#i wont have achievements but i really dont care about those
toast1862 · 3 months
welp i cant get lampray to work, so i tried really hard to manually mod my game. there's definitely a popup saying something's wrong that means SOMETHING happened, but unfortunately i won't know if it actually worked until act 2. i doubt it. i also tried to install a thing to make all camp clothes available at the first vendor, but that's not working. i guess i'll find out though. if it doesn't i'll just play as if it weren't modded and wear something else. i did kill the best companion original to this game already and i do get a cool robe for that. so. i guess i'll just wear my ill-gotten gains
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thequietkid-moonie · 4 months
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Affectionate S/O
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Fubuki, Shouko ]
[ One Punch Man ] [ Komi-san can't comunicate ]
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Despite the fact that im incredibly affectionate I had some troubles to write this because i didn't know how to express it hahaha
Please remember that i only write for gender neutral, and I don't write for Tatsumaki so she's out
Anyways, it was interesting to write, hope you enjoy!
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Fubuki is a rather prideful woman, she holds a lot of pride for her power and what she had achieved on the hero fundation, however she is rather emotional too, deep down she feels insecure and tent to doubt herself some times, so when she actually gets into a relationship is with someone she trust and knows can show her more vulnerable side
Just as she holds pride from her powers she also holds pride from her relasionship, she loves you dearly and doesn't has problem with showing to everyone how a wonderful partner she has, and yet when is you the one talking good of her she actually gets flustered rather easily
Fubuki shows a prideful expression whenever she is bragging about you with others (even when her subordinates) but whenever she is with you her expression softens, even when she speak with the same determination and pride there is a lot of love in her behavior. She lets herseft be vulnerable with you, so you showing so much love and affection during those times goes directly towards her heart
Fubuki can easily handle compliments, telling herself that she used to them for her position and power, but the truth is that deep inside of her is making her heart go faster, she is more used to feel like nothing compared to her sister so reciving sincere compliments from someone she loves hits her harder that how she likes to admit, it make her feel special and loved
Telling her that you love her directly makes her more flustered and can catch her off guard, it quickly make her flustered but still she tries to keep her composture (funny because her cheeks are all red), specially if you two are in public (her subordinates just get used to seeing you being affectionate with her and see her all flustered, they normally don't say nothing about it but they share some silly smiles with each other, happy for you two)
Being physicaly affectionate towards her has an even bigger effect on her, that makes her more flustered but she never fails to return the gesture, she prefer if you dont do it in public because of her reputation and because she can't resist the urge to cuddle you and kiss you more whenever you are being so cute, physical affection out of nowhere always catch her off guard, even if you already were by her side, however there are also some times where she is the one initiating the affection (that doesn't mean she wont be a little blushy)
She doesn't mind at all you being affectionate, in fact she really enjoy it, but prefer if you do it whenever is just the two of you or at least out of her work, she just can get easily distracted by you and she doesn't want to take the risk of you getting in danger because she couldn't concentrate in her surroundings
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Shouko Komi
Shouko suffer from a severe anxiety, what lead her to have a lot of difficulties in her day by day, still that doesn't stop her from loving you and wanting to be with you
It would take her a lot from her to be able to get used to be in a relationship, but as much as it make her feel anxious and even insecure she tries her best to overcome her insecurities and take some steps forward, trying to show you her love in diferent ways, however your affectionate behavior doesn't make things easy for her
Shouko isn't used to affection, most part of her family aren't physicaly affectionate and just shows their care and love in their own indirect ways, so suddenly having someone who is actively and openly affectionate towards her is really new, it make her feel really anxious because she doesn't know how to answer, it would take her a while to get used to it
Shouko is more used to don't have friends and be ignored, and suddenly being in the spotlight is dificult for her, most of the time she relay on you and in Hitohito for comfort whenever it came to trying new things (but she is slowly improving to be more open), and since you two are dating she relay more on you now, however she freeze whenever you are affectionate to her in an attempt to comfort her or make her feel safe, she wants to run away and hide for feeling flustered but at the same time she just want to melt under your loving touch
In other cases, where you are affectionate and shows her love just because you felt like it isn't different, everytime she is shocked, staring at you for a moment before nervously trying to think on what to do, should she say something? Should she return the gesture? Should just stand there? Can she run away to try and hide her inmense blush?
Being affectionate with words, by telling her how much you love her or compliments are easier to handle for her, it will flustered her (specially if you insist on what you tell her) but definetly is something she can handle, but being physicaly affectionate is more difficult for her to handle, she will freeze until she finally fully process what it is happening and is able to return the gesture, shy and completely flustered but she does return the gesture (or at least try)
As much as she gets flustered and even anxious, Shouko doesn't want you to stop, she loves any loving gesture you have with her, she probably freeze in the spot and become a blushing mess but she totally love it, if you try to stop yourself from showing affection in attempt to don't make her feel anxious, like diminishing your affection, stoping at half way or even apologizing it would affect her more than the actual affection, she grows to love it quite a lot and she can actually feel the lack of it, she will try to win the courage to tell you to please don't stop, she does want you to continue being affectionate, she wants to melt under your embrace and heard you tell her sweet nothings (well, that last part she isn't able to actually say it)
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Requested by @the-ultimate-puppteer
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molluskmirage · 8 months
id like to discuss Badboyhalo and language learning on the qsmp for a moment. A lot of both creators and audience members are always so surprised when Bad says he’s learning then asks him to speak. They can also compare a lot that he’s not trying as hard as Foolish.
I feel language learning is never given the respect at how long it takes to learn. How I began learning was when I realized I had already learned a language once and to compare it to that. Bad is only a few months old in learning spanish. The first year of language learning is being able to make sense of when words and sentences end, your lucky to get a few words in and thats it. Foolish is a year old so he’s recognizing those patterns and is now starting to put words together but of course its through fumbling and a lot of effort, and its nothing to compare to someone who has been learning 5 years or greater. They are both babies. But they are both learning and trying.
there is alot of understandable animosity surrounding why English is the largest second language. An important note surrounding culture (separated from the charged negative) whatever is ‘popular’/forced/expected of you in a culture will be easier to achieve then going against that culture. Having to go outside your culture to learn another can alienate you from your own so most dont, and thats not that they dont care or wont come to care but for anyone across the globe reason is the motivation for learning. Friendship with Quackity motivated Foolish and Bad to learn. Them not knowing prior is a culture thing (again not talking about how its unfortunate on how it is just what is). Both are very happy to learn but again its not something you just say ‘Im gonna learn’ and then know instantly it takes way more time then is given. Foolish and Bad are babes in language learning, Foolish is just learning how to walk and Bad is rolling trying to learn to crawl. And thats perfect!
I can understand the hurt from other speaking cultures as their lack of knowledge comes as a reminder of some awful history, which can be difficult to separate but they are individuals, lovely individuals who are trying to learn beyond the culture they are a part of but it doesn’t happen fast the effort however is the same, they are trying happily.
every single bilingual and trilingual and more on the server is absolutely incredible and to be celebrated! Thats years and years of learning that Im always wowed by and is deserving of more praise then I feel is given. By celebrating those ahead in language learning we can also inadvertently recognize how difficult it is as an achievement and not put such unachievable expectations on those starting their journey. I imagine a lot of folks are starting their language journey because of the qsmp and Id like them not to be discouraged by where they’re at because it does take time but it is possible so long as they stay at it.
so yeah Bad can only say hola, ci, como estas, bein, no manches. And he wont be able to say much more until maybe 6 months more in the future by which point he’ll probably be able to say a handful of words and 2 years from now he’ll be putting together a few sentences. Bad wont be conversational until 4 years more (so long as he keeps at it) but if he does? Thats when all that effort really comes to fruition and is so exciting and you still feel like a dork because you cant talk philosophy or business but you can put together basic conversation and wow looking back to when you began its incredible, and learning accelerates so much faster beyond year 5 thats when its really exciting!
language learning is no small feat. keep at it and celebrate where you’re at because so long as you keep trying you will get there it just takes time :)
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noeggets · 2 months
Noeggets has a lot of deep thoughts about Shadow's characterization
it's so sad that Shadow was only a project to gerald, like we all joke /think that Shadow was "part of the family" but he was only a cure to Maria, that man was not as good a person as we think he was IM NOt SAYING HE WAS BAD but i usually see him depicted as super super kind to Shadow but i was reading the lore of SA2 and watching an analysis video and if the president never asked him to make whatever he asked him to make Shadow very well would not have been created.
It's so dark and so sad, like he manipulated Shadow when he went insane how do you think it feels to Shadow to know the person who made him didn't truly love him? like neither of the things that created/help create Shadow really truly loved him, he's only a cure, he's just a thing to reach immortality, he very well could be immortal himself, Shadow i don't think he can die cause he was created to not be able to catch any disease and be immortality it's self.
How do you think that feels? to just be a thing? Biolizard is just a failed attempt at making Shadow based on Chaos, those Chaos things in the ARK are failed attempts at Shadow also based on Chaos, i never knew this until i read the wiki 2 days ago SA2 has such a dark story i feel so bad for Shadow
re-thinking what i used to think about IDW Shadow lemme explain
And now that i know all this about Shadow the way he acts in IDW makes a little more sense to me, we all thought he was stupid when Sonic said "don't touch those zobot guys you'll turn into one" and Shadow was all "yeah, i dont care this wont effect me" HE WAS LIKE THIS FOR TWO REASONS
he was mad at Sonic cause his whole thing i want to achieve world peace i already talked about how IDW Shadow doesn't have as much compassion as the Shadow we all know from any other game but this is Eggman we're talking about, with everything Eggman's done up to this point do you think Shadow believes there is any good in him when he rarely does anything good Shadow has seen? Time eater, Sonic unleashed, Shadow is not ignorant to Eggman waking up a monster inside the planet everybody whether we seen them or not knows sonic unleashed happen, Sonic brings up sonic unleashed in IDW so it canonly happened. i remember reading that Knuckles and Shadow were gonna be in Sonic unleashed and if that's true SHADOW IS AWARE OF THIS
Eggman is a threat to the world to Shadow but he allowed the doctor to be cause Sonic keeps him check, Sonic is starting to be "unable" to keep him in check from Shadow's view, Shadow was there in forces, he witness what Eggman did to greenhill, he fought infinite who is a merc hired by Eggman mercs off people, Shadow is trying to save people that's his whole thing. After what happen to Shadow in Episode Shadow in forces do you think Shadow would hold any sympathy for Eggman the next time he physically see's him? After what he did to the world, after what he did to Omega? right in front of his eyes? Using Infinite to corrupt Omega and scare him Shadow cares about Omega that's his friend i had a point but i forgot it dang it anyway Shadow was in the war,
i remembered it a little bit i think i think i was gonna say something about when GUN sent Shadow to rescue Omega idk i haven't touched forces in sometime, and Shadow didn't come back as well as Omega. Eggman immobilized Shadow Shadow does not think the world is safe with Eggman around i think that was my point i don't remember...
ANYWAY that's why when Shadow came to see mr tinker he was pissed that Sonic allowed Eggman to be, this is dangerous to Shadow. when Shadow was getting mad at Sonic cause Sonic was preaching let Mr. Tinker live Shadow was thinking about the bigger picture: This man is terrorizing people and the only way to keep everyone safe is getting rid of him, this may be the only chance we get, but he let him live because Sonic explained that Shadow did bad things in the past as well so does that mean Shadow gets to go down with Eggman?
Shadow was mad at Sonic and the mess he made, Shadow was being compassionate i just didn't see it or understand it until now, it shocked him greatly when he was consumed by metal virus because he truly believed he could not catch a disease, this is a disease, so he wasn't being stupid i will admit he should have been more cautious not to put it to the test if it would work on him but Shadow was so sure he couldn't catch it, cause he believed he can't catch any KNOWN diseases this was a new disease his body wasn't created to understand therefore it works on him.
We thought SEGA didn't know what they were doing when they were writing IDW Shadow BUT THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING people probably don't even care or remember about when that issue came out and everyone got so mad that Shadow was written "wrong" and being "stupid" but now that i have a understanding i think understand what he was doing and his thought process.
Shadow is moving up on my favorite list for this i feel so bad for Shadow F in the chat for Shadow his story is so sad like really. also heres an old thing i did that's really valid now
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enden-k · 3 months
Can I ask what makes Arlecchino evil? I'm v much a villain enjoyer and like some morally greyness, but I genuinely didn't pick up on a lot of bad stuff with Arlecchino. She was super helpful during Fontaine and seemed to be the only powerful person who cared about helping the common folk when the water levels were rising.
I'm not here to start an argument, just wanna expand my view 🙏
dw didnt think u want to argue! i will also use this to say i wont tolerate arguments, this goes for everyone here
i will talk about sensitive themes under the cut (mentions of when i was groomed/emotionally abused by my adoptive father/mentions of abuse/grooming in general) so if someones not good with this, be warned please and dont click for your emotional comfort.
i really love arlecchino (theres also difficult, personal reasons ig) and id rather wait for her to arrive to get more information than we have so far through other characters/side quests/main quest but well.
her goals aligned with ours in the fontaine quest which is why we have the impression shes a good/nice person, especially considering our other meetings with the harbingers we met so far (signora, childe, scara, dottore) and the situations. shes very calm and diplomatic (lets see how it changes in the next update when we fight her)
but we shouldnt forget how the travellers on their toes the entire time/everytime they come in contact with arle. its because shes a harbinger after all. shes a danger. her graceful politeness and calmness is supposed to have you on guard, make your hairs rise. shes mentioned to be manipulative and shes manipulating others to achieve what she wants by being nice and calm. she has ulterior motives. we should be careful. this is my impression based on my own gaming experience and idk if it was the same w others, but bc of us being on guard around her i was always prepared for her to turn on us until the end of the main quest.
anw, arle is supposed to be intimidating and have you wary. even tho she comes off as nice and polite, having done good and helped in the main story. its bc thats what she wanted and you happened to have the same goal. also lets not forget scaras and childes thoughts about her which already tells a lot
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she has two sides. the one we saw in the quest, the graceful, calm, polite face to get what she wants. and the other, the one scara and childe talk about here, the one they call "crazy"
not to mention her codename, "the knave". what does it mean? servant. what else does it mean? "dishonest/deceitful man". basically, swindler. isnt it perfect?
shes manipulative and whatever her "true" nature is, we dont know (yet). she may have "good intentions" here or there but will achieve them no matter what it takes.
as for the thing you can consider as bad; the house of the hearth is an orphanage that raises children into fatui agents. only those who have potential join the ranks while the others are kept close (its not known whats done with them afaik). theyre basically grooming/raising child soldiers/spies.
before the sensitive stuff comes up, for the ppl who dont want to proceed, arlecchino fools/manipulates you into thinking shes a nice person/good parent. its amazing and so in character for her. its also scary how some ppl cant see the abuse/manipulation unless you went through this too or well. just actually read and realize it.
arlecchino is an emotionally manipulative parental figure. now, this is coming from someone who went through heavy abuse/was groomed by their adoptive father who was extremely manipulative and i spot so many things very well known to me. others who went through the same get this feeling. these signs you immediately recognize.
you get punished for the tiniest mistakes and when you get loved, it makes you forget all that was done to you, just for that tiny bit of affection you crave. you try to do your best, to do everything asked and expected of you, not to disappoint the only parent you have and youre dependent on, to be a good kid deserving of love and when you slip up youre in shambles. there was a time i did a tiny mistake by accident and my father said to me in the coldest voice "you broke my trust" and i remember so vividly how it broke me, how i cried until i got sick. i was physically abused before and none of it hurt me more than this. it still gets to me after all those years. emotional manipulation is cruel
what im trying to say is, she came in a time of need. taken as a savior while it just is one abuser swapped out with another. like my adoptive father having me dependent, giving me love i never received and being everything i wanted, making me believe hes everything i need, a common thing abusers do. wanting to do everything youre asked of and do it good, the fear of disappointing and being punished, believing you deserved it bc its your fault and treating your abuser like a savior, being conditioned. this is whats happening.
now, arle genuinely loves and protects her children; its very clear that the life of the children matter to her the most (look at childes line and freminet/lynette etc) - she was one of them too after all. so, its possible to love and still do these. moral greyness etcetc
anyway idk if its understandable or if i can explain it in proper words while maintaining a good distance so ill add the voicelines of the siblings heavily implying this, and also a tweet adressing this that brings it to proper words, better than i can say
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tweet here bc tmblr doesnt insert the link properly
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krisp-xyz · 4 months
ok I'm gonna ramble about outer wilds.
if you haven't played it, even if you don't typically care about spoilers, PLEASE avoid spoilers bc this is the most delicate game ever when it comes to spoilers due to the way it's designed. it's one of the few games where spoilers WILL rob you of the experience. with that said,
this is a very very special game to me fgkjldfjk the ending was really beautiful when i first played and the more i thought about and processed it, the more it really stuck with me to the point where i *will* just cry if i think about the ending too much and god i cannot play through that ending again without sobbing. since im assuming people reading this have played the game, yall already know the nature of the game. the only thing you have to gain from anything is knowledge, and once you beat the game, you cant really ever play it again. sure you could maybe go for achievements or explore things you never saw but the experience is kinda just over.
I very much interpreted the ending as being about death. the game has the whole supernova time loop thing going on which sorta makes the idea of respawning a canonical aspect of the game. the fact that you can just hop back into your ship and you dont really have repercussions from death which is a pretty much synonymous with games as a whole tbh is a canonical aspect of the game that you the player AND you the hearthian traveler exploring the universe are a part of. this doesnt immediately seem to special and didn't even click with me very much until quite a bit after i beat the game, but to beat the game is to accept that you're going to die, and truly dying in this game is kinda the closest media has come to communicating what death really means for me at least. you start aimlessly wandering this star system and eventually start to piece things together, you make goals and eventually figure out how to beat the game, etc. all the knowledge you have to gain in this game leads up to the ending. maybe you stop the supernova and save everyone! maybe thats why you're trying to find the eye of the universe! but no, all the stars are dying. you were just unfortunate enough to be born at the end of a dying universe. There's nothing you can do because death is inevitable for you and those around you.
to beat the game is not only to accept that the sun will explode for the last time, that the end of the experience is inevitable, that all your hearthian friends will die for good, but beating the game also requires accepting that *you the player* have reached the end of this experience, *you the player* cannot hang onto anything forever, that the end was inevitable for you too. sometimes i get genuinely sad that i can basically never play this game again, and i almost wonder if my little hearthian protagonist felt similar during the end of the game. that feeling of the inevitable end finally reaching us.
AND DESPITE IT ALL, you finally accept that you are not immortal, that this will not last forever, that the sun cant keep exploding and looping and exploding and looping forever, when you finally accept death on your own terms, when you have no idea of what's in store for you and what will happen next but you take that dive anyway, you just,, get to share a moment with the people close to you. you sit around the campfire as everyone's music comes together for the first time, once *literally* worlds apart, now, in harmony, as the little audio cues to find your friends on each planet become a symphony. they each share messages about how they feel and every single fucking one resonated with me so much sdjklfsklj stuff like "you cut it a little short dont you think?" and "i got to be a part of something really cool, so I've got no complaints" and "the future depends on the past, even if we wont get to see it" and MY FAVORITE FUCKING LINE FROM THE ENTIRE GAME. solanum, the only non-hearthian character around the campfire, a nomai, one of the species that made this all possible, a friend, says something different. she says that this is the end of our journey, and she asks you a question. she just asks if you're ready. its not required to say yes to finish, its not even required to talk to her to beat the game, but if you say no, she will ask again if you are ready whenever you talk to her afterwards, while leaving a message for you in case you are not ready for it to end. she says "its tempting to linger in this moment where every possibility still remains, but unless they are collapsed by a conscious observer, they will never be more than possibilities." when you finally take your final plunge in this moment, you watch the universe collapse before you, remarkably similar to all the times you watched the sun explode before your eyes, and you die.
even though you the player are clearly still alive, (its just a video game after all :p) the experience is over. you died in a way too. this world is no longer yours to explore and discover. after the credits theres a very nice touch where you see the start of a new universe after you enter the eye and the entire universe dies before you. you see some new creatures huddled around a campfire together to remind you that death isn't the end, because "the future depends on the past, even if we wont get to see it" and that maybe it was enough to be a part of something cool, to share those moments with your friends, to explore the universe in whatever unique way you did.
DLC spoilers beyond this point ofc.
if you're like me or countless other players, you probably wanted more, well I've got just the news for you!! theres a DLC !!!! "but wait, doesnt this defeat literally the entire purpose of the game?" yes :D but that's not a flaw, in fact they do this in the best way possible. the DLC challenges the message of the game because there is a fundamental aspect of death that the game barely even touches that the DLC explored *thoroughly*: fear.
chances are, you realize you can beat the game and go beat it and are immensely moved and equally confused by the ending because it takes so much time to process that you never really have a moment to fear death. theres never a moment where you are scared of what comes next because it doesnt really click that this is the end of everything until after the end. in my opinion at least, this is pretty much the only flaw with their portrayal of death and the DLC remedied this.
so it turns out you want more and weren't ready for this to end! its time to explore the owlks and their contributions to this story. im not going to explain their story in depth because im assuming people have played ofc, but key traits with the owlks is that they feared loss. they archived what they wanted to destroy, they lost their home beause of the efforts they made to reach the eye and were horrified, they tried to escape by hiding in a world of their own creation. they hid the eye to prolong the life of the universe as infinitely far as they could. they stumbled across a way to similarly archive one's consciousness, and conquer even death itself, but it was all out of fear. they couldnt accept the end so they hid from it.
and let me just say THE DLC IS FUCKING SCARY. they lean into horror and I think everyone should play it even if they arent into horror. the puzzles arent actually too challenging in execution, and making the discoveries you need is no sweat if you've gone through the base game tbh, although it is very different in a very refreshing way. The real challenge and the real roadblock is fear. some of the things you are required to do are immensely scary and put you into situations you frankly dont want to be in! but if you quit, if you dont do this out of fear, if you hide and if you try to escape this, you're just like the owlks. you dont get through this by not being afraid, you get through this by not letting your fear paralyze you. you need to face your fears (often quite literally as you need to lure owlks away from things and I think its a nice touch that they can also hide from you by turning off their lights and then they can still see you by shining their light towards you even if yours is off FUCK that but this is a bit of a tangent lsdkfgljsd) and if you succeed where they failed, you learn one of the biggest mysteries of the game. you learn why the eye's signal vanished as fast as it appeared, why the nomai failed to find it as effortlessly as the owlks did, but more imporantly, you make a friend :] you meet the owlk that enabled the eye of the universe to be found with a brief decision that they made in a single moment so long ago. the efforts to build upon what the prisoner did were not in vain, and the prisoner accepts death by literally walking into the water as their light goes out. they leave a final message for you, urging you to ride into the exploding sun with them by your side, and you know its time to go beat the game again.
hopefully at this point the ending has sat with you long enough for you to realize what this means. now, more than ever, this is finally the end of the game. you wanted more and you got more but that desire for more similarly cant last forever. the game still needs to end and this is why there should never ever be another DLC for this game please,, a desire for more and a fear of the end kinda come hand in hand, and the fears that you chose to face were not in vain. this is it! theres nothing else! maybe you're sad that the game is ending for the last time, and maybe you still dont want it to end. but in those final moments around the campfire, solanum isn't the only non-hearthian friend around the campfire :] the prisoner is there too wondering if they even deserve to be there after what their kind did, but its over now, everything worked out. they say something really simple that was, without a doubt, the perfect addition to the game for me:
"...How beautiful. It’s different than I’d envisioned.
Whatever happens next, I do not think it is to be feared."
I think one of the reasons this game resonated so much with me is something that I really struggled to grasp until I watched shammy's outer wilds review. there's something so much more significant about *being* rather than just, observing. tons of movies try to tackle these ideas of death and even plenty of games, but with outer wilds, *you* are having this experience that will end that you can never have again. *you* are exploring a world in your own unique way that cannot last forever. and I think that's ok. I think that's what makes it special.
I'm a game dev and an artist and I think outer wilds is genuinely profound. it makes me want to make something that touches people in the way I felt touched by outer wilds. I'm so happy things aligned for me to get to use this same medium for art. I'm gonna go cry now thanks for reading <3
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yurucamp · 7 months
actually never mind. i just read an old ask you answered about enjoying living and your wonderful response provided more than enough insight. i dont know you but i am genuinely happy for you, i'll take from those cues and enjoy living as well. there would be little point to constantly pour out frustrations in things are internally in order
with regards to your previous message, i think it's impossible not to feel frustration, not to get annoyed with people and things, and not to want to express those feelings! i honestly really doubt that any people, even those who sell themselves as having achieved true mindfulness, can achieve freedom from anger, annoyance, and despair, so i don't think there's anything wrong with sharing that feeling (of being annoyed).
personally i'm frequently (very) annoyed by things -- as for why i don't often vent /publicly/ online, i don't think that strangers can really console me, so i don't see the purpose of it. i am wont to complain in a conversation with an individual... but whether that's a better way to express annoyance i truly have no idea and you shouldn't listen to anything i say.
i certainly hope that you won't see me as an enlightened person who's free from airing petty greviances, it's certainly not true!! i do enjoy life and i think that collecting and treasuring the things you love about life is crucial to living, but i don't think you should be ashamed of negative emotions either
take care!
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juni-ravenhall · 1 year
sso's candle, and jumping into the ai bubble for publicity and investment
so yasmin told me to write about this bc not everyone might realise it. its a bit of a long topic so prepare. for legal reasons this is all my personal opinion :3
first off - the sso candle doesnt actually have anything to do with ai. i just wanna get that out of the way. i will come back to this later.
the sso candle ai promotional event is 2 things to me. one is, "probably someone at the company knew someone at the other company bc why else would this specific random collab ever happen" (and theyre not even a candle company? its a perfume company?)
but the other thing which is the main thing, is that we've entered the ai boom, or ai economic bubble. before this there was a crypto bubble, there's sort of been a mobile bubble, and we have the old classic dotcom bubble. summary of tech bubble is, a new shiny thing in tech makes ppl go OOOH!! I WILL THROW MY INVESTMENT MONEY AT THAT!! I BETTER HURRY AND NOT MISS THE TRAIN!! IM GOING TO GET FILTHY RICH BY INVESTING IN THE FUTURE!!! and many of these ppl dont actually understand the tech, and can therefore be exploited by startups or new projects targetting these investors, by just saying "we use the shiny thing that is the future and will make people rich".
just like the dotcom and crypto bubbles, everything that has "ai" in it is currently getting lots of attention both from media and from investors. things that are about "ai" are currently like "wow! youre using modern tech and this is the future!" and for all those ppl who dont know that much about ai or tech, or tech ppl who are easily influenced, it makes companies look cool and modern and forward if they include that current shiny thing.
what does sse achieve by making promotional vids and posts about an ai candle? attention from media and potential investors. the playerbase doesnt care. their target audience arent ppl who generally care much about ai, or even support its usage in creative fields.
they also count on that the playerbase wont be mad enough about it bc most players dont rly care or understand. which is prob going to be an accurate prediction. so they dont especially lose on it unless theres a genuine uproar, but even then, theres a lot of space in "genuine uproar" that still results in "no such thing as bad publicity".
so, thats my perspective on why sse did the ai candle thing. publicity for investors and the industry and media. it helps both sse and the little weird "ai" (side eyes) scent company who both get ai bubble points here. its completely unrelated to what players want or care about (and as many have said, players actually do want to buy things from sse - like plushies and other merch).
now to the last point. the candle isn't even ai, and it's really just an ai boom trending word thing for attention.
some ppl on ssoblr dont really understand what ai is or how it works, or how its already been in use for a long time. im not really gonna explain all of that but i do ask you to like... watch a video or read a wikipedia article or something and please educate yourself on what ai is and isnt. anyway,
supposedly this company feeds pictures into whatever ai model theyre supposedly using. the ai supposedly spits out things like "sunshine :) dirt :) chupacabra :)" from the customers phone pics and then actual perfumers mix blends based on what the ai supposedly told them from the pics.
idk if ur catching on here but, there are trained perfumers here who have seen the customers' pics with their own human eyes. they humanly blend scents based on the content of pics theyve humanly seen. (unless all perfumers at the company are also blind and the ai is their only way to find out whats in the pics, and if so, power to them, ofc.) and, at best, an ai has supposedly told them some generic image analysis terms, which are unlikely to be very helpful to the art of scent design.
there is absolutely nothing the supposed ai is actually doing here. theres no reason for it to be here. it contributes nothing to the process. exceeeeeppppttttt..... clicks!!!! articles. videos. wow! crazy ai scents! wow! ai horse candle!! thats crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so future!!!!!!!!!!
the scent company is a classic tech bubble startup (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion). they dont even use ai (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion). they want a quick buck for looking like a modern futuristic business to the FOMO investors who fall for this every single time theres new shiny tech (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion). and sse collabs with them for pretty much the same reason (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion).
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dausy · 4 days
So I finished Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth last night. I told my husband I was going to spam finish the ending and I did warn him that final fantasy endings (including final boss fights) are usually notoriously long but I didn't realize that final section was THAT long. I chewed off all my fingernails too in the process so typing all this is actually hurting me. Spoilers below eventually.
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I have some thoughts or feels right now that may change as the game ages. I think its similar feels to how I felt with the Remake which is kind of overall a sense of..disappointment? in a way. I think its the same type of disappointment as you get when you convert a book experience into a movie.
Like deep down I understand that they aren't just making a remake, they've added an extra twist. I understand that they have expanded upon the world and added more character development to make the world seem bigger and more alive. But it does not feel the same. My husband is not familiar with video games so I was excited to show him this badass world and game and honestly a lot of it was cheesefest and make Cloud look as silly as possible. Which is fine for me as a FF veteran but I kept having to say "no I swear this is serious game, serious characters" but then again when we played OGFF7 we were kids..my perception of cool is probably different.
I had a lot of issue with the game mechanics when it came to exploring the world. It tricked you initially making you think it was open world but it isnt. Its very "follow the path" but then you get held up by random rocks and environmental blockages. They added some features like being able to climb up walls and some rocks but not all rocks and then when you do climb its extremely slow. I find myself trying to spam buttons to try and make him go faster and he wont. I honestly miss the old school world map where you would find random hidden areas in forests. I don't think that translates well in modern games though.
Utilizing the map at some points felt worthless because trying to find those locations were next to impossible. My brother had warned me about the Gongaga region but I actually think I had the worst time in Cosmo Canyon trying to find things. Junon probably being a close second. Navigating inside cities was also one of the other biggest frustrations. Getting lost in Cosmo Canyon and Kalm is not fun. If I can't walk into a town and get an immediate layout of the land, I'm instantly annoyed.
Im also usually really excited to clear a map in open world games (having played assassins creeds and eldin rings and horizon series etc) but I was over it after Junon tbh. I did not find the grind to be satisfying especially when it had some mini games in there like Fort Condor. I was over it. I was over Chadley too after remake. They added Mai to rebirth with Chadley. Done. Do not want.
that then comes down to the mini games. These are quite far responsible for the most complaints Ive seen about this game on the internet. I agree. It kind of angered my brain how the controls wouldn't be the same for all the games. In particular, the racing games. The accelerate button in chocobo racing isn't the same as the one motorcycle race. I don't remember if it was even the same for the buggy. But I was having some finger flubs because ye olde hands were used to pushing some buttons then needed to switch it up. Also, some of the mini games just seemed to be impossible. In particular, I absolutely could not figure out the Punch game in the gold saucer. I did not understand it. Could not comprehend it. And after costa del sol, I knew for sure I was not getting any mini game achievements. 100% was not going to happen for me.
I did set the game on easy mode so I probably cant talk about the battle mechanics. I just didn't care to make my time more frustrating. That being said, I dont feel like the materia system had that big of an impact like the original. I just hacknslashed my way through the game. The Folio screen, I felt was dumb too, just let them unlock things as they level up? Also didn't like how I couldnt zoom out on this screen. Speaking of zoom, I had issues with zooming on the world map too. It didn't zoom in and out as much as I am used to with other games. What surprised me the most was by the end I was living off RedXIII which I have not heard anybody else mention. I started the first part of the game thinking I was going to abuse Barrett forever and then I kinda learned how to use Tifa when I decided I wanted the Tifa date. But then redXIII happened. Again, it may be because I had it on easymode but with red I had him equipped with whatever that gave him instant ATB bars and leveled his limit up quick. I just had to run in spam stardust ray which staggers almost everything instantly and then my limit break would be ready. I felt I could just solo the game with him. I never could figure out how to play with Aerith or Cait Sith and just didn't use them if I didn't have to.
I think is kinda the major...well it wasn't a let down...it was just different. It was one of those where I don't know how I would feel if I wasn't familiar with OG. I think my husband was just confused. I just kept having to explain "no this is new, this did not happen" constantly. I felt it was simultaneously too over-explainey but also too cryptic at the same time. I was having to fill in the blanks with what I already knew and expected. That happened emotionally too. I did not get the same OOMPH with Aeriths death as the original. Probably because they didn't show her get skewered and then they made it cryptic about whether or not she did or didn't. "Aerith open your eyes" just confused my husband more. No bud, she dead. Its the whole multiple timelines did not give the same shock. I have to use, again, my knowledge and fill in the emotional blanks. I did really like the church scene where Sephiroth opens the church door. But I had already seen that scene online too and it made me has an assumption that Sephiroth was chasing her down. I thought there would be some sort of a scene where Aerith was going to explain to Cloud that she needed to die because that happens in the original timeline and he was going to try and convince her no and stop her and hence he has to run after her and none of that happened which hurt my feelings but I made that up so. I do like how the kept the thrust you into a bossfight with the sad music.
I tried to explain to my hubby how in the OG, her death was such an immediate shock, especially with how early it was in the game, and she was your obvious dedicated healer and then they toss you into a boss without your healer. That was rough. But it didn't matter in this game because I had no lack of healers anywhere.
I liked the voice acting, I guess. Its still kind of anime-y. Barret grew on me, this game. I thought Cloud was perfect casting. I keep comparing it to FFXII and some of the voicework in that game was brilliant and I don't really think FF7R compares in too many places. I also don't necessarily agree that the character models look great. SE has kind of gotten weird with some of their body proportions. I'm actually not talking Tifas boobs but rather her skinny long spider arms and tiny head. Its giving LunaFreya and I think its hideous and distracting. I do prefer the much more proportional Tifa from Advent Children (and what they pulled into Kingdom Hearts).
Tifa is one of my favorite characters. I do really like how Cloud got crazier as the game progressed, into crazy creepy and I like scared wary Tifa. I got the impression, this game, that Tifa suspects Cloud might have killed Aerith. I could be wrong. I know that Tifa is criticized a bit as a last minute add on character in the OG and I do kind of appreciate fleshing her out a bit. She's understandably a lot more timid and wary in this production. Makes me wonder how they're going to reverse that though in the next game cause that girl looks SCARED of Cloud.
It just isn't the same feel and wonderment. I get nostalgic sometimes for that sensation of the first time I turned on certain video games. The first time I turned on FF10, 12, Ni No Kuni even..and this game is not going to give me that same feel 10 years from now. I do not anticipate I'll ever say "oh man, I wish I could forget my first time playing it and experience it for the first time again".
I will play the third. I want to see Cloud lose his s--- and have a mental breakdown. I think Aerith will still be there, its not going to have that same empty hole feeling that the OG had though. But I'll play it for finality. I do hope they tie in some Advent Children stuff. I do want a nice long finale sequence but it'll probably just abruptly end unfortunately. meh.
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darkestpsi · 2 years
when i say that i like both dabi and shouto i dont mean it in the "oh my god they're so hot i wanna fuck them" kinda way or the "lol they both hate their parents just like me fr" way but that i really do understand how its like to grow up around such tough, hard love. to have your entire worth, the level of care and responsiveness you receive in moments you definitely should not be seeking this constant validation but your fucking veggies and milk - all of that being based off just how useful you can be to your parents; being told that the point of your life quite literally is for the fulfilment of thEIR dreams, in THEIR way, under THEIR supervision, yknow?
like, i can literally not even begin to count the many recordings on loop i have of my mums voice in my head telling me to always be better and to do so much more, be so much more - achieve things, great things and live to just please and please and please - for herself, for her dead mother (who probably doesnt even care about half of the shit that i have done since she passed, because dead people cant feel - they cant feel, but somehow their presence still suffocates), for the status and the level of respect itll give both her and my dad (so that they wont ever be referred to as immigrants again) and the amount of money ill eventually get paid thatll somewhat, somehow all go back to them, anyway.
point is, dropping so suddenly from being so loved and praised and shown off when you were younger and tried your hardest to be that bit better to the broken toy you are now, unable to carry out their tasks - demands, even - easily replaced by someone younger, someone so much better than you; worth so much more than you. when they are born.
i joke alot about how similar my family dynamic is to the todorokis, the distance between me and my siblings now after all it was that we went through together and how im literally doing medicine for my parents so that they can get their doctor, and i can get my peace, but its very truly something ive had no control over my whole entire life. all ive wanted is some damn control. lmao. my mum literally named me after a doctor she saw on tv who was giving a lecture about medicine and i laugh at the fucking irony of it all because god, you dont even realise that this is fucking killing me, ma- but the thing with touya, the parts of him that diverge from my own experiences is the fact that he was able to break free from all of those restraints secured by his family, the goals they set him, the ones he set himself. the guilt and disappointment and oh my god, how could you -why - why would you regret not being able to meet those expectations and him being thrown aside like everything he ever received was so palpable and fleeting because he was a toy, was always a toy to my mum endeavor. he knew he couldnt compete with shouto. shouto the gifted child. the hero. the hate and anger he feels towatds him, idk, it hits so fucking close to home. but i also see so much of myself in the way shouto is so fucking willing to be the good child, the perfect child, who pleases and pleases and pleases; doing everything he is supposed to without retalliation because thats what hes supposed to do and thats what they want him to do and eventually, someday, somewhere he will get his peace as a hero, because he was "born to be the best", born to be a doctor hero - literally both sides of my personality at war oh my god AAAAA
i literally can not help but attach myself to those characters.
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leninova1997 · 1 year
Really random headcanon stuff about Doom3guy from my novel (series) 'cause why not
Obviously, he is not and never will be my own character. Yet doesnt mean i cannot work on him and extend his personal depth in the name of creation.
- He is easily fitting into the “silent but deadly” type. Not a huge fan of wasting his time on small talk or somehow have them change their minds: he either takes his chances in action or nothing else (well, for the most part that is)
- From the outside, he can be seem like a cold, distant, unfriendly individual who has no feelings and only has interest in his own things. While in reality, he is just a person who is extremely picking when it comes to trust and reliability (mostly taken from his own experiences). He wont spare anything on those who dont deserve it. His introverted side doesnt “help” the situation either (he doesnt really care since this kind of operating has proven to be more useful in the long run, even with all the disadvantages intact). In fact, he may not be the most easily approachable person, however he has a truly loving heart that has all the place to those who he really cares about. You could even say he has a totally changed personality when they are around: he is talkative, friendly, very supportive, encouraging and smiles a lot. Its a rare sighing yet stunning to see and experience. 
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- He is the type of guy who would stay behind and fight to his last drop of blood just to make sure, anyone who is involved gets to have the change to be saved. He puts everybody in the first place, then himself on the second. It is not rooted in ego rather in his fundamental beliefs: he is the leader, he is the man, he is the father - he has to step up, has to be the strongest line of defence and at the same time be ready for the possibility to give the best of his best or even his life for others. And he is never shy about projecting this kind of view: he is absolutely convinced, this is the reason he is around and the main purpose of his existence. If you ask me, his father had a great influence on him for sure 
- He was born on the 13th of January, 2118 (not friday!). Originally the place of birth was New York City, then decided to ditch the idea for a better alternative and a sharper narrative contrast. I hope one day you get to see why
- He joined the marines right after he graduated from high school. He was not only preparing heavily for the entry test (we all know who notoriously hard it is and i can confidently believe this wont change a lot in the future) during the 4 years but was a huge dream of his (again, his father’s influence since he served the UAC in the same way, for a fairly long time before his death). Before he got stripped from his rank and achievements, he made it to the “sergeant” (and wasnt too far to make it to “staff sergeant”). 
- He got married with his high school sweetheart not soon after he got accepted to join the marine corps. Their connection is much more based on deep emotional and intellectual properties rather than purely on physical attraction (its there though). Essentially they are total opposites who complete each other (like she is an very open, overly kind hearted and emotionally expressive individual yet a little bit naive and shy) but that doesnt automatically mean they cannot attach to the same principles and live by that. Its more about balance and a steady state that they are both happy and confident in. Also, one of the simplest conformations about their dynamic is how they usually sleep: big spoon - small spoon since it not only represents perfectly their inner sides but their relation to each other in the relationship (or because its romantic in this way and they like it a lot, lol)
- His wife and daughter (born in 2138) not only represent a strong pillar in his life but something essential he can always return to find refuge and (emotional) support in. He is a tough guy with a strong personality and enough hard times behind his back, yet he is not immune to the overwhelming hopelessness and sadness that lingers around and even more inside him. This kind of craving for care become much more evident when he returned back from Mars and had to deal with the trauma of the invasion, the truth and the agonizing nightmares that never stopped haunting him for years. His wife worked as a psychiatrist for the Company, although it wasnt truly her expertise in the field that were needed in these cases, rather her affectionate and devoted nature that helped him out the gutter many times. 
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Sorry, i had to put this gif here because its so beautiful  😭 😭 😭
- He has his own interest in many things, but the most important was always drawing to him, especially in an illustrative way. He has a great photographic memory, so combining this with his skills, it often results in well made even stunning art pieces. He kind of neglected his hobby when he become the member of the army, but after his daughter was born, he started to return back to it more and more. He didnt really imagine himself doing this for long or for life, however the entertainment value never seemed to fade away
- He is a huge fan of travelling, specially in tropical and/or warmer areas such as the Mediterranean peninsula, Central and South America and some parts of Southeast Asia. Wasnt the best experience for him though when he had to serve in such places like Syria, Libanon and Libya since the temperature and the environmental conditions were unbearable at best (along with the warzones he had to anticipate in). But to prove somewhat he is an actual admirer: he had his honeymoon in Portugal (it was a short weekend) which he still likes to relive to this day. 
- He is a great grandson of a somewhat “famous” individual (who is NOT polish and have nothing to do with WW2, rather was active during the difficult era from the early 2030s and later 2040s). His first name comes from his deceased uncle to honor his remembrance (thanks to his father) who was suffering from Duchenne dystrophy and died in an early age. His name was given when Mars and colonization was a hot topic during the 2090s and many parents named their child after or in connection with the planet. 
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I hope you liked my mindblowing post, hope to make more in the future. I guess
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intothecometverse · 2 years
Ok I just wanna make sure bc I kinda feel lost. I've been trying to shift for a little under a year, but I've seen posts saying it's fake and it's Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder. Is it really real? Like, I don't want to go into it and end up not achieving it because of my own doubts. And the info on it is so conflicting so I'm not sure what to do...
HEY LOOK HERE FIRST!! tw for md (i wish i could put this above the question thingy but i cant :/) and possible demotivation ig
hey man! i havent shifted yet either, and im NO expert on psychology nor do i suffer from md, but based on what i've seen and based on what i know, shifting is real. and it is NOT md. i get where your doubts are coming from tho, i used to have those doubts too like ohh, what if it's not real what if all my effort is just worthless but at the end of the day i just come to my senses. i remember all the shifting stories that are out there. and i believe that shifting is a real thing. not to mention how it's been around for a bit i hope that fact helps too
i think this post is better qualified to explain the difference between md and shifting than me
also when ppl shift, reportedly, the version of them that's still in the reality they came from have different behaviors from ppl that md and are still in the real world (i hope that sentence made sense goddammit lmao). like the person you leave behind when you shift would be literally you, and do things that arent out of the ordinary of what you would typically be doing.
you've also said that the info is conflicting and yeah, i get that man. but in the end though, it's all based on what YOU believe. whatever you assume to be true will be true. so if you think shifting isnt real then u probably wont shift (key word PROBABLY cuz some ppl have accidentally shifted).
my further advice to u is to look into what motivates you, and stuff that would further push your beliefs that shifting is real. dont look at stuff that says that shifting "isnt real." the shifting subreddit's a good place to find things that'll push ur beliefs. i find the success stories rly motivating. try to find shifting stories in general. i feel like this would help with the doubt things too. (be careful tho THERE ARE LIARS OUT THERE so make sure yk how to spot one). dont worry too much about it bro, you will shift someday ✨✨
for anyone else reading, please feel free to correct me on anything, as again, I AM NOT AN EXPERT.
also psst, it'd be really cool if you shifted tonight. just sayin ;). (everyone quick, manifest that anon here will shift tonight!) i wish you the best of luck on your shifting journey anon 🫡🫡 -star
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scentedchildnacho · 6 months
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I definitely recommend carbon neutral or smoking or not your homo sapian qualities will still return your teeth to austra....
Homo sapian is still considered alien alienating so you can't keep those qualities unless all the time...so
Anyway she told me I needed a government phone though and 211 and just be persistent with it....so I told her people capable of intimidating those processes to projects are often black and black has emigrational tendencies to it to over achieve or do way more then common people really expect from the human....whites remind of the punisher but on a normal level no one expects people to tolerate an access office.....
If its African American history those people may have some fame for getting a project through as environmental but I would caution from beliefs that anyone can
211 those are putins idiots and I'm not worthy of vladimirs better officers and he often tries to kill me of his idiots
I told her if I tried to go to 211 you would realize that i am latin to them and they take active part in encouraging im punished in very abusive ways if i wont do felons work punishments like excoriation...
To them every financial felons punishment to re manage trash is just my job to die of and im not going to do things even if reigning jail privilege has tortures for me I can't imagine ...
She told me i should persist so I said I am with what I can do.....I did repurpose available materials for homeless sleeping and that is maybe the first time recently in california people have thought of homeless as having more space from the ground and better spine and neck protections
I am with Rosa parks
I don't want to die rigid and sainted and if I want to go to a nice concert a beautiful lady invited me freely to see her perform then I'm going to go see her sing for me
I dont want to die a worker paying the poor off for every little demand on a homo genetic sheep level they may be didn't completely think through and I'm not going to abuse my ego all the time and give up so much I have for landlords and latin conscription jobs
He is very famous in film for interstitial space use they didn't have light in their shanty town so he went and got all the plastic bottles and filled it with a light chemical and lit up their just shanty life....so yes it's important ...
I do mooc I am a moocer.......and I persist in learning more every day how to see hygiene terrorism for what it is and I am non violently striking jobs and that can take a really long time.....truth is their hygiene terrorists and people with 2nd amendment ideas will gain property before I do their violent idiots that intend to use civil classifications for no real clear reason so they go get guns and give them clear boundaries that tell them if they play that way they will play back at them....
People like me after a lot are very very angry and so I react peacefully because defenseless people finally get maximum penalties on those systems and they go away forever I'm very angry and I'm willing to do what it takes for the world to actually change....
She wanted to know if I had any income so I said no none at all.....why so I said white suffragettes acted after black men and Frederick Douglas writes about the treatment of the American negro that you cannot put it's manifestations into jails or interments and batter it till it will become native or exonerate it's essential or first African manifestation
I would call intentions to white more about Malcolm x....I really don't like police as a terrorist organization and new France as largely a gathering people I'm not really all that interested in colonials
When it comes to construction and becoming something I'm just a worker and Irish strategy is more appealing to me and I don't want to cop my life into it's eve ill burden of conquer the zombies by showing it taking care of or it will conquer you
I'm not really a conqueror I prefer assassin research...
Silence of the lambs.....I think we are here to realize these men that hold us hostage here have a strange scary house though somewhere and her wealth will keep doing this to me if i wont kill it off her.....
My mistress....
He as wealthy killed his own family now why would my lady and mistress treat me this way....it appears to me the men around me in pacific beach with confederate flags get into hospitals also and try to mass murder mentals in there and she will persist in mal treating me till I kill the doctor dissector off her
And she was like go talk to the pastor so I said those are religionists and spiritualists and they do truly share what they have there....
Churches are federal property but they have to negotiate their contracts there and if The Religious authorities are finally this can't be practiced anymore then they have to leave to....
The pastor told me I should try a shelter so I told him it's happened to me too many times that felons are capable of battering and stressing out systems to get attention from the police
The police are kind of interesting that way ...for felons their personal fantasies and it's well if your always a repulsive needy man that continues to parasite on systems already depleted then the police will take care of you and I don't think their going to like being bothered by you ...
A lot of traffickers are still very active in shelters and it's systems compared to women's studies and lesbian recommendations aren't working
Often abused poor neglected battered women have to leave an abusive situation for a different abuser....
So ultimately those systems are actively creating terrorists it's systems of complete domination or torture of mental handicaps are as bad as Guantanamo and leaves survivors with permanent hatred of their attacker and voluntary commitment to help forces willing to remove those systems
Shelters on a mental handicap law level are very illegal....they try to inject viruses or vaccines for experimental purposes their often shockingly unclean their first motive is to disbelieve and blame mental handicaps to be immediately wife killing essentially ...
My mom's friends were veteran wives and I'm not really someone who comes out of my detached shell to feel kind and magnanimous unless it kills attacker or forces systems that deserve it humiliated for its performances
That's why I tend to forgive my lady
He batters and threatens us because he wants to impress a lady cop.....that is police theory I am aware of currently
My impression of lady cops is that they are a foriegn occupation I was never trained to behave that way to my own country competition....so he will have to find out who she is actually has nothing to do with here
He probably will have to find out that he deeply really doesn't know her....
Anyway I've been homeless a long time so I've learned a lot and participated in a lot and I wouldn't apply to a food stamp office my access classification has become more important then that dikshit i create little jobs and i could tolerate a kitchen so if its going to be more most insipid figure out lowest payments and most extreme endurance i would have to kill someone and i dont feel like it its gross
I explained I do need to see an emigrationist or legal group who can feel open time and obligation to be social and that will be hard to find in a place as miserable as pacific beach....it would seem to be Helter skelters were suppose to be allowed a politic like thats womans film career will greatly diminish their opportunity with its narrow idea of race creation....but it seems to me a lot of jobs are more scary back woods people with very unhygienic belief systems and willing to inflict that on others appears to still be its essential humiliations
Well sharon Tate was like a famous actress and most white people can be called on that your older daddy gave you things but she was his favorite
Well many other counter culturalists did strategize normally jhumpa lahiri now you know your not completely educated and at a point of adversity when your excessively flattered so it's more that I don't enjoy gross rippers...I have been humble
Moocs it's more about finding police districts that will stop enlistment and metropolisation because Parisians do feel very crowded and attacked and are willing to de construct and get housing so....it's not going to be feasible to put forward the new York times best selling go there bring that back and start an organization
They are putting up a new building in pacific beach so I assume when some of those rentals are exposed as a prior public prison bathroom are finally just taken down and things become more separated then their will be more green space and I will be allowed to pass through here without tabloid conduct that finds my life too interesting
They won't allow a system that wants to feel more prestige to ever feel separated from the sex industry so when her and his is finally not too together more dignity can be brought to circumstances
And religion and lesbianism use to be separate those things were for women only
I mean i don't know if i am experiencing vibes that balance is coming back ...it's been my experience that situations like this can only be proverbial......and just get worse and worse with only shock value funded....
Slavery people had to endure really painful and invasive clinical rapes to be told their a job in life.....so for some people very compliant with systems hatred for the system is much deeper then mine and they work with policy makers to be sure it's never taken as reputable
Just shut down if covid in many ways those that appear to economically benefit from jobs are actually the people who destabilize it's hive and turn it into something to be run down and left...
Anyway........uhm my Paris class was like not really they have been going around like they deserve the good kind benefits of unions and their really not good kind people and have not accomplished what their economic portfolio claims.....and then my situation remains completely unfunded and that's not fair to me at all I'm just not a bad person or a criminal.......so eventually it is possible that it will be they won't live so grossly anymore soon....
I mean I don't know what They will all do but eventually it will be I won't live unreformed anymore
Some of the women that had to really starve have explained to me that their situation did go through rectifying....and so it's that I do have to prepare for further battery because it won't be given unless experimental reasons are allowed....
Indianism is more prevalent so I feel very pressured to come up with a euro food politic like carbon neutral....
When really I was white and truthfully medicine is about the scientific method not prevention
Fast food honey doesn't really bother me.....but I'm having to be confronted that it was compromising some of my body processes
I am a feminist so it's that Dave the lecturer in Edinburgh gets his brain pulsations and his experience is what conditions reality and the men around are serial killers that won't stop shocking themselves with bad lighting that doesn't want them around and so is not fixed
So im not really sure my depression is mine...if you ask me they go to those lights to infect everyone with their terrible problems
Dugas look alikes and lights that look like pound ass....
Everything use to for a moment appear like it was going to be okay before those men came here and now he puts scare crow into a box...
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danielnelsen · 11 months
general update on the whole 'all trials on for the whole run' (and getting all trial achievements) thing.. it's really not interfering with play anymore, im used to it at this point.
the hardest part of the game was the first 5 levels because i had to get to skyhold at level 5 (in your heart shall burn is level 8-11) with no health potions or supply caches and promoted enemies, but because that required so much planning it meant i got my strategy down very early.
having no health potions isnt an issue; half my party is ranged and just dont get hit, and the other half are bull (a reaver who benefits from losing health and has abilities to heal himself) and my inq (a knight-enchanter constantly generating barrier and guard, who also has a superb life-drain ring). i have resurgence for emergencies, but ive only really used it once or twice (partly because focus resets when i camp so i dont get a chance, but i also just havent really needed it).
promoted enemies can take a while to kill, but my party's sturdy enough that they dont really deal much more damage. they're just harder to wear down. the trial that makes all bears tougher is just an extension of this. great bears take a LONG time to kill, but they're manageable.
similarly, having all enemies scale to my level mostly just makes them take longer to kill, but i imagine it'll get tougher as i level more (level scaling isnt linear in dai). i am looking forward to corypheus though, because im always so overleveled by the end of the game that it's a very anticlimactic boss fight. it's probably a good thing earning xp at 50% of the normal rate so i dont make fights even harder.
companion disapproval being doubled doesnt really affect anything. most companions cant actually leave, and those who can arent generally hard to please. if im regularly gaining disapproval with someone, it's because i dont care if they disapprove of me.
not having supply caches is kinda..........moot i guess? without health potions it doesnt really matter, especially since i dont tend to use other potions much. but the most difficult part of all this is BY FAR doing quests that would usually have supply caches; you're expected to use a few dozen health potions and i get none. i havent had to worry about that for a while, but i'll be doing here lies the abyss soon so...we'll see. this is where resurgence will probably come in very handy, esp since my focus wont get reset at any point.
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esterplank · 1 year
its a privilege to be able to have choices of what to do in life, of course. but its fucking scary to choose what your future will be.
someone told me that if i dont know what i want in life, i should find out what i dont want by trying as many different things as i can.
i have tried going to dance academy for one year. im not going to be a dancer.
people tell me i should attend the last year anyway. and sure i dont know what might happen, i might have a massive breakthrough and change my mind. but i dont think im mentally equipped for this profession.
maybe its worth it for other reasons, for my friends and unique experiences living in the city. but on the other hand i could give up my space to someone who is really passionate about this.
if i should do something else i guess i should try the things i wanted the future me to be doing while i was at school.
going to university, bible school, au pairing, backpacking, living abroad somehow, basic military training. but i dont think i ever thought i could really do those things. i feel like all i could actually do is move home to work in the care home and i dont think i want that.
so ill probably end up staying another year although, right now, i really dont want to. it fills me with dread, i feel like i wont be able to handle it.
its too late in the year now to decide anything else for the fall anyway.
thats the problem, i dont want anything enough to actually plan for it, ill just end up wherever i end up.
honestly i cant remember if i ever actually liked dancing or if i just happened to start and simply kept on it because i couldn’t be bothered to quit. maybe ive just lost my joy in dance because of all the pressure.
i really dont feel like im good at dancing. im self conscious of my movements and uncomfortable way more often than before. i dont like to look at myself moving in the mirror and i rarely watch the videos with me in them.
i dont have the passion or the motivation or even the joy from movement anymore.
maybe its time to try something else. but what if i end up wondering for the rest of my life what i could have achieved?
fucking hell its nerve wracking to have your whole future ahead of you.
i mean i do have my entire life to try those things. i have time to waste another year here, trying a little harder to see what will happen.
but there are other resources than time to consider. do i have the mental capacity? i guess, i’ve made it through this year (not very smoothly but i have). and then theres the money, which i will earn this summer. but it kinda sucks to spend all that money if im just going to suffer the whole time.
my mind is spinning so fast my head is gonna fall off one of these days. i need someone to tell me what to think.
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The Advanced Guide to jasa sedot wc jakarta selatan
Cold contacting even the title is sufficient to strike concern into the heart of many a little organization operator! What impression will come into your head? Sitting down in a lonely damp Workplace, surrounded by paper, two working day previous espresso cups and a stack of exceptional work. To paraphrase, a thing not quite good!
Why do we dislike cold calling a lot of? Why does the very considered it ship shivers down some peoples spine? Firstly, what were being we taught at college and by our moms and dads? Dont talk with strangers! No surprise choosing up the mobile phone and Chatting with anyone you have not achieved causes these types of psychological issues.
What about every single compact business people concern the anxiety of rejection. Thats plenty of to search out any rationale not to choose up the phone. Heres One more just one not enough self self confidence plus the nagging question that you wont live up on the anticipations you place in your potential customers mind.
I believe thats enough! Potentially all very good explanations why you might locate it difficult to get the mobile phone but, at the conclusion of the working day, to generally be seriously productive in company, its a necessary evil. Certainly, you are able to encourage by yourself that you'll be much too hectic servicing your current clients and looking out just after their each require, but Except you have out and produce in new enterprise, someday you could possibly end up by using a fatigued and offered-out buyer base.
But it really doesnt need to be this way. You are able to do it. All it desires is cautious arranging along with a structured tactic. If you're able to begin to see the mistake of the approaches and understand the affect this deficiency of action is possessing on your online business, Unwell demonstrate ways to come to be a successful chilly caller. You have got bought it created should you comply with this composition:
Identify, Planning, Just Do It! and Overview.
Lets look at Every single of those measures in turn.
The first step will be to detect who you will cold phone. How can you go about building up a list? Here are some Thoughts:
Inquire your clients who they Assume you should be conversing with; who could reap the benefits of your solution? Referrals from delighted purchasers can be very powerful when speaking to your possible customers. It tells them that if their colleague was satisfied to move on their identify then thats a fantastic advice
Go through your aged database and recognize businesses that not take care of you. Unless of course you really messed up very first time round, They could value a call
Examine all your neighborhood newspapers and magazines. Is there a Tale which would be a great justification to contact them up? I read about your award while in the newspaper and
Use networking activities and almost every other social gatherings to make new contacts
E-mail everyone inside your mailing checklist and explain to them that you're to the look out for new prospects!
Educate your brain to identify new opportunities
It doesnt issue how outlandish your initially draft record would seem, stick the title down and get thinking of wherever the Some others will come from.
Obtaining obtained your initial list, the primary endeavor during the planning stage should be to tidy it up. Take A further examine it and choose the highest five that happen to be more likely to conclude in results. Why do this? Because to get motivated to hold on with one thing, there's nothing like accomplishment. Failure is not going to spur you on, but good results will. So Choose the ones which are very likely to yield constructive results. With practice, you will be able to tackle the more difficult kinds afterward!
Upcoming, established on your own an aim. What Are you interested in to attain out within your phone contact? An appointment, an agreement to send out a sample, a sale? Getting practical, the very best you could hope for is undoubtedly an appointment. Be distinct on what your purpose is. This can help you focus on the result for the duration of the remainder of your preparing.
One of the most crucial part of the planning stage is your study. Discover whichever you'll be able to about both of those the corporate and person you will get in touch with. What precisely do they promote? Who're they purchasing from at the moment? The number of workers do they have? Are you aware of of any difficulties which you can solve? Exactly what is the perception out there area? What are you able to discover from their Web page?
All this info will let you in the following element of your respective preparing your opening statement and subsequent text. Actors dont go out about the stage devoid of carefully Discovering and rehearsal and neither should you. Write out your opening assertion, which claims who you might be, which business you happen to be with and Everything you do. Preserve it small, targeted and punchy. Bear in mind several corporations obtain chilly calls on a regular basis, so exactly what is the profit in the person spending a while with you? Think about a clear benefit statement to include inside your remarks.
As in almost any offering problem (which a cold get in touch with is In any case), you are very more likely to be achieved with objections cant see you, too hectic which has a rush buy, its Audit time, a lot of staff on getaway and so on. Try and Believe of every objection and generate down what your reaction are going to be. Currently being this organized will keep you forward of the game.
Bearing in mind your finish objective, how are you going to go in for that get rid of? Exactly what are you likely to say to acquire that appointment?
Going through All of this preparing gives you a Substantially necessary self-confidence Improve, Prepared for the next stage.
Just Get it done!
Should you have identified many names, set aside a complete early morning or afternoon to help make your calls. Its very easy to say to oneself that you'll do one particular get in touch with now and An additional tomorrow. Athletes are aware that you execute superior while you are warmed up, so performing numerous calls inside a row signifies you will get much better each time bear in mind what I mentioned earlier about results breeding achievement. Set some time within your diary and keep on with it!
When should you simply call? Lots of people will say its far better to stay away from Mondays and Fridays. On Mondays, men and women are recovering with the weekend, They can be too active preparing their 7 days, or clearing up the mess in the weekend! On Fridays persons are winding down and are recovering from the hectic week.
But give it some thought if consumers are setting up their week, wouldnt Mondays be a good time to phone? If individuals are winding down on Fridays, They might be in a good mood Along with the weekend approaching, so much more ready to chat and agree an appointment. The bottom line is always that there possibly is not really a great time just do it!
Now you might be prepared to go. In advance of selecting up the phone, relax One's body and muscles, consider some deep breaths and find out you reaching your objective. Exactly what does it come to feel like to own achieved your target? Exactly what are you performing to celebrate all jasa sedot wc jakarta selatan These appointments you have got acquired? See you as a hit!
Now you happen to be willing to go. Pick up the cellular phone, request the individual you wish to talk to As well as in a self-assured, crisp and obvious voice, start off with all your opening assertion. Be heat and welcoming. Dont change off into your personal self-discuss, genuinely listen to what one other person is indicating; listen out for people inescapable objections. If they come, answer straight back again with the organized responses. The normal objection is that they are too active to speak now. If that's the case, concur a time whenever you can call yet again as this will avoid phone tag, in which you hold missing one another. In the long run you will become a nuisance and you need to stay clear of this in any way fees.
At the conclusion of the call, summarise what was agreed so that you are all crystal clear on what's going to transpire subsequent. You dont want any probable pricey misunderstandings.
You can be glad to are aware that the final stage is a review of what befell! After you have set the cellphone down, sit again and create up your notes, set the agreed Conference time in your diary. Give thought to what went nicely; what might have long gone greater; how you might have approached points otherwise. Do you're thinking that you sounded self-assured? Did you anticipate the many objections? Did you productively manage the ones which had been thrown at you? Did you fulfill your prepared goal? In that case, then rejoice!
Armed with All of this new details, get the cellphone and dial the following person around the listing.
You could really feel cold contacting is a little a chore. But in case you stick to these ways Then you certainly will in a short time end up possessing too much new enterprise to cope with. What an incredible problem to get!
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