#i’m not jealous why are these emotions coming up out of nowhere
miley1442111 · 3 months
needing you- r.cameron
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a/n: saw an edit of him today and decided i had to write something for him. the buzzcut is just too good, i might do a part two if I'm bothered....
summary: rafe makes some awful choices, stemming from his need for you during a hard day.
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
warnings: hurt/ angst, breaking up, fighting, shouting, mentions of rafe's addictions, mentions of al-anon, mentions of break downs and bad mental health in general, kissing, no happy ending :(
Rafe was pissed, rightfully so. He was so angry, and he knew he shouldn’t talk to you, not even be near to you, but he had nowhere else to go. Surely his girlfriend would welcome him with open arms, right?
He knocked on the front door of your house, only to be met with the confused face of your father.
“She went out on the water with some friends, she left her phone at home, sorry.”
It’s fine. He would just have to wait to see you. He thanked your father and set on his way to John B’s place, waiting out by the dock for you to come back. He would just have to wait the 4 long hours it took for you to get back to land. See, you were a mix of a kook and a pogue, but most of the time, leaned towards full-pogue. This was something Rafe usually admired, considering you took no shit from him, or anyone else, and you didn’t let anyone put you down for your friends and how you presented yourself. What he hated right now though, was the fact that Jj Maybank’s arm was resting firmly on your shoulder, as you 5 came back from your strenuous day of swimming and leisurely fun. Strike one before Rafe lost his shit. 
“Rafe,” Kiera scoffed. “Y/n, your man-child boyfriend is here!” She shouted back to you. Strike two, before Rafe lost his shit.  You nodded, but made no attempt to come up to him, still entirely engrossed in Jj’s story. You two were best friends, you knew everything about each other- don’t be a jealous asshole Rafe. He reminded himself as he bit his nails, waiting for you to come over. He watched as your face lit up with a beautiful smile as Jj’s story concluded, in a very ridiculous manner. Rafe didn’t make you laugh like that. He couldn’t, he wasn’t funny. He knew he wasn’t funny. Should he try to be more funny? 
Jj pressed a kiss to your cheek and waved you off as you walked over to Rafe. Strike motherfucking three. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck as you pressed a soft kiss to his jaw. His skin was hot and tanned, more than usual. 
“Were you waiting long?” You asked, looking up at him. 
“4 hours,” he punctuated every syllable. Your face fell, he was pissed, and he was trying to hide it. 
“Did we have a hangout scheduled? I’m so sorry baby,” you apologised immediately, and Rafe almost felt like pretending it wasn’t true, but he just nodded. 
“No, we didn’t,” he swallowed harshly, taking your hand and leading you to his truck.
Your face turned to confusion. “So what’s this about then? Why did you wait for 4 hours?”
“Because I needed to see you,” he explained as tears welled up in his eyes. Rafe Cameron was not a man for emotions in public, even around his most trusted confidants. But he trusted you implicitly and knew you’d never tell a single soul about his emotions, so he showed them around you.
Today, in all honesty, had been awful for him. The second he woke up, rose was screaming at him for something he didn’t do, something about his dirtbike making a mess on the lawn (he hadn’t used his dirtbike in months, not since you said you’d rather walk home than go on it, since it makes you slightly nervous), then he got in a fight with Ward over him ‘not spending enough time working for the company’, which sent him into a spiral, and resisting his urges to just go get high and drunk and forget all about it were even more difficult to manage than usual. 
It was shit. And he needed you. 
You stopped walking and pulled him into you, noticing the wobble in his voice as he spoke. “What’s wrong baby?”
“Nothing is fucking wrong,” he groaned, wiping his face. “Well, apart from the fact that my girlfriend was too busy with her fucking pogue 'boyfriend' to be around today! Or maybe it’s the fact that you’re never there for me?! Or maybe I just fucking hate you!” 
You stood and stared at him in shock. “If you hate me so much, just break up with me,” you sighed, your own tears welling up as you crossed your arms over your chest, staring at the ground as the moonlight lit this awful moment. 
Every night when you’d sneak out just because Rafe needed you there to talk to and hold him, to be there for him, it all meant nothing. Every time you left your friends, or family, just so you could calm him down because he was having a panic attack, or bad cravings. Every time you pushed him to go to the Al-Anon meeting and picked him up after, then held him as he cried in your arms in the car, whispering about how he ‘didn’t deserve you’. 
Where was that boy now?
He was in front of you, screaming in your face. 
“Maybe I am!” He shouted. “Yeah, we’re done!” 
You wiped a tear away and sighed. “Alright,” walking back to John B’s to be with your friends. 
It all hit Rafe the next morning. He had broken up with you. You were out of his life. You weren’t his girlfriend anymore. 
What the fuck had he done?
He dialled your number, only to get no response. He checked your house, John B’s house, your work, your school (even though it was a Saturday), and even decided to check Jj’s house, just in case. 
Knock, knock, knock.
Jj opened the door to see a very flustered and surprisingly distraught Rafe. 
“Is she here?” he asked. “Y/n, is she here?”
“Yeah,” Jj shrugged. “But she doesn’t really want any visitors right now, y’know. The girl needs her beauty sleep.”
“I need my beauty sleep Rafe,” you chuckled as his hands roamed your body. God, you were so perfect right here. Here, in his bed, his bed sheet draped over you, the sunset spilling in from the window. You were so perfect, so beautiful in that moment. He’d wanted to make it a memory he’d never forget. 
“You’re beautiful all the time,” he whispered, pressing soft kisses to your collarbone, just to feel the goosebumps start to form.
“When I get the proper amount of sleep,” you corrected him, humour lacing your words. 
“Nah,” he pressed a kiss to your lips. “You look beautiful all the time, trust me, I’m an expert.”
“In beauty?”
“In you.”
“Please just let me talk to her-”
“No can-do bucko,” Jj smirked. “She’s busy sleeping, don’t want to wake the beast.”
“Jj, I swear to fucking god-”
“Don’t talk to him like that,” you sighed from behind the door. “Jj doesn’t deserve that.”
“Thank you sweetheart,” Jj smiled. Sweetheart. Rafe had always hated that Jj called you sweetheart. 
“Can we talk?” Rafe cleared his throat. 
And there you were, looking as gorgeous as ever, still in pyjamas, but still flipping his entire world on its head. 
“I’ll leave you to it,” Jj sighed and pottered off back into the house. 
There was silence for a few minutes. 
“What do you want?” you huffed. 
Rafe didn’t exactly have an answer for that.
obx masterlist :) <- part two :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games, challengers :)
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lleldey · 1 year
The Deepest Marks of Essence
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Description: When you found yourself circled by a tribe, you never thought it would lead you to tap into your deepest wants and desires. You are the oldest child, the example of how one should act at all costs, but if you ever manage to escape this maze and if your story ever becomes told, you’ll never be looked at the same. But it’s hard to regret it when your nights are spent with gentle caresses and starry midnight skies. You got everything you secretly longed for, but at what cost? 
Warnings: a tribe, use of weapons, yelling, mentions of wounds-blood, JK is a yandere, mentions of people dying/killing, smut, use of  psychedelics, if I missed any, please give me a shout!
Word Count: ~18.7k
A/N: Ha, this is a logner one, but I hope you enjoy it, also it’s not proofread (yet) ! ; it’s centred on world-building and MC’s emotions/feelings, so, friendly suggestion, I’d say feel it through, even if it takes a bit longer, that way it will make more sense :)
!In no way of shape and form do I think this is how Jungkook acts in real life, this is pure work of fiction, so if you choose to read it, please keep that in mind! 
“Remind me, why do I ever listen to your crazy ideas?” you huff and shoot daggers to your way too happy brother. Spending vacation in midst of a jungle was never your idea, but your brother kept nagging you, and you’re sure no one would be able to refuse his big, puppy-dog, begging eyes.
“Because you love me,” he cheekily sends you a wink, “and also, this is fun!” he happily throws his hands in the air, “Listen to the nature, feel the breeze, the fresh air.” He dreamily closes his eyes, all while you’re close to throwing a rock at him.
You’re tired, the backpack keeps digging in your shoulders, there’s a small rock in your sneakers, and mosquitos keep biting your sweaty skin. You keep reminding yourself the hike will soon be over, judging by the markers on trees you’ll be happily back in the comfort of your car in an hour.
Taehyung opens one eye, and disapprovingly shakes his head, “You’re no fun,” slightly offended you shoot back, “And you need to find friends, this is the last time you’ll ever get me to do this.” High pitched buzz nears your ear, and you unhappily swat another mosquito.
“Jesus’, Bee, look how tense you are. Perhaps I need more friends, but you surely need a boyfriend,” annoyed, by both his words, and the overused childish nickname, you roll your eyes, looking at your younger brother unimpressed, “Or perhaps a one-night stand?” he presses his lips, holding in his laughter all while you slap his neck traumatized by the change in topic.
You’d like to keep your love life solely to yourself, and as far away from your brother’s praying eyes as possible. You refuse to acknowledge the hidden truth in his words, always being a bit jealous of his lifestyle; loving with no strings attached, diving into the moment, and letting one’s mind free. Something that you, the oldest child, and a woman, cannot afford to do.
But that’s your secret to keep, sure that if he ever got to know of it, he’d never let it go. Silently, you follow his lead while he giggles in front of you. “You’re missing the beauty of life, open your eyes and be free” he exaggeratedly points, and you stare at him, wondering if he managed to get stoned while you were busy fighting mosquitos.
You open your mouth ready to reply, but your words catch in your throat, as you come across a lookout, trees clearing a patch to see the beauty of the jungle; treetops swaying in the wind, mountainy greenery shining in the warmth of the sun.
Taehyung whistles besides you, both of you stunned from the beauty in front, “Take a picture of me,” he hits your arm, all while not taking his gaze from the scenery. You grab your phone while he runs closer to the edge to pose.
“I’m not sure if this is the best way to spend battery in the middle of nowhere,” you mumble and note how your phone is still out of service. When you look up, your breath shudders and you hiss, “Don’t stand so close to the cliff,” Tae only gives you a cheeky smile and poses while flexing his muscles. Apparently, you’re the only whose been taking notes of the warning signs all around.
“Aw, is my big sissy worried about me?” he coos, and you roll your eyes while clicking the photo. You go to check the gallery, but his cocky words make you look up, “See, it’s safe,” he takes a step closer to the edge, and your previously stiff shoulders go rock hard.
It’s a matter of a second, he looks over the edge of the mountain, and in a blink of an eye, he trips and the ground beneath his feet crumbles. You don’t even manage to scream, one second, he’s looking how steep the slope is, and the next he’s falling.
Your body moves on its own accord, and you lay pressed to the ground, looking over the edge trying to find him. Panic leads your body, and without a single doubt in your mind you run alongside the edge, trying to find a place to rush down the mountain.
Branches cut your skin, but you don’t stop and run down the steep hill, calling his name, hoping to god he’s all right. Your feet fail you, and your body goes tumbling down the hill, stopping only when you crash into a tree.
You groan at the impact, and press your hand against your head, curling in due to the pain. Your palm is stained with blood, and you feel dizzy when you try to get up, pressing most of your body weight against the tree.
“Tae?” panicked, your voice breaks and lips tremble. All you see is greenery all around you, hopelessness seeps under your skin, and you realize – you’re all alone, hurt, and in the middle of nowhere.
Hanging onto the last bit of sanity, you fish out your phone, and sigh in relief when it turns on, only screen suffering the impact of your fall. But your relief is short lived, there’s still no zone. You look back up the slope, the trees stretch across the horizon, and you know there’s not a chance you’re leaving your little brother behind, you have to find him.
Perhaps it’s the adrenaline, but you don’t feel pain, only discomfort as you keep wandering the jungle. “Tae, where are you?” you shout as loudly as you can, hoping against all odds he’s conscious.
There must be an angel guiding you, as you swear you hear something down the hill. Doing your best to speed up your steps, you rush towards the sound, looking all around to make sure you don’t miss him lying somewhere.
The first thing you see, is a bruised hand reaching up to grab a branch, and once you hear your name echoing with the wind, relief floods your system and you run towards him, not caring if you fall.
“Oh my god, Tae!” you fall in his embrace, ignoring how he grunts when you throw yourself in his arms. “Thank you, thank you, thank you for being alive,” you press his cheeks together and search for injuries on his body.
That seems to be an easier task than to find none – his clothes are fully teared up, skin dirtied in mud, and blood seeping from his skin, but once you detect that there’s only nonlife-threatening injuries to the eye, your relief turns to rage.
“What the hell were you thinking,” you shoot him daggers, and hit his chest, “You’re a complete idiot!” he doesn’t fight your attacks, only presses his head against the tree trunk.
“What are we supposed to do now?” His trembling voice awakens you, and you press your lips together, “Can you walk?” he winces once he puts weight on his leg, which on further inspection looks in an unnatural position. His hiss tells you as much, but you help him stand up, no other option running through your mind, you’re not about to leave him here.
You wrap your arms around his body, and help him take a step forwards, “This is pointless, you don’t even know where we’re supposed to go,” he hisses with a labored breath. You choose to ignore his statement, praying that there’s another group of idiots wandering the jungle.
Soon you’re dripping in sweat, carrying most of his body weight; ignoring your own pain turns out harder than you hoped it would be. You don’t take your eyes off of the sky, it being your only source of solace, but when it starts to turn darker and Tae keeps grunting in your ear, you finally decide to stop.
Carefully, you rest him against a tree and grab your phone hoping that the signal might appear. But when the bar is still the same, you turn to Tae asking for his phone, “Lost it, when I fell.”
You try to keep yourself together, be the responsible one to whom everyone turns for help, but truthfully, you’re close to falling apart. You’ve been stumbling in wilderness for too long, and you’re painfully aware that the time is closing in on you.
In matter of minutes, you’ll be the prey for darkness, and as beautiful as the jungle is, it’s also home for predators waiting to sink their teeth in your skin. With every scrunch of a leaf, you search for the hidden animals, praying, that this isn’t the way you go. And if it is, you swear, you’ll haunt your brother till the end of times.
You open your barely standing backpack, and throw a protein bar at him, if you know one thing, you’ll need strength to survive this night. You’ve no sense of direction, hopelessly stumbling near the hill, hoping there’s a way to go up.
Tae starts to refuse the snack you’ve thrown, but one dark glare thrown his way shuts him up; he understands this situation is his fault, and now is not the time to cross his older sister. You rest your head against the tree, and try to gather strength to carry on, but at this point, even the birds have silenced their chirps, no sense of life surrounding you.
But when all hope seemed to be extinguished, a thud, like a stone being thrown, sounded behind you, and not even a second later a swarm of birds flew over your head. Both of you freeze, and you train your ears to the direction of the sound, wondering if an animal has already noted you as their prey, or perhaps~
Dare you even wish, is that a person?
You look backwards and try to see anything from the depths of trees, and you swear you heard soft whispers. Your body surges with a newfound sense of survival, and you quickly turn to Taehyung, “I think I heard someone,” He skeptically looks over your shoulder, and you follow his gaze, trying to hear something more.
Silence welcomes you, no words heard, but still hanging onto the last bid of hope, you convince yourself that every branch break comes from someone. Quickly, you turn to him once more, and shove your backpack in his arms.
“There’s someone there, wait for me here,” but he grabs your hand and looks at you as if you’ve lost your mind, “That could be an animal, don’t.” but you shake your head, even if it is an animal, you’d rather die trying.
“But what if it’s not?” he stops and stares reluctant, “Here, take this,” you press your phone in his hands, he furiously shakes his head and desperately tries to catch your gaze, “Just in case. Wait here, I’ll come back.” You promise, but you’re not sure if that’s one, you’ll be able to hold.
You might be walking into a den of a predator, but that’s a chance you’re willing to take. Before you submit to your fate, you embrace your brother and hold him close, hoping that the angel looking after you, will not leave you this time around.
Squaring your shoulders, you turn to where the sound came from and carefully go towards it, quietly enough to hear if it comes around once more. You’re clumsy with your steps, half dragging your legs, but the further you go, the more on edge you feel, every little sound feeling like an upcoming attack.
Just when you’re about to turn around, you hear it~
Adrenaline courses through your system and you close to run towards the sound, perhaps if you were less desperate you would have waited, listened more, and checked if there’s no danger, after all, you are a woman estranged in depths of nowhere.
But once you see shadows of people, you can’t help but scream as loud as possible, only thought running through your mind – you’re saved.
The group of people stop, and alarmed turn towards you, shouting something back, but you’re too elated on seeing a live soul, that you don’t stop to overthink that’s not a language you recognize, and even less so the clothes they wear.
“Help! You have to help me!” breathless you cry out, all while stumbling closer to them, “My brother, he’s injured! We got lost, please help us,” their shouts only increase, but you run closer, deaf to their aggressive tones.
You stop only when the first spear lands near your legs.
Alarmed, you look up, and take in the situation you unknowingly put yourself into. Around fifteen men circle you, their hands threateningly hold up weapons aimed at you, faces stoic and lips shouting words you cannot comprehend.
Your knees tremble once you realize the danger, and slowly you put your hands in the air, flinching at every shout directed at you. With shaky eyes, you look over every man circling you, but the weapons facing you only make you shrink in on yourself further.
The words they shout are foreign, and one look at their clothes makes you realize just what you’ve stumbled upon. Looks like your angel has truly left you estranged, as you’ve stumbled up on the deadliest pack of predators you could’ve.
A tribe, a group of wild, uncontrolled individuals that live by their own rules and fears. A group of individuals who see you as a treat. Your knowledge of them is sparse, but one thing you do know – keep away from them at all costs, and if you ever stumble up on them – run.
But running isn’t an option now, no matter the situation you're in, you know you won't get through the night without their help. That is, if they let you take as much as a step towards them, before they pierce you with their bows and spears.
Your hands tremble in fright, and you assess the group around you; they point their weapons at you, not a single ounce of sympathy present, just blind rage and fear. Slowly they start enclosing in on you, alarmed you turn your head in all directions, till your sight lands on a man right before you, not shooting daggers at you, or even more so – not holding any weapons. Just looking at you with scrutinizing eyes.
With hands still in the air, you don’t break eye contact with the man, and quietly start all over again, “My brother is hurt. And we need help.” You keep your voice calm, even though every nerve in your body is working overtime. But your voice doesn’t calm the situation at hand, from your peripheral vision you see someone jumping closer to you, pushing their dagger dangerously close to your skin, probably trying to scare you away.  
You close your eyes, and repeat what you’ve already said, hoping that the language is easy enough for them to understand. But as much as you’d like it to be true, you doubt they understand single word coming out of your mouth, their shouts continue to increase, even after you quieten your voice.
Desperately you lock your gaze with the man in front, his eyes burn your skin, but he’s the only one who doesn’t shout or threaten you; “Please” you whisper, overwhelmed, your eyes fill with tears.
He doesn’t move, only carefully observes you; he scans your trembling body, the longer he looks, the more his eyebrows furrow, and with each passing second you feel as though your last hope is dying out. Before he manages to join the rest in their hatred towards you, you overstep every violent shout of common sense, and quickly step closer to him.
The yells all around you increase to a deafening volume, and you see how the man in front of you freezes in caution. Perhaps you should back away and leave the terrified group alone, but the fear of your brother being hurt combined with you both being tired and lost only serves to increase your growing panic, all sensibility lost – your body driven by impulse.
You don’t know what you were thinking, wouldn’t be surprised if you weren’t thinking at all, but in a matter of second, you grab his hand, and hold it tightly in your arms.
If beforehand your every movement caused a burst of shouts and energy, now it turned deathly silent. His muscles contract under your touch, but you don’t let him pull away, rather bring his hand closer, intertwined with your own, over your heart.
Your actions bring panic back to life, but before they manage to grab you, the man in front of you raises his other hand, and as if following a silent command, everyone stops their movements. He doesn’t break your eye contact, and you’re sure, if not for his authority, you would’ve been a goner.
“Hurt,” you softly whisper, but his eyes continue to search yours, so you try again, and bring your intertwined hands to your forehead, where the bleeding gush from the fall marks your skin, “Hurt.”
A flash of understanding lights his eyes; you see it in his face, he recognizes what you’re saying, and against your better judgment, hope slowly starts to return. You move to point backwards where Tae awaits you, but all it takes is for you to break eye contact, for his hold to tighten around your hand.
Alarmed you turn back, painfully aware now is not the time to scare-off the only person who seems willing to listen. “Hurt” you point backwards, his eyes follow where you’ve pointed, but he doesn’t move, his gaze simply returns to yours, as if awaiting your next movement.
“Help,” you point behind you, but he seems satisfied staying where you’re at now. His hand goes to smooth down your, surely, nest of a hair, with slight intrigue enjoying the smooth texture.
He doesn’t seem bothered by your presence, taking his time, and exploring your features; but the longer you spend under his analyzing gaze, the darker it gets, and the alarming thoughts of your brother being unarmed and under natures free will leaves you antsy.
You don’t want to come off as rude, and scare them once more, but his touch feels more and more patronizing – you, standing here, in relative safety, all while Tae’s probably going out of his mind, scared for both you, and the prawning predators waiting for their shot.
“There,” you try again, antsy of the ignorance your disheveled state brings them, “Help, there.” You point to where Tae awaits you, and try to catch the domineering mans attention, but it turns out to be a harder task than initially anticipated.
He looks utterly content, but your older sister’s gene kicks in, and you pull his hand towards you while stepping back, “Help.”, more determent you repeat. From your peripheral vision you see the man all around you anxiously move, but you don’t break your gaze from the man in front of you, having a sense that this is a test of ones will.
He sees you’re not backing down, and once you take another cautious yet determined step backwards, he sighs and tilts his head as if overthinking his decision. He doesn’t seem frightened, or angry, rather annoyed.
For the first time you hear him speak, and you’d be willing to do close to anything to understand what exactly the words are falling from his lips. But judging by everyone’s lost facial expressions, it’s not something they want to hear.
You watch how one of them huffs and says something back, but the unresponsive and domineering look the man in front of you shoots him makes him lower his head and stop what he was saying awfully quick, almost as if in submission.
One thing for sure, the man whose hand you’ve grabbed holds some sort of authority; you’re quick to gather the inner pieces of the tribe’s dynamic, and thankfully you’ve managed to acquire some sort of bond with the one who holds the power. But limelight brings its own shadow, and you realize that one misstep or act of disrespect, and a ‘yes’ from the man in front, for your head to hang on their spears.
His domineering gaze doesn’t reach you, when he turns his head, relaxed he nods, and that’s enough of an approval for you to turn around and lead them back to your brother. Your mind drowns in tsunami, trees blend together, and you hope this is the right path you came from.
Your legs are wobbly, whether it’s due to exhaustion or the fall you don’t know, but you do note how quiet their footsteps are, barely even heard, whereas you’re stumbling through every branch, the mysterious man’s hands coming into clutch every now and then, when gravity seems lost on your body, and you’re about to facepalm the dirt.
The further you go, the more panicked you become, the walk didn’t seem so long when you first came, and your throat hurts in agony of you silencing your screams in search of your brother, remembering how raised voices frightened the group of dubious men.
Unknowingly, you’ve grabbed the mans hand iron tight, it being your only source of groundedness. You feel his body becoming more tense the closer to the cliff you go, they probably don’t wonder so far off, possibility of meeting other people too big of a threat.
You search for your brother through the dense woods, praying he’s somewhere around; you wouldn’t put it past yourself to be going in the wrong direction all together, greenery all around too confusing and similar for any sense of direction, your only hope being broken branches every now and then.
You stop in your footsteps once you hear a new sound in the overall quietness, something akin to a person groaning. Your heart beats violently in your chest, and everyone stops all around you, painfully alert to any possible danger.
But when you hear your name being whimpered by no one else but your brother, you don’t stop to overthink and drop the man’s hand, shouting after Tae and run forwards. Adrenaline over washes any pain – something you’ll worry about tomorrow – your shouts for your brother increase and your speed increases once you think you see his t-shirt shining in between trees.
But you don’t get any further, a strong force pushes you back into a hard chest, and you find yourself caged in the arms of the unknown male. You turn your head to him, and desperately point to where your brother’s voice is coming from and press “Help”, but all you’re met with is his heavy breathing, probably from chasing after you, and domineering gaze that requires obedience.
Tae stumbles fully into your sight, he was probably worried sick about you, and tried searching you; you see how his body freezes and he fearfully takes the sight in of men standing in ready-to-attack stances pointing their weapons at him.
Your last remnant of control breaks once Tae’s voice cracks as he close to whispers your name in fear, and no matter how strong or willed the man caging you is – he’s no match for a desperate woman.
You trash in his hold and scratch his skin, till you find one millisecond of his guard down for you to detach from his arms and run to your brother. You’ve no clue what Tae sees behind you, but he stumbles back in between all shouts and falls in dirt.
Exhausted yet relieved you drop to your knees and grab his face in your palms, “They will help you, please don’t fight it,” quickly you rumble, fearful the man will grab you away from your brother once more, “That’s a tribe” Tae looks terrified, a feeling you can much relate to, but the relief of him being alive and in your arms is too strong, and your eyes overflow with tears and you hug him close to your body, “Thank god you’re alright” you cry out in his shoulder.
To no surprise, a hand grabs the back of your jersey, and pulls you apart from Tae. Your teary gaze is met with the mans domineering one, and you practically feel fumes coming out of his ears when he firmly positions you behind his back.
He holds your waist with one arm, and in the other his spear, you can’t control your tears, probably due to the exhaustion and fear the last hours brought you. You’re pressed so close to his back you’re sure he feels your tears on his skin, and only when he says something to the men waiting for his command, do you realize how tall all of them are.
You try to look over his shoulder to see what’s happening, but you notice only small glimpses of Tae being surrounded by men and how he tries to scoot back. “Tae, don’t! They’ll help you” your voice wavers, you’re not sure of their intentions, but you have to hope that they will help. He stops struggling, and lets the men enclose him to look at his injuries.
Your head is stumped with all the emotions, and when the hand around your waste detaches to point something to the other men, you allow yourself to step back and sit against a tree trump, half-watching how their hands skim over your brothers’ legs to see whether he’s able to walk.
It’s a good minute of them looking over Tae’s injuries, you see one of them grab your backpack you threw in your brothers’ arms before searching for help, and thankfully Tae doesn’t fight them, and quickly gives whatever they ‘ask’ if you can even call it that. Fear hasn’t left his eyes, there’s still a chance they will take your stuff and leave you stranded, they didn’t seem happy of your presence - all you can do is hope.
You note how with such ease they open the backpack as if they do so regularly, perhaps they are a tribe, but dumb they are not, now looking at them you might even say they’re far more advanced than you are. Their clothes cover only their private parts, the closest thing to which you can relate it to is a leather skirt reaching up to their mid-thighs.
And yet, their bodies are resilient enough to withstand the cold and tropical weather. Wind doesn’t phase them, broad bodies standing firm and tall, whereas you’re sitting here, trembling – whether it’s from the wind or overload of emotions stays a secret.
You close your eyes in relief when you see them pick up your brother. Regardless of how hostile they were to you; they are not completely indifferent, or at least the man in control of them is. You open your eyes when you feel movement in front of you, only to be met by a hand reaching out.
When you look up, your gaze meets the man – the one to whom you’re probably indebted for the rest of your life. You take his hand in both of yours, but before he pulls you up, you say what you truly mean without breaking your gaze.
“Thank you.”
It’s a simple sentence that you’d look over regularly, but now, you put all of your soul into those two words – and you know he understands. Perhaps you don’t speak the same language, but at this exact moment you share the same truth and beat the same heart. The moment doesn’t last longer than a second, but his fingers tighten against yours and you feel the strings of an unspoken promise connecting you both.
But the moment passes as quickly as it came, you hear your brothers pained whimper and you whip your head towards the sound; you watch in slight intrigue and caution how the group of men carry him in their arms, one holding his shoulders, one his legs, and two his waist.
You don’t manage to utter a word before you’re pulled upwards, but when you balance your weight on both of your legs you hiss in pain and hold onto his arms. Now that the initial adrenaline slowly wears off, your own injuries from the fall have become visible.
The man whose name you still don’t know follows your gaze and quickly gathers the problem, you don’t have to say a single thing for him to drop his spear and bend down and inspect your foot; you see how he tries to be gentle, but on the slightest pressure on your ankle, you crumble forwards and balance on his shoulders.
“I’m so sorry” you quickly mumble in panic and straighten up, worried you’re overstepping any boundaries by touching him even if so by an accident, but he looks up and shoots you a gaze you could only describe as worried and apologetic.
There’s no time for you to react before he tuts and picks you up in his arms, the sudden movement leaving you breathless. But your alarmed facial expressions don’t phase him, and he simply starts moving forwards. You whip your head backwards to see the rest of the group following you, them carrying your brother close behind, at least some sort of reassurance filling you.
“Thank you, but you can put me down,” you turn back to the man carrying you, but you’re met with silence. “I can walk, it doesn’t hurt.” Lies, complete and utter lies. You feel your leg pulsate even without applying any pressure to it, but if you managed to walk beforehand, you should be able to do so now…right? Or is delusion truly taking over your brain?
The man holding you seems to agree, he doesn’t respond just gives you a look that screams ‘who are you trying to fool?’ that makes your shoulders drop and gaze lower in surrender. Your body is frigid, he surely feels it too, but your body is pressed so closely to his naked chest, that you swear you feel his heartbeat.
You try to keep yourself as far away as possible from his chest, but that seems to be pointless as he holds you closer when he steps over a fallen tree or ducks under a branch; you’re mortified, both from the understanding how much of a burden your presence has caused them, and also from the embarrassing intimacy the position brings you.
There is a reason why they were so scared of you, and yet they’ve overstepped it and most probably are bringing you to their shelter – their most sacred and protected space. You try to keep busy and memorize the way you’re going, after all you’ll need to follow the route tomorrow, but that seems to be harder than expected when there’s a living radiator engulfing you.
You try your best, you truly do, but your eyes betray you and your gaze falls on the arms carrying you; aside from the naked skin and natures shaped muscles you notice something else entirely. His skin is decorated in patterns, something similar to tattoos, just without ink, painting his skin in different designs. You don’t manage to explore it further, although your curiosity is spiked, as it seems he feels your wandering eyes and looks at you.
Embarrassed, you instantly avert your eyes, but you feel his gaze locking you in place. Couple of seconds pass before timidly you look up, but his gaze hasn’t moved, and your eyes meet; never before had you noticed how expressive one’s eyes are, the quiet dominance he possesses, and untold words shaping his eyes.
If you weren’t looking carefully, you would’ve missed it, but when he breaks eye contact, the corners of his lips slightly rise, almost as if he’s smug he caught you red-handed; the small detail makes you curl up even further, embarrassment too timid of a word to describe how you’re feeling.
You look up only when he starts speaking in his own tongue and slows down, and when you do, your breath is taken away. You’re not sure what you expected their shelter to look like, perhaps couple of sticks and a leaf roof; but now you’re looking at close to a small village.
Makeshift fence surrounds the self-made small houses, and from your vantage, you can’t see the end of it. People gather and cheer once they see their men returning, happy faces and children running up to greet them by the fence, but once they notice you in, as you guess, their leaders arms their cheers are overturned by worried looks and murmuring.
You watch in astonishment, not sure how the tribe has not yet been put on maps and history books, this surely is never before seen. The sparse knowledge you’ve of tribes say they consist of small numbers of people, all barely surviving the harsh ways of nature; but if you weren’t aware that you’re going into a tribe’s space, you would’ve easily mistaken it for a distant village from society.
You notice how the man carrying you moves carefully, almost as if following a pattern, avoiding certain potholes and paths. He oversteps barely visible strings, and you wonder whether that’s a trap to catch any dangerous animals threatening their home. You look over his shoulder and see the rest of the group following him in a stretched line, being just as careful as he is. It does leave you wondering, feeling as though you’re walking through a minefield.
The makeshift gate opens, and not even a full step into their territory you’ve to fight your inner need to run; everyone’s eyes are on you, a mix of fear and intrigue greeting you. You feel as though you’re a rare artifact ready to examen. More people gather, their shushed murmurs travelling with wind, and guilt bubbles in your chest knowing you’ve disturbed their reality once you notice how mothers protectively guide their children behind them.
Their gazes sweep up to the man carrying you, as if searching for some sort of consolation, and your previous hunch comes into fruition – he does hold some sort of respect within the group. Is it wrong to say you find some sort of comfort knowing the one they look up to is the one who protected you; suddenly his boundary overstepping touch doesn’t feel unwelcoming. You’ve a feeling as long as he stays on your side, you’ll be fine.
He carries you to what seems like a gathering place just before the fence, and carefully lets you down on a makeshift bench before a bonfire. You’re cautious with your movements, not wanting to scare anyone even more, but you instantly look around for your brother, slightly relaxing when he’s seated near you.
The man holds up a finger bringing your attention back to him, signaling for you to wait. Your gaze quickly goes back to your brother, who instantly meets your gaze with a concerned one, and uncomfortably you shift and point to him, “I’ll go to him if that’s alright.”
It’s pointless to expect any sort of a response from him, but he narrows his eyes and after couple of seconds of him unmoving, you testingly shift closer to Tae, all while watching his reaction. He doesn’t react, only slightly purses his lips. You feel his gaze on you, as if he’s analyzing your movements and your connection with Tae, but when you reach him, the man turns back to his people and addresses them. You take that as your que.
“I need you to stay calm, Tae-” but he doesn’t let you finish, “Stay calm?! We’re in middle of nowhere with people who might as well kill us!” you shush him and look around to check if somebody heard you; even if you don’t speak the same tongue, you know the man understood at least some words you had said.
As if it was confirmed, you notice how the man who saved you shoots you a look. “As of now, they haven’t done anything wrong,” you turn back to Tae, choosing to withhold how you were almost killed when they first saw you. “I promise, we’ll leave first thing tomorrow, but for now, do as they say and keep quiet.”
You take his hands into your own, holding onto the last bit of normalcy. He’s here, you’re both alive, you’ll be alright. “How do you feel?” after a moment you ask, his injuries don’t look too good, his skin is bruised, and if the men deemed it necessary to carry him, it can’t be good.
“Have felt better.” His dismissive tone tells you enough, and you squeeze his hand tighter, feeling extremely useless, not having a clue how you can help him. “I’m more worried about him.” Curious you look where he nods his head and see the leader stealing looks your way every now and then when his people speak.
“He’s not taking his eyes off of us.” He purses his lips in thought, “Or rather, you. I can’t forget how he looked at me in the forest, I thought he was going to kill me when you ran up to me.” You ponder over his words, you noticed how Tae fell back in fright when you approached him, but it does make sense for them to be cautious.
“Bee, I don’t think we should stay here. I don’t have a good feeling.” you try to shush him in vain, your dismissal only spurges him on, “I know this is my fault, I should’ve overthought it when I saw warnings of dangerous habitats and rumors of people going missing. But this was said to be one of the most beautiful hiking spots, so I-”
That is news to you, never before had he mentioned it to you, and you want to pry further, but one worried look thrown to the tribe and you see them already finishing their talk, people moving in different directions and the leader coming your way.
“You’ll tell me tomorrow-” but he interrupts in an exasperated manner, “We can’t stay here!” you glance at the leader and how he stops near you, far enough to not be seen if you wouldn’t be looking, but close enough to hear.
“Listen to me, we’re good.” Rushed, you grab his cheeks and strongly whisper, “We need the shelter, and they’ve been good to us. I’ll protect you.” His eyes fill with tears, and your heart squeezes seeing your brother so vulnerable, both from the injuries and fear.
You hug him and massage his back, trying to give some sort of support. You’re just as terrified as he is, but right now you have to be strong; the pressure of being the oldest child falling on your shoulders, the one responsibility you’ll never manage to evade, no matter the hardships you go through.
You notice people gathering around you, distant enough for their safety, yet close enough for you to feel enclosed. You slowly detach from Tae and get startled when you notice how the leader is standing right in front of you; it’s nerve-wracking how quiet their steps are.
A woman comes up to him, holding some sort of ceramic bowl in her hands. She’s careful holding it, and you notice she’s doing her best to not spill the liquid inside. Nerves creep back into your system when the leader grabs your hands, and helps you stand up, thus separating you from your brother.
You timidly watch how the woman hands him the bowl and he nods his head in gratitude, the exchange only further showing the respect woven within their group. He presses the bowl to your lips, and your back straightens, all caution signals awakened in your body.
The brownish-green liquid touches your lips and alarmed you back away biting back a whimper when you put your weight on your hurt leg and fearfully ask, “What is that?”. For all you know, it could be poison, Taes previous words still travel through your mind of how people have disappeared.
He doesn’t answer, just raises one eyebrow in a challenging manner. You’ve a bad suspicion you don’t have a choice in the matter, and you know for a fact disrespecting their leader would be the end of you, especially when they show such high regards to him.
And yet, you don’t know their ulterior motives. You hear Taehyungs worried voice calling you, and you know, if you refuse, you’ll put both of you in danger. “I’m fine, don’t worry.” You try your best to sound convincing, but your voice wavers, and you have to gulp down your fears and hope, hope that these people have a sense of empathy for you.
He steps forward and presses the bowl once more to your lips, and you meet his gaze with your shaky eyes and surrendered ask, “If I drink it, he won’t have to, right?”. His eyes narrow in something you can only describe as mix of annoyance and confusion; he tilts the bowl forwards and you’re met with the bitter liquid.
You try to pull away, but he tilts your head higher, and you’re forced to drink the acrid liquid, your eyes water; only when the bowl is empty, he lets you go, and you fall into uncontrollable coughs. The unpleasant taste overpowering any other sense.
Still coughing, you turn to Tae, only to see him drinking the same liquid with a disgusted expression. The taste seems worse when you don’t know what exactly it is you’re drinking. Only when Tae has finished his drink, the group of people backs up with nods of approval and seem to fall back into their daily regime.
“What was that?” he coughs when you sit beside him, but you ignore his question being lost yourself, “Do you feel any different?” you try to focus your gaze and work out what the liquid was. You’re not in any extra pain, and you’re breathing fine, you doubt it was poison.
“Not really.” He shrugs his shoulders, and you fall into silence, overthinking what just happened. Was he testing you? Is it some sort of medicine? Your mind threatened to burst from all the thoughts running through it, a migraine impending, but then, as if in a snap of a finger your mind became quiet.
A sense or serenity washes over you, where everything seems less important than it is. “Bee?” you hum back, “Those girls are reeeaally pretty.” His slurred speech makes you turn to him with a questioning gaze. He’s watching two women giggling to one another and shooting Tae inquisitive gazes.
“Are you okay?” you’re not sure how his mind can go there, when the only thing that’s on your mind is his well-being, but now even that thought seems buried somewhere far away. “Oh, I’m good.” He gives you a lopsided grin, and you let out a cackle in disbelief, you turn to the women and have to agree, they are beautiful, hair shining due to the ferocious bonfire, smiles gleaming and eyes full of mischief.
“Where are you going?” you grab his hand when he stands up, but he lightheartedly shrugs it off, “I wanna talk to them.” And just like that, he’s gone, you shout one last time whether he’s fine, after all, his skin is colored in deep purple shades, but with a slight limp he shouts not to worry.
You sit there, slightly offended of being left all alone; all you wish to do is hug your brother close and sleep off all the exhaustion, but apparently your minds work in different trajectories. Dejected you watch him going up to the two girls, his social-butterfly skills coming into play as you hear laughter coming from their way.
Your shoulders relax and you watch all around you for a place to rest your head, the wooden trunk bench hurting your back. You fixate on a tree behind you, but when you stand up, the effects of whatever you drank come full-force. Your mind can’t process the sudden movement, and you feel gravity calling your name as everything around you becomes blurry.
Stumbling, you fall against the tree and rest your head against it, head feeling dizzy; you close your eyes, focusing on breathing, but your mind is filled with pulsating waves. You don’t know how much times has passed, if you had to guess, a couple of minutes, but the presence of time is barely credible, in matter of a blink, nightfall has overtaken sky, and stars blind you.
You have to force your eyes to stay open, and when you do and try to focus on the environment around you, confusion overtakes your body; it felt like couple of minutes, but everything has changed.
Bonfire lights up everything in the near distance, people have gathered all around it, some playing home-made instruments, that you could only guess are something alike harmonicas, flutes, and drums in midst of those you don’t recognize. Benches are filled with people humming along and chitchatting. Upon further inspection, you’re sure that’s your brother sitting on a bench, trying to sing along to the unfamiliar tune and laughing with a group of girls encircling him.
You shake your head at your brothers’ doings, always been jealous of his ways of living, the way he’s capable of making connections with people he just met and enjoying every color and shade life gifts. But you’re at peace here, sitting behind them and overlooking their happiness from afar.
You’re completely relaxed and calm when a couple of unsteady feet run past you, tripping over a rock; you automatically reach your hands out and catch the little creature of happiness. Big, blue eyes gaze up at you, and your heart tugs at their adoring smile, small teeth showing through lips, probably just breaking out from gums.
“Are you okay?” you ask the small child in an amused tone, only for them to bite their fingers and giggle all while shaking their head. You realize your emotions are heightened when you’re close to crying when the little one squeezes your cheeks and babbles something that goes over your head.
The single interaction leaving you with heart fuller of love than the whole year prior, you let the child go and watch how the small beacon of light runs to a woman standing and overlooking you both with a smile on her face.
She picks him up and kisses his face as he smiles and tries to get away. You wonder why these people are so feared, when all you see is energy filled with love and happiness. You relish the warmth, not sure whether it’s due to the fire or the love and comfort filled atmosphere. Whichever it is, you relinquish in it, and find your body and mind more relaxed than ever. The feeling so sought for after all these years.
You smile when the woman holding her child comes up to you and sits down. Usually, your mind would be filled with anxiousness of how to interact with an unknown person, but now you just smile and tell her your name, completely lost of the fact she doesn’t understand a single word.
But she doesn’t have to, she grabs your hand and squeezes it tight, whole-heartedly welcoming your presence. She shoots you a smile, and right then and there you melt at the sight, her smile so warm and motherly you want to hide in her protective arms.
Your emotions come into play once more, and you feel yourself tearing up – from what you’ve no clue, but the amount of love and peace you feel is overwhelming. “Are you alright?” She laughs at your uncontrollable emotions, “I’m alright, please don’t mind me.” You wipe your tears and try to calm down, until a realization downs your mind. She spoke English.
Quickly you turn your head to her smiling frame, overjoyed of her knowing your language, completely missing the puzzle peace of how she could know English.
“You understand me! You speak English!” your elated expression makes her laugh linger; she shakes her head with a smile and pats the child’s blonde hair who very comfortably sits in her lap, “Little, our Jungookie knows best.” She points where the group has gathered, you follow her gaze to be met with the leader, finally gathering his name. He feels your gaze and instantly looks up, but you don’t waver, enthralled by the newfound information.  
If your mind was working clear, you would’ve been terrified by the knowledge, not only because of the missing information of how they know it, but also from overthinking what exactly have you spoken that could incriminate you. But it doesn’t. And you’re happy knowing you’ve found someone whose roots are entangled with yours.
“You’re amazing.” You look back to her with a gaze one could only describe as being love filled, but you truly are amazed by all of them, how strong and kind they are despite all life throws their way. The woman tuts, smile never leaving for a minute, you’re not bothered by how she looks at you as if you’re a child confessing their love, you simply enjoy this moment.
Weight falling into your lap overtakes your attention, and you watch how the little one snuggles in both of your laps and stretches his little arms. “Aren’t you a cutie?” you ask only for him to shoot you his brightest smile. You tickle the little skin that shows through his cloth, and watch overjoyed how he giggles and tries to scoot away from the ticklish sensation. You laugh as if you’re being tickled yourself, his happiness extremely contagious.
The woman says something in her language to the child, and you watch how he quickly nods his head and climbs in her lap, but not before he throws his entire weight on you and gives you a hug. You’re a complete stranger to the group, and yet they’ve managed to make you feel more welcomed than anyone before.
You’re enthralled by their ways of living, and you watch how gently the woman interacts with, presumably, her child, although you note how different they look to one another. You attention is piqued when she moves her clothes to what you assume is breastfeed the boy, you quickly move your head to others, ready to move in front of her to shield her from any nasty comments and dirty looks, but when you do, no one cares.
Some women around the fire breastfeed their children, and you’re confused by the lack of acknowledgment and uninterest showed by others. But then again, you guess that some behaviors are thought.
She hums in wonder when she notices your on-guard reaction, but you simply shake your head, lost in wonder of their ways. You don’t stop the incredulous laugh bubbling through your chest and sit back against the tree in disbelief of how differently the world works for you.
“Do you often go outside of your home?” You break the comfortable silence, the question bugging your mind ever since you saw her peoples terrified expressions. She looks confused at your question, and you point outside to the forest, not sure if she understands what you’re saying.
Realization dawns upon her, and she quickly shakes her head seemingly bothered by the change in topic, “No, no, no,” her movements become more agitated, and the little one detaches from her breast from the sudden movement, “There – bad,” she fixes the cloth like dress and points to the forest, “Very, very bad, we stay here – safe.”
The question clearly made her uncomfortable, if the frown on her lips is anything to go by, whether it’s bad memories or what, but the way her tone gets agitated and her hand gestures more animated makes you lean in and nod your head in faux understanding, completely lost to the fact you might be the one they’re so scared of.
“Men go there, food.” she points once again to the forest, shiver travelling up her spine, “We here, safe. Here good.” The woke of emotions makes her loose track of English, she spurts out some words you don’t recognize, but the way she emphasizes ‘here good’, makes you believe her, as if you understand each and every word.
It does make you think how it would be to live here, her confident and pressing tone leaves you wondering whether she’s right. You watch how the little one stands up on his wobbly feet, denying the urge within yourself to help him, and runs to the group of people sitting by the fire.
You’re curious when he stops by another woman, and she takes him in her arms without a single thought and showers him in kisses. You watch the interaction and wonder which of the two women is his mother, but then again – it’s their world, they don’t hold such strict rules like you do.
The woman besides you doesn’t care, just smiles at the interaction, and shakes her head. When she gets up to leave, a weird sense of remorse overtakes you, you wish to hold out your hand and ask her to stay, surprisingly, her presence brings you comfort, but you don’t.
But by the look on her face, she knows how you’re feeling, and she pats your hair in a motherly way, and says, “Not worry. You’re not alone. Am not the only who speak to you.” Your brows furrow trying to distinguish her words, and you follow her gaze to the group, and see the leader, or as you gathered, Jungkook, looking at you. He doesn’t look threatening, the joyous atmosphere making him look younger, but his unmoving gaze makes you feel small, not sure how long he’s been watching you.
You look back to her when she hums, “Sweetie, he watching you all night.” You acknowledge her smile, although the meaning of her words travels right past your ears, “I see you later.” And with the last pat to your hair, she’s gone. You hope you’ll see her later, even if it’s just before you leave, and with a childish gleam you smile knowing you’ve made a friend.
It’s hard to control your mind, as if the pulsating ideas and emotions bubble form previously suppressed parts within yourself. Parts you longed for, but never was able to meet. Suddenly everything seems sweet, the cruel ways of life unknown.
You watch in delight how relaxed everyone around you is, the way their bodies sway to music, how gently some man massages woman’s shoulders, how in such delight someone combs their fingers through a woman’s hair, you laugh noticing how a man giggles when children surround him jumping up and down asking to be picked up. Wherever you look, you’re filled with peaceful happiness.
In day-to-day life, you’d be waiting for the other shoe to drop, for the sweetness to rot and ask for a price for the moment of happiness, but even if it does, you’d be willing to do it again just to experience these couple of moments of untainted happiness.
You must look pitiful, sitting all alone, your eyes watering with unshed tears once again, but you don’t have the means within you to blame yourself. You realize it’s probably the drink you had that’s making the walls of your heart crumble, you should be worrying of how to leave this place early morning, or even analyze the possible danger you’re facing, but your mind feels at ease, heart crumbling to vulnerability and honesty. If the gates were to open and they’d ask you to leave right this instance, you’re sure, you’d be begging to stay.
“Hi,” you sniffle and look up where the voice comes from. You freeze when you realize the leader is standing right in front of you; somewhere in the depts of your mind you know you’ve to be on your best behavior, but the emotions have taken you deep within and you meekly greet him before wiping your tears.
If you were under normal circumstances, you’d be embarrassed of someone seeing you cry, but even though your emotions are hitting all time high, your mind is at ease, as if nothing in this world could make you worried.
His brows furrow seeing your distraught state, “Are you alright? Does your leg hurt?” you shake your head in dismissal, but he still bends down and gently presses his fingers against your ankle. Stunned, you watch his fingers massaging your leg; not long ago, you couldn't properly stand, so why does his touch feel welcoming and not hurtful?
“No…it doesn’t...?” dazed, you search his eyes for an answer, but all he does is smile at your pouty lips and confused expression, “That’s good, isn’t it?” his smile is comforting, and you nod your head lost of words to say.
“Why are you crying then? Are you scared?” his hands continue massaging your leg, and you don’t even flinch when he rips the ends of your jeans for more access to your skin. You sigh at how warm his touch feels, even though he’s dressed in less layers, his skin is burning in comparison to yours, “No, no,” you shake your head, and he tilts his head, giving you all of his attention, “You just look so peaceful.”
Your eyes keep wandering to the joyous group in front of you, a weird sense of longing fills your body. You miss the way he carefully analyzes your expression, mind lost in wonders of emotions, too focused on his gentle touch and warm atmosphere.
“It’s the drink, isn’t it?” you look back at him when he hums questioningly, “That’s making me feel this way? This weird calmness when everything is just so pretty?” if beforehand you thought his smile was beautiful, now you’re ready to drown in his pearly whites, watching in childish delight how his smile grows. You can’t stop yourself and lightly trace the dimple on his cheek his hand falling over yours.
“Partially,” He caresses your hand, and gently separates it from his cheek, “It shows your true emotions,” you close to melt when he pecks your hand before laying it in your lap, both of your hands entangled, “all the repressed thoughts, desires.”
You squeeze his hand, trying to stay focused on what he’s saying, but your attention drives to his eyes, noticing how his own pupils seem dilated, and you wonder whether he also drank the liquid. “Everything you’ve tried to hide.” His hands move to your knees and unconsciously your muscles tighten, the warm contact unexpected, yet desired.
“Could I-” you bite your lip, not sure whether you should ask, but the words push past all your peripheries; perhaps you’re too comfortable, but the way his eyes stay in a permanent smile and his steady gaze fixates on you, as if nothing else is important makes your mind feel at such ease, the words escape you before you manage to overthink them.
“Could I have some more, please?” even if you’ll regret those words when haze clears from your mind, selfishly, you don’t want this moment to end; his touch is gentle, and he caresses a stray strand of hair from your face, you watch how he nods his head all while a smile spreads across his face - it’s not malicious or devious, it’s comforting.
His presence is comforting. As if there’s no bad in the world – as if you can do no bad. “Of course, you can.” You can’t even pretend to feel guilty when his actions are so validating. Without any excuses or ridicule, he gets up and walks towards the group, where you notice a pot by the fire. Only now you see the cup being passed around the bonfire, gleaming flames and shining stars illuminates the free spirit of those around you.
You notice another previously missed detail – even though his hair reaches just above shoulders, a single braid, longer than his hair, graces down his back. You watch in wonder another sign of his culture, quickly realizing that no other man shares the same detail. You wonder whether it signifies his position within the tribe.
Even though most of the tribe members you’ve seen are on the younger side, an older male, probably no older than 50, sits by himself away from the fire. You watch in wonder the lone individual, wondering why he’s the only one keeping away from his people. But what catches your attention is the same braid that decorates Jungkooks hair, only his being twice as long.
He doesn’t seem bothered, every now and then he looks up from sharpening his spear, but his eyes scream sorrow when he gazes at the youngsters mingling, and you wonder what’s hiding behind his pain.
His sorrowful eyes awaken a need for you to comfort him, and you’re ready to go up to him, before your attention is cascaded back to Jungkook who returns to his previous spot, down on his knees between your legs, only now he’s holding a cup in his hands.
You quickly divert your attention back to him, the lonesome man forgotten, and with newfound excitement greet him, as if you haven’t seen him in days, although it was a couple of minutes at best, “Hi!” your smile is contagious as you see his own smile growing.
“Long time no see,” his pearly whites press against his lips when you giggle; you’re sure he could say whatever, funny or not, and you’d still be a giggling mess. He presses the cup in your hands, and you grimace at the smell.
“I realized I still don’t know your name,” he mutters as you take a sip of the drink, trying to hold back a cough. Shuddering from the taste you look at him, “Everyone calls me Bee,” his confused expression urges you for an explanation.
“You know, like the little insects with wings,” you flutter your hands imitating flying, “Why?” you take another sip and nonchalantly answer, “Always hard-working.”
You look down at the dark liquid with a grimace, completely missing the way his eyebrows scrunch and the scowl on his lips, “How is that going for you?”, the drink works its magic, and you spit out the first thing that comes into your mind while snickering, “Awful, but you know, strong independent woman.” You smile and show off your muscles.  
Your words may be harsh, but your mind blurs the meaning of them, as if you’re unable to keep anything behind closed lips and sweetened truth. “Would you like some?” you press the cup against his lips, mind flying all over the place.
Ones culture is an interesting concept, the action means nothing to you, but the way his eyes quickly zero-in on your face, puppy eyes searching whether you’re joking, must hold a deeper meaning.
He takes a sip of the drink, not breaking your eye contact. His eyes are shining in delight, from what exactly you’re not sure, but you do know one thing – whatever you just done must’ve meant something to him.
You close your eyes and feel the effects drown your mind in pulsating waves, every beat of the instruments playing in the background resonates in your body, your heart beats pressing in your chest, and all the exhaustion leaving your shoulders. You feel at peace, as if a comforting blanket is thrown over your body.
But the freer your body feels, the less in control of your actions you become. It should be terrifying, how fuzzy everything is, but you let it take control.
You feel his hand caressing your hair and hum in pleasure, “Why are you not afraid?” you slightly open your eyes and note how that feels like a task in itself, “Of what?” you tilt your head and gratefully accept the liquid when he presses the cup to your lips.
“Me.” He wipes the corners of your lips, curiosity shining in his eyes, you note how he seems more in control of his actions, whereas it’s hard for you to hold onto a single thought, “You could’ve hurt me if you wanted to, but instead you’ve taken care of me more than anyone before.”
“And if I’m being honest,” you giggle to yourself, “Even if you would hurt me now, I wouldn’t care, I’ve never felt so good.” He shakes his head at your words, “I’m not going to hurt you.” His tone is serious, and you can see he means his words when he puts down the drink and cups your cheeks.
It’s hard to focus on his words, and you know he’s doing his best to hold your attention, when he turns your head to meet his gaze, “You promise?” his brow arches at your challenging eyes. You hold up your pinky finger and giggle at his lost expression.
Unsure, he puts his pinky finger next to yours, and you wrap yours around his, “I’ll hold this promise till your dying breath, if you break it, you’ll be downgraded to a typical man, and trust me-” you beckon him closer, “That’s a veery low standard.”
He shakes his head with a smile, and you rest against the tree. You take the cup in your hands and notice another detail, “That’s pretty.” You murmur looking at his hands. Now, free of all concerns how you might look and what you should and shouldn’t say you look closer at the designs across his skin.
Uncaring, you draw your fingers against his biceps, “How did you make it?” his eyes are focused on your fingers, and you smile when you feel goosebumps covering his skin, “Knife.” His voice is noticeably deeper, and you internally wince imagining knife drawn across his skin.
“It must’ve hurt…” you outline your fingers over a spiral like bump, “Worth it if you like it.” You look up and laugh at his wide grin, he takes your hand and draws your fingers over the spiral, “This one is life cycle,”
“This one,” he notes four felixes connected by a line, “Strength.” You look over the lines, half listening to his explanations, but you notice how the shapes look only half-completed over his chest, “These aren’t finished…”
“No, no. Each section represents something, this one,” he puts your hand over his chest, “Can’t finish it yet.” The tattoos look weirdly out of place, half-started lines, and shapes, missing their significance.
He gazes at his lower arm, “This is family, and this,” he moves his bicep, “Strength. Back is for pride, and chest,” he smiles when you continue exploring the lonesome bumps, “Higher self. Love.” That catches your attention, “Love is your highest self?”  
“Of course, without it you’re incomplete. One half of a whole.” You hum, not able to disagree. “Well then, I hope you’ll be able to finish it soon.” You feel his heartbeat under your palm, skin so warm, like a woolen blanket in midst of winter. “I think I will.”
His whisper goes over your head, with each passing second you feel your body slipping further into depths of your mind, and when Jungkook presses the cup final time against your lips asking you to drink up, you mindlessly follow his command.
Shivers travel down your spine, the horrid taste clings to your tongue, and you force yourself to swallow the acrid drink. “You’re fine,” he strokes your back when you cough, not sure how he’s able to drink it without any reaction.
But the feeling is worth it, almost instantly the effects pull you under, this time, twice as hard. You close your eyes and enjoy the feeling, stars dancing in your mind. Jungkooks hand detaches from your back, and subconsciously you grab it and pull him closer, a weird craving nips your body, longing for some sort of physical touch.
“Don’t do that.” You mumble with drawn eyebrows. Alarm bells ring in your mind, fear, if he pulls back the coldness will seep back in. “If I could, I’d stay here forever,” you can’t control your words, all the unconscious thoughts pouring over.
“Why can’t you?” his question leaves your brain on a pause. Truly, why can’t you? You open your eyes and see his face right in front of yours, the stars that shined in your mind shine brighter in his eyes. Now looking at him you can’t remember why you can’t stay; you can’t remember all you fight for in your day-to-day.
All of it seems pointless. Would anyone care if you wouldn’t return? Rather, would anyone notice if you wouldn’t return? The thought leaves a deep bruise over your heart, and you don’t lie when you whisper, “I don’t know.”
Be it some underlying scar, but you wish to feel something real. His body is so close to yours, yet it feels as though you’re separated by winters of seas. The small distance is freezing, and you pull his hand closer to your chest, hoping, he’d close the distance and pull you into his warmth.
The desire to feel his touch is overbearing, your eyes fill with tears of unsaid words, it’s hard to express what you’re feeling, when the emotion is so deep rooted you can’t grab onto its essence. You search his eyes, begging him to understand, but the man in front of you looks just as starved as you are, and you know, you both share the same scars.
You don’t say a word when he moves closer, you don’t need to. Same understanding fills you, and you know he feels the same. His breath fawns over your lips, defrosting years long winter, and when his lips connect with yours, all is lost, and the eternal glaciers melt with the first caress of sun.
The action seems so natural, his lips over yours at place, you don’t want him to pull back. His touch is hot against yours, his hand climbing up your thigh, and you feel as though you’re melting in his arms.
But thoughts of your brother needing you pulls you back, as comforting as his touch feels, you also know it can’t last. You detach from his lips, worry of Tae clouding your mind, but it’s hard to hold on to it, when his lips move to your neck, sinfully gliding over your skin.
“Jungkook,” your hands wove in his hair, “I can’t.” you have to forcefully mutter those words, every inch of your body screaming otherwise. But just as hard as it is for you to say it, it’s the same for him to detach from your skin.
He looks you in the eye seriously, looking for any sense of truth when he knows, that’s not how you’re feeling, “What’s holding you back?”. Your mind is in a great war with your truest self, both sides screaming one at another, and you crumble under the pressure you unknowingly cage yourself in.
“My brother. I can’t do this, he needs me.” But your words don’t ring a sense of understanding to him, he shakes his head and guides your head where your brother is sitting, “I’d say he’s doing quite well.”
His lips return to your neck, and you watch how your brother is kissing one of the women from before, completely lost in his own world, without a care of anything around him. You bite your lip when his teeth graze at a particularly sensitive spot near your jaw, it’s hard to fight against your inner turmoil when the one thing you truly long for, has fallen in your arms.
But if Tae can be free within himself, why can’t you? The high ice walls of your heart slowly crumble with each swipe of his tongue and before you know it, you cave in, and pull your legs closer against his hips.
You let him take the lead, and loose yourself in the feeling; your eyes watch how prettily stars shine on both of you, never before have you seen such pretty skies, you’re sure somewhere they’ve aligned, teaching you meaning behind unconditional love.
You don’t protest when his hands wrap around your legs and pulls you up and leads you somewhere – you don’t even care where, when his touch is the only thing, you care for. But as you’re leaving the site, your eyes connect with the lonesome man, he looks at you in curiosity, and stops sharpening his weapon, for a second you see the vulnerability in his eyes, memories travelling through the pits of his cold gaze, and you wonder, what is his story.
Darkness of night separates you from his silhouette, the further along you go, the more trust you’ve to put in the arms carrying you, you’ve lost all sense of control, but it’s hard to seek it, when it’s the first time you’ve felt no need for it.
You realize you trust him, trust him to guide you right, trust him to cherish you for this night; it’s not an easy task for someone like you, sharp walls crashing anyone who steps too close for your own safety, but you know tonight is different, when every part of you wishes to let him take control, and seep into the depths of his gentle caresses.
Time is a subordinate under his compelling will, you can’t focus on anything else but the way your hearts beat the same union; whatever he wishes and does, you’ll comply, not because of a need to be owned or told what to do, but because you know, he won’t do anything to hurt you.
He holds you tighter than the sanity of his dubious thoughts, you both know whatever this is might end up costing more than the freedom itself, but what is freedom, when the others touch brings you back to life?
Your tongues stay entangled one with another, his muscle teases you, never quite giving you what you wish him to, but never leaves you stranded. He dips his tongue over yours, but pushes it back, leaving you to seek for it more, but just when you think he’s left you wanting, his tongue entangles with your own, sharing the same passion and longing, giving you every part of his essence, the good and bad expressed with desire.
You feel your body ascending, and when you open your eyes, you see him climbing up stairs, all the houses and entangled couples looking smaller with each step, you know he’s making sure to keep you safe. His hands gripping your lower tights, pressing your body closer till your breath runs out.
Your mind solely focuses on the feeling, completely dismissing the environment around you; you feel soft furs beneath your body, only accelerating the growing warmth inside of you, never before felt combination of comfort and affection. It’s as though your minds are combined, golden strings mark your desires, growing stronger and bolder with each passing minute.
Lost in the sensation of soft touches and heartfelt kisses, you don’t notice your vulnerability beneath him; how could you notice your clothes scattered on the wooden floor, when his body heats every part within you in scorching desire, his caresses draw your mind further in the auroras of pleasure, not a single part of you left unattended and unkissed.
You arch your back, chest pressed against his, when you feel your inner emptiness filled, and your bodies finally bound; you sigh in relief, pinpointing the churning feeling finally relieved when he presses himself deeper within your walls, and wraps his hands around your body, not a single share left for the winter’s harsh winds.
His body is everywhere, inside you, around you, within you; as if every part of you is his, just as every part of him – yours. If someone told you, you’re one peace of a soul, you wouldn’t doubt it for a second; every escaped moan and curse, he catches with his lips, and every time his hips move away from yours, your hands press them back in, wrapped around his lower back, preventing the sought for feeling disappear.
But you don’t have to worry of him disappearing, for as much as your soul yearns for its mark of belonginess, his yearns tenfold. Your every touch and escaped moan awakens his untamed desire, every part of him, solely dedicated to you. He kisses your fallen tears and ruptured scars, knowing he is the one to mend them, even if it takes his own blood and tears, he’ll make sure your souls are woven together; for what he bleeds you soothe, and for what you pain, he mends.  
You’re alive within the feeling, your only focus on pleasure and essence, when you closed your eyes, the darkness of nights secrets held you safe, but when you open them, beams of light showcased life’s truth. And not a single moment between them left unpleasurable.
Jungkook lays across your chest, head pressed against your breasts softly kissing your fingers, your own hand is sprayed across his back, caressing it in gentle patterns, your legs entangled with one another. The feeling of fullness hasn’t left you, and you refuse to move, all the pieces finally connecting.
Your mind is as fuzzy as ever, enjoying the warmth that comes from two people understanding each other, laying in their soft caresses and untold love confessions. Your fingers draw over the bumps on his back, and you note the small, straight lines covering his back, taking extra care to not touch the two that are still healing.
“Why haven’t you finished your chest tattoos?” your voice is groggy, and you have to clear your voice to get an even tone. He stops his movements hearing your voice, and turns his head to face you, a small smile adorning his face, completely at peace enjoying your warmth, “I told you, didn’t I?”
Your purse your lips in thought, something you weren’t able to process the first time he told you, “Well, yes. But your family loves you, doesn’t it count?” You saw the respect they hold for him first-hand, that sort of love can’t be attained by anyone, and by the looks of it, he must know it.
“It has to be your other half.” He shakes his head and kisses your breasts. “I, provide safety and strength,” he flexes his muscles, and sneaks his hands around your waist making you giggle, your skin too responsive to his touch.
“Woman provides knowledge,” he caresses your hair, “Truth,” he whispers against your chest, “Life.” He moves to your lower belly, and gently kisses the skin, not taking his eyes off of you, “We’re incomplete without a woman.”
There’s no time to contemplate his words when he continues, “We come from a woman. We’re a part of a woman. No man can ever be without his other half.”. You caress his hair, wishing that was the case in real life, but his words seem too sweet to hold truth, even your non-reliable emotions see past it.
“Then why do you hurt women?” You don’t overthink the question, it’s something that has always been bugging your mind. Such high praise, yet so little truth. But if your words don’t ring an alarm bell for you, it does for him. He lifts his head from your stomach and shoots you an unsure gaze.
“We don’t.”
“But what if you do?” You don’t mean to challenge him; no animosity clouds your words, but you’re truly curious of the way their brains work. Seeing you not drop the subject Jungkook scoots closer to you, and you hold his cheeks and send him a smile.
You watch in curiosity when he brings his finger to his lips, and sharply bites down; you’re about to question his actions but you’re left dumbfounded when he drags his bleeding finger across your forehead.
His blood marks your skin, but his actions don’t stop; he takes your hand in his own, and softly kisses your index finger before breaking the skin with his teeth. He’s noticeably gentler than when he bit his own, but your still let out a hiss from the sharp feeling.
He traces your bleeding finger across his own forehead, now both of you marked in each other’s blood before he carefully places it in his mouth to stop further bleeding. His eyes scan your mark in satisfaction, as if just proven a point, and your fuzzy brain works overtime to understand what just happened.
“No being can live without half of their soul. If you hurt it, you go along with it. Death.” His tone is serious, and your brain scrambles to form any eligible meaning behind them, but it’s hard to focus when his lips travel to your lower belly, slow with his actions, yet ever so persistent.
He shows his beliefs through his actions, and your back arches once again when his wet muscle traces your most sensitive part in gentle, but firm patterns. Day turns into night, and time into blur when all you can hold onto is passion drowning you deeper and deeper in its reigns.
For the first time you experience the meaning of love in its truest form; no laws or calculated motives color it in tantalized obligations. Even if it’s taken from you tomorrow, you know it has engraved itself in the depths of your soul; you know you’ll spend forever trying to find someone who’ll manage to fill even half of your desires like Jungkook could. Someone who’ll manage to show you love even half as passionate and true like he has.
But for now, you’ll enjoy the fleeting moment, and dive deep into the pits that is Jungkook, letting him caress your every curve, and kiss your imperfections like the treasure gold. Because it is just that, nothing less than a treasure you spend your whole life searching for.
You’ll allow him to love you like no other, hold you close like the other part of him, because even if it’s just for today, he is that to you, he is the one who kisses your scars and melts your fears. He is the one, you’ll be longing after your whole life. But that’s okay, because his arms are the first to protect you from winters frost and throwing spears, he is the one you’ll have to leave for your long last fears.
Never before have you awakened so refreshed. As if every part of your body, every nerve and muscle, has had a restart. The sound of birds chirping makes you open your eyes, your still half-asleep mind trying to understand what’s happening. You stretch in the make-shift bed, covered in furs and wool, warmth surrounds your body and light floods in through the cracks in the wooden walls.
You prop yourself up on elbows, it takes you a minute to understand where you’re located, but when you do, and your mind is clear enough for some understanding to flood in, you freeze in shock. Quickly you look around, and relieved breath out realizing you’re the only one in the make-shift house.
You plop back onto the bed and drag your hands over your face; you’re not sure how to feel about everything that transpired, the thought alone of everyone seeing you and Jungkook making out horrifies you. Taehyung saw you. He will never let you live it down.
You groan in embarrassment; you’ve utterly failed in your position as oldest sister. And you know you can’t blame it all on the drink either, after all, Jungkook did say it shows one’s inner desires, not make you act like a hormonal teenager.
In the depths of your self-wallowing, you come to an even more embarrassing conclusion – you don’t regret it. It’s hard to when your mind takes you back to his gentle caresses and sweet nothings. Your cheeks heat up remembering previous nights events. If they even were previous nights events? Through your still slightly foggy mind you recall seeing light flooding in and out.
But you do know one thing, whatever it was, was a one-time thing, and you need to leave before he comes back and the embarrassment spirals. You don’t know how you can face him; you know you’ll be awkward, and after all you weren’t the only who drank the questionable liquid, he must feel just as embarrassed as you do.
In hurry, you get up, and when you stand, you notice leaves wrapped around your previously hurt foot; your heart squeezes at the thoughtful gesture, which only further shows how much you need to leave. Now.
But that turns out to be harder than hoped to be – your clothes are nowhere in sight, so you grab a cloth hanging besides the bed, and do your best to wrap it around your body. You’re not sure how they wear it day-to-day, when you feel like one wrong move will make it fall. But then again, that’s just another example of how much you don’t belong here.
You notice a bowl of food besides the bed, carefully you touch it to see it’s still warm; that’s good, he must’ve left not so long ago. It’s hard to pint-point him as someone you should avoid when all of his actions are so caring.
It’s shame that drives you to escape his space, careful, going down the stairs, as your mind works slower than it usually does. Most of all you’re shocked by your own actions, never had you thought you’d fall victim to your desires, never had you known those sorts of desires even where part of your mind. But it does leave one question lingering, how well do you even know yourself, if you, without all the societies pressures and life’s barriers, are a stranger to yourself?
You try to rid all the unnecessary thoughts, focusing on finding your brother so you could finally leave. It’s a bittersweet goodbye when the place has thought you more about love than your whole life, but you don’t recognize yourself here, and that’s a too horrid thought to live with.
You look around the habitable, you were too out of it to notice where Jungkook led you, and this place is far too big for you to manage and find one person. Makeshift houses sit one by another, people following their daily regimes. You’re wandering around, trying to find at least one person you recognize, but the angel overlooking you has chosen to arise, when you notice the sweet woman who talked to you.
“Hi!” you call out for her; she’s talking to a slightly older woman, both standing in front of what seems to be a large water storage. She looks at you and recognition flash her eyes, and you breath out what could’ve been another awkward situation.
Your rush closer to her, but the closer you come to them, their actions stop, and they focus on your appearance, or more like, your forehead. Self-conscious you drag your fingers through your hair, you’re sure you look crazy, just woken up, hair all over the place and eyes blurry from your tumbling mind.
But they don’t look disgruntled, rather shocked, which turn to utmost happiness when you stop besides them, and they take a good look at you. You’re confused when she lightly hits the others woman’s shoulders, all while not taking her gaze off you.
“Have you seen my brother? Tae?” You look at her, hoping to gain some sort of information, but her unbreaking ‘deer caught in headlights’ gaze makes you awkwardly shuffle from one foot to another.
Their gazes meet and they fall into fits of laughter, she puts her hand over her mouth concealing a disbelief laugh but the other woman isn’t bothered to conceal her happiness, she puts her hands to the sky and chants something in her tongue.
You look confused at the woman you recognized, hoping she sees your lost appearance, but she takes a step closer to you, and you do your best to not flinch away when she drags her fingers over your forehead, light enough to barely feel.
You go to touch it yourself, but the chorus of simultaneous “No’s,” makes you stop in an instant. But you know it must be something about your forehead, their gazes haven’t left it for a second. Perplexed you move closer to the water storage and look at your reflection; to your utmost dismay, you notice on what they’re so focused on.
Instantly you dip your finger in water, embarrassed they saw Jungkooks dried blood marking your forehead. The little detail completely lost in the turbulence of previous events, all feeling like a fever-dream.
Just when water touches the mark, your hands are tightly gripped away from your skin. “No! What are you doing?” her alarmed gaze make you feel as though you’ve done something wrong, what you’re not sure.
The other woman rushes to check whether the mark got washed, but by the relief on her face you gather it had not. “Go. Jungkook.” She points back to his house, urging you to go back. “I have to find my brother.” Your stubbornness leaves them uneasy, but you press on it, and turn to the woman you recognize.
“I have to find him.” You try to convince her, “Jungkook isn’t even there! And I need to check if Tae’s alright.” You try to conceal your frustration at her doubtful gaze, not sure what’s the deal with going back to Jungkook.
She presses her lips, but finally gives in, “There,” she points to left, “He by the animals.”, grateful you quickly nod head, grateful to finally escape the awkward situation, but you guess one has to pay for their actions.
“Be quick.” She presses, and unexpectedly pulls you into her arms. Her touch is very comforting, the only problem being you don’t know what’s happening. The older woman comes to pat your head, and you see the gleam of happiness color her eyes.
A bit awkward you smile, this whole situation too confusing for your hazy mind. You nod your head, and with that, take off. You know for a fact you’ll grab your brother and leave, too embarrassed to see Jungkook like they press you to. But her words turn to be harder than hoped to, when you realize just how big their space is.
You’ve been tumbling around for at least 10 minutes, and the lingering gazes from everyone around you don’t help to ease your mind. You’re wondering whether you’re going in the wrong direction all together, but sigh in relief when animal pens come into view.
You had severely underestimated size of the tribe, their camp so vast you’ve been floundering around for a while, yet you still don’t see the end of it. You’re relieved noting how less people surround the animals, at least you don’t have to fight the urge to run from their intruding stares.
Even the animal enclosures are extensive, with slight pity you note how something similar to a clothing rack faces their pens, only instead of hanged clothes there’s different textures and lengths of hair. Unbeknownst to them, they face their unavoidable future, danger hanging in front of their eyes, and yet they wholeheartedly ignore it. One tuft of hair catches your eye, blonde, long hair flutters in the wind, and you're not sure what animal it belongs to, probably a horse, whichever it is, you choose to ignore it, and try to convince yourself that’s their destined future.
You go into a clearing, another set of stools surrounding what used to be a bonfire, something akin to the one you were at previously. And sitting on one of the stools is none other than your brother, chit-chatting with the same women he did the last time you saw him.
Relief floods through your system, grateful to see him alive and well. The whole idea of you being separated in an unknown place left you uneasy, even more so considering both of your injuries. But he looks well, smiling, red flush coloring his cheeks. No sign of the previous dark bruises and pale skin.
You’re about to shout his name when a weird beeping sound comes from your left. You almost ignore it, till you remember – you’re in a tribe. And the noise is awfully familiar to a technical device.
Your turn where you guess the sound is located to see a shed; reed roof covering it’s belonging from rain. You wonder whether you should go in and check, but the persistent noise comes once more, drawing you in.
With one last glance to your brother, you move to the shed, having an inkling feeling you shouldn’t be doing this, you feel like a fraud, overstepping some unknown laws. You look around to check no ones noticed you, and sneak in.
Light barely shines through the massive roof, you’ve to get used to the dim lighting to even understand what you’re surrounded by. But when you do, you see a table right in front of you, and on it, yours and Taes phones.
You forgot that they took your belonging from you, and you take your phone in your hands, noting how it’s more damaged than you thought, screen completely broken and to your disappointment – it won’t even turn on.
You glide your fingers over the screen, small shards of glass digging into your skin. Perhaps the battery ran out, but you were sure it worked the last time you used it. The same pinging sound comes from your left, the dark environment lit up for a second.
You turn around and freeze, considering the sight in front of you before light dims out. Phones stacked in columns rest on a table, one phone in particular hangs on its last thread, notifications of almost ran out battery lighting screen.
The sight leaves your mind fumbling, are you not the first ones they saved? Or have some tourists lost their phones and they just found them? You hope it’s the second option, you can’t see how a person would leave their phone willingly.
Doubts run through your mind when the phone tings once more, and you notice a dark, dried substance covering its upper screen. You grab the phone and press on the screen, battery has almost run out, hanging onto its last 5%.
But 5% is better than nothing. You swipe the screen, thankful for the lack of password and tilt your head in wonder when it opens to camera mode. Perhaps it’s overstepping the persons privacy, but your curiosity is spiked when the small square on the left bottom corner shows recent photos, that being of deep forest green.
It’s not right, you know it’s not right, but you still press on it. Video starts playing automatically, harsh words and screaming fills the otherwise quiet space. Startled, you pause the video and check whether someone heard you, but after a moment of silence, you turn the volume down and press play.
At first, you’re not sure what you’re looking at, the persons hands are shaking so heavily, it’s hard to pinpoint the scene. But you see knife in their hand, pointing it to someone in front, screaming. A man stands close to her and aims a gun in the same direction.
Video picks up in speed when tones increase, and words become harsher. In matter of a second, the gun is fired off, and the man is tackled to the ground. Whoever is filming cries in shock, before they swipe their knife forwards.
But it doesn’t go well, as the same second someone lunges their way, and throws them on the ground. The background is unfocused, but you see the man’s head being bashed with stone. Screaming increases in volume when the phone drops and for the first time you see the person who’s filming.
A blonde woman flails her hands around, crying, trying to get away from her attacker. But her screams are silenced when the same knife she threw is dragged across her throat. Blood splutters from her lips and the attacker lets her go.
You feel her fears like your own, when her hand reaches for her phones, and she tries to crawl away with no success. Her hands give out, and she falls under her weight, the video ends of her shiny, blonde hair drowning in blood.
It takes a second for everything to sink in, and when it does, overwhelming panic drowns you. Video wasn’t long, less than 30 seconds, but you play it again, frame by frame, trying to find anything that rebuttals your suspicion.
But to your dismay, one familiar tone of voice makes you replay it over and over again, till you find one snapshot, less than a second long, of blurry figures of their attackers. You know you can’t deny it when you capture the familiar leather clothing, and even more so, when you see a braid hanging over her attacker’s chest.
You notice another detail, when the woman tries to crawl away, a clearer picture of him appears and your stomach churns when you see him spitting on her in disgust. You know her attacker. You could recognize him any day.
Only now you don’t want to, and you try to lie to yourself and say you’ve never seen those deep mahogany eyes. Which, in part is true, his gaze brings you comfort, and peace, feeling of protection and love. But the eyes you’re staring at are nothing less than feral, deep rooted superiority and untamed rage.
It’s Jungkook.
You clutch the phone tighter when you notice another thing. Something that might save you. The single fluttering service line. You don’t waste a second calling for help, begging the line to go through. You’re scared to move, knowing how a single step might cut off the service.
But it goes through. When the line is answered you know you’re fighting against all odds, “Please help. We’re stranded in jungle, in a tribe. They kill people-” you ramble on, voice shaky, and tears falling uncontrollably. You hope you named the pathway Tae chose right, you weren’t too focused on details, and now, you hope it’s not your pitfall, “We’re going to be next, please help us!”
Person on the other side tries to speak, but their voice cuts off after every word, “Can you hear me?”, you cry out, but the line goes silent, and the battery has run out. You try to be silent, but it’s hard to conceal your cries when you realize the danger you’re facing.
You look at all the stacked phones, knowing, your ones will soon follow if you don’t get out now. There are easily hundreds of them, both the newest models, but also, ones you don’t recognize. You fear to imagine how many they’ve killed.
You run out of shed, the only thing on your mind to find your brother and get out, your gaze finds the animal pens, or rather what’s in front of them. The woman’s blond hair tainted in blood flashes through your mind. Those aren’t animal hairs, are they?
“Bee!” you hear Taes voice and quickly turn around, he’s smiling and beckoning you to come towards him. You sniffle your tears back, noticing the woman besides him watching you carefully, and put on a smile, they can’t know that you know.
You rush to him, smiling as widely as possible and ignore his snickering, “Well, well, what were you up to?” his boxy grin greets you, and you try to hold in your tears of terror, “Can we talk?” you look back at the woman and shoot her your best grin, “Alone.” You quietly force the words out, hoping only he hears the urgency behind them.
“Um, sure...?” he looks back at the woman, who hasn’t taken he eyes off of you. You hope it’s the stupid mark on your forehead, and not you acting strange. You tightly grip his hand and pull him away, hoping your steps don’t look too rushed.
“Is everything alright?” his concerned voice makes your tears resurface, only when you’re sure there’s no one listening in on you conversation, you stop behind a house, and face him, “We need to leave. Now. You were right, we’re not safe here.”
“Wait, what?” your rushed words leave him lost, confused by your sudden change of heart, “I saw a video. Video of them killing people. We’re going to be next, Tae, we have to leave.” His face falls at your teary eyes, and trembling voice. “Shit.”
“I don’t have the time to explain, but we need to leave.” He nods his head in understanding, you know you don’t have a lot of time, based on everyone urging you to go back to Jungkooks house, you know he’ll be searching for you, and considering that was a while ago – you have to hurry.
“What’s that?” his gaze moves to your forehead, and you shrug your shoulders clueless, “Jungkook marked me. I don’t know what that means. Perhaps I’m the first one they’ll finish off.” You cry out, and Tae looks conflicted, “He found me before they went off hunting. Dunno what that was about but he put his hands on my shoulders and said welcome. Thought it was him apologizing for being a dick couple nights ago, but now-”
“So, they are in the forest now?” he nods his head, “Do you know from which side they went off?” your mind is spiraling, forest is their home, and if you want to have any possibility of escaping alive, you have to gain at least some sort of leverage.
“Far off end, not here. There is a clearing close enough, not many of them walk there. That might be our best bet.” You nod along, taking in everything he says. He grabs your hand and pulls you forward to what you assume, is the said clearing.
You’re careful with your steps, looking around for any unwanted followers. Every step feels like a ticking time-bomb, but Tae is right, this side is less inhabited, couple lonesome houses in midst of evergreen trees.
You stop near the edge and share a knowing look; this is your only chance. Even though the risk of being lost in jungle is great, you haven’t eaten anything in days, feet bare and clothing less than ideal, there’s no choice but to proceed.
And just like that, you run. Your heart pounds aggressively in your chest, and feet hurt with every step, but fear keeps you going. You can’t stay here, you know you’ll be the next one, why exactly they haven’t finished you off yet is a mystery in itself, but you’re not willing to wait and find out.
You smell freedom when the habitat turns greener with each of your steps, and your steps quicken, Tae close behind you. But you underestimated the tribe, if they managed to seek after you like an animal, there’s no chance they’d leave you running around, free to go whenever you wanted.
You learn your lesson when the ground beneath you crumbles. One single misstep, and you’re falling. Tae barely manages to catch you, his hands wrap around your waist when you scream, his body almost falling with you.  
You watch in horror how the masked leaves fall one after the other like dominoes, and your gaze moves with them to see a steep ditch covering the entire area of the site, circling your only means of exit. A sharp sound like a whiplash follows soon after, and you realize you’ve run straight into a trap when the unmasked ditch has triggered a sturdy net to fall from the trees.
Wherever you turn your head, the trap follows, disturbing birds that fly high over your head away from danger. Oh, how you’d love to accompany them. Breathless, you grasp Taes’ hands around your waist, your only means of safety, holding you from falling to what might as well be your death.
“Shit”, he gasps in your ear, and you know you’re truly fucked when rushed steps and shouts near you. “What do we do now?” He balances you back on the ground, evident fear coloring his voice; as much as you’d love to step into the older sisters’ shoes and ease his mind, quickly figuring out a way to salvage the problem, you’re left speechless.
Even if you somehow manage to jump over the ditch, the net is too high to climb over and the netting too tough to tear. But there’s no time to think when you feel a sharp sting over your leg. Its force makes you fall on all fours, biting back a scream of pain you see a spear impaled on the other side of the ditch.
Fearful, you turn around to see a swarm of people surrounding you and your brother, another spear is thrown, but this time toward your brother, who barely manages to duck before it hits his body. Tears fall as you notice all the weapons pointed at you, and you’re just about ready to be impaled when a woman shrieks something in her tongue, and points at you.
It must be a sign to finish you off, you’re sure of it, you curl up awaiting the attack, but it never comes, rather you see the woman hit the man’s head who threw his spear at you. Your gaze quickly roams over the group, frightened by their relentless stares, but you notice one consistency – they’re pointing to your forehead.
You quickly touch it, confused about what’s happening, but when you do, a chorus of shouts come your way telling you to stop. And you realize what’s the hold-up, it’s the mark, Jungkooks blood smeared over your skin from yesterday.
As if he’s summoned, he runs through the crowd of people with a group of men following closely behind him. His gaze instantly meets yours, and you see the shock traveling through his system as he takes in your bleeding skin and terrified expression.
Just like a switch being flipped, he steps into his domineering aura; even though you’re away from him, you feel the energy of his anger like a shock wave crashing over you, the sparkling eyes and gentle touch which you oh, so adored nowhere present.
Overwhelmed with rage Jungkook turns to his people and barks something in their tongue, the tone of his voice makes you cover and for the first time, you’re glad you don’t understand what he’s saying.
You see the man who shot you fall to his knees, head deeply bowed down and hands put into a praying position. You don’t have to understand their language to know he’s begging, but his prayers aren’t answered when he’s forced to stand up. And in a blink of an eye, his neck is snapped.
What you wouldn't be willing to do, to return to yesterday when everything was so sweet you were bracing yourself for a toothache. But just as you feared, the shoe had to drop, only you didn’t expect the price to be your life.
The feral glint in Jungkooks eyes brings you back to the video, whatever dream you were living in these past days is broken, the man who once brought you comfort now terrifies you, but worse of all – you have nowhere to go, stuck with him, waiting for your demise.
You use the chaos around you and turn to Tae, whose eyes haven’t left the unmoving man’s body, “We have to run,” you whisper in a trembling voice, you’ve no plan, the only option is to hide, but even that’s farfetched – this is their home, they know every nook of it.
“Can you?” you look at your bleeding leg, the injury hurts as it is, but you refuse to gift them your life without a fight. You turn back to Tae and slowly nod your head, unsure of the answer yourself.
Careful to not attract any attention, you shuffle to your left, but your movement is caught instantly, “Don’t.” Jungkooks baritone voice freezes your body. You know he’s speaking to you, but you’re lost how he even noted the movement; his back is turned to you, his hand raised in your direction. Their sense of movement would be remarkable if you weren’t fighting for your life.
He turns around and faces you, and slowly starts walking towards you. But the closer he is, the more danger you’re facing, so you do your best to make him stop, “We will leave now. Thank you for your help, but it’s time for us to go.”
You try to sound confident, but that turns out hard under his untamed gaze. For a second it works, he stops in his tracks and overthinks your words, but when his jaw ticks and steps fasten, you know you’ve only made it worse.
“Leave? You’re hurt.” He kneels down besides you, and you can’t stop your body from flinching when his hands inspect your wound. “I will find help, but now, we must leave.” You repeat your words, careful to keep your voice down as to not aggravate him more.
But it seems no matter what you do, it only serves to tick him, “No.” his tone leaves no room for objection, and his hold tightens around your leg. “You’re marked. You’re one of us now. Why would you even want to leave, when I can offer you what I know you long for.” He cups your cheeks and tries to smile, but the untamed flames haven’t subsided in his eyes, and his smile looks more like a grimace.
“Safety, protection, love.” He pulls you closer when he mutters the last word, trying to awaken the memories of his soft touch the night before, but all your mind manages to make up is the vast cruelty with which he drove the knife over the woman’s neck, how easy it was for him to kill the man just now. You’re repulsed by his touch.
You know you shouldn’t, but you can’t stop yourself from whispering the terrifying truth, “You kill people, Jungkook.”.
His eyebrows furrow at your words, and almost as if he’s offended, he points to the unmoving body behind, “Him? He hurt you. He hurt a woman – he hurt his leaders’ woman-” he presses, but you don’t let him finish, “He’s not the only one.”
Thick silence enfolds, one neither of you want to break. You remind yourself you’re walking on eggshells, that he’s unstable and you have to keep your mouth shut, but somehow, the recent events feel like a betrayal of you and everything you hoped for; for once, your let down your guard, and now, you’ve to pay the price and fight for your life.
After a while in silence, Jungkook shakes his head, voice becoming more desperate “I don’t kill. I protect.”. What’s all the more terrifying is the conviction in his eyes, you know he’s spiraling, lied to himself enough times he has started to believe in it himself. But you know better, when the fake illusion drops, you don’t want to be the bearer of it all.
“Listen man, we better go. It was nice mee-” Tae cites your own words, but when his skin touches yours, the unsteady walls collapse and in one swing, Tae’s on the ground. Screech of terror escapes you, and you almost fall down the trench, if it weren’t for Jungkooks fast reflexes.
He takes his opportunity and pulls you closer to him, your body trembling out of fear, not taking your eyes off of your brother, who groans on the grass. He whispers sweet nothings in your ear, but all you can focus on is his vice grip locking you besides him.
“You don’t have to be scared any more. No one will hurt you, I’m here, it’s okay.” He shushes your cries, which only makes you cry harder. “I’ll make sure you never feel lonely again, I’ll be always right by your side.”
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harlowsbby · 5 months
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Summary, just asking Jack a bunch of silly and random questions out of boredom.
Even though it was a cool and breezy day outside Jack and You decided it was best to spend a day indoors with one another instead of being outside.
The two of you were currently on the couch together wrapped up in one another when a question that you needed an answer to crossed your mind.
“Jack.” You spoke and watched as he turned down the tv slightly so he’d be able to hear you better.
“Yes babe?” He asked you and turned his head to look at you, a small smile formed on his face to which you returned.
“I have a question to ask you and it’s important.” Now the question wasn’t exactly that important but it was important to you and you needed answers.
“What is it babe? I’m all ears”. He smiled and gave you his full and undivided attention. You smirked and bit your bottom lip to stop yourself from laughing.
“If you had the chance to save me or save Urban from drowning who would you save and why?” You asked him.
Jack was puzzled for a second because he didn’t expect for you to say something as blunt and wild as that out of nowhere.
“Wait are you being serious? Like you really want an answer to this babe I just paused the movie for this.” He shook his head at you. “How many times have you watched mean girls?” You asked him.
“Enough to know it word by word.” You huffed. “Enough to know that ex-boyfriends are off limits to friends. That’s just like the rules of feminism.”He tried mimicking Gretchen Wieners in this high squeaky tone.
“My point exactly so answer my question.” You demanded.
“Would you save me.” You pointed to yourself. “Or would you save Urban.” You bit your lip and watched him intensely as he gave it a few minutes to think about.
“Honestly, I’d have to weight out my options here.” Jack admitted and you gasped. “Oh so all I am to you is an option? That’s good to know wish I would’ve known sooner.” You faked acted like you were hurt.
He smacked his lips and shook his head at you. “Come on babe you know what I mean like the pros and cons of either saving you and not saving Urban or saving Urban and not saving you.”
“I’m your fucking girlfriend I should be above all your little friends.” You spat and Jack chuckled. “Uh oh is someone getting jealous?” He teased.
“No, just tell me your little pros and cons list.” You admitted. He brought his hand up to his chin and started playing with his beard.
“Well the pros in saving Urban would be I’d still have my best friend and best photographer here, I’d still have my eating buddy, I’d still have my right hand man.” You rolled your eyes.
“And the cons would be well nothing Urban’s the best.” He confessed with a wide smile. “Okay so do me.”
He sighed dramatically. “Honestly babe I wouldn’t bother saving you.” Your jaw practically dropped to the floor as Jack doubled over in laughter.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding hey stop hitting me!” He laughed as he attempted to curl up into a ball to dodge your hits. “Be serious Jack!” You whined.
“Okay, okay so the pros with dating you would be I’d still have my girl, I’d still have you around to cook for me.” You raised your hand to smack him again but he quickly stated that he was joking.
“Honestly baby I could never pick between picking you or Urban the two of you both mean a lot to me and I’d be an emotional reck knowing the two of you are no longer living on this earth.”
You sniffed and rubbed your eyes as you turned from Jack. “Babe?” He said unsurely as you removed yourself from his grasp.
“You good?” He laughed. “I’m good I just I love you so much.” You cried out and flung yourself into his arms making him coo and laugh.
“You’re so silly you know that?” He smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of your head and rubbed small circles on your back. “But you know you love me.” You admitted and removed your head from the crook of his neck, looking up at him.
“That I do.” He grinned. “But I do have a question of my own.” He asked.
“And what’s that?” You paused waiting for his question. “Who’s the best rapper me or Drake?” You sighed. “Drake.”
He gasped and put his hand over heart as if it was aching you laughed and escaped from his embrace. “Is that so? You know what when I catch you ima tickle you till you admit I’m the best rapper!” He yelled and quickly chased after you.
You were a squealing and laughing mess the two of you for a good few minutes till he eventually caught you.
(I know this isn’t much but I promise the next concept will be better! 😭💗)
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Nick Amaro NSFW Alphabet  
Guys I finished rewatching season 14 and I forgot how much I hate the storyline they give Nick. I love him as a character, but I would love to completely reconstruct his backstory. He has to be one of the most personally screwed-over characters in SVU. Am I the only one who hates the hidden love child-which I’m completely disregarding? Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this!  
Warnings- Some Maria-hate (sorry not sorry).  
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) 
Nick's aftercare is exceptional. He cleans you up, washing any mess he has made off you with a warm washcloth or a hot shower. Then it is cuddling and whatever you want in your post-glow bliss. Usually, it’s time for you to talk about whatever you want. Something you did, a movie you saw, an awful joke you heard that you laughed at but didn’t seem worth bothering him about. He wants to hear it all.
It’s a time that you have this full attention. Sometimes it leads to more vulnerable emotional conversations that he seems to have an easier time having when his walls are down after sex. Sometimes words are too much and the two of you just hold each other, caressing each other's bodies.  
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partner’s)  
Nick’s favorite body part of himself is his hands. They are rough, calloused, and strong from years of sports, hard work, and shooting a gun. They are dexterous and versatile enough to accomplish his endless paperwork, playing catch with Zara, fixing things around the house, and his favorite teasing you with them until you come apart so prettily with his name on your lips. 
Nick loves your entire body. He tells you all the time there is nothing he would ever change. He loves your curves and doesn’t discriminate between them. Why be a boobs or ass man, when he has two hands and a willing mouth that can have both and more?  
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)  
Nick is a jealous man, and he knows it. You are his and nobody else. After spending a significant amount of time watching any another man try to talk or flirt with you there is nothing more that he wants to do than take you to his bed and paint his cum all over your body. It gives him undeniable satisfaction seeing his seed on your skin claiming you in the most barbaric way. He should hate it because it may be considered demeaning, but he can’t. Even later when he is cleaning you up, he smiles knowing the evidence of his DNA still lingers on your skin, clinging to you.    
D = Dirty secret (self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)  
It’s not necessarily dirty but you made Nick come embarrassingly early by calling him Papi one day out of nowhere while you were riding him. He never liked the idea of being called daddy by his partners. It seemed weird to him but hearing the word Papi come from your lips as you took your pleasure from him did all the right things.
When you guys were basking in the afterglow, he casually asked you about the nickname. You had admitted that one of your friends had told you it was a common term of endearment for Cuban men but you seemed a bit embarrassed. Instead of just telling you he liked it he spent the next few months trying to casually reinforce the nickname whenever you used it by getting you off as many times as possible.     
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)  
Nick has experience. While he did go through a bit of a Casanova stage in his teens and early twenties, he has always been more of a long-term partner kind of guy. The different women did teach him about different ways to enjoy sex and a bit of experimentation. However, when he married Maria, it was narrowed down to what she liked. She liked sex that was very plain and vanilla, missionary mostly. She wasn't very interested in sex after she had Zara and what they did do was repetitive.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) 
Nick’s favorite position is doggy. He likes the control of your body it gives. His hands are free to caress and massage you. He can take you with your back pressed tightly to his chest fistful of your hair to make you look at him and steal open mouth kisses as he thrust into you. Or he can push you down on your knees with your face in the mattress as he holds your wrist behind your back and pounds into you hard and fast. Moans and his name bouncing from the walls as he takes you deeper and deeper. He loves leaving Hickes and love bites on your neck and down the back of your shoulder.      
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)  
Nick is a very passionate man but that doesn’t always translate into seriousness. You guys have had sex that you have laughed halfway through. You have been mid sex and his beard rubbed just right to tickle you and send you squirming with laughter that was contagious.  
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) 
Nick’s hair is dark and thick, and it curls when it gets too long. He keeps it trimmed up for hygiene's sake typically. He doesn’t think much about it when it gets overgrown when life is too busy, or he just can’t be bothered. When he is in a relationship, he keeps up on it more as a respectful consideration for you. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)  
Nick is the definition of a Latino lover. He will spend his time with foreplay and the sex making sure you know how important you and your pleasure are to him. He calls you sweet nicknames and tells you how much you mean to him and how he has missed you and your body. If he pins your hands, he intertwines your fingers.  
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) 
 Nick doesn’t masturbate often. When he does it's usually not to pleasure himself so much as to get a release from some stress. It’s quick and efficient and then he washes up and continues with his day or gets ready for sleep. He will also get himself off if he is horny, but you are not available or in the mood.      
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) 
Nick’s love language is words of affirmation, and he has a major praise kink that he likes to mix with his dirty talk. He is also a bit of an exhibitionist. He likes to push the line of where you can have sex without getting caught. Just be careful while he’s drinking because it heightens all these kinks and can lead to some pretty close calls.  
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) 
Nick’s favorite place to have sex is the bedroom because it has the most options and comfort. He has become a big fan of the laundry room. While the space is limited, Zara doesn’t feel the need to interrupt when you go in there because she doesn’t think there is anything of value and would rather watch TV while you guys do the ‘laundry’ unlike when you guys try to sneak away to the bedroom or bathroom. There is a door so there is no risk of her getting in there unexpectedly. Nick has also found many uses for the dryer while it’s on that aren’t clothes-related.     
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) 
Nick is not hard to convince to have sex or turn on. But he is a very visual man, and if you want to make him go feral wearing lingerie or one of his shirts buttoned halfway up is a good way of giving him an instant boner.    
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)  
Nick grew up with an abusive dad and he watched him beat his mom. He will never hit, slap, or do anything that could hurt you. An open-palmed smack on the ass is about as far as he will take it and that’s only if you enjoy it. He will never degrade you because it is against his morals of respecting women.    
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)  
Nick likes to get as much as he likes to receive. He wants you to sit on his face, sit not hover. If you don’t know the difference, he will pull you down on top of him and lick and devour your cunt until your legs are shaking to the point where sitting is the only option. He will work you up so well you will be riding his face. He loves 69ing too. Your moan vibrating around his dick from the pleasure of him eating out your pretty pussy? The answer is always yes.  
Nick loves a good blowjob. You found that it can fix his bad attitude. He came home in a bad mood and was trying to start a fight about something petty and irrelevant. He was in the kitchen slamming stuff around as he was making his coffee, bitching about how messy it was. You knew it had nothing to do with you, and everything to do with a disaster case, and marched over to him and grabbed his belt. He froze at first not sure what was going on, but it wasn't complaints falling from his lips when you dropped to your knees and gave him a quick messy blowjob. When you were done and got back to your feet, you pecked his lips and told him you were late for work leaving him stunned. When you returned home the kitchen was clean, he had cooked homemade traditional Cuban food, and he apologized to you all night long with a lot more than just his mouth.        
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) 
Nick likes to make the foreplay slow and passionate, to make sure you are satisfied and ready to take him. When it comes to sex his preferred pace is fast and on the rougher side. Your body in his hands as he pounds into you your breast bouncing, head thrown back as you take him.  
He does have a gentler side that comes out quite often. One that takes you slow and steady. He will kiss every inch of your body whispering Spanish words of endearment and praise against your skin. These are the times he wants to look you in the eyes and make sure you know his love for you in this physical act. That you can hear it, feel it, taste it, and see it in his eyes.      
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)  
Nick loves a good quicky. Life is busy, especially with a job like his and kids. Sometimes you just have to take those fifteen minutes and make them worth every second. It doesn’t always need to be long to be good and satisfying. Besides Nick enjoys seeing you after a quick tousle out with your friends or random people knowing exactly what causes that flush in your cheeks. Knowing that his cum is still leaking out of you and into your wet panties unless of course he still has them in his pocket for safekeeping.  
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) 
Nick is willing to experiment with his limits. He is willing to try any position you want at least once. He likes to push the limits where you two can get away with having sex. He likes the bathrooms at bars, the laundry room when Zara is preoccupied, and getting head when he is driving in low to no-traffic areas. He likes the adrenaline of the possibility, but he doesn’t actually want to get caught. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)  
Nick has stamina for days. He can drag out foreplay and sex for hours if you will let him. If you're planning on a sleepless night and are okay walking a little funny the next day you only have to give him about a half hour to recuperate and he will be ready to go again if you are.    
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)  
No, Nick’s not a toy guy. He is kind of old-fashioned and I think he might take it as a hit to his masculinity if you wanted to use them when you were in bed together.  
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)  
Nick is an ungodly tease. His sweet and dirty talk is second to none. He can get you wet just by telling you about what he is going to do to you. The innocent but consistent touches drive you crazy. Then when he finally has you in the bedroom you can almost taste the pleasure, he is going to give you. He teases you more and tisks about how impatient you are. “All good things come to those who wait, Corazón.”
If you want his teasing to stop, you will have to beg him or start teasing him back. He can give way better than he can take. You will have him changing his pace quick.    
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)  
Nick isn’t loud but he is by no means silent. He likes to dirty talk, and praise you in bed with a mix of English and Spanish words. He grunts and moans but keeps the noise to a minimum when Zara is in the house. If he knows that there isn’t a risk of being interrupted or overheard that is when Nick gets louder and likes to fuck you to upbeat Cuban music.   
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)  
Nick doesn’t know how to ask for attention or affection. He grew up with a controlling abusive father and a traumatized turned aloof mother. Then he married Maria, a strong-willed but distant and emotionally unavailable soldier. He never got consistent affection and doesn't understand his own need for it. He doesn’t consciously know he does it, but when he needs that affection, he will initiate sex even if he is not in the mood to have it. He will make it so good for you like he has to earn it. You will moan and call his name as he wrecks you with his fingers and mouth.  
Then he will usually wave you off when you go to reciprocate even if he is hard. He knows that what he really wants is already within reach because when you are pleasure drunk and boneless it always means that you are willing and wanting to cuddle. Your fingers will stroke and play with his hair, your other hand wandering his back teasing tense muscles until they relax. It takes you a long time to figure out what he is doing and when you do it breaks your heart.   
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) 
Nick has a lean body with muscular arms and thighs. His chest is toned with a visible six-pack. He has a sparse dusting of hair on his lower stomach, a happy trail leading down to his goods. Nick is a big boy, above average in size. His cock is thick and long with a slight upwards curve.   
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)  
Nick has a pretty high sex drive but good control over it. While he would prefer to have sex four or five times a week, he doesn’t expect that. He has times when he becomes a sex hound, and you swear it always seems to match up to when you're ovulating. His sex drive can also completely diminish during bad sex crime cases.    
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) 
Nick is one of those rare men that sex boosts his energy, at least for a little while. The flood of endorphins gives him a giddy relaxed high. If it is a quickie or during the middle of the day, he will have the sudden urge to accomplish something, or if you're really lucky cook traditional Cuban food. If it’s time for bed you will almost always fall asleep before him, but he is content to lay in bed with you either just cuddled up or playing games on his phone until the high fades.  
I forgot how long this prompt takes but hey there’s Nick’s! I have quite a few Nick miniseries that I’m going to be working on. One is the relationship building between the reader and Zara while still featuring Nick of course.  
I have another series that will be more angsty and will probably take longer because it’s going to be a split vibe of what could have happened in a situation with Nick and the reader's relationship when tragedy hits. I’m excited to challenge my writing in that way. 
Let me know if either of these piques your interest! I hope you enjoyed xoxo  
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sweetprfct · 6 months
Hi! Could you do like Aaron Warner when readers has a really bad nightmares (like she wakes up in a sweat, crying and shaking) and Aaron comforts her?
That's all, ily bye ♡
Aaron Warner x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your past scars still terrorizes you at night, but Aaron always knew how to remind you of who you are.
Author's Note: Ah! This one was angsty, but I love angst so thank you sm for this request! :)
Disclaimer: 18+, mention of emotional abuse, smutty-ish
Wordcount: 2.1K
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“I’m sorry.” 
You murmured, your hands trembled in fear. 
“I don’t understand why you just couldn’t listen.” His voice sounded frustrated, angry. 
Your heart was beating out of your chest, you closed your hands into a fist to stop your hands from trembling. You didn’t know what to do or what to say in order for you to make this situation better. It wasn’t like you were doing anything wrong because you weren’t. All you did was hang out with your best friend, Kenji. That was all but how come he couldn’t believe that? How come he had to be so jealous all the time? He didn’t like the idea of your best friend being a guy, but Kenji had been there for you through all of it. You could never drop your best friend just like that just for you to make him happy.
“We were just talking. We hung out by the beach, that’s all.” You explained. 
You watched as he shook his head in disappointment. “I told you not to hang out with him anymore.”
“He’s my best friend, babe.” You argued. “I can’t just drop him like that.”
“Oh, so you choose him over me? Do you even love me?” He raised his brow at you as you stood there and couldn’t find the words to say. 
You couldn’t answer his question because you were exhausted from the same thing over and over again. You were exhausted from being gaslit and feeling guilty over the things that you love to do. He told you he loved you but how come this was how he treated you? How come you couldn’t seem to do the things you want? You felt trapped as you choked in your own tears. You wanted to leave this relationship, but you were too terrified. You were terrified that if you ever told him that it was over, he would lash out, and you would be the collateral damage.
“Y…Yes.” You told him.
However, you knew it was a lie. 
You just couldn’t bear to see him anymore upset about it. You were terrified of what he might do if you told him the truth. You were so mentally tired of trying to reassure him everyday. You were mentally tired of following all his rules. His rules of you not being able to wear something that showed your skin. Rules of you not being able to wear your makeup and hang out with your friends. He wanted your world to revolve around him, but you were your own person too. You had your own life too. 
“Do you?” He asked, not believing your words. “You don’t even touch me anymore. You don’t let me touch you.”
“I… I’m just tired from work, babe.” You held in the tears that were welling up in your eyes.
“It’s the same excuse.” 
It was the same excuse because the truth was you couldn’t keep drowning like this anymore. You couldn’t let him touch you anymore because you were just done. You wanted to get away from him. You wanted out, but you were terrified. 
“I… I’m sorry.” Your words stuttered as he walked towards you. 
You took a step back until your back met the wall. Your limbs were paralyzed. You were trapped. You have nowhere to go. His face was inches from yours, his hand found your chin as he cupped it, lifting your head to look at him. Your eyes were full of unshed tears as his lips met your jawline. You closed your eyes, letting the tears roll down your cheeks. 
This was hell on Earth, and you were living it everyday. 
His kisses were rough and desperate. He held you like he owned you. Like he would never let anyone touch you or look at you because you were only his. Your heart was beating a thousand miles, and your body was numb. Your mind had blanked out. Slowly, you felt yourself fade away from your body as his hands found your hips and pressed your body against him. 
“You’re only mine.” He whispered in your ear. 
His hands took yours and pinned them against the wall above your head. 
“Say you love me.” He whispered in your ear as tears rolled down your cheeks. “Say it.”
“I… I love you.” You said. 
You just wanted to die as his lips met the skin of your neck. Tears streamed down your face as he tugged on your shirt and pulled them over your head. His hands burned your bare skin as his lips trailed down your chest. 
It made you hate yourself.
It made you question yourself as to why you were still here. As to why you had to endure this kind of hell. It made you question what you did for you to deserve all of this? 
Beads of sweat covered your face as you screamed and sat up on the bed. 
“No!” You screamed breathlessly. 
It was dark, and your vision was still adjusting from the darkness of the room. Your chest was heaving as you tried to catch your breath. Your body trembled from the memory, pulling the covers close to your chest and sobbed. Then, you felt the bed move and the lights turned on, illuminating the whole room. Aaron immediately was next to you. He looked sleepy, but his green eyes were full of worry. 
“Hey, hey.” He cupped your face in his hands, wiping the tears that were streaming down your face.
“It’s just a nightmare, love.” He whispered as you immediately clung onto him, sobbing on his shoulder. 
You repeatedly shook your head as you buried your face on his shoulder. Aaron rubbed your back softly as he pulled you on his lap. His cheek pressed against the top of your head. 
“Shh…” He cooed. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
You didn’t say a word for a while. You didn’t move in his arms until your tears had run dry. Aaron hated seeing you like this. He hated the fact that you would sob in his arms almost every night, and he couldn’t do anything about it. Your nightmares had been terrorizing you since Aaron had known you, and he knew it was because of your toxic ex before him. He wasn’t jealous or anything. In fact, that was the farthest thing he was feeling every time that subject was brought up.
He knew all about it. He knew how he mentally and emotionally abused you to the point where you would give up everything to make him happy. That you lost yourself along the way just so he could be happy, but it was never enough. It never did with him and the thought of it made Aaron angry. If he had the chance to ever see him, Aaron wouldn’t know what to do because he knew it would be catastrophic for sure. 
“It wasn’t just a nightmare.” You finally said. “It was real. It happened.”
Aaron felt the pain in his chest as soon as you said those words. Anger shot through his body as he felt your body shaking in his arms. He didn't know what happened in your dream but if it made you react like this, he knew it was bad. Not just bad. But something so unforgivable that you, yourself, couldn’t even let go of the trauma even now.
“What happened, love?” He asked, terrified of the answer that you might give him. 
“H…He…” You shook your head and more tears streamed down your face.
From the way you couldn’t even tell him, Aaron knew then what it was. He was an insect. Someone so vile. Aaron couldn’t even find the right words to describe him because how could someone treat you like that? Someone like you? He never deserved your attention and love before. He never appreciated it. Aaron felt the anger washed over him again as he held you close to his chest. You could feel his chest heaving from anger as he tried to comfort you. You knew how much Aaron hated him by just the things you told him about what happened. 
You reached for his hand and found them in a fist. As soon as he felt your touch, he unclenched them and intertwined them with yours.
“You don’t have to talk about it if it’s too much, love.” He murmured. “I’m here.”
You nodded your head and pulled away from him, your eyes were bloodshot red. Aaron could feel the pressure in his chest as he gazed down at you, his spare hand cupping your cheek. He brushed your cheek softly with his thumb and pressed a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I’m sorry if I’m such a mess.” You apologized. “I’m so sorry if I’m like this. You deserve someone better.”
“Hey.” Aaron gave you a small reassuring smile. “There’s nothing to apologize for, love. I love you the way you are. I love your mess and every part of you.”
“Please tell me if I ever do something that isn’t right, please.” You sobbed.
“No,” He shook his head, his green eyes staring at yours. “You are perfect the way you are, love. Don’t ever think that you are not enough.”
More tears rolled down your cheeks as you heard Aaron’s words to you. This kind of love was something you never experienced before. Someone who trusted you and believed in you. Being not enough for Aaron was one of your biggest fears, and you were always so terrified to do or say something that you might end up losing him. He was the only good in your life, and you were terrified to ruin all of this. However, Aaron had proved to you many times that he wasn’t like him. He wasn’t going to stop you from doing anything that made you happy. 
“Hey, listen.” Aaron cupped your face with his hands, his green eyes deep into yours. “Whatever words that he planted in there,” His finger touched your temple softly. “Or right here…” His hand laid on top of your chest, just right above your heart. “...Is not true, you understand? You are more than what he had told you. You are intelligent, resilient and so beautiful.” 
You nodded your head, wiping the remaining tears that were on your face. You felt your heart skip a beat for Aaron as you gave him a small smile. You reached your hand and cupped his face as Aaron leaned against your touch. You watched him close his eyes, but you could see something that was washing over his face. 
“I’m sorry I woke you up.” You murmured. 
“I just wish…” Aaron sighed, opening his eyes. “I just wish I could take your pain away. It kills me to know that I can’t do anything. That I can’t just erase all the things that you went through.”
“Being with you is enough.” You said. “I don’t want you feeling guilty about this. None of this is your fault.”
Aaron could feel your eyes through every part of him as you slowly pulled him close to you and kissed him softly. There was something about you that Aaron couldn’t explain. Something that always lit a fire in his soul every time you kissed him. Every time you touched him. How could someone treat you so irresponsibly before? Because to him, he would drop everything. He would watch the world burn just for you. 
“I love you.” Aaron whispered as soon as he pulled away from the kiss. “Don’t ever let anyone tell you who you are because you’re perfect.”
“I love you too.” You felt a tear rolled down your cheeks.
This time, it wasn’t because of the nightmare. It was because you could feel Aaron’s love and understanding for you. The way he accepted who you were no matter what. Using his thumb, he brushed the tear away from your cheek and planted a soft kiss on your forehead. 
“Come here.” He murmured. 
He reached over behind you to fluff up your pillows and laid you gently back on the bed. Walking around the bed, he settled next to you, pulling the covers over the both of you and pulled you close to his chest.
A small yawned escape from you as he said, “Get some rest, love.”
“Please, stay.”
Aaron couldn’t help but smile. You clung onto him, and he could feel all your emotions towards him. He could feel how much you love him and want him. All your love was injecting in his veins, and he could feel every bit of it. It made his heart swell as he closed his eyes, his hand rubbing softly on your arm.
“I’m not going anywhere, love.” 
The End.
@gracie-221 @his-littlefox @annamatix @hannahmarie71 @ecliphttlunar @indythefandomhoarder @reminiscentreader @hrtsbecca @soulaires @shattermelyhfmlblog
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detectivestucks · 5 months
A Jealous Hokage XIV
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18+ content, Minors do NOT interact
Pairing: Kakashi x F!Reader x Obito
Summery: The confrontation between you, Kakashi, and Obito does not go well resulting in Obito visiting you at your new job to apologize. Lady Tsunade gets involved.
Warnings: NSFW, dom kink, knee riding, squirting, slight choking, nipple play, anal play, unprotected penetration
Word Count: 7.7k
Art Credit: @akirasukuna
Part 13 New Here? Check out Part 1
A/N: Okay, so not as long but still long...but we're so close to the end!
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Kakashi was starting to zone out at his desk when suddenly Obito comes bursting into his office.
Kakashi’s heart drops to his feet when he sees you suddenly in his presence caked in blood.
“Y/N, what happened?!”
You look up at Kakashi feeling flustered and embarrassed. Your brain was still reeling from the scene you left no more than three minutes prior. You begin to open your mouth to speak when Kakashi cuts you off.
“Wait, Obito, why are you-? How are either of you-”
There is no need for him to finish his question. Obito was following you just as Kakashi told him not to do and he teleported you here after you got yourself into trouble.
“Nevermind.” he says trying to collect his composure but still passing Obito a glare as to say he would deal with his insubordination later.
“She was attacked by the Stone!”
“Why would our allies attack her?! I just got a raven from the Tsuchikage-”
“One of their Black Ops didn’t trust her and he corralled three others to attack!”
“Eight others” you interject. “I’ll have you know I fought off five of them by myself. Stop treating me like I’m weak Obi!”
Yes, you were grateful to Obito for saving you but you knew exactly what he was trying to do by running to Kakashi like this.
“If you’re so strong why did I have to come and save you?!”
“Are we really going to ignore the fact that I was up against nine shinobi, one of whom was Anbu, and I held my own until help arrived?!”
“Yes! Cause help had to arrive!” Obito shouts.
“Wait, why did you have to wait for help to arrive, where is Naruto?” Kakashi suddenly chimes in.
“Exactly” Obito states, rounding on Kakashi “Where was your golden boy, Kakashi? He was nowhere to be seen while she was pinned to a tree!”
Kakashi’s face flashed a look of heartbreak. He scanned over your blood stained skin and uniform. He could only imagine how you felt pinned to that tree. Nine men had ambushed you. He never thought there would be so many people hunting you at once, nor did he think it would happen so soon. This was a mistake.
You saw the look on Kakashi’s face for what it was, your days outside the village walls were over.
“I believe Naruto was poisoned by the food they gave us.” you finally say, hoping it might help the situation. But Obito’s fury immediately undoes your efforts.
“How does he get himself fuckin poisoned,  Y/N?! He’s one of the strongest shinobi in the world but he can’t tell his food’s been poisoned?!” Obito is livid and he turns towards Kakashi. “If you had just listened to me this would’ve never happened! She’s lucky I showed up when I did!”
“You need to calm down Obito!” you shout. 
He’s only making the situation worse as you watch the wheels turn in Kakashi’s head. “You didn’t need to go into a full susanoo to cut down four men. Clearly you’re letting your emotions get the better of you!”
“And you need to stop being so calm about this, Princess! I told you that you were going to get yourself killed!”
“Well if that’s how you feel, then I guess you didn’t do a good enough job training me!”
“ENOUGH!” Kakashi was through listening to you bicker. “Obito, where is Naruto?”
“Probably back by the Stone.”
“When we’re done, go get him. He probably needs medical care.”
“Y/N” You gulp. Your nerves are on edge. You still had so much adrenaline coursing through your body from the fight in the woods, not to mention your current confrontation. 
“You’re done going on missions.”
“Kakashi no!”
“It’s too dangerous. You’ve only done three visits and look what’s happened.”
“I’m not going back to my desk!”
“You are and you will! Look at yourself! Do you really think you can walk into my office covered in blood and expect me to keep sending you out of the village?!”
“That’s not fair! Obito’s the reason I was doused in blood! It wasn’t nearly as bad as it looks!”
“NINE ninja, Y/N! Nine!”
“Lord Sixth!”’ he corrects.
You fall silent. Was he seriously asking you to call him by his title right now?! A title to which he hates being called? Hell no. You chew on the inside of your cheek, brows furrowed as you pull your courage together.
“You know what ‘Lord Sixth’? I’m done.”
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Kakashi lets out an exasperated sigh, “Y/N-”
“No my Lord, I’m done. Accept my resignation and don’t bother chasing after me. We're through.”
Kakashi lifts his head as he is stunned into silence. He’s not sure if his heart is even beating as his brain contemplates your words.
You begin to cry as you talk, “After all the shit you put me through, I’m finally happy and you think you can just take it away after two missions?!”
“Y/N you almost died” Obito tries to help
“Stay out of this Obito! You’ve done enough!”
Obito quickly shrinks away, his eyes darting over to Kakashi, still frozen like a statue. His only movements come from the tears leaking out of the corners of his glazed eyes.
“This relationship is over.” A salty stream is freely pouring down your cheeks. “I can’t live like this anymore Kashi! I’m done.”
You run from his office towards your own. Rushing to go gather your things. You slam your office door open startling Shiho who was working late.
She shouts your name in surprise as she clutches her chest. The sight of your crimson body, blood dried everywhere except for a trail of clean skin carved down your cheeks by the hot tears falling from your eyes, was frightening. 
“I’ve resigned, Shiho. I’m sorry.”
“Y/N are you alright?”
You ignore her question and just gather your many textbooks in your arms. They were heavy but thanks to the adrenaline that had yet to expire, you’re able to carry them just fine. 
You storm out of headquarters and speed walk to your apartment, scaring several people in the streets as you go. With each step towards home you start to feel the tiredness creep in. Adrenaline finally slipping away.
For the first time in your life, you were without a job, a plan, or a goal. All you knew, as you sniffle back your emotions, is that this chapter with Kakashi is closed. 
“Hi Ms. Sarutobi! You getting flowers for your mom again?”
You smile at little Mirai. She came into the Yamanaka flower shop at least twice a week to buy flowers for Kurenai. Her messy dark locks and chubby little cheeks were just the sweetest. She stopped by on her way home from preschool whenever she was thinking about her mom. Every time you look into her red eyes, you find yourself hoping that one day you have a kid as thoughtful as her.
“Yes Miss Yamanaka! Can I have camellias for my mommy and lilies for my daddy?”
“You going to visit daddy today too?”
“Yes miss!”
“Well tell him I say hi!” you chipper as you wrap both of the bouquets separately
“Okay Miss Yamanaka!”
“Have a good day!!” you wave as Mirai’s little body leaves your aunt’s flower shop. The bouquets standing nearly as tall as her. 
You have been working at the Yamanaka flower shop for the past few weeks. Taking on temporary pay while you figure out what you’re going to do long term. How drastically different your life is today than it was a year ago. What were you thinking trying to date someone like Kakashi? For someone so smart, how could you act like such an idiot? It was hard not to fall for the stupid silver-haired genius. He was everything you could’ve ever wanted... but at what cost?
The good news is that Kakashi had respected your request to not have him chase after you. He hadn’t tried to come talk to you or see you since the night of your resignation, which you appreciated. Despite initiating the break up, you were still utterly shattered over the entire ordeal. You didn’t think you had it in you to see how poorly Kakashi was probably doing right now. You know you hurt him. He had envisioned marrying you and honestly, you thought you would. The two of you had been together for over a year.
All this craziness started a year ago. 
It’s a wild thought to have. If you had just kept your hands to yourself…you’d probably have been a well respected department head instead of working at a flower shop. Or maybe if you had just chosen Obito when he first asked you on a date. How different would your life be?
You wipe off your hands and walk to the back of the flower shop to take a break. 
Come to think of it, you hadn’t seen Obito since the night of your resignation either. You would’ve thought he’d be the first one to knock on your door the second you and Kakashi called it quits. Perhaps his feelings for you were just born out of competition with Kakashi. That thought adds to the crushing weight over your heart.
Was none of it real? 
You’re lost in your thoughts for hours as you take care of the customers entering the shop. You paint a smile on your face while your melancholy brain churns in the background. 
Eventually you walk up to the door and flip the 'open' sign to 'close.' Wiping the sweat off your brow, you take off your apron, laying it on the counter and head to the back. As you disappear, you hear the bell ring behind you.
“Shop’s closed!” you sing to the stranger
“Come on, have a heart” you hear a familiar voice rasp. “I was looking for some flowers to apologize to a beautiful woman.”
Your head perks up and you rush out onto the shop floor. He stands there as handsome as ever, scarred face looking a mix of cocky and sheepish. 
“Obito” your heart floods with warmth but then you remember what he said “So you-you’re getting flowers for your girlfriend?”
“Well she’s not my girlfriend, but someone I care about very much.”
“I see.” you say, slightly chewing on your lip as you look around at flowers you think would be appreciated by any woman waiting for an apology.
“So what’d you do that you need to apologize for?”
“I’m the reason she quit her job and broke up with her boyfriend.”
You stand up straight, your eyes flashing over to him. Obito strides up to you, standing dangerously close.
“Princess” he grabs your hand, holding it gingerly in his “I’m sorry. I freaked out when I saw you pinned against that tree and I-” he closes his eyes trying to force out the words, “I acted on emotion instead of what was best for you.”
Tears well up on your lash line before spilling out onto your cheeks. You had no idea how bad you needed to hear those words. 
“Obito…thank you.”
“I should’ve come sooner but I didn’t want to come when the break up was fresh. I-I wanted to give you time to heal. I’m so sorry that I contributed to your pain.”
You lunge forward, wrapping your arms around Obito’s neck, burying your face under his jaw. He wraps his arms around your waist holding you close. 
“Thank you Obito, I really needed to hear that.”
“I’m so sorry Princess. I would do anything to make you happy.”
“You’d do anything?”
“Anything” he breathes into your neck.
You lift your face so that your glassy eyes could stare into his chestnut ones. You stand there in silence, lost in each other's gaze when you see Obito’s eyes fall to your lips. Your mouth parts as you're about to speak when Obito closes his eyes and leans in for a kiss. 
Your eyes flutter closed as his lips crash into your’s. They’re soft but firm, working perfectly against your own. You can sense the faint smell of a campfire mixing with his musk. The trademark of an Uchiha’s fire nature. His lips move slowly, savoring your taste, not wanting to rush anything about this moment. He inhales deeply, and in doing so, not only allows your pheromones to consume him but take control. 
He starts to suck on your bottom lip, pulling a small moan from you as you open your mouth, allowing the kiss to deepen, pushing your tongue into his cavern. He grants you access with a quiet moan of his own. The sound leaving you dizzy. Your tongues dance together as sparks fly between you. It feels like time is slowing down but your pulse still quickens. One hand travels up to his unkempt mane while the other digs into the muscles of his back. He grunts and steers you into the nearby wall, slamming you up against it as he continues to explore the inside of your mouth with his pink muscle. 
One of his hands travels down to your hip and rubs light circle over it, occasionally allowing his fingers to sink into the flesh of your behind as he presses his pelvis into yours. The sounds of his satisfied humming ring loudly in your ears. The noises and feelings of being desired so primally fill you with lust. He had wanted this for so many months and now you were finally giving it to him. Allowing him to taste the fruit that had been forbidden for so long. The way his body responded to yours fueled your veins with fervor. 
Obito pulls your leg up to wrap around his waist as he continues to grind into you. Lips never breaking from the heated kiss you share. You can feel the bulge in his pants begin to grow. It presses harder and harder against your center and you begin to drool thinking about how it would feel between your legs. Your soft moans grow needier and Obito can’t help himself. He grabs both of your hands, stealing them from off his body and lacing his fingers with yours. He slams the back of your hands up against the wall behind you. 
Your leg falls from his waist and lands outside his leg. Desperate for friction you begin to rub against his thigh. His kiss has you worked up and you feel the arousal form from the coiling in your core.
Obito smiles into the kiss. 
“Geez Princess. You feelin that desperate that you're trying to get off on my knee?”
“Yes” you pant, “need…more”
Obito begins to rock his leg up and down, rutting it up between your legs as you grind your folds against him. Slick is seeping out into your underwear as you let the fabric covering your sex tug at your clit. Losing all sense of shame, you moan loudly into his mouth, grinding harshly against him. 
Obito feels as if he’s died and gone to heaven. You on the other hand hadn’t been touched since before your last mission. It had been nearly two months without so much as self gratification and now that someone was paying attention to you, you were greedily chasing your high. But this wasn’t just someone; this was Obito. A man who loves you, who’s saved you, who takes care of you when you need him. You begin to fiend for him. Your arms struggle against the wall wanting to grab him, scratch and claw at his back, pull his hair, but Obito’s grip only tightens as a smug chuckle leaves his lips. 
“Never thought I’d see the day where you want me more than I want you... I’m going to enjoy this.”
Your breathing labors, you’re kissing him harder, pushing your chest into him. You were straining to soak up as much of him as possible, needing to fuse his body with yours. Your mind was swimming with lust as you felt the familiar build in your center. The spring coiled tighter and the intensity of your motions grew until the coil finally snapped.
Your breathing hitched as your walls clenched around nothing. Your heart racing fast in your chest as you fall limp against his muscular body.
Obito brings your arms back to his neck as his finger moves under your jaw, lifting your chin so that you are looking up at him again. 
“I hope you weren’t going to get yourself off and just leave me like this.” He says as he seductively pushes his erection into you. An involuntary moan passes your lips and your eyes slightly cross at the thought of him inside of you. 
“I’ll take that as a no.” he chuckles, “You weren’t going to forget about me.”
You feel your very mushy mind further dissolve into soup as his raspy tone resonates in your ear. Fuck, he’s so hot. How did you resist him all this time? How much loyalty must you have had for Kakashi to not allow yourself to fall helplessly into Obito’s web? It didn’t matter anymore, you were free to get caught in his snare and be devoured by him.
You close your eyes and lean into his mouth, taking custody of his bottom lip between your teeth and pulled back. As it slips from your grasp you open your eyes and with a serious glare you whisper two words Obito’s only heard in his dreams, “Take me.”
Obito’s eyes flash from brown to red as his sharingan takes over and his breathing becomes heavy. He lifts you, wrapping your legs around his waist and carries you over to the flower shop counter, setting you down and tearing off your clothes.
His mouth is all over yours in a much sloppier kiss as he rids your delicate frame of the concealing fabric. You claw off his shirt, anxious to lick and nip as the muscle underneath. The more skin that’s exposed, the more your lips stray from his mouth, tracing along his jaw, his scars and the column of his neck. You were sucking and biting and marking him without shame or care of who might see his bruises. The sexiest moans come from him each time you release your mouth after leaving a new mark. The slick already dripping out of your bare cunt puddles on the countertop with each sound from his lips. 
Your hands make quick work of the front of his pants, pulling them down so that his hardened member springs out, slapping him in his abdomen. You bite your lip as your eyes widen in hunger, looking down on his manhood. 
White precum oozes at the tip, leaking out a physical sign of his immense desire. You smear it with your thumb before bringing it to your mouth. Looking Obito dead in the eyes as you suck it off your thumb. He swears his heart stops as he watches your lips wrap around the digit and sees your cheeks hollow. 
His jaw drops and his breathing becomes ragged. Your hands return to his erection, holding him at the base as you drop a glob of spit on his tip, letting it drip down before stroking him.  Your spit acts to lubricate your hand as you tug along his shaft. Obito pulls his bottom lip into his mouth, dying to close his eyes from the blissful pleasure of your small hands wrapped around his length but he can’t bring himself to look away. 
As your hands graze up and down you admire the curve of his member and the large veins running its course. You imagine how his shape will feel buried inside of you. How it will brush against all those spots that bring tears to your eyes. Before you realize it, a drop of drool falls from your lips and you quickly look up to see if Obito noticed. Your eyes are met with his and the cockiest smirk stretches his lips. 
“You droolin over my cock, Princess?”
A flush covers your cheeks and you mumble, “Maybe a little.”
You cast your eyes down in embarrassment when Obito’s hand fists your hair and pulls back till your gaze meets his intense carmine stare. 
“What was that?” he rasps
You swallow as you stare down your nose into his hungry glare
“Yes sir. I was drooling over your cock.”
Obito licks his teeth before his seductive smile splits his face. Keeping his tight grip on your hair, he leans into your ear and hums. “Don’t worry baby, you can have this cock all to yourself.”
“Thank you sir”
Obito’s eyes close as he groans at your words. He kicks his pants off the rest of the way and slots his manhood between your lower lips, sliding in its entirety with no preparation needed. You were sopping wet, anxious to have him inside of you and it was everything he made it seem in his genjutsu. 
Just the insertion alone stole your breath and formed a creamy ring around his base. 
“Gods damn, Princess. So fuckin tight” 
Obito’s breathing was labored by the feeling of finally, finally having your walls restrict around him. It was better than any dream he had or any genjutsu he conjured. This was the most surreal moment of his existence. He pulls your forehead up to his and rests them together. 
“I love you y/n, I fuckin love you with every fiber of my being.” There it is. The words he’s been dying to tell you. The ones dancing on the tip of his tongue for months. He finally said them out loud.
“Obito I-”
But you don’t have a chance to finish because he pulls you into another heated kiss. One hand tangled in your hair, the other wrapped around your upper body, pulling you into him as he begins to stroke in and out of you. You start to moan into his mouth from the strokes. It felt so sinfully good. His tip brushes all the right places and his girth stretches you wide. You feel stuffed full and you can’t get enough of him.
“M’gonna take care of this cute pussy and give her all the attention she deserves.”
“Yes sir, thank you”
“Keep callin me sir and I won’t be able to control myself, Princess.”
Obito’s strokes become harsher causing you to flail your head back in bliss, loud moans spilling from your open mouth.
His harsh snaps increase in speed and your brows pinch together in agonizing pleasure. “I’m sorry sir!” you cry as you lose all dignity. “I just want you to keep stuffing me with your cock.”
Animalistic grunts rumble from Obito’s chest, his pace quickening. The slapping sounds of his balls beating against your wet cheeks fill the room. Your creamy arousal seeping out and coating everything between your thighs, his entire pelvis, the entirety of your rear, and a good portion of the counter. You’re consumed by desire and can’t help the deadly grip it has over your body. 
Obito’s speed picks up another notch and your eyes roll to the back of your head. Your body falls limp on the counter as you’re fucked stupid on his length. Each of Obito’s hands grab both of your breasts as he uses them as leverage for his thrusts. Your body bounces off of Obito’s hips with each collision but he holds you at the counter’s edge by the grip on your tits. 
His face dives into your chest, licking and sucking on each nipple as if it were his to own. He’d teeth on one while his fingers rolled the other causing you to choke on your own groans. It was filthy the way you consumed each other. The long build up of sexual tension all spilling out here on the flower shop counter. 
While still sucking on your nipple, he shifted one of your legs over his shoulder to deepen the angle. You gasped at how far he reached, his tip brushing all the right spots. You fear your eyes might permanently cross from the pleasure. Rhythmic moans are pushed out of you to the beat of Obito’s hips. Your hands clutching onto his midnight strands, nails digging into his scalp as his tongue unrelentingly laps at your buds. 
“Obito I-I’m gonna-m’gonna…”
“Say it pretty girl. Use your words.”
“M’gonna cum!”
Almost as if granting you permission, Obito pistons into you at rapid fire not just pushing you over the edge but launching you there. He wraps one arm around the back of your neck and the other pinches one of your nipples, tugging it harshly. When you cum it sprays out like a geyser, soaking his chest and dripping down his legs. You had made a huge mess and it thrilled him. 
He pulls out of you to lap at your sex. His tongue poking in and scooping out the mix of cum and spray, feasting on your labia like a man starved. It was overstimulating and you were flinching and spasming with each minute movement. 
“Obiiiiiii” you scream
Your entire core tenses up, you abdominals become sore from how tight you're squeezing. 
You’re thrashing from sensitivity but his grip around your legs only increases. He restrains you with all his strength, too lost in his own ambitions to let you slip away. He’s gone deaf to your cries. All his senses honed in on your taste. How soft your skin is against his tongue, how sweet your creamy cum is. He licks in and around your entire sex, consuming as much of your essence as he can. 
When he’s finally full he flips you over like a doll and sinks in from behind. Your eyes once again crossing from how his curve hits your squishy spots. Your panting and out of breath. You’re not sure how much more of this you can take but he’s not gonna stop till he gets his fill. He’s been waiting months for this moment. His unrequited love finally reciprocated. 
He starts out slow, rolling his hips gently into yours. His still soaked front soiling your backside with each kiss of his pelvis. Every time he buried himself up to the hilt a guttural groan is pressed out of your diaphragm playing like music against his ear drum. 
You say it in a soft tired whisper and a switch inside him flips.
His hands perched on your hips, grip you tightly as he begins to slam into you. Each collision sending a ripple of shockwaves through the flesh of your behind.
“Spread your cheeks.”
“Yes sir.”
Obito once more groans at the moniker. He shifts his hands up to your shoulders, giving him better leverage as you bounce off his thighs. He looks down watching how he disappears inside of you and it is a vision he will ingrain into his memory forever. He feels how his core tightens as he watches the wet slick coating his member grow more and more glossy. 
Your cheek laying against the cool countertop is pried away by Obito’s hand slipping around your neck. His grip tightens and you gasp at the restriction, your fingers sinking deeper into your own spread cheeks. 
Obito looks down noticing your neglected back door and spits on the puckered hole. He removes his other hand from your shoulder, trailing a finger down your spine all the way to where the spit pools at your sphincter. Chills populate down your spinal column as an involuntary whine slips past your throat. His constant pounding keeping your abdomen wound tight. 
He pushes his finger in as you hiss, clenching around him in response. An amused hum flushes out of him as he begins to rim you. You cry his name between gasps of pleasure and he sinks his finger in deeper. He strokes it in and out of you till he finds where your walls clamp down on him and he begins to focus on that spot.
Stroking slightly with his finger and timing it with the thrusts of his pelvis. You dissolve into a babbling mess, nothing but a heap of flesh existing in this moment for Obito to use as he pleases. He tightens his grip on your neck, cutting off your nonsensical noises as he snaps into you impossibly fast. Your nails dig into your own skin leaving behind scratch marks on your backside as you cream around him, toppling over into another orgasm.
Watching the accumulation of your cum at his base spurs Obito on and he loses all control. He pulls his finger out of your rear and sinks his clutches back in your hair. He yanks on it, lifting your chest and arching your back like his personal whore. You lose grip of your cheeks and slam your palms against the countertop, supporting your weight as Obito pounds into you with his entire being, completely lost inside your velvet walls. 
You scream as another intense orgasm wreaks havoc over your body and you spray everywhere. Obito looks down at the puddle you’ve created and shouts, “Fuck!” 
He closes his eyes and grunts. His thighs clench as the tightness in his core breaks. His moans are deafening as he empties himself inside of you. Erratic strokes milking himself within your spasming walls.
“Shit. Fuck. Shit. I’m so sorry, Princess. I didn’t mean to bust in you like that.”
He pulls himself out quickly, shuttering at how his fast retreat brushed his sensitive tip, continuing to stroke himself so the rest of his cum empties on your backside.
“No.” you tiredly pant. “It’s okay. I’m on birth control.”
“Thank gods. I’m sorry, I got carried away.”
You stand on shaking legs to turn to him, grabbing his shoulders for stability. You breathily smile, tired eyes beaming at him. “It’s okay, really. I got carried away too.”
Just as you finish your sentence your legs give out and Obito catches you. 
“Is there a bathroom or something we can clean ourselves off in?”
“Yeah, there’s one in the back.”
Obito scoops you up bridal style and carries you through your aunt’s shop to the bathroom, setting you down to help clean your sex and legs. Obito wipes off his chest, pelvis and thighs before picking you up again and carrying you to your clothes. He sits you down in a nearby chair, dressing you like a helpless fragile being. Kissing each part of your body before covering it with cloth. 
Once you are decent, he goes and dresses himself, then heads back to the bathroom to get towels to clean up the mess on the shop’s counter and floor. You blush deeply as Obito remarks how much you squirted, forcing him to go retrieve additional towels. 
You begin to swing your legs in the chair as you watch him. Eyes soaking up his muscular frame as he attentively mops up your mess. 
When he is done, he turns to you. You notice how his eyes have turned back to their soft brown color. The intensity is gone and his loving nature returns, gushing from his very pores. He leans down and pecks your cheek. 
“So where do we go from here?”
“I think for now, we go home.”
“Who’s home?”
“Mine of course.” you say with an innocent smile
Obito kisses your forehead. “Do you have any belongings you need to bring with you?”
“My pack is over there.”
He reaches over and grabs your bag, slinging it over his shoulder as he picks you up once more and uses Kamui to bring you home. He lowers you down onto your bed and plants a tender kiss on your lips before letting you go. 
“I’m kinda hungry. You mind if we eat?”
“Sure Princess, what do you want?”
“We don’t have to go anywhere. I have leftovers in the fridge. Is that alright?”
“Of course.”
“You like dumplings?”
“They’re my favorite.”
You blush. “I guess that’s what they call serendipity.”
“I guess it is.”
You guide Obito over to your kitchen, holding his hand as you take out the dumplings and heat them up. Obito stands behind you the entire time, hugging you, unable to let you go. He was incredibly clingy but after these lonely weeks you welcomed it. 
Once done eating you lay on the couch together, resting in Obito’s arms without the guilt of your feelings for Kakashi laying over your heart. Yes you still loved him but you weren’t built to date a celebrity. A normal relationship is what you need and Obito can give that to you. You nestle deeper into him, enjoying the bliss of something new. 
Eventually you drag yourselves off the couch and get ready for bed. You phish out a new toothbrush for him to borrow and he strips down to his briefs, using them as his pajamas. You can’t help but ogle at how the gray spandex stretches over his bulge. He was definitely a shower, not a grower, and it was an arousing detail to note. 
The two of you crawl into your bed, him spooning you from behind. As Obito wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his chest, he thinks about how this was the happiest day of his existence. He knows he’ll never allow himself to forget it. Obito nudges your neck with his nose as he settles against you, the smell of your shampoo filling his nostrils and lulling him off to sleep. A deep satisfying and peaceful sleep that both of you found yourselves desperately needed.
The morning sun filters through your curtains, splashing its rays over your faces. You squint as you look over your shoulder at Obito resting so peacefully behind you. You softly roll over in his arms, trying to get a better look at him. 
Your fingerpads trailed along the scarlines of his face that tore deep into his skin yet added so much character to his square jawline. Your eyes flitted over his shaggy tuft of raven hair that never seemed to be combed down. But if you’re being honest with yourself, you preferred it that way. Your eyes then follow your hand as it grazes over his bicep. You notice the blend of white skin with his nude tone and marvel at the power of Hashiraman cells. Your fingertips begin to trace the veins that span the course of his arms, feeding oxygen to the bulky muscle built upon every bone in his body. The man was more in shape than Kakashi, which was saying something. 
You folded your arms in between your chests and continued to gaze up at him. How could a man be so intimidating to everyone he meets yet to you he is nothing but warmth? You bury your face into his chest, not ready to wake up yet. You want to lay just a little longer in his arms before you begin your shift at the shop. 
As you rest your head against his chest you hear him softly moan and tighten his embrace. It makes you smile knowing how happy Obito is to be sharing this moment with you. The love of an Uchiha is a powerful force. It’s hard to push away feelings so strong. To finally accept his affection felt easy and right. You just wish you could stop thinking about Kakashi. It hurt so much to even think his name. Yet everytime you open your eyes to look up at Obito, you see a reflection of Kakashi in his features. 
“Mmmm…” you hear the grumbling of his groggy voice as he squeezes you during his morning stretch. 
“Obi!” you squeal. 
“Sorry Princess. Don’t wanna let go.” he sleepily says as he rubs his cheek against your hair. 
“I don’t wanna get up either but I have to go to work in a few hours.”
“Perfect. We can cuddle for a few hours.”
You giggle at his neediness. “No, I have chores to do, Obi. I can’t lay in bed!”
“Lies. There’s no chores.”
“Obi…” you try to tickle him but he only squeezes you tighter. “Obi” you kiss his jaw. “I’d love” another kiss to his neck “to say and cuddle but” you kiss him one final time, “I have things to get done.”
“Do we have to get up?”
“Yes Obi” you giggle again. 
Why is he so cute?
You squirm out of his arms and start getting dressed for the day. He lays in your bed and watches you. It’s not till you say that you need to shower that he fully gets out of bed, insisting that he needs to join you to ‘conserve water.’ After a little bit of fooling around, you finally get clean and dry off, ready to get started on your to-do list after a spot of breakfast. While finishing your food Obito suddenly changes the course of the conversation.
“Princess, when are you going to get a real job?”
You give Obito a bit of a glare for his phrasing of the question.
“Well, I haven’t quite decided what I’m doing yet. However, I’m very tempted by Lord Garra’s offer. I even visited the Sand last week to look at potential housing.”
Obito felt his heart drop to his stomach. 
“You’re moving to the Sand?!”
“Well, it’s that or learn a whole new trade.”
“But you don’t need to go to the Sand to do translations! You can do that here at the Leaf!”
“I can’t Obi. You know that.”
“You can’t run away to the Sand just to avoid your ex boyfriend, Princess! Stop acting like a child!”
“I’m not acting like a child! I’m accepting a higher position with better pay! It’s a promotion and if you love me as much as I think you do, you’d be proud!”
“But…” He doesn’t want to say it but he can’t handle the idea of you running away just when he finally got you. 
“You can visit me. You can teleport into the village whenever you want.”
“I’m not supposed to do that though. It could cause an international incident.”
“It hasn’t stopped you before.”
“That was different.”
“Was it?”
“Yes Princess! It was!”
“Obito, what’s the big deal?!”
“The big deal is your leaving! And over what?! Some drama with Kakashi!”
“It wasn’t just some drama Obito! You know that better than anyone else!”
Obito goes quiet before he speaks again
“Am I ever going to be enough?”
“What?” You felt disarmed by his question
“Enough for you to be happy? Enough for you to stay?”
His eyes look up at you, their full intensity boring into your stare. You don’t know what to say. Work is important to you. You don’t want to sacrifice it again. Especially not over a guy, not a second time. 
“Obito…It’s not about if you’re enough. It’s about not repeating the same mistakes.”
“I…I um,” Obito is trying to hide his hurt but he feels the sudden need to be alone. “I’ll see you later, okay Princess?”
“Obito, I’m sorry!”
“We’ll talk later, okay?”
“Obito, please don’t leave.”
“Have a good day, Princess.”
He kisses the top of your head as he hugs you goodbye, ignoring your pleas to stay. 
“Obito, wait!”
He closes the door and disappears, making a quick exit to avoid further hurt. You sit at your table a mess of emotions. 
This morning had been so good. Why did he have to ask that stupid question?
You grab the plates off the table and go to deposit them in the sink before heading out to run your errands feeling your chest tighten as you think about Obito.
Kakashi is back at headquarters holding an intelligence briefing with the elders, Sasuke, and your replacement. Lady Tsunade joins them after finally making it back to the village after an extended trip around the great nations, enjoying her retirement. Having nearly a year’s worth of events to catch up on, she was naturally invited. 
“We believe these markings on the wall of the temple speak of a second divine tree that will be planted after a century.” The new intelligence officer states, “Based on the age, we believe that is only a few years away.”
“That’s very troublesome news. And we’re sure the translation is accurate?” Lord Hamura asks
“Admittedly we’re not. It was the best we could do with the resources we have.”
“What does Y/N think?” Lady Tsunade interjects
Kakashi scratches his temple and casts his eyes towards the floor.
“What? Did something happen?”
Sasuke clears his throat and speaks on Kakashi’s behalf. “She quit a few weeks back.”
“She what?!”
“She was unhappy about being taken off active duty after there was an incident with the Stone.”
“Why was she on active duty to begin with?! She was supposed to be Department Head!”
Tsunade’s anger towards the news of your resignation was only made worse by the confusion she felt. Lady Koharu speaks up to clarify. 
“Well actually, after it was revealed that she was in a romantic partnership with Lord Sixth we had told her we could no longer accept her candidacy.”
“You WHAT?!”
Tsunade’s fuse was short and the news of everything that happened while she was away enjoying her retirement had it lit.
“It was a conflict of interest.”
“You IDIOTS! She’s the most talented linguist in the five great nations and you care about who she’s dating?!”
“As you can see, we were right to worry. She didn’t respond well to direct orders from Lord Sixth when it came to her last mission.”
“Well you see Lady Koharu, that was-” Kakashi barely had the strength to say the words out loud, “That was my fault.”
Tsunade stands to her full height, anger feuling her words, “You numbskull geezers fail to see the full picture. Who cares who she seeing? We need her! Kakashi, you better prepare to beg.”
“Lady Fifth, I-I don’t think she’ll hear what I have to say right now.”
“Fine. I guess it’s up to me to fix the mess you three created.” The look of fire in her eyes has the entire room uneasy “She’s going to be Department Head. If that’s what it takes to get her back, that’s what she’ll get. She deserves the position anyways.”
The elders shrink before Tsunade as they nod in agreement. 
Feeling the matter was settled Tsunade left the meeting to go find you and rectify the situation. 
You're cutting the stems off a new batch of flowers in the back of the shop when you hear the bell ring. “Ino, can you get that?” 
You overhear the sound of female voices followed by footsteps heading in your direction. “Ino, what is…it?”
Your words trail off as you realize Lady Fifth is standing before you. 
“Lady Tsunade, to what do I owe the honor?” you bow your head as you address her.
“Oh drop the formalities, Y/N. We’ve worked together enough.”
“I’m sorry, but why are you here?”
“To bring you back, of course?”
“Whatever do you mean?”
“Don’t play stupid. We need you back at headquarters.”
“I’m sorry. I know you have been gone a long time so you don’t understand, but I’m quite happy with my decision to leave.”
“Y/N, we need you. We cannot investigate the Otsusuki without you.”
“I’m sure Sasuke is doing just fine.”
“Y/N, your mind is quintessential to the success of our intelligence team. Come back to headquarters.”
“Lady Tsunade...”
“Y/N, I’m not taking no for an answer.”
“I can’t…after everything that’s happened.”
“You’ll be Department Head.”
“Wha…” The word gets caught in your throat. Disbelief widened your eyes. “The elders-”
“Have spoken. As a village advisor myself, I have every right to contribute to this decision and the elders agree with me. Like I said, I’m not taking no for an answer here.”
“You’ll-you’ll give me the job, just like that?”
“You earned it. It was never going to belong to anyone else.”
“Lady Fifth, I-I don’t know what to say.”
“Say you’ll take it.”
“Y-yes, yes, of course, I’ll take it!”
“Good. I intend to stop by your new office on Monday. Make sure you’re there.”
“Yes ma’am”
With your confirmation, Lady Tsunade pressed an office key into your hand and retired from the shop. 
You were left feeling a whirl of emotions. You weren’t looking forward to seeing Kakashi again, or working for him, but you did need the pay and it was your dream job. One you had spent five years working towards. The promotion that was rightfully yours now actually is! Kakashi drama aside, you hold the key to your chest and squeal in excitement. 
You need to find Shiho and celebrate.
A bit hungover after a late night out with Shiho, you drag your feet across the village carrying your box of textbooks and office decorations. You wished you were on better terms with Obito so he could just Kamui you to the building but you hadn’t seen him yet to tell him the good news. 
You fear you broke him yesterday morning with all that talk of going to the Sand. You want to find him and tell him you’re not leaving. Tell him you’re going to face Kakashi and start fresh as Department Head. But alas, it is Saturday morning so he wasn’t going to be at headquarters. Who knows where he spends his time beyond headquarters, missions, and bothering you... 
In your new office, you lift the picture frame of you and Shiho from the Gala out of the box. It really was a beautiful dress you wore. You don’t think you ever felt prettier than you did that night. You grab another frame out the box. This one is brand new. It was a picture of you and Shiho from last night. 
Is it professional to have a picture of yourself drunk on your work desk? Absolutely not. But is it a core memory you want to look at whenever you are stressed? Yes. 
As you set the frame down you hear a man walking down the hallway. You notice his footsteps and your eyes lift just in time to see a white mane come to a halt in your doorway.
Part 15 Masterlist
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girlfromflor · 3 months
Hello, could you possibly write a osamu miya x reader fic (or idk how you call it) ? For the scenario i don’t really know, but could the reader be rather quiet, reserved but not shy (if that makes sense) has hard time expressing themselves/their emotions, like quite bad at feelings. And could the characters just be asexual please? Anyway, hope you have a nice day
hello, anon! thanks for the request. i hope it meets up with your expectations. if it doesn't, let me know.
wc: 688 | tw: gn!reader and implies jealousy |
being reserved was how most people referred to you. not in a mean way, really, it was just a fact. you liked doing things on your own, were mostly unbothered by other’s opinions of you and never really needed to explain yourself and your actions – it was easy to understand what you meant, usually you were very forward. but not when it came to feelings, however. 
not that you were apathetic to everything, you had friends and did have fun with them and got angry at them - mostly to atsumu for joking so much about you and osamu -, you even missed them sometimes. but it’s not like you could express all of it. it was hard to understand why people cared so much about so many things you usually didn’t. you liked to keep things simple, but sometimes it was so hard to understand what others felt, and why they felt it. but not osamu, though.
you grew up with the miya twins, they were your neighbors and honestly very fun to have around. you and osamu were very fond of each other too, not that it mattered – you were together all the time anyway. he usually understood things faster and for you that was a blessing – you never needed to say things twice –, while atsumu always seemed to misread you somehow. it wasn’t rare to see osamu explaining something so obvious - like the bond you shared - to atsumu, simply because you couldn’t. you had the worst time trying to figure it all out, and it was even worse to try and explain it to someone else. 
you didn’t felt like you had to explain things to osamu, usually he read you very well. he didn’t ask if you were ok, if you were sad nor did he pressured you to elaborate your feelings for him. he knew you wouldn’t know how to talk about it anyway. and it was okay, really. one day he just rubbed your back out of nowhere, kissed your forehead and said “you know, i was surprised that you weren’t rude with that guy earlier today.” 
“what, why?” you had your brows furrowed, confused as to why he was comforting you for no reason – you too were just sitting together at his backyard, talking and joking sometimes after buying ice creams at the store near your houses. you heard his laugh, but didn’t register what was so funny. “i’m confused. why are you laughing?” he was amused to say the least. “he was hitting on you, are you kidding?” he went to touch your hands, only to be greeted with your cold touch. “they’re cold, do you want my jacket?”
you didn’t know how he could jump from topic to topic. “no, i’m okay. thanks, though” you answered. but still didn’t understand what he was talking about “what do you mean he was hitting on me? where did you get that from?” you asked, quite confused still. you heard him laugh harder, you yourself let a smile rest on your face, it was quite funny – all of it. “i should’ve known you hadn’t realized. you were being so blunt i had to tell the guy you were just quiet.” you laughed, thinking that – of all things – osamu wasn’t jealous or whatever.
“weren’t you jealous?” it came out eager, but you were actually curious, trying to understand him better – maybe one day you will read him like he does you. he looked like he was about to explode, red ears and shy smile. “well, not really, no” but you still had a questioning look in your eyes “you were clearly oblivious to his advances, and the whole time you were looking at me. i don’t think i will ever be insecure about us” you nodded, kind of not understanding still. so jealousy comes with insecurities? you were not one to be jealous anyway, when you were it was masked with anxiety too, so you never really knew. but it didn’t matter, you knew you could always ask osamu how he felt – he would always be honest with you, even if you didn’t understand at first.
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ryupages · 1 year
(g)i-dle reaction to you doubting why they chose you
@ryupages / xenia
genre: fluff(?), angst(?)
pairing: ot6 x reader
warning(s): n/a, just some self doubt
note: i’ve been gone from this account for waayy too long, a lot has happened but i figured i’m ready to continue writing! happy pride month everyone!!!
miyeon (미연)
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miyeon was expecting the question to come up sooner or later. she saw the way you looked at the other people miyeon was surrounded by.. and no matter how much she’d compliment you, you still felt as though you couldn’t compare.
even though she was anticipating it, the question shattered her heart nonetheless.
miyeon pouted and frowned as you beat around the bush, mentioning how all these other people were beautiful and more in your girlfriend’s league.
however, she knew what you were trying to say: “why did you choose me?”
clinging onto you mid sentence, miyeon once again reassured you that she loves you and listed all the reasons why she chose you. she made sure that you knew that you were one and only choice.
“please believe my words, you’re all i could ever ask for.”
minnie (민니)
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someone must’ve poisoned your mind. out of nowhere, you’re asking what she sees in you? she couldn’t lie; there was an underlying anger settling in the bottom pit of her stomach. it wasn’t exactly directing at you for asking, just the thought of someone out there making you question just how much love she held for you.
she blurted out the question in the middle of your doubtful rant, startling yet confusing you.
noticing your confusion, she elaborated, “who made you feel this way? is it me? who made you doubt my love for you?”
you fell quiet. minnie only stared at you until she got an answer, knowing that whatever you replied with would only make her heart frown.
what felt like hours passed, and you finally spoke. you told her that it was just your insecurities catching up to you, especially seeing the idols she interacts with on shows and interviews.
minnie sighed, upset that you let your thoughts win over your emotions. putting that mild disappointment aside, she understood and made sure you knew just how much she loved and adored you.
soojin (수진)
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she could find out anything. soojin watched from afar as your mood became bitter while watching her on shows with other idols. she took note of the way your face grew sour as she talked to her other friends, friends that she knew you were comparing yourself to.
but she never said a word.
the last thing she wanted was for to feel like a fool, but she also couldn’t do nothing while you felt like you were out of soojin’s league. you were as beautiful as a field of flowers. she adored you so much.
from extra kisses to bragging about you to the idols she noticed you stared extra long at, soojin tried her best to make you feel loved. holding you in bed a little tighter, complimenting you even if your hair was sticking out after a long nap.. she let you know how beautiful she saw you.
“you’re really cute when you do that, y/n.. how’d i get so lucky?”
soyeon (소연)
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it didn’t click for her at first. she chalked up your small remarks in regards of yourself to just having a bad moment, and she made sure to reassure you. however, the insults you made towards yourself gradually became more and more. she observed your body become tense as she talked to another idol, a bitter expression resting on your face. were you jealous? you had no reason to be, she wouldn’t date anyone else other than you.
she never stopped reassuring you, but the last straw was when you said that she was going to leave you for a specific idol that she had been casually talking to. she overheard you say it as she approached your shared bathroom. she clenched her jaw before opening the door, asking why you would ever say such a thing and actually believe it.
she held you as you cried, apologizing for the words you spewed out before. she only held you tighter, whispering that you were her only choice.
yuqi (우기)
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she thought it was funny. when you approached her and asked if she’d rather date tzuyu than you, she couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle. she asked if you were actually being serious. when you nodded, more giggles erupted.
you were lost; what was so funny? when the laughter died down, yuqi finally gave you a stern look, making you shudder at how quick her mood changed. she cocked an eyebrow in confusion before speaking,
“what makes you think i’d want her?”
you hesitated before beating around the bush, the phrases “she’s prettier” and “you’d look better with her” being muttered out of your mouth.
yuqi frowned, stopping you mid sentence with a gentle kiss to your lips. she pulled away before resting her head against yours.
“don’t be a fool, you’re the only one i could ever imagine being with for a very long time.”
shuhua (슈화)
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she never gave you a chance to doubt her love to you. she literally wouldn’t. everyone knew she was taken, HAPPILY taken and by whom. she loved proudly and anyone that tried to flirt with her or shoot their shot was immediately shut down.
she was in an interview with the rest of the group, and she was visibly not having it. it was when the interviewer asked shuhua if she’d ever replace you with someone who’s prettier that almost tipped her over the edge. she finally broke when he even suggested idols that would be “a better fit” for her.
shuhua immediately shot up out of her seat, knowing you’re at home probably believing and agreeing with his disgusting words.
“how dare you say something like that? y/n is the only one i love, i don’t need your useless “suggestions” on who is better for me!”
the members calm her down and move her back to her seat but she could care less if her reputation would be tainted after this. she didn’t want someone else. you were her only one.
and you knew that.
gifs are not mine!! credits go to their rightful owners!! 🩶
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cephydeluxe · 3 months
Ohhh I got some asks for the v/mc/rika polycule!! 🤓
1. Do you have any songs/music you like to associate with them? A playlist maybe? 👀 Or just a couple of songs or something, I'm a music nerd, hehe
2. How would you describe their affection towards one another? Are they rough with each other? Gentle? Or do they differ in how they give their affection to each other? I guess case and point is: who's the one coming out covered in bite marks, pfft
3. Are there any feelings of jealousy involved between them? It'll probably be easy to imagine v getting the short end of the stick, but, uh.... he's kind of canonically a freak. So it's highly debatable if he would even get hurt or upset by anything, really. Man's a weird one, and we love him for it. But what about Rika or MC? Do either of them have to deal with feelings of envy or insecurity? Rika's a highly anxious and insecure individual, while MC will have to deal with V's and Rika's mutual obsession with one another. It's an interesting dynamic! I wanna read up on how you see it for them, for better and for worse <3
OMGOMGOMG ‼️‼️‼️ tytyty for asking, I love their dynamic sm,,,, this will be very, extremely, audaciously long lol (u have opened the autism pandora box) it’s all under the read more
TW: unhealthy relationship dynamics, mentions of trauma and mental illness, physical, emotional, and mental abuse (the unholy triforce 😭), also sexual themes too (you know a ships good when you gotta bring out the long ass list of triggers JHASGJDS)
I have like a hundred playlists for these freaks and they’re all have a thousand songs in them that VAGUELY remind me of them, so, I’ll give you my top 5 :)
This song is THE QUINTESSENTIAL Rika song, 100%, no doubt. Rika’s jealousy and envy of V’s “light” compared to her “darkness” is at the heart of what killed their relationship and plays a huge role in the creation of the mint eye. V certainly isn’t nowhere near as vain as Julius Caesar, but Rika couldn’t fit the role of Brutus here any better than she already does🥺🥺🥺.
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“That the people would see me too as a poet, and not just the muse” is such a good line for rika’s thoughts and feelings on their relationship augh, she sees v’s ability to love her, to “save” her, and constantly compares it to her hatred of everyone in her past who mistreated and abused her, and wonders “why can’t I have the ability to love others? why am I in agony even now in this relationship? why can’t I be the savior and not just v’s muse?”
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Totally encapsulates Rika’s slow mental decline as V keeps enabling her, it stoked her “devil” and it starts to create a vicious cycle of “heap on the love, get jealous of v’s light, become resentful and aggressive as an unhealthy coping mechanism, “test v’s love” (hurt him), remorse, hate herself, resolve to be “cured” by the light, repeat”. She has no idea what romantic love actually looks like, so she gets it confused with obsessive hatred.
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^^^this is totally the scene where she stabs him LMAOSDHSJJHD
“I don’t want what you have, I want to be you” it’s such a good line, it’s Rika 100%,,,,, augh 🥺🥺🥺
This song makes me froth at the mouth soooo bad thinking about V/MC affair hijinks (I’m delusional), but I think the general vibe fits with Rika feeling scorned and cheated at the end of V route. Like instead of fabricating a woman up, she lured MC to mint eye which set up the events that led V and MC to fall in love (kinda), smh she set herself up 😒
Casual/Deep story V vibes at their finest,,,,, imagining V wandering alone through his old, and frighteningly chilly, house, the one he built with Rika to be the foundation for their new happy life,,,, trying to remember her face after finally losing his vision completely and having spent so long apart from her,,, while questioning the nature of their relationship for it to end like this,,,, calling out her name in hope she’ll come back and the past 2 years will have been a dream,,,,, hell yeagh (hooked up 2 life support)
All of kikuo’s songs remind me of mint eye, but hole dwelling is Rika/MC vibes 100%.(could also be ray tbh BUT THIS AINT ABOUT HIM ‼️) Rika tries to convince MC to stay with her by appealing to the hurt, scared, and confused childlike side of her similar to the way the song does. “The outside world just wants to hurt people like us anyway, but don’t worry, I’m always here for you, I understand you. There’s no need to change, it’s uncomfortable and scary, just stay in this place I built for you and me.” MC fuckin HATES this shit, but being in a place like mint eye wears down on you, so mc will occasionally (and very begrudgingly) lean on Rika for support. It’s very sweet (delusional).
Ok this oldie sticks out jahshj (I’m a fnv freakazoid) but it’s totally MC singing about V 🥹💕. I wouldn’t say it was “love at first sight”,,,,, but it was totally “attraction at first sight” lmao (big difference). Their attraction was really quick to spark, they had a lot of things in common and similar views (not so much in other things LOL) like their love for art in all forms, their introverted nature, their mutual appreciation for all things romantic (aka, their both in love with falling in love), and their similar martyr complex lolololol. MC singing this while spending a sleepless night tending to a sickly drugged V, while lamenting her newfound budding feelings for him,,,(cephy stop obsessing over romance as a tragedy challenge: impossible)
Some honorable mentions
(^^^ V would never describe his relationship with Rika so cruelly, EVER,,,,, but the vibe of love performed as art for others instead of something to build with someone you care about,,, it’s immaculate)
Their dynamic can be confusing, but don’t worry, you can’t possibly be more confused than they are, and they’re IN IT lol. Generally their dynamic is, the “ring leader” (Rika) and her two adoring affectionate “lovers” (V and MC) (more like playthings tbh). They have a whole web of dynamics though, ray made a chart to keep track of it all so when inevitably Rika has a meltdown over a perceived slight and needs him to vent to, he can keep track of what’s what (kinda)(poor guy).
Rika/MC affection: USUALLY MC does NOT want anything to do with Rika,,, but V can be super suffocating,,,, and Rika is extremely persistent with getting MC’s attention, and the line between hate and love can be extremely thin (especially in their case). MC tends to relent when rika’s upset though, she doesn’t like seeing her cry (she tries to convince herself lol) and will comfort Rika when she does. MC generally follows Rika’s led in moments like this (overstepping her bounds, even accidentally, is a recipe for disaster). Rika knows this, and will take full advantage, cue 7 hour cuddling session that takes up MC’s whole day, even if she had something planned with V 🤭🤭🤭 Rika is also wayyyy more happily (and sexually) affectionate with MC than with V lol (cause she’s closeted lesbian- wHO SAID THAT) Mutual biting, but the one biting is usually Rika.
V/MC affection: my sweet lovers,,,,, they are much too sweet to each other considering the circumstances,,, V (despite his relationship with Rika) has never felt so genuinely attracted to another person before, it’s always been a conscious choice he’s made for the sake of his art, his love, his obsession, his guilt, his light. So when his feelings for MC spring up outta nowhere, he has a kinda catholic reaction to them ahdghshgd. “Good heavens, what is this feeling??? For a woman I met a week ago, no less….. What a sad excuse for a man I am, how could I love anyone else besides Rika….i should stop…(proceeds to call MC for the 50th time that day just to hear her voice)” and MC,,,, MC has never had a more embarrassing crush on a guy, ever HEHEHE she doesn’t know how to cope with his flustering when she reaches for his hand, his old timey romantic gestures (getting her flowers and walking with her on the side farthest from the road)(throwing his coat on a puddle for her to walk on HSHSDJ). He can be a lil too much at times, (which sometimes frustrates her, she feels smothered at times, and it’s her first relationship (good lord) and she’s not a well adjusted person either) but they both have this really cute, almost innocent, puppy love thing going on, it’s cute 🥰, it’s also the only kind of real affection v gets lol (poor guy). MC has a bad case of “cute-aggression” that gets exasperated by V’s smothering, so it’s usually her giving out the bites hjajhd V takes anything she gives him, he’s so touch starved. Rika usually butts in on their time together, but more on that later.
V/Rika affection(or lack thereof) : these two,,,, the apocalyptic disaster couple themselves,,,,, well for starters Rika keeps him at a looooong distance, in most cases. The reason (at least she believes) they broke up in the first place is because rika’s devil was being burned by V’s love, BUT she admits herself that she “needs” v’s light to fuel her darkness. V also feels an obligation to shine his light on her, the initial obsession and intrigue long dead by now, but he still genuinely cares about Rika’s wellbeing, very much so. They “love” and “need” each other like a sick person needs their meds, but the sick person doesn’t feel affectionate towards their medication, right? No real heart-warming connection towards their pill bottle, it’s just something they need to live. In fact, wouldn’t they feel resentful of their medicine?? Having to constantly depend on it for survival, all the while dealing with side effects when they would rather do anything else?? Yeah that’s their relationship lol,,,,,(somebody get a therapist on speed dial) There’s Biting here too, but it’s all Rika, and not at all playful as her bites with MC, and her bites are nowhere near as passionate like the ones MC gives him.
Oooh lord 😭😭😭 Rika’s practically made of it, V unfortunately enables it, and MC cannot stomach it (except when she gets jealous too). Most of their fights (that practically rival ancient Chinese civil wars in casualties) stem from someone (usually Rika, never V) feeling jealous or insecure. It’s a miracle this poly trio even happened. It’s a complete scientific mystery as to how the poly trio is still going.
Rika’s jealousy and insecurity: I could write a detailed analysis on rika’s insecurity that would rival the Lord of the Rings in length and it still wouldn’t convey just how bad she’s got it, so I’ll try and give the cliff notes instead. She feels she “needs” to be loved in order to be validated as a living being, worthy of living happily. So when she feels “left out” (not the center of attention for 2 seconds) she spirals, thinking she’s being left alone just like so many times before in childhood, just like a defective doll her adopted parents didn’t want, and that maybe they were right, she couldn’t possibly deserve love. Panicking, she usually interrupts whatever V and MC have going on, and insists on reassurance of their love for her, and if she feels she’s being slighted, she’ll fly into a rage, handing out punishments and tests of love, but you can tell she’s biased cause MC’s “punishment” is being confined to Rika’s comfy bedroom for a week and V’s punishment is being locked in the dungeon for 3 weeks 😭😭😭😒😒😒 Usually best case scenario is
V/MC enjoying a moment together alone cuddling
Rika immediately being alerted via her sixth sense
Rika barging in like “make room bitches”
Rika settling smack dab between them lol
MC’s jealous and insecurity: She HATES Rika’s jealous fits so fuckin much lmaoooo 🤭. She convinces herself she would never get jealous ever…… which is an outright LIE it just manifests differently and less often. She hates V’s tendency to distance himself from her to appease Rika, it makes her insecurity flare badly, cue her starting a spat with Rika, and hoping V will take her side. It’s stupid, petty, and downright goofy behavior honestly, but it’s her first relationship (good lord) and she’s got the worst fucking partners ever 🫠🫠🫠 how else is a sheltered neurodivergent girl in her early 20s to cope.
V’s (non existent) jealousy and insecurity: As you have correctly guessed,,,,,, V is definitely not a jealous man HJDDSJSJSF 😂😂😂😂 He is weirdly secure in the relationship, due to Rika’s dependence on his “light” and though his relationship with MC is very new, he feels the tight bond (trauma bond lol) they have and doesn’t worry about whether or not she’ll leave him, also due in part to the fact he doesn’t worry about them not returning his affections, he’s more worried about whether or not he deserves to love or be loved in the first place. If he found out one of them saw someone else outside the trio, he wouldn’t be upset besides somehow twisting the event into somehow being his fault like “if my light was strong enough they wouldn’t have had to go somewhere else for it, was I neglecting them??? 😢😢😢”(poor guy) This trait of his tends to set the other two off, as they mistake his laidback “I’m cool with everything” security as aloofness, and spiral into their insecurity 😑😑😑 it also has the hilarious (debatable) effect of usually ending spats between Rika and MC.
*Rika and MC arguing over something* “V!! What do you think?? Whose side are you on!?”
V:*deep breath* I think you’re both right. 😇😇😇
“Are you fucking kidding me-“ “SEE I TOLD YOU, isn’t he infuriating????” “V just pick a side!!!” “THATS WHAT IM SAYING!!” “Ugh you’re so right-“
(queue lesbianism, hilarity ensues)
They’re a complete disaster together, but you’d have to have the strength of fucking Zeus to separate them, it’s ludicrous.
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Steve looked at his watch and frowned as he saw the time. Looking over at Danny’s office he saw that his husband was still there. Frowning a bit more he walked over, knocked, and tapped on his watch when he stepped inside, “You’re cutting it close, aren’t you?” 
“I switched days with Rachel, so I got nowhere to be urgently. I am going to stop by the store on the way home, but I’m going to wait for traffic to not be hell.”
Even though his face spelled his confusion out well, he still asked, “What?” 
“I know you have a set menu for tonight but I’ve been craving bruschetta. We’re only missing basil and parm I think.”
“Not that. You switched days with Rachel?”
“I did, yeah.” 
“You can’t get out of your meetings. I know it bothers you if I go on my own because Kevin will be there. So today, Rachel will go to the PTA meeting and text me anything important. After a quick trip to the store, I’ll head home and start on dinner for us.”
“...you really did this? For me? Because I was jealous?”  
Danny nodded, finally standing from his chair to stand directly in front of Steve and placed his hands on his husband’s chest, “Look. If this had happened when I first got to the island. And we’d been younger and more hot headed, and the move and divorce were still so fresh and I carried a lot more anger...I would have fought back. Gotten defensive. Would have made a whole stink about you not owning me or being able to tell me who I could or couldn’t be around. But we didn’t meet just yesterday, babe. We’ve been through so fucking much. I love you. And I respect you. As my husband. As our child’s co-parent. So if it bother you how ‘friendly’ someone is...then I’ll do what’s only logical. And switch days with Rachel until you’re free to go to those PTA meetings with me.” 
Strong emotions swirled inside of him, it took him a moment to find his words. Finally, he managed to say,” Thank you.” 
“I love you, remember that.” 
Love and respected, and it still amazed him. He rests his forehead against Danny’s for a moment in gratitude, before tilting slightly so he could kiss him comfortably.
So, I have a personal love for jealous and possessive Steve. Him unleashing his inner animal on Danny is hot and I eat it up! But I can’t not reason out where the jealousy and possessiveness comes from. Which is insecurity that was never properly taken seriously, mixed with fears of abandonment, being left behind, not being important enough. 
So this scenario and dialogue between them popped into my mind. Not enough for a full story, so it’s just a ficlet moment I wanted to put out there. 
A new single dad pops up around the parent groups. Being a single dad, he joins Danny and Luke as they welcome him to the island and into their impromptu dad’s club that sorta formed, but the guy began to crush on Danny. First subtly but then not so subtly and Steve didn’t like it. But this is later on, so they’re more than well established, married, living together, things are stable. But he still feels as jealous as he would when he was 32. He doesn’t want to be a cliche, thankfully he and Danny are breaking a lot of bad cycles so he communicates. 
And Danny listens. 
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imtooscaredforthis · 1 year
Part III- Chapter 28: Connected
Mentions of: Stabbing, Murder, Threats, Danny being the sadistic perv he is , & Frank being a jealous and possessive shit
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A/N: Impatiently waiting for AO3 to come back online so I can upload this chapter
Tags: @prettycutebunny @vandeaad @dead-bxxxxtch-walking @mama-miya @moonshineinasippycup
“What are you doing?” A voice called out of nowhere, making Frank jump and grab his chest. A familiar cloaked figure moved out from the dark shadows of the tree, standing before him. “Will you quit it with that stalking shit? It’s creepy.”
He snapped at Ghostface, who just shrugged in response, playing with his knife. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“I was going for a smoke by the campfire, okay? Not like it’s any of your fucking buisness.” Frank replied defensively.
“Alright, jeez..must be a touchy subject…” Frank just rolled his eyes at the masked murderer, walking past him. Danny couldn’t have been up to any good. He never was. Not to mention Frank was doing something he really shouldn’t.
“But I don’t think you were just smoking, were you? You were watching the survivors.” Ghostface remarked, making Frank pause. Shit. He was on to him. “So what if I was? You do it all the time, and so does everyone.”
“Yeah, but I don’t think it was just any survivor, was it? After all, most of them are ‘boring nobodies’ not worth your time, except for when you’re slaughtering them..right? So who’s the girl, and why is she different?”
“What girl? What are you talking about?” Frank played dumb. “You know who I’m talking about.”
“No, I really don’t.”
“(Y/n).” Ghostface spelled it out for him.
“Who? I hardly know that girl. Even if I was watching her it’s just because I was interested in her conversation.” He lied.
He wanted to see if you remembered him, if you knew it was him, if you had missed him. But with the way you were sitting so close to Jake, he wasn’t so sure.
“Oh really? So you wouldn’t mind if I played with her. She’s beautiful, such a sweet, innocent, thing, I’d have fun breaking-”
“Stay away from her, you sick sadistic fuck.” Frank’s emotions took over him, and he grabbed at Ghostface’s shroud, tugging him towards him and leaning over him threateningly.
It took him a second to realize what he had just done. What he admitted to. Danny laughed at him, a low and taunting chuckle. “Don’t know her, huh?”
Frank thought he was over you. He had to be over you. It’s been years since he saw you and he wasn’t the same person he was with you. Not to mention he’s with Julie now, and he loves Julie..but the thought of Ghostface laying a hand on you enraged him.
“Don’t tell anyone about this, and don’t touch her or I’ll kill you.” Frank said, letting him go. “Don’t worry, this’ll be our little secret.”
Yeah, Frank was in some deep shit.
Jake winced as you kneeled above him, wrapping his waist with bandages. “Did you see who it was?”
“Yeah, it was Legion’s Frank. He seemed pissed..he chased me for a while twenty minutes before Bill distracted him.” He replied.
You frowned to yourself, as you continued to wrap the bandages around him, and just before you could finish up, your heart started to race. He was nearby.
Panicking, the two of you jumped into the locker. You were cramped together, breaths shaky and quick. “Sorry.” You whispered to him. He shrugged with a smile. “It’s fine.”
Unfortunately, he saw the trail of blood and put two and two together, tearing the door open, finding not only Jake, but you as well. You stood there, frozen, only being able to watch as Frank grabbed Jake by the neck and hoisted him upon his shoulder.
Frank basically body slammed Jake on the hook, making him howl in pain. It seemed like Jake was right. Frank was in a really bad mood. You should get out of his way while you still can. So, you did.
Meanwhile, Frank was furious. He fiddled with his knife, staring at Jake as he hung from the hook. What was this asshole doing? What was he thinking being so close to you?
“Seriously?” Jake hissed through gritted teeth when he realized that Frank was just going to sit and watch his suffering, refusing to let anyone save him from the hook. He tried to wriggle and escape, but it only made things worse. “I- I didn’t even do anything.”
“Stay away from (y/n). She’s mine.”
Jake’s eyes widened at that. So you were right. He had let you go and he has been kind to you. He wanted you…You knew all along.
“T-this isn’t the olden age. You can’t just claim people.” Jake replied, having nothing to lose. He was already on hook and camped by Frank, what’s the worst that could happen? “Not to mention. She’s scared of you..She doesn’t know you. But she knows you’re a piece of shit. All of you killers are. She doesn’t even want to go near you.”
“Shut the fuck up!” Frank slashed at him angrily, making him cry out in pain. Okay, he was wrong. It could get worse. But Frank hated survivors. He was sadistic and taunting. Not to mention he had a girlfriend. So why did he want you?
Frank knew he shouldn’t be doing this.If word got out about the truth, he’d be screwed. Julie would kill him, and you. But the sight of you in that cramped locker with Jake did something to him. He shouldn’t be that close to you. He shouldn’t be touching you. He doesn’t deserve you. He wasn’t good enough. No one was.
“What’s happening? Where’s Jake?” You asked Feng as the two of you worked on a generator. Three were already done, and he was nowhere to be seen. It was strange considering during a normal trial, most people would’ve been hooked at least once by now. But the only person injured was Jake.
“He’s being camped by Frank. I think Bill’s going to help him. It sucks for Jake, but it’s good for us because we have more time to work on our gens.” Feng explained.
“Oh, okay.” You murmured. You had a bad feeling about this.
Frank let Jake get unhooked, just so he could chase after him and mori him. He jammed his knife into him over and over, letting out all his rage and frustrations.
“If you come near her again, I’ll fucking kill you..I know you die here over and over again, but I’ll make things even worse. I’ll make your shitty existence a living hell. I’ll be watching..” He hissed, before jamming the knife into him one last time, and moving downward, gutting and killing him.
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celestiall0tus · 1 year
Miraculous AU - Chapter 17 - Jealousy
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Marinette stared at a blank page. She twirled her pencil around. She tried to find her muse, but it was nowhere to be found. Instead, her mind drifted to Chat and how he was out with his other friend, Queen Bee. Bitterness clawed at her as she wondered about Queen Bee. Who was she really? What was she like? Was she nice or mean? Was she beautiful? Did she like Chat too? She flinched at the last two thoughts. She tossed her sketchbook aside and slammed her head into her desk. Tikki squeaked as she looked over from her plate of cookies.
            “Marinette, what’s going on?”
            “What’s going on? I can’t focus and I keep thinking about Chat and whoever Queen Bee is.” Marinette stopped. She hugged herself when she heard the venom ooze from her voice.
            “Are you upset that he didn’t tell you about training?”
            “No. I mean, maybe a little.”
            “It’s ok, Marinette. It’s probably for the best as the peacock is a combative kwami, much like the black cat. This is probably good for him, even though it’s dangerous.”
            “I understand that and do want him to get stronger, it’s just-.”
            “Queen Bee?”
            Marinette nodded.
            “Are you jealous of her?”
            Tears welled in Marinette’s eyes. “Is that what this is? The bitterness that eats at me? The obsession over her with Chat? The obsession over her in general?”
            “It’s ok, Marinette. Jealousy is a normal emotion that your kind experiences.”
            “But it’s a bad thing, Tikki. Jealousy leads to so many problems and I don’t want to feel this way.”
            “Marinette, jealousy is only bad if you act on it in a negative manner. You just need to process it in a healthy way.”
            “Talking usually helps. C’mon, let’s go up to the roof. We’ll sit under the night sky, eat some cookies, and talk. Ok?”
            Marinette nodded. She grabbed the plate and headed up to the roof. She placed it on a table stand, then took a seat.
            “Now, let’s talk. You’re jealous of Queen Bee, but why exactly?”
            “I don’t know and that’s what annoys me. I shouldn’t be jealous of someone I’ve never met, but I am. I can’t stop thinking about who she is, what kind of person she is, if she’s beautiful, if-.” Marinette shook her head.
            “If what?”
            Tears fell from Marinette’s eyes. “If she’s in love with Chat.”
            “Are you worried you’ll have to fight her for Chat’s affections?”
            “No! Because this is just a crush, nothing more. Chat is just a friend, not a romantic interest.”
            “You can still be jealous over friendly affections, Marinette. Jealousy isn’t just restricted to romance.”
            Marinette sniffled. “You aren’t going to push and say I’m in love with Chat.”
            “Marinette, you do love Chat, but as of now, it’s as friends. I wouldn’t say you’re in love with him romantically, just you’re attracted to him.”
            “Then why am I worried if Queen Bee is in love with Chat?”
            “Do you want more from Chat than friendship? Do you want a romantic relationship?”
            Marinette pulled her knees to her chest. Her mind wandered at the question as little fantasies popped into her head. The idea of dating Chat made her heart race and stomach flutter, but it also filled her with dread.
            “I can’t want more. I just can’t.”
            “Why not?”
            “I don’t want to backslide again.”
            “How do you mean?”
            “When I was thirteen, I became obsessed with Adrien Agreste when he became one of the biggest models in Paris. I fooled myself into thinking I was in love with him and that he loved me. I followed everything that had to do with him, dreamed up ridiculous fantasies that’d never come true but thought they would, and was practically his stalker. To me, it was my first love, even though it wasn’t really, and I was drowning in it.”
            “How did you break that obsession?”
            “I didn’t, Alya did. She saw what I was becoming and pulled me from it. Gently at first, but then she hit me with the truth. That I was deluding myself with harmful fantasies, that I was laying claim to someone who didn’t know I existed, and that Adrien would never love me.”
            “That’s a little harsh.”
            “Maybe, but it worked. I saw what I was becoming, and it terrified me. I don’t dare to love in case I ever turn into that again.”
            “Marinette, that’s not fair to yourself. You can’t compare obsessive love to real love.”
            “Tikki, I don’t know what real love is. And I mean romantic love. I know what love is between friends and family, but not between partners.”
            “There’s no difference, Marinette.”
            “What do you mean?”
            “Love, no matter the form, is open and kind. It’s caring about someone or something deeply that they hold a special place in your heart and life. It’s respect for the individual and what they want, even if it doesn’t align with what you want or believe in. It’s honest and warm, knowing that you can count on and have faith in the individual. It’s why I say you love him platonically, not yet romantically.”
            “You are attracted to him, and attraction can lead to romance.”
            “I don’t know, Tikki. There was a time I was attracted to Luka, but that didn’t go anywhere.”
            “Well, let me ask you these questions. When you thought of Luka back then, did you ever want to be more? To hold hands, hug, and even kiss?”
            “Not really. I just liked to look at him cause he’s a good-looking guy.”
            “Now the same questions but replace Luka with Chat.”
            Marinette blushed at the idea, but then shook her head. “I’m not going to think about that. It’s not a good idea.”
            “Don’t shut things away, Marinette. You’ll only hurt yourself.”
            “But if I think about that, I might want more. I might backslide.”
            “I don’t believe that you will. You’ve already got a foundation to build upon and so long as you both want more and put in the work, you both can make something wonderful.”
            “What if he doesn’t want the same?”
            “You’ll never know if you don’t ask.”
            “I don’t know if I’m ready to ask.”
            “You don’t have to be right now. Just let things develop naturally. And once you’re ready, you’ll have me, Alya, and all your friends around to support you.”
            Marinette smiled. She scooped up Tikki and nuzzled her. “Thank you.”
            “It’s nothing, Marinette. I care about you and want to see you happy.”
            “Are you sure it’s not just for the fresh pastries you get every day?”
            “They are a wonderful perk.”
            “I bet. Still, thank you. This really helped.”
            “And I’m glad it did. And if you ever need to talk again, I’ll listen and help the best I can.”
            Marinette kissed Tikki, then put her down. “I’m going to get ready for bed. It’ll be midnight here shortly.”
            “Ok. I’ll join you as soon as I finish.”
            Marinette nodded and headed down. Tikki munched on her last cookies when a loud thud startled her. She squeaked and looked around when she saw Queen Bee on the floor. Chat hopped onto the railing, his eyes fell on Queen Bee, then Tikki.
            “Hey, aren’t you Ladybug’s kwami?”
            “Oh, I’m fine. Thanks for asking,” Queen Bee said.
            Chat jumped down and helped Queen Bee up. “Sorry, Bee. Just a little distracted.”
            Queen Bee looked at Tikki. “Wait, aren’t you Ladybug’s kwami?”
            Tikki shoved the last cookie in her mouth. She vanished into the Unseen.
            Tikki moved to enter Marinette’s bedroom but stopped. She eyed the figure of a horse with a rabbit on its back. She bounced and flew to the railing.
            “Kaalki! Fluff!”
            The horse and rabbit turned towards her. They shifted into their kwami forms and flew up to her.
            Fluff tackled Tikki in a hug. “Tikki! It’s been ages.”
            “It has been, Fluff. What are you guys doing here?”
            “What else? The ladybug and her black cat have holders. We’re here to join the party,” Kaalki answered.
            “It’s been ages! We didn’t want to miss this opportunity to hang out. Especially since the black cat keeps you all to himself.”
            “Fluff, this isn’t a get together. And, Kaalki, this isn’t a party. We’re here for a very serious mission.”
            “Oh, we know. The butterfly fell into foul hands, again,” Kaalki said.
            “Yeah. We want to help and hang out.”
            “She does. I’m just here for her. Besides, it’s not like you can tell us that we can’t,” Kaalki pointed out.
            “I know. I just want you two to understand the gravity of this. The current butterfly holder has already proven to be ruthless with his creations. We don’t know what he’s planning, and we could all be in danger at the rate we are gathering.”
            “What can he really do to us, Tikki? Capture us? We’ll see how your kitten takes to that,” Kaalki said.
            “Yeah. Besides, with so many around, it won’t be long before the meaner kwamis show up. The peacock is already active after all.”
            “I know, but-.”
            “Excellent, it’s settled then. Now, do you have any suggestions on holders, Tikki?” Kaalki asked.
            “Yeah! We want to stay as close as possible.”
            “Follow me.”
            Tikki led the pair into Marinette’s room to a board that Marinette kept by her bed. On it were all the friends that Marinette had.
            Fluff bounced between the photos. “Ooo, so many to choose from. What about her?” She pointed to a picture of Alya.
            “That’s Alya, my holder’s best friend and Fang’s holder.”
            “What about this one?” Kaalki pointed to a picture of Juleka.
            “That’s Juelka and she’s Mullo’s holder.”
            “Who’s the boy next to her?”
            “Luka, her brother. He doesn’t have a holder yet.”
            “Wait, he doesn’t? If Fang and Mullo are active, shouldn’t the snake be soon? And wouldn’t he choose someone close to Mullo’s holder?” Fluff asked.
            “Well, we’re hoping. It’s more seeing if he shows up.”
            Kaalki snorted. “Why wait? Go after him.”
            “You know I can’t leave my holder. Besides, I’m sure Fang is already on it, hopefully.”
            “Ever the bloodhound that one. Now let’s see here. What about this one?” Kaalki pointed to a picture of Alix.
            “That’s Alix. She isn’t a holder yet.”
            “Perfect then. I think I’ll go have a look.”
            “Oh, and what about this one?” Fluff pointed to Rose.
            “That’s Rose and she isn’t a holder yet either.”
            “Awesome! Let’s go, Kaalki!”
            Before they headed off, Kaalki and Fluff touched noses. The word “Soon” passed between them. They smiled and disappeared through the window into the night.
            Tikki frowned as watched them leave. Jealousy gnawed at her. They would choose their holders and be together. Maybe not at every hour of the day, but they’d still be together. Not like her and Plagg. She sighed and looked back as Marinette walked in, up to her bed. She watched as Marinette settled in and fell asleep before long.
            Was this the right thing to do? Tikki always tried to enforce the rule of tell no one, even if the others listened or not. And this newest batch of holders and their kwamis didn’t seem to care. Alya made no secret of who she was, Juleka had likely told her friends, while Marinette’s friends figured it out immediately. Was there even a point?
            Tikki flew up onto the roof and sat under the moon. No, there was a point. Even if her friends knew, others couldn’t. With her friends, there could be communication and a network to help further her and the cat’s goal. Maybe she could allow Marinette to know Chat’s holder’s identity, but she would have to wait and see.
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Tooth 🦷
#one word prompt #Chenford one shot
REMINDER: send me a singular word prompt, and receive a Chenford one-shot back.
Thanks for your patience! This took me a hot minute to complete.
Prologue - assignments
#1 Ohhh my god….how many more of these do we have to go through? Don’t I complain about this every time…. About the importance of modernizing?
#2 Yes, you complain every time. Which is why I am choosing this time.
#1 What?! No, I always choose. I’m older so I get to choose.
#2 You have chosen for the past several times, yes. And where did we end up?
#1 Come on… the chicken coop was fun!
#2 The mass murderer was not.
#1 Well… no…. That wasn’t fun…But the ice cream man was!
#2 Dude! He was a pedophile!
#1 Did you just “dude” me?
#1 We are not going back to those stoners in Iowa. Took me 5 days to feel my face when we got back here. … The race car drivers were fun.
#2 They were fun, but so long ago.
#1 True.
#2 AHA! Found them. Check these ones out. Oh we could do so much good here! Look how cute they are?! Ooh and it’s a double booking so we could go together- no trying to find each other across Montana.
#1 This again? I thought all the cities were lumped together alphabetically. It’s not that uncommon.
#2 Really? Name one place- just one - where that actually happened?!
#1 Rhode Island! Hahahaha. Everything was close together.
#2 For crying out loud. Will you come look this over? Let me know if this will work for you.
#1 Ohhh I can see why you want to go. You are so predictable.
#2 What?! What’s wrong with wanting a California adventure?
#1 You do realize they are nowhere near the beach. They might not even like the beach or the ocean. Ha! That’d be funny.
#2 That’s ridiculous. Who doesn’t like the beach and ocean? Plus, look at the length of this one? We’ve never done such a long assignment before. Yep, we’d get promoted if we do this one well.
#1 I dunno.
#2 If we don't get promoted, I’ll let you pick until we do.
#1 What? Seriously? You spit swear on that and I’m in.
#2 So gross and juvenile. Ok fine. (Spits on hand). Eww. Give me your hand already.
(#1 spits on hand)
Chapter One - Preparation
Tim can’t stop smiling… he’s been in a daze for 7 months straight. Ever since Lucy told him she was pregnant. How did he get so lucky? Sometimes he just cannot believe how his life has turned out.
In the past 15 months, he began dating the love of his life, he got married, he found out she was pregnant, and they found out they were having a boy. They sold his house and bought a larger house, they moved in, they tore out a wall, built a nursery, built a couple closets, bought and installed a second washer and dryer for the nursery closet, retiled two bathrooms, painted the whole house inside and out, hired Tamara to paint a mural in the baby’s room (magical farmland creatures abound), they planted and weeded a garden, they redesigned and installed a sliding deck/pool cover, they got a new dog and the older one got jealous.
They read all the books, took in all the hand-me downs, folded a thousand onesies, bought a mini-mart worth of diapers, onesies, high chairs, binkies, pumps, pads, swaddling clothes, strollers, play pens, wipes, books, stuffed animals, blankets, burping clothes, filters, etc.
He and Lucy took baby food and semi-solid cooking classes, baby yoga, Lamaze and somatic breathing classes, birthing massage, learned baby cpr, did kegel exercises, babysat their friends’ babies for hours, and Tim bought extremely weird food combinations for his hormonal, waddling, cankled, beautiful wife.
Tim could not believe how much he loved Lucy. Once she said yes to that first dinner invitation and she joked about grandkids and the sky exploded in light and color and awe during their first real kiss, his heart cracked open and all the love and emotion he’d buried since she was his rookie came out and overwhelmed him with happiness. He’d sat in his truck in that parking lot after she drove away, crying and gasping as wave after wave of joy and happiness and YES FINALLY crashed into him.
The next day he went and bought a ring. Looking at the multitude of options before him, one shone brighter than the others - it sparkled like the sun, like his Lucy. But the design was very modern, very surprising - like the fact she maybe could love him back, so he didn’t worry about it. He chose the stones, found out her size and bought them.
He had proposed (and she squealed with happiness and said yes) the same day she found out she was pregnant.
Finally, they felt ready.
Weston Thorn Bradford - named after the two young black men, fellow police officers -their friends- who died in the line of duty protecting their colleagues - was due to arrive shortly.
They were excited.
Well….. Tim lied about that to Lucy. A little lie and not even a lie really. More like a wistful pang he knew would go away once he met the lad.
Sure, he was excited to meet his son, he swore he’d be a better Dad than his own Dad.
But Tim had been hoping for a little girl who looked like Lucy. To be surrounded by love and light. For dresses and tea parties and fairies and princesses, ruffles, bubbles, bows, giggles, and well, all of it, all of the baby girl stuff he remembered from when his sister was little.
But he sucked it up, stuffed that pang in the deep recesses of his heart and focused on all the firsts he’d have with his little boy- bugs, dinosaurs, mud, trucks, trains, exploring, sports, camping, sleep away camp, and mostly a deep and shared love of Lucy. That would be more than enough.
So when Lucy’s water broke, they didn’t panic, they calmly loaded up their car and meandered over to the hospital ready to get him out and then get him home - quickly and easily.
Well, that false sense of confidence bit them in the ass,didn’t it?
Chapter Two - First Night
What the hell just happened?! How? How do you MISS a baby? For fucks sake.
How many ultrasounds did we have? How many heartbeats did we listen to?
The last half of Lucy’s pregnancy I think we were at the doctor or on the phone with her OBGYN every other day.
Even the weird alien baby ultrasound scan thing didn’t find a SECOND baby.
And yet, there are currently TWO tiny people snuggled up on Lucy.
TWO tufts of black hair.
TWO lumps wrapped in blankets.
Two PINK blankets.
Two fat potatoes - almost identical twins - both mini Lucys.
One had a mole on her left cheek and one had a mole just below her left nostril. The doc said their eyes were also likely to be different colors, and that they’d probably be different heights, different by an inch, maybe two.
No boy wonders. No singular males. No Weston Thorn. Not this time anyway.. shock… awe…. Complete surprise.
Although…. Maybe twins aren't that much of a surprise. Lucy did gain an above average amount of weight.
His sweetheart overachiever .
Oh god… that wasn’t a shadow heartbeat or an echo, was it? No… that had to be baby #2.
Wait, that also explains the unexpected and unexplained high blood pressure. We had no idea where that came from. Now we do.
Holy crap. He’s the dad of two little girls. TWO LITTLE GIRLS!!
Tim hasn’t stopped crying since he held both of his girls (BOTH!), cut their umbilical cords, held one in each of his hands, hugged them, kissed them on their heads and handed them to Lucy. To their mom.
Lucy is the most beautiful mom he has ever seen - with two sleeping potatoes in her arms.
The doctors say his love is spending the night as her blood pressure hasn’t yet dropped all the way back to normal.
So when their nameless lumps get whisked away for a bath and new snuggly clothes, he first texts Tamara “We have an heir!” Telling her to alert the masses that mom and spawn are exhausted, please no visitors-we will see everyone tomorrow as planned and places a food order for Lucy and himself: later he asks Tamara to deliver the food in person as they have some last minute details to work out for the party tomorrow when everyone gets to meet the newest Bradford(s).
Next, Tim takes his love to the shower on the floor (along with her IV stand) and lovingly washes her skin, massaging her scalp, and holding her close in gratitude congratulating her on such a great job producing not one but two miracles today.
Their babies each have ten fingers and ten toes (He counted).
In return, she washes his smelly anxiety sweat laden body and soothes his hyperactive heart with her love.
They stare at each other for what feels like forever under the hot water in awe, in wonder, crying and then uncontrollably laughing.
Because of course everything goes against the plan.
Finally, Tim dresses them both in matching LAPD zip up sweats sets with comfy socks and leads them (and her blasted IV stand) back to their room.
The nurse unhooks Lucy just long enough for her to finish dressing. Lucy is then given another full saline bag and told she’ll have to finish this one and another one tonight and she’ll be free by morning.
As the nurse turns and leaves to go get our girls, Lucy looks at Tim and says, “Do you remember what you told me when I gave you that positive pregnancy test? You said that you wanted to be surrounded by love and light.”
Tim nods - he remembers how she looked in the moonlight, if not the exact words he said. Lucy continued, “So how about these names:
1- Sunnisa - which means “gift of sun” - Love; and for our bonus baby girl
2- Lenna - which means love/“heart of a lion” - Joy
Tim is so overwhelmed that something he said in passing is coming true. Again.
Nodding at Lucy, he leans down to kiss all his girls, his loves, on their heads and glances at the time. “Oh-oh-oh! Tamara should be here soon! They’ve been fed right? Could he grab Lenna?” Tim has wisdom to impart - and he also wants to surprise Tamara.
Lucy looks back at Tim and rolls her eyes, “Still so ridiculous…. Yes, they’ve been fed. They latched on no problem and filled themselves up. Both are drunk on milk - they’ll sleep for a bit now. We are one step closer to those grandkids I promised you.“
Lucy pats the back of the young lass on her right side, her Lenna - the younger (by 5 minutes) and slightly smaller of the two bundles of joy. Tim gently picks up his already favorite child and zips up his sweatshirt around her as he sits and then leans back in the recliner across the room from Lucy.
Tamara won’t see them when she walks in and will likely freak out when she notices he’s holding a second bundle of joy in his arms.
As he feels his daughter’s breath on his chest, and hears her gurgle and coo for the first time, he gets a glimpse of his Lenna as she grows up - covered in cake, swim classes, losing her first tooth, school projects, cheerleading, learning to drive, father-daughter dances, prom, college, first love, first heartbreak, wedding and ultimately to her own kids.
Tim silently thanks Wade Grey for pairing him with his hotshot Rookie love.
Two hours later after the delightedly hilarious reveal to Tamara and another feeding, Lenna opens her eyes and sees Sunny now on her dad’s chest as she herself is on Lucy’s, on mom. Sunny’s eyes open and their eyes lock onto each other - and their first twin communication happens when #1 sees and recognizes #2 and grins while thinking, “we are definitely getting promoted after this assignment.”
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robotstrategy · 9 months
Recalled • Part 1 • 2 - Roland 
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"He should be awake any moment now. The team is moving on to the next Recalled child, but I need you to stay here with him."
I… I…
I’m still… here…
No… something is…
Not wrong… 
Where am I?…
I have to…
Wake up…
I have to wake up…
I have to.
Roland forcefully opens his eyes to a light turquoise room, he can feel things attached to him, but he can’t move, all he can see are ceiling panels and an industrial light. 
“Heh… ah… euk… hel-…” Roland tries to lift himself off where he lays before he is gently pressed back down. Out of nowhere, a nurse leans slowly into his vision to not scare him. 
“I’m sorry I can’t let you walk right away, you’ll be like a patient trying to learn to walk again, trust me, it’s not fun,”. She gently sits him up and sets a glass of water on the bedside table. “You can have that when you’re ready, don’t swallow it too fast or you’ll hurt yourself.” She goes over to grab a clipboard with paperwork and a pen and sits back down in her chair.
“How are you feeling?” She asked.
“Not. Okay… weird… confused, confused.” Roland says, something feels wrong, Roland feels weak, and that’s not normal for him. He feels constrained, yet, checking his arms and legs there are no cuffs. ‘There should be cuffs’ he thinks, checking once more just in case he realizes that his tattoo is gone. Flipping around his arms frantically in a panic, the nurse realizes what he’s looking for.
“I was told you might freak out about your missing tattoo, Don’t worry you can get a new one soon enough, your mother said she’d pay for a professional one.” 
Roland suddenly tears up, “Mom, wanted, to unwind. My mom wanted me unwound.”
“Yes, and she wanted you back, she told me to tell you that she’s sorry and that she made a terrible decision.” The nurse explains.
Roland takes the glass of water, trying to hide his confused melancholy between gulps. 
“I think we should start with some pictures,” the nurse says, pulling out a stack of photos within the paperwork. She pulls out an older photo of Roland’s sister. “Who do you think this is?”
Roland squints at the photo before coming up with an answer.
“Her, I know her, she’s Lilian Taggart, she got shaken as a baby- Oh! She’s my sister.”
The nurse smiles, “Very good! Let’s try another one.” The nurse shuffles through the photos to find one of Roland’s old school.
“That’s where I went to school, I was on the boxing team, and I beat a guy 'cause I was jealous he was dating my ex-girlfriend.” Roland freezes up and sheds a tear. “I don’t feel good about that, I feel awful about what I did to his girlfriend.”
“We can talk about that later. For now, since you’re so clever, let’s skip to the photo that really matters.” The nurse pulls out a picture of Roland himself. “Now, who is this?”
Roland takes a long hard pause, he’s seen him a lot, yet not a lot at all, he knows who this is, and yet he doesn’t want to; he's disgusted by his actions. “That’s Roland Taggart, he’s Lilian’s brother, but he’s not my brother, uh, he has a shark tattoo like I did and- oh, umm, that’s me, I’m Roland Taggart.” Roland looks solemnly at the floor.
“Wonderful Roland! I’ll be right back, I’ll get you a treat on the way!” The nurse leaves the room, leaving Roland with his thoughts. He tries his best to suck away his emotions with a big sniff, but it doesn’t work, so he hides himself in his hands as he begins to cry. 
‘Why did I do those things? Why am I alive again? I deserve to be unwound, I deserve it, I deserve it, I deserve it.’
When the nurse comes back she’s completely shocked. She sets down the chocolate pudding cup she brought for him and pulls him into a hug. “I don’t want to be Roland Taggart, I’m such a shitty person, why am I alive? Why did she want me back? She wanted me unwound because I protected her, I’ve done so many terrible things, I don’t want to be here, I don’t wanna be alive.” 
“You’re alive because people cared about you, your sister and mother cared about you and wanted you whole again. I know it’s going to be hard, but I can tell that you're going to get better and turn out to be an amazing person!” The nurse tells that to everyone, but to kids who were unwound for more valid reasons, she really means it.
Roland looks around at himself again, noticing he’s slimmer than usual. “What happened to me?” He asks the nurse. He sees her eyes light up like she’s about to talk about her favourite hobby. “You see, when you were first unwound a boy was in a clapper attack and needed a part of your arm, then another boy bought your front temporal lobe. And now with unwinding being over, people are making new life through rewinding. They needed the rest of your arms and legs to complete someone. The new arms and legs that you have now and even parts of your brain, are the second generation of the first ones created by the Rifkin-Skinner Biobuilder.”
Roland sits there, a bit stunned. “Sorry, Unwinding is over? New life through rewinding? Second generation of the first ones? Biobuilder? What is happening?” The nurse realizes all the information she’s left out and starts to explain it. “When the people found out about the Rifkin-Skinner Biobuilder, which used stem cells to create a clone of the body part chosen, unwinding became obsolete and soon illegal. We used your stem cells to rebuild back up your body, you started out as an open head and a torso. Isn’t that funny?” 
Roland tries to visualize it before wincing. “No, I don’t think it is.”
“Oh, um, anyways rewinding is also being done to use up the spare parts of unwinds, they take parts from all these different unwinds and put them together to make a new person.”
“Doesn’t that end up making them look like they have a hodgepodge of different skin tones and completely disproportionate?” He asked her.
“Oh no, surprisingly the newer rewinds look far better than the ones on Molokai, They were the first batch of rewinds ever made, I hear nowadays they just use a Biobuilder to create a torso that perfectly fits all of the parts.” She responds.
“I’ll be gone for a while to check up on another kid, I think you’ve missed a lot while you were gone, pick up a newspaper in the book rack if you’re interested in learning more about what’s going on around you.” The nurse leaves. Roland picks up the pudding cup and spoon, spooning pudding into his mouth he looks over to an almost silent broadcast playing on the TV in his room. 
“In an interesting turn of events, the body of Mason Michael Starkey, a known teenage war criminal, has been found unwound in a box near Sarnia, Canada, scientists say that while some of his body parts are still in okay condition to be rewound, the only parts that they will use are his face panels as they don't retain any harmful muscle memory. As is expected, the public is relieved that he is gone, but are voicing their concerns about any of Mason Starkey being used at all.”
“Huh,” Roland mutters to himself. “I have missed a lot.”
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onestepfcrward · 2 years
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shadow headcanons feat. crushes.
he is oblivious as god all fuck i’m so sorry
no literally he doesn’t. he doesn’t underSTAND it. this...fondness for another person. the way they stand out to him in a way he can’t explain. why does he think about them so much... why does he feel so drawn to them... what is this feeling,,
he’s just completely unaware, until he IS aware. and then it’s internal screaming. because. because how do you be shadow and also harbor such vulnerable feelings for another person. it wouldn’t work... he should just distance himself. he doesn’t have time for this kind of thing. this kind of thing just doesn’t happen to him. he’s not designed for it. oh, but it’s so much easier said than done.
he stares. he can’t help it. it does not help that he has resting bitch face and also looks intimidating af, so he just looks like he’s glaring at his crush when in actuality he’s just obliviously admiring them.
he remembers all the little things. shadow has a photographic memory and commits all the details to it. any new information his crush shares about themself or demonstrates, he will remember and keep in mind. he’s like that in general with the people he cares about, but will likely take extra steps to ensure things are to his crush’s liking. favorite music? he’ll put it on for them. favorite coffee order? he’ll make sure to order that. he’s just... very observant and always has those bits of information ready.
he... worries. that’s the unfortunate emotional baggage that comes with him and the people he cares for. he is insanely protective to a level that can maybe get a little unsettling. because he will show up out of nowhere to rescue his crush. how did he know they were in danger and needed help? don’t worry about it. : ) (he wont answer either way. he just Knows)
he likes seeing his crush happy and content... he will do things to make that happen. nothing extravagant. just subtle things. seeing them happy makes him feel happy.
he lurks. think of him like a distant house cat who is content with just being in the same room and sharing space with you. doesn’t need pets or affection. just wants to be near you.
he’ll be their shoulder to cry on. i’m a real sucker for shadow comforting his love interests, because by god does he understand sadness and emotional pain. by god does he understand what it feels like to be scared, to be suffering, to be lost in your mind. and he’ll be whatever they need him to be in that moment because he loves them and will do anything to ease their pain. 
he’s not... the best at expression his feelings. everything he does, its subtle and lowkey. he expects nothing back from them. he doesn’t really care if his feelings aren’t returned. it makes things easier anyway.  
he’ll try new things because of them. he’ll listen to new music, watch a new tv series, try a new hobby. he might not even enjoy it that much, but because they like it then he’s willing to try. try and understand why they do. and maybe.. bond with them over it.
he doesn’t really get all that jealous. like, he CAN get jealous for sure, but he doesn’t express it. he just gets kinda sad and internalizes. may disappear from the scene because if he doesn’t take his mind off it he’s gonna start spiraling. 
he’ll flirt... he’s oblivious to it though. he’s the type of person to unintentionally kabedon someone and not realize the effect it has. or just be in their bubble suddenly without thinking abt it. he’s like. good at flirting without meaning to be dfjsdkfs. 
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elrielbaby · 2 years
Or you forgot to mention when Lucien blatantly chose Tamlin over Feyre in ACOFAS by STILL bringing Tamlin and his court up to her a year later, something she already felt bad for when it comes to the citizens homes, them being in danger and the lack of help in the war, she already admitted to herself that it was impulsive and lacked forethought. He’s all “It’s not my home anymore now I have nowhere to go” like why tf would you want to go back to spring?! aren’t you disturbed by what tamlins done to you and feyre both?? ACOFAS pissed me off because he didn’t let what happened go but instead threw what she already feels bad for in her face then proceeded to make her jealous and sad over him creating a new friend group and living with them, she had no right to be jealous or sad because she’s done the same with the IC, but she has emotions and she’s never had many friends before so her being hurt by losing him hits her hard so she lashes out but still he was just worst in that situation to me..they progressed in ACOWAR but regressed in ACOFAS. He always chooses spring over her and over himself.
Did SJM do that unintentionally making him look bad and for them to just bicker or did she do it to foreshadow him ruling spring one day because “he missed it” and she won’t want to kill Helion for him to rule Day? She even had Rhys say in ACOFAS that Lucien misses Tamlin, so is that true or just “rhys’ interpretation”?
Exactly. I’m just not a L*cien fan, at all. Do I want him to suffer? No of course not, & I hope that he finds his happiness (with Vassa preferably) & should he get a story/pov I hope we get to see more of how he feels about the situation. Maybe he does feel super guilty about the way Feyre was treated? Who knows. All I know is, it currently still feels like he’s a whole ass T*mlin apologist, and I love Feyre with my whole being.
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