#i’d respond to the nice comments but the struggle of this being a side blog means i cant reply in comments w/ the sideblog
riptiring · 2 years
oh damn i log back in and sudden influx of new followers😳
0 notes
stevenbasic · 3 years
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The Tale of Queen Angie, Chapter 2
10 months later.
“So who keeps texting you?” Angie asked, trying to hide her annoyance as she did her makeup at the vanity, brushing on the heavy mascara that made her eyes pop. He had recently restored the makeup table for her, rebuilding a nice old piece that had caught her eye at a yard sale a few months back. It’s not that she had very particular tastes in furniture; she just wanted to keep him busy, focused on something for her...
From his spot on her queen-sized bed, AJ quickly reached over to the nightstand, pushing aside the tissues and lotion, and silenced his phone. Even though it was nearly noon, and a Tuesday, he still hadn’t gotten out of bed.  “It’s...nobody, babe.” “Don’t ‘nobody babe’ me,” she said, her eyes flashing to meet his in the mirror, “Remember? We talked about this. About keeping secrets, from me?” To that, AJ laughed. To sound aloof, though,  was a half-hearted effort,. She’s joking, right? It’s not like it’s another girl, ever. It’s just th- Well, better not push it. “S-so sorry, Angie,” he apologized, not wanting a confrontation again over something so silly, “It was the guys from work. They want me to come down to Stoney’s to watch the game.” 
He had answered honestly, not even sure he was capable of lying to her at this point. AJ had, since reconnecting with Angie at the reunion earlier this year, really fallen hard for her. And it wasn’t just the tits, which admittedly were initially the main attraction. She was also smart, driven, and there was an aggression about her that, these days, had really become appealing to him. He’d never would have considered himself a...what did they call it?...a “beta”, but there was something about the way Angie took charge, managed things, told him what to do that really, yeah, turned him on. More and more every day, in fact.  And not just in bed - though, haha, she did that too - but in life in general. Their romance started out with her as the aggressor, and as time went on it had become even more and more one-sided. She had been an infatuated admirer of his back in high school, but if he was being honest it was now really her that held most all the hand in this relationship. But he hadn’t seen the guys much lately, and he kinda wanted to get drunk and commiserate with them. Since losing the stadium job to that big new girly construction company, his business had taken a sour turn. He’d had to let most of his crews go, including a bunch of old friends. 
“They’re down there drinking, before noon, on a Tuesday?” Angie asked, as she saw him watching her, primping in the mirror in her silk dressing robe, “And these people are your friends?” 
“Well, yeah,” he answered, immediately feeling sheepish, immediately feeling like the little boy trying to explain himself to his mom. She had a way of doing that, making him feel infantile and not like the kinda-successful, twenty-nine year-old adult male he was, “but I’d just be going for a beer or two…” So...dammit... why was he getting hard..?
Annoyance was bubbling up in Angie Wade’s chest. He knew she had taken the day off, so they could spend the day together. And he wanted to go see his moron buddies, drink cheap beer and watch sports? True, she hadn’t paid him much attention this morning, and he was probably feeling a little neglected. I guess I should do something about that, she thought wryly. 
“Well, tell them you're busy,” she answered, applying a dramatic shade to her eyelids in the mirror. She was almost done. “Or better yet, just ignore them. They’ll get the message.”
At that, she stood up from her makeup chair and turned around in her short, thin robe of light rose, cinched at the waist. She was facing him now where he laid, half-sitting, on the bed. He had his grey sweatpants back on but was otherwise bare. She watched his eyes move up her body, pausing - predictably - on her well-presented chest before struggling to break free of the magnetic pull of her curves and meet her gaze. 
A part of him had really wanted to go meet up with his friends. To get out of bed and go do ….something normal. He’d been getting out of the house, aside from the less-and-less frequent work, not that often these days. But that desire to leave was small, and fleeting. No sooner had he really grasped how she’d made herself up today - just for him - than the thought had already vanished. Replaced, in its entirety, by her. “Put the phone down,” she told him. “Oh, uh...yeah,” he obeyed, dropping his phone, forgotten, on the nightstand and watching as she slowly began to walk towards the bed, “They’ll, uh...they’ll figure it out, I g-guess...” “Good boy,“ she purred, giving him a crooked smile that told him she was pleased with his behavior. Angie loved the way he always shuddered and grew quiet when she said that, when she called him a “good boy”. It was a thing, these days, women starting to treat their partners like children. She’d read it in the blogs she followed, heard it from friends and from the girls at work. They had all begun to like it; men, for the most part, seemed to be slowly giving up these centuries-old, macho defenses, letting themselves be vulnerable, allowing themselves to enjoy the pampering that women had started to learn was the quickest way to gain leverage and control in their relationships. And for Angie, well...she loved the way he responded to both her silent and explicit commands, just for the opportunity to hear her say those words. Good boy. He really did enjoy when she mothered him, she knew.  It was kinda pervy but it worked.
“Because we’re busy today, you and me,” she continued, still approaching the side of the bed where he lay, ”Today’s our day off together....” She looked down at him, tried to keep from smirking; already his cock had started to tent his sweatpants. “Not that you’ve been working much anyways,” she added, unable to help herself and speaking plainly. 
It was true. With more and more construction bids falling through during the 11th hour, his work kept him less and less busy, though he felt constantly exhausted from the stress. He had been spending lots of time here, at her place, remodeling her condo for her, sleeping over. His bank accounts had nearly dried to nothing, and the lease on his downtown apartment was up this month. Plan was to officially move in with her, soon. Angie said she didn’t need any money for rent.
Finally, she arrived at his bedside, to his left. She let him look up at her - she knew she looked impressive from this angle - and smiled down at him. She watched as he took the hem of her robe between his fingers, played with its slick, soft fabric. He was looking at her full thigh. She sat down, on the edge of the mattress aside him, and put her hand on his thin, tattooed chest. 
“Uh, yeah…” AJ finally replied, these little derisive comments about his work situation irking him less and less as time went on, “I’ve got another day to kill…I guess I can relax...”
“Well, you do have work to do today, baby,” Angie informed him, tracing little circles with her finger across his once-mighty pecs. She had told him to stop going to the gym early in their relationship - muscular guys were going out of fashion, she’d said - and it showed. He was naturally a lean person, and the strong physique he had spent years building and been known for had mostly disappeared. She liked that, the weak, small-boned look, she’d found. Her friends, like that gym-rat Missy (who just got a new job), could probably squat more than him now, haha. “I have jobs for you.”
“I thought I was pretty much all done?” His face screwed up in concentration as he tried to remember the long list of tasks. “I finished the kitchen island, a-and installed the new shower head yesterd-“ 
“Not that kind of work, sweetie,” she corrected, “Relationship work. I have the day off, I got all pretty for you. I bought some new goodies at Victoria’s Secret yesterday,” she smiled down at him, watching him try to control the little eager twitches of his, “Well, technically, you bought them for me…. but either way….”
She ran the fingers of her left hand up past his right collarbone, sliding up his throat, looking at the tender, bare, smoothly unadorned skin, and thought to herself with a secret, silent giggle: we need to get you a new tattoo...
Today she’d decided that she wanted to have some fun with him. They had all day together and she really wanted to feel strong and powerful. She had seen Melissa’s Instagram earlier, and while she would never admit to feeling lesser, she couldn’t deny that she really felt the need now to flex some feminine muscles. She looked down at him, and dark thoughts went through her head. 
“We’ve got alllll day together,” she continued, her free hand now gently tugging on the belt which held her robe closed, “and I want to make you ache.”
She smiled proudly as, as soon as her right breast began to come into view, he groaned. He was already so turned on, she could see that, like some brainless ape. She’d read the manuals, all those domme blogs. With everything that was going on with men these days, femdom was getting very popular. Some seemed sort of silly - so much leather haha - but there were lots of things she wanted to try, get his mind in the right place. She wanted to make him even more submissive than he was already, it seemed, naturally becoming. Showing him her breast was a start. 
“Don’t you want to show me how much you love me today, hmm?” Angie purred, peeling her robe back further, now, exposing her G-cup breasts in the new push-up, black strapless bra she’d purchased, “How much you love...them?”
“Oh, god, Angie…” AJ moaned, already overcome as he watched as she dropped her robe behind herself, off her shoulders.  Her breasts looked fantastic, enormous, pressed perfectly together into mind-melting cleavage. Her long dark hair had fallen softly onto her chest…
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...but in a practiced move she pushed it back, over her pale shoulders, affording him a better view. 
“You don’t need to show me your endurance today, baby,” she said, as she settled closer on the bed to him, pulling his sweatpants down to his knees, “I’m not interested in how long you can last.” Acknowledging his erection with a proud smile, she pulled in closer still and grasped it with her left hand. She heard him gasp, and pulled herself in closer still, to bring her big right tit right close to his face. “Today I want you to show me how weak you are for me…and my breasts…”
AJ’s mouth dropped open, his eyes goggled at the cantaloupe-sized breast of his brunette girlfriend, now just inches from his nose and mouth. She had such big, perfect breasts, he marveled, with smooth ivory skin and just the fewest of freckles. She smelled like fresh fruit, he always thought, and today her perfume had him immediately fixated. He did feel weak for her, he thought, he always did, in bed. She just had this way...and those tits...
“Look what I’ve done to you already,” she said, the pride in her voice masking a haughty disdain as she slowly began to stroke him in her fist. She smiled as, predictably, he let out a little whine and opened his mouth wider. He was staring right at her big boob, unblinking. Tit men, she marveled, they’re so easy.
She shifted her left shoulder in towards him, now bringing her left breast closer. He looked from one, to the other, still gape-mouthed like a guppy. “Today I want them to make you cum over and over and over,” she said, wobbling them just enough to bring ripples through her alabaster flesh, elicit another whine from him, “I want them to be the only thing on your mind allllll daaaay. I want you to be dumb and docile, I want you to drool over them. I want you to fucking worship them. ”
“y-y-y-yuh...yuh, okay…” AJ responded, dumbly ogling her tits, passively frozen in place. He’d learned to keep his hands to himself, times like this. She would take care of it. 
“‘Yuh okay’ what?” she asked him, in correction, her left hand slowing to a stop as she waited for his answer. 
“y-yuh okay goddess,” he answered.
She chuckled. She’d taught him well. “Good boy,” she commended, loving the worshipful fealty she’d gotten from him over time; it made her feel good, fed her ballooned ego. She resumed her ministrations to his just-about-average cock, thinking: Does Melissa have someone calling her ‘Goddess’?? I think not...
”oh my god you’re so big,” AJ offered, as she placed her right breast once again straight in front of his face. 
“Mmhm…” she purred, feeling the urge to just squash her tit onto his mouth and nose, start to smother him, “I’m the big Titty Monster, come to eat you…”
He groaned again, his eyes fluttered in ecstasy. 
God, so submissive, she marveled. If all men, honestly, were secretly getting to be like this, she thought, girls are going to rule the world. “Tell me again,” she commanded, breathing in, pushing her tit even closer to him, so that soft flesh swelled over the cup. She kept her skin smooth, soft, moisturized, for times just like this. The few, faint stretch marks, she felt, were just a testament to her womanly size.
“y-you’re so big…” he complied, repeating himself, in total awe now. 
“Yes, I am,” she agreed, “a G-cup.” She had originally thought she’d just make him come quick - and with where she had him at the moment she could do it in an instant. But she was actually enjoying this. “And you like that, hm? You like big. Big boobs. Big girls. Maybe I should start going to the gym, get reeeeeal big?” she posited, looming over him taller now, “Get bigger than you? You’d like that too, wouldn’t you?”
“oh, god, yes,” he groaned. 
Angie smiled. Again, so easy. She’d seen it, knew it. It was getting plain as day to her. But she didn’t fully understand it all yet. What is up with guys these days, wanting their women big? Bigger than them? And she was feeling it too, she realized. She’d love to see him start to just shrink up, right in front of her eyes. Something was happening, something was going on. And she was going to figure this out. 
“What is it, baby? Tell me. What is it that you like, thinking about me being bigger?” she asked sweetly, continuing her slow, rhythmic attentions between his legs. 
His eyes were still planted on her tit, staring at her bra. “....b-b-breassts….” he moaned. 
She laughed. What a simple, predictable answer from a simple, predictable man. “Ohhhh..!” she giggled, teasing him, “Am I not big enough for you? Should I get implants? Big ones, like Amelia? Hm?”
From AJ, no answer.
“Hmmm, no. I think I know...I know what you want,” she continued, wickedly aware now of where his mind was,  “Maybe I should let you get me pregnant, so they swell up..?” She smiled, feeling his body tense up, quiver under her. She’d struck a chord. “So my milk comes in?”
Beneath her AJ groaned, loudly. 
So that’s another thing, hm? she laughed to herself. Typical, not surprising. Men wanted back on the tit, it just made sense, and she’d suspected it for a while now with him. She could use this, she mused. Oh yes, this was good...
“I saw how you woke up sucking your thumb last night,” she asked him, sliding her right hand up over his jaw, his cheek, to his lips, “Were you thinking about me?”
She put a finger in his mouth, watched his eyes go wide, his whole body spasm, again. “It’s okay, sweetie...” she offered, “...suck.” 
His eyes fluttered, he was close. There was no stopping it now. He sealed his lips around her forefinger, and began to suck. 
“There you go….” Angie purred, in a satisfied drawl. She felt his hips start to clench, and suddenly it was time.  She sped up in her stroking, to bring him home.  This was it. It’s too much for him. “Come for me,” she whispered, her hand beating him now, “Come for mommy…”
In a burst, in a groan, in a tensing spasm that shook the bed, AJ came in her hand. His mouth loosened its suction on her finger, so he could bleat his pleasures, but his eyes stayed wide on her tit. She milked him through his climax, purring little, maternal adulations along the way. Finally, his eyes closed, and he sank back into his pillow. 
She sat back, up straight, regarded the scene with a crooked, knowing smile. She wiped her hand on his belly. 
“Clean yourself up, get yourself ready,” she told him, standing up now after allowing him his few quiet moments of shame, “We’ve got all day together, baby…”
Co-written with AgeOfTheGiantess. More imagery, bonus storylines and other cool stuff at my Patreon
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siren1song · 4 years
Summary: Patton is short, but he doesn't really mind it. And honestly? He minds it even less when he finds out the cute new employee can pick him up easy-peasy.
Warnings: Mentions of making out
Pairing: Intruality
General Taglist: @acanvasofabillionsuns​, @emo-disaster​, @greenninjagal-blog​, @jungle321jungle​, @sleepy-sides​, @gattonero17​, @izzynuggets​, @another-sandersidesblog​, @strawberryjellystuff​, @remusownsmyuwus​, @logic-with-a-pinch-of-deceit​, @demidork84​, @gr3ml1n-loser​, @main-chive​, @kiribakuandcats​, @firey-alex​, @orca-iguana​
Taglist for This: @jessibbb, @sanderssides-angst, @yalltookmyurlideas
Commissions!! | Buy Me a Kofi!! | Join Casper’s Crew!! | Ao3 Link!!
Notes: Tiny Patton and Remus picking him up. Tiny Patton and Remus picking him up.
Patton… was short. This wasn’t new to him, of course, but sometimes it could really be a pain in the tush. Being five foot one and working in a candy shop meant that sometimes he couldn’t reach the high shelves where all the individually wrapped hard candies were so young’uns couldn’t hurt themselves.
Which was what he was struggling to deal with right now, standing on his tip toes to refill one of the containers (he hadn’t been able to make Ivan and Steve stop flirting long enough to grab the step stool) and hoping he didn’t drop anything and waste stock.
He didn’t mind being short, but gosh being taller would be real nice right now.
Suddenly there was a hand guiding the bag of butterscotch away from the container Patton was trying to fill, and before he could protest, he was yelping because there was hands grabbing his waist and picking him up. Looking down with a flushed red face, trying not to wiggle too much when he was settled onto a shoulder, Patton saw the newest employee grinning up at him.
“Noticed you needed some help, hope this is okay?” Remus asked, patting Patton’s calf with the hand he had around his legs to help keep him balanced.
Oh goodness, he is strong being able to pick him up with as chubby as he was.
“Ah- Well I mean, in the future maybe ask before you pick me up? But uh… yeah this is a big help, thanks!” he said, unable to fight back his flustered giggle.
Remus’ grin grew wider, and Patton forced himself to focus on restocking the butterscotch instead of the swoop of butterflies in his belly at just how attractive that grin was.
Honestly, Patton hadn’t been expecting for there to be another instance where he was picked up. He’d moved the step stool to a new spot since Ivan and Steve kept flirting in that one, and nothing was too high for him to restock or clean with that thing.
He supposed physically picking him up and moving him away from the counter was one way to keep him from yelling at an entitled mother who thought her custom box of chocolates for her daughter wasn’t supposed to be as expensive as it was.
It was… also a way to distract him from his anger by making him remember just how gay he was for Remus. Which was a little bit of an issue considering Patton may be manager, but Logan was store owner and if de caught Remus saying what he was to the now scandalized mother, de would fire both of them. Remus for saying it and Patton for allowing it.
“Ah, Remus, please step back,” he said softly, grabbing his arm and catching Steve’s attention, nodding him in the direction of the woman.
Times like these, Patton was so grateful that Steve was so good at customer service.
Remus stepped back, following Patton when he gestured for him to do so.
They stepped into a supply closet, Patton not expecting to hear the click of the door closing behind them but forcing himself to not think about that right now because he needed to be professional and he couldn’t think about kissing someone who worked under him.
“I really appreciate you pulling me back out there,” he started, turning to face Remus before looking up for the light string, “but you can’t- dang it, I can’t reach that.”
Remus, without saying anything and wearing an amused grin, reached forward and pulled once on the chain.
Patton refused to acknowledge the showcasing of height made his face more red because he did not want to think about his attraction to Remus right now.
“Uh… thank you. Anyway, you can’t talk to customers like that, whether they’re rude or not-”
“You looked pretty close to ripping her head off yourself,” Remus commented, his grin growing when Patton spluttered a little in response.
“Yeah, well I just…” Patton sighed, crossing his arms over his chest and pursing his lips a little in a small pout, “she was calling Lo mean things, and deir my friend not just my boss.”
Remus nodded, making a vague sound of agreement that had Patton looking back up at him to see-
Oh. Oh. He is definitely watching his mouth, oh goodness.
“Yeah I heard, I’ve got ears. And eyes.”
“Uh… what does… your vision have to do with anything?” Patton asked, taking a step back and forcing back a squeak when his back met the wall.
Maybe a closet wasn’t the best decision to have a private conversation.
“Nothing important. Just noticing the cute manager and how flustered he gets around me. Say, question,” Remus said, interrupting Patton before he could even respond to the flirt.
“Oh, uh, answer,” he responded, his mind a little scrambled because Remus had just taken two steps closer and now there was barely two feet between them.
“What’s the policy on dating here?” he asked, taking one more step forward.
If Patton’s face wasn’t red before, it sure as heck was now.
“It’s um. It’s frowned upon.”
“Cool, I quit then,” Remus said and then he was tilting Patton’s face upwards just a bit more so he could place a kiss on his lips.
And well… if he quit, then Patton was going to let himself enjoy this.
“Patton,” Logan started, arms crossed over deir chest as de looked over deir glasses at Patton.
“Logan,” Patton responded, struggling not to giggle as he cupped his hand over the two hickeys on his neck, his other hand supporting his elbow as he stood in Logan’s office.
Percy, the one person in the candy shop who was fed up with all the flirting, had ended up walking in on him and Remus while they were kissing and had ratted Patton out to Logan.
Well… kissing was a light word for it, but Patton couldn’t find it in himself to care at this exact moment.
Logan sighed, rubbing deir temple while Patton finally let out the giggles he’d been struggling to hold back the last twenty minutes.
“I hope you know I’m going to have to put you on unpaid leave, Pat,” de said, giving Patton a tired look that turned Patton’s grin into a sheepish smile.
“I know now? How long?” he asked, tapping his fingers against his elbow and shifting his feet.
He kind of wanted to leave already. Remus was waiting for him in the employee parking lot.
“A week. Please don’t make out in the shop again, and especially not on the clock,” Logan said, giving Patton a pointed look that had him giggling again.
“Yep! Lesson learned! See you tomorrow!” he said, starting to back out of the room.
Logan frowned in confusion.
“Why tomorrow? Isn’t it your night to make dinner?”
Patton gave Logan a cheeky grin.
“You can cook, can’t you?”
And then he was out the door. Sure, that may not be the nicest way to go about things, and he would definitely be apologizing to dem later for flaking out on his night to cook, but he really wanted to spend some more time with Remus, and he’d promised him a fun time.
With how the twenty minutes in the supply closet went, Patton was honestly inclined to believe that.
When Patton stepped out of the building, Remus stood up from where he was leaning on his truck and waved him over with a grin.
“Hey sunshine, didn’t get fired did you?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at Patton once he was within a reasonable talking distance.
“No, but I’m on unpaid leave for a week.”
Remus blew a raspberry, making Patton giggle.
“Well shit. Bright side though, that means a little more time for us, huh sweetheart?” Remus asked, pulling the passenger door open.
Patton giggled and took a step forward to climb in.
Before he could, Remus had his hands on Patton’s waist and lifted him into the truck. Patton was going to protest, but Remus already his lips on his.
“I’d say that makes the leave worth it,” he said, words a little breathless, when Remus pulled away.
Remus chuckled, pecking his cheek and making him giggle when his mustache tickled his skin.
“Gotta agree there, butterscotch.”
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Any tips on making a Hetalia scenario blog? Rlly need some good advice for writing, handling asks, etc.
This is a very good question! From what I've seen from other blogs, and such I can give you a nice list of the basics! I'd also LOVE to see your Blog so feel free to send me your username! Biggest rule SAVE EARLY. SAVE OFTEN! the amount of times I lost a whole hours worth of work! ALSO DON'T CLICK ON OTHER TUMBLR NOTIFS BECAUSE IT CAN KICK YOU OFF FROM YOUR DRAFT AND THAT SUCKS!
Know your Boundaries- While it's nice to want to anwser everything that comes through, it's helpful to pin a Do/Won't Do rules list. Both you and your future followers need to know Boundaries. It makes things easier on both sides! Make sure to stay with those Boundaries to avoid problems in the future.
Hetalia Fandom- as with all fandoms we have the good, bad and the ugly. Keep in mind you don't have to, and shouldn't, interact with anything negative. Only respond to 'hate mail' and trolls if you can handle it. Once they see you take their bait they most certainly will send more, and it can easily spiral your blog into a negative space! (It's also way more fun not answering them, and just KNOWING they're probably frustrated you're not giving them attention) A good rule to follow is to step away from that ask before deciding to respond. It might not be worth getting worked up over it.
Be inclusive- It can be fun to do research on ethnicities and other things like Genders. But if you ever feel like you can't answer an ask dealing with Trauma, Mental illnesses, or Races don't feel obligated to anwser then. Especially if you don't have the knowledge. Feel free to leave a brief message such as "I don't know enough about this, so I'm afraid I can't answer." Or "I'm unsure if I can represent 'X' properly so I can't do the ask."
Don't over do it- I find I get burned out if I answer more than 3 (I have no life) asks in a row. Get a tiny notepad and scribble ideas down when the urge or idea occurs! It can make it easy. But also, don't let it distract you from daily life! Tumblr users are relatively understanding of this rule.
Those are rules for what I personally feel that helps me keep motivated, and mentally well, all while keeping a rather clean and safe blog. This next set is more or so actually running a scenerio blog.
Have a pinned rule lost- Go take a peek at my rules list. Yeah. See that glorious mess I made- Don't expect everyone to have the ability to read a lengthy rule list. Keep it simple. We have people with ADHD (etc), reading disabilities, and people who don't speak full english roaming about in our lovely fish tank know as the Hetalia Fandom! So keep that in mind if someone asks something that goes against your rules, and be kind when telling them!
Have a back up- If there's any specific scenerios or asks you don't want to keep, Make a Google doc to copy and paste the scenerios from. I've noticed that Tumblr posts (mobile) don't let you copy anything more than what's between breaks and bullet points. So I'd recommend typing things out in Google docs (which can help with grammar and spelling as well) and paste it into a Draft.
Drafts- I personally like having several drafts to work on throughout the week. So I don't always do them in order, but I also let my blog followers know when I start hopping around.
Know your limit- I have over 50 asks (I'm also slightly out of my mind) and I will admit it can be overwhelming, so set a small limit of what you can get out at a comfortable pace, and close your ask box when you go over that limit if you plan on using it. Example: I can do 6-10 asks in a week (pain), So I should be closing my box when I see it get to 15-20, excluding the stuff like friendly compliments I can give a quick thanks to!
Writing- It's important to keep things organized. If you look at my past asks you can see I keep characters separate, and I make the names Bold of I'm not using bullet point. It's to help people reading my blog skim through and keep track of what's what. I see a lot of word counts, and Trigger warnings. For trigger warnings, act like you're rating a movie! Is it M for mature due to Violence, or mentions of nudity? It's nice to have a NSFW tag to help people filter your blog. Mine is #handsypandsy because Tumblr doesn't like the tag NSFW.
You can do a readmore- : readmore :
But without the space. Very helpful for NSFW, sensitive content, and long content. If the thing you made takes more than half a scroll, you should use it.
Prioritize your tags- this is a rule I don't follow, but I'm trying to remember it. It's probably smartest to go in the order of: NSFW tag (if any), Main Characters, Series Names, Funny tags or commentary. It makes it easier for both you and your readers to find what you're looking for! Also, organize any other AUs like human AU.
Last but not least- don't be afraid to make mistakes. I've forgotten characters, and some nice anons point it out. It can be a pain to find them, but like I've stated previously tags can be your best friend. It's also fun to use a text to speech and listen back to your writing (definitely want to Google doc so you don't struggle trying to copy everything).
With that being said remember to have fun! I know it seems like a lot, but it comes down to what feels best for you, and what goes on with your life. Feel free to DM me as well, I keep a very strict "What happens in DMs, Stays in DMs" rule! Remember internet safety, and if you have any specific questions feel free to send them in! And if anyone has anything to add, feel free to comment below!
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ohokimdumb · 4 years
Carlos Oliveira Imagine (Big Boi Carlos) SMUT 💦💛👅
Request:  Hi there,can I request a Carlos SMUT imagine with a fem!reader,with daddy and size kink ;) ? where she as well is part of S.T.A.R.S with Jill,and she gets very bratty with Carlos and he punishes her. Btw I really love your blog,thank you so much for quenching our thirst for Carlos 💓💝💘💖💗🥰😍
A/N: Thank you so much for your kind words @bucky-senpai ♥ This imagine ended up being way longer than my usual word count, holy cow I got carried away lmao. I hope you enjoy it!
Word count: 1.8k
Gif by: travelllar
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Hours passed as you struggled to focus on the missing person report flashing on the screen in front of you. Negative thoughts invaded your mind as the continuous beeping of the computer alarm overloaded you with frustration. It didn’t seem fair that half the STARS employees had the day off, but the other half were forced to work extended hours. Carlos and Jill were included in the half that were set free for Saturday; he didn’t even have the decency to tell you to have a good day. He used to remind you to have a good day and remain positive, but he had been slipping recently. Honestly, it wasn’t a big deal he missed a few days of sending positive thoughts to you. What was more annoying than his lack of socialization with you, was him spending most of his time with Jill. You knew they worked together and were partners, but it had been months since you and Carlos joined STARS. It took Carlos six months to finally start kissing Jill’s butt? You buried your face in your sweaty hands, eyes tired of staring at a computer screen. Suddenly, the door swung open and Carlos stood in the doorway with a grin on his face and takeout in his hands. You responded with a blank stare and went back to focusing on your reports.
 Carlos frowned at how unimpressed you were with his undeniable kindness. You noticed Jill wasn’t with him, which surprised you. It was nice his butt-buddy wasn’t tagging along, but it still annoyed you how he could be so blind to how you felt.
 “I brought Chinese.” Carlos held up the bag from your favorite Chinese restaurant. You sighed, still unimpressed.
 “I’m a little busy here, you can just leave it in the office fridge.” You didn’t even give him the luxury of acknowledging his presence. Carlos tossed the bag of Chinese takeout at your feet, and you were amazed by his sudden change of attitude.
 “No need to be hostile.” You turned your cheer so you faced him. He didn’t seem to appreciate your nasty attitude.
 “What’s with the attitude?” He asked, offended to be treated so rudely. You rubbed your scalp as you felt a migraine slowly make itself known. You really didn’t want to argue with Carlos, especially when you weren’t feeling well. But, your pettiness overpowered reason.
 “Is Jill your new fling?” You asked in a very hostile way, throwing away your comment about unnecessary hostility. Carlos raises an eyebrow and chewed on his bottom lip, clearly annoyed with your obvious jealousy.
 “Take back that comment.” Carlos warned, but you refused to hear his voice of aggressive reason. He had no intention of arguing with you either, especially not on his day off. Carlos took a few cautious steps toward you, but you scooted back in your chair. It wasn’t because you didn’t want to be close to him. Truthfully, you wished he would explore your body the way he did last week. The way his large, strong hands groped every part of your figure made you weak. Just as you thought about it, your legs felt weak. The way he towered over you as you sat low in your office chair had you determined to get him fired up even more.
 “No, why would I take back something that is obviously true?” You asked with a shaken voice. Carlos pulled you up onto your feet as he took your wrist gently. He wrapped his arm around your waist and leaned him, his expensive cologne filling your nostrils.
 “Do you honestly believe I’d touch Jill the way I touch you?” He growled quietly in your ear. His sudden change of attitude forced your breath to hitch as your nerves got riled up. Carlos tightly held your lower region against his, you felt how hard his bulge was through his jeans. You swallowed nervously, tempted to taunt him more. You enjoyed how overpowering he was physically and affectionately; he was big in every shape and form.
 “If you think I’d touch Jill, or eat her out, or fuck her the always I do to you...you’re foolish. But, you’re smarter than that.” Carlos looked down at you with a lustful spark in his brown eyes; it was like staring into the eyes of Satan. You couldn’t look away, his dark stare hypnotized you. It made you want to melt in his arms and give yourself to him in the most sadistic way possible. Your temptations overpowered your thoughts and you crashed your lips against his. You whimpered as you grew weak in his arms; he took your breath away. Carlos’ body was so muscular, you could feel his large muscles under the thin fabric of his shirt. Carlos pulled away, denying your affection and you looked at him with a desperate expression. He lets go of your waist and sits down in your office chair.
 “Bend over daddy’s knee.” Carlos ordered and you immediately obeyed. There was no denying Carlos when he was in such a lustful state of mind. Carlos unbuttoned your jeans from underneath and pulled your jeans and panties down all at once. You breathed heavily in anticipation as Carlos lightly caressed one of your cheeks, warming the flesh for what was to come. The way Carlos called himself “daddy” made your core tingle in such an unspeakable way. Suddenly your bare skin stung intensely as Carlos’ hand aggressively connected with the skin of your cheek.
 “C-Carlos, what if someone walks in?” You questioned the privacy of your surroundings. Carlos responded with another spank.
 “What’s my name?” He asked. Carlos was surprised by how shy and disobedient you were acting. Typically, you didn’t care. You loved to be sexually reckless with him. Your cheeks flushed a light red as you felt the stinging pain slowly fade; it would soon return if you continued to disobey. Even though feeling his sheer strength as he spanked you turned you on, you wanted more than punishment.
“D-Daddy…” You responded and it seemed like Carlos was going to spank you once more, but instead he lovingly rubbed your cheek. You breathed in with relief as he helped you stand up. It was difficult to move your legs with your pants and undies around your ankles.
“How about we get rid of those? What do you think about that, baby?” Carlos pointed at the bundle of clothes around your ankles. You nodded in response and kicked them off your ankles and across the office. Carlos smiled wickedly as picked you up, setting you on the top of your desk. The wood was cold against your warm skin; you knew your cheeks would be bruised tomorrow morning. Carlos slid his hand around the side of your neck, to the back of your head and took a fistful of hair. He was hungry for your affection; he demanded to be touched. As he kissed you like a starving animal, he guided your hand down the front of his jeans, into his tight-fitting boxers. His bulge was massive, it was difficult to wrap your hand around his throbbing cock. Carlos knew you would do the best you could. Whenever he acted the way he was, your one goal was to please him.
Gently, you pumped his cock as Carlos aggressively attacked your lips with his. His kisses were sloppy and filled with lust, and that’s all you wanted; his dominant, lustful affection. He slid his tongue between your lips and twisted it around yours. He instinctively spread your legs with his lower region. He heard how wet you were as the sound of sticky skin invaded his eardrums. You desperately tugged at his shirt, demanding he took it off. Carlos granted your wish, breaking the hungry kiss to strip. He carelessly threw his shirt somewhere in the office; he kept his focus on you. You released his cock, sticky of pre-cum, from your gently grip. You grew tired of feeling empty of him. You were desperate for Carlos to fill you to the brim, to feel his cock spread your walls so far apart, it would force a lustful scream from your lips.
Carlos unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down, along with his boxers. His cock sprung from his boxers and seeing his extreme size sent a wave a pleasure through every nerve in your body. Carlos brought your attention back to his gaze; his eyes were drunk with lust. Before Carlos lied you back against your desk, he swept everything off the top, causing it all to crash to the ground. Instead of complaining you lied back; your head slightly hung off the desk.
“C-Carlos…please…I-I want you.” You begged as you wrapped your legs around Carlos’ waist. Carlos huffed in response at how weak and vulnerable you were beneath him. He teasingly rubbed his cock between the soaked lips of your center. You wined as you latched onto his forearms tightly with your hands. Carlos smirked and crammed his cock deep inside you, not allowing your walls to adjust to his size. You cried out as your walls spread quicker than ever, immediately tightening around his cock. Carlos started a slow pace. He slid out, but pounded his cock back inside. Every time he thrusted forward, your body scooted the desk back from the aggressively delicious impact of his lower body smacking against yours.
Your moans became louder as his thrusts quickened. The desk began to scrape violently against the floor; you covered your mouth. The desk made enough noise, you didn’t need to make it more obvious with your moans. Carlos was good about staying silent, his drunk expression said he was drowning in pure ecstasy.
“Fuck…” Carlos muttered under his breath as his cock twitched within your warm, tight walls. He wasn’t sure how much longer he would last; it had been awhile since he felt inside you. Your nails dug into the skin of his forearms, he growled at the burning pain of you shredding his skin. Pens and paper continued to fall from the desk as he buried himself deep inside you. Your eyes squeezed shut as you felt your walls tighten around him like never before. Before you knew it, your juices were dripping from the edge of the desk, onto his shoes. Carlos was close to cumming as well. He crammed himself even harder into you, causing your legs to shake aggressively. Letting go of one forearm, you bit down onto your wrist to hold in your moans. Within seconds Carlos came deep inside, his lower body twitched violently as his juices squirted within your walls. Both of you were exhausted and hungry for food.
“Good thing I brought that takeout.” Carlos joked and pulled you up into a tight embrace. You tried to catch up with your lungs, but Carlos worked your body so hard. He lovingly caressed your back with his fingertips.
“We should get dressed so no one walks in on us like this.” You suggested.
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musical-shit-show · 4 years
Two Sides: Chapter 1
Characters: Musical!Beetlejuice, Female!OC, Lydia Deetz, Barbara Maitland, Adam Maitland
Warnings: anxiety, alcohol mention, brief mention of death
Word Count: 1282
Author’s Note: Okay so I’m honestly really nervous about posting this fic, but I’ve been working on it for a few months now and have really been wanting to get back into writing, so here goes nothing. Please like and/or reblog if you like it, as well as send a message in my ask box if you have any comments! I really want to make some more friends in the Beetlejuice fandom, and seeing as I follow a fair number of blogs on here, I thought this would be a good way to do that! 
As for this chapter, it really is just setting up the relationship between my OC (Cassandra) and Lydia. It really only features these two characters, but I’ll be sure to post the next chapter in a few days. Also just a note that now that I’ve figured out a bit of how Tumblr works, I’ll be posting what kind of requests I will and will not take, as well as some writing prompts. Anyways, here’s my first chapter, I hope you enjoy!
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Chapter 1
Being invisible can be great. Anonymity in this day and age is a rare commodity, and one must seize it when presented. There’s something about sticking in headphones and disappearing into a crowd that can be so…liberating. Avoiding a random classmate from school year’s past can almost feel like a high, a small victory in the chaos of life.
Other times, being invisible was a curse. It sucked all of the life out of you until you were left with anger and sadness. Sometimes, you don’t feel anything. Invisibility meant no one saw you, the real you, and that left a sickening, empty void. Nothingness.
Cassandra Burke almost always experienced the latter feeling of invisibility. Aloneness, emptiness were sensations she felt on an almost daily basis. No matter how comfortable of a situation she found herself in, more often than not she would retreat from the spotlight. It was just easier to more dominant personalities take hold of the conversation, whether that be at work, a bar, or other social gatherings. Her anxiety often got the best of her, the fear of making one wrong remark blocking her from making very many real connections in this world.
Her best friend, Lydia Deetz, was the only one who ever saw her for who she was. In turn, Lydia felt the same way about Cassandra. Ever since they became roommates their sophomore year of college, the two became joined at the hip, able to understand and appreciate the differences between one another. Both girls had felt that level of isolation in their lives, (though through completely different circumstances), and they bonded instantly. The two fit together seamlessly, like pieces in a perfectly assembled puzzle.
Cassandra can still perfectly remember the night she met Lydia. It was her freshman year, and she had somehow managed to wind up at a disgustingly overpacked frat house on a chilly October evening. Not knowing a soul on campus, she was desperate to make new friends. However, what 18-year-old, fresh-out-of-high-school Cassandra had not realized is that a party filled to the brim with drunk college kids isn’t the best way to make lifelong friends to share all your hopes and dreams with.
Only fifteen minutes after arriving, she found herself pinned up against the wall, being crushed by a sea of people migrating slowly across the faux-wood flooring, which had grown sticky with spilled jungle juice. Cassandra felt a pang in her chest, a telltale sign that her anxiety was about to get the best of her. She clutched her small bag to her side, scanning the room for an exit strategy. If anyone even looked at her, she swore she’d die of embarrassment—
“Hey,” there was a sudden tap on her shoulder, “You wanna get the fuck out of here?”
Cassandra spun around, coming face-to-face with another girl. She stood a few inches taller than her, a short black dress clinging to her thin frame. The taller girl also sported a short black bob, heavy eye makeup, and a camera that hung around her neck. Cassandra leaned in closer, unable to fully make out what the girl was saying over the thumping bass of the indistinct techno song that was blaring from the speakers.
“Sorry, uh, what?”
“You look miserable,” the girl said louder, “I am too. Wanna leave?”
Cassandra felt a wave of relief crash over her. She nodded, and within five minutes, the two girls were hastily walking down the sidewalk, their breath visible in the cool evening air.
“So, wanna go downtown and people watch all the drunk idiots out tonight?” the dark-haired girl said, her eyes shining mischievously in the moonlight, “Sometimes if they’re being particularly obnoxious, I like to pretend to hex them so they get all freaked out and leave me alone.” Cassandra stared blankly at the other girl, deciding if she was serious or just messing with her. She extended her arm, “I’m Lydia, by the way. Lydia Deetz.”
“Cassandra,” she responded, gripping Lydia’s hand, “My friends back home called me Cassie. Or Cass.” She smiled sadly, suddenly remembering how lonely she was. Lydia nudged her out of her reverie, a small grin etched upon her face.
“Well, I like all three of those names,” Lydia remarked, strutting confidently down the sidewalk farther towards the edge of campus, “So, you down to scare some inebriated assholes?” After a moment, Cassandra nodded, and the two girls spent the entire night laughing and talking about their lives. Not soon after, they became practically inseparable.
That was five years ago. Now, they were still living together, trading their dorm room for a shoebox apartment in New York City, from which Lydia originally hailed. It was nice. Cassandra was lucky to have Lydia, especially given that her black-haired friend was far more popular than her in their college years. Sure, she was a bit strange, but people at school really took to her. Meanwhile, Cassandra struggled to open up to her schoolmates, leaving her to fade in the background over the past few years.
“Hey Cass!” Lydia called from their shared bedroom, “Have you seen my camera?” Having gained a bachelor’s degree in photography, Lydia had taken thousands of pictures in Cassandra’s presence. Now, she had a desk job at an editorial magazine, and shot photos in her spare time to expand her portfolio.
Cassandra furrowed her brow, searching her memory. “Uh, I think I saw it underneath your bed?” she called back, uncertain of the whereabouts of one of her roommate’s prized possessions. For all the wit she had, Lydia could be incredibly forgetful at times. Seconds later, she heard a triumphant cry from the other room. Cassandra let a small smile flicker across her face.
“Found it!” Lydia said, emerging from their room. She slung the strap of the expensive Nikon around her small frame, “I don’t know what I’d do without this over the weekend.”
Lydia frequented her old house in Connecticut every few weekends. Though she lived there during her high school years, her dad and stepmom had moved back to the city, leaving the house to her aunt and uncle. Cassandra didn’t know much about them, except their names – Barbara and Adam – and that they were incredibly kindhearted people.
Cassandra’s eyes flickered between the grad school application she was finishing and her best friend fiddling with her camera. What she’d give to have a weekend out of the city. She was certain Connecticut in the fall was spectacularly beautiful, but there was work to be done, and more importantly, Lydia had never offered an invitation.
She found this odd, but Cassandra knew how secretive she was about her family. The only relative she ever talked about at length was her mom, who had died when Lydia was in her early teenage years. Why she never really talked about anyone else was beyond Cassandra, but she had just shrugged it off. If Lydia wanted to be private about that aspect of her life, who was she to pry?
She had been so lost in thought that she didn’t notice Lydia staring at her. “What?” Cassandra asked innocently, blinking a few times in confusion. Lydia crossed her arms across her black top, smirking. Lydia was incredibly perceptive when it came to her best friend, and could almost read her mind at times.
“What are you doing this weekend?” she asked, quirking an eyebrow upward. Cassandra exhaled, wracking her brain for any plans she had potentially made. Of course, there were none.
“Good, you’re coming with me,” Lydia replied, a playful smile dancing across her lips, “I think it’s finally time for you to meet Adam and Barbara.”
And that’s the end of Chapter 1! Like I said, I’ve been terrified about posting this, so if you liked the first chapter, like and/or reblog! Thanks!
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casper-writes-stuff · 4 years
The Black Cat Part Four
ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23247103/chapters/58845892
This took almost two months to write and I’m honestly so sorry for that but also like... It’s almost 2k words of platonic affection. Part four of my fic trade with @rose-gold-roman!!
General Taglist: @acanvasofabillionsuns, @emo-disaster, @greenninjagal-blog, @jungle321jungle, @sleepy-sides, @gattonero17, @another-sandersidesblog, @strawberryjellystuff, @remusownsmyuwus, @logic-with-a-pinch-of-deceit, @gr3ml1n-loser, @main-chive, @kiribakuandcats, @firey-alex, @orca-iguana, @spooky-scary-virgil, @sanderssidesweirdo, @stormypaint, @just-a-little-bit-gay-oops, @dying-is-a-hobby​
TBC Taglist: @daring-elm​
Waking up to the sun in his face sent a jolt of panic through Patton. There was still school to go to, and the sudden shouldn’t be out when he had to get up.
“Oh, crud!” he cursed, shooting out of his bed and cringing when he looked down at himself.
He didn’t have time to get changed, he’d have to go to school without a binder today. Gosh this was going to suck with his dysphoria, but he was late and he had to get out of the house.
A thought struck him, and Patton looked at his bed, and then under it, and then other places around his room. The window was still closed too, and Patton let out a noise of confusion because if that were the case, how did Salem get out?
Patton’s text tone went off, and he remembered he was supposed to be getting ready dang it! He’d worry about Salem when he wasn’t at risk for detention or his sister getting mad at him!
It was a rush to get ready, and since his sister had already left for the college he was going to have to walk to the school. Heck, he was going to miss so much of his classes.
He pulled out his phone, wincing when he saw it was approaching nine. Missed all of the first period already. Logan might be able to pick him up though? Now was his free period and he usually drove to school.
Decision made, Patton pulled up his text conversation with Logan and hit call, putting his phone on speaker while he struggled to get pants on.
“Patton? Where are you, it’s unlike you to miss school without warning us before it even starts.”
He winced, then let out a yelp when he nearly tripped.
“Are you alright?” Logan asked, clear worry in his tone as Patton sighed.
“Yep! Trying to get my pants on. Will you come pick me up? Morgan’s at college and if I call her-”
“Ah, the dragon witch, yes of course Patton, I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
The amount of affection and gratefulness he felt for Logan in that moment nearly overwhelmed Patton to the point of crying.
“Thanks Lo! See you in ten!”
Before Logan could respond, Patton tapped the end call on his phone and finished buttoning up his jeans before he shoved his phone in his pocket.
With a sigh and a frown at his dresser drawer, Patton grabbed his backpack and then made his way to the bathroom to fix his bed-head. The brush caught a couple times in his curly hair, and he hissed in pain (the sound bringing his mind back to Salem for a moment) before he decided the mess was tamed enough.
Patton was at the top of the stairs when he heard the TV on and felt his heart sink into his stomach.
Was his sister home? She had class today, why the heck would she be home?
Making his way downstairs, Patton did his best to creep as quietly as possible. As soon as he was able he peeked around the corner of the wall to see Morgan passed out on the couch, arm thrown over her eyes and mouth hanging open.
There was drool on her mouth, she was still asleep. He’d have to skip breakfast if he wanted to get passed her without waking her up.
His stomach growled in protest at the thought and Patton winced. That’s right… he’d skipped dinner last night too.
With a deep breath, Patton shook off his hunger and tiptoed through the living room. He kept his eyes either on the couch or the door, straining hard to make sure she didn’t wake up until he had his shoes in hand and was out the door.
Sighing in relief, Patton sat on the concrete step and shoved his feet in his shoes, glancing up every few seconds to watch for Logan.
Hearing Logan’s truck pull up made his heart leap into his throat, and he rushed to get in so they could leave faster.
“You’re rushing,” Logan commented while Patton pulled his seatbelt over his chest, wincing at the way it nestled against his chest and making his breasts way more pronounced than he wanted.
“Yeah, Morgan over slept too apparently,” he responded, looking up to eye the door and windows while Logan shifted gears.
“Your sister is infuriatingly hypocritical.”
Patton sagged when Logan finally pulled away and he didn’t see any signs of his sister having woken up.
“Not like I can do anything about it, Lo,” he said, pulling the seatbelt away from his chest and staring out the window while he played with it.
Logan hummed, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel.
“My offer for you to stay with me still stands.”
Shaking his head, Patton sighed and let go of the seat belt. He didn’t answer verbally though, not really having the energy to fight with Logan about why he didn’t want to do that.
Silence filled the truck, and Patton settled in to deal with how awkward he felt by pulling on the seatbelt intermittently until Logan pulled into the school parking lot.
Patton didn’t really want to go inside. Didn’t really want to deal with feeling like everyone was going to be staring at his chest.
“If you’d turn around, Patton, you’d see the sweatshirt I’m holding out to you,” Logan said, making Patton do as he narrated.
Holy heck that was a massive hoodie.
“Is that… Is that Teagan’s?” he asked, grabbing the navy fabric and holding it up.
“It was. I borrowed it when he moved out for college,” Logan said, unbuckling his seatbelt before turning off the truck and pulling his keys out of the ignition.
Patton looked at Logan, then raised an eyebrow.
“You stole it from him while he was packing, didn’t you?”
Logan cleared his throat, hiding the embarrassed tint of his cheeks by climbing out of the truck and making Patton giggle at his expense.
“He never used it, I just wanted to re-purpose it in case something like this happened.”
Patton felt his affection from earlier return, and he climbed out of the truck himself before pulling the hoodie over his head and breathing a sigh of relief at how it hung off his frame.
“Yeah, yeah. Thanks Lo, I really appreciate it. Where’s Roman? Doesn’t he have a free period this period too?”
Logan scowled, though it was probably because Roman said something stupid to irritate him again rather than actual anger at their friend, and pointed at the building by the stairs.
Following his finger, Patton grinned when he saw Roman sitting in the grass hidden by the shade. He started waving his arm over his head, but when that failed to get his friend’s attention he took off in his direction, trusting Logan to follow behind.
Roman didn’t notice him until he slid across the grass like a baseball player would to base, a yelp escaping him followed soon by groan and a giggle.
“Padre! You made it!” he exclaimed, earning a ‘shut up’ glare from Logan before he looked around to make sure there were no teachers around while Patton was supposed to be in class.
“I did!” Patton shouted just as loudly, making Logan rub the bridge of his nose between his thumb and pointer finger.
“You two are impossible. Patton, do you want to get in trouble?” he asked, sitting across from the two while Patton draped himself in Roman’s lap.
“No! We’re in love specs! Do you really want to break up our wonderful chemistry? Become a home wrecker? Are you really that cruel of a man?”
While Roman spoke, he wrapped his arms around Patton and maneuvered him until he was resting against his shoulder. All the while Patton giggled, resting a hand on Roman’s chest and doing his best to give Logan his best impression of a hurt look.
His laughter definitely ruined the effect, but based on the fact that Logan was struggling not to smile, Patton thought it hit home well enough.
“Insufferable, both of you. Patton you need to get to class, you can’t stay here the rest of the period.”
Patton let out a whine and sagged in Roman’s arms, letting out an ‘oof’ when he dropped him back into his lap.
Well, he’d been planning on complaining, but now he was giggling too hard to continue.
Roman seemed to have him covered though, because he pushed Patton off his lap and stood up with gusto to wrap an arm around Logan’s shoulders.
“We’re not skipping,” Logan spoke before Roman had a chance to say his piece, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh come on Lo! We need a break! School in Salida is stressful! One missed day won’t hurt us, consider it a mental health day!”
Patton lifted himself off the ground, shifting until he was sitting cross-legged in the grass as he looked up at Logan and Roman in consideration.
“I- That sounds really nice actually. Morgan-”
“Ugh, Dragon Bitch.”
“-only answers the phone when it’s one of her friends, so I shouldn’t get in trouble for it.”
Logan sighed, looking between the two for a moment before dropping his arms in defeat.
“Alright, fine. Mental health is just as important as physical, skipping it is.”
Roman let out a cheer, though Logan cut him off quickly by clamping his hand over his mouth. Patton started giggling again, getting up from the ground and grabbing his backpack that’d he’d flung off him so he could be dramatic in Roman’s lap.
“I’d ask if you were stupid, but you asked me what the capital of Paris was last week,” Logan hissed, looking at what they could see of the school doors to make sure a teacher wasn’t about to come out and ask what they were doing.
With a roll of his eyes, Roman pulled Logan’s hand off his mouth.
“Relax, specs. The only one here who has a class right now is Patton and he knows how to sweet talk his way out of being in trouble.”
Logan sighed again, rolling his eyes to the sky.
“I don’t have enough patience to deal with you.”
Roman grinned at him, tightening his grip on Logan’s shoulders before suddenly rubbing his knuckles over his hair and earning a yelp.
“We should go to the park! The one by the river so we can watch all the birds!”
Patton watched the two interact, giggles still occasionally bursting out of him.
He just hoped Salem wasn’t at the park today, considering that was the one he’d met him in.
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Slides and Serendipity
Part 5 (3.6k)
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AN: So this one is a little shorter but that’s only because I would’ve had an awkward break otherwise. The next part will be up as well though so enjoy
Warnings: Language at most
I had to know what people were saying about me, so the next morning I asked Mara to give me some pointers but ignored everyone else blowing up my phone. I’d deal with this the same way I’d dealt with the issues before that, by myself.
Yogi could tell that something was up as well, staying close by on our morning walk and then following my every step after that, even nosing at me from time to time.
The pictures of Tyler and I that were circling the blogs were actually kind of cute, even I had to admit that. There was one from the aquarium that I liked most with me leaning against his side while his hand was resting on my lower back, his big fingers easily spanning from one side to the other. I remembered the tingling feeling his touch caused and not for the first time I wished that people had just let us be in peace.
You cursed at the two girls in the front of the video that had caused this entire shitstorm, even if they seemed too oblivious to notice anything around them. They were sitting at the edge of the pool and the camera focused on them before slowly panning out towards the rest of the area. That’s when you could clearly see Tyler with me wrapped around him, his tattoos making him easy to recognize for anyone. I watched myself smile up at him giddily while reaching out to run my hand through his hair before finally joining my arms around his neck.
The video ended then, thankfully not showing our moment that we’d had by the waterfall but the damage was already done. I could see why people thought there was something going on between us, hell from looking at the ‘evidence’ I was almost convinced myself. The hike with the dogs, the clinging to each other in the pool, the constant touching in the aquarium and lastly the shopping run for furniture all pointed towards something more that was hard to dismiss.
“At least I look good in those pictures”, I muttered to myself because if there was one thing worse than having such personal moments displayed to everyone, it would be looking bad so everyone could make fun of me.
After a light breakfast I finally dared to face Instagram. After tapping on the icon the app lagged for a second under the amount of notifications pouring in at once. I hadn’t been on the site since the aquarium and couldn’t believe the amount of traffic on my profile.
My message requests were overflowing and my follower count had climbed up quite a bit in the last 24 hours. People had even started commenting under my more recent posts, asking if I was Tyler’s girlfriend or insulting me.
I couldn’t believe the amount of people interested in this supposed relationship. For a while I contemplated deleting all of those stupid comments but I was pretty sure that new ones would show up anyway so there really was no point.
Some people in my messages were actually concerned about me ‘wasting myself on a player like Tyler’ but most of the messages were just downright mean, some even implying that I was a gold digger. I was pretty confident, especially proud of my body after countless hours at the gym, but reading those messages was harder than I’d imagined. I didn’t respond to a single one but didn’t delete them either.
Thankfully I was used to taking heat and I wouldn’t exactly describe myself as sensitive when confronted with insults. People had given me shit after I took down Flappy Bird and I’d even received multiple death threats, but at least the hate had been about something that I’d done and not because of who I was associated with or the way I looked. I took great pride in my work and people mentioning my name for something else besides my accomplishments hurt my ego more than I’d like to admit.
To distract myself from all this drama I put together everything that I’d bought for the office the day before, enjoying the mindless work for the next few hours, but I knew that eventually I had to face my situation so I looked at my phone.
Tyler had texted me earlier to see how I was doing and Katie had reached out to me as well. My girls had let me know that they’d listen if needed and then proceeded to send cute animal pictures for me to look at, knowing full well by now that I usually preferred to be left alone to deal with my problems.
Before I could even think about what to respond to Tyler, my phone announced an incoming call from Mia. It was weird to hear her voice again after close to three years but we instantly fell back into our old patterns, chatting easily before deciding to grab dinner together tomorrow. I was pretty confident that I could convince her to come work with me and at this point I couldn’t wait to be productive again.
I let everyone know that I was doing alright and then decided to go on a run, something that always helped me to think.
I changed and put a leash on Yogi, my feet pounding on the pavement soon. I played some music for the rhythm but kept it low so I could clear my head.
Setting one foot in front of the other I tried my best to see the situation from an objective standpoint. It was a fact that the damage was already done and no amount of denying the rumors would stop them if I wanted to keep seeing Tyler. I didn’t want to stop seeing him either, not willing to sacrifice our connection at this point anymore.
The run had the intended purpose and I soon came to multiple realizations.
Tyler was a famous pro athlete which meant that him and media attention were kind of a package deal and maybe, just maybe I should just get over my bruised ego. As I kept thinking about the issue at hand I realized that I kind of had no other option than to put up with the shit coming at me.
I pushed myself until I felt like my lungs weren’t getting enough oxygen and then circled back to my house at a slower pace, basking in the runner’s high to plan out the rest of the day before showering and getting to work.
I’d realized that Katie was probably the most suited to give me some tips about my current struggle so I called her. She didn’t answer at first but then she called back as I was pulling out ingredients for some lemon cakes, suddenly in the mood for some baking.
“Sorry I didn’t see you calling, we just got back from this team get-together. Tyler was deep in thought all afternoon and kept checking his phone by the way”, she greeted me and I smiled at her attempt to make me feel better. I didn’t like him not being in a good mood because of me but it showed that he cared at least.
“Yeah about that, I need some advice from you…”, I started and then asked how she dealt with people thinking that they had the right to judge her based on her relationship with Jamie. I knew that she had a private Instagram profile now and while that might deter some hate, I guessed that she probably still got lots of stupid comments.
Going private was not an option for me, as I used my media presence to pull in new jobs even if most of my posts had nothing to do with my work.
“I know me saying just ignore it is stupid because it seems impossible, but trust me it isn’t. It also doesn’t help that people think you’re with a player that has one of the biggest fanbases among the league. People probably already looked at your profile as soon as he started following you, some are that obsessed”, she said and I flinched at the thought of people following Tyler’s every move to this extent.
“Do you not care at all that people basically treat you as an accessory to Jamie?”, I asked her the question that had been bugging me all day.
“I try to look at it differently. At hockey events I’m simply there to support him and I’m more than willing to take a step back in those cases. For everything else you just have to remember that while the fans may only focus on him, you’re the most important person to him so it doesn’t really matter what everyone else thinks”, she explained and I understood what she was trying to say, even if our situations were different.
She told me about how she struggled with the attention at first, something I at least had some experience with. Only now it was for a different reason but I decided to just ignore that fact, drawing from years of practice at ignoring insults.
“You’ll actually get a lot of nice messages too because hockey has really supportive fans and those are always great to read. If I were you I wouldn’t delete the stupid messages though, new ones just keep coming either way. Don’t give the haters the time of your day and just let them pile up in your requests. Sometimes I respond to the nice ones but mostly I enjoy them in silence, that’s up to you though”, she said and I decided that I’d probably handle things the same way. I had to check my requests for work opportunities but I could just skip over everything else.
“You just have to stay calm amidst all of the crazy stuff. Things will get even worse when you two officially start dating so be prepared”, she continued and I couldn’t help bun notice how she said when, not if but I didn’t correct her.
“Thanks for everything Katie. I kind of reached that way of thinking over the course of the day but it still feels good to hear it out loud”, I sighed as I finally put the cake into the oven.
“Don’t worry about it, we’ve all been there before and supported each other through the ups and downs. By the way, some other better halves and I are going out on Saturday, just the girls, and your presence has been requested as well.”
I debated her offer for a second, knowing full well that I wasn’t a ‘better half’ like the rest of them but ultimately decided that I needed to make new friends either way.
“Of course I’ll come, thanks for asking. Just text me when and where.”
We continued talking for a while but then she had to leave because Jamie wanted to start on dinner. I decided to finally talk with Tyler and texted him to see if I could come over.
Tyler: Of course, I’m in the backyard with the guys so bring Yogi too if you want
He then proceeded to text me the code to his front gate, which surprised me. It wasn’t the code to his house but a big step nevertheless. I decided to bring along some lemon cakes and then made my way over, Yogi excitedly pulling ahead.
I entered the code and made my way around the house towards his backyard. Tyler hadn’t noticed me yet and I could see him spitting something into a bush.
“Well that’s mildly disgusting”, I announced my presence flatly and he jumped a little before turning towards me. As soon as I let Yogi off his leash he ran over to Gerry, greeting his new best friend before chasing him around the yard.
“Sorry, bad habit”
“I think you just mispronounced ‘addiction’”, I commented, knowing exactly that chewing tobacco wasn’t any better than smoking it. I reached up with my free hand to hug him and reveled in the feeling of being wrapped in his arms. It had started to cool down already but he was radiating heat through his t shirt.
“I brought a piece offering and don’t worry, it’s diet-friendly”, I said, holding out the box for him to take.
“Why would you need to make a peace offering?”
He looked at me with his eyebrows crinkled in confusion, a look that made him look young and innocent.
“Because I shut you out and basically ignored you all day”
“You don’t have to apologize for that, I know it’s kind of a lot to be caught up in this shit so I don’t blame you for needing some time to sort everything out. If anyone needs to say sorry it’s me for dragging you into this.” He looked at me sheepishly, lifting his snapback to run his hand through his hair before putting it on backwards.
“It’s definitely been a crazy week since we met”, I admitted with a small laugh but I wasn’t mad anymore. It would take some getting used to but I was willing to try.
“Has it really only been a week?”, he asked and I knew exactly what he meant. So much had happened already and I was feeling closer to him that I should after just seven days but yet here we were.
“Are you hungry? I was about to make dinner.” I gave him a skeptical look that made my doubt in his cooking skills, or lack thereof clear.
“Hey I know how to feed myself. I’m not as good as you but I get by with a few easy standard meals”, he protested and I had to laugh at the cute pout he was now sporting.
“Lead the way then. I’ll watch you and we can have the cakes for dessert.” At least one part of dinner was safe that way.
I watched him prepare some pasta and was baffled when I discovered that he barely used any spices, despite having a full spice rack in his pantry. With a huff I grabbed some of them and then proceeded to explain to him when to use what, the pasta smelling more delicious by the minute.
“This tastes like an entirely different meal”, he exclaimed after I was finally satisfied with the result. He really had a lot to learn but at least he was enthusiastic about trying new things.
“I’ll make a cook out of you yet but it is a mystery how you could survive up to this point by yourself”, I teased and he laughed.
“That’s thanks to the nutritionists that supervise us, otherwise I’d eat like shit all the time.”
Tyler loved the lemon cakes, explaining that they were ‘just the right amount of sweet’, which was due to the apple sauce I’d used in place of regular sugar.
We settled on the couch with the dogs surrounding us, some sports show quietly playing in the background. He was spread out on his back and I was tucked into his side, my head resting on his shoulder. I was glad that it didn’t take a lengthy conversation for him to understand my point of view on the situation, that certainly made things easier. As if he was reading my thoughts he said:
“You know we can talk about what happened. The fans are a big part of my life and I know that they can go a little overboard sometimes but I can’t change that. I’m still sorry that people are giving you shit now though.”
“Really it’s okay. I think I just needed to wrap my head around things. I get that the attention and you are a package deal and if having haters is what it takes to keep you around, I’ll gladly do it.”
He smiled softly and opened his arms for me to fully snuggle up against his side, his arm now wrapped around my back.
“I’m glad that you’re willing to put up with it”, he murmured against my head and I smiled. We’d only just met and yet here we were. I’d never felt anything like this before, although to be fair I hadn’t really tried either. Besides the obvious attraction that was between us, there was also something deeper. He didn’t just make me happy, he understood me without needing long conversations or years of friendship beforehand.
Every moment I spent with him I could feel my resolve against not sleeping with him weaken. He’d been nothing but sweet to me but while I deemed myself a good judge of character I knew that one week wasn’t enough time. We needed to be stable enough for a friends with benefits situation to not get awkward or we both had to want something more. Until I wasn’t sure where we stood there simply couldn’t be any sex, as hard as it may be sometimes.
The show was showing some football highlights and I soon grew tired of watching. Despite having lived in the States for quite a while now I still couldn’t understand the obsession with it. The games were slow and too long and there were too many commercial breaks in my opinion. I didn’t follow any teams and the only reason I regularly watched the Super Bowl was because of the parties and the food.
“This shouldn’t be allowed to call itself football, their feet rarely touch the ball. It should be throwball or something like that”, I huffed and I could feel Tyler’s chest rumble with laughter beneath my cheek. As a German there was only one football in my life and it was the one that was actually played with feet.
“Throwball sounds ridiculous.”
“Well football is a little ridiculous in itself so it would be fitting.”
“You should be glad that I’m Canadian or otherwise I would have to kick you out for insulting America’s favorite sport.” I knew that he wouldn’t do it either way, his arms wrapped so tightly around me that I wouldn’t be able to leave even if I wanted to.
“I’d like to see you try”, I teased and lifted my head to stick out my tongue at him.
“Are you sure you’re 25? I’m thinking more like five.”
“Five and a half actually if you have to ask.”
“Very funny.”
“I’m hilarious and you know it.”
Now he was actually trying to push me off the couch but I just wrapped my leg around his thighs and held on tightly so he had to try a different approach. I didn’t expect him to pick me up before throwing me back town and moving to hover over me however. I didn’t even get the chance to resist before he grabbed both of my hands in one of his. His other arm was boxing me in and he had now effectively rendered me defenseless below him. At this point our giggles had turned into pants, his probably from the effort of throwing me around and mine because I loved the way he was manhandling me.
I looked up to him through my lashes, my thoughts going to places I’d sworn I wouldn’t let them wander to anymore just minutes earlier. He looked down at me with an unreadable expression and I would’ve given anything to know what he was thinking in that moment.
For a few seconds neither of us moved but then the moment was ruined by Gerry, who probably wanted to be a part of the action, licking Tyler’s face.
“Ew dude what the fuck?”, he exclaimed, sitting up to push the dog away before wiping the slobber off his face. Now I had to giggle at his exasperated expression and moved to sit up as well.
“I should probably go either way, I know you have an early practice and it’s gotten kind of late.” I was actually just trying to prevent myself from jumping him but he didn’t need to know that.
“Here put my sweater on, it’s gotten pretty late and I don’t want you to get cold on the way home.”
He pulled off his sweater and I really tried not look at the skin that was exposed as his t shirt rid up with it but my horny brain caused me to fail. I didn’t even try to reason with him that a five-minute walk in the cold wouldn’t kill me because I knew that there was no point, once he set his mind on something there was no stopping him. I also really wanted to wear his sweater but I would never admit that.
I put the sweater on and reveled in his scent for a moment before getting up to grab Yogi’s things.
“Look at what you did buddy, you scared her off”, I could hear Tyler say quietly to Gerry and I was pretty sure that that wasn’t meant to reach my ears. A small smile crept on my face but I tried to not let anything on as I reached town to get Yogi ready to go.
“Thanks for dinner Tyler, your attempt wasn’t completely terrible”, I joked as we finally both stood in his front door.
“Thanks for the lemon cakes and the spice tutoring, I definitely still have a lot to learn though. And again I’m really sorry for what people are saying about you, they just don’t know you well enough to know that you’re actually amazing.” I could tell that he didn’t plan on letting that last part slip because his cheeks immediately turned pink which in turn made me blush as well.
I reached up to hug him before wishing him a good night and then making my way home, thoughts running wild until I finally managed to fall asleep.
Part 6 here
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budzdorovanatasha · 4 years
Mission, CH 7
I know this is such a trope, but I just had to.
**NO reblogging to non-sickfic/kink blogs.
“There’s the back door,” you whispered. That was your mode of entry. Natasha’s point of access was in through the roof, and the ladder going up was on the other side of the building.
“You’ll be alright?” Nat asked, stopping you before you could get any closer to the door. You sent her a gentle smile.
“I’ll be alright. And you?” You teased.
“Always,” she smirked, before letting you two part ways. You stealthily made your way to the door and fiddled with the lock. Once you had gotten it open, you glanced in Natasha’s direction. You saw her making her way up the ladder, and then you disappeared inside the building.
The hallways were surprisingly empty and eerily silent, making you jump when you heard Nat’s voice on comms.
“I’m in. Searching for the file room.”
“Me too,” you replied with a sniffle. Your nose was starting to itch, and that was less than ideal. You scrubbed at it roughly, only ending up sniffling more.
“Now is not the time to sneeze, baby,” Nat commented after hearing your struggle.
“I know,” you managed to reply, calming the tickle in your nose.
“We get those files and make it out, you can sneeze all you want,” she said sympathetically. You sighed, coming up to another corner in the hallway. You heard footsteps, and quickly squatted, ready to take whoever was coming by surprise. A single guard came around the corner, and you immediately jumped up, wrapping your thighs around his neck and bringing him down to the ground. The effort left you breathless, sending you into a small coughing fit, which you muffled as best you could into your arm.
“Okay?” Natasha asked quietly.
“Yeah,” you whispered after you’d finished coughing. You continued down the hallway, searching for the file room.
“Found it,” you alerted Nat. You snuck inside, finding no one. “It’s deserted,” you told her, shocked.
“It shouldn’t be.” You could practically hear Nat’s frown. You were beginning to wonder if it was a trap. You quickly grabbed the file you were looking for, and made your way back into the hallway, finding it still deserted.
“Got it, making my way to you,” you whispered.
“Right around the corner,” she answered, and you practically ran into her. Nat briefly touched her hand to your shoulder and took the file from you, placing it in her bag.
“Let’s go.” You sniffled, the itch returning in your nose.
And then an alarm blared. Loudly. You could hear heavy footsteps of what had to be thirty agents headed your way. You both started running as fast as you could, making it down several hallways until you were met with footsteps in both directions. Natasha took a quick look around, before pulling you into a small closet.
She was pressed up so tight against you that you could feel her chest rise and fall as she breathed. You both stayed silent for a moment as footsteps ran past. You crinkled your nose as a tingle ran through it, annoyed that of all times, you now had to sneeze. Thought it was relatively dark, Natasha saw, and gave her head a light shake.
“No, baby,” she warned. Your chest rising and falling erratically as your breath hitched was what she got in response. She sighed, a mix of annoyance and sympathy at what was happening. When she realized you couldn’t control it, her hand came up to pinch your nose. For a moment, you were so surprised you forgot you even had to sneeze. Nat looked back at you, an apologetic expression on her face. She was ready to move her hand when the tingle made itself known again.
“Heh’h- hmmpch!” You let out a perfectly stifled sneeze, thanks to Nat. After a second, you sent her a look, silently telling her to remove her hand.
“You’re not done,” Natasha whispered knowingly. Amazingly, she was right, and you had half a breath before you were hitching again.
“Hh-heh...h’h- hdnngx!”
Nat removed her hand, bringing it to brush your hair behind your ear. You sniffled thickly as she blessed you. You nodded in acknowledgment to her blessing. Her hand, still in your hair, moved to brush against your forehead.
“Your fever’s back,” she murmured, concern clear.
“Not the time, babe. Do you think it’s safe now? I’d love to get out of here,” you joked.
“I don’t hear anything but that doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods.”
Nat put her hand on the door handle, silently asking you if you were ready. You nodded, and she gently opened the door. You both poked your heads out, finding the hallway empty once again. Nat took the lead, jogging down the hallway with her gun pointed out in front of her. You didn’t run into anyone else, luckily, and exited through the door you had entered in. Once you made it safely to the cover of the woods, you opened your mouth.
“How did we get so lucky that hiding in a closet saved us?”
“I don’t know,” she chuckled,” Just be glad that we did.”
You nodded, the adrenaline from the mission starting to wear off as you both made the hike back to the cabin. You didn’t have your coats this time, being that you’d left them out in the freezing snow, so they weren’t any good anyway.
“Almost back,” Natasha murmured after five minutes of your shivering. You nodded, swiping a hand under your nose.
“Are we leaving right away?” You asked.
“How about a hot shower and lunch and then we leave?”
By the time you got back to the cabin, you felt like you were practically an icicle. You couldn’t feel your hands, your nose wouldn’t stop running, and you were coughing and sneezing constantly.
“You’re going to catch pneumonia,” Nat mumbled, opening the door to the cabin for you. You just sneezed in response.
“Bless you,” Natasha sighed, gently pushing you inside. She guided you all the way to the bathroom, turning on the shower.
“Let’s get you out of that suit,” she murmured, coming to unzip it.
“You too,” you protested lightly. “You’re shaking.”
“I’m Russian,” she smirked. “I can handle the cold.”
“So can I,” you retorted, though the teeth chattering was not helping your case.
“No you can’t,” she chuckled. “You have the worst cold.”
“That’s different,” you responded, a shiver wracking through your body as she took off your suit. Nat hummed.
“Water should be warm now.”
You stepped into the shower, gasping at the heat.
“Bless you,” you heard Nat mutter.
“What?” You turned.
“I thought you were going to sneeze,” she explained. You pouted and crossed your arms.
“Every time I breathe you think I’m going to sneeze.”
“Like I said, you have the worst cold,” Natasha shrugged, stepping into the shower with you. You let the hot water fall over you for a minute, before turning and burying your face into Nat’s neck.
“Thank you,” you murmured, pressing a kiss to her collarbone.
“For what?”
“For being so nice and taking such good care of me.”
“Of course, baby. I love you and I want to take care of you. I’m just sorry you’re so sick,” she ended with a frown. You shrugged against her, the movement somehow sending you into a coughing fit. Natasha rubbed your back through it, and when you were finally able to breathe normally again, she grabbed the bottle of shampoo.
“Come on, let’s hurry and finish up so that we can eat and go home, where there’s medicine and heated blankets and tea.”
**NO reblogging to non-sickfic/kink blogs plz and thanks.
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Caught In Between: 05. Dinner Party
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IMPORTANT!!! This is content from my original blog @hyperion-moonbabe​ . It’s being reposted here as this is now my main blog.
Summary: Athena Dumont has finally found a place to call home after many years of foster homes and traveling. She had finally tamed her supernatural side and just wanted to live a normal teenage life. She quickly discovers that there is nothing normal about her hometown, Mystic Falls and gets sucked right back into the supernatural world.
Post Date: 04.03.20
Word count: 3k
Based off: 02x15 “The Dinner Party”
I wake up to a loud knock on my door, “What?!” I sleepily ask yelling from my bed.
“Damon just wanted me to make sure you’re up, so you can come with us to the grill,” Damon’s new personal blood bag, Andie Star, said politely from the other side. I do have to say Andie is very nice and I really don’t approve how Damon is using her, she doesn’t deserve it. I just ignored her and turned to go back to sleep. A few minutes later I heard the door open but ignore it.
“Hey, sleepyhead you’re coming with Andie and I to meet Ric at the grill,” Damon says clearly annoyed. The only response I give him was a pillow thrown to his face.
“Come on, get up,” Damon says struggling to lift me from the bed, but I just ragdoll.
“I don’t wanna,” I pout like a five-year-old. “Why am I always stuck with you?” I ask finally lifting my own body weight.
“Because you just are. Now get ready we’re leaving in 10,” Damon leaves without shutting my door, forcing me to get up if I wanted any privacy.
I get dressed and meet Damon and Andie downstairs. We make our way over to the Mystic Grill and find a table to sit down at with Alaric. I take a seat next to Alaric while Andie and Damon sit in the booth, we start to take about how Elijah had a visit with Elena’s aunt, Jenna, “Other than your lecture on the history of Mystic Falls, did you get anything out of Elijah?” Damon questions Alaric.
“No, it was boring. Of course, Jenna thinks he’s charming,” Alaric responds annoyed at Jenna’s opinion on him.
“You sounded jealous. Sound a bit jealous?” Damon asks turning to Andie. I just roll my eyes at how he has to point out everything.
“Kinda do,” Andie agrees.
“Maybe we shouldn’t talk about this here,” Alaric says and glances at Andie slightly.
“I can agree with that,” I glance over at Andie as well.
“Andie, she’s been compelled not to divulge my secrets. Haven’t you?” Damon responds putting his arm around her back as they kiss. I just silently gag to myself at how gross they’re being.
“Mmm. My lips are sealed,” Andies says with a slight baby voice.
“This is just gross,” I say and glance over at Alaric who has a disgusted look as well.
“Ah, there’s Jenna with her new boyfriend. Hi.” Damon says as he catches Jenna’s and Elijah’s attention.
“Hey, guys,” Jenna says as they make their way over to our table.
“So, I hear you two had quite a meeting of historical minds today,” Damon states.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that,” Jenna says clearly not knowing how to respond and Elijah just smiles trying to act well, not him.
“Well, as much as I’d like to continue this, I’ve got papers to grade,” Alaric says as he puts some money on the table and starts to get up.
“And I have better places to be, Damon you’ll be handling my bill, right?” I say and start to get up as well.
“No, you know what? We should continue this. Let’s have a dinner party,” Andie suggests.
“Ooh, my girl. Full of good ideas. I’ll be happy to host. Say tonight. Maybe?” Damon suggests even further.
“It’s good for me. Jenna?” Andie questions.
“I don’t know if tonight works–” Alaric starts.
“Yeah, I’m free,” Jenna interrupts not wanting Alaric to answer for her.  She and Alaric make faces at each other.
“It’d be a pleasure,” Elijah says accepting the invite graciously.
“Well, have fun. I’m sure, you being adults, won’t want a–” I say before I’m interrupted.
“No, I think it’d be great for you to join us, Athena,” Andie adds.
“Another good idea from my girl. Great,” Damon says not letting me out of it.
Damon, Andie and I head back to the house, “Now how about my two girls prepare for the party tonight and get to know each other. I need to make a little visit to a very unpleasurable doppelganger,” Damon says as he gathers some items up.
“I’m not your girl,” I respond and roll my eyes at him. Damon continues to gather stuff up and head out the door.
“You know as much as Damon teases and is mean to you, he does care about you,” Andie says as we make our way to the kitchen.
“Says the blood bag, no offense. I mean you really don’t deserve this,” I say back.
“None taken. But I do care for him actually, he does need someone there for him. I wanna be that person. He may compel me but he can’t tell me what to think,” She explains.
“I see what you mean. I was in the same boat with him two years ago. I just don’t want to see you hurt,” I say as I start to prepare some food.
“Thank you,” She responds as she helps me prepare the food.
Andie and I continue to talk, prepare and cook food. A few hours pass and we hear the doorbell ring, I go to open it to find Alaric and Jenna at the door with a half-done dessert in hand. Andie and Jenna go to set up the dining table while Damon and Alaric talk in the library. I go upstairs to prepare myself for seeing more of Andie and Damon together, that and make myself a little more presentable.
I make my way down to the dining hall, “Anything I can help with?” I ask looking between Andie and Jenna, and take notice of John Gilbert.
“Nope, everything’s all set up,” Jenna responds clasping her hands together.
I smile at both of them and make my way into the great room and find Damon there. The doorbell rings once again and I go to open it up with Damon following close behind. I find Elijah standing in the doorway and feel Damon’s presence as he stands right behind me.
“Good Evening,” Elijah greets.
“Thank you for coming. Please, come in.” Damon says unnervingly pippy.
“Just one moment. Can I just say that if you have less than honorable intentions about how this evening is going to proceed, I suggest you reconsider,” Elijah states coldly.
“No, nothing, nothing dishonorable. Just getting to know you,” Damon responds in a weirdly nice tone.
“I made sure of it,” I reassure Elijah and smile at him, hoping it lessens the tension.
“Hmm. Well, that’s good,” Elijah says and enters the house as Damon and I move out of the way. “Because, you know, although Elena and I have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me, I’ll kill you and I’ll kill everyone in this house. Are we clear?” Elijah states with a colder voice as I think that he would actually kill me, but I guess I could never know.
“Guys lets just get to know each other and enjoy the wonderful dinner Andie and I prepared,” I say annoyed, looking between them as they glare at each other from either side of me.
“Crystal,” Damon responds sounding a bit scared and ignoring my comment.
I walk away and towards Jenna who’s waiting in the hallway. Elijah greets her and we all make our way over to the dinner table. I lead everyone into the kitchen to serve the food and we all settle back into our seats at the table. Jenna, Andie and I on one side, Alaric and Elijah on the other, and John and Damon each at the ends of the table.
“I hate to break it to you, Damon and Athena, but according to Elijah, your families are so not founders of this town,” Jenna says as she pours Damon a glass of wine.
“Hmm, do tell,” Damon says but clearly not interested.
“Well, as I mentioned to Jenna earlier, A faction of settlers migrated from Salem after the witch trials in the 1690s. Over the next hundred years, they developed this community where they could feel safe from persecution,” Elijah explains to all of us while we begin to eat.
“Hmm. Because they were witches,” Jenna adds.
“Yeah, but there’s no tangible proof there were witches in Salem,” Andie says disbelievingly.
“Andie’s a Journalist. Big on facts.” Damon says trying to boast her while making a face at Elijah.
“Well, the lore says that there was this wave of anti-witch hysteria. It broke out in the neighboring settlement, so these witches were rounded up. They were tied to stakes in a field together and, uh, burned. Some say you could hear the screams from miles around us. They were consumed by the fire. Could you pass the…” Elijah explains.
“I wouldn’t repeat this to the Historical Society,” Jenna chuckles.
“I don’t think they’d enjoy Elijah’s story, going back on their history,” I chuckle.
“It’s starting to sound a little like a ghost story to me,” John Gilbert says.
“So, why do you want to know the location of these alleged massacres?” Damon asks trying to get information out.
“You know…a healthy historian’s curiosity, of course,” Elijah responds not giving any information up.
We continue to make small conversation and finish up our meal. As we start to clean up Andie suggests that the guys should drink in the library, which makes me think they’re up to something. But not wanting to cause any problems with Alaric and Jenna or be wrong about anything, I keep my mouth shut and help clean the table. After we finish cleaning up, Alaric comes up to me with information from Stefan.
“Athena, Damon’s going to try to kill Elijah tonight, with a dagger and some white ash. We need to stop him,” Alaric whispers to me urgently.
“That asshole, I should’ve known. Even though I have some care for Elijah, I know this needs to end. I don’t want any of you hurt, Let’s go.” I say and we start to head to the library.
We hear Damon and Elijah talking as we walk into the library, “Gentlemen, we forgot about dessert,” Alaric says making his way over to them, making a cover.
“Elijah,” I say as I hold my hand out to him, to lead him back to the dining room.
“Athena,” Elijah says handing his drink to Damon. He comes over and takes my hand and pulls me towards the dining room.
“So have you thought about my deal?” He asks quiet enough so Damon couldn’t hear.
“Yeh, and I can’t risk my friends here. I want to protect them, they’re like my family,” I respond.
“I understand, but I’m your family too,” Elijah says, but I don’t respond as we make it back into the room where Andie, Jenna, and John were.
“Sorry, guys dessert is taking longer than I thought. I usually just unwrap food,” She says while pouring a cup of coffee.
“Let me help you,” I say as Andie, Elijah, and John take their seats at the table and I follow Jenna into the kitchen.
We make some small talk while I help Jenna finish the dessert. We walk out of the kitchen with the dessert to find that Elijah was gone, “Where’s Elijah?” I ask looking at Damon, suspiciously.
“He had some work to attend to,” Damon says, but I give him a look that tells him I don’t believe him.
“I forgot my drink in the kitchen. I’ll be right back,” I say and nod my head for Damon to follow.
I make our way into the kitchen and wait for Damon to follow in, “What did you do?” I whisper upset.
“What do you mean?” Damon dismisses my question.
“I know Elijah, did not just leave to do work. So… what… did… you… do?” I ask him one more time more upset.
“Ok, fine. You caught me. I and by I, I mean Alaric may have given Elijah a little poke with a dagger,” Damon finally gives up after a few moments of silence.
“Did you guys happen to leave the dagger in? Because if you want him actually ‘dead’ then you need to leave the dagger in,” I explain to him finally feeling the info I had was helpful. He just makes a ‘really’ face at me as his phone starts to ring.
“What Stefan?” Damon answers his call. “Yeh, I know. Athena just told me,” He hangs up and starts to rush off.
I follow him into the cellar, which is where they stored him, well, tried. Once we make our way down to the cellar, we find it empty. Damon just looks at me with an upset face, “We need to get to Elena and Stefan now. If Elijah’s going anywhere, it’s wherever Elena is,” I say walking away from Damon.
We quickly get rid of Alaric, Jenna, John, and Andie but try not to raise any suspicion. Damon grabs the dagger off the table and we drive over to the Gilbert Lakehouse to warn Elena and Stefan, “I can guarantee that If Elijah has witches that he’ll be making his way over here right now,” I tell them.
“Well, there’s not enough time to leave,” Stefan states.
“What if we draw him out so we can dagger him again? Athena and Damon hide, so he only thinks Stefan and I are here. I can try to reason with him and since he’s mad at Damon, he might not comply. I’ll tell him that if he doesn’t I’ll stab myself… ” Elena starts to explain.
“What? Not an option,” I say turning to her.
“I’m gonna have to agree,” Damon says.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Stefan adds.
“Just listen, I’ll tell him that I’ll stab myself, Stefan would heal me and then I’d kill myself to become a vampire. Rendering me useless to Klaus and therefore Elijah. I can then stab myself to make him agree to a new deal, then once I can get close enough, I’ll stab him with the dagger, killing him,” Elena finishes taking the dagger from Damon’s hand.
“And how can we be sure that he’d fall for this plan of yours?” Damon questions.
“Well, I know Elijah. He needs Elena so it’s pretty soundproof in my mind,” I state looking at Elena upset, not wanting her to put herself in harm’s way.
“I trust Athena. If she thinks its a good idea, then we should go with it. Anyone got any better ideas?” Stefan asks looking between us.
“I mean I don’t, Damon?”  I ask in response. But he just sighs and walks away as I follow him.
I follow Damon into another room, “We’re just gonna let her sacrifice herself?” He asks me distressed.
“It’ll all work itself out, and if it doesn’t I’ll go with Elijah,” I explain trying to calm him.
“That is not an option either!” He yells at me getting right up to my face.
“Well, it’s the only other option I can think of. I mean he wants me–” I start before I’m cut off by Damon covering my mouth. Elijah must be here.
Damon and I head upstairs in order to keep ourselves from being found. As we continue our way up the stairs we hear a loud noise of the door being torn down. We listen to the conversation that Elijah and Elena are having as we wait upstairs for the plan to be finished. We hear Elena scream in pain as we can hear her stab herself. And the next thing we hear is Elijah screams in pain as he is stabbed with the white oak dagger. Damon and I quietly but quickly make our way downstairs to make sure Elena was ok.
“Little tip. Don’t pull the dagger out.” Damon says stating the obvious.
Elena and Stefan pack up their stuff as Damon and I figure out how to get Elijah’s body in his car. We all make our way back over to the Salvatore house. Damon and Stefan take Elijah’s body downstairs to the cellar as Elena and I follow close behind.
“Are you ok?” I ask her.
“Yeh are you? I mean I know you guys are like fam–”
“We did what we had to do. I’m not letting anyone hurt you guys, you’re my family” I interrupt her. Damon and Stefan put Elijah’s body on the ground, as soon they set him down, Damon searches Elijah’s pockets.
“What do we have here?” Damon says while he pulls the moonstone out of one of the pockets. “A little moonstone bar of soap. I’ll hold on to this.” He says getting up from his crouched position.
“So that’s it. I mean, as long as we keep the dagger in there, then he stays dead.” Elena states.
“As far as I know, yes,” I respond.
“Okay then, good night,” Elena says and starts to walk out before she turns around and looks at Stefan and Damon, “You know, you guys want me to fight, Fine, I’ll fight. But if we’re gonna do this, you can’t keep anything from me anymore. From this moment on, we’re doing it my way.” Elena protests.
“That seems fair,” Damon says, but I can tell he could care less about doing it her way.
“Okay,” Stefan agrees.
I follow Elena out of the cellar, “You know I had nothing to do with Damon’s little plan until it happened right?” I ask her making sure she knows I won’t try anything.
“Yeh, I know,”
“Hey, I know you want to do this your way. But if it comes down to it and the Originals need or want me. I don’t want you to get hurt trying to save me. I’ll fight them your way, if you respect the way I wanna fight them on my own battlefront, Okay?” I stop Elena halfway in the hall.
“Okay,” She says, hesitantly agreeing to my terms.
I head upstairs to “my bedroom” and try to get to sleep early knowing that I have school tomorrow, which I dread over all this other stuff.
A/N: Here is part 5, based on 02x15 “The Dinner Party”.  I know this was a big-time jump from the last part, but episodes 12-14 seemed like filler to me, and I didn’t want to spend time writing those parts, so here we are. I know Athena kinda seems like she’s in the background but she’ll get her spotlight soon. I may skip another episode or two, but I’ll have to see how I wanna plan things out. Please let me know what you guys think of the series so far, any feedback is great. Also, let me know if anyone would like me to start a taglist. I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading. Stay safe and healthy!
Bonus Content~ Here is a screenshot of Ian/Damon while I was going through the episode. I thought it was worth sharing:
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nev3rfound · 5 years
unanswered : p.p
brief summary: you can’t deny it, you’re in love with your best friend, peter. however, as you fight alongside him during the events of far from home, you do wonder if the feelings could ever be returned. 
word count: 3.4k (it is a long one that has taken months to work on) requested: yes by the sweetest anon - i am sorry it’s taken me literal months to write this, but i hope you enjoy reading it warnings: ffh spoilers, angst. 
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it isn’t me. all rights reserved. - thank you to everyone who helped regarding the wattpad situation, you’re all amazing)
* masterlistin’
* commissions
** permanent taglist **
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“It’s a shame she couldn’t come on the trip,” Ned sighs to Peter as he sits beside him on the plane, glancing to see Peter weakly nod in response. “why couldn’t she come again?” 
Peter shrugs his shoulders, having received a message from you last night about your Mom being sick. He had it all planned, this was going to be his chance to tell you, but once again something has gotten in the way. 
“Come on, dude.” Ned nudges Peter who averts his longing gaze to his phone background which happens to be his favourite photo of you all. “Could she not like sneak out, call for some assistance?” Ned raises an eyebrow, having recently learnt that you’re also apart of the whole SHIELD/Avengers world.
“I told you Ned,” Peter reminds Ned. “Y/n has to stay low about that stuff.” A shiver curls through his body as his mind wanders back to the moment you were almost caught on a rooftop mere months ago. If it wasn’t for Fury keeping his eye out on you and Peter, anything could’ve happened.
Seeing his phone light up, Peter can’t help but smile at the sight. It’s a photo of you all at the local pizza place, cheesy grins whilst you’re in mid-laugh thanks to Peter. MJ is rolling her eyes, but she has a hint of a smile whilst Ned is holding up the biggest slice of pizza possible. 
“I know, it’ll be great I just, I had plans,” Peter mutters, having told Ned the plan of action he had all thought out. 
“But we’re bachelors in Europe!” Ned cheers quietly, but Peter merely shrugs it off. “Come on, Y/n will be alright you know that.” 
“I guess,” Peter agrees half-heartedly as he turns his eyes to the window, looking over three people to see them rising higher into the air as clouds disperse below them. “I’m just gonna miss her.” 
Inside of their small room, Peter continues to brush his teeth as Ned rambles on. After everything that has happened, all Peter can focus on is how he’ll explain this to you. 
“She’s so pretty, she was showing me around and suddenly it happened. Do you know what caused it? Like, I don’t know how to even comprehend it all does Y/n know? Is she going to come hel-” Ned’s rambles come to a halt as he hits the ground with a heavy thud. 
Turning quickly on his feet, Peter allows his toothbrush to fall as Nick Fury sits in an armchair. “You’re Nick Fury?” Peter mumbles before he spits his toothpaste out and wipes his mouth. 
“And you’ve been ignoring me, Spider-Man.” Fury retorts before he rises to his feet. “Come on,” He motions for Peter to follow. “you’re needed.” 
Without a chance to fully reason, Peter hangs his head in defeat as he follows behind Fury, unsure where he’ll be led. 
“Where are we?” Peter speaks up as he rests his hands in his pockets, looking around at the underground base. 
“About time and all!” Someone announces with a huff and Peter freezes. 
You turn around, your arms crossed over your chest as you stand alongside Maria. 
“Y/n?” Peter stutters in shock. “Why, what?” Words struggle to form as you chuckle. 
“You didn’t tell him?” You look over to Fury who shakes his head.
“He ghosted me, how was I supposed to tell him?” Fury answers before taking a seat, leaving you to explain to a rather confused Peter Parker. 
“So, all this time you’ve been apart of this?” Peter questions as you sit down in a private room, a table between the two of you as a dying plant rests in the middle.
You simply nod, unsure what to say. “Fury contacted me the day after Ixtenco, told me I was needed so I had to come up with an excuse to not come on the trip.” You explain, absentmindedly playing with the plant, slowly bringing it back to life with your powers. 
Peter couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Though your abilities to control nature were unlike anything he’d ever seen, Peter always knew the girl behind it first and foremost. He grew up with you, knew you throughout school and learnt your secret before the snap happened. 
“And Fury knew I’d come if you were involved,” Peter mutters, knowing his longing looks at you say more than words could at times, even if you remain oblivious. 
“He’s smarter than he lets on you know.” You comment with a small smile, now looking at a healthy plant before your very eyes. 
“And now we just have to wait?” Peter breaks the silence, snapping you from your deep concentration on the plant. 
You sit upright, leaning back in the chair as you nod. “Just go along with it, and have fun.” You tell him with a small smile, wishing you could’ve been a part of it. 
Deep down you regret having agreed to help with Fury. You had this whole trip planned, you were going to have the summer of a lifetime with your friends and make new memories. Part of you hoped something could’ve happened between you and Peter, but you saw the looks he gave MJ. You knew he could never look at you in that way. 
Sitting with Maria, you watched from the sidelines as things clearly developed between Peter and MJ. You couldn’t be mad about it, hell, you anticipated it happening. A trip around Europe? It would be the perfect and most romantic place to fall in love. It’s just a shame it wasn’t you.
“You seeing this?” Maria calls out, catching you out from your daydream as you walk over to see what she’s monitoring. 
Your eyes widen as you see Edith has sent drones to Brad. “Oh no.” You mutter as you watch in panic, unsure how it can be resolved. “What’s wrong with Brad! He’s a nice guy, albeit a bit of a douche at times.” You ramble, watching as the drones never hit. 
“He avoided that one,” Maria comments before looking up at you, seeing a smile ghost your lips. “just.” 
“He’ll get better,” You shrug your shoulder, trying to convince Maria but you can see she’s not warming to him. “it’s a lot of responsibility, knowing Tony wanted him to have those.” 
Maria hums quietly before she continues with her work. “You’ve got work to do, go on.” She tells you, dismissing you from the room as you walk off to find Fury, knowing he’ll at least be more helpful in your next task. 
You’re one of the first on the scene during the events in Prague. Undercover, hidden away from your friends’ view you try your best to fight the fire elemental. “Anyone around to help a girl out?!” You yell as you keep your hands on the ground, forcing plants to rise and swarm the creature whilst water runs through, causing the creature to scream. 
“Hang in there, Y/n.” You hear Peter speak through the comms system as he appears dressed in all black before he jumps to a building, shooting webs to secure your friends on the Ferris wheel. 
Forcing back the urge to laugh, you return to your main goal and focus. 
“Where’s Beck?” You question as Peter looks around, wondering the same thing. 
As if on cue, Beck appears. “You monster.” He mutters as the beast roars loudly, growing in size as he stomps down, forcing you back as you slam into a wall. You watch as he burns off the vines you wrapped him in. 
“He’s getting stronger!” You yell to the others and Peter is by your side, helping you to your feet. 
His hands rest on your cheeks, though he is masked you can tell he’s worried. “Are you alright?” He questions, watching as you nod in response before Beck surrounds you all in a bubble. 
“We need a new plan,” Beck announces as you nod. “What can you do, Y/n?” He asks you as you look down at your hands before resting them on the ground. 
“I can flood the place, control the water directly at the elemental.” You suggest and Beck waits for your signal before dropping the barrier, allowing it to happen. 
With a scream, you flood the creature, but within seconds his flames return. “No,” You mutter as you turn to see Peter, but he’s vanished. “that, that should’ve stopped it.” You state as Beck takes a step forward, standing directly in front of the thing as he fires at it. “Beck, what’re you doing?” You yell and Peter yells too. 
“What I should’ve done last time.” He states before nodding to you. 
Before you can react, Beck launches himself right into the belly of the beast. You shelter your eyes as you see the orange being engulfed in green smoke. 
The elemental roars before it becomes green and crashes to the ground. Flames surround you as Peter holds up the Ferris wheel. “Mr Beck?” Peter yells, but you’re running over to Beck who is lying on the ground.
Cautious to move him, you check to make sure he’s breathing. “Is he?” Peter mutters as he kneels beside you, fear evident in his tone.
Beck begins to move and Peter lets out a sigh of relief. “I’ll be alright, kid.” Beck mutters as he groans loudly, forcing himself upright with both of you helping him. “It’s gone, right?” Beck questions as he looks around at the damage caused. 
“Yeah,” You say with a small smile. “it’s gone.” 
Maria moves in to help get you out of there. You glance back at Peter, seeing him still standing there in his new black suit. “You in there?” You question and Peter snaps out of his daze before walking alongside you. “Gotta say, the new suit isn’t too shabby.” You nudge his arm, hearing him chuckle.
“So, I have your approval on it, then?” His voice has a small quirk to it, and he can see you smiling to yourself. 
As you go to respond, you hear the sound of your name being called. “I, I better go.” You tell him half-heartedly, watching as he quickly nods.
“Yeah, I should get back to everyone. MJ and Ned will probably be worried.” Peter tells you quickly, and you wish you could disguise your small heartache when he mentions MJ before Ned. 
You begin to walk away, but then you pause and turn on your heels. “Hey, Spidey?” You see Peter point to himself and you nod before wrapping your arms around him tightly. “Take care, okay?” You whisper to him, not waiting to hear his response before you disappear into the chaotic scenes surrounding you both.
Yet, you missed something that could’ve changed everything. You miss the way Peter rests his hand against his chest and the smile that refuses to leave his lips beneath the mask. If you saw that then maybe, just maybe, things could’ve been different. 
“He won’t come to Berlin, will he?” You ask Maria as you sit in the back of the car, leaving Prague to head to the jet.
She shakes her head in response, and as she goes to tell you it’ll be fine you shift and look out of the window longingly. 
“How did we not notice this?!” You yell in frustration, panic filling your mind as you think to everything that’s happened. 
He’s gotten everything he’s wanted and did it right under your noses. Hell, he fooled you all. You felt sorry for him, the loss he endured, the pain he went through. And all of it, it was all a lie. 
“Listen, we can’t let him know we’ve caught on. You have to go along with it, Y/n.” Fury explains to you as you all remain in one of the many office blocks in London. “Peter’s trip has been diverted to London, so they’ll be here,” 
Your eyes go wide. “You brought my class right in the middle of this?” You ask boldly, not caring who you’re talking to anymore. 
“Y/n,” Maria tries to calm you down, but Fury can see the fire rising in your eyes. 
“And, and where’s Peter?” You begin to pace as no one answers your questions. “Why is no one answering?!” 
“Y/n,” Fury snaps you out of your spiralling thoughts. “you have to focus.” He tells you, looking right at you as sparks begin to play at the plug sockets. “Beck has this all planned. A lot of people will die if you don’t focus.” 
Letting out a deep breath, you shut everything else back. “Tell me what I have to do.” 
Standing on London bridge you remain still as people scream with fear as they run past you. You focus on the tour bus being emptied, your classmates running in confusion as your teachers fumble behind, close to shitting their pants. 
You watch as the elemental is filled with lightning, flames and water amongst the dusty form. The technology is something else, you have to hand it to him. But you have to stay present at this moment, if you slip out of place it’ll ruin the plan. 
Resting your hands down on the ground, you begin to feel vines surrounding the bridge, holding parts together as they start to crumble. You block out the cries of families, children screaming knowing they’ll be saved. No one has to die today, not a single person. 
An illusion of Beck flies around the elemental, repeating the same line you have heard before. You can hear the elemental screaming in pain, but as you open your eyes you see a piece of rock hurtling toward you. 
Somehow, it misses you, only just. 
You rise to your feet and raise your arms, bringing water from the Themes upwards and force it straight at the elemental. Though it’s an illusion, it could be damaged by enough of a brute force, especially when it’s unexpected. 
“Not today!” You scream, ignoring the projection of Beck as it stumbles backwards. 
Letting out a heavy sigh, you remain unaware of Peter hurtling through the sky. You turn to see several bots rising from the water and locking on you. 
Sitting safely, Beck tells them something that no one would’ve expected. “Kill Y/n.” He states coldly, and not even Peter could stop it from happening.
Everything happened within an instant. 
You blocked only so many of them, stopped them using your powers. But for once, you couldn’t escape all of it, no matter how strong you were. 
The green laser fired through the right side of your chest, missing your heart by inches. You saw it coming, but there wasn’t time to react. Beck planned this element, a sick twisted way allowing you to die slowly. You would die before Peter could find you, you would die with a broken heart and Peter would live on with one. 
A painful scream left your lips as you fell to the ground, only to see a blurred image of red and blue fly past and disappear into the elemental. 
With weak vision, you reach out to the ground, forcing a vine to spread toward the bridge in the hope he might find you. All you want is to be found, for someone to save you. 
“Y/n, you in there?” Maria asks and you weakly reply.
“I’m, I’m down.” Your lower lip begins to quiver, the realisation hitting that you won’t be making it out alive.
“Y/n, can you hear me?” She repeats, urgency rising in her tone as you tilt your head, seeing the elemental projection disappearing piece by piece. 
“He’s doing it,” You think aloud, your comms system still on as tears fall from your eyes. “Peter, he, he’s saving everyone.” 
“Where are you?” Maria yells, but you merely chuckle to yourself as Peter lands on the bridge, the projection gone. 
Panting heavily, Peter looks around at the damage caused, the destruction Beck has created in months. 
Taking a step forward, Peter looks down to see a vine beneath his feet and his stomach drops. With fear rising through his mind, he follows the path to find something he never wanted to see. 
“No, no no,” He mumbles, collapsing down beside you and removes his mask. The glossy look of your eyes says the painful truth; you’re almost gone. “Y/n, please, no,” He whimpers as he rests his hand on your cheek. 
You smile up at him, realising it really is him. “Hey, Pete.” You whisper, forcing the corners of your lips to rise even further. “Gotta say,” You cough, ignoring Peter’s protests for you to not talk. “new suit ain’t too shabby.” 
Peter can feel the tears rolling down his cheeks as he wishes he could say it all to you, tell you the truth behind everything he’s ever felt. But time isn’t on his side, it’s never been a good friend to him. 
“You’ll be okay, Pete.” You nod, wanting him to believe it. “T, Tony would be proud.” You whisper, feeling tears pour more as you struggle to breathe. 
“Don’t go, Y/n. Please, I, I can’t,” Peter cries as he holds you in his arms. 
He watches as your weak smile drops and you go limp in his embrace, you’re gone. 
Sadly, someone died today, and it just had to be you. 
Two months had passed since the events that had taken place in London. 
It didn’t feel like two months to Peter, to MJ, to Aunt May or to Happy. Everyone felt lost without your presence to lift the mood. No one would ever hear your sweet laugh as you sat in the pizzeria, you wouldn’t hug anyone with as much love as you could project. 
But what hurts the most is that you’ll never know how much Peter truly loved you. 
You’ll never hear that Peter wandered the streets of Prague asking MJ about the best way to ask you out. Or how he looked back at old photos on the flight to Venice instead of discussing how to live his bachelor life with Ned for the next few weeks. 
You won’t ever hear Peter tell you he loves you, but he still says it every day when he visits your gravestone. 
Walking down the steps he’s memorised, Peter keeps a tight grip on another bunch of flowers. He’ll always bring you flowers, knowing you loved to be surrounded by nature at all times. 
“Hey, Y/n,” Peter speaks up as he kneels in front of your gravestone, wiping off a bit of dirt before placing the flowers alongside the rest. “I just wanted to check up on you as I do.” He lets out a small sigh. “Still trying to figure out how to, to talk to you knowing you aren’t here anymore.” His voice cracks as Peter averts his gaze from the dates on your stone, the engraved quote. 
Peter wishes he could scream, that he could yell at Beck for causing it all. But he’s dead, Peter watched him die before his very eyes. He has no one left to hold accountable beside himself. 
“I wish I could take it all back.” He thinks aloud. “That I told you to stay away, not go to London or if I told you sooner how much I love you it might not have happened.” He rambles, knowing it makes no difference now. “I just wish you were here,” He sighs as he wipes his face, unaware of Aunt May and Happy stood at the entrance of the cemetery. 
“Does it ever get easier?” Aunt May turns to Happy, seeing a solemn look on his face as he watches Peter hunch over, his shoulders shaking as he strokes your name, remembering how he stroked your cheek as he held you in his arms. 
“Time will heal him,” Happy says with a sad smile. “but he’ll never forget.” 
May nods. “He won’t want to forget.” She says honestly as Peter rises to his feet before turning away, seeing them stood waiting for him. 
Accepting him with open arms, May holds Peter close. “It’ll get easier, Pete.” May mutters as she looks at your gravestone, seeing the bright colours that surround the dull graphite. “You’ll learn to heal, and Y/n would be so proud.” 
The three of them walk out of the cemetery with heavy hearts, but you died knowing things would be okay. No one else had to die, and that’s what mattered the most. 
permanent taglist (thank you for the love and support!)
@biss-stuff​  @psychicforest​  @lourightm​ @mywinterwolf​   @justsomedreaming​ @stanlux17​ @supermoonchildbroski​ @xrosegoldwolfx​ @courtneychicken​ @marvelsangels​ @supraveng​
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scorlettimagines · 4 years
Rules and Guidelines
Hello All,
First of all, welcome to the blog! If you’re here, it’s because you share a love of the boys from CAOS, and I’m so glad that you’ve chosen to come and pursue my imagines; it honestly means the world! Now to the point.
I’ve decided to put some rules and guidelines in place just to make your lives on this blog, and my life as a writer, just that little bit easier. Please follow them to the best of your ability; I’d really appreciate it. Okay, here goes:
1. Are Requests Open?
In my bio, it will say in BIG CAPITAL LETTERS whether requests are open or not. If you can’t access the bio, it will also say it on the masterlist pages for each section in (you guessed it) BIG CAPITAL LETTERS. Please, please check before you request that they are open as I really don’t like turning people down unnecessarily.
2. What Scenarios Can I Request?
Almost anything, as long as it involves a platonic/romantic relationship between Caliban/Sam, Nick/Gavin or Harvey/Ross and the reader. It can be an imagine, a headcanon, a gif drabble, or part of a collection. However, please, please check that something similar to the scenario you want hasn’t been done already. I know it’s a lot of imagines to read, so don’t worry if you can’t check, but if you can, that would be great!
3. Is This Is A Smutty Blog?
This is a smut free zone, and I intend for it to remain that way. I’m not a massive fan of writing full on smut, so usually go for a more suggestive style where I can, but I’ll still put a warning in the author’s note so you can move on if that’s not your thing. When it comes to gif drabbles, please don’t send me a nsfw gif, because it will be deleted instantly. 
4. Why Don’t You Reply To My Comments?
This is a side blog, which means when I reply to comments on my work, it comes under my main blog, which some of you might not know about (it might look like a random person is thanking you for work that isn’t theirs!) I read all of your comments, and am equally thankful for all of them. I usually try and respond with a direct message to anyone who comments, but if I don’t reply to yours, please don’t be offended. I’m just really forgetful when it comes to that stuff. But, again, I would like to thank you all for all your amazing comments!
5. Part Two?
Okay, so there’s a few imagines where people have asked for second parts in the comments or through reblogs. When I write something, it’s very rare that I do so with a part two in mind, so am always flattered when it’s asked. However, from now on, if you want another part to something, please ask as you would any normal request. If it’s in the comments or through reblogs, I won’t count it as a request; even when it is requested, I still reserve the right to decline if it’s an imagine that I feel doesn’t need another part, or, as in some cases, feel that I won’t be able to do it justice.
6. Life On The Outside
Please, please bear with me when it comes to writing imagines. I’m a 22 year old student doing a Master’s degree in English Literature, with the possibility of an actual book deal in sight (and by that I mean I’m in discussion with certain people about how I get myself a literary agent). This also means that I have my own book to finish, and as this is the career I’ve wanted since I was 4, it is a bit of a priority. I also have a home life of my own, including spending time with my family, and doing other things that I enjoy. To end on a bit of a bum note, I suffer from anxiety and am on multiple treatments, so sometimes, may not be in the mood to write when I originally planned. Thank you all for understanding.
7. Other Blogs
So, as some of you may be aware, I do have 6 other blogs, 4 of which I write on regularly. This does mean that not all of my time is dedicated to this one, unfortunately, and the requests can pile up. From now on, if my requests close after being open for what might seem like such a short period of time, it’s because I’ve reached my limit on one of my blogs. This limit is now 15. Basically, if I get 15 requests on one blog, I’ve reached the point where I feel like I’m struggling to keep up, and so will be closing requests across all 7 blogs until I’ve caught up.
8. Be Nice
I’ve been lucky enough in about 4 years of Tumblr to have experienced only one act hatred or negativity (which was then diffused instantly) and I intend to keep it that way. Please, please, be nice to each other; we’re all here because we share a common interest. If you guys ever feel like you need to talk about anything, or just need to get something off your chest, or perhaps even ask the most random question you can think of, please feel free to message me. I’m honoured that some of you already feel like you can talk to me about things, and I hope it continues.
9. Enjoy
And finally, please enjoy yourselves on this blog. It’s designed for that!
So, those are my rules and guidelines. Now you’ve read these, you’re well on your way to exploring the blog in all its glory!
Have fun!
8 notes · View notes
Rules and Guidelines
Hello All,
First of all, welcome to the blog! If you’re here, it’s because you share a love of Stiles Stilinski, and I’m so glad that you’ve chosen to come and pursue my imagines; it honestly means the world! Now to the point.
I’ve decided to put some rules and guidelines in place just to make your lives on this blog, and my life as a writer, just that little bit easier. Please follow them to the best of your ability; I’d really appreciate it. Okay, here goes:
1. Are Requests Open?
In my bio, it will say in BIG CAPITAL LETTERS whether requests are open or not. If you can’t access the bio, it will also say it on the masterlist pages for each section in (you guessed it) BIG CAPITAL LETTERS. Please, please check before you request that they are open as I really don’t like turning people down unnecessarily.
2. What Scenarios Can I Request?
Almost anything, as long as it involves a platonic/romantic relationship between Stiles and the reader. It can be an imagine, a headcanon, a gif drabble, or part of a collection. However, please, please check that something similar to the scenario you want hasn’t been done already. I know it’s a lot of imagines to read, so don’t worry if you can’t check, but if you can, that would be great!
3. Is This Is A Smutty Blog?
This is a smut free zone, and I intend for it to remain that way. I’m not a massive fan of writing full on smut, so usually go for a more suggestive style where I can, but I’ll still put a warning in the author’s note so you can move on if that’s not your thing. When it comes to gif drabbles, please don’t send me a nsfw gif, because it will be deleted instantly.
4. Why Don’t You Reply To My Comments?
This is a side blog, which means when I reply to comments on my work, it comes under my main blog, which some of you might not know about (it might look like a random person is thanking you for work that isn’t theirs!) I read all of your comments, and am equally thankful for all of them. I usually try and respond with a direct message to anyone who comments, but if I don’t reply to yours, please don’t be offended. I’m just really forgetful when it comes to that stuff. But, again, I would like to thank you all for all your amazing comments!
5. Part Two?
Okay, so there’s a few imagines where people have asked for second parts in the comments or through reblogs. When I write something, it’s very rare that I do so with a part two in mind, so am always flattered when it’s asked. However, from now on, if you want another part to something, please ask as you would any normal request. If it’s in the comments or through reblogs, I won’t count it as a request; even when it is requested, I still reserve the right to decline if it’s an imagine that I feel doesn’t need another part, or, as in some cases, feel that I won’t be able to do it justice.
6. Life On The Outside
Please, please bear with me when it comes to writing imagines. I’m a 22 year old student doing a Master’s degree in English Literature, with the possibility of an actual book deal in sight (and by that I mean I’m in discussion with certain people about how I get myself a literary agent). This also means that I have my own book to finish, and as this is the career I’ve wanted since I was 4, it is a bit of a priority. I also have a home life of my own, including spending time with my family, and doing other things that I enjoy. To end on a bit of a bum note, I suffer from anxiety and am on multiple treatments, so sometimes, may not be in the mood to write when I originally planned. Thank you all for understanding.
7. Other Blogs
So, as some of you may be aware, I do have 6 other blogs, 4 of which I write on regularly. This does mean that not all of my time is dedicated to this one, unfortunately, and the requests can pile up. From now on, if my requests close after being open for what might seem like such a short period of time, it’s because I’ve reached my limit on one of my blogs. This limit is now 15. Basically, if I get 15 requests on one blog, I’ve reached the point where I feel like I’m struggling to keep up, and so will be closing requests across all 7 blogs until I’ve caught up.
8. Be Nice
I’ve been lucky enough in about 4 years of Tumblr to have experienced only one act hatred or negativity (which was then diffused instantly) and I intend to keep it that way. Please, please, be nice to each other; we’re all here because we share a common interest. If you guys ever feel like you need to talk about anything, or just need to get something off your chest, or perhaps even ask the most random question you can think of, please feel free to message me. I’m honoured that some of you already feel like you can talk to me about things, and I hope it continues.
9. Enjoy
And finally, please enjoy yourselves on this blog. It’s designed for that!
So, those are my rules and guidelines. Now you’ve read these, you’re well on your way to exploring the blog in all its glory!
Have fun!
6 notes · View notes
stars and stardrops
@haram-hijabi​ really helped me out with the dialogue ESPECIALLY giorno’s lol so i wanna give em a big shoutout, they really help me a lot when i struggle with coming up with stuff in general
go check out their blog right now╰(*°▽°*)╯ ------- chapter 4: tea party ( click for chapter 1 ) 
<<last chapter | next chapter>>
Summary: drinking with some proper bois -------- The soles of your boots sink into the sand as you walk onto the beach. It had been a long time since you had been near the sea--near any large body of water, but the salty smell in the air was welcomed. 
You quickly notice a decent sized cabin quite close to the water and at the end of the pier next to it, you see someone sitting and fishing. Maybe this was the Bucciarati that sent you the letter?
As you walk towards them, you try to make some noticeable noise to not catch them off guard. You clear your throat. “Uh, excuse me?” The noise you made must have gone unheard because the person turns towards you quickly. "Oh, hello. You surprised me.” The man reels in his line and stands before you. He has a dark bob cut and deep blue eyes like the ocean, as cheesy as that sounds. He was beautiful to say the least and you couldn’t help but gawk a bit.
“Sorry, I tried to make noise but yea…,” you trail off.
Seems like you weren’t the only one prone to staring because Bruno gives you a careful look for a moment and then grins at you. “Ah you must be ____. I’ve heard a decent amount about you already.”
“Hopefully good things,” you quickly say to move past whatever that was. 
You grab the hand he holds out for you to shake.
"I'm Bruno Bucciarati but I’m sure you already know that." He fiddles with his fishing rod before walking over to the equipment sitting at the end of the pier. "I didn't invite you here to just say hi. I wanted to talk with you for a little while if that's okay?"
You didn't see any reason not to and since you had nothing else planned you agree. 
Bruno's invites you into his quaint wooden home and you are a bit surprised to see a store counter when you walk in. He then leads you to a door behind it.
"Our house doubles up as a store," Bruno says.
The space you enter next looks like an actual home. 
He motions towards the table. "Sit down, I'll turn the kettle on."
As Bruno starts looking through the wood cupboards, you take in your surroundings.
It’s small. The living, kitchen and dining room were all in one space. There was a short hallway to the left of you and a staircase that led up to a door on the 2nd floor. The furniture also looked really comfortable and you never thought you would be okay with crashing on any couch. You also notice a couple of pictures propped on some shelves on the wall but you couldn't see them well from where you were.
"I know you haven't been in town that long but are you getting along well?" Bruno asks taking you out of your thoughts. He sits down across from you. You hadn't even noticed that he already set up the kettle.
"Yea, it’s pretty good so far! Everyone's been friendly, but I'm hoping that I'll adjust quickly."
“Oh, I'm sure you will. My father told me your grandfather's kind absolutely adored this place."
You furrow your brows at the man. “My ki-”
A knock on the door interrupts you.
Bruno's attention turns to the door. “Door’s open!”
A tall blonde man walks in. His brows raise slightly when he sees you, but his expression quickly returns stoic.
"Sorry to interrupt," he says.
"No this is perfect timing!"  Bruno tilts his head towards you before walking over to the dining table. "This is the farmer everyone else was talking to us about."
He must mean Mista and the others. Maybe Abbacchio too. Hopefully he didn’t say anything bad.
You give him a polite smile. "Hello, I'm ____."
“Giorno Giovanna, nice to meet you,” he looks at you, considering something. “Mista’s description was actually accurate for once.”
You raise your brows curiously but he doesn’t continue.
“Giorno is the town's doctor,” Bruno adds.
The blonde smiles, “Sorry for keeping the doors locked. I’ve been very busy for the past few days and wasn’t taking any walk-in appointments.”
“Come on Giorno sit down,” Bruno says
Bruno and Giorno exchange words while you mainly listen in.
Eventually the high pitched whistle of the kettle sounded from near the oven, making you jump slightly.
"Tea time!" Bruno gets up to remove it.
You stealthily look at Giorno from across the table. You don’t know why but you weren’t sure how to “approach” him just yet. He did seem like the quiet type like Mista said so being too talkative probably wouldn’t work here.
Before you can say something to break the silence, Bruno places a tea cup with blue, swirly designs on it in front of you and Giorno. He pours tea for you both before filling his own cup.
You careful drink from the cup--it looked expensive. It was sweet and you could also taste a hint of honey. This was probably the best tea you’ve had in a long time.
“What type of tea is this,” you ask.
“Chrysanthemum”, The blonde says before placing his cup down. “Thanks for inviting me Bucciarati. I’d probably never leave my office if you didn't make me.”
“You make it sound like I was forcing you…Anyways, like I was saying farmer, I’m sure you adjust here quickly. I know it might not be as busy as the city but there’s still a lot to do and see.”
You were still wondering about the ‘your kind’ comment from earlier but didn’t want to bring it up now that Giorno is here.
"I just recently moved here myself as well and Bruno's right. There are certainly things here that you would rarely find in the city. Halloween hunts, luau festivals," he smiles fondly as he thinks of all the surprises this town had offered him, but that smile fades like he remembered something and he sets his cup down. A more serious expression forms on his face as he looks at the farmer. 
"However, this town also has its fair share of mysteries. Dangerous mysteries. Such as that one forest-"
“Giorno, you’re going to overwhelm them.” Bruno sighs.
“Sorry, I wasn’t trying to scare you. I guarantee the town is a pleasant place to live, I just wanted to warn you of the more...unconventional side.” The blonde goes back to his tea not looking very sorry at all.
You're not sure how to respond to that so you just look at Bruno but he doesn't offer up any further explanation.
Time passes quickly as you all exchange polite conversation and before you know it Bruno is out of tea. You weren’t even sure how long you had been there.
"Before you leave farmer, I wanted to give you a gift,” Bruno tells you after cleaning up. He then climbs up the stairs leaving you and Giorno alone.
You sit quietly and wait for him.
“I hate to repeat myself,” you jump a bit from Giorno’s voice, “but you should take my warning about the forest seriously.”
You pout, “...It can’t be that bad. You’re just making me want to go now.”
You notice the hint of a smile on his face before the noise of Bruno coming down the stairs interrupts the silence. 
He has a wooden fishing rod in his hand. “I think this will help you earn some extra cash.”
You accept the gift a bit unsure. You’ve never fished in your life.
Bruno takes notice of your reluctance. “I can teach you if you want.”
You nod your head. “Yea, that would be nice.”
After Giorno departs with a polite goodbye, Bruno shows you how to cast and reel and tells you a lot about the abundance of different fish during certain seasons. It was really informative but you barely remember any of it.
“And that's all on bait! Any questions?” Bruno smiles.
“...Yes, I have one. Can I come back tomorrow?” It was partially because you wanted more help but you also wanted a reason to see Bruno again.
He lets out a laugh, “Of course.”
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traekenimagines · 4 years
Rules and Guidelines
Hello All,
First of all, welcome to the blog! If you’re here, it’s because you share a love of Theo Raeken, and I’m so glad that you’ve chosen to come and pursue my imagines; it honestly means the world! Now to the point.
I’ve decided to put some rules and guidelines in place just to make your lives on this blog, and my life as a writer, just that little bit easier. Please follow them to the best of your ability; I’d really appreciate it. Okay, here goes:
1. Are Requests Open?
In my bio, it will say in BIG CAPITAL LETTERS whether requests are open or not. If you can’t access the bio, it will also say it on the masterlist pages for each section in (you guessed it) BIG CAPITAL LETTERS. Please, please check before you request that they are open as I really don’t like turning people down unnecessarily.
2. What Scenarios Can I Request?
Almost anything, as long as it involves a platonic/romantic relationship between Theo and the reader. It can be an imagine, a headcanon, a gif drabble, or part of a collection. However, please, please check that something similar to the scenario you want hasn’t been done already. I know it’s a lot of imagines to read, so don’t worry if you can’t check, but if you can, that would be great!
3. Is This Is A Smutty Blog?
Yes, there is smut on this blog but they have been labelled accordingly on the masterlist. I don’t mind writing full on smut, but usually go for a more suggestive style where I can, but I’ll still put a warning in the author’s note so you can move on if that’s not your thing. When it comes to gif drabbles, please don’t send me a nsfw gif, because it will be deleted instantly. Also, if you’re under 18 and you come across something labelled smut, please don’t read it. Of course, I can’t stop you, but I would appreciate it if you didn’t read something smutty when you’re underage.
Please see the separate Rules and Guidelines on smut for Hunting Season
4. Why Don’t You Reply To My Comments?
This is a side blog, which means when I reply to comments on my work, it comes under my main blog, which some of you might not know about (it might look like a random person is thanking you for work that isn’t theirs!) I read all of your comments, and am equally thankful for all of them. I usually try and respond with a direct message to anyone who comments, but if I don’t reply to yours, please don’t be offended. I’m just really forgetful when it comes to that stuff. But, again, I would like to thank you all for all your amazing comments!
5. Part Two?
Okay, so there’s a few imagines where people have asked for second parts in the comments or through reblogs. When I write something, it’s very rare that I do so with a part two in mind, so am always flattered when it’s asked. However, from now on, if you want another part to something, please ask as you would any normal request. If it’s in the comments or through reblogs, I won’t count it as a request; even when it is requested, I still reserve the right to decline if it’s an imagine that I feel doesn’t need another part, or, as in some cases, feel that I won’t be able to do it justice.
6. Life On The Outside
Please, please bear with me when it comes to writing imagines. I’m a 22 year old student doing a Master’s degree in English Literature, with the possibility of an actual book deal in sight (and by that I mean I’m in discussion with certain people about how I get myself a literary agent). This also means that I have my own book to finish, and as this is the career I’ve wanted since I was 4, it is a bit of a priority. I also have a home life of my own, including spending time with my family, and doing other things that I enjoy. To end on a bit of a bum note, I suffer from anxiety and am on multiple treatments, so sometimes, may not be in the mood to write when I originally planned. Thank you all for understanding.
7. Other Blogs
So, as some of you may be aware, I do have 7 other blogs, 3 of which I write on regularly. This does mean that not all of my time is dedicated to this one, unfortunately, and the requests can pile up. From now on, if my requests close after being open for what might seem like such a short period of time, it’s because I’ve reached my limit on one of my blogs. This limit is now 15. Basically, if I get 15 requests on one blog, I’ve reached the point where I feel like I’m struggling to keep up, and so will be closing requests across all 8 blogs until I’ve caught up.
8. Be Nice
I’ve been lucky enough in about 5 years of Tumblr to have experienced only one act hatred or negativity (which was then diffused instantly) and I intend to keep it that way. Please, please, be nice to each other; we’re all here because we share a common interest. If you guys ever feel like you need to talk about anything, or just need to get something off your chest, or perhaps even ask the most random question you can think of, please feel free to message me. I’m honoured that some of you already feel like you can talk to me about things, and I hope it continues.
9. Enjoy
And finally, please enjoy yourselves on this blog. It’s designed for that!
So, those are my rules and guidelines. Now you’ve read these, you’re well on your way to exploring the blog in all its glory!
Have fun!
5 notes · View notes
hyperion-moonbabe · 4 years
Caught In Between: 05. Dinner Party
Tumblr media
IMPORTANT!!! TO ANYONE FOLLOWING OR READING MY TVD SERIES: This blog is currently my secondary blog. I have wanted to change it to primary for a while and since Tumblr does not allow it. I have created a new blog: @hyperion-moonbabe-new 
I will be porting everything over to this blog including my series and possibly eventually delete it so I can use this name without the “-new” on the end. If you would like to continue to read my series, please know that it will be continued on my new blog. Thank you!
Edit: Update
Summary: Athena Dumont has finally found a place to call home after many years of foster homes and traveling. She had finally tamed her supernatural side and just wanted to live a normal teenage life. She quickly discovers that there is nothing normal about her hometown, Mystic Falls and gets sucked right back into the supernatural world.
Post Date: 04.03.20
Word count: 3k
Based off: 02x15 “The Dinner Party”
00. | 01.  | 02. | 03. |  04. 
I wake up to a loud knock on my door, “What?!” I sleepily ask yelling from my bed.
“Damon just wanted me to make sure you’re up, so you can come with us to the grill,” Damon’s new personal blood bag, Andie Star, said politely from the other side. I do have to say Andie is very nice and I really don’t approve how Damon is using her, she doesn’t deserve it. I just ignored her and turned to go back to sleep. A few minutes later I heard the door open but ignore it. 
“Hey, sleepyhead you’re coming with Andie and I to meet Ric at the grill,” Damon says clearly annoyed. The only response I give him was a pillow thrown to his face. 
“Come on, get up,” Damon says struggling to lift me from the bed, but I just ragdoll. 
“I don’t wanna,” I pout like a five-year-old. “Why am I always stuck with you?” I ask finally lifting my own body weight.
“Because you just are. Now get ready we’re leaving in 10,” Damon leaves without shutting my door, forcing me to get up if I wanted any privacy.
I get dressed and meet Damon and Andie downstairs. We make our way over to the Mystic Grill and find a table to sit down at with Alaric. I take a seat next to Alaric while Andie and Damon sit in the booth, we start to take about how Elijah had a visit with Elena’s aunt, Jenna, “Other than your lecture on the history of Mystic Falls, did you get anything out of Elijah?” Damon questions Alaric.
“No, it was boring. Of course, Jenna thinks he’s charming,” Alaric responds annoyed at Jenna’s opinion on him.
“You sounded jealous. Sound a bit jealous?” Damon asks turning to Andie. I just roll my eyes at how he has to point out everything.
“Kinda do,” Andie agrees.
“Maybe we shouldn’t talk about this here,” Alaric says and glances at Andie slightly.
“I can agree with that,” I glance over at Andie as well.
“Andie, she’s been compelled not to divulge my secrets. Haven’t you?” Damon responds putting his arm around her back as they kiss. I just silently gag to myself at how gross they’re being.
“Mmm. My lips are sealed,” Andies says with a slight baby voice.
“This is just gross,” I say and glance over at Alaric who has a disgusted look as well.
“Ah, there’s Jenna with her new boyfriend. Hi.” Damon says as he catches Jenna’s and Elijah’s attention. 
“Hey, guys,” Jenna says as they make their way over to our table.
“So, I hear you two had quite a meeting of historical minds today,” Damon states.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that,” Jenna says clearly not knowing how to respond and Elijah just smiles trying to act well, not him.
“Well, as much as I’d like to continue this, I’ve got papers to grade,” Alaric says as he puts some money on the table and starts to get up.
“And I have better places to be, Damon you’ll be handling my bill, right?” I say and start to get up as well.
“No, you know what? We should continue this. Let’s have a dinner party,” Andie suggests.
“Ooh, my girl. Full of good ideas. I’ll be happy to host. Say tonight. Maybe?” Damon suggests even further.
“It’s good for me. Jenna?” Andie questions.
“I don’t know if tonight works--” Alaric starts.
“Yeah, I’m free,” Jenna interrupts not wanting Alaric to answer for her.  She and Alaric make faces at each other.
“It’d be a pleasure,” Elijah says accepting the invite graciously.
“Well, have fun. I’m sure, you being adults, won’t want a--” I say before I’m interrupted.
“No, I think it’d be great for you to join us, Athena,” Andie adds.
“Another good idea from my girl. Great,” Damon says not letting me out of it.
Damon, Andie and I head back to the house, “Now how about my two girls prepare for the party tonight and get to know each other. I need to make a little visit to a very unpleasurable doppelganger,” Damon says as he gathers some items up.
“I’m not your girl,” I respond and roll my eyes at him. Damon continues to gather stuff up and head out the door.
 “You know as much as Damon teases and is mean to you, he does care about you,” Andie says as we make our way to the kitchen.
“Says the blood bag, no offense. I mean you really don’t deserve this,” I say back.
“None taken. But I do care for him actually, he does need someone there for him. I wanna be that person. He may compel me but he can’t tell me what to think,” She explains.
“I see what you mean. I was in the same boat with him two years ago. I just don’t want to see you hurt,” I say as I start to prepare some food.
“Thank you,” She responds as she helps me prepare the food.
Andie and I continue to talk, prepare and cook food. A few hours pass and we hear the doorbell ring, I go to open it to find Alaric and Jenna at the door with a half-done dessert in hand. Andie and Jenna go to set up the dining table while Damon and Alaric talk in the library. I go upstairs to prepare myself for seeing more of Andie and Damon together, that and make myself a little more presentable.
 I make my way down to the dining hall, “Anything I can help with?” I ask looking between Andie and Jenna, and take notice of John Gilbert.
“Nope, everything’s all set up,” Jenna responds clasping her hands together.
I smile at both of them and make my way into the great room and find Damon there. The doorbell rings once again and I go to open it up with Damon following close behind. I find Elijah standing in the doorway and feel Damon’s presence as he stands right behind me.
“Good Evening,” Elijah greets.
“Thank you for coming. Please, come in.” Damon says unnervingly pippy.
“Just one moment. Can I just say that if you have less than honorable intentions about how this evening is going to proceed, I suggest you reconsider,” Elijah states coldly.
“No, nothing, nothing dishonorable. Just getting to know you,” Damon responds in a weirdly nice tone.
“I made sure of it,” I reassure Elijah and smile at him, hoping it lessens the tension.
“Hmm. Well, that’s good,” Elijah says and enters the house as Damon and I move out of the way. “Because, you know, although Elena and I have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me, I’ll kill you and I’ll kill everyone in this house. Are we clear?” Elijah states with a colder voice as I think that he would actually kill me, but I guess I could never know. 
“Guys lets just get to know each other and enjoy the wonderful dinner Andie and I prepared,” I say annoyed, looking between them as they glare at each other from either side of me.
“Crystal,” Damon responds sounding a bit scared and ignoring my comment. 
I walk away and towards Jenna who’s waiting in the hallway. Elijah greets her and we all make our way over to the dinner table. I lead everyone into the kitchen to serve the food and we all settle back into our seats at the table. Jenna, Andie and I on one side, Alaric and Elijah on the other, and John and Damon each at the ends of the table.
“I hate to break it to you, Damon and Athena, but according to Elijah, your families are so not founders of this town,” Jenna says as she pours Damon a glass of wine.
“Hmm, do tell,” Damon says but clearly not interested.
“Well, as I mentioned to Jenna earlier, A faction of settlers migrated from Salem after the witch trials in the 1690s. Over the next hundred years, they developed this community where they could feel safe from persecution,” Elijah explains to all of us while we begin to eat.
“Hmm. Because they were witches,” Jenna adds.
“Yeah, but there’s no tangible proof there were witches in Salem,” Andie says disbelievingly.
“Andie’s a Journalist. Big on facts.” Damon says trying to boast her while making a face at Elijah.
“Well, the lore says that there was this wave of anti-witch hysteria. It broke out in the neighboring settlement, so these witches were rounded up. They were tied to stakes in a field together and, uh, burned. Some say you could hear the screams from miles around us. They were consumed by the fire. Could you pass the…” Elijah explains.
“I wouldn’t repeat this to the Historical Society,” Jenna chuckles.
“I don’t think they’d enjoy Elijah’s story, going back on their history,” I chuckle.
“It’s starting to sound a little like a ghost story to me,” John Gilbert says.
“So, why do you want to know the location of these alleged massacres?” Damon asks trying to get information out.
“You know...a healthy historian’s curiosity, of course,” Elijah responds not giving any information up.
We continue to make small conversation and finish up our meal. As we start to clean up Andie suggests that the guys should drink in the library, which makes me think they’re up to something. But not wanting to cause any problems with Alaric and Jenna or be wrong about anything, I keep my mouth shut and help clean the table. After we finish cleaning up, Alaric comes up to me with information from Stefan.
“Athena, Damon’s going to try to kill Elijah tonight, with a dagger and some white ash. We need to stop him,” Alaric whispers to me urgently.
“That asshole, I should’ve known. Even though I have some care for Elijah, I know this needs to end. I don’t want any of you hurt, Let’s go.” I say and we start to head to the library.
We hear Damon and Elijah talking as we walk into the library, “Gentlemen, we forgot about dessert,” Alaric says making his way over to them, making a cover. 
“Elijah,” I say as I hold my hand out to him, to lead him back to the dining room.
“Athena,” Elijah says handing his drink to Damon. He comes over and takes my hand and pulls me towards the dining room.
“So have you thought about my deal?” He asks quiet enough so Damon couldn’t hear.
“Yeh, and I can’t risk my friends here. I want to protect them, they’re like my family,” I respond.
“I understand, but I’m your family too,” Elijah says, but I don’t respond as we make it back into the room where Andie, Jenna, and John were.
“Sorry, guys dessert is taking longer than I thought. I usually just unwrap food,” She says while pouring a cup of coffee.
“Let me help you,” I say as Andie, Elijah, and John take their seats at the table and I follow Jenna into the kitchen.
We make some small talk while I help Jenna finish the dessert. We walk out of the kitchen with the dessert to find that Elijah was gone, “Where’s Elijah?” I ask looking at Damon, suspiciously.
“He had some work to attend to,” Damon says, but I give him a look that tells him I don’t believe him. 
“I forgot my drink in the kitchen. I’ll be right back,” I say and nod my head for Damon to follow.
I make our way into the kitchen and wait for Damon to follow in, “What did you do?” I whisper upset.
“What do you mean?” Damon dismisses my question.
“I know Elijah, did not just leave to do work. So… what… did… you… do?” I ask him one more time more upset.
“Ok, fine. You caught me. I and by I, I mean Alaric may have given Elijah a little poke with a dagger,” Damon finally gives up after a few moments of silence.
“Did you guys happen to leave the dagger in? Because if you want him actually ‘dead’ then you need to leave the dagger in,” I explain to him finally feeling the info I had was helpful. He just makes a ‘really’ face at me as his phone starts to ring.
“What Stefan?” Damon answers his call. “Yeh, I know. Athena just told me,” He hangs up and starts to rush off. 
I follow him into the cellar, which is where they stored him, well, tried. Once we make our way down to the cellar, we find it empty. Damon just looks at me with an upset face, “We need to get to Elena and Stefan now. If Elijah’s going anywhere, it’s wherever Elena is,” I say walking away from Damon.
We quickly get rid of Alaric, Jenna, John, and Andie but try not to raise any suspicion. Damon grabs the dagger off the table and we drive over to the Gilbert Lakehouse to warn Elena and Stefan, “I can guarantee that If Elijah has witches that he’ll be making his way over here right now,” I tell them.
“Well, there’s not enough time to leave,” Stefan states.
“What if we draw him out so we can dagger him again? Athena and Damon hide, so he only thinks Stefan and I are here. I can try to reason with him and since he’s mad at Damon, he might not comply. I’ll tell him that if he doesn’t I’ll stab myself... ” Elena starts to explain.
“What? Not an option,” I say turning to her.
“I’m gonna have to agree,” Damon says.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Stefan adds.
“Just listen, I’ll tell him that I’ll stab myself, Stefan would heal me and then I’d kill myself to become a vampire. Rendering me useless to Klaus and therefore Elijah. I can then stab myself to make him agree to a new deal, then once I can get close enough, I’ll stab him with the dagger, killing him,” Elena finishes taking the dagger from Damon’s hand.
“And how can we be sure that he’d fall for this plan of yours?” Damon questions.
“Well, I know Elijah. He needs Elena so it’s pretty soundproof in my mind,” I state looking at Elena upset, not wanting her to put herself in harm's way.
“I trust Athena. If she thinks its a good idea, then we should go with it. Anyone got any better ideas?” Stefan asks looking between us.
“I mean I don’t, Damon?”  I ask in response. But he just sighs and walks away as I follow him.
I follow Damon into another room, “We’re just gonna let her sacrifice herself?” He asks me distressed.
“It’ll all work itself out, and if it doesn’t I’ll go with Elijah,” I explain trying to calm him.
“That is not an option either!” He yells at me getting right up to my face.
“Well, it’s the only other option I can think of. I mean he wants me--” I start before I’m cut off by Damon covering my mouth. Elijah must be here.
Damon and I head upstairs in order to keep ourselves from being found. As we continue our way up the stairs we hear a loud noise of the door being torn down. We listen to the conversation that Elijah and Elena are having as we wait upstairs for the plan to be finished. We hear Elena scream in pain as we can hear her stab herself. And the next thing we hear is Elijah screams in pain as he is stabbed with the white oak dagger. Damon and I quietly but quickly make our way downstairs to make sure Elena was ok. 
“Little tip. Don’t pull the dagger out.” Damon says stating the obvious.
Elena and Stefan pack up their stuff as Damon and I figure out how to get Elijah’s body in his car. We all make our way back over to the Salvatore house. Damon and Stefan take Elijah’s body downstairs to the cellar as Elena and I follow close behind.
“Are you ok?” I ask her.
“Yeh are you? I mean I know you guys are like fam--”
“We did what we had to do. I’m not letting anyone hurt you guys, you’re my family” I interrupt her. Damon and Stefan put Elijah’s body on the ground, as soon they set him down, Damon searches Elijah’s pockets.
“What do we have here?” Damon says while he pulls the moonstone out of one of the pockets. “A little moonstone bar of soap. I’ll hold on to this.” He says getting up from his crouched position.
“So that’s it. I mean, as long as we keep the dagger in there, then he stays dead.” Elena states.
“As far as I know, yes,” I respond.
“Okay then, good night,” Elena says and starts to walk out before she turns around and looks at Stefan and Damon, “You know, you guys want me to fight, Fine, I’ll fight. But if we’re gonna do this, you can’t keep anything from me anymore. From this moment on, we’re doing it my way.” Elena protests.
“That seems fair,” Damon says, but I can tell he could care less about doing it her way.
“Okay,” Stefan agrees.
I follow Elena out of the cellar, “You know I had nothing to do with Damon’s little plan until it happened right?” I ask her making sure she knows I won’t try anything.
“Yeh, I know,” 
“Hey, I know you want to do this your way. But if it comes down to it and the Originals need or want me. I don’t want you to get hurt trying to save me. I’ll fight them your way, if you respect the way I wanna fight them on my own battlefront, Okay?” I stop Elena halfway in the hall.
“Okay,” She says, hesitantly agreeing to my terms.
I head upstairs to “my bedroom” and try to get to sleep early knowing that I have school tomorrow, which I dread over all this other stuff.
A/N: Here is part 5, based on 02x15 "The Dinner Party".  I know this was a big-time jump from the last part, but episodes 12-14 seemed like filler to me, and I didn’t want to spend time writing those parts, so here we are. I know Athena kinda seems like she’s in the background but she’ll get her spotlight soon. I may skip another episode or two, but I’ll have to see how I wanna plan things out. Please let me know what you guys think of the series so far, any feedback is great. Also, let me know if anyone would like me to start a taglist. I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading. Stay safe and healthy! 
Bonus Content~ Here is a screenshot of Ian/Damon while I was going through the episode. I thought it was worth sharing:
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