#i’m also tired
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💗
Don’t want to annoy you all with more of these in your inbox right now, and I’m always terrible at keeping these down to a specific number. So I’m going to ‘send’ this to you in one post by tagging you, and say that you've all been so nice and it’s a pleasure being mutuals with you 💖
@thought--bubble @dr-aegon @snowblack-charcoalwhite @anjelicawrites @larlarmojo
@lovelykhaleesiii @heretherebebookdragons @liv-cole @barbieaemond @wolfdressedinlace
@lady-phasma @very-straight-blog @vipervixxen @aegonx @zaldritzosrose
@thesunfyre4446 @aemondstark @terrorofthetrident @st-eve-barnes @ladystarksneedle
@visenyasdragon @alicent-archive @pendragora @aemondtargaryenonlyfans @arcielee
@the-dendrophile-bookdragon @aemonds-holy-milk @smokesandsugars @sunfyre-targaryen @peachessndreamss
@witheredoffherwitch @sylasthegrim @black-dread @worms-on-multiple-strings @all-that-glitters-is-goldfish
@gwenllian-in-the-abbey @peachysunrize @kingaegond @aegon-the-elder @flowerandblood
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wittyno · 1 year
I just spent at least 20 seconds trying to spell the word manual as in “instruction manual” but my brain kept defaulting to Manuel, like the common German name. I couldn’t understand why it wasn’t working.
Kids don’t let them lie to you. Knowing more than one language doesn’t make you smarter. It just makes you worse at both languages.
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delta-romance0 · 25 days
It’s never to late to be crying to Stomachaches
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faramirsonofgondor · 2 months
Do you guys ever think about how John’s deal with Azazel wasn’t really about Dean?? Like sure, on the surface the deal is about Dean’s life being saved but I think for John it meant something else. Like John knows that the clock is ticking and sooner or later Azazel is gonna enact his grand plan and Sam is right there in the thick of it. He knows that if Sam can’t be swayed to do the right thing, then Sam will “have to” die, and John would probably have to be the one do it.
The problem is, though, that John can’t objectively determine how far gone Sam really is, because he doesn’t know Sam. We see throughout S1 that Sam and John’s relationship is strained, not for lack of love, but because they are both incredibly strong willed and have trouble seeing from the other’s perspective. In John’s POV, he’s just doing what he has to do to protect his family and that’s it, he shouldn’t have to be questioned on why or how it gets done. But from Sam’s POV, John is being unreasonable and secretive, and he can’t make any concessions for his own children.
Dean is caught right in the middle of this. He knows both John and Sam’s mentalities incredibly well and while he may not necessarily agree or even understand why Sam thinks the way he does, he does concede with Sam on some things, even if it takes time. Furthermore, when John is possessed, Dean recognizes it because he knows how his father thinks and acts. This, in John’s mind (if he remembers the interaction), would solidify the fact that Dean knows how John would want Dean to act if he wasn’t there. Despite the fact that Dean didn’t act how John would’ve wanted, nine times out of ten Dean does act how John wants (at least in S1). Dean and Sam were already somewhat suspicious of John’s behavior after they rescued him, but when Dean tells Sam that John is possessed, he says “What?” and then asks Dean “How do you know?” this indicates that nothing about John’s behavior stood out enough for him to immediately believe Dean, whereas John telling Dean he was proud had to have been lingering in Dean’s mind for him to immediately use it as evidence against him.
Truthfully, it probably wasn’t John’s behavior that convinced Sam that he possessed, but rather Dean’s behavior. Sam knows that Dean wouldn’t say that or point the gun at John unless Dean was sure that John was possessed, and Sam’s trust in Dean outweighed any uncertainty he had. You can see in the moment when Sam keeps looking between them, and Dean’s eyes tear up, Sam knows that Dean is right. This proves that Sam will trust Dean’s judgement and that Dean has a fundamental understanding of how Sam and John behave to the point where he can recognize when one of them is acting unusual.
But Dean still hesitates to take the shot, and then when John gets a hold on Azazel, Sam refuses to take it. Then, in the hospital, all Sam and John really do is argue. To the point where Dean uses his ghostly coma powers to get them to stop. Even in limbo, he’s still mediating things between them. John probably took it as the sign that it was. Without Dean as a mediator between the two of them, Sam and John would just keep clashing and clashing over and over again. And while Sam loved John, it was clear that Dean took up more space in Sam’s life, and that losing Dean would hurt him in a different way and probably push him over the edge. John knew that no matter what he did, he wouldn’t be able to curb Sam’s anger or be there for him in the way he needed to be because John and Sam are too similar in that they’re both stubborn and vengeful. John wasn’t able to compromise his worldview and he knew it. But Dean was, and that would make it easier for Sam to cope.
It’s not that John wouldn’t be able to kill Sam if he needed to. It’s that John himself wouldn’t know if he needed to or not. Because they’re both at such polar ends and can’t concede with each other, John wouldn’t be able to determine what part of Sam’s actions were from grief, which part of it was just Sam, and which part of it was because of Azazel. Furthermore, Sam didn’t have the same trust in John’s actions that he did in Dean’s and it’s clear. Sam would probably bail on John if Dean actually died, or at the very least hold him at arms length, and neither of them would probably be able to keep their tempers in check very long.
This brings me to anecdote that John tells Dean after making the deal. John says that Dean would John after hard hunts and that John fears he made Dean grow up too fast. I don’t think John was just saying that to reminisce, I think it was purposeful. Right after John says all that, he tells Dean he either has to save Sam or kill him. He knows that it’s probably going to stick with Dean, especially considering those were his last words. He knows Dean will be confused about it and will probably replay the moment in his over and over again trying to figure out what it means. And that anecdote is supposed to push Dean into understanding that Dean needs to be mature, and once again push aside his feelings in order to comfort and be there for Sam. It’s supposed to remind Dean that he needs to be the mature one, that he needs to keep it together, and that he needs to be the shoulder to cry on. And that’s what Dean does.
So in the end it wasn’t about giving Dean a second chance at life, it was about what John thought would have the best outcome of success for his mission to stop Azazel.
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idkfitememate · 4 months
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Just curious-
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0venatrix · 2 months
Being incredibly mad and simultaneously kind is hard. I want better for my self, I want better for the world, i want retribution, I need to brake free, I want to burn shit down but I don’t want to hert anyone.
I want to yell and scream and shout. But is that appropriate. They will only get mad back. They don’t understand. They ask if I’m ok but I can’t say anything, as it’s not safe.
So it builds up inside of me, everyday a burning rage growing harder and harder to contain.
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
The only thing I’m creative in is baking, I can make a mean brownie! 😉 any chance for another snippet of your choosing?
oh you got me with brownies my friend. i’ll take it. since it’s highly likely i will be posting hour 19 tomorrow, i’ll go ahead and share another snippet of mordor instead <3
And Willow is still goddamn dizzy.
She swears, at certain points between her best friend’s rambling, that the room tries to tilt on its axis. If not for her pride, she would have leaned some of her weight on Eddie, would have placed her head on his shoulder and sought out a fraction of the comfort she craves from his warmth. There’s too much distance between them; not just in how far he is, standing mere inches away, but in all the awaiting arguments and unanswered questions. He knows she isn’t fine, a part of him has probably been aware for at least a month now if not longer, and she can’t figure out how to let him in. It had been easy when they had just been nightmares. But now, with the knowing that every sleepless night had been a terrible omen, it’s harder.
He’s her person. She wants to let him shoulder some of this weight, to curl into his rib cage and let him soothe her. She wants him to tell her that everything is okay and it’s alright that it took her so long to realize what her dreams had been warning her of. She wants him to just tell her it’ll all work out as he holds her. She wants him to kiss her like he did on New Years again.
She’s locked into a conundrum of dreading the next time they’ll be alone, and wanting that solitude between them immediately more than ever.
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axolozzy · 4 months
senior prank went crazy tonight (aka me using tumblr as my diary again)
we went on the roof of the school earlier and nearly had the cops called on us it was so fun guys. we were not allowed to be up there!!! like almost the whole senior class was on the roof toilet papering everything and there were no actual teachers or adults (besides us ig because like were 18) besides the janitors who unlocked the classrooms and let us wreak havoc. our school is actual chaos inside and out like there’s piles of chairs and piles of tables in every hallway and it’s INSANE. genuinely actually insane like there’s toilet paper and seran wrap everywhere guys. our class trip is supposed to be on friday to valley fair but im not sure that’s gonna happen LOLLLL like we’ll definitely be spending our entire last day of school tomorrow cleaning everything up but it was worth it guys it was so fun. wooow. wow. none of my friends were there so i was kinda just silently following everyone around and helping out and it was fun it was silly. i dont think anyone expected me to be there either cuz im literally the most quiet anti social person at our school like im involved in nothing and i dont have much friends and people always say like they never hear me talk because im literally the quiet kid. nobody has ever even talked shit about me because there’s nothing TO SAY, like, i’m a complete nobody in the best or neutral way possible? like everyone has always accepted the fact im so weird and don’t like talking to people and they let me be but they also include me in things and are so nice and like. it’s just cool i guess. i’ve never been bullied but ive also never really been paid attention to either, everyone just lets me exist in their space because that’s what ive always done. anyway tonight was awesome like woooow wow. half my grade are conservative rednecks but i was surprised that literally everyone was calling me jay tonight despite me literally not talking to these people or being in the same classes or whatever. like that’s cool as shit. man tomorrows my last day of school ever. we all grew up together literally like. like we all know eachother despite literally being completely different from one another. like there’s 30-40 of us seniors, which is apparently not a lot compared to other schools and ours is pretty small i guess? like yeah. yeah i know all of these people but they don’t know me, none of them ever really knew me because i just never talked. i never did anything really. and now it’ll all be over and i’ll be on my own. like i don’t really LIKE any of these people, a lot of them are huge assholes and shit, but ive known them my whole life and its just strange. like were all growing up, were all ALREADY grown up i guess. i’ve always been terrified of growing up and i still am but fuck that lets get back to business!!!! the teacher’s lounge was literally unlocked and we went in their and stacked all the chairs into a pile and then took a taxidermied animal from the librarby and put it on top of the fridge
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i have more pictures but like they’re filled with people and i don’t wanna spend time editing them because it is late and i wanna actually wake up early tomorrow to see everyone’s reactions to this shit. also it’s my last day. wow… i was supposed to present a spanish project in class tomorrow but i don’t know if ill be able to hahhahaha because they’ll probably make us clean everything up which is good actually i half assed that entire project and didn’t wanna present it. i hope ill get to finish painting my louie clay sculpture tomorrow though. anyway i don’t really know why im posting this but i hope its entertaining i guess. im gonna be graduating high school… wowwww that’s insane that actually insane im not ready. time is going way too fast guys. i can’t even like explain it but wooow. wow. just realized i have like 300 followers here who might read this which is pretty awkward cuz uhhh i always forget that the stuff i post can be seen by people who aren’t just my closest mutuals soooo whatever that cool. uhh i should probably go to bed. can’t believe tomorrows my last day that doesn’t feel real at all aaaaahhhhhhhh goodnight tumblr!!!!!! im gonna wear my spongebob pajama pants to school tomorrow and im very excited about that
wait also i wanted to say we got permission to pull a senior prank from the principal himself, who i call the Skoogily Boogily, who we are all terrified of when we hear his keys jiggling in the hallways anyway we got permission so it’s fine
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antvnger · 2 years
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mattspoetdepartment · 2 years
There’s literally like 6 inches of snow outside and we might be closing early so I don’t get the point of me even coming in 🌝
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sillyguy-supreme · 4 months
white americans when you tell them that the idea of climate change as an impending disaster is a reductive first world perspective because it’s a tangible reality for many in the global south already:
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lizard-thenightwriter · 3 months
Like I ended up buying them
But like I bought 1 pack of the light greens and some damn orange juice all for $15
Like wtf no that’s NOT FAIR
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wrenwinchester · 3 months
Guys, I had an idea. A science experiment of sorts.
Multiple separate games of telephone. One set played solely by neurotypicals. Another played solely by neurodivergents, another with a 50/50 split, a group with just 1 nd in a group of nt, and vis versa, give all the same phrase. I just want to see the results. Maybe other differing percentages of mixed groups. I’m curious.
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igotpapercuts · 3 months
am i turning numb or apathetic? the question of the century.
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fried-pistachio · 4 months
I’m so happy, I’m moving to a new group home in a few days and I’m leaving this horrible one.
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gl00my-vampire · 5 months
Do they actually like me or are they lying to me
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