed you against them;
 “I want all of London to see how beautiful you are when you cum, how well you take my dick…”
 He started to fuck you hard against the glass, your head resting against the cool surface as you clung to his shoulders, and with each delicious flick of his hips he was driving you rapidly towards orgasm, his thickness filling you completely. You were almost there when he paused, and it brought your focus back to his face, surprise to see he wasn’t looking at you, instead his attention was outside. You following his gaze and let out a shriek: the window cleaning crew were hanging from their gantry, squeegees in hand and jaws agape as they watched Henry railing you against the window they were cleaning from the outside. 
 With a smirk Henry reached over and pressed the button for the internal window blinds to be lowered, the two of you still carnally connected as the outside world was cut off. In the now muted light Henry started with fresh vigour as he fucked you harder than ever before, filling you repeatedly before you came with a scream, squeezing his body so tight he followed soon after, pumping you full again. 
 He spent the longest time just holding you, pressing kisses to your face and neck before your legs started to cramp and you begged to be let down, the sclooping sound of his heavy length pulling free of your cum soaked channel met your ears and it sent a grin to your face;
 “I’m going to need another shower”
 “I think I’ll join you” he replied with a grin, before picking the room phone up; “I’ll order breakfast so it’ll be here for when we’re finished, say 45 minutes?”
 You nodded silently, realising that the shower wasn’t going to be a ‘just get clean’ shower.
 The shower had proven one thing; Henry was insatiable and had the stamina of a horse. He’d had you bent over from behind in the shower before you’d both cum, finally washing yourselves clean after that. As Henry shut the water off and stepped out he held out a hand to you, before wrapping a huge fluffy towel around your body and pressing a kiss to your nose. A knock at the suite door interrupted, Henry wrapping a towel around his waist as you started to dry yourself.
 Emerging from the steamy bathroom a few minutes later, you’d tied the soft robe that was provided by the hotel around you and found Henry setting out the trays of breakfast on the table that only an hour before he’d been fucking you on;
 “Breakfast is served! What would you like; waffles? Fruit?”
 “Yes, it all sounds amazing”
 You sat beside each other quietly eating, before Henry sat back and smiled at you;
 “What would you like to do today?”
 You shrugged;
 “I hadn’t really thought about it to be honest… I wasn’t expecting an overnight stay at a hotel, so I didn’t exactly pack a change of clothes. I guess just head home after doing a walk a shame through reception in my evening dress”
 Henry stood suddenly, holding a finger up in a ‘just a moment’ way, crossing the room and disappearing to the bedroom. You heard the quiet woosh of the sliding wardrobe doors opening, and moments later he reappeared carrying a number of bright yellow giftbags with ‘Selfridges’ emblazoned across them;
 “I thought of that…”
 He set the bags onto the table in front of you, and you raised an eyebrow;
 “Hen… what’s in the bags…”
 “An anti-walk-of-shame kit” You stood and looked into the bags, before starting to pull out their contents as he continued to explain; “I wasn’t sure what to get, or what the weather would be doing, so I got a few choices…”
 Pulling a floaty summer dress from one bag you held it against you and twirled around, revelling in the way the fabric drifted on the breeze. Checking the label you saw that it was the right size, before setting it down and going through the other bags. You found a pair of comfortable velvet sliders that your feet would certainly welcome after wearing the high heels the night before, a cardigan, and a bikini that looked incredibly tiny along with some lace panties. Another bag contained travel sized toiletries and a hairbrush. Another held a pale tracksuit in the softest of jersey fabrics. You set everything back into their bags and looked at Henry;
 “Thank you…. Is this normal for you?”
 “No, not at all” he wrapped his arms around your waist; “With everything that happened this week, I wanted to treat you, surprise you with a night that couldn’t beat any other night you’d ever had with anyone in your past”
 “What if I hadn’t said yes to staying the night?”
 “Then I would have taken all this back to my place for you to use there” he shrugged and a smile on his lips.
 “And why the bikini?”
 “Oh, there’s a pool here, thought we could make use of it before lunch?”
 The sight of Henry in swimming trunks was enough to make you want to drop to your knees, the fabric closely cropped around the tops of his massive thighs, and the way his dick bulged obscenely in them, well, you were glad you were the only ones making use of the pool. Your bikini that he’d chosen for you wasn’t much better, the top merely two triangles of fabric with an array of straps, the bottoms just about covering your pussy but not a lot else. You were thankful for the robes the hotel provided for your short trip to where the pool was. 
 Once you were in the water however the playful side came out of both of you, hands sneaking under the water for surreptitious squeezes and caresses. Just at the point where Henry was about to have you pressed against the wall of the pool you heard the door open to the pool room, and a family with three kids came in, the kids dive bombing into the water. You both laughed at their excitement of swimming in a high-rise, the views over London just as stunning as in every other room, and as the parents apologised for the kids you told them it wasn’t a problem at all;
 “We were just about to get into the jacuzzi anyway”
 “We were?” Henry muttered but didn’t argue as you led him up the steps and quickly sank down into the hot bubbling waters, the jacuzzi just around the corner from the pool. You were in the same room but thankfully out of sight, and the second the two of you were enveloped by the bubbles Henry pulled you to sit on his lap, facing away from him. 
 “There are camera’s here” he whispered in your ear; “But they can’t see what happens underwater…”
 His fingers snuck into your bikini bottoms, seeking out your folds before rubbing against your clit. Resting your head back against his shoulder, to anyone watching it would seem you are just a couple in each other’s arms; what they couldn’t see was Henry already had two fingers knuckle deep within you. He was grinding his dick into your ass when you let the water float you above his lap enough for him to tug his shorts down just enough to free himself, before he pulled you down and you sank onto his hardness. 
 As you watched the city go about its day Henry whispered utter filth into your ear, his hips making the tiniest of thrusts beneath the water, his fingers rubbing hard against your clit as you did your absolute best not to moan, sigh, or give anything away above the water that you had Henry’s massive dick plundering you yet again, this time in public. 
 His breaths were getting shorter in your ear and you had almost bitten through your lip from trying not to moan at the pleasure that was building in the pit of your stomach, so when Henry’s other hand snuck inside your top and pinched at your nipple you let out a tiny grunt and started to cum, the tightness of your walls contracting around him setting his own orgasm off.
 Soon after you climbed out having rearranged your swimwear, pulling your robes on before nodding to the family that were blissfully unaware of what you’d just done, their kids having been squealing and screaming far more than you two ever could.
 Back at the room and showering again, you laughed as you playfully slapped away Henry’s hands as he kept trying to grab your ass in the shower, before finally turning and cupping his balls;
 “Henry, give these two a rest, they’re almost empty… gotta save something for my afternoon snack…”
 He grunted as you carefully washed him down of the soapy suds that covered his cock and balls, before kissing him once. As he soaped your back his voice was quiet;
 “What would you like to do now? Head out somewhere? Borough Market is just across the road… Or it’s just a short walk down the embankment to tower bridge… we could be proper tourists for the day”
 “That sounds good”
 Sipping on the multiberry smoothie you’d bought as you and Henry had looked around Borough Market, the pair of you slowly strolled along the embankment alongside the River Thames. There was little to no breeze which you were truly thankful for as the dress he’d bought you was shorter than you were expecting, however he certainly wasn’t complaining and rather vocally had expressed how much he enjoyed seeing you in it. With your fingers interlinked with his you were deep in thought as you sipped on your drink, walking in silence towards the ornate towers of Tower Bridge.
 “... Princess?”
 Stopping you turned to Henry;
 “Yes? Sorry, did you say…?”
 Henry quietly laughed;
 “I have in fact been wittering away for the entire length of the embankment… what’s on your mind?”
 You saw a bench and nodded to it, Henry following you as you sat down;
 “My roommate has told me he wants to sell the flat”
 “Oh… I didn’t realise you had a roommate… and a ‘he’ at that…”
 You sat back and looked at him, raising an eyebrow;
 “Are you... Are you jealous?”
 He leant forwards, resting his elbows on his knees. Taking a deep breath, he let out a single laugh before shaking his head;
 “No… yes… kind of…”
 “You don’t need to be. He’s gay. He’s out of the country for nine months of the year. When he is in the country, he’s barely at home with the hours he does”
 “What does he do?”
 “Paparazzi photographer. He’ll be here for a few months in the springtime… when it’s warm enough for celebs to be here for holidays and shopping. Usually starts with the Brit awards in February and is gone by May”
 “Where does he sleep?”
 “In his room of course”
 “His… room?”
 You stood, getting frustrated at the points Henry was focusing on;
 “Yes, his room. The door off the right of the living room. That’s his room”
 That was it. He didn’t say another word, instead just looked down at his hands. And it annoyed you. This man, this gorgeous, kind, caring man, the same man you had thought of and nothing else for the past few weeks, who had been your knight in shining armour, was suddenly focusing on such a small detail of your life and becoming jealous of it? The longer you looked at him the longer he kept his gaze averted, saying nothing.
 You’d stayed long enough, silently you turned, the lump in your throat growing as you walked away, tossing the remains of your drink in the nearest bin. You didn’t look back. If he was going to be like that over something so tiny, perhaps you’d fallen too hard for him.
Chapter 8 >>>
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clockworkgraystairs · 5 years
38 for jurdan pls? 😇🖤💫
I’m so sorry this took so long *sobs* 
I swear I try to make this ones short but it. just. doesn’t. happen.
BUT IT’S FINALLY HERE!!  I hope you enjoy it
Jurdan - College AU 1 
Jude’s phone buzzed. Again. The thing had been doing that for the whole damn morning.
So she’d been ignoring it. 
Well, not exactly. 
More like, she hadn’t been able to answer. Everytime it ringed Jude felt like it was drilling her head. 
So here she was, lying in bed for the second day in a row with fever and terrible headaches. Missing class again. 
She was not used to miss any classes. In fact, she was feeling really upset about it. Jude was one of the best in her course, barely competing with other two people. As a future journalist, she needed to be one of the best since it was a very demanding career.  Besides, she’ll have mid-term exams soon, and missing not one but two full lectures made her terribly anxious. Not to mention her very scholarship being in danger if she dared to drop her grades. Only by some miracle she’d been accepted in Insmire College, so she refused to let the opportunity slip away from her hands that easy.
But it turns out to be, her body had some other plans. And Jude didn’t know if she ate some spoiled food or what the hell was going on because two nights ago she’d woken up practically running to the toilet to throw up the contents of her stomach.
She didn’t even had the strength to go to the doctor nor any roommate who could take her there, so she figured she’d wait until it was out of her system and rest in the meantime. 
Or die, if it was her destiny. 
Maybe she wasn’t meant to finish her career. Maybe all of those years of effort and nights without sleeping were for nothing. Maybe-
A loud knock on her door woke her up from her thoughts. 
Jude furrowed at the sound. She wasn’t expecting anyone. Probably just some street vendor, they were common in that zone.  If she didn’t answer he would simply leave.
So she closed her eyes again and buried her face back in the pillow
But no. Whoever was out there kept banging at the door, louder this time. If they didn’t shut up they’d be so sorry as soon as she regained her balance. 
Just ignore them, she sighed.
“Duarte, are you there?! Open up!” A loud bang again. 
Jude’s eyes snapped back open and groaned. Oh no. No no no no. Not him.
“I can see the lamp light on, I know you’re in there, c’mon!” He knocked again.
Jude stood and stumbled to the door opening it furiously. The light outside blinded her for a moment, making her headache worse, but then there he was. Grinning like an idiot as always, with that annoying and perfect smile of his. 
God she hated him. Most of the time at least. 
Ever since that day, back in sophomore year, when she’d thought he was flirting with her but at the end he’d only stole her ideas for a final project. He was another one of the top three in her class, clever and cunning as the devil itself. All of the teachers were always praising him even when they’d just asked for the hour. It was ridiculous. 
With the door wide open, Jude suddenly remembered she was wearing a really old and ragged dress she used for sleeping.
He whistled “Not your day huh? What happened, your alarm ran away?”
She glared at him. Now, in senior grade, Jude had been paired with him for a research project that to her misfortune, he was completely agreeable to do. And it would have been much easier if he’d kept his usual arrogant and smug attitude. 
Instead, Cardan was being the perfect gentleman. 
Whenever she asked for a meeting for the project, he attended. He was punctual, sometimes even more than her. Some other days he arrived with two coffees, or muffins, or whatever thing he found on his way, to share with her. 
He focused on their chores, working hard when needed and relaxing and telling fun riddles when not. More than once Jude caught herself laughing as if they were best friends. Then remembered they weren’t, and went back to work silently. 
Cardan was not her friend. He was her competition, a strong one if she was being honest to herself. He seemed to acknowledge that too sometimes. When they ran to each other in the hallways he barely noticed she was there, some other days he just winked at her and turn away. 
When they were in class though, their battles for dominance were fierce and Jude hated to see him smirk everytime that happened. He could not be her friend.
And yet, he was now outside her shitty apartment clearly puzzled by the look of her. The gown, her messy hair, she was even bare feet. It was humiliating. 
“What on earth are you doing here?” She sighed, rubbing her eyes.
His eyes roamed her figure once. He quirked an eyebrow.  “Checking if you’re still alive to begin with. You’ve missed two days of college, I can’t tell if you’ve noticed. That cannot be good for your final grade, especially not with professor Noggle.” 
He was unbelievable. Jude blinked. “You came here… to tell me I’m getting a bad grade?”
“Yeah.” Cardan shrugged. “Well, also to ask why the fuck you didn’t arrive to our meeting this morning, but I guess I have my answer now. As comfy as your bed might be that research is not doing it on its own…”
From one moment to another she felt her balance falter. He kept talking but Jude just only saw his mouth move. A prickling sensation ran up her fingers. Her eyes unfocused and the world around her seemed to start swaying. At some point Cardan ceased his ranting and said her name, it sounded as if he was underwater. Jude tried to answer something but her voice failed while the floor changed below her.
She was about to reach the floor when two strong arms gripped her, slowing her fall. Jude heard him bark a curse as he pulled her up and carried her inside. Somehow he closed the door with his foot and settled her in the couch. His hands cupped her face prompting her to open her eyes. His fingers were cool against her boiling skin.
“Fuck, you’re burning… Jude.” Cardan insisted. “Jude look at me.” 
Her eyes took a while before managing to focus on his, dark as the night sky. How many times she’d lost herself looking at those eyes? 
“Can you hear me?” He continued, gently pulling strands of her away from her face. “I need a cloth, can you tell me where is it? You’re ok, I’m here.” 
A spark of consciousness shone on Jude’s brain and weakly pointed at the kitchen drawers. 
Cardan stood and in the meantime she tried to focus on her breathing. The sensation of fainting started leaving little by little.
Cold touched her forehead out of nowhere and she groaned. Cardan made soothing noises as he caressed the wet cloth over her. 
“What on earth Duarte?” he whispered. 
“I’m sorry.” She mumbled, not sure if her words came out the right way. “I’ve been feeling a little ill…”
“A little ill? You’re burning up in fever!” Oh now he was angry. Great. “How much have you been like this?”
Jude shrugged, closing her eyes again. “A couple of days, I figured out it would leave later but-”
“But nothing, you cannot feel like this and not calling anyone Jude!” Cardan paused and took a deep breath. “This is what we are going to do. As soon as you can, you are going to get your ass into that bathroom there and have a cold shower. I’ll make you some soup.”
“Soup.” She repeated, chuckling under her breath. “So apart from everything you also cook. Damn, that’s why everyone loves you.”
Jude looked back at him and found a cold, decided stare. “If you don’t get that shower in the next 5 minutes I’m going to give it to you myself, understood?”
She gulped, feeling her heart skip a beat. 
Ten minutes later, Jude came out the bathroom and sat back in the couch rubbing her damp hair with a towel. She was feeling better but still a little weak. She’d put on an oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts that belonged to another pijamas. 
“Here.” Cardan’s voice pulled her gaze up. He placed a bowl in her hands and took a step back. “Eat.” 
Jude’s stomach growled with hunger at the sight of the soup. When was the last time she’d eaten something? She took a spoonful into her mouth and almost moaned in relief. It was absolutely delicious. Damn him.
She glanced up and found him also looking back at her. His eyes hard and his jaw shut tight. 
“Don’t just stay in there, creep. Sit down.” Jude motioned to the place next to her. He obliged. 
Jude ate in silence, and at some point Cardan just started telling her what had happened those days she’d missed. She smirked when he told her how boring was to debate with Noggle alone, since she hadn’t been there.
When she finished, she left the bowl on the little table next to the sofa. Then grabbed her pillow.
“I see you’re feeling better now…” He started. “But either way I’m taking you to a doctor, and that’s not a question.”
“Yeah, I know.” Jude said. She placed her pillow over Cardan’s legs and he stiffened when she laid her head over it. “The least you can do is let this poor woman sleep a little before taking her out to the cruel world.”
“Are you feverish again?” His voice came out a little strained.
“Mm no, I’m just tired.” Her words were more a whisper than anything. “Give me half an hour, I’ll be ready to go after that. Please?”
Cardan nodded nervously and leaned his back to the couch, hesitating before lifting a hand and softly caress Jude’s hair between his fingers. 
She sighed happily, already more asleep than awake. “Careful, with all these attentions one would think you actually like me.” 
He snorted. “Don’t make me laugh Duarte.”
She made a noise but didn’t talk again. Cardan peered down and watched her sleep, looking peaceful as she wasn’t usually seen. He allowed himself to smile. 
“Like you…” He repeated. “I’ve been in love with you for months now, you dumbass.”
He sighed and rested his head back, closing his eyes. At least for now, he could let himself daydream about this being a regular day with her. Even if it was only for half an hour. 
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