#i would actually love nothing more than to have a couple glasses of wine with them and get into the discussion bc they know their shit
ieidolon · 2 months
Oh my god. I actually have a nemesis. It's the scholar who wrote one of the best articles on my thesis topic where they perform a lot of truly spectacular close readings yet somehow end up reaching the exact opposite conclusion that I do, to the point where one of their quotes summarizes half of my thesis but in the exact opposite way of what they meant by it
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prettyfastcars · 6 months
As sweet as blood-red jam | Mob!Lando
Summary: Lando could be many things given the nature of his job. Mean, commandeering, a control freak. But when he came home to you and the kids, he was the sweetest man you’d ever met. Your marriage to him was arranged of course, because that’s how things worked in the world you were both from. But love eventually grew between the two of you, and it did not stop growing. 
Themes: dad!Lando, fluff, smut, arranged marriage, domestic!mob!Lando, mild mommy/daddy kink (nicknames only), praise kink, housewife!reader, breeding kink
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“They’re sleeping.” 
He announced cheerfully, shutting the door behind him as he walked into your library where you had been reading in silence for the past half an hour. 
You were a stay-at-home mom so the twins, your son and daughter, were under your care all day. And so Lando insisted that you get the evening off the moment he got home. He read to them and tucked them in for the night each night. It was part of his routine and he loved it. 
You placed your wine glass down and picked up the drink you made for him, handing it to him as he came over to sit down next to you on the large sofa. 
His eyes lit up at the sight of the well-deserved drink. “Oh you’re perfect, baby.” He kissed your forehead before getting comfortable next to you, sighing as he leaned his head back, closing his eyes for a brief moment. 
“They’ve been running around all day, they went to see the horses,” You said, thinking about how energetic your kids had been during the day, “I thought they would pass out after dinner but they wanted to wait for daddy.” 
Your husband smiled, looking a little tired as he took a sip of his drink. You caressed his cheek with a gentle hand as he turned to give you a soft look with those gorgeous eyes of his. 
He looked more relaxed and comfortable like this, wearing nothing but dark sweatpants. As opposed to the authoritative figure he is during the day in his expensive, dark suits. Him in casual clothing like this made you realise that he was in fact just a young man, barely 25, who shouldered a lot of weight alone. 
Responsibilities, expectations, risks, reputation, legacy, and now his own family. You’d come a long way, the two of you. Only a couple years ago you were just strangers being introduced at a gala. And now you were young parents. 
You still remember the night you met him for the first time. How gently he held your hand and danced with you. How your engagement was announced only a few months after and the wedding happened quicker than you thought. 
You always thought that you would forever be strangers living under the same roof. Especially given his reputation of being a workaholic which made him such an influential figure in his line of work. 
But Lando proved you wrong. He actually took the time to get to know you early on in your marriage, he cared, he listened. He was good to you. Then a year later, you had the twins and Lando had been perfect. Perfect partner, perfect dad. 
“What are you thinking about, mama?” He asked softly, his hand leisurely caressing your exposed thigh. That golden chain on his neck shining in the dimmed lights of the library. No shirt so you shamelessly ogled his defined abs and muscles. He let you, with a smirk on his handsome face. 
You put the book aside and leaned a little closer to him, cupping his rough chin in your hand. He’d been growing facial hair lately and you liked it. “You work too hard,” You said softly. 
He smiled, leaning into the warmth of your hand as he said, “Just wanna give you and the kids everything you want and need. You deserve it.” 
He had given you everything. Houses, cars, chauffeurs, chefs, private planes, private trainers, cards with no spending limits, vacations. You and the kids were well taken care of. 
You sighed, sliding over and ending up perfectly on his lap. Lando finished his drink, placed the glass aside and grabbed you by the waist to pull you closer. “But we have everything we could ever want or need.” You suggested, “Take a day off. Or two. I’m taking the kids shopping tomorrow, come spend the day with us.” 
Lando gave you a faint smile, “Can’t right now, baby. Some important shipments are about to come in. I can’t afford a day off until it gets here.” 
You rolled your eyes, making him chuckle and pull you closer. “But I barely see you.” You murmured. “The last time we had a date night was like, weeks ago.” 
Your face got really hot just thinking about it. Not just the date, but what happened after in the car on the way home… 
Lando smirked, surely also thinking about the same thing, grabbing you by the hips and gently moving you on his lap, rubbing you against his growing erection. You hissed in pleasure as he did. The soft, silky night dress you were wearing bunched up around your upper thighs, allowing you to feel everything. The shape of him, the warmth. 
“If you wanted a lovesick romeo who writes you love notes every morning then you shouldn’t have agreed to marry a man like me.” He taunted, teasing you and pinching your thigh. 
You reached out and grabbed his gold chain, tugging on it playfully, knowing how much he liked it when you did. “Unfortunately I like my men a little more corrupted,” You whispered, “Bonus points if they work all the time and don’t have time for me.” You sassed. 
Lando chuckled, leaning in to kiss along your jaw. “Aww, what is it?” He cooed, “You miss daddy? Hmm? Does mommy need some extra love from daddy tonight?” 
You nodded. 
“Come here, baby,” He pressed his mouth to yours as his hands caressed your inner thighs. He kissed you like he was starving, while your hands reached down in between your bodies and eagerly lowered his sweatpants to free his cock. 
You whimpered into the kiss, against his lips as you wrapped your hand around him, stroking his hard cock, making him groan into the kiss before he pulled away and said, “Daddy missed you too.” He murmured, looking down to watch how your hand touched him just how he liked it. “Fuck,” He sighed, “That feels good, baby…” 
His praise gave you enough confidence to stroke him harder, making him groan and moan. You loved the sounds he made. And you wanted to keep hearing those moans so you carefully lifted your lower body off his, pulled your underwear to the side and slowly lowered yourself down on his cock, earning louder moans out of his sinful mouth as you sank down on him. 
You were wet enough for his cock to slide in, but your body still resisted just a little bit, enough for him to have to thrust up the tiniest bit to fully fill you up. You cried out as he did. 
His soft lips parted just a little, and you couldn’t resist leaning in and sliding your tongue into his mouth. You whimpered against his lips, stroking the top of his mouth as you lifted up and sank back down on his cock, making him growl into the messy kiss. 
“That’s it, baby… fuck yourself on daddy’s cock…” Lando’s hands rubbed up and down your thighs again as he gently thrust his hips up each time, setting a pace that had you both moaning and wanting more of each other. 
Your fingers slid into his hair, scratching his scalp and down his neck as the tip of his cock reached sensitive places inside you. 
Lando chuckled when he felt you clench around him. “We’re not using protection again, mama…” He spoke against your open mouth, breathless as you were, “You’re gonna give me another kid, huh?” He sounded cocky as he said it, like it filled him with pride. “Gonna let me fill you up again till you walk around all nice and swollen with my baby in you, hmm?” 
You whined, feeling him stretch you out each time you moved up and down his cock. “Lando… please,” You gasped as his hand slipped between the two of you and found your clit, he rubbed it lazily. 
“Answer me,” He demanded, “You’re gonna carry another one for me?” His voice sent chills down your back. 
“Yes,” You whimpered, moving faster, impaling yourself down on his cock and whimpering shamelessly as you felt him filling you up completely each time, feeling him reach deeper into you with each thrust. Your lips brushed against his each time you moved up and down his cock, feeling him stretch you out as you stared into his ridiculously pretty eyes. You couldn’t help but speak the thoughts of your lust-drunk mind, “I want you to fill me up again,” You mumbled, feeling yourself getting high up there gradually. 
Lando laughed, also lust-drunk, “I can’t wait…” He said, “Can’t wait to come home and find you dripping wet for me.” His voice gave away that he was thinking back to how needy you were for him all throughout your previous pregnancy. 
You whimpered, thinking about it as well. Some evenings he’d come home and you dragged him to the bedroom immediately. Some days you even called him and asked him if he could come home for an hour or two. Lando happily agreed each time of course. 
“Remember how sensitive you’d get? How needy?” He teased, holding you close. “How you almost cried each time I made you come?” He smirked, male pride all over his face. “Some of the best months of my life those were.” 
You whined, “Please…” You stared into his pretty eyes. 
“Come for me.” He growled in that cold, menacing, erotic voice. “Come for daddy…” 
And you did. Whimpering, squirming and whining. You didn’t slow down as you felt your orgasm wash over you, and Lando kept thrusting his hips up into you as your eyes rolled back and you moaned out loud as you came hard, feeling your walls squeezing and clenching around him.
Lando came right after you, moaning and spilling inside of you, filling you up as you trembled and squirmed on his lap. You leaned forward, pushing your face into his neck to catch your breath while he held you against him, kissing the side of your face softly. 
“You okay, baby?” He asked after a few minutes of you two just cuddling there on the sofa. 
You nodded, “Mhmm, don’t wanna get up.” You murmured, sighing in bliss as you snuggled into his warm chest. 
He chuckled, “Okay.” He kissed the stop of your head. “I love you,” He whispered.
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jinwoosungs · 29 days
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heartbreak feels so good.
jinwoo sung x fem.reader
warnings: mentions of physical intimacy, but nothing too explicit.
{ we could cry a little, cry a lot | don't stop dancing, don't dare stop | we'll cry later or cry now | you know it's heartbreak | we could dance our tears away | emancipate ourselves | we'll cry later or cry now, but baby | heartbreak feels so good }
anonymous said: HELLO!! ⭐ anon here and I have an idea. I literally can't stop thinking about it. It's gonna make my brain hurt so I won't hide it any longer ☹️
GAHAHAHAHAHAHA imagine Jinwoo who had a one night stand with reader. It was like after a party and they decided to hook up for one night, but reader regretted it afterwards bc of how shameful she thought she was—like bravely being involved with the Sung Jinwoo in such field??? Also what—he agreed and looked smug too or was she mistaken???
Jinwoo already knew reader and had been eyeing her for a while but didn't say anything about it. Before he even woke up, she was already gone and he was instantly reminded of the night they spent together.
Pookie got awkward after that and started to avoid Jinwoo. Meanwhile, little did she know, he actually liked to observe reader from afar. He'd often find it cute when she'd take one step away from him sideways as the tip of her ears go red.
Idk man one day Jinwoo just said "fuck this let's go on a date" and then boom their relationship bloomed. I'm so into this trope 😭 no toxicity, just two people being awkward and slowly exploring their actual feelings for each other. I'm sorry if this is too long, but still, if you saw this, thank you for reading. I hope you have a good day! I just can't help but yap every single change I get. ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)
this had to be the biggest mistake of your life-
but truly, how could you have possibly even try to think straight when you had wanted nothing more than to just play pretend for one night? to actually feel like you were cherished and loved by someone who meant a lot to you?
the party you attended was, of course, thrown as a celebration for hunters and healers alike. the chairman had gone all out for everyone who had worked hard for the nation and wanted to give everyone a chance to de-stress and enjoy themselves.
from the fanciest bottles of champagne and wine that cost more than your salary to the perfectly catered food that seemed to suit everyone’s cravings and needs-
admittedly, you felt a bit out of your element.
the fact that so many people were here at this venue made you feel incredibly overwhelmed. in hopes of trying to maintain your sanity, you head over to the waiters and waitresses serving glass upon glass of expensive liquor, downing each of them while praying that the liquid courage would take effect and you could properly mingle with everyone else.
after downing just a few glasses of bubbly champagne, you could feel the heat against your cheeks coupled along with a slight tipsiness as the alcohol courses through your veins. yet, in the midst of your increasing drunken stupor, the strange sensation of being watched was what ultimately made you face him-
the tenth s-rank hunter, sung jinwoo.
he was leaning against the wall, tending to his own glass of red wine as his grey eyes remained rooted to your form. an almost mischievous grin was felt spreading across your lips, noticing how a certain blond hunter wasn’t latched on to him like a leech.
jinwoo is an incredibly fine specimen… i could work with this.
the alcohol in your system gave you the much needed courage to sidle up to him, your lips turned up in a smile as you casually smoothed out your dress. “hey hunter sung, funny seeing you here. you have always remained so elusive during gatherings like this.”
a look of pure amusement was shining within his grey eyes. “well, i figured it was time to change that, since it would be rude not to show up to at least one of the chairman’s events.”
you hum at his answer while sliding your hand up his dress shirt, earning a choked sound from him. “hm, you know, i was shocked to not see hunter cha clinging to you tonight. she’s the type that can never seem to leave you alone…”
“ah, w-well, she doesn’t always wish to hang out with me now that i’ve- wait, what are you doing?”
wow, his skin is so smooth… i can feel his muscles from beneath this flimsy dress shirt.
jinwoo’s breath hitches when your press the palm of your hand against his chest, purposely trailing your touches down to his abdomen as you leaned up to whisper in his ear. “the chairman said he rented out some floors of the hotel in case his guests got tired. shall i keep you company instead of cha hae-in tonight?”
you never got a chance to hear jinwoo’s answer or see his expression. simply grabbing a hold of his hand, you took the elevators to one of the booked floors, taking a card key from one of the hotel staff before shoving jinwoo into one of the rooms.
all you wanted was a chance to experience this type of intimacy with a man you respected and admired-
but you weren’t expecting jinwoo to be so gentle with you throughout it all.
you didn’t expect him to kiss every inch of your skin, filling you with so much pleasure that you became sensitive to his every touch.
you didn’t expect him to slowly make love to you, tangling your limbs together like he never wanted to let go of you.
and you certainly didn’t expect to experience such an intense release throughout your night together with jinwoo.
with the post lovemaking (and post champagne) quality kicking in just a few hours later, you awaken in the middle of the night with a start, feeling cold as the night air pricked at your skin, sending goosebumps down the length of your arms. your heart was a pounding mess as you ran a hand through your tangled hair.
recalling the ache felt between your legs, you look behind you to see jinwoo still sound asleep. he lay on his stomach, with the sheets just barely clinging on to his muscled back, making your mouth water in response.
your lips itched with the sudden desire to latch against his skin;
your whole body was screaming at you to just lay next to him and bask in his warmth;
but it was the more rational part of your mind that stopped you from acting on those irrational urges.
he’s going to wake up and regret sleeping with you.
with a purse of your lips, you allow your bare feet to touch at the carpeted floors. you slowly began to pick up the remnants of your undergarments while hastily putting them on along with your now wrinkled dress.
never once did you avert your gaze from jinwoo.
never once did he awaken to try and stop you from leaving.
it’s for the best.
giving the sleeping jinwoo one last look of yearning, you silently left the hotel room with every intention of never seeing the famous hunter ever again.
{ … }
to say you were embarrassed after that night would be the understatement of the century.
you had little clue as to truly how much time had passed, since your mind kept giving you flashbacks of how drunk and needy you were-
and also how caring jinwoo was when he willingly spent the night with you.
this embarrassment was what fuels you to continue avoiding jinwoo like a damn plague, with you taking on much lower leveled raids, raids that jinwoo wouldn’t pay the slightest attention to while slowly burying yourself with your duties.
you never sought to join any guilds and made it your life’s mission to stay far away from ahjin’s building, never once wishing to run into jinwoo.
in fact, you were perfectly fine with acting like your one night stand with him never happened at all.
however, unlucky for you, jinwoo himself didn’t seem to share that same sentiment.
{ … }
the moment you left him that night was the moment jinwoo had his first taste of true regret.
he felt so happy and excited when you approached him and invited him to spend the night with you. you never knew it, but jinwoo was achingly in love with you. he had hoped that with this chance, he could spoil you rotten with pleasure while taking great lengths to worship you; to love you like he had always wanted to.
when he could feel the pleasure washing over you with each and every stroke, jinwoo had gone a little crazy over you. the poor hunter had to bite down on his lips to prevent his words of utter love and devotion for you from spilling out.
but instead of choosing to tell you with words, he tells you with his actions alone.
yet still, it wasn’t enough to keep you by his side-
which was frustrating, to say the least.
jinwoo was no fool; he could tell that you were taking great lengths to avoid him. each time he would try to find you (whether it be during raids or just in general around the city) you would find ways to avoid ever meeting him by either switching out with another hunter / healer, or using the crowd to hide yourself away from him.
whenever this happens, jinwoo could only manage to let out an exasperated sigh in response. his hair would become a mess from the sheer amount of times he had run his fingers through them, trying to think of new ways to talk to you and finally confess.
throughout it all, jinwoo was left feeling a little listless, his mind always managing to go back to you…
by now, jinwoo had become desperate to finally have you.
while staring blankly at the ceiling of his office, jinwoo leans back against his chair while whispering your name.
if jinwoo couldn’t get to you by fair means, then he would have to start playing dirty, using his abilities as the shadow monarch to finally get through to you.
{ … }
so far, everything had been going according to plan on your end.
you had been successfully avoiding jinwoo for close to 4 months now, and when you were certain his lingering presence was no longer felt or seen within your periphery did you finally decide to head out for the night.
you were dying to get out of your apartment, wanting to try that new café or head to your go-to bookstore to read a new novel or two. yet your desire to always avoid jinwoo made you turn into a bit of a hermit (albeit unwillingly, but still.)
basking in the night air and the bustling sounds of seoul, you walked with a bit of a bounce in your step, thinking about your plans for the night. while you walked, you kept your gaze forward, and was caught off guard by the strangest phenomenon.
one minute, the sidewalk was free of any pedestrians, and the next, a man wearing an expensive looking coat appears just a mere inches away from you.
you recall letting out a gasp, hands already outreached to try and avoid face planting against the man’s broad back-
however, when he turns around was when you felt all of the air leave your lungs.
sung jinwoo was now facing you, his height still towering over you as his arms remained open, casually catching you within his embrace as your face landed against his chest. by now, your heart was pounding, making the blood rush to your ears as you began to feel dizzy.
“looks like i finally caught you.” a rich chuckle fills your ears when jinwoo places a lingering kiss against the top of your head, causing you to let out several sputters of his name.
“h-how did you-“
“did you forget who i am… and what i can do?”
his question successfully makes your heart skip beats, thinking back to the rumors that pertained to jinwoo and his ability to summon millions of shadow soldiers. along with this ability, you also knew that he could place many of those soldiers within anyone’s shadow while exchanging places with them on a whim.
“what? w-when did you manage to place your soldiers within my shadow?”
jinwoo hums, placing a hand beneath your chin, forcing you to look him in the eye. “when you came up to me at the party and lead me back to the hotel room.” a sly smile paints his handsome features when he leans down to whisper against your ear, “but you have to understand, even before that night, i was already half in love with you. i couldn’t help it when you gave me such a perfect opportunity.”
his sudden confession nearly makes you fall to your knees, but jinwoo manages to catch you in time, wrapping his arms around your waist while holding you even closer to him.
“so tell me, my beloved treasure, why you were so dead set on avoiding me?” he meets your gaze then, eyes filled with a subtle look of pain. “do you know how much it hurt me, seeing you ignoring me so blatantly like that?”
your breathing comes out as uneven, with you avoiding his gaze as you played with the front of his shirt, “i’m sorry, i thought that night was the only way to experience that type of intimacy with you. i convinced myself that i was nothing to you… and i-“
you hear jinwoo let out a hiss of your name before crashing his lips against yours in a searing kiss. it was enough to make you swallow your words as you moaned into his kiss, shyly kissing him back as jinwoo tightens his arms around you.
“shut up.” he manages to hoarsely say against your lips. “you drive me so fucking crazy all the time, but i still love you this much. never talk down about yourself in such a way ever again, because from this point on, you’re mine.”
you look into his eyes once more and see them burning a deep purple for you. there wasn’t a hint of a lie within the depths of his gaze, and the truth of his confession was finally beginning to sink into you.
your heart seemed to be beating a mile a minute now, racing so much that it overwhelmed you with its rapid palpitations.
letting out one last sigh of your name, jinwoo brings your head back into his chest, hugging you tightly. “when i’m done holding you like this, i’m going to take you out on a much needed date, and you are finally going to give us a chance. if you try to run again, just know that i will keep chasing you while chipping away at the walls you stubbornly built around your heart.”
you let out a tiny squeak, but couldn’t help but grin in response to his passionate words. “your plan is already working.” you murmur against his chest.
moving away from jinwoo, you look up at him with bright eyes all while giving him a genuine smile. “my heart is already yours, so-“
jinwoo interrupts you yet again, this time by picking you up and spinning you around in happy circles, hands clutched tightly against your sides when he brings you back down to him. nuzzling his nose against yours, you watch as a smirk paints his gorgeous features.
“it’s about damn time you finally admitted your feelings for me.”
and with yet another kiss shared beneath the city lights, you no longer felt the pangs of heartbreak filling your veins, feeling it slowly morph into the requited love you had always desired with your beloved sung jinwoo ♡
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a.n. - and i’m so happy to finish this. this should be my 40th jinwoo oneshot, which is insane to think about 😭 currently unedited but, i hope you enjoyed this @ ⭐️ anon 🥹
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 9 months
Travis 🥰 a rainy night in leads to a game night that becomes competitive and ends up 🤤🫠🤭😍
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Warnings: suggestive content but no actual smut
It wasn’t initially in your plans to spend date night stuck in your apartment with Travis, but you definitely weren't going to ruin a perfectly good outfit in the rain, so you both decided to order some pizza, crack open a couple of beers and a bottle and wine, and play some board games that were collecting dust in your hall closet.
"I win!" You cheered out, placing your last token into the slot, effectively giving you four in a row in the game of Connect Four. Travis scowled, sucking his teeth at you. You had beaten him the last three out of four games, and it was starting to wound his ego.
"It doesn't matter anyway. This game is rigged." You furrowed your brow, looking at Travis over your wine glass. "How, Mr. Sore Loser?"
"I let you win every time because you're so damn cute." Travis smirked, swallowing the last sips of his beer. "You know compliments don't make you any less of a loser, right?" You chuckled, standing up to go to the kitchen.
"Can I get you another beer, baby?" You turned on your heels, waiving the empty can at him. "Yeah, that would be great. Thanks babe." Travis stroked his beard, examining the game board to see where he went wrong.
"Trying to see where else I could have beat you? Right here." You drug your finger down the diagonal, where you were one token away from winning a different way. Travis rolled his eyes as you giggled, handing him a new open can of his favorite beer.
You plopped down in your seat, the wine in your glass sloshing around. You had more than a couple of glass tonight, easily getting carried away under the guise of a competitive spirit. Travis glanced up at you, dropping your gaze when he noticed you smiling at him.
"What?" You tried to hide your blush behind your wine glass.
"I wasn't kidding about the cute thing." Travis admitted, feeling very bold with some alcohol coursing through his veins. Your relationship was still new, fresh, and very passionate. The kind of love where you can barely keep your hands off of one another. You were hoping the physical barrier of a dining room table would keep you calm, but you were starting to get antsy at the thought of Travis' hands roaming your body. You weren't going to be the one to initiate it, but wouldn't object to him fireman carrying you into the bedroom.
"What should we do now?" Travis asked, running his hand over his buzzcut head, not knowing you already had a plan.
"I was thinking maybe a little poker." You pulled the deck of cards out of the box, shuffling the cards in your hands.
"Oh, you do know you're about to lose, right?" Travis chuckled, sitting up in his seat, cracking his knuckles. "I can bluff like nobody's business."
"We'll see, I guess." You shrugged, not falling for his macho bravado.
"Wait, you wanna make it interesting? Put some money down." Travis pulled out his wallet, throwing a couple hundreds onto the table.
"Save your money, Mr. Kelce. I had something else in mind." You stood up, pulling your sweater over your head, the silk camisole you had underneath clinging to your skin. You could just see a peek of lace from your bra delicately laying against your breast. Travis gulped, wanting nothing more than to place kisses against your collar bone.
You threw your sweater to the side, sitting back down. "As a show of good faith." Travis chuckled, nervously watching you deal the cards. "Let's do it then."
The first hand resulted in your having to remove your tank top, goosebumps raising on your skin as you sat in your bra and jeans. "Wow, this is gonna be a lot of fun more me, and really gonna suck for you." Travis said in jest, downing the rest of his beer.
"Just shut up and deal the cards." Sure you had lost that first hand, but you had learned a couple of things as well. Travis' had a tell, whenever he had a good hand, he would pinch the bridge of his nose, whenever he had a bad hand, he would scratch his neck. Travis might have been luckier if you weren't obsessed with looking at him, and had memorized his mannerisms over the last couple of months of dating. His tells stood out like a sore thumb.
You won the next couple hands, Travis exposing his tells each time, forcing him to shed a new piece of clothing. About an hour had past and you had him in his boxers, shivering while you were still in your jeans. Travis rubbed up and down his arms, trying to warm himself up. "Why do you keep it so fuckin' cold in here?" He asked, annoyed he had lost so many times.
"What? I run hot, and if I wasn't so much better than you at poker, you wouldn't have this problem right now." You gave him a cocky smirk. "Two pair." You put down your cards, showing that once again, you had one.
"What the actual fuck?!?!" Travis jumped up from the table in disbelief, gesturing wildly. "How are you winning so many games?"
"My first job was waitressing at a poker bar. The owner taught me everything I know." You were beaming, relishing in the feeling that you were going to get what you wanted tonight, and it was oh so easy. "Now strip, loser."
"Do you really want my bare ass on your dining room chair?"
"Wait, I didn't think about that." You giggled, standing up. You sauntered over to Travis, your hands finding his waist, toying with the waistband of his boxers. "What does the winner get?" You whispered, placing a quick kiss on his lips. Travis picked you up in his arms with ease, your legs wrapping around his waist. "Dealer's choice."
"You know that's not what that means, right?" Travis put you down, pushing past you toward the bedroom.
"You just had to ruin the moment didn't you?" Travis dropped his boxers to the ground in the doorway, so you got a cute peek of his butt before he rounded the corner.
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s-4pphics · 11 months
dial. 4 (e.w.)
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wc;cw: 5.5K, fratadjacent!ellie, all ocs r black coded<3, angst, SMUT MDNI!!!!!, finger sucking!!!, voyeurism, dirty talk, lil assplay, squirting, spit, a lil breeding kink, sextape, masturbation, more porn mentions, bussing untouched, weed, dubcon bc alcohol, pov switches bc im experimenting :p
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You returned to campus surprisingly high-spirited. 
You were arriving to class fifteen minutes early, color-coding your notes, smiling and laughing with your friends even more than you used to before shit hit the fan! It scared the shit out of all of them since the last time they saw you, snot was coming out of your nose while you sobbed your eyes out. 
Dina knocked on you and Niah’s front door the night before class with tears in her eyes, whimpering out about how terrible she felt and how she should’ve tried harder to steer you away from her best friend. Nothing was her fault; She did what anyone would, and you ignored it. She slept in your arms that night. 
When you joyfully volunteered to pay for you and Niah’s fancy dinner upon returning to campus, she grilled you, demanding to know where this change of heart came from. As if you weren’t screaming about how much you hated these hoes on FaceTime a couple of weeks ago. All you could do is shrug and laugh some more, confirming that everything would be fine. She seemed a bit skeptical when she peered at you over her glass of wine. 
Niah even volunteered to be angry with you. I’ll still beat her ass! I don’t care if you’re feeling better; I’m not! But you didn’t even want that. You developed a crush on somebody that’s a bad person, who just so happened to have amazing dick! Shit happens, and you’re over it. Sort of. 
You still have something that you need to take care of before you close this chapter of your college career. And there’s only one person who’d be willing to help you out!
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“… You want me to what.” 
Your feet tapped nervously on Abby’s hardwood floor as she gawked at you, her body lax on her couch as smoke left her mouth in a large, pale cloud. 
After Ellie exposed her and Abby’s history, you decided to pry. Abby seemed a bit confused at your eagerness to know about their relationship, but she provided some insight. They’re apparently not as close as you thought: they’ve been screwing on and off since freshman year after Abby’s partner cheated on her with someone dressed in a panda costume. What the fuck.
Abby is actually Riley’s best friend, who’s also Ellie and Dina’s really good friend whose also friends with someone named Kayla and your brain is fucking fried and you’re not even high! You don’t know any of these people!
Since when did snooping become this fucking confusing! 
Your hands fiddled nervously, “Um… well, I mean— “
“Listen,” she snickered. “You seem nice, like really fuckin’ nice, but I dunno about this. Ellie’n I aren’t… best friends or anything but—”
“I know it sounds fucking crazy! I know!” Your arms flailed, “This is really outta character for me, but… she…” 
Tears immediately jerked in your eyes as you recalled Ellie’s harsh words. This is the first time you’ve cried since you’ve been back, “She really hurt my fucking feelings. Don’t tell anyone I told you that, by the way! I just wanna…” 
“Use me to get her back?” Abby concluded, leaning over to ash her joint. 
You pouted, “… You make it sound so awful— “
“Well, I mean,” she snorted, offering you the remainder of the joint. You took it gratefully. 
You spoke around your toke, “I dunno what else to do. I don’t know anything about her. The only time I saw her slightly out of character was at the fucking party!”
Abby hummed as she listened when you exhaled. She didn’t seem… entirely off put by your suggestion, but she hasn’t said much this entire conversation. She probably thought you came here for another reason based on her appearance. Ellie and Abby were surprisingly alike. They loved themselves some fucking grey sweatpants!
Moments of silence passed as she stared at the floor with her lip between her teeth, and you knew it was over. She was thinking of a way to kick you out politely. Not only was your one chance at karma destroyed, but you might’ve cost yourself a potential friendship with Abby! You’re bound to be walking out of here without the dignity you attempted to salvage in the next five seconds. Is it hot in here or is the bud getting to you quicker than expected—
“Run the plan by me one more time?” 
You looked up at her, meeting the mischievous glint in her eyes. You choked on your last puff of the blunt and your brows raised in shock. Her index finger tapped on the back of the couch while you went through the run-down for the weekend. 
She still hasn't said anything after your second explanation, and your body flushed hot in mortification. You threw in the towel with a heavy sigh.
“Abby, I’m sorry,” you palmed your forehead, “I shouldn’t have thrown this on you. Apparently, I’m not good with strangers, either!” 
You tried to mask your incoming breakdown with an awkward chuckle as you stood to leave, “Um… yeah. I’m sorry— “
Your heart jerked in your chest.
“I’ll do it.” 
“Mhm. Ellie never discounted when I picked up, anyway,” she spoke around her bite of a peach ring.  
You leaped from the longue chair to the couch, squealing out thank you’s and throwing your arms around her neck. You felt her hand squeeze the plush on your hip, and you shuddered above her. 
She grinned like a Cheshire and offered you her pinky. 
“Our little secret?” 
You smiled like a fox and laced yours with hers. 
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You don’t know when or how your balls dropped, but they were dangling and fucking huge. 
Did you purposefully wear your Sunday best to the Starbucks that Ellie works at? Yes! Were your titties freezing on the way over here from the cut in your sweater dress? Abso—fucking—lutely! You received so many compliments from your peers during your sociology course, though! 
Your heeled boots clanked on the tile with every step you took in the fast-paced line. You hoped Ellie could see you from the register!
It only took two minutes for you to be standing in front of the service counter, finally face-to-face with the first person you’ve ever plotted on. 
“Morning…” you gazed down at her nametag, “Ellie.” 
“… Mornin’,” Her eyes shifted, “Chai latte, extra mi—? “
You ignored the fluttering of your heart as she recited your order. 
“Actually,” your tone was honey-sweet and your smile stretched across your cheeks, “I’d like a Java Chip Frap. Extra chocolate syrup… aaand…” 
You pretended to study the menu board behind her, “A pack of Madeleines!”
She swallowed at the mention of her favorite munchie. You recall catching glimpses of her sneaking some into her pocket before her shift ended every other day. 
She cleared her throat and stared at the screen in front of her, “Anything else?” 
“No, that’s all!” 
You scanned your student card while she wrote your name on your cup. You threw the most darling, pageant-ready have an amazing day, Ellie you could muster over your shoulder. You didn’t bother to wait for her reply before strolling to the pick-up line with a newfound pep in your step. 
That was the best cold drink you’ve ever had!
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Saturday came like a freight train. Today was the day. 
Today was the fucking day! 
You were absolutely terrified; You woke up with anxiety pooled in your gut, your mind racing with hundreds of questions. 
What if something bad happens and all this plotting was for naught? What if Abby doesn’t show tonight? What if Ellie chose to just not attend the soccer house party for once? All this pent-up aggression inside you would never get released. 
You rolled your black back seam stockings while Niah curled her hair. 
“Is there a reason we're doing all this extra shit for a stingy party?” Niah asked as she removed her elastic band. 
The second you returned home from Starbucks, you dragged Niah from her bed and into the mall. This would count as your monthly splurge (auntie slid you a few extra coins)! It was vital that you looked as sexy as possible, even if it meant putting a dent in your allowance. 
“Can I not do the most for once?” Your brow arched, twiddling your fingers like an evil villain. 
“You always do the fucking most,” Niah stared blankly as she curled her ends. You giggled and skipped over to where she sat at her desk. 
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” You cheesed. 
She rolled her eyes, “Get out my face with that gay shit, bruh— “
“I wanna kiss!”
“I dunno why you’re so excited. You know damn well that girl is gonna be there.” 
Your smile widened. She looked up at your silence with a glare, her sharp liner slicing through you as she studied your face. 
“Did y’all fucking make up?” 
“Not at all,” you hummed. 
She didn’t let up, her eyes squinting at you before they doubled in size. 
“Oh my god…” 
“YOU’RE FUCKING SOMEBODY ELSE!” She sprung out of her desk seat, almost dropping her curling iron. “No wonder you’ve been acting so fucking weird— “
“What’s weird about being happ— “
She squealed in excitement, “Shut up! Who is it! Who’s tearing them organs up— “ 
“NIAH! Nobody’s tearing anythi— “
Siri, followed by your ringtone, blared through your speaker. 
Niah slowly peered over at your desk before looking back at you.
“… And who the fuck is Abby?” 
By the look in her eye, she must’ve already known. 
Oh fuck. 
“U-Uh— “
Niah sprinted towards your desk before you could stop her, snatching your device and answering despite your anxious protests and grabs for it. 
“Yes, hello. Are you smashing my— “
“NIAH! STOP!” You were able to wrangle your phone out of Niah’s grasp, speaking over her shouts of just two whores fornicating!
You could hear Abby snickering, “So much for a secret.” 
“I’m sorry! I can't beat her intuition. Or Siri!”
“You’re cute,” Her voice was like butter, “Just checkin’ to see if we’re still on.” 
Whores! Whores, I tell you! Boutta sweat my wig off! Niah hollered, finally resigning and leaning against your desk. 
“Yeah, we are. Unless you don’t wanna— “
“Shut it. I want to.” 
A shudder wracked through you at the drawl of her tone. Niah shook her head, and you bucked at her with a threatening stare. 
“Okay. I’ll see you soon?” 
“See you soon.” 
The two of you gently farewelled and hung up. You turned to see Niah shamefully shaking her head at you. 
“I’ve seen a lot of shit in my lifetime,” she started, “I’ve never, in all my years, seen anyone fuck their side piece’s side piece.” 
… Were you really the only one who didn’t know that Ellie and Abby canoodled? 
Your eyes rolled, “You’re so fucking dramatic.” 
She reached behind her and grabbed two nips of 1800, tossing one in your direction, almost cracking you in the face with the plastic bottle. 
“You’re gonna need that shit. Harlot.” 
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The soccer house was on one; They knew how to fucking throw a not-Christmas party! 
You prayed with every fiber of your drunk being that the feds wouldn’t show up as you threw it back on Niah as Dina grabbed your titties. Tequila’s the devil and coaxes sluttery! 
Drake always sounds more talented when you’re fucked up. Good on him! 
Eyes were burning through your body and you showed out for them. 
Until you felt your phone vibrate in your fucking bra you can’t have shit in this house! —
You irritatingly pulled it out of your bra, leaning on Dina’s shoulder to read your message from… Abby, oh fuck fuck fuck—
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You smirked and searched the dark room for your new pretty friend. A moan almost left your throat when you saw her standing by the counter packed with liquor… in a muscle tee that read DO MILFS, NOT DRUGS. And a lollipop stick in her mouth. 
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Your brows furrowed in confusion when you locked eyes with Abby. She nodded behind you with a grin. 
You peered over your shoulder and instantly regretted it. 
Ellie was standing against the wall in a flannel and beanie, yet another girl pressed up against her while she smoked. And stared at you. Stared hard at you. Were those the eyes you felt seconds ago? Pride exploded in your chest at the thought. 
… But how long has she fucking been standing there, and why didn’t you fucking notice? You’re never touching Tequila again! 
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You shot another text to Abby before shutting your phone off, watching her squeeze through the crowd to get over to your little group. 
“Okay, baby?” Dina shouted in your ear over the music as she rubbed your back. You nodded, keeping your eyes on the blonde girl. 
Abby popped up behind Dina, tapping her shoulder to greet the girl that was propping you up. Abby whispered something to her, and Dina’s grip loosened around your waist. You smiled when Abby presented in front of you, throwing your arms around her neck to keep yourself steady. 
You barely heard Niah’s shouts of whore alert before Abby leaned down to connect your lips. The shots she had mixed with her cherry-flavored chapstick and apple lollipop as her mouth caressed yours, calls of oh shit from partygoers around you drowning your head. The attention made you kiss her deeper, your tongue easing into her mouth as people hooted around you. 
Abby’s strong arms wrapped around your waist to hold you to her strong chest, her sneaky hands crawling down to grab your ass through your dress. You moaned into the kiss, lacing your fingers through her curled locks. 
She tightened her hold on your hips and spun you, a thin line of drool connecting your lips before your back met her chest. You held onto a shocked Dina’s hips while you threw it on Abby, your back arched while she thrusted into your ass. 
Niah, ever the sweetheart, slapped it encouragingly, your hips pushing further onto Abby until she grabbed your shoulder and hauled you back up, her large arm enclosing around your throat. You felt her messily kissing your neck and up your ear, and your eyes fluttered open. 
You did everything in your power to ignore her harsh stare, pulling Niah’s hips back on yours, exposing more space on your neck for Abby to suck, anything anything anything! Don’t fucking look at her!
“Ready?” Abby shouted in your ear. 
Thank god for Abby; You were this close to looking at her. 
You nodded, and she whisked you upstairs after you blew your friends' kisses. 
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Why the fuck was Ellie fuming in this dark corner? 
Not only did you blow the fuck out of her high, but you decided to do it with someone she considered a… she doesn’t fucking know. Someone close enough for it to feel like a betrayal!
And you looked so fucking sexy in the act. 
The person chewing on her neck must think that the squirms she’s trying to cover are because of them. They weren’t, not when you’re around dancing like money is getting thrown all over you. 
How did you manage to get her so fucking horny with absolutely no interaction? You looked at her once since you’ve arrived. She could bet every cent in her bank account that you’re a witch! The sluttiest, sex-obsessed witch with good pussy. Not to mention, you’re so fucking sweet. 
Well, you used to be.
Ellie’s never seen this wild side of you. You’re always structured and organized and sweet like fucking honey. Somebody will get a cavity if they get too close to you. She can attest. 
All she could do was watch you and Abby trek upstairs with interlocked hands, something nasty stabbing in her gut at the sight. She knows she’s a hypocrite. A disgusting, vile hypocrite with the audacity to feel negatively about you seeing someone else. She’s fucked up and she’s horny and she wants you. Fuck, you have such good pussy. 
And the prettiest brown eyes. Fuck, fuck fuck fuck—
She hasn’t seen eyes that gorgeous since she fucking moved away for school. Since the last time she saw her. 
Seconds, minutes, it felt like hours went by as she replayed every interaction the two of you have had since you met. Sex, sex, sex, you trying to get closer, her getting upset at you trying, sex. More good— great sex. You're pulling the leash you have on her with your cunt, for fucks sake. 
She doesn’t know how long she’s been standing off to the side, but the person that fucked up her neck disappeared. Probably took too long to fucking react because she’s too busy thinking about how tight your cunt chokes her dick. 
What the fuck were you and Abby doing? Ellie knows she’s a fucking hypocrite. 
She pulls her device out of her pocket to ease her stress, but her stomach plummets when she sees a message from Abby. 
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Ellie’s such a fucking, goddamn hypocrite. 
She forces herself through the crowd and scurries up the stairs like the floors on fire, ducking and dodging drunk students that were in her path until she stood at the top of the steps.
She instantly hears you over the booming bass. A choked scoff leaves her before anything, your pleased cries ringing through her eardrums like a church bell, and she almost loses it in the middle of the hallway. She’s getting so wet and your moans are getting higher in pitch and she knows you're about to cum. Why’s she out of breath and pissed and drenched to hell?
The door’s right there. 
She takes a couple steps until she’s facing it, her hand resting on the knob. You always asked her to keep all entries open when she fucked you outside. You’re just as gross as she is. 
One twist and it’s over. 
She’s such a fucking hypocrite. 
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Whoever owns this bed is going to need a new mattress. You’ve never been this wet in your life. 
Is it gross that staring into Ellie’s shocked, glossy eyes are making your pussy squeeze down on Abby’s dick? Even after all the bullshit she’s done, she still makes you drip like a faucet. Shame on you and your cunt. 
S—it down, you whimpered, and Abby chuckled. 
Abby’s harsh thrusts slowed when you cracked out your command, a harsh slap landing on your ass, and the arch in your back deepened. Ellie exhaled a harsh breath and shut the door behind her, her body falling against the wood due to her wobbling legs. The more you inspected her bruised chest, the angrier you became. Who was she trying to fuck now? A nasty smile grew on your face at the sight of her in complete disbelief. 
Abby pulled out until just the tip was inside before slamming her entire length back into you, your jaw slackening when an oh, fuck escape you and Ellie. You hardly recognized your own voice. 
Her eyes left yours and stared behind you, your core squeezing when her fists clenched at her sides and eyes darkened. 
S-Sit down. Be a good girl’n sit d-down, you whimpered, your walls squeezing on the silicone. 
She looked down at you again, her cheeks tinting a darker shade of red whenever you addressed her. Your glare hardened when she didn’t listen, and her body cowered, eyes sparkling before pushing herself off the wall and onto the small lounge chair at the front of the room so she was facing you. 
Ellie’s hands were fiddling in her lap as she took the scene of you: liner and glitter running down your cheeks in a heap of tears, bruised neck and tits pressed against her friend’s ruffled sheets, your ass bruised to hell. She could see your slick and cum glistening on Abby’s cock under the dim lamp of the room. Her boxers were a mess. 
Such a sexy little pornstar, isn’t she, El?
Ellie wanted to cry when you and Abby laughed lightly. This is the first time she’s been speechless when it came to anything related to fucking. She loves sex, but she’s always, always, in control no matter what. The lack of ability she had over the situation made her throat dry and clit throb. She’d never admit it, though. 
W-Wanted t’make me a pornstar so bad? You spat shakily. You’re gonna sit there’n record Abby f-fucking me. 
Ellie’s breathing increased at the demand. You always looked so fucking sexy on camera. A natural vixen, you are. She’s never been this wet. Fuck, fuck, please—
Take your phone out, El, Abby encouraged with a sly smirk, You know how wet this pussy gets on cam. 
Ellie’s body didn’t feel like hers, like her soul was floating above her physical form. She heard the soft platplatplat of your ass clapping on Abby’s hips before she realized the two of you were fucking again, your loud cries chiming through the spacious area. Your pussy sounded so fucking wet. 
Atta fuckin’ girl, tha’s my girl, c’mon, Abby groaned while she watched your cunt milk her dick. She would give anything to cum in you. See her cum flow out of you like water. Breed you fucking full. 
She couldn’t take her eyes away from your ass. The movement of it was hypnotizing and it was bruising beautifully. She almost retrieved her own phone from her jean pocket to take a picture for herself. Almost. 
Ellie’s arm moved on autopilot, her fingers digging in her pocket for her device. You caught a glimpse of the flashlight she accidentally turned on in your haze, and smiled, fucking back onto Abby to meet her thrusts. You kept your eyes on Ellie as she held her phone up, the quiet blip indicating that she was recording. 
Your eyes flickered from Ellie’s heaving chest to the two small lenses in the corner of her phone, your back arching deeper so that she could get a good look at your ass rippling from each thrust. Your nails dug into the duvet every time Abby brushed against your cervix, her dick plunging into your squishy cunt. 
S-She’s fucking me s’good, Ellie, fuuuck—
Your babbles were sloppy and nearly intelligible, mumbled together in a fast, wet muss of your tongue. You couldn’t think about anything except Abby’s dick and Ellie’s fucking camera. You couldn’t stop your eyes from rolling back every time your eyes passed over the lens. Ellie was right; Maybe you were meant for porn. 
Ellie… ugh, shit! C’merecomehere—
Ellie looked like a newborn deer trying to walk when she got up and stood directly in front of your sweaty, fucked out form. Her camera was right in front of your face, and a hazy, drooly smile made its way onto your face. You could feel your impending orgasm sizzling all the way down to your toes. 
M’gonna squirt, fuck, thinkI’mgonnasquirt!—
Both girls moaned aloud at your squealed warning, Ellie’s thighs squeezing right in front of your face. Her hands were shaking around her phone and… her fucking hands are so sexy—
Your pussy was in agreement; The squelching sounds of your wet walls got louder with your moans, your screams flying off the walls with Abby’s, your eyes glued on Ellie’s long fucking fingers and the veins in her hands—
Your tongue lolled out of your mouth and licked over all four of the digits clenched over her device. She squealed in shock but you didn’t care, pulling away with your tongue out like a dog, eyes begging for her to fuck your throat with them. 
Ellie held her phone with her dominant hand and dragged two wet fingers over the flat of your tongue, angling her phone so that the way your throat closed around them was captured. Ellie was whimpering to herself and desperate to fucking cum. Was she crazy or was she about to nut from you gagging and drooling all over your hand? She’s crazy; She has to be fucking crazy—
Her walls were squeezing so hard in her jeans; She might actually fucking cum. She’s a goner, fuck fuck fuck—
Milk her fingers like you're milking this dick, baby, that’s it, Abby moaned out before releasing a line of drool on your ass and rubbing it in with her thumb. You choked around Ellie’s thrusting fingers, eyes crossing in your head while your pussy cried. And squeezed so hard, Abby almost couldn’t move. You felt your juices leave you in a light spray as Abby announced her orgasm, squealing about how swollen you’re going to be with her cum. You’re cumming, you’re cumming so fucking hard—
Your head dropped onto the edge of the mattress, Ellie’s spit coated fingers ripping from your mouth and you screamed, your cum drenching the bed and Abby’s dick and waist, your clit jumping with every pulse of your walls. You couldn’t keep yourself upright any longer, falling completely flat onto the bed as your body thrashed from pleasure you could hardly bear. Abby’s body laid flat on top of yours so she could force her dick deeper into you, fuck more cum out of you and milk the last bit of her orgasm.
You sobbed from the intensity, but Abby didn’t stop until your hand flew back to push her off you. She planted one wet kiss on the back of your neck before gently pulling out. Your thighs were still shaking and your clit was twitchy, but you felt so good. 
And so much better. 
It took a minute for your teary eyes to peel open. Ellie was crouched down on the floor with her knees to her chest, heavy breaths and light whines leaving her mouth while her lashes fluttered. 
Abby chuckled behind you, landing one playful smack on your ass before leaning over your form to whisper in your ear. 
Think she came when you did, She snickered.
A breathy giggle left you. Ellie couldn’t meet your eyes, hers glued to the hardwood. 
Your auntie was right; Maybe revenge was the way to go. 
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You shut the bathroom door and made your way back to the bedroom, where a dazed Ellie was sitting on the bed. 
Abby left with a see you soon and a kiss on the cheek, leaving you and Ellie alone to suffocate in silence. She looked lost in thought as her finger tapped on her thigh, her teeth digging into the dry skin of her lip. You breathed heavily before walking to tower over her. 
“I want you to send me the video,” you spoke stoically, nothing bothering to wait for her to speak.
She nervously met your eyes for the first time since you orgasmed, eyes glossy like a puppy getting scolded, before grabbing her phone from where she tossed it on the bed. She shakily tapped a few times before your device vibrated in your hand. 
“Now delete it. Delete everything. Every video, every Snap. All of it,” your voice was sharper than a blade. 
You loomed over her as she scrolled through all of your memories together, your cheeks warming at the sound of your moans and cries of her name, watching closely as she trashed all the footage of the two of you fucking since you met. 
Whenever you were confident that no evidence remained, you ensured she would never hit your line again. 
“Block me, Ellie. On everything.”
She exhaled shakily before doing so on every platform and line of communication. You spun on your heel when she finished without another word, heart heavy, leaving the room and shutting the door behind you to retreat back to the lively environment downstairs. 
You deleted Ellie’s contact information when you reached the bottom of the steps. 
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Ellie was absolutely distraught. And the horniest she’s ever been in her fucking life. 
She refused to move from her spot on the bed until a couple shoved into her friend’s room, eager to rip each other’s clothes off. She had too little and enough sex for tonight. She cringed when she got up and felt her cum squishing in her boxers. 
… She can’t believe she busted from just your tongue on her hand like a fucking loser. 
She didn’t bother to wait for Jesse and the rest of the soccer team like normal, opting to walk home and regain some peace of mind. The cold shocked her body when she stepped outside of the packed house, the melting ice crunching under her sneakers. 
Much to her dismay, she thought about you the entire stroll. Her mind raced, flooding with images of you getting absolutely destroyed by Abby. And looking up at her while you sucked the life out of her fingers. And your sparkly fucking eyes whenever you laughed at something stupid and unfunny she said. 
She fucked up, she fucked up so bad. 
Anxiety was stirring in her gut all the way up to her and Jesse’s apartment. 
Ellie hoped you wouldn’t be too mad at her when everyone returned to campus, but she felt vicious, unfiltered rage radiating off your body when you loomed over her. The disappointment she was so used to seeing after turning you down was replaced by disdain, and it made bile rise in her throat. Your composure used to impress her, but now she was terrified of it. 
You actually fucking hated her. 
Dina mentioned how she might’ve awakened something that you tried to keep hidden, but she didn’t care enough to listen. 
Ellie didn’t intend to hurt your feelings, but she did want to keep you at a distance. You were caught in a crossfire you never needed to be in, and she didn’t do enough to stop you from getting hit. 
She sees so much of her past in you. The moments of eagerness and joy and elation she felt in her younger years, it all crashed into her the second she stared into your eyes for too long. She almost saw roses blooming in them. She grew to despise your optimism very quickly. 
Ellie shoved her key so hard into their door she thought she bent it, ripping it open and slamming it shut. All her weight fell against the wall and she sighed. Her head was pounding and so was her clit. 
You’re so fucking hot. What the fuck. 
Her hands ran down her face in exasperation before she kicked her shoes off, unbuttoning and removing her jeans and soaked boxers. 
She slid down the door and squatted, her fingers instantly finding her twitching clit. She sighed at the sensation before dipping her digits lower, pushing past her entrance and collecting her juices to bring back to her rosy bud. She alternated between rubbing and fucking into herself, moaning into the dark space of the living room. 
She couldn’t unsee… you. Everything about you. Your scars, the dark hairs of your furrowed brows, your plump, wet lips slobbering all the way down her wrists. The deeper she reached, the hotter she became, her sweaty bangs clinging to her forehead. 
A-Abby, fuck me h-harder, please? 
Am I a good girl? M’your good girl?
M’so wet, oh god!
You fuck me t-the best! Yeah, yes yeah—
Your voice was the only thing ringing through her empty brain. Anyone would’ve been embarrassed, disgusted, traumatized by what you and Abby did. The two of you shattered her completely, breaking down every barrier she built for herself for so long. Distance was no longer her priority; She wanted to be in between the two of you so fucking bad. 
She was already so close, so close to tipping over, to wetting her fucking floor, all because of you. Fuck, she fucked up; Was it too late to tell her you were the best— one of the best she’s ever had? She has to protect her pride somehow, even if it’s pointless. 
She dug into her cunt harder, grinding her fingers into the spot that made her see stars, sent her to fucking heaven. Your name left her mouth in an almost manic cry, whimpering the syllables over and over again until she crashed, legs closing around her wrist when her pleasure shook her form. She shoved three unoccupied fingers into her mouth and swallowed around them, fucking her throat and her cunt at the same time, trying to replicate the feeling of your tongue on her again.
She almost cried when the sensation wasn’t the same. Nothing felt like your mouth, your tongue, and it sent a painful jolt in her heart. 
She came down and finally allowed her tears to fall, barely having the strength to ride out the last bits of her pleasure before she slumped onto the floor. Sobs escaped her in choked gasps. She’s a fucking idiot to be crying over you. Over the little twinkles in your eyes whenever you’re excited. 
Ellie’s a heartless, ungrateful hypocrite, and she ruined her billionth chance at redemption. 
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ellie got bitched LMMMFAOOOOO
this is not a love triangle!!! or is it
jk its not lol
taggie waggies love yall down :3 @dyk3ang3l @iced-metal @sawaagyapong @kittnii @mariefilms @villainousbear @pick-me-up-im-scared @dragonasflowercrown @elsmissingfingers @bugaboodarling @freakumfilm @robinismywifee @ohitsjordynn @womenofarcane @inf3ct3dd @nil-eena @kaispaws @letsreadsomesins-shallwe @yuckyfucky @machetegirl109 @ximtiredx @mattm1964 @liabadoobee @tfuuka @aouiaa @lastofvenus
teaser, one, two, three, five
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689 notes · View notes
godessanonymous · 6 months
DR3 - Reminder
Request: No. Pairing: dom!daniel x bratty!reader Genre: just filthy ass smut thats all Summary: You and Daniel have been in a relationship for a while now, at a gala you decide to tease him a little, so he reminds you who you belong to ;) Warnings: use of bad language, toys, bondage, overstim, semi public sex.
Not proofread - 4.3k Words I have nothing to say for myself. This is filthy, like baaaddd but oh well hope yall enjoy.
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You had started to work for Alpha Tauri about a year ago, that’s when you met Daniel Riccardo for the first time. A tall dark haired mystery of a man. You could never tell what his intentions were, mixed Signals all around. It started out with some harmless comments mostly complimenting you, then it turned into caring gestures like bringing you water after long Work hours in the paddock, getting you food when you didn’t have the time to do it yourself and at some point even driving you home. While you said you were friends neither of you could deny the tension that never actually left when you were around each other.
You had gone out to dinner a couple of times before but that was mostly with the team or just as friends. But this time it was different, Daniel had approached you after the race, he looked a lot more shy than his usual bubbly self made him seem. He politely asked whether you would like to go out with him that evening, you just looked at him confused before answering yes. His face lit up just enough for you to notice it, he said to pick you up at around 7.30 that evening and just sprinted off.
You were in your room at the hotel now, a pile of clothes stacked up on the bed from you deciding what to wear to tonight, you were still not sure, was this a date? How pretty did you have to look? After staring at yourself in the mirror for a bit you decided to go with something classic but not too over the top. You quickly did your makeup, since your outfit was simple you made your makeup look extra pretty.
Not too long after that he picked you up and took you to a cute restaurant not too far away. It was beautiful and that’s when he finally worked up the courage to talk to you about hist feelings toward you. You had to say you agreed, the way he looked at you, the way he was always so caring towards you made you slowly but surely fall for him. The night ended with a faint goodbye kiss and plans made for the next date.
All that happened around 6 months ago and Daniel had surprised you with a lot of things, but the most interesting thing was probably his preference when it came to sex. He was kinky, always down to try new things. He loved being in control. You had never done anything like that so a little hesitation came up in you when he proposed the idea of trying something new in bed. Despite feeling hesitant at first you quickly discovered how much you enjoyed his kinky fantasies, the more you tried the more things you found out turned you on extremely. Falling into submission gave you a form of freedom and forgetting about other struggles, even though you would eventually you also liked to be bratty, make him work for it. Sometimes even doing it in public just to get him worked up a little. He was insanely good at communicating what he wanted and what you were okay with, big on consent which is insanely important in these kinds of dynamics.
There came a day where you and him had attended a gala evening. A lot of influential people were there and it was a beautiful show to see all the artist and awards. You got a little bored tho, looking at the mad sitting across from you in a perfectly fitting black suit sipping on a glass of red wine. You had been throwing in little comments all evening, not listening to him and doing your little thing.
The show finished and you decided to go to the club/bar area for a bit and have another drink before going home. So you walked over to him. “ ill head over to the bar for a bit, tag along or come get me when you are ready love.” You whispered in his ear, he looked at you with his big brown eyes. “Sure, maybe ill come over later, just behave please.” You just smirked at him and walked away, Kika and Charlotte right by your side.
The bar was amazing, the drinks were too good not to drink  more and soon you got a little too excited and hit the dance floor with Kika. Soon someone stole you from Kika and an arm snaked around your waist, you didn’t recognize the man that was suddenly taking up your view but you certainly didn’t mind it. You decided to hit him with the “ I’m taken” right from the start. He just chuckled at responded “Don’t worry, I just wanna dance, my friends are making me feel single.” Nodding his head in the direction of a pair dancing. You chuckled and decided to go with it, making Danny just a tiny bit jealous would surely lead towards a pleasurable night for the both of you right?
The guy was nice but once you spotted Daniels eyes basically piercing through your body you said goodbye and returned to the bar to order another light drink. You were a little drunk but not too much to lose control. You chatted with a guy sitting next to you a little bit before an arm draping over your shoulder made you look up into the face of a fired up Daniel. “Lets go home, looks like someone needs to be reminded who she belongs to.” He hissed into her ear just loud enough for her to hear it. Her heartbeat fastened and she awkwardly excused herself from the bar. Daniel was holding onto her waist tightly as they made their way through the crowd of dancing and chatting people.
He had called a uber and roughly pushed you down in the black seats of the car when it arrived. Once on the way to your destination you decided to throw caution to the wind and placed you hand on his thigh, slowly moving your way up. His big hand enclosed around yours and lifted it of his leg. “Oh love don’t do that, you’ve been working me up all night, hope you are ready for what is waiting for you. I’ll have you begging soon enough.” He said quietly and it made your heart jump in excitement.
The door clicked shut behind you and it took less than a second for his hands to grab your wrists and pin them above your head. Your breathing started to speed up as his body pressed you flush against the wall and his breath lightly caressing over the delicate skin of your neck. “You have no idea how much trouble you’re in pretty…” he said as his teeth sink into the skin of your neck. “What… I was having fun, nothing happened, I had a great time. Why should I be in trouble?” you asked innocently. He let go of your hands, one moving to your throat and one to your ass instead. He put just the slightest amount of pressure around your air way. A breathy whisper: “you know exactly what you did baby, you wanted this, so game on let’s see how long you can keep that attitude up little lady.” Shivers of anticipation ran down your spine. Hand still on your neck he slowly guided you towards the bed. He gently placed you in the middle of it. “Stay where you are. Clothes off.” Is all he said before he disappeared into the walk in closet to retrieve some goods for the night.
You decided to comply to a certain extent, dress off but the lacy underwear staying on your body as you moved under the blankets covering up your half naked body, acting like you were gonna sleep. It took a second before he returned, a box in hand. Seeing you didn’t follow his commands made a little fire light inside of him, he shot forward pulling the blankets off you before deciding you were not anywhere close to behaved tonight. Quickly grabbing your wrists cuffing them to the a bedpost rendering your hands unable to do anything. Daniel stood back up admiring your body laying on the perfectly white bedsheets. “So, since you seem to want it so bad, lets have some fun. But firstly color baby.” “Green”, “Game on the love.”
The tall Aussie settled between your legs, hand on your  lower stomach to stop you from moving under his touch. He began trailing kisses down your body, hands following with the lightest touch.
You were already starting to get desperate for him feeling the stubs of his short beard rub against your skin. Trying to spur him on a bit you stuck out your chest a bit, he chuckled, finally moving on of his hands to slowly massage your breast making a soft moan escape your lips. “Already turned on huh love” he said stopping right above your belly button just hovering there for a second before moving up the length of your body in one quick motion. One hand lingered on your throat the other was now drawing small circles up your thighs.  His lips crashed into yours dominantly making you gasp for air every chance you got. Daniel used the opportunity to enter her mouth with his tongue eagerly exploring it. You spilled a small moan into him has his hand moved over where you needed him most. Light fingers stopping on your clit, slightly pressing down, just enough to make you need some friction badly. The position didn’t allow you to do so, your lips escaped a tiny whimper. His weight lifted off your body as he sat up and dragged your pretty red panties down your legs. They flew somewhere to the ground next to the bed. The driver dragged a finger through your wet folds making you squirm. “Already all wet for me? So easy…” he murmured, wetting his finger and suddenly pushing it inside of you. His grip on your hips was impossible to move against holding you down. Quickly followed a second finder and you could already feel the knot in your core starting to build as he started moving painfully slow, curling his digits in just the right places. Your legs wrapped around his waist trying to relive some of the pressure you felt. A soft “Please” escaped your lips. “We have barely even started yet and you are already a whimpering mess, for that big attitude its surprisingly easy to have you in shambles don’t you think?” He responded with a grin on his face, you were slowly getting closer to the edge. That’s when he pulled out, you whining at the sudden loss of sensation. The weight on the bed shifted as the Aussies reached over to the box still resting on the bedside table and pulled out something you couldn’t quite identify, It looked like a bullet but it was a little too big for the ones you had seen and used before. He didn’t waste any time as he took the small vibrator and pressed it into you, it had a weird shape, one side resting fairly deep inside of you the other moving up around to your clit in a u-shape. Its small nature making it easy to slide in, yet it still took you off guard feeling it.
Danny held up a remote and smiled as he pressed a button making the device come to life. You gasp, it felt so good stimulating two spots at the same time. The Pleasure was insane. You were close again quickly not being able to form a coherent thought. As you were just about to release the buzzing stopped, making you let out a frustrated groan. Meanwhile Daniel got off the bed and freed your hands from the cuffs, keeping them together. He tossed a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie in your direction. You were confused what on earth was he planning on doing. “Get dressed. We are going on a walk.” As it slowly dawned on you, your punishment was not getting to come, you hated it so much. His dark eyes looked at you warningly as you reached between your legs. “leave it where it is” Your eyes widened. Hesitantly you got up and put on the clothes he had tossed your way.
He lead you to the elevator and down onto the sidewalk of the road along your building. It was almost 12AM on a week day so no one was around this area anymore. You could still feel the u shaped vibe between your legs and you started walking, Daniel didn’t say anything so you just followed him. After a couple of meters he finally started talking. “So I have a challenge for you hun. We are going to take a walk and ill have some fun with our little friend here, if you manage to keep walking and not be loud maybe ill rethink my decision on not letting you finish today.” He smirked. “Color baby” “Green”.
He started on the lowest setting, it was pleasant, stimulating but nowhere near strong enough for you, every corner you passed he went up a level. At level 4 is when it started to be a challenge, the constant friction of your walking and the vibration between your legs making it hard to not atleast breath heavier. You knew he route the two of you were walking in the cold breeze, you’d do this a lot when you were in need of fresh air, it wasn’t long but you still had a good bit to go when the knot started to build in the middle of your core. Reaching level six you were struggling to keep up with Daniels Pace, desperately clinging to his arm as you passed another corner, you only had 2 to go, your breathing got heavier and Daniel gave you a challenging look as you gripped his arm even tighter as the pressure increased. You were approaching the door of the building as you felt your legs starting to give out. You bit your bottom lip trying not to make any noise. Daniel just watched you enjoying your struggle. Your nails dug into his skin as you reached the door, letting out a heavy sigh once you were inside. “Good Girl.” He whispered into your ear and you couldn’t help but feel proud that you had managed. Or so you thought. The buzzing hadn’t stopped. It just went down to a pleasant humming, not allowing you to get any further in your need to finish.
The ride up to the apartment was quiet, too quiet. He pushed the door open and closed in a quick motion hungrily biting marks into your shoulder as he pushed you onto the bed, stripping your clothes of in the process. “Time to teach you manners kitten.” He said reaching for you arms and you could feel the semi soft rope slowly tighten around them as he started to form a harness around your entire body. You wanted to move, be bratty but you were too deep into submission already to stop him from doing what he does best. Hands locked in place behind your back, legs spread and secured by a rope connecting to your back you were unable to move anymore, enjoying the feeling of anticipation of what he would do next.
He rid himself of his shirt, you admired the muscles of his chest in awe. The wonderful sight was soon taken from you as a blindfold slipped over your eyes, vision going black. “Before I go on with making you regret being bratty, do you remember your safe word love?” He asked with a beautiful gentleness in his voice. You nodded. “I need you to say it.” “Tulips” “Good Girl.”
You heard the box moving and the U Toy leaving your body in the same second, you were about to protest when the emptiness was replaced by a lubed up dildo pressing into  your middle. You couldn’t hold the loud moan escaping your lips as he pushed it in inch by inch. You wondered how big it was, you couldn’t see it so you never saw it coming when it started vibrating making you scream in surprise. It had bottomed out by now, hitting everything deep inside your core. Moving it a little bit Daniel started to kiss your tense body all over, you were trying to move with the pressure getting too much but your restrains simply didn’t allow you to. Daniel moved to your breasts starting to suck on one of your nipples, you whimpered at the pleasure spreading through your body. “Danny- Please… please can I come.” That’s when the buzzing stopped and he pulled of your chest. You let out a whine. “You know the rules, only good girls get to come. Why don’t you apologize for your actions first.” The toy came to life again and you let out a scream. You tried to form words but couldn’t get them out. “Use your words.” He said teasingly, turning his attention back to your boobs. “im- i- Im sorry okay Danny, I wanted to make you jealous-“ is all you could say before the pleasure took your ability to speak again. “Is that so?” You were one second away from falling over the edge when he pulled completely off of you. “UGRH you dick I was so close.” “I know, but I have to finish preparing you properly, don’t I? And don’t give me that attitude if you expect to finish today.” He said, his voice dropping and the tone not leaving any room for argument. You swallowed heavily. You were so desperate.
His hands moved down your body once again as he loosened the knots around you ankles giving you a little bit of your freedom back. He rolled you over onto your stomach placing a pillow below your hips to make it a little bit more comfortable for you. Knees pressed open to your sides Dann had perfect sight of your third hole. Instead of working something in like you thought he would you screamed at the stinging sensation as his hand lands flat against your ass. You screamed, Tears pooling in your eyes. “One..” SLAP “two” … “Ten.”
By the time he was done you were a sobbing mess, the pain feeling equally as bad as good. His rough hand slowly moved across your sore cheeks making you whine even more. “You took that so well. I think its time to move on to something more fun.” He said, sliding a finder up and down your middle.
You already new it was coming, but you still jumped at the sudden sensation of the metal plug against your slit. Moving up and resting on your asshole. It was a little bit cold but you liked that as a contrast to your burning, sweaty body. “Do you think you can do it?” Daniel asked. “Yes Sir, I can.” You answered now fully committing, no more games. He pulled the blind fold off your eyes, squinting trying to ajust to the half lit room. “I want you to look at me while I work it in.” he said  already massaging the tip of it in. You forced your eyes to stay open and on the gorgeous man behind you. He had pulled his shorts down along with the boxers and you could see his hard length as he stroked it while working the plug at the same time. He took it slow, the stretch burning impossibly hard as he slowly made his way in. A loud moan escapes your lips as it slides home the big of it resting inside you now. Daniel whispers a quiet fuuccckk before sliding the dildo back inside you moving it in and out at a good speed now. You moaned his name as the fake dick pushed against the metal in your ass with every time it slipped in. The vibrations jumped to a all time high and pleasure got almost to much to take. “Danny please can I cum?”
 “you know what mouse, ill give you a choice, either you stand your punishment like this and get to cum once later, or ill let you come but ruin you till you cant come anymore. Hm? Take your pick, you’re gonna be a mess in the end anyway.” He said, knowing both options were going to be torture in the best way for you. You couldn’t even get your mouth to open and Daniel to decide for you as he slammed the toy in all the way. Making you come on the spot, it was the hardest you ever released. You screamed his name in pleasure and you body wanted to move so bad but the firm hand on your ass and the rope around you body kept you from doing so. The high of our O made your mind foggy and make you feel floaty. The male didn’t stop moving, he worked out all the way through the orgasm making you moan even louder with the overwhelming sensitivity of your body. He slowed down for a second as you began to come down from your high. “How many do you think I can pull out of you today? Lets do 4 more shall we?” That is when you realized what you had gotten yourself into, if they were all this intense you wouldn’t make it past number 2 without passing out.
He loosened the rope and it fell of your body as he rolled you back on your stomach. “Stand up.” He commanded, you gave your best to comply standing on shaky legs. You still had strength but the slight aftershocks of your orgasm where still rocking through you. He sat on the side of the bed and tapped on his thigh signaling you to sit down. You comply glad not having to stand anymore. “You wanna cum kitty, go ahead, get of on my thigh then.” He said, looking at your desperate eyes. Slowly you start to move against him, his flexed thigh muscles giving you the perfect pressure against your clit.
You were breathing heavy , trying to get enough air in your lungs to recover after your forth orgasm of the day. Quiet pleas falling from your lips. “I need you Danny” you whispered. “You will get me love, I cant wait any longer. Color?” “green” you pant, you were a mess, body hurting impossibly but the pleasure was bigger than your urge to rest. You needed him inside of you. He wanted to come as well. Not wanting to wait any more he fished a condom out the box and covered his hard cock with it. Back on your stomach he moved one of your knees over his shoulder basically folding you. Without further waiting he slipped inside of you, despite all the preparation of today he still stretched her far, he finally bottomed out and slowly started to pick up pace the angle making the feeling of him even more intense, he was rough, demanding and you could feel he was close. His fingers found your already overstimulated clit and started drawing slow circles around it, you were so close again and you felt him twitching as well. “please Danny, I need to come” you panted not sure how long you could hold on anymore. “Beg for it love, beg.” He said, even though he was impossibly close as well. You looked at him with foggy eyes, “please Daniel, ill be good- please- I need you-“ You whimpered. “together…fuck” he moaned realizing he cant put it off any longer as your walls clenched around him and he combusted shortly after, both your bodies shaking. “Oh my baby I love you.” You said as your body started to slowly come down from the overwhelming last high that left you almost light headed. Your body went limp.
He pulled out of you panting heavily. Before you could fall limp against the pillows he flipped you over and swiftly and painlessly as possible pulled out the plug that had rested there for the night. It hurt but not bad, you felt empty without the toys in you. but you appreciated the calm As you rested against his sweaty chest. You stayed like this for a couple of minutes until he got up grabbing two towel from the bathroom as well as a bottle of water. He returned to bed starting to clean you up, even the soft touch of the towel making you squirm a bit. “You did so well love, well done.” As he cleaned you up and lifted the water to your lips while cleaning himself up. You were thankful for the cool liquid making your throat feel so much better. You passed it back to him as he got up again and quickly washed off the toys before returning back to bed. Your mind was still all foggy and with the little you had left in you, you moved closer to him, his arms closing around you protectively while he whispered praises in your ear. Kissing you softly. After he noticed you returned to reality a little bit more he asked how you were doing, you just smiled at him and said “that was amazing dan, so Great but everything hurts” He couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Yeah that’s the point. Are you gonna behave now?” You shook your head and both laughed. His hand was stroking your hair and you slowly fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.
As much as he liked being rough, and dominant he also loved taking care of you after, its what you both needed.                                                                                                                                          
i told you... if you made it to the end, congrats your mind is as dirty as mine. As always feel free to request any driver x reader pairing. im open for anything.
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charliehoennam · 20 days
sweet stranger pt. 2
Summary: the war veteran Alfie falls in love with a stranger in hopes of returning to his old self
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+, smut, reader is a sex worker, mentions of past relationships.
part one
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With each passing day, you wake up earlier than usual and lay in bed staring at your ceiling thinking about him.
It seems like he’s everywhere you go, even in the most unlikely places. A voice similar to his, a passerby with his same cologne, a hatted board figure in the crowd of the busy streets of the city.
Haunted by his spirit, the face of every client you amuse fuses into his. You close your eyes to pretend like you’re with him again, trying to ignore that the voices and touches are different like you’re stuck in a secret teenage fantasy. You’ve even taken a liking to rum simply because the scent of it reminds you of him.
Your head bobbles from side to side as the car drives over the cobblestones while you watch the people outside going about their day.
Smiling to yourself, you watch the younger ones laughing and fearlessly enjoying themselves while some others are most likely returning home to turn in for the evening.
Unlike you, who is on her way to work.
At least, that’s what you try to remind yourself that this is. Even though you’re on your way to see your favorite client, you’re reminded of what it felt like to be young and carelessly in love.
James stops the car in front of The Brown’s hotel and climbs out of the Roll-Royce to hold your hand as you climb off yourself. You thank him and adjust your hat before walking into the hotel.
Everything is as the first time you met Alfie. The same hotel, the same room. And you don’t mind it at all. The man has good taste.
You look forward to these encounters with him because he always treats you like a gentleman treats a woman. Like you’re more than just a warm body and a pretty face to be paraded around. Like you’re actually human and he genuinely cares about you.
“ ‘ello, love,” he grins. “You look splendid” he kisses your cheek as you walk inside.
“Thank you, Alf. You look handsome as always.”
Just like the other encounters, he takes your coat and hat and sets them on the rack by the door.
He’s much more at ease now in comparison to the first night. And much more passionate too. Sure, you’ve taught him a couple lessons on how to pleasure a woman here and there, but he’s more comfortable now with himself and the matter despite his ailments.
“Got a nice glass of wine waiting for you, love. Go on, have a seat” he nods at the chairs placed in front of the fireplace.
“Thank you, Alfie. You spoil me too much.”
You take a seat in the soft large armchair as he kneels in front of you, gently taking your ankle in hand to lift your foot onto his bended knee.
“How was your day, love?” he asks unclasping your shoe.
“Got up to much?” You smile and nod at him, going on about your day. You try to omit the complaints about it to spare your client of the off-putting stress, but he catches onto you.
“Be honest, love. I can tell you’ve ‘ad a long one ey? Tell me all about it. I wanna ‘ear it all.”
It’s hard not to feel like he’s more than a friend. You have to keep reminding yourself that he’s a client, only a client and nothing more.
Opening up about the troubles of your day and the pricks you dealt with throughout it, he laughs listening to you as he lifts your other foot up to remove your other shoe and gives your foot a gentle squeeze.
“Want me to give those blokes a right talkin’ to, yeah? Set ‘em right for talking to ya that way?”
“Would you really?” you smile down at him.
“ ‘Course I would, love. You’re my girl. Won’t let no one mistreat ya” he smirks standing back up with the help of your chair before planting a kiss on your forehead.
“That’s sweet of you, Alf. But I don’t want you getting into trouble over me.” “Darling, I’d raise hell for ya, love."
Part of you would like to believe he really would and indulge in the idea you could be loved like the young lovers you saw on the drive over. The other part of you has been there before, falling so stupidly in love that you would risk everything you have even though it's not much.
Regardless if he meant his words or not, they seem to melt away to the back of your mind with his touches and kisses that follow.
His bearded kisses pepper your chest as you ride him, letting him stare up at your breasts as they hang and bounce just inches away from his face.
One of his hands sits on your ass, squeezing the flesh to the intensity of the pleasure you fill him with. The other hand kneads at your hip, guiding it up and down his cock. His beard burns as it scratches against your skin, his warm mouth and flicking tongue enveloping your nipples. He could feast on them for days if you let him.
You moan reveling in the thickness of his cock, grinding your clit against the soft hairs of his public area as you hold your weight up on the headboard making the wood thump repeatedly against the wall.
The phone in the hotel's front desk must be ringing nonstop with complaints from the people staying in the room, but Alfie's reputation has the entire staff too scared to ring his room and tell him to quiet down.
From the other room, repeated thumps bang against the wall in protest of your obnoxiously loud love-making. Alfie laughs enjoying the fact that people can hear you and he's not bothered by it at all.
"Let's give 'em something to shout about ey, love?" he laughs stilling your hips for a moment. You giggle at the excitement of what Alfie has in store.
Holding the small of your back, he flips you onto your back to hover himself over your frame as he places himself between your legs.
"Hold your legs back for me, sweetheart."
Placing his hands on the headboard was strategic, but also convenient for the position and favored his physical limitation. Despite the limp he was quite known to have occasionally, it was doing nothing to stop him in bed.
Having spent so many a night with you has allowed him to study different positions and learn more about his body so as to make sex more comfortable and more than satisfying.
The messy hair and boyish grin he flashes at you as he slides his wet dick back into your cunt makes you forget this is just another business meeting. The mere fact that you’ve allowed him – and only him – to fuck you without protection speaks volumes.
Your hands wrap the backs of your thighs, holding your legs back to let him split you with his girthy member.
"Brace yourself, love" he smirks. His hips begin snapping against yours, filling the room with the ungodly music of his balls slapping against your ass. The rhythm he sets has the headboard banging even louder and steadier than before. The wetness pooling around his cock adds to the music.
Every inch of him hits every delicious spot within you and has your eyes rolling to the back of your head with this new position.
Although the pleasure is so intense on his raw cock, Alfie tries his best to keep his eyes open to watch the bounce of your tits, your swollen pussy swallowing him whole, the dazed look of your siren eyes as they meet his begging him for more.
"Fucking 'ell, love" he pants through his unyielding pace.
Praises that spill from your pouty lips finally send him over the edge. He pulls himself out and rubs his tip up and down against your clit to avoid releasing inside you.
He hates that it's one of the rules, but even now, he's thoughtful enough to keep that in mind. If things were different and he was yours, he'd be spilling into you every night.
To help him cum, you lower your hand down to sink his length deeper, sandwiching his dick between your soaking cunt and hand. You watch as his body tenses at the feeling of fucking your palm and cunt and he finally cums, covering your mound and abdomen in white ropes of his homage up.
Lost in the post-sex haze, he can't even think as he tries to catch his breath. All he can focus on is how pretty you look covered in his seed and fucked out of your sane mind. So, he acts and leaves you both stunned.
His head lowers and he kisses your lips tenderly. It dawns on him that this is the one sexual act you've never done and yet, somehow, the most intimate. He withdraws from the kiss, but doesn't pull away entirely; just enough to analyze your reaction.
No client has ever kissed you before. You would never let them because a kiss could blur the line between work and romance. But you can't explain what makes you kiss him again.
It melts you both from within as you give into the feelings that have been churning and yearning for each other for months now.
He pulls away from the passionate kiss, interrupted by the neighboring guest banging on the wall again and shares another laugh with you.
You smile happily as Alfie's arms give out. His weight is heavy but welcomed into your arms as he lays down on top of you.
"Think we're driving him mad?" You smirk.
"I think we might be, yeah" he chuckles. "Let's take a bath and give him a break." You smile and nod agreeing.
As he gets up and walks to the bathroom to take a towel and clean you up, you lay on the bed thinking about the kiss. About how his plush lips felt against yours. The smell of earthy oil he uses on his beard.
As Alfie turns the faucet to moisten the towel for you, he wonders if he made a mistake.
He comes back to clean you up with gentle swipes while the tub fills with water and bubbles.
You're sat on opposite ends, facing each other the porcelain bath, exchanging pleasantries and foot rubs.
"You know, I've been meaning to talk bout something with ya, love..." he starts.
You frown as your hands slowly still, wrapped around his foot and question if he’s not satisfied with you or if you did something to upset him. You pray it's not about the kiss.
“No, love!” he chuckles shaking his head as he sits up and leans forward, withdrawing his foot from your hands and replaces it with his hands.
“It’s quite the opposite, really. ‘ve come to really appreciate these moments with you.”
Your heart races as you wait for his words, studying his face as he keeps his gaze away from you.
“Thing is, right, and I might be a fool for this. And it’s a completely fucking shot in the dark, innit. Feel silly saying this out loud, but it’s been in my head, yeah? These get-togethers we’ve been ‘aving. And I’ve come to realize that I enjoy them too much to let them end…”
You gaze at him hopelessly and ask what he means with such a confession.
“I know what I am. I know what you are, love” his voice lowers with severity as his brows drop and furrow at his own thoughts. “I’m saying… maybe, if you agree to it, you don’t have to go on with this area of expertise. I could buy you out.”
The thought of having a Prince Charming to come and rescue you from the life fills you with hope, but happy endings only happen in fairy tales.
The reason you got into this life in the first place was because you trusted your ex. When you met him in your hometown, he was a knight in shining armor who whisked you away to London. You hoped for paradise and yet, all you found was hell.
Alfie is not to blame for his mistakes, and neither are you. But you don't want to fall into your old ways of believing love cures all. Only you know how helpless and alone you felt until you finally found the courage to leave him and make a living for yourself.
You want to take the leap and dive into what could be with Alfie and, at the same time, you've heard this story before from other poor boys who claimed they were falling in love with you.
Seems easy, doesn’t it? You could have him all to yourself. All it takes is a leap of faith into his words, but the jump never looks so easy when you’re up high on the ledge fearing the strength of a slightly stronger gust of wind.
"It'll pass" you told them.
But Alfie is nothing like those boys. He's a man, there's no denying that. A protector, a provider, but also a criminal, a gangster. What life would you have with him?
Another matter that separates him from the rest is the small fact that you've also been having feelings for him.
"Alfie, that is very sweet of you to suggest..." You start.
"But?" He smiles but it doesn't quite reach his eyes as if he already knows what you're about to say.
"But I've been through this before. I don't want to be dependent on someone again like I have been in the past. What would I do for work?"
"You could work with me. I'm in need of an assistant."
"I've never even typed a letter before, Alfie. What good would I be?"
"I could teach you."
"I think you should hire someone more qualified for the position, Alf."
He nods letting his head hang taking the reference to the assistant position as an answer to his proposal.
"It's alright, love. I understand."
Although you can tell he wants to convince you, he doesn’t push on the matter.
Alfie may be a criminal, but he will always be a gentleman to you. You’re a woman in a special place in his heart. The last thing he ever wants to be is the cause of your discomfort.
He can’t deny it doesn’t shatter his hopes. He manages to painfully swallow the shards down and accepts your decision…for the night, that is. Romance novels never really piqued his interest, but he’s a lover deep inside and is set on fighting for you because the only nights he’s able to sleep – and sleep well enough to wake up refreshed and reborn in the morning – is when he sleeps with you.
The subject doesn't come back up for the rest of the night. You go on about it as if it was never even mentioned.
Both of you decide to leave the matter at rest for now and not bring it up at all after that talk in the tub.
The weekends are always the busiest. Which is why you're getting ready to escort one of the wealthiest clients to an opera.
As usual, you meet James as he waits beside the Rolls-Royce parked just outside. He helps you climb inside before getting in as well to drive.
You notice the path he makes leads away from the opera house instead of towards it. You frown and lower the partition.
"James, I thought I was going to the opera?"
"Change of plans, Miss. Mr. Abernathy's cancelled."
"But he always requests for my companionship and mine alone."
"Aye, miss. But someone else's requested you tonight. Someone with more money. And I hear Mr. Abernathy's fallen ill, he says. Ill with two black eyes," he chuckles. "I think he's gone and gotten himself into trouble."
You nod, but find the story a bit hard to believe.
You watch the streets as you make the familiar way to the Brown's Hotel.
James informs you the room number to request for at the front desk as he helps you out of the car. Walking to the familiar room, you feel a chill crawl up your spine.
Something tells you the trouble Mr. Abernathy's gotten himself into was to sway him into cancelling his appointment with you.
The door opens and the familiar bearded face smiles widely at you as Alfie greets you.
"Ello, love."
78 notes · View notes
wintaerbaer · 9 months
things we don’t say: part 4 (kth)
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banner credit: @itaeewon
summary: Three years after graduating college, everything seems to be falling into place for you: stable job, cozy apartment, and a long-term boyfriend with a ring box hidden in his desk drawer. But when a mutual friend makes a remark that your best friend of nearly two decades is clearly in love with you, you realize that life may not be as simple as it seems.
pairing: Taehyung x Reader (with some VERY brief Seokjin x Reader and Yoongi x Reader)
rating: 18+ (minors dni)
genres: best friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slooooow burn, angst, fluff
word count: 11.5k
chapter warnings: swearing as usual, jin is sad and precious, alcohol consumption, one (1) instance of mild violence, suspension of disbelief as to the legal consequences of said violence, jungkook still has zero filter, feelings and bed sharing
a/n: this was a fun one >:) shout out to everyone who brainstormed, sprinted, or otherwise shouted about this fic with me and gave me the motivation to power through this (y’all know who you are, and i love each and every one of you <3)! and a massive shoutout to @jeonqkooks for the beautiful new banner!!
Read on ao3
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“And Tae encouraged you to do this?”
“Yeah. Kind of made up my mind for me actually.”
You toss down a few potential dresses on Maya’s bed after spending the past several minutes raiding her closet. With the bulk of your wardrobe still at your old apartment, she’d invited you to borrow something of hers for your date with Seokjin.
You may also be sharing a couple glasses of wine to calm your nerves.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“No, but I can see you thinking.”
“It’s nothing.” She holds a sparkling gold number up to your shoulders, then frowns and throws it back down. “Or at least nothing you want to hear, anyway.”
“Don’t tell me you’re on about Tae and I again.”
She shrugs. “I think you’d be great together. Sue me.”
“I could say the same about you and Kook.”
A snort rasps from the back of her throat as she coughs on her wine. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“The two of you are more alike than you think,” you say. “And I don’t think you give him enough credit. He’s a good guy.”
She purses her lips, watching clouds go by out the window. “He’s…frustrating.” Her eyelids drop, coming together in a slow blink as her focus turns back to you razor-sharp. “And weren’t you against us together in the first place?”
“Yeah, because it was just sex.”
“It is just sex.”
“Well, I changed my mind.” You take a sip of your drink, let the acidic taste roll around and coat your tongue before it slides down your throat. “If there’s a possibility you two can make each other happy, then you should have that. I think maybe love is rarer than it seems.”
“He and I are far from love.”
“For now,” you say. “But maybe someday?”
She only grimaces like she’s swallowed a bitter pill, giving the tiniest shake of her head before rushing to change the subject. “Tell me about this Seokjin guy.”
“Not much to tell,” you explain. “Joon knows him from the hospital. He’s been very pleasant when we’ve texted. Polite. I’m definitely not getting creep vibes from him.”
“Always a plus. But still, text me the address of the restaurant and a physical description once you’re there.” She pauses, tapping a finger against her chin. “Also, I have some condoms if you want to take a couple.”
“Um, no?”
“Why not? Best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.”
“See, that sounds like something Jungkook would say.”
“Well a dumbass clock is right twice a day, or whatever the saying is.”
“I don’t think that’s quite right.”
“Close enough in his case.” Her voice lowers suddenly—delicately—as if to share something confidential even though you’re the only two in the room. “But speaking of protection, did you hear back from the clinic?”
Maya had delicately suggested a couple weeks ago that you should probably get tested for STDs given that you don’t really know how many women Jace had been with and if they were being safe. It was a fair point, as humiliating as it was to consider that he may have found yet another way to rip apart your life, and so you’d gone for an appointment last week, trying not to cry as you provided the necessary samples.
“Negative,” you murmur, feeling embarrassed even though you know you shouldn’t be and that your friend would never judge you. But the fact that you even have to have this conversation at all gnaws at your own sense of self-doubt. “I’m clean.”
She presses her mouth into a line, an acknowledgment of the misfortune of the situation, while simultaneously tilting her chin in approval. “Good.”
You pick at a loose thread hanging off the hem of the dress you’re holding, a dog barking somewhere outside the window as you grasp for literally anything else to talk about. “So where are you guys heading tonight?”
“Who knows?” Maya says with a sigh, leaning back on the bed. “You know it’s like herding cats with them sometimes. I’m supposed to go over there after this, and we’re going to wing it then.”
“So one of our usual clubs?”
“I’d bet my left tit on it.”
You let out a soft laugh, feeling that maybe you’d rather be spending time with your friends tonight instead of going on a half-hearted date. But Seokjin seems nice, and you’ve already committed so you’re stuck. “Could you please just try to make sure Tae has some fun?” You chew at your bottom lip. “He’s been so focused on cheering me up, I want to be sure he still has time for himself.”
“Worry not. I’ll help him pick someone up,” Maya says nonchalantly.
“That’s not what I meant.”
Her entire body perks up, eager that you’ve taken the bait. “Why, does that bother you?”
“Also not what I meant,” you say, crushing down the tiny flip in your stomach at the thought of Taehyung taking someone home as Maya pouts. “I just want him to enjoy himself. I don’t think he’s been doing enough of that lately.”
“Without his other half there with him?” Maya mumbles. “Fat chance.”
You ignore it, knowing she’s baiting you yet again.
But your heart warms all the same.
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Seokjin is the embodiment of a perfect gentleman.
He’s handsome—you can’t help but notice as he stands at your approach, introducing himself and coming around the table to pull out your chair for you with a slight bow. When the waiter appears to take your drink order, Seokjin (or “Jin,” as he says to call him) offers to let you pick the wine, so you go with a nice-looking pinot grigio (you haven’t even been able to look at reds since that night). Typical first date conversation flows as you browse the menu, order, and wait for your food, and you find that Jin is soft-spoken without being shy, confident without being arrogant. He tells you about his job as a physical therapist and how he likes to spend his weekends fishing with his brother on his parents’ boat. As you likewise share anecdotes about your publishing job and college shenanigans, Jin listens attentively with kind eyes, asks thoughtful questions, and chuckles at all the right bits.
He’s nice.
But there’s no spark.
You can sense it in his posture, too. His eyes are kind, but there’s pain behind them. He asks questions, but there’s an uncertainty lingering under the surface. He laughs at your jokes but subtly deflates each time like he’s guilty of something.
By the time your meals arrive, you’re ready to chalk it up as a loss.
“Jin,” you begin, tone aiming for the gentleness of “it’s not you, it’s me” proportions. “You seem like a wonderful guy, but for the sake of honesty, it doesn’t feel like either of us sees this going further, does it?”
Jin’s shoulders sag, the mask of obligatory cheerfulness falling away in defeat. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be!” you say quickly, not wanting him to feel bad when he was clearly trying his best to have a good time with you. “I think we both knew going into this that we were each coming to the table with…baggage.”
Jin nods, his eyes now tinged red as he murmurs, “It’s been tough.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Ah.” He smiles sadly. “We’ve only just met, and you’re clearly a very sweet woman. I’d feel bad dumping it all out on you when I’ve already wasted your time.”
“Maybe it would be good for both of us?” you suggest. “Obviously we’re both not feeling this from a date standpoint, but maybe what we need is just a friend who understands.”
A slow tip of his chin downwards as he considers. “I think I can do that.”
“And you’re not wasting my time, for the record. I just appreciate the company.”
Jin visibly relaxes at that, his posture easing with the pressure of the date now gone.
“So Namjoon told me you also just got out of a long-term relationship?” you ask, poking at your ravioli.
His chin dips in acknowledgment, voice rough as he states, “Aera.”
“How long were the two of you together?”
“Since high school.” He twists the fabric of his napkin in his hands. “She was my first…everything. Truly. I’ve never loved anyone or anything like her.” A stray thread absentmindedly twines around his finger, the blood darkening under the skin. “We made it all the way through college and my physical therapy schooling doing long distance. Spent the past couple years finally living together. We were happy.” The thread snaps, and he shakes his head. “At least I thought we were.”
You’d swear you can feel your heart literally ache with how forlorn he looks across the table as you gently ask, “I’m guessing she left?”
“I proposed, and she said no.” A strand of dark hair falls in front of his eyes, and he rakes a hand across his head one, two, three times in frustration. “She told me she thinks she’s missing out. That she already lost most of her youth to me, waiting to finish school, when she could’ve been enjoying herself and seeing what else is out there.” He slumps forward, leaning his forearms on the table and lacing his fingers together. “But I can’t understand. I spent just as much time with her, and I never doubted it. To me, she was always the one.”
A quiet settles at the table, the conversational white noise of your fellow diners taking over for the moment as you soak in the sudden sense of kinship with the man in front of you—both blindsided by the partners you thought you’d spend the rest of your lives with.
“I get it,” you tell him, feeling the need to give something in return after he opened his heart to a stranger. “My ex—I thought we were about to get engaged too. I was making all of these plans in my head only to find out that we definitely weren’t on the same page.”
Gentle eyes appraise your face. “He broke up with you?”
“He cheated.”
The words taste bitter as they drop from your lips.
“I’m so sorry,” Jin says, and you can tell by his tone and the look on his face that he genuinely means it.
You chew the inside of your cheek until a canine catches the soft corner of your lip and you taste blood. “I found a ring in his desk and then found him in bed with someone else two weeks later.”
“Wow, Y/N.” He bends in as if he’s going to take your hand before seeming to think better of it and sighing. “I can’t even imagine if I had…” A shake of his head like he’s trying to clear an intrusive thought. “Puts my situation into perspective. I feel awful even comparing the two.”
“Oh, please don’t,” you quickly say. “Your hurt is just as valid as mine. But I can tell that you’re a really great guy, Jin. And if Aera can’t see it, I’m sure there’s someone out there who will cherish that.” You smile to yourself, remembering a night not too long ago with tanned skin and old photographs. “That’s the advice Taehyung gave me, at least.”
“Oh, sorry, he’s my best friend.”
There’s an agreeable hiss as Jin sucks his teeth with a nod. “Well, he sounds like a smart man.”
“He’s my favorite person in the whole world.”
“He must be pretty great, then.”
You can’t help but to nod your head eagerly, words rushing out of you. “He cares so deeply. And he’s so, so talented, but he has a tendency to underestimate himself sometimes,” you gush. “But he’s incredible at everything he does. And just…so resilient. I’ve seen him go through things that no person should ever have to endure, and he’s never let it make him resentful. He could be having the worst day of his life, and he’d still give you the shirt off his back. I admire him more than anyone I’ve ever met.”
“You’ve known each other a while then?”
“Since we were kids,” you explain. “It was lonely growing up in my house—my parents weren’t around a lot—so we’d hang out every day. He always knew how to cheer me up, how to make me smile, even by simply being there. Some days, we’d literally sit in my room doing homework silently for hours, and it just felt nice to share space with somebody else. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I didn’t have him.”
Jin watches you closely. It reminds you of Namjoon’s typical evaluative expression, and you can instantly understand why they’re friends. Heat rises to your cheeks as you realize you’ve been jabbering on, though Jin doesn’t look too bothered, asking, “And the two of you have never…?”
You sheepishly poke at your food again, red as a tomato now based on how hot your cheeks feel. “No, he doesn’t feel that way about me.”
“But you feel that way about him?”
Something strange churns low in your belly. You’re not sure why your usual denials catch on the back of your throat, but they stick there, holding your tongue hostage. It should come easily, the words, “No, just friends” a habit by now.
Why do they suddenly feel like a lie?
Thankfully, you’re saved as your phone flashes in the low light of the restaurant with an incoming call, Jimin’s face appearing on the screen.
You furrow your eyebrows at the smiling photo, Jin still watching you curiously. Jimin knows you’re on a date right now, and he’s supposed to be out clubbing with Taehyung, Maya, and Jungkook. Why would he be calling you? Could it be a case of butt dialing? Then again, maybe he’s just drunk.
Or maybe something is wrong.
Your anxiety wins out, and you make a quick apology to Jin, who kindly waves you off, before swiping to accept the call.
“What’s up? I’m on a date.”
“I know, Y/N, and I’m so sorry, but I think we need you at the apartment. Something’s happened.” Jimin’s voice is frazzled on the other end of the line, the discomfort in your stomach slipping straight to full-on nausea as your fingers tighten around the phone, skin stretching taut around your knuckles when he speaks again.
“It’s Tae.”
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The club is loud, music pounding an earthquake into the walls and floors as a tangle of sweaty bodies surges around the dance floor. Jimin thinks to himself that maybe, just maybe, he's starting to get a little too old for this when the image of the writhing mob does more to set off feelings of claustrophobia than set him at ease. Still, once he and the others have made camp at a more secluded table in the back of the room, drinks in hand, he's still appreciative of the time out with his friends—even with Jungkook immediately scurrying off with a glint in his eye, target already in his sights.
"Ugh, look at him," Maya sneers, watching him chat up a blonde woman at the bar. "Shameless. Absolutely shameless."
Jimin can't resist a smirk. "Careful there, Maya, you sound jealous."
"Oh, fuck no!" she shrieks, punctuating this with a sip of her drink. "On the contrary, I hope this works out for him, and they get married and have a million babies and move far, far away. Get him out of my hair."
Both Jimin and Taehyung chuckle at that. "You do know you have the option of not sleeping with him, right?" Jimin asks.
"I take what I can get, and he's good at his craft. I'll give him that." Jimin chokes on his drink, while Taehyung only smiles, amused. "Speaking of getting, anyone catching the eye of either of you gentlemen? I'm happy to take on wing-woman duties tonight."
"No," Taehyung says, shaking his head. "I'm just here to make sure none of you do something stupid."
Maya rolls her eyes. "Translation: the love of my life is out on a date, and I'm trying not to think about it. How about you, Chim?"
"I don't know." Jimin shrugs. "Let me get a couple drinks in me and then see how I feel."
"Suit yourselves. But just remember that I offered when I ask one of you two to help a girl out." She tosses her hair over her shoulder. "Especially you, Tae. I know your heart is taken with your endless 'will-they-won't-they' thing with Y/N, but you could always sell the fake ex play better than Jimin here…Tae?"
But Taehyung is no longer paying attention, eyes now intensely locked on the crowd like a hawk zeroing in on prey. Maya follows his line of sight to a couple grinding on the edge of the dance floor, a dark-haired woman and a man with a distinct, bright green jacket—
"Oh my God, is that Jace?!"
Jimin's head snaps around, and even from a distance, there's no denying it. Jace tosses his head back, laughing at something the woman says, before he presses into her further, leaning back down to whisper something in her ear. Jimin quickly turns towards Taehyung, who sits terrifyingly still, eyes still zoned in on Jace and his date.
"Tae, I know you're angry. We all are," he begins, gripping Taehyung's forearm in an attempt to grab his attention. "But you cannot confront him. Not here, not now. Y/N is doing great—she's finally starting to move on. Don't undo that by poking the bear."
"He's right," Maya says, leaning in. "You're not going to accomplish anything here. It's loud, there's too many people—he'll just brush you off. And I know you care about her, Tae, but really? Not your battle to fight. Let it go."
Taehyung continues to sit in silence until Jace and the woman disappear into the crowd, and it's like a spell is suddenly lifted as he blinks rapidly at his friends. "No, you're right." He rubs a finger at the space between his eyes. "Y/N is a grown woman. She doesn't need me to protect her."
"See? A man of sense," Maya lilts. "Not like Mr. Don Juan over here about to stick his tongue into yet another college girl who thinks his immature ass counts as an ‘older man’." She nods her head towards the bar where the blonde woman has positioned herself closer to Jungkook, his hands now encircling her waist.
Taehyung quirks an eyebrow, teasing, "You’re not in college though."
Maya's jaw drops, and she puts a hand to her heart in feigned offense. "Wow! Someone's feisty tonight."
"Don't underestimate Tae when he's in one of his moods," Jimin laughs. "And don't overestimate Kook. I bet you twenty bucks he doesn't take her home."
"I'll take that action. He's got her wrapped around him already. Easy money." They shake on it, and the conversation devolves into trying to find someone in the crowd for Maya to shoot her shot with. However, in spite of her previous claim that she "takes what she can get," she finds an excuse to brush off every potential candidate ("Too short…too tall…too rich-looking?").
(Jimin suspects it may have something to do with the man who is now kissing the blonde at the bar.)
An hour later, and they're still parked at the table and on their third round of drinks. Jace has not resurfaced since they first spotted him, much to Jimin's relief, and he hopes he snuck out to a different club somewhere across town or maybe even a different country. Taehyung sports an easy smile now, alcohol loosening up his body as he laughs at a story Maya is telling about two guys who once had a fist-fight over her in this very club during college. Still, Jimin keeps an eye on their surroundings, likewise wary about what might happen if Jace spots them.
"And thankfully, the cops didn't wind up getting called, but oh God, can you imagine?" Maya howls, her and Taehyung in near-hysterics as she finishes up her story.
"Geez," Taehyung gasps, wiping at his eyes. "You're gonna make me piss my pants. I need the bathroom."
He stands from the table and wanders off in the direction of the restrooms, Maya staring at his back the whole way.
"We need to get that guy laid," she dramatically sighs.
"While he's still in crisis mode over Y/N’s breakup?" Jimin scoffs. "Good luck with that one."
"I don't get those two—I really don't." Maya rattles her perfectly-manicured nails against the table. "She's single for the first time in four years. He's been helplessly in love with her for so much longer. I don't know what he's waiting for."
"I mean it's only been what, a month?" Jimin muses. "He probably feels like it's too soon to make a move. Which is fair."
"Jimin. You're a man. You have eyes. Not only is Y/N pretty, but she has that whole—" She waves a hand in front of her face. "—'take me home to meet your parents’ energy to her. She won't be on the market for long, and you know it. She's already got this date with this Seokjin guy—and Tae told her to do it! It's like he's trying to sabotage himself! And then you have Y/N being smitten with him as always, too. I mentioned helping Tae find a hook-up earlier, and she looked like she was going to hurl."
He shrugs, tapping the side of his glass in thought. “I think they’re just scared. Imagine knowing someone for as long as they have and having to take that leap and risk losing it all.”
“You are out of your mind if you think either of them would reject each other,” Maya snorts.
“You don’t think Y/N might not want to take the chance that they fall apart? Especially after what she’s going through?”
“Tae wouldn’t do that to her,” she frigidly says, as if to challenge the very audacity of the thought.
“I’m not saying he would; I’m just saying she might be guarded.”
“So the solution is for him to help set her up with other guys at his own expense? That’s not fair to him either.”
He tilts his head in subtle agreement but adds, "Look, I want to see the two of them together as much as the next person. But maybe we need to just…let them come to it on their own? I mean, we've tried nudging them in the past, and it clearly hasn't worked. But I have faith they'll get there. Tae can be an idiot, but not that much of an id—"
His thought is cut off by screams and the sound of a commotion out on the dance floor. Hairs standing up on the back of his neck, Jimin bolts from his chair and darts into the crowd, Maya close on his heels. They shove their way through the surge of bodies—pressing back and away from the source of the disturbance—until they reach the spot where a small space has cleared out, and Jimin hears Maya swear loudly behind him.
Taehyung is knelt over Jace on the floor, his fists connecting with the latter's face and head over and over in a frenzy. Jace lies there, face bloodied and clearly dazed, his hands weakly raised in front of him in a futile attempt to shield himself from the blows, but Taehyung is relentless. His arm swings down on a repeated loop as if powered by a motor, and even though the music continues to pound above them, Jimin would swear he can hear the sound of knuckles cracking against flesh and bone. He rushes forward with Maya, both of them grabbing ahold of Taehyung's shoulders to pull him back, but he struggles against them, still trying desperately to connect his punches.
Jungkook suddenly materializes out of nowhere, a halfway-finished beer in his hand that he promptly empties over Jace’s head before grabbing Taehyung around the waist and dragging him back through the crowd. The three of them are able to muscle Taehyung towards the door, Jungkook breaking off to intercept the two bouncers who are stalking their way over as Jimin shoves Taehyung out onto the sidewalk.
"What the fuck, man!"
Taehyung's eyes are wild, his gray hoodie dotted with blood. "I wasn't finished," he says, deep voice chillingly calm.
"Are you out of your mind?!" Maya screams. "Are you trying to get yourself arrested?! Over that piece of shit?!”
“You said you were going to the fucking bathroom,” Jimin angrily adds. “How the hell did you wind up in a fistfight?!”
“I saw him. I hit him. I’m going to do it again,” Taehyung bluntly states. “Let me back in there.”
“The hell we are!” Maya exclaims, and Taehyung may have a few good inches on her, but she steps toe-to-toe with him to block his way. “He's not worth it, Tae, he's not!"
"She is!" Taehyung snaps, and Jimin notices his hands start to shake as the adrenaline begins to wear off. "She…you guys saw her that night. You saw her. In all this time, I have never seen her that broken. Never." His voice cracks, and a sheen appears behind his eyes, tears threatening to spill. "So get out of my way because I am going to make that motherfucker feel every tear I've had to wipe from her face because of him!"
"You're not." The door of the club swings shut as Jungkook joins them outside. "We're leaving now."
Taehyung takes a step forward, pleading, "Jungkook, I—"
"No, Tae, you're done." Jungkook moves to grab his arm, but Taehyung recognizes defeat and shakes him off, pulling his hood over his head and tramping off in the direction of their apartment. The others follow behind, close enough to keep a watchful eye out but with enough distance to give him space to cool down.
"How did it go inside?" Jimin asks quietly.
Jungkook pushes a hand through his hair. “We lucked out. I've worked with those guys before, and we're friendly. Gave them a quick rundown of the situation, and they're going to try and contain it, but…you know…" He shrugs. "That was technically assault."
"What that was was idiotic," Maya hisses.
"It was awesome."
"What?! It was. Would've thought about taking care of it myself if Tae hadn't beaten me to it. Guy deserved it."
"At the cost of possible jail?" Jimin chimes in. "We all hate the guy, but I don't think it's doing Y/N a favor if she has to bail us out of—" He slaps a hand to his forehead. "Oh, fuck, Y/N."
The other two look at him in question, and he hesitates. "Do we…do we tell her?" he asks slowly. "She's on that date. What if it's going well?"
The three of them fall into silence, looking uneasily at Taehyung's back. He walks with his hands in his pockets, shoulders hunched and heels digging into the sidewalk. Jimin watches as he takes a kick at an empty can, sending it flying into the gutter.
"It's Tae," Maya murmurs suddenly from his left. "She'd want to know."
"Shit, yeah." Jimin presses the heels of his hands into his eyes, trying to rub away the headache that is quickly developing. "I'll call her—see if she can meet us back at the apartment."
"I'm going to call Hobi too," Jungkook says, phone already out. "I've punched someone before and can guarantee—his hand is fucked up."
Jimin nods, slowing his steps so he can fall behind the others for a bit of privacy. He doesn't know how the night spiraled so out of control, but he can't shake the existential feeling that something in the cosmos has changed.
Sliding his phone out of his pocket, he takes a deep breath of the night air and dials your number.
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Your hands shake as you fumble with your keys outside the guys' apartment, struggling to grasp the spare that Taehyung lent you when you decided to stay with them. Jimin had said to take your time if you had to, but the thought of something being wrong with Taehyung had you in a panic. He hadn’t given you any details either, saying that they’d explain it all once you were there.
Jin had hurried you out at the distressed look on your face after you hung up, telling you that he’d take care of dinner and to go take care of your friend (you’ll later try to have Namjoon pass along some money for your meal that Jin will steadfastly refuse). Not wanting to stand and wait for an Uber, you had half-run the twelve blocks from the restaurant instead.
Out of breath, you gasp out a, "What happened?!" when Jungkook opens the door at the sound of your scrambling, not even giving him a chance to answer before you're pushing past him inside.
Taehyung sits on the edge of the couch with Hoseok kneeling in front of him, first aid kit at his feet. From here, you can see that his right hand is littered with cuts, purple bruises already forming across his swollen knuckles even as Hoseok tends to the wounds. Taehyung doesn't look up when you walk in, his eyes hooded and fixed on his hand.
"What the fuck happened?!" You repeat, but the room is quiet for a moment more as Jungkook, Jimin, and Maya all look at each other as if they don't know what to say.
Jimin breaks first. "We, ah…" he begins from his armchair seat. "We ran into your ex."
Your heart drops into your stomach, and you immediately feel dizzy. Images of Jace flood your mind: his smile, his hands, his voice—him tangled up in your bed when you got back from the beach house.
"He was at the club," Jimin continues. "And Tae…he, um—"
"He kicked his ass!" Jungkook chirps, an unmistakable hint of delight in his voice.
A tornado of feelings rips through your insides, a blend of confusion and anxiety that has you momentarily reeling. You'd be lying if you said you didn't have any residual feelings for Jace, the tiniest part of your brain in a worry over the state he might be in right now. But it all melts away when you look down at the man who still won't meet your eyes, his purpling hand making your heart twist even harder.
"Are you okay?" you ask softly, and Taehyung finally lifts his head to look at you. His gaze is stoic, but there's a haze of emotion behind his eyes that you can't place.
"I'm fine," he says, but his voice is tight and gravelly.
Hoseok tuts, dabbing a spot of ointment across Taehyung's knuckles. "Let's hope you stay that way. I don't think you'll need any stitches, and nothing seems to be broken, but we'll have to keep an eye on this to make sure nothing gets infected." He pulls bandages out of the first aid kit and begins wrapping Taehyung's hand.
You're afraid to ask this next question, but the words fall out anyway. "Did the police come?"
Jimin shakes his head. "We got out of there quick, and Kook talked to the bouncers that were friends of his—" Jungkook gives a two-finger salute from his perch by the kitchen. "—they said they'd try to take care of it, but who knows." He pauses before asking, "Do you think Jace would press charges?"
"I don't know," you answer honestly. You've known Jace to be proud, but you're not sure if that means he'll brush this off as a simple scrap or want to save face in some way.
"If he does, I know a lawyer who might be able to help," Maya pipes up at the opposite end of the couch. "He's a…friend. Owes me a favor."
"A lawyer friend?" Jungkook asks, eyes narrowing. "Do we know him? What's his name?"
"Last name: Out. First name: Butt."
Jungkook scoffs at that, but you also hear him mutter under his breath, "He sounds like a butt."
"Well as much as I would like to stay and chat about fights and butts," Hoseok says, bandaging the last of Tae's hand and closing his kit, "Sunny and I have a meeting with the wedding coordinator in the morning so I’ve gotta go. Keep that clean, and text me immediately if anything looks or feels wrong or if the swelling doesn’t go down. I can swing by in a couple days to look at it again."
Taehyung nods silently, and Hoseok heads for the door, waving as Jungkook shouts, "Thanks, doc!"
An awkward silence sweeps the room as the door swings shut, the only sound being that of Jimin anxiously tapping his heels against the floor. Maya reads the room, looking around at each person and eventually settling on you and Taehyung. Your posture is tense as you stiffly hover by the side of the couch, shifting your feet, while Taehyung is back to avoiding eye contact.
"I think I'm going to head out too," she says, standing up and shooting Jimin a pointed look.
"Do you need a ride home?" Jungkook asks. His tone says that he's trying to be nonchalant, but his eyes betray his eagerness.
"I'm a big girl, Kook," Maya drawls. "I can get myself home."
"Would you let lawyer friend drive you home?"
She rolls her eyes dramatically, her whole head tilting back in exasperation. "Oh my God, you're insufferable. Fine."
Jungkook moves for his keys, a certain spring in his step, while Maya addresses the rest of you. "I'll stop by tomorrow. Please, please try to stay out of trouble until then. Looking at you, Tae." And then she and Jungkook exit the apartment, Maya slipping money into Jimin’s hand as she goes.
Jimin lets out a heavy sigh. "Well he's not coming home tonight." He stands and stretches his arms above his head. "I'm gonna turn in. Let me know if either of you needs something, yeah?" He shuffles away to his bedroom, leaving you and Taehyung alone.
Taehyung continues to sit still as a statue, staring at the wall, and so you take a careful seat next to him, slowly so as to not jostle the cushions too much. When he keeps his eyes straight ahead, you gently take his injured hand between both of yours. His body visibly softens as you graze your fingers back and forth across his palm.
He looks at you then, and you take the time to examine his face. There's no guilt or shame in his expression, but you see a pain there that has you reaching up to rub at the creases between his eyes.
His eyelids droop down at your touch. “I’m sorry about your date.”
“It’s fine,” you say. “It wasn’t going that well anyway.”
You see a muscle jump in his jaw, concern tightening the corners of his mouth. “Did he do something?”
“Easy.” You resume your tracing of his palm. “He was very kind and respectful, and we had an oddly sweet conversation. Just realized that neither of us is in the proper mindset for it to be anything more than maybe a friendship.”
A hum comes from deep in his throat. “Alright.”
“Certainly no need for you to fight any other men on my behalf,” you say, and he shoots you an uneasy look before staring down your reflections in the dark of the TV screen.
You take it in with him, observing the shadowy duplicates who feel like they’re sitting across from you. The linked arms, the soothing press of your knee to his—your current situation may feel anxiety-inducing, but the figures mirrored in the screen look comfortable. Unified.
"Are you mad?" he whispers after a moment.
The question catches you off guard. "Why would I be?"
"I know you still care about him." Taehyung swallows, glancing down at your intertwined hands. "You wouldn't still be this upset over him if you didn't."
You let his words sink in, not altogether untrue but certainly not at the forefront of your mind right now. "I'm not worried about him—I'm worried about you." Taehyung's eyes flash at that with something akin to confusion, and you chew at your lower lip. "I've never seen you like this."
It's true. Taehyung, in spite of his mild nature, has always had a protective streak in him. One time, when the two of you were twelve, a few boys in your class had spent a week bullying you about your clothes—calling you a “spoiled, pretentious bitch”—only to come back from gym class one day to find their shirts in the garbage, cut to bits. But never—in all of your years together—have you ever known him to get violent.
"I tried to let it go. I did," Taehyung insists. He picks at his bandages, and you cover his hand with your own to still him. "I just…" His voice cracks, eyes suddenly glassy. "I couldn't stop seeing you on the bathroom floor that night."
The tears spill over, and you pull him into you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he gasps into your shoulder. He's trying to force the emotion down—you can feel it in the way his body trembles—and so you tangle your fingers in the spot where his hairline meets the back of his neck. You know it's always been a soothing spot for him, and his breathing slowly evens out as you coast your fingers back and forth, a rogue piece of your brain taking pleasure in the feel of his soft hair under your hands.
"Tae," you whisper again once he's calmed, and he pulls back to look at you, face entirely too close. Your heart stutters at the sheer amount of raw affection in his expression, and the words you were about to say catch in your throat along with your breath. Since when does being around him make you so nervous?
"I'm sorry," Taehyung murmurs, entirely oblivious to your current internal struggle. "I know this isn't about me—"
"No," you quickly say, snapping out of your inner turmoil. "Tae, you're allowed to have feelings, you know?" Your fingers absentmindedly run along his neck again. "And like you told me that night, I will be fine. I will be. It just…takes a bit of time. And I appreciate everything you've done to try and help get me there."
You try to convey just how much you mean this in your tone, lacing your words with every bit of gratitude you've built up over the past month (over the past years). Taehyung seems to understand, his thumb coming up to gently brush against your chin.
A glimpse of white bandages turns you sullen, raising your hands to delicately graze against their soft edges and chart the way they wrap around his knuckles. He winces as you touch them, and frustration crests like a wave in your chest; you hate that he’s hurting, hate that your own troubles are the cause of it.
“You didn’t have to do this for me,” you sigh, dripping with guilt.
“I’d do anything for you.”
His words are firm, and he cants forward as he says them until his forehead rests against yours, a single shared breath haunting the space between your lips.
"I just don't ever want to see you like that again," he whispers.
And it's all too much: your pulse spikes, the blood pounding through your veins at his nearness and the honey-sweet words rolling off his tongue. This time, you're the one who can't look him in the eye as you put some distance between your bodies, abruptly shifting away from him on the couch.
"You won't."
The tension settles in thick, and Taehyung gazes at you, undoubtedly perplexed by your sudden withdrawal. Just as he opens his mouth to say something, you nod at his hand. "You had an eventful day. I'm fine out here if you want to sleep?"
He slowly shakes his head. "No, uh…I don't think I'll be able to sleep. Might just stay up and watch some TV. You can take my bed, though, if you're tired."
The charged atmosphere still has you slightly shaken—your scrambled brain trying to make sense of the tingling in your stomach—but concern for Taehyung ultimately wins out, and you tell him that you'll stay up to keep him company. He doesn't argue with that, simply flips on your favorite cooking channel and drags your legs into his lap as you stretch out.
It's how Jungkook finds you as he slinks back in the next morning, smiling to himself as he drapes a blanket over your sleeping forms.
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July is beginning its descent into August, stifling clouds of heat stuffing themselves into roads and alleyways, when your sign to move back into your own apartment comes in the form of Jeon Jungkook almost getting a full look at your bare ass one Saturday morning.
He immediately flips his back to you, frantically covering his face with his arms and bellowing, "I'M NOT LOOKING!" at the top of his lungs.
"Jeon, you'd better keep your eyes covered or I swear to God I'll put your nuts in a vise!"
"Is that like a kink thi—"
"Do NOT." You rush to dress yourself, giving him the signal when it's safe to turn around.
He doesn't look the least bit ashamed, the bastard.
"Not that it's necessarily unwelcome, but why were you almost naked in my living room?"
You glare at him. "Jimin is taking one of his long ass showers."
"And Tae's at work. Just use his room."
You'd thought about it, but the idea of getting naked in your best friend's bedroom had made you blush, like you'd be crossing some sort of line.
"I thought I could change fast enough," you say, not wanting to have to explain your reasoning to Jungkook of all people.
"Well you obviously thought wrong." He smirks, and you already know what's coming. "Nice bra, by the way."
You pick up a throw pillow off the couch and fling it at him. You'd been shooting for his head, wanting to smack the smug grin right off his face, but your aim is about two feet off and he catches it effortlessly anyway.
What an ass.
“No wonder Maya is always pissed at you,” you jab. “Constantly flirting with other girls.”
His demeanor shifts ever so slightly—his shoulders lower, and you can tell by the way his cockiness subtly but immediately deflates that you’ve wounded him. A pang of regret for your words hits at the sight of wide doe eyes.
“She talks about me to you?”
You wouldn’t have believed it to be possible, but you don’t think that you’ve ever seen him look so innocent, tentative hopefulness coloring his face.
“Not, like, regularly, but sometimes, sure,” you say, not quite certain how to handle this new edition of Jungkook.
“What does she say?”
Wow, those big, round Bambi eyes are really doing work.
“Just that, you know.” You scratch at your ear, not wanting to accidentally throw Maya under any buses while also honoring your friendship with Jungkook. “You’re kind of annoying sometimes.”
That clearly doesn’t make him happy, his jaw tightening with discontent as he grimaces. “Right.”
“I mean think about it, Kook,” you say, compelled to defend Maya. “You hook up with her, and then flirt and pick up other girls right in front of her face.”
“We’re not exclusive!” he exclaims.
“Maybe she wants to be?”
“But that was her idea!”
That stops you. Not once since you found out the two of them were hooking up did it cross your mind that Jungkook would ever be the one unhappy with their arrangement. He’s never had a serious girlfriend in the entire time you’ve known him. Up until this moment, you were sure he’d be a perpetual bachelor. “What?”
“She wanted to be non-exclusive.”
“And you…don’t?”
He looks away from you, crossing his arms over his chest. “I don’t know.”
No. It can’t be.
“Wait a second.”
You move to stand in front of him, taking his face in your hands so you can turn him every which way, inspecting his face. Pink cheeks, a creased brow, jawline so hard you could probably cut yourself on it.
“You’re flustered!” you shriek. Jungkook quickly uncrosses his arms to bat your hands away, reeling back to put some distance between the two of you.
“I’m not!”
“You are!” you shout, following him as he roams around the room. “Jeon Jungkook is flustered!”
“Bah, you’re insane, woman.” He swings a dismissive hand even as the two of you settle in at the kitchen island.
“You’d be cute together!”
“She’s too stubborn.”
“I can totally see it!”
“It would never work.”
“You don’t know that!”
“Hey, worry about your own love life.”
He means it to be teasing, obviously not thinking too hard about his words because the second he realizes what he’s just said, he pales. “Y/N, I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright,” you say, sobered. “I know you didn’t mean anything by it.”
“You’re right. I’m avoiding things.” You peer over at the pull-out couch, still in bed-mode with your blankets and pillows messily strewn across it. Your suitcase, meanwhile, sits off to the side with the contents tangled and half-overflowing.
In short, you’re a mess.
The guys have never made you feel unwelcome, have only ever made it clear that you are free to stay as long as you’d like, but you’d be lying if you said you haven’t felt your time here beginning to weigh on your shoulders, knowing you’re only putting off the inevitable.
You feel like you’ve been (slowly, but surely) making emotional progress, but going back to the apartment might threaten to undo all of that. Although it may have felt like it at times growing up, you’ve technically never lived alone, and you’ve grown accustomed to having your people around. In fact, you thrive on it. Being around your friends is the only reason why you’ve been doing as well as you have.
You love having someone to come home to.
“I need to move back soon,” you tell Jungkook. “But returning to the apartment is actually terrifying.”
He considers you for a moment, leaning his weight back on the granite countertop. “Do you know what helps me when I’m not confident about something?”
“Getting a stranger to moan your name?”
“Well, yes, but aside from that.” You shrug, and he grins. “I just do it.”
“Wow, Jeon,” you say, with the appropriate amount of eye roll. “Reaching real deep on that one.”
“I mean it!” he urges. “Just need to rip off the band-aid. The longer you dwell on it, the harder it will be in the end.”
That’s…oddly decent advice.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you might have a point,” you say, somewhat thrown off by this flustered, good-advice-giving version of your friend.
“And speaking of things being harder, that last bit of advice also goes for forepl—“
“Aaaaaaand it’s ruined.”
“I’m just saying it has multiple applications!”
“Yeah, it’s time for me to move back out,” you say. “I can’t live with you anymore.”
Jungkook chuckles, rubbing at his jaw. “Tae is going to be devastated though.”
Your head jerks around. “What? Why?”
“Because he likes having you here,” he says, looking at you like you just asked him what color the sky is. “The guy punched out your ex for you. I think it’s safe to say he enjoys having you around.”
You wince at the mention of the club, a nerve jumping in your chest every time you’re reminded that Taehyung almost got arrested defending your honor. Nothing had ever come of the fight, so you’re assuming Jace has chosen to just let it go, and for that, you’re thankful. You never would have been able to live with it if Taehyung had suffered serious consequences over your own personal crisis.
You’d do the same thing for him, sure. But that’s different.
“Jimin and I will miss you too, of course,” Jungkook continues. “And I’m still kind of sad I didn’t get my own shot in on that asshole that night. Dumped a beer on him though.” He smiles at you like he’d be wagging his tail if he had one.
“My hero.”
“Yeah, the mayor said I’m getting a medal.”
“Oh, really? When’s the ceremony.”
“Sunday afternoon.”
You snap your fingers. “Ah, I can’t make it. I have a thing.”
“A thing?”
“Yeah, a super important thing. Way more important than your thing.”
“You’re a heart-breaker, Y/N. My ego will never recover.” He grins again, playfully rapping his fingers against the counter as he stands to grab a drink.
“Yep,” he says, voice muffled on the other side of the fridge door. “Definitely going to miss you around here.”
As Jungkook predicted, Taehyung frowns when he gets home from work and you tell him about your plans to move back into your apartment at the end of the week, perhaps sensing your apprehension about returning to the scene of the crime. He insists he’ll come with you and sleep over the first night for support and to make sure you’re okay being back there.
“Whatever you need,” he says. “You’re not going to face it alone.”
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Your apartment is pitch black when you swing the door open, the quietness hovering in the air making you feel like you're suffocating. You flick on the light, and you're struck by how much emptier the space is. Jace definitely came by at some point as all of his things are no longer present: his gaming system, his turntable, the tiny rhino statue he had picked out on your last vacation together. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot a glint of a key on the kitchen counter.
Taehyung tries to give you space by busying himself—turning on lights and opening cabinets in a seeming attempt to take inventory of what Jace left behind. He steals glances at you every now and then as you slowly move through the living room, hands reaching out to lightly brush at the furniture with no real goal in mind. This is supposed to be your home, but you feel like a stranger—the ghosts of late nights binging TV shows, giggling wildly at inside jokes, promising forever lurk around every corner.
When you take a hesitant step inside the bedroom, your breath catches in your throat and you choke on a sob. The bedsheets are still in a tangle, a relic of that night seven weeks ago when your whole world fell apart.
Taehyung senses something is wrong and bolts to your side in an instant, hands steadying you where you slump against the doorframe. He turns you in his arms, and his fingers come up to cradle your face in his direction.
"Don't look at that, look at me," he murmurs, thumbs rubbing away the tears that have begun to fall. "What do you need?"
To run, to hide, to crawl into the deepest hole you can find and scream your lungs out until the pain subsides. But you can't. Instead you focus on the brown of Taehyung's eyes, let it ease you back down until your breathing steadies and your heart rate levels.
"A shower," you finally choke out. "I need a shower."
He takes a final swipe at your tear-stained cheeks and offers up a small smile. "Okay. Where are the towels?"
You nod in the direction of the closet as Taehyung ushers you out towards the bathroom. It feels empty in here too, the single toothbrush staring you down from its holder and counter notably absent of shaving cream and hair gel. You tear your eyes away from the vanity to start the water running, and Taehyung pops up a moment later with a towel in hand and a fresh pair of pajamas he must've found in your dresser.
"Take your time," he says. "And if you need anything, anything at all, just give a shout. I'll be right out here." His cheeks take on a hint of pink when you quirk an eyebrow at him. "I'll close my eyes. Promise."
You thank him as he steps out so you can strip and get into the tub. The water is set to a near-scalding temperature and you welcome the sting, scrubbing away at your skin as if trying to erase all of the memories that are once again flooding back.
Your first date at the art museum, where he pointed to a painting of an extravagant rose garden and said it reminded him of you.
Your first kiss under the stars, the two of you losing track of time as he pulled you in again and again.
Endless Saturdays wandering around the city, not caring where you wound up as long as his hand was in yours.
Planning your someday wedding, his whispered promises of, Soon, beautiful, soon, sealed with a signature wink.
Picking out names for children who would never be born.
The tears are pouring out of you now, but you let them. One cry, you promise yourself. One final, good cry to wash it all away, and then it'll be time to let go for good.
You don't know how long you spend in the shower, but by the time you step back out into the living room, Taehyung has already set himself up with a makeshift bed on the couch. He lifts his head when he sees you and, taking note of your red-rimmed eyes, gets up to pull you into a hug.
For a moment he just holds you, arms banding tight around your shoulders before he says, "I cleaned out your fridge. Most of it was spoiled." He hesitates, pulling back to look at you. "And I changed the bedsheets." A hand rubs at the back of his neck. "I actually ran downstairs and threw them straight in the dumpster, I hope that's okay."
His thoughtfulness overwhelms you, and you'd probably start crying again if not for the fact that you don't think you have a single tear left in your body. As you gape at him, Taehyung interprets your silence for disapproval and quickly adds, "I'll buy you new ones."
You respond by wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him back into you, sinking your face into the crook of his neck as you whisper a, "Thank you."
He seems to falter for a second before returning the hug, and as you give him one last squeeze he steps back, scrutinizing you more closely. "You look like you could use some sleep."
"Yeah," you admit, eyeing the cramped set-up on the couch. "Is that going to be okay for you though?"
"Absolutely," he chimes, bounding over to the couch to settle back in. He has to bend his long legs to fit, toes pressing into the fabric of the arm. "See? Comfy." When he catches the uneasy look on your face, he says, "Honestly. Y/N. Nowhere else I'd rather be."
You give him a hesitant nod—you know it'd be useless to try to convince him otherwise. "Okay. Goodnight."
"Goodnight!" He flips onto his back, popping an arm behind his head and closing his eyes.
You cross the room slowly and, just like last time, find yourself pausing at the threshold of your bedroom. The bed is no longer a mess, fresh sheets now stretched neatly across the mattress, but as you look at it, it strikes you that you have never slept here alone. And while you may have committed yourself to moving on from this moment forward, you know this has the power to break you. Tomorrow, maybe, but right now, you're nowhere near ready for this.
You look back and forth between your bed and where Taehyung is lying, his legs now half-draped over the couch's arm, and you make up your mind.
"Hmm?" He opens his eyes and turns his head to look at you.
"Can you sleep in here with me?"
He blinks, jaw dropping in surprise. "Uhh…are you sure?"
His hesitancy has you losing some of your nerve, and you have to look away. "I just don't think I can…" You purse your lips and shake your head. "You don't have to. I just—"
"No, it's okay. We can—yeah," he blurts, already standing up.
He sidesteps you in the doorway, taking your hand and pulling you into the room after him with a soft smile. "C'mon. Like I said, whatever you need."
Taehyung pulls back the covers so the two of you can crawl in. It's awkward at first, both of your bodies lying stiff across from each other. Physical affection has never been altogether uncommon for the two of you, but this—lying in the bed you used to share with your ex—feels like crossing a line of intimacy that you've never experienced with him before.
But then Taehyung laughs, reaching over to take your hand in his. "I know we’re a long way from high school, but we can do this, yeah? Not like we haven’t shared a bed before."
It breaks the tension, and you giggle back, looking down at where he's laced your fingers together. His knuckles are still lightly bruised with touches of yellow and green, and you run your free hand over the marks, smile drooping.
"I'm really sorry about this," you murmur.
"I'm not." Taehyung's forehead creases. "I'd do it again."
"Please don't," you say quickly. "If you see him again, just let it go."
He frowns and opens his mouth to respond, but you cut in. "Not because I care about him. I just don't want you getting into any trouble on his account. He's not worth it."
Taehyung briefly clenches his jaw but eventually gives you a slow nod. "Well I think my point was made anyway."
"Thank you," you say, pulling his hand up to brush a light kiss to his bruises. "I know I keep saying that, but I really can't tell you enough."
"You don't need to thank me. I know you'd do the same." His face breaks out into one of his boxy smiles. "Remember when Luna broke up with me, and I barely left the apartment for two weeks? You stopped by every day to make sure I was still eating."
You hum at the memory. It had been two weeks of dropping off take-out and commandeering the boys' kitchen to make large batch meals, even harassing Jimin to give you regular updates on whether or not Taehyung had eaten lunch. Jace had given you grief about it at the time, whining that Taehyung was a grown man who could take care of himself, especially when the two of you had just moved in and were still working on unpacking.
“And my birthday junior year of high school.” He’s quiet as he remembers, eyes fixed on some spot over your shoulder as if he’s rewatching the moments on film. “You got me those shoes I’d been absolutely enamored with.”
His old ones had been falling apart entirely, soles curling away from the fabric like orange peels in the sun. Barely even looking away from the bottle at that point, there was virtually no chance that Taehyung’s father would give him enough money to buy him new ones at the thrift store, let alone the high-end sneakers you’d always catch him subtly staring at every time the two of you wandered around the mall after school.
So of course, you’d done the only logical thing and surprised him with them for his birthday, the look of complete elation on his face making your heart leap in ways you didn’t even know it could.
A touch of joy slips into his expression too now as he picks another recollection out of his brain. "Or that time in college when I got stuck in that bathroom across campus with no toilet paper and you left class to break into the men's room and bring me some."
You scrunch your nose at that, saying, "We swore never to talk about that again!"
Taehyung laughs. "I know, but what I'm trying to say is that that's what we do. We take care of each other."
The truth of the statement hits you like a truck as you're suddenly anchoring yourself in Taehyung's eyes again.
It's as though every moment of the last seventeen years comes rushing back to you all at once—every joy, every celebration, every tear, every heartbreak. And at your side in each memory are the same brown eyes you're staring into right now.
A feeling that you're too scared to place stirs in your chest and has you panicking, and you can see that Taehyung isn't unaffected by the moment either as his lips part and he studies you with a newfound softness. When he reaches up to brush your hair behind your ear, the feeling in your chest swells and snaps, and you bury your face in his chest, tears starting afresh, as he wraps his arms around you.
"I'm here," he whispers. "I'm right here."
You press your hands into his back, clinging to him, and hope the pressure conveys what your words can't—what you don't even have a name for yet.
Your sobs subside after a while, but you stay wrapped up in each other. Right before you fall asleep, one final flashback of Jace leaks into your mind—words he had spit at you before leaving this place that night.
I've never been your priority. No one can be. Not when he's around.
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It's hard work dragging yourself awake the next morning, your eyelids heavy and begging you to close them for just five more minutes.
But you realize that the side of the bed next to you is not only empty—it's cold. Reaching out to your nightstand, you flip your phone over to check the time. 10:42. The morning is practically gone.
You pull yourself out of bed and shuffle into the living room where you spot a figure standing in the kitchen. Taehyung is busy at the stove, white t-shirt tight across his shoulders as he works, humming to himself, and you stop for a moment to take him in (was he always this broad?).
"Good mood today?" you say. He turns, flashing you a smile over his shoulder.
"Morning, sleepyhead!" He catches himself, realizing he might sound a little too chipper for the occasion and quietly asks, "How are you feeling?"
"Alright," you shrug, and it's the truth. The seemingly endless crying the night before had been exhausting, but it also provided you with something of a catharsis, leaving you feeling almost refreshed today.
"Good," Taehyung says. He nods to the plate on the counter next to him. "I made pancakes."
"The chocolate chip ones?"
He places a hand over his heart and looks at you in mock offense. “Of course. What do you take me for?”
You laugh and wander over to the dining room table where a bright bouquet of lilies now sits in a vase. Pinching one of the delicate, silky petals between your fingers, you ask, "What's this?"
Taehyung glances over his shoulder again, blushing slightly when he sees what you're looking at. "Oh, I um—" He fumbles for his words. "I ran out to get you some groceries and saw the florist next door. Figured they could, you know, brighten things up in here a little."
"You didn't have to do that," you tell him softly, but he brushes you off with a shrug.
"I wanted to."
You reach for the petals again, the bright orange seeming to cast a glow on your skin like a sunset. “You know these look like—“
“The ones you used to collect on our walks growing up?” He chuckles at your stunned silence. “Yeah, I know.”
It still surprises you sometimes—the depth of his thoughtfulness and how well he knows you—and before you can stop yourself, you’re stepping up behind him at the stove. You wind your arms around his middle, pressing your forehead to the space between his shoulder blades and allowing your breath to warm the cotton of his t-shirt. It’s soft—intimate—and you feel Taehyung tighten up under your touch, his entire body going rigid.
“You know you mean the world to me, right?”
It’s a near-whisper—you sound like you’re on the brink of tears—and maybe that’s why Taehyung’s hard lines soften at the sound of your voice, turning in your arms so he can reciprocate the embrace and press a cheek to your temple. He doesn’t say a word, just holds you tight as you lean your face into his chest and inhale the comforting scent of pancake batter, laundry detergent, and honey-scented soap.
You think you could stay here forever.
Last night’s mood seems to linger in the air like little beams of light that warm your skin in the best way. You recall falling asleep in these same arms, this same scent wrapped around you—how it was easily the best sleep you’ve had in weeks.
It's different, this space between you now. Has been since the night in the bathroom. You and Taehyung may have gone through a metric fuck ton of pain over the course of your lives, but there's no denying that this breakup is pushing your friendship into a new form, molding it into a new shape.
You're too nervous to dwell on it, but damn, if you aren't going to take advantage of how good it feels to cling to him right now. You want to wrap yourself around him like a koala—draw your legs around his waist and bury your nose into the hollow space at his collarbone.
What a great way to scare him off too, your brain says, even as your heart argues, He's stuck with you through worse.
You're tempted—seriously considering dragging him over to the couch so you can snuggle him properly—when the fire alarm goes off, the pancake on the stove burnt and blackened.
Taehyung releases you in a flash, spinning to shut off the burner and pull the pan off the stove as you rush to the hallway closet for a broom. You swing it underneath the alarm until the smoke clears, and the device stops its blaring shrieks. As silence filters back in, Taehyung tips the burnt pancake into the trash, the previous moment ruined.
"That'd be our luck to burn this place down your first day back," he jokes.
You tip your head up, already thinking this may have been a bad idea and wishing you were back at the guys' place. "Maybe not the worst thing in the world."
He approaches you slowly but deliberately, raising a long finger to press at your chin until you've lowered your gaze enough to look him in the eyes. Taking your hands in his—gently, so gently—he says, "We're going to breathe life back into this place. I'll be here every day if you want me to be."
"You d—"
"I will. Or Maya or Jimin or Kook." He moves his head so you're forced to look at him even as you try to look away, confronted with the raw sincerity in his eyes. "We'll drown out the bad memories with new good ones."
His voice is CPR, pressing warmth into your chest, and just like that, the suffocating walls around you open up a bit. You can see it, the two of you sitting on the couch watching TV—or maybe you watching him play one of his games—your other friends occasionally dipping in and out as they please.
More orange lilies on the table.
You pull your hands from his and drift to the kitchen counter, picking up the glinting silver key sitting on its surface. Turning back to Taehyung, you press it into his palm, and he stares at you, eyes wide with wonder.
"You're sure?"
You nod, and he curls his fingers around the key like it's something delicate—handling it with the same care you once saw him give a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest in the park when you were thirteen.
"Every day," he promises, pinky wrapping around yours and squeezing. "Just say the word."
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a/n: likes, reblogs, and feedback are always appreciated! <3
taglist is open!
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intoanotherworld23 · 1 year
Love On Camera IV
Pairing: Reader x Chris Evans
Warnings: NSFW 18+ ONLY DNI, there is mild smut in this chapter there’s dirty talk, and lots of dry humping and thoughts of sex
Summary: You had always wanted to become a famous actress one day, you just never thought it would be as an adult film actress, and your first movie happens to be with the devastatingly handsome Chris Evans
✨Please do not copy and paste my work or steal my work or publish it as your own or I will have you reported✨
Part 3 Part 5
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Scrambling around in the kitchen as you tried to prepare a nice meal for you and Chris. Extremely nervous to have him over, and to think this was somewhat of a date.
Making sure your makeup and hair looked good enough for him. Wanting nothing more to impress this man, and make him fall head over heels for you. Although that seemed like a dream you still couldn't help but hope for a romance to blossom.
Stirring the chicken around in the sauce before placing them on a big plate. Shuffling the rice as you sprinkled some spices on top of it. The aroma of the different scents hitting your nose making your mouth water.
Just then a knock came from the front door making you jump. Straightening your outfit out which was extremely casual and comfy since the two of you weren't actually going anywhere.
Opening the door to see Chris's smiling face as he wore a white knit sweater, and dark blue jeans. His hair perfectly slicked back making you want to run your fingers through it. It was crazy how hot this man could be easily make you.
"Welcome." You greeted as you opened the door wider indicating for him to walk inside. "Perfect timing the food is ready."
"Smells amazing." He complimented as he sniffed around the kitchen. "Turn on for me when a woman can cook."
"Thanks to all those cooking shows I watched." Scooping up the rice and putting it on each of your plates.
Once you had the plates smothered with food you placed them on either side of the table. Chris took his spot licking his lips as he looked at all the food in front of him.
"Would you like something to drink?" Asking he you opened up the cabinet to your liquor bottles.
"I'll take some red wine if you have it." Grabbing a bottle you filled a glass for him and yourself. "Thanks."
As the two of you sat in peace eating your meal you started to feel a sense of calm. Nothing felt awkward or uncomfortable. Things felt right between the two of you like this is how it was meant to be.
Making small talk in between mouthfuls of food. Cracking up a couple of jokes making you laugh trying not to spray wine across the table. It was obvious he felt comfortable being around you.
A part of you was hoping after tonight this would become a daily thing. That he would want to start seeing you outside of work more. Or that the two of you would quit the adult film industry, and pursue another way to make money.
"The food was absolutely delicious." He spoke after he placed his knife and fork on the plate. "I'll have to come over more often."
"I would absolutely love that." Sounding a little more excited than you intended. "I mean sounds wonderful."
"Are you okay?" He asked out of blue knowing he was referring to earlier. "I mean after your session with Johnny."
"Yeah I'm okay." Nodding your head as you looked down at your hands in your lap. "I'm not used to stuff like that, but I'm really okay."
"Good because you and I are going to really start drinking." He clapped his hands together as he walked over to your liquor cabinet.
Grabbing a bottle of tequila as he walked over to you with a mischievous grin. Sheepishly smiling back at him as your mind was starting to race. Surely this night was going to end in something happening between you two.
"Cheers." Clinking your shot glasses together before he downed the liquid. He made it look so easy.
Quickly downing yours feeling the burn running down your throat. Scrunching you're face up making him chuckle at you. You were never one to handle your liquor that well.
He was quick to pouring another one and this time you took it at the same time he did. His eyes were glued to yours the whole time making you feel a little flustered. Your cheeks felt enflamed right now from his intense stares.
"Let's play a game." He spoke after you both downed your fourth shot you glanced over to him. Shrugging his shoulders at the suggestion. "Could be a way for us to get to know each other."
"Why the fuck not." You don't if that was more of a question or statement. "What game did you have in mind?"
"How about twenty questions?" He suggested and you thought to yourself that was a simple and harmless game.
"Yeah sure." He beamed when you approved of the game. "How do you play again?"
"I'll ask you a question and then you ask me a question." That seemed simple enough. "But if you refuse to answer a question you have to take a shot."
You knew this wasn't going to be a simple game. It seemed like he had a hidden agenda behind everything. Maybe he really did just want to get to know you or see what kind of person you were. Knowing him so far things were going to become dirty.
Hearing the rules you downed your fifth shot of the night. The buzz was already taking in affect, and he could tell. He just laughed at how much of a risk taker you were trying to be right now. All you wanted was fun tonight, and he was going to give that to you.
"I'll go first." He stated and you just nodded sitting back nervous as hell. "What's your favorite color?"
"Uh it's Y/F/C." His question threw you off you expected him to go with something dirty. "What's your favorite animal?"
"Wolf." That answer didn't surprise you what so ever." What's your favorite movie?"
"Y/F/M." These questions were easier than you expected them to be." What's your favorite movie?"
"Lady and the tramp." You looked at him like he had grown two heads and started to laugh. You never expected that to be his answer.
"Really?" It really did come as a surprise that such a heart felt movie could possibly be his favorite.
"Shut up I like Disney movies." This time he started to laugh with you. He playfully pushed your shoulder making you laugh even harder.
"Wow how manly of you." Puffing out your chest and striking arm poses like a body builder. He just shook his head at you to which you stopped laughing. "I promise I won't say anything scouts honor."
"Alright you little shit let's keep playing." He downed a quick shot. "What's your favorite hobby?"
"I like to read." Feeling embarrassed by your answer but he seemed to like it since he smiled. "If you could live anywhere where would it be?"
"I would have to say Paris. The most beautiful city in the world." That sounded absolutely romantic and you weren't expecting that. "Do you masturbate?"
If your cheeks weren't on fire before they were now. He just sat there with a smug grin on his face. He had you right where he wanted you. This is was the game he actually wanted to play with you. Otherwise how could these questions go from innocent to dirty.
You really shouldn't be shy when he asked this question. The two of you fucked people for a living in front of multiple people. If anything you would have no hesitation to answer these type of questions.
He was staring at you so intensely right now you just wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. You were kind of drunk right now, and somewhat turned on by his question.
"Yeah I do." You answered honestly thanks to the five shots that were now hitting you. "Do you use handcuffs?"
"Yes I do." He winked at you making you take another shot. The room was getting hotter all of a sudden. "Do you like to be spanked?"
"No." He looked shocked at your response making you look down at your now clammy hands. "I mean yeah I do."
"I could always spank you." He remarked making your eyes go wide making him laugh. "Don't worry I won't do that to you."
Not understanding why suddenly you were cowering in a shell around him. It was something about him that had you feeling shy and innocent. You wanted to impress and attract him so he would want you back.
"I mean unless you really want me to?" He started to lift his hips up like he was about to approach you making you gulp.
"No I'm good." You answered rather quickly making him smirk at how he got to you.
It seemed like the room was getting smaller and smaller. The longer you looked at him the more you started to realize just how beautiful this man really was. He had such soft looking skin with a little bit of scruff across his chin.
His eyes were like a light blue with a hint of green. It reminded you very much of the ocean. Eye lashes so thick he could blow you away with them. Small freckles sprinkled across his face giving him more of an innocent and sweet appearance.
Chris coughed breaking you from your trance of staring at him like a weirdo. Looking away from him wanting to avoid the judgement he probably had across his face of you basically checking him out.
"Okay my turn what's your favorite position?" You wanted to cover your face but frayed from doing that.
"When a girl is riding me cow girl." That had your heart beating faster, and you clenching your thighs together. All you could picture was doing that with him.
"Are you picturing doing that with me right now?" A huge smirk across his face as he was looking into your eyes.
"Yes." Slapping a hand over your mouth with how quickly you answered that. You just wanted to get the attention off of you as soon as possible. "Do you watch porn?"
Instead of answering the question Chris reached across grabbing you pulling you onto his lap making you squeal. Your hands landed on his shoulders to keep yourself balanced. Legs on either side of his, and your chest practically in his face.
Both of you staring into each other's eyes, and there was clear sexual tension between you two. His hands on your hips that started to make your body move against his. Taking the hint that he wanted you to start grinding against him.
"Don't get shy on me now Y/N." He shook his head at you teasingly with a smile. "Show me what a vixen you really are."
Slowly moving your hips against him feeling him harden beneath you. His eyes were glazed over and all you could see was hunger and lust. Your panties were starting to become wet with desire. The fabric of your panties rubbing against your clit making you moan.
"Yes baby moan for me." He groaned in your ear as his hands squeezed the skin on your hips. He was probably trying to control himself, and not completely take over scaring you.
Although you would have no problem with him taking over you completely. Your insides clenching at the thought of riding his cock right now. Feeling him slam his hips up into you hitting your pelvis.
This felt like such an intimate moment right now. Something that a couple would be doing to keep that spice in their relationship. It felt like you two were the only people in this world, and nothing was coming between you two.
"The things I wanna do to you." He growled he watched your hips moving against his lap. "To have you all night."
"Begging for my cock until your in tears." The thought of crying just for his cock had you whimpering.
Feeling the liquor completely take over your body you started to really grind against him. Pressing down harder on his crotch so it was his turn to moan this time. Leaning his head against your shoulder the faster you started to hump him.
"Oh god." You moaned when the pressure of your clothes and his jeans pressing against your clit made your lower stomach tingle.
"I want you to cum at the thought of my cock going inside your pussy." His words had your eyes rolling into the back of your head. "Just feel me baby."
His words encouraging you a lot more than you were expecting them to. Between his hands, his dirty words being whispered into your ear, and his extremely hard cock pressed against your crotch you were probably going to cum sooner than you thought.
Your hips moving in a way almost as if you were really fucking him. Both of your moans filling the room making it echo. Thank god you didn't have any roommates or else this would have been incredibly awkward.
"Bet your pussy is soaked for me." Feeling a shudder rack his body at the thought of feeling you in this moment. "Tight little pussy sucking me in."
His lips attaching themselves to your neck sucking on the flesh lightly. The blood rising to the surface of your skin. He was probably leaving his mark.
"Just like that sweetheart." Feeling his hands gripping your hips tightly surely leaving a bruise. "God I wanna fuck you so bad."
"I know you're getting closer sweetheart." He mumbled against your neck. Sweat forming on his forehead, and on the back of your neck.
"I want to feel your cock." You have no idea where this horny girl came from, but you surely were enjoying her.
You were never the type of woman to become this horny. It was different being horny for work, but to be this way in real life was a whole new person. Intimacy was not something you were used to. It was rough sex you were used to.
"I know baby next time right now you need to focus on you." Hearing that encouraged you to move faster.
You probably looked like a mad woman the way you were moving on top of him. Grinding your body against his like an animal in heat. Rushing to reach your release and using his body to get to it. Neither of you cared though since you were both feeling good at this moment.
It felt like you were living in a fantasy right now. Grinding heavily on top of a man that was way too attractive for you. Maybe it was the liquor and it was just making you two horny. Or maybe it was true feelings that were coming to light.
Either way all you could do was bask in the moment right now. Having been a long time since anyone has touched you like this. It felt nice to be touched like this, and it felt nice to be wanted and feel attractive.
At one point you were just straight up teasing him. You would slow your movements then by lifting your hips up and slamming down on his crotch making him growl. He gave you a couple spanks on your ass cheeks making you squeal.
"Watch it darling." Making you look into his eyes giving you a warning. "I will bend you over my lap and slap that ass till you feel it into next week."
By the look on his face you knew he wasn't joking, and you could tell he wanted you to try and do it again and test him. The thought of bending you over his lap got him all excited again.
He did seem like the type of guy who loved to punish his girl by spanking her, and than rubbing her cheeks soothingly with ointment. Everything about him scream physical touch and affection. Like he wanted rough sex, but then he would spoil you after.
Breathing heavily on the top of his head as you felt that familiar burn in the pit of your stomach. Your head falling back the closer to your orgasm you were getting. Chris was close to when you felt his cock twitch under neath his pants.
"Cum for me sweetheart." That was all it took for you pushing hard down on him your sensitive clit becoming over loaded. Your release hitting you hard and fast.
Both of you moaning and groaning at the fact you just came in your shorts from dry humping him. Leaving your head down so your face was pressed against his shoulder. His hands rubbing your back up and down soothingly, and you were still coming down from your orgasm.
You just sat on his lap feeling yourself becoming tired from what just took place. Still breathing heavily the amount of alcohol you consumed in a short amount of time was not helping either.
In this moment alcohol or not you really could stay in Chris's arms forever. It was just something about him that you couldn't wrap your mind around. You wanted to be around him all the time.
You just couldn't believe all that happened. Feeling your sensations heightened, and you just wanted more of him. Just praying and hoping that nobody ever found out ,and that it wouldn't come between your work and friendship.
"We should get you to bed." You just nodded your head already feeling your eyes closing.
Instead of lifting you off of him he somehow moved yours and his body so he was still holding you when he stood up. Carrying you to your bedroom bridal style. It was the most sweetest most romantic thing a man has ever done for you.
Placing you under the covers then pulling them up towards your neck making sure you were comfortable. He gave you a peck on the forehead making you shut your eyes with a smile.
"Stay." You whispered when he started to walk away.
Looking and sounding like a lost puppy dog. You probably looked pathetic to him, but you didn't want to be left alone right now. Plus all you wanted was for Chris to hold you in his arms all night.
"Alright lady but just for tonight." He referenced to the lady and tramp scene making you snicker.
Pulling his jeans down but leaving his boxers on so he could get comfortable. Then pulling the covers back so he could get into bed. Thinking that he was going to stay away, but surprising you when he pulled your body flush against his so you were spooning with him.
His strong arms wrapped around your body keeping you close and warm. Snuggling his face into your shoulder leaving light kisses against the skin. Your heart was practically swooning and how cute he was being with you right now.
"Good night beautiful." Was the last thing you heard before you felt the slumber or darkness consume your body.
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katerina-marie · 2 months
Bathtub Confessions (Eres Tú)
Sukuna x Reader
Part 4
The one where you learn that certain confessions don't always have to be romantic, but others certainly do.
Word Count: 5.7k
Notes: Sukuna x Reader celebrity!au. Takes place directly after part three. Song of inspiration: Eres Tú by Carla Morrison
Content: bandmember Sukuna x actor female Reader (referred to as such, but left descriptively vague), no y/n, manager Nanami, bodyguard Toji, actor Gojo, found family vibes, some angst, fluff, crack, humor, out of character Sukuna (he's so fluffy), suggestive, maybe lightly explicit, tho no sex actually occurs (sorry), so please avoid accordingly.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
“Should I change my name?”
A beat of silence. A drop of water.
“Should I get a wig?”
Another beat of silence. A clink of glass on tile.
“Should I flee the country?”
A minuscule half second of silence.
“Not if you’re going to quit paying me,” Toji grumbled. 
His response made the frown on your face dip down further on your lips, and you rolled your head against the back of your porcelain tub to stare at the ceiling.
“Is that all you see me as?” you whined, “A paycheck?”
“You want me to lie?” 
“That’s it, I’m going to drown myself.” 
That gets a long, heavy sigh from your bodyguard and you can hear him readjust himself on the chaise lounge seated in the middle of your expansive bathroom before he carries on.
“First off,” he grunts, “no you’re not. That would require me to pull your sad self naked from the tub, and we both know we don’t want that. Second…you know you’re not just a paycheck.” Toji goes quiet for a moment. “I’d like to think that we’ve become a sort of family over the last couple years, you, me, and Nanami. Shoot, even Megs too when he’s around.” 
His soft confession brings a smile to your face, and you turn your head to the right to look in his direction from behind a large mahogany privacy screen. It stands tall, wrapping just barely around the ends of your tub where your feet and head lay, keeping you securely tucked away from any prying eyes. It found its way there long ago, because this wasn’t the first time that Toji had played therapist from his dedicated chaise while you lounged in a hot bath and the two of you shared a bottle of wine. 
“Thank you,” you whispered to him, “I’m grateful you’re my friend…and my family.” 
“Don’t worry about it, I know you are. But don’t go on getting too upset or sentimental just because you’ve had a rough day. Things haven’t been that bad,” Toji said, and you groaned at the reminder.
After finally arriving home safely—no thanks to you—Toji immediately went into damage control mode and spent the afternoon fielding phone calls and text messages, though nothing too serious had been blown your way yet. 
You had received a none-too-pleased email from the producer of the movie you and Satoru were co-starring in, accusing you of sabotaging the release by not waiting to reveal your relationship with Sukuna until after the movie premiered in a few short months (as if he couldn’t tell that what happened today wasn’t by choice). Luckily, Satoru swooped in with his sweet-talking words and buttered the producer right back into promising extra money for a job well done. Though Satoru’s idea of fixing things was convincing the producer that the only premise that sold better than a classic love story was the angst of a good ol’ fashioned love triangle, and he was more than happy to play the jilted lover dead set on winning you back. You wondered what it must be like to live in such delusions. 
What really put the cherry on top of a bad day was the text you received from Sukuna shortly after arriving home. It wasn’t anything particularly worrisome, a straight to the point, “I’ll call you this evening, busy smoothing a couple things out, x,” but it had you in a fit nonetheless. After sending a quick affirmation back, you threw your phone across the couch in your living room and flung yourself onto the nearest surface to bemoan your miserable existence. Toji was not amused when that nearest surface happened to be his chest, and he only offered you five minutes of soaking his shirt with snot and tears before he drug you upstairs to your bedroom, turned on the hot water to your tub, and shoved you into the bathroom with a promise to return with wine if you quieted down for just a second. 
So here you were, an hour later, soaking under a mountain of peppermint scented bubbles while you toed at the hot water handle at the end of the tub. 
“You think if I begged hard enough Nanami would let me come stay with him for the rest of his vacation? I’m afraid I’m in need of a tropical escape,” you told Toji, already calculating in your head how quickly you could pack your bags and be on the next plane to Malaysia. 
Toji chuckled, “No, I don’t think he would, considering he refused to tell us anything more about his trip other than what country he’d be in and when he’d be back. You showing up would take seven years off his life. Add three more if he opens up the door to you sobbing like you’ve been all day. Besides, running away to another country just because you’re afraid to talk to your boyfriend is a cowardly move.” 
You ‘tsked’ at him for calling you out on poor behavior and slouched further down into the hot water in shame-filled defeat. Instead of wallowing in it further though, you popped your ankles up on the rim of the tub, tossed your arms back to hang behind your head, and clapped twice to get Toji’s attention.
“Another glass of wine, please,” you mocked in as snobby an accent as you could manage.
“What do you take me as? I’m not your damn butler,” he complained, but you could hear the quick successive cracking of his back as he stood up from the chaise and stretched. 
“Just one more and that’ll be it, I promise.” You considered what else could entice him into doing your bidding. “I’ll let you be done for the evening and take the day off tomorrow if you also bring me a plate of cheese and crackers, please.” 
Toji was silent before letting out a begrudging “fine” and shuffling out the door without another complaint. 
You marveled in the silence, nothing but the occasional lap of water as you adjusted yourself in the tub to break it. After a few minutes, however, you realized the absence of conversation was the perfect environment for your thoughts to run unhindered, and that was not something you cared to partake in at the given time. Trying to concentrate on anything else though was futile, and perhaps trying to wade through your own head for a few minutes would leave you feeling better when you chose to pointedly ignore it once your butler…ahem, Toji, returned with your snacks.
Besides falling on national television—and underneath Gojo Satoru nonetheless—you had a particularly difficult time deducing from yourself what exactly about the accidental revelation of your relationship with Sukuna caused you so much embarrassment. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to be associated with him or that you always intended for the relationship to remain secret until it had reached its course; your desire was quite the opposite, actually. It was a feeling best left to baser animals and bedroom activities, but the idea of staking a claim, proving that he belonged to you in a way, was not unappealing and not something you could talk your way out of thinking, especially with the world the two of you lived in. 
If you got down to it, the real problem lay in your unfortunate habit of caring what people thought. You didn’t want Sukuna to see you as childlike, only a few years younger than him in age but miles behind in maturity. You didn’t want him to view today’s incident as a misfortunate foreshadow into the “what if’s” of your relationship. Neither did you want the world looking at the two of you and questioning how exactly something like it came to be. Where Sukuna was all sharp angles and dark colors, suave nonchalance and carrying a presence that demanded to be seen, you felt painfully opposite. You wouldn’t self-deprecate and believe that you were unworthy of standing beside him, but just cognizant of how different you felt. More like something that could be just as appreciated, but more likely to be overlooked and favored over something brighter. A “mismatched pair” is what they would call you, something that struck you so vividly that the pressure in your chest increased ten-fold. You knew he would hear it, see it, be made aware of it, and while he may not agree right away, you wondered how long it would take for the sphere of influence to get to him too. The anticipatory grief (as your actual therapist called it, usually followed by anxiety) of waiting for someone you valued so much to realize that he had better options was enough to make you consider running away from the whole thing entirely. 
And that’s how you came back to scheming your departure from the country. If you hurried, you could probably towel off, pack a bag, and slip out the back before Toji realized (you wondered if the big oaf had decided to take a nap instead of bringing you snacks for how long it’d been since you last heard him). Surely Nanami wouldn’t abandon you in your time of need if you were wailing at him over the phone in the airport of a foreign country. 
But alas, you heard your bathroom door open, effectively cutting off any means of escape.
“It’s about time, Toji. What took you so long?” He neither spoke, nor took another step. “Eh, no matter. Bring me my snacks, please.” 
Footsteps continued again and before you could chastise Toji further, a voice spoke up from right behind your privacy screen. 
“Should I be concerned with the normalcy of your bodyguard attending to you while you’re naked in the bath?” 
The shock of hearing Sukuna’s voice caused you to jolt, sending your legs into the water with an unmistakable splash and leaving you to scurry back into a sitting position from where you had slipped dangerously close to submerging your whole head underwater. The indecency of it all would kill you if this conversation that was about to happen didn’t.
“I assure you,” you started, hoping you didn’t sound as wrecked as you felt, “it is not nearly as salacious as you made it out to be.” 
Sukuna hummed. “Really? Because it sounded as if you were expecting him, and when I ran into him downstairs he told me to tell you that he would be back up to deliver wine and cheese shortly. Sounds like a romantic evening to me if I’ve ever heard one.”
You were relieved to hear a hint of amusement in your boyfriend’s voice, but horrified at what he was saying. 
“Please stop implying things that’ll make me gag.” 
Sukuna chuckled, but was quiet for a minute until, “You have five seconds to tell me to stop before I move this privacy screen so we can talk face to face.” 
You shot upwards, looking around hurriedly as you tried to scrape the remaining bubbles in the tub to strategic places in order to maintain your dignity, though you realized a moment later that it was probably unnecessary. With a second left, you brushed tendrils of your hair away from your face and wiped your thumb across the top of your lip to remove any remnants of a wine stain from your skin. In the next, Sukuna was pushing aside the privacy screen and looking down at you with a blank—but not unkind—expression. You eyed him warily as he walked up to the edge of the tub and dropped a cushion from the chaise Toji was sitting on earlier to the floor. He settled himself down onto it and then placed his elbow on the edge of the tub so he could lean in close to you. 
“Hello,” you whispered to him, settling both your arms down next to his and then resting your head against them. A small smile crossed his face.
“Hello to you too.” 
You were surprised at the lack of tension in his face, no clenched jaw or heavy brow to be seen, and as you trailed your eyes further down his torso you noticed its absence there too. His shoulders were relaxed, and his chin was cupped in the hand propped up on the tub so he could gaze at you with those unnervingly observant eyes of his. You wished he’d been wearing a t-shirt instead of the thin navy turtleneck he currently had on so you could focus your stare on the black tattoos decorating his body. Aside from being intricate, and distracting, they always gave you something to look at when meeting his eyes felt like too much. 
The tenderness of Sukuna’s knuckles meeting your temple forced you to look back up at him, only to see that he was following the path his fingers were making over your skin. They grazed over your cheekbone, feathered down the bridge of your nose, and then were skimming over your mouth, his thumb catching ever so lightly on your bottom lip. His hand didn’t linger there, and it was quick to skate over your jaw before his thumb landed under your ear and the rest of his fingers tangled in your hair while his palm cupped your neck. With a slide of his other hand up your arm and down your back to press between your shoulder blades, Sukuna brought you close enough to him that he was able to reach the rest of the way over the tub and kiss you. His lips remained pressed against yours for a second or two before he broke away, hesitated, and then leaned in to do it once more, twice, and a third time. 
You were the one that put space between the two of you, sitting back in the water and drawing your knees to your chest. You desperately needed to inhale without smelling the crispness of his aftershave or the spiced warmth of his cologne, both of which were guilty of making your head spin. 
“You’re not mad at me?” you asked, breaking the silence before he had a chance to, before you lost your nerve. You watched as his head tilted slightly to one side, his expression a touch befuddled, but full of disbelief. 
“Why would I be mad at you?” He questioned slowly, moving himself to his knees on the cushion so he could go back to resting his arms on the tub. 
“I don’t see why you wouldn’t be,” you told him, your voice a bit sharp. “I inadvertently told anyone with access to the internet that we were dating, without even talking to you about it, and then proceeded to flee the scene like a coward instead of getting back out there to present myself as confident enough to own up to my mistakes. Not to mention the fall with Satoru right before. It’s embarrassing. The whole thing made us—me—look like a giant mess!” 
Your voice cracked on the last word, and you bit down on the inside of your cheek until you tasted iron. Sukuna looked pained, and he reached a hand out to play with your fingers as they sat at the top of your knees. 
“You’re not a mess,” he said, rubbing his thumb in small circles over the middle knuckle of one of your fingers, “and I’m not embarrassed either. I never intended to keep us a secret, and I’m not trying to implicate you when I say this, but I don’t think I ever implied doing so that evening.” 
“Well, yeah,” you huffed, the twinkle in his ochre-brown eyes and the mischievous grin on his face as he hinted to the night the two of you cemented your relationship into the category of “official” making your face get warm, “we didn’t do a whole lot of talking after that point.” 
You tried to jerk your hands out from under his to cover up your cheeks, but Sukuna was unrelenting in his hold, and you gave up before continuing on, “I know you never implied that you wanted to keep our relationship hidden, but that’s been the theme of whatever we’ve had going on these last ten months. We were sneaking around from the very beginning, we lied about it to Yuji and Choso, and then let’s not forget about the whole incident of being caught by Satoru,” you pointed out to him, feeling the slightest bit smug when he looked chagrined. 
“I apologized for that,” he reminded you, his voice tone faintly defensive. You squeezed his hand in comfort. 
“You did, and I’m not upset about it.” 
You took a deep breath and cast your eyes everywhere except Sukuna, taking in the details of your bathroom as you tried to muster the courage to share your insecurities with him. He never let his attention on you deviate, and between that and the heat of the water you had been in for almost two hours, you were beginning to feel lightheaded, and everything finally came rushing out of your mouth.
“I feel like we’re mismatched! It feels like everytime someone looks at us, they’re going to wonder why, like we don’t fit well together. And I’m not saying I believe that, or that you would believe that, and I know this whole thing sounds ridiculous because it is ridiculous, but it’s hard to get outside of my own head about this when I already love you so mu—,” 
The startled look on Sukuna’s face is what clued you in to the fact you had said something you had not intended to. You snapped your mouth shut with an audible click of your teeth and used your feet to push away from him and to the otherside of the tub, wrenching your hands out of his grasp. 
If someone asked why you never liked to talk about your feelings, this was why. Why the words that came out were never as eloquent—or as sane—as the thoughts in your head was something you’d pay so much money to figure out. And Kento was about to have no choice in letting you hide out with him for the rest of his vacation because you were no longer asking, and if he was interested in keeping his job he would do so without complaint. Even so, you considered that forcibly releasing Kento from the grip of a career that was so wrought with overtime would be another mercy for the overworked sal—,
“You know what I think,” Sukuna murmured, bringing you out of your own head to focus with rapt attention on the blissfully contented expression he wore. His fingers curled around the tops of your arms as he reached out to slide you back to his side of the tub, and when you were close enough again, he pushed his nose into the plushness of your cheek to nuzzle there affectionately. You were transfixed by a small tan freckle on the edge of his eyebrow that you somehow hadn’t noticed before.
“I think this whole time you’ve been so focused on pleasing everyone around you—which isn’t necessarily unadmirable, I promise—and treading with extreme care to take into consideration my feelings about our relationship that you haven’t noticed what’s been going on…or I haven’t been doing a very satisfactory job of making it apparent.” 
He said the last part more under his breath, but didn’t give you a chance to interject with an objection before he carried on, making intently sure your eyes were on his. “From the very beginning, even when all I had of you were fleeting touches and secret meetings in questionable places, I was always bound to fall in love with you.” 
You didn’t know what to say, what to think, and trying to wrap your head around the fact that what you considered to be one of the worst days of your life was ending with unintentional confessions of love in your bathtub wasn’t helping. So you did what you could and traced a finger down one of the tattoos under his eyes, hoping he would keep talking.
“We aren’t a mismatched pair,” he insisted, his eyelids fluttering slightly at your gentle touch, “I think we compliment each other quite well, so please, don’t try to hide or run away.” He fixed you with a pointed look that told you Toji had warned him of your current status as a flight risk, and you ducked your head slightly and in a way that you hope conveyed repentance.  
“Because you must know, I will always be chasing after you.”
You wasted no time in hurrying to crush your lips against his and throw your arms around his neck, because what else was there to do when words couldn’t suffice, other than to surrender to the melding of bodies? 
Sukuna reciprocated in fervor, breaking apart from you only to stand up from his place on his knees, and reached down to cup his hands under your bottom, lifting you out of the tub and securing your thighs around his hips while his mouth found yours again.
He seemed to care not that you were dripping water on the floor and soaking the front of his clothes from where you were pressed tightly against him. He stumbled back a couple steps until the back of his knees made contact with the chaise, and the two of you fell back onto it. Sukuna adjusted you to straddle his lap, his hands clasping at your hips while your hands scrambled down his back to pull up his shirt. You ground your pelvis down against him as he dropped his head to mouth at your neck, and the rough groan that elicited from his throat had you deciding that your bed was too far away to justify taking time to separate, and that the convenience of the chaise was worth going to the trouble of having to buy Toji a new one. You had no more than let the thought flutter through your head when an obnoxiously loud knock resounded through the bathroom. 
“You two haven’t drowned yet, have you?” 
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. 
Sukuna ripped his lips away from where he was sucking a mark into the space where your shoulder blended into your neck, and met your gaze with one that dared you to intervene. 
“Don’t even think about it,” he growled, using the grip he still had on your waist to hold you in place while he rolled his hips up into yours, and you prayed that the moan you let out wasn’t as loud as it sounded. Even if it was, you hoped Toji would get the hint and make himself scarce.
“Look, I get it,” your bodyguard remarked, sounding both amused and vaguely uncomfortable, “but it’s kinda, maybe important.” 
With both the mood dashed and your anxiety spiked again, you patted Sukuna on the shoulder in a bid to get him to let you slide off his lap. He rolled his eyes, exasperation—and lustful desperation—painted clearly on his face, but he helped you down without giving you any grief and grabbed a black fluffy robe from where it was draped over your privacy screen. He held it out so you could thread your arms through it, and then he proceeded to tie the belt securely around your waist. 
“Come in, Toji,” you called, moving to sit on the chaise while Sukuna came to stand at your back.
Your bodyguard waited a moment before opening the door, peeking his head around first and then sauntering in with his normal arrogance to lean against your bathroom counter just a couple feet in front of you.
“Glad to see that nobody’s drowned. There’s only one of you I’d be willing to do mouth-to-mouth on,” Toji joked, clearly proud of what he had come up with. You felt Sukuna’s hands come to rest on the tops of your shoulders, his fingertips digging into the muscles lightly. They relaxed when you bought one of your hands up to twine your fingers with his. 
“So, to what do we owe the interruption?” you asked. The amusement on Toji’s face vanished, and in its place came weariness. 
“I just got off the phone with Nanami, and—,” 
“You called him?!” You yelped, springing up from your seat, “I begged you not to!”
“Whoa, Whoa,” Toji cautioned, raising his hands up in a surrender, “easy with the accusations. He called me. He knew.” And before you could open your mouth to ask how, Toji’s expression darkened and his eyes flicked up over you to glare at Sukuna. “Uraume called him.” 
You whirled around to look at Sukuna, who—thankfully—seemed just as surprised by the news as you did. 
“I didn’t ask them to do that,” he assured you, then turned to Toji, “did Nanami say what they wanted?” 
“Just to talk about the whole situation, more or less. Nanami said they only talked for about ten minutes, but they’re planning to discuss things more when he comes back in five or six days.” Your bodyguard sighed and crossed his legs as he leaned back further against your counter. “He was nearly ready to hop on the first plane home, but I managed to convince him to finish his vacation. Told him it’d damn near break your heart if he came back early.” 
You plopped back down on the chaise, bone tired and completely ready for this whole day to be over. 
“Thank you, Toji. I’m sorry for jumping down your throat like that.” 
“Don’t sweat it, Princess,” he said, pulling a vaguely familiar set of keys out from his pocket and pushing himself off the counter to walk towards the door. “You two going to be okay if I head out? I have some errands to run and then I’ll probably crash at Megumi’s tonight instead of the staff quarters.” 
You nodded at him, sending him off with a wave before shifting to look back at Sukuna. 
“Stay with me?” you pleaded. He answered with a kiss to your hair, and then offered his arm so you could stand from the chaise. He followed after you into your bedroom, and the faint flutter of clothing made you glance back over your shoulder. Your heart began to race at the sight of his bare chest, tattoos displayed in full glory. You must have made some kind of noise because he looked up at you from where he was draping his shirt over the back of a lounging chair in the corner of your room.
“I hope you don’t mind,” he said sheepishly, “my clothes are wet.” 
You shook your head, tugging your bottom lip between your teeth as you watched the muscles in his back flex as he bent down to push his jeans to the floor, leaving him in simple grey underwear. There must have been something written all over your face as he began to walk towards you, for he was reaching out to pull you into him as soon as he got close enough.
“I’m tired, Sukuna,” you warned as he pressed your cheek to his chest, though you wondered if you could muster up the energy to continue where the two of you had left off in the bathroom. Surely he would make it worth your while. 
“I know,” he told you, voice light and good-natured, and he tightened his arms around you briefly before stepping back and nodding in the direction of your bed, “why don’t you go get comfortable. Toji left your snacks on your dresser. Want to finish them off before bed?” 
With a grateful nod, you turned to leap onto your bed, sitting down in the middle and wiggling with excitement as Sukuna came to join you. He sat the tray of food and wine in between the two of you and crossed his legs underneath himself before picking up a piece of cheese and offering it to you. You smiled in thanks and began to nibble on it while he surveyed his options. 
“Mhm,” you started, an errant thought popping into your head, “I’m assuming since Uraume knows that Yuji and Choso know now as well?” Sukuna raised his head slowly from where he had been studying the various snacks, and the hint of guilt on his face wasn’t confidence inspiring. 
“They do,” he drew out, observing you carefully, “they were both watching the interview with me.” 
You groaned as white-hot embarrassment flooded your body, and you fell back against your pillows, grabbing one to shove over your face to muffle the bitter laughter you couldn’t control. “What do they think?” 
“It’s nothing you should be worrying about,” Sukuna said, suddenly sitting by your head and lifting the pillow off your face to set it above your head, “you know they adore you. Choso was his normal, level-headed self. He’s happy for us. Yuji was just as ecstatic once he got his laughter under control, if a bit disappointed that we hadn’t told him.” Your boyfriend paused, his face darkening suddenly, and you watched with interest as a muscle feathered in his jaw. 
“What?” you asked, pushing yourself back into a sitting position and poking him in the arm to urge him to explain. He shook his head, clearly annoyed.
“You know what that little shit said immediately after? He thought that you and Gojo had been secretly dating and were waiting till after your movie was over to say anything.” 
Obnoxious laughter erupted from you, and you hurried to slap your hands over your mouth to try to conceal it as Sukuna’s face fell. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you rasped out in between giggles, unable to stop it as you watched Sukuna sit back against your pillows with a huff and a crossing of his arms. 
“The little idiot is just dense. And delusional. Anyone could see that you and the q-tip don’t have any real chemistry.” He sounded an awful lot like he was trying to convince himself of the truthfulness of his own statement. You wondered, affectionately, at which brother was a touch deluded. You were a fine actor, thank you very much. And you were about to open your mouth and say so when something ‘plinked’ off the window next to your bed. 
Strange. Your bedroom was on the second floor. 
Sukuna jerked his head up, all traces of humor forgotten, and the two of you listened for the noise again. 
“What the hell,” he muttered, pushing off the bed so he could go inspect the noise, “stay right there.” 
You appreciated the concern in his voice as he began to lift the window pane open, and he had just begun to stick his head out to look around when something small smacked him right between the eyes, sending him butt-first to the floor. 
“Sukuna!” you gasped, rushing over to kneel by his side and lift his hand from where he had it pressed to his forehead. You didn’t get a chance to fawn over him any further before he was up on his feet and striding to your bedroom door. 
“Be right back,” he growled, throwing the door open and cursing all the way down the stairs. 
You heard something land next to you on the floor, utterly perplexed when it turned out to be a rock from your flower beds. You got up and tiptoed over to the window, just barely lifting your head over the pane as to avoid becoming another victim of a flying projectile, then shot to your feet when you caught sight of a familiar white-haired costar outside beneath your window.
“Satoru!” You screeched, dumbfounded by his mere presence and the way he waved up at you, completely unbothered, “How in the world did you get through the gate?!”
“Hey! There you are!” He called, with a lazy grin on his face, “that’s not really important right now.” 
“I would disagree!” You yelled back down to him, making a mental note to have Toji go over all the security points around your property after his day off. “What are you doing here?” 
Satoru laughed sarcastically before the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and he propped his hands up on his hips. “Where is my car?” 
No. Way. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me, Satoru.” 
“Nope! Give me back my car. It’s one of a kind!” 
You groaned, reaching up to massage the burgeoning headache you could feel at your temples. “Are you sure it’s not out there in the driveway? Toji left just a bit ago, so you shouldn’t be boxed in or—,” you cut off when the memory of your bodyguard twirling an unfamiliar set of his keys around his finger as he left your bathroom flashed across your memory.
Oh god, that absolute bastard. 
Satoru must have caught the horrified look on your face, as well as how you suddenly stopped talking after mentioning Toji because his face blanched even paler than usual, and his voice was two octaves higher in distress when he hollered back up at you.
“Does that criminal have my car?!” 
You deserved a vacation at this point. 
“I’ll call him in the morning, Satoru, I promise. And I’ll make sure he washes it for you or whatever you want, just come back tomorrow.” You hoped placating him with the prospect of torturing Toji would convince him to leave, but no, he still stood rooted to his spot down below. 
“As fun as that sounds,” he mocked back up at you, “I can’t.” 
“What do you mean you can’t?”
He looked a bit like a toddler caught with his hand somewhere it shouldn’t be. “Suguru dropped me off and then left in a hurry. He said he had something to do.” 
You couldn’t believe that the universe thought that pairing those two together in any capacity was worth the absolute chaos they unleashed on the poor, unsuspecting population. 
The slamming of your front door caught your attention, and you figured your boyfriend was about to make himself known.
“Look,” you sighed, backing away from the window slightly, “you can borrow one of my cars and swap it tomorrow when Toji brings yours.” You ignored Satoru’s protests and started to close the window. “Just apologize to Sukuna for hitting him between the eyes with a rock and he’ll open the garage for you.”
You caught the confusion on Satoru’s face, and just barely heard his panicked remark as you shut the window.
“Oh, fu—.”
Whew, that one took it out of me, not gonna lie. Angst and I are not friends.
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avocado-writing · 7 months
Helloo would love love love some more Gabriel/Jim if you have any? Could be literally anything maybe a continuation of the last two or something but anything at all pleaseee 💕
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notes: ask and ye shall receive 😌
pairing: Jim x reader
rating: T
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“You’re joking. You must be.”
“Why would I be joking?” Jim furrows his brow, perplexed. You tap your spoon on the side of your coffee mug with vigour. 
“Because Notting Hill is a classic! I can’t believe you’ve never seen that film…”
Jim can actually count the number of films he’s seen on one hand - less than one hand really - because he’s seen none of them. But you seem to be incensed by the discovery of him not seeing this one in particular, so he remains quiet about all the others. 
“Are you free tonight? You could come over and we could watch it at my place. You could stay the night if you wanted. I could set the couch up for you! Or, you know, otherwise,” you say, not wanting to put too much pressure on the situation for a first overnight. But Jim lights up at the idea, excited. To be honest it’s nice to just take things slow with him. The relationship doesn’t seem to be hurtling towards sex, neither of you have brought it up, and that’s… fine. It’s nice, actually. It’s low pressure in a way you’re thoroughly enjoying, and Jim is a great boyfriend. 
For you, the event in the park is all but forgotten. 
It isn’t for Aziraphale and Crowley, though. That flash of Gabriel emerging a couple of weeks ago has very much seared itself into their psyches. Neither of them are certain what it means but they’re reasonably sure it can’t be good, so when Jim appears in the bookshop asking what he needs to bring to stay overnight at yours they’re a little… worried. 
“He’ll probably be fine,” Crowley reasons, not wanting to play devil’s advocate - well, not any more, at least - but having been significantly more affected by Gabriel than his lover. He knows the danger of the archangel. But at the same time Gabriel has never shown himself to be any danger to you, quite the opposite in fact; he seems rather smitten. This will be the first time they let him out of their sight for any significant amount of time and there’s a nervousness in the air which can’t be ignored. 
The two of them turn to see Jim packing as many books as he can into his overnight bag, “just in case”, and Aziraphale sighs.  
“Well they both have your mobile telephone number. If anything happens then they can get in contact. Besides, I’m sure nothing will go wrong.”
Neither of them say anything as Jim hoists his several-kilogram backpack onto his shoulder and grins. 
“Hey! So I’ve ordered pizza and set up the film on the tv in the lounge. Do you want a drink?”
You give Jim a greeting kiss and he grins in a dopey sort of happiness at it. 
“Sure, thanks. What kind of drink?”
“Well, I have wine, or uh, Pepsi?”
“Yes, Pepsi. Please,” he says quickly. He recently became aware of its delights and spent a whole evening at the shop drinking a two-litre bottle and giggling between every sip. You load up the pint glasses which, in traditional English fashion you nicked from the pub, and settle in for a film night with Jim. 
The pizzas arrive about halfway through Notting Hill and you think Jim might explode at the narrative being interrupted. When the pepperoni feasts are devoured and the boxes shoved into the recycling, the two of you end up in a slouchy sort of cuddle. Your head falls onto his shoulder and by the end of Four Weddings and a Funeral you’re fast asleep. 
Jim looks down at you. You’ve managed to miss some marinara when you wiped your mouth so it’s smudged on your lip, but you’re none the wiser. Your chest rises and falls easily and your eyelids flutter as you dream. 
Because he’s pretty sure that Aziraphale and Crowley have done the same for him when he’s fallen asleep, he gently carries you to your bed, lays you down, tucks you in, and whispers ‘goodnight’ knowing that you won’t hear. And then he means to head back to the couch to go to sleep. 
At around two in the morning you stir, desperate for a wee. That is the unfortunate downside of Pepsi. You swing your legs over the side of the bed—
And your heart stops. 
Gabriel is standing there. In the corner. His eyes so luminously purple that they light the room around him. He’s been watching you for some time now, just observing the way that you breathe. He wondered if he should get in bed and hold you. Just to satiate his own wonder about how you feel. Too late for that now, you’ve spotted him. 
“Be not afraid,” he says.
You scream. 
The next morning Crowley wakes up to a text message from you.
I think there’s something wrong with Jim. 
“Bollocks,” he says. 
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Missed dinner and a meet-up
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William Afton x wife!reader
warning : fluff, some comfort, kisses, drinking a glass of wine, cuddling, no use of Y/N
Summary : It was supposed to be a couple's evening, cooking together romantically and maybe cuddling on the couch, but William arrives too late - can he save it or not?
Info : After a longer time finally dear William again and I could no be happier with this sweet thing plus I just know he is a good dancer just like Matthew...have fun reading this short sweet thing ;)
The sun was already setting in the small town as the lanterns on the streets and sidewalks that connected the town to the highways led to places far more exciting than the small town in the state. The young woman's eyes were fixed on the flat-screen TV in front of her on the wooden dresser.
Boredom was written all over her face as she waited for him for the last few hours, it had taken longer than usual and she couldn't help but worry anyway.
The dramas and talk shows that she usually made fun of with him were only half as funny and she looked again at the clock that was ticking next to the TV, which would move slowly and then faster again. It was as if every minute sometimes felt like hours and then again not.
,,Where are you darling?” she mumbled and looked back from the TV to her cell phone, hoping to get a message from him. But nothing, no call, no message, voice message or anything else, not even one of his favorite emoji in the shape of a bunny.
But she also knew that this meant that he would take longer with his “work”, that his dear customers would be on the phone longer again, that there would be more paperwork and that he would probably only come back late at night.
A fact that she realized after another half hour of sighing and got up from the couch, stretching her arms and legs as she was going to stand for a while before she saw him again.
So much for the couple, she thought and took her ingredients for the lasagna from the cupboards and fridge that she had bought with him yesterday so that they could actually have a little romantic, long-deserved evening together.
They had bought candles themselves that they wanted to put up on the kitchen counter, but now it seemed as if they would have to wait.
Even the slow romantic music coming from their cell phone they used to pass the time dancing around the house instead of watching TV, ,,This will be fun dear I'm a champion” he had once said when they were at some party at his work and had pulled her onto the dance floor.
But she admitted his hand on her hip, holding her so she wouldn't fall, his loving look behind his glasses and the sly smile on his lips told her as much as ever that he would always protect her.
Giving her a rewarding kiss after the song ended, it was perfect, he was perfect. Smiling at the thought and taking a few light dancing steps around the kitchen as she chopped and fried the other ingredients and put everything on the tray before opening the oven.
Nodding contentedly and glancing at the clock again, she decided she could change from her normal clothes into her pyjamas to make herself more comfortable.
Taking some time to listen to music in the bedroom and bathroom and turning up the volume on the TV, she found herself alone at the wooden table in the kitchen with a warm plate of delicious lasagna.
The smell made her mouth water and the glass of wine only made it better, ,,Bon appetit…for me” she mumbled before loading the first bite onto her fork and enjoying the homemade meal.
Despite the fact that it tasted delicious, she admitted that no one saw her and that being so tired made her sad and more tired than she would have liked.
Which is why she simply put the dishes in the sink and hurried to the bathroom before going into the bedroom and getting under the covers, setting the alarm for tomorrow, knowing with a sigh that it wouldn't come, closing her eyes and falling asleep.
But this sleep was not to last long as she suddenly heard a noise almost like a clanging as if something had fallen downstairs followed by cursing. Turning around and seeing that William was still not lying next to her made her heart beat faster.
She felt safe with William, but now? Taking the blanket aside as quietly as she could and opening the nightstand, she felt the almost ridiculously small pocketknife that seemed to be her only weapon at the moment.
As quietly as she could, she opened the door a crack and saw a shadow scurrying around the kitchen, her cell phone in one hand over the 911 button at all times and the knife clutched in the other.
With a one-two-three rush out to meet the intruder, the first thing she heard was a male scream before hers went through the house followed by a ,,My God...sweetie you almost scared me to death” from William who was standing in the kitchen with his arms raised and looking like he was going to fall over any second.
Breathing out in relief, she mumbled, ,,Oh my-Oh my you-you scared me, sneaking around like ghosts,” and put the knife on the kitchen counter and her cell phone next to it to lean on the fridge.
The shock was still in both of their bodies, but after her taste she heard an early grin, then a giggle and then a laugh from William, who came up to her and pulled her into his arms.
She took in the familiar smell of metal, paper, sweetness and leather and hugged him back. She felt his hands on her site as they loosened slightly and gave him a punishing look.
,,It's only because you're working overtime again that I was able to eat here alone and get bored,” she said, seeing that his hours of practice had been extra strenuous again and that the stained knife he had dropped was still lying on the floor.
But immediately he played with one of her strands of hair and a dull grin came from his lips as he leaned down slightly and pulled her into a heartfelt, apologetic kiss.
,,Well, a champion like me needs his time…but I have you all to myself now and I won't leave until next week,” he assured her and was pleased to see her lips curl into a smile and she pulled him into another stormy kiss, his hands pulling her closer and she sensed the lust behind it…his night must have been very intriguing.
She knew what he meant by taking time for her and his apology that he left her alone because of the pizzeria and his job at the job center. But still he broke away and she saw him go to her cell phone and a few moments later the dance music played again and he held out his hand to her.
,,As an excuse a dance with me, my pretty wife?” he asked and saw how she pondered, played pondered and a ,,Only if we finally cook together tomorrow” before she took his hand and let herself be pulled onto the imaginary dance floor.
He held her again, his hands again on her body as she walked through the house, his movements matching the music and his lips kissing her enruet.
,,Of course darling, anything for you…from your bunny,” he replied, returning the murmured apologies and praise for the delicious lasagna mixed with the funny comments about her dance that couldn't have been more romantic than apologizing to him.
It was only sweeter after the dance when he lifted her up in his arms, held her gently yet firmly and brought her back to the bedroom, gently laid her on the mattress and she cuddled up to him.
The cold bed was slowly warmed by the second person and her sigh of pleasure could be heard as his hand lay across her stomach while his other still gently played with a strand of her hair, lulling her to sleep, before he murmured, ,,Good night my sweet” and turned off the bedside lamp and kissed her goodnight.
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cardanloveclub · 2 years
Picture perfect.
Cardan Greenbriar.
If a month ago you told me I'd be here right now, posing for a painting with the youngest prince in the Greenbriar line, I wouldn't believe you. I'd laugh at you, while feeling sickened by the simple thought of it.
But here I am, betrothed to the one and only, Cardan Greenbriar. I'm not happy about it, the only plus I've thought of at the moment is the endless supply of hot towels.
Two weeks ago my father came into my room, I was lying on my bed, reading some old folk tale, it was about a girl and a dragon, I can't remember much about it. But he came in, my mother latched onto his arm, my sister leaning against my door frame, wanting to hear whatever it was they were going to tell me.
"We have some news for you."
"I gathered by the way you waltzed in, you weren't just going to tell me dinner is ready."
"He'll never put up with her." My mother not so discreetly whispered to my father.
"It's for her own good, she should be put in line, not to mention the other benefits." He replied, side eyeing me as he did.
I looked at my sister who was looking straight at me and shrugged. She seemed just as confused as I did.
"You're engaged, I trust that you'll take it upon yourself to talk to us respectfully about it. There's going to be no debate, we're not changing our minds, everything has been agreed already."
If I was mid drinking, my bedsheets, corset and blouse, parents and pillow would have been soaked.
"To who?" I asked, frantically. I wish my sister wouldn't have been there to see me panicking, but siblings are siblings and will always be nosey.
"The youngest son in the royal family."
"You have got to be kidding me." My sister squealed from the door.
"Yeah, what she said. How did this happen, and why?"
My mother looked at me, up to my father, nodded and focused her attention on me again, seriousness in her eyes.
"It's not at all ladylike to be asking so many questions about this, you'll go through with the wedding, with the terms that come with it and you mustn't fail us. Or yourself."
"Did nobody think to ask me about this, marrying me off to a boy, I can't stand? It seems like a stupid, obvious way for you to get power, surely there must be-"
"Enough." My fathers quiet, threating whispers are worse than his shouting. Not quite however worse than being hit. It's not uncommon to be slapped silent by a parent or partner. I've seen him do it to my mother. Only once, he was drunk, he promised it wouldn't happen again, he never has laid hands on her since. I've been slapped a few times, so has my sister but we move on from it. It's hard to get caught up on those feelings, after all, it's your family, you always come around, you always love them.
But at that moment I was livid. I couldn't argue against them, I knew it would cause more problems than it would resolve. There was nothing I could do about it. I was tied up with Cardan Greenbriar. Royal Prince and pain in the arse.
But here we were now. Dressed up in the fanciest clothes I have ever worn. A burgundy velvet dress, laced with golden silk, tied at the back with ribbons, and cinched at the waist, with yet another corset, it was an elegant piece and despite the slight discomfort, I felt beautiful in it.
Cardan was dressed in a cream shirt, black trousers that were slightly baggy at the ankles, rings adorning his long fingers and pointy ears. We looked like a rich couple, but far from happy, thankfully we didn't have to smile for this painting.
We were draped across a plump, rich purple coloured couch. Half empty wine glasses in hands. My heels were slipping off my feet and he was barefoot. He smelt like alcohol, smoke and blood, it was all I could think about. I didn't know if it was my mind telling me that or if he actually smelt like a murder scene from a book I would have read in the past.
I felt something wrap around my ankle and looking down I saw what it was. His tail. Wrapped, possessively around my ankle.
"Greenbriar, take it off." I warn
"No, I feel like it fits, me, around you, reminding everyone who you belong to." He whispers, slowly.
"I don't belong to you." I hiss at him.
"Sure, but it wouldn't harm to have the folk believe that. They'll love it, they love a happily ever after."
"Oh we're far from a happily ever after."
"Whatever you say, but you're always here with me, and when this is finished, we'll eat together, we'll retire to the same bed, wake up, me around you, just like now. You'll get used to it sweetheart. Don't worry your pretty little head about it now."
I couldn't speak, I just nodded along, doe eyed, feeling like I was a mouse and he was a snake. But he wouldn't just eat me straight away, no, I could tell this snake loves to play with his food.
And no one could tell him not to, after all, he's royalty.
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grey-sides · 1 year
my heart, a locket for you
Here is the Harringrove for Turkey fill for @chrisbitchtree! I hope you love it and thank you so, so much for donating!!
~2.6K words, explicit
Billy tells him when he’s in the bath. Steve has some candles lit, the lights turned off with a glass of wine in one hand and the radio playing in the background.
It’s funny that he doesn’t even care that Billy is walking in on him naked. They’ve kept each other alive through hazings, near alcohol poisoning, and heartbreak. Billy’s seen him naked before and at his very worst. Sitting in a bubble bath is nothing.
“I’m thinking of moving back to California,” Billy admits, shrugging. He’s wearing a clean t-shirt, one that fits him well enough to highlight his biceps and triceps and all the ’ceps that Steve wants to touch.
Steve takes a swallow of wine, does his best not to choke on it. Billy wants to move back to California. He’s probably always wanted to move back to California. And now that they’re graduated, there’s no reason for him not to.
“Back to where you’re from?” Steve asks and hopes his voice isn’t too strangled. He’s supposed to be relaxing, but Billy is dropping bombs on him.
Billy shrugs, grabs the bottle of wine and takes a drink. “Probably. Maybe. Still gotta find a place, but I figured I would let you know, you know? Give you time to get used to the idea of not having to see my ugly mug every morning.”
Steve has gotten painfully, irrevocably used to seeing Billy’s face every morning. But now he’s going to have to not see it. It makes his chest ache. He fills the hole with another swallow of wine.
“Well, good then. Means I’ll be able to have over more girls.”
Billy snorts, drinks more wine and leaves Steve to his bath. He flickers the lights a couple of times before he actually leaves and Steve laughs. They have time, Billy hasn’t enough found a place to move yet.
They moved in together for college, during their freshmen year. They had both moved across the country to go to Temple University, which Steve hadn’t expected but once he realized living with Billy wasn’t too bad- he hadn’t minded.
Billy was typically clean, or at least good at keeping his mess on his side of the room. He liked to wear just his boxers and a tank top around the dorm room, but Steve never minded. They worked well together, living in the same dorm room.
So they just stuck with it. Through their first cramped dorm room to a weird suite with two weird roomates, to their first off-campus place that they hosted parties in every weekend.
And when the holidays came around, Billy would drive home with him. One night to visit Max, middle ground at her mother’s, away from his father. And then he would charm Steve’s parents. Mostly his mother, but it was good.
It’s still good. It’s a nicer apartment than their first off-campus one, it’s for real adults with full-time jobs which they both have. Two shiny degrees tacked to the wall in the living room, opposite the television.
Steve doesn’t want to leave this apartment. Or, well, it’s not the apartment, really. It’s Billy. Billy will leave, go back to California and become one with the surf and sand again.
If Steve was a good roommate and not in love with Billy, he would offer to go with him. Spend a week looking at apartments, asking Billy to show him around. Giving him freedom and space and help.
But he’s selfish, he always has been. He wants Billy to stay as long as possible, have to ask the post office to order him some special newspapers from California so he can look at listings.
He wants to savor their nightly dinners, shared at the shitty dining room table Billy cobbled together in an elective. He wants to grab Billy a beer from the bridge and press it to the back of his neck until he smacks him every night. He wants to see if they both can fit into the easy chair Steve’s dad bought Billy to prove that he could.
“Dinner!” Steve shouts, scooping pasta into bowls. He has the salad bowl set on the table already with ranch dressing for him and Italian for Billy. There’s water there too, it looks domestic, friendly, like maybe they’re a family.
Billy waltzes out in his cut off shorts with his hair in a bandanna. It’s out of control these days, long and untamed. He used to bitch about finding a hairdresser, so Steve trims the ends for him.
“Hmmm you made pesto?” Billy asks, stretching so he can scratch his stomach. He crosses behind Steve while Steve carries bowls to the table and heads for the kitchen sink. Domestic.
Steve nods and wipes his hands off with his dishtowel, looking at the spread on the table. “Yeah, I used pine nuts this time because you said you like them,” he replies. He nods once and goes to wash his hands too.
Billy takes his usual seat, chair against the wall so he can see the door. It’s just something Steve’s gotten used to, living with him. He likes to see doors, any place someone can enter from. Steve knows it’s from his dad, but he doesn’t begrudge him for it. Billy’s allowed to have fears from that man.
“Thanks, are there any nuts left over?”
“Half a bag,” Steve hums. He picks up his fork and twirls pasta around it. “Stuck them in your cabinet by the fridge.”
Billy grins. “You’re the best.”
Steve flips him off as his heart warms in his chest. They dig in to eat and for awhile, it’s just the sound of their forks scraping the bowls, chewing and slurping.
“Harrington,” Billy says, eventually, looking intently at him.
“Hm?” Steve pokes his head up, looks at Billy with wide eyes. Billy doesn’t say a word, he just leans over and drags his napkin down Steve’s cheek. Steve blushes to the roots of his hair and looks down hurriedly when Billy pulls his hand away.
“Thanks,” he mumbles.
“Anytime, but you gotta get better at not getting shit all over your face, since I won’t be here forever,” Billy teases him.
It’s enough reminder to make Steve’s heart sink. Billy hasn’t really made any moves yet, he hems and haws about how hard it is to find a place without being there. But he hasn’t tried to find flights or listings, as far as Steve can tell.
“Yeah, would you get on that?” Steve chuckles, light, teasing. He doesn’t want Billy to leave. He can’t imagine asking him to stay.
Billy rolls his eyes, but he doesn’t say anything. The silence leaves Steve enough space to wonder if maybe Billy doesn’t want to go either. Or…or if he wants Steve to go with.
Later, weeks or months or seasons, it’s hard to tell sometimes, Billy bothers Steve in his room. He hovers in the doorway and watches Steve, waits until Steve grabs a pillow to throw at him because he’s being silent and creepy.
“Asshole,” Billy mutters, catching the pillow. He throws it right back and Steve catches it with his face.
Steve sets the pillow down and fixes his glasses. He runs his fingers through his hair and raises his brows. He has a magazine open in his lap, reading an article about a movie he wants to go see.
“What?” Steve asks, pushing the magazine to the side.
Billy shrugs, licks his lips. “About California…”
Steve waits for him to continue, but it’s clear Billy doesn’t have any other thoughts. Or he doesn’t know what else to say. “What about it?”
“I’m really gonna go, you know?”
Steve nods slowly, shifts over on his bed because Billy insists on taking the right side. “I know, you said you would.”
Billy takes a deep breath, blows it out slowly. “You ever think about moving?”
Steve shrugs, wraps his arms around his pillow and hugs it to his chest. It’s late, the hour of honesty and loneliness.
“I moved from Hawkins, didn’t I?”
Billy lays back on his bed, looks up at the ceiling. His hair is damp, curled wildly around his face on the pillow. “Yeah. Guess we did.”
Steve could kiss him, wants to kiss him. He wants to lean over him and kiss him senseless until Billy is breathless and begging. Until Steve can leave his mark all over him so that no matter where Billy goes, he will never forget Steve Harrington.
“Why do you want to go back to California?” he asks instead.
Billy shrugs. “Always said I was going to.”
“Do you not like it here?”
“Summers suck, man, they’re so fucking humid.”
Steve hums, rolls onto his side to watch Billy. “But we get snow. And cheesesteaks.”
“Ohhh cheesesteaks,” Billy grumbles, humming. “With provolone, no whiz.”
“No whiz, never,” Steve whispers.
Steve licks his lips, there’s something here, in the space between them. Sitting on the sheets and waiting to be picked up and examined.
“And I’m here,” Steve adds. His voice is low, maybe he could say he coughed if Billy calls him on it.
“You’re here,” Billy agrees softly. He closes his eyes, his eyelashes touch his cheeks, the freckles dusted there. Steve wants to commit them to memory on the tips of his fingers.
“Don’t leave,” Steve mumbles. He swallows hard and reaches out, curling his fingers into Billy’s soft band t-shirt. “Don’t go back to California, not without me.”
Billy’s lower lip trembles and his eyes screw shut tighter. He looks like he wants to burst into tears. Steve knows the feeling.
“Don’t what? Don’t tell you the truth? I want you here with me. Don’t go somewhere and not let me follow.”
Billy grabs his wrist, squeezes it and turns to look at him with shiny eyes. “I have to leave or I won’t stop loving you.”
“Fucking-!” Steve throws his pillow to the ground and surges up to kiss Billy. Idiots, both of them.
He untangles his hand from his shirt and cradles his cheek in one hand. It’s so warm to the touch because Billy contains the sun and he probably needs to go back to California to get it recharged, but they can go together. Later.
Billy makes a soft sound and one of his hands fits against Steve’s lower back. He forces Steve to straddle his waist, kissing back like they need to share air.
Steve leans himself into Billy’s embrace, spending just a moment marveling at how well they fit together. Of course they do, they’ve always fit together, it’s part of why living together has worked out so well.
He groans quietly when Billy tugs on his lower lip and slides his hand up to tangle in his hair. Steve tugs on the ends of it, huffing a bit as he rocks his hips down.
“Stay,” he whispers. “If we do this, you have to stay. You have to wait until we can find a place together.”
Billy nods, pulls back to look at Steve with bright eyes. “I’m gonna stay. Haven’t found a place anyway.”
Steve knows it’s the truth because Billy’s been dragging this out as much as Steve has been carefully not touching it to keep him here. He dives back in and slides his left hand down Billy’s body.
Billy groans next and starts to wiggle so he can get his shirt off. Steve has to put his mouth in the center of Billy’s chest and looks up at him through his lashes. He tugs his own shirt over his head too, dropping both of them onto the floor.
He’s suddenly glad that Billy likes the right side because then he won’t have to sleep in the wet spot. Or they can go sleep in Billy’s bed which has no wet spots. Choices, choices, Steve stops thinking about their choices.
They get undressed, still familiar, but breathing hard. It’s not from playing basketball in the summer or doing laps at the Y in the winter. It’s because they’re kissing and touching, hands sliding over skin, grabbing fistfuls.
Steve leans over Billy enough to smack around his bedside table. Condom, lube, he always has them, easy, accessible, sitting right out in the open because he’s twenty-fucking-three.
“Shit, you ever done this before?” Billy laughs.
“Fuck no,” Steve giggles in return. “Hands?”
“Hands, but I’m gonna learn how to do it for you,” Billy decides. He tosses the condom away but keeps the lube close.
Steve kisses his stomach and picks up the lube to wrap his hand around it. Maybe he can warm it, he wants to warm it for Billy like he’s never wanted to warm lube for anyone before.
Billy pulls him up for another kiss, one hand on his cheek, the other fitting around both their dicks. It’s dry, his hand is calloused from weights, but Steve moans anyway.
There’s nothing like being touched by someone he loves, he can’t help it. He huffs a couple of times and bites down on Billy’s lip.
Steve pulls back to get lube between them, too much, at least for now, but it’s fine. They’re gross, they’re boys, he loves Billy so much it’s not funny. He rolls his hips up and Billy moans next, friction.
“Shit do that again,” Billy begs. He has his hand curled around them both, so Steve can do the hip work.
He starts a slow roll, finding a rhythm that works for both of them. And he kisses Billy, his lips are going to be sore tomorrow from Billy’s facial hair, but he doesn’t care. He’s so focused on how their skin drags together, the rasp of his chest hair against Billy’s chest.
Steve’s toes curl and he really pushes himself into Billy’s hand, listens to make sure it’s good for Billy too. He wants this moment to last forever. He’s imprinting himself into Billy’s heartbeats if he wasn’t there already.
“Fuck,” Billy breathes. His hips rock up too, uncontrollable while he chases that release. Steve watches him, mouth hanging open. They can do this again later or tomorrow or any day from now until forever.
“Come on, show me how good you look when you come,” Steve coaxes. He wraps his hand around them too, has to take a deep breath to keep from shooting off, he wants to see Billy come first.
Billy grunts and focuses, looking down between them. Steve keeps rocking his hips, so focused on that pretty face, the furrow of his brows, the way his lips are sucked between his teeth.
When Billy comes, his face opens up, he drops his head back and almost laughs into his moan. Steve is totally transfixed, paused halfway in a thrust. He has to kiss Billy’s jaw and feels the wet splash of spunk between them.
Steve moans and slides through Billy’s come breathlessly. He comes a moment later, squeezing down hard on himself as he thinks of Billy’s blue eyes, searching for the heavens he’s found within himself.
Steve flops beside him. His chest is heaving, his hand and stomach are sticky, but his heart is soaring. He’s smiling, he looks at Billy and smiles even wider.
“I love you,” he whispers.
Billy turns to smile at him too, leans in for a soft, sweet kiss. He’s tender to the touch, when Steve splays his sticky hand on his chest.
“I love you too,” Billy mumbles when they pull apart. “Come with me to California.”
And Steve doesn’t know what else the future holds or if he’s even going to like California. But he wants to keep this life with Billy. So he just smiles and says, “Okay.”
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dark-night-hero · 1 year
Imagine being Diluc and Kaeya's older sibling.
Imagine being that time of the year. Looking down at your two lovely siblings, one red and one blue. You cannot help but to smile at the scene as the two got along really well as they talked to Adelinde about the choices of food for the night.
"Now now young masters, what should we get for dinner?" "Chicken mushroom skewers!" "Pile em up!" Just like that the two turn at each other with a glare "What about the drinks?" "Grape juice!" "But I don't like grape juice.." "I don't like skewers.." And now they were looking at each other with a tearful not wanting to loose face. "Aren't they lovely?" You spoke, glancing back at your aide who just sweat dropped at you.
Imagine looking at the scene for a couple more of second as you smirk amusement at Adelinde's obviously distressed with the two children. And then you have a bright idea causing you to make your way down stairs. "Master (First name). You're up." "Ah yes, I just woke up right now actually." You chuckle, that was lie. You woke up like an hour ago, causing your aide to let out a few fake cough right behind you in which you pretend not to notice.
"Also you're talking about the dinner for tonight right?" "Yes, it was rare to have the family completed in such event so I figured out to ask the young master what to prepare for the luncheon but.." Looking at the two children with tears running down their pouty faces, you smirk. "If thats the case, how about you prepare for some of my favorite food for tonight? I'm pretty sure they'll like it, my favorite drink would also be appreciated." You smile innocently at the two as they look at you like they have some across a big villain. Haha, cuties.
Imagine that same night as you were having your luncheon dinner with the rest of the staffs in the manor, in the middle of your conversation with Uncle, now your adoptive father with some business matters, you manage to catch a glimpse of Diluc and Kaeya's sulking faces upon seeing the food prepared right in front of their faces. And then they took a bite of it, slowly but surely, their cute little faces lit up. "(First name)? Is there something wrong?" "Hmm? Nothing. In fact I'm quite happy tonight." You said with a chuckle. Glad you two enjoy it.
"I think.. I think I should do the wrapping.." "Nonsense, I can do this. There is nothing I can't do.." "Wrapping I suppose?" ".. fine you do it." "Well if you really want, I can lend you a hand if you'll allow me?" "Fine, teach me." "That's what I've been trying to do for a while now Master." "Oh shut it will you?"
Imagine after an hour of twist and bickering with your aide, perhaps taking advantage of being in the same age as you. The two of you walked down the manor, two gifts in your aide's hand as the two of you stopped under the huge ass tree in the middle of the hall. On the table in the corner of the room was a meal of pile em up and chicken mushrooms skewers as well as a glass of grape juice and.. wine? You almost burst out laughing. "Please hold it Master. We don't want the young masters to wake up" "Pfff oh please."
Imagine the day after, you joyful tears and laughter was the only sound that wake you up as much to your aide's dismay given the fact that he was been trying to wake you up for a while now but got no reaction but here you are waking up at the sound of your siblings have fun.
Imagine dragging yourself all the way towards the tailings of the second floor to have a better view of your younger siblings on the ground floor, your aide trailing right behind you with his own box of presents. There you lean against the railings, looking down was the happy faces of your younger brother opening up their gifts, one was a little claymore sword and the other was a new black eye patch with a simple pattern, much better than the same old boring white medical one. Also do not forget about the extra present, two tortoise on a small glass container.
Imagine the smile on your face, the way you let out a sigh of relief at the few of your younger siblings enjoying their presents for the special occasion for the day. "Master?" "Yeah?" "Here." "What?" "Here, a present." ".. Thank you." Despite your adoptive father busy schedule for the day, leaving you and your little siblings to spend the rest of the day, maybe it wasn't that bad as you thought. "Could you tell Adelinde to dress up the boys? I'm planning to take them to the city with me." "As you wish my liege."
Imagine as years have gone by, looking back at the memorable times you've spend with your siblings, there was a bitter smile on your face. "Master Diluc and Master Kaeya has yet to reply to the invitation, I think.." "We'll be spending this time on our own again?" You chuckle, "It's all right. I suppose they're busy like the past few years."
Imagine after the death of your adoptive father, nothing was the same as it was, Diluc left leaving you to manage all the things that was left behind, and although Kaeya never left, the distance between the two of you. It was already too late when you noticed it, leaving you off on your own to manage. But then again, looking at your aide, no. Your lover currently making your luncheon for the night, "What?" "Nothing" You shake your head with a small smile on your face.
Imagine as the two of you was about to start, there was a knock on your door. It was late, plus the manor was in a bit of a secluded area per your request when you moved so people doesn't really come here unless needed. Perhaps? Still you shake your head, you knew better than to get your hopes up. There was a time where you're actually all excited, but then as time passed by, you just don't want to get disappointed, you don't want to get hurt by your own expectations.
"Who- oh darling. It's the traveler." "Really? Tell her to get i-" "She says she had only come to deliver a present." "Wha- pfff what pre-" "Would you mind preparing another set of cutlery for the night?" "If you don't mind us bargaining late for the night? We're hoping that the invitation is still-?!" Before you knew it yourself, you're already hugging your two younger siblings with a flabbergasted look on your face.
Imagine crying before you knew it, still clinging into your younger siblings, they have no idea of what to do, unconsciously clenching on the gifts on their hands. The feeling of guilt creeping up on their chest just seeing you like this. Realizing how hard it must have been for you for the past few years because the two of them suddenly went on their own way, leaving you torn and wondering what happened between the two of them. You were alone all these time, or so they thought when they notice your once aide approaching.
"I.." "We.." "Right. How about we save that for later? The food is getting cold." "Oh dear yes, you're right. Ms. Lumine, paimon. Please do stay for the night and join us and the boys for the meal." You spoke with a smile upon withdrawing away from your siblings. "Oh dear I suddenly missed Adelinde and oh your friends too, Jean and Barbara such a shame they couldn't make it for the night." "... Adelinde says she got something to do, I brought a gift on her behalf." "Same goes with Jean and Barbara.."
Imagine as the luncheon dinner passes by, there was nothing but small comfortable talks, strange enough it felt comforting and not uncomfortable as much to their surprise and expectations maybe it was because of the traveler and paimon who mostly do the talking but they were pretty sure of one thing. It's like nothing have changed. You're still the same, although they could tell you've aged quite a bit, perhaps because it's been a long time since they've seen you, because it really has been a long time.
"Thank you for coming tonight. I really mean it." It was your lover who spoke to them as they waited for you, who was currently with the traveler and paimon cleaning the dinning table in the kitchen. "It was nothing." "It was nothing." They both spoke at the same time. "Ehem, rather we're thankful for inviting us despite not giving any heads up nor reply." "What's important is that you've come." "Can we ask, how were they doing these past few years?"
Imagine the look on their faces, the way both of their fist curl upon self frustration as they heard about have you've been doing the past few years. For the first time, well, not really the first time as they've already been told by Adelinde, one of the reasons why they decided to call it a truce for the day as they came here despite the bickering and sarcastic on the way with the traveler having to put up with it.
Imagine it was their time to leave, as much as they want to take the offer and stay for the night, they all got something to do. Bidding your goodbye with the traveler, you turn to your siblings. "I'm not sure if I've already said it but, thank you for coming, Luc, Kaeya." You smile at the two. "If it wasn't that much to ask, would you like to come over in some other time? In normal days? You don't even have to give a heads up, just knock on our door and... haha I'm sorry, I know you two are busy most of the time. Please do forget about it."
Imagine once again they felt a pang on their chest, but this time, before they could regret anything again. "We.. We will come. We'll drop by when we have time.. Isn't that right, Kaeya?" ".. Right. We'll make sure to bring the others that time too." "Really?" "Really." "Really." "Then that's a relief." You smile at them. "Oh no, you should go, it's getting late. I've hold you guys up for too long."
Imagine as you rest on the arms of your lover as you watch the duo and your siblings walking away from afar, you seem to notice Diluc and Kaeya bickering from afar causing a smile on your face but then they suddenly turn around causing you to raise a brow. "What's with them?" "I don't know?" But then as you read their lips saying. "Thank you for tonight. Merry Christmas"
Imagine upon reading their lips, a rare smile on their faces could be scene. At the same time, the flashbacks of their younger version came into mind that time where they received the present you've given them back when they were still a kid. "Ah really, they're so cute." You laugh, for some odd reasons, you felt like you won't just be spending these kinds of celebrations alone with just your lover anymore, but rather as the way it was before.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2022°
: kinda late but merry christmas everyone :)
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godshitgirl · 5 months
Nothing on my mind except Chuuya with depression who gets some help from an expert in that field (dazai🙄)
It starts simple. Dazai and Chuuya often meet at an underground bar to have a drink together. It's the one time they can talk to each other peacefully, no need for their constant bickering and attacks, here they can actually be civilized.
Chuuya doesn't notice it at first. All he knows is that as of late, he hasn't really been in the mood. Jobs that he would finish in a heartbeat suddenly become such a burden. Things he used to love like music and wine are all but fuzzy memories, he doesn't feel anything for them now. He's always tired, and he's never tired. Chuuya would never admit when he wants to hit the hay. As long as the boss needed him, he was there.
He comes in late for his and Dazai's biweekly meetings. Dazai can already tell the other is in distress. His once so strong appearance that he accomplished with so much effort seemed improvised, shirt undone by three top buttons, jacket hanging by his arm, no vest, hair in disarray, it was barely like Chuuya anymore.
"What's wrong, Slug? You win a hobo costume contest or something?" Dazai tried to tease, to lighten the mood.
"Shut up, fish for brains, m' not in the mood." Chuuya says begrudgingly as he takes a seat one stool away from Dazai, like he always did.
"Oh? Do tell," Dazai slid a glass of shiny brown liquid and three floating ice cubes to his ex partner, who took it without a word.
"None of your goddamn business, Mackerel." Chuuya was grumpy, cranky even, at Dazai's poor attempt at comforting him.
"Aw, c'mon, Chuu! This is Lupin we're in! What's the point of this place still standing if we don't share anything and everything in it?"
Chuuya sighed a short "fine" and opened up.
"I've just been so tired lately." He said.
"Oh? Mori giving you trouble?"
"Nah, the workload's just as much as before, I checked. It just...feels like more than I can carry, y'know?"
"Well, maybe you should take a break," Dazai said in a cheerful tone. "I know a couple of islands you could visit for a vacation. They've got wine and music and probably some tacky hats if you feel like i-"
"That's the thing, I'm not in the mood to take a break. Or do the things I want. They just....don't seem that appealing anymore. And even if I do take some time off, what if the boss needs me? I can't just let go of that responsibility."
By now Chuuya has had one too many drinks than he can handle in this state, and by that I mean he's only had one, the one Dazai gave him. Already he was looking even worse. Dazai figured it was time for him to go home.
Usually when Chuuya was drunk and Dazai was the poor soul who had to take him home to safety, he would be met with countless insults and "I'm not drunk"s or "one last drink"s. But this time, Chuuya didn't resist a bit. He groggily got off the stool, greeted the bartender, took his coat and walked out silently with Dazai. It's a feeling the latter definitely wasn't used to.
They got to Chuuya's apartment, a luxurious suite at the top of a 30+ story condo that had a bigger bedroom than Dazai's entire home, and the brunette laid his friend down on the couch. Once he knew he was comfortable he slid down to sit on the floor with his back leaning on the couch, staying close to watch his friend. It wasn't the first time he'd done this, and it won't be the last.
"You get feelings like this too, right?"
"All the time, buddy. Why?"
"I was worried about that. Do you...have any tips on...how to deal with it?"
Dazai paused for a second.
"Have you thought about just...not dealing with it?"
"Can't afford to do that."
"Why not?"
"Well, unlike you, some of us are actually competent assets to our jobs. If I go down the entire Port Mafia will go down too."
"That's not your responsibility."
"It was when you left."
Another long pause. Chuuya was a little out of it, but even he could tell it was too quiet in there.
The silence was so long Chuuya's eyes started to get heavier. His long lashes would flutter up and down as he tried to remain awake. He didn't know why, there was no reason for him to stay away that night...right?
Dazai felt the change in Chuuya's atmosphere even while looking away. As he turned around he saw Chuuya's cute little eyelids flutter like butterflies and his bright blue pupils softening towards slumber.
"Are you going to sleep? Because I can leave if you want." Dazai was quick to get back up on his feet and make his way to the door. However he wasn't quick enough for something to not catch him by the tail of his coat.
"Wait," came a voice. Dazai looked behind him. Chuuya had pulled himself out of the couch just to reach him. His hand gripped on lightly to his coat yet it was probably all the strength he could muster.
"Could you...stay here for a little while?" He asked bashfully. They weren't little kids anymore, asking a guy to stay the night means something now.
Dazai's face went from confused to soft and reassuring. "Sure, Shrimp." He said as he made his way back to the couch. "Since Chuuya needs me so much, I guess I can stay."
"All I need you for is to repel any mice or rats that come in here. Your fishy scent will drive them away."
"Oh my! How hurtful! You've really done it now, Chuuya, I'm devastated!"
"Shut up..."
Neither of them know how it happened, but soon enough the two were asleep. Chuuya on the couch, stomach down and face to the side in case he needed to vomit (he didn't) with a hand reaching out. And Dazai leaning against the arm rest of the couch, also slightly on his side, hand almost touching Chuuya's.
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