#i would have to be in the right mindset to do it :'D
dwaekkicidal · 1 day
The Easy Way vs The Hard Way
˚ʚBang Chan x fem!Readerɞ˚
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ summary: I was thinking about brat taming the other day and I came to the conclusion that Chris has 2 different ways to tame a brat. So I procrastinated on my fics + assignments and wrote this :)
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ word count: ~1k
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ warnings: fem!reader, largely based around Daddy kink, creampie (try to pee after sex pls <3), breeding mentions, Chris calls himself Daddy, 'good girl' used #2: kinda hard dom!chris, man handling, spanking
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ notes: sorry not sorry that 'hard' is longer than 'easy' (are u surprised? have you SEEN my content?) and take this off of schedule because I hate letting things sit in my drafts for more than a day 😭 ALSO Sharing is Caring part 2 coming out later this week :3 (along with a Jisung request I got hehe <3)
MDNI!! smut below the cut
DO NOT republish or translate+post my work!
I think he has 2 ways of taming brats depending on what his mood is. So here's a little scenario to picture so that I can explain what I mean!
After a long day for the both of you, you guys indulge each other in a nice hour or 2 of foreplay before he finally fucks you. After you both finish, Chris pulls away to watch his cum drip out of you and you wiggle your hips to tease him. He slaps your ass playfully in response and teases you back by saying something along the lines of “Unless you’re trying to get bred tonight, I suggest you stop shaking your ass at me like that baby.” “As if you would complain about that. For somebody who calls himself ‘Daddy’ and says he ‘DoEsN’t MeAn It LiKe ThAt’, you sure as hell are trying to become one.” He originally laughs, but once he processes that you mocked him he rolls his eyes at you, “Just have to be a little brat? Maybe I didn’t fuck you thoroughly enough.” You scoff, crossing your arms and turning to look at him, “You think you do that anyways?”
So. How does theee Bang Christopher Chan deal with this?
‘Easy’ Way; aka “kill them with kindness”
“You think you do that anyways?”
He simply narrows his eyes at you, placing his hands on his hips, “Yeah?”
You proudly respond with an “Mhm." and stick your chin up.
He chuckles, stepping towards you and raising his hand to rest against your cheek, softly caressing the skin there. “But baby, you were just the one begging me to fuck you. Surely if I ‘never’ fucked you thoroughly enough, you wouldn’t be on your knees begging for my dick to be in you?”
You frown and he laughs in response, not giving you a chance to speak up before he continues. His free hand trails down your stomach and stops at your cunt, where he ghosts his fingers along your folds. You whimper and chew on your bottom lip, looking away from him shyly.
"And... Where did my good girl go? Hm? My pretty baby who listens soo well.” His fingers tease your hole before you’re filled with two of them. “My sweet doll who would never let her Daddy down like this.” His fingers double their efforts and the hand on your cheek slides a thumb into your puffy lips. "The good girl who doesn’t disrespect her Daddy like this… Where is she at?” Your breath suddenly becomes hectic and he can tell you’re getting close.
Between the bittersweet words and the eager movements against your pussy, you slip into another mindset all too easily. He smiles when you finally look at him with glossy eyes and respond in a small voice, "'M right here..." He tilts his head at you expectantly and you squirm in his hold before repeating yourself louder. "I'm right here Daddy.."
"Oh, hi baby. Is my good girl back now?" You nod desperately in response, tightening your hands into fists against his chest as you grip around his fingers. "And is she ready to behave?"
"Yes, Daddy. 'M sorry.."
"Shhh, it’s okay baby. Now be good and cum on my fingers, kay?"
Hard’ Way; aka “fuck around and find out”
“You think you do that anyways?”
His eyebrows furrow and his tongue drags against the inside of his cheek. “Yeah? You’re really gonna do this right now? Right after I was nice enough to let you cum?” You gulp but stand your ground, making a scene to roll your eyes and lean back against the headboard.
He sits there silently, trying to give you another chance to come to your senses to realize that you’re butt ass naked in front of him and at his mercy. When you instead cock your head sideways with a bunch of attitude, he sighs loudly. His hands suddenly grips your ankles and drags you towards him. Then you’re flipped into your stomach and he renters you with no warning.
Your jaw drops and you moan loudly in surprise. His hands take turns slamming down against your ass cheeks over and over, seemingly getting harder with each slap. He sighs contently at the way you cling tightly around him with each smack, and he only stops once your cheeks are beet red and you’re trembling below him.
He hums to himself and taps the flesh, making it burn more and watching as you shake. "Such a pretty thing with such pretty reactions.. If only you were a good plaything and shut that pretty mouth for once."
He watches as your head snaps back towards him for a moment, the angry face and tears running down your face only make him smile at you. You feel his hips drag away from you, painfully slowly, until only the first centimeter or two of his tip are in you. You're taking a deep breath trying to regain your composure when a hand grabs a tight grip of your hair and pulls you backwards, his hips slamming forward at the same time.
A choke leaves you at the suddenness but he wastes no time, using the leverage in your hair to hold you in place as he fucks into you roughly. The aftermath of your previous orgasm sneaks up on you and you feel another one building up in no time. You melt into the sheets at the feeling, shaking as you almost tip over from one of the faster orgasms you've experienced, but Chris proves himself to be faster.
In an instant he's pulling out completely and holding you down preemptively for when you start thrash and whine. He waits until you stop kicking your feet at him, a tell tale sign that the tightness in your stomach finally faded, then he all of the sudden plunges back into you. The slide against your walls is rough, but you can’t deny how well it’s breaking down your resolution.
He uses the hand in your hair to tilt your head up at him when he leans forward to tower over you. It's very uncomfortable but it gives him the advantage as his narrowed eyes bore directly into you. He eventually changes positions, not wanting to actually hurt you like that, and he uses the new one to bring you to another orgasm. One that he, of course, ruins immediately with no hesitation.
This happens multiple times across the next 2 hours, to the point where you lost count of how many orgasms slipped away. It's not until you're sobbing beneath him and no longer kicking at him with each ruined orgasm, that he's flipping you onto your back and leaning down to kiss your tears away.
"Are you done now, love? You ready to be my good girl again?"
Your arms wrap around his neck and your lower lip trembles as you nod. He smiles, petting your hair and cooing at you before returning to his previous pace fucking you.
"There we go..."
@jiminssluttyminx @changisworld @juskz @linohumina
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clemencetaught · 3 months
🔥 What kind of pieces has he done through wood carving? Does he keep these pieces as personal items or gives them away to other people? 🔥 What are his favorite books to read? Has he retrieved any kind of information from books as to use them for his skills or any situation he's faced? 🔥 What are his favorite scents when it comes to bath salts? 🔥 Does he have a pocket knife he always uses or that's always with him? If so, is it personalized in some kind of way; maybe added marks or something to it? 🔥Is there a situation you'd like to write out in this verse but haven't? 👀
Also feel free to skip any questions here IUWHEDWHD; HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL, TAKE MUCH CARE, MY DEAR FRIEND!!
now the victor is on the hot seat ( nosy questions for the birthday enby w/ @jeoseungsaja )
HI ALEX!!! here i am again with more of your WONDERFUL QUESTIONS :DDD thank you again for these; i will try to answer them all to the best of my ability <3
🔥 What kind of pieces has he done through wood carving? Does he keep these pieces as personal items or gives them away to other people?
okie so i was actually going to recon this headcanon ( there are a few things i want to revise for this verse especially with what i know about hyuk now here 👀) into more like, yes he does do wood carving, but it’s not really the artistic kind ^^’ i’d say it’s more like, you know how some people will pick up a random stick and just start shaving away at it until there’s nothing left? Yeah that’s the kind of carving patrick does….i wouldn’t be surprised if when he and hyuk are at the beach, that’s typically how patrick passes the time– he finds a random piece of driftwood and just idly shaves away at it while listening to the waves and enjoying hyuk’s company <3
🔥 What are his favorite books to read? Has he retrieved any kind of information from books as to use them for his skills or any situation he's faced? 
In this verse, he hardly reads fiction, mostly because i’m assuming that the books published in panem are probably pro-capitol. Books from before that (think of say, pride and prejudice, etc.) are probably found in the capitol, but you won’t be seeing anyone in the districts getting their hands on these legally at least–). So i could see patrick being more interested in reading say, history books? Anything related to history even though he knows that most accounts are, again, pro-capitol…this probably also ties into his capitol public persona as an academic, where he’s considered a ‘historian’ regarding panemian history….of course this’ll come back to bite the capitol in the ass 🙂
( on a note of after the second revolution, i could see patrick like, writing just one book on a comprehensive history of panem, one that cover both the districts and the capitol and it’s complete with interviews and primary and secondary sources….he had that published and then fucked off into obscurity aka he wanted no cameras on him ever again. he probably also played a role also in setting up a national university for both the district and the capitol students…although he would stick to teaching history in solely district three for the rest of his life <3 )
He will also read about science books and about the other districts/the capitol. The latter, he uses to kinda?? Get a better sense of the places he’s either stuck in or could be visiting, while the former, you could say it’s a paranoia thing just in case he’s ever thrown back into the games for a second time– this being said, i do think before he reaped, since he and hyuk did sneak out to the one beach at the edge of district three, he did do some reading about marine life and forest survival…whether that information actually did help him out though, who can say 🥲
🔥 What are his favorite scents when it comes to bath salts? 
Probably nothing too fancy, but he definitely would hate anything that was too…sweet-smelling, like roses or vanilla. I could see him liking more of the refreshing scents kinda like, eucalyptus, peppermint or tea tree. Considering that often he take a bath after meeting with snow’s ‘clients’, i think he prefers sharp smells as the scent would ground him to the present moment. Keep his thoughts from spiraling too far. 
🔥 Does he have a pocket knife he always uses or that's always with him? If so, is it personalized in some kind of way; maybe added marks or something to it?
i could definitely see him having one although it wouldn’t be anything fancy. I could see his favorite being say, something you’d find in the black market, something secondhand from district three. Mind you, he probably did get a fancy pocket knife here and there from snow’s ‘clients’, but i don’t see him keeping them…most likely he would’ve given them away or simply just thrown them out.
as for his usual one, the personalization is probably something very simple, like a carving of his initials into the handle. Just in case it gets lost ( although i don’t see that happening ever since well…never assume a dog no matter how sweet doesn’t know how to bite 🙃)
🔥Is there a situation you'd like to write out in this verse but haven't? 👀
Ahhhhh my favorite question on this list, alex i’m afraid you’ve opened pandora’s box here JFKLSDJFLK :3 
But honestly? I think the connections that he has for this verse already do a wonderful job with fulfilling all the hypothetical situations i’d write him into ( and if there is more…well i do know who to ask ;D ) that being said…
i would be interested in writing patrick in the initial aftermath of felicity’s passing OR in a case where hyuk is say, kidnapped by the capitol (aka there’s no guarantee that he’s alive or dead) ? of course that would be super depressing so it’s not like we would have to go all in depth, but at least i would like to see a patrick that is perhaps temporarily unhinged as that’s not a side that comes out often and i have yet to see what that would look like in action. in the case of hyuk being ‘missing’ since hyuk here is patrick’s rock, take hyuk away and any stability that patrick is known for showing would probably just…crumble. like yeah, he’ll act he’s perfectly fine and composed but he’d also be consistently two steps away from a breakdown…probably would need to be sedated at some points in time to calm down :’(
if we’re talking about hyurick tho, this is going to be so vague, but i wanna write it all with you :D firstly bc hyurick has my whole heart and brain space BUT also i am genuinely curious to see how they interact in this depresso verse!! whereas in the black knight verse, they are on the same side and do agree on what the right thing is to do even if they throw barbs at each other :’DDD; here, however, just based on what you’ve told me about hyuk so far, patrick and hyuk each have very different ideologies/ways of being in this society. So i am curious to see how they navigate their friendship/relationship despite disagreeing on this very fundamental level…and also seeing how they might accidentally screw each other over in the process too ( aka hyuk tries to start rebellion things and patrick tries to sabotage said plan bc that’s gonna get hyuk killed 😣).
that and the reunion kiss we talked about 👀i need a play-by-play walkthrough of that PLS 🥺🥺🥺
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dyscomancer · 3 months
can you explain what happened with larian and hasbro? why are the next 5 years going to be so bad?
So, Larian had to purchase from Hasbro/WotC the usage rights for the Forgotten Realms setting and the D&D 5e systems, among other things, to make Baldur's Gate 3. Larian self-published the game; it was not published by Hasbro or Wizards of the Coast.
However, they still had folks from the WotC D&D team help them with the integration of a setting they did not own. Having folks on hand to provide visual reference for artists designing characters, items, and architecture, having lore bible folks checking the story and dialogue for lore consistency, having rules designers help to change the 5e rules for the reality of it being a video game and not live tabletop; that sort of thing.
Thing is, since then, Hasbro has let every single one of the WotC employees Larian worked with (with whom they had a great time, by all accounts) go in their recent downsizing layoffs.
Larian owner, Swen Vicke, has been outspoken about the video game industry's quarterly profit mindset and how it has been ruining the industry. These downsizing layoffs are emblematic of this toxic business structure; by nixing employees, you can claim to your all-powerful shareholders that you got a bigger profit than you would have otherwise! Because god help you if you have to tell the shareholders that you didn't double your fucking profit margins from the previous quarter. Don't worry about how you just let all your veteran talent go, I'm sure that won't have any effects down the line.
Recent news has confirmed that Baldur's Gate 3 will not be receiving any DLC, despite previous statements that the concept was being looked at. It will not get any expansions like BG games before it did. It will not be getting a sequel from Larian. It will not be getting any expanded content outside of further updates and patches. Big extra content like that requires the aforementioned involvement from the WotC team; the team that has since been entirely fired.
Larian, as a company that generally eschews firing people for bullshit reasons and don't adhere as much to the bean counting mindset, found this firing of people to be horrifyingly unethical, as many of its staff and ownership have publicly stated. This almost certainly had something to do with the previously mentioned 'no DLC/sequels' announcement. Why would you want to work with a company that treats its people like that?
The '5 years' statement I stated was just a rough estimate. Hasbro has already started up on publishing their own video game titles in-house without the aid of studios like Larian, and 5 years is a pretty good window for titles like that to be released in the future. And judging by how their previous titles from a previous effort (bad mobile games, bad steam games) were received, I don't see any reasons to believe that this push would be different.
Had they just not fired people to please a bunch of asshole suits from some holding company doing fuck-all but sitting in meeting rooms to collect money, they'd likely have had a better chance at working with Larian on more stuff for BG3, more Forgotten Realms stuff in the future, and just generally had more chances for quality products made by a passionate and proven team.
tl;dr; Hasbro fired all their people who worked with Larian, and Larian rightly saw this as a dick move.
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cy-cyborg · 1 month
Dealing with Healing and Disability in fantasy: Writing Disability
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[ID: An image of the main character from Eragon, a white teenage boy with blond hair in silver armour as he sits, with his hand outstretched. On his hand is a glowing blue mark. He is visibly straining as he attempts to heal a large creature in front of him. /End ID]
I'm a massive fan of the fantasy genre, which is why it's so incredibly frustrating when I see so much resistance to adding disability representation to fantasy works. People's go-to reason for leaving us out is usually something to the effect of "But my setting has magic so disability wouldn't exist, it can just be healed!" so let's talk about magic, specifically healing magic, in these settings, and how you can use it without erasing disability from your story.
Ok, let's start with why you would even want to avoid erasing disability from a setting in the first place. I talked about this in a lot more detail in my post on The Miracle Cure. this line of thinking is another version of this trope, but applied to a whole setting (or at least, to the majority of people in the setting) instead of an individual, so it's going to run into the same issues I discussed there. To summarise the points that are relevant to this particular version of the trope though:
Not every disabled person wants or needs a cure - many of us see our disability as a part of our identity. Do difficulties come with being disabled? absolutely! It's literally part of the definition, but for some people in the disabled community, if you took our disabilities away, we would be entirely different people. While it is far from universal, there is a significant number of us who, if given a magical cure with no strings attached, would not take it. Saying no one in your setting would be disabled because these healing spells exists ignores this part of the community.
It messes with the stakes of your story - Just like how resurrecting characters or showing that this is something that is indeed possible in the setting can leave your audience feeling cheated or like they don't have to worry about a character *actually* ever dying. healing a character's disability, or establishing that disability doesn't exist in your setting because "magic" runs into the same problem. It will leave your readers or viewers feeling like they don't have to worry about your characters getting seriously hurt because it will only be temporary, which means your hero's actions carry significantly less risk, which in turn, lowers the stakes and tension if not handled very, very carefully.
It's an over-used trope - quite plainly and simply, this trope shows up a lot in the fantasy genre, to the point where I'd say it's just overused and kind of boring.
So with the "why should you avoid it" covered, let's look at how you can actually handle the topic.
Limited Access and Expensive Costs
One of the most common ways to deal with healing and disability in a fantasy setting, is to make the healing magic available, but inaccessible to most of the population. The most popular way to do that is by making the services of a magical healer capable of curing a disability really expensive to the point that most people just can't afford it. If this is the approach you're going to use, you also typically have to make that type of magic quite rare. To use D&D terms, if every first level sorcerer, bard, cleric and druid can heal a spinal injury, it's going to result in a lot of people who are able to undercut those massive prices and the expense will drop as demand goes down. If that last sentence didn't give you a hint, this is really popular method in stories that are critiquing capitalistic mindsets and ideologies, and is most commonly used by authors from the USA and other countries with a similar medical system, since it mirrors a lot of the difficulties faced by disabled Americans. If done right, this approach can be very effective, but it does need to be thought through more carefully than I think people tend to do. Mainly because a lot of fantasy stories end with the main character becoming rich and/or powerful, and so these prohibitively expensive cure become attainable by the story's end, which a lot of authors and writer's just never address. Of course, another approach is to make the availability of the magic itself the barrier. Maybe there just aren't that many people around who know the magic required for that kind of healing, so even without a prohibitive price tag, it's just not something that's an option for most people. If we're looking at a D&D-type setting, maybe you need to be an exceptionally high level to cast the more powerful healing spell, or maybe the spell requires some rare or lost material component. I'd personally advise people to be careful using this approach, since it often leads to stories centred around finding a miracle cure, which then just falls back into that trope more often than not.
Just outright state that some characters don't want/need it
Another, admittedly more direct approach, is to make it that these "cures" exist and are easily attainable, but to just make it that your character or others they encounter don't want or need it. This approach works best for characters who are born with their disabilities or who already had them for a long time before a cure was made available to them. Even within those groups though, this method works better with some types of characters than others depending on many other traits (personality, cultural beliefs, etc), and isn't really a one-size-fits-all solution, but to be fair, that's kind of the point. Some people will want a cure for their disabilities, others are content with their body's the way they are. There's a few caveats I have with this kind of approach though:
you want to make sure you, as the author, understand why some people in real life don't want a cure, and not just in a "yeah I know these people exist but I don't really get it" kind of way. I'm not saying you have to have a deep, personal understanding or anything, but some degree of understanding is required unless you want to sound like one of those "inspirational" body positivity posts that used to show up on Instagram back in the day.
Be wary when using cultural beliefs as a reasoning. It can work, but when media uses cultural beliefs as a reason for turning down some kind of cure, it's often intending to critique extreme beliefs about medicine, such as the ones seen in some New Age Spirituality groups and particularly intense Christian churches. As a general rule of thumb, it's probably not a good idea to connect these kinds of beliefs to disabled people just being happy in their bodies. Alternatively, you also need to be mindful of the "stuck in time" trope - a trope about indigenous people who are depicted as primitive or, as the name suggests, stuck in an earlier time, for "spurning the ways of the white man" which usually includes medicine or the setting's equivalent magic. I'm not the best person to advise you on how to avoid this specific trope, but my partner (who's Taino) has informed me of how often it shows up in fantasy specifically and we both thought it was worth including a warning at least so creators who are interested in this method know to do some further research.
Give the "cures" long-lasting side effects
Often in the real world, when a "cure" for a disability does exist, it's not a perfect solution and comes with a lot of side effects. For example, if you loose part of your arm in an accident, but you're able to get to a hospital quickly with said severed arm, it can sometimes be reattached, but doing so comes at a cost. Most people I know who had this done had a lot of issues with nerve damage, reduced strength, reduced fine-motor control and often a great deal of pain with no clear source. Two of the people I know who's limbs were saved ended up having them optionally re-amputated only a few years later. Likewise, I know many people who are paraplegics and quadriplegics via spinal injuries, who were able to regain the use of their arms and/or legs. However, the process was not an easy one, and involved years of intense physiotherapy and strength training. For some of them, they need to continue to do this work permanently just to maintain use of the effected limbs, so much so that it impacts their ability to do things like work a full-time job and engage in their hobbies regularly, and even then, none of them will be able bodied again. Even with all that work, they all still experience reduced strength and reduced control of the limbs. depending on the type, place and severity of the injury, some people are able to get back to "almost able bodied" again - such was the case for my childhood best friend's dad, but they often still have to deal with chronic pain from the injury or chronic fatigue.
Even though we are talking about magic in a fantasy setting, we can still look to real-life examples of "cures" to get ideas. Perhaps the magic used has a similar side effect. Yes, your paraplegic character can be "cured" enough to walk again, but the magic maintaining the spell needs a power source to keep it going, so it draws on the person's innate energy within their body, using the very energy the body needs to function and do things like move their limbs. They are cured, but constantly exhausted unless they're very careful, and if the spell is especially strong, the body might struggle to move at all, resulting in something that looks and functions similar to the nerve damage folks with spinal injuries sometimes deal with that causes that muscle weakness and motor control issues. Your amputee might be able to have their leg regrown, but it will always be slightly off. The regrown leg is weaker and causes them to walk with a limp, maybe even requiring them to use a cane or other mobility aid.
Some characters might decide these trade-offs are worth it, and while this cures their initial disability, it leaves them with another. Others might simply decide the initial disability is less trouble than these side effects, and choose to stay as they are.
Consider if these are actually cures
Speaking of looking to the real world for ideas, you might also want to consider whether these cures are doing what the people peddling them are claiming they do. Let's look at the so-called autism cures that spring up every couple of months as an example.
Without getting into the… hotly debated specifics, there are many therapies that are often labelled as "cures" for autism, but in reality, all they are doing is teaching autistic people how to make their autistic traits less noticeable to others. This is called masking, and it's a skill that often comes at great cost to an autistic person's mental health, especially when it's a behaviour that is forced on them. Many of these therapies give the appearance of being a cure, but the disability is still there, as are the needs and difficulties that come with it, they're just hidden away. From an outside perspective though, it often does look like a success, at least in the short-term. Then there are the entirely fake cures with no basis in reality, the things you'll find from your classic snake-oil salesmen. Even in a fantasy setting where real magic exists, these kinds of scams and misleading treatments can still exist. In fact, I think it would make them even more common than they are in the real world, since there's less suspension of disbelief required for people to fall for them. "What do you mean this miracle tonic is a scam? Phil next door can conjure flames in his hand and make the plants grow with a snap of his fingers, why is it so hard to believe this tonic could regrow my missing limb?"
I think the only example of this approach I've seen, at least recently, is from The Owl House. The magic in this world can do incredible things, but it works in very specific and defined ways. Eda's curse (which can be viewed as an allegory for many disabilities and chronic illnesses) is seemingly an exception to this, and as such, nothing is able to cure it. Treat it, yes, but not cure it. Eda's mother doesn't accept this though, and seeks out a cure anyway and ends up falling for a scam who's "treatments" just make things worse.
In your own stories, you can either have these scams just not work, or kind of work, but in ways that are harmful and just not worth it, like worse versions of the examples in the previous point. Alternatively, like Eda, it's entirely reasonable that a character who's been the target of these scams before might just not want to bother anymore. Eda is a really good example of this approach handled in a way that doesn't make her sad and depressed about it either. She's tried her mum's methods, they didn't work, and now she's found her own way of dealing with it that she's happy with. She only gets upset when her boundaries are ignored by Luz and her mother.
Think about how the healing magic is actually working
If you have a magic system that leans more on the "hard magic" side of things, a great way to get around the issue of healing magic erasing disability is to stop and think about how your healing magic actually works.
My favourite way of doing this is to make healing magic work by accelerating the natural processes of your body. Your body will, given enough time (assuming it remains infection-free) close a slash from a sword and mend a broken bone, but it will never regrow it's own limbs. It will never heal damage to it's own spinal cord. It will never undo whatever causes autism or fix it's own irregularities. Not without help. Likewise, healing magic alone won't do any of these things either, it's just accelerating the existing process and usually, by extension making it safer, since a wound staying open for an hour before you get to a healer is much less likely to get infected than one that slowly and naturally heals over a few weeks. In one of my own works, I take this even further by making it that the healing magic is only accelerating cell growth and repair, but the healer has to direct it. In order to actually heal, the healer needs to know the anatomy of what they're fixing to the finest detail. A spell can reconnect a torn muscle to a bone, but if you don't understand the structures that allow that to happen in the first place, you're likely going to make things worse. For this reason, you won't really see people using this kind of magic to, say, regrow limbs, even though it technically is possible. A limb is a complicated thing. The healer needs to be able to perfectly envision all the bones, the cartilage, the tendons and ligaments, the muscles (including the little ones, like those found in your skin that make your hair stand on end and give you goose bumps), the fat and skin tissues, all the nerves, all the blood vessels, all the structures within the bone that create your blood. Everything, and they need to know how it all connects, how it is supposed to move and be able to keep that clearly in their mind simultaneously while casting. Their mental image also has to match with the patient's internal "map" of the body and the lost limb, or they'll continue to experience phantom limb sensation even if the healing is successful. It's technically possible, but the chances they'll mess something up is too high, and so it's just not worth the risk to most people, including my main character.
Put Restrictions on the magic
This is mostly just the same advice as above, but for softer magic systems. put limits and restrictions on your healing magic. These can be innate (so things the magic itself is just incapable of doing) or external (things like laws that put limitations on certain types of magic and spells).
An example of internal restriction can be seen in how some people interpret D&D's higher level healing spells like regenerate (a 7th level spell-something most characters won't have access to for quite some time). The rules as written specify that disabilities like lost limbs can be healed using this spell, but some players take this to mean that if a character was born with the disability in question, say, born without a limb, regenerate would only heal them back to their body's natural state, which for them, is still disabled.
An external restriction would be that your setting has outlawed healing magic, perhaps because healing magic carries a lot of risks for some reason, eithe to the caster or the person being healed, or maybe because the healing magic here works by selectively reviving and altering the function of cells, which makes it a form of necromancy, just on a smaller scale. Of course, you can also use the tried and true, "all magic is outlawed" approach too. In either case, it's something that will prevent some people from being able to access it, despite it being technically possible. Other external restrictions could look like not being illegal, per say, but culturally frowned upon or taboo where your character is from.
But what if I don't want to do any of this?
Well you don't have to. These are just suggestions to get you thinking about how to make a world where healing magic and disability exist, but they aren't the only ways. Just the ones I thought of.
Of course, if you'd still rather make a setting where all disability is cured because magic and you just don't want to think about it any deeper, I can't stop you. I do however, want to ask you to at least consider where you are going to draw the line. Disability, in essence, is what happens when the body stops (or never started) functioning "normally". Sometimes that happens because of an injury, sometimes it's just bad luck, but the boundary between disabled and not disabled is not as solid as I think a lot of people expect it to be, and we as a society have a lot of weird ideas about what is and isn't a disability that just, quite plainly and simply, aren't consistent. You have to remember, a magic system won't pick and choose the way we humans do, it will apply universally, regardless of our societal hang-ups about disability.
What do I mean about this?
Well, consider for a moment, what causes aging? it's the result of our body not being able to repair itself as effectively as it used to. It's the body not being able to perform that function "normally". So in a setting where all disability is cured, there would be no aging. No elderly people. No death from old age. If you erase disability, you also erase natural processes like aging. magic won't pick and choose like that, not if you want it to be consistent.
Ok, ok, maybe that's too much of a stretch, so instead, let's look at our stereotypical buff hero covered in scars because he's a badass warrior. but in a world where you can heal anything, why would anything scar? Even if it did, could another healing spell not correct that too? Scars are part of the body's natural healing process, but if no natural healing occurred, why would a scar form? Scars are also considered disabling in and of themselves too, especially large ones, since they aren't as flexible or durable as normal skin and can even restrict growth and movement.
Even common things like needing glasses are, using this definition of disability at least, a disability. glasses are a socially accepted disability aid used to correct your eyes when they do not function "normally".
Now to be fair, in reality, there are several definitions of disability, most of which include something about the impact of society. For example, in Australia (according to the Disability Royal Commission), we define disability as "An evolving concept that results from the interaction between a person with impairment(s) and attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others." - or in laymen's terms, the interaction between a person's impairment and societal barriers like people not making things accessible or holding misinformed beliefs about your impairment (e.g. people in wheelchairs are weaker than people who walk). Under a definition like this, things like scars and needing glasses aren't necessarily disabilities (most of the time) but that's because of how our modern society sees them. The problem with using a definition like this though to guide what your magic system will get rid of, is that something like a magic system won't differentiate between an "impairment" that has social impacts that and one that doesn't. It will still probably get rid of anything that is technically an example of your body functioning imperfectly, which all three of these things are. The society in your setting might apply these criteria indirectly, but really, why would they? Very few people like the side effects of aging on the body (and most people typically don't want to die), the issues that come with scars or glasses are annoying (speaking as someone with both) and I can see a lot of people getting rid of them when possible too. If they don't then it's just using the "not everyone wants it approach" I mentioned earlier. If there's some law or some kind of external pressure to push people away from fixing these more normalised issues, then it's using the "restrictions" method I mentioned earlier too.
Once again, you can do whatever you like with your fantasy setting, but it's something I think that would be worth thinking about at least.
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tinybitsubby · 9 months
****Disclaimer: this is not my list. (meaning I don’t like/prefer/agree with everything on it)
Several months ago I was down some rabbit hole and found a message board where someone had asked a question about having a D/s oriented vacation and people responded. I went to visit it recently and it doesn’t exist anymore. I had copied it to notes to send to the Hubz at one point and thought I’d share it here and see what you all think of it. Thoughts? Ideas? Copy and pasted below.
Someone asked a d/s chat room ideas to turn a romantic tropical vacation into a major D/s getaway for those exploring D/s.
1. Start off on the right foot. Spank her ass right before the flight or drive so it’s uncomfortable to sit during travel. Maybe tell her to sit still when she keeps shifting in her seat.
2. Tell her that unless thr public can hear, just for this trip she must always address you as sir. Punish forgetfulness.
3. Make her kneel every morning.
4. Objectify her by shoving a few fingers deep into her mouth a few times a day. Call her good girl and watch her gag for a minute then wipe her runny eyes and move on like nothing happened. My wife/sub says this type of brief degradation flips her mindset so fast. She hates it but loves the complicated emotional part.
5. Since the owiest part of anal is the initial insertion, tell her that she will be announcing every single time she’s about to get in the shower so he can come to the bathroom in a minute. When he comes in she must lube up her clean asshole and degrade herself by holding her own ass open for him. He will sink his dick all the way in and hold it there while she tells him a reason why she deserves to take his cock up her ass. If she can’t think of a good reason, the dick stays in until she does. Not fucking her, just staying in there stretching her open. Then he rinses off and leaves so she can shower. An uncomfortable size of dildo (not plug) can be used instead if he doesn’t like to get erections and then let them fade. I’m not into anal except for the very subby headspace it creates. It makes me feel so vulnerable and it’s kind of painful. We did this on a trip and it became a true exercise in submission as I got more and more sore. When he sat me down to tell me this would happen, it really set the tone for the trip. Don’t discount this idea. Also Halfway through the trip we had anal sex which is rare for us and it made every shower insertion after that more uncomfortable and really upped our D/s. Seriously, try it, especially if anal is really not her thing. She’ll feel like such a good sub. You want her to feel like a good sub for submitting in ways that are uncomfortable. Please try this! PS If she loves anal, don’t do this, hahaha. PPS. Since we got home he sometimes says tell me when you get in the shower next and I know this will happen and it reminds me of our trip when we solidified our DS.
6. Bring an implement she doesn’t like and tell her she must ask for 10 hard strokes every day by a certain time. Obviously No anger or lectures just checking it off the to-do list. If she forgets and the time passes, she gets 25 or more instead. You should know Tears are ok in the D/s dynamic. If you’re flying and don’t want to take implements then you always have a belt or a brush.
7. Spit in her mouth every time no one is looking
8. Let her know before you leave that even if she’s a very good girl, there will be tears twice on this trip to remind her of her submission. Make her ask for one of the times and surprise her with the other. You get to choose what makes her cry. Don’t overlook the power of this emotional release for a sub. This secretly also teaches her to ask for an emotional release when she feels it could be beneficial to her mental state or the relationship.
9. Tell her she cannot cum until the third day of the trip. Then have lots of sex the first two days.
10. If you are leaving town, make her dress like a total slut
11. Bruises man. Give her some really good butt bruises and then spend time every day, poking pinching and spanking them. It keeps her hyper aware of her place. A 1.5” dowel from hardware can give bruises in just a handful of strikes without chaffing the skin too much like stingy implements do because they take too many strikes to get a bruise.
12. Tell her that on this trip, if she has an alcoholic drink in her hand, there will also be a plug in her ass. No exceptions. Going to order a drink with lunch? Go plug that ass before we leave. For added fun, you pick the size each time. Alternatively, if that’s not possible, you could just tell her that whenever your dick is going in her pussy on this trip, there will also be a plug in her ass at the same time. Or alternate days.
13. She’s doesn’t get to orgasm on this trip.
14. Tell her she will kneel and suck your balls every time you change clothes. “Sorry, you have to come back to the room with me because I’m changing into my bathing suit.”
15. Make her stay naked every minute you’re alone.
16. Call her trashy names.
17. Whatever you want to do to Dom her, whatever your desire or fantasy is, do that. BUT, tell her in detail hours in advance. A sub’s brain goes haywire when told something like this. “Look at me. Tomorrow I’m going to spank you very hard and you’re going to hold very still. I’m going to cum when I’m done but how I cum is going to depend on how well you take your spanking. If you can stay still I’ll just sink into your cunt and that will be that. But if I have to keep telling you to get back into position or keep your feet down I’ll cum down your throat and if I have to wrestle you at all during your spanking, I’m fucking your ass and continuing to spank it.” Or just tell casually with a smile you know after dinner I’m going to fuck your face and slap it hard every time you need to pause to breathe. Etc.
18. I’m jealous. I want a D/s vacation! Just stuff holes all the time. Anytime you think of it, put your fingers, dick or toy into one of her holes for minute. Let her know her body will be invaded over and over on the trip multiple times a day and occasionally during the night. Make sure you tell her to expect it because then her mind will be on it all the time.
19. Flirt with other women and make her sit quietly and smile. Maybe kiss one.
20. Fig her. Especially if you can’t spank because of noise. At least 20 minutes, the heat doesn’t peak until 15. If you’re flying and can’t take ginger, China Gel on your thumb is almost as good.
21. Bind her and make her wait patiently while totally bored. If rope is a travel issue, take some medical tape.
22. Get her pregnant
23. Clothespins. Use them a lot. Is she sucking your dick, put them on her labia. Are you fucking her, put them on her nipples. Are you spanking her, put a row of several down the skin of her tummy or back on her labia. They keep her on edge and feeling subby. I’m not kidding try them because the ache when they are removed is like nothing else. If she’s sunning by the pool, maybe there’s one hidden somewhere for a while.
24. Just fucking Dom her, use the time to make your own D/s dreams come true. She wants you to take control.
25. Fuck man this list is great but maybe only pick a few.
26. Give her a daily writing assignment if you have relaxing time. Give her a question that is hard to talk about and demand honesty. Better yet, both of you share.
27. Tell her she can’t say no on this trip. Goes without saying, but respect hard limits.
28. Make her wear dresses with no panties. Pull it up every time no one is looking. Smack her pussy, or finger fuck her or sit back and admire. Just mix it up. Fuck her before you go somewhere so she has to feel jizz running down her legs.
29. Make her skip a meal now and then to watch you eat
30. Randomly tell her to head back to the room and masterbate to orgasm. Or to only get really close to it. Give her a time limit.
31. Choke her out. Maybe she wakes up in a compromising position.
32. If she’ll be wearing bathing suits, only spank or strap her on one side. She’ll be miserable with all the counts on only one side and if anything should show, it will just look like she took a tumble or something with a bruise or welt on just one side. It’s the symmetry that lets people know what’s up.
33. If there’s a need for a punishment spanking on the trip, do it in diaper position. It’s intense because you can see her face. Make sure you’re ready to handle seeing her face during a punishment as some Doms just can’t handle it.
34. Tell her you won’t be touching her vag once on the trip. Her other holes will be used as you see fit daily. You can put a binder clip on her labia to hold it closed to prove your point.
35. Carve a souvenir scar into her.
36. Tell anytime she wants to cum she’ll have to pick between two things she doesn’t like first. Get her close to orgasm so she’s really needy and then say I want you to come but first A or B. If she doesn’t pick in 10 seconds, she gets both then back to the orgasm.
37. Pick a window of time each day that she cannot speak
38. Tell her she must wake you up with her mouth every day.
39. Take medical gloves and do cold inspections of her. Make her feel like an object.
40. No eye contact for the trip.
41. Dude just tell her this trip will be rough. Rough sex, rough spanking, rough manhandling. Just make things challenging for her and then get through them together. That’s all we subs want. We want to endure a hard challenge for you and then be called a good girl for enduring it. You get to be the guy setting up whatever challenge turns you on AND be the support system when it’s emotional for her. That’s all of D/s!!!
42. Edge her. You can do it or she can, but lots of random edging to keep her needy all day.
43. Golden showers.
44. Make all decisions for her. Tell her when to get up, when to sleep, when to use the bathroom, what to wear, order her foodand drinks without consulting her. Tell her when sex is happening and what type. If it’s too much, just pick one day where she can’t make a decision.
45. If you’ve never slapped her face, start on this trip. Maybe just a couple times at first and then build up to several times in a row during some form of sex. Require eye contact. Let her tear up and let her go through the range of emotions. While looking at you and enduring it, let her feel your support, but then slap her again. As a submissive this is for real an emotional growth as a couple and can be meaningful. Talk to her about it the next day. Tell her she’s so good for taking it in and you’re going to slap her again soon.
46. Spank her very hard right before the trip so the little spankings here and there actually hurt quickly. Wipe tears and give hugs. This hard and soft feedback at the same time feeds a sub like you wouldn’t believe.
47. Don’t let her sleep in pajamas. Always nude. She’ll get used to it.
48. Force too much Alcohol/weed into her and then discuss both of your darkest fantasies.
49. Slap that pussy every chance you get. Keep it just a little sore.
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creatureheart · 5 months
Because you seem to just be deleting all replies that give an alternate view instead of replying with actual discussion, as is your right but still kinda annoying, I figured I’d make a post that you cannot delete. =3
Caring for animals and their well-being is important!
Telling people that the thoughts they have determine their morality is nazi bullshit! =D
Thought crimes do not exist!
(PT: Thought crimes do not exist!)
And I will continue to repeat that because it’s the truth whether anyone likes it or not.
You cannot measure someone’s morality or their actions based on the thoughts they have. Unless they ACTUALLY act on these things, you have no right to tell other people if they are bad people or not.
And yes, this includes all the thoughts that you and others see as immoral.
If you’re the kind of person who thinks that someone thinking something bad makes them a bad person than you’re both ableist and just an asshole, because intrusive thoughts exist and those are not purposeful thoughts and cause distress among those who have them. Hence why they’re called intrusive.
But also humans are omnivores. Humans are predatory animals. Humans eat meat. Humans have natural and instinctual prey drives!
It might not be as strong as that of wild animals, or other nonhuman animals, but it’s still there!
To condemn someone for having a slightly stronger prey drive and calling them “budding psychopaths or paraphiles” is downright defamatory, ableist and tells more about you than it does about them.
Stripping away someone’s humanity because of something you don’t like is a fascist idea, and I would recommend taking a step back and really thinking about just how you have framed your mindset.
You can advocate for the safety of animals without condemning people who have done absolutely nothing wrong to those animals.
And as I mentioned in my now deleted reply, mental health professionals would not intervene on someone having simple thoughts. The only time they would intervene is if there is an immediate plan and danger towards the individual or others.
To anyone else reading this:
Your thoughts do not make you a bad person.
Your prey drive doesn’t make you a bad person.
Block and blacklist those who say otherwise from interacting with you because all they are is misguided assholes who need some more time to realise that the world ain’t black and white and morality is not straight forward.
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eustasskidagenda · 7 months
anon asked: Hi sweetie, My brain just can't get over the idea of Kid being pegged, I mean, everything is so 'grabable" on his body. So could you write an OS or drabble about this? With a female reader. Maybe Kid would have that kink after a certain time in their relationship, according to your NSFW alphabet. With maybe some overstimulation, hair pulling and spanking as additional kinks? And if it's possible, could you write this with Kid being pegged for the first time? I think it's can be interesting! Last, please, can you write him as extra tough/bratty but his attitude breaks bc he can't handle how good it feels. I hope my request was understandable, I don't know how to explain myself properly. Tysm for your time and anon please
Hi! Well, that was an interesting request! And you’re so damn right, Kid's body is so grabbable. It was quite fun to write, Kid is such a brat, I love him so much :D Sorry for the long wait (my back is still injured) and thank you for requesting, I hope I did the job correctly :D ☆
☆Eustass Kid getting pegged for the first time
CW : MDNI, smut, f!reader, pegging, overstimulation, hair pulling, spanking, praises (bc Kid lives for praises), established relationship, Kid has a filthy mouth, Kid is a big brat, kind of virginity loss kink I guess (?), fingering & oral sex (Kid receiving), dirty talk, rough sex
WC : around 4K. I know it's really long, but I wanted to develop a bit Kid's mindset. Hope you don't mind the length!`
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Kid is everything, but not submissive. It's written on his face, and the moment you met him, you immediately knew that he would always be in control of absolutely everything. Including in the bedroom. And you never tried to change that, because Kid knows what he's doing. You crave the sensations of his hands gripping your waist and his huge body pressing against yours. However, in the back of your mind, a fantasy always refused to leave your spirit. Your giant, hot-headed boyfriend, moaning and begging while you fuck him. So, once, you tried to talk him about pegging, and you earned nothing, but a dark, mad scowl and a "no" yelled loudly."I'm not a wimp, y/n, no one will ever fuck me. I ain't no bottom bitch." That's what he said. And you know Kid is a stubborn mess, so you never tried to bring the subject up again.
It was five years ago. 
Your mind is still filled with this fantasy. So, a few days ago, you tried again to convince your stubborn boyfriend. It was in the middle of a passionate make-out session, and you caught him off-guard. Initially, you believed that he would yell at you once more. However, he simply scowled and frowned. "You're so goddamn stubborn, I thought you would forget about this stupid idea." And then, he shrugged. "You better take the bigger size, I'm not a fucking pussy." 
You still don't realize that he actually said 'yes'. In his language, with a lot of cursing and arrogance, but he did accept. It took him five years to gain sufficient trust in you. What a challenge. That's what you think as you relax on the huge bed and read a book that Kid stole for you. You're waiting for him, actually. Kid is probably locked in his workshop, working on some random weapon or new arm improvement. 
Suddenly, the door hits the wall. "You're not sleeping yet?" He asks, closing the door behind him. He's still wearing his goggles and his lips are painted with your favorite red lipstick. And on his skin, some stains of oil. "Gonna take a shower, I'll be right back soon." You laugh softly. "Fine, but don't remove your makeup yet." He mutters 'I don't take orders from anyone' before slamming the door once more.
When he comes back with make-up still on his face, you can't help but smile. He listened to you. Locking the door with a kick, Kid drops his heavy coat on the ground, cracks his neck, and crawls on the bed. He immediately wraps his hands around your waist. "Come here. I want to fuck my pretty girlfriend." He sits you on his lap and holds your hips firmly. As he smears his lipstick on your neck, you shudder and put your face against his neck. Kid slides his hand and firmly gropes your ass. "Mine," he growls, squeezing your bottom. "I want to see that pretty ass, undressed and get on all fours," 
You raise an amused eyebrow. "No, I won't." He scowls, irritated by your teasing expression. You roam your hands along Kid's broad chest. "You're the one getting on all fours this time." He scoffs. A low chuckle rumbles up from his chest as he gazes at you. "You're being feisty tonight?" He squeezes your ass tighter. "No. I didn't forget what you said. I chose the larger size. So, will you let me fuck you?" 
Totally flushed, Kid scoffs once more. "Goddam, y/n" You can almost see the gears of his brain working quickly. "Why are you so obsessed with this thing?" He groans, still holding your cheeks and squeezing them like if it were a stress ball. "Because you're hot. And you know where your prostate is, right, Eustass?" Kid scowls at you. "I'm not stupid, y/n." You gently touch the corner of his lips with a kiss. "So let me pleasure you." 
You take off his goggles and his red hair falls free on his forehead. He's as beautiful and fierce as ever, gazing at you with his amber eyes. He forces you to sit on his lap while he thinks. And his laps make quite a beautiful throne to sit on. Your heart is racing and you're hoping Kid won't change his mind. You need to see that large, massive body, shivering under your touch. There's something so exciting about the idea of fucking such a big, tough, and rude man as Kid. "Y/n, I swear on everything I have: if you ever try to tell to anyone what I'm about to do… I'll fucking kill you. And I'm not even kidding."
Damn, you know he's not kidding.
Kid cares way too much about his reputation. He's so touchy and sensitive whenever someone tries to deny his status or powers. So, abandoning his dominant position is not easy for his stubborn mind. He must really cares about you. Your dear captain only knows the hard way. His strong spirit was the only thing he had as a poor child, when he used to fight for almost everything. That's why he toughens up so much. Right now, he seems much more human. There's a hint of anxiety in his eyes. Maybe he loves you, but people have betrayed him so many times, he can't help but be a bit distrustful. "Eustass, I won't tell anyone, even Killer. It's between you and me, I swear. " Kid sighs deeply. " Goddam woman… fine." 
Relieved, you kiss his lips softly. As a punk, Kid always craved for non-conformism. You noticed really soon that he was always curious to try things considered 'weird' by society. But you never thought he would let you peg him. Your heart is brimming with excitement, pride, and impatience. You squirm to escape the strong grasp of your boyfriend and reach for the nightstand .Kid watches closely as you grab the lube and the strap-on. You didn't lie; you chose the larger size. Kid glances at the toy for a long moment, but remains quiet. 
"Alright, come here and lie back." Immediately, Kid raises an eyebrow. "You want me to take orders from you? Ain’t no fucking way" Ah yes. Kid. Constantly bratty and hot-headed. "Come on, Eustass." You gently try to push him on his back, but he doesn't move, struggling with his inner thoughts. "Let me pleasure you." As you press your palms harder against his chest, he snarls and eventually lies back, completely tensed. You reach for his belt and he pushes your hand. "I can do that myself," he grunts, taking off his shirt, unbuckling his belts and unbuttoning his pants. 
Damn, what a sight to watch at Eustass Kid's naked body. Muscular shoulders, broad and toned chest, abs as hard as the stone, big and grabbable thighs, and that perfect muscular, round booty. "Your name is so accurate, Eust-ass", you laugh as his face turns as red as his hair. "Shut up and do your fucking job," he barks aggressively. He's trying to hide his flustered state. How cute.
Your hand reaches for his already hard cock and you firmly wrap your hands around the thick girth. Kid bucks his hips, eager for more friction. "You're so hard. Are you actually turn on by the situation?" His cock twitches in your palms. "You know what? You should shut the fuck up. Why won't you suck my cock?" He grins and grabs your hair. Damn, even now, he can't help but give your orders. Kid smirks as you comply, content with himself. "That's it, take it all." His cock is throbbing with needs as he pushes deeper down your throat. You can already taste his pre-cum in your mouth.
You keep sucking him while reaching for the lube, spreading it on your fingers, and guiding your fingers against his tight hole. Kid tenses automatically. "Just do it, I'm not a pussy," he mutters. With a wet sound, you remove his cock from your mouth. "Eustass, just to be sure: have you already been fucked in the ass before?" 
Now, even his neck is red. "Hell no. Do I fucking look like a guy who likes being fucked all the fucking days?" He snarls, his pride stinging. His thoughts are filled with lust as he feels your hands on him, making his heart race. "Now what?" You don't answer and continue to run your hands along his muscular thighs, grabbing them to widen his legs. "You're so pretty for me." Kid lets out a low, growling sigh, his cock twitching with the need. "Don't call me pretty. And fuck me, I'm dying of impatience" 
"Fine, fine. You're needy." You gently tease him, spreading his ass cheeks to take a look at this hole clenching around nothing. Eustass tenses under your touch. "Don't fucking look at my ass like that" he growls, squirming nervously. "Why not?" You whisper, kissing his inner thighs and squeezing his muscular flesh. With your lips, you trace all of his scars and curves. "Because I'm not some fucking object for you to gawk at!" Kid roars, shoving your hands away from his ass. "Now, are you going to fuck me or what?"
You can't help but chuckle. He's such a hot-headed mess. Even more stubborn, yelling and aggressive than usual. Your poor boyfriend is really flustered and turned-on by this situation. The unknown is something he finds unpleasant because he can't control it. "Don't worry, I'll fuck you soon. Let me prepare and stretch you first." You're rubbing your fingers against his entrance, as you say. "Prepare me?" He sneers, his voice thick with disbelief and irritation. "I'm not some delicate flower" He continues to protest, but his heart is racing at the thought of being filled with the massive strap you choose. "Stop being so bratty." You sigh, apply more lube to your fingers, and spread it on Kid's entrance. " Just breathe and relax for me." You gently push two lubricate fingers inside him. His warmth and tightness immediately surround you. With a shiver, Kid groans and grabs the bedsheets. His head, neck, and shoulders are all flushed. 
Kid groans as you keep teasing the tip of his cock with your free hand. The double-stimulations is too much for his body to handle. You gently push your fingers deeper, savoring your boyfriend's low grunts and how he clenches around you. So needy already. "You're doing okay, babe?" You ask teasingly, curling your fingers and rubbing his prostate. Kid grabs the bedsheets tightly. Right now, he looks so vulnerable; he doesn't have his prosthetic arm. Just his bare body covered with scars and his big thighs trembling crazily. "Don't call me 'babe'" he grunts, bucking his hips against your hands, eager for more of your touch. It's almost hilarious how hard he tries to hide the moans of pleasure that threaten to escape his lips. "Look like you're enjoying yourself" you tease, stimulating his prostate. "Fuck!" Kid groans, his body arching off the bed. "Just get it over with, I can't get much fore of your goddamn teasing!" he growls, his voice laced with need. 
Eustass 'Captain' Kid is finally begin to break down.
That is so fascinating to watch such a big and scary man, so needy and almost begging for more. Begging to actually be fucked. You continue to finger him and he yells, his eyes rolling back in his head as the sensation shot straight to his cock. The pre-cum is leaking onto your fingers and his stomach as his member throbs in your hand. Kid's body trembles, betraying his arousal despite his best efforts to maintain control and the tough boy-attitude. "Just fuck me," he growls impatiently. 
"Okay. Then, get on your hands and knees." You demand, taking your fingers off. "No." 
"Why, no?" 
He frowns. Of course. He won't obey. No one can commands the great Eustass "Captain" Kid. You sigh, half-amused and half-annoyed by his stubbornness. Despite his dislike for orders, what if you simply guide him with your hands? Perhaps he will comply. Holding his hips with firm yet gentle hands, you attempt to roll him onto his stomach. But you can't move his big, heavy body if he's not willing to obey. Kid glances at you for a long time, and when you finally break the eye contact, he huffs and rolls on his stomach. Your heart is racing at the sight of his muscular back. Some scars are running down his spine. Both the small of his back and his ass are incredibly juicy. You can feel yourself becoming increasingly wet as you imagine the moment you will finally fuck him and drive him crazy. 
Still with your hands, you try to move him on all fours. Kid growls and arches his back. But he can't really stay on all fours with his missing arm, so he ends up with his head buried in the pillow and his ass perfectly raised in your direction. The position he's in is so helpless and vulnerable that it makes your throat feel a bit dry. He must really trust you to be so exposed. "You can breath at least?" He turns his head. "Of course I can, just fuck me."
He glances across his shoulders as you put on your strap-on and spread some lube on the fake cock. Kid asked for it to be both large and long, and it is. His spirit of competition is quite amusing, but you hope he'll be fine. You give a playful spank to Kid's amazing, muscular ass and enjoy the nice jiggling. It's only fair to give him a light spanking because it's his favorite activity when you're on all fours.
By pressing on the small of his back, you force him to bend more, enough to spread his ass cheeks without your hands. Then, you gently rub the cockhead of the toy against his tight entrance. Kid eyes roll back in his head as he feels the cold rubber head pressing against his hole. "Hurry up and fuck me, damn it! He grumbles with a voice full of desire and impatience. His cock throbbing between his legs shows that he's ready. "Just relax and let me in," your orders before starting to push the massive toy inside him. "Fuck", Kid hisses out between clenched teeth, his body shuddering from the intrusion. He tries to manage his breathing, and he feels the thick head of the dildo stretching his entrance further. "Shit…" he cries out, as the cockhead finally passes his tight ring of muscles. His body instinctively fights back. You soothe him with one hand while gripping his hips firmly with the other. "Just breathe, Eustass. You're doing so good. Just a little more and it will all be inside. " Kid grabs the bedsheets with his hand, his whole body shaking and covered in a slight coat of sweat. As Kid finally relaxes, you manage to push the big toy deeper into him.  "You're taking me so well, Eustass." You purr, watching the thick girth of the strap sink completely inside him, stretching his ass widely. "That shit is so fucking big," he groans out, his body shaking with the sensation of being filled so deeply. His ass walls are tightly clamped around the toy. "That's what you wanted" you laugh playfully, squeezing his ass. You can’t believe you’re finally filling him up to the hilt.
"Shit! I know. Just fuck me, I can handle it." Even as it overwhelms his senses, he cannot deny the pleasure that surges through him. Seeing him with a completely flustered face would be wonderful, but you know that he's probably more comfortable that way, with you taking him from behind. If you are unable to see his expressions, he may be more willing to let it go and indulge in the pleasure.
Your entire body is aching. It's too much for you. Kid is so perfect, so pretty, on all fours for you. His muscular body offers to your hands and thrusts. You had no idea that he would allow you to realize one of your most significant fantasies. Now, you have to take good care of him and prove to him how good it can be to be fucked. Maybe he will accept to do it again if he's convincing enough.
You gently start to thrust, sliding in and out with ease thanks to all the lube. The amount of lube is making some wet, obscene sounds with each thrust. Kid grunts, almost moans and tries to hide it behind a curse word as you move your hips. Your hands move from his waist to his ass, and you grab it firmly. You spank the firm flesh playfully. "So perfect" you whisper while thrusting. Kid groans lowly as you continue to plunge the toy into his ass. "You look so beautiful when I’m inside you." Kid sighs. "Can you stop babbling and actually starts to fuck me for real?" He tries to keep his moans under control, his teeth tightening tightly. 'Fuck," he mutters, his voice thick with need and desire. " Damn Eustass, you're taking me so well. You're so beautiful, I-"
" Harder " Kid grunts, silencing you. " I can take it, fuck me harder." You give another spanking to his ass, which slowly turns red. Kid bites the bedsheets, smearing his lipstick everywhere on the pillow and on the mattress. As you speed up your thrusts, Kid bites the bedsheets more firmly to muffle his moans. The sensations are too intense, the pleasure is too overwhelming for his poor mind. He can't think clearly, and is slowly starting to lose his tough-guy attitude. It's tempting to tease him about his pretty, husky moans. He's such a whimpering mess. But you shut up. It's obvious to you that he would feel mocked and humiliated. And you want him to trust you. It's beautiful to watch him indulge in a new world of sensations. With each hard thrust, the inner ring of the strap grinds against your clit, and you moan as well, digging your nails into Kid's ass. "You should see how your hole is swallowing all of me." The mind totally dizzy, your boyfriend doesn't react and just bucks his hips, eager for more friction, more roughness. "Yeah yeah i get it; you love my ass. Just fuck me harder," he begs again impatiently. His body is trembling as his mind still tries to fight against the pleasure washing over him. His cock twitch violently, releasing pre-cum as it throbs in response to your thrusts. "Fuck," he repeats, moaning. Burying his head in the pillow, he bites it. You know, his lipstick is probably all over the white bedsheets. You spank his ass playfully, speeding up your thrusts. "Damn, you were right Eustass, you're taking me so well. You like how wide it stretches you?"
The slapping sounds of the skin fill the room as Kid turns into a whimpering, almost whiny mess. It's difficult for him to handle how good you're stretching him and how nice the toy is rubbing his prostate. You continue to thrust, chasing your own highs. The rubber ring is stimulating your clit just nice, not to mention the amazing view of your boyfriend on all fours and at your mercy. The fake balls of the toy slaps against Kid’s balls. With one hand, you still hold his hips firmly. With the other, you pull on his hair, fucking him deeper. His face is completely red, his eyes are almost wet, and his lipstick is smeared on his chin and cheek. Amazed by this sight, your pussy ache in need. You already know how beautiful Kid looks when he can't handle how tight your cunt is. But that. It's beyond all expectations. The slight pain from his hair being pulled and his ass being spanked only add to his arousal, his cock throbbing with need. All he can mutter is a long, long strand of'shit' and 'fuck'. 
Kid buries his head back in the pillow after you release his head. His ass is red from both your spanking and the roughness of your hips when slamming against his. Amazed by the way his body is completely swallowing the toy, you too moan. You reach for his chest, squeezing his large tiddies. Your breast bounces crazily with each hard thrust and Kid's body just jolts of pleasure. You know he won't take much more. So you reach for his cock and as soon as you touch it, Kid cum violently, arching his back, curling his toes and making a mess on the bedsheets. The pleasure just washes over him. But you don't stop, still chasing your own highs. "Fuck!" Kid groans again, his body shuddering from the intense release. His massive frame falls stomach-first on the bed. The friction between his sensitive cock and the mattress is causing him to squirm and jerk. "Damn, Y/N!" He grips the bedsheets more tightly and pants heavily. The way you're overstimulating his sensitive walls and prostate is too much to handle.
"Almost there", you whisper, and finally, you feel the pleasure running through your veins. Your loud boyfriend can't help but cum once more, his eyes rolling back in his head, short-circuited by his second orgasm. You continue to give him some sloppy thrusts, making him squirm and cry out. "You're amazing," you whisper before finally pulling out the toy carefully. With a loud 'plop', you completely pull out the toy, leaving Kid with a gaping hole.
'You're okay?' You whisper, stroking his back gently and playing with his hair. "Hmph. That wasn't that bad" he admits, his chest heaving up and down. Your fierce boyfriend struggles to glance at you and keeps his head buried in the pillow. Despite the intense pleasure he'd just had, his pride is swollen. You gently kiss his lower back, leaving a trail of kissing along his spine. "You were amazing… so beautiful and perfect for me…" Kid grunts slowly. At the moment, he only needs praises. He cannot deny how good it was. And his mind is tortured. What does it mean? Is he still the same for you? Does he look less manly now? Or cruel, maybe? Ashamed, Kid slowly manages to relax as you keep praising him. "You're alright?" You ask, kissing his neck. "Yeah." He grumbles, still trying to catch his breath, and finally rolls onto his back. You take off the strap-on and leave the bedroom, just for a moment. When you came back with a wet cloth, Kid didn't move at all. Without any words, you clean him. "Are you hurt anywhere?" He shakes his head. "No. I fucking lost my arm, I can handle having my ass pounded, damn." He groans. "Alright, alright. Just move your ass then, let me change the bedsheets."
Kid struggles to comply, barely standing up on his shaking legs. After you're finished, he returns to his bed. "Are you joining me or what?" With a chuckle, you comply, pressing your naked body against his. Kid wraps his hand tightly around your waist. "I love you, Eustass" you whisper close to his ear. The confession brings his heart racing. "Of course you love me." 
He rolls on his side in silence. You know exactly what he wants, so you wrap your arms around his large body. "My big boy loves to be the little spoon," you laugh and he grunts a 'shut up'. 
His hand reaches for yours and intertwined your fingers. 
"Why are you smiling?" Kid asks as he feels you smile against his back. "Nothing." 
You're just so proud of your stubborn, hot-headed boyfriend. And proud of how your relationship just evolved. Kid is always hard to understand and you never know if he loves you, but those kind of moments… it eases all your doubts. You're overjoyed to have the chance to see the vulnerable, human Kid. He can sleep comfortably. You won't tell anyone about it; it was too precious, you want to keep it to yourself. 
"Alright, just smile then, he grumbles", still holding your hand.
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itsjustrosee · 1 month
hiiii idk really what to call you bc yeah anyways i have a request fir u but feel free to take ur time with it idm at all seeing as ur blog is relatively new and u probably have a bunch of asks and stuff because ur first two fics were absolute masterpieces like literally anyways im rambling im so sorry uh
(u can skip that part) So my request is basically where minho and fem!reader are really good friends and shes like a track-hoe and basically has a really flirty personality so she flirts with all her friends and minho always gets flustered uh or something like that and one time he sees her flirting with idk one of the gladers and he gets jealous thinking that shes dating (said glader) and then she confronts him about it and they kiss and live happily ever after :D
sorry this is super long and confusing dont rush to do it take ur time !!
Ok I'm honestly getting so impressed with these requests, they are so thought out and unique and I'm literally living for it. Btw my name is Rosalyn so feel free to call me that or sometimes I go by rose but address me however you'd like <3 Anyways thank you so much for the request and all of the praise, I appreciate it sm!!
Anyways, this was a super cute prompt idea I absolutely love it, so I hope you enjoy!
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JEALOUS (Minho x fem!reader)
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Context: pre Thomas, read above for summary ^
Warnings: spice
Word count: 4K
! I proof read but there might still be spelling mistakes !
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When you arrived in the glade being a girl, it was quite a surprise for everyone.
Most of the boys tried to be pretty accepting, and after a while, you managed to get along really well with everyone. But if you're being honest, it was all due to your rather, flirty, personality.
That, however, you can't really be blamed for. I mean, you couldn't help it, it was just the way that you were!
It did, however, prove to be a slight problem during your first few months in the glade. You can't blame the rest of the boys for taking your subtle flirty gestures the wrong way, if you were them, you'd probably take the things that you said the wrong way too. So by no means was it their fault for thinking you liked them. But unfortunately, you never reciprocated their feelings, which only confused them more.
Anyways, the first person to understand this was Newt. He was always okay with your overly friendly personality and never actually got the wrong idea from you. That's probably why he became your first friend in the glade, and why when he said you should become a track hoe, you accepted his offer immediately. He, along with the rest of the track hoes' were rather chill and you enjoyed spending time with all of them.
You would consider yourself the closest with them out of all the other people in the glade, so you often hung out with them during the bonfires and dinner. However, you were relatively close with just about every boy in the glade, given your personality, but regardless, you naturally gravitated towards everyone.
It took a couple months for everyone to come to terms with your behavior and rather flirtatious personality, so after about five months, everything was going pretty smoothly. Under the given circumstances and all. Being trapped in a maze was by no means easy, but you were making the most of it. You had developed a good daily routine, and you can only imagine without the structure you and the other gladers had built for themselves, you all would've gone mad by now.
Part of your routine was waking up early. Alby had made Gally and the other builders build you a hut for obvious reasons, and Gally was happy to do it if it meant getting on your good side. You enjoyed the privacy from the rest of the boys but since you had a hut, you had a bed. A bed that was impossible for you to force yourself out of in the morning. After a couple weeks though, you got into the right mindset and started waking up right when the sun started peaking over the maze walls.
You woke up early so you could get a head start with some of the work in the garden. This meant you just spent a bit of extra time plucking out weeds and getting extra fertilizer from the deadheads. You did this to lightly the load that you and the rest of the track hoes' had to do, and you also did it because you just enjoyed being productive.
But one of the secret advantages of waking up early to tend to the garden was seeing the runners leave right when the maze doors opened. You took the brief amount of time they had before leaving to talk to them because they were all very busy people, and getting any opportunity to have a quick chat with them mattered to you. Especially because it meant you got to talk to Minho.
You never admitted it to anyone, but Minho was one of the only boys in the glade that you actually felt attracted to. You couldn't quite understand why, but you always felt drawn to him.
Maybe it was because he was held so high by all the gladers, even though none of them were ever able to talk to him because of how busy his schedule was. He was in the maze all day and when he finally returned from a long day of working to find a way out of the maze for himself and everyone else in the glade, he would be in the maze room. He was working, constantly. Which is why you felt special whenever you had the chance to talk to him. Even if it was just for a couple seconds.
Or maybe you liked him because he still got flustered whenever you talked to him. You would always try to be as respectful towards him as possible, but your flirtatiousness always found a way to shine through. And he seemed to be the only boy who hadn't gotten over how flirty you were, even though every other boy knew that that was just the way you were.
Needless to say, you had a pretty big crush on him, one that you tried your hardest to deny. But you really couldn't help it, which is why you chose to become friends with him. You decided to settle with that because you were sure he wasn't interested in being anything more. Even though Newt often tended to think otherwise.
But you still couldn't help but think that it was just so cute how whenever you talked to him he would fumble over his words, or get as red as the tomatoes you were tending to whenever you even touched him.
However, whenever Minho acted all flustered like this, he would curse at himself relentlessly, wondering why he was as awkward as he was whenever he was near you.
The truth is, he had been down horrendously for you the second Alby pulled you out of the box. At first, he chalked it up to you just being the only girl and well, he couldn't exactly remember the last time he had seen one of those. But as the weeks went on, his feelings for you only deepened. He never saw a point in telling you because every boy who confessed his 'love' to you got rejected. Part of that made him feel glad though because he knew that just about none of the boys in the glade were good enough for you, and he felt happy knowing you would never like any of them. But the downside to that was Minho thinking that he would never have a chance with you.
That never stopped him from wanting to talk to you though. He would purposely make sure to stop by the garden to talk to you before he headed into the maze. Whenever you weren't in the garden, he would check the deadheads to see if you were there. Once he found you, he would make some excuse by saying he was just taking a walk in the woods to clear his head before going into the maze.
He really didn't know why talking to you mattered to him so much, but it just did. And today was no different.
You were nealing down next to garden beds that Gally and some of the others had just built. It was a relatively new addition to the garden and you had just finished filling them with soil and fertilizer yesterday. So you were eager to begin planting some of the last remaining seeds that were sent up from the box into the beds.
You could always tell when a month would pass by when you ran out. The box always sent up a certain amount of seedlings and by the time you ran out, a month would pass and the box would come back up, providing you with another month's worth. So as you planted the last seed in the pouch, you knew that in a few hours, a new greenie would appear from the box, symbolizing the start/ end of yet another month in the glade.
You stood up, dusting off your knees as you congratulated yourself on your wonderful planting skills. But your eyes wandered away from the garden and onto Minho, who was now walking your way. Your heartbeat quickened as you saw him. He arrived slightly earlier than normal because you noticed that you hadn't seen any of the other runners with him, but you also knew it would only be a few minutes until they came to join him.
Minho mentally prepared himself while he walked up to you, telling himself that he was going to be normal today, and he wasn't going to start stuttering like an idiot.
At least that's what he tried telling himself as he approached you, clearing his throat, "Hey (Y/N)," Minho said while resting his hands on that runner's vest he always wore on top of his signature blue shirt which complimented each of the defined muscles on his chest.
"Hi, Minho." You said with a smile on your face that couldn't help but make Minho blush. "What brings you out so early? The maze doors don't open for another five minutes don't they?" You questioned. You had gotten pretty good at telling time around the glade, even without a watch like Minho.
"Oh yeah, I just thought that maybe I'd get over here a little earlier," Minho said with an awkward chuckle as he tried to smile back at you.
"Ah, I see," you said before continuing, "Is it cause you wanted to spend a little extra time talking to me?" You said with a giggle, trying to make a little light-hearted joke as you stared up at Minho with puppy dog eyes.
Minho however, did not take this as a joke. He began blushing, hard. "Oh no that's not why- wait no that's not what I meant. Like I love talking to you but that's not why-" Before Minho could continue to embarrass himself further, you cut him off.
"Minho I was just joking." You said with a laugh, trying your best to reassure him because clearly, he was mentally freaking out. You couldn't get over how cute he was when he was like this. You were always so used to seeing him act serious and stoic in every other situation, but whenever it came to you, he was a mess.
"Yeah- right. Of course." Minho said awkwardly, trying his hardest to laugh off the situation. He felt his cheeks heat up as you continued to look at him for a moment while taking off your gardening gloves. He couldn't help but take the time to admire you and the features on your face while you did so.
You had your hair tied into a loose braid that was slung over your shoulder and onto your chest. His eyes glanced up and down your body to see that you were wearing a pair of low-rise jean shorts paired with a V-neck shirt that clung to your curves and exposed your chest slightly.
You noticed his eyes drift to your chest and laughed silently to yourself but didn't say anything else to him. You normally didn't mind having the boys in the glade stare at you because, at this point, it was to be expected. But you couldn't help but feel butterflies in your stomach as Minho looked at you, and you couldn't help but feel happy that you decided to wear this shirt today.
"If it makes you feel any better, I love talking to you too Minho." You joked, even though you definitely meant it. Your voice broke the slightly awkward silence that had filled the air while you put your hand on his bicep. No matter how many times you've made this gesture toward Minho, it never fails to surprise you with how firm his muscles are. It also never failed to make Minho physically stiffen and make his mind go completely blank.
You absentmindedly began softly rubbing Minho's bicep with your thumb. You were genuinely curious about how he had gotten this strong. Was it all the running he did? Did they have weights in the glade that you just didn't know about? You weren't quite too sure what it was but you were loving it.
You snapped out of your thoughts though as you saw the other runners approaching the garden. You looked back up at Minho with a soft smile as you took your hand off of him, "Well I hope you have a good run today Minho." You said while trying to snap him out of whatever trance you'd unknowingly put him in.
"Thanks," Minho said. At least he didn't stutter while getting that out, but then again, he only said one word. But it was a new record nonetheless.
You greeted the other runners with a smile and a wave while Minho's feet stayed planted in front of you, unable to move.
"We'll meet you at the doors Minho." Ben said as he and the others jogged past you and him, snickering at the whole situation.
You stared at him again for another moment, expecting him to move but something in him couldn't. "You should probably catch up with them right?" You ask him, hoping that you didn't just cause the glades best runner to short-circuit just because you touched his bicep.
"Right, yeah- yeah you're right," Minho said while letting out a soft chuckle.
"Be careful alright? I'll talk to you later." You told Minho as you patted him on the back while he began to walk past you.
"Okay yeah. Talk to you later." Minho said, still very flustered about what had just happened. He was still trying to process it all because even though you had been touchy with him before, it was never like this. There was something very different about it this time. He thought about it for the rest of the day while he was running in the maze, and even when he came back and ate dinner.
While Minho was showering before heading to the bonfire, he couldn't help but wonder if you also felt it, if you also felt the same energy in the air that he felt. Or if he was just overthinking an exchange between the both of you that hadn't even lasted more than five minutes.
The truth was that he wasn't the only one whose mind kept racing back to that moment.
You couldn't stop thinking about it either and it was distracting you this entire day. You didn't know what was so different about it this time, but you could feel something shift between you and Minho during that simple exchange. You brushed it off as much as you could and decided to turn your focus on showing the new greenie around.
He seemed to have taken quite a liking to you and was practically following you around 24/7, which you didn't mind too much. He seemed like a sweet kid who was around your age, behaving toward you the same way every other boy had toward you in the glade at one point or another.
As the day continued, the bonfire began and you found a seat with a group of about ten people, the greenie being one of them. He chose the seat right next to you and after a couple drinks, he had his arm around you. In your eyes, it really wasn't that big a deal. You thought it was sweet that he was opening up so soon, and you had to admit he was pretty funny. You couldn't help but laugh at a lot of his jokes.
But Minho wasn't too big a fan of how the new guy clung to you. While everyone gathered at the bonfire he couldn't help but notice how the very obviously drunk boy, had his arm around your shoulder and it was driving him crazy. He had been hearing whispers from the other gladers about how you were going to start dating him and the mere thought of it made Minho's blood boil. Even though all the comments that had been made about you and the greenie were jokes because everyone knew you well enough to know you were just being friendly, Minho didn't know that.
You were in the middle of a conversation with the new guy and the rest of the group when you spotted Minho walking in your direction. At first, you got excited, you had been waiting to talk to Minho this whole day. But then you looked at him and noticed the stern, almost angry expression he had on his face. Your confusion only grew as he stopped right in front of you, his build towering over you as you stared back up at him.
"Hey, can we talk for a second?" Minho said through gritted teeth. The amount of anger in his voice was prominent, and you couldn't lie, it was kind of hot. Minho was not a hot-headed person, so seeing him be anything other than stoic or flustered was new for you.
"Uh sure, is everything alright?" You ask with genuine concern. You didn't know what could've gotten Minho this angry so you were relatively worried.
"Yeah, it's fine. Just- can you come with me?" Minho said quickly, and it was obvious to you that it, whatever 'it' even was, was not fine. You took Minho's hand anyway as he helped you up from your seat.
Everyone in the group was staring at you, just as confused as you were while you told them you'd be back soon. You shot the greenie a wave and you could've sworn you saw Minho roll his eyes and scoff as you did so.
Minho led you to the edge of the deadheads and stopped by a nearby tree. There was silence between the both of you and you were waiting for Minho to say something. When he didn't, you spoke instead, "So what is this all about?"
Minho crossed his arms as he began to reply, you couldn't help but notice fury in his eyes as he spoke, "I should be asking you that."
"What?" You questioned, slightly dumbfounded and slightly confused by Minho's harsh tone. He'd never spoken to you in such a way, so now you were really racking your brain trying to figure out what you could've done to piss him off so much.
"Oh don't pull that oblivious klunk with me (Y/N)." Minho sneered.
"I'm not acting oblivious, I don't know what you're talking about, seriously." You said while putting your hands up in surrender, and it was the truth, you really didn't know what he was talking about.
"I'm talking about you and the greenie. How you guys were all over each other. Are you dating him or something?" Minho spits out, venom and jealousy lacing his words.
You couldn't help but laugh as he said this but you quickly realized he was being serious. "Wait you're kidding, right? Me and the greenie? No Minho he's just a friend." You said in an attempt to reassure him.
"Well, it didn't look like you were just friends. Not by the way he had his arm around you." Minho blurted out.
"Are you getting jealous Minho?" You asked with a grin on your face. Minho stayed silent for a moment after you asked, so you spoke again, "Why would you care anyway? It's not like you like me like that or anything." Annoyance in your voice this time. Who was he to act so pissed off about it if he didn't even like you?
"Who said I didn't?" Minho questioned while staring dead at you.
Now it was your turn to be silent.
"You like me?" You said as you just stared at Minho for a moment longer, wondering if you had really heard him correctly. A sliver of hope surged through you as you thought of the possibility.
Minho quickly realized what he had just said and just stared at you. Did he really just say that? Why did he just say that? His words got stuck in his throat and he stayed quiet.
"Minho answer my question."
"Yes, okay? Yes, I like you. So what if I do? Are you going to reject me the same way you reject every other boy?" Minho asked with genuine curiosity.
Before you or he could say anything else, you kissed him.
You hadn't even realized how long you had been waiting to kiss Minho ever since you laid your eyes on him. But as your lips merged into his perfectly, it all just felt right.
Minho melted into your touch as you wrapped both of your arms around his neck and he pulled you in as he placed both of his arms around your waist. The kiss you both shared was gentle yet passionate as you fell deeper and deeper into his warm embrace.
You pulled away for a moment to look Minho in the eyes, "I like you too Minho." You said with a warm smile that almost made him pass out. Minho's heart melted as he heard those words come out of your mouth. They were what he'd dreamed you you eventually say to him, and he couldn't think of anything else to do at that moment than to kiss you again.
The kiss between the both of you deepened and only became more sloppy and desperate as if the both of you couldn't get enough of each other. You allowed his tongue to enter your mouth and taste every bit of you. You could tell that he must've had some muscle memory from his life before the maze because he definitely knew what he was doing as his tongue wrestled against yours.
Minho pushed you onto a nearby tree and moved one of his hands from your waist and to your ass. You moaned softly into his mouth as he did so and you pushed yourself into him further, which only caused Minho to harden against you.
"Oh, there you guys are. I assumed you guys got everything settled?" Newt asked as he interrupted you and Minho. You both pulled away for the second time, breathlessly, and stared at him for a moment.
"Oh yeah- everythings um, settled. I guess." Minho said while turning around to face Newt. Newt gave you a look and you just gave a thumbs up and an awkward smile back to him.
"Alright well, I just wanted to let you know (Y/N) that the greenie was wondering where you were," Newt said with a smirk while scratching the back of his head.
"Oh, well- just tell him I'm busy or something." You replied hastily. You had waited long enough to let Minho know how you felt and you wanted nothing more than to turn all of your attention back to him now. Minho looked at you and grinned, obviously very pleased with your response.
"Will do," Newt said as he began to walk away and back up to the bonfire to join everyone else. You blushed as you put your hands up to your face and buried your head into Minho's chest.
"God that was so embarrassing." You said, your words muffled in the fabric of Minho's t-shirt.
"Oh come on there's nothing to be embarrassed about. If anything it's good that that shuckin' greenie'll get the message." Minho cooed as he wrapped one arm around your back and used his other hand to stroke your hair. He planted a kiss on your forehead as you took your hands away from your face and wrapped them around Minho's waist. You looked up at him again with a goofy grin on your face, which only made Minho grin at you back, "What, what is it?" He chuckled.
"You never struck me as the jealous type." You stated while tilting your head slightly before continuing, "Not like there's anything wrong with that though."
Minho only smiled back at you and brought his lips to yours once more, holding you in his arms as if he found the one thing that he wanted to hold onto for the rest of his life.
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alright yall here is yet another Minho fic
I hope you guys liked it and tysm @minhoshotharness for the request!! It was so fun to write and I hope that you liked what I did with the concept.
plzplzplzplz keep sending me these requests guys, I literally LOVE writing them
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scaryspears · 8 months
Bi Han x Bimbo Reader
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"I need to die looking good."
This is for chickensandwich69
Warning: Bi Han is sexist (and a bit of a d*ck), and mild sexual flirting but nothing explicit.
She has priorities.
She wasn't fighting for Earthrealm, nor did she have any interest in fighting for Shao Kahn. She was in it for herself, blindsided and forced to compete, but making the most of what she could enjoy out of it.
And that was something Bi Han could respect, even though her motivations weren't. Spending time with friends, shopping, getting her hair and makeup done, and scoring herself a romantic companion.
The She/Her in question is you. You were a ballerina, a gymnast, a cheerleader, pageant Queen. It was clear competition is in your blood, so the tournament was a walk in the park for you. The fighting part, anyway. Seeing you freak out over blood was another matter.
"Do you want me to massage your hair?" you asked him, a cheeky smile on your face. He nodded, and you did as you offered.
Seeing Bi Han's face was a luxury, and you would do anything to see it as long as you could, even though you didn't mind him with his mask. You liked being the one that gets pampered, but you would make an exception for Bi Han.
He questions how it came to this, all the time.
Maybe it's your Chaosrealm blood. Nothing made sense around you but it came naturally. It happened out of nowhere. First, you're watching him train with Cyrax. Second, you're following him and yapping your mouth off. Third, he ends up doing something very intimate with you and he's wearing less clothes. And it involves his mouth and lower region.
Your relationship wasn't much of a secret, considering you were seen hugging his arm if you were both in the same room or area, but not enough lived to know it as fact. With the tournament and all. Or just in general. Bi Han saw competition in their gazes, which meant jealousy. Which meant lots of ice and blood during fights. Thankfully you were too dumb to figure it out, because blood upset you a lot, and you had only started making an exception for the tournament.
"What else would you like me to do?" you were sitting on his lap now, something in your eyes. Pretty obvious what you were feeling.
Oh yeah, that's why. There was no way he would resist this.
Bi Han may be a Lin Kuei assassin, and one that takes his profession very seriously, but he could enjoy a good lady himself. You had just broken up with your boyfriend so it felt like a fitting decision to take your attention while it was still available to him. So long as you were his no one else could have it.
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Companions were not common within the clan, and you were an excellent fighter. Sure, there were the cultural differences and the clash of personalities, but if the Lin Kuei were to ever find out it would be unbelievable, so it was a right decision.
You desired him and he desired you, it worked both ways. Both of you were being selfish, he was certain, but you initiated so he had no reason to care about your feelings.
[Noob Saibot]
He grew more possessive of you, and that possession followed him when he died. Before he would freeze any man that flirted with you, these days he killed them. You were distraught when Bi Han died, but you weren't sure what to make of his new self. It was still Bi Han, but he was Goth now and you've never been with a Goth before. You were determined to try something new, however, so you kept going on with the relationship.
You didn't understand his new found problems with his brother or where his bizarre mindset came from, but your main concern was matching with your boyfriend, so you had a bunch of black designer dresses lined up in your wardrobe.
"I guess Goth isn't a phase." you said to yourself. Then again, your parents thought you were a phase.
Bi Han gently brushed your hair out of your face and kissed your cheek, even though his skin wasn't as soft as it originally was, which meant his lips were almost shrivelled into his skull. It would only be fair if you were dead as well, that way he wouldn't feel left out from lack of lips.
"Where is your fear?"
"I think I left it in my purse."
"We will find it."
You had only started getting used to his new odd way of showing his affection, but it still made your insides all fluttery. You kissed him sweetly. Your lip gloss stained on his 'lips', and Bi Han didn't show any irritation, but there was the pride she recognised. It wasn't often he gave an expression since his change.
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babiexiao · 11 months
contains : princess / fem!reader, head knight!gojo, implied secret relationship. this is just... angst i guess with a sprinkle of fluff... overprotective gojo *moans* this is about 1k of brainrot word vomit hhhhhhhhhhhhh :D not proofread cause i'm lazy, pls ignore any mistakes!
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time moved by far too slow for satoru. for someone whose day passed in a blink of an eye with all of his responsibilities, today was far too slow. it felt like watching paint dry. it felt like a snail moving across the pavement. it felt like a century had passed before the bright light of the sun finally started to set. dusk slowly turning into night, and as the moon took its place in the night sky, was he able to escape from his duties and finally able to walk to your bedroom, hands held in tight fists by his sides.
"you two may leave. the king wants me to be stationed here for tonight." a lie. but the two guards didn't know any better. why would they ever think their head knight would ever lie to them in the first place.
what they don't know, won't hurt them, was what gojo told himself, watching the two salute him and proceeding to walk down the corridor far away from your bedroom. he waited till they were out of sight first and then listened out for the clunking noises the armour made as they walked down the stairs. when it was finally silent, he opened your door, shutting it behind him quickly.
you almost let out a scream at the sudden intrusion into your space. fear from the attack on your life only a night prior still too fresh in your mind. but the white mop of hair on top of the males head had you sighing in relief, aware that it was not an intruder but in fact satoru. but that relief didn't stay for too long. you were well aware that the king would have placed guards outside your door to keep you safe after what had happened and you could not afford to let your relationship with satoru be revealed just yet.
"satoru, what are you doing here? my father–" your worried whisper was cut short rather abruptly.
"fuck your father." if satoru was in a better mindset than he is now, he never would have spoken of the king, your father, in such a way and he's never been more glad there were no guards standing post outside your bedroom to judge his vulgar use of words towards the monarch either.
"are you hurt? did they touch you?" immediately, he's bombarding you with questions, eyebrows furrowed deeply as his eyes start to dart over your body. inspecting you. "would you let me have a look at you. please?"
you nod slightly, but turn your head to the right side a little, fearing what he'll do when he sees it.
his takes large but quiet strides towards you, hands that shook with fear now reaching out to hold your wrists. he inspects your skin, slowly, letting his hands and eyes travel across your skin, and it all seems fine until he brushes the strands of hair out of your face and finally notices the freshly dried blood on your cheek. it looked deep. no, it was deep. gojo was no stranger to cuts and bruises, even with a simple glance he could tell it was deep. it would leave a scar behind and it would take time to heal.
"i..." he inhales shakily, trying to keep his voice low as he could. an attempt to keep himself calm, to keep himself from lashing out. "i-i should have been there."
"satoru..." you began, only to be cut off again.
"i should have fucking been there." remorse. that's all satoru could feel. remorse for not being by your side like he had promised many moons earlier as you two hid from the maids attempting to prepare you for bed. remorse for not being by your side to keep you from harm. but hidden in that remorse, was also anger. anger that anyone even dared to touch a princess – not just any princess. his princess. the very princess that would become his queen in the future. the very princess that should have everyone in the land bowing to her. the princess he loves and swore to keep out of harms way.
"i should have fucking protected you. shit– i should have been there. i should have been protecting you like i said i would... i'm sor–"
"toru. i'm okay. please look at me." you place a gentle had over his chest, albeit over his armour, you swear you're able to feel how furiously his heart is beating. it doesn't take a genius to see all the emotions swimming in his eyes.
worry. hurt. pain. regret.
"satoru - the strongest knight in the kingdom... my favourite knight - gojo. i am okay. i promise you." the praise earns a brief smile from him before it fades, his thumb brushing the deep cut on your cheek ever so gently but it makes you inhale sharply anyway. it causes gojo to flinch, withdrawing his warm hands immediately but you reach out for his wrist with both hands desperately. "n-no! it... it jus' hurts because it's fresh... please, i just– i just need to feel you, toru. please, don't be afraid to touch me."
it was all gojo needed to hear from you. all he needed was your permission to touch you and he does. he cups your face in his hands, watching as the tension and stress leaves your body, jaw loosening and eyebrows relaxing. he watches as your eyes close for a few seconds before fluttering open. you place a kiss against the palm of his hand. "will you please stay the night with me? i'm... afraid they will come back." gojo watches you tense up at the mention of the men who tried to hurt you last night. his response is immediate.
"of course i will." his thumb finds its way to the wrinkles in the middle of your eyebrows, rubbing the spot a little. "do not frown so much. you will start looking older than you are, princess."
his teasing earns a smile from you, and he's glad when he sees you soften in his hold. the both of you stay silent for a while, finding comfort in the silence and each other. you've always felt safe with satoru, and tonight is no different.
"princess," he begins, pulling you in by your waist ever so slightly, your body pressed up against his armour. "i swear on my life, i will kill any bastard who dares lay so much as a finger on you again. i promise you. i'll execute them myself." you do not bother replying to him, instead sealing the promise he's made by standing on your tippy toes to press your lips against his.
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shanbinswf · 10 months
KILL THE GIRL — jake sim [repost]
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landing page. main masterlist.
pairing: nerdy jake x player afab reader
genre: mild angst, mild fluff, smut (mdni)
plot: jake sim was known for his smarts. he was well lusted over, being insanely handsome and good at everything he did. you decided to take matters into your own hands and show everyone just how easy it is to make jake putty in your hands.
wc: 3906
warnings under the cut.
warnings: inexperienced jake, experienced reader, reader thinks she's all that, jake kinds of puts reader in her place, getting off through underwear so no d in v action.
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Everybody knew who Jake Sim was. Smart, handsome, and good at almost everything he did. It was hard not to like him, with his wide eyes and excited demeanour at all times, which often wore you out just by looking at him.
You were well known, too, but in a totally different way. You weren’t feared, so to speak. You were just a little more… fierce. You were known for skipping your classes, which often made your college tutors mad, but you couldn’t have cared less. You turned up sometimes, which was better than never, you believed.
But no one knew that, really, you weren’t half as much of a hard ass as you liked to pretend. Really, you had a part-time job which always asked you to cover shifts at all times which was why you ended up skipping classes.
And Jake Sim became the only person in the world who knew the truth when he entered your café way across town one day.
The café you worked at loved to torture you. They made you wear a normal beige shirt with a black skirt and any black formal shoes you wished, but a pair of bunny ears on a headband sat atop your head and took away your ‘cold’ look. Unlike in your everyday university life, no one at your workplace was scared of you. If anything, you were often called the cutest barista in the café. Many men and women had offered you their numbers, just for the paper to be discarded in the bin seconds later. Unless you found them hot. Then they would spend the night in your bed. One time wonder. That’s what the guests who spend the night with you often called you.
You were tasked with cleaning the tables; the café had been quiet for the last good hour as it was so close to closing time. You hummed to yourself as you walked around the tables and wiped them down, placing any cups or plates into the black bowl you held against your hip.
You made your way to the counter and placed the bowl of dishes down, but then the door opened, and a loud bell filled the café, so you turned with your famous customer care smile on, only for it to waver when your eyes met Jake Sim. Jake looked like a dear in headlights, his eyes wide and his lips parted in surprise. He quickly composed himself, cleared his throat, and then made his way to the counter.
You rushed to get behind the counter, your hands resting on top of your stomach You tried to count your breaths, to remind yourself to breathe. Maybe he didn’t know who you were? It was probably wishful thinking, but that was the only mindset you could allow yourself to be in for fear of risking your whole job if you blew up at him.
Jake cleared his throat as he got to the counter. He used his left hand to rub at his neck, his cheeks flushed pink in an awkward shy manner while his voice was quiet. He didn’t stutter, but the concentration on his face told you he was finding it hard to find the right words. “A pink latte with a red velvet cupcake, please?”
You pressed the screen on the computer, then looked back at Jake. “What art would you like?”
“Art?” Jake asked, his eyebrows raising in confusion. You smiled, but rolled your eyes at his reaction.
“Latte art. I can do swans, hearts, stars, most things. What would you like?” You offered, to which Jake opened his mouth and closed it a few times as he considered your word.
“Just a heart, please?” He asked, to which you smiled and nodded, then pressed to print off the receipt.
“That will be-“ You began, blinking in surprise when Jake just slid his bank card across to you. You picked it up carefully and swiped it, then handed it back to him.
“I’ll bring it over to your table when it’s ready,” You smiled, then turned away to grab the cupcake and begin making the drink. In record time, you completed the drink with a simple heart on the top before you made your way around the counter to Jake.
Jake sat at the window, but his back was to the outside world and his eyes seemed to watch your every more. You placed the tray on the edge of the table, then placed the cupcake and latte before Jake.
You picked the tray back up and turned to leave, but Jake rushed out with flushed cheeks, “Won’t you sit with me? It’s not busy here and I would like some company.”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” You began, but as your eyes flickered to the clock tower outside the courtyard the café sat in, you noted the time and knew Jake would be the last customer of the day.
You sighed, placed the tray on the table behind you, then sat down opposite Jake. Your hands folded on top of one another on the table, your eyes watching his every move. Jake shifted in his seat, his eyes now looking around the whole café as he avoided your gaze.
“I actually came here because your friends told me this was where you worked,” Jake rushed out, his eyes finally daring to look right into your own but he could barely last a few seconds before he felt his whole body was lit on fire, so he rushed to look away again.
You raised an eyebrow, your friends never told anyone where you worked. You couldn’t check your phone until you clocked off work, the one rule you always made sure to follow. “They did? Why would you tell you where I work?”
Jake’s fingers gently picked at the paper around the cupcake, his eyes focused on the item as if it was the worlds most interesting thing to ever exist. “Well, I told them I needed some help with getting some more experience so I could win the girl I like over, and they told me you were the best chance I got so I had better come here and speak with you.”
Your face deadpanned for a second before you jutted your jaw out, silently cursing your friends. Sure, you had made jokes that you ‘wanted to ruin Jake’ in some unsavoury conversations, but you never thought they would announce you would help him with such a thing. Sure, you liked sex and you weren’t shy of admitting that, but you weren’t some sex-tutor.
You weren’t really sure how to respond to Jake, sitting in silence for several long minutes. Jake looked up at last, his eyes looking right into yours. He must not have known the expression he was pulling, but your thoughts cursed you as once again, your mind wandered to all the ways you wanted to ruin him and the kinds of faces he would make as you did so.
“Just once will do, please? I know you have a lot of experience so you know what feels good and what’s a bad position, etc. We don’t even have to actually do anything, you can just talk me through it,” Jake’s words began to merge as he talked faster towards the end of what he was saying.
You sighed softly, looking up at the ceiling. You couldn’t look at his face for fear you would pounce on him and fuck him right there on the café floor despite the wall of windows beside you which would expose the whole world to your actions.
“Fine. Come with me after work and I’ll teach you everything you might need to know, but you won’t be allowed to touch me unless I say otherwise, got it?” You asked, to which Jake grinned and nodded his head.
You stood and grabbed the tray from behind you, needing some space from Jake to consider how fucking stupid you had just been all because of a pretty boy.
You were already regretting your decision.
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Jake sat on your sofa, but he was on the edge with his fingers fiddling with the holes in the knees of his jeans while you sat in the single chair opposite him, your eyebrow raised and your arms crossed. He looked like some kind of kid getting scolded for hitting his mom’s vase with a football that he shouldn’t have been kicking around inside the house.
Cute, you couldn’t help but think.
“So, be honest with me, how much experience do you have?” You began with the hard hitting question from the offset, leaning back in your chair. Your eyes watched Jake carefully, his cheeks flushing pink in an instant. You had to hold back your laugh by biting the inside of your cheek. Cute, you couldn’t help but to compliment him again.
“Just a little bit. I’ve had sex, obviously, but I don’t really know how to make my partner feel good,” Jake mumbled, his eyes staring at his hands as he refused to look up at you. “I’ve never been told my sex was boring or they didn’t enjoy it, but I just know there’s some things I could always improve on.”
“Well, that can be a of a bit tricky thing to teach someone as honestly, everyone has their own specific likes and dislikes when it comes to sex,” You sighed softly, letting out a huff of air from between your lips. You wanted the man sat before you, but you were trying to calm down on your old actions of fucking whoever, whenever.
“For example, you might like it when a woman kisses your neck, but some men may prefer not to have anyone close to their skin like that,” You explained, trying to offer a situation that he could understand and maybe not find awkward. But he for sure had to have known you’d had many sexual encounters. Some were… worse than others.
“What do you like?” The man asked casually, not knowing his words caused your breath to hitch and your own body to heat up. You tried not to give yourself in by pressing your thighs together, and instead lifted your chin to appear more in control and collected.
“Well, I don’t care who takes control when it comes to sex. As long as I’m with someone who has good stamina and knows how to eat pussy real good, then I’m usually more than pleased. It’s easy to win my body over,” You had to bite down hard on your cheek to stop the smirk from forming, Jake choosing now the best time to look at you.
Jake’s whole demeanour seemed to change as he pushed himself to sit back, nodding his head slowly. His cheeks were no longer pink, and his eyes were determined to stare right through you into your soul. He looked cocky, almost. Oh?
You had become the shy one at this, your hands gently picking at the pillow which sat on your lap. You were a sucker for men who were cocky, but could also back up their behaviour. Was Jake secretly playing you and about to pull a ‘Sex God’ card out? You sure hoped so. He was definitely your type in all other aspects.
“What do you like? Don’t leave me the only one vulnerable here.” You continued after he stayed silent at your confession.
“I like to be in control and show my partner where they belong,” Jake’s voice also now sounded confident, cocky. Your body reacted to that with a bit too much excitement, and you finally gave in to press your thighs together ever so slightly, hoping he didn’t notice.
“Where they belong?” You asked, curious as to exactly where he meant. You leant forward, your elbow on your knee and your chin on your hand as you showed him your full interest and attention.
Jake smirked, rolling his eyes. “Either on my dick, or in my bed.”
You gasped at his words in an almost choke which caused a cough to form in your throat, which shortly turned into a laugh and you shook your head. “You don’t have to try and act all confident now. You’re a virgin, right?”
Jake scoffed and shook his head. “No, but I’m by no means experienced like you are. But I still know what I like and I think I can do just the right things to make you satisfied.”
“Go on then,” Your mouth dared before your brain could even comprehend the words you were saying. What the fuck had happened to the puppy-eyed, flushing boy at the café who drank pink lattes with heart art? Jake was now acting like a totally different person.
“You asked for it,” Jake stated before he got up and pounced across the coffee table, his hands gripping your face as he pulled your body to the edge of the chair. He kissed you with an open mouth, his tongue lazily brushing against yours.
Your eyes were wide at first, unsure if you should kiss back or kick him out. But the tight grip he had on your hips was sending your brain right to between your legs and you knew you had no chance of rejecting the offer. This man was either going to cave in and admit he was putting on a show to appear more dominant and would fall back into his shy manner, or he was about to fuck you into the mattress until you were ready to pass out.
You had no idea how this was going to turn out, but you were more than excited and willing to find out.
You stood, Jake following the action as his hands now both grabbed at your hips with a little too much force, but you was in no mood to be complaining. Your fingers tangled into his hair, then you tugged playfully to try and gauge which response you would be getting from him—this dominance he was ‘putting on’, or the cute and timid man you met earlier.
Jake’s eyes seemingly darkened as he pulled away from the kiss, one of his hands snaking around your body before he gave your ass a harsh spank. “Do that again and I’ll fuck you on the floor, right here, right now,” Jake warned, to which you felt wetness forming between your legs. Once again, you pushed your legs together to try and tame yourself. It didn’t work.
You weren’t about to up your dominance just yet.
“Go on then, I fucking dare you to try. I bet you pathetically hump your pillow every night and you’ll end up crying at seeing my naked body, anyway,” You tried to stir him up, but the laugh he gave only caused your confidence to crumble.
“Baby girl, if you think talking big is going to make me let you take control, then you have another thing coming. What was it you said you liked, a man who ate your pussy real good? Keep it up and you won’t get to feel my tongue,” Jake threatened, but he knew deep down he was going to be eating you out tonight regardless of if you behaved or not.
He didn’t need to let you know that just yet though.
You playfully closed your lips, then used your hand to run across them like a zip before you threw an imaginary key behind your back. Jake laughed, his demeanour changing once again.
This time when he kissed you, he was softer and the kiss was tender, almost loving.
You never kissed men like this, you never allowed yourself to have any form of feelings for them. But Jake, you’d been admiring him from afar for quite some time, and you were fine being a one night stand if it meant you had him in your life for just a moment.
Jake’s hand moved from your hip to your cheek, his lips parting to speak against your skin, “I’ve dreamt of doing this for so long.” His breath was hot, causing your skin to only burn hotter if possible.
You pulled back, hands resting on his chest with an eyebrow raised. “Excuse me?” You weren’t usually one for loving talk when it came to sex. If he wanted to get his dick wet, you’d prefer he just get it over with. You may have been a player, but men who spoke soft words had a tendency to make your knees buckle.
Jake rolled his eyes. “God, you’re so fucking stupid. How have you not heard about all the rumours of me being madly in love with you and pining after you?” Jake dared to kiss his way from your lips down to your jaw, stopping between kisses to confess, “But you never gave me a second look, huh?”
You frowned and shook your head. “We never crossed paths…” You sounded confused. You had admired him from afar and never were usually within the same room often, bare in mind within close proximity for you to hear any rumours about his supposed feelings for you.
Jake groaned and lightly began to pull your bodies to the hallway, to where your bedroom sat. “Yeah, we did, you just always kept up this ‘holier than thou’ attitude and ignored me whenever I was literally right in front of you.”
While you were still confused, you didn’t doubt his words were true. You often ignored the men your friends tried to chat up in front of you. You still felt guilty though. How could you ignore him out of everyone? Your precious Jake Sim, the man you secretly wished would hold your hand but also push you into an empty classroom and fuck you raw on every desk space available.
“But you won’t ignore me now, not anymore. Not when every time you even hear the first letter of my name, I’m going to make your legs quiver with the memory of me,” Jake smirked before he picked you up by your thighs, led you to your bedroom, then he threw you onto your bed.
He spared no thought or care to close the bedroom door.
Lucky for you both, you lived alone
You leant up on your elbows and watched his every move. You were undecided who was the deer in headlights this time, and if it was you, you could handle that status. The Jake before you was really exciting you.
Jake made his way to you with long but slow steps, then as his calves hit the edge of the bed, he leant down on top of you using his hands to hold himself up. He smirked at you, daring to lean down to brush his lips against yours before he pulled back and stood back up.
Jake pulled his shirt over his head, your hand immediately going to his chest to run its course down to the top of his pants.
Jake tutted and grabbed your wrist gently, pushing it away from his body. “Tonight is about you baby, not me.”
Jake leant back over you, and finally pressed his lips to yours in a gentle and slow kiss, which only caused the butterflies in your stomach to erupt into inpatient flutters. You needed him. Rough and fast.
You used your hand to tangle into Jake’s hair. You kissed him back gentle and slow at first, but as you grew needier, you tugged in his hair and tried to part your lips to get him to take the hint that you wanted, needed, more.
Jake laughed against your lips, and the sound made you whine. You wrapped your legs around his body and mumbled against his lips, “Stop teasing me, I need you.”
Jake tutted and shook his head, daring to even roll his eyes. “Don’t talk to me like that again, or I’m getting my ass dressed and I’m walking out of here with or without even touching you. And I don’t think either of us want that.”
You pressed your lips together hard against one another to prove you were gong to listen to him, to which Jake couldn’t hold back his laugh. He let his image drop for moment as he pulled back to kiss your forehead, but he soon returned to acting like he was the one with total control over you.
Well… was it really an act? The man before you didn’t know it, but with a few words, he could likely have you on your knees for him at any time of the day for any given reason.
You let your hands run down his body again, playfully pinching his side before your fingers dared to push into the top of his pants. Jake didn’t stop you from touching him this time. He pulled back enough to look down and watch you to push the material down as far as you could before he pulled away to finish pushing them all the way down.
You lifted your hips to pull your own off, discarding them on the floor. Your mind was getting hazier the longer he was taking. This wasn’t like you, to be the cockdrunk one. But you almost liked the feeling when it came to Jake.
Finally he leant over you again, your arms and legs coming to wrap around his body. You dared to grind up against him to which Jake let out a moan, resting his forehead against your shoulder as he grind himself back into you, wearing only the material of his boxer. Your underwear was soaked enough to sink through your own underwear and onto his, making him feel the slick.
Jake smirked against your shoulder at the feeling and whispered against your skin between light kisses, “You’re so needy for me already. Guess I don’t need your help to please women then, huh?”
Jake moved his hips and caused the curve of his dick to push your lower lips apart, the head of his dick now rubbing against your clit in a way you thought could cause a human to purr.
“Shut up,” You spoke through gritted teeth as your hips moved faster, Jake soon catching up and falling into sync. You began to move even faster, letting your moans and breathy gasps betray you to let him know you were enjoying the feeling. He was making some noises himself, a mix between grunts and whispered moans which only riled you to move faster.
Soon enough, you both came undone just from the grinding. Jake came not long after you, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment that he came so soon.
“Don’t worry baby,” You mumbled, your hand going to stroke his hair gently as his head rest on your chest. “We can move the second round to the bathroom. What better place to have sex and clean up at the same time?”
Jake smirked against your skin and even dared to laugh, the sound almost sinister. “Don’t think I’m letting you off easy with just two rounds. We’re going to be going at this all night.”
“I wouldn’t expect any less of you,” You began but then let out a shriek/giggle mix when Jake gripped your hips and lazily pulled your body up against his into a short embrace before he picked you up to carry you to the next destination—and round.
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lutawolf · 8 months
My Personal Weatherman and the D/s element Ep 6
If you haven't read my other meta on the show, I suggest you do! You can find them here.
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I adore that Segasaki put a tracker on Yoh.
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However, it looks as though it was pointless because it's as if Yoh wants to get caught. Slow doesn't even begin to describe this boy.
Now it's finally useful. He has found his man and told him in no uncertain terms to make up an excuse and come back home. Now, if he were an actual slave, he would be unable to say no. If he were deep subservient... He would be unable to say no. I know you normies are thinking, damn. Don't they have rights Luta!? They Don't Want Them! They are not you. For some people, they just don't want to make decisions. Now is Yoh that type of submissive is the question though. Let's see what Yoh does.
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I love that Yoh at least has someone on the outside of things he can talk to. She clearly understands Segasaki. I really like the husband. Mickey and Minnie are well suited to each other.
Flashback time!!!
So it all starts in the school cafeteria. OMG, I love how Yoh pauses as soon as he sees Segasaki. Then he has to sit back down because he doesn't know what else to do. His original thought is no longer there. All that encompasses his gray matter is Segasaki. "The first time I saw that person. I thought they might not be from this planet. At least out of all the sculptures that I've ever seen, he's the most beautiful." Then he gives that soft smile. So freaking cute! "The shape of his ears, the line of his nose, the angle of the jawline, the fullness of their lips. Even the shape of their unseen eyeballs must be beautiful."
He then rushes to the store to buy what it will take to draw this beautiful boy. Yoh had it bad right off, but he doesn't understand it himself. Did they really call him loner guy? "If I were a girl, I would have thought it was love at first sight. But it was just a beautiful man." Yoh, you is an idiot. I love you, but you is an idiot. Okay, so he even knows that he is lying to himself. That's fair, we all do it.
I really am not a fan of these people. Loner guy? Really. These people look down on Yoh. Yup, nope, that solidified it. I don't like them.
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Bless baby's heart. He is so anxious. I'm in love with Segasaki straight away because I think he fell in love with Yoh pretty fast too. Right off, we see Segasaki easily takes control. The way he tells Yoh, "Let's go." and grabs his arm then backpack to control Yoh's direction and to push him where he wants. He then keeps his hand there.
Right off, they easily drop into a D/s relationship. This is how you would see a D/s relationship develop naturally. Guidelines are always a good but for the fiftieth million time, lifestyle people are different from scene. We are naturally always Dom or always submissive, so we don't turn that off. It's going to naturally be seen even in friendship, but that doesn't mean that a Dom should expect a submissive friend to just listen. A submissive can always put guidelines and boundaries up, but to think that these relationships don't organically happen is ignorant. Yoh is submissive right off the back, just look at how he asks Segasaki if this is okay. Segasaki is Dom right off the bat.
I adore how close they are to each other. Segasaki has no concept of space when it comes to Yoh. Oh, these two. In the way, Segasaki asks Yoh what he is doing. Sees Yoh's indecisiveness, finds a book, and then gives him a command. Fulling expecting Yoh to absolutely tell him what he thinks of the book. "If he were to suddenly despise me, it might be the end of me." Those some deep feelings there.
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I can't wait to see Segasaki's side of things!!! We know that Yoh's perception of things are easily distorted by his emotions. He is inclined to having a glass half empty mindset.
Please note, that Yoh as of yet hasn't acknowledged Segasaki's message. The submissive is not listening. We are not looking at a slave or a deep submissive.
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Hahaha. Being drunk and clingy are absolutely who he is Mickey my dear.
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OMG, This is the best! I'm Dying. I love Segasaki and I love Segasaki's personality and his jealousy. I'm in love with these mother fucking characters oh so much.
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The way he stomps over and pulls back the curtains. "You can finish remotely right." I assure you, Segasaki wasn't actually asking a question. Still, Yoh faced with an angry Dom says yes. Said angry, Dom grabs him and begins to pull him away.
Leaving Minnie and Mickey both stunned and impressed. I think Mickey just developed his first guy crush.
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Bombastic side eye. Oh damn... Here comes the miscommunication. Yoh is talking about Segasaki and Segasaki is talking about Mickey. Poor baby.
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Yoh finds the tracker. Boy knows what that is and tells Segasaki, I put it back where I found it. But Segasaki is pissed. He thinks Yoh likes Mickey. Lawd these two. If they ever learn to communicate.
I can't wait for the next episode!!! I'm so in love with these two!!!
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tinybitsubby · 10 months
A few days ago, I was pretty sad and overwhelmed by something that would have a big effect on just about anybody. Many times during the day I said I wish I could stop thinking about it but just couldn’t.
Near bedtime, the Hubz looked at me and said, ”get in the tub”. When he says it this way he means ‘go get cleaned up and do whatever you need to do to get your mindset right for some intense playtime.’
I studied him for a minute to see if that’s what he meant. I told him I was tired and mentally drained. He said,”I know, go get in the tub “. I didn’t want to. I’m sure I looked disappointed. I stood there and thought for a minute then whispered, “ok, but this is me being VERY obedient”. He acknowledged this with a nod.
I soaked in the tub but just wanted to crawl into bed and try to sleep. I couldn’t fix my mind on anything but the big problem I’m facing. He slipped into the tub with me, kissing me, touching me, nudging desire forward. When we got out, he did all my favorite things, had me really humming.
When we finally fell panting into bed, he asked, “That clear your mind for a while?”. I affirmed it did very effectively. He smiled through a “you’re welcome” and kissed me goodnight. My mind was calm enough to fall asleep.
Before D/s, there’s a 99.9% chance I would have shot him down cold because of how I was feeling. Because of D/s I didn’t keep myself from the kind of relief only he could provide.
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merakiui · 4 months
don’t forget during the Halloween event (the one where they go to the underworld) ace asks to go check on you when ur missing without anyone asking! And tells u how scared he was that u were missing 🥺
Aaaa yes!!! He's so fond of the player. It's very cute. orz he loves spending time with them as well. There are so many times in which Ace invites the player to Heartslabyul events or it's implied he spends time over at Ramshackle. >w< but if anyone were to ask why he seems so attached to you, he would just deny it and get huffy hehe. Insisting that that's not it! Definitely not! Absolutely not!
Ace is genuinely such a good friend to have. If anyone's giving you trouble, he'd be the first to speak his mind on it. A very strong character! His involvement in Heartslabyul book is always very impressive to me because he was the only one out of all of those students to actively and outright resist and speak against Riddle's tyranny even when it landed him punishments and Off With Your Head.
It's such a powerful moment when he stands up to Riddle and gives him the reality check he needs but has never received:
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Trey and Cater are near Riddle in a somewhat defensive position. They're still trying to protect and shield him because it's what they've done best in order to mitigate bad behaviors. They know it's wrong, but the mindset of "if it's mostly under control, it's okay," is easier to enable because it's much harder to tell Riddle to his face that what he's doing is wrong. All of what Ace says is true. It's a very valid point! His entire monologue is amazing, especially these parts!!!!!
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There are different types of intelligence. Riddle's is very textbook and academic. He's so smart, but when it comes to things like friendship or social situations and cues he's mostly lost because he wasn't given the time as a child to explore and experience (natural) friendship like a normal child. Ace is right; it's terrible that he was raised in such a way, but then Riddle isn't entirely faultless himself. It's up to him to decide whether he wants to continue to perpetuate the cycle his mother subjected him to, just as it's up to him to decide if he wants to change and better himself. No one else can do that for him. They can tell him so, but nothing will change if Riddle doesn't recognize that he needs to reflect and improve.
I also like Ace in that chapter because he's so real and raw with his words. He doesn't sugarcoat it. He lays out the reality of the situation, acknowledges that it's not great, but also explains that just because it's a bad situation it shouldn't be used in a way to enable or excuse Riddle's actions.
Ace plays such a vital role in Heartslabyul's arc. If not for him, this confrontation would not exist and the dorm would likely still function as it did pre-overblot. He's a good friend. He'll call you out on your nonsense if he thinks it's detrimental or just isn't right and that's a very good quality he has! :D
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retroellie · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet with Daryl Dixon
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Summary: NSFW Alphabet with Daryl Dixon :)
A/N: Hey y'all! sorry for just like dying but I've been not wanting to write. I've been wanting to write for Daryl for a hot minute and don't worry I'm still Ellies whore ofc :). I just have grown an obsession for crusty musty Daryl Dixon <3. I'm still writing for Ellie; I've actually been working on some Fics for her but i just needed a break from mommy Ellie :( But enjoy!
Warnings: NSFW, Knife play, mentions of pegging, BDSM, blood, normal TWD stuff
Word count: 3.2K
A= Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
Daryl is so caring afterwards. Daryl likes to put this tough guy persona on around others, but you really see him for what he is, a big teddy bear. So after sex, when your out of breath and fucked out, he will clean you up so gently. He will get a rag and clean his mess up while giving you soft kisses on your face, probably mumbling something like " Come back to me love..." because you are still a little high in the clouds. I just know this mf is so soft afterwards, i know from experience :).
B=body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
Where do I start with this one... Well daryl worships the ground you walk on so him choosing his favorite part of you is like asking him to choose between his children. He really likes your hands, you keep them as soft as you can and he likes that. Plus he finds you using them in any way, sexual or not, just so hot. Your boobs are a close second (Daryl is a boob guy, i said what i said) He likes soft things and your boobs are soft and squishy, he likes playing with them.
He doesn't really have a  favorite part of himself, he's an insecure man. What more can I say? However he likes his arms, just because you say you like them so now, he's a big fan of them. Whatever turns you on fastest he's cool with.
C=cum (Anything to do with cum)
Daryl is super careful of where he cums, he'll cum on your stomach, tits, ass basically anywhere that isn't in you. He doesn't want to get you pregnant and there's not many ways to prevent it in the apocalypse, so his pull-out game is strong. He would like to have kids with you someday but as of right now he's okay with cumming on you, he thinks you look pretty that way anyways.
However there are times he finds condoms while on runs and bitch... he uses them up in like one day. He loves that he can cum deep inside you and not have to worry about you getting knocked up, because if he could cum inside you every time, he would in a heartbeat.
D=dirty secret
this is in fact a dirty secret, literally. He likes when you are dirty, like all bloodied up and there's literal brains in your hair. It just gets him going he can't control himself. He also likes seeing you kill people, no walkers, literal people (bad people obviously). Just seeing you take someone's life, seeing what you can do to a person when you're mad enough.  It also puts him in a more submissive mindset for some reason, like he wants you on top of him yelling degrading things towards him.
One time you had killed someone, probably one of the whisperes and he got so worked up, he begged you to fuck him right than and there. You gladly did, you took him and fucked him right in front of the boyd you had just killed. That's also a secret, he likes to be the submissive one.
E=experience (How experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
I don't see Daryl being that experienced tbh. I mean he knows what he's doing yeah, he knows where everything is and he definitely knows how to get a girl screaming but he's not had many people. He's probably hooked up with some junkies and hookers merle hung out with but he never really had what you guys have yk? So everytime you guys would fuck he would secretly be taking notes in his head, watching what every little move did to you.
F=Favorite position
He loves anything that involves y’all close, like super close. He loves missionary for that reason but his all time favorite is you riding him. He loves how he can just sit back and watch you take what you need, he’ll sit up so his face is shoved between your tits and he’ll just suck and lick till there’s no tomorrow.
He needs to feel close to you especially in such a vulnerable act, anything could happen in a single moment so him feeling close to you makes that fear melt away for a moment. However he does like it from the back sometimes, especially when he’s really mad at you for doing something stupid. He bent you over and smacked your ass while pounding into you, leaving bruises and fingerprints in your skin. He’ll sometimes choke you if he’s mad enough but he will always ask if he can hurt you in such ways.
G= Goofy (Are they serious at the moment or are they humorous?)
Daryl is a very goofy guy when you get to know him, like I said he has this big badass persona on all the time. He really lets his guard down around you and you’ve come to like it. So in bed he will definitely be a little goofball, he’ll have you giggling in seconds if he feels like it. Of course he likes to be more serious when trying to get you to cum, like ‘okay that was funny but we need to get back to make your squirm’ yk? But goofy Daryl is my favorite Daryl <3
H= Hair (How groomed are they down there?)
It’s literally the apocalypse so he doesn’t do anything down there. He barely showers half the time so take it or leave it… but however he will try to clean up down there when he gets to the commonwealth but you end up not liking it so he stops it. Something about him being all untamed is a turn on for you so his shaving made you feel strange.
He also doesn’t care about your grooming habits. I mean he’s eaten uncooked squirrel, dog and even worms so you being hairy or “smelly” doesn’t bother him one bit, he’ll still eat you out nice and right :)
Daryl lacks in the intimacy aspect of the relationship, he has a very hard time showing his love for you. Him wanting to be close to you all the time during sex is one of the many ways he attempts to show how much he loves you. You will never see Daryl Dixon making a nice candle lit dinner and than fucking you slow on the table after…no. Instead you’ll get dragged out into the forest, fed cooked fish and than fucked on a bunch of rocks and sticks. But that’s honestly good enough for you because that’s Daryl’s candle lit dinner.
J= Jack off (Masturbation headcanons)
Okay well Daryl is old, he feels like a teenager again when he has to masturbate so he just doesn’t. If he gets hard and you're not there, he just takes a cold shower because masturbating just feels wrong to him. However further into your relationship he finds himself sometimes rubbing one out but only when you're gone for a bit, other than that he lets you do all that.
K= Kinks
I feel like Daryl has a lot of kinks that haven’t really come out till you, he’s used to it being vanilla. So like he just fucks to cum and than that’s that. When you told him some of your kinks and how y’all can spice up the bedroom…. Bitch- he did not hold back. He really likes bondage, like a lot more than he thought he did. You were the first to bring bondage up and he was effy about it but once you started that he couldn’t stop. He always has rope or duck tape on him just in case.
He also likes using pain towards you in the bedroom, like slapping, choking, hitting of any kind. He will always ask for consent ofc and if you're not wanting to be too rough at the moment he won’t but he likes seeing the red marks it leaves behind and how you still adore him even when he’s choking you with his cock while slapping your face. He also really likes knife play or really anything that involves blood. He likes to make cuts on you and then lick them up, watching you wince as the sting from the wound hits you. The high of all the pain he gives you just gets him going but he’s also a little whore for taking care of you after.
L= Location (favorite place to do it)
He really likes to do it outside, especially out in the forest. I mean he basically lives out in the forest so y’all do it a lot out there. He does really like bending you over a tree and fuck you until you can’t stand, he loves seeing the little marks the tree leaves into your skin (that also adds on to the pain kink he got going in).  There’s also a chance y’all will get caught but someone or something which just makes the experience so much better. He actually prefers it when a walker shows up, it’s weird to say but to him that means he got you loud enough that a walker 2 miles away could hear your moans.
I have a feeling that one time your moans attracted a walker and while fucking you, thrusting into your so deep, Daryl pulled out his crossbow and shot the walker down… than just went back to fucking your brains out. He felt so hot in that moment but honestly you were too high on an orgasm to notice but you let him have his moment.
M= Motivation (What turns them on?)
Like I said when you kill walkers or people in front of him>>> he just can’t control himself I swear. He definitely likes when you wear his vest around him, when you hunt with him, when you tease him in public, when you wear low cut shirts… the list goes on and on. Anything you do will have him going but he’s learned to hide it, but you have gotten his walls broken down enough to know exactly what you do to him so you tease him even harder. He’s an old man… not a lot of old men get to have such a young, hot girlfriend like you so he takes full advantage of that.
N= NO (Something they wouldn't do/ turn offs)
He doesn't like being called daddy… I know I know, YALL are probably screaming at me rn. I just don’t think he likes it, he’s a father damn near (Judith and rj) and being called daddy just makes him feel gross. He also doesn’t like age play, he’s old and you're young so the role play is a little too realistic and it makes him feel creepy. Other than that everything is pretty much on the table, as long as you both consent to it and it doesn’t hurt y’all too much… he’s down.
O= Oral (Giving or receiving, skill etc.)
Don’t make this man choose plzzzz…. He loves both so much, he loves just fucking your mouth and watching you choke on it, one of this favorite things. However!! I think he likes giving better, he loves your pussy like mf he could go down on you for hours. There’s been times when he's had a bad or long day so he comes home, pulls your pants down and eats you out until you're shaking. He just loves pleasuring you more than anything, if he can get you to cum 4 times before he cums his first time?? It’s a good fucking day for him.
P= pace (are they fast or rough? slow or sensual?)
He’s so rough, maybe not exactly fast but he’s in you deep. Daryl can not be soft for the life of him, even when he tries he still ends up being too rough but good for him that he found someone who likes it rough :) It was a match made in hell!!! He loves to grab onto your waist as he pounds into you so he can literally be as deep as he possibly can and sometimes it gets so rough it’ll make your eyes cross. Basically by the end of it you’ll be worn out and definitely bruised
Q= Quickie (Their opinions on quickies)
He’s not the biggest fan of them, like he likes them when he’s busy or tired from hunting but he really likes long drawn out sessions. He just doesn’t like feeling rushed and quickies make him feel rushed, he just feels like his orgasm isn’t as good when y’all are doing a quickie. Like I said he likes to take is time with you, he likes to fuck you for hours at a time and he likes to bruise you up a bit.
When y’all are forced to do quickies he’s super rough and fast with them, like this man is animalistic when you guys are rushing to reach your highs. He’ll bend you over a table, not even bother with underwear so he just pulls them to the side, he’ll grab onto your hips and pound into you over and over until he’s cumming. He’ll even choke you, like a literal face turning bright red. He's choking you so hard and he’ll definitely bite you here and there. Again it’s all consensual and he doesnt hurt you too bad, it just helps him get off when he’s rushing.
R= Risk (Are they okay with experimenting? do they take risks?)
Daryl loves to experiment, I’m going to go a little deep into this for a minute. So he grew up kinda being exactly like Merle because he thought that’s how men were supposed to be. He was so much like Merle when y’all got together, like even down to the sex. He was selfish and greedy, he also had his ways out in front of him. Then he changed into himself slowly and that’s why he’s so into experimenting now, like he doesn’t really know what he wants so experimenting is super important to him now. As for risks?? He’s all for risks but they have to be safe, when they cross the line of “we are going to die” than it’s no longer fun, it’s just fucking terrifying. It’s the apocalypse so risks mean danger so he's effy on them.
S= Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He's an old man, you gotta give him breaks but he can go for a good 2 or 3 rounds but they typically last a bit. When you first got together he came super fast and it frustrated him, he would also cum and then leave because he was so embarrassed about it. Now he can last long but there’s times when he does cum fast but you were able to convince him there’s nothing wrong with it, if anything you were flattered because the pussy was too good :). But no Daryl is no sex machine but he will do anything for you, even if that meant 6 rounds all in one hour.
T= Toys (do they have toys and who do they use them on?)
So it is the apocalypse so toys aren’t a necessity but he does like toys :). He really likes handcuffs and vibrators, he  uses them on you but sometimes you manage to get him in the handcuffs or hold the vibrator up to his cock to watch him squirm. He definitely sneaks you dildos on runs because he knows you miss him and you get needy, so you have a few dildos to choose from when you get horny at night. One time you even managed to use the dildo on Daryl… so yes you did peg Daryl and yes he did honestly love it. Like I said, he’s a little experimenter and he wanted to try it before he said he didn’t like it.
U= Unfair (how much do they tease?)
He’s not the biggest tease however he loves to be teased. Daryl sometimes makes sexual jokes towards you or slaps your ass when on runs but he’s not too big of a teaser. However, when you tease him, it ignites a huge fire in him. He gets so needy and so upset that he’ll pull you into an empty room to fuck you or even flat-out finger you at the dinner table. Sometimes it’s just a big turn on that you think you’re actually getting to him, and you think your tough shit while acting all innocent when sitting on his lap in front of Rick. He just finds it so hot especially when he gets to rail you after
V= Volume (How loud are they?)
Daryl is not loud at all, he grunts and groans but he doesn’t really moan or scream. He’s grown in the habit of being quiet because of the walkers so he stays quiet but there is sometimes you will have him beg for you which is a power trip for you. He’ll beg you to ride him or beg for you to let him eat your cunt but other than that mf is silent, only basking in your sweet moans.
W- Wild card (Random headcanons)
Okay so I have had this debate on if Daryl is a top or a bottom but I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s a switch. He loves to dominate you but he loves it more when you do the dominating. He likes to just be used for a bit and allow you to hurt him or pleasure him in any way you’d like. He sometimes feels forced into being the dominant one just because he’s this big bad ass in everyone’s eyes but you see right through him. You will literally have him on his knees eating your pussy out as you yell such mean things out to him, one time you even had him crying he was feeling so good. I’m telling you, after you win this man’s trust, he will allow you to see every part of him.
X= X-ray (What's going on in their pants)
Again I never know what to put in these because mf… it’s a penis?!? Like I feel like he’s a little above average but honestly it’s all about how it’s used yk?!? It doesn’t really matter
Y= Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
His sex drive is pretty normal, before he met you it was actually pretty low tbh. Now that he met you he’s always wanting to be inside of you, I think it’s mainly because he’s so scared of you leaving him so he’s just always inside of you making sure you either can’t leave him or you just won’t want to leave him. Honestly if you are turned on most likely he will be too, it’s all about you to him.
Z= ZZZ (How quick do they fall asleep after?)
He usually doesn’t fall asleep too quickly after, he’ll stay up for hours after even if you're asleep. He’ll just lay in bed silently so as to not wake you, but he likes watching your chest heave up and down in your sleep anyways.
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whiskeynwriting · 1 year
How would 141 react to their s/o getting pregnant?
Simon “Ghost” Riley, John “Soap” McTavish, Captain John Price, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI)
Mentions/discussions of… pregnancy, marriage, sex, loss/death.
A/N: This just randomly came to me and I’m living for it. 
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Simon “Ghost” Riley
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He’d be nervous, filled with more anxiety than missions often do. And if he’s honest with himself, he wouldn’t be happy about it, not at first. 
“Simon?” All he does is look up at you, his head still hung low while he sits on the sofa. “Are… you okay?”
Groaning, he drags a hand over his face, shaking his head. “I’m not okay with this.” 
And it truly breaks your heart to hear him say it. 
“I can’t… can’t provide for you. For it - them.” 
“Baby,” Sitting by his side, you place a gentle palm on his thigh. “That’s what you’re worried about?”
“You could lose me.” He states, looking over to stare into your eyes. “Any day, at any point. You know that, right?”
“I’ve always known that…” But you hate talking about it. “But even if I did… now, I’d always have a piece of you.”
And that softens him, softens him right to the core. 
“I…” Glancing down, your hand gravitates naturally to your lower belly. “I want this baby, Si.” 
Hearing the small crack in your voice tugs at his heartstrings. Honestly, he’s never considered having kids before, not in his entire life. The two of you have never talked about it and he’s never wanted to. His dad was fucked up, fucked him up, and he’s not sure he’d be able to do any better. 
“Darling I,” Choking on his words, he swallows thickly before continuing. “I don’t know if I’d be a good dad.” 
Grinning, you playfully poke his side, “That mean I’m not gonna be a single mom?”
He scoffs, turning his head away briefly. “Don’t know how you could even think that.” And now, he’s looking at your stomach, sighing. “I already worry so much about you.” 
“Why, baby?”
“Anyone finds out about me, and they’re gonna find you. I don’t want anyone finding you.” And you understand what he means. His military family has welcomed you with open arms, but they deal with enemies regularly. Enemies that kill for sport, some even more than Simon does. 
“This is a challenge, a big challenge.”
“I know, it is for me too, baby.” And when you point this out, his mindset changes. Here you are seeking comfort and security and he’s giving you anything but. 
“I don’t want you to think I’d ever leave.” He expresses wholeheartedly, reaching for your hand. And then he’s releasing a heavy breath, ready to make his decision on this. “What kind of a man would I be to let a little baby scare me away?” 
John “Soap” McTavish
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Jesus, he’d be so over the moon. It’s adorable just how giddy he is when you finally tell him. And while you expected him to be happy, you didn’t think it’d be to this extent.
“Johnny,” You laugh, feeling his arms wrap around your upper thighs. 
He’s kneeling, grinning uncontrollably as he kisses your belly. Those big, azure eyes turned wide the moment you told him, and almost immediately, he fell to his knees. 
“Oh, you’re gonna be just beautiful.” He sighs, turning his head to rest his cheek against you. Nuzzling gently, he closes his eyes, mumbling, “Just beautiful…” 
“Hm…” Humming happily, you stroke his hair, grinning down at him. “You’re excited to be a daddy, baby?”
“M’eudail,” Releasing a gentle breath, he shakes his head. “You have no idea.” (My darling, my dear) 
You hadn’t discussed it beforehand, it was in no way planned. But when you got the positive result, there wasn’t a second of hesitancy within you. He would be and was the first to find out. You always knew Johnny would be the best daddy. 
“You’ve gotta stay here.” He then insists, looking up at you from his knees. 
Raising your brows, you repeat, “Here?” And he nods, a goofy smile on his pretty face. “In the base?!”
“Yeah! We’ve got the best medics, babe. It’ll be so good, I promise you. And I’ll be able to see you every day, make sure you’re cared for.” 
Right now, you’re in Johnny’s room, and while it’s comfortable for your nights together… you’re not exactly sure how it would do as a maternity room. And he sees you eyeing his space suspiciously, quick to pop up to his feet and hold your face.
“We wouldn’t stay here, we can get a bigger room. I’m sure Price’ll be fine with it, I’m sure of it.” 
“Johnny, it’ll be okay if we can’t stay together, baby. We can just see each other like we do now.” You remind him gently, smiling at the father of your baby. 
“No,” He insists, that full accent bubbling to the surface whenever his voice gets deep. “No way, no how. I’m stayin’ with you, with you and this baby.” And then, he’s grinning again and dropping back down to his knees. 
Holding your sides, he stares at your covered tummy. “A wee baby.” 
Captain John Price
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At first, he tries to act dumb. He’ll claim you two were so careful, that you always tracked your cycle and took the necessary precautions. But it doesn’t take long for you to call him on his shit. 
“No, actually you’re right. Busting a load into me three times a week is definitely careful.”
“We haven’t had condoms, alright?” He shoots back, a grin playing on the edges of his lips. 
“John, we haven’t had them for more than a month!” You giggle, those chuckles erupting into full on laughter when he rolls his eyes again. 
Eyeing your stomach, he then glances up at you. “So, you’re really baking, huh?”
“What?” Another bout of laughter bubbles from your lips, quirking your eyebrow at his strange comment.
Striding over to you, he grins, placing his hands on your hips. “Got a little bun in the oven?”
“How are you so calm about this?” You wonder, genuinely perplexed by it. 
He shrugs, thumbs rubbing your clothed skin. “We’re a pretty solid team, aren’t we?”
“Well… yeah.” 
“Then who’s to say we should be worried about this? Hm?”
While you’re surprised at his casual tone, it also serves to remind you of who this man truly is. John is sturdy, his mental arena a firm foundation that’s made him the man he is today, and that’s also allowed your relationship to build. He’s taken on so much in his life that he sees this predicament as any other task. It’s a situation he’s gotten himself into, and one that he’ll have to figure out. And who better to figure it out with than the love of his life? 
“What do you think? Hm?” He asks, lifting a hand to cup your pretty face. “You wanna keep it?” 
“Yes, I really do.” Nodding slowly, you smile, feeling unsure but excited. “Do you?”
“I want to keep every part of you.” He chuckles, wrapping an arm around your lower back to pull you into him. “And this baby is part of us, isn’t it?” 
Internally, you feel warm from John’s love. It’s so easy to fall for him, how could it not be when he’s there to catch you? And he does so effortlessly, repeatedly, his genuine affection a soft blanket that you always cuddle into. 
“Yeah,” Nodding, you can’t help the smile that plumps your cheeks. 
Leaning in, John rests his forehead over your own, sighing. With both hands on your lower back, your own slide up along his chest until your arms are looping around his neck. The calm that surrounds the two of you is relaxing, reassuring, his sweet embrace everything you could need in this moment. 
“I’m here, honey.” He whispers to you softly, “And I can’t wait to meet our baby.” 
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
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The only reason he’s not overtly happy is because of his own insecurities. He feels so new in his field and wants to be able to support you, wants to do everything he can to be the man of your soon to be small family. 
“Aren’t you happy?” You ask, a hint of sadness in your voice.
“I am!” He clarifies, reaching for you. “I am, I really am.”
“Then… what is it?” 
“I just,” Chuckling, he shakes his head a single time. “I’m kicking myself for not doing this properly.”
“Yeah,” He shrugs, “Getting down on one knee, making you mine before you have our baby.” 
“Kyle,” Grinning, you step closer to him. “I already am yours. We don’t need a wedding to start a family.” 
And while he knows you’re right, he can’t stop thinking about it, about how he’d propose and the wedding you’d plan. You don’t need a piece of paper to say you can be together, you don’t, but still, it holds meaning to him. 
After moving through the motions and letting the news settle in, he’d be more than ecstatic. He knows that the insecurities chattering away in the back of his head don’t have any real stance. Kyle has given you the world so far and he doesn’t plan to stop now. He’d take it upon himself to draw up a list, wanting you and the baby to have everything you need. There wouldn't be a single shopping trip where he wasn’t involved and getting extras of everything. He just wants to be prepared. But while he’s planning for your new baby, he’s also planning to take that step with you. 
It would be after you’ve given birth, holding your new baby girl. He didn’t want to overwhelm you during your pregnancy and thought the day your daughter came into the world would only make it that much more special. 
“Baby, what’re you…”
After she’s been fed, he’d swaddle her, placing her in the plastic crib the hospital offers. And that’s when he’d get down on one knee, sighing. 
“I know we don’t need it,” Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out the box, eyes returning to yours as he opens it. “But I want it. I want you to be my wife.”
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