#i’m just… :’-( i want my lil blorbo to be happy
agentplutonium · 7 months
Small Porter scene/character study because I find him very interesting. Depicts Porter coming home to Treasure after the Summit. I’m also blorbo-fying Porter here. Just a lil bit.
Porter, in an attempt to destress from the night's events, found himself at Treasure's doorstep. He wasn't sure why this was his first instinct. They technically shouldn't even have known about him. However, there was just-
The door opened, and Treasure was standing in front of him. "Are you going to keep standing there? Someone's gonna call the police thinking you're a serial killer or something."
"Maybe they'd be right," Porter said, ignoring how ironic it was to say, "You're the one that decided to stick around a Vampire."
"Get in here," Treasure said, suppressing a giggle while they reached out for him.
Porter let himself be dragged inside, the smallest of smiles stretching at his lips. Once the door closed behind him his lips were on Treasure's, causing the smallest of gasps to hitch in their chest. Their arms snaked around his neck, pulling him closer.
A sigh slipped past their lips when he pulled away, a grin on their face. "How was that family thing?" "As boring as I expected," Porter drawled. "I missed you."
"Missed me?" Traesure repeated, sounding smug.
"Or something like that," Porter teased. Treasure pushed themselves up to meet his lips again. Porter let himself sink into the feeling of it. revelled the warmth against him, how soft their lips felt, how willingly they let themselves be moulded by him.
Treasure's hands slid over his shoulders, down his chest to the buttons on his shirt, slowly unbuttoning it.
The king didn't get a chance to react to the stab before his head skidded across the floor. There was a rush of air before he was picking a fight with Vincent. All eyes were on them. Or at least enough.
'That's right,' Porter would think, 'keep looking.'
Vincent, looking distraught, almost in tears. He shouldn't have had to hear this. William should have told him something more than what he knew. William was his friend, but this seemed cruel.
"He sees me as a friend, and you as a child. His child."
Porter was taking Treasure's hands away before they could get too far. "As much as I love being able to take you," he said, "I can't tonight. It wouldn't be fair to you if I tried."
"That's okay," Treasure said genuinely, smiling at him. "Do you want to watch my show with me? I'd still love to have your company."
"Of course I would, Treasure."
It wasn't long before Treasure was curled up against him, the two of them watching whatever they had on. Porter wasn't paying attention. Not after what he's done. Treasure was oblivious to his distracted state.
He'd do anything for William. He would stand by him until the end of time. It is what Porter owed him, after everything that William did for him. After picking him off of the streets and taking him in like a feral cat. But this murder was having more of an effect on him than he thought. He wasn't sorry. He doesn't think he'd ever be sorry, but the point remained the same. Seeing Vincent react the way he did made him squirm.
'Vincent just didn't understand,' he'd tell himself. 'He hasn't been alive long enough to.'
He wasn't sure how much he believed himself.
Treasure shifted beside him, drawing his focus back to them.
"I don't know if I'll make you happy," Porter had warned them when they started whatever this was. "I'll try. For you, I will try."
"That's all I need," They had replied, that smile he loved so much showing itself again.
He doesn't understand why they did it. They were this... this force. It pulled him in, locking him in place, and he just couldn't get enough of them. This hasn't happened to him before. This amount of devotion that he felt. Was it natural? To feel this way about someone so soon? Were his feelings fake? Surely they weren't. He did use Treasure's existence to fuck with Vincent a bit, but that didn't mean they were ever part of the ruse he had going for himself. He wouldn't let them be that close. Not yet. They were still so new to the whole magic concept as it was, it was dangerous for them.
Porter held them closer, resting his head atop theirs. He can figure this out later. Right now, his job was to protect them. To take care of them.
And, by the gods, was he prepared to worship them.
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erosauriarts · 7 months
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THESE FUCKING BLORBOS MAKE ME SO HAPPY, I CANT PUT IT INTO WORDS. I JUST WANNA EAT THEM YK?! I JUST WANNA SOB AND HOLD THEM. I SEE THEM BEING CUTE AND WANT TO GO APE SHIT. Idk how healthy it is to rely on these lil funky detectives but I’m slowly losing my marbles.
I will marry me a Ranpo. It’s now my life’s mission.
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krikeymate · 1 year
I feel like all my anonymous requests are really depressing cause I’m just a lil angst goblin.
I was reading a fic where Sam was getting beat up cause if the rumours about her and I was thinking about how the deaths of the Bailey family would play into that conspiracist narrative. I was especially thinking about ethan’s death I mean even if you just look at the scream fandom there are pages and pages on Ethan who really didn’t have that much of an impact but…SHOCKER, he’s white, male and conventionally attractive so it’s literally impossible to escape him (no hate or anything but cmon fandom let the other characters shine) anyways I got so side tracked there. I can imagine Ethan being really glorified and fawned over by people in the scream universe itself in was way that actual serial killers were because people thought they were attractive (ew). Upon hearing that Tara was the one to kill ethan (i know it was technically Kirby but they did it together) I think the conspiracists would go insane and can you imagine a scene where Tara and Sam are just walking together before they both get jumped but Tara is the target of this attack and Sam is just held down unable to do anything while she has to watch tara get brutally attacked.
Well, Tara is my whump blorbo. There's a place for angst in our lives, because it's not about the pain at all, it's about the aftermath. It's about the being picked up, and the softness and the love and the support. It's about being reminded that no matter what we go through, there is a brighter side to be found and there are people who will help you reach it and sit in the sun with you. Anyway, none of that here.
Ethan Landry. Sweet, dorky, Ethan. He couldn't find his way out of a wet paper bag, people say. Soft, and shy, and smiled awkwardly at girls. Always nervous, but tried his best. Murdered. They tried to say he attacked them, that he wanted to kill them, that he was a savage monster. Who would fall for such a lie? He didn't even like horror movies, he was shaky around blood.
Samantha Carpenter is to blame, they know. It's heavily debated as to whether she attacked her sister last year, or whether it was simply a home invasion and she took the opportunity to make it something more, to sate her blood lust. But Richie was innocent, they all agree on that. A wonderful man who was guilty only of loving the wrong woman. That poor teenager, the best friend of her sister's... well of course Samantha decided she had to go, she wanted her sister to herself.
And it works! Because here they are, a year later, and it's the sister who does the deed, who thrusts the knife into Ethan's mouth, who twists it, slices it open. He'd had a crush on her, sources say. She used it to lead him to his doom. It was deliberate, pre-planned, it had to have been. Why else would he follow her there? Tara Carpenter may have been innocent, once upon a time, but not anymore. She's spent too long in her sister's clutches, corrupted, ruined. Just look at how passionately she defends her, as if she were innocent, as if the truth wasn't out there.
We should help her, some say, get her away from her sister, imagine what she could tell us, what she could reveal! She needs to pay, say others, she's just as guilty as her sister, it's too late for her.
No one agrees on how to stop this madness.
Sam's walking Tara home from her evening class. It feels a little surreal. A month ago, Tara would never have agreed to this, Sam had been desperate to do this. And here they are, Sam's hand attached to her sister's as Tara waves it around in the air, complaining about the professor. (She's not sure what she's talking about, but she's just happy to see Tara this animated).
They're turning the corner when they bump into someone... someone's. There's a couple of guys in hoodies, with surgical masks on their face. "Oops, sorry!" Tara smiles up at them, pulling Sam to move around them. They step back into her path, and Sam begins to feel nervous. Tara's hand tightening around hers tells her she feels the same.
Sam steps backwards, but before she has a chance to speak, arms wrap around her from behind and she's yanked away from Tara, as her sister is shoved to the floor.
"Hey what the fu-" Sam manages, before a hand is covering her mouth, jaw wrenched closed as her head is forced backwards against someone's chest. More arms appear to grip at her own and hold her back.
Tara is thrown to the floor, and a boot kicks out at her arm, stepping on her wrist as she tries to reach into her pocket. The figure looming over her bends down to reach into her jacket, and pulls out the taser she was reaching for. Scoffing, he hands it to one of his companions.
"What did we ever do to you," she growls, breathing deep to push down her fear. "It's not what you did to us," he says with conviction, "it's what you've done to others. What you'll do again!"
Sam kicks out and tries to speak, understanding setting in. Someone punches her in the stomach.
"We haven't done anything!" Tara yells, watching her sister get hurt. She tries to get up off the floor only to be kicked down again with a boot to the chest. "Just leave us alone!"
"But you have!" The one holding Sam shouts. "You killed Ethan! She-" he shakes Sam, "killed Richie and all those others." "They were innocent and you killed them," another pipes up. A chorus of agreement follows, and for the first time, the girls begin to notice just how many people are surrounding them. 6... 7, no, there's more further back, hiding in the shadows... watching. Some of them have their phones out, recording.
"You're going to pay for what you've done," the one looming over Tara declares.
"It was self-de-" he kicks her in the jaw, her head snapping to the side and smacking back against the pavement. He pulls her up from the floor, hands fisting her jacket and slams her back into anothers waiting arms.
Sam struggles against the numerous arms holding her back, unable to move. Her head is pinned, her jaw is clamped shut, tears begin to fall.
The ringleader leans in close to Tara's face, eyes meeting her dazed ones. "Your sister seems upset. Is it real, or just another act? Is she even capable of caring? I mean, she wanted you for a reason, right?"
"Fuck you," Tara snarls back. He grins, rewarding her with a backhand. "It doesn't have to be this way, Tara," he speaks, voice softening in faux-compassion. He cups her chin. "Just tell us the truth, tell everyone what she did, what she made you do, and it can all be over.
"She didn't make me do anything!"
"So you admit it, you killed Ethan in cold blood?" His voice is frantic, delighted.
"Ethan was a sadistic little fuck who got what he deserved." Tara finds herself thrown back to the floor. "He was a nice boy who never hurt anyone!" the one who threw her shouts, kicking her.
Tired of Sam's struggling, the one holding the taser moves closer, releasing it into her stomach. She groans, body twitching. Her legs give way beneath her, held up only by the formless figures clutching at her. They drop her to the floor and a boot presses down on her back. Sam is stuck, unable to convince her body to move, prongs digging in painfully from their place stuck between her skin and the pavement. She can do nothing but watch as the two figures assault her sister, kicking her, watching them pull her onto her back to hurt her some more.
"Stop, please, please stop," Sam begs. She's ignored.
It's only the sirens closing in that make it stop, dark figures scattering. She manages to drag herself forward, limbs slow to respond and shaky. "Tara," she cries. Her sister doesn't respond, still and bleeding.
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fffiii · 10 months
Rate your friends.
I hope you don’t mind me going insane, anon :3
Yami @pastel-rights
You. YOUUUU!!!!! I grab your stories your Theatre of Darkness your ocs your lore your art EVERYTHING. I ADORE YOUR PRESENCE AND HONESTLY??? thank you for dealing w my bs HAAHAHA and thank you for introducing to my first true kin as an oc, Harlequinn Astran. That man is vile just like me /lh ANYWAYS HUGS YOU TIGHT. Also my favourite person to torment with timmy and insanity <3 /j
Sam @paperbcy
MY EX HUBBYYYYYY~ I swear i do love you /p i definitely wasn’t only wanting the access to the walls :333 I love your lore and your writing and your amazing mysteries and orphy musings!!!!!!
Tae(gan dragon detective morningstar dazai osamu akechi monika deross dathy mariah hernandez john light yagami cro jason dean collins) @nice-chiaki
YOUUU, the archetype of the wet blanket. the hypocrite of the glass house /j. YOUUUUUU you’re insane I know it you lil delulu lemon but i still grab you and squeeze you because you are a cute delulu lemon!! Thanks for also dealing w my bs HAHAHHA
Navi @navxry
YOU. NAVINA. GRRRHRGRHRGRR BARK WOOF, first witness to the insanity I have wrought from a tender young age <3 my longest online friend and honestly!! I miss you so much im gonna grab and rattle you and infect you with my blorbos /j so happy to be still talking to you after so so sosososososoo long!
Mitzu @yaboimitzu
MITZU. MITZUUUUUUUUUUUU our friendship was so out of nowhere LMAO then look where we are, with IDV, BSD, HSR, Genshin A N D MTP BRAINROT??? we r truly madmen /j THANKS FOR ALL YOUR AMAZING ADVICE AND HELP MAN YOURE TOO KIND
Klai @idv-ask-the-showman
My soon to be partner of crime 😈😈😈 YOU’RE SO FUN TO BE WITH AND YOUR ENERGY IS SO. WAAA. I LOVE BEING AROUND SO MUCH AS A FRIEND! If Phineas wants to express any feelings for liam (iykyk). Don’t be shyyy :)
Pins @one0p1nk
PINSSS!!! YOU!!! I GRAB YOU!!!! purest little pins and your amazing ocs!! also thanks so much for all your amazing essence events and for indulging our crackhead moments >:)
Four @sleepyfour
YOUUUUUU! life has been busy but i miss talking to you smmm! Hope life’s been good on you :D
Toko @blackturtlefangirl
A fellow equator sufferer <3 Thanks for being so nice to me and discussing the most random stuff when it comes to our country HAHAAHA snd tokosop? Love the bastard. Love your interpretation of the bastard. Mwah. I LOVE YOUR ART TOO ITS SO YUMMY and you’re so nice awwnwijisjikjaknw
Joe @picnicbask3t
evil vampires? If evil why sexy? Your art???? mwah. Your Bloodline Communion? MWAH. Best yaoi lover on this site. be not afraid. give me the vampy vampy lore
Lupi @imaginearson/@askgardenerwoods
Carrie @micyclemorton
3 years down the line i think i’m gonna be a sam 2, this is a threat /j BUT THANKS FOR INDULGING IN MY SLEEP DEPRIVED BS!!! and your characters and lore is so deep and interesting!!!! mwah
Beth @beth-bethar00
BETHHH! you’re such an understanding and nice person and you’re really so nice to be around!! I hold you and your ocs and aus gentle
rest of the Mun’s kitchen Hut and the Mun’s collab server
YALLS!! HRGRRHRGR!! Yall are so nice and friendly towards my insanity <3333 thanks for helping me and welcoming me fr yall are amazing (fellow crazy buddies)
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bunny-xoxo · 24 days
hi elle!! happy friday, happy weekend!! which of your blorbos do you think would like when you’re a lil bit pouty and possessive? who’s on the brain? :3
FAWN MY DEARLY BELOVED!!!! Absolutely devastated because I did NOT see this Friday 🛌🛌 but how are you! And happy late friyay ☺️🤍🌷
And Omg you’re so sweet asking me about this… 100% the top 2 are Yuuta and Touya to me >_<
Yuuta LOVES the pouty-ness because it gives him an excuse to coddle and pry and dote on me until it’s all better <///////3 major heart eyes when I’m not pouty anymore especially bc he knows he’s the reason crisis has been averted HEHEHE, pouty = clingy to him and he loves clingy like no other ! He’s also into the work it takes to make me quit feeling so pouty, it helps that the “work” usually just involves giving me lots of physical affection which he likes anyways, but he gets a sense of pride and satisfaction when I go from 😞😡☹️🛌 to ☺️😁☀️🤍😋 all because of him <3
Touya loves the jealousy and possessiveness, no questions asked every time, even if he doesn’t make it obvious. It offers a sort of reassurance that I do like him at least a little bit without him having to ask me 😭 but it also just gets him a little giddy and gives him butterflies with no explanation when I pull him away by his hand because I want his attention all to myself, and he’d like to die with that secret because he does find it a little embarrassing that he secretly enjoys seeing his partner jealous and irrational 😋
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stargazer0001 · 11 months
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(art from above is by @/sleepinginmute.)
Hello everyone! I’m Stargazer0001! But you can just call me Star :3
my pronouns are she/they/he/it/astro in no particular order. I like em all so use them interchangeably
I'm your local lil space critter, who has declared themself the CEO of the rainworld ship Stargazer (spearmaster x rivulet x nightcat)
I'm a silly littol spacegender fellar :3 How can I be lesbian and spacegender at the same time you ask? Fuck you thats how!/j Im also asexual so no NSFW please! This blog is meant to be at least a bit more kid friendly, even if there are more mature topics
I am also a furry so if you do not like them then please leave here
I am also questioning if I am a therian and fictionkin. I have done research on both and I am now taking them into consideration. Im not gonna label myself yet because I still might not be, but if anyone has helpful info on them then please do share :)
I have a secret draw box! if you wanna draw for me anonymously, you can go here to do it! I check every couple days.
Ask box: Open
Ship requests: closed. Uhhh i frogor to update this for a while so uh yeagh.
Ask me stuff: Always open unless the ask box is closed
Tell me silly things: Yes I want to talk to people!! Please give me silly asks i need them....
art requests: not open sorry :( artblock is blocking my art so
I wanna make my blog more organized now so I am going to start tagging stuff
#my art Art that is made by me
#Art request anytime my art requests are open I will tag it with this
#ask An ask that I have answered, this also applies to anon asks
#Star.TXT document this is for anytime I am just talking
#vent this if for anytime I just need to talk and vent about stuff
#lil starz art this is for my really old art, such as the ones near the beginning of my Tumblr journey
#Silly chat this is me and my mutuals little chats! Like if they send a lighthearted friend ask I will tag it with silly chat
I rarely block people but I still will on occasion. Please don't take any hard feelings if I do block you.
Basic DNI such as NSFW blogs, homophobes, transphobes, fatphobes, racists, antifurries and antitherians, and zionists
Cool moots who you should go check out if you like my blog:
@critter2: My IRL bestie that ive been with for a long time. We've been together through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. The bestie ever :3
@cookieeevee: An amazing friend! The first person to ever really DM me on here and I'd like to say that we've grown to be good friends. We have amazing little chats and she's an amazing person! Their art is also so soft and squishable! Go check em out
@sleepinginmute: one of my first moots! Such an amazing and silly creature. Its art is amazing, and even though im unsure if it considers me a friend, I know that I do. I really do wish the best for it and I hope that it can be truly happy someday
@cumulusbrume: we dont interact very often anymore, but I still find him a great moot to this day
@athofear: I fun lil fello!! Always a fun time interacting with em. Their art is also superrr shaped and silly!! Always a treat to see them on my dash
@meowyncherry: we dont interact much but he gave me the kinitopet brainrot and their art is also super blorbo so :3
@suburbandrifts: once again, we dont interact very often but they seem very cool and silly/pos and their art is incredibly good! mm the colors are coloring/pos @weeeeblr:!!! The art ever actually!!! Idk how we're mutuals cause hes super cool actually. Great art, and his designs for basically everything is peak/srs
@bananacat76: the bestie does indeed make art!!! And said art is amazing!! Such a cool person and fren :3 their style is also incredibly interesting I need to study it under a microscope/aff
@keeper-of-magic:!!! Cool person alert!!! Their art is amazing and their worldbuiding skills are super awesome!!! I also gotta try and play DND with them sometime.... I have no idea how to but it seems fun, just like them!
@badgerfrost: the silly ever!!! Its art is very well colored and its basically eye candy at this point, and ever time we interact I KNOW its gonna be a goood time
@draagu: ohhhh the silly!!! We dont interact much but shes a super cool moot and idk how we're mutuals like. ??? awesome person with awesome art FOLLOWED ME????? Awesome
@dazzoot: we have interacted a total of like 1 time but cool mutual deserves an honorary tag
GO CHECK ALL OF THESE SILLY PPL OUT!!! THEY'RE AWESOME :333 (if I forgor anyone i am so sorry. Also if you want me to untag you just ask. I dont wanna make anyone uncomfy)
Talking to people spooks me
I have anxiety so please be patient with me, I usually overthink what I am going to say and then end up saying something either really stupid, kinda weird, or I just don't respond.
I am mentally a 5 year old so please inform me if I did something wrong, I usually wont notice or I will think its not an issue. Please be patient with me.
if you sat through all of that, congrats! You get rw gifs now :)
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blorbologist · 2 years
Squinting at the blorbos like rats in a lab
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Tags are minimal unfortunately, this is a personal blog so it’s a barrage of all sorts! I DO tag critical role spoilers with #critical role spoilers and #cr spoilers, given I often liveblog, and will tag until the episode is on YouTube. 
I also do fanfic! You can find me on AO3 at umwelt! 
My main ongoing project is my 'Age of Arcanum Perc'ahlia AU', where Vax is the Warden of Ravens, Vex'ahlia his (lonely) Champion, and Percival is the creator of aeormatons. I tag posts about the au #age of arcanum AU if interested!
Prologue ... CH 3
Cat's Cradle is currently a WIP on hiatus, under #cat’s cradle AU, a lil modern Perc’ahlia AU with foster kittens. Compiling chapters on AO3, but tumblr stays a few chapters ahead:
CH 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
My big completed project is my 'Raven Queen’s champion instead ' AU. You can find posts about it under #vex is the raven queen’s champion AU.
Some writing, sneak peaks and ask games happen here on tumblr, too. More than some. oops.
You can [hopefully, assuming Tumblr behaves] find my writing under the tag #my writing, and ask under #ask game usually!
Like what I do? Consider buying me a coffee so I can stay sane enough to finish these WIPs! And my thesis! 
I do not take requests. Prompts are only when I’ve RB’d a relevant prompt game - I’m in gradschool, assume I’m busy by default lol
Architect of our demise [onwards to Vasselheim!]
Cat's cradle / Kitten AU [on hiatus for Uni]
Daughters or Dolls [plotting, title is a wip]
Second chapter to My heart’s a vessel for ill intent? [not started]
Perc’ahlia travel troubles comfort fic [half-done?]
Recoil chapter 2 [dusty wip, like a quarter done?]
And so will I chapter 3, Jester [dusty wip]
Nursery rhymes as told by briarpatches chapter 4, Greypool [dusty wip, half done?]
Vex’s menial duties as Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt [got one thing done?]
Kyssandra hide and seek fic [birthday gift for Burr <3]
Vex and Vax in the Slayer's Take in TLOVM [Vexahra for Nova <33]
Vex is the Raven Queen’s Champion AU [One for sorrow / Two for joy]
Modern AU bottlefeeding kittens [Cat’s Cradle]
Age of Arcanum AU [Architect of our demise]
Delilah controls Laudna’s heartbeat [My heart’s a vessel]
Filles du roi Perc'ahlia AU [historical Québec au, plottin]
Ruidusborn!Percy AU [just ideas]
Leona runs off to the Cobalt Soul AU [maybe a quarter done?]
MILF and DILF Perc'ahlia marriage of convenience [posted part 1!]
Percy is the pact weapon AU [Get your hands dirty]
2/3 Vampires Bashter AU [got that one snippet to work off of]
Tiefling!Percy AU [brainchild with Essay <333]
FMA AU [A whole mess, one ficlet posted]
Fox woman dreaming AU [1/2 posted]
Just tons of random Gilmore/Vax’ildan/Keyleth shit bc i lov the thems
Perc’ahlia Atlantis AU [just in my brain and that One Screencap Redraw]
Accurate Jurassic Park AU [just vague mushing my two special interests together thots]
'The tale of Merciful and Lex' [Jester reads a smut novel 100% inspired by the de Rolos]
OTPs are currently Perc’ahlia, Imodna and Laudmoore in that order. I usually only read fics of these ships bar rare exceptions.* NOTPs that are common enough to be worth mentioning are Widobrave, Widojest, Riprolo, anything remotely incesty or toeing the grooming line. I don’t want to interact with this content don’t fuckin make me.
Ships that aren’t my absolute feral loves, buuut that I’d be happy to write for are man. All canon CR ships, plus Beaujester, Bashter, Kiki/Vax/Gil, Callowmoore, Dorym, Chetney/Fearne, Widomauk, Kiki/Vex/Percy [with a huge *], onesided Tary/Percy, all fun! Also getting into the rarepair of Cassandra/Laudna for Reasons, and any Ace!Cass x NPCs her age.
Beyond that, just, y’know. Use basic critical thinking. Do I really need to write ‘hey! Don’t send me, a stranger, things you wouldn’t talk to a stranger about’? I have faith in y’all not to, for now ktrgnkrtnkgn
Have fun foraging through my blog - hope you find a few things of interest, writing or otherwise! <3
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night-triumphantt · 5 months
Romance asks you say? Djskaksksjd Give me 1,2 and 15 for kiyazan and 16,20,31 for daemon and karima 😌🫶
Low key this got long but I could probably write more (also a note I would love to hear the partners of the blorbos thoughts more too fjskdjsk)
Oc romance asks!
Kiyazan: 💖💖
1. What drew your character to their LI and vice versa?
Low key it’s cheesy but like, him as an entire person, Yazan is Kiaras best friend, he matches her energy in so many ways, there is no one else she would rather spend time with, I don’t think she could pick one thing, he just has to be his whole self nd she loves him for it. They’ve known each another so long she wouldn’t be able to give you a specific thing, drew her in by being his funny dramatic self lol.
2. What was the first moment that they knew they were in love with their LI? 
Fjskdjsks ok, so I feel like for younger Kiara I don’t know if she’d know it was love per say at first bc there was always love it just,,, shifted a bit, she started being just a bit more aware of how close they were sitting, or found herself wanting to hold hands but she’s nervous about it now where she might not have thought that much of it previously and just like, eventually she realized it was a romantic kind of love too. It definitely clicked though in a very mundane moment where they were hanging out as usual and they’re talking and he does something stupid. Omg actually, it 100% might’ve been when he drew a lil hilighter mark on her when the teacher said to hilight the most important things. Or also a moment of him being excited to show her something like, a new drum piece he’s been working on. Either way absolutely something mundane where it just clicked in her brain in that moment fjskdjsk and she just, never stopped loving him after that so I actually can’t say there’s a realization when they’re older. But there is this sort of resurgence bc I think for a bit it’s just overshadowed by ‘I’m so happy to have you back’. The love is still, *there* though 100% and once it takes the forefront again the fear also settles and becomes ‘oh god I love him but what if I say something and lose him again’ which, fjskdjsks, and that probably just happens as they fall back into being around each other/talking a lot again.
15. Does their view of themselves differ from their partner’s view?
Kiaras self image is so ?? I think her image of herself is someone who cares about others and also as someone who is maybe ‘too much’ I think it’s a fear that sits deep in her bc she just,,, feels very deeply and she’s got a abandonment issues so I feel like, together it makes her fear rejection based off her intensity of emotion. That said this is all deep down I don’t think she has spent a lot of time thinking about herself and I think if you asked her she’d be taken a little bit aback and would have to think on it. Which is definitely different how yazan sees her I think he thinks she’s kind and funny and charming and smart, actually sees her for everything she is which, I don’t think she can say about herself.
Karima and daemon:
16. Jealous at all?
Yk, this is interesting bc, I don’t think daemon is a jealous person at all really. l just don’t think that’s in him, he would step in if he felt like karima wanted him to but he’s not really,,, jealous,, I’m trying to think of situations low key 😂 yk if one of karimas exes wanted to start some beef w him I think he’d be idk if cocky is the right word but it definitely can come off that way, perhaps unbothered is a better word. But still idk if that’s jealousy fjskdjsk.
On the flip side idk how he feels ab her being jealous (if she is) it depends on what she’s like, she’s got no reason to tho I think if someone flirted w him he’d be like :L ty but I’m going to find my gf
20. Did either person change at all, to be with their partner
We talking ab before they met or after bc both of them definitely did a lot of growing before they were ready to be in a relationship though they didn’t necessarily do it *for* the relationship bc,,, they didn’t know eachother yet.
Daemon had to learn how to be comfortable with himself he hopped relationship to relationship when he was in his early 20s with people who weren’t necessarily the best for him. The last break up was definitely a wake up call like, I think early twenties him didn’t know who he was, constantly changed to appease the person he was with, I mean he was still daemon but it was buried. I think after his last break up he got called out by his younger brother and he also just,, felt it like ‘what am I even doing’ and then he spent a long time working on himself and figuring himself out. Also it’s kinda funny bc I think the timeline on this is like,,, he was ~25 so, incredibly humbling to be called out by your 19 year old brother too I think 😂
And you know ab Karima (she is your blorbo) and how she also went through it nd did the dating around but she was also self sabotaging in all those relationships, def dated the wrong ppl and if she was dating someone who was nice she would find issues or reasons it doesn’t work (low key i want more of ur thoughts on this bestie 🙌🏽)
31. Share anything you would like about the couple!
Anything I want 🤔😂 I will share the thoughts that have been bouncing around in my brain for them. Like I’m kinda just thinking about their crafts, I didn’t expect them to be crafty but between the crochet and the pottery/sculpting they kinda are and I think it’s very cute? Like the idea of them crocheting stuff or like working on lil projects together just gets me fr. Also them making stuff for eachothers pets 😂 a sweater for a lizard is actually hilarious and daemon would 1000% make one.
Also daemon dropping lunch off for her while she’s at work can be something so personal, helps her grade assignments or something while he’s at it. Low key these two would be great parents but they just ended up being around kids in other ways 😂 being aunt/uncle or just teaching them fjskdjsk 100/10 anyway I’ll get off my soapbox.
I’ll just add that if u want to pls tell me the other blorbos perspectives im so curious fjskdjsk
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petrichorium · 10 months
pluvi. you know what’s coming right?
what are you wearing for your weddings to the blorbos >.> i must knowww
JDBFKNWJD if I gave every one I’d go insane and it would take me like a week to find ones that fit exactly right so u get…… four? But jing yuan is a two in one so lucky u 👉🏻👈🏻
Okay so I have to start w Gagamaru and. This is a VERY chill wedding tbh so v casual wedding dress v cute v picnic-y. Also the obligatory teuta matoshi dress but (GASP SHOCK) actually the only one on here I know super crazy but that’s just how it played out
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Next we have Kuroo and ngl I kinda searched and searched for this bc my vision was more lacy? So I’m throwing that middle image in bc I kinda want u to imagine that fabric w the other dress pattern. Kinda modern but very elegant. We had a garden wedding in a greenhouse bc his grandparents can’t travel well and we were v limited to a local area
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Now we have jing yuan and this is COMPLICATED and I rlly don’t wanna get into everything but like I said in the tags of ur post we have two weddings, a traditional Xianzhou one on the Luofu and then one on my homeworld (which is retrofuturism based so very western coded). Both of these dresses r for the one on my homeworld tho! This is the one I wear for the ceremony
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and then for the reception I change into this one, which is what I’m wearing in that lil photo I described where we both finally have a moment to ourselves and end up in this giddy lil puddle of happy tears
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FINALLYYYYYYYY he’s rotting my brain rn so a surprise mention of capitano and the pretty pretty dress that I wear for my arranged marriage w him…….. he sees me in it and falls in love immediately but it takes a few years for me to figure that out 🫣
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thatgirlwithasquid · 11 months
tag game: stranger things edition 👻
tagged by @ratbastardbilly and @intothedysphoria (ty guys xx)
1. ride or die ship (your otp): CUNNINGWAY!!! They’re my girls. Chrissy and Heather my beloveds. I have never been so hyped for a ship before and this is the first time I’ve put this much effort into one, but if I don’t advocate for this rarepair then who will? (the answer is bambi. bambi will. but whatever, you get the point)
2. most annoying ship: there isn’t really a ship i find WHOLLY annoying. stancy maybe. i also think jancy and mileven have ran their course and jopper gives me a lil bit of the ick. obvi no hate to the ships or those that ship it!!
3. second favourite ship: ima have to say harringrove, but there are others i like a lot too!!
4. favourite platonic relationship: heather, chrissy & billy. the chaos trio. more should be done with them <3
5. underrated ship: there are so many!! argyle/chrissy (which i am lovingly referring to as pompompinapple, just try and stop me)? byergrove (billy/jonathan)? calicheer (billy/chrissy)??? how can i possibly choose????
6. overrated ship: uhhhh this feels dangerous. but steddie. dont get me wrong, i love this ship, but the boom in works for them was INSANE cause i dont think they have TOO MUCH chemistry in canon (tho there 100% is a good bit and it makes sense)
7. one thing i would change in canon: the blatant lack of care the main cast have for characters outside their group. no empathy for billy, barely anyone looking into heather, characters dying that no one mentions again…
8. something canon did right: I really liked steve and dustin’s dynamic. like, a LOT. they cocked it up a bit in s4 for the sake of ‘haha, dumb steve’ but yeah. theyre sweet :)
9. a thing i’m proud of creating for the fandom: my sideblog @poolsidepanic . i know that its a niche ship but i hope i help other people who love them as much as me actually be able to enjoy their ship and not just… be disappointed when they come up empty handed. the art and little fics and such i make over there make me so happy <3
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldnt change a thing): heather. sassy, bitchy, yet kindhearted lifeguard? yes. the only thing id change is the DISSERVICE THE DUFFERS GAVE HER WHEN THEY KILLED HER AND IGNORED HER EXISTENCE.
11. the character i relate most to the most and why: steve. just how he responds to the offhanded comments the people he cares about make to him, that they never seem to realise hurt.
12. character i hate most and why: neil, karen, brenner. no explanation needed
13. something ive learned from the fandom: idk. ive always wanted to be a positive person but seeing some of the toxicity in the fandom has made me really want to keep my little blog as positive and safe as i can for everyone. some things we see SUCK but if i can make someones day a lil better id like to? so not really a learn but an encouragement to be nicer wherever i can
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: i dont read a lot of st fanfiction, actually. i havent been in the mood for it for AGES!! but in general im a slow burn, hurt/comfort, angst kind of person. i love the occasional, agonising right person not enough time or some character bashing for the sake of compelling suffering (if done right!!!)
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: ooooh fun!!! ‘Groan’, ‘Wet’ and ‘Maggot’ by Dazey and the Scouts are so Billy. ‘Drunk Walk Home’ by Mitski gives me Chrissy vibes, and ‘Maggot’ again for her tbh (billy and chrissy, my sad beloved blorbos). there arent any songs i associate with cunningway yet tho 😔
tagging: @bigdumbbambieyes @hargrove-mayfields @billyhargrovesupsidedownshadow @every-dayiwakeup and anyone else interested in sharing :)
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gaywiththesauce · 10 months
Hi hello sorry it’s not Wednesday anymore BUT. I remember you saying at one point that you were listening to your Giyuu playlist? (am I remembering right?) and I’m. so unbelievably normal and was wondering what your top 5 songs you associate with Giyuu are. Or top 10. Or top one million. Ok thank you sorry goodbye again_(:3 」∠)_
Hi Rose👋!! welcome back to my dropbox lmao
okok so so I don't remember saying that but it's totally possible that I did. I think about blorbo a lot so I think I mentioned it
These won't be very descriptive because many of the songs are just related to emotions or specific scenarios so you'll have my 4am ramblings. lil warning, I'm a swiftie, but I have a variety of other different music tastes too. here's my top 20ish because I'm obsessed with my blorbo Giyuu Tomioka the Queen
Telephones by Vacations - "my thoughts are crawling, you're all I see" "wherever I go, you'll always be next to me" has massive brain rot energy :) he only sees his love(s) everywhere
Verbatim by Mother Mother - I kinda perceive Giyuu as someone that doesn't conform to gender norms (totally not projecting) but he would totally be unapologetic for his expression. maybe a lil oblivious but not sorry
First Love/Late Spring by Mitski - the lyrics speak for themselves of anxiety that he can't love anyone else because he's too scared to lose them. "please, hurry, leave me, I can't breathe. please don't say you love me."
Long Live (TV) by Taylor Swift - this song is specifically for my fantasy prince/knight au I made and fully fleshed out with Minecraft building and shit. the idea of happy fluffy marriage makes me giggle
Gilded Lily by Cults - self explanatory. sad song. "haven't I given enough?" "always the fool with the slowest heart" (help please he has the slowest heart because his way of communicating isn't verbal and only a very select few understand-)
Daylight by Taylor Swift - "I once believed love would be burning red, but it's golden, like daylight" kyogiyuu energy, first impression of Kyojuro's "burning red" but it turns out he's a soft "golden"
Screaming by CHVRCHES - beautiful song. it talks about the past and how time has been stolen. not knowing what side of the coin you're on and if it's wrong or not. good vibes song to look out the window to
New Year's Day by Taylor Swift - SUCH A GOOD MESSAGE SONG! it's all about the tranquility that comes with love and life, how the couple would be there for not just the fun moments but the calm or hard or maybe boring moments. also "please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere"
Money by The Drums - Giyuu would totally want to give back to the world he believes he's stolen from (he's still alive, which is something that he stole from others-) but he has nothing else to give other than hard training and killing demons, saving people when he can
Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol - this one I can't really explain. the build up and release just kinda speaks for itself. it's cathartic and makes you want to jump up and down and rip an air guitar
Don't Let Go by The Ghost Club - "I'm falling off the edge but you never ever let go" another relationship one! who woulda guessed? again, love that lasts because love is not all sunshine. it rains and pours and you have to get an umbrella. very fun to listen to!
The Mute by Radical Face - this was shown to me by a beautiful moot when my one ficlet reminded them of it. it makes sense! "if you only listen with your ears, you can't get in [my head]" (your fic today reminded me of this song too and i listened to it again after reading tehe)
Nightmares by CHVRCHES - "Another poem designed for revenge. Now I'm living a nightmare again, and it won't end.
Black Out Days by Phantogram - gives me remembering Sabito vibes. So painfully thinking of him but trying to forget him and keep that part of his mind away from now but it doesn't want to stay away. He isolates himself from his memories that he "[doesn't] even recognize [Sabito's] face"
I miss you, I'm sorry by Gracie Adams - it's less of the lyrics and more the vibes. i just kinda really like this song. "I still love you, I promise" to Sabito---
Become the Warm Jets by Current Joys - listen listen ok hear me out: slow song, sad voice, sad song, Giyuu-themed? totally feel canon with "All my life is just something I can't ignore."
A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant to Be by Jess Benko - wow. sad angst sad song about regret because wow. just angst.
Young by Vacations - dissociation central. not knowing how things are moving and wanting things to be right and okay. that childhood innocence of want everything (read: Sabito) to be his
i love you by Billie Eilish - Giyuu being in denial of everything. How could Kyojuro say that he loves him? How could he open up so easily to Kyo? "the smile that you gave me even when you felt like dying" FFUCCK
Dress by Taylor Swift - this is that song when the pairing finally gets together after a 20K slow burn. smiles. "Carve your name into my bedpost 'cause I don't want you like a best friend."
A Love Song by Ladyhawke - happy upbeat love song. Imagine running through a crowd, holding hands, laughing and giggling as Kyo pulls Giyuu along to show him something he's excited about
I didn't mean for this to be this long (this was originally 10) but now you have 2/3 of my Giyuu playlist! I accidentally deleted my Giyuu playlist like four months ago so I'm building from the ground up unfortunately😭
I hope this satisfies your curiosity! Enjoy listening if you do!
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
Wooo congrats on finishing your exams!!! So naturally I’m obsessed with the poly!quartet and I wanna discuss Alex (my most criminally underrated blorbo) and his role in the relationship…. You’ve mentioned that Alex is the househusband of the gang, very much a service sub and YES absolutely!! He just has this calming nature about him that helps him handle the chaos of the other boys…. I also think that he plays a very important role in supporting you in looking after the others in ways you can’t…
We’ve spoken about Alex being a comfort person for charles before and I def think this applies to this universe as well!! Charles is the most sweet sensitive needy lil baby but he’s been hurt by his previous sugar daddy so when he enters the poly!quartet he’s shy and doesn’t know how to ask for what he wants… but he’s known Alex a while and feels so comfortable and loved by him, that when he’s struggling to express what he wants, Alex will gently pull charles into his lap, stroke his back to calm him down, and tell Charles to whisper to him what’s on his mind. Charles will blush and hide his face in Alex’s neck but he knows Alex would never make fun of him for being needy or clingy so he tells him… Alex becomes like the charles whisperer, able to interpret charles’ expressions and little sounds he makes when words are too hard, always knowing how to give charles exactly what he needs. Nothing is ever too much for Alex when it comes to charles….
I think Alex actually has a bit of a sixth sense for when something is wrong with one of the others, even if they try to hide it. And sometimes things get a bit Much for George (it’s a a noisy busy house) and Alex will pull him into an empty and just sit with him, turning the lights down low and holding George close to himself, sitting in comfortable silence until George can calm down and verbalise what upset him. Alex is also the CEO of the George Defence Squad- he’ll happily stick up for George and warn the others to quieten down if George is in a sensitive mood…
When Lando struggles with jealousy over your attention, Alex is always the first to notice- he sees lando’s pained little expressions when he keeps looking over at where George and Charles are cuddling you… Alex makes a big deal of scooping lando up in his arms, tickles him until he gets a giggle in response, and spends the rest of the afternoon doting on lando, giving him 110% of his attention until lando is so wrapped up in Alex’s love that he forgets he was even jealous in the first place..
I’m also thinking maybes there’s a time when you and Lando are out at an event so Alex is at home with George and Charles and they’re both fussy and clingy and missing you….. but Alex being Alex manages to calm them both and when you and Lando get home it’s to the sight of Charles curled up on Alex’s lap, swaddled in a blanket fast asleep and letting out tiny snores… George is laying flat on the sofa with his head also somehow on Alex’s lap and his eyes are drooping as Alex strokes his hair. The movie they’re watching is quickly forgotten as George jumps up to greet you, waking charles in the process who just sleepily clings to Alex, knowing he’s safe in Alex’s arms……
Sorry this got so long but I just!!! Have so much love for this au and especially poly!quartet househusband Alex that I couldn’t stop myself!! -🐬
YES MORE ALEX CONTENT AMAZING!!!!! Also I’ve missed 🐬’s thoughts so much oh my god.
Firstly, househusband Alex is incredible. Alex adores that role so much.
Alex thrives in that role. At first he nervous about how much he loved it, because he thought he might get made fun of for it? He thought you might think less of him because he didn’t want to be shown off or go to work with you like the others, and he doesn’t have his own career plans either. He just… he wants to look after everyone. That’s all he wants.
And so when he realises that you’re more than happy to let him stay at home? And that Charles, lando and George love it so much because they love that there’s always someone at home for them?
He’s just so happy with his role. And yeah he absolutely suppers the others as well. He loves helping them.
Alex really does have a sixth sense for when someone is unhappy or in need of comfort. He prides himself on looking after everyone (which includes you by the way).
Maybe it’s Alex who convinces Charles to join the relationship? You all want him there, but he’s so scared to admit it until Alex convinces him that you all want him there.
Alex makes sure to watch out for Charles, because he knows that Charles struggles to be open about his wants. Charles feels so good every time Alex notices him and gives him attention? Cause he just adores Alex so much. Charles knows he’s safe with Alex, even more he fully trusts everyone else, he knows he’s safe with Alex.
Sometimes Alex will even call you over? You’ll walk into the room because Alex called and find Charles curled up on Alex’s lap, clearly getting all the attention he could. And Charles is in heaven when you join.
And George!! Alex is SO protective of George? Especially when George first joins the relationship? He basically just hoards George for at least a few weeks when he joins, keeping George safe in the apartment, making sure he feels safe and loved.
No seriously, you needed Alex’s permission to take George to work with you for the first two weeks because Alex was so protective.
It also makes complete sense that Alex would see when lando gets a bit jealous. It just breaks Alex’s heart to see that because he knows that there’s no way you love lando any less than the others, but the others just sometimes need a bit more attention.
But that’s okay! Because he’s there! He can cuddle lando and kiss him and tickle him and hold him tight and make sure he knows he’s safe and loved.
Also, if Alex is feeling unhappy or vulnerable, then all of you notice instantly? Because no one functions without Alex. Absolutely no one.
Alex is the glue that holds you all together, and none of you ever take that for granted.
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vollzz · 11 months
Not sure whether you are ask game friendly, so I'll send you this one just to test the waters. if you don't respond, I promise I won't pester you further<3
Happy Blorbo Blursday!
What is the most embarrassing thing a blorbo or OC of yours has ever done?
thank you for asking, I love ask games!!!
oof answering a bit late bc this one was kind of tough. Eves is definitely my lil blorbo, and there’s a moment in blackflame that pretty mf embarassing on their part. (This is kind of spoiler-y but I’m keeping some stuff vague)
Eves and Calliope are somewhere and she’s pretty pissed at Eves for a shenanigan they recently pulled. She goes to sleep and when she wakes up she sees Lucas sitting there, but immediately realizes that it’s actually Eves having shifted to look like him. She’s like, “wtf are you doing are you insane” and they’re like “I know you’ll come back around on me eventually, but for now I suppose I can entertain this stupid infatuation of yours if that’s what you really want”. And she’s just like, “oh my god you really are that self absorbed aren’t you??”
And it takes them a moment but they shift back and feel some really genuine embarrassment, because they straight up could not comprehend the idea that she didn’t want anything to do with them. Like, this is probably the first time in however many years that this situation has happened. It’s the first of many pivotal moments in their arc!
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kuroosdarling · 2 years
AIMS 💗 Firstly, I wanna thank you again for your match-up event! Thank you so much for taking your time & energy to give your followers such a personal & thought gift 🥺 and thank you for matching me with bokuto I’m obsessed with your message & reasoning behind it! And I’m forever grateful to be able to call you my friend <3
Secondly, I wanna inquire about Christmas traditions you’d love to share with your blorbo sweethearts?🎄
NANA !!!!! i saw this during my lunch break and was buzzing about it all day hehe you are so so sweet 🥹
lemme get a lil sappy for a min hehe i am so happy you enjoyed your match up !! it was sm fun to make hehe i was looking at birth charts for so long trying to find the best match for you hehe 🤓 i am so thankful that i met you and we are friends !! thank you for always supporting me n leaving thoughtful tags on my fics 🥺 you are a star dear nana hehe <3 i am sending you a million smooches and wrapping you up in the comfiest blanket <3 only the best for sweet nana 😤‼️
but eeee !!!! oh god is it bad the first one i thought of immediately was for kuroo + fish. bye. BUT every christmas morning my fam and i do bagels w cream cheese n lox (i always have 2 bc it’s my fave) and i can just seeing kuroo (literally + figuratively) eating it up. he would be telling my parents all these facts and im like 🥹 my lil dork LMFAO !!! (i hate but love that this was my first immediate thot pls)
with jean !!! making lots n lots of cookies >:) my fam does a cookie exchange every year and i’d make him stay up all night with me to make them for the party the next day LOL we’d turn on christmas music n get to work !! he insists on lots of dance breaks n smooches bc “the cookies have to be made with love” wah ! he’s also my christmas movie buddy !!
i vow’d when i was little to always have an early start to christmas and i see zoro dreading that LOL he’d just want to sleep in (especially bc christmas eve we have a huge party n everyone is drinking n being merry LOL) so he’s complaining bout that and definitely falling asleep on the couch at some point during the morning festivities (and maybe i cave to sleep in with him just a little bit longer sometimes…)
semi .. oh sweet semi !!! i don’t live where it snows anymore (sadly) but if i did we’d def rush out and make a snowman !! when i was little i’d always make one on christmas for some reason lol ? (if there was snow) idk! but he’d help me make one and then we’d do snow angels n just play in the snow for awhile before eventually run inside for hot cocoa hehe
PLS I RAMBLED SM !!! please tell me what you and ur blorbos would do !! i wanna know <33
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sunnibits · 1 year
Hullo can u elaborate on dimitri
*aggressively whips out my PowerPoint presentation* WHY I’M SO GLAD YOU ASKED NONNY!!!! so crazy that you would ask me that omg it’s not like I specifically begged people to ask me about it or anything-
As you may have noticed, recently I started playing in my very first dnd campaign, and Dimitri Kazriel is my character!! He’s a chaotic neutral tiefling warlock - (except, like, on all levels except physical he is a rogue, because he honestly should be one based on his whole personality and backstory but uhhhh he’s a warlock okay).
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here are some various sketches of him!!! (ignore the fact that his design keeps changing slightly lmao)
Now the fun thing about our campaign is that it’s actually set in the realm of Norse mythology, with pretty much all the kingdoms and lore and stuff completely home-brewed by our incredible DM who is literally descended from Vikings (or so he says, lmao). So, Dimitri’s warlock patron is actually Loki, the god of mischief himself!!
He grew up as a thief on the streets, but he eventually made a deal with Loki and basically just became his little errand-boy-slash-spy-slash-mischief-maker in exchange for magical power and security.
But there’s a bit of a conflict going on in the campaign now when it comes to this arrangement… the thing is, Loki is planning something that I don’t really know about, but Dimitri’s been doing his job as a lil errand boy. Butttt ummmm well. Odin the Allfather himself decided to talk to Dimitri and offer him a different deal to go behind Loki’s back and work for Odin instead, in exchange for essentially taking over Loki’s position and getting a shit ton of power. Butttt of course Loki found out and was not happy… so now there’s tension between Dimitri and Loki, there’s a whole complicated thing with Odin, Dimitri doesn’t know who to chose, he’s scared of Loki’s wrath and meanwhile my poor guy still does not have a clue what the Big Plans far beyond him even are.
Sooooo Dimitri’s whole thing, essentially, is being used as a tiny pawn between these two gods, a minuscule player on a giant fucking chess board that he doesn’t understand :D
And that’s not even getting into his newly created backstory, which is a whole other can of worms… but I’ve already rambled enough so if anyone wants to hear about that…… let me know 👁️👁️
anyways thank u for asking I’m literally obsessed with him he’s my little baby blorbo and he has sooooo much trauma :))))
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silvercaptain24 · 2 years
here you go!! its mostly just the dialogue rn i'll probably go back later and add more Thoughts but have a lil convo between Wild and Warriors post battle :D --------
"Do you think I'm a bad person?"
Warriors whips his head up to look at Wild incredulously.
Wild fidgets where he sits, fumbling with the corner of his cloak.
"I-- I've always tried to spare the Yiga, give them a chance to come to their senses, or something. I've never willingly taken a life. You... spoke about survival over honour, rancher said. Do you think I'm a bad person for choosing honour, even if it gets me hurt?"
"Are you asking me if I think you're a bad person for NOT killing people?"
Wild looks at him with wide eyes, shrinking back into his his hood in embarrassment.
"When you put it like that..."
Warriors sighs.
"Champion. I think you are one of the kindest people I have ever met. Believing that there is good in everyone, that redemption is out there for all, and sticking to that conviction? That is something you will not find in many people. And I am happy you have not been forced to choose between those convictions, and your life."
They sit in silence for a few moments. Then,
"You don't think it's foolish?"
A tricky question. Warriors knows Wild does not know much of his time as a knight - nor what a knights training entails. If he did, he would know that you are taught not to show mercy, not to give second chances. He does think it a bit foolish, to give chances to traitors. but he has seen those turn to good - Sometimes, very rarely, it is worth the chance.
"I do not think it is foolish to have hope, kid." a pause, "Unfortunately, it... not everyone thinks that. You believe you are giving them a chance to be better. All they see is another opportunity to slit your throat. Positive change has to come from within, and lot of people have already made the choice to commit to their actions, and all the implications of them."
He's already committed to his own. Someone who takes lives for a good cause - but someone who takes lives nonetheless. 
"This isn't actually what I wanted to talk about."
"I wanted to say thank you. For saving me. I honestly don't know what choice I would have made if I were on my own. I'm sorry the choice had already been made for you, but thank you. For not forcing me to." 
"Of course. No one should have to be forced to go against their convictions. I will happily use my circumstances to protect you from that."
This path, the one he walks, have long since become a part of his convictions. But Wild doesn't have to know that.
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(Wars calling Wild ‘kid’? I am dead, I’m am dying, WATCH ME-)
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