#i’ll go first one of his kids is named after aunt ginny
jesse-pinko · 2 years
Brba tumblrinas do me a solid and reblog this post w/ your personal headcanons ab Jesse’s new life in Alaska. I would like to feel happiness again.
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twilightdruig · 3 years
pairing : george weasley x fem!reader
summary : “hi i’m your neighbor and while i know we’ve never spoken but you’re a single parent of two and my sister recently died leaving me to raise her infant and i have no idea what i’m doing, help?” au
warnings : swearing , mentions of character deaths , fluff , au where george lives alone with his two children in a cottage near the burrow , au where fred and cedric live.
words : 2.6k
a/n : this is my first fic so it’s probably gonna be shit (as you can probably tell i’m not good with titles either) but yeah hope you enjoy :> and i might do a little part 2 on this soon
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holly l/n was loved by multiple. a sweet hufflepuff student who was favored by all the teachers and students. her sister, y/n was a scary and intimidating gryffindor who hung out in the library.
ever since the battle of hogwarts death eaters have been imprisoned in azkaban. but, that didn’t mean all harm was gone.
now here y/n l/n was, standing in the heat of the summer, her nephew connor l/n mourning the death of a family member.
the service was beautiful. a few hogwarts students came including luna lovegood and neville longbottom and professor sprout and professor flitwick decided to pay their respects. headmistress mcgonagall sent her condolences through a letter as well.
conner wasn’t old enough to go to hogwarts yet. there was no one else for holly to leave connor with. her husband, ronan died during the war, all connor’s grandparents died and the only appointed godparents were holly’s best friend cedric diggory and her sister y/n.
cedric diggory was now teaching first year flying at hogwarts and is married to cho chang.
y/n was currently doing nothing with her life. she wanted to live alone in a cottage, reading, stitching, picking apples and getting drunk on fruity cocktails. but now? she had to take care of her sister’s spoiled son.
y/n hated children more than she hated the people in her own hogwarts house. more so, she didn’t know how to take care of them.
she had to enroll her nephew in hogwarts, teach him basic life skills and other stuff like that. there goes her life goal on being that cool stoner aunt that hates love and children.
“shit, connor!” y/n exclaimed as her 3 year old nephew accidentally ate a ton tongue toffee made by the joke shop in diagon alley owned by the weasleys.
“sorry aunty y/n”
she was never close to the weasleys. all of them, stereotypical gryffindors, loud and chaotic and always the main characters.
the only thing she knew about them is that one of the twins live next to her. y/n didn’t know how to shrink his tongue and thought it was quite the convenience that he lives next door. he was a single dad with two daughters, maybe he could help her control her nephew and technically her adopted son, now.
she sighed. “put on your coat, we’re visiting our neighbors, ok con?” the little boy nodded in response
went the small cottage came into view, there were two little girls picking flowers on the front yard and a tall red-headed man on the porch watching them.
“hey! weasley!” she yelled with a small smile as she approached the small gate.
“l/n? what are you doing here?” george asked
y/n gestured to her nephew who was holding his now 3 foot long tongue. “he accidentally ate one of your products and i’m not entirely sure how to fix it”
“right, right” he laughed “come on, connor right? i’ll reverse that”
y/n felt a tug at her oversized cardigan. she looked down to see two identical ginger twins.
“hi there!” one smiled.
“hello!” y/n tried to sound as nice as possible. looking back at her teenage years she remembered laughing at kids who fell of their brooms their brooms when she’d watch first year flying. she remembered laughing at seamus finnigan when something blew up in his face. or when she’d laugh at any kid accidentally getting hurt.
“these are for you! they’re pretty just like you” the other twin exclaimed.
“i’m charlotte and she’s billie” charlotte giggled.
“how do u know our daddy?” billie asked
“oh! um, we went to school together and i live just next door” y/n replied
“do you know our uncle freddie?”
“i know all your uncles and your aunt ginny, aunt hermione and uncle harry. they were all famous when we were in school”
“wow!” they both exclaimed
george and connor came back out. “look aunty y/n! my tongue’s normal again!”
“aunty?” george questioned. “holly. she died quite recently.”
“oh! i’m so sorry. i heard about her. yeah. i believe mum sent some flowers for the service”
“yeah we received them”
“i’ll see you around?” george inquired
“yeah, yeah. and i might need some parenting advice? you knew how i was back at hogwarts”
“i am flattered, dear l/n”
“oh hush. and they get along.” she pointed to the three children running around.
“they do. and yes, i would love to help you tame that little rascal” george laughed.
“thank you, george. really.”
“i’m just next door, yeah?”
“yeah” y/n smiled “come on, connor. we’re going home. but we’ll definitely be seeing these lovely ladies soon.”
“bye pretty lady!” y/n heard two young voices call after her
“daddy, who was she?”
“is she gonna be our new mommy?”
george and y/n had been hanging out for the past weeks. he had given her advice on taking care of connor and how to deal with children. they also spent time talking about family and their time back at hogwarts. she was told about the attack of death eaters at one of his brothers’ wedding and how his daughters were named after his brothers bill and charlie.
a knock at y/n’s door interrupted her reading.
“oi, l/n!” she heard a familiar voice on the other side of the door.
“weasley” she muttered.
connor recognized george’s voice and the twins’ giggles, he decided he would take matters into his own little hands. connor knew how stubborn his aunt was at the young age of seven.
“hi billie! hi charlotte! hi uncle george!” the little boy squealed.
“hey there, con!” george ruffled his hair while billie and charlotte ran over to y/n.
connor and the twins were two years apart. connor was going to hogwarts the next year. no doubt would he be trouble to professor mcgonagall but everyone knew they were always her favorites.
“aunty y/n! uncle george brought cookies!” connor yelled excitedly. y/n was never the type to bake or cook. she did try to but it always ended in almost burning the house down. she usually fed connor fruits or store bought food.
“you didn’t have to” y/n responded while taking the plastic box.
“oh yes i did” he teased “i heard you’ve been starving this poor little fellow”
“daddy didn’t bake those cookies” charlotte stated “grandma did” billie continued
“oh” she smirked at george then turned to the twins “tell your grandma i say thanks!”
“uncle george! i wanna show you something outside! the twins can come too!”
“connor, what are you gonna show them?” y/n grumbled.
“your paintings! they’re amazing” her nephew jumped.
“paintings, eh?” george smiled “okay, let’s go, champ. see those paintings of your aunt.” the two scurried outside, two redheaded girls following after.
y/n groaned and fell back into the couch, finishing her book.
it’s been a few days since george and the twins came with cooking to y/n and connor’s cottage. she wanted to throw connor a little surprise birthday party.
connor has loved the twins and george so much, he thinks of them as blood relatives. y/n decided to call up cedric and cho to look after connor while she’d do some errands.
the two arrived exactly on time as y/n was preparing to go out. she had on a simple cardigan and loose denim pants.
“ced! cho! hi, how are you guys?” y/n greeted as she saw her old friends apparate into the cottage.
“hi y/n!” cho greeted “hey nerd” cedric snickered.
she sent cedric a small glare before connor jumped at the two.
“uncle ceddy! aunty cho! you’re here” he shouted.
“yeah buddy! your aunt’s gonna run some errands and visit your uncle georgie?” cedric winked at y/n. she had been owling cedric about george and how he’s been helping her with connor.
“are you going out with uncle george?” connor asked, eyes twinkling.
“i don’t know, actually. i might check him out next door.”
“george weasley?” cho teased.
“yes, cho,” y/n rolled her eyes “but on that note, i have to go”
“bye, connor! behave okay?” she crouched down and squished his cheeks.
“bye, ced! cho!” her voice faded when she dashed out the door.
y/n passed george’s cottage to see if he actually might want to come with her and do errands.
she was standing outside the small gate, hesitating. ‘maybe he was busy’ ‘he wouldn’t want to do errands with me’ ‘maybe he would if i told him it was for connor’s birthday’ she thought. y/n didn’t know why she was overthinking her choices. the first time she was standing right outside the gate she bursted in and demanded george to fix whatever happened to her nephew. now, she was nervous. her palms were sweaty and clammy.
she pushed herself in and walked to the front porch. she knocked a few times and was met with a head of messy brown hair.
“hermione?!” she squealed
“y/n!” hermione jumped to hug her old friend.
there were overlapping voices in the background and when they pulled away she was met with multiple mops of ginger hair, a head of blonde hair and another with black hair behind hermione.
“l/n?” ginny weasley asked, quite shocked what she would be doing outside george’s door.
“oh! did i interrupt something? i am so sorry!” she said feeling a bit nervous.
“oh! you must be the dearest y/n george keeps talking about!” an old woman she thought was mrs. weasley approached her from behind her children.
“hi there!” y/n said feeling a little embarrassed she might’ve barged in on a family reunion.
“ah! l/n? i have heard of your family! muggle-borns right?” arthur weasley joined his wife.
“uh, yeah!” she pursed her lips “i am so so sorry i interrupted! i should go. tell george i’ll swing by next time”
“oh it’s absolutely alright, dear” molly reassured her.
“george! there’s a really pretty girl! get your arse out here!” fred yelled to george who was probably inside the house.
“is she here?” charlotte and billie ran to the door.
“hi girls! tell you dad i was here yeah? say i’ll come by next time” most of the weasleys came back in. she took it as her time to go on with her day.
“oi! y/n! wait up” the voice she recognized as george’s called after her.
“george, hey”
“where’r you off to?” george pointed to the small bag that was swung over her shoulder.
“errands. connor’s birthday is coming up so i thought i’d prepare something for him. first birthday without his mum, you know”
“his birthday’s coming up?” george looked as excited as a child on christmas morning.
“yeah. why?” she smiled
“you’re talking to one of the best party planners there is. you also did talk to another one of them… i think”
“oh yeah”
“i wanted to ask if you wanted to come but seeing as to your family is in your house… i’m gonna take a wild guess and say you aren’t available right now” she giggled.
“maybe if you went another day” he said sympathetically. george really wanted to go and prepare connor’s party with her. he treated him like his own and boy did he remind him of how fun it was to be a kid. he loved his aunt so much it was adorable.
“george. seriously, it’s okay. spend time with your family” she laughed.
“yeah, yeah. i’ll see you when you get back” he waved.
connor’s small birthday gathering was in full swing. y/n became acquainted with george’s siblings. bill, charlie, percy (whom she was actually friends with back in hogwarts), fred, ron and ginny. hermione was a very good friend of hers and so was harry. she recognized fleur from that day in the cottage as beauxbatons triwizard champion.
connor had quite a bunch of guests for his birthday. cedric, cho, luna, neville, fred, percy, ron, harry, hermione, bill and fleur and their little victorie. of course, billie and charlotte helped george and y/n fix up the party. mr. and mrs. weasley sent a small cake for connor when they heard about y/n not knowing asingle thing about cooking.
fred offered to take care of the twins and connor while george and y/n ran off somewhere. the two found themselves near a small creek. y/n explained how the cottage was where she’d go off exploring and the only person who knew was holly. she was overjoyed when her sister got the cottage she used as a hideaway.
george was surprised when there were lights and blankets and everything. the soft sounds of running water was calming.
the two were pretty intoxicated when they sat down; stumbled onto the picnic blanket. y/n was sober enough to not spill her deepest darkest secrets. george on the other hand…
“have i ever told you how pretty you are?” george mumbled next to her. y/n only snickered and blushed.
“um, can i hold your hand?” he continued, taking a look at the girl next to him.
“sure” she winked.
“you know” he started again “i actually fancied you a bit back in school”
“yeah?” she rolled over to her side “i wonder… what did you like about me?”
“i don’t even know. my heart just felt so full with you. still does, right now, holding your hand, under the stars by a stream.” he had this glint in his eye when he looks at her.
“hey,” she brushed some hair out of his face “these past few months have been great. and you’re a huge help with connor. you know i’ll always be there for you, right?”
“yeah darling,” he yawned “yeah”
“wait, george!” she sat up “no. don’t fall asleep!”
“fuck” she groaned before falling back down on the blanket.
“i think i love you” she whispered.
morning rolled around and they were still lying somewhere in the forest behind the cottage. some childish chatter and laughs were heard from where they were still sleeping soundly.
until, a red ant bit y/n and george’s intertwined hands. “ah shit!” y/n woke up from the bite. her yell also woke up the sleeping man next to her “what?! what happened?” he jumped.
“oh. did i wake you up?” she asked.
“no. it’s honestly no worries” he said “but i do have a killer headache”
“an ant bit me” she muttered, wanting to scratch it.
“hey, no don’t scratch! i’ve had a lot if experience with insect bites” he explained “want me to kiss it better?” he teased.
“oh, ha-ha” she rolled her eyes but blushed.
“we should probably head back” he checked his watch while standing up.
“ah! there the lovebirds are!” fred exclaimed.
everyone was cleaning up from last night. there were children running around while chasing balloons and each other.
“yeah,” george started “we, um, fell asleep”
“sure ya did” this time ron teased the two.
“i’m gonna clean up here,” y/n offered “you guys should go home. you know, get some rest”
cedric gasped “y/n l/n! are you kicking us out?” he said in mock offense.
“technically, yeah. i doubt connor got any sleep”
“maybe we should,” fleur said with her accent “victorie was very excited for the party she is very worn out”
george snuck behind y/n “i think i love you too” he muttered under his breath. he wasn’t sure if she heard it. she did.
“i’ll see you later, y/n!” he yelled “come on, princesses, we’re going home. we’ll see connor and y/n later”
connor and the twins hugged while y/n said thank you’s to all the guests.
maybe it wasn’t such a bad decision to ask for help.
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Could you talk about the Statute of Secrecy? Or the Ministry’s corruption in General :)
Well, those are two different things. Given that I believe I have an ask floating somewhere in my inbox on the Statute, I suppose we’ll talk about the Ministry of Magic today.
I feel like this is such a broad topic though that I’m not quite sure where to start. I guess I’ll just throw spaghetti at the internet wall and see what sticks.
The Ministry is a Reflection of Society Who Never Admitted They Were the Death Eaters
In the ministry of Harry Potter’s era the Ministry is hopelessly corrupt and filled to the brim with spies (more on this in a later section). Lucius Malfoy, very high up in an unofficial capacity in the Ministry and owner of the Ministry’s mouth piece: The Daily Prophet, was a known Death Eater with a very flimsy excuse.
How is he even able to wield so much influence, you ask? Well, I think it’s not just because of Fudge picking the wrong friends.
I think most the population probably does believe Lucius Malfoy is innocent the way Fudge does. I think it’s a very small subsection, i.e. Dumbledore’s lackies, who go “Nah, ain’t buying it.” I think that, in 1981, when it came time to reveal just how many were Death Eaters and how far this went many people just couldn’t handle it.
Because it was to the point where the nation wasn’t battling Death Eaters, Death Eaters were the nation. Look at the members, these are and were the most influential and prominent families in the country, who combined hold a non-small minority of seats in the Wizengamot. More, these were only the participants, combine those who given anti-muggle and muggleborn sentiment (which I believe are pervasive even among those who claim they fight for the rights of muggles and muggleborns) and you get a nation that is suddenly facing a huge cultural issue that was never previously acknowledged.
We’re talking an entire purge of the Wizengamot, of the Ministry, of the major families and cornerstones of this society. The Black family is completely and utterly destroyed.
People were and remain throughout the 1990′s, desperate to believe it was not as bad as it was or isn’t as bad as it is. If Lucius Malfoy says he was never really a Death Eater then he was never really a Death Eater.
The Ministry is Lousy With Corruption and Spies
What’s hilarious to me is not only is the Ministry incompetent. It is positively flooded with spies. Given the ministry’s overbloated, it’s not even a sizeable minority of employees, but nonetheless every major department has at least one person (if not more) who works for somebody else.
Most work for Tom Riddle. He seems to have intelligence in every department. Through Lucius, who is working pretty much as an unofficial aide to Fudge, he has access to Fudge, complete control of the Daily Prophet, and a voice on the Hogwarts’ board of governors.
Through Rockwood, Tom has direct access to the Department of Mysteries which Lucius is then able to take full advantage of.
Lucius is able to set up an ambush in the Department of Mysteries, getting escaped convicts into the building with the none the wiser, and, had his sole purpose not been a prophecy that only Harry Potter and the Dark Lord can touch, he would have been able to take what he liked. (Though it was always odd to me that the plan was to get Harry Potter to do it, when the better solution would have been to polyjuice Tom Riddle into someone else, set up a tour with the department, and then Tom wanders off conveniently to pick up the prophecy. My theory, I suppose, is that chasing after the prophecy was mostly an exercise in punishing Lucius. And then Lucius fucked up.)
And of course, in book seven, Tom Riddle makes a puppet minister. Point being, to me, it always said a lot that in Book Seven Tom just sort of walks into the building and says, “I’m in charge now” and everyone says “okay”. There was no second Wizarding War, it was a bloodless coup that met zero resistance from anyone but angry school children. 
But that’s Tom’s spies, we also have other spies. Who am I talking about, Dumbledore’s folks of course.
Shacklebolt, Moody, Tonks, and Arthur Weasley are all spies, they just don’t have the introspection to even realize it (which really tells you something about the state of corruption in the ministry). They all work for the ministry, yes, but they in fact pass on information to and serve another master, whose goals do not always align with the government and was a hop skip and a jump away from overthrowing the government at any given moment.
And they don’t even really realize they’re doing this! There doesn’t even seem to be a thought of “I’m doing this for the greater good”, they don’t seem to acknowledge that what they’re doing is very very very bad. Arthur, in fact, is appalled when Percy refuses to do this (well, he’s upset for a lot of reasons, such as that he thinks Percy is spying on Arthur for the minister, but in there is also that Percy refuses to help out with the Order or follow Dumbledore without question). 
Harry paints the Dumbledore’s Army threat that Umbridge saw as something utterly ridiculous, but honestly if I was the ministry I would be worried about this. Dumbledore’s people have infiltrated the ministry just as deeply and badly as the Death Eaters, Dumbledore’s known for recruiting children into his vigilante organization, I don’t know what he’s doing with an army of schoolchildren but I can smell a coup coming.
Anyway, I’m getting off track, point being though that corruption is not only expected and accepted by the ministry, they cannot recognize what it even is. They’re at the point where paying bribes is allocated in their budget.
I Don’t Blame the Ministry For Not Thinking Tom Riddle Was Anti-Jesus
Fudge is designed to get a lot of flack for his outright denial that Voldemort had returned from the dead. He, and other denier characters, are meant to be fools with their heads in the sand who can’t see the obvious.
I ask what about it was obvious?
The only witness to Tom Riddle’s resurrection, Harry Potter, has a known history of erratic behavior.
The previous year, he’d performed illegal magic on his muggle aunt and run away from home. During the previous school year, Harry was revealed to be a parselmouth in a time when the Chamber of Secrets was presumably opened and the mystery was never fully solved (remember, that it was a possessed Ginny never comes to light for more than a few people.) Beyond that, since his first day of school, Harry is routinely in and out of detention, constantly out after curfew, and only seems to not be in serious trouble because he’s openly favored by Dumbledore (who gives him hundreds of points for breaking one of his school rules, during the Philosopher’s Stone fiasco in first year). In 1994, Harry is entered into the Tri-Wizard Tournament under very suspicious circumstances.
We know why all this happens to Harry but from the outside he looks like a delinquent. In fact, he kind of is a delinquent. 
Point being, the only witness is not only Harry Potter (who is already sketch) but it’s Harry Potter holding a dead body of a rival in the tournament.
And he’s claiming that a man who has been nearly fifteen years dead, a man who held the nation in terror and Harry Potter is beloved for destroying, has returned from the grave and conveniently murdered Cedric.
Why is Cedric dead? Well, you see, he and Harry both touched the goblet at the same time because they were going to share the reward. The goblet, a national treasure, was turned into a portkey so that Voldemort could kidnap him.
Why didn’t Voldemort just kidnap him at any other point during the year where he’s guaranteed not to get tag a longs or the wrong kid? Uh... VOLDEMORT IS BACK (for the record, I think it’s because Barty got hung up on the goblet scheme and was determined to ruin his father’s day.)
Where is Voldemort at this very moment? Being evil, somewhere, that is not right here. No, Harry has zero evidence this happened.
Frankly, I wouldn’t believe Harry either.
And when Dumbledore goes about promoting this as sound evidence that Tom Riddle has in fact returned, it starts to get even sketchier. Rather than sounding the alarm, Dumbledore is using this boy’s madness to stir the public into a panic that he, perhaps, plans to take advantage of.
After Dumbledore does that, I would suspect that, even if Harry does give me a memory of the graveyard scene that his head had been tampered with by Dumbledore.
And it’s so convenient that, of all the names Harry picked, it’s Voldemort who killed Cedric. It seems like a ploy to not only deflect the fact that he murdered Cedric but 
Harry’s very upset when some don’t take him at his word but Harry’s also a dumbass and a psychopath. He hates everyone who doesn’t agree with him.
More importantly, necromancy isn’t a thing in the Harry Potter universe. People don’t rise from the dead. Horcruxes exist, but they’re extremely rare, and it seems like no one ever really makes use of them.
So, yeah, not unreasonable that Fudge didn’t immediately go, “My god, Voldemort has risen from the dead! LIGHT THE BEACONS AND SUMMON ROHAN!”
So yeah, it’d take me seeing Voldemort waltzing through the Department Mysteries to go “... Goddammit, this man is more unkillable than Sheev Palpatine.”
After the Epilogue, I am Certain It’s Still the Same Damn Ministry
People hate the epilogue, but in a way, I love it, because it confirms many of my headcanons: these people don’t learn a goddamn thing.
Nothing in their society seems to have changed. Instead of one set of families holding all the power it’s now a new set of families and friends holding all the power. The difference being that they are now all in some way connected to Harry Potter.
Nepotism’s still the name of the game, we still see only human children boarding the Hogwarts Express so you know shit hasn’t changed for the goblins, Draco Malfoy’s alive and well and holds a position in the Ministry that Kingsly graciously allows him to have, it’s just now you have Hermione writing all your laws for you.
The Wizarding World is still the Wizarding World in every single capacity. The only difference is that Voldemort is dead again. Hooray.
Harry and friends simply don’t have the introspection to even realize it.
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plant-flwrs · 4 years
a secret santa proposal // george weasley
a/n: i think this and one more with neville are my last christmas fics! just winter themed ones after that! i actaully love this fic so much, i’ve always been so intrigued by the next generation of weasley kids and this is the first fic i’ve gotten to include them in (plus teddy lupin because i couldn’t help myself). as always, thank you so much for reading <33
(implied female reader)
summary: George gets you the perfect secret Santa gift
George had gone to Diagon Alley nearly every day this week. His feet hurt when he got home from walking all day, and at some point, he even got some windburn on his lips.
You and George were due at the burrow on Friday for a Christmas dinner. A Christmas dinner that would end with secret Santa gift exchanges.
You had picked Ginny, deciding to get her a lovely scarf and matching cardigan almost right after finding out you got her. George, however, was having a little more difficulty.
George wanted this year’s gift to be perfect. He felt even more pressure knowing you’d be opening his gift in front of his entire family, rather than in the privacy of the flat you shared.
“Honey, come back to bed,” you groaned when you felt his weight shift off the bed, patting your hand on his now empty side of the bed.
“I can’t, shops open soon,” he grumbled, shuffling into the bathroom at the ungodly hour it was.
He had been refusing to tell you who he got, insisting that the secret part was the most fun of it all. You rolled your eyes but indulged his secrecy. This, however, was getting too much. You wanted a lay-in with your boyfriend, for god’s sake.
George walked against the wind- scarf pulled over his lips after learning his lesson- as he neared the shop he had been looking for. 
It was a muggle jewelry shop. 
The idea had come to him the second he picked your name, but something in him was making him second guess himself. You had been dating for four years, you were serious adults, and he loved you more than anything in his life. Still, he had doubts.
What if you thought Christmas engagements were cheesy? What if you thought he was going too fast? What if you walked out and left him at his family home on his knee?
George paced in front of the shop, glancing at the door and reaching out to open it every once and a while only to retract his hand. Eventually, he worked up the nerve and opened the door. If he was this nervous to even enter the shop, how would he choose a ring? How the hell would he manage to propose? 
Once inside, he took off his beanie and shook his hair out, glancing around the store. It was warm and quiet, filled with dazzling amounts of jewelry. 
All the hesitation he had felt left him at once, and he knew he had to do this. He knew this was right, and he knew fairly quickly which ring he was going to get you. He left, walking along the street and back to the Three Broomsticks. He entered Diagon Alley, determined to now find a decent fake gift. 
On Friday night, you closed the tin for some cookies you had been baking all day, wrapping the tin in a deep red bow. You tucked it under your arm, lifting the gift bag with yours and George’s secret Santa gifts. George was waiting for you in the living room, dressed in a handsome sweater and brown corduroy pants, smiling widely at you. 
George had been frighteningly happy recently, though you supposed he was just in the Christmas spirit.
You apparated to the Weasley house, just outside the front door. You raised your hand to knock, but George was already slamming it open with the full force of his shoulder. You followed him inside, glancing apologetically at Molly as she rushed over to hug you both. 
“Finally!” she released George and moved onto you, hugging you with a strong grip, “My babies are all home!”
You noticed everyone else had already arrived, gathered around the ground floor of the house. Teddy Lupin and Victoire stood in the kitchen with Fleur and Bill, laughing while Bill hid bits and pieces of food in his wife’s hair. Ron and Hermione sat on the couch with Rose bundled in Hermione’s arms, Ron waving his fingers in her face with a dazed look on his own. Harry bounced James on his knee as he sat at the table next to Ginny, who cradled Albus in her hands as she and Harry listened to Arthur talk about his new muggle discoveries. Percy was standing behind his mother, holding his daughter’s hand as she swayed on her feet, just learning to walk.
Molly held your arms, looking down at what you had brought.
“Did you make these, dear?” she took the tin from your hands, smiling wider when you nodded and brought them to the kitchen. 
George took the gift bag from you and moved it to the tree, making his greetings at everyone he passed.
You went to the kitchen, catching Bill’s eye and smiling back at him.
“Y/n!” he called, spreading his arms out to you and pulled you into him. You hugged Fleur, picking the food from her hair as she scolded Bill jokingly. 
“Hey Teddy,” you said, placing a hand on the top of his head, “you’ve gotten so tall!”
It was true, the young boy had already shot up like a bean-post, the top of his head stopping at your waist. His bright blue hair stood out even more the higher it got. He looked strikingly like his parents, you thought, with a sad smile.
“Hullo,” he said joyously, leaning into your side and giving you a hug.
“Hiya, Aunt Y/n,” Victoire called from beside Teddy, though a good size smaller, and coming to your other side to clutch at your legs as she hugged you.
“What’re you guys making?” you asked them, looking at the food scattered across the counter Victoire could barely see over. You lifted her up, balancing her on your hip and still keeping a hand on Teddy’s head.
“No idea,” Bill joked from beside you, now putting food in Victoire’s strawberry blonde hair, “having too much fun to care.”
You laughed, and Teddy looked up from your side at Victoire’s now food covered hair. Fleur reached over Bill to swat his hands away, cleaning her daughter’s hair.
“I brought those cookies you guys like,” Bill, Teddy, and Victoire’s eyes lit up, all of them looking around to find them.
“After dinner, you lot,” Molly said as she came into the kitchen, swatting the back of Bill’s head.
She came to your side, reaching for Victoire, and you gladly shifted her over. Teddy seemed consumed in whatever he was making, his brows furrowed in concentration. You left the kitchen, going to the kitchen table where Harry, Ginny, and Arthur still were, along with the children.
James’ face lit up once he saw you, and he held his arms out to you with grabbing hands. He nearly wiggled out of Harry’s grip, and Harry seemed all too happy to hand him over to you once you sat down next to Ginny.
“Hey, love,” she said, bending to kiss your cheek in greeting. You kissed hers, smiling widely at Harry and Arthur. You leaned down to kiss James’ cheek too, sending him into a fit of giggles that made Harry swoon from beside you.
“How are you, James?” you cooed at him, only to be answered with baby noises. You knew it wasn’t approved of, but you did have favorites. Teddy and James had a special place in your heart.
Arthur balanced his chin on his palm, gazing at his grandchildren.
“Happy Christmas,” he said, smiling at you and James.
“Happy Christmas,” you said back, now looking over at Albus who was sleeping in Ginny’s arms.
“Oi,” she said, leaning forward to look at her husband, “your turn, Potter.”
Harry chuckled, standing to retrieve Albus gently from his wife. 
“I’m gonna put him upstairs, let him get his rest,” Harry whispered, even though it made no difference compared to the noisy house around them.
Ginny nodded, looking happy to have empty arms for a second. James was still content in your arms, so you decided to stay for a moment, at least until Harry came back. James seemed to have other plans though, eventually making grabbing hands at his grandfather. Arthur seemed to have been waiting for this moment, immediately lighting up and reaching for James. You stood, obliging James’ wishes, and bent to talk to Ginny.
“I’ll be right back, gonna go say ‘hi’ to Ron and Hermione,” Ginny only hummed in response, busy watching her son sit on her father’s lap.
You walked into the living room, where Ron was now holding Rose. Hermione seemed to be sifting through a very full diaper bag, and you wouldn’t be surprised if it had an extending charm. 
“Hey, Y/n,” Ron said when he saw you, his tired face lifting in an energetic smile.
Your eyes moved to the spit-up on his shoulder, and you smiled back at him, amused at his joy.
“Hi, happy Christmas,” you said sitting next to Ron so you could look at Rose. 
“Oh,” Hermione looked up, holding a clean towel in her hands, “hello, dear, didn’t see you.” 
You smiled at her, leaning over Ron to squeeze her hand in somewhat of a greeting. You looked at Rose, fast asleep in Ron’s arms.
“Harry’s just put Albus to sleep upstairs, I’m sure you could put Rose up there, too, if you wanted,” you whispered, careful not to wake the baby.
“Did he?” Hermione said hopefully, then she cast a knowing look at Ron.
“Up I go,” he said with no hesitation, standing carefully from the couch.
Hermione slumped down, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, “This shit is hard.”
You both laughed, and eventually, Ginny and George joined you in the living room.
Ginny held a glass of what looked like an alcoholic drink, smirking at Hermione’s pained look. “Stopped breastfeeding the other day. Good to be back,” Ginny downed her drink, laughing more when Hermione groaned in what you assumed was jealousy.
George had settled into the couch next to you, wrapping his arm around you as he cradled a beer in his hand. You took it from him, stealing a sip and laughing at his groan that was similar to Hermione’s.
“Y/n!” three pairs of stomping feet sounded into the living room, matched with happy giggles. Teddy stood in front of you, James’ tiny hand clutched in his as he helped him stand and walk. Teddy was more dragging James than letting him walk on his own, but Ginny nor James seemed to mind. Victoire was not far behind, stumbling on her own feet as she crashed into your legs.
George picked her up, settling her on his lap and delving into a discussion about how pretty her dress was.
“I made this for you,” Teddy said, holding out a gingerbread cookie that was dripping in enormous amounts of frosting.
“Wow,” you said, carefully taking the cookie, “Teddy, this looks amazing.”
He smiled proudly, barely noticing James retracting his hand and crawling over to his mother. Teddy simply crawled into your lap, nearly too big to do so, and looked down at the cookie in your hands.
“Will you try it?” he said, smiling widely.
You looked down at the cookie, then at Teddy. It looked like a stomach ache waiting to happen, and you tried to think of an excuse not to eat it without hurting his feelings. Suddenly, however, George was leaning over and taking a large bite from the cookie. He then stole the rest of the cookie with his free hand, holding it up to your face. You playfully scolded him, then smiled sweetly at Teddy. George only made you take a small bite, holding out one of the legs with the littlest amount of frosting. You ate it, moaning in delight and nodding your head at Teddy. He swelled with pride, smiling smugly up at you.
You all sat in the living room like that until Molly called everyone to dinner. The table had been moved outside, per usual, and extended to fit everyone. Molly was a firm believer in not having a kid’s table, so the children who could walk rushed to their desired seats. Arthur and Percy sat at the heads of the table, and everyone scattered from there. You and George sat in the middle, and George had to rush to beat James from stealing his spot next to you. Teddy sat to your left, George to your right, and when you weren’t cutting Teddy’s food, George was jokingly pestering you to cut his. 
The dinner was as lively as always, and the cold air was barred away by a spell Arthur had done around the house. 
Soon, it was time for secret Santa. Molly magically cleared the table, something that made Teddy swoon beside you, and then magically transported all the gifts to the table. She levitated the first one from the bag, and the exchanges started from there. 
Fleur had been your secret Santa, and she got you a compilation of books you had mentioned wanting. You thanked her from across the table, showing Teddy and reading to him what he didn’t understand. You watched everyone else get their presents, going one at a time, and finally, with no presents left, Molly levitated your gift to Ginny from the bag.
Ginny smiled widely and immediately put on both the cardigan and the sweater, standing and coming to hug you from behind. 
Soon, a large box wrapped in white paper was levitated in front of you. You hadn’t been keeping track of who’s gifts were from who, even though you should have been, and unwrapped the box quickly. Inside was a lovely, blooming plant with bright flowers and a lovely ceramic pot. You lifted it carefully, hearing Molly gasp in delight when she saw it. Then, you heard a round of gasps and looked up from the plant, confused as to why everyone was so surprised by some flowers.
You quickly understood, though, that they had not gasped at the flowers.
Beside you, with his chair pushed away and on his knee, George propped open a small box. It held a gorgeous ring, and you felt your eyes water before you could even take a breath. You hadn’t let him get a word in, and you knew he had a whole speech planned, and collapsed out of your chair and into George’s arms.
He stumbled, nearly falling backward, but wrapped his arms around you. You pulled away, only enough to see the ring he cradled in between your chests, and let out a happy sob. George did too, and you looked up to see his cheeks were wet. You pressed your forehead to his, wiping his cheeks and laughing. You kissed him, hard, but barely managed to because you couldn’t stop smiling. 
He pulled away, carefully holding your hand in his shaking hands, and slid the ring onto your finger. You heard clapping around you, and you remembered the rest of your family there. Hermione and Molly had tears running down their faces, and all the children were bouncing in their seats with the energy, not entirely sure of what was happening. Ginny was by your side first, hugging you again, and then George. This broke the flood gates and soon everyone was wrapping either you or George in their arms.
You longed to touch George, but hugged everyone back, just the same, until finally, you could hug your fiancé. 
“Happy Christmas,” George said, his face buried in your neck as he hugged you tightly.
“Happy Christmas,” you replied, holding your arm out and looking at your ring from behind George’s back. “God, George, you have impeccable taste.”
He laughed, pulling apart from you and gazing down at you, “Don’t I know it.”
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anac-arb · 3 years
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Now sixth year:
Harry, the Weasleys and Hermione getting a short letter from Theo telling them not to write to Draco in the summer.
Draco through his DA coin: Well, here goes nothing.
Harry: what? What did you do??
Hermione: Are you all right?
Ron: Mate?
Ginny: give us more bondie!!!
None of them getting anything back and Theo only knowing he’s alive. All being worried especially after seeing him on the prophet. Harry, Ron and Hermione seeing him in Diagon Alley and following him.
Harry via coin: WTF Malfoy
Draco: You’ll get me killed idiot
Harry being Harry following him on the train anyway. Pansy and Blaise knowing something is off with their friends but not knowing what exactly. Draco throwing Harry a light jinxing spell after everyone is gone.
Harry: hey! What was that for!?
Draco: You are as sly as wounded erumpent Potter.
Harry: They didn’t know I was here...
Draco: They are 16 year olds with gossip on their mind.
Harry: Point. You ok?
Draco: Not here. R.O.R. After dinner.
Draco explaining what his mission is.
Hermione: It’s madness! It’s a suicide mission.
Draco: Yeah well, I’m sure he doesn’t expect me to succeed.
Ron: Bloody hell..
Harry: So what now?
Draco telling them about the cabinet, Hermione offering to help him fix it and planning the next steps.
Dumbledore telling Draco to go along with his mission and not to worry (like that’d be possible).
Hermione spending a lot of time with Draco in the room of requirements. After Ron starts dating Lavender, Hermione starting to realize she has feeling for Draco. Draco knowing he’s in love with her but being too afraid to make a move and thinking the timing couldn’t be worse.
Theo developing fake spells to simulate the unforgivables. Pansy and Blaise finally confronting them after catching them practicing the spells in a deserted classroom.
Pansy: Ok. What in Merlin’s saggy balls is going on here!
Draco: Seriously Pansy, your mom knows you talk like that?
Pancy: You bloody well know she does not.
Blaise: You are both acting weird since last year.
Theo (in a pitchy voice): Have we? Have we really?
Blaise and Pansy just raising one eyebrow at the same time.
Draco: Just stay out of it.
Blaise: When have you ever stayed out of our problems mate?
Pansy: Are you dating some mudbloods or something?
Draco’s wand racing to her face.
Theo: well fuck.
After some fighting and a lot of cursing and complaining on Pansy’s part, Blaise and her reassuring them that they would keep their secret and assist if completely necessary.
Pansy: You think I’d side with my parents? My father would probably sell me off to the biggest buyer and my mother only notices me when there is something to chastise me for.
Blaise: You had my back first year when people teased me about my name or becoming my next stepfather. You have mine now.
Pansy: Let’s face it Draco, the only one with decent parents around here is you, and your dad’s in prison.
Theo: Poor little rich kids, huh?
Blaise: Well, one day we’ll be emotionally unavailable billionaires. So there’s that.
Draco being questioned on christmas break about his progress. Being afraid he’s been cought, living in constant fear and worry for his mother and not being able to save her or his friends when the time comes. Feeling in his soul every unforgivable that Bellatrix makes him practice even if is on rats. Being subjected to constant leggilimance and feeling his aunt’s doubts of him.
Harry finding him in the bathroom having a panic attack. Draco telling him they need to enact more fight, like they did last year when he was in the I.S.
Harry stupidly using the sectumsempra while they stage a fight in the bathroom. (Not sure about this). Snape saving Draco.
Harry sneaking to the infirmary and begging him to forgive him.
Draco: Hey, is payback for mocking you, Scarface.
Harry: I bet you wish you could tell your thirteen year old self not to tag along with us, huh?
Draco: Actually...I’ve been thinking the exact opposite lately.
Harry: Why?
Draco: Think about it. I mean, what if we were still on opposite sides. I’d still be where I am, but for all the wrong reasons.
Harry: I don’t think you’d ever want to kill someone Draco. Even back then you were just an insufferable twat, but never evil.
Draco: He has my mother at his mercy Potter. I would have tried my best. Before third year all the people I cared about were on the other side. For her, I would have done it.
Harry: Doing something for love is not the wrong reason, Malfoy.
Draco: Maybe...I guess I just...this has been the worst year of my life Potter, but at least, if I survive this..
Harry: When.
Draco:...when I survive this, I’ll know I was on the right side, that it was for something other than fear. And if I don’t at least she..you all know the truth.
Harry:Don’t worry, I’m sure Hermione know you’re secretly stupidly brave.
Draco: How..
Harry: Please, even I’m not that dense!
Draco disarming Dumbledore because he doesn’t fight back as “planed”. Snape killing him. Draco following him in shock and fearing the worst.
All the others freaking out and scared shitless thinking Snape can rat Draco out, sad about Dumbledore, planning next year’s horcrux hunting and all that.
Draco via coin: Alive.
(I tried color again, some of the background came from photos and I know it doesn’t look great but my patience for little details sucks. Hope you enjoy it anyway! Love to all)
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official-weasley · 3 years
Meant to Be (Charlie Weasley x OC)
What happens when Bill brings home a girl and Charlie is completely awestruck by her?
WARNINGS: curse words, mentions of alcohol, SMUT
A/N: This chapter contains a rather long sexy scene (probably the longest I have ever written and well..it’s…juicy. I had a day, okay. BYE 🙈)
Chapter 14
3 months later…
“Charlie, you got a minute?” I stopped in front of the Admission Office.
“Of course, Ernie. Got something for me?” I grinned at him.
“A letter from your brother.” He handed me the envelope. “What got you all cheered up today?”
“What do you mean?” I kept looking at the letter.
After all these months it still felt amazing getting a couple of letters per week from Bill.
“I heard you whistling walking here. You only whistle when you’re in a really good mood.” He smirked.
“It’s the first Saturday in August, Ernie. You know what that means!” I couldn’t hide the smile that spread across my face.
I can’t believe Ernie noticed when I whistle.
The truth is, I don’t recall the last time I was this happy. The mating season was over. Bill and I were on speaking terms again. Just last month I was able to see all my siblings and my parents again.
We had a family reunion and Bill and I got Ron drunk by accident. We had two bottles on the table. One with wine and the other with apple juice and we forgot to check the bottle before pouring him a drink.
He, of course, didn’t say anything and after two glasses he was hammered. Bill and I couldn’t stop laughing at the way he spoke and he was so tipsy. He tried getting up and almost fell flat on his face and then found it so funny that he fell off the bench we were sitting on.
It wasn’t funny when mum found us and saw something was wrong. Bill tried to distract her but failed and she figured us out. She made us take Ron to bed and then we planned to hide in the attic with the ghoul but mum found us and she shouted in our faces for a solid hour. I felt as if I was 12 again.
When she stopped she made us go down and wait on our family members for the rest of the night. Before we did, we made an excuse that we need to use the toilet and we locked ourselves in the bathroom on the middle floor and started laughing so hard I thought I won’t be able to catch a breath. We might be 23 and 25, which is way too old to make mum so mad, but we didn’t care. We were having the time of our lives.
I can’t begin to describe how happy it made me that I could hang out with Bill again. With my siblings. To get a bone-crushing hug from Ginny and play chess with Ron. It’s indescribable. For the first time since I started working in Romania, I wanted to plan my days off to go and see them again and I was loving it.
I was finally myself again. Talking to my family. Supporting and being there for my siblings. Teasing Bill for being so in love and having the best job in the world. I even made myself a bookshelf and I am slowly filling it with books.
My routine in the Sanctuary is more or less the same. I wake up. Make myself a coffee and go watch the sunrise. I am no longer overthinking if Rhylee’s going to be there and if she is, we simply watch the sun showing itself from behind the mountains together.
I didn’t think I would be able to be friends with her after what happened at her place that night but we grew even closer. She was one of my best friends. That didn’t mean my feelings for her faded away. But they were easier to bear now that I didn’t feel guilty for being in love with her.
I have come to terms that I will never call her mine. It was painful, I am not going to lie about that but at least I can move on and not overthink her every move.
Bill and my friends in the Reserve all think that I should tell her how I feel but every time they try and persuade me I stop them. I made a mistake telling my mates what Bill told me about Nick. Ever since I did they are trying to do everything to bring me and Rhylee together. At first, I wanted to kill them but now I just find it amusing.
I am proud of myself for how much I’ve grown. I feel more mature and I see things differently. I see what matters and I push myself to do things that make me happy. I read more. I run. I train Aami and Bean, that’s the name Rhylee decided to give our albino Short-Snout. I hang out with my friends and advise my siblings. I really couldn’t ask for more.
The fact that I am still awestruck every time I see Rhylee or that my heart wants to escape my ribcage every time she laughs or looks at me, is just a minor inconvenience now. I can deal with that with everything else being so great. I wouldn’t change my current life for anything in the world if it means I make my family happy and I can hang out with my friends while having the best job.
At first, I wanted to fight my feelings. Push them down. Get rid of them somehow. But I quickly realized that I can’t change them and that it’s pointless to think they are simply going away. I have meaningless sex and even though it’s never as it was with Rhylee, it still counts as a fun night and it’s a good distraction.
I might get lucky and find myself a girl to settle down with one day. For now, I was happy with the things being as they were. It wasn’t perfect but it was much much better compared to the painful loop I was in before.
“I’ll be damned!” Ernie’s voice brought me back to reality. “I forgot about the party tonight!” He slammed his hand at his forehead. “Thanks, Charlie for reminding me! Can you imagine me forgetting about it?” He shook his head.
“Ernie, if it’s going to be anything like last year, just the music and us being all over the place would remind you soon enough.” I laughed.
Every year, in the first week of August we had a party. We invited everybody from the neighboring wizard villages and there was always someone that borrowed something Muggles call speakers. We decorate the central area of our village with lights and put tables and chairs around it so it looks like a dance floor. We hang the speakers from the trees and we help with the cooking throughout the day.
The party officially begins the second we are done with work and the music starts playing. It’s something we all look forward to all summer. Theo has been talking about it for two weeks now. He made an entire plan on getting us all so wasted that if he asked Gerta out again, we won’t remember how she slaps him in the face.
“You’re right, mate! I’ll see you there!” Ernie started putting papers together. “I have to clean up the office early if I want to make it to the party in time!”
“Want me to help you? I just finished working.” I offered.
“Oh, no! You go get all nice and ready, so you can dance with the ladies!” He laughed and I followed.
“Will do, Ernie. Will do.” I waved to him and started walking toward my home.
People were already running left and right, checking if everything is ready. I unlocked my front door and closed it with my foot while opening Bill’s letter.
Dear Charlie,
I know you’re going to be busy this weekend with your big party and everything, but I just had to write to you about this.
I bought a wedding ring for Fleur today. I am planning on asking her to marry me this weekend. I am taking her to the beach near Shell Cottage. Dad said that perhaps we could even buy it if we ask aunt Muriel nicely. I don’t want to get my hopes up but I can imagine myself living with Fleur there.
I am planning a romantic picnic and popping the question by the end of the night! I would love your opinion on the matter but I sent out this letter too late for your owl to reach me with your answer. Perhaps while you’re reading this, I’m already engaged!
Can you feel how nervous I am through my letter?
Anyways, I just needed to share that with you!
Wish me luck!
Oh, and have fun at the party! Please have the time of your life and don’t hold back in case anything ought to happen, if you know what I mean!
Love, Bill
Merlin’s beard, he is getting engaged! It was Saturday, so either he is already or he will be soon!
I jumped in the air in the middle of my living room that’s how happy I was for him. I hope they can convince aunt Muriel to sell them Shell Cottage. We used to go there as kids and it’s a wonderful place to start a family.
I blinked as I felt my eyes water. I wish I had the time to write him back and tell him how fucking proud I am of him for doing this and that I think Fleur will be thrilled for how he is planning to propose. I can’t wait for them to have babies so I can be an uncle!
What was I doing?
I put the letter down and scratched my head. I was so excited for my brother that I completely forgot.
Party! Right!
I hurried to take a shower and then opened my closet to see what I could wear. I didn’t wear jeans for ages. So let’s go with that and a buttoned shirt. I checked myself out in the small mirror in the bathroom and combed my hair with my fingers. As much as I could comb it. My hair was untamable.
I think I look pretty good! Not that it matters as I knew Theo is going to get us all drunk in about 15 minutes! I locked the door behind me and started walking toward the music.
“There he is!” Andrew raised his glass at me the second he spotted me.
“Look at you being all handsome!” Theo put a hand over my shoulder the second I sat down.
“Are you flirting with me, Theodore?” I winked at him. “My place or yours?”
“Damn, Charles. Is that how you flirt with women because if I wasn’t married I would go with you right now.” Peter laughed.
“I would love to, Weasley. But I am going home with Gerta tonight!” Theo was determined.
“Really?” Andrew and John asked together before bursting out laughing.
“We should get one of those Muggle devices that capture what is going on. So that even if none of us remembers tonight we could watch it in the morning.” Evan said.
“I will stay sober just to see Theo get slapped by Gerta!” Peter smirked.
“You’re already tipsy, boss.” Andrew obviously didn’t believe Peter will stay sober.
“Damn, you’re right.” Peter said after a few seconds of thinking about it.
We all started laughing.
Three hours later our table had 3 empty bottles of Fire Whiskey on it, more empty beer bottles than one could count and the waitress just brought another round. To say that we were completely hammered was an understatement.
We were laughing at something, tears running down my face. I am pretty confident none of us knew what the joke was or who told it.
“Theodore, there you are damn it!” Our faces got serious the second we comprehended who was standing in front of us.
“Gerta, love!” Theo stood up, knocking a few bottles off the table.
“I am just wasted enough to say yes to you. Now come with me before I change my mind!”
I have no idea how Theo fancied this woman. I was terrified of her. Even her harsh voice scared me.
We all watched Theo and Gerta going towards her hut with our mouths open.
“Please, tell me one of us will be able to remember that in the morning!” Peter whined.
“I don’t think I could forget this if I drank the entire alcohol stash in the Sanctuary.” Andrew said slowly.
He looked like he was about to throw up.
“What is happening?” Evan, who was sleeping, leaned on his crossed arms, lifted his head.
“Gerta just took Theo home.” I answered, still in shock.
“What?!” I thought his eyes were going to fall out of their sockets and I think it’s safe to say he just sobered up.
“Look, Charlie!” Peter and John leaned against me. “It’s Rhylee.” They sang together.
“So?” I rolled my eyes.
I knew this was coming. I was hoping they would be too drunk to remember to tease me about her, but apparently, they weren’t there yet.
“Come on! Go and dance with her!” John tried pushing me to stand up but he was too weak.
It was funny how I was the youngest but did the best with alcohol.
“Give me a break, mates.” I pretended to look through the bottles to see if there was one that wasn’t opened yet.
“C’mon! She has been eyeing you all night!” Peter said. “Have some fun, will you!”
I sighed and got up. I knew they wouldn’t stop until I would go and ask her to dance. And to be perfectly honest, I was too drunk to care or to feel nervous about it.
I made my way to her. Surprised that I wasn’t tipsy at all.
“Hi.” I waved at her awkwardly. “Want to dance?”
“Sure!” She grinned and stood up at once.
I haven’t noticed how drunk she was until we reached the dance floor and she started hugging me. We danced to a few songs and I didn’t even dare to look at the table where my friends were sitting. They would probably start cheering.
The next song was a slow one. Shit! Who’s idea was this?
Rhylee pulled me closer, our bodies slamming against each other and if I wasn’t so steady on my feet we would collapse to the ground. She wrapped her arms around my waist and brought her face closer to mine.
“You look very handsome tonight.” She winked at me.
Okay, I think it’s time to take her home. She is drunk and doesn’t know what she’s saying.
“Thanks. You look great too.” I didn’t know what else to say.
Of course, she looked great. She was gorgeous. But I’m not going to admit that to her.
I didn’t like the way she was looking at me. Not one bit. It’s the same look she was giving me all night the night we had sex at the Burrow and I am not going through that again. I might not be hurting anyone this time but she was in a relationship.
“Let’s get you home, shall we.” I smiled at her and hugged her over the shoulder.
“No! Why?” She tried to stop me. “We just started dancing. Come on, Charlie! Loosen up a bit!” She got so close to me that if I wouldn’t move my head backward we would kiss.
This was getting out of hand.
She wrapped her hands around me again. How was she so strong if she was as drunk as she appeared to be? I sighed and we danced through one more song.
“Okay, now you can take me home.” Her whispering in my ear sent shivers down my spine.
We were slowly making our way through the crowd, toward her cottage when I remembered that I never opened the present she got me for Christmas at the Burrow. I have no idea why it popped in my head but I was just drunk enough not to care and admit to her that I lost it.
“Hey, Rhy?” I cleared my throat.
“Yes?” Her eyes were too hopeful for my liking.
“Do you remember the present you gave me for Christmas when we met?” She simply hummed in response.
I felt my cheeks turn pink. This was embarrassing. After what happened between us and she gave me the little package, I simply tossed it in my bag. I don’t remember where I put it once I got back to Romania and I don’t even know why we are talking about it now but apparently drunk Charlie’s curiosity got the better of him and wants to know what’s inside.
“I never got the chance to open it and I misplaced it somehow. What was inside?” I said as quickly as I could.
I didn’t want to offend her for losing it.
“What?” She laughed.
“What was inside the little box?” I repeated the question.
“Where did you lose it?” She ignored me.
“It has to be somewhere in my cottage if I didn’t toss it in the trash by accident.” I scratched my chin, thinking hard where it could be.
“Well, let’s go then!” She grabbed my hand and started walking.
“Where are you taking me?” I chuckled.
“We are going to search your place for my present!” She bestowed me with the biggest grin I have ever seen.
She seemed so pleased with her idea.
“Now?” I chortled.
“Yes!” She exclaimed. “The gift might be silly but we got to see what I got you!”
“You don’t remember?” I raised my eyebrows at her and she stopped walking for a second.
“I am not sure.” She said slowly after a few seconds. “Come on, Charlie! It’ll be fun!”
I haven’t seen her this relaxed and happy in months. She grabbed my hand and started walking towards my cottage again. She was so excited to do this that I simply couldn’t deny her the satisfaction of finding the little box. And to be completely honest, I didn’t want to stop her.
“Okay, so if I was a little box, where would I be?” She put her hands on her hips, thinking hard, her eyes scanning every shelf and drawer. I started in the kitchen and she went to check the compartment in my bathroom.
After half an hour we completely trashed the place but I didn’t mind at all. I was having too much fun with her. She started throwing the clothes out of my closet, jumper after jumper and I started moving the socks away to see if I tossed it in the drawer.
I almost gave up when my fingers touched something that wasn’t fabric. I pulled out a small red box with a green bow on it. This was it!
“Rhy, I found it!” I heard her gasp.
I think she was standing inside my closet. I laughed when she poked her head out of it. She was adorable!
She hurried to me, stepping over piles of clothes, and stopped right in front of me.
“Open it.” She whispered, her eyes on the box in my hands.
I slowly removed the lid and shook the box’s contents onto my palm. I couldn’t believe it. It was a dragon scale. A dragon scale of an albino dragon.
That’s what she got me for Christmas?
I know it didn’t mean anything because she didn’t even know who she was bringing the gift to but I was still astounded. She knew I loved dragons so she got me a dragon scale. I couldn’t take my eyes off it.
“You call this a silly gift?” I breathed.
Rhylee dragged her finger across it and put it back in the box. I was so in shock at what it was that I didn’t notice how fast she was breathing. She took the box from my hand and placed it on top of my dresser.
“Rhy, are you o…”
She cupped my face and kissed me hard on the mouth. I was so startled by her action that I didn’t have the time to respond.
“I’m sorry.” She pulled away, her hand over her mouth.
“Emm…it’s okay.” I didn’t know what to say.
I just kept staring at her with my eyes wide open, trying to calm my heart down.
“I shouldn’t have done that.” I could see the panic in her eyes growing.
What the fuck am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to pretend I didn’t enjoy the kiss? Because that would be a bloody lie. I have been dreaming about kissing her again since we spent the night together at the Burrow.
Did she even know what she was doing? How drunk was she? Because that kiss definitely sobered me up! I thought we were over this. She stopped that night when I came to her place. Why did she do it now? I thought I was doing a good job being her friend. Why does she mess with me like this!
I needed every muscle in my body not to grab her hand and pull her back for another kiss. I can’t do this, can I? She has a boyfriend. Somebody will get hurt again! I can’t go through that guilt again. I can’t hurt someone else. Even if I don’t know the guy. Even if he is a prick like Bill said.
What did Bill say in his letter this morning?
Please have the time of your life and don’t hold back in case anything ought to happen, if you know what I mean!
Don’t hold back. Bill, that’s not helping!
I was trapped. I wanted to grab her hand and prevent her from leaving but at the same time, I wanted to do the right thing. My heart was beating so fast that it hurt and the look in Rhylee’s eyes wasn’t helping me decide. It was a mix of panic and hope. Hope, that I would decide for her whether or not this was a bad idea.
Of course, it’s a bad idea, Rhylee! It’s the worst possible idea.
“I have to go.” She bowed her head and started towards the door of my bedroom.
It’s a bad idea.
It is a really bad idea.
I know, damn it!
But do I care?
I stepped toward her, almost tripping over the clothes on the floor.
Do I care?
I grabbed her hand and turned her around, our bodies colliding. Her eyes slowly moved up to lock with mine. We were both breathing heavily.
Damn it, Rhylee! You can’t say my name like that. Don’t ask for me to do something.
Okay, let’s go over this again.
Is it a bad idea? Yes.
Do I care? I am just drunk enough that it’s safe to say that no, I do not.
I placed my hands around her neck and kissed her. I thought she was going to resist me. I was waiting for her to pull away. But she didn’t. She was doing quite to opposite. She parted my lips with her tongue and it gently found mine. She was kissing me back.
Merlin’s beard, this was insane! I can’t believe I forgot how good her lips felt on mine. What an amazing kisser she was. How soft her lips were and with what passion she kissed me.
I put her hands on her hips and brought us closer to the bed. With a gentle nudge, she was lying on it, that playful look in her eyes again. I climbed on top of her and wrapped my fingers around her hair and gently pulled it back so she tilted her head and revealed her neck.
I placed a soft kiss just behind her right ear and I felt her tremble. I kissed her again, not so softly this time. I started biting her neck and I felt her moving under me.
This simply can’t be wrong. It felt too right to be wrong.
I pushed myself up and started to unbutton my shirt. I looked down at her. Damn, she was so sexy. She always was but the fact that she was wearing a dress when she always wears either jeans or sweatpants was frying my brain.
“Please, fuck me, Charlie!”
Seriously, she was begging me?
Why in Godric’s Hollow did I put a shirt with so many buttons on? I don’t have time to do this! I put my hands on my chest and pulled the shirt off me. The sound of fabric ripping filled my ears and my heart started pumping even faster when I saw Rhylee’s eyes shine.
I helped her get up and pressed her against the wall. She wants me to do her, I will do it my way!
I took my precious time unzipping her dress. I could feel her getting impatient but I knew she liked the tease. If she only knew what she got herself into.
She took her arms out of her sleeves and shook her body so the dress fell off her. I turned her around, her back to the wall now, and spread her legs. She was observing my every move, curious what I was going to do next.
“Lift your arms.” I demanded and without questioning me they were above her head.
I wrapped my left hand around her wrists and pulled her underwear down with my right one. I unhooked her bra without hesitation. She was now standing in front of me, completely naked. I stuck my tongue down her throat while circling her nipple. She moaned in my mouth.
Oh, Rhylee, you haven’t felt anything yet.
I slowly moved my fingers down across her belly button, still kissing her. It didn’t really surprise me that the second my fingers ran past her clit, they drowned in her wetness. She gasped in my mouth as I started moving them in circles.
I let go of her arms now and she put them around my neck, trying to keep it together. I have to say she was doing a rather poor job.
“What is it?” I teased her when I started moving my fingers around faster and her eyes rolled back.
“Fuck…you.” She said between her moans.
“I’m a little busy focusing on you right now, Rhy.” I whispered to her.
She tried squeezing her legs together but I didn’t let her. I felt her getting tighter and I was determined not to stop until she screams from pleasure.
“Are you going to cum already?” I laughed playfully.
“I…I can’t hold it.” She cried.
“Oh, don’t hold back.” I bit the tip of her ear as her breathing got even faster.
She buried her fingers in my hair and kissed me. She was pressing hard against my lips, clutching my fingers with her soaked walls, muffling her moans with the kiss. It was pure euphoria, feeling her tremble. It brought me pleasure on another level.
“Stop.” She finally pulled herself together to talk.
“Are you sure?” I mocked her.
The look in her eyes was saying otherwise.
“It’s your turn.” She winked at me.
“Oh, I am not done with you.” I pressed her harder against the wall and placed a gentle kiss on her collar bone.
She winced, her body still sensitive to my touch.
She was speechless and her eyes were full of the wonder of what my next move will be.
“You begged me to fuck you. Don’t you know you have to think before you speak?”
I bit her neck. And her shoulder. And made a few circles with my tongue around her nipple, while playing with the other one with my finger. I kissed the scar that painted her belly. And just below the belly button. I got to my knees and spread her legs again.
I slowly ran my finger across her clit and she shivered.
“Are you ready to cum for me again?” She bit her lip and nodded in reply.
My fingers slipped back into her. This time I decided to take it more slowly. Let’s see how she likes it if I move my fingers in and out. Does that do anything?
She arched her back, scratching the wall behind her. And what if I do this?
I spread her legs just a bit more, lowered my head, and kissed her wet lips.
“Oh.” She let out a sigh.
I ran my tongue over her clit and started turning it in gentle circles. As she started breathing faster I doubled the pressure and felt her knees give in.
“Keep it together, Rhy.” I teased, my fingers still hard at work.
She grabbed my hair and pushed me back to continue my work.
“Fuck, Charlie.”
I don’t know if she was so horny or was I doing such a good job as it didn’t take her long to cum again. Her body was spasming more than before and this time she didn’t have my lips to stifle her moans. I loved how loud she was. How her pleasureful sounds filled my ears. It was like a drug.
I got up and wrapped my arms around her. She was a mess.
“Have enough yet?” I winked at her.
“No.” She giggled.
“Good.” I nodded.
I put my hands on her hips and lifted her and she automatically wrapped her legs around me. I gave her just enough space between our bodies that she unzipped my jeans and pulled them off.
She grabbed my dick, looking me straight in the eyes, and bit her lips when she placed it right in front of her juicy entrance. I don’t know what she was expecting as a surprised gasp left her mouth when I thrust in her.
She wrapped her arms around me and held tight to keep herself steady, moaning while I was rocking my hips back and forth.
Fuck, she felt good. This was insane. I knew that with all the adrenaline running through my veins, the alcohol left my head a long time ago but I still felt dizzy. I can’t believe it was even better than the last time.
I fantasized about sleeping with her more times than I would like to admit. I just couldn’t help it. She was the best I ever had. I could be myself around her. Somehow I knew exactly what she wanted and I wanted to give it to her. Badly.
I have to start thinking about something else. She felt too good and she was getting tighter again. I want to wreck her completely. I want her to forget her name and I want her to scream mine again.
“Charlie.” She moaned in my ear.
“Have enough of me yet?”
“Charlie.” She said louder.
“What is it, sweetheart?” I placed a soft kiss on her neck as I started to move my hips even faster.
“Come on, you can do it.” I encouraged her to speak.
I was too amused by how weak she was.
“Oh, my…” Her eyelids fluttered and I felt her squeezing me even more.
“Cum for me again.” I breathed.
I could watch her moan and twist from pleasure all night every night.
“Charlie, I can’t.” She finally managed to complete a full sentence.
I stopped moving my hips and froze.
“Are you okay?” I lifted her chin and made her look at me.
“Why the fuck did you stop?” Her eyes widened.
“You said you can’t, I thought…” I blinked at her.
I was so confused.
“I…” She bit her lip and looked away.
“What is it?” I tilted my head to find her eyes again.
“I never came three times before.” She mumbled so fast that I thought I heard her wrong.
“Oh.” I pressed my lips together, to stop them from spreading into a smile. “Well, do you think you could cum again?” I asked gently.
“Yes. I was close.” That naughty smile is going to be the death of me.
“Then let’s break your record, shall we?” I smirked at her and lifted her so she wrapped her legs around me again.
I entered her slowly this time and she pushed my hips more towards her immediately when she saw what I was doing.
“Don’t get slow on me now, Weasley.” She bit my lip and sent a new wave of adrenaline through my veins.
I decided to tease her just for saying that. I slowly pulled my hips back, so that only my tip was inside of her and then pushed my hips forward again with such a force that it took her breath away.
I did it again.
And again and again and again until she started screaming from pleasure again. For a second I thought she was going to pass out as her eyes sealed shut and she gasped for air between her moans. But I was determined not to stop until her body relaxes or she tells me to stop. She was doing neither.
She barely had the strength to wrap her hand around my neck so I could lift her when she stopped moaning. I took her to my bed and covered her.
“What are you doing?” She asked, her voice rusty from all the sounds she was making.
“I’m going to take a shower. You need some rest.” I winked at her.
“We need to take care of you first.” Her eyes moved from mine, down to my dick which was still hard.
“You can do that later. Now rest.” I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
I walked out of the room, straight into the shower.
Just as the hot water started running down my body, I felt her press her body against mine from behind.
“Miss me already?” I turned around and smirked.
“I told you…” She kneeled. “We have to take care of you.”
She didn’t have a chance to say anything else as she grabbed my dick and put it in her mouth. Damn, she was good at sucking dick. It was unbelievable. I was the one with weak knees now. She was moving her mouth so fast as if she wanted to get revenge for before.
I wanted to watch her doing it. I wanted to see how she chokes on my dick but I couldn’t. It felt too good and I couldn’t stop my eyes from rolling back and closing them. I buried my fingers into her wet hair and helped her move.
I loved how she enjoyed doing it. The way she was moaning and looking up at me. I can’t take it anymore. I let out a loud groan as I came, the water washing my load off her face.
“Now, I can rest.” She smirked and I helped her get up.
I turned her around, wrapped my arms around her and placed a kiss on her shoulder.
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Let No Man Steal Your Thyme - An Older Dramione Story, Part Two
Since folks seemed to like the first part (thank you so much for letting me know, by the way! It’s genuinely quite scary flinging stories into the dusky blue void of Tumblr, especially if you’re relatively new to contributing to a fandom...!!), here’s Part Two.
Draco, eight months after becoming a widower, nearly loses his son too in a vicious attack at Malfoy Manor. In the aftermath, while he’s being questioned by the aurors, there’s no one to look after little Scorpius, who just won’t stop howling. In desperation, and remembering how good Hermione had been with his kids, Harry brings the baby up to her office. In the end, the only thing that will calm the child is the soft hum of Hermione’s voice as she sings to him. Of course, that would be how Draco Malfoy finds her, wouldn’t t it? And then, eleven years later, Hermione meets him again and ends up asking him to lunch at the Leaky…
(Warnings in Part One (and in any future chapters) for past Ron/Hermione, and implied infertility. No explicit Ron-bashing, but it’s implied that their relationship couldn’t take the strain and he looked elsewhere. I may develop it later, but it won’t be a Ron-bashing fic. They’re just ultimately incompatible in this universe).
Read Part One here
Part Two - Lunch for Two at the Leaky
Hermione, being Hermione, arrived at the Leaky Cauldron just over half an hour before she was due to meet Malfoy there. After getting a large glass of dry white wine from the bar and settling into a table with a view of the doorway, she took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and then delved into her infinite handbag of holding to draw out a book.  
Twenty nine minutes later, a soft snort made her jump, and she looked up, blinking, to find Draco Malfoy towering over her table, a tiny smirk playing at the corners of his lips. “Some things never change, do they Granger?” he said. He was still in that beautiful navy blue suit that fitted him so damned perfectly he could have strolled straight out of the glossy adverts in Witch Weekly, and it made her mouth go unexpectedly dry, and her brain rather blank too.  
Her cheeks flushed and she opened her mouth, but promptly realised she had nothing to say in rebuttal, so closed it again with a click of her teeth and shrugged. “I guess not.”
“You want another one?” he asked.  
“Another book?” she blurted, frowning.  
To her surprise, Malfoy barked a short laugh, silver eyes glinting. “No, Granger,” he said with an odd intonation. “Drink.”
She glanced down at her nearly-empty glass, and pursed her lips. Raising one eyebrow, she turned her face to look at him slightly askance and smirked. “Just what kind of degenerate do you take me for?” she parroted back at him.  
“Of course. The ex-Minister for Magic can’t be seen drinking herself into a stupor at midday with a former Death Eater now, can she?” he sneered, the humour vanishing. “I’ll be right back.”
Blowing the rising tension from her lungs, she hoped this wasn’t going to be a huge mistake and closed her eyes a moment, then returned her book to her bottomless handbag. With nothing to do until Malfoy returned — if he even returned, of course; he could have just bolted for the back door and disapparated — she cursed and fussed with her cuticles until the crisp click of dragonhide leather Oxfords rose above the low lunchtime murmur in the pub.  
“That was ungracious of me,” he said as he sat down. “I’m sorry.”
“Forgiven,” she said quickly. “I’m a touch nervous too.”
Malfoy went still at that, but instead of unleashing another snippy comment at her expense, he just twitched his lips and nodded slightly in acknowledgement. “To the most unusual of days,” he said, raising his own glass of white. 
She clinked the remnants of hers against his, and added, “And to new beginnings, I think.” She looked at her watch and smiled. “They’ll be just south of Birmingham by now, I suspect.”
“Who will?” he asked after sipping his wine. She half expected him to make some kind of remark about its inferior vintage, but he seemed happy enough with it.  
“The Express,” she said. “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten dear Scorpius already?” she teased.  
He shook his head. “No. But you’re as hard to keep up with as you ever were, Granger.”
“I don’t recall you ranking too many places behind me, Malfoy. And you beat me in Potions every year bar one, though I rather suspect Snape had a hand in keeping my marks down there…”
He shrugged noncommittally.  
“Which house do you think Scorpius will find his way into?” she asked. “Slytherin like his father?”
“Probably,” Malfoy said ruefully. “He can be a cunning little shit when he wants to be.”
She had to smile at that. “Tell me about him?”
Malfoy sighed and took another sip of wine. “He’s smart,” he began, somewhat hesitantly, as if he thought he might bore Hermione if he said too much about his son.  
“No surprises there,” she scoffed playfully. “Is he a future seeker too, or do the similarities end with the brains?”
A very slight flush blossomed on Malfoy’s ice-white cheeks. “I didn’t know you even remembered I played quidditch, Granger.”
Her eyebrows rose and she tried not to snort wine out of her nostrils. Malfoy had looked devastating in his quidditch kit as he’d grown into it, not that she’d ever admitted that to anyone. He’d been a right arse too back at school, no matter how beautiful his own had looked in his flying gear, so her admiration then had been purely aesthetic. “Yes, Malfoy,” she sighed. “I do remember that. I also remember the Slytherin team being quite the thorn in our side for most of our time there…”
He hitched a lopsided smirk and took a sip of wine.  
The way he held the glass in long, steady fingers made her core heat slightly and she had to look away. The reaction took her off-guard. It had been years since she’d felt even the slightest flicker of sexual attraction for anyone.  
“Are you admitting that we were actually good, Granger?”
Hermione rolled her brown eyes and shook her head, causing a cascade of curls to tumble into her face like an avalanche set off by the merest touch. Shoving it all back out of her eyes, she said, “Much as I’d like to say it was only daddy’s money and a set of fancy brooms that gave you an edge, it wasn’t. Flint was still a dirty rotten cheater, but half of you were pretty darned good. And it doesn’t even take a quidditch player to see that. So how old was Scorpius when you had him on a broom of his own?”
A cloudy look passed over his eyes and he blinked slowly. “Four.”
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist, Granger. I didn’t plonk him on a broom, slap the bristles, and send it racing off into the middle of Wiltshire with my son and heir alone. He rode in my lap with me until he was seven or so, and even then, I enchanted his broom not to go above five feet. He was furious about that,” he chuckled. “Naturally, he tried everything he could think of to undo the enchantment, but in the end he resorted to getting one of the house elves to undo it. She was devastated when she realised quite what she’d done and came to me immediately.”
Hermione’s lip curled involuntarily at the mention of house elves. “So long as you didn’t make her iron her own hands in punishment,” she said before she could stop herself.  
Malfoy blinked, blanching and obviously taken aback. “No, Granger,” he breathed, and after a long pause he added, “I am not my father.”
The words rang in the air between them and something unpleasantly akin to shame coiled in her belly, soured by the wine on an empty stomach. “Now it’s my turn to apologise for being ungracious,” she said. “I’m sorry. I know you’re not your father. I’ve known that for a very long time.”
Before Malfoy could open his mouth to reply, Old Tom shuffled over and stuck some menus under their noses. “You said you was stayin’ for lunch, ma’am, but neither of you’s collected a menu,” he said before disappearing.  
“Ma’am,” she repeated in a stage whisper to Malfoy. “I never got used to that at the Ministry. Makes me sound like some old frump.” A tiny, bitter snort escaped her and she added, “Well, if the shoe fits.”
“Granger, please,” Malfoy drawled. “You are anything but an ‘old frump’.”
Drawn up short by the unexpectedly open compliment, she looked at him, lips softly parted.  
“What?” he asked, looking like he thought she might hex his balls off if he moved so much as a muscle. “Surely Weasley must have told you the same thing once or twice? I know the man is about as artless as a grindylow, but…”
The sudden mention of Ron’s name nearly gave her emotional whiplash, and she huffed a tiny laugh. “We’re not together anymore. Surely you heard?”
“I hadn’t,” he said, voice flat. “I’m sorry.”
“You must be the only person in the entirety of Wizarding Britain who missed that then,” she groused, opening the menu and taking in the options without really seeing them. “Rita Skeeter’s nasty little protégée wrote an entire Prophet article on our breakup.”
“I haven’t exactly kept up to date with current affairs,” he said awkwardly, lowering his gaze to the menu.  
“Current? This was eleven years ago, Malfoy.” She fixed him with a wary stare and whispered, “Don’t tell me Ginny was right? You really are a recluse?”
“This would be my first public outing in a very long time, yes,” he said carefully without looking up. “But I do venture forth from my little fortress every so often. I was at Theo’s anniversary do a few months ago.”
“I missed that,” she said. “I was supposed to be there, but Harry had a crisis with his brood. You’d never believe it - there was a cursed photo-frame stuffed behind a piece of panelling in the drawing room at Grimmauld, and Lily managed not only to find it but to activate it. She was stuck inside it for hours and Harry was beside himself, but we got her out and she was alright in the end.”
“Grimmauld,” Malfoy murmured, and his silver eyes rose to meet hers. “My aunt’s family home?”
She nodded and then the knut dropped. “I forgot you’re a Black too by blood.”
His mouth twitched and he nodded. “I haven’t been there since I was a very small child. I’m assuming they redecorated…”
“Not thoroughly enough,” he quipped. “That awful tapestry still knocking around?”
“God no,” she scoffed. “That was one of the first things to go. Along with the collection of shrunken house elf heads and the troll skull that screamed at you if you got too close to it. There was even a boggart in the basement, if you can believe the cliché. Anyway,” she said, keen to change topics, “You were proving to me that you aren’t a complete hermit. Was Theo’s party really the last thing you went out for?”
He seemed a little bashful as he nodded. “I… I don’t exactly find myself welcome everywhere, even now, Granger,” he said dryly. He’d nearly finished his wine, and when Tom hobbled over to take their food order, he asked for a second glass, in which Hermione joined him.  
“Guess we are degenerates after all,” she said as she met his eyes over the empty table.  
“The people behind you certainly seem to think very little of your choice of prandial company, Granger,” he said flatly, interlacing his long fingers and arching a pale eyebrow.  
Where at Hogwarts he’d had pale, pristine hands, now she saw innumerable scars and nicks across his knuckles, and they were undoubtedly the strong, steady hands of a grown man, with none of the softness of youth. Heat bloomed across her neck and face, and to distract herself she looked over her shoulder to glower at the people shooting them scandalised looks across the dark pub.  
“Screw them,” she muttered. “They have no idea about anything anyway.”
If Malfoy was puzzled by her outburst, he didn’t show it.  
They shared their meal and spoke easily enough about Hermione’s astonishing and unprecedented rise through the ministry, and how she’d cracked one day — the details of which she chose not to divulge — and had quit and decided to open a bookshop instead. “It’s been so much more fulfilling,” she finished, slightly breathless.  
“A bookshop?” he smiled, eyes glittering.  
“I know, I know,” she growled, gesticulating with her dessert spoon in between delicious mouthfuls of Florian’s ice cream which the Leaky now sold. “Could I be any more cliché?”  
With a graceful shrug of one shoulder, Malfoy just said, “I think it suits you. And if it makes you happy, why not?”
“What makes you happy then?” she asked before her brain had caught up with the question. “I mean…” she flushed hot again. “I just wondered what you do up at the Manor all day.”
“Well,” he said evenly around a slice of apple tart, “Until this morning, I largely oversaw Scorpius general education, but I have been involved in a number of other projects here and there too.”
“Mmm,” he said, but clearly wasn’t in the mood to elaborate and she didn’t press.
“Well, Theo’s having drinks at his place on Friday… you should come.”
“Which place?”  
“He has more than one place? I thought he closed Nott Manor up for good?”
Malfoy smirked. “He has a number of places, Granger.”
“Oh,” she said, feeling stupid. “Well, his usual one here in London, I suppose… He didn’t tell me anything different…” She set her spoon down and sat back. “Merlin, I’m full,” she laughed. “So, will you come?”
“Do you always invite strays to other people’s parties?”
“Do you always deflect social invitations in the hopes that they’ll go away if you ignore them long enough?” she countered with an even stare.  
Malfoy’s spine stiffened a touch at that, but the look which settled onto his face could only be chalked up to respect, and he allowed himself another flinty smile. “Touché,” he said. “Yes, it usually works well enough.”
“Not this time.”
“Evidently,” he said with crisp enunciation. “Fine. I will consider attending.”
She snickered almost childishly at that. “You make it sound like it’s some fancy black tie do that you might condescend to attend if the mood strikes…”
“I don’t know what a ‘black tie do’ is, but I am considering condescending to attend all the same.”
“Fair enough. And a black tie event is a Muggle thing. It’s like dress robes for Muggles.”
“Ah, I see. Thank you.”  
And with that, their conversation stalled for the first time all afternoon. Hermione looked down at her watch and gasped. “God, Malfoy, it’s been three and a half hours!”  
“I’m surprised you lasted five minutes if I’m honest,” he said quietly.  
She frowned and delved into her handbag again, looking for her coin purse. “You fancy taking a walk to shake all this food down?” she asked, but Malfoy was already shaking his head.  
“Unfortunately, I really should get going. Please, Granger, let me pay for this. It’s been an unexpected pleasure on a day that would otherwise have been very grey indeed.”
His sincerity struck her like a physical blow, and she could hardly respond as Tom came over as if summoned by the clink of money, and Malfoy smoothly left a handful of coins on the tray and told Tom to keep the change.  
“Very well, M’lord,” Tom said, bowing slightly as he left.  
“‘M’lord’?” Hermione asked and Malfoy immediately rolled his eyes.  
“I really wish people wouldn’t call me that. Mercifully it doesn’t happen all that often. I usually find myself on the receiving end of far less gracious epithets.”
“You are a lord though? Your father wasn’t a lord, was he?”
“No. It’s Lord Black, technically. My father had no claim to the title, being a Malfoy, but with my mother’s blood, I inherited the title. Needless to say, I don’t bandy it around if I can help it.”
“I see,” she said, rising from her seat. “Well, thank you for lunch. You really didn’t have to pay though.”
“I know,” he said shyly as he stood with the grace of a lifelong seeker. “Still, it was a pleasure.”
She smoothed her clothes out, trying to avoid feeling like that frumpy old matron beside the lean, tall figure of Draco Malfoy, and pursed her lips. “See you Friday then?”
Before he’d obviously thought about it, Malfoy nodded. “Friday,” he said, and then realised he’d committed himself and laughed softly with a knowing twinkle in his eyes. “Friday,” he said again.  
Hermione held out her hand to him and he surprised her yet again by taking it delicately in his fingers and raising her knuckles to his lips. The faintest brush of a kiss against her skin set her tingling all over and she nearly gasped, flushing a dark crimson.  
“Good day, Granger,” he said, and stalked from the pub.  
Outside on Diagon Alley’s cobbled streets, he disapparated without looking back.
If you liked where it’s going and want to see more, do let me know! Either by reblogging this or sending me an ask.
Part Three
writing masterlist | Ao3
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pur-pled-aw-thor · 4 years
Same House, Different Sides
Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Reader(F)
Summary: Being friends with the Golden Trio has its perks and of course cons. Plus being in Slytherin means someone is against you or not.
W.C: 3.7k
Warning/s: bullying, mentions of blood, mentions of self-harm, a loved one passing away..(if I miss any or got something wrong correct me, I'm willing to learn.)
A/n: this story mentions self-harm and please, if you are thinking about it, don't. Your skin is beautiful, so beautiful that it doesn't need any scars. If you need to vent out my inbox is open, have a wonderful weekend! <3
Y/n’s POV
“Oi Y/l/n! I see you’re with Weaslebee, Mudblood, and Potter again!” I heard someone yelling behind us and I walked faster. The three caught up with my speed but he was faster. He went beside me, almost in front of me, and grabbed my arm.
“I’m talking to you, traitor!” He said and I shoved him off, “Stop it Malfoy! Can you just shut up for a day?! That would be helpful!” I shouted at him and continued to walk away, I didn’t look back or waited for the trio or an answer from Malfoy, I just wanted to go to our last class.
Defense Against the Dark Arts
I entered the room and sat in front. I aggressively took out my book and turned to the lesson we have today. The trio entered the room and sat beside me, while Malfoy and his posse sat behind us. I was about to move tables but Hermione held my arm and looked past me nodding. I looked beside me and the boys smiled.
“What is it you three?” I asked, “If anything more happens, we’ll beat him to a pulp.” Hermione whispered and I giggled. I tried to look behind us without suspicions and saw Malfoy and his goons talking too.
The pink frog lady came in and the room became quiet. Hermione and I exchanged looks and exhaled. She started talking more and more about basic spells and I started to doze off. Hermione nudged me and I came back to Earth.
“I hate this class, ever since she taught it.” I whispered and Hermione just shrugged her shoulders saying she’s also tired with the same spells being taught to us, “At least we get to do other spells after.” She said a hint of mischief in her tone. I smirked and made that into my inspiration.
We know something others don’t.
“Come on, Y/n! Hurry up!” I heard Ginny at the end of the hall and I started running. But before I reached the end, a person came out of nowhere and I groaned knowing who it is.
“Where are you going, traitor?” “None of your business, Malfoy,” I said passing by him, pushing him. “It’s my business you know!” He yelled and I stopped in my tracks. I let out a laugh and slowly turned towards him.
“How dare you say that. Who are you to ask my business?” He took steps so he was behind me to block my way, “I’m a member of the Inquisitorial Squad, and I’m here to make sure you won’t lose us house points. You’re not even helping make more house points if I might add.” He said crossing his arms, I rolled my eyes and walked past him. He grabbed me by my arm and I shoved him, harder than earlier.
“Can you just, go away and leave me alone!” I yelled and he was taken back, “Please.” I added this is the first time I shouted at someone that shocked the person. Everyone is used to my caring and loveable nature. They’re used to my bravery at standing up to Malfoy but no one ever knew I can yell at him.
Especially if it is because of anger.
“Y-y/n, I’m so-“ “What?! You’re sorry now?! Sorry, can’t fix 5 years of your bullying! Sorry, can’t fix your attitude! Sorry. Can’t. Fix. Anything!” I exclaimed, stepping towards him at every word but he backs away. When I made sure his back is against the wall, I started walking- no- running away. Tears brimming, breath shallowing, and mind fuzzing. Every step of the run made it seem it was my last.
I reached the room and noticed the others are lined up, Hermione and Ron in the middle, “Come on, Y/n! They’re about to duel!” I heard Ginny say and I dropped my bag, got my wand, and wiped away a tear.
The whole room was silent but it was dismissed by Hermione’s cast, “Stupefy!” I cheered and went to Hermione. Ron stood up and went to the twins, they’re looking at him not believing what he said.
We continued training and It got my mind to forget whatever happened before I got here, I stood aside and rest for a while. Looking around, seeing other students from different houses gather up to learn how to fight, made me realize we’re all fighting for the same reason. I smiled at them and went to Hermione, “’Mione, I think I need to rest for today. Tell Harry I’ll make sure I know the other spells next meeting.” I said and she looked at me like she knows something’s up but just nodded.
I got my bag and carefully opened the door, looking side to side to see if anyone was around. When the coast was clear I walked out and went to the library. ‘I know Malfoy won’t disturb me there.’ I thought and I turned a corner and entered the library. Madame Pince smiled at me and I went to my spot. Took out my essay and started it.
I got to the part where I can’t add more to it so I stood up and went to get more books for references. I got to the last shelves and saw the book but I heard someone talking, I know eavesdropping is bad but they’re talking about Harry so I can’t help it.
“I know Potter is hiding something and one of our own is joining him. I need to know.” “You want to know because she’s always with him or just to spite him?” I lost my focus to go back to my essay and leaned back on the shelves.
“I’m guessing you’re jealous.” One of them said and the first voice started babbling. “W-what n-no, why would I be jealous of Potter?” He said trying to fix his statement but failed. “Come on, don’t tell me you’re denying it.” The second voice said and the first one got irritated. “We saw you staring at the back of her head every time we sit behind them.” “That’s because her big head is blocking the way!” “Shhh!” we heard Madame Pince from the other side of the library and they hushed down.
“Here’s another one, you keep on teasing her and grabbing her if she’s ignoring you.” “Indicating you want her attention.” “And if you keep on denying, it will just go on forever, making you miserable for not saying a word.” The two exchanged lines and I realized something one of them said.
“If you both are saying I like traitor, keep wishing.” I turned around fast enough to push a few books off the shelves and dropping at the other side. I dropped the book and ran outside the library and towards the common room. I entered the room I share with the others and noticed they aren’t there. I sat down behind the door and locked it.
“I shouldn’t have eavesdropped,” I said and I hugged my knees trying to comfort myself.
“You shouldn’t be eavesdropping, Y/n!” “Calm down, Arteus.” “No, Mom! She’s been eavesdropping and you’re protecting her?” “She’s just a kid, Arteus.” “That’s what you always said to me, Father! But you still disciplined me! And why can’t I discipline her?” “That’s it! Arteus Y/l/n, you get out of this house and stay with your Aunt!” “No! I’m the heir!” the mood in the room is turning gloomy that smiling would be deemed inappropriate.
“You are just adopted! Your Last name is Lynn, your father was a mudbood and we just got you for the sake of our name! Now, I regret that decision. You are not allowed to use Y/l/n anymore!” the silence was deadly. Arteus stood up and walked away.
“Arteus, I’m so-“ “Sorry? Y/n, sorry can’t fix anything! Sorry, can’t clean up this mess. Because of you, this family is ruined!” “Get out Arteus!” Father is pointing his wand towards Arteus and he just laughed. “Sorry and lies? This family is nuts.” “Avada Kedavra!” “No! Arteus!” I ran towards his lifeless body and father walked away. Mother made me stand up and hugged me.
I heard someone knock on the door and I unlocked it letting one of my roommates in. I wiped the tear that was rolling down my cheek and sat down on my bed, “Have you finished the essay, Y/n?” she asked and I forgot my satchel and essay back at the library. “Oh, Merlin.” “What, what is it?” “I forgot my stuff back at the library,” I said and she’s confused.
“I was in a hurry,” I said scratching the back of my head. She looked at me and she knows something’s up. “I’ll just, get it. Wait for me?” “Yeah, sure hurry up, Y/n!” I heard her yell after me and I was already exiting the common room.
I ran towards the library but carefully went inside. I went to the table but it was gone. I asked Madame Pince and she said she never saw my stuff, I nodded and walked back towards the common rooms but I bumped into my roommate and she has my essay.
“There you are, somebody brought your stuff and I got your essay! This girl keeps on running off away from me.” I ran up the stairs and saw my satchel at the foot of my bed. ‘Guess she placed it inside.’ I looked inside if anything was missing but its complete. I placed it on my chair and sighed.
“Just think of a happy memory, any happy memory,” I said to myself and saw the other’s patronuses frolicking around. “What’s troubling you, Y/n?” I heard Luna’s voice and I smiled at her. “It’s hard for me to think of a happy memory, ‘cause you know,” I said pointing at my sweater and she tilted her head in confusion.
“You are still capable of having a happy memory, you just need to focus on the memory, not your house.” She said and I nodded. I closed my eyes and remembered every memory I have, with the trio, Ginny, the Twins… Arteus. I opened my eyes and cast my Patronus. It frolicked around with the others, I smiled and I felt a tear slide down. I immediately wiped it away and smiled harder.
‘I miss you Arteus.’ I lowered my wand and I felt a quake. I thought it was just me but everyone stopped what they were doing. We felt it again but this time the chandeliers are shaking. I went up front and it quaked again, stronger. Stronger that the glass shattered and the Twins raised their wand and I did too. Harry went closer and closer until there was a hole on the wall. I came closer to the hole and I heard her voice.
“I’ll make short work of this.” She raised her wand again, I pulled Harry and he pulled Creevey away from the hole, “Bombarda Maxima.” A huge explosion happened and it was a good thing we got out of the way. An enormous hole took over and we saw Umbridge, Filch, the Inquisitorial Squad, and Malfoy dragging Cho.
The others stared at Umbridge and Cho, while Malfoy and I stared at each other. He was shocked that I’m a part of this but my stare at him is anger, pure anger. I clenched my hands into fists that I forgot I’m still holding my wand, Luna noticed this and she tried to open my hands and she succeeded in opening the one with my wand, she took it and looked at it.
“Y/n, your hand is bleeding.” She whispered and I looked at the wand and down my hands. I hid it away but by the time I looked up, Percy is holding Harry and Cho while we are separated.
“Because of Cho, we’re in big trouble.” “She was under the influence of Veritaserum, Ronald.” Hermione and Ron looked at me confused and I just sighed. “Y/n do you know your hands are bleeding?” Ron pointed out and I looked at it, “We should bring you to the Infirmary. You might get an infection.” “It’s fine, I’ll go by myself, you guys wait for Harry to come back,” I said picking up my satchel and went to the direction of the Infirmary, but when I knew I was out of sight, I took a turn and went straight down the common room.
Most of the Slytherins are out, either celebrating the downfall of Harry, going around with Umbridge like lost puppies, or just studying. I stayed here and let my hands bleed. I looked at it and sighed.
“You really should be in the Infirmary you know. You might bleed to death.” I looked up and saw Malfoy, I rolled my eyes and just stared at the fireplace. “Me bleeding to death is marvelous, I want to be free from this hell hole,” I said and he sighed. He took off to his room and I heard him close the door.
When I thought that was the end of our discussion, I heard his door open again and closing, his footsteps, and him sitting beside me. “You are turning pale, Y/n.” He said and I felt his hand holding my wrist to raise my hand and carefully tended the wound.
He started to raise my sleeve but I retracted my arm away from him. “I just need to roll your sleeves up so it won’t get wet.” “I don’t wanna,” I said plainly and he placed the rag down and adjusted himself so I’m looking at him. “Is it me? Am I the cause?” he asked and I didn’t answer.
“Y-y/n, If I’m the cause te-“ “My brother, well, family. My family is the cause.” I can’t believe I’m telling him this. I gave him my hand again to finish with the wound, he carefully rolled the sleeves up and I heard a gasp from him.
“I was around 10 that time and my brother was just a graduate here at Hogwarts. He was special, he’s in Slytherin and no one suspected a thing that he was a muggle born. Well, a perk of being a Y/l/n, I guess. He was adopted by my parents because they couldn’t wait any longer for me to be born. They only adopted a muggle born because who would abandon a pure or half-blood right?” I said trying to remember their explanations. Malfoy moved to the other side and tended the other wound.
“Anyways, he was having a meeting with the others and I was accidentally by the door. Trying to wait for him to finish. But he thought I was eavesdropping. He yelled at me that my parents went to us and they both protected me. In the heat of the fight, my father admitted he was just adopted and that he shouldn’t be talking to me like that. Father told him to go live with his biological aunt but before he could even leave the house, he-“ I felt a tear sliding down my cheek and Malfoy wiped it away. “It’s okay if you won’t tell.” I shook my head and took a deep breath.
“He died, father used the unforgivable curse on him and I was beside him when he was targeted. I went to his lifeless body but mother made me stand up and hugged me. She made me walk away and every time I remembered that scene, me walking away, crying, mind fuzzy, I feel like it was my last step. That if I look behind, I’ll faint. I started cutting myself this year. It is his 5th death anniversary. And I added more than I can handle every day because he promised me something.” I felt Draco rolling up the other sleeves and a few of them are still new.
“He promised me that he’ll be the one to help me study for my exams. That he’ll train with me before the quidditch matches. That he’ll be the one going to my graduation. But because of his passing, before I came to Hogwarts, I tried my hardest studying for exams like I have him beside me, I train twice as hard just like he wants me to, and I’ll graduate giving him all of the credit.” I felt Malfoy finishing up with the bandages and he hid the supplies away.
“Thank you, Malfoy. But you should’ve just let me be.” “I couldn’t let you bleed to death, Y/l/n.” He said and I cracked a small smile. He smiled back but we’re interrupted by the wave of Slytherins coming in. “See you, Y/l/n?” He stood up and waved. “Yeah, see you, Malfoy.”
“Hey, Y/l/n, Professor Umbridge is calling for you.” My roommate said and I stood up from the chair. I gathered up my stuff and she walked with me. I took a deep breath and opened the door, she stayed outside and I closed the door.
“Sit down dear.” “Professor if this is about being in the D.A, I can accept any punishment. I- I can join the others with their punishments or-“ “No dear,  the only punishment that you have is the deduction of house points, that’s all.” She said and she placed her quill down.
“I called you here because of the essay you made, it's marvelous. Because of the essay, I couldn’t make myself think of any punishments but to deduct house points but this also made your house gain points.” She said and I thought back to what happened when I left that. ‘It was incomplete and it was only 2 pages.’
She handed me a 4-page essay and I saw that it was complete, I read the other pages but it looked like it was my writing. I handed her back the papers and she smiled at me. “I hope I can see more essays like this in the future. Thank you, Ms.Y/l/n, You may go now.” I stood up and exited the room.
“Hey, how’d it went?” “She’s only deducting house points instead of punishing me.” I said and her eyes widened, “But I gained a lot of house points because of the essay.” “Oh yeah, I read your essay on the way before passing it. It’s really good, where did you get those references?” We passed by the library and we parted ways.
I went back to my spot and finished the other assignments. When I was just reading a book, I heard someone sit in front of me and I thought it’s just Hermione until I heard his voice.
“Now turn around, love.” I blushed at the name but mostly because he is wearing my hair tie on his wrist. “Chin up, Y/n.” he held my chin and he continued fixing my hair, when he’s finished, he’s the first one to smile and the first to speak up.
“So, what did she think about the essay?” I lowered my book and stared at him, “Are you gonna answer or should I wait?” “You? Did you finish my essay? Why?” “Well, I know you weren’t coming back after what happened so I finished the essay for you and returned it to your dorm.”
Then I realized it, he knew I was eavesdropping. “You knew I was-“ “Yeah, your signature hairstyle gave it away. There was a gap between a few books and I saw your ponytail.” He said and I played with the end of my ponytail. “You know you can put your hair down right? Like this.”
He sat next to me and made me turn around. He removed my hair tie but I caught my hair before it fell. He held my hand and I gently let my hair down and he fixed the back.
“And because I know this is your favourite spot to study, where you can see the whomping willow out the window and when you look inside, the never-ending shelves of books that give you comfort.” He said like I said it to him before. We continued looking at each other’s eyes and he brushed off one of the hair strands that fell. “Don’t let the strands hide your face, love.” He said and I nodded, he slowly moved his fingers away from the back of my ear and towards the underneath of my chin.
He leaned in and I did too, he gently held my face with both of his hands. It’s a passionate kiss and when we pulled apart, he has this big goofy smile. I tried to hold back my giggles but he started giggling too.
“Why are we giggling, Draco?” “Because I feel giddy inside that I kissed the girl I’ve been crushing on since 2nd year.” He said and I stared at him, “Well I’m giggling because I realized the whole time I’ve been with the trio, was only because it was the only way I can get your attention but you’re here crushing on me since 2nd year?” he nodded and he kissed me again, this time I felt safe holding his hands. We pulled apart again and he smiled at me, genuinely.
“I didn’t want to miss a chance to admit that I like you, Y/n.” “And I didn’t want to miss a chance to say, I like you too, Draco,” I said and he held my hands near to his lips and give them a peck. He held my wrists and gently rolled up the sleeves, “I will help you heal, not just physically, but emotionally and mentally, love. I don’t want to see another tear leave your beautiful eyes love.” He said and I felt a tear roll down.
“I just said my part love and you’re crying?” “No, it’s because I’m glad you’re staying even though you saw and heard the worst of me. You saw me supporting a different side of the problem but you’re here. Why Draco? Why would you do this?”
“Love, we’re at the same house but we have a different side we go with. But our love for each other is the same, and that’s important more than anything. That we love each other no matter what.” He said and I hugged him, he hugged me back and continued with comforting me. We stayed there loving each minute that passed by.
No matter which side you’re on, love will always win.
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weasleysprincess · 4 years
New Flame
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A/n: This is my first Bill x reader, still trying to get Bill right also I’m wanting for this to be a series. Bill don’t get much love and I wanted give him some more :) I did write this as Fem!reader, I can do gender neutral readers for other people, I’m used to writing as a female since I’m a female. Also Gryffindor reader! I might change the series’ name not sure how I feel about this one 
Summary: You’re best friends with the twins and go to the quidditch world cup with the family before your 7th year.  A certain older Weasley finally sees your fancy to him.  
I was excited when the Weasley’s owl dropped off a letter from Fred asking me if I could join him and his family to the quidditch world cup. Quidditch wasn’t my favorite thing, I’ve been supporting the Weasley’s in quidditch since Charlie played.  I packed my bags for the game and school, Molly said I could leave my school things in Percy’s room.  The Burrow came into sight finally.  “Wow, you grew up fast”, I heard a voice say, I turned around to see a long haired ginger.  “Bill”, I smiled.  “Y/n, you’re here! Hi sweetheart”, Molly smiled, walking to me with her arms opened.  “Hi Molly, thank you for letting me stay”, I said.  “Oh nonsense, you’re family dear”, Molly smiled.  “Fred! George! Come take Y/n’s things to Ginny and Percy’s room”  I heard running and pushing “Oh no”, I said as I prepared myself for the impact of the twins.  “What?”, Bill asked as George picked up as Fred and him engulfed me into their grip.  They had grown a lot since the first of June, somehow Fred got me in his arms.  “Miss me that much, Freddie?”, I asked as he held me longer.  He nodded.  “Alright put the girl down, Frederick”, Bill said.  “Owahh. You’re no fun at all”, Fred whined as he sat me down.  “Thank you”, I said as the boys took my bags.  “No problem, Y/n”, Bill smiled.  “How’s Egypt?”  “Good actually, but it’s good to be home for once”, Bill said.  I smiled. “Heard you made prefect?”, Bill asked.  “I did, who told?”, I asked.  “Ginny, odd actually. I expected Fred to spill it. Congratulations, Y/n”  “Thanks Bill”, I grinned. 
“Y/n”, Ginny jumped the last step and landed in my chest.  “Omph. Hi Gin, I missed you too”, I hugged the ginger girl back. The young girl squeezed me, “Ginny, can’t breathe”, I whined.  “I’m sorry I just missed you is all”, She mumbled in my chest.  “Ginny! Why is my broom in your room?”, Ron yelled.  Ginny looked at me and then Bill, before running away from the older ginger.   “Is she like this in school?”, Bill asked.  “I might have a soft spot for your sister”, I giggled.  “Y/n”, He shook his head.  “I understand, her puppy dog eyes still have an effect on me too”, Bill smiled, laid his hand on my shoulder before stalking upstairs.  Bill made fire run up my body and core when he laid his hand on me.  I watched him disappear up the stairs, “Hey you okay?”, Fred asked.  “Yeah. when did you get down here?”, I asked.  “Just as Bill walked up and I saw you watching him. What’s up with that huh?”, Fred asked, turning the water tap on to fill his glass.  “Nothing is up, Bill and I have talked before, Frederick”, I scoffed.  “I don’t think you’ve had heart eyes at him”, Fred laughed.  “I do not! Stop being a pest!”, I sighed, throwing my head back.  I walked in the twins’ room and jumped face first into George’s bed.  “May I help you, doll?”, George asked from the desk.  “Just want to die right now is all, Georgie”, I said in the blanket. “I’m sorry?”, George asked again.  I raised up, “Just Fred being nosey is all, he thinks I have a thing for Bill”  “Do you? Hey that means you would be an actually Weasley, if you got married”, George smiled getting excited. 
“Not you too, Georgie!’, I whined.  “I’m sorry, would you rather marry Fred or me instead?”, George asked.  “Knock it off, I would kill Fred before we even got in bed together”, I rolled my eyes.  “So you wouldn’t kill me and I could get you into bed is what you’re saying?”, George smirked. “Not exactly but you and Charlie have a better chance than Fredrick does”, I giggled.  “I’ll be waiting, Princess”, George smiled.  “Hey don’t tell Fred, he’ll start something and I don’t feel like dealing with him”, I asked while holding George’s hand.  “Sure, anything for you, Princess”, George kissed my temple.  “Hey lovebirds, dinner”, Bill said, turning around leaving.   I jumped back a little.  “Come on, if you don’t get there before Ron you won’t get the good stuff”, George said.  We got down there, Arthur was at the head of the table, Fred and George were together. Hermoine and Harry arrived, leaving me to be next to Bill and Ron.  “Y/n, dear there’s place next to William”, Molly smiled, pulling dinner from the oven.  “Thanks”, I muttered.  “Hi again”, Bill smiled.  “Hi Bill”, I sat down.  “Y/n, Hermoine and I are having girls’ night. We want you there, please”, Ginny smiled.  “Save me a spot, Gin”, I returned the smile.  Everyone was having a conversation with each other, I was just finishing my food and just moving my fork through the peas and chicken bones.  I heard the twins to be excused and Ginny followed.  Ginny loved the twins and especially if they let her tagalog to whatever.  The trio stood up, Hermoine leaned to me, “Come to Ginny’s room after you get ready for bed”  “Thank you, mione”, I smiled.  It was Molly, Arthur, Bill and I left.   “Did I tell you Charlie would be coming back home, Bill?”, Molly asked.  “No, mum you didn’t. He’s married isn’t he?”, Bill sat up, knocking his knee into my thigh.  “Heaven’s no, I wish. Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard tournament this year. One of the tasks has dragons, Charlie offered to supply them”, Molly said.  I smiled at the thought of the other older Weasley. He was like my best friend when I started Hogwarts, he always looked after me and walked me to classes.  
“Y/n, did you bring a dress this year?”, Molly asked.  “It’s getting tailored, Mum’s sending it after my aunt finishes it”, I replied.  “Your muggle aunt?”, Arthur asked.  “No, my great aunt Sophia. She lives in Italy”, I said.  Arthur knew some of my extended family were half bloods, and would ask me about their muggle things.  “Thank you for the lovely dinner, Mols”, Arthur stood from his chair. He kissed her cheek.  “You’re welcome dear”, She smiled.  “Mum, you and dad go relax. I’ll clean up tonight”, Bill smiled.  “Oh thank you, baby. You’re too sweet”, She smiled, holding his cheek.  Bill grabbed the plates, stacking them up.  “Care for an extra hand?”, I asked, getting the cups.  “No at all, love”, Bill said walking to the sink. I blushed at the nickname.  The twins barreled in the burrow, one of them was carrying Ginny on their shoulders.  “Don’t drop her and be quiet. Mum and Dad are relaxing!”, Bill raised his voice.  “Oh so you and Y/nn decided to play house? How cute”, Fred chuckled.  Bill blushed, “Get upstairs”  “Sure thing, loverboy. Night Y/n! Oh and Gin’s room is the last one on left”, Fred smirked.  “Go!”, I mouthed.  “Night Bill, glad you’re back. Night Y/n”, George smiled at his oldest brother. “Night George, missed you too”, Bill grinned.  “Night Billy”, Ginny hugged his torso.  “Night Ginny”  “You better be upstairs before 8:30”, She looked at me, wiggling her eyebrows where Bill couldn’t see her.   “Yes mother”, I giggled.  “I wouldn’t break that curfew if I was you, love”, Bill had a shit eating grin.  “Worry about your own ass, Weasley”, I smirked, wiping the table down. 
“Ginny open up!”, Bill said in front of me.  “What do you want, William?”, She huffed.  “Geez Ginvera! Chill, I’m just delivering your guest of honor”,  Bill said pulling me in front of him.  “He insisted on this”, I giggled.  “Okay, have fun, don’t stay up too late. Uh, if you wanna do someone’s make up go to the twins’ room.  Goodnight ladies' ', Bill smiled, patting my head before leaving to his room.  “Brothers'', Ginny rolled her eyes.  “He’s not too bad, Gin”, I said, unzipping my suitcase.  “Whatever, says the one who has had heart eyes all day at Bill'', Ginny shot back.  “As if you weren’t doing the same at Potter'', I scoffed.  “Lets not fight before the night has began”, Hermoine said.  Ginny and I looked at each other before smiling, “Hermoine and Ron sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Muuhh muuhh!” “Shut up!”, Hermoine rolled her eyes.  I high waved Ginny, “Hey 10 galleons on them remember?” “I have it, don’t worry”, Ginny smirked.  
Next morning, Molly announced her and Arthur were going to town to get stuff for the world cup.  Leaving Bill in charge, the twins suggested a quidditch match in the field. Ron and Harry were happy at the suggestion. We all went outside, “You not playing?”, Bill asked.  “No, I prefer watching this game instead”, I said, trying not to blush.  “Granger?”, He asked Hermoine.  “No, thank you Bill”  “Okay. Boys! Ginny!”, Bill stalked off to the kids.  I watched his back side, tight jeans carved his thighs out nicely, t-shirt that was too tight on his biceps, Godric that long fiery hair that was now put up in a bun.  “When did he pierce his ear?”, I asked.  “Who?”, Moine asked.  “I said that out loud?”, I blushed.  Hermoine nodded.  “Bill, he has an earring in his ear now”, I said.  “Better watch it, Potter!”, Fred laughed above us.  The game ended, everyone was hungry.  Bill was slowly walking to the burrow. “What did you do to him?”, I asked.  “He just can’t keep up anymore”, Ron snickered.  “You guys go ahead. Hey Bill you okay?”, I asked the tall red. “Oh yeah, just haven’t played in years and forgot how intense Weasleys play”, Bill said.  “Sure that’s the reason”, I smirked, walking behind the twins again.  “If you’re implying I’m too old, I’m not okay? 24 isn’t old, Y/n”, Bill yelled as we got into the burrow.  “You’re out of shape too, William!”, Fred yelled back to the field.  “Shut up!”, we heard Bill yell back.  “Maybe you can perk him up, Y/n”, Fred winked. 
It was time for us to meet Arthur’s friend from work, we had ate breakfast and got hugged goodbye by Molly.  George had me on his back as we walked with his father, “You like Bill?”, he asked.  “Yeah, Bill’s cool”, I replied back, running my hand through his locks.  “When did he get an earring?”, I asked.  “Sometime after, he got to Egypt. Bunk buddy did it for him”, George said.  “Mhmm! Okay put me down, please”, I said. “Enjoy your ride, Princess?”, Bill smirked.  “I did for your information, George is a smooth rider”, I said.  “Amos!”  “Arthur! This must be your kids.” Amos Diggory asked.  “Yes, and their friends”, Arthur smiled.  “This young lad must be Cedric”, Arthur asked as my ex hopped from the tree. “Fuck me”, I groaned.  “What’s wrong?”, Bill asked, squeezing my hand.  “Cedric is my cheating ex, we broke up last spring”, I said looking down.  “I’m sorry Y/n. You can hang with me, I’ll look after you”, Bill said.  “Thanks, Bill. I’d love that”, I smiled at him.  “Bill! Y/n! Come on”, George yelled.  We finally got to the camp where the cup was being held. Cedric and Amos went to their tent.  “Y/n, I didn’t know he was coming too. I’m sorry”, Fred said.  “Fred, it’s not your fault. I don’t blame you, okay? He’s the one who ruined it not you”, I gave him  a smile.  “I still feel bad”, Fred ran a hand through his hair. “Don’t be! Enjoy the game before we have to go back to school, okay”, I stood on my tip toes and kissed his cheek.  Before we left to meet the Diggorys again.  “Y/n, can I talk to you for a moment? Kids wait outside, please”, Arthur said.  “Yes Arthur?”, I asked.  “The twins told about your unfortunate incident with Amos’ boy last spring. I didn’t know you weren’t together anymore, my apologies for not telling you at home”, Arthur said, holding my hand in a fatherly way.  “It’s okay, Arthur really.  We’re prefects, we’re eventually gonna have to talk much as I hate the idea of it.  Besides Bill promised to look out for me”, I squeezed his hand. Arthur smiled, “That’s my boy”  
I was holding Bill’s forearm to keep up with him and the crowd,  “Hi Y/n, how are you?” Cedric asked.  “Hi Diggory, I’m fine. Thanks for asking”, I gave a fake smile.  Cedric nodded and went back to walking.  “Stupid git”, I muttered as Bill walked again.   We finally got to our seats and everyone was amazed at the view.  Lucius and Draco Malfoy stood below us, being stuck up as ever.  Draco looked up at me and smirked. He had a crush on me even though I’m a Gryffindor.  “I hate Malfoy so much”, Ron rolled his eyes. His siblings agreed in silence.  The game ended, Ireland won and the Weasleys were happy about it.  Even Bill celebrated spinning Ginny around the tent.  I was in a corner, I had a bad feeling something was gonna happen soon.  “Hey what’s wrong?”, Bill asked.  “Just got a bad feeling about something, Bill”, I said. Bill grabbed my arms, pulling me into a hug, “Stop worrying, if something does happen I’ll protect you”  “You promise, Weasley?”, I smirked in his chest.  “I do”, Bill said.  “Victor I love youuu”, The twins and Harry started singing to Ron.  Bill watched his father stop for a second.  “The Irish certainly have their groove on”, Fred smirked.  “It’s not the Irish, stop it! Stop it!”, Arthur raised his voice.  I heard screaming and hexes being thrown around.  “Everyone get somewhere safe! Fred, George Ginny’s your responsible now”, Arthur said as we got out of the tent.  
Bill had me on his side as we looked around, seeing fire and people running.  “Where did the twins go with Ginny?”, Bill asked.  “I don’t know”  “Shit! We gotta get back home now, it’s a death eater attack”, Bill picked me up and apperated us home.  The twins and Ginny made it home before us.  “Y/n, you okay? Guess that was your bad feeling”, Bill tucked my head from his shoulder.  “Yeah guess so. Um, can you put me down now?” I asked the tall red head.  We walked in, “Thank Godric, you two are okay?”, Molly looked up from Ginny’s shoulder.  She pulled Bill into a tight hug, the best she could do with her son being over 6ft.  She held his face and smiled. It was late and I was still up. Tomorrow would be my last year at Hogwarts and then I would be off to healer school.  Ginny had finally fallen asleep in Hermoine’s arms.  I looked over at the sleeping pair, “Thank god, they’re okay”, I whispered before getting out of bed.  I walked downstairs to get a drink. Someone was bent over in the fridge.  “Can’t sleep either?”, I asked whoever.  “Y/n. Uh no not really”, Bill stood tall again.  I sat down at the table and rubbed my hand over my face. “What’s eating at you?” Bill asked.  “Just everything, Bill. It’s my last year before I go to be a healer. I feel like I haven’t enjoyed life much as I should have”  “Y/n, you’re 18. You don’t need to know life’s answers just yet, go live your life even as a healer”, Bill sat next to me.  I looked at him for a few minutes, “Don’t want life’s answers at any point of life”  Bill nodded as he understood.  
“Y/n, how did you find out about Cedric?”, Bill asked.  “Uh, he wasn’t as loving anymore. It was two weeks before I confronted him about cheating.  He told me he was going to the library to study with one of his friends, it got late and he promised we would walk around. Damn! Uh anyways, I went looking for him, there was you know those sounds. I was gonna go back to my dorm, but something told me to go see who it was.”,I felt tears on my cheeks.  “Y/n you don’t have to tell me anymore”, Bill rubbed his thumbs on my face to catch the tears.  “You’re the first one, I’ve actually told the whole truth about him.  Let me finish.  He didn’t see me, but she did, it was some random ravenclaw, she might be in the twins’ year. Cedric was too busy fucking her to notice her smiling at me, I didn’t ask him about for a week. I got him to cuddle one night in my dorm, I had my head on his chest and asked him who she was and how long he had been cheating. Of course, he broke down and told me.  He told me I didn’t make him happy anymore, thought I was too close with Fred. The crazy thing he somehow blamed Fred for him cheating”, I laughed at the last part.  “I’m sorry, Y/n. You didn’t deserve that, dirty fucking dog”, Bill clenched his jaw.  “If it makes you feel any better the twins pranked him before we left for the summer”, I ran my finger down his jaw.  Bill was still quiet, letting me crease his face. “Y/n, can I tell you something? I understand if you think it’s weird”, Bill asked.  I nodded, “I don’t know what started it, but I think I love you. Which is crazy because you’re younger than me. Just something about your long soft hair, your gorgeous face and body.  I’m sorry, I-” I cut Bill off by kissing him.  I held his face with one hand and ran the other through his hair.  “Bill, I feel the same way and believe me, I felt weird too about it but fuck it. I like you too”, I kissed the side of his lips.  Bill grinned, “I’m too old for you, love. I have my career already, you haven’t even graduated Hogwarts for Merlin’s sake” “Six years between us so what? My grandparents were eight years apart and they loved each other until she passed away a couple years ago.”I said, Bill was looking at me.  “Okay, fine! I’ll go back to bed until the morning and we’ll forget we kissed and all. Sorry for making you uncomfortable”, I stood up, but Bill caught my wrist.  
“Would it bother you going out someone my age?”, Bill asked, rubbing my wrist.  I shook my head, “Give it some time and I’ll be good” Bill nodded, standing up, pulling by my waist into his arms.  I held his shoulder and peck for stability.  “Y/n, want to be my girlfriend?”, Bill asked sweetly. “More than you know, Weasley”, I smiled in his arms.  “May I kiss you?”, Bill asked, moving a piece of hair out of my face.  “Please do”, I said. Bill leaned down, slightly picking me up and kissed me.  I have had a few partners but nobody made me feel how Bill Weasley does while kissing me. My body got hot all over again, I craved more of him. I deepened the kiss, running my hands in his hair.  We pulled away, needing oxygen in our lungs again.  Bill rubbed his thumb over my bottom lip, smiling at me.  “You’re so beautiful, love”  I smiled and blushed, I was gonna say thank you but I was too embarrassed. Bill knew what I wanted to say, “Come on, it’s late. 9am comes early”, Bill said, guiding me up the stairs with a hand on my waist. We got to the level where Ginny, Ron and the twins’ room were on, I stopped for a minute.  “What’s the matter?’, Bill asked softly, standing near Ginny’s door.  “Kiss me goodnight please?”, I asked shyly.  Y/n! Get it together, you already kissed him twice tonight!  Bill’s smile broke me from my thoughts.  “Well, I can’t kiss you from there. C’mere, Princess”, Bill grinned, doing come hither with his fingers.  I possessed as I stood on my tiptoes to capture the oldest Weasley’s lips.  
I woke up with Hermoine standing over my body with a scolding face, “Good morning, Moine”, I rolled over to my back.  “Where did you go at 2 am?”, Hermoine clasped her necklace. “Couldn’t sleep so I went downstairs for a while. Is that such a crime?”, I finally got up.  “I heard someone else with you when you finally came back”, Hermoine watched my every move.  “I ran into George, okay? He was telling me about a prank they want to do this year”, I said, throwing some clothes on.  Hermoine looked at me but decided to drop it.  I straightened my black crop top shirt of Guns N Roses and buttoned my black jeans before heading down.  I threw on a maroon cardigan and laced my boots, fixed my hair and bangs.  “Morning Y/n”, Molly smiled.  “Morning, smells wonderful”, I grinned at her again.  I could feel Hermoine eyes and a different pair on my back.  George yawned and ruffled my hair before sitting down with Ron.  I was left to sit with Bill, a few days ago it bothered me.  “Morning love, you look pretty”, Bill whispered in my ear as he grabbed my hand.  “Morning Bill. Thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself”, I whispered the last part.  After breakfast, Molly wanted us to check our trunks for the year. I was in Charlie and Percy’s room double checking my things, when someone clears their throat. “Whatcha doing?”, Bill asked.  “Same thing everyone else is doing, silly”, I grinned.  “It’s your 7th year, what could you have missed to pack? I have a better idea”, he smirked.  “Oh yeah what’s that?”, I teased back.  “Just your lips on me while I discover more of you, if that’s okay with you, love”, Bill ran a hand through my hair.  I bite my tongue from groaning or screaming with excitement.  “What d’ya say?”, Bill asked again.  I turned around and grabbed his jaw, “Better make it good, who’s know when I’ll you again” Bill smirked, “That I can do, baby” Bill smashed his lips onto mine, grabbing my waist with his large hands. I ran my tongue over his bottom lip, gripping his hair, the groan didn’t slip my ears or mind. I smirked as I entered his mouth from him groaning.  Bill held his hands on my thighs, he pulled away, “Jump” I smirked before wrapping my ankles around his waist and clasping my hands in his hair.  “Good girl”, Bill whispered as he kissed my neck before getting my lips again.  We made out for a while until Molly’s voice rang in the halls.  Bill was still kissing me as Molly walked away.  I pulled away, “Bill, come on let me go”, I sighed as he attacked my neck with kisses and licks.  He didn’t listen, “Bill”, I whined. The older man groaned in my neck before dropping me to my feet, “Not fair”  “What are you on about, Weasley?”, I asked, shutting my trunk. “Do you know how addicting your lips and kisses are? Now, you have to leave me”, Bill scolded, more like pouting.  “If you help me take my trunks down, I might sneak in a kiss before I leave”, I giggled.  Bill perked up and grabbed my trunks, “Huh Bill, you forgot something”, I smiled at the eager redhead.  “Oh sorry”, He smiled.  I kissed him for each trunk, “four kisses for four trunks, I think that’s a good deal”, I smirked as I followed him downstairs.  “About time”, George groaned.  “Yeah, what did you pack? A house?”, Ron rolled his eyes.  “Ronald Bilius!”, Molly scolded with her hands on her hips. Fred and George grinned.   “Since you’re here, want to join us Bill?”, Molly smiled at her oldest.  He grinned at me and then her, “I would love to, Mum” 
“Jesus, Y/n what did you pack?”, Fred groaned as he threw my last trunk in.  “You know uniforms, robes, after school clothes, my bass and my guitar”, I smirked as Lee Jordan walked in the booth.  “Hey Lee”, I said.  “Lee help me. Princess decided to bring stuff she didn’t need”, Fred groaned.   “Work out more and you won’t have that problem, Frederick”, I smirked.  “Hey is that Angelina? Wow she grew up this year!”, George said, winking at me. Fred almost broke his neck trying to find the girl who wasn’t even there.  We all laughed at him, “Fuck you, Georgie”, he huffed plopping down with his twin. The boys started their own conversation, I decided to read ‘The Great Gatsby’. The longer I read, the more I thought of Bill, his hands on my waist, biceps that bludged as he held me against a wall of his childhood home.  Godric forbid, his plump, soft pink lips. The way he made me feel was more than Cedric or even my secret girlfriend, Evie. The thought of Bill Weasley drove me mad and my body even crazier.  
A few days later, I was in Great hall with Hermoine. Kids were putting their name into the goblet, cheering as their name was accepted. The twins barreled in the Great hall, talking about the potion they made.  I told them they were wasting their time, it wouldn’t work because they’re not old enough and Molly would kill them for even entering.  “It’s not gonna worrrkkk”, Hermoine smirked.  “Moine, don’t start”, I sighed as George pushed by to kennel by the younger girl.  “Oh yeah, why’s that granger?”, Fred smirked.  Hermoine huffed, rolled her eyes before replying, “It’s an age line drawn by Dumbleodore himself.”, I rolled my eyes and blocked them out, Hermoine didn’t realize sometimes you gotta let the two idiots do stuff to find out not everything will go their way.  “Guys, what happens if it actually works? Then Dumbledore pulls one of your names, he’s not gonna let you either one of you attempt the tasks”, I held George’s hand.  They looked at each other and smirked, “Chill”, Fred said squishing my cheek. “You worry too much, brookie”, George held my other cheek.  “Fine, do it, I don’t care”, I sighed as Cedric dropped his name in.  We locked eyes for a moment, “Meet me outside”, He mouthed.  George and Fred drank their potion and jumped into the line. “Oh no”, I whined, knowing it was gonna go south any second now.  “Yeahhh”, Fred and George high waved to each other. Blue flames shot out and the twins were thrown out of the line.  The hall was quiet before giggling filled the hall, I looked over to see the twins now old men with beards similar to our headmaster.  
“You said”, “You said”, the twins whined before tackling each to the ground.  I decided to see what Cedric wanted,  “Y/n”, Cedric said from the stairs. “What is it, Diggory?”, I rolled my eyes.  “Just want to talk is that a problem?”, Cedric asked.  “Depends on the topic”, I deadpanned.  “I know I fucked up hard and broke your heart. I shouldn’t have tried to find some other happiness, I needed to talk to you instead of-”, I cut him off.  “Instead of thinking with your dick and plunging it into some girl who was willing to help get your rocks off, am I in the right direction, Ced? Whatever you have to say I don’t care nor do I want to ever speak to you again unless prefect duties make that in motion. So get fucked, Diggory”, I stood tall.  Cedric looked guilty and wasn’t making eye contact.  “What I thought and stay far away from me”, I grabbed his chin, making him look at me.   
“Why were you with Brooks? I thought you liked Chang?”, Tommy, Cedric’s best friend asked.  “Don’t worry about it”, Cedric stormed off.  Dinner came along, I was seated between the twins as usual.  “What’s wrong?”, Fred asked, getting a drink.  “I’ll tell you guys later, okay?”, I said with no emotions. The pair seem to understand I was moody and could snap any moment.  Cedric walked in with Cho laughing, holding her hand.  Some much anger coursed with my body, I snapped the cup in my hand. The twins, Hermoine, Harry, Ron and Lee stared at me.  I got up and walked to the door.  “Miss Brooks'', Professor McGonall yelled behind me. “Professor, no disrespect but I don’t think now is the time to talk to her”, George said.  I slammed the door of my prefect dorm, screaming and kicking stuff.  The door opened as I threw the compact mirror off my vanity, “What?!!”, I screamed.  The twins stood there cautiously,  “Up to talking yet?”, George asked.  I bit my lip, drawing blood.  “Hey hey, look at me. Y/n, look at me”, Fred got my attention, I stared into his brown eyes for a second.  I cried walking over to him, hugging his chest.  “Freddie”  “It’s okay, Freddie gotcha. Shushh, it’s alright”, Fred petted my head and rubbed my back.  Hot tears rushed out of my eyes onto Fred’s quidditch jumper, “I’m sorry, I got your jumper all wet”, I rubbed my sleeve under my nose.  Fred grinned, “That’s the first time water has hit my chest all year” I scoffed, George grinned.  “It was Cedric and Cho wasn’t it?”, Fred asked.  “That was my breaking point, Freddie. He asked me to meet him after he put his name in the goblet today. I’m beginning to think I was too aggressive with him”, I said.  “Why?”, George asked from the spot on my bed.  “I kinda cussed him out and didn’t let him talk. Just amused he was apologizing for last spring”, I said sheepishly.  “You wouldn’t let us beat him up so I think you cussing him out was good, love. Don’t worry about them, besides Charlie is coming this week”, George said.  
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slygirl666 · 4 years
Call me your love
The beginning
Fred Weasley x Lestrange!reader 
historical au: 1800′s 
warnings: none for this chapter, will eventually be an 18+ story. probably not historically accurate, I kinda don't care 
will most likely be on Wattpad too (might change the name please help me with it)
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An eight year old Y/N Lestrange walked with her mother to their carriage. It was a rare time she was allowed out of the manor. They had stopped in a dress shop because Lady Lestrange needed to get Y/N a dress that was appropriate for a funeral.
The Funeral of the Mr. and Mrs. Potter, a well respected wealthy family. Though Y/N didn’t know them she did know that they were dear to cousin Sirius’ heart. So dear that their nine year old boy was left in his care.
Sirius had invited his own family seeing how the potters didn’t have any living.
Y/N sat as still as possible while an older lady took measurements of her and her mother looked at materials.
When Y/N had gotten back into her proper clothes she sat patiently waiting for her mother to finish. She played with the pendant that fell over her dress.
When her mother was finished she walked out to the busy streets of london she felt a hand on her wrist as she was pulled away from her mother.
She was pulled behind a shop where she was met with the dirty face of a young boy slightly older than her whose smile spelled trouble.
“Do you have money, miss?” the boy whispered almost ashamed. His eyes not meeting hers. She took a moment to take in his appearance. His trousers had holes in them, he was barefoot on the dirt street, his bright orange hair had dusty areas in it.
“No I don't,” Y/N almost felt bad for him. She looked for something to give him before reaching for her necklace. “Why do you need the money, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“My family has none, miss, see I have six siblings,” his hazel eyes finally met your tears in them with a hint of shame. “We might starve if my brothers and I don’t find away to get money for them.”
So Y/N Lestrange made the decision to unclasp the necklace and put it in his hand, “sell it, it can get you a few galleons.”
“I’ll never forget this, miss I’ll owe you for the rest of my life.
Y/N finally hears the distant yell of her mother, “i have to go.”
She walked off and the little redhead boy knew he would never see her again.
***ten years later***
An eighteen year old Y/N sat in a carriage with her cousin Sirius Black and the boy Harry Potter as the view of the Lestrange manor became smaller with each turn of the wheel.  
Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange had died of an illness that went undetected until it was too late.
Y/N sat silently in the seat of the carriage, her parents weren’t the most loving. She was mostly raised by a nanny, rather than being educated she was encouraged to do more ladylike activities like needle point and music. But they were her parents, her  blood.
Her aunt Andromeda had married poor and was disowned so she could not live with her, her aunt Narcissa’s husband was much too busy a man for another child to be around.
Her cousin Sirius said he had more than enough room for her to stay, with a cousin she didn’t know hours away from her childhood.
Sirius had fallen asleep an hour into the ride, Harry Potter finally spoke. “Miss Lestrange, I know it isn’t much but I do understand. Living with Sirius is an interesting time yes but I do hope we can be friends.”
“That would be nice and given the circumstances of our situation why don’t you call me Y/N” she tried her best to smile.
“Only if you agree to calling me Harry.” he smiled.
The two sat for the other hour of the trip with polite conversation between the two of them.
When the carriage came to a halt the redhead man came down to open the doors, Sirius laughed. “We aren’t normally so formal but we are trying to make a good impression here.”
Sirius waved his hand in the direction of the tall stocky man with his red hair tied lowly behind him. “This is Charlie Weasley, he is our driver, when he is not doing that he can be found in the farm.”
“Goodday, miss Lestrange it is exciting to meet you,” he helped her out by hand.
“That is very kind of you to say.” she smiled as she walked off with her cousin.
Sirius opened the door to Grimwald manner and yelled out, “Ginniveria!”
A thin girl in a simple dress that went to her calf walked in. she looked to be around your age which excited you. “yes Sirius, and you know it's Ginny.”
Y/N was startled at the lack of formality, but eased as Sirius laughed and apologized. “This is Ginny Weasley, she does a lot of the house keeping, she will be showing you around.”
Sirius dismissed himself as Harry said he must be off to study, nodding shyly to Ginny.
“Well miss Lestrange, I can show you around, your room is prepared, but the boys will be bringing your stuff up so we can see the grounds.”
Y/N followed the excited girl as she spewed facts about what was in the house and her family. She learned that all the weasleys but two worked in the house, her mother was the cook, her father repaired around the house with the youngest of her  brothers, two of them worked the stables and Charlie took care of the farm animals.
To Y/N it seemed like a lot of people doing so many things.
When they reached the stables Ginny called out for her brothers, “Fredrick, George!”
That's when all of a sudden a young man with bright red hair appeared behind them spooking his sister and Y/N in the process. Ginny hit him with her arm, “fredric you absolute pr-”
“No no sister,” he tisked at her, “we have to make a good first impression don't we?”
He gave her a wink she scoffed, “cause you're doing so well aren't you?”
“Feisty, ain't she?” she took her hand bringing it to his lips eyes locking with hers. “Frederick weasley Miss Lestrange, Happy to meet you.”
“Well Frederick. I do enjoy horses and think you will be seeing me quite a bit.”
“I'll look forward to it,” something in his hazel eyes was awfully familiar though she couldn’t quitte place why.  Ginny grabbed her wrist pulling her back to the house.
Ginny led Y/N to her room, multiple trunks containing her entire life were there. “Could you help me unpack?”
“Yes miss,” she smiled, opening one of them expertly making her way around the room. “You know other than my mother who hardly counts, I’m never around other girls. I do hope we can be friends.”
The thought of making friends with a girl who worked for her would have scandalized Y/N’s mother. But she had never had any friends her own age other than her cousin, “I think I’d like that, call me Y/N please.”
Ginny smiled and continued helping her unpack, Y/N looked around the room, some one had put flowers on the dresser that she recognized from the field outside. Y/N smiled knowing Ginny placed them there.
“I should go help Mum set up for supper, I’ll come get you beforehand.” Ginny walked out closing the door, it was funny she had only just arrived today and they treated her so warmly.
Y/N moved to the chest that she knew carried her more casual dresses moving to take off her heavily layered dress.
That in itself took a good amount of time, after redressing she moved to the vanity beginning to take out the intricate pins and overly done curls, running a brush through them. Struggling to put it up.
With a knock at the door Ginny entered the room. “Do you want some help?”
Y/N nodded letting Ginny take the brush before putting delicate braids on either side of her hair tying it back with a grey ribbon.
They walked together to the dining room. Y/N was surprised to see the large family of redheads also sitting at the large dining table. She knew her parents would hate it, she smiled to herself. Her cousin was so kind to the people who work for them she almost wondered why.
But she sat happily joining them for supper.
* * *
Waking up in a room that wasn’t her own was a strange feeling, Ginny opened the room's curtains before getting a simple shirt and long skirt for her to wear.
“You’ll be joining Harry in his studies today,” she made the bed as Y/N got out of it. “Your afternoon is free.”
“But i-”
“Hurry now, breakfast will be finished in a minute.” Ginny helped her get into her skirts, getting as Y/N buttoned up her shirt to the neck. Putting her hair back into a subtle half up style.
The two girls went down the stairs chatting. Like the night before the Weasley family was at the breakfast table.
Harry and the youngest Weasley boy were having a conversation, the twins, Frederick and George, recalled laughing at the expense of Charlie Who seemed annoyed. While Molly, Sirius and Aurther had a quiet conversation. Ginny sat next to one of the twins leaving an open space on the edge of the table. Y/N sat eating her breakfast quietly just observing the odd way everyone interacted.
“Miss Lestrange, how did you settle in on your first night?” one of the twins turned his attention to her. Taking a sip of her tea noticing the sudden silence.
“My first night was well,” she smiled at him sweatley. “You all have been very inviting, I’m grateful for that.”
“And your room?” Sirius smiled at her.
“It’s lovely, Ginny has lovely taste.” she laughed, winking at the redhead girl.
There was a knock at the door. Ginny excused herself to answer the door.  Behind ginny a tall man with dusty hair and a scared face walked in.
The adults greeted him with a warm ‘remus’ but the weasley kids and Harry called out ‘mr.Lupin.’
He smiled at everyone greeting them by name, “you must be miss Lestrange, i'm the tutor you will be working with.”
You hesitated before thinking better of telling everyone one about your education status.
When the Weasleys began to excuse themselves you spoke up, “cousin, may I have a word?”
“Of course Y/N what seems to be the problem,” sirius looked concerned as he set his tea down.
“Well, you see my mother was a bit old fashioned when it came to where a woman should stand in society,” you started as Sirius nodded. “They did not let my nanny educate me past basic reading, enough to write a simple letter even. I’m just afraid that I won’t be able to keep up with Harry.”
“Yes, I can see where that is a genuine concern,” he smiled warmly. “If you would like I could look to find you a different tutor willing to work at your speed. I would use Remus but Harry's studies take a lot of his time and he has other students.”
“That would be wonderful, cousin sirius,” you smiled sweetly to him.
“Y/N, given the fact we are family you could call me just Sirius.” you felt a wave of relief wash through you.
That's when Ginny ran back into the dining room, “Mum needs me to pick up more fruits from the store. May Charlie and I go?”
“Of course Ginny, Y/N why don’t you go see the town with Ginny,” you looked taken aback. To go into town unsupervised. “Charlie will be with the two of you.”
“We can go to mrs.Kranes,” Ginny turned her attention to Sirius. “Y/N doesn't really have any simple dresses.”
“That's great Ginny,” You watched as Sirius pulled out a key and unlocked a box. He pulled out a coin pouch handing it to you. “Enough for two dresses for you, and one for Ginny if she would like something.”
Ginny grabbed your hand pulling you outside to the farm, “Charles!”
The closer we got to the more we could hear the Squeal and heavy breathing of a pig, “what’s wrong Gin?”
“We have to go get things for mum from the town.” her voice flattered seeing charlie hold a small piglet. “Ask Fred, He shouldn’t be too busy and he knows how the carriage works.”
“All right charlie, tell us when the litter is born.” Ginny turned to the door leading you to the stables.
“Freddie!” you took note that Ginny really liked yelling when she called for her brothers. “Charlie said you were the driver while May was having her baby’s.”
Both twins walked out of stalls across from each other. “Okay, where are we going?”
“Nice try George,” Ginny smiled to the one on the right. “Fred get ready we'll be ready in an hour.”
Ginny once again pulled you back to the manor.
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hi do u wrote for luna lovegood ? if so can u write something fluffy 🥺? i don’t mind what it’s about i just don’t see enough for her
I feel like I need to advertise this more: I write for ANY harry potter character. Any of them. Minus Dobby... Don't be that guy.
Warnings: Gay? uh... Mostly fluff. Kind of sad at times but seriously fluffy. Set in non voldy au
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You met this girl in your second year
And oh boy
Luna Lovegood.
Oh how that name alone seemed mystical to you.
She was this little thing that you just... Could never seem to get out of your head.
So much so you literally just ran into her
"I am so sorry!" You gasped.
She blinked a few times.
"Your eyes are e/c?" She asked curiously.
You blinked a few times.
"...Uhm..... Yeah?" You nodded.
"Pretty." She said in that soft voice of hers that only made you fall harder.
From that moment forth she actually sat closer to you in classes.
You thanked your lucky stars you were in the same class as her much less in the same dorm
She was always so kind and so thoughtful i general
But right now many other Ravenclaws noticed her fixation on you
This week was finals week and you were stressed.
You were slumped over your desk with your wand holding a bun in your hair
So she went down to the kitchens and brought back brownies.
You looked over and she was sitting on your bed with the plate
"You should eat." She said softly.
You blinked a couple of times.
"Where... Did you get brownies at three in the morning?" You asked
"The kitchens... The house elves were more than willing to help me" she said handing you one.
You bit into it and smiled. "They're good." You nodded.
Her heart nearly beat out of her chest looking at your smile.
"hey Luna... Thank you for helping me" you told her.
"Your smile is very pretty tonight Y/n." She said.
You chuckled and she smiled
"How come I've never... Seen you hanging out with anyone? I mean I would figure someone so kind would have a lot of friends?" You asked.
"I don't really have friends. Not many people want to know the girl who talks to herself." She shrugged
"I want to." You said
"You want to be friends?" She asked
"Yep." You nodded.
So from then on you were friends
She was shorter than you and you found this to be adorable.
But sometimes you'd be talking in the hall and you'd feel her jump on your back
First time she did that you fell over but you were laughing
But from then on you usually came to expect it.
You and her didn't really like to eat in the great hall so you sat in the astronomy tower.
She loved hanging out with you but she also loved those days where you'd get sleepy and fall asleep on her lap
She'd play with your hair and hum little songs or tunes to get you to sleep
Some times it'd be vice versa and she'd fall asleep on you
You would put your cardigan over her and read or something to pass the time
You two didn't go to quidditch games because it was just meh to you
You liked to sit near the lake and skip rocks
The summer that year was fun, the two of you hanging out
You were mesmerized by her house
"It's not much--" "This is literally the coolest thing I've ever seen"
Luna, her father and you would all sit outside sometimes and have small camp fires
Fun fact: Luna plays guitar
She has a gorgeous voice and she'll make songs up off the top of her head
You loved listening to her sing while watching the flames dance
Her father could recognize the young love in front of him
And no. He did not care that both of you were girls
Your third year started and the triwizard tournament happened
"A competition that's dangerous... Think that Harry kid will compete?" You asked
"Mmm. Probably" she nodded
You noticed sometimes she'd wave to things you couldn't see and it confused you but you never said anything
Finally one day you asked her "Luna, what are you greeting?"
"It's called a thestral... You can see them unless you've witnessed death." She said softly.
Oh... OH.
You blinked a couple of times "Uhm... L... Luna when did... When did you--"
"my mother died when I was nine. Creating spells." She said softly
You nodded. "I see."
"I'm okay though... I've got you and dad." She said with a smile
You and her were inseparable
You were in herbology and noticed a boy who just could not catch a break
So you two helped him out after he passed out in class
"What's your name?" She asked.
"Neville..." He groaned as he leaned up.
"Does this kind of thing happen frequently?" Luna asked.
"All the time." He said with a sigh.
"Well with this attitude it's not going to be fun. Think of it as a surprise power nap." You said making Luna laugh.
"...Who are you guys?" He asked.
"Y/n L/n. Luna Lovegood." You introduced.
"Right... Loony." He nodded slightly dazed.
"What?" You asked, eye slightly twitching at the nickname for Luna.
"Something Draco mentioned." He muttered.
"I'll be right back."
So you convinced the twins to give extra love to their favorite Slytherin that week
Ohhh how you enjoyed watching Draco scream like a little bitch down the halls
Neville began to hang out with you two
You loved seeing Luna make friends and be all adorable and bubbly
"So you two are a year below me?" He asked.
"Yep. We've got a hogsmeade trip coming up too." You nodded.
"excited?" Neville asked.
"Yep." Luna said with a smile
Hogsmeade was so much fun
dancing in the snow to music you two were making up on the spot
The twins meeting Luna and thinking "This girl is crazy... But I'd literally die for this girl"
She'd say something off the wall and random but you would just consider that normal while the boys would just be confused
After a while they did get used to it
The yule ball came up and you were nervous about that dance class
Mcgonagall wanted you to be in boy/girl couples but there weren't an even amount of boys to girls so you danced with Luna (thank god for what ever the twins put in Draco's food that morning)
You were trying so hard to focus but Luna was so pretty
"Hey Y/n. Wanna go to the Yule?" She asked
"With you?" You asked.
"Preferably." She nodded.
"Absolutely." You nodded
You went to the Gryffindor common room after class and screamed into a pillow for two hours
"Y/n what's up with you?" Neville asked.
"Luna asked me to the yule ball and I am FREAKING OUT."
"Oh... I'm going with Ginny do you guys want to hang out there to calm your nerves?"
You leaned up. "God. You are a God."
He laughed and so you waited for Luna at the stairs
She came down and you were mesmerized
"...Luna you're..." You gaped.
"I know it's not much" she said straightening it as she walked up to you
"Beautiful." You finally said.
You met Ginny that night and she actually thought you and Luna were adorable together
You two were smiling and blushing the whole night
But it was particularly awesome when you and her went for a walk.
She shivered and since you didn't have a jacket you just wrapped your arm around her
She smiled and you two exchanged this look that can only be described as pure beautiful love
You kissed her and she smiled even bigger
"Does this mean we're... Together?"
"I really hope so." You chuckled.
So then you two started dating
Her dad was so excited for you two, he was so happy to see Luna in love
Ginny started hanging out with you guys more and loved seeing you two together
You and Luna usually sat on the floor when you hung out
She'd sit in your lap and you'd rest your head on hers, while you listened to Neville or the twins
She loved to put flowers in your hair
She loves when she reads against a tree and your head is in her lap just smiling at her
She'll lean down and kiss you with a smile
When the twins opened their business you were excited for them
You guys met Harry during his last year and he just knew you two as "the crazy lesbian witches"
He didn't hate you two or anything, it was just something you two were known as?
He met you when you two were hanging out with the twins and Ginny
He didn't recognize you two and asked who you were
You answered him while Luna was sticking flowers in your hair and you were giggling
Harry for some reason was like "...I must know these two" and started hanging out with you guys
When Harry graduated Luns gifted him handmade origami roses.
She said they were more heartfelt that way
He actually keeps those in a vase in his room
Lily loves them
During your last year you had this one moment where you were helping Hagrid with Luna, feeding a creature
You looked over and she had this smile on her face and you just knew she was the one
"Luna after graduation... Do you want to get married?" You asked
"To you?" She asked
"... Preferably." You quoted her words to you when she asked you to the yule and she smiled
And so you two got married after graduation.
I am convinced you two defined the whole cottagecore aesthetic
She went on to work with magical creatures and you worked with Fred and George
She would get off work earlier than you and stop by the shop, always showing up with that beautiful smile
Nights where either of you couldn't sleep so you went stargazing
Waking up in the middle of a random field you decided to stargaze in
Midnight picnics are a thing with you two
A transportable record player and a random field? Uhm yes please
Luna bringing home a random creature like once a week and being like "Can we keep it?"
You saying yes because you can't say no to that face.
Adopting a little girl
Persephone Iris Lovegood
She always feels loved, especially by all of her uncles and aunts
Molly finally met you when you guys had a party to celebrate the adoption
She loves you and Luna to pieces
There is not one day where your daughter feels unloved or excluded
You made damn sure she'd never have to feel that.
Fred and George call her "their little minion"
She is a little bit of a prankster
Family picnics in the woods
Feeding deer like a Disney princess
Looking at your wife and thinking "This is the best life I can possibly be living."
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ballerinaroy · 4 years
Hey I just read your post about the Weasley siblings and it was AMAZING!! Could your write something about Ginny and George bonding over being parents?
Aww, thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. 
George looked up and “Ginny!” he called out, waving at her but she didn’t turn or stop in. He frowned, jogging over to her. “Oi! Weasley!”
She turned, alarmed but the look fell from her face as she saw he was only him. “Oh, sorry I was-“
“Everything alright?” he asked. “Where are you hurrying off to?”
“Nowhere,” Ginny said, looking distracted. She shook her head, plastering on a grimace, and asked. “How are you?”
“Fine,” he said, suddenly very suspicious. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing!” she snapped. “Why would anything be wrong? What makes you say that?”
“Because you’re acting like a right weirdo,” he told her. She glanced around the street as if someone might be watching her and George felt his own anxiety rise. “Come in, have a drink.”
“Oh, no, I-“
“I’m on baby duty for the next few hours, at least come and say hi to Angelina before she leaves.”
“Alright,” she said reluctantly, ducking her head and entering the shop.
“Ah, Ginny what a nice surprise!” Angelina said.
“Hello,” she said, looking like herself again as the pair hugged. “Sorry, I wasn’t planning on stopping in, George accosted me on the street.”
“I’ve got to run I’m afraid,” Angelina said, throwing on her cloak. “Fitting for our new uniforms, the design is ghastly.”
“You do have the worst luck, at least your complexion suits your colors.”
Angelina let out a laugh. “You’d think they’d tone down the lime for you, star player. Is Harry free? You two should stay for dinner.”
Again that shifty look was back, “Oh, no, not tonight I’m afraid. Maybe next week?”
“Alright,” she answered without suspicion and turned to George. “Fed and put down for about half an hour. He should be up soon.”
“Noted,” George said, leaning in for a kiss. “Have fun.”
Angelina pulled a face and gave Ginny a wave before ducking into the fireplace. In her absence, the two siblings looked at one another.
“Beer?” he offered.
“Yes,” Ginny said, looking relieved, “Er, no, uh, tea if you don’t mind.”
George raised his eyebrows but Ginny had already turned away, hanging up her cloak and walking towards the sofa.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked her, handing her a mug and sitting down.
“Talk about what?”
“What’s got you in such a tizzy.”
“It’s nothing, really,” Ginny said, distracting herself with blowing on her cup.
Patiently he looked at her, waiting but she seemed content to hold in her secret and he tried a different approach. “Angie had her first practice last week, the new beater has quite an attitude.”
“It’s that Parkinson kid right?” Ginny asked, her nose wrinkling. “He was decent at school but he didn’t deserve a spot, even as a reserve.”
“What do you think, quitter, or let go?”
“I bet you five gallons he won’t make it out of pre-season training,” Ginny said and he laughed. “I’m serious, it’s brutal, more work in a day than he’s used to doing all season.”
“I’m hoping for a crying fit,” George said in a low voice.
“You can’t come to a reserve team with an ego,” Ginny said smartly. “I swear, they need to stop recruiting before they get out of Hogwarts. Give them some time to mature and focus on N.E.W.T.s.”
“You got recruited out of Hogwarts,” he reminded her.
“And I still managed four more N.E.W.T.s than you,” Ginny snarked back.
“Ouch,” George said and was pleased to hear her laugh. “How about yours? Have you had your first practice yet?”
It was instantaneous, the way she froze, shutting off again. “No, we haven’t.”
He waited for her to say when her first would be, add to the conversation, but she sat there stubbornly.
“Just had my physical today.” She said shortly.
Worry shot through George, wondering what they could have told her. Just as he opened his mouth to probe the sound of his son stirring in the other room interrupted. 
“Just a  minute.” He said, and Ginny looked relieved.
Fred was just waking in his cot, stretching, and raising his head. George smiled at his son, pleased that he smiled back upon seeing him.
“Look who came to visit,” George said, kissing the top of his son’s head. “Your favorite Aunt.”
He waited for Ginny to extend her arms as was customary for any visitor but she kept a firm grip on her teacup. Not that George was too upset, when he sat down Fred, still just waking cuddled on his chest and lay still. He kissed the top of his head and looked over at his sister who, abruptly, had tears in her eyes.
“I’m pregnant,” she blurted out and then covered her mouth, her eyes widening in shock. “Oh, I didn’t mean-“
“Congratulations?” he asked.
She burst into tears, alarming Fred who looked up at him as if asking what to do. Hurridly, George fetched a handkerchief and she took it, tears running down her face.
“I had no idea and there I was, waiting to get approved so I could get on with my day and the Healer just…just says it.”
“You weren’t-“
“Trying? God no, we’ve only just gotten married and it’s only my third season and-“ she hurried her face in her hands. “Oh, God.”
George sat down on the cushion next to her, putting a hand on her back and patting it.
“It’s not I’m not excited, I am, we want kids a dozen if Harry has it his way, it’s just, just so soon.” Ginny’s words came, muffled by her hands. “I wanted another couple of years, to furnish the house, tone newlyweds and it’s all happened so fast.”
Patiently he sat there, rubbing her back as she sobbed. He felt Fred shift on his lap and smiled, proudly, as he reached his little fist for Ginny’s hand, tugging on it. She emerged, makeup running down her face, and smiled at the gesture.
“Can I?” she asked George and he nodded, waiting for Ginny to clear her face before passing Fred onto her lap. “Hey there, you’ve gotten so big.”
“So,” he said after a minute of watching Fred and Ginny make faces at one another. “Just found out?”
“I can’t even tell you why I came here today,” Ginny said, “I left there and was trying to figure out some way to tell Harry.” She let out a little laugh, bouncing Fred’s hands up and down. “I think he’ll take the news a lot better than I did.”
She frowned and looked up. “It’s not fair, the team will get the report so I have to tell him straight away. No way this’ll keep quiet.”
“You’re one who wanted to be Ginny Potter,” he teased.
“Don’t remind me,” Ginny said, turning up her nose. “I should have convinced him to take the Weasley name when I still had the chance.”
“I can’t believe you’re going to be a mum,” he said quietly. 
Ginny sighed, but didn’t look so upset. “Well, if you can manage I think I’ll figure it out.” 
“We’ll see about that.” 
Send me a prompt!
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Soooooooo... because I’ve completely lost my mind: “Light and L in Hogwarts during the year that Harry Potter was” AU ideas (and I know a lot of people have already written them into Hogwarts, so I’m probably just unknowingly copying people’s ideas. But shh).
Light is a Gryffindor and L is a Slytherin (same year). Really, Light should also be a Slytherin, of course. But this helps them to be rivals better. He probably asked the Sorting Hat to put him in Gryffindor--ala Harry--and the Sorting Hat took his choice into consideration.
And they are rivals. Because like in canon, they’re very much the same and Foils to each other. They both definitely become prefects and Head Boy of their year (sorry, Ron. I guess I’m stealing prefect from you for this AU. I’m so sorry, baby!). And everyone is constantly comparing the two, so they hate each other at first. They’re also both on their respective Quidditch teams, because of course they’d be. I’m imagining they’re Beaters, because “he who attacks first, wins”, and since Harry’s still got to be Gryffindor Seeker.
And getting the obvious out of the way: L loves Honeydukes, of course.
But I imagine the reason these two start to become friends is this: Light realizes there’s something wrong with Snape jumps down Harry’s throat on his first day. Like, he reads fear and humiliation on Harry’s face or something--or knows that even the most basic wizard should have known the answers Snape was asking about--he questions him about it... To which Harry admits that he didn’t even know he was a wizard--or about the wizarding world--until a few days ago. Though I doubt Harry would be this open about it to a stranger, but shh. And this ticks Light off--to know that Harry’s aunt and uncle treated him so dirty, and that Professor Snape just made this poor, defenseless kid look like an idiot--and he plans to go to Snape about it. But anyway, L had secretly been listening this whole time--but hiding like a cat--and he makes his appearance known now. He’d come to the same conclusions and also wants to help Harry out, because he’s “justice” too, after all. And it’s here that Light and L develop a grudging respect for each other. And they probably do go to Snape. But Snape being Snape doesn’t listen to them, and he takes points from both Gryffindor and Slytherin for their “insolence”... At which point, they might decide to make Snape’s life a living Hell, and thus a friendship begins.
The two of them totally become aurors when they graduate, and enjoy seeing Harry and Ron at work.
Light and L may think that Ron isn’t the smartest wizard in the world--and somewhat un-deserving to hang out with Harry and Hermione--at first, but their opinion of him changes pretty quickly. And even when they did think this of him, they didn’t dislike Ron. They liked the dude pretty well, since Ron’s pretty sociable, but just didn’t think he would ever be a rival to them. Let’s put it that way. But when they learn about all that Ron does in his, Harry, and Hermione’s adventures, they give him mass respect.
Light and L are the biggest supporters of Neville Longbottom that you’ll ever see, as they both saw his potential and realized pretty soon that it was abuse keeping him from unlocking his full potential. 
Light and L are “fans” of Harry at first--though not starstruck--and then just flat-out respect the Boy Who Lived once he just becomes one of their peers. Granted, they don’t think baby Harry really did anything to earn all his fame... but you’ve still got to give it to the infant that somehow tripped up Lord Voldermort and stopped his reign of terror.
Light and Hermione... get on pretty well. I’d maybe go as far as to say they’re acquaintances. And, naturally, everyone thinks they should date: since they’re the two smartest Gryffindors and prefects. But this would never happen. They probably even laugh at the idea together. Hermione has just never had any interest in Light, for whatever reason (maybe because she had a crush on Ron pretty early on). And Light is most definitely gay.
I forgot to mention that L in this is probably a clue to the Golden Trio earlier on that Slytherins aren’t all bad.
Speaking of: L and Draco are friends (but only because Draco’s pretty much the best person he can find in Slytherin house). And this maaaaaaaaaybe convinces Draco to switch sides earlier than in canon.
As he would, Light definitely loves to use avada kedavra against evil people... Though no one really has a problem with this, because most people use that spell during a war (in fact, even our heroes in Harry Potter often don’t understand why he won’t use the killing curse). L maaaaaaaaaaybe tells Light that he thinks this is a bad thing. But it isn’t something they’re going to turn into enemies before. And L’s certainly used the spell himself in dire situations. But similarly to Death Note canon, Light thinks that all criminals should be avada kedavrad. L questions that one time, though, in asking Light, “You want them to suffer for what they’ve done, yes? So wouldn’t it be worse for them to live out their years in Azkaban? Or have their souls sucked out by the Dementors?”
But back to Light and L still being rivals... There’s one time where they’re both in the halls after curfew--probably because Light and L sometimes get roped into the Golden Trio’s adventures, or their own adventures, because they’re too smart not to be--and L leans over to Light and says, “Know that I love you,” before kissing him on the lips... He then gets on his broom, or something, and quickly flies away so he won’t get caught, but Light is and Gryffindor loses points. So the game is on.
I feel like Light and L would probably hate and dislike Dumbledore, after they realize some of the shady stuff he does. L might somewhat respect his cleverness, but ehh.
Also, Light and L are brilliant... So they never once doubt that Voldermort is back when Harry says he is. And they do, in fact, join Dumbledore’s Army and help Harry teach... Even though they probably hate the name. They also help bring it back with Neville, Luna, and Ginny, when the Golden Trio are away in year seven.
They fight in the Battle of Hogwarts, of course. And in the battle in Hogwarts at the end of book six.
L is probably the first Gryffindor to stand up to his house, like “Uhh, no. We’re not going to sacrifice Harry to Voldermort to save ourselves.” And speaking of... there’s a chance that a good portion of L’s house hates him for clearly siding with Harry over Voldermort when the war begins.
I had some ideas about Misa, but I’m sort of forgetting them now. She’s definitely a Hufflepuff... But I want to do something different with her, than most people usually do. Yes, Light is kind of annoyed by her because he thinks she thinks they’re dating or is trying to force it? (She probably does something to help him? And then Light thinks she’s insinuating he owes her. IDK?) But what if in reality, she’s ace or something and just wants a friend? And Light is just assuming the worst--and for once, being dumb--by just not talking to her? But eventually he does, and then they’re sort of cool with each other. And she then sometimes helps Light and L, because this is the happy Death Note AU (in Hogwarts), everybody.
...I feel like I had so many ideas, but now I think I’ve forgotten them all. Oops. I’ll add to this if I remember them, I guess. 
Also... there’s a good chance that Light and L figure out the Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew thing before anyone else--near instantly, when they learn about it--but I also don’t know if I want to commit to that? Because I don’t want to steal the Golden Trio’s thunder too much here? But at the same time, if I’m not going to have the Death Note characters slightly change things, what’s even the point?
Edit: The two geniuses probably do create some new spell or potion or something together. 
Edit 2: Harry and L totes bond over being orphans.
Edit 3: All the students in Hogwarts know that Light and L are gay for each other. And are constantly like, “Where’s your boyfriend at?” to their annoyance, probably because even in this universe Light and L are in denial about their feelings for each other for the longest time for some reason.
Edit 4: Light and L have the same patrous (to their annoyance. And at first, it’s not because they love each other--though maybe later it partly is--but because they’re that much alike). And it’s probably a cheetah or something.
Edit 5: Back to the whole Light and Misa thing, L actually realizes she doesn’t want to be Light’s girlfriend and is cool with her before even Light is. Since, oddly enough, it seems that Slytherin and Hufflepuff are close, and Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Later, when Light asks how he figured it out first, L sites his deductive reasoning schools and this as the reason.
Edit 6: I just thought of how this gets dark, and how Light and L maybe turn against each other... Light being tempted to create horcruxes by using the kills he makes in self-defense. L tells him not to do it: to not be like Voldermort. And Light perhaps listens to that... or doesn’t, in being so arrogant that he thinks he won’t become a dark wizard if he’s tasted immortality. On one hand, I feel like Light wouldn’t want to rip his soul apart. But if he thought it was for the greater good--so he could continue fighting crime as an auror--then he might do it...
Edit 7: Light and L do probably resent their professors some, in thinking that they’re more capable than they are.
Edit 8: Light and Hermione might actually go on one “date” together. To “The Slub Club”, because they want to make Ron and L jealous.
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the-dead-skwad · 4 years
Miss Lestrange Part 3 X Reader X George Weasley
Sorry it’s been a spell ;) I’ve been super busy with my new job and metal health kicking my ass. Also don’t get hung up over the spelling mistakes, my nails are so long and I always miss something out. 
Summary: It’s going to be lonely tis Christmas or so you thought. 
?!? Warning: Slight mention of self harm, Parental abuse. 
Tag : @hopeladybug​ @supernaturalidjitjess​ @til-the-end-of-the-line​
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This year had gotten even crazier and it wasn’t even Christmas yet. Umbridge was terrified of you; Not long after your screaming match in her first lesson she called you to her office. She told you you were there to write lines but of course there would be a catch. As you started to write the words formed as scratches on the back of your hand. You looked up at her with her sadistic grin. You glanced back to your hand “Does the ministry approve?”
“Excuse me?” She cleared her throat.
You smiled “That’s what I thought.” You stared straight at her with a smile on your face.
“What are you?” Her grin was gone.
You put the torture quill to the parchment and started to scratch, scribbling a giant bunch of mess, never breaking eye contact.
“Stop it!” She screamed. “Get out!”
You collected your things still smiling. When you finally got to the hallway you stopped. “Owww.. merlin that hurt.” You held on to it with your other hand.
After all that she hadn’t even acknowledge you were even there. Every lesson, if she saw you in the hallways, you were invisible. It suited you fine.
I was approaching Christmas now and you just weren’t feeling it. Everyone would head back to their parents, their family’s have a really nice time and you would roam the empty halls all alone. Some kids would stay but it was no one you knew.
You went to leave the dungeons when Draco stopped you. “How you doing?”
“What do you want Draco?”
“I hear your joining the quidditch team.”
“And what if I am?”
He walked over to the table where there were two large boxes “Mother sent you these.”
“What the hell is that? I don’t need your charity.”
“It’s not charity. She was proud of you making the team, you got brand new kit and the best broom.”
“Oh…” Narcissa was the only person who had looked after you ever “Tell her thank you and that I’m sorry I can’t come home.”
“She understands.” He walked off and you took your stuff to your room.
“What’s that?” Pansy was in your dorm.
“Er Quidditch stuff.”
She pulled a face at you “How did you afford that? Aren’t you like an orphan?”
“Just because my aunt buys me things and can’t stand you doesn’t mean you have to be bitter.” You flashed her a sarcastic smile. “And besides.. my parents are very much alive.” Winking at her made her exit the room, fast.
When you left the dungeon Fred popped up out of no where. “It’s Christmas!” He shouted in your face.
“Fuck Fred! I know.. I’d like to make it to Christmas without having a heart attack.”
He laughed “Sorry, George wants to see you in the astronomy tower.”
“Okay, you know why?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“Right..” You looked at him funny “A good one?”
He frowned at you “Is there bad surprises?”
“Well that heart attack you just gave me wasn’t pleasant.”
“Just go!” He pushed you forward.
He stood at the rail looking over the grounds. “Hey.” Your soft voice from behind him melted his heart. He turned to look at you “Hey beautiful.”
“Fred said you wanted to see me?”
He leaned in and just millimetres away from your lips he whispered “Always.” Causing your knees to almost buckle. He pulled away making you sad at the lack of contact. “I know you’re not looking forward to Christmas and I thought you could spend Christmas with us.”
You sighed “You know that’s the only thing I want to do but it’s not safe. I’m not putting your family in danger.”
“Shut up for a second.” His abruptness shocked you. “I have something for you.” He handed you a small box.
Inside was a necklace made of a chain and a beautiful crystal. “Oh George, this is stunning. What stone is this?”
“Well that’s the cool thing you see. This stone is enchanted and when wearing it anyone who uses dark magic can’t find you. It’s a protection stone.”
Your mouth dropped open. “So… so I can be with you?”
“And it gets better, I have spoken to my mum. We are staying at the Burrows to collect some things just for the first night and then we’re going to a safer location where the order meets. So you’re even safer.”
“George I don’t think you know what this means to me..” You threw your arms around his neck. “Thank you so much.”
You leaned back and looked at each other “I love you Y/N.”
“I love you George.”
Travelling to the burrows made you nervous at first. Every noise you heard your heart jumped. But George was there to squeeze your hand or wrap his arm around you. When you finally arrived looking up at the house your whole body relaxed. It felt like home.
“It’s no Malfoy Manor but it’s home.” Ron smiled at you though the mouth full of food he had some how found.
You smiled at them all “It’s beautiful.”
A small yelp made you jump “You’re home!” You turned to see the happiest woman covered in multi-coloured wool. She ran to the boys and hugged them. “How was the trip?” She turned to Ginny. “You all in one piece?”
“If it wasn’t for Fred’s driving.” Ginny snapped at him. He just shrugged in response.
She looked at you “Oh sweetheart!” She opened up her arms and squeezed you tight “You must be Y/N. How are you feeling deary?”
“Much better now I’m here. Your house is amazing Mrs Weasley.”
“Oh pff please call me Molly. George has told me so much about you.”
“Oh that’s not terrifying.” You could see the look in her eye. All the things she wanted to say to you but didn’t know how. You smiled and gave her a reassuring nod.
She squeezed both your hands “You must be starving.”
The food was incredible. Everyone sat there shovelling it in while all the siblings bickered. You heard Ginny from across the table “Ron I swear if you don’t put your elbows down I’ll tell Hermione you still have a blanky.”
His face turned bright red “No I don’t! And why would I care what she thinks anyway?”
You and George shared a look. Ron pointed a chicken leg at him “I saw that!”
After you had all finished you sat by the fire for a while. They all told stories from when they were children. Like George turning Ron’s chocolate into spiders or when Fred tried to hide the firework he made and blew up the toilet.
Your eyes started to get heavy. “Shall we head up?” George whispered in your ear. You nodded.
As you both walked up the stairs Fred whistled after you receiving the middle finger from you both.
You stood by his bed in just your t-shirt and shorts. He raised his eyebrows at you.
“What?” you said as you tied up your crazy hair into a loose bun.
“I’ve just never seen you like this.” His head propped up by his arm.
“What? Scruffy?”
“No!” He laughed “You know, we’ve just never been allowed in the same room alone like this.” He swung his legs off the bed and sat on the side.
You sat on his knee facing him, your knee’s either side of his legs. “You nervous Georgie?”
He placed his hand on your lower back to keep you steady. He smiled into a kiss “Far from it.”
After a few minutes of kissing you leaned back. He groaned from the lack of contact. “Sorry I gotta pee.”
“Down the stairs next to mum and dads room.”
You did an army salute as you left. The idea of him lying there in just his boxers, waiting for you. You practically leapt down the entire flight of stairs.
Leaving the toilet you could hear raised voices coming from Molly and Arthurs room. You weren’t rude enough to listen to a couples argument but then you heard your name.
“You are not listening to me Molly.”
“I am but you’re talking nonsense.”
“No I’m not.. Did you see her at the table? She can already do things without her wand!”
Hearing them talk about you in a bad way hurt you deep.
“We knew she was going to be powerful. There was no question in that. Arthur she is only a child.”
“How can you trust her? Not only is she powerful she is literally the spit of Belatrix. How can you just let her into our home?”
“You are just paranoid. George trusts her!”
“He is blinded by love! Or by a spell she put on him. I think she should leave.”
Tears started to roll down your cheeks. Maybe he was right. Maybe you should leave, you were selfish to think that you could live a normal life with someone you loved. What you thought you would get married and have children? Live a normal life? You were just kidding yourself. Prolonging the time till your mother got a hold of you again.
As you ran down the stairs you tripped over something making a right noise. You looked up the stairs as Molly Arthur and George ran to the stairs.
Tears blurred your vision as you ripped through the front door. You looked out into the vast fields around you. Without your broom there was no where to really go. Felling started to become overwhelming. You dropped to your knees and screamed. A circle of fire burst around you.
George stood in front of you the flames roaring between you. He looked down at you and noticed your hand wrapped around your necklace. “Y/N stop.. please listen to me.”
You couldn’t hear him over all the voices in your head, all the people telling you you were worthless, a bad guy, the devils daughter, nothing but a traitor, only good for wiping their feet on. You were completely unaware you were pulling on the necklace.
George knew you couldn’t take it off otherwise they would come for you. “Y/N please! Listen to my voice. Just mine.”
Slowly his voice pushed through the noise. Your breathing started to slow.
He got his arm and went to reach forward. “George!” Molly shouted “What are you doing?”
“She won’t hurt me.” He stuck his hand straight through the fire. To him it was almost cold. He stepped through and knelt down in front of you.
Him placing his hand over yours cause your eyes to burst open. “George?”
“Its me. You’re okay.”
As you fell passing out in his arms the fire disappeared. He held onto you tight. Scooping you up into his arms he walked back into the house. He placed you down on the sofa and lit the fire to keep you warm. The rest of the family stood looking at you both.
“Do you have an idea what she has been through?” He voice was sharp but not loud enough to wake you.
“All I said was that I’m not sure after everything that has happened we should trust her.” Arthur stood his ground.
“She doesn’t just burst into a circle of fire because someone doesn’t trust her. I am all she has.. Her own family want her dead and everyone else is too scared of her to even look at her. Do you know how she must feel? Her own mother almost tortured her to death.”
Arthur swallowed hard. “Maybe I was a bit harsh.”
“Maybe?” Ginny looked at him in disbelief.
Molly approached your sleeping body, she moved your hair out your face and stroked it gently. “Maybe she needs the love of a real family.”
George sat on the sofa and pulled you into his body. “That’s all she’s ever wanted.”
Molly smiled at him sweetly “And that’s what you’re going to give her?”
“That and the entire world if she wishes.”
She nodded “Then that’s what we’ll give her. This family.”
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She Was There for a Reason
A fanfic of the battle of Hogwarts from Tonks’ perspective.
She was dodging curses, jinxes and falling stone while navigating the castle. It was pure choas; students, teachers Order members all fighting against the death eaters, giants, and... was that a acromantula? Tonks fended off a pair of death eaters form some students who clearly didn’t have much dueling experience.
“Thanks.” one of them panted when she stunned and bound their attackers. she nodded and asked,
“What in Merlin’s name are you kids doing here?” they all ducked at the sound of a near by explosion. “You all need to get out of here now!” She scolded them and cringed at how quickly she’d adopted a motherly tone.
“No we’re of age and McGonagall told us we could fight.” She sighed, not in the frame of mind to argue.
“Fine, but stick together and find some high ground.” A jet of purple light collided with the stone wall behind them, sending shards of stone flying all over. She shielded the three teens out of instinct, and fired at the closest death eater who was dueling Kingsley Shackelbolt.
“Thank you!” the only girl of the three said.
“Get going!” she yelled over her shoulder throwing another jinx to assist her fellow auror. They turned to do as she instructed, but she remembered the reason she came. “Wait.” They looked back to her, “Have you seen Remus Lupin?” she asked desperately. 
“Professor Lupin?” The tall boy asked.
“Yes.” another jet of light narrowly missed the group.
“He was leading a group onto the grounds, but got caught up fighting Dolohov near the courtyard.” he responded. The ground shook and she ushered them away with thanks to Dean for the information.
Kingsley was loosing ground against Yaxley near by as the students headed for better position. Tonks hurtled over the rubble she was taking cover under to aid him. 
“Tonks!?” was all he could yell out in the heat of battle.
“Need help old man?” she hollered back shooting a barrage of jinxes at Yaxley. The death eater stuttered backwards for a moment giving Kingsley the time to right himself. The pair danced in the duel as their mentor had taught them. For a man who trusted no one Mad eye sure knew how to build a perfect team. Crabbe and Goyle appeared to help Yaxley against the duo. Kingsley in these settings tended to take on the role of defense while Tonks charged forward on attack, but in the face of three death eaters he stepped in front of the new mother; the woman he loved like a sister, and wildly blitzed the men. Tonks held the defense, shielding any jinxes and watched as her friend dealt a decisive blow, and cut down all three death eaters. 
“What the Hell are you doing here?” He yelled turning to her.
“Saving your sorry arse!” She responded defiantly
“I was doing fine, and what about Teddy?!”
“He’s with me mum.” A great rumble shook the castle causing them to grab each other for stability.
“You’re in danger.” He looked wildly around for cover, “We need to get you out of here. Why did you come?” He asked franticly. 
“I came for the same reason I joined the order, the same reason I became an auror.” She looked up at him, “I have to help, I need to help.” He understood. They all had the calling in them, you can’t ignore the the cries of those in need. 
“Fine.” he sighed. “But keep on high ground.” She rolled her eyes. He was treating her like she was a trainee again.
“Have you seen Remus?”
“He was down in the courtyard last I saw.” They began to run in that direction, “Took Dolohov off my hands leaving me just with Yaxley.” The pair split up at the great staircase, Tonks promising to look for Lupin from above and stay out of harms way. She was helping some students on the upper levels overlooking the courtyard, fending off any enemies that approached, while looking for her husband. It was all a haze and everything was exploding all around them. She was holding strong against some incoming dementors, and had a few students helping her when she saw something that twisted her insides painfully.
Bellatrix Lestrange was playing with her food.
Her aunt, the one that resembled he kind loving mother, was torturing Neville Longbottom at the base of the great staircase. His screams curdled her blood and pierced her heart. She was taunting him. 
“Ickle Longbottom screams just like his mommy did.” She was sick, demented. Tonks remembered the vile threats she made on Teddy’s life. That woman had caused enough pain. Her wolf patronus pushed back the last of the Dementors and rushed off towards Bellatrix with Tonks close behind. She thought of Teddy holding his beautiful face in her minds eye as she charged her aunt. Neville was Alice’s Teddy. “As fun as this is. Bloodtraitor, I’ll have to cut it short.” Neville was panting from the most recent bout of torture, sweat drenching his clothes and shimmering on his young face. The tip of her wand began to glow green, “Avad-”
“Bellatrix!” Tonks screamed. The older woman paused and turned to see her niece standing at the top of the staircase.
“You.” Her attention was completely on Tonks now, hatred and fury now emanating from the oldest Black sister.
“Neville,” Tonks looked to the young man, “Go help your friends I’ll handle her.” Neville began to protest, “Run! Now!” She shouted as she shot a jinx at her aunt. Bellatrix easily dodged it, but at least her attention was off of the boy now. Neville hurried to the aid of Ginny who was fighting Greyback nearby. The death eater and the auror trades a few curses with Tonks keeping the high ground and landing a some good hits on the older woman. Her aunt’s actions were wild and desperate. 
“After I kill you, I’m going to kill your mutt of a husband and then your precious pup.” She spat out before sending another few killing curses at Nymphadora. 
“If you keep talking like that Remus and I are going to take you off the Christmas card list.” she smirked taunting the woman. A few more curses wizzed passed her as the pair took their duel to the second level of the castle. Tonks was losing ground, but to be fair even the great Minerva McGonagall struggled against Bellatrix.
It was heated to say the least. Tonks felt satisfaction for her small hits and limited victories, but then immediately felt exhaustion from dodging, and shielding from the countless attacks. She had to win she needed to protect Teddy Bellatrix was the looming cloud over everything they did. They hid their marriage because of her, hid the pregnancy because of her. It needed to end. Tonks became more frantic, attacking with the smallest openings, resorting to dark curses and risky maneuvers. She was turning the tide, she could feel it she could land one last hit.... But she was too slow. Bellatrix blasted her back in one of her exposed blitz. She hit the wall hard knocking the wind from her and dropping her crumpled on the ground. Her aunt’s laugh was manic as she charged forward sending stunning, cutting and bruising jinxes at Tonks. She fended off one barely, but was hit by the others. She rushed in close to her niece, grabbing her spiked pink hair with one hand and pressing her wand into her throat with the other.
“I wish I had more time to enjoy this.” She hissed into Nymphadora’s bloodied and bruised face. “Like when I killed your mudblood father.” a pain ripped through Nymphadora. “I took time with his punishment. Days and days I spent breaking him.” She licked her lips at the memory. “But I suppose I’ll have that again with your husband and baby.” Tonks felt the hatred build in her to a breaking point. Her sweet father had died at the hands of this monster. Remus would suffer, Teddy..... no. She thought of everything Bellatrix had done. All the nights her mother spend crying over her sister. Neville’s parents, her father, every vile and heinous thing that boiled Tonks’ blood, and with the last of her strength she raised her wand and blurted out.
“Avada Kedavra.” A green jet shot out and sent Bellatrix flying backwards to the opposing wall. A mixture of horror and relief washed through her at what she just did. Her hatred and fear had taken control she was desperate to do anything to save her family. Her feelings hadn’t settled when the heap that was her aunt moved. She got to her feet with difficulty as her aunt rose seemingly from the dead. The Death Eater’s face was bloodied and her motions seemed pained, but yet she lived.
“That was a good first try.” She turned fully to Tonks with clear pain in her face. “But it’s more than just hate dear.” Tonks raised her wand while still leaning on the wall for support, “Its the joy of killing. Let me show you.” Tonks felt a single tear run down her face. Not for her, but for Teddy. it was his face she held in her mind as she heard her aunt give her demonstration.
I hate when people shit on Tonks for going to the battle. She is a good soul who couldn’t stand by when people needed her. I wanted to give a concrete reason why she needed to be there, why her sacrifice meant so much more than her leaving Teddy orphaned. She was a hero and people shit on her because of it. this is the only time you see me admit she died. But I believe she had to be there to save Neville. She would have been the only person short Harry that could have diverted Bellatrix’s attention. She sacrificed herself and Neville was able to aid Harry and the rest is history.
Also as badass as Molly Weasley is, the first time we see her Duel is against Bellatrix, and I think it would make more sense if Bellatrix was weakened when she died at Molly’s hand.
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enviedear · 4 years
that damn american ᶠᶦᵛᵉ
don’t exploit our friendship
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DESCRIPTION ⌙ in which y/n and draco go on a ‘date’, meet harry potter, and come to conclusions in the owlery.
PAIRING ⌙ draco x fem!reader
chapter one | chapter two | chapter three | chapter four | chapter five
gonna rec golden hour - kacey musgraves , teenage fantasy - jorja smith and playing games - summer walker for this chapter ;)
“i’m not taking her to madame puddifoot’s.” blaise sighs, exasperated.
“why? i’m sure april would love that tacky shop.” draco snickers, earning a jab from you.
april, who’s far ahead of you all, is making her way for the joke shop. she said something about how she and blaise are going to be pranking quinn. you suppose it’s only fair for what he did to her in fourth year.
the air is cooler now, and the four of you are all clad in warmer garments. the boys sporting slytherin quidditch sweaters and draco wearing a black turtleneck underneath. while april looks straight out of a damn brandy melville ad with her thunderbird sweatshirt tucked into her tennis skirt.
you on the other hand decided it best to wear a simple green tank with a loose cropped cardigan with mom jeans. 
you’re now regretting the decision as your upper body is becoming unbearably chilly.
“blaise, look! i got some hiccoughing candy. i think we could give him one after breakfast tomorrow.” april laughs.
draco groans from the bench the two of you are sat on, playing with the silver rings on his fingers.
“this is bloody demeaning.” the boy complains.
“you know, you could be third wheeling. at least i’m here, and i could always leave you here. alone.” you huff.
draco narrows his eyes at you, “if you dare try, i’ll make sure you never get back to america. i refuse to be alone with these two lovesick idiots.”
“jesus someone is in a mood.” you snort, ruffling his perfectly done hair.
“shut it l/n.”
blaise and april walk into tomes and scrolls, leaving you and draco outside.
“screw this, come on, let’s go to gladrags. i want a jacket.” you say, hopping off the bench.
draco gets up, “damn americans and never dressing for the weather.”
“i think that’s more of a me thing.” you retort, heading into the shop.
as you take a look around you find a small section full of coats, sweaters, jackets, and sweatshirts. 
“you know these are ridiculously overpriced, right?” draco scoffs.
“well i’m cold draco. and like my mother always says, ‘a fashionable witch always dresses in which she is comfortable’.” you say, reciting a line from one of your mother’s books.
she’s a popular fashion designer, and never let you or quinn forget it.
“excuse me, is your mother, the eliza l/n?” draco gasps.
you nod, a little confused as to how the boy knows her.
“hold on. you’re the daughter of one of american’s best designers and you never thought to tell me? what’s next? is your father the bloody president.”
you laugh, “no, but he is a retired quadpot player for the new york nogtails. you seriously didn’t know? my parents are the wizarding equivalent to victoria and david beckham.”
draco looks bewildered, “this whole time you’ve had prestige, and i didn’t even know? oh, just wait until i owl mother and tell her i’m friends with her favorite designers daughter.”
“don’t exploit our friendship, you fucker.” you say, slapping his shoulder.
he rubs his side and glares at you, “you were the one that begged me to be your friend. at least let me reap the benefits.”
“i’m starting to regret my decision, you’re a shit friend.” you tease.
draco lets out an exaggerated sigh, “fine, i was going to give you my sweater so you wouldn’t have to buy one, but since i’m such a shit friend.. nevermind.”
“i was kidding bitch. hand over the sweater!” you order.
he rolls his grey eyes and slips the garment off, exposing his tight fitted black turtleneck. it’s a sight to behold, honestly. it makes your mind slip into visions of the two of you actually together and on a date. 
“well take it, and come on. i want a butterbeer.” he says, snapping you out of your daydream.
you put the sweater on and trail behind your friend. when the two of you enter the three broomsticks, draco immediately scowls.
“what’s the matter?” you ask.
“stupid potter. he’s sitting in my spot.” draco huffs.
“just sit somewhere else, you big baby.”
draco looks annoyed but complies, sitting beside you at a nearby booth.
you want to question why he’s not sitting on the opposite side, but ignore it. you like being this close to him.
“why do you hate harry?” you ask instead.
“he’s a brat. he thinks he so special because he killed a dark wizard when he was a baby. and his stupid parents are always at family events because of my bloody cousin, sirius. they’re the strangest people.” he tells.
“ah, how annoying. the boy saved the world in infancy.” you deadpan.
draco waves you off, “okay, i get it. but he is annoying.”
you laugh as a waitress comes over to take your order.
“two butterbeers.” draco tells her, handing her money.
as she walks away you give him a look, “i could have paid.”
“the guy always pays for the first date, y/n.” draco rolls his eyes, before adding, “not that this is a date. i wouldn’t take you to the three broomsticks.”
you smile, a little shy, “i wouldn’t mind sharing a first date here.”
“then potter is your soulmate. he takes ginny here every date they go on. honestly i don’t know how does he has a girlfriend and i don’t. the irony” he pouts.
you glower at him.
the waitress comes back with your drinks, and draco watches you expectantly. you roll your eyes and take a sip.
“oh shit this is good.” you gasp.
“told you.” he says, smug.
the two of you continue talking and drinking your butterbeers for a few more minutes before april and blaise make their way into the shop.
“look at this pretty necklace blaise got me! oh, and i got momma to mail me my old phone for him to use. he’s with the times now!” april beams, rushing into the booth.
blaise trails behind her, looking very confused by the cellphone in his hands.
“well hello you two. i’m glad you’re enjoying your date.” you smile.
blaise looks up at you, “seems like you’re enjoying yours as well.”
“draco and i are not on a date.” you say, glancing at the boy beside you.
“well we just thought you were since you’re wearing his sweater and sitting in the same bench. couple behavior if you ask me.” april shrugs.
“why do you people think i would take someone on a first date here. i’m far too good for that.” draco sighs.
april laughs and gives blaise a knowing look. 
you don’t like that. it makes you narrow your eyes at the two of them, but they continue giggling.
“draco! i’m glad i caught you,” a voice calls. 
you look up to see harry potter, followed by a redhead.
“are you coming over to sirius’ for christmas?” harry asks, resting against the booth.
“of course potter. he’s my family.” draco grunts.
“i was just making sure,” harry retorts. he looks at you, “are you bringing your girlfriend? sirius asked.”
draco coughs, “excuse me?”
harry smiles, “y/n, your girlfriend. snape owled my mum about it and dad told sirius. don’t worry, he’s letting you surprise your parents. he just wanted to know if she’d be with us this year.”
draco is fuming as he stares at harry. it’s quite enjoyable.
you grin, “actually, i’m going to be with my parents this christmas. but i don’t see why i couldn’t portkey here. i’d love to tag along.”
draco glares at you, “we are not-”
“great! i’ll owl sirius. come on ginny.” the brown haired boy gleams, walking away.
draco’s still glaring, “you’re dead. i’m going to hex you until you can’t remember your name.”
“oh come on. it was a joke. plus it’d be fun to have christmas with me. can’t you imagine it?” you say, nudging his arm.
“but explaining to my mum that we’re not dating is going to be a hassle. and you’re going to have to meet my crazy aunt bella.” draco groans, rubbing his eyes.
“to be fair, his aunt is mad. but think about it draco, what’s the worst that can happen? y/n would be a great addition to your family, even if it is just as a friend.” blaise says.
“just as a friend my ass.” april whispers.
draco rolls his eyes but gives you all a smile, “i hate everything about this.”
blaise narrows his eyes before smirking, “sure mate.”
once it was time to go back to the castle you told everyone you needed to head to the owlery first to pick up a package your parents had sent you. draco offered to come along and you let him, obviously.
you liked being alone with him. 
by the time you get to the tower, it’s deserted, save for you and draco.
“you’re such a menace.” draco speaks, breaking your focus from your letters.
“big word for such a baby of a man.” you tease.
“shut up. i’m being serious. i know the minute i tell everyone you’re not my girlfriend, potter and his friends are going to have a field day.” draco says.
“harry doesn’t seem so mean. i follow him on instagram. he’s always so nice online.” you retort.
“you’ll see. he’s going to be a prat come christmas.” draco sighs, leaning against the wall.
you huff, “stop being so dramatic. if you want i can always just say i’m your girlfriend.”
draco gets off the wall and comes over to you, “you’re serious?”
you laugh, “yeah, i mean, everyone’s right. be basically act like a couple already. we’re really close for friends.”
“i guess..” he trails off, looking away from you.
you bite your lip and examine him. his pretty blond hair, pink lips, flushed face, and perfect posture. of course you wouldn’t mind pretending to be his girlfriend. you love him.
everything about him. you love the way his face contorts into a scowl after any inconvenience. you love how he looks at you when he sees someone doing something stupid. you love how he always has something for the two of you to do. and you love how he shows you the real him. 
“but maybe it could be like a trial run.” he mutters, finally looking at you.
“what?” you breathe, voice catching in your throat.
“i mean, it would be stupid to not try. you’re my best friend y/n. i think we could, uh, work together.” 
“are you saying you have a crush on me?”
“merlin. this is not as easy as i thought it was. of course i fancy you l/n. why else would i act like an utter buffoon?” he sighs.
you snort, “you act like buffoon even without me present, dickwad.”
“i’m trying to have a romantic conversation.”
“right, sorry,” you grin. “i would love to try to be your girlfriend.”
draco nods, “good. i mean, thank you?”
“come on, you can’t freeze up now. i definitely didn’t sign up for a shy boyfriend.” 
he quirks up his eyebrow, “that you didn’t.”
the words and his gaze make your knees weak. and in an instant, draco’s lips are on yours. the wind outside is loud, but as you kiss him, you can’t hear a thing. your sense of smell is attacked with his cinnamon vanilla cologne. the boy is like one of the high end stores your mom shops at in the winter. 
and his lips, his pretty full lips. the way they move with yours reminds you of something you’ve always needed but never knew. his hands take hold of your face and he brings the kiss deeper. the two of you oblivious to the world around you.
when you finally pull away, a smirk takes over his face.
“you have no idea how long i’ve wanted to do that.” he says, satisfied.
“come on, we’ve got to get back to the common room. we have classes in the morning.” you grin, grabbing your letters.
“please, the minute i get to the common room i’m kicking everyone out of my dorm and sneaking you in.” he states.
you look at him, shocked. silently thinking.
“stop staring at me like that. you can speak.”
glaring you say, “we’re going to have to tell everyone.”
draco groans, “maybe we should just wait until tomorrow.”
you nod, “tomorrow.”
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