#i’m not gonna sit around and let him emotionally abuse me anymore
hesgotpotential · 2 years
is it technically considered “running away” if your an adult and you leave your families home and don’t know where to go you just know you have to leave before they actually kick you out, and you have been wanting to leave when you got enough money for a stable home but you don’t think that’s really an option anymore cause your dad doesn’t want you here and actively tells you that almost everyday and has now threatened to kick you out five or six times if you didn’t bend to his rules and do what he says and agree with him like a little puppet and you have done that every single time cause you were scared and didn’t really want to live on the street and really have no where else to go but your tired of faking just so he can be comfortable and hiding who you are so he won’t kick you out and you know he’s gonna play the victim card and make you look like the bad guy when your gone but it’s gotten too much and your ready to just leave and write a note about why you left and to tell them to pls not go looking for you and tell them who you truely are and if their willing to accept that with love and happiness then they are more than welcome back in your life but if not then they can go straight to their little lava pit hell they love to talk about so much a-and fuck cause if that’s what it’s called I might just be running away soon and with only $4 to my name heh…yay! 😑
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Hello hello! I hope you are doing well! I was wondering, could you maybe write a comfort fic where the readee has gone through a traumatic event (like the death of someone) and instead of selling them drugs, Eddie comforts them?
I'm always down for comfort fics. I chose to write about trauma I'm healing from as a way to kind of cope I guess. I know this will be dark but sometimes I need to write about darker subject matter. I'm sorry if you can't read this because it is triggering to you, if you want me to write a new one with something else I totally understand. Reader is gn.
Warnings: Talk of emotionally and verbally abusive relationships, strong language, mentions of drugs
You knock on the door to Eddies trailer. You look around at the other trailers that surround his in the cold of the night. He opens the door with a smile. "Hey Y/N come on in. I've got the stuff ready when you're ready." You nod. Today has been misrible. The sound of crashing plates and yelling at your job has triggered memories of your ex. The sounds of his yelling and him smashing plates in the kitchen. You push those thoughts away and walk inside. You take off your coat and put it on the couch under where you sit. "So what are you thinking. Bowl, joint, whatever?" He asks. You just stare at the coffee table in front of you with a blank face. All you can hear in your mind is his yelling and your begs for him to stop. His threats of giving up on life and never doing anything again if you break up with him or deny him sex.
Eddie sees this look on your face. He's never been the best with emotions. "Is everything ok?" He asks walking over to the couch. Those words set off tears. Your mouth grows into a deep frown and you quickly wipe away the fallen tears. "Hey don't cry. You don't have to do this if you don't want to.” He sits next to you and puts a hand on your shoulder. 
“It’s not that Eddie, it’s just um.. I’m having thoughts about this person who never treated me the best. He was very abusive.” 
“Oh I’m sorry Y/N. Do you want to talk about it? Or if you don’t and you just need to cry it out I understand. I’m sorry they did that to you. You’re a really nice person, no one deserves to be abused, especially you.” Tears start to fall again as the memories keep flashing in your mind. Every word pains your heart. 
“I just... He always... I feel so bad for leaving him because he always said that there was no point in doing anything anymore if I left and I finally got away and I just keep thinking about it and it eats away at me.” Eddie puts his arm around your shoulder and you rest your head on his shoulder. “He never really loved me. But I loved him so much. But he never could love me could he?” With this you really start to cry. You cry hard and ugly. Eddie pulls you into him and you cry into his shirt. 
“He sounds very manipulative. I’m so sorry Y/N. I wish I knew what to say but I don’t really know what to say. But I think you should hold off on the drugs right now. You’re not in the right place for it ok? Just let it all out, I’m not gonna judge you.” He rubs your back as he holds you there while you cry. You cry for a good 15 minutes and Eddie stay’s silent for you. Just holding you in his arms and rubbing your back. When you pull away your eyes are puffy and red. “Would you like to stay over tonight? I understand if you don’t want to be alone.” You nod. 
“If it’s not gonna be a problem.” 
“Oh not at all don’t worry. Let me put this shit away and I’ll get you some water ok?” You nod. 
“Thank you Eddie.” 
“Anytime Y/N. I hate seeing people I care about in pain.” 
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tatesweaterweather · 3 years
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“You know that somewhere deep down, you still love me” sex with Kai - fem!reader <3
(⚠️ warnings!: talk of cheating, slight abuse, stalking, cussing & smut)
It had been two years since you seen Kai.
Two years since you told him you no longer wanted to be with him. He didn’t take it well.
For six months straight you flinched at every slight noise. You found yourself constantly looking over your shoulder in fear you would find him behind you, waiting to wrap his fingers around your vocal cords until you could no longer form a proper sentence. You knew what Kai was capable of but you just couldn’t stand to be around him anymore.
You waited until what you thought was the right time and told it to him straight. He just looked at you with anger burning behind his eyes, a look you’ve seen but never received.
After catching the terrifying look upon his face, you stood up from the couch in fear while Kai remained silent. When you had tried to leave, he grabbed your wrist in an attempt to make you stay. When that didn’t work and you pulled away, he began to angrily scream at you with everything he had. You never felt so fearful in your life.
You eventually made it out though, physically and emotionally. Slowly but surely, you had began to see less and less of Kai. You no longer caught his henchmen lingering. Those songs that always reminded you of him no longer reminded you of him.
About four months ago you started dating your current boyfriend, Ethan. You had met him in a bar and instantly, you two became friends. From there, you began taking your relationship to the next level and so on. Things were finally looking okay for you.
This evening, you and Ethan had decided that you were going to stay in instead of going out for your date. You ordered food, set up a movie, and switched into your comfy clothes when you had seen your phone begin to light up. Instinctively, you reached for it. When you picked it up, you immediately felt as if your heart was in your throat.
It was Kai.
You stared down at your phone in confusion. You thought you had blocked his number ages ago, so how could he be calling? You quickly apologized to your boyfriend before leaving the room to answer.
“Hello?” You hesitantly questioned.
“Hey, little lamb.” Kai spoke from the other side of the phone. You instantly got butterflies from the old nickname but quickly pushed them down.
“You shouldn’t be calling.” Your voice went quiet as you stared down at your feet.
“I’m calling about Winter.” He paused. “Something happened.”
“What?” The feeling of worry easily making your voice crack. “What do you mean something happened?”
“It’s just-” He started but cut himself off. “There was an accident. She’s here at home now. I figured you may have wanted to know that considering you two used to be friends.”
“Oh, shit.” You frantically looked around. “Okay, I’m on my way. Is it bad? Like, should I take something for her?”
“No, she doesn’t need anything right now. Just get here as quickly as you can.” He replied with shortly before hanging up.
Shakily, you placed your phone down and began getting dressed. You anxiously fished through your closet for the closest pair of shoes, not realizing your boyfriend was now behind you.
“Jesus, fuck. You scared me, Ethan.” You clutched your chest.
“Something wrong, babe?” He looked at you, concern in his eyes.
“It’s my friend, Winter. They said she was in an accident. I’m heading over there now.” You explained as you grabbed your purse, slinging it over your shoulder.
“Oh, shit. That’s not good. Did you want me to come with?” Your boyfriend offered.
“No, I couldn’t ask you to do that. Plus, it’s most likely going to be chaotic and I don’t want to put you through that.” You kissed his lips. “I’ll call you later, okay?”
Ethan nodded and you smiled softly before swiftly walking down the stairs to your car. After you had left Kai, you decided to move about a half hour west of your old place. You shakily sighed as you made your way to your ex boyfriend’s house.
About a half hour later, you pulled up in front of the house. You swallowed in anxiousness and made your way to the front door. You knocked a few times before Kai answered.
“Hi.” He smiled down at you.
“Hey, Kai.” You smiled back. “So, where’s Winter?”
“Oh, I just went to help her lay down. It was going to be a surprise for you to be here but because I didn’t want to ruin it, I didn’t tell her and I just let her sleep.” He stepped to the side. “You can come in, if you want. She’ll probably want to get up again soon.”
Hesitantly, you nodded and walked inside. The memories of the house instantly hit you like a pile of bricks.
“Wow.” You traced the walls with your fingers. “It’s been so long.”
“Yeah..” Kai agreed. “So, did you want to wait for her in the basement? We can sit around down there, like old times.”
You nodded softly in agreement, not wanting to upset Kai in any way. He motioned for you to go first as he held the door open. You slowly began walking down the stairs, shakily placing your hands on the wall which each step for support. When you got to the bottom of the stairs you stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do.
“It’s okay, Y/N.” Kai reassured you. “I’m not gonna hurt you. You don’t have to be so jumpy.”
“Sorry..” You trailed off as you sat down on the sofa. Kai sat down on the chair across from you and sent you a small smile.
“So, tell me what’s new.” He looked at you expectedly.
“Not much, I’m the same as always.” You began fidgeting with your phone in anxiousness, your lock screen immediately lighting up. You looked down to see you and Ethan sharing a kiss. “Well, there is something new actually. I have a new boyfriend.”
Kai’s unreadable expression remained the same. “Oh? That’s great, little lamb. Why don’t you tell me a little about him.”
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat from the now foreign nickname. “Uh, we started dating a few months ago. His name is Ethan.”
“Ethan.” Kai nodded. “I’m happy for you, angel.”
“Yeah..” You smiled, not knowing what to say. “So, anything new with you, Kai?”
“No.” Kai shook his head. “Well.. I do have a little something to confess.”
You looked at him expectedly, waiting for him to go on.
“I wasn’t exactly honest with you earlier, little lamb.” He leaned forward in his seat.
“What?” You weren’t sure if you had heard him right.
“Well, I called you over here because Winter had an accident.” He stood up. “Truth be told, Winter is just fine.”
You sent him a confused expression to which he responded with by smiling.
“Yeah, she’s out with a friend right now.” He began walking over to you, sitting on the coffee table just in front of your legs. “I just needed to get you over here but I knew I would have to tell you a little white lie in order for that to happen.”
You were at a loss for words. What the fuck?
“Did you think I wouldn’t find you?” He asked. “Did you seriously think I would just let you leave me for that premature dickwad?”
“Don’t call him that.” Your voice weakened as he continued to stare you down. “I knew it was a mistake coming here. You’re fucked up, Kai.”
You attempted to stand up but Kai instantly pulled you back down.
“Are you happy with him?” He questioned.
“What?” You stared at him in confusion.
“Are you happy with him?” Kai repeated.
“Yes, I’m very happy with him.” You defended your relationship. Kai leaned in and your heartbeat immediately picked up.
“How’s the sex?” He taunted. “How often do you cum when you’re with him?”
You look down to avoid Kai’s stares. You kept quiet as he waited for an answer.
“Well..?” He waited. “Does he please you how you want to be pleased?”
“Yes..” You nodded.
“Why did it take you so long to answer me, little lamb? Are you lying?” He spoke with a dominant tone in his voice.
“No.” The submissive side of you instantly taking over.
“Are you sure?” He leaned in, his breath dangerously close to your ear. “Because if you’re lying, daddy will know.”
Your breath hitched as Kai began running his fingers up and down your thighs.
“You know that somewhere deep down, you still love me.” Kai’s lips touched your earlobe. Your eyes closed as his fingers began getting higher and higher up your thighs.
“Kai, we can’t. It’s not right.” You gently shoved him away. “It’s not right for either of us to be doing this right now.”
“I don’t know, baby.” Kai leaned back in, slipping his hand under your pants and into your panties. His fingers swirled around your entrance, not quite making their way in. You moaned softly and he pulled them out of your underwear. “You seem pretty into it, to me.”
The thoughts in your head were running so fast you didn’t even notice yourself slipping into his touch.
“Go on, angel. Let loose.” He whispered into your ear. “Why don’t you let daddy take care of you, hm?”
“Okay..” You hesitantly gave in to the lust running through your veins.
Kai pulled away for a split second to lift you up from your sitting position, laying you down on your back with your legs dangling off the arm of the couch. He looked down at you with lust before removing your pants along with your panties.
“Fuck..” He cursed as he took in the sight of your glistening pussy. He dropped down to his knees before pulling your legs closer to his face. He licked a stripe up your slit and you couldn’t help but let out a loud moan.
“That’s right, baby. Let daddy know how good he makes you feel.” He rubbed your clit softly with his thumb, flicking his tongue inside you simultaneously. Your eyes rolled back in pleasure and your hands went flying to Kai’s hair, gripping it slightly.
“Oh..” You whimpered as Kai removed his tongue, replacing it with his fingers. His fingers moved smoothly in and out of you, your greedy cunt coating them with every movement. “Kai.. please.”
“I’m sorry, what? I’m not entirely sure I understand.” Kai taunted. “I think you’re going to need to repeat yourself for me, princess.”
“Please, daddy.” You begged. “Please, I need you.”
“Alright, angel.” Kai stood up and immediately flipped you around so that your ass was in the air. “But only because you asked me so nicely.”
With your thoughts running loose, the only noise you could focus on was the sound of Kai’s zipper and the slapping of his cock against your pussy. You let out a soft moan as he pulled you in closer. He pushed in and instantly, a groan was pulled from his lips.
“Fuck.” He cursed as he found a fast, even pace. “Always so fucking wet for me.”
He reached down to rub your clit harshly with his fingers and you whimpered as you felt your orgasm begin to approach.
“Daddy..” You sobbed as you were overcome with pleasure. “I need to cum.”
“Go on, baby.” He continued his harsh movements against your clit. “Cum for me.”
You moaned out loudly as your legs began to shake violently under him, causing him to groan. He fucked you through your orgasm and you couldn’t help but let out a few tears from the overstimulation. He continued with his fast pace for a few more moments before you noticed his hips beginning to falter.
He groaned and cursed simultaneously as he came inside of you, causing you to gasp at the feeling. He took a few minutes to breathe before gently pulling out. He noticed you still slumped over in exhaustion and delicately picked you up, sitting you back down on the couch again. You sent him a small smile in return.
Realizing what you had just done, your breath picked up and you immediately began to panic. You looked down at your phone to see 3 missed texts from Ethan.
(a/n: this fic was so fucked i’m sorry LOL! i literally wrote it so toxic. but i mean, isn’t that all kai is? toxic? idk. let me know what you think. should i add another part to this? more angst maybe?)
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biisexualemma · 4 years
second best. cesar diaz
word count: 1642
warnings: alcohol abuse and lots of tears
requested: uh no another one from the archives
plot: cesar always picks monse over you
a/n: wow am i actually posting an imagine for an omb character that isn’t oscar???? pls note **all characters are of age** thank u hope u like
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you stumbled forward, tripping over your own feet on the way to the bathroom. jasmine, grabbed your arm, stopping your from falling flat on your face. you were such a mess. you didn't think you'd ever been that drunk before. but once you'd started you couldn't slow down.
jasmine had been keeping an eye on you all night, making sure you didn't get into any trouble but it was hard. you were all over the place. dancing. drinking. sitting. talking. you moved around quicker than she could keep up with. you were trying to forget about him, she knew that, so she let you drink yourself silly. but she didn't want you to get hurt in the process. you were pretty emotionally unstable.
he'd chosen her over you again. story of your life. you loved monse, which made it even harder for you to be mad at her. cesar on the other hand, you were ready to throw hands in you saw him again tonight. he played around with you so much it hurt. you'd been crushing on him for so long and he showed signs too. but he always chose monse over you. you could never compete. it broke your heart.
hence the alcohol.
but it was catching up with you. you entered the bathroom, jasmine quickly pulling your hair out of your face and tying it back. you were now kneeling on the bathroom floor with your head in the toilet as you threw up everything that was in your system.
tears formed in your eyes when you slumped back against the bath, wiping the sides of your mouth. you were a mess. "i just don't understand," you cried softly. jasmine wrapped her arm around you, letting you rest your head on her shoulder. she was a good friend, no matter what anyone said. "why doesn't he want me?"
she shushed you, tightening her grip on you as you cried into her shoulder. "he doesn't deserve you. mami, you deserve so much better than him," she tried to reassure you. you knew she was right. but this was cesar, he'd been your friend for years, there was no one better than him. he was the nicest guy you knew. he always walked you home, helped you study, hung out with you when you were sad. he did all of this and more but he would never choose you over monse. you didn't want him to pick anyone over anyone. you just wanted him to pick you.
he'd always made it seem that he felt more for you than just a friend, he treated you different to how he treated his other friends. it made no sense. you cried out of frustration. you felt pretty battered and weak at this point, you just wanted to go home.
you sniffled, composing yourself after you'd let yourself have a good cry. you needed that. you needed to get it all out.
"hey—" your head snapped to the unlocked bathroom door, where ruby and jamal now stood after barging in. they must have seen you and jasmine come in here earlier. "woah— what happened?" their demeanours both changed quickly when they saw your sad face and jasmine glaring at them to watch what they said.
"nothing," you wiped under your eyes, though it was hard to disguise what had happened. you stood up and looked at yourself in the mirror. your mascara had smudged under your puffy eyes and your cheeks were pink and wet. you sighed. "i'm gonna go home."
jasmine handed you a wipe, and you began cleaning yourself up. you suddenly felt incredibly sober. you wiped under your eyes, and took off the little makeup you had on. you splashed your face with cold water and downed some mouthwash. you didn't think ruby would mind since this was his house.
"y'sure you don't wanna talk about it?" jamal piped up. they had all stood outside while you got yourself together. you nodded upon exiting the bathroom. "we can walk you home."
you shook your head. "it's ok. i need to be by myself."
"ok. i get it. but you can be by yourself with us, girl, 'cause you're not walking yourself home. it's late,” jasmine chimed in. ruby and jamal agreed, and soon enough they were all walking you back to your house. they all chattered, trying to take your mind off things but you remained in a quiet little bubble, drowning out any noise they were making. you appreciated them doing this but you weren't up to talking. you just wanted to get home and climb into bed.
"hey—" you'd been so in a daze you hadn't noticed cesar walking towards you guys. he was puffed out, like he'd been running here. he glanced at you quickly, his eyebrows furrowing slightly when he saw your face. but he quickly averted his attention back to the group. "did i miss the party already?" he joked.
ruby explained that they were walking you home, not giving any further details. "you can go to the house. we'll be back soon."
"uh— no— i'll come with," you all continued walking to your house. you remained silent. you couldn't look at him again. you could already feel yourself getting worked up.
you felt a hand touch your arm, pulling you back from the group who carried on walking. jasmine gave you a quick glance to make sure you were good. you gave her a reassuring nod before turning to see cesar in front of you.
"are you ok?" he furrowed his eyebrows again. his concern becoming immediate now he'd pulled you from the rest of the group. as best as you had tried to clean yourself up, you couldn't control your pink cheeks and puffy eyes. but you really didn't wanna talk about it, especially with him.
"fine," you nodded. you carried on walking with him beside you now. your voice was a little groggy but you cleared your throat hoping he wouldn't notice. "how's monse?"
"you sure?" he was watching you as you walked next to him, trying not to look at him for too long. "you're quiet."
you just nodded. "you didn't answer my question."
he was confused. "she's— she's fine. something came up with her mom— but i don't understand— have you been crying?" he grabbed your arm, stopping you from walking. you ducked your head.
"i don't wanna talk about it—"
you tried to walk on but he grabbed your hand quickly pulling you back. "no— wait— tell me what happened— please,” he squeezed your hand tight, still holding on. he looked you over, not seeing any obvious signs that you were hurt. something must of happened, he thought, it hurt to see you like this. you were pretty strong person usually, you didn't cry very often and never in front of anyone.
"i said i don't wanna talk about it, cesar."
"hey," he used his free hand to touch your chin, tilting your head up so you would look at him. "you can tell me anything."
you shook your head, taking a step backwards. you pulled your hand away from his, you felt tears brimming your eyes. you wanted to hate him so badly for making you this demented. he doesn't deserve you, you repeated to yourself. but it made no difference, it still hurt.
"it's not fair," you whimpered. cesar's face contorted from a look of confusion, to hurt. he just wanted to help. "you know i love you, cesar— you know it," your eyebrows knitted, trying to stop yourself from crying again. he really hurt you. nothing mattered at this point. none of the secrecy. "and i can't hang around waiting for you to pick me."
"what?" was all he said. he tried to reach out but you flinched away. you didn't want him to reel you in again, this was his last chance. "pick you?"
"i can't be second best to monse for the rest of my life," his face softened. he understood. "if you want to be with her, please just tell me instead of stringing me along like this," it hurt watching you talk like this. a couple stray tears had slipped from your eyes but you quickly wiped them away.
he just stared at you for a moment, careful as to what he was going to say. "it's always been you," he shook his head, stepping closer to you. you didn't move. "monse and i are just friends. we've been through a lot together— but y/n— you're it. you're before anyone else. i promise."
you took a deep shaky breath in. it was everything you'd ever wanted to hear from him but you couldn't ignore the facts. "tonight— i wanted you here but you chose monse over me."
he frowned. "she needed me—"
"i needed you, cesar."
he was quiet. he couldn't ignore the tears in your eyes that were falling frequently now.
"hey— please— don't cry—" he gulped. he thought if you cried anymore that he might start crying. he wrapped an arm over your shoulder and pulled you into his chest before you could pull away. you sunk into his chest, letting him wrap both arms around you tightly. "i'm sorry— i didn't realise you needed me tonight— i really— i'm sorry."
"i don't wanna hurt you, y/n," he tucked his face into your neck. "i care about you."
you sniffled, pulling away slightly to look up at him. "then don't make me feel like this again— i hate it." you wiped under your eyes again, sniffling as you calmed down a bit.
"never again," he tightened his grip on you. "promise,” he meant it too. nothing hurt more than seeing you so upset over something he'd done to you unknowingly. "love you," he mumbled, pressing his lips atop your head.
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No! This isn’t how you’re supposed to play the game! [Father!Corpse x Child!Reader]
Part 2 of Goddamnit kid, now they know I’m a single father! Warnings: None Summary: While streaming Among Us, Corpse decides to teach his kid Y/N how to play the game! A/N: And yes my warnings have the non-warning as well, just so you know what to expect from the story. Also, Requests for Cr1tiKal and Corpse Husband are always open! Ask or message me if you have any ideas. Also, message or ask if you’d like to be tagged- just please state what kind of fics you wanna be tagged be on. I’m always open to tag people! Request: Yes  Tag list:  @save-the-sky @alilshit @whatifwedo @hughugh20 @fleurmoon @bi-andready-tocry @itsminniekat @yoongi-holland @loraleiix @hacker-ghost @fanworrior @marvelous-musicals @annshit @unknown-and-invisible @letsloveimagines @hairbrush-anon @babyhoneystvles 
“Oh by the way guys I have Y/N here for the stream today.” Corpse said to his chat as he moved his little guy around in Among Us. “Hai!” Y/N said happily. Corpse had them sitting on his lap just chilling and watching their father play. It has been a couple months since the announcement of Y/Ns existence happened and everyone fell in love. Corpse did have to tell Y/N how to deal with it and not to share his identity to anyone who asks. He was enjoying a happy life, getting so much support by his fans and his friends. Life was good, for once. But with happiness comes sadness, and of course with friendliness comes hatred. And there was hate.
People did not trust Corpse with a child, sadly. The hashtag ‘CorpseCPS’ trended on Twitter before someone came out and told everyone to fuck off. But even if that hashtag stopped, that didn’t stop the haters. People still tweeted about it, hated on Corpses kid, and just been assholes. 
“Corpse Husband is not fit to be a father. He already told a majority of his fans about his mental problems, so do you really think he will raise that kid properly? #CorpseCPS” 
“Wouldn’t be surprised if Y/N will grow up to not be able to sleep at night. Just like their father.”
“I stg I bet Y/N is terrified of Corpse. Have you heard his music and seen his videos? I wouldn’t trust someone like him with a child, he could emotionally abuse them. Someone call CPS!!! #CorpseCPS”
“Who the fuck is accepting single fathers? Children belong to their mothers, not their fathers. I hope @Corpse_Husband realized how he fucked up and gives that poor kid back to its mother.”
“Bet that the mother of Corpses kid fought so much for custody on that poor child on god.”
“Someone save this child. #CorpseCPS”
It really got to Corpse, making him think he wasn’t capable of raising Y/N. Was everybody right? Was he going to mess this child up? He didn’t like thinking about, but his mind always trailed back to it. It worried him, the only thing he wanted was to make his kid happy. Was he doing a bad job? Was his kid going to grow up wrong? 
“Can you guys please let me live my life and raise my kid? Don’t think you’d feel good if someone said you weren’t capable of raising the kid you had. Jesus.”
Corpse Tweeted that when the anxiety and bad thoughts got too much for him, hoping this would calm them down. But one small Tweet doesn’t go a long way sometimes. He was glad most of his fanbase supported him, at least his friends did. And now he didn’t have to worry about the haters. Right now, it was streaming with Y/N time.
“Alright Y/N, you control the little astronaut like this..” Corpse put Y/Ns hand on the mouse and put his over it, moving his horned avatar through the halls on the screen. “Those red words are my gamer tag, Corpse. Red means im an imposter and white means crewmate. The goal of the game as an imposter is to kill everyone without them finding out its you. The crewmates need to find out who the imposter is an eject them.” 
“Okeh!” Y/N said excitedly and laughed.
Corpse smiled fondly. He loved Y/Ns laugh, it melted his heart. “Ok, see those cameras?” Y/N nodded, “You gotta be careful killing people around those, someone could be watching.” Corpse moved to electrical, “See? This is electrical. And there's, felix. Whoop, now hes dead.” 
“That was mean!” Y/N whined. 
“It’s the point of the game though!” Corpse quickly vented. “Okay, to kill people, you click this.” He showed Y/N how to kill people, “And to hop into a vent to get away, you click this.” He showed Y/N how to vent. “Now, during an emergency meeting you need an alibi.” 
“Whats an alibi?” Y/N asked, glancing up at their fathers face. 
“If someone blames you for wiping someone out, you have to have an excuse to why you didn’t do it. That’s an alibi.” Corpse explained, heading down the hallway. “So next time after the next emergency meeting, you will play! Sound fun?” He smiled when Y/N replied with an upbeat yes. Then a body was reported, “Ok Y/N, don’t tell anyone it was us, alright?” Y/N nodded. 
“Where was the body?” Poki asked. 
“I found it in electrical.” Sykkuno replied. 
“I did see Sean go that way.” Corpse said, making Sean instantly reply. 
“I was just passing by!” Sean argued, “What about you Corpse? Didn’t you go near electrical?” 
“It was you Sean I saw it wit my own 2 eyes!” Y/N called out, making everyone nearly die. 
“Well you can’t really argue with that one Sean.” Charlie chuckled.
“Vote Sean the council has decided.” Sykkuno declared. 
“Wha-- I- B--” Sean stuttered as everyone vote for him. Soon, they all watched him float into the abyss of space.
Corpse chuckled, “You’re my superpower Y/N. Ok, I’ll guide you along but its your turn to play.”
Y/N made a happy squeal, putting their hand over the mouse and moving the astronaut across the screen excitedly. Corpse guided them along, having his hand placed over theirs. “Ok Y/N, be careful. remember, there are cameras.” 
“Okie.” Y/N said, heading down the hallway. They walked around for a bit and Corpse helped them fake tasks. “Ok, see Toast? We’re gonna kill him.” Corpse checked for cameras, “Do you remember how?” Corpse asked. 
“Yah!” Y/N moved the astronaut forward, killing Toast. 
“Ok now vent, vent vent vent!” Corpse said, leaning forward and moving the astronaut to hover over the vent. Y/N stalled but clicked the right button, quickly venting right when Poki walked in. A dead body was reported, and they were back at the emergency meeting.
“It was Corpse!! It was Corpse!! I saw him vent!” Poki screamed, being way too loud to Corpse, but he didn’t mind anymore. 
“That wasn’t me.” Corpse lied, “Where was the body?” 
“I found it it navigation! You vented!” Poki said. 
“Mmm nah it wasn’t me. I was in storage.” Corpse lied again, making Y/N feel pretty damn bad. I swear, this child was so innocent. They couldn’t stand seeing lies and murders happening. So, they said “It was dad!” 
“HAH! They just exposed you!” Sean laughed loudly. 
“Oh my god the betrayal.” Charlie laughed as well. 
“Vote Corpse!” Poki yelled, “I told you!” 
“Y/N knows whats right.” Sykkuno said, voting for Corpse. 
Corpse gasped, “Noo! that’s not how’re supposed to play the game!” Corpse sighed, watching as everyone voted for him. Y/N frowned, “Im sorry..” Corpse hugged Y/N, “no no it’s fine. Just don’t betray me like that.” he chuckled, watching his astronaut float through space. He sighed again, “Better luck next time. Guess I have to train you how to be a ghost.” 
Y/Ns eyes lit up, “Yaaaayyyy!~”
~The End~
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bokubaddie · 4 years
bakugou katsuki x f!reader
rating: MA
warnings: (hardcore?) smut & degradation
notes: kinda contains some todoroki x reader ?
was it wrong? yes.
would this be frowned upon? definitely.
did it make you want him any less? absolutely not.
“bakugou...please”, his hands ran down your side as he pushed into you harder, knowing it’s how you liked it. your back arched, pushing your exposed, swollen chest into his. the atmosphere in the room was pulsing. steam from the forgotten shower spilled into the occupied room, making the experience more intense and pleasurable.
“fuck (y/n), baby”, Bakugou pants in your ear, and you can hear the pure arousal in his voice.
this affair had been going on about a week after shouto todoroki broke your heart. his half-n-half heart more cold then he let on in the beginning of your relationship. though it seemed to have broken off peacefully, you took it quite the opposite. you had investes so much time into the relationship and completely forgotten to take care of yourself while you two were together. you didn’t know where you went wrong, but obviously you did. a week before, you could have predicted the events that were oncoming. the sex was no longer satisfying. no warm meals waiting for you when you got home to your now dark apartment. the flame was dead, and there was no way to rekindle it. not now anyways. not after you had coped by sleeping with todoroki’s best friend the night you two fell apart. nope.
“fuck me, bakugou!”, you cried, spasming around him as you recalled the first night of you two colliding. the sex had finally been satisfying. there was a new flame, a brighter flame, being ignited. as your mind wandered from your breakup, back to bakugou’s tan and toned body, your long-forgotten phone buzzed on your nightstand.
bzz... bzz... bzz...
“fuck!” bakugou yelped, lifting himself off of you to grab your phone, as you moaned from the instant loss of pressure in your body. you missed him already.
“who the fuck is gonna be calling you at fucking 3 in the fucking morning?” he lifted your still-buzzing phone from the table and held it up to his face, eyes widening when he finally made out who it was.
“why the hell is todoroki calling you?” he pushed the phone down to your face, (e/c) eyes squinting at the intrustion of bright light. “i thought you’d gotten rid of his ass”, bakugou rolled onto the mattress beside you, bringing his hand down to rub gently on your folds, not wanting you to forget what was actually important here. “you gonna answer it, baby?” he breathes in your ear, kissing gently on the skin just below the lobe, biting down enough to mark you for the next couple days. “i guess so”, you bring your shaking hand up to the green answer button, breathing in shakily as you get the balls to answer
“hello?” you answer the phone, ready for whatever bullshit he was about to spew your way. not that he was abusive, but at this point, whatever came out of his mouth was bullshit to you.
“(y/n)?” todoroki asks gently. you can tell he’d been crying. over what? hell if you know. “(y/n)....i need you back. please”, he mumbles into the phone, “i didn’t know what i was doing when i broke it off with you. i just didn’t know. it’s harder than it was when you were here”. you didn’t exactly know how to take that. what the hell does that even mean. you hear todoroki sniffle into the phone.
“todoroki...”, you sigh, looking over at bakugou whos red eyes pierced to your soul when you made eye contact.
did you want todoroki back? did you miss him as much as he missed you? you remember all the good nights where he came home and cuddled into your side in the bed, kissing your neck and insinuating a sinful evening. you remember the times where he would pull you into the living room floor, dancing with you, giggling, and kissing you so hard you could taste his wine-stained breath. you remember the nights he would invite bakugou and izuku over, playing the latest video game, while you watched. they were so entertaining. you smile at the memory.
that’s when it hits you. it wasn’t meant to be and you know it, right? it was over. you thought about all the nights where he wouldn’t come home or he would come home in the ungodly hours of the morning. the days where he wouldn’t even show you a sliver of his attention, claiming his hero work was tiring. you knew he’d been off work those days, but you blinded yourself with your love for him. you had to.
“todoroki... i’ll have to talk to you later”, you pulled the phone away from your ear, finger ghosting over the red ‘end call’ button. but you hear him say one last thing.
“(y/n)...i love you”
you ended the call and threw the phone down on the messed up sheets, pulling your arm over your eyes. fuck him. he knows you have a soft heart for him. fuck him!
“(y/n)?” bakugou lifted himself up on his arms. “(y/n)? baby? you okay? what did he say?” he moves in closer to you. the scent of caramel and sweat wafted to your nose, and you moved your arm, looking at bakugou with tear-ridden eyes. “fuck him”, you whisper, rolling your eyes at the thought of his manipulative ‘i love you’
“his usual bullshit. i don’t know how to feel about him bakugou. i don’t know how to feel about us. i want you. i want you so bad. but who knows. are we going to turn out like todoroki and i? what even are we?”, you sit up on the bedframe, pulling the sheets over your nude body, not wanting to expose yourself anymore physically than emotionally.
“(y/n)”, bakugou moves his face closer to yours, the sultry look he gives you makes your center throb back to life. “i want you too. i’ve wanted you for god knows how long. i’ve wanted you before you were his. he doesn’t deserve you”, he leans in, kissing your chest, making his way up to your swollen lips, pecking you gently. “please. let me take care of you, baby. please”, he motions to his rock-hard boner, moving his hand down to your lower region. fuck. did you deserve bakugou? todoroki’s best friend?
“but when todoroki finds out about this...what will we do? what will HE do?” you roll over on top of bakugou, sitting on his stomach right above his dick. he looks up at your shocked by your sudden movement.
“you want me to tell you something, brat?” bakugou whispers, pushing you back, climbing on top of you, like a predetor sizing up its prey. “i don’t care if he finds out. and i hope he does. i hope he walks in the door right now, as i’m fucking you fucking stupid. i want him to walk in as i’m eating your pussy, with you begging me to stick my fat cock inside you, because that’s the only way you’ll ever feel completely satisfied”, his hand snaked its way up your soft body, to your neck, his fingers wrapping lightly, but still adding pressure. “or do you want to call him from that fucking phone and scream into the speaker as i fuck you? huh, babygirl? you wanna let him know whose you are, baby?’’
holy fuck.
you swallowed heavily, looking into bakugou’s maroon, feral eyes. did he really mean every word? did you...actually want that to happen?.....fuck.
“b-bakugou”, you shutter beneath him, looking up at his with scared....but aroused eyes, your pupils bursting with lust. “yeah, love?” he smirked, biting his lip and waiting patiently for your response. “i....”, you looked down. were you ready for him? were you ready for someone other than todoroki?
“fuck me, bakugou”, you looked up at him, praying that he will fill you. “fuck me hard, bakugou. i’m yours”, you begged him, giving him puppy-dog eyes, hoping he will prove his words to you. you wanted him. you wanted bakugou. you wanted his body. you wanted him.
“yes ma’am”, he leans in, making hard contact with your quivering lips. his tongue breaks barrier and moves around in your warm, welcoming mouth, claiming his territory. his hand tightens around your throat, squeezing the sides as he feels you shake beneath him. you pull away from his grasp to beg.
“please, bakugou. please”, you thrust your hips up, making small contact with his dick, enough to make him shudder though.
“let me have my way with you first, baby”, he smirks and kisses his way down your moist body. you smelled like heaven to him. your arousal mixing in with the slight smell of vanilla from your body wash blew him away. he reaches your chest and marks them with small bruises that will definitely show more vibrantly tomorrow. he hoped todoroki took notice. he moved lower quickly, wanting to taste you on his tongue. as he reaches lower and lower, you start to push him, just to pass on a little encouragement.
that’s when it happened, that’s when he lost control.
you looked down as he took light breaths on your wet center, blowing slightly harder than he needed to.
you wanted him to know how much you needed him.
as you wrapped your fingers in his messy, blonde hair, you made eye contact as you called him his favorite name.
“please, daddy?” you say a bit more higher pitch than usual. you needed him so bad.
the atmosphere in the room flip-flopped. you could feel bakugou’s arousal in the air. the thick, tense air changed. it shifted.
he dug his face into your pussy, eating as if it were his first and last meal. you couldn’t help but scream his name. he knew how sensitive you were, and he used it to his advantage. you could hear how messy he was being. you could hear his saliva mix with your juices. he sloshed around in your wet core, so much, that you forgot how to actually shut the fuck up.
“bakugou! please! please! please!” you cry, pushing his head further into your sopping core. he did so, going as far as he could, his tongue reaching inside of you as far as it could.
when he came up to take a breath, that’s when you saw him. his mouth was dripping in your arousal. saliva dripped down from his chin as a small string connected him to your throbbing pussy. he took notice of your awe-stricken face and licked around his mouth, removing any excess that he missed.
“feel good?” he asked, slipping two fingers toward your core. “do you want more than that, baby?” he pushes the fingers closer, where they just barely touched your swollen lips. you didn’t even know if you could talk.
“no, i want you”, your face turned bright red and you had to look away. you knew what was coming. it was one of bakugou’s favorite bedroom activities, making you beg.
“what do you want, doll?” he pushes two fingers under your jaw and makes you face him. fuck. he is so sexy. you just had to take in the sight. his body hovering over yours. his solid abs, moving with every breathe he took. his face. god. his face. maroon eyes looking down at you, in the best degrading way ever. his lips moist with your arousal. his usually spikey-hair, now tame. you could cum from the sight.
“i said, what do you want?” he snaps you back into reality, moving his face closer to yours.
“i want your cock inside of me, p-please?” you throw on your best pair of puppy dog eyes and pout. you knew you controlled him now. “please, daddy?” you extend your bottom lip further, exaggerating the pout, but pushing bakugou over the edge. you know what’s coming just from his fiery smirk.
he pushes into you, his head barely even in before you start moaning. you loved his dick. like actually loved. his thick tip pushes past your walls and you already feel full. as he pushes in the rest, you can’t help but cry. the pain wasn’t bad, it was just so good. tears fell from your eyes as bakugou completely sheathed himself inside of your warm cavern. you can feel his heartbeat inside of you, and every vein that pokes out from the side of his large shaft. he was so much better than todoroki in this aspect. he fucks you for your pleasure, not his own. he wants you to feel good. he takes pride in getting you to cum on him. he starts to move and that’s when your screams start.
“b-bakugou!” you cry, wrapping your legs around his back. “bakugou, you feel so good. you’re so big!” you scream, probably way louder than you should. your apartment is notorious for thin walls and shitty neighbors, but that just encouranged bakugou more. “yeah? yeah, baby? you feel that good?” he pounds into you with every word, making your (e/c) eyes widen and roll back. “it’s almost like you’ve never been fucked this good in your life”, he laughs, wrapping his hands back around your throat. “you wanna cum for me, baby? you wanna release yourself on daddy’s cock?” he rocks into you at a powerful force, making you open your mouth in a silent scream. of course, making you recreate the perfect aheago face. “yes, baby. cum for daddy”, he thrust into you and holds it in you, making his thrusts more powerful than before, your bed bounces against the walls. you make a mental note to put pillows between them next time.
“daddy!” you cry, looking up into bakugou’s eyes. his pride wells up as tears fall from your beautiful eyes. he wanted go ruin you. “yeah?” he taunts, laughing and sticking his tongue out, letting saliva begin to pool on your chest. you tighten on him and that’s how he knows it’s the climax of the night. his thrusting fastens and he brings his hand down between you to rub your sensitive clit, jerking it a little rough sometimes to help you reach your climax faster.
“cum for me, princess. cum on me, please”, he begs, rocking into you at a decent pace. “i-i’m cumming!” you cry, wrapping yourself around him tighter and squeezing his own release out of him. he fills you up with his seed, pushing it as deep into you as he can, moaning sweet nothings into your ear. he wanted to make sure you were his.
he falls off of you, collapsing next to you on the mattress. you were both absolutely spent.
“bakugou?” you manage out. he turns his head towards you, smiling lightly as he sees your exhausted face.
“hm?” he wonders. you roll over and put your head on his chest, hearing his racing heartbeat.
“i think....i love you”, you close your eyes and smile, “i’m yours bakugou”.
as soon as those words fell out of your mouth, you were asleep. bakugou knew that.
“i think i love you too, dumbass”
safe to say, todoroki was no longer a problem.
hi! whew! i haven’t written a xreader fic in a while! if possible, please leave me feedback on what i can do better for my next fic! <3 if there are any spelling errors, i apologize! i wrote this in like... an hour lmao.
if you took the time to read this, thank you so much!!! you are so appreciated! <3
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is-it-madness · 4 years
Pastries and Pain
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A/N: This is for @fanfictionaries​ Classic Tropes Writing Challenge. Congrats on the 300 darling!!! 🥳🎉🥳 The prompt I chose was Fake Dating!AU with the charming Loki. And thank you to my darling beta @wowjeena​ I LOVE YOU 💜💜💜
Word Count: 6K+
Warnings: Mentions of abusive relationship, abuse, sexual innuendos
Pairing: Loki x reader
Summary: Nat and Wanda keep setting you up for dates. You need to figure out how to avoid them.
“You did what?!” You glare angrily at Natasha and Wanda. 
They don’t even bother hiding their looks of amusement. 
“We set you up on a blind date,” Nat tells you with a smirk.
“You said you wouldn’t do that anymore!” Last year, after they discovered you hadn't been on a date since you broke up with your abusive ex a few years ago, they felt obligated to find you a suitable boyfriend. Blind date after blind date. The dates were all just okay. Nat and Wanda made sure not to let you go out with anyone creepy, which helped, but none of the dates sparked your interest. After a few weeks of repeated fails, you asked—no begged them to stop. They only agreed when you swore you would find your own partner.
“Honey,” Nat begins, “did you ever end up finding a date for yourself?”
You glare at her in response.
“You promised us you would! You didn’t and it’s been months,” Wanda scolds you.
“I’m just too busy to be emotionally invested in someone right now, okay?” At least that was true. What with helping out on missions and working in the lab, you were always exhausted by the end of the day. You never saw anyone anymore, besides your team, and sometimes you would even go days without seeing them. You would be holed up in the lab or out in the field—you just didn’t have time to throw your emotions into the mix.
“Well not tonight,” Nat says triumphantly.
“Tonight?!” you squeak.
They both give you a wicked smile and drag you back to Nat’s room to get you ready for the evening. 
You argue with your so-called friends about the date. You plead with them.
“I’ll find my own date, you guys! Just please don’t make me do this!”
Wanda laughs and shakes her head while Nat reprimands you.
“Are you seriously gonna stand him up? That is so not like you.”
You sigh. Nat is right. Of course. So you begrudgingly slip into the soft, dark green dress they laid out for you. The halter neck and deep V decolletage lead to the cinched waist showcasing your figure and the skirt reaching just above your knees. You put on some light makeup and pull your hair back into two cute buns with a few pieces framing your face. Nat and Wanda sit fussing over you, before they finally let you out of the room.
They walk you past the living room to the elevator, but you stop in your tracks when Tony calls your name. You turn to see the rest of the team lounging around. This is the first Friday in weeks where everyone’s at the Tower, not having to rush off to missions or save the world.
“Where are you guys going?” Tony asks. He gives you a double-take. “What’s with the dress?”
When he asks that, the rest of the team turns to look at you. You immediately feel the heat rising to your face.
“Nat and Wanda thought it would be a good idea if I went out for a bit,” you mumble.
“Did you two set her up for another date?” Steve questions them knowingly.
Nat smirks and Wanda nods happily.
“Well, you look wonderful,” Thor beams at you and you return the smile. “Would you not say so, brother?”
The God of Mischief sitting next to Thor gave you a once over.
He gives a single shoulder shrug and says, “Unsightly.”
You smile sweetly at him. “Oh, thank goodness! I was worried you were going to say I look as grotesque as you.”
“Alright boys, you can give your fashion critique later,” Nat says, putting a hand on your shoulder. “We have a date to get to.”
His name is Michael. He was very sweet, albeit nervous when the two of you sat down for dinner. You learn he works in the IT department for Stark Industries, he runs a hand through his short, brown hair when he’s nervous, and his deep blue eyes sparkle when he tells you about his interests.
“So, you’re part of the Avengers, right?” he asks, carding a hand through his locks.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that,” you tell him with a laugh.
“What made you decide to start dating again?”
You shake your head in amusement. “My friends are very convincing.”
The rest of the night goes along smoothly with the conversation stuttering only a few times. 
When he walks you to your car, he runs a hand through his hair before placing a soft kiss on your cheek. He tells you good night and hurries back to his car.
You sigh, slightly exasperated, before sliding into your car.
“So, how’d it go?”
You release your hair from its hold and it cascades around you. “It wasn’t bad. He was nice.”
Nat smiles. “So are you gonna see him again?”
You contemplate her question. Were you going to see him again? Sure he was nice and not bad looking, but just like all your previously failed dates, there was… nothing. You didn’t feel a connection when you spoke, the both of you kept the conversation basic. You didn’t feel a spark when he kissed you. It was no different than the friendly kisses Thor would give you as greetings.
“No, I don’t think so. I’m sorry, Nat.” 
“Don’t worry about it, babe. Wanda and I will just keep looking for you.”
“It’s okay, Nat. You really don’t have to do this.”
She waves you off. “What kind of a friend would I be if I didn’t help you?”
“That’s just it, Nat! You don’t have to help me. It’s not a big deal.”
But she isn’t listening.
A week goes by and so do five other dates. You had to cut the last one short because you were just too exhausted. You couldn’t keep doing this. It was too much. But you knew Nat and Wanda were relentless. Nothing would make them stop until you had a boyfriend.
You pace around your room, coming up with excuse after excuse to try to skip the impending date they have planned for you. You come to the conclusion that the only way they would leave you alone is if you were in a relationship. You abruptly stop pacing. Maybe if you had someone fill the position. Maybe… maybe someone could pretend to be your boyfriend—at least for a short time. Just to get the girls off your back. You start formulating a plan. But for this plan to work, you needed someone cunning, someone who could keep a secret, someone who was stealthy, and preferably, someone already on the team.
A name comes to you and you immediately head to the library with a smirk on your face, but the whole time your mind is screaming that THIS IS A BAD IDEA!!!
You find the God in his usual seat, his legs spread wide, and a book in hand. He sits in the far corner of the library, which also happened to be your spot too. 
“Loki! I need you.”
He smirks and looks up from his book, “In your bed or mine?”
“I don’t have time for your smart mouth right now! This is serious!”
He quirks a brow.
“I need you to go on a ‘date’ with me,” you say, putting up air quotes.
He stares at you for a good thirty seconds before he gives you an eloquent response. 
You feel yourself turn bright pink. “Please, Loki! I can’t take Nat and Wanda setting me up on blind dates anymore, it’s just too much. Please? If I find my own date, they’ll leave me alone,” you explain to him, internally begging him to agree to your plan.
“I’m not sure I follow,” he tells you slowly. “You wish for me to court you, but not as a real courtship?”
You nod hastily. “Exactly.”
He squints at you. “No.”
You’re shocked. “What? Why not?”
He smirks at you. “Firstly, your team will not take lightly to the matter of us courting. Secondly, there is not a chance they would believe you have fallen for me, even with my good looks and charm,” he continues to tick off. “Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, how long would you allow this to drag out? One week? A month? A year? So no, I do not think I wish to partake in your foolish endeavor.”
“But you wouldn’t need to worry about any of that!” You continue adamantly. “I’ve already thought it out!”
He gives you an amused look. “Alright, I’ll listen to your hairbrained scheme.”
You glower at him. Maybe you should’ve picked someone else for this, but it’s too late now. He already knows what you’re planning.
“One, I won’t tell the team who I’m seeing, we can just meet up somewhere outside the building. And if I act like I’m in love with someone, and we stay… y’know, mean to each other, they won’t get suspicious. Your second point is irrelevant, because they won’t know it’s you that I’m ‘dating.’” His nostrils flare and his jaw ticks but you plow ahead. “And lastly, we won’t have to keep this charade up for long. I’ll just say you ‘broke up with me’ and I’ll be too ‘heartbroken’ to consider dating for a while.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs deeply. “Out of the goodness of my own heart, and the desire to only create mischief… fine.”
Your eyes widen, “You’ll do it?”
“I suppose I have nothing more exciting to attend to. And besides,” he looks up to give you a smirk. “I am eager to see this come crashing down around you.”
“I was thinking for your next date, you should go to the park,” Nat tells you a few days later.
You smile at her. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary.”
She glares at you. “You’re not getting out of this. How many times do I have to tell you? I’m going to keep finding you dates until we find the right one.”
You shake your head and laugh. “It’s not necessary because I found my own date.”
Her spoon falls with a clatter into her bowl of cereal. “I’m sorry, I thought I heard you say you found your own date?!”
“I don’t understand why that’s so unbelievable, Nat.” You place a hand on your heart. “I’m hurt.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” she apologizes with a laugh, but her eyes sparkle with glee. “So what’s his name?”
“It’s a secret.”
“What?! You can’t not tell me!”
“Well, this is our first date. So what’s the point of putting a name to a face if I’m not sure if this’ll work out?”
“Okay fine,” she pauses. “Well, where’d you two meet?”
“Oh, you know,” you say with a small smile and a shrug. “Around.”
She folds her arms. “I need info so I can run tests on him,” she chides. “Need to make sure he’s not a threat.”
“Don’t worry, he’s no threat.”
She sighs and throws her hands in the air. “Fine, I get it. You don’t want to talk about him yet. But if anything sketchy happens, you need to tell me immediately.”
“I promise.” 
She takes her bowl to the sink and starts washing her dishes. 
“And no stalking us!”
She sends you a smirk over her shoulder. 
Early afternoon, the next day, you wait for Loki at a nearby cafe for your ‘date,’ but he’s nowhere to be seen. Sure, the two of you didn’t exactly get along, with his snark and your sarcasm, you would usually wage verbal wars against each other. But you didn’t think he would just leave you, he said he wanted to see your plan fail, so you thought for sure he would be waiting for you. Your smile falters a bit, but you shake your head. You don’t need him. You’ll just do this on your own. You decide to leave and head to the park instead, since it’s a pretty day out. 
“Considering this was your plan, I did not assume you would leave without me,” you hear a silky voice behind you say.
You turn around to see Loki walking behind you with a smirk.
You huff. “For your information, I thought you left without me.”
“Why would I do that?”
You fold your arms. “Well, you weren’t down here. I figured you agreed to this just to make me look like a fool.”
His smirk only grows. “I would not do that, especially not when you are so desperate.”
“Are you sure you didn’t show up late just for kicks and giggles?”
“If you must know, since you’re so adamant on believing that I would just leave you, I went to purchase these for you.” He conjures a bouquet of flowers and hands them to you. You thank him sheepishly. 
He nods. “I felt like it would seem strange if you returned home without a gift, as you usually returned carrying a gift from your possible suitors.”
“That’s... thoughtful of you.”
He gives you another curt nod.
“Well, let’s get this over with, shall we?”
“So, what do you wanna do?” you ask him. “You’ve never had a chance to explore when you came back from Asgard, we could see whatever you want.”
“I could not care less where we venture to, as long as we hurry up. I have reading to get back to.”
You roll your eyes. Just when you thought he was starting to be friendly, he goes and says something like that.
“Well, if you really don’t want to be here, I'll just go on a walk on my own. You’ve done your part.” You gesture to the flowers. “And you gave me evidence, so I guess I’ll see you later.”
He stares at you, emotionless. 
“Enjoy your book.” You clutch your flowers, trying to reel your emotions back in and start walking in the direction towards the park. 
He catches up to you and releases an audible sigh. “I suppose I could spend some time out of that helhole. It has become rather monotonous. Perhaps you would be suitable entertainment.”
You just shrug, not trusting yourself to not retort back with a scathing comment.
“So, where are we headed?”
“Preferably somewhere I won’t have to pay attention to your existence,” you snap.
His green eyes flash dangerously and he grabs you by the arm, forcing you to face him. “Listen here, mortal,” he seethes. “It may have slipped your notice, but I have done not one, but two favors for you.”
Your cool demeanor snaps in a fiery explosion. “Oh really? Is the favor you being rude to me? Or is it the fact that you can’t find it in yourself to say one, just one, polite thing to me. Oh, I know! It’s probably your side remarks that you love to make, or the fact that you say the most hurtful things to me, because apparently, you seem to think I don’t have emotions. Have you ever considered the weight of your words, even once?!” Tears begin to prick the corner of your eyes, but you refuse to cry in front of him, you refuse to give him something else to hold against you. “Have you ever thought twice about calling me ugly, or useless, or slow, or weak. Well, guess what.”
He releases his hold on you and takes a step back.
“I get it, okay?! I get it! I’m ugly? Great! You’re not the first person to tell me that! I’m useless? People who were close to me, would tell me that constantly. That’s old news to me! I’m slow? At least I stay alive during our missions! I’m weak? Okay then! I don’t know what else to tell ya buddy! I’m sorry I’m no super soldier!” Your chest is heaving from your outburst and Loki opens his mouth to speak, but you cut him off. “You know what?” You begin quietly. “I’m absolutely not as strong as the rest of the team, but I’ve been through stuff that’s made me a stronger person. I’ve learned things the hard way, and I’ve learned that I don’t need hurtful people like you in my life.”
Loki stares at you, mouth slightly agape. You spin around and toss the flowers in the trash. “Have fun reading.” You don’t look back as you continue to walk through the streets.  
You return to the Tower later that evening. After your temper, you spend the most of the day in the park. You wander through the city and stumble upon a quaint little bookstore, sandwiched between a diner and a clothing store. You buy several books before heading home.
The elevator gets closer to the common floor and you take a deep breath. The elevator dings and you force a smile on your face.
“Hey beautiful!” Nat calls to you from the couch. 
The entire team, sprawled around, looks up.
“How’d it go?” Steve asks you.
You internally breathe a sigh of relief. So Lo—so he didn’t blow your story. Good. The man in question was currently paying no attention to you.
“It was great!” you fib. “We went to the park, and we found a cute bookstore not far from here,” you say with a nod to the stack of books in your arms.
Wanda’s face splits into a grin. “Will you be seeing him again?” she asks eagerly. 
You see Thor’s brother, in your peripheral vision, subtly turn to look at you, but you refuse to acknowledge him. 
“Yeah I am! I’ll be going out for breakfast tomorrow, at the cafe. ”
“The one with the chocolate pastries?” Nat asks you.
“Yup. And no following me, Nat! I know what you’re thinking!”
She huffs and crosses her arms.
“Well, I’ve had a long day and I’m exhausted. I’ll see you guys tomorrow, yeah?”
The team bids you good night and you head down the hall to your room. You can feel the God of Mischief watching you.
Early the next morning you drag yourself out of bed and start getting ready. The reward? Pastries. You shower then hop, wiggle, and shimmie into some jeans and pull on a dark blue blouse before making your way to the elevator.
You make it outside without running into anyone. You walk a few blocks to the cafe with your favorite chocolate sweets. You discovered it a while back and later introduced it to the team. As soon as you step in, you inhale the heavenly goodness of coffee roasting, bread baking, and chocolate melting. The little old lady behind the counter recognizes you and prepares your order for you before you have a chance to say anything. You thank her and pay before you find a table in the corner of the store to sit at. You watch the world pass by through the large glass windows. It was still quiet out—or at least quiet for New York—and you close your eyes, relishing in the peace that was sorely lacking while you were in the Tower.
“You do realize it is rude to leave your date behind, yes?” Someone asks you.
You snap your eyes open to see the raven-haired god sitting across from you, the smirk as present as always.
You glare at him. “Why the hell are you here? I don’t recall inviting you.”
He conjures a dagger and splits your pastry in two. He takes a piece and sinks his teeth into it. His eyes flutter close, lashing splaying out across his sharp cheekbones and he moans slightly at the warm confection. You feel a heat rise to your cheeks and your stomach flips. This is the first time you’ve heard him make such an obscene sound. You didn’t expect it to make you press your thighs together.      
“On the contrary, you did invite me.” He pauses to open his eyes, only to be met with your flushed face. He gives you a smirk. “Is something the matter?”
“No,” you scowl at him, quickly composing yourself. “And like I said, I don’t remember inviting you.”
 “Oh dear, have you forgotten about your own scheme?”
“No, I haven’t,” you bristle. “But that doesn’t mean you have to be here.”
He chuckles. “Yes I do. I am fulfilling my promise I made you.”
“How gentlemanly of you,” you reply, rolling your eyes. “You made it quite clear you didn’t want to do this.”
He leans forward and folds his hands. “Listen, in light of recent events, I have taken into consideration our previous conversation. And although we do not have the, ah, best attitude towards one another, I agreed to assist you in your time of need. And I will see to it that your plan continues along accordingly.”
“Well, you’re wasting your time, ‘cause I don’t need you.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose. “At least allow me to attempt to be your faux suitor. To make up for my ghastly behavior towards you.”
You continue to glare at him with your arms crossed. You wait to see a glint of mischief in his emerald eyes, or the tell-tale sign of a smirk, but his face remains solemn.
You let out a sigh of defeat. You knew you wouldn’t be able to keep this guise up for long if you did it alone. 
“Fine,” you agree reluctantly.
He sits up straight and snatches the second half of your pastry. “Excellent.”
“What?” he asks innocently, already biting into your breakfast. “I am absolutely famished.”
You just grumble as he licks his fingers clean. Again, your stomach decides to flutter, without your permission.
“Hello, dear.” You look up to see the older lady has approached you and Loki. “Can I get anything else for you?”
You smile back at her. “No thank you.”
She gives a questioning look to Loki. “And who is this? I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you, young man.” 
Loki flashes her a charming smile. “Greetings madame.” He stands, gently takes her hand and places a soft kiss on her knuckles.
“This... is my boyfriend,” you tell her through clenched teeth.
She turns to look at you. You detect the slightest tinge of pink to her cheeks. 
“Well, you certainly are lucky to have such a gentleman.”
You barely restrain rolling your eyes, while Loki chuckles and gives a slight shake of his head.
“I hate to contradict madame, but it is I who is the lucky one.” He sits back down and takes your hands in his. He looks at you softly. You look back at him, confused. 
“The first moment I set eyes on her, my heart nearly stopped. And her smile… her smile sent me straight to Valhalla. I never believed the Fates would allow me to meet someone so kind, so gentle, so beautiful. I am grateful to have the honor to call her my beloved. She means more to me than any riches imaginable.”
You blush as the old lady places a hand to her heart and sighs.
“He’s a keeper,” she tells you. “Much better than the last one. This one won’t lay a hand on you.”
You feel Loki staring hard at you, his grip on your hands tighten ever so slightly.
You stand abruptly, Loki still refusing to let go. “Well, we really should be going. We have a few plans today.”
“Yes, of course,” Loki says.
Both of you thank the old lady. You can’t get out of there fast enough. 
The sunlight hits your face as you step outside, but you can’t help the shiver that courses through you. Your past hits you in flashes. Bruised and bloodied skin. Hands raised, only to be brought down against your body with rage. Long sleeves and concealer were a must if you went out. Nights spent huddled in bed, silently crying from pain.
You dimly realize someone is shaking you by your shoulders, calling your name.
You look up to see Loki watching you intently, his brow furrowed.
“What did she mean?” he asks you, his voice a deadly calm.
“It’s nothing,” you brush him off. “It’s not like you’d care anyways,” you mumble under your breath.
Whether he heard you or not, he didn’t show.
He gives you a hard stare for another second before dropping his hands.  
“What would you like to do?”
He sighs. “For our outing. Where would you wish to go?”
“Oh. Yeah, right. Um. Maybe we could go to the bookstore I found?”
“Done.” He holds out his arm for you and you tentatively slip your hand in. “Lead the way.”
A smile pulls at your lips and you tug him in the direction of the bookstore.
After you both buy several books, you spend the rest of your day taking Loki to your favorite spots around the city. You take him to a garden in Central Park and he tells you about his mother’s garden. He buys you ice cream because ‘I suppose you deserve it after I took your breakfast.’
The next few weeks, you and Loki alternate taking the other places. Loki takes you for lunch, you take him to the movies. He takes you to a museum and you take him to dinner. The two of you begin bonding and slowly the animosity begins to fade. After the second month, you realize that you actually like being in his company. You made each other laugh and were able to discuss things to great lengths that you couldn’t do with anyone else on the team. The two of you would always be careful, leaving the Tower separately, coming home separately. You both also agreed to continue your banter at home, lest anyone become suspicious. But there were days when Nat would have to snap you out of your daydreams—er thoughts, and she would give you a little smirk. She never asked what you were thinking about, but the pink staining your cheeks would give her the answer she needed.
The nights you spend tossing and turning in bed become more frequent.
I’ll tell him tomorrow.
Tomorrow’s the day.
I’ll end this tomorrow.
You kept postponing the termination of this… relationship you had with Loki. Sure it would’ve been easier to do after the first week you put your plan in motion, but that would have only spurred Nat further. You didn’t need that. So you simply kept putting it off and chose to ignore it as days became weeks. Surprisingly enough, you found a kindred spirit in Loki. He wasn’t as bad as you had originally believed. He made you laugh and think critically and roll your eyes at his dramatic flair and antics. You can’t help but feel as though you and Loki connected. You can’t help but feel as though you’re falling for him. With his sparkling eyes, mischievous smile, and surprisingly, his kind heart. It shocked you at first. You always saw him as Thor’s maniacal and evil younger brother. But now that you’ve spent more time with him, you discover that it was just a facade that he put up. He didn’t want people to get close to him, he knew what they thought of him, so that’s what he showed them. It broke your heart when you found out how hurt and abused he was. Just because he never told you outright, doesn’t mean you didn’t see it. You felt awful though, for only barely realizing this. You should have paid more attention to the way he sometimes flinched or the way his eyes would slightly widen with fear at the mention of fire, or when someone on the team would mention abuse. 
If only he knew about your past relationship. You never brought it up after the slip in the bakery and Loki didn’t pry, which you were extremely grateful for. You weren’t sure you could discuss it, it was too harrowing and you wanted to leave your past there. In the past. But you should have known it would rear its ugly head one of these days.
You had promised Loki you’d take him back to the little slice of Valhalla that he so fondly nicknamed the bakery.
“Please!” he practically begs you as the two of you walk down the street, hand in hand. “How else do you expect me to survive in your company? I require payment!”
“Payment?!” you repeat incredulously. “Payment for what?”
He sighs dramatically. “For having to endure your nonsense.”
You laugh. “I should be the one getting paid for having to put up with you!” 
He gives you a smirk. “Come now darling, you know you love me.”
Your heart gets caught in your throat at those words. You give Loki a shaky laugh, hoping he doesn’t realize how close to the truth he was.
“Fine,” you sigh exasperatedly. “We’re heading in that direction anyways.”
He gives you another smirk and your heart flutters again. You really need to get your emotions under control. You didn’t have it in you to deal with a heartbreak, it was obvious Loki hadn’t fallen for you. 
“How about you wait out here, darling?” he asks when you two reach the bakery. “I’ll be just a few moments.”
You nod and he gives you a small smile before making his way inside.
You groan slightly and rub your temple. You are not supposed to be falling for him! This shouldn’t be happening. You need to get your emotions in check, otherwise… well, you didn’t want to think about what would happen if you didn’t.
You’re lost in thought when you hear your name being called. Before you have a chance to turn around, arms wrap themselves around your waist, pulling you into a hug from behind.
Your heart drops. You knew that voice, that hug that used to give you butterflies, but now made you nauseous. When he releases you, you hurriedly take a few steps away and turn to face your ex.
“Hey, baby!” he said with a cheerful grin. “How ya been?”
“Fine,” you say, even though you’re feeling far from it.
His eyes rake over you, and you physically had to hold down your vomit. “Well, you look good, baby.”
“Please don't call me that.”
“Listen,” he says solemnly. “I’m sorry for everything that happened between us, but I miss you. I need you back. C’mon, baby. We can be together again, don’t you want that?” he places his hands on your waist, making you tense.
You try taking a steadying breath. “No, Chase. I already told you before. I don’t want to be with you.”
His grip on your waist tightens and bites into you, and he gives you a look you were all too familiar with.
“C’mon, babe,” he says, a slight growl in his voice. “I know you’re not stupid. You already broke my heart once. Don’t do this to me again.”
Tears begin to well up. “I-I already told you. I don’t want to be with you anymore.”
He glares down at you and you feel yourself shaking despite the warm day.
“You really don’t have a choice, do you?” he grabs a hold of your wrist and yanks you, not hard enough to fall, but a reminder of what he was capable of doing.
“Chase, let me go!” you try to free yourself, but he yanks you again, making you stumble.
“Don’t make a scene,” he hisses. “I know we both remember how that turned out for you last time.”
You flinch. That day… that was one of the more violent days. He pulls you along with him.
“Chase stop!” you sob desperately.
That’s when he decides to backhand you. You fall to your knees, cheek stinging fiercely as hot tears stream down your face. A rough hand is placed on your shoulder, but it’s quickly pulled back. You cradle your head between your hands, trying to protect yourself. You hear Chase yelling behind you, which is soon replaced by moans, and then the sound of someone running unsteadily across the pavement.
A gentler hand is placed on your shoulder, but you can’t help but wince away. They retreat their hand and crouch in front of you. You hear a familiar, more soothing voice, calling your name softly. You release your grasp on your face and slowly look up. It was Loki. He was watching you with such sorrow and concern, his lips tight and his brows creasing.
“That’s what she meant, wasn’t it?” he asks quietly.
You nod minutely. He offers his hands out to you and you shakily take them. He helps you to your feet, his worried face never faltering. He pulls you into a tight embrace and that’s when you completely lose it. You fist his shirt as sobs wrack through you. He doesn’t say anything to you, he just lets you release your tears.
Loki walks you back to the Tower with a protective arm around your shoulder. Miraculously you don’t run into anyone. He leads you to your room. You don’t even think to question how he knows where your room is. The burning in your cheek receded, but there’s still an intense stinging.
“Wait here, darling,” Loki says, giving you a reassuring squeeze.
You sit on your bed, eyes downcast, as he heads to your bathroom. You hear the faucet running and then shut off as he returns and sits next to you. He places a finger under your chin, tilting your face up, making you look at him. He starts tending to your abused cheek, wiping it with a cool washcloth.
He growls. “That halfwit left marks on your face.”
You try for a watery smile. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
He stops his task to look in your eyes. “I swear this will be the last.” He looks down for a moment before looking at you again, his eyes holding something different. “I… I would never hurt you.”
He looks at you so softly you nearly start crying again. You’ve never had anyone look at you with such a heartfelt gaze; it takes your breath away.
He clears his throat. “Listen darling… I realize that your plan was to keep you from having to court anyone, but… I fear I have fallen for you.” 
Your eyes widen at his confession and he quickly looks away.
“I understand if you do not feel the same… no one can love a monster.”
You take his face in your hands and force him to look at you.
“Do you mean it?” you whisper, not daring to believe it.
He stares at you long and hard. You nearly drop your hands because the silence is too overwhelming. 
“I do.”
A smile splits across your face and you crash your lips to his, taking in the feel of his soft lips, his steady arms, his comforting scent of lavender and bergamot. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into his lap, holding you close.
You pull away to rest your forehead against his. “Well I guess that’s a good thing because I’ve fallen for you, too.”
His eyes sparkle before pulling you into another, more passionate kiss.
Later that evening, during dinner, Nat and Tony nearly lose their minds at the bruise on your face.
You tell them what happened. You explain what your ex did, which only caused the rest of the team to blow up too.
“It’s okay!” You reassure them. “My boyfriend took care of him.”
Your eyes flicker to Loki, and even though he’s paying close attention to his food, you don’t miss the slight smirk on his face.
That seems to calm them down.
“At least he seems like he’s a good guy,” Wanda says thoughtfully.
“Yeah, he’s great,” you say with a small smile.
An idea occurs to you. You stand and walk around the table to Loki. You take his face in your hands, brushing your thumbs across his jaw. He looks at you, mouth slightly open in shock, unsure of what was happening.
“He’s amazing,” you whisper, before capturing his lips with yours.
The team collectively blew up for the third time tonight. 
Pastries and Pain Taglist: @what-just-happened-bro​​ @bbarnestan​​ 
Main Taglist: @thehumanistsdiary​​ @astheworlddturns​​
If you would like to be added to my taglist, shoot me an ask or message me!😊💜
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
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you’re the one that i want (part 19)
word count: 6k
angst, fluff (tw: mentions of abuse)
(part 18) (series masterlist)
“either forget about everything for good this time or be with each other again.”
the words had rung in your head for the rest of the night, plopping down on your bed without even a second look from your parents as you thought over tomorrow's inevitable discussion with seonghwa.
you can convince yourself now that you don't wanna be with him after everything he's put you through, that the summer with him isn't worth it and maybe too much has happened now to revive it.
but truth be told, it doesn't even matter what you think to yourself right now.
because the second you see him, you know everything will crack the way it always does. your composure and will to resist him when you truthfully just miss his presence. 
his real presence.
his smile and his deep chuckle and the gentle way he'd hold and tease you. the boy that you know is in there somewhere, have even seen glimpses of in the way he looks at you, which is what makes this so hard.
because then if you forgive him that easily, it’s almost gonna excuse his behavior. make him think that he can continue to hide you away and keep you as someone he loves in the shadows. that this whole time, his behavior was okay and not that big of a deal.
but at the same time, you wanna be with him. you want to hold his hand and go on dates here and just be with him the way you were months ago. fall asleep to his hand stroking your hair and have him laugh at you when your cheeks flame in embarrassment.
you wanna feel him under you and kiss him until your lips are red and sore and your legs are shaking. you wanna feel loved and safe again because you haven’t since you’ve returned home that miserable day in august.
these thoughts keep you up well into the morning, contemplating your life while the dull ache in your wrist and searing bump on your head serve as a reminder of maybe why tomorrow could go so wrong.
cause yes, you love him and wanna forgive him but you also can’t help but see the irony in it all. he sees that you were hurt and now wants to step in meanwhile he’s been the one emotionally killing you since you first saw him again.
what makes this any different? because it’s physical? because it’s not him making you cry? because now he feels bad that you’re in obvious turmoil? your head’s starting to pound now, getting more and more worked up and confused as the night sky vanishes.
you think you sleep for maybe 45 minutes before your alarm starts blaring, rolling over in bed with a tiny groan as your temples ache.
you wince when you push yourself up and feel pain shoot through your wrist, rubbing at the red slightly swollen skin. you’re grateful for the cold fall weather coming in so it’ll be in no way suspicious when you wear a long-sleeved sweater that falls passed your hands.
the walk to school is almost unbearable, your eyes nearly shutting and feet shuffling tiredly as you grow more and more desperate to sit down; you won’t be surprised in the slightest if you pass out right on your homeroom desk.
though that’d be quite challenging you soon discover, given the loud commotion of wooyoung and the other boys behind you.
“i just don’t know why you’re such a fuckin’ weirdo about it. everyone knows you and san used to be best friends, no one is saying that-”
“yeah, we used to be friends and we’re not anymore. so what the fuck’s your point?”
the conversation immediately grabs your attention, perking your head up even with the exhaustion wracking through you because this isn’t gonna end well; you already feel it inside you.
“shiit, why are you getting so defensive,” yeosang asks, throwing his hands up as his friend all but attacks him; he just off handedly mentioned he saw him and san talking at the party and got met with curses and growls.
“because we dropped him. why even mention the little fuck?”
“why talk to him at the party?” yeosang counters, his eyebrow raised at the way wooyoung grows more and more defensive. “and why attack me now when i’m just asking you a question?”
“why bring up the little pussy when i didn’t even talk to him? you know he tries to harass the shit out of me but i-”
“shut up.”
you can’t even stop yourself from blurting the words out, turning around boldly and seeing all of them looking at you in surprise - minus seonghwa, who hadn’t arrived yet. the dark haired boy laughs upon seeing you face him, making a show of looking side to side like he’s trying to figure out who exactly you’re addressing.
“baby girl, i know you’re not talking to me,” wooyoung laughs out, his eyes wide and brow raised.
“baby boy, who else would i be talking to?”
mingi and yeosang snort at your uncharacteristic snark, both of them sitting back and watching in amusement because maybe that’s why seonghwa likes you so much. submissive most of the time but with just enough spunk and sassiness to be impressed by.
“even if you’re not friends with him anymore, you shouldn’t talk badly about him,” you continue, trying your best to stay even and calm. “he doesn’t talk badly about you, even though he very well could.”
wooyoung’s demeanor doesn’t change but you see something cross his eyes, worry or panic at the thought that you might know something more about him and the boy’s relationship. that you’re about to expose it right in front of his friends and blow up his spot.
but apparently his need to look cool outweighs his fears, something that seems to be a common theme with these teenage boys. his body leans in closer, his eyes peeking up at you with amusement.
“he could? and why’s that? because i ignore him?”
your eyes narrow at his sarcasm and you lick at your lips, cocking your head to the side because if he wants to be mean, you’ll be mean back. what do you have to lose at this point? 
you’re already bruised and sore and anticipating an emotional breakdown today. why not risk getting hurt or berated, why does it all really matter anymore?
“because you act one way with him alone and then another in front of your friends.”
“ahh and that’s something you’re quite familiar with, right?” wooyoung counters, the shit eating grin and condescending tone you just know was solely meant to hurt you; and even though it stings, you’re able to shake it off and nod your head.
"yeah, that’s right,” you say as you nod your head. 
but then you lean in closer and drop your voice, the bags under your eyes catching wooyoung’s attention before your words make him freeze. 
“but i also know you’re quite familiar with summer romances, just like me. so what was that like?”
you can feel the air shift at the word romance, wooyoung stiffening and letting out a sharp exhale as he places his hand on the back of your chair.
“you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about,” wooyoung growls, his eyes narrowed at you.
“oh no?” you hum, the patronizing tone of your voice so unfamiliar you almost don’t recognize yourself. but you’re just so done with today and it barely even stared.
you’re so done with people hurting you and the people you care about because they’re overly concerned about what others think. that they can’t let their guards down and spare their ‘cool’ image for a person they claim to care about.
“no,” wooyoung snaps, his voice low and deep and intimidating. but you’re so completely unfazed, he’s almost unnerved by it.
“the same way i don’t know that you did talk to him at that party? because you really hurt him, wooyoung,” you tell him lowly, the boy feeling his stomach sink as he thinks back to his drunken rant to the blonde that night of the party.
he really has been treating him unfairly, and he knows it too. 
san just wants for them to be friends; not even friends, merely acquaintances, so they don’t have to keep hanging out secretly at night or on weekends. he’s told him a hundred times how it makes him feel like they’re doing something wrong and isn’t truly wanted by him, even though they both know that isn’t the case at all.
but when all of his friends decided to stop hanging out with san, he didn’t wanna be dropped too. he didn’t wanna lose them for good because he knew him and san would never stop being friends. he knew both of them would never be able to stay away from each other and they’d be brought back together in a few weeks time.
he needed san but he also needed them. he needed people to ground him and keep him level headed. because san just completely consumes him and turns him into a different person, someone weak and vulnerable and someone he doesn’t wanna be.
that’s why when the blonde had quietly suggested to start hanging out together at lunch with you and him that night, his voice soft and sweet and tugging at wooyoung’s heart, his first reaction was a loud “do you really think we could do that?”
but then when san let out a scoff and shook his head, pushing past him with a dejected, “i guess not,” he pulled the boy back and gave him all the usual excuses he knows aren’t fair and aren’t gonna work much longer. 
he held him a bit too tight and a bit too long and a bit too close to be considered friendly, the same way all of their touches have been since the summer that still remains his favorite.
“that’s between me and him so i don’t see why you’re saying this shit right now, y/n. you’re in no position to-”
“san’s my friend and you’re hurting him because you’re the pussy here. so maybe you should grow a pair and stop making the boy you lo-”
and it’s when you’re about to say love that he slams his hand on the table before shooting out of his seat.
seonghwa comes in just as the loud commotion starts, his eyes immediately falling to wooyoung who pulls at your wrist and growls at you to come with him.
but he can only hear your loud strangled yelp and immediately sees red, already growing angry at the way wooyoung was hovering over you. but then once that pained noise left you and his friend’s hands were you, he couldn’t stop the way he rushed over and roughly pushed the boy back on the desk.
seonghwa stood between you and him, everything about his stance protective and alert, with wooyoung flat out on the desk behind him as his eyes burned into him.
the clattering of desks and scuffles of feet immediately cause nosy heads to shoot around and stare, a few gasps leaving their mouths as mingi and yeosang mumble a few curses and jump up.
but it’s like seonghwa doesn’t even notice anything, his eyes only on wooyoung as he tugs the boy up by his shirt; none of his friends have ever seen him look this mad before, jaw clenched and eyes hard as he tightens in his hold on him.
“are you fucking crazy, wooyoung?”
“am i crazy? you’re the one choking me!”
“if i’m choking you, then why the fuck are you still talking?” he growls lowly, tightening his hold on the boy’s collar.
you tug on seonghwa’s shirt but he only continues to look down at wooyoung, the boy fighting against his friend’s hold and deeply mumbled threats as he tells him to get off him. 
it’s not until mingi and yeosang push seonghwa back that he feels his shirt being pulled, turning around to see you shaking your head at him.
“it’s fine,” you say softly, eyes brimming with tears because your wrist is absolutely fucking killing you now. seonghwa immediately looks down at your arm and you thank god it’s hidden in your shirt, the boy walking around the desk to kneel beside you.
“let me see.”
“it’s fine, i’m fine,” you say quickly, blinking away the tears as you shake your head and give him a small smile. “he just scared me.”
“y/n, if you lie to me one more fucking time this week, i’m gonna-”
“he didn’t do it.”
his eyes widen at your admission and you don’t realize what you’ve implied until you see the look on his face, a defeated sigh leaving you because this is so not the way you wanted this conversation to go today. you’re exhausted and in pain and in front of far too many people to deal with this right now.
the clacking of heels sends relief through your body, the mess of desks and students staring at the back of the room causing the teacher’s eyebrow to raise.
“good morning to you all too, thank you, i’m doing well,” she says sarcastically, her eyes roaming the back of the room. her gaze lands on wooyoung’s crumpled shirt and seonghwa leaning down in front of you, a quiet hum leaving her mouth before she asks if everything is okay.
“fine, teach, seonghwa was just being his crazy self,” wooyoung says teasingly, a wide smile on his otherwise pissed off face. “did you know him and y/n are friends?”
you press your lips together so you don’t scream, just hearing the smirk on his face as seonghwa lets out a low scoff. you move your body away from him and sit straight ahead, putting your head down and letting out a few calming breaths so you don’t succumb to the many different sensations attempting to render you unconscious.
you knew this day was gonna be a disaster but you certainly didn’t expect it to start this early. you hear seonghwa say you’re gonna talk about it later and can only let out a sigh, knowing there’s gonna be a lot of things you’ll talk about later.
things you didn’t think you were ever gonna tell anyone but will be the first step in healing you. things that will make the storm that’s been brewing between you two peak before months of resisting and suppressed feelings finally catch up to the both of you.
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by the middle of your shift at the cafe, you’re almost positive you’re dead on your feet.
san was concerned the second he saw you walk into the lunch room, your face pale and eyes sunken with dark circles that made him actually gasp upon seeing you. and he watched as they only got worse throughout the day, right now genuinely fearing for your health.
“y/n, it’s dead today. just go home, please.”
but you only shake your head as you take your spot on the counter, pushing down the feeling of knowing he’s absolutely right. 
because just as school let out, dark stormy clouds rolled in and it hasn’t stopped raining ever since; it seemed to perfectly fit the mood of today, dark and dreary with an underlying feeling of fear.
“i’m fine, san, i don’t wanna go home.”
the blonde let out a sigh at your stubbornness, making his way over to you as he stood between your legs. he took your face in his hands and the gentle feeling alone almost makes your eyes grow heavy, him twisting your head side to side before grimacing at your dark circles.
“babe....you look like shit.”
“thanks,” you breathe out, not even having the energy to roll your eyes or let out a scornful laugh. so san can only let out groan, squeezing your face gently even though he just wants to shake you in frustration before the ding of the oven pulls him away.
your eyes move to clock on the wall to see it’s barely 5:30, a pout on your face as you lean your head back and shut your eyes. they feel like a thousand pounds and the pain in your wrist hasn’t simmered, the immense need to just lay down and sleep forever overwhelming.
but you won’t leave san alone today and you don’t wanna go home. you don’t wanna face that house in this state because you know you’ll get snippy and it’s only gonna end badly for you.
the sound of the door causes your eyes to flutter open, your eyes adjusting to the lights before it’s like a shot of energy zips through you. 
the tall figure is in a big black hoodie but you just know it’s covering up dirty blonde hair. the boy makes his way to you and raises his head, the familiar eyes you’ve come to love and hate watching you sit there looking lifeless and pale.
“where’s san?”
“in the back,” you answer quietly. “what do you want? your chocolate vanilla-”
“i want you to come with me. we agreed to talk.”
your eyebrows pull together at his bossy tone, the serious look on his face making it seem very unlikely you’re getting out of this. but that’s just too bad because you refuse to leave early, that’s not fair and you can’t just-
“hey, seonghwa.”
san walks over and it’s like they can instantly see the concern in each other’s eyes, seonghwa looking from you to him before san simply shrugs his shoulders.
“what time’s her shift over?”
“why are you asking him when i’m right here,” you grumble, seonghwa’s lips twitching like he wants to smirk at your sassiness. san bites his lip as he looks at you, very well knowing that you need to get out of here and get some rest.
but is going with seonghwa the right choice? he knows that can easily turn into another emotionally draining fight. last week this wouldn’t have been a problem for him, he would’ve easily told his ex-friend to fuck off and that you were working till close.
but he could tell since yesterday that something was very off.
seonghwa’s concerned gaze and strange comments about your injuries, the way you looked so small and defenseless when he talked to you outside. this was different than seonghwa feeling possessive and wanting to claim you as his. there was a different kind of look in his eye - protective and concerned and almost fearful.
he lets out a sigh, giving the taller boy a look that screams ‘don’t fuck this up’ before he opens his mouth to say “right now.”
your neck snaps over to the blonde and you narrow your eyes at him as you shake your head. “no it’s not. i work till close today, what the hell san.”
“you look awful, y/n, please,” he begs softly, making his way over to you with a sad smile on his face. “everything’s under control here and if you pass out and crack your head open on the floor i just mopped, i’m gonna be really annoyed.”
seonghwa’s eyes narrow while you let out the closest thing you can to a laugh, rolling your eyes as you jump down from the counter. “i’m fine, i’m not gonna pass out,” you say, attempting to take the desserts from his hand. “so i’m gonna stay until closing and-”
the second you curl your wrist to bring the tray into you, you hiss in pain through your teeth and nearly drop the fresh cookies if san hadn’t caught them immediately. his eyes stare down at you with an intensity you’ve never seen before, his head shaking as he places the tray on the counter behind him.
he unties the apron around your neck while looking down at your hand in confusion. “did something happen to your wrist?”
you press your lips together so you don’t blurt something out again, looking over at seonghwa who’s jaw is tight and eyes are burning; he’s trying to be patient but fuck are you making it impossible right now. especially when you’re so obviously in pain and upset and trying to ignore everything the way you’ve both been for far too long.
“y/n, c’mon,” he breaths lowly, everything about his tone warning and dark.
“no,” you snap, looking over to see him watching you carefully. his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek before he shakes his head and shrugs. you feel your heart drop to your stomach when he, like he absolutely belongs there, walks behind the counter and pulls the hand attached to your uninjured wrist.
“seonghwa, if you manhandle me, i’m gonna-”
“what? what are you gonna do?” he growls lowly in your ear, tightening his hold on your hand. “i’ve had enough of this shit, y/n.” he’s had enough of him being a coward and you being sad, he’s had enough of the back and forth and hearing you cry and fight with him.
he’s had enough of knowing that you’re being hurt by him and other people in your life and he’s not about to watch it happen any longer. so with that, he drags you outside to his car and helps you up into the familiar passenger seat.
“you are such an asshole,” you snap, all the anger and rage and sadness in your body hitting you like a brick. “all because you’ve finally had enough, you think you can drag me out of work and-”
“baby, please,” he begs lowly, his head dipped into the car so he’s only inches away from your face and not getting pelted with rain. “i know something’s wrong and it’s killing me. it’s been fucking killing me and i’m trying here, okay? i just...i don’t know what to do.”
you’re thrown off by the desperation in his deep tone, his eyes begging and pleading with you to listen to him. to please, just one last time, listen to him and remember that he promised he was gonna be here for you. that he promised if you ever needed him, you had him.
“it doesn’t matter,” you whine, the chaos of emotions inside you giving you whiplash. you shake your head as tears prick your eyes, tears of sadness and frustration and anger and pain. “it doesn’t even matter so just stop. you don’t have to do anything because it doesn’t matter.”
but because that could’t be further from the truth, he shakes his head and slams the door before making his way to the drivers seat.
san can only watch from the window as the car pulls away, his head in his hands as he lets out a sigh. he hopes that was the right decision, he hopes he didn’t just make things a hundred times worse for you.
but then it appears, twenty minutes later, when the door of the cafe opens, your absence might be making things worse for him. because his eyes shoot up and he meets the gaze of the person he least wanted to see today, especially given the last time they saw each other.
“what are you doing here, wooyoung?”
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“what am i doing here?” you whisper, safely assuming he just kidnapped you and brought you straight to his house.
you pull up to the unfamiliar bungalow as you sit inside seonghwa’s car, the memories from the first time you were in here already breaking you down. 
you were reminded of them the second he slammed the door, the smell and the dark leather and the little air freshener hanging from the mirror; the only thing different about it was that the doors were on now.
“this is cool,” you tell him with a smile. he smirks watching your arm whip through the air, his deep voice mumbling “careful,” when a car in the other lane speeds past.
“i didn’t know you drove, i only ever saw you with your surfboard,” you tease with a smile, giggling when he rolls his eyes and looks at you.
“that’s interesting since someone’s taken it over,” he says, chuckling when you reach out and smack his arm lightly.
“you’re the one who said i shouldn’t get one,” you whined, the pout on your face catching his eye as he sends a soft smile your way.
seonghwa licks over his lips, turning off the car before facing you. 
you hadn’t said a word to him during the ten minute drive, resting your head back on the seat as you played with your fingers. he just wanted to reach over and take your hand in his, soothingly run his thumb over you to ease your obvious anxiety.
“i just wanna talk, baby.”
“and we can’t do it another day?” you ask, wanting so desperately to fight him but feeling yourself crack. you’ve been dealing with this for too long, keeping this secret and pain inside for too long and with the way he’s looking at you, you won’t be able to hold it off any longer.
“no,” he says quietly, firmly, with a sense of finality as he turns off the car and gets out the drivers side. you sigh as you watch him make his way to you, opening the door and helping you down before guiding you into his house.
no one appears to be home and it’s sparsely decorated, the white walls bare as you walk past the living area and up the stairs in defeat. seonghwa’s room is shockingly similar to the room at his mom’s, neat and orderly with a white comforter you almost can’t believe is in a teenage boy’s room.
you watch from the doorway as he plops down on his bed, his head in his hands as he runs it through his hair; the brighter tones of blonde have faded a bit from lack of the summer sun but he’s still so handsome.
he still makes your heart flutter and stomach flip after all of this, remembering how in the beginning, you could barely look at him without blushing.
but things aren’t like that anymore. 
things haven’t been carefree and fun and sweet for a while, the innocence that came with the summer morphing into something serious and heart wrenching. something that put you guys to the test to see if everything that had had happened was real and you failed.
you love him and he loves you but you both still managed to fail.
the thought brings tears to your heavy eyes, biting down on your lip as you try to blink them away. he looks up and sees you standing there, eyes full of tears and a broken expression that causes him to reach his arm out to you.
“come here.”
“no,” you say, shaking your head as your lower lip starts to wobble. 
you can’t do this. how are you supposed to do this? finally tell someone what’s been happening to you for years, nevertheless someone who’s also been hurting you; granted in a different way but he still hurt you.
he still abandoned you when you needed him, when he said he was gonna be there for you and help you through whatever you needed; and now, months later, you’re supposed to trust him with this?
“baby, i need to know.”
you swallow the lump in your throat as your stomach starts to knot, shaking your head again as you meet his gaze. but the softness and concern in them proves to be too much, biting your lip as you finally move from the doorway.
you walk past his bed and to the corner where a desk is, silently walking around and taking in his room. you’re not surprised by the lack of photos or decor, a computer resting on the desk with a lamp beside it.
and it’s like everything seems to have a place here. the computer, the mouse, the lamp, the small cup of pencils on the side, the-
“so you did get something,” is all he says, looking up to see a shy look on your pink face. you choke out a laugh as you nod your head, “sneaky, right?”
a chuckle leaves his mouth as he nods his head, looking over the turtle’s smiling face and he hates how overpriced this probably was.
but he can’t bring himself to say anything negative, not with how you look like a mix of being proud but also on the verge of a nervous breakdown. “wasn’t necessary,” he mumbles, shaking his head but keeping the turtle tight in his hold anyway.
“it was, i-i wanted to,” you tell him, “especially since you were nice enough to-”
“y/n! who’s your handsome friend! does he wanna stay for dinner?”
and it seems like the stupidest thing to make the tears finally break but it does just the trick. because one second you’re standing up and looking at his desk and then the next, your face is in your hands and you’re sobbing over a $20 figurine of a surfing turtle.
it’s just placed right there on his desk but it’s the only sign of decor in this room that doesn’t have a purpose. like it’s the only thing he possessed that had meaning and was a gift from someone, the only thing that meant enough for him to showcase and keep as a memory.
your heart feels like it’s breaking and healing at the same time over this stupid fucking turtle that you don’t even hear him get up until you feel his arms around your waist, his head leaned down to press a kiss against your shoulder and hum lowly against your skin.
“i didn’t tell you at the time but i thought you were so fucking cute,” you hear him say, a humorless laugh leaving him as he listens to you cry and remembers that night so well. “i was pissed you wasted your money on it but you were so god damn nervous to give me a little turtle that i couldn’t say anything.”
you lick at your lips as look at your floor as you shake your head, your exhausted body wracking with quiet cries and sobs before he can’t take it anymore. before he turns you around and brings you into his chest, wraps his arms around you tightly and shushes you against your head.
you try to push him away at first but he only tightens his hold, his voice low and shaky as he begs you to stop crying. kisses the side of her head and apologies for how many times you’ve cried within these past few months, how many times he’s made you cry.
“and i’m sorry i wasn’t there for you the way i promised,” he says quietly, your face pressed into his chest as you feel your tears soak his shirt. “but i will now, baby. the whole fucking time. you just need to tell me what happened.”
“what’s so different now?” you ask weakly, pulling back from him as you wipe at your teary, wet face. “what the fuck is so different now that this time you’re telling the truth?”
his adams apple bobs before he lets out an exhale, his hands softly cupping your face to wipe at your tears. “because someone’s hurting you, y/n. someone’s been hurting you this whole time and no one’s doing anything about it.”
“you’ve been hurting me too,” you remind him, tears leaking from your eyes as you look him dead in the face. ”you were supposed to help me. you-you said were gonna.” 
and for the first time since you’ve met him, you watch as his eyes well up with tears.
“i know,” he says, “i’ve been fucking stupid and i’m sorry. but i love you, baby, i do. i just...it killed me leaving you. i drove away from your aunt’s house and cried for the first time since i was kid. that scared the fucking shit out of me, y/n, and then i saw you again and i couldn’t....”
he shakes his head because nothing is gonna make what he did sound okay. 
he was stupid and selfish and acted like an idiotic teenage boy who didn’t wanna be called whipped or a pussy. he thought he was guarding himself from others while also sparing you both: you from himself and him from being vulnerable.
but every shred of vulnerability and emotion came to him the second he told he loved you, something that through all of this was always the truth.
“nothing i say is gonna make it okay and i know that. but please. let me help you now,” he says softly, his hand wiping at the tear on your cheek before moving to the bump on your head. 
you wince when he touches the sore skin before his other hand gently moves to your arm, lifting up your sweater and feeling rage rip through his chest when he sees it’s swollen and bruised.
and seeing that is what causes him to completely lose it now, pulling you into him again before burying his face in the crook of your neck. 
you only feel a few stray tears of his hit your neck but it doesn’t stop you from crying too. hearing his quiet pleas to tell him what happened, to please tell him and that no one’s ever gonna hurt you again.
not him or anyone else.
he brings you to sit down on the bed, your tear-stained face mirroring his and you’d wanna laugh at this situation if it wasn’t so heavy. if both your hearts weren’t so heavy and you didn’t feel like you were about to pass out.
but seonghwa held your hand the whole time, just sat there and breathed with you until you finally uttered “my parents.” and it’s like just those two simple words set off something inside you, tears blurring your vision as you tell him about the morning this happened and many other mornings and nights similar.
about your dad’s drinking and mom’s pills and the way they’ll gang up on you. how a lot of the times it’s usually verbally but when they do get physical, it always leaves marks. the words make seonghwa growl or tense every time you mention it, his eyes watching you talk so carefully it would intimidate you if it was anyone else.
“why didn’t you tell me?” he asks, trying so hard to keep the anger out of his voice as he remembers that day in the summer so well. when he saw your parents and saw the change in you and felt something heavy settle into his chest. “i asked you, baby, i asked if you were safe at home and-”
he can’t even finish the sentence because he doesn’t wanna make it sound like he’s blaming you but fuck. he never would’ve let you leave your aunt’s house if you told him you weren’t. he’s even blaming himself right now because he did think there was the slightest chance you were unsafe there and still let you go.
“i was scared,” you tell him honestly, voice shaky and quiet because if you’d never met him, you probably wouldn’t have told anyone what was happening. would’ve lived out the next two years before never seeing them again and commending yourself for getting through it alone.
“i-i didn’t wanna bother anyone by telling them that and have them pity me. my aunt would probably let me stay with her and i didn’t... i don’t wanna burden her like that.”
his arm tightens around you as he brings you closer to him, your head on his chest as you finally allow yourself to completely melt into him. it’s still such a familiar feeling, the way your body calms against his and you inhale his scent.
“you aren’t a burden to anyone, she would want to help you, baby,” he hums against your head. he can’t help but the think back to his conversation with her the night before you left, when he straight up asked her about this very scenario.
it makes his stomach sink even more now, the whole situation shitty and eerie and making him feel incredibly guilty.
“you’re not going back there.”
and usually those words would have you jump up with wide eyes, ask where you’re supposed to go and how you’re gonna deal with these consequences. but at this very moment, your eyes are heavy and he’s so warm and close and you just wanna succumb to your exhaustion.
because it also feels as if some weight was lifted. 
not completely, because you still know there’s a lot to deal with, but at least you said the words. at least someone finally knows you aren’t just a clumsy idiot who walks into cabinets and walls.
you can only hum into his chest as you bury your face further, your eyes heavy before they shut completely. he looks down and smiles sadly when he moves a piece of your hair, his thumb reaching out to swipe the dark circle under your eye.
“i love you and i’m sorry,” he says lowly, your eyes fluttering open to see him looking down at you. you smile at the softness in his once teary eyes, resting your arm around his waist before placing your head back on his chest. 
“i’m gonna help you, okay? i won’t stop until you’re safe.” help you the way he knows he should’ve been this whole time, made you feel safe and loved the way he said he would this whole time.
“safe now,” you mumble tiredly, your eyes growing more and more heavy before you finally succumb to your exhaustion.
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he watches you sleep for the next few hours, unable to look away in fear that you’re gonna disappear. he’s been wracking his brain about what to do the whole time, an occasional whine or twitch from you causing him to hum lowly and stroke your hair.
he managed to maneuver the both of you under the blanket, your body curled into his before you rolled over in your sleep and rested your head on his pillow. 
he stretches his numb arms out and sighs heavily, grateful for the text from his dad that he’d be working late tonight; he knows the man wouldn’t care about you staying over but he still wants this time just with you, even if you’re sleeping.
your phone vibrating on his desk causes him to walk over quietly, seeing three messages from san and a missed call from your dad. it takes everything in him not to call back and curse the man out, tension all over his body as he thinks about how badly he wants to beat the shit out of him.
but knowing that wouldn’t fix anything, at least for tonight, he closes out of your dad’s contact and looks for your aunts, pressing a kiss to your head before sneaking out of his room; the phone only rings four times before he hears the familiar chipper voice.
“y/n, my girl! how are you?”
“it’s seonghwa,” he says and it’s like immediately, something in her knows something’s wrong. whether it be her intuition that failed you or the tone of the boy’s voice, she listens with tears in her eyes as seonghwa tells her they have to get you away from your parents.
(part 20)
tag list: @chogiout ; @psshwa @yeocult ; @seongghwaa ; @cherryeonii ; @chaoticbanqtan ; @8teenee ; @nczenniez ; @atinyarmyx1 ; @mingtopiaa ; @chubsluda ; @joongiebug ; @mochibabycakes ; @jisungity ; @skz-on-my-mind ; @nlost21 ; @myonlyaurora ; @closer-stars​ ; @kuaenam3g​ ; @byungaji​ ; @floweryjh​ ; @joeycheungg​ ; @lostscenarios​ ; @atinyxtopia​ ; @sanisms​ ; @kpopnightingale​ ; @simpforhyunjin​ ; @89staytinyzen21​ ; @lokicaramel​ ; @hwaxbum​ ; @sakura-uji​ ; @songsoomin​ ; @toffee-hwa​ ; @deobitiful​ ; @hyunjeansuniverse​ ; @clown-teez​ ; @i-know-you-know-lee-know​ ; @tiny-whatsername​ ; @fairieofeternity​ ; @yixing-jaehyun​ ; @sleepyseonghwa​ ; @revehosh​ ; @atletino​ ; 
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Don’t Let Go ~ Alfie Solomons
I’m in love with one man and one man alone. Mum and dad love Alfie too, but they still can’t take him away from me ;;;
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How did she end up like this, she wondered? They were family...Even though her last name was not legally “Shelby”, she was still a part of the family since she was born. The parents were best friends, and when her parents died, Polly took her in. And then, they grew up together - Same home, same beds, same food, same clothes...Same everything.
And then, war came, and while true, she was younger than even John - Not by much, only about 3 years - But that didn’t seem to bother either of the Shelby siblings, and she was especially close with Arthur and Ada, mostly because they were the ones with the warmest hearts, and could understand her gentle one as well..
However, Tommy was the smartest of the family, and Polly taught her enough about Gypsy street-smarts, so the three of them together somehow became the true heads of the family, the true backbone that kept everyone straight and together.
When war came, she was barely 16, and yet, she joined them, dressing as a man and pretending to be a volunteer physician, healing and running around the battlefield, only to end up helping them dig up tunnels and plant explosions...
And taking a bullet for Tommy.
And nearly dying.
But at least, by the time they returned home, 4 years later, she was called an honorary Shelby and Polly officially adopted her.
She wasn’t Y/N L/N anymore, she was Y/N Shelby, and she was damn proud of that.
She helped with fixing races, rode around with her gorgeous black mare, going to the Garrison with her brothers to make sure they don’t end up drunk, in a ditch, she helped the strategy against the Lee family, got beaten up by Sabini, beat him up right back, got in that whorehouse of a Russian noble family, let the Duchess touch her while in her underwear, got beaten up by the priest, had to blow up a train with good people and many more...
But nothing was bringing her down, because she was a Shelby, and she was strong - Mentally, Physically, Emotionally - And she wanted to make sure the family was together, or at least trying to hang on, somehow.
She was the perfect woman - Never drank, never smoked, never cursed, never did drugs, never did drugs, never dated anyone... 
But when one day, Thomas took her on a meeting at Alfie’s place... Boy of boy, was that entertaining.
She always appreciated Thomas’s ambition, cunning and intelligence...But Alfie?  Alfie was something else. Something much above him, no much smarter, so much better at scheming...And at everything, really. And she was attracted by him like moths to the light.
Back and forth talks, interesting insights on life, learning words in foreign languages that she didn’t know, but he did, and likewise, teaching her foreign stuff, talking to him about books and many other things...
And it was weird, but it almost seemed like she didn’t want to leave that place any time soon, but Thomas needed her for business, so what could she do, really?
And she agreed...And agreed...And agreed...
Until one day, when all things went completely upside down and...Sure, she did her job, and she was supposed to return to Alfie’s to have a chat with him and Tommy... And she did...
As soon as she stepped inside the “Bakery”, she saw Ollie, whose eyes widened in shock seeing her in that state.
“Miss Shelby, what happened?! Let me call the physician-...I’ll go inform Alfie-...” Ollie stumbled over his words, only to have her grab his sleeve and pull him back. “Don’t tell them I’m here. With the way I look, better make it a surprise. Tommy’s here, right?” she asked, slamming the doors open, walking inside, the clicks of her small heeled boots resounding all over the place. “B-But Miss Shelby, we have to treat you - “ Y/N simply shot him a glare, before continuing in a straight line.  “Ain’t a Shelby anymore.” she muttered, and soon, she reached the middle of the wide business room, as Alfie was sitting at his desk and Tommy was pacing.  “Y/N...Finally, you’ve arrived. What happened to you?!” Thomas asked, rushing to her side, only for her to push him away. “You lied to me, Thomas. You lied to me. You promised I wouldn’t get hurt. That you were gonna make sure they wouldn’t touch me. That I was gonna come back perfectly unharmed, not even a strand of hair touched. Only business talks. How do you think that went?” the girl looked down, her hands deep in her bloodied, yet incredibly fancy and silhouette-fitting high-waisted pants.  “What exactly happened with the Sabini meeting, Y/N? And why are you covered in blood?!” he asked, frowning. “It’s fine, not ALL of it is MY blood, thanks for worrying, THOMAS!” but as she rasped out his name, she started coughing up some blood, and as her side started burning in pain, she lifted her already disheveled shirt, applying pressure with her hand where she got shot to keep herself from bleeding out. “Well...This one is.” she used her sleeve to wipe her face, completely non-chalant. “Y/N...Tell me what happened...Please...” Thomas’s voice went lower, almost as a soothing whisper, but it was quickly obliterated by Y/N’s exaggerated, yet pained laugh. “I got beaten up, raped and shot by Sabini and his men. That’s what happened, Thomas. No business talk, just abuse. You promised nothing will happen to me...But, oh, damn, remember that you told Lizzie the same too, and she, that fucker raped her at the Derby too, when you were too busy fucking around with two other women? Oh, wait...Is it because I’m a woman? Because, the way I see it, all women that you have in your life get abused somehow...By you. Grace died because of you. Ada left the city because of you. May got hurt because of you. Esme hates you...There’s also the Duchess, but she very much outsmarted you, so she’s safe and...Still a noble woman. And don’t even get me started on Polly...Poor woman...Having to endure living in the same world as you. For the amount of time you spend fucking women, one would think you’d be more considerate of them.” her beautiful eyes were sharp and hateful, throwing daggers at the man in front of her as she continued to pace around, her tongue speaking the poison that very much tainted her heart over the past many years of her life. “...Y/N. I know you’re in pain, and that I’ve hurt you. I know. You are right, I agree. I’m aware. But it wasn’t my fault. I couldn’t have known, and-” as he continued, the girl calmly approached him, and as soon as she was right in front of him, she back-slapped him, thanking her classy mind for wearing lots of rings that day. As she laughed at the way the wounds showed up on one side of his face, she followed by slapping him on the other side, much harder than before. “Shut the fuck up, Thomas Shelby. Don’t speak to me. Don’t get close to me. I am not a Shelby anymore, so you can fuck off...Do you see who you’re doing business with, Alfie? A guy who can’t even protect his family! He got all of us arrested and almost hanged, made Ada go away, made Polly go insane, had Arthur beaten up, me as well, and guess what, Michael got shot and JOHN GOT KILLED! BECAUSE OF YOU, THOMAS! Grace died because of YOU! And your child got kidnapped and almost died BECAUSE! OF! YOU!” with each sentence, she punched him, hit him, kicked him, smashed him head with her knee, then on the wall, then ended by stomping her boot on his stomach...And walked away, as calmly as if never happened. “And...This is not my blood.”  “Well, lass, gotta say, yeah, you ain’t as much of an angel as I thought, eh. Or, maybe now more than ever, you’re the angel I thought you were.” Alfie watched from behind the desk, completely relaxed, analysing the show in front of him, and yet, his brain was running a thousand miles per second, thinking of millions of things. “D’you have a free spot here, Alfie? No guns and death and all that. Maybe...Someone to patch up your boys. I don’t know. Hell, I’ll even accept being your secretary or...Flower girl. Cook. Tea girl. I can walk Cyril...I don’t know, anything you want, just get me the hell out of this Shelby hell.” she turned around to look at him, using her other sleeve to clean her face, using the water from her tears. “Heard that, Thomas Shelby? Your sister’s deserted you, and for a good reason, eh. You can leave now, there’s other times to do business, right.” Alfie spoke, getting up and stepping towards her. “This isn’t over, Y/N. We’ll talk again. You’re a valuable part of the family, and you’re coming back, sooner than later.” Thomas went get get out of the building, only for the girl to quickly take out the gun from her jacket and cock it, pointing it at the man. “Fuck off and go to hell, Thomas.” she pulled the trigger... “Stop it, lass, don’t do it! You’re gonna regret it!” Alfie sprung out, holding one of his arms around her body, while his other hand went to her gun, making her shoot a wall instead of a living being, letting the man get out of there, still alive, somehow. “Damn it, Alfie! Why’d you do that! It’s 2 for 0, damn it! I’m fed up with taking bullets to save that guy, while all he does is sit comfortably behind his desk, damn it! I’m not a fucking rag doll that can be tossed in the trash!” she cried, trying to struggle out of his grasp, but the wounds were hurting her too much, so her strength gave out faster and she stood limp in his arms, trembling softly. “S’okay now, lass, yeah. I’ll bring ya to Cyril and we can...Uh...Drink that tea you like, right. Forget that guy, let’s get ya treated, right. Get that bullet out of ya. And sure, y’can be my physician, I know you were a great one in war, yeah.” the Jew gently took out the gun from her hand, throwing it to the ground for Ollie to take later, an he picked her up with much, bringing her to the medic’s room. “I need vodka, cigarettes, and if I’m brave enough some Tokyo...Snow...Whatever you call it.” she groaned as soon as she was place on the bed, as the gangster frowned in confusion at her. “I thought you didn’t do vices.” he sat on the opposite bed, watching her intently. “Woaw, I lied to you and everyone else in the world. I do drink and I do smoke and I did date before...Just...Not when people were seeing me. People think you’re an angel, they will hopefully leave you the hell alone. Difficult being a woman these days, as you can see. Everybody’s treating you like a piece of garbage. And bring me that vodka, I need to have the room spinning before I take out the bullet...And vodka’s the best disinfectant. The hospital stuff is washed up and diluted a lot of times.” she gave him a sarcastic half-smile, taking the cigarette he just lit up and puffed on it. “Only whiskey and rum, if you want, yeah. You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not around here, lass. Just do what you want, nobody’s gonna say a thing, right, and if they do, you know how to use a gun, so shoot their brains, eh, show them all who’s in charge.” he got up, bringing her what she requested, watching attentively as she let her head back, poofing smoke into the air. “Thanks, Alfie. Come back in an hour. I don’t need witnesses of my misery. You know better than everyone, Captain Solomons, that taking out a bullet gets messy.” she pointed the cigarette at him, smirking miserably at him, knowing very well that she wasn’t mentally ready for the procedure. “Well, lass, if you’re very sure, you don’t need help, right, then I’ll be waiting outside.” the Jew patted her head, leaving the room, letting behind only a graveyard silence, that for some reason, creeped the girl out big time. “...Let’s fuck shit up, then...” she muttered to herself, letting the ashes of the cigarette fall pitifully on the bed, as she took a deep breath and violently slammed her hand over the medical tools.
She’s always been a very careful and precise person, and whenever she did this on someone else, she would have people keep the victim down, so she could rummage through their bodies with relative ease, especially after they got shit faced drunk...And maybe with some anaesthesis... But this is the worst. Just like back then, during the war...
Letting a few tears of anticipation fall down her face, she cut a bit deeper into her body, to allow her fingers, previously washed with alcohol, she whimpered and squealed as she searched around for the bullet - It was no easy feat for, but it had to be done, no matter the searing pain -.
It felt like time stopped completely before the extraction of the stupid lead thing, she held it in her hand, watching its taunting gleam glaring back into her eyes, then watched with horror that stupid bottle of whiskey, and with her last strength, she snatched it and putting her pillow over her face to keep the shrieking from leaving the room, and gritting her teeth, she let the alcohol pour out from the bottle, wailing loudly, and yet, hoping nobody would hear her.
She was still sobbing in the pillow, the fire-like pain, electrifying the surging, diffuse pain throughout her whole torso, and she laid there, throwing away that pillow as soon as the door was opened again, and adjusting her head, she noticed Solomons walking in the room, a basket dangling from his arms.
“What’cha got there?” she asked in a weak, whisper-like voice, still trying to recover. “Goodies. Freshly baked cookies. At least something that smells nice in this pigstry, eh.” Alfie’s joking way of speaking seemed to take away her mind, but she smiled apologetically, lifting her hands briefly. “Sorry, too much blood on my hands. Literally and metaphorically speaking.” she explained, only to have Alfie take out one of the cookies and feeding her. “...This...Is the best thing I’ve eaten in my life. Did you make them? Because if you did, you’re like...A Cookie God. Have more?” she asked, managing, with a lot of difficulty, pain and his help, to get in a sitting position. “Well, I’ve never been called a God, right, but it ain’t that bad, yeah. Here you go, one more. I’ll ask a maid to draw a bath for you, yeah, I doubt you wanna stay all bloody the whole day, eh.” he helped her eat another cookie, and weirdly enough, despite all the blood on her face, her small smile was oddly charming. “...Y’know...If you ever want to retire from this gangster bullshit...You could settle down and...Just bake for a living...No, rather, a hobby. I’m sure you have enough money for a life time, so might as well just rest and take it easy. Move away from here...Maybe another country...Or another city, at least...And just...Y’know...Be happy. You could do that...And be rid of stupid Italians and Americans and all these jerks.” Y/N spoke, more or less not directly to him, but in a way, she was projecting her own hopes and dreams. “Margate.” Alfie muttered, sitting down in front of her. “Margate?” she furrowed her brows in confusion, leaning forward a bit. “Aye. By the seaside. The sand is really soft, they say, and the waves are nice, yeah. Very calm town.” he continued, which made her gasp softly in realisation. “You...You DID think about retirement! It means you’re really kinda fed up with this...This mess. I like where this is going.” she smiled softly at him, nodding in agreement. “I think you’re making the right choice, if it makes for anything.” “Y’know, lass, you’re not wrong. We do need a vacation, yeah, and a very long one at that, right. Now, how ‘bout we talk about what you need, right, for this medical thing.  You’re a sensible woman, yeah, so, I trust you more with the details and organising.” he pointed, and thus, they started chatting idly about the medical issues, and even more, about life in general - Books, the pictures, concerts, travelling and things...Leisure things, just simple things that she never had the privilege to talk about, and she had no idea she wanted, nor needed.
Many weeks passed and things were unusually calm for her, and for the first time in her life, she felt...Happy. She enjoyed being around Alfie, working with him without being involved in all the killing, and she absolutely loved baking things together, and he was so charismatic and charming, always giving witty remarks that amused her and made her laugh...
It was the perfect life she always dreamt of having, and he even asked if she wanted to go to a jazz pub with him, and...She got to dress up, and do her make up and do her hair, wear pretty, expensive jewellery, and a damn fine dress to show off her gorgeous silhouette, and high heels to match...And she walked next to him, her arm hooked to his, as they enjoyed the beautiful jazz music and each other’s presence.
It was a blissful dream, and she swore that if anyone dared wake her up, she was gonna kill them, and it won’t be quick, nor painless.
“Y’know, Alfie...You’re the best man I’ve ever met in my life. And that says a lot, considering how many men I had the misfortune of meeting...Including my family.” she raised her champagne glass slightly to clink with his. “Maybe you haven’t met the right men, dear, yeah, y’know, and men in Birmingham are fucking shit anyway. Camden’s better, yeah.” the man chuckled mirthfully, leaning back on his chair. “You...Mentioned Margate once. How are things going on with that?” Y/N asked, smiling at him softly. “Well, lass, y’know, yeah, things are...Things are fine. But, uh...You see...The doctor said I’m sick. They aren’t really sure yet what’s wrong with me, alright, but they said the results should be given pretty soon, yeah.” he admitted after a few seconds of consideration, which made the girl gasp in shock, moving her chair to look at him better taking his hands in hers and leaning forward. “What did they say about it? Did they take blood sampled? Wanna do blood work? Or...Biochemistry tests? Or something more complex?” Y/N bit her lip, looking concerned like never before. “Don’t worry, lass, even if I die, yeah, I’ll still make sure you get paid for your hard work, alright?” the man tried to brush it off, but the indignant look on her face made him chuckle. “I’m gonna kill you if you imply something like that again. I don’t need your money, I just want you to be healthy and alright, got it? Now come on, tell me, what do they suspect. Also, where is your doctor’s clinic, and when will your results arrive.” she pressed on, waiting for an answer. “Come on, don’t be so serious, yeah, enjoy the show, it’s not every night we get to have fun, right?” Alfie, again, tried to play it off as nothing important, but the look on her face made him sigh and nod, giving in. “They think’s cancer, right. I got a tumour, they’re checking if it’s...Uh...Cancer or not. right. Doctor’s around here in Camden, results come out sometime in a week or two, that enough?” he rolled his eyes, and yet, he was grateful for her worrying. “...I guess. If I knew, I would have done the lab work myself, but, you know...If anything, I can do the procedure myself... Or maybe I should hold your hand and make sure you’re not scared. They have to do general anaesthesia, cut you open and all that...It won’t be fun.” she looked down a bit, before smiling encouragingly at him. “Y/N. I’m a big boy now, right, I’ll be fine, no need to worry about me, yeah, you just...You be okay, and relax, and-...And before long, we’ll go to Margate together.”  he continued, trying to calm her down, without realising at first of the commitment, until he noticed the excited gleam in her eyes. “Alfie...? Are you...Are you sure...? Margate is the place you want to go to...Why would you...Me...?” she muttered, almost unsure of how to react. “Let’s go home, eh. I want to make you some nice tea, yeah, and some cookies. I have to tell ya something, and I’d rather it not be out.” 
Alfie squeezed her hands, helping her get up, and the walk home was filled with anticipation and a comfortable silence that wanted to rip out the answers out of his throat.
He let her dress in more comfortable clothes, and so he did, then went down to prepare some nice and warm tea, with the biscuits he baked that day, and went to her room.
“Do you like me, Alfie?” she asked in a shushed voice, not daring to raise her head to look at him. “What’s not to like, lass? You’re smart and witty, and for some reason, you find me funny, and look at ya, you’re gorgeous, right. So if I say, yeah, I want you to come to Margate with me, I mean it. You just have to agree, aye. Get away from this and rest. God knows we need this.” he had a sweet smile on his face - A smile that quickly faltered when he saw stray tears falling down her face, and he started worrying. “Why...In the world...Would someone as amazing as you...Like me? Alfie, you’re...You’re amazing, and me, I’m...I’m the worst. I can’t let go of the past, and I’ve got like...This...This devil inside me...This Shelby devil that keeps whispering in my ear, saying that I’ll never be happy, and that I’ll...I’ll kill again, and I’ll be dragged back to that slum and...And all that happiness will just shatter and...And I don’t deserve you.” she looked down, hoping her long her would hide her face, but next thing she knows, she got brought into a tight embrace, and he stroked her hair, his chin on top of her head, waiting for her to calm down, and yet, he could feel her trembling softly. “Don’t say things like that, yeah, that’s not true. You’re with me, not with them anymore, right, so, then, you’re going back. I won’t let them take you back, if you don’t want to, aye. No need to cry, right, I’ll protect you from anyone who dares try to take you away, eh, even if it’s Tommy Shelby himself, so no need to cry, yeah, Y/N?” he spoke, only to feel her cling even tighter to the back of his shirt. “I...I’ve...I’ve never felt like this before, Alfie. You make me feel so warm...And safe...And happy...I’ve been hold before, but all I felt was repulsion and fright...I was panicked and I wanted to run away...But this...This never happened. And I think I love you, Alfie. Don’t let go of me, please.” her voice was barely audible, but Alfie could feel the raw emotions, so he laid down with her on the bed, holding her dearly. “It will be fine, Y/N, okay. None of these worries will come to you again when in Margate. You and I will be happy, away from here, yeah, so, know that I love you, and let’s wait just a bit more, so we can get rid of this Changretta mess, and we’re leaving, eh.” 
And it was true - From that night on, they slept in the same room, holding each other dearly, reassured that the next day, things will still be as good as the previous night. One morning, however, Alfie woke up without her in his arms, and he panicked, thinking the worst - Poor Ollie thought he was going to get killed - But it was all fine, as she returned with the biggest grin on her face, jumping in Alfie’s arms, not allowing him the chance to say a word, only shocking him. And she held his hands and dragged him to his room, getting him to sit on the bed, and at first, she wanted to make tea, but then she shook her head and brought a bottle of the best whiskey, poured it in the glasses and had him drink.
“Damn it, lassie, don’t fucking scare me like that, yeah, like, at least tell me in advance if you’re gonna leave, okay, I thought those fuckers got ya for good. What the hell was the urgency?” he asked, drinking the glass in one go before looking at her. “I...Well...Haha, sorry ‘bout that, I’m just...I’m sure super happy. So, as you know, today the doctors had to mail you the test results, so, you know, I seem to have been a bit too eager to find out, so I since there were no trains, I walked all the way to your doctor, told him this and that, then got the first train back, and here I am. Oh, and, obviously, I’m super happy ‘cause like, I couldn’t keep myself - Sorry ‘bout that, by the way - So I ripped the envelope and looked at the results. And, uh, yeah, so, I’m happy ‘cause - Look ! - No cancer! You’re completely, 100% cancer free! And, like, the tumor completely benign, no invasiveness, no metastasis, so this is completely curable by surgical removal, and it won’t affect your life span, nor will it, in any way, alter your health. Et, voila, here we are! Go on, drink, cheer, be happy, I know I am!” she laughed gleefully, watching the shocked spark in Alfie’s eyes as he took out his glasses to read over the annoyingly complicated medical stuff, but he was a smart guy, and he understood everything there is to it. “You’re the best, shiksa. You say things are gonna turn out bad, but here, look, they aren’t, and hey won’t right, ‘cause clearly, there’s something up there, alright, that’s looking out for us, and it ain’t only me making sure you’re fine. I’m happy, Y/N, and in less than a month, aye, we’re fucking away from here. Just the two of us...And Ollie as a butler, if ya want. And we can get as many dogs as you want. We can do whatever we want, really.” he hugged her tightly, cupping her face and kissing her tenderly.
It all went sweet and soft at first, and it got hotter and hotter, with much more passion than before, and one thing led to another, and their first night of overflowing love gave hope for a better future, one that will ensure their happiness and that won’t involve them in this stupid gangster war anymore.
Just him, her and Cyril, maybe Ollie too, at the side...What better life to have than this?
But just one week before they had to leave, as they were still preparing for their grand exit, Y/N was walking towards the clinic room to check on the few patients she had left, only to notice the glint of guns, and she did a turn around, looking for Alfie, and yet, Ollie stopped her in her tracks as soon as she saw her, rushing to hide her from the people who were, apparently, having a meeting with Alfie.
“Ollie, it’s an emergency. Life or death, I promise. I NEED to speak to him. Who is he having a meeting with?” she asked, holding her clipboard close to her chest, looking left and right carefully. “With the Sabinis. Now, come on, Y/N, whatever it is, can wait. I’m sure you can wait a bit with Cyril. Please.” Ollie pleaded with her, but she only started writing rapidly on her clipboard, letting the first two pages filled with obvious, typewriter-written pages about standard medical procedures. “I’m sorry, Ollie, but this is bigger than even Sabini. Come with me and NEVER leave Alfie alone with those sharks, got it?” she gave him a sharp look before rushing to the usual place Alfie had business meetings, and as she completely ignored the villains, she slammed the clipboard on his desk, giving him a look. “Very important medical business thing, I need your signature after you read through these.” as he was so much taller than her, she only needed to bend a bit to talk into his ear, carefully flipping the first two pages, only to reveal big, messy writing.
Alfie gave her a look, knowing shit went bad, he nodded slightly, getting a pen and, as his signature, he wrote “TELL OLLIE”, and ushered her to leave.  And so she did, and Ollie went to alert the other guys so they could ambush the enemies in the medical ward, all while cursing herself and preparing guns, hidden in her long trench coat, then returned to stay by Alfie’s side, her hands placed on his shoulders reassuringly.
“Mr. Solomons, I see the little song bird likes flying around to every powerful gangster family. Wonder if she’ll go to the Changrettas when she’s done with you.” the Sabini leader smirked at her, and Alfie could feel her nails digging into his flesh, and not even the good way this time. “Listen, listen, Mr. Sabini,eh. You come here, begging me for fucking favours, right, and then, you dare fucking speak ill of my partner, yeah? So, where is the fucking time where you, like, do something to make me want to do that fucking favour of yours, if the only fucking thing you make me want to do is to fucking grant you the favour of putting you out of this miserable fucking life, right?” there was no clearer indicator that Alfie was angry than when he cursed like his beard was on fire, and true, YN found it very weird, considering how sweet and gentle he’s always been with her, but she could feel the protective aura he gave off, and she never felt safer than now. “Aye, aye, Alfie, don’t overreact, please, it was just a merely innocent joke! Lighten up, let’s discuss business. We teamed up with Luca Changretta, we can give you money and exposure. We can sell your rum and weapons all over Europe, especially France and Italy, and that means, in the long run, a ton of money. I’m sure you’ll agree with me, won’t you?” Sabini spoke, and from the corner of her eye, she could see one of the men taking out a gun from the back of his pants. “Mr. Sabini, I will have to ask you, as Mr. Solomons’s secretary, not to take out any weapons, otherwise our men will shoot all of you, with no discrimination.” Y/N threatened in a low voice, taking her hands from Alfie’s shoulders, and crossed her arms to her chest, ready to draw her weapons at any second. “It’s alright, Y/N, right, I don’t think Mr. Sabini is fucking stupid enough to dare a shoot out in my own fucking warehouse, eh.” Alfie warned the Italian gangster, snapping his fingers for Ollie to come by. “Vaffanculo...Che stronza! No, fine, fine, we’re all calm, all good, right? We can have a business deal and leave this place happy, both parts, right?” Sabini spoke, using his hands to gesture everyone to calm down. “Stick that deal up your ass.” Alfie cursed Sabini in perfect Italian, making Sabini straighten up, almost as if he got sobered by a hammer to his head, and without a second to wait, some of the lackeys drew their guns.
But they were too late, for Y/N already had both guns out and killed most of them, starting with Sabini himself, and Ollie’s boys helped up just enough to have the Red Sea at their feet.
Once all the enemies were laying dead on the cold, wet ground, Y/N sighed, throwing the guns to the ground, sighing and staring at the carnage with the eyes of a dead fish.
Alfie nodded to himself, pissed off at the mess that just had to happen, a week before they were going to sail to a better place, without either of them having to bloody their hands anymore, just like now.
“Well, Ollie’s got them all, so we’re good now. The sooner we finish the preparations, the better. Let’s hope Changretta the Bitch gets blown up...I should go check on Cyril, I’m sure he got scared by the gunshots.” Y/N sighed, patting him on the shoulder before turning on her heels to leave, and yet, Alfie motioned to Ollie to clear the mess, and then followed her back to their room, watching her cuddle with the beautiful dog. “Are you alright, Y/N?” Alfie asked, sitting on the edge of the bed, his hand reaching to stroke her hair, only for Cyril to reach to get his head pet instead. “Aw, Cyril...You’re the cutest baby ever. And...I will be, Alfie. I will be. Soon...Once we leave, I will be. Until then, I’m happy spending my time with you and Cyril. It relaxes me...And it makes me happy. WE are happy.” she reached out her hand, holding his, intertwining their fingers together and leading him to lay on his side, with the dog between them, like they were a family. “Well, darling, it’s just a few days longer, and we’re out of here, right. And we’ll be a family, like you want, and by the shore, there’re no more gunshots, right, so, we can learn how to swim, and we can mess with this slobbery bastard, and I can teach you how to bake other things. I heard the waves and the salty air help you sleep better. Ain’t that just fucking perfect, eh?” Alfie gave her a sweet smile, and laid there, with her, relaxing. “Sounds amazing, Alfie. I can’t wait for Margate, then. Just you, and me, and Cyril...And maybe Ollie too, y’know, that guy makes the best tea, ain’t gonna lie.” she giggled, squeezing his hand lovingly. “Aye, it’s gonna be great. And, we can travel wherever you want, whenever you want. Any country, any city, any date. You pick, we go. Sounds good?” Alfie asked, smiling tenderly at her excitement, happy that she wasn’t stuck on the previous blood bath. “Yeah, it sounds perfect. As long as we’re together, everything is better.”
159 notes · View notes
dutchmancallypso · 4 years
Not that anyone cares, but I have to write this or I’m gonna explode.
I haven’t written anything on Tumblr for literal ages, but now I just have to. I finally watched the interview with Meghan and Harry, and I have to say, the reactions to it have made me almost cry. The reactions of the majority of people kind of show that none of them really listened to the interview, and I have a suspicion that many of them didn’t watch it at all and they just want to have an opportunity to bathe in their hate and spite.
This is the only site I can go to where I can read other reactions than meaningless hate towards these two. 
Here are the most common hateful comments and my reaction to them:
1. “Yeah she’s an actress, she is acting, that’s bad acting, I’m a body language expert, she’s lying. She only wants to blame others etc. Harry is so whipped omg she wanted all of this from the beginning, and his money.”
Harry's mother died, when he was little. From the early age he was not really content with this whole monarchy thing, he served in the military, and he was all around not really the type to just silently sit and listen, even Diana saw this coming eventually, aka the money she left him. Meghan stated very clearly that she valued independence above all, and had her own income. To be with Harry, she basically had to give up her whole identity (heck they didn’t even let her keep her passport!!!) and she was okay with all this. She had to google the royal manners, or how to sing in church etc, nobody taught her. She was willing to give her whole life up so she can be with Harry. She then believed that she will get used to it, and was okay until she believed that she will be protected. Harry stated very clearly that he saw the pattern, that Meghan was eventually going to end up like his mom, and he didn’t want the history to repeat. He had to intervene.
Meghan didn’t name anyone who did her wrong, even though she could, and Oprah clearly wanted her to. On the contrary, she said that Kate is sweet and doesn’t lack self reflection, and the Queen’s personality is warm and she’s always been wonderful to her. She spoke about everyone with respect, and she seemed upset that the situation turned out the way it did. If she was acting, then give her an Oscar please, because at the point of talking about her not wanting to live anymore, I DID cry, and due to my depression-induced emotional numbness, I rarely cry. 
2. “She knew what she was getting into.”
This is the point that got me really convinced about many people not even watch the interview, because she said right in the beginning, she didn’t know what she was getting into, and admitted that she was very naive to think what it is gonna be like. That the reality swept her off her feet. She, as an American, didn’t see tabloids with the monarchy members on the headlines everywhere.
3. “They don’t want publicity and they go and sit with Oprah? Pfft.”  If someone wrote kept posting/saying something harsh about you, resulting in others attacking you, sending you death threats and it put you into fear of your own life, would you just say oh but I’m an introvert I don’t want to talk to anyone so I’m just gonna move to another city and let people throw bricks into my window? Would you?
4. “Oh yes, the rich are complaining, boo hoo.” Kurt Cobain, Marylin Monroe, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington.... want me to go on?
Someone’s wealth, position etc. doesn’t define who they are. You never know what a person is suffering from. You could be the richest, most beautiful person, loved by millions, but gaining money, fame or publicity, that doesn’t mean you automatically defeat your own demons. I am HORRIFIED that after so many celebrity suicides, people’s mentality on this still can’t seem to change. 
I can give my own example. I am not rich, not famous, but in my teens, I was mostly alone and sad, plus living with my parents who abused me emotionally, I was helpless and suicidal. I thought that was the main problem and once I move out, I’m cured. I’m two years in living on my own, and I am still fighting my demons. I used to have no money and live in a toxic environment, and now I don’t struggle with money that much and have a great roommate, still, my mind is it’s own master... 
Meghan’s talking about not wanting to be alive anymore hit me hard and made me cry. Nobody who hasn’t ever experienced suicidal thoughts can relate or understand, but I am so furious that people seem to lack even the tiniest bit of compassion. 
►Here is a list of celebrity suicides for you to study.◄ 
If you’re a good human being, thank you. You make this world a lot better with your existence, and based on what I see daily, you’re a drop in the ocean. So much unnecessary hate in this world, everywhere. Don’t support the centuries-long racist institution, just because “it’s always been like this”. Don’t support this sheep mentality. Have your own head, please. 
Whoever read this to the end, I thank you so much and have a great day. Spread love, not corona. ♥
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
Not So Baby Brother
Summary: Tubbo is trying desperately to bury his past, if only everyone around him wasn’t interested in digging back up in front of him.
A/N: Warning for hinted child abuse and endangerment. Both to Tubbo, Puffy, Schlatt, and to Michael. I try to keep the majority of it off screen or undetailed but it’s still there. These events coupled with his time with the SMP makes Tubbo in this AU who he is in the present. Which is emotionally withdrawn and prone to pushing people away.
Tubbo in the first flashback was about four, while Schlatt and Puffy were about 10.
~::~ 13 Years Ago ~::~
Tubbo was in his bed, hiding under the covers, hands over his ears as he heard the arguing and smashing of things across the house. The little four year old was so scared and he didn’t know what to do.
Then his door opened and Tubbo hiccuped in fear. He tried to stay quiet and still, hoping that if he did the person would just leave him alone.
A hand came down where his shoulder was.
Tubbo flinched.
“Tubster? You awake?”
The little boy let out a breath of relief, it was his big brother. Still scared, Tubbo peeked his head out from underneath the covers to see both his siblings there: Schlatt and Puffy.
Schlatt looked bad but he still smiled at Tubbo. “Hey don’t cry, c’mere[1].”
Tubbo was already crawling his way over to Schlatt and crying, and he couldn’t stop.
“C’mon,[2] you know what he’s gonna[3] do if he catches you crying,” Schlatt tried to calm him down.
Puffy came to sit next to them, her own eyes wet. Schlatt slightly rocked Tubbo to try and comfort him.
“Hey, T-Man,” Schlatt tried to soothe him. “Kinda[4] loud isn’t it?”
“We’ve got you,” Schlatt held Tubbo tightly, the younger brother still shaking and sobbing. “I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.”
Tubbo nodded his head, clutching onto his brother. A little embrace of safety for a young boy whose life was so turbulent and scary. Tonight nothing would hurt, and that was what mattered to the young boy.
~::~ Present Day ~::~
“I was just thinking about it Tubbo . . . we like to have fun.”
“Schlatt, I can’t get out.”
“I know what you’ve been up to.”
“Uh, what have I been up to?”
“Everyone knows what you’ve been up to!”
“Do you know what we do to traitors, Tubbo?”
“. . . No?”
“Techno, you wanna come up here for a second?”
“Let’s just send a message, real quick.”
“Techno, if you would be so kind.”
“Murder him right now, on this fucking stage, and make it hurt!”
“Tubbo, I’m sorry, I’ll make it quick.”
“Techno, what the hell!”
Tubbo shot up in bed, his eyes wild and heart racing. He was disoriented at first, expecting himself to be in some hole somewhere, still in pain after pulling himself together from a discorporation and desperate to escape before Schlatt found him again.
Tubbo surged out of bed, trying to get away.
Then he heard ruffling behind him and disgruntled child sobs.
And Tubbo came back to himself, he looked back to see Michael crying and Ranboo sitting up in his own bed. Tubbo mentally chastised himself.
“Mikey? Daddy’s sorry, did I wake you up?” Tubbo walked back to his bed, his pace quickening when Michael reached up and made grabby hands towards Tubbo.
Ranboo was already getting out of his bed and walking over to them. He looked like he was going to collapse in a heap of limbs on the floor. “Hmmm,” Ranboo hummed.
The two-toned teen stopped right outside the bed and gestured with his tail, “Can I join?”
Tubbo scooted over a bit, and Ranboo sat down as Tubbo tried to rock and soothe their adopted son. Ranboo making little cooing and odd vwoop noises, while Tubbo was humming some lullaby, that helped Michael fall back asleep with the familiarity.
A little family the two teens had carved for themselves.
Tubbo and Ranboo had found the small boy thrown away by some demon hunter as a “disappointing failure” and after Tubbo left Ranboo to tend to the scared and crying boy, Tubbo went to “fetch the adoption papers” and the mage was never seen again. Ranboo didn’t question what Tubbo had done but they took the boy, bundled him up in Tubbo’s jacket and got the boy some food before taking him into the Bee ‘n Boo before spending the next couple hours finishing the attic store room and Ranboo used their downstairs storage for all the establishment’s storage.
That day Ranboo busied himself around their bed and breakfast as Tubbo kept the boy entertained and fed. Michael immediately bonded with Tubbo, and Ranboo found himself falling in love with the boy as well.
The attic was immediately barred from all entry that wasn’t either of the owners. Tubbo made the announcement and was very firm. Beforehand it was frequently used as a temporary living space for Ranboo and Tubbo and they just didn’t want anyone in their personal space anymore.
Which was true but now Michael was there and Tubbo desperately didn’t want people like Quackity and Techno to find out about Michael quite yet. The boy had been through enough and . . . Tubbo wanted a little slice of peace.
He didn’t think that was too much to ask.
And it certainly didn’t help that bonds and possessions were treated like weaknesses to be exploited and used as currency. Sapnap and Dream had long since set a precedent for that.
So as Tubbo sat in the dark attic bedroom, holding his son in his arms, he pushed down his fear and focused on Michael, who needed him right now.
Soon the little boy was back asleep, tucked back into bed, and Tubbo threw up his arms. He got up because, after his nightmare, there was no way he was getting back to sleep.
So Tubbo changed into his suit and made sure he wasn’t wearing his horns before he left to go down to the staff lounge for a coffee.
“Tubs,” Ranboo called out, shifting in his suit and looking human. “You okay?”
“Yeah, go back ta[5] bed, bossman,” Tubbo dismissed.
“You sure, you’ve got a big day, and we got a lot to do here,” Ranboo looked uneasy.
Tubbo didn’t trust his voice at first, but when he did he told him, “Go back ta[5] bed. I’m grabbing a coffee.”
“Oh, okay,” Ranboo looked away and slowly went back into the room. Tubbo knew he wasn’t going to go back to sleep. But at least it gave Tubbo time to clear his head.
After three coffees, four hours of paperwork, and bullshiting around with Tommy for a bit; Tubbo was overjoyed to put on his Bomble Bee costume and start running around town with Tommy like a maniac.
It was freeing, the suit went on and he wasn’t Tubbo anymore. He was free.
Logic and Jackie were less than enthused to find them by themselves, and Tubbo didn’t appreciate the babysitter, but at least Logan didn’t talk down to Tubbo during it.
They went on a patrol around Brighton, and they were halfway through when Logan brought something up, “You have a sister?”
Tubbo flipped up his visor to glare at Logan, “Thought we agreed family wasn’t shit?”
“There was no agreement on that matter, that was merely a comment you made,” Logic sighed. “If you feel unsafe around your blood related family that is one thing, but demon magic or not you are still underage and the Coalition is bound to follow the law as far as it is actually protecting people.”
“I legally emancipated,” Tubbo countered, flicking his visor back down. “Tommy’s an idiot who doesn’t know how ta[5] do shit. I don’t need anyone ta[5] sign anything fer[6] me.”
“Do you have copies of those legal documents?” Logan asked.
“Yeah, at the BnB,” Tubbo told him. “You wanna pop on over?”[7]
“There’s no rush at the moment, you can email me those tonight when you get home,” Logan offered Tubbo an out. “However, I would like to know the nature of your relationship with your family. You don’t need to go into detail, I trust you had your reasons for emancipation if that was the route you chose to follow.”
“Don’t talk with my parents, if you can call ‘em[8] that, and I haven’t fer[6] years, I only really talk ta[5] my older sister?” Tubbo told him. “She lives in Gainesville with her girlfriend.”
“Are you on good terms with her?” Logan asked. “I wouldn’t want you in communication with someone who is hostile emotionally or physically to you or your family.”
“Nah, she’s alright, she’s part ‘a[9] the Server though, you wanna[10] meet her?” Tubbo smiled.
Logan thought on that, “We might want to send some kind of warning if we go over. Last I checked, several of them had sent me death threats. Does your sister know you’re working with us?”
“Oh yeah,” Tubbo lifted himself up with his bumble bee wings, looking quite proud of himself. “I got several pissed off texts from some ‘a[9] the guys after they saw me an’[11] Big Man on the news. It was great, Quackity screamed at me fer[6] at least five minutes.”
“Are you certain you will be safe when you visit your sister?” Logan asked again.
“Oh yeah,” Tubbo promised. “Come on.”
The logical Side continued to ask questions, letting Tubbo use his phone to send a supervised text to his sister: Puffy. Then they started making their way over.
When they got to the condo Puffy lived at, Tubbo didn’t even knock. In fact he practically kicked the door open.
“Puffy!” Tubbo cupped his hands over his ears and called into the townhouse, calling out at the top of his lungs. “You fuckin’[12] Niki in here?”
“Fuck you, Tubbo! You little gremlin piece ‘a[9] shit!” Someone shouted from upstairs.
Tubbo chuckled and announced loudly, “I bought company.”
“Hide the good kush[13]!” Someone else yelled and Tubbo laughed even more.
“Hey Hannah,” Tubbo greeted as he walked in and motioned for Logan to follow him. “Alyssa in?”
“Don’t care,” Hannah was on her phone, sitting in an armchair. “She’s probably off with Callahan.”
“Yeah, prolly[14],” Tubbo replied. He started walking towards the kitchen, he quietly motioned for Logan to follow him.
Tubbo immediately went for the fridge, leaving Logan to just look around the little space. It was obviously lived in, and on the far wall were some pictures of several women with various people Logan recognized as being from the Server. But there was one almost hidden, almost completely tucked behind a bowl full of different colored rocks. It was a small framed picture in the corner of the kitchen, almost hidden from view, of a much younger Tubbo surrounded by some people that Logan didn’t recognize.
Logan didn’t have long to inspect the photos and start making inferences that he would most likely never ask, because someone stomped into the kitchen.
She had fluffy hair that was a chestnut brown on one side, and white on the other. Flecks of rainbow hairs interspersed on both halves. She was one of the people in the picture, Logan quickly realized. She resembled Tubbo a little bit, and on prolonged examination, Logan noticed that her fluffy hair was hiding a set of thick, curled ram horns. The kind that looked capable of crushing someone’s skull if they made an impact.
Logan figured that Tubbo’s would probably look like that in a couple years, just a bit more like a goat’s.
Tubbo glanced at her before asking, “Where are those rad fuckin’ ice lollies yeh bought?”[15]
“You took them last week for Michael,” Puffy snapped.
“Ohhh, yeah, he loved those,” Tubbo smiled, closing the freezer. He gave her a smug look. “So you didn’t buy more then?”
“No,” she gave him the stink eye. Then she glanced at Logan. “Who’s your friend?”
“Pardon me,” Logan spoke up. “My name is Logic, from the Coalition, I believe I texted you a little bit ago.”
“Yeah, I did get something,” Puffy agreed hesitantly. “Who’s this?”
“My mentor,” Tubbo pointed at Logic as he closed the fridge
“Huhhh,” Puffy hummed. “Hey, Tubbo, why don’t you go into the next room and watch some Adventure Time?”
“Don’t kill him,” Tubbo told her pointedly.
“And take that fight from Bad and Big Q, are you insane?” Puffy told him. “Oh, wait, you build bombs, of course you are.”
Tubbo held up two fingers, his middle and index, and flipped her off before walking off.
“You asshole!” Puffy told him and Tubbo was already cackling in laughter. When he’d completely turned his back, Puffy rolled her eyes and smiled. “Ehhh, he’s a good kid.
“He is,” Logan agreed, “Tubbo is intelligent and resourceful. Even if he is threatening to set off explosives under the guise of experimentation.”
“Yep, that’s Tubs alright,” Puffy chuckled. “He always liked figuring out how stuff worked, even as a little kid. He’s like a baby mad scientist.”
“Excuse you, I am a full blown mad scientist, I e’en[16] have the arrest record ta[5] prove it!” Tubbo boasted from the other room.
“From what Tubbo has told me, you seem to approve of him working with us,” Logan commented.
“Hell yeah,” Puffy told him, leaning against the counter as she watched him. “Between Ranboo, the Bee ‘n Boo, and working with you guys; Tubbo’s happier than I’ve seen him in a while.”
“That is good,” Logan agreed. “Tubbo’s mental and physical well-being is of primary importance.”
“You talk like a textbook, you sure you’re not a robot?” Puffy asked.
“I do not classify as an inorganic being,” Logan answered.
“Sure you don’t,” Puffy smiled. “So what brings you to the neighborhood? I’m guessing you didn’t come over just to stand in our kitchen and look like Apple’s version of Robocop?”
“No, that’s not the reason I came to visit,” Logan agreed. “The Coalition prefers, if possible, to have a good working relationship with the families of our apprentices. So that in the case of emergencies they can be notified. While I am glad you and Tubbo seem to have a positive relationship, the more important question is are there any safety risks that any other members of your family would pose to Tubbo or his family?”
Puffy looked uneasy, “What has he told you?”
“Not much,” the logical Side admitted. “I haven’t known him for long enough, but when I asked him about his extraneous family, Tubbo mentioned he was emancipated, and that he was not in communication with his parents. He only mentioned you, and I have seen his son once.”
“We had an older brother,” Puffy frowned, looking over at the half-hidden picture. “Started turning into a demon around the same time as Tubbo and I, and he was . . .”
She looked down, “Well he was the type of demon you keep your kids away from, and I wasn’t there to keep my eyes on them.”
“That must have been a difficult experience for everyone,” Logan tried to offer his sympathies.
Puffy looked in the direction of the hidden picture, “I should have been there, it would have never happened if Phil and I had been there to stop them. But the real problem is Dream has something that can apparently restore a demon. I don’t know how thorough it is, or if it’s just something he tells Tommy and the others to make them afraid of what he can do. But he apparently needs some of the original demon’s essence or aura and both Schlatt and Will left those behind. Wilbur left Ghostbur behind, and Quackity cremated everything but Schlatt’s heart and five of his bones. Meaning if Dream gets his hands on even one of those bones then he could, if he does have that power, bring Schlatt back any time he wanted. And I’d ask you to get those bones from Quackity and Dream but that means going into the Server and there’s no way Dream would allow you in. Just, if Wilbur and Schlatt come back, promise me you’ll keep those three safe?”
“With my life,” Logan promised. “The death and manipulation of children are unacceptable.”
Puffy smiled, a breathy little snort coming from her, “You know, I always heard that legates were buttfuck insane. Glad to know you’re not.”
“I am not in the Coalition for fame and vainglory. Others might be, but I strive to make the world a better place, and such can only happen through the acquisition of knowledge and reason over fear. Of fact over fiction. Tubbo is, despite his demon aura and insistence to the contrary, still a child. And regardless of all of that he is a person who deserves to be in a safe and loving environment.”
“Yeah the Server’s never been that kind to minors,” Puffy scoffed. “It’s kinda[4] like taking a box of kittens and turning them into robotic war machines. Tubbo and Purpled just took to it better than the others.”
“How many minors are in the Server still?” Logan was concerned. The trio the heroes were dealing with already had their pasts marred by trauma and death, he’d never considered there were others still trapped in the same unsafe environment.
“You have three,” Puffy began counting. “Quackity still has Purpled and Fundy in Las Nevadas so they’re doing slightly better than they were before when they were working directly under Dream. You guys also got Jack, who just turned nineteen. But I would not trust Jack alone with Tommy, he threatened to kill him several times.”
“Thank you for the information,” Logan told her. “Anything else you can tell me about the other two minors?”
“So, Purpled is from a league of assassins and he loves money too much to defect,” Puffy dismissed. “You’d need to start paying him the big bucks to make him switch sides and Quackity already gave a good price. While Dream is paying his older brother through the nose to keep him out of Quackity’s hands as well. Punz is older than me though, so if Purpled went anywhere else it would be back with him. But Fundy is a different story. He’s Wilbur’s spawnling and Fundy is kinda[4] a basket case already. If you can get him away from Quackity, good, but I don’t imagine he’d go all that easily and Big Q’s only gonna[3] clamp down harder on him. Fundy and Tubbo were kinda[4] the server mascots back in the day since they were the babies of the group.”
“Everyone loved Tubbo,” Puffy smiled fondly before frowning sadly. “But that’s not the case anymore. He’s made himself a lot of enemies.”
“I see, thank you, I will relay the message to the others and we’ll do what we can for them,” Logan promised.
Puffy came off of the counter. “Thanks, no one in the Server really thought twice about those kids, they kinda[4] just tossed ‘em[8] around and personally I’m really glad you got the ones you do out of there. All three of ‘em[8] have been through enough.”
Then she went to poke her head out of the kitchen. “Tubbo, take yer friend and get out of my house, I don’t want you in here while we’re out.”
“Sure,” Tubbo kicked his feet up and already started for the front door. “Whate’er, go back ta snoggin’ yer girlfriend, I’ve got shit ta blow up.”[17]
And he was out, leaving Logan to immediately rush off after him, which got both of them out of the condo. Puffy watching them with a smile.
Tubbo, as it turns out, did not make good on his explosion test threats, he continued on his patrol, and then went back home to the Bee ‘n Boo. Walking in with a suit and his usual business-friendly smile. Logan, meanwhile, returned to the base to communicate with, especially Ethan, about what he had heard from Tubbo’s sister.
To clear his mind, Tubbo immediately went into his apiary to make sure his bees were alright. Which is exactly where Ranboo found Tubbo.
“Hey, Tubs,” Ranboo smiled and Tubbo managed a small smile back.
“Hey, bossman,” Tubbo was looking at him through the fringe of his hair, “how have things been?”
“Been alright,” Ranboo sat next to Tubbo, crossing his legs as he sat down. “You feeling better?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Tubbo denied, trying to ignore what had happened in the morning.
“Because,” Ranboo mentally halted, “this morning you screamed and you looked really scared, and I didn’t know how to help.”
“C’mon,[2] big man, I’m fine,” Tubbo lied. “E’eryone[18] has the occasional nightmares, I was just jumpy. Happens ta[5] e’eryone[18].”
“Y—” Ranboo looked away. “Yeah, I guess, but you know you can talk to me? Right?”
“Yeah, of course, same fer[6] you,” Tubbo told him, both teens knowing that they kept secrets from each other.
“I’m thinking,” Tubbo redirected, “pizza fer dinner. Wanna order somethin’?”[19]
“Sure, yeah,” Ranboo agreed and after Tubbo finished caring for the apiary, and the pizza was delivered, they both retired to their dwelling and Michael was very happy to settle down with both his dads for the night. The little boy stuffing his face with pizza, and trying to feed some to his stuffed toy chicken. The three of them watched cartoons until Michael fell asleep and Tubbo tucked him into bed.
Tubbo and Ranboo hoped that tomorrow would be a better day for all three of them.
Accessibility Translations:
1. come here
2. come on
3. going to
4. kind of
5. to
6. for
7. You want to head on over?
8. them
9. of
10. want to
11. and
12. fucking
13. weed
14. probably
15. Where are those really fuckin’ good ice lollies [popsicles] you bought?
16. even
17. Whatever, go back to kissing your girlfriend, I’ve got shit to blow up.
18. Everyone
19. pizza for dinner. Want to order something?
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littlesniggy · 3 years
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This is a Dabi fanfic and it's way longer than anticipated and I don't know if you guys like it but it was on my mind the whole day and I kinda really wanted to write it. Hope you enjoy it.
Synopsis: Reader plays truth or dare and visits a website on the dark web. It goes all downhill from then on. Non-quirk AU.
Note: I have no idea how this whole thing with the dark web works so don't bother too much if it's wrong. Also, friends' reaction is a little weird but oh well. I'm also reeeeally bad with giving characters names so....yeah...you'll see.
Warning: Anxiety, mental abuse
Word count: 3.8k
It was a silly idea but you and your friends did this stupid truth or dare thing and now it was your turn. Since you’ve chosen truth the last time, now it had to be dare. One of your friends dared you to log into the Dark Web. You were confused since you had no idea on how you were supposed to do this. You were not really tech savvy nor have you been interested in visiting the deep, dark part of the internet before. But your friend assured you that he knew how to get access (how and why, you didn’t want to question) and that it was rather funny to see what kind of thing you could find there.
Reluctantly, you agreed, a mistake you would regret later. You opened your laptop, signed in and let you friend show you how to get access to a website on the Dark Web. Your other friends gathered around the two of you, watching with curiosity. “How do you know how to get in?” one of them wanted to know but he just shrugged, grinning to himself. “I got curious one day. Don’t worry.” He answered and the other cackled, taking another sip from their beer.
You weren’t so sure about this whole situation. Maybe it was because it was your laptop, maybe it was because you didn’t feel too keen on doing something ‘illegal’. Was it even illegal? Or was it just illegal to buy something from there? You had no idea. Nevertheless, was there a heavy lump in your stomach but you didn’t want to back down now.
He opened a link and a website opened. It didn’t look like much but it looked shady anyways. Your friends made wide eyes and pointed at a link and challenged you to open it. Your friend made room for you to sit in front of the screen, a huge grin on his face. “C’mon, Y/n! Open it!” they animated you and you gave in, clicking the link. A dark window opened with a chatroom. Messages popped up, a conversation between strangers.
You read the messages but didn’t do anything beyond it. “You need to say something, too!” your friends told you but you didn’t want to. “I don’t know…” you said but before you could say anything else one of them started typing. “Hey!” you yelled but were too late to push her away and prevent her from sending the short text.
I hope nothing shady’s going on here.
“Are you out of your mind? Why did you send that?” you demanded to know but she simple giggled. “Relax. It’s not like they’re gonna take this seriously.” Another one said but her eyes were glued to the screen, anticipating an answer. But there was none – at least not to your message. Instead, they went on with their conversation which was kind of boring to read. “Maybe this is just a normal website and he is just messing with us.” “Hey! This website is legit! I once saw one asking for child pornography!” he defended himself but the others were not convinced. “Sure. Let’s get goin’. It’s your turn with truth or dare anyways, Dai-chan.”
He mumbled to himself, annoyed that they didn’t believe him that this site was legit but let it go and put an arm around his girlfriend, moving back to the sofa with her, others following. Your eyes were still glued to the screen and you were about to close the window and forget about the who thing, when a small window popped up. It simply read:
Hope you join us again.
It’s been two weeks since you and your friends had this truth or dare night and after you closed the website and shut the laptop close the night went on pleasantly. You forgot about this whole ‘Dark Web’ and moved on with your life, by now also convinced Daisuke was messing with you guys.
You were sitting in class, listening to the professor talk about the history of capitalism, it’s pros and cons but you were barely listening. You were way more interested in this episode of “Haikyuu!!” your friend introduced you to and since then you were hooked. You listened to it with your earphones, not bothering to cover it up. You were emotionally completely invested in the game when a small window popped up, indicating a chat request. You had no idea which website this was coming from and ignored it, clicked the small ‘x’ and kept watching the episode.
A couple minutes later another message; this time you got curious. The website you were watching the episode at was none of those shady websites where half naked women were advertising for some porn website and women who were ‘less than a mile away’. So, this should be something different. A little hesitantly, you opened the chat box and a window opened, revealing a black screen with two bubbles – the two messages that had been sent before.
You never came back.
You were confused and locked around the room. Everyone was either looking at their laptops, writing something down or flat out sleeping with their heads on the table. No one was looking your way.
Who are you?
It didn’t take long for the person to answer.
Are you bored?
He completely ignored your question but before you could type in a reply another message popped up.
Or why else would you be watching an anime during class?
You stopped dead in your tracks and stared at the screen. Your eyes darted around the room once again, you even turned around but no one was looking at you, not even a small glance. This must be a joke you thought to yourself and you gave a small huff.
Stop it, Daisuke. You can’t freak me out again.
No reply. Satisfied, you smiled to yourself and closed the window again, making a mental note to slap the shit out of him later.
“Why would you send me those creepy messages?!” you confronted Daisuke and he raised his hands in defense, confusion plastered all over his face. “What’re you talking about?” he wanted to know, his girlfriend holding on to his arm, looking similarly confused. “You sent me those creepy messages during class, didn’t you?” He chuckled nervously but shook his head no. “What messages are you talking about? He was with me the whole time.” She defended him and you huffed, not convinced. “Sure. You had your fun but please, don’t do this again. You almost gave me a heart attack.”
When you got back to your apartment, you took out your keys, unlocked the door, opened it and locked it behind you again. You were a little paranoid since you’ve moved here, a lot of break-ins happened in the neighborhood over the last couple of months. To top it all off, you lived on the first floor, easy access to your apartment from the sidewalk. But it was cheap and one of the few places you could actually afford with your crappy job.
Your shoes flew across the hallway and you made your way over to the small kitchen, checking for anything edible but to no surprised it was empty. A sigh left your mouth, not wanting to go out again and get something to eat. So, pizza delivery should do for tonight, even though it would be the third night in a row.
When the pizza finally arrived you sat yourself in front of your TV and watched some random series, not actually interested in the content itself but you needed the background noise to start your assignment later.
Your phone screen lit up, indicating a new message. You grabbed your phone but dropped it once your read the message. Your heart started racing, threatening to either burst out your chest or stop beating completely. Your body got cold and you started to shiver.
Do you like watching that shit?
You put the piece of pizza away and got up, storming from window to window, looking outside and the closing the curtains once you made sure no one was there. You stalked back to the sofa and picked up your phone from the floor, reading the message again. Surely, this had to be a joke, right? Your friends were just messing with you, right?
You opened the text with trembling fingers. You didn’t know the number that was displayed on top of the message. Maybe Daisuke bought a sim card just to scare you? But why would he do that? He wasn’t the type to do this, especially since his girlfriend would reprimand him for doing that.
Who are you?
Not a minute later you got a reply.
You can call me Dabi.
Dabi? Obviously, a fake name but you wouldn’t ask him for his real name. Hell, you didn’t want to answer him at all again and were tempted to just block this number. But the next message flew right in.
How you doin’?
Did he really try to do small talk?
Stop messaging me!
And that was it. No messages anymore. Maybe it was one of your friends after all. Still, the anxiety still remained.
In the middle of the night you woke up to your phone vibrating, the bright screen blinding you. You pressed your eyes together and opened them again, trying to recognize the number that was calling you at this ungodly hour. When your eyes got used to the brightness you looked at the scree – unknown number. Annoyed, you put the phone aside again and were relieved when it finally stopped ringing. The room turned dark again and you closed your eyes, ready to fall asleep again.
Your phone screen lit up once more, this time another text. You didn’t bother checking it and fell asleep instead, being consumed by complete darkness until the next morning when your alarm went off.
You didn’t check your phone until you sitting in a seat on the bus, surrounded by strangers who were on their ways to work as well. The small red symbol indicated a voice mail. You dialed the number to your voicemail and waited until the automatic announcement signalized the new voice mail. You tried to hear anything but there was just the rush of wind and a faint breathing. Then it was over. Confused, you deleted it, thinking it must’ve been an accident. But your mind wandered back to the night before and the texts. You checked the number from the texts and the one from the voicemail.
You could see the number that was used to text you but not the one from the missed call and the voicemail. So, you had no proof that it was the same number. It made you feel uneasy nevertheless.
What were you looking for?
The message came out of nowhere. The same number as last night. Why? Why was that person texting you? Hadn’t you made it clear that you wanted to be left alone?
Leave me alone.
It’s dangerous on those websites. Ye never know what people you might encounter.
You snorted. Yeah, people like you.
Like you?
It was bold of you to answer but by this point you were more annoyed by that person than scared. How fast your feelings could change…
Like me? I’m pretty harmless.
A short pause before another text came in.
What were you looking for?
He asked again, not leaving it alone. You were about to type in an answer when you stopped. Why didn’t you question it before? Why didn’t you question some stranger suddenly starting to chat you up on the dark web and not long after continued to text you on your phone? It clicked and you chuckled like someone who had just solved a mystery.
Good try but I know it’s you, Daisuke. Quit making up fake names.
You got off the bus and felt your phone vibrate.
What makes you think I’m Daisuke?
You shook your head in disbelief. Why was he keeping this act up? He was there when you entered this website, he was there when your friend sent this message to the group chat and he probably also saw the private message you got before closing the window.
Stop it already. I don’t trust the others doing that shit and you were there when we went on that stupid side. You just want to scare me.
No reply. Now, I’ve got you finally!
Would you believe me if I told you I’m not Daisuke?
This was getting ridiculous.
Please, just leave me alone. I’m about to start work. See you tonight and you better not text me again from this number. It’s getting annoying.
You were invited to a party at night, all of your friends were going as well. You were tired from work but didn’t want to miss out on the fun. You got ready at home. Tight jeans, a cute shirt and pumps – subtle but not too prude. You did your make-up in a cute but sexy way, highlighting your eyes and putting on lipstick. Content with your outfit you left the apartment once your friend’s car showed up, locking the door twice.
“Why would you keep texting me?!” you yelled at Daisuke when you met him at the party. He was making out with his girl, both already drunk. “What?” his eyes were unfocused when you hold your phone screen up in his face. He squinted his eyes to read the texts before he started chuckling. “Why woulddi texxxt you somethn’ like that?” he slurred, a derpy smile on his lips. Frustrated, you threw your hands in the air and stomped off, annoyed by this whole shenanigan. But okay, you would prove that it was him!
You walked off to the side where it was quieter, eyes on Daisuke and his girlfriend, and called the number from the text. It rang twice before someone picked up.
You froze in place. Daisuke was not holding his phone. Rather the opposite; his hands were occupied with moving under his girl’s shirt, groping her breasts shamelessly.
You didn’t dare speak up, a huge lump in your throat. You heard a slow breath from the other side of the phone but nothing more.
“You havin’ fun at the party, Y/n?”
You screamed and dropped your phone, clutching your hands together, bringing them up to your face. Your whole body trembled and you stared at the bright phone screen, the time counting up, indicating the still active call. A few people were looking at you bewildered but didn’t seem to care too much.
Slowly, you picked up the phone again, bringing it back to your ear.
“No need to scream.”
A dark chuckle resonated trough the phone. It sounded amused but it was more than unnerving.
“W-who are you?” You asked with a meek voice. You pressed your back to the wall behind you for support but unable to just hang up the phone.
“Rude to just forget someone’s name. Didn’t take you as this type of girl.”
Dabi, that was his name, you remembered.
“H-how did you get my number?” you demanded to know, insecurity almost oozing out of your voice. Another chuckle, this time a little more sinister.
“You really wanna know?”
Did you? Probably not, but you still answered yes.
“Not gonna tell ya.”
There was another pause before he started speaking again.
“The jeans look good on you. Turn around so I can take a better look.”
Your knees gave in and you started crying, phone clutching in your hand but not able to end the call. The people around you started to look worried and got closer, asking if you were okay.
“You’re usually not supposed to cry when receiving a compliment. You’re supposed to say ‘thank you’. Can you say thank you, Y/n?”
“Leave me alone!” you yelled at the phone and threw it across the room. It smashed against the opposite wall and you saw the screen go black. You pressed your knees against your chest, tears running down your face. Who was this man? Why was he watching you?
Your friends rushed over, worry written all over their faces. “Y/n! Y/n! What’s wrong?” they asked, some of them stroking your back but you couldn’t pull yourself together. The music had stopped and a cluster of people had formed around you.
“Someone is watching me…” you whispered so only your friends could hear. One of them grabbed your phone from the opposite wall and walked over towards you, phone in hand and ready to hand it to you.
“I don’t think it’s broken. You can probably just start it again.” He said and hold it out for you to grab. Hesitantly, you grabbed it but didn’t turn it on.
“C-can you just drive me home, please?” you asked your friend with teary eyes and shaky voice. Concerned, she nodded and helped you up. Some of them insisted on staying with you but you said no. You just wanted to barricade yourself in your apartment and only leave when it was bright outside again.
On your way home you turned on your phone but there were no new messages. But you were far from feeling relieved. Only once you were home and locked every door, every window and hid under your blanket would you feel somewhat safe again. But not right now, not when you were outside and still visible for anyone to see.
“I need to stop at the gas station real quick. You can wait here.” Your friend said and pulled up next to the entrance. She probably wanted to buy some cigarettes. You stayed in the car when your phone vibrated once again. Tears formed in your eyes again; you felt hopeless when you slowly opened the message. There was a picture. It was dark but there was light in the distance. You looked closer and recognized the place.
Without thinking you jumped out the car and started running. You knew you were close to your home, not too far away. You heard your friend call from the distance but you didn’t stop, just ran straight into the forest next to the station which would eventually lead you right to your home. Sticks scratched against your skin, thick roots of trees made you stumble but you always caught yourself.
Your phone started ringing and you could see that it was your friend calling. But you didn’t answer. Instead, you kept on running until you could see houses in the distance. Almost. Just a couple hundred yards.
You crossed the street, fumbling with your keys and needing more than one attempt to unlock the door, looking over your shoulder over and over again to make sure that there wasn’t anyone here.
Tears blurred your vision but finally you managed to unlock your apartment door and closed it right behind you, locking it as often as you could. Before you could feel at least some sort of relief you ran to the windows, checked if they were closed and closed the curtains. Then, and only then did you sink to the floor, starting to sob uncontrollably. Why was this happening? What have you done to deserve this? It was just a stupid dare, why is he targeting me?
A small buzzing sound led your focus to your phone. You didn’t want to look but you had to, regretting it instantaneously. A moan of agony made its way out of the depth of your body. You didn’t want to answer but your hand moved on its own.
“Glad you made it home safely.”
“FUCK OFF! I’M GONNA CALL THE POLICE!!!” you screamed, sure you woke up some of the other residents. Good, you thought. The more people awake the more likely it was that he didn’t do anything funny. His tone changed.
“No, you won’t.” he sounded self-assured, as if he knew exactly how you would behave.
“Cause if you do I have to hurt you.” He said it as if he was talking about the weather, nonchalantly.
“Y-You said you were harmless.” You argued, sounding pathetic. You crawled over the floor to the furthest corner of the room where you could watch the door to your apartment.
“Did I?”
He sounded musing as if he tried to remember.
“Guess it was a lie then.”
“What do you want?” you pleaded but you didn’t get an answer to your question.
“Are you sure you locked the door?”
The sudden question had you widen your eyes. Have you? Of course! It was the first thing you did! But did you really lock it?
“Maybe you should check it.”
You didn’t want to. Maybe he was standing right in front of your door, waiting for you to open it. But what if you didn’t lock the door? Anxiety took over your thinking and you crawled over to the door, checking the handle. Relieve filled your body when you realized it was, indeed, locked.
“Guess you locked it after all. Do you have your keys?”
Keys? You looked up at the small table where you usually kept your keys. No keys. Dread filled you and you wanted to curl up into a ball. Was he in your apartment? Your heard him chuckle again.
“Don’t worry. I don’t have your keys. You probably dropped them somewhere.”
Your eyes wandered over the floor and there they were, next to the bathroom door. How they got there was beyond you but you couldn’t care less. They were there and that was all that mattered.
“Leave me alone. Please!” a high pitched voice you didn’t recognize as your own echoed through the apartment.
“Leave me alone.”
He mocked you.
“But okay. I will leave you alone. If you can tell me where I am right now.”
It clicked and he had hung up. Your head shot up and you looked around. He was in here! You knew it! Or was he messing with you? But how did he know where your keys were? He could’ve guessed. But you should’ve been able to hear him if he actually was in your apartment. He just wanted to make you more and more paranoid.
You got up, knees weak and barely supporting your body weight. Fear clung to your body like a second skin and you tried to keep your mind from racing a thousand miles a minute by telling yourself that he was bluffing. Still, you moved from room to room, turning on the lights and checking every single room.
No one in sight. He’s not here. You felt a burden fall off your back and relief flooded your senses instead. He was just bluffing.
You slowly calmed down but didn’t go to bed until you couldn’t keep your eyes open again. You were almost asleep when your phone vibrated on the night stand. You were too tired to open the message and instead drifted into a dreamless sleep.
You forgot to check the closet.
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twdeadlysins · 4 years
Don’t Listen
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader 
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: The Governor wants information and will do whatever it takes to get it from you and Daryl. // Set during Season 3
Request: Could I request a Daryl x Reader with the prompt “How come she loves you?” Where basically the Governor has captured them both at some point during season 3 and is trying to get them both to talk. Daryl and the reader can each hear what is happening to the other, and the Governor tries some emotional manipulation by saying the prompt. Then Rick&Co come to rescue them and they have a tearful reunion. If you decide to write this thank you! Your fanfics are the best ❤❤�� // @harpersmariano
Warnings: angst, fluff, abuse (physically + mentally), the usual walking dead themes, and possible typos by yours truly 
A/N: I apologize for the wait! I changed this fic SOOO many times because there were so many routes I could take with it. 
The gifs I use aren’t mine, so all credit goes to their respective owners.
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The constant shouts, grunts, and the deafening sound of fists colliding with skin made you viciously thrash against your restraints. The rope that bound your wrists was harshly rubbing against your sweaty skin as you used all your strength to lift them, hoping to somehow break free. 
It was useless, you were very aware. 
There was no way you could tear the material just by tugging on it, but you refused to sit there and do nothing while Daryl was relentlessly getting beat on for information.
You and the hunter were on a supply run specifically looking for baby formula for the newest addition to the group, while also keeping an eye out for anything else that could be useful. After you had walked out the store with what you needed and some other necessities, you were met with a gun and a familiar face.  
Merle Dixon. 
The presumed dead redneck had grabbed you and placed the weapon to the side of your temple before Daryl stepped out the door, having no choice but to abide by his brother’s commands. 
You arrived at a town and were discreetly guided to a building where they separated you from your lover. The wall was super thin, so you heard every sound that was emitted from the room. You’d bet that you could hear a pin drop from where you were seated. 
The methods of getting information were no more, which left you confused as you halted your struggle. Were you supposed to feel relieved or worried? Did they leave and give Daryl a break or did they end it and kill him? 
Before you could ask if he was okay, there was sudden noise of someone fiddling with the door knob to unlock it. Your head whipped to the sound that was once trained on the wall beside you, waiting with an anxious, but curious gaze as to who would step through. The numerous failed attempts of breaking free, and the unknown of who was behind the door and what would happen to you made your chest heave, replacing air faster than the punches that were thrown in the other room. 
When the door swiftly opened, your blood began to boil, orbs filling with rage that replaced your anxiety. The amount of hatred that spilled from you prompted you to clench your teeth, refraining yourself from snarling at the man that strided in the room with pride and a smile plastered on his face. 
He pulled a wooden chair out with the back facing you, situating himself before he nonchalantly rested his forearms on the top. 
“Got yer panties in a bunch, sweetheart?” 
“Shut up, Merle.” 
You had no patience for his bullshit and since he was in such a fantastic mood, you assumed Daryl was alright. Despite Merle letting them torment his brother, he would be devastated if he was hurt beyond return. 
His features crinkled with amusement as a chuckle rumbled through him, which earned you to scoff and roll your eyes, not finding anything humorous. 
“Yer a feisty one, can’t believe my baby brother got a fine piece of ass like yerself.” He laughed once again, making you furrow your brows as a question swirled in your head, despite wanting to drop kick him for that comment.  
“Speakin’ of your brother, why are you letting them do this to him? Thought you were supposed to protect him? You're his big brother.” 
His smirk morphed into confidence. “M’baby brother tough, but he’ll eventually cave. Always does. We were plannin’ on robbin’ the group blind and leavin’ before y’all even knew what hit ya. But y’all left me on that roof before we could, leavin’ me to do this.” Merle lifted his arm, presenting the creation that was made to replace his hand. “So I doubt it’ll take long for him to rat where yer keepin’ each other warm at night,” he said through a smile.  
He was alive, that was your confirmation. You didn’t care about their plan, it wasn’t news to you. Daryl had admitted their intention with the group to you during the winter months when you had to travel to different places to find shelter.  
Your head tilted as you hummed in disagreement. “Don’t think so. Daryl isn’t the quiet, obedient follower you knew — that you turned him into. He’s helpful, reliable, strong, smart, a leader, and much more, but most importantly he’s himself — something he masked to please you.” 
Before the older Dixon could retort, a muffled cough came from the other room followed by a voice. The voice of his torturer. He was elated that Daryl was finally awake and ready to resume their previous activities, except physical torture wasn’t on the agenda anymore it seemed. 
“So you and — what’s her name?”
You could only imagine Daryl’s reaction. He was very protective over you, so you knew he was clamping his jaw shut — trying his hardest not to give in.
“Ah! Y/N, that’s it. You and her a couple?” 
It fell quiet once again, which only encouraged the man to push further. 
“Gotta speak up, Daryl,” his voice boomed. “Cause I’m gonna take your silence as a no and walk in that room. Show her who a real man is.” His voice was taunting and whispery towards the end, making you assume he moved to speak behind the archer, right next to his ear. 
“Don’ ya touch her,” Daryl grunted and you heard the chair scrape against the floor.
You were his weakness and it was a conflicting feeling.
He wouldn’t let anyone hurt you, he would do anything to protect you — he loved you. Daryl didn’t have to say those three words for you to know, he easily did it by his actions or with different words like the ones he just spoke. 
But if the wrong people knew, you were in a great deal of trouble like you were in now. 
The man in charge was going to use your relationship to his advantage, to get what he wanted. Although you didn’t want him to know where your family was, you also didn’t want Daryl to get hurt anymore than he already had — but you’d have to cooperate for that to happen. 
“Just gimme what I want n’ I won’t touch a hair on her pretty lil’ head.” 
You closed your eyes, hoping he wouldn’t reveal the location. Although you had faith in Daryl that he wouldn’t utter a word, there was a chance he would confess so nothing was inflicted upon you. If the roles were reversed, you would do the same, so you didn’t blame him one bit.
When his offer didn’t receive an answer, you let go the breath you were holding and slowly opened your eyes, giving Merle a side-eye when he tsked and shook his head that his brother still wasn’t giving in. 
Before you could make a snide comment towards the one-handed man, you heard the leader tell Daryl that he had enough, he wasn’t going to wait anymore — that he was going to pay you a visit. That had finally gotten a rise out of your boyfriend, he was yelling and violently twisting in his seat, spilling threats. 
“It’s okay, Daryl!” You had screamed over his protests and brutal promises, you couldn’t let him cave because it was your turn. He was strong, he took the physical pain while you dealt with it mentally and emotionally. The roles were going to be flipped, but it didn’t matter, you still weren’t going to say anything.
“Don’t give in, don’t give in for me, please,” you begged, not getting an answer — just silence. It was better that way, he wasn’t stopping it — wasn’t offering his compliance to the leader. 
Merle stood up and turned the chair around to face you before opening the door, finally revealing the face behind the voice that hurt the man you loved. The older Dixon left, leaving you alone and for once in your life, you wanted Merle to stay. 
The man in charge introduced himself as the Governor while he slowly stepped to take a seat in front of you, acting as if he didn’t just come out of the room Daryl was in — the room that he beat and taunted him in. 
Before the so called Governor could continue, you interrupted him, tired of the long game. “I don’t care what you have to say. I’m not going to tell you jackshit, so go ahead and do whatever you gotta do to me.” 
He chuckled with his arms crossed, his eyes crinkling with amusement. “Is that what you want?” He curiously asked, getting up and squatting down to your eye level with a smirk still etched on his face.
Smiling sadistically, you leaned forward as much as you could, mere inches from his face. “Can’t let my boyfriend get all the fun, now can I?”
Of course you didn’t want to get tortured, but you weren’t going to let him think he had all the power — he wasn’t going to get anything from hurting you. You were scared, but you weren’t going to show him — you were going to mask it. 
It went on for what felt like hours. The Governor had punched, slapped, and cut while he berated you, your group, your relationship, and Daryl. In the beginning you retorted back to him, but the energy you once had dwindled. 
After a few good hits, blood filled your mouth, making you choke on your own words despite the amount of times you had spit it out. You had heard Daryl shout for him to stop, but your torturer paid no mind to him. His pleas were soon drowned out by the thumping in your ears and the Governor screaming that you were nothing, that the group was better off and weren’t looking for you. 
The Governor stumbled back as he tried to regain his breath, leaving you on the ground still tied to the chair. Once you weakly turned your head to the side to get rid of the liquid that collected in your mouth, you let out a laugh. “Is… is that all you got?” 
He let out a grunt before heading out the door. 
“Nope, I got somethin’ else.” 
You heard the door to the other room open followed by a chuckle. 
“Y/N is something else, I’ll tell you. What I don’t get is why she’s with someone like you?” 
“Shut up,” you muttered under your breath. 
“How come she loves you?” The Governor questioned. “She got tortured ‘cause of you — ‘cause you wouldn’t comply.”
“Shut up!” you weakly defended before coughing up more blood. 
“Something so simple and you couldn’t do it to spare her the pain! It’s all your fault, so why does she love you? Someone who let this happen to her? Someone who’s weak and not worth a damn of her time!” He screamed, getting louder with each sentence he spoke. 
“Don’t listen! Don’t listen to him, Daryl! This isn’t your fault!”
“You’re weak — you’re a coward — you don’t deserve her or the blood she’s spilled for you! Why does she love you, huh?” 
What you didn’t expect was Daryl’s response. 
“I don’ know why!”  
You froze at his answer, not understanding why he would say something like that. Did he really believe that he wasn’t worthy of your love? That he wasn’t good enough? 
Your heart shattered at the insecurities he held. 
“Merle,” you heard the Governor say before silence followed.
Next thing you knew, the older Dixon entered and paused, taking in your state before picking up your chair. He sliced your restraints and gently grabbed onto your arm, dragging you out the room.   
Another door opened and you caught a glimpse of Daryl at the end of a long table. He was tied to a chair with fresh tears streaming down his battered face, he looked so tired and worn, your heart ached at the sight — the same for him seeing what The Governor had done to you. 
Unknownst to you, the Governor gave Merle a look and the redneck reluctantly pushed you onto your knees, making you fumble, but you never tore your eyes off of Daryl. The Governor told Merle to leave as a gun was cocked and you didn’t have to take a peek to know that the weapon was pointed down at your head. 
“No!” Daryl cried out, wide-eyed at the scene in front of him. 
“Tell me where you and your group are staying at or I’ll blow her brains out,” he threatened. 
The hunter slowly connected his teary orbs with yours.
“Don’t tell him. It’s okay,” you put on a smile, despite the tears that wanted to spill. “I love you, Daryl. Don’t you ever forget that.” 
You closed your eyes, waiting for the bastard to pull the trigger, but Daryl hurriedly shouted out the location. 
You let out a breath and cried, trying to muffle your sobs with your hand. 
You weren’t mad at Daryl or disappointed, you would’ve done the same if a gun was pointed at his head. All you felt was relief. Death was far from what you wanted, but if that was the outcome to protect Daryl and the group — so be it.  
“The prison? That place is overrun. How’d you manage to clear that place out? How many people are in your group?” The Governor asked in bewilderment. 
“Eleven,” Daryl replied, not skipping a beat.  
The Governor was amused by that number, not believing eleven people cleared the prison to be suitable to live in. He removed the gun aimed at your head, switching on the safety before placing it back in his holster. 
“Kill them both and don’t tell Merle,” you heard him order someone when he opened the door. 
Although your body screamed at you not to, you pushed yourself up and sprinted towards Daryl, throwing your arms around his neck to clutch onto him. Your fingers were carded in his hair as he buried his face into the spot between your neck and shoulder, apologizing to you over and over again. 
You withdrew and grabbed his face, forcing him to look at you with his guilt-ridden eyes.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, you hear me? You’re the strongest, bravest person I know and I’m lucky to call you mine. I love you,” you assured him before pressing your lips to his. 
Once you rested your forehead on his, a hand snaked around your waist and vigorously pulled you back, making you shout in denial. 
“Let me go!” 
You thrashed against the man that held you while another man cut Daryl free to take him too, but the hunter was quick and punched the guy in the face. 
The man that had you in his grasp hesitated, conflicted on whether he should help with Daryl or continue taking you. You used the opportunity to elbow him in the stomach before grabbing his arm, twisting it back and kicking his leg so he would kneel down. 
Before you knew it, two more men with guns came into the room and pointed it at you, forcing you to let go of the advantage you both had. 
They compelled both of you to your knees next to each other and that was when you knew that you were done for. 
That this was it.
“I love ya,” Daryl whispered and you both instinctively laced your hands together before your vision of each other was blocked by a bag going over your head.
The grip he had on your hand was strong, but eventually they pried your hands apart and you whimpered, instantly missing his touch. Despite the life-threatening predicament you were in, you felt safe by the hunter’s side. Not being able to see him or feel his warmth stripped that security away as they began tying your hands together. 
You could hear Daryl grunt and struggle, not making it easy on your captors as someone guided you forward and you assumed out of the room before something loud went off, making everyone halt their movements and panic. You yanked the bag off your head to see smoke and — Rick?
He grabbed your bounded hands and cut them before quickly taking you out onto the street, sneaking down it with the others close behind to an empty building. 
Once you entered the vacant building, your legs gave out, causing you to make contact with the floor. Daryl was by your side in a matter of seconds, checking you out and making sure you were okay. 
The look on his face made you caress his cheek, his eyes held guilt, so you shook your head, silently communicating with him. It caused him to divert his orbs to Rick who was trying to come up with a plan as he cautiously looked out the window. 
The events of what happened and what could’ve been caught up with you as you stared at Daryl. You choked back a sob at the thought of losing him mere moments ago and wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your head in his neck. 
He wasted no time in securing one arm around your waist and the other to cradle the back of your head. He soothed circles on your back and pressed a lingering kiss on the side of your temple while Rick and the others decided on what to do next.  
You both almost met death and the last thing you wanted to do was to let go of the love of your life, but that was what motivated you to push forward. 
To live and fight for not only yourself, but for Daryl and your family so you would never have to let go. 
TAGLIST:  @jodiereedus22​ @sourwolf-sterek32​ @haleypearce​ @gruffle1​ @lonewolf471​ @dashesoflipstick​ @aristocracy-y​ @harpersmariano​ @maydayfigment​ @yes-sir-hotchner
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samwrights · 4 years
Between the Lines, pt II
Here is part two to @anianimol ‘s Ukai Breeding Kink request—literally 70% of this particular portion is smut. Please proceed with caution if you are uncomfortable with the following:
Warnings: language, nicotine and alcohol consumption, implied emotionally abusive relationship, breeding/impreg kink, dirty talk, rough sex, risky sex, road head, slight dub-con, praise, multiple smut scenes, 3rd person POV reader-insert—because the word ‘you’ just didn’t seem to fit.
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“Trust me, this car ride is torture enough.”
“I could make it worse.” Ukai Keishin did not like the sound of that in the slightest. He was already going well over the speed limit on the freeway and praying to the gods above that he wouldn’t get pulled over and—
The widespread panic that was bleeding into his veins stopped entirely when he feels the button to his jeans being freed.
“Are you insane?!” The blonde snarls, though he cannot deny the fact that his lust is now at full speed ahead with a brick on the gas pedal. [name] says nothing in response—only teases him further by unzipping his pants and running her fingernails over his boxer-clad half-hard cock while he’s fighting to focus on getting back home. Keishin squeezes the steering wheel with both hands tightly, the skin over his knuckles turning white as she frees his length only to re-capture it in her mouth. The warmth welcomes him entirely, sweetly, and it’s sending his mind into a lust-laden frenzy.
As soon as the two of them exit the freeway, they’re stopped at a light. Ukai takes the opportunity to adjust his jeans to give [name] more room to work because there was absolutely no fighting this now. Not with the way her hand is wrapped around the base of cock just to hold it upright while she swallows the entirety of his length and girth. At this point, she’s literally praising it, worshipping even, with her attentive tongue; lapping at every centimeter of skin, laving at the prominent veins, suckling on the tip to coerce his pre-cum.
“Ah, fuck,” Ukai hisses when his tip hits the back of her throat. They were almost back to his apartment above the Sakanoshita store—he could hold on for just five more minutes. He hoped. Though it was proving difficult with pleased gargles rumbling in her throat as she repeatedly swallowed every goddamn inch of his dick. Keishin can’t help but breathe heavy, trying to make sure he’s keeping oxygen going to his brain because fuck he can’t think straight right now. Not with the way this angelic creature had been taking him whole. It’s taking everything in him to not thrust his hips to meet with her lips, because he knows once he starts, he’s going to accidentally end up slamming on the gas pedal. Literally. “Shit, I’m gonna cum.”
“Good thing I’m thirsty,” [name] responds, hardly missing a beat as she pulls away briefly to supply her sassy remark. Immediately returning to the task at hand, she relaxes her throat walls to relentlessly swallow every single inch until her face is pressing into his stomach and she chokes down his seed. For some reason, it doesn’t surprise him in the slightest when she greedily swallows every drop while simultaneously coercing the rest from his tip. It does funny things to Keishin, seeing this beautiful ray of sunlight so hungry, so desperate for him, and it turns on all the switches to his filthiest desires.
“Open your mouth princess,” he croons, affectionately rubbing at her messy locks, “I wanna make sure you swallowed all of it.” [name] sticks out her puffy tongue, saying ‘ahh’ for emphasis, while he looks down for a hasty inspection. “Good girl,” he offers almost endearingly when she passes.
The second he pulls in to his drive way, Ukai threads his calloused fingers into her locks and pulls her lips desperately to his to taste the mix of them on her tongue. Despite the unsavory act, he gives her an enthusiastic kiss with one hand cupping her cheek and constant back and forth spit swapping because, damn it all, she made him feel things he thought long died. Desperation, depravity, desire—all of those feelings were reignited in Ukai and it was all her fault. But he doesn’t care that there’s more than sexual tension in their motions—he wants it that way. Their kiss rather sweet, loving even, as if to tell her this was more than lust and that he hoped [name] felt that too.
Or as if to act as a premature apology for the things he was going to do to her.
The week of unintentional teasing certainly served its purpose, [name] mused somewhere between the lines. It had worked out better than she’d ever dreamed of, and those were often recurring wet dreams, no less.
She had always pictured Keishin to be a rough lover but she’d never expected him to be as filthy as this. The bare man behind her had her face pressing into a pillow as he rammed into her sensitive hole, unabashedly howling his own salacious fantasies. There was not a single curse word in any collective lexicon that hadn’t left his mouth tonight and goddammit it was the sexiest thing she’d ever heard.
“Oh, fuck yeah, you’re taking me so well kid,” he grits out, giving a particularly hard thrust because he wants to keep hearing her scream every time his dick drags along her walls, “this everything you’ve been dreaming about, kid? Been dreaming about my fucking cock stuffing your pussy?”
The dirty talk sends electrical pulses from her ears down [name]’s spine—who knew that words alone could bring her so close to orgasm? But she can’t find words of her own at the moment. The only comprehensible sounds coming to her mind are throaty moans and pants and weak screams as Keishin grabs her by the wrists to force her hips to meet with his. But it’s not enough that he’s all but reaming her, no. He yanks her back even further until her chest is sticking out and her head is thrown back unintentionally to look up at him as he pounds her.
She’s beautiful, he muses internally, even with her eyes nearly shut in depravity and drool running down the corner of her mouth and repeated, mindless babble of approval of the way he was fucking her. She was so goddamn beautiful and he was going to make her his in every sense of the word.
Overwhelmed with the sight, Keishin adjusts his grip so that one of his hands holds her in place while the other cups her jaw and gingerly brings her closer to kiss her.
He loves kissing her, he learned rather quickly.
Even the smallest shift in their position cause Ukai to prod at different spot within her core, forcing [name] to clamp down on his length. “Ooh, right there, baby?” But she can only nod when he makes it a point to make sure he’s hitting that same area over and over. “Yeah? You’re squeezing me so fucking hard, you’re gonna make me cum. You want my cum, princess?”
Good god, [name] could just listen to him talk and she could get off.
She can’t help her clenching core, not with the way Keishin is smacking his hips into hers like a piston or the way his cock starts twitching as he falls over the dam of his own orgasm. “Oh fuck yeah, princess. Take my cum like a good girl, baby, fuck.” His words stifle and give way to his labored breathing until he physically can’t even let out a sound—a telltale sign that he should probably slow down before he passes out.
[name] collapses chest down onto the bed as soon as Ukai lets go of her wrists; her back rising and falling as she attempts to catch her own breath. Ukai is doing much of the same, though he’s sitting on his haunches while staring out the window as the morning sun filters in. What time was it anyway?
As soon as he feels like his legs aren’t numb anymore, he hovers over the side of the bed in search of his cell phone before moving to rest his back against his headboard—it was only seven right now, meaning the store wouldn’t open for another two hours. Momentarily Ukai is grateful it’s as early as it is because that means his mother wasn’t downstairs listening to him essentially impregnate someone. But even more so, he’s grateful to see the way the rising sun reflects the sheen of sweat on [name]’s back. It made her glow even more than the glitter she wore on her cheeks when she was out for the night or disco lights shining off her pearly whites.
She’s so fucking beautiful, he thinks again, and he doesn’t realize he’s staring at her until he deciphers the [eye color]ed orbs staring back at him. A part of her wants to say something, probably the reason she was opening and closing her mouth, but words just don’t come out. What would she even say if she had a voice right now? She can’t say she loves him because that’s just weird and too clingy, nor can she say thank you because that’s even weirder—
“C’mere.” Ukai murmurs softly, patting at his bare chest. [name] quirks a brow, which prompts the former to give a roll of his honey brown eyes, before reaching for one of her wrists and hoisting her up to rest on him. When her head nestles along his collar bone, he wraps one arm tightly around her waist and presses a chaste kiss into her sweaty hair. It’s a delicate, wholesome moment that Ukai thought he’d never get the chance to share with anyone for awhile, let alone with a club patron or an ex of one of his club members.
It’s a tender, loving moment in which he takes advantage of the opportunity to ask the questions that had been gnawing at him for the last several days.
“Cardboard Swords,” he says as gently and as firmly as he’s holding her.
“I wanted to ask you earlier, but it kinda didn’t seem appropriate at the time.” It’s not a full question by any means, but she understands the syntax well enough.
“And you think after emptying a second load in me is more appropriate?” She jokes, causing the man that’s holding her to groan because he knows. He doesn’t fall for bullshit and he knows that question was just [name] deflecting. “Fine, fine. Um, Flannel was mine and Suga’s break up song. I figured you could tell that much.” She concedes temporarily, shifting uncomfortably in his arms. Why does he even want to know this, she wonders. But she remembers clear as day him asking what Sugawara did to make her be the dull person she was back in high school, versus the firecracker on the Fourth of July that she was now. She figured she at least owed him some form of reprieve considering he satiated her high school and current fantasies.
Well, one of them anyway.
And while she remained quiet, Keishin’s analytical mind is hard at work recounting the memory of her lips moving along to every line. The thing that the DJ loves the most about music is that he can tell when a beat or a line hits close to home by how loud their expression is. His mind starts piecing things together based off of context and evidence and [name] can tell by the way his breathing begins to quicken that he just might be onto something.
“It’s fine. We went our separate ways after graduating. He did his thing, I did my thing.” She says to quell his steadily rising anxiety. Though she was unsure why it was beginning to crest, considering he hadn’t vocalized his personal deductions. Part of her wondered if he got it right, part of her doesn’t even care because Sugawara doesn’t matter to her anymore.
“And your thing is hanging out at a dingy club every night?”
“Hey, don’t call my aunt’s club dingy.”
“Your what?! Family friend, my ass!” This girl was going to be the death of him, he decides. Because now it made so much more sense of how she vaguely knew of his schedule (not that it was necessarily damning evidence), or why she was there in the first place and as often, or why she knew where Bevelle lived off the back of her hand. But shit, that just means he slept with his boss’s niece who is eight years his junior and—
“Dude, relax,” [name] stresses the command, pinching the nipple closest to her to pull Ukai from his reverie. “How do you think you got the job in the first place, coach? Though, aunt ‘Velle only showed me your application—she made the initial decision to offer you the job. I didn’t realize it was you that took the name Spira.” His mind is piecing more things together and he’s starting to learn to hate that his mind does that.
“Please tell me you’re joking.”
“Hey, I didn’t know you were gonna fuck me—“ Ukai lets out a noise, a hybrid noise between annoyance and embarrassment before rolling over to trap [name] between his bed and himself. He doesn’t want to talk about this anymore, doesn’t want to think about it because the more he does, the deeper hole he digs for himself.
“I’d do it again, too. If you’ll let me.” Regardless of the strange sense of shame and irritation he felt, Keishin’s voice came out rather soft. Probably because he knew were it not for [name]’s meddling and the string of circumstances, she wouldn’t be here with him right now. In a weird sense, he’s grateful—grateful for the way she answers with her arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him flush against her, bringing his lips to hers once again.
“Will you, though?” She asks after they break for a breather. [name] can’t help the question from leaving her lungs as much as she doesn’t want to think about what comes after this. And Keishin understands the query that’s hidden in between the lines and he’s unsure if he’s ready to verbalize his answer. So rather than putting it into words, his lips cover hers once again.
It’s much sweeter than the others—it’s gingerly and warm, softer than powdered sugar, and for a moment the two of them are enveloped in their moment together. But it’s not enough for Ukai, not in the slightest. Not with the way he’s overwhelmed with the need to chase this profound sense of urgency to stake his claim.
It’s not enough even with his mouth meandering further down her jaw and her neck, leaving little bites and bruises in his wake. It’s not enough in the way his tongue parts her labia and massages the inner walls of her core or suckles down her clit until she’s screaming once again. It’s not enough even when he slides his dick in one more time and is welcomed with the warmth of home.
Ukai is torn with the dichotomy of wanting to be rough with [name], wanting to smack his hips and drive his cock far enough in her that she has bruises around her opening and on her uterus, and absolutely letting every truth fly off his tongue. But his body decides for him in the way he lurches over her bucking body, one hand cradling her jaw with his thumb brushing over her bruised lips.
“Keishin...” [name] calls out in a strangled song, “h-harder, please!”
Her cries break his final thread of sanity.
“Yeah, you want more princess?” He grits out. His free hand traces patterns down her stomach before honing in on her clit, frantically circling at the bundle of nerves and driving his length in her cunt to match. [name] gave an innate squeeze at the sudden added stimulation, ready for her orgasm to wash over her once again. “You’re squeezing me so fucking good, baby. You want my cum?”
“P-please, cum inside me.” The subtle pleas shred every fiber of his control. Keishin releases his grip on both her clit and her jaw, hands scooping under her hips to angle her upward to find her pressure point once again. Leave it to this guy to be able to find it with ease after only one trial run. “Oh fuck, Keishin!”
“Fuck yes, baby, you want my cum? Want me to fill you up again? You’re just begging me to fuck a baby into you, aren’t you?” [name] clenched with a death grip, her subconscious going into overload. She’d never admit out loud that she’d fantasized about marrying the DJ and having a family with him maybe once or twice. Or every other week. She’d take that secret to the grave.
And while Keishin didn’t necessarily mean for his words to come out the way they did, he found himself unbothered by it all. Because he wants to know more, wants to have more than this one night with [name]. It only made it a thousand times better knowing she was getting off to his private kink, swallowing his cock whole to coax his seed to spill. “Aw, fuck yeah, gonna breed you like my own little whore,” he grits out, hips stuttering as his dick twitches, spurting his cum within her walls once again.
“Fuck a baby into me, huh?” [name] laughs after Keishin collapses on top of her, panting heavily to catch his breath.
“Sorry, was that too much?” She only laughs once more in response.
“Nah, that was perfect.”
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Perfect was the only way to describe the way Keishin felt about [name], even a year later after their first night together. Sex aside, because that was perfection in its own right, the relationship that had bloomed between the two of them was everything the coach had been waiting for. The envy he had once felt for his fellow DJs for seizing the opportunity to sleep with other club patrons had subsided entirely considering Ukai had gotten the creme de la creme.
[name] now owned the club.
Bevelle, her aunt and the woman that initially hired Keishin a few years back, had been prepping and grooming [name] since she graduated high school to take over her business so that Bevelle could move on to new ventures. The night she started learning the ins and outs of running the club was the very same night Ukai had come in as a guest with the neighborhood association.
Apparently offering him a job was supposed to be a joke, but Bevelle knew something was strange with the way her niece was hyper-fixated on the blonde volleyball coach. Nobody knew things were going to turn out as well as they did.
Ukai finally stopped tending to the farm after five years of dedication and, instead, began helping [name] at the club on nights he wasn’t Spira. It was a weird sense of pride that surged within his center to know that the two of them both had their own businesses and both were relatively successful—it made Ukai feel powerful.
Like it wasn’t entirely wrong that the two of them were together despite the eight year gap.
And, in their world, it wasn’t. [name], while she rarely showed it, suffered a lot of heartbreak during and after her relationship with Sugawara Koushi—one that left her with a lot of metaphorical scars that mentally aged her by at least five years. It took years for her to heal, to feel content in her solidarity, and that aged her even more. In a sense, however, these also drove her ambition to be successful, her true, fun-loving self, and to share the love she wished she had received back then.
It took a few months for Keishin to unearth just how badly Suga had hurt her. After hearing how manipulative he was of her and everyone around her, it was no wonder she made it a point to love loudly and overtly—something Ukai seemed to thrive off of. While their relationship may have appeared strange to those on the outside looking in, it was nobody’s business but theirs.
It was even more peculiar from an outsider perspective considering the couple had just welcomed their son barely three months ago. “You literally fucked a baby into me!” [name] had been a cross between flustered, angry, and overjoyed when she found out of her pregnancy. Keishin’s mind was a mile a minute when she told him, but he couldn’t deny the sense of pride and lust and desire he felt.
If anything, it only made those feelings worse—like he wanted to do it again and again because goddamn it, it meant that [name] was entirely his, carrying their baby and all. But she knew her partner well enough to know when Keishin got that dangerous, nearly predatory, glint in his honey brown eyes, he was aiming for kid number two. “Thank god I’m on birth control.” She often mutters between catching her breath whenever the mood struck the volleyball coach.
“So you don’t mind if I keep trying then, right?”
“Keishin, no—“
“Oh, so you don’t mind?”
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Thank you all for bearing through this lengthy monstrosity! Again, I had a whole bunch of fun writing it.
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
Playlist Feels
Part 3: Love Somebody
Member: lee fucking juyeon AGAIN
Genre: fucking aggressive smut/angst/romance cause inspiration hates me and only comes when everybody is fucking sleeping
Links to other parts:
I Never Wanna See You Again
Frustrated (light smut) 
Love Somebody (light smut)
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“that’s up to your own interpretation.”
you couldn’t decide what catalysed your hunger to have him both physically and emotionally: the static that hung in the way his eyes were stuck on you, or that you were both stark naked. 
you smirk to yourself, well aware that obscene thoughts were flying around in that mind of his. there was no reason for you to hold back now that he was yours, so you thought: why not?
“so show me.”
juyeon’s eyes changed with a blink, like you just flipped a switch. 
the need to have him swallows you whole, and despite the traces of fear you harboured from the lack of knowledge of what he could do to you, there was nothing that could convince you that you didn’t want this. 
juyeon attacks your lips, his arms wrapping around your waist so tightly that he closes every gap between the two of you. you feel your curves press against his like puzzle pieces, and the lavender-scented water only alleviates all your senses. 
he grabs your jaw harshly, his thumb and middle finger pressing into your cheeks as he turns your head away, giving himself access to your neck. you smile, completely filled with bliss as a mixture of moans and laughter escape your throat. his sucking on your neck leaves red and purple marks, and his hands have found your chest. 
you let him fondle you like you were his doll, and for a moment you wish you weren’t human so you could let him manhandle you without any repercussions. 
but knowing him, he’d probably start snapping himself back to reality every now and then that he could still hurt you if he wasn’t careful.
your fingers caress the muscles on his back as his lips travel from your collarbone to your chest, his tongue finding your tip and sucking on them like he hadn’t just had dinner. 
you don’t realise how much of a mess you were until you feel his manhood against your core. you violently jerk upon the contact, and he pulls away, tilting his head upwards so his eyes were basically eating you out from beneath you. 
how were you topping but he was still in control of everything?
without warning, he digs his fingers into your hips and shoves you downwards, one hand keeping his manhood aligned with your entrance. you let out an inhumane noise you didn’t know you were capable of producing, and he licks his lips lustfully without making any noise on his own. 
he wasn’t moving, so you assume he was just letting you get used to him while he continues leaving marks on your skin. 
your neck, your collarbones, your chest and even the space in between... not an inch where his mouth could reach was spared. 
already a mewling mess, your nails were digging into the flesh of his back, possibly creating bright, pink lines on his damp skin. 
“juyeon,” you felt your breath hitch in your throat, feeling the water lap against the spot where the both of you were one. “please-- move.”
he doesn’t respond for a few seconds, pulling away and admiring a new bruise he’s created on your chest. he looks up at you through his wet hair that was sticking to his forehead again, and the look of lust sends chills down your spine like you were just hit by a gush of cold wind.
“whoever said i was going to listen to you?” 
your eyes widen, but it doesn’t last. his fingers find your sensitive nub underwater and begins applying pressure on it in circles. your arms tighten around his neck as you lean forward, pressing your forehead into his shoulder. the action closes the space for him to play with you, so he aggressively grips your ass and lifts you up, leaving just the tip of himself inside you, only to drop you back down. 
the sensation shoots bolts up your torso and down your legs into your feet, and you let out a cry of ecstasy when you realise you started a game there was no way you could’ve won. 
he wraps your arms around his neck tightly and makes sure your legs were hooked properly around his hips before lifting you out of the tub. the water gushes down off skin as he steps out of the tub, and he sits you on the marble surface with a mirror perpendicular to it. 
you think he was going to turn you around and destroy you against the mirror, but you realise the full-body mirror directly opposite the both of you. 
he wasn’t going to fuck you against the mirror, he wanted to you see him do it. 
he finds your hands and interlocks his fingers with yours and pins them against the mirror by your head. you let out soft laughs that sounded like pure pleasure as he dips his nose into your neck again, continuing his masterpiece on your skin. 
you feel your walls stretching with every small move he made, even if it was nowhere near your womanhood, and it was driving you crazy. 
not only could you hold him the way you wanted to, he wasn’t even moving.
you arch your back off the mirror, the shape of your waist printed on the surface in the form of water vapour when he finds your sweet spot on your neck. 
“oh my-- fuck-- please--” you whine, starting to feel your core throb with need. 
“begging now, are we?” he whispers into your skin, tongue finding yours before hungrily tasting every corner of your mouth. 
you were about to protest against him being selfish, but he pulls out enough to leave only his tip inside you, before harshly slamming his pelvis against yours. 
but he does it once, and then you pick up on his game. 
“oh god, juyeon-- don’t do this.”
you hear him chuckle under his breath, which was so calm and regulated compared to yours. 
“you wanted me to show you what you aren’t ready for, and you asked for it, sweetheart.”
you grit your teeth in frustration, never knowing that you were capable of feeling so deprived in your life. you tilt your head upwards, pressing the crown of your head against the mirror behind you as you subtly try to shift your hips to meet his.
but he collects both your wrists and holds them above your head now with only one of his hands, and his free arm holds your hip down to prevent you from moving. 
you made a noise that resembled a growl, and it clearly turned him on because he finds your nub again, drawing circles that had the bare minimum amount of pressure.
“this is so-- fucking unfair--” you bite your tongue, ashamed that you’ve been completely destroyed when he’s barely even done anything. 
“all you need to do is say one word,” he leans into your ear and bites on your skin, goosebumps exploding all over your body. 
“i’m not going to move if you don’t say it. and right now...” his voice was so low and dark, you wonder for a moment if this was the same person you knew from earlier that day. “you don’t look like you can take it anymore.”
you cry out in frustration, hands balling into his fists and your small attempt to break free from his hold fails miserably. 
“please, just move.”
he pulls out and bucks his hips harshly against yours, the impact causing your breath to stop in your throat and your eyes roll backwards. 
you’ve lost all your pride by now, so resigning to your fate wasn’t too difficult to do, though it meant losing completely. 
the pleads spill out of your mouth like a broken radio, and his hands were now on your hips, holding you down so you don’t shift away from him. your eyes look ahead and you see his back view slamming into you mercilessly in the reflection. the heat between the both of you was fogging up the mirror you were leaning against, and you were starting to see nothing but white while you feel the rope in your stomach get tighter and tighter. 
“shi-- oh, fuck-- i’m gonna--” your scream from your climax was muffled as he shoves his tongue in between your lips. you feel your entire body go into a spasm while he continues thrusting into you, helping you ride out your climax. 
he pulls away from your abused mouth and pulls out, shooting his load all over your stomach. your eyes run down his hair that was wet with both sweat, to his chest and toned stomach, and you couldn’t help but blurt out,
“why are you so hot?”
you jerk awake, another one of those falling sensations hitting you while you were asleep. the light pouring into the room from the familiar glass panel windows blinds you momentarily. 
you try to sit up, only to realise the aching sensation in your core, and you suddenly remember that you’ve lost every bit of pride you had left in you, in the worst possible way it could happen. 
you turn over, looking at the large, but empty bed you were in. the silk blanket was tangled in your legs, and you note that you were in an extremely large pullover with boxers that were a little loose on your hips. 
your arm stretches out to the side, wondering where he was when the door of the room swings open, and you see him fitted in another set of office wear you don’t think you’ve ever seen him in. 
maroon blazer with black button down was a new combination.
but wait--
“oh, good god, what time is it?” you sit up in an instant, but the ache between your legs contorting your face into an ugly mess. juyeon straps an expensive-looking watch to his wrist and leans on the bed with his arms supporting him, pecking you on the cheek.
“it’s 7.45, and don’t worry, i’ve already told your manager you’re taking the day off,” he pulls open a door of the wardrobe in the corner of the room you don’t even notice and checks himself in the mirror. he looks at you through the reflection, and a smile spreads across his lips before he closes it. 
“or maybe a few days off.”
you look down at yourself, looking through the gap of the collar rim and under the pullover. you weren’t wearing a bra, so noticing all the bruises on your skin wasn’t a difficult feat.
“oh good god...”
“i’m gonna go, and if you want to work on the case, you can use the computer in my office right down the hall. just ask any of the staff and they’ll show you,” he checks his hair in the reflection off the glass windows, hand already holding onto his suitcase. “breakfast is ready in the dining hall and if you need anything, just ask the staff. if they’ve got no clue what you’re talking about, then you can call me.”
he walks over to you, offering you a soft kiss on your forehead, and walks away with a bright smile on his face. 
you hear the door of the room shut, and sigh to yourself, unable to forget the events that unfolded in the last few weeks. 
“jesus,” you mumble to yourself, pressing your chin and lips into your palm and fingers. “i’m fucking playing with fire.”
Part 5: Stigma
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cheyningdiamond · 3 years
Breakfast In Bed
TW: Manipulation mentioning, Angst, Fluff, Heavy language, Suggestive mentions, Heavy topics mentions
It was in the morning. In the facility where Jeb, Adam, and the demons were, Dallas and his crew were in the kitchen making breakfast for Jebediah, who was still in bed.
Dallas wanted to do something nice for him, as he wasn't feeling too good. Diesel came up with the idea of making him breakfast in bed and hoped that would make him feel better at least emotionally.
They finally finished making the pancakes, eggs, and bacon for him.
Dallas held the syrup bottle in his hand with an idea in mind and a proud, triumphant grin on his face. "Alright, you wanna see something cool? Check this shit out."
He started to put the syrup on, making a circle on the edge of the pancakes, then tried to draw... A rather poorly done pentagram on it.
Diesel and Roxxie stared, then looked at him, raising their eyebrows.
"Uhh Dallas, babe?"
"The Hell are we looking at!?"
Dallas blinked and looked at them. "You dipshits, it's clearly a pentagram! It's like, a sign that we made it, y'know?"
"Boy, that ain't a pentagram."
"Looks more like a compass. With, like, a bunch of those spin-y thingies."
"Shuddit, assholes! It doesn't look like that!" Dallas barked.
This made his buddies laugh. Poor Dallas was huffing with anger.
"Well, c'mon! Let's take it to him." Diesel grinned. They took a tray and set the plates of food on it and carried it to Jeb's room, creaking the door open.
Jeb was laying back, but he was awake. He was playing on his phone, looking through images on it.
The door opened more and he saw the demons walk in.
"Ah, hello guys. What's... All this?"
Diesel grinned. "We heard ya weren't feelin' too good, boss! So we wanted to do somethin' nice for ya!"
"Ah..." He smiled and sat up. "You fellas didn't have to..."
"Yeah, well-" Dallas scoffed. "We did anyways so, deal with it, jackass." He set the tray on his lap.
Jeb stared and his soft smile turned into a small grin. "Uh... Is this a little... Symbol?"
"It's a pentagram, dickhead." Dallas corrected.
"Ah. looks more like a compass that has multiple needles."
Roxxie and Diesel covered their mouths as stifled laughter escaped from them both.
Dallas turned and glared coldly. But, it was hard to take him seriously when his face was as red as the Cherry Pop top he had on.
"Just, eat the damn thing." He crossed his arms, annoyed. Jeb couldn't help but find this amusing. He cut a piece and ate it. His expression lit up slightly. "Ah, this is nice... Thank you three so much, I-" He sniffed the air.
"Why do I smell smoke?"
Diesel and Roxxie's eyes went big. "Shit, we left the oven on! Uh, C'mon D!" She took the larger incubus' hand and rushed downstairs.
"Don't be setting fires in my home!" Jeb yelled loud enough for them to hear. He then chuckled softly.
The lighthearted expression faded though once he saw Dallas' face. He looked... Sad. Depressed, even.
Jeb frowned. "Oh, Dallas I didn't mean to embarrass you."
"Eh?" He perked his head up. "Tch, I'm not upset over that, J.C."
"Then what is it?"
He sighed and moved towards the bed, sitting down on the edge of it.
"I'm just... Still thinking. About what happened to me and Audie..."
Jeb's expression turned grim as he spoke.
"Just, fucking... I thought I could trust him! I put too much faith into that fucking bitch and she just-..." He looked down and shut his eyes. "She fucking used me."
"Not only once, but TWICE! Two times have I been manipulated. First was my cunt of an ex, then them! They always made me feel like I was 'loved' and 'appreciated' only so they could use my powers. Make them more stronger by flirting with people and using that charm." He covered his eyes.
"I've gotten at least 20 people killed doing that. They were probably innocent. Maybe not, I don't fucking know! It doesn't fuckin' matter!!" He yelled.
"Dallas." He put his hand on the incubus' shoulder. He felt his body shaking violently from hysteria.
He heard Dallas sniffle and hiccup. "I'm just sick of it... I'm sick of being nothing but a fucking toy for people to play with. I have feelings too, man! I really thought Audie loved me..."
He wiped his eyes, then held onto Jeb's hand, desperately needing the comfort. "Then that bitch told me, after I gave her her fucking army. 'I don't need you anymore. You were just a ladder to me. A tool. A toy'."
Jeb listened closely. He remembered seeing Dallas getting thrown out the ten-story window of the A.A.H.W facility and landing on one of the cars outside. He was lucky Jeb was there, otherwise he would've died.
Dallas sighed. His voice got softer and he sounded weak. "As usual... The people I fall for just, use me as a way to get whatever shit they want... Never cared for me in the beginning. Just, wanted me for my body or my powers."
Jeb moved the tray onto the nightstand next to his bed. He then got closer and rubbed Dallas' back. "Not everyone is like that, though... You still have me. You got Clayton, and Frank."
Dallas scoffed. "Clayton only likes me 'cuz of my 'talents'."
"Not true. Believe me, when I'm with the Sheriff, he never shuts up about you." He chuckled.
"Mhm! He uh, promised me not to say anything... But, he always says he's really trying on thinking of ways to impress you, or wants to take you to places but isn't sure on where."
"Please tell me you suggested a bar."
"Oh, I did." Jeb laughed softly.
"Good boy." Dallas smirked. "Know me too well and I've only lived with you for two months. That's way more than what Audie did..."
"Well... Unlike the Auditor, I actually care a bit." He smiled at Dallas, who chuckled and punched his shoulder lightly. "Don't get chummy on me, ya baldin' bastard."
The two men laughed quietly and sighed happily.
"But... Really, just... Thank you. For everything. I know I've been a huge pain in the ass lately and I'm sorry."
"Ah, it's fine... I kinda noticed you weren't feeling emotionally well. And uh, after what happened 2 months ago, I can understand your pain."
"Well... Thanks for puttin' up with me." They wrapped an arm around Jeb, hugging him close. He wiped a final tear from his right eye, smiling weakly.
"But of course... And hey."
Dallas looked at Jeb as he put a hand on his back.
"I'm here if you need to vent. I know what losing a loved one feels like. Not an abusive one, but a lost loved one nonetheless. You know I will do whatever I can to help."
Dallas chuckled softly. "Y-Yeah man... I get it... Alright, I'm... I'm gonna go help the two dumbasses I love... Thanks again, Jeb..."
Dallas moved Jeb's head close, kissing his cheek. He then got up and went downstairs.
Jeb smiled softly and took the tray off the nightstand, eating what was left on it.
It finally felt like Dallas had someone he could trust.
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