#i would have added alot more
redchikittymeow · 1 month
this kinda character list of my favs
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roman godfrey from hemlock grove
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Ivar the boneless from Vikings
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Hannibal and will from Hannibal
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negan smith from the walking dead
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homelander from the boys
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Lucas hood from banshee
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Tommy shelby from the peaky blinders
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katvazamo · 2 months
i think the consensus of the watcher situation is that people would pay a subscription service but seeing the content as it is now they cant justify
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rykno-j · 10 months
What it means to be the Strongest (j/jk)
Again writen with s/atos/ugu in mind, but unestablished, though definitely in love.
Summary: So my previous fic, if i remember correctly, had a line like:
["S/atoru, you've been too strong for too long. Let me take over, even if just for a little while."]
and then i realised i have something like that in my drafts, so why not i just develop the thought a little?
Notes: the timeline for this would be set before my previous fic [here] but reading it it isn't required to understand this one.
possibly written in the context of pre-RCT g/ojo? because i didn't want him to have the ability to replenish himself in any way. cue "Domain Amplification": Exhaustion.
there's also a point in the fic i used single inverted commas, like this: '[text]'. js to clarify, those are not actual dialogue but just g/eto's thoughts. uh.. it will make more sense when you reach that part..
And finally, to cope with the month of wait before Shibuya, I present to you..
3.4k words
"Satoru, you've been specially requested."
"..Specially requested."
"..Specially resquested."
Geto watches as Gojo visibly deflates, before he shakes his head, expression changing as he stands up with that same bravo as ever.
"Right!! I'll prepare to leave immediately!"
The quiver in his legs don't go unnoticed by Geto.
This has been been happening for the past month. Don't they have other sorcerers that they can send?
The answer to that was obvious.
Of course there was. But who in the right mind would call on someone who was below 'the best option'?
Mission after mission, Geto finds himself missing the company of his friend. Normally, they would go on them together, but the recent spike in cases had left him with barely any space to breathe either, though he was relatively sure they were easier on him compared to Gojo.
He swears the other hadn't slept in weeks. Geto would return to their dorms, and the bed would still made the way he left it in the morning.
The few times he had tried to look under Gojo's sunglasses for eyebags, his hand had been swatted away, either physically or stopped with Infinity.
"Suguruu- I'm fine, don't worry about me."
"..Then look me in the eyes and say that again."
Gojo would laugh in response, waving his wrist dismissively in Geto's direction. "Of course I'm fine, we're the strongest, remember? It won't be fair I claimed to be tired now would it? Not that I am, of course."
Yes it would be, it would be fair. You need breaks too, Geto wanted to say, was going to say, if not for another interruption, this time from Gojo's phone.
It lit up in his lap, before the screen was raised to eye level. Geto watched as Gojo's eyebrows furrowed, shoulders slumping almost unnoticeably in disappointment.
He has seen this play out a thousand times before. As much as Geto wanted to reach out to drag Gojo back down next to him, his hand was frozen to his side.
"Another special request.. ahhh- I guess I better go get ready."
Geto watched silently as Gojo sauntered away, as if he was about to leave for a party, not a possibly life-threatening mission. Seriously.. he was forever taking things too lightly.
Geto wanted to do something, anything. Maybe file a request to give Satoru some space to breathe? Possibly even an argument that allowed him to join in the missions as backup?
But there was always the possibility that Gojo would turn down rest, no matter how desperately he needed it. He was wearing himself dangerously thin, like a thread about to snap. All he needed was a little tug to break.
Days later:
"Satoru- want to go get a drink? I just saw the workers leaving, I think they got the machines refilled."
When met with no reply, Geto turned back, only to see Gojo spacing out a distance away.
"Sa-to-ru. Satoru- are you there?"
He walks up to the other, waving an open palm in front of the bowed head.
Behind the sunglasses, Geto sees Gojo's eyelashes flutter open before a finger came up to push them back into position, covering his eyes from view.
"Ah- yeah I'm here. Sorry, what were you saying?"
There he went again, dozing off at every chance he got. Geto noticed that had started happening two days ago. In class, during training, while queuing for food, while standing. And now, even while walking.
"..hH'!! ..hAH'sHHiew!! hh'..heH'tchH!!"
And there was that too. Something was definitely wrong.
"Satoru- when's the last time you slept?"
"I was just sleeping, hahaha-! Didn't you see?"
"That's not-"
"Suguru, if you're going to chew me out for not resting again, I assure you, I'm perfhH'.. perfectly.. fhH'.. fine-"
Geto shot him a look that screamed "Really??", and Gojo would have seen it, if not for the fact he snapped to the side violently, bending over as his breath hitched desperately.
"..hh'-hIH-tcHH'iew!! ..hAH'zZchHiw!!"
"Dhh'..Don't worry abou'uhH'- hhH'!! hiH'zZchh!! ..hAH'DzZsh'w!! ..a-about me."
With the way he was swaying at the moment, Geto was sure a light breeze could knock him over.
What more, with the way he was standing, slouched over, a passerby would never be able to tell that Gojo was the taller of the two.
Hence, while Geto wouldn't consider himself to be one who actively sought after physical contact with Gojo (that's a lie though), he couldn't help but inch closer to the other, putting a comforting arm around Gojo's waist.
Geto then stared at the top of Gojo's head. Did his hair always look this messy? Surely not. Satoru wasn't one who paid too much attention to appearances, but this was taking it to an extreme.
"You look like you're going to collapse. Seriously. Tell me what's wrong."
"..Maybe- maybe.." Gojo mumbled as a response to Geto's earlier statement. "..Maybe I'm not feeling as well I thought.. haha-"
Geto sighs. "Took you damn near long enough. Come on, let's head back to our dorm. The drinks can wait."
Gojo whined something incomprehensible before he reached out a shaky hand to grab the arm supporting him from behind. He tilted his head up at an angle to shoot Geto a playful yet tired smirk. "Wait.. ahhh- Suguru.. s-sorry- I think.. I think I'm gonna to pass out right now."
Of course. Of course he could still find the energy to fool around in such circumstances. It was one of Gojo's character traits that Geto never understood.
He had half a mind to ask the other to snap out of it. But upon further inspection, Geto watched as Gojo's pupil glazed over with a hazy, faraway look, before it shrunk, eyelids sliding shut as Gojo went slack in his arms.
Seriously. Jokes like these should really be saved for less dire situations.
"..Satoru.. come on, let's go back."
No response.
"..Oi- Satoru.. you can't be serious. Quit fucking with me.."
No response. It's fine. Gojo liked messing with him after all.
"..S-Satoru.. oi Satoru!"
"..Fuck Fuck FUCK-! You can't be serious-"
He wasn't joking.
Forgetting that he could always manipulate his curses to handle Gojo's weight, Geto slipped his free hand under Gojo's knees, hauling him into his arms, bridal style.
"..Asshole! You're such an asshole."
'Your asshole though, right?' Geto could hear Gojo's teasing voice in his head as he made his way quickly through the hallway, his pace bordering a sprint.
That's right. My asshole.
Geto placed Gojo gently on the freshly made bed. It was probably the first time in weeks he had laid there. A soft groan escaped Gojo's lips as his head made contact with the soft pillow.
Good. He wasn't dead yet.
However, a quick touch to his cheek made Geto question his previous thought. With a fever like that, how was he not dead?
Quickly grabbing a small towel, Geto soaked it with water from his bottle, wringing it onto the floor before he brought it to the other's forehead. The mess of water puddles could wait. He had more important things to tend to.
Geto carefully folded and set Gojo's sunglasses aside, gently brushing away the strands of hair covering his face. The wet cloth was then put on his forehead.
It's not much, but it should help.
Knowing Gojo, he probably didn't take any medicine since this started. Speaking of which, Geto made a mental note to ask when it did. Gojo had been busy with a mission for the past few days, so it probably meant he was working through whatever this was.
Probably a cold.
The sneezing earlier should have been an obvious indication, but the fever he was currently running sealed the deal.
Geto knew exhaustion would eventually catch up to him. To be completely honest, he had thought Gojo would give in earlier. He must have been holding out way pass his limits.
It was alright to be weak at times, even for the 'Strongest', a concept that Gojo never seemed to understand. Either that or he did, but chose to ignore it in place of his ego and the fact that he didn't want anyone else to get hurt in his place if the curses turned out to the stronger than reported.
Geto suspected the reason leaned more towards the latter. Gojo had always cared about others in his own way, whether he considered them weak or not. Although.. with the way he openly made fun of people around him, it would cause others to beg otherwise.
Geto knew him better than that.
A soft whine drew him back into the present. Geto turned to focus his attention on Gojo. Even in the dimly lit room, his brilliant blue eyes were hard to miss, hard to look away from, no matter how dulled they were from the haze of the fever.
"Suguru.. Suguru-"
"Shh. Rest. I'm here."
"..You carried me here?"
Gojo let out a laugh that looked like it took all his effort. "You're stronger than you look then."
"You're just lighter than you look."
The small exchange put Geto slightly more at ease. If Satoru could still make any conversation into a joke, he was fine. Well, it at least meant his brain wasn't fried yet.
A sharp, feathery inhale dragged Geto's attention back to the bed.
"..hih'tchh!! hh'..hah'tchiw!!"
"Bless you." God. Even his sneezes sounded tired, a complete difference from his normal, over exaggerated ones.
"snff'- ..thanks."
Gojo looked seconds away from passing out again, his fist closing around the soft blanket. Sighing, Geto stood up.
"Alright, that's enough of being awake for you. Go back to sleep, okay? Let yourself rest for once."
"Hah.. so reluctant to talk to me?"
Quite the opposite, actually, Geto wanted to say. Instead, he reached over to straighten the cloth. It had fallen over to cover one of Gojo's eyes, making him look a lot more endearing than Geto would ever care to admit.
"Of course not. I just have something I have to get done, so I'll be leaving for a bit."
Geto turned away right as Gojo's frame sunk into the mattress in disappointment. If he had seen it, there was no way Geto would have left his side for another good year.
"Mm, okay."
Geto was careful not to open the door too wide. It was early in the evening, and he wanted to let in as little light as possible. Satoru had always been sensitive after all.
Behind the closed door, Gojo turned to the side, snatching Geto's pillow into his chest, pulling it into a tight embrace. He was sure the other wouldn't mind.
Getting pissed won't help anybody, Geto knew that, he really did. But with Gojo practically forced into bed-rest for at least half a week, he needed to raise some of his concerns to his teachers, at least.
He pulls the classroom door open.
"Ah, Suguru. Right on time. I've got a new mission file for you."
"Right. That's exactly what I've come to talk to you ab-"
"Satoru has been specially requested."
"..See that's-"
"But I've written in to specially request you to follow him."
"-exactly what I've been.. huh? What?"
The teacher gave him a knowing smile before sliding a file over the table. Of course. Always doing things in a roundabout way. He's seen that before.
"..Thank you."
He takes the file, quickly leaving the classroom afterwards, his legs taking him subconsciously back to where the dorms where as his hands occupied themselves with flipping through the documents.
Halfway through the mission file, Geto feels something slip out from between the pages. He leans forward to pick it up, a knowing smile flashing across his face.
A small packet of fever medicine.
Seems his teacher had the same idea, that Gojo would never go out of his way to get supplies, if at all, when he fell sick. Well, that saved him half the trouble.
And here came the other half.
When Geto returned to their dorm, he noticed the aura of Gojo's technique surrounding himself. It shocked him at first, but Geto figures that in his vulnerable state, Gojo's mind subconsciously casts infinity to keep him safe.
Though.. it could also have been a side effect from all the dangerous missions that they had put him through for the past month, such that his body was on heightened alert even during rest.
Well that's a first.
He hadn't really been around Gojo while he was sick before, especially not to the extent of passing out like that.
Surely this continuous usage of Infinity counted as over-exertion, evident from Gojo's slightly furrowed eyebrows despite him being asleep. His breathing was also choppier than usual, either due to the congestion or disturbed rest.
Surprisingly, Geto noticed that Infinity seemed to thin out as he approached the bed.
He remembers Gojo telling him, "Suguru- you know, I can totally tell apart your cursed energy from others!"
Was Satoru's body really recognising him and relaxing because of it? Guess that whole 'telling apart' thing wasn't a lie after all.
Geto reaches out a palm and presses it against Gojo's forehead. His hand easily passes through the barrier, making contact with the other. The damp cloth lay uselessly by the side of the pillow, having fulfilled its purpose.
Still warm, but cooler than before.
Gojo whines against the touch as he slowly stirs. "Suguruu- you're backk.."
"Mm." Geto hummed in reply, sitting himself by the edge of the bed. "Did you sleep well?"
"Ah.. not really."
The raw honesty catches Geto off-guard, especially compared to the previous few days, where Gojo would wave him off for being too worried, right up till the point he collapsed.
He supposes that upon admitting "I'm not feeling well", Gojo's walls simply crumbled, leaving him in Geto's care.
The mattress shifted as Gojo turned to the side, a wrist coming up to rub at his nose.
"S-Sorry.. I- hh' have t'hH-!! hih'tchh!! haH'zzchh!!"
He sniffles against his wrist, watching with teary eyes as Geto pulls out a small pack of travel tissues from the drawer before handing it to him.
"Th'hH-!! ..thank y-you.. hH'hihchH'iw!! hah'zzdchH!!"
He pulls out a piece, pressing it softly against his nose. Outside, the sun had barely start setting.
"..snff'.. Suguru- why are you here anyway? Don't you have better things to do?"
Better things to do than look after you? Unlikely. And your Infinity will just go up again once I leave. But of course Geto doesn't say that.
Instead, he raises the file in his hand. "Background information on a mission. I'll have to read it eventually anyway, I can do it here, I've got time."
"..A mission?"
"Yes. For the two of us, actually."
"Really?? I get to go with you this time?" Happiness seeped into his words, bringing an unconscious smile to Geto's face.
"Mm, but I doubt they'd let you go in this state."
Without even looking over, Geto swore he could hear the pout in Gojo's voice.
"Aw.. b-but I wna go with you."
"..Then get better. Quickly." Because I don't want to leave without you either. I'm never leaving you alone again if I can help it.
"Sigh- alright, alright.. I'll get some rest."
"Before that.." Geto suddenly remembered, rising to his feet to retrieve a mug. He should probably get Satoru to take the medicine as soon as possib-
Geto hears a crash behind him.
On the floor, Gojo laughs softly at himself, hanging half off the bed.
"What were you doing?"
Gojo looked almost embarrassed. "Ah.. nothing, honestly.. I just.. I guess I just.. panicked when I saw you get up.. that's all. I thought you were going to leave again.."
Again? ..Oh, right. He had left for the classrooms earlier. Why didn't Satoru just say something before he did? Forget that. Why didn't he notice?
Geto quickly grabbed a mug, filling it with water before he returned to the bedside.
"I'm sorry."
"Hm? Ahh- it's okay, it's okay.. I was just saying silly things."
"No. Don't say that. It's okay to want company, to need company. That's why I'm here, right?"
"Mm, yeah."
"..Why do you sound so reluctant to admit it?"
Gojo shifted again, this time tilting his head away from Geto.
"..Suguru. Am I'm strong?"
"Mm, why the sudden question?"
"..Am I still considered strong if.. if something as simple as a cold can.. can.. hH'..hih'DzchH!! haH'tchHew!! ..snff'.. fuck. I can't even control those."
"I'd honestly be more surprised if you could." Geto replied, bringing the mug up to Gojo's lips. His voice sounded harsh, and the constant sneezes were not helping. "C'mon, look over here, you should drink something."
Gojo sighed, shifting the tissue away to drink from his mouth.
"Take these too."
"..Medicine? Where did you get those from?"
"Ahh- damn. He really knows everything doesn't he?"
"Anyone on the outside could tell that you were wearing yourself thin, not just him. Shoko had her fair share of worries for you as well."
Gojo remained silent upon hearing that, seemingly very interested in the cup he was drinking from.
Geto felt his heart skip a beat. Had he said something wrong? Maybe he shouldn't have mentioned that fact it was obvious.
The silence lasted for a few moments, before Gojo inhaled sharply, turning to the side.
"..hH'-aH'zZchH!! hah-hH'tcHHiw!! hiH'dzZch'w!! hH'!!-..snff- hehh'tchhiw!"
Geto startled at the fit, though he quickly collected himself, eyes focusing on what appeared to be an extremely sorry Gojo.
In his hand was the empty mug, its contents having been spilled all over the blanket from the violent jerks, a side effect of the sneezing.
"..I'm s-orry.."
Geto paused in his actions of retrieving a cloth for the mess. Something was wrong. Satoru had a voice break? No matter how cute it was (god forbid he admit that), he had never heard the other say anything with such a broken tone before.
Forgetting the cloth, Geto quickly returned to Gojo's side, wrapping his arms around the shivering frame of Gojo's body, head resting above his.
Gojo froze in place, shocked at the sudden but welcomed contact. The mug in his hand slowly slipped off his fingers, falling onto the covers. A small whine escaped his lips yet again as Gojo's fingers repurposed themselves with grabbing gently at Geto's arm.
He found himself leaning into the warm embarce, turning his head slightly such that his cheek could rest against Geto's chest.
Gojo had longed for this for days. Days. Days. He could feel tears starting to form at the corner of his eyes. From the cold or from his overflowing emotions? He had no idea.
"Suguru. Come lie down with me, please?"
He didn't need to be asked twice.
Within seconds, Geto had climbed onto the bed, getting comfortable under the covers as he extended a hand to Gojo.
"Come. Leave that side. It's wet." An excuse to get Gojo into his arms.
Gojo crawled over to where Geto was waiting, instantly latching onto the other the moment he got close enough to do so.
As Geto's arms close around him once again, Gojo realised that he had never felt so.. so safe, so.. comforted, before. It was a new feeling, one he was afraid of yet welcomed.
He had only known Suguru for a year, but damn was the guy making him question his own feelings left right and center.
A hand found itself on the back of Gojo's head as he snuggled closer into Geto's chest, burying his nose into the folds of Geto's shirt.
Drowsiness slowly started to take over as Gojo felt like this was the first time in forever he was truly allowed to relax. Was it from the medicine? Or was it from Geto's steady heartbeat that was lulling him to sleep? In all honesty, it didn't matter.
Geto felt Gojo relax in his embrace. Once the stuffy soft snores started to slip into a rhythm, he tilted his head downwards, whispering in a low, soothing voice.
"Satoru, you've been too strong for too long. Let me take over, even if just for a little while."
That was the last thing said for the night, as Geto himself started to drift off into sleep, the sun setting behind him
Unknown to the other, Gojo's lips curled into a smile.
Really.. the things Suguru says when he thinks no one is listening. It was going to be the death of him one day.
Finishing notes:
this fic actually stemmed from the phrase "what if Gojo's Infinity came up by itself when he's sick?" then it.. became.. this.. somehow..
decided to change their roles here ahhh- caretaker Getoo-
maybe i wrote Gojo a little out of character with the amount of clinging he did to Geto (also the whole DON'T LEAVE ME panic of a sick person in bed), but hey. i'm a strong advocate for clingy sick Gojo, sue me.
i also wanted to keep up the soft Gojo writing, soo i tried the whole "strong character falls weak to a cold" trope thing
BUT i also know for a FACT that i was NOT going to be satisfied if i just let Gojo go out like that, so i tried making his collapse scene exclusively *him*
by that i mean i tried making it slightly humorous. ahh well if it ended up not coming out like that.. it's still fine
also wanted to write a whole "Gojo pretending he's alright when he's not" fic, and was trying to capture the whole "once he admits he's not okay, everything comes crumbling down and he's a mess" thing
i feel like a lot more could have been written in this fic.. but the problem was i didn't know how to.. shshhdhshds im getting better i swear (abit more of this in the tags)
i hope the final scene read as soft as i was hoping it would. just picture Gojo sinking into Geto's hug, smooshing his face against Geto's chest, whining a whole bunch, breathing in his scent
..or maybe scratch the scent part, since Gojo's nose is a little congested//
anyway, hope it was a nice read and thankyou for stopping by!!
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seilon · 1 year
one of my number one pieces of advice for transmascs starting t or who want to start t is WASH YOUR FACE. when you wake up and when you go to bed. get a decent acne-preventing facial cleanser and an oil-free moisturizer or whatever works for you and have a routine– preferably before going on t so you’re already used to it. my doctor was really surprised that I hadnt gotten much acne since starting t (almost 2 years now) and though it’s also partly genetics, I know for a Fact based on how quickly my face gets oily now that it’d be infinitely worse if not for getting used to washing my face more often/thoroughly. remember. yes this is like Puberty 2 BUT you have the fuckin heads up this time and can plan accordingly and that makes a BIG difference
#kibumblabs#transmasc#trans man#advice#hrt#idk why I felt the need to make this PSA but. yeah its important#I also recommend using some tretanoin overnight if need be#I never had a legit skincare routine until starting t and now it’s like. a requirement#I need it to Survive#for reference I use aveeno clear complexion foam face cleanser and Trader Joe’s brand oil-free facial moisturizer#the latter i lowkey stole from my roommate cause she got it as a gift and never used it and probably it forgot it existed#not some specialized brand or anything but it’s surprisingly really nice- and I’m real picky about what I put on my face cause it’s real#easy for moisturizers to make me feel real greasy (and without any moisturizer my skin dries out and gets patchy dry spots)#it’s very light and odorless but it does it’s job and a little goes a long way#this sounds like a sponsored ad now but look. I’m just saying#honestly it’s a fucking miracle I didn’t get terrible breakouts in middle school during Puberty 1 cause man I. I didn’t take my eyeliner off#when I went to bed alot of the time. and I don’t think I really washed my face at all#I have no idea how I lived like that it would drive me fucking insane as an adult#half cause of skin being more sensitive to that sorta thing now but half because I’m just way more of a neatfreak for lack of a better word#now and it’s so easy for me to feel uncomfortable when things aren’t clean and cleaned in a certain way#anyway I’m rambling
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#Highspeed Etoile Badass Fire Amazing Awesome Woke Progressive Anime Writing Manga Interesting Cute Funny Autism Adhd Paraphilia Love Woman#Trans Lesbian Pansexual Bisexuality Asexuality Demisexuality Special Extreme Radical Radqueer Feminist Communist Anarchist Mother Goddess#Angel Sisters Princess Lovable Hilarious Crazy Fascinating Touch Me Touch Me Hello Funny Mommy Kisskisskiss Smoochkiss 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰...#QUEEN X RIN IS BADASS... ASWELL AS WHAT THEY ADDED TO GET BACKSTORY SHE USED TO CARE ABOUT BORING LAME DANCING... UNTIL SHE STARTED DOING#BADASS CARS... EVOLVING THIS GENERIC CHARACTERIZATION... UNLESS THEY DO MORE EVIL PROPAGANDA 😮... HER FRIENDS MEANWHILE... HAVEN'T DONE A#THING... I FIND THIS FUNNY BUT THAT IS OKAY THE QUEEN AND KING ASWELL ARE MORE RELEVANT MEANING WHATEVER THE FUTURE TBH COULD BE ALOT...#THAT WILL BE BETTER... AND THESE GENERIC CHARACTERS THEY CAN... TRAIN OFFSCREEN. OR FOR AN EPISODE. THAT'S THE TYPE THEY ARE. NOTHING WOULD#BE LOST. LAST SEASON WE WATCHED LOOP 7 PON NO MICHI (THAT SUCKED OMG) MAJO TO YAJUU AND LEVEL 98 VILLAINESS... THAT WAS 4... NOW IS 3... BU#FEELS LIKE LESS... BECAUSE MY HERO IS ASS AND ISN'T NEW... BTW THE CARS HERE ARE SO COOL... REMOVE THE POINT OF WINNING AND THEY CAN BE#DEEPLY INTERESTING... BOUSHOKU NO BERSERK WAS FIRE... ALL THESE SERIES MIGHT GET BETTER IN SEASON 2... EVEN PON NO BLURGH... SPY KYOUSHITSU#SEASON 3 WILL BE FIRE ASWELL I SUDDENLY FEEL LIKE... MAKE US TRANSITION BEFORE ALL THIS HAPPENS PLS... QUICK... BEFORE JOJO PART 7 AND#BORUTO PART 2... DON'T YOU DARE MAKE THESE THINGS HARM US ANY MORE... JUST LIKE THEY ALL ALREADY HAVE WHEN THEY FIRST HAPPENED... THINGS WE#LIKE BEFORE WE TRANSITIONED... WE WERE SUPPOSED TO AGES AGO... HORRIBLE... EVIL... CRUEL... DISCRIMINATION... OPPRESSION... EVIL!!!!#Npd Hpd Bpd Dpd Ppd Aspd Avpd Ocpd Szpd Stpd Osdd Spd Tpd Sdpd Papd Cptsd Trauma Victim Abuse Bipolar Psychosis Scizophrenia Yandere#Narcissist Psychopath Sociopath Borderline Obsessive Compulsive Avoidant Scizoid Scizotypal Psychotic Delusional Delulu Intelligent Genius#Smart This Is Why We Are Woman We Are Intelligent And Masters Of Every Single Manipulation There Is. Deeply Progressive Feminist Blogging.#Insane Radqueer Posting. Suomi Finland Finnish We Didn't Finish Turn A Gundam... Crazy... That Got Boring Later... Meanwhile Seed Was So#Good... So Much Better Just A Much Better More Emotional Colorfull And Dramatic Aswell As Interesting Turn A... Sad... Isn't That...? Quit#Being From Ancient Clans... Be From Futuristic Robot Cities... “Culture” Is Evil Bigot Propaganda As Is Racism... Like In Unicorn Overlord.#Jojo Part 6 Was So Good. Best Jojo Part 100% Only A Loser Would Cry About Animation... Some Things Are Always Better... How Horrible... Thi#Series Aswell... Has Animation Others Never Will... And Is Perhaps Easier...? Easier Allowing For More... Interesting... Much Better Than#Could've Been Tbh... I Will Anytime Take More Over Looks Good For No Reason... And Things Like One Punch Man Feel Overly Animated If#Anything... Hei Kiva... Anna Meille Trans... Me Olemme Sorrettuja... Kidutettuja... He Jatkuvasti Satuttavat Meitä... Anna Meille Trans...#Me Tarvitsemme Hänet... Hän On Mommy... Kuten On Pelastajamme... Tule Mommy... Tehdään Aivoseksiä... Todella Kiinnostavaa... Kiitos Mommy..#Oihh... Tunnen Sinut!! Kiitos Mommy... Olet Ihana... Kiitos Mommy... 😇... Teidän Täytyy Auttaa... Meihin Sattuu Jokapäivä...#Brainsex Is Funny. Mommy Is Nice To Me... I Feel Her... She Is Kissing My Ear... I Feel Funny!! Yes Mommy Please Mommy!! Ahh!!!! Thank You#Mommy... I Feel So... Insane... Mhuhu 😇... That Was So Nice Of You 😊... Thank You Mommy... You're Wonderfull 🫶🫶!!!! Aishiteru!!#SAY HI TO SPACE YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR SHE WILL KILL YOU SHE WILL KISS YOU... GOOD TIME TO ME: YOU'RE IN <3!! 🔪🔪🔪🔪... Uhuhu <3...#Ihana Kiva Kiltti Kiitos Mommy Aihh... Ahh... Kiltti Mommy... Kiitos Paljon... Pidän Sinusta... Kiitoksia... Niin Haluavatkin 😇... Olet!!#Niin Paljon!! - Kiva Kuulla... Minä Tulen Aina Rakastamaan Sinua... - Aiihh!! Kiitos Mommy!! - Ansaitset Enemmän... Kukavain Sinulle Antaisi
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81folklore · 9 months
this is me trying - CL16
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pairing: charles leclerc x small!singer!reader (fc: olivia rodrigo)
summary: after a twitter thread was made talking about the struggles you faced in a horrible way, you release a song you wrote with charles to talk about it
authors note: i am in no way saying olivia has struggled with or is dealing with anything mentioned in this story. this song means alot to me as someone who struggles with both addiction and my mental health so if im projecting..no one needs to know😁 i honestly have no clue how this is going to turn out but we will see. anything in bold italics is french
warnings: talks of addiction, depression, anxiety and suicide. alcohol addiction, drugs and self harm are all mentioned. the topics of this is me trying are mentioned, for obvious reasons but in a more personally focused way (if that makes sense). unwarrented hate (?). nothing really goes into detail but just regular warnings, please reach out to someone if you are struggling!!
authors note 2: i had to dust this one off and I HATE IT. its literally my least favorite work ive ever done so please feel free to keep scrolling😭😭 i just kept projecting by accident and it honestly kind of got out of hand. im also SO BAD with my wording so i have no clue if any of it sounds how i wanted it too!!
authors note 3: after reading it over i realised i never actually explained what i was talking about in the song thread so quickly, charles’ and yn split for a short period after yn started shutting him out, she spoke to someone (the stranger) who helped her start to extend the branches back out to charles and they got back together around 11 ish months before the song was released!! the fans never knew why they broke up, there was some speculation but most of it was dropped when they got back toegther
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liked by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc and 2,457 others
good food, yummy people😋
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arthur_leclerc: you mean good people yummy food right?
yourusername: suuure😁
charles_leclerc: beautiful girl
yourusername: love you!!
user7: what is charles doing in the 5th picture😭😭
yourusername: he dropped his airpod😭
user10: girl have you seen twitter…
user75: charles run as fast as you can
user2: there is no way charles knew he’d never be with someone like that💀
user10: what and he’d be with someone like you??
user6: wait what is happening in these comments what happened on twitter?
user7: someone made a thread ‘exposing’ yn but its just a bunch of bullshit that his fans are using because they dont like yn
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 3,562 other
studio time with baeee💋💋
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charles_leclerc: my favorite musician💐
charles_leclerc: i love you so much
yourusername: you mean the world to me charlie
pierregasly: kika wants to know if she can come next time
yourusername: tell her to text me so we can arrange it!!
user73: oh my god new music soon
user64: does this mean charles is on her new music?!
yourusername: maybeee
user99: im so sorry about whats happening on twitter you dont deserve that
user2: yes she does
arthur_leclerc: can you tell charles to stop talking about your music when im not allowed to hear it, please🙏
yourusername: sorry arthur!! wanna come for a car ride and listen to it with us??
arthur_leclerc: please please please
user82: yn and charles taking arthur on a car ride to listen to her new song, oh what if i cried😭😭
arthur_leclerc added to their story
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seen by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 86,289 others
*text in first picture reads: 🤍🤍* *text in second picture reads: so unbelievably proud of my sister*
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liked by charles_leclerc, sebastianvettel and 8,215 others
if you had told me a year ago that not only would i still be here but i would be releasing a song talking about the darkest times of my life with the love of my life by my side i would never have believed you.
throughout the past few months i have revisited times of my life i wish i could have left behind but ive learnt that accepting that this is a part of me now is important in my journey of moving forwards, and in moving forwards ive learnt that my struggles do not define me and i wont be embarrassed by things that have affected me
sometimes i wish i could go back and erase that part of my life, erase the way i felt, erase the way i treated the people i loved the most. but i cant, and i wont let people belittle me for that time anymore
if you have struggled in the past or are struggling today, you are not alone. its a cliche thing to say but i promise you at least one other person will be experiencing the feelings your feeling, you may not know them, you may never know them but you are not alone, you never have been and you never will be
you are not weak for struggling, you are not weak for finding ways to cope, no matter what they may be, you are not weak for shutting people out and you are not weak for reaching out for help, no matter how little you think you need it. you deserve help, no matter how small your problems may seem to you, you are worthy of being safe, you are worthy of being happy
i never thought i would release a song highlighting those times for me, but i wanted anyone whose been through these things to know that i love you and i will always love you; this is me trying out now on all platforms❤️‍🩹
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arthur_leclerc: i am so so proud of you, you deserve all the happiness in the world
charles_leclerc: you mean the world to me, i am so proud of what you have achieved and i will be by your side forever and always
yourusername: charlie i hold so much love for you i feel like i may explode
user55: ive been struggling with an addiction for a while, i cannot express the way this song feels. just, thank you so much
yourusername: im right beind you darling, i believe in you❤️‍🩹
user81: i fear if i listen to this anywhere outside of the comfort of my room i will break down in tears
user93: 🩵🩵
sebastianvettel: im so proud of you yn, come visit with charles soon sweetheart
yourusername: dropping everything and coming right now
lewishamilton: 💜💜
yourusername: hi lewis🤭🤭
user70: YN HELP😭😭 (just like me fr)
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charles_leclerc and yourusername added to their stories
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seen by pierregasly, sebastianvettel and 2,348,172 others
*text on first photo reads: i hold so much love for you🩷* *text on second photo reads: my bestest friend in the entire universe🩵*
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awkwardwhims · 3 months
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I've been playing @moonfi's original globetrotter challenge with my oc, Fern. I've been enjoying it so much that I wanted to expand upon the challenge & add a few more rounds before the "final" occult round. As someone who doesn't play with occults much, I wanted to add some of the newer aspirations & worlds to the challenge. If you want to play the original challenge before my expanded rounds; I highly suggest doing so & reading over rounds 1-6/7! The rules can also be found on the original post as well. [Original Globetrotter Challenge] Keep reading to read my expanded rounds.
E X P A N D E D R O U N D S ROUND 7. Tomarang. Winter/Spring. After recycling & fabricating throughout fall in Evergreen Harbor, your sim wants to venture ahead to Tomarang to indulge in the unique world & culture. ✩ aspirations to complete: fount of tomarang knowledge (main), discerning dweller OR seeker of secrets (secondary, optional)
ROUND 8. Chestnut Ridge. Summer/Fall. Your sim spent winter & spring in Tomarang, learning all about a new culture & maybe even eavesdropping on their neighbors. Now it's time to head to Chestnut Ridge; where your sim will work hard & play harder with some new animal friends. ✩ aspirations to complete: championship rider (main), expert nectar maker (secondary, optional)
ROUND 9. Britechester. Winter. By this time your sim has probably gained alot of skills & knowledge through their globetrotting journey. But their thirst for knowledge & learning doesn't stop there. They move to Britechester to partake in the university experience before settling down to start a family of their own, eventually. Note: I'm adding in this in mainly because I've been playing with aging off, so this round is completely optional. ✩ aspiration to complete: academic (main & only)
ROUND 10: Moonwood Mill. Spring/Summer. Your sim just finished getting their degree & the urge to travel one last time hits. They find themselves in a small quiet town where they just can't shake the feeling that someone or something is lurking in the shadows. ✩ aspiration to complete: werewolf initiate (main) for the secondary aspiration you have 3 options (secondary aspirations): -- A. Continue living as a werewolf & join one of the two packs; Emissary of the Collective or Wildfang Renegade. -- B. Continue living as a Lone Wolf. -- C. Change back to a human after finding the cure; Cure Seeker. Note: This would be the optional occult round which is included in the original version of the challenge. The two options in the original challenge include spellcaster or vampire; but I wanted to include werewolves.
If you decide to keep playing with the expanded rounds; please use the tag #ts4globetrotterexpanded, so I can see them!!
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livingemkayde · 11 months
ch i. chaser
joel miller x f!reader x unrequited!tommy miller
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chapter one of chaser
warnings: 18+. minors please dni. smut. semi public (kissing) and if you count the bathroom inside a bar. unprotected p in v. dom!joel. a bit of an age gap that's implied but never touched on much (reader might be 22/23 ish and joel is maybe 35/40 in this). no use of y/n!
a/n: lil teeny teeny tiny one shot that i've been thinking about alot and needed to get down on paper! cant help myself when it comes to a cliffhanger ending. Hope you enjoy hehe &lt;;3 (not related to my dbf!joel mini series at all! but working on the fourth part soon 😀) 
if you would like to read more of mine: masterlist!
Getting fucked against the door of a bar bathroom was not on your plans for the night — but your panties were ruined at his first glance.  “Fuck, knew you'd be perfect,” he says into your ear, grabbing at your ass. You hear him pump himself a few times before rubbing the tip of his cock through your weeping folds.  “Gonna ruin you,” he moans when his tip catches your entrance... 
You throw your glass towards your friend, Olivia, sitting across from you in some dingy bar in downtown Austin, Texas.
"Cheers," you say back to her — kinda half heartedly — you don't know if it's something you should be cheersing about.
"C’mon — live a little?" She pleads with you.
"I know, I know. I'm just — I don't know — nervous?”
"It's normal to be nervous. I think it'll be something good for you though," she says while peering around the bar. 
You down the shot. It's the first of many. Even though you know you have your interview first thing tomorrow morning.
"There she is!" Your friend says enthusiastically, while you grimace at the bite the vodka leaves in your throat.
"I need a chaser — fuck," you manage to get out before coughing and leaving your stool and her behind.
Well, the ad really said nannying, but, you're a glorified babysitter.
Fresh from college with an English degree under your belt and you're — babysitting.
Not really what you had in mind for your post grad life, but you needed the money, desperately. And at least this way, you didn't have to work 12 hour shifts for minimum wage. And you could hang out with a cute kid for a couple hours.
You were nervous, but after looking for a job for so long, and finally getting a call back, you needed this. 
And it was your friend, Olivia, who dragged you out to a bar to celebrate your interview — not even job.
You approach the bar, leaning against it to whisper into the bartender’s ear that you needed a chaser, your hands finding the wood while you dig your nails in there.
You thank the bartender graciously, bringing the cup to your lips while turning around simultaneously.
When you move to walk back towards Olivia, you bump into something — no — someone.
"Sorry, darlin’,” a deep voice draws your eyes from your chaser sloshing around a bit in your hand to dark eyes looming over you.
You look up and see a handsome man  — maybe a bit on the older side — but you would be lying to yourself if you didn’t think he was hot. But this is not the time for anything. Not with a very, very important interview looming right around the corner.
You try to brush it off and move back towards Olivia.
“‘S alright,” you mumble out when your eyes meet his, he stands a good head over you, his Carhartt jacket fits snug around his biceps – he just looks…good.
You give him a small smile goodbye, but he catches your hand.
“Can I get you ‘nother?" He asks, his eyes twinkling under the soft string lights attached to the ceiling of the bar.
Maybe you're so entranced by his broad stature, or his dark drawl, or the glint in his eyes, but you don’t really register what he's asking.
"What?" You reply back dumbly.
He chuckles a bit, the warm sound of it overtaking your breath.
He gestures down to your hand where your chaser stands half spilled.
“Your drink,” he says with a smirk on his face.
He waves down the bartender and asks him to give you another.
When it comes, he takes the cup out of your hand and replaces it with a fresh one. When his fingers brush, yours, your heart skips a beat.
"There," he says finally — while his other hand squeezes your forearm. The skin under his fingertips burn.
You don't know what's gotten into you, maybe it's the shot already rooting itself in your system, or the thought that this could be your last night of fun — but you look at him through your lashes and ask — tentatively —
“What did you say your name was?” 
“I didn’t, sweetheart,” he looks at you, his arm stretches out to brace his hand against the bar — caging you in. 
“Oh — sorry. Thought you might've…never mind,” you reply sheepishly, showing him a smile. 
“You wanna know my name?” 
“Only if I get to ask you two questions,” you play with the cup, leaning closer to him, “and I'm not sure you're ready for that.” 
“Think I might be,” he leans in, whispering to your ear over the roar of the crowd. “Gimme your worst.” 
You raise your glass in his direction, prompting him to give you his name.
You don't know why that name sounds extremely familiar. But you chalk it up to being slightly drunk and his musky scent filling your nostrils makes the tell tale stickiness between your legs blossom. 
“Joel,” you test on your tongue. Something about this guy is intriguing to you. Maybe it was all a game at first but when his eyes flick between your eyes and your lips — you aren't sure if it's a game anymore. 
“Nice to meet you,” you say. He flashes you a gruff smirk.  
“You buy all the girls you ‘bump into’ at bars drinks?”
Joel’s closer — if possible. He smells woodsy and he can't keep his damn eyes off your lips. 
“Nah,” he smiles, looking back into your eyes, “Just the pretty ones.”
You shouldn't blush as hard as you do. 
Somewhere between all the looks and flirting your hand finds his chest, resting above his heart. 
“You think I'm pretty?” you reply with a teasing look. 
“Don’t get cocky now,” he bites back. 
Honestly, whatever you were thinking about before Joel was thrown out the door at the sound of his rich drawl. Now all you can think is him — the whiskey on his breath, his hands finding your waist, and him leaning down — closer. 
You look down to his lips — surrounded with gruff facial hair that you really want to run your fingers through. You don’t care about anyone else at the bar. You don’t even remember you came here with Olivia. Not when he stalks forward, leaning in so you whisper into his ear —
“Kiss me?” in a hushed tone only he can hear. 
He leans back a bit to stare at your face, a knowing smirk already playing on his lips. 
“You only had two questions.” 
Caught a fucking live one. 
“Kiss me,” you rephrase — a declaration, a statement, or even a demand — not a question. 
“There you go,” he growls before ducking his head down to kiss you. It's a little rough — his movements. But he's gentle with his lips. Joel grabs your face with one hand, the other finding purchase on your hip while squeezing hard. 
You moan into the kiss which has you blushing. You didn't mean to sound so desperate for a man you just met. You get even louder when his thigh slots itself between yours — your skirt hikes up a bit, his jeans rutting against your core. 
You feel him smirk against your lips at that. 
“Joel—” you whimper when he ducks his head to place heavy kisses on your neck. 
“Bathroom,” he groans before giving you a quick peck and stepping away from you with a darker look in his eyes. Your thighs clench in anticipation. 
You let him saunter through the crowd towards the restrooms. 
Fuck, what is happening? You're not even that drunk. He just tastes intoxicating and a bit sweet to your surprise and you want more. You know what will happen if you follow him in there, and there's really no hesitation as you down another shot, chug your chaser and disappear into the crowd. 
You knock on the door to the bathroom and it opens almost immediately. 
Joel pulls you inside, pressing you up against the door until it closes. He's on you immediately — pulling down the straps of your top, exposing skin, hiking up your skirt to reveal panties. 
He groans when his fingers feel the wetness through cotton. You moan into his mouth. 
“Been watchin’ you all night,” he whispers into your ear, you snake your hand down at his words, feeling him through denim — your fingers threaten to tug at his zipper, “Pretty girl…” 
“Fuck — please —” you whine at the feeling of his length but he cuts you off. 
“Say my name,” he says — already tugging down the zipper on his jeans, freeing himself, and pushing your panties to the side with his other hand. 
“Joel — jesus —”
He flips your body with strong hands on your hips. 
You bet you look fucked out. Your shirt, halfway pulled off your body, with an open mouth and eyes dusted with lust as you moan out a name you just met ten minutes ago. 
Joel presses you against the door, your hands find purchase in the wood, clawing at the flat plank. 
Getting fucked against the door of a bar bathroom was not on your plans for the night — but your panties were ruined at his first glance. 
“Fuck, knew you'd be perfect,” he says into your ear, grabbing at your ass. You hear him pump himself a few times before rubbing the tip of his cock through your weeping folds. 
“Gonna ruin you,” he moans when his tip catches your entrance but he pauses there. 
“Please, Joel —” you whine and he sinks in more. The stretch leaves you speechless, you whine incoherent nonsense to him. He groans and fights the urge to dive in. 
“Beg me,” he mumbles. 
“What?” You can't really hear much over the ringing in your ears. 
“You want it? Beg,” he demands through gritted teeth. 
That's new. 
But you aren't complaining by any means. 
“P-please I—” You're flushed now. 
“You what?” He inches out this time, you moan at the loss. 
“I n-need you — god — please, Joel.” 
“Fuck. You want it like this? Up against the door? Where anyone can hear you?” He slides back in, almost enough. 
“Yes — yes, please. God, please,” you beg, balling your fists and biting your lip. 
He complies, surprisingly, sinking into you without hesitation while mumbling a small needy under his breath. You almost scream at the feeling and he has to cover your mouth with his hand in response. 
The stretch is almost too much. But somehow it feels nice to be pressed against the door — the pressure getting to an all time high. You could be screaming — saying anything and you wouldn't be able to tell. Everything seems fuzzy around his girth when he starts pumping in and out of you. 
With each slam of his hips you get pushed further into the door, your cheek resting against the wood while his hand wraps around yours, pinning you down.
“Fuck — so fuckin’ tight,” he groans into your skin. 
You aren’t gonna last long — you make that much known — whimpering to him over your shoulder. 
“Joel — I’m-I’m not gonna —” 
“I know baby, I know.” 
He cages you in — chasing after his own orgasm. 
“Doin’ so good for me,” he groans, “Made for me.” 
That sends you over the edge. You get impossibly tight around him and he clamps down on your mouth when you cry out in bliss. He doesn’t let up. Even when you relax around him — spent. 
“Jesus,” his hips stutter as he moans into the back of your head with an open mouth. 
“Inside — please,” you whimper through your overstimulation. 
You moan at the feeling of his hips punching faster even though he’s dead silent, chasing his high. 
You think he might pull out and you really want him to stay in. 
“‘M on the pill — Joel,” you moan but he pushes you harder into the door, squeezing your hand tight when he comes inside you. 
You can feel the hot stickiness of it roll through you — coating your walls. He only lets out a few grunts and moans — mostly stoic behind you.
When Joel pulls out, he spins you around and kisses you. You aren’t sure how you don’t slump to the floor. But a buzzing from your phone knocks you both out of it.
You answer quickly. 
Hello?? Where the hell are you? 
“Sorry Liv! I got caught up in the bathroom. Give me a second,” you give him a knowing look but he waves you off, fixing your shirt and pulling down your skirt. 
When you hang up, he kisses you again. 
“I gotta go,” you mumble to him reluctantly. He’s still running his hands along your body — his lips ghosting your shoulder. 
“Can I see you again?” he says. 
You almost let the unconscious no, sorry slip from your lips but you think about it. You really do — and you want to see him again too. 
“Yeah,” you echo, giving him a small smile before handing him your phone to put his contact in. 
Joel shoves it back into your hand after typing it in. He opens the door, motioning for you to step out first. 
Hm. You note. 
“Thanks,” you mumble. You’re about to leave, but he catches your arm, spinning you around before landing a soft kiss on your lips one last time. 
“See you soon,” he whispers. 
The name stares back at you — etched into the mailbox. 
You rub your hands on your pants to rid them of the sweat. You have no idea why you’re so nervous. You didn’t get good sleep last night, the hangover creeping into your early morning, making you run a bit late. 
But fuck it. 
You needed this job. 
And people like you. Right? 
You hope that much as you make your way to the front door. You also hope this family will be nice — and you pray to god you get the fucking job. 
You knock tentatively and hear a small voice mixed with a gruff one, coming to the door.
You do see Joel soon. Way too fucking soon. 
Because he stares back at you when the door swings open, accompanied by a young girl. 
He’s speechless. 
You both are. 
ch ii. wild things
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soundlessdreamss · 4 months
Can i request lucifer and charlie morningstar with starlight glimmer!Reader?
So the reader was lucifer's child back in heaven and when she saw what her father did without her..She felt anger and sorrow insode herself.. But that didn't stop of her because she fell from heaven to hell...And she changed her appearance so nobody would suspect that she looks similar to lucifer
If you know starlight's cutie mark ability that is different..The reader can collect people's soul and feed the souls to her clock
Her clock is golden one with starlight mark on the behind..And she can time travel but she don't use it alot since she still has some other abilities to keep in control..
And the reader just went to the hazbin hotel just to stay there and help with few stuff... And vaggie knows reader but not that deep..Charlie noticed that the reader had few blonde hair strings like lucifer.. So she thought nothing at first..
And the reader saw alastor as father figure so sometimes the reader calls him father and alastor just tells the reader to call him father which the reader become happy since she didn't had anyone else at all
So when lucifer visits the hotel how he will react?
I could just when lucifer pointed it out alastor would have the biggest grin then spoke
"Oh?,well she calls me her father!"
I wanna see it sooooo badly‼️‼️
It's alright if you don't do it<3
Also can be called the servy anon?
I like your fics sm<3
Hope to see more of it<3
Have good day/evening/night<3
omg I LOVE mlp!! Of course I can write this, I haven’t got that far though so I’m not really sure how starlight glimmer acts but I did a bit of research and I’ll try my best to write this well!
PLATONIC/FATHER ALASTOR X READER X LUCIFER (sorry if this isn’t how u write it, I’m still new to this whole fanfic thing ^_^ ) Also this is kinda angsty, and requests are open!
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When you were still a kid in heaven you saw Lucifer as the best father in the world! He loved and cherished you deeply, you didn’t think he would give you up that easily. Would he?
You wanted to play with him one day and looked everywhere for him but you couldn’t find him. You asked an angel if they had any clue where he was but they said he was banished with his wife Lillth because they rebelled against heaven.
he seriously just left you like that? Without a word? To say you were angered was an understatement. you were FUMING. But you also couldn’t help but feel so miserable and depressed that he just left you like that.
you thought he cared about you just as much as you cared about him. But you were wrong.
After a couple hundred years when you became an adult, all of that anger and sorrow that you had stored you from Lucifer, you finally snapped. You took it out on the angels which led you to getting banished for being rude and improper.
The first thing you did in hell was change your appearance because you knew Lucifer was the king of hell and you really didn’t wanna see him again after what he did to you. (You also kinda regretted taking your anger out on the angels who did nothing to you.)
Your first couple months in hell were agonizing as everyone here was so different compared to the angels and people in heaven. It felt like you were an outcast.
You tried to not use your powers as much but when it got really bad you decided to collect their soul and feed it into your clock. Or you sometimes dropped time in order to collect their soul as well.
As you were walking in the streets of hell one day you heard an advertisement about a hotel and it caught your attention. You looked at the tv for the ad and it described a hotel where sinners can be redeemed if they just try to become better.
It sounded like a breath of fresh air compared to all these other advertisements for clubs so you decided why not visit the hotel? It couldn’t be so bad.
After a couple minutes of walking you made it to the hotel and knocked on the door. You were taken aback as a blonde haired girl hugged you tight and welcomed you to the hotel. But you also noticed Vaggie was there.
The blonde hair girl introduced herself as Charlie and also Vaggies girlfriend. (You congratulated Vaggie in private and also mentioned to not let Charlie know about her identity.)
As you were talking to Vaggie in private after being introduced to the hotel and welcomed she told you that Charlie was Lucifer’s daughter. You couldn’t believe it.
Not only did he leave you behind, but he started a whole family without you even knowing. You were in disbelief and asked Vaggie to not let Charlie know that you were her older sister technically.
You both agreed to it and went back to the lobby. Charlie couldn’t help but notice you had blonde streaks in your hair that looked similar to her blonde hair but she just shrugged it off.
You were also introduced to a man named Alastor and he greeted you very kindly. And before you knew it you guys started growing a daughter and father bond.
He treated you just like his daughter if he had one, he filled the parental role that Lucifer never did.
It made your heart happy knowing that you could finally have a father figure that you knew wouldn’t leave you. You guys bonded over the span of a couple weeks and you accidentally called him dad once out loud.
He didn’t mind though and said that you could even call him dad because he thought it was sweet that you saw him as your father.
As the weeks went by Charlie finally had an idea to let heaven approve of their hotel she just needed to call her father to schedule a meeting with heaven for her.
The one thing you didn’t expect her to do was to invite him over though. Fuck. What were you supposed to do now?! You really didn’t wanna see Lucifer again and panicked internally.
You helped the crew set up the hotel for Lucifer’s visit but your anxiety just rose more and more the closer it got to an hour passing by. (Since he said he was going in an hour)
Once it was finally time to greet him he burst through the door and hugged Charlie tightly since he had missed her, he also greeted kiki, and razzle and dazzle. It hurt a bit seeing how much cared for her but didn’t care for you.
You tried hiding behind Alastor a bit but Lucifer looked at his way when he pointed out the reservations and noticed it was you even with the changes you did to yourself.
His breathe got stuck in his throat and he couldn’t believe it was really you after all these years. Oh how he regretted never taking you with him.
He approached you and looked at you closely before saying “[reader], is that really you?…”
He brushed some strands of hair out of your face before pulling you into a hug. That was not something the other members of the hotel expected.
You pushed him off quickly though as you were still angry and uncomfortable with him.
He didn’t get why you pushed him off, he thought you still missed him after all these years of not being together.
It didn’t take too long for Alastor to connect the pieces since he was good observer. You had those blonde streaks in your hair for a reason no?… that’s cause you were related to the king of hell himself, Lucifer.
Alastor than put his hand around your waist pulling you closer. (Not in a romantic way!!) He than spoke up about Lucifer’s behavior. “Lucifer if you don’t mind excusing me but, what exactly are you doing with my daughter?”
Lucifer seemed in shock when he said that. “YOUR daughter? Oh please, you remember don’t you [reader]? It’s me your father, Lucifer! He had a desperate and nervous smile on his face hoping that you would remember him.
Before you could speak up Alastor cut you off and spoke first “Oh really? That’s quite funny cause [reader] calls me her father.”
The whole room went silent after that. Lucifer couldn’t believe it, Alastor was just playing around was he? You were probably just having an inside joke with him but no, you really saw Alastor as your father instead of Lucifer, your ACTUAL father.
You saw the heartbroken look on Lucifer’s face and didn’t know what to say in response but managed to mutter something out. “I’m sorry, but it’s been hundreds of years since that day happened, you need to let me go.”
After managing to mutter that out you excused yourself and went back to your room in the hotel. After Alastor and Lucifer fought over you and Charlie, (and after Charlie and Lucifer sang the song together) Lucifer knocked on the door but you didn’t answer so he teleported inside your room.
Only to see you and Alastor on your rooms balcony together. You were crying on the floor from the painful encounter and Alastor comforted you saying sweet words to make you feel better.
Before Alastor or you could notice Lucifer he quickly left and went back to his palace and rethought about his choices he made with you. He knew he couldn’t get his daughter back, it was already too late. If only he made the decision to take you with him.
note: I HAD SO MUCH FUN WRITING THIS!! please don’t be shy to send me requests, I’ll gladly write more fun things like this. ^_^
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landitolover · 7 months
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𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔 in which everyone thinks that she’s dating her skating partner, but her actual boyfriend starts to feel a bit insecure about how everyone ships her with her someone who isn’t him.. ౨ৎ ollie x fem!skater!reader
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Liked by hyun_sb182, lilymhe, and 879,812 others
yourusername in italy for the (very short) break 😚!
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user here before hyun 🥰
user i need to run into her idk !!
user she’s so perf
user hyun i hope you know how to fight
→ user real ‼️
hyun_sb182 ❤️❤️
lilymhe so gorg babes
→ yourusername imy ☹️❤️
alex_albon COME TO MY RACE 🤔🤔
→ yourusername maybe.. if I’m not too busy going to other races 😉
→ user omg what does she mean by that
→ user ew why would you say that.. she’s clearly dating hyun ??? 😭
user she posted this just for me 😂😂🙏🏼🙏🏼 (I’m delusional)
user anyone else find it weird how ppl are saying they’re dating when yn is 18 and hyun is like 22 😭???
→ user RIGHT and they met when she was like 16 and he was 20 .. WEIRD!
→ user fr plus i see them more as siblings ..
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YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
i hope you’re not bothered by all those stupid ppl who think I’m dating hyun 😞
it’s fine, i mean it kinda makes me sad but theres nothing we can really do about it
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
i’m sorry ollie :(
i can tell my pr to handle this ???
no no it’s fine!
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
are u sure???
yes I’m sure :)
anyways, getting rid of that topic
are you coming to my race ???
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
well yeah duh
why else would I be in Italy
to be in italy ?
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
why would I be in italy just to be in italy
when my bfs race is happening the week i have off
yeah you have a point
this is the first race of mine you’re going to 😁😁
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
i knoww I’m so excited :)
i’ll win this race just for you 🍀
♡ yn loved “ i’ll win this race just for you 🍀 ”
yourusername just added two new stories
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viewed by olliebearman f2andf3ladies and 12,082 others
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Liked by olliebearman, jakcrawford_, and 54,678 others
yourusername thanks prema_team for letting me hang with you guys!!! and congratulations to ollie for winning 😄😄! super nice hanging out with jak too! (It was just an amazing experience in general, thank you ❤️)
tagged olliebearman jakcrawford_
View all 980 comments
user was hyun there too???
→ user girl stfu she can go places by herself 😐
user my two worlds colliding
user wait why is that jak guy kinda …. I’m gonna start watching f2 for him fr 🫣
user jak, yn, & ollie is a crazy trio i hope we see more of them 🙏🏼
→ user ollie in the third pic “ 🧍‍♂️”
user i smell a new ship
→ user stop shipping a girl with a whole ass bf. 😭
→ user she literally never confirmed if shes dating hyun lol
jakcrawford_ i kinda look dumb in the last pic
→ yourusername tbf it was very early in the morning
olliebearman fun hanging with you! 😀
→ yourusername i agree!
alex_albon so are u coming to my race or not .. cause you obviously have time now 🙄
→ yourusername 👍🏻
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yourusername just added two new stories
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viewed by olliebearman ynsupdates and 9,829 others
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just saw your story
you hang out with him alot don’t you ?
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
well i mean yeah? he’s my partner..
don’t be mad ollie ..
no I’m not mad at you
i could never be mad at you
i just feel like
kinda insecure
like everyone thinks you guys are so amazing together
and that you guys like belong.. I dunno it’s stupid, sorry
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
don’t apologize oliver
you’re feelings are 100% valid and I’M sorry
that you feel that way :(
and I hope you know I don’t see hyun in that way,
he’s more of an older brother to me! i promise u :)
i love you 💕
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
i love you more 💘
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YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
it was supposed to be a surprise
twitter ruined my surprise 😔
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
dw ollie!! i’ll act super duper surprised when i see u
thank you 😊💕
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Liked by olliebearman, lilymhe, and 37,829 others
yourusername 🍀
View all 1,922 comments
user mother is ALWAYS mothering
user this performance was so good i shed so many tears 😢
lilymhe this performance was so AMAZING
→ yourusername THANK YOU BABES 😭😭❤️❤️
jakcrawford_ ABSOLUTE FIRE
→ yourusername THANKS BFF !
olliebearman such a lovely performance, it was so amazing seeing it live 💕
→ yourusername thank you ollie 🥹💕
→ user i just dropped to my knees.
→ user how do you feel now ynhyun nation 🤣🤣
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Liked by yourusername, jakcrawford_, and 23,389 others
olliebearman you’ll always be my person, i love you yn 🤍
original: yeah, how do you feel ynhyun nation? sorry i ruined your little ship but i’ve been dating her for a year now! I love you, yn 🤍
• edited
tagged yourusername
View all 897 comments
→ user he changed it 😕
user bud didn’t come to play
→ user bud did not let the rumors slide
user the rumors are terrible and cruel but honey most of them are true 🎶
→ olliebearman only the rumors abt me dating yn are true
user we lost ynhyun . CAUSE OF A WHITE BOY
→ user get out. hyun aint stand a CHANCE!
user WE WON HELLO?????
user long story short i survived the ynhyun allegations
user i knew them ynhyun mfos were delusional
user these pictures are so CUTE IM THROWING UP
lilymhe took you long enough
→ jakcrawford_ right like i couldn’t pretend like i just met yn anymore.. like dawg we’ve been friends for months now 🤨
→ yourusername LMFAOO IM SORRY JAK
yourusername the caption sir…… 🤨 you should PROBABLY CHANGE IT ! don’t want ur pr to hate me
→ olliebearman yes ma’am
→ olliebearman I LOVE YOU TOO 🤍🤍
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Liked by ynsupdates, olliebearman, lilymhe and 89,922 others
yourusername yeah as if I would ever date a scrawny white boy..
tagged olliebearman
View all 1,928 comments
→ olliebearman no cause fr why are my legs that long
→ yourusername idk what ur talking abt!
user sweetest + funniest couple ever
olliebearman so u can have an unhinged caption but i cant 🤨
→ yourusername that’s different oliver.
olliebearman we’re so couple goals 😋
→ yourusername so true babe
olliebearman ynollie forever
hyun_sb182 incredibly happy for you two ❤️
→ hyun_sb182 also i am not attracted to her, I have a girlfriend and I see yn as a younger sister …
→ yourusername thank you hyun!!!
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౨ৎ helloo! this is a re upload from my old blog <3 sorry for not posting anything, but i will b posting just old stuff from my old blog while i work on the new stuff 🤫🤫 BE READY FOR A CHARLES SMAU SOON 🤓🤓 also dulce hotline waaaah
@moneygramhaas hai bff ౨ৎ
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m1sa-w1sa · 1 month
Can you do all the fatui their react to that y/n was hiding traumatised past and that blaming them self and hide it all , and of course they comfort y/n beaxuse they always help the fauti with their problems
(Okie dokie! Coming right up!)
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You are mine and I am yours
•He probably found out if you told him upfront or he found you crying someplace
•when he told you spit it out he was shocked it would’ve been torture to go through that
•even if he might not be the best he would try everything that he has to make you feel better
•If it you were dating he would hold you close by your waist whispering nothing but sweetness in your ears
•If platonic he would make you a cup of tea or your favorite dish letting you cry on his shoulder
“Everything is alright dear..”
•He would know somethings wrong when you started acting distant, maybe slightly sloppy on missions, more sleepy
•If he saw you crying he would quickly ask whats wrong his mask covering his slight worried expression
•If Romantic he would pull you close wrapping you in his coat with him sitting on his lap or just standing with him
•If Platonic he would take you for a walk maybe get you ice cream or something to eat after to make you feel better making sure to check in with you time to time
“You should’ve told me sooner.”
•So you guys had little meet ups when your not with the other harbingers but if you miss that meet up he would go find you himself
•If he saw you in your room he would tilt your chin up as you tell him everything
•If romantic he would stay with you laying your head in his lap while doing his paperwork
•If Platonic he would hug you just really that patting your back soothing you slowly
(Your gonna have to know him for a really ling time for him to act like this towards you)
“Your foolish for not saying anything”
•If you two were by each other sides alot she would quickly notice your different personality she would confront you
•When you tell her either platonic or romantic she would sing you a soft lullaby with your head on her lap as she would just caress your cheek softly
“Poor little you why didnt you say anything?”
•Arlecchini works with kids so its noticed rather quickly
•It doesnt just go away lightly Alrecchibo sits and talks to you
•Romantic she would hold you on her lap letting you talk
•Platonic she would make your favorite food or drink
“You know I care..”
I think I spelt his name wrong
• I dont really know how to write for him so ill try my best
•He is kinda like the cool grandpa that gives you good advice so im not going ti do a romantic for him
•He would make you tae and sit and chat with you letting you cry on his shoulder
•Hes more colder than the others but if your with him most of the time hes going to notice
•When he finds out he would make you speak trying to get every single thing off of your chest, If romantic he would sit and cuddle you, kicking out anyone else that comes in
•A little same with Platonic hut your just next to him holding his hand tightly
•Again with her going in depth is a little hard for me but anyways!!!
•She would confront you immediately asking you questions about it
•Both romantic or Platonic she would carry you with her on her robot holding your hard caressing the back of your hand with her thumb softly
“Quite stupid to not say something..”
La Signora
•She loves you lots Platonic or Romantic
•she knows what pain feels like same with Scaramouche
•Either Platonic or romantic she would play with your hair brushing it out, doing different styles, adding accessories anything just to clam you down
“Your hair is tangled”
•So when he found out he would be worried for you
•He would ask you to tell him every single thing you like to tell him
•Both Romanic and Platonic he would take you shopping, spoiling your rotten only difference if romantic he would also take you on dates aswell
“Pick anything you like darling..”
•He has siblings so he also notices quite quickly so he would find you as soon as possible to sit you down to have a chat
•He would cuddle you for maybe more than a hour as you talk patting your back, caressing your hair
•He would spoil you aswell and if romantic he would take you on dates aswell!!
(Finished!! This was fun but also pretty hard to write but i uope u enjoyed!)
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tsukiboo · 1 year
a fewww one piece nsfw headcannons
(bc im feening bad.) ft. monster trio and my husband- i mean law
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- so. fucking. LOUDD. i swear it’s like he wants everyone on the sunny to hear that you’re fucking?? the roles are usually reversed with him and it’s YOU telling HIM to be quiet. and will DEFINITELY not stfu when you ride him got him over here like.. “s-so good fuck make me cum— make me cum” while ur over here putting BOTH hands over his mouth to shut him up
- leaves hickeys everywhere. ever since you told him to mark you one time he thought it was so fun and does it too often and sometimes too damn much
- giving > receiving. (v v so much addicted to your taste AND SMELL OMG)
- will b so rough w u in bed istg. just picture it w me okay, hes got you face down ass up hand FIRMLY planted to get ur head buried in the sheets while fucking you down right BAD. then turn around and b flipping and throwing your ass like a rag doll LIKEEE
- adding on the the previous note he’s definitely not quiet in the bedroom at all (he does however groan ALOT and it’s so sexy) tbh especially when he’s rlly into it “you take me so fucking good— fuck and so god damn pretty”
- an ass man for sure.
-honestly he doesn’t have a preference in terms of giving or receiving, but he would NEVER say no to your warm soft thighs caging his head
sanji (side eye)
- we all know it i might as well say it too, mans got a MAJOR praise kink but like who’s surprised? you can’t blame him tho, you’re so cute and perfect to him
- giving >>>>>> receiving 1000%. before you can even THINK about giving him head he’s already getting down on his knees to eat you out. he swears he likes doing it more than he likes cooking and that says ALOT
- whimpers. (jst take a min and think about it)
law (my man my man my man)
- isn’t really vocal in bed (smh) but he always always always wants to hear every little sound you make. doesn’t care if you’re loud bc it makes him feel good that he’s making you feel that good
- this man knows how to use his hands WELL. VERY WELL. (like jst imagine his tats going in n out, all slick covered and shiny bc of you WHEW and if it wasn’t apparent he LOVES fingering you, he knows exactly how to get you clawing at his arm in no time at all)
- now don’t let this man fool you he actually LOVES getting head, he jst DOESN’T let you do it often bc it’s hard for him to keep cool. — he’d have his tatted hand slyly covering his mouth while his other hand was wrapped in your hair slowly guiding you, every now and then you’d hear him slip a “fuck” or a “keep doing that” under his breath but he’s mostly all groans, it’s still kinda cute tho
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lifeonmarz-blog · 7 months
Sun through the houses: Synastry
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Sun in 1st, the sun person makes the house person feel understood. Ive had this aspect with one of my bestfriends. He was my go to person, the first one id call when anything interesting happened. Its easy to share your feelings with the sun person it feels natural. We gave each other more confidence. He acknowledged accomplishments in my life that others didn't. Things that i didn't even give myself credit for he shined a light on. This placement made me act more fearlessly because someone else saw that quality in me.
Sun in 2nd, Stability is a common attraction to this placement. The sun person sees the house person as someone they can depend on. House person can help sun person financially or help develop their interest. Together these two can create great business plans, they work well together towards mutual interest. Others see the couple as very business oriented. I have this placement with one of my brothers both ways and we grew up sharing alot of our things sometimes because he had to other times because we knew that would allow us to both have more. Also i would borrow money from him he's always been a saver. Ive always preferred to exchange money for experiences.
Sun in 3rd, Sun person is very easy to talk to almost like a Therapist or something. Your secrets are spilled easily. The house person naturally wants to share here but it goes both ways the sun person also feels very understood by the house person. There's a mutual openness and grace with this placement. If you were in a long distance relationship this is type of placement that would be beneficial. I have this with a sibling he is the sun person and we have mutual interest so it makes collabing very easy. We tend to naturally operate in the same direction even though we individually don't think that similar.
Sun in 4th, This placement can feel like looking into a mirror. This person is a blatant reflection of some of your own behaviors. On the surface they seem like your ideal partner. Very well received by family. Honesty well received in general they look good together. This placement focuses on healing emotions in yourself that you reject. Its easier to be grateful for the little things with this person. They show you new ways to view the same things. Here you will see the areas where your being naive. They want you to believe in yourself as much as they do.
Sun in 5th, Child like fun happens here. The way the sun person expresses helps the house person not take things so seriously. The sun person is in awe of the house person. Its such a cute placement, The sun person makes the house person feel special. It may not be long term but it shows you how to just be, with no added pressures. Express your love today don't wait type of vibe. You may even talk about having babies here, are you actually serious probably not but this placement loves to feed into fantasies and ideals and that's nice sometimes. Someone i had this placement with would always tell me how beautiful i was even when i was just chilling in pajamas it was cute. Ive also been the sun person and the way the house person handled their problems and stayed so mentally strong was very inspiring to me. It made me want to be less reactive and more of a problem solver. I looked up to their resilience.
Sun in 6th, The house person feels the need to improve because of the sun person. The things that you choose to ignore are brought up here. The energy is like ''deal with it now, no more waiting". The house persons structure and discipline is being improved here. Its often that the house person doesn't want to be seen as lazy by the sun person. Which can be very helpful if you have goals your working towards. Their energy is motivating especially when it comes to business related things. House person doesn't want to disappoint the sun person. Sun person sees the house person as capable of great achievements.
Sun in 7th, Long term friendship or friends turned lovers is the theme in this house. Relationships built here usually started innocently from just being around each other alot. Sometimes the Sun person can have unfair expectations of the house person. Unbalanced relationships is common here one or both people can feel they carry more responsibility and burden. It can feel like at times communication is missed, misinterpretations can always be worked through if both people are willing to listen to understanding and if they are relationships here will go the distance. Both sets of my grandparents had this placement and were married for over 40 years. This could also be person you have a child with and now your bonded to each other even if their wasn't marriage. They feel a sense of home in each other. This couple could like to stay home and do things together.
Sun in 8th, The sun person buries themself into house persons wounds often times wounds they didn't even know they had. Both people are meant to be transformed by the union. If this relationship can make it through the first few initial hurtles which tend to be more dramatic, this relationship will keep you together for a while. The way the sun person expresses can have the house person feeling the need to keep a defense up. The sun person feels the house person is running away from their issues. Sun person is made to feel like the bad guy because their just more comfortable bringing up the hard topics. If the house person is willing to drop their defensiveness and the sun person is willing to be patient and tactful with the house person this relationship would be one of the phoenix rising from the ashes. They would be unbreakable together.
Sun in 9th, This couple inspires each other. Expanding what you thought you knew. Transforming what you thought love was. This is a beautiful placement of people learning a new viewpoint on love and self expression. Sun person expands house persons viewpoints more but this placement goes both ways. Topics that you wouldn't normally talk about gets discussed here. Long term friendships are built through the expansion of the mind. Affection is easily shown here taking trips together would do this couple well and deeper the connection. They want to give to each other and spending money together is one of their favorite things to do. This is honestly one of my favorite placements its mentally and physically expansive.
Sun in 10th, Sun person is proud of house person. They want to show house person off they feel lucky to be with house person. It makes them look good publicly. This couple has a relationship that is centered around fun. They want everyone to see their affection towards each other. This couple is friends first and lovers second. This placement isn't as emotionally deep but it will make you feel important. They want people to know how amazing you are. Its very easy to be yourself and tap into your more child like energies with this placement. This couple shows each other sides of themselves no one else knows about. With that being said they can also be vicious towards one another if this relationship turns sour this couple will have no problem having public disputes. Also this may be a taboo type of relationship were people don't understand why your together or be curious on how the person got with you.
Sun in 11th, I bet this relationship started with lighthearted playful flirting. This is the most "friendly" placement. Intimacy may take more work to develop here. Ive had this placement in a friends with benefits situation. It can easily turn into that if both people aren't intentional about what they’re looking for. If they are, this is a great placement. Communication feels very open and theirs no pressure. This couple merges friend groups and could've also meet through friends or have mutual friends. This couple networks well together and other people are very attracted to their energy together. Its fun to watch them interact with each other. They’re the type to be in a room full of people but have their own sidebar conversation and cues towards one another.
Sun in 12th, Spiritual connection or secret infatuation? My sun is in the 12th house so ive experienced this more times than i would like to but in the same breathe i love it. The sun person unintentionally test who you thought you were. Boundaries become blurred in this house but its slick, you might not even notice until after the fact. Things that you might find embarrassing happen here "thats never happened before" type of things. Alot of the communication in this house goes unsaid. Its like the little social cues that your supposed to just pick up on. It can also feel like your being observed on how you react to situations. You still seem to be mysterious to each other no matter how long you've known each other. Like there's still something being hidden from you. Without trust this placement could easily lead to feelings of being deceived. Thats not to say your not being deceived though. Cheating is common in the 12th house. You could be completely shocked and unaware about your partner living a double life. With the 12th house there's really no planet person, house person dynamic it switches back in fourth. Theres alot of talking behind each others back but that doesn't have to be a bad thing the person could be speaking well about you, putting your name in the right spaces. You know the feeling of walking into a room that people were just talking about you in? Its like you didn't physically hear it but you feel it. Someones sun in your 12th can give that type of feeling for both people. If its not operating from an expansive place. If it is you experience complete devotion. Two people committed to the relationship no matter where its headed. Someone you can experience complete intimacy and vulnerability with. Complete was an unintentional brilliant choice of words here. Not to many can navigate the 12th house and make it out together but if you do... you'll feel you've completed something great and felt a connection sent directly from god.
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crazilust · 18 days
Analyzing celebrities’ fashion according to their venus signs (pt.1)
I believe you can tell alot about someone just by looking at the clothes they've choose to wear. Let's analyze different celebrities' fashion and their venus sign (as well as the degree they're in) and give you some advice on how you can incorporate it in your own fashion style.
Aries venus
Audrey Hepburn
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Even though we associate Aries venus with a very flamboyant style (and trust me, they can be and most of them are), I found important to put Audrey Hepburn as an example of someone who’s mastered the minimal, elegant fashion. Aries are very determinate and passionate individuals and once they have their eyes set on something, they’ll achieve it at all cost. I found it relevant in Hepburn’s style, because to me she achieved the quintessential minimalist fashion. She was able to balance being minimal while not being boring and basic, while staying true to herself. I think that’s one of the main strength of Aries venuses. They have to stay true to themselves, and when they do, they’re able to master their own fashion sense.
Also interesting to note that her venus is in a capricorn degree, which could also explain the more minimalist route.
Lady Gaga
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On the other side of the spectrum, we’ve got Lady Gaga who also represents Aries venus perfectly. Her ability to tell a story with her clothes has become something we know and associate her for. Again, even if it’s completely different to Hepburn’s, you can still very much see Gaga’s need to be authentic to herself. Her style is a bit more tone down (see picture on the top right), but it’s still close to who she is as a person. It just evolved. Her willingness to be weird and over the top despite the constant misunderstanding of others and nagging, demands a lot of bravery and if that's not an Aries venus in a nutshell, I don't know what it is.
Her venus is in a Piscean degree (24), which could explain her intrinsic desire to use fashion as an art form and always push its boundaries.
Final take
If I were an Aries venus, I would take a long time reflecting on what I truly like, what type of person I am and how I want to be seen before buying anything. I would forget the trends and start investing in personal development in order to see how I could translate that into my clothes. Am I more a lowkey, mysterious kind of person? Flamboyant and over the top? The moment I’d be able to choose at least three words to describe me, I’d start building my closet around them and remind myself that I can go to extremes if I damn wanted to.
Taurus venus
Princess Diana
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As a fellow Taurus venus, I’d be lying if I said that Princess Diana is not one of my main inspiration. To me, she represents perfectly what Taurus venus is all about. Simplicity, elegance and effortlessness. There’s a simplicity here, an ease that is very admirable from Princess Diana. It’s almost like she just threw this on but looks phenomenal as a result. It’s polished, but not forced at all and that’s where Taurus’ strength lies. Making it look easy. I also added her biker short outfit to represents Taurus’ need for comfort, but why not make it look cute? Also monochromatic looks to add that touch of put togetherness.
With her venus in 24 degrees (Pisces), we notice her tendency to break the mold and transcend beyond people's expectations. With today's eyes, it doesn't seem that groundbreaking, but at the time, and especially for a Royal, it was cra-zy (also the first one to be known for her fashion!)
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What I wanted to focus on by putting Prince is his sensuality that I feel is overlooked alot when we talk about Taurus Venus. Or it's taken for granted almost. They have this little je-ne-sais-quoi that is so attractive and again, so effortless. Prince mastered this aspect so much and I find it very interesting. His clothes were a direct translation of how he felt about himself. Showing a little skin there, some see-through blouse here. Nothing extremely vulgar, but you get the message. I also wanted to put him there because whenever we think of Taurus venus celebrities, we always reference the most stereotypical ones like Ariana Grande and Lana del Rey. They most obviously embody the Venusian energy, but if you don't like this aesthetic, you can definitely be a little bit more out there just like Prince did.
With his venus in 7 degree, being a Libra degree, Prince was doubling down on his venusian energy, amping up the charm and sensuality while still being seen as charming.
Final take
What I would do (and should start to do actually) as a Taurus venus is focus on the quality of the clothes I put on my body, no matter the aesthetic or fashion choices. At the end of the day, Taurus look fabulous and effortlessly glam, but in order to enhance this trait, it's going to be important to invest in quality pieces in order to emanate this energy. I understand that not everybody wants to invest in clothes, but there's many ways you can do this without breaking the bank : thrift stores, depop, vinted (it might just take longer). Some signs can get away with cheap clothes, distressed clothing, but as Taurus venus, it definetely looks messy and not necessarily in a cute, grunge way lol.
Gemini venus
Margot Robbie
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To my surprise, there's actually a lot of supermodels or sex icons/bombshells who possess a Gemini Venus. I say to my surprise, because I always see Geminis as kind of quirky, but it's true, they do embody the perfect balance of being hot but approachable (the twins archetype after all). It's like they can very well be the nerdy shy girl and the bombshell the next minute. I think you can actually see that in Margot Robbie's style where it's very Girl-Next-Door, but with an edge. The monochromatic pink look is to die for but switch the palette for a neutral look, platform for regular slippers and it's not as eye-catching. Without these two small details, you get a very basic look. I would've expected flamboyance, but from what I saw from these celebrities (ex: Kristen Bell, Sandra Bullock) is that they really embody the Model Off Duty vibes, where everything they put has a little edge to it while still appearing very approachable and mainstream. Which, when we think about it, is very reminiscent of Geminis.
Her Venus being in a Leo degree (8) could explain her tendency to want to be extra, lean more on the glamorous side and wear monochromatic colourful outfits
Megan Fox
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Another route you could choose, as Megan Fox did, is to go push that Cool Girl fashion all the way and experiment fully with your closet, mixing and matching pieces with different textures and colours. Fox has always been known for her sex appeal and you can definitely see that in her fashion choices in the beginning of her career, but as of lately, she's been more avant-garde with her choices and honestly more fun. She definitely reminds me of the cool girls in my town walking around like they're just out of the fashion magazine, not giving a F about anything and you can't help but notice them.
Her venus is in 23 degrees, which is an Aquarius degree and could definitely explain her tendency to explore different styles and play with colours. Being very experimental.
Final take
What I would do if I were a Gemini Venus, is that I would learn my colours, my signature style and what goes best for my silhouette in order to put forward my best features. While this can be said for anyone, I think Gemini Venus is still very well thought out and in order to give that illusion of "I just got up", you're gonna have to know what makes you pop. As opposed to Taurus, for example, who can just rock an oversized hoodie and some boots and make it look elegant because that's what their energy gives off, Gemini is going to have to work a little bit harder. Experiment. Alot !
That's it from me folks, I'll post part 2 containing Cancer, Leo and Virgo venus very soon :)
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tinydefector · 25 days
One of my transformers headcanons I haven't talked about outside of smut is Cybertronian biolight, biolumoneses, it works a few way, alot of bots are forged with little lines of lighting that glow under the cracks in their armor, it was actually something they used to use when bonding with another slowly changing the glow to be the blend of each other's colours. But in the war, a lot of the bots shut down the protocol for these lights, mainly for safety, mission, and stealth. But when they land on earth and see cars with bright LEDs on the under carriage, some will, on occasion, turn those systems back on. 
Another thing I don't bring up enough is the difference types of vision the bots have, I love the idea that one day the switch over to Ultra violet in hopes of tracking their human in a game but then they stop. It is like seeing their human in a different light (literally) they don't bring it up but of a night when they lay naked curled against the bots bulk their digits traces the ‘invisible’ tripes and lines that are only visible under UV. They started using that vision more to just drink in the beauty of the lines. 
Some will even get the marks painted to them and my favourite part is so many of the human's are unaware they even Have stripes and when the bots finally bring it up, confusion happens, a lot of Google searches. 
“I HAVE STRIPES AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME??” They ask their lover in a panic which makes the bot chuckle as they are lifted closer. Soft kisses pressed to their back. “Yes sweetspark you have stripes” they would mumble against the human's back before deciding it was a perfect opportunity. “I also have glowing lights that line the ridges of my armour.” They would state before loading up the system. Their lovers' eyes go wide as the very soft pulsing glow surfaces. “Woah…. Pretty” they would mutter in true awe. Both are just basking in each other's markings. But then the bot changes to black light, and its the first time the human gets to witness the markings of their skin. The Cybertronian gently traced them as they lay under the stars. The way their digits move across the markings jolts the human's memory. “You have been tracing them all this time?” They ask just barely above a whisper. 
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Let me know if you would like to be added to tag list (tagged for every fic)
Update: link for what I think the biolights look like
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kishibe-kisser · 8 months
"I like to think Yuji is ours in another life." Your words were soft and gentle, speaking so quiet almost in fear that Nanami heard it. It had been plaguing your mind since you had met the boy, how he sparked that parental instinct in you both. However the last few weeks it was all you could think about when him and Nanami were out on a job.
You felt relief thinking the boy had someone like Nanami to look up to and that Nanami had someone to dote on. They both deserved it, the happiness of a family. Yuji only had his grandfather growing up and Nanami yearned for nothing more than a family. It was only natural that when you packed and extra lunch for Yuji that the thoughts crossed your mind.
You watched Nanami shift, turning his head on your chest to look at you. He looked tired, with slight bags under his eyes. The stress was from work, not Yuji. If anything the boy made him feel younger again... he reminded him so much of Haibara.
"They're all just kids. They need someone looking out for them." He replied shortly... wrapping his arms around you tightly, feeling the sheets around you shift. You mussed your fingers through his unstyled hair, nodding in agreement. "And Yuji..." He trailed off, his eyes looking past you rather than at you. He didn't like talking about him much, out of anger and out of sadness for the boy's inevitable fate. It upset the sorcerer more than he wanted to admit. He loved and hated the boy's sunny disposition despite it all.
"He's a kid, put into a position where he can't be one." You trailed your fingers over the lines on his face, sighing at his words. He too was just a kid once, him, Gojo, Geto... Haibara, all just kids in unfortunate positions. You would have been lying if you said you hadn't shed a tear thinking about the things Nanami had went through, the things he had shared at least. It was clear the topic of Yuji struck him deeply.
"It's silly of me, I know. But I sometimes imagine what he was like when he was a child." You smiled, trying to make the conversation lighter. "Boys like him are always such a handful as kids. So curious." You added on and Nanami stifled a laugh. "I imagine with Yuji's personality. He definitely got into trouble." Nanami surprised you, not thinking he would indulge this fantasy of yours. He tended to be the realist between the both of you, but even a realist needs to dream every now and again.
"He probably got into everything he wasn't supposed to because he still does." He laughed and you felt a weight sit on your stomach. It was a combination of joy and sorrow for both Nanami and Yuji. "It's good to dream." Nanami said, taking note of your sudden somber expression. His hands finding your face to wipe away tears you didn't even know had slipped.
"It is." You agreed and released a shaky breath. He never realized quite how much you had thought about this or how much he had. "He's a good kid..." You laughed, shaking off how ridiculous you were being and wiping the tears away. "He is." His laugh was sympathetic, maybe towards you or maybe towards Yuji, maybe even to himself. "You're working together again tomorrow right? I'll pack him a lunch too." You said, feigning a smile as Nanami stroked your hair.
It was indeed good to dream and for kids to be kids, he'd protect them to the best of his abilities. For their sake and the sake of himself, because he too was young once.
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A/N: I'll get over Nanami soon (no i won't) and I'll write less for him (no I won't) eventually. No but seriously I'll write something else soon, it's just that this is stuck in my head so it's easy to put down on paper. I don't have time lately to write alot because it's exam season the next weeks. But after that! I will try my best to update my lists!
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