#i’d use it tbh
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The nightmares in FNAF 4 get crazy...
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bigskyandthecoldgun · 11 months
steddie fake dating au that starts because robin’s mom keeps pushing for her and steve to get together and robin gets so fed up that she yells, “it’s not gonna happen because some people are gay, mom!”
and upon seeing the utter horror and fear on her face, steve swoops in and says he’s the one who’s gay. cue mr. and mrs. buckley, local hippies, attempting to show how supportive they are, and all the while steve gets eddie to agree to fake date to get the buckleys to prove they’re safe, so that robin will feel comfortable enough to come out to her parents.
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sleepytownzzz · 4 months
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listened to a lot of crush by ethel cain while drawing this, which could mean nothing
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daeyumi · 9 months
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this year’s self indulgent holiday pic (we went on a date to see xmas lights) 🎄❄️
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againstme · 10 months
hello my fellow autistics. i’m asking you a question and giving you two options only sorry but i’m curious if this is just a me experience or just not liking my ex lmao:
i personally thought i would be all about smooching and making out but like. lips are slimy. and i never know what i’m doing sowwwy. 🫣 also my ex used to bite my lips, very hard. what the fuck was up with that
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kakashi: i’m just worried about whether or not sasuke will turn out okay
gai: *looks at naruto and sasuke*
gai: *looks at himself and kakashi*
gai: yeah i think they’ll be okay
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justaz · 2 months
i need a site called medieval doctor or some shit that i can consult when writing something in that time period and i can be like “what herbs could make you fall asleep” and it’d be like a, b, and c. and then i’d be like “procedure for being shot with an arrow in the ribs” and i’d get a detailed report of how that wound was treated in that time
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lu-polls · 6 hours
[Poll suggested by: Anonymous]
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pixlokita · 1 year
Does Micheal miss his glamrock amimatronic friends? Like Monty, Roxanne and chica? Or did he just see them as soulless robots :(
He does miss them but that wouldn’t be that big of a problem because he can still sorta be around them in the past …
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Meet the bully friends :> aside from Becky who’d rather be doing something else than playing deadly pranks on little kids.
Pretty much only Ramona is mine ^^ I’m not that good at designing characters so I kinda snatched and tweaked my friend’s @cookieruma29 gang :> she also did the lovely coloring and shading of the arts bless TTwTT truly a lifesaver 💖
you can probably guess (or not? Wouldn’t blame you) who’s who =w=)b
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ghostaholics · 1 year
I had a dream about your enemies with benefits ghost x reader where the reader had a cryptic pregnancy. She kinda just doubled over in pain randomly and BOOM. Baby.
HE'S A LETHAL PERFECTIONIST TO THE CORE: rigid expectations impressed upon everyone; it's what makes him a first-rate soldier – grit factor and an appetite for excellence in everything he does.
(The thing is, Ghost doesn't make mistakes.
Of course, there's a first time for everything.)
It's chaos walking in Bangladesh, guerrilla warfare against an AQ cell weaseled away in Dhaka because the shiteheads have business with the organized crime bosses here. It's a city jam-packed with civilians, innocent lives. No open-fire allowed. A place like this means guerrilla warfare. Hit-and-run tactics. God knows he's not trying to start an international incident by blowing up half the bloody capital.
Cloak-and-dagger: they're picked off one-by-one. It takes a full day. A mess to be cleaned up, and he does it exceptionally well.
Ghost doesn't get any reports outside of the mission until he relays his total kill count.
"Good work," Laswell radios in. "We need you on the first flight to Oslo."
He lets out a slow exhale while jumping into the driver's seat of the vehicle he commandeered a couple blocks over. Time to make his way to the airport, then. They need his back-up. He knows what that means. But he's not going to think about the fact that the rest of the One-Four-One are there for a completely different ops and whether things have gone south if they're calling him in. He was supposed to be their fallback plan. "Everything solid?"
"It's Mav."
His grip around the steering wheel tightens. If he starts speeding through the streets, then he doesn't notice, too tuned in to the conversation at hand. "Fill me in."
"Landed herself in the hospital."
Again? Christ. It's the second visit in six months. He was there for the first one. Damn near had to stop the bloody doctors from calling out her time of death. Fuckin' tossers.
"What's the damage?"
"Yes," she says quickly.
"Then quit beating around the bush. The hell's wrong with her?"
"All in one piece. Just get here when you can."
Right, so no helpful answers from the Station Chief. And Ghost tries to contact the others, but gets the same fucking silence. Not Price, not Gaz, not even Soap who always answers just to take every opportunity over the comms to blather about anything and everything in real time. He's not sure why he's being kept in the dark like this, but it's definitely putting him on edge.
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The only other message he receives from Laswell: Oslo University Hospital. He'd combed the website for information in between stoplights. It'll do, he supposes. Their services don't seem subpar, which at any rate sounds far better than fucking Moscow; he still gets sick thinking about it.
So he checks in, gets his visitor badge. It's a whole ordeal that takes a lot longer than he likes. They tell him what floor, what room. That's the Gyneacology and Obstetrics Wing. He triple-checks, making sure nothing gets lots in translation; doesn't sound right to him, but he'll tear up the place later if they gave him the wrong directions. He memorized the hospital layout already; it'll take him approximately three minutes utilizing the right staircase, or seven minutes if he wants to take his sweet-fucking-time with the elevators.
"Our gift shop is around the corner," they tell him in a thick Norwegian accent before he makes his exit.
She doesn't like flowers or cards or sentimental things anyways. Calls them impractical. Would rather hoard his jackets or other belongings of his that she finds useful, so the gift shop would be a waste.
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When Ghost finally gets to where he needs to be, 2 minutes and 45 seconds later (skipped every other step just to shave off time), he finds everyone sans Mav waiting outside the room. It's not a happy reunion, despite Soap's grin. Everyone's intact, nobody's dead or anything that would excuse their silence during his trip from Bangladesh. Ghost is extremely unimpressed with their lack of communication and promises that he'll deal with their sorry arses later before shoving his way through the door.
—only to be met with the sight of her sitting up in bed, a tiny newborn bundled in her arms.
... whose fucking baby is that?
And when his eyes snap up to hers, she's glaring at him with a positively seething look that could kill.
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okiankeno · 4 months
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do weed with me
extras under the cut!
no text ver, face close-up, comically large blunt
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bigskyandthecoldgun · 11 months
imagine eddie’s out of work because reefer rick got put away for good, and rick kept such a tight lid on his own supplier that eddie has no clue where to buy from now. he’s applied to a couple of jobs, but nobody’s gotten back to him yet. thankfully, his saving grace comes in the form of a flyer for someone seeking a babysitter.
enter single dad steve, who just needs someone to watch his five kids (and occasionally the miracle baby hopper-byers twins from nextdoor, because they’re best friends with his kids and refuse to be separated from them for longer than twelve hours) for a couple hours while he takes a much-needed nap every few days. he can’t keep asking their auntie robin and auntie vickie, after all. even if they’re more than willing to watch them, steve feels like it’s too big of an ask without payment, which they refuse to accept. and if the babysitter that responds to his flyer just so happens to be a very attractive guy whose guitar-playing and d&d skills are enough to captivate said children’s collective attention for those hours, well…that’s just an added bonus.
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godstrayed · 4 months
After some consideration my blog is going to be transitioning to private / mutuals only. I’ll probably be considerably more picky with who I write with and it will only be things I enjoy. I don’t want to come off as an asshole but I don’t have the time or energy for anything but stuff I genuinely am interested in or enjoy.
That being said, if something doesn’t work out I’m always open to trying something else! I’ll still be open to plotting and new threads but only interested in continuing those things if they’re interesting or unique to me. I’m not really a big fan of casual threads that don’t go anywhere – if that makes any sense! :)
If anyone has questions, concerns or needs clarification feel free to dm me. ✨ Soon I’ll update my rules with a more coherent version of this. For the most part, the people I usually and consistently write with are likely to be unaffected as we already have a repertoire and I clearly enjoy the interactions. For anyone else I’m more than happy to try to find something we can both enjoy and work with! (Probably just requiring more plotting than winging it so I know what direction we’re headed and stuff!)
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multifandomangel · 3 months
guys if i somehow land a spot as mgg’s controversially young girlfriend do you promise to cheer me on??
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thetorturedlovergirl · 3 months
My theory is that Sutekh would have a really cool tumblr account
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rosalinesurvived · 10 months
So like… does Fukuzawa even have any friends outside the Agency? What i’m thinking is that his military schoolmates either died at war or are scared of him. I’m sure he has old government dudes who recognise him from his Silver Wolf days, and new city officials who assist him in the Agency but does he have a friend? He’s fourty-five the only adults we see him talk to are either his enemies or Taneda and Natsume who are both… yeah. All i’m saying is that no wonder he can’t kill Mori and was glued onto Fukuchi for so long
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